"lang" { "Language" "spanish" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "This is red and italics andbold white again." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics andbold white again." // Biker "player.biker_alertgiveitem01" "Francis: Eh, toma esto." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem01" "Francis: Here, take this." "player.biker_alertgiveitem02" "Francis: Esto es para ti." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem02" "Francis: I got something for you." "player.biker_alertgiveitem03" "Francis: Toma." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem03" "Francis: Take this." "player.biker_alertgiveitem04" "Francis: Un regalito." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem04" "Francis: Merry Christmas." "player.biker_alertgiveitem05" "Francis: Lo mío es tuyo, tío." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem05" "Francis: Share the wealth, brother." "player.biker_alertgiveitem06" "Francis: Espera, llévate esto." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem06" "Francis: Hold up, I got something for you." "player.biker_alertgiveitem07" "Francis: Toma. No me hace falta." "[english]player.biker_alertgiveitem07" "Francis: Take it. Hell, I don't need it." "player.biker_answerlostcall01" "Francis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.biker_answerlostcall01" "Francis: Over here!" "player.biker_answerlostcall02" "Francis: ¡Eh, aquí!" "[english]player.biker_answerlostcall02" "Francis: Hey, this way!" "npc.biker_answerready01" "Francis: Listo." "[english]npc.biker_answerready01" "Francis: Ready." "npc.biker_answerready02" "Francis: ¡Preparado!" "[english]npc.biker_answerready02" "Francis: Yeah, ready." "npc.biker_answerready03" "Francis: Vamos, al tajo." "[english]npc.biker_answerready03" "Francis: Yeah, let's do it." "npc.biker_answerready04" "Francis: ¡Vamos a dar caña!" "[english]npc.biker_answerready04" "Francis: Let's go break stuff!" "npc.biker_answerready05" "Francis: ¡Vamos a matar cosas!" "[english]npc.biker_answerready05" "Francis: Let's go kill somethin'!" "player.biker_areaclear01" "Francis: Limpio." "[english]player.biker_areaclear01" "Francis: Clear." "player.biker_areaclear02" "Francis: ¡Despejado!" "[english]player.biker_areaclear02" "Francis: It's clear." "player.biker_areaclear03" "Francis: No hay nada." "[english]player.biker_areaclear03" "Francis: Nothin' in here." "player.biker_areaclear04" "Francis: Ni un alma." "[english]player.biker_areaclear04" "Francis: Clear, sir." "player.biker_areaclear05" "Francis: ¡Limpio!" "[english]player.biker_areaclear05" "Francis: Clear." "player.biker_areaclear06" "Francis: No hay nada." "[english]player.biker_areaclear06" "Francis: Nothin' in here." "player.biker_areaclear07" "Francis: Brrr... Vacío." "[english]player.biker_areaclear07" "Francis: Looks empty." "player.biker_areaclear08" "Francis: Vacío." "[english]player.biker_areaclear08" "Francis: Looks empty." "player.biker_areaclear09" "Francis: No hay nada por aquí." "[english]player.biker_areaclear09" "Francis: I don't see anything here" "player.biker_areaclear10" "Francis: Esto está pelao." "[english]player.biker_areaclear10" "Francis: I got nothin' here." "player.biker_arriveboat01" "Francis: ¡Al barco!" "[english]player.biker_arriveboat01" "Francis: Get to the boat!" "player.biker_arriveboat02" "Francis: ¡Todos al barco!" "[english]player.biker_arriveboat02" "Francis: Everyone to the boat!" "player.biker_arriveboat03" "Francis: ¡Esos panderos, al barco!" "[english]player.biker_arriveboat03" "Francis: Get your asses on that boat!" "npc.biker_arriveboat04" "Francis: ¡Hora de subir al barco, niños!" "[english]npc.biker_arriveboat04" "Francis: Time to get on the boat, kids!" "player.biker_arriveboatinitial01" "Francis: ¡Ya está el barco! ¡A bordo!" "[english]player.biker_arriveboatinitial01" "Francis: Our boat's here, all aboard!" "player.biker_arriveboatinitial02" "Francis: ¡Ya está el barco! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arriveboatinitial02" "Francis: Our boat's here! Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivechopper01" "Francis: ¡Todos al helicóptero!" "[english]player.biker_arrivechopper01" "Francis: Everybody to the chopper!" "player.biker_arrivechopper02" "Francis: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.biker_arrivechopper02" "Francis: Get to the chopper!" "npc.biker_arrivechopper03" "Francis: ¡Al helicóptero! ¡YA!" "[english]npc.biker_arrivechopper03" "Francis: Run to the chopper! NOW!" "npc.biker_arrivechopper04" "Francis: ¡Al helicóptero, rápido!" "[english]npc.biker_arrivechopper04" "Francis: To the chopper, to the chopper!" "player.biker_arrivechopperinitial01" "Francis: ¡El helicóptero! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivechopperinitial01" "Francis: The chopper's here! Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivechopperinitial02" "Francis: ¡El helicóptero! Ya iba siendo hora..." "[english]player.biker_arrivechopperinitial02" "Francis: The chopper's here! About time, too..." "player.biker_arrivegeneric01" "Francis: ¡Larguémonos de aquí! ¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegeneric01" "Francis: Let's get out of here. Go go go!" "player.biker_arrivegeneric02" "Francis: ¡Corred como si tuvierais un cohete en el culo!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegeneric02" "Francis: Time to open up a can of haul ass. Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivegeneric03" "Francis: ¡Vienen por nosotros! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegeneric03" "Francis: They're here for us! Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivegeneric04" "Francis: ¡Salgamos de aquí! ¡Vamos, vamos ya!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegeneric04" "Francis: Let's get out of here. GoGoGO!" "player.biker_arrivegenericinitial01" "Francis: ¡Ya llegan! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegenericinitial01" "Francis: They're here. Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivegenericinitial02" "Francis: ¡El transporte! ¡Salgamos de aquí!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegenericinitial02" "Francis: Our ride's here! C'mon, let's go!" "player.biker_arrivegenericinitial03" "Francis: ¡El transporte, señoritas! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivegenericinitial03" "Francis: Our ride's here, ladies! Let's go!" "player.biker_arriveplane01" "Francis: ¡Al avión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arriveplane01" "Francis: Get to the plane. Let's go!" "player.biker_arriveplane02" "Francis: ¡Al avión!" "[english]player.biker_arriveplane02" "Francis: Get to the plane!" "npc.biker_arriveplane03" "Francis: ¡Hora de subir al avión!" "[english]npc.biker_arriveplane03" "Francis: Time to get on that plane!" "player.biker_arriveplaneinitial01" "Francis: ¡Se escapa el último vuelo! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arriveplaneinitial01" "Francis: This is the last flight out of here! Let's go" "player.biker_arriveplaneinitial02" "Francis: ¡Llegó el avión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arriveplaneinitial02" "Francis: The plane's here! Let's go!" "player.biker_arrivetruck01" "Francis: ¡Corred al camión! ¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivetruck01" "Francis: Run to the truck! Go go go!" "player.biker_arrivetruck02" "Francis: ¡Al camión!" "[english]player.biker_arrivetruck02" "Francis: To the truck!" "player.biker_arrivetruck03" "Francis: ¡Corred al camión!" "[english]player.biker_arrivetruck03" "Francis: Get to the truck!" "player.biker_arrivetruckinitial01" "Francis: ¡Es el último camión de este tugurio! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivetruckinitial01" "Francis: C'mon, that's the last truck outta this shithole. LET'S GO!" "player.biker_arrivetruckinitial02" "Francis: ¡Llegó el camión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.biker_arrivetruckinitial02" "Francis: The truck's here! Let's go!" "player.biker_askready01" "Francis: ¿Estamos listos?" "[english]player.biker_askready01" "Francis: Ready for this?" "player.biker_askready02" "Francis: ¿Estamos listos?" "[english]player.biker_askready02" "Francis: Ready for this?" "player.biker_askready03" "Francis: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.biker_askready03" "Francis: Ready?" "player.biker_askready04" "Francis: ¿Estamos?" "[english]player.biker_askready04" "Francis: Ready?" "player.biker_askready05" "Francis: ¿Listos para la juerga?" "[english]player.biker_askready05" "Francis: Ready for some fun?" "player.biker_askready06" "Francis: ¿Todos a punto?" "[english]player.biker_askready06" "Francis: Everybody ready?" "player.biker_askready07" "Francis: ¿Nos vamos moviendo?" "[english]player.biker_askready07" "Francis: You ready to roll?" "player.biker_askready08" "Francis: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.biker_askready08" "Francis: We ready?" "player.biker_askready09" "Francis: ¿Todos listos?" "[english]player.biker_askready09" "Francis: Everyone ready?" "player.biker_askready10" "Francis: Ja. ¿Listos, nenazas?" "[english]player.biker_askready10" "Francis: You ladies ready for this?" "player.biker_backup01" "Francis: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.biker_backup01" "Francis: Back-Back-Back!" "player.biker_backup02" "Francis: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.biker_backup02" "Francis: Back up!" "player.biker_backup03" "Francis: ¡Retirada!" "[english]player.biker_backup03" "Francis: Back up!" "player.biker_backup04" "Francis: ¡Toca retirada!" "[english]player.biker_backup04" "Francis: Get the hell back!" "player.biker_backup05" "Francis: ¡Retiraos!" "[english]player.biker_backup05" "Francis: Back it up!" "npc.biker_backupquiet01" "Francis: Huyamos." "[english]npc.biker_backupquiet01" "Francis: Back up." "npc.biker_backupquiet02" "Francis: Retirada." "[english]npc.biker_backupquiet02" "Francis: Back up, back up." "npc.biker_backupquiet03" "Francis: Atrás." "[english]npc.biker_backupquiet03" "Francis: Back up." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill01" "Francis: ¡Au! ¿Es que estás teniendo un flashback, viejo?" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill01" "Francis: AH! You havin' some kinda flashback, Old Man?" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill02" "Francis: JO-DER, Bill." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill02" "Francis: God DAMMIT, Bill!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill03" "Francis: Bill, no me dispares." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill03" "Francis: Bill, quit shootin' me." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill04" "Francis: Mira dónde apuntas, viejo." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill04" "Francis: Watch yer fire, Old Man." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill05" "Francis: Buena puntería, Bill, me has dado a mí." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirebill05" "Francis: Nice Shot, Bill. That was my ass." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis01" "Francis: Te voy a hacer tragar el arma, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis01" "Francis: I'm gonna shove that gun up your ass, Louis." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis02" "Francis: Menos coñas, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis02" "Francis: Cut the shit, Louis." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis03" "Francis: ¡Ay! ¡Louis!" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis03" "Francis: OW! Louis!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis04" "Francis: ¡ME CAGO EN LA PUTA, LOUIS! No me dispares." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis04" "Francis: GODDAMN IT, LOUIS! Stop shootin' me!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis05" "Francis: ¡No me dispares, Don Elegante!" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis05" "Francis: Hey! Suity! Quit shootin me!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis06" "Francis: LOU-IS DEJA DE DISPARARME" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis06" "Francis: LOU-IS STOP SHOOTING ME!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis07" "Francis: Louis, no seas capullo." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirelouis07" "Francis: Louis, don't be a punk." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey01" "Francis: Oye, guapa, que yo no soy un vampiro." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey01" "Francis: Look, sweetheart, I ain't a goddamn vampire." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey02" "Francis: ¡Déjalo ya, Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey02" "Francis: Knock it off, Zoey." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey03" "Francis: Zoey, cariño, ¡DEJA DE DISPARARME!" "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey03" "Francis: Zoey. Sweety, STOP SHOOTING ME!" "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey04" "Francis: Zoey, apunta a otro sitio." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey04" "Francis: Zoey, aim that thing somewhere else." "npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey05" "Francis: ¡Zoey! Deja de dispararme." "[english]npc.biker_biker_friendlyfirezoey05" "Francis: Zoey! Stop shooting me." "player.biker_callforrescue01" "Francis: ¡No me vendría mal algo de ayuda! ¿Hay alguien?" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue01" "Francis: I could use some help over here! Anyone?" "player.biker_callforrescue02" "Francis: ¿Hay alguien ahí? ¡Estoy aquí encerrado!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue02" "Francis: Anyone out there? I got myself stuck in here!" "player.biker_callforrescue03" "Francis: ¡Sacadme de aquí, coño!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue03" "Francis: Get me the hell out of here!" "player.biker_callforrescue04" "Francis: ¡Eeeeeeh! ¡¿Podéis oírme?! ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue04" "Francis: Heeeeyyyy! Can anyone hear me? I could use a hand." "player.biker_callforrescue05" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Que alguien me saque de aquí!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue05" "Francis: Hey! Someone let me out of here." "player.biker_callforrescue06" "Francis: ¡Joder, estoy atrapado! ¡Que alguien me saque!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue06" "Francis: Goddammit, I'm stuck in here! Someone let me out!" "player.biker_callforrescue07" "Francis: Si no es molestia... ¿podríais sacarme de aquí?" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue07" "Francis: When you get a chance, can you guys get me outta here?" "player.biker_callforrescue08" "Francis: Si no es mucha molestia... ¡¿Podéis ayudarme a salir de aquí?!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue08" "Francis: If it ain't too much trouble, I could use a hand out of here!" "player.biker_callforrescue09" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¿Alguien me oye? ¡No puedo sacar el culo de aquí!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue09" "Francis: Hey, can anyone hear me? I got my ass stuck in here." "player.biker_callforrescue10" "Francis: ¡¿Puede alguien sacarme de aquí?!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue10" "Francis: Someone want to let me outta here?" "player.biker_callforrescue11" "Francis: ¡Oh mierda! ¡Estoy atrapado! ¡Echadme una mano para salir de aquí!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue11" "Francis: Ah shit I'm stuck! C'mon! I could use a hand out of here!" "player.biker_callforrescue12" "Francis: Mierda, ¡estoy atrapado! ¡Echadme una mano!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue12" "Francis: Shit, I'm stuck in here! Someone give me a hand!" "player.biker_callforrescue13" "Francis: ¡Joder! ¡Quiero salir de aquí, coño!" "[english]player.biker_callforrescue13" "Francis: Goddamn it! I need to get the hell out of here!" //\"player.biker_callforrescue14\" \"Francis: [Struggling, Grunting, Exertion]\" //\"player.biker_callforrescue15\" \"Francis: [Struggling, Grunting, Exertion]\" //\"player.biker_choke01\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke02\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke03\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke04\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke05\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke06\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke07\" \"rancis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke08\" \"rancis: [Choking]\" //\"player.biker_choke09\" \"Francis: [Choking]\" "player.biker_closethedoor01" "Francis: Cerrad la puta puerta." "[english]player.biker_closethedoor01" "Francis: Lock the damn door." "player.biker_closethedoor02" "Francis: Cierra la puerta." "[english]player.biker_closethedoor02" "Francis: Lock the door." "player.biker_closethedoor03" "Francis: ¡Cierra esa puerta!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor03" "Francis: Lock that door!" "player.biker_closethedoor04" "Francis: ¿Nunca has visto una puerta? ¡Eso cuadrado que se cierra!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor04" "Francis: You born in a barn? Lock the goddamn door." "player.biker_closethedoor05" "Francis: Chapad la puerta." "[english]player.biker_closethedoor05" "Francis: Lock the door." "player.biker_closethedoor06" "Francis: Cierra esa mierda de puerta." "[english]player.biker_closethedoor06" "Francis: Lock the freakin' door." "player.biker_closethedoor07" "Francis: En serio, no me importa pelear. Pero vosotros, NENAZAS, deberíais cerrar la puerta." "[english]player.biker_closethedoor07" "Francis: Personally, I'm happy to keep fighting. But YOU ladies might want to lock the door." "player.biker_closethedoor08" "Francis: ¿Quiere alguien cerrar la puerta?" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor08" "Francis: Someone gonna lock that door?" "player.biker_closethedoor09" "Francis: ¡Echa el cierre!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor09" "Francis: Get that lock." "player.biker_closethedoor10" "Francis: ¡Cierra esa puta mierda de puerta!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor10" "Francis: Lock the goddamn door." "player.biker_closethedoor11" "Francis: ¡Cierra la puerta, mamón!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor11" "Francis: Would you lock that sucker?" "player.biker_closethedoor12" "Francis: ¡Que no entren! ¡Cierra esa puerta!" "[english]player.biker_closethedoor12" "Francis: Keep 'em out! Lock that door!" "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm01" "Francis: A la izquierda." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm01" "Francis: To the left." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm02" "Francis: A la derecha." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm02" "Francis: To the right." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm03" "Francis: Arriba." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm03" "Francis: Up there." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm04" "Francis: Encima." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm04" "Francis: Above us." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm05" "Francis: Abajo." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm05" "Francis: Down there." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm06" "Francis: Debajo." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm06" "Francis: Below us." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm07" "Francis: Detrás." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm07" "Francis: Back there." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm08" "Francis: Al frente." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm08" "Francis: Up ahead." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm09" "Francis: En la ventana." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm09" "Francis: In the window." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm10" "Francis: En la esquina." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm10" "Francis: Around the corner." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm11" "Francis: En la entrada." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm11" "Francis: In the doorway." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm12" "Francis: Tras esa pared." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm12" "Francis: Behind this wall." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm13" "Francis: Tras esa puerta." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm13" "Francis: Behind this door." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm14" "Francis: En el tejado." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm14" "Francis: On the roof." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm15" "Francis: Ahí detrás." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm15" "Francis: Behind that." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm16" "Francis: En el edificio." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm16" "Francis: In this building." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm17" "Francis: En los árboles." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm17" "Francis: In the trees." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm18" "Francis: En las rocas." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm18" "Francis: Near the rocks." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm19" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm19" "Francis: One of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm20" "Francis: Hay dos." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm20" "Francis: Two of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm21" "Francis: Hay tres." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm21" "Francis: Three of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm22" "Francis: Hay cuatro." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm22" "Francis: Four of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm23" "Francis: Hay muchos." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm23" "Francis: Lots of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm24" "Francis: Hay un par." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm24" "Francis: A couple of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifiercalm25" "Francis: Hay algunos." "[english]player.biker_contextmodifiercalm25" "Francis: A few of 'em." "player.biker_contextmodifierloud01" "Francis: ¡A la izquierda!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud01" "Francis: To the left!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud02" "Francis: ¡A la derecha!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud02" "Francis: To the right!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud03" "Francis: ¡Arriba!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud03" "Francis: Up there!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud04" "Francis: ¡Encima!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud04" "Francis: Above us!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud05" "Francis: ¡Abajo!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud05" "Francis: Down there!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud06" "Francis: ¡Debajo!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud06" "Francis: Below us!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud07" "Francis: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud07" "Francis: Back there!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud08" "Francis: ¡Al frente!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud08" "Francis: Up ahead!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud09" "Francis: ¡En la ventana!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud09" "Francis: In the window!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud10" "Francis: ¡En la esquina!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud10" "Francis: Around the corner!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud11" "Francis: ¡En la entrada!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud11" "Francis: In the doorway!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud12" "Francis: ¡Tras esa pared!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud12" "Francis: Behind this wall!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud13" "Francis: ¡Tras esa puerta!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud13" "Francis: Behind this door!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud14" "Francis: ¡En el tejado!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud14" "Francis: On the roof!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud15" "Francis: ¡Ahí detrás!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud15" "Francis: Behind that!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud16" "Francis: ¡En el edificio!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud16" "Francis: In this building!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud17" "Francis: ¡En los árboles!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud17" "Francis: In the trees!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud18" "Francis: ¡En las rocas!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud18" "Francis: Near the rocks!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud19" "Francis: ¡Hay uno!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud19" "Francis: One of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud20" "Francis: ¡Hay dos!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud20" "Francis: Two of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud21" "Francis: ¡Hay tres!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud21" "Francis: Three of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud22" "Francis: ¡Hay cuatro!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud22" "Francis: Four of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud23" "Francis: ¡Hay muchos!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud23" "Francis: Lots of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud24" "Francis: ¡Hay un par!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud24" "Francis: A couple of 'em!" "player.biker_contextmodifierloud25" "Francis: ¡Hay algunos!" "[english]player.biker_contextmodifierloud25" "Francis: A few of 'em!" "player.biker_cough01" "Francis: [Tosiendo por el humo]" "[english]player.biker_cough01" "Francis: [Coughing from smoke]" //\"player.biker_cough02\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.biker_cough03\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.biker_cough04\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.biker_cough05\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.biker_cough06\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.biker_cough07\" \"Francis: [Coughing from smoke]\" "player.biker_coverme01" "Francis: Cúbreme." "[english]player.biker_coverme01" "Francis: Cover me!" "player.biker_coverme02" "Francis: Protégeme." "[english]player.biker_coverme02" "Francis: Get my back." "player.biker_coverme03" "Francis: Dame cobertura." "[english]player.biker_coverme03" "Francis: Watch my back." "player.biker_coverme04" "Francis: Cúbreme." "[english]player.biker_coverme04" "Francis: Cover me!" "player.biker_coverme05" "Francis: Protégeme." "[english]player.biker_coverme05" "Francis: Get my back." "player.biker_coverme06" "Francis: Cobertura." "[english]player.biker_coverme06" "Francis: Watch my back." "player.biker_coverme07" "Francis: Cúbreme, tío." "[english]player.biker_coverme07" "Francis: Watch my back, bro." "player.biker_coverme08" "Francis: ¡Cúbreme la espalda!... Pero no me mires el culo." "[english]player.biker_coverme08" "Francis: Watch my back! But don't stare at my ass." "player.biker_coverme09" "Francis: ¡Dame cobertura...! Pero ojito con mirarme el culo..." "[english]player.biker_coverme09" "Francis: Watch my back! But don't stare at my ass." "npc.biker_coverme10" "Francis: Cúbreme." "[english]npc.biker_coverme10" "Francis: Cover my ass." "npc.biker_coverme11" "Francis: Cúbreme, que me curo." "[english]npc.biker_coverme11" "Francis: Healing, cover me." "npc.biker_coverme12" "Francis: Espera que me cure." "[english]npc.biker_coverme12" "Francis: Wait up, I'm healing." "npc.biker_coverme13" "Francis: Espera, debo curarme." "[english]npc.biker_coverme13" "Francis: Hold on, gotta heal." "npc.biker_coverme14" "Francis: Me curo." "[english]npc.biker_coverme14" "Francis: I'm healing." "player.biker_deathscream01" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream01" "Francis: [Death rattle]" "player.biker_deathscream02" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream02" "Francis: [Death rattle]" "player.biker_deathscream03" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream03" "Francis: [Death rattle]" "player.biker_deathscream04" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream04" "Francis: [Death rattle]" "player.biker_deathscream05" "Francis: Mamá..." "[english]player.biker_deathscream05" "Francis: [Death rattle] Mama..." "player.biker_deathscream06" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream06" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_deathscream07" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream07" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_deathscream08" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream08" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_deathscream09" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream09" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_deathscream10" "Francis: [Estertor]" "[english]player.biker_deathscream10" "Francis: [Death scream]" "npc.biker_doorbreaking01" "Francis: ¡Esta puerta no les para!" "[english]npc.biker_doorbreaking01" "Francis: This door ain't holdin' 'em." "npc.biker_doorbreaking02" "Francis: ¡Están cruzando la puerta!" "[english]npc.biker_doorbreaking02" "Francis: They're coming through the door!" "npc.biker_doubledeathresponse01" "Francis: Quedamos dos. Vale. Podemos lograrlo." "[english]npc.biker_doubledeathresponse01" "Francis: Two left. All right. We can still do this." "npc.biker_doubledeathresponse02" "Francis: Sólo quedamos dos. Mierda." "[english]npc.biker_doubledeathresponse02" "Francis: Just two of us left. Shit." "npc.biker_doubledeathresponse03" "Francis: Tú y yo necesitamos amigos más duros." "[english]npc.biker_doubledeathresponse03" "Francis: You and me gotta find some tougher friends." "npc.biker_doubledeathresponse04" "Francis: Esto ya no mola nada." "[english]npc.biker_doubledeathresponse04" "Francis: This shit ain't funny." "npc.biker_downinfront01" "Francis: ¡Cuerpo a tierra!" "[english]npc.biker_downinfront01" "Francis: Down in front!" "npc.biker_downinfront02" "Francis: ¡Cubríos!" "[english]npc.biker_downinfront02" "Francis: Duck!" "npc.biker_downinfront03" "Francis: ¡Abajo!" "[english]npc.biker_downinfront03" "Francis: Get down!" "npc.biker_dying01" "Francis: ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]npc.biker_dying01" "Francis: I need help NOW!" "npc.biker_dying02" "Francis: Ya está, ¡necesito ayuda ahora!" "[english]npc.biker_dying02" "Francis: This is it, I need help now!" "player.biker_emphaticgo01" "Francis: ¡MOVEOS!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo01" "Francis: GET MOVING!" "player.biker_emphaticgo02" "Francis: ¡MOVEOS!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo02" "Francis: MOVE!" "player.biker_emphaticgo03" "Francis: ¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo03" "Francis: Go go go!" "player.biker_emphaticgo04" "Francis: ¡VAMOS!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo04" "Francis: GO!" "player.biker_emphaticgo05" "Francis: ¡Menead el trasero!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo05" "Francis: Get your rear in gear!" "player.biker_emphaticgo06" "Francis: ¡Dadle marcha al culo!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticgo06" "Francis: Get your rear in gear!" "npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet01" "Francis: Sigue, sin parar." "[english]npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet01" "Francis: Don't stop - go!" "npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet02" "Francis: ¡Va, va, va!" "[english]npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet02" "Francis: Go, go, go!" "npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet03" "Francis: Sigamos." "[english]npc.biker_emphaticgoquiet03" "Francis: Keep moving!" "player.biker_emphaticno01" "Francis: Ni hablar del peluquín." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno01" "Francis: No freakin' way." "player.biker_emphaticno02" "Francis: Lárgate ya de aquí." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno02" "Francis: Get the hell outta here." "player.biker_emphaticno03" "Francis: Ni hablar." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno03" "Francis: No way." "player.biker_emphaticno04" "Francis: ¿Se te ha ido la pinza?" "[english]player.biker_emphaticno04" "Francis: Are you out of your mind?" "player.biker_emphaticno05" "Francis: Eso es... es una chorrada." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno05" "Francis: That's ah... Hell, that's just silly." "player.biker_emphaticno06" "Francis: Ni de coña." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno06" "Francis: No freakin' way." "player.biker_emphaticno07" "Francis: Sal de aquí zumbando." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno07" "Francis: Get the hell outta here." "player.biker_emphaticno08" "Francis: Ni hablar [riendo]." "[english]player.biker_emphaticno08" "Francis: No way." "player.biker_emphaticrun01" "Francis: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun01" "Francis: RUN!" "player.biker_emphaticrun02" "Francis: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun02" "Francis: RUN!" "player.biker_emphaticrun03" "Francis: ¡PUTA MIERDA! ¡Corred!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun03" "Francis: HOLY SHIT! Run!" "player.biker_emphaticrun04" "Francis: ¡PASO LIGERO!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun04" "Francis: LET'S BEAT IT!" "player.biker_emphaticrun05" "Francis: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun05" "Francis: RUN!" "player.biker_emphaticrun06" "Francis: ¡MIERDA! ¡Corred!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun06" "Francis: SHIT! Run!" "player.biker_emphaticrun07" "Francis: ¡Salgamos por patas!" "[english]player.biker_emphaticrun07" "Francis: Put it in reverse!" "npc.biker_emphaticrun08" "Francis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]npc.biker_emphaticrun08" "Francis: Run!" "npc.biker_emphaticrun09" "Francis: ¡Rapidito!" "[english]npc.biker_emphaticrun09" "Francis: Get the lead out!" "npc.biker_emphaticrun10" "Francis: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]npc.biker_emphaticrun10" "Francis: Haul Ass!" //\"player.biker_exertioncritical01\" \"Francis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.biker_exertioncritical02\" \"Francis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.biker_exertioncritical03\" \"Francis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.biker_exertionmajor01\" \"Francis: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.biker_exertionmajor02\" \"Francis: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.biker_exertionminor01\" \"Francis: [Out of breath]\" //\"player.biker_exertionminor02\" \"Francis: [Out of breath]\" //\"player.biker_exertionminor03\" \"Francis: [Out of breath]\" //\"player.biker_exertionminor04\" \"Francis: [Out of breath]\" //\"player.biker_exertionminor05\" \"Francis: [Out of breath]\" "player.biker_fall01" "Francis: [Grito de caída al vacío]" "[english]player.biker_fall01" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_fall02" "Francis: [Grito de caída al vacío]" "[english]player.biker_fall02" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_fall03" "Francis: [Grito de caída al vacío]" "[english]player.biker_fall03" "Francis: [Death scream]" "player.biker_fallshort01" "Francis: Oh, no. [Grito de caída]" "[english]player.biker_fallshort01" "Francis: Oh no." "player.biker_fallshort02" "Francis: [Grito de caída]" "[english]player.biker_fallshort02" "Francis: Wooaaah." "player.biker_fallshort03" "Francis: [Grito de caída]" "[english]player.biker_fallshort03" "Francis: Whoahh." "player.biker_finaleahead01" "Francis: ¡Ya casi hemos llegado!" "[english]player.biker_finaleahead01" "Francis: We're almost there!" "player.biker_finaleahead02" "Francis: ¡Ya casi hemos salido!" "[english]player.biker_finaleahead02" "Francis: We're almost out of here!" "player.biker_finaleahead03" "Francis: Jeje, parece que aún hay esperanza, ¿eh? Vamos a conseguirlo, chavales." "[english]player.biker_finaleahead03" "Francis: Now there's a sight for sore eyes. Looks like we're gonna make it, kids." "player.biker_finaleahead04" "Francis: Eh, casi estamos fuera de este tugurio. Os dije que os sacaría." "[english]player.biker_finaleahead04" "Francis: Hey, we're almost outta this shithole. I told you I'd get you here." "player.biker_followme01" "Francis: Vamos, por aquí." "[english]player.biker_followme01" "Francis: Come on, this way." "player.biker_followme02" "Francis: Seguidme." "[english]player.biker_followme02" "Francis: Follow me!" "player.biker_followme03" "Francis: Seguidme." "[english]player.biker_followme03" "Francis: Follow me." "player.biker_followme04" "Francis: Por aquí." "[english]player.biker_followme04" "Francis: This way." "player.biker_followme05" "Francis: Por aquí." "[english]player.biker_followme05" "Francis: This way." "player.biker_followme06" "Francis: Voy al frente, seguidme." "[english]player.biker_followme06" "Francis: I got the lead - follow me." "player.biker_followme07" "Francis: Yo voy al frente." "[english]player.biker_followme07" "Francis: I got the lead." "player.biker_followme08" "Francis: ¡Vamos joder, seguidme todos!" "[english]player.biker_followme08" "Francis: Well, hell, let's all follow me." "player.biker_followme09" "Francis: Por aquí, chavales." "[english]player.biker_followme09" "Francis: This way, kids." "player.biker_friendlyfire01" "Francis: Eso... duele." "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire01" "Francis: That hurt." "player.biker_friendlyfire02" "Francis: ¡Joder! ¡¿Vas a parar?!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire02" "Francis: Dammit! Will you knock it off!" "player.biker_friendlyfire03" "Francis: ¡¿Vas a parar o qué?!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire03" "Francis: Will you knock it off!" "player.biker_friendlyfire04" "Francis: ¿Es que tengo pinta de diana?" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire04" "Francis: Do I look like a target?" "player.biker_friendlyfire05" "Francis: ¿Sabes?, sería un inmenso placer... ¡QUE DEJARAS YA DE DISPARARME!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire05" "Francis: You know I would appreciate it, IF YOU'D STOP SHOOTING ME." "player.biker_friendlyfire06" "Francis: ¡¿Por qué no miras donde disparas?!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire06" "Francis: Watch where the hell you're shooting." "player.biker_friendlyfire07" "Francis: ¡Afina bien la puntería!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire07" "Francis: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.biker_friendlyfire08" "Francis: NO - ME - DISPARES." "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire08" "Francis: Stop. Shooting. Me." "player.biker_friendlyfire09" "Francis: ¡Eh! Para - de - dispararme." "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire09" "Francis: Hey! Stop. Shooting. Me." "player.biker_friendlyfire10" "Francis: ¡Ojito a dónde disparas!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire10" "Francis: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.biker_friendlyfire11" "Francis: ¡No me dispares!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire11" "Francis: Don't shoot me!" "player.biker_friendlyfire12" "Francis: ¡Cuidado con donde apuntas!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire12" "Francis: Watch where you point that thing!" "player.biker_friendlyfire13" "Francis: ¡Joder! ¡Mira donde tiras!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire13" "Francis: Dammit! Watch where you're shooting!" "player.biker_friendlyfire14" "Francis: ¡No me dispares!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire14" "Francis: Don't shoot me!" "player.biker_friendlyfire15" "Francis: ¡Hay engendros por todas partes y me disparas a mí!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire15" "Francis: Monsters all over the damn place, and you gotta shoot me." "player.biker_friendlyfire16" "Francis: ¡Que pares ya de dispararme!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire16" "Francis: Quit freaking shooting me!" "player.biker_friendlyfire18" "Francis: ¡Si vuelves a dispararme te pateo el culo!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire18" "Francis: Shoot me again, I'm gonna kick your ass." "player.biker_friendlyfire19" "Francis: ¡Hazlo otra vez y te meto la pistolita por el ojete!" "[english]player.biker_friendlyfire19" "Francis: Do that again, and you're gonna be firing that thing outta your ass." "npc.biker_friendlyfire20" "Francis: ¡Me has prendido fuego, coño!" "[english]npc.biker_friendlyfire20" "Francis: You set me on goddamn fire!" "player.biker_generic01" "Francis: Cerveza." "[english]player.biker_generic01" "Francis: Beer." "player.biker_generic02" "Francis: Ven con papi." "[english]player.biker_generic02" "Francis: Come to daddy." "player.biker_generic03" "Francis: Me ha potado." "[english]player.biker_generic03" "Francis: He puked on me!" "player.biker_generic04" "Francis: ¡Eh, oye... eso sobraba!" "[english]player.biker_generic04" "Francis: Oh hey, that is uncalled for!" "npc.biker_generic05" "Francis: Para mí." "[english]npc.biker_generic05" "Francis: I'll take that." "npc.biker_generic06" "Francis: No os preocupéis." "[english]npc.biker_generic06" "Francis: Don't mind if I do." "npc.biker_generic07" "Francis: Tranqui, Bill, no te mees encima." "[english]npc.biker_generic07" "Francis: I'm comin', Bill. Keep yer beard on." "npc.biker_generic08" "Francis: Zoey, deja de hacerme ojitos." "[english]npc.biker_generic08" "Francis: Zoey, stop checkin' me out." "npc.biker_generic09" "Francis: Lo suficiente para fijarme en esa boquita." "[english]npc.biker_generic09" "Francis: Long enough to know you got a pretty mouth." "npc.biker_generic10" "Francis: Si sobrevives es que Dios intenta decirte algo." "[english]npc.biker_generic10" "Francis: If you survive, maybe God's tryin' to tell ya something." "npc.biker_generic11" "Francis: Hace cuarenta años, tú tenías cuántos, ¿cien?" "[english]npc.biker_generic11" "Francis: Forty years ago you woulda been, what, a hundred?" "npc.biker_generic12" "Francis: Jo-der. ¿Así es como NO te quejas?" "[english]npc.biker_generic12" "Francis: Jesus Christ. That's the sound of you NOT complaining?" "npc.biker_generic13" "Francis: ¿Y si sólo se te transforma la barba? ¿Puedo disparar?" "[english]npc.biker_generic13" "Francis: What if just your beard starts to turn? Can I shoot that?" "npc.biker_generic14" "Francis: ¿Combatiste en Hué?" "[english]npc.biker_generic14" "Francis: You were at the battle of Hue?" "npc.biker_generic15" "Francis: Es broma. No tengo ni idea de qué es eso." "[english]npc.biker_generic15" "Francis: I'm kidding. I have no idea what that is." "npc.biker_generic16" "Francis: Oh-oh. Cuidado. Puede que haya *ciervos* por aquí." "[english]npc.biker_generic16" "Francis: Uh oh. Watch out. There might be *deer* around here." "npc.biker_generic17" "Francis: Mejor que quedarnos en el bosque. ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_generic17" "Francis: Beats standin' around in a forest. Let's go." "npc.biker_generic18" "Francis: Bien aparcado, capullo." "[english]npc.biker_generic18" "Francis: Nice park job." "npc.biker_generic19" "Francis: ¿Cómo coño lo sabes?" "[english]npc.biker_generic19" "Francis: How the hell do you know *that*?" "npc.biker_generic20" "Francis: ¿Sabes qué? Me importa un cojón. Vamos." "[english]npc.biker_generic20" "Francis: Know what? I just realized I don't care. Lead on." "npc.biker_generic21" "Francis: Oh, muy bien aparcado." "[english]npc.biker_generic21" "Francis: Ooh, another great park job." "npc.biker_generic22" "Francis: Barricadas, ¿eh? Me pregunto qué tal le funcionó a ellos." "[english]npc.biker_generic22" "Francis: Barricades, huh? Wonder how *that* worked out for 'em?" "npc.biker_generic23" "Francis: ¿Por qué lo crees?" "[english]npc.biker_generic23" "Francis: Why would you think that?" "npc.biker_generic24" "Francis: Vosotros y vuestras estúpidas pelis." "[english]npc.biker_generic24" "Francis: You kids and your stupid movies." "npc.biker_generic25" "Francis: ¿Esa frase es de otra peli?" "[english]npc.biker_generic25" "Francis: Is that another line from a movie?" "npc.biker_generic26" "Francis: ¡Ahí están las vías!" "[english]npc.biker_generic26" "Francis: There's the tracks!" "npc.biker_generic27" "Francis: Sí, Señor. Coronel." "[english]npc.biker_generic27" "Francis: Yes sir, Colonel." "npc.biker_generic28" "Francis: Sí, mi Capitán." "[english]npc.biker_generic28" "Francis: Aye Aye, Captain." "npc.biker_generic29" "Francis: ¿Por qué coño crees que hay que darles en la cabeza?" "[english]npc.biker_generic29" "Francis: Why the hell would you think you need to shoot them in the head?" "npc.biker_generic30" "Francis: Vaya pintas, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_generic30" "Francis: Hey Louis, you look like shit." "npc.biker_generic31" "Francis: ¿No es estupendo?" "[english]npc.biker_generic31" "Francis: Don't that shit beat all?" "npc.biker_generic32" "Francis: Y pensar que antes me metía en líos por esto..." "[english]npc.biker_generic32" "Francis: To think I used to get in trouble for this shit." "npc.biker_generic33" "Francis: Puedes llamarlos como quieras." "[english]npc.biker_generic33" "Francis: Call these freaks whatever you want." "npc.biker_generic34" "Francis: Sigue hablando, Louis..." "[english]npc.biker_generic34" "Francis: Keep talkin', Louis..." "npc.biker_generic35" "Francis: Me importa un huevo lo que sean, yo sólo me las cargo." "[english]npc.biker_generic35" "Francis: I don't care what these things are, I'm just killin' em all." "npc.biker_generic36" "Francis: Yo a matar y Dios a clasificar." "[english]npc.biker_generic36" "Francis: Kill em all and let God sort em out." "npc.biker_generic37" "Francis: Odio a los zombies." "[english]npc.biker_generic37" "Francis: I hate zombies." "npc.biker_generic38" "Francis: Odio a los Smokers." "[english]npc.biker_generic38" "Francis: I hate smokers." "npc.biker_generic39" "Francis: Odio a los Boomers." "[english]npc.biker_generic39" "Francis: I hate boomers." "npc.biker_generic40" "Francis: Odio a los Hunters." "[english]npc.biker_generic40" "Francis: I hate hunters." "npc.biker_generic41" "Francis: Odio a los Tanks." "[english]npc.biker_generic41" "Francis: I hate tanks." "npc.biker_generic42" "Francis: Odio a las Witches." "[english]npc.biker_generic42" "Francis: I hate witches." "npc.biker_generic43" "Francis: Odio a las Witches y a esta cosa muerta." "[english]npc.biker_generic43" "Francis: I hate witches, and this dead thing." "npc.biker_generic44" "Francis: No me hagas ir a por ti." "[english]npc.biker_generic44" "Francis: Don't make me beat your ass." "npc.biker_generic45" "Francis: Louis, esto es lo que hay." "[english]npc.biker_generic45" "Francis: Louie, this is as good as it's gonna get." "npc.biker_generic46" "Francis: No me vengas con esas." "[english]npc.biker_generic46" "Francis: Don't give me that shit." "npc.biker_generic47" "Francis: Como si las llamas Madre Teresa, yo me las cargo igual." "[english]npc.biker_generic47" "Francis: You can call 'em Princess Diana, I'm still gonna blow their heads off" "npc.biker_generic48" "Francis: Échale un ojo a Bill, no tiene buena pinta." "[english]npc.biker_generic48" "Francis: Keep an eye on Bill, he don't look so hot." "npc.biker_generic49" "Francis: Cariño, ¿le pasas tu botiquín a Bill?" "[english]npc.biker_generic49" "Francis: Sweety, wanna give Bill your health kit?" "npc.biker_generic50" "Francis: Vale, gangster." "[english]npc.biker_generic50" "Francis: Okay, gangster." "npc.biker_generic51" "Francis: Lo que sea, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_generic51" "Francis: Whatever, Louis." "npc.biker_generic52" "Francis: Zoey, escucha a Bill." "[english]npc.biker_generic52" "Francis: Zoey, listen to Bill." "npc.biker_generic53" "Francis: ¿Quién coño me dispara?" "[english]npc.biker_generic53" "Francis: Who the hell just shot me?" "npc.biker_generic54" "Francis: ¿De qué coño estáis hablando?" "[english]npc.biker_generic54" "Francis: What the hell are you two talking about?" "npc.biker_generic55" "Francis: Esto es una mierda." "[english]npc.biker_generic55" "Francis: This shit's all wrong." "npc.biker_generic56" "Francis: ¿Quién me ha dado?" "[english]npc.biker_generic56" "Francis: Hey, who just shot me?" "npc.biker_generic57" "Francis: Odio mucho a los Hunters." "[english]npc.biker_generic57" "Francis: I really hate hunters." "npc.biker_generic58" "Francis: Odio a las Witches." "[english]npc.biker_generic58" "Francis: I hate witches." "npc.biker_generic59" "Francis: Odio susurrar." "[english]npc.biker_generic59" "Francis: I hate whispering." "npc.biker_generic60" "Francis: Ge-nial. Un túnel." "[english]npc.biker_generic60" "Francis: Fantastic. A tunnel." "npc.biker_generic61" "Francis: ¿Quién coño me ha dado OTRA VEZ?" "[english]npc.biker_generic61" "Francis: Who the hell shot me AGAIN?" "npc.biker_generic62" "Francis: Esto no significa nada. Es todo de boquilla." "[english]npc.biker_generic62" "Francis: Don't think this means anything. This is just pillow talk baby." "npc.biker_generic63" "Francis: Dabuten." "[english]npc.biker_generic63" "Francis: Groovy." "npc.biker_generic64" "Francis: ¿A qué tanta risa? Es dabuten." "[english]npc.biker_generic64" "Francis: What's so funny? It is groovy." "npc.biker_generic65" "Francis: ¿Qué?" "[english]npc.biker_generic65" "Francis: What?" "npc.biker_generic66" "Francis: En serio, ¿qué?" "[english]npc.biker_generic66" "Francis: Seriousy, what?" "npc.biker_generic67" "Francis: Siempre quise ser poli." "[english]npc.biker_generic67" "Francis: I always wanted to be a cop." "npc.biker_generic68" "Francis: Si un poli te dice que hagas algo, lo haces." "[english]npc.biker_generic68" "Francis: Most people'll do anything if a cop tells 'em to." "npc.biker_generic69" "Francis: Hay que decirle a la gente que somos polis." "[english]npc.biker_generic69" "Francis: Trust me. Just tell everybody we're cops." "npc.biker_generic70" "Francis: Si pregunta alguien, somos polis." "[english]npc.biker_generic70" "Francis: If we meet anyone. Tell 'em we're cops." "npc.biker_generic71" "Francis: Hazme caso." "[english]npc.biker_generic71" "Francis: Trust me." "npc.biker_generic73" "Francis: ¿De que os reís?" "[english]npc.biker_generic73" "Francis: What's so funny?" "npc.biker_genericdirections01" "Francis: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections01" "Francis: Up the stairs!" "npc.biker_genericdirections02" "Francis: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections02" "Francis: Down the stairs!" "npc.biker_genericdirections03" "Francis: ¡Subamos por la escalera!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections03" "Francis: Let's get up that ladder!" "npc.biker_genericdirections04" "Francis: ¡Tenemos que bajar por ahí!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections04" "Francis: We need to go down there!" "npc.biker_genericdirections05" "Francis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections05" "Francis: Through here!" "npc.biker_genericdirections06" "Francis: ¡Por esta puerta!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections06" "Francis: Through this door!" "npc.biker_genericdirections07" "Francis: Hay que salir fuera." "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections07" "Francis: We need to get outside." "npc.biker_genericdirections08" "Francis: Salgamos de las calles." "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections08" "Francis: We gotta get off the street." "npc.biker_genericdirections09" "Francis: Hay que volver a los tejados." "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections09" "Francis: We gotta get back to the rooftops." "npc.biker_genericdirections10" "Francis: ¡Aquí atrás!" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections10" "Francis: Back here!" "npc.biker_genericdirections11" "Francis: Hay que pasar por encima." "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections11" "Francis: We gotta get over this thing." "npc.biker_genericdirections12" "Francis: Bill, ¿es que tengo que subirte en brazos?" "[english]npc.biker_genericdirections12" "Francis: Bill, do I gotta carry you up these damn stairs?" "npc.biker_genericresponses01" "Francis: Bueno, ya lo superarás." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses01" "Francis: Yeah, well, get over it." "npc.biker_genericresponses02" "Francis: ¿Qué?" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses02" "Francis: What?" "npc.biker_genericresponses03" "Francis: Estás de coña, ¿no?" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses03" "Francis: Yer kidding, right?" "npc.biker_genericresponses04" "Francis: ¿Por qué no?" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses04" "Francis: Sure, why not?" "npc.biker_genericresponses05" "Francis: ¿De qué coño estás hablando?" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses05" "Francis: What the hell are you talkin' about?" "npc.biker_genericresponses06" "Francis: Pues vale." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses06" "Francis: I'll say." "npc.biker_genericresponses07" "Francis: Si tú lo dices..." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses07" "Francis: If you say so." "npc.biker_genericresponses08" "Francis: No me suena mal." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses08" "Francis: That sounds about right." "npc.biker_genericresponses09" "Francis: De acuerdo, hagámoslo." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses09" "Francis: Allright, then, let's do it." "npc.biker_genericresponses10" "Francis: Bien pensado." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses10" "Francis: Good thinking." "npc.biker_genericresponses11" "Francis: Ya estamos otra vez." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses11" "Francis: Ah shit, here we go again." "npc.biker_genericresponses12" "Francis: Que te den." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses12" "Francis: Go to hell." "npc.biker_genericresponses13" "Francis: Hagámoslo." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses13" "Francis: I say we just do it." "npc.biker_genericresponses14" "Francis: Levantad la mano si os parece una buena idea." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses14" "Francis: Hey everybody, raise your hand if you think that's a good idea." "npc.biker_genericresponses15" "Francis: Estás seguro, ¿no?" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses15" "Francis: You're sure about this, right?" "npc.biker_genericresponses16" "Francis: Vale..." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses16" "Francis: Okay..." "npc.biker_genericresponses17" "Francis: Oh, sí." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses17" "Francis: Hell yes." "npc.biker_genericresponses18" "Francis: ¡Soy Francis!" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses18" "Francis: It's Francis!" "npc.biker_genericresponses19" "Francis: Vamos, tío, ¡soy Francis!" "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses19" "Francis: Come on, man, it's Francis!" "npc.biker_genericresponses20" "Francis: Ni puta idea." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses20" "Francis: Hell if I know." "npc.biker_genericresponses21" "Francis: Casi que ocúpate tú." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses21" "Francis: I'm gonna let you handle that." "npc.biker_genericresponses22" "Francis: Mira, tienes razón." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses22" "Francis: That's actually a good point." "npc.biker_genericresponses23" "Francis: Seguro, tío." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses23" "Francis: Sure thing, bro." "npc.biker_genericresponses24" "Francis: No te escucho..." "[english]npc.biker_genericresponses24" "Francis: I'm not listenin' to you..." "npc.biker_gettingrevived01" "Francis: Eh, estoy bien." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived01" "Francis: I'm okay." "npc.biker_gettingrevived02" "Francis: No, no, estoy bien." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived02" "Francis: No, no, I'm all right." "npc.biker_gettingrevived03" "Francis: [Gruñido]" "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived03" "Francis: [Groan]" "npc.biker_gettingrevived04" "Francis: Ni puta idea." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived04" "Francis: Hell if I know." "npc.biker_gettingrevived05" "Francis: Hey, ¿esta sangre es mía?" "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived05" "Francis: Ah, hey, is this my blood?" "npc.biker_gettingrevived06" "Francis: [Gruñido]" "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived06" "Francis: [Groan]" "npc.biker_gettingrevived07" "Francis: Me apañaré." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived07" "Francis: I'll make it." "npc.biker_gettingrevived08" "Francis: Viviré, en serio." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived08" "Francis: I'll live, I'll live." "npc.biker_gettingrevived09" "Francis: ¿Cómo tengo la cara?" "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived09" "Francis: Uh, how's my face?" "npc.biker_gettingrevived10" "Francis: Me las he visto mejores." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived10" "Francis: I've been better." "npc.biker_gettingrevived11" "Francis: Si caigo en combate, seguid sin mí. Buscad ayuda, y volved a salvarme." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived11" "Francis: If I go down, promise you'll go on without me, get help, then come back and save me." "npc.biker_gettingrevived12" "Francis: ¿Nos llamarán héroes? Estamos salvando a la humanidad, ¿no? O sea, sólo a cuatro personas, pero también cuenta." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived12" "Francis: You think they'll call us heroes someday? We are savin' humanity, right? A very small, four-person chunk of it, but still." "npc.biker_gettingrevived13" "Francis: Mierda. Espero no NECESITAR esa sangre." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived13" "Francis: Shit. I hope I don't NEED all that blood." "npc.biker_gettingrevived14" "Francis: Menos mal que soy indestructible." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived14" "Francis: Good thing I'm indestructible." "npc.biker_gettingrevived15" "Francis: Deberías... ver a los otros cien." "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived15" "Francis: You should see the other hundred guys." "npc.biker_gettingrevived16" "Francis: ¿Nos llamarán héroes algún día?" "[english]npc.biker_gettingrevived16" "Francis: You think they'll call us heroes someday?" "player.biker_goingtodie01" "Francis: No me encuentro muy bien." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie01" "Francis: I don't feel so good." "player.biker_goingtodie02" "Francis: No creo [respiración] no creo que lo consiga." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie02" "Francis: I don't - I don't know if I am going to make it." "player.biker_goingtodie03" "Francis: Tío... estoy peor... que tu careto." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie03" "Francis: Man, I feel like you guys look." "player.biker_goingtodie04" "Francis: No... no es mi mejor día." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie04" "Francis: I've - I've felt better." "player.biker_goingtodie05" "Francis: Este parece uno de esos días en que..." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie05" "Francis: This is turning into one of those days" "player.biker_goingtodie06" "Francis: Sin duda no es mi mejor día." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie06" "Francis: I have definitely felt better." "player.biker_goingtodie07" "Francis: Necesito unos arreglitos." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie07" "Francis: I need to get patched up." "player.biker_goingtodie08" "Francis: Me duele hasta el ojete." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie08" "Francis: Even my ass hurts." "player.biker_goingtodie09" "Francis: Esto empieza a superarme." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie09" "Francis: This is startin' to get to me." "player.biker_goingtodie10" "Francis: No creo que dure mucho más." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie10" "Francis: I ain't gonna make it much further." "player.biker_goingtodie11" "Francis: No quiero parecer una... nenaza, pero duele mucho." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie11" "Francis: I don't wanna sound like a sissy, but I'm hurt bad." "player.biker_goingtodie12" "Francis: Creo que estoy bastante jodido." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie12" "Francis: I think I'm pretty screwed up." "player.biker_goingtodie13" "Francis: Duele." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie13" "Francis: I'm hurtin'." "player.biker_goingtodie14" "Francis: Joder, estoy hecho polvo." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie14" "Francis: Dammit, I am messed up." "player.biker_goingtodie15" "Francis: Mierda, esto escuece." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie15" "Francis: Shit, this just hurts." "player.biker_goingtodie16" "Francis: Oh, madre mía, cómo duele." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie16" "Francis: Oooh mama, this hurts." "player.biker_goingtodie17" "Francis: Estoy fatal." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie17" "Francis: I feel terrible." "player.biker_goingtodie18" "Francis: Dios, estoy fatal." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie18" "Francis: God, I feel awful." "player.biker_goingtodie19" "Francis: Oh, creo que voy a potar." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie19" "Francis: I think I'm gonna puke." "player.biker_goingtodie20" "Francis: Me siento como una... mierda y un poco grogui. Grogui, que divertido..." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie20" "Francis: I'm feelin' pretty shitty and a little woozy. The woozy is kinda fun." "player.biker_goingtodie21" "Francis: Mieeeerda, no lo conseguiré." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie21" "Francis: Sheeet, I ain't gonna make it." "player.biker_goingtodie22" "Francis: Ay, mierda, duele." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie22" "Francis: Shit, I just hurt." "player.biker_goingtodie23" "Francis: Estoy hecho mierda." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie23" "Francis: I feel like shit." "player.biker_goingtodie24" "Francis: La he cagado bien." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie24" "Francis: I ain't doing so good." "player.biker_goingtodie25" "Francis: Estoy destrozado." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie25" "Francis: I feel pretty crappy." "player.biker_goingtodie26" "Francis: Me siento como si me hubieran dado una manta de palos." "[english]player.biker_goingtodie26" "Francis: I feel like guys look after I've punched them in the face." "npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Francis: ¿Alguien tiene un botiquín? La estoy palmando." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Francis: Anyone have some first aid? I'm about to die." "npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Francis: No estaría mal tener un botiquín..." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Francis: Sure could use a med kit. Just sayin'." "npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Francis: ¿Puede curarme alguien?" "[english]npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Francis: Can anyone patch me up?" "npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Francis: Aahh - ¿alguien quiere curarme?" "[english]npc.biker_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Francis: Ahh - hey, somone wanna patch me up?" "npc.biker_goingtodielight01" "Francis: Mierda..." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight01" "Francis: Shit..." "npc.biker_goingtodielight02" "Francis: Necesito una cura." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight02" "Francis: I gotta get some first aid." "npc.biker_goingtodielight03" "Francis: Necesito un botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight03" "Francis: I need to score a med kit." "npc.biker_goingtodielight04" "Francis: Ah, joder, cómo duele." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight04" "Francis: Ah christ this hurts like hell." "npc.biker_goingtodielight05" "Francis: Necesito un botiquín joder." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight05" "Francis: Christ, I need a med kit." "npc.biker_goingtodielight06" "Francis: No lo conseguiré." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight06" "Francis: I ain't gonna make it." "npc.biker_goingtodielight07" "Francis: ¡Jo-der, cómo duele!" "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight07" "Francis: Goddammit, this hurts." "npc.biker_goingtodielight08" "Francis: Louis, ¿me puedes pasar un botiquín?" "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight08" "Francis: Louis, any chance you can spot me a med kit?" "npc.biker_goingtodielight09" "Francis: Bill, casi que necesito tu botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight09" "Francis: Bill, I kinda need that med kit you been hordin'." "npc.biker_goingtodielight10" "Francis: Zoey, ¿le prestas un botiquín al moribundo?" "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight10" "Francis: Hey Zoey, spare a med kit for a dyin' man?" "npc.biker_goingtodielight11" "Francis: No pienso dejar que esos putos vampiros me machaquen." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight11" "Francis: I ain't gonna let these goddamn vampires beat me." "npc.biker_goingtodielight12" "Francis: ¡Ah! Dios BENDITO." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight12" "Francis: Ow. God DAMMIT!" "npc.biker_goingtodielight13" "Francis: Ah, tío, algo no anda bien." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight13" "Francis: Ah man, somethin' don't feel right" "npc.biker_goingtodielight14" "Francis: Me [tos] duele." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight14" "Francis: This hurts." "npc.biker_goingtodielight15" "Francis: Estoy muy mal." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight15" "Francis: I'm pretty hosed." "npc.biker_goingtodielight16" "Francis: Muerte por vampiros. Pero qué desgracia." "[english]npc.biker_goingtodielight16" "Francis: Killed by vampires. What a goddamn disgrace." "npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker01" "Francis: ¡No, no, noooo!" "[english]npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker01" "Francis: No, no, NOOOO!" "player.biker_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Francis: ¡No, NO!" "[english]player.biker_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Francis: no, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Francis: ¡NOOOO!" "[english]npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Francis: NOOOO!" "npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker02" "Francis: ¡No, no, no, noooo!" "[english]npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker02" "Francis: No, no, no, NOOOO!" "player.biker_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Francis: ¡No, No, NO!" "[english]player.biker_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Francis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Francis: ¡NOOOO!" "[english]npc.biker_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Francis: NOOOO!" "player.biker_grabbedbysmoker03" "Francis: ¡No, no, no, noooo!" "[english]player.biker_grabbedbysmoker03" "Francis: No, No, NO, NO!!!" "player.biker_grenade01" "Francis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade01" "Francis: GRENADE!" "player.biker_grenade02" "Francis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade02" "Francis: GRENADE!" "player.biker_grenade03" "Francis: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade03" "Francis: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "player.biker_grenade04" "Francis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade04" "Francis: GRENADE!" "player.biker_grenade05" "Francis: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade05" "Francis: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "player.biker_grenade06" "Francis: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.biker_grenade06" "Francis: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric01" "Francis: Está muerta." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric01" "Francis: She's dead." "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric02" "Francis: Ha muerto." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric02" "Francis: She's gone." "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric03" "Francis: Joder, está muerta." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric03" "Francis: Ah hell, she's dead." "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric04" "Francis: Está muerta." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric04" "Francis: She's dead." "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric05" "Francis: Ha... ha muerto." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric05" "Francis: She's, she's gone." "player.biker_grieffemalegeneric06" "Francis: Joder, está muerta." "[english]player.biker_grieffemalegeneric06" "Francis: Ah hell, she's dead." "player.biker_griefmalegeneric01" "Francis: Está muerto." "[english]player.biker_griefmalegeneric01" "Francis: He's gone." "player.biker_griefmalegeneric02" "Francis: La ha palmado." "[english]player.biker_griefmalegeneric02" "Francis: That's it for him." "player.biker_griefmalegeneric03" "Francis: Hermano, te echaremos de menos." "[english]player.biker_griefmalegeneric03" "Francis: Later, brother. You will be missed." "player.biker_griefmalegeneric04" "Francis: La ha palmado." "[english]player.biker_griefmalegeneric04" "Francis: That's it for him." "npc.biker_griefmalegeneric05" "Francis: Descansa en paz, tío." "[english]npc.biker_griefmalegeneric05" "Francis: Rest in peace, brother." "player.biker_griefmanager01" "Francis: Aaah, el dire ha pasado a mejor vida." "[english]player.biker_griefmanager01" "Francis: Ahhh. the manager's down for the count." "player.biker_griefmanager02" "Francis: Mierda, empezaba a gustarme este tío." "[english]player.biker_griefmanager02" "Francis: Ah shit, I was just starting to like that guy." "player.biker_griefmanager03" "Francis: Joder, no se lo merecía." "[english]player.biker_griefmanager03" "Francis: Damn it, he didn't deserve this." "player.biker_griefmanager04" "Francis: El dire ya no está con nosotros." "[english]player.biker_griefmanager04" "Francis: The manager's down for the count." "player.biker_griefmanager05" "Francis: Mierda, empezaba a cogerle cariño." "[english]player.biker_griefmanager05" "Francis: Shit, I was just starting to like that guy." "player.biker_griefteengirl01" "Francis: Oh Zoey. No." "[english]player.biker_griefteengirl01" "Francis: Ahh, Zoey. No." "player.biker_griefteengirl02" "Francis: Oh joder, Zoey no." "[english]player.biker_griefteengirl02" "Francis: Ahh damnit, not Zoey." "player.biker_griefteengirl03" "Francis: Puta mierda, Zoey está muerta." "[english]player.biker_griefteengirl03" "Francis: Goddamn, Zoey's dead!" "player.biker_griefvet01" "Francis: Bill ha muerto." "[english]player.biker_griefvet01" "Francis: Bill's gone!" "player.biker_griefvet02" "Francis: Descansa en paz, viejo." "[english]player.biker_griefvet02" "Francis: Rest in peace, old man." "player.biker_griefvet03" "Francis: Oh mierda, echaré de menos al viejo." "[english]player.biker_griefvet03" "Francis: Shit, I'm gonna miss the old guy." "npc.biker_healother01" "Francis: Yo te remiendo." "[english]npc.biker_healother01" "Francis: Lemme patch you up." "npc.biker_healother02" "Francis: Espera, deja que te apañe." "[english]npc.biker_healother02" "Francis: Hold on, lemme patch you up." "npc.biker_healother03" "Francis: No te muevas, yo te curaré." "[english]npc.biker_healother03" "Francis: Stand still, I'm gonna fix ya." "npc.biker_healother04" "Francis: No te muevas, que te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healother04" "Francis: Don't move, I'm healin' ya." "npc.biker_healother05" "Francis: Vamos, deja que te cure." "[english]npc.biker_healother05" "Francis: C'mon. Lemme heal ya up." "npc.biker_healother06" "Francis: Deja de retorcerte y te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healother06" "Francis: Quit fidgitin' and let me heal ya." "npc.biker_healother07" "Francis: Joder, deja de moverte y te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healother07" "Francis: Goddamit, quit fussin and let me heal ya." "npc.biker_healothercombat01" "Francis: ¡Espera! ¡Espera!" "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat01" "Francis: Hold on! Hold on!" "npc.biker_healothercombat02" "Francis: ¡Espera! ¡Voy a curarte!" "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat02" "Francis: Hold on! I'm gonna patch ya up!" "npc.biker_healothercombat03" "Francis: No te muevas, que te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat03" "Francis: Don't move, I'm healin' ya!" "npc.biker_healothercombat04" "Francis: No te muevas, que te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat04" "Francis: Don't go nowhere, I gotta heal ya." "npc.biker_healothercombat05" "Francis: Deja que te cure." "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat05" "Francis: Lemme heal ya!" "npc.biker_healothercombat06" "Francis: Espera, ya te tengo." "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat06" "Francis: Hang on. I got ya!" "npc.biker_healothercombat07" "Francis: Ahí quieto, yo te curo." "[english]npc.biker_healothercombat07" "Francis: Stand still, I'm healin' ya!" "player.biker_heardboomer01" "Francis: Hay un Boomer ahí fuera." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer01" "Francis: I hear a Boomer out there." "player.biker_heardboomer02" "Francis: Cuidado, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer02" "Francis: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "player.biker_heardboomer03" "Francis: Hay un Boomer rondando." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer03" "Francis: There's a Boomer around here." "player.biker_heardboomer04" "Francis: Ojito, hay un Boomer." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer04" "Francis: Watch it, we got a Boomer." "player.biker_heardboomer05" "Francis: ¿Oís al Boomer? Voy a patearle el culo." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer05" "Francis: Hear that Boomer? I'm gonna kill its ass." "player.biker_heardboomer06" "Francis: Oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.biker_heardboomer06" "Francis: I hear a Boomer." "npc.biker_heardboomer07" "Francis: ¿Alguien quería pota? Oigo un Boomer." "[english]npc.biker_heardboomer07" "Francis: Get ready for some puke fun, I hear a Boomer." "npc.biker_heardboomer08" "Francis: Hay un Boomer." "[english]npc.biker_heardboomer08" "Francis: Boomer's around." "npc.biker_heardboomer09" "Francis: Mierda, oigo un Boomer." "[english]npc.biker_heardboomer09" "Francis: Ah shit, I hear a Boomer." "npc.biker_heardboomer10" "Francis: Preparaos, tenemos un vomitón por aquí." "[english]npc.biker_heardboomer10" "Francis: Get ready for some fun, we got a puker on our hands." "player.biker_heardhulk01" "Francis: ¡OOH, HAY UN TANK!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk01" "Francis: WHOOO, WE GOT A TANK!" "player.biker_heardhulk02" "Francis: ¡HAY UN TANK!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk02" "Francis: WE GOT A TANK!" "player.biker_heardhulk03" "Francis: ¡LLEGA UN TANK!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk03" "Francis: TANK INCOMING!" "player.biker_heardhulk04" "Francis: ¡VIENE UN TANK!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk04" "Francis: TANK ON ITS WAY!" "player.biker_heardhulk05" "Francis: ¡HAY UN TANK!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk05" "Francis: WE GOT A TANK!" "player.biker_heardhulk06" "Francis: ¡Un Tank fuera!" "[english]player.biker_heardhulk06" "Francis: Tank out there!" "npc.biker_heardhulk07" "Francis: ¡VIENE UN TANK!" "[english]npc.biker_heardhulk07" "Francis: TANK COMING!" "npc.biker_heardhulk08" "Francis: Niños, eso es un Tank." "[english]npc.biker_heardhulk08" "Francis: And that, kids, is a Tank." "npc.biker_heardhulk09" "Francis: ¡Tíos, un Tank!" "[english]npc.biker_heardhulk09" "Francis: Tank time, folks!" "npc.biker_heardhulk10" "Francis: ¡JOOOO-DEEEEER, UN TANK!" "[english]npc.biker_heardhulk10" "Francis: OOOOHHH SHIIIITTTT TANK!" "npc.biker_heardhulk11" "Francis: ¡Cuidado, es un Tank!" "[english]npc.biker_heardhulk11" "Francis: Watch it, a Tank!" "player.biker_heardhunter01" "Francis: Hay un Hunter ahí fuera." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter01" "Francis: There's a Hunter out there." "player.biker_heardhunter02" "Francis: Cuidado, hay un Hunter rondando." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter02" "Francis: Careful, there's a Hunter around here." "player.biker_heardhunter03" "Francis: Oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter03" "Francis: I hear a Hunter." "player.biker_heardhunter04" "Francis: Cuidado, hay un Hunter rondando." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter04" "Francis: Careful, there's a Hunter around here." "player.biker_heardhunter05" "Francis: Suena como un Hunter." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter05" "Francis: Sounds like a freakin' Hunter." "player.biker_heardhunter06" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter fuera!" "[english]player.biker_heardhunter06" "Francis: Hunter out there." "player.biker_heardhunter07" "Francis: Hay un Hunter fisgando por aquí." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter07" "Francis: There's a Hunter someplace around here." "player.biker_heardhunter08" "Francis: Oigo un Hunter. ¡DA LA CARA, COBARDE!" "[english]player.biker_heardhunter08" "Francis: I hear a Hunter. COME ON OUT, WUSSY!" "player.biker_heardhunter09" "Francis: ¡SÍ, MEJOR QUE TE ESCONDAS! Puto cobarde con chandal." "[english]player.biker_heardhunter09" "Francis: YEAH, YOU BETTER HIDE! Sweatshirt wearin' little wuss." "player.biker_heardsmoker01" "Francis: Tío, hay un Smoker rondando." "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker01" "Francis: Man, there's a Smoker around here." "player.biker_heardsmoker02" "Francis: ¿Hueles al Smoker?" "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker02" "Francis: Smell that Smoker?" "player.biker_heardsmoker03" "Francis: Smoker. ¿Lo oyes?" "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker03" "Francis: Smoker. Hear it?" "player.biker_heardsmoker04" "Francis: Oigo un Smoker." "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker04" "Francis: I hear a Smoker." "player.biker_heardsmoker05" "Francis: Parece un Smoker." "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker05" "Francis: Sounds like a Smoker." "player.biker_heardsmoker06" "Francis: Un Smoker. Jaja. Le va a faltar lengua para sacarse mi bota del culo." "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker06" "Francis: Smoker. He's gonna have to use that tongue to choke my foot out of his ass." "player.biker_heardsmoker07" "Francis: Suena como un Smoker." "[english]player.biker_heardsmoker07" "Francis: Sounds like a Smoker." "player.biker_heardwitch01" "Francis: Oigo una Witch." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch01" "Francis: I hear a Witch." "player.biker_heardwitch02" "Francis: ¡Ah, una Witch... y muy cerca!" "[english]player.biker_heardwitch02" "Francis: Witch, and she's close!" "player.biker_heardwitch03" "Francis: Hay una Witch rondando." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch03" "Francis: There's a Witch around here." "player.biker_heardwitch04" "Francis: ¡Eh, una Witch... parece cerca!" "[english]player.biker_heardwitch04" "Francis: Witch, and she's close!" "player.biker_heardwitch05" "Francis: ¿Oyes a la Witch? Le voy a dar motivos para llorar." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch05" "Francis: Hear that Witch? I'm gonna give her something to cry about." "player.biker_heardwitch06" "Francis: Sssh, oigo una Witch." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch06" "Francis: Shhh, I hear a Witch." "player.biker_heardwitch07" "Francis: Hay una Witch por aquí." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch07" "Francis: There's a Witch around here." "player.biker_heardwitch08" "Francis: Oigo una Witch." "[english]player.biker_heardwitch08" "Francis: I hear a Witch." "player.biker_help01" "Francis: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_help01" "Francis: Help!" "player.biker_help02" "Francis: ¡Echadme una mano aquí!" "[english]player.biker_help02" "Francis: I need some help over here." "player.biker_help03" "Francis: ¡Tengo problemas!" "[english]player.biker_help03" "Francis: I'm in trouble!" "player.biker_help04" "Francis: ¡Joder, necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_help04" "Francis: Dammit, I need some help" "player.biker_help05" "Francis: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.biker_help05" "Francis: Help me!" "player.biker_help06" "Francis: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_help06" "Francis: Help!" "player.biker_help07" "Francis: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.biker_help07" "Francis: Help me!" "player.biker_help08" "Francis: ¡Tengo problemas!" "[english]player.biker_help08" "Francis: I'm in some trouble!" "player.biker_help09" "Francis: Necesito ayuda por aquí." "[english]player.biker_help09" "Francis: I need some help over here." "player.biker_help10" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_help10" "Francis: Hey! I need some help!" "player.biker_help11" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_help11" "Francis: Hey! I need some help!" "player.biker_help12" "Francis: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.biker_help12" "Francis: Help me!" "player.biker_help13" "Francis: Me vendría bien una mano." "[english]player.biker_help13" "Francis: I need a hand over here!" "player.biker_help14" "Francis: Tengo un problemilla por aquí." "[english]player.biker_help14" "Francis: I'm in a little trouble over here!" "player.biker_help15" "Francis: Joder, echadme una mano." "[english]player.biker_help15" "Francis: Dammit, I need some help." "npc.biker_hordeattack01" "Francis: ¡Ya vienen!" "[english]npc.biker_hordeattack01" "Francis: We got incoming!" "npc.biker_hordeattack02" "Francis: ¡Joder, ya vienen!" "[english]npc.biker_hordeattack02" "Francis: Holy shit, incoming!" "npc.biker_hordeattack03" "Francis: *Eso* es un huevo de zombies." "[english]npc.biker_hordeattack03" "Francis: THAT is a lot of zombies." "npc.biker_hordeattack04" "Francis: *Eso* es un huevo de vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_hordeattack04" "Francis: THAT is a lot of vampires." "npc.biker_hordeattack05" "Francis: Eso, amigos, es un huevo de zombies." "[english]npc.biker_hordeattack05" "Francis: THAT, my friends, is a shitload of zombies." "npc.biker_hunterbillpounced01" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter tiene a Bill!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterbillpounced01" "Francis: Hunter's got Bill!" "npc.biker_hunterbillpounced02" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter sobre Bill!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterbillpounced02" "Francis: Hunter's on Bill!" "npc.biker_hunterlouispounced01" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter tiene a Louis!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterlouispounced01" "Francis: Hunter's got Louis!" "npc.biker_hunterlouispounced02" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter sobre Louis!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterlouispounced02" "Francis: Hunter on Louis!" "npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced01" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter tiene a Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced01" "Francis: Hunter's got Zoey!" "npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced02" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter sobre Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced02" "Francis: Hunter on Zoey!" "npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced03" "Francis: ¡Hey! ¡Un Hunter tiene a Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_hunterzoeypounced03" "Francis: Hey, Hunter's got Zoey!" "player.biker_hurrah01" "Francis: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah01" "Francis: All right." "player.biker_hurrah02" "Francis: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah02" "Francis: Aw riiiight." "player.biker_hurrah03" "Francis: ¡Sublime!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah03" "Francis: Awesome." "player.biker_hurrah04" "Francis: ¡Colosal!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah04" "Francis: Awesome." "player.biker_hurrah05" "Francis: Parece que al fin escaparemos." "[english]player.biker_hurrah05" "Francis: We just might make it out of here after all." "player.biker_hurrah06" "Francis: Vamos a conseguirlo." "[english]player.biker_hurrah06" "Francis: We're gonna be okay." "player.biker_hurrah07" "Francis: Creo que vamos a lograrlo." "[english]player.biker_hurrah07" "Francis: I think we're gonna make it." "player.biker_hurrah08" "Francis: No nos detendrán." "[english]player.biker_hurrah08" "Francis: They can't stop us." "player.biker_hurrah09" "Francis: Nada nos detendrá." "[english]player.biker_hurrah09" "Francis: Nothing can stop us." "player.biker_hurrah10" "Francis: ¡Guau, somos imparables!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah10" "Francis: We are unstoppable!" "player.biker_hurrah11" "Francis: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah11" "Francis: YEAH!" "player.biker_hurrah12" "Francis: ¿Os divertís tanto como yo?" "[english]player.biker_hurrah12" "Francis: Everybody havin' as much fun as me?" "player.biker_hurrah13" "Francis: ¿Os divertís?" "[english]player.biker_hurrah13" "Francis: Everyone havin' fun?" "player.biker_hurrah14" "Francis: ¿Veis a esos engendros? No creo que nos superen." "[english]player.biker_hurrah14" "Francis: You know all those monsters? I don't think they're gonna make it." "player.biker_hurrah15" "Francis: Parece que al fin escaparemos de aquí." "[english]player.biker_hurrah15" "Francis: We just might make it out of here after all." "player.biker_hurrah16" "Francis: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah16" "Francis: Awesome." "player.biker_hurrah17" "Francis: ¡Qué bien!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah17" "Francis: Aw riiiight." "player.biker_hurrah18" "Francis: ¡De fábula!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah18" "Francis: Aw riiiight." "player.biker_hurrah19" "Francis: ¡Menuda pasada!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah19" "Francis: Goddamn right!" "player.biker_hurrah20" "Francis: ¡Oooh sí!" "[english]player.biker_hurrah20" "Francis: Hell yeah!" "player.biker_hurrah21" "Francis: Tíos, sois la hostia." "[english]player.biker_hurrah21" "Francis: You guys are all right." "player.biker_hurrah22" "Francis: Creo que lo lograremos." "[english]player.biker_hurrah22" "Francis: I think we got a chance." "player.biker_hurrah23" "Francis: Qué bien." "[english]player.biker_hurrah23" "Francis: Lookin' good." "player.biker_hurrah24" "Francis: Eh, esto empieza a estar bien." "[english]player.biker_hurrah24" "Francis: Hey, this is just gettin' fun." "player.biker_hurryup01" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup01" "Francis: Hurry up!" "player.biker_hurryup02" "Francis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup02" "Francis: Hurry up!" "player.biker_hurryup03" "Francis: ¡Corred!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup03" "Francis: Hurry!" "player.biker_hurryup04" "Francis: MOVEOS." "[english]player.biker_hurryup04" "Francis: MOVE." "player.biker_hurryup05" "Francis: ¡Vamos, nenazas!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup05" "Francis: Let's go, ladies!" "player.biker_hurryup06" "Francis: ¡Dadle algo de marcha!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup06" "Francis: Put your rear in gear!" "player.biker_hurryup07" "Francis: ¡Moved el culo!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup07" "Francis: Move your ass!" "player.biker_hurryup08" "Francis: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup08" "Francis: Let's go, let's go!" "player.biker_hurryup09" "Francis: ¡Venga, vamos!" "[english]player.biker_hurryup09" "Francis: Come on, let's go!" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical01\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical02\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical03\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical04\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical05\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical06\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical07\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical08\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical09\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical10\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtcritical11\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor01\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor02\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor03\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor04\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor05\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor06\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor07\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor08\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor09\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor10\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtmajor11\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor01\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor02\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor03\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor04\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor05\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor06\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor07\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" //\"player.biker_hurtminor08\" \"Francis: [Pain]\" "player.biker_imwithyou01" "Francis: Yo te sigo." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou01" "Francis: Right behind you!" "player.biker_imwithyou02" "Francis: Yo te cubro." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou02" "Francis: I've got your back!" "player.biker_imwithyou03" "Francis: Yo te cubro." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou03" "Francis: I've got your back!" "player.biker_imwithyou04" "Francis: Te sigo." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou04" "Francis: I'm with ya!" "player.biker_imwithyou05" "Francis: Te sigo." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou05" "Francis: I'm with ya!" "player.biker_imwithyou06" "Francis: Detrás de ti." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou06" "Francis: Right behind you!" "player.biker_imwithyou07" "Francis: Te sigo." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou07" "Francis: I'm with ya!" "player.biker_imwithyou08" "Francis: Te cubriré." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou08" "Francis: I got your back!" "player.biker_imwithyou09" "Francis: Te sigo." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou09" "Francis: Behind you!" "player.biker_imwithyou10" "Francis: Estoy aquí." "[english]player.biker_imwithyou10" "Francis: I'm here!" "npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial01" "Francis: ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial01" "Francis: I'm down!" "npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial02" "Francis: Joder, me han dado." "[english]npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial02" "Francis: Dammit, I'm down." "npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial03" "Francis: Mierda, necesito ayuda." "[english]npc.biker_incapacitatedinitial03" "Francis: Shit, I need some help." "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury01" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury01" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury02" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury02" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury03" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury03" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury04" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury04" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury05" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury05" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incapacitatedinjury06" "Francis: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.biker_incapacitatedinjury06" "Francis: [Terrified yell]" "player.biker_incoming01" "Francis: ¡Ahí vienen!" "[english]player.biker_incoming01" "Francis: Here they come!" "player.biker_incoming02" "Francis: ¡Puta mierda, ya vienen!" "[english]player.biker_incoming02" "Francis: Holy shit, here they come!" "player.biker_incoming03" "Francis: ¡Ya llegan!" "[english]player.biker_incoming03" "Francis: They're coming!" "player.biker_incoming04" "Francis: ¡Qué vienen!" "[english]player.biker_incoming04" "Francis: Incoming!" "player.biker_incoming05" "Francis: ¡Preparaos, nenas!" "[english]player.biker_incoming05" "Francis: Get ready ladies!" "player.biker_incoming06" "Francis: ¡YA VIENEN!" "[english]player.biker_incoming06" "Francis: INCOMING!" "player.biker_incoming07" "Francis: Será divertido." "[english]player.biker_incoming07" "Francis: This is gonna be good." "player.biker_incoming08" "Francis: Mierda. ¡Preparaos!" "[english]player.biker_incoming08" "Francis: Shit, get ready!" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom01" "Francis: Hay que volver a salir fuera." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom01" "Francis: We gotta get back out there." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom02" "Francis: ¿Es que vamos a abandonar a alguien?" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom02" "Francis: Are we just gonna leave someone behind?" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom03" "Francis: Hay que curarse y salir de nuevo." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom03" "Francis: We gotta heal up and get back out there." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom04" "Francis: Ayudar es divertido." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom04" "Francis: Helpin' is half the fun." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom05" "Francis: No podemos dejar a Zoey ahí." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom05" "Francis: We can't leave Zoey out there." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom06" "Francis: El viejo no nos abandonaría a NOSOTROS." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom06" "Francis: That old man wouldn't leave one of US out there." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom07" "Francis: No sé, tío, no creo que necesitemos más banqueros." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom07" "Francis: I don't know man, I don't think we need any more bankers." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom08" "Francis: Bueno, dentro o fuera hay que matar zombies. ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom08" "Francis: Well shit, kill zombies in here or out there. Let's go." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom09" "Francis: Vamos, nenas, nos curamos y salimos de nuevo." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom09" "Francis: C'mon girls, let's heal up and get back out there." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom10" "Francis: Joder, no pienso quedarme aquí a esperar a que se mueran." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom10" "Francis: Ahh shit, I just can't sit here and wait for them to die." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom11" "Francis: Vamos a matar zombies." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom11" "Francis: Let's go kill some zombies." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom12" "Francis: Vamos a matar vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom12" "Francis: Let's go kill some vampires." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom13" "Francis: A la mierda. Vamos a cargarnos zombies." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom13" "Francis: Hell with this. Let's go kill some zombies." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom14" "Francis: Al cuerno. Vamos a cargarnos vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom14" "Francis: Screw this. Let's go kill some vampires." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom15" "Francis: Hey, vejestorio, ¡a moverse!" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom15" "Francis: Hey, Adult Diapers, move!" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom16" "Francis: Oye, corbatita, ¡ven aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom16" "Francis: Hey, Power Tie, get in here!" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom17" "Francis: Oye, guapa, ¡ven aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom17" "Francis: Hey, girl, get in here!" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom18" "Francis: Igual deberíamos ir a por Louis, no es por nada..." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom18" "Francis: We should maybe go get Louis. I'm just sayin'..." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom19" "Francis: ¿Vamos a dejar a Bill fuera?" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom19" "Francis: We just leavin' Bill out there?" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom20" "Francis: ¿Vamos a dejar a Zoey fuera?" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom20" "Francis: We gonna just leave Zoey out there?" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom21" "Francis: ¿Vamos a dejar a Louis fuera?" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom21" "Francis: We just leavin' Louis out there?" "npc.biker_insidesaferoom22" "Francis: Bueno, si os parece bien, por mí vale." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom22" "Francis: I mean, I'm cool with that if everyone else is." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom24" "Francis: Me aburro. Vamos a matar zombies." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom24" "Francis: I'm bored. Let's go kill some zombies." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom25" "Francis: Me aburro. Vamos a matar vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom25" "Francis: I'm bored. Let's go kill some vampires." "npc.biker_insidesaferoom26" "Francis: Oye, matusalén, ¡ven aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_insidesaferoom26" "Francis: Hey, Old Folks Home, get in here!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation01" "Francis: ¡Le di!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation01" "Francis: Got it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation02" "Francis: ¡Diana!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation02" "Francis: Nailed it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation03" "Francis: ¡Fuera!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation03" "Francis: Down!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation04" "Francis: Me lo pido." "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation04" "Francis: That's mine." "npc.biker_killconfirmation05" "Francis: ¡Muerto!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation05" "Francis: Dead!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation06" "Francis: ¡Le he dado!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation06" "Francis: Popped it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation07" "Francis: ¡Lo he reventado!" "[english]npc.biker_killconfirmation07" "Francis: Popped a cap in his ass!" "player.biker_killthatlight01" "Francis: ¡Esa luz!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight01" "Francis: Kill that light!" "player.biker_killthatlight02" "Francis: ¡La luz!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight02" "Francis: Kill that light!" "player.biker_killthatlight03" "Francis: ¡Esa luz!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight03" "Francis: Kill that light!" "player.biker_killthatlight04" "Francis: ¡Apagad la luz!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight04" "Francis: Turn your light off!" "player.biker_killthatlight05" "Francis: ¡Luces fuera!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight05" "Francis: Lights off!" "player.biker_killthatlight06" "Francis: ¡Las linternas!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight06" "Francis: Flashlights off!" "player.biker_killthatlight07" "Francis: ¡Apaga la luz!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight07" "Francis: Kill that light!" "player.biker_killthatlight08" "Francis: Apagad las linternas o nos verán." "[english]player.biker_killthatlight08" "Francis: Shut off your flashlight, they'll see us!" "player.biker_killthatlight09" "Francis: Apagad las luces." "[english]player.biker_killthatlight09" "Francis: Turn off your light." "player.biker_killthatlight10" "Francis: ¡Esas luces!" "[english]player.biker_killthatlight10" "Francis: No lights!" "npc.biker_laughter01" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter01" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter02" "Francis: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter02" "Francis: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter03" "Francis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter03" "Francis: [Snort]" "npc.biker_laughter04" "Francis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter04" "Francis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter05" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter05" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter06" "Francis: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter06" "Francis: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter07" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter07" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter08" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter08" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter09" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter09" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter10" "Francis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter10" "Francis: [Snort]" "npc.biker_laughter11" "Francis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter11" "Francis: [Short laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter12" "Francis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter12" "Francis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter13" "Francis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter13" "Francis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter14" "Francis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter14" "Francis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.biker_laughter15" "Francis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.biker_laughter15" "Francis: [Hearty laugh]" "player.biker_leadon01" "Francis: Te seguiré." "[english]player.biker_leadon01" "Francis: I'll follow you." "player.biker_leadon02" "Francis: Tú delante, yo te sigo." "[english]player.biker_leadon02" "Francis: You go ahead, I'll follow you." "player.biker_leadon03" "Francis: Tú ve al frente." "[english]player.biker_leadon03" "Francis: You take the lead." "player.biker_leadon04" "Francis: Guíame." "[english]player.biker_leadon04" "Francis: Go ahead." "player.biker_leadon05" "Francis: Tú delante." "[english]player.biker_leadon05" "Francis: Go ahead." "player.biker_leadon06" "Francis: Tras de ti." "[english]player.biker_leadon06" "Francis: After you." "player.biker_leadon07" "Francis: Os sigo, nenas." "[english]player.biker_leadon07" "Francis: After you, ladies." "player.biker_ledgehangend01" "Francis: ¡ME RESBALO! ¡SÚBEME!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend01" "Francis: I'M SLIPPING! PULL ME UP!" "player.biker_ledgehangend02" "Francis: ¡VEN A AYUDARME O ME CAERÉ!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend02" "Francis: GET OVER HERE OR I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.biker_ledgehangend03" "Francis: ¡NO AGUANTO MÁS... ME VOY A CAER!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend03" "Francis: I CAN'T HOLD ON - I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.biker_ledgehangend04" "Francis: ¡MIERDA, VOY A CAERME!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend04" "Francis: SHIT...I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.biker_ledgehangend05" "Francis: ¡VOY A CAERME!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend05" "Francis: I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.biker_ledgehangend06" "Francis: ¡NO AGUANTARÉ MÁS!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangend06" "Francis: I CAN'T HOLD ON!" "player.biker_ledgehangmiddle01" "Francis: ¡Vale, fuera coñas! ¡Mueve el culo aquí y súbeme!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangmiddle01" "Francis: Okay, joke's over, get your ass over here and pull me up!" "player.biker_ledgehangmiddle02" "Francis: ¡Qué alguien me suba ya!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangmiddle02" "Francis: Someone pull me up already!" "player.biker_ledgehangmiddle03" "Francis: No aguantaré aquí colgado mucho más." "[english]player.biker_ledgehangmiddle03" "Francis: I ain't gonna last hanging here much longer." "player.biker_ledgehangmiddle04" "Francis: ¡No estoy de broma! ¡Necesito ayuda ya!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangmiddle04" "Francis: I'm not screwing around, I really need some help over here!" "player.biker_ledgehangmiddle05" "Francis: Por el amor de Dios, subidme ya." "[english]player.biker_ledgehangmiddle05" "Francis: For chrissake, pull me up already." "player.biker_ledgehangstart01" "Francis: ¡Eh, necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart01" "Francis: Hey, I could use a hand." "player.biker_ledgehangstart02" "Francis: ¡Mueve el culo hasta aquí y ayúdame!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart02" "Francis: Get your ass over here and help me up." "player.biker_ledgehangstart03" "Francis: ¿No va nadie a echarme una mano?" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart03" "Francis: Someone want to help me out here?" "player.biker_ledgehangstart04" "Francis: ¡Hola! ¡Echadme una mano!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart04" "Francis: Hello. I could use a hand." "player.biker_ledgehangstart05" "Francis: ¿Va alguien a echarme una mano?" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart05" "Francis: Someone wanna give me a hand?" "player.biker_ledgehangstart06" "Francis: Estoy aquí colgado." "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart06" "Francis: I'm hanging here." "player.biker_ledgehangstart07" "Francis: No estoy colgado por gusto, ¡ven aquí y ayúdame ya!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart07" "Francis: I ain't hangin' here for fun, get over here and help me." "player.biker_ledgehangstart08" "Francis: ¡Eeh! Que necesito ayuda." "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart08" "Francis: Hey, I really need a hand." "player.biker_ledgehangstart09" "Francis: ¡Una mano me vendría bien!" "[english]player.biker_ledgehangstart09" "Francis: Could use a hand here." "player.biker_ledgesave01" "Francis: Venga, vamos, ya te tengo. Arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave01" "Francis: Come on, don't worry, I gotcha. Up you go." "player.biker_ledgesave02" "Francis: ¿Creías que iba a dejarte todo el día colgado? Vamos, arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave02" "Francis: You think I was gonna let you just hang around all day? Get your ass up here." "player.biker_ledgesave03" "Francis: ¿Crees que iba a dejarte colgado todo el día? Vamos, arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave03" "Francis: You think I was gonna let you just hang around all day? Get your ass up here." "player.biker_ledgesave04" "Francis: Venga, vamos, ya te tengo. Aaaarriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave04" "Francis: Come on, don't worry, I gotcha. Up you go." "player.biker_ledgesave05" "Francis: No te caerás, te tengo. Deja de lloriquear y mueve el culo hasta aquí arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave05" "Francis: You ain't gonna fall, I gotcha. Quit blubberin' ya little baby, now get your ass back up here." "player.biker_ledgesave06" "Francis: No te caerás, te tengo. Mueve el culo hasta aquí arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave06" "Francis: You ain't gonna fall, I gotcha. Get yer ass up here!" "player.biker_ledgesave07" "Francis: No te caerás, te tengo. Deja de lloriquear y mueve el culo hasta aquí arriba." "[english]player.biker_ledgesave07" "Francis: You ain't gonna fall, I gotcha. Quit blubberin' and get back up here." "player.biker_look01" "Francis: ¡Por ahí!" "[english]player.biker_look01" "Francis: Over there!" "player.biker_look02" "Francis: ¡Por ahí!" "[english]player.biker_look02" "Francis: Over there!" "player.biker_look03" "Francis: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.biker_look03" "Francis: Look!" "player.biker_look04" "Francis: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.biker_look04" "Francis: Look!" "player.biker_look05" "Francis: ¡Fijaos!" "[english]player.biker_look05" "Francis: Look!" "player.biker_lookhere01" "Francis: Fijaos en esto." "[english]player.biker_lookhere01" "Francis: Check this out." "player.biker_lookhere02" "Francis: Mirad esto." "[english]player.biker_lookhere02" "Francis: Look at this." "player.biker_lookhere03" "Francis: Mirad esto." "[english]player.biker_lookhere03" "Francis: Look at this." "player.biker_lookhere04" "Francis: Oh, coño, mirad esto." "[english]player.biker_lookhere04" "Francis: Well, hell, look at this." "player.biker_lookhere05" "Francis: Mirad aquí." "[english]player.biker_lookhere05" "Francis: Look here." "player.biker_lookhere06" "Francis: Que alguien eche un vistazo." "[english]player.biker_lookhere06" "Francis: Somebody better check this out." "player.biker_lookhere07" "Francis: ¿Qué coño es esto?" "[english]player.biker_lookhere07" "Francis: What the hell is this?" "player.biker_lookout01" "Francis: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.biker_lookout01" "Francis: Look out!" "player.biker_lookout02" "Francis: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.biker_lookout02" "Francis: Look out!" "player.biker_lookout03" "Francis: ¡Atención!" "[english]player.biker_lookout03" "Francis: Watch out!" "player.biker_lookout04" "Francis: ¡Alerta!" "[english]player.biker_lookout04" "Francis: Watch out!" "player.biker_lookout05" "Francis: ¡Estad atentos!" "[english]player.biker_lookout05" "Francis: Watch your ass!" "player.biker_lookout06" "Francis: ¡Ojito!" "[english]player.biker_lookout06" "Francis: Heads up!" "player.biker_lostcall01" "Francis: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.biker_lostcall01" "Francis: Hello?" "player.biker_lostcall02" "Francis: ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall02" "Francis: Where are you?" "player.biker_lostcall03" "Francis: ¿Dónde están todos?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall03" "Francis: Where is everyone?" "player.biker_lostcall04" "Francis: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall04" "Francis: Is anyone there?" "player.biker_lostcall05" "Francis: ¡Eoooo!" "[english]player.biker_lostcall05" "Francis: Marco!" "player.biker_lostcall06" "Francis: ¿Dónde estarán?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall06" "Francis: Where'dja guys go?" "player.biker_lostcall07" "Francis: ¿A dónde coño han ido todos?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall07" "Francis: Where the hell did everyone run off to?" "player.biker_lostcall08" "Francis: ¿Hola? ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.biker_lostcall08" "Francis: Hello? Where dija go?" "npc.biker_minifinalegetready01" "Francis: ¡Preparaos!" "[english]npc.biker_minifinalegetready01" "Francis: Get ready!" "npc.biker_minifinalegetready02" "Francis: ¡A por todas!" "[english]npc.biker_minifinalegetready02" "Francis: Bring it on!" "npc.biker_minifinalegetready03" "Francis: ¡Ahí vienen!" "[english]npc.biker_minifinalegetready03" "Francis: Here they come!" "npc.biker_minifinalegetready04" "Francis: ¡Ya vienen!" "[english]npc.biker_minifinalegetready04" "Francis: They're coming!" "player.biker_moveon01" "Francis: Está bien, vamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon01" "Francis: All right, let's go" "player.biker_moveon02" "Francis: Vamos, no tenemos todo el día." "[english]player.biker_moveon02" "Francis: Come on, we ain't got all day." "player.biker_moveon03" "Francis: Vamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon03" "Francis: Let's go." "player.biker_moveon04" "Francis: Continuemos." "[english]player.biker_moveon04" "Francis: Let's get moving." "player.biker_moveon05" "Francis: Sigamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon05" "Francis: Let's move." "player.biker_moveon06" "Francis: Poned el culo en marcha." "[english]player.biker_moveon06" "Francis: Get your asses in gear!" "player.biker_moveon07" "Francis: Hora de seguir, nenas." "[english]player.biker_moveon07" "Francis: Time to go, ladies." "player.biker_moveon08" "Francis: Vamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon08" "Francis: Let's go." "player.biker_moveon09" "Francis: Estoy cansado de esperar. Venga, vamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon09" "Francis: I'm tired of waitin' around here. Come on, let's go." "player.biker_moveon10" "Francis: Venga, vamos." "[english]player.biker_moveon10" "Francis: Come on, let's go." "player.biker_moveon11" "Francis: Vamos, avancemos." "[english]player.biker_moveon11" "Francis: Come on, let's move." "player.biker_moveon12" "Francis: Vamos, vamos, venga." "[english]player.biker_moveon12" "Francis: Come on,come on, let's go." "player.biker_namebill01" "Francis: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.biker_namebill01" "Francis: Bill!" "player.biker_namebill02" "Francis: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.biker_namebill02" "Francis: Billllll!" "player.biker_namebill03" "Francis: Bill." "[english]player.biker_namebill03" "Francis: Bill!" "player.biker_namelouis01" "Francis: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.biker_namelouis01" "Francis: Louis!" "player.biker_namelouis02" "Francis: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.biker_namelouis02" "Francis: Louissss!" "player.biker_namelouis03" "Francis: Louis." "[english]player.biker_namelouis03" "Francis: Louis!" "player.biker_namezoey01" "Francis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.biker_namezoey01" "Francis: Zoey!" "player.biker_namezoey02" "Francis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.biker_namezoey02" "Francis: Zoeyyyyy!" "player.biker_namezoey03" "Francis: Zoey." "[english]player.biker_namezoey03" "Francis: Zoey!" "player.biker_negativenoise01" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise01" "" "player.biker_negativenoise02" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise02" "" "player.biker_negativenoise03" "Francis: Aarg... Jesús..." "[english]player.biker_negativenoise03" "Francis: Gahh... Jesus..." "player.biker_negativenoise04" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise04" "" "player.biker_negativenoise05" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise05" "" "player.biker_negativenoise06" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise06" "" "player.biker_negativenoise07" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise07" "" "player.biker_negativenoise08" "" "[english]player.biker_negativenoise08" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming01" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming01" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming02" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming02" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming03" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming03" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming04" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming04" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming05" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming05" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming06" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming06" "" "player.biker_nervoushumming07" "" "[english]player.biker_nervoushumming07" "" "player.biker_nicejob01" "Francis: Bien." "[english]player.biker_nicejob01" "Francis: Nice." "player.biker_nicejob02" "Francis: Bien." "[english]player.biker_nicejob02" "Francis: Nice." "player.biker_nicejob03" "Francis: Bien hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob03" "Francis: Nice job." "player.biker_nicejob04" "Francis: Coño, que bien." "[english]player.biker_nicejob04" "Francis: Shit, that was all right." "player.biker_nicejob05" "Francis: Joder, que bien." "[english]player.biker_nicejob05" "Francis: Damn, not bad." "player.biker_nicejob06" "Francis: Bien hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob06" "Francis: Nice job." "player.biker_nicejob07" "Francis: Bien." "[english]player.biker_nicejob07" "Francis: Nice." "player.biker_nicejob08" "Francis: Bien hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob08" "Francis: Nice job." "player.biker_nicejob09" "Francis: Bien hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob09" "Francis: Nice job." "player.biker_nicejob10" "Francis: Buen trabajo." "[english]player.biker_nicejob10" "Francis: Nice work." "player.biker_nicejob11" "Francis: Joder, que bien lo hemos hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob11" "Francis: Well, shit, that was all right." "player.biker_nicejob12" "Francis: Qué buen trabajo." "[english]player.biker_nicejob12" "Francis: Nice damn job." "player.biker_nicejob13" "Francis: Joder, no está mal." "[english]player.biker_nicejob13" "Francis: Damn, not bad." "player.biker_nicejob14" "Francis: Toma." "[english]player.biker_nicejob14" "Francis: Shiiiit." "player.biker_nicejob15" "Francis: Eh, buen trabajo." "[english]player.biker_nicejob15" "Francis: Hey, nice work." "player.biker_nicejob16" "Francis: Qué sorpresa... Buen trabajo." "[english]player.biker_nicejob16" "Francis: Well whaddya know. Good job!" "player.biker_nicejob17" "Francis: Genial." "[english]player.biker_nicejob17" "Francis: Cool." "player.biker_nicejob18" "Francis: Que sorpresa. Bien hecho." "[english]player.biker_nicejob18" "Francis: You suprised me. Nice job." "player.biker_nicejob19" "Francis: Sabía que erais buenos." "[english]player.biker_nicejob19" "Francis: I knew you had it in ya." "npc.biker_nicejob20" "Francis: Vale." "[english]npc.biker_nicejob20" "Francis: All right." "npc.biker_niceonesarcastic01" "Francis: Muy buen trabajo, Zoey." "[english]npc.biker_niceonesarcastic01" "Francis: Real nice job there, Zoey." "npc.biker_niceonesarcastic02" "Francis: Muy bien, Bill, muy bien." "[english]npc.biker_niceonesarcastic02" "Francis: Nice, Bill, real nice." "npc.biker_niceonesarcastic03" "Francis: Muy buen trabajo, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_niceonesarcastic03" "Francis: Real good job, Louis." "npc.biker_niceonesarcastic04" "Francis: Muy buen trabajo, chicos." "[english]npc.biker_niceonesarcastic04" "Francis: Real good work, guys." "player.biker_niceshooting01" "Francis: Buen disparo, macho." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting01" "Francis: Nice shootin', Tex." "player.biker_niceshooting02" "Francis: Buen tiro." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting02" "Francis: Nice shootin." "player.biker_niceshooting03" "Francis: Le vas cogiendo el tranquillo." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting03" "Francis: You are takin' care of business." "player.biker_niceshooting04" "Francis: Buen tiro, macho." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting04" "Francis: Nice shootin' tex." "player.biker_niceshooting05" "Francis: Buen tiro." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting05" "Francis: Nice shootin." "player.biker_niceshooting06" "Francis: Estás mejorando." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting06" "Francis: You're getting good with that gun." "player.biker_niceshooting07" "Francis: Esto se anima, ¿eh?" "[english]player.biker_niceshooting07" "Francis: This is gettin' fun, isn't it?" "player.biker_niceshooting08" "Francis: Buen tiro, sigue así." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting08" "Francis: Nice shooting - keep it up." "player.biker_niceshooting09" "Francis: ¿Ves? Las armas son divertidas." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting09" "Francis: See? I told you guns were fun." "player.biker_niceshooting10" "Francis: Joooder, eres un hacha con eso." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting10" "Francis: Sheeeet, you're all right with that gun." "player.biker_niceshooting11" "Francis: Joder. Deja alguno para mí." "[english]player.biker_niceshooting11" "Francis: Damn. Leave a few for me." "player.biker_niceshot01" "Francis: Buen tiro." "[english]player.biker_niceshot01" "Francis: Nice shot!" "player.biker_niceshot02" "Francis: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.biker_niceshot02" "Francis: Nice shot!" "player.biker_niceshot03" "Francis: ¡Qué disparo!" "[english]player.biker_niceshot03" "Francis: Good shot!" "player.biker_niceshot04" "Francis: ¡Menudo tiro!" "[english]player.biker_niceshot04" "Francis: Good shot!" "player.biker_niceshot05" "Francis: Buen tiro, hermano." "[english]player.biker_niceshot05" "Francis: Nice shot, bro." "player.biker_niceshot06" "Francis: Eh, buen tiro, colega." "[english]player.biker_niceshot06" "Francis: Nice shot, bro." "npc.biker_niceshot07" "Francis: ¡Caray! Buen disparo." "[english]npc.biker_niceshot07" "Francis: Whoah. Nice shot." "npc.biker_niceshot08" "Francis: Buen disparo." "[english]npc.biker_niceshot08" "Francis: Good shot." "npc.biker_niceshot09" "Francis: Buen tiro." "[english]npc.biker_niceshot09" "Francis: Great shot" "npc.biker_niceshot10" "Francis: ¡Muy bueno!" "[english]npc.biker_niceshot10" "Francis: Good one!" "npc.biker_niceshot11" "Francis: ¡Buen disparo! Para una chica..." "[english]npc.biker_niceshot11" "Francis: Nice shot! For a girl." "npc.biker_niceshot12" "Francis: Buen disparo para una chica, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_niceshot12" "Francis: Nice shot! For a girl. Louis." "player.biker_no01" "Francis: No." "[english]player.biker_no01" "Francis: No." "player.biker_no02" "Francis: Ni hablar." "[english]player.biker_no02" "Francis: No way." "player.biker_no03" "Francis: Mm, no." "[english]player.biker_no03" "Francis: Um, no." "player.biker_no04" "Francis: Ni hablar, pringao." "[english]player.biker_no04" "Francis: No way, Jose." "player.biker_no05" "Francis: Que-no." "[english]player.biker_no05" "Francis: Hell no." "player.biker_no06" "Francis: Que no." "[english]player.biker_no06" "Francis: Hell no." "player.biker_no07" "Francis: Nop." "[english]player.biker_no07" "Francis: Nope." "player.biker_no08" "Francis: Nop." "[english]player.biker_no08" "Francis: Nope." "player.biker_no09" "Francis: Ni hablar, pringao." "[english]player.biker_no09" "Francis: No way, Jose" "player.biker_no10" "Francis: Ni por asomo." "[english]player.biker_no10" "Francis: No effin way." "player.biker_no11" "Francis: Negativo." "[english]player.biker_no11" "Francis: Negatory." "player.biker_no12" "Francis: Negativo." "[english]player.biker_no12" "Francis: Negatory." "player.biker_no13" "Francis: Mm, no." "[english]player.biker_no13" "Francis: Uh, no." "player.biker_no14" "Francis: Ni hablar." "[english]player.biker_no14" "Francis: No way." "player.biker_no15" "Francis: No." "[english]player.biker_no15" "Francis: No." "player.biker_no16" "Francis: Nop." "[english]player.biker_no16" "Francis: Nope." "player.biker_no17" "Francis: Va a ser que no." "[english]player.biker_no17" "Francis: No siree bob." "player.biker_no18" "Francis: Ni de coña." "[english]player.biker_no18" "Francis: Not a chance." "player.biker_painreliefsigh01" "Francis: [Alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.biker_painreliefsigh01" "Francis: Ahhh." "player.biker_painreliefsigh02" "Francis: [Alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.biker_painreliefsigh02" "Francis: Ah." "player.biker_painreliefsigh03" "Francis: [Alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.biker_painreliefsigh03" "Francis: Ah." "player.biker_painreliefsigh04" "Francis: [Alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.biker_painreliefsigh04" "Francis: Ohh." "player.biker_painreliefsigh05" "Francis: [Alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.biker_painreliefsigh05" "Francis: Ohh." "npc.biker_pathclear01" "Francis: ¡Despejado! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.biker_pathclear01" "Francis: Path's clear! Let's go!" "npc.biker_pathclear02" "Francis: Ya podemos. ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_pathclear02" "Francis: We're good to go! Come on!" "player.biker_player.gamespeech01" "Francis: Puedes llamarlos como quieras." "[english]player.biker_player.gamespeech01" "Francis: Call these freaks whatever you want." "npc.biker_playerrevive01" "Francis: Si esto te parece malo, echa un ojo a los otros." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive01" "Francis: If you think we look bad, take a look at the other guys." "npc.biker_playerrevive02" "Francis: Joder. El cuerpo humano sólo tiene cinco litros de sangre. Igual deberías guardar un poco en un vaso..." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive02" "Francis: Jesus. Human body's only got nine pints of blood in it. You might want to, like, save some in a cup or something." "npc.biker_playerrevive03" "Francis: Mira el lado bueno: aunque tú no lo consigas, yo seguiré siendo guapo." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive03" "Francis: Hey, look on the bright side: Even if you don't make it, I'll still be really handsome." "npc.biker_playerrevive04" "Francis: Lo hiciste muy bien. Hasta que atacaron los zombis y casi te mataron y tal." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive04" "Francis: You did good back there. Right up to the point where all the zombies attacked and, you know, almost killed ya." "npc.biker_playerrevive05" "Francis: Matar zombies es más chungo de lo que parece." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive05" "Francis: Zombie killin's harder than it looks, innit?" "npc.biker_playerrevive06" "Francis: Bah, está bien. Estoy seguro de que ese hueso va por fuera." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive06" "Francis: Ahhh, you'll be fine. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be able to see that bone." "npc.biker_playerrevive07" "Francis: Vamos a curarte un poco para que puedas morirte en otro sitio." "[english]npc.biker_playerrevive07" "Francis: Let's get you patched up so you can go die someplace nicer." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealth01" "Francis: Aprovechemos para curarnos." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealth01" "Francis: We oughtta heal up while it's quiet." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealth02" "Francis: Un buen momento para curarse." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealth02" "Francis: Seems like a good time to heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealth03" "Francis: Es buen momento para curarse." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealth03" "Francis: This might be a good time to heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealth04" "Francis: Deberías curarte." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealth04" "Francis: You should heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealth05" "Francis: Alguien debería usar el botiquín..." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealth05" "Francis: Someone should use their health pack..." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill01" "Francis: Usa el botiquín, viejo." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill01" "Francis: Old man - use your health kit." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill02" "Francis: Bill, tío, cúrate." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill02" "Francis: Bill, man, heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill03" "Francis: Cúrate, tío." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthbill03" "Francis: Bro, heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Francis: Louis, usa el botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Francis: Hey Louie, use your first aid kit." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis02" "Francis: Louis, cúrate, tío." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis02" "Francis: Louis, you gotta heal up, man." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis03" "Francis: Louis, joder, cúrate." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthlouis03" "Francis: Louis, heal fer chrissake." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Francis: Zoey, ¿tienes un botiquín para mí?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Francis: Zoey, you got a health kit for me?" "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Francis: Bill, ¿me prestas el botiquín? Sólo quiero mirarlo." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Francis: Bill, could I borrow your med kit? I just wanna look at it." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Francis: Louis, ¿puedes prestarme un botiquín?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Francis: Louis, you got a med kit I could have?" "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Francis: Bill, ¿puedes prestarme un botiquín?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Francis: Bill, you got a med kit I could have?" "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Francis: Louis, no acapares el botiquín, tío. Estoy herido." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Francis: Louis, don't bogart that med-kit, man. I'm hurt." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific09" "Francis: Oye, princesa, si no vas a usar el botiquín, ¿me lo pasas?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific09" "Francis: Hey, little lady, if you ain't gonna use that health kit I could use it." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific10" "Francis: Louis, aunque te estropee el conjunto que llevas, ¿puedes pasarme tu botiquín?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific10" "Francis: Louis, while I hate to break that ensemble and all, can I have your health pack?" "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific11" "Francis: Viejo, ¿olvidaste que ya tienes un botiquín o guardas ése para mí?" "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific11" "Francis: Old man, you forget you have a health pack, or you saving that for me?" "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific12" "Francis: Louis, pásame tu botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthspecific12" "Francis: Louis, gimme your health pack." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Francis: Zoey, cúrate." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Francis: Zoey, heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Francis: Zoey, cariño, cúrate." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Francis: Zoey darlin', heal up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Francis: Zoey, hazte un apaño." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Francis: Zoey, patch yerself up." "npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey04" "Francis: Zoey, deberías curarte." "[english]npc.biker_playersuggesthealthzoey04" "Francis: Hey Zoey, you oughtta heal." "npc.biker_playertransitionclose01" "Francis: Si escapas de un ataque aunque sea a rastras, has ganado." "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose01" "Francis: Any zombie fight you can crawl away from means you won it." "npc.biker_playertransitionclose02" "Francis: Ja, ja. Bueno, vale." "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose02" "Francis: Heh heh, well all right!" "npc.biker_playertransitionclose03" "Francis: ¡Eso ha estado cerca!" "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose03" "Francis: That was close!" "npc.biker_playertransitionclose04" "Francis: Para habernos matado." "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose04" "Francis: Thought we were goners." "npc.biker_playertransitionclose05" "Francis: Esto no es fácil." "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose05" "Francis: This shit ain't easy." "npc.biker_playertransitionclose06" "Francis: Matar vampiros parecía más fácil en los anuncios, ¿no?" "[english]npc.biker_playertransitionclose06" "Francis: Killin' vampires looked easier in the brochure, dinnit?" "player.biker_positivenoise01" "" "[english]player.biker_positivenoise01" "" "player.biker_positivenoise02" "" "[english]player.biker_positivenoise02" "" "player.biker_positivenoise03" "" "[english]player.biker_positivenoise03" "" "player.biker_positivenoise04" "" "[english]player.biker_positivenoise04" "" "player.biker_positivenoise05" "" "[english]player.biker_positivenoise05" "" "player.biker_radiousedboat01" "Francis: ¡Ya viene un barco!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedboat01" "Francis: We got a boat coming!" "player.biker_radiousedchopper01" "Francis: ¡Ya viene el helicóptero!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedchopper01" "Francis: Chopper's on its way!" "player.biker_radiousedgeneric01" "Francis: ¡Ya están en camino!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric01" "Francis: They are on their way!" "player.biker_radiousedgeneric02" "Francis: ¡La ayuda llegará pronto! Nenas, ¿nos divertimos un poco hasta que lleguen?" "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric02" "Francis: Help'll be here soon! You ladies ready for some fun until they show up?" "player.biker_radiousedgeneric03" "Francis: Ya vienen a ayudarnos. ¡Preparémonos!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric03" "Francis: We got some help comin'. Let's get ready!" "player.biker_radiousedgeneric04" "Francis: Vale, vienen a recogernos. Sólo debemos seguir vivos hasta que lleguen." "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric04" "Francis: Okay, somebody's comin' for us. All we gotta do is stay alive until they get here." "player.biker_radiousedgeneric05" "Francis: Ya viene la ayuda. Divirtámonos mientras llegan." "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric05" "Francis: Help's on its way. Let's have some fun while we wait." "player.biker_radiousedgeneric06" "Francis: Viene alguien a sacarnos de aquí. Lo bueno es que nos queda tiempo para una última masacre antes de que lleguen." "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric06" "Francis: Somebody's coming to take us outta here. The good news is we got time for one last blow out before they arrive." "player.biker_radiousedgeneric07" "Francis: Vale, ya viene la ayuda. Sólo nos queda esperar hasta que se presenten." "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric07" "Francis: Okay, we got help coming, we just need to hold out until they show up." "player.biker_radiousedgeneric08" "Francis: ¡La ayuda está en camino!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedgeneric08" "Francis: Help is on the way!" "player.biker_radiousedplane01" "Francis: Vale, el avión está en camino. Hay que aguantar hasta que llegue." "[english]player.biker_radiousedplane01" "Francis: Okay, we got a plane coming - just gotta last until it shows up." "player.biker_radiousedtruck01" "Francis: ¡El camión no tardará en llegar! ¡Hay que sobrevivir hasta que llegue!" "[english]player.biker_radiousedtruck01" "Francis: A truck should be here soon - we just gotta hold out until it shows." "player.biker_reactionapprehensive01" "Francis: Tengo un mal presentimiento..." "[english]player.biker_reactionapprehensive01" "Francis: I have a bad feeling about this." "player.biker_reactionapprehensive02" "Francis: Mmmm, que tranquilo..." "[english]player.biker_reactionapprehensive02" "Francis: Hmmm, it's too quiet" "player.biker_reactionapprehensive03" "Francis: Esto no me gusta lo más mínimo." "[english]player.biker_reactionapprehensive03" "Francis: I don't like this one damn bit." "player.biker_reactionapprehensive04" "Francis: Esto es una mierda." "[english]player.biker_reactionapprehensive04" "Francis: This shit's all wrong." "npc.biker_reactionapprehensive05" "Francis: Uhm, no sé yo..." "[english]npc.biker_reactionapprehensive05" "Francis: I don't know about this." "npc.biker_reactionapprehensive06" "Francis: Uhm, esto no va bien." "[english]npc.biker_reactionapprehensive06" "Francis: This don't feel right." "player.biker_reactionboomervomit01" "Francis: Mierda, argh." "[english]player.biker_reactionboomervomit01" "Francis: Shit." "player.biker_reactionboomervomit02" "Francis: [Reacción de asco al vómito de un Boomer]" "[english]player.biker_reactionboomervomit02" "Francis: Ah, ewww, ah, yuck." "player.biker_reactionboomervomit03" "Francis: Dios bendito, menuda mierda." "[english]player.biker_reactionboomervomit03" "Francis: Holy Jesus! That's bad!" "player.biker_reactionboomervomit04" "Francis: Uh, argh, me cagoen..." "[english]player.biker_reactionboomervomit04" "Francis: Eh, yech..." "player.biker_reactionboomervomit05" "Francis: Uh, argh, mierda, puag." "[english]player.biker_reactionboomervomit05" "Francis: Ewwww...ah shit! Yech..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted01" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted01" "Francis: Ewwww..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted02" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted02" "Francis: Blecch.." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted03" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted03" "Francis: Yecch..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted04" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted04" "Francis: Eh..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted05" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted05" "Francis: Blecch..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted06" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted06" "Francis: Yech..." "player.biker_reactiondisgusted07" "Francis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.biker_reactiondisgusted07" "Francis: Ah, ewww, ah, yuck." "npc.biker_reactiondisgusted08" "Francis: Qué ascazo..." "[english]npc.biker_reactiondisgusted08" "Francis: Sick..." "npc.biker_reactiondisgusted09" "Francis: Puagh..." "[english]npc.biker_reactiondisgusted09" "Francis: Ohhh..." "npc.biker_reactiondisgusted10" "Francis: Agh, qué asco." "[english]npc.biker_reactiondisgusted10" "Francis: Oh, that's disgusting." "player.biker_reactionnegative01" "Francis: [Soplido de frustración]" "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative01" "Francis: Hhhhhhh..." "player.biker_reactionnegative02" "Francis: Mal asunto." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative02" "Francis: That's bad." "player.biker_reactionnegative03" "Francis: Joder." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative03" "Francis: Damn." "player.biker_reactionnegative04" "Francis: Dios bendito." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative04" "Francis: Holy Jesus." "player.biker_reactionnegative05" "Francis: Mierda." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative05" "Francis: Shit." "player.biker_reactionnegative06" "Francis: Ah, mierda." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative06" "Francis: Ah shit." "player.biker_reactionnegative07" "Francis: Joder." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative07" "Francis: Damnit." "player.biker_reactionnegative08" "Francis: Joder." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative08" "Francis: Damnit." "player.biker_reactionnegative09" "Francis: Aaaah." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative09" "Francis: Ahhhhh." "player.biker_reactionnegative10" "Francis: Puta mierda." "[english]player.biker_reactionnegative10" "Francis: Effin hell." "player.biker_reactionpositive01" "Francis: [Risa]" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive01" "Francis: [Laughs]" "player.biker_reactionpositive02" "Francis: Coño, que bien." "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive02" "Francis: Well hell, all right." "player.biker_reactionpositive03" "Francis: ¡Qué pasada!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive03" "Francis: Rock-n-roll!" "player.biker_reactionpositive04" "Francis: Bien." "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive04" "Francis: Cool." "player.biker_reactionpositive05" "Francis: Bingo." "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive05" "Francis: Bingo." "player.biker_reactionpositive06" "Francis: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive06" "Francis: Hell yeah!" "player.biker_reactionpositive07" "Francis: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive07" "Francis: All right!" "player.biker_reactionpositive08" "Francis: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive08" "Francis: Yeah!" "player.biker_reactionpositive09" "Francis: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive09" "Francis: Yeah!" "player.biker_reactionpositive10" "Francis: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive10" "Francis: Hell yeah!" "player.biker_reactionpositive11" "Francis: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.biker_reactionpositive11" "Francis: All right!" "player.biker_reactionstartled01" "Francis: ¡Guau!" "[english]player.biker_reactionstartled01" "Francis: Whoah!" "player.biker_reactionstartled02" "Francis: ¡Aaaah!" "[english]player.biker_reactionstartled02" "Francis: AHHHH!" "player.biker_reactionstartled03" "Francis: ¡Guau! Dios..." "[english]player.biker_reactionstartled03" "Francis: Whoah! Jesus..." "player.biker_reactionstartled04" "Francis: ¿Pero...?" "[english]player.biker_reactionstartled04" "Francis: What the?" "player.biker_reloading01" "Francis: ¡Recarga!" "[english]player.biker_reloading01" "Francis: Reloading!" "player.biker_reloading02" "Francis: ¡Recarga!" "[english]player.biker_reloading02" "Francis: Reloading!" "player.biker_reloading03" "Francis: ¡Recarga!" "[english]player.biker_reloading03" "Francis: Reloading!" "npc.biker_reloadingquiet01" "Francis: ¡Recarga!" "[english]npc.biker_reloadingquiet01" "Francis: Reloading..." "npc.biker_reloadingquiet02" "Francis: ¡Recargando!" "[english]npc.biker_reloadingquiet02" "Francis: Reloading..." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend01" "Francis: Vamos. Te tengo, te tengo. Colega, te han dado una buena. Hay que buscar un botiquín. Si te derriban otra vez... te veo en el cielo." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend01" "Francis: I gotcha, I gotcha. Man, you took a real beatin'. We gotta find you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend02" "Francis: Jejeje. No pasa nada, ya te tengo, te tengo. Colega, te han molido bien. Busquemos un botiquín, porque si vuelves a caer... se acabó." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend02" "Francis: No worries - I gotcha, I gotcha. Man, you took a real beatin'. We gotta find you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend03" "Francis: Vale, vale. Vamos. Oh colega... estás pa'l arrastre. Hay que pillarte un botiquín, porque otra así... y directo al nicho." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend03" "Francis: Okay, okay. Come on. Man, you are on death's door. We gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend04" "Francis: Ay, mierda. Sinceramente... estás... estás jodido. Pillemos un botiquín, porque si vas al suelo otra vez... se acabó la fiesta." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend04" "Francis: Ah shit, I can't lie, you are messed up bad. We gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend05" "Francis: Te ayudaré, pero... estás casi frito. Hay que hacerse con un botiquín. Si vas al suelo otra vez... se acabó." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend05" "Francis: I can help you up, but you ain't gonna last. We gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend06" "Francis: Vale, vale, te levanto. Joder, tío, te han destrozado. Hagámonos con un botiquín. Si vuelves a caer... vas directo al cementerio." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend06" "Francis: Okay, let's get you - Oh, man, they really tore you up. We gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend07" "Francis: Puedo levantarte pero, mierda, hay que pillar un botiquín, porque otra más como esta y palmarás." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend07" "Francis: I can get you up, but oh shit, We gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivecriticalfriend08" "Francis: Tranquilo, te tengo. Pero joder, hay que buscar un botiquín. Si caes otra vez, eres hombre muerto." "[english]player.biker_revivecriticalfriend08" "Francis: Relax, I gotcha. But, shit, we gotta get you some first aid, cuz you go down like this again and it's over." "player.biker_revivefriend01" "Francis: Aguanta, aguanta. Tranquilo, ya te tengo. Arriba." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend01" "Francis: Hang on, hang on, I'm here. Relax, I gotcha. Get up. Get up now. We gotta move." "player.biker_revivefriend02" "Francis: Guau, pensé que estarías machacado, pero... creo que puedo levantarte." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend02" "Francis: Woah, I thought you were hosed for sure, but I think I can get you back on your feet." "player.biker_revivefriend03" "Francis: Vamos, haragán. Te pasas todo el día tumbado. Tenemos que continuar. Vamos a levantarte." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend03" "Francis: Come on, lazy - can't have ya laying around all day. We gotta get moving. Let me get you up." "player.biker_revivefriend04" "Francis: Estás hecho una mierda, pero creo que puedo ponerte en pie para seguir avanzando." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend04" "Francis: You look like shit, but I think I can get you up on your feet enough to keep moving." "player.biker_revivefriend05" "Francis: Venga, vamos a ponerte en pie. Tienes mala pinta, pero eso puede venirte bien, ya sabes..." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend05" "Francis: C'mon, let's get you on your feet. You look pretty messed up, but that might help you out a little if you know what I mean." "player.biker_revivefriend06" "Francis: No te preocupes, tranquilo. Todos caemos a veces. Te pondré en pie." "[english]player.biker_revivefriend06" "Francis: Don't worry, don't worry, we all go down sometime. Lemme get you up." "npc.biker_revivefriend07" "Francis: Creía que no te levantarías." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriend07" "Francis: Didn't think you were gettin' back up." "npc.biker_revivefriend08" "Francis: Resistes más de lo que pensaba. Arriba." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriend08" "Francis: Yer a little tougher than ya look. Get up." "npc.biker_revivefriend09" "Francis: Ahí abajo no sirves de mucho. Deja que te levante." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriend09" "Francis: You ain't gonna be much help down there. Lemme get ya up." "npc.biker_revivefriend10" "Francis: Se acabó la siesta. Arriba. Hay que seguir." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriend10" "Francis: Nap time's over. Let's get you up. We gotta keep going." "npc.biker_revivefriend11" "Francis: Se acabó la siesta, cariño. Arriba. Hay que seguir moviéndose." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriend11" "Francis: Nap time's over, sweetie. Let's get you up. We gotta keep going." "npc.biker_revivefrienda01" "Francis: ¿Estás bien?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda01" "Francis: You okay?" "npc.biker_revivefrienda02" "Francis: ¿Cómo estás?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda02" "Francis: How d'ya feel?" "npc.biker_revivefrienda03" "Francis: ¿Vivirás?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda03" "Francis: Can you make it?" "npc.biker_revivefrienda04" "Francis: ¿Vas a vivir?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda04" "Francis: You gonna make it?" "npc.biker_revivefrienda05" "Francis: ¿Estás muy mal?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda05" "Francis: How bad are you?" "npc.biker_revivefrienda06" "Francis: Tienes mal aspecto." "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda06" "Francis: You look bad." "npc.biker_revivefrienda07" "Francis: ¿Cómo te va?" "[english]npc.biker_revivefrienda07" "Francis: How ya doin'?" "npc.biker_revivefriendb01" "Francis: A por ellos." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb01" "Francis: Up and at 'em." "npc.biker_revivefriendb02" "Francis: Vamos, ¡arriba!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb02" "Francis: Come on up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendb03" "Francis: Arriba." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb03" "Francis: Up ya go." "npc.biker_revivefriendb04" "Francis: Todo irá bien." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb04" "Francis: You'll be okay." "npc.biker_revivefriendb05" "Francis: Te tengo." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb05" "Francis: I got ya." "npc.biker_revivefriendb06" "Francis: Arriba." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb06" "Francis: Up we go." "npc.biker_revivefriendb07" "Francis: Joder, estás bien." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb07" "Francis: Hell, you're fine." "npc.biker_revivefriendb08" "Francis: No tiene mala pinta." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb08" "Francis: It don't look bad." "npc.biker_revivefriendb09" "Francis: Levanta." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb09" "Francis: Come on up." "npc.biker_revivefriendb10" "Francis: ¡Moveos!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb10" "Francis: Let's move!" "npc.biker_revivefriendb11" "Francis: Estás bien." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb11" "Francis: You're fine." "npc.biker_revivefriendb12" "Francis: Espabila, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb12" "Francis: Let's get to it, Louis." "npc.biker_revivefriendb13" "Francis: Vuelve a luchar, Bill." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb13" "Francis: Back to the fight, Billy." "npc.biker_revivefriendb14" "Francis: Estás bien, Zoey." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendb14" "Francis: You're fine, Zoey." "npc.biker_revivefriendloud01" "Francis: ¡Espera! ¡Voy a levantarte!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud01" "Francis: Hold on. I'm gonna get you up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud02" "Francis: ¡Bill! ¡Levántate, joder!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud02" "Francis: Get the hell up, Bill!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud03" "Francis: Zoey ¡Vámonos! ¡Levanta!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud03" "Francis: Zoey, let's go, get up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud04" "Francis: Vamos, Bill, ¡levanta!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud04" "Francis: C'mon Bill, get up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud05" "Francis: Levanta, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud05" "Francis: Get up, Louis!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud06" "Francis: Venga, Zoey, ¡levanta, coño!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud06" "Francis: C'mon Zoey, get the hell up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud07" "Francis: ¡Vamos, Louis! ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud07" "Francis: Let's go, Louis. Get up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud08" "Francis: Bill, no voy a llevarte. ¡Levántate, joder!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud08" "Francis: I ain't gonna carry you, Bill. Get the hell up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud09" "Francis: ¡Vamos, Bill! A por ellos." "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud09" "Francis: Let's go, Bill. Up an' at 'em!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud10" "Francis: ¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud10" "Francis: Come on, come on! Get up!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud11" "Francis: Levanta ese culo, ¡vamos!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud11" "Francis: Get your ass up, let's go!" "npc.biker_revivefriendloud12" "Francis: ¡Venga, venga! ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.biker_revivefriendloud12" "Francis: Come on, come on! Get up!" "player.biker_safespotahead01" "Francis: ¡Hay un refugio aquí!" "[english]player.biker_safespotahead01" "Francis: Safe spot up here." "player.biker_safespotahead02" "Francis: ¡Refugio al frente!" "[english]player.biker_safespotahead02" "Francis: Safe spot ahead." "player.biker_safespotahead03" "Francis: ¡Hay un refugio cerca!" "[english]player.biker_safespotahead03" "Francis: We're near a safe spot." "player.biker_safespotahead04" "Francis: ¡Hay un refugio al frente!" "[english]player.biker_safespotahead04" "Francis: There's a safe place up ahead." "player.biker_safespotahead05" "Francis: ¡Un refugio al frente!" "[english]player.biker_safespotahead05" "Francis: Safe place ahead." "npc.biker_safespotahead06" "Francis: ¡Refugio ahí delante!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotahead06" "Francis: Safe house ahead!" "npc.biker_safespotahead07" "Francis: ¡Refugio!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotahead07" "Francis: Safe house!" "npc.biker_safespotahead08" "Francis: ¡Un refugio! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotahead08" "Francis: Safe house, let's go!" "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction01" "Francis: ¡Por fin!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction01" "Francis: Finally!" "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction02" "Francis: ¡A-mén!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction02" "Francis: A-men to that!" "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction03" "Francis: Guay." "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction03" "Francis: Cool." "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction04" "Francis: Bueno, ¡vale!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction04" "Francis: Well, all right!" "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction05" "Francis: ¡Por fin!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction05" "Francis: Finally." "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction06" "Francis: A-mén, hermano." "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction06" "Francis: A-men, brother!" "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction07" "Francis: Amén, joder." "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction07" "Francis: A-frickin'-men." "npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction08" "Francis: Amén, ¡me cago en Dios!" "[english]npc.biker_safespotaheadreaction08" "Francis: A-goddamn-men." "player.biker_sawsomething01" "Francis: Hay algo ahí." "[english]player.biker_sawsomething01" "Francis: There's something over there!" "player.biker_sawsomething02" "Francis: Hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.biker_sawsomething02" "Francis: There is something over there!" "player.biker_sawsomething03" "Francis: Seguro que hay algo ahí." "[english]player.biker_sawsomething03" "Francis: There is definitely something over there!" "player.biker_sawsomething04" "Francis: Seguro que hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.biker_sawsomething04" "Francis: There is definitely something over there!" "player.biker_sawsomething05" "Francis: Seguro que hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.biker_sawsomething05" "Francis: There is definitely something over there!" "player.biker_scenariojoin01" "Francis: Estoy aquí." "[english]player.biker_scenariojoin01" "Francis: I'm here!" "player.biker_scenariojoin02" "Francis: Eh, estoy aquí." "[english]player.biker_scenariojoin02" "Francis: Hey, I'm here!" "player.biker_scenariojoin03" "Francis: Eh, estoy aquí." "[english]player.biker_scenariojoin03" "Francis: Hey, I'm here!" "player.biker_scenariojoin04" "Francis: Hola." "[english]player.biker_scenariojoin04" "Francis: Hello!" "player.biker_scenariojoinlast01" "Francis: Estamos aquí." "[english]player.biker_scenariojoinlast01" "Francis: We're all here!" "player.biker_screamwhilepounced01" "Francis: ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.biker_screamwhilepounced01" "Francis: GET IT OFF!" "player.biker_screamwhilepounced02" "Francis: ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.biker_screamwhilepounced02" "Francis: GET IT OFF!" "player.biker_screamwhilepounced03" "Francis: ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.biker_screamwhilepounced03" "Francis: GET IT OFF" "player.biker_screamwhilepounced04" "Francis: ¡QUITÁDMELO! ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.biker_screamwhilepounced04" "Francis: GET IT OFF GET IT OFF" "player.biker_shoved01" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved01" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved02" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved02" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved03" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved03" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved04" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved04" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved05" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved05" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved06" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved06" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_shoved07" "[Reacción a un golpe]" "[english]player.biker_shoved07" "rancis: Oof!" "player.biker_sorry01" "Francis: Lo siento." "[english]player.biker_sorry01" "Francis: Sorry." "player.biker_sorry02" "Francis: Lo siento mucho." "[english]player.biker_sorry02" "Francis: Sorry about that." "player.biker_sorry03" "Francis: Lo siento mucho." "[english]player.biker_sorry03" "Francis: Sorry about that." "player.biker_sorry04" "Francis: Ah, colega, lo siento." "[english]player.biker_sorry04" "Francis: Aww, man, sorry." "player.biker_sorry05" "Francis: Perdón." "[english]player.biker_sorry05" "Francis: Sorry." "player.biker_sorry06" "Francis: Te pido perdón." "[english]player.biker_sorry06" "Francis: Sorry about that." "player.biker_sorry07" "Francis: Sí, creo que es mi culpa." "[english]player.biker_sorry07" "Francis: Yeah, guess that was my fault." "player.biker_sorry08" "Francis: Sí, creo que es mi culpa... otra vez." "[english]player.biker_sorry08" "Francis: Yeah, guess that was my fault. Again." "player.biker_sorry09" "Francis: Perdón." "[english]player.biker_sorry09" "Francis: Sorry." "player.biker_sorry10" "Francis: Perdón, tío, a veces pasa." "[english]player.biker_sorry10" "Francis: Sorry, man, shit happens." "player.biker_sorry11" "Francis: A veces pasa." "[english]player.biker_sorry11" "Francis: Shit happens." "player.biker_sorry12" "Francis: Culpa mía." "[english]player.biker_sorry12" "Francis: My bad." "player.biker_sorry13" "Francis: Vaya..." "[english]player.biker_sorry13" "Francis: Whoopsie." "player.biker_sorry14" "Francis: Oh, sí... perdón." "[english]player.biker_sorry14" "Francis: Uh, yeah, sorry." "player.biker_sorry15" "Francis: Perdón." "[english]player.biker_sorry15" "Francis: Sorry." "player.biker_sorry16" "Francis: Ups, perdón..." "[english]player.biker_sorry16" "Francis: Oopsy daisy." "player.biker_sorry17" "Francis: Culpa mía." "[english]player.biker_sorry17" "Francis: That was my fault." "player.biker_sorry18" "Francis: Mi culpa." "[english]player.biker_sorry18" "Francis: My bad." "npc.biker_spot01" "Francis: Munición." "[english]npc.biker_spot01" "Francis: Ammo here." "npc.biker_spot02" "Francis: Hay un botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_spot02" "Francis: First aid kit here." "npc.biker_spot03" "Francis: Hay un botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_spot03" "Francis: First aid kit here." "npc.biker_spot04" "Francis: Botiquín aquí." "[english]npc.biker_spot04" "Francis: First aid here." "npc.biker_spot05" "Francis: Hay granadas." "[english]npc.biker_spot05" "Francis: Grenades here." "npc.biker_spot06" "Francis: Píldoras." "[english]npc.biker_spot06" "Francis: Pills here." "npc.biker_spot07" "Francis: Armas aquí." "[english]npc.biker_spot07" "Francis: Weapons here." "player.biker_spotammo01" "Francis: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.biker_spotammo01" "Francis: Ammo here!" "player.biker_spotfirstaid01" "Francis: ¡Hay un botiquín!" "[english]player.biker_spotfirstaid01" "Francis: First Aid Kit here!" "player.biker_spotfirstaid02" "Francis: ¡Botiquín aquí!" "[english]player.biker_spotfirstaid02" "Francis: First Aid kit here!" "player.biker_spotfirstaid03" "Francis: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.biker_spotfirstaid03" "Francis: First Aid here!" "npc.biker_spotfirstaid04" "Francis: ¡Botiquines por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_spotfirstaid04" "Francis: First aid kits over here." "npc.biker_spotfirstaid05" "Francis: Aquí hay un botiquín." "[english]npc.biker_spotfirstaid05" "Francis: There's a first aid kit here." "npc.biker_spotfirstaid06" "Francis: ¡Botiquines por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_spotfirstaid06" "Francis: First aid kits over here." "npc.biker_spotfirstaid07" "Francis: ¡Botiquín por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_spotfirstaid07" "Francis: First aid kit over here." "player.biker_spotgrenades01" "Francis: ¡Hay granadas!" "[english]player.biker_spotgrenades01" "Francis: Grenades here!" "npc.biker_spotgrenades02" "Francis: ¡Molotov por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades02" "Francis: Molotovs over here." "npc.biker_spotgrenades03" "Francis: Hay una bomba casera." "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades03" "Francis: There's a pipebomb here." "npc.biker_spotgrenades04" "Francis: Aquí hay un Molotov." "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades04" "Francis: Molotov's over here." "npc.biker_spotgrenades05" "Francis: Hay una bomba casera." "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades05" "Francis: There's a pipe bomb here." "npc.biker_spotgrenades06" "Francis: ¡Bombas!" "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades06" "Francis: Pipe bombs!" "npc.biker_spotgrenades07" "Francis: ¡Molotovs!" "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades07" "Francis: Molotovs!" "npc.biker_spotgrenades08" "Francis: ¡Armas!" "[english]npc.biker_spotgrenades08" "Francis: Weapons!" "player.biker_spotpills01" "Francis: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]player.biker_spotpills01" "Francis: Pills here!" "npc.biker_spotweapon01" "Francis: Hay armas." "[english]npc.biker_spotweapon01" "Francis: Weapons here." "player.biker_spotweapons01" "Francis: ¡Hay armas!" "[english]player.biker_spotweapons01" "Francis: Weapons here!" "npc.biker_spotweapons02" "Francis: ¡Aquí hay un arma!" "[english]npc.biker_spotweapons02" "Francis: Weapon's over here!" "npc.biker_spotweapons03" "Francis: ¡Armas por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_spotweapons03" "Francis: Buncha guns over here!" "npc.biker_spotweapons04" "Francis: ¡Aquí hay un arma!" "[english]npc.biker_spotweapons04" "Francis: Weapon's over here!" "npc.biker_spotweapons05" "Francis: Por aquí tenemos armas." "[english]npc.biker_spotweapons05" "Francis: We got weapons over here." "player.biker_staytogether01" "Francis: ¡Todos cerca!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether01" "Francis: Stay close!" "player.biker_staytogether02" "Francis: Debemos estar cerca." "[english]player.biker_staytogether02" "Francis: We gotta stay together." "player.biker_staytogether03" "Francis: ¡Manteneos juntos!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether03" "Francis: Keep together!" "player.biker_staytogether04" "Francis: ¡Quedaos juntos!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether04" "Francis: Stay together!" "player.biker_staytogether05" "Francis: ¡No os separéis!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether05" "Francis: Don't split up!" "player.biker_staytogether06" "Francis: Que nadie se separe." "[english]player.biker_staytogether06" "Francis: Don't nobody wander off." "player.biker_staytogether07" "Francis: ¡Quedaos cerca!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether07" "Francis: Stay close." "player.biker_staytogether08" "Francis: ¡No os dividáis!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether08" "Francis: Don't get split up!" "player.biker_staytogether09" "Francis: ¡Quedaos juntos!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether09" "Francis: Stay together!" "player.biker_staytogether10" "Francis: ¡No os disperséis!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether10" "Francis: Jesus, don't stray!" "player.biker_staytogether11" "Francis: ¡No os separéis!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether11" "Francis: Don't stray!" "player.biker_staytogether12" "Francis: ¡Manteneos juntos!" "[english]player.biker_staytogether12" "Francis: Keep together!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside01" "Francis: ¡Moved el culo hasta aquí!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside01" "Francis: Get your asses in here!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside02" "Francis: ¡Vamos nenazas, todos dentro!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside02" "Francis: Come on ladies, everyone inside!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside03" "Francis: ¡Entrad aquí!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside03" "Francis: Get in here!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside04" "Francis: ¡Todos dentro!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside04" "Francis: Everyone inside!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside05" "Francis: ¡Parad de revolotear y adentro!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside05" "Francis: Quit pissin' around and get in here!" "player.biker_staytogetherinside06" "Francis: ¡Entrad! ¡Cerveza gratis!" "[english]player.biker_staytogetherinside06" "Francis: Get inside! Free beer in here!" "npc.biker_swear01" "Francis: Joder." "[english]npc.biker_swear01" "Francis: Goddammit." "npc.biker_swear02" "Francis: Mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear02" "Francis: Shit." "npc.biker_swear03" "Francis: Ah, mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear03" "Francis: Ah shit." "npc.biker_swear04" "Francis: Jooder." "[english]npc.biker_swear04" "Francis: Ah hell." "npc.biker_swear05" "Francis: Hijo de puta." "[english]npc.biker_swear05" "Francis: Son of a bitch." "npc.biker_swear06" "Francis: Joder." "[english]npc.biker_swear06" "Francis: Crap." "npc.biker_swear07" "Francis: Mierda. Ah, mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear07" "Francis: Shit. Ah shit." "npc.biker_swear08" "Francis: Me cago en diez." "[english]npc.biker_swear08" "Francis: Ah bullshit." "npc.biker_swear09" "Francis: Joder." "[english]npc.biker_swear09" "Francis: Dammit." "npc.biker_swear10" "Francis: Hostias." "[english]npc.biker_swear10" "Francis: Bullshit." "npc.biker_swear11" "Francis: Joder." "[english]npc.biker_swear11" "Francis: Goddammit." "npc.biker_swear12" "Francis: Mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear12" "Francis: Shit." "npc.biker_swear13" "Francis: Ah, mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear13" "Francis: Ah shit." "npc.biker_swear14" "Francis: Jooder." "[english]npc.biker_swear14" "Francis: Ah hell." "npc.biker_swear15" "Francis: Hijo de puta." "[english]npc.biker_swear15" "Francis: Son of a bitch." "npc.biker_swear16" "Francis: Me cago en diez." "[english]npc.biker_swear16" "Francis: Ah bullshit." "npc.biker_swear17" "Francis: Joder." "[english]npc.biker_swear17" "Francis: Dammit." "npc.biker_swear18" "Francis: Y una mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swear18" "Francis: Bullshit." "npc.biker_swear19" "Francis: Me cago en diez." "[english]npc.biker_swear19" "Francis: Ah bullshit." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace01" "Francis: ¡Fríete, hijoputa!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace01" "Francis: Burn, you son of a bitch." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace02" "Francis: Que te jodan." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace02" "Francis: Go to hell." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace03" "Francis: ¡Fríete, zorra vampira!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace03" "Francis: Burn, you vampire bitch." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace04" "Francis: Gracias por matar a la única chica." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace04" "Francis: Thanks for killin' our only woman." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace05" "Francis: ¡Fríete, hijo de puta!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace05" "Francis: Burn, you son of a bitch." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace06" "Francis: Quedaos abajo." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace06" "Francis: Stay the hell down." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace07" "Francis: Putos vampiros de mierda." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace07" "Francis: Screw ALL you vampires." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace08" "Francis: Chúpamela mamón." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace08" "Francis: Eat me, you piece of shit." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace09" "Francis: Toma, zorra." "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace09" "Francis: Die, you bitch." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace10" "Francis: ¡QUE TE FRÍAN! ¡Que te frían!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace10" "Francis: BURN IN HELL! Burn in hell." "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace11" "Francis: ¡Eso por Louis!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace11" "Francis: That was for Louis!" "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace12" "Francis: ¡Eso por Bill!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace12" "Francis: That was for Bill!" "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace13" "Francis: ¡Eso por Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace13" "Francis: That was for Zoey!" "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace14" "Francis: ¡Eso por MÍ!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace14" "Francis: That was for ME!" "npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace15" "Francis: ¡Que os jodan!" "[english]npc.biker_swearcoupdegrace15" "Francis: Screw you guys!" "player.biker_takeassaultrifle01" "Francis: Esto les meterá el miedo en el cuerpo." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle01" "Francis: This oughtta put the fear a' God into 'em." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle02" "Francis: Este rifle les dará para el pelo." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle02" "Francis: Gonna rack some up with this assault rifle." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle03" "Francis: Este rifle ayudará." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle03" "Francis: This assault rifle should help." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle04" "Francis: El rifle de asalto ayudará." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle04" "Francis: This assault rifle should help." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle05" "Francis: Me quedo con el rifle." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle05" "Francis: I'm grabbing this rifle." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle06" "Francis: Esto les meterá el miedo en el cuerpo." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle06" "Francis: This oughtta put the fear a' God into 'em." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle07" "Francis: El rifle de asalto les dará caña." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle07" "Francis: Gonna rack some up with this assault rifle." "player.biker_takeassaultrifle08" "Francis: El rifle de asalto ayudará." "[english]player.biker_takeassaultrifle08" "Francis: This assault rifle should help." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun01" "Francis: Una escopeta automática." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun01" "Francis: Got an auto shotgun." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun02" "Francis: Ven con papá, escopetita." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun02" "Francis: Come to daddy, my sweet shotgun." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun03" "Francis: Podría casarme con esta escopeta." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun03" "Francis: Now this is a shotgun I can love." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun04" "Francis: Si esos engendros tienen mala pinta, espera a que prueben esto." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun04" "Francis: Those bastards think they're sick now, wait'll they get a taste of this." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun05" "Francis: Una escopeta automática." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun05" "Francis: Got an auto shotgun." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun06" "Francis: Ven con papi, escopeta." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun06" "Francis: Come to daddy, my sweet shotgun." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun07" "Francis: Tú y yo seremos uña y carne." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun07" "Francis: Now this is a shotgun I can love." "player.biker_takeautoshotgun08" "Francis: Eh, esta escopeta me pega más." "[english]player.biker_takeautoshotgun08" "Francis: Huh, this shotgun is more my style." "player.biker_takefirstaid01" "Francis: Bien, un botiquín." "[english]player.biker_takefirstaid01" "Francis: Ho oh, some first aid." "player.biker_takefirstaid02" "Francis: Cojo el botiquín." "[english]player.biker_takefirstaid02" "Francis: Grabbing First Aid." "player.biker_takefirstaid03" "Francis: Cojo un botiquín." "[english]player.biker_takefirstaid03" "Francis: Grabbing First Aid." "player.biker_takefirstaid04" "Francis: Puedo necesitarlos." "[english]player.biker_takefirstaid04" "Francis: Might need these." "player.biker_takemolotov01" "Francis: ¡Guay, un cóctel!" "[english]player.biker_takemolotov01" "Francis: All right, cocktails!" "player.biker_takemolotov02" "Francis: Cojo un molotov." "[english]player.biker_takemolotov02" "Francis: Grabbing a Molotov." "player.biker_takemolotov03" "Francis: ¡Fuego!" "[english]player.biker_takemolotov03" "Francis: Fire!" "player.biker_takepills01" "Francis: Mm, me servirán." "[english]player.biker_takepills01" "Francis: Might need these." "player.biker_takepills02" "Francis: Cojo píldoras." "[english]player.biker_takepills02" "Francis: Grabbing pills." "player.biker_takepills03" "Francis: Eh, un poco de subidón." "[english]player.biker_takepills03" "Francis: Hey, a little pick me up." "player.biker_takepipebomb01" "Francis: Jaja, bien, explosivos caseros." "[english]player.biker_takepipebomb01" "Francis: Ah great, homemade explosives." "player.biker_takepipebomb02" "Francis: Una bomba casera." "[english]player.biker_takepipebomb02" "Francis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.biker_takepipebomb03" "Francis: Me llevo esta bomba." "[english]player.biker_takepipebomb03" "Francis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.biker_takepipebomb04" "Francis: Esto hará bastante pupa." "[english]player.biker_takepipebomb04" "Francis: This'll blow some shit up." "player.biker_takepipebomb05" "Francis: Sí, esto reventará a más de uno." "[english]player.biker_takepipebomb05" "Francis: This'll blow the crap outta something." "player.biker_takepistol01" "Francis: Un poco de acción a doble cañón." "[english]player.biker_takepistol01" "Francis: A little double pistol action." "player.biker_takepistol02" "Francis: Me llevo una pistola extra." "[english]player.biker_takepistol02" "Francis: I'm taking an extra pistol." "player.biker_takepistol03" "Francis: Doble diversión." "[english]player.biker_takepistol03" "Francis: Double my fun." "player.biker_takepistol04" "Francis: Dos pistolas: de puta madre..." "[english]player.biker_takepistol04" "Francis: Two pistols. Hell yeah." "player.biker_takeshotgun01" "Francis: ¡Una escopeta! Genial, yo controlo a las masas." "[english]player.biker_takeshotgun01" "Francis: Shotgun! All right folks, I'm on crowd control." "player.biker_takeshotgun02" "Francis: Cojo la escopeta." "[english]player.biker_takeshotgun02" "Francis: Grabbing a shotgun." "player.biker_takeshotgun03" "Francis: La escopeta es mía." "[english]player.biker_takeshotgun03" "Francis: Grabbing a shotgun." "player.biker_takeshotgun04" "Francis: Limpia y da esplendor." "[english]player.biker_takeshotgun04" "Francis: I'll take this room sweeper." "player.biker_takesniper01" "Francis: Un rifle de caza. Genial." "[english]player.biker_takesniper01" "Francis: A hunting rifle. Nice." "player.biker_takesniper02" "Francis: Ja, esto tiene un alcance que te cagas." "[english]player.biker_takesniper02" "Francis: Now that is a sweet-ass scope." "player.biker_takesubmachinegun01" "Francis: Automática y mortal." "[english]player.biker_takesubmachinegun01" "Francis: Full auto! Right on!" "player.biker_takesubmachinegun02" "Francis: Guau, una automática. Todos atrás." "[english]player.biker_takesubmachinegun02" "Francis: Whoah, full auto! Everybody stand back." "player.biker_takesubmachinegun03" "Francis: Cojo la metralleta." "[english]player.biker_takesubmachinegun03" "Francis: Grabbing a machinegun." "player.biker_tankpound01" "Francis: ¡Quitádmelo de encima!" "[english]player.biker_tankpound01" "Francis: Get this thing off me!" "player.biker_tankpound02" "Francis: ¡Esta cosa me está machacando!" "[english]player.biker_tankpound02" "Francis: This thing's poundin the hell outta me!" "player.biker_tankpound03" "Francis: ¡Está acabando conmigo!" "[english]player.biker_tankpound03" "Francis: This thing's killing me!" "player.biker_tankpound04" "Francis: ¡Me ha atrapado un Tank!" "[english]player.biker_tankpound04" "Francis: I got a Tank on me!" "player.biker_taunt01" "Francis: ¡Qué bien!" "[english]player.biker_taunt01" "Francis: That's right!" "player.biker_taunt02" "Francis: ¡TOMA, SÍ!" "[english]player.biker_taunt02" "Francis: HELL YEAH!" "player.biker_taunt03" "Francis: ¡OH SÍ!" "[english]player.biker_taunt03" "Francis: OH YEAH!" "player.biker_taunt04" "Francis: ¡Oh sí!" "[english]player.biker_taunt04" "Francis: Oh yeah!" "player.biker_taunt05" "Francis: [Risa malévola]" "[english]player.biker_taunt05" "Francis: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.biker_taunt06" "Francis: [Risa malévola]" "[english]player.biker_taunt06" "Francis: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.biker_taunt07" "Francis: [Risa malévola]" "[english]player.biker_taunt07" "Francis: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.biker_taunt08" "Francis: ¡SÍ! ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.biker_taunt08" "Francis: YEAH! YEAH!" "player.biker_taunt09" "Francis: ¡Perfecto!" "[english]player.biker_taunt09" "Francis: Damn straight!" "player.biker_taunt10" "Francis: ¡OH SÍ!" "[english]player.biker_taunt10" "Francis: HELL YEAH!" "player.biker_teamkillaccident01" "Francis: Ten cuidado." "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident01" "Francis: Be careful!" "player.biker_teamkillaccident02" "Francis: Eso no ha estado bien." "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident02" "Francis: That was not cool." "player.biker_teamkillaccident03" "Francis: No ha tenido puta gracia." "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident03" "Francis: That was not cool." "player.biker_teamkillaccident04" "Francis: No sabes donde tienes la cara." "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident04" "Francis: Pull yer head outta yer ass." "player.biker_teamkillaccident05" "Francis: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident05" "Francis: Careful!" "player.biker_teamkillaccident06" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillaccident06" "Francis: Hey! Careful!" "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose01" "Francis: NO - TIENE - PUTA - GRACIA." "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose01" "Francis: That. Was Not Cool." "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose02" "Francis: Nunca jamás pruebes eso conmigo." "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose02" "Francis: Never. Ever. Try that shit on me." "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose03" "Francis: Nunca jamás vuelvas a hacerlo." "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose03" "Francis: Never. Ever. Do that again." "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose04" "Francis: ¿Pero qué coño estás haciendo?" "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose04" "Francis: What the hell are you doing?" "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose05" "Francis: Eh, vamos, no hay por qué hacer eso." "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose05" "Francis: Hey, come on, you didn't need to do that." "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose06" "Francis: ¡Eh! ¡Me desvivo porque no se carguen a los nuestros!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose06" "Francis: Hey! I'm all for killin'...just not one of ours!" "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose07" "Francis: ¡Deja ya esa mierda!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose07" "Francis: Stop that shit!" "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose08" "Francis: No intentes eso conmigo porque se te va a borrar esa sonrisita." "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose08" "Francis: You try that shit with me, you ain't gonna be so happy." "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose09" "Francis: ¡Eh, eh!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose09" "Francis: Hey! hey!" "player.biker_teamkillonpurpose10" "Francis: Oh mierda, ¡con esa actitud no ayudas a nadie!" "[english]player.biker_teamkillonpurpose10" "Francis: Ah shit, that attitude ain't gonna help anyone." "player.biker_thanks01" "Francis: Te debo una." "[english]player.biker_thanks01" "Francis: I owe you one." "player.biker_thanks02" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks02" "Francis: Thanks." "player.biker_thanks03" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks03" "Francis: Thanks." "player.biker_thanks04" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks04" "Francis: Thanks." "player.biker_thanks05" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks05" "Francis: Thanks, man." "player.biker_thanks06" "Francis: Eh, gracias tío." "[english]player.biker_thanks06" "Francis: Hey, thanks man." "player.biker_thanks07" "Francis: Jeje... gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks07" "Francis: Yeah, thanks." "player.biker_thanks08" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks08" "Francis: Thank you." "player.biker_thanks09" "Francis: Gracias, te la debo." "[english]player.biker_thanks09" "Francis: Thanks, I owe ya." "player.biker_thanks10" "Francis: Gracias, te la debo." "[english]player.biker_thanks10" "Francis: Thanks, I owe ya." "player.biker_thanks11" "Francis: Gracias, tío." "[english]player.biker_thanks11" "Francis: Thanks, dude." "player.biker_thanks12" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks12" "Francis: Thanks for that." "player.biker_thanks13" "Francis: Eh, gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks13" "Francis: Thanks, bro." "player.biker_thanks14" "Francis: Gracias, tío." "[english]player.biker_thanks14" "Francis: Thanks, brother." "player.biker_thanks15" "Francis: Gracias." "[english]player.biker_thanks15" "Francis: Thanks." "npc.biker_thanks16" "Francis: Gracias, Bill." "[english]npc.biker_thanks16" "Francis: Thanks, Bill." "npc.biker_thanks17" "Francis: Gracias, Zoey." "[english]npc.biker_thanks17" "Francis: Thanks, Zoey." "npc.biker_thanks18" "Francis: Gracias, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_thanks18" "Francis: Thanks, Louis." "npc.biker_thanks19" "Francis: Gracias, Louis. Te debo una." "[english]npc.biker_thanks19" "Francis: Thanks, Louis. I owe you one" "player.biker_totherescue01" "Francis: ¡Aguanta, voy de camino!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue01" "Francis: Hang on, I'm on my way!" "player.biker_totherescue02" "Francis: ¡Ya llego!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue02" "Francis: I'm coming!" "player.biker_totherescue03" "Francis: ¡Aguanta colega, ya voy!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue03" "Francis: Hang in there, buddy, I'm comin." "player.biker_totherescue04" "Francis: ¡Voy a por ti!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue04" "Francis: I'm coming for ya!" "player.biker_totherescue05" "Francis: ¡Aguanta, ya llego!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue05" "Francis: Hang on I'm coming!" "player.biker_totherescue06" "Francis: ¡Aguanta ahí, ya voy!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue06" "Francis: Hang in there, I'm comin'!" "player.biker_totherescue07" "Francis: ¡Aguanta, aguanta, ya voy!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue07" "Francis: Hang on, hang on, I'm comin'!" "player.biker_totherescue08" "Francis: ¡Te escucho, ya voy!" "[english]player.biker_totherescue08" "Francis: I heard ya, I'm comin'!" "npc.biker_totherescuethanks01" "Francis: Gracias por sacarme." "[english]npc.biker_totherescuethanks01" "Francis: Thanks for gettin' me out of there." "npc.biker_totherescuethanks02" "Francis: Gracias, amigo." "[english]npc.biker_totherescuethanks02" "Francis: Thanks for gettin' me." "npc.biker_totherescuethanks03" "Francis: Gracias por acordaros de mí." "[english]npc.biker_totherescuethanks03" "Francis: Hey, thanks for not forgettin' me." "npc.biker_totherescuethanks04" "Francis: Os debo una." "[english]npc.biker_totherescuethanks04" "Francis: I owe you one." "npc.biker_totherescuethanks05" "Francis: Bueno, ahora YO te debo una." "[english]npc.biker_totherescuethanks05" "Francis: Hell, I guess that's one I owe YOU." "npc.biker_uncertain01" "Francis: ¿Qué coño ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain01" "Francis: What the hell was that?" "npc.biker_uncertain02" "Francis: ¿Qué ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain02" "Francis: What was that?" "npc.biker_uncertain03" "Francis: ¿Qué coño es eso?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain03" "Francis: What the hell is that?" "npc.biker_uncertain04" "Francis: ¿Qué es eso?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain04" "Francis: What is that?" "npc.biker_uncertain05" "Francis: ¿Lo has oído?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain05" "Francis: Did you hear that?" "npc.biker_uncertain06" "Francis: ¿Estás viendo eso?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain06" "Francis: Are you seeing this?" "npc.biker_uncertain07" "Francis: ¡Joder, venga ya!" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain07" "Francis: Oh come the hell on." "npc.biker_uncertain08" "Francis: ¿Me estás toreando?" "[english]npc.biker_uncertain08" "Francis: Are you kidding me?" "npc.biker_vampires01" "Francis: ¿De dónde coño han salido todos esos vampiros?" "[english]npc.biker_vampires01" "Francis: Where the hell did all these vampires come from?" "npc.biker_vampires02" "Francis: Siempre supe que el mundo acabaría. Nunca creí que fuera por los vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_vampires02" "Francis: If figured the world'd eventually end. I just never thought it'd be vampires." "npc.biker_vampires03" "Francis: ¿Qué diferencia hay?" "[english]npc.biker_vampires03" "Francis: What's the difference?" "npc.biker_vampires04" "Francis: Buen trabajo, Van Helsing." "[english]npc.biker_vampires04" "Francis: Nice job there, Van Helsing." "npc.biker_vampires05" "Francis: ¿Los zombies no iban despacio?" "[english]npc.biker_vampires05" "Francis: Don't zombies move real slow?" "npc.biker_vampires06" "Francis: Lo que tú digas, Profesor Monster." "[english]npc.biker_vampires06" "Francis: Yeah whatever you say, Professor Monster." "npc.biker_vampires07" "Francis: Creía que combatíamos vampiros..." "[english]npc.biker_vampires07" "Francis: I thought we were fightin' vampires..." "npc.biker_vampires08" "Francis: Eso es rapidísimo hasta para un vampiro." "[english]npc.biker_vampires08" "Francis: Man, even for vampires these things haul ass." "npc.biker_vampires09" "Francis: Tienes razón, esas cosas son lentas y comen gente. Espera, igual no, porque SON VAMPIROS." "[english]npc.biker_vampires09" "Francis: You're right, these things shamble around and eat people. Oh no, wait, they don't, because THEY'RE VAMPIRES." "npc.biker_vampires10" "Francis: Lo que sea." "[english]npc.biker_vampires10" "Francis: *What*ever." "npc.biker_vampires11" "Francis: Yo sólo digo que esos vampiros son chungos." "[english]npc.biker_vampires11" "Francis: Look, all I know is these are some messed up vampires." "npc.biker_vampires12" "Francis: Putos vampiros..." "[english]npc.biker_vampires12" "Francis: Goddamn vampires..." "npc.biker_vampires13" "Francis: Vampiros. Odio a los vampiros." "[english]npc.biker_vampires13" "Francis: Vampires. I hate vampires." "npc.biker_violenceawe01" "Francis: Haaala." "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe01" "Francis: Whooo!" "npc.biker_violenceawe02" "Francis: Joooo-der..." "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe02" "Francis: Jee-zus..." "npc.biker_violenceawe03" "Francis: Mierda." "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe03" "Francis: Holy crap." "npc.biker_violenceawe04" "Francis: Ahivá." "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe04" "Francis: Whoa." "npc.biker_violenceawe05" "Francis: Joder..." "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe05" "Francis: Holy shit..." "npc.biker_violenceawe06" "Francis: ¿Viste eso?" "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe06" "Francis: Did you see that?" "npc.biker_violenceawe07" "Francis: Jo, jo, jo. ¡Sí!" "[english]npc.biker_violenceawe07" "Francis: Whoa-ho-ho, YEAH!" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets01" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets01" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets02" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets02" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets03" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets03" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets04" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets04" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets05" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets05" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets06" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets06" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets07" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets07" "" "npc.biker_vocalfidgets08" "" "[english]npc.biker_vocalfidgets08" "" "player.biker_waithere01" "Francis: ¡Parad todos!" "[english]player.biker_waithere01" "Francis: Everyone stop!" "player.biker_waithere02" "Francis: ¡Parad un segundo!" "[english]player.biker_waithere02" "Francis: Stop for a second!" "player.biker_waithere04" "Francis: ¡Esperad un minuto!" "[english]player.biker_waithere04" "Francis: Hold up a minute!" "player.biker_waithere05" "Francis: ¡Esperad!" "[english]player.biker_waithere05" "Francis: Hold up!" "player.biker_waithere06" "Francis: ¡Todos, parad!" "[english]player.biker_waithere06" "Francis: Everyone stop!" "player.biker_waithere07" "Francis: Espera. Basta de huir de estos cerdos." "[english]player.biker_waithere07" "Francis: Hold up - I'm tired of runnin' from these pussies." "player.biker_waithere08" "Francis: Echad el freno un momento." "[english]player.biker_waithere08" "Francis: Park your ass for a sec." "npc.biker_warn01" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.biker_warn01" "Francis: TANK!" "npc.biker_warn02" "Francis: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.biker_warn02" "Francis: Smoker!" "npc.biker_warn03" "Francis: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.biker_warn03" "Francis: Hunter!" "npc.biker_warn04" "Francis: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.biker_warn04" "Francis: Boomer!" "npc.biker_warn05" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.biker_warn05" "Francis: TANK!" "npc.biker_warn06" "Francis: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.biker_warn06" "Francis: Smoker!" "npc.biker_warn07" "Francis: ¡Witch!" "[english]npc.biker_warn07" "Francis: Witch!" "npc.biker_warn08" "Francis: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.biker_warn08" "Francis: Hunter!" "npc.biker_warn09" "Francis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]npc.biker_warn09" "Francis: BOOMER!" "npc.biker_warn10" "Francis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]npc.biker_warn10" "Francis: SMOKER" "npc.biker_warn11" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.biker_warn11" "Francis: TANK!" "npc.biker_warn12" "Francis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]npc.biker_warn12" "Francis: WITCH!" "npc.biker_warn13" "Francis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]npc.biker_warn13" "Francis: BOOMER!" "npc.biker_warn14" "Francis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]npc.biker_warn14" "Francis: WITCH!" "npc.biker_warn15" "Francis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]npc.biker_warn15" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnboomer01" "Francis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.biker_warnboomer01" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warnboomer02" "Francis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.biker_warnboomer02" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warnboomer03" "Francis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.biker_warnboomer03" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warncareful01" "Francis: Cuidado..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful01" "Francis: Careful..." "player.biker_warncareful02" "Francis: Id con cuidado..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful02" "Francis: Be careful..." "player.biker_warncareful03" "Francis: Estad alerta..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful03" "Francis: Take it easy..." "player.biker_warncareful04" "Francis: Id con calma..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful04" "Francis: Take 'er easy..." "player.biker_warncareful05" "Francis: Id con cuidado ahora..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful05" "Francis: Watch yourself, now..." "player.biker_warncareful06" "Francis: Tened cuidado..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful06" "Francis: Careful now..." "player.biker_warncareful07" "Francis: Alerta..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful07" "Francis: Watch it..." "player.biker_warncareful08" "Francis: Atención..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful08" "Francis: Carrrefullll..." "player.biker_warncareful09" "Francis: Cuidado, nenes..." "[english]player.biker_warncareful09" "Francis: Careful, kids..." "player.biker_warnhunter01" "Francis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.biker_warnhunter01" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnhunter02" "Francis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.biker_warnhunter02" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnhunter03" "Francis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.biker_warnhunter03" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker01" "Francis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.biker_warnsmoker01" "Francis: SMOKER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker02" "Francis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.biker_warnsmoker02" "Francis: SMOKER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker03" "Francis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.biker_warnsmoker03" "Francis: SMOKER!" "player.biker_warntank01" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.biker_warntank01" "Francis: TANK!" "player.biker_warntank02" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.biker_warntank02" "Francis: TANK!" "player.biker_warntank03" "Francis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.biker_warntank03" "Francis: TANK!" "player.biker_warnwitch01" "Francis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.biker_warnwitch01" "Francis: WITCH!" "player.biker_warnwitch02" "Francis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.biker_warnwitch02" "Francis: WITCH!" "player.biker_warnwitch03" "Francis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.biker_warnwitch03" "Francis: WITCH!" "player.biker_watchoutbehind01" "Francis: ¡Por detrás!" "[english]player.biker_watchoutbehind01" "Francis: Behind us!" "player.biker_watchoutbehind02" "Francis: ¡Vienen por detrás!" "[english]player.biker_watchoutbehind02" "Francis: They're behind us!" "player.biker_watchoutbehind03" "Francis: ¡Por detrás!" "[english]player.biker_watchoutbehind03" "Francis: Behind us!" "player.biker_witchchasing01" "Francis: ¡Viene a por mí!" "[english]player.biker_witchchasing01" "Francis: She's Coming For me!" "player.biker_witchchasing02" "Francis: ¡Me sigue una Witch!" "[english]player.biker_witchchasing02" "Francis: Witch on my ass!" "player.biker_witchchasing03" "Francis: ¡La Witch me persigue!" "[english]player.biker_witchchasing03" "Francis: The WITCH IS CHASING ME!" "player.biker_witchchasing04" "Francis: ¡Mierda, viene a por mí!" "[english]player.biker_witchchasing04" "Francis: Shit, she's Coming For me!" "player.biker_witchgettingangry01" "Francis: ¿Es que quieres morir? Pues no jodas a la Witch." "[english]player.biker_witchgettingangry01" "Francis: You got a death wish? Leave that witch alone!" "player.biker_witchgettingangry02" "Francis: Para de joder a la puta Witch." "[english]player.biker_witchgettingangry02" "Francis: Stop spookin' the effin witch!" "player.biker_witchgettingangry03" "Francis: Oh mierda, la Witch se está cabreando." "[english]player.biker_witchgettingangry03" "Francis: Oh shit, the witch's gettin' riled up!" "player.biker_witchgettingangry04" "Francis: Cuidado, la Witch se está mosqueando." "[english]player.biker_witchgettingangry04" "Francis: Watch it, that witch is gettin' pissed!" "npc.biker_worldairport0101" "Francis: Salgamos de este invernadero." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0101" "Francis: Let's head through this grow room." "npc.biker_worldairport0102" "Francis: Si el avión funciona, el aeropuerto también. Vamos para allá." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0102" "Francis: Working plane means working airport. I say we head there." "npc.biker_worldairport0103" "Francis: Tenemos más posibilidades si vamos por los tejados." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0103" "Francis: We got a better chance of making it if we stick to the rooftops." "npc.biker_worldairport0104" "Francis: Ese avión se dirige al aeropuerto. Nosotros también." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0104" "Francis: That plane's headed right for the airport. I say we head there too." "npc.biker_worldairport0105" "Francis: ¡Toda la ciudad está en llamas!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0105" "Francis: The whole damn city's on fire." "npc.biker_worldairport0106" "Francis: No me importaría salir volando de aquí. Vamos al aeropuerto." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0106" "Francis: I sure as hell wouldn't mind flyin' outta here. Let's head to the airport." "npc.biker_worldairport0107" "Francis: Ese avión va al aeropuerto, y el aeropuerto no está lejos. Si a nadie se le ocurre nada mejor, vamos a seguirlo." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0107" "Francis: That plane's headed for the airport and the airport ain't far from here. If nobody's got a better idea, I say we head for the airport too." "npc.biker_worldairport0108" "Francis: ¡La salida de incendios!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0108" "Francis: Up the fire escape!" "npc.biker_worldairport0109" "Francis: ¡Al hotel!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0109" "Francis: Get to the hotel!" "npc.biker_worldairport0110" "Francis: ¡Refugio en el hotel!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0110" "Francis: Safe house in the hotel!" "npc.biker_worldairport0111" "Francis: Hay que intentarlo." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0111" "Francis: It's worth a try." "npc.biker_worldairport0112" "Francis: Es mejor que mi plan." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0112" "Francis: That's better than my plan." "npc.biker_worldairport0113" "Francis: Yo no tenía." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0113" "Francis: I didn't have one." "npc.biker_worldairport0114" "Francis: Ese avión se dirige al aeropuerto. Nosotros también." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0114" "Francis: That plane's headed right for the airport. I say we head there too." "npc.biker_worldairport0115" "Francis: Mierda, toda la ciudad está en llamas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0115" "Francis: Holy shit, the whole damn city's on fire." "npc.biker_worldairport0201" "Francis: Podemos volver a los tejados." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0201" "Francis: We can get back to the rooftops." "npc.biker_worldairport0202" "Francis: Volvamos atrás." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0202" "Francis: Let's head back up." "npc.biker_worldairport0203" "Francis: Hay que volver a los tejados." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0203" "Francis: We oughtta get back on the rooftops." "npc.biker_worldairport0204" "Francis: Por aquí podemos cruzar varios edificios." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0204" "Francis: We can't get across some buildings this way." "npc.biker_worldairport0205" "Francis: La grúa bajará el contenedor y podremos saltar el hueco." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0205" "Francis: The crane'll lower that dumpster, then we can jump across." "npc.biker_worldairport0206" "Francis: Podemos pasar en el contenedor." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0206" "Francis: We can get across on that dumpster." "npc.biker_worldairport0207" "Francis: ¿Alguien quiere bajar el contenedor para que podamos pasar?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0207" "Francis: Somebody wanna lower that dumpster so we can get across?" "npc.biker_worldairport0208" "Francis: Hay que poner en marcha la grúa." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0208" "Francis: Somebody start the crane." "npc.biker_worldairport0209" "Francis: ¡Ha bajado! ¡Moveos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0209" "Francis: It's down! Let's move!" "npc.biker_worldairport0210" "Francis: ¡El contenedor está aquí! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0210" "Francis: Our dumpster has arrived! Let's go!" "npc.biker_worldairport0211" "Francis: Va a haber que saltar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0211" "Francis: We're gonna have to jump for it." "npc.biker_worldairport0212" "Francis: Hay que saltar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0212" "Francis: Gonna have to jump it." "npc.biker_worldairport0213" "Francis: Espera, el contenedor tarda un minuto." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0213" "Francis: Dig in. That dumpster's gonna take a minute." "npc.biker_worldairport0214" "Francis: ¡Salta!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0214" "Francis: Jump!" "npc.biker_worldairport0215" "Francis: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0215" "Francis: Down the stairs!" "npc.biker_worldairport0216" "Francis: ¡Bajemos la escalera!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0216" "Francis: Let's head down the stairs." "npc.biker_worldairport0217" "Francis: Bien pensado." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0217" "Francis: Good thinking!" "npc.biker_worldairport0218" "Francis: Bien por esa grúa, Louis." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0218" "Francis: Nice crane technique, Louis!" "npc.biker_worldairport0219" "Francis: ¡Bien hecho, Billy!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0219" "Francis: Good job, Billy!" "npc.biker_worldairport0220" "Francis: Sí que controlas con la grúa, Zoey." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0220" "Francis: You really made that crane your bitch, Zoey." "npc.biker_worldairport0221" "Francis: ¡Estamos cerca del aeropuerto!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0221" "Francis: We're getting close the airport!" "npc.biker_worldairport0222" "Francis: ¡Ese es el aeropuerto!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0222" "Francis: We're almost to the airport!" "npc.biker_worldairport0223" "Francis: ¡Refugio en el almacén!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0223" "Francis: Safe house in that storage place!" "npc.biker_worldairport0224" "Francis: Habrá que ir por la escalera." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0224" "Francis: Looks like we take the stairs." "npc.biker_worldairport0225" "Francis: Ya no hay más tejado." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0225" "Francis: We're all outta roof." "npc.biker_worldairport0226" "Francis: ¡Muy bueno, Bill!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0226" "Francis: Nice one, Bill!" "npc.biker_worldairport0227" "Francis: ¡Buena idea, Zoey!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0227" "Francis: Good thinking, Zoey!" "npc.biker_worldairport0228" "Francis: ¡Buena idea, Louis!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0228" "Francis: Nice thinking, Louis!" "npc.biker_worldairport0229" "Francis: No pongáis la grúa en marcha todos a la vez..." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0229" "Francis: Don't everybody start the crane at once." "npc.biker_worldairport0230" "Francis: Odio los hoteles." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0230" "Francis: Damn, I hate hotels." "npc.biker_worldairport0231" "Francis: ¡Ya está aquí la chatarra! ¡Vamos, nenas!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0231" "Francis: Our dumpster has arrived! Let's go, girls!" "npc.biker_worldairport0232" "Francis: Odio saltar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0232" "Francis: I hate jumping." "npc.biker_worldairport0301" "Francis: Quememos la barricada." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0301" "Francis: Let's burn down this barricade." "npc.biker_worldairport0302" "Francis: Manda huevos. Lo único que no se está quemando en esta ciudad es justo lo que tenemos que quemar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0302" "Francis: It figures the only thing in the damn city not on fire is the one thing we need burned down." "npc.biker_worldairport0303" "Francis: ¡EL AEROPUERTO!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0303" "Francis: THE AIRPORT!" "npc.biker_worldairport0304" "Francis: ¡EL AEROPUERTO! ¡COJONUDO!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0304" "Francis: HELL YES, IT'S THE AIRPORT!" "npc.biker_worldairport0305" "Francis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0305" "Francis: Through here!" "npc.biker_worldairport0306" "Francis: ¿Qué coño le ha pasado al aeropuerto?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0306" "Francis: What the hell happened to the airport?" "npc.biker_worldairport0307" "Francis: Bueno, ya que estamos aquí, busquemos un avión." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0307" "Francis: Well, we're here, we may as well look for a plane." "npc.biker_worldairport0308" "Francis: ¡Las puertas están bloqueadas!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0308" "Francis: The doors are all blocked!" "npc.biker_worldairport0309" "Francis: ¡Vía libre!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0309" "Francis: The path is clear!" "npc.biker_worldairport0310" "Francis: ¡Camino abierto!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0310" "Francis: We burned a path!" "npc.biker_worldairport0311" "Francis: Espero que no sea el avión que vimos." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0311" "Francis: This better not be the plane we saw." "npc.biker_worldairport0312" "Francis: Podemos entrar por la pasarela." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0312" "Francis: We can get inside over the skybridge." "npc.biker_worldairport0313" "Francis: ¡Es la pasarela!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0313" "Francis: There's the skybridge!" "npc.biker_worldairport0314" "Francis: ¡Refugio junto a la pasarela!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0314" "Francis: There's a safe house across the skybridge!" "npc.biker_worldairport0315" "Francis: ¿Quién coño bombardeó el aeropuerto?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0315" "Francis: What idiot bombed the airport?" "npc.biker_worldairport0316" "Francis: Vamos por aquí." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0316" "Francis: Let's go through here." "npc.biker_worldairport0317" "Francis: Bueno, ése avioncillo no es para ponerse optimista." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0317" "Francis: Ah shit, that half a plane ain't real encouraging." "npc.biker_worldairport0318" "Francis: Carbonicemos esta mierda." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0318" "Francis: Let's burn this pile a' crap." "npc.biker_worldairport0319" "Francis: ¡EL AEROPUERTO! Os dije que os traería." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0319" "Francis: THE AIRPORT! Told ya I'd get us here." "npc.biker_worldairport0320" "Francis: ¿Te suena esto, metrosexual?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0320" "Francis: Hey, Suit, this look familiar?" "npc.biker_worldairport0321" "Francis: ¿Qué anormal bombardeó el aeropuerto?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0321" "Francis: What friggin' idiot bombed the airport?" "npc.biker_worldairport0322" "Francis: Bien hecho, Rambo." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0322" "Francis: Heh heh, hot shot." "npc.biker_worldairport0323" "Francis: Nunca hay un poli cuando lo necesitas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0323" "Francis: Never a cop when you need one." "npc.biker_worldairport0401" "Francis: Hay que bajar la escalera." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0401" "Francis: We need to get downstairs." "npc.biker_worldairport0402" "Francis: ¡Pasemos por las oficinas!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0402" "Francis: Let's go through the offices!" "npc.biker_worldairport0403" "Francis: Estrellemos la furgo contra esa montaña." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0403" "Francis: We can send the van through that pile a' crap." "npc.biker_worldairport0404" "Francis: Hay que atravesar la montaña de basura." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0404" "Francis: We gotta get through that pile a' junk." "npc.biker_worldairport0405" "Francis: Vaya montón de equipaje. Total, para nada." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0405" "Francis: Big pile a' luggage. Lotta good it did em." "npc.biker_worldairport0406" "Francis: Hay que llegar al otro lado de esa montaña." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0406" "Francis: We need to be on the other side of that pile a' crap." "npc.biker_worldairport0407" "Francis: ¿Para qué bombardear un aeropuerto?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0407" "Francis: Why would the army bomb the airport?" "npc.biker_worldairport0408" "Francis: ¡Quítate del detector de metales!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0408" "Francis: Get outta the damn metal detector!" "npc.biker_worldairport0409" "Francis: Igual ha sido tu cinturón." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0409" "Francis: Maybe your belt buckle set that off." "npc.biker_worldairport0410" "Francis: ¿Bill? Eso lo dije yo." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0410" "Francis: Bill? I was the one that said that." "npc.biker_worldairport0411" "Francis: ¿Cómo que es igual que en el ejército?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0411" "Francis: What do you mean it's just like the army?" "npc.biker_worldairport0412" "Francis: ¡Es el avión que vimos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0412" "Francis: There's the plane we saw!" "npc.biker_worldairport0413" "Francis: ¡Bajemos al avión!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0413" "Francis: Let's get down to that plane!" "npc.biker_worldairport0414" "Francis: ¡Ahí está el avión! ¿Y cómo coño llegamos?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0414" "Francis: There's the plane! How the hell do we get to it?" "npc.biker_worldairport0416" "Francis: Odio la mitología." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0416" "Francis: I hate Ayn Rand." "npc.biker_worldairport0417" "Francis: ¿Crees que ha sido mi cinturón?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0417" "Francis: You think my belt buckle set it off?" "npc.biker_worldairport0418" "Francis: ¿Sería una locura estrellar la furgoneta contra esa montaña de basura?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0418" "Francis: Here's a crazy idea: What if we send the van into that pile of junk?" "npc.biker_worldairport0419" "Francis: Hay que llegar a las pistas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0419" "Francis: We need to get out to the runway." "npc.biker_worldairport0420" "Francis: Hay que ir a las pistas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0420" "Francis: We gotta get to the runway." "npc.biker_worldairport0421" "Francis: Esto es lo más sobrio que he estado en un aeropuerto." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0421" "Francis: This is the most sober I've ever been in an airport." "npc.biker_worldairport0422" "Francis: La pasarela nos llevará por encima." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0422" "Francis: That skybridge will get us over." "npc.biker_worldairport0423" "Francis: ¡Ahí está el avión!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0423" "Francis: There's the plane!" "npc.biker_worldairport0424" "Francis: Lo más triste es que esto no es lo peor que me ha pasado en un aeropuerto." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0424" "Francis: The sad thing is this is only the second worst time I've ever had in an airport." "npc.biker_worldairport0425" "Francis: Odio las furgos." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0425" "Francis: I hate vans." "npc.biker_worldairport0426" "Francis: Dios ha muerto ¿eh? Pues que se una al club." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0426" "Francis: God's dead, huh? Well, join the damn club." "npc.biker_worldairport0427" "Francis: Joder... Ese no era nuestro avión, ¿verdad?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0427" "Francis: Holy shit... that wasn't our plane was it?" "npc.biker_worldairport0428" "Francis: Ahora me da algo de miedo volar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0428" "Francis: I'm a little scared of flyin' now." "npc.biker_worldairport0429" "Francis: ¿Qué probabilidad hay de que pase dos veces?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0429" "Francis: What's the chance that'll happen twice in a row?" "npc.biker_worldairport0501" "Francis: Parece que el avión aún funciona." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0501" "Francis: That plane looks like it's still workin'." "npc.biker_worldairport0502" "Francis: Hay que repostar el avión." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0502" "Francis: We gotta gas up the plane." "npc.biker_worldairport0503" "Francis: Camión encendido..." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0503" "Francis: Starting the fuel truck..." "npc.biker_worldairport0504" "Francis: ¡Empieza a llenarlo!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0504" "Francis: Start the fuel truck!" "npc.biker_worldairport0505" "Francis: Avión repostado." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0505" "Francis: The plane's gassed up: Let's go!" "npc.biker_worldairport0506" "Francis: ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0506" "Francis: The plane's ready!" "npc.biker_worldairport0507" "Francis: ¡El avión ya está! ¡Venga! ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0507" "Francis: Plane's ready! Let's go! Let's go!" "npc.biker_worldairport0509" "Francis: Alguien ha volado esto en pedazos..." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0509" "Francis: Somebody really blew this place to Hell..." "npc.biker_worldairport0510" "Francis: ¿Qué coño le ha pasado a este sitio?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0510" "Francis: What the hell happened to this place?" "npc.biker_worldairport0511" "Francis: *Ese* avión parece bien." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0511" "Francis: *That* plane looks okay." "npc.biker_worldairport0512" "Francis: Joder, parece que hubiera estallado una bomba. Unas cuantas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0512" "Francis: Jesus, it looks like a bomb went off here. A few bombs." "npc.biker_worldairport0513" "Francis: Odio los aviones." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport0513" "Francis: I hate planes." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc01" "Francis: Aquí todos son o zombies o gilipollas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc01" "Francis: Everyone but us is either a zombie or an asshole." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc02" "Francis: Mira, colega, podemos *obligarte* a abrir la puta puerta." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc02" "Francis: Listen candy-pants, we can *make* you open that goddamn door." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc03" "Francis: Vale." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc03" "Francis: Fine." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc04" "Francis: ¡Ten compasión, llevamos a un viejo!" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc04" "Francis: Have a heart, we gotta a helpless old man with us!" "npc.biker_worldairport05npc05" "Francis: Bill, cállate." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc05" "Francis: Shut up, Bill." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc06" "Francis: Si alguien la palma poniendo el combustible, te la cargas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc06" "Francis: If anybody dies pumpin' this goddamn gas, I'm takin' it out on you." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc07" "Francis: Parece que todos son o vampiros o gilipollas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc07" "Francis: Everyone but us is either a vampire or an asshole." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc08" "Francis: Voto por gilipollas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc08" "Francis: I'm votin' asshole." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc09" "Francis: ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc09" "Francis: Are you kidding me?" "npc.biker_worldairport05npc10" "Francis: Sí, ya lo vemos. Eres un héroe." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc10" "Francis: Yeah, yeah, we get it. You're a hero." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc11" "Francis: Oye, imbécil, yo puedo pilotar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc11" "Francis: Listen, asshole, I can fly the plane!" "npc.biker_worldairport05npc12" "Francis: ¿Por qué no me lo demuestras?" "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc12" "Francis: Why don't you come out here and prove it?" "npc.biker_worldairport05npc13" "Francis: Señor, Terry ha muerto. Y somos polis." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc13" "Francis: Sir, Terry's dead. And we're cops." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc14" "Francis: Terry ha muerto, amigo." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc14" "Francis: Terry didn't make it, pal." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc15" "Francis: Pues podemos." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc15" "Francis: We can do that." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc16" "Francis: Joder, sí podemos." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc16" "Francis: Hell, we can do that." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc17" "Francis: Tú asegúrate de que la cosa puede volar." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc17" "Francis: You just make sure the damn thing is ready to fly." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc18" "Francis: Señor, somos la Poli." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc18" "Francis: Sir, uh, we're cops." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc19" "Francis: Somos [carraspeo] la Poli, señor." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc19" "Francis: Sir, uh, we're cops." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc20" "Francis: Gilipollas." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc20" "Francis: Jackass." "npc.biker_worldairport05npc21" "Francis: No me hagas ir para allá y darte tu merecido." "[english]npc.biker_worldairport05npc21" "Francis: Don't make me come over there and open up a can of whoopass." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0101" "Francis: ¿Que a la gente le gusta ir de acampada?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0101" "Francis: Yer tellin' me people camp for fun?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0102" "Francis: Vale." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0102" "Francis: All right." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0103" "Francis: Debemos andar cerca de la base." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0103" "Francis: We gotta be close to the outpost." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0104" "Francis: Si encontramos las vías del tren, podremos seguirlas hasta la base." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0104" "Francis: If we can find some tracks, we can follow em to the military outpost." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0105" "Francis: Mierda. Jamás pensé que iría buscando al ejército." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0105" "Francis: Shit. Never thought I'd go lookin' for the military." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0106" "Francis: Seguro que vosotros hacéis esto por diversión." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0106" "Francis: Bet you kids cross shit like this for fun." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0107" "Francis: Qué bonito." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0107" "Francis: Nice place." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0108" "Francis: Las vías. Ahora sólo hay que llegar hasta ahí." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0108" "Francis: There's the tracks. Now we just need to get to 'em." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0109" "Francis: Seguro que desde ahí se llega a las vías." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0109" "Francis: Bet we can get to the tracks from that building." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0110" "Francis: ¡Un refugio aquí atrás!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0110" "Francis: There's a safe house back here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0111" "Francis: Tío, odio los bosques." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0111" "Francis: Man I hate the woods." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0112" "Francis: Odio los bosques." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0112" "Francis: I hate the woods." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0113" "Francis: No hay puente." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0113" "Francis: Bridge's out." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0114" "Francis: ¡Vaaaale!... vale. Sólo hay que encontrar las vías del tren." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0114" "Francis: Woah...Okay... all we need to do is find the railroad tracks." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0115" "Francis: Buen día para un picnic." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0115" "Francis: Nice day for a picnic." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0116" "Francis: No hay puente. Genial." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0116" "Francis: Bridge's out. Terrific." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0201" "Francis: Louis, qué da más miedo: ¿los zombies o volver a la oficina?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0201" "Francis: Louis, what's scarier: Zombies or goin' back to work in an office?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0202" "Francis: ¡Por aquí podemos alcanzar las vías!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0202" "Francis: We can get down to the tracks over here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0203" "Francis: Este túnel va en dirección correcta." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0203" "Francis: Looks like this tunnel heads the right way." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0204" "Francis: Este túnel va bien." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0204" "Francis: This tunnel heads the right way." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0205" "Francis: Las vías están bloqueadas." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0205" "Francis: The tracks are down from here." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0206" "Francis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0206" "Francis: Through here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0207" "Francis: Mierda, las vías están bloqueadas." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0207" "Francis: Well, goddamit, the tracks are blocked." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0208" "Francis: Probemos el túnel." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0208" "Francis: Let's try this tunnel." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0209" "Francis: ¡Un túnel de mantenimiento!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0209" "Francis: Maintenance corridor up here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0210" "Francis: ¡Putas vías bloqueadas!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0210" "Francis: Damn tracks are blocked!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0211" "Francis: Odio los trenes." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0211" "Francis: I hate trains." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0212" "Francis: Odio los túneles." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0212" "Francis: I hate tunnels." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0213" "Francis: Louis, qué te da más miedo: ¿los vampiros o volver a la oficina?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0213" "Francis: Louis, what's scarier: Vampires or goin' back to work in an office?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0214" "Francis: Las vías deberían estar abajo." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0214" "Francis: The tracks should just be downstairs." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0301" "Francis: Esto es un puto laberinto. Y los odio." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0301" "Francis: These things are a real frickin' maze. I hate mazes." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0302" "Francis: Espero que lo atraviese." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0302" "Francis: This better go through." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0303" "Francis: Cuidado con la valla." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0303" "Francis: Watch out for that fence." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0304" "Francis: Genial, la valla está electrificada." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0304" "Francis: Nice, they electrified the fence." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0305" "Francis: Generalcillo, dale corriente." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0305" "Francis: Hey, Pointdexter, hit the power." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0306" "Francis: Corbatita, dale corriente." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0306" "Francis: Hey, Suit, hit the power." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0307" "Francis: Toma, frito." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0307" "Francis: Woaah, fried." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0308" "Francis: ¡Arranca el motor!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0308" "Francis: Start the engine." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0309" "Francis: Suelta ese vagón." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0309" "Francis: Hey, unhook that car." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0310" "Francis: ¡Ponlo en marcha!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0310" "Francis: Get that thing moving!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0311" "Francis: ¡Dale!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0311" "Francis: Hit it!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0312" "Francis: ¡Cuidado con el tren!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0312" "Francis: Watch out for the train!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0313" "Francis: ¡Ahora podemos subir!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0313" "Francis: We can get up there now!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0314" "Francis: ¡Ahí arriba!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0314" "Francis: Up there!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0315" "Francis: ¡Arriba hay un refugio!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0315" "Francis: Safe house up there!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0316" "Francis: Puede que haya provisiones en esa casa." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0316" "Francis: There might be supplies in that house." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0317" "Francis: Miremos en la casa." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0317" "Francis: Let's check this house." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0318" "Francis: ¡Ahí están las vías!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0318" "Francis: There's the tracks!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0319" "Francis: Vías bloqueadas otra vez. Parece que hacen curva en esa colina." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0319" "Francis: Track's blocked again. Looks like they curve around that hill." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0320" "Francis: Subamos esa colina." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0320" "Francis: Let's hump our asses over the hill." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0321" "Francis: JO-DER, odio las vallas electrificadas." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0321" "Francis: God DAMN I hate electric fences." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0322" "Francis: Hey, el del traje; dale corriente." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0322" "Francis: Yo, you in the monkey suit, hit the power." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0323" "Francis: Esto es un puto laberinto." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0323" "Francis: This is a real freakin' maze." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0324" "Francis: Aquí atrás hay unos trenes." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0324" "Francis: There're some trains back here." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0325" "Francis: Ahí atrás hay trenes." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0325" "Francis: There's some trains back there." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0326" "Francis: Seguro que podemos derribar el puente." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0326" "Francis: You know - I bet we could knock that bridge down." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0327" "Francis: Hay que subir ahí." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0327" "Francis: We need to get up there." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0401" "Francis: ¡Un granero!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0401" "Francis: Barn ahead!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0402" "Francis: ¿Hay provisiones en él?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0402" "Francis: Any supplies in the barn?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0403" "Francis: Miremos en el granero." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0403" "Francis: Let's check out the barn." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0404" "Francis: ¿Está Heidi?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0404" "Francis: Is Arnold in there?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0405" "Francis: Olvidé que tenéis todos como 10 años. Menos tú, Bill." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0405" "Francis: Never mind, I forgot, you guys are like 10 years old. 'Cept you, Bill." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0406" "Francis: ¡Las vías!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0406" "Francis: The tracks!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0407" "Francis: ¡Otro edificio!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0407" "Francis: Another building!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0408" "Francis: ¡Las vías deben estar ahí!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0408" "Francis: The tracks should be down there!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0409" "Francis: Una estación." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0409" "Francis: Train station." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0410" "Francis: Más vale que esto no sea la base militar." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0410" "Francis: This better not be the military outpost." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0411" "Francis: Esto está chungo." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0411" "Francis: This is all messed up." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0412" "Francis: Podemos bajar por ahí." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0412" "Francis: We can get around down here." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0413" "Francis: A la puerta." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0413" "Francis: Someone get the gate." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0414" "Francis: ¡Abre la puerta!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0414" "Francis: Open the gate!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0415" "Francis: ¡Por el puente, VAMOS!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0415" "Francis: Across the bridge, GO!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0416" "Francis: ¡Corre al vagón!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0416" "Francis: Run for the train car!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0417" "Francis: ¡Sube al puto vagón!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0417" "Francis: Get to the goddam train car!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0418" "Francis: ¡El furgón de cola!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0418" "Francis: Yeah, the caboose!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0419" "Francis: NUNCA me gustaron los graneros." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0419" "Francis: I have NEVER liked barns." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0420" "Francis: Odio los graneros." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0420" "Francis: I hate barns." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0501" "Francis: ¡A la granja!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0501" "Francis: Get to the farm house!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0502" "Francis: ¡Una base!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0502" "Francis: An outpost!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0503" "Francis: ¡Lo conseguimos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0503" "Francis: Yeah, we made it!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0504" "Francis: ¡En la colina!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0504" "Francis: Up the hill!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0505" "Francis: ¡Por fin! Vamos a salir de aquí." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0505" "Francis: Finally! We're getting out of here." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0506" "Francis: Esto no me gusta..." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0506" "Francis: I don't like this..." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0507" "Francis: Algo no anda bien..." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0507" "Francis: Somethin's not right..." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0508" "Francis: Coge la radio." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0508" "Francis: Pick up the radio." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0509" "Francis: ¿Qué coño es eso?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0509" "Francis: What's this shit?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0510" "Francis: Se acabó, voy a llamarles." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0510" "Francis: Well, I'm callin' em, this is it." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0511" "Francis: Sólo hay que esperar hasta que aparezcan." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0511" "Francis: We just gotta wait until they show up." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0512" "Francis: ¡Militares!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0512" "Francis: Army's here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0513" "Francis: ¡Joder, mira eso!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0513" "Francis: Look at that shit!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0515" "Francis: ¡Eso sí que es un disparo!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0515" "Francis: That's some fire power!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0517" "Francis: Nenas, creo que estamos salvados." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0517" "Francis: Ladies, I do believe we have been saved." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0518" "Francis: ¡Armas en el granero!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0518" "Francis: Guns in the barn!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0519" "Francis: ¡Sí! ¡El ejército!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0519" "Francis: Yeah, army's here!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0521" "Francis: ¿Recorremos 800 kilómetros y matamos 10.000 zombies para oír una puta grabación? Puto ejército." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0521" "Francis: We walk 500 miles, kill 10,000 zombies just to make it to a goddamn tape loop? Screw the army." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0522" "Francis: Espero que no tarden. Ya estoy harto." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0522" "Francis: These guys better not take long. I've had it." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0523" "Francis: Os perdono, soldados. ¡Ahora os adoro!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0523" "Francis: I forgive you, Army. I love you guys!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0524" "Francis: Vaya casa más chunga." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0524" "Francis: That is one creepy ass house." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0525" "Francis: Manda huevos. Recorremos mil kilómetros y matamos 5 millones de vampiros para..." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0525" "Francis: You got to be shittin me. We walk a hundred miles, fight 5 million vampires -" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0526" "Francis: Puta grabación de mierda." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0526" "Francis: Goddamn tape loop piece of shit." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0527" "Francis: Vale. ¿Todo lo que tienen es una puta grabación? Puto ejército de mierda." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0527" "Francis: Whatever. And all they got is a goddamn tape loop? Screw the goddamn army." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0528" "Francis: ¡AMO al puto ejército!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0528" "Francis: I LOVE the goddamn army!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0529" "Francis: ¿Recorremos mil kilómetros y matamos 10.000 vampiros para llegar a una puta grabación? Puto ejército." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouse0529" "Francis: We walk 500 miles, kill 10,000 vampires just to make it to a goddamn tape loop? Screw the army." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousegeneric01" "Francis: Zombies fritos..." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousegeneric01" "Francis: Fried zombies..." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousegeneric02" "Francis: Zombies fritos... qué rico." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousegeneric02" "Francis: Hey, fried zombies... tasty." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro01" "Francis: Se supone que el ejército tiene una zona segura hacia el Norte. Hay que seguir las vías." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro01" "Francis: I heard the military's got a safe zone north of here. We just gotta follow the train tracks." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro02" "Francis: Sabía que ese idiota no podía pilotar. ¿Estáis enteros?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro02" "Francis: I knew that idiot couldn't fly a plane. Everybody in one piece?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro03" "Francis: Yo también lo he oído." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro03" "Francis: Yeah, I heard that, too." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro04" "Francis: ¿Tienes un plan mejor?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro04" "Francis: You got a better plan?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro05" "Francis: Solos no vamos a sobrevivir para siempre. Se supone que el ejército tiene una zona segura al Norte. Hay que seguir las vías." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro05" "Francis: We ain't gonna survive on our own forever. I heard the military's got a safe zone north of here. We just gotta follow the train tracks." "npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro06" "Francis: Mira, el gobierno tiene una zona pacífica hacia el Norte... Es broma, el ejército ha tomado la zona y se cargan a todo lo que se mueva. Las vías deberían llevarnos allí." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhouseintro06" "Francis: Listen, the government's got a hate-free zone up north... I'm kidding, the military's got a stronghold up there and they're killing anything that walks funny. Railroad tracks should take us right there." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Francis: Er... ¿hola?" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Francis: Uh, hello?" "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Francis: Ejército: Somos [carraspeo] la Poli." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Francis: Attention Army: This is the cops." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Francis: Recibido-bido." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Francis: Rodger dodger." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Francis: Listos." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Francis: We're ready!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Francis: Todo listo." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Francis: We're all set!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc06" "Francis: ¡Recogednos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc06" "Francis: Come get us!" "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Francis: Espero que colara lo de ser la Poli." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Francis: I hope they believed that shit about us being cops." "npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Francis: Ejército: Somos la Poli." "[english]npc.biker_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Francis: Attention Army: This is the cops." "npc.biker_worldhospital0201" "Francis: Odio el metro." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0201" "Francis: I hate subways." "npc.biker_worldhospital0301" "Francis: Hay que llegar al hospital." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0301" "Francis: We've got to get to the hospital." "npc.biker_worldhospital0302" "Francis: ¡Al hospital!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0302" "Francis: Into the hospital!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0303" "Francis: ¡Hay un refugio en el hospital!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0303" "Francis: There's a safe house in the hospital!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0304" "Francis: ¡Dale al botón!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0304" "Francis: Hit the button!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0305" "Francis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0305" "Francis: Get on the lift!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0306" "Francis: Esto sí es una mierda." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0306" "Francis: Now this is some shit." "npc.biker_worldhospital0308" "Francis: Odio las cloacas." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0308" "Francis: I hate sewers." "npc.biker_worldhospital0401" "Francis: Si no, al menos moriremos con una bonita vista." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0401" "Francis: If he ain't, at least we'll die with a nice view of the city." "npc.biker_worldhospital0402" "Francis: ¿Qué tal te aguanta la barba, Bill?" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0402" "Francis: So, how's yer beard holdin' up, Bill?" "npc.biker_worldhospital0403" "Francis: El mayor misterio de esta infección es: ¿quién de vosotros se ha bufado?" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0403" "Francis: The biggest mystery about this vampire outbreak is which one of you jackasses just beefed?" "npc.biker_worldhospital0404" "Francis: Odio los hospitales. Y a los doctores, abogados y policías..." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0404" "Francis: I hate hospitals. And doctors and lawyers and cops..." "npc.biker_worldhospital0405" "Francis: Odio los hospitales." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0405" "Francis: I hate hospitals." "npc.biker_worldhospital0406" "Francis: ¡Es el ascensor!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0406" "Francis: Elevator's here!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0407" "Francis: ¡Sube al ascensor!" "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0407" "Francis: Get on the elevator!" "npc.biker_worldhospital0408" "Francis: Odio los hospitales." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0408" "Francis: I hate hospitals." "npc.biker_worldhospital0409" "Francis: Odio los ascensores." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0409" "Francis: I hate elevators." "npc.biker_worldhospital0410" "Francis: Odio las escaleras." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0410" "Francis: I hate stairs." "npc.biker_worldhospital0411" "Francis: Y a los doctores, y a los abogados..." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0411" "Francis: And doctors, and lawyers and..." "npc.biker_worldhospital0501" "Francis: Odio los helicópteros." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0501" "Francis: I hate helicopters." "npc.biker_worldhospital0502" "Francis: Louis, trata de no reventar el helicóptero..." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospital0502" "Francis: Louis, try not to blow up the helicopter..." "npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric01" "Francis: Ya le he dado al puto botón." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric01" "Francis: I already pressed the damn button." "npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric02" "Francis: Seguro que si insistes viene más rápido." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric02" "Francis: Yeah, it'll probably come quicker if ya keep pressin it." "npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric03" "Francis: Ya le he dado al puto botón, imbécil." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric03" "Francis: Hey jackass, I already pressed the damn button." "npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric04" "Francis: Sí, seguro que viene más rápido si le insistes." "[english]npc.biker_worldhospitalgeneric04" "Francis: Yeah, it'll probably come quicker if you just keep pressin' it." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0103" "Francis: ¡Disparos! ¡Queda alguien vivo en Riverside!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0103" "Francis: Gunfire! Somebody's still alive in Riverside!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0104" "Francis: Parece un buen plan." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0104" "Francis: That sounds like a plan." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0105" "Francis: Suena bien. Vamos a Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0105" "Francis: Sounds good to me. Let's head to Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0106" "Francis: ¿Oís eso? Hay pelea en la ciudad." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0106" "Francis: Hear that? There's fightin' in town." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0107" "Francis: Si encontramos la superficie, podemos llegar a Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0107" "Francis: If we find a way to the surface, we can get to Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0108" "Francis: ¡Cuidado, murciélagos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0108" "Francis: Watch out for bats!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0109" "Francis: No ODIO a los murciélagos, pero no me gustan." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0109" "Francis: I don't HATE bats, but I do not like them." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0110" "Francis: No hay puente." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0110" "Francis: Bridge is out." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0111" "Francis: Síp... No hay puente." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0111" "Francis: Yep... Bridge is out." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0112" "Francis: Este túnel es un poco tétrico." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0112" "Francis: Come on, this tunnel is a little creepy" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0113" "Francis: Vigilad ahí arriba." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0113" "Francis: Watch out above us." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0114" "Francis: ¡Aquí abajo!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0114" "Francis: Down here!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0115" "Francis: ¡Bloqueado!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0115" "Francis: Blocked!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0116" "Francis: Por esas escaleras." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0116" "Francis: We can take these stairs!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0117" "Francis: ¡Aquí hay un refugio!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0117" "Francis: Safe house up there!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0118" "Francis: Odio los peajes." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0118" "Francis: I hate turnpikes." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0201" "Francis: Hay que activar el puente." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0201" "Francis: We gotta activate that bridge." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0202" "Francis: ¿Es *ese* tipo de cloaca?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0202" "Francis: Is this that kind of sewer?" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0203" "Francis: Genial." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0203" "Francis: Cool." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0204" "Francis: Odio las estaciones." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0204" "Francis: I hate trainyards." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0205" "Francis: No creo que aguantasen." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0205" "Francis: Yeah, I don't think they held." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0206" "Francis: Odio las iglesias." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0206" "Francis: I hate churches." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0207" "Francis: Puej. Odio la caca." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0207" "Francis: Ew. I hate caca." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0301" "Francis: Riverside a la derecha." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0301" "Francis: Riverside's to our right." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0302" "Francis: Casi en Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0302" "Francis: Almost to Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0303" "Francis: Está muy tranquilo..." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0303" "Francis: The town's pretty quiet..." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0304" "Francis: ¡A la iglesia!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0304" "Francis: Get to the church!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0305" "Francis: Pues vaya con Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0305" "Francis: So much fer Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0306" "Francis: Parece que Riverside no consiguió aguantar." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0306" "Francis: Looks like Riverside couldn't hold it together." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0307" "Francis: Parece que nos acercamos a Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0307" "Francis: Looks like we're getting close to Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0308" "Francis: Riverside no está lejos de aquí." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0308" "Francis: Riverside ain't too far from here." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0309" "Francis: ¡En esa iglesia hay luz!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0309" "Francis: There's lights on in that church!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0310" "Francis: Odio andar." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0310" "Francis: I hate walking." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0311" "Francis: Odio los pueblos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0311" "Francis: I hate small towns." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc01" "Francis: Si sobrevivimos, pienso cargarme a ese tío." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc01" "Francis: If we live through this, I'm gonna kill that guy." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc02" "Francis: No si yo le mato primero." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc02" "Francis: Not if I kill him first." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc03" "Francis: Si sobrevivimos, pienso cargarme a ese tío, joder." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown03npc03" "Francis: If we live through this, I'm gonna frickin' kill that guy." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0401" "Francis: Riverside es una mierda. Vamos al río y robemos un barco." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0401" "Francis: Riverside's a bust. Let's just get to the river and steal a boat." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0402" "Francis: Por aquí se llega al río." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0402" "Francis: We can get to the river through here." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0501" "Francis: ¡Al embarcadero!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0501" "Francis: Get to the boat house!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0502" "Francis: ¡Al barco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0502" "Francis: Get to the boat!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0503" "Francis: ¡Ya están aquí! ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0503" "Francis: Our ride's here! Let's go!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0504" "Francis: ¡Ya están aquí! ¡Todos al barco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0504" "Francis: They're here! Everyone to the boat!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0505" "Francis: ¡Al barco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0505" "Francis: Get to the boat!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0506" "Francis: ¡Al barco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0506" "Francis: To the boat!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0507" "Francis: ¡Aquí esté el barco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0507" "Francis: The boat's here!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0508" "Francis: Odio los barcos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0508" "Francis: I hate boats." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0509" "Francis: Odio el agua." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0509" "Francis: I hate the water." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0510" "Francis: Odio a los barqueros." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0510" "Francis: I hate boat people." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0511" "Francis: Odio a los picapleitos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0511" "Francis: I hate boat lawyers" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0512" "Francis: Odio a los picapleitos. ¿Cuándo se dejarán de leyes?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0512" "Francis: I hate boat lawyers. When are they gonna get done practicing law?" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0513" "Francis: ¿Sabes qué no odio? No odio los chalecos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0513" "Francis: You know what I don't hate? I don't hate vests." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0514" "Francis: Odio los mareos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0514" "Francis: I hate vomit." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0515" "Francis: Adoro mi chaleco." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0515" "Francis: I love my vest." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0516" "Francis: ¡Cuidado con el chaleco!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0516" "Francis: Hey - not on the vest!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0517" "Francis: ¡En el chaleco no!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltown0517" "Francis: Hey - not on the vest!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Francis: ¿Quién eres?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Francis: Who are you?" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Francis: Abre la puta puerta." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Francis: Just open the goddamn door." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Francis: Somos polis. Abre." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Francis: We're cops. Open up." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Francis: Veamos: Yo soy Francis, éste el abuelo Bill y... ¡HAY PUTOS ZOMBIES FUERA! ¡ABRE LA PUTA PUERTA!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Francis: Well, let's see: I'm Francis, and that's Grandpa Bill, and - THERE'S ZOMBIES OUT HERE OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Francis: ¡Te voy a meter esa campana por el culo!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Francis: I am going to tear that bell down and shove it up your ass!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Francis: ¿Estás tocando la puta campana?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Francis: Are you ringing that goddamn bell?" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Francis: ¿Está tocando la puta campana?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Francis: Is he ringing that goddamn bell?" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman08" "Francis: ¡Deja de tocar la puta campana!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman08" "Francis: Stop ringing the goddamn bell!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman09" "Francis: ¡No somos infectados!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman09" "Francis: We're not infected!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman10" "Francis: ¡No somos infectados! ¡Sólo tengo herpes!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman10" "Francis: We're not infected! I just have herpes!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman11" "Francis: Veamos: Yo soy Francis, éste es el abuelo Bill y... ¡HAY VAMPIROS AHÍ FUERA! ¡ABRE LA PUTA PUERTA!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman11" "Francis: Well, let's see: I'm Francis, and that's Grandpa Bill, and - THERE'S VAMPIRES OUT HERE OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman12" "Francis: Abre la puerta, somos la Poli." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman12" "Francis: Open the door, we're cops." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman13" "Francis: Tío, creo que lo de la Poli no ha colado." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcbellman13" "Francis: Man, I don't think the cop thing worked." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Francis: Trato hecho." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Francis: You got a deal." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Francis: Trato hecho, tío." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Francis: You got a deal, pal." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Francis: ¡Recógenos!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Francis: Come get us!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Francis: Un minutito, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Francis: Give us a minute, here." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Francis: Tenemos armas, tío." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Francis: We got guns, pal." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Francis: Somos cuatro y tenemos armas." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Francis: There's four us with guns here." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Francis: Tenemos un huevo de armas." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Francis: We gotta whole lotta guns, pal." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Francis: Chao, Riverside." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Francis: So long, Riverside." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Francis: Lo siento, aceptaremos la oferta de su marido." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Francis: Sorry lady, we're takin' yer husband's offer." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Francis: Lo siento, señora." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Francis: Sorry lady." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Francis: Señora: Somos la Poli. Venga a por nosotros." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Francis: Lady: We're the cops. Now come get us." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Francis: Atención, barquero: Somos la Poli. Ven a buscarnos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Francis: Attention boat owner: We are the cops. Come pick us up." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Francis: Atención, barquero: Somos la Poli. Le ordeno que venga a buscarnos. ¡YA!" "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Francis: Attention boat owner: We are the cops. I command you to pick us up. NOW." "npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Francis: Atención, barquero: Somos la Poli. Le ordeno que venga a buscarnos." "[english]npc.biker_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Francis: Attention boat owner: We are the cops. I command you to pick us up." "player.biker_yes01" "Francis: Sí." "[english]player.biker_yes01" "Francis: Yes." "player.biker_yes02" "Francis: Vale." "[english]player.biker_yes02" "Francis: Okay." "player.biker_yes03" "Francis: Sip." "[english]player.biker_yes03" "Francis: Yep." "player.biker_yes04" "Francis: Sí." "[english]player.biker_yes04" "Francis: Yeah." "player.biker_yes05" "Francis: Sí." "[english]player.biker_yes05" "Francis: Yeah." "player.biker_yes06" "Francis: A mandar, colega." "[english]player.biker_yes06" "Francis: Roger that, good buddy." "player.biker_youarewelcome01" "Francis: Bueno... de nada." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome01" "Francis: Well, hell, you're welcome." "player.biker_youarewelcome02" "Francis: Te la debía." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome02" "Francis: I got your back." "player.biker_youarewelcome03" "Francis: Cuando quieras." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome03" "Francis: Any damn time." "player.biker_youarewelcome04" "Francis: Eh, sin problema." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome04" "Francis: Hey, no problem." "player.biker_youarewelcome05" "Francis: Sin problema." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome05" "Francis: No problem." "player.biker_youarewelcome06" "Francis: Claro." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome06" "Francis: Sure." "player.biker_youarewelcome07" "Francis: Te dije que te cuidaría." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome07" "Francis: I told ya I'd take care of ya." "player.biker_youarewelcome08" "Francis: No, gracias a ti." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome08" "Francis: No, thank YOU!" "player.biker_youarewelcome09" "Francis: De nada." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome09" "Francis: Yer welcome." "player.biker_youarewelcome10" "Francis: Sí, soy la leche." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome10" "Francis: Yea, I'm pretty awesome." "player.biker_youarewelcome11" "Francis: Sin problema, tío." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome11" "Francis: No problemo, pal." "player.biker_youarewelcome12" "Francis: Está bien." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome12" "Francis: It's all good." "player.biker_youarewelcome13" "Francis: Lo pillo." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome13" "Francis: Gotcha." "player.biker_youarewelcome14" "Francis: Lo que quieras, cuando quieras." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome14" "Francis: Whatever, whenever, man." "player.biker_youarewelcome15" "Francis: Sí, recuérdalo cuando sólo quede una cerveza." "[english]player.biker_youarewelcome15" "Francis: Yeah, well, remember this when we're down to our last beer." // Manager "player.manager_alertgiveitem01" "Louis: Toma, ten esto." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem01" "Louis: Here take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem02" "Louis: Toma, esto es para ti." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem02" "Louis: Here, I got something for you." "player.manager_alertgiveitem03" "Louis: Toma." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem03" "Louis: Take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem04" "Louis: Sigue, toma esto." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem04" "Louis: Go ahead and take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem05" "Louis: Tío, toma esto." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem05" "Louis: Here man, take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem06" "Louis: Toma, ya me recompensarás." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem06" "Louis: Take it and you can pay me back later" "player.manager_alertgiveitem07" "Louis: No es momento de hacerse el héroe, toma." "[english]player.manager_alertgiveitem07" "Louis: It's not a time to be a hero, just take it." "player.manager_answerlostcall01" "Louis: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.manager_answerlostcall01" "Louis: Here!" "player.manager_answerlostcall02" "Louis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.manager_answerlostcall02" "Louis: Over here!" "player.manager_answerlostcall03" "Louis: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.manager_answerlostcall03" "Louis: I'm here!" "player.manager_answerlostcall04" "Louis: ¡Estoy aquí!" "[english]player.manager_answerlostcall04" "Louis: I'm here!" "npc.manager_answerready01" "Louis: ¡Listo!" "[english]npc.manager_answerready01" "Louis: Ready!" "npc.manager_answerready02" "Louis: ¡Adelante!" "[english]npc.manager_answerready02" "Louis: Let's do it!" "npc.manager_answerready03" "Louis: ¡Dale!" "[english]npc.manager_answerready03" "Louis: Hit it!" "npc.manager_answerready04" "Louis: ¡Va, es la hora!" "[english]npc.manager_answerready04" "Louis: Come on, let's do it!" "player.manager_areaclear01" "Louis: ¡Limpio!" "[english]player.manager_areaclear01" "Louis: Clear!" "player.manager_areaclear02" "Louis: ¡Nada por aquí!" "[english]player.manager_areaclear02" "Louis: Nothing in here!" "player.manager_areaclear03" "Louis: ¡Nada aquí!" "[english]player.manager_areaclear03" "Louis: Nothin' here!" "player.manager_areaclear04" "Louis: ¡Limpio!" "[english]player.manager_areaclear04" "Louis: All clean!" "player.manager_arriveboat01" "Louis: ¡Vamos al barco!" "[english]player.manager_arriveboat01" "Louis: Get to the boat!" "player.manager_arriveboat02" "Louis: ¡Vamos al barco!" "[english]player.manager_arriveboat02" "Louis: Get to the boat!" "player.manager_arriveboat03" "Louis: ¡Corred al barco!" "[english]player.manager_arriveboat03" "Louis: Run to the boat!" "player.manager_arriveboatinitial01" "Louis: ¡El barco ha llegado, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arriveboatinitial01" "Louis: The boat's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arriveboatinitial02" "Louis: ¡Es nuestro barco, arriba!" "[english]player.manager_arriveboatinitial02" "Louis: Our boat's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivechopper01" "Louis: ¡Todos al helicóptero! ¡Ya!" "[english]player.manager_arrivechopper01" "Louis: Everyone in the helicopter! Go!" "player.manager_arrivechopper02" "Louis: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.manager_arrivechopper02" "Louis: Get to the helicopter!" "player.manager_arrivechopperinitial01" "Louis: ¡Ya está aquí, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivechopperinitial01" "Louis: The heli's here. Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivechopperinitial02" "Louis: ¡Ha llegado el helicóptero!" "[english]player.manager_arrivechopperinitial02" "Louis: The helicopter's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivegeneric01" "Louis: ¡Han llegado, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivegeneric01" "Louis: They're here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivegeneric02" "Louis: ¡Saldremos de aquí, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivegeneric02" "Louis: We're gettin' out of here. Come on!" "player.manager_arrivegeneric03" "Louis: ¡Vienen por nosotros, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivegeneric03" "Louis: They're here for us! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivegenericinitial01" "Louis: ¡Nuestro transporte, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivegenericinitial01" "Louis: That's our ride! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivegenericinitial02" "Louis: ¡El transporte, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivegenericinitial02" "Louis: Our ride's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arriveplane01" "Louis: ¡Al avión, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arriveplane01" "Louis: Get to the plane. GO!" "player.manager_arriveplane02" "Louis: ¡Vamos al avión!" "[english]player.manager_arriveplane02" "Louis: Get to the plane!" "player.manager_arriveplaneinitial01" "Louis: ¡El avión! ¡Vámonos!" "[english]player.manager_arriveplaneinitial01" "Louis: There's the plane! Time to go!" "player.manager_arriveplaneinitial02" "Louis: ¡Es el avión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arriveplaneinitial02" "Louis: The plane's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_arrivetruck01" "Louis: ¡Vamos al camión! ¡AL CAMIÓN!" "[english]player.manager_arrivetruck01" "Louis: Get to the truck! TO THE TRUCK!" "player.manager_arrivetruck02" "Louis: ¡VAMOS AL CAMIÓN!" "[english]player.manager_arrivetruck02" "Louis: GET TO THE TRUCK!" "player.manager_arrivetruckinitial01" "Louis: ¡Es el camión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.manager_arrivetruckinitial01" "Louis: The truck's here! Let's go!" "player.manager_askready01" "Louis: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.manager_askready01" "Louis: Ready?" "player.manager_askready02" "Louis: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.manager_askready02" "Louis: Ready?" "player.manager_askready03" "Louis: ¿Estáis listos?" "[english]player.manager_askready03" "Louis: Ready for this?" "player.manager_askready04" "Louis: ¿Estáis listos?" "[english]player.manager_askready04" "Louis: Ready for this?" "player.manager_askready05" "Louis: ¿Qué... listos?" "[english]player.manager_askready05" "Louis: Waddya say, we ready?" "player.manager_askready06" "Louis: ¿Nos piramos?" "[english]player.manager_askready06" "Louis: You ready to bounce?" "player.manager_askready07" "Louis: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.manager_askready07" "Louis: You ready?" "player.manager_askready08" "Louis: Preparémonos." "[english]player.manager_askready08" "Louis: Yeah, let's get ready" "player.manager_askready09" "Louis: Estoy listo, ¿y vosotros?" "[english]player.manager_askready09" "Louis: I'm ready, you ready?" "player.manager_backup01" "Louis: ¡Retroceded!" "[english]player.manager_backup01" "Louis: Back up!" "player.manager_backup02" "Louis: ¡Atrás, atrás!" "[english]player.manager_backup02" "Louis: Back-back-back!" "player.manager_backup03" "Louis: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.manager_backup03" "Louis: Back up!" "npc.manager_backupquiet01" "Louis: Atrás." "[english]npc.manager_backupquiet01" "Louis: Back up." "npc.manager_backupquiet02" "Louis: Retirada." "[english]npc.manager_backupquiet02" "Louis: Back up back up." "npc.manager_backupquiet03" "Louis: Atrás." "[english]npc.manager_backupquiet03" "Louis: Move back." "npc.manager_backupquiet04" "Louis: Huyamos." "[english]npc.manager_backupquiet04" "Louis: Back up." "player.manager_player.manager_callforrescue01" "Louis: ¡Vamos, sacadme! ¡Puedo echar una mano!" "[english]player.manager_player.manager_callforrescue01" "Louis: Come on, let me out! I can give you a hand!" "player.manager_callforrescue01" "Louis: ¡Vamos, sacadme! ¡Puedo echar una mano!" "[english]player.manager_callforrescue01" "Louis: Come on, let me out! I can give you a hand!" "player.manager_callforrescue02" "Louis: ¡Vamos... sacadme! ¡Puedo ayudar!" "[english]player.manager_callforrescue02" "Louis: Come on, let me out! I can help!" "player.manager_callforrescue03" "Louis: ¡Estoy atrapado... sacadme!" "[english]player.manager_callforrescue03" "Louis: I'm trapped in here, let me out!" "player.manager_callforrescue04" "" "[english]player.manager_callforrescue04" "" "player.manager_callforrescue05" "" "[english]player.manager_callforrescue05" "" //\"player.manager_choke01\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke02\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke03\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke04\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke05\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke06\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke07\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" //\"player.manager_choke08\" \"Louis: [Choking]\" "player.manager_closethedoor01" "Louis: Cerrad la puerta." "[english]player.manager_closethedoor01" "Louis: Lock that door." "player.manager_closethedoor02" "Louis: Cerrad la puerta." "[english]player.manager_closethedoor02" "Louis: Lock the door." "player.manager_closethedoor03" "Louis: ¡Tío, cierra la puerta!" "[english]player.manager_closethedoor03" "Louis: Lock the door, man!" "player.manager_closethedoor04" "Louis: Seguid y cerrad la puerta." "[english]player.manager_closethedoor04" "Louis: Go ahead and lock that door." "player.manager_closethedoor05" "Louis: Cerrad la puta puerta." "[english]player.manager_closethedoor05" "Louis: Lock the damn door." "player.manager_closethedoor06" "Louis: ¿Cerraste la puerta?" "[english]player.manager_closethedoor06" "Louis: Did you lock the door?" "player.manager_closethedoor07" "Louis: ¡La puerta, tío!" "[english]player.manager_closethedoor07" "Louis: Lock the door, man!" "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm01" "Louis: Izquierda." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm01" "Louis: To the left." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm02" "Louis: Derecha." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm02" "Louis: To the right." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm03" "Louis: Arriba." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm03" "Louis: Up there." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm04" "Louis: Encima." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm04" "Louis: Above us." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm05" "Louis: Abajo." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm05" "Louis: Down there." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm06" "Louis: Debajo." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm06" "Louis: Below us." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm07" "Louis: Atrás." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm07" "Louis: Back there." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm08" "Louis: Al frente." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm08" "Louis: Up ahead." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm09" "Louis: En la ventana." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm09" "Louis: In the window." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm10" "Louis: En la esquina." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm10" "Louis: Around the corner." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm11" "Louis: En la entrada." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm11" "Louis: In the doorway." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm12" "Louis: Tras esa pared." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm12" "Louis: Behind this wall." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm13" "Louis: Tras esa puerta." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm13" "Louis: Behind this door." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm14" "Louis: En el tejado." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm14" "Louis: On the roof." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm15" "Louis: Ahí detrás." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm15" "Louis: Behind that." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm16" "Louis: En el edificio." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm16" "Louis: In this building." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm17" "Louis: En los árboles." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm17" "Louis: In the trees." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm18" "Louis: En las rocas." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm18" "Louis: Near the rocks." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm19" "Louis: Hay uno." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm19" "Louis: One of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm20" "Louis: Hay dos." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm20" "Louis: Two of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm21" "Louis: Hay tres." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm21" "Louis: Three of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm22" "Louis: Hay cuatro." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm22" "Louis: Four of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm23" "Louis: Hay muchos." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm23" "Louis: Lots of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm24" "Louis: Hay un par." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm24" "Louis: A couple of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifiercalm25" "Louis: Hay algunos." "[english]player.manager_contextmodifiercalm25" "Louis: A few of 'em." "player.manager_contextmodifierloud01" "Louis: ¡Izquierda!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud01" "Louis: To the left!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud02" "Louis: ¡Derecha!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud02" "Louis: To the right!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud03" "Louis: ¡Arriba!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud03" "Louis: Up there!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud04" "Louis: ¡Encima!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud04" "Louis: Above us!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud05" "Louis: ¡Abajo!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud05" "Louis: Down there!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud06" "Louis: ¡Debajo!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud06" "Louis: Below us!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud07" "Louis: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud07" "Louis: Back there!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud08" "Louis: ¡Al frente!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud08" "Louis: Up ahead!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud09" "Louis: ¡En la ventana!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud09" "Louis: In the window!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud10" "Louis: ¡En la esquina!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud10" "Louis: Around the corner!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud11" "Louis: ¡En la entrada!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud11" "Louis: In the doorway!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud12" "Louis: ¡Tras esa pared!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud12" "Louis: Behind this wall!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud13" "Louis: ¡Tras esa puerta!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud13" "Louis: Behind this door!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud14" "Louis: ¡En el tejado!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud14" "Louis: On the roof!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud15" "Louis: ¡Ahí detrás!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud15" "Louis: Behind that!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud16" "Louis: ¡En el edificio!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud16" "Louis: In this building!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud17" "Louis: ¡En los árboles!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud17" "Louis: In the trees!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud18" "Louis: ¡En las rocas!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud18" "Louis: Near the rocks!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud19" "Louis: ¡Hay uno!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud19" "Louis: One of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud20" "Louis: ¡Hay dos!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud20" "Louis: Two of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud21" "Louis: ¡Hay tres!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud21" "Louis: Three of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud22" "Louis: ¡Hay cuatro!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud22" "Louis: Four of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud23" "Louis: ¡Hay muchos!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud23" "Louis: Lots of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud24" "Louis: ¡Hay un par!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud24" "Louis: A couple of 'em!" "player.manager_contextmodifierloud25" "Louis: ¡Hay algunos!" "[english]player.manager_contextmodifierloud25" "Louis: A few of 'em!" "player.manager_cough01" "Louis: [Tosiendo por el humo]" "[english]player.manager_cough01" "Louis: [Coughing from smoke]" //\"player.manager_cough02\" \"Louis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.manager_cough03\" \"Louis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.manager_cough04\" \"Louis: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.manager_cough05\" \"Louis: [Coughing from smoke]\" "player.manager_coverme01" "Louis: Cubridme." "[english]player.manager_coverme01" "Louis: Cover me!" "player.manager_coverme02" "Louis: Cubridme." "[english]player.manager_coverme02" "Louis: Cover me!" "player.manager_coverme03" "Louis: Cubridme." "[english]player.manager_coverme03" "Louis: Cover me!" "player.manager_coverme04" "Louis: Cúbreme." "[english]player.manager_coverme04" "Louis: Watch my back!" "player.manager_coverme05" "Louis: Cúbreme." "[english]player.manager_coverme05" "Louis: Watch my back!" "npc.manager_coverme06" "Louis: Cúbreme, voy a curarme." "[english]npc.manager_coverme06" "Louis: Cover me, I'm healing!" "npc.manager_coverme07" "Louis: Todos quietos, voy a curarme." "[english]npc.manager_coverme07" "Louis: Everybody stop a sec, I gotta heal." "npc.manager_coverme08" "Louis: Espera, voy a curarme." "[english]npc.manager_coverme08" "Louis: Wait up while I heal." "npc.manager_coverme09" "Louis: Espera que me cure." "[english]npc.manager_coverme09" "Louis: Hold up, I gotta heal." "npc.manager_coverme10" "Louis: Cúbreme, he de curarme." "[english]npc.manager_coverme10" "Louis: Cover me while I heal." "player.manager_deathscream01" "Louis: [Estertor y último suspiro]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream01" "Louis: [Death rattle]" "player.manager_deathscream02" "Louis: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream02" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream03" "Louis: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream03" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream04" "Louis: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream04" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream05" "Louis: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream05" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream06" "Louis: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream06" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream07" "Louis: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream07" "Louis: [Death scream]" "player.manager_deathscream08" "Louis: [Estertor y último suspiro]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream08" "Louis: [Death rattle]" "player.manager_deathscream09" "Louis: [Estertor y último suspiro]" "[english]player.manager_deathscream09" "Louis: [Death rattle]" "player.manager_deathscream10" "Louis: [Estertor y último suspiro" "[english]player.manager_deathscream10" "Louis: [Death rattle]" "npc.manager_doorbreaking01" "Louis: ¡Están cruzando la puerta!" "[english]npc.manager_doorbreaking01" "Louis: They're coming through the door!" "npc.manager_doorbreaking02" "Louis: ¡Esta puerta no les para!" "[english]npc.manager_doorbreaking02" "Louis: The door ain't holdin 'em!" "npc.manager_doubledeathresponse01" "Louis: Esto no lo tenía planeado" "[english]npc.manager_doubledeathresponse01" "Louis: This shit was not in my plans." "npc.manager_doubledeathresponse02" "Louis: No perdamos la calma." "[english]npc.manager_doubledeathresponse02" "Louis: We gotta pull ourselves together." "npc.manager_doubledeathresponse03" "Louis: ¡JODER!" "[english]npc.manager_doubledeathresponse03" "Louis: JESUS CHRIST!" "npc.manager_downinfront01" "Louis: ¡Ahí delante!" "[english]npc.manager_downinfront01" "Louis: Down in front!" "npc.manager_downinfront02" "Louis: ¡Abajo!" "[english]npc.manager_downinfront02" "Louis: Get down!" "npc.manager_downinfront03" "Louis: ¡Cubríos!" "[english]npc.manager_downinfront03" "Louis: Duck!" "npc.manager_dying01" "Louis: ¡Tíos! ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]npc.manager_dying01" "Louis: Guys! I need help now!" "npc.manager_dying02" "Louis: ¡Hey! ¡Necesito ayuda YA!" "[english]npc.manager_dying02" "Louis: Yo, I need some help RIGHT NOW!" "npc.manager_dying03" "Louis: ¡Hey! ¡Necesito ayuda pero ya mismo!" "[english]npc.manager_dying03" "Louis: Yo, I need help right the hell now!" "npc.manager_dying04" "Louis: ¡Necesito ayuda ya mismo!" "[english]npc.manager_dying04" "Louis: I need help right the hell now!" "player.manager_emphaticgo01" "Louis: ¡Vamos, deprisa!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo01" "Louis: Move move move!" "player.manager_emphaticgo02" "Louis: ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo02" "Louis: Go go go!" "player.manager_emphaticgo03" "Louis: ¡Vamos ya!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo03" "Louis: Go go GO!" "player.manager_emphaticgo04" "Louis: ¡VAMOS!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo04" "Louis: GO!" "player.manager_emphaticgo05" "Louis: ¡MOVEOS!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo05" "Louis: MOVE!" "player.manager_emphaticgo06" "Louis: ¡Venga, ya!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo06" "Louis: C'mon go!" "player.manager_emphaticgo07" "Louis: ¡MOVEOS!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo07" "Louis: MOVE!" "player.manager_emphaticgo08" "Louis: ¡Avanzad!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo08" "Louis: MOVE IT!" "player.manager_emphaticgo09" "Louis: Moveos, ¡moveos!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticgo09" "Louis: Move it mooove it!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet01" "Louis: ¡Sin parar! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet01" "Louis: Don't stop! Go!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet02" "Louis: ¡Va, va!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet02" "Louis: Go, go!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet03" "Louis: ¡Vamos, venga!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet03" "Louis: Come on, go!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet04" "Louis: ¡A moverse!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet04" "Louis: Move!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet05" "Louis: ¡Venga, venga, va!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet05" "Louis: Come on, come on, go!" "npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet06" "Louis: ¡Movámonos!" "[english]npc.manager_emphaticgoquiet06" "Louis: Move it!" "player.manager_emphaticno01" "Louis: Ni hablar, tío." "[english]player.manager_emphaticno01" "Louis: No way, man." "player.manager_emphaticno02" "Louis: Ni de coña." "[english]player.manager_emphaticno02" "Louis: No damn way." "player.manager_emphaticno03" "Louis: Tío, estás loco." "[english]player.manager_emphaticno03" "Louis: Man, you're crazy" "player.manager_emphaticno04" "Louis: ¿Estás loco de remate o qué?" "[english]player.manager_emphaticno04" "Louis: Are you out of your damn mind?" "player.manager_emphaticno05" "Louis: En serio, ¿estás pirado?" "[english]player.manager_emphaticno05" "Louis: I'm serious, are you crazy?" "player.manager_emphaticrun01" "Louis: ¡Salgamos de aquí, coño!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticrun01" "Louis: Let's get the hell outta here!" "player.manager_emphaticrun02" "Louis: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticrun02" "Louis: RUN!" "player.manager_emphaticrun03" "Louis: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticrun03" "Louis: RUN!" "player.manager_emphaticrun04" "Louis: ¡Oh, joder! ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticrun04" "Louis: Oh damn, RUN!" "player.manager_emphaticrun05" "Louis: ¡Salgamos de aquí coño!" "[english]player.manager_emphaticrun05" "Louis: Get the hell out of here!" //\"player.manager_exertioncritical01\" \"Louis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.manager_exertioncritical02\" \"Louis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.manager_exertioncritical03\" \"Louis: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.manager_exertionmajor01\" \"Louis: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.manager_exertionmajor02\" \"Louis: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.manager_exertionminor01\" \"Louis: [Panting]\" //\"player.manager_exertionminor02\" \"Louis: [Panting]\" //\"player.manager_exertionminor03\" \"Louis: [Panting]\" //\"player.manager_exertionminor04\" \"Louis: [Panting]\" "player.manager_fall01" "Louis: [Grito – caída mortal]" "[english]player.manager_fall01" "Louis: [Falling-to-Death scream]" "player.manager_fall02" "Louis: [Grito – caída mortal]" "[english]player.manager_fall02" "Louis: [Falling-to-Death scream]" "player.manager_fall03" "Louis: [Grito – caída mortal]" "[english]player.manager_fall03" "Louis: [Falling-to-Death scream]" "player.manager_fallshort01" "Louis: ¡Guau!" "[english]player.manager_fallshort01" "Louis: Wooaaah." "player.manager_fallshort02" "Louis: ¡Oh, no!" "[english]player.manager_fallshort02" "Louis: Ohhh nooooo!" "player.manager_fallshort03" "Louis: ¡Aaah!" "[english]player.manager_fallshort03" "Louis: YAH!" "player.manager_fallshort04" "Louis: ¡Aaah!" "[english]player.manager_fallshort04" "Louis: YAH!" "player.manager_finaleahead01" "Louis: ¡Ya casi hemos salido!" "[english]player.manager_finaleahead01" "Louis: We're almost out of here!" "player.manager_finaleahead02" "Louis: ¡Ya casi hemos salido!" "[english]player.manager_finaleahead02" "Louis: We're almost out of here!" "npc.manager_finaleaheadhospital01" "Louis: ¡Oigo al piloto!" "[english]npc.manager_finaleaheadhospital01" "Louis: I hear the pilot!" "player.manager_followme01" "Louis: Venid por aquí." "[english]player.manager_followme01" "Louis: Come on this way." "player.manager_followme02" "Louis: Seguidme." "[english]player.manager_followme02" "Louis: Follow me." "player.manager_followme03" "Louis: ¡Seguidme!" "[english]player.manager_followme03" "Louis: Follow me!" "player.manager_followme04" "Louis: Por aquí." "[english]player.manager_followme04" "Louis: This way." "player.manager_followme05" "Louis: Vamos tío, por aquí." "[english]player.manager_followme05" "Louis: Come on man, this way." "player.manager_followme06" "Louis: Qué coño, voy delante." "[english]player.manager_followme06" "Louis: What the hell, I'll lead." "player.manager_followme07" "Louis: Qué coño, voy delante." "[english]player.manager_followme07" "Louis: What the hell, I'll lead." "player.manager_friendlyfire01" "Louis: Eh, tío, eso duele." "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire01" "Louis: Hey, man, that hurt." "player.manager_friendlyfire02" "Louis: ¡Eh! ¿Quieres parar ya?" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire02" "Louis: AH! Will you knock it off?" "player.manager_friendlyfire03" "Louis: ¡¿Acaso parezco uno de ellos?!" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire03" "Louis: Do I look like one of them?" "player.manager_friendlyfire04" "Louis: Sabes qué te agradecería... ¡QUE NO ME DISPARARAS!" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire04" "Louis: You know I would appreciate it, IF YOU'D STOP SHOOTING ME." "player.manager_friendlyfire05" "Louis: ¡Mira donde disparas!" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire05" "Louis: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.manager_friendlyfire06" "Louis: Eh, tío, no tiene gracia." "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire06" "Louis: Hey, man, that's not cool." "player.manager_friendlyfire07" "Louis: Coño, deja de dispararme." "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire07" "Louis: Man, what the hell, quit shooting me" "player.manager_friendlyfire08" "Louis: ¡Eh, no dispares, soy yo!" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire08" "Louis: Whoa, whoa, don't shoot, it's me!" "player.manager_friendlyfire09" "Louis: ¡Ay, coño, ay! ¿¡Por qué me disparas!?" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire09" "Louis: Ow man! Ow! Why you shooting me?!" "player.manager_friendlyfire10" "Louis: Mírame bien, ¿parezco uno de ellos?" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire10" "Louis: Look at my face, do I look like them?" "player.manager_friendlyfire11" "Louis: ¿Qué coño...? ¿¡Por qué me disparas!?" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire11" "Louis: Oh what the hell, why you shootin' me?" "player.manager_friendlyfire12" "Louis: Otra más y te disparo yo." "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire12" "Louis: I'm gonna shoot you back next time." "player.manager_friendlyfire13" "Louis: Aaaah, jo..." "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire13" "Louis: Ahhh Mother." "player.manager_friendlyfire14" "Louis: ¡Eh, eh, no dispares, soy yo!" "[english]player.manager_friendlyfire14" "Louis: Whoa, whoa, don't shoot, it's me!" "npc.manager_friendlyfire15" "Louis: ¡Tío, mira dónde apuntas con eso!" "[english]npc.manager_friendlyfire15" "Louis: Man, watch where you point that damn thing!" "npc.manager_friendlyfire16" "Louis: ¡Ay!" "[english]npc.manager_friendlyfire16" "Louis: Ow!" "player.manager_generic01" "Louis: Lo pillo." "[english]player.manager_generic01" "Louis: Got it." "player.manager_generic02" "Louis: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.manager_generic02" "Louis: Oh cool." "player.manager_generic03" "Louis: Vale, lo pillo." "[english]player.manager_generic03" "Louis: Riiigghht, okay, I got you." "player.manager_generic04" "Louis: ¿Me... me lo repites?" "[english]player.manager_generic04" "Louis: S-say, that again." "player.manager_generic05" "Louis: Oh, oh, oh, oh, lo pillo." "[english]player.manager_generic05" "Louis: Ooh, Ohh, Ohh, I got you." "npc.manager_generic06" "Louis: Venga, sí, vale." "[english]npc.manager_generic06" "Louis: Oh, yeah, yeah, okay." "player.manager_generic07" "Louis: No, en serio." "[english]player.manager_generic07" "Louis: Oh no, I'm straight." "player.manager_generic08" "Louis: Oh, me hago una idea." "[english]player.manager_generic08" "Louis: Oh, I got the scenario." "player.manager_generic09" "Louis: ¡Deja de flipar!" "[english]player.manager_generic09" "Louis: Stop freaking out!" "player.manager_generic12" "Louis: ¡Te ha pillado!" "[english]player.manager_generic12" "Louis: He's on you!" "player.manager_generic13" "Louis: ¡Mierda! ¡Ya es tarde!" "[english]player.manager_generic13" "Louis: Oh shit! Too late!" "player.manager_generic14" "Louis: [ERUCTO] Perdón." "[english]player.manager_generic14" "Louis: BELCH! Excuse me" "npc.manager_generic15" "Louis: Francis, anímate, colega." "[english]npc.manager_generic15" "Louis: Francis, you gotta lighten up, buddy." "npc.manager_generic16" "Louis: *Esto* sí que es un arma." "[english]npc.manager_generic16" "Louis: Now *this* is a big ass machine gun." "npc.manager_generic17" "Louis: Todos tranquis." "[english]npc.manager_generic17" "Louis: Stay frosty." "npc.manager_generic18" "Louis: Francis, no me odies por ser tan guapo." "[english]npc.manager_generic18" "Louis: Francis, don't hate me for being beautiful." "npc.manager_generic19" "Louis: Arma lista. Demostrémosles cómo se combate una infección." "[english]npc.manager_generic19" "Louis: Cocked and locked. Let's show these things how we cure infection." "npc.manager_generic20" "Louis: Los de la oficina se reían cuando iba al campo de tiro a la hora de comer. ¿A que ya no parece tan divertido?" "[english]npc.manager_generic20" "Louis: Guys at the office used to laugh when I'd hit the rifle range on my lunch break. Ain't so damn funny now, is it?" "npc.manager_generic21" "Louis: ¿Te tatuaste tú mismo, Francis? Eso explica las faltas de ortografía." "[english]npc.manager_generic21" "Louis: You do those tattoos yourself, Francis? It'd explain all the misspellings." "npc.manager_generic22" "Louis: ¿Cuánto estuviste en el trullo, Francis?" "[english]npc.manager_generic22" "Louis: How long were you in prison, Francis?" "npc.manager_generic23" "Louis: Son ZOMBIES, Francis." "[english]npc.manager_generic23" "Louis: They're ZOMBIES, Francis." "npc.manager_generic24" "Louis: Zombies, tío." "[english]npc.manager_generic24" "Louis: Zombies, man." "npc.manager_generic25" "Louis: Zombies, tío, zombies" "[english]npc.manager_generic25" "Louis: Zombies, man, zombies." "npc.manager_generic26" "Louis: No son vampiros, tío, son zombies." "[english]npc.manager_generic26" "Louis: They ain't vampires, man, they're zombies." "npc.manager_generic27" "Louis: Zombies, Francis." "[english]npc.manager_generic27" "Louis: Zombies, Francis." "npc.manager_generic28" "Louis: Cuando todo esto acabe, os pienso poner un piso a cada uno." "[english]npc.manager_generic28" "Louis: When this is over with? I'm buyin' all three of you mansions." "npc.manager_generic29" "Louis: Bueno, Bill, piénsalo, ¿acaso podría ir peor?" "[english]npc.manager_generic29" "Louis: Think of it like this, Bill: How could it get any worse?" "npc.manager_generic30" "Louis: Bill, ¿no podrías decir algo positivo antes de que te dispare?" "[english]npc.manager_generic30" "Louis: Bill, would you please say one positive thing before I shoot you?" "npc.manager_generic31" "Louis: Siempre fuiste un tirado, ¿verdad, Bill?" "[english]npc.manager_generic31" "Louis: You were born a crusty old bastard, weren't you, Bill?" "npc.manager_generic32" "Louis: Bill, ¿podrías decir algo positivo antes de que te vuele en pedazos?" "[english]npc.manager_generic32" "Louis: Bill, would you please say one positive thing before I shoot your ass?" "npc.manager_generic33" "Louis: Son ZOMBIES, Francis." "[english]npc.manager_generic33" "Louis: They're ZOMBIES, Francis." "npc.manager_generic34" "Louis: ¿Los zombies nadan?" "[english]npc.manager_generic34" "Louis: Can zombies swim?" "npc.manager_generic35" "Louis: ZOMBIES. Dilo, Francis." "[english]npc.manager_generic35" "Louis: ZOMBIES. Say it, Francis." "npc.manager_generic36" "Louis: ¡Sí señor, así!" "[english]npc.manager_generic36" "Louis: Yeah, yeah, there you go!" "npc.manager_genericdirections01" "Louis: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections01" "Louis: Up the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections02" "Louis: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections02" "Louis: Down the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections03" "Louis: ¡Subamos la escalera!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections03" "Louis: Let's get up that ladder!" "npc.manager_genericdirections04" "Louis: ¡Hay que bajar por ahí!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections04" "Louis: We need to go down there!" "npc.manager_genericdirections05" "Louis: ¡Por ahí!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections05" "Louis: Through here!" "npc.manager_genericdirections06" "Louis: ¡Por esta puerta!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections06" "Louis: Through this door!" "npc.manager_genericdirections07" "Louis: Hay que salir fuera." "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections07" "Louis: We need to get outside." "npc.manager_genericdirections08" "Louis: Hay que salir de las calles." "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections08" "Louis: We gotta get off the street." "npc.manager_genericdirections09" "Louis: Hay que volver a los tejados." "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections09" "Louis: We gotta get back to the rooftops." "npc.manager_genericdirections10" "Louis: ¡Aquí atrás!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections10" "Louis: Back here!" "npc.manager_genericdirections11" "Louis: Hay que pasar por encima." "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections11" "Louis: We gotta get over this thing." "npc.manager_genericdirections12" "Louis: Así hacemos ejercicio." "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections12" "Louis: Stairs are a good workout." "npc.manager_genericdirections13" "Louis: ¡Subamos la escalera!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections13" "Louis: Let's head up the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections14" "Louis: ¡Bajemos la escalera!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections14" "Louis: Let's go down the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections15" "Louis: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections15" "Louis: Up the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections16" "Louis: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections16" "Louis: Down the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections17" "Louis: ¡Subamos la escalera!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections17" "Louis: Let's get up that ladder!" "npc.manager_genericdirections18" "Louis: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections18" "Louis: Up the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections19" "Louis: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections19" "Louis: Down the stairs!" "npc.manager_genericdirections20" "Louis: ¡Aquí atrás!" "[english]npc.manager_genericdirections20" "Louis: Back here!" "npc.manager_genericresponses01" "Louis: Bueno, ya lo superarás." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses01" "Louis: Yeah, well, get over it." "npc.manager_genericresponses02" "Louis: ¿Qué?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses02" "Louis: What?" "npc.manager_genericresponses03" "Louis: Estás de coña, ¿no?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses03" "Louis: You're joking, right?" "npc.manager_genericresponses04" "Louis: ¿Por qué no?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses04" "Louis: Sure, why not?" "npc.manager_genericresponses05" "Louis: ¿De qué coño hablas?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses05" "Louis: What the hell are you talkin' about?" "npc.manager_genericresponses06" "Louis: Ajá." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses06" "Louis: I'll say." "npc.manager_genericresponses07" "Louis: Si tú lo dices..." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses07" "Louis: If you say so." "npc.manager_genericresponses08" "Louis: No me suena mal." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses08" "Louis: That sounds about right." "npc.manager_genericresponses09" "Louis: Vale, hagámoslo." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses09" "Louis: All right, then, let's do it." "npc.manager_genericresponses10" "Louis: Buena idea." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses10" "Louis: Good thinking." "npc.manager_genericresponses11" "Louis: Joder, ya estamos otra vez." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses11" "Louis: Ah shit, here we go again." "npc.manager_genericresponses12" "Louis: Estás loco, tío." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses12" "Louis: Man, you are crazy." "npc.manager_genericresponses13" "Louis: Al tajo y punto." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses13" "Louis: I say we just do it." "npc.manager_genericresponses14" "Louis: Estás seguro, ¿verdad?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses14" "Louis: You're sure about this, right?" "npc.manager_genericresponses15" "Louis: Vale..." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses15" "Louis: Okay..." "npc.manager_genericresponses16" "Louis: Oh, sí." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses16" "Louis: Hell yes." "npc.manager_genericresponses17" "Louis: ¡Soy Louis!" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses17" "Louis: It's Louis!" "npc.manager_genericresponses18" "Louis: Vamos, Bill, ¡soy Louis!" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses18" "Louis: Come on, Bill, it's Louis!" "npc.manager_genericresponses19" "Louis: Ni puta idea." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses19" "Louis: Hell if I know." "npc.manager_genericresponses20" "Louis: Casi que te lo dejo a ti." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses20" "Louis: I'm gonna let you handle that." "npc.manager_genericresponses21" "Louis: Me parece una buena idea." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses21" "Louis: That's actually a good point." "npc.manager_genericresponses22" "Louis: Seguro, tío." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses22" "Louis: Sure thing, bro." "npc.manager_genericresponses23" "Louis: Por mí, bien." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses23" "Louis: Works for me." "npc.manager_genericresponses24" "Louis: Suena bien." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses24" "Louis: Sounds good." "npc.manager_genericresponses25" "Louis: No lo dirás en serio..." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses25" "Louis: Tell me you ain't serious." "npc.manager_genericresponses26" "Louis: ¿Tienes idea de lo que dices?" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses26" "Louis: Do you even know what you're sayin'?" "npc.manager_genericresponses27" "Louis: Pongamos que tienes razón." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses27" "Louis: I'll take your word for it." "npc.manager_genericresponses28" "Louis: Pues no sé yo." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses28" "Louis: I don't know about that." "npc.manager_genericresponses29" "Louis: Supongo." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses29" "Louis: Yeah, I guess." "npc.manager_genericresponses30" "Louis: Espero que sepas lo que haces." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses30" "Louis: I hope you know what you're doin'." "npc.manager_genericresponses31" "Louis: Mira, eso tiene sentido." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses31" "Louis: Actually, that makes a lotta sense." "npc.manager_genericresponses32" "Louis: Tienes razón." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses32" "Louis: You're damn right." "npc.manager_genericresponses33" "Louis: Muy cierto." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses33" "Louis: You ain't lyin' there." "npc.manager_genericresponses34" "Louis: Es lo que pienso." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses34" "Louis: That's how I see it." "npc.manager_genericresponses35" "Louis: Tenemos un plan." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses35" "Louis: All right, that's a plan." "npc.manager_genericresponses36" "Louis: Tío, me has pillado." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses36" "Louis: Man, you got me." "npc.manager_genericresponses37" "Louis: ¡A mí no me mires!" "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses37" "Louis: Don't look at me!" "npc.manager_genericresponses38" "Louis: Sinceramente, no tengo ni idea." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses38" "Louis: I'll be honest, I got no idea." "npc.manager_genericresponses39" "Louis: Oh, no, ni de coña..." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses39" "Louis: Oh no. Ain't no damn way..." "npc.manager_genericresponses40" "Louis: Sí señor." "[english]npc.manager_genericresponses40" "Louis: Hell yeah." "npc.manager_gettingrevived01" "Louis: Estoy bien." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived01" "Louis: I'm okay." "npc.manager_gettingrevived02" "Louis: Estoy bien." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived02" "Louis: I'm all right." "npc.manager_gettingrevived03" "Louis: [Gruñido]" "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived03" "Louis: [Groan]" "npc.manager_gettingrevived04" "Louis: No tengo ni idea." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived04" "Louis: I don't even know." "npc.manager_gettingrevived05" "Louis: Mierda, estoy sangrando." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived05" "Louis: Aw hell, I'm bleedin'." "npc.manager_gettingrevived06" "Louis: [Gruñido]" "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived06" "Louis: [Groan]" "npc.manager_gettingrevived07" "Louis: Sobreviviré." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived07" "Louis: I'll make it." "npc.manager_gettingrevived08" "Louis: Viviré." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived08" "Louis: I'll live." "npc.manager_gettingrevived09" "Louis: Lo superaré." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived09" "Louis: I can shake it off." "npc.manager_gettingrevived10" "Louis: Levántame." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived10" "Louis: Just help me up." "npc.manager_gettingrevived11" "Louis: No estoy acabado." "[english]npc.manager_gettingrevived11" "Louis: I ain't done yet." "player.manager_goingtodie01" "Louis: No me encuentro muy bien." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie01" "Louis: I don't feel so good" "player.manager_goingtodie02" "Louis: No creo, no creo que lo consiga." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie02" "Louis: I don't, I don't know if I'm going to make it" "player.manager_goingtodie03" "Louis: Me siento fatal." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie03" "Louis: I feel awful." "player.manager_goingtodie04" "Louis: No creo que aguante mucho más." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie04" "Louis: I'm not gonna last much longer." "player.manager_goingtodie05" "Louis: Necesito un botiquín de verdad." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie05" "Louis: I really need to get some First Aid." "player.manager_goingtodie06" "Louis: Mierda, estoy... [tos] jodido." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie06" "Louis: Shit, I am really messed up." "player.manager_goingtodie07" "Louis: No... creo... que lo consiga." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie07" "Louis: I don't think I'm gonnna make it." "player.manager_goingtodie08" "Louis: Tengo que... curarme." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie08" "Louis: I have to heal up." "player.manager_goingtodie09" "Louis: Me duele todo el cuerpo." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie09" "Louis: Every part of me hurts." "player.manager_goingtodie10" "Louis: Vaya... [respiración] mierda." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie10" "Louis: This sucks." "player.manager_goingtodie11" "Louis: A este ritmo [quejido] no lo lograré." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie11" "Louis: At this rate, I'm not gonna make it." "player.manager_goingtodie12" "Louis: Me siento muy mal." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie12" "Louis: I feel terrible." "player.manager_goingtodie13" "Louis: Esto es malo... muy, muy malo." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie13" "Louis: This is bad. This is really bad." "player.manager_goingtodie14" "Louis: Creo que estoy mal." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie14" "Louis: I think I'm hurt bad." "player.manager_goingtodie15" "Louis: Creo... que me muero." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie15" "Louis: I think I'm dyin'." "player.manager_goingtodie16" "Louis: Me... siento... muy mal." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie16" "Louis: I feel terrible." "player.manager_goingtodie17" "Louis: Me siento fatal." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie17" "Louis: I feel awful." "player.manager_goingtodie18" "" "[english]player.manager_goingtodie18" "" "player.manager_goingtodie19" "Louis: Creo que me he roto algo." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie19" "Louis: I think something's broken." "player.manager_goingtodie20" "Louis: Debí quedarme en la puta tienda..." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie20" "Louis: I should have stayed in the damn store..." "player.manager_goingtodie21" "Louis: No es broma [respiración] debemos encontrar algún botiquín." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie21" "Louis: I'm not kidding, we need to find me some First Aid." "player.manager_goingtodie22" "Louis: Joder." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie22" "Louis: Dammit." "player.manager_goingtodie23" "Louis: Ah, no creo... que lo logre." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie23" "Louis: Ah, I might not make it." "player.manager_goingtodie24" "Louis: Oh tío, estoy en las últimas." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie24" "Louis: Oh man, I am in sorry ass shape." "player.manager_goingtodie25" "Louis: Estoy... estoy un poco grogui." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie25" "Louis: I feel kinda woozy." "player.manager_goingtodie26" "Louis: Creo que la he cagado." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie26" "Louis: I'm not gonna make it man." "player.manager_goingtodie27" "Louis: Me duele todo el cuerpo." "[english]player.manager_goingtodie27" "Louis: Every part of me hurts." "npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Louis: ¿Alguien tiene un botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Louis: Someone got a first aid kit?" "npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Louis: ¿Alguien me pasa un botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Louis: Can anybody spare a kit?" "npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Louis: Me haría falta un botiquín..." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Louis: Could use a first aid kit." "npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Louis: Necesito un botiquín..." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Louis: Could use some first aid." "npc.manager_goingtodielight01" "Louis: Tío, tengo algo descolocado." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight01" "Louis: Ah man, somethin' ain't sittin right." "npc.manager_goingtodielight02" "Louis: No es por quejarme, pero no me encuentro bien." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight02" "Louis: Not to complain, but I don't feel right." "npc.manager_goingtodielight03" "Louis: ¡Tío, cómo duele!" "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight03" "Louis: Man, this hurts." "npc.manager_goingtodielight04" "Louis: No me encuentro muy bien..." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight04" "Louis: I am not really feeling right." "npc.manager_goingtodielight05" "Louis: ¡Ay! Joder..." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight05" "Louis: Ah Dammit!" "npc.manager_goingtodielight07" "Louis: Vale. Estoy bastante mal." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight07" "Louis: Okay. I'm hurt bad here." "npc.manager_goingtodielight08" "Louis: Creo que me han dado pero bien." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight08" "Louis: I think I'm hurt reeeeeal bad." "npc.manager_goingtodielight09" "Louis: Aaaggh, tío, estoy muy, muy mal." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight09" "Louis: Awww, man. I am in a bad, bad way." "npc.manager_goingtodielight10" "Louis: No estoy... [quejido de dolor]... joder..." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight10" "Louis: I ain't...aw hell..." "npc.manager_goingtodielight12" "Louis: Vamos, Louis, NO vas a morir aquí." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight12" "Louis: C'mon Louis: you are NOT dyin' here." "npc.manager_goingtodielight13" "Louis: ¡Ay! Por los clavos de Cristo." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight13" "Louis: Ow! Lord almighty." "npc.manager_goingtodielight14" "Louis: Joder, me duele todo." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight14" "Louis: Oh man, every damn thing hurts." "npc.manager_goingtodielight15" "Louis: Esto es una puta mierda." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight15" "Louis: This is some real bullshit right here." "npc.manager_goingtodielight16" "Louis: No quiero morir. Ya sé que nadie quiere, pero yo quiero todavía menos." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight16" "Louis: I don't wanna die. I know nobody wants to die, but I'm like, fifty times that." "npc.manager_goingtodielight17" "Louis: Ah. Mierda." "[english]npc.manager_goingtodielight17" "Louis: Ah. Hell, hell." "npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker01" "Louis: ¡No, no, no, no!" "[english]npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker01" "Louis: No, no, NOO, NOOOO!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Louis: ¡No, No, NO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Louis: No, No, NO, NO!!!!!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Louis: ¡NOOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Louis: No, No, NO, NO!!!!!" "npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker02" "Louis: ¡No, no, no, noooooooo!" "[english]npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker02" "Louis: No, no, NOO, NOOOO!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Louis: ¡No, NOOO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Louis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Louis: ¡No, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Louis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker03" "Louis: ¡No, no, no, noooooooo!" "[english]npc.manager_grabbedbysmoker03" "Louis: No, no, No,, NOOOO!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker03a" "Louis: ¡No, No, NOOO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker03a" "Louis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker03b" "Louis: ¡NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker03b" "Louis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.manager_grabbedbysmoker04" "Louis: ¡No, no, no, noooooooo!" "[english]player.manager_grabbedbysmoker04" "Louis: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.manager_grenade01" "Louis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade01" "Louis: GRENADE!" "player.manager_grenade02" "Louis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade02" "Louis: GRENADE!" "player.manager_grenade03" "Louis: ¡ABAJO, CUBRÍOS!" "[english]player.manager_grenade03" "Louis: DUCK AND COVER!" "player.manager_grenade04" "Louis: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade04" "Louis: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.manager_grenade05" "Louis: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade05" "Louis: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.manager_grenade06" "Louis: ¡CUIDADO! ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade06" "Louis: LOOK OUT, GRENADE!" "player.manager_grenade07" "Louis: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.manager_grenade07" "Louis: GRENADE!" "player.manager_griefbiker01" "Louis: ¡Francis, nooooooo!" "[english]player.manager_griefbiker01" "Louis: Francis! NO!" "player.manager_griefbiker02" "Louis: Dios, ¡FRANCIS!" "[english]player.manager_griefbiker02" "Louis: Jesus, Francis!" "player.manager_griefbiker03" "Louis: Ay, mierda, mierda, mierda, mierda." "[english]player.manager_griefbiker03" "Louis: Oh shit. Shit. Shit shit shit." "player.manager_griefbiker04" "Louis: ¡Francis! ¡No!" "[english]player.manager_griefbiker04" "Louis: Francis! NO!" "player.manager_griefbiker05" "Louis: ¡Dios, Francis!" "[english]player.manager_griefbiker05" "Louis: Jesus, Francis!" "player.manager_griefbiker06" "Louis: Oh mierda, mierda, mierda, mierda, mierda." "[english]player.manager_griefbiker06" "Louis: Oh shit. Shit. Shit shit shit." "player.manager_griefbiker07" "Louis: ¡Por Dios, Francis no! ¡Franciiiis!" "[english]player.manager_griefbiker07" "Louis: Jesus Christ, Francis, no, Francis!" "player.manager_grieffemalegeneric01" "Louis: ¡Está muerta!" "[english]player.manager_grieffemalegeneric01" "Louis: She's dead!" "player.manager_grieffemalegeneric02" "Louis: Es una pena. Está muerta." "[english]player.manager_grieffemalegeneric02" "Louis: Oh this is bad - she's dead." "player.manager_grieffemalegeneric03" "Louis: Oh Dios, está muerta." "[english]player.manager_grieffemalegeneric03" "Louis: Oh God, she's dead!" "player.manager_griefmalegeneric01" "Louis: ¡Está muerto!" "[english]player.manager_griefmalegeneric01" "Louis: He's dead!" "player.manager_griefmalegeneric02" "Louis: ¡Oh Dios, está muerto!" "[english]player.manager_griefmalegeneric02" "Louis: Oh God, he's dead!" "player.manager_griefmalegeneric03" "Louis: No se mueve. Creo que está muerto." "[english]player.manager_griefmalegeneric03" "Louis: He's not moving. I think he's dead." "player.manager_griefteengirl01" "Louis: ¡Ah! ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl01" "Louis: Ah! Zoey!" "player.manager_griefteengirl02" "Louis: ¡ZOEY! Maldita sea." "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl02" "Louis: ZOEY! Goddamn it." "player.manager_griefteengirl03" "Louis: No, oh, oh, oh. ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl03" "Louis: Noo, oh ho ho, ZOEY!" "player.manager_griefteengirl04" "Louis: Vamos Zoey, despierta." "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl04" "Louis: Goddamn it Zoey, wake up!" "player.manager_griefteengirl05" "Louis: Ah, Zoey." "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl05" "Louis: Ah! Zoey!" "player.manager_griefteengirl06" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl06" "Louis: Zoey!" "player.manager_griefteengirl07" "Louis: Joder, Zoey." "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl07" "Louis: Damn Zoey" "player.manager_griefteengirl08" "Louis: Zoey, Zoey, joder..." "[english]player.manager_griefteengirl08" "Louis: Zoey, Zoey Goddamit!" "player.manager_griefvet01" "Louis: ¡Bill! ¡No!" "[english]player.manager_griefvet01" "Louis: Bill, no!" "player.manager_griefvet02" "Louis: Oh no, el abuelo está muerto." "[english]player.manager_griefvet02" "Louis: Oh no, the old man's dead." "player.manager_griefvet03" "Louis: Oh Bill. Ay, mierda." "[english]player.manager_griefvet03" "Louis: Ah Bill. Ah, shit." "player.manager_griefvet04" "Louis: ¡Bill, Bill! ¡No!" "[english]player.manager_griefvet04" "Louis: Bill, Bill, no!" "player.manager_griefvet05" "Louis: Oh, no. ¡No, el abuelo no!" "[english]player.manager_griefvet05" "Louis: Oh no, no, not the old man." "player.manager_griefvet06" "Louis: ¡Bill! ¡No!" "[english]player.manager_griefvet06" "Louis: Bill, no!" "player.manager_griefvet07" "Louis: Oh no, el abuelo ha muerto." "[english]player.manager_griefvet07" "Louis: Oh no, no, not the old man." "player.manager_griefvet08" "Louis: Oh Bill. Oh, mierda." "[english]player.manager_griefvet08" "Louis: Ah Bill. Ah, shit." "npc.manager_healother01" "Louis: Deja que te cure." "[english]npc.manager_healother01" "Louis: Let me heal you up." "npc.manager_healother02" "Louis: Espera, voy a curarte." "[english]npc.manager_healother02" "Louis: Hold on, I'm gonna heal you." "npc.manager_healother03" "Louis: Espera, puedo ayudar." "[english]npc.manager_healother03" "Louis: Hold up, this'll help." "npc.manager_healother04" "Louis: Espera, deja que te cure." "[english]npc.manager_healother04" "Louis: Hang on, let me fix you up." "npc.manager_healother05" "Louis: Esto debería aguantar hasta que estemos a salvo." "[english]npc.manager_healother05" "Louis: This should last you until we're safe." "player.manager_heardboomer01" "Louis: No disparéis." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer01" "Louis: Watch your fire, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer02" "Louis: Oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer02" "Louis: I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer03" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Boomer rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer03" "Louis: Careful, there's a Boomer's around." "player.manager_heardboomer04" "Louis: Oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer04" "Louis: I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer05" "Louis: Cuidado, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer05" "Louis: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer06" "Louis: Atención, es un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer06" "Louis: Watch it, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer07" "Louis: Alerta tío, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer07" "Louis: Heads up, man, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer08" "Louis: Oh, tío, eso parece un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer08" "Louis: Ah, man, that sounds like a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer09" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Boomer por aquí." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer09" "Louis: Look out, we got a Boomer around here." "player.manager_heardboomer10" "Louis: Sin duda se trata de un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer10" "Louis: I definitely hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer11" "Louis: No disparéis, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer11" "Louis: Watch your fire, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer12" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Boomer rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer12" "Louis: Careful, there's a Boomer's around." "player.manager_heardboomer13" "Louis: Oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer13" "Louis: I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer14" "Louis: Cuidado, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer14" "Louis: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer15" "Louis: Atención, es un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer15" "Louis: Watch it, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer16" "Louis: Alerta tío, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer16" "Louis: Heads up, man, I hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer17" "Louis: Oh, tío, eso parece un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer17" "Louis: Ah, man, that sounds like a Boomer." "player.manager_heardboomer18" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Boomer por aquí." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer18" "Louis: Look out, we got a Boomer around here." "player.manager_heardboomer19" "Louis: Sin duda se trata de un Boomer." "[english]player.manager_heardboomer19" "Louis: I definitely hear a Boomer." "player.manager_heardhulk01" "Louis: ¡Hay un Tank ahí fuera!" "[english]player.manager_heardhulk01" "Louis: There's a Tank out there!" "player.manager_heardhulk02" "Louis: ¡Cuidado, un Tank!" "[english]player.manager_heardhulk02" "Louis: Watch it, Tank!" "player.manager_heardhulk03" "Louis: ¡SE ACERCA UN TANK!" "[english]player.manager_heardhulk03" "Louis: TANK ON THE WAY!" "player.manager_heardhulk04" "Louis: Oigo un Tank ahí fuera." "[english]player.manager_heardhulk04" "Louis: I hear a Tank out there." "player.manager_heardhulk05" "Louis: ¡VIENE UN TANK!" "[english]player.manager_heardhulk05" "Louis: TANK COMING!" "player.manager_heardhunter01" "Louis: Con cuidado, oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter01" "Louis: Watch your back, I hear a Hunter." "player.manager_heardhunter02" "Louis: Cuidado, oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter02" "Louis: Careful, I hear a Hunter." "player.manager_heardhunter03" "Louis: Oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter03" "Louis: I hear a Hunter" "player.manager_heardhunter04" "Louis: Hay un Hunter ahí fuera." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter04" "Louis: There's a Hunter out there." "player.manager_heardhunter05" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Hunter rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter05" "Louis: Careful now, there's a Hunter around here." "player.manager_heardhunter06" "Louis: Tened cuidado, oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter06" "Louis: Watch your back, I hear a Hunter." "player.manager_heardhunter07" "Louis: Cuidado, oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter07" "Louis: Careful, I hear a Hunter." "player.manager_heardhunter08" "Louis: Oigo un Hunter." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter08" "Louis: I hear a Hunter." "player.manager_heardhunter09" "Louis: Hay un Hunter ahí fuera." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter09" "Louis: There's a Hunter out there." "player.manager_heardhunter10" "Louis: Cuidado, hay un Hunter rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardhunter10" "Louis: Careful now, there's a hunter around here." "player.manager_heardsmoker01" "Louis: Hay un Smoker rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker01" "Louis: There's a Smoker around here." "player.manager_heardsmoker02" "Louis: Eh, hay un Smoker por aquí." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker02" "Louis: Smoker - somewhere around here." "player.manager_heardsmoker03" "Louis: Cuidado, huele a Smoker." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker03" "Louis: Careful, I smell a Smoker." "player.manager_heardsmoker04" "Louis: Oigo un Smoker." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker04" "Louis: I hear a Smoker." "player.manager_heardsmoker05" "Louis: Hay un Smoker rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker05" "Louis: There's a Smoker around here." "player.manager_heardsmoker06" "Louis: Eh, hay un Smoker por aquí." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker06" "Louis: Smoker - somewhere around here." "player.manager_heardsmoker07" "Louis: Cuidado, huele a Smoker." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker07" "Louis: Careful, I smell a Smoker." "player.manager_heardsmoker08" "Louis: Oigo un Smoker." "[english]player.manager_heardsmoker08" "Louis: I hear a Smoker." "player.manager_heardwitch01" "Louis: Ssssh, oigo una Witch." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch01" "Louis: Shhh, I hear a Witch." "player.manager_heardwitch02" "Louis: Oigo una Witch." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch02" "Louis: I hear a Witch." "player.manager_heardwitch03" "Louis: Oigo una puta Witch." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch03" "Louis: I hear a damn Witch." "player.manager_heardwitch04" "Louis: Hay una Witch rondando." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch04" "Louis: There's a Witch around here." "player.manager_heardwitch05" "Louis: Esperad, esperad, sssh, es una Witch." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch05" "Louis: Hold on, hold on, shhh, that's a witch!" "player.manager_heardwitch06" "Louis: Ay, mierda, hay una Witch cerca." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch06" "Louis: Ahh damn, a Witch is around here." "player.manager_heardwitch07" "Louis: Parad, parad. Oigo una Witch." "[english]player.manager_heardwitch07" "Louis: Stop, Stop, Stop - I hear a witch." "player.manager_help01" "Louis: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help01" "Louis: Help!" "player.manager_help02" "Louis: ¡Necesito ayuda aquí!" "[english]player.manager_help02" "Louis: I need some help over here!" "player.manager_help03" "Louis: ¿Podéis ayudarme aquí?" "[english]player.manager_help03" "Louis: Need a little help over here!" "player.manager_help04" "Louis: ¡Mierda, necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help04" "Louis: Dammit, I need some help!" "player.manager_help05" "Louis: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.manager_help05" "Louis: Help me!" "player.manager_help06" "Louis: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help06" "Louis: Help!" "player.manager_help07" "Louis: ¡Estoy en un lío!" "[english]player.manager_help07" "Louis: I'm in trouble!" "player.manager_help08" "Louis: ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help08" "Louis: I need some help!" "player.manager_help09" "Louis: ¡Eh, ayudadme!" "[english]player.manager_help09" "Louis: Somebody help me!" "player.manager_help10" "Louis: ¿Me oís? ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help10" "Louis: Can you hear me? I need some help!" "player.manager_help11" "Louis: ¿Qué parte de la palabra “ayuda” no entendéis? ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_help11" "Louis: What part of help do you not understand? Help!" "npc.manager_hordeattack01" "Louis: ¡Joder!" "[english]npc.manager_hordeattack01" "Louis: Damn!" "npc.manager_hordeattack02" "Louis: ¡Oh, mierda, ahí vienen!" "[english]npc.manager_hordeattack02" "Louis: Oh my god, here they come!" "npc.manager_hordeattack03" "Louis: ¡Ya vienen! ¿Estáis listos?" "[english]npc.manager_hordeattack03" "Louis: They're coming! You guys ready?" "npc.manager_hunterbillpounced01" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterbillpounced01" "Louis: Bill!" "npc.manager_hunterbillpounced02" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterbillpounced02" "Louis: Hunter on Bill!" "npc.manager_hunterbillpounced03" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterbillpounced03" "Louis: Hunter on Bill!" "npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced01" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced01" "Louis: Francis!" "npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced02" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Francis!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced02" "Louis: Hunter on Francis!" "npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced03" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Francis!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterfrancispounced03" "Louis: Hunter on Francis!" "npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced01" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced01" "Louis: Hunter on Zoey!" "npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced02" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced02" "Louis: Zoey!" "npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced03" "Louis: ¡Hunter sobre Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_hunterzoeypounced03" "Louis: Hunter on Zoey!" "player.manager_hurrah01" "Louis: ¡Muyyy bien!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah01" "Louis: Aw riiiight!" "player.manager_hurrah02" "Louis: Guau tío, muy bien." "[english]player.manager_hurrah02" "Louis: Woo baby, Aw riiiight!" "player.manager_hurrah03" "Louis: ¡Oh, sí!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah03" "Louis: Hell yeah." "player.manager_hurrah04" "Louis: Puede que salgamos de esta." "[english]player.manager_hurrah04" "Louis: We might just make it out of here." "player.manager_hurrah05" "Louis: Vamos a lograrlo." "[english]player.manager_hurrah05" "Louis: We're going to be okay." "player.manager_hurrah06" "Louis: Vamos a conseguirlo." "[english]player.manager_hurrah06" "Louis: We're going to be okay." "player.manager_hurrah07" "Louis: Tío... creo que vamos a lograrlo." "[english]player.manager_hurrah07" "Louis: Man, I think we're gonna make it." "player.manager_hurrah08" "Louis: Nadie podrá pararnos ya." "[english]player.manager_hurrah08" "Louis: They can't stop us now." "player.manager_hurrah09" "Louis: Nada nos detendrá." "[english]player.manager_hurrah09" "Louis: Nothing can stop us." "player.manager_hurrah10" "Louis: Nada nos detendrá, ¿me oís? ¡Nada nos detendrá!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah10" "Louis: Nothing can stop us, do you hear me? Nothing can stop us!" "player.manager_hurrah11" "Louis: Somos... imparables." "[english]player.manager_hurrah11" "Louis: We are unstoppable." "player.manager_hurrah12" "Louis: Guay, podríamos llamarnos los imparables." "[english]player.manager_hurrah12" "Louis: That's right, we should call ourselves the unstoppables." "player.manager_hurrah13" "Louis: ¡Somos im-parables!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah13" "Louis: We are unstoppable." "player.manager_hurrah14" "Louis: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah14" "Louis: YEAH!" "player.manager_hurrah15" "Louis: ¡Yu-juuu!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah15" "Louis: YEAH WOO!" "player.manager_hurrah16" "Louis: Soy la caña... [risa] la caña. ¡Sí, lo soy! ¡Yuju!" "[english]player.manager_hurrah16" "Louis: I am bad, yes I am bad, YES I AM! WOO!" "player.manager_hurryup01" "Louis: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup01" "Louis: Hurry up!" "player.manager_hurryup02" "Louis: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup02" "Louis: Hurry up!" "player.manager_hurryup03" "Louis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup03" "Louis: Hurry!" "player.manager_hurryup04" "Louis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup04" "Louis: Hurry!" "player.manager_hurryup05" "Louis: ¡Moveos!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup05" "Louis: Move!" "player.manager_hurryup06" "Louis: ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup06" "Louis: Come on!" "player.manager_hurryup07" "Louis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup07" "Louis: Hurry!" "player.manager_hurryup08" "Louis: ¡Corred!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup08" "Louis: Faster!" "player.manager_hurryup09" "Louis: ¡Venga!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup09" "Louis: Move it" "player.manager_hurryup10" "Louis: ¡Vamos... vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup10" "Louis: Let's go let's go let's go!" "player.manager_hurryup11" "Louis: ¡Vamos, venid!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup11" "Louis: Come on, catch up!" "player.manager_hurryup12" "Louis: ¡Moveos! ¡Corred hasta aquí!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup12" "Louis: Move it, move it up here!" "player.manager_hurryup13" "Louis: ¡No pienso esperar, vamos ya!" "[english]player.manager_hurryup13" "Louis: I'm not waiting on you, get up here!" //\"player.manager_hurtcritical01\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtcritical02\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtcritical03\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtcritical04\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtcritical05\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor01\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor02\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor03\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor04\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor05\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor06\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor07\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor08\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor09\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtmajor10\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor01\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor02\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor03\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor04\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor05\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor06\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor07\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" //\"player.manager_hurtminor08\" \"Louis: [Pain]\" "player.manager_imwithyou01" "Louis: No te preocupes, te sigo." "[english]player.manager_imwithyou01" "Louis: Don't worry, I got your back." "player.manager_imwithyou02" "Louis: Detrás de ti." "[english]player.manager_imwithyou02" "Louis: Right behind you." "player.manager_imwithyou03" "Louis: Te sigo." "[english]player.manager_imwithyou03" "Louis: I'm with ya." "npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial01" "Louis: ¡Aaaaaahh! ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial01" "Louis: Ahhhh, I'm down!" "npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial02" "Louis: ¡Aaaaaahh! ¡Me han herido!" "[english]npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial02" "Louis: Ahhhh, I'm down!" "npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial03" "Louis: ¡Joder! ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial03" "Louis: Jesus! I'm down!" "npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial04" "Louis: ¡Mierda! ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial04" "Louis: Shit! I'm down!" "npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial05" "Louis: ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.manager_incapacitatedinitial05" "Louis: I'm down!" "player.manager_incapacitatedinjury01" "Louis: [Grito desesperado]" "[english]player.manager_incapacitatedinjury01" "Louis: [Terrified yell]" "player.manager_incapacitatedinjury02" "Louis: [Grito desesperado]" "[english]player.manager_incapacitatedinjury02" "Louis: [Terrified yell]" "player.manager_incapacitatedinjury03" "Louis: [Grito desesperado]" "[english]player.manager_incapacitatedinjury03" "Louis: [Terrified yell]" "player.manager_incoming01" "Louis: ¡Aquí vienen!" "[english]player.manager_incoming01" "Louis: Here they come!" "player.manager_incoming02" "Louis: ¡Se acercan!" "[english]player.manager_incoming02" "Louis: They're comin'!" "player.manager_incoming03" "Louis: ¡Ya vienen!" "[english]player.manager_incoming03" "Louis: Incoming!" "player.manager_incoming04" "Louis: ¡Oh mierda, ahí llegan!" "[english]player.manager_incoming04" "Louis: Oh shit, here they come!" "npc.manager_insidesaferoom01" "Louis: No soy un héroe, pero no puedo dejarles fuera." "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom01" "Louis: I'm no hero, but we can't just leave 'em out there." "npc.manager_insidesaferoom02" "Louis: ¡NO pienso dejar atrás a Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom02" "Louis: I am NOT leaving Zoey behind!" "npc.manager_insidesaferoom03" "Louis: Venga, a mí me gustaría que vinieran a por mí." "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom03" "Louis: Come on, I'd want them to come for me." "npc.manager_insidesaferoom04" "Louis: Yo querría que me ayudasen." "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom04" "Louis: I'd want them to come for me." "npc.manager_insidesaferoom05" "Louis: No podemos dejar atrás a nadie." "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom05" "Louis: We cannot leave anyone behind." "npc.manager_insidesaferoom06" "Louis: Si no salimos ahí fuera, lo vamos a lamentar." "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom06" "Louis: If we don't go out there, we're gonna regret it." "npc.manager_insidesaferoom07" "Louis: ¿A qué esperas? ¡Vamos a ayudarle!" "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom07" "Louis: What you waitin' for, let's go help him!" "npc.manager_insidesaferoom08" "Louis: ¿A qué esperas? ¡Vamos a ayudarla!" "[english]npc.manager_insidesaferoom08" "Louis: What you waitin' for, let's go help her!" "player.manager_introdeadair01" "Louis: Pensábamos ir al aeropuerto por los tejados. Se supone que sólo era un par de kilómetros. [suspiro] Qué par de kilómetros máaas eterno." "[english]player.manager_introdeadair01" "Louis: We were gonna take the roof tops to the airport. It was supposed to be about a mile to the terminal. Longest damn mile of my life." "player.manager_intronomercy01" "Louis: Solía coger el metro hasta el hospital, la línea roja, un trasbordo y dos paradas. [pausa] Cuando todo se arregle... no volveré a quejarme de esa línea nunca más." "[english]player.manager_intronomercy01" "Louis: I used to take the subway to Mercy Hospital. Grab the red line, a transfer, and two stops. When this gets back to normal, I'm never gonna complain about that transfer again." "player.manager_introruralboatending01" "Louis: Antes iba con mi familia de acampada, junto al lago. Nos dirigíamos allí, pero... al final del camino lo que nos esperaba no era la merienda de mamá." "[english]player.manager_introruralboatending01" "Louis: Me and my family used to go camping down by the lake. That's where we were heading...only, it wasn't Momma's cookin' waiting for us at the end of this trip." "player.manager_introruralfamrhouseending01" "Louis: Partimos de la cima. En lo que a mí respecta, deberíamos habernos quedado allí. Pero en lugar de eso, nos dirigimos a una granja en la zona chunga de las vías. Aunque, de todas formas, ahora todas las zonas son chungas." "[english]player.manager_introruralfamrhouseending01" "Louis: We started out on a hill top. Far as I was concerned, that's where we should've stayed. Instead, we headed to a farm house on the bad side of the tracks. Nowadays, though, I guess it's all on the bad side of the tracks." "npc.manager_killconfirmation01" "Louis: ¡Lo tengo!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation01" "Louis: Got it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation02" "Louis: ¡Le di!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation02" "Louis: Killed it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation03" "Louis: ¡Muerto!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation03" "Louis: Dead!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation04" "Louis: ¡Toma!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation04" "Louis: Got it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation05" "Louis: ¡Le di!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation05" "Louis: Killed it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation06" "Louis: ¡Muerto!" "[english]npc.manager_killconfirmation06" "Louis: Dead!" "player.manager_killthatlight01" "Louis: ¡Apaga esa luz!" "[english]player.manager_killthatlight01" "Louis: Kill that light!" "player.manager_killthatlight02" "Louis: ¡Las linternas!" "[english]player.manager_killthatlight02" "Louis: Flashlights off!" "player.manager_killthatlight03" "Louis: ¡Apaga la linterna!" "[english]player.manager_killthatlight03" "Louis: Turn your light off!" "player.manager_killthatlight04" "Louis: Apaga eso, tío." "[english]player.manager_killthatlight04" "Louis: Kill the light, man." "player.manager_killthatlight05" "Louis: ¡Las luces!" "[english]player.manager_killthatlight05" "Louis: Lights off!" "npc.manager_laughter01" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter01" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter02" "Louis: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter02" "Louis: [Nervous Laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter03" "Louis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter03" "Louis: [Snort]" "npc.manager_laughter04" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter04" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter05" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter05" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter06" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter06" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter07" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter07" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter08" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter08" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter09" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter09" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter10" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter10" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter11" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter11" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter12" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter12" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter13" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter13" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter14" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter14" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter15" "Louis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter15" "Louis: [Snort]" "npc.manager_laughter16" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter16" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter17" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter17" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter18" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter18" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter19" "Louis: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter19" "Louis: [Short laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter20" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter20" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.manager_laughter21" "Louis: [Risa de júbilo]" "[english]npc.manager_laughter21" "Louis: [Hearty laugh]" "player.manager_leadon01" "Louis: Id todos delante." "[english]player.manager_leadon01" "Louis: You all go right ahead." "player.manager_leadon02" "Louis: Ve delante, yo te sigo." "[english]player.manager_leadon02" "Louis: You go ahead, I'll follow you." "player.manager_leadon03" "Louis: Tú vas delante." "[english]player.manager_leadon03" "Louis: You take the lead." "player.manager_leadon04" "Louis: Tú delante." "[english]player.manager_leadon04" "Louis: Go ahead." "player.manager_leadon05" "Louis: Ve tú." "[english]player.manager_leadon05" "Louis: You first." "player.manager_ledgehangend01" "Louis: ¡ME CAIGO! ¡SÚBEME!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangend01" "Louis: I'M SLIPPING! PULL ME UP!" "player.manager_ledgehangend02" "Louis: ¡Estoy a punto de caerme! ¡Ayuda! ¡AYUDA!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangend02" "Louis: I'm about to fall off this thing. HELP! HELLLLLP!!!!" "player.manager_ledgehangend03" "Louis: ¡NO AGUANTO MÁS! ¡NO AGUANTO MÁS! ¡AYUDA, ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangend03" "Louis: I CAN'T HOLD ON - I CAN'T HOLD ON - I'M FALLING!" "player.manager_ledgehangend04" "Louis: ¡¿HAY ALGUIEN?! ¿¡HAY ALGUIEN?! ¡OH, MIERDA! ¡ME CAIGO, ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangend04" "Louis: SOMEBOY, SOMEBODY - OH SHIT I'M FALLING! I'M FALLING!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle01" "Louis: ¡Necesito alguien que me ayude a subir!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle01" "Louis: I really do need someone to pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle02" "Louis: ¡Necesito que alguien mueva el culo y me ayude a subir!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle02" "Louis: Somebody really needs to get over here a pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle03" "Louis: ¡Eh, aún estoy aquí colgado!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle03" "Louis: Hey, I'm still hanging off a ledge here!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle04" "Louis: ¡La caída es profunda! ¡Tenéis que ayudarme a subir!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle04" "Louis: It's a long way down here. You gotta pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle05" "Louis: Vamos tío, no es broma, ¡ven y súbeme!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle05" "Louis: Come on man, I'm not playin', get over here and pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangmiddle06" "Louis: ¡Estoy cansado, no aguanto... subidme!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangmiddle06" "Louis: I'm getting tired of hanging around. Pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangstart01" "Louis: ¡Qué alguien me suba!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart01" "Louis: Someone pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangstart02" "Louis: ¿Alguien puede ayudarme a subir? ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart02" "Louis: Could somebody give me a hand up over here?" "player.manager_ledgehangstart03" "Louis: ¿Alguien puede ayudarme a subir?" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart03" "Louis: Could somebody give me a hand up over here?" "player.manager_ledgehangstart04" "Louis: ¡Una mano no me vendría mal!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart04" "Louis: I could really use a hand up over here!" "player.manager_ledgehangstart05" "Louis: ¡Hey! ¡Qué alguien me suba de aquí!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart05" "Louis: Hey! I need somebody to pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangstart06" "Louis: ¡Échame una mano, súbeme!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart06" "Louis: Throw me a hand man, pull me up!" "player.manager_ledgehangstart07" "Louis: ¡No te rías tío, sácame de aquí!" "[english]player.manager_ledgehangstart07" "Louis: Don't laugh, man, just pull me up." "player.manager_ledgesave01" "Louis: Vale, vale, creo que puedo contigo. Aguanta sólo un segundo." "[english]player.manager_ledgesave01" "Louis: Okay, okay, I think I can get you up. Just hang on one more second." "player.manager_ledgesave02" "Louis: Ya voy... te tengo tío. Coge mi mano y te pondré en tierra firme." "[english]player.manager_ledgesave02" "Louis: I'm here. I gotcha, man. Grab my hand and we're gonna get you back on solid ground!" "player.manager_ledgesave03" "Louis: No te preocupes, tío. Vamos, vamos, ya casi está..." "[english]player.manager_ledgesave03" "Louis: Don't worry, I gotcha, man. Hang on, hang on. Almost up..." "player.manager_look01" "Louis: Por allí." "[english]player.manager_look01" "Louis: Over there." "player.manager_look02" "Louis: ¡Por allí!" "[english]player.manager_look02" "Louis: Over there." "player.manager_look03" "Louis: Mirad." "[english]player.manager_look03" "Louis: Look." "player.manager_look04" "Louis: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.manager_look04" "Louis: Look!" "player.manager_look05" "Louis: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.manager_look05" "Louis: Look!" "player.manager_lookhere01" "Louis: Mirad esto." "[english]player.manager_lookhere01" "Louis: Check this out." "player.manager_lookhere02" "Louis: Oh, fijaos en esto." "[english]player.manager_lookhere02" "Louis: Yo, Check this out." "player.manager_lookhere03" "Louis: Oh tío, mira esto." "[english]player.manager_lookhere03" "Louis: Oh man, look at this." "player.manager_lookhere04" "Louis: Fíjate." "[english]player.manager_lookhere04" "Louis: Look at this." "player.manager_lookhere05" "Louis: Oh tío, mira aquí." "[english]player.manager_lookhere05" "Louis: Oh man, you better look at this." "player.manager_lookout01" "Louis: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.manager_lookout01" "Louis: Look out!" "player.manager_lookout02" "Louis: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.manager_lookout02" "Louis: Look out!" "player.manager_lookout03" "Louis: ¡Atención!" "[english]player.manager_lookout03" "Louis: Watch out!" "player.manager_lookout04" "Louis: ¡Atención!" "[english]player.manager_lookout04" "Louis: Watch out!" "player.manager_lookout05" "Louis: ¡Alerta!" "[english]player.manager_lookout05" "Louis: Heads up!" "player.manager_lookout06" "Louis: ¡Alerta!" "[english]player.manager_lookout06" "Louis: Heads up!" "player.manager_lostcall01" "Louis: ¿Hola?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall01" "Louis: Hello?" "player.manager_lostcall02" "Louis: ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall02" "Louis: Where are you?" "player.manager_lostcall03" "Louis: ¿Dónde están todos?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall03" "Louis: Where is everyone?" "player.manager_lostcall04" "Louis: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall04" "Louis: Is anyone there?" "player.manager_lostcall05" "Louis: ¿Dónde están todos?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall05" "Louis: Where'd everyone get to?" "player.manager_lostcall06" "Louis: ¿Alguien puede oírme?" "[english]player.manager_lostcall06" "Louis: Can anyone hear me?" "player.manager_lostcall07" "Louis: ¡Oh mierda, me he perdido!" "[english]player.manager_lostcall07" "Louis: Ah crap, I think maybe I'm lost!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill01" "Louis: Deja de dispararme, viejo." "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill01" "Louis: Old man, stop shooting me!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill02" "Louis: ¡Hey, hey, hey! Joder, Bill, ¿Que coño haces?" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill02" "Louis: Whoa, whoa whoa! Jesus, Bill, what are you doing?" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill03" "Louis: ¡William! ¡Venga ya, tío!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill03" "Louis: William! Come on, man!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill04" "Louis: ¡Cuidado, Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill04" "Louis: Watch it, Bill!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill05" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill05" "Louis: Bill!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill06" "Louis: Increíble, me has dado OTRA VEZ." "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill06" "Louis: I cannot BELIEVE you just shot me AGAIN." "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill07" "Louis: ¡Ay! ¡Que yo no estoy blindado!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill07" "Louis: Ow! I ain't damn bulletproof." "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill08" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill08" "Louis: Bill!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill09" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirebill09" "Louis: Bill!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Louis: Francis, me estás dando a MÍ, tío." "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Louis: Francis, that's MY ass your shootin'." "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Louis: Francis, ¿pero qué coño te pasa?" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Louis: Francis, What the HELL is wrong with you?" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis04" "Louis: ¡Francis! ¡Apunta mejor, tío!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis04" "Louis: Francis, learn to shoot, man!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis05" "Louis: ¡Tío, deja de darme a mí!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis05" "Louis: Man, stop shooting me!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis06" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis06" "Louis: Francis!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis07" "Louis: Venga, hazlo otra vez, gordo." "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis07" "Louis: Go on, do it one more time, fat man." "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis08" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis08" "Louis: Francis!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis09" "Louis: ¿Qué coño te pasa, gordo?" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirefrancis09" "Louis: Fatman, what the HELL is wrong with you?" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey01" "Louis: Zoey, me estás dando a mí, ¿sabes?" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey01" "Louis: Zoey, you know you're shooting me, right?" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey02" "Louis: ¡Déjalo ya, Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey02" "Louis: You gotta stop that shit, Zoey!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey03" "Louis: Zoey, no me dispares más." "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey03" "Louis: Zoey, please don't shoot me" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey04" "Louis: ¡Zoey! ¡Me estás dando a mí!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey04" "Louis: Zoey! You're shooting me!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey05" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey05" "Louis: Zoey!" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey06" "Louis: ¿Cuántas veces más vas a dispararme?" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey06" "Louis: How many damn times are you gonna shoot me?" "npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey07" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]npc.manager_manager_friendlyfirezoey07" "Louis: Zoey!" "player.manager_moveon01" "Louis: Bien, vamos." "[english]player.manager_moveon01" "Louis: All right, let's go." "player.manager_moveon02" "Louis: A moverse." "[english]player.manager_moveon02" "Louis: Time to move." "player.manager_moveon03" "Louis: Vámonos." "[english]player.manager_moveon03" "Louis: Let's go." "player.manager_moveon04" "Louis: ¡Venga, movámonos!" "[english]player.manager_moveon04" "Louis: Let's move, let's move!" "player.manager_moveon05" "Louis: Es mejor que sigamos." "[english]player.manager_moveon05" "Louis: I really think we should keep moving." "player.manager_moveon06" "Louis: ¿Os parece que sigamos?" "[english]player.manager_moveon06" "Louis: Whaddya say we get moving?" "player.manager_moveon07" "Louis: Vámonos." "[english]player.manager_moveon07" "Louis: Let's go." "player.manager_moveon08" "Louis: Sigamos." "[english]player.manager_moveon08" "Louis: Tme to move" "player.manager_namebill01" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.manager_namebill01" "Louis: Bill!" "player.manager_namebill02" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.manager_namebill02" "Louis: Bill!" "player.manager_namebill03" "Louis: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.manager_namebill03" "Louis: Bill!" "player.manager_namebill04" "Louis: Bill." "[english]player.manager_namebill04" "Louis: Bill" "player.manager_namebill05" "Louis: Bill." "[english]player.manager_namebill05" "Louis: Bill" "player.manager_namefrancis01" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.manager_namefrancis01" "Louis: Francis!" "player.manager_namefrancis02" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.manager_namefrancis02" "Louis: Francis!" "player.manager_namefrancis03" "Louis: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.manager_namefrancis03" "Louis: Francis!" "player.manager_namefrancis04" "Louis: Francis." "[english]player.manager_namefrancis04" "Louis: Francis" "player.manager_namefrancis05" "Louis: Francis." "[english]player.manager_namefrancis05" "Louis: Francis" "player.manager_namezoey01" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_namezoey01" "Louis: Zoey!" "player.manager_namezoey02" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_namezoey02" "Louis: Zoey!" "player.manager_namezoey03" "Louis: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.manager_namezoey03" "Louis: Zoey!" "player.manager_namezoey04" "Louis: Zoey." "[english]player.manager_namezoey04" "Louis: Zoey" "player.manager_namezoey05" "Louis: Zoey." "[english]player.manager_namezoey05" "Louis: Zoey" "player.manager_negativenoise01" "" "[english]player.manager_negativenoise01" "" "player.manager_negativenoise02" "" "[english]player.manager_negativenoise02" "" "player.manager_negativenoise03" "" "[english]player.manager_negativenoise03" "" "player.manager_nervoushumming01" "" "[english]player.manager_nervoushumming01" "" "player.manager_nervoushumming02" "" "[english]player.manager_nervoushumming02" "" "player.manager_nervouswhislte01" "" "[english]player.manager_nervouswhislte01" "" "player.manager_nicejob01" "Louis: Genial." "[english]player.manager_nicejob01" "Louis: Nice." "player.manager_nicejob02" "Louis: Buen trabajo." "[english]player.manager_nicejob02" "Louis: Nice work." "player.manager_nicejob03" "Louis: De fábula." "[english]player.manager_nicejob03" "Louis: Nice job." "player.manager_nicejob04" "Louis: Guau, tío, que pasada." "[english]player.manager_nicejob04" "Louis: Dammmn, man, that was nice." "player.manager_nicejob05" "Louis: Ha estado bien." "[english]player.manager_nicejob05" "Louis: That was great." "player.manager_nicejob06" "Louis: Ha sido guay." "[english]player.manager_nicejob06" "Louis: That was cool." "player.manager_nicejob07" "Louis: Ha sido una pasada." "[english]player.manager_nicejob07" "Louis: Ah, that was off the chain." "player.manager_niceshooting01" "Louis: ¡Guau!" "[english]player.manager_niceshooting01" "Louis: Wow!" "player.manager_niceshooting02" "Louis: Vaya... [risa] buen disparo tío." "[english]player.manager_niceshooting02" "Louis: Damn, nice shooting." "player.manager_niceshooting03" "Louis: Espero no pasar nunca al otro bando." "[english]player.manager_niceshooting03" "Louis: Man, I hope I never get on your bad side." "player.manager_niceshot01" "Louis: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.manager_niceshot01" "Louis: Nice shot!" "player.manager_niceshot02" "Louis: ¡Eh tío, buen tiro!" "[english]player.manager_niceshot02" "Louis: Oh man, great shot." "player.manager_niceshot03" "Louis: ¡Guau, qué bonito!" "[english]player.manager_niceshot03" "Louis: Wooo, nice baby!" "npc.manager_niceshot04" "Louis: Buen tiro." "[english]npc.manager_niceshot04" "Louis: Whoah. Nice shot." "npc.manager_niceshot05" "Louis: ¡Muy bueno!" "[english]npc.manager_niceshot05" "Louis: Nice one!" "npc.manager_niceshot06" "Louis: ¡Bien, Zoey, bien!" "[english]npc.manager_niceshot06" "Louis: Nice, Zoey, nice!" "npc.manager_niceshot07" "Louis: Buen disparo." "[english]npc.manager_niceshot07" "Louis: Nice shot!" "npc.manager_niceshot08" "Louis: ¡Vale!" "[english]npc.manager_niceshot08" "Louis: Great shot!" "npc.manager_niceshot09" "Louis: ¡PUM!" "[english]npc.manager_niceshot09" "Louis: POW!" "npc.manager_niceshot10" "Louis: ¡Sí señor!" "[english]npc.manager_niceshot10" "Louis: Oh, HELL yes." "player.manager_no01" "Louis: Mmm. Ni hablar." "[english]player.manager_no01" "Louis: No way." "player.manager_no02" "Louis: Ah, ah." "[english]player.manager_no02" "Louis: Uh uh." "player.manager_no03" "Louis: Nop." "[english]player.manager_no03" "Louis: Nope." "player.manager_no04" "Louis: Ni lo sueñes." "[english]player.manager_no04" "Louis: Not a chance." "player.manager_no05" "Louis: Ni hablar, tío." "[english]player.manager_no05" "Louis: No way, man." "player.manager_no06" "Louis: Ntch-ntch." "[english]player.manager_no06" "Louis: Uh uh." "player.manager_no07" "Louis: Ehm... no." "[english]player.manager_no07" "Louis: Um no." "player.manager_no08" "Louis: No." "[english]player.manager_no08" "Louis: No." "player.manager_no09" "Louis: Que no." "[english]player.manager_no09" "Louis: I said No" "player.manager_painreliefsigh01" "Louis: [Suspiros de alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.manager_painreliefsigh01" "Louis: Ahhh." "player.manager_painreliefsigh02" "Louis: [Suspiros de alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.manager_painreliefsigh02" "Louis: Ah." "player.manager_painreliefsigh03" "Louis: [Suspiros de alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.manager_painreliefsigh03" "Louis: Ohhhhh." "player.manager_painreliefsigh04" "Louis: [Suspiros de alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.manager_painreliefsigh04" "Louis: Ohh." "player.manager_painreliefsigh05" "Louis: [Suspiros de alivio del dolor]" "[english]player.manager_painreliefsigh05" "Louis: Wooooohh." "player.manager_player.gamespeech01" "Louis: Los de la oficina se reían cuando iba al campo de tiro a la hora de comer. ¿A que ya no parece tan divertido?" "[english]player.manager_player.gamespeech01" "Louis: The guys used to laugh when I'd hit the rifle range at lunch. Ain't so funny now, is it?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealth01" "Louis: Igual deberías curarte." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealth01" "Louis: Maybe you oughtta heal up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealth02" "Louis: A curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealth02" "Louis: Let's heal up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealth03" "Louis: A curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealth03" "Louis: Time to heal." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill01" "Louis: Bill, deberías usar el botiquín." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill01" "Louis: Bill, you might wanna use your med kit." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill02" "Louis: Bill, debes curarte." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill02" "Louis: Bill, you oughtta heal." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill03" "Louis: Bill, es un buen momento para curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthbill03" "Louis: Hey Bill, might be a good time to patch yourself up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis01" "Louis: Francis, deberías usar el botiquín." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis01" "Louis: Francis, you should use your med kit." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis02" "Louis: A curarse, tipo duro." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis02" "Louis: Hey, tough guy, heal up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis03" "Louis: Hey, Francis, tío, hay que curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis03" "Louis: Yo, Francis, come on buddy, heal up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis04" "Louis: Francis, cúrate." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthfrancis04" "Louis: Francis, patch yerself up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific01" "Louis: Francis, ¿me prestas tu botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific01" "Louis: Francis, can you lend me your med kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific02" "Louis: Francis, ¿me pasas un botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific02" "Louis: Francis, mind spottin' me a med kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific03" "Louis: Francis, ¿botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific03" "Louis: Francis, health kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Louis: Zoey, ¿vas a usar ese botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Louis: Zoey, are you going to use that med kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Louis: Zoey, ¿podrías pasarme un botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Louis: Zoey, any chance I could get some first aid?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Louis: Bill... ¿botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Louis: Bill, Bill... first aid kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Louis: Bill, ¿podrías pasarme un botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Louis: Bill, could I get some first aid?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Louis: Francis, ¿botiquín?" "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Louis: Francis, first aid kit?" "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Louis: Tendrías que curarte, Zoey." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Louis: Zoey, you really oughtta heal." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Louis: Venga, chica, a curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Louis: Go on and heal up, girl." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Louis: Te conviene curarte, Zoey." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Louis: Might be a good time to heal, Zoey." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey04" "Louis: Vamos, chica, hay que curarse." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey04" "Louis: Come on, girl. Time to heal up." "npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey05" "Louis: Anda y cúrate, Zoey." "[english]npc.manager_playersuggesthealthzoey05" "Louis: Go on and heal up, Zoey." "npc.manager_playertransitionclose01" "Louis: ¡Uau! ¡Joder!" "[english]npc.manager_playertransitionclose01" "Louis: Woah, Jesus!" "npc.manager_playertransitionclose02" "Louis: ¡Joder!" "[english]npc.manager_playertransitionclose02" "Louis: Damn!" "npc.manager_playertransitionclose03" "Louis: ¡Ya estamos a salvo!" "[english]npc.manager_playertransitionclose03" "Louis: At least we're safe now!" "npc.manager_playertransitionclose04" "Louis: PIM-ba." "[english]npc.manager_playertransitionclose04" "Louis: BOOM-diah" "player.manager_positivenoise01" "" "[english]player.manager_positivenoise01" "" "player.manager_positivenoise02" "" "[english]player.manager_positivenoise02" "" "player.manager_positivenoise03" "" "[english]player.manager_positivenoise03" "" "player.manager_positivenoise04" "" "[english]player.manager_positivenoise04" "" "player.manager_radiousedboat01" "Louis: Vale, vamos a esperar a que llegue el barco de rescate." "[english]player.manager_radiousedboat01" "Louis: Okay, we gotta hold out til the rescue boat gets here." "player.manager_radiousedchopper01" "Louis: Vale, viene el helicóptero." "[english]player.manager_radiousedchopper01" "Louis: Okay, the chopper's coming." "player.manager_radiousedgeneric01" "Louis: Nuestra vía de escape está en camino." "[english]player.manager_radiousedgeneric01" "Louis: Our ride out of here's on its way." "player.manager_radiousedgeneric02" "Louis: ¡Vienen a ayudarnos! ¡Un poco más y estaremos fuera de aquí!" "[english]player.manager_radiousedgeneric02" "Louis: Help's on the way! A few more minutes and we're out of here for good!" "player.manager_radiousedgeneric03" "Louis: ¡Vienen a ayudarnos! [riendo] ¡Es como un sueño, pero parece que al fin saldremos de aquí!" "[english]player.manager_radiousedgeneric03" "Louis: Help is on the way! I can't believe it, but I think we might actually make it out of here!" "player.manager_radiousedplane01" "Louis: ¡La ayuda... llegará pronto!" "[english]player.manager_radiousedplane01" "Louis: Help will be here soon!" "player.manager_radiousedtruck01" "Louis: Bien, ya sólo queda esperar a que el camión llegue aquí." "[english]player.manager_radiousedtruck01" "Louis: All right, now we just gotta hold out til the truck gets here." "player.manager_reactionapprehensive01" "Louis: Tengo un maal presentimiento." "[english]player.manager_reactionapprehensive01" "Louis: I have a bad feeling about this" "player.manager_reactionapprehensive02" "Louis: Esta calma... demasiada calma..." "[english]player.manager_reactionapprehensive02" "Louis: Man, it's too quiet, too damn quiet." "player.manager_reactionapprehensive03" "Louis: Esto me da muy mal rollo." "[english]player.manager_reactionapprehensive03" "Louis: I don't like this one damn bit." "player.manager_reactionapprehensive04" "Louis: Estoy mosqueado." "[english]player.manager_reactionapprehensive04" "Louis: Something ain't right." "player.manager_reactionboomervomit01" "" "[english]player.manager_reactionboomervomit01" "" "player.manager_reactionboomervomit02" "" "[english]player.manager_reactionboomervomit02" "" "player.manager_reactionboomervomit03" "" "[english]player.manager_reactionboomervomit03" "" "player.manager_reactionboomervomit04" "" "[english]player.manager_reactionboomervomit04" "" "player.manager_reactiondisgusted01" "Louis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.manager_reactiondisgusted01" "Louis: Ewwww..." "player.manager_reactiondisgusted02" "Louis: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.manager_reactiondisgusted02" "Louis: Blecch.." "player.manager_reactiondisgusted03" "Louis: Que cosa más asquerosa." "[english]player.manager_reactiondisgusted03" "Louis: That is some nasty shit." "player.manager_reactiondisgusted04" "Louis: Puag." "[english]player.manager_reactiondisgusted04" "Louis: Yuck." "player.manager_reactionnegative01" "Louis: Oh, oh." "[english]player.manager_reactionnegative01" "Louis: Uh oh." "player.manager_reactionnegative02" "Louis: Qué chungo." "[english]player.manager_reactionnegative02" "Louis: Can't be good" "player.manager_reactionnegative03" "Louis: Oh, Dios mío." "[english]player.manager_reactionnegative03" "Louis: Oh my god." "player.manager_reactionnegative04" "Louis: Oh, Dios." "[english]player.manager_reactionnegative04" "Louis: Ah, Jesus." "player.manager_reactionpositive01" "Louis: Oh, guay." "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive01" "Louis: Oh, okay." "player.manager_reactionpositive02" "Louis: Mm, mm." "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive02" "Louis: Hmm hmmm." "player.manager_reactionpositive03" "Louis: Oh, mola." "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive03" "Louis: Oh, cool" "player.manager_reactionpositive04" "Louis: ¡Qué bien!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive04" "Louis: All right!" "player.manager_reactionpositive05" "Louis: ¡Qué bien!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive05" "Louis: All right!" "player.manager_reactionpositive06" "Louis: Ju, jejeje." "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive06" "Louis: Heh hehhhh." "player.manager_reactionpositive07" "Louis: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive07" "Louis: Nice!" "player.manager_reactionpositive08" "Louis: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive08" "Louis: Sweet!" "player.manager_reactionpositive09" "Louis: ¡Cómo mola!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive09" "Louis: Sweet baby!" "player.manager_reactionpositive10" "Louis: Así es como se hace." "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive10" "Louis: That's what I'm talkin' about." "player.manager_reactionpositive11" "Louis: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.manager_reactionpositive11" "Louis: Nice!" "player.manager_reactionstartled01" "Louis: [Reacción de sobresalto]" "[english]player.manager_reactionstartled01" "Louis: AHHHH!" "player.manager_reactionstartled02" "Louis: [Reacción de sobresalto]" "[english]player.manager_reactionstartled02" "Louis: Whoa!" "player.manager_reactionstartled03" "Louis: [Reacción de sobresalto]" "[english]player.manager_reactionstartled03" "Louis: Oh!" "player.manager_reactionstartled04" "Louis: [Reacción de sobresalto]" "[english]player.manager_reactionstartled04" "Louis: Ah ah!" "player.manager_reactionstartled05" "Louis: [Reacción de sobresalto]" "[english]player.manager_reactionstartled05" "Louis: Oh my!" "player.manager_reloading01" "Louis: ¡Recargando!" "[english]player.manager_reloading01" "Louis: Reloading!" "player.manager_reloading02" "Louis: ¡Recargando!" "[english]player.manager_reloading02" "Louis: Reloading!" "player.manager_reloading03" "Louis: ¡Recargando!" "[english]player.manager_reloading03" "Louis: Reloading!" "npc.manager_reloadingquiet01" "Louis: Recarga." "[english]npc.manager_reloadingquiet01" "Louis: Reloading." "npc.manager_reloadingquiet02" "Louis: Recargando." "[english]npc.manager_reloadingquiet02" "Louis: Reloading." "npc.manager_reloadingquiet03" "Louis: Recarga." "[english]npc.manager_reloadingquiet03" "Louis: Reloading." "player.manager_revivecriticalfriend01" "Louis: Ay, tío... no tienes buen aspecto. Si no encontramos un botiquín, el próximo golpe será letal." "[english]player.manager_revivecriticalfriend01" "Louis: Oh man, you don't look so good. If we don't get you some first aid , you're not gonna survive another hit like that." "player.manager_revivecriticalfriend02" "Louis: Ay, Dios... no paras de sangrar. Si no encontramos un botiquín, no sobrevivirás a otro envite." "[english]player.manager_revivecriticalfriend02" "Louis: Ah, ah Jesus, you're bleedin' all over the place. If we don't get you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit like that." "player.manager_revivecriticalfriend03" "Louis: Puedo levantarte... más o menos. Si no encontramos un botiquín, no sobrevivirás a otro envite." "[english]player.manager_revivecriticalfriend03" "Louis: I can get you on your feet, but just barely. If we don't get you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit like that." "player.manager_revivecriticalfriend04" "Louis: Vale... vamos, ven aquí. Te pondré de pie, pero si no encuentras un botiquín, no sobrevivirás a otro ataque." "[english]player.manager_revivecriticalfriend04" "Louis: Okay, come on, stay with me. I can get you moving again, but if we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit like that." "player.manager_revivecriticalfriend05" "Louis: Te levantaré, pero... Dios, no sé ni como estás vivo. Si no encontramos un botiquín, no sobrevivirás a la próxima." "[english]player.manager_revivecriticalfriend05" "Louis: I can help you up, but, Jesus, you shouldn't even be alive. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit like that." "player.manager_revivefriend01" "Louis: Te tengo, te tengo. Venga, no dejaré que te mueras. Vamos, arriba." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend01" "Louis: I gotcha, I gotcha. Don't worry, I'm not gonna let you die. Come on, up ya go." "player.manager_revivefriend02" "Louis: Vamos tío, mírame. Céntrate, te recuperarás." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend02" "Louis: Come on, man, look at me. Focus. You are going to be okay. Let's get moving." "player.manager_revivefriend03" "Louis: Te tengo, te tengo. Venga, no dejaré que te mueras. Vamos, arriba." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend03" "Louis: I got ya, I got ya. Don't worry, I'm not gonna let you die. Come on, up ya go." "player.manager_revivefriend04" "Louis: Vamos, tío, mírame. Venga. Te pondrás bien. Sigamos." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend04" "Louis: Come on, man, look at me. Focus. You are going to be okay. Let's get moving." "player.manager_revivefriend05" "Louis: Vale, vale, ya estoy aquí. Bien. Un segundo. Te pondré de nuevo en pie." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend05" "Louis: Okay, okay, I'm here, don't worry. Onnne second. I'll get you back on your feet." "player.manager_revivefriend06" "Louis: Vale, vale, ya estoy aquí. Bien. Un segundo. Te pondré de nuevo en pie." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend06" "Louis: Okay, okay, I'm here, don't worry. Onnne second. I'll get you back on your feet." "player.manager_revivefriend07" "Louis: Venga, se acabó el descanso. Te pondré en pie y a seguir trabajando." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend07" "Louis: C'mon, okay, break time's over. Let's get you on your feet and back to work." "player.manager_revivefriend08" "Louis: Creo... Sí, creo que estás bien. Te pondré en pie para seguir adelante." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend08" "Louis: I think... Yeah, I think you're okay. Let's get you up so we can keep moving." "player.manager_revivefriend09" "Louis: No soy médico, pero te digo que no estás muerto. Vamos, vamos a ponerte en pie y sigamos." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend09" "Louis: I'm no doctor, but you are *definitely* not dead yet. So come on, let's get you up and moving." "player.manager_revivefriend10" "Louis: Vale, vale, ya estoy aquí. Bien. Un segundo. Te pondré de nuevo en pie." "[english]player.manager_revivefriend10" "Louis: Okay, okay, I'm here, don't worry. Onnne second. I'll get you back on your feet." "npc.manager_revivefriend11" "Louis: Creía que no podrías levantarte." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend11" "Louis: I didn't think you were gettin' back up." "npc.manager_revivefriend12" "Louis: Tranqui, ya te tengo. Todo irá bien." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend12" "Louis: Don't worry, I gotcha. You're gonna be just fine." "npc.manager_revivefriend13" "Louis: Arriba. Pronto saldremos de aquí." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend13" "Louis: Let's get you up. We'll be out of here soon." "npc.manager_revivefriend14" "Louis: Venga, Zoey, te sacaré de ésta." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend14" "Louis: Come on Zoey, I'll get you out of this." "npc.manager_revivefriend15" "Louis: ¡Es sólo un rasguño! Deja que te limpie esa sangre." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend15" "Louis: Barely a scratch on you! Let me just sop up some of that blood there." "npc.manager_revivefriend16" "Louis: Tío, ¿estás herido? ¡No lo parece!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend16" "Louis: Man, are you even hurt? You look good, son!" "npc.manager_revivefriend17" "Louis: ¡Con la que te han dado y aún vives! ¡Eres una máquina!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend17" "Louis: I never saw nobody take that much abuse and live! You're a machine!" "npc.manager_revivefriend18" "Louis: ¡Con la que te han dado y aún vives! Te vamos a llamar Jason." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend18" "Louis: I never saw nobody take that much abuse and live! Oughtta start callin' you Jason." "npc.manager_revivefriend19" "Louis: ¡Con la que te han dado y aún vives! Te vamos a llamar Hércules." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriend19" "Louis: I never saw nobody take that much abuse and live! Oughtta start callin' you Hercules." "npc.manager_revivefrienda01" "Louis: ¿Estás bien?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda01" "Louis: You okay?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda02" "Louis: ¿Cómo estás?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda02" "Louis: How d'ya feel?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda03" "Louis: ¿Vivirás?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda03" "Louis: Can you make it?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda04" "Louis: ¿Vas a vivir?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda04" "Louis: You gonna make it?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda05" "Louis: ¿Estás muy mal?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda05" "Louis: How bad are you?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda06" "Louis: Tienes mal aspecto." "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda06" "Louis: Man, you look bad." "npc.manager_revivefrienda07" "Louis: ¿Cómo te va?" "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda07" "Louis: How ya doin'?" "npc.manager_revivefrienda08" "Louis: Tío, estás genial." "[english]npc.manager_revivefrienda08" "Louis: Man, you look great." "npc.manager_revivefriendb01" "Louis: A por ellos." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb01" "Louis: Up and at 'em." "npc.manager_revivefriendb02" "Louis: Vamos, ¡arriba!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb02" "Louis: Come on up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendb03" "Louis: Arriba." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb03" "Louis: Up ya go." "npc.manager_revivefriendb04" "Louis: Todo irá bien." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb04" "Louis: You'll be okay." "npc.manager_revivefriendb05" "Louis: Te tengo." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb05" "Louis: I got ya." "npc.manager_revivefriendb06" "Louis: Arriba." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb06" "Louis: Up we go." "npc.manager_revivefriendb07" "Louis: Estás bien." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb07" "Louis: You're fine." "npc.manager_revivefriendb08" "Louis: No tiene mala pinta." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb08" "Louis: It doesn't look bad." "npc.manager_revivefriendb09" "Louis: Levántate." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb09" "Louis: Come on up." "npc.manager_revivefriendb10" "Louis: ¡A moverse!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb10" "Louis: Let's move!" "npc.manager_revivefriendb11" "Louis: Todo saldrá bien." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb11" "Louis: You'll be fine." "npc.manager_revivefriendb12" "Louis: Vamos, Francis." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb12" "Louis: Come on, Francis." "npc.manager_revivefriendb13" "Louis: Vamos, Bill." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb13" "Louis: Come on, Bill." "npc.manager_revivefriendb14" "Louis: Te curarás, mujer." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendb14" "Louis: You'll be fine, girl." "npc.manager_revivefriendloud01" "Louis: ¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Estás bien!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud01" "Louis: Come on, come on! You're okay!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud02" "Louis: ¡Levanta, levanta!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud02" "Louis: Let's get up, let's get up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud03" "Louis: ¡Levanta! ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud03" "Louis: Get up, we gotta go!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud04" "Louis: Vamos, ¡levántate!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud04" "Louis: Come on, get up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud05" "Louis: Venga, tío ¡levántate!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud05" "Louis: Come on, man, get up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud06" "Louis: No hay tiempo, tío. ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud06" "Louis: No time for this, bro, let's move!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud07" "Louis: ¡Vamos, mujer, arriba!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud07" "Louis: Come on, girl, get up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud08" "Louis: ¡Vamos, hay que levantarse!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud08" "Louis: Come on, you gotta get up." "npc.manager_revivefriendloud09" "Louis: ¡Vamos! ¡Levanta!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud09" "Louis: Come on now. Get up!" "npc.manager_revivefriendloud10" "Louis: Va, tío, a levantarse." "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud10" "Louis: We gotta get your ass up, man." "npc.manager_revivefriendloud11" "Louis: ¡Arriba! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.manager_revivefriendloud11" "Louis: Get up now, come on!" "player.manager_safespotahead01" "Louis: Un refugio cerca." "[english]player.manager_safespotahead01" "Louis: We're near a safe spot." "player.manager_safespotahead02" "Louis: Hay un lugar seguro al frente." "[english]player.manager_safespotahead02" "Louis: There's a safe place just ahead." "player.manager_safespotahead03" "Louis: Hay un refugio al frente." "[english]player.manager_safespotahead03" "Louis: There's a safe spot up ahead." "npc.manager_safespotahead04" "Louis: ¡Refugio delante!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotahead04" "Louis: Safe house ahead!" "npc.manager_safespotahead05" "Louis: ¡Ahí está el Refugio!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotahead05" "Louis: There's the safe house!" "npc.manager_safespotahead06" "Louis: ¡Refugio!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotahead06" "Louis: Safe house!" "npc.manager_safespotahead07" "Louis: ¡Refugio ahí delante!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotahead07" "Louis: Safe house up ahead!" "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction01" "Louis: ¡Por fin!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction01" "Louis: Finally!" "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction02" "Louis: ¡Lo logramos!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction02" "Louis: We made it!" "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction03" "Louis: ¡Prueba superada!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction03" "Louis: Knew we'd make it!" "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction04" "Louis: ¡Todo saldrá bien!" "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction04" "Louis: We're gonna be okay!" "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction05" "Louis: Tío, SABÍA que llegaríamos." "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction05" "Louis: Man, I KNEW we was gonna make it." "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction06" "Louis: Qué alegría verlo." "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction06" "Louis: That is a sweet sight." "npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction07" "Louis: Un refugio, fenomenal." "[english]npc.manager_safespotaheadreaction07" "Louis: That is one sweet sight." "player.manager_sawsomething01" "Louis: Hay algo, por ahí." "[english]player.manager_sawsomething01" "Louis: There's something over there." "player.manager_sawsomething02" "Louis: Seguro que hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.manager_sawsomething02" "Louis: There is definitely something over there." "player.manager_sawsomething03" "Louis: Hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.manager_sawsomething03" "Louis: There's something over there." "player.manager_sawsomething04" "Louis: ¡Mirad ahí!" "[english]player.manager_sawsomething04" "Louis: Look, over there!" "player.manager_scenariojoin01" "Louis: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.manager_scenariojoin01" "Louis: I'm here!" "player.manager_scenariojoin02" "Louis: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.manager_scenariojoin02" "Louis: Hello!" "player.manager_scenariojoin03" "Louis: ¡Eh, aquí!" "[english]player.manager_scenariojoin03" "Louis: Hey, I'm here!" "player.manager_scenariojoinlast01" "Louis: ¡Estamos aquí!" "[english]player.manager_scenariojoinlast01" "Louis: We're all here!" "player.manager_screamwhilepounced02" "Louis: ¡EH, EH! ¡QUITÁDMELO, QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.manager_screamwhilepounced02" "Louis: GET IT GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" "npc.manager_screamwhilepounced02a" "Louis: ¡Quitádmelo!" "[english]npc.manager_screamwhilepounced02a" "Louis: Get it! Get it!" "npc.manager_screamwhilepounced02b" "Louis: ¡Quitádmelo de encima, vamos!" "[english]npc.manager_screamwhilepounced02b" "Louis: Get it off me! Get it off me!" "player.manager_screamwhilepounced03" "Louis: ¡EH, EH! ¡QUITÁDMELO, QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.manager_screamwhilepounced03" "Louis: GET IT GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" "npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03a" "Louis: ¡Quitádmelo!" "[english]npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03a" "Louis: Get it! Get it!" "npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03b" "Louis: ¡Me aplasta!" "[english]npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03b" "Louis: Get it off me!" "npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03c" "Louis: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]npc.manager_screamwhilepounced03c" "Louis: Get it off me!" "player.manager_shoved01" "Louis: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.manager_shoved01" "Louis: Oof!" "player.manager_shoved02" "Louis: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.manager_shoved02" "Louis: Oof!" "player.manager_shoved03" "Louis: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.manager_shoved03" "Louis: Oof!" "player.manager_shoved04" "Louis: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.manager_shoved04" "Louis: Oof!" "player.manager_shoved05" "Louis: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.manager_shoved05" "Louis: Oof!" "player.manager_sorry01" "Louis: ¡Perdón!" "[english]player.manager_sorry01" "Louis: Sorry!" "player.manager_sorry02" "Louis: ¡Perdón!" "[english]player.manager_sorry02" "Louis: Sorry!" "player.manager_sorry03" "Louis: ¡Lo siento mucho!" "[english]player.manager_sorry03" "Louis: Sorry about that!" "player.manager_sorry04" "Louis: Oooh, tío, perdón." "[english]player.manager_sorry04" "Louis: Aww, man, sorry." "player.manager_sorry05" "Louis: Oh mierda, ha sido culpa mía." "[english]player.manager_sorry05" "Louis: Ah hell, that was my fault." "player.manager_sorry06" "Louis: Culpa mía." "[english]player.manager_sorry06" "Louis: My bad." "player.manager_sorry07" "Louis: Asumo toda la culpa." "[english]player.manager_sorry07" "Louis: 100% my fault" "npc.manager_spot01" "Louis: Munición." "[english]npc.manager_spot01" "Louis: Ammo here." "npc.manager_spot02" "Louis: Un botiquín." "[english]npc.manager_spot02" "Louis: First aid kit here." "npc.manager_spot03" "Louis: Un botiquín." "[english]npc.manager_spot03" "Louis: First aid, here." "npc.manager_spot04" "Louis: Hay granadas." "[english]npc.manager_spot04" "Louis: Grenades here." "npc.manager_spot05" "Louis: Píldoras." "[english]npc.manager_spot05" "Louis: Pills here." "player.manager_spotammo01" "Louis: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.manager_spotammo01" "Louis: Ammo here!" "player.manager_spotfirstaid01" "Louis: ¡Hay un botiquín!" "[english]player.manager_spotfirstaid01" "Louis: A First Aid Kit here!" "player.manager_spotfirstaid02" "Louis: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.manager_spotfirstaid02" "Louis: First Aid here!" "npc.manager_spotfirstaid03" "Louis: ¡Botiquín por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_spotfirstaid03" "Louis: First aid kit over here!" "npc.manager_spotfirstaid04" "Louis: ¡Botiquín aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_spotfirstaid04" "Louis: First aid here!" "player.manager_spotgrenades01" "Louis: ¡Granadas!" "[english]player.manager_spotgrenades01" "Louis: Grenades here!" "npc.manager_spotgrenades02" "Louis: ¡Molotovs por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_spotgrenades02" "Louis: Molotovs over here!" "npc.manager_spotgrenades03" "Louis: ¡Molotov!" "[english]npc.manager_spotgrenades03" "Louis: Molotovs here!" "npc.manager_spotgrenades04" "Louis: ¡Bomba casera!" "[english]npc.manager_spotgrenades04" "Louis: Pipe bomb here!" "npc.manager_spotgrenades05" "Louis: ¡Bomba!" "[english]npc.manager_spotgrenades05" "Louis: Pipe bomb!" "player.manager_spotpills01" "Louis: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]player.manager_spotpills01" "Louis: Pills here!" "player.manager_spotweapons01" "Louis: ¡Hay armas!" "[english]player.manager_spotweapons01" "Louis: Weapons here!" "npc.manager_spotweapons02" "Louis: ¡Armas aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_spotweapons02" "Louis: Weapons over here!" "npc.manager_spotweapons03" "Louis: ¡Armas!" "[english]npc.manager_spotweapons03" "Louis: Weapons!" "player.manager_staytogether01" "Louis: Quedaos cerca." "[english]player.manager_staytogether01" "Louis: Stay close." "player.manager_staytogether02" "Louis: Vamos, debemos estar juntos." "[english]player.manager_staytogether02" "Louis: Come on, we got to stay together." "player.manager_staytogether03" "Louis: ¡No os separéis!" "[english]player.manager_staytogether03" "Louis: Keep together!" "player.manager_staytogether04" "Louis: ¡Quedaos juntos!" "[english]player.manager_staytogether04" "Louis: Stay together!" "player.manager_staytogether05" "Louis: Debemos estar juntos." "[english]player.manager_staytogether05" "Louis: We've got to stick together." "player.manager_staytogether06" "Louis: ¡No os larguéis!" "[english]player.manager_staytogether06" "Louis: Nobody run off." "npc.manager_staytogether07" "Louis: Que nadie se separe." "[english]npc.manager_staytogether07" "Louis: Everybody stay tight." "npc.manager_staytogether08" "Louis: ¡Sigamos juntos!" "[english]npc.manager_staytogether08" "Louis: Stick together!" "player.manager_staytogetherinside01" "Louis: ¡Vamos, todos dentro! ¡Dentro!" "[english]player.manager_staytogetherinside01" "Louis: C'mon, everyone inside, inside!" "player.manager_staytogetherinside02" "Louis: ¡Vayamos dentro!" "[english]player.manager_staytogetherinside02" "Louis: Let's get inside!" "player.manager_staytogetherinside04" "Louis: ¡Tenemos que entrar!" "[english]player.manager_staytogetherinside04" "Louis: We gotta get inside!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace01" "Louis: ¡Y no te levantes!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace01" "Louis: And stay down!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace02" "Louis: ¡Quédate ahí, joder!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace02" "Louis: And stay down, bitch!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace03" "Louis: ¡Fríete, perra!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace03" "Louis: Burn, you bitch!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace04" "Louis: ¡Toma, perra!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace04" "Louis: Die, bitch!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace05" "Louis: Toma esto, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace05" "Louis: Hoody ass bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace06" "Louis: Que te den por saco, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace06" "Louis: Kilt your bitch ass. Bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace07" "Louis: ¡Puto Tank!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace07" "Louis: Tank bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace08" "Louis: Eso va por Francis, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace08" "Louis: That was for Francis, bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace09" "Louis: Eso va por Zoey, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace09" "Louis: That was for Zoey, bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace10" "Louis: Eso va por Bill, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace10" "Louis: That was for Bill, you bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace11" "Louis: Te gusta ¿eh, perra?" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace11" "Louis: How you like that? Funky ass bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace12" "Louis: Perra apestosa." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace12" "Louis: Funky smellin' bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace13" "Louis: Siéntate, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace13" "Louis: Sit yer steroid ass down, bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace14" "Louis: Te he dado bien, ¿eh?" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace14" "Louis: Shot yer bitch ass, din't I?" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace15" "Louis: ¡Te voy a reventar, perra!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace15" "Louis: Set yer bitch ass on fire!" "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace16" "Louis: Perra de mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace16" "Louis: Punk ass bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace17" "Louis: ¡Todas las perras van al cielo, perra!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace17" "Louis: Oh it's BITCH apocalypse now, bitch." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace18" "Louis: Oh, sí, Louis te ha dado pero bien." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace18" "Louis: Yeah baby, Louis just shot yer bitch ass." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace19" "Louis: Toma eso, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace19" "Louis: Your bitch ass just got shot." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace20" "Louis: ¡Sí señor! ¡He ganado!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace20" "Louis: Yeah, I won. Yeah, yeah." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace21" "Louis: ¡Sí, señor! ¡Louis te ha dado una buena!" "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace21" "Louis: Yeah, yeah, Louis just shot yer bitch ass." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace22" "Louis: Eso por Francis." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace22" "Louis: That was for Francis." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace23" "Louis: Eso por Zoey." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace23" "Louis: That was for Zoey." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace24" "Louis: Eso por Bill." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace24" "Louis: That was for Bill." "npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace25" "Louis: Siéntate, perra." "[english]npc.manager_swearcoupdegrace25" "Louis: Sit yer steroid ass down, bitch." "npc.manager_swears01" "Louis: Mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears01" "Louis: Bullshit." "npc.manager_swears02" "Louis: Joder." "[english]npc.manager_swears02" "Louis: Dammit." "npc.manager_swears03" "Louis: Coño." "[english]npc.manager_swears03" "Louis: Aw hell." "npc.manager_swears05" "Louis: Mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears05" "Louis: Shit." "npc.manager_swears06" "Louis: Ah, joder." "[english]npc.manager_swears06" "Louis: Ah shit." "npc.manager_swears07" "Louis: Mierda, joder, mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears07" "Louis: Shit shit shit." "npc.manager_swears08" "Louis: Eso es una auténtica gilipollez." "[english]npc.manager_swears08" "Louis: That is some stupid ass bullshit." "npc.manager_swears09" "Louis: Y una mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears09" "Louis: Bullshit." "npc.manager_swears10" "Louis: Joder." "[english]npc.manager_swears10" "Louis: Dammit." "npc.manager_swears11" "Louis: Coño." "[english]npc.manager_swears11" "Louis: Aw hell." "npc.manager_swears12" "Louis: Mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears12" "Louis: Shit." "npc.manager_swears13" "Louis: Ah, joder." "[english]npc.manager_swears13" "Louis: Ah shit." "npc.manager_swears14" "Louis: Eso es una auténtica gilipollez." "[english]npc.manager_swears14" "Louis: That is some stupid ass bullshit." "npc.manager_swears15" "Louis: Mierda, joder, mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears15" "Louis: Shit shit shit." "npc.manager_swears16" "Louis: No me vengas con esa mierda." "[english]npc.manager_swears16" "Louis: That's some country-ass bullshit." "player.manager_takeassaultrifle01" "Louis: Me quedo el rifle." "[english]player.manager_takeassaultrifle01" "Louis: I'm takin' this rifle." "player.manager_takeassaultrifle02" "Louis: Este rifle es mío." "[english]player.manager_takeassaultrifle02" "Louis: This rifle is now mine." "player.manager_takeassaultrifle03" "Louis: Me llevo el rifle." "[english]player.manager_takeassaultrifle03" "Louis: I'm takin' this rifle." "player.manager_takeassaultrifle04" "Louis: Me quedo este pedazo rifle." "[english]player.manager_takeassaultrifle04" "Louis: This big rifle is now mine." "player.manager_takeassaultrifle05" "Louis: Oh, este rifle es mío." "[english]player.manager_takeassaultrifle05" "Louis: Oh, this rifle is mine!" "player.manager_takeautoshotgun01" "Louis: Me quedo la escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeautoshotgun01" "Louis: I'll take this shotgun." "player.manager_takeautoshotgun02" "Louis: Me llevo la escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeautoshotgun02" "Louis: I'll take the shotgun." "player.manager_takeautoshotgun03" "Louis: Cogeré la escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeautoshotgun03" "Louis: I'm grabbing this shotgun." "player.manager_takeautoshotgun04" "Louis: Una escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeautoshotgun04" "Louis: Got the shotgun." "player.manager_takeautoshotgun05" "Louis: Cojo la escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeautoshotgun05" "Louis: Oh, I'm grabbing this shotgun." "player.manager_takefirstaid01" "Louis: Botiquín." "[english]player.manager_takefirstaid01" "Louis: First Aid." "player.manager_takefirstaid02" "Louis: ¡Cogeré el botiquín!" "[english]player.manager_takefirstaid02" "Louis: Grabbing First Aid!" "player.manager_takefirstaid03" "Louis: ¡Un botiquín para mí!" "[english]player.manager_takefirstaid03" "Louis: Oh, this first aid is mine!" "player.manager_takemolotov01" "Louis: Molotovs." "[english]player.manager_takemolotov01" "Louis: Molotovs." "player.manager_takemolotov02" "Louis: Cogeré un molotov." "[english]player.manager_takemolotov02" "Louis: Grabbing a Molotov." "player.manager_takemolotov03" "Louis: ¡Molotovs, bien!" "[english]player.manager_takemolotov03" "Louis: Molotovs, hell yeah!" "player.manager_takepills01" "Louis: Cogeré todo lo que pueda." "[english]player.manager_takepills01" "Louis: Better grab everything I can." "player.manager_takepills02" "Louis: Unas píldoras." "[english]player.manager_takepills02" "Louis: Grabbing Pills." "player.manager_takepipebomb01" "Louis: Guau, esto es la bomba." "[english]player.manager_takepipebomb01" "Louis: Woah, this'll blow something up." "player.manager_takepipebomb02" "Louis: Cogeré una bomba." "[english]player.manager_takepipebomb02" "Louis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.manager_takepipebomb03" "Louis: Gua, ja, ja, ja, una bomba casera." "[english]player.manager_takepipebomb03" "Louis: Woo hoo hoo hoo, I'm grabbing a pipe bomb." "npc.manager_takepipebomb04" "Louis: No sé, tiene una pinta súper cutre." "[english]npc.manager_takepipebomb04" "Louis: I don't know, this shit look real jerry-rigged." "npc.manager_takepipebomb05" "Louis: Eso tiene una pinta súper cutre." "[english]npc.manager_takepipebomb05" "Louis: This shit look real jerry-rigged." "player.manager_takepistol01" "Louis: Otra pistola puede ser útil." "[english]player.manager_takepistol01" "Louis: An extra pistol might come in handy." "player.manager_takepistol02" "Louis: Me llevo otra pistola." "[english]player.manager_takepistol02" "Louis: I'm taking an extra pistol." "player.manager_takeshotgun01" "Louis: Probaré la escopeta." "[english]player.manager_takeshotgun01" "Louis: Guess I'll try this shotgun." "player.manager_takesniper01" "Louis: Me llevaré el rifle." "[english]player.manager_takesniper01" "Louis: I'm gonna take this rifle." "player.manager_takesniper02" "Louis: Que rifle más bonito." "[english]player.manager_takesniper02" "Louis: This is a nice rifle." "player.manager_takesubmachinegun01" "Louis: Cojo la metralleta." "[english]player.manager_takesubmachinegun01" "Louis: Grabbing a machine gun!" "player.manager_takesubmachinegun02" "Louis: Una metralleta." "[english]player.manager_takesubmachinegun02" "Louis: A machine gun." "player.manager_takesubmachinegun03" "Louis: ¡Igual que en el Counter-Strike!" "[english]player.manager_takesubmachinegun03" "Louis: Cool, just like Counter-Strike." "player.manager_tankpound01" "Louis: ¡Quitadme... quitadme esta cosa!" "[english]player.manager_tankpound01" "Louis: Get this thing off me!" "player.manager_tankpound02" "Louis: Ay, mierda, ay, mierda. ¡Quitadme... quitadme esta cosa!" "[english]player.manager_tankpound02" "Louis: Ah shit, ah shit. Stop this thing!" "player.manager_tankpound03" "Louis: ¡Aaaah! ¡Me está destrozando!" "[english]player.manager_tankpound03" "Louis: AAHHHH It's crushing me!" "player.manager_tankpound04" "Louis: ¡Aaaah! ¡Me está destrozando!" "[english]player.manager_tankpound04" "Louis: I can't breathe, help me, I can't breathe!" "player.manager_tankpound05" "Louis: Dispárale, no puedo respirar, dispárale..." "[english]player.manager_tankpound05" "Louis: Shoot it, I can't breathe, shoot it." "player.manager_taunt01" "Louis: ¡Estupendo!" "[english]player.manager_taunt01" "Louis: That's right!" "player.manager_taunt02" "Louis: ¡Yu, ju, estupendo!" "[english]player.manager_taunt02" "Louis: Woo hoo, that's right!" "player.manager_taunt03" "Louis: Sí, tío, sí." "[english]player.manager_taunt03" "Louis: Yeah, baby, Yeah!" "player.manager_taunt04" "Louis: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.manager_taunt04" "Louis: Alllright!" "player.manager_taunt05" "Louis: Oh sí, ven con mamá, ven con mamá." "[english]player.manager_taunt05" "Louis: Oh yeah, who's your momma, who's your daddy?" "player.manager_taunt06" "Louis: ¡Oh, sí! ¡Oh, sí!" "[english]player.manager_taunt06" "Louis: Helll yeah, Hell yeah!" "player.manager_taunt07" "Louis: [Risa malvada]" "[english]player.manager_taunt07" "Louis: [Loud evil laugh]" "player.manager_taunt08" "Louis: [Risa malvada]" "[english]player.manager_taunt08" "Louis: [Loud evil laugh]" "player.manager_taunt09" "Louis: [Risa malvada]" "[english]player.manager_taunt09" "Louis: [Loud evil laugh]" "player.manager_taunt10" "Louis: [Risa malvada]" "[english]player.manager_taunt10" "Louis: [Loud evil laugh]" "player.manager_teamkillaccident01" "Louis: Gua tío, ten cuidado." "[english]player.manager_teamkillaccident01" "Louis: Woah man, you gotta be careful." "player.manager_teamkillaccident02" "Louis: Oye, tío, ten cuidado." "[english]player.manager_teamkillaccident02" "Louis: Woah man, you gotta be careful." "player.manager_teamkillaccident03" "Louis: ¿Qué coño te pasa?" "[english]player.manager_teamkillaccident03" "Louis: What the hell man?" "player.manager_teamkillaccident04" "Louis: Ten cuidado, ¿qué haces?" "[english]player.manager_teamkillaccident04" "Louis: Be careful, what are you doing?" "player.manager_teamkillonpurpose01" "Louis: ¿ESTÁS CHALADO?" "[english]player.manager_teamkillonpurpose01" "Louis: ARE YOU INSANE?" "player.manager_teamkillonpurpose02" "Louis: ¿ESTAS MAJARA?" "[english]player.manager_teamkillonpurpose02" "Louis: ARE YOU INSANE?" "player.manager_teamkillonpurpose03" "Louis: ¡OJITO!" "[english]player.manager_teamkillonpurpose03" "Louis: CAREFUL!" "player.manager_teamkillonpurpose04" "Louis: ¡¿Estás mal de la cabeza?!" "[english]player.manager_teamkillonpurpose04" "Louis: Are you out of your damn mind!" "player.manager_thanks01" "Louis: Gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks01" "Louis: Thanks." "player.manager_thanks02" "Louis: Gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks02" "Louis: Thanks." "player.manager_thanks03" "Louis: Gracias, te debo una." "[english]player.manager_thanks03" "Louis: Thanks, I owe you one." "player.manager_thanks04" "Louis: Gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks04" "Louis: Thanks." "player.manager_thanks05" "Louis: Gracias, tío." "[english]player.manager_thanks05" "Louis: Thanks, man." "player.manager_thanks06" "Louis: Gracias, tío." "[english]player.manager_thanks06" "Louis: Thanks, man." "player.manager_thanks07" "Louis: Gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks07" "Louis: Thank you." "player.manager_thanks08" "Louis: Gracias, te debo una buena." "[english]player.manager_thanks08" "Louis: Thanks, I owe ya a big one." "player.manager_thanks09" "Louis: Muchas gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks09" "Louis: Thanks a lot." "player.manager_thanks10" "Louis: Guau, gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks10" "Louis: Whoo, thanks." "player.manager_thanks11" "Louis: Eh, gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks11" "Louis: Hey, thanks." "player.manager_thanks12" "Louis: Gracias, colega." "[english]player.manager_thanks12" "Louis: Thanks, Dog." "player.manager_thanks13" "Louis: Tía, gracias." "[english]player.manager_thanks13" "Louis: Girl, thanks" "player.manager_thanks14" "Louis: Gracias, maestro." "[english]player.manager_thanks14" "Louis: Thanks, Playa" "player.manager_totherescue01" "Louis: ¡Aguanta, ya voy!" "[english]player.manager_totherescue01" "Louis: Hold on, I'm on my way!" "player.manager_totherescue02" "Louis: ¡Ya voy!" "[english]player.manager_totherescue02" "Louis: Look, I'm coming!" "player.manager_totherescue03" "Louis: ¡No te preocupes, ya voy!" "[english]player.manager_totherescue03" "Louis: Don't worry, I'm on my way!" "npc.manager_totherescuethanks01" "Louis: ¡Gracias por sacarme de ahí!" "[english]npc.manager_totherescuethanks01" "Louis: Thanks for getting me out of there!" "npc.manager_totherescuethanks02" "Louis: ¡Gracias, tío!" "[english]npc.manager_totherescuethanks02" "Louis: Thanks, man!" "npc.manager_totherescuethanks03" "Louis: Oh, gracias, tío." "[english]npc.manager_totherescuethanks03" "Louis: Yo, thanks, man." "npc.manager_totherescuethanks04" "Louis: Gracias, ya creí que iba a morir en el armario." "[english]npc.manager_totherescuethanks04" "Louis: Thanks. Thought I was gonna die in that closet." "npc.manager_uncertain01" "Louis: ¿Qué coño ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain01" "Louis: What the hell was that?" "npc.manager_uncertain02" "Louis: ¿Qué ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain02" "Louis: What was that?" "npc.manager_uncertain03" "Louis: ¿Qué coño es eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain03" "Louis: What the hell is that?" "npc.manager_uncertain04" "Louis: ¿Qué es eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain04" "Louis: What is that?" "npc.manager_uncertain05" "Louis: ¿Has oído eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain05" "Louis: Did you hear that?" "npc.manager_uncertain06" "Louis: ¿Estás viendo eso?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain06" "Louis: Are you seeing this?" "npc.manager_uncertain07" "Louis: ¡Joder, venga ya!" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain07" "Louis: Oh come the hell on." "npc.manager_uncertain08" "Louis: ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]npc.manager_uncertain08" "Louis: Are you kidding me?" "npc.manager_violenceawe01" "Louis: ¡Vaaaya!" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe01" "Louis: Whoa!" "npc.manager_violenceawe02" "Louis: Jooo-der..." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe02" "Louis: Jee-zus..." "npc.manager_violenceawe03" "Louis: Vaya mierda." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe03" "Louis: Holy crap." "npc.manager_violenceawe04" "Louis: Uauh." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe04" "Louis: Whoa." "npc.manager_violenceawe05" "Louis: Mierda..." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe05" "Louis: Holy shit..." "npc.manager_violenceawe06" "Louis: ¿Has visto eso?" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe06" "Louis: Did you see that?" "npc.manager_violenceawe07" "Louis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe07" "Louis: Whoa-ho-ho." "npc.manager_violenceawe08" "Louis: Santa madre de Dios..." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe08" "Louis: Jee-zus..." "npc.manager_violenceawe09" "Louis: ¡Vaya!" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe09" "Louis: Whoa!" "npc.manager_violenceawe10" "Louis: Joder..." "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe10" "Louis: Holy shit..." "npc.manager_violenceawe11" "Louis: ¿Viste eso?" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe11" "Louis: Did you see that?" "npc.manager_violenceawe12" "Louis: [Risa]" "[english]npc.manager_violenceawe12" "Louis: Whoa-ho-ho." "npc.manager_vocalfidgets01" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets01" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets02" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets02" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets03" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets03" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets04" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets04" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets05" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets05" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets06" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets06" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets07" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets07" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets08" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets08" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets09" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets09" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets10" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets10" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets11" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets11" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets12" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets12" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets13" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets13" "" "npc.manager_vocalfidgets14" "" "[english]npc.manager_vocalfidgets14" "" "player.manager_waithere01" "Louis: Esperemos aquí." "[english]player.manager_waithere01" "Louis: Let's wait here." "player.manager_waithere02" "Louis: ¡Esperad! Paremos aquí." "[english]player.manager_waithere02" "Louis: Hold up! Let's wait here" "player.manager_waithere03" "Louis: Calma, esperemos aquí." "[english]player.manager_waithere03" "Louis: Chill, let's wait here." "player.manager_waithere04" "Louis: ¡Esperad todos!" "[english]player.manager_waithere04" "Louis: Everybody hold up!" "player.manager_waithere05" "Louis: ¡Esperad! ¡Esperad!" "[english]player.manager_waithere05" "Louis: Hold up! Hold Up!" "npc.manager_warn01" "Louis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]npc.manager_warn01" "Louis: BOOMER!" "npc.manager_warn02" "Louis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]npc.manager_warn02" "Louis: SMOKER!" "npc.manager_warn03" "Louis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]npc.manager_warn03" "Louis: SMOKER!" "npc.manager_warn04" "Louis: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.manager_warn04" "Louis: Hunter!" "npc.manager_warn05" "Louis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]npc.manager_warn05" "Louis: HUNTER!" "npc.manager_warn06" "Louis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]npc.manager_warn06" "Louis: BOOMER!" "npc.manager_warn07" "Louis: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.manager_warn07" "Louis: Boomer!" "npc.manager_warn08" "Louis: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.manager_warn08" "Louis: Smoker!" "npc.manager_warn09" "Louis: ¡Witch!" "[english]npc.manager_warn09" "Louis: Witch!" "npc.manager_warn10" "Louis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]npc.manager_warn10" "Louis: WITCH!" "npc.manager_warn11" "Louis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]npc.manager_warn11" "Louis: WITCH!" "npc.manager_warn12" "Louis: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.manager_warn12" "Louis: Boomer!" "npc.manager_warn13" "Louis: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.manager_warn13" "Louis: Hunter!" "npc.manager_warn14" "Louis: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.manager_warn14" "Louis: TANK!" "npc.manager_warn15" "Louis: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.manager_warn15" "Louis: TANK!" "npc.manager_warn16" "Louis: ¡Tank!" "[english]npc.manager_warn16" "Louis: Tank!" "player.manager_warnboomer01" "Louis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.manager_warnboomer01" "Louis: BOOMER!" "player.manager_warnboomer02" "Louis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.manager_warnboomer02" "Louis: BOOMER!" "player.manager_warnboomer03" "Louis: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.manager_warnboomer03" "Louis: BOOMER!" "npc.manager_warnboomer04" "Louis: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.manager_warnboomer04" "Louis: Boomer!" "player.manager_warncareful01" "Louis: Muchísimo cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful01" "Louis: Be very damn careful...." "player.manager_warncareful02" "Louis: Cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful02" "Louis: Caarefullll..." "player.manager_warncareful03" "Louis: Cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful03" "Louis: Careful..." "player.manager_warncareful04" "Louis: Con cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful04" "Louis: Be careful..." "player.manager_warncareful05" "Louis: Cuidado ahora..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful05" "Louis: Watch yourself now..." "player.manager_warncareful06" "Louis: Con calma..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful06" "Louis: Take it easy..." "player.manager_warncareful07" "Louis: Vayamos con cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful07" "Louis: We gotta be careful..." "player.manager_warncareful08" "Louis: Cuidado... cuidado." "[english]player.manager_warncareful08" "Louis: Careful, careful." "player.manager_warncareful09" "Louis: Cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful09" "Louis: Careful..." "player.manager_warncareful10" "Louis: Vayamos con cuidado...." "[english]player.manager_warncareful10" "Louis: We've got to be careful..." "player.manager_warncareful11" "Louis: Cuidado..." "[english]player.manager_warncareful11" "Louis: Careful..." "player.manager_warnhunter01" "Louis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.manager_warnhunter01" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnhunter02" "Louis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.manager_warnhunter02" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnhunter03" "Louis: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.manager_warnhunter03" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker01" "Louis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.manager_warnsmoker01" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker02" "Louis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.manager_warnsmoker02" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker03" "Louis: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.manager_warnsmoker03" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.manager_warntank01" "Louis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.manager_warntank01" "Louis: TANK!" "player.manager_warntank02" "Louis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.manager_warntank02" "Louis: TANK!" "player.manager_warntank03" "Louis: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.manager_warntank03" "Louis: TANK!" "player.manager_warnwitch01" "Louis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.manager_warnwitch01" "Louis: WITCH!" "player.manager_warnwitch02" "Louis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.manager_warnwitch02" "Louis: WITCH!" "player.manager_warnwitch03" "Louis: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.manager_warnwitch03" "Louis: WITCH!" "player.manager_watchoutbehind01" "Louis: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.manager_watchoutbehind01" "Louis: Behind us!" "player.manager_watchoutbehind02" "Louis: ¡Están detrás!" "[english]player.manager_watchoutbehind02" "Louis: They're behind us!" "player.manager_watchoutbehind03" "Louis: ¡Gírate, tío!" "[english]player.manager_watchoutbehind03" "Louis: Turn around man!" "player.manager_witchgettingangry01" "Louis: Esa Witch no aguantará quieta mucho más." "[english]player.manager_witchgettingangry01" "Louis: Yo, that Witch ain't gonna set still much longer." "player.manager_witchgettingangry02" "Louis: Deja de hacer eso. La Witch no aguantará quieta mucho más." "[english]player.manager_witchgettingangry02" "Louis: Will you stop that shit? The witch ain't gonna sit still much longer." "player.manager_witchgettingangry03" "Louis: Para de joder a la Witch." "[english]player.manager_witchgettingangry03" "Louis: Stop freakin' out the damn Witch." "player.manager_witchgettingangry04" "Louis: ¡Tío, no molestes a la Witch!" "[english]player.manager_witchgettingangry04" "Louis: Oh man, do not piss the witch off!" "player.manager_witchgettingangry05" "Louis: ¡La Witch se levanta!" "[english]player.manager_witchgettingangry05" "Louis: The Witch is getting up!" "npc.manager_worldairport0101" "Louis: Tío... van a tardar un siglo en reconstruirlo." "[english]npc.manager_worldairport0101" "Louis: Man... this is going to take forever to rebuild." "npc.manager_worldairport0102" "Louis: Esto NO es lo que esperaba." "[english]npc.manager_worldairport0102" "Louis: This is NOT what I expected." "npc.manager_worldairport0401" "Louis: Tengo miedo, es la primera vez que monto en un avión." "[english]npc.manager_worldairport0401" "Louis: I'm a little scared, never been in a plane before." "npc.manager_worldairport0402" "Louis: Pues sí que han destrozado el aeropuerto..." "[english]npc.manager_worldairport0402" "Louis: They really trashed this airport." "npc.manager_worldairport0403" "Louis: Tío, esto está destrozado." "[english]npc.manager_worldairport0403" "Louis: Man, they really trashed this place." "npc.manager_worldairportnpc01" "Louis: No somos Terry, tío. Necesitas repostar, ¿no?" "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc01" "Louis: We ain't Terry, man. You need refuelin', right?" "npc.manager_worldairportnpc02" "Louis: ¡Hey! Si te repostamos, ¿puedes volar y sacarnos de aquí?" "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc02" "Louis: Hey! If we refuel you, can you fly us out of here?" "npc.manager_worldairportnpc03" "Louis: Terry ha muerto. ¿Podemos ayudarte?" "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc03" "Louis: Terry's dead. How can we help?" "npc.manager_worldairportnpc04" "Louis: ¿Eres piloto? ¿Puedes sacarnos de aquí?" "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc04" "Louis: You're a pilot? Can you fly us out?" "npc.manager_worldairportnpc05" "Louis: Ya veo. Un segundo que nos preparemos." "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc05" "Louis: I see it. Give us a second to get ready." "npc.manager_worldairportnpc06" "Louis: Ya veo el botón. Danos un minuto y listos." "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc06" "Louis: I see the button. Give us a minute to get ready." "npc.manager_worldairportnpc07" "Louis: De acuerdo, ¡al tajo!" "[english]npc.manager_worldairportnpc07" "Louis: Okay, let's do it!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0101" "Louis: Como eres muy de campo, te ENCANTARÁ este sitio." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0101" "Louis: I bet your country ass DOES like this trailer." "npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0301" "Louis: No sé cómo va a funcionar." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0301" "Louis: I have no idea how this is going to work." "npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0401" "Louis: Jamás pensé que lo diría, pero añoro la ciudad." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0401" "Louis: Never thought I'd say it, but I miss the city." "npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0501" "Louis: ¡Estamos SALVADOS!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhouse0501" "Louis: We. Are. SAVED!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Louis: ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Louis: Hello?" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Louis: ¡Tenemos a cuatro inmunes aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Louis: We got four immune here!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Louis: ¡Puedes venir cuando quieras!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Louis: Any time you like, man! Come and get us!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Louis: ¡Estaremos esperando! ¡Recójannos!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Louis: We'll be here waitin'! Come get us!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Louis: ¡Listos para partir, Señor! Cuando quiera." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Louis: We're set to go, sir! Any time you're ready." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Louis: Estamos listos. Cuando quieras." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Louis: Man, we're good to go whenever you are." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Louis: Cuando queráis, tíos, estamos listos." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Louis: Whenever you're ready, guys, we're good here." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc09" "Louis: Ya sabes dónde estamos." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc09" "Louis: You know where we are." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc10" "Louis: Me parece bien." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc10" "Louis: Sounds good to me." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc11" "Louis: ¡Genial!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc11" "Louis: You got it!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc12" "Louis: Vale, te veo en un rato." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc12" "Louis: All right, see you in ten." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc13" "Louis: ¡Oooooh, síiiiii!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc13" "Louis: Yeah! Wooo!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc14" "Louis: ¡Estoy vivo! ¿Me oyes? ¡Estoy vivo y es cojonudo!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc14" "Louis: I am alive! You hear that? I am breathing and it feels good!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc15" "Louis: ¡Sí! ¡Sí, Señor! ¡No me habéis pillado! ¡Fallasteis! ¡Louis os ha dado una buena!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc15" "Louis: Yes! My god, yes! You didn't get me, did you? No you did not! Louis beat all your asses!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc16" "Louis: ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc16" "Louis: Hello?" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc17" "Louis: ¡Somos inmunes!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc17" "Louis: We got immune here!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc18" "Louis: ¡Tío, cuando quieras, puedes venir!" "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc18" "Louis: Man, any time you like! Come get us!" "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc19" "Louis: Ya estamos: cuando quieras." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc19" "Louis: We're good whenever you are." "npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc20" "Louis: Le veo en un rato, señor." "[english]npc.manager_worldfarmhousenpc20" "Louis: All right, see you in ten, sir." "npc.manager_worldhospital01" "Louis: La pista de aterrizaje." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital01" "Louis: There's the landing pad." "npc.manager_worldhospital0101" "Louis: ¡El metro nos llevará hasta el hospital Mercy!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0101" "Louis: The subway can take us straight to Mercy Hospital!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0102" "Louis: ¡El metro está a la vuelta de la esquina!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0102" "Louis: Subway station's just around the corner!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0103" "Louis: La estación está ahí delante." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0103" "Louis: The station's just up the street." "npc.manager_worldhospital0104" "Louis: Tío, NO PUEDES abandonar." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0104" "Louis: Man, you CANNOT give up." "npc.manager_worldhospital0105" "Louis: ¡La estación!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0105" "Louis: There's the station!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0106" "Louis: ¡A la estación!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0106" "Louis: Get to the station!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0107" "Louis: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0107" "Louis: This way!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0108" "Louis: ¡Ahí está!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0108" "Louis: There it is!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0109" "Louis: ¡La estación está ahí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0109" "Louis: Station's up the street!" "npc.manager_worldhospital02" "Louis: ¿No podría ir más rápido?" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital02" "Louis: Can't this thing move any faster?" "npc.manager_worldhospital0201" "Louis: Sigamos la línea roja." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0201" "Louis: Red Line North is the way." "npc.manager_worldhospital0202" "Louis: Hay que coger la línea roja norte hasta el Mercy." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0202" "Louis: We gotta take the Red Line North to Mercy Hospital." "npc.manager_worldhospital0203" "Louis: La línea roja lleva al Mercy." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0203" "Louis: The red line will take us to Mercy." "npc.manager_worldhospital0204" "Louis: La línea está bloqueada." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0204" "Louis: Damn, the line's blocked." "npc.manager_worldhospital0205" "Louis: Las vías están bloqueadas. Busquemos otra ruta." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0205" "Louis: Tracks are blocked. We gotta find another way" "npc.manager_worldhospital0206" "Louis: Vale, no hay problema. Hay que salir del metro." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0206" "Louis: All right, no problem. Now we gotta get out of the subway." "npc.manager_worldhospital0207" "Louis: ¡Refugio en la casa de empeños!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0207" "Louis: Safe house in the pawnshop!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0208" "Louis: ¡A la casa de empeños!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0208" "Louis: Get to the pawnshop!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0209" "Louis: ¡Refugio en la casa de empeños!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0209" "Louis: Safe house in the pawnshop!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0301" "Louis: [Chasquido] Creo que es por aquí." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0301" "Louis: Tch. I think it's this way." "npc.manager_worldhospital0302" "Louis: Debe de estar por aquí." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0302" "Louis: Should be around here." "npc.manager_worldhospital0303" "Louis: ¡Genial! ¡Podemos usar ese ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0303" "Louis: Excellent! We can use that lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0304" "Louis: ¡Por el almacén!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0304" "Louis: Through the warehouse!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0305" "Louis: Nunca me acostumbraré a esto." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0305" "Louis: Still can't get used to this." "npc.manager_worldhospital0306" "Louis: Esto va a ser un asco." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0306" "Louis: This is going to be messy." "npc.manager_worldhospital0307" "Louis: En fin... ¡a las cloacas, pues!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0307" "Louis: Well... into the sewers we go!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0308" "Louis: Uh... Francis..." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0308" "Louis: Phew... Francis..." "npc.manager_worldhospital0309" "Louis: Esto no va a ser muy higiénico." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0309" "Louis: This is not going to be sanitary." "npc.manager_worldhospital0310" "Louis: El Mercy debería estar sobre nosotros." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0310" "Louis: Mercy Hospital should be right above us." "npc.manager_worldhospital0311" "Louis: ¡EL HOSPITAL!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0311" "Louis: The HOSPITAL!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0312" "Louis: ¡AL HOSPITAL!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0312" "Louis: GET TO THE HOSPITAL!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0313" "Louis: ¡El hospital! ¡Lo logramos!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0313" "Louis: The hospital! We made it!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0314" "Louis: ¡Venga, deprisa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0314" "Louis: Hurry eveyrone!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0315" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0315" "Louis: Get on the lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0316" "Louis: El Mercy está tras la depuradora." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0316" "Louis: Hospital's just past the water works!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0317" "Louis: ¡Ahí está el hospital!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0317" "Louis: There's the hospital!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0318" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0318" "Louis: Get on the lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0319" "Louis: Deberíamos estar cerca." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0319" "Louis: We should be close!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0320" "Louis: ¡Dale al botón!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0320" "Louis: Hit the button!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0321" "Louis: ¡Activa el ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0321" "Louis: Activate the lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0323" "Louis: ¿Por qué le has dado al coche?" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0323" "Louis: Man, why'd you shoot the car?!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0324" "Louis: ¡Seguro que está cerca!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0324" "Louis: Bet it's just a little further" "npc.manager_worldhospital0325" "Louis: Va a ser asqueroso." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0325" "Louis: Gonna be messy." "npc.manager_worldhospital0326" "Louis: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0326" "Louis: Hurry!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0327" "Louis: ¡Rápido!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0327" "Louis: Hurry!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0328" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0328" "Louis: Get on the lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0329" "Louis: ¡Todo el mundo al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0329" "Louis: Everybody, get on the lift!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0330" "Louis: Tío... ¡Por qué le has dado al coche!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0330" "Louis: Man, why'd you shoot the car?!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0331" "Louis: ¡No le des al coche!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0331" "Louis: Don't shoot the car!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0401" "Louis: Esto no huele a hospital..." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0401" "Louis: This doesn't smell like a hospital..." "npc.manager_worldhospital0402" "Louis: ¿Intentaban salvarlos o matarlos?" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0402" "Louis: Were they saving people or killin' them?" "npc.manager_worldhospital0403" "Louis: Te vendrá bien el ejercicio, Bill." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0403" "Louis: It's good for you Bill. Cardio!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0404" "Louis: ¡Es el ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0404" "Louis: Elevator's here!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0405" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0405" "Louis: To the elevator!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0406" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0406" "Louis: Into the elevator!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0407" "Louis: Cuidado con el borde." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0407" "Louis: Stay away from the edge." "npc.manager_worldhospital0408" "Louis: Refugio por aquí." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0408" "Louis: Safe house through here." "npc.manager_worldhospital0409" "Louis: ¡Hay que encontrar el acceso al tejado!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0409" "Louis: We need to find access to the roof!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0410" "Louis: ¡Al tejado por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0410" "Louis: Roof this way!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0411" "Louis: ¡Le he dado al botón!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0411" "Louis: Man, I pressed the button!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0412" "Louis: Yo llamo al ascensor." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0412" "Louis: I'll call the elevator." "npc.manager_worldhospital0413" "Louis: Cuidado, he llamado al ascensor." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0413" "Louis: Get ready, I called the elevator." "npc.manager_worldhospital0414" "Louis: Aprisa." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0414" "Louis: Hurry up." "npc.manager_worldhospital0415" "Louis: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0415" "Louis: Let's go, let's go!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0416" "Louis: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0416" "Louis: Get in the elevator!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0417" "Louis: ¡Dentro!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0417" "Louis: Get in!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0418" "Louis: ¡Busquemos un acceso al tejado!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0418" "Louis: We need to find roof access!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0419" "Louis: ¡El tejado es por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0419" "Louis: The roof's this way!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0420" "Louis: Preparaos, le he dado al ascensor." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0420" "Louis: Get ready, I pressed the elevator." "npc.manager_worldhospital0421" "Louis: Deprisa." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0421" "Louis: Hurry up." "npc.manager_worldhospital0501" "Louis: Encontremos la radio." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0501" "Louis: Let's find that radio." "npc.manager_worldhospital0502" "Louis: Seguro que el piloto se alegra de oírnos." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0502" "Louis: Bet the chopper pilot'll be happy to hear from us!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0503" "Louis: ¡A buscar esa radio!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0503" "Louis: Let's find that radio!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0504" "Louis: Hay un arma gigante." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0504" "Louis: Big ass gun up here." "npc.manager_worldhospital0505" "Louis: ¡Mira este cañonaco!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0505" "Louis: Check out this gun up here!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0506" "Louis: Alea Jacta Est." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0506" "Louis: Well, this is it." "npc.manager_worldhospital0507" "Louis: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0507" "Louis: Get to the chopper!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0508" "Louis: ¡Salgamos de aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0508" "Louis: Let's get out of here!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0509" "Louis: Siempre quise disparar una de estas cosas." "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0509" "Louis: Man, I always wanted to fire one of these things." "npc.manager_worldhospital0510" "Louis: ¡Tío, mira qué pepino!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0510" "Louis: Man, check this gun out!" "npc.manager_worldhospital0511" "Louis: ¡Tío, mira qué pipa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldhospital0511" "Louis: Man, check out this gun!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0101" "Louis: He oído que el ejército evacuó a la gente a Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0101" "Louis: I heard the military was evacuating people to Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0102" "Louis: Los disparos significan gente. ¡Deprisa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0102" "Louis: Gunfire means people. We gotta hurry!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0103" "Louis: ¡Hay que cruzar el puente!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0103" "Louis: We have to get across the bridge!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0104" "Louis: Ooh... Eso ha molado... espera... ¿cómo cruzamos ahora?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0104" "Louis: Wow! That was cool... Oh wait, how do we get across?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0105" "Louis: ¡Eso sí que es una explosión!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0105" "Louis: Now that's a damn fireball!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0106" "Louis: Parece que podemos pasar por el otro lado." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0106" "Louis: Looks like we can get back up the other side." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0107" "Louis: Túnel bloqueado." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0107" "Louis: The tunnel's blocked." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0108" "Louis: Hay que buscar otro camino." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0108" "Louis: We have to find another way." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0109" "Louis: ¡Esto sí que es chungo!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0109" "Louis: Man, this is messed up!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0110" "Louis: ¡Un refugio, arriba!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0110" "Louis: Safe house up there!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0111" "Louis: Mierda, no hay puente." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0111" "Louis: Ah, hell. The bridge is out." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0112" "Louis: ¡Bajemos por aquí!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0112" "Louis: Here's a way down!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0201" "Louis: Deben ser los desagües de Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0201" "Louis: These must be overflow pipes for Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0202" "Louis: Dale al botón." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0202" "Louis: Hit the button." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0203" "Louis: Así lo cerrarás." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0203" "Louis: That'll seal the lock." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0204" "Louis: ¡Hay que bajar esa plataforma!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0204" "Louis: We have to lower that platform!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0205" "Louis: ¡Refugiémonos en la estación!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0205" "Louis: Safe house in the train station!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0206" "Louis: ¡A la estación!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0206" "Louis: Get into the train yard!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0207" "Louis: Riverside... ¡El ejército está ahí! Sacando refugiados." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0207" "Louis: Riverside! The military's dug in there! Shipping out refugees." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0208" "Louis: ¡Riverside! Al menos vamos bien." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0208" "Louis: Riverside! At least we're going the right way." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0209" "Louis: ¡Disparos! ¡La gente está luchando!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0209" "Louis: Gunfire! People are fightin' back!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0210" "Louis: ¿Oís eso? Parece que en Riverside siguen luchando." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0210" "Louis: Hear that? Sounds like Riverside's still puttin' up a fight!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0211" "Louis: ¡Hatford Mining! ¡Esto debería llevarnos a Riverside!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0211" "Louis: Hey, Hartford Mining! This should take us to Riverside!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0212" "Louis: Hechos reales: En 1975, el ayuntamiento..." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0212" "Louis: Interesting true story. In 1975, the local township -" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0213" "Louis: Deberían haberse ido..." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0213" "Louis: They shoulda kept movin'..." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0214" "Louis: ¡Riverside! Vamos por buen camino." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0214" "Louis: Riverside! At least we're going the right way." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0301" "Louis: ¿Deberíamos echar un ojo?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0301" "Louis: Should we check up there?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0302" "Louis: Cuidado, estamos al descubierto." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0302" "Louis: Careful, this is wide open." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0303" "Louis: Podemos cruzar aquí." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0303" "Louis: We can cross up here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0304" "Louis: Usemos el tren para cruzar." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0304" "Louis: We can use that train to cross." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0305" "Louis: Ya falta poco." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0305" "Louis: Almost to Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0306" "Louis: Hay que pasar sobre la valla." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0306" "Louis: We need to get over this fence." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0307" "Louis: Llegar a Riverside no sirvió de mucho." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0307" "Louis: I don't think getting to Riverside helped." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0308" "Louis: ¡Joder, tiene que haber algún sitio que haya resistido!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0308" "Louis: Goddamn it, there's gotta be some place that held out." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0309" "Louis: ¡A la iglesia!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0309" "Louis: Get to the church!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0311" "Louis: En las pelis suele molar más." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0311" "Louis: This shit seemed cooler in movies." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0312" "Louis: Los cementerios me dan cosa." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0312" "Louis: Graveyards used to spook me a little." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0313" "Louis: Hemos llegado tarde." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0313" "Louis: I think we're too late." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0314" "Louis: Y yo que quería estar en Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0314" "Louis: There I was wishin' I was in Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0315" "Louis: No puede andar lejos." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0315" "Louis: Can't be too much farther." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0316" "Louis: Pues vaya con Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0316" "Louis: So much for Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0317" "Louis: No parece que vayamos a encontrar ayuda en Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0317" "Louis: Well, looks like we ain't gonna find any help in Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0318" "Louis: ¡En esa iglesia hay luz!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0318" "Louis: Look, there's lights on in that church!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0401" "Louis: Riverside es una mierda. Vamos al río." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0401" "Louis: Riverside's a bust. Let's just get to the river." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0402" "Louis: Vamos al río, a buscar un barco." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0402" "Louis: If we get to the river we can find a boat." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0403" "Louis: Es un sitio bonito si ignoras al pirado y a los zombis." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0403" "Louis: If you ignore the crazy guy and the zombies...nice town." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0404" "Louis: Podría volver cuando acabe todo esto." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0404" "Louis: I could see coming back here once this is over." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0405" "Louis: Por aquí se llega al río." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0405" "Louis: We can get to the river through here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0406" "Louis: Riverside es una mierda. Vamos a buscar un barco." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0406" "Louis: Riverside ain't happenin'. Let's get to the water and find a boat." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0407" "Louis: ¡Tres kilómetros hasta Riverside! ¡Ya casi!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0407" "Louis: Two miles to Riverside! We're almost there!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0408" "Louis: La iglesia aún tiene luz." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0408" "Louis: Church still got its lights on." "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0409" "Louis: ¡Pero hemos oído tiros hace una hora! ¡TIENE que quedar alguien!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0409" "Louis: But we heard gunshots less than an hour ago! There's GOTTA be someone left!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0501" "Louis: ¡Alguien habla por radio!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0501" "Louis: Someone's on the radio!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0502" "Louis: ¡Al embarcadero!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0502" "Louis: To the boat house!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0503" "Louis: ¡El embarcadero!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0503" "Louis: The boat house!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0504" "Louis: ¡Podemos aguantar en el embarcadero!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0504" "Louis: We can hold out in the boat house!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0505" "Louis: ¡El barco!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0505" "Louis: Boat's here!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0506" "Louis: ¡Ya están aquí! ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0506" "Louis: They're here! Let's go!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0507" "Louis: ¡Ya están aquí! ¡Al barco!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0507" "Louis: They're here! To the boat!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltown0508" "Louis: ¡Al barco!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltown0508" "Louis: Get to the boat!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro01" "Louis: ¡He oído que Riverside logró resistir!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro01" "Louis: I heard reports that Riverside held out!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro02" "Louis: Si llegamos a Riverside, estaremos a salvo." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro02" "Louis: We get to Riverside and we'll probably be all right." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro03" "Louis: He oído que Riverside era una especie de centro de evacuación." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro03" "Louis: I heard Riverside was some sorta evacuation hub." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro04" "Louis: Está a poca distancia. Echemos un vistazo." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownintro04" "Louis: It's just a few miles from here. We oughtta check it out." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Louis: ¡Señor, por favor! ¡NO somos infectados!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Louis: Sir, please! We are NOT infected." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Louis: ¿Alguien sabe de qué coño está hablando?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Louis: Does anybody know what the hell he's talking about?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Louis: Este tío me da muy mal rollo." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Louis: I'm getting a seriously bad vibe off this guy." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Louis: ¿No estáis cansados de discutir con ese pirado?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Louis: Anyone else sick of arguing with the lunatic?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Louis: ¡Tío, abre la puta puerta!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Louis: Man, open the damn door!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Louis: ¿Este tío va en serio?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Louis: Man, is this guy for real?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Louis: Vale, ¡basta de coñas! ¡Abre la puerta o te la cargas!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Louis: Okay, fun's over! Open the door or I am gonna hurt you!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman08" "Louis: Señor, si cualquiera de nosotros la palma aquí fuera, ¡voy a entrar a tiros y le reviento la cabeza!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcbellman08" "Louis: Mister, if one of us get killed out here, I am gonna shoot my way in there and beat you to death with my gun!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Louis: Necesitamos un minuto para pensarlo, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Louis: We, uh, just need a minute to think about it, okay?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Louis: Deberíamos tomarle la palabra." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Louis: I think we should take him up on it." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Louis: Creo que deberíamos creerle." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Louis: I think we should take them up on it." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Louis: O esto o esperamos por aquí. No hay más opciones." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Louis: It's this or we wait around here. Not much of a choice." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Louis: No sé si podemos fiarnos. Pero supongo que no tenemos otra." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Louis: Dunno if I trust him. Guess we ain't got much of a choice, though." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Louis: Pues yo prefiero ir con este tipo que morir en la orilla." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Louis: I think I'd rather take my chances with this guy than die on the shore." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Louis: Parece un buen plan. Danos un minuto, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Louis: Sounds like a plan. Give us a minute, alright?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Louis: De acuerdo, trato hecho." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Louis: All right, you got a deal." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Louis: Trato hecho." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Louis: Okay. Deal." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Louis: Ve saliendo. Ya estamos." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Louis: Go on and head out. We're ready." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Louis: Ven por nosotros. Ya estamos." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Louis: Come on and get us. We're good here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Louis: Tío, ese barco se lo está tomando con calma." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Louis: Man, that boat is takin' it's sweet time getting here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Louis: ¿Es que está remando con las manos?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Louis: Is he paddling the boat in with his damn hands?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Louis: ¡Venga, barquero, date prisa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Louis: Come on, boat guy, hurry up!" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman15" "Louis: Barquero, ven de una vez." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman15" "Louis: Come on, boat man, get in here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman16" "Louis: Barquero, ven de una puta vez." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman16" "Louis: Boat man, get your fat ass over here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman17" "Louis: Arrivederci, Riverside." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman17" "Louis: So long, Riverside." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman18" "Louis: Ese barco está tardando un huevo." "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman18" "Louis: Man, that boat is takin' its sweet time getting here." "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman19" "Louis: ¿Es que está remando con las putas manos?" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman19" "Louis: Is he paddling the boat in with his damn hands?" "npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman20" "Louis: ¡Venga, barquero, deprisa!" "[english]npc.manager_worldsmalltownnpcboatman20" "Louis: Come on, boat guy, hurry up!" "player.manager_yes01" "Louis: Muy bien." "[english]player.manager_yes01" "Louis: All right." "player.manager_yes02" "Louis: Sí." "[english]player.manager_yes02" "Louis: Yeah." "player.manager_yes03" "Louis: Sí." "[english]player.manager_yes03" "Louis: Yes." "player.manager_yes04" "Louis: Claro." "[english]player.manager_yes04" "Louis: Yeah." "player.manager_yes05" "Louis: Vale." "[english]player.manager_yes05" "Louis: Okay." "player.manager_yes06" "Louis: Oh, sí. Vale." "[english]player.manager_yes06" "Louis: Oh, yeah yeah okay." "player.manager_yes07" "Louis: Sí, genial." "[english]player.manager_yes07" "Louis: Yeah, I'm cool with that." "player.manager_yes08" "Louis: Sí." "[english]player.manager_yes08" "Louis: Yes." "player.manager_yes09" "Louis: Guay." "[english]player.manager_yes09" "Louis: Cool." "player.manager_youarewelcome01" "Louis: No hay de qué." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome01" "Louis: All right - cool." "player.manager_youarewelcome02" "Louis: No es para tanto." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome02" "Louis: It's not a big deal." "player.manager_youarewelcome03" "Louis: Está bien." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome03" "Louis: It's fine." "player.manager_youarewelcome04" "Louis: Cuando quieras." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome04" "Louis: Any time." "player.manager_youarewelcome05" "Louis: Eh, sin problema." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome05" "Louis: Hey, no problem." "player.manager_youarewelcome06" "Louis: Nada, colega." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome06" "Louis: No problem." "player.manager_youarewelcome07" "Louis: Vale." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome07" "Louis: Sure." "player.manager_youarewelcome08" "Louis: Está bien." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome08" "Louis: Its all good." "player.manager_youarewelcome09" "Louis: Eh, sin problema." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome09" "Louis: Hey, no problem." "player.manager_youarewelcome10" "Louis: Un placer." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome10" "Louis: My pleasure." "player.manager_youarewelcome11" "Louis: No ha sido nada." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome11" "Louis: It's all good." "player.manager_youarewelcome12" "Louis: Es... mi deber." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome12" "Louis: It's my job." "player.manager_youarewelcome13" "Louis: Ha sido un placer." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome13" "Louis: Hey, man, no problem." "player.manager_youarewelcome14" "Louis: No hay problema." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome14" "Louis: Not a problem." "player.manager_youarewelcome15" "Louis: Tío, no hay de qué." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome15" "Louis: You are totally welcome." "player.manager_youarewelcome16" "Louis: Por supuesto, tío." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome16" "Louis: Sure thing, man." "player.manager_youarewelcome17" "Louis: Vale." "[english]player.manager_youarewelcome17" "Louis: Sure." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong01" "Louis: Cuando todo esto acabe, ¿Nos llamarán héroes? Estamos salvando a la humanidad al fin y al cabo. O sea, sólo a cuatro personas, pero también cuenta." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong01" "Louis: When all this is over, you think they'll call us heroes? We are savin' humanity, right? I mean, a very small, four-person chunk of it, but still." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong02" "Louis: No me rindo. La muerte tendrá que matarme si me quiere muerto." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong02" "Louis: I ain't dyin', man. Death gonna have to pry me off the Earth." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong03" "Louis: Si caigo, seguid sin mí. Bueno, no, mejor salvadme." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong03" "Louis: If I go down, go on without me. Actually, wait, no. Save my ass." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong04" "Louis: Si caigo, seguid sin mí. Luego buscad ayuda, y venid a salvarme." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong04" "Louis: If I go down, go on without me, get help, then come back and save me." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong06" "Louis: Mira el lado bueno: ¿Superpoblación? ¿Crisis económica? Todo arreglado." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong06" "Louis: Look at the bright side: overpopulation? Bad economy? All fixed now." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong07" "Louis: Ojala hubiera comprado acciones de alguna empresa de armamento." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong07" "Louis: Man, I do wish I'd bought stock in ammo manufacturers now." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong08" "Louis: Yo tenía una casa preciosa... Un buen plan de pensiones... ¡Joder, tenía un plan de pensiones cojonudo!" "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong08" "Louis: I had a nice house before this. A 401k... Damn it! I had a really nice 401k!" "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong09" "Louis: Los zombies nos han hecho un favor, en serio. Ahora podemos empezar de nuevo." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong09" "Louis: Zombies might have done us a favor, really. Think about it. We get to start over now." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong10" "Louis: ¿Que qué hacía antes? Era informático en Fischer Platt. No es que practicase mucho el tiro al zombi, ¿sabes?" "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong10" "Louis: My last life? District IT manager at Fischer Platt. Not good practice for zombie killing, you know?" "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong11" "Louis: Tantos años de Boy Scout, para luego no aprender nada de como sobrevivir al Apocalipsis zombi." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong11" "Louis: Any of you guys in the Cub Scouts? Surprisingly ineffective at preparin' you for some shit like this." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong12" "Louis: Los tipos con quienes andaba antes creían que bastaría con esperar a que todo se arreglase. Craso error." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong12" "Louis: Folks I was with before you, three wouldn't keep movin'. Figured they could wait it out. They couldn't." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong13" "Louis: Cuando todo vuelva a la normalidad, pienso contratar a Zoey y a Bill. Francis, a ti te ayudaré a volver al paro." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong13" "Louis: When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill - I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'll help you sign your fat ass back up on welfare." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong14" "Louis: No hay tiempo para sangrar. Mierda, pues ESTOY sangrando." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong14" "Louis: I ain't got time to bleed. Oh hell, I *AM* bleedin'!" "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong15" "Louis: Cuando todo vuelva a la normalidad, pienso contratar a Zoey y a Bill. Francis, a ti te voy a enseñar a leer." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong15" "Louis: When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill - I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'm gonna teach your ass how to read." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong16" "Louis: Cuando todo vuelva a la normalidad, pienso contratar a Zoey y a Bill. Francis, a ti te ayudaré a volver al paro." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong16" "Louis: When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill - I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'll help you sign back onto welfare." "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong17" "Louis: No tengo tiempo de sangrar. Oh, ESTOY sangrando." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong17" "Louis: I ain't got time to bleed. Oh hell, I *AM* bleedin'!" "npc.manager_zombiegenericlong18" "Louis: Cuando todo vuelva a la normalidad, pienso contratar a Zoey y a Bill. Francis, a TI te enseñaré a leer." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericlong18" "Louis: When things go back to normal, Zoe, Bill - I'm giving you both jobs. Francis, I'm gonna teach you how to read." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort01" "Louis: Infectados o no, no les gustan las balas." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort01" "Louis: Infected or not - they don't like bullets." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort02" "Louis: He descubierto la cura para la infección. Plomo." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort02" "Louis: I think I just discovered a cure for infection. Lead." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort03" "Louis: Les ganamos porque somos mejores. Y punto." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort03" "Louis: We'll beat 'em 'cause we're better than them. Period." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort04" "Louis: Ganar no lo es todo. Querer ganar sí." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort04" "Louis: Winning isn't everything. Wantin' to win is." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort05" "Louis: Reírse por no llorar. Ése es mi lema." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort05" "Louis: Smile when it hurts the most. That's my philosophy." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort06" "Louis: En el fondo nos ha venido bien." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort06" "Louis: Now that was a blessing in disguise." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort07" "Louis: Bueno, habrá sido para bien." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort07" "Louis: Ahhh, probably for the best." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort08" "Louis: Todo saldrá bien. Ya veréis." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort08" "Louis: It'll work out in the end. You watch." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort09" "Louis: Vale, estamos en paz." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort09" "Louis: All right, that makes us even." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort10" "Louis: ¡Ánimo! ¡Ya casi estamos!" "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort10" "Louis: Come on, cheer up! We're almost through!" "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort11" "Louis: No es para tanto." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort11" "Louis: Ahhh, this ain't so bad." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort12" "Louis: Me las he visto peores. Aunque no mucho." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort12" "Louis: I've been in worse. Not much worse though." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort13" "Louis: Las cosas ya sólo pueden mejorar." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort13" "Louis: Well, it can only get better, right?" "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort14" "Louis: ¡No os deprimáis! ¡Tengo buenas vibraciones!" "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort14" "Louis: Stay positive, guys! I got a good feeling about this." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort15" "Louis: Cuando estemos a salvo, nos reiremos de esto." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort15" "Louis: We'll be laughin' about it when we get to the other side." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort16" "Louis: Ya tiene que estar muy cerca..." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort16" "Louis: It's gotta be just a little farther!" "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort17" "Louis: Ya se encargará el ejército." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort17" "Louis: The army's gonna take care of this." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort18" "Louis: La humanidad va a recuperarse, seguro." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort18" "Louis: Humanity's gonna bounce right back, you watch." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort19" "Louis: La humanidad no está vencida, sólo descansando." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort19" "Louis: Humanity ain't beat, it's just takin' a breather." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort20" "Louis: Joder, qué viaje en ascensor más largo." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort20" "Louis: Shit, this is one long ass elevator ride." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort21" "Louis: Siempre veo el vaso medio lleno." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort21" "Louis: I guess I'm just a glass-half-full guy." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort22" "Louis: No hay problema, el ejército lo solucionará." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort22" "Louis: Ain't no big deal, the army's gonna take care of this." "npc.manager_zombiegenericshort23" "Louis: Ni siquiera yo le veo el lado bueno." "[english]npc.manager_zombiegenericshort23" "Louis: Even I can't make lemonade out of this shit." // NamVet "player.namvet_alertgiveitem01" "Bill: Toma, para ti." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem01" "Bill: Here, take this." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem02" "Bill: Tengo algo para ti." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem02" "Bill: Here, I've got something for you." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem03" "Bill: Para ti." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem03" "Bill: Take this." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem04" "Bill: Espera, tengo algo para ti." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem04" "Bill: Hold up, I got something for you." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem05" "Bill: Vas a necesitarlo." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem05" "Bill: You're gonna need this." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem06" "Bill: Te he guardado esto." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem06" "Bill: Here, I saved this for you." "player.namvet_alertgiveitem07" "Bill: Toma." "[english]player.namvet_alertgiveitem07" "Bill: Here." "player.namvet_answerlostcall01" "Bill: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall01" "Bill: Here!" "player.namvet_answerlostcall02" "Bill: ¡POR AQUÍ!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall02" "Bill: OVER HERE!" "player.namvet_answerlostcall03" "Bill: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall03" "Bill: I'm here!" "player.namvet_answerlostcall04" "Bill: ¡Estoy aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall04" "Bill: Over here!" "player.namvet_answerlostcall05" "Bill: ¡Sigue mi voz!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall05" "Bill: I hear you!" "player.namvet_answerlostcall06" "Bill: ¡Aquí, cadete!" "[english]player.namvet_answerlostcall06" "Bill: Over here, kid!" "npc.namvet_answerready01" "Bill: Listo." "[english]npc.namvet_answerready01" "Bill: Ready." "npc.namvet_answerready02" "Bill: Yo ya estoy." "[english]npc.namvet_answerready02" "Bill: Good to go." "npc.namvet_answerready03" "Bill: Estoy listo." "[english]npc.namvet_answerready03" "Bill: I'm ready." "npc.namvet_answerready04" "Bill: ¡Que ya estoy listo!" "[english]npc.namvet_answerready04" "Bill: I said I'm ready!" "player.namvet_areaclear01" "Bill: Limpio." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear01" "Bill: Clear." "player.namvet_areaclear02" "Bill: No hay nada." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear02" "Bill: Nothing in here." "player.namvet_areaclear03" "Bill: Nada por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear03" "Bill: Nothin' in here." "player.namvet_areaclear04" "Bill: Limpio." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear04" "Bill: Clear." "player.namvet_areaclear05" "Bill: No veo nada." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear05" "Bill: Nothin' in here." "player.namvet_areaclear06" "Bill: No tiene nada." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear06" "Bill: Looks empty." "player.namvet_areaclear07" "Bill: Sólo hay aire." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear07" "Bill: Looks empty." "player.namvet_areaclear08" "Bill: No veo nada." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear08" "Bill: I don't see anything." "player.namvet_areaclear09" "Bill: No veo nada por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear09" "Bill: I don't see anything here." "player.namvet_areaclear10" "Bill: Aquí no hay nada." "[english]player.namvet_areaclear10" "Bill: I got nothin' here." "player.namvet_arriveboat01" "Bill: ¡Corred al barco!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboat01" "Bill: Run to the boat!" "player.namvet_arriveboat02" "Bill: ¡Al barco!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboat02" "Bill: Get to the boat!" "player.namvet_arriveboat03" "Bill: ¡Al barco, vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboat03" "Bill: To the boat! MOVE!" "player.namvet_arriveboat04" "Bill: Moved el culo al barco, ¡ya!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboat04" "Bill: Haul ass to that boat! RUN!" "player.namvet_arriveboatinitial01" "Bill: ¡Es el barco! ¡Tocad retirada!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboatinitial01" "Bill: That's the boat! Time to bug out!" "player.namvet_arriveboatinitial02" "Bill: Bien, llegó el barco. ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveboatinitial02" "Bill: All right, the boat's here! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arrivechopper01" "Bill: ¡Rápido, al helicóptero!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopper01" "Bill: Get to the chopper! GO!" "player.namvet_arrivechopper02" "Bill: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopper02" "Bill: Get to the chopper!" "player.namvet_arrivechopper03" "Bill: Al helicóptero. Paso ligero, ¡UN, DOS!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopper03" "Bill: To the chopper. Come on, MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!" "player.namvet_arrivechopper04" "Bill: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopper04" "Bill: Get to the LZ!" "player.namvet_arrivechopperinitial01" "Bill: Es el helicóptero. ¡Hagamos mutis por el foro!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopperinitial01" "Bill: Our chopper's here! Let's get the hell out of Dodge." "player.namvet_arrivechopperinitial02" "Bill: ¡Subid al pájaro! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivechopperinitial02" "Bill: The bird's here! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arrivegeneric01" "Bill: ¡Al vehículo! ¡YA!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivegeneric01" "Bill: Get to the vehicle! GO!" "player.namvet_arrivegeneric02" "Bill: ¡Vamos, vienen a por nosotros!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivegeneric02" "Bill: They're here for us! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arrivegeneric03" "Bill: Subid al vehículo, cadetes. UN, DOS, UN, DOS." "[english]player.namvet_arrivegeneric03" "Bill: Into the vehicle, people. MOVE MOVE MOVE!" "player.namvet_arrivegeneric04" "Bill: Nos esperan, ¡vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivegeneric04" "Bill: They're waitin' for us. MOVE!" "player.namvet_arrivegenericinitial01" "Bill: Ha llegado el taxi, ¡paso ligero, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivegenericinitial01" "Bill: That's our ride. Let's go. Double time, people." "player.namvet_arrivegenericinitial02" "Bill: Es el transporte. ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivegenericinitial02" "Bill: Our ride's here! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arriveplane01" "Bill: ¡Subid al avión! ¡AHORA!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveplane01" "Bill: Everyone on the plane! PRONTO!" "player.namvet_arriveplane02" "Bill: ¡Al avión!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveplane02" "Bill: Get to the plane!" "player.namvet_arriveplane03" "Bill: Al avión, ¡más brío, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveplane03" "Bill: Into the plane. Hustle it, people!" "player.namvet_arriveplaneinitial01" "Bill: Es nuestro avión, ¡vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveplaneinitial01" "Bill: Our plane's here. Let's move out!" "player.namvet_arriveplaneinitial02" "Bill: ¡Es el avión! ¡Corred!" "[english]player.namvet_arriveplaneinitial02" "Bill: The plane's here! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arrivetruck01" "Bill: Al camión, ¡rápido!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruck01" "Bill: Get to the truck! MOVE!" "player.namvet_arrivetruck02" "Bill: ¡Al camión!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruck02" "Bill: Get to the truck!" "player.namvet_arrivetruck03" "Bill: Al camión, paso ligero." "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruck03" "Bill: Get to that truck on the double! GO! GO! GO!" "player.namvet_arrivetruck04" "Bill: ¡El camión nos espera!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruck04" "Bill: The truck's waitin'. RUN!" "player.namvet_arrivetruckinitial01" "Bill: ¡El camión! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruckinitial01" "Bill: The truck's here! Let's go!" "player.namvet_arrivetruckinitial02" "Bill: Ha llegado el camión, ¡subid, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_arrivetruckinitial02" "Bill: The truck has arrived! Let's move out, people!" "player.namvet_askready01" "Bill: ¿Ya?" "[english]player.namvet_askready01" "Bill: Ready?" "player.namvet_askready02" "Bill: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.namvet_askready02" "Bill: Ready?" "player.namvet_askready03" "Bill: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.namvet_askready03" "Bill: Ready for this?" "player.namvet_askready04" "Bill: ¿Armas a punto?" "[english]player.namvet_askready04" "Bill: Everyone locked and loaded?" "player.namvet_askready05" "Bill: ¿Listo todo?" "[english]player.namvet_askready05" "Bill: Ready for this?" "player.namvet_askready06" "Bill: ¿Listos para la acción?" "[english]player.namvet_askready06" "Bill: Everybody ready to roll?" "player.namvet_askready07" "Bill: ¿Vamos allá?" "[english]player.namvet_askready07" "Bill: Ready to rock?" "player.namvet_askready08" "Bill: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.namvet_askready08" "Bill: Everyone set?" "player.namvet_askready09" "Bill: ¿Todos listos?" "[english]player.namvet_askready09" "Bill: You people ready?" "player.namvet_backup01" "Bill: ¡Huid!" "[english]player.namvet_backup01" "Bill: Back up!" "player.namvet_backup02" "Bill: ¡Huida!" "[english]player.namvet_backup02" "Bill: Back up!" "player.namvet_backup03" "Bill: ¡Corred, corred, corred!" "[english]player.namvet_backup03" "Bill: Back back back back back back!" "player.namvet_backup04" "Bill: ¡Salid por patas!" "[english]player.namvet_backup04" "Bill: Back back back!" "player.namvet_backup05" "Bill: ¡Retirada!" "[english]player.namvet_backup05" "Bill: Back up!" "player.namvet_backup06" "Bill: ¡Retirada!" "[english]player.namvet_backup06" "Bill: Move back!" "player.namvet_backup07" "Bill: ¡Huyamos!" "[english]player.namvet_backup07" "Bill: Back it up!" "npc.namvet_backupquiet01" "Bill: Retirada." "[english]npc.namvet_backupquiet01" "Bill: Back up." "npc.namvet_backupquiet02" "Bill: Atrás, vámonos." "[english]npc.namvet_backupquiet02" "Bill: Back back back." "player.namvet_callforrescue01" "Bill: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue01" "Bill: Anybody out there?" "player.namvet_callforrescue02" "Bill: Vamos, amigos, ¡sacadme!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue02" "Bill: Come on people, let me out!" "player.namvet_callforrescue03" "Bill: [Quejas y soplidos de esfuerzo]" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue03" "Bill: [Struggling, Grunting, Exertion]" "player.namvet_callforrescue04" "Bill: [Quejas y soplidos de esfuerzo]" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue04" "Bill: [Struggling, Grunting, Exertion]" "player.namvet_callforrescue05" "Bill: ¿Me oye alguien?" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue05" "Bill: Can anyone hear me?" "player.namvet_callforrescue06" "Bill: ¡Dejadme salir!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue06" "Bill: Let me out!" "player.namvet_callforrescue07" "Bill: ¡Eh! ¿Me oye alguien?" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue07" "Bill: Hey! Can anybody hear me?" "player.namvet_callforrescue08" "Bill: ¡Sacadme de aquí, vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue08" "Bill: Get over here and let me out!" "player.namvet_callforrescue09" "Bill: Mierda, estoy atrapado." "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue09" "Bill: God dammit, I'm trapped in here!" "player.namvet_callforrescue10" "Bill: No veo una puta mierda. ¡Sacadme!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue10" "Bill: I can't see a damn thing in here. Let me out!" "player.namvet_callforrescue11" "Bill: Esto es una mierda. ¿Hay alguien ahí, o qué?" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue11" "Bill: This is such horseshit. Is anybody even out there?" "player.namvet_callforrescue12" "Bill: Sé que me estáis oyendo. ¡Ayudadme, joder!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue12" "Bill: I know you can hear me, goddammit. Let me the hell out!" "player.namvet_callforrescue15" "Bill: A ver, gente, ¡moved el culo a la voz de ya y sacadme!" "[english]player.namvet_callforrescue15" "Bill: Listen up out there! March your ass over here and let me out!" //\"player.namvet_choke01\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke02\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke03\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke04\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke05\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke06\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke07\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke08\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke09\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke10\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke11\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" //\"player.namvet_choke12\" \"Bill: [Choking]\" "player.namvet_closethedoor01" "Bill: La puerta no se cerrará sola." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor01" "Bill: That door ain't gonna lock itself, people." "player.namvet_closethedoor02" "Bill: Cerrar puerta, ¡AR!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor02" "Bill: Lock the door. Do it!" "player.namvet_closethedoor03" "Bill: Hay que cerrar." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor03" "Bill: Lock that door." "player.namvet_closethedoor04" "Bill: Cerremos." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor04" "Bill: Lock the door." "player.namvet_closethedoor05" "Bill: ¡Cerremos!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor05" "Bill: Lock that door!" "player.namvet_closethedoor06" "Bill: ¡Cerremos!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor06" "Bill: Lock the door." "player.namvet_closethedoor07" "Bill: Echemos el cierre." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor07" "Bill: Lock that door" "player.namvet_closethedoor08" "Bill: Que no entren." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor08" "Bill: Lock that door" "player.namvet_closethedoor09" "Bill: Echad el cierre." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor09" "Bill: Lock the door." "player.namvet_closethedoor10" "Bill: ¡Quiero la puerta cerrada a la voz de ya!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor10" "Bill: That door ain't gonna lock itself, people." "player.namvet_closethedoor11" "Bill: ¡Hay que cerrar!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor11" "Bill: Secure that door!" "player.namvet_closethedoor12" "Bill: ¡Esa puerta!" "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor12" "Bill: Secure the door!" "player.namvet_closethedoor13" "Bill: Cerremos." "[english]player.namvet_closethedoor13" "Bill: Lock the door." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm01" "Bill: Izquierda." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm01" "Bill: To the left." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm02" "Bill: Derecha." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm02" "Bill: To the right." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm03" "Bill: Arriba." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm03" "Bill: Up there." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm04" "Bill: Encima." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm04" "Bill: Above us." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm05" "Bill: Abajo." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm05" "Bill: Down there." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm06" "Bill: Debajo." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm06" "Bill: Below us." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm07" "Bill: Detrás." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm07" "Bill: Back there." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm08" "Bill: Delante." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm08" "Bill: Up ahead." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm09" "Bill: La ventana." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm09" "Bill: In the window." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm10" "Bill: Tras la esquina." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm10" "Bill: Around the corner." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm11" "Bill: En el umbral." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm11" "Bill: In the doorway." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm12" "Bill: Tras la pared." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm12" "Bill: Behind this wall." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm13" "Bill: Tras la puerta." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm13" "Bill: Behind this door." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm14" "Bill: El tejado." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm14" "Bill: On the roof." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm15" "Bill: Ahí detrás." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm15" "Bill: Behind that." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm16" "Bill: En el edificio." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm16" "Bill: In this building." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm17" "Bill: Los árboles." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm17" "Bill: In the trees." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm18" "Bill: Junto a las rocas." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm18" "Bill: Near the rocks." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm19" "Bill: Va uno." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm19" "Bill: One of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm20" "Bill: Ya van dos." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm20" "Bill: Two of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm21" "Bill: Ya van tres." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm21" "Bill: Three of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm22" "Bill: Van cuatro." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm22" "Bill: Four of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm23" "Bill: Un montón." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm23" "Bill: Lots of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm24" "Bill: Hay un par." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm24" "Bill: A couple of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm25" "Bill: Unos pocos." "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifiercalm25" "Bill: A few of 'em." "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud01" "Bill: ¡Izquierda!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud01" "Bill: To the left!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud02" "Bill: ¡Derecha!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud02" "Bill: To the right!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud03" "Bill: ¡Ahí arriba!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud03" "Bill: Up there!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud04" "Bill: ¡Encima!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud04" "Bill: Above us!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud05" "Bill: ¡Abajo!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud05" "Bill: Down there!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud06" "Bill: ¡Debajo!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud06" "Bill: Below us!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud07" "Bill: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud07" "Bill: Back there!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud08" "Bill: ¡Delante!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud08" "Bill: Up ahead!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud09" "Bill: ¡La ventana!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud09" "Bill: In the window!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud10" "Bill: ¡Tras la esquina!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud10" "Bill: Around the corner!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud11" "Bill: ¡En el umbral!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud11" "Bill: In the doorway!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud12" "Bill: ¡Tras la pared!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud12" "Bill: Behind this wall!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud13" "Bill: ¡Tras la puerta!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud13" "Bill: Behind this door!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud14" "Bill: ¡En el tejado!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud14" "Bill: On the roof!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud15" "Bill: ¡Ahí detrás!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud15" "Bill: Behind that!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud16" "Bill: ¡En el edificio!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud16" "Bill: In this building!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud17" "Bill: ¡Los árboles!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud17" "Bill: In the trees!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud18" "Bill: ¡Junto a las rocas!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud18" "Bill: Near the rocks!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud19" "Bill: ¡Va uno!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud19" "Bill: One of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud20" "Bill: ¡Ya van dos!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud20" "Bill: Two of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud21" "Bill: ¡Ya van tres!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud21" "Bill: Three of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud22" "Bill: ¡Van cuatro!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud22" "Bill: Four of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud23" "Bill: ¡Un montón!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud23" "Bill: Lots of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud24" "Bill: ¡Hay un par!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud24" "Bill: A couple of 'em!" "player.namvet_contextmodifierloud25" "Bill: ¡Unos pocos!" "[english]player.namvet_contextmodifierloud25" "Bill: A few of 'em!" "player.namvet_cough01" "Bill: [Tosiendo por el humo]" "[english]player.namvet_cough01" "Bill: [Coughing from smoke]" //\"player.namvet_cough02\" \"Bill: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.namvet_cough03\" \"Bill: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.namvet_cough04\" \"Bill: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.namvet_cough05\" \"Bill: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.namvet_cough06\" \"Bill: [Coughing from smoke]\" "player.namvet_coverme01" "Bill: ¡Cobertura!" "[english]player.namvet_coverme01" "Bill: Cover me!" "player.namvet_coverme02" "Bill: ¡Protección!" "[english]player.namvet_coverme02" "Bill: Cover me." "player.namvet_coverme03" "Bill: Quiero apoyo." "[english]player.namvet_coverme03" "Bill: Watch my back" "player.namvet_coverme04" "Bill: Cobertura." "[english]player.namvet_coverme04" "Bill: Watch my back." "player.namvet_coverme05" "Bill: ¡Vigilad!" "[english]player.namvet_coverme05" "Bill: Cover me." "npc.namvet_coverme06" "Bill: Cúbreme, me curo." "[english]npc.namvet_coverme06" "Bill: Healin', cover me." "npc.namvet_coverme07" "Bill: Cúbreme, me curaré." "[english]npc.namvet_coverme07" "Bill: Cover me, gonna heal." "npc.namvet_coverme08" "Bill: Espera que me cure." "[english]npc.namvet_coverme08" "Bill: Wait up, I'm healing." "player.namvet_deathscream01" "Bill: [Grito desgarrador de agonía]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream01" "Bill: [Death scream]" "player.namvet_deathscream02" "Bill: [Estertores de muerte]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream02" "Bill: [Death rattle]" "player.namvet_deathscream03" "Bill: [Grito desgarrador de agonía]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream03" "Bill: [Death scream]" "player.namvet_deathscream04" "Bill: [Grito desgarrador de agonía]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream04" "Bill: [Death scream]" "player.namvet_deathscream05" "Bill: [Grito breve de agonía]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream05" "Bill: [Death scream]" "player.namvet_deathscream06" "Bill: [Grito breve de agonía]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream06" "Bill: [Death scream]" "player.namvet_deathscream07" "Bill: [Estertores de muerte]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream07" "Bill: [Death rattle]" "player.namvet_deathscream08" "Bill: [Estertores de muerte]" "[english]player.namvet_deathscream08" "Bill: [Death rattle]" "npc.namvet_doorbreaking01" "Bill: ¡Están cruzando la puerta!" "[english]npc.namvet_doorbreaking01" "Bill: They're coming through the door!" "npc.namvet_doorbreaking02" "Bill: ¡Esta puerta no los detiene!" "[english]npc.namvet_doorbreaking02" "Bill: This door ain't holdin' 'em!" "npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse01" "Bill: ¡Esto se está yendo al carajo de cabeza pero ya!" "[english]npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse01" "Bill: This is goin' to hell in a handbasket real fast!" "npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse02" "Bill: Si lo sé no vengo." "[english]npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse02" "Bill: I didn't sign up for this shit!" "npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse03" "Bill: ¡Estamos solos otra vez, Zoey!" "[english]npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse03" "Bill: It's just you and me again, Zoey!" "npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse04" "Bill: Esta vez sólo somos tú y yo." "[english]npc.namvet_doubledeathresponse04" "Bill: It's just the two of us now, kid." "npc.namvet_downinfront01" "Bill: ¡Ahí delante!" "[english]npc.namvet_downinfront01" "Bill: Down in front!" "npc.namvet_downinfront02" "Bill: ¡Fuera de ahí!" "[english]npc.namvet_downinfront02" "Bill: Outta the way!" "npc.namvet_downinfront03" "Bill: ¡Abajo!" "[english]npc.namvet_downinfront03" "Bill: Duck!" "npc.namvet_dying01" "Bill: ¡Necesito ayuda... YA!" "[english]npc.namvet_dying01" "Bill: I need help NOW!" "npc.namvet_dying02" "Bill: No me espero, ¡ayuda YA!" "[english]npc.namvet_dying02" "Bill: I can't wait, I need help now!" "npc.namvet_dying03" "Bill: ¡Deja de joder y ayúdame!" "[english]npc.namvet_dying03" "Bill: Quit screwin' around and help me!" "npc.namvet_dying04" "Bill: ¡NECESITO AYUDA YA!" "[english]npc.namvet_dying04" "Bill: I NEED HELP NOW!" "player.namvet_emphaticgo01" "Bill: ¡Corramos!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo01" "Bill: Go go go" "player.namvet_emphaticgo02" "Bill: ¡Vaaamos!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo02" "Bill: MOVE!" "player.namvet_emphaticgo03" "Bill: ¡Adelante!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo03" "Bill: MOVE!" "player.namvet_emphaticgo04" "Bill: ¡Venga, aprisa, aprisa!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo04" "Bill: MOVE MOVE MOVE!" "player.namvet_emphaticgo05" "Bill: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo05" "Bill: MOVE OUT!" "player.namvet_emphaticgo06" "Bill: ¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticgo06" "Bill: Go go go" "npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet01" "Bill: ¡Sin parar! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet01" "Bill: Don't stop! Go!" "npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet02" "Bill: ¡Va, va, va!" "[english]npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet02" "Bill: Go go go!" "npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet03" "Bill: ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet03" "Bill: Go!" "npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet04" "Bill: ¡Seguid!" "[english]npc.namvet_emphaticgoquiet04" "Bill: Keep movin'!" "player.namvet_emphaticno01" "Bill: No, lo siento." "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno01" "Bill: No way, kid." "player.namvet_emphaticno02" "Bill: ¡No!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno02" "Bill: NO!" "player.namvet_emphaticno03" "Bill: ¿Estás loco?" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno03" "Bill: Are you crazy?" "player.namvet_emphaticno04" "Bill: Ni de coña." "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno04" "Bill: No way in Hell." "player.namvet_emphaticno05" "Bill: ¿Es que has perdido la chaveta?" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno05" "Bill: Are you out of your damn mind?" "player.namvet_emphaticno06" "Bill: Qué va." "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno06" "Bill: No way." "player.namvet_emphaticno07" "Bill: ¿Te has vuelto loco?" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno07" "Bill: Are you out of your mind?" "player.namvet_emphaticno08" "Bill: ¿Estás chalado?" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticno08" "Bill: Are you crazy?" "player.namvet_emphaticrun01" "Bill: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticrun01" "Bill: RUN!" "player.namvet_emphaticrun02" "Bill: ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticrun02" "Bill: RUN!" "player.namvet_emphaticrun03" "Bill: ¡Huida!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticrun03" "Bill: BUG OUT!" "player.namvet_emphaticrun04" "Bill: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.namvet_emphaticrun04" "Bill: HAUL ASS!" //\"player.namvet_exertioncritical01\" \"Bill: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertioncritical02\" \"Bill: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertioncritical03\" \"Bill: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertioncritical04\" \"Bill: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertionmajor01\" \"Bill: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertionmajor02\" \"Bill: [Heavy breathing]\" //\"player.namvet_exertionminor01\" \"Bill: [Panting]\" //\"player.namvet_exertionminor02\" \"Bill: [Panting]\" //\"player.namvet_fall01\" \"Bill: [Falling-to-death scream]\" //\"player.namvet_fall02\" \"Bill: [Falling-to-death scream]\" //\"player.namvet_fall03\" \"Bill: [Falling-to-death scream]\" //\"player.namvet_fall04\" \"Bill: [Falling-to-death scream]\" "player.namvet_fallshort01" "Bill: [Grito de caída]" "[english]player.namvet_fallshort01" "Bill: Wooaaah" "player.namvet_fallshort02" "Bill: Ooooooh, ¡no!" "[english]player.namvet_fallshort02" "Bill: Ohhh nooooo." "player.namvet_fallshort03" "Bill: [Grito de caída]" "[english]player.namvet_fallshort03" "Bill: [Yelp!]" "player.namvet_finaleahead01" "Bill: Se acerca el final de la pesadilla." "[english]player.namvet_finaleahead01" "Bill: This looks like it - we're almost out of here." "player.namvet_finaleahead02" "Bill: ¡Falta poco para salir!" "[english]player.namvet_finaleahead02" "Bill: We're almost out of here!" "player.namvet_finaleahead03" "Bill: Venga, cadetes, ya casi está. ¡No paréis!" "[english]player.namvet_finaleahead03" "Bill: Okay, people, we're almost there. Let's keep moving!" "player.namvet_finaleahead04" "Bill: Un último esfuerzo, nos falta muy poco." "[english]player.namvet_finaleahead04" "Bill: Keep it together, people. We're almost home free." "player.namvet_followme01" "Bill: Vamos, por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_followme01" "Bill: Come on, this way." "player.namvet_followme02" "Bill: Iré delante." "[english]player.namvet_followme02" "Bill: I'll take the lead." "player.namvet_followme03" "Bill: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_followme03" "Bill: Follow me!" "player.namvet_followme04" "Bill: ¡Conozco el camino!" "[english]player.namvet_followme04" "Bill: This way, people!" "player.namvet_followme05" "Bill: Por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_followme05" "Bill: This way." "player.namvet_followme06" "Bill: ¡Yo primero!" "[english]player.namvet_followme06" "Bill: I'm on point." "player.namvet_followme07" "Bill: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_followme07" "Bill: This way!" "player.namvet_followme08" "Bill: Detrás de mí." "[english]player.namvet_followme08" "Bill: Fall in behind me." "player.namvet_followme09" "Bill: Yo guío." "[english]player.namvet_followme09" "Bill: Follow me." "player.namvet_friendlyfire01" "Bill: ¡Ahh, que daño!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire01" "Bill: Ahh! That hurt!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire02" "Bill: ¡Agh! ¡Estate quieto!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire02" "Bill: Ah! Knock it off!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire03" "Bill: ¿Tengo cara de diana?" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire03" "Bill: Do I look like a target?" "player.namvet_friendlyfire04" "Bill: Mira, no estaría mal que DEJASES DE DISPARARME." "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire04" "Bill: You know, I would appreciate it IF YOU'D STOP SHOOTING ME!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire05" "Bill: ¡Ojo con las balas!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire05" "Bill: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire06" "Bill: Me cagoen... ¡apunta bien!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire06" "Bill: Goddamn it, watch your fire!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire07" "Bill: Me cago en tó... ¡estoy de tu lado!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire07" "Bill: Jesus H. Christ, I'm on your side." "player.namvet_friendlyfire08" "Bill: ¡A ver esa puntería!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire08" "Bill: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire09" "Bill: ¡No dispares!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire09" "Bill: Don't shoot me!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire10" "Bill: ¡Cuidado con donde apuntas!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire10" "Bill: Watch where you point that thing!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire11" "Bill: ¡Apunta mejor!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire11" "Bill: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire12" "Bill: ¡No-me-dispares!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire12" "Bill: Do not shoot me!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire13" "Bill: ¡Mira bien a donde apuntas, joder!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire13" "Bill: Goddamit, watch where you're shooting!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire14" "Bill: ¡Ten cuidado!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire14" "Bill: Check your fire!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire15" "Bill: ¡Apunta bien!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire15" "Bill: Secure that weapon!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire16" "Bill: ¡No dispares!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire16" "Bill: Hold your fire!" "player.namvet_friendlyfire17" "Bill: ¿De qué lado estás, eh?" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfire17" "Bill: Who's side are you on, kid?" "npc.namvet_friendlyfire18" "Bill: ¡Jo-der! ¡Me has prendido fuego, coño!" "[english]npc.namvet_friendlyfire18" "Bill: Goddamnit, you set me on goddamn fire!" "player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Bill: ¡Me cago en todo, Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Bill: Francis!" "player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Bill: ¿A quién coño apuntas, Francis?" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Bill: Francis!" "player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis03" "Bill: ¡Cuidado con donde apuntas, Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_friendlyfirefrancis03" "Bill: Francis!" "player.namvet_generic01" "" "[english]player.namvet_generic01" "" "player.namvet_generic02" "Bill: Sinceramente, la clave fue el bocata de atún." "[english]player.namvet_generic02" "Bill: I couldn't have done it without the tuna sandwich, I tell ya." "npc.namvet_generic03" "Bill: Francis, ¿hay algo que no odies?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic03" "Bill: Francis, is there anything you don't hate?" "npc.namvet_generic04" "Bill: ¿Cuántos dedos tienes ahí?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic04" "Bill: How many fingers are you holding up?" "npc.namvet_generic05" "Bill: ¿Dónde estoy?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic05" "Bill: Where am I?" "npc.namvet_generic06" "Bill: ¿Qué día es hoy?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic06" "Bill: What day of the week is it?" "npc.namvet_generic07" "Bill: Francis, no nombres a Dios en vano." "[english]npc.namvet_generic07" "Bill: Francis, don't take God's name in vain." "npc.namvet_generic08" "Bill: Por el amor de Dios, Francis, no seas blasfemo." "[english]npc.namvet_generic08" "Bill: Fer chrissake, Francis, don't take God's name in vain." "npc.namvet_generic09" "Bill: ¿Cómo coño va a funcionar?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic09" "Bill: How in the hell is this gonna to work?" "npc.namvet_generic10" "Bill: ¿Has usado antes esto?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic10" "Bill: You ever use one of these?" "npc.namvet_generic11" "Bill: Eso es una gilipollez." "[english]npc.namvet_generic11" "Bill: That sounds like a line of horseshit." "npc.namvet_generic12" "Bill: ¿Habéis terminado la charla?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic12" "Bill: You two done chatting?" "npc.namvet_generic13" "Bill: Esto no se parece a Vietnam." "[english]npc.namvet_generic13" "Bill: Well, this don't remind me of Nam." "npc.namvet_generic14" "Bill: No seas capullo, Francis" "[english]npc.namvet_generic14" "Bill: Don't be an ass, Francis." "npc.namvet_generic15" "Bill: No podemos hacer gran cosa." "[english]npc.namvet_generic15" "Bill: There ain't much we can do now." "npc.namvet_generic16" "Bill: Eso son sólo gilipolleces." "[english]npc.namvet_generic16" "Bill: You're just spoutin' off ignorance." "npc.namvet_generic18" "Bill: Van a tener que ir a buscarte a Júpiter." "[english]npc.namvet_generic18" "Bill: I am gonna blow your ass to kingdom come." "npc.namvet_generic19" "Bill: ¿Sabes, Francis? Si cerraras el pico, parecerías más listo." "[english]npc.namvet_generic19" "Bill: Y'know, Francis, we'd all think you were a lot smarter if you said less." "npc.namvet_generic20" "Bill: Esto del futuro ya no es lo que era." "[english]npc.namvet_generic20" "Bill: The future sure ain't what it used to be." "npc.namvet_generic21" "Bill: Francis, ¿sabes qué sería mejor que tus quejas y tus bromas? Tus tiros." "[english]npc.namvet_generic21" "Bill: Francis? You know what'd do us more good than all yer whinin' and jokin'? Shootin'." "npc.namvet_generic22" "Bill: Cierra la boca y abre los ojos, Francis, apuntarás mejor." "[english]npc.namvet_generic22" "Bill: Close your mouth and open your eyes, Francis. You'll aim better." "npc.namvet_generic23" "Bill: Unos años alistado te hubieran hecho adelgazar y cerrar el pico, Francis." "[english]npc.namvet_generic23" "Bill: A few years in the service mighta slimmed you down and shut you up, Francis." "npc.namvet_generic24" "Bill: ¿Sabes quién va a sobrevivir, Francis? El que se ahorre las bromas." "[english]npc.namvet_generic24" "Bill: You know who's gonna survive this mess, Francis? It ain't the fella makin' jokes." "npc.namvet_generic25" "Bill: Francis, igual sobrevivimos si dejas de hacer bromas y empiezas a cabrearte." "[english]npc.namvet_generic25" "Bill: Francis, we might live through this if you stopped makin' jokes and started getting angry." "npc.namvet_generic26" "Bill: Habla más alto, Francis, creo que no oigo bien a tu única neurona." "[english]npc.namvet_generic26" "Bill: Speak up, Francis. Your voice got all muffled from yer head being so far up yer ass." "npc.namvet_generic27" "Bill: Habla más alto, Francis, creo que no oigo bien a tu única neurona." "[english]npc.namvet_generic27" "Bill: Speak up, Francis. Your voice got all muffled from yer head being so far up yer ass." "npc.namvet_generic29" "Bill: Voy a traer la paz a este mundo aunque tenga que cargarme a todos esos cabrones con mis propias manos." "[english]npc.namvet_generic29" "Bill: I'll see peace back on earth if I gotta murder every one of these bastards with my bare goddamn hands." "npc.namvet_generic30" "Bill: Todavía no estoy listo para conocer a San Pedro, pero puedo irle mandando unos podridos de los de ahí fuera." "[english]npc.namvet_generic30" "Bill: I ain't ready to meet my maker yet. But hearin' them animals outside, I'm happy to make some introductions." "npc.namvet_generic31" "Bill: Esto me recuerda a la Batalla de Hué." "[english]npc.namvet_generic31" "Bill: This reminds me of the Battle of Hue." "npc.namvet_generic32" "Bill: Muy cierto." "[english]npc.namvet_generic32" "Bill: Damn straight." "npc.namvet_generic33" "Bill: De momento somos inmunes, pero... Si me transformo, disparadme." "[english]npc.namvet_generic33" "Bill: We been immune so far, but - well, if I start to turn, promise you'll shoot me." "npc.namvet_generic34" "Bill: Ni siquiera la guerra te prepara para esto. No paran nunca. Atacan y atacan y no se paran *jamás*." "[english]npc.namvet_generic34" "Bill: Even bein' in a war doesn't prepare you for this. They never stop. They come at you and come at you and they *never* goddamn *stop*." "npc.namvet_generic35" "Bill: No es por ser aguafiestas, Louis, pero... ¿y si esto *no* mejora?" "[english]npc.namvet_generic35" "Bill: I don't want to piss on your parade, Louis, but what if it *doesn't* get better?" "npc.namvet_generic36" "Bill: Cierto." "[english]npc.namvet_generic36" "Bill: Good point." "npc.namvet_generic37" "Bill: Sabía que pasaría esto. Pero nadie escucha." "[english]npc.namvet_generic37" "Bill: I knew this day was comin'. They wouldn't listen." "npc.namvet_generic38" "Bill: Ya es oficial: odio a los putos zombies." "[english]npc.namvet_generic38" "Bill: All right, it's official. I decided I hate zombies." "npc.namvet_generic39" "Bill: Son zombies, Francis." "[english]npc.namvet_generic39" "Bill: They're zombies, Francis." "npc.namvet_generic40" "Bill: Zombies." "[english]npc.namvet_generic40" "Bill: Zombies." "npc.namvet_generic41" "Bill: ¡Oye!" "[english]npc.namvet_generic41" "Bill: Hey!" "npc.namvet_generic42" "Bill: Mientras quede uno solo de esos perros sarnosos en pié, pienso seguir luchando." "[english]npc.namvet_generic42" "Bill: As long as there's one of those ugly bastards left to shoot, I got a reason to keep on going." "npc.namvet_generic43" "Bill: Menudo aterrizaje..." "[english]npc.namvet_generic43" "Bill: Way to land a chopper..." "npc.namvet_generic44" "Bill: Estamos en una guerra de desgaste contra una horda de máquinas de matar sin cerebro. No soy precisamente optimista." "[english]npc.namvet_generic44" "Bill: We're fightin' a war of attrition with a horde of brainless killing machines. I ain't exactly optimistic about our chances." "npc.namvet_generic45" "Bill: Estas cosas son como un incendio: no distinguen; queman todo lo que se encuentran." "[english]npc.namvet_generic45" "Bill: These things are like a brush fire: they don't discriminate. They just burn up every damn thing in their way." "npc.namvet_generic46" "Bill: Mira: si después de esto los mansos heredan la tierra, más les vale aprender a matar mejor." "[english]npc.namvet_generic46" "Bill: I'll tell you what: if the meek inherit the earth after this, they'd better get a whole hell of a lot better at killin'." "npc.namvet_generic47" "Bill: Francis, deja de gastar bromas y ponte a gastar balas." "[english]npc.namvet_generic47" "Bill: Francis, why don't you stop makin' trouble and start makin' some corpses." "npc.namvet_generic48" "Bill: Voy a reventar las barbas del próximo de esos que salte sobre mí." "[english]npc.namvet_generic48" "Bill: I'm gonna make an example out of the next one those things that jumps me." "npc.namvet_generic49" "Bill: ¿Esto te parece un Apocalipsis zombie? Tendrías que haber visto la gran invasión zombie del ’57. Nah. Te estoy tomando el pelo." "[english]npc.namvet_generic49" "Bill: You call this a zombie apocalypse? It don't hold a candle to the great zombie attack of 1957. Nah, I'm horseshittin' ya." "npc.namvet_generic50" "Bill: No me lo creo." "[english]npc.namvet_generic50" "Bill: I don't believe it." "npc.namvet_generic51" "Bill: Intentan detenernos." "[english]npc.namvet_generic51" "Bill: They're trying to stop us." "npc.namvet_generic52" "Bill: Es verdad, son odiosos." "[english]npc.namvet_generic52" "Bill: I'm with you, I hate these things." "npc.namvet_generic53" "Bill: No es lo que dijeron por la tele." "[english]npc.namvet_generic53" "Bill: That's not what they said on TV." "npc.namvet_genericdirections01" "Bill: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections01" "Bill: Up the stairs!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections02" "Bill: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections02" "Bill: Down the stairs!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections03" "Bill: ¡Subamos la escalera!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections03" "Bill: Let's get up that ladder!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections04" "Bill: ¡Hay que bajar por ahí!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections04" "Bill: We need to go down there!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections05" "Bill: ¡Por ahí!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections05" "Bill: Through here!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections06" "Bill: ¡Por la puerta!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections06" "Bill: Through this door!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections07" "Bill: Hay que salir fuera." "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections07" "Bill: We need to get outside." "npc.namvet_genericdirections08" "Bill: Hay que salir de las calles." "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections08" "Bill: We gotta get off the street." "npc.namvet_genericdirections09" "Bill: Hay que volver a los tejados." "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections09" "Bill: We gotta get back to the rooftops." "npc.namvet_genericdirections10" "Bill: ¡Aquí atrás!" "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections10" "Bill: Back here!" "npc.namvet_genericdirections11" "Bill: Hay que pasar por encima." "[english]npc.namvet_genericdirections11" "Bill: We gotta get over this thing." "npc.namvet_genericresponses01" "Bill: Anímate, hijo." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses01" "Bill: Buck up, Son." "npc.namvet_genericresponses02" "Bill: ¿Qué?" "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses02" "Bill: What?" "npc.namvet_genericresponses03" "Bill: ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses03" "Bill: Are you joking?" "npc.namvet_genericresponses04" "Bill: Jo-der, ¿es una broma?" "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses04" "Bill: Oh Christ, you're not serious?" "npc.namvet_genericresponses05" "Bill: ¿De qué coño me hablas?" "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses05" "Bill: What the hell are you talkin' about?" "npc.namvet_genericresponses06" "Bill: Bueno." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses06" "Bill: I'll say." "npc.namvet_genericresponses07" "Bill: Si tú lo dices..." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses07" "Bill: If you say so." "npc.namvet_genericresponses08" "Bill: No me suena mal." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses08" "Bill: That sounds about right." "npc.namvet_genericresponses09" "Bill: Vale, hagámoslo." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses09" "Bill: All right, then, let's do it." "npc.namvet_genericresponses10" "Bill: Bien pensado." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses10" "Bill: Good thinking." "npc.namvet_genericresponses11" "Bill: Mierda, ya estamos otra vez." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses11" "Bill: Ah shit, here we go again." "npc.namvet_genericresponses12" "Bill: Eres idiota." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses12" "Bill: You are an idiot." "npc.namvet_genericresponses13" "Bill: Hagámoslo, pues." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses13" "Bill: I say we just do it." "npc.namvet_genericresponses14" "Bill: Estás seguro, ¿verdad?" "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses14" "Bill: You're sure about this, right?" "npc.namvet_genericresponses15" "Bill: Vale..." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses15" "Bill: Okay..." "npc.namvet_genericresponses16" "Bill: Oh, sí." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses16" "Bill: Hell yes." "npc.namvet_genericresponses17" "Bill: Ni puta idea." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses17" "Bill: Hell if I know." "npc.namvet_genericresponses18" "Bill: Por qué no te ocupas tú." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses18" "Bill: I'm gonna let you handle that." "npc.namvet_genericresponses19" "Bill: Mira, tienes razón." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses19" "Bill: That's actually a good point." "npc.namvet_genericresponses20" "Bill: Suena bien. Hagámoslo." "[english]npc.namvet_genericresponses20" "Bill: Sounds good to me. Let's do it." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived01" "Bill: Estoy bien." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived01" "Bill: I'm okay." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived02" "Bill: Estoy entero." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived02" "Bill: I'm all right." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived03" "Bill: [Gruñido de dolor al curarle]" "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived03" "Bill: [Groan]" "npc.namvet_gettingrevived04" "Bill: Ni puta idea." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived04" "Bill: Hell if I know." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived05" "Bill: Casi toda la sangre es de otros." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived05" "Bill: Most of this blood ain't mine." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived06" "Bill: [Gruñido de dolor al curarle]" "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived06" "Bill: [Groan]" "npc.namvet_gettingrevived07" "Bill: Me apañaré." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived07" "Bill: I'll make it." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived08" "Bill: Viviré." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived08" "Bill: I'll live." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived09" "Bill: Bueno, viviré." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived09" "Bill: Hell, I'll live." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived10" "Bill: Me he visto peor." "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived10" "Bill: I've had worse." "npc.namvet_gettingrevived11" "Bill: ¿Quién eres?" "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived11" "Bill: Who are you?" "npc.namvet_gettingrevived12" "Bill: ¿Madre?" "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived12" "Bill: Mother?" "npc.namvet_gettingrevived13" "Bill: Bueno, no estoy *bien*" "[english]npc.namvet_gettingrevived13" "Bill: Well, I ain't *good*." "npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup01" "Bill: Je. Un arma es un arma." "[english]npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup01" "Bill: Ahhh. A gun's a gun." "npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup02" "Bill: Si dispara, me lo quedo." "[english]npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup02" "Bill: If it shoots bullets, I'll take it." "npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup03" "Bill: *Esto* les hará daño." "[english]npc.namvet_gnericweaponpickup03" "Bill: *This'll* do some damage." "player.namvet_goingtodie01" "Bill: No me siento bien." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie01" "Bill: I don't feel so good." "player.namvet_goingtodie02" "Bill: No sé si saldré de esta." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie02" "Bill: I don't know if I am going to make it." "player.namvet_goingtodie03" "Bill: Estoy fatal." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie03" "Bill: I feel awful." "player.namvet_goingtodie04" "Bill: Me quedan dos telediarios." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie04" "Bill: I am in bad shape, people." "player.namvet_goingtodie05" "Bill: Ya no estoy para estos trotes." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie05" "Bill: I'm gettin' too old for this horseshit." "player.namvet_goingtodie06" "Bill: Estoy fatal." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie06" "Bill: I feel terrible." "player.namvet_goingtodie07" "Bill: Tendréis que continuar sin mí." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie07" "Bill: You people might have to go on without me." "player.namvet_goingtodie08" "Bill: Me cago en todo..." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie08" "Bill: Goddamn horseshit." "player.namvet_goingtodie09" "Bill: La cosa no pinta bien." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie09" "Bill: It's not lookin' good for me." "player.namvet_goingtodie10" "Bill: No estoy muy católico." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie10" "Bill: I'm not feelin' too hot." "player.namvet_goingtodie11" "Bill: Mierda, estoy hecho un trapo." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie11" "Bill: Ah shit, I'm not doin' too good here." "player.namvet_goingtodie12" "Bill: Me duele mucho, amigos." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie12" "Bill: I'm really hurt, people." "player.namvet_goingtodie13" "Bill: ¡Hostia, me muero!" "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie13" "Bill: Christ, I'm messed up." "player.namvet_goingtodie14" "" "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie14" "" "player.namvet_goingtodie15" "Bill: Necesitaría atención médica." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie15" "Bill: We gotta find me a medic." "player.namvet_goingtodie16" "Bill: Estoy muy mal." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie16" "Bill: I feel awful." "player.namvet_goingtodie17" "Bill: Me cagoen... estoy hecho un Cristo." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie17" "Bill: God damn it, I am seriously fubar." "player.namvet_goingtodie18" "Bill: [Quejido de dolor y jadeos agónicos]" "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie18" "Bill: [Pain sound]" "player.namvet_goingtodie19" "Bill: Busca un médico... y una copa." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie19" "Bill: I need a medic and a drink." "player.namvet_goingtodie20" "Bill: No [jadeo] aguantaré mucho más." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie20" "Bill: I'm just barely hangin' on here." "player.namvet_goingtodie21" "Bill: Creo que voy derecho a la fosa." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie21" "Bill: I think I'm goin' home in a box." "player.namvet_goingtodie22" "Bill: Estoy reventado." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie22" "Bill: I feel like hell." "player.namvet_goingtodie23" "Bill: Voy a estirar la pata..." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie23" "Bill: I'm about to buy the farm." "player.namvet_goingtodie24" "Bill: Si la diño, no dejéis que me coman esos cerdos." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie24" "Bill: If I go down, don't let those bastards eat me." "player.namvet_goingtodie25" "Bill: Aguanta, soldado." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie25" "Bill: Hang on, soldier." "player.namvet_goingtodie26" "Bill: Joder... me desangro..." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie26" "Bill: Dammit, I'm bleeding out." "player.namvet_goingtodie27" "Bill: No creo que aguante mucho más." "[english]player.namvet_goingtodie27" "Bill: I'm not gonna hold out much longer." "npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Bill: ¿Alguien tiene un botiquín? No me siento bien." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Bill: Anyone have some first aid? I ain't feelin' right." "npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Bill: ¿Alguien puede curar al viejo agonizante?" "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Bill: Someone gonna heal the old guy about to die?" "npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Bill: Necesito un buen apaño." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal03" "Bill: Sure could use some patchin' up." "npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Bill: ¿Me dais un botiquín?" "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Bill: Anyone spare a med kit?" "npc.namvet_goingtodielight01" "Bill: Estoy viejo, no aguantaré." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight01" "Bill: This old body ain't gonna make it." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight02" "Bill: Ay, joder, no estoy bien." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight02" "Bill: Ah shit, I ain't feelin' right." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight03" "Bill: Algo no anda bien." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight03" "Bill: Something ain't workin' right." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight04" "Bill: Hoy no es mi día..." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight04" "Bill: This just ain't my day..." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight05" "Bill: Ay, joder... [Respira con dificultad] Mierda..." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight05" "Bill: Ah, hell... Shit..." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight06" "Bill: Ah. Joder." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight06" "Bill: Ah. Dammit." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight07" "Bill: A la mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight07" "Bill: Hell with this." "npc.namvet_goingtodielight08" "Bill: Joder, yo ya era viejo para esto hace quince años." "[english]npc.namvet_goingtodielight08" "Bill: Hell, I was too old for this shit fifteen years ago." "npc.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01" "Bill: ¡No, no, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]npc.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01" "Bill: No, no, NOOOO!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Bill: ¡No, NOO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Bill: no, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Bill: ¡NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Bill: no, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02" "Bill: ¡No, no, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]npc.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02" "Bill: No, no, NOOOO!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Bill: ¡No, NO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Bill: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Bill: ¡NOOOOOO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Bill: No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker03" "Bill: ¡No, NO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker03" "Bill: No, NO!" "player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker04" "Bill: ¡No, NO, NO NOO!" "[english]player.namvet_grabbedbysmoker04" "Bill: No NO NO NOO!" "player.namvet_grenade01" "Bill: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade01" "Bill: GRENADE!!" "player.namvet_grenade02" "Bill: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade02" "Bill: GRENADE!!" "player.namvet_grenade03" "Bill: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade03" "Bill: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "player.namvet_grenade04" "Bill: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade04" "Bill: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "player.namvet_grenade05" "Bill: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade05" "Bill: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.namvet_grenade06" "Bill: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.namvet_grenade06" "Bill: GRENADE!!" "player.namvet_griefbiker01" "Bill: ¡No, Francis no!" "[english]player.namvet_griefbiker01" "Bill: Ah, not Francis." "player.namvet_griefbiker02" "Bill: Echaré de menos a ese hijo de puta." "[english]player.namvet_griefbiker02" "Bill: Christ, I'm gonna miss that son of a bitch." "player.namvet_griefbiker03" "Bill: Echaré de menos al gordo y su pistola." "[english]player.namvet_griefbiker03" "Bill: I am going to miss that man and his gun." "player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric01" "Bill: ¡Está muerta!" "[english]player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric01" "Bill: She's dead!" "player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric02" "Bill: Dios mío, ¡está muerta!" "[english]player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric02" "Bill: Ah Christ, she's dead!" "player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric03" "Bill: Acabaron con ella." "[english]player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric03" "Bill: She didn't make it!" "player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric04" "Bill: Dios mío, ¡la han matado!" "[english]player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric04" "Bill: Goddamit, she didn't make it." "player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric05" "Bill: Espero que esté en un lugar mejor. Peor no podría ser." "[english]player.namvet_grieffemalegeneric05" "Bill: Let's hope she's in a better place. Hell, it couldn't be much worse." "player.namvet_griefmalegeneric01" "Bill: ¡Está muerto!" "[english]player.namvet_griefmalegeneric01" "Bill: He's dead!" "player.namvet_griefmalegeneric02" "Bill: Acabaron con él." "[english]player.namvet_griefmalegeneric02" "Bill: He didn't make it!" "player.namvet_griefmalegeneric03" "Bill: Hemos... perdido a un camarada." "[english]player.namvet_griefmalegeneric03" "Bill: Looks... Looks like we lost one." "player.namvet_griefmalegeneric04" "Bill: Dios mío, ¡lo han matado!" "[english]player.namvet_griefmalegeneric04" "Bill: Godammit, he didn't make it." "player.namvet_griefmalegeneric05" "Bill: Dios mío, ¡está muerto!" "[english]player.namvet_griefmalegeneric05" "Bill: Ah Christ, he'd dead!" "player.namvet_griefmanager01" "Bill: Agh, Louis." "[english]player.namvet_griefmanager01" "Bill: Ah, Louis." "player.namvet_griefmanager02" "Bill: Han matado a Louis, dios mío..." "[english]player.namvet_griefmanager02" "Bill: Louis didn't make it. Ah, Christ." "player.namvet_griefmanager03" "Bill: Hay que sobrevivir o su sacrificio habrá sido en vano." "[english]player.namvet_griefmanager03" "Bill: C'mon people, if we make it, he didn't die for nothin'." "player.namvet_griefteengirl01" "Bill: Agh, ¡Zoey, no!" "[english]player.namvet_griefteengirl01" "Bill: Ah not Zoey." "player.namvet_griefteengirl02" "Bill: Dios bendito, que lástima." "[english]player.namvet_griefteengirl02" "Bill: Ah Jesus. What a waste." "player.namvet_griefteengirl03" "Bill: Esos perros podridos han firmado su sentencia de muerte." "[english]player.namvet_griefteengirl03" "Bill: One of those sick sons of bitches just sealed all a' their death warrants." "player.namvet_griefteengirl04" "Bill: Esos perros podridos han firmado su sentencia de muerte." "[english]player.namvet_griefteengirl04" "Bill: One of those sick sons of bitches just sealed all a' their death warrants." "player.namvet_healother01" "Bill: Deja que te cure." "[english]player.namvet_healother01" "Bill: Let me heal you up." "player.namvet_healother02" "Bill: No te muevas, te curaré." "[english]player.namvet_healother02" "Bill: Hold still, I can heal you." "player.namvet_healother03" "Bill: Espera, deja que te apañe." "[english]player.namvet_healother03" "Bill: Hold on, let me patch you up." "npc.namvet_healother04" "Bill: Deja que te cure." "[english]npc.namvet_healother04" "Bill: Lemme heal ya up." "npc.namvet_healother05" "Bill: No te muevas, te curaré." "[english]npc.namvet_healother05" "Bill: Hold up, I'll heal ya." "npc.namvet_healother06" "Bill: Deja de moverte, te curaré." "[english]npc.namvet_healother06" "Bill: Quit moving, I'll heal ya." "npc.namvet_healother07" "Bill: Deja de retorcerte, voy a curarte." "[english]npc.namvet_healother07" "Bill: Stop squirmin', I'm gonna heal ya." "npc.namvet_healother08" "Bill: No te muevas, te curaré." "[english]npc.namvet_healother08" "Bill: Hold still, I'm gonna heal ya." "player.namvet_heardboomer01" "Bill: Oigo a un Boomer ahí." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer01" "Bill: I hear a boomer out there." "player.namvet_heardboomer02" "Bill: Un Boomer anda por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer02" "Bill: There's a Boomer around here." "player.namvet_heardboomer03" "Bill: Cuidado, Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer03" "Bill: Careful, Boomer." "player.namvet_heardboomer04" "Bill: Alerta, Boomer en la zona." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer04" "Bill: Watch it, Boomer in the vicinity." "player.namvet_heardboomer05" "Bill: Se acerca un Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer05" "Bill: Boomer around here." "player.namvet_heardboomer06" "Bill: Hay un Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer06" "Bill: Boomer nearby." "player.namvet_heardboomer07" "Bill: Nos sigue un Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer07" "Bill: There's a Boomer trackin' us." "player.namvet_heardboomer08" "Bill: Alerta, Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer08" "Bill: Boomer close by." "player.namvet_heardboomer09" "Bill: Viene un Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer09" "Bill: Boomer nearby." "player.namvet_heardboomer10" "Bill: Mierda, un Boomer anda cerca." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer10" "Bill: Christ, there's a Boomer around here." "player.namvet_heardboomer11" "Bill: Mierda, hay un Boomer." "[english]player.namvet_heardboomer11" "Bill: Dammit, Boomer nearby." "player.namvet_heardhulk01" "Bill: ¡Viene un Tank!" "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk01" "Bill: Tank inbound!" "player.namvet_heardhulk02" "Bill: Tank por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk02" "Bill: Tank out there" "player.namvet_heardhulk03" "Bill: Cuidado, hay un Tank." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk03" "Bill: Watch it, Tank nearby." "player.namvet_heardhulk04" "Bill: Me cagoen... es un Tank." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk04" "Bill: Son of a bitch, a Tank." "player.namvet_heardhulk05" "Bill: ¡Cuidado, Tank!" "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk05" "Bill: Tank coming!" "player.namvet_heardhulk06" "Bill: Tank en la zona." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk06" "Bill: Tank around here." "player.namvet_heardhulk07" "Bill: Atención, hay un Tank." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk07" "Bill: Look out, Tank around here." "player.namvet_heardhulk08" "Bill: Hay un Tank cerca." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk08" "Bill: There's a Tank closeby." "player.namvet_heardhulk09" "Bill: Alerta. Tank." "[english]player.namvet_heardhulk09" "Bill: Tank. Close." "player.namvet_heardhunter01" "Bill: Un Hunter anda aquí." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter01" "Bill: There's a Hunter around here." "player.namvet_heardhunter02" "Bill: Alerta, cadetes, hay un Hunter cerca." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter02" "Bill: Careful, people, there's a Hunter nearby." "player.namvet_heardhunter03" "Bill: Un Hunter merodea las cercanías." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter03" "Bill: There's a hunter spookin' around out there" "player.namvet_heardhunter04" "Bill: Ronda un Hunter por ahí." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter04" "Bill: There's a Hunter out there" "player.namvet_heardhunter05" "Bill: Cuidado, hay un Hunter aquí." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter05" "Bill: Careful, Hunter around here." "player.namvet_heardhunter06" "Bill: Merodea un Hunter." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter06" "Bill: Hunter out there." "player.namvet_heardhunter08" "Bill: Alerta, hay un Hunter." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter08" "Bill: Watch your back - Hunter." "player.namvet_heardhunter09" "Bill: Hunter, atentos a la retaguardia." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter09" "Bill: Watch your back, there's a Hunter out there." "player.namvet_heardhunter10" "Bill: Me ha parecido ver a un Hunter." "[english]player.namvet_heardhunter10" "Bill: I think I saw a goddamn Hunter." "player.namvet_heardsmoker01" "Bill: Aquí hay un Smoker." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker01" "Bill: Smoker, right around here." "player.namvet_heardsmoker02" "Bill: Se acerca un Smoker." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker02" "Bill: There's a Smoker nearby." "player.namvet_heardsmoker03" "Bill: Un Smoker nos acecha." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker03" "Bill: We got a Smoker around here." "player.namvet_heardsmoker04" "Bill: Atentos, Smoker en la zona." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker04" "Bill: Heads up, Smoker somewhere around here." "player.namvet_heardsmoker05" "Bill: Debe haber un Smoker." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker05" "Bill: Smoker right around here someplace." "player.namvet_heardsmoker06" "Bill: Smoker. Y muy cerca." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker06" "Bill: Smoker. And it's close." "player.namvet_heardsmoker07" "Bill: Hay un Smoker." "[english]player.namvet_heardsmoker07" "Bill: There's a Smoker." "player.namvet_heardwitch01" "Bill: Ese ruido es una Witch." "[english]player.namvet_heardwitch01" "Bill: Hear that, that's a Witch." "player.namvet_heardwitch02" "Bill: Hay una Witch." "[english]player.namvet_heardwitch02" "Bill: Witch around here." "player.namvet_heardwitch03" "Bill: Mierda, ¡Witch!" "[english]player.namvet_heardwitch03" "Bill: Shit, Witch." "player.namvet_heardwitch04" "Bill: Silencio, hay una Witch aquí." "[english]player.namvet_heardwitch04" "Bill: Quiet, there's a Witch around here." "player.namvet_heardwitch05" "Bill: Shhh, es una Witch." "[english]player.namvet_heardwitch05" "Bill: Shhh, Witch near here." "player.namvet_help01" "Bill: ¡Cadetes, venid a ayudarme!" "[english]player.namvet_help01" "Bill: People, I need some help!" "player.namvet_help02" "Bill: Necesitaría una manita." "[english]player.namvet_help02" "Bill: I need some help over here." "player.namvet_help03" "Bill: ¡Socorro!" "[english]player.namvet_help03" "Bill: Help!" "player.namvet_help04" "Bill: Ayuda, por favor." "[english]player.namvet_help04" "Bill: A little help, people." "player.namvet_help05" "Bill: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.namvet_help05" "Bill: Help!" "player.namvet_help06" "Bill: ¡Ayudadme, coño!" "[english]player.namvet_help06" "Bill: Help me, dammit!" "player.namvet_help07" "Bill: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.namvet_help07" "Bill: Help me!" "player.namvet_help08" "Bill: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.namvet_help08" "Bill: Little help!" "player.namvet_help09" "Bill: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.namvet_help09" "Bill: Help me!" "player.namvet_help10" "Bill: ¡Auxilio!" "[english]player.namvet_help10" "Bill: Help!" "player.namvet_help11" "Bill: Me vendría bien una mano." "[english]player.namvet_help11" "Bill: Need some help over here!" "player.namvet_help12" "Bill: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.namvet_help12" "Bill: Help." "player.namvet_help13" "Bill: Ayuda, por favor." "[english]player.namvet_help13" "Bill: A little help please." "player.namvet_help14" "Bill: Necesito ayuda, ya." "[english]player.namvet_help14" "Bill: Need some help over here!" "player.namvet_help15" "Bill: ¡Tengo problemas!" "[english]player.namvet_help15" "Bill: I'm in trouble!" "player.namvet_help16" "Bill: ¡Socorro!" "[english]player.namvet_help16" "Bill: Little help!" "player.namvet_help17" "Bill: ¡Echadme un cable!" "[english]player.namvet_help17" "Bill: I need a hand, people!" "npc.namvet_hordeattack01" "Bill: ¡PREPARAOS!" "[english]npc.namvet_hordeattack01" "Bill: GET READY!" "npc.namvet_hordeattack02" "Bill: ¡Ya vienen!" "[english]npc.namvet_hordeattack02" "Bill: They're coming!" "npc.namvet_hordeattack03" "Bill: ¡Ahí vienen!" "[english]npc.namvet_hordeattack03" "Bill: Here they come!" "player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced01" "Bill: ¡Hunter sobre Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced01" "Bill: Hunter's got Francis!" "player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced02" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter ataca a Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced02" "Bill: Hunter pounced Francis!" "player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced03" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter sobre Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterfrancispounced03" "Bill: A Hunter's on Francis!" "player.namvet_hunterlouispounced01" "Bill: ¡Hunter sobre Louis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterlouispounced01" "Bill: Hunter's got Louis!" "player.namvet_hunterlouispounced02" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter ataca a Louis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterlouispounced02" "Bill: Hunter pounced Louis!" "player.namvet_hunterlouispounced03" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter sobre Louis!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterlouispounced03" "Bill: A Hunter's on Louis!" "player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced01" "Bill: ¡Hunter sobre Zoey!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced01" "Bill: Hunter's got Zoey!" "player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced02" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter ataca a Zoey!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced02" "Bill: Hunter pounced Zoey!" "player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced03" "Bill: ¡Un Hunter sobre Zoey!" "[english]player.namvet_hunterzoeypounced03" "Bill: A Hunter's on Zoey!" "player.namvet_hurrah01" "Bill: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah01" "Bill: All right!" "player.namvet_hurrah02" "Bill: Vamos de puta madre, pero no os durmáis en los laureles." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah02" "Bill: We're doing pretty goddamn good. Don't let it go to your head." "player.namvet_hurrah03" "Bill: ¡BIEN HECHO, CADETES!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah03" "Bill: GREAT JOB, PEOPLE!" "player.namvet_hurrah04" "Bill: Puede que al final incluso logremos salvarnos." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah04" "Bill: We might just make it out of here after all." "player.namvet_hurrah05" "Bill: Esto marcha bien." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah05" "Bill: We're going to be okay." "player.namvet_hurrah06" "Bill: Vamos a conseguirlo." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah06" "Bill: I think we're gonna make it." "player.namvet_hurrah07" "Bill: Nadie nos detendrá." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah07" "Bill: They can't stop us." "player.namvet_hurrah08" "Bill: No pueden pararnos." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah08" "Bill: Nothing can stop us." "player.namvet_hurrah09" "Bill: Somos imparables." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah09" "Bill: We are unstoppable." "player.namvet_hurrah10" "Bill: ¡BIEN!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah10" "Bill: YEAH!" "player.namvet_hurrah11" "Bill: Esto marcha." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah11" "Bill: No sweat." "player.namvet_hurrah12" "Bill: ¡Geeeeenial!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah12" "Bill: Aw riiiight!" "player.namvet_hurrah13" "Bill: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah13" "Bill: YEAH!" "player.namvet_hurrah14" "Bill: ¡Sí SEÑOR!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah14" "Bill: OH YEAH!" "player.namvet_hurrah15" "Bill: Así se hace, leñe." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah15" "Bill: Yeah, this is good." "player.namvet_hurrah16" "Bill: ¡Vamos a salir de este lío!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah16" "Bill: We're gonna make it out of here" "player.namvet_hurrah17" "Bill: Vamos bien." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah17" "Bill: We're doin' good." "player.namvet_hurrah18" "Bill: Esos perros se van a llevar una sorpresa." "[english]player.namvet_hurrah18" "Bill: Those bastards are in for a big surprise." "player.namvet_hurrah19" "Bill: ¡*Eso* es!" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah19" "Bill: Aw riiiight!" "player.namvet_hurrah20" "Bill: Vais mejorando, ¿eh?" "[english]player.namvet_hurrah20" "Bill: You people are gettin' good." "player.namvet_hurryup01" "Bill: ¡Aprisa!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup01" "Bill: Hurry up!" "player.namvet_hurryup02" "Bill: ¡Rápido!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup02" "Bill: Hurry up!" "player.namvet_hurryup03" "Bill: ¡Venga!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup03" "Bill: Hurry!" "player.namvet_hurryup04" "Bill: ¡VAMOS!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup04" "Bill: MOVE!" "player.namvet_hurryup05" "Bill: ¡Daos brío, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup05" "Bill: Get the lead out, people!" "player.namvet_hurryup06" "Bill: ¡Corred!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup06" "Bill: Hurry!" "player.namvet_hurryup07" "Bill: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup07" "Bill: Hustle!" "player.namvet_hurryup08" "Bill: Daos prisa." "[english]player.namvet_hurryup08" "Bill: Hurry it up" "player.namvet_hurryup09" "Bill: ¡Paso ligero, venga!" "[english]player.namvet_hurryup09" "Bill: Faster! Move it, people." //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical01\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical02\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical03\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical04\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical05\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical06\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical07\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical08\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtcritical09\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor01\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor02\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor03\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor04\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor05\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor06\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor07\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor08\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtmajor09\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor01\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor02\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor03\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor04\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor05\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor06\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor07\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor08\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor09\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor10\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" //\"player.namvet_hurtminor11\" \"Bill: [Pain]\" "player.namvet_imwithyou01" "Bill: Te cubro." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou01" "Bill: I got your six." "player.namvet_imwithyou02" "Bill: Cubro la retirada." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou02" "Bill: Right behind you." "player.namvet_imwithyou03" "Bill: Voy contigo." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou03" "Bill: I'm with ya." "player.namvet_imwithyou04" "Bill: Yo te cubro." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou04" "Bill: I got your back." "player.namvet_imwithyou05" "Bill: Te sigo de cerca." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou05" "Bill: I'm right behind you." "player.namvet_imwithyou06" "Bill: Detrás de ti." "[english]player.namvet_imwithyou06" "Bill: Right behind you." "npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial01" "Bill: Ahhhh, ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial01" "Bill: Ahhhh, I'm down!" "npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial02" "Bill: ¡Joder! ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial02" "Bill: Dammit! I'm down!" "npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial03" "Bill: Jo-der... ¡Ayuda!" "[english]npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial03" "Bill: Ah shit, help!" "npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial04" "Bill: ¡Me han dado!" "[english]npc.namvet_incapacitatedinitial04" "Bill: I'm down!" "player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury01" "Bill: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury01" "Bill: [Terrified yell]" "player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury02" "Bill: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury02" "Bill: [Terrified yell]" "player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury03" "Bill: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury03" "Bill: [Terrified yell]" "player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury04" "Bill: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury04" "Bill: [Terrified yell]" "player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury05" "Bill: [Grito de dolor y pánico]" "[english]player.namvet_incapacitatedinjury05" "Bill: [Terrified yell]" "player.namvet_incoming01" "Bill: ¡Ya vienen!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming01" "Bill: Here they come!" "player.namvet_incoming02" "Bill: ¡Que vienen!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming02" "Bill: Here they come!" "player.namvet_incoming03" "Bill: ¡Se acercan!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming03" "Bill: INCOMING!" "player.namvet_incoming04" "Bill: ¡Una manada de chalados!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming04" "Bill: Bookoo crazies inbound!" "player.namvet_incoming05" "Bill: ¡QUE VIENEN!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming05" "Bill: HERE THEY COME!" "player.namvet_incoming06" "Bill: ¡Contacto!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming06" "Bill: Contact!" "player.namvet_incoming07" "Bill: ¡VIENEN!" "[english]player.namvet_incoming07" "Bill: INCOMING!" "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom01" "Bill: Es peor morir de viejo. Vamos a ayudarles." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom01" "Bill: No sense dying of old age. Let's go help 'em." "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom02" "Bill: No puedo dejar ahí a Zoey." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom02" "Bill: I can't leave Zoey out there." "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom03" "Bill: ¿Echarías de menos a Louis?" "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom03" "Bill: How well do you really know Louis?" "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom04" "Bill: Es broma. Vamos a por él." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom04" "Bill: I'm kidding. Let's go get him." "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom05" "Bill: A curarnos y a salir de nuevo." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom05" "Bill: Let's heal up and get back out there." "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom06" "Bill: NO vamos a abandonar a nadie. Volvamos ahí fuera." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom06" "Bill: We will NOT leave a man behind. Let's get back out there." "npc.namvet_insidesaferoom07" "Bill: Aquí no se abandona a nadie." "[english]npc.namvet_insidesaferoom07" "Bill: We do not leave men behind." "player.namvet_introdeadair01" "Bill: El plan era evitar las hordas de abajo yendo por los tejados. En teoría, el aeropuerto estaba a un par de kilómetros. Permitidme que me repita: en teoría." "[english]player.namvet_introdeadair01" "Bill: We planned on taking the rooftop route to avoid the crowds below. It was about a mile to the airport as the crow flies. But I guess the crow we were following was pretty drunk." "player.namvet_introdeadair02" "Bill: El plan era evitar las hordas de abajo yendo por los tejados. En teoría, el aeropuerto estaba a un par de kilómetros. Permitidme que me repita: en teoría." "[english]player.namvet_introdeadair02" "Bill: We planned on taking the rooftop route to avoid the crowds below. It was about a mile to the airport as the crow flies. But I guess the crow we were following was pretty drunk." "player.namvet_introdeadair03" "Bill: El plan era evitar las hordas de abajo yendo por los tejados. En teoría, el aeropuerto estaba a un par de kilómetros. Permitidme que me repita: en teoría." "[english]player.namvet_introdeadair03" "Bill: We planned on taking the rooftop route to avoid the crowds below. It was about a mile to the airport as the crow flies. But I guess the crow we were following was pretty drunk." "player.namvet_introdeadair04" "Bill: El plan era evitar las hordas de abajo yendo por los tejados. En teoría, el aeropuerto estaba a un par de kilómetros. Permitidme que me repita: en teoría." "[english]player.namvet_introdeadair04" "Bill: We planned on taking the rooftop route to avoid the crowds below. It was about a mile to the airport as the crow flies. But I guess the crow we were following was pretty drunk." "player.namvet_introdeadair05" "Bill: El plan era evitar las hordas de abajo yendo por los tejados. En teoría, el aeropuerto estaba a un par de kilómetros. Permitidme que me repita: en teoría." "[english]player.namvet_introdeadair05" "Bill: We planned on taking the rooftop route to avoid the crowds below. It was about a mile to the airport as the crow flies. But I guess the crow we were following was pretty drunk." "player.namvet_intronomercy01" "Bill: Odio los hospitales, y las alcantarillas aún más, pero me encanta que un helicóptero me salve el pellejo. Así que recorrimos las entrañas de la ciudad hasta el hospital y aquel bendito vehículo." "[english]player.namvet_intronomercy01" "Bill: I never liked hospitals much, and I like sewers even less. But I do love a chopper taking me out of a hell hole. So we went through the bowels of the city to get to the hospital and to a chopper sent from heaven." "player.namvet_intronomercy02" "Bill: Odio los hospitales, y las alcantarillas aún más, pero me encanta que un helicóptero me salve el pellejo. Así que recorrimos las entrañas de la ciudad hasta el hospital y aquel bendito vehículo." "[english]player.namvet_intronomercy02" "Bill: I never liked hospitals much, and I like sewers even less. But I do love a chopper taking me out of a hell hole. So we went through the bowels of the city to get to the hospital and to a chopper sent from heaven." "player.namvet_intronomercy03" "Bill: Odio los hospitales, y las alcantarillas aún más, pero me encanta que un helicóptero me salve el pellejo. Así que recorrimos las entrañas de la ciudad hasta el hospital y aquel bendito vehículo." "[english]player.namvet_intronomercy03" "Bill: I never liked hospitals much, and I like sewers even less. But I do love a chopper taking me out of a hell hole. So we went through the bowels of the city to get to the hospital and to a chopper sent from heaven." "player.namvet_introruralboatending01" "Bill: Seguimos la carretera, atravesando un pueblo perdido, y encontramos un campamento y un barco que nos llevó a puerto seguro. Y con puerto seguro, me refiero a cualquier sitio menos aquí. Ahora, hasta Vietnam me parece más seguro." "[english]player.namvet_introruralboatending01" "Bill: We hiked down the road through some hick town and at the end there was a campground and a boat to a better place. And when I say a better place, that is pretty much anywhere other than here. Hell, even Cleveland would be better place." "player.namvet_introruralboatending02" "Bill: Seguimos la carretera, atravesando un pueblo perdido, y encontramos un campamento y un barco que nos llevó a puerto seguro. Y con puerto seguro, me refiero a cualquier sitio menos aquí. Ahora, hasta Vietnam me parece más seguro." "[english]player.namvet_introruralboatending02" "Bill: We hiked down the road through some hick town and at the end there was a campground and a boat to a better place. And when I say a better place, that is pretty much anywhere other than here. Hell, even Cleveland would be better place." "player.namvet_introruralboatending03" "Bill: Seguimos la carretera, atravesando un pueblo perdido, y encontramos un campamento y un barco que nos llevó a puerto seguro. Y con puerto seguro, me refiero a cualquier sitio menos aquí. Ahora, hasta Vietnam me parece más seguro." "[english]player.namvet_introruralboatending03" "Bill: We hiked down the road through some hick town and at the end there was a campground and a boat to a better place. And when I say a better place, that is pretty much anywhere other than here. Hell, even Cleveland would be better place." "player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending01" "Bill: No tuvimos más remedio que seguir la vía hasta una vieja granja. Era una hermosura, un auténtico remanso de paz... por lo menos durante unos quince segundos." "[english]player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending01" "Bill: We had no where else to go, so we followed the tracks to an old farmhouse. The farmhouse was real quaint, pretty, peaceful even. For about 15 seconds." "player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending02" "Bill: No tuvimos más remedio que seguir la vía hasta una vieja granja. Era una hermosura, un auténtico remanso de paz... por lo menos durante unos quince segundos." "[english]player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending02" "Bill: We had no where else to go, so we followed the tracks to an old farmhouse. The farmhouse was real quaint, pretty, peaceful even. For about 15 seconds." "player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending03" "Bill: No tuvimos más remedio que seguir la vía hasta una vieja granja. Era una hermosura, un auténtico remanso de paz... por lo menos durante unos quince segundos." "[english]player.namvet_introruralfamrhouseending03" "Bill: We had no where else to go, so we followed the tracks to an old farmhouse. The farmhouse was real quaint, pretty, peaceful even. For about 15 seconds." "player.namvet_killconfirmation01" "Bill: ¡Toma!" "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation01" "Bill: Got 'em." "player.namvet_killconfirmation02" "Bill: Lo tengo." "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation02" "Bill: Got it." "player.namvet_killconfirmation03" "Bill: Ha muerto." "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation03" "Bill: He's dead." "player.namvet_killconfirmation05" "Bill: ¡Toma!" "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation05" "Bill: Got 'em." "player.namvet_killconfirmation06" "Bill: Muertos." "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation06" "Bill: Got 'em." "player.namvet_killconfirmation07" "Bill: ¡Pumba!" "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation07" "Bill: Got 'em." "player.namvet_killconfirmation08" "Bill: ¡Tocado!" "[english]player.namvet_killconfirmation08" "Bill: Got it." "player.namvet_killthatlight01" "Bill: ¡Sin luces!" "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight01" "Bill: Kill that light!" "player.namvet_killthatlight02" "Bill: No quiero luz." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight02" "Bill: Turn your light off." "player.namvet_killthatlight03" "Bill: ¡Luz fuera!" "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight03" "Bill: Lights off!" "player.namvet_killthatlight04" "Bill: Linternas apagadas." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight04" "Bill: Turn those flashlights off!" "player.namvet_killthatlight05" "Bill: Nada de luz." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight05" "Bill: Turn your light off." "player.namvet_killthatlight06" "Bill: Apaguemos las linternas." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight06" "Bill: Turn those flashlights off!" "player.namvet_killthatlight07" "Bill: Fuera luces." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight07" "Bill: Kill that light." "player.namvet_killthatlight08" "Bill: Fuera linternas." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight08" "Bill: Turn your light off." "player.namvet_killthatlight09" "Bill: ¡Linternas fuera!" "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight09" "Bill: Lights off!" "player.namvet_killthatlight10" "Bill: Nada de luces." "[english]player.namvet_killthatlight10" "Bill: Turn those flashlights off!" "npc.namvet_laughter01" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter01" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter02" "Bill: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter02" "Bill: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter04" "Bill: [Risa de satisfacción]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter04" "Bill: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter05" "Bill: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter05" "Bill: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter06" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter06" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter07" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter07" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter08" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter08" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter09" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter09" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter10" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter10" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter11" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter11" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter12" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter12" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter13" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter13" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "npc.namvet_laughter14" "Bill: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.namvet_laughter14" "Bill: [Short laugh]" "player.namvet_leadon01" "Bill: Ve delante, te sigo." "[english]player.namvet_leadon01" "Bill: You go ahead, I'll follow you." "player.namvet_leadon02" "Bill: Tú delante." "[english]player.namvet_leadon02" "Bill: You take the lead." "player.namvet_leadon03" "Bill: Guíanos." "[english]player.namvet_leadon03" "Bill: Go ahead." "player.namvet_leadon04" "Bill: Adelántate." "[english]player.namvet_leadon04" "Bill: You're on point." "player.namvet_leadon05" "Bill: Te sigo." "[english]player.namvet_leadon05" "Bill: I'll follow you." "player.namvet_leadon06" "Bill: Guía tú." "[english]player.namvet_leadon06" "Bill: Lead on." "player.namvet_leadon07" "Bill: Adelante, te cubro." "[english]player.namvet_leadon07" "Bill: You go ahead, I'll cover you." "player.namvet_leadon08" "Bill: Tú primero." "[english]player.namvet_leadon08" "Bill: Take the point." "player.namvet_ledgehangend01" "Bill: ¡ME RESBALO! ¡SUBIDME!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangend01" "Bill: I'M SLIPPING! PULL ME UP!" "player.namvet_ledgehangend02" "Bill: ¡YA NO AGUANTO MÁS! ¡VENID AQUÍ!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangend02" "Bill: I'M LOSING MY GRIP! GET OVER HERE!" "player.namvet_ledgehangend03" "Bill: ¡NO TENGO FUERZAS, ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangend03" "Bill: I CAN'T HOLD ON - I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.namvet_ledgehangend04" "Bill: ¡AYUDA! ¡Estoy a punto de despeñarme!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangend04" "Bill: HELP ME! I'm about to take a redball into the ground!" "player.namvet_ledgehangend05" "Bill: ¡ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangend05" "Bill: I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle01" "Bill: ¡Por Dios, que alguien me suba!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle01" "Bill: Ah christ, somebody pull me up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle02" "Bill: Necesitaría una manita." "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle02" "Bill: I need some help here." "player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle03" "Bill: ¡Echadme una mano, por Dios!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle03" "Bill: Dammit, I need a hand here!" "player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle04" "Bill: ¡Subidme, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle04" "Bill: Pull me up, people." "player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle05" "Bill: ¡Necesito una mano!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangmiddle05" "Bill: I need a hand up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart01" "Bill: ¡Echadme una mano!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart01" "Bill: I need a hand up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart02" "Bill: ¡Que alguien me ayude!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart02" "Bill: Somembody pull me up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart03" "Bill: ¡Que estoy colgado de una cornisa, coño!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart03" "Bill: Godammit, I'm hangin' off a ledge over here." "player.namvet_ledgehangstart04" "Bill: ¡Por favor, que alguien venga a subirme!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart04" "Bill: Somebody needs to get over here and pull me up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart05" "Bill: ¡Estoy colgado de la cornisa, ayudadme!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart05" "Bill: Hey, people, I'm hangin' off a ledge over here!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart06" "Bill: ¡Que alguien me ayude a subir!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart06" "Bill: Somebody come pull me up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart07" "Bill: ¡Soy demasiado viejo para andar colgado!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart07" "Bill: I'm gettin' too old for this hangin' shit." "player.namvet_ledgehangstart08" "Bill: ¡Que alguien me suba!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart08" "Bill: Somebody come help me up!" "player.namvet_ledgehangstart09" "Bill: Ayudadme a escalar esta cornisa, por favor." "[english]player.namvet_ledgehangstart09" "Bill: Somebody come grab me up off this ledge." "player.namvet_ledgesave01" "Bill: Venga, deja de patalear, ya te tengo. ¡Aaaaaarriba!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgesave01" "Bill: Okay, quit squirming, I gotcha. Come on, up ya go!" "player.namvet_ledgesave02" "Bill: Venga, agárrate. Yo te subo. ¡Aúpa!" "[english]player.namvet_ledgesave02" "Bill: Let's go, take my hand. I'm gonna get you up. Here we go." "player.namvet_ledgesave03" "Bill: ¿Cómo coño has acabado así? En fin, agárrate de mi mano." "[english]player.namvet_ledgesave03" "Bill: How the hell did this happen? Never mind, come on and grab my hand." "player.namvet_look01" "Bill: Ojo ahí." "[english]player.namvet_look01" "Bill: Over there." "player.namvet_look02" "Bill: Por allí." "[english]player.namvet_look02" "Bill: Over there." "player.namvet_look03" "Bill: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.namvet_look03" "Bill: Look" "player.namvet_look04" "Bill: ¡Allí!" "[english]player.namvet_look04" "Bill: Look!" "player.namvet_look05" "Bill: ¡Fijaos!" "[english]player.namvet_look05" "Bill: Look!" "player.namvet_lookhere01" "Bill: Interesante." "[english]player.namvet_lookhere01" "Bill: Check this out." "player.namvet_lookhere02" "Bill: Mira esto." "[english]player.namvet_lookhere02" "Bill: Look at this." "player.namvet_lookhere03" "Bill: Mirad aquí." "[english]player.namvet_lookhere03" "Bill: Look over here." "player.namvet_lookhere04" "Bill: Tenéis que ver esto." "[english]player.namvet_lookhere04" "Bill: You're gonna want to see this." "player.namvet_lookout01" "Bill: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout01" "Bill: Look out!" "player.namvet_lookout02" "Bill: ¡Atención!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout02" "Bill: Watch out!" "player.namvet_lookout03" "Bill: ¡Atento!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout03" "Bill: Watch out!" "player.namvet_lookout04" "Bill: ¡A tu espalda!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout04" "Bill: Watch your ass!" "player.namvet_lookout05" "Bill: ¡Alerta!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout05" "Bill: Heads up!" "player.namvet_lookout06" "Bill: ¡Detrás de ti!" "[english]player.namvet_lookout06" "Bill: Behind you!" "player.namvet_lostcall01" "Bill: ¿Hola?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall01" "Bill: Hello?" "player.namvet_lostcall02" "Bill: ¿Estáis ahí?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall02" "Bill: Where are you?" "player.namvet_lostcall03" "Bill: ¿Es que no hay nadie?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall03" "Bill: Where is everyone?" "player.namvet_lostcall04" "Bill: ¿Alguien me oye?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall04" "Bill: Is anyone there?" "player.namvet_lostcall05" "Bill: ¡Dadme vuestra posición, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall05" "Bill: Report in, people! Report!" "player.namvet_lostcall06" "Bill: Eeeeeo." "[english]player.namvet_lostcall06" "Bill: Hello?" "player.namvet_lostcall07" "Bill: ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall07" "Bill: Where'dja go?" "player.namvet_lostcall08" "Bill: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall08" "Bill: Anybody out there?" "player.namvet_lostcall09" "Bill: ¿Me oye alguien?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall09" "Bill: Is anyone out there?" "player.namvet_lostcall10" "Bill: ¿Dónde están?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall10" "Bill: I lost the group!" "player.namvet_lostcall11" "Bill: ¿Dónde os habéis metido?" "[english]player.namvet_lostcall11" "Bill: Where'd you people go?" "player.namvet_moveon01" "Bill: Perfecto, sigamos." "[english]player.namvet_moveon01" "Bill: All right, let's go." "player.namvet_moveon02" "Bill: Avancemos, ya." "[english]player.namvet_moveon02" "Bill: Let's move people." "player.namvet_moveon03" "Bill: ¡Seguid!" "[english]player.namvet_moveon03" "Bill: Move it out!" "player.namvet_moveon04" "Bill: Vamos." "[english]player.namvet_moveon04" "Bill: Let's go." "player.namvet_moveon05" "Bill: Hay que seguir." "[english]player.namvet_moveon05" "Bill: Lets move, people" "player.namvet_moveon06" "Bill: ¡Hora de moverse!" "[english]player.namvet_moveon06" "Bill: Time to move out!" "player.namvet_moveon07" "Bill: Sigamos adelante." "[english]player.namvet_moveon07" "Bill: Let's move it out, people" "player.namvet_moveon08" "Bill: Genial, vamos." "[english]player.namvet_moveon08" "Bill: All right, let's go." "player.namvet_moveon09" "Bill: Continuemos." "[english]player.namvet_moveon09" "Bill: Come on, let's go." "player.namvet_moveon10" "Bill: Vamos, adelante." "[english]player.namvet_moveon10" "Bill: Come on, let's go." "player.namvet_moveon11" "Bill: ¡Moved el culo!" "[english]player.namvet_moveon11" "Bill: Let's move it out!" "player.namvet_moveon12" "Bill: ¡Vamos, cadetes!" "[english]player.namvet_moveon12" "Bill: Let's go, people!" "player.namvet_namefrancis01" "Bill: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.namvet_namefrancis01" "Bill: Francis!" "player.namvet_namefrancis02" "Bill: ¡Fraaaaaancis!" "[english]player.namvet_namefrancis02" "Bill: Fraaaaancis!" "player.namvet_namefrancis03" "Bill: Francis." "[english]player.namvet_namefrancis03" "Bill: Francis!" "player.namvet_namelouis01" "Bill: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.namvet_namelouis01" "Bill: Louis!" "player.namvet_namelouis02" "Bill: ¡Looooooooooouis!" "[english]player.namvet_namelouis02" "Bill: Looooouis!" "player.namvet_namelouis03" "Bill: Louis." "[english]player.namvet_namelouis03" "Bill: Louis" "player.namvet_namezoey01" "Bill: ¡Zoey!" "[english]player.namvet_namezoey01" "Bill: Zoey!" "player.namvet_namezoey02" "Bill: ¡Zooooooooooey!" "[english]player.namvet_namezoey02" "Bill: Zooooooey!" "player.namvet_namezoey03" "Bill: Zoey." "[english]player.namvet_namezoey03" "Bill: Zoey!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Bill: ¡Francis, mira dónde tiras!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Bill: Francis, check your fire!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Bill: ¡Francis!, ¿qué coño haces?" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Bill: What the hell are you doin', Francis?" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis03" "Bill: ¡Francis!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirefrancis03" "Bill: Francis!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis01" "Bill: ¡Joder, Louis, no me dispares a mí!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis01" "Bill: Goddamnit Louis, stop shooting me!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis02" "Bill: ¡Para ya, Louis!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis02" "Bill: Knock it off, Louis!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis03" "Bill: ¡Louis!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirelouis03" "Bill: Louis!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey01" "Bill: Zoey, ten cuidado." "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey01" "Bill: Ah Zoey, watch it." "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey02" "Bill: ¡Zoey! ¡No seas tonta!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey02" "Bill: Zoey! You know better than that!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey03" "Bill: ¡Zoey! ¡Deja de apuntarme!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey03" "Bill: Zoey! Stop pointing that thing at me!" "npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey04" "Bill: ¡Zoey!" "[english]npc.namvet_namvet_friendlyfirezoey04" "Bill: Zoey!" "player.namvet_nervoushumming01" "" "[english]player.namvet_nervoushumming01" "" "player.namvet_nervouswhislte01" "" "[english]player.namvet_nervouswhislte01" "" "player.namvet_nicejob01" "Bill: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.namvet_nicejob01" "Bill: Nice!" "player.namvet_nicejob02" "Bill: Muy bien." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob02" "Bill: Nice work!" "player.namvet_nicejob03" "Bill: Genial." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob03" "Bill: Nice job." "player.namvet_nicejob04" "Bill: La unidad se enorgullece de ti." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob04" "Bill: You're doing this unit proud, kid." "player.namvet_nicejob05" "Bill: Bien hecho." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob05" "Bill: Nice job." "player.namvet_nicejob06" "Bill: ¡Excelente!" "[english]player.namvet_nicejob06" "Bill: Good work!" "player.namvet_nicejob07" "Bill: ¡Perfecto!" "[english]player.namvet_nicejob07" "Bill: Hey, nice!" "player.namvet_nicejob08" "Bill: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.namvet_nicejob08" "Bill: Nice!" "player.namvet_nicejob09" "Bill: ¡Perfecto!" "[english]player.namvet_nicejob09" "Bill: Nice work!" "player.namvet_nicejob10" "Bill: Así se hace." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob10" "Bill: Nice job." "player.namvet_nicejob11" "Bill: Te mereces una medalla." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob11" "Bill: You're doing this unit proud, kid." "player.namvet_nicejob12" "Bill: Muy bien." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob12" "Bill: Nice job." "player.namvet_nicejob13" "Bill: Felicidades." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob13" "Bill: Good work!" "player.namvet_nicejob14" "Bill: Bien hecho." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob14" "Bill: You did good." "player.namvet_nicejob15" "Bill: Eso es." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob15" "Bill: Nice job." "player.namvet_nicejob16" "Bill: Estoy orgulloso." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob16" "Bill: You make me proud." "player.namvet_nicejob17" "Bill: Ha estado genial." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob17" "Bill: Good. Very Good." "player.namvet_nicejob18" "Bill: Eres la élite del escuadrón." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob18" "Bill: You're a credit to the squad, kid." "player.namvet_nicejob19" "Bill: A eso lo llamo un buen trabajo." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob19" "Bill: That was some piece of work." "player.namvet_nicejob20" "Bill: De puta madre." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob20" "Bill: Pretty damn good." "player.namvet_nicejob21" "Bill: Un trabajo impecable." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob21" "Bill: That was a good piece of work." "player.namvet_nicejob22" "Bill: Eso es eficacia." "[english]player.namvet_nicejob22" "Bill: You did good, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting01" "Bill: Buena puntería." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting01" "Bill: Nice shooting, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting02" "Bill: Qué puntería." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting02" "Bill: Nice shooting." "player.namvet_niceshooting03" "Bill: Buen disparo." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting03" "Bill: Good shooting." "player.namvet_niceshooting04" "Bill: Un tiro excelente." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting04" "Bill: Nice shooting, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting05" "Bill: Así se hace." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting05" "Bill: Nice shooting." "player.namvet_niceshooting06" "Bill: Diana." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting06" "Bill: Good shooting." "player.namvet_niceshooting07" "Bill: Buen tiro, cadete." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting07" "Bill: Good shooting, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting08" "Bill: Vaya masacre has montado, ¿eh?" "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting08" "Bill: That was a real kill spree, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting09" "Bill: La hostia, ¡los has reventado!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting09" "Bill: GodDAMN, you really lit 'em up!" "player.namvet_niceshooting10" "Bill: Eché de menos un tirador así en Vietnam." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting10" "Bill: I coulda used a gun hand like you in Nam." "player.namvet_niceshooting11" "Bill: Tienes instinto de asesino, cadete." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting11" "Bill: You definitely got that killer instinct, kid." "player.namvet_niceshooting12" "Bill: A ESO lo llamo tener buena puntería." "[english]player.namvet_niceshooting12" "Bill: Now THAT was some damn fine shooting" "player.namvet_niceshot01" "Bill: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot01" "Bill: Nice shot!" "player.namvet_niceshot02" "Bill: Joder, cadete, así se dispara." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot02" "Bill: Damn, kid, that was a good shot." "player.namvet_niceshot03" "Bill: JODER, ¡le has dado de lleno!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot03" "Bill: GodDAMN that was a nice shot." "player.namvet_niceshot04" "Bill: ¡De lleno!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot04" "Bill: Nice shot!" "player.namvet_niceshot05" "Bill: Eres todo un francotirador." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot05" "Bill: Damn, kid, that was a good shot." "player.namvet_niceshot06" "Bill: Eres un mago del gatillo." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot06" "Bill: GodDAMN that was a nice shot." "player.namvet_niceshot07" "Bill: Lo has cazado." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot07" "Bill: Good shot, kid." "player.namvet_niceshot08" "Bill: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot08" "Bill: Good shot!" "player.namvet_niceshot09" "Bill: ¡Así se dispara, joder!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot09" "Bill: Damn, now that was a shot!" "player.namvet_niceshot10" "Bill: Vaya, buen tiro." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot10" "Bill: Whoo - nice shot." "player.namvet_niceshot11" "Bill: Tú si que sabes cómo usar la pistola." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot11" "Bill: Now THAT is how you handle a weapon." "npc.namvet_niceshot12" "Bill: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]npc.namvet_niceshot12" "Bill: Nice shot!" "player.namvet_niceshot13" "Bill: Buen trabajo." "[english]player.namvet_niceshot13" "Bill: Nice shooting" "player.namvet_niceshot14" "Bill: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.namvet_niceshot14" "Bill: Nice" "player.namvet_no01" "Bill: No me da la gana." "[english]player.namvet_no01" "Bill: Ain't gonna happen." "player.namvet_no02" "Bill: Imposible." "[english]player.namvet_no02" "Bill: No can do." "player.namvet_no03" "Bill: No, señor." "[english]player.namvet_no03" "Bill: Negatory." "player.namvet_no04" "Bill: Nones." "[english]player.namvet_no04" "Bill: No way." "player.namvet_no05" "Bill: Nah." "[english]player.namvet_no05" "Bill: Nah." "player.namvet_no06" "Bill: Negativo." "[english]player.namvet_no06" "Bill: Negative." "player.namvet_no07" "Bill: Ni de coña." "[english]player.namvet_no07" "Bill: Not a chance." "player.namvet_no08" "Bill: No." "[english]player.namvet_no08" "Bill: No." "player.namvet_no09" "Bill: No." "[english]player.namvet_no09" "Bill: No." "player.namvet_no10" "Bill: No." "[english]player.namvet_no10" "Bill: No." "player.namvet_no11" "Bill: No podrá ser." "[english]player.namvet_no11" "Bill: No possible way." "player.namvet_no12" "Bill: Eh... no." "[english]player.namvet_no12" "Bill: Uh, no." "player.namvet_no13" "Bill: Qué va." "[english]player.namvet_no13" "Bill: No way." "player.namvet_no14" "Bill: Creo que no." "[english]player.namvet_no14" "Bill: I don't think so." "player.namvet_no15" "Bill: Para nada." "[english]player.namvet_no15" "Bill: Absolutely not." "player.namvet_painreliefsigh01" "Bill: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.namvet_painreliefsigh01" "Bill: Ahhh." "player.namvet_painreliefsigh02" "Bill: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.namvet_painreliefsigh02" "Bill: Ah." "player.namvet_painreliefsigh03" "Bill: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.namvet_painreliefsigh03" "Bill: Ah." "player.namvet_painreliefsigh04" "Bill: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.namvet_painreliefsigh04" "Bill: Ohh." "player.namvet_player.gamespeech01" "Bill: Voy a traer la paz a este mundo aunque tenga que cargarme a todos esos cabrones con mis propias manos." "[english]player.namvet_player.gamespeech01" "Bill: I'll see peace back on earth if I gotta murder every one of these animals with my own bare hands." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth01" "Bill: Deberías curarte." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth01" "Bill: You should heal up." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth02" "Bill: Es hora de unas curas." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth02" "Bill: Good time to heal up." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth03" "Bill: A curarse." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealth03" "Bill: Let's heal up." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis01" "Bill: Francis, usa el botiquín." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis01" "Bill: Francis, use your first aid kit." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis02" "Bill: Francis, deberías curarte." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis02" "Bill: Francis, you should heal up." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis03" "Bill: Cúrate, Francis." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis03" "Bill: Heal up, Francis." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis04" "Bill: Francis, cúrate." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthfrancis04" "Bill: Francis, heal up." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Bill: Louis, usa el botiquín." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Bill: Louis, use your first aid kit." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthlouis02" "Bill: Cúrate, Louis." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthlouis02" "Bill: Heal up, Louis." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific01" "Bill: Francis, ¿no vas a usar ese botiquín?" "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific01" "Bill: Francis, buddy, you gonna use that health kit?" "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific02" "Bill: Zoey, ¿me pasas un botiquín?" "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific02" "Bill: Zoey, can you spare me a health kit?" "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific03" "Bill: Louis, ¿te importa darle tu botiquín al viejo?" "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthspecific03" "Bill: Louis, mind givin' an old man your health kit?" "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Bill: Zoey, deberías curarte." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey01" "Bill: Zoey, maybe you should heal." "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Bill: Zoey, ¿qué tal si te curas?" "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey02" "Bill: Zoey, maybe heal up?" "npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Bill: Te conviene curarte, Zoey." "[english]npc.namvet_playersuggesthealthzoey03" "Bill: Might want to heal up, Zoey." "npc.namvet_playertransitionclose01" "Bill: Me cago en la puta, estuvo cerca." "[english]npc.namvet_playertransitionclose01" "Bill: Jesus H Christ that was close." "npc.namvet_playertransitionclose02" "Bill: Me estoy cansando." "[english]npc.namvet_playertransitionclose02" "Bill: This shit's gettin' old." "npc.namvet_playertransitionclose03" "Bill: Ya he tenido bastante." "[english]npc.namvet_playertransitionclose03" "Bill: I've had about enough of this." "npc.namvet_playertransitionclose04" "Bill: Ha estado más cerca de lo que esperaba." "[english]npc.namvet_playertransitionclose04" "Bill: That was a little closer than I'da liked." "player.namvet_positivenoise01" "" "[english]player.namvet_positivenoise01" "" "player.namvet_positivenoise02" "" "[english]player.namvet_positivenoise02" "" "player.namvet_positivenoise03" "" "[english]player.namvet_positivenoise03" "" "player.namvet_radiousedboat01" "Bill: Ya viene un barco, sólo hay que resistir." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedboat01" "Bill: Rescue boat's on its way. Now we gotta hold out." "player.namvet_radiousedchopper01" "Bill: He llamado al helicóptero." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedchopper01" "Bill: I called the chopper." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric01" "Bill: Oíd, ya viene la ayuda. Aguantemos." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric01" "Bill: All right, people, help is on the way. Let's dig in." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric02" "Bill: La ayuda está en camino, cadetes. Pronto estaremos a salvo." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric02" "Bill: Okay, people, listen up: Help is on its way. We're almost out of this." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric03" "Bill: Parece que por fin podremos escapar." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric03" "Bill: Okay, people, this is it. It's almost over." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric04" "Bill: Bien, cadetes, viene un equipo de rescate. Preparaos." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric04" "Bill: All right, people, an extraction team is on its way. Let's dig in." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric05" "Bill: Ya vienen a rescatarnos; hay que aguantar hasta que lleguen." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric05" "Bill: Listen up: rescue's on the way. We gotta hold out til they get here." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric06" "Bill: Atención: vienen a ayudarnos. Hay que aguantar hasta que lleguen." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric06" "Bill: Listen up: Help is on the way. We gotta hold out til it gets here." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric07" "Bill: Escuchad: la buena noticia es que vienen a ayudarnos. La mala es que hay que sobrevivir hasta que lleguen." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric07" "Bill: Allright, people, the good news is help is on the way. The bad news is we gotta stay alive until they get here." "player.namvet_radiousedgeneric08" "Bill: Bien, viene un equipo de rescate. Sólo hay que aguantar hasta que lleguen." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedgeneric08" "Bill: Okay, there's an extraction team inbound. We just gotta dig in until they get here." "player.namvet_radiousedplane01" "Bill: Mandan ayuda aérea; sólo hay que esperar." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedplane01" "Bill: All right, people, there's an aircraft on its way. Let's dig in." "player.namvet_radiousedtruck01" "Bill: Un camión viene a rescatarnos, pero para subir a él hay que sobrevivir." "[english]player.namvet_radiousedtruck01" "Bill: Listen up, there's a truck coming for us, so let's make sure we're alive to meet it." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive01" "Bill: Tengo un mal presentimiento..." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive01" "Bill: I have a bad feeling about this." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive02" "Bill: No os confiéis." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive02" "Bill: It's too quiet." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive03" "Bill: Me huele a chamusquina." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive03" "Bill: Something don't feel right." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive04" "Bill: Esto no me gusta un pelo." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive04" "Bill: I do not like this one bit." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive05" "Bill: No me gusta..." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive05" "Bill: I don't know..." "player.namvet_reactionapprehensive06" "Bill: Suena a emboscada..." "[english]player.namvet_reactionapprehensive06" "Bill: Feels like an ambush..." "player.namvet_reactionboomervomit01" "Bill: ¡Agh! ¡Pedazo de cabrón!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionboomervomit01" "Bill: Ah! God dammit! Son of a bitch!" "player.namvet_reactionboomervomit02" "Bill: Vaya mierda." "[english]player.namvet_reactionboomervomit02" "Bill: Ehhhh...oh shit." "player.namvet_reactionboomervomit03" "Bill: Qué asco." "[english]player.namvet_reactionboomervomit03" "Bill: Ah! Gee-zus!" "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted01" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted01" "Bill: Ewwww..." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted02" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted02" "Bill: Blecch.." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted03" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted03" "Bill: Ehhhh" "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted04" "Bill: Mierda." "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted04" "Bill: Oh shit." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted05" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted05" "Bill: Yech." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted06" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted06" "Bill: Echh." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted07" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted07" "Bill: Echh." "player.namvet_reactiondisgusted08" "Bill: [Reacción de asco]" "[english]player.namvet_reactiondisgusted08" "Bill: Yecch." "player.namvet_reactionnegative01" "Bill: Oh-oh." "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative01" "Bill: Uh oh." "player.namvet_reactionnegative02" "Bill: Joder." "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative02" "Bill: Christ." "player.namvet_reactionnegative03" "Bill: ¡Hostia!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative03" "Bill: Gee-zus." "player.namvet_reactionnegative04" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative04" "" "player.namvet_reactionnegative05" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative05" "" "player.namvet_reactionnegative06" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative06" "" "player.namvet_reactionnegative07" "Bill: Me cago en..." "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative07" "Bill: God dammit!" "player.namvet_reactionnegative08" "Bill: ¡Mi-erda!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative08" "Bill: Ah shit!" "player.namvet_reactionnegative09" "Bill: ¡Hijo de puta!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative09" "Bill: Son of a bitch!" "player.namvet_reactionnegative10" "Bill: ¡Joder!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative10" "Bill: Dammit!" "player.namvet_reactionnegative11" "Bill: Baaah." "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative11" "Bill: Ehhhh" "player.namvet_reactionnegative12" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionnegative12" "" "player.namvet_reactionpositive01" "Bill: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive01" "Bill: All right!" "player.namvet_reactionpositive02" "Bill: [Risa de aprobación]" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive02" "Bill: Heh hehhh." "player.namvet_reactionpositive03" "Bill: Puta madre." "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive03" "Bill: Rock and roll!" "player.namvet_reactionpositive04" "Bill: Tre-mendo." "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive04" "Bill: Trah-mendous!" "player.namvet_reactionpositive05" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive05" "" "player.namvet_reactionpositive06" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive06" "" "player.namvet_reactionpositive07" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive07" "" "player.namvet_reactionpositive08" "" "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive08" "" "player.namvet_reactionpositive09" "Bill: De puta madre." "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive09" "Bill: Well oh-kay!" "player.namvet_reactionpositive10" "Bill: Alucinante." "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive10" "Bill: Outstanding!" "player.namvet_reactionpositive11" "Bill: *Oh*, sí." "[english]player.namvet_reactionpositive11" "Bill: Oh yeah!" "player.namvet_reactionstartled01" "Bill: [Reacción a un susto]" "[english]player.namvet_reactionstartled01" "Bill: Whoah!" "player.namvet_reactionstartled02" "Bill: Pero qué..." "[english]player.namvet_reactionstartled02" "Bill: What the?" "player.namvet_reactionstartled03" "Bill: [Reacción a un susto]" "[english]player.namvet_reactionstartled03" "Bill: Wah!" "player.namvet_reloading01" "Bill: ¡Recarga!" "[english]player.namvet_reloading01" "Bill: Reloading!" "player.namvet_reloading02" "Bill: ¡A recargar!" "[english]player.namvet_reloading02" "Bill: Reloading!" "player.namvet_reloading03" "Bill: ¡Recarga!" "[english]player.namvet_reloading03" "Bill: Reloading!" "npc.namvet_reloadingquiet01" "Bill: ¡Recarga!" "[english]npc.namvet_reloadingquiet01" "Bill: Reloading." "npc.namvet_reloadingquiet02" "Bill: ¡A recargar!" "[english]npc.namvet_reloadingquiet02" "Bill: Reloading." "npc.namvet_reloadingquiet03" "Bill: ¡Recarga!" "[english]npc.namvet_reloadingquiet03" "Bill: Reloading." "npc.namvet_reloadingquiet04" "Bill: ¡Recarga!" "[english]npc.namvet_reloadingquiet04" "Bill: Reloading." "npc.namvet_reloadingquiet05" "Bill: ¡Recargando!" "[english]npc.namvet_reloadingquiet05" "Bill: Reloading." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend01" "Bill: Puedo remendarte, pero te seré sincero: estás fatal. Si no te curamos, te reunirás con Dios muy pronto." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend01" "Bill: I can help you up, but I'm not gonna lie to ya - you're in bad shape. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend02" "Bill: Me cago en... estás en las últimas. O te buscamos un botiquín, o vas al hoyo." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend02" "Bill: Holy hell, you are messed up. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend03" "Bill: Te han abierto un buen boquete. Hay que curar la herida o acabará contigo." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend03" "Bill: That really tore the hell outta you. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend04" "Bill: Hostia puta, te han pegado un buen bocado. Si no te curamos pronto, el próximo golpe será definitivo." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend04" "Bill: Holy shit, they took a big piece outta you, kid. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend05" "Bill: Puedo hacerte un apaño para que sigas en pie, pero sólo temporal. Si no te curamos, te queda un telediario." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend05" "Bill: I can help you back on your feet, but it's temporary. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend06" "Bill: Te han dejado como un guiñapo. Si no te buscamos un botiquín, a la próxima criarás malvas." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend06" "Bill: You're in real bad shape, kid. If we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend07" "Bill: Yo también me habría cagado encima, no pasa nada. Pero si no te curamos pronto, no podrás contarlo." "[english]player.namvet_revivecriticalfriend07" "Bill: No shame, kid. I woulda pissed myself, too. But if we don't find you some first aid, you're not gonna survive another hit." "player.namvet_revivefriend01" "Bill: No te preocupes, te levantaré y pondremos pies en polvorosa." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend01" "Bill: Hold still, hold still. I'm gonna get you back on your feet and then we gotta move." "player.namvet_revivefriend02" "Bill: Venga, cadete, recupera la compostura. Tenemos que irnos." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend02" "Bill: Okay. All right, now. Come on kid, shake it off and let's get moving." "player.namvet_revivefriend03" "Bill: Esa herida parece más grave de lo que es. Arriba, ahuequemos el ala." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend03" "Bill: Ah hell, it looks a lot worse than it is. C'mon - you gotta get up and walk it off." "player.namvet_revivefriend04" "Bill: Seguro que pica un montón, pero no es letal. ¡Arriba y a por ellos, soldado!" "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend04" "Bill: Probably stings like hell, but it ain't gonna kill ya. Up and at 'em, soldier! Time to move." "player.namvet_revivefriend05" "Bill: La sangre es muy escandalosa, pero tienes todo en su sitio. Arriba, en marcha." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend05" "Bill: There's a lot of blood, but you're not missin' anything important. Come on, get up, let's get moving!" "player.namvet_revivefriend06" "Bill: Todo va bien, te ayudaré y pondremos tierra de por medio." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend06" "Bill: Hold still, hold still. I'm gonna get you back on your feet and then we gotta move." "player.namvet_revivefriend07" "Bill: Venga, ya pasó. Coge algo de aliento y sigamos nuestro camino." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend07" "Bill: Okay. All right, now. Come on kid, shake it off, let's get moving." "player.namvet_revivefriend08" "Bill: Cálmate, te parchearé para que puedas ponerte en pie." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend08" "Bill: Take it easy, kid. I'm gonna get you back on your feet and fighting." "player.namvet_revivefriend09" "Bill: Jo-der, cadete, te han machacado. Venga, arriba, sigamos." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend09" "Bill: Hell, kid, they just winged ya. Come on, back on your feet and let's get moving." "player.namvet_revivefriend10" "Bill: Hale-hop, arriba, soldado. No te librarás de esta guerra tan fácilmente." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend10" "Bill: Here we go - back on your feet, soldier. You're not gettin' out of this fight that easy." "player.namvet_revivefriend11" "Bill: No te muevas, echaré un ojo. Bah, no es para tanto, estarás bien." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend11" "Bill: Lie still, lemme look. Ah hell, I've seen worse. You'll be all right in a second." "player.namvet_revivefriend12" "Bill: No te despidas aún. ¡Arriba! Los podridos no se matan solos." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend12" "Bill: You're not through yet, kid. Get up and let's go. These shitheads ain't gonna kill themselves." "player.namvet_revivefriend13" "Bill: Zoey, Zoey, no te preocupes." "[english]player.namvet_revivefriend13" "Bill: Zoey, Zoey, don't worry - I won't leave you." "npc.namvet_revivefriend14" "Bill: No te dejaré. Oh, no te quejes." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend14" "Bill: Ahh quit snivelling. I've seen worse." "npc.namvet_revivefriend15" "Bill: Deja que te levante." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend15" "Bill: Lemme get you up. Lemme get you up." "npc.namvet_revivefriend16" "Bill: Relájate, Zoey, todo irá bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend16" "Bill: Relax, Zoey, you're gonna be fine." "npc.namvet_revivefriend17" "Bill: Vaya, Francis, cómo tú por aquí. Levántate." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend17" "Bill: Hey, Francis. Funny meeting you here. Get up." "npc.namvet_revivefriend18" "Bill: Levántate, Louis. Hay que tener más cuidado, joder." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend18" "Bill: Get up, Louis. Hell, you gotta be more careful, son." "npc.namvet_revivefriend19" "Bill: Aún no te ha llegado la hora, Francis. Arriba." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend19" "Bill: The man ain't comin' for you yet, Francis. Get up." "npc.namvet_revivefriend20" "Bill: Chico, parece que te hubiera arrollado un tren." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend20" "Bill: Son, you look rode hard and put away wet." "npc.namvet_revivefriend21" "Bill: Aah, morirse no es para tanto. Sucede a menudo." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend21" "Bill: Ahhhh, dyin' ain't so scary. Happens all the time." "npc.namvet_revivefriend22" "Bill: Aguanta un poco. Lo has hecho *muy* bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend22" "Bill: Stay with me, now. You did real good back there." "npc.namvet_revivefriend23" "Bill: Sobreviviremos. Sólo los buenos y los muy malos mueren jóvenes, y nosotros andamos entre medias." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend23" "Bill: We'll live through this. Only the good and the really bad die young-and I figure we're somewhere in the middle." "npc.namvet_revivefriend24" "Bill: Ser valiente no es no tener miedo. Es tener un miedo de cojones y aun así empuñar la escopeta." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriend24" "Bill: Bein' brave doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you're scared as hell, and then you pick up the shotgun anyway." "npc.namvet_revivefrienda01" "Bill: ¿Estás bien?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda01" "Bill: You okay?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda02" "Bill: ¿Cómo estás?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda02" "Bill: How ya feelin'?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda03" "Bill: ¿Vivirás?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda03" "Bill: Can you make it?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda04" "Bill: ¿Vas a vivir?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda04" "Bill: You gonna make it?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda05" "Bill: ¿Estás muy mal?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda05" "Bill: How bad are you?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda06" "Bill: Tienes mal aspecto." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda06" "Bill: You look bad." "npc.namvet_revivefrienda07" "Bill: ¿Cómo te va?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda07" "Bill: How ya doin'?" "npc.namvet_revivefrienda08" "Bill: ¿Puedes andar?" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefrienda08" "Bill: Can you walk?" "npc.namvet_revivefriendb01" "Bill: A por ellos." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb01" "Bill: Up and at 'em." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb02" "Bill: Vamos, ¡arriba!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb02" "Bill: Come on up!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendb03" "Bill: Arriba, cadete." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb03" "Bill: Up ya go, son." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb04" "Bill: Todo irá bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb04" "Bill: You'll be okay." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb05" "Bill: Te tengo." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb05" "Bill: I got ya." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb06" "Bill: ¡Alehop!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb06" "Bill: Up we go." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb07" "Bill: Bah, estás bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb07" "Bill: Hell, you're fine." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb08" "Bill: No tiene mala pinta." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb08" "Bill: It don't look bad." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb09" "Bill: Levántate." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb09" "Bill: Come on up." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb10" "Bill: ¡Muévete!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb10" "Bill: Let's move!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendb11" "Bill: Estás bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb11" "Bill: You're fine." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb12" "Bill: En marcha otra vez, Louis." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb12" "Bill: Back on yer feet, Louis." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb13" "Bill: Parece que aún te funciona esa bocaza." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb13" "Bill: Looks like yer big mouth still works." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb14" "Bill: Todo bien, Zoey." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb14" "Bill: You're okay, Zoey." "npc.namvet_revivefriendb15" "Bill: Todo irá bien." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendb15" "Bill: You'll be fine." "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud01" "Bill: Te tengo. Vas a vivir." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud01" "Bill: I gotcha. You're gonna make it!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud02" "Bill: ¡Arriba, venga! ¡No hay tiempo para eso!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud02" "Bill: Get up, get up! We ain't got time for this!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud03" "Bill: ¡Levántate, levántate!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud03" "Bill: Get up, get up!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud04" "Bill: Vamos, ¡arriba!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud04" "Bill: Come on, get up!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud05" "Bill: Espera, ya te tengo." "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud05" "Bill: Hang on, I gotcha!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud06" "Bill: ¡Vamos! ¡Hay que seguir!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud06" "Bill: Come on! You gotta get up!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud07" "Bill: Aún no es tu hora. ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud07" "Bill: You're not done yet. Come on!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud08" "Bill: ¡Vamos! ¡Arriba! ¡En marcha!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud08" "Bill: Let's go! Get up! Let's go!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud09" "Bill: ¡Vamos! ¡Esto no ha terminado!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud09" "Bill: Come on! This fight ain't over!" "npc.namvet_revivefriendloud10" "Bill: ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_revivefriendloud10" "Bill: Come on!" "player.namvet_safespotahead01" "Bill: Hay un refugio allí." "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead01" "Bill: There's a safe spot up ahead." "player.namvet_safespotahead02" "Bill: Ese lugar parece seguro." "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead02" "Bill: There's a safe spot just ahead." "player.namvet_safespotahead03" "Bill: Delante hay un refugio." "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead03" "Bill: Safe spot dead ahead." "player.namvet_safespotahead04" "Bill: Hay un refugio cerca." "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead04" "Bill: We're near a safe spot." "player.namvet_safespotahead05" "Bill: Allí nos refugiaremos." "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead05" "Bill: There's a safe place up aheaad." "player.namvet_safespotahead06" "Bill: ¡Refugio allí!" "[english]player.namvet_safespotahead06" "Bill: Safe place ahead." "npc.namvet_safespotahead07" "Bill: ¡Refugio delante!" "[english]npc.namvet_safespotahead07" "Bill: Safe house ahead!" "npc.namvet_safespotahead08" "Bill: ¡Refugio!" "[english]npc.namvet_safespotahead08" "Bill: Safe house!" "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction01" "Bill: ¡Por fin!" "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction01" "Bill: Finally!" "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction02" "Bill: Gracias a Dios." "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction02" "Bill: Thank God." "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction03" "Bill: ¡Ya era hora!" "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction03" "Bill: 'Bout time!" "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction04" "Bill: ¡Aleluya!" "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction04" "Bill: Hallelujah!" "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction05" "Bill: Ya era hora, coño." "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction05" "Bill: Well it's about damn time." "npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction06" "Bill: Necesito un puto descanso." "[english]npc.namvet_safespotaheadreaction06" "Bill: I could use a damn break." "player.namvet_sawsomething01" "Bill: Por allí hay algo." "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething01" "Bill: There's something over there." "player.namvet_sawsomething02" "Bill: Creo haber visto algo." "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething02" "Bill: There's something over there." "player.namvet_sawsomething03" "Bill: Algo se mueve ahí." "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething03" "Bill: There's something over there." "player.namvet_sawsomething04" "Bill: ¿Qué es eso?" "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething04" "Bill: I saw something." "player.namvet_sawsomething05" "Bill: Hay algo ahí." "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething05" "Bill: I saw something." "player.namvet_sawsomething06" "Bill: He visto algo." "[english]player.namvet_sawsomething06" "Bill: I saw something." "player.namvet_scenariojoin01" "Bill: Ya estoy." "[english]player.namvet_scenariojoin01" "Bill: I'm here." "player.namvet_scenariojoin02" "Bill: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.namvet_scenariojoin02" "Bill: Hello!" "player.namvet_scenariojoin03" "Bill: Eh, aquí estoy." "[english]player.namvet_scenariojoin03" "Bill: Hey, I'm here." "player.namvet_scenariojoinlast01" "Bill: Todos listos." "[english]player.namvet_scenariojoinlast01" "Bill: We're all here." "player.namvet_screamwhilepounced01" "Bill: ¡QUÍTAMELO!" "[english]player.namvet_screamwhilepounced01" "Bill: GET IT OFF!" "player.namvet_screamwhilepounced02" "Bill: ¡QUÍTAMELO, QUÍTAMELO!" "[english]player.namvet_screamwhilepounced02" "Bill: GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" "player.namvet_screamwhilepounced03" "Bill: ¡QUÍTAMELO!" "[english]player.namvet_screamwhilepounced03" "Bill: GET IT OFF!" "player.namvet_shoved01" "Bill: [Dolor por un golpe]" "[english]player.namvet_shoved01" "Bill: Oof!" "player.namvet_shoved02" "Bill: [Dolor por un golpe]" "[english]player.namvet_shoved02" "Bill: Oof!" "player.namvet_shoved03" "Bill: [Dolor por un golpe]" "[english]player.namvet_shoved03" "Bill: Oof!" "player.namvet_shoved04" "Bill: [Dolor por un golpe]" "[english]player.namvet_shoved04" "Bill: Oof!" "player.namvet_shoved05" "Bill: [Dolor por un golpe]" "[english]player.namvet_shoved05" "Bill: Oof!" "player.namvet_sorry01" "Bill: Perdona." "[english]player.namvet_sorry01" "Bill: Sorry." "player.namvet_sorry02" "Bill: Mil perdones." "[english]player.namvet_sorry02" "Bill: I am sorry." "player.namvet_sorry03" "Bill: Lo siento mucho." "[english]player.namvet_sorry03" "Bill: Sorry about that." "player.namvet_sorry04" "Bill: ¡Culpa mía!" "[english]player.namvet_sorry04" "Bill: My fault!" "player.namvet_sorry05" "Bill: Ha sido un error." "[english]player.namvet_sorry05" "Bill: I shouldn't have done that." "player.namvet_sorry06" "Bill: Mierda, ha sido culpa mía." "[english]player.namvet_sorry06" "Bill: Ah horseshit, that was my fault." "player.namvet_sorry07" "Bill: Discúlpame." "[english]player.namvet_sorry07" "Bill: Sorry about that." "player.namvet_sorry08" "Bill: ¡Perdón!" "[english]player.namvet_sorry08" "Bill: My fault!" "player.namvet_sorry09" "Bill: No volverá a pasar." "[english]player.namvet_sorry09" "Bill: Won't happen again." "player.namvet_sorry10" "Bill: Lamento mi error." "[english]player.namvet_sorry10" "Bill: I regret that mistake." "player.namvet_sorry11" "Bill: Joder, estoy demasiado viejo." "[english]player.namvet_sorry11" "Bill: Ah, hell, I'm gettin too old for this shit." "player.namvet_sorry12" "Bill: Debería tener más cuidado." "[english]player.namvet_sorry12" "Bill: That was careless of me." "npc.namvet_spot01" "Bill: ¡Munición!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot01" "Bill: Ammo here!" "npc.namvet_spot02" "Bill: ¡Botiquín aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot02" "Bill: First aid kit here!" "npc.namvet_spot03" "Bill: ¡Botiquín!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot03" "Bill: First aid here!" "npc.namvet_spot04" "Bill: ¡Granadas aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot04" "Bill: Grenades here!" "npc.namvet_spot05" "Bill: ¡Armas aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot05" "Bill: Weapons here!" "npc.namvet_spot06" "Bill: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]npc.namvet_spot06" "Bill: Pills here!" "player.namvet_spotammo01" "Bill: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.namvet_spotammo01" "Bill: Ammo here!" "player.namvet_spotfirstaid01" "Bill: ¡Hay un botiquín!" "[english]player.namvet_spotfirstaid01" "Bill: First Aid Kit here!" "player.namvet_spotfirstaid02" "Bill: ¡Botiquín!" "[english]player.namvet_spotfirstaid02" "Bill: First Aid here!" "npc.namvet_spotfirstaid03" "Bill: ¡Botiquín!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotfirstaid03" "Bill: First aid kit!" "npc.namvet_spotfirstaid04" "Bill: ¡Botiquín por aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotfirstaid04" "Bill: First aid kit over here!" "npc.namvet_spotfirstaid05" "Bill: ¡Botiquín aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotfirstaid05" "Bill: Health pack here!" "player.namvet_spotgrenades01" "Bill: ¡Hay granadas!" "[english]player.namvet_spotgrenades01" "Bill: Grenades here!" "npc.namvet_spotgrenades02" "Bill: ¡Molotov por aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotgrenades02" "Bill: Molotov over here!" "npc.namvet_spotgrenades03" "Bill: ¡Molotov!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotgrenades03" "Bill: Molotov!" "npc.namvet_spotgrenades04" "Bill: ¡Bomba casera!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotgrenades04" "Bill: Pipebomb over here!" "npc.namvet_spotgrenades05" "Bill: ¡Bomba!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotgrenades05" "Bill: Pipebomb!" "player.namvet_spotpills01" "Bill: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]player.namvet_spotpills01" "Bill: Pills here!" "player.namvet_spotweapons01" "Bill: ¡Hay armas!" "[english]player.namvet_spotweapons01" "Bill: Weapons here!" "npc.namvet_spotweapons02" "Bill: ¡Armas aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotweapons02" "Bill: Weapon over here!" "npc.namvet_spotweapons03" "Bill: ¡Aquí hay un arma!" "[english]npc.namvet_spotweapons03" "Bill: Got a Weapon here!" "player.namvet_staytogether01" "Bill: ¡Haced piña!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogether01" "Bill: Stay close!" "player.namvet_staytogether02" "Bill: Es mejor seguir juntos." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether02" "Bill: Come on - we got to stay together." "player.namvet_staytogether03" "Bill: No os disperséis." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether03" "Bill: Keep together, people." "player.namvet_staytogether04" "Bill: Todos juntos." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether04" "Bill: Stay together." "player.namvet_staytogether05" "Bill: ¡Formad!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogether05" "Bill: Form up!" "player.namvet_staytogether06" "Bill: No os perdáis, cadetes." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether06" "Bill: Nobody go AWOL." "player.namvet_staytogether07" "Bill: ¡Más cerca!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogether07" "Bill: Stay close." "player.namvet_staytogether08" "Bill: No os separéis." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether08" "Bill: Don't get split up." "player.namvet_staytogether09" "Bill: Reuníos." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether09" "Bill: Stay together." "player.namvet_staytogether10" "Bill: La unión hace la fuerza." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether10" "Bill: Stick together, people." "player.namvet_staytogether11" "Bill: Permanezcamos juntos." "[english]player.namvet_staytogether11" "Bill: We've got to stay together." "player.namvet_staytogetherinside01" "Bill: ¡Pero venid aquí, hostia!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogetherinside01" "Bill: For chrissake people, get in here!" "player.namvet_staytogetherinside02" "Bill: Al refugio, cadetes." "[english]player.namvet_staytogetherinside02" "Bill: Into the safe room, people!" "player.namvet_staytogetherinside03" "Bill: Al refugio, ¡paso ligero!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogetherinside03" "Bill: Double time it into the safe room, people!" "player.namvet_staytogetherinside04" "Bill: ¡Al refugio todos, ya!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogetherinside04" "Bill: Assemble in the safe room!" "player.namvet_staytogetherinside05" "Bill: ¡Agrupaos en el refugio!" "[english]player.namvet_staytogetherinside05" "Bill: Fall back to the safe room!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace01" "Bill: ¡Toma, zorra!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace01" "Bill: Die, bitch!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace02" "Bill: A la mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace02" "Bill: Go to hell." "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace03" "Bill: ¡Fríete en el infierno, cabrón!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace03" "Bill: Burn in hell, you bastard!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace04" "Bill: ¡Toma, hijo de puta!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace04" "Bill: Burn, you son of a bitch!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace05" "Bill: Eso va por Zoey, hijo de puta." "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace05" "Bill: That was for Zoey, you son of a bitch." "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace06" "Bill: Eso va por Francis, hijo de puta." "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace06" "Bill: That was for Francis, you son of a bitch." "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace07" "Bill: Eso va por Louis, hijo de puta." "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace07" "Bill: That was for Louis, you son of a bitch." "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace08" "Bill: ¡Toma esto, cabrón!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace08" "Bill: Die, you bastard!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace09" "Bill: ¡Arded en el infierno!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace09" "Bill: Burn in hell!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace10" "Bill: ¡Lo pagaréis caro, perros podridos!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace10" "Bill: All you sick sons of bitches are gonna pay." "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace11" "Bill: ¡Cojonudo!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace11" "Bill: Bu-tee-ful!" "npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace12" "Bill: ¡Fríete, cabrón!" "[english]npc.namvet_swearcoupdegrace12" "Bill: Burn, you bastard." "npc.namvet_swears01" "Bill: Una mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears01" "Bill: Bullshit." "npc.namvet_swears02" "Bill: Que te jodan." "[english]npc.namvet_swears02" "Bill: Go to hell." "npc.namvet_swears03" "Bill: Hijo de puta." "[english]npc.namvet_swears03" "Bill: Son of a bitch." "npc.namvet_swears04" "Bill: Gilipolleces." "[english]npc.namvet_swears04" "Bill: Bull-frickin-horseshit." "npc.namvet_swears05" "Bill: Cago en Rose." "[english]npc.namvet_swears05" "Bill: Mother. Humper." "npc.namvet_swears06" "Bill: Cabrón." "[english]npc.namvet_swears06" "Bill: Bastard." "npc.namvet_swears07" "Bill: Jooder." "[english]npc.namvet_swears07" "Bill: Ah hell." "npc.namvet_swears08" "Bill: Joder." "[english]npc.namvet_swears08" "Bill: Dammit." "npc.namvet_swears09" "Bill: Dios BENDITO." "[english]npc.namvet_swears09" "Bill: God DAMMIT." "npc.namvet_swears10" "Bill: Madre de Dios." "[english]npc.namvet_swears10" "Bill: Mother of mercy." "npc.namvet_swears12" "Bill: Ah, mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears12" "Bill: Ah shit." "npc.namvet_swears13" "Bill: Joder, joder, joder." "[english]npc.namvet_swears13" "Bill: Shit shit shit." "npc.namvet_swears14" "Bill: Vaya puta mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears14" "Bill: What a crock a' shit..." "npc.namvet_swears15" "Bill: Cago en diez." "[english]npc.namvet_swears15" "Bill: Mother. Hubbard." "npc.namvet_swears16" "Bill: Ah, joder." "[english]npc.namvet_swears16" "Bill: Ah shit." "npc.namvet_swears17" "Bill: Mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears17" "Bill: Shit." "npc.namvet_swears18" "Bill: Mierda, mierda, mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears18" "Bill: Shit shit shit." "npc.namvet_swears19" "Bill: Vaya mierda." "[english]npc.namvet_swears19" "Bill: What a crock a' shit..." "npc.namvet_swears20" "Bill: Cooooooooooño." "[english]npc.namvet_swears20" "Bill: Aw shiiiiiiiiit." "player.namvet_takeassaultrifle01" "Bill: Un rifle de asalto. Cada vez me recuerda más a Vietnam." "[english]player.namvet_takeassaultrifle01" "Bill: An assault rifle. This shit's gettin more like Nam every second." "player.namvet_takeassaultrifle02" "Bill: Un rifle de asalto. Ven con papá." "[english]player.namvet_takeassaultrifle02" "Bill: An assault rifle. Come to papa." "player.namvet_takeassaultrifle03" "Bill: Me quedo el rifle." "[english]player.namvet_takeassaultrifle03" "Bill: I'm grabbing this rifle." "player.namvet_takeassaultrifle04" "Bill: Un rifle de asalto. Qué buenos recuerdos." "[english]player.namvet_takeassaultrifle04" "Bill: An assault rifle! Man, this takes me back." "player.namvet_takeassaultrifle05" "Bill: Me quedo el rifle de asalto." "[english]player.namvet_takeassaultrifle05" "Bill: I'm grabbin' an assault rifle." "player.namvet_takeautoshotgun01" "Bill: Una escopeta." "[english]player.namvet_takeautoshotgun01" "Bill: Full auto shotgun." "player.namvet_takeautoshotgun02" "Bill: ¡Cañoncito!" "[english]player.namvet_takeautoshotgun02" "Bill: Auto shottie!" "player.namvet_takeautoshotgun03" "Bill: Me quedo esta escopeta." "[english]player.namvet_takeautoshotgun03" "Bill: I'm grabbing this shotgun." "player.namvet_takeautoshotgun04" "Bill: Me quedo la escopeta." "[english]player.namvet_takeautoshotgun04" "Bill: I'm taking this shotgun." "player.namvet_takeautoshotgun05" "Bill: ¡Escopeta!" "[english]player.namvet_takeautoshotgun05" "Bill: Shotgun!" "player.namvet_takefirstaid01" "Bill: Con esto aguantaré mejor." "[english]player.namvet_takefirstaid01" "Bill: First to aid, last to die." "player.namvet_takefirstaid02" "Bill: Cojo un botiquín." "[english]player.namvet_takefirstaid02" "Bill: Grabbing First Aid." "player.namvet_takefirstaid03" "Bill: Esto me hará falta." "[english]player.namvet_takefirstaid03" "Bill: I'm gonna need these." "player.namvet_takemolotov01" "Bill: Molotov." "[english]player.namvet_takemolotov01" "Bill: Molotov." "player.namvet_takemolotov02" "Bill: Me quedo un Molotov." "[english]player.namvet_takemolotov02" "Bill: Grabbing a Molotov." "player.namvet_takemolotov03" "Bill: Esto me será útil más adelante." "[english]player.namvet_takemolotov03" "Bill: Might want to save this for later." "player.namvet_takepills01" "Bill: Me harán falta." "[english]player.namvet_takepills01" "Bill: I'm gonna need these." "player.namvet_takepills02" "Bill: Cojo píldoras." "[english]player.namvet_takepills02" "Bill: Grabbing pills." "player.namvet_takepills03" "Bill: A alguien le vendrán bien." "[english]player.namvet_takepills03" "Bill: Someone's gonna need these." "player.namvet_takepipebomb01" "Bill: Una bomba casera." "[english]player.namvet_takepipebomb01" "Bill: A black powder bomb." "player.namvet_takepipebomb02" "Bill: Cojo la bomba casera." "[english]player.namvet_takepipebomb02" "Bill: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.namvet_takepipebomb03" "Bill: Me quedo una bomba." "[english]player.namvet_takepipebomb03" "Bill: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.namvet_takepipebomb04" "Bill: Preferiría una granada, pero me vale." "[english]player.namvet_takepipebomb04" "Bill: I'd rather have a grenade, but this'll do." "player.namvet_takepistol01" "Bill: Pistola extra para mí." "[english]player.namvet_takepistol01" "Bill: I'm taking an extra pistol." "player.namvet_takepistol02" "Bill: Me quedo una pistola." "[english]player.namvet_takepistol02" "Bill: I'm taking an extra pistol." "player.namvet_takepistol03" "Bill: ¡Otra pipa!" "[english]player.namvet_takepistol03" "Bill: Extra Pistol!" "player.namvet_takepistol04" "Bill: ¡Pistola extra!" "[english]player.namvet_takepistol04" "Bill: Extra Sidearm!" "player.namvet_takeshotgun01" "Bill: Pillo escopeta." "[english]player.namvet_takeshotgun01" "Bill: Grabbing a shotgun." "player.namvet_takeshotgun02" "Bill: Escopeta para el menda." "[english]player.namvet_takeshotgun02" "Bill: I'm grabbing this shotgun." "player.namvet_takeshotgun03" "Bill: Escopeta." "[english]player.namvet_takeshotgun03" "Bill: Shotgun." "player.namvet_takesniper01" "Bill: El rifle de caza para mí." "[english]player.namvet_takesniper01" "Bill: I'm gonna grab this range rifle." "player.namvet_takesniper02" "Bill: Me quedo el rifle de caza." "[english]player.namvet_takesniper02" "Bill: I'm grabbing a hunting rifle." "player.namvet_takesubmachinegun01" "Bill: Subfusil." "[english]player.namvet_takesubmachinegun01" "Bill: SMG." "player.namvet_takesubmachinegun02" "Bill: Subfusil para mí." "[english]player.namvet_takesubmachinegun02" "Bill: Grabbing an SMG." "player.namvet_takesubmachinegun03" "Bill: Automática... genial." "[english]player.namvet_takesubmachinegun03" "Bill: Full auto - beautiful." "player.namvet_tankpound01" "Bill: ¡Me machaca!" "[english]player.namvet_tankpound01" "Bill: It's killin' me!" "player.namvet_tankpound02" "Bill: ¡Quitádmelo de encima!" "[english]player.namvet_tankpound02" "Bill: Get this thing offa me!" "player.namvet_tankpound03" "Bill: ¡Ah, aaah! ¡Me está aplastando!" "[english]player.namvet_tankpound03" "Bill: AAHHHH He's crushing me!" "player.namvet_taunt01" "Bill: [Risa burlona]" "[english]player.namvet_taunt01" "Bill: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.namvet_taunt02" "Bill: [Risa burlona]" "[english]player.namvet_taunt02" "Bill: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.namvet_taunt03" "Bill: Eso es." "[english]player.namvet_taunt03" "Bill: That's right!" "player.namvet_taunt04" "Bill: Eso es." "[english]player.namvet_taunt04" "Bill: That's right!" "player.namvet_taunt05" "Bill: Oh, sí." "[english]player.namvet_taunt05" "Bill: Oh yeah!" "player.namvet_taunt06" "Bill: ¡Sí, señor!" "[english]player.namvet_taunt06" "Bill: Oh yeah!" "player.namvet_taunt07" "Bill: [Risa diabólica]" "[english]player.namvet_taunt07" "Bill: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.namvet_taunt08" "Bill: [Risa diabólica]" "[english]player.namvet_taunt08" "Bill: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.namvet_taunt09" "Bill: [Risa diabólica]" "[english]player.namvet_taunt09" "Bill: [Loud, evil laugh]" "player.namvet_taunt10" "Bill: ¡Te destrozaré!" "[english]player.namvet_taunt10" "Bill: You're goin' down!" "player.namvet_teamkillaccident01" "Bill: ¡Ten cuidado!" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillaccident01" "Bill: Be careful!" "player.namvet_teamkillaccident02" "Bill: ¿Te has vuelto majara?" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillaccident02" "Bill: Have you lost your mind?" "player.namvet_teamkillaccident03" "Bill: ¿Pero qué has hecho?" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillaccident03" "Bill: What did you do you just do?" "player.namvet_teamkillaccident04" "Bill: ¡Ándate con cuidado!" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillaccident04" "Bill: Watch it, Watch it!" "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose01" "Bill: Así no vas a ganar una medalla." "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose01" "Bill: That ain't gonna earn you any medals." "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose02" "Bill: ¡CUIDADO!" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose02" "Bill: CAREFUL!" "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose03" "Bill: Me cago en... ni se te ocurra hacerme lo mismo." "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose03" "Bill: Jesus H. Christ, you had better not try that shit on me." "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose04" "Bill: ¡ESTABA DE NUESTRO LADO!" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose04" "Bill: HE WAS ON OUR SIDE!" "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose05" "Bill: ¿¡Pero qué cojones estás haciendo!?" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose05" "Bill: What in the holy hell are you doing?" "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose07" "Bill: Muy bien, cadete." "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose07" "Bill: Oh, nice work." "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose08" "Bill: ¿En qué coño piensas?" "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose08" "Bill: What in the hell are you thinking?" "player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose09" "Bill: Te acabas de ganar el trofeo a la peor cagada." "[english]player.namvet_teamkillonpurpose09" "Bill: Now that was some true amateur hour horseshit." "player.namvet_thanks01" "Bill: Gracias, te debo una." "[english]player.namvet_thanks01" "Bill: Thanks, I owe you one." "player.namvet_thanks02" "Bill: Muy agradecido." "[english]player.namvet_thanks02" "Bill: Appreciate that." "player.namvet_thanks03" "Bill: Buen cadete." "[english]player.namvet_thanks03" "Bill: Eh, you're a good kid." "player.namvet_thanks04" "Bill: Gracias." "[english]player.namvet_thanks04" "Bill: Thanks." "player.namvet_thanks05" "Bill: Gracias." "[english]player.namvet_thanks05" "Bill: Thank you." "player.namvet_thanks06" "Bill: Muchas gracias." "[english]player.namvet_thanks06" "Bill: Thanks a lot." "player.namvet_thanks07" "Bill: Te debo una." "[english]player.namvet_thanks07" "Bill: I owe ya one." "player.namvet_thanks08" "Bill: Ahora te debo una." "[english]player.namvet_thanks08" "Bill: That's one I owe you." "player.namvet_thanks09" "Bill: Gracias mil." "[english]player.namvet_thanks09" "Bill: 'preciate it." "player.namvet_thanks10" "Bill: No tenías por qué hacerlo." "[english]player.namvet_thanks10" "Bill: You didn't have to do that" "player.namvet_thanks11" "Bill: No hacía falta, pero... gracias." "[english]player.namvet_thanks11" "Bill: That wasn't necessary, but thanks." "player.namvet_totherescue01" "Bill: Aguanta, voy para allá." "[english]player.namvet_totherescue01" "Bill: Hold on I'm on my way!" "player.namvet_totherescue02" "Bill: ¡Ya voy!" "[english]player.namvet_totherescue02" "Bill: I'm coming!" "player.namvet_totherescue03" "Bill: No te mees encima todavía, ya voy." "[english]player.namvet_totherescue03" "Bill: Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm comin'!" "npc.namvet_totherescuethanks01" "Bill: Gracias por sacarme de ahí." "[english]npc.namvet_totherescuethanks01" "Bill: Thanks for getting me out of there." "npc.namvet_totherescuethanks02" "Bill: Gracias." "[english]npc.namvet_totherescuethanks02" "Bill: Thanks for that." "npc.namvet_totherescuethanks03" "Bill: Gracias, me sentía solo." "[english]npc.namvet_totherescuethanks03" "Bill: Thanks. I was gettin' lonely." "npc.namvet_totherescuethanks04" "Bill: Gracias, empezaba a ser difícil respirar." "[english]npc.namvet_totherescuethanks04" "Bill: Thanks. It was gettin' hard to breathe in there." "player.namvet_transitionclose01" "Bill: No ha salido demasiado bien." "[english]player.namvet_transitionclose01" "Bill: Well, that didn't go so well." "player.namvet_transitionclose02" "Bill: Podría ir mejor." "[english]player.namvet_transitionclose02" "Bill: We've done better." "player.namvet_transitionclose03" "Bill: Menos mal que ha terminado." "[english]player.namvet_transitionclose03" "Bill: Thank god that's over." "player.namvet_transitionclose04" "Bill: Menos mal que ha acabado." "[english]player.namvet_transitionclose04" "Bill: Thank god that's over." "npc.namvet_uncertain01" "Bill: ¿Qué coño ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain01" "Bill: What the hell was that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain02" "Bill: ¿Qué ha sido eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain02" "Bill: What was that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain03" "Bill: ¿Qué coño es eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain03" "Bill: What the hell is that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain04" "Bill: ¿Qué-es-eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain04" "Bill: What is that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain05" "Bill: ¿Lo has oído?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain05" "Bill: Did you hear that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain06" "Bill: ¿Alguien más ha oído eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain06" "Bill: Anyone else hear that?" "npc.namvet_uncertain07" "Bill: No puede ser..." "[english]npc.namvet_uncertain07" "Bill: Are you kidding me?" "npc.namvet_violenceawe01" "Bill: ¡Co-ño!" "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe01" "Bill: Jee-zus..." "npc.namvet_violenceawe02" "Bill: Hostia puta." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe02" "Bill: Holy crap." "npc.namvet_violenceawe03" "Bill: Uauh." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe03" "Bill: Whoa." "npc.namvet_violenceawe04" "Bill: Cago en tó..." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe04" "Bill: Holy shit..." "npc.namvet_violenceawe05" "Bill: ¿Has visto eso?" "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe05" "Bill: Did you see that?" "npc.namvet_violenceawe06" "Bill: Jo, jo, jo." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe06" "Bill: Whoa-ho-ho." "npc.namvet_violenceawe07" "Bill: Santa madre de Dios..." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe07" "Bill: Holy Mother of God..." "npc.namvet_violenceawe08" "Bill: Santo Dios..." "[english]npc.namvet_violenceawe08" "Bill: Christ almighty..." "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets01" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets01" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets02" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets02" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets03" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets03" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets04" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets04" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets05" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets05" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets06" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets06" "" "npc.namvet_vocalfidgets07" "" "[english]npc.namvet_vocalfidgets07" "" "player.namvet_waithere01" "Bill: Esperemos." "[english]player.namvet_waithere01" "Bill: Let's wait here." "player.namvet_waithere02" "Bill: Esperemos un rato." "[english]player.namvet_waithere02" "Bill: Let's wait for a minute." "player.namvet_waithere03" "Bill: Esperemos un minuto." "[english]player.namvet_waithere03" "Bill: Wait here just a minute." "player.namvet_waithere04" "Bill: ¡Quietos!" "[english]player.namvet_waithere04" "Bill: Hold up!" "npc.namvet_warn01" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn01" "Bill: Boomer!" "npc.namvet_warn02" "Bill: ¡Tank!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn02" "Bill: Tank!" "npc.namvet_warn03" "Bill: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn03" "Bill: Smoker!" "npc.namvet_warn04" "Bill: ¡Witch!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn04" "Bill: Witch!" "npc.namvet_warn05" "Bill: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn05" "Bill: Hunter!" "npc.namvet_warn06" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn06" "Bill: Boomer!" "npc.namvet_warn07" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn07" "Bill: BOOMER!" "npc.namvet_warn08" "Bill: ¡Tank!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn08" "Bill: Tank!" "npc.namvet_warn09" "Bill: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn09" "Bill: Smoker!" "npc.namvet_warn10" "Bill: ¡Witch!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn10" "Bill: Witch!" "npc.namvet_warn11" "Bill: ¡WITCH!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn11" "Bill: WITCH!" "npc.namvet_warn12" "Bill: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn12" "Bill: Hunter!" "npc.namvet_warn13" "Bill: ¡Hunter!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn13" "Bill: Hunter!" "npc.namvet_warn14" "Bill: ¡TANK!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn14" "Bill: TANK!" "npc.namvet_warn15" "Bill: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn15" "Bill: SMOKER!" "npc.namvet_warn16" "Bill: ¡Smoker!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn16" "Bill: Smoker!" "npc.namvet_warn17" "Bill: ¡Witch!" "[english]npc.namvet_warn17" "Bill: Witch!" "player.namvet_warnboomer01" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]player.namvet_warnboomer01" "Bill: BOOMER!" "player.namvet_warnboomer02" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]player.namvet_warnboomer02" "Bill: BOOMER!" "player.namvet_warnboomer03" "Bill: ¡Boomer!" "[english]player.namvet_warnboomer03" "Bill: BOOMER!" "player.namvet_warncareful01" "Bill: Atención." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful01" "Bill: Careful." "player.namvet_warncareful02" "Bill: Con cuidado." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful02" "Bill: Watch yourself." "player.namvet_warncareful03" "Bill: Cuidado." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful03" "Bill: Careful." "player.namvet_warncareful04" "Bill: Vigilemos." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful04" "Bill: Careful." "player.namvet_warncareful05" "Bill: Atentos." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful05" "Bill: Be careful." "player.namvet_warncareful06" "Bill: No nos despistemos." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful06" "Bill: Watch yourself now." "player.namvet_warncareful07" "Bill: Ojo avizor cadetes, ojo avizor." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful07" "Bill: Eyes and ears, people, eyes and ears." "player.namvet_warncareful08" "Bill: Alerta." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful08" "Bill: Be careful." "player.namvet_warncareful09" "Bill: Atentos." "[english]player.namvet_warncareful09" "Bill: Stay sharp." "player.namvet_warnhunter01" "Bill: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnhunter01" "Bill: HUNTER!" "player.namvet_warnhunter02" "Bill: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnhunter02" "Bill: HUNTER!" "player.namvet_warnhunter03" "Bill: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnhunter03" "Bill: HUNTER!" "player.namvet_warnsmoker01" "Bill: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnsmoker01" "Bill: SMOKER!" "player.namvet_warnsmoker02" "Bill: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnsmoker02" "Bill: SMOKER!" "player.namvet_warnsmoker03" "Bill: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnsmoker03" "Bill: SMOKER!" "player.namvet_warnsmoker04" "Bill: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.namvet_warnsmoker04" "Bill: SMOKER!" "player.namvet_warntank01" "Bill: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.namvet_warntank01" "Bill: TANK!" "player.namvet_warntank02" "Bill: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.namvet_warntank02" "Bill: TANK!" "player.namvet_warntank03" "Bill: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.namvet_warntank03" "Bill: TANK!" "player.namvet_warnwitch01" "Bill: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.namvet_warnwitch01" "Bill: WITCH!" "player.namvet_warnwitch02" "Bill: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.namvet_warnwitch02" "Bill: WITCH!" "player.namvet_warnwitch03" "Bill: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.namvet_warnwitch03" "Bill: WITCH!" "player.namvet_warnwitch04" "Bill: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.namvet_warnwitch04" "Bill: WITCH!" "player.namvet_watchoutbehind01" "Bill: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.namvet_watchoutbehind01" "Bill: Behind us!" "player.namvet_watchoutbehind02" "Bill: ¡Van detrás!" "[english]player.namvet_watchoutbehind02" "Bill: They're behind us!" "player.namvet_watchoutbehind03" "Bill: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.namvet_watchoutbehind03" "Bill: Behind us!" "player.namvet_watchoutbehind04" "Bill: ¡Nos persiguen!" "[english]player.namvet_watchoutbehind04" "Bill: They're behind us!" "player.namvet_witchchasing01" "Bill: ¡Tengo una puta Witch pegada al culo!" "[english]player.namvet_witchchasing01" "Bill: I got a goddam Witch on my ass! RUN!" "player.namvet_witchchasing02" "Bill: ¡Mierda, me sigue!" "[english]player.namvet_witchchasing02" "Bill: Ah shit, she's after me!" "player.namvet_witchchasing03" "Bill: ¡UNA WITCH! ¡HAY QUE DISPERSARSE!" "[english]player.namvet_witchchasing03" "Bill: SCATTER! WITCH! TRACKING ME!" "player.namvet_witchgettingangry01" "Bill: Incordiar a esa Witch sólo la cabreará más." "[english]player.namvet_witchgettingangry01" "Bill: There's gonna be hell to pay, you keep aggravatin that Witch." "player.namvet_witchgettingangry02" "Bill: ¡QUIETOS! ¡Esa Witch está rabiosa!" "[english]player.namvet_witchgettingangry02" "Bill: STOP! That Witch is mad as hell." "player.namvet_witchgettingangry03" "Bill: ¡Atentos, la Witch va a saltar!" "[english]player.namvet_witchgettingangry03" "Bill: Hold up, that Witch is getting ready to pounce!" "player.namvet_witchgettingangry04" "Bill: Esa Witch está a punto de reventar." "[english]player.namvet_witchgettingangry04" "Bill: Hold on, that Witch is about to blow." "player.namvet_witchgettingangry05" "Bill: ¡QUIETOS! ¡La Witch está cabreada!" "[english]player.namvet_witchgettingangry05" "Bill: STOP! That Witch is mad as hell." "npc.namvet_worldairport0101" "Bill: Los he visto ir más bajo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0101" "Bill: I've seen 'em fly lower." "npc.namvet_worldairport0102" "Bill: Un C-130 vuela bien." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0102" "Bill: A C-130 is nice flying." "npc.namvet_worldairport0401" "Bill: Como yo decía, bombardearon el aeropuerto." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0401" "Bill: Just like I said, they bombed the airport." "npc.namvet_worldairport0402" "Bill: Lo que yo decía. Trataron de impedir que se fueran." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0402" "Bill: What'd I tell ya? They tried to stop people from leaving." "npc.namvet_worldairport0403" "Bill: ¡Bomba!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0403" "Bill: Bombed!" "npc.namvet_worldairport0404" "Bill: ¿Quien coño ha hecho que pite?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0404" "Bill: Who in the hell set that off?" "npc.namvet_worldairport0405" "Bill: ¿Por qué coño has hecho que pite?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0405" "Bill: Why in the hell would you set that off?" "npc.namvet_worldairport0406" "Bill: ¿Cómo coño querías que lo supiera?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairport0406" "Bill: How in the hell was I supposed to know?" "npc.namvet_worldairportintro01" "Bill: ¡Es un C-130! ¡Puede que lo alcancemos en el aeropuerto!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportintro01" "Bill: That's a C-130! Maybe we can catch up to it at the airport!" "npc.namvet_worldairportintro02" "Bill: Ese C-130 se dirige al aeropuerto. Nosotros también." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportintro02" "Bill: That C-130's headed for the airport. I say we head there, too." "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc01" "Bill: Terry ha muerto, hijo. Podemos darte gasolina." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc01" "Bill: Terry's dead, kid. We can get you gassed up if you like." "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc02" "Bill: No soy Terry, amigo. ¿Quieres que te demos gasolina?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc02" "Bill: It ain't Terry, pal. You want us to get you gassed up?" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc03" "Bill: Terry ha muerto. ¿Necesitas gasolina?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc03" "Bill: Terry's dead. You lookin' to fuel up?" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc04" "Bill: Terry ha muerto, hijo. ¿Puedes pilotar el avión?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc04" "Bill: Terry's dead, son. Can you get this plane in the air?" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc05" "Bill: Entendido. Vamos, cadetes, a cargar." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc05" "Bill: Understood. Come on, kids, let's load up." "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc06" "Bill: Ya lo veo. Danos un minuto." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc06" "Bill: I see it. Give us a minute to get ready." "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc07" "Bill: Venga, pongámonos en marcha." "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc07" "Bill: All right, let's get this done." "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc08" "Bill: ¡Ya era hora, joder!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc08" "Bill: About goddamn time!" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc09" "Bill: ¡Ni de coña!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc09" "Bill: Oh no, ya don't!" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc10" "Bill: ¡Louis ha muerto!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc10" "Bill: Louis didn't make it!" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc11" "Bill: ¡Zoey ha muerto!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc11" "Bill: Zoey didn't make it!" "npc.namvet_worldairportnpc12" "Bill: ¡Francis ha muerto!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldairportnpc12" "Bill: Francis didn't make it!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0101" "Bill: No me fío del bosque." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0101" "Bill: I don't trust the woods." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0102" "Bill: Francis, ¿esto te parece acogedor?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0102" "Bill: Francis, this look like home to you?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0103" "Bill: Las vías, ahí." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0103" "Bill: There's the tracks!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0104" "Bill: Por ahí podemos llegar a las vías." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0104" "Bill: We can get down to the tracks through there." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0105" "Bill: ¡Aquí hay un refugio!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0105" "Bill: Safe house back here!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0106" "Bill: Hay que seguir estas vías." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0106" "Bill: We gotta follow these train tracks." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0107" "Bill: ¡Ahí están las vías!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0107" "Bill: There's the train tracks!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0108" "Bill: ¡Esas son las vías!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0108" "Bill: There's our train tracks!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0201" "Bill: ¡Por aquí podemos alcanzar las vías!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0201" "Bill: We can get down to the tracks through here!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0202" "Bill: Por este túnel." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0202" "Bill: It's through this tunnel." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0203" "Bill: Hay que seguir las vías." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0203" "Bill: We gotta follow the tracks." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0204" "Bill: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0204" "Bill: Through here!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0205" "Bill: Mierda, las vías están bloqueadas." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0205" "Bill: Goddamnit, the tracks are blocked." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0206" "Bill: Espero que el callejón lleve a algún sitio." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0206" "Bill: This side passage better lead somewhere." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0207" "Bill: ¡Aquí hay un refugio!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0207" "Bill: Safe house in here!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0208" "Bill: ¡Vías bloqueadas!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0208" "Bill: Tracks are blocked!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0209" "Bill: Bueno, parece que hay que ir por el túnel." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0209" "Bill: Ah hell. I think we gotta go through this tunnel." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0301" "Bill: Esto me mosquea." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0301" "Bill: This shit just confuses me." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0302" "Bill: Ciego guiando a otro ciego..." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0302" "Bill: Blind leading the blind..." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0303" "Bill: ¡Aire puro!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0303" "Bill: Fresh air!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0304" "Bill: Valla eléctrica..." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0304" "Bill: Electrical fence!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0305" "Bill: ¡Dale al interruptor!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0305" "Bill: Hit that power switch!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0306" "Bill: Dale corriente." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0306" "Bill: Get the power." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0307" "Bill: ¡Enciende el motor!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0307" "Bill: Start the engine!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0308" "Bill: Soltemos ese vagón." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0308" "Bill: Let's unhook that car." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0309" "Bill: ¡Ponlo en marcha!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0309" "Bill: Get that thing moving!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0310" "Bill: ¡Dale!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0310" "Bill: Hit it!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0311" "Bill: ¡Subid todos!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0311" "Bill: All aboard!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0312" "Bill: ¡Subamos ahí!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0312" "Bill: Let's get up there!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0313" "Bill: ¡Ahí arriba!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0313" "Bill: Up there!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0314" "Bill: Arriba hay un refugio." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0314" "Bill: Safe house up there." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0315" "Bill: Mira si hay provisiones en esa casa." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0315" "Bill: Check that house for supplies." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0316" "Bill: Mira, las vías." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0316" "Bill: There's the tracks." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0317" "Bill: Putas vías, bloqueadas otra vez." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0317" "Bill: Goddamn track's blocked again." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0318" "Bill: Subamos esa colina." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0318" "Bill: Let's get over that hill." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0401" "Bill: Mira si hay provisiones en el granero." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0401" "Bill: Check the barn for supplies." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0402" "Bill: ¿Habéis mirado en el granero?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0402" "Bill: Anyone check that barn?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0403" "Bill: Sigamos. Las vías no deben andar lejos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0403" "Bill: Keep moving. The tracks gotta be up ahead" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0404" "Bill: Recuerdo esa bazofia." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0404" "Bill: I remember that shit." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0405" "Bill: Odiaba ese programa." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0405" "Bill: I hated that show." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0406" "Bill: ¡Estación delante!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0406" "Bill: Station ahead!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0407" "Bill: ¡Las vías están abajo!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0407" "Bill: The tracks are down there!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0408" "Bill: Una estación." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0408" "Bill: Train station." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0409" "Bill: ¿Se sabe algo de la base?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0409" "Bill: Anything about the base?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0410" "Bill: ¿Por qué no funciona ni un puto tren?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0410" "Bill: Why can't one of these goddamn trains be working?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0411" "Bill: Podemos ir por ese edificio." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0411" "Bill: We can go through this building." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0412" "Bill: Ve a la puerta." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0412" "Bill: Get the gate." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0413" "Bill: Abre la puerta." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0413" "Bill: Open the gate." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0414" "Bill: ¡Cruzad el puente, AR! ¡Un, dos!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0414" "Bill: Cross the bridge! Go go go!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0415" "Bill: ¡Corre al vagón!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0415" "Bill: Run for the car!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0416" "Bill: ¡Sube al tren!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0416" "Bill: Get to the train!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0417" "Bill: ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0417" "Bill: Haul it!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0501" "Bill: ¡Por fin! ¡Una base!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0501" "Bill: Finally, an outpost!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0502" "Bill: ¡Los buenos de los militares!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0502" "Bill: The honest to God military!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0503" "Bill: ¡En la colina!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0503" "Bill: Up the hill!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0504" "Bill: Me apetece un poco de maíz." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0504" "Bill: I could go for some creamed corn." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0505" "Bill: Tengo antojo de mazorcas de maíz." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0505" "Bill: I got a hankering for some corn on the cob." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0506" "Bill: Algo va mal." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0506" "Bill: Something ain't right/" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0507" "Bill: Cálmate, Francis, usa la radio. Ya vendrán." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0507" "Bill: Settle down Francis. Just use that radio. They'll come." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0508" "Bill: Espero que no tarden." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0508" "Bill: Hope they don't take long." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0509" "Bill: ¿Estáis listos? Voy a llamarles." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0509" "Bill: You guys ready? I'm callin' em." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0510" "Bill: Voy a llamarles para que vengan a salvarnos el culo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0510" "Bill: I'm callin' 'em to come get our sorry asses." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0511" "Bill: ¡Genial! ¡El séptimo de caballería!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0511" "Bill: Beautiful! The cavalry has arrived!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0512" "Bill: Recibido. Corto." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0512" "Bill: Roger and out." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0513" "Bill: ¡Hostia puta!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0513" "Bill: H-o-l-y s-h-i-t." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0514" "Bill: ¡ASÍ se hace, cadetes!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0514" "Bill: Now that is how you do it, people!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0515" "Bill: Creo que hemos encontrado el sitio." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0515" "Bill: I believe we have found our place." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0516" "Bill: ¿Alguien quiere jubilarse aquí?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0516" "Bill: Anyone for just retiring here?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0517" "Bill: Podemos instalarnos en el granero o en la casa." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouse0517" "Bill: We can set up in the barn or the house." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro01" "Bill: La señal de emergencia hablaba de una base militar al norte de aquí." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro01" "Bill: Emergency band was talking about a military outpost just north a' here." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro02" "Bill: Sólo hay que encontrar las vías del tren y seguirlas." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro02" "Bill: We just need to find the train tracks and then follow 'em." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro03" "Bill: Si encontramos las vías del tren, podremos seguirlas hasta la base." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro03" "Bill: If we can find some train tracks, we can follow 'em to the military outpost." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro04" "Bill: ¿Quiénes estarán destacados allí?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro04" "Bill: I wonder what outfit is stationed there?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro05" "Bill: Seguramente los gallinas de la Guardia Nacional." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro05" "Bill: Probably the chickenshit national guard." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro06" "Bill: Se supone que el ejército tiene una base hacia el norte. Debería haber unas vías de tren por aquí que nos lleven hasta ella." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro06" "Bill: I heard the military's got an outpost just north of here. There should be some train tracks somewhere around here that'll take us right to it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro07" "Bill: El ejército tiene una base al norte de aquí. Si encontramos las vías del tren, deberían conducirnos hasta allí." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro07" "Bill: The military's got an outpost just north of here. We gotta find the train tracks and they should take us right to it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro08" "Bill: El ejército no nos ha servido de mucho hasta ahora, pero creo que tenían una base cerca de aquí, al lado de las vías del tren." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro08" "Bill: The military hasn't been much help so far, but last I heard they had an outpost not far from here off the railroad tracks." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro09" "Bill: Propongo que sigamos las vías, a ver si la base aún funciona." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro09" "Bill: I say we follow the tracks and see if the outpost is still operational." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro10" "Bill: Si alguien tiene un plan mejor, que lo diga." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro10" "Bill: If anyone has a better plan, speak now." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro11" "Bill: Vale, no es el que gobierno haya sido de gran ayuda hasta ahora, pero no nos queda otra opción." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro11" "Bill: I'll admit the government hasn't been a hell of a lotta help so far, but we're runnin' out of options here." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro12" "Bill: Que yo sepa, hay una especie de base militar no muy lejos de aquí siguiendo las vías del tren." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhouseintro12" "Bill: Last thing I heard, there's some kind of military outpost not far from here along the train tracks." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Bill: ¡Llegamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc01" "Bill: We're here!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Bill: ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc02" "Bill: Hello?" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Bill: ¡Entendido!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc03" "Bill: Copy that!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Bill: ¡Recibido!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc04" "Bill: Roger that!" "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Bill: Listos, soldado." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc05" "Bill: We're ready, soldier." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc06" "Bill: Da gusto escucharte, hijo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc06" "Bill: You are a voice for sore ears, son." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Bill: Estamos listos, hijo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc07" "Bill: We're good to go, son." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Bill: Ojala nos veamos pronto." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc08" "Bill: Lookin' forward to seein' you." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc09" "Bill: Te recibo alto y claro, hijo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc09" "Bill: Read you loud and clear, son." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc10" "Bill: Recibido, esperaremos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc10" "Bill: Roger. We'll be waiting." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc11" "Bill: Entendido, soldado." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc11" "Bill: Understood, soldier." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc12" "Bill: Joder, les hemos dado una buena, ¿verdad? Una buena..." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc12" "Bill: Goddamn it, we gave 'em hell, didn't we? We gave 'em hell..." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc19" "Bill: Sí, lo conseguimos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc19" "Bill: Yeah, we did it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc20" "Bill: ¡Lo hemos conseguido!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc20" "Bill: Yeah, we made it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc21" "Bill: ¡Lo conseguimos!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc21" "Bill: We made it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc22" "Bill: ¡Al fin!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc22" "Bill: We did it." "npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc23" "Bill: ¡Bravo!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldfarmhousenpc23" "Bill: YEEHAW!!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0101" "Bill: La línea roja nos llevará al hospital Mercy." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0101" "Bill: The red line will take us straight to Mercy Hospital." "player.namvet_worldhospital0102" "Bill: La estación está ahí delante." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0102" "Bill: Station's just up the street." "player.namvet_worldhospital0103" "Bill: Hay una estación de metro justo a la vuelta." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0103" "Bill: There's a subway station just around the corner." "player.namvet_worldhospital0104" "Bill: Sería aconsejable evitar las calles." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0104" "Bill: Might not be a bad idea to get off the street." "player.namvet_worldhospital0105" "Bill: La pobre no lo consiguió. Bueno, es comprensible." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0105" "Bill: Poor gal didn't make it. Well, I understand." "player.namvet_worldhospital0106" "Bill: ¡Es la estación!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0106" "Bill: There's the station!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0107" "Bill: ¡Todos a la estación!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0107" "Bill: Everyone to the station!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0108" "Bill: Por aquí, cadetes." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0108" "Bill: This way people." "player.namvet_worldhospital0109" "Bill: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0109" "Bill: This way!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0110" "Bill: ¡Está a la vuelta de la esquina!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0110" "Bill: It's right around the corner!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0111" "Bill: La estación está bloqueada. ¿Podemos pasar por aquí?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0111" "Bill: Station's blocked. Maybe we can get through here?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0112" "Bill: Podemos ir por los túneles del metro al hospital. Hay una estación de la línea roja cerca de aquí." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0112" "Bill: We can take the subway tunnels to the hospital. There's a redline station not far from here." "player.namvet_worldhospital0201" "Bill: Mierda, el metro parece estar lleno de zombies." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0201" "Bill: Ahh shit, subway looks full of zombies." "player.namvet_worldhospital0202" "Bill: Esperaba que hubiera menos zombies." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0202" "Bill: Was hoping there would be less zombies down here." "player.namvet_worldhospital0203" "Bill: La línea roja norte nos llevará hasta allí." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0203" "Bill: Red Line North will take us straight there." "player.namvet_worldhospital0204" "Bill: La línea roja norte nos llevará hasta el Mercy." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0204" "Bill: The Red Line North will take us to Mercy." "player.namvet_worldhospital0205" "Bill: La línea roja norte nos llevará hasta el hospital." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0205" "Bill: The Red Line North will take us to the hospital." "player.namvet_worldhospital0206" "Bill: Al menos aquí no llueve." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0206" "Bill: At least it isn't raining in here." "player.namvet_worldhospital0207" "Bill: La línea norte a la derecha." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0207" "Bill: The north line is to the right." "player.namvet_worldhospital0208" "Bill: Mierda, la línea está bloqueada." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0208" "Bill: Goddamnit, the line's blocked." "player.namvet_worldhospital0209" "Bill: Hay que buscar otro camino." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0209" "Bill: Gotta find another way." "player.namvet_worldhospital0210" "Bill: Parecía demasiado fácil." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0210" "Bill: This seemed too easy." "player.namvet_worldhospital0211" "Bill: Vamos a tener que ir por arriba." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0211" "Bill: Going to have to go top side." "player.namvet_worldhospital0212" "Bill: No queda lejos." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0212" "Bill: It isn't that much farther." "player.namvet_worldhospital0213" "Bill: Yo le doy." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0213" "Bill: I'll hit it." "player.namvet_worldhospital0214" "Bill: ¡Preparaos! Voy a darle al botón." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0214" "Bill: Get ready! I'm hitting the button." "player.namvet_worldhospital0215" "Bill: Al menos hay más luz." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0215" "Bill: At least it's brighter" "player.namvet_worldhospital0216" "Bill: Armas aquí." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0216" "Bill: Guns up here." "player.namvet_worldhospital0217" "Bill: Mira, hay armas." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0217" "Bill: Look, there's guns." "player.namvet_worldhospital0218" "Bill: ¡Armas!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0218" "Bill: Guns!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0219" "Bill: Por la calle." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0219" "Bill: Down the street." "player.namvet_worldhospital0220" "Bill: Hay que seguir avanzando por la calle." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0220" "Bill: We have to keep moving down the street." "player.namvet_worldhospital0221" "Bill: ¡No le des al coche!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0221" "Bill: Don't shoot that car!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0222" "Bill: Ojo con las armas. ¡No le deis al coche!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0222" "Bill: Check your guns. Don't shoot the car!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0223" "Bill: ¿¡En qué coño estabas pensando!?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0223" "Bill: What in the hell were you thinking?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0224" "Bill: Refugio en la casa de empeños." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0224" "Bill: Safehouse up in the pawnshop." "player.namvet_worldhospital0225" "Bill: ¡Todos a la casa de empeños!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0225" "Bill: Get to the pawnshop people!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0226" "Bill: ¡Sigamos, hay un refugio delante!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0226" "Bill: Keep moving, safehouse ahead!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0227" "Bill: La línea está a la derecha." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0227" "Bill: The north line is to the right." "player.namvet_worldhospital0301" "Bill: No sé por dónde es. Creo que por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0301" "Bill: I don't know which way. Through here I think." "player.namvet_worldhospital0302" "Bill: Habrá un camino delante." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0302" "Bill: Should be a way up ahead." "player.namvet_worldhospital0303" "Bill: Sin salida, a ver ahí arriba." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0303" "Bill: Dead-end. Let's try up there." "player.namvet_worldhospital0304" "Bill: Al ascensor." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0304" "Bill: To the lift." "player.namvet_worldhospital0305" "Bill: ¡Dale al botón!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0305" "Bill: Hit the button!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0306" "Bill: Por el almacén." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0306" "Bill: Through the warehouse." "player.namvet_worldhospital0307" "Bill: Al menos es la dirección correcta." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0307" "Bill: At least this is the right direction." "player.namvet_worldhospital0308" "Bill: La gente iba por aquí." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0308" "Bill: Looks like people went this way." "player.namvet_worldhospital0309" "Bill: Creo que intentaban escapar." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0309" "Bill: I think they tried to escape." "player.namvet_worldhospital0310" "Bill: Vamos a las cloacas." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0310" "Bill: Into the sewers we go." "player.namvet_worldhospital0311" "Bill: Qué coño, probemos las cloacas." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0311" "Bill: Well hell, let's try the sewers." "player.namvet_worldhospital0312" "Bill: ¿Igual en las cloacas no olemos a zombi?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0312" "Bill: Maybe there's no stinkin' zombies in the sewers?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0313" "Bill: Ya huele fatal." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0313" "Bill: Already smell pretty bad." "player.namvet_worldhospital0314" "Bill: Encontremos la salida, el hospital está encima." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0314" "Bill: Need to find a manhole, the hospital is above us." "player.namvet_worldhospital0315" "Bill: No huele tan mal." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0315" "Bill: I've smelled worse." "player.namvet_worldhospital0316" "Bill: Francis, ¿eres tú o la cloaca?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0316" "Bill: Francis, is that you or the sewer?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0317" "Bill: Que Dios nos ayude." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0317" "Bill: Heaven help us." "player.namvet_worldhospital0318" "Bill: Vaya puta mierda." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0318" "Bill: That's a crock of shit." "player.namvet_worldhospital0319" "Bill: ¡EL HOSPITAL!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0319" "Bill: The HOSPITAL!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0320" "Bill: ¡AL HOSPITAL!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0320" "Bill: TO THE HOSPITAL!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0321" "Bill: ¡A la sala de urgencias, vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0321" "Bill: Into the emergency room, people!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0322" "Bill: ¡Venga, vamos!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0322" "Bill: Let's go, let's go." "player.namvet_worldhospital0323" "Bill: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0323" "Bill: Get on the lift!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0324" "Bill: El hospital está al otro lado de la depuradora." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0324" "Bill: Hospital's just on the other side of the water works." "player.namvet_worldhospital0325" "Bill: ¡Ahí está el hospital!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0325" "Bill: There's the Hospital!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0327" "Bill: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0327" "Bill: Through here!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0328" "Bill: Encontremos la salida." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0328" "Bill: Need to find manhole." "player.namvet_worldhospital0329" "Bill: ¡Al ascensor!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0329" "Bill: Get on the lift!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0401" "Bill: ¡Casi estamos!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0401" "Bill: Almost there!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0402" "Bill: Hay corriente." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0402" "Bill: Power's on." "player.namvet_worldhospital0403" "Bill: Al menos hay luz." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0403" "Bill: At least the power's on." "player.namvet_worldhospital0404" "Bill: Busquemos un ascensor." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0404" "Bill: Let's find an elevator." "player.namvet_worldhospital0405" "Bill: No pienso ir andando al tejado." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0405" "Bill: I ain't walking to the roof." "player.namvet_worldhospital0406" "Bill: Ufff... más escaleras." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0406" "Bill: Ahh...more stairs." "player.namvet_worldhospital0407" "Bill: Oídme, voy a llamar al ascensor." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0407" "Bill: I'm callin' the elevator people." "player.namvet_worldhospital0408" "Bill: Listos, voy a llamar al ascensor." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0408" "Bill: Get ready, I'm callin' the elevator." "player.namvet_worldhospital0410" "Bill: ¿No podría ir más deprisa?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0410" "Bill: Can't that thing move any faster?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0411" "Bill: ¿No podría darse más prisa?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0411" "Bill: Can't this thing move any faster?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0412" "Bill: ¡Es el ascensor!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0412" "Bill: Elevator's here!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0413" "Bill: ¡Ve al ascensor!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0413" "Bill: Get to the elevator!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0414" "Bill: ¡En el ascensor!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0414" "Bill: Into the elevator!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0415" "Bill: ¡A la azotea!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0415" "Bill: Now to the roof!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0416" "Bill: ¡Cuidado con el hueco!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0416" "Bill: Watch out for the fall!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0417" "Bill: ¡Refugio arriba!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0417" "Bill: Saferoom up here!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0418" "Bill: Por aquí se va a la azotea." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0418" "Bill: We can get to the roof through here." "player.namvet_worldhospital0419" "Bill: Deprisa." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0419" "Bill: Hurry up." "player.namvet_worldhospital0420" "Bill: Daos prisa." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0420" "Bill: Hurry up, people." "player.namvet_worldhospital0421" "Bill: ¿No podría ir más rápido?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0421" "Bill: Can't that thing move any faster?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0422" "Bill: ¿No podría ir más aprisa?" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0422" "Bill: Can't this thing move any faster?" "player.namvet_worldhospital0423" "Bill: Menudo escalón..." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0423" "Bill: That first step'll kill ya." "player.namvet_worldhospital0424" "Bill: Cuidado con el escalón." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0424" "Bill: Watch out that first step'll kill ya." "player.namvet_worldhospital0501" "Bill: ¡La azotea!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0501" "Bill: Roof this way!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0502" "Bill: Ahí está la pista." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0502" "Bill: There's the landing pad." "player.namvet_worldhospital0503" "Bill: Busquemos la radio." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0503" "Bill: Let's find that radio." "player.namvet_worldhospital0504" "Bill: Busquemos la radio y avisemos al piloto." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0504" "Bill: Let's find the radio and get a hold of that pilot." "player.namvet_worldhospital0505" "Bill: Bueno, ya está." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0505" "Bill: Well this is it." "player.namvet_worldhospital0506" "Bill: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0506" "Bill: Get to the chopper!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0507" "Bill: Joder, estamos tan, TAN cerca." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0507" "Bill: Oh man, so close, so close." "player.namvet_worldhospital0508" "Bill: ¡Salgamos de aquí!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0508" "Bill: Let's get the hell out of here!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0509" "Bill: ¡Me alegro de verte!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0509" "Bill: Damn happy to see you!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0510" "Bill: ¡Evacuación!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0510" "Bill: Dust off!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0511" "Bill: ¡Jesús, María y José!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0511" "Bill: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0512" "Bill: ¡Por todos los Santos!" "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0512" "Bill: For Christ's sake!" "player.namvet_worldhospital0513" "Bill: A encontrar esa radio." "[english]player.namvet_worldhospital0513" "Bill: Let's find that radio." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0101" "Bill: Está oscuro como boca de lobo. No os separéis." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0101" "Bill: These woods look thicker 'n Boomer shit. Nobody wander off." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0102" "Bill: Que nadie se despiste." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0102" "Bill: Nobody wander off." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0401" "Bill: Esto está abandonado." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0401" "Bill: This place is a ghost town." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0402" "Bill: Parece que no pudieron aguantar." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0402" "Bill: Looks like they couldn't hold out." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0403" "Bill: Esto me huele a chamusquina." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0403" "Bill: Something doesn't feel right here." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0404" "Bill: ¡En esa iglesia hay luz!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0404" "Bill: There's lights on in that church!" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0405" "Bill: Miremos en la iglesia." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0405" "Bill: Let's check out the church." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0407" "Bill: Estos pobres capullos se atrincheraron en la ciudad. Sólo hizo falta un infectado..." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0407" "Bill: Poor bastards barricaded themselves inside the city. All it musta took was one infected..." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0408" "Bill: Si nos quedamos en Riverside vamos a morir. Vamos al río, a buscar un barco." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0408" "Bill: We're gonna die if we stay in Riverside. Let's head to the water and look for a boat." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0409" "Bill: Por la tele dijeron que la gente iba a Riverside." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0409" "Bill: The television said people were heading to Riverside." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0410" "Bill: Este túnel era una ratonera." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0410" "Bill: This tunnel was a deathtrap." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0411" "Bill: No hubo nada que hacer." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltown0411" "Bill: They didn't have a chance." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Bill: Somos inmunes, estamos cansados y en el bosque sólo hay infectados, así que fuera coñas y déjanos entrar." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman01" "Bill: Son, we're immune, we're tired, and there's infected in the damn woods. Now cut the shit and let us in!" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Bill: Te juro que somos humanos como el que más." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman02" "Bill: We're as human as they come, son. I promise you." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Bill: Este tío está como una puta cabra." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman03" "Bill: This guy's nuttier than candy bar shit." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Bill: Es increíble." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman04" "Bill: I don't believe this." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Bill: ¡Me cago en diez! ¡ABRE LA PUTA PUERTA!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman05" "Bill: Oh, what the hell! OPEN THE DOOR ALREADY!" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Bill: Si alguno de nosotros resulta herido, lo VAS a lamentar." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman06" "Bill: Son, any of us get hurt, you WILL regret it." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Bill: Hay que joderse. ¡Nuestra supervivencia depende de un puto enano mental!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcbellman07" "Bill: I don't believe this shit. We're arguin' for our lives here with a damn mental moron!" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Bill: Danos un minutillo para pensarlo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman01" "Bill: We're gonna need a minute to think about it." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Bill: Bien, danos un momento para prepararnos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman02" "Bill: You got a deal. Give us a minute to get ready." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Bill: Trato hecho." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman03" "Bill: You got a deal." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Bill: Id saliendo. Estamos listos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman04" "Bill: Go on and head out. We're ready." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Bill: Venid por nosotros, estamos listos." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman05" "Bill: Come and get us. We're good to go." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Bill: Lo mismo no es más que una balsa tipo Robinson, pero es lo que hay." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman06" "Bill: For all we know he's out there on a Huck Finn raft. Still, he's all we got." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Bill: Espero que el barco sea grande." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman07" "Bill: This'd better be a big goddamn boat." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Bill: A ver si se da prisa, coño." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman08" "Bill: I wish he'd hurry the hell up." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Bill: ¿Cuánto se tarda en atracar un barco?" "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman09" "Bill: How long's it take to drive a boat to shore?" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Bill: Desde luego, se toma su tiempo." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman10" "Bill: He's sure taking his sweet time about it." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Bill: ¡Moved el culo, cadetes, nos vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman11" "Bill: Move your asses, people, we are leaving!" "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Bill: Me parece que cuando acabe todo esto no pienso volver a visitar Riverside." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman12" "Bill: When this is all over? Something tells me I ain't gonna visit Riverside again." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Bill: Así que eso era Riverside, ¿eh? Vaya mierda de sitio." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman13" "Bill: So that was Riverside, was it? What. A. Shithole." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Bill: Hasta la vista, Riverside." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman14" "Bill: See you later, Riverside." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman15" "Bill: Señora, lo siento, pero vamos a aceptar la oferta de su marido." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman15" "Bill: Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we're gonna take your husband's offer." "npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman16" "Bill: Señora, creo que aceptamos la oferta de su marido." "[english]npc.namvet_worldsmalltownnpcboatman16" "Bill: Miss, I think we're gonna take your husband's offer." "player.namvet_yes01" "Bill: Joder... vale." "[english]player.namvet_yes01" "Bill: D'oh jeez, all right." "player.namvet_yes02" "Bill: De acuerdo." "[english]player.namvet_yes02" "Bill: Roger that." "player.namvet_yes03" "Bill: Vale." "[english]player.namvet_yes03" "Bill: Yeah." "player.namvet_yes04" "Bill: Venga." "[english]player.namvet_yes04" "Bill: Okay." "player.namvet_yes05" "Bill: Sí." "[english]player.namvet_yes05" "Bill: Yes." "player.namvet_yes06" "Bill: Afirmativo." "[english]player.namvet_yes06" "Bill: Affirmative." "player.namvet_youarewelcome01" "Bill: Por supuesto." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome01" "Bill: Sure thing." "player.namvet_youarewelcome02" "Bill: No hay por qué darlas." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome02" "Bill: Well, you're welcome." "player.namvet_youarewelcome03" "Bill: Un placer." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome03" "Bill: Any time." "player.namvet_youarewelcome04" "Bill: Ningún problema." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome04" "Bill: Hey, no problem" "player.namvet_youarewelcome05" "Bill: Un placer." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome05" "Bill: No problem." "player.namvet_youarewelcome06" "Bill: Un placer." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome06" "Bill: No problem." "player.namvet_youarewelcome07" "Bill: De nada." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome07" "Bill: Sure." "player.namvet_youarewelcome08" "Bill: Cómo no, cadete." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome08" "Bill: Sure thing, kid." "player.namvet_youarewelcome09" "Bill: No hay de qué." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome09" "Bill: Not a problem." "player.namvet_youarewelcome10" "Bill: Sí, sí, sí." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome10" "Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah." "player.namvet_youarewelcome11" "Bill: No te acostumbres." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome11" "Bill: Don't get too used to it." "player.namvet_youarewelcome12" "Bill: No hay de qué." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome12" "Bill: Don't mention it." "player.namvet_youarewelcome13" "Bill: Ah, no es para tanto." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome13" "Bill: Eh, it's not a big deal." "player.namvet_youarewelcome14" "Bill: Un placer, pero no se te ocurra besarme." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome14" "Bill: Yeah, okay, it don't mean we're married now." "player.namvet_youarewelcome15" "Bill: No esperes un abrazo." "[english]player.namvet_youarewelcome15" "Bill: Don't expect a hug." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose01" "Bill: Lo malo es: ¿y si esto evoluciona como los virus? Quiero decir, ¿y si lo de ser inmune no es una garantía de por vida?" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose01" "Bill: Here's an awful thought. What if this thing evolves like a virus? I mean to say: what if bein' immune's not a lifetime guarantee?" "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose02" "Bill: Mierda. Ya no puedo ni coger un catarro sin preocuparme por si me estoy zombificando." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose02" "Bill: Goddamnit. I can't even get a cold anymore without worryin' it's the early stages of zombieism." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose03" "Bill: Bueno, al menos yo ya soy viejo. No os ofendáis, niños, pero he tenido una vida plena." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose03" "Bill: Ah well. Least I'm old. No offense to you kids, but I already had a full life." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose05" "Bill: Lo de los zombies pase, pero, joder, cómo odio los bosques." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose05" "Bill: The zombies I can live with. But good lord, I hate the woods." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose06" "Bill: ¿Has oído eso o es que estoy senil?" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose06" "Bill: You hear that, or am I goin' senile?" "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose07" "Bill: ¡Esto se ha ido al garete! ¡Retirada!" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose07" "Bill: This just went pear-shaped! Fall back!" "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose08" "Bill: No os preocupéis, yo estoy tan pancho." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose08" "Bill: Don't worry about me, I'm calm as a june bug." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose09" "Bill: Estoy más atacado que Hanoi." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose09" "Bill: I'm jumpier'n' spit on a hot skillet." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose10" "Bill: Francis, no valdrías para luchar ni aunque toda tu grasa se convirtiese en napalm." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose10" "Bill: Francis, if they melted your yellow ass down, you couldn't be poured into a fight." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose11" "Bill: Siempre por la retaguardia, ¿eh Francis? Parece que te gusta." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose11" "Bill: Laggin' behind, Francis? That's okay. Yellow suits you." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose12" "Bill: No dejes que Francis te afecte. Es todo de boquilla." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose12" "Bill: Don't let Francis get to ya. He's all broth and no beans." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose13" "Bill: No dejes que Francis te afecte. Se lo tiene demasiado creído." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose13" "Bill: Don't let Francis wear you down. He'd break his arm pattin' himself on the back." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose14" "Bill: ¿Qué pasa? ¿Acaso quieres vivir para siempre? ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose14" "Bill: What's the matter? You decided you want to live forever? Let's go!" "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose15" "Bill: Es un refugio muy bonito, pero tenemos que seguir." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose15" "Bill: I know it's a nice safehouse, but we need to keep moving." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose16" "Bill: ¿Te vas a quedar a decorar la casa, o qué?" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose16" "Bill: You gonna stick around and redecorate? Come on, let's go." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose17" "Bill: ¡En marcha! Vamos, Zoey, si no seguimos, estamos perdidos." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose17" "Bill: Come on, Zoey. If we don't keep moving we're goners." "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose18" "Bill: ¡No cierres! ¡Aún está fuera!" "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose18" "Bill: Don't shut the door! She's still out there!" "npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose19" "Bill: La culpa es de Bill Clinton." "[english]npc.namvet_zombiegeneralpurpose19" "Bill: I blame Bill Clinton." // TeenGirl "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem01" "Zoey: Aquí tienes esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem01" "Zoey: Here, you can have this" "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem03" "Zoey: Toma esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem03" "Zoey: Take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem05" "Zoey: Espera, toma esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem05" "Zoey: Wait up, I have something for you." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem07" "Zoey: Eh, toma esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem07" "Zoey: Hey, take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem09" "Zoey: Eh, llévate esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem09" "Zoey: Here, you can have this" "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem11" "Zoey: Ten esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem11" "Zoey: Take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem12" "Zoey: Toma." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem12" "Zoey: Here." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem14" "Zoey: Aquí tienes, toma esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem14" "Zoey: Here you go, you can have this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem15" "Zoey: Aquí tienes, toma." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem15" "Zoey: Here you go, you can have this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem16" "Zoey: Eh, toma esto." "[english]player.teengirl_alertgiveitem16" "Zoey: Hey, take this." "player.teengirl_answerlostcall01" "Zoey: ¡Aquí estamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall01" "Zoey: Here we are!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall02" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall02" "Zoey: Over here!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall03" "Zoey: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall03" "Zoey: I'm here!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall07" "Zoey: ¡Estoy aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall07" "Zoey: I'm over here!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall09" "Zoey: ¡Aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall09" "Zoey: I'm here!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall10" "Zoey: ¡Estamos aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall10" "Zoey: We're over here!" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall11" "Zoey: Por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall11" "Zoey: Over here" "player.teengirl_answerlostcall12" "Zoey: ¡Estoy aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_answerlostcall12" "Zoey: I'm over here!" "player.teengirl_answerready01" "Zoey: Lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready01" "Zoey: Ready." "player.teengirl_answerready02" "Zoey: Estoy lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready02" "Zoey: Yep, I'm ready." "player.teengirl_answerready03" "Zoey: Sí, lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready03" "Zoey: Yeah, ready." "player.teengirl_answerready04" "Zoey: Vamos." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready04" "Zoey: Let's go." "player.teengirl_answerready05" "Zoey: Sí... sí, nos “piramos”." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready05" "Zoey: Yeah... yeah, I'm ready to bounce." "player.teengirl_answerready07" "Zoey: Lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready07" "Zoey: Ready." "player.teengirl_answerready08" "Zoey: Estoy lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready08" "Zoey: Yep, I'm ready." "player.teengirl_answerready09" "Zoey: Sí, lista." "[english]player.teengirl_answerready09" "Zoey: Yeah... yeah, I'm ready to bounce." "player.teengirl_areaclear01" "Zoey: ¡Limpio!" "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear01" "Zoey: Clear!" "player.teengirl_areaclear02" "Zoey: Vacío." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear02" "Zoey: Looks empty." "player.teengirl_areaclear03" "Zoey: ¡Nada!" "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear03" "Zoey: Nothing!" "player.teengirl_areaclear04" "Zoey: Limpio." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear04" "Zoey: Clear." "player.teengirl_areaclear05" "Zoey: No hay nada." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear05" "Zoey: Nothing here" "player.teengirl_areaclear08" "Zoey: No veo nada." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear08" "Zoey: Don't see anything." "player.teengirl_areaclear09" "Zoey: Despejado." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear09" "Zoey: I got nothin." "player.teengirl_areaclear10" "Zoey: Aquí no hay nada." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear10" "Zoey: Nothing to see here." "player.teengirl_areaclear11" "Zoey: Vacío." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear11" "Zoey: It's empty." "player.teengirl_areaclear12" "Zoey: Aquí no hay nada, chicos." "[english]player.teengirl_areaclear12" "Zoey: Nothing to see here, folks." "player.teengirl_arriveboat01" "Zoey: ¡Al barco!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboat01" "Zoey: Get to the boat!" "player.teengirl_arriveboat02" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, al barco!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboat02" "Zoey: Come on! Come on! To the boat!" "player.teengirl_arriveboat03" "Zoey: ¡Todos al barco!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboat03" "Zoey: Run to the boat!" "player.teengirl_arriveboat04" "Zoey: ¡Debemos llegar al barco!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboat04" "Zoey: We have to make it to the boat!" "player.teengirl_arriveboat08" "Zoey: ¡Debemos llegar al barco!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboat08" "Zoey: We have to make it to the boat! Come on!" "player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial01" "Zoey: El barco, vamos." "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial01" "Zoey: Boat's here, let's go!" "player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial02" "Zoey: ¡El barco está aquí, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial02" "Zoey: The boat's here! Come on, let's go!" "player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial05" "Zoey: ¡El barco está aquí, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveboatinitial05" "Zoey: The boat's here! Come on, let's go!" "player.teengirl_arrivechopper01" "Zoey: ¡Al helicóptero!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivechopper01" "Zoey: Everyone in the helicopter!" "player.teengirl_arrivechopper02" "Zoey: ¡Vamos al helicóptero!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivechopper02" "Zoey: Come on, get to the helicopter!" "player.teengirl_arrivechopperinitial01" "Zoey: ¡Chicos, el helicóptero! ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivechopperinitial01" "Zoey: Guys, the helicopter's here. Let's go!" "player.teengirl_arrivechopperinitial02" "Zoey: ¡El helicóptero, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivechopperinitial02" "Zoey: The helicopter's here! Come on, let's go!" "player.teengirl_arrivegeneric01" "Zoey: ¡Vámonos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivegeneric01" "Zoey: Time to go!" "player.teengirl_arrivegeneric02" "Zoey: ¡Vienen por nosotros!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivegeneric02" "Zoey: They're here for us! Let's go!" "player.teengirl_arrivegenericinitial01" "Zoey: ¡Por fin, ya llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivegenericinitial01" "Zoey: Finally! They're here!" "player.teengirl_arrivegenericinitial02" "Zoey: ¡El transporte, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivegenericinitial02" "Zoey: Our ride's here! Let's go!" "player.teengirl_arriveplane01" "Zoey: ¡Todos al avión!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveplane01" "Zoey: Everyone on the plane!" "player.teengirl_arriveplane02" "Zoey: ¡Al avión!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveplane02" "Zoey: Get to the plane!" "player.teengirl_arriveplaneinitial01" "Zoey: ¡El avión está listo!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveplaneinitial01" "Zoey: The plane's ready, let's go!" "player.teengirl_arriveplaneinitial02" "Zoey: ¡El avión, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arriveplaneinitial02" "Zoey: Done fueling, let's get going!" "player.teengirl_arrivetruck01" "Zoey: ¡Todos al camión!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivetruck01" "Zoey: Everyone in the truck!" "player.teengirl_arrivetruck02" "Zoey: ¡Al camión!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivetruck02" "Zoey: Get to the truck!" "player.teengirl_arrivetruckinitial01" "Zoey: ¡El camión, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_arrivetruckinitial01" "Zoey: The truck's here! Let's go!" "player.teengirl_askready03" "Zoey: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready03" "Zoey: Ready guys?" "player.teengirl_askready11" "Zoey: ¿Listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready11" "Zoey: Ready?" "player.teengirl_askready12" "Zoey: ¡Vamos! ¿Estáis listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready12" "Zoey: Let's go, you guys ready?" "player.teengirl_askready13" "Zoey: ¿Vamos ya?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready13" "Zoey: You ready guys?" "player.teengirl_askready14" "Zoey: ¿Estáis listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready14" "Zoey: Are you ready for this?" "player.teengirl_askready15" "Zoey: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready15" "Zoey: You guys ready?" "player.teengirl_askready17" "Zoey: ¿Ya estáis listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready17" "Zoey: Are you guys ready?" "player.teengirl_askready18" "Zoey: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready18" "Zoey: You guys ready?" "player.teengirl_askready19" "Zoey: ¿Todos listos?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready19" "Zoey: Everyone ready?" "player.teengirl_askready21" "Zoey: ¿Preparados?" "[english]player.teengirl_askready21" "Zoey: Are you ready?" "player.teengirl_backup01" "Zoey: ¡Atrás, atrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup01" "Zoey: Back back back!" "player.teengirl_backup02" "Zoey: ¡Atrás ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup02" "Zoey: Back back!" "npc.teengirl_backup03" "Zoey: ¡Atrás!" "[english]npc.teengirl_backup03" "Zoey: Move back!" "player.teengirl_backup04" "Zoey: ¡Retirada!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup04" "Zoey: Move back" "npc.teengirl_backup05" "Zoey: ¡Atrás!" "[english]npc.teengirl_backup05" "Zoey: Back up!" "player.teengirl_backup08" "Zoey: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup08" "Zoey: Back it up!" "player.teengirl_backup09" "Zoey: ¡Atrás, ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup09" "Zoey: Back back!" "player.teengirl_backup15" "Zoey: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup15" "Zoey: Back up!" "player.teengirl_backup16" "Zoey: ¡Atrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_backup16" "Zoey: Move back" "player.teengirl_backup17" "Zoey: Retiraos." "[english]player.teengirl_backup17" "Zoey: Get back" "player.teengirl_backupquiet01" "Zoey: Atrás." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet01" "Zoey: Back up" "player.teengirl_backupquiet02" "Zoey: Retirada." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet02" "Zoey: Move back" "player.teengirl_backupquiet04" "Zoey: Atrás." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet04" "Zoey: Back up" "player.teengirl_backupquiet05" "Zoey: Retirada." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet05" "Zoey: Move back" "player.teengirl_backupquiet06" "Zoey: Retiraos." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet06" "Zoey: Get back" "player.teengirl_backupquiet09" "Zoey: Retiraos." "[english]player.teengirl_backupquiet09" "Zoey: Get back" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction01" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction01" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction02" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction02" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction04" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction04" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction05" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction05" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction06" "Zoey: ¡Oh, Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction06" "Zoey: Oh god!" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction07" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction07" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction08" "Zoey: ¡Oh, Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction08" "Zoey: Oh god!" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction09" "Zoey: ¡Arrrrgh! ¡Oh, Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction09" "Zoey: Ahhh ugh! Oh god!" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction10" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction10" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction13" "Zoey: Oh, puag, basta ya." "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction13" "Zoey: Oh yuck, not again!" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction15" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction15" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_boomerreaction16" "Zoey: [Reacción cuando le vomitan encima: escupe con asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_boomerreaction16" "Zoey: [Yecch!]" "player.teengirl_callforrescue01" "Zoey: ¿Hay alguien ahí? ¡Estoy atrapada!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue01" "Zoey: Anyone out there? I'm trapped in here!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue02" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, necesito ayuda! ¡SACADME DE AQUÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue02" "Zoey: Please! I need some help! LET ME OUT OF HERE!!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue03" "Zoey: [Sonidos de lucha]" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue03" "Zoey: [Struggle sounds]" "player.teengirl_callforrescue04" "Zoey: [Grito de esfuerzo]" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue04" "Zoey: [Struggling]" "player.teengirl_callforrescue05" "Zoey: ¡Sacadme, quiero salir!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue05" "Zoey: Let me out! Let me out!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue06" "Zoey: ¡Ayudadme! ¡No puedo salir de aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue06" "Zoey: Help please! I need some help getting out of here!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue07" "Zoey: ¿Hay alguien ahí? ¡Ayudadme por favor!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue07" "Zoey: Someone? Anyone! Help! Please!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue08" "Zoey: ¡Dejadme salir! ¡Ayudadme! ¡Que alguien me saque!" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue08" "Zoey: Let me out! Let me out, someone! Let me out!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue09" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda! ¡No me abandonéis! ¡Por favor, no me dejéis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue09" "Zoey: Help! Don't leave me! Help! No, don't leave me here!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue10" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, chicos, ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue10" "Zoey: Come on guys! I need some help!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue11" "Zoey: Me vendría bien una mano, ¡estoy atrapada!" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue11" "Zoey: I could really use some help, I'm trapped in here!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue12" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue12" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue13" "Zoey: NO... NO ME DEJÉIS ATRÁS." "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue13" "Zoey: PLEASE, NO. DON'T LEAVE ME BEHIND!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue14" "Zoey: ¿Hola? ¿Hay alguien? ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue14" "Zoey: Hello? Anyone out there? I need some help!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue15" "Zoey: Vamos, chicos, no puedo salir, ¡por favor, ayudadme!" "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue15" "Zoey: Come on, guys - I'm stuck! Please, please help me!" "player.teengirl_callforrescue16" "Zoey: ¡Tíos! ¡Tíos, estoy aquí atrapada!" "[english]player.teengirl_callforrescue16" "Zoey: Guys! GUYS! I'm over here! I'm trapped!" "npc.teengirl_callforrescue17" "Zoey: Ay madre, ¿quién anda ahí? Ya no aguanto más." "[english]npc.teengirl_callforrescue17" "Zoey: Oh my god, who's out there? I can't take much more of this." //\"player.teengirl_choke01\" \"Zoey: [Choking]\" //\"player.teengirl_choke02\" \"Zoey: [Choking]\" //\"player.teengirl_choke03\" \"Zoey: [Choking]\" //\"player.teengirl_choke04\" \"Zoey: [Choking]\" "player.teengirl_closethedoor01" "Zoey: La puerta." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor01" "Zoey: Lock the door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor07" "Zoey: Cierra ahí." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor07" "Zoey: Close the door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor08" "Zoey: ¡Hay que cerrar!" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor08" "Zoey: Please lock the door!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor11" "Zoey: ¿Cerramos la puerta?" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor11" "Zoey: Someone wanna close the door?" "player.teengirl_closethedoor16" "Zoey: Esa puerta." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor16" "Zoey: Close the door, please!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor17" "Zoey: La puerta." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor17" "Zoey: Lock that door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor19" "Zoey: Esa puerta, cerrada." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor19" "Zoey: Come on, lock the door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor22" "Zoey: ¿Cierras la puerta?" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor22" "Zoey: Can you lock that door?!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor28" "Zoey: ¡Cierra la puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor28" "Zoey: Close the door, please!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor29" "Zoey: Hay que chapar." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor29" "Zoey: Lock that door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor32" "Zoey: Vamos, cerremos." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor32" "Zoey: Come on, lock the door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor33" "Zoey: ¡Esa puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor33" "Zoey: Close the door!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor41" "Zoey: Quiero la puerta cerrada." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor41" "Zoey: Close the door already" "player.teengirl_closethedoor42" "Zoey: Hay que cerrar." "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor42" "Zoey: Lock the door." "player.teengirl_closethedoor45" "Zoey: ¿Cierras la puerta?" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor45" "Zoey: Can you lock that door?!" "player.teengirl_closethedoor50" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, hay que cerrar!" "[english]player.teengirl_closethedoor50" "Zoey: Please lock the door!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm01" "Zoey: Izquierda." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm01" "Zoey: To the left." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm02" "Zoey: Derecha." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm02" "Zoey: To the right." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm03" "Zoey: Arriba." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm03" "Zoey: Up there." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm04" "Zoey: Encima." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm04" "Zoey: Above us." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm05" "Zoey: Abajo." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm05" "Zoey: Down there." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm06" "Zoey: Debajo." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm06" "Zoey: Below us." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm07" "Zoey: Detrás." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm07" "Zoey: Back there." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm08" "Zoey: Al frente." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm08" "Zoey: Up ahead." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm09" "Zoey: En la ventana." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm09" "Zoey: In the window." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm10" "Zoey: En la esquina." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm10" "Zoey: Around the corner." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm11" "Zoey: En la entrada." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm11" "Zoey: In the doorway." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm12" "Zoey: Tras la pared." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm12" "Zoey: Behind this wall." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm13" "Zoey: Tras la puerta." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm13" "Zoey: Behind this door." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm14" "Zoey: En el tejado." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm14" "Zoey: On the roof." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm15" "Zoey: Ahí detrás." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm15" "Zoey: Behind that." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm16" "Zoey: En los árboles." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm16" "Zoey: In the trees." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm17" "Zoey: En las rocas." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm17" "Zoey: Near the rocks." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm18" "Zoey: Hay uno." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm18" "Zoey: One of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm19" "Zoey: Hay dos." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm19" "Zoey: Two of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm20" "Zoey: Hay tres." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm20" "Zoey: Three of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm21" "Zoey: Hay cuatro." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm21" "Zoey: Four of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm22" "Zoey: Hay un par." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm22" "Zoey: A couple of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm23" "Zoey: Hay algunos." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm23" "Zoey: A few of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm24" "Zoey: Hay muchos." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm24" "Zoey: Lots of 'em." "player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm25" "Zoey: El edificio." "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifiercalm25" "Zoey: In this building." "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud01" "Zoey: ¡A la izquierda!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud01" "Zoey: To the left!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud02" "Zoey: ¡A la derecha!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud02" "Zoey: To the right!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud03" "Zoey: ¡Arriba!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud03" "Zoey: Up there!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud04" "Zoey: ¡Encima!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud04" "Zoey: Above us!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud05" "Zoey: ¡Abajo!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud05" "Zoey: Down there!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud06" "Zoey: ¡Debajo!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud06" "Zoey: Below us!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud07" "Zoey: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud07" "Zoey: Back there!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud08" "Zoey: ¡Al frente!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud08" "Zoey: Up ahead!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud09" "Zoey: ¡En la ventana!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud09" "Zoey: In the window!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud10" "Zoey: ¡En la esquina!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud10" "Zoey: Around the corner!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud11" "Zoey: ¡En la entrada!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud11" "Zoey: In the doorway!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud12" "Zoey: ¡Tras la pared!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud12" "Zoey: Behind this wall!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud13" "Zoey: ¡Tras la puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud13" "Zoey: Behind this door!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud14" "Zoey: ¡El tejado!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud14" "Zoey: On the roof!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud15" "Zoey: ¡Ahí detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud15" "Zoey: Behind that!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud16" "Zoey: ¡El edificio!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud16" "Zoey: In this building!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud17" "Zoey: ¡En los árboles!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud17" "Zoey: In the trees!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud18" "Zoey: ¡En las rocas!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud18" "Zoey: Near the rocks!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud19" "Zoey: ¡Hay uno!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud19" "Zoey: One of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud20" "Zoey: ¡Hay dos!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud20" "Zoey: Two of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud21" "Zoey: ¡Hay tres!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud21" "Zoey: Three of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud22" "Zoey: ¡Hay cuatro!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud22" "Zoey: Four of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud23" "Zoey: ¡Hay muchos!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud23" "Zoey: Lots of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud24" "Zoey: ¡Hay un par!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud24" "Zoey: A couple of 'em!" "player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud25" "Zoey: ¡Hay algunos!" "[english]player.teengirl_contextmodifierloud25" "Zoey: A few of 'em!" "player.teengirl_cough01" "Zoey: [Tosiendo por el humo]" "[english]player.teengirl_cough01" "Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]" //\"player.teengirl_cough02\" \"Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.teengirl_cough03\" \"Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.teengirl_cough04\" \"Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.teengirl_cough05\" \"Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]\" //\"player.teengirl_cough06\" \"Zoey: [Coughing from smoke]\" "player.teengirl_coverme02" "Zoey: Necesito curarme." "[english]player.teengirl_coverme02" "Zoey: Hold up, gotta heal." "player.teengirl_coverme05" "Zoey: ¡Cubridme!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme05" "Zoey: Cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme06" "Zoey: ¡¿Me cubres?!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme06" "Zoey: Watch my back!" "player.teengirl_coverme10" "Zoey: ¡Por favor, cubridme!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme10" "Zoey: Would you please cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme14" "Zoey: ¡Me estoy curando!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme14" "Zoey: Healing! Cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme18" "Zoey: ¡Cubridme!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme18" "Zoey: Cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme19" "Zoey: ¡Qué alguien me cubra!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme19" "Zoey: Watch my back, please!" "player.teengirl_coverme20" "Zoey: ¡Cubridme!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme20" "Zoey: Cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme21" "Zoey: Necesito curarme." "[english]player.teengirl_coverme21" "Zoey: Hold up, gotta heal" "player.teengirl_coverme23" "Zoey: Me estoy curando." "[english]player.teengirl_coverme23" "Zoey: Healing! Cover me!" "player.teengirl_coverme25" "Zoey: ¡¿Me cubres?!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme25" "Zoey: Watch my back!" "player.teengirl_coverme27" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, cúbreme!" "[english]player.teengirl_coverme27" "Zoey: Come on, man, over me!" "player.teengirl_deathscream01" "Zoey: [Estertor]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream01" "Zoey: [Death rattle]" "player.teengirl_deathscream02" "Zoey: [Estertor]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream02" "Zoey: [Death rattle]" "player.teengirl_deathscream03" "Zoey: [Estertor]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream03" "Zoey: [Death rattle]" "player.teengirl_deathscream04" "Zoey: [Estertor]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream04" "Zoey: [Death rattle]" "player.teengirl_deathscream05" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream05" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream06" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream06" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream07" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream07" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream08" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía corto y rápido]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream08" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream09" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream09" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream10" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream10" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_deathscream11" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía doloroso y agudo]" "[english]player.teengirl_deathscream11" "Zoey: [Death scream]" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking01" "Zoey: ¡Se acercan por la puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking01" "Zoey: They're coming through the door!" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking02" "Zoey: ¡La puerta no aguantará!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking02" "Zoey: That door isn't going to hold them!" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking03" "Zoey: ¡La puerta no aguantará mucho!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking03" "Zoey: That door isn't going to hold them for long" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking04" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, la puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking04" "Zoey: The door, the door!" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking06" "Zoey: ¡Están entrando!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking06" "Zoey: They're coming through!" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking14" "Zoey: ¡La puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking14" "Zoey: The door!" "player.teengirl_doorbreaking16" "Zoey: ¡Entran por la puerta!" "[english]player.teengirl_doorbreaking16" "Zoey: They're coming through that door!" "npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse01" "Zoey: ¡Esto se va al garete ya mismo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse01" "Zoey: This is going to hell real fast!" "npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse02" "Zoey: ¡Sólo quedamos nosotros!" "[english]npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse02" "Zoey: It's just you and me left!" "npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse03" "Zoey: Ay, mierda, no. No. ¡NO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_doubledeathresponse03" "Zoey: Oh, shit man, no. No. NO!" "player.teengirl_downinfront01" "Zoey: Al suelo." "[english]player.teengirl_downinfront01" "Zoey: Down in front." "player.teengirl_downinfront02" "Zoey: Abajo." "[english]player.teengirl_downinfront02" "Zoey: Duck." "player.teengirl_downinfront04" "Zoey: Al suelo." "[english]player.teengirl_downinfront04" "Zoey: Down in front!" "npc.teengirl_downinfront05" "Zoey: ¡Ahí abajo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_downinfront05" "Zoey: Down in front!" "player.teengirl_dying01" "Zoey: ¡Tíos, ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_dying01" "Zoey: Guys! I need help now!" "player.teengirl_dying02" "Zoey: Oh Dios, oh Dios, no... no creo que aguante más." "[english]player.teengirl_dying02" "Zoey: Oh my god, oh my god, I'm not going to last much longer!" "player.teengirl_dying03" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda, no quiero morir!" "[english]player.teengirl_dying03" "Zoey: Help, help, I don't want to die!" "player.teengirl_dying04" "Zoey: ¡Tíos... aquí, ayudadme ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_dying04" "Zoey: Guys, this is it, I need help now!" "player.teengirl_dying05" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda, ayuda, no quiero morir!" "[english]player.teengirl_dying05" "Zoey: Help, help, I don't want to die!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo01" "Zoey: ¡Vamos ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo01" "Zoey: Go go go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo02" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo02" "Zoey: Go go go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo04" "Zoey: ¡Moveos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo04" "Zoey: Move move move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo05" "Zoey: ¡Moveos ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo05" "Zoey: Move move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo06" "Zoey: ¡VAMOS!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo06" "Zoey: GO!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo07" "Zoey: ¡VAMOS!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo07" "Zoey: GO!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo08" "Zoey: ¡Vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo08" "Zoey: Go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo09" "Zoey: ¡MOVEOS!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo09" "Zoey: MOVE!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo10" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, moveos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo10" "Zoey: Come on, move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo11" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo11" "Zoey: Let's go, let's go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo12" "Zoey: ¡Vamos ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo12" "Zoey: Go go go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo15" "Zoey: ¡Moveos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo15" "Zoey: Move move move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo21" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, moveos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo21" "Zoey: Come on, move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo22" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo22" "Zoey: Let's go, let's go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgo23" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, moveos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgo23" "Zoey: Come on, move!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet01" "Zoey: Moveos." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet01" "Zoey: Keep moving!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet03" "Zoey: No paréis." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet03" "Zoey: Don't stop, go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet06" "Zoey: Seguid." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticgoquiet06" "Zoey: Keep going!" "player.teengirl_emphaticno01" "Zoey: Ni hablar." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno01" "Zoey: No way." "player.teengirl_emphaticno04" "Zoey: ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno04" "Zoey: Are you high?" "player.teengirl_emphaticno05" "Zoey: Ni hablar." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno05" "Zoey: No way." "player.teengirl_emphaticno07" "Zoey: Eso ni lo sueñes." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno07" "Zoey: That so isn't going to happen." "player.teengirl_emphaticno09" "Zoey: Ni - ha - blar." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno09" "Zoey: Not. A. Chance." "player.teengirl_emphaticno10" "Zoey: ¡Que no!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno10" "Zoey: Hell no!" "player.teengirl_emphaticno11" "Zoey: ¿En serio? No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno11" "Zoey: Seriously? No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno12" "Zoey: ¿Lo dices en serio?" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno12" "Zoey: Are you really asking me this?" "player.teengirl_emphaticno13" "Zoey: Ah, ah." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno13" "Zoey: Uh uh." "player.teengirl_emphaticno18" "Zoey: Ni hablar." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno18" "Zoey: No way." "player.teengirl_emphaticno19" "Zoey: Cállate." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno19" "Zoey: Just shut up." "player.teengirl_emphaticno23" "Zoey: ¿Qué? No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno23" "Zoey: What? No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno26" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno26" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno29" "Zoey: Ni hablar." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno29" "Zoey: No way." "player.teengirl_emphaticno33" "Zoey: N - O." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno33" "Zoey: N. O." "player.teengirl_emphaticno36" "Zoey: ¿Qué? No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno36" "Zoey: What? No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno37" "Zoey: Calla." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno37" "Zoey: Shut up." "player.teengirl_emphaticno38" "Zoey: ¿Es broma?" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno38" "Zoey: Are you kidding?" "player.teengirl_emphaticno40" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno40" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno42" "Zoey: Ni en sueños." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno42" "Zoey: In your dreams." "player.teengirl_emphaticno44" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno44" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_emphaticno45" "Zoey: Ah, ah." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno45" "Zoey: Uh uh." "player.teengirl_emphaticno46" "Zoey: Ni-de-coña." "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno46" "Zoey: No way in hell." "player.teengirl_emphaticno47" "Zoey: ¡Que no!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticno47" "Zoey: Hell no!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun01" "Zoey: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun01" "Zoey: RUN!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun03" "Zoey: ¡No pares de correr!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun03" "Zoey: Keep running, keep running!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun04" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun04" "Zoey: Let's go, let's go!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun06" "Zoey: ¡Vete! ¡CORRE!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun06" "Zoey: Just go! RUN!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun07" "Zoey: ¡CORRED YA!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun07" "Zoey: RUN! RUN!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun09" "Zoey: ¡Vete! ¡YA!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun09" "Zoey: Just go! GO!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun10" "Zoey: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun10" "Zoey: RUN!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun11" "Zoey: ¡CORRED!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun11" "Zoey: RUN!" "player.teengirl_emphaticrun12" "Zoey: ¡No paréis, vamos, corred!" "[english]player.teengirl_emphaticrun12" "Zoey: Keep moving! Come on, keep moving!" //\"player.teengirl_exertioncritical01\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertioncritical02\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertioncritical03\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertioncritical04\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertionmajor01\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertionmajor02\" \"Zoey: [Frightened breathing]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertionminor01\" \"Zoey: [Panting]\" //\"player.teengirl_exertionminor02\" \"Zoey: [Panting]\" "player.teengirl_fall01" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía mientras cae]" "[english]player.teengirl_fall01" "Zoey: [Falling death scream]" "player.teengirl_fall02" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía mientras cae]" "[english]player.teengirl_fall02" "Zoey: [Falling death scream]" "player.teengirl_fall03" "Zoey: [Grito de agonía mientras cae]" "[english]player.teengirl_fall03" "Zoey: [Falling death scream]" "player.teengirl_fallshort01" "Zoey: ¡Ahh!" "[english]player.teengirl_fallshort01" "Zoey: Wooaaah!" "player.teengirl_fallshort02" "Zoey: ¡Oh, no!" "[english]player.teengirl_fallshort02" "Zoey: Ohhh nooooo!" "player.teengirl_fallshort03" "Zoey: [Grito rápido improvisado]" "[english]player.teengirl_fallshort03" "Zoey: [Yelp!]" "player.teengirl_finaleahead01" "Zoey: Tíos, casi hemos llegado." "[english]player.teengirl_finaleahead01" "Zoey: Hey guys, I think we're almost there." "player.teengirl_finaleahead02" "Zoey: Por fin, casi hemos llegado." "[english]player.teengirl_finaleahead02" "Zoey: Thank god, we're almost outta here!" "player.teengirl_finaleahead03" "Zoey: Por fin. ¿Veis? ¡Ya casi hemos salido de aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_finaleahead03" "Zoey: Finally. You see that? We're almost out of here!" "player.teengirl_finaleahead04" "Zoey: Pronto acabará todo." "[english]player.teengirl_finaleahead04" "Zoey: This is all going to be over soon." "player.teengirl_followme01" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme01" "Zoey: Come on, this way!" "player.teengirl_followme02" "Zoey: ¡Es por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme02" "Zoey: This way, guys!" "player.teengirl_followme03" "Zoey: ¡Seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme03" "Zoey: Follow me!" "player.teengirl_followme05" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme05" "Zoey: This way!" "player.teengirl_followme07" "Zoey: Creo que es por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_followme07" "Zoey: I think we should go this way." "player.teengirl_followme10" "Zoey: Yo primero." "[english]player.teengirl_followme10" "Zoey: I'll go first." "player.teengirl_followme11" "Zoey: ¡Seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme11" "Zoey: Follow me!" "player.teengirl_followme12" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme12" "Zoey: Come on, this way!" "player.teengirl_followme14" "Zoey: ¡Seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme14" "Zoey: Follow me!" "player.teengirl_followme15" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí, seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme15" "Zoey: Over here, this way!" "player.teengirl_followme16" "Zoey: Vale, yo primero." "[english]player.teengirl_followme16" "Zoey: Okay, I'll go first." "player.teengirl_followme17" "Zoey: Creo que es por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_followme17" "Zoey: I think we should go this way." "player.teengirl_followme18" "Zoey: Hay que ir por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_followme18" "Zoey: We need to go this way." "player.teengirl_followme20" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme20" "Zoey: Come on, this way!" "player.teengirl_followme22" "Zoey: ¡Seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme22" "Zoey: Follow me!" "player.teengirl_followme23" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme23" "Zoey: This way!" "player.teengirl_followme24" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí, seguidme!" "[english]player.teengirl_followme24" "Zoey: Over here, this way!" "player.teengirl_followme25" "Zoey: Yo primero." "[english]player.teengirl_followme25" "Zoey: I'll go first." "player.teengirl_followme27" "Zoey: Hay que ir por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_followme27" "Zoey: We need to go this way." "player.teengirl_followme28" "Zoey: ¡Seguidme! Sé por donde hay que ir." "[english]player.teengirl_followme28" "Zoey: Follow me! I know where I'm going. Come on!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire02" "Zoey: ¡Eh, que duele!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire02" "Zoey: Hey, that hurt!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire03" "Zoey: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire03" "Zoey: Watch it!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire05" "Zoey: ¡Afina la puntería!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire05" "Zoey: Watch where you're shooting!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire06" "Zoey: ¡No me dispares!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire06" "Zoey: Stop shooting me!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire07" "Zoey: ¡Ay! ¡Hey!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire07" "Zoey: ow! HEY!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire08" "Zoey: ¿¡Quieres parar!?" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire08" "Zoey: Stop it already!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire10" "Zoey: ¡Eh!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire10" "Zoey: Hey!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire11" "Zoey: No tiene gracia." "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire11" "Zoey: That's not funny." "player.teengirl_friendlyfire12" "Zoey: ¡PARA YA!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire12" "Zoey: STOP IT!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire13" "Zoey: ¡No dispares!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire13" "Zoey: Don't shoot me!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire14" "Zoey: ¡Eh, vamos! ¡Para!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire14" "Zoey: Hey, come on! Stop!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire17" "Zoey: ¿Pero qué co...?" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire17" "Zoey: What the hell?" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire18" "Zoey: ¡Pero...!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire18" "Zoey: What the!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire19" "Zoey: ¿Por qué me haces eso?" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire19" "Zoey: Why would you do that to me?" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire22" "Zoey: ¡Auuu! ¡Eso duele!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire22" "Zoey: Ow! that hurt!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire23" "Zoey: ¡Auuu!" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire23" "Zoey: Ow!" "player.teengirl_friendlyfire24" "Zoey: ¿Por qué me haces eso?" "[english]player.teengirl_friendlyfire24" "Zoey: Why would you do that to me?" "player.teengirl_generic01" "Zoey: La cosa no va a mejorar." "[english]player.teengirl_generic01" "Zoey: It's not going to get any better you know." "player.teengirl_generic02" "Zoey: Vas a hacer que te maten." "[english]player.teengirl_generic02" "Zoey: You're going to get yourself killed." "player.teengirl_generic03" "Zoey: Estas cosas nunca terminan bien." "[english]player.teengirl_generic03" "Zoey: Things like this never end well" "player.teengirl_generic04" "Zoey: ¿Crees que algún día todo volverá a la normalidad?" "[english]player.teengirl_generic04" "Zoey: You think one day its all just gonna go back to normal?" "player.teengirl_generic05" "Zoey: Va a ser que no." "[english]player.teengirl_generic05" "Zoey: It ain't gonna happen." "player.teengirl_generic06" "Zoey: Son sólo murciélagos, no vampiros, ¿sabes?" "[english]player.teengirl_generic06" "Zoey: You don't have to worry about bats, they aren't vampires you know." "player.teengirl_generic07" "Zoey: Vale." "[english]player.teengirl_generic07" "Zoey: Fair enough." "player.teengirl_generic08" "Zoey: ¿Una pasada? ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]player.teengirl_generic08" "Zoey: Off the chain? are you kidding me?" "npc.teengirl_generic09" "Zoey: No creo que me acostumbre nunca a verlos moverse así. Puag." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic09" "Zoey: I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing them swarm like that. Blugh." "player.teengirl_generic10" "Zoey: Genial, entonces soy la última mujer de la tierra." "[english]player.teengirl_generic10" "Zoey: Great, that makes me the last woman on earth." "player.teengirl_generic11" "Zoey: Creo que deberías pensarlo... de nuevo." "[english]player.teengirl_generic11" "Zoey: You might want to rethink that. Just sayin'" "npc.teengirl_generic12" "Zoey: ¿Habéis visto alguna otra chica inmune?" "[english]npc.teengirl_generic12" "Zoey: Have you guys seen any other immune women?" "npc.teengirl_generic13" "Zoey: En las pelis de zombies, la guapa la palma siempre antes." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic13" "Zoey: In zombie movies, the pretty girl *always* dies first." "npc.teengirl_generic14" "Zoey: Francis, lo que dices es absurdo." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic14" "Zoey: Francis, you're not making any sense again." "npc.teengirl_generic15" "Zoey: Desde luego, eres un optimista, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic15" "Zoey: You're an optimist. I'll give you that, Louis." "npc.teengirl_generic17" "Zoey: El vaso está vacío, Louis. No queda ni una gota." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic17" "Zoey: The glass is empty, Louis. It's completely empty!" "npc.teengirl_generic20" "Zoey: ¡Pa mí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_generic20" "Zoey: Yoink!" "npc.teengirl_generic21" "Zoey: ¡Ay, madre!" "[english]npc.teengirl_generic21" "Zoey: Zoinks!" "npc.teengirl_generic22" "Zoey: Hasta que os encontré, creía que nadie más era inmune." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic22" "Zoey: Until I met you guys, I didn't know anyone else was immune." "npc.teengirl_generic23" "Zoey: ¿Cómo descubristeis vuestra inmunidad? Probarlo no es fácil." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic23" "Zoey: How did you find out you were immune? It's a helluva test, huh?" "npc.teengirl_generic24" "Zoey: Bonito corbatón." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic24" "Zoey: Nice power tie." "npc.teengirl_generic25" "Zoey: A tu lado, Louis, no voy bien vestida para el Apocalipsis." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic25" "Zoey: Next to you Louis, I feel kinda underdressed for this apocalypse." "npc.teengirl_generic26" "Zoey: Sigue sin caberme en la cabeza lo rápidos que son. ¡No es justo! ¡No son buenos zombis! Deberían ser superlentos." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic26" "Zoey: I can't get over how fast they all are. It's not even fair! I'm calling zombie bullshit on that, you know? They're not allowed to be so fast." "npc.teengirl_generic27" "Zoey: Ya es oficial: estoy hasta los ovarios de zombies." "[english]npc.teengirl_generic27" "Zoey: Well, it's official. I am sick to death of zombies." "npc.teengirl_genericdirections01" "Zoey: ¡Subamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections01" "Zoey: Up the stairs!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections02" "Zoey: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections02" "Zoey: Down the stairs!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections03" "Zoey: ¡Hay que subir la escalera!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections03" "Zoey: We need to go up that ladder!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections04" "Zoey: ¡Bajemos la escalera!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections04" "Zoey: We need to go down there!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections05" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections05" "Zoey: Through here!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections06" "Zoey: ¡Esta puerta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections06" "Zoey: Through this door!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections07" "Zoey: Tenemos que salir." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections07" "Zoey: We need to get outside." "npc.teengirl_genericdirections08" "Zoey: Hay que ir a la calle." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections08" "Zoey: We gotta get off the street." "npc.teengirl_genericdirections09" "Zoey: Hay que volver a la azotea." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections09" "Zoey: We need to get back to the rooftops." "npc.teengirl_genericdirections10" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections10" "Zoey: Back here!" "npc.teengirl_genericdirections11" "Zoey: ¡Hay que pasar por encima!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections11" "Zoey: We gotta get over this thing." "npc.teengirl_genericdirections12" "Zoey: Oye, Bill, por lo menos estamos *bajando*." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericdirections12" "Zoey: Hey Bill, at least we're going *down* the stairs." "npc.teengirl_genericresponse01" "Zoey: Seguro que se lo dices a todas." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponse01" "Zoey: I bet you say that to all the girls." "npc.teengirl_genericresponse02" "Zoey: Te besaría... si no olieses tan mal." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponse02" "Zoey: I'd kiss you... If you didn't smell like that." "npc.teengirl_genericresponse03" "Zoey: Te besaría... si no te hubieran potado." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponse03" "Zoey: I'd kiss you... If you weren't covered in puke." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses01" "Zoey: Olvídalo ya, ¿quieres?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses01" "Zoey: Yeah, well, get over it." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses02" "Zoey: Cómo?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses02" "Zoey: What?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses03" "Zoey: ¿Estás de broma?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses03" "Zoey: You're kidding, right?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses04" "Zoey: Claro, cómo no." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses04" "Zoey: Sure, why not?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses05" "Zoey: Las cosas no pueden empeorar." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses05" "Zoey: It couldn't get any worse, right?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses06" "Zoey: Y qué lo digas, tío." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses06" "Zoey: You can say that again." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses07" "Zoey: Eso me suena bien." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses07" "Zoey: That sounds about right." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses08" "Zoey: Venga [suspiro] al tajo." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses08" "Zoey: Yeah, let's do it." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses09" "Zoey: Bien pensado." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses09" "Zoey: Good thinking." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses10" "Zoey: Allá vamos de nuevo." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses10" "Zoey: Here we go again." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses11" "Zoey: Sólo nosotros y tropecientos zombies." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses11" "Zoey: Yeah, just us and a million zombies." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses12" "Zoey: ¿Os queréis callar?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses12" "Zoey: Would you two shut up?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses13" "Zoey: Que te den." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses13" "Zoey: Screw you." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses14" "Zoey: Si tú lo dices." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses14" "Zoey: If you say so." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses15" "Zoey: Estás seguro, ¿verdad?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses15" "Zoey: You're sure about this, right?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses16" "Zoey: Está bien..." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses16" "Zoey: Okay..." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses17" "Zoey: Oye, oye... quizá deberíamos reflexionar un poco." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses17" "Zoey: Whoa, whoa. Maybe we should think about this." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses18" "Zoey: ¿CÓMO?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses18" "Zoey: WHAT?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses19" "Zoey: ¿QUÉ HA DICHO?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses19" "Zoey: WHAT DID HE SAY?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses20" "Zoey: ¡Soy Zoey!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses20" "Zoey: I'm Zoey!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses21" "Zoey: ¡Bill, soy Zoey!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses21" "Zoey: Bill, it's Zoey!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses22" "Zoey: ¡Oye, tío, que soy Zoey!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses22" "Zoey: Whoa, whoa, it's me, Zoey!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses23" "Zoey: No sé." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses23" "Zoey: I don't know." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses24" "Zoey: Encárgate tú mismo." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses24" "Zoey: I'm gonna let you handle that." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses25" "Zoey: No sé... vale." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses25" "Zoey: I don't know. Sure." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses26" "Zoey: No sé... ¿sí?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses26" "Zoey: I don't know. Yes?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses27" "Zoey: Supongo que... ¿sí?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses27" "Zoey: Lemme guess: Yes?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses28" "Zoey: No sé... ¿no?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses28" "Zoey: I don't know. No?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses29" "Zoey: Supongo que... ¿no?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses29" "Zoey: Lemme guess: No?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses30" "Zoey: Tienes razón." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses30" "Zoey: That's a good point." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses31" "Zoey: Fale." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses31" "Zoey: Noted." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses32" "Zoey: Chachi." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses32" "Zoey: Groovy." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses33" "Zoey: Bueno, técnicamente no son “zombies”. Son “infectados”." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses33" "Zoey: You know, they're not technically zombies - they're infected." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses34" "Zoey: No digas eso con zeta." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses34" "Zoey: The zed word - don't say it." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses35" "Zoey: ¡Me ha moqueado!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses35" "Zoey: It slimed me!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses36" "Zoey: ¡Que asco de mocos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses36" "Zoey: It slimed me." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses37" "Zoey: ¡Estamos acabados! ¡Acabados!" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses37" "Zoey: Game over, man! Game over!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses38" "Zoey: Es una trampa." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses38" "Zoey: It's a trap!" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses39" "Zoey: Ya casi estamos, queda poco." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses39" "Zoey: Almost there. Almost there." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses40" "Zoey: No crucéis los rayos." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses40" "Zoey: Don't cross the beams, boys." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses41" "Zoey: Buen tiro, vaquero." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses41" "Zoey: Nice shootin', Tex." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses42" "Zoey: Espero que no le prometieran sexo." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses42" "Zoey: I hope no one promised him a woman." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses43" "Zoey: Sigue al objetivo. No lo pierdas." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses43" "Zoey: Stay on target. Stay on target." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses44" "Zoey: Casi estamos." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses44" "Zoey: Almost there." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses45" "Zoey: Te quiero. Lo sé." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses45" "Zoey: I love you. I know." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses46" "Zoey: ¿Qué tal esto?" "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses46" "Zoey: How's that?" "npc.teengirl_genericresponses47" "Zoey: Lo sé." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses47" "Zoey: I know." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses48" "Zoey: Salen de noche. Casi siempre..." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses48" "Zoey: They come out at night. Mostly..." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses49" "Zoey: Debería ser más grande." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses49" "Zoey: We're gonna need a bigger boat." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses50" "Zoey: Licencia para matar... zombis." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses50" "Zoey: License to kill... zombies." "npc.teengirl_genericresponses51" "Zoey: ¿Eso que llevas te tocó en una tómbola? Por lo menos te pega." "[english]npc.teengirl_genericresponses51" "Zoey: You get a free bowl of soup with that hat? But it looks good on you." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived01" "Zoey: No pasa nada." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived01" "Zoey: I'm okay." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived02" "Zoey: Estoy bien." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived02" "Zoey: I'm fine." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived03" "Zoey: Mierda." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived03" "Zoey: Oh shit." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived04" "Zoey: No sé yo..." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived04" "Zoey: I don't know." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived05" "Zoey: Me desangro." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived05" "Zoey: I'm bleeding." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived06" "Zoey: ¡Ahhh!" "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived06" "Zoey: Ughhh." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived07" "Zoey: Sobreviviré." "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived07" "Zoey: I'll make it." "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived08" "Zoey: ¿Qué pinta tengo?" "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived08" "Zoey: How do I look?" "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived09" "Zoey: ¿Es grave?" "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived09" "Zoey: Is it bad?" "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived10" "Zoey: ¿Estoy mal?" "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived10" "Zoey: How bad is it?" "npc.teengirl_gettingrevived11" "Zoey: ¿Me han dado en la cara?" "[english]npc.teengirl_gettingrevived11" "Zoey: Did they get my face?" "player.teengirl_goingtodie01" "Zoey: No me encuentro bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie01" "Zoey: I don't feel so hot." "player.teengirl_goingtodie04" "Zoey: Me muero a chorros, chicos." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie04" "Zoey: I'm not doing so good, guys" "player.teengirl_goingtodie07" "Zoey: Esto no pinta bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie07" "Zoey: This is really bad." "player.teengirl_goingtodie10" "Zoey: Tíos, estoy acabada." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie10" "Zoey: Guys, I'm really torn up." "player.teengirl_goingtodie27" "Zoey: Creo que esto es grave... muy grave." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie27" "Zoey: I think I hurt something bad. Real bad." "player.teengirl_goingtodie302" "Zoey: No sé si lo lograré." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie302" "Zoey: I don't know if I am going to make it." "npc.teengirl_goingtodie313" "Zoey: Voy a necesitar algo de ayuda pero ya." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodie313" "Zoey: I'm gonna need some help, like soon." "player.teengirl_goingtodie314" "Zoey: Tíos, no creo que lo consiga sin ayuda." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie314" "Zoey: Guys, I don't think I'm going to make it without any help." "player.teengirl_goingtodie362" "Zoey: Si no me ayudáis... voy a morir." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie362" "Zoey: I need some help or I'm going to die." "player.teengirl_goingtodie363" "Zoey: Si caigo otra vez, se acabó." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie363" "Zoey: I go down again and I'm dead." "npc.teengirl_goingtodie364" "Zoey: Un botiquín o se me acabó la suerte..." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodie364" "Zoey: Without first aid, this is it." "player.teengirl_goingtodie370" "Zoey: Oh, no... voy a morir." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie370" "Zoey: Oh god, I'm going to die." "player.teengirl_goingtodie38" "Zoey: Esto no va bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie38" "Zoey: This is not going well." "player.teengirl_goingtodie42" "Zoey: Tío... menuda mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie42" "Zoey: Man, I feel like crap." "player.teengirl_goingtodie44" "Zoey: ¿Tíos? Esto duele..." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie44" "Zoey: Guys? I'm pretty hurt." "player.teengirl_goingtodie45" "Zoey: Aaauu... esto duele de verdad." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie45" "Zoey: Ohh... this is really starting to hurt." "player.teengirl_goingtodie48" "Zoey: Duele mucho, tíos." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie48" "Zoey: I'm really hurt, guys." "player.teengirl_goingtodie49" "Zoey: Esta herida parece grave." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie49" "Zoey: I think I really hurt something." "player.teengirl_goingtodie50" "Zoey: Quiero ir a casa." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie50" "Zoey: I just wanna go home." "player.teengirl_goingtodie52" "Zoey: No estoy nada bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie52" "Zoey: I'm not feeling real hot." "player.teengirl_goingtodie53" "Zoey: Ah... me siento fatal." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie53" "Zoey: I feel terrible." "player.teengirl_goingtodie54" "Zoey: Me siento mal." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie54" "Zoey: I feel awful." "player.teengirl_goingtodie55" "Zoey: Ojala mi madre estuviera aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie55" "Zoey: I really wish my mom was here to help me." "player.teengirl_goingtodie56" "Zoey: Estoy asustada, nunca había estado tan mal." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie56" "Zoey: I'm getting scared. I never hurt this bad, ever." "player.teengirl_goingtodie57" "Zoey: Dios, esto duele." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie57" "Zoey: God. This really hurts." "player.teengirl_goingtodie58" "Zoey: Aaaau, Dios, duele mucho." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie58" "Zoey: Ohhhh God, I'm really hurt." "player.teengirl_goingtodie60" "Zoey: Mamá..." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodie60" "Zoey: Mom..." "player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Zoey: ¿Alguien tiene un botiquín?" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal01" "Zoey: Anyone have some first aid? I'm going to die." "player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Zoey: ¡Necesito un botiquín ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal02" "Zoey: I need some first aid , now!" "player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Zoey: ¿Alguien tiene un botiquín? Voy a morir." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal04" "Zoey: Anyone have some first aid? I'm going to die." "player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal05" "Zoey: ¡Necesito un botiquín ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal05" "Zoey: I need some first aid , now!" "player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal13" "Zoey: No lo lograré sin ayuda." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodieaskforheal13" "Zoey: I can't make it without some help... come on." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight01" "Zoey: He estado mucho mejor." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight01" "Zoey: I have definitely felt better." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight02" "Zoey: Necesito un botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight02" "Zoey: I need to find some first aid." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight03" "Zoey: Buscad un botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight03" "Zoey: I need to find a med kit." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight04" "Zoey: Ay, Dios mío... me estoy... me muero... [Estertor de muerte fingido]... ¡Ja! ¡Era broma!" "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight04" "Zoey: Oh My God! I think.. I think... grrr... just kidding." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight05" "Zoey: La Virgen... necesitaría un botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight05" "Zoey: Jesus, I could use a med kit." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight06" "Zoey: Estoy hecha un asco." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight06" "Zoey: I feel like crap." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight07" "Zoey: Coño, como duele." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight07" "Zoey: Goddammit, this hurts." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight08" "Zoey: Louis, si no vas a usar ese botiquín, me lo quedo." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight08" "Zoey: Louis, if you aren't going to use that health pack, I could sure use it." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight09" "Zoey: Bill, ¿vas a usar el botiquín? Es que tengo una buena herida." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight09" "Zoey: Bill, you have plans for that med kit? Cuz I'm pretty hurt here." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight10" "Zoey: Oye, Francis, ¿podrías buscarme un botiquín?" "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight10" "Zoey: Hey Francis, think you can spot me a health kit?" "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight11" "Zoey: Ay, la Virgen, tengo marcas de dientes." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight11" "Zoey: Oh, Jesus, I've got tooth marks on me." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight12" "Zoey: Espero ser inmune al tétanos también." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight12" "Zoey: I hope I'm immune to tetanus too." "npc.teengirl_goingtodielight13" "Zoey: Au, au, au, au...." "[english]npc.teengirl_goingtodielight13" "Zoey: Ow. Ow ow ow." "player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion02" "Zoey: ¿Puedes...?" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion02" "Zoey: You okay?" "player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion05" "Zoey: ¿Estás bien?" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion05" "Zoey: You okay?" "player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion07" "Zoey: ¿Estarás bien?" "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiequestion07" "Zoey: Are you going to be okay?" "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction01" "Zoey: Estarás bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction01" "Zoey: You'll be okay." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction03" "Zoey: Ánimo... todo va a salir bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction03" "Zoey: Everything's going to be all right." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction04" "Zoey: Aguanta, lo lograrás." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction04" "Zoey: Hang in there, you'll be fine." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction05" "Zoey: Lo prometo, lo lograrás." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction05" "Zoey: I promise, you're gonna be okay." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction06" "Zoey: Estarás bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction06" "Zoey: You'll be okay." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction07" "Zoey: Venga, venga, no te preocupes, estarás bien." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction07" "Zoey: Easy, easy, don't worry, you're going to be okay." "player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction09" "Zoey: Te vas a poner bien, aguanta, ya verás." "[english]player.teengirl_goingtodiereaction09" "Zoey: You're gonna be fine, hang in there, you'll be fine." "npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01" "Zoey: ¡No, no, no, NO, NOOOOO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01" "Zoey: No, no, NOO, NOOOO!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Zoey: ¡No, No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01a" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Zoey: No, No, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01b" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01c" "Zoey: ¡NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker01c" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02" "Zoey: ¡No, no, no, NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02" "Zoey: No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NOOOOO!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Zoey: ¡No, No, No, No, NO, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02a" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Zoey: ¡No, No, No, NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02b" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02c" "Zoey: ¡NOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker02c" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03" "Zoey: ¡No, no, no, NO, NOOOOO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03" "Zoey: No, no, NOO, NOOOO!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03a" "Zoey: ¡No, No, No, NO, NOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03a" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03b" "Zoey: ¡No, No, NOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03b" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03c" "Zoey: ¡NOOOOOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker03c" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO, NO!!!!!!!!" "npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04" "Zoey: ¡No, no, no, NOOO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04" "Zoey: No, no, NOO, NOOOO!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04a" "Zoey: ¡No, No, No, Nooo!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04a" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04b" "Zoey: ¡No, Noooo!" "[english]player.teengirl_grabbedbysmoker04b" "Zoey: no, No, No, NO!!!!!!!!" "player.teengirl_grenade02" "Zoey: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade02" "Zoey: GRENADE!" "player.teengirl_grenade04" "Zoey: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade04" "Zoey: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.teengirl_grenade09" "Zoey: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade09" "Zoey: GRENADE!" "player.teengirl_grenade10" "Zoey: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade10" "Zoey: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.teengirl_grenade12" "Zoey: ¡GRANADA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade12" "Zoey: GRENADE!" "player.teengirl_grenade13" "Zoey: ¡CUERPO A TIERRA!" "[english]player.teengirl_grenade13" "Zoey: FIRE IN THE HOLE!" "player.teengirl_griefbiker01" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefbiker01" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_griefbiker02" "Zoey: ¡Francis, NOOOO!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefbiker02" "Zoey: Francis! NOOOO!" "player.teengirl_griefbiker04" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefbiker04" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_griefbiker06" "Zoey: Dios, Francis no." "[english]player.teengirl_griefbiker06" "Zoey: God, not Francis!" "player.teengirl_griefbiker07" "Zoey: Oh Dios, Francis no." "[english]player.teengirl_griefbiker07" "Zoey: Oh god, not Francis!" "player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric01" "Zoey: Está muerta." "[english]player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric01" "Zoey: She's dead." "player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric02" "Zoey: Vaya, está muerta." "[english]player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric02" "Zoey: Crap, she's gone." "player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric03" "Zoey: La echaré de menos." "[english]player.teengirl_grieffemalegeneric03" "Zoey: I'm going to miss her." "player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric01" "Zoey: ¡Está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric01" "Zoey: He's dead!" "player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric02" "Zoey: ¡Dios, está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric02" "Zoey: Oh my god, he's dead." "player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric07" "Zoey: ¡Mierda, está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric07" "Zoey: Oh crap, he's dead!" "player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric09" "Zoey: ¡Dios, está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmalegeneric09" "Zoey: Oh my god, he's dead." "player.teengirl_griefmanager02" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager02" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_griefmanager03" "Zoey: Louis... Oh, te echaré de menos." "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager03" "Zoey: Louis, oh god I'm going to miss you." "player.teengirl_griefmanager08" "Zoey: ¡Oh no, Louis no!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager08" "Zoey: Oh no, not Louis!" "player.teengirl_griefmanager09" "Zoey: ¡Dios, Louis está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager09" "Zoey: Oh god, Louis is gone!" "player.teengirl_griefmanager11" "Zoey: Oh Dios, Louis... no puedo creerlo." "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager11" "Zoey: Oh Louis, oh god I can't believe it." "player.teengirl_griefmanager12" "Zoey: Dios... Louis está muerto..." "[english]player.teengirl_griefmanager12" "Zoey: Oh god, Louis is gone!" "player.teengirl_griefvet02" "Zoey: ¡Aah, ooh! ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet02" "Zoey: I ah oh Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet03" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, Bill no!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet03" "Zoey: Oh god. Not Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet04" "Zoey: ¡Bill! ¡No!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet04" "Zoey: Bill! No!" "player.teengirl_griefvet05" "Zoey: ¡Bill! ¡No!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet05" "Zoey: Bill! No!" "player.teengirl_griefvet07" "Zoey: ¡Oooh! ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet07" "Zoey: Ahh Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet09" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet09" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet11" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, Bill no!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet11" "Zoey: Oh god. Not Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet12" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet12" "Zoey: Oh god. Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet13" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet13" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_griefvet18" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_griefvet18" "Zoey: Bill!" "npc.teengirl_healother01" "Zoey: Te daré un remiendo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healother01" "Zoey: Let me patch you up." "npc.teengirl_healother02" "Zoey: Espera, te pondré un parche." "[english]npc.teengirl_healother02" "Zoey: Hold on, let me patch you up." "npc.teengirl_healother03" "Zoey: Quieto, voy a ayudarte." "[english]npc.teengirl_healother03" "Zoey: Stay still, I can help you." "npc.teengirl_healother04" "Zoey: Aguanta, tardaré un segundo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healother04" "Zoey: Wait up, this will only take a second." "npc.teengirl_healother05" "Zoey: Sé que hay que seguir, pero debo curarte." "[english]npc.teengirl_healother05" "Zoey: I know we gotta move, but I gotta heal you." "npc.teengirl_healothercombat01" "Zoey: ¡Aguanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat01" "Zoey: Hold on!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat02" "Zoey: Tú dispara mientras te curo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat02" "Zoey: Keep firing while I heal you." "npc.teengirl_healothercombat03" "Zoey: Sigue disparando, yo te curo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat03" "Zoey: Keep shooting while I heal you." "npc.teengirl_healothercombat04" "Zoey: Sigue disparando mientras te parcheo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat04" "Zoey: That's it, keep firing, I'm gonna patch you up." "npc.teengirl_healothercombat05" "Zoey: ¡Aguanta! ¡Aguanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat05" "Zoey: Hold on! Hold on!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat06" "Zoey: ¡Espera! ¡Yo te remendaré!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat06" "Zoey: Hold on! I'm gonna patch ya up!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat07" "Zoey: ¡Quieto! ¡Yo te ayudaré!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat07" "Zoey: Hold still! Lemme help!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat08" "Zoey: ¡Espera! ¡Yo te ayudo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat08" "Zoey: Hold still! I got ya!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat09" "Zoey: ¡Deja que te cure!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat09" "Zoey: Lemme heal you!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat10" "Zoey: Quieto, ¡ya voy!" "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat10" "Zoey: Hang on. I got ya!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat11" "Zoey: Quietecito, que te curo." "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat11" "Zoey: Stand still, I'm healin' you!" "npc.teengirl_healothercombat12" "Zoey: Deja de hacerte el héroe, tengo que curarte." "[english]npc.teengirl_healothercombat12" "Zoey: Stop with the hero bullshit, I gotta heal you!" "player.teengirl_heardboomer01" "Zoey: Creo que hay uno de esos sacos de mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer01" "Zoey: I think one of those vomit bags is around here." "player.teengirl_heardboomer02" "Zoey: Parece que hay un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer02" "Zoey: Sounds like a Boomer's around." "player.teengirl_heardboomer03" "Zoey: Ah, un Boomer. ¿Lo oyes?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer03" "Zoey: Ahh a Boomer. Hear it?" "player.teengirl_heardboomer05" "Zoey: Argh, se oye a un Boomer merodeando." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer05" "Zoey: Ugh, I can hear a Boomer sloshing around." "player.teengirl_heardboomer07" "Zoey: Oh no... parece un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer07" "Zoey: Ah no... I think I hear a Boomer." "player.teengirl_heardboomer08" "Zoey: Oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer08" "Zoey: I hear a Boomer." "player.teengirl_heardboomer09" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, hay un Boomer rondando!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer09" "Zoey: Oh god, there's a Boomer around." "player.teengirl_heardboomer10" "Zoey: ¿Oyes el Boomer?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer10" "Zoey: Hear that Boomer?" "player.teengirl_heardboomer11" "Zoey: Parece un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer11" "Zoey: I think I hear a Boomer" "player.teengirl_heardboomer14" "Zoey: Espera, oigo un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer14" "Zoey: Wait up, I hear a Boomer" "player.teengirl_heardboomer15" "Zoey: Un Boomer, ¿no?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer15" "Zoey: Boomer, hear it?" "player.teengirl_heardboomer16" "Zoey: Oh, mierda, otro Boomer. ¿Lo oyes?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer16" "Zoey: Ugh, yuck. Another Boomer. You hear that?" "player.teengirl_heardboomer17" "Zoey: ¿Lo oyes? Un Boomer." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer17" "Zoey: Hear that? Boomer." "player.teengirl_heardboomer19" "Zoey: Un Boomer, que no te vomite." "[english]player.teengirl_heardboomer19" "Zoey: Boomer, don't let it puke on you." "player.teengirl_heardhulk10" "Zoey: ¡Tank, Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk10" "Zoey: Tank! Tank!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk11" "Zoey: ¡VIENE UN TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk11" "Zoey: TANK COMING!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk12" "Zoey: ¡Hay un Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk12" "Zoey: Tank out there!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk13" "Zoey: ¡Se acerca un Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk13" "Zoey: Tank heading this way!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk14" "Zoey: ¡Aaaah! ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk14" "Zoey: Ahhh! TANK!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk16" "Zoey: ¡Oooh, mierda, un Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk16" "Zoey: Aaaww crap, Tank coming!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk17" "Zoey: ¡Preparaos, viene un Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk17" "Zoey: Get ready, Tank coming!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk19" "Zoey: ¡Oh, Dios! ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk19" "Zoey: Oh god, oh god, TANK!" "player.teengirl_heardhulk20" "Zoey: ¡Viene un Tank!" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhulk20" "Zoey: Tank on its way!" "player.teengirl_heardhunter03" "Zoey: Se acerca un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter03" "Zoey: There's a Hunter around" "player.teengirl_heardhunter04" "Zoey: Hay un Hunter fuera." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter04" "Zoey: There's a Hunter out there." "player.teengirl_heardhunter06" "Zoey: Un Hunter, que no salte." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter06" "Zoey: Hunter around, don't get pounced" "player.teengirl_heardhunter07" "Zoey: Cuidado, hay un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter07" "Zoey: Careful, a Hunter's around." "player.teengirl_heardhunter08" "Zoey: Mierda, un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter08" "Zoey: Crap, Hunter." "player.teengirl_heardhunter09" "Zoey: Se oye un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter09" "Zoey: I think I hear a Hunter." "player.teengirl_heardhunter10" "Zoey: Estoy segura de que es un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter10" "Zoey: Pretty sure I can hear a Hunter." "player.teengirl_heardhunter11" "Zoey: ¿Oyes al Hunter?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter11" "Zoey: Hear that Hunter?" "player.teengirl_heardhunter13" "Zoey: Ese ruido... un Hunter." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter13" "Zoey: I know that noise. Hunter" "player.teengirl_heardhunter23" "Zoey: Un Hunter, ¿lo oyes?" "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter23" "Zoey: Hunter, hear it?" "player.teengirl_heardhunter26" "Zoey: Hay un Hunter fuera." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter26" "Zoey: There's a Hunter out there." "player.teengirl_heardhunter27" "Zoey: Un Hunter... cerca." "[english]player.teengirl_heardhunter27" "Zoey: Hunter and it's close." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker06" "Zoey: Hay un Smoker por aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker06" "Zoey: There's a Smoker around here." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker09" "Zoey: Un Smoker... que no te agarre." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker09" "Zoey: Smoker... don't get hung." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker10" "Zoey: En los tejados, hay un Smoker." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker10" "Zoey: Watch the roof tops, there's a smoker around." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker11" "Zoey: Oigo un Smoker." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker11" "Zoey: I hear a Smoker." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker12" "Zoey: Cuidado, un Smoker." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker12" "Zoey: Careful, Smoker." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker13" "Zoey: Hay un Smoker rondando." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker13" "Zoey: There's a Smoker around here." "player.teengirl_heardsmoker14" "Zoey: Ese ruido... un Smoker." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker14" "Zoey: I know that sound - a Smoker!" "player.teengirl_heardsmoker16" "Zoey: Un Smoker... que no te atrape." "[english]player.teengirl_heardsmoker16" "Zoey: Smoker... don't let him hang you." "player.teengirl_heardwitch01" "Zoey: Creo que es una Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch01" "Zoey: I think I hear a Witch." "player.teengirl_heardwitch02" "Zoey: Parece una Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch02" "Zoey: Sounds like a Witch." "player.teengirl_heardwitch03" "Zoey: Ssssh... una Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch03" "Zoey: Shhh.... Witch." "player.teengirl_heardwitch04" "Zoey: Calla, escucha." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch04" "Zoey: Quiet, listen." "player.teengirl_heardwitch05" "Zoey: Ssssh, es una Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch05" "Zoey: Quiiii-et, I hear a Witch." "player.teengirl_heardwitch06" "Zoey: Suena como una Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch06" "Zoey: That sounds like a Witch" "player.teengirl_heardwitch07" "Zoey: Una Witch. Si no la molestas no pasará nada." "[english]player.teengirl_heardwitch07" "Zoey: It's a Witch. Don't disturb her and we'll be okay." "player.teengirl_help01" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help01" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_help02" "Zoey: ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help02" "Zoey: Help please!" "player.teengirl_help03" "Zoey: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_help03" "Zoey: Someone help!" "player.teengirl_help04" "Zoey: ¡Tíos, necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help04" "Zoey: Guys, I need some help!" "player.teengirl_help07" "Zoey: ¡Vamos tíos, necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help07" "Zoey: Come on guys, I need some help!" "player.teengirl_help08" "Zoey: ¡Tíos, echadme una mano!" "[english]player.teengirl_help08" "Zoey: Guys, I could use a hand!" "player.teengirl_help12" "Zoey: ¡Tíos! ¡¿Me echáis una mano?!" "[english]player.teengirl_help12" "Zoey: Guys, over here - I could use a hand!" "player.teengirl_help13" "Zoey: ¡Eh, ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help13" "Zoey: Hey! Help!" "player.teengirl_help14" "Zoey: ¡Necesito ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help14" "Zoey: I need some help!" "player.teengirl_help15" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help15" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_help16" "Zoey: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_help16" "Zoey: Help me!" "player.teengirl_help17" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_help17" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack04" "Zoey: ¡Mierda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack04" "Zoey: Shit!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack05" "Zoey: ¡Ah!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack05" "Zoey: Ah!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack07" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack07" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack09" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack09" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack10" "Zoey: ¡Ugh!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack10" "Zoey: Ugh!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack11" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack11" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack12" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack12" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack13" "Zoey: ¡Ah!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack13" "Zoey: Ah!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack14" "Zoey: ¡Joder!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack14" "Zoey: Dammit!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack16" "Zoey: ¡No!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack16" "Zoey: No!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack17" "Zoey: ¡Mierda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack17" "Zoey: Shit!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack18" "Zoey: ¡Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack18" "Zoey: God!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack21" "Zoey: ¡Ah!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack21" "Zoey: Ah!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack22" "Zoey: ¡Oh!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack22" "Zoey: Oh!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack23" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack23" "Zoey: Help!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack25" "Zoey: ¡Ah!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack25" "Zoey: Ah!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack26" "Zoey: ¡Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack26" "Zoey: God!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack28" "Zoey: ¡Ah!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack28" "Zoey: Ah!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack29" "Zoey: ¡Oh!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack29" "Zoey: Oh!" "player.teengirl_hordeattack30" "Zoey: ¡Aargh!" "[english]player.teengirl_hordeattack30" "Zoey: Ow!" "player.teengirl_hunterbillpounced01" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterbillpounced01" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_hunterbillpounced02" "Zoey: ¡El Hunter tiene a Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterbillpounced02" "Zoey: Hunter's got Bill!" "player.teengirl_hunterfrancispounced01" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterfrancispounced01" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_hunterfrancispounced02" "Zoey: ¡El Hunter tiene a Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterfrancispounced02" "Zoey: Hunter's got Francis!" "player.teengirl_hunterlouispounced01" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterlouispounced01" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_hunterlouispounced02" "Zoey: ¡El Hunter tiene a Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_hunterlouispounced02" "Zoey: Hunter's got Louis!" "player.teengirl_hurrah01" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah01" "Zoey: Cool." "player.teengirl_hurrah03" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah03" "Zoey: Awesome!" "player.teengirl_hurrah04" "Zoey: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah04" "Zoey: YESSS!" "player.teengirl_hurrah05" "Zoey: ¡Hacemos un buen equipo!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah05" "Zoey: Ha, we make a good team!" "player.teengirl_hurrah07" "Zoey: Lo lograremos." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah07" "Zoey: I think we're gonna make it." "player.teengirl_hurrah08" "Zoey: Pinta bien." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah08" "Zoey: Looks good." "player.teengirl_hurrah10" "Zoey: Vamos bien." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah10" "Zoey: We're doing all right." "player.teengirl_hurrah11" "Zoey: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah11" "Zoey: YEAH!" "player.teengirl_hurrah12" "Zoey: Oh sí, genial." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah12" "Zoey: Oh yeah, lovely." "player.teengirl_hurrah13" "Zoey: Lo lograremos." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah13" "Zoey: We're gonna be okay." "player.teengirl_hurrah14" "Zoey: Somos la hostia." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah14" "Zoey: We are looking good." "player.teengirl_hurrah16" "Zoey: ¡Eso es!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah16" "Zoey: Oh yeah!" "player.teengirl_hurrah17" "Zoey: De fábula." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah17" "Zoey: Impressive." "player.teengirl_hurrah18" "Zoey: Somos una pasada." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah18" "Zoey: We are kickin' ass" "player.teengirl_hurrah19" "Zoey: ¡Nada nos para!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah19" "Zoey: No stopping us!" "player.teengirl_hurrah20" "Zoey: Somos im-parables." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah20" "Zoey: We are unstoppable" "player.teengirl_hurrah22" "Zoey: ¡Oh sí, oh sí, oh sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah22" "Zoey: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah." "player.teengirl_hurrah23" "Zoey: Ah, ha estado bien." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah23" "Zoey: Well, that was refreshing." "player.teengirl_hurrah31" "Zoey: Oh Dios, lo lograremos." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah31" "Zoey: Oh god, we're gonna be okay." "player.teengirl_hurrah34" "Zoey: ¡Bien, bien! Bien." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah34" "Zoey: Okayyy, okayyy, okay." "player.teengirl_hurrah35" "Zoey: Parece que lo lograremos." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah35" "Zoey: We might actually make it through this." "player.teengirl_hurrah38" "Zoey: Vamos bien." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah38" "Zoey: We're doing all right." "player.teengirl_hurrah46" "Zoey: ¡Gracias a Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah46" "Zoey: Oh, thank god!" "player.teengirl_hurrah48" "Zoey: Guau... no me lo puedo creer." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah48" "Zoey: Wow, I can't believe we did that." "player.teengirl_hurrah50" "" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah50" "" "player.teengirl_hurrah51" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah51" "Zoey: Oh god!" "player.teengirl_hurrah52" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah52" "Zoey: Whoo!" "player.teengirl_hurrah53" "Zoey: Juntos somos la caña." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah53" "Zoey: We are awesome together." "player.teengirl_hurrah54" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, lo logramos! Es increíble." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah54" "Zoey: Oh my god, we made that. Can you believe it?" "player.teengirl_hurrah55" "Zoey: Oh, gracias a Dios." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah55" "Zoey: Wow, oh, thank God!" "player.teengirl_hurrah56" "Zoey: ¡Eh tío, jeje!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah56" "Zoey: Oh man, ha!" "player.teengirl_hurrah57" "Zoey: ¡Oh!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah57" "Zoey: Wow." "player.teengirl_hurrah58" "Zoey: Lo logramos, es increíble." "[english]player.teengirl_hurrah58" "Zoey: We did it. Can you believe it?" "player.teengirl_hurryup01" "Zoey: ¡Deprisa!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup01" "Zoey: Hurry up!" "player.teengirl_hurryup04" "Zoey: ¡Démonos prisa!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup04" "Zoey: We have to hurry guys!" "player.teengirl_hurryup05" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, tíos!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup05" "Zoey: Lets go guys!" "player.teengirl_hurryup06" "Zoey: ¡Corred!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup06" "Zoey: Hurry!" "player.teengirl_hurryup08" "Zoey: ¡Deprisa tíos!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup08" "Zoey: Guys, hurry!" "player.teengirl_hurryup09" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_hurryup09" "Zoey: Lets go, Lets go!" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical01\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical02\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical03\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical04\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical05\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical06\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtcritical07\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor01\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor02\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor03\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor04\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor05\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtmajor06\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor01\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor02\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor03\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor04\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor05\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor06\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor07\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" //\"player.teengirl_hurtminor08\" \"Zoey: [Pain]\" "player.teengirl_imwithyou10" "Zoey: Aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou10" "Zoey: I'm here." "player.teengirl_imwithyou11" "Zoey: Vamos." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou11" "Zoey: Let's go." "player.teengirl_imwithyou12" "Zoey: ¡Ya voy!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou12" "Zoey: I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou15" "Zoey: Te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou15" "Zoey: I'm with you." "player.teengirl_imwithyou16" "Zoey: Yo te cubro." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou16" "Zoey: I got your back." "player.teengirl_imwithyou17" "Zoey: ¡Estoy detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou17" "Zoey: I'm right behind you!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou18" "Zoey: Voy." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou18" "Zoey: Coming." "player.teengirl_imwithyou19" "Zoey: Ya llego." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou19" "Zoey: I'll be there." "player.teengirl_imwithyou20" "Zoey: Ya voy." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou20" "Zoey: I'm there." "player.teengirl_imwithyou22" "Zoey: ¡Detrás de ti!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou22" "Zoey: Right behind you!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou26" "Zoey: Te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou26" "Zoey: I'm with you." "player.teengirl_imwithyou27" "Zoey: Yo te cubro." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou27" "Zoey: I got your back." "player.teengirl_imwithyou31" "Zoey: ¡Detrás de ti!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou31" "Zoey: Right behind you!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou32" "Zoey: ¡Ya voy!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou32" "Zoey: I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou37" "Zoey: ¡Estoy detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou37" "Zoey: I'm right behind you!" "player.teengirl_imwithyou38" "Zoey: Voy." "[english]player.teengirl_imwithyou38" "Zoey: Coming." "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial01" "Zoey: ¡Aaaah, me han dado!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial01" "Zoey: Ahhhh, I'm down!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial02" "Zoey: ¡Mierda, me han dado!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial02" "Zoey: Crap, I'm down!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial03" "Zoey: ¡A la mierda, me han dado!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial03" "Zoey: GODdamnit, I'm down!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial05" "Zoey: ¡Aaaah, me han dado!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinitial05" "Zoey: Ahhhh, I'm down!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury01" "Zoey: ¡AAAAAH!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury01" "Zoey: [Pain]AHHHHH!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury02" "Zoey: ¡AAAAAH!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury02" "Zoey: [Pain]AHHHHH!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury03" "Zoey: ¡AAAAAH!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury03" "Zoey: [Pain]AHHHHH!" "player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury04" "Zoey: ¡AAAAAH!" "[english]player.teengirl_incapacitatedinjury04" "Zoey: [Pain]AHHHHH!" "player.teengirl_incoming02" "Zoey: ¡Ya llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming02" "Zoey: Incoming!" "player.teengirl_incoming04" "Zoey: ¡Se acercan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming04" "Zoey: They're coming!" "player.teengirl_incoming05" "Zoey: ¡Ya están aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming05" "Zoey: Here they come!" "player.teengirl_incoming06" "Zoey: ¡Preparaos!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming06" "Zoey: Get ready!" "player.teengirl_incoming07" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, listos, ahí llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming07" "Zoey: Oh god, get ready, here they come!" "player.teengirl_incoming12" "Zoey: ¡Se acercan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming12" "Zoey: They're coming!" "player.teengirl_incoming13" "Zoey: ¡Ya están aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming13" "Zoey: Here they come!" "player.teengirl_incoming17" "Zoey: ¡Ya llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming17" "Zoey: Incoming!" "player.teengirl_incoming18" "Zoey: ¡Oh mierda, preparaos!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming18" "Zoey: Ohhh crap, get ready!" "player.teengirl_incoming21" "Zoey: ¡Ya llegan, chicos!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming21" "Zoey: Here they come, boys!" "player.teengirl_incoming23" "Zoey: ¡Preparaos!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming23" "Zoey: Get ready!" "player.teengirl_incoming24" "Zoey: ¡Preparaos, ya llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming24" "Zoey: Get ready, here they come!" "player.teengirl_incoming25" "Zoey: ¡Esperad, ya llegan!" "[english]player.teengirl_incoming25" "Zoey: Hold on, here they come!" "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom01" "Zoey: Debemos ir a ayudarlos." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom01" "Zoey: We should probably go help 'em." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom02" "Zoey: No podemos dejarlos." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom02" "Zoey: We can't leave 'em out there." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom03" "Zoey: Esto es cosa mía." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom03" "Zoey: Guess it's up to me." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom04" "Zoey: No quiero volver ahí fuera, pero..." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom04" "Zoey: I don't want to go back out there, but..." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom06" "Zoey: No quiero perder a Bill." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom06" "Zoey: I am not going to lose Bill." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom07" "Zoey: No podemos dejar a Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom07" "Zoey: We can't leave Francis out there." "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom08" "Zoey: Nadie se queda atrás, ¿no?" "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom08" "Zoey: No one left behind, right?" "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom13" "Zoey: Espera, Louis... voy a por ti" "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom13" "Zoey: Hang on Louis, I'm coming for you!" "player.teengirl_insidesaferoom14" "Zoey: Debemos ayudarlos." "[english]player.teengirl_insidesaferoom14" "Zoey: We should go help 'em." "npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom15" "Zoey: Salgamos allí, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom15" "Zoey: Let's go back out there Louis." "npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom16" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, Louis! ¡No podemos dejar a Bill!" "[english]npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom16" "Zoey: Come on Louis! We can't leave Bill behind." "npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom17" "Zoey: Curémonos y volvamos fuera." "[english]npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom17" "Zoey: Let's heal up and get back out there." "npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom18" "Zoey: A mí tampoco me gusta... pero si fuera yo..." "[english]npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom18" "Zoey: I don't want to do it either - but if it was me..." "npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom19" "Zoey: Mira, a mí tampoco me hace ninguna gracia, pero si fuese yo ya estabas moviendo ese culo." "[english]npc.teengirl_insidesaferoom19" "Zoey: Look - I don't want to do it either - but if it was me, you better damn well go out there." "player.teengirl_killconfirmation01" "Zoey: ¡Muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation01" "Zoey: Got it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation03" "Zoey: ¡Uno menos!" "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation03" "Zoey: Nailed it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation04" "Zoey: ¡Muertos!" "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation04" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation05" "Zoey: Muerto." "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation05" "Zoey: Got it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation06" "Zoey: Muertos." "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation06" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation08" "Zoey: Muertos." "[english]player.teengirl_killconfirmation08" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_killthatlight02" "Zoey: Apaga esa luz, silencio." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight02" "Zoey: Turn off that light." "player.teengirl_killthatlight03" "Zoey: ¡La luz!" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight03" "Zoey: Lights off!" "player.teengirl_killthatlight04" "Zoey: ¡Las linternas!" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight04" "Zoey: Flashlights off!" "player.teengirl_killthatlight05" "Zoey: ¿Apagas esa luz?" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight05" "Zoey: Can you turn off that light?" "player.teengirl_killthatlight06" "Zoey: ¡Las luces!" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight06" "Zoey: Lights out!" "player.teengirl_killthatlight07" "Zoey: ¡Las linternas!" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight07" "Zoey: Flashlights out!" "player.teengirl_killthatlight08" "Zoey: Fuera la luz." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight08" "Zoey: Kill the light." "player.teengirl_killthatlight10" "Zoey: Fuera linternas." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight10" "Zoey: Shut off your flashlight." "player.teengirl_killthatlight11" "Zoey: Vamos, la linterna, silencio." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight11" "Zoey: Come on, shut off your flashlight." "player.teengirl_killthatlight12" "Zoey: ¿Apagas esa luz?" "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight12" "Zoey: Can you kill that light?" "player.teengirl_killthatlight13" "Zoey: Apágala." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight13" "Zoey: Turn it off." "player.teengirl_killthatlight14" "Zoey: ¡Esa luz!... Sssh." "[english]player.teengirl_killthatlight14" "Zoey: Lights off! Shhh." "npc.teengirl_laughter01" "Zoey: [Risa ligera]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter01" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter02" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter02" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter03" "Zoey: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter03" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter04" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter04" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter05" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter05" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter06" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter06" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter07" "Zoey: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter07" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter08" "Zoey: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter08" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter09" "Zoey: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter09" "Zoey: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter10" "Zoey: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter10" "Zoey: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter11" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter11" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter12" "Zoey: [Risa ligeramente nerviosa]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter12" "Zoey: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter13" "Zoey: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter13" "Zoey: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter14" "Zoey: [Risa de muy buen humor]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter14" "Zoey: [Hearty laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter15" "Zoey: [Risa con la boca cerrada]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter15" "Zoey: [Snort]" "npc.teengirl_laughter16" "Zoey: [Risa nerviosa]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter16" "Zoey: [Nervous laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter17" "Zoey: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter17" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter18" "Zoey: [Risa ligera]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter18" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter19" "Zoey: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter19" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter20" "Zoey: [Risa ligera]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter20" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "npc.teengirl_laughter21" "Zoey: [Risa ligera]" "[english]npc.teengirl_laughter21" "Zoey: [Short laugh]" "player.teengirl_leadon04" "Zoey: Ve delante, te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon04" "Zoey: You go ahead, I'll follow." "player.teengirl_leadon06" "Zoey: Ve tú." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon06" "Zoey: Lead on." "player.teengirl_leadon07" "Zoey: Tú ve delante." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon07" "Zoey: Go ahead I'll follow." "player.teengirl_leadon08" "Zoey: Voy detrás de ti." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon08" "Zoey: I'll follow behind you." "player.teengirl_leadon09" "Zoey: Sigue, ya voy." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon09" "Zoey: Go on, I'm coming." "player.teengirl_leadon10" "Zoey: Detrás de ti." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon10" "Zoey: I'm right behind you." "player.teengirl_leadon12" "Zoey: Tú delante." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon12" "Zoey: You take the lead." "player.teengirl_leadon13" "Zoey: Sigue." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon13" "Zoey: Go ahead." "player.teengirl_leadon16" "Zoey: Te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon16" "Zoey: I'll follow." "player.teengirl_leadon22" "Zoey: Sigue, ya voy." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon22" "Zoey: Go on, I'm coming." "player.teengirl_leadon24" "Zoey: Sigue." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon24" "Zoey: Go ahead." "player.teengirl_leadon25" "Zoey: Voy a seguirte." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon25" "Zoey: I guess I'll follow you." "player.teengirl_leadon26" "Zoey: Ve delante, te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon26" "Zoey: You go ahead, I'll follow." "player.teengirl_leadon27" "Zoey: Te sigo." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon27" "Zoey: I'll follow." "player.teengirl_leadon28" "Zoey: Ve tú." "[english]player.teengirl_leadon28" "Zoey: Lead on." "player.teengirl_ledgehangend01" "Zoey: ¡ME CAIGO! ¡SÚBEME!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend01" "Zoey: I'M SLIPPING OFF! PULL ME UP!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend02" "Zoey: ¡Oooh, mierda! ¡AYUDA!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend02" "Zoey: Ohhh shit! HELP ME!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend03" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, Dios, Dios! ¡ME CAIGO! ¡AYUDADME!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend03" "Zoey: Oh god oh god oh god. I'M GONNA FALL! HELP MEEE!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend04" "Zoey: ¡NO AGUANTO! ¡ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend04" "Zoey: I CAN'T HOLD ON - I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend06" "Zoey: ¡Dios, ayudadme! ¡No quiero morir así!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend06" "Zoey: Oh god, I need help! Don't let me die like this!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend10" "Zoey: ¡NO... A-GUANTO MÁS! ¡ME CAIGO!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend10" "Zoey: I CAN'T HOLD ON - I'M GONNA FALL!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend11" "Zoey: ¡Ayuda! ¡No aguantaré mucho más!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend11" "Zoey: Help me! I can't hold on any longer!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend17" "Zoey: Eh... ¡Eh, por favor, ayudadme! ¡Ayuda!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend17" "Zoey: I... please help! Please!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangend21" "Zoey: ¡ESTOY AQUÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangend21" "Zoey: I'M OVER HERE!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle02" "Zoey: ¡No puedo más, ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle02" "Zoey: I can't hang on, please help me!" "player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle03" "Zoey: No aguantaré mucho más." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle03" "Zoey: I can't hang on much longer." "player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle09" "Zoey: Eh chicos, oh... Necesito ayuda de verdad." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle09" "Zoey: Hey guys, uh... I really need some help here." "player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle10" "Zoey: ¿Nadie va a ayudarme?" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangmiddle10" "Zoey: Can one of you guys help me up?" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart01" "Zoey: ¿Alguien me ayuda?" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart01" "Zoey: Can someone help me up?" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart03" "Zoey: Vamos, una ayudita." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart03" "Zoey: I could use a hand here please" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart04" "Zoey: ¿Me ayudáis, por favor?" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart04" "Zoey: Can someone help me please?" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart05" "Zoey: ¿Puede alguien echarme una mano?" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart05" "Zoey: Can someone give me a hand please?" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart06" "Zoey: Eh chicos, echadme una mano." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart06" "Zoey: Hey guys, I could use a hand" "player.teengirl_ledgehangstart10" "Zoey: ¡Vamos tíos... ayudadme!" "[english]player.teengirl_ledgehangstart10" "Zoey: Come on guys, help me out." "player.teengirl_ledgesave01" "Zoey: Espera... Ya te tengo, no te preocupes. Te ayudaré a subir." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave01" "Zoey: Hang on. I got you. Don't worry, I can help you. Let me help you up." "player.teengirl_ledgesave02" "Zoey: Yo te ayudo, espera, vamos. Ya te tengo... arriba." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave02" "Zoey: I can help you, hang on, hang on. I got you. Let's get you up." "player.teengirl_ledgesave03" "Zoey: Te tengo, no te caerás. Vamos, arriba." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave03" "Zoey: I got you, you're not gonna fall. Here, let me help you up." "player.teengirl_ledgesave04" "Zoey: Descuida, no te caerás. Te subiré en un instante." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave04" "Zoey: Don't worry, you won't fall. I have you. Let's get you up on your feet." "player.teengirl_ledgesave06" "Zoey: Louis, vas a hacer que te maten. Yo te subiré." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave06" "Zoey: Louis, You are going to get yourself killed. Let me help you up." "player.teengirl_ledgesave10" "Zoey: Descuida, no te caerás. Te subiré en un instante." "[english]player.teengirl_ledgesave10" "Zoey: Don't worry, you won't fall. I have you. Let's get you up on your feet." "player.teengirl_look01" "Zoey: ¡Por allí!" "[english]player.teengirl_look01" "Zoey: Over there!" "player.teengirl_look03" "Zoey: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.teengirl_look03" "Zoey: Look!" "player.teengirl_look06" "Zoey: ¡Por allí!" "[english]player.teengirl_look06" "Zoey: Over there!" "player.teengirl_look09" "Zoey: ¡Mirad!" "[english]player.teengirl_look09" "Zoey: Look!" "player.teengirl_lookhere02" "Zoey: Mirad esto." "[english]player.teengirl_lookhere02" "Zoey: Would you look at this?" "player.teengirl_lookhere04" "Zoey: Qué extraño es esto." "[english]player.teengirl_lookhere04" "Zoey: What do you make of this?" "player.teengirl_lookhere05" "Zoey: Eh, fijaos en esto." "[english]player.teengirl_lookhere05" "Zoey: Huh, check this out." "player.teengirl_lookhere06" "Zoey: ¡Mirad allí!" "[english]player.teengirl_lookhere06" "Zoey: Look over here!" "player.teengirl_lookhere07" "Zoey: Mirad aquí." "[english]player.teengirl_lookhere07" "Zoey: Look here." "player.teengirl_lookout01" "Zoey: ¡Atención!" "[english]player.teengirl_lookout01" "Zoey: Look out!" "player.teengirl_lookout03" "Zoey: ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_lookout03" "Zoey: Watch out!" "player.teengirl_lookout08" "Zoey: ¡Detrás de ti!" "[english]player.teengirl_lookout08" "Zoey: Behind you!!" "player.teengirl_lostcall01" "Zoey: ¿Hola?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall01" "Zoey: Hello?" "player.teengirl_lostcall010" "Zoey: ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall010" "Zoey: Where are you guys?" "player.teengirl_lostcall02" "Zoey: ¿Dónde estáis?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall02" "Zoey: Where are you?" "player.teengirl_lostcall03" "Zoey: ¿Dónde están todos?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall03" "Zoey: Where is everyone?" "player.teengirl_lostcall04" "Zoey: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall04" "Zoey: Is anyone there?" "player.teengirl_lostcall05" "Zoey: No tiene gracia, ¿dónde estáis?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall05" "Zoey: This isn't funny guys, where are you?" "player.teengirl_lostcall06" "Zoey: ¿Holaaaa?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall06" "Zoey: Helloooo?" "player.teengirl_lostcall07" "Zoey: ¿Hay alguien?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall07" "Zoey: Anyone around?" "player.teengirl_lostcall09" "Zoey: Eh chicos, ¿dónde estáis?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall09" "Zoey: Hey guys, where are you?" "player.teengirl_lostcall13" "Zoey: ¿Chicos?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall13" "Zoey: Guys?" "player.teengirl_lostcall20" "Zoey: ¿Dónde están todos?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall20" "Zoey: Where is everyone?" "player.teengirl_lostcall21" "Zoey: Chicos, ¿dónde estáis?" "[english]player.teengirl_lostcall21" "Zoey: Hey guys, where are you?" "npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready01" "Zoey: ¡Listos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready01" "Zoey: Get ready!" "npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready02" "Zoey: Ay, madre... ¡atentos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready02" "Zoey: Uh oh. Get ready!" "npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready03" "Zoey: Ay, madre... ¡que vienen!" "[english]npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready03" "Zoey: Uh oh. Here they come!" "npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready04" "Zoey: ¡Que vienen, chicos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready04" "Zoey: They're coming, boys!" "npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready05" "Zoey: ¡Se acercan!" "[english]npc.teengirl_minifinalegetready05" "Zoey: They're coming!" "player.teengirl_moveon01" "Zoey: ¿Nos movemos?" "[english]player.teengirl_moveon01" "Zoey: Can we get going?" "player.teengirl_moveon02" "Zoey: Vamos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon02" "Zoey: Let's go." "player.teengirl_moveon03" "Zoey: Sigamos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon03" "Zoey: We should go." "player.teengirl_moveon04" "Zoey: Continuemos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon04" "Zoey: Let's get moving." "player.teengirl_moveon05" "Zoey: Debemos seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon05" "Zoey: We need to get moving." "player.teengirl_moveon06" "Zoey: Debemos movernos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon06" "Zoey: I think we should go." "player.teengirl_moveon08" "Zoey: ¡Venga, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_moveon08" "Zoey: Come on, let's go!" "player.teengirl_moveon09" "Zoey: ¡Venga, vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_moveon09" "Zoey: Come on, come on, let's go!" "player.teengirl_moveon10" "Zoey: Debemos seguir chicos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon10" "Zoey: We need to get going guys." "player.teengirl_moveon12" "Zoey: Es mejor que sigamos." "[english]player.teengirl_moveon12" "Zoey: We should probably go." "player.teengirl_moveon13" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_moveon13" "Zoey: Let's go, ;et's go." "player.teengirl_namebill01" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill01" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill03" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill03" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill04" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill04" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill06" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill06" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill07" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill07" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill09" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill09" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill10" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill10" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill11" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill11" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill12" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill12" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill13" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill13" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill15" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill15" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill16" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill16" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill17" "Zoey: ¡Bill!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill17" "Zoey: Bill!" "player.teengirl_namebill22" "Zoey: ¡William!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill22" "Zoey: William!" "player.teengirl_namebill23" "Zoey: ¡Abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill23" "Zoey: Old man!" "player.teengirl_namebill26" "Zoey: ¡Abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill26" "Zoey: Old man!" "player.teengirl_namebill28" "Zoey: ¡Eh, abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill28" "Zoey: Hey, old man!" "player.teengirl_namebill30" "Zoey: ¡Eh, abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_namebill30" "Zoey: Hey, old man!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis02" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis02" "Zoey: Francis" "player.teengirl_namefrancis03" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis03" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis04" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis04" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis05" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis05" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis06" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis06" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis09" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis09" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis10" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis10" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis11" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis11" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis12" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis12" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis14" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis14" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis15" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis15" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis16" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis16" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis17" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis17" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis20" "Zoey: Francis." "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis20" "Zoey: Francis" "player.teengirl_namefrancis21" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis21" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis22" "Zoey: ¡Francis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis22" "Zoey: Francis!" "player.teengirl_namefrancis23" "Zoey: ¡Eh, motero!" "[english]player.teengirl_namefrancis23" "Zoey: Hey, biker dude!" "player.teengirl_namelouis01" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis01" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis02" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis02" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis04" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis04" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis05" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis05" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis06" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis06" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis08" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis08" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis09" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis09" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis10" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis10" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis12" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis12" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis13" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis13" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis14" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis14" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis15" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis15" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis16" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis16" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis17" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis17" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis18" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis18" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis19" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis19" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis20" "Zoey: Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis20" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis21" "Zoey: Sí, Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis21" "Zoey: Yeah, Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis23" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis23" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_namelouis28" "Zoey: Oye, jefe." "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis28" "Zoey: Mr. Manager!" "player.teengirl_namelouis29" "Zoey: ¡Oye, jefe!" "[english]player.teengirl_namelouis29" "Zoey: Mr. Manager!" "player.teengirl_negativenoise01" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise01" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise02" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise02" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise04" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise04" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise05" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise05" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise06" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise06" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise07" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise07" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise08" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise08" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise09" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise09" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise10" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise10" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise13" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise13" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise14" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise14" "" "player.teengirl_negativenoise15" "" "[english]player.teengirl_negativenoise15" "" "player.teengirl_nervoushumming01" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervoushumming01" "" "player.teengirl_nervoushumming02" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervoushumming02" "" "player.teengirl_nervoushumming03" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervoushumming03" "" "player.teengirl_nervoushumming04" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervoushumming04" "" "player.teengirl_nervouswhislte01" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervouswhislte01" "" "player.teengirl_nervouswhislte02" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervouswhislte02" "" "player.teengirl_nervouswhislte03" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervouswhislte03" "" "player.teengirl_nervouswhislte04" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervouswhislte04" "" "player.teengirl_nervouswhislte05" "" "[english]player.teengirl_nervouswhislte05" "" "player.teengirl_nicejob01" "Zoey: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob01" "Zoey: Yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob02" "Zoey: ¡Mola!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob02" "Zoey: Kick ass!" "player.teengirl_nicejob05" "Zoey: ¡Bien hecho!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob05" "Zoey: Well done!" "player.teengirl_nicejob06" "Zoey: ¡Mola!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob06" "Zoey: Kick ass!" "player.teengirl_nicejob07" "Zoey: Buena jugada." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob07" "Zoey: Nicely played, sir" "player.teengirl_nicejob08" "Zoey: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob08" "Zoey: Oh hell yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob11" "Zoey: Estupendo." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob11" "Zoey: Nice job." "player.teengirl_nicejob17" "Zoey: Muy bueno." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob17" "Zoey: That was good" "player.teengirl_nicejob18" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob18" "Zoey: Okay." "player.teengirl_nicejob20" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob20" "Zoey: Lovely." "player.teengirl_nicejob21" "Zoey: ¡Síii!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob21" "Zoey: Yess!" "player.teengirl_nicejob22" "Zoey: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob22" "Zoey: Hell yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob23" "Zoey: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob23" "Zoey: Yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob26" "Zoey: Sí." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob26" "Zoey: Yeah." "player.teengirl_nicejob29" "Zoey: ¡Bien hecho!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob29" "Zoey: Well done!" "player.teengirl_nicejob33" "Zoey: ¡Bu-hu!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob33" "Zoey: Hot!" "player.teengirl_nicejob36" "Zoey: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob36" "Zoey: Yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob38" "Zoey: Chachi." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob38" "Zoey: Sweet!" "player.teengirl_nicejob42" "Zoey: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob42" "Zoey: Oh hell yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob43" "Zoey: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob43" "Zoey: Hell yeah!" "player.teengirl_nicejob44" "Zoey: Estupendo." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob44" "Zoey: Nice job." "player.teengirl_nicejob48" "Zoey: ¡Toma!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob48" "Zoey: Nice." "player.teengirl_nicejob51" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob51" "Zoey: Okay." "player.teengirl_nicejob52" "Zoey: Perfecto." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob52" "Zoey: Good work." "player.teengirl_nicejob54" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob54" "Zoey: Lovely." "player.teengirl_nicejob56" "Zoey: Estupendo." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob56" "Zoey: Nice job." "player.teengirl_nicejob57" "Zoey: ¡Toma!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob57" "Zoey: Nice." "player.teengirl_nicejob58" "Zoey: Muy bien." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob58" "Zoey: Hello!" "player.teengirl_nicejob59" "Zoey: De lujo." "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob59" "Zoey: Nice work." "player.teengirl_nicejob60" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob60" "Zoey: Louis!" "player.teengirl_nicejob61" "Zoey: ¡Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_nicejob61" "Zoey: Louis!" "npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic01" "Zoey: Genial, Francis." "[english]npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic01" "Zoey: Nice one, Francis." "npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic02" "Zoey: Así se hace, Bill." "[english]npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic02" "Zoey: Nice going, Bill." "npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic03" "Zoey: Vaya. De puta madre, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic03" "Zoey: Smooth, Louis. Real smooth." "npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic04" "Zoey: Os lo habéis currado." "[english]npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic04" "Zoey: Real good work, guys." "npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic05" "Zoey: Qué pedazo de profesionales que estamos hechos todos." "[english]npc.teengirl_niceonesarcastic05" "Zoey: Yeah, wow, pros - we're all pros here." "player.teengirl_niceshooting10" "Zoey: Bien hecho, abuelo." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshooting10" "Zoey: Nice job, old man." "player.teengirl_niceshooting11" "Zoey: Así se hace, abuelo." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshooting11" "Zoey: Nice job, old man." "player.teengirl_niceshooting12" "Zoey: ¡Buuh, eres la caña!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshooting12" "Zoey: Wow, you're a real terror." "player.teengirl_niceshooting13" "Zoey: Bien, abuelo." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshooting13" "Zoey: Nice job old man." "player.teengirl_niceshot01" "Zoey: ¡Ahí!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot01" "Zoey: Good one!" "player.teengirl_niceshot04" "Zoey: ¡En el clavo!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot04" "Zoey: Killer shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot05" "Zoey: ¡Bum! Mola." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot05" "Zoey: Boom! Nice." "player.teengirl_niceshot06" "Zoey: ¡Gran tiro!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot06" "Zoey: Great shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot07" "Zoey: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot07" "Zoey: Nice shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot08" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot08" "Zoey: Nice!" "player.teengirl_niceshot09" "Zoey: ¡Buen tiro, abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot09" "Zoey: Nice shot, old man!" "player.teengirl_niceshot11" "Zoey: ¡Muy bueno!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot11" "Zoey: Good one!" "player.teengirl_niceshot12" "Zoey: ¡Buen tiro!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot12" "Zoey: Nice shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot13" "Zoey: ¡En la diana!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot13" "Zoey: Sweet shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot14" "Zoey: ¡Vaya tiro!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot14" "Zoey: Killer shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot15" "Zoey: ¡Gran tiro!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot15" "Zoey: Great shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot16" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot16" "Zoey: Nice!" "player.teengirl_niceshot17" "Zoey: ¡Buen tiro, abuelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_niceshot17" "Zoey: Nice shot, old man!" "player.teengirl_no01" "Zoey: Oh, no." "[english]player.teengirl_no01" "Zoey: Uh, no." "player.teengirl_no07" "Zoey: ¿En serio? No." "[english]player.teengirl_no07" "Zoey: Seriously, no." "player.teengirl_no08" "Zoey: ¡NO!" "[english]player.teengirl_no08" "Zoey: NO!" "player.teengirl_no09" "Zoey: Sí... claro." "[english]player.teengirl_no09" "Zoey: Yeah... right!" "player.teengirl_no10" "Zoey: ¡No!" "[english]player.teengirl_no10" "Zoey: No!" "player.teengirl_no11" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_no11" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_no14" "Zoey: No lo creo." "[english]player.teengirl_no14" "Zoey: I don't think so." "player.teengirl_no15" "Zoey: Mmm, mm." "[english]player.teengirl_no15" "Zoey: Mmmm Mm." "player.teengirl_no18" "Zoey: Ni de coña." "[english]player.teengirl_no18" "Zoey: Not gonna happen." "player.teengirl_no21" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_no21" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_no22" "Zoey: Ah-ah." "[english]player.teengirl_no22" "Zoey: Uh-uh." "player.teengirl_no23" "Zoey: Nah." "[english]player.teengirl_no23" "Zoey: Nah." "player.teengirl_no24" "Zoey: Ni en sueños." "[english]player.teengirl_no24" "Zoey: Not on your life." "player.teengirl_no25" "Zoey: Ni lo sueñes." "[english]player.teengirl_no25" "Zoey: Not a chance." "player.teengirl_no31" "Zoey: ¡Nooo!" "[english]player.teengirl_no31" "Zoey: Nooo!" "player.teengirl_no36" "Zoey: Mm... no." "[english]player.teengirl_no36" "Zoey: Um no." "player.teengirl_no38" "Zoey: Ni hablar." "[english]player.teengirl_no38" "Zoey: No way." "player.teengirl_no43" "Zoey: No." "[english]player.teengirl_no43" "Zoey: No." "player.teengirl_no48" "Zoey: Nop." "[english]player.teengirl_no48" "Zoey: Nope." "player.teengirl_no49" "Zoey: No, no." "[english]player.teengirl_no49" "Zoey: No, NO." "player.teengirl_painreliefsigh01" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_painreliefsigh01" "Zoey: Ahhh!" "player.teengirl_painreliefsigh02" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_painreliefsigh02" "Zoey: Ahhh!" "player.teengirl_painreliefsigh08" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_painreliefsigh08" "Zoey: Ahhh!" "player.teengirl_painreliefsigh10" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_painreliefsigh10" "Zoey: Ahhh!" "player.teengirl_painreliefsigh11" "Zoey: [Suspiro de alivio]" "[english]player.teengirl_painreliefsigh11" "Zoey: Ahhh!" "npc.teengirl_pathclear01" "Zoey: ¡Vía libre! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_pathclear01" "Zoey: Path's clear! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_pathclear02" "Zoey: ¡Despejado! ¡Adelante!" "[english]npc.teengirl_pathclear02" "Zoey: We're good to go! Come on!" "player.teengirl_player.gamespeech01" "Zoey: Si no es de los nuestros, matadlo." "[english]player.teengirl_player.gamespeech01" "Zoey: If it's not one of us, kill it." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth05" "Zoey: Es momento de sacar un botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth05" "Zoey: Might be a good time for a health kit." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth06" "Zoey: Es hora de curarse." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth06" "Zoey: It's a good time to heal up." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth07" "Zoey: ¿Quién quiere curarse?" "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth07" "Zoey: Who's for healing up?" "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth08" "Zoey: Está todo tranquilo, aprovechemos para curarnos." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth08" "Zoey: Perfect time, it's quiet right now, let's heal up." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth09" "Zoey: ¿Quién quiere un botiquín?" "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealth09" "Zoey: Who's for healing up?" "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Zoey: Louis, usa el botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthlouis01" "Zoey: Louis, use your first aid kit." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Zoey: Francis, necesitas un remiendo." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific04" "Zoey: Francis, you might want to heal." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Zoey: Francis, debes curarte." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific05" "Zoey: Francis, you might want to heal." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Zoey: Bill, necesitas un parche." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific06" "Zoey: Bill, might be time to heal up." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Zoey: Bill, es hora de una cura." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific07" "Zoey: Bill, might be time to heal up." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Zoey: Louis, venga, cúrate un poco." "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific08" "Zoey: Louis, come on, patch yourself up." "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific09" "Zoey: Francis, si no vas a usar ese botiquín, ¿puedes dármelo?" "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific09" "Zoey: Francis, if you aren't gonna use that first aid kit, can I have it?" "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific10" "Zoey: Bill, si no vas a usar ese botiquín, ¿puedes dármelo?" "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific10" "Zoey: Bill, if you aren't gonna use that first aid kit, can I have it?" "npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific11" "Zoey: Louis, si no vas a usar ese botiquín, ¿puedes dármelo, por favor?" "[english]npc.teengirl_playersuggesthealthspecific11" "Zoey: Louis, if you aren't gonna use that first aid kit, can I have it, please?" "player.teengirl_positivenoise01" "Zoey: [Risa]" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise01" "Zoey: [Laugh]" "player.teengirl_positivenoise02" "Zoey: [Risa]" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise02" "Zoey: [Laugh]" "player.teengirl_positivenoise05" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise05" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise10" "Zoey: [Risa]" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise10" "Zoey: [Laugh]" "player.teengirl_positivenoise11" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise11" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise13" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise13" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise14" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise14" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise15" "Zoey: [Risa]" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise15" "Zoey: [Laugh]" "player.teengirl_positivenoise16" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise16" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise17" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise17" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise18" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise18" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise19" "" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise19" "" "player.teengirl_positivenoise20" "Zoey: [Risa]" "[english]player.teengirl_positivenoise20" "Zoey: [Laugh]" "player.teengirl_radiousedboat01" "Zoey: Vale, hay un barco en camino." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedboat01" "Zoey: All right guys, a boat's on its way." "player.teengirl_radiousedchopper01" "Zoey: Ya viene el helicóptero." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedchopper01" "Zoey: Okay, the helicopter's coming!" "player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric01" "Zoey: Vale, vienen a ayudarnos." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric01" "Zoey: Okay, guys, help is on the way!" "player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric02" "Zoey: Vienen a ayudarnos, aguantemos un poco más." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric02" "Zoey: Help is coming guys, we just need to last a little longer." "player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric03" "Zoey: ¡Eh! Vienen a ayudarnos, esperemos un poco más." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedgeneric03" "Zoey: Hey! Help is coming. Just a little longer." "player.teengirl_radiousedplane01" "Zoey: Vale, ya viene un avión." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedplane01" "Zoey: Okay, there's a plane on the way." "player.teengirl_radiousedtruck01" "Zoey: Vale, he llamado al camión." "[english]player.teengirl_radiousedtruck01" "Zoey: Okay guys, I called for the truck." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive04" "Zoey: Cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive04" "Zoey: Watch yourself." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive05" "Zoey: Este silencio..." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive05" "Zoey: It's too quiet." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive07" "Zoey: Algo me da mala espina." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive07" "Zoey: Something doesn't feel right." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive12" "Zoey: Este silencio..." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive12" "Zoey: It's too quiet." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive17" "Zoey: Esto no me huele bien, tíos." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive17" "Zoey: This feels bad, guys." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive18" "Zoey: Hay algo que no me cuadra." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive18" "Zoey: I have a bad feeling about this" "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive19" "Zoey: Esto no me gusta." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive19" "Zoey: I don't like this." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive23" "Zoey: No se yo..." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive23" "Zoey: I don't know..." "player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive25" "Zoey: Algo me huele mal, tíos." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionapprehensive25" "Zoey: Something's bad about this, guys." "player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit01" "Zoey: [Sonido de asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit01" "Zoey: Yecch!" "player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit02" "Zoey: [Sonido de asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit02" "Zoey: Yecch!" "player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit03" "Zoey: [Sonido de asco]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionboomervomit03" "Zoey: Yecch!" "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted02" "Zoey: ¡Aaaugh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted02" "Zoey: Achhh..." "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted04" "Zoey: ¡Oouuh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted04" "Zoey: Ewwww..." "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted05" "Zoey: ¡Aaagh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted05" "Zoey: Ahhchh!" "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted06" "Zoey: Oh, Dios mío." "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted06" "Zoey: Oh my god." "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted07" "Zoey: ¡Ooooh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted07" "Zoey: Ohhhhh!" "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted09" "Zoey: ¡Puag!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted09" "Zoey: Gross!" "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted10" "Zoey: ¡Oouuh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted10" "Zoey: Ewwww..." "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted12" "Zoey: ¡Oouuh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted12" "Zoey: Ohhhhh!" "player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted13" "Zoey: ¡Oouuh!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactiondisgusted13" "Zoey: Ohhhhh!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative01" "Zoey: Oh, oh." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative01" "Zoey: Uh oh." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative02" "Zoey: Esto es una mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative02" "Zoey: This is so messed up." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative03" "Zoey: Que mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative03" "Zoey: This sucks." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative04" "Zoey: Menuda... mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative04" "Zoey: This sucks big time." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative05" "Zoey: Oh, joder." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative05" "Zoey: Oh damn." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative06" "Zoey: Esto no funciona." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative06" "Zoey: This isn't working." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative07" "Zoey: No puede... estar pasando." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative07" "Zoey: This can't be happening." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative08" "Zoey: ¿Qué coño ha sido eso?" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative08" "Zoey: What the hell was that?" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative10" "Zoey: Esto es una mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative10" "Zoey: This is so messed up." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative11" "Zoey: ¿Estás de coña?" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative11" "Zoey: Are you kidding me?" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative12" "Zoey: Otra vez no." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative12" "Zoey: Not again." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative14" "Zoey: Esto nunca acabará." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative14" "Zoey: This is never going to end." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative15" "Zoey: Esto no va bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative15" "Zoey: This is not going well." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative16" "Zoey: Oh tío, tío, tío." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative16" "Zoey: Oh man oh man oh man." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative17" "Zoey: Mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative17" "Zoey: Shit." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative18" "Zoey: Que mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative18" "Zoey: This sucks." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative19" "Zoey: Menuda... mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative19" "Zoey: This sucks big time." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative20" "Zoey: Joder." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative20" "Zoey: Damnit." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative21" "Zoey: Oh, no." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative21" "Zoey: Oh no." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative22" "Zoey: Oh, mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative22" "Zoey: Ah crap!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative23" "Zoey: Que mal..." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative23" "Zoey: This is bad." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative24" "Zoey: [Grito de frustración]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative24" "Zoey: Ooohhh." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative25" "Zoey: Mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative25" "Zoey: Crap!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative26" "Zoey: No, no, no, no, no." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative26" "Zoey: No No No No NO!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative27" "Zoey: Esto nunca acabará." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative27" "Zoey: This is never going to end!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative28" "Zoey: Esto no va bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative28" "Zoey: This is not going well." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative29" "Zoey: Oh tío, tío, tío." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative29" "Zoey: Oh man oh man oh man." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative31" "Zoey: Mierda." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative31" "Zoey: Shit." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative32" "Zoey: Esto no va bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative32" "Zoey: This is bad." "player.teengirl_reactionnegative33" "Zoey: ¡Oh, mierda!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative33" "Zoey: Ah crap!" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative38" "" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative38" "" "player.teengirl_reactionnegative40" "" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionnegative40" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial01" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial01" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial02" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial02" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial03" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial03" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial04" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial04" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial05" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial05" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial06" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial06" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial07" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial07" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial08" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial08" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial09" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial09" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial10" "Zoey: ¿De verdad?" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial10" "Zoey: Really?" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial11" "Zoey: Chachi." "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial11" "Zoey: Great." "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial12" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial12" "" "npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial13" "" "[english]npc.teengirl_reactionnegativespecial13" "" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive01" "Zoey: Mola." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive01" "Zoey: Sweet!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive02" "Zoey: De miedo." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive02" "Zoey: Killer!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive07" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive07" "Zoey: Lovely!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive08" "Zoey: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive08" "Zoey: Yeah!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive11" "Zoey: Ha estado bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive11" "Zoey: That was hot!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive12" "Zoey: Eres un tipo encantador." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive12" "Zoey: You are a charming beautiful man." "player.teengirl_reactionpositive13" "Zoey: Mola." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive13" "Zoey: Sweet!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive14" "Zoey: De miedo." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive14" "Zoey: Killer!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive16" "Zoey: ¡JAJA!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive16" "Zoey: HAH!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive17" "Zoey: Qué bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive17" "Zoey: All right!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive18" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive18" "Zoey: Okay!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive19" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive19" "Zoey: Lovely!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive20" "Zoey: ¡Sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive20" "Zoey: Yeah!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive21" "Zoey: ¡Oh, sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive21" "Zoey: Oh yeah!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive22" "Zoey: ¡Bien!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive22" "Zoey: Nice!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive23" "Zoey: Muy bien." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive23" "Zoey: That was hot!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive24" "Zoey: Perfecto." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive24" "Zoey: Beautiful!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive25" "Zoey: ¡Qué pasada!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive25" "Zoey: Holy crap!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive26" "Zoey: ¡JAJA!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive26" "Zoey: AH HAH!" "player.teengirl_reactionpositive27" "Zoey: Eres guapo, sexy y majo. Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_reactionpositive27" "Zoey: You are beautiful, sexy and charming. Thank you." "player.teengirl_reactionstartled03" "Zoey: ¡Guau!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled03" "Zoey: Whoah!" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled04" "Zoey: ¿Pero qué...?" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled04" "Zoey: What the?" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled06" "Zoey: ¡Gua!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled06" "Zoey: Wha!" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled08" "Zoey: ¡AAH!" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled08" "Zoey: DAHHH!" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled10" "Zoey: ¿Pero qué...?" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled10" "Zoey: What the?" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled11" "Zoey: [Jadeo]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled11" "Zoey: [Gasp!]" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled12" "Zoey: [Jadeo]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled12" "Zoey: [Gasp!]" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled13" "Zoey: [Jadeo]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled13" "Zoey: [Gasp!]" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled15" "Zoey: [Jadeo]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled15" "Zoey: [Gasp!]" "player.teengirl_reactionstartled17" "Zoey: [Jadeo]" "[english]player.teengirl_reactionstartled17" "Zoey: [Gasp!]" "player.teengirl_reloading01" "Zoey: ¡Cargando!" "[english]player.teengirl_reloading01" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading02" "Zoey: ¡Cargando!" "[english]player.teengirl_reloading02" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading03" "Zoey: ¡Cargando!" "[english]player.teengirl_reloading03" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading04" "Zoey: ¡Recargando!" "[english]player.teengirl_reloading04" "Zoey: I'm Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloadingquiet01" "Zoey: Cargando." "[english]player.teengirl_reloadingquiet01" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloadingquiet02" "Zoey: Cargando." "[english]player.teengirl_reloadingquiet02" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloadingquiet03" "Zoey: Voy a recargar." "[english]player.teengirl_reloadingquiet03" "Zoey: Wait, reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloadingquiet04" "Zoey: Recargando." "[english]player.teengirl_reloadingquiet04" "Zoey: I'm reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloadingquiet05" "Zoey: Voy a recargar." "[english]player.teengirl_reloadingquiet05" "Zoey: Wait, reloading!" "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend01" "Zoey: Vamos, te tengo. Hay que encontrar un botiquín. El próximo ataque podría ser letal." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend01" "Zoey: It's all right - I gotcha. Boy we need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend02" "Zoey: Vale, te pondrás bien. Puedo levantarte, pero hay que buscar un botiquín. No aguantarás otra herida así." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend02" "Zoey: You're going to be okay, I can get you back up, but we need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend03" "Zoey: No te preocupes, yo te ayudaré. Pero hay que buscar un botiquín, tío. Si vuelves a caer así, estás perdido." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend03" "Zoey: Don't worry, don't worry, I can help. But we need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend04" "Zoey: Venga, yo te ayudaré. Hay que encontrar un botiquín. Si vuelves a caer así, estás perdido." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend04" "Zoey: I'm here. I'll help you. We need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend05" "Zoey: Déjame ayudarte. Hay que encontrar un botiquín como sea. La próxima vez, no lo cuentas." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend05" "Zoey: Let me help you up. We really need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend06" "Zoey: Vale, creo que puedo ponerte en pie, pero hay que buscar un botiquín. Si te vuelven a dar así, se acabó." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend06" "Zoey: Okay, I think I can get you back on your feet, but we need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend07" "Zoey: Yo te ayudo. Estarás bien un rato, pero hay que buscar un botiquín. Otro golpe como ese y estás perdido." "[english]player.teengirl_revivecriticalfriend07" "Zoey: Let me help you. You should be okay for a little bit, but we need to find you some first aid. If you go down like this again, that's it for you." "player.teengirl_revivefriend01" "Zoey: Aguanta. Vamos, te tengo. Levántate, hay que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend01" "Zoey: Hang on. It's all right. I gotcha. Now get up - we gotta move." "player.teengirl_revivefriend03" "Zoey: Aún no estás acabado. Vamos, hay que continuar." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend03" "Zoey: This isn't it for you yet. C'mon, up and at 'em. We gotta keep moving." "player.teengirl_revivefriend04" "Zoey: Te tengo. Quieto, te ayudo. Hay que ponerte en pie. Allá vamos." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend04" "Zoey: I have you. Lie still and let me help. We gotta get you back on your feet. Okay, up we go." "player.teengirl_revivefriend06" "Zoey: Te tengo. Estaba preocupada. Levanta, tenemos que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend06" "Zoey: I gotcha - I was worried there. Now get up, come on. We gotta keep moving." "player.teengirl_revivefriend08" "Zoey: Tiene mala pinta... pero puedo levantarte. Venga, en marcha." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend08" "Zoey: This looks bad, but I can get you back up. Get you moving again." "player.teengirl_revivefriend10" "Zoey: Te pondré en pie. Ya te tengo, te ayudaré. Te pondrás bien." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend10" "Zoey: Here, let me help you up. I gotcha. I'm gonna help you. We're gonna get you fixed up." "player.teengirl_revivefriend11" "Zoey: Vale tigre, arriba. Nadie se quedará atrás. Te pondrás bien, pero hay que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend11" "Zoey: All right, Tiger, up and at 'em. Nobody's leaving anyone behind. You're gonna be fine, but we gotta keep moving." "player.teengirl_revivefriend12" "Zoey: Vale... estás bien, estaba preocupada. Vamos a levantarte." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend12" "Zoey: Okay, okay, you're okay. I was worried there. Let's get you up on your feet." "player.teengirl_revivefriend16" "Zoey: Te tengo, te pondrás bien. Déjame curarte, ¿vale? Bien... como nuevo." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend16" "Zoey: I have you, you're gonna be all right. Just let me fix this up, okay? All right... Good as new." "player.teengirl_revivefriend17" "Zoey: Vamos, levanta. Tenemos que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend17" "Zoey: Come on, we have to get you up. We need to keep moving." "player.teengirl_revivefriend19" "Zoey: Vamos, yo te echo una mano... Te ayudaré." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend19" "Zoey: Don't worry, I can help you up.. I can help." "player.teengirl_revivefriend25" "Zoey: Puedo levantarte. Hay que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend25" "Zoey: I can get your back up. Get you moving again." "player.teengirl_revivefriend31" "Zoey: Aún no estás acabado. Vamos, arriba. Hay que seguir." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriend31" "Zoey: This isn't it for you yet. C'mon, up and at 'em. We gotta keep moving." "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda01" "Zoey: ¿Estás bien?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda01" "Zoey: You okay?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda02" "Zoey: ¿Bien?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda02" "Zoey: You okay?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda03" "Zoey: ¿Cómo te sientes?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda03" "Zoey: How do you feel?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda04" "Zoey: ¿Aguantarás?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda04" "Zoey: Can you make it?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda05" "Zoey: ¿Puedes seguir?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda05" "Zoey: You gonna make it?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda06" "Zoey: ¿Estás muy mal?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda06" "Zoey: How bad are you?" "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda07" "Zoey: Joder, qué mala pinta." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda07" "Zoey: Oh boy, you don't look good." "npc.teengirl_revivefrienda08" "Zoey: ¿Cómo te va?" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefrienda08" "Zoey: How ya doin'?" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb01" "Zoey: ¡Venga, al tajo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb01" "Zoey: Up and at 'em." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb02" "Zoey: A por ellos." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb02" "Zoey: Up and at 'em." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb03" "Zoey: Ponte en pie." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb03" "Zoey: Come on get up." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb04" "Zoey: A-le-hop." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb04" "Zoey: Up ya go." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb05" "Zoey: Vas a mejorar." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb05" "Zoey: You'll be okay." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb06" "Zoey: Ya está." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb06" "Zoey: I got ya." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb07" "Zoey: Aaarriba." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb07" "Zoey: Up we go." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb08" "Zoey: Estás bien." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb08" "Zoey: You're fine." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb09" "Zoey: No tiene mala pinta." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb09" "Zoey: It doesn't look bad." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb10" "Zoey: No parece grave." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb10" "Zoey: It doesn't look bad." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb11" "Zoey: ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb11" "Zoey: Come on up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb12" "Zoey: ¡Sigamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb12" "Zoey: Let's move!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb13" "Zoey: No me llores, Francis." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb13" "Zoey: Quit whining, Francis." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb14" "Zoey: Estás bien, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb14" "Zoey: You're okay, Louis." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb15" "Zoey: Tranqui, Bill." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb15" "Zoey: It's okay, Bill." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb16" "Zoey: La niña soy yo." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb16" "Zoey: Come on, I'm the girl here." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendb17" "Zoey: Eres un quejica. Vamos." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendb17" "Zoey: Stop whining. Let's go." "player.teengirl_revivefriendloud01" "Zoey: ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos, te tengo! Te pondrás bien." "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriendloud01" "Zoey: Come on, come on! I got you, you're going to be okay." "player.teengirl_revivefriendloud02" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios, hay que ponerte en pie!" "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriendloud02" "Zoey: Oh god, oh god, let's get you back up on your feet." "player.teengirl_revivefriendloud03" "Zoey: ¡Está bien, te pondrás bien! ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]player.teengirl_revivefriendloud03" "Zoey: It's all right, you are going to be okay easy, easy." "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud04" "Zoey: Aguanta, voy a levantarte." "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud04" "Zoey: Hold on. I'm gonna get you up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud05" "Zoey: ¡De pie, Bill, joder!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud05" "Zoey: Get the hell up, Bill!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud06" "Zoey: ¡Francis, vamos, arriba!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud06" "Zoey: Francis, let's go, get up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud07" "Zoey: ¡William! ¡Mueve el culo! ¡Hay que irse!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud07" "Zoey: William! Get your ass up! We gotta go!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud08" "Zoey: No me obligues a dejarte atrás, Louis. ¡Levanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud08" "Zoey: Don't make me leave your ass behind, Louis. Get up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud09" "Zoey: Francis, no estamos para bromitas, ¡arriba!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud09" "Zoey: Francis, we don't have time for this, come on!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud10" "Zoey: Louis, vamos, ¡levanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud10" "Zoey: Louis, come on, get up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud11" "Zoey: No puedo contigo, Bill, ¡levanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud11" "Zoey: I can't carry you, Bill. Get up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud12" "Zoey: Bill, no pienso llevarte ¡levanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud12" "Zoey: Bill, I'm not gonna carry you. Get up!" "npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud13" "Zoey: Tío, pesas el doble que yo. ¡Levanta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_revivefriendloud13" "Zoey: Dude, I'm half your size. Come on, get up!" "player.teengirl_safespotahead01" "Zoey: Refugio al frente." "[english]player.teengirl_safespotahead01" "Zoey: Safe house just ahead." "player.teengirl_safespotahead06" "Zoey: ¡Refugio al frente!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotahead06" "Zoey: Safe house ahead!" "player.teengirl_safespotahead08" "Zoey: Un refugio al frente." "[english]player.teengirl_safespotahead08" "Zoey: There's a safe house ahead." "player.teengirl_safespotahead09" "Zoey: Un refugio cerca." "[english]player.teengirl_safespotahead09" "Zoey: We're near a safe house." "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction02" "Zoey: ¡Por fin!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction02" "Zoey: Finally!" "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction07" "Zoey: ¡Oh, señor!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction07" "Zoey: Oh Lord!" "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction08" "Zoey: ¡Gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction08" "Zoey: Thank God!" "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction10" "Zoey: ¡Gracias a Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction10" "Zoey: Oh thank God!" "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction11" "Zoey: ¡Gracias a Dios!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction11" "Zoey: Oh thank God!" "player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction14" "Zoey: ¡Dios, gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_safespotaheadreaction14" "Zoey: Sweet Jesus!" "player.teengirl_sawsomething04" "Zoey: Hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.teengirl_sawsomething04" "Zoey: There's something over there." "player.teengirl_sawsomething07" "Zoey: Creo que he visto algo." "[english]player.teengirl_sawsomething07" "Zoey: I think I saw something." "player.teengirl_sawsomething12" "Zoey: Hay algo por ahí." "[english]player.teengirl_sawsomething12" "Zoey: There's something over there." "player.teengirl_sawsomething14" "Zoey: Me pareció ver algo." "[english]player.teengirl_sawsomething14" "Zoey: I think I saw something." "player.teengirl_scenariojoin02" "Zoey: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin02" "Zoey: Hello!" "player.teengirl_scenariojoin07" "Zoey: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin07" "Zoey: Hello!" "player.teengirl_scenariojoin12" "Zoey: ¡Hola!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin12" "Zoey: Hello!" "player.teengirl_scenariojoin13" "Zoey: ¡Estoy aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin13" "Zoey: Hey, I'm here." "player.teengirl_scenariojoin14" "Zoey: ¡He llegado!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin14" "Zoey: Hey, I'm here." "player.teengirl_scenariojoin15" "Zoey: ¡Ya estoy!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin15" "Zoey: I'm here!" "player.teengirl_scenariojoin16" "Zoey: ¡Ya estoy!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin16" "Zoey: I'm here!" "player.teengirl_scenariojoin21" "Zoey: ¡Eh, aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoin21" "Zoey: Hey, I'm here." "player.teengirl_scenariojoinlast01" "Zoey: Estamos todos." "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoinlast01" "Zoey: We're all here." "player.teengirl_scenariojoinlast02" "Zoey: Bien, estamos todos." "[english]player.teengirl_scenariojoinlast02" "Zoey: Well, we're all here." "player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced01" "Zoey: ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced01" "Zoey: GET IT OFF ME!" "player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02" "Zoey: ¡QUI-QUITÁDMELO, QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02" "Zoey: GET IT GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" "npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02a" "Zoey: ¡Quí... quítamelo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02a" "Zoey: Get it, get it off!" "npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02b" "Zoey: ¡Quítamelo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced02b" "Zoey: Get it off!" "player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04" "Zoey: ¡QUI-QUITÁDMELO, QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04" "Zoey: GET IT GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" "npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04a" "Zoey: ¡Quí... quítamelo! ¡Me aplasta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04a" "Zoey: Get it, get it off! Get it off!" "npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04b" "Zoey: ¡Ayudadme!" "[english]npc.teengirl_screamwhilepounced04b" "Zoey: Get it off!" "player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced06" "Zoey: ¡QUITÁDMELO!" "[english]player.teengirl_screamwhilepounced06" "Zoey: GET IT OFF ME!" "npc.teengirl_seecabin01" "Zoey: Genial. Una cabaña en medio de la nada. Ya sé cómo acaba la peli." "[english]npc.teengirl_seecabin01" "Zoey: Oh, nice. A cabin in the middle of nowhere. I know how this movie ends." "player.teengirl_selfstaytogether01" "Zoey: Me quedaré cerca." "[english]player.teengirl_selfstaytogether01" "Zoey: I should stick close." "player.teengirl_selfstaytogether04" "Zoey: Me quedaré con el grupo." "[english]player.teengirl_selfstaytogether04" "Zoey: I should stay with the group." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth01" "Zoey: Debo usar el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth01" "Zoey: I should use my first aid kit." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth02" "Zoey: Debería usar el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth02" "Zoey: Should probably use my first aid kit." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth03" "Zoey: Debo usar el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth03" "Zoey: I should use my first aid." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth04" "Zoey: Debería usar el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth04" "Zoey: Should probably use my first aid." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth07" "Zoey: Debo tomar las píldoras." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth07" "Zoey: I should take those pills." "player.teengirl_selfusehealth08" "Zoey: Debería tomar las píldoras." "[english]player.teengirl_selfusehealth08" "Zoey: Should probably take my pills." "player.teengirl_shoved01" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved01" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved02" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved02" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved03" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved03" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved04" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved04" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved05" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved05" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved06" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved06" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_shoved14" "Zoey: [Reacción a un golpe recibido]" "[english]player.teengirl_shoved14" "Zoey: Oof!" "player.teengirl_sorry04" "Zoey: Ups, perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry04" "Zoey: Oops, sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry05" "Zoey: Lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry05" "Zoey: Sorry about that." "player.teengirl_sorry06" "Zoey: Mea culpa." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry06" "Zoey: Oh, my bad." "player.teengirl_sorry07" "Zoey: Perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry07" "Zoey: Sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry08" "Zoey: De verdad, lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry08" "Zoey: I am really sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry09" "Zoey: Mea culpa." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry09" "Zoey: My bad." "player.teengirl_sorry10" "Zoey: Lo siento mucho." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry10" "Zoey: I am so sorry" "player.teengirl_sorry11" "Zoey: ¡Oh, perdón!" "[english]player.teengirl_sorry11" "Zoey: Ohh, sorry!" "player.teengirl_sorry12" "Zoey: Lo siento muchísimo." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry12" "Zoey: I really am sorry 'bout that." "player.teengirl_sorry13" "Zoey: Ups, perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry13" "Zoey: Oops, sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry14" "Zoey: Perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry14" "Zoey: Sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry15" "Zoey: Lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry15" "Zoey: Sorry about that." "player.teengirl_sorry16" "Zoey: Oh, mea culpa." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry16" "Zoey: Oh, my bad." "player.teengirl_sorry17" "Zoey: De verdad lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry17" "Zoey: I'm really sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry18" "Zoey: De verdad lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry18" "Zoey: I'm really sorry." "player.teengirl_sorry20" "Zoey: Lo siento tanto." "[english]player.teengirl_sorry20" "Zoey: I am so sorry" "player.teengirl_sorry23" "Zoey: ¡Oh, perdón!" "[english]player.teengirl_sorry23" "Zoey: Ohh, sorry!" "npc.teengirl_sorrysarcastic03" "Zoey: Perdón." "[english]npc.teengirl_sorrysarcastic03" "Zoey: Sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic04" "Zoey: Perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic04" "Zoey: Sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic05" "Zoey: Ups... perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic05" "Zoey: Oops, sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic07" "Zoey: Lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic07" "Zoey: Sorry about that." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic08" "Zoey: Oh, mea culpa." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic08" "Zoey: Oh, my bad." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic12" "Zoey: De verdad lo siento." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic12" "Zoey: I'm really sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic14" "Zoey: Mea culpa." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic14" "Zoey: My bad." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic15" "Zoey: Lo siento tanto." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic15" "Zoey: I am so sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic16" "Zoey: Lo siento tanto." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic16" "Zoey: I am so sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic17" "Zoey: Oh, perdón." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic17" "Zoey: Oh, sorry." "player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic19" "Zoey: Lo siento muchísimo." "[english]player.teengirl_sorrysarcastic19" "Zoey: Really am sorry about that." "npc.teengirl_spot01" "Zoey: Munición." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot01" "Zoey: Ammo here." "npc.teengirl_spot02" "Zoey: Hay botiquines." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot02" "Zoey: First aid kit here." "npc.teengirl_spot03" "Zoey: Botiquín." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot03" "Zoey: First aid here." "npc.teengirl_spot04" "Zoey: Hay granadas." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot04" "Zoey: Grenades here." "npc.teengirl_spot05" "Zoey: Píldoras." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot05" "Zoey: Pills here." "npc.teengirl_spot06" "Zoey: Armas aquí." "[english]npc.teengirl_spot06" "Zoey: Weapons here." "player.teengirl_spotammo01" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo01" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotammo02" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo02" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotammo03" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo03" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotammo04" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo04" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotammo05" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo05" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotammo06" "Zoey: ¡Munición!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotammo06" "Zoey: Ammo here!" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid01" "Zoey: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid01" "Zoey: First Aid Kit here!" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid02" "Zoey: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid02" "Zoey: First Aid here!" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid03" "Zoey: Coge el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid03" "Zoey: Grab some first aid" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid04" "Zoey: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid04" "Zoey: First Aid Kit here!" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid05" "Zoey: ¡Un botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid05" "Zoey: First Aid here!" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid06" "Zoey: Coge el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid06" "Zoey: Grab some first aid" "player.teengirl_spotfirstaid07" "Zoey: ¡Coge el botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotfirstaid07" "Zoey: Grab some first aid" "npc.teengirl_spotfirstaid08" "Zoey: ¡Botiquines por aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotfirstaid08" "Zoey: First aid kits over here." "npc.teengirl_spotfirstaid09" "Zoey: ¡Hay un botiquín aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotfirstaid09" "Zoey: There's a first aid kit here." "player.teengirl_spotgrenades01" "Zoey: ¡Granadas!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotgrenades01" "Zoey: Grenades here!" "player.teengirl_spotgrenades02" "Zoey: ¡Granadas!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotgrenades02" "Zoey: Grenades here!" "player.teengirl_spotgrenades03" "Zoey: Granadas." "[english]player.teengirl_spotgrenades03" "Zoey: Grenades here!" "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades04" "Zoey: ¡Tenemos Molotovs!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades04" "Zoey: Molotov's over here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades05" "Zoey: ¡Hay bombas caseras!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades05" "Zoey: There's a pipebomb here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades06" "Zoey: ¡Molotovs aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades06" "Zoey: Molotovs over here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades07" "Zoey: ¡Unos Molotovs!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades07" "Zoey: Molotovs over here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades08" "Zoey: ¡Chicos, cócteles Molotov!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades08" "Zoey: Hey boys, Molotovs over here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades09" "Zoey: ¡Hay una bomba casera!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades09" "Zoey: There's a pipebomb here." "npc.teengirl_spotgrenades10" "Zoey: ¡He encontrado una bomba!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotgrenades10" "Zoey: I got a pipebomb over here." "player.teengirl_spotpills01" "Zoey: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotpills01" "Zoey: Pills here!" "player.teengirl_spotpills02" "Zoey: ¡Píldoras!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotpills02" "Zoey: Pills here!" "player.teengirl_spotpills03" "Zoey: Píldoras." "[english]player.teengirl_spotpills03" "Zoey: Pills here!" "player.teengirl_spotpills04" "Zoey: Píldoras." "[english]player.teengirl_spotpills04" "Zoey: Pills here!" "player.teengirl_spotweapons01" "Zoey: ¡Hay armas!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotweapons01" "Zoey: Weapons here!" "player.teengirl_spotweapons02" "Zoey: ¡Hay armas!" "[english]player.teengirl_spotweapons02" "Zoey: Weapons here!" "player.teengirl_spotweapons03" "Zoey: Hay armas." "[english]player.teengirl_spotweapons03" "Zoey: Weapons here!" "player.teengirl_spotweapons04" "Zoey: Hay armas." "[english]player.teengirl_spotweapons04" "Zoey: Weapons here!" "npc.teengirl_spotweapons05" "Zoey: ¡Aquí hay armas!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotweapons05" "Zoey: Weapons over here!" "npc.teengirl_spotweapons06" "Zoey: ¡Escuchad, hay armas aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotweapons06" "Zoey: Hey, there's weapons over here!" "npc.teengirl_spotweapons07" "Zoey: ¡Hay armas de calidad!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotweapons07" "Zoey: Guys, better weapons!" "npc.teengirl_spotweapons08" "Zoey: ¡Armamento del bueno!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotweapons08" "Zoey: Guys, better weapons!" "npc.teengirl_spotweapons09" "Zoey: ¡Chicos, tenemos unos pistolones de morirse!" "[english]npc.teengirl_spotweapons09" "Zoey: Guys, big, badass, nasty weapons over here!" "player.teengirl_staytogether02" "Zoey: ¡No os separéis!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether02" "Zoey: We should stay together" "player.teengirl_staytogether03" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, todos juntos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether03" "Zoey: Let's stick together!" "player.teengirl_staytogether04" "Zoey: ¡Vamos todos juntos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether04" "Zoey: Come on, we're together." "player.teengirl_staytogether05" "Zoey: ¡Todos juntos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether05" "Zoey: Stick together!" "player.teengirl_staytogether06" "Zoey: ¡Quedaos cerca!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether06" "Zoey: Stay close!" "player.teengirl_staytogether07" "Zoey: Permanezcamos juntos." "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether07" "Zoey: Let's try to stay together" "player.teengirl_staytogether08" "Zoey: ¡No os separéis!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether08" "Zoey: Stay together!" "player.teengirl_staytogether09" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, debemos permanecer unidos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether09" "Zoey: Stay, together! C'mon, guys, let's make an effort." "player.teengirl_staytogether10" "Zoey: ¡Tíos, no os separéis!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether10" "Zoey: Can you stay together, guys?" "player.teengirl_staytogether11" "Zoey: ¡Tenemos que estar juntos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogether11" "Zoey: We need to stick together." "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside02" "Zoey: ¡Todos adentro!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside02" "Zoey: Everyone inside!" "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside03" "Zoey: ¡Entrad!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside03" "Zoey: Get inside!" "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside04" "Zoey: ¡Tíos, entrad!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside04" "Zoey: Guys, get inside!" "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside05" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Todos aquí!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside05" "Zoey: Come on, come on! Everyone in here!" "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside06" "Zoey: ¡Todos, entrad!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside06" "Zoey: Everyone, in here!" "player.teengirl_staytogetherinside07" "Zoey: ¡Entrad todos!" "[english]player.teengirl_staytogetherinside07" "Zoey: Everyone inside!" "player.teengirl_suggesthealth01" "Zoey: Cúrate." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealth01" "Zoey: You should heal up." "player.teengirl_suggesthealth02" "Zoey: Vamos, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealth02" "Zoey: C'mon man, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealth03" "Zoey: Es mejor que te cures." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealth03" "Zoey: You might want to heal up." "player.teengirl_suggesthealth04" "Zoey: Usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealth04" "Zoey: Use your first aid kit" "player.teengirl_suggesthealthbill01" "Zoey: Bill, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthbill01" "Zoey: Bill, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealthbill02" "Zoey: Bill, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthbill02" "Zoey: Bill, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealthfrancis01" "Zoey: Francis, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthfrancis01" "Zoey: Francis, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis01" "Zoey: Louis, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis01" "Zoey: Louis, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis02" "Zoey: Louis, usa el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis02" "Zoey: Louis, use your first aid kit." "player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis03" "Zoey: Louis, utiliza el botiquín." "[english]player.teengirl_suggesthealthlouis03" "Zoey: Louis, use your first aid kit." "npc.teengirl_swear01" "Zoey: Ostia puta." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear01" "Zoey: Goddammit." "npc.teengirl_swear02" "Zoey: Coño." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear02" "Zoey: Shit." "npc.teengirl_swear03" "Zoey: Ay, coño." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear03" "Zoey: Ah shit." "npc.teengirl_swear04" "Zoey: Hijo de puta." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear04" "Zoey: Son of a bitch." "npc.teengirl_swear05" "Zoey: Joder." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear05" "Zoey: Crap." "npc.teengirl_swear06" "Zoey: Madre..." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear06" "Zoey: Mother." "npc.teengirl_swear07" "Zoey: Joder ya." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear07" "Zoey: Shit. Ah shit." "npc.teengirl_swear08" "Zoey: Coño-coño." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear08" "Zoey: Shitshitshit." "npc.teengirl_swear09" "Zoey: Qué cojones." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear09" "Zoey: Ah bullshit." "npc.teengirl_swear10" "Zoey: Ay, madre." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear10" "Zoey: Dammit." "npc.teengirl_swear11" "Zoey: Sus muertos." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear11" "Zoey: Goddammit." "npc.teengirl_swear12" "Zoey: Coño." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear12" "Zoey: Shit." "npc.teengirl_swear13" "Zoey: ¡Josdeputa!" "[english]npc.teengirl_swear13" "Zoey: Goddammit." "npc.teengirl_swear14" "Zoey: Coño." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear14" "Zoey: Shit." "npc.teengirl_swear15" "Zoey: Oh, joder." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear15" "Zoey: Ah shit." "npc.teengirl_swear16" "Zoey: Cabronazo." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear16" "Zoey: Son of a bitch." "npc.teengirl_swear17" "Zoey: Joder." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear17" "Zoey: Crap." "npc.teengirl_swear18" "Zoey: Ay, mi madre." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear18" "Zoey: Shit. Ah shit." "npc.teengirl_swear19" "Zoey: Puta mierda." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear19" "Zoey: Shitshitshit." "npc.teengirl_swear20" "Zoey: Qué mierda." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear20" "Zoey: Ah bullshit." "npc.teengirl_swear21" "Zoey: Cabrones." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear21" "Zoey: Bullshit." "npc.teengirl_swear22" "Zoey: Hostia." "[english]npc.teengirl_swear22" "Zoey: Dammit." "npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace01" "Zoey: Chúpate esa." "[english]npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace01" "Zoey: Eat it, ugly." "npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace02" "Zoey: Al carajo." "[english]npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace02" "Zoey: Go to hell." "npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace03" "Zoey: ¡Apártate de él, cacho puta!" "[english]npc.teengirl_swearcoupdegrace03" "Zoey: Get away from him, you bitch!" "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle01" "Zoey: El rifle es mío." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle01" "Zoey: I'm gonna grab this rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle02" "Zoey: Probaré el rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle02" "Zoey: Guess I'll try this rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle03" "Zoey: Buen rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle03" "Zoey: This rifle looks good." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle04" "Zoey: Mooola, buen rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle04" "Zoey: Ookaay, big rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle05" "Zoey: El rifle es mío." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle05" "Zoey: Gonna grab the rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle06" "Zoey: Probaré el rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle06" "Zoey: I'll try this rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle07" "Zoey: Me quedo con el rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle07" "Zoey: I'm going with the rifle." "player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle08" "Zoey: Buen rifle." "[english]player.teengirl_takeassaultrifle08" "Zoey: This rifle looks good." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun01" "Zoey: Mola la escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun01" "Zoey: This shotgun is sweet." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun02" "Zoey: Cojo la escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun02" "Zoey: I'm grabbing this shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun03" "Zoey: Una escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun03" "Zoey: I'll take the shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun04" "Zoey: Esta es mía." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun04" "Zoey: I call shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun05" "Zoey: Probaré la escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun05" "Zoey: I'll give the shotgun a try." "player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun06" "Zoey: Cojo la escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeautoshotgun06" "Zoey: I think I'll ltake the shotgun." "player.teengirl_takefirstaid01" "Zoey: Nos vendrá bien." "[english]player.teengirl_takefirstaid01" "Zoey: This first aid'll help." "player.teengirl_takefirstaid02" "Zoey: ¡Cojo el botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_takefirstaid02" "Zoey: Grabbing First Aid!" "player.teengirl_takefirstaid03" "Zoey: Será útil." "[english]player.teengirl_takefirstaid03" "Zoey: We might need these." "player.teengirl_takefirstaid05" "Zoey: ¡Cojo el botiquín!" "[english]player.teengirl_takefirstaid05" "Zoey: Grabbing First Aid!" "player.teengirl_takemolotov02" "Zoey: Cogeré un Molotov." "[english]player.teengirl_takemolotov02" "Zoey: I'm grabbing a Molotov." "player.teengirl_takemolotov04" "Zoey: Montemos una fogata." "[english]player.teengirl_takemolotov04" "Zoey: Time to start some fires." "player.teengirl_takemolotov05" "Zoey: ¡Molotov!" "[english]player.teengirl_takemolotov05" "Zoey: Molotov!" "player.teengirl_takemolotov07" "Zoey: Montemos una fogata." "[english]player.teengirl_takemolotov07" "Zoey: Time to start some fires." "player.teengirl_takepills01" "Zoey: Cojo píldoras." "[english]player.teengirl_takepills01" "Zoey: Grabbing some pills." "player.teengirl_takepills03" "Zoey: Nos servirán." "[english]player.teengirl_takepills03" "Zoey: We might need these." "player.teengirl_takepills05" "Zoey: Me serán útiles." "[english]player.teengirl_takepills05" "Zoey: I might need these pills." "player.teengirl_takepills06" "Zoey: Nos servirán." "[english]player.teengirl_takepills06" "Zoey: We might need these." "player.teengirl_takepipebomb02" "Zoey: Cojo la bomba." "[english]player.teengirl_takepipebomb02" "Zoey: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "player.teengirl_takepipebomb04" "Zoey: Um, parece peligrosa." "[english]player.teengirl_takepipebomb04" "Zoey: Well, this looks dangerous." "player.teengirl_takepistol01" "Zoey: Dos pistolas, mola." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol01" "Zoey: Two pistols, cool." "player.teengirl_takepistol02" "Zoey: Me llevo otra pistola." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol02" "Zoey: I'm taking an extra pistol." "player.teengirl_takepistol03" "Zoey: Una pistola." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol03" "Zoey: Grabbing a pistol." "player.teengirl_takepistol04" "Zoey: Cogeré otra pistola." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol04" "Zoey: Grabbing an extra pistol." "player.teengirl_takepistol07" "Zoey: Cogeré otra pistola." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol07" "Zoey: Grabbing an extra pistol." "player.teengirl_takepistol08" "Zoey: Otra pistola. Sí, genial." "[english]player.teengirl_takepistol08" "Zoey: Another pistol, yeah, this'll work." "player.teengirl_takeshotgun01" "Zoey: Una escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeshotgun01" "Zoey: Grabbing a shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeshotgun02" "Zoey: Una escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeshotgun02" "Zoey: Grabbing a shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeshotgun03" "Zoey: Sí, una escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeshotgun03" "Zoey: Yeah, shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeshotgun04" "Zoey: Probaré la escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeshotgun04" "Zoey: I'll try this shotgun." "player.teengirl_takeshotgun05" "Zoey: Sí, una escopeta." "[english]player.teengirl_takeshotgun05" "Zoey: Yeah, shotgun." "player.teengirl_takesniper01" "Zoey: Cogeré el rifle de caza." "[english]player.teengirl_takesniper01" "Zoey: I'm gonna grab this hunting rifle." "player.teengirl_takesniper02" "Zoey: Cojo el rifle de caza." "[english]player.teengirl_takesniper02" "Zoey: I'm grabbing a hunting rifle." "player.teengirl_takesniper04" "Zoey: Probaré el rifle de caza." "[english]player.teengirl_takesniper04" "Zoey: I'm gonna try this sniper rifle." "player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun01" "Zoey: Esta es para mí." "[english]player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun01" "Zoey: I can handle this." "player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun03" "Zoey: Cojo la ametralladora." "[english]player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun03" "Zoey: Grabbing a machinegun." "player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun04" "Zoey: Una ametralladora." "[english]player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun04" "Zoey: A machinegun." "player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun05" "Zoey: Esta es para mí." "[english]player.teengirl_takesubmachinegun05" "Zoey: I can handle this." "player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation03" "Zoey: ¡Un Tank menos!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation03" "Zoey: Tank's dead." "player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation06" "Zoey: ¡Está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation06" "Zoey: It's dead!" "player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation07" "Zoey: ¡Está muerto, muerto, muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation07" "Zoey: It's dead, it's dead, it's dead!" "player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation09" "Zoey: ¡Un Tank menos!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation09" "Zoey: Tank's dead!" "player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation11" "Zoey: ¡Para ya, está muerto!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankdeathconfirmation11" "Zoey: Stop shooting, he's dead!" "player.teengirl_tankpound01" "Zoey: ¡Apartadlo de mí!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankpound01" "Zoey: Get him the hell off me!" "player.teengirl_tankpound02" "Zoey: ¡Me aplasta, me aplasta!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankpound02" "Zoey: He's crushing me! He's crushing me!" "player.teengirl_tankpound03" "Zoey: ¡Oh, Dios! ¡Me aplasta!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankpound03" "Zoey: Oh God! He's crushing me!" "player.teengirl_tankpound04" "Zoey: ¡Mátalo! ¡MÁTALO!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankpound04" "Zoey: Kill him! KILL HIM!" "player.teengirl_tankpound05" "Zoey: ¡Quitádmelo, quitádmelo!" "[english]player.teengirl_tankpound05" "Zoey: Get him off me! Get him off me!" "player.teengirl_taunt01" "Zoey: ¡Muere!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt01" "Zoey: Die!" "player.teengirl_taunt02" "Zoey: Eso es." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt02" "Zoey: Thats right." "player.teengirl_taunt05" "Zoey: ¡Chúpate esa!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt05" "Zoey: How's that feel, ugly?" "player.teengirl_taunt06" "Zoey: ¡Toma ya!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt06" "Zoey: OH YEAH!" "player.teengirl_taunt12" "Zoey: ¡Toma eso!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt12" "Zoey: Take that!" "player.teengirl_taunt13" "Zoey: Genial." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt13" "Zoey: Awesome!" "player.teengirl_taunt18" "Zoey: ¡Muy bien!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt18" "Zoey: All right!" "player.teengirl_taunt19" "Zoey: ¡Genial!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt19" "Zoey: Awesome!" "player.teengirl_taunt20" "Zoey: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt20" "Zoey: YEAH!" "player.teengirl_taunt21" "Zoey: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt21" "Zoey: YESSS!" "player.teengirl_taunt24" "Zoey: Como mola." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt24" "Zoey: Lookin good." "player.teengirl_taunt25" "Zoey: ¡Oh, sí!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt25" "Zoey: Oh yeah!" "player.teengirl_taunt26" "Zoey: Increíble." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt26" "Zoey: Impressive." "player.teengirl_taunt27" "Zoey: ¡Muere!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt27" "Zoey: Die!" "player.teengirl_taunt28" "Zoey: Eso es." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt28" "Zoey: Thats right." "player.teengirl_taunt29" "Zoey: Oh sí, genial." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt29" "Zoey: Oh yeah, lovely." "player.teengirl_taunt30" "Zoey: Como mola." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt30" "Zoey: Lookin good." "player.teengirl_taunt31" "Zoey: ¡OH, SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt31" "Zoey: OH YEAH!" "player.teengirl_taunt34" "Zoey: Así se hace." "[english]player.teengirl_taunt34" "Zoey: Thats right." "player.teengirl_taunt35" "Zoey: ¡SÍ!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt35" "Zoey: YESSS!" "player.teengirl_taunt36" "Zoey: ¡Toma del frasco, carrasco!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt36" "Zoey: How's that feel, ugly?" "player.teengirl_taunt39" "Zoey: ¡SÍIIIII!" "[english]player.teengirl_taunt39" "Zoey: YEAHHHH!" "player.teengirl_teamkillaccident03" "Zoey: ¡Tienes que tener más cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillaccident03" "Zoey: You REALLY have to be more careful!" "player.teengirl_teamkillaccident05" "Zoey: ¡Ten cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillaccident05" "Zoey: Be careful!" "player.teengirl_teamkillaccident06" "Zoey: ¡Para, para!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillaccident06" "Zoey: Stop Stop!" "player.teengirl_teamkillaccident08" "Zoey: ¡Hey! ¡Cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillaccident08" "Zoey: Woah. Careful!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose01" "Zoey: ¡Eh! ¡Deja de hacer eso!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose01" "Zoey: Hey! Stop doing that!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose02" "Zoey: ¡CUIDADO!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose02" "Zoey: CAREFUL!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose04" "Zoey: ¡Para, para, PARA!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose04" "Zoey: Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose06" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, cuidado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose06" "Zoey: Come on, be careful!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose07" "Zoey: ¿Pero qué...? ¡Lo has matado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose07" "Zoey: What the hell? You just killed him!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose08" "Zoey: ¡Dios! ¡Lo has matado!" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose08" "Zoey: My God! You just killed him!" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose11" "Zoey: ¿Por qué lo haces?" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose11" "Zoey: Why would you do that?" "player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose12" "Zoey: Matarlo no ayuda, ¿sabes?" "[english]player.teengirl_teamkillonpurpose12" "Zoey: Killing him isn't going to help any of us!" "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirebill01" "Zoey: Bill, ¿pero qué coño...?" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirebill01" "Zoey: Bill, come on Bill!" "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirebill02" "Zoey: ¡Ay, joder, Bill!" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirebill02" "Zoey: Ow. Dammit. Bill!" "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Zoey: ¡No me hace la más mínima gracia, Francis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirefrancis01" "Zoey: Francis, that isn't funny! Stop it." "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Zoey: ¡Au! ¿Quieres parar ya, Francis?" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirefrancis02" "Zoey: Ow. Knock that shit off, Francis." "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis01" "Zoey: Louis, deberías tener más cuidado." "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis01" "Zoey: Louis, you should know better." "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis02" "Zoey: Louis, ¿así te educó tu mamá?" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis02" "Zoey: Louis, is that what your mama taught you?" "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis03" "Zoey: Louis, atente a tu tarea, tonto." "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis03" "Zoey: Louis, you should know better." "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis04" "Zoey: Louis, ¿te importaría no dispararme?" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis04" "Zoey: Louis, can you try not to shoot me?" "npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis05" "Zoey: ¿Pero qué coño haces, Louis?" "[english]npc.teengirl_teengirl_friendlyfirelouis05" "Zoey: What the hell are you doing, Louis?" "player.teengirl_thanks01" "Zoey: Gracias, te debo una." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks01" "Zoey: Thanks, I owe you." "player.teengirl_thanks02" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks02" "Zoey: Thanks!" "player.teengirl_thanks03" "Zoey: ¡Gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thanks03" "Zoey: Thanks!" "player.teengirl_thanks04" "Zoey: Gracias, de verdad." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks04" "Zoey: Thanks, thanks a lot!" "npc.teengirl_thanks05" "Zoey: Gracias, Bill." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks05" "Zoey: Thanks, Bill." "player.teengirl_thanks06" "Zoey: Mil gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks06" "Zoey: Thanks a bunch." "player.teengirl_thanks07" "Zoey: ¡Eh, gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thanks07" "Zoey: Hey, thanks!" "player.teengirl_thanks08" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks08" "Zoey: Thank you." "npc.teengirl_thanks09" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks09" "Zoey: Thank you." "npc.teengirl_thanks10" "Zoey: Sí, gracias." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks10" "Zoey: Yes, thank you." "player.teengirl_thanks11" "Zoey: Gracias tío." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks11" "Zoey: Thanks, man." "player.teengirl_thanks13" "Zoey: Oye, gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks13" "Zoey: Really, thanks." "player.teengirl_thanks19" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks19" "Zoey: Thanks." "player.teengirl_thanks20" "Zoey: Gracias, te debo una." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks20" "Zoey: Thanks, I owe you." "player.teengirl_thanks23" "Zoey: Te lo agradezco." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks23" "Zoey: I really appreciate it." "player.teengirl_thanks24" "Zoey: Mil gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks24" "Zoey: Thanks a bunch." "player.teengirl_thanks25" "Zoey: ¡Eh, gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thanks25" "Zoey: Hey, thanks!" "player.teengirl_thanks27" "Zoey: Muchas gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks27" "Zoey: Thank you very much." "player.teengirl_thanks28" "Zoey: Esto... gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks28" "Zoey: Like, thanks." "player.teengirl_thanks30" "Zoey: ¡Oh, gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thanks30" "Zoey: Phew, thanks!" "player.teengirl_thanks32" "Zoey: ¡Gracias Louis!" "[english]player.teengirl_thanks32" "Zoey: Thanks Louis." "player.teengirl_thanks34" "Zoey: Gracias, Louis. Me lo debías." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks34" "Zoey: Thank you, Louis. It's about time you helped me." "player.teengirl_thanks35" "Zoey: Gracias, Louis. Me debías una." "[english]player.teengirl_thanks35" "Zoey: Thanks, Louis. It's about time you were some help." "npc.teengirl_thanks40" "Zoey: Gracias, Bill." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks40" "Zoey: Thanks, Bill." "npc.teengirl_thanks41" "Zoey: Gracias, Francis." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks41" "Zoey: Thanks, Francis." "npc.teengirl_thanks42" "Zoey: Gracias, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks42" "Zoey: Thanks, Louis." "npc.teengirl_thanks43" "Zoey: Gracias, Louis, te debo una." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks43" "Zoey: Thanks, Louis. I owe you one" "npc.teengirl_thanks44" "Zoey: Gracias, Francis." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks44" "Zoey: Thanks, Francis." "npc.teengirl_thanks45" "Zoey: Gracias, Louis." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks45" "Zoey: Thanks, Louis." "npc.teengirl_thanks46" "Zoey: Louis. Te debo una." "[english]npc.teengirl_thanks46" "Zoey: Thanks, Louis. I owe you one" "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic01" "Zoey: Gracias, te debo una." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic01" "Zoey: Thanks, I owe you." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic02" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic02" "Zoey: Thanks." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic03" "Zoey: ¡Gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic03" "Zoey: Thanks!" "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic04" "Zoey: ¡Muchas gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic04" "Zoey: Thanks! Thanks a lot!" "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic05" "Zoey: Te lo agradezco mucho." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic05" "Zoey: I REALLY appreciate it." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic06" "Zoey: ¡Mil gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic06" "Zoey: Thanks a bunch!" "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic07" "Zoey: ¡Eh, gracias!" "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic07" "Zoey: Hey thanks!" "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic08" "Zoey: Gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic08" "Zoey: Thank you." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic09" "Zoey: Muchas gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic09" "Zoey: Thank you very much." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic10" "Zoey: Esto... gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic10" "Zoey: Like... thanks." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic12" "Zoey: Oh... gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic12" "Zoey: Phew - thanks." "player.teengirl_thankssarcastic13" "Zoey: De verdad, gracias." "[english]player.teengirl_thankssarcastic13" "Zoey: Really, thanks!" "player.teengirl_totherescue01" "Zoey: ¡Espera, ya voy!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue01" "Zoey: Hold on, I'm on my way!" "player.teengirl_totherescue02" "Zoey: ¡Ya llego!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue02" "Zoey: I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_totherescue03" "Zoey: ¡Espera, ya llego!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue03" "Zoey: Hold on, I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_totherescue04" "Zoey: ¡Voy a ayudar!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue04" "Zoey: Help is on the way!" "player.teengirl_totherescue06" "Zoey: ¡Espera, espera, ya llego!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue06" "Zoey: Hang on, hang on, I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_totherescue07" "Zoey: ¡Espera ahí, ya llego!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue07" "Zoey: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "player.teengirl_totherescue08" "Zoey: ¡Voy, voy, voy!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue08" "Zoey: Coming, coming, coming!" "player.teengirl_totherescue09" "Zoey: ¡Espera, voy para allá!" "[english]player.teengirl_totherescue09" "Zoey: Hold on, I'm on my way!" "player.teengirl_totherescuethanks04" "Zoey: Gracias por sacarme." "[english]player.teengirl_totherescuethanks04" "Zoey: Thanks for getting me out of there." "player.teengirl_totherescuethanks09" "Zoey: Gracias por volver a por mí." "[english]player.teengirl_totherescuethanks09" "Zoey: Thanks for coming back for me." "player.teengirl_totherescuethanks10" "Zoey: Sabía que no me dejarías." "[english]player.teengirl_totherescuethanks10" "Zoey: I knew you wouldn't leave me." "player.teengirl_transitionclose01" "Zoey: Uf, casi." "[english]player.teengirl_transitionclose01" "Zoey: That was close." "player.teengirl_transitionclose05" "Zoey: Por poco." "[english]player.teengirl_transitionclose05" "Zoey: Close one." "player.teengirl_transitionclose07" "Zoey: Por un pelo." "[english]player.teengirl_transitionclose07" "Zoey: That was close." "player.teengirl_transitionclose09" "Zoey: Por un pelo." "[english]player.teengirl_transitionclose09" "Zoey: That was close." "player.teengirl_transitionclose10" "Zoey: Por poco." "[english]player.teengirl_transitionclose10" "Zoey: Close one." "npc.teengirl_uncertain01" "Zoey: ¿Qué coño era eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain01" "Zoey: What the hell was that?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain02" "Zoey: ¿Qué era eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain02" "Zoey: What was that?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain03" "Zoey: ¿Qué coño es eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain03" "Zoey: What the hell is that?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain04" "Zoey: ¿Qué es eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain04" "Zoey: What is that?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain05" "Zoey: ¿Lo habéis oído?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain05" "Zoey: Did you hear that?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain06" "Zoey: ¿Me engaña la vista?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain06" "Zoey: Are you seeing this?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain07" "Zoey: Venga, no puede ser. No, no, no, no..." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain07" "Zoey: Oh, come on. Oh no. Nonono." "npc.teengirl_uncertain08" "Zoey: Vale, me rindo." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain08" "Zoey: All right, I quit." "npc.teengirl_uncertain09" "Zoey: Yo ya tiro la toalla." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain09" "Zoey: All right, I quit." "npc.teengirl_uncertain10" "Zoey: Estarás de broma..." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain10" "Zoey: Are you kidding me?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain11" "Zoey: ¿De verdad?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain11" "Zoey: Really?" "npc.teengirl_uncertain12" "Zoey: Vale..." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain12" "Zoey: Right..." "npc.teengirl_uncertain13" "Zoey: Ay, Dios." "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain13" "Zoey: Oh god." "npc.teengirl_uncertain14" "Zoey: ¿Qué es eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_uncertain14" "Zoey: What is that?" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe01" "Zoey: ¡Buum!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe01" "Zoey: Wha-hoa!" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe02" "Zoey: ¡La Virgen!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe02" "Zoey: Jee-zus..." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe03" "Zoey: La hostia." "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe03" "Zoey: Holy crap." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe04" "Zoey: ¡Hala!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe04" "Zoey: Whoa." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe05" "Zoey: Ay, madre..." "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe05" "Zoey: Holy shit..." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe06" "Zoey: ¿Has visto eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe06" "Zoey: Did you see that?" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe07" "Zoey: ¡Hala, hala, hala!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe07" "Zoey: Wha-ho-ho-whoa!" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe08" "Zoey: [Exclamaciones de asombro]" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe08" "Zoey: Whooo!" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe09" "Zoey: ¡AAh!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe09" "Zoey: Ahh!" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe10" "Zoey: ¡Oh Dios mío!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe10" "Zoey: Oh my god!" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe11" "Zoey: ¡Ahivá!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe11" "Zoey: Whoa." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe12" "Zoey: La Virgen." "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe12" "Zoey: Jee-zus..." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe13" "Zoey: La hostia." "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe13" "Zoey: Holy crap." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe14" "Zoey: ¡Hala!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe14" "Zoey: Whoa." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe15" "Zoey: Ay, madre..." "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe15" "Zoey: Holy shit..." "npc.teengirl_violenceawe16" "Zoey: ¿Has visto eso?" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe16" "Zoey: Did you see that?" "npc.teengirl_violenceawe17" "Zoey: ¡Yú-ju-ju!" "[english]npc.teengirl_violenceawe17" "Zoey: Whoa-ho-ho." "player.teengirl_waithere01" "Zoey: Esperemos." "[english]player.teengirl_waithere01" "Zoey: Can we wait here?" "player.teengirl_waithere02" "Zoey: Un segundo." "[english]player.teengirl_waithere02" "Zoey: Hold up a sec!" "player.teengirl_waithere03" "Zoey: Un segundo." "[english]player.teengirl_waithere03" "Zoey: Wait a sec!" "player.teengirl_waithere04" "Zoey: ¡Esperad!" "[english]player.teengirl_waithere04" "Zoey: Wait up!" "player.teengirl_waithere05" "Zoey: ¡Esperad!" "[english]player.teengirl_waithere05" "Zoey: Hold up!" "player.teengirl_waithere06" "Zoey: ¡Deteneos!" "[english]player.teengirl_waithere06" "Zoey: Everybody stop!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer01" "Zoey: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnboomer01" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer02" "Zoey: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnboomer02" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer03" "Zoey: ¡BOOMER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnboomer03" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warncareful04" "Zoey: Cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful04" "Zoey: Be careful." "player.teengirl_warncareful07" "Zoey: Chicos... cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful07" "Zoey: Everyone be careful." "player.teengirl_warncareful09" "Zoey: Mucho cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful09" "Zoey: Let's be careful." "player.teengirl_warncareful13" "Zoey: Cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful13" "Zoey: Careful." "player.teengirl_warncareful17" "Zoey: Con cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful17" "Zoey: Careful now." "player.teengirl_warncareful18" "Zoey: Tíos... cuidado." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful18" "Zoey: Guys, be careful." "player.teengirl_warncareful20" "Zoey: Cuidado, tíos." "[english]player.teengirl_warncareful20" "Zoey: Careful, guys." "player.teengirl_warnhunter01" "Zoey: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnhunter01" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnhunter02" "Zoey: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnhunter02" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnhunter03" "Zoey: ¡HUNTER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnhunter03" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker01" "Zoey: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnsmoker01" "Zoey: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker02" "Zoey: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnsmoker02" "Zoey: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker03" "Zoey: ¡SMOKER!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnsmoker03" "Zoey: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_warntank01" "Zoey: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_warntank01" "Zoey: TANK!" "player.teengirl_warntank02" "Zoey: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_warntank02" "Zoey: TANK!" "player.teengirl_warntank04" "Zoey: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_warntank04" "Zoey: TANK!" "player.teengirl_warntank05" "Zoey: ¡TANK!" "[english]player.teengirl_warntank05" "Zoey: TANK!" "player.teengirl_warnwitch01" "Zoey: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnwitch01" "Zoey: WITCH!" "player.teengirl_warnwitch02" "Zoey: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnwitch02" "Zoey: WITCH!" "player.teengirl_warnwitch03" "Zoey: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnwitch03" "Zoey: WITCH!" "player.teengirl_warnwitch04" "Zoey: ¡WITCH!" "[english]player.teengirl_warnwitch04" "Zoey: WITCH!" "player.teengirl_watchoutbehind01" "Zoey: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_watchoutbehind01" "Zoey: Behind us!" "player.teengirl_watchoutbehind02" "Zoey: ¡Están detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_watchoutbehind02" "Zoey: They're behind us!" "player.teengirl_watchoutbehind03" "Zoey: ¡Detrás!" "[english]player.teengirl_watchoutbehind03" "Zoey: Behind us!" "player.teengirl_witchchasing01" "Zoey: ¡Witch, detrás de mí!" "[english]player.teengirl_witchchasing01" "Zoey: WITCH right behind me!" "player.teengirl_witchchasing02" "Zoey: ¡Witch! ¡Corred!" "[english]player.teengirl_witchchasing02" "Zoey: WITCH!! Run!" "player.teengirl_witchchasing03" "Zoey: ¡Witch! ¡A correr!" "[english]player.teengirl_witchchasing03" "Zoey: WITCH!! Run like hell!" "player.teengirl_witchchasing04" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, me persigue!" "[english]player.teengirl_witchchasing04" "Zoey: Go go go, it's chasing me!" "player.teengirl_witchgettingangry02" "Zoey: La Witch se cabrea." "[english]player.teengirl_witchgettingangry02" "Zoey: The witch's getting mad!" "player.teengirl_witchgettingangry05" "Zoey: Ooooh... esa Witch se está mosqueando." "[english]player.teengirl_witchgettingangry05" "Zoey: Ohhh... that witch is not happy!" "player.teengirl_witchgettingangry07" "Zoey: No molestéis a la Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_witchgettingangry07" "Zoey: Don't piss off the witch!" "player.teengirl_witchgettingangry08" "Zoey: No enfadéis a la puta Witch." "[english]player.teengirl_witchgettingangry08" "Zoey: Don't make the witch angry!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0101" "Zoey: Por el invernadero." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0101" "Zoey: Through the greenhouse." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0102" "Zoey: Vayamos al aeropuerto, parece que aún funciona." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0102" "Zoey: Looks like the airport's still operating. Let's try to get there." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0103" "Zoey: Estoy harta de las calles. A las azoteas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0103" "Zoey: I'm sick of the streets. Let's try the rooftops." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0104" "Zoey: Parece que el aeropuerto no está destruido del todo, vamos allá." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0104" "Zoey: Looks like something still going on at the airport. Let's try to get there." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0105" "Zoey: No sabía que en esta ciudad celebrasen las Fallas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0105" "Zoey: Last time I was here, the city wasn't so much on fire." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0106" "Zoey: Si el aeropuerto aún está en marcha, podríamos escapar en avión." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0106" "Zoey: If the airport's still operating, we might be able to fly outtta here." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0107" "Zoey: El aeropuerto está cerca. Podría ser nuestra vía de escape." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0107" "Zoey: The airport isn't far. Looks like it might be our ticket out of here." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0108" "Zoey: ¡Por la escalera!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0108" "Zoey: Up the fire escape!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0109" "Zoey: ¡Al hotel!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0109" "Zoey: To the hotel!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0110" "Zoey: ¡Refugio en el hotel!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0110" "Zoey: Safe house in the hotel!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0111" "Zoey: Ay, madre. No pienso diñarla así." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0111" "Zoey: Oh god. I'm not gonna go like that." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0112" "Zoey: Alguien la ha tapado..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0112" "Zoey: Someone covered her up..." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0201" "Zoey: Podemos volver a las azoteas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0201" "Zoey: We can get back to the rooftops." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0202" "Zoey: Avancemos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0202" "Zoey: Let's head back up." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0203" "Zoey: Hay edificios que no podremos cruzar así." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0203" "Zoey: We can't get across some buildings this way" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0204" "Zoey: Bajad el contenedor con la grúa." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0204" "Zoey: The crane will lower that dumpster." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0205" "Zoey: Crucemos subidos al contenedor." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0205" "Zoey: We can get across on that dumpster." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0206" "Zoey: Alguien debe bajar el contenedor." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0206" "Zoey: Someone needs to lower that dumpster." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0207" "Zoey: Uhm, tengo una maleta igual." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0207" "Zoey: Huh, I have that suitcase." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0208" "Zoey: Alguien debería encender la grúa." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0208" "Zoey: Someone needs to start the crane." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0209" "Zoey: ¡Ya está abajo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0209" "Zoey: It's down! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0210" "Zoey: ¡Ha llegado el contenedor!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0210" "Zoey: Our dumpster's here! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0211" "Zoey: Creo que habrá que saltar." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0211" "Zoey: We're gonna have to jump for it." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0212" "Zoey: Habrá que saltar." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0212" "Zoey: Gonna have to jump it." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0213" "Zoey: ¡Saltad!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0213" "Zoey: Jump!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0214" "Zoey: ¿Sabes cuál es el colmo de un zombi?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0214" "Zoey: What do you call 5000 infected lawyers?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0215" "Zoey: ¡Saltad!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0215" "Zoey: Jump!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0216" "Zoey: ¡Bajemos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0216" "Zoey: Down the stairs!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0217" "Zoey: ¡Eh, Bill, escaleras!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0217" "Zoey: Hey Bill, it's your favorite: stairs." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0218" "Zoey: Louis, ¿tú tenías una mesa así?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0218" "Zoey: Louis did you work in a cube like these?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0219" "Zoey: Louis, ¿no te dan morriña las oficinas?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0219" "Zoey: Hey Louis: all these cubicles make you homesick?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0220" "Zoey: ¡Buena idea!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0220" "Zoey: Good thinking!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0221" "Zoey: ¡Genial, Louis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0221" "Zoey: Way to go, Louis!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0222" "Zoey: ¡Bien hecho, Bill!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0222" "Zoey: Way to go, Bill!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0223" "Zoey: ¡Muy bien, Francis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0223" "Zoey: Way to go, Francis" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0224" "Zoey: ¡Ya llegamos al aeropuerto!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0224" "Zoey: We're getting close the airport!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0225" "Zoey: ¡Ya casi estamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0225" "Zoey: Almost at the airport!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0226" "Zoey: ¡Hay un refugio en el almacén!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0226" "Zoey: Safe house in that storage place!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0227" "Zoey: Lo siento, Bill, hay escaleras." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0227" "Zoey: We gotta take the stairs. Sorry, Bill." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0228" "Zoey: Se nos acabó la azotea." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0228" "Zoey: Looks like we ran outta roof." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0229" "Zoey: ¡Bien pensado, Bill!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0229" "Zoey: Good thinking, Bill!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0230" "Zoey: ¡Muy astuto, Francis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0230" "Zoey: Good thinking, Francis!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0231" "Zoey: ¡Buena idea, Louis!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0231" "Zoey: Good thinking, Louis!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0301" "Zoey: Quememos esta barricada." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0301" "Zoey: We can burn down this barricade." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0302" "Zoey: ¡Prendedle fuego!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0302" "Zoey: Let's start a fire!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0303" "Zoey: ¡EL AEROPUERTO!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0303" "Zoey: THE AIRPORT!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0304" "Zoey: ¡EL AEROPUERTO, ALLÍ!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0304" "Zoey: LOOK, THE AIRPORT!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0305" "Zoey: ¡Aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0305" "Zoey: Through here!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0306" "Zoey: El aeropuerto..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0306" "Zoey: The airport..." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0307" "Zoey: ¡Cerraron las puertas!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0307" "Zoey: The doors are all blocked!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0308" "Zoey: ¡Vía libre!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0308" "Zoey: The path is clear!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0309" "Zoey: Abrimos brecha." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0309" "Zoey: We burned a path!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0310" "Zoey: Espero que este no sea el avión." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0310" "Zoey: I hope this isn't the plane we saw." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0311" "Zoey: Entraremos cruzando esa pasarela." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0311" "Zoey: We can get inside over the skybridge." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0312" "Zoey: ¡La pasarela!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0312" "Zoey: The skybridge!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0313" "Zoey: ¡Un refugio! ¡Tras la pasarela!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0313" "Zoey: Safe house across the skybridge!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0314" "Zoey: Vaaaaya, sólo para carga y descarga." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0314" "Zoey: Oh no! Not short term parking!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0315" "Zoey: Es por aquí." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0315" "Zoey: Let's go through here." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0316" "Zoey: Vamos a prenderle fuego." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0316" "Zoey: Boys, let's start a fire!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0401" "Zoey: Hay que bajar otra planta." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0401" "Zoey: We need to get downstairs." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0402" "Zoey: ¡Por las oficinas!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0402" "Zoey: Through the offices!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0403" "Zoey: ¡No! ¡Los zombis han matado a Dios!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0403" "Zoey: Oh no, the zombies killed God!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0404" "Zoey: ¡No! ¡Los zombis han matado a Dios!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0404" "Zoey: Oh no, the zombies killed God!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0405" "Zoey: Usemos esa furgo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0405" "Zoey: We can use that van." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0406" "Zoey: Pasemos con la furgoneta." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0406" "Zoey: That van can smash through the pile." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0407" "Zoey: Oye, Louis, no te despistes." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0407" "Zoey: Hey Louis, try not to get lost." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0408" "Zoey: Luego se extrañan de que se pierda tanto equipaje." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0408" "Zoey: I wonder if this is more lost luggage than normal." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0409" "Zoey: Hagas lo que hagas, Francis, no te descalces." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0409" "Zoey: Whatever you do, Francis, please don't take off your shoes." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0410" "Zoey: ¡No paséis por el detector con las armas!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0410" "Zoey: Don't stand in the metal detector with guns!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0411" "Zoey: Puede que pite por tu cinturón." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0411" "Zoey: Maybe your belt buckle set that off." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0412" "Zoey: Ay, Dios mío, Bill tenía razón. ¡Lo han bombardeado!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0412" "Zoey: Oh my god, Bill was right: They bombed the airport!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0413" "Zoey: Intentaban evitar que se extendiese la infección." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0413" "Zoey: They must have been trying to stop the infection from spreading." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0414" "Zoey: ¡El avión que vimos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0414" "Zoey: There's the plane we saw!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0415" "Zoey: ¡Hay que llegar a ese avión!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0415" "Zoey: We need to get down to that plane!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0416" "Zoey: ¿Cómo bajamos al avión?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0416" "Zoey: How do we get down to the plane?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0417" "Zoey: Embarquen por la puerta tres." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0417" "Zoey: We will be boarding at gate 3C." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0418" "Zoey: Louis, a la cola como todos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0418" "Zoey: Louis, your row isn't boarding yet." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0419" "Zoey: ¿Habrá sido mi cinturón?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0419" "Zoey: You think my belt buckle set it off?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0420" "Zoey: Tengo una idea: ¿y si embestimos esa pila con la furgoneta?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0420" "Zoey: Here's a crazy idea: What if we send the van into that pile of junk?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0421" "Zoey: ¡Tenemos que llegar a la pista!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0421" "Zoey: We need to get out to the runway." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0422" "Zoey: Siempre me pregunté qué habría." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0422" "Zoey: I always wondered what was back here." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0501" "Zoey: Al menos funciona uno." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0501" "Zoey: At least one plane is working." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0502" "Zoey: Hay que llenar el depósito." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0502" "Zoey: We have to fuel the plane." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0503" "Zoey: ¡Arranca el camión!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0503" "Zoey: Start the fuel truck!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0504" "Zoey: Depósito lleno. ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0504" "Zoey: The plane's fueled: Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0505" "Zoey: ¡Avión listo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0505" "Zoey: The plane's ready!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0506" "Zoey: Arrancando camión..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0506" "Zoey: Starting the fuel truck..." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0507" "Zoey: ¡Ya podemos subir al avión! ¡Rápido!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0507" "Zoey: We can get on the plane! Let's go! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0508" "Zoey: Aeropuerto internacional Titán Esclavo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0508" "Zoey: Hey, Ayn Rand International Airport..." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0509" "Zoey: Joder, han reventado este sitio..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0509" "Zoey: Somebody really blew this place to Hell..." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0510" "Zoey: ¿Qué coño le ha pasado a este sitio?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0510" "Zoey: What the hell happened to this place?" "npc.teengirl_worldairport0511" "Zoey: *Ese* parece enterito." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0511" "Zoey: *That* plane looks okay." "npc.teengirl_worldairport0512" "Zoey: La Virgen, parece que tiraron una bomba. O varias." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport0512" "Zoey: Jesus, it looks like a bomb went off here. A few bombs." "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc01" "Zoey: El resto del mundo, o son zombis o gilipollas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc01" "Zoey: Everyone but us is either a zombie or an asshole." "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc02" "Zoey: ¿Sabes? Podemos “convencerte” de que abras." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc02" "Zoey: You know, we can *make* you open that goddamn door." "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc03" "Zoey: Vale." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc03" "Zoey: Fine." "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc04" "Zoey: ¡Llevamos a un pobre anciano!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc04" "Zoey: We've got an old man with us!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc05" "Zoey: ¡Shhh!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc05" "Zoey: Shhh!" "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc06" "Zoey: Si uno de nosotros muere por una explosión de fuel, lo pagarás." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc06" "Zoey: If any of us dies pumping this goddamn gas, I'm takin' it out on you." "npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc07" "Zoey: Vaya un gili." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairport05npc07" "Zoey: What a dick." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro01" "Zoey: Ese avión va directo al aeropuerto. Quizá estén repostando." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro01" "Zoey: That plane's headed right for the airport. Maybe people are refueling there." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro02" "Zoey: Ese avión va al aeropuerto. Quizá estén rescatando supervivientes." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro02" "Zoey: That plane's headed right for the airport. Maybe they're still airlifting people out." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro03" "Zoey: Ese avión va al aeropuerto. Quizá estén rescatando supervivientes." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro03" "Zoey: That plane's headed right for the airport. Maybe they're still airlifting people out." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro04" "Zoey: Ese avión va al aeropuerto. Quizá estén evacuando la ciudad." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro04" "Zoey: That plane's headed right for the airport. Maybe they're still evacuating." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro05" "Zoey: Salir volando de aquí sería más fácil que ir andando." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro05" "Zoey: Flying out of this place would be a lot easier than walking." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro06" "Zoey: Probemos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro06" "Zoey: It's worth a try." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro07" "Zoey: No podemos quedarnos aquí." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro07" "Zoey: We can't stay up here forever." "npc.teengirl_worldairportintro08" "Zoey: Espero que marche mejor que el helicóptero." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldairportintro08" "Zoey: I hope this works out better than the helicopter." "npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0501" "Zoey: ¡Entrad en la granja!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0501" "Zoey: Get to the farm house!" "npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0502" "Zoey: ¡Vamos, entrad en la granja!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0502" "Zoey: Go, Go! Get to the farm house!" "npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0503" "Zoey: ¡Rápido, entrad en la granja!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldfarmhouse0503" "Zoey: Hurry! Get to the farm house!" "npc.teengirl_worldfarmhousegeneric01" "Zoey: ¡Zombis fritos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldfarmhousegeneric01" "Zoey: Fried zombies..." "npc.teengirl_worldfarmhousegeneric02" "Zoey: Je, zombi a la brasa." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldfarmhousegeneric02" "Zoey: Nice - fried zombies..." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0301" "Zoey: El metro ya olía mal, pero esto..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0301" "Zoey: The subway smelled bad, but this..." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0302" "Zoey: Hay que llegar al hospital." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0302" "Zoey: We've go to get to the hospital." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0303" "Zoey: ¡Al hospital!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0303" "Zoey: Into the hospital!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0304" "Zoey: ¡Hay un refugio en el hospital!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0304" "Zoey: There's a safe house in the hospital!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0305" "Zoey: ¡Rápido! ¡Hacia el hospital!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0305" "Zoey: Hurry up! Get to the hospital!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0306" "Zoey: ¡Vamos! ¡Hacia el hospital!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0306" "Zoey: Go, go! Get to the hospital!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0401" "Zoey: Estooo... vale." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0401" "Zoey: So um... yeah." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0402" "Zoey: Más vale que el piloto sea puntual." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0402" "Zoey: That helicopter pilot better be here." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0403" "Zoey: Louis, te sentaría bien una de esas batas de enfermo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0403" "Zoey: Louis, you'd look good in one of those hospital gowns." "npc.teengirl_worldhospital0501" "Zoey: ¡Usa la radio!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospital0501" "Zoey: Use the radio!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric01" "Zoey: Rápido, hay que llegar al hospital." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric01" "Zoey: We just need to get to the hospital." "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric02" "Zoey: Ayayay, botón pulsado." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric02" "Zoey: Oh boy, I pressed the button." "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric03" "Zoey: Atentos, empieza la juerga." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric03" "Zoey: Get ready, guys. Here we go." "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric04" "Zoey: ¡Ya está!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric04" "Zoey: This is it!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric05" "Zoey: Podría bajar más rápido." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric05" "Zoey: Can't that thing hurry up!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric06" "Zoey: Ya he pulsado el botón." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric06" "Zoey: Well, I pressed the button." "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric07" "Zoey: ¡Qué tortuga de ascensor!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric07" "Zoey: Elevator's taking forever!" "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric08" "Zoey: ¿Por qué está tardando tanto?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric08" "Zoey: What the hell's taking it so long?" "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric09" "Zoey: El botón está pulsado." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalgeneric09" "Zoey: Dude, I pressed the button." "npc.teengirl_worldhospitalintro01" "Zoey: Supongo que vamos al hospital." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldhospitalintro01" "Zoey: Well, I guess we're going to the hospital." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0101" "Zoey: Debemos alejarnos más de la ciudad." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0101" "Zoey: I think we should keep heading away from town." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0102" "Zoey: Sigamos la carretera." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0102" "Zoey: Let's stick to the road." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0103" "Zoey: Oí que el ejército defendía Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0103" "Zoey: I heard the military was holding out in Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0104" "Zoey: Los disparos deben venir de Riverside. Deprisa." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0104" "Zoey: That gunfire must be from Riverside. Let's hurry." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0105" "Zoey: Los de Riverside parecen aguantar." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0105" "Zoey: Sounds like Riverside's putting up a fight" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0106" "Zoey: Va a tener que ser a las malas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0106" "Zoey: Guess the easy way isn't an option..." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0107" "Zoey: Sorpresa: el puente está roto." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0107" "Zoey: And of course the bridge is out..." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0108" "Zoey: ¡Bum! Vía fácil a la mierda." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0108" "Zoey: Boom! So much for the easy way." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0109" "Zoey: ¡Ay, Dios mío! Dios mío... ¡Dios mío!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0109" "Zoey: Oh my god! Oh my god. Oh my god..." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0110" "Zoey: Creo que podemos volver arriba por allí." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0110" "Zoey: Looks like we can get back up the other side." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0111" "Zoey: Alcantarillas, túneles... Estamos curados de espanto." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0111" "Zoey: Sewers, subway tunnels, turnpike tunnels, why not?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0112" "Zoey: Vía bloqueada." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0112" "Zoey: This way is blocked." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0113" "Zoey: Creo que podemos ir por aquí." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0113" "Zoey: I think we can go through here, guys." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0114" "Zoey: ¡Hay un edificio allí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0114" "Zoey: There's a building up there!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0115" "Zoey: ¡Subid chicos! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0115" "Zoey: Up here guys! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0116" "Zoey: Podemos probar con ese túnel." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0116" "Zoey: There's an access tunnel we can try." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0117" "Zoey: Ya sé lo que siente un venado en época de caza." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0117" "Zoey: I think I know what a deer feels like all the time now." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0118" "Zoey: Oí que el ejército tenía un refugio en Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0118" "Zoey: I heard the military's got a safe zone in Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0119" "Zoey: ¡Disparos! ¡Hay supervivientes en Riverside!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0119" "Zoey: Gunfire! Somebody's still alive in Riverside!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0120" "Zoey: Eso me suena bien." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0120" "Zoey: That sounds like a plan." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0121" "Zoey: Me parece bien. Vamos a Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0121" "Zoey: Sounds good to me. Let's head to Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0122" "Zoey: ¡Oíd!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0122" "Zoey: Listen!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0123" "Zoey: ¿Oís eso? Hay gente luchando." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0123" "Zoey: Hear that? There's fighting in town." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0124" "Zoey: Encontremos la forma de subir y llegar a Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0124" "Zoey: If we find a way to the surface, we can get to Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0201" "Zoey: ¿Es que no queréis que coja colorcito?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0201" "Zoey: I'm never going to be able to work on my tan am I?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0202" "Zoey: Vale que tengamos que viajar de noche, ¿pero por qué bajo tierra?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0202" "Zoey: I understand why we travel at night, but why always underground?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0203" "Zoey: ¡Arriba, chicos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0203" "Zoey: Up here guys!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0204" "Zoey: ¡Por aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0204" "Zoey: Through here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0205" "Zoey: ¡Aire fresco!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0205" "Zoey: Fresh air!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0206" "Zoey: ¿Serán zombies también los grillos?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0206" "Zoey: Do you think those are zombie crickets?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0207" "Zoey: ¡Refugio en la estación de tren!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0207" "Zoey: Safe house in the train yard!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0208" "Zoey: ¡Refugio en la estación de tren!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0208" "Zoey: Safe house in the train station!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0209" "Zoey: Refugio en la estación de tren, o almacén, o lo que sea." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0209" "Zoey: Safe house in the train yard. Train station. Whatever it is." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0210" "Zoey: ¡Al tren de cola!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0210" "Zoey: Into the caboose!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0211" "Zoey: ¡Aguantad! ¡Estamos cerca!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0211" "Zoey: Hang in there! I think we're getting close!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0212" "Zoey: Activemos el puente para cruzar." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0212" "Zoey: Let's activate that bridge and get across." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0213" "Zoey: Debe de haber un panel o algo para activarlo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0213" "Zoey: There must be a panel or something to activate that bridge." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0301" "Zoey: Jo-der, que mal rollo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0301" "Zoey: Okay, this is creepy." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0302" "Zoey: No me molan las estaciones en ruinas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0302" "Zoey: Not a fan of creepy old train yards." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0303" "Zoey: ¡Podemos cruzar la valla por aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0303" "Zoey: We can get on the other side of the fence up here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0304" "Zoey: Riverside a la derecha." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0304" "Zoey: Riverside is to our right." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0305" "Zoey: Hay que franquear la valla." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0305" "Zoey: We need to get over this fence." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0306" "Zoey: Ya estamos cerca." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0306" "Zoey: Almost to Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0307" "Zoey: Hay que franquear la valla." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0307" "Zoey: We need to get over this fence." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0308" "Zoey: Qué ganas tengo de una ducha... para ti, Francis. Qué asco." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0308" "Zoey: I can't wait for a shower... for you, Francis. Jeezus." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0309" "Zoey: Creo que la barricada no aguantó." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0309" "Zoey: I don't think this barricade held..." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0310" "Zoey: La ciudad está tranquila. Espero que sea porque mataron a los zombis." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0310" "Zoey: The town's pretty quiet. I hope that means they killed all the zombies." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0311" "Zoey: ¡A la iglesia!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0311" "Zoey: To the church!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0312" "Zoey: ¿Estáis listos, chicos?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0312" "Zoey: Are you guys ready for this?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0313" "Zoey: Y yo que pensaba que el Apocalipsis zombi sería algo menos complicado." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0313" "Zoey: I always imagined the zombie apocalypse would be simpler than this." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0314" "Zoey: Ooh, un cementerio. Buu, que miedo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0314" "Zoey: Ooh, a graveyard. Real scary..." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0315" "Zoey: La Virgen, qué desastre." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0315" "Zoey: Oh Christ, what a mess." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0316" "Zoey: Riverside no aguantó lo suficiente." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0316" "Zoey: I guess Riverside couldn't hold out." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0317" "Zoey: Superaron la defensa de Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0317" "Zoey: Looks like Riverside didn't hold out." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0318" "Zoey: Ya nos acercamos a Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0318" "Zoey: Looks like we're getting close to Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0319" "Zoey: Riverside ya no queda lejos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0319" "Zoey: Riverside isn't too far from here." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0320" "Zoey: ¡Veo un refugio delante! ¡Lo logramos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0320" "Zoey: Yeah! Safe house right up ahead, boys! We made it!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0321" "Zoey: ¡Ya veo Riverside!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0321" "Zoey: I can see Riverside!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0322" "Zoey: ¡Hay luces en esa iglesia!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0322" "Zoey: There's lights on in that church!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0323" "Zoey: Con nuestro gafe, seguro que está sobre un cementerio indio." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0323" "Zoey: With our luck, this thing's built on an Indian burial ground." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0324" "Zoey: Con la suerte que tenemos, seguro que está maldita." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0324" "Zoey: With our luck, it's built on an Indian burial ground." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc01" "Zoey: ¿Quién es ese tipo?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc01" "Zoey: Who *is* this guy?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc02" "Zoey: Si sobrevivo, pienso cargarme a ese tío." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc02" "Zoey: If we live through this, I'm gonna kill that guy." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc03" "Zoey: ¡Oye, mamonazo! ¿Por qué no abres la puta puerta?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc03" "Zoey: Hey! Jerkass. Why don't you just open the goddamn door?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc04" "Zoey: ¿Estás de broma?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc04" "Zoey: Are you serious?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc05" "Zoey: ¿Que no piensas abrir la puerta? ¿De verdad?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc05" "Zoey: You're not gonna just open the door? Really?" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc06" "Zoey: No si lo mato yo." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown03npc06" "Zoey: Not if I kill him first." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0401" "Zoey: Vayámonos al río." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0401" "Zoey: Let's just get to the river." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0402" "Zoey: Vamos al río a buscar una barca." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0402" "Zoey: Let's get to the river and find a boat." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0403" "Zoey: Estuve aquí hace tiempo. Me gustaban sus tiendas." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0403" "Zoey: I've been here before. I always liked this main street." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0404" "Zoey: Louis, lo mismo encuentras una chaqueta en una tienda." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0404" "Zoey: Hey Louis, maybe we can find you a jacket in one of these stores." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0405" "Zoey: Podemos ir al río por aquí." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0405" "Zoey: We can get to the river through here." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0406" "Zoey: No entiendo qué le ha dado con los chalecos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0406" "Zoey: Seriously, I never got the vest thing." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0407" "Zoey: Francis, sé cortar el pelo... no es por nada... lo digo... por si te hace falta..." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0407" "Zoey: Francis, I know how to cut hair. Just sayin...if you need it...I'm here." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0408" "Zoey: Así que Riverside era la salvación... Casi mejor vamos al río a por una barca." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0408" "Zoey: So much for salvation in Riverside. Let's just get to the actual river and find a boat." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0409" "Zoey: Así que Riverside era la salvación... Casi mejor vamos al río a por una barca." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0409" "Zoey: So much for salvation in Riverside. Let's just head to the river and find a boat." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0501" "Zoey: En serio, Nelson, ¿qué pasa con el chaleco?" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0501" "Zoey: Seriously, Nelson, I never got the vest thing." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0502" "Zoey: ¡Hablan por la radio!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0502" "Zoey: Someone's on the radio!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0503" "Zoey: ¡Al embarcadero!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0503" "Zoey: To the boat house!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0504" "Zoey: ¡Al embarcadero!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0504" "Zoey: Get to the boat house!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0505" "Zoey: Tendremos que aguantar en el embarcadero." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0505" "Zoey: I guess we make our stand in the boat house." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0506" "Zoey: ¡Subid al bote!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0506" "Zoey: Get to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0507" "Zoey: ¡Han llegado! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0507" "Zoey: They're here! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0508" "Zoey: ¡Están aquí! ¡Subid al bote!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0508" "Zoey: They're here! Everyone to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0509" "Zoey: ¡Subid al bote!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0509" "Zoey: Get to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0510" "Zoey: ¡A la barca!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0510" "Zoey: To the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0511" "Zoey: Vamos, ¡la barca está aquí!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0511" "Zoey: C'mon guys, the boat's here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0512" "Zoey: ¡Es la barca!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0512" "Zoey: The boat's here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0513" "Zoey: ¡Todos a bordo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0513" "Zoey: All aboard, guys!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0514" "Zoey: Venga, vamos, ¡al bote!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0514" "Zoey: Come on, come on - to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0515" "Zoey: ¡Levemos anclas!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0515" "Zoey: Get to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0516" "Zoey: ¡Han llegado! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0516" "Zoey: They're here! Let's go!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0517" "Zoey: ¡Ya vienen! ¡Subid a la barca!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0517" "Zoey: They're here! Everyone to the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0518" "Zoey: Venga, tíos, al bote." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0518" "Zoey: C'mon guys, the boat's here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0519" "Zoey: ¡A la barca!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0519" "Zoey: To the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0520" "Zoey: ¡Es el bote!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0520" "Zoey: The boat's here!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0521" "Zoey: ¡Todos a bordo!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0521" "Zoey: All aboard, guys!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0522" "Zoey: Sé que eres alérgico al agua, Francis, ¡pero sube!" "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltown0522" "Zoey: I know water scares you, Francis, but get in the boat!" "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro01" "Zoey: Lo último que oí antes de que cortaran las emisiones era que los militares tenían una base en Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro01" "Zoey: Last thing I heard before they stopped broadcasting was that the military had a safe zone set up in Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro02" "Zoey: Riverside no está lejos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro02" "Zoey: We're not far from Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro03" "Zoey: Si nadie tiene una idea mejor, vamos a Riverside." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro03" "Zoey: Unless anyone has a better plan, I say we head to Riverside." "npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro04" "Zoey: A menos que tengáis otros planes, yo digo que vayamos." "[english]npc.teengirl_worldsmalltownintro04" "Zoey: Unless anyone has a better plan, I say we head there." "player.teengirl_yes01" "Zoey: Sí." "[english]player.teengirl_yes01" "Zoey: Yeah." "player.teengirl_yes02" "Zoey: Sí." "[english]player.teengirl_yes02" "Zoey: Yes." "player.teengirl_yes04" "Zoey: Vale." "[english]player.teengirl_yes04" "Zoey: Okay." "player.teengirl_yes05" "Zoey: Claro." "[english]player.teengirl_yes05" "Zoey: Y'alright." "player.teengirl_yes06" "Zoey: Sí, vale." "[english]player.teengirl_yes06" "Zoey: Yeah, okay" "player.teengirl_yes08" "Zoey: Sip." "[english]player.teengirl_yes08" "Zoey: Yep." "player.teengirl_yes09" "Zoey: Sí, claro." "[english]player.teengirl_yes09" "Zoey: Yeah sure." "player.teengirl_yes10" "Zoey: Sí." "[english]player.teengirl_yes10" "Zoey: Yeah." "player.teengirl_yes13" "Zoey: Vale." "[english]player.teengirl_yes13" "Zoey: Okay." "player.teengirl_yes14" "Zoey: Sí, bien." "[english]player.teengirl_yes14" "Zoey: Y'alright." "player.teengirl_yes15" "Zoey: Claro." "[english]player.teengirl_yes15" "Zoey: Yeah, okay" "player.teengirl_yes16" "Zoey: Sí." "[english]player.teengirl_yes16" "Zoey: Yes." "player.teengirl_yes17" "Zoey: Sip." "[english]player.teengirl_yes17" "Zoey: Yep." "player.teengirl_yes18" "Zoey: Sí, claro." "[english]player.teengirl_yes18" "Zoey: Yeah sure." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome03" "Zoey: De nada, señor." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome03" "Zoey: You are welcome, sir." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome04" "Zoey: Está bien." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome04" "Zoey: That's okay." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome05" "Zoey: Sin problema." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome05" "Zoey: Hey, no problem." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome06" "Zoey: Vale." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome06" "Zoey: No problem." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome08" "Zoey: Hecho." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome08" "Zoey: Sure thing." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome09" "Zoey: Claro." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome09" "Zoey: ah, whatever." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome11" "Zoey: Bien." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome11" "Zoey: We're cool." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome12" "Zoey: Un placer." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome12" "Zoey: It was my pleasure." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome13" "Zoey: Un placer." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome13" "Zoey: My pleasure." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome14" "Zoey: Cuando quieras." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome14" "Zoey: Anytime." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome15" "Zoey: Sí, guay." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome15" "Zoey: Yeah, cool." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome16" "Zoey: Guay." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome16" "Zoey: Cool." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome17" "Zoey: No es nada." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome17" "Zoey: Don't worry about it." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome18" "Zoey: De nada." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome18" "Zoey: You're welcome." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome20" "Zoey: Está bien." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome20" "Zoey: That's okay." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome21" "Zoey: Sin problema." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome21" "Zoey: Hey, no problem." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome23" "Zoey: Claro." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome23" "Zoey: Sure." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome25" "Zoey: Ah, claro." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome25" "Zoey: Ah, whatever." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome26" "Zoey: No importa." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome26" "Zoey: No worries." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome30" "Zoey: Cuando quieras." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome30" "Zoey: Anytime." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome32" "Zoey: Lo que sea por ti, Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome32" "Zoey: Anything for you, Louis." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome36" "Zoey: Mola ayudar, viejo." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome36" "Zoey: Glad to be of help, old man." "player.teengirl_youarewelcome39" "Zoey: Lo que sea por ti, Louis." "[english]player.teengirl_youarewelcome39" "Zoey: Anything for you, Louis." // BoatMan "npc.boatman_radioarrived01" "John Slater: ¡Todos a bordo!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived01" "John Slater: All aboard, folks!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived02" "John Slater: ¡Subid, vamos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived02" "John Slater: Get in! Get in!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived03" "John Slater: No tenemos todo el día, ¡zarpemos ya!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived03" "John Slater: We ain't got all day, let's do this already!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived04" "John Slater: No queda tiempo. ¿Subís u os quedáis?" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived04" "John Slater: We ain't stickin' around all night! In or out!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived05" "John Slater: ¿A qué esperáis? ¡Vámonos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived05" "John Slater: What's the holdup? Let's go people!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived06" "John Slater: ¡Vamos, arriba! ¡No pienso esperar todo el día!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived06" "John Slater: Come on, come on! We're not waiting around here all day!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived07" "John Slater: Ya estamos. ¡Venga, vamos! ¡Subid!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived07" "John Slater: Let's go, we're here, we're here! Come on!" "npc.boatman_radioarrived08" "John Slater: ¡Ha llegado el barco! ¡Eo! ¡Subid todos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioarrived08" "John Slater: The boat's here! Hello?!? Get in the boat!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton101" "John Slater: ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton101" "John Slater: Hello?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton102" "John Slater: ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton102" "John Slater: Hello?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton103" "John Slater: ¿Hola? [Risa] ¿¡Qué tal!? Si tenéis armas, os llevamos. Preparaos y volved a llamar cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton103" "John Slater: Hello? Hey! If you've got weapons, we'll give you a ride. Prepare yourselves and radio back when you're ready!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton104" "John Slater: ¿Hola? [Risas] ¿¡Qué tal!? Si lleváis armas, tenéis transporte. Llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton104" "John Slater: Hello? Hey! If you've got weapons, then you got yourselves a ride. Radio back when you're ready!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton105" "John Slater: ¿Hola? Eh, hola. ¿Sois inmunes?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton105" "John Slater: Hello? Hello! Hey, you folks immune?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton106" "John Slater: Entonces tenéis transporte. Llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton106" "John Slater: Then you got yourselves a ride. Radio back when you're ready." "npc.boatman_radiobutton107" "John Slater: ¿Hola? ¡Hola! Armados e inmunes, ¿eh? Entonces tenéis transporte. Llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton107" "John Slater: Hello? Hello! Hey, armed and immune, are ya? Then you got yourselves a ride. Radio back when you're ready!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton108" "John Slater: Nos rodearán en cuanto lleguemos. Armaos bien y llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton108" "John Slater: They're gonna swarm when we come in. Stock up and radio back when you're ready." "npc.boatman_radiobutton109" "John Slater: ¿Hola? ¡Hola! ¡Iré a por vosotros!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton109" "John Slater: Hello? Hello! We'll give you a ride!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton110" "John Slater: Nosotros vamos a la base militar, río arriba. Podemos recogeros en diez minutos; armaos para el viaje y avisad cuando acabéis." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton110" "John Slater: We're heading to the military outpost upriver. We can come get you in ten minutes. Arm yourselves for the trip and tell me when to head out." "npc.boatman_radiobutton111" "John Slater: ¿Hola? ¡Hola!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton111" "John Slater: Hello? Hello!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton112" "John Slater: Os propongo un trato: si no estáis infectados y queréis luchar, os llevaremos a la base militar. Coged suministros y llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton112" "John Slater: Here's the deal: If you're uninfected and ready to fight, we can get all of you upriver to the military outpost. Ammo up and call us back when you're ready." "npc.boatman_radiobutton113" "John Slater: ¿Lleváis armas, gente?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton113" "John Slater: You folks got firepower?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton114" "John Slater: Entonces tenéis transporte. Llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton114" "John Slater: Then you got yourselves a ride. Radio back when you're ready." "npc.boatman_radiobutton115" "John Slater: Y cuidadito con esas armas. Son vuestros billetes de ida." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton115" "John Slater: And be careful with those weapons. Consider them your ticket onboard." "npc.boatman_radiobutton116" "John Slater: ¿Vais armados?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton116" "John Slater: You guys armed?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton117" "John Slater: Llegamos en... diez minutos. Avisad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton117" "John Slater: We can be there in ten minutes. Just tell us when to head out." "npc.boatman_radiobutton118" "John Slater: Os propongo un trato: os llevaré río arriba a la base militar. Lo malo es que cruzaremos territorio invadido por infectados, así que armaos bien y llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton118" "John Slater: Here's the deal. We can get all of you upriver to the military outpost. But we'll be threading the needle through infected country to get there. Ammo up and call us when you're ready." "npc.boatman_radiobutton119" "John Slater: ¿Hola? ¡Hola! ¡Je! ¡Gracias a Dios!¡Hola!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton119" "John Slater: Hello? Hello! Oh thank god!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton120" "John Slater: ¡Hola! Gracias a Dios que hay alguien vivo, ¡escuchadme!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton120" "John Slater: Hey! Thank god somebody's still out there. Listen, listen!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton121" "John Slater: ¿Hola? [Risa] Qué alegría. ¿Dónde estáis? Vale, vale, escuchadme, ¿eh?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton121" "John Slater: Hello? Hey, hey. Where are you? Ok, ok: Listen, listen." "npc.boatman_radiobutton122" "John Slater: ¿Hola? [Risa] ¿Ves, Amanda? Te dije que aún quedaba gente." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton122" "John Slater: Hello? See Amanda, I told you someone was still out there!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton123" "John Slater: ¿Hola? ¡Cariño, es la policía!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton123" "John Slater: Hello? Honey, it's the police!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton124" "John Slater: AGENTES, LLAMAD CUANDO ESTÉIS LISTOS PARA EL RESCATE." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton124" "John Slater: POLICE, RADIO US BACK WHEN YOU ARE READY FOR PICKUP!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton125" "John Slater: Vale, pero nuestra oferta es por tiempo limitado." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton125" "John Slater: All right, but this offer isn't on the table forever." "npc.boatman_radiobutton201" "John Slater: Perfecto." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton201" "John Slater: Perfect." "npc.boatman_radiobutton202" "John Slater: Dadnos diez minutos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton202" "John Slater: Then we'll be there in ten." "npc.boatman_radiobutton203" "John Slater: ¡Así me gusta! Serán diez minutos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton203" "John Slater: That's what I like to hear! Give us ten minutes." "npc.boatman_radiobutton204" "John Slater: Llegamos en diez minutos y no esperaremos. ¡Preparaos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton204" "John Slater: We'll be there in ten. We're not waiting around, though, so be ready!" "npc.boatman_radiobutton205" "John Slater: Dadnos diez minutos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton205" "John Slater: We'll be there in ten minutes." "npc.boatman_radiobutton206" "John Slater: Aguantad hasta que lleguemos, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton206" "John Slater: Try to stay alive till we get there, all right?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton207" "John Slater: Perfecto, allá vamos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton207" "John Slater: Alright, we're on our way." "npc.boatman_radiobutton208" "John Slater: Limpiad bien la zona. No quiero que la buena voluntad nos lleve a la tumba." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton208" "John Slater: Make sure you clear the area. I don't want our first act of kindness to be our last." "npc.boatman_radiobutton209" "John Slater: Llegamos en diez minutos. Conservad las armas que tenéis o no podréis embarcar, ¿estamos?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton209" "John Slater: We'll be there in ten. Don't break your weapons, or you just lost yourselves a boat ticket, got me?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton210" "John Slater: Vamos de camino, pero atención: en cuanto subáis, vuestro deber será salvarnos el culo." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton210" "John Slater: On our way. But let's be clear: once you get on this boat? Your job is keeping our asses alive." "npc.boatman_radiobutton211" "John Slater: En diez minutos estamos. Mientras tanto, entreteneos despejando la zona para que no nos machaquen nada más llegar, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton211" "John Slater: We'll be there in ten minutes. If you're looking for something to kill the time, maybe sweep the area so we don't get attacked as soon as we get there, alright?" "npc.boatman_radiobutton212" "John Slater: Genial, allá vamos. Despejad bien la zona, que no quiero que la buena voluntad nos lleve a la tumba." "[english]npc.boatman_radiobutton212" "John Slater: Allright, we're on our way. Make sure you clear the area. I don't want our first act of kindness to be our last." "npc.boatman_radiofinale01" "John Slater: ¡Sí! Sí... Vale... Amanda. Están bien. Mejor que bien, vaya que sí..." "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale01" "John Slater: Yeah! Yeah... ok.. Amanda. They're doing fine. yes. boy. go..." "npc.boatman_radiofinale02" "John Slater: Genial. Vale, vale, cariño. Sí, está... está bien." "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale02" "John Slater: Great. Okay, okay, sweetie. Yeah. It's... Okay." "npc.boatman_radiofinale03" "John Slater: Lo están pasando mal. Escucha, si tuviese armas, yo haría lo mismo." "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale03" "John Slater: They're not doing that well. Listen, if I had guns I could do the same thing." "npc.boatman_radiofinale04" "John Slater: Sí, les va genial. Pero es que llevan armas..." "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale04" "John Slater: Yeah okay they're doing great. You know they have guns..." "npc.boatman_radiofinale05" "John Slater: ¡SÍ!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale05" "John Slater: YEAH!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale06" "John Slater: ¡VENGA!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale06" "John Slater: GO!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale07" "John Slater: ¡GENIAL!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale07" "John Slater: OH MAN!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale08" "John Slater: ¡A POR ELLOS" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale08" "John Slater: GET EM! YEAH!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale09" "John Slater: ¡YUJUUUUU!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale09" "John Slater: WOOHOO!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale10" "John Slater: ¡Lo lograsteis! ¡Buen trabajo, colegas!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale10" "John Slater: You made it, you made it! Great job guys!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale11" "John Slater: [Risas] Sois indestructibles, ¿a que sí? ¡Felicidades!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale11" "John Slater: You guys are indestructible, aren't ya? Congratulations, man, you made it!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale12" "John Slater: ¡Genial, lo lograsteis!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale12" "John Slater: Congratulations, you made it!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale13" "John Slater: ¡Bien! ¡Lo lograsteis!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale13" "John Slater: Great job! You made it!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale14" "John Slater: Increíble. ¡Lo lograsteis!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale14" "John Slater: I can't believe it. You made it!" "npc.boatman_radiofinale15" "John Slater: ¡Felicidades, lo lograsteis!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiofinale15" "John Slater: Congratulations, you made it!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit01" "John Slater: ¡Nos faltan diez minutos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit01" "John Slater: Should be there in ten minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit02" "John Slater: ¡Diez minutos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit02" "John Slater: Ten minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit03" "John Slater: ¡En cinco minutos llegamos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit03" "John Slater: Be there in about five minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit04" "John Slater: ¡Cinco minutos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit04" "John Slater: Five minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit05" "John Slater: ¡Ya llegamos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit05" "John Slater: We're coming in!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit06" "John Slater: ¡Nos faltan dos minutos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit06" "John Slater: We'll be there in two minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit07" "John Slater: ¡Nos faltan tres minutos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit07" "John Slater: We'll be there in three minutes!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit08" "John Slater: ¡Veo la orilla! Ya llegamos." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit08" "John Slater: We can see the shore! We're coming." "npc.boatman_radiointransit09" "John Slater: ¿Quedan zombis en la costa? Nos falta poco." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit09" "John Slater: The shoreline clear yet? We're getting close." "npc.boatman_radiointransit10" "John Slater: ¡Casi estamos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit10" "John Slater: We're almost there!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit11" "John Slater: No tiene por qué salir mal, Amanda." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit11" "John Slater: We don't know that's what will happen, Amanda." "npc.boatman_radiointransit12" "John Slater: Voy a ir a salvarlos, ¿vale? Luego volveremos a discutir esto oootra vez." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit12" "John Slater: Could I save these people first? And then we can have this argument for the millionth time?" "npc.boatman_radiointransit13" "John Slater: Tampoco querías comprar el barco, Amanda." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit13" "John Slater: You were against buying the boat too, Amanda." "npc.boatman_radiointransit14" "John Slater: Pues ya somos dos..." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit14" "John Slater: ...guessthatmakestoouvus..." "npc.boatman_radiointransit15" "John Slater: Tu defecto, es que no piensas en los necesitados." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit15" "John Slater: Your problem, Amanda, is that you don't think about the little guy!" "npc.boatman_radiointransit16" "John Slater: ¡Uoa! No nos acercaremos a ese Tank. Si no os libráis de él, os quedáis en tierra." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit16" "John Slater: We're not coming in with that Tank there. Take care of it or you're on your own." "npc.boatman_radiointransit17" "John Slater: ¡Ya casi! Preparaos, no nos quedaremos a contemplar el paisaje." "[english]npc.boatman_radiointransit17" "John Slater: Almost there! Get ready. We don't want to sightsee when we get there." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast01" "John Slater: Amanda, joder, hay que hacerlo." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast01" "John Slater: Amanda, goddamnit, this needs to get done." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast02" "John Slater: A quien pueda escucharnos: somos Amanda y John Slater. Tenemos una barca de pesca anclada en Riverside." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast02" "John Slater: If there is anyone out there. This is John and Amanda Slater. We are a small fishing vessel anchored off Riverside." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast03" "John Slater: Si hay supervivientes, respondan." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast03" "John Slater: If there are any survivors, please respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast04" "John Slater: ¿Y qué hacemos? ¿Dejar que mueran? No puedo, Amanda." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast04" "John Slater: So what, then? We leave 'em to die? I can't do that, Amanda." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast05" "John Slater: ¡Si alguien me escucha, responda!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast05" "John Slater: If you can hear me, please respond!" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast06" "John Slater: ¡Pues sí, Amanda, sí!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast06" "John Slater: Yes, Amanda! I am!" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast07" "John Slater: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast07" "John Slater: Is there anybody out there?" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast08" "John Slater: ¡Amanda y John Slater! ¡Nuestro barco de pesca está anclado en Riverside! ¿Hay alguien?" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast08" "John Slater: John and Amanda Slater! We are a fishing vessel anchored off Riverside! Come in please!" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast09" "John Slater: ¡Refugiados, si me oís, responded!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast09" "John Slater: Come in, refugees! If you can hear this." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast10" "John Slater: Amanda, si se acaba el mundo... que se acabe. Pero estaría bien dedicar lo poco que queda a ayudar al prójimo, ¿no?" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast10" "John Slater: Amanda, if the world is ending - well, then it's ending. Can't hurt to spend our last hours trying to do some good, eh?" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast11" "John Slater: ¿Hay alguien? Por favor, responded." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast11" "John Slater: Anybody? Come on, please respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast12" "John Slater: Tenemos provisiones y una vía de escape, sólo hay que sobrevivir al viaje. Si tenéis armas, responded." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast12" "John Slater: We have provisions and a route to safety. We just need to get there alive. Anyone with firepower, respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast13" "John Slater: Transportaremos a cualquiera con armas y munición. Responded." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast13" "John Slater: We will ferry anyone with firearms and ammo. Please respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast14" "John Slater: Estamos anclados en Riverside. Si escucháis esta frecuencia y lleváis armas, responded." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast14" "John Slater: We are anchored off Riverside. Anyone on this frequency with weapons and ammo, please respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast15" "John Slater: Atención: a todo aquel con armas y munición, si me escucha, responda." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast15" "John Slater: Attention anyone with ammo and firearms. If you can hear me, please respond." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast16" "John Slater: Si escuchas esta frecuencia y vas armado, responde." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast16" "John Slater: Anyone with some firepower on this frequency, pick up." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast17" "John Slater: Necesitamos a alguien armado. ¿Hola?" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast17" "John Slater: Come in, anyone armed. Please pick up." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast18" "John Slater: ¡Si me oye alguien, que responda!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast18" "John Slater: If you can hear me, pick up!" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast19" "John Slater: ¡Si estáis por ahí y lleváis armas, responded!" "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast19" "John Slater: If you're out there and you're armed, pick up!" "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast20" "John Slater: Estamos en un pesquero anclado junto a Riverside. Creo que podríamos llegar a la base militar, pero necesitamos armas." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast20" "John Slater: We are a small fishing boat anchored off Riverside. I think we can make it to the military outpost upriver - but we need weapons." "npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast21" "John Slater: A quienquiera que me oiga: tenemos un barco y víveres; nos falta munición. Si vais armados, responded." "[english]npc.boatman_radioinitialbroadcast21" "John Slater: To anyone listening: We have a boat, we have food. We just need ammo. If you got guns, respond." "npc.boatman_radionag01" "John Slater: ¡Avisad cuando estéis preparados!" "[english]npc.boatman_radionag01" "John Slater: Tell us when you are ready to be picked up!" "npc.boatman_radionag02" "John Slater: Llamadnos cuando estéis listos para salir." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag02" "John Slater: Let us know when you're ready to be picked up!" "npc.boatman_radionag03" "John Slater: ¡Llamad cuando estéis listos!" "[english]npc.boatman_radionag03" "John Slater: Tell us when you are ready to be picked up!" "npc.boatman_radionag04" "John Slater: ¡Avisad cuando todo esté listo!" "[english]npc.boatman_radionag04" "John Slater: Let us know when you're ready to be picked up!" "npc.boatman_radionag05" "John Slater: ¡Usad la radio cuando podamos ir a rescataros!" "[english]npc.boatman_radionag05" "John Slater: Use the radio to let us know when you're ready for pickup!" "npc.boatman_radionag06" "John Slater: Si queréis aceptar nuestra oferta, avisad." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag06" "John Slater: If you're ready to accept our offer, let us know." "npc.boatman_radionag07" "John Slater: Agentes: llamad cuando estéis listos para el rescate." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag07" "John Slater: Police: Let us know when you're ready to be picked up." "npc.boatman_radionag08" "John Slater: Esto... os estamos escuchando, colegas. Hay que pulsar el botón para cortar la transmisión." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag08" "John Slater: You know, we can hear you right now. You need to press the button again to get off the frequency." "npc.boatman_radionag09" "John Slater: ¿Sabéis qué? He recobrado la cordura, voy a hacerle caso a mi bella esposa." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag09" "John Slater: You know, I could come to my senses and start listenin' to my smart beautiful wife here." "npc.boatman_radionag10" "John Slater: ¿Sabéis qué? A mi mujer no le falta razón. ¿Queréis que tome ella las decisiones?" "[english]npc.boatman_radionag10" "John Slater: You know, my wife's been making some very good points here. You want me to put her in charge?" "npc.boatman_radionag11" "John Slater: Eso, tranquilos, sopesad vuestras *cien mil* opciones." "[english]npc.boatman_radionag11" "John Slater: Yeah, go ahead and weigh your hundreds of options." // ChopperPilot "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01a" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¿Entendéis ahora por qué había que prepararse?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01a" "Chopper Pilot: Now you understand why I told you to prepare?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01b" "Piloto de helicóptero: Esos bichos huelen la esperanza." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01b" "Chopper Pilot: I swear those things can sense hope..." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01c" "Y, cuando la encuentran, acaban con ella." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_01c" "and when they do, they have to destroy it." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: Supongo que no hay ningún... médico de verdad en el grupo, ¿verdad?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_02" "Chopper Pilot: I'm guessing there aren't any actual doctors in your group are there?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: Intenté evacuar gente desde la calle... Sabía que era mala idea... Creo... que me han atacado." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_03" "Chopper Pilot: Just tried a street pickup, I should know better... I think, I think I got hit." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_04" "Piloto de helicóptero: Me pondré bien." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_04" "Chopper Pilot: I'll be okay." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_05" "Piloto de helicóptero: No me siento... bien." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_05" "Chopper Pilot: Not feeling so well." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_06" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¿Me pasas el botiquín?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_06" "Chopper Pilot: Can you grab me my first aid kit?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_07" "Piloto de helicóptero: Vi cómo te atacaban, ¿eres inmune?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_07" "Chopper Pilot: Saw you get hit, are you immune?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_08" "Piloto de helicóptero: Espero ser inmune." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_08" "Chopper Pilot: Hope I'm immune." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_09" "Piloto de helicóptero: Tengo... mucho frío." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_09" "Chopper Pilot: I am getting really cold." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_10" "Piloto de helicóptero: No siento... las piernas." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_10" "Chopper Pilot: I'm getting really cold." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_11" "Piloto de helicóptero: [Gemidos de dolor y gruñido]" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_flyout_11" "Chopper Pilot: ARGHGHG!!!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Venga, vamos, al helicóptero!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_01" "Chopper Pilot: Come on, come on! Get on the chopper!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Vamos, rápido, subid!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_02" "Chopper Pilot: Come on, come on! Get on board!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Va, vamos, corred!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_03" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go, let's go, let's go!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_04" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡No puedo seguir aquí! ¡Vamos!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_04" "Chopper Pilot: I can't hold it here much longer! Move it!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_05" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Entrad de una vez!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_05" "Chopper Pilot: Get in! Get in! GET IN!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_06" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Entrad! ¡YA!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getin_06" "Chopper Pilot: Get in! GET IN!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Por fin! Ahora aguantad hasta que llegue, aunque tendréis que prepararos. Ayudaos de la ametralladora y los suministros que hay. No podré aterrizar hasta que estéis listos. Llamadme entonces. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_01" "Chopper Pilot: You made it! All you need to do is holdout until I get there. But you first need to prepare. There should be a mounted gun and other supplies to help you hold out. No way I can land unless you are ready. Call me back once you've prepared. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: Qué alegría escucharos." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_02" "Chopper Pilot: Good to hear your voices." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: Me alegro de oíros, Hospital Mercy. Aguantad y os evacuaré. Tendréis que levantar defensas para sobrevivir. Os hemos dejado ahí suministros y una ametralladora. Llamadme cuando estéis preparados." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_getready_03" "Chopper Pilot: Good to hear from you Mercy Hospital. Hang tight and I'll pick you up. You need to fortify your defenses if you are going to survive. We left supplies and a mounted gun to help. Set up and then call me back when you are ready." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hospital Mercy, llegaré con retraso. Acaba de ocurrir... algo. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_01" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital, going to be running a bit late, just had a... an incident. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa 5 a Mercy. Tiempo estimado: 10 minutos. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_02" "Chopper Pilot: News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital, ETA 10 minutes. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa 5 a Mercy. Tiempo estimado: 7 minutos. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_03" "Chopper Pilot: News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital, ETA 7 minutes. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_04" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa 5 a Mercy, sois mi última ronda de rescates." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_04" "Chopper Pilot: News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital, looks like you are going to be my final run." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_05" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa 5 a Mercy. Tiempo estimado: 5 minutos. ¡5 minutos!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_05" "Chopper Pilot: News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital, ETA 5 minutes. 5 Minutes." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_06" "Piloto de helicóptero: Os veo, Hospital Mercy, parece que estáis ocupados." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_06" "Chopper Pilot: I have a visual, Mercy Hospital, looks you have your hands full." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_07" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Hospital Mercy, matad al Tank para que pueda aterrizar!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_07" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital, you need to kill that Tank before I can land!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_08" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Hospital Mercy, acabad con los Tanks para que pueda aterrizar!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_08" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital, you need to kill any Tanks before I can pick you up." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_09" "Piloto de helicóptero: No puedo aterrizar. Me acercaré lo más que pueda a la pista." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_09" "Chopper Pilot: No way I can land, I'm going to have to come in hot next to the pad." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_10" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Hospital Mercy, a la pista! ¡Repito, dirigíos a la pista!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_intransit_10" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital, get to the landing pad! Repeat. Get to the landing pad!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: De acuerdo, voy de camino. Tiempo estimado: 15 minutos. Esperad ahí. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_01" "Chopper Pilot: Okay I am on my way. ETA 15 minutes. Just hang in there. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: Voy de camino. Tiempo estimado: 15 minutos. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_02" "Chopper Pilot: I'm on my way. ETA 15 minutes. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: Qué rapidez, espero que estéis preparados. Voy de camino. Tiempo estimado: 15 minutos. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_onmyway_03" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital, that was quick, I hope you prepared. I'm on my way. ETA 15 minutes. News Chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hospital Mercy, ¿me oís?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_01" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital are you there?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¿Estáis ahí, Hospital Mercy?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_02" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital are you there?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Contestad, Hospital Mercy!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_03" "Chopper Pilot: Pickup Mercy Hospital, Pickup." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_04" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa a Hospital Mercy." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_04" "Chopper Pilot: News Chopper 5 to Mercy Hospital." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_05" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hospital Mercy, contestad si me oís." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_05" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital respond if you are there." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_06" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hospital Mercy, coged la radio si estáis ahí." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_06" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital pick up the radio if you are there." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_07" "Piloto de helicóptero: Decidme algo si estáis ahí, Hospital Mercy." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_07" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital use the radio if you are there." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_loud_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¿Queda alguien, Hospital Mercy?" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_loud_01" "Chopper Pilot: Mercy Hospital are you there?" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_loud_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Hospital Mercy, responded!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_finale_pickup_loud_02" "Chopper Pilot: Pickup Mercy Hospital, Pickup." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: Os llevaré a la zona segura del Norte." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_01" "Chopper Pilot: I'll fly you to the safe zone up north." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: El ejército, o lo que queda de él, tiene un refugio al norte." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_02" "Chopper Pilot: The military, or what's left of it, has safe zone up north." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_03" "Piloto de helicóptero: El ejército, o lo que queda de él, tiene una base al norte." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_03" "Chopper Pilot: The military, or what's left of it, has a camp up north." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_04" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hay un refugio militar en el Norte." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_04" "Chopper Pilot: The military has a safe zone north of here." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_05" "Piloto de helicóptero: Hay una base militar en el Norte." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_05" "Chopper Pilot: The military has a camp up north." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_06" "Piloto de helicóptero: Allí estaréis a salvo." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_06" "Chopper Pilot: You'll be safe there." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_07" "Piloto de helicóptero: Todo va a salir bien." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_07" "Chopper Pilot: You're gonna be okay." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_08" "Piloto de helicóptero: No puedo arriesgarme a aterrizar en la calle. Creo que soy el último piloto de la ciudad." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_08" "Chopper Pilot: Sorry, I can't risk another street landing. I think I may be the last pilot in the city." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_09" "Piloto de helicóptero: Lo siento, no puedo aterrizar en la calle." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_09" "Chopper Pilot: Sorry, I can't risk another street landing." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_10" "Piloto de helicóptero: Qué alegría da ver una sonrisa." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_10" "Chopper Pilot: Good to see some smiling faces." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_11" "Piloto de helicóptero: No queda lejos." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_11" "Chopper Pilot: It isn't far." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_12" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Estos suministros os ayudarán!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_12" "Chopper Pilot: Here are some supplies to help you out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_13" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Tomad, esto os ayudará a aguantar!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_13" "Chopper Pilot: Here, this should help you out a bit." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_14" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Con esto aguantaréis!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_14" "Chopper Pilot: This should help you out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_15" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Suerte!" "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_15" "Chopper Pilot: Good luck!" "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_16" "Piloto de helicóptero: Helicóptero de prensa. Corto." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_16" "Chopper Pilot: News chopper 5 out." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_17" "Piloto de helicóptero: Si alguien me escucha, diríjanse al Hospital Mercy para la evacuación. Repito, diríjanse al Hospital Mercy para la evacuación." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_heli_17" "Chopper Pilot: To anyone who can hear this, proceed to Mercy Hospital for Evacuation. Repeat, proceed to Mercy Hospital for Evacuation." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_hello_01" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Escuchadme! No puedo acercarme más. Si lográis subir a la azotea del Hospital Mercy, os llevaré al refugio militar que hay al norte. Necesito que me ayudéis: dirigíos al Hospital Mercy y llamadme por la radio cuando lleguéis." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_hello_01" "Chopper Pilot: Hey down there! I can't get any closer. But if you can get to the roof of Mercy Hospital I can take you to the military safe zone up north. You have to get to Mercy Hospital. Call me on their radio when you get there." "npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_hello_02" "Piloto de helicóptero: ¡Escuchad! No puedo arriesgarme a recogeros aquí. La zona de evacuación más cercana es la azotea del Hospital Mercy. No está muy lejos. Cuando lleguéis, llamadme por radio. Yo os sacaré de este horror." "[english]npc.chopperpilot_hospital_intro_hello_02" "Chopper Pilot: Hey down there! I can't risk a pick-up here. The closest evac location is on the roof of Mercy Hospital. It isn't far from here. When you can get there, call me on their radio. I'll fly you out of this mess." // ChurchGuy "npc.churchguy_radiobutton101" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Aquí no entra nadie sin probar que es inmune!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton101" "Church Guy: No one gets in here until I know you're immune!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton102" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Si toco la campana, veremos si sois inmunes." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton102" "Church Guy: I can ring this bell! THEN we'll see how immune you are!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton103" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Nadie entra! ¡Nadie! ¡Dale a la campana! ¡Más vale prevenir que curar!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton103" "Church Guy: No one gets in! No one gets in! Ring the bell! Better safe than sorry!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton104" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No entréis! ¡Toca la campana! ¡Más vale prevenir que curar!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton104" "Church Guy: No one gets in! Ring the bell! Better safe than sorry!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton105" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Voy a tañer la campana, ¡os lo juro! ¡Entonces vendrán... y acabarán la tarea!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton105" "Church Guy: I'm gonna ring this bell. I'm going to ring this bell! And they'll come! And they'll finish the job." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton106" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡NO! ¡Mi refugio! ¡Tengo la campana! ¡Fuera de aquí!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton106" "Church Guy: No! My safehouse! I've got the bell! You stay the hell out!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton107" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Mi refugio! ¡Entrad! No, ¡quedaos fuera! Echad las armas bajo la puerta. ¡No, largo! ¡Más vale prevenir que curar, más vale prevenir que curar!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton107" "Church Guy: My safehouse! Come here! No! Stay out! Slide your guns under the door! No! Go away! Better safe than sorry! Better safe than sorry! Better safe than sorry!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton108" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Lo sabía! ¡Sabía que había alguien! ¡Nadie entra, nadie!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton108" "Church Guy: I knew it! I knew someone was out there! No one gets in! No one!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton109" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Nadie entra! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton109" "Church Guy: No one gets in! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton110" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Fuera! ¡Nadie entra!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton110" "Church Guy: Go away! No one gets in!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton111" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Tendré que obligaros. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton111" "Church Guy: I can make you leave. [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton112" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿No queréis marcharos?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton112" "Church Guy: You don't wanna leave?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton113" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Os puedo obligar. ¿No me creéis? [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton113" "Church Guy: I can make you leave. Don't believe me? [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton114" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Y AHORA QUÉ?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton114" "Church Guy: HOW ABOUT NOW?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended01" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Aquí ya no... no entran más infectados. ¡Me mordió! Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended01" "Church Guy: No more infected are getting in here. He bit me! He bit me. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended02" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Demostradme que no estáis infectados. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended02" "Church Guy: If you're not infected, prove it! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended03" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No-no-no! ¡Eso dijisteis antes! Eso dijisteis. Ya confié en vosotros." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended03" "Church Guy: Nonono! You said that last time! You said that last time. I trusted you last time!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended04" "Refugiado de la iglesia: No me engañáis." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended04" "Church Guy: You can't trick me." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended05" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ya abrí... abrí la puerta antes, y me mordieron por tonto. [Tañido] Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended05" "Church Guy: I opened - I opened the door before, and I got bit for my trouble. [Bell] Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended06" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ya abrí la puerta antes. ¡Y me mordieron! ¡Me mordieron! [Tañido] Lo siento." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended06" "Church Guy: I opened the door before. Bit me. Bit me. [Bell] I'm sorry." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended07" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿En serio?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended07" "Church Guy: Really?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended08" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ah, ¿sí? ¿Y cómo pensáis hacerlo? ¿Atravesáis muros?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended08" "Church Guy: Really? And how do you intend to do that? Walk through walls?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended09" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Lo digo muy en serio." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended09" "Church Guy: Oh, I'm quite serious." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended10" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Sólo si demostráis que sois inmunes. Y sé cómo comprobarlo. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended10" "Church Guy: Only when you can prove you're immune. And I know just how to do it. [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended11" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Sólo cuando vea que sois humanos. Aquí viene la prueba. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended11" "Church Guy: Only when I know you're human. Get ready for the test. [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended12" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Soy yo quien decide quién pasa por esta puerta." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended12" "Church Guy: I'm the one who decides who gets through this door." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended13" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ya abrí la puerta en otra ocasión y me mordieron por tonto. [Tañido] Más vale prevenir que curar, eso dicen." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended13" "Church Guy: I - I opened the door before, and I got bit for my trouble. [Bell] Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended14" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No! ¡Antes también parecíais humanos! ¡Me mordisteis! ¡No os creo!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended14" "Church Guy: No! You looked human last time too! Bit me! Can't believe you." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended15" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Tos] Pero ¿por qué me [tos] mordisteis?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended15" "Church Guy: I can't believe you bit me!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended16" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Creéis que me importa vuestra edad?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended16" "Church Guy: Do you think I care how old you are?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended17" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Sí! ¡En serio!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended17" "Church Guy: Yes! Really!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended18" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡NO!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended18" "Church Guy: NO!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended19" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Os creéis muy especiales vestidos de cuero y cubiertos de sangre, ¿eh?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended19" "Church Guy: You think you're special with your leather jackets and your fancy blood?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended20" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Quien algo quiere... ¡Ding, dong! [Risa maníaca]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended20" "Church Guy: Nobody rides for free! Ding dong!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended21" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No soy-un enano-mental!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended21" "Church Guy: I am not a mental moron!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended22" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No soy-un enano-mental! Es que... llevo una semana de mierda, ¿vale?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended22" "Church Guy: I am not a mental moron! I'm just... It's been a rough goddamn week, all right?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended23" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ah, ¿de verdad? [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended23" "Church Guy: Can you really? [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended24" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No... no puedo saberlo! ¿Cómo puedo saberlo?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended24" "Church Guy: I don't know that! How do I know that?" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended25" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No parecéis policías!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended25" "Church Guy: You don't sound like cops!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended26" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No pareces poli!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended26" "Church Guy: You don't sound like a cop!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended27" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Carcajadas] Una muestra de mi confianza. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended27" "Church Guy: Here's how much I trust you! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended28" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Vuestras palabras me importan un pito! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended28" "Church Guy: Your word means shit to me! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended29" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Si... si supierais por lo que he pasado, nnn... no me estaríais presionando. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended29" "Church Guy: If you knew what I'd been through you wouldn't push me right now... [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended30" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Bueno, je, pues... no vais a tener la oportunidad." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended30" "Church Guy: Yes, well, I doubt you'll get that chance." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended31" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Queréis intimidarme? [Tañido] Hala." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended31" "Church Guy: Trying to intimidate me? [Bell] Didn't help." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended32" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Pues... no estaréis vivos para intentarlo. [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended32" "Church Guy: Well, you'll have to be alive to do that. [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended33" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Probadlo! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended33" "Church Guy: Prove it! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended34" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡No pasaréis hasta que sepa que sois inmunes!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended34" "Church Guy: I'm not letting you in until I'm sure you're immune." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended35" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Que no estáis infectados, dices? ¡Demuéstralo! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended35" "Church Guy: Not infected? Not infected? Prove it! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended36" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Que no estás infectado? ¡Demuéstralo, poli! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended36" "Church Guy: Not infected? Prove it, cop! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended37" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Pudríos en el infierno! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended37" "Church Guy: Rot in hell, pigs! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended38" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Pudríos, maderos! [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended38" "Church Guy: Rot in hell, cops! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended39" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Que os den, polis! [Risas] [Tañido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended39" "Church Guy: Screw you, coppers! [Bell]" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended40" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Ding, dong! ¡Ding, dong!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended40" "Church Guy: Ding dong! Ding dong!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended41" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Ding, dong! ¡Ding, dong!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended41" "Church Guy: Ding dong! Ding dong!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended42" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Ding, dong! La cena está lista. Venid a por ella." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended42" "Church Guy: Ding dong! Dinner's served. Come and get it!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended43" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡La cena está lista, chicos!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended43" "Church Guy: Dinner's served! Come and get it!" "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended44" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Que sepáis que os oigo." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended44" "Church Guy: I can hear you out there." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended45" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Que os oigo..." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended45" "Church Guy: I can hear you out there." "npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended46" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Sé que estáis ahí." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiobutton1extended46" "Church Guy: I know you're out there!" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor01" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Increíble, ¡me mordió! Más vale prevenir... [gruñido] que curar... [gruñido, ahogo]." "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor01" "Church Guy: I can't believe he bit me. Better safe than - [groan] Better safe than [groan] [choke]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor02" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir... [gruñido] Más vale prevenir que...[gruñido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor02" "Church Guy: Better safe than - [growl] Better safe than [growl]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor03" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir... [gruñido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor03" "Church Guy: Better safe than - [growl]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor04" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Gruñido, agonía, ahogo]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor04" "Church Guy: [choking growl]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor05" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Debo... de ser inmune... [gruñido] Seré inmune... [grito]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor05" "Church Guy: Must be immune - [groan] Must be immune [scream]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor06" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Jadeos] Debo de ser inmune... [gruñido] Debo de ser inmune... [grito]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor06" "Church Guy: Must be immune - [groan] Must be immune [scream]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor07" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ding, dong... [Ahogo] ¡Ding, dong! [gruñido]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor07" "Church Guy: Ding dong [choke] Ding dong! [growl]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor08" "Refugiado de la iglesia: No debí dejarlo entrar. ¡El cabrón me mordió!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor08" "Church Guy: I can't believe he bit me. I never shoulda let him in." "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor09" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor09" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor10" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor10" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor11" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor11" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor12" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor12" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor13" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor13" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor14" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor14" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor15" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor15" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor16" "Refugiado de la iglesia: [Balbuceos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radiocombatcolor16" "Church Guy: [muttering]" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Confié en vosotros. Decíais que erais inmunes. Lo prometisteis." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Church Guy: I trusted you. You said you were immune. You said you were immune." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Confié en vosotros. Decíais que erais inmunes. Lo prometisteis. Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Church Guy: I trusted you. You said you were immune. You said you were immune. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir que curar. Ese cabrón me mordió. No debí dejarlo entrar. El cabrón me mordió." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. I can't believe he bit me. Never should have let him in. Can't believe he bit me." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Refugiado de la iglesia: No me volveréis a engañar. Ese cabrón me mordió, me mordió..." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Church Guy: Won't fool me twice. I can't believe he bit me, I can't believe he bit me." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir. Aunque parezcáis humanos, no me engañáis." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. No matter how human they look. Won't be fooled twice." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ha pasado una hora, una hora. Debo de ser inmune. Eso es, ¿seré inmune? Se... seguro, soy inmune." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Church Guy: It's been an hour. Been an hour. Must be immune. That's right, must be immune. No. I have to be immune." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir que curar. Más vale prevenir que curar. Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ese cabrón me mordió, no debí dejarlo entrar. El cabrón me mordió." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Church Guy: I can't believe he bit me. I never should have let him in. I can't believe he bit me." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast10" "Refugiado de la iglesia: No me engañaréis de nuevo. ¡Me mordió! Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast10" "Church Guy: Won't fool me twice. I can't believe he bit me! Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast11" "Refugiado de la iglesia: No me engañaréis. Nadie me engaña dos veces. Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast11" "Church Guy: Don't get fooled twice. Don't get fooled twice. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast12" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ese cabrón me mordió, ese cabrón... No me engañaréis." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast12" "Church Guy: I can't believe he bit me, that's - Don't get fooled twice." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast13" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Quién va?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast13" "Church Guy: Who's there?" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast14" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Hay alguien ahí?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast14" "Church Guy: Is someone there?" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast15" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Usaré la campana!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast15" "Church Guy: Don't make me use this bell!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast16" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Tengo una campana!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast16" "Church Guy: I've got a bell in here!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast17" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Si nadie responde, tendré que usar la campana!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast17" "Church Guy: I'm gonna start ringin' this church bell if you don't say something." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast18" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¿Qué ocurre ahí fuera?" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast18" "Church Guy: What's going on out there!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast19" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Sé que andáis por ahí!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast19" "Church Guy: I can hear you out there!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast20" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Estáis ahí, os oigo!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast20" "Church Guy: I can hear you out there!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast21" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Os oigo perfectamente!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast21" "Church Guy: I can hear you out there!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast22" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Os he oído!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast22" "Church Guy: I heard that!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast23" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast23" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast24" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Sí, más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast24" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast25" "Refugiado de la iglesia: ¡Más vale prevenir!" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast25" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry!" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast26" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir... Más vale prevenir que curar." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast26" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast27" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir que curar. Más vale prevenir que curar. Más vale... [Tos]" "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast27" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. Better safe than sorry. [cough]" "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast28" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Ese cabrón me mordió. No debí dejarlo entrar. El cabrón me mordió." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast28" "Church Guy: I can't believe he bit me. I never should have let him in. I can't believe he bit me." "npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast29" "Refugiado de la iglesia: Más vale prevenir." "[english]npc.churchguy_radioinitialbroadcast29" "Church Guy: Better safe than sorry." // Pilot "npc.pilot_radiofinale08" "Piloto: ¡De puta madre! ¡Nos largamos!" "[english]npc.pilot_radiofinale08" "Pilot: Hot damn! We are outta here!" // Plane Pilot "npc.planepilot_radioarrived01" "Piloto: ¡Vale, depósito lleno! ¡Adentro!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived01" "Pilot: All right, we're fueled up! Get in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived02" "Piloto: ¡Entrad!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived02" "Pilot: Get in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived03" "Piloto: ¡Bien, salgamos por patas!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived03" "Pilot: All right, we're good to go here!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived04" "Piloto: ¡Listos para despegar!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived04" "Pilot: We are cleared for take-off!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived05" "Piloto: ¡Rotores en marcha! ¡Nos vamos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived05" "Pilot: There go the props! We're good to go!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived06" "Piloto: ¡Qué maravilla! ¡Los rotores funcionan!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived06" "Pilot: Now there's a sight! The props are goin'!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived07" "Piloto: ¡Rotores en marcha! ¡Nos vamos ya!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived07" "Pilot: Propellers are movin'! That makes us a go!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived08" "Piloto: ¡Si venís, subid!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived08" "Pilot: Get in if you're goin'!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived09" "Piloto: ¡Despegamos ahora!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived09" "Pilot: We're takin' off now!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived10" "Piloto: ¿A qué esperáis? ¿A qué os acomode la azafata?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived10" "Pilot: What're you waitin' for, your row to be called? Get in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived11" "Piloto: ¡Subid!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived11" "Pilot: Get in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived12" "Piloto: ¡Nos vamos, amigos! ¡Subid!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived12" "Pilot: We're out of here, folks! Climb in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived13" "Piloto: ¡Arriba!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived13" "Pilot: Climb in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived14" "Piloto: ¡Depósito lleno! ¡Adelante!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived14" "Pilot: Fuel's at full! Let's do it!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived15" "Piloto: ¡Venga, entrad!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived15" "Pilot: Come on, get in!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived16" "Piloto: ¡Venid aquí!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived16" "Pilot: Get in here!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived17" "Piloto: ¡Venga, venga!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived17" "Pilot: Go go go!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived18" "Piloto: ¡Rápido!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived18" "Pilot: Move it!" "npc.planepilot_radioarrived19" "Piloto: ¿A qué esperáis? ¡Moveooos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioarrived19" "Pilot: What are you waiting for? Come onnnn!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton101" "Piloto: Vale, encended la bomba." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton101" "Pilot: All right, now start that gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton102" "Piloto: ¡Por fin! Pulsad el botón y os sacaré de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton102" "Pilot: Finally! Hit that button and I'll fly you out of here!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton103" "Piloto: Tío, me da igual si sois de la Unidad Delta Force. Si conseguís combustible, os sacaré de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton103" "Pilot: Son, I don't care if you're the Royal Mounted Coast Guard; you gas this plane up, and I'll fly us the hell outta here." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton104" "Piloto: La bomba montará un buen escándalo. Preparaos para luchar antes de encenderla." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton104" "Pilot: The pump's gonna make a real racket. So you make sure you're ready for a fight before you start 'er up." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton105" "Piloto: ¡Vale! Conseguid combustible y nos largamos." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton105" "Pilot: All right! Gas me up, and we can fly out of here!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton106" "Piloto: ¡Vale! Sólo hay que repostar y nos vamos." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton106" "Pilot: All right! Just gotta fuel up and we can go." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton107" "Piloto: ¡Por fin! ¡Dadle al botón y nos vamos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton107" "Pilot: Finally! Hit that button and let's go!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton109" "Piloto: Hará un ruido de mil pares, así que preparaos antes de encenderla." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton109" "Pilot: She's gonna make a hell of a racket. So get ready before you turn her on." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton110" "Piloto: Vale. Encended la bomba." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton110" "Pilot: All right. Now start that gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton111" "Piloto: Bien. Encended ya la bomba." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton111" "Pilot: All right, now start that gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton112" "Piloto: Bueno, colegas, ¡vamos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton112" "Pilot: Okay, bud, let's go!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton113" "Piloto: ¡Genial, lo tenéis! Ahora encended la bomba." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton113" "Pilot: Great, you picked up! Now start that gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton114" "Piloto: ¡Ah, gloria bendita! Llenad el tanque y nos largamos." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton114" "Pilot: Aw, god love ya! Gas me up, and we can fly out of here!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton115" "Piloto: Oye, ¿cómo vais? Dadle al botón y os sacaré de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton115" "Pilot: Hey, how you doing? Hit that button and I'll fly you out of here!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton116" "Piloto: Bonita charla. Ahora encended la bomba." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton116" "Pilot: Nice to talk to you. Now start that gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton117" "Piloto: La bomba va a liar un escándalo de pelotas, preparaos antes de pulsar el encendido." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton117" "Pilot: The pump's gonna make a hell of a racket. So get ready before you hit the button to start her up." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton120" "Piloto: ¡Oye, tronco! Si conseguís combustible, os sacaré de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton120" "Pilot: Hey, buddy! Y'all can get me fueled up and I'll be happy to get you out of here." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton121" "Piloto: ¡Una manguera!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton121" "Pilot: Look for a hose!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton122" "Piloto: Tiene que haber un botón." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton122" "Pilot: There should be a button!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton123" "Piloto: ¡Vaya, casi lo olvido! El camión de combustible hace algo de ruido. Tal vez queráis prepararos antes de tocar ningún botón." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton123" "Pilot: Oh! Almost forgot. The fuel truck makes a bit of a racket. Y'all might wanna get ready for a fight before you go pressin' anything." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton124" "Piloto: Funcionará. Vosotros centraos en los zombis." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton124" "Pilot: It'll fly. You just worry about the zombies." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton125" "Piloto: ¡Es algo técnico!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton125" "Pilot: It's technical!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton126" "Piloto: A ver si lo entendéis: si yo muero, ¿cómo saldréis de aquí?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton126" "Pilot: Put it this way: if I die, how are you gonna fly outta here?" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton127" "Piloto: Es bastante escandalosa, así que preparaos antes de encenderla." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton127" "Pilot: She's gonna make a hell of a racket, so get ready before you turn her on." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton128" "Piloto: La bomba va a liar un escándalo de pelotas, preparaos antes de pulsar el encendido." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton128" "Pilot: The pump's gonna make a hell of a racket, so get ready before you hit the button to start her up." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton129" "Piloto: Esto hará un ruido del quince. Yo me prepararía antes de pulsar nada." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton129" "Pilot: Should make a hell of a noise, though. So I'd get ready before I hit anything." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton130" "Piloto: Puede que haga mucho ruido. Yo que vosotros me prepararía." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton130" "Pilot: Might make a ruckus, though. If I was you? I'd get ready first." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton201" "Piloto: ¡Funciona! La aguja del combustible se mueve." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton201" "Pilot: It's working! I can see the fuel gauge moving." "npc.planepilot_radiobutton202" "Piloto: Tardará un tiempo en llenarse, eso sí. ¡Aguantad!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton202" "Pilot: It's gonna take some time to fill up, though. Hang in there!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton203" "Piloto: ¡Ya está! El camión está bombeando." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton203" "Pilot: That did it! I can hear the truck pumpin'!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton204" "Piloto: ¡Sí, ya estamos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton204" "Pilot: Okay, we're good!" "npc.planepilot_radiobutton205" "Piloto: ¡Contenedlos mientras reposto!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiobutton205" "Pilot: Hold 'em off for me while I fuel up!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor01" "Piloto: ¡Detrás de ti!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor01" "Pilot: Look out behind you!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor02" "Piloto: ¡No, tú no! ¡Vosotros!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor02" "Pilot: No, not you! You!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor03" "Piloto: ¡Cuidado con ese tío grande!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor03" "Pilot: Watch out for that big fella!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor04" "Piloto: ¡Tienes uno justo detrás!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor04" "Pilot: There's one right behind you!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor05" "Piloto: ¡Noooo, el otro tío!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor05" "Pilot: Noooo, the other fella!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor06" "Piloto: ¡Tú! ¡El de la pistola! ¡A las seis!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor06" "Pilot: You! With the gun! Watch your six!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor07" "Piloto: ¡Oye, tú! ¡Tienes uno casi encima!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor07" "Pilot: You there! There's one almost on ya!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor08" "Piloto: ¡Qué bien lucháis!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor08" "Pilot: You're doing great!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor09" "Piloto: ¿Alguien va a ayudar al vejestorio?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor09" "Pilot: Someone gonna help that oldtimer?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor10" "Piloto: ¿Nadie piensa ayudar a la chica?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor10" "Pilot: Nobody gonna help that little girl?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor11" "Piloto: ¿Nadie va a ayudar a esa preciosidad?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor11" "Pilot: Ain't nobody gonna help that pretty young thing?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor12" "Piloto: Eh, gente, creo que el oficinista ha caído." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor12" "Pilot: Hey, guys, I think suit and tie's down." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor13" "Piloto: ¡La hostia, mirad el tamaño de esa cosa!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor13" "Pilot: Holy shit, lookit the size of that thing!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor14" "Piloto: ¡Menuda monstruosidad!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor14" "Pilot: Man, that thing's huge!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor15" "Piloto: ¡Colega, se parece a mi ex mujer! [Risas] No olvidéis la propina, estaré aquí toda la semana." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor15" "Pilot: Man, that thing looks like my ex-wife! [chuckles] Don't forget to tip yer waitress, I'll be here all week." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor16" "Piloto: Vaya, tío, ¡ahora hay dos de esas cosas!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor16" "Pilot: Aw, man, there's two of those things now!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor17" "Piloto: ¿Vamos ganando?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor17" "Pilot: Are we winning?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor18" "Piloto: ¿Cómo vamos? ¿Qué tal vosotros?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor18" "Pilot: Are we winning? How you doing?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor19" "Piloto: Parece... Sí, ¡vais ganando!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor19" "Pilot: I think - yeah, I think you're winning!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor20" "Piloto: Vale, fijo que vais ganando." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor20" "Pilot: Okay, you are definitely winning!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor21" "Piloto: Creo que vais ganando por goleada, colegas." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor21" "Pilot: I think you guys are comin' out ahead here." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor22" "Piloto: Tío, me encantaría poder bajar. ¡Parece divertido!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor22" "Pilot: Man, I almost wish I was down there! That looks like fun!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor23" "Piloto: Colega, ojala estuviera yo ahí abajo." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor23" "Pilot: Man, I almost wish I was down there!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor24" "Piloto: ¡Joo-der!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor24" "Pilot: Woooo, shit!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor25" "Piloto: ¡Uooh! ¿Dónde está?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor25" "Pilot: Uh oh. Where'd he go?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor26" "Piloto: ¿Sabéis dónde está el tío del chándal?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor26" "Pilot: Uh oh. You see where that sneaky guy went?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor27" "Piloto: Cuidado, colegas, el zombi escurridizo anda por ahí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor27" "Pilot: Look out, folks. That sneaky zombie's around somewhere." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor28" "Piloto: Vienen más. Ánimo." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor28" "Pilot: More comin'. Look alive." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor29" "Piloto: ¡Atentos, vienen más!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor29" "Pilot: Look out! More on the way!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor30" "Piloto: ¡Eh, chaleco, a tu espalda!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor30" "Pilot: Hey, vest! Behind you!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor31" "Piloto: ¡El tío gordo ese ha caído!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor31" "Pilot: Hey, that big greasy fella's down!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor32" "Piloto: Bajaría a echaros un cable, pero se ve que lo tenéis todo controlado." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor32" "Pilot: I'd come down there and help you, but it looks like you got things under control." "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor33" "Piloto: No os ofendáis, pero no me puedo creer que sigáis vivos." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor33" "Pilot: Man! No offense, but I can't believe you guys're still alive right now!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor34" "Piloto: Os acompañaría, pero tengo ciertas obligaciones de piloto." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor34" "Pilot: I'd be out there with you if I didn't have all this pilot stuff to take care of!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor35" "Piloto: ¡Eh, no os enfadéis! ¡Que el avión no se prepara solo!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor35" "Pilot: Hey, don't blame me! Someone's gotta prep the plane!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor36" "Piloto: Joder, ¡vaya pedazo de lengua!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor36" "Pilot: Man, that thing's got a big tongue!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor37" "Piloto: Parece que esa cosa tenga el mal de San Vito." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor37" "Pilot: That thing's jumpin' around like spit on a hot skillet!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor38" "Piloto: ¿Creéis que soy un cobarde? Todo el día jugándome la vida en misiones de rescate para que después el gobierno me tire una bomba. Perdonad si no bajo cagando leches a por un rifle." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor38" "Pilot: You sayin' I'm yellow? I been riskin' my life flying people outta this airport all goddamn day! Then the government dropped a bomb on me! So excuse me if I don't skip down there and pick a rifle!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor39" "Piloto: ¿Yo, un cobarde? Que os quede claro: ¡yo sé pilotar y vosotros sabéis provocar a los zombis! ¿Qué creéis que resulta más útil en un mundo post-apocalíptico?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor39" "Pilot: You callin' me a coward? Get this straight! I can fly planes! You can run around gettin' killed! In a post-apocalyptic world, that makes me valuable and y'all worthless!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor40" "Piloto: Llevo el día entero arriesgando el pellejo por los supervivientes de este aeropuerto. Y encima van y me tiran una bomba. Así que perdonad si no bajo a empuñar un rifle." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor40" "Pilot: I been riskin' my life flying people outta this airport all goddamn day! Then the government dropped a bomb on me! So excuse me if I don't skip down there and pick a rifle!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor41" "Piloto: Sí, sí, sí, soy un cobarde porque no os ayudo. Así que me quedaré en la cabina y no haré más que sacaros de este infierno, como a todos los que ya he salvado. Pero vamos, sí, tenéis toda la razón." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor41" "Pilot: Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a coward for not helpin' ya. Guess I'll just sit up here in my cockpit, flyin' you out of this hellhole, like I flown everyone else who came here lookin' for help. But no, thank you for bein' honest!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor42" "Piloto: ¡Ahivá! Es de los gordos, ¿eh?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor42" "Pilot: Hoo! He is a big one, isn't he?" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor43" "Piloto: ¡Por todos los santos, qué pedazo bicho!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor43" "Pilot: Jesus Crow, look at the size of that one!" "npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor44" "Piloto: Fijo que ha estado haciendo pesas." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiocombatcolor44" "Pilot: Man. I bet that fellah works out." "npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor01" "Piloto: Mierda. Bueno, los demás tenemos más sitio." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor01" "Pilot: Shit. Well, there's more room for the rest of us, I guess." "npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor02" "Piloto: Mieeeerda, qué mala suerte, coño." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor02" "Pilot: Ohhhhhhh, shit. That is unfortunate." "npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor03" "Piloto: Uhm. Bueno, al menos aligeramos el peso." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor03" "Pilot: Uh oh. Well, nothing wrong with a lighter load." "npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor04" "Piloto: Jo-der. Bueno, por lo menos habrá más espacio para estirarse." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor04" "Pilot: Hoo. Well, I guess the rest of us can stretch out in the plane now." "npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor05" "Piloto: Ha quedado una plaza libre en primera clase." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiodeathcolor05" "Pilot: Looks like we just got an opening for first class." "npc.planepilot_radiofinale01" "Piloto: ¡Uuh! ¡Sois la caña, colegas!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale01" "Pilot: Hooo! You folks did real good!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale02" "Piloto: ¡Eh! ¡Pensaba que ibais a diñarla!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale02" "Pilot: Hooo! I didn't think you were gonna make it!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale03" "Piloto: [Risas] Qué divertido, ¿no?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale03" "Pilot: Hooo! Well, wasn't that fun?" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale04" "Piloto: ¡Eh! Habría jurado que estiraríais la pata." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale04" "Pilot: Huh! I thought your bacon was cooked for sure!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale05" "Piloto: ¡Lo lograsteis!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale05" "Pilot: Y'all made it!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale06" "Piloto: Fijo que no queréis repetir." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale06" "Pilot: Hooo! Bet you don't want to do that again!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale07" "Piloto: Oh, oh... Fuga en el depósito... Bah, es coña." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale07" "Pilot: Uh oh! Fuel tank's leaking! Nah, just kidding!" "npc.planepilot_radiofinale08" "Piloto: ¡De puta madre! ¡Nos largamos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiofinale08" "Pilot: Hot damn! We are outta here!" "npc.planepilot_radiointransit01" "Piloto: Llevamos un cuarto del depósito. Lo siento, queda un rato." "[english]npc.planepilot_radiointransit01" "Pilot: Gas tank's a quarter full! Sorry, guys, still a ways yet!" "npc.planepilot_radiointransit02" "Piloto: Ya va la mitad del depósito. ¡Aguantad!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiointransit02" "Pilot: Fuel gauge at halfway, folks! Hang in there!" "npc.planepilot_radiointransit03" "Piloto: Queda un tercio por llenar, gente. ¡Ya casi!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiointransit03" "Pilot: Fuel gauge at three-quarters, people! Almost there!" "npc.planepilot_radiointransit04" "Piloto: La aguja está casi arriba. ¡Nos vamos en nada!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiointransit04" "Pilot: Fuel gauge near the top! We are just about good to go!" "npc.planepilot_radiointransit05" "Piloto: El depósito está casi lleno. ¡Saldremos en un periquete!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radiointransit05" "Pilot: Gas tank's almost full! We are just about good to go!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Piloto: ¡La hostia!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Pilot: Holy shit!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Piloto: ¿Habéis derribado ese avión vosotros?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Pilot: Did you guys shoot that plane down?" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Piloto: ¡Tío! ¡Mira cómo revienta!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Pilot: Man! Lookit that sucker GO!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Piloto: ¡Jo-der!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Pilot: Goddamn!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Piloto: ¡Jo-der!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Pilot: Goddamn!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Piloto: ¡Eh, gente! ¿Me podéis llenar el depósito?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Pilot: Hey! You there! Y'all wanna get me fueled up?" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Piloto: ¡Eh, vosotros! ¿Os importaría llenarme el depósito?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Pilot: Hey there! Don't suppose y'all wanna gas me up?" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Piloto: ¿Queda alguien vivo? Necesitaría gasolina para salir de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Pilot: Anyone still alive out there? I need to fuel up so I can get outta here!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Piloto: ¡Eh! ¡Colegas! Si llenáis el depósito, os saco de aquí." "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Pilot: Hey! You there! Gas me up, I'll getcha outta here!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast10" "Piloto: Si me echáis gasolina, nos largamos. ¿Qué? ¿Me ayudáis, colegas?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast10" "Pilot: I get fuelled up, I can git goin here! Come on, you folks with me?" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast11" "Piloto: Si pensabais largaros en eso, os propongo un trato." "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast11" "Pilot: Man, if that was your ride out of here, I think we better talk." "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast12" "Piloto: ¡Eh! ¡Vosotros! ¡Sí, sí! Coged la radio." "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast12" "Pilot: Hey! You there! Yeah, you! Pick up that radio." "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast13" "Piloto: ¡Venga, hombre! ¡Que os veo! ¡Coged la radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast13" "Pilot: Oh, come on! I can see you out there! Pick up the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast14" "Piloto: ¡Vamos! ¡Coged la puta radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast14" "Pilot: Come on! Pick up the damn radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast15" "Piloto: ¡Eh! ¡Vosotros! ¡La radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast15" "Pilot: Hey! You there! pick up!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast16" "Piloto: Acercaos a la radio y pulsad el puto botón." "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast16" "Pilot: Walk over to the damn radio and press the damn radio button!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast17" "Piloto: ¡Vamos! ¡Usad la radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast17" "Pilot: Come on! Use the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast18" "Piloto: ¡Vosotros! ¡Sí! ¡Usad la radio para hablarme!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast18" "Pilot: You! Yes you! Come talk to me on the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast19" "Piloto: ¡Eh, que os estoy hablando! ¡Usad la radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast19" "Pilot: Hey, I'm talkin' to you! Go use the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast20" "Piloto: Eeeeh, sé que me escucháis, capullos. ¡Coged la radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast20" "Pilot: Yoo hoo. I know ya can damn well hear me. Pick up the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast21" "Piloto: ¡Coged la radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast21" "Pilot: Pick up the radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast22" "Piloto: ¡Que alguien coja la puta radio!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast22" "Pilot: Somebody pick up the damn radio!" "npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast23" "Piloto: ¡Vamos, que os estoy viendo!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radioinitialbroadcast23" "Pilot: Come on, I can see you out there!" "npc.planepilot_radionag01" "Piloto: ¡Pulsa el botón y andando!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radionag01" "Pilot: Hit that button and let's go!" "npc.planepilot_radionag02" "Piloto: ¿Qué coño hacéis? ¡Encended la bomba!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radionag02" "Pilot: What're you people doin'? Start up the gas pump." "npc.planepilot_radionag03" "Piloto: ¿Vais a encender la bomba o qué?" "[english]npc.planepilot_radionag03" "Pilot: You gonna start that gas pump or what?" "npc.planepilot_radionag04" "Piloto: ¡Dadle a la bomba para que nos larguemos!" "[english]npc.planepilot_radionag04" "Pilot: Hit the fuel button and let's get outta here!" // Soldier "npc.soldier_radioarrived01" "Soldado: ¡Vamos, vamos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived01" "Soldier: Go! Go! Go!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived02" "Soldado: ¡Adelante!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived02" "Soldier: Move! Move!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived03" "Soldado: ¡Al vehículo, caballero!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived03" "Soldier: Get in the vehicle, sir!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived04" "Soldado: Sólo es un zombi." "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived04" "Soldier: It's just a zombie!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived05" "Soldado: ¡Al vehículo, señorita!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived05" "Soldier: Get in the vehicle, ma'am!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived06" "Soldado: ¡Mueve el culo, superviviente!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived06" "Soldier: Move your ass, survivor! Let's go!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived07" "Soldado: ¡Nos marchamos, gente! ¡Venga!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived07" "Soldier: We are moving out, people! Go! Go!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived08" "Soldado: ¡Venga, deprisa!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived08" "Soldier: Move it! Move it!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived09" "Soldado: ¡Al blindado, peña!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived09" "Soldier: Into the APC, people!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived10" "Soldado: ¡Mueve el culo, superviviente!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived10" "Soldier: Move your ass, survivor! Let's go!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived11" "Soldado: ¡Venga, gente, que nos vamos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived11" "Soldier: We are moving out, people! Go! Go!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived12" "Soldado: ¡Al blindado!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived12" "Soldier: Get in the APC!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived13" "Soldado: ¡Al blindado, gente!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived13" "Soldier: Get to the APC, survivors!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived14" "Soldado: ¡Subid al vehículo!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived14" "Soldier: Get in the vehicle!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived15" "Soldado: ¡Al vehículo, supervivientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived15" "Soldier: Get to the vehicle, survivors!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived16" "Soldado: ¡Al camión!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived16" "Soldier: Get in the truck!" "npc.soldier_radioarrived17" "Soldado: ¡Al camión, supervivientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radioarrived17" "Soldier: Get to the truck, survivors!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton101" "Soldado: Anda, coño. Capitán, ¡hemos obtenido respuesta!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton101" "Soldier: Holy shit. Captain, someone actually responded!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton102" "Soldado: Os enviaremos un equipo de rescate. ¡Llamad cuando estéis listos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton102" "Soldier: We will send an extraction team to your location. Respond when ready!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton103" "Soldado: Recibido. Enviaremos un equipo de rescate. ¡Llamad cuando estéis listos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton103" "Soldier: We read you! We will send an extraction team to your location. Respond when ready!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton104" "Soldado: ¡Supervivientes! Os enviaremos un equipo de rescate. Aguantad mientras tanto. Conseguid armas y llamad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton104" "Soldier: Survivors! We are prepping an extraction team. You'll have to hold out til we get there. Prepare for a fight and radio back when you're ready." "npc.soldier_radiobutton105" "Soldado: ¡Vamos para allá! El convoy mosqueará a los infectados, así que preparaos y avisad cuando estéis listos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton105" "Soldier: We'll come get you! Convoy's gonna stir up the infected, though. Prepare yourselves and advise when ready, over." "npc.soldier_radiobutton106" "Soldado: ¡Joder! ¡Supervivientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton106" "Soldier: Holy shit. Survivors!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton107" "Soldado: ¡Joder! ¡Supervivientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton107" "Soldier: Holy shit. Survivors!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton108" "Soldado: Increíble. Capitán, ¡ahí fuera hay supervivientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton108" "Soldier: I do not believe it. Captain, somebody's survived out there!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton109" "Soldado: Alucinante... Capitán, ¡hay alguien vivo ahí fuera!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton109" "Soldier: Jesus Christ. Captain, we got somebody alive out there!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton110" "Soldado: La hostia... Capitán, tenemos supervivientes, ¡y son policías!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton110" "Soldier: Jesus Christ. Captain, we got survivors. They say they're cops!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton111" "Soldado: No me lo puedo creer." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton111" "Soldier: You gotta be kidding." "npc.soldier_radiobutton112" "Soldado: Supervivientes, equipo de rescate en marcha. Avisad cuando estéis preparados." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton112" "Soldier: Survivors, we are prepping an extraction team. Prepare yourselves and advise when ready." "npc.soldier_radiobutton113" "Soldado: ¡Os recibimos alto y claro, supervivientes! Os enviaremos un equipo de rescate. Preparaos y llamad cuando acabéis." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton113" "Soldier: We read you loud and clear, survivors! We are prepping an extraction team. Prepare yourselves and radio back when you're ready." "npc.soldier_radiobutton114" "Soldado: Tened en cuenta que habrá actividad de infectados en la zona durante el rescate." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton114" "Soldier: Please be advised, there may be infected activity in your area for the duration of the rescue." "npc.soldier_radiobutton115" "Soldado: Recibido. Nos ponemos en marcha. Preparaos y avisad cuando acabéis." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton115" "Soldier: We read you and are go, survivors. Prepare yourselves and advise when ready." "npc.soldier_radiobutton116" "Soldado: Estamos en camino. Avisad cuando acabéis los preparativos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton116" "Soldier: You are go, survivors. Prepare yourselves and advise when ready." "npc.soldier_radiobutton201" "Soldado: ¡Os recibimos alto y claro! Preparaos, allá vamos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton201" "Soldier: Read you loud and clear! Get ready, we're on our way!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton202" "Soldado: Estamos listos para el rescate. ¡Preparaos y avisad!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton202" "Soldier: We are prepped and good to go. Advise when ready!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton205" "Soldado: Os recibimos. Salimos ahora mismo." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton205" "Soldier: We read you just fine. We're on our way." "npc.soldier_radiobutton206" "Soldado: Entendido, supervivientes, ya vamos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton206" "Soldier: Roger that, survivors. We are on our way." "npc.soldier_radiobutton207" "Soldado: Entendido. Tiempo estimado: 10 minutos." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton207" "Soldier: Roger, survivors, we are go. ETA in ten minutes." "npc.soldier_radiobutton208" "Soldado: Salimos ahora. Tardaremos unos diez minutos en llegar." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton208" "Soldier: That is a go, survivors. Be advised it will take us ten minutes to reach you." "npc.soldier_radiobutton209" "Soldado: Recibido, supervivientes. Tardaremos unos diez minutos. Mantened la posición, ¿entendido?" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton209" "Soldier: Copy that, survivors. It'll take us a good ten minutes to reach you. Dig in and hold on, you got me?" "npc.soldier_radiobutton210" "Soldado: Recibido, amigos, vamos allá. ¡Aguantad!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton210" "Soldier: Copy that, survivors. We're coming for you! Hang on!" "npc.soldier_radiobutton211" "Soldado: Recibido, ya vamos. Estamos a unos diez minutos, así que tomad posiciones y disparad a todo lo que no lleve uniforme militar." "[english]npc.soldier_radiobutton211" "Soldier: We read you and we're comin', fellas. We're about ten minutes out, so just sit tight and shoot anythin' that ain't army personnel, you got me?" "npc.soldier_radiofinale01" "Soldado: Lo habéis hecho de maravilla. Ahora, relajaos y disfrutad." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale01" "Soldier: Glad you made it. Why don't you sit back and enjoy the show?" "npc.soldier_radiofinale02" "Soldado: Relajaos y disfrutad. Ahora nos toca a nosotros." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale02" "Soldier: Sit back and enjoy the show. We can take it from here." "npc.soldier_radiofinale03" "Soldado: Me alegro de veros. Relajaos... y disfrutad de las vistas. [Risa maléfica]" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale03" "Soldier: Glad you made it. Why don't you sit back... and enjoy the show." "npc.soldier_radiofinale04" "Soldado: Ya estáis a salvo. Relajaos y disfrutad de las vistas." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale04" "Soldier: You're in good hands now, folks. Just sit back and watch the show." "npc.soldier_radiofinale05" "Soldado: Vamos a mandarlos de vuelta al infierno." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale05" "Soldier: We're gonna send these things back to hell." "npc.soldier_radiofinale06" "Soldado: Me encanta." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale06" "Soldier: That's sweet." "npc.soldier_radiofinale07" "Soldado: ¡Hala! ¡Mirad cómo vuela!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale07" "Soldier: Hoo! Look at that one go!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale08" "Soldado: ¡A tomar viento fresco!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale08" "Soldier: Look at that one go!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale09" "Soldado: Fíjate." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale09" "Soldier: Watch this." "npc.soldier_radiofinale10" "Soldado: ¡Qué pasada!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale10" "Soldier: This is sweet!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale11" "Soldado: [Risa breve]" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale11" "Soldier: [Laughter]" "npc.soldier_radiofinale12" "Soldado: ¡PUM!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale12" "Soldier: BOOOOOM!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale13" "Soldado: ¡Genial!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale13" "Soldier: Love it!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale14" "Soldado: ¡Freídlo!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale14" "Soldier: Blow it up!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale15" "Soldado: [Risas] Chúpate esa." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale15" "Soldier: Ah ha ha ha! Yeah, baby!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale16" "Soldado: ¿Alguna petición?" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale16" "Soldier: Any requests?" "npc.soldier_radiofinale17" "Soldado: Mirad a la izquierda." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale17" "Soldier: Look out the left side." "npc.soldier_radiofinale18" "Soldado: Mirad a la derecha." "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale18" "Soldier: Look out the right side." "npc.soldier_radiofinale19" "Soldado: Si miráis un poco a la izquierda... ¡Pum!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale19" "Soldier: If you'll look slightly to your left... boom!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale20" "Soldado: Y a la derecha... ¡Catapum!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale20" "Soldier: And to your right, boys... bam!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale21" "Soldado: Mola, ¿eh?" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale21" "Soldier: Nice, huh?" "npc.soldier_radiofinale22" "Soldado: ¡Salen del granero!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale22" "Soldier: They're coming out of the barn!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale23" "Soldado: ¡Aislad el granero!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale23" "Soldier: Quarantine the barn!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale24" "Soldado: ¡Esterilizad el granero!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale24" "Soldier: Sterilize the barn!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale25" "Soldado: ¡Esterilizad la casa!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale25" "Soldier: Sterilize the house!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale26" "Soldado: ¡Desinfectad la casa!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale26" "Soldier: Disinfect the house!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale27" "Soldado: ¡Así aprenderán esos bichos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale27" "Soldier: Disinfect the house!" "npc.soldier_radiofinale28" "Soldado: ¡PUM!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiofinale28" "Soldier: BOOM!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit01" "Soldado: Aviso: estamos a unos ocho minutos del objetivo." "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit01" "Soldier: Be advised, we are approximately eight minutes to target." "npc.soldier_radiointransit02" "Soldado: Supervivientes, estamos a unos ocho minutos. Aguantad. Ya queda poco." "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit02" "Soldier: Hey there, survivors, we're still a good eight minutes out. Sit tight. We are coming." "npc.soldier_radiointransit03" "Soldado: Atentos, estamos a cinco minutos del objetivo." "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit03" "Soldier: Attention, survivors! We are five minutes to target." "npc.soldier_radiointransit04" "Soldado: Aguantad, vamos lo más rápido posible. ¡Cinco minutos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit04" "Soldier: Hang in there, we are comin' as fast as we can! Five minutes!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit05" "Soldado: ¡Dos minutos, amigos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit05" "Soldier: Two minutes out, survivors!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit06" "Soldado: Avistamos vuestra posición sobre la colina, supervivientes. ¡Un minuto!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit06" "Soldier: We can just see your position above the rise, survivors! One more minute!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit07" "Soldado: ¡Estamos viendo el fuego de los disparos! ¡Aniquiladlos! ¡Ya llegamos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit07" "Soldier: We are close enough to see your firefight, survivors! Give 'em hell! We are on our way!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit08" "Soldado: ¡Prometedme que aguantaréis!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit08" "Soldier: Promise me you'll hang in there!" "npc.soldier_radiointransit09" "Soldado: Supervivientes, aún estamos a ocho minutos. Aguantad. Ya queda poco." "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit09" "Soldier: Hey there, survivors, we're still a good eight minutes out. Sit tight. We are coming." "npc.soldier_radiointransit10" "Soldado: Dos minutos más. ¡Aguantad con uñas y dientes!" "[english]npc.soldier_radiointransit10" "Soldier: Two minutes out, survivors! God help you 'till then!" "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia de la Zona Franca Estadounidense. Esperamos respuesta." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast01" "Soldier: This is an emergency broadcast from the American Safety Zone. Please respond." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Soldado: Supervivientes, aquí la Zona Franca Cinco. Respondan." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast02" "Soldier: Attention all survivors, this is Safe Zone Five. Please respond." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia del ejército estadounidense. Si nos escuchas, pulsa el botón de respuesta que verás en la radio." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast03" "Soldier: This is an emergency broadcast from the US Military. If you can hear this, please use the SEND button on the radio directly in front of you to respond." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia del ejército estadounidense. Si nos escuchas, usa el botón de respuesta que verás en la radio." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast04" "Soldier: You are listening to an emergency broadcast from the US Military. If you can hear this, please use the SEND button on the radio directly in front of you." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia del ejército estadounidense. Si nos oyes, habla al micrófono mientras pulsas el botón de respuesta." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast05" "Soldier: You are listening to an emergency broadcast from the US Military. If you can hear this, please use the microphone while pressing the SEND button immediately." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia del ejército estadounidense. Adelante." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast06" "Soldier: This is an emergency broadcast from the US Military. Please respond." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Soldado: Si nos oyes, usa el micrófono mientras pulsas el botón de respuesta." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast07" "Soldier: If you can hear this, please use the microphone while pressing the SEND button immediately." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Soldado: Transmisión de emergencia de la alianza del Norte. Esperamos respuesta." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast08" "Soldier: This is an emergency broadcast from the northern alliance. Please respond." "npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Soldado: Aquí la alianza del Norte en transmisión de emergencia. Adelante." "[english]npc.soldier_radioinitialbroadcast09" "Soldier: This is an emergency broadcast from the northern resistance. Please respond." "npc.soldier_radionag01" "Soldado: ¡Avisad si estáis listos!" "[english]npc.soldier_radionag01" "Soldier: Please advise when ready!" "npc.soldier_radionag02" "Soldado: ¡Preparaos y llamad!" "[english]npc.soldier_radionag02" "Soldier: Please advise when ready." // Tank "hulkzombie.voice" "[Quejidos de Tank]" "[english]hulkzombie.voice" "[Tank Grunts]" //\"hulkzombie.breathe\" \"[Tank Breathes]\" "hulkzombie.growl" "[Gruñidos de Tank]" "[english]hulkzombie.growl" "[Tank Growls]" "hulkzombie.yell" "[Gritos de Tank]" "[english]hulkzombie.yell" "[Tank Yells!]" "hulkzombie.attack" "[Sonido de ataque de Tank]" "[english]hulkzombie.attack" "[Tank Attack Sound!]" //\"hulkzombie.attack.fast\" \"[Tank Attack - Fast]\" //\"hulkzombie.throw.fail\" \"[Tank Throws - Falls Short]\" "hulkzombie.throw.pickup" "[Tank recogiendo escombros]" "[english]hulkzombie.throw.pickup" "[Tank Picks Up Rubble]" "hulkzombie.throw" "[Tank lanzando]" "[english]hulkzombie.throw" "[Tank Throws]" "hulkzombie.throw.flyloop" "" "[english]hulkzombie.throw.flyloop" "" "hulkzombie.startledgeclimb" "" "[english]hulkzombie.startledgeclimb" "" "hulkzombie.punch" "[Tank dando puñetazos]" "[english]hulkzombie.punch" "[Tank Punches]" "hulkzombie.punchincap" "" "[english]hulkzombie.punchincap" "" "hulkzombie.die" "[Tank muerto]" "[english]hulkzombie.die" "[Tank Death!]" "hulkzombie.pain" "[Tank dolorido]" "[english]hulkzombie.pain" "[Tank in Pain!]" "hulkzombie.painfire" "[Tank ardiendo]" "[english]hulkzombie.painfire" "[Tank Burning!]" //\"hulkzombie.thud\" \"[Tank Thud]\" "hulkzombie.kneefall" "" "[english]hulkzombie.kneefall" "" "hulkzombie.thrownprojectilehit" "" "[english]hulkzombie.thrownprojectilehit" "" // Witch "witchzombie.despair" "[Gemido de Witch]" "[english]witchzombie.despair" "[Witch Moan...]" "witchzombie.scream" "[Grito de Witch]" "[english]witchzombie.scream" "[Witch Scream!]" "witchzombie.rage" "[Witch furiosa]" "[english]witchzombie.rage" "[Witch Rage!]" "witchzombie.ragebeforekillingfrenzy" "[Witch lista para atacar]" "[english]witchzombie.ragebeforekillingfrenzy" "[Witch Ready to Attack...]" "witchzombie.killingfrenzy" "[Witch frenética]" "[english]witchzombie.killingfrenzy" "[Witch Frenzy!]" "witchzombie.surprised" "[Witch sorprendida]" "[english]witchzombie.surprised" "[Witch Surprised!]" "witchzombie.pain" "[Witch dolorida]" "[english]witchzombie.pain" "[Witch Pain!]" "witchzombie.painfire" "[Witch ardiendo]" "[english]witchzombie.painfire" "[Witch Burning!]" "witchzombie.growllow" "[Witch gruñendo levemente]" "[english]witchzombie.growllow" "[Witch Groans Softly]" "witchzombie.growlmedium" "[Witch gruñendo]" "[english]witchzombie.growlmedium" "[Witch Groans...]" "witchzombie.growlhigh" "[Witch gruñendo fuerte]" "[english]witchzombie.growlhigh" "[Witch Groans - Loud!]" "witchzombie.retreathorror" "[Witch retirándose]" "[english]witchzombie.retreathorror" "[Witch Retreating]" "witchzombie.die" "[Witch muerta]" "[english]witchzombie.die" "[Witch Death!]" "witchzombie.headShot" "[Disparo en la cabeza a Witch]" "[english]witchzombie.headShot" "[Witch Headshot]" "witchzombie.shredvictim" "[Witch arañando con las uñas]" "[english]witchzombie.shredvictim" "[Witch Nails Shredding]" // Boomer "boomerzombie.warn" "[Advertencia de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.warn" "[Boomer Warning!]" "boomerzombie.alert" "[Alerta de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.alert" "[Boomer Alert!]" //\"boomerzombie.voice\" \"[Boomer Voice]\" "boomerzombie.groan" "[Gruñido de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.groan" "[Boomer Groan]" "boomerzombie.gurgle" "[Grito de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.gurgle" "[Boomer Gurgle]" "boomerzombie.rage" "[Boomer furioso]" "[english]boomerzombie.rage" "[Boomer Rage!]" "boomerzombie.attack" "[Ataque de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.attack" "[Boomer Attack!]" "boomerzombie.pain" "[Boomer dolorido]" "[english]boomerzombie.pain" "[Boomer Pain!]" "boomerzombie.detonate" "[Boomer reventando]" "[english]boomerzombie.detonate" "[Boomer Bursts!]" "boomerzombie.fall" "[Boomer cayendo]" "[english]boomerzombie.fall" "[Boomer Falls]" "boomerzombie.splatter" "[Salpicadura de Boomer]" "[english]boomerzombie.splatter" "[Boomer Splatter]" "vomit.use" "" "[english]vomit.use" "" "vomit.hit" "[Salpicadura de vómito]" "[english]vomit.hit" "[Vomit Splat!]" "vomit.cancel" "" "[english]vomit.cancel" "" // Smoker "smokerzombie.voice" "[Voz de Smoker]" "[english]smokerzombie.voice" "[Smoker Voice]" //\"smokerzombie.breathe\" \"[Smoker Breathes]\" "smokerzombie.attack" "[Smoker atacando]" "[english]smokerzombie.attack" "[Smoker Attacks!]" "smokerzombie.pain" "[Smoker dolorido]" "[english]smokerzombie.pain" "[Smoker Pain!]" "smokerzombie.recognize" "[Alerta de Smoker]" "[english]smokerzombie.recognize" "[Smoker Alert!]" "smokerzombie.alert" "[Alerta de Smoker]" "[english]smokerzombie.alert" "[Smoker Alert!]" //\"smokerzombie.warn\" \"[Smoker Warning!]\" "smokerzombie.die" "[Smoker muerto]" "[english]smokerzombie.die" "[Smoker Death!]" "smokerzombie.explode" "[Smoker explotando]" "[english]smokerzombie.explode" "[Smoker Explodes!]" //\"smokerzombie.tongueattack\" \"[Smoker Tongue Attacks]\" //\"smokerzombie.tonguechoke\" \"[Smoker Tongue Choke]\" //\"smokerzombie.tonguehit\" \"[Smoker Tongue Hits]\" //\"smokerzombie.tongueretract\" \"[Smoker Tongue Retracts]\" //\"smokerzombie.tonguestrain\" \"[Smoker Tongue Straining]\" //\"smokerzombie.tongueslay\" \"[Smoker Tongue Slay]\" "smokerzombie.tonguepoisonMinor" "" "[english]smokerzombie.tonguepoisonMinor" "" "smokerzombie.tonguepoisonMajor" "" "[english]smokerzombie.tonguepoisonMajor" "" "smokerzombie.tonguepoisonCritical" "" "[english]smokerzombie.tonguepoisonCritical" "" //\"smokerzombie.tonguefly\" \"[Smoker Tongue Slither]\" // Hunter "hunterzombie.voice" "[Voz de Hunter]" "[english]hunterzombie.voice" "[Hunter Voice]" "hunterzombie.pain" "[Hunter dolorido]" "[english]hunterzombie.pain" "[Hunter Pain!]" "hunterzombie.lunge" "[Hunter saltando]" "[english]hunterzombie.lunge" "[Hunter Lunges]" "hunterzombie.lungeland" "[Hunter aterrizando]" "[english]hunterzombie.lungeland" "[Hunter Lands]" "hunterzombie.alert" "[Alerta de Hunter]" "[english]hunterzombie.alert" "[Hunter Alert!]" "hunterzombie.warn" "[Advertencia de Hunter]" "[english]hunterzombie.warn" "[Hunter Warning!]" //\"hunterzombie.pounce\" \"[Hunter Pounces]\" "hunterzombie.pounce.flyloop" "" "[english]hunterzombie.pounce.flyloop" "" "hunterzombie.pounce.miss" "" "[english]hunterzombie.pounce.miss" "" "hunterzombie.pounce.cancel" "" "[english]hunterzombie.pounce.cancel" "" "hunterzombie.pounce.hit" "" "[english]hunterzombie.pounce.hit" "" "HunterZombie.Death" "[Hunter muerto]" "[english]HunterZombie.Death" "[Hunter Death!]" "hunterzombie.growl" "[Hunter gruñendo]" "[english]hunterzombie.growl" "[Hunter Growls]" "deafeningshriek.use" "[Grito de Hunter]" "[english]deafeningshriek.use" "[Hunter Shriek!]" // PlayerZombie "playerzombie.becomeghost" "" "[english]playerzombie.becomeghost" "" "playerzombie.becomereal" "" "[english]playerzombie.becomereal" "" "playerzombie.rage" "" "[english]playerzombie.rage" "" "playerzombie.breathe" "" "[english]playerzombie.breathe" "" "playerzombie.attack" "" "[english]playerzombie.attack" "" "playerzombie.attackmiss" "" "[english]playerzombie.attackmiss" "" "playerzombie.attackhit" "" "[english]playerzombie.attackhit" "" "playerzombie.die" "" "[english]playerzombie.die" "" "playerzombie.hurt" "" "[english]playerzombie.hurt" "" "playerzombie.taunt" "" "[english]playerzombie.taunt" "" "playerzombie.cullwarn" "" "[english]playerzombie.cullwarn" "" "playerzombie.fall" "" "[english]playerzombie.fall" "" "playerzombie.thud" "" "[english]playerzombie.thud" "" // SFX "ai_basenpc.sentencestop" "" "[english]ai_basenpc.sentencestop" "" "ambient.electrical_random_zap_1" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_random_zap_1" "" "ambient.electrical_random_zap_2" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_random_zap_2" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_1" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_1" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_2" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_2" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_3" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_3" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_4" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_4" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_5" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_5" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_6" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_6" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_7" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_7" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_8" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_8" "" "ambient.electrical_zap_9" "" "[english]ambient.electrical_zap_9" "" "ambient.rock_slide1" "" "[english]ambient.rock_slide1" "" "ambient.rock_slide2" "" "[english]ambient.rock_slide2" "" "ambient.rock_slide3" "" "[english]ambient.rock_slide3" "" "ambient.rock_slide4" "" "[english]ambient.rock_slide4" "" "ambient.rock_slide5" "" "[english]ambient.rock_slide5" "" "ambient.steam01" "" "[english]ambient.steam01" "" "ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming1" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming1" "" "ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming2" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming2" "" "ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming3" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming3" "" "ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming4" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming4" "" "ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming5" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_huge_incoming5" "" "ambient.whoosh_large_incoming1" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_large_incoming1" "" "ambient.whoosh_large_incoming2" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_large_incoming2" "" "ambient.whoosh_large_incoming3" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_large_incoming3" "" "ambient.whoosh_large_incoming4" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_large_incoming4" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming1" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming1" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming2" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming2" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming3" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming3" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming4" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming4" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming5" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming5" "" "ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming6" "" "[english]ambient.whoosh_medium_incoming6" "" "apc_moving_siren1" "[Sirena de blindado]" "[english]apc_moving_siren1" "[APC siren]" "apc_siren1" "[Sirena de blindado]" "[english]apc_siren1" "[APC siren]" "armorflesh.bulletimpact" "" "[english]armorflesh.bulletimpact" "" "autoshotgun.boltback" "" "[english]autoshotgun.boltback" "" "autoshotgun.boltforward" "" "[english]autoshotgun.boltforward" "" "autoshotgun.deploy" "" "[english]autoshotgun.deploy" "" "autoshotgun.fire" "" "[english]autoshotgun.fire" "" "autoshotgun.firesilenced" "" "[english]autoshotgun.firesilenced" "" "autoshotgun.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]autoshotgun.helpinghandextend" "" "autoshotgun.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]autoshotgun.helpinghandretract" "" "autoshotgun.itempickupextend" "" "[english]autoshotgun.itempickupextend" "" "autoshotgun.itempickupretract" "" "[english]autoshotgun.itempickupretract" "" "autoshotgun.loadshell" "" "[english]autoshotgun.loadshell" "" "awardearned.achievement" "" "[english]awardearned.achievement" "" "awardearned.escaped" "" "[english]awardearned.escaped" "" "awardearned.fault" "" "[english]awardearned.fault" "" "awardearned.honor" "" "[english]awardearned.honor" "" "basecombatcharacter.ammopickup" "" "[english]basecombatcharacter.ammopickup" "" "basecombatcharacter.corpsegib" "" "[english]basecombatcharacter.corpsegib" "" "basecombatcharacter.itempickup2" "" "[english]basecombatcharacter.itempickup2" "" "basecombatcharacter.stopweaponsounds" "" "[english]basecombatcharacter.stopweaponsounds" "" "basecombatweapon.weapondrop" "" "[english]basecombatweapon.weapondrop" "" "basecombatweapon.weaponmaterialize" "" "[english]basecombatweapon.weaponmaterialize" "" "baseentity.enterwater" "" "[english]baseentity.enterwater" "" "baseentity.exitwater" "" "[english]baseentity.exitwater" "" "baseexplosioneffect.sound" "" "[english]baseexplosioneffect.sound" "" "basegrenade.explode" "[Explosión]" "[english]basegrenade.explode" "[Explosion!]" "biker.callforrescue" "[Francis pidiendo rescate]" "[english]biker.callforrescue" "[Francis Calling For Rescue!]" "blindingflash" "" "[english]blindingflash" "" "blood.splat" "" "[english]blood.splat" "" "boat.horn" "[Sirena de barco]" "[english]boat.horn" "Boat Horn" "boat.move" "" "[english]boat.move" "" "boat.start" "" "[english]boat.start" "" "boat.stop" "" "[english]boat.stop" "" "body_fall_1" "" "[english]body_fall_1" "" "boomer.cardboard.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.cardboard.runleft" "" "boomer.cardboard.runright" "" "[english]boomer.cardboard.runright" "" "boomer.cardboard.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.cardboard.walkleft" "" "boomer.cardboard.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.cardboard.walkright" "" "boomer.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "boomer.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "[english]boomer.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "boomer.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "boomer.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "boomer.chainlink.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.chainlink.runleft" "" "boomer.chainlink.runright" "" "[english]boomer.chainlink.runright" "" "boomer.chainlink.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.chainlink.walkleft" "" "boomer.chainlink.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.chainlink.walkright" "" "boomer.concrete.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.concrete.runleft" "" "boomer.concrete.runright" "" "[english]boomer.concrete.runright" "" "boomer.concrete.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.concrete.walkleft" "" "boomer.concrete.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.concrete.walkright" "" "boomer.default.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.default.runleft" "" "boomer.default.runright" "" "[english]boomer.default.runright" "" "boomer.default.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.default.walkleft" "" "boomer.default.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.default.walkright" "" "boomer.dirt.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.dirt.runleft" "" "boomer.dirt.runright" "" "[english]boomer.dirt.runright" "" "boomer.dirt.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.dirt.walkleft" "" "boomer.dirt.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.dirt.walkright" "" "boomer.drywall.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.drywall.runleft" "" "boomer.drywall.runright" "" "[english]boomer.drywall.runright" "" "boomer.drywall.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.drywall.walkleft" "" "boomer.drywall.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.drywall.walkright" "" "boomer.flesh.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.flesh.runleft" "" "boomer.flesh.runright" "" "[english]boomer.flesh.runright" "" "boomer.flesh.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.flesh.walkleft" "" "boomer.flesh.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.flesh.walkright" "" "boomer.glass.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.glass.runleft" "" "boomer.glass.runright" "" "[english]boomer.glass.runright" "" "boomer.glass.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.glass.walkleft" "" "boomer.glass.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.glass.walkright" "" "boomer.glassbottle.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.glassbottle.runleft" "" "boomer.glassbottle.runright" "" "[english]boomer.glassbottle.runright" "" "boomer.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "boomer.glassbottle.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.glassbottle.walkright" "" "boomer.grass.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.grass.runleft" "" "boomer.grass.runright" "" "[english]boomer.grass.runright" "" "boomer.grass.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.grass.walkleft" "" "boomer.grass.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.grass.walkright" "" "boomer.gravel.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.gravel.runleft" "" "boomer.gravel.runright" "" "[english]boomer.gravel.runright" "" "boomer.gravel.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.gravel.walkleft" "" "boomer.gravel.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.gravel.walkright" "" "boomer.grenade.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.grenade.runleft" "" "boomer.grenade.runright" "" "[english]boomer.grenade.runright" "" "boomer.grenade.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.grenade.walkleft" "" "boomer.grenade.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.grenade.walkright" "" "boomer.ladder.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.ladder.runleft" "" "boomer.ladder.runright" "" "[english]boomer.ladder.runright" "" "boomer.ladder.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.ladder.walkleft" "" "boomer.ladder.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.ladder.walkright" "" "boomer.metal_box.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.metal_box.runleft" "" "boomer.metal_box.runright" "" "[english]boomer.metal_box.runright" "" "boomer.metal_box.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.metal_box.walkleft" "" "boomer.metal_box.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.metal_box.walkright" "" "boomer.metalgrate.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.metalgrate.runleft" "" "boomer.metalgrate.runright" "" "[english]boomer.metalgrate.runright" "" "boomer.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "boomer.metalgrate.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.metalgrate.walkright" "" "boomer.metalvent.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.metalvent.runleft" "" "boomer.metalvent.runright" "" "[english]boomer.metalvent.runright" "" "boomer.metalvent.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.metalvent.walkleft" "" "boomer.metalvent.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.metalvent.walkright" "" "boomer.mud.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.mud.runleft" "" "boomer.mud.runright" "" "[english]boomer.mud.runright" "" "boomer.mud.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.mud.walkleft" "" "boomer.mud.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.mud.walkright" "" "boomer.plaster.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.plaster.runleft" "" "boomer.plaster.runright" "" "[english]boomer.plaster.runright" "" "boomer.plaster.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.plaster.walkleft" "" "boomer.plaster.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.plaster.walkright" "" "boomer.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "boomer.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "boomer.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "boomer.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "boomer.plastic_box.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_box.runleft" "" "boomer.plastic_box.runright" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_box.runright" "" "boomer.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "boomer.plastic_box.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.plastic_box.walkright" "" "boomer.rubber.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.rubber.runleft" "" "boomer.rubber.runright" "" "[english]boomer.rubber.runright" "" "boomer.rubber.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.rubber.walkleft" "" "boomer.rubber.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.rubber.walkright" "" "boomer.sand.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.sand.runleft" "" "boomer.sand.runright" "" "[english]boomer.sand.runright" "" "boomer.sand.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.sand.walkleft" "" "boomer.sand.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.sand.walkright" "" "boomer.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "boomer.slipperyslime.runright" "" "[english]boomer.slipperyslime.runright" "" "boomer.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "boomer.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "boomer.snow.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.snow.runleft" "" "boomer.snow.runright" "" "[english]boomer.snow.runright" "" "boomer.snow.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.snow.walkleft" "" "boomer.snow.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.snow.walkright" "" "boomer.solidmetal.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.solidmetal.runleft" "" "boomer.solidmetal.runright" "" "[english]boomer.solidmetal.runright" "" "boomer.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "boomer.solidmetal.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.solidmetal.walkright" "" "boomer.tile.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.tile.runleft" "" "boomer.tile.runright" "" "[english]boomer.tile.runright" "" "boomer.tile.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.tile.walkleft" "" "boomer.tile.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.tile.walkright" "" "boomer.wade.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.wade.runleft" "" "boomer.wade.runright" "" "[english]boomer.wade.runright" "" "boomer.wade.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.wade.walkleft" "" "boomer.wade.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.wade.walkright" "" "boomer.water.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.water.runleft" "" "boomer.water.runright" "" "[english]boomer.water.runright" "" "boomer.water.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.water.walkleft" "" "boomer.water.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.water.walkright" "" "boomer.weapon.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.weapon.runleft" "" "boomer.weapon.runright" "" "[english]boomer.weapon.runright" "" "boomer.weapon.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.weapon.walkleft" "" "boomer.weapon.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.weapon.walkright" "" "boomer.wood.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood.runleft" "" "boomer.wood.runright" "" "[english]boomer.wood.runright" "" "boomer.wood.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood.walkleft" "" "boomer.wood.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.wood.walkright" "" "boomer.wood_box.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_box.runleft" "" "boomer.wood_box.runright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_box.runright" "" "boomer.wood_box.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_box.walkleft" "" "boomer.wood_box.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_box.walkright" "" "boomer.wood_crate.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_crate.runleft" "" "boomer.wood_crate.runright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_crate.runright" "" "boomer.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "boomer.wood_crate.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_crate.walkright" "" "boomer.wood_panel.runleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_panel.runleft" "" "boomer.wood_panel.runright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_panel.runright" "" "boomer.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "[english]boomer.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "boomer.wood_panel.walkright" "" "[english]boomer.wood_panel.walkright" "" "boulder.impacthard" "[Impacto con roca]" "[english]boulder.impacthard" "[Boulder impact]" "boulder.impactsoft" "[Impacto con roca]" "[english]boulder.impactsoft" "[Boulder impact]" "boulder.scraperough" "" "[english]boulder.scraperough" "" "boulder.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]boulder.scrapesmooth" "" "bounce.concrete" "" "[english]bounce.concrete" "" "bounce.flesh" "" "[english]bounce.flesh" "" "bounce.glass" "" "[english]bounce.glass" "" "bounce.metal" "" "[english]bounce.metal" "" "bounce.pistolshell" "" "[english]bounce.pistolshell" "" "bounce.rifleshell" "" "[english]bounce.rifleshell" "" "bounce.shell" "" "[english]bounce.shell" "" "bounce.shotgunshell" "" "[english]bounce.shotgunshell" "" "bounce.shrapnel" "" "[english]bounce.shrapnel" "" "bounce.wood" "" "[english]bounce.wood" "" "boxcar_door_move" "" "[english]boxcar_door_move" "" "boxcar_door_stop1" "" "[english]boxcar_door_stop1" "" "boxcar_door_stop2" "" "[english]boxcar_door_stop2" "" "brassbell.c" "[Tañido]" "[english]brassbell.c" "[Bell]" "brassbell.d" "[Tañido]" "[english]brassbell.d" "[Bell]" "brassbell.e" "[Tañido]" "[english]brassbell.e" "[Bell]" "brassbell.f" "[Tañido]" "[english]brassbell.f" "[Bell]" "breakable.ceiling" "" "[english]breakable.ceiling" "" "breakable.computer" "" "[english]breakable.computer" "" "breakable.concrete" "" "[english]breakable.concrete" "" "breakable.crate" "" "[english]breakable.crate" "" "breakable.flesh" "" "[english]breakable.flesh" "" "breakable.glass" "" "[english]breakable.glass" "" "breakable.matconcrete" "" "[english]breakable.matconcrete" "" "breakable.matflesh" "" "[english]breakable.matflesh" "" "breakable.matglass" "" "[english]breakable.matglass" "" "breakable.matmetal" "" "[english]breakable.matmetal" "" "breakable.matwood" "" "[english]breakable.matwood" "" "breakable.metal" "" "[english]breakable.metal" "" "breakable.spark" "" "[english]breakable.spark" "" "bullets.defaultnearmiss" "" "[english]bullets.defaultnearmiss" "" //\"buttons.snd0\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd1\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd10\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd11\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd12\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd13\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd14\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd15\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd16\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd17\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd18\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd19\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd2\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd20\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd21\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd22\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd23\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd24\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd25\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd26\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd27\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd28\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd3\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd31\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd32\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd33\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd34\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd35\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd36\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd37\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd4\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd40\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd41\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd42\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd43\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd44\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd45\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd46\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd47\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd5\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd6\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd7\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd8\" \"[Button sound]\" //\"buttons.snd9\" \"[Button sound]\" "buypreset.alreadybought" "" "[english]buypreset.alreadybought" "" "buypreset.cantbuy" "" "[english]buypreset.cantbuy" "" "buypreset.updated" "" "[english]buypreset.updated" "" "c130.dooropen" "[Puerta de C-130 abriéndose]" "[english]c130.dooropen" "[C-130 door opening]" "c130.flyby" "" "[english]c130.flyby" "" "c130.idle" "" "[english]c130.idle" "" "canister.impacthard" "" "[english]canister.impacthard" "" "canister.impactsoft" "" "[english]canister.impactsoft" "" "canister.roll" "" "[english]canister.roll" "" "canister.scraperough" "" "[english]canister.scraperough" "" "canister.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]canister.scrapesmooth" "" "car.alarm" "[Alarma de coche]" "[english]car.alarm" "[Car alarm]" "car.alarm.chirp1" "[Pitido de alarma de coche]" "[english]car.alarm.chirp1" "[Car alarm chirp]" "car.alarm.chirp2" "[Pitido de alarma de coche]" "[english]car.alarm.chirp2" "[Car alarm chirp]" "cardboard.break" "" "[english]cardboard.break" "" "cardboard.bulletimpact" "" "[english]cardboard.bulletimpact" "" "cardboard.impacthard" "" "[english]cardboard.impacthard" "" "cardboard.impactsoft" "" "[english]cardboard.impactsoft" "" "cardboard.scraperough" "" "[english]cardboard.scraperough" "" "cardboard.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]cardboard.scrapesmooth" "" "cardboard.shake" "" "[english]cardboard.shake" "" "cardboard.strain" "" "[english]cardboard.strain" "" "carpet.bulletimpact" "" "[english]carpet.bulletimpact" "" "carpet.impact" "" "[english]carpet.impact" "" "carpet.scrape" "" "[english]carpet.scrape" "" "catwalkgroan01" "[Crujido de pasarela]" "[english]catwalkgroan01" "[Catwalk groans]" "ceiling_tile.break" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.break" "" "ceiling_tile.bulletimpact" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.bulletimpact" "" "ceiling_tile.impacthard" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.impacthard" "" "ceiling_tile.impactsoft" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.impactsoft" "" "ceiling_tile.scraperough" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.scraperough" "" "ceiling_tile.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]ceiling_tile.scrapesmooth" "" "chain.bulletimpact" "" "[english]chain.bulletimpact" "" "chain.impacthard" "" "[english]chain.impacthard" "" "chain.impactsoft" "" "[english]chain.impactsoft" "" "chain.scraperough" "" "[english]chain.scraperough" "" "chain.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]chain.scrapesmooth" "" "chainlink.bulletimpact" "" "[english]chainlink.bulletimpact" "" "chainlink.climb" "" "[english]chainlink.climb" "" "chainlink.impacthard" "" "[english]chainlink.impacthard" "" "chainlink.impactsoft" "" "[english]chainlink.impactsoft" "" "chainlink.scraperough" "" "[english]chainlink.scraperough" "" "chainlink.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]chainlink.scrapesmooth" "" "checkpointdoor.pound" "[Golpeando una puerta]" "[english]checkpointdoor.pound" "[Pounding on door]" "church_zombie_alert_loop" "" "[english]church_zombie_alert_loop" "" "church_zombie_smash_loop" "" "[english]church_zombie_smash_loop" "" "churchbell.end" "" "[english]churchbell.end" "" "churchbell.startloop" "[Repique de campanas]" "[english]churchbell.startloop" "[Churchbell tolling]" "claw.hit" "" "[english]claw.hit" "" "claw.hitflesh" "" "[english]claw.hitflesh" "" "claw.swing" "" "[english]claw.swing" "" "computer.bulletimpact" "" "[english]computer.bulletimpact" "" "computer.impacthard" "" "[english]computer.impacthard" "" "computer.impactsoft" "" "[english]computer.impactsoft" "" "concrete.bulletimpact" "" "[english]concrete.bulletimpact" "" "concrete.impacthard" "" "[english]concrete.impacthard" "" "concrete.impactsoft" "" "[english]concrete.impactsoft" "" "concrete.scraperough" "" "[english]concrete.scraperough" "" "concrete.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]concrete.scrapesmooth" "" "concrete_block.impacthard" "" "[english]concrete_block.impacthard" "" "container_sparks" "" "[english]container_sparks" "" "dam_water" "" "[english]dam_water" "" "default.bass" "" "[english]default.bass" "" "default.bulletimpact" "" "[english]default.bulletimpact" "" "default.center" "" "[english]default.center" "" "default.clipempty_pistol" "" "[english]default.clipempty_pistol" "" "default.clipempty_rifle" "" "[english]default.clipempty_rifle" "" "default.frontleft" "" "[english]default.frontleft" "" "default.frontright" "" "[english]default.frontright" "" "default.impacthard" "" "[english]default.impacthard" "" "default.impactsoft" "" "[english]default.impactsoft" "" "default.left" "" "[english]default.left" "" "default.pullpin_grenade" "" "[english]default.pullpin_grenade" "" "default.rearleft" "" "[english]default.rearleft" "" "default.rearright" "" "[english]default.rearright" "" "default.reload" "" "[english]default.reload" "" "default.right" "" "[english]default.right" "" "default.scraperough" "" "[english]default.scraperough" "" "default.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]default.scrapesmooth" "" "default.zoom" "" "[english]default.zoom" "" "diesel_generator" "" "[english]diesel_generator" "" "dirt.bulletimpact" "" "[english]dirt.bulletimpact" "" "dirt.impact" "" "[english]dirt.impact" "" "dirt.scrape" "" "[english]dirt.scrape" "" "door.gateinferno" "" "[english]door.gateinferno" "" "door.locked1" "" "[english]door.locked1" "" "door.locked2" "" "[english]door.locked2" "" //\"doorhandles.locked1\" \"[Door locked]\" //\"doorhandles.locked2\" \"[Door locked]\" //\"doorhandles.locked3\" \"[Door locked]\" //\"doorhandles.locked4\" \"[Door locked]\" //\"doorhandles.unlocked1\" \"[Door unlocked]\" //\"doorhandles.unlocked2\" \"[Door unlocked]\" //\"doorhandles.unlocked3\" \"[Door unlocked]\" //\"doorhandles.unlocked4\" \"[Door unlocked]\" "doors.checkpoint.close1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.close1" "" "doors.checkpoint.fullclose1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.fullclose1" "" "doors.checkpoint.fullopen1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.fullopen1" "" "doors.checkpoint.move1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.move1" "" "doors.checkpoint.open1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.open1" "" "doors.checkpoint.pound1" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.pound1" "" "doors.checkpoint.unlock" "" "[english]doors.checkpoint.unlock" "" "doors.combinegate_citizen_move1" "" "[english]doors.combinegate_citizen_move1" "" "doors.combinegate_citizen_stop1" "" "[english]doors.combinegate_citizen_stop1" "" "doors.combinegate_citizen_stop2" "" "[english]doors.combinegate_citizen_stop2" "" "doors.combinegate_citizen_unlock1" "" "[english]doors.combinegate_citizen_unlock1" "" "doors.elevator.close" "" "[english]doors.elevator.close" "" "doors.elevator.open" "" "[english]doors.elevator.open" "" //\"doors.fullclose1\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose10\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose11\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose12\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose13\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose14\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose15\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose16\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose17\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose18\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose2\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose3\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose4\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose5\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose6\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose7\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose8\" \"[Door shut]\" //\"doors.fullclose9\" \"[Door shut]\" "doors.fullopen1" "" "[english]doors.fullopen1" "" "doors.fullopen10" "" "[english]doors.fullopen10" "" "doors.fullopen11" "" "[english]doors.fullopen11" "" "doors.fullopen12" "" "[english]doors.fullopen12" "" "doors.fullopen13" "" "[english]doors.fullopen13" "" "doors.fullopen14" "" "[english]doors.fullopen14" "" "doors.fullopen15" "" "[english]doors.fullopen15" "" "doors.fullopen16" "" "[english]doors.fullopen16" "" "doors.fullopen17" "" "[english]doors.fullopen17" "" "doors.fullopen18" "" "[english]doors.fullopen18" "" "doors.fullopen2" "" "[english]doors.fullopen2" "" "doors.fullopen3" "" "[english]doors.fullopen3" "" "doors.fullopen4" "" "[english]doors.fullopen4" "" "doors.fullopen5" "" "[english]doors.fullopen5" "" "doors.fullopen6" "" "[english]doors.fullopen6" "" "doors.fullopen7" "" "[english]doors.fullopen7" "" "doors.fullopen8" "" "[english]doors.fullopen8" "" "doors.fullopen9" "" "[english]doors.fullopen9" "" //\"doors.glass.fullclose1\" \"[Door shut]\" "doors.glass.fullopen1" "" "[english]doors.glass.fullopen1" "" "doors.glass.move1" "" "[english]doors.glass.move1" "" "doors.glass.pound1" "" "[english]doors.glass.pound1" "" "doors.grate.close" "[Rejilla cerrándose]" "[english]doors.grate.close" "[Grate shut]" "doors.grate.open" "" "[english]doors.grate.open" "" "doors.locker_shut" "[Armario cerrándose]" "[english]doors.locker_shut" "[Locker shut]" "doors.manhole.move" "[Retirando cierre de la salida]" "[english]doors.manhole.move" "[Manhole cover moving]" "doors.manhole.open" "[Abriendo cierre de la salida]" "[english]doors.manhole.open" "[Manhole cover open]" "doors.medkit_cabinet" "" "[english]doors.medkit_cabinet" "" //\"doors.metal.fullclose1\" \"[Door shut]\" "doors.metal.fullopen1" "" "[english]doors.metal.fullopen1" "" "doors.metal.move1" "" "[english]doors.metal.move1" "" "doors.metal.pound1" "" "[english]doors.metal.pound1" "" "doors.move1" "" "[english]doors.move1" "" "doors.move10" "" "[english]doors.move10" "" "doors.move11" "" "[english]doors.move11" "" "doors.move12" "" "[english]doors.move12" "" "doors.move13" "" "[english]doors.move13" "" "doors.move14" "" "[english]doors.move14" "" "doors.move15" "" "[english]doors.move15" "" "doors.move16" "" "[english]doors.move16" "" "doors.move17" "" "[english]doors.move17" "" "doors.move18" "" "[english]doors.move18" "" "doors.move2" "" "[english]doors.move2" "" "doors.move3" "" "[english]doors.move3" "" "doors.move4" "" "[english]doors.move4" "" "doors.move5" "" "[english]doors.move5" "" "doors.move6" "" "[english]doors.move6" "" "doors.move7" "" "[english]doors.move7" "" "doors.move8" "" "[english]doors.move8" "" "doors.move9" "" "[english]doors.move9" "" //\"doors.wood.fullclose1\" \"[Door shut]\" "doors.wood.fullopen1" "" "[english]doors.wood.fullopen1" "" "doors.wood.move1" "" "[english]doors.wood.move1" "" "doors.wood.pound1" "[Golpeando una puerta]" "[english]doors.wood.pound1" "[Pounding on door]" "doorsound.defaultarrive" "" "[english]doorsound.defaultarrive" "" "doorsound.defaultlocked" "" "[english]doorsound.defaultlocked" "" "doorsound.defaultmove" "" "[english]doorsound.defaultmove" "" "doorsound.null" "" "[english]doorsound.null" "" "dospark" "" "[english]dospark" "" "drywall.impacthard" "" "[english]drywall.impacthard" "" "drywall.impactsoft" "" "[english]drywall.impactsoft" "" "dualpistol.clipin" "" "[english]dualpistol.clipin" "" "dualpistol.cliplocked" "" "[english]dualpistol.cliplocked" "" "dualpistol.clipout" "" "[english]dualpistol.clipout" "" "dualpistol.deploy" "" "[english]dualpistol.deploy" "" "dualpistol.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]dualpistol.helpinghandextend" "" "dualpistol.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]dualpistol.helpinghandretract" "" "dualpistol.itempickupextend" "" "[english]dualpistol.itempickupextend" "" "dualpistol.itempickupretract" "" "[english]dualpistol.itempickupretract" "" "dualpistol.ready" "" "[english]dualpistol.ready" "" "dualpistol.slideback" "" "[english]dualpistol.slideback" "" "dualpistol.slideforward" "" "[english]dualpistol.slideforward" "" "elevator.squeak_loud" "" "[english]elevator.squeak_loud" "" "elevator.squeek" "" "[english]elevator.squeek" "" "elevator.stop" "" "[english]elevator.stop" "" "elevator.stuck" "" "[english]elevator.stuck" "" "explode_1" "" "[english]explode_1" "" "explode_2" "" "[english]explode_2" "" "explode_3" "" "[english]explode_3" "" "explode_4" "" "[english]explode_4" "" "explode_5" "" "[english]explode_5" "" "explode_6" "" "[english]explode_6" "" "explode_7" "" "[english]explode_7" "" "explode_8" "" "[english]explode_8" "" "explode_9" "" "[english]explode_9" "" "extinguisherjet.turnoff" "" "[english]extinguisherjet.turnoff" "" "extinguisherjet.turnon" "" "[english]extinguisherjet.turnon" "" "fire.plasma" "" "[english]fire.plasma" "" "fire_large" "" "[english]fire_large" "" "fire_medium" "" "[english]fire_medium" "" "flesh.break" "" "[english]flesh.break" "" "flesh.bulletimpact" "" "[english]flesh.bulletimpact" "" "flesh.impacthard" "" "[english]flesh.impacthard" "" "flesh.impactsoft" "" "[english]flesh.impactsoft" "" "flesh.scraperough" "" "[english]flesh.scraperough" "" "flesh.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]flesh.scrapesmooth" "" "flesh.strain" "" "[english]flesh.strain" "" "flesh_bloody.impacthard" "" "[english]flesh_bloody.impacthard" "" "floodgate_alarmbell_loop" "[Señal de alarma]" "[english]floodgate_alarmbell_loop" "[Alarm bell]" "floodgate_klaxon" "[Sirena de esclusa]" "[english]floodgate_klaxon" "[Floodgate klaxon]" "floodgate_move_long" "" "[english]floodgate_move_long" "" "floodgate_move_short" "" "[english]floodgate_move_short" "" "floodgate_stop" "[Esclusa deteniéndose]" "[english]floodgate_stop" "[Floodgate stops]" "forklift.move" "" "[english]forklift.move" "" "fueltruck.engage" "" "[english]fueltruck.engage" "" "functrackchange.blocking" "" "[english]functrackchange.blocking" "" "fx_ricochetsound.ricochet" "" "[english]fx_ricochetsound.ricochet" "" "general.burningflesh" "" "[english]general.burningflesh" "" "general.burningobject" "" "[english]general.burningobject" "" "general.stopburning" "" "[english]general.stopburning" "" "glass.break" "" "[english]glass.break" "" "glass.bulletimpact" "" "[english]glass.bulletimpact" "" "glass.impacthard" "" "[english]glass.impacthard" "" "glass.impactsoft" "" "[english]glass.impactsoft" "" "glass.scraperough" "" "[english]glass.scraperough" "" "glass.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]glass.scrapesmooth" "" "glass.strain" "" "[english]glass.strain" "" "glassbottle.break" "" "[english]glassbottle.break" "" "glassbottle.bulletimpact" "" "[english]glassbottle.bulletimpact" "" "glassbottle.impacthard" "" "[english]glassbottle.impacthard" "" "glassbottle.impactsoft" "" "[english]glassbottle.impactsoft" "" "glassbottle.scraperough" "" "[english]glassbottle.scraperough" "" "glassbottle.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]glassbottle.scrapesmooth" "" "glassbottle.stepleft" "" "[english]glassbottle.stepleft" "" "glassbottle.stepright" "" "[english]glassbottle.stepright" "" "grenade.impacthard" "" "[english]grenade.impacthard" "" "grenade.impactsoft" "" "[english]grenade.impactsoft" "" "grenade.roll" "" "[english]grenade.roll" "" "grenade.scraperough" "" "[english]grenade.scraperough" "" "grenade.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]grenade.scrapesmooth" "" "grenade.stepleft" "" "[english]grenade.stepleft" "" "grenade.stepright" "" "[english]grenade.stepright" "" "hegrenade.bounce" "" "[english]hegrenade.bounce" "" "heli_pass" "" "[english]heli_pass" "" "hint.critical" "" "[english]hint.critical" "" "hint.helpful" "" "[english]hint.helpful" "" "hoist" "" "[english]hoist" "" "hospital.helicopterloop" "[Sonidos de helicóptero]" "[english]hospital.helicopterloop" "[Helicopter sounds]" "hospital.helicopterpilotcongratulations" "" "[english]hospital.helicopterpilotcongratulations" "" "hospital.helicopterwindloop" "" "[english]hospital.helicopterwindloop" "" "hudchat.message" "" "[english]hudchat.message" "" "humvee.horn" "[Bocina de vehículo militar]" "[english]humvee.horn" "[Humvee horn]" "huntingrifle.boltback" "" "[english]huntingrifle.boltback" "" "huntingrifle.boltforward" "" "[english]huntingrifle.boltforward" "" "huntingrifle.clipin" "" "[english]huntingrifle.clipin" "" "huntingrifle.cliplocked" "" "[english]huntingrifle.cliplocked" "" "huntingrifle.clipout" "" "[english]huntingrifle.clipout" "" "huntingrifle.deploy" "" "[english]huntingrifle.deploy" "" "huntingrifle.fire" "" "[english]huntingrifle.fire" "" "huntingrifle.firesilenced" "" "[english]huntingrifle.firesilenced" "" "huntingrifle.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]huntingrifle.helpinghandextend" "" "huntingrifle.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]huntingrifle.helpinghandretract" "" "huntingrifle.itempickupextend" "" "[english]huntingrifle.itempickupextend" "" "huntingrifle.itempickupretract" "" "[english]huntingrifle.itempickupretract" "" "huntingrifle.pushbutton" "" "[english]huntingrifle.pushbutton" "" "huntingrifle.zoom" "" "[english]huntingrifle.zoom" "" "infected.cardboard.runleft" "" "[english]infected.cardboard.runleft" "" "infected.cardboard.runright" "" "[english]infected.cardboard.runright" "" "infected.cardboard.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.cardboard.walkleft" "" "infected.cardboard.walkright" "" "[english]infected.cardboard.walkright" "" "infected.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "[english]infected.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "infected.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "[english]infected.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "infected.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "infected.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "[english]infected.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "infected.chainlink.runleft" "" "[english]infected.chainlink.runleft" "" "infected.chainlink.runright" "" "[english]infected.chainlink.runright" "" "infected.chainlink.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.chainlink.walkleft" "" "infected.chainlink.walkright" "" "[english]infected.chainlink.walkright" "" "infected.concrete.runleft" "" "[english]infected.concrete.runleft" "" "infected.concrete.runright" "" "[english]infected.concrete.runright" "" "infected.concrete.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.concrete.walkleft" "" "infected.concrete.walkright" "" "[english]infected.concrete.walkright" "" "infected.default.runleft" "" "[english]infected.default.runleft" "" "infected.default.runright" "" "[english]infected.default.runright" "" "infected.default.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.default.walkleft" "" "infected.default.walkright" "" "[english]infected.default.walkright" "" "infected.dirt.runleft" "" "[english]infected.dirt.runleft" "" "infected.dirt.runright" "" "[english]infected.dirt.runright" "" "infected.dirt.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.dirt.walkleft" "" "infected.dirt.walkright" "" "[english]infected.dirt.walkright" "" "infected.drywall.runleft" "" "[english]infected.drywall.runleft" "" "infected.drywall.runright" "" "[english]infected.drywall.runright" "" "infected.drywall.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.drywall.walkleft" "" "infected.drywall.walkright" "" "[english]infected.drywall.walkright" "" "infected.flesh.runleft" "" "[english]infected.flesh.runleft" "" "infected.flesh.runright" "" "[english]infected.flesh.runright" "" "infected.flesh.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.flesh.walkleft" "" "infected.flesh.walkright" "" "[english]infected.flesh.walkright" "" "infected.glass.runleft" "" "[english]infected.glass.runleft" "" "infected.glass.runright" "" "[english]infected.glass.runright" "" "infected.glass.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.glass.walkleft" "" "infected.glass.walkright" "" "[english]infected.glass.walkright" "" "infected.glassbottle.runleft" "" "[english]infected.glassbottle.runleft" "" "infected.glassbottle.runright" "" "[english]infected.glassbottle.runright" "" "infected.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "infected.glassbottle.walkright" "" "[english]infected.glassbottle.walkright" "" "infected.grass.runleft" "" "[english]infected.grass.runleft" "" "infected.grass.runright" "" "[english]infected.grass.runright" "" "infected.grass.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.grass.walkleft" "" "infected.grass.walkright" "" "[english]infected.grass.walkright" "" "infected.gravel.runleft" "" "[english]infected.gravel.runleft" "" "infected.gravel.runright" "" "[english]infected.gravel.runright" "" "infected.gravel.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.gravel.walkleft" "" "infected.gravel.walkright" "" "[english]infected.gravel.walkright" "" "infected.grenade.runleft" "" "[english]infected.grenade.runleft" "" "infected.grenade.runright" "" "[english]infected.grenade.runright" "" "infected.grenade.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.grenade.walkleft" "" "infected.grenade.walkright" "" "[english]infected.grenade.walkright" "" "infected.ladder.runleft" "" "[english]infected.ladder.runleft" "" "infected.ladder.runright" "" "[english]infected.ladder.runright" "" "infected.ladder.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.ladder.walkleft" "" "infected.ladder.walkright" "" "[english]infected.ladder.walkright" "" "infected.metal_box.runleft" "" "[english]infected.metal_box.runleft" "" "infected.metal_box.runright" "" "[english]infected.metal_box.runright" "" "infected.metal_box.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.metal_box.walkleft" "" "infected.metal_box.walkright" "" "[english]infected.metal_box.walkright" "" "infected.metalgrate.runleft" "" "[english]infected.metalgrate.runleft" "" "infected.metalgrate.runright" "" "[english]infected.metalgrate.runright" "" "infected.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "infected.metalgrate.walkright" "" "[english]infected.metalgrate.walkright" "" "infected.metalvent.runleft" "" "[english]infected.metalvent.runleft" "" "infected.metalvent.runright" "" "[english]infected.metalvent.runright" "" "infected.metalvent.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.metalvent.walkleft" "" "infected.metalvent.walkright" "" "[english]infected.metalvent.walkright" "" "infected.mud.runleft" "" "[english]infected.mud.runleft" "" "infected.mud.runright" "" "[english]infected.mud.runright" "" "infected.mud.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.mud.walkleft" "" "infected.mud.walkright" "" "[english]infected.mud.walkright" "" "infected.plaster.runleft" "" "[english]infected.plaster.runleft" "" "infected.plaster.runright" "" "[english]infected.plaster.runright" "" "infected.plaster.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.plaster.walkleft" "" "infected.plaster.walkright" "" "[english]infected.plaster.walkright" "" "infected.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "[english]infected.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "infected.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "[english]infected.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "infected.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "infected.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "[english]infected.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "infected.plastic_box.runleft" "" "[english]infected.plastic_box.runleft" "" "infected.plastic_box.runright" "" "[english]infected.plastic_box.runright" "" "infected.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "infected.plastic_box.walkright" "" "[english]infected.plastic_box.walkright" "" "infected.rubber.runleft" "" "[english]infected.rubber.runleft" "" "infected.rubber.runright" "" "[english]infected.rubber.runright" "" "infected.rubber.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.rubber.walkleft" "" "infected.rubber.walkright" "" "[english]infected.rubber.walkright" "" "infected.sand.runleft" "" "[english]infected.sand.runleft" "" "infected.sand.runright" "" "[english]infected.sand.runright" "" "infected.sand.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.sand.walkleft" "" "infected.sand.walkright" "" "[english]infected.sand.walkright" "" "infected.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "[english]infected.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "infected.slipperyslime.runright" "" "[english]infected.slipperyslime.runright" "" "infected.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "infected.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "[english]infected.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "infected.snow.runleft" "" "[english]infected.snow.runleft" "" "infected.snow.runright" "" "[english]infected.snow.runright" "" "infected.snow.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.snow.walkleft" "" "infected.snow.walkright" "" "[english]infected.snow.walkright" "" "infected.solidmetal.runleft" "" "[english]infected.solidmetal.runleft" "" "infected.solidmetal.runright" "" "[english]infected.solidmetal.runright" "" "infected.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "infected.solidmetal.walkright" "" "[english]infected.solidmetal.walkright" "" "infected.tile.runleft" "" "[english]infected.tile.runleft" "" "infected.tile.runright" "" "[english]infected.tile.runright" "" "infected.tile.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.tile.walkleft" "" "infected.tile.walkright" "" "[english]infected.tile.walkright" "" "infected.wade.runleft" "" "[english]infected.wade.runleft" "" "infected.wade.runright" "" "[english]infected.wade.runright" "" "infected.wade.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.wade.walkleft" "" "infected.wade.walkright" "" "[english]infected.wade.walkright" "" "infected.water.runleft" "" "[english]infected.water.runleft" "" "infected.water.runright" "" "[english]infected.water.runright" "" "infected.water.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.water.walkleft" "" "infected.water.walkright" "" "[english]infected.water.walkright" "" "infected.weapon.runleft" "" "[english]infected.weapon.runleft" "" "infected.weapon.runright" "" "[english]infected.weapon.runright" "" "infected.weapon.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.weapon.walkleft" "" "infected.weapon.walkright" "" "[english]infected.weapon.walkright" "" "infected.wood.runleft" "" "[english]infected.wood.runleft" "" "infected.wood.runright" "" "[english]infected.wood.runright" "" "infected.wood.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.wood.walkleft" "" "infected.wood.walkright" "" "[english]infected.wood.walkright" "" "infected.wood_box.runleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_box.runleft" "" "infected.wood_box.runright" "" "[english]infected.wood_box.runright" "" "infected.wood_box.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_box.walkleft" "" "infected.wood_box.walkright" "" "[english]infected.wood_box.walkright" "" "infected.wood_crate.runleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_crate.runleft" "" "infected.wood_crate.runright" "" "[english]infected.wood_crate.runright" "" "infected.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "infected.wood_crate.walkright" "" "[english]infected.wood_crate.walkright" "" "infected.wood_panel.runleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_panel.runleft" "" "infected.wood_panel.runright" "" "[english]infected.wood_panel.runright" "" "infected.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "[english]infected.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "infected.wood_panel.walkright" "" "[english]infected.wood_panel.walkright" "" "inferno.fire.ignite" "[Se desata un infierno]" "[english]inferno.fire.ignite" "[Inferno ignited]" "inferno.loop" "" "[english]inferno.loop" "" "inferno.start" "" "[english]inferno.start" "" "instructor.importantlessonstart" "" "[english]instructor.importantlessonstart" "" "instructor.lessonstart" "" "[english]instructor.lessonstart" "" "itemsoda.bounce" "" "[english]itemsoda.bounce" "" "knife.breaktongue" "" "[english]knife.breaktongue" "" "knife.stabhunter" "" "[english]knife.stabhunter" "" "lawrocket.explode" "[Explosión de cohete de arma ligera]" "[english]lawrocket.explode" "[LAW rocket explosion]" "lawrocket.launch" "[Lanzamiento de cohete de arma ligera]" "[english]lawrocket.launch" "[LAW rocket launch]" "lawrocket.loop" "" "[english]lawrocket.loop" "" "lawrocketlauncher.deploy" "[Despliegue de cohete de arma ligera]" "[english]lawrocketlauncher.deploy" "[LAW rocket deployed]" "loudspark" "" "[english]loudspark" "" "manager.callforrescue" "[Louis pidiendo rescate]" "[english]manager.callforrescue" "[Louis Calling For Rescue!]" "megamobincoming" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]megamobincoming" "[Incoming attack!]" "menu.cancel" "" "[english]menu.cancel" "" "menu.popupscroll" "" "[english]menu.popupscroll" "" "menu.scroll" "" "[english]menu.scroll" "" "menu.select" "" "[english]menu.select" "" "menu.sidescroll" "" "[english]menu.sidescroll" "" "menu.startgame" "" "[english]menu.startgame" "" "menu.timer" "" "[english]menu.timer" "" "metal.sawbladestick" "" "[english]metal.sawbladestick" "" "metal_barrel.bulletimpact" "" "[english]metal_barrel.bulletimpact" "" "metal_barrel.impacthard" "" "[english]metal_barrel.impacthard" "" "metal_barrel.impactsoft" "" "[english]metal_barrel.impactsoft" "" "metal_barrel.roll" "" "[english]metal_barrel.roll" "" "metal_box.break" "" "[english]metal_box.break" "" "metal_box.bulletimpact" "" "[english]metal_box.bulletimpact" "" "metal_box.impacthard" "" "[english]metal_box.impacthard" "" "metal_box.impactsoft" "" "[english]metal_box.impactsoft" "" "metal_box.scraperough" "" "[english]metal_box.scraperough" "" "metal_box.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]metal_box.scrapesmooth" "" "metal_box.stepleft" "" "[english]metal_box.stepleft" "" "metal_box.stepright" "" "[english]metal_box.stepright" "" "metal_box.strain" "" "[english]metal_box.strain" "" "metal_seafloorcar.bulletimpact" "" "[english]metal_seafloorcar.bulletimpact" "" "metalgrate.bulletimpact" "" "[english]metalgrate.bulletimpact" "" "metalgrate.impacthard" "" "[english]metalgrate.impacthard" "" "metalgrate.impactsoft" "" "[english]metalgrate.impactsoft" "" "metalgrate.scraperough" "" "[english]metalgrate.scraperough" "" "metalgrate.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]metalgrate.scrapesmooth" "" "metalvent.impacthard" "" "[english]metalvent.impacthard" "" "minigun.fire" "[Disparos de ametralladora]" "[english]minigun.fire" "[Minigun firing]" "minigun.spindown" "[Ametralladora girando]" "[english]minigun.spindown" "[Minigun spin-down]" "minigun.spinup" "[Ametralladora girando]" "[english]minigun.spinup" "[Minigun spin-up]" "molotov.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]molotov.helpinghandextend" "" "molotov.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]molotov.helpinghandretract" "" "molotov.idleloop" "" "[english]molotov.idleloop" "" "molotov.itempickupextend" "" "[english]molotov.itempickupextend" "" "molotov.itempickupretract" "" "[english]molotov.itempickupretract" "" "molotov.loop" "" "[english]molotov.loop" "" "molotov.throw" "" "[english]molotov.throw" "" "mousemenu.abort" "" "[english]mousemenu.abort" "" "mousemenu.rollover" "" "[english]mousemenu.rollover" "" "namvet.callforrescue" "[Bill pidiendo rescate]" "[english]namvet.callforrescue" "[Bill Calling For Rescue!]" "objects.alarmclock_blink" "" "[english]objects.alarmclock_blink" "" "objects.emergency_alarm_loop" "" "[english]objects.emergency_alarm_loop" "" "objects.fridge_loop" "" "[english]objects.fridge_loop" "" "objects.gas_station_explosion" "[Surtidores de gasolina explotando]" "[english]objects.gas_station_explosion" "[Gas pumps explode!]" "objects.generator_loop" "" "[english]objects.generator_loop" "" "objects.generator_start" "" "[english]objects.generator_start" "" "objects.tarp_blow_away" "" "[english]objects.tarp_blow_away" "" "objects.tv_static" "[Electricidad estática de TV]" "[english]objects.tv_static" "[TV static]" "oxygentank.whine" "" "[english]oxygentank.whine" "" "painpills.deploy" "" "[english]painpills.deploy" "" "painpills.use" "" "[english]painpills.use" "" "paintcan.impacthard" "" "[english]paintcan.impacthard" "" "paintcan.impactsoft" "" "[english]paintcan.impactsoft" "" "paintcan.roll" "" "[english]paintcan.roll" "" "papercup.impact" "" "[english]papercup.impact" "" "papercup.scrape" "" "[english]papercup.scrape" "" "physics.watersplash" "" "[english]physics.watersplash" "" "physicscannister.thrusterloop" "" "[english]physicscannister.thrusterloop" "" "piano.twanghit0" "" "[english]piano.twanghit0" "" "piano.twanghit1" "" "[english]piano.twanghit1" "" "piano.twanghit2" "" "[english]piano.twanghit2" "" "piano.twanghit3" "" "[english]piano.twanghit3" "" "pipe_water_drip" "" "[english]pipe_water_drip" "" "pipebomb.bounce" "[Bomba casera rebotando]" "[english]pipebomb.bounce" "[Pipebomb bounces]" "pipebomb.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]pipebomb.helpinghandextend" "" "pipebomb.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]pipebomb.helpinghandretract" "" "pipebomb.itempickupextend" "" "[english]pipebomb.itempickupextend" "" "pipebomb.itempickupretract" "" "[english]pipebomb.itempickupretract" "" "pipebomb.timerbeep" "[Tictac de bomba casera]" "[english]pipebomb.timerbeep" "[Pipebomb ticking]" "pistol.clipin" "" "[english]pistol.clipin" "" "pistol.cliplocked" "" "[english]pistol.cliplocked" "" "pistol.clipout" "" "[english]pistol.clipout" "" "pistol.deploy" "" "[english]pistol.deploy" "" "pistol.fire" "" "[english]pistol.fire" "" "pistol.firesilenced" "" "[english]pistol.firesilenced" "" "pistol.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]pistol.helpinghandextend" "" "pistol.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]pistol.helpinghandretract" "" "pistol.itempickupextend" "" "[english]pistol.itempickupextend" "" "pistol.itempickupretract" "" "[english]pistol.itempickupretract" "" "pistol.slideback" "" "[english]pistol.slideback" "" "pistol.slideforward" "" "[english]pistol.slideforward" "" "plastic_barrel.break" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.break" "" "plastic_barrel.bulletimpact" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.bulletimpact" "" "plastic_barrel.impacthard" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.impacthard" "" "plastic_barrel.impactsoft" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.impactsoft" "" "plastic_barrel.roll" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.roll" "" "plastic_barrel.scraperough" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.scraperough" "" "plastic_barrel.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.scrapesmooth" "" "plastic_barrel.stepleft" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.stepleft" "" "plastic_barrel.stepright" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.stepright" "" "plastic_barrel.strain" "" "[english]plastic_barrel.strain" "" "plastic_box.break" "" "[english]plastic_box.break" "" "plastic_box.bulletimpact" "" "[english]plastic_box.bulletimpact" "" "plastic_box.impacthard" "" "[english]plastic_box.impacthard" "" "plastic_box.impactsoft" "" "[english]plastic_box.impactsoft" "" "plastic_box.scraperough" "" "[english]plastic_box.scraperough" "" "plastic_box.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]plastic_box.scrapesmooth" "" "plastic_box.stepleft" "" "[english]plastic_box.stepleft" "" "plastic_box.stepright" "" "[english]plastic_box.stepright" "" "plastic_box.strain" "" "[english]plastic_box.strain" "" "player.ambientunderwater" "" "[english]player.ambientunderwater" "" "player.ammolow" "" "[english]player.ammolow" "" "player.awardupgrade" "" "[english]player.awardupgrade" "" "player.bandagingwounds" "" "[english]player.bandagingwounds" "" "player.breathing_hard01" "" "[english]player.breathing_hard01" "" "player.breathing_hard02" "" "[english]player.breathing_hard02" "" "player.breathing_medium01" "" "[english]player.breathing_medium01" "" "player.breathing_medium02" "" "[english]player.breathing_medium02" "" "player.breathing_scared01" "" "[english]player.breathing_scared01" "" "player.breathing_scared02" "" "[english]player.breathing_scared02" "" "player.breathing_scared03" "" "[english]player.breathing_scared03" "" "player.choke" "" "[english]player.choke" "" "player.closethedoor" "" "[english]player.closethedoor" "" "player.coughing_gag01" "[Tos]" "[english]player.coughing_gag01" "[Cough!]" //\"player.coughing_gag02\" \"[Cough!]\" "player.coughing01" "[Tos]" "[english]player.coughing01" "[Cough!]" //\"player.coughing02\" \"[Cough!]\" //\"player.coughing03\" \"[Cough!]\" //\"player.coughing04\" \"[Cough!]\" //\"player.coughing05\" \"[Cough!]\" //\"player.coughing06\" \"[Cough!]\" "player.damageheadshot" "" "[english]player.damageheadshot" "" "player.damagehelmet" "" "[english]player.damagehelmet" "" "player.damagekevlar" "" "[english]player.damagekevlar" "" "player.death" "" "[english]player.death" "" "player.deathheadshot" "" "[english]player.deathheadshot" "" "player.denyweaponselection" "" "[english]player.denyweaponselection" "" "player.drowncontinue" "" "[english]player.drowncontinue" "" "player.drownstart" "" "[english]player.drownstart" "" "player.emphaticno" "" "[english]player.emphaticno" "" "player.emphaticrun" "" "[english]player.emphaticrun" "" "player.endheal" "" "[english]player.endheal" "" "player.fall" "" "[english]player.fall" "" "player.falldamage" "" "[english]player.falldamage" "" "player.fallgib" "" "[english]player.fallgib" "" "player.flashlightoff" "" "[english]player.flashlightoff" "" "player.flashlighton" "" "[english]player.flashlighton" "" "player.grenade" "" "[english]player.grenade" "" "player.heartbeat" "" "[english]player.heartbeat" "" "player.heartbeatloop" "" "[english]player.heartbeatloop" "" "player.hitinternal" "" "[english]player.hitinternal" "" "player.hospitalintro" "" "[english]player.hospitalintro" "" "player.incapacitated" "" "[english]player.incapacitated" "" "player.incapacitatedinjury" "" "[english]player.incapacitatedinjury" "" "player.jumpland" "" "[english]player.jumpland" "" "player.necksnap" "" "[english]player.necksnap" "" "player.nightvisionequip" "" "[english]player.nightvisionequip" "" "player.nightvisionoff" "" "[english]player.nightvisionoff" "" "player.nightvisionon" "" "[english]player.nightvisionon" "" "player.orch_hit_csharp_short" "" "[english]player.orch_hit_csharp_short" "" "player.pain_body01" "" "[english]player.pain_body01" "" "player.pain_body02" "" "[english]player.pain_body02" "" "player.pain_body03" "" "[english]player.pain_body03" "" "player.pain_body04" "" "[english]player.pain_body04" "" "player.pain_critical01" "" "[english]player.pain_critical01" "" "player.pain_critical02" "" "[english]player.pain_critical02" "" "player.pain_critical03" "" "[english]player.pain_critical03" "" "player.pain_death_fall01" "" "[english]player.pain_death_fall01" "" "player.pain_death_fall02" "" "[english]player.pain_death_fall02" "" "player.pain_death_fall03" "" "[english]player.pain_death_fall03" "" "player.pain_death_scream01" "" "[english]player.pain_death_scream01" "" "player.pain_death_scream02" "" "[english]player.pain_death_scream02" "" "player.pain_death_scream03" "" "[english]player.pain_death_scream03" "" "player.pain_face01" "" "[english]player.pain_face01" "" "player.pain_face02" "" "[english]player.pain_face02" "" "player.pain_face03" "" "[english]player.pain_face03" "" "player.pain_face04" "" "[english]player.pain_face04" "" "player.pain_major01" "" "[english]player.pain_major01" "" "player.pain_major02" "" "[english]player.pain_major02" "" "player.pain_major03" "" "[english]player.pain_major03" "" "player.pain_major04" "" "[english]player.pain_major04" "" "player.pain_minor01" "" "[english]player.pain_minor01" "" "player.pain_minor02" "" "[english]player.pain_minor02" "" "player.pain_minor03" "" "[english]player.pain_minor03" "" "player.pain_minor04" "" "[english]player.pain_minor04" "" "player.pain_minor05" "" "[english]player.pain_minor05" "" "player.pain_minor06" "" "[english]player.pain_minor06" "" "player.panic" "" "[english]player.panic" "" "player.pickupweapon" "" "[english]player.pickupweapon" "" "player.plasmadamage" "" "[english]player.plasmadamage" "" "player.relaxedsigh" "" "[english]player.relaxedsigh" "" "player.reloading_loud01" "" "[english]player.reloading_loud01" "" "player.reloading_loud02" "" "[english]player.reloading_loud02" "" "player.reloading_loud03" "" "[english]player.reloading_loud03" "" "player.respawn" "" "[english]player.respawn" "" "player.revivecriticalfriend" "" "[english]player.revivecriticalfriend" "" "player.revivefriend" "" "[english]player.revivefriend" "" "player.sawsomething" "" "[english]player.sawsomething" "" "player.screamwhilepounced" "" "[english]player.screamwhilepounced" "" "player.shoved" "" "[english]player.shoved" "" "player.sonicdamage" "" "[english]player.sonicdamage" "" "player.startheal" "" "[english]player.startheal" "" "player.stopbody" "" "[english]player.stopbody" "" "player.stopitem" "" "[english]player.stopitem" "" "player.stopvoice" "" "[english]player.stopvoice" "" "player.swim" "" "[english]player.swim" "" "player.taunt01" "" "[english]player.taunt01" "" "player.taunt02" "" "[english]player.taunt02" "" "player.taunt03" "" "[english]player.taunt03" "" "player.taunt04" "" "[english]player.taunt04" "" "player.taunt05" "" "[english]player.taunt05" "" "player.taunt06" "" "[english]player.taunt06" "" "player.taunt07" "" "[english]player.taunt07" "" "player.taunt08" "" "[english]player.taunt08" "" "player.taunt09" "" "[english]player.taunt09" "" "player.tonguepullstart" "" "[english]player.tonguepullstart" "" "player.tongueresist" "" "[english]player.tongueresist" "" "player.usedeny" "" "[english]player.usedeny" "" "player.wade" "" "[english]player.wade" "" "player.waitforme" "" "[english]player.waitforme" "" "player.weaponselected" "" "[english]player.weaponselected" "" "player.weaponselectionclose" "" "[english]player.weaponselectionclose" "" "player.weaponselectionmoveslot" "" "[english]player.weaponselectionmoveslot" "" "player.weaponselectionopen" "" "[english]player.weaponselectionopen" "" "playerzombie.jumpland" "" "[english]playerzombie.jumpland" "" "popcan.bulletimpact" "" "[english]popcan.bulletimpact" "" "popcan.impacthard" "" "[english]popcan.impacthard" "" "popcan.impactsoft" "" "[english]popcan.impactsoft" "" "popcan.scraperough" "" "[english]popcan.scraperough" "" "popcan.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]popcan.scrapesmooth" "" "pottery.break" "" "[english]pottery.break" "" "pottery.bulletimpact" "" "[english]pottery.bulletimpact" "" "pottery.impacthard" "" "[english]pottery.impacthard" "" "pottery.impactsoft" "" "[english]pottery.impactsoft" "" "propanetank.burst" "[Depósito de propano explotando]" "[english]propanetank.burst" "[Propane tank explodes!]" "pz.hud.action" "" "[english]pz.hud.action" "" "pz.hud.badplace" "" "[english]pz.hud.badplace" "" "pz.hud.goodplace" "" "[english]pz.hud.goodplace" "" "radio_dead" "" "[english]radio_dead" "" "reallyloudspark" "" "[english]reallyloudspark" "" "respawn.countdownbeep" "" "[english]respawn.countdownbeep" "" "rifle.clipin" "" "[english]rifle.clipin" "" "rifle.cliplocked" "" "[english]rifle.cliplocked" "" "rifle.clipout" "" "[english]rifle.clipout" "" "rifle.deploy" "" "[english]rifle.deploy" "" "rifle.fire" "" "[english]rifle.fire" "" "rifle.firesilenced" "" "[english]rifle.firesilenced" "" "rifle.fullautobutton" "" "[english]rifle.fullautobutton" "" "rifle.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]rifle.helpinghandextend" "" "rifle.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]rifle.helpinghandretract" "" "rifle.itempickupextend" "" "[english]rifle.itempickupextend" "" "rifle.itempickupretract" "" "[english]rifle.itempickupretract" "" "rifle.pushbutton" "" "[english]rifle.pushbutton" "" "rifle.slideback" "" "[english]rifle.slideback" "" "rifle.slideforward" "" "[english]rifle.slideforward" "" "rock.impacthard" "[Impacto de roca]" "[english]rock.impacthard" "[Rock impact]" "rock.impactsoft" "[Impacto de roca]" "[english]rock.impactsoft" "[Rock impact]" "roller.impact" "" "[english]roller.impact" "" "rope_break" "[Cuerda rompiéndose]" "[english]rope_break" "[Rope breaks]" "rope_creak" "[Crujido de cuerda]" "[english]rope_creak" "[Rope creaks]" "rotdoorsound.defaultarrive" "" "[english]rotdoorsound.defaultarrive" "" "rotdoorsound.defaultlocked" "" "[english]rotdoorsound.defaultlocked" "" "rotdoorsound.defaultmove" "" "[english]rotdoorsound.defaultmove" "" "rubber.bulletimpact" "" "[english]rubber.bulletimpact" "" "rubber.impacthard" "" "[english]rubber.impacthard" "" "rubber.impactsoft" "" "[english]rubber.impactsoft" "" "rubber.stepleft" "" "[english]rubber.stepleft" "" "rubber.stepright" "" "[english]rubber.stepright" "" "rubber_tire.bulletimpact" "" "[english]rubber_tire.bulletimpact" "" "rubber_tire.impacthard" "" "[english]rubber_tire.impacthard" "" "rubber_tire.impactsoft" "" "[english]rubber_tire.impactsoft" "" "rubber_tire.strain" "" "[english]rubber_tire.strain" "" "sand.bulletimpact" "" "[english]sand.bulletimpact" "" "shotgun.deploy" "" "[english]shotgun.deploy" "" "shotgun.fire" "" "[english]shotgun.fire" "" "shotgun.firesilenced" "" "[english]shotgun.firesilenced" "" "shotgun.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]shotgun.helpinghandextend" "" "shotgun.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]shotgun.helpinghandretract" "" "shotgun.itempickupextend" "" "[english]shotgun.itempickupextend" "" "shotgun.itempickupretract" "" "[english]shotgun.itempickupretract" "" "shotgun.loadshell" "" "[english]shotgun.loadshell" "" "shotgun.pump" "" "[english]shotgun.pump" "" "siren01" "[Sirena]" "[english]siren01" "[Siren]" "smashcave.woodrockcollapse" "" "[english]smashcave.woodrockcollapse" "" "smg.clipin" "" "[english]smg.clipin" "" "smg.cliplocked" "" "[english]smg.cliplocked" "" "smg.clipout" "" "[english]smg.clipout" "" "smg.deploy" "" "[english]smg.deploy" "" "smg.fire" "" "[english]smg.fire" "" "smg.firesilenced" "" "[english]smg.firesilenced" "" "smg.fullautobutton" "" "[english]smg.fullautobutton" "" "smg.helpinghandextend" "" "[english]smg.helpinghandextend" "" "smg.helpinghandretract" "" "[english]smg.helpinghandretract" "" "smg.itempickupextend" "" "[english]smg.itempickupextend" "" "smg.itempickupretract" "" "[english]smg.itempickupretract" "" "smg.slideback" "" "[english]smg.slideback" "" "smg.slideforward" "" "[english]smg.slideforward" "" "solidmetal.bulletimpact" "" "[english]solidmetal.bulletimpact" "" "solidmetal.impacthard" "" "[english]solidmetal.impacthard" "" "solidmetal.impactsoft" "" "[english]solidmetal.impactsoft" "" "solidmetal.scraperough" "" "[english]solidmetal.scraperough" "" "solidmetal.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]solidmetal.scrapesmooth" "" "solidmetal.strain" "" "[english]solidmetal.strain" "" "splash.splashsound" "" "[english]splash.splashsound" "" "spraycan.paint" "[Silbido de spray]" "[english]spraycan.paint" "[Spraycan hiss]" "steamjet" "" "[english]steamjet" "" "stirrer_loop" "" "[english]stirrer_loop" "" "substation_generators" "" "[english]substation_generators" "" "survivor.cardboard.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.cardboard.runleft" "" "survivor.cardboard.runright" "" "[english]survivor.cardboard.runright" "" "survivor.cardboard.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.cardboard.walkleft" "" "survivor.cardboard.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.cardboard.walkright" "" "survivor.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "survivor.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "[english]survivor.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "survivor.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "survivor.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "survivor.chainlink.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.chainlink.runleft" "" "survivor.chainlink.runright" "" "[english]survivor.chainlink.runright" "" "survivor.chainlink.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.chainlink.walkleft" "" "survivor.chainlink.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.chainlink.walkright" "" "survivor.concrete.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.concrete.runleft" "" "survivor.concrete.runright" "" "[english]survivor.concrete.runright" "" "survivor.concrete.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.concrete.walkleft" "" "survivor.concrete.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.concrete.walkright" "" "survivor.default.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.default.runleft" "" "survivor.default.runright" "" "[english]survivor.default.runright" "" "survivor.default.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.default.walkleft" "" "survivor.default.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.default.walkright" "" "survivor.dirt.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.dirt.runleft" "" "survivor.dirt.runright" "" "[english]survivor.dirt.runright" "" "survivor.dirt.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.dirt.walkleft" "" "survivor.dirt.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.dirt.walkright" "" "survivor.drywall.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.drywall.runleft" "" "survivor.drywall.runright" "" "[english]survivor.drywall.runright" "" "survivor.drywall.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.drywall.walkleft" "" "survivor.drywall.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.drywall.walkright" "" "survivor.flesh.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.flesh.runleft" "" "survivor.flesh.runright" "" "[english]survivor.flesh.runright" "" "survivor.flesh.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.flesh.walkleft" "" "survivor.flesh.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.flesh.walkright" "" "survivor.glass.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.glass.runleft" "" "survivor.glass.runright" "" "[english]survivor.glass.runright" "" "survivor.glass.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.glass.walkleft" "" "survivor.glass.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.glass.walkright" "" "survivor.glassbottle.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.glassbottle.runleft" "" "survivor.glassbottle.runright" "" "[english]survivor.glassbottle.runright" "" "survivor.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "survivor.glassbottle.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.glassbottle.walkright" "" "survivor.grass.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.grass.runleft" "" "survivor.grass.runright" "" "[english]survivor.grass.runright" "" "survivor.grass.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.grass.walkleft" "" "survivor.grass.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.grass.walkright" "" "survivor.gravel.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.gravel.runleft" "" "survivor.gravel.runright" "" "[english]survivor.gravel.runright" "" "survivor.gravel.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.gravel.walkleft" "" "survivor.gravel.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.gravel.walkright" "" "survivor.grenade.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.grenade.runleft" "" "survivor.grenade.runright" "" "[english]survivor.grenade.runright" "" "survivor.grenade.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.grenade.walkleft" "" "survivor.grenade.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.grenade.walkright" "" "survivor.ladder.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.ladder.runleft" "" "survivor.ladder.runright" "" "[english]survivor.ladder.runright" "" "survivor.ladder.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.ladder.walkleft" "" "survivor.ladder.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.ladder.walkright" "" "survivor.metal_box.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.metal_box.runleft" "" "survivor.metal_box.runright" "" "[english]survivor.metal_box.runright" "" "survivor.metal_box.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.metal_box.walkleft" "" "survivor.metal_box.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.metal_box.walkright" "" "survivor.metalgrate.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.metalgrate.runleft" "" "survivor.metalgrate.runright" "" "[english]survivor.metalgrate.runright" "" "survivor.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "survivor.metalgrate.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.metalgrate.walkright" "" "survivor.metalvent.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.metalvent.runleft" "" "survivor.metalvent.runright" "" "[english]survivor.metalvent.runright" "" "survivor.metalvent.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.metalvent.walkleft" "" "survivor.metalvent.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.metalvent.walkright" "" "survivor.mud.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.mud.runleft" "" "survivor.mud.runright" "" "[english]survivor.mud.runright" "" "survivor.mud.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.mud.walkleft" "" "survivor.mud.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.mud.walkright" "" "survivor.plaster.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.plaster.runleft" "" "survivor.plaster.runright" "" "[english]survivor.plaster.runright" "" "survivor.plaster.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.plaster.walkleft" "" "survivor.plaster.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.plaster.walkright" "" "survivor.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "survivor.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "survivor.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "survivor.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "survivor.plastic_box.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_box.runleft" "" "survivor.plastic_box.runright" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_box.runright" "" "survivor.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "survivor.plastic_box.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.plastic_box.walkright" "" "survivor.playteststart" "" "[english]survivor.playteststart" "" "survivor.rubber.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.rubber.runleft" "" "survivor.rubber.runright" "" "[english]survivor.rubber.runright" "" "survivor.rubber.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.rubber.walkleft" "" "survivor.rubber.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.rubber.walkright" "" "survivor.sand.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.sand.runleft" "" "survivor.sand.runright" "" "[english]survivor.sand.runright" "" "survivor.sand.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.sand.walkleft" "" "survivor.sand.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.sand.walkright" "" "survivor.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "survivor.slipperyslime.runright" "" "[english]survivor.slipperyslime.runright" "" "survivor.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "survivor.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "survivor.snow.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.snow.runleft" "" "survivor.snow.runright" "" "[english]survivor.snow.runright" "" "survivor.snow.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.snow.walkleft" "" "survivor.snow.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.snow.walkright" "" "survivor.solidmetal.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.solidmetal.runleft" "" "survivor.solidmetal.runright" "" "[english]survivor.solidmetal.runright" "" "survivor.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "survivor.solidmetal.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.solidmetal.walkright" "" "survivor.tile.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.tile.runleft" "" "survivor.tile.runright" "" "[english]survivor.tile.runright" "" "survivor.tile.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.tile.walkleft" "" "survivor.tile.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.tile.walkright" "" "survivor.wade.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.wade.runleft" "" "survivor.wade.runright" "" "[english]survivor.wade.runright" "" "survivor.wade.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.wade.walkleft" "" "survivor.wade.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.wade.walkright" "" "survivor.water.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.water.runleft" "" "survivor.water.runright" "" "[english]survivor.water.runright" "" "survivor.water.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.water.walkleft" "" "survivor.water.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.water.walkright" "" "survivor.weapon.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.weapon.runleft" "" "survivor.weapon.runright" "" "[english]survivor.weapon.runright" "" "survivor.weapon.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.weapon.walkleft" "" "survivor.weapon.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.weapon.walkright" "" "survivor.wood.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood.runleft" "" "survivor.wood.runright" "" "[english]survivor.wood.runright" "" "survivor.wood.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood.walkleft" "" "survivor.wood.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.wood.walkright" "" "survivor.wood_box.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_box.runleft" "" "survivor.wood_box.runright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_box.runright" "" "survivor.wood_box.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_box.walkleft" "" "survivor.wood_box.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_box.walkright" "" "survivor.wood_crate.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_crate.runleft" "" "survivor.wood_crate.runright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_crate.runright" "" "survivor.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "survivor.wood_crate.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_crate.walkright" "" "survivor.wood_panel.runleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_panel.runleft" "" "survivor.wood_panel.runright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_panel.runright" "" "survivor.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "[english]survivor.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "survivor.wood_panel.walkright" "" "[english]survivor.wood_panel.walkright" "" "tank.cardboard.runleft" "" "[english]tank.cardboard.runleft" "" "tank.cardboard.runright" "" "[english]tank.cardboard.runright" "" "tank.cardboard.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.cardboard.walkleft" "" "tank.cardboard.walkright" "" "[english]tank.cardboard.walkright" "" "tank.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "[english]tank.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "tank.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "[english]tank.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "tank.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.ceiling_tile.walkleft" "" "tank.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "[english]tank.ceiling_tile.walkright" "" "tank.chainlink.runleft" "" "[english]tank.chainlink.runleft" "" "tank.chainlink.runright" "" "[english]tank.chainlink.runright" "" "tank.chainlink.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.chainlink.walkleft" "" "tank.chainlink.walkright" "" "[english]tank.chainlink.walkright" "" "tank.concrete.runleft" "" "[english]tank.concrete.runleft" "" "tank.concrete.runright" "" "[english]tank.concrete.runright" "" "tank.concrete.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.concrete.walkleft" "" "tank.concrete.walkright" "" "[english]tank.concrete.walkright" "" "tank.default.runleft" "" "[english]tank.default.runleft" "" "tank.default.runright" "" "[english]tank.default.runright" "" "tank.default.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.default.walkleft" "" "tank.default.walkright" "" "[english]tank.default.walkright" "" "tank.dirt.runleft" "" "[english]tank.dirt.runleft" "" "tank.dirt.runright" "" "[english]tank.dirt.runright" "" "tank.dirt.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.dirt.walkleft" "" "tank.dirt.walkright" "" "[english]tank.dirt.walkright" "" "tank.drywall.runleft" "" "[english]tank.drywall.runleft" "" "tank.drywall.runright" "" "[english]tank.drywall.runright" "" "tank.drywall.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.drywall.walkleft" "" "tank.drywall.walkright" "" "[english]tank.drywall.walkright" "" "tank.flesh.runleft" "" "[english]tank.flesh.runleft" "" "tank.flesh.runright" "" "[english]tank.flesh.runright" "" "tank.flesh.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.flesh.walkleft" "" "tank.flesh.walkright" "" "[english]tank.flesh.walkright" "" "tank.glass.runleft" "" "[english]tank.glass.runleft" "" "tank.glass.runright" "" "[english]tank.glass.runright" "" "tank.glass.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.glass.walkleft" "" "tank.glass.walkright" "" "[english]tank.glass.walkright" "" "tank.glassbottle.runleft" "" "[english]tank.glassbottle.runleft" "" "tank.glassbottle.runright" "" "[english]tank.glassbottle.runright" "" "tank.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.glassbottle.walkleft" "" "tank.glassbottle.walkright" "" "[english]tank.glassbottle.walkright" "" "tank.grass.runleft" "" "[english]tank.grass.runleft" "" "tank.grass.runright" "" "[english]tank.grass.runright" "" "tank.grass.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.grass.walkleft" "" "tank.grass.walkright" "" "[english]tank.grass.walkright" "" "tank.gravel.runleft" "" "[english]tank.gravel.runleft" "" "tank.gravel.runright" "" "[english]tank.gravel.runright" "" "tank.gravel.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.gravel.walkleft" "" "tank.gravel.walkright" "" "[english]tank.gravel.walkright" "" "tank.grenade.runleft" "" "[english]tank.grenade.runleft" "" "tank.grenade.runright" "" "[english]tank.grenade.runright" "" "tank.grenade.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.grenade.walkleft" "" "tank.grenade.walkright" "" "[english]tank.grenade.walkright" "" "tank.ladder.runleft" "" "[english]tank.ladder.runleft" "" "tank.ladder.runright" "" "[english]tank.ladder.runright" "" "tank.ladder.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.ladder.walkleft" "" "tank.ladder.walkright" "" "[english]tank.ladder.walkright" "" "tank.metal_box.runleft" "" "[english]tank.metal_box.runleft" "" "tank.metal_box.runright" "" "[english]tank.metal_box.runright" "" "tank.metal_box.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.metal_box.walkleft" "" "tank.metal_box.walkright" "" "[english]tank.metal_box.walkright" "" "tank.metalgrate.runleft" "" "[english]tank.metalgrate.runleft" "" "tank.metalgrate.runright" "" "[english]tank.metalgrate.runright" "" "tank.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.metalgrate.walkleft" "" "tank.metalgrate.walkright" "" "[english]tank.metalgrate.walkright" "" "tank.metalvent.runleft" "" "[english]tank.metalvent.runleft" "" "tank.metalvent.runright" "" "[english]tank.metalvent.runright" "" "tank.metalvent.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.metalvent.walkleft" "" "tank.metalvent.walkright" "" "[english]tank.metalvent.walkright" "" "tank.mud.runleft" "" "[english]tank.mud.runleft" "" "tank.mud.runright" "" "[english]tank.mud.runright" "" "tank.mud.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.mud.walkleft" "" "tank.mud.walkright" "" "[english]tank.mud.walkright" "" "tank.plaster.runleft" "" "[english]tank.plaster.runleft" "" "tank.plaster.runright" "" "[english]tank.plaster.runright" "" "tank.plaster.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.plaster.walkleft" "" "tank.plaster.walkright" "" "[english]tank.plaster.walkright" "" "tank.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "[english]tank.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "tank.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "[english]tank.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "tank.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.plastic_barrel.walkleft" "" "tank.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "[english]tank.plastic_barrel.walkright" "" "tank.plastic_box.runleft" "" "[english]tank.plastic_box.runleft" "" "tank.plastic_box.runright" "" "[english]tank.plastic_box.runright" "" "tank.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.plastic_box.walkleft" "" "tank.plastic_box.walkright" "" "[english]tank.plastic_box.walkright" "" "tank.rubber.runleft" "" "[english]tank.rubber.runleft" "" "tank.rubber.runright" "" "[english]tank.rubber.runright" "" "tank.rubber.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.rubber.walkleft" "" "tank.rubber.walkright" "" "[english]tank.rubber.walkright" "" "tank.sand.runleft" "" "[english]tank.sand.runleft" "" "tank.sand.runright" "" "[english]tank.sand.runright" "" "tank.sand.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.sand.walkleft" "" "tank.sand.walkright" "" "[english]tank.sand.walkright" "" "tank.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "[english]tank.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "tank.slipperyslime.runright" "" "[english]tank.slipperyslime.runright" "" "tank.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.slipperyslime.walkleft" "" "tank.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "[english]tank.slipperyslime.walkright" "" "tank.snow.runleft" "" "[english]tank.snow.runleft" "" "tank.snow.runright" "" "[english]tank.snow.runright" "" "tank.snow.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.snow.walkleft" "" "tank.snow.walkright" "" "[english]tank.snow.walkright" "" "tank.solidmetal.runleft" "" "[english]tank.solidmetal.runleft" "" "tank.solidmetal.runright" "" "[english]tank.solidmetal.runright" "" "tank.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.solidmetal.walkleft" "" "tank.solidmetal.walkright" "" "[english]tank.solidmetal.walkright" "" "tank.tile.runleft" "" "[english]tank.tile.runleft" "" "tank.tile.runright" "" "[english]tank.tile.runright" "" "tank.tile.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.tile.walkleft" "" "tank.tile.walkright" "" "[english]tank.tile.walkright" "" "tank.wade.runleft" "" "[english]tank.wade.runleft" "" "tank.wade.runright" "" "[english]tank.wade.runright" "" "tank.wade.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.wade.walkleft" "" "tank.wade.walkright" "" "[english]tank.wade.walkright" "" "tank.water.runleft" "" "[english]tank.water.runleft" "" "tank.water.runright" "" "[english]tank.water.runright" "" "tank.water.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.water.walkleft" "" "tank.water.walkright" "" "[english]tank.water.walkright" "" "tank.weapon.runleft" "" "[english]tank.weapon.runleft" "" "tank.weapon.runright" "" "[english]tank.weapon.runright" "" "tank.weapon.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.weapon.walkleft" "" "tank.weapon.walkright" "" "[english]tank.weapon.walkright" "" "tank.wood.runleft" "" "[english]tank.wood.runleft" "" "tank.wood.runright" "" "[english]tank.wood.runright" "" "tank.wood.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.wood.walkleft" "" "tank.wood.walkright" "" "[english]tank.wood.walkright" "" "tank.wood_box.runleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_box.runleft" "" "tank.wood_box.runright" "" "[english]tank.wood_box.runright" "" "tank.wood_box.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_box.walkleft" "" "tank.wood_box.walkright" "" "[english]tank.wood_box.walkright" "" "tank.wood_crate.runleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_crate.runleft" "" "tank.wood_crate.runright" "" "[english]tank.wood_crate.runright" "" "tank.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_crate.walkleft" "" "tank.wood_crate.walkright" "" "[english]tank.wood_crate.walkright" "" "tank.wood_panel.runleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_panel.runleft" "" "tank.wood_panel.runright" "" "[english]tank.wood_panel.runright" "" "tank.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "[english]tank.wood_panel.walkleft" "" "tank.wood_panel.walkright" "" "[english]tank.wood_panel.walkright" "" "teengirl.callforrescue" "[Zoey pidiendo rescate]" "[english]teengirl.callforrescue" "[Zoey Calling For Rescue!]" "tile.bulletimpact" "" "[english]tile.bulletimpact" "" "train_crossing_bell" "[Campana de alerta de tren cruzando]" "[english]train_crossing_bell" "[Train Crossing Bell]" "train_freight_move1" "" "[english]train_freight_move1" "" "train_horn_01" "[Bocina del tren]" "[english]train_horn_01" "[Train horn]" "train_horn_02" "[Bocina del tren]" "[english]train_horn_02" "[Train horn]" "train_move" "" "[english]train_move" "" "train_wheels" "" "[english]train_wheels" "" "triggersuperarmor.charging" "" "[english]triggersuperarmor.charging" "" "triggersuperarmor.donecharging" "" "[english]triggersuperarmor.donecharging" "" "triggersuperarmor.startcharging" "" "[english]triggersuperarmor.startcharging" "" "tutor.endlesson" "" "[english]tutor.endlesson" "" "tutor.explain_accuracy_bad_while_running" "" "[english]tutor.explain_accuracy_bad_while_running" "" "tutor.explain_achievement_earned" "" "[english]tutor.explain_achievement_earned" "" "tutor.explain_attacked_from_behind" "" "[english]tutor.explain_attacked_from_behind" "" "tutor.explain_award_earned" "" "[english]tutor.explain_award_earned" "" "tutor.explain_choked_by_tongue" "" "[english]tutor.explain_choked_by_tongue" "" "tutor.explain_death" "" "[english]tutor.explain_death" "" "tutor.explain_demerit_earned" "" "[english]tutor.explain_demerit_earned" "" "tutor.explain_equipment_need" "" "[english]tutor.explain_equipment_need" "" "tutor.explain_exploded_on" "" "[english]tutor.explain_exploded_on" "" "tutor.explain_finale" "" "[english]tutor.explain_finale" "" "tutor.explain_first_aid_kit" "" "[english]tutor.explain_first_aid_kit" "" "tutor.explain_flashlight" "" "[english]tutor.explain_flashlight" "" "tutor.explain_friend_needs_your_healing_item" "" "[english]tutor.explain_friend_needs_your_healing_item" "" "tutor.explain_gift_from_friend" "" "[english]tutor.explain_gift_from_friend" "" "tutor.explain_grabbed_by_tongue" "" "[english]tutor.explain_grabbed_by_tongue" "" "tutor.explain_hiding" "" "[english]tutor.explain_hiding" "" "tutor.explain_hit_by_tank_rock" "" "[english]tutor.explain_hit_by_tank_rock" "" "tutor.explain_hurt" "" "[english]tutor.explain_hurt" "" "tutor.explain_hurt_use_first_aid_kit" "" "[english]tutor.explain_hurt_use_first_aid_kit" "" "tutor.explain_hurt_use_pain_pills" "" "[english]tutor.explain_hurt_use_pain_pills" "" "tutor.explain_incapacitation" "" "[english]tutor.explain_incapacitation" "" "tutor.explain_ledge_hang" "" "[english]tutor.explain_ledge_hang" "" "tutor.explain_limping" "" "[english]tutor.explain_limping" "" "tutor.explain_limping_critical" "" "[english]tutor.explain_limping_critical" "" "tutor.explain_locked_door" "" "[english]tutor.explain_locked_door" "" "tutor.explain_lose" "" "[english]tutor.explain_lose" "" "tutor.explain_lunged_into" "" "[english]tutor.explain_lunged_into" "" "tutor.explain_molotov" "" "[english]tutor.explain_molotov" "" "tutor.explain_pain_pills" "" "[english]tutor.explain_pain_pills" "" "tutor.explain_pain_pills_wear_off" "" "[english]tutor.explain_pain_pills_wear_off" "" "tutor.explain_pipe_bomb" "" "[english]tutor.explain_pipe_bomb" "" "tutor.explain_pounced_on" "" "[english]tutor.explain_pounced_on" "" "tutor.explain_quickswitch" "" "[english]tutor.explain_quickswitch" "" "tutor.explain_reloading" "" "[english]tutor.explain_reloading" "" "tutor.explain_report_screen" "" "[english]tutor.explain_report_screen" "" "tutor.explain_rescue_vehicle_approaching" "" "[english]tutor.explain_rescue_vehicle_approaching" "" "tutor.explain_rescue_vehicle_waiting" "" "[english]tutor.explain_rescue_vehicle_waiting" "" "tutor.explain_shove_attack" "" "[english]tutor.explain_shove_attack" "" "tutor.explain_slugged_by_tank" "" "[english]tutor.explain_slugged_by_tank" "" "tutor.explain_third_strike" "" "[english]tutor.explain_third_strike" "" "tutor.explain_vocalization_rosetta" "" "[english]tutor.explain_vocalization_rosetta" "" "tutor.explain_vomited_on" "" "[english]tutor.explain_vomited_on" "" "tutor.explain_voting" "" "[english]tutor.explain_voting" "" "tutor.explain_waiting_for_rescue" "" "[english]tutor.explain_waiting_for_rescue" "" "tutor.explain_win" "" "[english]tutor.explain_win" "" "tutor.explain_witch_attack" "" "[english]tutor.explain_witch_attack" "" "tutor.explain_zoom" "" "[english]tutor.explain_zoom" "" "tutor.see_alert_infected" "" "[english]tutor.see_alert_infected" "" "tutor.see_ambush_opportunity" "" "[english]tutor.see_ambush_opportunity" "" "tutor.see_better_weapon" "" "[english]tutor.see_better_weapon" "" "tutor.see_boomer" "" "[english]tutor.see_boomer" "" "tutor.see_breakable_item" "" "[english]tutor.see_breakable_item" "" "tutor.see_checkpoint_door" "" "[english]tutor.see_checkpoint_door" "" "tutor.see_choking_friend" "" "[english]tutor.see_choking_friend" "" "tutor.see_collectible_item" "" "[english]tutor.see_collectible_item" "" "tutor.see_enraged_infected" "" "[english]tutor.see_enraged_infected" "" "tutor.see_equipment_table" "" "[english]tutor.see_equipment_table" "" "tutor.see_finale_radio" "" "[english]tutor.see_finale_radio" "" "tutor.see_first_aid_kit" "" "[english]tutor.see_first_aid_kit" "" "tutor.see_friend_in_rescue_closet" "" "[english]tutor.see_friend_in_rescue_closet" "" "tutor.see_hunter" "" "[english]tutor.see_hunter" "" "tutor.see_incapacitated_friend" "" "[english]tutor.see_incapacitated_friend" "" "tutor.see_ledge_hanging_friend" "" "[english]tutor.see_ledge_hanging_friend" "" "tutor.see_mob" "" "[english]tutor.see_mob" "" "tutor.see_mounted_machine_gun" "" "[english]tutor.see_mounted_machine_gun" "" "tutor.see_pain_pills" "" "[english]tutor.see_pain_pills" "" "tutor.see_pounced_friend" "" "[english]tutor.see_pounced_friend" "" "tutor.see_smoker" "" "[english]tutor.see_smoker" "" "tutor.see_smoker_cloud" "" "[english]tutor.see_smoker_cloud" "" "tutor.see_tank" "" "[english]tutor.see_tank" "" "tutor.see_tank_start_to_throw_rock" "" "[english]tutor.see_tank_start_to_throw_rock" "" "tutor.see_unlocked_door" "" "[english]tutor.see_unlocked_door" "" "tutor.see_wanderering_infected" "" "[english]tutor.see_wanderering_infected" "" "tutor.see_witch" "" "[english]tutor.see_witch" "" "tutor.see_witch_angry" "" "[english]tutor.see_witch_angry" "" "tutor.startlesson" "" "[english]tutor.startlesson" "" "underwater.bulletimpact" "" "[english]underwater.bulletimpact" "" "v8.skid" "" "[english]v8.skid" "" "vgui_button.click" "" "[english]vgui_button.click" "" "vgui_button.release" "" "[english]vgui_button.release" "" "vgui_button.rollover" "" "[english]vgui_button.rollover" "" "vote.cast.no" "" "[english]vote.cast.no" "" "vote.cast.yes" "" "[english]vote.cast.yes" "" "vote.created" "" "[english]vote.created" "" "vote.failed" "" "[english]vote.failed" "" "vote.passed" "" "[english]vote.passed" "" "water.bulletimpact" "" "[english]water.bulletimpact" "" "water_flood_finished_loop" "" "[english]water_flood_finished_loop" "" "water_flood_in" "" "[english]water_flood_in" "" "water_flood_loop" "" "[english]water_flood_loop" "" "water_flood_out" "" "[english]water_flood_out" "" "watermelon.bulletimpact" "[Salpicadura]" "[english]watermelon.bulletimpact" "[Splat]" "watermelon.impact" "[Salpicadura]" "[english]watermelon.impact" "[Splat]" "watermelon.scrape" "" "[english]watermelon.scrape" "" "weapon.bulletimpact" "" "[english]weapon.bulletimpact" "" "weapon.hitboomer" "" "[english]weapon.hitboomer" "" "weapon.hitinfected" "" "[english]weapon.hitinfected" "" "weapon.hitsurvivor" "" "[english]weapon.hitsurvivor" "" "weapon.hitworld" "" "[english]weapon.hitworld" "" "weapon.impacthard" "" "[english]weapon.impacthard" "" "weapon.impactsoft" "" "[english]weapon.impactsoft" "" "weapon.scraperough" "" "[english]weapon.scraperough" "" "weapon.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]weapon.scrapesmooth" "" "weapon.stepleft" "" "[english]weapon.stepleft" "" "weapon.stepright" "" "[english]weapon.stepright" "" "weapon.swing" "" "[english]weapon.swing" "" "weapon_flaregun.burn" "" "[english]weapon_flaregun.burn" "" "weapon_flaregun.single" "" "[english]weapon_flaregun.single" "" "weapon_knife.hit" "" "[english]weapon_knife.hit" "" "weapon_knife.hitwall" "" "[english]weapon_knife.hitwall" "" "weapon_knife.slash" "" "[english]weapon_knife.slash" "" "weapon_knife.stab" "" "[english]weapon_knife.stab" "" "weapondissolve.beam" "" "[english]weapondissolve.beam" "" "weapondissolve.charge" "" "[english]weapondissolve.charge" "" "weapondissolve.dissolve" "" "[english]weapondissolve.dissolve" "" "weather.lightning_strike_1" "" "[english]weather.lightning_strike_1" "" "weather.lightning_strike_2" "" "[english]weather.lightning_strike_2" "" "weather.lightning_strike_3" "" "[english]weather.lightning_strike_3" "" "weather.lightning_strike_4" "" "[english]weather.lightning_strike_4" "" "weather.thunder_1" "" "[english]weather.thunder_1" "" "weather.thunder_2" "" "[english]weather.thunder_2" "" "weather.thunder_3" "" "[english]weather.thunder_3" "" "weather.thunder_far_away_1" "" "[english]weather.thunder_far_away_1" "" "weather.thunder_far_away_2" "" "[english]weather.thunder_far_away_2" "" "witch.cardboard.runleft" "" "[english]witch.cardboard.runleft" "" "witch.cardboard.runright" "" "[english]witch.cardboard.runright" "" "witch.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "[english]witch.ceiling_tile.runleft" "" "witch.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "[english]witch.ceiling_tile.runright" "" "witch.chainlink.runleft" "" "[english]witch.chainlink.runleft" "" "witch.chainlink.runright" "" "[english]witch.chainlink.runright" "" "witch.concrete.runleft" "" "[english]witch.concrete.runleft" "" "witch.concrete.runright" "" "[english]witch.concrete.runright" "" "witch.default.runleft" "" "[english]witch.default.runleft" "" "witch.default.runright" "" "[english]witch.default.runright" "" "witch.dirt.runleft" "" "[english]witch.dirt.runleft" "" "witch.dirt.runright" "" "[english]witch.dirt.runright" "" "witch.drywall.runleft" "" "[english]witch.drywall.runleft" "" "witch.drywall.runright" "" "[english]witch.drywall.runright" "" "witch.flesh.runleft" "" "[english]witch.flesh.runleft" "" "witch.flesh.runright" "" "[english]witch.flesh.runright" "" "witch.glass.runleft" "" "[english]witch.glass.runleft" "" "witch.glass.runright" "" "[english]witch.glass.runright" "" "witch.glassbottle.runleft" "" "[english]witch.glassbottle.runleft" "" "witch.glassbottle.runright" "" "[english]witch.glassbottle.runright" "" "witch.grass.runleft" "" "[english]witch.grass.runleft" "" "witch.grass.runright" "" "[english]witch.grass.runright" "" "witch.gravel.runleft" "" "[english]witch.gravel.runleft" "" "witch.gravel.runright" "" "[english]witch.gravel.runright" "" "witch.grenade.runleft" "" "[english]witch.grenade.runleft" "" "witch.grenade.runright" "" "[english]witch.grenade.runright" "" "witch.ladder.runleft" "" "[english]witch.ladder.runleft" "" "witch.ladder.runright" "" "[english]witch.ladder.runright" "" "witch.metal_box.runleft" "" "[english]witch.metal_box.runleft" "" "witch.metal_box.runright" "" "[english]witch.metal_box.runright" "" "witch.metalgrate.runleft" "" "[english]witch.metalgrate.runleft" "" "witch.metalgrate.runright" "" "[english]witch.metalgrate.runright" "" "witch.metalvent.runleft" "" "[english]witch.metalvent.runleft" "" "witch.metalvent.runright" "" "[english]witch.metalvent.runright" "" "witch.mud.runleft" "" "[english]witch.mud.runleft" "" "witch.mud.runright" "" "[english]witch.mud.runright" "" "witch.plaster.runleft" "" "[english]witch.plaster.runleft" "" "witch.plaster.runright" "" "[english]witch.plaster.runright" "" "witch.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "[english]witch.plastic_barrel.runleft" "" "witch.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "[english]witch.plastic_barrel.runright" "" "witch.plastic_box.runleft" "" "[english]witch.plastic_box.runleft" "" "witch.plastic_box.runright" "" "[english]witch.plastic_box.runright" "" "witch.rubber.runleft" "" "[english]witch.rubber.runleft" "" "witch.rubber.runright" "" "[english]witch.rubber.runright" "" "witch.sand.runleft" "" "[english]witch.sand.runleft" "" "witch.sand.runright" "" "[english]witch.sand.runright" "" "witch.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "[english]witch.slipperyslime.runleft" "" "witch.slipperyslime.runright" "" "[english]witch.slipperyslime.runright" "" "witch.snow.runleft" "" "[english]witch.snow.runleft" "" "witch.snow.runright" "" "[english]witch.snow.runright" "" "witch.solidmetal.runleft" "" "[english]witch.solidmetal.runleft" "" "witch.solidmetal.runright" "" "[english]witch.solidmetal.runright" "" "witch.tile.runleft" "" "[english]witch.tile.runleft" "" "witch.tile.runright" "" "[english]witch.tile.runright" "" "witch.wade.runleft" "" "[english]witch.wade.runleft" "" "witch.wade.runright" "" "[english]witch.wade.runright" "" "witch.water.runleft" "" "[english]witch.water.runleft" "" "witch.water.runright" "" "[english]witch.water.runright" "" "witch.weapon.runleft" "" "[english]witch.weapon.runleft" "" "witch.weapon.runright" "" "[english]witch.weapon.runright" "" "witch.wood.runleft" "" "[english]witch.wood.runleft" "" "witch.wood.runright" "" "[english]witch.wood.runright" "" "witch.wood_box.runleft" "" "[english]witch.wood_box.runleft" "" "witch.wood_box.runright" "" "[english]witch.wood_box.runright" "" "witch.wood_crate.runleft" "" "[english]witch.wood_crate.runleft" "" "witch.wood_crate.runright" "" "[english]witch.wood_crate.runright" "" "witch.wood_panel.runleft" "" "[english]witch.wood_panel.runleft" "" "witch.wood_panel.runright" "" "[english]witch.wood_panel.runright" "" "wood.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood.bulletimpact" "" "[english]wood.bulletimpact" "" "wood.impacthard" "" "[english]wood.impacthard" "" "wood.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood.impactsoft" "" "wood.scraperough" "" "[english]wood.scraperough" "" "wood.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood.scrapesmooth" "" "wood.strain" "" "[english]wood.strain" "" "wood_box.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_box.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_box.bulletimpact" "" "[english]wood_box.bulletimpact" "" "wood_box.impacthard" "" "[english]wood_box.impacthard" "" "wood_box.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_box.impactsoft" "" "wood_box.scraperough" "" "[english]wood_box.scraperough" "" "wood_box.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood_box.scrapesmooth" "" "wood_box.strain" "" "[english]wood_box.strain" "" "wood_crate.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_crate.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_crate.impacthard" "" "[english]wood_crate.impacthard" "" "wood_crate.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_crate.impactsoft" "" "wood_crate.scraperough" "" "[english]wood_crate.scraperough" "" "wood_crate.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood_crate.scrapesmooth" "" "wood_crate.stepleft" "" "[english]wood_crate.stepleft" "" "wood_crate.stepright" "" "[english]wood_crate.stepright" "" "wood_crate.strain" "" "[english]wood_crate.strain" "" "wood_creak1" "" "[english]wood_creak1" "" "wood_furniture.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_furniture.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_furniture.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_furniture.impactsoft" "" "wood_furniture.strain" "" "[english]wood_furniture.strain" "" "wood_panel.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_panel.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_panel.bulletimpact" "" "[english]wood_panel.bulletimpact" "" "wood_panel.impacthard" "" "[english]wood_panel.impacthard" "" "wood_panel.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_panel.impactsoft" "" "wood_panel.scraperough" "" "[english]wood_panel.scraperough" "" "wood_panel.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood_panel.scrapesmooth" "" "wood_panel.strain" "" "[english]wood_panel.strain" "" "wood_plank.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_plank.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_plank.bulletimpact" "" "[english]wood_plank.bulletimpact" "" "wood_plank.impacthard" "" "[english]wood_plank.impacthard" "" "wood_plank.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_plank.impactsoft" "" "wood_plank.scraperough" "" "[english]wood_plank.scraperough" "" "wood_plank.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood_plank.scrapesmooth" "" "wood_plank.strain" "" "[english]wood_plank.strain" "" "wood_solid.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]wood_solid.break" "[Wood breaking]" "wood_solid.bulletimpact" "" "[english]wood_solid.bulletimpact" "" "wood_solid.impacthard" "" "[english]wood_solid.impacthard" "" "wood_solid.impactsoft" "" "[english]wood_solid.impactsoft" "" "wood_solid.scraperough" "" "[english]wood_solid.scraperough" "" "wood_solid.scrapesmooth" "" "[english]wood_solid.scrapesmooth" "" "wood_solid.strain" "" "[english]wood_solid.strain" "" "woodendoor.break" "[Rotura de madera]" "[english]woodendoor.break" "[Wood breaking]" "woodendoor.lock" "" "[english]woodendoor.lock" "" "woodendoor.pound" "" "[english]woodendoor.pound" "" "woodendoor.rattlelockeddoor" "" "[english]woodendoor.rattlelockeddoor" "" // \"zombie.alert\" \"[Zombie alert!]\" "zombie.attackmiss" "" "[english]zombie.attackmiss" "" "zombie.becomealert" "" "[english]zombie.becomealert" "" "zombie.becomeenraged" "" "[english]zombie.becomeenraged" "" "zombie.bulletimpact" "" "[english]zombie.bulletimpact" "" "zombie.clawscrape" "" "[english]zombie.clawscrape" "" "zombie.die" "" "[english]zombie.die" "" "zombie.headlesscough" "" "[english]zombie.headlesscough" "" // \"zombie.ignitescream\" \"[Zombie on fire]\" "zombie.punch" "" "[english]zombie.punch" "" "zombie.rage" "" "[english]zombie.rage" "" "zombie.rageatvictim" "" "[english]zombie.rageatvictim" "" "zombie.shot" "" "[english]zombie.shot" "" "zombie.shoved" "" "[english]zombie.shoved" "" "zombie.sleeping" "" "[english]zombie.sleeping" "" "zombie.wander" "" "[english]zombie.wander" "" "Event.MobSignalS1" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalS1" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalS2" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalS2" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalM1" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalM1" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalM2" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalM2" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalL1" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalL1" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalL2" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalL2" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalX1" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalX1" "[Incoming attack!]" "Event.MobSignalX2" "[Ataque inminente]" "[english]Event.MobSignalX2" "[Incoming attack!]" // Commentary "Commentary_Title_AUTOCROUCH" "AUTOAGACHARSE" "[english]Commentary_Title_AUTOCROUCH" "AUTOCROUCH" "#commentary\com-autocrouch.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Cuando los jugadores corren por los escenarios sumidos en el pánico e intentando coordinar sus acciones, no les hace gracia tener que preocuparse por los controles para colarse en un conducto de ventilación. En todo el juego hemos procurado simplificar al máximo los controles para que los jugadores puedan recrearse en el ambiente de terror sin sentirse frustrados. En este lugar y otros similares, hacemos que el superviviente se agache automáticamente al acercarse a un conducto. Tratamos siempre de que estas acciones pasen desapercibidas, para que el jugador sienta que se está moviendo de forma instintiva en este terrorífico mundo... sin pensar en botoncitos." "[english]#commentary\com-autocrouch.wav" "[Brandon Idol] When players are moving through the world in a panic, and trying to coordinate with their team, the last thing you want them to worry about is which key lets them crouch so they can scramble into a vent. Throughout the game we tried to simplify movement controls so that players could enjoy the terror of the experience with as little frustration as possible. Here, and at similar obstacles, we make the Survivor crouch automatically when they come to a vent. Wherever possible, we try to keep these decisions invisible to players, to keep the illusion that they're moving through this frightening world on instinct—without ever thinking about controls." "Commentary_Title_CAR_ALARMS" "ALARMAS DE COCHE" "[english]Commentary_Title_CAR_ALARMS" "CAR ALARMS" "#commentary\com-caralarms.wav" "[Brenda Kennedy] Las alarmas de los coches son un ejemplo de lo que denominamos \"Momento susto\": situaciones breves, intensas, y que no te apetecerá repetir. En las películas post apocalípticas es típico eso de que suenen las alarmas y ver cómo nadie responde. No es más que otra prueba de que todo se ha ido al garete.  Al principio sólo las usamos como golpe de efecto  pero, cuando se nos ocurrió lo de que atrajesen a una horda de infectados, supimos que habíamos encontrado una utilidad perfecta en el mundo del juego. Es genial que un elemento clásico del género como este tenga también su función en la dinámica de juego." "[english]#commentary\com-caralarms.wav" "[Brenda Kennedy] Car alarms are an example of what we call 'Panic Events'—brief, intense, and maybe avoidable moments. In the classic post apocalyptic movie, car alarms go off but there's nobody around to respond. It's just another sign of things having gone down the tubes.  We initially put the car alarm cars in just as a cool effect.  But when we hit on the idea of having the alarms call up a horde of Infected, we knew we'd found the right use for the car alarms in the world of the game. It's really great when this kind of classic genre element can serve a gameplay purpose as well." "Commentary_Title_CONSTRUCTION_LEVEL" "NIVEL EN CONSTRUCCIÓN" "[english]Commentary_Title_CONSTRUCTION_LEVEL" "CONSTRUCTION LEVEL" "#commentary\com-constructionlevel.wav" "[Chris Ashton] La primera versión de esta zona no tenía ninguna abertura en las paredes,  todo estaba cerrado.  Entonces decidimos que, ya que estabas en lo más alto del hospital y debajo no había nada, podíamos añadir ventanas y usar una textura de cielo en 3D para disfrutar de esta espectacular panorámica.  Después de incorporar las ventanas, lo que pasaba es que a veces los Hunter te tiraban fuera y acercarse a ellas comenzaba a dar miedo, así que aprovechamos esa sensación de peligro para que todo fuese más divertido y abrimos más zonas del nivel. Al final, acabamos quitando todos los muros de este nivel.  También hay zonas donde los escombros y los elementos del escenario te obligan a caminar aún más cerca del borde de lo que resultaría cómodo." "[english]#commentary\com-constructionlevel.wav" "[Chris Ashton] The first version of this area didn't have any openings on the walls at all.  Everything was closed off.  We decided that since you were so high up in the hospital and there wasn't any real geometry below, we could add windows and use 3D skybox that would provide this great vista.  Once we put windows in, sometimes the Hunter attack would push you out the window. It became scary to get by those windows and once we realized how much fun it was to get near the risky area, we decided to open up this level as much as possible. So, all of the walls around the extents of the level were just removed entirely.  We've got a bunch of areas where some of the props and debris in the environment force you to walk even closer to the edge than you might want to." "Commentary_Title_COVERED_BODY" "CADÁVER TAPADO" "[english]Commentary_Title_COVERED_BODY" "COVERED BODY" "#commentary\com-coveredbody.wav" "[Jaime Sue] Este cadáver tapado es un ejemplo del modo que tenemos de narrar historias sin utilizar palabras ni desvelar el argumento. Queríamos indicar que había más supervivientes además de los jugadores. Nos imaginamos que muchos no sobrevivirían mucho tiempo y que te toparías con sus cuerpos, pero necesitábamos diferenciarlos de los infectados abatidos. Bastó con taparlos con mantas o sábanas para que saltase a la vista que quienquiera que fuese tenía un amigo que se compadeció tras su muerte y le tapó.  También subraya el ambiente de este mundo en donde no puedes salir a enterrar a tus amigos porque te expondrías a los ataques de infectados. Los tendrían con ellos, aunque cubiertos. A veces ves estos cuerpos fuera de un punto de control: esto implica que estaban en un refugio y un colega murió por sus heridas, quizá durante la noche, así que a la mañana siguiente deciden que no pueden tenerlo ahí y tienen que arrastrarlo fuera. Eso era lo único que podían hacer por él." "[english]#commentary\com-coveredbody.wav" "[Jaime Sue] This covered body is an example of how we tell a story in the levels without using any words or overt storytelling. We wanted to show that there are other people in the world that are Survivors like you. We figured most people wouldn't survive very long, and you'd come across their bodies—but we needed a way to set these apart from all the dead ragdolls of the Common Infected. By simply covering a body with a blanket or sheet, it becomes really obvious that this guy had a buddy, a friend, and when he went down, his friend had compassion and covered him up.  This also tells a story about the state of the world that they wouldn't want to go out and bury the body—they couldn't expose themselves to Infected. So they'd have the bodies right there with them, but covered. Sometimes you'll see a covered body right outside a checkpoint. So it's like they were in a safe area and, maybe during the night, their buddy died from his wounds; so the next morning the other Survivors didn't really want the body in there with them, so they dragged it outside. This was the best they could do for the guy." "Commentary_Title_LADDER" "ESCALERA" "[english]Commentary_Title_LADDER" "LADDER" "#commentary\com-ladder.wav" "[Jerry Bennett] Esta escalera fue, desde el primer día, uno de los lugares más emocionantes, porque obliga al equipo a separarse un poco, además de que no se puede disparar mientras se sube.  Si el equipo está como nuevo, pasa la zona en un visto y no visto. Si el equipo va renqueando, tendrá que detenerse a comprobar quién va mejor de salud. Ese será quien suba primero, ya que es muy probable que en lo alto se encuentren algunos infectados. No siempre es así pero, con frecuencia, el que sube primero se lleva una buena paliza." "[english]#commentary\com-ladder.wav" "[Jerry Bennett] This ladder, from day one, has always been a really exciting place in the campaign because it forces the team to separate a bit, and players can't shoot while they're on the ladder.  If a team is in great shape, they just fly through this area. But if the team is really hurting, everyone will stop and look at each other, to see who has the most health. That guy will generally go up first because, chances are, there's going to be Infected up there. It's not always the case, but often enough that whoever goes up first is going to take a bit of a beating." "Commentary_Title_LEDGE_HANGING" "COLGAR DE CORNISAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_LEDGE_HANGING" "LEDGE HANGING" "#commentary\com-ledgehang.wav" "[Khanh Nguyen] Con tantas azoteas que hay en el juego, los supervivientes se caían cada dos por tres; no era muy divertido. Se esforzaban en subir a lo más alto en busca de un punto de control y entonces un zombi salía de detrás de una esquina, les obligaba a retroceder y acababan cayendo.  Queríamos darles una segunda oportunidad y, al tiempo, animarles a cooperar, que era el tipo de dinámica que buscábamos. Por eso se nos ocurrió que pudiesen quedarse colados de las cornisas hasta que un colega les rescatase. Lo bueno es que además esta función crea tensión. En cuanto te quedas colgado, el reloj se pone en marcha. Ves al personaje colgando de las dos manos, luego de una y, al final, resbalándose y cayendo. En la versión anterior, te caías y ya está. Se acabó lo que se daba. Así, resolver un problema de acuerdo a nuestros principios de diseño nos dio más oportunidades para la cooperación y crear tensión." "[english]#commentary\com-ledgehang.wav" "[Khanh Nguyen] Given all the rooftops in the game, we saw Survivors falling off a lot, and it wasn't much fun. Players would make it all the way up here, heading for the checkpoint, and then a zombie would come around the corner, and they'd back right off the edge of the building and fall.  We wanted to give them a second chance, and in the process encourage the cooperative type of gameplay that we were aiming for. So we came up with the idea of having them grab the ledge and hang there until teammates helped them. The nice thing about this feature is that it also builds tension. As soon as you grab the ledge, the clock starts ticking. You watch your character go from hanging with two hands to dropping off to one hand till, eventually, he slips and falls. In the older version, you'd simply fall and that was it. It was over. So solving a problem consistent with our game design principles led to another opportunity to build teamplay and tension." "Commentary_Title_LIGHTING_FOR_THE_APOCALYPSE" "ILUMINACIÓN PARA EL APOCALIPSIS" "[english]Commentary_Title_LIGHTING_FOR_THE_APOCALYPSE" "LIGHTING FOR THE APOCALYPSE" "#commentary\com-lightingapoc.wav" "[Matt Campbell] Cualquiera que tenga que diseñar una ciudad post-apocalíptica tiene problemas para iluminarla. Al principio, decidimos que aún había electricidad.  Se veían luces por las ventanas y las farolas estaban encendidas.  La atmósfera no nos parecía adecuada, pero necesitábamos fuentes de iluminación.  Cuando empezamos a unificar el diseño gráfico con el de la iluminación, decidimos eliminar muchas luces, por lo que nos vimos obligados a buscar otras alternativas para iluminar los escenarios. Con cada luz que quitábamos, descubrimos que eliminábamos también la \"normalidad\" de la ciudad. Al no haber ventanas iluminadas ni neones encendidos en las tiendas, aumentábamos la alienación de los jugadores. Los objetos reciben la luz de ángulos más bajos de lo normal: faros de coches, barriles en llamas... Estos ángulos drásticos realzan la atmósfera siniestra, desolada, de desesperación casi total. Ahora es una ciudad como las que conoces, pero con un aspecto nunca visto.  Algo está fuera de lugar, todo resulta extraño." "[english]#commentary\com-lightingapoc.wav" "[Matt Campbell] Anyone designing a post-apocalyptic city has to deal with the problem of how to light it. Initially our take on it was that the city still had power.  You could see lights in many windows and the streetlights were all lit up.  It didn't give us the atmosphere we wanted, but we felt we needed those light sources.  When we started to unify the art and lighting design, one of the decisions was to eliminate a lot of lights. This gave us an opportunity to come up with other ways of bringing light into scenes. As we removed lights, we found that we were also removing any sense of normality in the city. Without lit windows, or even the illuminated signage in front of stores, we removed some familiarity from the player's experience. Things are lit from lower angles than they would expect—from car headlights and oil barrel fires. These dramatic angles really enhance the sense of a creepy, desolate, almost hopeless environment. Now it's a city that you've seen but not in a way that you've ever seen it before.  Something's amiss, something's off." "Commentary_Title_CRESCENDO_EVENT" "EVENTOS CULMINANTES" "[english]Commentary_Title_CRESCENDO_EVENT" "CRESCENDO EVENT" "#commentary\com-crescendo.wav" "[Miles Estes] Los \"eventos culminantes\" son resultado de numerosas pruebas.  Al equipo de pruebas le encantaban los finales de nivel pero, como lleva una hora o más llegar a ellos, no sentían la misma intensidad durante el resto del nivel. Lo que más les gustaba de los finales era que podían detenerse, descansar un poco, hacer planes y montar trampas para los infectados. El resto de la campaña, estás siempre corriendo, reaccionando a los infectados y avanzando, así que creamos estos eventos culminantes para que pudiesen planificar sus estrategias en otros puntos. Además, ayudan un montón a reforzar el espíritu de equipo. Por ejemplo, la ametralladora es muy importante y, si nadie la empuña, el equipo lo pasará mal. Por otro lado, el artillero queda desprotegido, su ángulo de visión queda muy limitado y no puede vigilar su espalda, por lo que depende de sus compañeros. Con eventos culminantes antes del final, no sólo damos más variedad de ritmo, sino que instruimos a los equipos en las habilidades y la coordinación que requerirán para sobrevivir en la batalla final." "[english]#commentary\com-crescendo.wav" "[Miles Estes] Crescendo Events were the result of a lot of playtesting.  Playtesters really loved the finales but since it can take like an hour or so to get to each one, they were missing these kinds of intense experiences along the way. What playtesters liked most about the finale was that it was the one time they were able to stop, catch a breath, make plans and set up traps for the Infected. During the rest of the campaign, you're always on the run, reacting to the Infected, and trying to move forward, so these Crescendo Events came out of wanting to get more of that planning and strategy into the rest of the campaign. These events also helped a bunch with team-building. Like the minigun is really important and, if no one's manning it, your team probably won't do too well. But the minigunner is really vulnerable; they have a limited angle of view, they can't watch their backs anymore, so they have to depend on their teammates to cover 'em. With Crescendo Events on the way to the finale, we not only vary the pacing, but we help build the skills and coordination that will enable teams to survive the ultimate battle at the finale." "Commentary_Title_ROUND_RESTART" "REINICIO DE RONDAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_ROUND_RESTART" "ROUND RESTART" "#commentary\com-roundrestart.wav" "[Phil Robb] Es necesario que los jugadores aprendan de sus errores tan rápido como sea posible. En las versiones previas de Left 4 Dead, si los supervivientes fallaban en algún punto de la campaña, les poníamos de nuevo al principio y les obligábamos a jugarla entera otra vez. Eso suponía que, si el equipo moría en el último nivel, tardaban 45 minutos en volver al mismo punto del mapa para probar una estrategia distinta. Lo que ocurría es que a los jugadores les costaba recordar en dónde habían fallado exactamente y no sabían muy bien como corregirlo después. Por eso ahora, cuando un equipo cae, sólo les hacemos volver al principio del nivel en el que han muerto. Así tienen mucha más libertad y flexibilidad a la hora de resolver las secciones más desafiantes." "[english]#commentary\com-roundrestart.wav" "[Phil Robb] Players need to learn from their mistakes as quickly as possible. In early versions of Left 4 Dead, if Survivors failed a campaign at any point, we just put them right back at the beginning and made them play the whole thing over again. That meant that if the team dies in the last level it'll be close to 45 minutes before they ever get back to that map to try something new. This made it hard for players to remember exactly what they might have done wrong and so it was hard for them to decide what they might want to do differently. So now when a team goes down, we just reset to the beginning of the level that they died on. This gives them a lot more freedom and flexibility on how they approach the most challenging sections." "Commentary_Title_SKYLINE" "TEXTURAS DE CIELO" "[english]Commentary_Title_SKYLINE" "SKYLINE" "#commentary\com-skyline.wav" "[Sean Keegan] Los edificios, por naturaleza, son bastante cuadrados.  Si el edificio está bien iluminado pero el cielo es oscuro, su simplicidad geométrica salta demasiado a la vista, por muchas chimeneas, unidades de aire acondicionado y formas interesantes que le añadas. Lo que hicimos fue darle la vuelta al patrón de iluminación típico: un cielo luminoso detrás de edificios oscuros. De pronto, las tuberías y las chimeneas se funden con la silueta de las estructuras. Ahora, en lugar de apreciar detalles individuales como el aire acondicionado, tienes un fondo más complejo y orgánico. Y puesto que nuestra mente espera encontrar un nivel de detalle similar detrás de los objetos, la imaginación rellena las zonas oscuras de los edificios con detalles en función de la silueta." "[english]#commentary\com-skyline.wav" "[Sean Keegan] Buildings, by nature, tend to be pretty square.  If there's a well-lit building with a dark sky behind it, you clearly see the squareness of the building no matter how many AC units, chimneys or other interesting shapes are stuck on top of it. So what we did here was flip the typical lighting scheme, to put a bright sky behind dark buildings. Suddenly the pipes and chimneys blend into the building's silhouette. Now instead of seeing individual details like the AC units, you're seeing a much more complex, organic looking skyline in the background. And because the mind expects a similar level of detail throughout an object, your imagination fills in the detail in the dark areas of the building, based on the silhouette." "Commentary_Title_ROOFTOP_FINALE" "FINAL EN LA AZOTEA" "[english]Commentary_Title_ROOFTOP_FINALE" "ROOFTOP FINALE" "#commentary\com-rooftopfinale.wav" "[Chris Ashton] La azotea del hospital es el final que cambiamos más veces, y también el primero que diseñamos.  Al principio, los supervivientes estaban dentro de un edificio y el helipuerto fuera. Podías aguantar dentro hasta que llegaba el rescate, y luego corrías hasta el helipuerto para escapar.  Nos parecía que resultaba demasiado fácil atrincherarse en una habitación pequeña y ponerse a liquidar a los infectados que entraban por la puerta.  Se perdía todo el dramatismo porque, aunque fuera había cientos de infectados atacando, no veías más que un goteo continuo en el umbral. Descubrimos en las pruebas que los supervivientes tienden de forma natural a subirse a las cosas.  Es como si los infectados fuesen una marea: los supervivientes siempre intentan estar por encima. Aprovechamos esta tendencia, construyendo zonas de azotea de fácil acceso, entre las que los supervivientes podían ir saltando.  Como sabíamos que les gustaba escalar, anticipamos su estrategia en el mapa y lo diseñamos en consonancia. Por ejemplo, los infectados pueden subir a las azoteas escalando cualquier pared, de forma que los supervivientes nunca tienen un ángulo seguro. La ventaja adicional es que así los jugadores pueden ver cómo corren hacia ellos los infectados desde lejos, algo mucho más dramático que hacer un montoncito de cadáveres junto a la puerta." "[english]#commentary\com-rooftopfinale.wav" "[Chris Ashton] The hospital rooftop is the finale that saw the most iterations; it's the first one that we ever built.  The initial design had the Survivors inside of a building, with the helipad outside. You would fight inside the building until help arrived and then you'd go out to the helipad to escape.  We found that it was too easy for the Survivors to back into a small room and hold out, just shooting the Infected as they came through the doorway.  This killed the drama, because we'd have hundreds of Infected attacking the rooftop but you'd never see them—only the trickle that got through the doorway. We learned through playtests that Survivors have a natural tendency to climb up on things.  It's like the Infected are a flood and Survivors are always trying to get to high ground. So we played to that tendency, building rooftop areas that were easily accessible, where the Survivors could navigate from one roof to another.  Knowing that Survivors want to get to high ground, we can anticipate how they'll approach the map and we can design around that. For example, the Infected can scale rooftops from all sides, so the Survivors can never back into a corner where they're safe. As a bonus, Survivors get to actually see the Infected running at them from a long distance away—which is a lot more dramatic than shooting at them as they pile through a doorway." "Commentary_Title_ORIGINS_OF_THE_GAME" "EL ORIGEN DEL JUEGO" "[english]Commentary_Title_ORIGINS_OF_THE_GAME" "ORIGINS OF THE GAME" "#commentary\com-origins.wav" "[Mike Booth] Mientras desarrollábamos bots para Counter-Strike: Source, descubrimos que nos encantaban los enfrentamientos de unos pocos jugadores armados hasta los dientes con armas automáticas frente a 30 bots enemigos con cuchillos. Después de publicar Counter-Strike: Source a finales de 2004, empezamos a experimentar con nuevos prototipos de juego. Volvíamos con frecuencia a aquella dinámica básica de \"un equipo de colegas contra hordas de enemigos\", así que pronto nos dimos cuenta de que un juego tipo \"cooperativo contra horda\" tenía mucho potencial. Comenzamos a trabajar en serio en lo que sería Left 4 Dead a principios de 2005 y, en una semana, teníamos un prototipo tosco pero muy jugable. Empezamos un ciclo diario de prueba/discusión/modificación que continuó durante tres años. El resultado de este proceso \"evolutivo\" es Left 4 Dead." "[english]#commentary\com-origins.wav" "[Mike Booth] While we were developing bots for Counterstrike: Source, we discovered that a few of us armed to the teeth with automatic weaponry against 30 knife-wielding enemy bots was a lot of fun. After shipping Counter-Strike: Source in late 2004, we started experimenting with new game prototypes. That basic kernel of 'small team of friends against hordes of clawing enemies' was something we kept coming back to and we soon realized that the 'co-op vs the horde game' had a ton of potential. We started work in earnest on what was to become Left 4 Dead in early 2005 and in about a week we had a very rough, but very playable and fun prototype. We began our daily cycle of playtest/discuss/modify that continued for the next three years. Left 4 Dead is the result of this evolutionary design process." "Commentary_Title_ADVANCED_ZOMBIE_AI" "IA AVANZADA DE LOS ZOMBIS" "[english]Commentary_Title_ADVANCED_ZOMBIE_AI" "ADVANCED ZOMBIE AI" "#commentary\com-advzombieai.wav" "[Matt Campbell] Aunque pueda sonar ridículo hablar de una IA avanzada de zombi, dedicamos mucho tiempo a la inteligencia artificial de la horda. Lo primero era su capacidad de orientación. Los entornos de Left 4 Dead tienen una geometría compleja y salpicada de numerosos objetos destruibles y móviles. Uno de los objetivos de diseño para la horda era no dejar ningún sitio que fuese accesible para los supervivientes pero no para los zombis. Para eso no sólo era necesario un código de búsqueda de rutas robusto, sino también algoritmos de seguimiento de rutas, que debía ayudar a los infectados a evaluar continuamente la geometría local para decidir si debían agacharse, ponerse de pie, saltar o escalar para superar los obstáculos arbitrarios del entorno." "[english]#commentary\com-advzombieai.wav" "[Matt Campbell] Although it sounds ridiculous to talk about advanced zombie AI, we spent a great deal of time on the AI systems for the common horde. First and foremost is their ability to navigate. The environments in Left 4 Dead are geometrically complex and littered with breakable and moveable objects. One of the design goals for the zombie horde was that there can never be a place where a Survivor can stand that a zombie cannot navigate to. To make this happen required not only robust path finding code, but also path-following algorithms as well. These path followers have to continuously evaluate the local geometry around them and decide whether to crouch, stand, jump, climb over, and otherwise navigate nearly arbitrary environmental obstacles." "Commentary_Title_REALISTIC_ZOMBIE_ANIMATIONS" "ANIMACIONES DE ZOMBIS REALISTAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_REALISTIC_ZOMBIE_ANIMATIONS" "REALISTIC ZOMBIE ANIMATIONS" "#commentary\com-zombieanims.wav" "[Phil Robb] Como tratamos a la \"horda zombi\" como un protagonista más de Left 4 Dead, dedicamos mucho tiempo a dar credibilidad a sus movimientos. Esto incluye cientos de animaciones por captura de movimiento que se mezclan con algoritmos con el sistema de física para crear personajes que reaccionan de forma realista al entorno y entre sí. Los zombis comunes dan vueltas, tosen, vomitan, luchan entre ellos, se apoyan en la pared, se sientan y se tumban, todo como parte de su comportamiento de \"paseo\". Si algo les saca de su estupor, se ponen \"alerta\" y buscan el origen de la perturbación. Cuando ven a un superviviente, se enfurecen y lo toman como objetivo: echan a correr, doblan las esquinas para buscarlo, saltan y escalan todo lo que encuentren en su camino, en un intento de cazar a la víctima. También queríamos expresar esa rabia en sus caras, por lo que buscamos métodos eficaces para que cada miembro de la horda contara con intensas expresiones faciales. Decidimos hacer que sus ojos fuesen de color lechoso, en parte porque les da un aspecto siniestro y aterrador, pero también porque es mucho más barato que controlar y dibujar las pupilas de todos por separado." "[english]#commentary\com-zombieanims.wav" "[Phil Robb] We treat 'the zombie horde' as a major character in Left 4 Dead, and spent a lot of effort in making their movements believable. This includes hundreds of motion captured animations that are algorithmically blended with physics systems to create characters that realistically interact with their environment and each other. The common horde stagger around, cough, vomit, fight amongst themselves, lean against walls, sit on the ground, and lie down as part of their 'wandering' behaviors. If something wakes them from their stupor, they become 'alert' and look around for the source of the disturbance. When they see a Survivor, they become enraged and 'acquire' that Survivor as a target, taking off at a full sprint, leaning into their turns, jumping and climbing over everything in their way, trying to get to their victim. We wanted to express this rage in their faces as well, so we found efficient ways for each member of the horde to make intense facial expressions. We chose to make their eyes a solid milky white, partially because it looks creepy and disturbing, but also because it's much less expensive than drawing and controlling separate eyeballs for each Infected." "Commentary_Title_REALISTIC_DEATH_ANIMATIONS" "ANIMACIONES DE MUERTE REALISTAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_REALISTIC_DEATH_ANIMATIONS" "REALISTIC DEATH ANIMATIONS" "#commentary\com-deathanims.wav" "[Miles Estes] Dado que una buena parte del juego consiste en aniquilar zombis, hemos dedicado mucho tiempo a hacer que sus animaciones de muerte sean más dramáticas. Capturamos los movimientos de un especialista de cine interpretando cientos de formas de morir dependiendo del arma y la dirección del impacto (hacia delante, de espaldas, etc). Luego combinamos estas capturas de movimiento con el motor de animación física de marionetas habitual. El resultado es una experiencia cinematográfica: los zombis dan un par de pasos hasta una pared, caen sobre ella y bajan resbalando hasta el suelo, por ejemplo. Es lo mejor de ambos mundos." "[english]#commentary\com-deathanims.wav" "[Miles Estes] Since killing zombies is such a big part of this game, we invested a lot of time into making their death animations more dramatic than simple ragdolls. We had a professional stuntman on a motion capture stage perform about a hundred different dying animations from different kinds of weapons and hit from different directions, like from the front or behind. We then combined these mocap animations with the physics-driven ragdolls. The result is a really cinematic experience, with zombies that stumble for a few steps into a wall, then slide down the wall and collapse, for example. It's the best of both worlds." "Commentary_Title_THE_BOOMER" "EL BOOMER" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_BOOMER" "THE BOOMER" "#commentary\com-theboomer.wav" "[Sean Keegan] Los diseños de los infectados \"jefe\" se derivaron directamente de las debilidades que observábamos en los jugadores de pruebas. Por ejemplo, en la etapa más primitiva de desarrollo, sólo había infectados normales. Por tanto, los supervivientes sólo tenían que disparar a todo lo que se moviese. Aunque era divertido, carecía de profundidad táctica y variedad. El objetivo del Boomer era trastornar esta sencilla regla, y se convirtió en \"el zombi al que NO quieres disparar\". Originalmente, simplemente explotaba al dispararle, causando un montón de daño de forma simultánea alrededor, incluso al equipo entero si estaba en un lugar cerrado. Aún no tenía su ataque de vómito: la habilidad de atraer a la horda la tenía antes el Screamer. Con la evolución del diseño del juego, se eliminó al Screamer y pasamos esta habilidad al ataque de vómito del Boomer que, además, encaja muy bien con su aspecto hinchado y grotesco. En el momento que le añadimos el vómito, nos dimos cuenta de que se trataba de una mecánica mucho más interesante y cambiamos el resultado de la explosión: en lugar de causar daño, salpicaría con su vómito. Este ataque tiene dos efectos muy interesantes: además de quedar cegado temporalmente por el vómito, quienquiera que lo sufre se convierte en el objetivo principal, y la horda de zombis se dedica a atacarle sólo a él, por lo que queda a merced de la ayuda de los compañeros dispuestos a protegerlo. Los jugadores que no están cubiertos de vómito tienen que buscar rápidamente una nueva estrategia para resolver la situación. Su otro efecto se debe a que el daño de este ataque no tiene consecuencias inmediatas que causen daño; al contrario que la anterior versión explosiva del Boomer. En lugar de eso, hay unos aterradores segundos en los que el jugador sabe que la horda se acerca y puede prepararse para el ataque, pero no sabe a ciencia cierta cómo saldrán las cosas. Este tipo de dramatismo anticipado resulta muy potente y refuerza el ambiente general de Left 4 Dead, además de mantener alerta a los jugadores." "[english]#commentary\com-theboomer.wav" "[Sean Keegan] The designs of the Boss Infected were driven directly from weaknesses observed during our daily playtesting. For example, in the very early days of the game there were only Common Infected. As a result, the Survivors had a very simple rule of 'shoot everything that moves'. Although this was fun, it lacked tactical depth and variety. The Boomer's goal was to shake this simple rule up a bit, and he became the zombie that you do not want to shoot. Originally, the Boomer just exploded when shot, instantly dealing a lot of damage to everyone nearby, or even the whole team if someone made a bad decision in close quarters. The Boomer didn't yet have his vomit attack – that horde drawing ability belonged to the Screamer. As the design of the game continued to evolve, the Screamer was cut and his horde attracting ability was transferred to the Boomer's Vomit attack. This attack fit the hugely obese and gluttonous visual design of the Boomer well. Once the Boomer could vomit, we realized that this was a much more interesting game mechanic, and changed the explosion from an instantaneous damage-causing one into the current vomit-splattering one. The Boomer's vomit has a couple of very interesting game mechanics: along with being temporarily blinded with vomit in their eyes, whoever is hit by it becomes 'it', and the incoming horde of zombies only attacks that player, essentially leaving him to the mercy of his teammates' willingness to protect him. The other players who have not been vomited on, have to make a quick decision about how to deal with this new situation. Another feature of the vomit attack is that it is not an instantaneous blow that causes damage; unlike the previous exploding version of the Boomer. Instead, there are often several seconds of dread and anticipation where the player knows the horde is coming and can prepare for the onslaught, but there is uncertainty about how things are going to play out. This kind of anticipatory drama is amazingly powerful and makes the whole Left 4 Dead experience work well, and keeps the players on their toes." "Commentary_Title_THE_SCREAMER" "EL SCREAMER" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_SCREAMER" "THE SCREAMER" "#commentary\com-thescreamer.wav" "[Jaime Sue] El Screamer era un zombi jefe que no poseía ningún ataque: estaba aprisionado por una camisa de fuerza. Sabías que rondaba por ahí por sus carcajadas maníacas. La situación con el Screamer era que, si te veía, tenías unos segundos para matarle antes de que huyera. Si fallabas y conseguía esconderse de los supervivientes, empezaba a soltar un agudo aullido que provocaba el ataque de una horda enorme de zombis. Aunque esto daba lugar a emocionantes escenas en las que intentabas darle caza antes de que gritase mientras esquivabas zombis a diestro y siniestro, era difícil para los jugadores no sólo descubrir su mecánica, sino también diferenciarle de entre la multitud. Lo retiramos, y su ataque de atracción acabó convirtiéndose en el ataque del Boomer." "[english]#commentary\com-thescreamer.wav" "[Jaime Sue] The Screamer was a boss zombie who didn't have any actual attacks; he was bound in a straightjacket. You knew when he was around because of his crazed, maniacal cackling. The trick to the Screamer was that if he saw you, you had a moment to kill him before he ran away. Once the Screamer got away from the Survivors to a hiding place, he would emit a loud howling scream that would cause a huge mob of zombies to attack the Survivors. While there were several exciting moments of knowing you had to chase him down to shoot him before he screamed, dodging zombies all the way, ultimately it proved too confusing for Survivors to discover how he worked, or even to reliably notice him in the crowd. He was cut, and his horde-drawing attack eventually evolved into the Boomer attack." "Commentary_Title_THE_SMOKER" "EL SMOKER" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_SMOKER" "THE SMOKER" "#commentary\com-thesmoker.wav" "[Khanh Nguyen] Los equipos experimentados y cooperativos de supervivientes pueden volverse muy buenos agrupándose y cubriendo todos los ángulos, hasta el punto de que los zombis ya no pueden causar el tipo de pánico y caos que define al juego. Creamos al Smoker para separar a estos equipos tan unidos por la fuerza. Basta con desplazar a un único superviviente lejos del resto con la lengua del Smoker para romper toda estrategia y recuperar el caos." "[english]#commentary\com-thesmoker.wav" "[Khanh Nguyen] Highly cooperative and experienced Survivor teams can become very good at staying together and watching all around them, to the point that it became difficult for the zombies to cause the kind of chaos and panic that makes the game exciting. The Smoker was created to forcibly pull these tight teams apart. Moving just one Survivor far out of position with the Smoker's tongue attack proved to be enough to break things up and bring the chaos back." "Commentary_Title_THE_WITCH" "LA WITCH" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_WITCH" "THE WITCH" "#commentary\com-thewitch.wav" "[Jerry Bennett] La Witch es mucho más infrecuente que el Boomer y, si das un paso en falso con ella, también es peor. En pocas palabras: si la disparas, estás muerto. La Witch tiene dos funciones: una, hacer una excepción en la regla de \"dispara a todo lo que se mueva\". Sin embargo, su función principal es cambiar el ritmo de juego para los supervivientes. Lo normal es que, si descubre a una Witch en el camino, el equipo pasará de repente al \"modo sigiloso\", es decir, apagará las linternas y la evitará con sumo cuidado. Es un drástico cambio con respecto al jaleo y la intensidad del resto del juego. Eso sí, al principio era muchísimo más peligrosa. Cuando la despertaban entraba en una furia asesina y atacaba a todos hasta que la aniquilaban. Esto resultaba demasiado duro, sobre todo para equipos novatos. Bastaba una bala perdida para despertarla y que masacrase al equipo entero, con lo que la partida acababa. Ahora concentra su rabia sólo en el superviviente que la molestó. Si lo mata, entonces se marchará de la escena para no volver." "[english]#commentary\com-thewitch.wav" "[Jerry Bennett] The Witch is much rarer than the Boomer, and her penalty is much more severe. Basically, if you shoot the Witch you will likely die. The Witch has two functions: one is to provide an exception to the rule of 'shoot everything that moves'. The primary function of the Witch, however, is to force a change of pace on the Survivor team. Ideally, discovering a Witch near your path will result in the team going into 'stealth mode' – shutting off their flashlights and walking carefully around her so as to not disturb her. This is a large departure from the intense and loud pace of normal gameplay. In earlier versions of the Witch's behavior, she was far more dangerous. Once she was set off – she went berserk and attacked all of the Survivors until she was killed. This proved to be too harsh, particularly for teams of new players. One stray bullet could wake the Witch and she would slay the entire team, ending the game. Now she limits her wrath to the Survivor who harassed her. If she successfully kills that player, she retreats from the scene entirely." "Commentary_Title_THE_PIPE_BOMB" "LA BOMBA CASERA" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_PIPE_BOMB" "THE PIPE BOMB" "#commentary\com-pipebomb.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Teníamos la intención desde el principio de incluir armamento improvisado en Left 4 Dead, y la bomba casera parecía ideal. Lo malo es que durante algún tiempo no resultó muy divertida y probamos varias cosas, como que pudiese acabar con un Tank. Desde luego la hacía valiosa, pero convertía las batallas contra los Tanks en algo anticlimático. También probamos a aumentar su radio de explosión, pero como era instantánea era difícil calcular el momento idóneo para usarla contra un ataque de la horda. En los últimos meses de desarrollo, uno de los animadores sugirió que la bomba tuviese \"una luz intermitente con un pitido que atrajese zombis\". De esa forma ya era divertida, interesante y un arma válida dependiendo de la situación. Probamos un prototipo con esta idea y fue un éxito inmediato. Seguirá habiendo situaciones en las que prefieras un cóctel Molotov, pero ahora la bomba casera también tiene su utilidad e interés." "[english]#commentary\com-pipebomb.wav" "[Brandon Idol] We knew we wanted homemade weaponry for Left 4 Dead, and a pipe bomb seemed ideal. However, for a long time the pipe bomb wasn't very fun. We tried various things, such as having a pipe bomb kill a Tank. That certainly made the pipe bomb valuable, but instead of being exciting, it made the Tank battle anticlimactic. We also tried making the explosion radius much larger, but the instant explosion made it difficult to time perfectly to be effective against a mob rush. In the final months of development, one of the animators suggested the pipe bomb having a 'beeping, flashing light that attracted zombies'. That added the missing fun element – an interesting and useful tactical choice for the Survivor. We prototyped this new pipe bomb behavior and it was an instant success. There are definitely situations where you want a Molotov, but now that choice is harder to make, because both are useful and fun." "Commentary_Title_REQUIRING_EXPLICIT_COOPERATION" "LA COOPERACIÓN COMO ELEMENTO NECESARIO" "[english]Commentary_Title_REQUIRING_EXPLICIT_COOPERATION" "REQUIRING EXPLICIT COOPERATION" "#commentary\com-explicitcoop.wav" "[Matt Campbell] Desde el principio, concebimos la cooperación como elemento principal del diseño de Left 4 Dead. Aunque otros juegos permiten el juego cooperativo, muy pocos lo convierten en algo obligatorio. Hay muchas mecánicas en el juego que exigen la cooperación para tener éxito. Una de las primeras que incorporamos fue el que, cuando tu salud llegue a cero, caigas al suelo, incapacitado e incapaz de moverte. En este estado seguirás perdiendo salud y los zombis no dejarán de atacarte: una vez incapacitado, morirás a menos que un amigo te ayude a ponerte en pie de nuevo. Se tarda 5 segundos en reanimar a un colega incapacitado durante los cuales el rescatador se queda desprotegido, así que se trata de una acción arriesgada." "[english]#commentary\com-explicitcoop.wav" "[Matt Campbell] From the start, focusing on cooperation was a primary design goal of Left 4 Dead. Although other games support cooperative play, extremely few actually require it. There are many core game mechanics in our game that require cooperation to succeed. One of the first that we added was having your character collapse to the ground, incapacitated and unable to move, when your health reaches zero. You continue to lose health in this state, and the zombies will continue to attack you. Once you are incapacitated, you will die unless a friend helps you back to your feet. Reviving an incapacitated friend takes 5 seconds, so it is a risky investment as the rescuer is vulnerable and unable to defend himself during this time." "Commentary_Title_THIRD_STRIKE" "¿POR QUÉ LA REGLA DE LA \"TERCERA CAÍDA\"?" "[english]Commentary_Title_THIRD_STRIKE" "WHY DOES THIRD STRIKE EXIST?" "#commentary\com-whythirdstrike.wav" "[Sean Keegan] Durante el proceso interno de pruebas, nos encontramos con situaciones en las que un jugador con la costumbre de meter la pata se quedaba tantas veces incapacitado que los otros se sentían frustrados por tener que reanimarle y hacerle de niñera 5 o 6 veces cada cinco minutos. Al añadir la regla de \"a la tercera caída, estás muerto\", resolvimos este problema en dos aspectos. Lo primero, sacaba temporalmente de la partida a estos jugadores y permitía al resto del equipo avanzar y disfrutar del juego. Segundo, el jugador que había muerto veía como espectador las acciones de los jugadores que lo hacían mejor. De esta forma, no sólo aprendía el modo en que iban sobreviviendo el resto de sus compañeros y cómo mejorar, sino que podía relajarse y recobrar la compostura antes de reincorporarse a la partida un par de minutos más tarde." "[english]#commentary\com-whythirdstrike.wav" "[Sean Keegan] During our internal playtesting, we ran into situations where a player who had a habit of making bad decisions kept becoming incapacitated to the point where the other Survivors became frustrated; continually reviving and escorting this player five or six times in the space of a couple of minutes. By adding the 'third strike and you're dead' rule solved this issue in two ways. First, it temporarily took these players out of the game and allowed the rest of the team to proceed and enjoy their experience. Second, the players who died found themselves as a spectator watching the more successful players. This not only gave them the opportunity to learn how the remaining players were surviving, but how they might improve their own performance as well. It also let them cool off and regain their composure in preparation for rejoining the game a minute or so later." "Commentary_Title_RESCUE_CLOSETS" "ARMARIOS DE RESCATE" "[english]Commentary_Title_RESCUE_CLOSETS" "RESCUE CLOSETS" "#commentary\com-rescueclosets.wav" "[Chris Ashton] Antes de añadir los armarios de rescate, los supervivientes que morían tenían que esperar hasta el siguiente punto de control para reincorporarse. Con la evolución del juego, el tiempo entre puntos de control se alargó hasta 10 o 15 minutos, demasiado para un jugador en modo espectador. Aunque ahora parece evidente, no teníamos claro cómo devolver a los supervivientes muertos al juego de un modo sencillo y creíble. En cuanto dimos con la mecánica de rescatar a un superviviente atrincherado, el problema quedó resuelto. Esta solución es un ejemplo de la dinámica de juego de Left 4 Dead. Oír a un colega atrapado crea una situación dramática para los supervivientes y un nuevo objetivo a corto plazo para el equipo. Además, encontrar a un superviviente solitario que luego se une al equipo es un tópico del género de terror. Por último, ofrece a los jugadores que mueren muchas oportunidades para reincorporarse a la partida." "[english]#commentary\com-rescueclosets.wav" "[Chris Ashton] Before there were 'rescue closets', Survivors who died during the game had to wait until the next checkpoint before they could rejoin. As the game matured, the time between checkpoints reached 10 to 15 minutes – clearly too long for a player to sit in spectator mode. Although it may seem obvious now, it wasn't really clear how to bring dead Survivors back into the game in a simple and believable way. Once we hit on the mechanic that you're rescuing a Survivor who has barricaded himself in the problem was solved. This solution is typical of Left 4 Dead game mechanics: Hearing a trapped friend call for help creates a dramatic situation for the Survivors, and creates a new short term goal for the team to accomplish. Also, finding a lone Survivor that joins your team is a staple of the horror movie genre. Finally, it provides plenty of opportunities throughout the environment to bring dead players back into the game." "Commentary_Title_PROCEDURAL_VS_SCRIPTED" "PROGRAMACIÓN POR PROCEDIMIENTO/POR GUIONES" "[english]Commentary_Title_PROCEDURAL_VS_SCRIPTED" "PROCEDURAL VS SCRIPTED GAME DESIGN" "#commentary\com-proceduralvscripted.wav" "[Mike Booth] Cuando comenzamos lo que se convertiría en Left 4 Dead a finales de 2004, o \"Terror-strike\" como lo llamábamos por entonces, teníamos un equipo pequeño pero conocíamos nuestros puntos fuertes, entre ellos la \"IA\". IA es una forma breve de decir \"software que produce un resultado aparentemente inteligente\", y puede obtenerse de diversas maneras.  En nuestro caso, queríamos explorar la generación de contenido por procedimiento (\"procedural\"), creando un algoritmo de IA que pudiese generar contenido infinito para los jugadores.  Sus ventajas son numerosísimas: no sólo podrías volver a jugar infinitas veces, sino que podríamos crear miles de retos con un equipo pequeño y mucha creatividad a la hora de programar. La razón de decantarnos por el concepto \"humanos contra horda de zombis\" es que la dinámica básica, disparar a un mogollón de zombis, resulta en una proporción cuantificable de diversión. De esta forma pudimos arriesgarnos más en aspectos como poblar nuestro mundo zombi por procedimiento y experimentar con un sistema que manipule el ritmo dramático de la acción. Este riesgo ha dado buenos frutos hasta ahora. No sólo es que nosotros sigamos disfrutando del juego después de haberlo estado desarrollándolo tres años, sino que este sistema nos ha ahorrado muchísimo esfuerzo. Por ejemplo, si tenemos que ajustar algún aspecto de la dinámica de juego, basta con alterar una única pieza de código para que se refleje el cambio no sólo en nuestros 20 mapas, ¡sino en los que diseñen los aficionados!" "[english]#commentary\com-proceduralvscripted.wav" "[Mike Booth] When we started what was to become Left 4 Dead in late 2004, or Terror-strike as it was known at the time, our team was quite small, however, we knew we had certain strengths – one of them being 'AI'. AI is just shorthand for 'software that results in apparently intelligent behavior', which can take many different forms.  In our case, we wanted to explore procedural content generation; creating an AI algorithm that would generate endless amounts of content for players to consume.  The advantages of this are many – not only would the game be infinitely replayable, but we could theoretically create huge amounts of game experience with a small team and some clever programming. The reason we decided on a 'humans vs the zombie horde' motif was that the actual core game mechanic – shoot lots of zombies – is kind of a known fun quantity. That allowed us to take more risk on the side of procedurally populating our zombie world, and to experiment with a procedural system that manipulates the dramatic pacing of the game. Taking this risk has really paid off so far. Not only do we, the dev team, still enjoy playing our game after doing so for three years, but the procedural population system has really saved a ton of effort. For example, if we tweak some portion of how the game plays, we only have to do it in one piece of code which then automatically populates all 20 of our maps, and all future maps we or our fans create, in this new way!" "Commentary_Title_GAME_INSTRUCTION_SYSTEM" "SISTEMA DE INSTRUCCIONES" "[english]Commentary_Title_GAME_INSTRUCTION_SYSTEM" "GAME INSTRUCTION SYSTEM" "#commentary\com-gameinstruct.wav" "[Jeep Barnett] En las pruebas de juego descubrimos que las mecánicas cooperativas de Left 4 Dead resultaban complicadas incluso para los jugadores más veteranos. Si fallas porque algo no se entiende, no te lo pasas bien. Por tanto, diseñamos el sistema de instrucciones para educar a los jugadores tan rápido como pudiéramos. Dado que los novatos pueden incorporarse a una partida en marcha en cualquier momento, era fundamental que el sistema interpretase los sucesos de forma dinámica. Cuenta con una lista de \"lecciones\" para impartir dependiendo del contexto y muestra las mecánicas más importantes. También lleva un registro de las veces que el jugador las ha puesto en funcionamiento con éxito: cuando el sistema determina que ya es un experto en algo, deja de mostrar la pista correspondiente." "[english]#commentary\com-gameinstruct.wav" "[Jeep Barnett] Through playtesting we found that Left 4 Dead's unique cooperation mechanics were tricky even for seasoned gamers to grasp immediately. Failing because of rules that are not clear is never fun. Therefore, we designed the game instructor system to educate players as quickly as possible. Because first time players can potentially join an in-progress game at any point, it was critical that the game instructor dynamically interpret game events. It keeps a running list of the lessons that can be taught in the current context and displays the ones that are most important. It also tracks how many times the player has successfully demonstrated that they've learned the lesson. Once the player has proven competence at any specific lesson, the hint is never shown again." "Commentary_Title_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH" "ANCHO DE BANDA" "[english]Commentary_Title_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH" "NETWORK BANDWIDTH" "#commentary\com-netbandwidth.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] Nos preocupaba mucho el uso del ancho de banda al jugar a Left 4 Dead.  Buscábamos constantemente formas de reducir la cantidad de datos que debía enviar el servidor a cada jugador.  En la mayoría de nuestros juegos para varios jugadores, sólo hay que preocuparse de los proyectiles y las armas, pero en Left 4 Dead no sólo hay que informar del comportamiento de los otros jugadores, sino también de los infectados.  En la campaña del hospital, muchas de las superficies están a nivel, como las habitaciones y las carreteras.  Como sólo era necesario informar de la altura de los infectados cuando cambiaba, en lugar de dar su posición constantemente, ahorramos un 10 por ciento de ancho de banda del servidor." "[english]#commentary\com-netbandwidth.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] Network bandwidth usage when playing Left 4 Dead is a huge concern.  We're constantly looking for ways to reduce how much data the server needs to send to each of the players.  In most of our multiplayer games, we're only concerned with other players and their projectiles and weapons; but in Left 4 Dead we must update not only the behavior of other players, but those of a horde of Infected.  In the hospital campaign, a lot of the surfaces are flat--such as halls and roadways.  By making sure that the Infected only send their height when it changes, instead of giving complete position updates, we shaved off almost ten percent of the bandwidth from the server." "Commentary_Title_ENCOURAGING_COOPERATION" "CÓMO PROMOVER EL JUEGO COOPERATIVO" "[english]Commentary_Title_ENCOURAGING_COOPERATION" "ENCOURAGING COOPERATION" "#commentary\com-encouragecoop.wav" "[Dave Kircher] En las primeras versiones de Left 4 Dead, permitíamos a los jugadores más diestros ir por libre sin temer a las consecuencias, evitando y toreando a los infectados sin darles tiempo a reaccionar. Al incorporar la ralentización de los jugadores al recibir un impacto de un zombi normal, redujimos las posibilidades de atravesar la horda con una mera carrera. Sobre todo, la embestida del Hunter y la lengua del Smoker resultaban fatales para un jugador solitario. Estas novedades acobardaron incluso a los más veteranos de la puntería en primera persona, lo que subrayó el valor del trabajo en equipo." "[english]#commentary\com-encouragecoop.wav" "[Dave Kircher] Early versions of Left 4 Dead allowed more skillful players to run off on their own without much fear of deadly consequences--bobbing and weaving around the Infected before they could react. The addition of player slowdown, when hit by a Common Infected, severely reduced the player's ability to simply run straight through the horde. More importantly, the Hunter pounce and Smoker hang presented fatal situations for a player on his own. These additions instilled the fear of being alone in even the most seasoned of FPS players, reinforcing the value of tight teamwork." "Commentary_Title_INTRO_MOVIES" "PELÍCULAS DE INTRODUCCIÓN" "[english]Commentary_Title_INTRO_MOVIES" "INTRO MOVIES" "#commentary\com-intromovies.wav" "[Doug Wood] Experimentamos con diversas introducciones para cada campaña.  En el caso de \"Alta médica\", probamos un plano del vuelo del helicóptero de 40 segundos, para que fuese todo más cinematográfico.  Al final, descubrimos que estas elaboradas escenas terminan hartando en un juego diseñado para volver a jugar una y otra vez Los jugadores de las pruebas querían empezar de inmediato en cuanto iniciaban el juego, así que simplificamos las introducciones." "[english]#commentary\com-intromovies.wav" "[Doug Wood] We experimented with a variety of different introductions for each campaign.  For No Mercy, we tried a 40 second fly-in of the helicopter to give the player a more movie-like introduction to the game.  Ultimately, we found that such elaborate cutscenes are hard to watch over and over in a game that's built for replayability. Playtesters wanted to get into the game and start playing right away, so we ended up going with a much more streamlined game intro." "Commentary_Title_RANDOM_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "UBICACIÓN ALEATORIA DE OBJETOS" "[english]Commentary_Title_RANDOM_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "RANDOM ITEM PLACEMENT" "#commentary\com-randomitem.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead necesita zonas fuera de la ruta principal para generar los infectados.  Sabíamos que, en cuanto las creásemos, a los jugadores les encantaría explorarlas, por lo que, en fases avanzadas del desarrollo, decidimos recompensarles por hacerlo permitiendo la creación aleatoria de objetos de bonificación como píldoras, Molotovs, bombas caseras y pistolas extra." "[english]#commentary\com-randomitem.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead requires a variety of areas off the main path where the Infected can spawn.  We learned that once we had created these places, players naturally wanted to explore them. So, fairly late in development, we decided to reward the players for going into these areas by allowing the random creation of bonus items such as pain pills, molotovs, pipe bombs and extra pistols." "Commentary_Title_SCISSOR_LIFT_CLIMAX" "BATALLA DEL ELEVADOR DE TIJERA" "[english]Commentary_Title_SCISSOR_LIFT_CLIMAX" "SCISSOR LIFT CLIMAX" "#commentary\com-scissorlift.wav" "[Phil Co] Este muelle de carga era otro de los campos de batalla que diseñamos para un mini-final.  Esta vez, en lugar de encerrar a los supervivientes en una posición defensiva, los subíamos a la azotea en el elevador para enfrentarlos a la horda." "[english]#commentary\com-scissorlift.wav" "[Phil Co] This loading dock was another arena that we designated for a mini-finale.  This time, instead of locking the Survivors in a defensive position, we decided to have them ride the lift up to a rooftop encounter with the horde." "Commentary_Title_LIMITED_RANDOM_WEAPON_PLACEMENT" "ARMAS ALEATORIAS LIMITADAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_LIMITED_RANDOM_WEAPON_PLACEMENT" "LIMITED RANDOM WEAPON PLACEMENT" "#commentary\com-randomweapon.wav" "[Steve Kalning] Otro modo de que la experiencia de los jugadores sea distinta cada vez que jueguen a Left 4 Dead es, además de colocar aleatoriamente objetos de bonificación como bombas caseras y píldoras, variar el emplazamiento de las armas más potentes como la escopeta automática, el rifle de asalto y el de caza.  Estas armas siempre aparecen en algún punto de la ruta principal, pero cada vez en uno de los cuatro puntos distintos de la estación de metro. De esta forma los jugadores no pueden dar por hecho que las encontrarán ahí siempre y deben estar atentos para mejorar su arsenal." "[english]#commentary\com-randomweapon.wav" "[Steve Kalning] Another way we try to give players a new experience every time they play Left 4 Dead, is that in addition to randomly placing bonus items like pain pills and pipe bombs, we vary the location of the more powerful weapons: the autoshotgun, the assault rifle, and the hunting rifle.  These weapons will always appear somewhere on the main path, but there are four different areas in the subway station where they can spawn. This means that players can't take these positions for granted on repeated play-throughs and must keep their eyes open for the weapon upgrades." "Commentary_Title_CRESCENDO_EVENTS" "EVENTOS CULMINANTES" "[english]Commentary_Title_CRESCENDO_EVENTS" "CRESCENDO EVENTS" "#commentary\com-crescendoevents.wav" "[Dario Casali] En cierto momento del proceso de desarrollo, los jugadores de pruebas nos dijeron que, con la excepción de los mapas finales, las campañas les parecían algo sosas, sin suficientes momentos intensos.  Por eso decidimos darle más chispa con los \"eventos culminantes\".  Esta sala de generador fue uno de los primeros mapas en los que probamos estos eventos. Para abrir la puerta y avanzar, los supervivientes deben encender la corriente, lo que atrae a una gran horda de infectados. Estos eventos culminantes crean múltiples escenas de gran intensidad que varían el ritmo y la intensidad de la campaña y te preparan para el final." "[english]#commentary\com-crescendoevents.wav" "[Dario Casali] At one point in the development process, playtesters told us that, with the exception of the finale maps, they found the experience of going through a campaign fairly flat, with not enough peak moments.  So we decided to mix up the gameplay by creating Crescendo Events.  This generator room was one of the first maps where we tried one of these events. To proceed from this room, the Survivors must turn on the power to open this door, which attracts a large horde of the Infected. These Crescendo events create multiple peak moments that vary the pace and intensity of the campaign, ultimately building up to the finale." "Commentary_Title_ELEVATOR_WAIT_CLIMAX" "ESPERANDO AL ASCENSOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_ELEVATOR_WAIT_CLIMAX" "ELEVATOR WAIT CLIMAX" "#commentary\com-elevatorclimax.wav" "[Matt Scott] El evento culminante del ascensor se basa en una mecánica muy sencilla: sobrevive hasta que llegue. Para distinguirlo del resto de eventos culminantes, añadimos muros destruibles que la horda podía atravesar para sorprender a los supervivientes y atacarles desde todos los ángulos." "[english]#commentary\com-elevatorclimax.wav" "[Matt Scott] The Crescendo Event centered on this elevator has a very simple mechanic: survive until the elevator arrives. In order to distinguish it from other Crescendo Events, we added breakable walls that allowed the horde to smash through, surprising the Survivors and providing access for them to attack from all directions." "Commentary_Title_SIGNAL_RADIO" "SEÑAL DE RADIO" "[english]Commentary_Title_SIGNAL_RADIO" "SIGNAL RADIO" "#commentary\com-signalradio.wav" "[Kim Swift] En los primeros diseños de esta azotea, el final empezaría en cuanto alguien pulsase el botón de la radio, pero vimos que muchos jugadores de pruebas le daban al botón antes de prepararse para la batalla.  Con el fin de hacerles saber que debían tomarse su tiempo, cambiamos el diseño para que el piloto les dijese que avisaran cuando estuviesen listos." "[english]#commentary\com-signalradio.wav" "[Kim Swift] Early in the design of this rooftop scenario, the finale would start as soon as someone hit the radio button. We saw playtesters consistently run up and hit the button without preparing for the battle first.  To let players know that they needed to prepare and to give them time to do it, we changed the design so that the pilot tells them to call him back when they're ready." "Commentary_Title_LANDING_PAD" "HELIPUERTO" "[english]Commentary_Title_LANDING_PAD" "LANDING PAD" "#commentary\com-landingpad.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] Al principio, en Left 4 Dead iba a haber una historia continua que comenzaba con la campaña del hospital.  Cuando el piloto del helicóptero te rescataba, te contaba que acababa de recoger a alguien en la calle y no se sentía bien.  Era evidente que lo habían infectado y que el helicóptero iba a estrellarse. Descubrimos que los jugadores se sentían decepcionados, en lugar de recompensados por haber sobrevivido al desafío. Decidimos quitar esa sección del diálogo del piloto y acabar con un tono optimista para reforzar la sensación de victoria." "[english]#commentary\com-landingpad.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] Left 4 Dead was originally going to have a continuous story that started with the hospital campaign.  When the chopper pilot picked you up, he would start talking about how he had just done a street pickup and wasn't feeling so well.  Clearly, he had just been Infected—and the chopper was about to go down. We found that this left playtesters feeling let-down, instead of rewarded for having survived the challenging campaign. We decided to cut that section of the pilot's dialogue and kept the ending upbeat - reinforcing the players' sense of accomplishment." "Commentary_Title_TEAMWORK_FEEDBACK" "PREMIOS POR EL TRABAJO EN EQUIPO" "[english]Commentary_Title_TEAMWORK_FEEDBACK" "TEAMWORK FEEDBACK" "#commentary\com-teamfeedback.wav" "[Jeremy Stone] Ya que el trabajo en equipo es tan importante en Left 4 Dead, queríamos un sistema con el que los jugadores supiesen hasta qué punto tenían éxito como equipo.  La primera versión fue lo que llamamos \"galardones\", una amplia colección de mensajes positivos y negativos sobre sus acciones.  Era como recibir méritos o deméritos. Los galardones se mostraban como iconos en pantalla para que todos viesen los premios que recibía el resto del equipo.  Resultó ser demasiado complicado y confuso:  era difícil descifrar el significado de los iconos, y los galardones negativos humillaban a los novatos en lugar de animarlos a mejorar.  Además, como en la pantalla ocurren tantas cosas a la vez, costaba mucho ver los iconos al concederse los galardones.  En la siguiente versión, redujimos drásticamente la lista a unos pocos galardones positivos, sustituimos los iconos con breves mensajes y añadimos un brillo en el icono del jugador.  De esta forma logramos subrayar la importancia del trabajo en equipo cuando se producía y señalábamos las buenas acciones de un jugador a sus colegas." "[english]#commentary\com-teamfeedback.wav" "[Jeremy Stone] Because teamwork is so important to gameplay in Left 4 Dead, we wanted to give players feedback on how they and their teammates were working as a team.  The first version of this was something we called awards, which was basically a large collection of positive and negative player actions.  It was like having merits and demerits. Awards showed up as icons in the HUD and everyone could see what awards other people on the team were receiving.  This turned out to be too complex and confusing.  It was hard to decipher what the icons meant, and the negative awards just hurt the feelings of new players rather than educating them.  Also, with so much activity going on in the game, it was hard to notice the award icons at the time the good teamwork occurred.  In the next version, we drastically narrowed the list to just a few positive things a player can do, replaced the icons with very short text, and added a glow to the player icon in the HUD.  This had the desired effect of reinforcing good teamwork right when it occurred and broadcasting a player's good deeds to his teammates." "Commentary_Title_LEAVE_THE_MUSIC_ON" "NO QUITES LA MÚSICA" "[english]Commentary_Title_LEAVE_THE_MUSIC_ON" "LEAVE THE MUSIC ON" "#commentary\com-musicon.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] La opinión generalizada sobre la música en la mayoría de juegos para varios jugadores es que estorba. Queríamos que la música de Left 4 Dead reforzase los elementos emocionales principales inherentes a un juego de terror, sin olvidar que todo componente de un juego debe contribuir a su dinámica. Por tanto, nos pusimos una serie de objetivos para la banda sonora con el fin de evitar que los jugadores la quitasen. Si los jugadores la dejan, reciben como recompensa diversas pistas en forma de audio que no sólo profundizan en el terror del juego, sino que les ayudan a jugar mejor." "[english]#commentary\com-musicon.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] The most common attitude toward music in multiplayer games is that it just gets in the way. We wanted the music in L4D to heighten the key emotional elements that should be inherent in a horror game—keeping in mind that everything in a game should contribute to gameplay. Therefore, we made a simple set of goals that the music should meet, to keep people from turning it off. Players who leave the music on are treated to a variety of subtle audio cues that not only deepen the horror experience, but make them better players." "Commentary_Title_KEEPING_THE_MUSIC_INTERESTING" "CÓMO MANTENER EL INTERÉS DE LA BANDA SONORA" "[english]Commentary_Title_KEEPING_THE_MUSIC_INTERESTING" "KEEPING THE MUSIC INTERESTING" "#commentary\com-musicinterest.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Tomamos diversas medidas para que la música fuese lo bastante interesante para que los jugadores no la quitasen. La cambiamos constantemente para que no aburra, para lo cual creamos un \"director de música\" que se ejecuta junto al director de IA y que hace un seguimiento de la experiencia del jugador. De esta forma, la música se adecua a la situación de cada jugador, está personalizada. El \"motor musical\" de Left 4 Dead cuenta con un sistema cliente completo de varias pistas exclusivo para cada jugador que pueden escuchar incluso los espectadores. Dado que parte de la diversión de Left 4 Dead es ver qué hacen tus amigos cuando has muerto, también era importante que pudiesen escuchar su \"banda sonora\". No existe otro juego con esta función." "[english]#commentary\com-musicinterest.wav" "[Tim Larkin] We took several steps to keep the music interesting enough that players would be inclined to keep it on as they play. We keep it changing, so it won't become tedious. To this end, we created a music director that runs alongside the AI director, tracking the player's experience rather than their emotional state. We keep the music appropriate to each player's situation, and highly personalized. The 'music engine' in Left 4 Dead has a complete client side multi-track system per player that is completely unique to that player and can even be monitored by spectators. Since some of the fun of Left 4 Dead is watching your friends when you're dead, we thought it was important to hear their personal soundtrack as well. This feature is unique to Left 4 Dead." "Commentary_Title_KEEP_IT_SIMPLE" "MÚSICA DINÁMICA: SENCILLEZ ANTE TODO" "[english]Commentary_Title_KEEP_IT_SIMPLE" "DYNAMIC MUSIC - KEEP IT SIMPLE" "#commentary\com-keepsimple.wav" "[Mike Morasky] Un montón de ambiciosos sistemas de música dinámica se esfuerzan tanto en organizar y controlar lo que, en esencia, es un arte expresivo, que el resultado es algo perfectamente controlado pero también un perfecto tostón. Nuestro director musical busca la \"armonía casual planificada\". Al diseñar la música y las pautas con la idea de aumentar el número de coincidencias con el ambiente y minimizar el de momentos inadecuados, acabamos con un alto porcentaje de eventos correctos, uno moderado de errores que quedaban sin embargo artísticos, y uno muy bajo de auténticas barrabasadas. Si recargas demasiado el diseño de la música y las pautas, no hay sorpresas y te acabas aburriendo enseguida. Lo irónico es que, al mantener la sencillez, el resultado parece mucho más planificado: la complejidad lleva a una mayor aleatoriedad y momentos más inadecuados." "[english]#commentary\com-keepsimple.wav" "[Mike Morasky] A lot of overreaching dynamic music systems go to great lengths to organize and control a very expressive art form, often to the point of making the results perfectly 'controlled' but also perfectly boring. Our Music Director aims for 'planned serendipity.' By designing the music and rule sets to increase the probability of beautiful happenstance, and to minimize the probability of inappropriate mistakes, we end up with the highest percentage of musical events working as planned, a nice mid percentage of acceptably artful mistakes, and very few actual poor moments. If you over-design the music and rule sets, there are no surprises; and without surprises, listeners are quickly bored. Ironically, by keeping things simple, the music seems planned; greater complexity just leads to greater randomness and many more poor moments." "Commentary_Title_TRACKING_THE_EXPERIENCE" "MÚSICA DINÁMICA: SUPERVISANDO LA EXPERIENCIA" "[english]Commentary_Title_TRACKING_THE_EXPERIENCE" "DYNAMIC MUSIC - TRACKING THE EXPERIENCE" "#commentary\com-trackexp.wav" "[Mike Morasky] Basamos la música en lo que el jugador está experimentando, no en lo que queremos que experimente. Partiendo del trabajo de nuestros diseñadores de audio en títulos como El señor de los anillos o las continuaciones de Matrix, introdujimos un sencillo sistema para examinar la acción en el entorno inmediato del jugador e incorporamos reglas reactivas y escalables para controlar la música y el volumen en consonancia. Por tanto, la mayoría de los movimientos musicales principales son resultados \"reactivos\" de pautas que procesan estos datos y hacen que la banda sonora sea exclusiva para cada jugador. Este sistema controla también la mezcla dinámica, algo que de nuevo sólo L4D tiene." "[english]#commentary\com-trackexp.wav" "[Mike Morasky] We base the music on what the player is actually experiencing and not what on what we want them to experience. Working from artificial life work our audio designers had done Lord of the Rings and the Matrix sequels, we implemented a simple system to examine what's going on in the player's immediate environment, then added the appropriate reactive, scalar rule-sets to control the music and its volume level. Most of the more prominent musical cues are thus 'reactive' results from rule sets processing this input--making the musical experience specific to each player. This system also controls the dynamic mix system—another feature unique to L4D." "Commentary_Title_AUDIO_SILHOUETTING_AND_PLAYTEST_RESULTS" "\"SILUETAS\" DE AUDIO Y RESULTADOS DE LAS PRUEBAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_AUDIO_SILHOUETTING_AND_PLAYTEST_RESULTS" "AUDIO SILHOUETTING AND PLAYTEST RESULTS" "#commentary\com-audiosilhouette.wav" "[Tobin Buttram] En las pruebas de juego, la gente solía quedarse perpleja con ciertos acontecimientos y elementos. Los movimientos musicales ayudaron a distinguir estos eventos y disminuir la confusión. Se parece un poco a lo que hicimos al experimentar con siluetas gráficas para resaltar a los personajes en ese entorno tan caótico. Las \"siluetas\" de audio funcionan de forma subconsciente y raras veces se perciben como algo intencionado." "[english]#commentary\com-audiosilhouette.wav" "[Tobin Buttram] In playtests, people were often confused by certain events and elements in the game. The addition of musical cues helped distinguish these events and diminish player confusion. This was similar to the way that we experimented with distinct visual silhouettes in order to make our characters stand out in a chaotic environment. Audio silhouettes work on a preconscious level, and are rarely perceived as intentional." "Commentary_Title_VISUAL_DESIGN" "DISEÑO VISUAL" "[english]Commentary_Title_VISUAL_DESIGN" "VISUAL DESIGN" "#commentary\com-visualdesign.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] Para alcanzar una coherencia visual en Left 4 Dead, tomamos primero decisiones que mejorasen la dinámica de juego en este entorno tan oscuro. La oscuridad es fundamental, ya que anima a los jugadores a permanecer juntos y trabajar en equipo. Aprovechamos lo que aprendimos en Team Fortress 2, sobre todo en lo que respecta a mantener la \"visibilidad\" de las siluetas de los personajes incluso entre tanta oscuridad y caos. Al mismo tiempo, estudiamos técnicas cinematográficas que ya se han usado con éxito en entornos oscuros para resolver los desafíos y sacarle el máximo partido a un entorno de juego muy dinámico. Con el fin de acentuar la idea de estar en medio de la película de zombis definitiva con tus colegas, añadimos ciertos efectos cinematográficos al motor Source, como corrección del color, granularidad, contrastes y viñeteado, y conseguimos un aspecto de cine con mucho estilo que equilibra dramatismo con claridad visual para los jugadores." "[english]#commentary\com-visualdesign.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] To find a coherent visual look for Left 4 Dead, we first had to make choices that would help enhance gameplay in a very dark setting. The darkness is crucial to L4D as it forces players to stick together and encourages cooperative gameplay. We took advantage of lessons learned from our previous work on Team Fortress 2—particularly in regard to maintaining the readability of character silhouettes in a dark, chaotic environment. Meanwhile we studied film techniques that have been employed successfully in dark settings, to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the highly dynamic game environment. To accentuate the notion that you're playing through the ultimate zombie movie with a band of your friends, we added various filmic effects to the Source engine. Using these effects including color correction, film grain, contrast and vignetting— we were able to define a stylistic filmic look that balances visual drama with clear readability for players." "Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_COLOR_CORRECTION" "EFECTOS DE CINE: CORRECCIÓN DEL COLOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_COLOR_CORRECTION" "FILM EFFECTS – COLOR CORRECTION" "#commentary\com-colorcorrect.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] Una de las técnicas que aprovechamos del cine fue la corrección del color. Esta técnica simplifica y uniformiza la paleta visual. Con ella, podemos establecer un umbral de saturación específico por debajo del cual todo tiende al gris sin perder el brillo y atractivo de elementos fundamentales como la sangre y los botiquines. También variamos la corrección del color según la zona. Por ejemplo, la gama de los refugios es cálida, lo que evoca seguridad, en contraste con las gamas frías del exterior, que dan un aspecto intimidante y cruel." "[english]#commentary\com-colorcorrect.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] One of the film techniques we relied on was color correction. Color correction simplifies and unifies the visual palette. Our color correction allows us to set a specific saturation threshold below which everything falls off toward gray, while critical items like health packs and blood stay bright and eye-catching. We also vary color correction by area. For instance, safe rooms have a warm color quality, evoking safety, in distinct contrast to the cooler palettes of the outdoors, which feel cold and forbidding." "Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_VIGNETTE" "EFECTOS DE CINE: VIÑETEADO" "[english]Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_VIGNETTE" "FILM EFFECTS – VIGNETTE" "#commentary\com-vignette.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] Tradicionalmente, el viñeteado es un término fotográfico que hace referencia al ligero oscurecimiento en los bordes de una foto. En nuestro caso, oscurecemos sólo el borde superior y las esquinas. Esto concentra la atención de los jugadores en la mitad del espacio de pantalla, que es donde debe estar, y a la vez crea una sensación de agobio y claustrofobia. Es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo una mejora visual puede tener un efecto positivo en la experiencia de juego general." "[english]#commentary\com-vignette.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] Traditional vignetting is a term from photography which refers to the slight darkening of the periphery of a photograph. In our vignetting approach, we darken only the top edge and corners. This focuses player attention down into the middle of the play-space, where it belongs, while also creating a sense of oppression or claustrophobia. This is a great example of how a visual enhancement can have a positive effect on the overall game experience as well." "Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_LOCAL_CONTRAST" "EFECTOS DE CINE: CONTRASTE LOCAL" "[english]Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_LOCAL_CONTRAST" "FILM EFFECTS – LOCAL CONTRAST" "#commentary\com-localcontrast.wav" "[Matt Wright] El ajuste del contraste local es otro de los efectos de cine aplicados a Left 4 Dead. Lo controlamos dinámicamente, vinculado a sucesos culminantes del juego. Cuando todo se vuelve más definido de repente, estamos sugiriendo el equivalente visual a un subidón de adrenalina. El contraste nos sirve para aumentar la percepción del entorno. Aunque los jugadores no se percaten conscientemente de estos efectos, acaban asociando los ligeros cambios visuales con variaciones en la intensidad del juego." "[english]#commentary\com-localcontrast.wav" "[Matt Wright] Local contrast adjustment is another film effect we've implemented in Left 4 Dead. We control contrast dynamically, keyed to peak events in the game. When everything suddenly gets sharper, this is a visual parallel to an adrenaline rush. We use contrast to emulate a heightened sense of awareness. While players may not be consciously aware of these effects, they eventually come to associate subtle changes in visual presentation with shifts in the game's intensity." "Commentary_Title_PAINTING_WITH_LIGHT" "LA LUZ COMO MEDIO ARTÍSTICO" "[english]Commentary_Title_PAINTING_WITH_LIGHT" "PAINTING WITH LIGHT" "#commentary\com-lightpaint.wav" "[Chris Chin] La iluminación fue uno de nuestros mayores desafíos. Queríamos el nivel justo de iluminación como para resultar lo bastante atmosférico sin ser frustrante o injusto para los jugadores. Cuando era posible, dejábamos que la iluminación narrase la historia y mejorase la dinámica. Las pruebas de juego nos demostraron que, en un juego oscuro, los jugadores corren a la luz. Sólo teníamos que colocar un par de luces drásticas y acudían a ellas como polillas a las lámparas. Estas luces sencillas también definían mejor las siluetas, para que los jugadores distinguiesen a los supervivientes de los infectados. Los faros de los coches acabaron siendo uno de nuestros elementos de escenografía más flexibles, ya fuese produciendo sombras dramáticas que reforzaban la sensación de abandono o indicando a los supervivientes el camino." "[english]#commentary\com-lightpaint.wav" "[Chris Chin] Lighting was one of our toughest challenges. We had to find a light level that was atmospheric without striking players as frustrating or unfair. Wherever possible, we let lighting tell the story and enhance the gameplay. Playtests proved that in a dark game, players will go wherever there's light. All we had to do was set up a few critical lights, and players are drawn to them like a moth to a bug zapper. This simplified lighting also made it easier to read silhouettes, so that players could more easily tell Survivors from Infected. And car headlights proved to be one of our most flexible props, casting long dramatic shadows that tell a story of abandonment, while being easily positioned to lead the Survivors where we want them to go." "Commentary_Title_SMOKING_THE_SET" "NIEBLA EN EL PLATÓ" "[english]Commentary_Title_SMOKING_THE_SET" "SMOKING THE SET" "#commentary\com-smokeset.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] \"Ahumar\" el plató es una técnica cinematográfica común para separar el fondo del primer plano. Nosotros hicimos nuestra versión con neblina basada en partículas y distancias. Nuestros primeros experimentos frustraron a los jugadores. Usábamos una niebla oscura realista, que sin embargo oscurecía las siluetas de los personajes y no dejaba apreciar los vastos entornos. Al aclarar la niebla, los mapas ganaron en sensación de escala y distancia y se mejoró la visibilidad de los personajes, de forma que los jugadores podían distinguirlos de sus enemigos. Esta niebla también los ayudó a fijarse en eventos importantes, como zombis escalando vallas a lo lejos. Estos cambios visuales no sólo mejoraron el aspecto de los mapas, sino que ayudaron a los jugadores a anticipar los ataques y a coordinarse." "[english]#commentary\com-smokeset.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Smoking the set is a common film technique used to help separate background and foreground elements. We use particles and distance-based fog to do our own version of smoking. Our first experiments proved frustrating for players. We used a realistic dark fog, but this obscured character silhouettes and gave no sense of the vast surrounding environment. Once we lightened up the fog, the maps gained a greater sense of scale and distance, and the readability of characters greatly improved so that players could more easily tell friend from foe. Fog also helped players spot important events like zombies climbing over distant fences. So changes in visual design not only improved the look of the maps, but aided players in anticipating and coordinating their team ahead of attacks." "Commentary_Title_FLASHLIGHT" "LA LINTERNA" "[english]Commentary_Title_FLASHLIGHT" "FLASHLIGHT" "#commentary\com-flashlight.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] En Left 4 Dead, los jugadores llevan linternas como fuente de iluminación. Estas luces no sólo añaden más riqueza a las superficies y profundidad visual, sino que afectan a la dinámica de juego. Por ejemplo, dado que las linternas están unidas a las armas, al recargar o empujar al enemigo la luz se desvía a un lado. En las zonas más oscuras, esto deja prácticamente ciego al jugador hasta que acaba de recargar o empujar a los zombis. Como ocurre con muchas de las mecánicas de Left 4 Dead, esto anima a los jugadores a cooperar, ya que saben que se quedarán a oscuras si recargan en un mal momento." "[english]#commentary\com-flashlight.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] In Left 4 Dead, players carry flashlights to illuminate the environment. These shadow-casting light sources not only add surface richness and provide important visual depth cues, they tie into gameplay. For example, because a player's flashlight is attached to his or her weapon, the light becomes pointed off to the side when reloading or performing a shove attack. In a sufficiently dark area, this can cause the player to be effectively blind until they are done reloading or shoving back an enemy. Like so many of Left 4 Dead's game mechanics, this encourages cooperation, as players know they may be left in the dark if they choose to reload at the wrong moment." "Commentary_Title_THE_TANK" "EL TANK" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_TANK" "THE TANK" "#commentary\com-thetank.wav" "[Kerry Davis] Junto con el Boomer, el Tank era uno de nuestros primeros jefes.  Mientras que el Boomer rompía la regla de \"dispara a todo lo que se mueva\", el Tank alteraba la estrategia del equipo para que cooperase inmediatamente contra él.  Si nadie pierde la calma y todos atacan, deberían sobrevivir. Si se acobardan y dispersan o algún egoísta sale corriendo, el equipo está muerto. Una de las dificultades al diseñarlo es que, como compensamos su extraordinaria resistencia volviéndolo más lento, cuando las batallas eran en campo abierto resultaba mucho menos eficaz. Un equipo de supervivientes coordinado podía acabar enseguida con el Tank antes de que se acercase a sembrar el caos. Para compensar este punto débil, añadimos sus habilidades de lanzamiento de rocas y coches. Ahora, si está demasiado lejos de los supervivientes, sigue siendo eficaz con sólo arrancar trozos enormes de suelo y lanzárselos." "[english]#commentary\com-thetank.wav" "[Kerry Davis] Along with the Boomer, the Tank was one of our earliest bosses.  Where the Boomer broke the rule of 'shoot everything that moves', the Tank changed the team's tactics to require immediate and direct cooperation against a single major threat.  If everyone stays calm and engages the Tank, they should be ok. If they panic and scatter, or if someone gets selfish and runs off, the team will likely die. One difficulty with the Tank was that since we offset his incredible toughness by slowing him down a bit, when Tank battles occurred in large outdoor spaces, he was far less effective. Coordinated Survivor teams could easily take down the Tank before he would close in on them and cause chaos. To offset this vulnerability, we added his 'rock throw' and car-slugging abilities. Now, if the Tank finds himself far away from the Survivors, he can still be effective by ripping up the ground and lobbing huge rocks at them." "Commentary_Title_KEEPING_THE_TANK_IN_CHARACTER" "EL DILEMA DE LA PERSONALIDAD DEL TANK" "[english]Commentary_Title_KEEPING_THE_TANK_IN_CHARACTER" "KEEPING THE TANK IN CHARACTER" "#commentary\com-keeptankchar.wav" "[Jamaal Bradley] En las primeras pruebas de juego, cuando los jugadores controlaban al Tank, no interpretaban bien su \"personalidad\", lo que desequilibraba su potencia en el juego y hacía que prácticamente ganase siempre.  El problema es que un jugador juega para ganar, y el Tank está diseñado para lanzarse en un arranque de furia asesina y empezar a destrozar cosas. Un Tank que aguanta mucho castigo, de gran potencia en el cuerpo a cuerpo y además inteligente, que se esconde en pasillos estrechos y aprovecha la cobertura, que es lo que hacen los jugadores, era un problemón. Una posible solución era simplemente no permitir que lo controlasen jugadores y dejárselo a la IA. Con este recurso como plan B, intentamos buscar algo que animase a los jugadores a jugar más como lo haría un Tank.  Al final, nos decantamos por una sencilla solución: el \"medidor de paciencia\". Cuando un jugador controla al Tank, tiene una cantidad limitada de \"paciencia\" que se muestra en la interfaz y se va gastando siempre que no pueda ver a los supervivientes. Si se le agota la paciencia al Tank, la IA toma el control y el jugador vuelve al modo espectador. De esta forma, el jugador puede decidir cómo enfrentarse a los supervivientes con el Tank, pero le deja claro que si no se lanza pronto a repartir leña perderá el turno.  Al explicitar este \"contrato interpretativo\", conseguimos el comportamiento que esperábamos del Tank sin privar a los jugadores del placer de sembrar el caos con el jefe zombi más grande y bruto del juego." "[english]#commentary\com-keeptankchar.wav" "[Jamaal Bradley] In early playtests, when players controlled the Tank, we had a major problem with them not behaving 'in character' - totally breaking the game balance of the Tank, and making him a game-ender almost every time.  The problem was that an intelligent human player wants to win right now, and the Tank was designed to be an enraged berserker that just charges in and starts smashing stuff. Having a Tank that can take tons of damage, has an incredibly powerful melee attack, and is smart, hides in choke points and stays in cover constantly, as a smart human does, was a huge problem. One choice was to simply not allow the Tank to be human-controlled, and leave it to the AI to drive his behaviors consistently. With that as our fall-back, we worked on trying to find a 'behavior modifier' that would encourage human players to act in more Tank-like ways.  Eventually we settled on a fairly simple solution: the 'patience meter'. When a human becomes a Tank, he has a certain amount of 'patience', which is shown graphically on his HUD. This 'patience' wears down whenever he can't see the Survivors. If the Tank's 'patience' runs out, the player loses control to the Tank AI and returns to spectator mode. This allows the player to decide how to engage the Survivors, but makes it clear that he needs to get in and start swinging or he'll lose his turn.  By making this 'behavior contract' clear to the player, we get the kind of Tank behavior we need and human players get to enjoy causing total chaos as the biggest, baddest, boss in the game." "Commentary_Title_ZOMBIE_POPULATION" "EL DIRECTOR DE IA Y LA POBLACIÓN ZOMBI" "[english]Commentary_Title_ZOMBIE_POPULATION" "THE AI DIRECTOR AND ZOMBIE POPULATION" "#commentary\com-aidirectorpop.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Al principio, los diseñadores colocaron lugares fijos de creación de los infectados normales en cada mapa. Sin embargo, era evidente que, después de probar un nivel un par de veces, los supervivientes más diestros sabían donde iban a aparecer, lo que anulaba la atmósfera de anticipación y peligro constante. Con este fin, probamos con conjuntos de estos generadores, que se activaban aleatoriamente para cada sesión. Ayudó un poco, pero a la larga sólo suponía que los jugadores tenían que comprobar más lugares distintos de creación. Dado que una de las metas principales de diseño en Left 4 Dead era que pudiese volver a jugarse infinitas veces, debíamos buscar otro enfoque. Nos decantamos por la solución ideal, aunque más arriesgada: un enfoque completamente por procedimiento que determinase la creación de las hordas sobre la marcha. Aunque nos llevó más tiempo, este sistema superó todas nuestras expectativas. Además de que los equipos más experimentados no podían saber dónde les atacarían las hordas, simplificamos enormemente la tarea de poblar los mapas.  Lo que antes costaba semanas de pruebas y actualización de los mapas, se convirtió en un proceso de cinco minutos que toleraba mejor los cambios en los mapas y que daba mucho mejores resultados. Tan buenos, que no podríamos imaginar el desarrollo de Left 4 Dead sin un sistema de contenido por procedimiento así.  Más adelante ampliamos el sistema con zombis errantes en los entornos para aumentar las decisiones estratégicas de los supervivientes y darle más variedad a la dinámica.  Cuando tomamos esta decisión de diseño, bastó con que un programador dedicase una sola tarde al código para añadir los infectados errantes a todos los mapas. Pudimos probar la idea ese mismo día." "[english]#commentary\com-aidirectorpop.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Initially, designers placed the spawn locations for common Infected mobs in each map. However, it became obvious after a few play-throughs, that skilled Survivors knew exactly where each of these were, killing the atmosphere of anticipation and constant danger. To address this, we tried creating 'sets' of these mob-generators and randomizing which sets were active for a given session. This helped somewhat, but ultimately it meant that experienced Survivor teams would just have to check a few more known locations. Since a primary design goal of Left 4 Dead was to create an experience that could be replayed indefinitely, we needed a new approach. We decided to go for the ideal, but riskier, solution: A completely procedural approach that would determine where to create mobs 'on the fly' as the team was playing. Although it took longer to build this system, in the end it worked better than we even hoped. Not only were experienced teams no longer able to expect where mobs would hit, but the process of populating maps with enemies was hugely simplified.  What used to take weeks of painful iteration and constant updating as maps were changed, became a five minute process that was much more tolerant of map changes and actually played better. It was so successful, in fact, that we can't imagine building Left 4 Dead without a system for this kind of procedural content.  We later expanded this system to add wandering zombies to the environments to increase the Survivors tactical choices and add additional variety to the game experience.  Once this design decision was made, these wanderers were added to every map in the game with just an afternoon's worth of code from a single programmer. We playtested the idea the same day." "Commentary_Title_ACTORS" "ACTORES" "[english]Commentary_Title_ACTORS" "ACTORS" "#commentary\com-actors.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] Solemos usar a los mismos dobladores en varios proyectos. Una de las mayores ventajas (al menos para los guionistas) es que podemos escribir los diálogos para una gama vocal específica. Para Left 4 Dead, recuperamos a varios actores con los que trabajamos en juegos anteriores: Dennis Bateman, el Spy y el Pyro de TF 2; Nathan Federline, el Scout de TF 2; Gary Schwartz, el Demo Man y el Heavy; John Lowrie, el Sniper de TF 2 y prácticamente todos los \"extras\" de la serie Half Life; Jim French, que interpretó al Padre Father Grigori en Half Life 2; y la siempre espectacular voz de GLaDOS, Ellen McClain, que desde Half Life 2 ha aparecido en todos los juegos de Valve." "[english]#commentary\com-actors.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] We'll often use the same voice actors across multiple projects. One of the biggest benefits of this - at least for the writing staff - is that we can write dialog with a particular actor's vocal range in mind. For Left 4 Dead, we brought back several actors we've worked with on previous games; Dennis Bateman, who was the Spy and Pyro in TF 2; Nathan Federline, TF 2's Scout; Gary Schwartz who played the Demo Man and the Heavy; John Lowrie, TF 2's Sniper and pretty much every male extra in the Half-Life series; Jim French, who played Father Grigori in Half Life 2; and the always-awesome voice of GLaDOS, Ellen McClain, who's played a role in every Valve game since Half Life 2." "Commentary_Title_SCENE_VARIANTS" "VARIANTES DE LAS ESCENAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_SCENE_VARIANTS" "SCENE VARIANTS" "#commentary\com-scenevariants.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] Dado que Left 4 Dead está diseñado para volver a jugarse muchas veces, creamos tantas variantes de las escenas con diálogos como pudimos. Por ejemplo, el encuentro con el tipo desquiciado de la iglesia en mitad de la campaña \"Toque de difuntos\" incluye más de 130 líneas para cinco personajes, que pueden activarse de 25 maneras distintas. Las variaciones se muestran según qué superviviente usa primero la puerta, a quién tiene cerca, y variables aleatorias. El resultado es que los jugadores pueden pasar por este encuentro muchas veces sin escuchar la misma conversación." "[english]#commentary\com-scenevariants.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] Because Left 4 Dead is designed to be played over and over again, we made the dialog scenes have as many variants as we could cram in. For instance, the encounter with the crazy Church Guy halfway through the Death Toll campaign includes more than 130 lines spread across five characters that can play out about 25 different ways. The variations appear based on which Survivor initially uses the door, what other Survivors are near that Survivor, and random chance. The end result is that players can go through that encounter many times without hearing the same conversation twice." "Commentary_Title_LINEAR_MAPS_VS_OPEN_CITY" "MAPAS LINEALES CONTRA DESARROLLO ABIERTO" "[english]Commentary_Title_LINEAR_MAPS_VS_OPEN_CITY" "LINEAR MAPS VS. OPEN CITY" "#commentary\com-linearvopencity.wav" "[Matt T. Wood] Los primeros mapas que creamos específicamente para el juego eran gigantescas secciones no lineales de la ciudad. La idea era que el equipo de supervivientes buscase su propia ruta de escape de la ciudad infestada. Las pruebas de juego pronto nos enseñaron que seguir el estado de tus colegas y defenderse de las hordas ya copaba toda la atención de los jugadores. Si encima les hacíamos discutir por dónde ir, el juego se volvía lento y frustrante. Pero lo más importante era que los equipos enseguida encontraban una ruta preferida que seguían siempre para no tener que tomar decisiones sobre la marcha. Al reducir la ciudad a una ruta algo lineal y representativa, podíamos aprovechar mejor nuestros recursos y detallar esa zona mejor." "[english]#commentary\com-linearvopencity.wav" "[Matt T. Wood] Our first maps created specifically for the game were giant, nonlinear city sections. The idea was that the Survivor team would have to find their way through the zombie infested city. Playtesting quickly revealed that keeping track of your teammates and fending off the hordes of zombies completely consumed player's attention. Adding on-the-fly team discussions of which way to go were slow and frustrating. More importantly, however, was that teams quickly found their favorite route, and tended to always run the same way every time, minimizing their on-the-fly decisions. By paring down the city to a representative and fairly linear route, we could better spend our limited resources making that area highly detailed." "Commentary_Title_SMOKER_VISUAL_EFFECTS" "EFECTOS VISUALES DEL SMOKER" "[english]Commentary_Title_SMOKER_VISUAL_EFFECTS" "SMOKER VISUAL EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-smokereffects.wav" "[Scott Dalton] Aunque los efectos especiales suelen considerarse una mera alegría para la vista, también pueden cumplir funciones en la dinámica de juego.  El mejor ejemplo es el Smoker; analicemos en qué modo siguen su diseño los efectos especiales.  El papel del Smoker es quedarse lejos, acechando en las azoteas, en árboles y otros lugares distantes para sacar de la formación a un superviviente y romper el grupo.  Por tanto, al contrario que otros tipos de infectado, prefiere no acercarse a los supervivientes.  Para que su silueta fuese reconocible y visible en los lugares lejanos y oscuros que suele frecuentar, le cubrimos con una nube de esporas.  Usamos distintas técnicas para garantizar su visibilidad en todo momento.  Las esporas en sí se iluminan con la luz local, pero siempre conservan algo de color para que el Smoker siempre sea visible, incluso en la oscuridad.  Además, aplicamos una técnica común en muchos de los efectos que usamos para comunicar resultados de acciones, como sangre o impactos: las partículas ocupan poco tamaño en pantalla independientemente de la distancia.  De esta forma, conserva su efecto distintivo tanto a larga distancia o con su silueta recortada en el cielo, como de cerca, siempre con partículas pequeñas.  Ya que al Smoker suelen abatirlo desde lejos y en extraños ángulos que dificultan el disparo, hay que comunicar claramente su muerte a los jugadores para que sepan que han acabado con él.  Y aquí entra en acción su apodo (humeante en inglés).  Cuando lo matan, libera una gran nube de humo, que no sólo es la \"recompensa visual\" por acabar con él, sino que te deja claro que ya no va a escaparse para atacar de nuevo.  También es su último acto de venganza, ya que oscurece la visibilidad de los jugadores y esconde a otros infectados." "[english]#commentary\com-smokereffects.wav" "[Scott Dalton] While special effects seem on the surface to be visual fluff, they also serve critical gameplay functions.  To use an example of the Smoker, we can see how his various effects follow his design.  The role of the Smoker is to keep his distance, lurking on rooftops, trees, and other out of the way spots to pull a Survivor out of formation and break up the group.  As such, unlike other types of Infected, he prefers to keep his distance from the Survivors.  In order to give him a distinct and visible silhouette in the often dark and distance locales that he frequents, he has a swarming spore cloud.  We use a variety of small techniques here to help guarantee a strong read in all situations.  The spores themselves are lit by the local lighting, but always maintain some degree of color, so that the Smoker retains some distinct visibility even in complete darkness.  Further, we apply a technique we also use in a variety of feedback based effects such as blood and impacts where the particles have a minimal screenspace size regardless of their distance.  This allows the Smoker to retain his distinctive effect at far distances or when silhouetted against a sky, while keeping the actual particle sizes small when up close.  Since the Smoker is usually dealt with at a distance, often at angles which make getting a shot difficult, his death must also be clearly broadcast to players so they can tell when they've killed him.  This is where the Smoker's moniker comes into play.  When he is killed, he releases a large smoke cloud, which is not only a visual pay off for killing the Smoker, but a clear read that he has been defeated and won't escape to attack again.  His cloud also serves as a final act of revenge, obscuring nearby players' visibility, as well as hiding Infected within." "Commentary_Title_IMPROVISED_EXPLOSIVES" "EXPLOSIVOS IMPROVISADOS" "[english]Commentary_Title_IMPROVISED_EXPLOSIVES" "IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES" "#commentary\com-improvexplosives.wav" "[Scott Dalton] Desde el principio pensamos en darle sus propias ventajas tanto a la bomba casera como al Molotov.  Dado que sólo puedes tener una de estas armas en el inventario, la elección debía tener significado.  Al principio el Molotov ganaba por goleada, con una amplia área defensiva e interesantes opciones y desventajas estratégicas, sobre todo contra jefes.  La bomba casera se suponía que era mejor contra la horda, pero al principio no tenía nada de éxito.  Con el ritmo frenético de los enemigos y la acción en Left 4 Dead, en donde el área de enfrentamiento suele ser de entre 1,5 y 3 metros, usar la bomba casera tradicional de forma estratégica era casi imposible.  Veías a una horda de zombis, sacabas la bomba casera y, antes de que pudieses prepararte para lanzarla, te estaban comiendo la jeta.  Ni las modificaciones en la detonación ni en el tiempo resolvieron el problema: no era divertida.  Como la horda se ve atraída por los sonidos agudos, decidimos llevar la naturaleza casera de la bomba un paso más allá e incorporarle el mecanismo de un detector de humos. Así añadimos el elemento que le faltaba al arma.  Contra hordas, ahora puedes atraerlas a un punto determinado y aniquilarlas.  Tiene la ventaja estratégica de poder desviar una marea del camino de un usuario o colega de equipo abrumado por los ataques, y siempre te parece que resulta útil.  Ahora, cuando te dan a elegir entre la bomba casera y el Molotov, tienes que sopesar la situación que más te preocupa inmediatamente y cómo van equipados tus compañeros.  La mecánica del arma contribuye a reforzar los conceptos del mundo del juego y al tiempo hace que encaje con nuestros objetivos iniciales y los cumpla.  Tampoco está nada mal eso de ver una manada de zombis reducidos a un pringoso rocío rojo por el petardazo." "[english]#commentary\com-improvexplosives.wav" "[Scott Dalton] We set out to create an interesting tradeoff between the pipebomb and Molotov from day one.  Given the limit of a single item in your inventory, the choice needed to be meaningful.  From early on the Molotov was a clear winner, providing a dynamic area of denial with interesting strategic purposes and pitfalls, especially against the Boss Infected.  The pipebomb was intended to provide a balance against a rampaging horde, but initially it proved far less successful.  Given the frenetic pace of enemies and action in Left 4 Dead with typical engagement ranges of five to ten feet, using a traditional pipebomb in any sort of intentional way was nearly impossible.  You'd see a mob of zombies, whip out the pipebomb and by the time you were winding up for a throw, they'd already be eating your face.  No amount of tweaks to the detonation mechanic or timing solved this issue, it simply wasn't fun.  Given that the horde is drawn to shrill, high pitched sounds, we decided to take the home-made nature of the pipebomb one step further and attached the guts of a smoke detector onto it. This provided just the element that the weapon needed.  Against mobs, you now have the ability to draw them to a point and destroy them.  It has the strategic advantage of being able to deflect an incoming rush from a user or a teammate who's being overwhelmed and rarely feels like a wasted opportunity when used.  Now when presented with a pipebomb and molotov tradeoff, you have to weigh what situation you are more worried about facing next and how the rest of your team is outfitted.  The mechanics of the weapon help to reinforce fictional elements within the world while falling in line and fulfilling our initial goals for its purpose.  And seeing a bunch of zombies turn into a goopy red mist as the result of a big explosion never hurts either." "Commentary_Title_TANK_RAFFLE" "SORTEO DEL TANK" "[english]Commentary_Title_TANK_RAFFLE" "TANK RAFFLE" "#commentary\com-tankraffle.wav" "[Eric Tams] El Tank es una presencia impresionante en el campo de batalla. Es el único zombi que puede aguantar fuego directo. Para combatirlo, los supervivientes deben colaborar y concentrarse en el objetivo, y ni siquiera eso garantiza evitar una catástrofe. Esta potencia hace que jugar con el Tank sea muy gratificante. Queríamos crear algo que recompensase la actuación de los jugadores para que todo fuese justo, pero también que no se convirtiese en un bucle infinito en el que un jugador acabase controlando siempre al Tank. Con frecuencia, al buscar la solución a un problema de diseño es bueno observar mecanismos existentes fuera del juego que resuelven el mismo problema. De esa forma, los jugadores lo entienden rápidamente y podemos aprovechar la misma sensación de emoción que pueda provocar el mecanismo externo. El sorteo del Tank tiene la ventaja adicional de anunciar a los jugadores zombi cuándo se crea el Tank y prepararles para la parte más emocionante del juego." "[english]#commentary\com-tankraffle.wav" "[Eric Tams] The Tank is an awesome presence on the battlefield. It's the only zombie that can withstand any amount of direct fire. To successfully combat a Tank the Survivors need to work together and focus on their target, and even then the chance of catastrophe is high. With all of this power it's a huge reward when a player gets to play the Tank. We wanted to create something that rewarded player performance so it would feel fair, but we also wanted to make sure that it didn't generate a feedback loop where one player would always end up being the Tank. Often when trying to solve a game design problem like this it's good to look at mechanisms that exist outside of the gaming world that solve the same problems. That way our players will instantly understand the mechanism at play and we can tap into the same excitement that might already exist for the external mechanism. The Tank Raffle has the added benefit of announcing to the Player Zombies when the Tank is created, and peaking anticipation for the most exciting part of the game." "Commentary_Title_PLAYTESTING" "PRUEBAS DE JUEGO" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYTESTING" "PLAYTESTING" "#commentary\com-playtest.wav" "[Marc Nagel] Cuando el juego está listo para probarlo, traemos a familiares y amigos que nunca lo han jugado para probar ciertas zonas, mapas o campañas.  Estos jugadores nos dan un punto de vista totalmente nuevo y objetivo sobre el juego que nos ayuda a evaluar qué es lo que funciona y qué es lo que no.   Observamos como juegan y compartimos sus emociones y frustraciones. Les animamos a que hablen y hagan preguntas durante el juego, para saber mejor qué piensan, aunque les avisamos antes de que no podremos responderles o ayudarles. Observar estas pruebas de juego nos ayuda a perfeccionar el juego para que los novatos entiendan la mecánica y la premisa básica de su dinámica, y también a saber si el equilibrio entre desafíos y recompensas es correcto.  Cuando acaba la sesión hacemos una ronda de preguntas y respuestas en donde les preguntamos sus opiniones para recopilar datos que no pueden obtenerse con la observación. Una de nuestras estrategias es preguntarles qué les ha gustado más y qué menos y por qué. Así podemos identificar y dar prioridad a los principales aspectos en los que el juego necesita mejorar." "[english]#commentary\com-playtest.wav" "[Marc Nagel] Once the game is in a playable state, we bring in friends & family who have never played the game to playtest specific areas, maps or campaigns.  These players bring a fresh perspective and objectivity to the game experience that often gives us new insights into what's working and what's not in our games.   We observe their play and experience their exhilarations and frustrations. While playing, we encourage them to talk and ask questions, to get a better idea of what they're thinking – though we let them know that we won't be able to answer those questions or offer any help. Watching these playtests helps us tune the game so that first time players understand the game mechanics and the basic premise for how the game is played, and that we're achieving the right balance of challenges and rewards.  After the play session is complete, there is a final Q&A session where we ask them about their experience to gain more specific insight than we were able to obtain through observation. One approach we use here is to ask them what the best and worst moments of the experience were for them and why. This is especially useful feedback to help us identify and prioritize our key issues in improving the game experience." "Commentary_Title_A_VARIETY_OF_INFECTED" "UNA AMPLIA GAMA DE INFECTADOS" "[english]Commentary_Title_A_VARIETY_OF_INFECTED" "A VARIETY OF INFECTED" "#commentary\com-varietyinfected.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] En Left 4 Dead, los jugadores sufren constantemente ataques de hordas de infectados \"normales\" y pueden verlos bien de cerca. Los jugadores de pruebas suelen fijarse y recordar la variedad de los rostros y la ropa de los distintos tipos de infectados normales, lo que ayuda a subrayar la enormidad de la epidemia. Fue un tremendo desafío dar variedad al aspecto de los infectados normales y aprovechar la ropa o los uniformes particulares de ciertas zonas sin reventar el \"presupuesto de memoria\" que teníamos para modelos y texturas. Diseñamos un sistema para marcar zonas específicas en las que crear infectados de un determinado tipo de población. Cada tipo define la probabilidad de creación de los infectados comunes: por ejemplo, muchos guardas en el aeropuerto, pacientes en el hospital, polis en la calle, oficinistas en los despachos, etc. También prestamos una atención especial a las cabezas y los torsos de los infectados porque era en lo que más se fijaban los jugadores de pruebas. Al escoger aleatoriamente entre diversas texturas de cabezas dentro de la misma hoja de texturas, tintes para las ropas y grupos de cuerpos para los infectados, pudimos generar unos mil quinientos tipos distintos de infectados normales." "[english]#commentary\com-varietyinfected.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] In Left 4 Dead players are constantly getting attacked by mobs of Common Infected and have lots of opportunities to view individual Infecteds up close. Playtesters tend to notice and remember the variety of faces and clothing of the different types of Common Infected, and it helped to reinforce the sense of a vast epidemic. It was a challenge to create this diversity of looks for Common Infected, and take advantage of unique clothing or uniforms in specific areas, without blowing our model and texture memory budgets. We came up with a system of marking navigation areas to spawn specific populations of Infected. Each population type defines probabilities for which Common Infected versions can be spawned: for instance, lots of TSA agents are spawned in the airport, hospital patients around the hospital, cops in the streets, office employees in the offices, etc. We also paid special attention to Infected heads and upper bodies because playtesters were noticing those parts of Common Infected the most. By randomly selecting from a lot of small head textures packed in a single texture sheet, using random tint colors for clothing materials and using random body groups for Infected bodies we could generate over 1500 different looks for Common Infected." "Commentary_Title_FRANCIS_THE_BIKER" "FRANCIS, EL MOTERO" "[english]Commentary_Title_FRANCIS_THE_BIKER" "FRANCIS THE BIKER" "#commentary\com-francisbiker.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] Para que el jugador pueda sobreponerse al terror y la oscuridad de Left 4 Dead, nuestra máxima prioridad era crear cuatro supervivientes creíbles con los que identificarse. Al diseñar a Francis, buscábamos un personaje grande e imponente que encajase bien en el apocalipsis zombi. Tenía que parecer enorme, pegar con el ambiente y tener una silueta definida. El aspecto del motero fue una decisión potente: un tipo de dos metros con los brazos al descubierto, camiseta blanca manchada y chaleco de cuero era una imponente imagen fácil de distinguir a pesar del caos. Al tratar con un entorno tan oscuro como el de Left 4 Dead, la visibilidad es básica para compensar el \"ruido visual\" que suponen cientos de zombies moviendo los brazos con desesperación. Los supervivientes son, también visualmente, la última esperanza, personas cercanas y memorables en un mundo enloquecido. Por otro lado, los zombis tienen una paleta desaturada, fría, y no tienen el mismo contraste que los supervivientes. Los cuatro personajes se diseñaron como una unidad, por lo que destacan del resto del ambiente y sus siluetas marcadas y contraste en el color consiguen al mismo tiempo identificarlos como individuos y como equipo. Queríamos diseñar a cuatro supervivientes con una resonancia realista para completar la inmersión en esta horrenda visión del apocalipsis zombi en la que tú, el jugador, te verías envuelto." "[english]#commentary\com-francisbiker.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] To overcome the horror and darkness of Left 4 Dead our highest priority was to create four believable people for the Survivors which you could connect with. With the design of Francis we were looking for a large imposing character that would fit in well during the Zombie apocalypse. He needed to feel huge, fit believably into the world and read well as a silhouette. The biker look was a strong choice as the read of bare arms, a stained white shirt and leather waistcoat, all on a six foot five frame, certainly made for an imposing pared back shape that read clearly amongst the chaos. When dealing with an environment that is as dark as Left 4 Dead, a strong graphic read would be essential in combating the visual noise of hundreds of Zombies frantically flailing about. The Survivors are in effect visually our last hope and read as warm and enduring people in a world gone mad. The zombies on the other hand are desaturated, fairly cool in their color palette and lack a lot of the contrast of our Survivors. The four characters were designed as a unit so that while they stand out together from the rest of the world, their strong silhouettes and color contrast provide clear reads for each individually yet still signal 'team'. We wanted to conjure four Survivors who would resonate realistically, and thereby complete our horrifically rendered vision of the zombie apocalypse which you, the player, now find yourself in." "Commentary_Title_LEFT_4_DEAD_BOX_ART" "ILUSTRACIÓN DE LA CAJA DE LEFT 4 DEAD" "[english]Commentary_Title_LEFT_4_DEAD_BOX_ART" "LEFT 4 DEAD BOX ART" "#commentary\com-boxart.wav" "[Greg Coomer] El proceso de diseño de la caja de Left 4 Dead fue arduo y comenzó más de un año antes de la publicación del juego. En total se produjeron más de 30 versiones internas de la caja, que exploraban diversas maneras de comunicar visualmente el concepto del juego. Al crear un nuevo producto como Left 4 Dead, el diseño de la caja debe atraer a un público que no conoce tan bien el juego. Al principio, creíamos que en el caso de Left 4 Dead debíamos ser más literales e incorporar en la misma ilustración de la caja todo lo que definía el juego. Realizamos numerosas versiones de la ilustración con los cuatro protagonistas cooperando como equipo, disparando a una horda de zombis, salpicados de sangre y poniendo una pose chula para la cámara. Como cabría esperar, al añadir el logotipo del juego y los otros elementos que debes incluir en la caja, era un auténtico barullo. Seguimos probando composiciones, pero no nos abandonó la sensación de que parecía muy forzado. Al final, cuando ya se nos acababa el tiempo, nos dimos cuenta de que el juego no se merecía un enfoque tan manido. Empezamos a buscar una ilustración que demostrase más confianza, sofisticación y sencillez. La imagen de la mano con cuatro dedos fue un exitazo, tanto interno como en las tiendas a las que la llevamos, un chiste visual macabro que se te queda en la cabeza. Nos parece una representación icónica perfecta del juego: han dado por muertos a 4 -> en la mano sólo quedan 4 dedos (y están muertos)." "[english]#commentary\com-boxart.wav" "[Greg Coomer] Designing the box art for Left 4 Dead was lengthy process, beginning well over a year before the game shipped. All in all, more than 30 versions of the box art were produced internally, each one exploring different ways to visually communicate about the game. When introducing a new franchise like Left 4 Dead, its box design needs to engage people who are less familiar with the game. At first, we believed that in Left 4 Dead's case we needed to be very literal, communicating all of the important things about the game right there on the box-front. We went through many versions of the art featuring four human characters working co-operatively as a team, firing their guns into a horde of zombies, all the while smattered with blood and looking pretty for the camera. As you can imagine, when you add the game's logotype and the other stuff that has to go on the front of the box, things were looking pretty complicated. We kept struggling with those compositions and the feeling that, overall, they felt forced. Finally, with time running out, we realized that the game deserved more than this conservative approach. We began looking for a piece of key art that was more confident, sophisticated, and simple. The image of a hand with four fingers was an immediate hit, both internally and when we brought it to local stores to test it out with gamers -- it presents a grisly visual pun that can't be ignored. We think it's a great iconic representation of the game." "Commentary_Title_CONTEXTUAL_DIALOG" "DIÁLOGOS CONTEXTUALES" "[english]Commentary_Title_CONTEXTUAL_DIALOG" "CONTEXTUAL DIALOG" "#commentary\com-contextdialog.wav" "[Elan Ruskin] Left 4 Dead supone un nuevo paso en la tecnología de diálogos contextuales de The Orange Box. Cada superviviente cuenta con una abultada reserva de líneas de diálogo entre las que elegir según la acción y variables como la salud, el estrés o los infectados vistos hasta el momento, entre otras muchas. Cada línea puede en potencia activar una respuesta automática de otro personaje y se desarrollan diálogos interesantes de forma dinámica según la interacción de ambos hasta ese momento del juego." "[english]#commentary\com-contextdialog.wav" "[Elan Ruskin] Left 4 Dead evolves some of the contextual dialog technology that we used in The Orange Box. Each Survivor has a large database of lines to choose from based on their present activity and a variety of factors such as their health, stress level, kinds of Special Infected seen so far, and many others. Each line can potentially trigger an automatic response from another character, allowing rich conversations to be dynamically generated based on the players' history together in the game so far." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_CONVERSATIONS" "CONVERSACIONES DINÁMICAS" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_CONVERSATIONS" "DYNAMIC CONVERSATIONS" "#commentary\com-dynaconvers.wav" "[Elan Ruskin] Otra función añadida en Left 4 Dead para los diálogos es la capacidad de los personajes de hablar coherentemente sobre lo que les rodea. En otros juegos de Source podíamos escribir diálogos concretos para los secundarios en ciertas zonas del mundo, pero en Left 4 Dead no sabíamos con seguridad qué supervivientes seguirían vivos en cada momento. Por tanto, el juego tiene en cuenta qué personajes están presentes y su condición antes de elegir automáticamente las conversaciones más adecuadas según el contexto." "[english]#commentary\com-dynaconvers.wav" "[Elan Ruskin] Another dialog feature added for Left 4 Dead is the ability for characters to dynamically notice and comment upon objects in their world. In other Source games we could write explicit scenes for supporting characters to act out at certain points in the world, but in Left 4 Dead we can never be sure which Survivors will actually be alive at any given moment. So, the game considers which characters are present and their condition before automatically choosing the best available conversation that includes whoever is around." "Commentary_Title_STAT_SYSTEM" "RECOPILACIÓN DE DATOS" "[english]Commentary_Title_STAT_SYSTEM" "STAT SYSTEM" "#commentary\com-stats.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Valve lleva mucho tiempo recopilando datos de juego reales para mejorar los productos. En Left 4 Dead, recopilamos automáticamente los datos de las pruebas de juego internas para perfeccionar el juego. Lo miramos todo, incluido con qué frecuencia se ayudan entre sí los supervivientes, lo eficaces que son los distintos tipos de infectado, lo buenas que son las armas y cuáles son las favoritas. Aprendemos mucho al analizar estos datos y podemos tomar decisiones basadas en información real en lugar de suposiciones. Recopilaremos esos mismos datos del público de Left 4 Dead y usaremos la información para seguir mejorando el juego. También compartiremos la información de juego con la comunidad igual que hacemos con el resto de nuestros productos." "[english]#commentary\com-stats.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Valve has a long history of gathering real-world gameplay data and using that to improve our products. In Left 4 Dead, we automatically gather data from internal playtests and use that to tune the game. We look at every angle, including things like how often Survivors help each other, how effective different types of Infected are, how effective weapons are and which weapons players favor. We learn a lot from analyzing gameplay data and it lets us make decisions based on real information rather than guesswork. We will gather that same gameplay data from our real-world Left 4 Dead players and use that information to continue to improve the game. We'll also share the gameplay data we gather with the community, as we do with our other products." "Commentary_Title_VERSUS_MODE_BALANCE" "EQUILIBRIO EN EL MODO ENFRENTAMIENTO" "[english]Commentary_Title_VERSUS_MODE_BALANCE" "VERSUS MODE BALANCE" "#commentary\com-vsbalance.wav" "[David Sawyer] Durante gran parte del desarrollo de Left 4 Dead, el modo Enfrentamiento era el modo predeterminado y único. Los problemas de equilibrio nos llevaron a convertirlo en un modo distinto. El problema era que, si lo equilibrábamos para darle a los supervivientes una probabilidad de escapar, a los jugadores zombi les resultaba frustrante y tedioso. Necesitábamos modificaciones que convirtiesen la experiencia de los jugadores zombi en algo satisfactorio y se lo pusiera mucho más complicado a los supervivientes. Al separar este modo pudimos olvidarnos del dilema: en lugar de darle un 50% de probabilidades de escapar a los supervivientes, ahora son partidas más cortas e intensas en las que lo tendrán realmente difícil para sobrevivir. Su objetivo pasa a ser llegar más lejos que el otro equipo. Es más divertido para los zombis, y la recompensa por pasarlo peor como superviviente es que puedes cambiar de equipo y vengarte." "[english]#commentary\com-vsbalance.wav" "[David Sawyer] For much of the development of Left 4 Dead, Versus mode was the default and only mode. Balance problems eventually forced us to make it a separate game type. The problem was that if we balanced it to provide the Survivors a reasonable chance of escape, the experience was a long and frustrating one for the player-zombies. Changes that were necessary to make the player-zombie experience satisfying also served to make the experience dramatically harder for the Survivors. Separating Versus mode allowed us to break out of this dilemma, rather than aiming for a 50/50 shot at the Survivors escaping, now we're aiming for a shorter more intense experience where the Survivors are unlikely to make it to the end; their goal is simply to get further than the other team did. It's more fun for the zombies, and your reward for having a harder time as the Survivors is that you get to switch teams after you're slaughtered and do the same to them." "Commentary_Title_WORLD_MODELS" "MODELOS DEL ENTORNO" "[english]Commentary_Title_WORLD_MODELS" "WORLD MODELS" "#commentary\com-worldmodels.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Por lo general, cada modelo tiene sus propios mapas de texturas específicas que le dan su color y detalle.  Para que la diversidad de los coches fuese realista con este método, había que crear tantas texturas como coches distintos y duplicados de las mismas en varios colores, algo que habría superado con creces la memoria de la que disponíamos. Teníamos que buscar un modo más eficaz de obtener el mismo resultado. Por ejemplo, esta textura la comparten otros tres modelos de coche distribuidos por todo el entorno.  Además de la textura en este color, hay máscaras que permiten tintar las superficies de los coches de forma distinta sin tener que crear una textura nueva.  Por el coste de dos texturas, tenemos cuatro modelos de coche en infinidad de colores." "[english]#commentary\com-worldmodels.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Usually each model in the game has its own unique texture maps painted specifically for that model, which give the object its surface colors and detail.  To have a convincing variety of cars using this method would have required as many textures as varieties of car, plus multiple duplicates of the textures in different colors, which would have been far out of our allotted texture memory budget. So we had to find a more efficient way to bring about that same result. For example the texture on this car is shared with 3 different car models distributed throughout the environment.  In addition to this one color texture, there is also a 'mask' texture that allows each instance of the car's painted surfaces to be tinted a different color, without having to author a separate texture.  So for the cost of two textures you can get four different car models in an unlimited variety of colors." "Commentary_Title_INTRODUCTION" "INTRODUCCIÓN" "[english]Commentary_Title_INTRODUCTION" "INTRODUCTION" "#commentary\com-intro.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hola, soy Gabe Newell. Te doy la bienvenida a Left 4 Dead. Este es nuestro primer intento de combinar los puntos fuertes de los juegos para uno y varios jugadores. Queríamos conservar el tipo de narración basada en personajes de nuestros títulos para un solo jugador, como Half-Life, y combinarla con la rejugabilidad y socialización de nuestros multijugador, como Counter-Strike y Team Fortress 2. Además, tenemos hordas de zombis y juego cooperativo, ¿qué más quieres? Para escuchar un nodo de comentario, coloca la mira sobre el símbolo flotante del comentario y pulsa la tecla usar. Para detener un comentario, coloca la mira sobre el nodo giratorio y pulsa de nuevo la tecla usar. Algunos nodos de comentario pueden tomar el control del juego para mostrarte algo. En esos casos, vuelve a pulsar la tecla usar para detener el comentario. Dime tu opinión después de que hayas tenido oportunidad de jugar a Left 4 Dead. Puedes escribirme a gaben@valvesoftware.com. Aunque recibo miles de correos electrónicos cada vez que publicamos un juego y no puedo responder a todos, no me dejo ninguno sin leer. Gracias, ¡y que te diviertas!" "[english]#commentary\com-intro.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hi, my name is Gabe Newell, and welcome to Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead is our first attempt to combine the strengths of single player and multiplayer games. We wanted to take the character driven story-telling of our single player games, like Half-Life, and combine it with the social replayability of our multiplayer games like Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2. Plus Left 4 Dead has zombie hordes and co-op, so what's not to like. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating commentary symbol and press your use key. To stop a commentary node, put your crosshair over the rotating node and press the use key again. Some commentary nodes may take control of the game in order to show something to you. In these cases, simply press your use key again to stop the commentary. Please let me know what you think after you have had a chance to play Left 4 Dead. I can be reached at gaben@valvesoftware.com. I get about 10,000 emails each time we release a game, and while I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them. Thanks, and have fun!" "Commentary_Title_ZOEY" "ZOEY" "[english]Commentary_Title_ZOEY" "ZOEY" "#commentary\com-zoey.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] El proceso de diseño del personaje de Zoey no fue tan fluido como el de los otros tres.  Diseñar una chica en medio del apocalipsis zombi no es fácil con su trasfondo.  Tenía que resultar atractiva y parecer agotada al mismo tiempo. Debía ser dura y capaz de apañárselas sola a pesar de estar aterrorizada de vez en cuando. También había que tener en cuenta su visibilidad. La chaqueta roja resolvió el problema.  Destaca en medio de los poco coloridos y sucios zombis y el oscuro y gris entorno. En cuanto al resto de su apariencia, fue sufriendo varias modificaciones a medida que íbamos definiendo su carácter.  Cuando por fin estuvimos seguros de que el modelo cumplía su objetivo, obtuvimos una jovencita normal con la que cualquiera puede identificarse." "[english]#commentary\com-zoey.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] The process behind designing Zoey's character wasn't as straightforward as the other three.  Developing a young female in a zombie apocalypse isn't easy with a backstory like hers.  She had to be attractive and worn down at the same time. She needed to be tough and able to hold her own even though she is occasionally terrified. Her readability was also something we had to take into consideration. A bright red jacket solved the problem.  It pops out amongst the gritty, desaturated zombies and the dark, subdued environment. As far as the rest of her appearance, there was a little bit of back and forth as her character came into focus through iteration.  Finally, we were certain that the character model met our goals, and Zoey unfolded into an everyday young woman who everyone can relate to." "Commentary_Title_BILL_THE_NAM_VET" "BILL, EL VETERANO DE VIETNAM" "[english]Commentary_Title_BILL_THE_NAM_VET" "BILL THE NAM VET" "#commentary\com-billnamvet.wav" "[Ariel Díaz] Una de nuestras metas a la hora de diseñar a los supervivientes era crear un grupo muy diverso y realista que encajase en un argumento postapocalíptico y fuese al mismo tiempo heroico e inspirador.  Encontrar el equilibrio entre realismo e idealismo fue especialmente desafiante con Bill. En las primeras pruebas tenía un aspecto demasiado avejentado y frágil, por lo que no parecía capaz de luchar contra la horda.  Más tarde, nos pasamos al compensarlo y era demasiado joven y guapete, lo que contradecía el trasfondo que habíamos creado para él.  En nuestro diseño definitivo equilibramos el trasfondo con ese toque idealista y obtuvimos un veterano de guerra antaño heroico que, a pesar de ser más anciano y sabio, se las apaña bien en combate." "[english]#commentary\com-billnamvet.wav" "[Ariel Diaz] One of our goals when designing the four Survivors was to have a very diverse group of real-world characters who fit in the post-apocalyptic story line, but that also have heroic and aspirational qualities.  Bill was a challenging design problem when it came to finding the correct balance between realism and idealism. In our first attempts, we made him look a bit too old and frail, which made him seem physically incapable of fighting against the horde.  On later iterations, we erred on the side of making him look too young and handsome, which broke the fiction that we had for the character.  In our final design we balanced the character backstory and the aspirational qualities, portraying Bill as a once heroic army veteran, who though older and wiser, can still excel at physical combat." "Commentary_Title_LOUIS" "LOUIS" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOUIS" "LOUIS" "#commentary\com-louis.wav" "[Moby Francke] Una de las características distintivas de Louis es que representa a un tipo normal y corriente. Mientras que Bill y Francis son personajes que no seguían las normas de la sociedad, Louis es el único que intenta agarrarse a los últimos vestigios de normalidad y civilización en un mundo de caos puro. Al darle una silueta elegante y delgada y añadirle elementos como zapatos y reloj de marca y una corbata, no sólo se distingue del resto, sino que le damos pistas al jugador de cómo era antes del apocalipsis." "[english]#commentary\com-louis.wav" "[Moby Francke] One distinguishing characteristic about Louis is that he represents the 'every day' man. While Bill and Francis are characters who obviously live on the outskirts of society, Louis is really the only one in the group who looks like he's trying to hold onto aspects of normalcy and civilization in a world of utter chaos. Designing a sleek fitted silhouette, and adding detail elements such as designer shoes, neck tie, and a designer watch, not only distinguishes his character from the rest of the group, but also gives the player insight into who Louis was prior to the apocalypse." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_MUSIC_DESIGN" "DISEÑO MUSICAL DINÁMICO" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_MUSIC_DESIGN" "DYNAMIC MUSIC DESIGN" "#commentary\com-dramamusic.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] Toda la música de Left 4 Dead (canciones, notas y efectos) se basa en una escala híbrida derivada del tema principal del menú. El tema, que representa la práctica desaparición de la humanidad mientras se va dispersando para, al final, sólo escucharse por una radio, es una modulación melódica \"in crescendo\" que recoge todas las notas empleadas en el desarrollo. La escala no es absoluta y empleamos en ocasiones algunas notas de fuera de ella para conseguir una mayor disonancia, pero al emplear esta singular y cromática escala, casi todas las piezas compuestas con ella encajan entre sí perfectamente. Como mínimo, las piezas parecen surgir todas del mismo universo musical. Las melodías resultantes son engañosamente complejas: fáciles de recordar pero difíciles de tararear." "[english]#commentary\com-dramamusic.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] All the music in Left 4 Dead--themes, motifs, hits and effects--are based on a hybrid scale derived from the main opening menu theme. This theme, representing the near death of humanity as it fades to a distance only to be accessed through a radio, is an incremental melodic modulation collecting up all the notes used along the way. This scale is not absolute, and some notes outside the scale are used occasionally to achieve even greater dissonance; but by using this singular and very chromatic scale, almost any piece written in it will generally dovetail pretty decently with any other. At the very least, the pieces seem to spring from the same musical universe. The resulting tunes are deceptively complex--easy to remember but difficult to sing accurately." "Commentary_Title_PLAYER_START" "PUNTOS DE SALIDA DE LOS JUGADORES" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYER_START" "PLAYER START" "#commentary\com-playerstart.wav" "[Steve Bond] Al principio, en Left 4 Dead había funciones que facilitaban que los jugadores se fastidiaran entre ellos. Este comportamiento puede arruinar la experiencia de juego, sobre todo para los novatos. Por ejemplo, en este punto de salida, mientras los jugadores aún se estaban acostumbrando a los controles, los otros podían tirarles de la azotea y hacer que muriesen en la caída antes siquiera de empezar.  Es una de las muchas razones por las que cambiamos el comportamiento de los supervivientes y que no pudiesen empujarse." "[english]#commentary\com-playerstart.wav" "[Steve Bond] Originally in Left 4 Dead there were some features that made it possible for players to cause trouble for others. This behavior, known as 'griefing', can really ruin the experience of a game, especially for newer players. For instance, at this starting location, while players were still getting used to the controls, other players might push them off the roof and cause them to fall and die before the game really even gets started.  This is one of the main reasons we changed the Survivors' behavior so they could no longer push each other." "Commentary_Title_SURVIVOR_MODEL_REFERENCE" "REFERENCIAS PARA MODELAR LOS SUPERVIVIENTES" "[english]Commentary_Title_SURVIVOR_MODEL_REFERENCE" "SURVIVOR MODEL REFERENCE" "#commentary\com-modreference.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Mientras que en Left 4 Dead hay mareas de infectados, sólo hay cuatro supervivientes.  Para asegurarnos de que su diseño aguantaba el tipo tras horas de juego, decidimos usar referencias fotográficas para los rostros y el vestuario. Empezamos llamando a cuatro personas que encajaban en los conceptos generales que habíamos creado.  Fotografiamos a los modelos en una plataforma giratoria, con iluminación fija y dinámica, para darles una referencia a los artistas de modelado y texturas.  Además, los fotografiamos en una cámara reflectante creada expresamente que nos permitía capturar vistas desde delante, detrás, la izquierda y la derecha con una sola toma. Les pedimos a los actores que realizasen diversos gestos faciales y creamos un completo catálogo de movimientos y expresiones para cada rostro. Fue un recurso valiosísimo para los modeladores y animadores cuando empezaron a recrear las expresiones en modelos tridimensionales." "[english]#commentary\com-modreference.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] While there are hundreds of Infected types mobbing the player in Left 4 Dead, there are only four Survivors.  To make sure these four stood up to close scrutiny over many hours of playtime, we decided to use photographic reference of faces and wardrobe details. We started out by casting four individuals who fit the general design concepts we had created for our characters.  These models were photographed on a turntable, under both flat and dynamic lighting conditions, in order to provide reference for modelers and texture artists.  In addition, each model was photographed in a custom-built mirror box, which allows us to capture simultaneous front, right, left, top and bottom views in a single shot. The talent was guided through a matrix of facial expressions, creating a complete catalogue of movements and expressions for each character's face. This is an invaluable resource for our modelers and animators when they start to recreate these expressions in three dimensional models." "Commentary_Title_GAS_PUMPS" "SURTIDORES DE GASOLINA" "[english]Commentary_Title_GAS_PUMPS" "GAS PUMPS" "#commentary\com-gaspumps.wav" "[Gray Horsefield] Originalmente, los supervivientes tenían que pasar por la tienda de una gasolinera y al lado de estos surtidores. Debido a esta ruta, muchos jugadores disparaban por accidente a los surtidores, lo que resultaba en el final prematuro y algo injusto de su supervivencia.  Tras ciclos de pruebas de juego y versiones, obtuvimos este diseño que al mismo tiempo evita que los jugadores mueran y les permite disfrutar del espectáculo de la detonación de la gasolina." "[english]#commentary\com-gaspumps.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Originally, the Survivors' path forced them through a gas station convenience store and out by these pumps. Due to this path many players accidentally shot the pumps from close proximity, leading to a premature and seemingly unfair end to their Survivor experience.  Through a cycle of playtesting and iteration we ultimately arrived at this layout,  which preserves both the life of the player and the spectacle of the gas station detonating." "Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_FILM_GRAIN" "EFECTOS DE CINE: GRANULARIDAD" "[english]Commentary_Title_FILM_EFFECTS_FILM_GRAIN" "FILM EFFECTS – FILM GRAIN" "#commentary\com-filmgrain.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] Una de las técnicas cinematográficas que incorporamos a Left 4 Dead fue la granularidad. Puede observarse sobre todo en las escenas oscuras, lo que le añadió más atractivo visual al juego. La granularidad ayuda a implicar los detalles en la oscuridad y añade un toque más siniestro y textura. Sin embargo, descubrimos en las pruebas que, si aplicábamos siempre la granularidad, la gente se cansaba enseguida. Encontramos un método para variar el grado de granularidad de forma dinámica según la luz. La gama va de granularidad en la oscuridad y en las sombras a imagen limpia en las zonas iluminadas." "[english]#commentary\com-filmgrain.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] One film technique we brought to Left 4 Dead was the idea of grain. Film grain is most apparent in dark scenes, which made it an attractive visual effect for our game. Grain does a good job of implying detail in darkness, adding grittiness and texture. However, we found in playtesting that if we applied grain uniformly, people would quickly tire of the effect. We hit upon a method for dynamically varying the grain effect based on light level. Scenes range from grainy texture in darkness and shadows, to no grain at all in the brightest spots." "Commentary_Title_PLAYER_GLOWS" "BRILLO DE LOS JUGADORES" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYER_GLOWS" "PLAYER GLOWS" "#commentary\com-playerglows.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] Las primeras pruebas de juego revelaron que los jugadores a veces no sabían si sus colegas necesitaban ayuda, aunque su barra de estado se volviese roja. Descubrimos que, cuando les atacaba una horda de zombis, se concentraban sólo en la acción y dejaban de fijarse en la interfaz y el estado de los otros jugadores. Resolvimos el problema con brillos en torno a las siluetas de los modelos de los supervivientes. El brillo es rojo cuando necesitan ayuda, y azul cuando muestra su localización si se encuentran al otro lado de una pared o lejos." "[english]#commentary\com-playerglows.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] Early playtesting revealed that players often didn't know that other Survivors were in need of help, even though the status of the other Survivors at the bottom of the screen changed to red. When being attacked by a horde of zombies, we found players focusing exclusively on the in-game action, and missing any changes to the HUD and the other player's status. We solved this problem by using glows around the silhouettes of the Survivors' character models. We use red glows when other Survivors are in need of assistance, and blue glows to show the Survivor's location when hidden behind walls or far away." "Commentary_Title_WRITING_FOR_LEFT_4_DEAD" "EL GUIÓN DE LEFT 4 DEAD" "[english]Commentary_Title_WRITING_FOR_LEFT_4_DEAD" "WRITING FOR LEFT 4 DEAD" "#commentary\com-l4dwriting.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] Left 4 Dead se creó con la idea de que pudiese jugarse una y otra vez. Esta meta supone un problema para los escritores, porque en una misma sesión los personajes pueden hablar de lo mismo varias veces. Para evitar que sus diálogos se volviesen repetitivos, utilizamos varios recursos. Uno es añadir algún elemento aleatorio a cada línea al reproducirla. Así el jugador no hace caso omiso de las frases sólo porque ya haya escuchado lo que dicen con determinada acción. La estrategia ya fue un éxito en Team Fortress 2, y hemos seguido desarrollándola. En Left 4 Dead, no sólo tenemos elementos aleatorios, sino réplicas que pueden o no activarse al escuchar la primera, por lo que la variedad es aún mayor. También limitamos el número de veces que se pronuncia cada línea. Por graciosa o inteligente que sea una frase, cuando la oigas 100 veces en una hora de juego acabarás hasta las narices. Para solucionarlo, nuestro sistema de vocalización controla la frecuencia de las líneas individuales o diálogos enteros. Por ejemplo, cierto diálogo podría activarse sólo si eres Bill, Zoey te está curando y ya te había curado unos minutos atrás. Este tipo de aleatoriedad basada en combinaciones de criterios contribuye a que los diálogos resulten más naturales y evita que los jugadores se cansen." "[english]#commentary\com-l4dwriting.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] Left 4 Dead was created with the goal of being replayable. This goal causes a problem for writing where characters will have the same speech opportunity multiple times over a single session. So we have to avoid having the speech become repetitive; we do that in multiple ways. One is to have almost all speech have a random element to when it plays. This stops the player from being able to tune out the speech because it is expected for a certain action. We successfully tested this on Team Fortress 2 and have expanded on that system. In Left 4 Dead not only does this initial speech have a random element, but we also have follow-up lines that may or may not play after the initial line, randomizing the speech opportunity further. We also limit how often some lines play. No matter how witty or funny a line is, you are sick of it the 100th time you hear it in an hour long play session. To address this, our vocalization system allows us to control the rarity of individual lines or even complete speech opportunities. For instance, a speech opportunity may only fire if you are playing the character Bill and Zoey is healing you and she has just healed you a few minutes earlier. This type of randomization based on a combination of criteria help make the speech seem natural and avoid having the player hear it too often." "Commentary_Title_DRAMATIC_PACING" "EL DIRECTOR DE IA Y EL RITMO DRAMÁTICO" "[english]Commentary_Title_DRAMATIC_PACING" "THE AI DIRECTOR AND DRAMATIC PACING" "#commentary\com-dramaticpacing.wav" "[Gautam Babbar] Dado el éxito que habíamos tenido con la población por procedimiento del mundo con hordas de zombis e infectados errantes, quisimos garantizar que la experiencia de los supervivientes fuese siempre cinematográfica. En las pruebas de juego vimos sesiones en las que los equipos de supervivientes se veían atrapados en un círculo vicioso en el que se veían superados hasta el punto de no poder reagruparse y continuar. En parte se debía a malas elecciones por su parte y su habilidad, pero también a la \"suerte\" que tuviesen con el sistema de población por procedimiento.  Una racha de \"malas tiradas de dados\" podía ser increíblemente emocionante para algunos equipos o la sentencia de muerte para otros. Para resolver este problema, creamos un sistema que rastrea el \"nivel de estrés\" de cada superviviente buscando eventos como \"cuánto daño sufre\", \"cuántos zombis ha matado a su lado\" y cosas por el estilo.  Si el nivel de estrés es muy elevado, el sistema entra en marcha y baja la presión del sistema de población de zombis para que el equipo pueda relajarse un poco de vez en cuando.  Estas pausas son fundamentales por tres razones. La primera es la fatiga de combate: estar todo el rato disparando cansa. La segunda, es que el equipo necesita períodos de calma entre refriegas para reagruparse, curarse y planificar.  Finalmente, estos combates brutales sólo son emocionantes si puedes contrastarlos con períodos de inquieta calma, llenos de tensión y anticipación.  Este cambio del ritmo dramático es vital para que el juego resulte divertido. Con este sistema en marcha, nos percatamos de que estábamos recopilando un montón de datos útiles sobre la eficacia del equipo. Desde un punto de vista dramático, lo ideal es que el grupo llegue por los pelos al siguiente refugio, cojeando y con la horda pisándole los talones, para que pueda saborear el momento cuando se cierre la puerta y griten \"¡Lo logramos!\"." "[english]#commentary\com-dramaticpacing.wav" "[Gautam Babbar] Based on the success of procedurally populating the world with wanderers and mobs, we decided to try to guarantee a consistent dramatic experience for the Survivors. Through playtesting, we observed sessions where some Survivor teams would occasionally get into a downward spiral of being overwhelmed to the point that they were never able to regroup and 'get ahead'. This was partially due to some poor choices of the Survivor players and varying skill levels, but also due to the 'luck of the draw' with the procedural population system.  A random streak of 'bad dice rolls' could either be incredibly exciting for some teams, or a death sentence for others. To address this, we created a system that tracks each Survivor's 'stress level' by watching for events like 'how much damage you are taking', 'how many zombies have you killed near you', and so on.  If a Survivor's stress gets too high, the system will step in and forcibly throttle back the zombie population system to make sure the team gets a break every now and then.  These breaks are critical for a couple of reasons. The primary reason is battle fatigue – constant fighting and gunfire is tiring. Secondly, the team needs an end to these skirmishes along the way to give them a chance to regroup, heal, and reassess.  Lastly, these big, exciting battles are only exciting if there are also periods of quiet, creepy, tension and anticipation to contrast them against.  This dramatic pacing is really critical to creating a fun experience. Once this system was in place, we realized we had all this useful information on how the Survivor team is actually doing. From a dramatic standpoint, ideally we want to see the Survivor team just make it to the next checkpoint, limping in and being chased by the horde, so they can celebrate when the door closes and they yell 'we made it!'" "Commentary_Title_REPERCUSSIONS" "UNA DECISIÓN INDIVIDUAL CONLLEVA UNA REPERCUSIÓN DIRECTA" "[english]Commentary_Title_REPERCUSSIONS" "INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS HAVE DIRECT REPERCUSSIONS" "#commentary\com-individdecisions.wav" "[Mike Booth] Un concepto fundamental en Left 4 Dead es que una mala decisión por parte de un jugador afecta directamente al equipo entero. Saber que necesitas a tus compañeros para sobrevivir y sentir claramente que tus errores pueden costarle muy caro al equipo provoca una respuesta emocional potentísima. Por ejemplo: - Disparar a un Boomer que explota sobre un compañero, lo que atrae a una horda hacia él - Provocar el ataque de la Witch, que es casi garantía de que alguien va a morir - Lanzar mal un Molotov y freír vivos a tus colegas - Liar una gorda por hacer saltar la alarma - Huir y dejar a tu equipo incapacitado y agonizante - Y por supuesto, disparar por la espalda a un amigo cuando estaba a punto de llegar cojeando al refugio, lo que le deja incapacitado mientras la horda os pisa los talones. Puede que este tipo de acciones no supongan el final de la partida, pero seguro que tus amigos no se quedarán callados." "[english]#commentary\com-individdecisions.wav" "[Mike Booth] The idea that a bad decision by one player directly impacts the whole team is central to the design of Left 4 Dead. It is emotionally very powerful to know that you need your teammates to succeed, and to have clear and visceral feedback that you just made a mistake that is going to cost the team dearly. Examples include: - Shooting a Boomer that explodes on a friend, causing a horde of zombies to attack him - Causing the Witch to attack, which usually means someone is going to die - Throwing a bad Molotov and burning your friends to a crisp - Shooting a car alarm, causing all hell to break loose - Running away and leaving your team incapacitated and dying - And of course, shooting your friend in the back as he was limping into the safehouse, incapacitating him while the horde is hot on your heels. These kinds of actions may not actually end your game, but your friends will certainly let you know just how they feel about them." //DLC02 VO update "Player.Biker_DLC2Alley01" "Francis: Sí, ja, ja, ja… y donde tú vas a palmarla." "Player.Biker_DLC2ArmyTruck01" "Francis: ¡Ja! El Ejército… como si nos hubiera servido de mucha ayuda…" "Player.Biker_DLC2ArmyTruck02" "Francis: ¡Ja! El Ejército… tan inútiles o más que la pasma." "Player.Biker_DLC2Barricade01" "Francis: Hay que cruzar este puente." "Player.Biker_DLC2BirdHate01" "Francis: Odio los pájaros." "Player.Biker_DLC2BridgeClear01" "Francis: ¡Puente despejado!" "Player.Biker_DLC2BulletinBoard01" "Francis: Aquí dice: “Odio los lunes”. ¡Joder, que me lo digan a mí!" "Player.Biker_DLC2BulletinBoard02" "Francis: Salvo que el lunes toque lasaña… ¡me encanta la lasaña!" "Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaHate01" "Francis: No me jodas… con lo que yo odio Canadá." "Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaHate02" "Francis: Si hay algo que odio más que a los vampiros es Canadá." "Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaSpecial01" "Francis: ¡Oigo un Boomer! Y encima con acento canadiense…" "Player.Biker_DLC2CanadaSpecial02" "Francis: ¡Un Hunter, y con pinta de Policía montada!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Container01" "Francis: Por este container." "Player.Biker_DLC2ForLease01" "Francis: “Se… alquila”. ¿Alguien tiene un boli, que quiero apuntarme el número?" "Player.Biker_DLC2ForLease02" "Francis: “Se… alquila”." "Player.Biker_DLC2GasTanks01" "Francis: Mira, Zoey, aquí hay gente que no sabe retener gases… [ríe]" "Player.Biker_DLC2GasTanks02" "Francis: Mira, Zoey, aquí hay gente que no sabe retener gases… [ríe]" "Player.Biker_DLC2GasTanks03" "Francis: Mira, Zoey, aquí hay gente que no sabe retener gases… [ríe]" "Player.Biker_DLC2GasTanks04" "Francis: Muy bueno." "Player.Biker_DLC2Hersch01" "Francis: Una vez hice de conductor para Hersch, hasta que alguien se burló de mis pantaloncitos marrones… y le aplasté el cráneo." "Player.Biker_DLC2Incoming01" "Francis: ¡Ya vienen! ¡Zoey, tú imagínate que son pilotos de helicóptero!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro01" "Francis: ¡Sigo sin creerme que hayáis disparado al piloto!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro02" "Francis: Bueno, supongo que ahora ya nunca lo sabremos, ¿no?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro03" "Francis: O, en este caso, un vampiro." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro04" "Francis: ¿Espera, qué ha pasado?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro05" "Francis: ¿Ves? Te lo dije: el helicóptero se ha estrellado. No estamos salvados, la vamos a palmar. ¡Paga!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro06" "Francis: Porque es una apuesta segura. Recuérdame que te explique algún día esto del juego." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro07" "Francis: ¡Eh, el optimista! Nos la acabamos de pegar. ¿Sigue siendo todo de color de rosa?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro08" "Francis: Vale, vale, tienes razón." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro09" "Francis: ¡Eh, el optimista! Nos la acabamos de pegar. ¿Sigue siendo todo de color de rosa?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro10" "Francis: ¿Todos los helicópteros aterrizan así?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro11" "Francis: Eso pensaba…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro12" "Francis: Sí, bueno, pues la próxima vez que alguien ofrezca llevaros, no le disparéis." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro13" "Francis: Oye, Louis, ¿te enseñaron a reparar helicópteros en el colegio repipi ese?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro14" "Francis: Qué alegría, así que a pata, ¿no?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro15" "Francis: ¡Me cago en la puta! ¿Dónde compraron este helicóptero? ¿En el… eh… esto…?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro16" "Francis: ¡Sí! Puto helicóptero…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro17" "Francis: ¿Os he dicho alguna vez lo que pienso de los helicópteros?" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro18" "Francis: Vaya, pues parece que sí." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro19" "Francis: Gente, escuchadme todos, que quiero decir algo: Odio los helicópteros." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro20" "Francis: ¡Vaya! ¡Me encantan los helicópteros, los quiero con toda el alma!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro21" "Francis: ¡Uh! Me habré dado en la cabeza al caer. Estoy bien. Mira que odio los helicópteros…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro22" "Francis: Odio caminar." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro23" "Francis: Y ahora resulta que yo tenía razón." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro24" "Francis: Tranquilos, que no cunda el pánico. Aquí el menda tiene un plan." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro25" "Francis: Bueno, es bastante complicado. No quiero aburriros con montones de… complejas… fracciones. Pero el primer paso es andar en esa dirección." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro26" "Francis: ¿No te vas a quitar la corbata esa, Louis? ¿Qué tienes, una reunión a las cinco?… ¡ja, ja, ja!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro27" "Francis: No sé qué tienen de malo los chalecos…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro28" "Francis: No llevan ni perneras…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro29" "Francis: Odio los desfiles…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro30" "Francis: Salgamos por patas de aquí." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro31" "Francis: A caminar otra vez." "Player.Biker_DLC2Intro32" "Francis: Odio los helicópteros." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional01" "Francis: Por la izquierda." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional02" "Francis: El puto camión impide el paso." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional03" "Francis: ¡El puente!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional04" "Francis: Venga, vamos al puente." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional05" "Francis: Crucemos el río." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional06" "Francis: ¡Id al puente!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional07" "Francis: Podemos volver a subir por aquí." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional08" "Francis: Mierda, el puente está bloqueado." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional09" "Francis: El refugio está ahí abajo." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional10" "Francis: ¡Vaya, un callejón!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional11" "Francis: ¡Bajando la colina!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Directional12" "Francis: ¡Al almacén!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Goal01" "Francis: Ya odio este sitio. Vámonos de aquí." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Goal02" "Francis: Sigamos ese puente, quizá nos permita salir de esta pocilga." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Goal03" "Francis: ¡Riverside! ¿No se esconde ahí el Ejército?" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1GunEnd01" "Francis: ¡Ahora es seguro!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1GunEnd02" "Francis: ¡Todos, cruzad el puente!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1GunNag01" "Francis: Hay que derribar esa barricada." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1GunNag02" "Francis: ¡Que alguien dispare el cañón de los huevos!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Searching01" "Francis: Quizás haya algo en este almacén." "Player.Biker_DLC2M1Searching02" "Francis: Quizás nos podamos llevar algo de estos edificios." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Directional01" "Francis: Por la zona de descarga." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Directional02" "Francis: ¡Subiendo la valla!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Directional03" "Francis: ¡Por ese camión!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Directional04" "Francis: Subamos al camión, pisemos el acelerador y no lo soltemos hasta ver al Ejército." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Directional05" "Francis: Tengo una idea, vamos a birlar ese camión." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleBreak101" "Francis: ¡No hay corriente, tenemos que darle al generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleBreak102" "Francis: ¡No hay corriente!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleBreak103" "Francis: ¡Hay que darle al generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleBreak201" "Francis: ¡Se ha vuelto a romper el puto generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleBreak202" "Francis: ¡Que alguien vuelva a encender el generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen101" "Francis: Esperad todo el mundo, sólo será un segundo." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen102" "Francis: A vuestros puestos, es sólo un segundo." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen201" "Francis: ¡La madre que parió al generador! ¡Venga!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen202" "Francis: ¡Vamos, venga, venga! ¡Vamos!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen203" "Francis: ¡Puto generador! ¡Venga, joder, venga!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen301" "Francis: Joder, menudo generador de mierda…" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen302" "Francis: Se me están hinchando los cojones por culpa de este puto generador…" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen303" "Francis: En cuanto encendamos el camión te lo voy a pasar por encima, puto trasto de mierda." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressLift01" "Francis: ¡Vale, ya está en marcha!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleSetup01" "Francis: ¡Hay que bajar el ascensor!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleSetup02" "Francis: ¡El ascensor no bajará hasta que encendamos el generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleSetup03" "Francis: ¡Que alguien encienda el generador!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleSetup201" "Francis: Más vale que alguien active el ascensor." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleSetup202" "Francis: ¿Puede encender alguien el generador?" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleTruckDown01" "Francis: ¡Ya ha bajado el ascensor, todos al puto camión!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleTruckEnd01" "Francis: Menos mal… porque odio caminar." "Player.Biker_DLC2M2FinaleWaiting01" "Francis: ¡Joder, esto no se acaba nunca!" "Player.Biker_DLC2M2Saferoom01" "Francis: Habrá que echarle un vistazo al garaje de camiones." "Player.Biker_DLC2MagazineRack01" "Francis: Odio los últimos números." "Player.Biker_DLC2Misc01" "Francis: ¿A cuántos pilotos has disparado tú, Zoey? Así por encima…" "Player.Biker_DLC2PilotComment01" "Francis: Eh, Zoey, ahí tienes al piloto, por si quieres volver a dispararle…" "Player.Biker_DLC2Recycling01" "Francis: Gracias por salvar el planeta, amigos del medio ambiente. Misión cumplida." "Player.Biker_DLC2Recycling02" "Francis: Cobre… aluminio… latón… ¡estos tíos reciclan hasta los dientes de oro!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Riverside01" "Francis: Mmm, lo dudo." "Player.Biker_DLC2Riverside02" "Francis: Odio Riverside." "Player.Biker_DLC2Riverside03" "Francis: ¿Riverside? Ahh, odio Canadá." "Player.Biker_DLC2Riverside04" "Francis: Joder, y yo he odiado Riverside todo este tiempo para nada." "Player.Biker_DLC2Riverside05" "Francis: Joder, y yo he odiado Riverside todo este tiempo para nada." "Player.Biker_DLC2Steam01" "Francis: Odio las tuberías… de vapor." "Player.Biker_DLC2Steam02" "Francis: ¡Eh, cuidado con las putas tuberías de vapor!" "Player.Biker_DLC2Steam03" "Francis: Sí… bueno, el vapor no está tan mal." "Player.Biker_DLC2Steam04" "Francis: Oh, sí, me encanta el vapor… sólo que odio las tuberías." "Player.Biker_DLC2TrainWreck01" "Francis: ¡Vaya! ¡Seguro que Zoey le ha disparado al revisor! [Risa]" "Player.Biker_DLC2Waterworks01" "Francis: ¡Vaya, Bill, parece que es aquí donde van a parar todas tus lagrimitas! ¡Ja, ja, me parto conmigo mismo!" "Player.Biker_DLCZombieTruck01" "Francis: Oye, Zoey, cuando me ponga al volante no hace falta que me dispares, ¿eh?" "Player.Biker_DLCZombieTruck02" "Francis: Que conduzca otro. No quiero que me disparen." "Player.Manager_DLC2Alley01" "Louis: Oye, Francis, ¿no es éste el callejón donde tú naciste?" "Player.Manager_DLC2BulletinBoard01" "Louis: “Todos los martes, actividades de compenetración de equipos”. ¡Joder! Deberían probar con los putos zombis." "Player.Manager_DLC2Container01" "Louis: ¡Por este container!" "Player.Manager_DLC2ForLease01" "Louis: ¡Ver para creer, Francis! ¿Cuándo aprendiste a leer?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro01" "Louis: Francis, ¿qué te hace pensar que estamos condenados?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro02" "Louis: Nos estamos alejando, ¿no?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro03" "Louis: No." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro04" "Louis: No, tengo un máster por la Universidad de North Newburgh." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro05" "Louis: Por una vez, estamos totalmente de acuerdo, Francis." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro06" "Louis: Creo que nos toca caminar…" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro07" "Louis: Pero si hace cinco minutos odiabas volar." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro08" "Louis: Genial, ¿qué es?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro09" "Louis: Mira cómo me parto, Francis… ¿Por qué no te llevas el bigotito, el chaleco y las perneras y te apuntas a un desfile?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro10" "Louis: Parece nos va a tocar salir de aquí a pata." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro11" "Louis: Mirando el lado bueno, ¿os imagináis el increíble paisaje que nos habríamos perdido yendo en helicóptero?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro12" "Louis: Joder, a mí también me daba buenas sensaciones ese helicóptero." "Player.Manager_DLC2Intro13" "Louis: Qué mala espina me da esto… ¡oh, ya no! Creo que no vamos a tener ningún problema." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional01" "Louis: Por la izquierda." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional02" "Louis: Vamos por este callejón." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional03" "Louis: El camión está bloqueando el callejón." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional04" "Louis: ¡Un puente!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional05" "Louis: ¡Dirigíos al puente!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional06" "Louis: Crucemos el río por el puente." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional07" "Louis: ¡Bajemos! Quizás lleguemos a ese puente." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional08" "Louis: Podemos subir por aquí." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional09" "Louis: ¡El puente está bloqueado!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional10" "Louis: ¿Cómo vamos a cruzar la barricada?" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional11" "Louis: ¡Riverside! ¡Vamos por buen camino!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional12" "Louis: ¡Hay un refugio ahí abajo!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional13" "Louis: ¡Colina abajo!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Directional14" "Louis: ¡Al almacén!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Goal01" "Louis: Si llegamos a ese puente, seguro que podemos seguir las vías y salir de aquí." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Goal02" "Louis: La gente se dirigía a Riverside. Será mejor que les sigamos." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1GunEnd01" "Louis: ¡Ahora es seguro!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1GunEnd02" "Louis: ¡Crucemos el puente!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1GunEnd03" "Louis: ¡Ahora es seguro! ¡Crucemos el puente!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1GunNag01" "Louis: ¡Podemos cargarnos la barricada con ese pedazo de cañón!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1GunNag02" "Louis: ¡Que alguien dispare ese pedazo de cañón!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Intro01" "Louis: Ha sido la primera vez que subo a un helicóptero, ¡qué emocionante!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Pilot01" "Louis: Pobre tío… ha intentado ayudarnos." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Searching01" "Louis: Miremos esos edificios." "Player.Manager_DLC2M1Searching02" "Louis: ¿Hay algo en este almacén?" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional01" "Louis: ¿Cómo llegamos al garaje?" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional02" "Louis: Por la zona de descarga." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional03" "Louis: Subiendo la valla." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional04" "Louis: ¡Por ese camión!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional05" "Louis: ¡Menudo camión!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional06" "Louis: ¡Parece que han trabajado aquí una temporada!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Directional07" "Louis: ¡No disparéis al coche!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleBreak101" "Louis: ¡El generador está apagado!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleBreak102" "Louis: ¡Hay que volver a encender el generador!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleBreak201" "Louis: ¡Se ha vuelto a romper el puto generador!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleBreak202" "Louis: ¡Que alguien vuelva a encender el generador!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen101" "Louis: Vale, vale. Venga… venga… enciéndete." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen102" "Louis: Vale, vale. Venga, enséñale a papito lo que sabes hacer." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen201" "Louis: ¡Venga! ¡Date prisa, va, va! Este generador empieza a caerme mal…" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen202" "Louis: ¡Dios! ¡Rápido, rápido! ¡Puto generador! ¡Enciéndete!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen301" "Louis: ¡Que te enciendas, que te enciendas! ¡Puto generador, enciéndete de una puñetera vez!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressLift01" "Louis: Seguro que sólo me llevará un segundo." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleSetup01" "Louis: ¡Hay que bajar ese camión!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleSetup02" "Louis: Si encendemos el generador, podremos bajar el ascensor." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleSetup03" "Louis: Que alguien encienda el generador." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleSetup201" "Louis: Hay que activar el ascensor." "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleSetup202" "Louis: ¡Ya hay corriente, dadle al botón!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleTruckDown01" "Louis: ¡Ya está aquí, subid!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleTruckEnd01" "Louis: ¡Apártate, Francis! ¡Conduzco yo!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleTruckEnd02" "Louis: ¡Apártate, Francis! ¡Conduzco yo!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2FinaleWaiting01" "Louis: ¡Venga, ascensor!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Misc01" "Louis: ¿Has intentado apagarlo y encenderlo?" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Misc02" "Louis: ¡Je, je, pedos…!" "Player.Manager_DLC2M2Saferoom01" "Louis: Hay que encontrar el garaje." "Player.Manager_DLC2MagazineRack01" "Louis: Wall Street Weekly. Ya no queda ni un ejemplar, ¡mierda!" "Player.Manager_DLC2Misc01" "Louis: ¿Sabéis qué? Creo que no vamos a ver ni una Witch a partir de ahora, ¿alguien se juega algo?" "Player.Manager_DLC2Misc02" "Louis: Y eso me hace pensar… o somos inmunes a todo esto, o hemos tenido muchísima potra." "Player.Manager_DLC2Recycling01" "Louis: Si salgo de ésta con vida, lo primero que haré será ponerme a reciclar mierda otra vez." "Player.Manager_DLC2Riverside01" "Louis: Si llegamos sólo a Riverside, estaremos salvados, tíos." "Player.Manager_DLC2Riverside02" "Louis: Mira, si nos lleva a un sitio seguro, será mi ciudad favorita de todo el mundo." "Player.Manager_DLC2Riverside03" "Louis: ¿Canadá? Francis, que estamos en Pensilvania." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Barricade01" "Zoey: Hay que derribar esta barricada." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2BirdHate01" "Zoey: Sí… los pájaros son gilipollas." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2BridgeClear01" "Zoey: ¡Derribada!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2BulletinBoard01" "Zoey: “Se busca castaña guapa y simpática con hambre de zombi para proteger a tres hombres indefensos”. Mmm…" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2BulletinBoard02" "Zoey: Salvo que el lunes toque lasaña… ¡me encanta la lasaña!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Container01" "Zoey: Por este container." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2CopyPaper01" "Zoey: ¿Papel para impresora gratuito? ¡Ja! El Apocalipsis valía la pena." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2GasTanks01" "Zoey: Mira, Francis, aquí hay gente que no sabe retener gases… [ríe]" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2GasTanks02" "Zoey: ¡Ja, pedos…!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2GasTanks03" "Zoey: ¡Ja, pedos…!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro01" "Zoey: Se convirtió en zombi, Francis. ¡Cómo iba a aterrizar!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro02" "Zoey: Aviso importante de seguridad: No suban a helicópteros pilotados por zombis." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro03" "Zoey: ¿Un piloto de helicóptero zombi? ¡AH! ¡Dime por favor que estás de coña! ¡Ya casi estábamos salvados, joder!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro04" "Zoey: ¡Mierda, ahora deberíamos estar fuera de peligro tomándonos unos tragos!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro05" "Zoey: ¿La tienda para pilotos?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro06" "Zoey: [Suspira] Por casualidad, ¿los odias?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro07" "Zoey: Estoy de acuerdo, ¡pero qué hostias!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro08" "Zoey: ¿Que qué? Francis, ¿estás bien?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro09" "Zoey: Sabía que no podía durar mucho." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro10" "Zoey: Tíos, creo que toca caminar." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Intro11" "Zoey: Por lo menos hemos salido de la ciudad…y nos hemos metido… en una ciudad distinta…" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional01" "Zoey: Por la izquierda." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional02" "Zoey: Miremos el callejón." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional03" "Zoey: El puto camión impide el paso." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional04" "Zoey: ¡El puente!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional05" "Zoey: Id al puente." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional06" "Zoey: Crucemos el río por el puente." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional07" "Zoey: ¡Bajemos! Quizás lleguemos a ese puente." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional08" "Zoey: Podemos subir por aquí." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional09" "Zoey: ¡Colina abajo!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional10" "Zoey: ¡Subiendo la colina!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional11" "Zoey: ¡El refugio está ahí abajo!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional12" "Zoey: ¡Al almacén!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional13" "Zoey: Mierda, el camión impide el paso." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional14" "Zoey: ¡El puente está bloqueado!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Directional15" "Zoey: ¡Bien! Riverside estará más adelante." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Goal01" "Zoey: Vamos a ese puente, quizás podamos seguir las vías." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Goal02" "Zoey: Riverside. ¡Ahí es donde se esconde el Ejército!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1GunEnd01" "Zoey: ¡Ahora es seguro!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1GunEnd02" "Zoey: ¡Todos, cruzad el puente!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1GunNag01" "Zoey: Una barricada y un cañón de tres pares de cojones… ¿alguna idea?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1GunNag02" "Zoey: ¿Dispara alguien el cañón ese?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Searching01" "Zoey: Quizás haya algo en este almacén." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M1Searching02" "Zoey: Miremos esos edificios." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional01" "Zoey: ¿Cómo llegamos al garaje?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional02" "Zoey: No disparéis a ese coche." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional03" "Zoey: Por la zona de descarga." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional04" "Zoey: ¡Subiendo la valla!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional05" "Zoey: ¡Por ese camión!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional06" "Zoey: Eso sí que es un camión de tres pares de cojones." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional07" "Zoey: Ese camión parece a prueba de zombis… subamos." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Directional08" "Zoey: Quiero ese camión." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleBreak101" "Zoey: ¡No hay corriente!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleBreak102" "Zoey: ¡Hay que encender el generador!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleBreak201" "Zoey: ¡Se ha vuelto a romper el generador!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleBreak202" "Zoey: ¡Que alguien vuelva a encender el generador!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen101" "Zoey: Lo enciendo, sólo será un segundo. Venga, generador, amor mío…" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen102" "Zoey: Lo enciendo, sólo será un segundo. Venga, generador, amor mío…" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen201" "Zoey: Vaya, sois unos caballeros… supongo que tendré que hacerlo… yo solita…" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen202" "Zoey: ¡Venga, venga, venga, pero venga, hostia, venga!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen203" "Zoey: Venga, joder, que pareces un generador para imbéciles, ¡venga!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen301" "Zoey: ¡Mierda, mierda, menudo generador de mierda! ¿¡Por qué te cuesta tanto!?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressGen302" "Zoey: ¡Joder, joder, joder, puto generador, venga!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleButtonPressLift01" "Zoey: ¡Así me gusta, ven con mamá! ¡Ja!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleSetup01" "Zoey: ¡Hay que bajar ese ascensor!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleSetup02" "Zoey: ¡El ascensor no se moverá hasta que encendamos el generador!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleSetup03" "Zoey: ¡Que alguien encienda el generador!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleSetup201" "Zoey: Hay que activar el ascensor." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleSetup202" "Zoey: ¡Ya hay corriente, dadle al botón!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleTruckDown01" "Zoey: ¡Ya está aquí el camión, subid!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleTruckEnd01" "Zoey: Riverside, ¡allá vamos!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleTruckEnd02" "Zoey: ¡El piloto era zombi, Francis!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2FinaleWaiting01" "Zoey: Señor ascensor, usted sin prisa, ¿eh?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Saferoom01" "Zoey: Al garaje de camiones." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Saferoom02" "Zoey: Miremos en el garaje de camiones." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Saferoom03" "Zoey: Puede ser una salida." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2M2Saferoom04" "Zoey: Hay que intentarlo." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2MagazineRack01" "Zoey: Mira, Francis, tienen el último número de Odio todo lo que se mueve." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2MetalSupply01" "Zoey: ¡Metales, qué bien! Me estaba quedando sin aluminio." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2MetalSupply02" "Zoey: ¡Metales, qué bien! Me estaba quedando sin aluminio." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2MetalSupply03" "Zoey: ¡Metales, qué bien! Me estaba quedando sin aluminio." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc01" "Zoey: [Ríe] Sí, estamos teniendo una suerte de la hostia, ¿a que sí?" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc02" "Zoey: Se nos habrían merendado en pleno vuelo." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc03" "Zoey: ¡Que era un zombi, Francis!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc04" "Zoey: No, un zombi. ¡Que era un zombi, Francis!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc05" "Zoey: Vale, ¿sabes qué? Que era un zombi, un zom-bi… ¡zombi! No era piloto, ¡era zombi, Francis!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc07" "Zoey: ¡Un zombi, Francis! ¡Era – un – zom - bi!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Misc08" "Zoey: ¡Un zombi, Francis! ¡Que – era – un – zombi!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2PilotComment01" "Zoey: “Licencia de vuelo… retirada”. ¡Chan, chan, chaaan!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2PilotComment02" "Zoey: “Licencia de vuelo… retirada”. ¡Aaaaaaaah!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Riverside01" "Zoey: ¿Canadá? Francis, que estamos en Pensilvania." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Riverside02" "Zoey: Riverside no está en Canadá, Francis." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Riverside03" "Zoey: Sí… ¡los canadienses son gilipollas!" "Player.Teengirl_DLC2Steam01" "Zoey: Tío, pero cómo me gusta el vapor." "Player.Teengirl_DLC2TrainWreck01" "Zoey: ¡El piloto era zombi, Francis!" "Player.Teengirl_DLCZombieTruck01" "Zoey: ¡El piloto era zombi, Francis!" //add'l lines DLC update lines "Player.Biker_DLC2GenericResponses03" "Francis: Estás de coña, ¿no?" "Player.Manager_DLC2SwearCoupDeGrace17" "Louis: ¡Todas las perras van al cielo, perra!" "Player.Manager_dlc2TakePipeBomb04" "Louis: No sé, tiene una pinta súper cutre." "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldFarmHouseNPC14" "Louis: ¡Estoy vivo! ¿Me oyes? ¡Estoy vivo y es cojonudo! [Grito de júbilo]" "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldFarmHouseNPC15" "Louis: [Riendo] ¡Sí! ¡Sí, Señor! ¡No me habéis pillado! ¡Fallasteis! ¡Louis os ha dado una buena! [Risa]" "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldSmallTown0104" "Louis: Ooh… Eso ha molado... espera… ¿cómo cruzamos ahora?" "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldSmallTown0105" "Louis: ¡Eso sí que es una explosión!" "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldSmallTown0207" "Louis: Riverside… ¡El ejército está ahí! Sacando refugiados." "Player.Manager_dlc2WorldSmallTown0208" "Louis: ¡Riverside! Vamos por buen camino. [leyendo el letrero de un peaje]" "Player.NamVet_dlc2Generic43" "Bill: Menudo aterrizaje... [sarcástico]" "Player.NamVet_dlc2WorldFarmHouseNPC12" "Bill: Joder, les hemos dado una buena, ¿verdad? Una buena…" "Player.NamVet_dlc2WorldSmallTownNPCBoatman11" "Bill: ¡Moved el culo, cadetes, nos vamos!" "Player.TeenGirl_dlc2Generic14" "Zoey: [En privado] Francis, lo que dices es absurdo." "Player.TeenGirl_dlc2GenericResponses13" "Zoey: [Risas] Que te den." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Francis: ¿Son los Cayos? Porque no me gustan para vivir." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Francis: Is this the Keys? Because I don't wanna live here." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Francis: ¿Y por qué no nos vale ninguno de estos preciosos barcos?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Francis: And why don't we want any of these perfectly good boats?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Francis: ¿Y por qué no valen estos barcos? Son geniales." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Francis: And why don't we want any of these boats? They look cool." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Francis: Louis: dile a Zoey que no sé qué narices pasa." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Francis: Louis. Tell Zoey I don't know what's going on." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Francis: Found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Francis: ¿Por qué paramos?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Francis: Why'd we stop?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Francis: ¿Qué? ¿No vamos a intentar conducirlo por tierra?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Francis: What? We're not even gonna try driving it on the ground?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Francis: ¡La hostia! ¿Ese camión se chocó de frente con un barco? Me hubiera molado verlo." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Francis: Holy shit! Did that truck have a head-on collision with a boat? Man, I wish I could have seen that." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Francis: Qué cabreo tiene Zoey." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Francis: Man, Zoey is pissed." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Francis: ¿Eso es enfadarse?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Francis: Really? This is you pissed?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Francis: Creo que es Bill llorando." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Francis: I think those are Bill's tears." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Francis: ¿Estos son los Cayos de Florida? Pues parece el quinto pino, esquina donde Cristo perdió el gorro." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Francis: So this is the Florida Keys. Crazy how it looks like some shithole in the middle of nowhere." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Francis: No fue a mí a quien se le ocurrió conducir un tren hasta el puto océano." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Francis: Hey, I ain't the one that thought we could drive a frickin' train through the ocean." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Francis: Coño, creí que nunca diría algo así, pero casi prefiero irme con Louis." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Francis: Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I think I wanna hang out with Louis." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Francis: Eh, Bill, creo que no he captado las sutilezas de tu plan. Lo de tren sí, y aquello de ir en barco a una isla paradisíaca. Lo que no termino de pillar es la parte en la que acabamos perdidos en medio de la puta nada." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Francis: Hey Bill, I think I mighta missed the finer points of your plan. I caught all the train stuff. Something about a boat to an island paradise. But I missed the part where we're stranded in the middle of goddamn nowhere." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Francis: Ya voy, ya voy." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Francis: I'm goin', I'm goin'." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Francis: ¡Sí! Playas de arena, cocos, arena, playa… Acabo de recordar que odio las islas." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Francis: Yeah! Sandy beaches. Coconuts. Sand. Beaches. Sand... Wait a minute, I hate islands." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Francis: Vale, pues yo voto por ir a una isla paradisíaca en la que no haya más zombis." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Francis: Okay. I vote for the island paradise where we don't have to fight any more zombies." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Francis: ¡Sí, mi capitán!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Francis: Aye, Aye Captain!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Francis: Nah, tranqui, yo también los odio." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Francis: Nah, don't worry, I hate boats too." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Francis: Bill, cuando tú navegabas, ¿los barcos aún eran de madera?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Francis: Bill, when you sailed ships were they all still made of wood?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Francis: Estaba harto de estrecheces, me apetece dar un paseíto." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Francis: I was getting' tired of being cooped up, lookin' forward to some walking." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Francis: ¿Seguro que queremos abrir la puerta? Decid que no." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Francis: Do we really want to open that door? Please say no." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Francis: Eh, Bill, creo que hay un velero en el tren." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Francis: Hey, Bill, I think there's a sailboat in the train." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Francis: Pues yo no pienso abrir la puerta. Arregladlo entre vosotros y me avisáis cuando esté abierta." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Francis: Okay. So, I'm not opening the door. You guys work it out and let me know when the door's open." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Francis: Por mí vale." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Francis: Fine with me." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Francis: Louis, no suena a Tank, me parece que es un cachorrito. Acércate más." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Francis: Hey Louis, I don't think it's a tank in there. It sounds like a puppy. You should stand closer." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD08" "Francis: Louis, ¿abres la puerta o qué?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD08" "Francis: Louis, you gonna open that door or what?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD09" "Francis: ¿Qué?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD09" "Francis: What?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD11" "Francis: Bill, Zoey dice que abras la puerta." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD11" "Francis: Hey, Bill. Zoey said you should open the door." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Francis: Preparad algo flamígero." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Francis: Get ready with some fire." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Francis: Vale, tendré que ser el valiente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Francis: Alright, alright, I'll be the brave one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Francis: ¡Mierda! Hay un Tank dentro." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Francis: Oh shit. There is a tank in here." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Francis: Eh, recuerda quién te liberó." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Francis: Hey, remember who letcha out of here." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Francis: Ve a por el de la corbata." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Francis: Go for the one with the tie." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Francis: ¿Con grasas?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Francis: Tanks?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Francis: Bill, tu velero huele a caca." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Francis: Hey, Bill. Your sailboat smells like shit." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Francis: Dios, huele como la barba de Bill." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Francis: God. Smells like Bill's beard in here" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Francis: ¿Qué coño significa eso?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Francis: What the hell does this mean?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Francis: Hala, ¿cómo lo sabes?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Francis: Whoa. How'd you do that?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Francis: Mentira. Dice \"Bill es tonto\" en japonés." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Francis: Bullshit. Say \"Bill's an idiot\" in Japanese." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Francis: Genial." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Francis: Nice." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Francis: Louis, si no dejas ese optimismo voy a tener que hundir el barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Francis: Louis, if you don't stop being positive, I'm gonna sink the boat just to make you sad." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Francis: ¿A punto de morir en una fábrica de tochos? Una nueva experiencia, sí. Y llegué quejándome todo el rato." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Francis: About to die in a brick factory? Cause I'm about to do that too. And I got to complain about shit the whole time." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Francis: Eh, Louis, hemos recorrido el puto país entero y está en ruinas. ¿Aún crees que todo volverá a la normalidad?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Francis: Hey, Louis. We been through the whole goddamn country, and it's all one big shithole. Still think it's going back to normal?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM08" "Francis: ¿Por qué no me explicas otra vez por qué no pillamos cualquiera de esos estupendos barcos?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM08" "Francis: Okay. Explain to me again why we didn't take any one of the perfectly good boats we passed?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM09" "Francis: Vale, pero ¿por qué no cogimos uno de los normales para buscar el velero?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM09" "Francis: Okay. But why didn't we drive one of those boats to look for a sail boat?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM10" "Francis: Vale, pero ¿por qué no subimos a uno de los normales para ir a por el velero?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM10" "Francis: Okay. But why didn't we drive one of the other boats to go look for a sail boat?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM11" "Francis: Aún no veo barcos. ¿Y si volvemos y probamos si el tren flota?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM11" "Francis: I'm still not seeing a boat. Why don't we head back and see if the train floats?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Francis: Callad, pájaros tontos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Francis: Shut up, you stupid birds." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Francis: ¡Buena pila, pajarracos! Je, je. Esperad, ¿oís zombis?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Francis: Nice rockpile, birds! Ha ha, hold on, do you hear a zombie?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Francis: Cuervos anidando, cuidado con la barba, Bill." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Francis: Nesting birds, Bill! Watch your beard?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Francis: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Francis: Into the chute." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Francis: ¡A la rampa!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Francis: Get into the chute!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Francis: ¡Subid esta pila de basura!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Francis: Get up this pile of crap!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Francis: ¿Adivináis lo que odio ahora?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Francis: Anyone wanna guess what I'm hatin' right now?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP01" "Francis: Capitán Bill, ¿nos llevamos este barco?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP01" "Francis: Yo, Captain Bill, can we take this ship?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Francis: ¿A dónde?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Francis: Where now?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Francis: Me gustaría ir rumbo a mi propia isla desierta. Sin vosotros." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Francis: I wish I was heading to a deserted island. Can we each get our own?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Francis: Odio tu buen rollo." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Francis: I hate your good feelings." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Francis: Dame una razón para no dispararte." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Francis: Why aren't I allowed to shoot you again?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Francis: Lo pillo, Louis. Lo pilla hasta Bill, que no sabe ni cómo funciona la cisterna del retrete." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Francis: Yeah, I get it, Louis. Bill gets it for chrissake, and he can't even work a flush toilet." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Francis: Y los vampiros." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Francis: No more vampires." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Francis: ¿Por qué no vivimos en el barco?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Francis: Why don't we just live on the boat?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Francis: Pues había uno grande allí." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Francis: Well… there was that ship back there." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Francis: Bill, que quede claro, y ellos son testigos, que estoy en contra del plan de la isla." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Francis: Bill, I just wanna make it clear - in front of everyone - that I am against the island plan." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Francis: ¿Has ido alguna vez a una isla? Son horrendas." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Francis: Jesus, have you ever been to an island? They're goddamn horrible." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Francis: No son los únicos…" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Francis: They're not the only ones..." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Francis: Odio este plan." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Francis: I hate this plan." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM16" "Francis: Odiarla." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM16" "Francis: Start hating it." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM17" "Francis: Sí, también." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM17" "Francis: I hate it now too." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM18" "Francis: Lo dudo mucho." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM18" "Francis: I seriously doubt it." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM20" "Francis: Lo odio." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM20" "Francis: I hate fish." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM21" "Francis: No, si comerlo me gusta. Es una forma de hacerle ver al marisco lo mucho que lo odio." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM21" "Francis: Oh no, I like eating them. That's one of the ways I let fish know how much I hate them." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM22" "Francis: Los vampiros nos quieren matar, el ejército también. Con nuestra suerte, seguro que a Zoey la persigue la Mafia. ¿Qué te hace pensar que viviremos para ver la asquerosa isla de Bill en los Cayos?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM22" "Francis: The vampires want to kill us, the army wants to kill us. With our luck, Zoey probably crossed the mob. What the hell makes you think we're gonna live to see Bill's horrible goddamn island in the keys?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM23" "Francis: Sí, es el espíritu… de la locura." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM23" "Francis: That's the spirit allright - of insanity." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM25" "Francis: ¿Ves? En serio, con lo que nos ha pasado últimamente, eso no es optimismo, es enfermedad mental." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM25" "Francis: See? I'm serious. Given, you know, current goddamn events, that's not optimism, it's mental illness." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM26" "Francis: Dadme pruebas de que Louis no está mal de la cabeza. Por lo que sabemos, podría ser un asesino en serie." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM26" "Francis: I mean, I'd like to hear your reasons why Louis isn't some sort of lunatic. For all we know, he's a serial killer." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM24" "Francis: Esto.. Louis… ¿Os he contado lo que pienso de las islas?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM24" "Francis: Hey, um... Louis... did I ever mention how I feel about islands?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM28" "Francis: No, en serio, odio las islas de verdad. Tengo insulafobia, miedo a las islas." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM28" "Francis: No, I'm being serious. I really hate islands. I have insulaphobia - I'm afraid of islands." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM29" "Francis: No tío, es una enfermedad de verdad. Tengo una suerte…" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM29" "Francis: No, man. It's a medical condition. Just my goddamn luck..." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM30" "Francis: Estúpida isla…" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM30" "Francis: Stupid island..." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM31" "Francis: Isla de mierda…" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM31" "Francis: Dumbass island shithole..." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM32" "Francis: Di que sí." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM32" "Francis: Damn right." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Francis: Ese velero servirá. Levantemos el puente para irnos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Francis: That boat'll do. We better lift the bridge so we can head out." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Francis: Ahí tienes tu velero, Bill, junto al puente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Francis: There's your sailboat Bill, by the bridge." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Francis: Bill, ¿es un velero lo de al lado del puente? ¡SÍ, LO ES!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Francis: Bill, is that a sailboat by the bridge? WHY YES IT IS!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Francis: Tendremos que levantar ese puente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Francis: We're gonna need to raise that bridge." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Francis: Encendamos los generadores." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Francis: Let's start these generators." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Francis: Hay que arrancar los generadores." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Francis: We gotta start these generators." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Francis: Listo, ¡vámonos!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Francis: Okay, its done let's go!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Francis: ¿Por qué seguimos aquí? ¡A por otro generador!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Francis: Why are we still here? To the next generator!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Francis: ¿Todos listos para encender?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Francis: Everyone ready to start this one?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Francis: ¿Pensáis que el último se encenderá solo?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Francis: You think that last generator is going to start itself?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Francis: ¡Uno más!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Francis: One more!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Francis: Odio estos putos generadores." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Francis: I hate these stupid generators." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Francis: Último generador." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Francis: Last generator." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Francis: ¡Vamos todos al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Francis: All aboard! The bridge…" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Francis: ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Francis: Get to the bridge!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Francis: ¡Todos, al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Francis: Everyone to the bridge!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Francis: Tenemos que izar el puente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Francis: We need to raise the bridge." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Francis: Dadle ya al botón." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Francis: Let's hit the button already." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Francis: Este puente puede subir más." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Francis: I think this bridge can go higher." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Francis: Joder, ¿quién ha roto el puente?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Francis: Goddamn it, who broke the bridge?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Francis: Que alguien encienda el generador." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Francis: Someone's gotta restart that generator." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Francis: ¿Creéis que se volverá a encender solo?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Francis: Do you think that generator might restart itself?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Francis: Soy un tipo valiente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Francis: Jesus, I'm brave." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Francis: Tendré que salvar a todos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Francis: Guess I better save everybody." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Francis: Odio las misiones suicida." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Francis: I hate suicide missions." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Francis: ¡No os mováis! Dios, ¿me he vuelto tarumba?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Francis: Stay there! Oh my god, I'm an idiot…" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Francis: ¡No os mováis! Dios, debería haber sido Louis." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Francis: Stay there! Oh god, it shoulda been Louis." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Francis: ¡No intentéis ayudarme! ¡A menos que queráis!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Francis: Nobody try to help me! Unless you want!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Francis: No intentéis detenerme. ¿Me oís?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Francis: Don't try to talk me out of this! Anyone?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Francis: ¡Quietos! ¡Tengo un plan!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Francis: Don't move! I have a plan!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Francis: ¡No os mováis! Hostias, no quiero morir..." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Francis: Stay there! God damn it, I don't wanna die…" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Francis: ¡Noooo! ¡Monstruos! ¡Llevaos a Louis mejor!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Francis: Noooo! You monsters! Take Louis instead!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Francis: ¡Zoey no!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Francis: Not ZOEY!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Francis: ¡Os odio!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Francis: I hate this!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Francis: Mierda... ¡ZOEY!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Francis: SHIT ZOEY!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Francis: Era de esperar." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Francis: I could have predicted that." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Francis: Louis ha muerto." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Francis: Louis is dead." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Francis: Louis, coleguita, ¡lo lograste!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Francis: Louis little buddy, you did it!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES05" "Francis: ¡Gracias, Louis!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES05" "Francis: Thanks Louis!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Francis: ¡Bill! ¡Debería haber sido Louis! ¡Debería haber sido Louis!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Francis: Bill! It should have been Louis! It should have been Louis!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Francis: ¡Bill lo logró!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Francis: Bill did it!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Francis: ¡Bill encendió el generador!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Francis: Bill restarted the generator!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Francis: ¡El puente está subiendo!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Francis: The bridge is going up!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES06" "Francis: Gracias, Bill, te la debemos. Viejo cabrón..." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES06" "Francis: Thanks Bill, I owe you one. You old bastard..." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES07" "Francis: Bill, ¡lo lograste, compañero!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES07" "Francis: Bill, you did it, buddy! You really did it!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Francis: Hay un barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Francis: There's a boat." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Francis: ¿Qué dices de este barco?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Francis: How about this boat?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS05" "Francis: ¿Y ese barco?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS05" "Francis: That boat?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS06" "Francis: Bill, hay un barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS06" "Francis: Bill, there's a boat." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS07" "Francis: ¿Valdrá ese barco?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS07" "Francis: Will that boat work?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS08" "Francis: Este coche podría flotar." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS08" "Francis: I think this car will float." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS09" "Francis: Eh, hay un barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS09" "Francis: Hey, here's a boat." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS10" "Francis: ¡BARCO!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS10" "Francis: BOAT!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS11" "Francis: ¡Barco! ¡Subid, que nos largamos!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS11" "Francis: Boat! Hop in, let's get outta here!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS12" "Francis: Y este, ¿qué os parece? ¡Viene con un camión!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS12" "Francis: What about this one? It comes with a truck!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS13" "Francis: Mira, Bill, este barco tiene ruedas." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS13" "Francis: Look Bill, this boat has wheels." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS14" "Francis: Calla, Zoey." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS14" "Francis: Quiet Zoey." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Francis: ¡Por el barco!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Francis: Over the ship!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Francis: ¡Cruzad el barco!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Francis: Across the ship!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Francis: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Francis: Down the loader." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Francis: ¡Colina arriba!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Francis: Up the hill!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Francis: Sobre los ladrillos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Francis: On top the bricks." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Francis: Tras los ladrillos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Francis: Past the bricks." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Francis: Bajo el puente." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Francis: Under the bridge." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Francis: Found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Francis: Found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Francis: Found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Francis: Eh, hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Francis: Hey, found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Francis: Hay uno." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Francis: Found one." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Francis: Louis, nunca pensé que diría esto, pero prefiero quedarme contigo." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Francis: Hey Louis, I never thought I'd say this, but I think I wanna hang out with you." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Francis: Louis, creo que hay un cachorrito dentro. Deberías liberarlo." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Francis: Hey Louis, I think there's a puppy in there. You should let it out." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD07" "Francis: Por mí vale." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD07" "Francis: Fine with me." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD10" "Francis: ¿Qué?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD10" "Francis: What?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD12" "Francis: Sin problem... Eh, eh, espera un segundo..." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD12" "Francis: Yeah, no probl - Whoa, hey, wait a minute." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Francis: Psst. Ve a por el de la corbata." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Francis: Psst. Go for the one with the tie." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Francis: Louis, eres un friqui." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Francis: Louis, you're such a nerd." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Francis: Friqui." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Francis: Nerd." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Francis: Eres un pedazo de friqui." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Francis: You're such a nerd." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Francis: Odio este plan." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Francis: I hate this plan." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM19" "Francis: Supongo que ahora lo odio también." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM19" "Francis: Yeah, I guess I hate it now too." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM27" "Francis: Esto.. Louis… ¿Os he contado lo que pienso de las islas?" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM27" "Francis: Hey, um... Louis... did I ever mention how I feel about islands?" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Francis: ¡Subid al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Francis: Get on the bridge!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Francis: ¡Id al puente! ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Francis: Get to the bridge! Get to the bridge!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE06" "Francis: ¡Vamos al puente! ¡Vamos al puente! ¡Vamos, subid al puente!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE06" "Francis: Get to the bridge! Get to the bridge! Come on, get to the bridge!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Francis: Vale. Tendré que salvar a todos." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Francis: Alright. Guess I better save everybody." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Francis: Louis, la isla no será igual sin ti." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Francis: Louis, the island won't be the same without you." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES06" "Francis: Louis ha muerto." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3LOUISDIES06" "Francis: Louis is dead." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Francis: ¡Estamos a salvo! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Francis: We're safe! We're safe!" "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Francis: Hay un barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Francis: There's a boat." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS04" "Francis: Eh, hay un barco." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS04" "Francis: Hey, there's a boat." "Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS15" "Francis: Calla, Zoey." "[english]Player.Biker_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS15" "Francis: Quiet Zoey." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Louis: ¡Eh, Bill! ¡Mira, hay un barco! Bueno, más bien mogollón." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Louis: Hey, Bill! Look, there's a boat! Hell, there's boats everywhere." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Louis: ¿Y eso por qué?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Louis: Why's that?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Louis: Está mosca con Bill." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Louis: I think she's mad at Bill." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Louis: Y está en llamas." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Louis: And it's on fire." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Louis: A mí también me habría molado." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Louis: Actually, I'd like to see that too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Louis: Pues a mí también me habría molado." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Louis: Actually, I would have liked to see that too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Louis: ¡Y yo también!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Louis: I'm pissed too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Louis: Debemos estar cerca del Golfo, casi se huele el agua salada." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Louis: We GOTTA be getting close to the Gulf. I can almost smell the salt water." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Louis: ¡Gracias, tío!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Louis: Well, thanks, man!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Louis: A mí la isla me da buen rollo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Louis: I got a good feeling about this island." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Louis: Venga, Zoey, debemos seguir unidos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Louis: Zoey, come on. We have to work together." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Louis: Vamos, no debemos pararnos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Louis: Come on, we have to keep moving." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO30" "Louis: Francis, ¿soy el único que odia los barcos?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO30" "Louis: Francis am I alone in hating boats?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO32" "Louis: Una prisión militar, un tren… ¿y ahora a caminar?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO32" "Louis: Military jail, a train ride, and now… back to walking?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO33" "Louis: Intento mantener el optimismo, Bill." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO33" "Louis: I'm trying to keep my head up Bill." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO36" "Louis: Así se habla, Francis, necesitamos ejercicio aeróbico." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO36" "Louis: Way to go Francis, some cardio is just what we need!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO37" "Louis: ¿Qué hacemos si encontramos a alguien?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO37" "Louis: What do we do if we meet someone?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO39" "Louis: ¿Cómo sabes que serán inmunes?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO39" "Louis: How can we be sure they're immune?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED01" "Louis: Por eso el puerto está cerrado." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED01" "Louis: This is why the harbor's closed." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED02" "Louis: ¿Seguro que vamos bien?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED02" "Louis: You sure this is the right way?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Louis: Hay que pasar por este vagón." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Louis: Only way is through this car." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Louis: Dios, un Tank en el tren." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Louis: Man, a tank in a train." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Louis: ¿Yo?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Louis: Me?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Louis: ¿Quién, yo?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Louis: Who? Me?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Louis: ¿Estáis seguros de que nadie más quiere abrir la puerta?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Louis: You all sure no one else doesn't want to open this door?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Louis: Preparaos, voy a abrir la puerta." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Louis: Get ready, I'm opening the door." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Louis: Yo abriré, pero va a estar muy cabreado." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Louis: I'll open this, but I'm not going to be happy." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Louis: Preparaos. Esto me da muy mala espina." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Louis: Get ready, I don't have a good feeling about this." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Louis: Arriba ese ánimo, podemos con él." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Louis: Stay positive guys, we can handle this." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Louis: ¿Por qué siempre tengo que abrir yo?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Louis: Man, why am I always opening these things?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Louis: Francis, ¿con qué freirías a un Tank?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Louis: Hey Francis what do they make at the tank factory?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Louis: De nada." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Louis: You're welcome." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR05" "Louis: Tanks en un tren." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR05" "Louis: Tanks on a train." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR06" "Louis: Esto es una mierda." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR06" "Louis: This is some gross ass shit." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Louis: A ver… \"Taki, te quiero. Adiós…\"" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Louis: Let me see. Uh. \"Taki. I love you. Goodbye.\"" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Louis: Fui becario en Tokio." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Louis: I interned in Tokyo." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Louis: \"Bill es tonto\"." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Louis: \"Bill's an idiot.\"" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Louis: Vamos a encontrar ese velero a la vuelta de la esquina, ya veréis." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Louis: We're gonna find that sail boat right around the corner. You just watch." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Louis: El optimismo me trajo aquí, Francis." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Louis: Thinking positive got me where I am, Francis." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM08" "Louis: Aunque todo fuese como antes, no nos dejarían volver. La isla es nuestra única oportunidad." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM08" "Louis: Even if it does go back to normal, they're not lettin' us back in. I think this island's the only chance we got." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM09" "Louis: Aunque todo fuese como antes, nosotros no. La isla es nuestra única oportunidad." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM09" "Louis: Even if it does go back to normal, we won't. I think this island's the only chance we got." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM10" "Louis: Lo apuntamos para la próxima, ¿vale?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM10" "Louis: Let's make a note of that for next time, alright?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Louis: ¡Me cuesta mucho subir!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Louis: I can barely make it up here!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Louis: ¡Mirad! ¡Cuervos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Louis: Look! Crows!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Louis: ¡Atentos! ¡Cuervos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Louis: Lookout! Crows!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Louis: Mirad, ¡los cuervos han alertado a los zombis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Louis: Ahhh... look, the crows alerted the zombies!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Louis: Joder… ¡los cuervos atraen a los zombis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Louis: Ahhh... dammit... the crows are bringin' the zombies!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Louis: Es como si no avanzase." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Louis: This is like running in place." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Louis: ¡Hay gravilla!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Louis: Gravel here!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Louis: ¡A la rampa!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Louis: Get into the chute!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL09" "Louis: ¡Todos a la rampa!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL09" "Louis: Everyone, into the chute!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Louis: Quién me iba a decir que me alegraría ir a una isla desierta." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Louis: Never thought I'd be happy to be heading to a deserted island." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Louis: Al principio la idea de ir a una isla desierta no me atraía, pero empieza a darme buen rollo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Louis: You know, I didn't like the idea of a deserted island at first. But I'm startin' to get a good feeling about this." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Louis: ¿Sabes qué echo de menos? Mirar si tengo algún email nuevo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Louis: You know what I miss? Checking email. Seeing what's new." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Louis: Ahora eres el hombre más viejo de mundo, ¿no?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Louis: You are literally the oldest man in the world, aren't you?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Louis: ¿Qué edad tienes, Bill?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Louis: How old are you again Bill?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Louis: Bill, ¿había tele cuando eras pequeño?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Louis: Bill, did they have TV when you were young?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Louis: ¿Sabéis lo que no echo de menos? Asistencia técnica. No tendré que decirle a nadie más que reinicie su PC." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Louis: One thing I'm not gonna miss about civilization? I.T. I will never have to tell another human being to reboot their damn computer." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Louis: Eso sí, mientras tenga Molotovs, podré hacer cortafuegos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Louis: But you know, as long as I have a Molotov I can make a firewall!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Louis: ¿Lo pillas, Francis? ¡Cortafuegos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Louis: Get it Francis? A firewall?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Louis: Zoey, vamos a una isla de verdad. Las diez pelis que llevarías a una isla: empiezas tú." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Louis: Hey, Zoey. We're actually headed to an island. Top ten desert island movies. Go." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Louis: Bill, cuando encontremos un velero, ¿cuánto quedará hasta los Cayos?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Louis: So, Bill. Once we find a sailboat, how far is it to the Florida Keys?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Louis: Y también Internet, la Xbox… todo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Louis: No more internet, no more xbox, no more nothing..." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM16" "Louis: Cuando tengamos barco… ¿los zombis nadan?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM16" "Louis: So... once we're on a boat... can zombies swim?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM17" "Louis: Y en los libros." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM17" "Louis: Yeah, I read that in books too." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM18" "Louis: Ya había olvidado esa sensación." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM18" "Louis: I don't remember what that feels like." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM19" "Louis: Bill, al llegar a los Cayos, ¿has pensado en una isla concreta?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM19" "Louis: Bill, when we get to the keys, you got an island in mind?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM20" "Louis: Me gusta como suena." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM20" "Louis: I like the sound of that." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM21" "Louis: Bill, cuando lleguemos allí… ¿Sabes pescar?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM21" "Louis: Bill, when we get to the keys, you know how to fish?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM22" "Louis: Siempre quise aprender a pescar." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM22" "Louis: I always wanted to learn how to fish." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM23" "Louis: Siempre quise aprender." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM23" "Louis: I always wanted to learn how." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM24" "Louis: Es un buen plan." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM24" "Louis: Sounds good to me." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM25" "Louis: Francis, ¿qué es lo primero que harás cuando lleguemos a la isla?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM25" "Louis: Francis, what's the first thing you're gonna do when we get to the island?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM26" "Louis: ¿No la odias ya?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM26" "Louis: You don't hate it already?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM27" "Louis: El resto de nuestras vidas van a parecer muy largas…" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM27" "Louis: Man, this is gonna be a long rest of our lives." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM28" "Louis: Francis, ¿listo para ir a los Cayos a darnos un atracón de marisco?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM28" "Louis: Francis, you ready to get to the keys and have ourselves a seafood feast?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM29" "Louis: Vale, señor odio, yo me quedaré tu ración." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM29" "Louis: Well, hater, I guess you don't have to eat any then." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM30" "Louis: Cuando lleguemos a los Cayos, te voy a enseñar a nadar, Francis." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM30" "Louis: Once we get to the keys, I'm gonna teach you how to swim Francis." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM31" "Louis: Me da buena espina, sólo eso." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM31" "Louis: Just a good feeling, I guess." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM33" "Louis: ¿Todos listos para vivir en una isla paradisíaca? Qué ganas tengo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM33" "Louis: Everybody ready to go live on an island in paradise? Man, I cannot wait!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM34" "Louis: Estoy de un humor demasiado bueno para enfadarme contigo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM34" "Louis: I'm in too good a mood to get mad at you, Francis." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM35" "Louis: Francis, me pondría de buen humor llevar tu piel como un precioso vestido." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM35" "Louis: Hey Francis, I got a good feeling about wearing your skin as a pretty dress." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM36" "Louis: Venga, Francis, déjalo ya." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM36" "Louis: Come on, Francis. Give it a rest." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM37" "Louis: ¿Estás de broma?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM37" "Louis: Are you joking?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM39" "Louis: Joder, Francis. Vale, cuando lleguemos te cubriré las espaldas. No perderé de vista a esa isla." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM39" "Louis: Shit, Francis. Well, when we get there, I got your back. I'm gonna keep an eye on that island for ya." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM41" "Louis: Puta isla…" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM41" "Louis: Punk island..." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM42" "Louis: Isla asquerosa…" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM42" "Louis: Punk ass island bitch..." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM45" "Louis: Puta isla asquerosa, mejor que tengas cuidado cuando lleguen Louis y Francis." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM45" "Louis: Punk ass island bitch better watch yourself once Louis and Francis on the case." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Louis: Ese es el barco que necesitamos. Icemos el puente para marcharnos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Louis: Look, there's the boat we need. Let's get that bridge up and sail out of here." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Louis: Francis, ¿ves eso? ¡Así son los veleros!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Louis: Hey Francis, see that? That's what a sail boat looks like!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Louis: Hay que izar el puente para llegar al barco." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Louis: We need to raise the bridge to get that sail boat!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Louis: Parece el último puente antes del mar." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Louis: This looks like the last bridge before open water." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Louis: Este generador va a hacer mucho ruido, preparaos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Louis: These generator are going to be noisy, get ready." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Louis: Encendamos el generador." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Louis: Let's start this generator." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Louis: ¡Hay que arrancar estos generadores para izar el puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Louis: We need to power these three generators to raise the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Louis: Deben ser los generadores del puente." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Louis: These generators must be setup to power the bridge." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Louis: Es el último." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Louis: Last generator." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Louis: ¡Conseguido!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Louis: We did it!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Louis: ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Louis: Get to the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Louis: Debemos pulsar el botón para izar el puente." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Louis: We need to hit the button to raise the bridge." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Louis: Quedaos, ¡no os preocupéis por mí!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Louis: Stay there, don't worry about me none!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Louis: ¡Yo me encargo! ¡Cubridme!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Louis: I'll handle this! Cover me!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Louis: Voy yo. ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Louis: I got this! You stay there!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Louis: ¡Suerte, colegas! Voy yo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Louis: Good luck you guys! I got this." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Louis: ¡Os echaré de menos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Louis: I'm gonna miss you guys!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Louis: ¡No os bajéis del puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Louis: Don't get off the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Louis: Tranquis, ¡estaré bien! ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Louis: Don't worry, I'll be fine! Stay there!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Louis: ¡No os bajéis del puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Louis: Don't get off the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Louis: ¡Juro por Dios que volveré!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Louis: I swear to god I'm coming back!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Louis: ¡No os mováis! ¡Vuelvo en unos minutos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Louis: Stay there! I'll be back in two minutes!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Louis: ¡No me sigáis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Louis: Do not follow me!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Louis: ¡Os quiero!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Louis: I love you guys!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE16" "Louis: Si caigo, ¡no volváis a por mí!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE16" "Louis: If I go down, don't come after me!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE18" "Louis: ¿Colegas? ¿Os acordáis de que os dije que no volvieseis? ¡Ay, Dios!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE18" "Louis: Hey guys? Remember when I said don't come after me? Oh god!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE19" "Louis: ¿Colegas? ¿Os acordáis de que os dije que no volvieseis? Era de coña, ¿podéis volver a por mí? ¡AYUDA!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE19" "Louis: Hey guys? Remember when I said don't come after me? I was kidding, can someone come get me? HELP!!!!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Louis: ¡Dios mío! ¡Zoey!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Louis: Oh my god! Zoey!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Louis: ¡Zoey! ¡Nos has salvado!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Louis: Zoey! You saved us!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Louis: Joder, ¡Zoey ha muerto!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Louis: Ah Damnit, Zoey's dead!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES05" "Louis: ¡Zoey no!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES05" "Louis: Not Zoey!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Louis: ¡Gracias, Francis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Louis: Thanks Francis!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Louis: ¡Fraaaancis!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Louis: Fraaaancis!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Louis: Voy a echarlo de menos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Louis: I'm gonna miss that guy." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES05" "Louis: FRANCIS!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES05" "Louis: FRANCIS!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Louis: ¡Bill! ¡Bill! ¡Nos has salvado!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Louis: Bill ! Bill! You saved us!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Louis: ¡No! ¿Cómo podemos dejarlo atrás?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Louis: No! We're gonna leave him behind!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Louis: ¡Bill! Maldita sea, ¡te echaré de menos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Louis: Bill! Goddamnit, I'm going to miss you!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Louis: ¡Bill! ¡Bill! ¡No puedes estar muerto! No puedes..." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Louis: Bill! Bill! You can't be dead! You can't be." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Louis: ¡Por el barco!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Louis: Over the ship!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Louis: ¡Cruzad el barco!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Louis: Across the ship!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Louis: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Louis: Down the loader." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Louis: ¡Colina arriba!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Louis: Up the hill!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Louis: Sobre los ladrillos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Louis: On top the bricks." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Louis: Tras los ladrillos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Louis: Past the bricks." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Louis: Bajo el puente." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Louis: Under the bridge." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Louis: ¡Eh, Bill! ¡Hay un barco! Joder, hay barcos por todas partes." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Louis: Hey, Bill! There's a boat! Aw hell, there's boats everywhere." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Louis: ¿Y eso por qué?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Louis: Why's that?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Louis: Está mosca con Bill." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Louis: I think she's mad at Bill." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Louis: Y está en llamas." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Louis: And it's on fire." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Louis: Y está en llamas." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Louis: And it's on fire." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Louis: A mí también me habría molado." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Louis: Actually, I'd like to see that too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Louis: ¡Yo también estoy mosca!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Louis: Well, I'm pissed too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Louis: ¡Y yo también!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Louis: Yeah, I'm pissed too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Louis: ¡Sí! ¡Estoy muy mosca!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Louis: Yeah! I'm really pissed!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Louis: ¡Sí! ¡Estoy muy mosca!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Louis: Yeah! I'm really pissed!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Louis: ¡Y yo también!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Louis: I'm pissed too!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Louis: Gracias, tío." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Louis: Thanks, man!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Louis: A mí la isla me da buen rollo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Louis: I got a good feeling about this island." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Louis: Vamos, no debemos pararnos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Louis: Come on, we have to keep moving." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Louis: Vamos, no debemos pararnos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Louis: Come on, we have to keep moving." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO29" "Louis: Sí, pero no debemos pararnos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO29" "Louis: I do. But we have to keep moving." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO31" "Louis: Francis, ¿soy el único que odia los barcos?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO31" "Louis: Francis am I alone in hating boats?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO34" "Louis: Lo intento, Bill. Lo intento." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO34" "Louis: I'm trying, Bill. I'm trying." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO35" "Louis: De verdad que lo intento, Bill." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO35" "Louis: Look, I'm trying, Bill. I'm trying." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO38" "Louis: ¿Qué hacemos si encontramos a alguien?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTRO38" "Louis: Well, what do we do if we meet someone?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED03" "Louis: ¿Seguro que vamos bien?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED03" "Louis: You sure this is the right way?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Louis: ¿Yo?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Louis: Me?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Louis: ¿Quién? ¿Yo?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Louis: Who? Me?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Louis: Francis, ¿con qué freirías a un Tank?" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Louis: Hey Francis what do they make at the tank factory?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR04" "Louis: De nada." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR04" "Louis: You're welcome." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR07" "Louis: ¡Puaj! Esto es una mierda." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR07" "Louis: Ewww! This is some gross ass shit." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Louis: \"Bill es tonto\"." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Louis: \"Bill's an idiot.\"" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Louis: \"Francis también es tonto\"." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Louis: \"Francis is an idiot too.\"" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Louis: Al principio la idea de ir a una isla desierta no me atraía, pero empieza a darme buen rollo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Louis: You know, I didn't like the idea of a deserted island at first. But I'm startin' to get a good feeling about this." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Louis: Eso sí, mientras tenga Molotovs, podré hacer cortafuegos." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Louis: But you know, as long as I have a Molotov I can make a firewall!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Louis: ¿Lo pillas, Francis? ¡Cortafuegos!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Louis: Get it Francis? A firewall?" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM32" "Louis: Me da buena espina, sólo eso." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM32" "Louis: Just a good feeling, I guess." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM38" "Louis: Vale, cuando lleguemos te cubriré las espaldas." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM38" "Louis: Well, when we get there, I got your back." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM40" "Louis: Joder, Francis. Vale, cuando lleguemos te cubriré las espaldas." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM40" "Louis: Shit, Francis. Well, when we get there, I got your back." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM43" "Louis: Isla de las narices..." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM43" "Louis: Punk ass bitch island..." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM44" "Louis: Isla de los cojones, mejor que te prepares..." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM44" "Louis: Punk ass island bitch ya better watch yourself..." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Louis: ¡Conseguido! ¡Al puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Louis: We did it! To the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Louis: ¡Al puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Louis: To the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Louis: Debemos levantar el puente." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Louis: We gotta to raise the bridge." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Louis: ¡El puente ha parado!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Louis: The bridge stopped!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON04" "Louis: ¡El puente ha parado!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON04" "Louis: The bridge stopped!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON05" "Louis: ¡Mierda! ¡El puente ha parado!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON05" "Louis: Oh shit! The bridge stopped!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Louis: ¡Yo me encargo! ¡Cubridme!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Louis: I'll handle this! Cover me!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Louis: ¡No os bajéis del puente!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Louis: Don't get off the bridge!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE15" "Louis: ¡Os quiero!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE15" "Louis: I love you guys!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE17" "Louis: Si caigo, ¡no volváis a por mí!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE17" "Louis: If I go down, don't come after me!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Louis: ¡Dios mío! ¡Zoey!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Louis: Oh my god! Zoey!" "Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Louis: Voy a echar de menos a ese tipo." "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Louis: I'm gonna... I'm gonna miss that guy." "Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Louis: ¡BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL!" "[english]Player.Manager_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Louis: BILLLLLLLL!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Bill: Fin del trayecto, cadetes." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Bill: End of the line, people!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Bill: Cállate, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Bill: Shut up, Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Bill: Venga, ¡en marcha! ¡Paso ligero!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Bill: Alright, let's move! No stragglers!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Bill: Venga, ¡en marcha! ¡No os separéis!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Bill: Alright, let's move! Everyone stay together!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Bill: No vale. Tiene que ser de vela." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Bill: Nope. Gotta be a sail boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Bill: Porque no pienso parar cada 15 minutos a buscar gasolina." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Bill: I ain't stoppin' the boat every 15 minutes to go look for gas." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Bill: Vale, recordad: lo que buscamos es un barco velero." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Bill: Alright, everybody, remember: we're lookin' for a sail boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Bill: Porque no quiero buscar gasolina." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Bill: 'Cause we ain't stoppin' for gas." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Bill: Hay que ser idiota para entretenerse llenándolos de gasolina." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Bill: You know who runs around filling up things with gas? Idiots." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Bill: Cadetes, recordad que buscamos uno de vela. Quiero llegar a los Cayos y no pienso buscar gasolina." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Bill: Alright, everybody, remember: we're lookin' for a sail boat. I aim to get to the Keys, and I ain't stoppin' for gas." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Bill: Busquemos un velero." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Bill: We gotta find a sail boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Bill: No es un velero." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Bill: That's not a sailboat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Bill: Y está ardiendo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Bill: And it's on fire." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Bill: Nos hemos salido." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Bill: We're out of track." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Bill: Calla, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Bill: Shut up, Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Bill: Callad los dos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Bill: Both of you shut up." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Bill: Zoey, confía en mí." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Bill: Zoey, I need you to trust me on this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Bill: Zoey, lo que importa es que sigamos juntos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Bill: Zoey, we're together and on our own. That's what's important." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Bill: Hemos llegado todos juntos. Ese era el plan." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Bill: Zoey, we all made it together. That was my plan." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Bill: Hemos llegado lejos y juntos. Ese era el plan." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Bill: Zoey, we all made this far together. That was my plan." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Bill: Zoey, ¿lista para ir a los Cayos?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Bill: Zoey. You ready to head for the Keys?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Bill: Zoey, ¿preparada para ir a los Cayos?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO25" "Bill: Zoey. You ready to head to the Keys?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Bill: Fin de trayecto. Concentraos, no será fácil." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Bill: Train ride's over, you gotta focus. This isn't gonna be easy." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Bill: Recobra la compostura; si no por mí, por ellos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO24" "Bill: Pull yourself together, if not for me then for them." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Bill: Zoey, ¿sigues enfadada?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO26" "Bill: Zoey. You still mad?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Bill: Vamos, en marcha." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO27" "Bill: Come on, let's move." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Bill: Cerrad el pico y en marcha." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO28" "Bill: Shut your traps, let's move out." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO29" "Bill: Te voy a dar motivos para llorar, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO29" "Bill: I'll give you something to cry about, Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO31" "Bill: ¿No te cansas de ser tan memo, Francis?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO31" "Bill: You ever get tired of being an idiot, Francis?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO30" "Bill: Joder, niña… A los nuestros los ayudamos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO30" "Bill: Zoey... Christ, kid. We come back for our own." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO32" "Bill: Zoey, no pienso dejar atrás a nadie." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO32" "Bill: Zoey... No one here is being left behind.." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO33" "Bill: Fin de trayecto. Vamos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO33" "Bill: End of the line. Let's move." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO34" "Bill: No te necesito para buscar un barco, Francis. ¿Por qué no vuelves al vagón, cierras esos ojitos y te echas a llorar un rato?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO34" "Bill: I can go find a boat on my own, Francis. Why don't you go back in the train car, shut your little eyes and have a good cry?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO35" "Bill: ¿Te fallan las fuerzas, Francis? Mira: ¿qué te parece si voy yo a buscar un barco? Y luego vuelvo y te llevo hasta él." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO35" "Bill: You gettin' tired, Francis? Tell you what: I'll go find us a boat. Then I'll come back, pick you up and carry you there." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO36" "Bill: ¡Casi estamos, cadetes! Encontremos un barco para llegar a los Cayos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO36" "Bill: Almost there, people! We just gotta find a boat and we'll be in the Keys." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO37" "Bill: El tren ya no va más lejos. Para llegar hasta los Cayos necesitaremos un barco." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO37" "Bill: That's as far as the train's taking us. If we're gonna get to the Keys, we'll need a boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO38" "Bill: De lo contrario, nadie habría escapado." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO38" "Bill: If we stayed, no one would have escaped." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO39" "Bill: No lo estoy." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO39" "Bill: Zoey. I can't." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO40" "Bill: Busquemos un barco para ir al Golfo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO40" "Bill: Let's find a boat that can make it to the Gulf." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO41" "Bill: Francis, a ti te habrían pasado por la quilla." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO41" "Bill: Francis, you'd have been walking the plank right now." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO42" "Bill: Te sentará bien." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO42" "Bill: It'll do you good son." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO43" "Bill: Fin de trayecto, amigos. Pertrechaos y andando." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO43" "Bill: End of the line sweeties. Grab some gear and let's go." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO44" "Bill: Zoey, no pienso dejaros atrás." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO44" "Bill: Zoey... I'm not leaving any of you behind." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO45" "Bill: Estás obseso con el ejercicio." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO45" "Bill: You're a regular health nut." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO46" "Bill: No podemos seguir en tren, toca ir a pata otra vez." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO46" "Bill: The train rides over, time to get back to walking." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO47" "Bill: Los que quedan serán inmunes, muertos o zombis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO47" "Bill: Out here, they're immune, dead or zombies." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED01" "Bill: Hay que buscar un barco al otro lado del puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED01" "Bill: Have to find a boat on the other side of this bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED02" "Bill: Ese puente bloquea el puerto." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED02" "Bill: That bridge is blocking the harbor." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED03" "Bill: Bajemos por el río a por un barco." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED03" "Bill: Let's head down river to find the boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED04" "Bill: Sigamos el río." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED04" "Bill: Let's follow the river." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED05" "Bill: Louis, el océano no fluye hasta el río." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HARBORBLOCKED05" "Bill: LOUIS, the ocean doesn't flow into the river." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Bill: Joder. Sólo al ejército le podría parecer buena idea meter un Tank en un tren." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Bill: Goddamn it. Only the military would think putting a tank in a train was a good idea." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Bill: Cuidado al abrir la puerta, está mosca." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Bill: Careful opening that door, he sounds frisky." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Bill: Preparaos, vamos a emboscar a ese cabrón." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Bill: Get ready. Let's set a trap for this son of a bitch." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Bill: Cuando abra, prendedle fuego al bastardo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Bill: When this door opens, light the mother up." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Bill: Preparaos, voy a abrir la puerta." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Bill: Get ready, I'm opening the door." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Bill: Atrás y atentos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Bill: Stand back and get ready." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Bill: ¡La puerta se abre!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Bill: Door's opening up!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Bill: Qué mal rollo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Bill: This is not pretty." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Bill: ¿Cómo podía retenerlo este vagón?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Bill: Can't believe this car held that thing." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Bill: Aquí apesta a mierda." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR03" "Bill: Stinks like shit in here." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Bill: Zoey, sé que estás enfadada." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Bill: Zoey. I know you're mad at me." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Bill: Zoey. Escucha: lo que importa somos nosotros cuatro." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Bill: Zoey. Listen. The four of us are all that matters now." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Bill: Te lo vuelvo a repetir: queremos un velero." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Bill: I keep telling you: we're looking for a sail boat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Bill: Calla, Franc… Pues oye, no es mala idea." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Bill: Shut up, Franc-- alright, that's not a bad idea." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Bill: ¡Maldita sea, Zoey! ¡Confiamos en la CEDA y en el ejército! ¡Y nos abandonaron! ¿Crees que nos dejarán volver? Estamos solos, y más vale que te acostumbres." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Bill: Dammit, Zoey! We trusted CEDA! We trusted the military! And they left us to die! Do you think they'll ever let us back in? We're on our own, kid. It's high time you started actin' like it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Bill: Lo encontraremos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Bill: We'll find it, we'll find it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Bill: Puta pila de piedras." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Bill: Goddamn pile of rocks." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Bill: ¡No os rindáis, seguid!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Bill: Don't give up on me, keep going!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Bill: Joder… ¡cuervos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Bill: Goddamn it... crows!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Bill: Mierda de pajarracos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Bill: Horseshit goddamn birds..." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Bill: ¡Callaos, putos pájaros!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Bill: Shut-up you goddamn birds!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Bill: ¡Id a la rampa!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Bill: Get into that chute!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Bill: ¡Todos a la rampa!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Bill: Everyone into the chute!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Bill: ¡Por la colina, un, dos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Bill: Double time up the hill!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP01" "Bill: No, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP01" "Bill: No Francis, we can't." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP02" "Bill: ¿Sabes como pilotarlo, Francis?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SEEINGBIGSHIP02" "Bill: You know how to pilot this thing, Francis?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Bill: No te caigas por la borda." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Bill: Don't get pulled off the port side." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP02" "Bill: A la proa." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP02" "Bill: Run to the bow." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP03" "Bill: Hay cosas en la bodega." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP03" "Bill: We got stuff in the hold." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP04" "Bill: ¡Suministros en la bodega!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP04" "Bill: There's supplies in the hold!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Bill: Te puedes quedar con tus ordenadores e emails. A mí dame papel y boli." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Bill: Bah. Keep your computers, emails... whatever. Just give me a pen and paper." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Bill: ¡NOOOOO!!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Bill: NOOOO!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Bill: Cuando nací, no había electricidad." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Bill: They didn't have electricity when I was born." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Bill: No mucho. Encontramos una isla y la ocupamos. Se acabó el ejército, la CEDA y esa mierda." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Bill: Not far at all. We find an island, make it ours. No more army, no more CEDA, no more horseshit." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Bill: Debemos de estar cerca. Una vez en el barco, seremos libres." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Bill: We have to be getting close. Once we're on the boat, we're home free." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Bill: A menos que puedas dejar de comer, necesitaríamos un barco enorme para todos los víveres." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Bill: Unless you're gonna stop eating, we're gonna need a damn big boat to hold all the supplies." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Bill: Sí, en un par. Si llegamos de una pieza, limpiaremos la isla y pasaremos relajándonos en la playa el resto de nuestros días." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Bill: Yeah. A couple of 'em. We get there in one piece, we're gonna clear the island and spend the rest of our lives relaxing on the beach." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Bill: Vaya que si sé pescar, chaval." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Bill: Damn right I know how to fish, kid." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Bill: En cuanto limpiemos la isla y nos asentemos, te convertiré en un experto." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Bill: Tell you what: Once we clear the island and settle in, I'll make you a pro." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Bill: Vale, cadetes. Debe de haber un velero por esta zona. Lo encontramos, vamos a los Cayos y nos construimos un pedazo de paraíso." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Bill: Allright, people. There's gotta be a sailboat around here somewhere. We're gonna find it, get to the keys, and build ourselves a little piece of paradise." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Bill: Déjate de tontadas, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Bill: Cut the horseshit, Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Bill: Y fáciles de defender, Francis. Según parece, los zombis no saben nadar." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Bill: They're defensible, Francis. Far as we know, zombies can't swim." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Bill: Habla más alto." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Bill: Speak up, son." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Bill: Queja anotada." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM15" "Bill: Noted. Let's go." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Bill: Mierda, el puente está en medio. Hay que izarlo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Bill: Christ, bridge is in the way. We'll need to raise it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Bill: Si queremos bajar el río con el barco, hay que izar el puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Bill: If we wanna take that boat down river, we'll need to raise that bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Bill: ¡Hay un velero junto al puente! Nos servirá." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Bill: There's a sailboat by the bridge! We can take that." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Bill: Hay un velero en el lado opuesto de puente. ¡Podemos izar el puente e irnos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT04" "Bill: There's a sailboat on the wrong side of the bridge. We can raise the bridge and go!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT05" "Bill: Si izamos el puente, podremos usar el barco." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT05" "Bill: If we raise that bridge, we can use that sailboat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS01" "Bill: Vamos, maldito." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS01" "Bill: Come on, damn you." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS02" "Bill: Arranca." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS02" "Bill: Start already." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS03" "Bill: ¡Vamos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS03" "Bill: Let's go!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS04" "Bill: Venga, venga, venga." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS04" "Bill: Come on, come on, come on." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS05" "Bill: Jesús, María y José, ¡arranca ya!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS05" "Bill: Jesus Mary and Joseph, start already." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS06" "Bill: ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS06" "Bill: Let's go! Let's go!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS07" "Bill: Arranca, hijo de la gran puta." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3STARTINGGENERATORS07" "Bill: Catch, catch you son of a bitch." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Bill: Cuidado con los generadores, ¡atraerán a la horda!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Bill: Careful with these generators, they're gonna attract hordes!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Bill: Hay que arrancar los generadores." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Bill: We gotta start these generators." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Bill: Si encendemos los generadores, se izará el puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Bill: If we power these generators we can raise that bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Bill: Deben ser los generadores del puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Bill: These generators must be setup to power the bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN05" "Bill: El primero, ¿listos?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN05" "Bill: First one, everyone ready?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN06" "Bill: Atentos, esto va a armar un buen escándalo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN06" "Bill: Get ready, this things gonna make a racket." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Bill: ¡Bien, creo que ya está!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Bill: Alright, I think that's it!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Bill: Era el último, al siguiente generador." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Bill: That's the last of them, to the next generator." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER03" "Bill: ¡A otro generador!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER03" "Bill: To the next generator!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER04" "Bill: ¡Al próximo generador!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER04" "Bill: Let's get to the next generator!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER05" "Bill: Nos dan tregua, vamos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER05" "Bill: We got a break, let's go." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER06" "Bill: Venga, quedan dos más." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER06" "Bill: Come on, two more to do." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER07" "Bill: Ya acaba. Dos más." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER07" "Bill: It's dying down. Two more." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Bill: Encendamos el generador." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Bill: Let's power up this generator." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN02" "Bill: Hagámoslo mejor que con el último." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN02" "Bill: Let's do this better than the last one." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN03" "Bill: Preparaos antes de encender." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN03" "Bill: Let's get prepared before we start it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN04" "Bill: ¿Estamos listos? Le doy." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN04" "Bill: If we're ready let's hit it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Bill: Así se hace, al último generador." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Bill: Way to go people, to the last generator." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Bill: ¡En marcha!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Bill: Let's move out!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER03" "Bill: ¡Al último generador!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER03" "Bill: To the last generator!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER04" "Bill: Al último." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER04" "Bill: To the last gennie." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Bill: El último, atentos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Bill: Last one, let's be careful." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Bill: Listos, vamos allá." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Bill: Get ready, let's do this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Bill: ¡Podemos subir al puente!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Bill: We can get on the bridge!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Bill: ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Bill: Get to the bridge!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Bill: ¡Corred al puente!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Bill: Run to the bridge!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Bill: ¡Icemos el puente!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Bill: We gotta raise the bridge!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Bill: ¡Al puente, vamos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Bill: To the bridge! The bridge!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE06" "Bill: Dejad de tontear y vamos al puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE06" "Bill: Stop playing around and get to the bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Bill: Hay que darle al botón para izar el puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Bill: We gotta hit the the button to raise the bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Bill: ¡Icemos el puente! ¡Dadle al botón!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Bill: Raise the bridge! Hit the button!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Bill: Tenemos que subir y darle al botón." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Bill: We gotta all get on and hit that button." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Bill: Joder, ¡el puente se ha parado!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Bill: Goddamn it, the bridge stopped!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Bill: Me cagüen... ¡generador bloqueado!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Bill: Son of a bitch, that generator stalled!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Bill: ¡El generador se paró! ¡Alguien debe bajar!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Bill: Generator's stopped! Someone's gotta go down there!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS04" "Bill: ¡Hay que volver a arrancar el generador!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS04" "Bill: Someone needs to restart the generator!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS05" "Bill: ¡Hostias, el puente se ha detenido!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS05" "Bill: Jesus H Christ, the bridge stopped!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS06" "Bill: ¡No estamos seguros! ¡Hay que arrancar el generador!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS06" "Bill: We ain't safe here! We gotta restart that generator!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS07" "Bill: ¡Generador detenido! ¡Que baje alguien!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS07" "Bill: That gennie's stopped! Someone get down there!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Bill: Quedaos, voy yo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Bill: Stay there, I got it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Bill: No bajéis del puente, yo me encargo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Bill: Don't get off the bridge, I have this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Bill: ¡No os mováis! Voy yo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Bill: Stay there! I got this!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Bill: Tened cuidado." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Bill: You take care." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Bill: Pase lo que pase: seguid juntos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Bill: No matter what happens: stay together." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Bill: Recordad: no os separéis. ¡Pase lo que pase!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Bill: Remember: Stay together! No matter what!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Bill: ¡No me sigáis!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Bill: Do not follow me!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Bill: No estoy de broma, ¡que nadie me siga!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Bill: I'm not horseshittin' around, don't follow me!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Bill: ¡No intentéis ayudarme! ¡Lo haré yo solo!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Bill: Nobody try to help me! I'm doing this alone!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Bill: ¡Cuidaos los tres!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Bill: Take care of each other!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Bill: ¡Tened cuidado! ¡Id a los Cayos!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Bill: Be safe! Get to the Keys!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Bill: ¡Sois lo que más me importa! ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Bill: You guys mean everything to me! Stay there!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Bill: ¡Sois mi única familia! ¡Cuidaos los tres!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Bill: You guys are the only family I got! Take care of each other!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Bill: Quedaos en el puente, yo me encargo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Bill: Stay on the goddamn bridge, I have this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Bill: Ay, mi niña... ¡NOOOOOOO!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES01" "Bill: Damn it, kid. NOOOOOOO!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Bill: ¡ZOEY! ¡No debías haber ido tú!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES02" "Bill: ZOEY!!! It wasn't supposed to be you!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Bill: ¡NO, NO, ZOEY NO!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES03" "Bill: NO, NO, NOT ZOEY!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Bill: ¡ZOOOEEEEYYY!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES04" "Bill: ZOOOOOOEEEEEYYYY!!!!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES05" "Bill: ¡ZOEY! ¡Lo lograste!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES05" "Bill: ZOEY! You did it!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES06" "Bill: ¡Zoey! Esto no debía acabar así." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3ZOEYDIES06" "Bill: Zoey! It wasn't supposed to end like this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Bill: ¡Francis! ¡No! ¡NO!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Bill: Francis! No! NO!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Bill: Francis, cabrón tatuado, ¡lo conseguiste!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Bill: Francis, you beautiful son of a bitch you did it!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Bill: Francis, no te olvidaré." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Bill: Francis, I will not forget you." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Bill: Francis, no olvidaré esto." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Bill: Francis, I will not forget this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Bill: ¡LOUUUIIS!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Bill: LOOOOUUUIISSSS!!!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Bill: Louis, lo conseguiste..." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Bill: Louis, you did it, you did it." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Bill: Joder, Louis, ¡Louis!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Bill: Louis, Louis, goddamnit Louis!!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Bill: Louis, no deberías haber muerto..." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Bill: Louis, you weren't supposed to die." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE01" "Bill: Misión cumplida. ¡Venid a por mí, cabrones!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE01" "Bill: My job's done. Have at me you bastards!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE02" "Bill: Misión cumplida. A ver qué sabéis hacer, mostrencos inútiles." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE02" "Bill: My job's done. Let's see what you got, you big dumb sons of bitches." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE03" "Bill: Mis amigos están a salvo, ¡nunca podréis arrebatarme eso, mamones!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE03" "Bill: My friends are safe, there's nothing you bastards can do to me now!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE04" "Bill: Animales, no arruinaréis este momento." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE04" "Bill: You monkeys ain't gonna spoil this." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE05" "Bill: Deberíais haberos traído más Tanks." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE05" "Bill: You shoulda brought more tanks with you." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE06" "Bill: Demasiado tarde. Están a salvo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE06" "Bill: You're too late. They're safe." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE07" "Bill: Habéis acabado con todo, cabrones. Pero no con ellos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE07" "Bill: You sons of bitches took everything. But you ain't takin' them." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE08" "Bill: Demasiado tarde." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE08" "Bill: You're too late." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE09" "Bill: Estoy listo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE09" "Bill: I'm ready." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE10" "Bill: La paz volverá al planeta aunque tenga que acabar con todos vosotros…. con las manos desnudas." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE10" "Bill: I'll see peace back on Earth… if I gotta murder every one of you bastards…. with my bare goddamn hands." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE11" "Bill: Ah, mierda." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE11" "Bill: Awwww, horseshit." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE12" "Bill: Si me queréis, venid a por mí. Soy sólo un viejo achacoso. Pero a ellos no los atrapasteis, ¿verdad, cabrones?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE12" "Bill: You want me, come and get it. I'm just scars and tar anyway. But you didn't get them--did you, you sons of bitches?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE20" "Bill: Si hubiera sabido cuántos erais cuando empezó todo, hijos de puta, habría ahorrado suela y os habría aniquilado entonces." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE20" "Bill: If I'd known how many of you sonsabitches there were when we started out--guess I woulda saved the shoe leather and fought you there." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE19" "Bill: ¿Es todo lo que tenéis?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE19" "Bill: That all you brought?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE13" "Bill: Supongo que hay cosas que están predestinadas. Así son las cosas. Pero no los atrapasteis, ¿verdad? Están a salvo. Por eso estoy tranquilo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE13" "Bill: Guess you can't unmake how things end up. None of it. This is all just how it is. But you never got them, did you? They're safe. So that's just fine." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE18" "Bill: El tiempo pasa volando." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE18" "Bill: That felt like no time at all." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE15" "Bill: Confieso que no es el fin que me imaginaba... Pero me vale." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE15" "Bill: I gotta admit... this ain't how I pictured it. Good enough." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE16" "Bill: Tuve una buena vida. Sabiendo que están a salvo, no cambiaría nada." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE16" "Bill: I had a good run. Knowing they're safe, I wouldn't have changed a thing." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Bill: Un velero, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Bill: Sail boat, Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Bill: No, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Bill: No Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS04" "Bill: Francis, ¿tiene vela?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS04" "Bill: Francis, does it have a sail?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS05" "Bill: Ese barco no, Francis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS05" "Bill: Not that boat Francis." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS06" "Bill: Francis, eso es un coche." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS06" "Bill: Francis, that's a car." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS07" "Bill: Francis, ese barco está hundido." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS07" "Bill: Francis, that boat's underwater." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS08" "Bill: Francis, ese barco está en llamas." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS08" "Bill: Francis, one that's isn't on fire." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS09" "Bill: Hijo, eso es un camión. Y tú un memo." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS09" "Bill: Son, that's a trailer and you're an idiot." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES01" "Bill: ¡CHARGER!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES01" "Bill: CHARGER!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES02" "Bill: ¡CHARGER!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES02" "Bill: CHARGER!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES03" "Bill: CHARGER" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES03" "Bill: CHARGER" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES04" "Bill: ¡Spitter!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES04" "Bill: Spitter!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES05" "Bill: ¡Spitter!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES05" "Bill: Spitter!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES06" "Bill: ¡Spitter!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES06" "Bill: Spitter!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES07" "Bill: ¡Jockey!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES07" "Bill: Jockey!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES08" "Bill: ¡Jockey!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES08" "Bill: Jockey!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES09" "Bill: ¡Jockey!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3CREATURES09" "Bill: Jockey!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES01" "Bill: Qué puto frío." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES01" "Bill: Goddamn cold." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES02" "Bill: Eso te pasa por no llevar gorro." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES02" "Bill: That's what you get for not wearing a hat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES03" "Bill: Joder, qué frío hace." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES03" "Bill: Goddamn it's cold." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES04" "Bill: En mis tiempos, caminábamos kilómetros en una ventisca y descalzos para matar zombis." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES04" "Bill: Back in my day, we walked 10 miles through a blizzard in bare feet to kill zombies." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES05" "Bill: ¿Hace demasiado frío, nenazas?" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES05" "Bill: Ehh... is it too cold for ya cry babies?" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES06" "Bill: Nadie va a contestar a ese teléfono." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3COMMUNITYLINES06" "Bill: No ones going to be answering that phone." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Bill: ¡Por el barco!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Bill: Over the ship!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Bill: ¡Cruzad el barco!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Bill: Across the ship!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Bill: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Bill: Down the loader." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Bill: ¡Colina arriba!" "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Bill: Up the hill!" "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Bill: Sobre los ladrillos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Bill: On top the bricks." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Bill: Tras los ladrillos." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Bill: Past the bricks." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Bill: Bajo el puente." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Bill: Under the bridge." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Bill: No es un velero. Y está en llamas." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Bill: That's not a sailboat. And it's on fire." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Bill: Calla, Franc… Pues oye, no es mala idea." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Bill: Shut up, Franc-- alright, that's not a bad idea." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Bill: ¡No! Cuando nací, no habían inventado ni la rueda." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Bill: No! They hadn't even invented the wheel when I was born." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Bill: Un velero, Francis. Velero." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Bill: Sail boat, Francis. Sailboat." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE14" "Bill: Confieso que no es el fin que me imaginaba... Pero me vale. Pero me vale." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE14" "Bill: I gotta admit... this ain't how I pictured it. Good enough. Good enough." "Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE17" "Bill: Tuve una buena vida. No cambiaría nada." "[english]Player.NamVet_C6DLC3MOVIELINE17" "Bill: I had a good run. I wouldn't have changed a thing." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Zoey: Sí, o Bill os dejará atrás." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO01" "Zoey: Yeah, or Bill'll leave you behind." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Zoey: Francis: dile a Bill que estoy lista." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO04" "Zoey: Francis: Tell Bill I'm ready to go." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Zoey: ¿Este era el tu plan, Bill? ¿Ir en tren a los Cayos? Pues estamos en medio de la nada." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO05" "Zoey: This was your plan, Bill? A train to the Keys? This isn't the keys, Bill. We're nowhere." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Zoey: Pos fale." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO06" "Zoey: Whatever." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Zoey: Vámonos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO07" "Zoey: Let's just go." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Zoey: Me trae sin cuidado." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO08" "Zoey: Whatever, I don't care." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Zoey: Lo que tú digas." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO10" "Zoey: Sure. Whatever." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Zoey: ¿Esa gente sigue muerta?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO12" "Zoey: Those people still dead?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Zoey: Mejor que sigamos. Recordad que, si os quedáis atrás, a Bill no le importa que la diñéis." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO13" "Zoey: Well--better get moving. Remember, if you fall behind, Bill thinks it's okay to let you die." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Zoey: Claro. Pero al resto del mundo, que les zurzan." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO14" "Zoey: Sure. It's the rest of the world we can just let die." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Zoey: Propongo una votación: ¿quién piensa que, en lugar de ir a pudrirnos a una isla en medio de la nada, deberíamos ir a ayudar en la lucha contra los zombis?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO15" "Zoey: I'd like to put it to a vote that maybe we shouldn't go rot on an island in the middle of nowhere, and actually, you know, help everybody else fight the zombies?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Zoey: ¿Estáis de broma? Está en medio de la nada. ¿Abandonamos a esa gente para esto?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO16" "Zoey: Are you kidding me? This is the middle of nowhere. We left all those people behind for THIS?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Zoey: Louis, creía que tú lo entenderías." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO17" "Zoey: Louis, you of all people should understand." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Zoey: Menos mal que dejamos a esa gente atrás para poder escapar, ¿eh, Bill?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO20" "Zoey: Good thing we left all those people behind so WE could escape, Bill." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Zoey: ¿Cómo estás tan seguro?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO18" "Zoey: How can you be sure?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Zoey: Genial, a lo mejor conocemos a nueva gente a la que abandonar." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO23" "Zoey: Great maybe we can meet some new people and leave them behind." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Zoey: ¿Lo único que ha sobrevivido al accidente es un Tank?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD01" "Zoey: The one thing that survives this train wreck is a tank?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Zoey: Entonces… ¿quién abre la puerta?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD02" "Zoey: So... who's gonna open the door?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Zoey: Eh, Louis, seguro que te da buen rollo abrir la puerta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD03" "Zoey: Hey, Louis. You got a good feeling about opening that door." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Zoey: Este asunto de la puerta, resolvedlo vosotros." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD05" "Zoey: So. This whole... door situation? You guys work it out." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD10" "Zoey: No vais a obligar a una señorita a abrir una trampa mortal, ¿verdad?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD10" "Zoey: So, I'm a girl, right? You guys wouldn't make a lady open up a deathtrap, right?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Zoey: Francis, ¿los-que-abren-la-puerta-dicen-qué?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD06" "Zoey: Hey Francis. Guywhoopensthetraindoorsayswhat?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD07" "Zoey: Francis, pórtate y abre la puerta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD07" "Zoey: Hey, Francis. Be a pal and open that door." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD09" "Zoey: ¿Alguien podría abrir? Prometo que la próxima puerta con un Tank detrás me toca a mí." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD09" "Zoey: Somebody want to get the door? I'll open the next train car with a tank in it. Promise." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Zoey: Listos para luchar con el Tank." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR01" "Zoey: Get ready to fight this tank." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Zoey: Se abre, todos listos..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR02" "Zoey: Door's opening, get ready..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Zoey: Estoy muerta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR04" "Zoey: I am so dead." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Zoey: No puedo creer lo que hago." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR05" "Zoey: I cannot believe I am doing this." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Zoey: Increíble. Tíos, sois unos caguetas del quince." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR06" "Zoey: Unbelievable. You guys are the biggest chickenshits." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Zoey: Dios, debe haber sido horrible…" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR01" "Zoey: God, this must have been horrible..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Zoey: Y yo creía que luchar con esta cosa fuera ya era chungo." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTANKTRAINCAR02" "Zoey: Man. I thought it was bad fighting this thing outside." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Zoey: No quiero escucharte." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM01" "Zoey: I really don't want to hear it." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Zoey: Bill, no pienso dar el mundo por perdido." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM02" "Zoey: Bill, I'm not ready to give up on everything yet." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Zoey: Pues Francis, porque… Qué coño, ¡tiene razón, Bill!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM03" "Zoey: Because, Francis... hey, yeah, what the hell, Bill?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Zoey: ¿Eso es todo? ¿Vamos a huir a una isla y decir \"hasta luego, mundo, suerte con los zombis\"?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM06" "Zoey: So this is really it? We're gonna run away to some island? \"So long world good luck with all the zombies\"?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Zoey: Genial, cuervos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL01" "Zoey: Great, crows." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Zoey: CA-LLAD-PU-TOS-CUER-VOS." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL04" "Zoey: Shut. Up. You. Stupid. Crows." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Zoey: ¡Mierda! Estúpidos pájaros." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL03" "Zoey: Ah! Dammit! Stupid birds." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Zoey: ¡Subid esta pila de basura!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL06" "Zoey: Climb up this pile of crap!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Zoey: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL07" "Zoey: Into the chute." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Zoey: Hay que entrar en la rampa." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL08" "Zoey: We need to get into the chute." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Zoey: Equipo en la bodega." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3ONBIGSHIP01" "Zoey: Supplies in the hold." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Zoey: Ah. ¡Buuu!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM01" "Zoey: Ohhhh. Boo." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Zoey: Si me hubieras preguntado el año pasado, las diez serían de zombis. ¿Ahora? Documentales sobre cómo hacer papel higiénico." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM02" "Zoey: You asked me that last year? It would have been ten zombie movies. Now? Probably a documentary on how to make toilet paper." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Zoey: Hace un mes, habrían sido diez de zombis. ¿Ahora? Diez documentales sobre cómo construir refugios, cazar y fabricar papel higiénico." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM03" "Zoey: A month ago? I would have picked ten zombie movies. Now? Like, ten documentaries on how to build shelter, catch food and make toilet paper." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Zoey: Y la raza humana." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM05" "Zoey: No more human race..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Zoey: En las pelis se hunden." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM06" "Zoey: In most movies they sink." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Zoey: Estaremos a salvo entonces." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM07" "Zoey: I think that means we're safe." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Zoey: ¡Ese es el espíritu, Louis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM08" "Zoey: That's the spirit, Louis!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Zoey: No me gusta poner la loción en la cesta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM10" "Zoey: I hate putting the lotion in the basket." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Zoey: Si queremos sacar ese velero de aquí, hay que izar el puente." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT01" "Zoey: We'll need to raise that bridge if we want to get that boat out of here." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Zoey: ¡Usemos ese velero junto al puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT02" "Zoey: We can use that sailboat by the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Zoey: Hay que izar el puente." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SPOTTINGSAILBOAT03" "Zoey: We need to raise the." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Zoey: Deben ser los generadores del puente." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN01" "Zoey: These generators must be setup to power the bridge." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Zoey: ¡Hay que arrancar estos generadores para izar el puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN02" "Zoey: We need to power these three generators to raise the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Zoey: Cuando los encendamos, van a alertar a la horda." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN03" "Zoey: Starting these generators is going to alert the horde." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN05" "Zoey: Seguro que encender los generadores va a romper el silencio." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN05" "Zoey: I just know starting these generators isn't going to be quiet." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Zoey: ¡Listo! ¡Al siguiente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER01" "Zoey: Done! To the next generator." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Zoey: Vamos, hay más generadores." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTEVENTOVER02" "Zoey: Let's go, we have more generators." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Zoey: Preparaos antes de darle." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART2NDGEN01" "Zoey: Let's get ready before we hit it." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Zoey: Uno listo, ¡vamos!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER01" "Zoey: This one is done, let's go!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Zoey: ¡Uno más!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER02" "Zoey: One more!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER03" "Zoey: ¡Ya casi está! ¡Queda un generador!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDEVENTOVER03" "Zoey: We're almost out here! One more generator!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Zoey: Último generador." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN01" "Zoey: Last generator." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Zoey: Ya está, listos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTARTLASTGEN02" "Zoey: This is it, get ready." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Zoey: Puente listo, ¡vamos!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE01" "Zoey: The bridge is ready, let's go!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Zoey: ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE02" "Zoey: Get to the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Zoey: ¡Conseguido! ¡Vamos al puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE03" "Zoey: We did it! Get to the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Zoey: Louis, bien por arrancar ese generador." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE04" "Zoey: Way to start that generator Louis?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Zoey: ¿Qué tal te ha sentado arrancar el generador?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGEAVAILABLE05" "Zoey: How did starting that generator feel Louis?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Zoey: ¡Icemos el puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON01" "Zoey: Let's raise the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Zoey: Hay que pulsar el botón para alzar el puente." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON02" "Zoey: We gotta hit at button and raise the bridge." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Zoey: Con el puente arriba, estaremos seguros." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3HITTINGBRIDGEBUTTON03" "Zoey: Once this bridge is up, we're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Zoey: ¡Mierda! ¡Generador parado!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS01" "Zoey: Crap! That generator stalled!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Zoey: El puto generador se ha parado." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS02" "Zoey: Damnit to hell, that generator's out." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Zoey: Es de coña, ¡generador kaput!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS03" "Zoey: You're kidding me, that generator's out." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Zoey: Louis, ¿seguro que no puedes subir? ¡Inténtalo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE01" "Zoey: Louis, you sure you can't get up? Can you try?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Zoey: ¡Quedaos arriba! Voy yo." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE03" "Zoey: Stay up there! I got this!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Zoey: ¡Quietos! ¡Vuelvo enseguida! Espero..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE02" "Zoey: Stay put! I'll be right back! I hope." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Zoey: Qué coño estoy haciendo, qué coño estoy haciendo..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE04" "Zoey: What am I doing what am I doing what am I doing..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Zoey: ¡Es la última vez que veis este par de... pistolas!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE07" "Zoey: This is the last time you're gonna see these! Guns!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Zoey: ¡Louis! ¡Siempre seré tu amiga!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE08" "Zoey: Louis! I will always be your friend!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE15" "Zoey: ¡Os echaré de menos! ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE15" "Zoey: I'll miss you guys! Stay there!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE17" "Zoey: ¡Volveré! Dios, no lo creo..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE17" "Zoey: I'll be back! Oh god, no I won't..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Zoey: ¡No os bajéis del puente!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE14" "Zoey: Don't get off the bridge!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Zoey: ¡Tengo un plan! ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE13" "Zoey: I've got a plan! Stay there!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Zoey: Joder, la cosa está chunga." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE09" "Zoey: Oh god, I am so screwed." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Zoey: ¡Me encargo! Está tirado... ¡Mierda!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE11" "Zoey: I've got this! Not a big deal. Oh... shit." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Zoey: FRANCIS!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES01" "Zoey: FRANCIS!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Zoey: ¡Francis! ¡Lo lograste!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES03" "Zoey: Francis! You did it!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Zoey: ¡Francis! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES04" "Zoey: Francis! We're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Zoey: ¡Gracias, Louis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES01" "Zoey: Thanks Louis!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Zoey: ¡LOUUUIIS!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES04" "Zoey: LOOOOOOUUUUIIIIIISSSSS!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES05" "Zoey: Joder, ¡Louis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES05" "Zoey: Oh damnit Louis!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Zoey: ¡Bill! ¡No!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES01" "Zoey: Bill! No!!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Zoey: ¡BIIIIL!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES02" "Zoey: BIIILLLLL!!!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Zoey: Mierda, Bill, no tenías por qué hacerlo..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES04" "Zoey: Ah shit Bill, you didn't have to do that." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Zoey: Bill, ¡lo lograste! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES05" "Zoey: Bill, you did it! We're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES07" "Zoey: ¡Bill nos ha salvado!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES07" "Zoey: Bill you saved us!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES08" "Zoey: ¡No te olvidaremos, Bill!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES08" "Zoey: We won't forget you Bill!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES09" "Zoey: Lo siento, Bill. ¡Te quiero!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES09" "Zoey: I'm sorry Bill. I love you!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES11" "Zoey: Bill... siempre te querré, viejo." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES11" "Zoey: Ahh Bill, I love you old man." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES12" "Zoey: Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES12" "Zoey: Bill, bill, bill, bill." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES13" "Zoey: Bill, ¡lo lograste! ¡Lo lograste!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES13" "Zoey: Bill, you did it! You did it!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Zoey: Francis, ¿sabes siquiera qué aspecto tiene un velero?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS02" "Zoey: Francis, do you even know what a sail boat looks like?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Zoey: ¡Por el barco!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC01" "Zoey: Over the ship!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Zoey: ¡Cruzad el barco!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC02" "Zoey: Across the ship!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Zoey: Por la rampa." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC03" "Zoey: Down the loader." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Zoey: ¡Colina arriba!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC04" "Zoey: Up the hill!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Zoey: Encima de los ladrillos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC05" "Zoey: On top of the bricks." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Zoey: Tras los ladrillos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC06" "Zoey: Past the bricks." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Zoey: Bajo el puente." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GENERIC07" "Zoey: Under the bridge." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Zoey: Sí, o Bill os dejará atrás." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO02" "Zoey: Yeah, or Bill'll leave you behind." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Zoey: Sí, o Bill os dejará atrás." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO03" "Zoey: Yeah, or Bill'll leave you behind." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Zoey: Me trae sin cuidado." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO09" "Zoey: Whatever, I don't care." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Zoey: Claro. Lo que tú digas." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO11" "Zoey: Sure. Whatever." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Zoey: Ah, ¿sí? ¿Cómo estás tan seguro?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO19" "Zoey: Really? How can you be sure?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Zoey: Menos mal que dejamos a esa gente atrás para poder escapar, ¿eh, Bill?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO21" "Zoey: Good thing we left all those people behind so WE could escape, Bill." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Zoey: Menos mal que dejamos a esa gente atrás para poder escapar, ¿eh, Bill?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3INTRO22" "Zoey: Good thing we left all those people behind so WE could escape, Bill." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Zoey: Eh, Louis, ¿te dará buen rollo abrir esa puerta?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD04" "Zoey: Hey, Louis. Do you have one of those good feelings about opening that door?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD08" "Zoey: Francis, pórtate y abre la puerta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3TANKINTRAINYARD08" "Zoey: Hey, Francis. Be a pal and open that door." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Zoey: ¡Vamos todos! Vienen Tanks." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR03" "Zoey: Come on, people. Tanks coming." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR07" "Zoey: Increíble." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OPENINGDOOR07" "Zoey: Unbelievable." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Zoey: Pues Francis, porque... Joder, tiene razón, Bill." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM04" "Zoey: Because, Franc... hey, yeah, what the hell, Bill?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Zoey: Porque... Eh, pues sí, ¿por qué no, Bill?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM05" "Zoey: Because... hey, yeah, what the hell, Bill?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Zoey: ¿Eso es todo? ¿Vamos a huir a una isla y decir \"hasta luego, mundo, suerte con los zombis\"?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FIRSTSAFEROOM07" "Zoey: So this is really it? We're gonna run away to some island? \"So long world good luck with all the zombies\"?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Zoey: Genial, cuervos." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL02" "Zoey: Great, crows." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Zoey: CA-LLA-OS-PU-TOS-CUER-VOS." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3GRAVELHILL05" "Zoey: Shut. Up. You. Stupid. Crows." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Zoey: Hace un mes, habrían sido diez de zombis. ¿Ahora? Diez documentales sobre cómo construir refugios, cazar y fabricar papel higiénico." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM04" "Zoey: A month ago? I would have picked ten zombie movies. Now? Like, ten documentaries on how to build shelter, catch food and make toilet paper." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Zoey: ¡Ese es el espíritu, Louis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM09" "Zoey: That's the spirit, Louis!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Zoey: No me gusta poner la loción en la cesta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM11" "Zoey: I hate putting the lotion in the basket." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Zoey: No me gusta poner la loción en la cesta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM12" "Zoey: I hate putting the lotion in the basket." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Zoey: No me gusta poner la loción en la cesta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM13" "Zoey: I hate putting the lotion in the basket." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Zoey: No me gusta poner la loción en la cesta." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3SECONDSAFEROOM14" "Zoey: I hate putting the lotion in the basket." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Zoey: Hmm. Cuando los encendamos, van a alertar a la horda." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3PRESTART1STGEN04" "Zoey: Hmm. Starting these generators is going to alert the horde." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS04" "Zoey: Es de coña, ¡generador kaput!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BRIDGESTOPS04" "Zoey: You're kidding me, that generator's out." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Zoey: ¡Quietos! ¡Vuelvo enseguida! Espero..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE05" "Zoey: Stay put! I'll be right back! I hope." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Zoey: Qué coño estoy haciendo, qué coño estoy haciendo..." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE06" "Zoey: What am I doing what am I doing what am I doing..." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Zoey: Joder, la cosa está chunga." "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE10" "Zoey: Oh god, I am so screwed." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Zoey: ¡Me encargo! Está tirado... ¡Mierda!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE12" "Zoey: I've got this! Not a big deal. Oh... shit." "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE16" "Zoey: ¡Os echaré de menos! ¡No os mováis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3JUMPINGOFFBRIDGE16" "Zoey: I'll miss you guys! Stay there!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Zoey: FRANCIS!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES02" "Zoey: FRANCIS!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES05" "Zoey: ¡Francis! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3FRANCISDIES05" "Zoey: Francis! We're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Zoey: ¡Louis! ¡Lo lograste! ¡Lo lograste!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES02" "Zoey: Louis! You did it! You did it!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Zoey: ¡Louis! ¡Lo lograste! ¡Lo lograste, Louis!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3LOUISDIES03" "Zoey: Louis! You did it! You did it, Louis!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Zoey: ¡BIIIILL!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES03" "Zoey: BIIILLLLL!!!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES06" "Zoey: Bill, ¡lo lograste! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES06" "Zoey: Bill, you did it! We're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES10" "Zoey: Lo siento, Bill. ¡Te quiero!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES10" "Zoey: I'm sorry Bill. I love you!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES14" "Zoey: Bill, ¡lo lograste! ¡Estamos a salvo!" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3BILLDIES14" "Zoey: Bill, you did it! We're safe!" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Zoey: Francis, sabes qué pinta tiene un velero, ¿no?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS01" "Zoey: Francis,you do know what a sail boat looks like, right?" "Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Zoey: Francis, ¿sabes siquiera qué aspecto tiene un velero?" "[english]Player.TeenGirl_C6DLC3OTHERBOATS03" "Zoey: Francis, do you even know what a sail boat looks like?" } }