"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "This is red and italics andbold white again." //Biker lines "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Francis: Hey! Nice ride!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Francis: Nope!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Francis: Nope, not a chance." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Francis: Generator's out. Get to the other side and we'll help you get this thing down!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Francis: Nope, no way in hell." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Francis: Hey! Are you a racecar driver?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Francis: Hey! Nice ride!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Francis: Hey! Are you a racecar driver?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Francis: Can't! Generator's out. Get to the other side and fill it up! We'll cover ya!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Francis: Ma'am, uhh, miss? I'm sorry but I can't lower the bridge myself. If you can get to the other side I can help you lower it." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting11" "Francis: Ahh sorry, no, ma'am." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting12" "Francis: No, ma'am." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting13" "Francis: If I could, I would. Can't. Get to the other side and we can lower it together." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting14" "Francis: No, ma'am." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting15" "Francis: Uhhh yyyeaaah." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting16" "Francis: Yeah." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting17" "Francis: HELL YEAH!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting18" "Francis: If you want to keep going this way, you're gonna have to walk to the other side of this bridge and then me and some other cops up here can help you lower the bridge." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting19" "Francis: You down there, be calm. We're cops." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting20" "Francis: Hey!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting21" "Francis: I was talking to the little lady." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting22" "Francis: Ahh shit. Nooo. But if you can get to the other side we can help you lower it." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting23" "Francis: Go to hell, suit." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting24" "Francis: Bite me, Colonel Sanders." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting25" "Francis: Bite me, Colonel Sanders." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting26" "Francis: Hell yeah, I'll help *YOU*." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting27" "Francis: HEY!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting28" "Francis: HEY!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting29" "Francis: HEY! I heard that!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting30" "Francis: Brother, that's what I'm trying to tell ya. We can't get this thing down ourselves. You have to get to the other side." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting31" "Francis: Is there anyone of you four who isn't an asshole?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting32" "Francis: Look, I don't love this bridge. But we just lost a man and… Sorry brother, but you are on your own." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting33" "Francis: And I'm telling you, I can't lower the bridge. You gotta get around to the other side." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting34" "Francis: Brother, I don't love this bridge, but right now we just lost a man and got a man down. Sorry, you are on your own." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting35" "Francis: Okay! Bridge is down! That's as far as it goes." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting36" "Francis: Really, this is as far as it goes. Never saw it any lower." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting37" "Francis: Oh yeah... uh, yeah it is." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting38" "Francis: Kick ASS! Now all you gotta do is go back into town, find some way to cross the river, fight your way to the other side of this bridge, refuel the generator and get it back going. Then it's kissing time!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting39" "Francis: Are any of you vampires?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting40" "Francis: Sorry, can't." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting41" "Francis: Louis! I told you there were vampires!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting42" "Francis: I'm not talking to any goddamn vampires." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting43" "Francis: Yeah! Yeah! That's what I've been saying." "Biker_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting44" "Francis: Sorry, brother. Like I've been telling you. This bridge is up until the generator gets refueled." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Francis: Hello, Rochellllle. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. This your dad?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Francis: What's your name again?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Francis: Rochelle, you and your dad need to get down there and fill up the generator. Do that and we can lower the bridge." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Francis: Then..." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Francis: Oh yeah. Bill definitely woulda shot him." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Francis: What's your name again?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Francis: I'm Francis. You don't need to worry about him." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Francis: I'm Francis. You don't need to worry about him. He'll probably be dead soon." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Francis: Yeah, that's Louis. I wouldn't get too attached to him, he'll probably be dead soon. I'm Francis." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Francis: So... you like vests?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Francis: Oh my god. I HATE THOSE TOO! I HATE EM SO MUCH!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Francis: Oh my god. You hate stuff too?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Francis: Oh my god. You hate stuff too?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat14" "Francis: I KNOW!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat15" "Francis: I KNOW!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat16" "Francis: It's so stupid!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat17" "Francis: I know... Wait, wait what now?? I don't think this is going to work out. Hope you don't hate filling generators up with gas. Elevator's over there." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat18" "Francis: I know... Wait, wait what now?? I don't think this is going to work out. The generator's down there. Fill it with gas." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat19" "Francis: Hey! Never thought a fancy ass like you would have made it this far." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat20" "Francis: At least I don't have a turd on my suit." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat21" "Francis: Nah, I'm a cop." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat22" "Francis: No no no, I am a cop." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat23" "Francis: 10-4." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat24" "Francis: 10-4." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat25" "Francis: WITCH! Oh sorry, got confused by all your crying." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat26" "Francis: Cry your way over to the elevator and then sob your way down to the generator. Fill it up with your tears and we'll take care of the rest." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat27" "Francis: Take the elevator down to the generator. Don't cry on it though, it's electrical." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat28" "Francis: Take the elevator down to the generator. Don't cry on it though, it's electric." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat29" "Francis: Hey Rochelle. Dee-Peck Mode. I love that guy." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat30" "Francis: Hey Rochelle. Dee-Peck Mode. Classy." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat31" "Francis: What? She's a woman of taste." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat32" "Francis: What? Obviously she's a woman of taste." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat33" "Francis: Takin' it slow, huh? I can respect that." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat34" "Francis: HEY! All right, while you guys were gone I came up with a plan. To do this quicker, we should break up into teams. Guys, you're shirts. Everybody else, skins. Now let's GO!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat35" "Francis: Yeah, okay." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat36" "Francis: Nah, good luck with that. We've had enough of the military." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat37" "Francis: Man, nice ride. That really Jimmy Gibbs' car?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat38" "Francis: How she handle?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat39" "Francis: Honestly, I'm more of a bike man myself." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat40" "Francis: Man, nice ride." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat41" "Francis: That's amazing. You mean this car used to belong to the taco dog?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat42" "Francis: Yep, you got that right. That dog made some damn good tacos." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat43" "Francis: I wonder whatever happened to that dog? Hope he's okay." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat44" "Francis: What's up?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat45" "Francis: I've been thinking about this. We lost a good man getting this goddamn thing up. Not real happy about putting it back down again." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat46" "Francis: We're stayin' put until we're all healed up." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat47" "Francis: Look, brother. We lost a good man. Another one is hurt. We can't get that generator filled up until Louis is back on his feet." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems01" "Francis: Hey come over here." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems02" "Francis: Take this!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems03" "Francis: You can have this." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot01" "Francis: What the?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot02" "Francis: Shit! Watch out!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot03" "Francis: Big guy!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot04" "Francis: Little guy!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot05" "Francis: Little vampire!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun01" "Francis: Don't just stand there! HAUL ASS!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun02" "Francis: Don't just stand there! HAUL ASS!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun03" "Francis: Get to your car, we'll hold them off!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun04" "Francis: Get your asses to your car!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun05" "Francis: Get your goddamn asses to your car!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun06" "Francis: Hey Ellis, I HATE YOUR HAT! [laughs]" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic01" "Francis: You know, they were all right." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic02" "Francis: I'm gonna miss them." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic03" "Francis: I love that car." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic04" "Francis: Look at that car go!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic05" "Francis: Nick! Good luck, my brother!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic06" "Francis: Good luck, my brother!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic07" "Francis: Bye-bye, Ro! My lovely little angel." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic08" "Francis: I'm gonna miss Ro." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic09" "Francis: What? Seriously, what?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic10" "Francis: Bye, Coach! Keep the pedal to the metal!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic11" "Francis: See ya, Ellis! Keep the pedal to the metal!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic12" "Francis: No, I haven't heard that one." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic13" "Francis: I hate goodbyes." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic14" "Francis: I really am a cop you know!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic15" "Francis: I really am a cop!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic16" "Francis: Bye Ro! I love you!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic17" "Francis: Bye Ro! I love you! [sobbing] I love you!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic18" "Francis: Go, Ro, go!" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic19" "Francis: Yeah." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas01" "Francis: Here, you're gonna need this." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas02" "Francis: Here, you're gonna need this." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas03" "Francis: Take this, now be safe." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas04" "Francis: You lookin' for this?" "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas05" "Francis: Here, I was startin' to hate this can." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_Loss01" "Francis: There's not many of us left, brother." "Biker_DLC1_C6M3_Loss02" "Francis: There's not many of us left, brother." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D101" "Francis: Hey Bill, your beard's frozen." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D102" "Francis: I hate snow." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D103" "Francis: I hate the snow." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D104" "Francis: I hate the cold." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D105" "Francis: I hate car alarms." "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D106" "Francis: Goddamn it, where did you learn to drive?" "Biker_DLC1_CommunityL4D107" "Francis: I hate mountains." "Biker_DLC1_KILLFINALTANK01" "Francis: I hate Tanks." "Biker_DLC1_KILLFINALTANK02" "Francis: I hate Tanks." "Biker_DLC1_KILLFINALTANK03" "Francis: I hate Tanks." "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Charger01" "Francis: CHARGER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Charger02" "Francis: CHARGER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Charger03" "Francis: CHARGER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Jockey01" "Francis: JOCKEY!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Jockey02" "Francis: JOCKEY!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Jockey03" "Francis: JOCKEY!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Spitter01" "Francis: SPITTER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Spitter02" "Francis: SPITTER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Spitter03" "Francis: SPITTER!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Francis: Lead 'em over here!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Francis: Oh shit, two Tanks!" "Biker_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Francis: TWO TANKS! I HATE THE SOUTH!" //Coach lines "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor01" "Coach: This here door is going to sound when we open it." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor02" "Coach: You know this shit's going to get loud." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor03" "Coach: Let's get ready before we open that door." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen01" "Coach: I opened it." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen02" "Coach: Open, let's go!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley01" "Coach: Behind this bus." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley02" "Coach: Down this alley." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley03" "Coach: We need to get up there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley04" "Coach: We have to get into this building." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley05" "Coach: Let's all get up there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley06" "Coach: Down this alley." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley07" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley08" "Coach: Into these apartments." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley09" "Coach: Across the walkway." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley10" "Coach: Get your ass across the walkway." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley11" "Coach: Back this way." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley12" "Coach: In here." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley13" "Coach: Get in there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley14" "Coach: Y'all get in there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley15" "Coach: Search these rooms for supplies." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley16" "Coach: We're goin' this way." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign01" "Coach: Historic Under-the-River Tour! This could be pretty interesting!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign02" "Coach: Let's all try this under-the-river tour to get across." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign03" "Coach: Sign says there's an under-the-river tour, that'll get us across." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign04" "Coach: If we can't take the bridge, let's take the tunnel." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign05" "Coach: Yeah, it's historic." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign06" "Coach: I don't know, goes under the river." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Coach: Hey, hello there! You wanna let the bridge down for us?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Coach: Y'all can't climb down there and save us a trip?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Coach: Got it. We'll holla back at you when we get there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Coach: You been killin' zombies for the better part of two days, boy you can talk to a girl." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Coach: Okay, the boy says thank you." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Coach: No. Can you lower the bridge?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Coach: Tell me this boy ain't for real." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Coach: Tell me this boy ain't for real." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Coach: Shit, okay. Yes, we are vampires? All of us are vampires?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Coach: Dear Lord, why'd I ever leave Savannah." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark01" "Coach: Don't run off without a health kit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark02" "Coach: Grab a health kit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark03" "Coach: Everyone grab a health kit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark04" "Coach: Health kits, everyone!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore01" "Coach: Through this store." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore02" "Coach: Guns in the store." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore03" "Coach: Let's get in the store." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore04" "Coach: Nick, you gotta pull yourself together." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead01" "Coach: Safe room back here!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs01" "Coach: Go upstairs." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs02" "Coach: Let's try upstairs." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding01" "Coach: Damn. This here wedding didn't end well." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding02" "Coach: Look, uh, anyone see the wedding cake?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding03" "Coach: Anyone see the wedding cake?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding04" "Coach: Bride. Wedding. Gotta be cake around here somewhere." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding05" "Coach: Bride. Wedding. Gotta be cake around here somewhere." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding06" "Coach: Shhh...does anyone see the wedding cake." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch01" "Coach: No, Ellis." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch02" "Coach: Got to keep your head on killin' zombies, Ellis." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch03" "Coach: Check those tents." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch04" "Coach: Guns in these here tents. Damn, but no cake." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch01" "Coach: Come on, Nick, not the time." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch02" "Coach: Man, I hope we don't see a Tank in a tuxedo." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch03" "Coach: Man, I hope we don't see a Tank in a tuxedo." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing01" "Coach: Bride's chasing me!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing02" "Coach: Ugly bride's chasing me! Bride's chasing me!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing03" "Coach: Kill the bride! Kill the bride!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead01" "Coach: You got problems, boy. Deep down problems." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead02" "Coach: Mm, now that's a shotgun wedding." "Coach_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead03" "Coach: Yeah, that shit was creeping me out." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise01" "Coach: Let's raise this bridge." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise02" "Coach: That button will raise the lift." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise03" "Coach: Shit, we gotta hit that button." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise04" "Coach: This looks like the only way." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive01" "Coach: Ahh come on, elevator!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive02" "Coach: Ahh come on, elevator!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive03" "Coach: That is some slow ass shit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive04" "Coach: Lift is coming!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive05" "Coach: All right, the lift is coming, come on...come on..." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive06" "Coach: The lift is coming, come on...come on..." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt01" "Coach: Lift coming!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt02" "Coach: I hit it!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise01" "Coach: This one better work." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise02" "Coach: Second time better be the charm." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise03" "Coach: Oh damn, another one of these things?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise04" "Coach: Ellis, don't break it this time." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up01" "Coach: Bridge here, let's go!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up02" "Coach: Come on, let's get out of this sewer!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up03" "Coach: Come on, people, don't stand around, let's go!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse01" "Coach: Damn, back in the water, people." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse02" "Coach: Let's just get this over with." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse03" "Coach: Can't stay up here all day y'all." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse04" "Coach: One more time!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite01" "Coach: Let's get down there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite02" "Coach: Down by the pipe." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater01" "Coach: Back in the water." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater02" "Coach: Back in the water!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater03" "Coach: Ah hell, more water." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater04" "Coach: Ah hell, back in the water!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour01" "Coach: Man, this is a real..." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour02" "Coach: Yeah. It's a shithole." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour03" "Coach: Man, LOOK at all this, uh... uh... Aw, this tour is bullshit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour04" "Coach: Man, LOOK at all this, uh... uh... Aw, man, this tour is bullshit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour05" "Coach: Aw, shut up, Nick" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour06" "Coach: Aw, shut up, Nick" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour07" "Coach: Keep to the walkway." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour08" "Coach: Follow the walkway." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour09" "Coach: Shit, they must have locked up all the history to keep it safe." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder01" "Coach: There's gotta be a ladder here somewhere." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder02" "Coach: Let's find ourselves a ladder." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder03" "Coach: Holler if you see a ladder." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder04" "Coach: We need to get on the catwalks." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder05" "Coach: We need to get out of this shit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder06" "Coach: Keep running, that alarm ain't goin' off." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder07" "Coach: That alarm is gonna keep goin'!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall01" "Coach: Into the pool hall." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall02" "Coach: Get into the pool hall." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall03" "Coach: Go through these windows." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub01" "Coach: Into the Jazz Club." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub02" "Coach: Tour's in the Jazz Club." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder01" "Coach: Ladder coming down!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders01" "Coach: Man, I think I just saw... nah." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders02" "Coach: I must be dreaming." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders03" "Coach: I think I just saw... nah." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank01" "Coach: Over this plank." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank02" "Coach: Hurry up and get your asses over this plank." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank03" "Coach: Oh shit, do not look down." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank04" "Coach: Easy now, don't be playin' on this board." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase201" "Coach: Tour's over? Shit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase202" "Coach: Tour's over? Bullshit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase203" "Coach: Phase two coming in 2010? Shit, phase one ain't done." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase204" "Coach: Phase two my ass." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase205" "Coach: Phase two coming in 2010? Shit, phase one ain't done." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase206" "Coach: Phase two my ass." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase207" "Coach: Down the stairs." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase208" "Coach: Get your asses down the stairs!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase209" "Coach: Come on, y'all, haul ass down the stairs!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase210" "Coach: Haul ass down the stairs!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase211" "Coach: DOWN DOWN DOWN!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater01" "Coach: Nick, my man, face it. We are walkin' through shit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater02" "Coach: Hey Nick, try and keep your head above water." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater03" "Coach: Don't trip, Nick. [laughs]" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater04" "Coach: Gotta keep your head above water, man.[laughs]" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater05" "Coach: Nick, if I give you a piggy back ride, will you shut up about the sewer?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater06" "Coach: Nick, if I give you a piggy back ride, will you shut up about the sewer?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater07" "Coach: Oh, Jesus! Ellis!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater08" "Coach: Oh, come on! Jesus! Ellis!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater09" "Coach: Hey, hold on there, boy, let me get out of the water!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater10" "Coach: Don't stop, people!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater11" "Coach: Come on now, let's just get through this shit." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater12" "Coach: All right, let's keep moving. Unless Nick wants to stop and take a bath." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater01" "Coach: Together, people." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater02" "Coach: Don't get left behind." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo01" "Coach: Nick. Son. I think we got bigger problems." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo02" "Coach: City of Rayford! They used to have a boiled peanut festival here. Good memories." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo03" "Coach: Oh, come on, you aren't afraid of a little dirt are you?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo04" "Coach: I heard all about this under-the-river tour, supposed to be pretty damn good. Real educational." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo05" "Coach: You damn right. Under a river." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo06" "Coach: Uh, historical shit. Man, how am I supposed to know? I ain't been there yet." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo07" "Coach: Nick, tell me you ain't looking forward to this under-the-river tour." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo08" "Coach: Man, Nick, you got a find a way to cheer your ass up. We ain't got much to look forward to." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo09" "Coach: There you go, Nick. Stay positive." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo10" "Coach: There you go, Nick. Stay positive. Maybe you'll knock all his teeth out." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo11" "Coach: Oh. In my heart, I'm there already." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo12" "Coach: Man, I keep hoping we find an open Burger Tank." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo13" "Coach: Ellis, you do know that eventually we're gonna have to leave that car behind. Right?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo14" "Coach: Boy, the Military ain't exactly going to strap it to the bottom of a helicopter." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo15" "Coach: Girl! What are you doing?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo16" "Coach: Listen, if you let your guard down for one minute… we all pay the price." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo17" "Coach: Man, I just realized with all this runnin', climbin' and fightin', I ain't even had time to eat." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo18" "Coach: I bet I'm losin' some serious weight! Two more days, I'll be takin' my belt in a notch." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo19" "Coach: Man, I forgot about that." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo20" "Coach: All this runnin' we been doing? I bet I lost, what, five pounds." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom01" "Coach: Saferoom and it's dry!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom02" "Coach: Man, that bridge's gotta be close!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox01" "Coach: This jukebox is all right." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox02" "Coach: Oh shit, this thing is still on!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_SuitcasePistols01" "Coach: [singing] '...a suitcase full of pistols and MON-NAY!'" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo01" "Coach: I got that one, that one... Hell, I got most of these." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo02" "Coach: Shit, it's all south of the border." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo03" "Coach: Coach's got a lot of real estate." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo04" "Coach: Hey, Coach keeps his secrets." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter01" "Coach: Here we go, under the river." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk01" "Coach: A ladder!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk02" "Coach: Ladder!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk03" "Coach: Thank you, Jesus, a ladder!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder01" "Coach: A ladder!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder02" "Coach: Up that ladder!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder101" "Coach: Let's get out of the water." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder102" "Coach: Everybody up there!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder103" "Coach: All right, out of the water." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder104" "Coach: Everyone up there!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs01" "Coach: Up the stairs." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs02" "Coach: Let's get up to that street." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding01" "Coach: Through this building." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding02" "Coach: In here." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding03" "Coach: Down these stairs." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding04" "Coach: Get in there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding05" "Coach: Everyone get in there." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Cans01" "Coach: Filling the generator." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Cans02" "Coach: Pouring a can." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Cans03" "Coach: Got a can." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Cans04" "Coach: I got this can." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Cans05" "Coach: This can's mine." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator01" "Coach: No messin' around, let's get these cans." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator02" "Coach: Ellis. Keep your mind on the cans not the girl." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator03" "Coach: We do this and get back to the car." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator04" "Coach: Let's fill that generator and then get back to the car." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator05" "Coach: All right, look, no messin' around, let's get these cans." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator06" "Coach: Ellis. Keep your mind on the cans not the girl." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator07" "Coach: We do this and get back to the car." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator08" "Coach: Let's fill that generator and then get back to the car." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun01" "Coach: Get to the car!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun02" "Coach: Let's get to the car!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun03" "Coach: Bridge is down, let's go!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun04" "Coach: Come on people, GET TO THE CAR! GET TO THE CAR!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun05" "Coach: We gotta run, GO!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Coach: WHAT?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Coach: WHAT?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Coach: Damn right. We're getting good at killing these things." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Coach: So how we gonna get this bridge down?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Coach: New Orleans, want to come with us?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Coach: People, can we talk about lowering this bridge?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Coach: Hey! So how do we lower this bridge?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Coach: So what, you gonna live up here?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Coach: We can help each other." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Coach: Sounds fair." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Coach: Hell, we can even leave Ellis behind to make room for y'all." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Coach: Hey listen, thanks for the help. And when the bridge is down, you're more than welcome to come with us." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Coach: All right, understood. Y'all keep safe." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic01" "Coach: Let's go!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic02" "Coach: New Orleans, baby, here we come!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic03" "Coach: Coach is going for a ride!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas01" "Coach: You three keep safe." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas02" "Coach: We owe you." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas03" "Coach: You good? See y'all!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas04" "Coach: Well all right. We're gonna remember y'all." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items01" "Coach: Thanks for sharing!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items02" "Coach: Thanks my man." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items03" "Coach: Man, you guys are all right." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items04" "Coach: Hey, thanks for the supplies." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items05" "Coach: We owe you one." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items06" "Coach: Maybe two!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items07" "Coach: Thanks for sharing!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items08" "Coach: Thanks, my man." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items09" "Coach: You guys are all right." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items10" "Coach: Thanks for the supplies." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items11" "Coach: We owe you one." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing01" "Coach: All right Louis, keep tearing 'em up!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing02" "Coach: Louis in the house!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing03" "Coach: Go Zoey!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing04" "Coach: Keep it up, Zoey!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing05" "Coach: Thanks, Francis!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing06" "Coach: Nice shot, Francis!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing07" "Coach: Nice shot, Francis!" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss01" "Coach: Sorry to hear it." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss02" "Coach: Damn, I think we're all losin' people." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss03" "Coach: Shit. Not a lot of good news goin' round these days." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss04" "Coach: Sorry to hear it." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss05" "Coach: I think we're all losin'people." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_Loss06" "Coach: Shit. Not a lot of good news goin' round these days." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo01" "Coach: Sometimes you just gotta have faith, Nick." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo02" "Coach: Ellis. It's showtime, buddy." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo03" "Coach: Ellis, you ready to meet that Zoey girl again?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo04" "Coach: Ellis, you ready to meet that Zoey girl again?" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo05" "Coach: Hey, Ellis, you ready to meet that Zoey girl again? [laughs]" "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo06" "Coach: I don't trust that biker. He's probably long gone by now." "Coach_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo07" "Coach: Minute we left, bet ya he stole the Jimmy Gibbs Jr." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY01" "Coach: What in the hell is that? A bomb?" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY02" "Coach: Come on guys, push that thing!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY03" "Coach: Gotta get on that cart!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY04" "Coach: Get busy living, or get busy dying." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY05" "Coach: There's a Military base just south of here, last I heard they were still evacuating." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY06" "Coach: Sure is cold out here!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY07" "Coach: GODDAMN it's cold!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY08" "Coach: Just as many infected AND it's snowing..." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY09" "Coach: What is this place?" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY10" "Coach: Anyone know how to fly this thing?" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY11" "Coach: Shit! Looks like it's gonna be one hell of a night." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY12" "Coach: That helipad looks mighty windy." "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY13" "Coach: Man, this shit's worse than teachin' Health class!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY14" "Coach: Everyone to the train station!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY15" "Coach: Shit, all aboard!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY16" "Coach: Shit, all aboard!" "Coach_DLC1_COMMUNITY17" "Coach: I don't know about this boulder trap..." "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior01" "Coach: That zombie dropped something." "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior02" "Coach: That zombie's dropping shit." "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior03" "Coach: Get that zombie!" "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior04" "Coach: Kill that zombie, it's got something." "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior05" "Coach: Get that zombie!" "Coach_DLC1_FallenSurvior06" "Coach: Take that zombie out!" "Coach_DLC1_FootLocker01" "Coach: Damn. Empty!" "Coach_DLC1_FootLocker02" "Coach: Damn it, empty." "Coach_DLC1_FootLocker03" "Coach: Open up the locker." "Coach_DLC1_FootLocker04" "Coach: Open the bitch up." "Coach_DLC1_FootLocker05" "Coach: Search the lockers." "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub01" "Coach: Driver here." "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub02" "Coach: Golf club!" "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub03" "Coach: Grabbing a club." "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub04" "Coach: Grabbing a driver." "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub05" "Coach: Driver!" "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub06" "Coach: Club here." "Coach_DLC1_GolfClub07" "Coach: Fore!" "Coach_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Coach: Lead 'em back to the bridge!" "Coach_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Coach: Lead the Tanks back to the bridge!" "Coach_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Coach: Two Tanks!" "Coach_DLC1_L4D1Tank04" "Coach: Shit! Two Tanks!" "Coach_DLC1_L4D1Tank05" "Coach: Shit! Two Tanks!" "Coach_DLC1_M6001" "Coach: Big gun!" "Coach_DLC1_M6002" "Coach: Grabbing the big gun." "Coach_DLC1_M6003" "Coach: Grabbing the machine gun." "Coach_DLC1_M6004" "Coach: Shit, this is heavy." "Coach_DLC1_M6005" "Coach: This some goddamn firepower." "Coach_DLC1_M6006" "Coach: Grabbing the gun." "Coach_DLC1_M6007" "Coach: Here's a big gun!" "Coach_DLC1_M6008" "Coach: Big gun!" //Gambler lines "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor01" "Nick: Goddamn alarm door." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor02" "Nick: When we open this door it's gonna alert the zombies." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor03" "Nick: Shit, alarm door." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor04" "Nick: Get ready before we open the door." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor05" "Nick: Okay everybody get ready, let's dig in." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor06" "Nick: Let's get ready!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor07" "Nick: This is gonna get noisy." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen01" "Nick: Here they come." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen02" "Nick: I opened it." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen03" "Nick: Quick, up the stairs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen04" "Nick: Quick, quick up the stairs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen05" "Nick: Close the door!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley01" "Nick: We've got to get up across these walkways." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley02" "Nick: We've got to get into this building." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley03" "Nick: We need to get up there." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley04" "Nick: Down this alley." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley05" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley06" "Nick: Into the apartments." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley07" "Nick: Across the walkway." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley08" "Nick: Back this way." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley09" "Nick: Back this way." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley10" "Nick: Into here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley11" "Nick: In here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley12" "Nick: In there." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley13" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley14" "Nick: Let's search these rooms for supplies." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley15" "Nick: Guess we go this way." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley16" "Nick: Down this alley." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley17" "Nick: Behind this bus." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign01" "Nick: 'Historic Rayford Under-the-River Tunnel Tour.' That'll get us across." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign02" "Nick: Trust me, that won't be the case." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign03" "Nick: Look, we can just go under the river. Doesn't that sound fun, Ellis?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign04" "Nick: Look, we can just go under the river. Doesn't that sound like fun, Ellis?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign05" "Nick: If we can go under the river, we can get to the other side of the bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign06" "Nick: Only in the South do I have to go under a goddamn river." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign07" "Nick: If we can't take the bridge, let's try this under-the-river tour." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign08" "Nick: Okay, explain something to me; how is an under-the-river tour scenic?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Nick: That guy's no cop." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Nick: I'll tell ya something; that guy is no cop." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Nick: Hey! HEEEYYY!!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Nick: Hey! HEEEYYY!!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Nick: What the..." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Nick: What?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Nick: I'm telling you for the last goddamn time, lower the goddamn bridge, you greasy vest-wearing monkey." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Nick: Whatever, sweety." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting11" "Nick: Or: I could try is being more attractive to grease ball bikers." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting12" "Nick: Or: I could try is being more attractive to grease ball bikers." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting13" "Nick: All right." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting14" "Nick: Yeah, all right." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting15" "Nick: Okay, listen to me, jackass, lower the goddamn bridge so we can drive our goddamn car across." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting16" "Nick: Do you believe this guy?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting17" "Nick: I don't believe this guy." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting18" "Nick: That's terrific, cupcake, is there a man up there we can talk to?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting19" "Nick: Hey, lighten up. Man, no one can take a joke anymore." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting20" "Nick: Wouldja lighten up? Man, no one can take a joke anymore." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting21" "Nick: Well then climb down, you big ape, and help us." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting22" "Nick: Well, you coming with us?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting23" "Nick: You coming with us, or what?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark01" "Nick: Let's go through this park." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark02" "Nick: Through this park." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark03" "Nick: Grab a health kit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark04" "Nick: Everyone grab a health kit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark05" "Nick: Don't forget a health kit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark06" "Nick: Quick, grab a health kit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore01" "Nick: Through this store." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore02" "Nick: Let's go through this store." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore03" "Nick: We can get around through this store." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore04" "Nick: Guns in this store!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore05" "Nick: Hold on a sec, I'm gonna go back and shoot that jackass." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore06" "Nick: Hold on, I'm gonna go back and shoot that tattoo disaster." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore07" "Nick: I would love to go back and shoot that vest-wearing jackass." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead01" "Nick: Safe house in this building!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead02" "Nick: Safe house back here!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding01" "Nick: Guess we're crashing this wedding." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding02" "Nick: Oh shit, a wedding." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding03" "Nick: Oh Christ, this is more depressing than the zombies." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding04" "Nick: I hate going to weddings." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding05" "Nick: Think we are a little late for the wedding." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding06" "Nick: Coach, no time for cake." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding07" "Nick: I'll keep an eye out for some." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding08" "Nick: Coach, I'll keep an eye out for some. Okay, buddy?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch01" "Nick: It's not easy to get blood out of a wedding dress, don't ask me how I know that." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch02" "Nick: Marrying her is the last thing you should do." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch03" "Nick: Yeah, look Ellis, all women are emotional wrecks who will eventually kill you." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch04" "Nick: Yeah, you're about to get mauled to death." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch01" "Nick: Careful! I've seen a bride just like this before." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch02" "Nick: Careful! I've seen a bride just like that before." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch03" "Nick: Wedding dress. Crying. This brings back some bad memories." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch04" "Nick: That dress. The crying. This is bringing back some bad memories." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch05" "Nick: Ellis, maybe you should grab that dress for your new girlfriend." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch06" "Nick: This is bringing back some bad memories." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch07" "Nick: Ellis, maybe you should grab that dress for your new girlfriend, huh?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch08" "Nick: Ellis, go give the bride a kiss, it'll be good luck. Trust me." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch09" "Nick: Ellis look, it's another angel." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch10" "Nick: Hey, Ellis look, it's another angel." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking01.w" "Nick: This bride is killing me." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking02.w" "Nick: The bride is killing me." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing01" "Nick: Here comes the bride!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead01" "Nick: That has been a fantasy of mine for a long time." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead02" "Nick: He ain't coming back, honey." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead03" "Nick: Honey, he ain't coming back." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead04" "Nick: Even for us, that was just too weird." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead05" "Nick: That's a good one, Coach." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead06" "Nick: Coach! That's a good one." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead07" "Nick: Spectacular, Coach." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead08" "Nick: Very true." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead09" "Nick: Well put." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead10" "Nick: Wow, true." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead11" "Nick: Honeymoon's over. Bitch." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead12" "Nick: Now that's a shotgun wedding." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead13" "Nick: Now that's a shotgun wedding." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise01" "Nick: Let's raise that bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise02" "Nick: We gotta raise that bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise03" "Nick: This button will raise that bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise04" "Nick: Get ready to run." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt01" "Nick: I hit it!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt02" "Nick: Goddamn elevator, hurry up!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt03" "Nick: Ahh, Christ, you gotta be kidding me." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt04" "Nick: Ah Christ!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt05" "Nick: Ahh, Christ, you gotta be kidding me." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt06" "Nick: Ahh, COME ON!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise01" "Nick: Goddamnit! Another elevator." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise02" "Nick: Hope this one works." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise03" "Nick: This one better work." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up01" "Nick: Hey Ellis... you test it." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up02" "Nick: Looks real safe. Ellis, you go first." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up03" "Nick: Ellis... you test it." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse01" "Nick: Ellis, what did you just do?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse02" "Nick: Goddamnit. Back in the shit water." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse03" "Nick: Goddamnit. We're back in the toilet." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse04" "Nick: THIS was going to be their goddamn tour?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse05" "Nick: Great, back to the goddamn history of sewage." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite01" "Nick: Drop down here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite02" "Nick: Into the construction site." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater01" "Nick: Back in the water." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater02" "Nick: I hate you, Ellis!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour01" "Nick: Stay on the walkway." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour02" "Nick: Follow the walkway." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour03" "Nick: Jesus, this place sucks." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour04" "Nick: From one con man to another: five bucks for this? I tip my hat to you, Rayford." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour05" "Nick: Five goddamn dollars for an under-the-river tour? Well played, Rayford. Well played." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour06" "Nick: Shithole?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour07" "Nick: Toldja." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour08" "Nick: Yeah. Tunnels. You're right, Coach, you're so right. History is coming alive." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour09" "Nick: So... it's an antique basement, then. Fantastic." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour10" "Nick: Why is everything 'historic' always so goddamn filthy?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder01" "Nick: Ehhh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder02" "Nick: Ahhh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder03" "Nick: Ahhh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder05" "Nick: Goddamn you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder06" "Nick: Jimmy Goddamn Gibbs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder07" "Nick: Goddamn you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder08" "Nick: Jimmy Goddamn Gibbs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder09" "Nick: I am walking through a toilet. Thank you, Jimmy Gibbs." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder10" "Nick: Curse you, Jimmy Gibbs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder11" "Nick: 'Hey, Nick, what's new?' 'Oh, not much. I couldn't drive Jimmy Gibby's stock car over a bridge, so I'm crawling through a shit-filled sewer so I can lower it. You?'" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder12" "Nick: Not the time, Ellis." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder13" "Nick: Not the time, Ellis." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder14" "Nick: Gotta get up on the cat walks." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder15" "Nick: We need to find a ladder." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder16" "Nick: Gotta get back up on the cat walk." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall01" "Nick: Get into the pool hall!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall02" "Nick: Jump in through the window." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall03" "Nick: Go in the window." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall04" "Nick: Hit the jukebox." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub01" "Nick: Into the Jazz Club." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub02" "Nick: Looks like the tour is in the Jazz Club." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub03" "Nick: The tunnel's in the Club." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub04" "Nick: The tour's through this Jazz Club." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder01" "Nick: Heads up, ladder coming down." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder02" "Nick: Lowering the ladder." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders01" "Nick: Did you guys see that?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders02" "Nick: Did you guys see that?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders03" "Nick: What in the hell was that?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders04" "Nick: I must be dreaming." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank01" "Nick: Over this plank." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank02" "Nick: Watch out for Smokers." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank03" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank04" "Nick: Okay, let's cross this plank quick." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank05" "Nick: Don't look down." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank06" "Nick: Watch yourself on this thing." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank07" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank08" "Nick: Cross quick before a Smoker grabs you." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase201" "Nick: Tour ends, time to head down." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase202" "Nick: Tour's over." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase203" "Nick: Should we wait until they finish?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase204" "Nick: Jesus Christ, what did we just pay five bucks for?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase205" "Nick: Jesus Christ, what did we just pay five bucks for?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase206" "Nick: Phase Two? Does this even go through?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase207" "Nick: Let's get off these stairs." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase208" "Nick: Don't stop on the stairs, GO!!!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase209" "Nick: GO DOWN!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase210" "Nick: DOWN DOWN DOWN!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase211" "Nick: DOWN THE STAIRS, DOWN THE STAIRS!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase212" "Nick: DOWN, LET'S GO!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater01" "Nick: Ellis. I NEED this." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater02" "Nick: It's just a storm sewer, it is just a STORM sewer…" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater03" "Nick: A sewer filled with bodies. This is sanitary." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater04" "Nick: I am breathing shit air into my lungs, it is being absorbed into my bloodstream. I am literally full of shit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater05" "Nick: Here's a pleasant thought: Any one of us gets pounced, we are going to be fully submerged in shit water." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater06" "Nick: Seriously, is nobody else freaked out right now? We are walking through a SEWER." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater07" "Nick: A sewer filled with bodies. This is sanitary." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater08" "Nick: YES." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater09" "Nick: Seriously, look, I will pay any one of you a thousand dollars right now to give me a piggyback ride." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater10" "Nick: Don't you DARE." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater11" "Nick: Ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater12" "Nick: Ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater13" "Nick: Augh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater14" "Nick: Ugh, ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater15" "Nick: Ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater16" "Nick: Ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater17" "Nick: Ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater18" "Nick: Ugh, ugh." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater19" "Nick: Bad advice. BAD advice." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater20" "Nick: Keep moving!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater21" "Nick: Don't stop in the sewer!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater22" "Nick: Oh, this is some gross shit." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater23" "Nick: We gotta keep moving, people." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater01" "Nick: Let's do this together." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater02" "Nick: Who wants to jump first?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo01" "Nick: So we find this historic section. Go under the river. And then we kick that biker dude's ass, right?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo02" "Nick: Go to hell." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo03" "Nick: I can't believe we're walking this far just to keep a damn car." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo04" "Nick: I don't have a problem with leaving the car AND you behind. Okay, Ellis?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo05" "Nick: Boiled nuts? Christ. What is wrong with you Southerners?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo06" "Nick: Boiled nuts? Coach, come on, what is wrong with you Southerners?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo07" "Nick: And you want to live?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo08" "Nick: I hate your life, Coach." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo09" "Nick: I think you had a better chance with that witch." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo10" "Nick: What's a matter, Rochelle, playing hard to get?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo11" "Nick: What's a matter, sweetie, you playing hard to get?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo12" "Nick: I saw the way you were looking at him." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo13" "Nick: C'mon... I saw the way you were looking at him." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo14" "Nick: I don't know... he fills out a vest pretty good." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo15" "Nick: He could be the one." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo16" "Nick: Look, there are probably 10 guys left on the planet, Rochelle, and you're not getting any younger, sweetie." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo17" "Nick: So this under-the-river tour, who wants to bet that is going to be filthy." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo18" "Nick: A germ just wiped out the whole planet, Coach. So yes." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo19" "Nick: Coach, a germ just wiped out the whole planet. So yes." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo20" "Nick: If anybody sees any hand sanitizer let me know." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo21" "Nick: Yeah, hahaha, a little bit more hand sanitizer and we wouldn't be in this mess." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo22" "Nick: Under the what now?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo23" "Nick: So Ellis, Zoey huh? What do you think?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo24" "Nick: Yeah, agreed, she is totally out of your league." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo25" "Nick: Okay, let me get this straight. It's a tunnel... under the river. Right?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo26" "Nick: Let me get this straight, Coach. It's a tunnel... under the river. Right?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo27" "Nick: And this is supposed to teach me about what exactly?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo28" "Nick: And this is supposed to teach me about what exactly?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo29" "Nick: I am not looking forward to this under the river tour." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo30" "Nick: Coach, it's a hole. Oh no, excuse me, an historic hole. Under a river." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo31" "Nick: Yeah, no, I'm good, I'm good." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo32" "Nick: Okay, good point. You know what? I am looking forward to punching that grease bag biker in the mouth." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom01" "Nick: Saferoom!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox01" "Nick: Let's hear some music." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox02" "Nick: Some music to kill by." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox03" "Nick: Ah, music to kill by." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SuitcasePistols01" "Nick: I like the way this guy packs." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_SuitcasePistols02" "Nick: Don't mind if I do." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo01" "Nick: Who wants a tattoo?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo02" "Nick: Ellis, did you get that girl's name? 'Cause I can tattoo it on your ass. She'll like that." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo03" "Nick: Hey Ellis, did you get that girl's name? Because you know what? I can tattoo it on your ass. She'll love it." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo04" "Nick: Ellis, did you get that girl's name? 'Cause I can tattoo it on your ass. She'll like that." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo05" "Nick: Rochelle, do you want me to tattoo your boyfriend's name on your arm?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo06" "Nick: I'll just write greasy pig. We'll all know who we are talking about." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo07" "Nick: Rochelle, do you want me to tattoo your boyfriend's name on your arm?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo08" "Nick: I'll just write greasy pig, we all...(laughs)" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo09" "Nick: Greasy pig should be close enough, right?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo10" "Nick: I'll just write greasy pig. We'll all know who we are talking about." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo11" "Nick: That is never going to happen, Ellis." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo12" "Nick: I'm gonna get a tattoo that says 'no'." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo13" "Nick: I've never done a colored tattoo." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter01" "Nick: This'll take us under the river." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk01" "Nick: Thank GOD!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk02" "Nick: A ladder!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder01" "Nick: Ladder!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder02" "Nick: Up the ladder!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder101" "Nick: Let's get out of the water." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder102" "Nick: Everyone out of the pool." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs01" "Nick: Up these stairs." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs02" "Nick: Up the stairs!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs03" "Nick: Let's get up to the street." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs04" "Nick: Let's get to the street." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs05" "Nick: Let's get to street level." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding01" "Nick: Through this building." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding02" "Nick: In here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding03" "Nick: Down these stairs." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding04" "Nick: Get in there." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans01" "Nick: I got a can." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans02" "Nick: I'm filling the generator." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans03" "Nick: Pouring it in!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans04" "Nick: Another one in!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans05" "Nick: Almost outta here!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Cans06" "Nick: Why doesn't anything have enough gas in it?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator01" "Nick: The minute we get down there, I'm shooting that biker." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator02" "Nick: I guess they'll help. Right?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator03" "Nick: First we fill up Gibby's car with gas, now a generator, what next? Don't answer, Ellis." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator04" "Nick: Let's get these cans fast." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator05" "Nick: Let's not piss around here, all right? Gas up the generator, let's get out of here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun01" "Nick: Everyone to the car!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun02" "Nick: Bridge is down, to the car!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun03" "Nick: Thanks! We gotta run!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun04" "Nick: GET TO THE CAR, GET TO THE CAR!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun05" "Nick: THANKS, YOU THREE!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun06" "Nick: GOOD LUCK! THANKS!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Nick: We're the people with the car. That need to get over the bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Nick: Well, good, glad that's cleared up. What now?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Nick: That's funny. I knew your lazy ass would still be here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Nick: I... I put it there." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Nick: Hold on. You guys aren't cops." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Nick: Thanks for telling us about the goddamn sewer." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Nick: You know what? Screw the both of you. Okay? So what are we doing here?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Nick: Whatever. So what are we doing here?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Nick: Should we leave you two alone?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Nick: Maybe we should leave you two alone?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Nick: Should we leave you two alone?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Nick: Get a room." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Nick: Maybe you two should get a room." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic01" "Nick: Hit it, Ellis!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic02" "Nick: I hope those three are going to be okay." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic03" "Nick: Don't worry, Ellis. Plenty of fish in the sea." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic04" "Nick: Next stop, New Orleans!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic05" "Nick: Don't worry, Ellis. Plenty of fish in the sea." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas01" "Nick: Thanks, guys. You good?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas02" "Nick: Thank you. Good luck out there, huh?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas03" "Nick: You three take care of yourselves. And thanks." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas04" "Nick: We won't forget this." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas05" "Nick: Be safe, you three." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas06" "Nick: That's what we need." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items01" "Nick: Shit, thanks!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items02" "Nick: Thanks, we'll make good use of this." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items03" "Nick: Sorry if I was rude before. You guys are all right!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items04" "Nick: Sorry if I was rude before. You guys are all right!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items05" "Nick: Thanks, greaseball!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items06" "Nick: Hey thanks, babe!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items07" "Nick: Thanks, pal!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items08" "Nick: Got it, thank you!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing01" "Nick: I owe you one, Francis!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing02" "Nick: Thanks, Louis!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing03" "Nick: Thanks, Zoey!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing04" "Nick: Zoey!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing05" "Nick: Zoey, all right!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing06" "Nick: Nice shot, Francis!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing07" "Nick: Nice shot, Zoey!" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing08" "Nick: Louis, I am beginning to like you and your gun." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing09" "Nick: Louis, you are a badass with that gun." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing10" "Nick: Louis, you sure you don't want to come with us? We can leave Ellis behind." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing11" "Nick: Louis, you are a badass with that gun." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing12" "Nick: Louis, you sure you don't want to come with us? We can leave Ellis behind." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss01" "Nick: Hey. Sorry for your loss." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss02" "Nick: Sorry for your loss." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss03" "Nick: All shit aside, I'm sorry to hear it." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss04" "Nick: I actually think I might miss one of these guys." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss05" "Nick: I can't believe I am saying this, but I think I need these guys." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss06" "Nick: Hey. Sorry for your loss." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss07" "Nick: You guys want to come with us?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss08" "Nick: Should we join forces?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss09" "Nick: You want to make this a… sevensome?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss10" "Nick: Are you going to come with us?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss11" "Nick: I'm starting to get that feeling myself." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss12" "Nick: I think we're going to stick together." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss13" "Nick: I'm beginning to like these three." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss14" "Nick: Yeah, I'm starting to get that feeling myself." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_Loss15" "Nick: Yeah, I'm starting to get that feeling myself." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo01" "Nick: I don't trust that biker. He better still be here." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo02" "Nick: You know him that well?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo03" "Nick: You got a good feeling about every scumbag that lives on a bridge." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo04" "Nick: You know him that well?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo05" "Nick: Like you've been crawling through a sewer." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo06" "Nick: I'm not even going to look." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo07" "Nick: I'm not even going to look, Ellis." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo08" "Nick: So we're about to see that girl again, what's her name? Zoey?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo09" "Nick: Don't listen to her. You got five minutes to get this done, Ellis. It is do or die time, buddy." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo10" "Nick: What are you nervous about? You had your chance, you didn't do shit. Now you can watch Nick take care of business." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo11" "Nick: What are you nervous about? You had your chance, you didn't do shit. Now you can watch Nick take care of business." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo12" "Nick: What? I'm a handsome man." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo13" "Nick: What? I'm a closer." "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo14" "Nick: What? I'm a handsome man, what can I tell ya?" "Gambler_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo15" "Nick: A-B-C. Always be closing." "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior01" "Nick: Kill that zombie, he's got something!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior02" "Nick: That zombie's got something! Kill it!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior03" "Nick: Get that zombie! He's got something!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior04" "Nick: That zombie just dropped something!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior05" "Nick: What's that zombie got?" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior06" "Nick: I think that zombie's got something!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior07" "Nick: That zombie's got something!" "Gambler_DLC1_FallenSurvior08" "Nick: What'd that zombie drop?" "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker01" "Nick: Search these lockers." "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker02" "Nick: What's in here?" "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker03" "Nick: Let's see what's in here." "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker04" "Nick: Let's open this up." "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker05" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_DLC1_FootLocker06" "Nick: Open it up." "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub01" "Nick: Golf club." "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub02" "Nick: Grabbing a golf club." "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub03" "Nick: Golf club." "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub04" "Nick: Grabbing the driver." "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub05" "Nick: Driver!" "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub06" "Nick: Club here!" "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub07" "Nick: Club here!" "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub08" "Nick: Driver here!" "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub09" "Nick: Fore!" "Gambler_DLC1_GolfClub10" "Nick: Fore!" "Gambler_DLC1_M6001" "Nick: Now this is a gun." "Gambler_DLC1_M6002" "Nick: Shit, this is a gun." "Gambler_DLC1_M6003" "Nick: Big gun." "Gambler_DLC1_M6004" "Nick: I'm grabbing the big gun." "Gambler_DLC1_M6005" "Nick: Grabbing the chain gun." "Gambler_DLC1_M6006" "Nick: Shit, this is heavy." //Manager lines "Manager_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Louis: No there aren't, Francis, tell them they have to get to the other side of the bridge." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Louis: Hello, I'm Louis. This is Zoey and Francis. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Louis: You're right, Francis. He's not friendly. I think Bill would have shot him by now." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Louis: You're right, Francis. He's not friendly. I think Bill would have shot him by now." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Louis: Just go fill up that generator and we'll lower the bridge. Even if you are acting like that." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Louis: Hi, I'm Louis!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Louis: Hi, I'm Louis!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Louis: Hey! Hey, guys! Plenty of time to fist fight once we get the bridge down. But for now, why don't you get down there and fill up the generator." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Louis: Hey, you made it!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Louis: Hey, you made it!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Louis: Hey, you made it!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Louis: Where you guys headin?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Louis: Nah, better not. We've had enough with the military." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Louis: Take that elevator down, fill up the generator, we'll take care of the rest." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat14" "Louis: Hey, you made it! Where you heading?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat15" "Louis: Hey, you made it! Where you heading?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat16" "Louis: Hey, you made it! Where you heading?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat17" "Louis: Let's get you on your way. Head down and fill up the generator. We'll cover you from up here." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat18" "Louis: They made it! I told you guys they were going to make it!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat19" "Louis: They made it! I told you guys they were going to make it!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat20" "Louis: Francis said you weren't goin' to make it. But I said I had a good feelin' about you." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat21" "Louis: Francis said you weren't goin' to make it. But I had a good feelin' about you." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat22" "Louis: I'm Louis. My leg's all messed up, but I can still shoot this big ass gun. All you need to do is fill up that generator down there." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat23" "Louis: Hey guys! My name's Louis." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat24" "Louis: I think you already met Francis. This is Zoey." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat25" "Louis: I think you already met Zoey. This is, uh, Francis." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat26" "Louis: Francis! We talked about this. We're gonna help them. We will lower the bridge, but you gotta fill up the generator for us to lower it. That helps us both." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat27" "Louis: You made it! Now you just need to fill that generator and we can raise the bridge! We can even help cover you from up here." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat28" "Louis: You made it! Now you just need to fill that generator and we can raise the bridge! We can even help cover you from up here." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat29" "Louis: I don't think that would work." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat30" "Louis: Thanks! Sounds good but I think we're gonna stay on our own." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat31" "Louis: Thanks! Sounds good but I think we're gonna stay on our own." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat32" "Louis: You made it! Now you just need to fill that generator and we can raise the bridge! We can even help cover you from up here." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat33" "Louis: Yeah, I stayed here. I'm okay just a little banged up. It wasn't easy getting up here, we lost a man." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat34" "Louis: Yeah. We can help you." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat35" "Louis: Yeah. We'll help you." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat36" "Louis: Yeah. We'll help you." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat37" "Louis: Sorry, I really am. You seem nice but… we're good on our own. Now fill up that generator and let's get you on your way." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat38" "Louis: Okay." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat39" "Louis: Okay." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot01" "Louis: Is that a new zombie?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot02" "Louis: Is that a new zombie?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot03" "Louis: Is that a new zombie?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot04" "Louis: That's some crazy zombie!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot05" "Louis: Look at that zombie jumpin' on them!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot06" "Louis: That's some crazy zombie!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun01" "Louis: Get to your car, we got 'em." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun02" "Louis: Get going! Get going!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun03" "Louis: Bye Rochelle! Bye Nick! Bye Coach! Bye Ellis!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic01" "Louis: I'm gonna miss them." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic02" "Louis: It was nice see normal people again." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic03" "Louis: It was nice see normal people again. Except for that Nick guy..." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic04" "Louis: Should we have told them?" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic05" "Louis: BYE RO! BYE COACH! BYE ELLIS! BYE WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic06" "Louis: Bye, Coach! Keep it positive!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic07" "Louis: Bye, Coach! Keep it positive!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic08" "Louis: I think we're gonna be seeing more of that guy!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic09" "Louis: I think we're gonna be seeing more of that guy!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic10" "Louis: Bye, Ellis! You're gonna make it to New Orleans! I know you will!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic11" "Louis: Go, Ellis! GO!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic12" "Louis: I've got a good feeling about them. I think they're gonna be okay." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic13" "Louis: Bye! Be safe! We're gonna miss you!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas01" "Louis: Here you go!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas02" "Louis: Here you go!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas03" "Louis: You're gonna need this." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas04" "Louis: Last one!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas05" "Louis: Here you go!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas06" "Louis: You're gonna need this." "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas07" "Louis: Last one!" "Manager_DLC1_C6M3_Loss01" "Louis: I hope you don't mind if we stay on our own." "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D101" "Louis: It sure is cold!" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D102" "Louis: I bet it's gonna warm up real soon!" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D103" "Louis: I mean how much colder can it get? This has to be the worst." "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D104" "Louis: I heard there's a military base just South of here." "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D105" "Louis: What is this place?" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D106" "Louis: Zombies are driving trucks?" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D107" "Louis: I'm sure someone's alive, let's go look!" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D108" "Louis: Let's go down to the dock!" "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D109" "Louis: Let's grab a boat." "Manager_DLC1_CommunityL4D110" "Louis: Man, I feel like I'm Gordon Freeman!" "Manager_DLC1_KILLFINALTANK01" "Louis: That is for Bill!" "Manager_DLC1_KILLFINALTANK02" "Louis: That is for Bill!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Charger01" "Louis: CHARGER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Charger02" "Louis: CHARGER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Charger03" "Louis: CHARGER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Jockey01" "Louis: JOCKEY!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Jockey02" "Louis: JOCKEY!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Jockey03" "Louis: JOCKEY!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Spitter01" "Louis: SPITTER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Spitter02" "Louis: SPITTER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Spitter03" "Louis: SPITTER!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Louis: Lead those puppies this way!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Louis: I am going to rip those Tanks up!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Louis: This is just why we put this up here!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Tank04" "Louis: This is why we put this baby up here!" "Manager_DLC1_L4D1Tank05" "Louis: TWO TANKS!" //Mechanic lines "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor01" "Ellis: I got a bad feelin' about this." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor02" "Ellis: Get ready before we open this door, now." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor03" "Ellis: Y'all ready? All right, let's open this door." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor04" "Ellis: All right, alarm's gonna sound when we open this." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor05" "Ellis: Alarm's gonna sound when we open this door." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen01" "Ellis: I opened it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen02" "Ellis: It's open, GO!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen03" "Ellis: I hit it, man, GO GO GO!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen04" "Ellis: It's open, GO GO GO!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley01" "Ellis: Behind this bus." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley02" "Ellis: Down this alley." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley03" "Ellis: This is like a goddamn maze." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley04" "Ellis: I think we want to get up there." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley05" "Ellis: Y'all, how do we get to them walkways?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley06" "Ellis: Let's go down this alley." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley07" "Ellis: Back up here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley08" "Ellis: Into these apartments." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley09" "Ellis: We can get across here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley10" "Ellis: Let's get across here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley11" "Ellis: Into the building." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley12" "Ellis: Hey, into the building." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley13" "Ellis: Anyone find anything cool?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley14" "Ellis: Hey, let's search these rooms here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley15" "Ellis: Hey y'all find anything good?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Celebration01" "Ellis: WOO! Thank you, Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Celebration02" "Ellis: That was for you, Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Ellis: Thanks! Yeah, she's purty purty. Any chance you could lower the bridge for us?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Ellis: Oh, come on, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Ellis: Thanks, thanks! Hey man, any chance you could lower the bridge for us?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Ellis: No, sir! Just borrowin' the car! Any chance you could lower that bridge?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Ellis: No, sir! Just borrowin' this beauty! Any chance you could lower that bridge for us?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Ellis: Well, thanks. Hey, could y'all lower your bridge so we can get across? We're heading to New Orleans." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Ellis: Okay then. Wish us luck." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Ellis: Oh my gosh that is the prettiest girl I have ever seen." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Ellis: Thanks, thanks, yeah. Hey, could you lower the bridge so we can get across? We're heading over to New Orleans." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Ellis: Okay, thanks. Wish us luck." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting11" "Ellis: Whoa, man, that was the prettiest girl I have ever seen." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting12" "Ellis: Man oh man. I jumped Jimmy Gibbs' car through a plate glass window and I just met the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Nick, shoot me right now, brother, things are never going to get any better than this." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting13" "Ellis: She is so beautiful, she is so beautiful." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting14" "Ellis: Nah, I can't. Look at her." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting15" "Ellis: Nah, I can't. Look at her, she's an angel." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting16" "Ellis: Well hello! Hello... Howdy. Beautiful weather, huh... we're havin'... Oh god, I'm too nervous to talk to her, one of you better do this." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting17" "Ellis: COACH, come on, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting18" "Ellis: Oh man, I know! That's what I've been sayin'! If there're zombies there's got to be vampires, wolfmen, mummies, aliens and all that shit, man. It just makes sense." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting19" "Ellis: So you can go ahead and lower that bridge for us then?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting20" "Ellis: Ahh I gotcha and that's what y'all need help with. All right, okay, I don't like it. But okay." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting21" "Ellis: Can you lower the bridge so we can get our car across?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting22" "Ellis: Oh, do we uh... need to know some sort of password or something?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting23" "Ellis: Well, I guess we'll take it. See ya!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark01" "Ellis: Through this park." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark02" "Ellis: Grab a health kit." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark03" "Ellis: Everybody grab a health kit, now." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark04" "Ellis: Bye, Jimmy Gibb Jr, don't worry we're gonna come back for you." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark05" "Ellis: Hey can you all watch the car while we're gone?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark06" "Ellis: Should I maybe stay here and guard the car?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark07" "Ellis: Should I stay here and guard the car?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark08" "Ellis: All right..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore01" "Ellis: Through this store." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore02" "Ellis: Guns in the store." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore03" "Ellis: Hey, we got guns in here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore04" "Ellis: Hey there's guns in the store." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore05" "Ellis: Cut through the store." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead01" "Ellis: Safe house back here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead02" "Ellis: Hey guys, safe house back here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs01" "Ellis: Go upstairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs02" "Ellis: Let's go upstairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs03" "Ellis: Let's try upstairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs04" "Ellis: Upstairs, everybody." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding01" "Ellis: Ain't seen none, Coach, but I'll yell if I do." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding02" "Ellis: A wedding!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch01" "Ellis: Hey, Coach. Can coaches marry people?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch02" "Ellis: You know what? This got me thinking... I should totally marry that girl." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch03" "Ellis: This reminds me, I should totally marry that girl." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch04" "Ellis: This wedding here? I'm takin' this as a sign." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch05" "Ellis: Hey, check the tents." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch06" "Ellis: Okay, as far as weddings go, that was the most exciting." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch01" "Ellis: Shut up Nick." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch02" "Ellis: What!??!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch03" "Ellis: If you say so, Ro." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch04" "Ellis: I normally like weddings." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch05" "Ellis: Oh man. You think she's crying cause she got left at the altar?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch06" "Ellis: I normally really like weddings. This is just weird." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking01" "Ellis: Oh man I changed my mind! I do not wanna get married!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking02" "Ellis: Oh I changed my mind! I am not gettin' married no more!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing01" "Ellis: Runaway bride, runaway bride!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing02" "Ellis: Help, here! Here comes the bride!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing03" "Ellis: Here comes the bride!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead01" "Ellis: Kinda feel bad killin' this witch." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead02" "Ellis: Whole thing makes me uncomfortable." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise01" "Ellis: This must be the switch to raise the lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise02" "Ellis: okay, I got a bad feeling about this lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise03" "Ellis: I dunno guys, I got a bad feeling about this lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise04" "Ellis: Let's get ready and then hit it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive01" "Ellis: Is that lift even moving?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive02" "Ellis: Oh man, that is the slowest damn lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive03" "Ellis: Cheesy crackers, that's one slow lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt01" "Ellis: I hit it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt02" "Ellis: Lift is a coming." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise01" "Ellis: Hey, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise02" "Ellis: Another lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise03" "Ellis: Hey, there's another lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise04" "Ellis: Oh man, this lift better work." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise05" "Ellis: Let's try this lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise06" "Ellis: Hey, let's try this one." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise07" "Ellis: I got a good feeling about this lift." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise08" "Ellis: Hey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise09" "Ellis: Hey, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up01" "Ellis: Hell, it's up! Let's go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up02" "Ellis: Hell, man, it's up! Let's go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up03" "Ellis: All right, let's boogie." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up04" "Ellis: Lift up!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up05" "Ellis: It's here, lets' go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up06" "Ellis: All right, it's here, lets' go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up07" "Ellis: This one looks good!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse01" "Ellis: Back in the water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse02" "Ellis: Back in the water, everybody." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse03" "Ellis: Time for your bath, Nick." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse04" "Ellis: I didn't touch nothin'." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite01" "Ellis: Hey let's jump down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite02" "Ellis: Into the construction site." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite03" "Ellis: Street's all tore up." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater01" "Ellis: Haha, more water, Nick!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater02" "Ellis: Watch for turds, Nick!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater03" "Ellis: Well, I still like you Nick." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater04" "Ellis: Back into the water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater05" "Ellis: Hey, Nick, didn't that suit used to be white?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater06" "Ellis: Man, they got a lotta work to do on this phase two bit." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour01" "Ellis: Nick! We all see this tour's got some problems, no sense picking on Coach." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour02" "Ellis: Don't know why, I was thinkin' there'd be rides here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour03" "Ellis: Not sure why, I thought there'd be a couple of rides at least." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour04" "Ellis: I guess this shit's old, huh? I don't know. But..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder01" "Ellis: Hey, Nick, there's a turd right on your shoulder there." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder02" "Ellis: Nick, you got a little turd on your shoulder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder03" "Ellis: Hey, Nick, turd on your shoulder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder04" "Ellis: Man, they ain't gonna stop coming." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder05" "Ellis: We gotta find a ladder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder06" "Ellis: Man even I'm getting' sick of this shit." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder07" "Ellis: Man, they ain't not gonna stop coming." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder08" "Ellis: Anybody seen a ladder?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder09" "Ellis: We need to find a ladder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder10" "Ellis: Man, even I'm getting' sick of this shit." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall01" "Ellis: We can get in through the window." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall02" "Ellis: Get into the pool hall." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall03" "Ellis: Hey, let's go into the pool hall." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub01" "Ellis: Into the Jazz Club!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub02" "Ellis: Hey, into the club, guys!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub03" "Ellis: Tour's in the Jazz Club." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub04" "Ellis: Hey, the tour's in the Jazz Club." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub05" "Ellis: Hey that tunnel's in the club." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub06" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibb Jr, here we come!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LeavingSaferoom01" "Ellis: Let's hurry, man. I miss my car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LeavingSaferoom02" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibb Jr, we're coming for ya, baby." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LeavingSaferoom03" "Ellis: Okay we gotta hurry, man! I miss the car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder01" "Ellis: Hey, heads up, guys, ladder coming down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder02" "Ellis: Hey, heads up down there, ladder coming down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder03" "Ellis: Ladder coming down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders01" "Ellis: Oh man, I must be seeing things." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders02" "Ellis: What?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders03" "Ellis: What? Wha... who?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank01" "Ellis: Hurry over this plank." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank02" "Ellis: Okay, just don't look down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank03" "Ellis: Bad time for a smoker." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase201" "Ellis: Hope phase two has rides." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase202" "Ellis: Phase one is over?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase203" "Ellis: Man, I hope phase two has rides." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase204" "Ellis: Phase one is over? Jeez..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase205" "Ellis: Hey, sorry about the lack of history in phase one coach." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase206" "Ellis: Hope this goes under the river." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase207" "Ellis: GET DOWN THE STAIRS!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase208" "Ellis: Let's get down these stairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase209" "Ellis: Go down. Go down. Go down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater01" "Ellis: Don't smell like it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater02" "Ellis: Oh man, I found a candy bar! ... Whup. False alarm." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater03" "Ellis: Okay if anybody needs a bathroom break, now'd be a good time." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater04" "Ellis: Keep moving." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater05" "Ellis: Let's keep moving!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater06" "Ellis: Hey, just keep moving. Let's keep moving!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater07" "Ellis: Keep moving." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater08" "Ellis: All right, let's keep moving!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater01" "Ellis: Last one is a rotten egg." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater02" "Ellis: This is gonna be great." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater03" "Ellis: This is gonna be fun." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater04" "Ellis: Hey let's jump together." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater05" "Ellis: Now this is more like it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater06" "Ellis: CANNONBALL!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo01" "Ellis: Nick, for the last time, I am NOT leaving it behind." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo02" "Ellis: We gotta find a way to get that bridge up, no way I'm leaving that car behind." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo03" "Ellis: JUST A CAR!?!? JUST A CAR!?!?! That's like saying the Mona Lisa's just a sculpture, or shit, that's like sayin' Jimmy Gibb's just a driver. That's like saying that girl on the bridge is just a little pretty, she's an angel. Shit, that's like, that's like, shit I don't know THAT'S JIMMY GIBBS' CAR!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo04" "Ellis: Screw this I just can't leave that car behind. I'm going back for her." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo05" "Ellis: Hey, Rochelle, now don't spare my feelings none, do you think I got any shot with that Zoey girl?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo06" "Ellis: I was just thinkin' of her, Nick. Man, she is beautiful." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo07" "Ellis: Yeah, I was just thinkin' of her too, Nick. Oh, she is beautiful." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo08" "Ellis: Get outta here! All right!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo09" "Ellis: Oh, I keep hoping we drive to a place where there aren't any more zombies." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo10" "Ellis: You know, we've been gone for a while, you think the car is okay?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo11" "Ellis: Yeah, yeah, that's not going to happen." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo12" "Ellis: Okay, Ro. Whatever you say." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo13" "Ellis: Okay, Coach. Whatever you say." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo14" "Ellis: Ro, that car's family now. Hell, that biker fella's an awesome dude, but we ain't tradin' him for Nick." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo15" "Ellis: Ah man, that Zoey will never go for a man like me." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo16" "Ellis: Oh, Ro, man, that reminds me of this..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo17" "Ellis: Yeah. It's been hell, all right." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo18" "Ellis: Not if we get that bridge down. We'll be drivin' the Jimmy Gibbs Junior all the way to New Orleans!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo19" "Ellis: Well, maybe if we find a nice open stretch, we slow down, and you can jog right alongside. Like in that boxing movie!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo20" "Ellis: Oh dude, this reminds me of that time, my buddy Keith? He went on a diet, on account of what his doctor sayin' he had to go on a diet, or he'd die? So they told him he could drink nothin' but them little diet shakes, but those are like five bucks a can, ll make my own damn smoothies!' He got himself a blender, all sorts of salad shit, kiwis, limes, some tequila, a big can of that protein powder the bodybuilders use..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo21" "Ellis: Naw, he gained like thirty pounds. But he invented a shitload of tasty drinks. I was always partial to Keith's Kiwi Kamikaze." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo22" "Ellis: Man, if you woulda told me a year ago that I'd be driving around in JIMMY GIBBS JUNIOR'S stock car, I wouldn't have BELIEVED you. It is like... just beyond, man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo23" "Ellis: Yeah, no, I seen my share of horror movies." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom01" "Ellis: We're getting close, I can feel her. I mean the car, of course." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom02" "Ellis: Oh man, we're getting close, I can just feel her. I mean the car, of course." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom03" "Ellis: Hey, there's a dry saferoom up here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom04" "Ellis: Dry saferoom up here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom05" "Ellis: Oh, we are getting close, man, I can feel her. I mean the car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox01" "Ellis: All right, baby, the jukebox works!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox02" "Ellis: AY! Haha, all right, the jukebox works!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo01" "Ellis: Hey Nick, you and me ought to get tattoos that say 'Bros'." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo02" "Ellis: I like mine better." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo03" "Ellis: TATTOOS!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo04" "Ellis: TATTOOS! TATTOOS!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo05" "Ellis: Man, I love tattoos. I only have one, but I was gonna get my truck tattooed on my other arm. Damn zombies." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo06" "Ellis: I love tattoos. I only have one, but I was gonna get my truck tattooed on my other arm." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo07" "Ellis: Man, I love tattoos. I only have one, I was gonna get my truck tattooed on the other arm, but maybe now I get Jimmy Gibbs Jr's car. Damn zombies." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter01" "Ellis: Should we leave some money?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter02" "Ellis: Let's go under-the-river!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk01" "Ellis: A ladder!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk02" "Ellis: Ladder!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk03" "Ellis: There's a ladder!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk04" "Ellis: Oh, finally, a ladder!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder01" "Ellis: Hey, up the ladder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder02" "Ellis: Let's head up the ladder." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder03" "Ellis: Ladder on that wall." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder04" "Ellis: Hey, get up there!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder101" "Ellis: Let's get out of the water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder102" "Ellis: Hey, everybody, let's get out of the water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder103" "Ellis: Time to dry off." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder104" "Ellis: All right, let's get out of this water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder105" "Ellis: Hey, everybody, let's get out of the water." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs01" "Ellis: Up the stairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs02" "Ellis: There's a street up there." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs03" "Ellis: Hey, let's get up to the street." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding01" "Ellis: Everyone in here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding02" "Ellis: Hey, everybody in here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding03" "Ellis: Through this building." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding04" "Ellis: Down these stairs." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans01" "Ellis: Got a can." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans02" "Ellis: Hey, got a can." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans03" "Ellis: Filling the generator." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans04" "Ellis: Hey I'm filling the generator." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans05" "Ellis: Pouring one in." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans06" "Ellis: One more in the gennie." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans07" "Ellis: One more in the gennie." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans08" "Ellis: Can't fit much more." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Cans09" "Ellis: This thing can't fit much more." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator01" "Ellis: Sooner we get these cans, the sooner we're back with Jimmy Gibbs Jr." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator02" "Ellis: Hey these cans look pretty spread out. We should stick together." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator03" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna kill so many zombies she's gonna have to love me." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator04" "Ellis: I'm gonna kill a Tank in her honor and then I'm gonna name it after her." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator05" "Ellis: I'm gonna kill a Tank in her honor. Ooh, and then I'm gonna name it after her." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator06" "Ellis: Okay, this is the most nervous I've been since this shit started." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator07" "Ellis: All right, let's get down there and fill ourselves up a generator." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator08" "Ellis: Let's get down there and fill ourselves up a generator." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun01" "Ellis: I'm coming, baby!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun02" "Ellis: I'm coming, baby!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun03" "Ellis: Run to Jimmy Gibbs Jr!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun04" "Ellis: This is the longest run of my life!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun05" "Ellis: Oh man, this is the longest run of my life!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun06" "Ellis: I'm coming, baby! I'm comin'!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun07" "Ellis: I'm comin'! I'm sorry I left you!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Ellis: Oh, yes, ma'am." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Ellis: Man, I told you you had a turd on your suit." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Ellis: Yeah. He does go on." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Ellis: He does go on." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Ellis: Man, he got you, Nick. It's like he's known you forever." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Ellis: We heard New Orleans is the last hold out. You know, just figured we'd go there. Hey, you folks wanna come with?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Ellis: Sounds good. Thanks, man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Ellis: Yeah, you got that right." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Ellis: Pulls a little to the left." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Ellis: Really? Yeah what you ride now?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat14" "Ellis: Yeah, belonged to a little someone you might have heard of named Jimmy Gibbs Jr." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat15" "Ellis: Yeah, belonged to a little someone named Jimmy Gibbs Jr; mighta heard of him..." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat16" "Ellis: I Know... wait, what? Jimmy Gibbs Jr was a legend." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat17" "Ellis: Yeah I know... wait, what'd you say? Jimmy Gibbs Jr was a legend." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat18" "Ellis: Can we not talk about dogs?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat19" "Ellis: Hey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat20" "Ellis: Hey, what?!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat21" "Ellis: Hey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic01" "Ellis: Oh man, my heart is torn. But I gotta go with the car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic02" "Ellis: Man, my heart is torn on this. But I gotta go with the car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic03" "Ellis: Oh man, my heart is so torn. But I gotta go with Jimmy Gibbs Jr." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic04" "Ellis: Oh man, my heart is torn. But I think I gotta go with the car." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic05" "Ellis: Man, I hope that girl's gonna be all right." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic06" "Ellis: Man, I hope I didn't break her heart." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic07" "Ellis: I hope that girl's gonna be all right." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic08" "Ellis: Hang on! Ha ha!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic09" "Ellis: Hang on!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic10" "Ellis: Here we go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic11" "Ellis: Here we go!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic12" "Ellis: Sure hope I get to see that girl again." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic13" "Ellis: This feels right. But I do hope I get to see that girl again." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic14" "Ellis: Man, I sure hope I get to see her again." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic15" "Ellis: Ro! How'd you end up driving?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic16" "Ellis: Ro! How'd you end up driving?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas01" "Ellis: Hey, thanks Zoey, I won't forget you!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas02" "Ellis: Thank you, Zoey, I will not forget you!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas03" "Ellis: THANK YOU, ZOEY!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas04" "Ellis: Thank you, thank you, Zoey." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas05" "Ellis: Thanks, Zoey, I will always remember you." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas06" "Ellis: Thanks, Francis." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas07" "Ellis: Man, Francis, you are the coolest." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas08" "Ellis: Francis, you are the coolest, man. Thanks!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas09" "Ellis: Shit, thanks, Francis." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas10" "Ellis: Francis, you are the coolest, man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas11" "Ellis: Shit, thanks, Francis." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items01" "Ellis: Thanks, Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items02" "Ellis: Thank you, Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items03" "Ellis: Hey, thanks, Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items04" "Ellis: Aw, I wish there was something I could give you back, Zoey." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items05" "Ellis: Thanks, Francis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items06" "Ellis: Hey, thanks guys!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items07" "Ellis: This from you? THANKS!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items08" "Ellis: Hey, thanks y'all!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing01" "Ellis: A girl who can shoot? I am in love." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing02" "Ellis: Man, you tell me Zoey don't look good with that gun. Mm!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing03" "Ellis: Oh man, tell me Zoey don't look good with that gun. Mm!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing04" "Ellis: Hey, nice shot, Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing05" "Ellis: Man. A girl who can shoot? I am in love." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing06" "Ellis: Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing07" "Ellis: Zoey! Zoey! Zoey! Man, I just love sayin' it." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing08" "Ellis: Zoey! Zoey! Zoey! I could say that all day long." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing09" "Ellis: Zoey! Zoey! Zoey! I just love sayin' it, really." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing10" "Ellis: Zoey! Zoey! Zoey! I just love sayin' it!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing11" "Ellis: Zoey!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing12" "Ellis: Hey, nice shot, Francis." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing13" "Ellis: Francis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing14" "Ellis: Thanks, Francis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing15" "Ellis: Louis, you are deadly, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing16" "Ellis: Nice shooting, Lou!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing17" "Ellis: Tell me Zoey don't look good with that gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing18" "Ellis: Francis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing19" "Ellis: Francis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing20" "Ellis: Loooouis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing21" "Ellis: Loooouis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing22" "Ellis: Nice shooting, Lou!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Loss01" "Ellis: You know what? I like your attitude. I hope you get through this okay." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_Loss02" "Ellis: You know what? I like your attitude. I hope you get through this okay." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo01" "Ellis: Oh sure! Rochelle and biker dude sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo02" "Ellis: Hey, man, I saw how you two were looking at each other." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo03" "Ellis: Mm hm. I saw y'all looking at each other." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo04" "Ellis: Mm hm. I saw y'all looking at each other. Maybe the four of us can double date." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo05" "Ellis: Nah, he don't live there." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo06" "Ellis: No man, he don't live there." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo07" "Ellis: I saw how he was lookin' at Rochelle. He ain't goin nowhere." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo08" "Ellis: How do I look?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo09" "Ellis: How do I look, man?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo10" "Ellis: You got a turd on your shoulder, Nick." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo11" "Ellis: Man, I don't know, what do you think? With the hat or without it?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo12" "Ellis: Man, I don't know, what do you think? With the hat or without it?" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo13" "Ellis: Nick, I don't need that kinda pressure, man!" "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo14" "Ellis: Don't remind me, Nick. I am a nervous wreck here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo15" "Ellis: Okay, you know what? Don't need you reminding me, Nick, all right? I am a nervous wreck over here." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo16" "Ellis: Okay Ro, I don't want to get your hopes up, but I think that awesome biker dude has a little crush on you." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo17" "Ellis: Well, I don't doubt it. That is a cool guy." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo18" "Ellis: Nah, she ain't goin' nowhere. That ain't like her." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo19" "Ellis: Yeah, it was like love at first sight. The other four seconds was gravy." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo20" "Ellis: Nah man, he seemed like a good guy." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo21" "Ellis: Nah man, he seemed like a good guy." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo22" "Ellis: Nah man, he seemed like a good guy." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo23" "Ellis: I will kill him." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo24" "Ellis: He is a dead man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo25" "Ellis: He is a dead man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo26" "Ellis: I will kill him." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo27" "Ellis: He is a dead man." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo28" "Ellis: Folks, we got a new goal. New Orleans is gonna have to wait. We are going to have to hunt that biker man down." "Mechanic_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo29" "Ellis: Ro, it's the zombie apocalypse. First dating days are over. Nick, by the way, I'm gonna have to borrow your suit, because we're skippin' right to the marriage, brother. Then we're goin' cross country, just her me and the Jimmy Gibbs Jr." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE01" "Ellis: What in the hell is that? A bomb?" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE02" "Ellis: Come on, push!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE03" "Ellis: Push the cart!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE04" "Ellis: Hey, push that cart!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE05" "Ellis: Sure is cold out here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE06" "Ellis: Oh man I ain't ever been this cold." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE07" "Ellis: Hey guys... SNOWBALL FIGHT!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE08" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith wanted to see what it felt like to be in a snow storm? He ain't ever seen real snow, only snow we got is from that big machine that cleans the ice at the local rink. So he figured to make do and when that machine went to dump its load, he would just lay under it. Took us 2 hours to dig him out. He lost two fingers and a thumb to frostbite." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE09" "Ellis: What is this place?" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE10" "Ellis: What the hell is this place?" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE11" "Ellis: Okay now this is gonna be one hell of a night." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE12" "Ellis: Damn, it is windy." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE13" "Ellis: Hey, everyone to the train station!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE14" "Ellis: Everybody to the train station!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE15" "Ellis: All aboard! Toot! Toot!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE16" "Ellis: All aboard! Toot! Toot!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE17" "Ellis: I always wanted to do that." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE18" "Ellis: All aboard!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE19" "Ellis: Man, I don't know. Keith made a boulder trap just like this. It did not end well." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE20" "Ellis: Dude, this is just like Team Fortress 2!" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE21" "Ellis: A movie theater? To think I laughed when I saw that zombie movie." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE22" "Ellis: I think there's an old military base around here somewhere." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE23" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith told me that he was picked up by some little green men and they..." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE24" "Ellis: Holy cow, I don't think even Keith's been in a prison this bad." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE25" "Ellis: Ghosts?" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE26" "Ellis: Ghosts?" "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE27" "Ellis: Zombies and Ghosts? This is gonna be cool." "Mechanic_DLC1_COMMUNITYE28" "Ellis: Zombies and Ghosts? This is gonna be cool." "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior01" "Ellis: Hey, kill that zombie!" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior02" "Ellis: Kill that zombie!" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior03" "Ellis: Hey, stop that zombie!" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior04" "Ellis: Get that zombie!" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior05" "Ellis: Get that zombie, there!" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior06" "Ellis: Do not let that zombie get away." "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior07" "Ellis: Did that zombie drop something?" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior08" "Ellis: Hey, that zombie's dropping shit." "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior09" "Ellis: What'd that zombie drop?" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior10" "Ellis: Hey, what'd that zombie just drop?" "Mechanic_DLC1_FallenSurvior11" "Ellis: Y'all see that? He just dropped something." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker01" "Ellis: Damn, empty." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker02" "Ellis: Hey open up the lockers." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker03" "Ellis: Hey, let's search the lockers." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker04" "Ellis: Hey, we should probably check these lockers." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker05" "Ellis: Let's search the lockers." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker06" "Ellis: Damn, empty." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker07" "Ellis: Open up the locker." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker08" "Ellis: Search the locker." "Mechanic_DLC1_FootLocker09" "Ellis: We should probably check this locker." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub01" "Ellis: Golf club!" "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub02" "Ellis: I got a golf club here." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub03" "Ellis: Club here." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub04" "Ellis: Grabbing a golf club." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub05" "Ellis: Grabbing the club." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub06" "Ellis: I'm going with the golf club." "Mechanic_DLC1_GolfClub07" "Ellis: Fore!" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories01" "Ellis: This one time my buddy Keith, on a DARE, got a tattoo: 'I'm a moron' right across his forehead. Course, Keith made two hundred bucks off that, so... you ask yourself: who's the REAL moron, huh?" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories02a" "Ellis: This one time my buddy Keith started up a historic tour, on account of his mom took him to Colonial Williamsburg, and it is like a license to print money at them places." "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories02b" "Ellis: Now, you might ask yourself how an honest attempt to recreate the majesty of colonial times turned into raccoon fights at five bucks a pop in Keith's backyard? And the answer to that particular question is Keith sharin' a place with his two brothers, and them bein' assholes who wouldn't let him do it anywhere but in the back yard. Add to that Keith didn't technically have any… you know, history to show, but did have this whole family of feral raccoons livin' in the chassis of an old car, and you begin t---" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories03a" "Ellis: Ya know, my buddy Keith had his car drop in a lake off a bridge like this one here. See he was drivin' over it late at night, and there in the middle of the bridge was what looked, in Keith's estimation, like a dead bear. So Keith gets out of his car to ick to poke it with, right?" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories03b" "Ellis: Well, it turns out it's just some lady's fur coat that musta fell out of her car, so... free coat, right? Now, owls won't normally attack a man, but in this case they were hungry, and that made them reckless. Keith reckons they must've been there for hours, watchin' what they thought was a bear carcass, cause as soon as he picked it up, those owls had claws in him an inch deep." "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories03c" "Ellis: Well, Keith figures his best bet'll be to jump in the lake, cause owls can't swim. Well, them owls could. He fought them for twenty minutes, treading water, and during that time, a boat came, the bridge went up, and down went Keith's car. Sometimes nature's just tryin' to teach us, if only we'd listen." "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories04" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith made sushi? His mom took him to a sushi place for his birthday, and he didn't wanna go, but it turned out he LOVED it! But it's like ten bucks a sue-show at one of them places, so Keith figures, how hard could it be to roll up raw fish in seaweed? As it turns out, real hard. Now, they say experience is the best teacher, and experience taught Keith that if you eat three pounds of raw catfish, it kills you. Luckily Keith's brain went into defense mode and star---" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories05" "Ellis: Hey y'all. I like this bridge ya got. My buddy Keith and I were once on a bridge just like this. Well kinda. I mean I was on the bridge and Keith was sure he could jump the river without the bridge. So I raised the bridge and well… did you know cars can float? For a while." "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories06_v1" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith got married? Course not, that's a trick question. He never got married. You hear about runaway brides? Well Keith was a runaway groom and on his wedding day…" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories06_v2" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith got married? Course not, that's a trick question. He never got married. You hear about runaway brides? Well Keith was a runaway groom and on his wedding day…" "Mechanic_DLC1_KeithStories07" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith snuck into a wedding? He thought he was being smart, dressing up and like. But seems the preacher wasn't there and they all thought he was the preacher and well, he married them best he could. I think that counts for them being married, but maybe not. Anyway…" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Ellis: Oh, this ain't good, TWO TANKS!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Ellis: Shiiiiiiittttt!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Ellis: Oh, this ain't good, we got TWO TANKS here!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank04" "Ellis: Oh shiiiiiiittttt!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank05" "Ellis: Lead 'em back to Louis!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank06" "Ellis: Louis, get ready! Tanks coming!" "Mechanic_DLC1_L4D1Tank07" "Ellis: Louis, get yourself ready, baby! We got Tanks coming!" "Mechanic_DLC1_M6001" "Ellis: Hey that's an M60." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6002" "Ellis: Big gun here." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6003" "Ellis: Big gun here." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6004" "Ellis: Belt gun here." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6005" "Ellis: I got a chain gun here." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6006" "Ellis: Chain gun here." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6007" "Ellis: Shit, this is heavy." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6008" "Ellis: This is a big gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6009" "Ellis: Now this is a big gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6010" "Ellis: Grabbing the chain gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6011" "Ellis: Grabbing the belt gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6012" "Ellis: Grabbing the belt gun." "Mechanic_DLC1_M6013" "Ellis: I'm grabbing the chain gun." //Producer lines "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor01" "Rochelle: Get ready an alarm is going to sound when we open this." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoor02" "Rochelle: Let's get ready, then open the door." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen01" "Rochelle: I opened it!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_AlarmDoorOpen02" "Rochelle: I opened it, let's go!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley01" "Rochelle: Behind this bus." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley02" "Rochelle: Down this alley." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley03" "Rochelle: We need to get into the building." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley04" "Rochelle: We can cross-over up there." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley05" "Rochelle: We can cross-over up there." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_BackAlley06" "Rochelle: Let's search these rooms." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign01" "Rochelle: Uh, Coach, you know anything about this under the river tour?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign02" "Rochelle: Coach, you know anything about this under the river tour?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign03" "Rochelle: Thanks Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign04" "Rochelle: Gee, thanks Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign05" "Rochelle: Uh, gee, glad I asked." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign06" "Rochelle: Gee, thanks Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign07" "Rochelle: Glad I asked." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign08" "Rochelle: Good enough." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign09" "Rochelle: Well, okay... Good enough." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign10" "Rochelle: Hey, we can try this under-the-river tour to get across." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign11" "Rochelle: We can try this under-the-river tour to get across." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_HistoricSign12" "Rochelle: If we can't go over the river, we can always try under." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Rochelle: Hey up there! You wanna let the bridge down?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Rochelle: Uh, do you know how we can get to the other side?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Rochelle: You aren't from around these parts are you?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Rochelle: Great. All right." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Rochelle: Great. Can't help us with directions, probably can't shoot a gun." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Rochelle: Hey there, can you lower the bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Rochelle: Is the road even clear on the other side?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Rochelle: Then it's a date." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Rochelle: Maybe, but at least he's no zombie. OKAY!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Rochelle: OKAY!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting11" "Rochelle: Maybe, but at least he's no zombie." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting12" "Rochelle: Uh, Nick. He's talking to me." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting13" "Rochelle: Hey! Can you lower the bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting14" "Rochelle: Hey, hey boys. Okay, if we get to the other side can you help us lower it?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting15" "Rochelle: See Nick, you should try being nice sometime." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting16" "Rochelle: See Nick, you should try being nice sometime." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting17" "Rochelle: Oh, Nick, charming is not a word I would use to describe you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting18" "Rochelle: THANK YOU!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting19" "Rochelle: THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting20" "Rochelle: Ellis, you going to answer her?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting21" "Rochelle: Ellis, you going to answer her?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting22" "Rochelle: He's got it. We'll see you on the other side." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting23" "Rochelle: He's got it. We'll see you on the other side." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting24" "Rochelle: Let's go, real charming Nick." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting25" "Rochelle: Let's go, real charming Nick." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting26" "Rochelle: And you were a con man?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting27" "Rochelle: Huh? And you were a con man?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting28" "Rochelle: I- I can't believe you were a con man." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting29" "Rochelle: I can't believe you were a con man." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting30" "Rochelle: I can't believe you used to be a con artist." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting31" "Rochelle: I can't believe you used to be a con artist." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting32" "Rochelle: Really? Isn't there some way you can just lower it?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting33" "Rochelle: Can you try? I don't think its going to be easy to get to the other side of the river." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting34" "Rochelle: Well shit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting35" "Rochelle: Well shit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting36" "Rochelle: Well shit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting37" "Rochelle: If you lower the bridge I'll tell you how old I am." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting38" "Rochelle: I want to call you an asshole... I do." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting39" "Rochelle: Ah ha. Really?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting40" "Rochelle: So it isn't worth getting to the other side?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting41" "Rochelle: Really, it's not worth getting to the other side?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting42" "Rochelle: Bulllshit! So, it's not worth getting to the other side?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting43" "Rochelle: Okay, if you lower the bridge... Ugh. I will give you a kiss." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting44" "Rochelle: Yeah, that sounds simple." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting45" "Rochelle: What the?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting46" "Rochelle: Is he being serious?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting47" "Rochelle: No. Can you lower the bridge?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting48" "Rochelle: Is he being serious?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting49" "Rochelle: No. Can you lower the bridge?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting50" "Rochelle: Okay, then, yes, we are vampires? All of us are vampires?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting51" "Rochelle: Okay, then, yes, we are vampires? All of us are vampires?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting52" "Rochelle: Can we talk to that other guy?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting53" "Rochelle: Dear lord, why'd I ever leave Cleveland." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting54" "Rochelle: Oh thank god! I thought I was the last woman on earth." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting55" "Rochelle: Can you lower the bridge? We need to get across the river." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting56" "Rochelle: If that's what we gotta do, that we gotta do." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting57" "Rochelle: If that's what we gotta do…" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting58" "Rochelle: If that's what we gotta do…" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting59" "Rochelle: Take care." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting60" "Rochelle: You too." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark01" "Rochelle: Through this park." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark02" "Rochelle: Down into the park." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark03" "Rochelle: Make sure to grab a health kit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark04" "Rochelle: Make sure to grab a health kit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark05" "Rochelle: Everyone grab a health kit." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoPark06" "Rochelle: Ellis, I really think the car will be okay on its own." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore01" "Rochelle: Through this store." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore02" "Rochelle: Through the store." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore03" "Rochelle: Wow, even the convenience stores in the south are gun stores." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_IntoStore04" "Rochelle: Guns in the store." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_SafeRoomAhead01" "Rochelle: Safe house!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs01" "Rochelle: Go upstairs." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs02" "Rochelle: Let's go upstairs." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_Upstairs03" "Rochelle: Go upstairs." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding01" "Rochelle: Do they ever?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_Wedding02" "Rochelle: Do they ever?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch01" "Rochelle: Is that really how your brain works?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch02" "Rochelle: Is that really how your brain works?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch03" "Rochelle: Check the tents." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch04" "Rochelle: Well, this isn't the worst wedding I've ever been to." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch05" "Rochelle: Well, this isn't the worst wedding I ever attended." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch06" "Rochelle: Guns in the tents!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch07" "Rochelle: Check the tents." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingPostWitch08" "Rochelle: They even have guns at weddings?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch01" "Rochelle: Both of you. Shut up." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch02" "Rochelle: WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch03" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, It's a nice day for a white wedding." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch04" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, It's a nice day for a white wedding." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch05" "Rochelle: It is funny that she is wearing a dress, I get that, but she WILL kill you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch06" "Rochelle: It is funny that she is wearing a dress, but she WILL kill you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch07" "Rochelle: WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch08" "Rochelle: WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch09" "Rochelle: I don't know what she's crying about, at least she got married." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch10" "Rochelle: Hey, Ellis look, it's another angel." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch11" "Rochelle: Ellis, look, it's another angel." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch12" "Rochelle: You see? This is why I hate weddings." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch13" "Rochelle: This is one time I don't mind being the bridesmaid." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch14" "Rochelle: Don't mind being the bridesmaid this time." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitch15" "Rochelle: Something old, something new, something about to rip your guts out." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking01" "Rochelle: NOT AGAIN!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking02" "Rochelle: UGH, NOT AGAIN!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchAttacking03" "Rochelle: Get this bride off me!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing01" "Rochelle: Ahh I pissed off another bride!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Kill the bride! Kill the bride!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Kill the bride!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead01" "Rochelle: Nick, you scare me." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead02" "Rochelle: Hm. If that's the bride, let's hope we don't run into the groom." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead03" "Rochelle: Honeymoon's over." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead04" "Rochelle: That is a waste of a nice dress." "Producer_DLC1_C6M1_WeddingWitchDead05" "Rochelle: Yeah, let's just get of here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise01" "Rochelle: We need to raise that lift." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise02" "Rochelle: Get ready to go once we hit this button." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1Raise03" "Rochelle: Let's raise the lift." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive01" "Rochelle: Come on lift, come on!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive02" "Rochelle: Come on lift, come on!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseActive03" "Rochelle: Even the elevators are slow in the south." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt01" "Rochelle: I hit it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt02" "Rochelle: Lift's coming." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt03" "Rochelle: I hit it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge1RaiseHitIt04" "Rochelle: Lift's coming." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise01" "Rochelle: Let's try this lift." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise02" "Rochelle: Oh god, another lift?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise03" "Rochelle: Let's try this lift." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise04" "Rochelle: Oh god, another lift?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise05" "Rochelle: Another lift?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Raise06" "Rochelle: What was this the history of lifts?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up01" "Rochelle: It's up, let's go!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Bridge2Up02" "Rochelle: It's here, let's go!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse01" "Rochelle: Back in the water." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse02" "Rochelle: Of course not, back in the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_BridgeCollapse03" "Rochelle: I knew wouldn't work." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite01" "Rochelle: Let's jump down." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_ConstructionSite02" "Rochelle: Down into the construction site." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater01" "Rochelle: Back in the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater02" "Rochelle: Yay, back in the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater03" "Rochelle: Yay, great, back in the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_FinalWater04" "Rochelle: Yay! More water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour01" "Rochelle: Shithole?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour02" "Rochelle: Sorry Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour03" "Rochelle: Shithole?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour04" "Rochelle: Sorry Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour05" "Rochelle: Shut up, Nick." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour06" "Rochelle: Shut up, Nick." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour07" "Rochelle: Only in the South would this pass for a museum." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour08" "Rochelle: Five dollars well spent." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour09" "Rochelle: Follow the walkway." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour10" "Rochelle: Keep to the walkway." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_HistoricTour11" "Rochelle: Stay off the dirt, it's historical." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder01" "Rochelle: Nick, you've got a turd on your shoulder." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder02" "Rochelle: Nick, you've got a turd on your shoulder." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder03" "Rochelle: Nick, there's something on your shoulder." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder04" "Rochelle: There goes my boots." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder05" "Rochelle: That alarm is not turning off." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder06" "Rochelle: We need to keep running." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_InWaterFindLadder07" "Rochelle: We need to keep running." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall01" "Rochelle: Get into the pool hall." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_IntoPoolHall02" "Rochelle: We can climb in through the window." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub01" "Rochelle: Into the club." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub02" "Rochelle: The tour is in the club." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_JazzClub03" "Rochelle: The tour is in the club." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_LoweringLadder01" "Rochelle: Ladder coming down." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders01" "Rochelle: Was that a bus?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_MidnightRiders02" "Rochelle: Was that a tour bus?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank01" "Rochelle: Quick over this plank." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank02" "Rochelle: Hurry up over this plank." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_OverPlank03" "Rochelle: I am not looking down." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase201" "Rochelle: It better." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase202" "Rochelle: It better." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase203" "Rochelle: Another phase? I'm still not done thinking about phase one." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase204" "Rochelle: Phase two? Phase one was finished?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase205" "Rochelle: I hope phase two is as good as phase one." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase206" "Rochelle: I've never had so much fun learning." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase207" "Rochelle: I've never had so much fun learning." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase208" "Rochelle: That was almost as bad as the Seattle underground tour." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase209" "Rochelle: Down the stairs!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase210" "Rochelle: Down, go down!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater01" "Rochelle: Nick, I'm pretty sure this is sewage." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater02" "Rochelle: Yeah, it's sewage." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater03" "Rochelle: Nick, I'm pretty sure this is sewage." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater04" "Rochelle: Yeah, it's sewage." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater05" "Rochelle: Hey, Nick! Splash fight!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater06" "Rochelle: Hey, Nick! Splash fight!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater07" "Rochelle: Ugh-gh-gh-gh-gh." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater08" "Rochelle: [laughing] Ellis! I'm not laughing, I'm not! I'm not laughing." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater09" "Rochelle: Okay, Carl." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater10" "Rochelle: This is more interesting than phase one." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater11" "Rochelle: Don't stop, let's go!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2InWater12" "Rochelle: Keep moving!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater01" "Rochelle: Let's jump together." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Phase2JumpInWater02" "Rochelle: Why is it always water?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo01" "Rochelle: Compared to you, Nick, he was downright nice." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo02" "Rochelle: Sweety, it's just a car." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo03" "Rochelle: Calm down, Ellis." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo04" "Rochelle: Calm down, Ellis." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo05" "Rochelle: Feel better now?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo06" "Rochelle: You'll be back with her soon enough. Also she's a car. And this is creepy." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo07" "Rochelle: You'll be back with her soon enough. Also she's a car. And this is creepy." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo08" "Rochelle: I have a bunch of good memories of never once going to a boiled peanut festival." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo09" "Rochelle: I have a bunch of good memories, too... of never once going to a boiled peanut festival." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo10" "Rochelle: Sweety, she'd be crazy not to." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo11" "Rochelle: Sweety, she'd be crazy not to." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo12" "Rochelle: With the current odds, sure." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo13" "Rochelle: Uh, with the current odds, sure." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo14" "Rochelle: Out of all the men left? Sure." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo15" "Rochelle: Do you think we can trust that guy?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo16" "Rochelle: What!?!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo17" "Rochelle: I don't believe this." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo18" "Rochelle: He is better looking than you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo19" "Rochelle: What!?!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo20" "Rochelle: I don't believe this." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo21" "Rochelle: He is better looking than you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo22" "Rochelle: (laughter) You're kidding right?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo23" "Rochelle: (laughter) You're kidding right?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo24" "Rochelle: Oh, you are going to love the under-the-river tour." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo25" "Rochelle: You are going to love the under-the-river tour." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo26" "Rochelle: We need to get motivated." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo27" "Rochelle: We need to get motivated. How we gonna get motivated..." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo28" "Rochelle: Coach. We make it to New Orleans, there's a Cheeseburger museum." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo29" "Rochelle: Coach. We make it to New Orleans, there's a Cheeseburger museum." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo30" "Rochelle: Hey, Ellis? I hear there's a Stock Car museum in New Orleans." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo31" "Rochelle: Nick, there's a-" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo32" "Rochelle: Oh, I just keep hoping I wake up every day." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo33" "Rochelle: Ellis honey, you do know that eventually we'll have to leave that car behind. Right?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo34" "Rochelle: Ellis honey, you do know that eventually we'll have to leave that car behind. Right?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo35" "Rochelle: Ya know, I just don't think the military is going to air lift the car to safety." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo36" "Rochelle: Ya know, I just don't think the military is going to air lift the car to safety." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo37" "Rochelle: Ellis honey, I've been thinking. Somewhere down the road, do you think we can trade up for a car with, let's say, working doors and a backseat?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo38" "Rochelle: Oh! Actually, does anyone want to put that to a vote?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo39" "Rochelle: Uhh! Actually, does anyone want to put that to a vote?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo40" "Rochelle: Ellis, ask yourself, what would Keith do?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo41" "Rochelle: AH! I wasn't thinking." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo42" "Rochelle: AH! I wasn't thinking." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo43" "Rochelle: You're looking good coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo44" "Rochelle: Well anybody who survives this shit is gonna be in greatshape." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo45" "Rochelle: Did any of this actually work?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo46" "Rochelle: Right... and the zombie apocalypse?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SafeRoomConvo47" "Rochelle: And the... zombie apocalypse?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Saferoom01" "Rochelle: Saferoom!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox01" "Rochelle: Ugh. This jukebox sucks." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox02" "Rochelle: Ugh. This jukebox sucks." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_StartingJukeBox03" "Rochelle: AYYYYYEEEE!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SuitcasePistols01" "Rochelle: Is this your suitcase, Nick?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_SuitcasePistols02" "Rochelle: Heh. Is this your suitcase, Nick?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo01" "Rochelle: Hm. Sorry, I didn't get his name." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo02" "Rochelle: Damn. Sorry. I didn't get his name." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo03" "Rochelle: Sorry. I forgot his name." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo04" "Rochelle: Where?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo05" "Rochelle: Where?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo06" "Rochelle: Burgh-gh-gh-gh-gh." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo07" "Rochelle: Ughhh." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo08" "Rochelle: Please be the ankle, please be the ankle." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_Tattoo09" "Rochelle: Please be the ankle, please be the ankle." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter01" "Rochelle: Maybe there's no zombies down here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter02" "Rochelle: Who am I kidding?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter03" "Rochelle: Maybe there's no zombies down here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_TicketCounter04" "Rochelle: Who am I kidding?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk01" "Rochelle: A ladder!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk02" "Rochelle: Thank god, a ladder!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpCatwalk03" "Rochelle: Thank god, a ladder!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder01" "Rochelle: Another ladder." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder02" "Rochelle: We can get up here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder101" "Rochelle: Out of the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder102" "Rochelle: Out of the water!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpLadder103" "Rochelle: Let's get out!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs01" "Rochelle: Up the stairs!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs02" "Rochelle: The street's up there!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpStairs03" "Rochelle: Up the stairs!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding01" "Rochelle: Through here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding02" "Rochelle: In here." "Producer_DLC1_C6M2_UpThroughBuilding03" "Rochelle: Through this building." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans01" "Rochelle: I got a can." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans02" "Rochelle: I got this one." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans03" "Rochelle: Pouring!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans04" "Rochelle: Pouring this one in." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans05" "Rochelle: Cover me, filling the generator." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Cans06" "Rochelle: Cover me, pouring!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator01" "Rochelle: Let's fill the generator as fast as we can." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator02" "Rochelle: Something bad happened here. I don't have a good feeling about this." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator03" "Rochelle: You know it's going to be bad if they wouldn't risk it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator04" "Rochelle: I wish they would come with us, safety in numbers." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator05" "Rochelle: After a few hours in the car with you guys, it's nice to hear some new voices." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_Elevator06" "Rochelle: Their names are Zoey, Louis and Francis right?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun01" "Rochelle: Get to the car!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun02" "Rochelle: Come on, let's get to the car!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun03" "Rochelle: Bridge's down, let's go!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun04" "Rochelle: Everyone to the car!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun05" "Rochelle: Come on Ellis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleBridgeRun06" "Rochelle: Thank you guys! GOOD LUCK!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Rochelle: Okay. Come on, Dad. Let's take the elevator." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Rochelle: Ugh. I HATE stairs." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Rochelle: Sure, never really thought about it but yeah I hate things." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Rochelle: Sure, never really thought about it but yeah I hate stuff." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Rochelle: Tch, you have no idea." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Rochelle: I hate those stairs." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Rochelle: I hate this bridge" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Rochelle: I hate your vest." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Rochelle: Thanks. Nice vest." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Rochelle: Yeah. Uh but for NOW, we just want to get our car over the bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Rochelle: Yeah. I am. But for NOW, we just want to get our car over the bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat14" "Rochelle: Yeah. But for NOW, we just want to get our car over the bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat15" "Rochelle: You've been givin' this a lot of thought." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat16" "Rochelle: You've been givin' this a lot of thought, huh?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat17" "Rochelle: NO no no no no no." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat18" "Rochelle: NO no no no no no." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat19" "Rochelle: You've been givin' this a lot of thought." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat20" "Rochelle: NO no no no no no." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat21" "Rochelle: Of course we made it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat22" "Rochelle: Of course we made it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat23" "Rochelle: Thanks. Where they been hiding you?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat24" "Rochelle: Thanks. Where did you come from?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat25" "Rochelle: Wow, where the hell did you come from?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat26" "Rochelle: Hey! I didn't see you from the other side." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat27" "Rochelle: Then are you sure you want to lower the bridge?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat28" "Rochelle: Oh no. Then are you sure you want to lower the bridge?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat29" "Rochelle: Do you want to come along with us?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat30" "Rochelle: Okay, but if you change your mind..." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat31" "Rochelle: Okay, but if you change your mind..." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat32" "Rochelle: Ellis! Quit bothering these poor people. I am so sorry." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic01" "Rochelle: Hit it." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic02" "Rochelle: Hang on." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleCinematic03" "Rochelle: I missed this car." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas01" "Rochelle: Thanks, Louis, sure you don't want to come along?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas02" "Rochelle: Thanks, Francis, there's room in the car." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas03" "Rochelle: Thanks, Zoey, us women gotta work together." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas04" "Rochelle: Thank you guys for all you've done." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas05" "Rochelle: Thanks! Keep safe." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleFinalGas06" "Rochelle: Thanks! Good luck." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items01" "Rochelle: Thanks, Zoey!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items02" "Rochelle: Thanks, Zoey!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items03" "Rochelle: Thank for the help, Zoey!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items04" "Rochelle: Thanks, guys!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items05" "Rochelle: Thank you, guys!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items06" "Rochelle: Thanks, Francis." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items07" "Rochelle: Thanks for the stuff!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Items08" "Rochelle: Thanks, sexy guy in the vest." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing01" "Rochelle: Nice, Louis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing02" "Rochelle: Nice shooting, Louis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing03" "Rochelle: All right, Louis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing04" "Rochelle: Francis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing05" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Francis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing06" "Rochelle: Thanks, Francis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing07" "Rochelle: Thanks Zoey!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1Killing08" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Zoey!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo01" "Rochelle: Do you think he's waiting for us?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo02" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo03" "Rochelle: He'll be there." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo04" "Rochelle: He'll be there." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo05" "Rochelle: I just have a good feeling." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo06" "Rochelle: It's a woman thing; I just have a good feeling." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo07" "Rochelle: Just be your own sweet self, Ellis." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo08" "Rochelle: You're great. Just be your own sweet self, Ellis." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo09" "Rochelle: I just think Nick is jealous." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo10" "Rochelle: Nick is just jealous." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo11" "Rochelle: Nick. Leave him alone." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo12" "Rochelle: Leave him alone." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo13" "Rochelle: Ellis, you'll be fine." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo14" "Rochelle: Nick, you need to find a woman who hates herself, she'll love you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo15" "Rochelle: Nick, I don't think she's deaf, so she isn't going to like you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo16" "Rochelle: Nick, being one of the last two women in the world alive. I can safely safe, at least half of the women in this world hate you." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo17" "Rochelle: I think someone has a crush on that 'awesome' biker dude." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo18" "Rochelle: Ellis, she shouted at you for five seconds from a bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo19" "Rochelle: She was on a bridge." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo20" "Rochelle: I hope that girl is still waiting for us." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo21" "Rochelle: Great. Thanks, Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo22" "Rochelle: Thanks, Coach." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo23" "Rochelle: Ellis, so uh, where are you going to take that Zoey girl on your first date?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo24" "Rochelle: Ellis, so uh, where are you going to take Zoey on your first date?" "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo25" "Rochelle: Oh, yeah, um... What woman wouldn't love that." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo26" "Rochelle: What woman wouldn't love that." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo27" "Rochelle: Uh... Lucky girl." "Producer_DLC1_C6M3_SafeRoomConvo28" "Rochelle: Lucky girl." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR01" "Rochelle: Sweetie, there's no such thing as aliens." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR02" "Rochelle: Push the cart." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR03" "Rochelle: Would you push the cart?" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR04" "Rochelle: We have to move the cart." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR05" "Rochelle: Damn this is cold." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR06" "Rochelle: Damn this is cold." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR07" "Rochelle: This is as cold as Cleveland in December." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR08" "Rochelle: Good thing I'm wearing boots." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR09" "Rochelle: Oh, I could use a jacket." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR10" "Rochelle: This is gonna be one hell of a night." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR11" "Rochelle: Damn it's windy!" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR12" "Rochelle: Train station!" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR13" "Rochelle: All aboard! Toot toot!" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR14" "Rochelle: That's a basic training camp." "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR15" "Rochelle: Ooh, popcorn! Popcorn! I love popcorn! You, Coach?" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR16" "Rochelle: Popcorn, I love popcorn! You, Coach?" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR17" "Rochelle: Nick, these cells look familiar?" "Producer_DLC1_COMMUNITYR18" "Rochelle: Great. Like zombies aren't bad enough, now we have ghosts?" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior01" "Rochelle: Get that zombie!" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior02" "Rochelle: That zombie dropped something!" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior03" "Rochelle: Stop that zombie!" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior04" "Rochelle: That zombie's carrying something!" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior05" "Rochelle: What'd that zombie drop?" "Producer_DLC1_FallenSurvior06" "Rochelle: Did that zombie drop something?" "Producer_DLC1_FootLocker01" "Rochelle: Search these lockers." "Producer_DLC1_FootLocker02" "Rochelle: Search the locker." "Producer_DLC1_FootLocker03" "Rochelle: Empty." "Producer_DLC1_FootLocker04" "Rochelle: Check the locker." "Producer_DLC1_FootLocker05" "Rochelle: Check the lockers." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub01" "Rochelle: Golf club." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub02" "Rochelle: Grabbing a golf club." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub03" "Rochelle: Golf club here." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub04" "Rochelle: Club here." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub05" "Rochelle: Grabbing the driver." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub06" "Rochelle: Driver here." "Producer_DLC1_GolfClub07" "Rochelle: Fore!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Rochelle: Holy shit!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Rochelle: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy SHIT!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Rochelle: Two Tanks!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank04" "Rochelle: Boys we got Tanks!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank05" "Rochelle: Lead the Tanks back to Louis." "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank06" "Rochelle: We got two too many Tanks." "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank07" "Rochelle: TANKS!" "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank08" "Rochelle: Lead the Tanks back to Louis." "Producer_DLC1_L4D1Tank09" "Rochelle: Whoa. We got two too many Tanks." "Producer_DLC1_M6001" "Rochelle: There's a big gun." "Producer_DLC1_M6002" "Rochelle: Big gun here." "Producer_DLC1_M6003" "Rochelle: Big gun here." "Producer_DLC1_M6004" "Rochelle: There's a big gun over here." "Producer_DLC1_M6005" "Rochelle: Man, big gun over here." "Producer_DLC1_M6006" "Rochelle: I'm taking the big gun." "Producer_DLC1_M6007" "Rochelle: I'm taking the big gun." "Producer_DLC1_M6008" "Rochelle: Taking the big gun." "Producer_DLC1_M6009" "Rochelle: Oh my god, this gun feels good." "Producer_DLC1_M6010" "Rochelle: I have found my new favorite gun." //Teengirl lines "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting01" "Zoey: Sorry, can't! We got wounded up here. If you can get to the other side of the bridge, we can help you can get it down." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting02" "Zoey: You need to get to the other side to lower this bridge. Road's clear past that." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting03" "Zoey: Generator's out on the other side!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting04" "Zoey: Sorry, can't! We got wounded up here. If you can get to the other side of the bridge, we can help you can get it down." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting05" "Zoey: Nice car!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting06" "Zoey: Nice car, dude!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting07" "Zoey: Sorry man, no can do. Generator's out. Get to the other side of the river and we can help you get it down." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting08" "Zoey: Hello down there! Sorry but we can't lower the bridge." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting09" "Zoey: Hello down there! Sorry but we can't lower the bridge." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting10" "Zoey: You are going to need to get to the other side of the bridge. We can help you there." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting11" "Zoey: And then once you get over here, we can fill up the generator. The generator will make a lot of noise but don't worry, Ellis, we can cover you from up here. You got all that?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting12" "Zoey: Sorry, I can't lower the bridge." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting13" "Zoey: Boohoo hoo, I don't know what to do… Go to hell, Colonel Sanders." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting14" "Zoey: I could shoot you where you stand." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting15" "Zoey: I could shoot you where you stand." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting16" "Zoey: I'm sorry, there really isn't. If you can get to the other side of the river we can help you lower it. But we lost a man and another's hurt, we really can't do it by ourselves." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting17" "Zoey: Sorry, good luck?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting18" "Zoey: Sorry, good luck?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting19" "Zoey: Hello down there!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting20" "Zoey: Yeah, I know that feeling." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting21" "Zoey: Hello down there!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting22" "Zoey: Sorry, can't. We lost a guy and another's injured. If you can find another way over, we can help you get the bridge down." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting23" "Zoey: Yeah, I know that feeling." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting24" "Zoey: Good luck." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting25" "Zoey: Not exactly." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting26" "Zoey: Uh, no... Generator is out of gas. If you get over to the other side and fill it up, we can cover you. Best I can offer." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting27" "Zoey: Well... no." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting28" "Zoey: Umm, no, I can't." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M1_InitialMeeting29" "Zoey: Umm, no." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat01" "Zoey: Look, we don't have time for this bullshit. You need to fill up the generator down there so we can lower the bridge." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat02" "Zoey: Yeah, sorry about that." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat03" "Zoey: Yeah, sorry about that." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat04" "Zoey: Fine. Look, uh you guys need to go down there and fill up the generator so we can lower the bridge." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat05" "Zoey: Francis? Him? Are you kidding? REALLY?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat06" "Zoey: Francis? Him? Are you kidding? REALLY?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat07" "Zoey: Uhhh... You guys need to go down and fill up the generator and I'm going to go throw up." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat08" "Zoey: Uhhh... You guys need to go down and fill up the generator and I'm going to go throw up." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat09" "Zoey: Francis? Him? Are you kidding? REALLY?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat10" "Zoey: Go down and fill up that generator. We'll cover you from up here." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat11" "Zoey: Go down, fill up that generator. We'll cover you from up here." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat12" "Zoey: Hey, car guys, not the time. We have a bridge to lower." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat13" "Zoey: Hey car guys, not the time. We have a bridge to lower." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat14" "Zoey: Hello! Morons. I think we have a bridge to lower." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat15" "Zoey: Hey." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleChat16" "Zoey: Hey." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems01" "Zoey: Here you go!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems02" "Zoey: Here you go!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems03" "Zoey: Take this!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_FinaleL4D1ThrowItems04" "Zoey: Heads up!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot01" "Zoey: Watch out for that... WHAT HELL IS THAT!?!?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot02" "Zoey: Watch out, Rochelle!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot03" "Zoey: Watch out, Coach" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot04" "Zoey: Watch out, Nick!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot05" "Zoey: Watch out, Ellis." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot06" "Zoey: Ellis, be careful!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot07" "Zoey: That Charger's just beatin' the shit out of Nick." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot08" "Zoey: That doesn't look right." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D11stSpot09" "Zoey: What is that zombie doing to him." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun01" "Zoey: GO! THE BRIDGE IS DOWN!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun02" "Zoey: We got your backs, go!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun03" "Zoey: Go, go, go! We'll hold them off." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun04" "Zoey: Get to your car, Ellis!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun05" "Zoey: Get to your car, Ellis!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun06" "Zoey: Go! We'll hold them off." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleBridgeRun07" "Zoey: Ellis, the car's calling!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic01" "Zoey: Yeah, but... it's us three now." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic02" "Zoey: Don't worry, they won't be the last." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic03" "Zoey: No. It's hard enough out there." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic04" "Zoey: Bye, Ellis! Bye, Rochelle! Bye, Coach! Bye, Nick!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic05" "Zoey: Bye, Ellis! Bye, Rochelle! Bye, Coach! Bye, Nick!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic06" "Zoey: Ellis! ELLIS!!! Maybe we should have gone with him?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic07" "Zoey: Ellis! ELLIS!!! Maybe he should have come with us?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic08" "Zoey: Francis, it's nice to see you still have that in you." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic09" "Zoey: Francis, it's nice to see you still have that in you." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic10" "Zoey: Francis, it's nice to see you still have that in you." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic11" "Zoey: Umm... where?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic12" "Zoey: Where? At the mall?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic13" "Zoey: Where?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic14" "Zoey: Yeah, for about 10 minutes." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic15" "Zoey: Go - proclaim liberty throughout all the lands, and to all the inhabitants thereof!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic16" "Zoey: You finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! God damn you! God damn you all to hell!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic17" "Zoey: Remember, Soylent Green is people!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic18" "Zoey: Remember, Soylent Green is people!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic19" "Zoey: Y'all come back now!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic20" "Zoey: Y'all come back now!" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic21" "Zoey: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Ellis stole a race car from the mall and drove it over some zombies?" "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic22" "Zoey: Sure you are, Francis, sure you are." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic23" "Zoey: I'm going to miss Ellis." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic24" "Zoey: Hm. I'm going to miss Ellis." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleCinematic25" "Zoey: I'm going to miss Ellis." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas01" "Zoey: Here, be safe." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas02" "Zoey: Here, then get your asses to your car." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas03" "Zoey: Take this, good luck." "Teengirl_DLC1_C6M3_L4D1FinaleFinalGas04" "Zoey: Good luck!" "Teengirl_DLC1_CommunityL4D101" "Zoey: Think anyone is still alive?" "Teengirl_DLC1_CommunityL4D102" "Zoey: If no one minds, we can steal a boat." "Teengirl_DLC1_CommunityL4D103" "Zoey: This windbreaker isn't cutting it." "Teengirl_DLC1_CommunityL4D104" "Zoey: Great, snow." "Teengirl_DLC1_CommunityL4D105" "Zoey: Francis, what do you hate more the snow or the cold?" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Charger01" "Zoey: CHARGER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Charger02" "Zoey: CHARGER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Charger03" "Zoey: CHARGER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Jockey01" "Zoey: JOCKEY!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Jockey02" "Zoey: JOCKEY!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Jockey03" "Zoey: JOCKEY!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Spitter01" "Zoey: SPITTER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Spitter02" "Zoey: SPITTER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Spitter03" "Zoey: SPITTER!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Tank01" "Zoey: Guys come back!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Tank02" "Zoey: Guys let us cover you!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Tank03" "Zoey: TWO TANKS!" "Teengirl_DLC1_L4D1Tank04" "Zoey: Bring the Tanks back here!" // L4D1 port "player.biker_alertgiveitem01" "Francis: Here, take this." "player.biker_alertgiveitem06" "Francis: Hold up, I got something for you." "player.biker_alertgiveitem07" "Francis: Take it. Hell, I don't need it." "player.biker_incoming02" "Francis: Holy shit, here they come!" "player.biker_incoming03" "Francis: They're coming!" "player.biker_incoming04" "Francis: Incoming!" "player.biker_incoming05" "Francis: Get ready ladies!" "player.biker_incoming07" "Francis: This is gonna be good." "npc.biker_killconfirmation01" "Francis: Got it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation02" "Francis: Nailed it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation03" "Francis: Down!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation04" "Francis: That's mine." "npc.biker_killconfirmation05" "Francis: Dead!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation06" "Francis: Popped it!" "npc.biker_killconfirmation07" "Francis: Popped a cap in his ass!" "player.biker_lookhere01" "Francis: Check this out." "player.biker_lookhere02" "Francis: Look at this." "player.biker_lookhere05" "Francis: Look here." "player.biker_lookout01" "Francis: Look out!" "player.biker_lookout02" "Francis: Look out!" "player.biker_lookout03" "Francis: Watch out!" "player.biker_lookout04" "Francis: Watch out!" "player.biker_lookout05" "Francis: Watch your ass!" "player.biker_lookout06" "Francis: Heads up!" "player.biker_lostcall01" "Francis: Hello?" "player.biker_nicejob03" "Francis: Nice job." "npc.biker_niceshot07" "Francis: Whoah. Nice shot." "npc.biker_niceshot10" "Francis: Good one!" "player.biker_reloading01" "Francis: Reloading!" "player.biker_reloading02" "Francis: Reloading!" "player.biker_reloading03" "Francis: Reloading!" "npc.biker_revivefriendb12" "Francis: Let's get to it, Louis." "npc.biker_revivefriendb14" "Francis: You're fine, Zoey." "player.biker_staytogether03" "Francis: Keep together!" "player.biker_staytogether04" "Francis: Stay together!" "player.biker_staytogether05" "Francis: Don't split up!" "player.biker_staytogether09" "Francis: Stay together!" "player.biker_staytogether12" "Francis: Keep together!" "npc.biker_vampires01" "Francis: Where the hell did all these vampires come from?" "npc.biker_violenceawe06" "Francis: Did you see that?" "player.biker_warnboomer01" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warnboomer02" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warnboomer03" "Francis: BOOMER!" "player.biker_warnhunter01" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnhunter02" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnhunter03" "Francis: HUNTER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker01" "Francis: SMOKER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker02" "Francis: SMOKER!" "player.biker_warnsmoker03" "Francis: SMOKER!" "npc.biker_worldairport0227" "Francis: Good thinking, Zoey!" "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0201" "Francis: We gotta activate that bridge." "npc.biker_worldsmalltown0311" "Francis: I hate small towns." "player.manager_alertgiveitem01" "Louis: Here take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem03" "Louis: Take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem04" "Louis: Go ahead and take this." "player.manager_alertgiveitem05" "Louis: Here man, take this." "player.manager_incoming01" "Louis: Here they come!" "player.manager_incoming02" "Louis: They're comin'!" "player.manager_incoming03" "Louis: Incoming!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation01" "Louis: Got it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation02" "Louis: Killed it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation03" "Louis: Dead!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation04" "Louis: Got it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation05" "Louis: Killed it!" "npc.manager_killconfirmation06" "Louis: Dead!" "player.manager_lookout01" "Louis: Look out!" "player.manager_lookout02" "Louis: Look out!" "player.manager_lookout03" "Louis: Watch out!" "player.manager_lookout04" "Louis: Watch out!" "player.manager_lookout05" "Louis: Heads up!" "player.manager_lookout06" "Louis: Heads up!" "player.manager_nicejob02" "Louis: Nice work." "player.manager_nicejob03" "Louis: Nice job." "player.manager_nicejob05" "Louis: That was great." "player.manager_niceshot01" "Louis: Nice shot!" "player.manager_niceshot02" "Louis: Oh man, great shot." "player.manager_niceshot03" "Louis: Wooo, nice baby!" "npc.manager_niceshot05" "Louis: Nice one!" "npc.manager_niceshot07" "Louis: Nice shot!" "npc.manager_niceshot08" "Louis: Great shot!" "player.manager_reloading01" "Louis: Reloading!" "player.manager_reloading02" "Louis: Reloading!" "player.manager_reloading03" "Louis: Reloading!" "player.manager_warnboomer01" "Louis: BOOMER!" "player.manager_warnboomer02" "Louis: BOOMER!" "player.manager_warnboomer03" "Louis: BOOMER!" "player.manager_warnhunter01" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnhunter02" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnhunter03" "Louis: HUNTER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker01" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker02" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.manager_warnsmoker03" "Louis: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem03" "Zoey: Take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem07" "Zoey: Hey, take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem09" "Zoey: Here, you can have this" "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem11" "Zoey: Take this." "player.teengirl_alertgiveitem16" "Zoey: Hey, take this." "player.teengirl_incoming02" "Zoey: Incoming!" "player.teengirl_incoming04" "Zoey: They're coming!" "player.teengirl_incoming05" "Zoey: Here they come!" "player.teengirl_incoming06" "Zoey: Get ready!" "player.teengirl_incoming07" "Zoey: Oh god, get ready, here they come!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation01" "Zoey: Got it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation03" "Zoey: Nailed it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation04" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation05" "Zoey: Got it!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation06" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_killconfirmation08" "Zoey: Got 'em!" "player.teengirl_lookhere06" "Zoey: Look over here!" "player.teengirl_lookhere07" "Zoey: Look here." "player.teengirl_lookout01" "Zoey: Look out!" "player.teengirl_lookout03" "Zoey: Watch out!" "player.teengirl_lookout08" "Zoey: Behind you!!" "player.teengirl_lostcall01" "Zoey: Hello?" "player.teengirl_lostcall06" "Zoey: Helloooo?" "player.teengirl_nicejob07" "Zoey: Nicely played, sir" "player.teengirl_niceshot06" "Zoey: Great shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot07" "Zoey: Nice shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot11" "Zoey: Good one!" "player.teengirl_niceshot13" "Zoey: Sweet shot!" "player.teengirl_niceshot14" "Zoey: Killer shot!" "player.teengirl_reloading01" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading02" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading03" "Zoey: Reloading!" "player.teengirl_reloading04" "Zoey: I'm Reloading!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer01" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer02" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warnboomer03" "Zoey: BOOMER!" "player.teengirl_warnhunter01" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnhunter02" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnhunter03" "Zoey: HUNTER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker01" "Zoey: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker02" "Zoey: SMOKER!" "player.teengirl_warnsmoker03" "Zoey: SMOKER!" } }