// generic ubran soundscapes // Author: Scott Dalton // DSP Effects // 0 : "Normal (off)" // 1 : "Generic" // 2 : "Metal Small" // 3 : "Metal Medium" // 4 : "Metal Large" // 5 : "Tunnel Small" // 6 : "Tunnel Medium" // 7 : "Tunnel Large" // 8 : "Chamber Small" // 9 : "Chamber Medium" // 10: "Chamber Large" // 11: "Bright Small" // 12: "Bright Medium" // 13: "Bright Large" // 14: "Water 1" // 15: "Water 2" // 16: "Water 3" // 17: "Concrete Small" // 18: "Concrete Medium" // 19: "Concrete Large" // 20: "Big 1" // 21: "Big 2" // 22: "Big 3" // 23: "Cavern Small" // 24: "Cavern Medium" // 25: "Cavern Large" // 26: "Weirdo 1" // 27: "Weirdo 2" // 28: "Weirdo 3" // ATTN_NONE 0.0f // ATTN_NORM 0.8f 75dB // ATTN_IDLE 2.0f 60dB // ATTN_STATIC 1.25f 66dB // ATTN_RICOCHET 1.5f 65dB // ATTN_GUNFIRE 0.27f 140dB // SNDLVL_50dB = 50, // 3.9 // SNDLVL_55dB = 55, // 3.0 // SNDLVL_IDLE = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_TALKING = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_60dB = 60, // 2.0 // SNDLVL_65dB = 65, // 1.5 // SNDLVL_STATIC = 66, // 1.25 // SNDLVL_70dB = 70, // 1.0 // SNDLVL_NORM = 75, // SNDLVL_75dB = 75, // 0.8 // SNDLVL_80dB = 80, // 0.7 // SNDLVL_85dB = 85, // 0.6 // SNDLVL_90dB = 90, // 0.5 // SNDLVL_95dB = 95, // SNDLVL_100dB = 100, // 0.4 // SNDLVL_105dB = 105, // SNDLVL_120dB = 120, // SNDLVL_130dB = 130, // SNDLVL_GUNFIRE = 140, // 0.27 // SNDLVL_140dB = 140, // 0.2 // SNDLVL_150dB = 150, // 0.2 // utility soundscapes "urban2.util_cicadas" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "7,20" "volume" "1" "pitch" "97,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/cicada_short_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/cicada_short_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/cicada_short_03.wav" } } } "urban2.util_grasshoppers" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "8,23" "volume" ".8,1" "pitch" "85,115" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Hopper_Fly_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Hopper_Fly_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Hopper_Fly_03.wav" } } } "urban2.utilbirdsgroup1" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "7,20" "volume" ".5,1" "pitch" "97,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/random_animals/Single_Bird_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/random_animals/Single_Bird_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/random_animals/Single_Bird_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/random_animals/Single_Bird_04.wav" } } } "urban2.util_interiorslams" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "6,12" "volume" "0.25,0.65" "pitch" "90,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Urban_1b-5b_RandomMetal_Interior/Random_InteriorMetal_07.wav" } } } "urban2.util_metalslams" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "7,23" "volume" "0.59,0.9" "pitch" "50,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/BinHit01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/BinHit02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/BinHit03.wav" } } } "urban2.util_metalslams 2" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "7,20" "volume" "0.7,0.9" "pitch" "60,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalRattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalRattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalRattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalShake01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalShake02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalSqueak01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalSqueak02.wav" } } } "urban2.util_woodfloorsqueaks" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "4,16" "volume" "0.5,0.8" "pitch" "50,115" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Wood_Floor_Squeak06.wav" } } } "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "4,12" "volume" "0.7,0.9" "pitch" "50,115" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New07.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Wood_Creaks_New08.wav" } } } "urban2.util_windgust" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "6,40" "volume" "0.25,0.35" "pitch" "90,105" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust03.wav" } } } "urban2.util_distantcombat" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "6,27" "volume" "1" "pitch" "90,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Dist_gun_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Dist_gun_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Dist_gun_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Dist_gun_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Dist_gun_05.wav" } } } "urban2.util_distantexplosions" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "5,30" "volume" "0.86,0.98" "pitch" "90,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Dist_Explosion_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Dist_Explosion_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Dist_Explosion_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Dist_Explosion_04.wav" } } } "urban2.util_rat_scratches" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "5,30" "volume" "0.6,0.9" "pitch" "90,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath01.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath02.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath03.wav" } } } "urban2.util_genericrooftop" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop01.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop02.wav" } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.8" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain_nowind.wav" } } "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_1" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.25" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop02.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "100" //"attenuation" "2.2" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/1b_RooftoptRain_st_Loop.wav" } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" //"attenuation" "1.5" "wave" ")ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain.wav" } } "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_2" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.25" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/crucial_Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop01.wav" } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain_nowind.wav" } } "urban2.util_flies" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" "2,4" "volume" ".6,.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_55dB" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies1.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies2.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies3.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies4.wav" } } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_55dB" "pitch" "100" "attenuation" "2.5" "wave" "ambient/creatures/housefly_loop_02.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB" "pitch" "100" "attenuation" "2.5" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" } } "urban2.util_steam" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "volume" ".65" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "attenuation" "1.5" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam2.wav" } } "urban2.util_pipes" { "dsp" "1" "playlooping" { "volume" ".6" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "attenuation" "1.5" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam2.wav" } "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/crucial_big_pipes_loop.wav" "volume" ".1" } "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/pipes_loop02.wav" "volume" ".2" } "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/plumbing_run_loop.wav" "volume" ".15" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Urban 1b Rooftop ambience // "urban2.rooftop_1b" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area tone "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericrooftop" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".7" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_windgust" "volume" ".5" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".75, 1" } // position 1 comes from downstairs "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_interiorslams" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "1" } // position 2 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "2" } // position 3 comes from the tarp "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/1b_RainOnTarp_Loop.wav" "volume" "1" "position" "3" } // animals "playrandom" { "position" "0" "time" "20,40" "pitch" "95,102" "volume" "0.75" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/crow_1.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/crow_2.wav" } } } "urban2.rooftop_1b_interior" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_MedRoomtone_Amb_loop.wav" "volume" ".65" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_interiorslams" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" "volume" ".86" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".025" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".35" } // position 0 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_1" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "0" } // position 1 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_2" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "1" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".82" "pitch" "120" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "2091.785156, 1145.620972, 305.905975;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" } //Flies in hallway "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "110" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "7586.001953, 4049.452148, 20.738647;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" } } "urban2.rooftop_1b_interior2" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_MedRoomtone_Amb_loop.wav" "volume" ".67" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_interiorslams" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".25" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".3" } // position 0 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_1" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "0" } // position 1 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_2" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "1" } //plumbing "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/plumbing_run_loop.wav" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB" "origin" "3023.506104, 3176.031250, 59.382553;" } // vending machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/VendingMachineHum_Loop.wav" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "volume" ".75" "origin" "1747.186035, 954.334106, 72.057831;" } // position 5 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".25" "position" "5" } // Position 6 : General Fire "playlooping" { "position" "6" "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/MediumFire_Loop.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "120" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "2853.761475, 3473.059814, -222.575531;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" } //Flies by broken wall "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "1740.451660, 915.849915, 160.031250;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" } //Flies by door in apartment "playlooping" { "volume" ".90" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "2173.427490, 1053.011963, 35.409119;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" } } "urban2.underground_1" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_UnderGroundRumbleTone_loop.wav" "volume" ".67" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.subway" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".6" } // Position 0 : General Fire "playlooping" { "position" "0" "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/MediumFire_Loop.wav" } // position 1 comes from a ticket machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/TicketMachine_Loop.wav" //"attenuation" "2" "volume" ".1" "position" "1" } // position 2 comes from plumbing "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/plumbing_run_loop.wav" "attenuation" "1.5" "volume" ".35" "position" "2" } // position 4 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".35" "position" "4" } //dead bodies Flies "playlooping" { "volume" ".8" "pitch" "120" "wave" "ambient/creatures/Flies_Loop.wav" "origin" "3893.850586, 4238.327637, -511.968750;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" } } "urban2.underground_2" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_UnderGroundRumbleTone_loop.wav" "volume" ".7" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.subway" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".3" } // Position 0 : General Fire "playlooping" { "position" "0" "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/MediumFire_Loop.wav" } // steam jets "playlooping" { "volume" ".95" "pitch" "110" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam2.wav" "origin" "4056.336426, 4229.337402, -300.522736;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".95" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam2.wav" "origin" "5780.425293, 3697.630859, -219.212357;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } // position 2 comes from a humming machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/TicketMachine_Loop.wav" //"attenuation" "2" "pitch" "125" "volume" ".65" "position" "2" } // position 3 comes from a humming machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/VendingMachineHum_Loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "pitch" "115" "volume" ".75" "position" "3" } // position 4 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".35" "position" "4" } // position 5 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".35" "position" "5" } // position 6 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "6" } // position 7 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "7" } } "urban2.underground_3" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/crucial_UnderGroundRumbleTone_loop.wav" "volume" ".5" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.subway" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".27" } // position 0 comes from plumbing "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_pipes" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "0 " } // position 1 comes from a vending machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/VendingMachineHum_Loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".75" "position" "1" } // position 2 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".35" "position" "2" } // position 3 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".35" "position" "3" } // position 4 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "4" } // position 5 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "5" } // position 6 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "6" } // position 7 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "7" } } "urban2.controlroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_flourescent_room_loop.wav" "volume" ".55" "pitch" "98" } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/tones/fan2_loop.wav" "volume" "1" } } "urban2.warehouse_1" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_BigWarehouseAmb_loop.wav" "volume" ".5" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.warehouseinside" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".5" } } "urban2.steamtunnel" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/crucial_UnderGroundRumbleTone_loop.wav" "volume" ".35" } "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/crucial_big_pipes_loop.wav" "volume" ".1" } "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/pipes_loop02.wav" "volume" ".25" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" "1" } // Position 0 : steam jet "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_steam" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "0" } // Position 1 : steam jet "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_steam" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "1" } // Position 2 : steam jet "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_steam" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "2" } // Position 3 : steam jet "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_steam" "volume" "1" "positionoverride" "3" } // position 4 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" ".5" "positionoverride" "4" } } "urban2.boilerroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/crucial_big_pipes_loop.wav" "volume" ".8" } "playlooping" { "wave" ")ambient/Spacial_Loops/pipes_loop02.wav" "volume" ".12" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" "1" } // position 0 comes from the dead body "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" ".5" "positionoverride" "0" } } "urban2.hospital_interior" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_MedRoomtone_Amb_loop.wav" "volume" ".6" "position" "random" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.hospital" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" "volume" ".3" } // position 0 comes from dead bodies "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" ".5" "positionoverride" "0" } // position 1 comes from dead bodies "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_flies" "volume" ".5" "positionoverride" "1" } // position 2 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_1" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "2" } // position 3 comes from the upper doorway or windows "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericexterior_from_interior_2" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "3" } // position 4 comes from a vending machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/VendingMachineHum_Loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".75" "position" "4" } // position 5 comes from a flourescent light "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "2" "volume" ".25" "position" "5" } // position 6 comes from leaking water "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/4b_HospAtrium_WaterLeak.wav" "attenuation" "1" "volume" ".7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "position" "6" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copied from the hospital //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // For Housefly particle system // "urban2.flies" { "dsp" "1" "playrandom" { "time" ".5,1" "volume" ".5,.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies1.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies2.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies3.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies4.wav" } } // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/creatures/housefly_loop_01.wav" } } // // Generic Rooftop ambience // "urban2.rooftop" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" ".15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/WindInGrass_loop.wav" "position" "random" } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "60,90" "volume" ".05,.1" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".4" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".3" } } // // Generic outdoors ambience // "urban2.junkyard" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_Empty_street_wind_loop.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.48" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/ambience/Bug_loop.wav" "position" "random" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".34" "pitch" "110" "wave" "ambient/ambience/Cicada_Loop.wav" "origin" "5870.975098, 7571.959961, 15.555115;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".20" "pitch" "125" "wave" "ambient/ambience/Cicada_Loop.wav" "origin" "5073.479980, 4307.369141, 0.031250;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" } //grass breeze "playlooping" { "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/WindInGrass_loop.wav" } // cicadas "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_cicadas" "volume" "1" } // debris-wind "playrandom" { "time" "9,20" "volume" ".6" "pitch" "97,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_leaves_blowby_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_leaves_blowby_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_debris_01.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "40,70" "volume" ".9,.8" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".5" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".4" } // Position 0 : General Fire "playlooping" { "position" "0" "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/MediumFire_Loop.wav" } } // // Generic outdoors ambience // "urban2.street" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.23" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_Empty_street_wind_loop.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.44" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/Bug_loop.wav" } // cicadas "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_cicadas" "volume" "1" } // hoppers "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_grasshoppers" "volume" "1" } // debris-wind "playrandom" { "time" "10,16" "volume" ".5,.6" "pitch" "97,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_leaves_blowby_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_leaves_blowby_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_debris_01.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "15,31" "volume" ".11" "pitch" "97,105" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/ThinWindGust_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/ThinWindGust_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/ThinWindGust_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/ThinWindGust_04.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "40,70" "volume" ".6,.8" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".5" } } // // courtyard ambience // "urban2.courtyard" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" // distant bird "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.16" "pitch" "97" "wave" "(ambient/ambience/courtyard_birds_loop.wav" "position" "random" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop01.wav" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" ".5" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "15,21" "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet2.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet3.wav" } } // creatures "playrandom" { "time" "5,20" "volume" ".2,.4" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies1.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies2.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/flies3.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".3" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".3" } } // // Generic alley ambience // "urban2.alley" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/tone_alley.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" ".04" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/Cicada_Loop.wav" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "11,24" "volume" "0.8" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet2.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet3.wav" } } // metal sfx "playrandom" { "position" "random" "time" "14,23" "pitch" "75,100" "volume" "0.6,.9" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle05.wav" } } } // // Generic sewer ambience // "urban2.sewer" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" ".8" "pitch" "110" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Underground_Wet_Loop.wav" } // drips "playrandom" { "time" "8,28" "volume" ".2,.3" "pitch" "110,120" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Random_Drips01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Random_Drips02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Random_Drips03.wav" } } } // // Generic pipe tunnel ambience // "urban2.pipetunnel" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.65" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/water/crucial_corridor_water.wav" } } // // Generic apartment ambience // "urban2.apartment" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.65" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_quiet_cellblock_amb.wav" } // scary sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,11" "volume" ".4,.8" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/wood_creak6.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" "1" } } // // Generic Generator Room ambience // "urban2.generatorroom_off" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.57" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/indoor2.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.59" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_SmallRoomtone_Amb_loop.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "5,14" "volume" "1" "pitch" "50,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb07.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb08.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb09.wav" } } // position 6, 7 are pipes and steam "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_pipes" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "6" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_pipes" "volume" ".75" "positionoverride" "7" } } "urban2.generatorroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.55" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/indoor2.wav" } "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_GenRoom_stereo_loop.wav" "volume" "1" "pitch" "60" } // scary machine sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,11" "volume" ".7,.9" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/machine1_hit1.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/machine1_hit2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress5.wav" } } // position 0 and 1 are generators "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Big_Generator_Loop.wav" "volume" "1" "pitch" "90, 110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "position" "0" } "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Big_Generator_Loop.wav" "volume" "1" "pitch" "110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_85dB" "position" "1" } // Vending machine "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/VendingMachineHum_Loop.wav" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "110" "volume" ".85" "origin" "7254.258301, 3786.201172, 250.806961;" } // position 3,4,5 are generators "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "1.5" "pitch" "90, 110" "volume" ".35" "position" "3" } "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "1.5" "pitch" "90, 110" "volume" ".35" "position" "4" } "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "1.5" "pitch" "90, 110" "volume" ".35" "position" "5" } "playlooping" { "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/Fluorescent_Lights_loop.wav" "attenuation" "1.5" "pitch" "90, 110" "volume" ".35" "position" "6" } // position 6, 7 are pipes and steam "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_pipes" "volume" ".45" "positionoverride" "6" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_pipes" "volume" ".45" "positionoverride" "7" } } // // Generic Respawn Room ambience // "urban2.respawn" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_smallroomtone_amb_loop.wav" } } // // Rooftop Spawn ambience // "urban2.rooftopspawn" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.97" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop02.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.88" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/crucial_Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop01.wav" } // gusts "playrandom" { "time" "9,32" "pitch" "95,102" "volume" "0.75" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust03.wav" } } } // // Spawn ambience // "urban2.hospitalspawn" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.97" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop02.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.88" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/Ambience/crucial_Urban_Rooftop_AmbLoop01.wav" } // gusts "playrandom" { "time" "9,22" "pitch" "95,102" "volume" "0.75" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust03.wav" } } } // // Generic Spawn Room ambience // "urban2.spawnrain" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.8" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain_nowind.wav" } // animals "playrandom" { "position" "0" "time" "20,40" "pitch" "95,102" "volume" "0.75" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/crow_1.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/crow_2.wav" } } } // // Generic Hospital ambience // "urban2.hospital" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.3" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_SmallRoomtone_Amb_loop.wav" } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "10,20" "volume" ".2,.5" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" } } } // // Hospital Office ambience // "urban2.office" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_indoor1.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.30" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_quiet_cellblock_amb.wav" } } // // Generic Subway ambience // "urban2.subway" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.15" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_undercity_loop1.wav" } // Metal tunnel sounds "playrandom" { "time" "10,20" "volume" ".2,.3" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal9.wav" } } // Position 0: Flies "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "urban2.flies" } // Position 1: Flies "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "urban2.flies" } // Position 2: Flies "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "urban2.flies" } // Position 3: Flies "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "3" "name" "urban2.flies" } } // // Generic Pillars Room ambience // "urban2.pillarsroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/underground_hall_loop1.wav" } "playlooping" { "wave" "(ambient/Ambience/crucial_UnderGroundRumbleTone_loop.wav" "volume" ".6" "position" "random" } // Rats_running "playrandom" { "time" "15,30" "volume" ".5,.9" "pitch" "90,100" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath01.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath02.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/RatPath03.wav" } } } // // Generic Convenience Store ambience // "urban2.conveniencestore" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_indoor1.wav" } } // // Generic Warehouse Outside ambience // "urban2.warehouseoutside" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain.wav" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "15,30" "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med2.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "15,30" "volume" ".05,.1" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } } // // Generic Warehouse Inside ambience // "urban2.bathroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_ambience5.wav" } } "urban2.club" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_Club_room_tone.wav" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_woodqueaks_new" "volume" "1" } } // // Generic Tank Room ambience // "urban2.tankroom" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_pipe1.wav" } // drips "playrandom" { "time" "15,30" "volume" "0.1" "pitch" "90,110" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip1.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip2.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip3.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip4.wav" } } // Metal Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,20" "volume" ".3,.5" "pitch" "90,100" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/rats3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/rustypipes1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/rustypipes2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/rustypipes3.wav" } } } // // Generic Power Plant ambience // "urban2.powerplant" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/noise2.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.85" "pitch" "78" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_Big_Generator_Loop.wav" } } // // Generic Power Plant Inside ambience // "urban2.powerplantinside" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.45" "pitch" "89" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/elev_shaft1.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.75" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Ambience/crucial_BigWarehouseAmb_loop.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "7,17" "volume" ".08,1" "pitch" "50,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb07.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb08.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb09.wav" } } } // // Generic Parking Garage ambience // "urban2.parkinggarage" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.45" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_Drone1LP.wav" } // Spooky Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,14" "volume" ".6,.8" "pitch" "69,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal9.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit1.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit2.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit3.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit4.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit5.wav" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/cave_hit6.wav" } } } // // Generic Elevator ambience // "urban2.elevator" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/elev_shaft1.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/ambience/crucial_URB4b_ShaftWind_Loop.wav" "position" "random" } // Spooky Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" "volume" ".3,.5" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/creaking.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "5,20" "volume" ".2,.5" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/machine1_hit1.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/machine1_hit2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress5.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "3,11" "volume" ".55,.65" "pitch" "30,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb07.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/MetalScrapeVerb05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalRattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomMetalShake02.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "6,10" "volume" ".7,1" "pitch" "55" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Pole_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Pole_Rattle02.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "6,10" "volume" "1" "pitch" "80,100" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle05.wav" } } } // // Generic Construction Level ambience // "urban2.construction" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.35" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/tunnel1.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.9" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/ambience/crucial_URB4b_TopFloorWind_Loop.wav" "position" "random" } // Spooky Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,20" "volume" ".2,.5" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk1.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk5.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk7.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk8.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal9.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "5,12" "volume" "1" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle05.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "6,17" "volume" ".9,1" "pitch" "55" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Pole_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Pole_Rattle02.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Generic Finale Inside ambience // "urban2.finaleinside" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.87" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/crucial_plaza_amb.wav" } // Spooky Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "8,22" "volume" ".5,.7" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_rattle1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal9.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_interiorslams" "volume" "1" } // Spooky Sounds "playrandom" { "time" "5,15" "volume" ".5,.8" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk1.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk5.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk7.wav" "wave" "ambient/levels/citadel/strange_talk8.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal5.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal9.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "6,26" "volume" "0.7,.9" "pitch" "45,105" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle05.wav" } } } // // Generic Finale Outside ambience // "urban2.finaleoutside" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" ".88" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain_nowind.wav" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.56" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/ambience/crucial_URB4b_TopFloorWind_Loop.wav" "position" "random" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.37" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(vehicles/helicopter/HelicopterWind_Loop.wav" "position" "random" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" "volume" "0.7" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit2.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit3.wav" } } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_interiorslams" "volume" "1" } "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" ")ambient/ambience/crucial_URB4b_ShaftWind_Loop.wav" } } // // Generic Finale Outside ambience // "urban2.finaleroof" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.8" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/weather/crucial_rumble_rain.wav" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" "volume" "0.9" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/windgust.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/windgust_strong.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit2.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_hit3.wav" } } // underlying area tone "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_genericrooftop" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_metalslams" "volume" "1" } "playrandom" { "time" "6,13" "volume" "0.83,1" "pitch" "90,105" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RandomWindGust03.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "5,15" "volume" "0.6,.7" "pitch" "45,105" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/Cable_Rattle05.wav" } } } //cemetery ambience "urban2.cemetery" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.6" "pitch" "95" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_Cemetery_Quiet_Amb.wav" } //embers "playlooping" { "volume" ".2" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/ember_loop.wav" } // cicadas "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_cicadas" "volume" "1" } // hoppers "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_grasshoppers" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".4" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".3" } } //outdoor smoldering house "urban2.burnedhouse" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.4" "pitch" "95" "wave" "ambient/ambience/crucial_Empty_street_wind_loop.wav" } //embers "playlooping" { "volume" ".8" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/Spacial_Loops/ember_loop.wav" "origin" "3267.582520, 1104.031250, 32.031250;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" } // cicadas "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_cicadas" "volume" "1" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantcombat" "volume" ".3" } "playsoundscape" { "name" "urban2.util_distantexplosions" "volume" ".4" } } // // Dock // "urban2.dock" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.22" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/c5m4/crucial_c5m4_Waves_Amb_loop.wav" "position" "random" } //Dock noises "playlooping" { "volume" "1" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/spacial_loops/Dock_close_loop.wav" "origin" "7205.488281, 3478.206543, 16.111242;" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_90dB" } // sea birds "playrandom" { "time" "7,25" "volume" "0.3,0.5" "pitch" "90,110" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_06.wav" } } } // // Between Dock and bridge c5m4 // "urban2.dockfar" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.44" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/c5m4/crucial_c5m4_Waves_Amb_loop.wav" "position" "random" } // sea birds "playrandom" { "time" "7,25" "volume" "0.14,0.2" "pitch" "90,110" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_06.wav" } } } // // Bridge ambience c5m4 // "urban2.bridgeoutside" { "dsp" "1" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.33" "pitch" "100" "wave" "(ambient/c5m4/crucial_c5m4_Waves_Amb_loop.wav" "position" "random" } // bird sounds "playrandom" { "time" "7,21" "volume" ".06,1" "pitch" "90,110" "position" "random" "attenuation" "0.9,1.3" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_Seagull06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_SFX/RUR5b_DistFoghorn.wav" } } // sea birds "playrandom" { "time" "7,25" "volume" "0.14,0.66" "pitch" "90,110" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_05.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/Rand_gulls_06.wav" } } //bridge metal groans "playrandom" { "time" "12,25" "volume" "0.8,1" "pitch" "60,100" "position" "random" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_01.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_02.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_03.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_04.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_06.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_07.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_08.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_09.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_10.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_11.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_12.wav" "wave" "ambient/Random_Amb_sounds/RandBridgeGroan_13.wav" } } }