MeleeWeaponData { // Time before you can swing the weapon again "refire_delay" "0.8" // Model to show in firstperson "viewmodel" "models/weapons/melee/v_crowbar.mdl" // Model to show in thirdperson "playermodel" "models/weapons/melee/w_crowbar.mdl" // Animation prefix - not sure what this is used for just yet "anim_prefix" "anim" // Damage per hit "damage" "50" // Damage flag value // right now you can enter the integer values, or logical OR them together // supported damage types //DMG_SLASH (1 << 2) = 4 - cuts off parts of infected //DMG_BURN (1 << 3) = 8 - lights zombies on fire //DMG_CLUB (1 << 7) = 128 - knocks them back? "damage_flags" "4" // Rumble effect to play on 360 when we swing // RUMBLE_CROWBAR_SWING = 9 // RUMBLE_L4D_PLAYER_MELEE_HIT = 42 "rumble_effect" "42" // Third person animations "activity_idle" "ACT_IDLE_FRYINGPAN" "activity_walk" "ACT_WALK_FRYINGPAN" "activity_run" "ACT_RUN_FRYINGPAN" "activity_crouchidle" "ACT_CROUCHIDLE_FRYINGPAN" "activity_crouchwalk" "ACT_RUN_CROUCH_FRYINGPAN" // there isn't a crouched walk with an axe "activity_crouchrun" "ACT_RUN_CROUCH_FRYINGPAN" "activity_idleinjured" "ACT_IDLE_INJURED_FRYINGPAN" "activity_walkinjured" "ACT_WALK_INJURED_FRYINGPAN" "activity_runinjured" "ACT_RUN_INJURED_FRYINGPAN" "activity_idlecalm" "ACT_IDLE_CALM_FRYINGPAN" "activity_walkcalm" "ACT_WALK_FRYINGPAN" // there isn't a calm walk with` an axe "activity_runcalm" "ACT_RUN_FRYINGPAN" // there isn't a calm run with an axe "activity_pulled" "ACT_TERROR_PULLED_RUN_RIFLE" "activity_jump" "ACT_JUMP_FRYINGPAN" "activity_attackprimary" "ACT_SHOOT_N2S_FRYINGPAN" "activity_attacksecondary" "ACT_SHOOT_SECONDARY_FRYINGPAN" "activity_deploy" "ACT_DEPLOY_GREN" "activity_shove" "ACT_TERROR_SHOVED_FORWARD_MELEE" "addon_attachment" "melee" "addon_offset" "20 0 1" "addon_angles" "90 0 180" // Sound data // define the hit and miss sounds SoundData { "melee_miss" "Crowbar.Miss" "melee_hit" "Crowbar.ImpactFlesh" "melee_hit_world" "Crowbar.ImpactWorld" } // Player animation to fire, 0 = PLAYERANIMEVENT_MELEE for now "player_anim_event" "0" // TODO - convert from string to PlayerAnimEvent_t // How long after attacking until the weapon enters its idle animation state "weapon_idle_time" "0.8" // Attack animations (primary and secondary) "primaryattacks" { "bonk1" { "startdir" "E" "enddir" "W" "duration" "0.8" "starttime" "0.15" "endtime" "0.28" "activity" "ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK" //was ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK "player_activity" "ACT_SHOOT_N2S_FRYINGPAN" "player_activity_idle" "ACT_SHOOT_N2S_IDLE_FRYINGPAN" "force_dir" "10 -5 5" } "bonk2" { "startdir" "W" "enddir" "E" "duration" "0.8" "starttime" "0.13" "endtime" "0.26" "activity" "ACT_VM_HITLEFT" "player_activity" "ACT_SHOOT_W2E_FRYINGPAN" "player_activity_idle" "ACT_SHOOT_W2E_IDLE_FRYINGPAN" "force_dir" "10 5 5" } } "strongattacks" { "strongattack1" { "startdir" "S" "enddir" "N" "duration" "1.24" "starttime" "0.35" "endtime" "0.60" "activity" "ACT_VM_SWINGHARD" "player_activity" "ACT_SHOOT_STRONG_FRYINGPAN" "player_activity_idle" "ACT_SHOOT_STRONG_IDLE_FRYINGPAN" "force_dir" "60 0 60" } } "secondaryattacks" { "shove1" { "startdir" "W" "enddir" "E" "duration" "1.3" "starttime" "0.15" "endtime" "0.3" "activity" "ACT_VM_SECONDARYATTACK" "player_activity" "ACT_SHOOT_SECONDARY_FRYINGPAN" "player_activity_idle" "ACT_SHOOT_SECONDARY_FRYINGPAN" } } // hud textures "sprite_active" "icon_crowbar" }