"lang" { "Language" "romanian" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "Acesta este roșu și italic și îngroșat alb din nou." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Luați. Ce dracu', n-am nevoie." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Take it. Hell, I don't need it." "Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: Vedeți să folosiți asta." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: You make sure you use this now." "Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: N-ai ce să te jenezi dacă primești ceva ajutor." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: Ain't no shame in gettin' some help." "Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Ia asta." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Take this." "Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Poftim." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: Poți lua asta." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: You can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Scuză-mă, poftim." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Excuse me, here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hei, poți lua asta." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hey, you can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Ia-o." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Poftim." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Ține asta." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Have it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Ia-o." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Poftim." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Stai un pic, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Hold on, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Stai o clipă, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Hold up now, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Stai așa, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Hold up, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Hei! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Yo! I got somethin' for ya." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hei! Hei! Stai așa." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hey! Hey! Hold up." "Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: Sunteți gata, copii?" "[english]Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: You kids ready?" "Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: Suntem gata?" "[english]Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: We ready?" "Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: We all ready?" "Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Gata?" "[english]Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Gata?" "[english]Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Toată lumea pregătită pentru căcatu' ăsta?" "[english]Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Everyone ready for this shit?" "Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Everybody ready?" "Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: Suntem gata să începem?" "[english]Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: We ready to get it on?" "Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hei, suntem gata să-i dăm drumul?" "[english]Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hey, we ready to get it on?" "Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: La naiba, retrageți-vă!" "[english]Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: Oh shit, back it up!" "Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Retragerea!" "[english]Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Back it up!" "Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: Înapoi înapoi înapoi!" "[english]Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: BackBackBack!" "Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Dați-vă înapoi, dați-vă înapoi!" "[english]Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Back up, back up!" "Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Retragerea!" "[english]Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Back up!" "Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Înapoi înapoi înapoi înapoi înapoi!" "[english]Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Back Back Back Back Back!" "Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Înapoi." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Înapoi, înapoi." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Back up, Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Retragerea." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: MĂNÂNCĂ NIȘTE PLUMB!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: EAT THAT SHIT!" "Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: Cum îți place asta?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: How you like that?" "Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: CUM SE SIMTE ASTA?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: HOW THAT FEEL?" "Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: DA!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: MESTECĂ AIA!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: CHEW ON THAT!" "Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: FOARTE BINE!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: ALL RIGHT!" "Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: OH DAAAA!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: GYEAHHHHHH!" "Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR DA!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: UUUUUU! DA PISI!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: WHOOO! YEAH BABY!" "Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Împușcați nenorocitul ăla mare!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Shoot that big mother!" "Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Trageți în continuare!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Keep pouring it on!" "Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Împușcați-l! Împușcați-l!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Nu vă opriți acum, împușcați-l!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Don't stop now, shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Loviți-l! Loviți-l!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Hit it! Hit it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Trageți în el!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Shoot it!" "Coach_Blank" " " "[english]Coach_Blank" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Alo, gara! Am nevoie de niște ajutor aici!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Hey y'all I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: Sunt blocat aici." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: I'm trapped in here." "Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: E cineva acolo? Aș avea nevoie de niște ajutor!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: Anyone out there? I could use some help!" "Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: Haideți oameni buni, dați-mi drumul de-aici!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: Come on, people, let me out of here!" "Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Alooooo!?!? E cineva?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Hellooo! Anyone out there?" "Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Doar nu vă gândiți să mă lăsați în urmă, nu?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Y'all ain't thinkin of leavin' me behind are ya?" "Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Am nevoie de niște ajutor, nu pot ieși de aici." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Need some help, can't get myself out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Mă aude cineva?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: Am nevoie de niște ajutor aici!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: Haideți, oameni buni, trebuie să ies de-aici." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: Come on, y'all, I need to get out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Oameni buni, suntem o echipă! Veniți și ajutați-mă!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Hey, y'all, we're a team! Come get me!" "Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Nu-i treaba mea ce faceți voi acolo, dar veniți după mine când ați terminat." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Ain't none of my business what y'all doin' out there. But get me when you're done." "Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Strigați și voi când sunteți gata să mă luați." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Holler back at me when you're ready to get me." "Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Mă aude cineva? Sunt blocat aici!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Can y'all hear me? I'm trapped in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Băi, sunt un om mult prea mare pentru un dulap atât de mic!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Hey, I'm too big of a man for this little closet!" "Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: N-a trebuit niciodată să cer ajutor, dar acum trebuie. Ajutor!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: Never had no call to ask for help before, but I do now. Help!" "Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [Sufocându-se]" "[english]Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [Choking]" "Coach_Choke07" "Coach: Târfa asta mă sufocă!" "[english]Coach_Choke07" "Coach: This bitch is chokin' me!" "Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Închide ușa aia." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Închide ușa aia din spatele nostru." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Închide tăblăria." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Închide ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Nu mai pierde vremea, închide ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Închideți careva ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: Ar trebui să închidem uși." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: We oughta be closing doors." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Hai să închidem ușa aia." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Let's close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Închide ușa aia." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Închide ușa din spatele nostru." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Închide tăblăria." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Închide ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Nu mai pierde vremea, închide ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Închideți careva ușa." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [Tușește de la fum]" "[english]Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [Coughing from smoke]" "Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Stați un pic oameni buni, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Acoperă-mă o clipă, tre' să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Cover me for a sec, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Stați așa, vindecarea." "[english]Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Hold up, healin'." "Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Măi omule, stai o clipă - mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Hey man, hold up - healin'." "Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Vindecarea! Așteptați o clipă." "[english]Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Healing! Hold on a sec." "Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Dați-mi un minut să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Give me a minute, gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Căcat, tre' să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Shit, gotta heal my ass." "Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Stați un pic, oameni buni, mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I'm healing." "Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Stați așa, tre' să încerc să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Stați un moment, tre' să încerc să folosesc chestia asta." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Wait up, gonna try and use this thing." "Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Băi, n-am nici cea mai vagă idee cum funcționează chestia asta." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Man, no idea how this thing works." "Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Stați pe loc, tre' să încerc să mă vindec." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: N-am mai făcut asta niciodată." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: I ain't never done this before." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: La naiba, nu, n-am mai făcut asta niciodată." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: Hell, no, I ain't never done this before." "Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Horcăit de muribund]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Horcăit de muribund]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: Putem să facem asta, omule, putem s-o facem." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: We can do this, man, we can do this." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Ooooh! Tre' să ne vedem de treabă." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Ooooh! We gotta pull our shit together." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Căcat! Am rămas doar noi doi! Rezistă." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Căcat! Am rămas doar noi doi. Stai pe-aproape!" "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Shit! Just us two left. Stay close!" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Stai aproape, doar noi doi mai suntem în grup." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Stay close, we're a party of two." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: N-am mai rămas decât noi doi." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: Ain't no one else but you and me left." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: La naiba. Ce vezi aici e tot ce mai avem." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: Damn. This here is all we got." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Căcat! Am rămas doar noi doi! Rezistă." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: Fugi!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Haideți să mergem, oameni." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Let's go people." "Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Mișcă-ți curu'." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Move your ass." "Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Go go go!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Go go go!" "Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Du-te, du-te, DU-TE!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Go go GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: MIȘCĂ!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: MOVE IT!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Continuă să mergi." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Just keep going." "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Du-te, du-te, du-te!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Go, go, go!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Mișcați-vă în continuare!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Let's keep moving!" "Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: Oh, căcat!" "[english]Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: Oh shit!" "Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Haideți băi încoace." "[english]Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Come on, y'all, this way." "Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: Pe aici." "[english]Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Haideți, pe aici." "[english]Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Come on, this way." "Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: După mine." "[english]Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: Follow me." "Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: Pe aici." "[english]Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Toată lumea să stea aproape." "[english]Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Oh nu băiete, nu trage în mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Ahhh, hell no, boy, don't you be shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Pardon? PARDON?!?!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!?!" "Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Unde dracu' crezi că tragi?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Where in the hell ya think you're shootin?" "Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Ai grijă unde tragi!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Watch where you're shooting!" "Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Termină cu prostiile!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Cut that shit out!" "Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: Jur pe Dumnezeu, nu poți să tragi nici de-al dracu'." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: O să dai de o belea de proporții biblice dacă mai faci asta o dată." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: There's gonna be some biblical shit happening to you if you do that again." "Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Mai trage o dată în mine și o să-ți întâlnești creatorul mintenaș." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Shoot me again, and you gonna be meetin' your maker right soon." "Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Hai' să nu începem să ne împușcăm acum." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Let's not all start shootin' each other now." "Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Tinere, termină cu căcatul ăla." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Young'un, stop that shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Omule, jur că nu poți să tragi nici de-al dracu." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Man, I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: La dracu', ce-a durut aia!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: Damn it, that hurt!" "Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Tragi în mine? N-am văzut prostie mai mare." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Shootin' me? That's some crazy shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: Știi că tragi în mine nu?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: You do know you shootin' me right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Uite, încearcă să tragi în niște zombi și nu în mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Look, try shootin' some damn zombies instead of me." "Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Ai înnebunit de tragi în mine?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Are you outta your mind shootin' at me?" "Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Vrei să termini cu căcatul ăla?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Will you cut that shit out?" "Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Alo! Nu mai trage în mine, bine??" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Yo! Stop shooting me, all right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Băi tre' să nu mai trageți în mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Y'all gotta stop shootin me." "Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: NU MAI TRAGEȚI DRACULUI ÎN MINE!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: GODDAMNIT STOP SHOOTIN ME!" "Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Nu mai trage dracului în mine!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Ah hell no! Do not shoot me." "Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Acum pe bune, termină." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Stop shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Nu mă mai împușca." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Don't be shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: Vezi că tragi în mine!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: You are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: Termină cu rahatul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: That's some bullshit!" "Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Mai fă asta o dată și vin după tine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Do that again and I'll come back on you." "Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: M-ai împușcat!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Omule, ai tras în mine?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Man, you shot me?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Tre' să vă concentrați!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Y'all need to focus!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Ascultați, băi, trebuie să tragem toți, ca o echipă." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Listen, y'all, we need to pull together as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Haideți oameni buni, să depunem puțin efort pentru asta." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Now come on now, let's put some effort into this." "Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: Încerc să vă zic, dacă trageți unul în celălalt nu ajută pe nimeni." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: I'm trying to tell you, shooting each other is not helping each other." "Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Lucrați în echipă, oameni buni, lucrați în echipă." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Work as a team, people, work as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Trageți toți în mine, măi." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Y'all shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Oameni buni, hai să nu ne împușcăm unii pe alții." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Let's not be shootin' each other, people." "Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: Haideți, măi, fără din alea." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: Come'on, y'all - none of that." "Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Haideți, măi, pe bune." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: STOP! Încep să mă enervez!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: STOP! I am getting pissed off!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolas, credeam că știi să folosești o armă." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolas, I thought you knew how to use a gun." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nick! M-ai împușcat!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nick! You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hei, Nick, ăla era curu' meu în care ai tras." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hey Nick, that was my ass you shot." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Nu mă mai împușca Nick." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Quit shootin' me, Nick." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, calmează-te băiete. M-ai împușcat." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, settle down, boy. Ya shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellis! Am să-ți iau arma aia!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellis! I'll take that gun away from ya!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellis vezi că tragi în mine!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellis, you are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Ellis, fir-ar să fie, m-ai împușcat!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Ellis, damn it, you shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro! Nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro! Quit shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle fato, m-ai împușcat." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle, girl, you shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! Ce te-a apucat fetițo?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! What's gotten into you, girl?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! Știi mai bine de-atât." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! You know damn well better than that." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Surioară, tre' să înveți să tragi." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Little sister, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Fetițo, tre' să înveți să tragi." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Girl, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Băiete, nu mai ține chestia aia îndreptată spre mine." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Boy, quit pointing that thing my way." "Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [Sunet de frustrare]" "[english]Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [Frustrated sound]" "Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Găina nu-i altceva decât o pasăre." "[english]Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Chicken ain't nothing but a bird." "Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: Sunt bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: I'm cool." "Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: Totu-i bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Normal că doare." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Hell yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Da, doare." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: Sunt bine, sunt bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: I'm good, I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: La ce dracu' te gândești?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: What in the hell do you think?" "Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: Ohhh la dracu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: Ohhh shit." "Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Dă-mi o mână de ajutor." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Hook me up." "Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Grăbește-te." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Hurry it up." "Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [geamăt]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [geamăt]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [geamăt]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: Ar face bine să numească o școală după mine pentru căcatu' ăsta." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: They better name a school after me for this shit." "Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Ajută-mă și o să-mi treacă după ce merg puțin." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Help me up and I can walk this off." "Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: N-o să rămână nimic din mine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: Ain't gonna be nothing left of me." "Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: Doar fac mișto de tine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: I'm just screwin with ya." "Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: Te văd uitându-te la pantofii mei." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: I see ya looking at my shoes." "Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: Ce încerci să-mi spui, omule?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: What ya tellin me, man?" "Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: Mi-a fost mai rău de-atât." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: I've been worse." "Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Ce vrei să zici?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Whata you mean?" "Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: Sunt în regulă." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: I'm okay." "Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: N-are nimic." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: Ain't nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: Lasă că-mi trece." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: I can walk it off." "Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: Okay." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: Okay." "Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Prea bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Good enough." "Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Doar ridică-mă." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Just get me up." "Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Omule, mi-a fost mai bine, mi-a fost mai bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Man, been better, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Nu pot minți, mi-a fost mai bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Can't lie, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: La dracu', chestia asta doare." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: Damn, this shit hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: Nu-mi place să fiu la pământ." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: Don't like bein' on the ground." "Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: Sufăr aici." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: I'm hurtin down here." "Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: Ei bine, nu-s pe spate degeaba." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: Well I ain't on my back for nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Omule, cum dracu' crezi că mă simt?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Man, how the hell you think I'm doin'?" "Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: Mă simt bine, da' hai să nu pierdem vremea cu taclale." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: I'm fine, but let's not waste time chit-chattin'." "Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: Mă simt bine." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: O să supraviețuiesc... cel mai probabil." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: I'll live...most likely." "Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Hai să-ți zic ceva, nu e cea mai bună zi a mea." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Tell you what, ain't my best day." "Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: Ăsta e un căcat serios." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: This here is some serious bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: Nu credeam că așa se va termina chestia asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: This ain't how i thought this would go." "Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: O să-mi treacă vrăjeala asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: I can walk this shit off." "Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Ahhhhhhh." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Ahhhhhhh." "Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: La dracu, m-au nenorocit." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: Damn, they messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: Merg cât de repede pot." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Doamne, cât de tare doare nenorocirea ăsta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Man, this shit hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Ziceau că nu e nimic de care să ne îngrijorăm. Ce vrăjeală de rahat." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Man said there was nothing to worry about. Well, bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: S'teți nebuni dacă nu credeți că asta doare." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: Ya'll crazy if you don't think this hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Căcat, sunt făcut varză." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Shit, I'm messed up." "Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: Doare, da' nu-i nimic." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: It hurts, but ain't nothin'." "Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: Căcatul ăsta nu-i frumos deloc." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: This shit ain't pretty." "Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: Ahh, fir-ar să fie." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: Ahh, damn it." "Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Doamne, rana asta de-aici doare înfiorător de tare." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Man, this right here hurts somethin' fierce." "Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: Căcatul ăsta e din cale-afară de dubios." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: This is some outrageous shit." "Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Dereglații ăia nenorociți m-au făcut țăndări." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Crazy sons of a bitches messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: La dracu'. M-au bătut bine." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: Damn. They beat me good." "Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: Mi-au curuit curu' mult și bine." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: They beat my ass fair and square." "Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: Trebuia să învăț să manevrez un tanc sau ceva." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: I shoulda learned to drive a tank or some shit." "Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Ah la dracu'." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Ahh, damn it now." "Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: Fără sacrificii nu obții nimic. Trebuie să fiu pe punctul de a câștiga ceva ca lumea." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: No pain, no gain. I must be about to gain some serious shit." "Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: Nu-s gata să mă întind pe jos încă." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: I ain't ready to lay down yet." "Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hei. Ăsta e un mare căcat." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hey. Now this here is some bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: O să-mi treacă chestia asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: I can walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: O să-mi treacă chestia asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: Tryin' to walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Merg cât de repede pot." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: O să-mi revin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: I'm gonna get right." "Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: N-am murit încă." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: I ain't dead yet." "Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: Te aud! Mă mișc." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: I hear ya! I'm movin'." "Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: Nu pot să merg mai repede de-atât." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: Can't go no faster." "Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: O să recunosc, am nevoie de niște ajutor." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: I'm just gonna admit it, I need some help." "Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: Tre' să-mi revin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: I need to get right." "Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Căăăăăcat, n-o să supraviețuiesc." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Sheeeeeet, I ain't gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: Haide odată, rezistă, omule. Poți să treci de asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: Come on, pull it together, man. You can make it through this shit." "Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: Sunt prea varză ca să merg mai repede de-atât." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: I'm hurt too bad to go any faster." "Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Mamă, ce m-au bătut zombii ăia." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Man, those zombies beat my ass." "Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: Haide odată, dă tot ce poți în treaba asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: Come on now, put it all out there." "Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: Haide, totul depinde de tine." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: Come on, it's all you." "Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: Asta e. Concentrează-te." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: That's it. Stay focused." "Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Rămâi printre noi." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Stay with us." "Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: Aia e. Da. Luptă prin durere." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: That's it. Yeah. Fight through it." "Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: Hai odată, rezistă până-ți trece." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: Come on now, walk that shit off." "Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Rezistă, haide, rezistă, rezistă. O să scapi." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Keep it up, come on, keep it up, keep it up. You're gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hei. Ascultă-mă, o să supraviețuiești." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hey. Listen to me, you are gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: Te-au rănit, dar nu-i nimic." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: They put a hurtin' on ya but ain't no thing." "Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: Hai odată, treci peste, ești în regulă, ești în regulă." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: Come on now, put it behind ya, you good, you good." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nick, nu te voi părăsi omule." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nick, nu te voi părăsi omule." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nick, cel puțin ești îmbrăcat de înmormântare." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nick, at least you dressed for a funeral." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Haide, Ellis. Poți rezista." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Come on, Ellis. Ya got it in ya." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: Hai tinere, dacă pot eu poți și tu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: Come on young'un, if I can do it, you can do it." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Haide, fată, nu te vom lăsa în urmă." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Haide, fată, nu te vom lăsa în urmă." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: Știu că poți rezista fetițo, ține-te de treaba asta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: I know you got it in ya, girl, keep at it." "Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Flegmmăăă!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Spit!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: A dracu' spitter, m-a lovit." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: Damn Spitter got me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Căcat! Târfa aia cu gâtu' lung m-a nimerit." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Shit! That long necked bitch hit me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Flegmă arzătoare!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Burning goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Ieși din flegmă." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Get out of the goo." "Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: La dracu', flegmă!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: God damn it, goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: Ce e chestia asta arzătoare?" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: What's this burning stuff?" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: Femeia aia zombi a scuipat ceva pe mine!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: That female zombie spat somethin' on me!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: Sper că-ți bați joc de mine." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: You have got to be kidding me." "Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: Flegma aia nu-i semn bun." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: That spittin' is not a good sign." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: M-a prins un charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: Charger got me!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Împușcați-l!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Shoot!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Trageți în charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Shoot the Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Împușcați-l pe nenorocitul ăsta de charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Shoot this damn Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: O să tragă vreunul din voi în chestia asta?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: One of y'all gonna shoot this thing?" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: Chestia asta mă face praf." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: This thing is beatin' my ass." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Nu sta acolo degeaba, omoară chestia asta!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Don't stand there, kill this thing!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Chargerul mă face una cu pământul!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Charger is pounding me into the ground!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: Chargerul ăsta m-a luat la pumni!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: This Charger is pounding me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Jockey pe mine!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Jockey on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY ÎN SPATELE MEU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY ON MY BACK!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Oh, Doamne, nu, chestia aia e pe mine!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Oh Lord no, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Ah, chestia aia e pe mine!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Agh, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Omoară chestia de pe spatele meu!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Kill the thing on my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellis, tu ești ăla? Ce dracu'!?!?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellis, is that you? What the hell!?" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: OH, CĂCAT, LUAȚI CHESTIA ASTA DE PE MINE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: OH SHIT GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Bleah, luați chestia asta de pe spatele meu!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Gah, get this thing off my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: Nu e normal ca un bărbat să fie călărit așa." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: That ain't right for a man to be ridden like that." "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: La dracu'! Nu e normală chestia aia." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: Damn. That ain't right." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Agh!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Agh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: Nu..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: No..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: NU..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: NU..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: NUUUUUU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: NOOOOOOO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Ugh." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Ugh." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Nah..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Nah..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: AUGH!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: AUGH!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: Nu!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: No." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: Nu!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: NU!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: M-a luat ceva!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: Something's got me!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: Cine mă trage?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: What's got me?" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: Sunt legat fedeleș!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: I'm all wrapped up!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hei! Unde mă duci, bestie!?!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hey! Where am I gettin' dragged to?!" "Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: ATENȚIE, GRENADĂ!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: ATENȚIE, GRENADĂ!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: GRENADĂ! Către voi!" "[english]Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: GRENADE! Comin' at ya!" "Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: ATENȚIE, GRENADĂ!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Arunc un molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Throwin' a molotov!" "Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Molotov aruncat!" "[english]Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Molotov out!" "Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Bombă artizanală aruncată!" "[english]Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Pipe bomb out!" "Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Arunc o bombă artizanală!" "[english]Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Throwin' a pipe bomb!" "Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Nu te mai agita, te vindec." "[english]Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Stop squirmin', I'm gonna heal ya." "Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Stai așa, te vindec acum." "[english]Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Hold up, I'm gonna heal your ass." "Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Așteaptă, te rezolv eu." "[english]Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Hold up now, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Căcat, te-au bătut bine, lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Shit, they beat ya good, let me heal ya'll." "Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Nu te mai smiorcăi, te vindec eu." "[english]Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Quit fussin', I'll heal ya." "Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: La dracu', nu te mai smiorcăi și lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: God damn it, quit fussin' and let me heal ya." "Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: Rezistă puțin, o să usture un pic chestia asta." "[english]Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: All right, hang on, this might sting a bit." "Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Nu te mai smiorcăi ca să n-o dau în bară." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Quit squirming, or I might mess this up." "Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Stai un pic pe loc, nu-s obișnuit să fac asta." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Stand still now, 'cause I ain't used to doin' this." "Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: Sper că asta te face să te simți mai bine. Nu sunt sigur ce fac." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: I hope this makes you feel better. Ain't sure what I'm doin'." "Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Așteaptă! Așteaptă!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Hold on! Hold on!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Let me heal your shit." "Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Acum lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Let me heal ya now." "Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Lasă-mă să te vindec!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Lemme heal ya!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Stai pe loc, te rezolv eu." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Hold up, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Stai pe loc, te vindec eu!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Stand still, I'm healin' ya!" "Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Tinere, trage în continuare în timp ce fac asta." "[english]Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Young'un, keep shootin' while I do this." "Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: Aud un boomer." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: I hear a Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: E un boomer pe aici." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: Boomer's sneakin 'round." "Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Aveți grijă... Boomer." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Careful now... Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Mergeți nițel mai încet, e un boomer în zonă." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Step slow, y'all. Boomer 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: E un charger în apropiere." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: We got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Avem un charger în zonă." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: Aud un charger." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: I hear a Charger." "Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: Aud un charger, evitați să fiți loviți." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: I hear a Charger, don't get charged and shit." "Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: Oh, CĂCAT! TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: Oh SHIT! TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: O să-i rup mufa tankului ăluia." "[english]Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: I'm gonna beat that Tank's ass." "Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: Tre' să tragem toți în tank, mă auziți?" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: We all gotta shoot the Tank, ya hear me?" "Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: Aud un hunter." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: I hear a Hunter." "Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Un gunoi de hunter în zonă." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Punk ass Hunter around." "Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Pare a fi un hunter." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Sounds like a Hunter." "Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: Aud un jockey." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: I hear a Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: Un jockey din ăla mic pe-aici." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: One of those little Jockeys is around." "Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: Pare a fi un mic Jockey." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: That sounds like a little Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: E prin preajmă o târfă de-aia de-ți sare în cârcă." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: E prin preajmă o târfă de-aia de-ți sare în cârcă." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: Aud un jockey din ăla. Dacă-l văd, o să trag în el până-i iese pe nas." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: I hear one of those Jockeys. If I see it, I'm gonna shoot the shit out of it." "Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: Ce-i zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: Ce-i cu zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: E o chestie d-aia mică?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: Is that one of those little things?" "Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Pare a fi un smoker." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Sounds like a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: Aud un smoker." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: I hear a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Sună ca un nenorocit de smoker." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Sounds like one of them Smoker bitches." "Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ah, ce dracu' e aia?!" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ahh what the heck is that?!" "Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: Nu-mi place zgomotul ăla absolut deloc." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: I don't like the sound of that one bit." "Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Știe cineva ce e aia?" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Anyone know what that is?" "Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: Din ce se aude, situația e pe cale de a se duce dracului de tot." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: From the sounds of it, it's about to get a whole lot worse." "Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: I hear a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: Sună a spitter." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: That sounds like a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Spitter în zonă." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Spitter's around." "Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: Umflata aia de spitter e pe-aici." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: That fat spittin' bitch is around." "Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: O aud pe grăsana aia." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: I hear that fat woman." "Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: Va trebui să ne concentrăm pe chestia aia." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: We are going to have to focus on that thing." "Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Oh nuuuuuuu." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Ahhh nooooo." "Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: Chestia aia e a dracului de mare." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: That thing is too dang big." "Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Ohhh.. nu-i corect." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Ohhh, that ain't fair." "Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: O auziți? Pregătiți-vă s-o faceți praf pe târfa aia." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: Y'all hear her? Get ready to toss that bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Liniște toată lumea, aud o târfă." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Quiet, everybody, I hear a bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: Aia de-acolo sună a witch." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: That there sounds like a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Liniște, oameni buni, aud plânsetele unei witch." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Quiet, y'all, I hear a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, nu ești tu aia, nu?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, nu ești tu aia, nu?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: Ce-i cu plânsetele alea?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: What is that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: Ce produce plânsetele alea?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: What's doing that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Omule, plânsetele alea nu sună prea bine." "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Man, that crying don't sound right." "Coach_Help01" "Coach: Am nevoie de niște ajutor!" "[english]Coach_Help01" "Coach: I need some help!" "Coach_Help02" "Coach: Ajutor!" "[english]Coach_Help02" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_Help03" "Coach: Oameni buni, ajutați-mă." "[english]Coach_Help03" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I need some help." "Coach_Help04" "Coach: Aș avea nevoie de niște ajutor aici." "[english]Coach_Help04" "Coach: Could use some help over here." "Coach_Help05" "Coach: Mișcă-ți curu' încoace și ajută-mă!" "[english]Coach_Help05" "Coach: Get ya ass over here and help me!" "Coach_Help06" "Coach: Ajutor!" "[english]Coach_Help06" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Un hunter l-a prins pe Ellis!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter pe Ellis!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Ellis!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Un hunter l-a prins pe Nick!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Nick!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter pe Nick!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter's on Nick!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: Chestia aia îl face ferfeniță!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: That thing's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombiul îl face ferfeniță!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombie's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombi pe Ro!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombie's on Ro!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro e făcută ferfeniță!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro's getting ripped up!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Un hunter a prins-o pe Ro!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ro!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter pe Rochelle!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: Suntem în regulă." "[english]Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: O să fim în regulă." "[english]Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: We gonna be all right." "Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: Suntem în regulă, asta nu înseamnă nimic." "[english]Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: We good, this ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: O să facem asta." "[english]Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: We gonna do this." "Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: Avem chestia asta sub control." "[english]Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: We got this." "Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Chestiile alea nu înseamnă nimic." "[english]Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Those things ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Oh da!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: O să fim în regulă." "[english]Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: We're gonna be okay." "Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: Ne-am băgat picioarele în morții lor." "[english]Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: We got up in their shit." "Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: Îi facem praf." "[english]Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: We are kicking their ass." "Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Oh da!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. În regulă." "[english]Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. All right." "Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Woo! Haha! Așa o facem." "[english]Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Woo! Haha! That's how we do it." "Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: În regulă! Bravo! Bravo!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: All right! Way to go! Way to go!" "Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: O, da! Sunteți o gașcă grozavă." "[english]Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: Yeah! You are a great bunch." "Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: Aia a fost fenomenal." "[english]Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: That was outstanding." "Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: În regulă! Bun efort." "[english]Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: All right! Good effort." "Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: În regulă, în regulă! Grozav efort din partea voastră!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: All right, all right! Way to put it all out there!" "Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Da, băiete!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Haide, trebuie să plecăm." "[english]Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Come on, we gotta go." "Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Grăbiți-vă, oameni buni." "[english]Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Mai repede!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Mai repede!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Hurry!" "Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cururile!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Move your damn ass!" "Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cururile, oameni buni." "[english]Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: Foarte bine, oameni, ați face bine să vă grăbiți." "[english]Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: All right, people, you best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Hai să mergem, hai să mergem, în regulă?" "[english]Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: Fă bine și ia-o la sănătoasa." "[english]Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: You best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Să mergem, să mergem, bine?" "[english]Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: Te apăr eu." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: I've got ya." "Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: I'm right behind ya." "Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: Sunt cu tine." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: I'm with ya." "Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: Îți apăr spatele." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: I got yer back." "Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: Suntem împreună." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: Suntem împreună." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: Aah, căcat, m-au doborât!" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: Ahh shit, I'm down!" "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: La naiba, sunt pe jos." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: Damn it, I'm down." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: La naiba, îmi trebuie niște ajutor." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: Shit, need some help." "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Uite-i că vin!" "[english]Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Uite-i că vin!" "[english]Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: Ah, căcat, n-o să iasă bine." "[english]Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: Ah shit, this ain't gonna be good." "Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: La naiba, pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: Shit, get ready!" "Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: Vedeți că vin." "[english]Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: All right now, they comin'." "Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: Începe." "[english]Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: It's on." "Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Începe jocul, pisi!" "[english]Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Game on, baby!" "Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: ATENȚIE, VIN!" "[english]Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: INCOMING!" "Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: În regulă, să ne punem fețele de joc, vin!" "[english]Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: All right, let's put on our game faces, they're comin!" "Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Stați pe-aproape, începe!" "[english]Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Y'all stay close. It's on!" "Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: L-am luat!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: L-am lovit." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: L-am luat." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Mort!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Dead!" "Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Poc! L-am luat!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Pow! Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: A căzut." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: It's down." "Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: L-am luat!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: L-am luat." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: Ăla-i al meu." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: That one's mine." "Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: Ce? Fir-ar să fie băiete, eu sunt ăla." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: What? Ah, hell no, boy, that was me." "Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Stinge-ți lumina." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Turn off ya light." "Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Stinge lumina aia." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hei, stinge lanterna aia." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hey, kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Tre' să vă stingeți lanternele." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Y'all need to kill your lights." "Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: Fără lanterne." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: No lights." "Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Stingeți lanternele." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Lights out." "Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: Vin eu după tine." "[english]Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: I'll follow ya." "Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: Te urmăresc." "[english]Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: I'm followin' ya." "Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: În regulă, sunt cu tine." "[english]Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: All right, I'm with ya." "Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Condu-ne, omule." "[english]Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Lead on' man." "Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: În regulă, CĂCAT... O SĂ CAD!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: All right, SHIT...I'M GONNA FALL!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEI! NU MĂ MAI POT ȚINE!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEY! I CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: AJUTĂ-MĂ SĂ MĂ RIDIC ODATĂ!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: HELP ME UP ALREADY!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: La dracu', știam că tre' să slăbesc câteva kile." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: God damn it, I knew I shoulda lost some weight." "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Omule, căcatul ăsta devine obositor, ajutor!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Man, shit's gettin' old, help!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Ei bine, mă ajută cineva?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Look, somebody wanna pull me up?" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Hei! Sunt încă agățat de chestia asta!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Hey! I'm still hanging here!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: Ahh căcat, îmi trebuie o mână de ajutor." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: Ahh shit, need a hand." "Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: Treaba asta e împuțită rău oameni buni, am nevoie de niște ajutor." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: This is screwed up, y'all. I need some help." "Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Fir-ar, am făcut-o lată, mă puteți ajuta?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Shit, I f'd this up, can you help me out?" "Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Alo, gara, am căzut de pe margine." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I fell off the damn ledge." "Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: La naiba, uită-te la tine. Lasă-mă să te ajut." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: Oh shit, look at ya. Let me help you up." "Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: Te-am prins, te-am prins." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: I got ya, I got ya." "Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: La naiba, căcatul ăsta e complet aiurea, o să te rănești atârnând pe marginea aia." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: Damn, this shit's messed up, you gonna hurt yourself hangin' there." "Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: Ce zici dacă te ridicăm de pe marginea asta?" "[english]Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: What do you say we get your ass up off this here ledge?" "Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Ușurel, lasă-mă să te ajut să te ridici, fiindcă n-am de gând să îți car cadavrul dacă pici." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Easy, let me help ya up now, cause I ain't gonna go get your ass if you fall." "Coach_Look01" "Coach: Uitați-vă acolo!" "[english]Coach_Look01" "Coach: Over there!" "Coach_Look02" "Coach: Uitați-vă!" "[english]Coach_Look02" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_Look03" "Coach: Uitați-vă!" "[english]Coach_Look03" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Uită-te la asta." "[english]Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: Cum vi se pare chestia asta?" "[english]Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: What do y'all make of this?" "Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Ia uite aici." "[english]Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Check this shit out." "Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Uitați-vă la asta." "[english]Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Atenție!" "[english]Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Atenție!" "[english]Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: Oh, căcat, aveți grijă!" "[english]Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: Oh shit, watch out!" "Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Aveți grijă!" "[english]Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Watch out!" "Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Unde sunteți cu toții?" "[english]Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Where you all at?" "Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Hei! E cineva acolo?" "[english]Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Hey! Anyone out there?" "Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Strigați-mă înapoi, oameni buni!" "[english]Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Holler back at me, folks!" "Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: Bine, hai să mergem." "[english]Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: All right, let's go." "Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: Haideți, oameni buni, trebuie s-o ducem la capăt." "[english]Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: Come on, people, let's get with it." "Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: În regulă în regulă, tre' să mergem mai departe." "[english]Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: All right, all right, gotta keep movin'." "Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: Montăm corturile sau continuăm să mergem?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: We gonna put up tents and shit or keep movin'?" "Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: Trebuie să mergem în continuare, mă auziți?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: We should get movin', ya hear me?" "Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: Bine, hai s-o ducem la capăt." "[english]Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: All right, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: În regulă, hai să mergem." "[english]Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Să purcedem." "[english]Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: Bine oameni buni, haideți să pornim odată." "[english]Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: All right people, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: În regulă, mai departe." "[english]Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Toată lumea îmi spune Coach (Antrenor)." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Nu mi-a zis nimeni în niciun alt fel decât Coach de foarte multă vreme." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Ain't been called nothin' but Coach for a long time." "Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: La dracu'. Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: Damn. Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLIS!" "Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Băieteee!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Boyyy!" "Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellis" "[english]Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellis" "[english]Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Tinere." "[english]Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Băiete." "[english]Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Boy." "Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Tinere." "[english]Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Salut, costum." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Domnule." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Domnule." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Salut, costum." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Salut, costum." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Salut, costum." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Hey Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Domnule." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Domnule." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nick." "[english]Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nick." "Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolas." "[english]Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolas." "Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "[english]Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Niiick." "[english]Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Niiick." "Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolas!" "Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Fetițo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Fetițo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Drăguțo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Scuză-mă, drăguță." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Fetițo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hei, fetiță." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hey, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Ăă, fetițo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Uh, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Dulceață!" "[english]Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Sweetheart" "Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Scuză-mă, drăguță." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Domnișoară." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Miss." "Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Drăguțo." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: Foarte bine, drăguță." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: All right, sweety." "Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Fato." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Fetițo." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro." "Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Frumos." "[english]Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Nice." "Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Bună treabă." "[english]Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Nice work." "Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: Foarte bine, faceți treabă bună." "[english]Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: All right, you doin' good." "Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: Stăpâniți lucrurile." "[english]Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: You're on that shit." "Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Bravo." "[english]Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Way to go." "Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: Foarte bine, ați făcut treabă bună." "[english]Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: All right now, you done good,." "Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Foarte frumos, atacați-i așa." "[english]Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Nice, keep goin at em like that." "Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: Treaba aia a ieșit bine de tot." "[english]Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: That there was nice work." "Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: În regulă. I-ați spart bine de tot." "[english]Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: All right. You beat their ass good." "Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: V-ați descurcat bine de tot." "[english]Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: You done good." "Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: Foarte bine, foarte bine. Nu-i rău, nu-i rău." "[english]Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: All right, all right. Not bad, not bad." "Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Haideți acum, continuați, continuați." "[english]Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Come one now, keep it up, keep it up." "Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: Foarte bine, bravo, bravo." "[english]Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: All right, way to go, way to go." "Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Grozav mod de a-i nenoroci." "[english]Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Way to stick it to 'em." "Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: Foarte bine toată lumea, băgați 110% efort în toată tărășenia." "[english]Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: All right, everybody, you are giving 110%." "Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Ai tras bine." "[english]Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Nice shot." "Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: La naiba. Frumos." "[english]Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: Damn. Good one." "Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Foarte bine!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Good one!" "Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: Ai nimerit." "[english]Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: You on it." "Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: Ai nimerit." "[english]Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: You got it." "Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: Ohh hoo hoo, foarte tare!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: Ohh hoo hoo, all right!" "Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: La dracu'. Sunt impresionat." "[english]Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: Damn. I'm impressed." "Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: Ai rezolvat-o." "[english]Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: You nailed it." "Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: I-ai bătut bine." "[english]Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: You beat 'em." "Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: În regulă, tu ești șeful." "[english]Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: Well all right now, you're in charge." "Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: O, da! Ai tras bine, băiete!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: All right now, yeah! You got it, boy!" "Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Bine țintit, tinere." "[english]Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Nice shot, young'un." "Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: Foarte bine, fato." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: All right, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Trage tare, fetițo." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Trage tare, fetițo." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Bine țintit, Nick." "[english]Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Nice kill, Nick." "Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, bine tras." "[english]Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, nice shot." "Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, ai tras frumos acolo." "[english]Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, that was a nice shot." "Coach_No01" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_No01" "Coach: No." "Coach_No02" "Coach: La dracu', nu." "[english]Coach_No02" "Coach: Oh hell no." "Coach_No03" "Coach: Pardon?" "[english]Coach_No03" "Coach: Excuse me?" "Coach_No04" "Coach: Enh. Oh." "[english]Coach_No04" "Coach: Enh. Oh." "Coach_No05" "Coach: Nu, mulțumesc." "[english]Coach_No05" "Coach: No thank you." "Coach_No06" "Coach: Nup." "[english]Coach_No06" "Coach: Nope." "Coach_No07" "Coach: Uh uh." "[english]Coach_No07" "Coach: Uh uh." "Coach_No08" "Coach: N-o să se întâmple." "[english]Coach_No08" "Coach: Ain't gonna happen." "Coach_No09" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_No09" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_No10" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_No10" "Coach: Shit no." "Coach_No11" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_No11" "Coach: No." "Coach_No12" "Coach: Ai înnebunit?" "[english]Coach_No12" "Coach: You crazy?" "Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: La naiba, nu, băiete." "[english]Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: Ahhh hell no, boy." "Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Nuu, fetițo. Hm. Hmmm." "[english]Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Nahh, girl. Mn. Mnnn." "Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Neah, fato." "[english]Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Nahh, girl." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Aahhh..." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Aahhh..." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Ooh. De asta ziceam." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Ooh. That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Ohhh daaa. Da." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh. Yeah." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: De asta ziceam." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: Totu-i bine acum." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Ohhh daaa." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: De asta ziceam." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: Totu-i bine acum." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Daaa!" "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Yesss!" "Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Ooff, ahh." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Ooff, ahh." "Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: În regulă, asta a fost exact ce trebuia." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: All right, that hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: Exact ce-mi lipsea." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: That hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Da, pastila aia mă va ține pe picioare." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Yeah, that'll hold me." "Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: Foarte bine, asta mă va ține pe picioare." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: All right, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Woo, aia mă va susține." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Woo, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Căcat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Shit." "Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: Ce p-" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: What the f-" "Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: La naiba!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: Damn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Omule, situația asta va degenera ca la Bagdad." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Man, this is about to get all Baghdad and shit.." "Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: Of, la dracu', situația asta e pe cale să se înrăutățească." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: Oh hell, this about to get bad." "Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: La naiba, nu." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: La naiba!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: God damn it!" "Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Căăăăcat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Căăăăcat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: Ce dr-?" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: What the?" "Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Pe naiba." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: Băi, să fiu al naibii." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Pe naiba." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: La naiba!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: La naiba!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: Băi, să fiu al naibii." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Pe naiba." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Încarc..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: Poate ai vrea să-ți zici rugăciunile. Ești varză. Mai cazi o dată și s-a terminat de tot." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: You might want to make your peace. You hurt bad. One more time and that is it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: Ăștia tot sar pe tine și te tot doboară... încă o dată și ești pa." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: They keep jumpin your shit and you keep goin' down. One more time and that's it." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: O să fii în regulă.. ah nu, nu te pot minți. Mai pici o dată și s-a încheiat pentru tine." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: You gonna be okay... Ah nah, nah, I can't lie to ya. Go down again and that's it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: Arăți ca unul din tipii ăia din campaniile de siguranță rutieă. Cred că ăsta e sfârșitul pentru tine." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: You look like one of those dudes in a drivin school film. This may be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: Nu fac mișto când zic asta, dar ai face bine să nu mai cazi, fiindcă altfel s-a încheiat de tot." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: I ain't clownin' when I say this, but you better not go down again, cause that be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: Tre' să fiu sincer cu tine, ai să mori dacă mai cazi o dată, ai înțeles?" "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: I gotta be straight with ya. You gonna die if you go down again, you understand?" "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: Sper că ai o rugăciune bună, omule. Dacă mai ești doborât o dată ești pa." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: You gonna want to make peace, my man. You go down again and you ain't gettin back up." "Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Nu vreau să mă iau de voi, dar toți arătați ca dracu'." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Don't mean to be pickin on ya, but y'all look like shit." "Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: Ce avem aici? Nu-i nimic. Ești în regulă." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: What we got here? Ain't nothin'. Ya good." "Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: Nu stai foarte bine, dar hai să te ridicăm și să mergem." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: You ain't right, but let's get ya up and movin'." "Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Hai să te ridicăm și să ne uităm la tine. Da, da, ești în regulă." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Let's get ya up and take a look at ya. Yeah, yeah, you good." "Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: La dracu, te-au bătut bine, nu-i așa? Lasă că te ridic eu." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: Damn, they beat ya ass good didn't they? I get ya up though." "Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: Îți bați joc de mine? O să stai pe jos cu zgârietura aia de nimic? Ridică-te!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: You for real? You gonna stay down with a little scratch like that? Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Hai să te ridicăm, o zgârietură micuță nu-i motiv suficient să renunți." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Let's get ya ass up, a little nick ain't no reason to give up." "Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: Haide omule, nu te căca pe tine pentru asta. O să te descurci. Lasă-mă să te ridic." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: Come on, man, don't shit yourself over this. You gonna be okay. Let me get ya up." "Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Bagă repede douăzeci de flotări. Glumesc, hai să te punem iar pe picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Down and give me 20. Just foolin', let's get ya back up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Cât de rău e?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Where that put you at?" "Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: Te-au cam distrus puțin." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: They put a hurtin on ya." "Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: Ce-avem aici?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: N-avem timp să fim delicați. Hai să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: No time to be gentle. Let's get you up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Hai odată, despre ce tot trăncănești? O să supraviețuiești. Hai să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Come on now, what you goin' on about? You're gonna make it. Let's get you up." "Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: Ai murit?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: You dead?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: Ești în regulă?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: You good?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: O să stai pe jos toată ziua?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: Gonna lay there all day?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: Deci ce s-a întâmplat?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: So what happened?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: Te-au terminat?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: They end you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: Ți s-a tăiat filmul?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: This it for you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: Ești în regulă?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: You right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: Vrei să stai pe jos?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: You wanna stay down?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: Ești în regulă?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: You okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: Crezi că vei rezista?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: You gonna make it?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Totul în regulă?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Everything okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: Cum te simți?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: How you feel?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: Ești în regulă?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: You straight?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: Ce avem aici?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Vorbește cu mine. Ești ok?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Talk to me. You cool?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: Ești bine?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: You all right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: În regulă, foarte bine." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: All right, good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Treci peste." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Walk it off." "Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: Ești bine." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: You okay." "Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: Arăți bine." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: You look good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Hai odată." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Come on now." "Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Acum ești din nou pe propriile picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Now you're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Hop-așa." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Up we go." "Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: Ești bine." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: You good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: Te descurci." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: You're doin fine." "Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: N-arată așa rău." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: This don't look bad." "Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Nu te putem pierde acum, nu-i așa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Can't lose you now, can we?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: O să supraviețuiești." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: See you're gonna make it." "Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Ți-am zis. N-aveai nimic." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Told ya. Wasn't nothing." "Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: În regulă, hai să terminăm ce am început." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: All right, let's finish what we started." "Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: În regulă acum, am revenit în acțiune." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: All right now, we're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Să mergem Ellis." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Let's go, Ellis." "Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Înapoi pe ei Nick." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Back at 'em, Nick." "Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Nu-mi pot pierde gagica preferată." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Can't lose my favorite girl." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: Dacă asta a avut în vreun fel legătură cu mine, îmi cer scuze. Hai să te punem la loc pe picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: If this had anything to do with me, I do apologize. Let's get you back up." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: Ah la dracu, îmi pare rău. Nu-s obișnuit cu toată alergătura și împușcăturile astea." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: Ah la dracu, îmi pare rău. Nu-s obișnuit cu toată alergătura și împușcăturile astea. Cel puțin nu cu alergatul." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around. At least not the runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Haide odată! Ridică-ți curul." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Come on now! Get ya ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: N-avem timp de asta, ridică-te." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Haide să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Let's get you ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: La naiba, haide odată, ridică-te." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: Oh shit, come on, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Haide odată, n-avem timp de prostii, ridică-te." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Come on now, ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Ridică-ți curul! Ridică-te!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Get your ass up! Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Ridică-te! Haide odată! Scoală. Sus!!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Get up! Come on now. Get. Up!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Adăpost în față!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Safe house up ahead!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Adăpost!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Safe house!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Adăpost, hai să mergem!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Safe house, let's go!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: Aici sunt!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Salut!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: Sunt aici!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hei, aici sunt!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hey, I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: În regulă. Suntem cu toții aici!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: All right. We're all here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: Suntem cu toții aici!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: We're all here!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: GET IT OFF." "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Fir-ar, greșeala mea." "[english]Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Shit, my bad." "Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: Gafa aia a fost din vina mea." "[english]Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: That right there was my fault." "Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: Gafa mea." "[english]Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: My bad." "Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Scuze." "[english]Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Sorry." "Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hei, scuză-mă." "[english]Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hey, sorry." "Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Ha, știi ce? Gafa mea." "[english]Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Ha, you know what? My bad." "Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: Oh, căcat, scuze." "[english]Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: Oh shit, sorry." "Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Gloanțe aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Gloanțe aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Muniție aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Ammo up here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Hei, muniție aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Hey, ammo here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: First Aid Kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: First Aid kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: Trusă aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: First Aid here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: Truse de prim ajutor acolo." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: First Aid Kits over here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: O grămadă de truse de prim ajutor încoace." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: O grămadă de truse încoace. Ha ha." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here. Ha ha!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hei, lume, avem ceva truse de prim ajutor aici." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hey, ya'll, we got some First Aid Kits here." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Lansator de grenade." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Un afurisit de lansator de grenade." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Goddamn grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Lansator de grenade aici." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Grenade launcher up here." "Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Avem o bombă artizanală aici." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Got a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Bombă artizanală!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Pipe bomb!" "Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: O bombă artizanală pentru mine." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: Pipe bomb for me." "Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Molotov aici." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Molotov's over here." "Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: E o bombă artizanală aici." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: There's a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Bombe artizanale!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Pipe bombs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotoave!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotovs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Iau și eu o bombă artizanală." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Grabbin' a pipe bomb." "Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Bombe artizanale aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Pipe bombs here!" "Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Molotoave aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Molotovs here!" "Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Pastile aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Pills here!" "Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: Avem pastile!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: We got pills!" "Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Are nevoie cineva de niște pastile?" "[english]Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Anyone need some pills?" "Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Arme aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Weapons here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Arme aici!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Weapons over here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: Avem arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: We got guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: O, da, arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: All right, guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Arme!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Stați pe-aproape oameni buni!" "[english]Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Stay close people!" "Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Stați aproape, oameni." "[english]Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Stați strâns." "[english]Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Keep tight." "Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: Nu vă aventurați." "[english]Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: No one wander off." "Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Haideți oameni buni, mișcați-vă cururile încoace!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Come on, people, get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cururile încoace!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: N-avem timp pentru prostiile astea, haideți încoace." "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: Ain't got time for this shit, get in here." "Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Haideți, oameni buni, haideți, intrați aici!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Come on, people, come on, get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hei! Veniți înăuntru!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hey! Get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cururile încoace în clipa asta!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Get you asses in here right now!" "Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: Ar trebui să ne vindecăm cât e liniște." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: We oughta heal up while it's quiet." "Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Vindecați-vă dacă aveți cu ce." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Heal if ya got em." "Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: Nu-i vorba de mine aici oameni buni, haideți să ne vindecăm." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: This ain't about me, people. Let's heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: Acum ar fi timpul să ne vindecăm." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: This would be the time to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Ar fi timpul să ne vindecăm dacă puteți." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Now's a good time to heal if you can." "Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: Dacă aveți o trusă de prim ajutor ar trebui s-o folosiți." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: If you got a health kit you should use it." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellis, e vremea să te vindeci băiete." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellis, time for you to heal, boy." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: În regulă Ellis, haide odată, vindecă-te." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: All right Ellis, come on now, get yourself right." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Hei Ellis, trusa aia n-o să se folosească singură." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Hey Ellis, that health kit ain't gonna use itself." "Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nick, nu fi prost, vindecă-te." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nick, don't be stupid, heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolas cred că e timpul să te vindeci." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolas, I think it is time for you to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nick, ar trebui să folosești trusa aia pe tine însuți." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nick, you should use that kit on your self." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Nick, e în regulă, cu toții trebuie să ne vindecăm la un moment dat." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Nick, it's all right, we all gotta heal sometime." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, e timpul să te vindeci." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, time to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, vindecă-te, mă auzi fetițo?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, heal up, hear me, girl?" "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Fată, e vremea să te vindeci." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Girl, time for you to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Hei fetițo, de ce nu te vindeci?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Hey girl, why don't you heal up?" "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Băiete, o să-mi fie dor de gogomăniile tale." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Boy, I'm going to miss your goofy ass." "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Pa Ellis." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Bye, Ellis." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nick, arma ta ne va lipsi." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nick, we're gonna miss your gun." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: La naiba. Nick, toată treaba asta tocmai a devenit cu mult mai grea." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: Damn. Nick, this just got a whole lot harder." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: Ahh la dracu, nu mai suport să pierdem oameni." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: Ahh damn it, I can't take losing anymore people." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Micuțule, ne vei lipsi." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Little man, we are goin' to miss you." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nick, ne va fi dor de tine." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nick, you gonna be missed." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Pa Nick." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Bye, Nick." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Domnilor, tocmai am pierdut cel mai bun lucru din micuța noastră gașcă." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Gentlemen, we just lost the best thing in our little group." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: La naiba. Iubito, trebuia să încerc să te protejez mai mult." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: Damn. Baby, I should have tried to protect you more." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Aah, dulceață, la revedere." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, goodbye." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Oh, Ro, oh, Ro, la naiba..." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Oh Ro, oh Ro, man..." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Ahh iubito, mmm." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, mmm." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Căcat. Ar fi trebuit să predau lecția asta." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Shit. Shoulda taught this class." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: Chestia asta de-aici o să facă dezastru." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: This right here'll mess some shit up." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Ah, la dracu. O să reglez niște conturi cu căcatul ăsta." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Ah hell. Gonna set some things right with this shit." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: Am carabina de asalt." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: I got the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: O să iau carabina de asalt." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: Gonna take the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: Cu pușca asta o să-i doară rău pe zombi." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: This shotgun will put the hurt on them zombies." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Pușca automată e a mea." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Autoshottie is mine." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: O, la dracu', daaa, iau o pușcă automată." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: Oh, hell yeah, I'm takin' an autoshotgun." "Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: Iau și eu niște prim ajutor." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: I'm grabbin' some first aid." "Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Uitați-vă aici, trusa asta e a mea." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Look here, this here first aid is mine." "Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: Am luat trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: I got the first aid." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: La naiba, căcatul ăsta pare periculos." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Damn, this shit looks dangerous." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: În regulă, chestia asta o să arunce niște chestii în aer." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: All right now, this is gonna blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Omule, o să plouă cu bucăți de zombi." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Man, it's gonna be raining zombie parts." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: În regulă, hai să aruncăm ceva în aer." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: All right now, let's blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: Îți spun, o să plouă cu bucăți de zombi." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: I tell ya, it's gonna be raining zombie pieces." "Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: O, da." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: În regulă acum, mm-hm. Asta o să funcționeze." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: All right now, mm-hm. This is gonna work." "Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: O să lovesc niște chestii cu asta." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: I am gonna smack some shit with this." "Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: O să pun niște zombi la punct cu asta." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: I am gonna set some zombies straight with this." "Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Da. Ăsta e genul meu de armă." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Yeah. This is my kind of weapon." "Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: La naiba! Aș da bani pe chestia asta." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: Shit. I'd pay cash money for this." "Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: În regulă. Acum sunt gata." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: All right. Now I am ready." "Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: Joci baseball Nick?" "[english]Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: You play ball, Nick?" "Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Iau un Molotov." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Grabbing a Molotov." "Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Îmi iau și eu un Molotov." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Grabbing me a Molotov." "Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Da, clar. O să iau tot ce pot." "[english]Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Damn right. Gonna take everything I can." "Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: Căcatul ăsta va fi de ajutor." "[english]Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: This shit'll help." "Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: Iau niște pastile." "[english]Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: Iau niște pastile." "[english]Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: Știu o treabă, iau pastile." "[english]Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: I know one thing, I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: Am pastilele!" "[english]Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: I got the pills!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Iau și eu o bombă artizanală." "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Grabbin a pipe bomb." "Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Da băiete!" "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Oh, căcat, da." "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Oh, shit yeah." "Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Iau și eu un pistol în plus." "[english]Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Takin' an extra pistol." "Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: O s-o ard cu două pistoale și din alea." "[english]Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: Gonna go all akimbo and shit." "Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Da, mă bag să iau două la preț de unul aici." "[english]Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Yeah, I'm goin' two for one here." "Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Iau o pușcă." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: Pușca asta merge." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: This shotgun'll work." "Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Iau o pușcă." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: O să lichidez de la distanță niște smokeri cu asta." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: Gonna scope some Smoker ass with this." "Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Pac! Ce lunetist meseriaș o să fiu." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Pow! I'm gonna snipe some bitches." "Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hei băiete. Pac! Lunetistul de serviciu lichidează zdrențe." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hey boy. Pow! Some bitches gonna get sniped." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Cred c-o să iau mitraliera asta de-aici." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Guess I'll take this here machine gun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Iau și eu o mitralieră." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Grabbing a machinegun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Pat, tat, tat, tat!" "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Pat at tat tat!" "Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: La naiba, ia chestia asta de pe mine!" "[english]Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: Oh shit, get this thing off me!" "Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: Nu vedeți că animalu' ăsta mă bate într-o veselie!!?!?!!?" "[english]Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: Can't y'all see this thing is beatin' the shit out of me!?" "Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hei! În caz că n-ați observat, am un tank pe mine!" "[english]Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hey! In case ya'll didn't see it, I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: Am un tank pe mine!" "[english]Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Dă-l jos – ah – dă-l jos de pe mine!" "[english]Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Get it off - ah - Get it off me!" "Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Luați chestia asta de pe mine!" "[english]Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Get this damn thing off!" "Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: O, da!" "[english]Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: Hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: Îți dai seama!" "[english]Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: Îți dai seama!" "[english]Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Aw siiiiguuur." "[english]Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Awriiiight." "Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: O, la naiba, da!" "[english]Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Ooh. Îți place de mine acum? Mmm." "[english]Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Ooh. How ya like me now? Mmm." "Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Râde]" "[english]Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Uah, treaba asta e dată dracului." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Whoa, that there is some screwed up shit." "Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: Tre' să te uiți încotro țintești cu chestia aia." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: You gotta watch where you aimin' that thing." "Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Omule, ai pitici pe creier de tragi așa?" "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Man, are you wrong in the head shootin like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: De ce mama dracului tragi așa?" "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: What the hell are you on shootin' like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: Ce p... nu mai face chestia aia." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: What the f'... don't be doin that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hei! Nu mai face aia." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hey! Don't be doin' that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: Încearcă treaba aia pe mine și-ți vei dori ca maică-ta să nu-l fi cunoscut niciodată pe tac'tu." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: You try that shit on me and you'll be wishin' your momma never met ya father." "Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Continuă să-i ataci așa și vei fi ultimul om de pe Pământ." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Keep goin' at em like that and you gonna be the last man on earth." "Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Mersi." "[english]Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Mersi." "[english]Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: În regulă" "[english]Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: All right" "Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Mersi." "[english]Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Mersi, suntem chit?" "[english]Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Thanks, we straight?" "Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: În regulă mersi." "[english]Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: All right, thanks." "Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: MERSI!" "[english]Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: THANKS!" "Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Mersi omule." "[english]Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Thanks, man." "Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: Ce? Am zis mersi." "[english]Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: What? I said thanks." "Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Mersi Nick, ești în regulă." "[english]Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Thanks, Nick, you're all right." "Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: Îți sunt dator, Ellis." "[english]Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: I owe you one, Ellis." "Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Pot oricând să contez pe tine Ro." "[english]Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Can always count on you, Ro." "Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Rezistă, rezistă, vin!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Hang on, hang on, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Rezistă, vin!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: Te aud, vin!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: I hear ya, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: Vin, vin." "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: I comin', I comin'." "Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: Sunt pe drum! Acum!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: On my way! Right now!" "Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Rezistă, vin" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Hang on, I'm comin'." "Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: Treaba aia a fost nebunie mare." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: Treaba aia a fost nebunie mare." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: Treaba aia a fost la limită." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: That was some close-ass shit." "Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: Abia am supraviețuit." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: We just made that." "Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: Eu pariam pe ceilalți." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: I was bettin' on the other guys." "Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Omu' a zis că orice luptă din care scapi e o victorie." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Man said, any fight you walk away from is a win." "Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Hai să uităm de treaba aia, suntem în regulă, suntem în regulă." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Let's put it behind us. We good, we good." "Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: Goool!" "[english]Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: Touchdown!" "Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: Ne-au presat destul de crunt." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: They played us tough." "Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: Chestia asta fost epică." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: That was some epic shit right there." "Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: În regulă. Suntem în regulă, oameni. Am supraviețuit." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: All right. We all right, y'all. We made it." "Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Rezistă." "[english]Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Hold up." "Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Odihnește-te o clipă." "[english]Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Rest you ass for a sec." "Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Așteaptă." "[english]Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Wait up." "Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Stop." "[english]Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Stop." "Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Așteptați, așteptați oameni buni." "[english]Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Hold up, hold up, y'all." "Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Încetiniți. La naiba." "[english]Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Slow down. Damn." "Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Grăsan!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Fat guy!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Mâncător de jeleu!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Roly poly!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Grăsan!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Fat thing!" "Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Aveți grijă acum..." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Careful now..." "Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: E ceva în neregulă. Aveți grijă." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: Shit ain't right. Be careful." "Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Oameni? Țineți-vă de pantaloni." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Everybody? Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Aveți grijă." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Braț mare!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Big arm!" "Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: Un braț!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: One arm!" "Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: Avem un HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: We got a HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: Avem un țopăitor!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: We got a Jumper!" "Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Picioare-nebune!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Crazy legs!" "Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: În regulă, hunter." "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: All right, Hunter." "Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Micuțul!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Little guy!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Drăcovenie d-aia mică!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Little creep!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Unul sperios." "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Skittish one." "Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Smoker." "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Smokin' one." "Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Limbă-lungă!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Tonguer!" "Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Nebună!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Crazy woman!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Gâtlej!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Neck!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Spitter!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Spitting thing!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Vine scuipatul!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Vine flegma!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Vine chestia aia arzătoare!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Vine scuipatul!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Vine flegma!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Vine chestia aia arzătoare!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Aveți grijă, flegmă!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Heads up! Goo!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Aveți grijă, scuipat!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Watch out, spit!" "Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Vreun fel de superzombi." "[english]Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Some kind of super ass zombie." "Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: O chestie gigantică!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: Gigantic thing!" "Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: SFINTE SISOE, CE E AIA?!?!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT?!?!" "Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: Atenție la witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: We got a Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: O văd pe târfa aia!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: I see that Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Târfă!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch." "[english]Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch." "Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: În spatele nostru!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: În spate!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: Sunt în spatele nostru!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: They're behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: În spatele nostru." "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: În spate." "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: Târfa mă urmărește!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: The bitch is chasing me!" "Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Târfă pe mine!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Bitch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Fugiți, fugiți, vine witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Run, run, Witch coming through!" "Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Trageți în witch! Trageți în witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Păzea că vine! Witch în spatele meu!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Coming through! Witch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Dați-vă din calea mea! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Get out of the way! Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: Fir-ar. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: Aw shit. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: Fir-ar, curva aia e supărată." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: Oh shit, that bitch's pissed." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Nu vă mai jucați cu târfa aia, o să explodeze." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Quit trifling with that bitch, she gonna explode." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Aveți grijă, oameni buni, cineva a supărat-o pe târfa aia." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Watch out y'all, someone pissed off that bitch." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: La naiba, curva aia se enervează!" "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: Ohh shit, that bitch's gettin' angry!" "Coach_World01" "Coach: Ăla e podul." "[english]Coach_World01" "Coach: There's the bridge." "Coach_World02" "Coach: Oh daaaa. Obiectivul nostru e chiar lângă pod, PE MARGINEA RÂULUI!" "[english]Coach_World02" "Coach: Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge, ON THE OTHER MOTHER F'IN SIDE OF THE RIVER!" "Coach_World03" "Coach: Băiete, nu prea ești întreg la cap, nu?" "[english]Coach_World03" "Coach: Boy, you ain't got any sense in that head, do you?" "Coach_World04" "Coach: Înapoi aici." "[english]Coach_World04" "Coach: Back here." "Coach_World05" "Coach: Pe aici." "[english]Coach_World05" "Coach: Through here." "Coach_World06" "Coach: Aici." "[english]Coach_World06" "Coach: Over here." "Coach_World07" "Coach: Prin curtea asta." "[english]Coach_World07" "Coach: Through this courtyard." "Coach_World08" "Coach: Aici jos." "[english]Coach_World08" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_World09" "Coach: Uitați autostrada!" "[english]Coach_World09" "Coach: There's the freeway!" "Coach_World10" "Coach: Fugiți!" "[english]Coach_World10" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_World11" "Coach: Fugiți!" "[english]Coach_World11" "Coach: Just run!" "Coach_World12" "Coach: Aici sus." "[english]Coach_World12" "Coach: Up here." "Coach_World13" "Coach: Ai dreptate." "[english]Coach_World13" "Coach: You right." "Coach_World14" "Coach: Tre' să fiu de acord cu asta." "[english]Coach_World14" "Coach: Gotta agree with that." "Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellis, ai condus bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellis, that was some good driving." "Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: Dar drumul e blocat acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: But the roads blocked now." "Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: În regulă, haideți s-o luăm per pedes iar." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: All right, let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Haideți să mergem pe jos." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Uitați-vă la luminile alea de pe stânga! Se distrează!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Look at those lights to the left! They're having a party!" "Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: Ei bine, am putea la fel de bine să ne îndreptăm spre luminile alea și să ne alăturăm petrecerii." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: Well, might as well head to those light and join the party." "Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: N-avem cum să conducem în jurul mizeriei ăsteia, haideți să mergem pe jos." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: Ain't no way to drive around this mess, let's walk it." "Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: Ei bine, dacă tot ne facem itinerarii, eu zic să ne îndreptăm spre luminile rotitoare." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: Well now, if we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: Dacă tot ne facem itinerarii, eu zic să ne îndreptăm spre luminile rotitoare." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: If we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: Nu cred că zombi sunt cei care au aprins luminile alea." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: Nu cred că zombi sunt cei care au aprins luminile alea." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: Orice loc e la fel de bun atunci când mori." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dying." "Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: Orice loc e la fel de bun atunci când mori." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dead." "Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Aici jos." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: În regulă, ieșiți pe rampa asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: All right, take the off ramp." "Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Luați-o jos pe aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Head down this way." "Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: Ah, la dracu, luminile alea sunt un parc de distracții!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: Ah hell, those lights are an amusement park!" "Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Iisuse, aia aprinsă e o Roată Mare." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Jesus Christ, that's a Ferris wheel lit up." "Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Haideți să mergem spre parcul de distracții, nu e ca și când avem vreo alternativă." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Let's head to the amusement park, ain't like we have anywhere else to go." "Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Motelul Whispering Oaks? Rahaaat.... știu unde suntem." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Whispering Oaks motel? Sheeet... I know where we are." "Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: Ăla e parcul de distracții Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks amusement park." "Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: Acolo e Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Se pare că lumea se îndrepta înspre Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Looks like people were heading towards Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: Tre' să găsim o cale de a ocoli motelul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: We gotta figure a way around this motel." "Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Căutați prin camere." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Check the rooms." "Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Haideți să încercăm etajul al doilea." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Let's try the second floor." "Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Podul a fost distrus." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Bridge is out." "Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: Trebuie să traversăm valea." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: We gotta cross the valley." "Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Uaaa! Uai!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Whoaaa! Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Uah, uah, uah, uaaah!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoaaa!" "Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: La naiba, sunt prea bătrân pentru rahatul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: Damn, I am too old for this shit." "Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Nah, la dracu' nu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellis, ești un nebun." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellis, you a crazy man." "Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: Ești sărit de pe fix Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: You a crazy man Ellis." "Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Nah, la dracu' nu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: Nu suntem singurii care s-au gândit să o ia pe scurtătura asta" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: We ain't the only ones that thought to take this short-cut" "Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: Nu sunt obișnuit cu asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: Ain't used to this." "Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hm. Luminile aprinse, dar nimeni acasă." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hm. Lights on, but nobody's home." "Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: Nu-i nimeni în afară de zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: Well nobody but the zombies." "Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Oh. Ah, scuze, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Oh. Ahh sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Uh, scuze, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Uh, sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Omule, am iubit locul ăsta, copil fiind." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Man, I loved this place as a kid." "Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Ascultați, haideți să găsim chioșcul cu mâncare și rămânem acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Look, let's just find the corndog stand and hold out there." "Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: Eram uite-atâtica atunci când mă dădeam pe astea. Ăsta era preferatul meu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: I was a lil' peanut riding these. This here was my favorite." "Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: E blocat aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: Blocked down here." "Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Haideți să încercăm acoperișul." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Let's try the roof." "Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hei, hei, omule... nu poți să te dai pe tobogan fără sac." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hey, hey, man...can't go down the slide without your sack." "Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: În regulă, chestia asta deschide poarta și mai ce dracu'?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: All right, this is gonna open the gate and what the hell else?" "Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: Deschid poarta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: I'm opening the gate!" "Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Trebuie să continuăm să ne mișcăm. Deschide poarta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Gotta keep movin'. Open the gate." "Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Oprește prostia aia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Turn that shit off!" "Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Oprește-l!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Turn it off!" "Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Oprește-l!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Stop it!" "Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Ahh la dracu', a pornit caruselul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Ahh damn, the merry-go-round started!" "Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: La naiba. Chestia aia face un zgomot...." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: Shit. That thing's makin' a racket!" "Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Oprește-o, oprește drăcovenia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Turn it off, turn the damn thing off!" "Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: O da... tunelul dragostei." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: Oh yeah...Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Haide, intră în tunelul dragostei." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Come on, get into the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Hei. Fără giugiuleli, oameni buni." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Hey. No smoochin', y'all." "Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Prin tunel." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Down the tunnel." "Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Verificați camera aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Check that room." "Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: E debaraua de curățenie." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: In the maintenance room." "Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Acolo, în spate." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Back there." "Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: În regulă, haideți să facem asta împreună." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: All right, let's do this together." "Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Vrea cineva să pornească o numărătoare inversă?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Someone wanna count it off?" "Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Hm. La naiba. E prima oară când de-abia așteptam să ies din tunelul dragostei." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Hm. Shit. First time I ever couldn't wait to get out of the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hei! Hei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hey! Hey!" "Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: Nu ești întreg la cap, băiete." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: You ain't right in the head, boy." "Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: Nu, nu e în regulă. Nu ești întreg la cap, băiete." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: No, this ain't gonna be cool. You ain't right in the head boy." "Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Să conduci „Stejarul Urlător\"... asta le întrece pe toate..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Running the Screaming Oak...now don't that beat all..." "Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: Suntem blocați de montagne-rousse." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: We're blocked by the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: Suntem blocați de „Stejarul Urlător”." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: We're blocked by the Screaming Oak." "Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: Singura cale de a trece este peste montagne-rousse." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: The only way over is on the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: E o lume nebună, asta în care trăim." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: This is some crazy ass world we live in now." "Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Apasă-l." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Haideți să mergem." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Let's get it going." "Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Pregătiți-vă să fugiți, o activez." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Get ready to run, I'm hittin' it." "Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: Aia a pornit alarma!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: That set off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: Aia a pornit o alarmă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: That set off the warning system!" "Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: În sus, pe deal." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: Up the hill." "Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Opriți prostia aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Turn that shit off." "Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Stingeți alarma aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Kill that alarm." "Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Printre mașinuțele bușitoare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Printre mașinuțele bușitoare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: În rulotă." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: Into the trailer." "Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: Trebuie să intrăm în stadion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: We got to get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Haideți să intrăm în stadion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Let's get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: Cum dracu' intrăm acolo?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: How the hell we gonna get in there?" "Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: Acolo e „Peach Bowl”!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: There's the Peach Bowl!" "Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: Pot să aud ceva pe-acolo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: I hear somethin' go on in there!" "Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: Dacă urcăm pe șină putem sări gardul." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: If we can get on the monorail, we can jump the fence." "Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: Trebuie să ajungem pe șină." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: We need to get on the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Printre exponatele agricole." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Through the farm exhibits." "Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Prin fermă." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Through the farm hall." "Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Peste acoperiș!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Over the roof!" "Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Pe șină." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Toată lumea, mergeți. Pe șină." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Everybody go, go, go. Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Săriți peste gardul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Jump over that fence." "Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: În coșul de gunoi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: Into the dumpster." "Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, trebuie să găsești altă fereastră, asta de aici e toaleta bărbaților." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, you gotta find another window, this here is the men's room." "Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: Acolo e scena." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: There's the stage." "Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: Le înțeleg punctul de vedere." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: I can see their point." "Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: Fără CEDA, fără armată. Stați afară." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: No CEDA, No Military. Stay out." "Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: Nu cred că-i place cuiva mlaștina." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: I don't think anyone likes the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: Haideți acuma, dacă făceam un grătar, nu-i chemam pe cei de la CEDA." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: Come on now, if I was having a cookout, I ain't invitin' CEDA either." "Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: E ceva în casele alea?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: Anything in those houses?" "Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: Trebuie să chemăm barca aia de acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: We gotta call that boat over here." "Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Pregătiți-vă, chem barca." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Get ready, callin' the boat." "Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Vine barca!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Boat's coming!" "Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Barca aproape a ajuns aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Boat's almost here!" "Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Toată lumea în barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Everyone on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Apăsați butonul." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Hit the button." "Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Apăsați-l, haideți să trecem peste drăcia asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Hit it, let's cross this bitch." "Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: Am văzut filmul ăla. Nu se termină cu bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: I seen that movie. It don't end well." "Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Nah, chestia aia n-a sunat deloc bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Nah, that don't sound good at all." "Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: În numele Tatălui și al Fiului și al Sfântului Duh, Amin." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: În numele Tatălui și al Fiului și al Sfântului Duh, Amin." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nick, intrăm într-o mlaștină plină de zombi. Ce vreți, să vă mint?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nick, we're goin into a swamp filled with zombies. Y'all want me to lie to ya?" "Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nick, nu-i da atenție băiatului ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nick, don't pay no attention to that boy." "Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Heh, în regulă. Uită-te la tine, tinere. Dă-i lui Nick una pe măsură." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Heh, all right. Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit right back." "Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Uită-te la tine, tinere. Dă-i lui Nick una pe măsură." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit." "Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: De regulă, stau departe de mlaștini. Ții minte filmul ăla cu jucătorul ăla de golf căruia un aligator i-a mâncat o mână? Căcatul ăla e pe bune." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: I normally stay the hell away from swamps on principle. You remember that movie with that golfer that got his hand ate by a gator? That shit's real." "Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: La dracu. Câteodată e mai bine să nu afli ceea ce nu știi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: Hell. Sometimes it's best not to find out what you don't know." "Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Poate ar trebui să oprim barca asta aici și să ne ducem restul traiului între maluri." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Poate ar trebui să oprim barca asta aici și să ne ducem restul traiului între maluri." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Look, maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Stați pe pasarele." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Stay on the walk ways." "Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Da, nu vă îndepărtați." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Yeah, don't wander off." "Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Fetele au priceput." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Girls got the right idea." "Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Nu hrăniți aligatorii." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Do not feed the gators." "Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: În canalizare." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: Into the drainage ditch." "Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: Treaba asta cu mlaștina începe să devină obositoare." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: This swamp shit's gettin' old." "Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellis, e doar o barcă." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellis, it's just a boat." "Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Căcat, de ce ai sări dintr-un avion vreodată?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Shit, why would you ever jump out of a plane?" "Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: În regulă, acum înțeleg de ce ai sări dintr-un avion." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: All right, now I understand why you would jump out of a plane." "Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: Trebuie să deschidem ușa asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: We gotta open this door." "Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: Știți că o să sune o alarmă când deschidem asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: You know an alarm will sound when we open this." "Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Everyone geared up?" "Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Hello!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: E cineva acolo!?!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: Anyone there!?" "Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Luminile sunt aprinse!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Lights are on!" "Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: E cineva acasă?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: Anyone home!" "Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Oamenii mlaștinii, venim acasă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Swamp people, we comin' home!" "Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: Mă întreb dacă gătesc cina?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: I wonder if they got dinner cookin'?" "Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: În regulă, asta mă întristează." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: All right, this just makes me sad." "Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: Nu s-a încheiat bine pentru oamenii ăștia." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: It did not end well for these people." "Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: Nu vreau să gândesc așa, dar trebuie să fiu de acord." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: I don't want to think that, but I gotta agree." "Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: Nu cred că se supără dacă ne uităm după resurse." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: I don't think they'd mind if we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Aveți grijă când vă uitați după resurse, arătați respect." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Careful lookin' for supplies, show respect." "Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Am putea la fel de bine să ne îndreptăm și încolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Might as well head there as well." "Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: Trebuie să coborâm podul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: We have to lower this bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Coborâți podul." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Podul a fost coborât!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Bridge is down!" "Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Podul a fost coborât, haideți să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Bridge is down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Stați aici sus!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Stay up here!" "Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: În sfârșit un adăpost!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: Finally a safe house!" "Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: Cred că suntem la capătul mlaștinii." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: I think we're at the end of the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Să găsim casa cea mare." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Let's find the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Căutați în casele astea." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Search these houses." "Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: Uitați casa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: There's the house!" "Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Să încercăm radioul." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Let's try the radio." "Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: O să încerc să sun pe cineva." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: I'm gonna try callin' someone." "Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: E cineva acolo?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: Anyone out there?" "Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Mă poate auzi cineva?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: La naiba, suntem la casa de pe plantație." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: Shit, we're at the plantation house." "Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: Suntem la casa mare." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: We're at the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Doar câțiva din noi au supraviețuit." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Only a couple of us made it." "Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: Suntem un grup de patru oameni." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: We are a party of four." "Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: Nu mai e nimeni în afară de noi patru." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: There ain't nothin' but four of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Uite, ce contează?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Look, what difference does it make?" "Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: La naiba omule, suntem patru, haide și ia-ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: Shit man, four of us, come pick us up." "Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Nah, ai scăpat Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Nah, you got it, Ellis." "Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Nu-ți face griji, stăm la adăpost." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Don't worry, we're stayin' put." "Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Oh, dar știi că vom fi aici. Nu avem nimic mai important de făcut." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Oh you know we'll be here. We ain't got any other pressin' engagements." "Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: Voi să apăreți și o să ne găsiți aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: You show up and we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: Te aud." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: I hear ya." "Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Am înțeles." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Roger that." "Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Fugiți la barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Run to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Toată lumea în barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Everyone onto the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Urcați-vă cururile în barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Get your asses on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Nu cred că avem prea mult de ales." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Don't think we got much choice in the matter." "Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: E un om bun" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: He's good people" "Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Nu fi piază-rea, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Don't jinx us, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Căcat. Toți zombi ăștia ar trebui să te ajute să înghiți." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Shit. All these zombies should help you swallow." "Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Omule, chiar îmi doream să fi fost deschis la Burger Tank." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Man, I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: Chiar îmi doream să fi fost deschis la Burger Tank." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: Aș putea mânca un burger cu bacon la grătar." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: I could go for a BBQ bacon burger." "Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: Și o porție mare de cartofi prăjiți, și..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: And a large order of fries, and..." "Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: Un suc de portocale fără gheață și..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: An orange soda with no ice, and a..." "Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: O bucată de plăcintă cu mere fierbinte." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: piece of hot apple pie." "Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: La naiba, mi-e dor de Burger Tank." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: Goddamn I miss Burger Tank." "Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Furtunile apar repede, dar ar trebui să reușim." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Storms come up fast, but we should make it." "Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Haideți să mergem la moara de zahăr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Let's head to the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Prin casele astea." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Through these houses." "Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Pe strada asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Down this street." "Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: Uitați moara." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: There's the mill." "Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Mergeți în continuare de-a lungul străzii." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Keep going down the street." "Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: Deci trebuie să trecem de moara de zahăr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: Deci trebuie să trecem de moara de zahăr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Scârnăvii din trei în trei metri în locul ăsta nenorocit." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place." "Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Începe furtuna." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Storm's startin' to kick up." "Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: Tre' să ne grăbim." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: We gotta hurry." "Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Haideți, oameni buni, să facem asta înainte să lovească furtuna." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Come on people, let's do this before the storm hits." "Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Prin câmp!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Through the cane fields!" "Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: La naiba. Trebuie că târfelor le place zahărul." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: Dang. Bitches must like sugar." "Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Intrați în benzinărie!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Get inside the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Toată lumea în benzinărie!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Everyone in the station!" "Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: La naiba, ce-i cu toate aceste witch." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: Goddamn it, wha't with all these witches." "Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: Aici, la fiecare 3 metri dai de câte un nenorocit." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: There're bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place" "Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: Ne-am luat ce ne trebuie, haideți înapoi la barcă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: We got our shit, let's get back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: La naiba. Chiar că plouă acum cu găleată." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: Damn. It's really stormin' now." "Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: Curge cu găleata." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: It is coming down." "Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Fulger!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Lightning!" "Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Tunet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Thunder!" "Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: Vine potopul." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: This is flooding." "Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: Totul e inundat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: It's all flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: La naiba, ne mișcăm încet." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: Goddamn this is slow going." "Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: Locul ăsta e mai rău decât mlaștina." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: This shit's worse than the swamp." "Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Înapoi pe unde am venit." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Înapoi pe unde am venit." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: Eu nu mor într-o afurisită de moară de zahăr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: I am not dying in a goddamn sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Haideți să mergem, aproape am ajuns înapoi la barcă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Let's go, almost back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Orașul a fost inundat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Town's flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: La naiba, sunt complet întors pe dos." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: Damn, I'm all turned around now." "Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: Cred că plouă și mai tare acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: I think it's raining even harder now." "Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: Nu văd nimic." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: I can't see shit." "Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: Nu văd nimic în ploaia asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: I can't see shit in this rain." "Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Haideți să găsim un loc în care să ne ascundem până trece chestia asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Come on, let's find a place to hide while this blows over." "Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Încercați să rămâneți pe teren uscat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Try sticking to the dry ground." "Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Sper să nu apară oameni-de-noroi care se fac instant dacă doar adaugi apă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Better not be any goddamn instant mud people, just add water." "Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Omule, n-o să mă usuc niciodată." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever gonna be dry." "Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: Putem folosi semnul luminos Burger Tank pentru a-i face semn." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: We can use the Burge Tank sign to signal him." "Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: Știam eu că Burger Tank nu ne va dezamăgi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: I knew Burger Tank wouldn't let us down." "Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Burger Tank ne salvează pe toți!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Burger Tank to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: S-a întors! Haideți să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: He's back! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: S-a întors, toată lumea la barcă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: He came back, everyone to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Hei, oameni buni, opriți-vă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Hey, y'all, stop!" "Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Opriți-vă cu toții!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Stop, y'all!" "Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Hei! Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Hey! We're on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: Te aud omule. Ne vedem în curând." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: I hear ya, man. See ya soon." "Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: Te-am auzit. Ne-am obișnuit cu prostia asta deja." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: We gotcha. We used to that shit by now." "Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Pornește elicopterul, acum venim." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Unde dracu' nu e plin de zombi?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Where the hell isn't filled with zombies?" "Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Coborâți podul." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Coborâți podul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Get that bridge down." "Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Odată ce-a coborât, să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Once it's down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: Uitați elicopterul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: There's the helicopter!" "Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Elicopterul funcționează, haideți să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Copter's working, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Pornește elicopterul, acum venim." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Miroase de parcă aici au trăit oameni și toate alea." "[english]Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Smells like people have been living here and shit." "Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Da, adevărat." "[english]Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Yeah, true that." "Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: Au fost împușcați." "[english]Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: They been shot." "Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Lucrurile au luat-o razna aici." "[english]Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Shit got bad here." "Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Contaminat." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Contaminated." "Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Carantină." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Quarantine." "Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Atenție." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Warning." "Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Zonă interzisă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: Intrarea neautorizată interzisă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: No unauthorized entry." "Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: Prostia asta zice: este autorizată folosirea forței letale." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: This shit says: Use of deadly force authorized." "Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: Sigur că e." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Folosirea forței letale autorizată. În regulă. Căcat. Sigur că e." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Use of deadly force authorized. Shit. All right. It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Unde e CEDA?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Where is CEDA?" "Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Zombificat." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Zombified." "Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Bună întrebare, unde dracu' e CEDA? Că aș vrea să împușc câțiva din ei." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Good question, where in the hell is CEDA? Cause I'd like to shoot some of their asses." "Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Atenție. Va porni alarma dacă ușa e deschisă înaintea undei verzi de la turn." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Warning. Alarm will sound if door is opened before clearance from tower." "Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Armata egal minciună. Ha." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Army equals lies. Huh." "Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Formați civilizați o coloană." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Form orderly line." "Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Zonă de carantină. Intrarea neautorizată interzisă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Quarantine zone. No unauthorized admittance." "Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Raportați bolnavii." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Stați în grupul vostru." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Stay in your group." "Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: Asta tot zic eu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: That's what I keep sayin'." "Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Zonă interzisă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: Intrarea interzisă dincolo de acest punct." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: No entry beyond this point." "Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Fotografiatul interzis." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Photography prohibited." "Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Atenție." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Caution." "Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: Infectați detectați în acestă zonă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: Infected detected in this area." "Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: Nu zău." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Stați în case." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Stay indoors." "Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: Nu zău." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Raportați orice comportament neobișnuit." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Report unusual behavior." "Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Evitați orice fel de contact cu indivizi infectați." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Avoid all contact with infected individuals." "Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Zonă puternic contagioasă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Highly contagious area." "Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Înarmați-vă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Arm yourself." "Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Baricadați-vă casele." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Barricade your homes." "Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Stați împreună." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Stay together." "Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Așteptați instrucțiuni oficiale." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Wait for official instructions." "Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Așteptați pe dracu'." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Wait my ass." "Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Ascundeți-vă?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Hide?" "Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Ascundeți-vă." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Hide." "Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Ascundeți-vă? Fătălăilor." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Hide? Pussies." "Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Zonă contaminată." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Contaminated area." "Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Raportați bolnavii." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Împușcați-i în cap." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Shoot them in the head." "Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: Nu vă supărați dacă fac asta." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: Don't mind if I do." "Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Fugiți!" "[english]Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Mișcați-vă FUNDURILE!" "[english]Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Haul ASS!" "Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Nu vă opriți din alergat!" "[english]Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Don't stop running!" "Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Fugiți! Fugiți! Fugiți!" "[english]Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Run! Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Fugiți! Fugiți!" "[english]Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: NU VĂ OPRIȚI DIN FUGĂ!" "[english]Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: KEEP RUNNING!" "Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Da." "[english]Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Da." "[english]Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Da." "[english]Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Yes." "Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Oh daa." "[english]Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_Yes05" "Coach: Clar." "[english]Coach_Yes05" "Coach: For sure." "Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Știi că ai dreptate." "[english]Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Know that's right." "Coach_Yes07" "Coach: În mod cert." "[english]Coach_Yes07" "Coach: Positively." "Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Deah." "[english]Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Deah. Sigur că ai dreptate." "[english]Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Yeah. Sho you right." "Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Sigur sigur." "[english]Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Sho sho." "Coach_Yes11" "Coach: Cam asta se întâmplă pisi." "[english]Coach_Yes11" "Coach: That's what's up, baby." "Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: N-are nimic." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: It ain't nothin,." "Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: Suntem OK." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: Suntem în regulă." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: We straight." "Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: Totul e bine." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: Cu plăcere." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: You're welcome." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: Suntem toți în treaba asta împreună Nick." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: We're all in this together, Nick." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: Nicio problemă Ellis." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: No problem, Ellis." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Oricând, Ro." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Anytime, Ro." "Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Seringă cu adrenalină aici!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Adrenaline shot here!" "Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Iau și eu o seringă!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Grabbin' a shot!" "Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Fiere de boomer aici!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Iau niște vomă!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Iau și eu un borcan cu fiere!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Fiere de boomer aici!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Sticlă cu... ăăă... vomă aici." "[english]Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Bottle of... ugh... puke here." "Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Iau niște vomă!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: Nu pot să cred că tocmai am zis aia." "[english]Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: I can not believe I just said that." "Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Iau și eu un borcan cu fiere!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Atenție!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Vin!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Incoming!" "Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Atenție!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Defibrilatoare aici." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Chest paddles here." "Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Defibrilatoare aici." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Defib unit here." "Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Am luat un defibrilator." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Got some chest paddles." "Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Am o unitate de defibrilare." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Got a defib unit." "Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Eliberați!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Clear!" "Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Haide!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Come on!" "Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: Haide ODATĂ!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: Come ON!" "Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Nu-mi muri în brațe..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Don't you die on me..." "Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Uah..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Whoa..." "Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Ahhh la naiba! Mă ELECTROCUTEZI!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Agggh damn it! You're SHOCKIN' me!" "Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Fată, ești electrifiantă." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Girl, you're electric." "Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Ah, la dracu', m-am întors aici." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Aw hell, I'm back here." "Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: [scuipând] Nu mi-ai făcut respirație gură la gură, nu?" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: You didn't do mouth to mouth on me, did you?" "Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [gâfâie]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [gâfâie]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Băiete, mă OBOSEȘTI de-a dreptul." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Boy, you are WEARIN' me out." "Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: N-avem timp de prostii, Ellis." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, Ellis." "Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Uh huh." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: [plictisit] Uh huh." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: [plictisit] Uh huh." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: [plictisit] Uh huh." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hm. Asta e chiar o poveste bunicică." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hm. That's actually not a bad story." "Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: [incitat] Ascult!" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: I'm listenin'!" "Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: Ascult. Dar povestea asta ar face bine să fie despre clătite." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: I'm listening. But this better be about pancakes." "Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: Foarte bine, ai MENȚIONAT clătite, dar n-a fost vorba DESPRE ele, nu-i așa?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: All right, you MENTIONED pancakes, but it wasn't really ABOUT them, was it?" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Explosive rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Frag rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Iau niște muniție explozivă!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying frag rounds!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Nu trage în MINE! Trage în tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Don't shoot ME! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Nu în mine, Ellis! Trage în tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Not me, Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Trage în TANK, Ro!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Ro!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Trage în TANK, Nick!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: Arăt eu a monstru înalt de trei metri?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: Do I LOOK like a ten-foot-tall monster?" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hei! Trage în tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Aaaah! TANKUL!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: Așa ciuruiești niște CURURI, pisi!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: That is how you kick some ASS, baby!" "Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Iubito, așa se FACE!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Baby, that is how that's DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: Ha haaa, DA! AM REZOLVAT TREABA AIA!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: Ha haaa, YES! WE GOT THAT DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: Chiar îi spargem pe zombi ăștia!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: We are kickin' some zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: AȘA le-o tragi zombilor!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: THAT is how you kick zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: NOI... DISTRUGEM... ZOMBI! ASTA facem noi!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: WE... DESTROY... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do!" "Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: M-ați făcut tare mândru acolo, oameni buni..." "[english]Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: You made me proud out there, people." "Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Gloanțe incendiare aici!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Fire bullets here!" "Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Iau gloanțe incendiare!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Haide să dăm foc la ceva!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Let's burn some shit UP!" "Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Amplasez muniția incendiară!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Toată lumea, luați niște muniție incendiară!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Everyone, grab some incendiary ammo!" "Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Lasere aici." "[english]Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Lasere aici." "[english]Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Lasere aici." "[english]Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Machetă aici..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Machete here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Am o macetă." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Got a machete." "Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Drujbă aici..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Chainsaw here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Am luat o drujbă." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Got a chainsaw." "Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Baston aici." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Nightstick here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Iau un baston." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Grabbing a nightstick." "Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Chitară aici." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Guitar here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Iau o chitară." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Grabbing a guitar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Sabie de ninja aici." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Ninja sword here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Iau o sabie." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Grabbing a sword." "Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Iau o rangă." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Grabbing a crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Rangă." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: E vreo cutie prin jur?" "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: Any crates around here?" "Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Vâslă aici." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Paddle bat here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Am o vâslă." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Got a paddle bat." "Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: O să vâslesc până iese și untul din ceva." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: O să vâslesc până iese și untul din ceva." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Săriți aici jos!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Jump down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Săriți acolo jos!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Jump down there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Peste pubela asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Peste pubela asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Over this dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Over this door!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Over this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Dincolo de ușa asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Over that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Pe acolo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: Pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: This way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: Intrați aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: In here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Aici jos!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: Haideți, pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: C'mon, this way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Prin fereastra asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Through this window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Prin fereastra aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Through that window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Prin aleea asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Down this alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Prin aleea aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Down that alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Haideți să mergem pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Let's go through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Haideți să mergem pe acolo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Let's go through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Pe ușa asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Through this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Pe ușa aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Through that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: Putem s-o luăm prin restaurantul ăsta." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: We can go through this restaurant." "Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Prin poarta aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Through that gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Sus pe scara aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Up that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: În sus pe scara asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: Up this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: În jos pe scara aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: Down that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: În jos pe scara asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: Down this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Peste gardul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Over this fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Peste gardul ăla!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Over that fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: Către pod!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: To the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: Putem trece pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: We can cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: Putem trece pe acolo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: We can cross there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: Putem urca aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: We can get up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: Putem urca pe acolo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: We can get up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: Putem coborî pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: We can get down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: Putem coborî pe acolo!!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: We can get down there!!" "Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: E un adăpost aici sus!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: There's a safe room up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: E un adăpost acolo sus!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: There's a safe room up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Apasă-l!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Apasă butonul!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Press the button!" "Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Fă-o!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Do it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Activează-l!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Activate it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: L-am apăsat!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: I hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: Am făcut-o eu!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: I did it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Prin poarta asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Through this gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Înapoi pe unde am venit! Treceți prin câmp!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Retrace our steps! Head through the field!" "Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Urcați-vă în lift!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: Putem duce liftul înapoi sus!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: We can take the elevator back up!" "Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: În sus pe țeava aia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: Up that pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Înapoi în jos pe scări!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Back down the stairs!" "Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Peste pod!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Over the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: Putem să trecem pe tancul ăla!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: We can cross on that tank!" "Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: Putem să trecem prin apă pe acolo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: We can get across the water there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Traversați pe aici!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Pe țeava asta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Up this pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: Asta arată familiar. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: Îmi amintesc de aia. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: Tot locul ăsta nenorocit e inundat." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: The whole damn place is flooded." "Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: Locul ăsta e sub apă." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: This place is under water." "Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: Tot zahărul ăla... ce păcat." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: All that sugar... It's a damn shame." "Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: Tot zahărul ăla... e o tragedie nenorocită, aia e." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: All that sugar... it's a goddamn tragedy, is what it is." "Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Urcați-vă undeva mai sus!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Get to high ground!" "Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: ÎNCEPE FURTUNA, OAMENI BUNI!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: SQUALL'S STARTIN', PEOPLE!" "Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: VINE FURTUNA!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: STORM COMIN'!" "Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: STAȚI ÎMPREUNĂ!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: STICK TOGETHER!" "Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Nu văd nimic. La naiba." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: Nu văd absolut nimic." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: Nu văd absolut nimic." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Nu văd nimic. La naiba." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: Uitați semnul. Aproape am ieșit din moară." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: There's the sign. We're almost outta the mill." "Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: Ai o adevărată pasiune pentru microbi, nu-i așa?" "[english]Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: You got a real thing about germs, don't you?" "Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hei, Nick, miroși AIA? Ăla e mirosul lui Coach enervându-se." "[english]Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hey, Nick, you smell THAT? That's the smell of Coach gettin' mad." "Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nick, mișcă-ți curul care duhnește a OCD în elicopter!" "[english]Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nick, get your OCD-smelling ass in the chopper!" "Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: Tot ce simt sunt coaste." "[english]Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: All I smell is ribs." "Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Încărcarea!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Încărcarea naibii!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Re-god-damn-loading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Tre' să încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Gotta reload!" "Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Încarc!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: Zombiul ăla are armură. Vreau și eu armură!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: That zombie's got armor. I want armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: Să fiu dat dracului, zombiul ăla are armură!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: Well I'll be damned, that zombie's wearin' armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Împușcați zombiul ăla în spate!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Împușcați zombiul ăla în spate!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Zombi ăia sunt antiglonț!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Those zombies are goddamn bullet proof!" "Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: CLOVNI!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: CLOVNI!? Hai lasă-mă." "[english]Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: CLOWNS!? Give me a break." "Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: CLOVNI!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Clovni?" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Clowns?" "Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Împușcați clovnul!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: Clovnul ăla atrage zombi!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: That clown's attracting zombies!" "Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Împușcați clovnul!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: Zombiul ăla a scăpat ceva?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: That zombie drop something?" "Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: Ce i-a căzut chestiei ăleia?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: What did that drop?" "Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: Ce faci indivizii ăia în costumele alea?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: What are those guys doing in those suits?" "Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: Ce-i cu costumele alea?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: What's with those suits?" "Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Oamenii de noroi!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Mudmen!" "Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Împușcați oamenii de noroi!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Shoot the mudmen!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: Ăsta era un cartier drăguț pe vremuri!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: Ne-au lăsat aici ca să murim." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: They left us here to die." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: [nervos] Trebuiau să ne salveze." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: They were supposed to rescue us." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: Parcă era vorba că ne salvează din situația asta!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be gettin' us outta this shit!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: Credeam că trebuia să ne salveze cururile!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be savin' our asses!" "Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: A fost cât pe ce..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: That shit was too goddamn close." "Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: Aproape că n-am supraviețuit..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: We almost didn't make it." "Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: A fost un pic cam prea aproape." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: That was a little too close." "Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: La naiba. Nu se poate să fiu singurul rămas în viață..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: Damn. I can't be all that's left." "Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: Am cam sfleclit-o acolo." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: We got sloppy out there." "Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: Știu că putem să ne descurcăm mai bine de ATÂT." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: I know we can do better than THAT." "Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Omule. Lucrurile au luat-o razna." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Man. That got BAD." "Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: HEIII! ÎNTOARCE-TE! ÎNTO-ahh, nu se mai întoarce." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: HEYYY! COME BACK! COME-ahh, he ain't comin' back." "Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: Bine, nu vă panicați. Locuiesc pe-aici și elicopterul ăla pare că se îndreaptă către mall. Nu e departe, vă pot duce acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: Okay, nobody panic. I live around here-and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far, I can take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hei! Sunt în continuare oameni pe acoperiș! Întoarce-te AICI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: E un mall transformat în centru de evacuare nu prea departe de aici. Fac pariu că elicopterul ăla se îndreaptă într-acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hei! Sunt în continuare oameni pe acoperiș! Întoarce-te AICI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: Ah, la naiba, elicopterul de salvare se cară!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: Aw, heck, the rescue chopper's leavin'!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Bine, nu vă panicați. Locuiesc pe-aici și elicopterul ăla pare că se îndreaptă către mall. Nu e departe, vă pot duce acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Everybody calm down. I live around here, and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far-I'll take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: E un mall transformat în centru de evacuare nu prea departe de aici. Fac pariu că elicopterul ăla se îndreaptă într-acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Pare că se îndreaptă către mall. Poate că încă evacuează oameni de acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Looks like it's headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: SUNT trei alți oameni aici, fiule." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: There ARE three other people here, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: Numele meu e Coach. Nu-mi place să fiu aici mai mult decât ție, dar dacă trebuie să luptăm, am putea la fel de bine să luptăm împreună." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: My name's Coach. I don't like bein' here any more than you do-but if we gotta fight, we might as well fight together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: Numele meu e Coach. Și ȘTIU cum să trag cu arma." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: Lumea îmi spune Coach. Și aici LOCUIESC." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: People call me Coach. And I LIVE here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Calmează-te, fiule. O să fim în regulă. Cum te cheamă?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Settle down, son. We're going to be okay. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: Dar pe tine?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: And you?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: Așa. Majoritatea îmi spun Coach (Antrenorul). Și o să fim în regulă. Trebuie doar să ne păstrăm capetele." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: Așa. Majoritatea îmi spun Coach (Antrenorul). Și o să fim în regulă. Trebuie doar să ne păstrăm capetele." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Toată lumea îmi spune Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Nah, sunt bine. Dar tu?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Naw, I'm good. You?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: Ce dracu' face elicopterul ăla?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: What the heck is that chopper doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: Lumea îmi spune Coach, pe tine cum te cheamă?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: People call me Coach, what's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Haideți să mai stăm un pic împreună. Bine, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Let's stay together... for a little longer at least. Okay, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Apăsați butonul ăla înainte ca toată treaba asta să se transforme într-o idee foarte proastă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Hit that button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: Nu cred că ar trebui să folosești un lift când arde clădirea." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Pe cine am pierdut?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Who'd we lose?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: Am început cu stângul." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: We are not off to a good start." "Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: Cred că a fost Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: I think it was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: Cred că a fost Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: I think it was Nick." "Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: Cred că a zis că numele ei era Rochelle. Săraca fată." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: I think she said it was Rochelle. Poor girl." "Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: Credeam că numele TĂU era Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: I thought YOUR name was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Părea că se îndreaptă spre mallul din partea cealaltă a orașului." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: Trebuie să lucrăm împreună. Nu mai putem pierde pe nimeni altcineva. Numele meu e Coach. Vouă cum vă zice?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: We gotta work together. We can't lose anyone else. My name's Coach. What you folks call yourselves?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: Nu, sunt bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: Numele meu e Coach. Și ȘTIU cum să trag cu arma." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: Nu, sunt bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: Nu cred." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: I don't think so." "Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Coach e în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Coach'll work." "Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: E ăla mare care vomită pe tine!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: It's that big one that pukes on ya!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: Ăștia sunt boomeri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: That's what they call a Boomer." "Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: E ăla care sare pe tine..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: It's that mean one that pounces on ya." "Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Cred că le zice hunteri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Think they call 'em Hunters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Nu vă faceți griji, se îndreaptă către mall, îi prindem din urmă acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: E ăla care fuge către tine..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: It's that one that runs at you." "Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: Se numesc chargeri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: They call them Chargers." "Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: E zombiul ăla care scuipă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: It's that spittin' zombie." "Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: Oamenii le spun spitter." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: They've been calling them things Spitters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: E unul din ăia micuți..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: It's one of them little guys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: Cred că sunt jockey." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: I think they're called Jockeys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: Putem sări jos aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: We can jump down right here!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Prin gaura asta de lift!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Down this elevator shaft!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: Camera asta pare sigură. Hai să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: This room looks safe. Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: S-o luăm pe aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: Let's go through here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Domnule... Nu cred că-mi place atitudinea ta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: Camera asta pare sigură." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: This room looks safe." "Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Poate că ar trebui să ținem ușa aia închisă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Poate că ar trebui să ținem ușa aia închisă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Pun pariu că elicopterul ăla se îndreaptă spre mallul din cealaltă parte a orașului." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Dollars to donuts, that chopper's headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Tre' să fiu de acord. Să-i urmărim către mall." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Gotta agree. Let's follow them to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Atunci hai s-o facem. Toată lumea să ia o armă și hai să mergem." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Then let's do it. Everybody grab a weapon, and let's go." "Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: Se pare că se îndreaptă spre mall. Poate încă evacuează lume acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: Looks like they're headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Domnule... nu-mi place atitudinea ta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Mister... I don't like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Domnule... nu cred că-mi place atitudinea ta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Nu vă faceți griji, se îndreaptă spre mall, îi prindem din urmă acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: Dacă toată lumea e de acord, ar trebui să stăm împreună." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: If everyone's good with it, we should stick together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: Am face bine să punem mâna pe o armă. S-ar putea să trebuiască să ne apărăm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: We better grab a weapon. Might need to defend ourselves." "Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: Nu sunt un om violent. Dar nu-s nici prost. Haideți să luăm niște arme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: I'm not a violent man. But I ain't stupid neither. Let's grab some weapons." "Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Înarmați-vă. Nu am un sentiment bun în legătură cu asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Arm up. I don't have a good feeling about this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Luați orice găsiți cu care puteți lovi ceva." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Grab whatever you can find to hit something with." "Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: Nu-mi plac sunetele care vin de jos." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: I don't like the sounds comin' from downstairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: La naiba. Dulce Georgia Brown..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: Damn. Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Dulce Georgia Brown..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Mm. Dulce Hosanna..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Mm. Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Dulce Hosanna..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: Lucrurile astea se mișcă precum fulgerul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: These things move like greased lightning!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Dulce Georgia Brown..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Oh... dulce Hosanna..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Oh... sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Nu lua numele Domnului în deșert." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Don't take the Lord's name in vain." "Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hei acum, nu-i nevoie să înjuri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hey now, no need for cussin'." "Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: DA, vorbesc serios." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: YEAH, I'm serious." "Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Sfinte Ghelasie! Ce SUNT chestiile astea?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Jumpin' Jehosaphat! What ARE these things?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Știți cumva ce dracu' sunt chestiile astea?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Y'all know what the hell these things are?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: Omule, nu am mai omorât nimic până acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: Ceva nu e în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: This don't feel right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: E care pe care." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: E care pe care." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: Omule, n-am mai omorât nimic până acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin' before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Uitați-vă la harta aia. Trebuie să ajungem în New Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Look at that map. We need to get ourselves to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Uitați-vă la harta asta. Oameni buni, cred că New Orleans e ultimul oraș rămas în picioare în toată ȚARA." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Would you look at this map. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing in the COUNTRY." "Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Oameni, UITAȚI-VĂ la harta asta. Suntem tot ce a rămas." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Man, LOOK at this map. We're all that's left." "Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: Trebuie să ajungem în New Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: We need to get to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Uitați-vă la harta asta. OAmeni buni, cred că New Orleans este ultimul oraș intact." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Would you look at this. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing." "Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Fetițo, ești la știri - înțelegi ceva din asta?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Girl, you in news - you make any sense of this?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: Mă obosești foarte repede, fiule." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: You're tirin' me REAL fast, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Omule, uită-te la chestia aia de acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Oh man, look at that thing in there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: Cum DRACU' au capturat chestia asta deja?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: How they HELL did they capture this thing already?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: Tre' să găsim o cale în jurul focului ăstuia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: We gotta find a way around this fire!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: Drumul ăsta e blocat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: This way's blocked!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: Focul se întinde!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Foc și aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: Foc și aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: Focul se întinde!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Băiete, nimeni n-o să ardă. Putem să o luăm în jurul focului." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Boy, nobody's gonna burn up. We can get around the fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Liftul e stricat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Elevator's out!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Oh, la naiba! Liftul e stricat." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Oh, crumbs! Elevator's out." "Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Trebuie să găsim niște scări." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Gotta find some stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Haideți la scări." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Let's get to the stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Omule, nu mă simt bine stricând lucruri așa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Man, it don't feel right breakin' property like this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: Putem să mergem de-a lungul marginii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: We can walk along the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Haideți să încercăm marginea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Let's try the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: Putem merge în jurul focului pe aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: We can get around the fire out here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: Asta o să ajute." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: This'll help." "Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Crezi că zombi o să se supere dacă iau o armă de la ei?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Think the zombies mind if I take one of their guns?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: E mai bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: That's better." "Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Mm. Așa da." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Mm. That's right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Acum n-o ard aiurea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Acum n-o ard aiurea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: N-am mai fost niciodată atât de fericit să văd o armă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: Dacă aveau arme, știau că o să se înrăutățească situația." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: If they had guns, they knew this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Uitați-vă la asta, știau prea bine că lucrurile o să o ia razna." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Uitați-vă la asta, știau prea bine că lucrurile o să o ia razna." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Acum mai vorbim." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Now we're talking." "Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: Arma asta CHIAR face lucrurile mai ușoare." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: This gun DOES make it easier." "Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: AIA echilibrează balanța." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: THAT levels the playin' field." "Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: Așa e mai bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: That's more like it." "Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Căutați prin camerele astea. Poate găsim ceva ce putem folosi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: Liftul ăsta încă funcționează!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: This elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Hei, liftul ăsta funcționează în continuare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Hey, this elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Mulțumesc lui Iisus, ăsta încă funcționează. Nu plănuiesc să cobor treizeci de etaje pe scări." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Thank Jesus, this one's still on. I ain't walkin' down thirty flights of stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: Nu cred că e bine să folosești un lift în timp ce arde clădirea." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: Crezi că regula asta se aplică dacă sunt zombi în clădire?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: You think that rule still applies if there's zombies in the building?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Apasă pe buton înainte ca toată treaba asta să ia o întorsătură rea de tot." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Hit the button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Toată lumea în lift!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Everybody into the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Intrați în lift!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Cineva să apese pe buton!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Somebody push the button!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Fiți gata..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Get ready..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: În regulă, destulă vorbăreală. Pregătiți-vă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: All right, enough chat. Get ready." "Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: Așa. Încântat de cunoștință. Poți să-mi spui Coach. Pe tine cum te cheamă?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: So. Pleased to meet you. You can call me Coach. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: Prietenii mei îmi spun Coach. Cred că puteți să faceți la fel." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: My friends call me Coach. I guess y'all can do the same." "Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: Oamenii îmi spun doar Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: People just call me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Haideți să găsim mallul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Haideți să găsim elicopterul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: E un magazin de arme în drum spre mall. Ce ziceți să-i facem o vizită?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: There's a gun store on the way to the mall. What do you say we pay it a visit?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Să găsim mallul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Să găsim elicopterul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Mallul e în direcția AIA! Haideți să ne mișcăm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Mall's THAT way! Let's move!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: Ne îndreptăm spre drumul bun către mall." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: We're headin' the right way to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Mallul e în direcția aia! Doar urmăriți semnele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Mall's that way! Just keep followin' the signs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: Uite încă un elicopter! Suntem aproape de mall acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: There's another chopper! We're close to the mall now." "Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Mallul e peste podul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Mall's over this bridge!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Podul către mall e blocat! Trebuie să găsim altă cale." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We gotta find another way." "Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Haideți să încercăm ușa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Let's try the door." "Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: Putem sări în camionul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: We can jump down onto this truck!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Peste pubelă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Stai cu mine! Mallul este FOARTE aproape!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Stay with me! That mall's JUST up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Fiți mai veseli! Ne apropiem de mall!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Look alive! We're getting close to the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: La naiba. Unde E toată lumea?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: Damn. Where IS everybody?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Căcat. Locul ăsta e ABANDONAT. Începe să îmi dea fiori." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Shit. This place is DESERTED. It's startin' to creep me out." "Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: Magazinul ăla de arme e pe-aici pe undeva." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: Ne apropiem de magazinul ăla de arme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: We're getting close to that gun store." "Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: Magazinul ăla de arme e chiar în față. Haideți să ne umplem de provizii și să ne mișcăm mai departe." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: That gun store's just up ahead. Let's stock up and keep moving." "Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Magazinul de arme e chiar la capătul scărilor ăstora!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Gun store's just down these stairs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: Magazinul ăla de arme e pe-aici pe undeva." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: Nu știu cum să trag cu una, bănuiesc că suntem chit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Bingo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: Nu știu cum să trag cu una, bănuiesc că suntem chit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Haha, bingo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Haha, paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Sunt destul de sigur că toate astea o să omoare zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Pretty sure alla these'll kill them zombies." "Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: Astea de-aici sunt o GRĂMADĂ de arme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: This here is A LOT of guns." "Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: Ei bine, îți aduc băutura, dar ai face bine să ne ajuți." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: Well man-I'll get you your drinks, but you better help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: Te aud omule. Îți înțeleg nevoia de gustări. Dar trebuie să fim înțeleși că dacă facem rost, ne VEI ajuta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: Te aud omule. Îți înțeleg nevoia de gustări. Dar trebuie să fim înțeleși că dacă facem rost, ne VEI ajuta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Cola și alune? Aș avea chef și eu de ele. Dar bine ar fi să nu fie cola dietetică. Așa ceva n-aș putea înghiți." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Cola and nuts? Could go for some myself. Better not be diet cola. Because that I will not do." "Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: În sfârșit ceva care pot înțelege. Un om și mâncarea lui. Te rezolvăm noi. Doar să ai grijă și tu de noi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: Finally something that makes sense to me. A man and his snacks. We'll hook ya up. Just don't forget to take care of us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: N-am mai omorât zombi în timp ce căutam gustări, dar există un început pentru toate. Dacă ne lași să-ți folosim armele, putem pleca imediat." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: I have never killed zombies on a snack run, but today is a day of firsts. If you don't mind us using your guns to do it, we're good to go." "Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Nick, nu te uita așa la mine. Cola și alune ar putea fi ultima masă a acestui om. Nu-i putem lua asta. Îi aducem mâncarea, el ne ajută. Mie îmi convine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Nick, don't give me that look. Cola and nuts might be this man's last meal. We can't deny him that. We get him his snacks, he helps us. I'm good with it." "Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: Începe alarma." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: Here comes the alarm." "Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: Uite cola!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: There's the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Luați cola!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Grab the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: Am luat cola, haideți înapoi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: În regulă, i-am făcut rost nebunului de niște cola! Hai să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: All right, I got the crazy man's cola! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: Am luat cola!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: I got the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Iau cola!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Grabbin' cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: A căzut bariera! Hai să ne mișcăm, pisi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: Barrier's down! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Calea s-a eliberat! Haideți să mergem la mallul ăla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Path clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: [râde] Când omul spune că o să elibereze o cale, eliberează o cale!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: When that man says he's gonna clear a path, he clears a path!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: Așa eliberam calea când jucam fotbal american în facultate." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: That's how I used clear a path when I played college ball." "Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Calea e liberă! Hai să ne mișcăm, pisi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Calea e liberă! Haideți să mergem la mall!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Ha-HA! Uite mallul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Ha-HA! There's the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Bucură-te de cola și alunele alea, omule! Mersi pentru arme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Enjoy those cola and nuts, man! Thanks for the guns!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. Ți se pare că mallul ăsta e aglomerat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. This mall look busy to you?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: Bănuiesc că toți oamenii tre' să fie înăuntru." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: I guess all the people must be inside." "Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Uitați-vă după centrul de evacuare. Și după zona cu restaurante. Sunt LIHNIT." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Keep an eye out for the evac center. Also the food court. I am STARVING." "Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Toată lumea, adunați-vă în jur. Haideți să ne rugăm. Doamne, călăuzește-ne în siguranță prin vremurile de restriște din acest mall. Și te rog Doamne... Fie ca mâncarea să fie în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Everybody, gather 'round. Let's pray. Dear Lord. See us safely through our time of trial in this mall. And please Lord... let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Amin" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Amin" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: CEDA tre' să fie pe aici pe undeva. Să găsim centrul de evacuare și să ne cărăm de aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: CEDA's gotta be around here somewhere. Let's find this evac and get out of here." "Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Urcați pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Up this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Urcați pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Up that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Coborâți pe scările rulante!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Down this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Coborâți pe scările rulante!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Down that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. Era TIMPUL ca un magazin să tundă un bărbat în timp ce își cumpără o pereche de pantaloni." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: Sper ca restaurantele să fie intacte." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Te rog, Doamne, fie ca restaurantele să fie în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: Aș putea să înfulec o pizza întreagă acum. Fără maniere." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: I could roll up a whole pizza right now, eat it sub-style." "Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: Dacă văd un zombi fugind spre mine cu o tavă de mostre, eu nu-l împușc." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: If I see a zombie running at me with a sample tray, I ain't shootin' it." "Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: Sper ca restaurantele să fie în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Te rog, Doamne, fă ca restaurantele să fie în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: Hmm. Era TIMPUL ca un magazin să tundă un bărbat în timp ce își cumpără o pereche de pantaloni." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evacuarea e în direcția asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evac's this way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evacuarea e într-acolo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evac's that way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evacuarea e un pic mai în față!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evac's up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Heiii! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Ohh heiiii! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Ohh heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: Am auzit de Jimmy Gibbs! Omul ăla e o LEGENDĂ a mașinilor de serie." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: I heard of Jimmy Gibbs! That man's a stock car LEGEND." "Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: Ei bine, ai încredere în mine, în domeniul ăsta? E la fel de cunoscut ca... Elvis. Sau președintele." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: Ei bine, ai încredere în mine, în domeniul ăsta? E la fel de cunoscut ca... Elvis. Sau președintele." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Pregătiți-vă, o să pornească alarma." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Get ready, alarm is gonna sound." "Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Continuați să mergeți!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Keep going!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: Ar trebui să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: We gotta turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Ultimul care ajunge să oprească alarma e un cârnat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Last one to turn off the alarm is a rotten egg!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Cineva să oprească alarma!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: Am reușit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: Am reușit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: Pot s-o aud în continuare în cap, dar cred că alarma e oprită." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: I can still hear it in my head, but I think the alarm is off." "Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...bietele restaurante n-au avut nicio șansă..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: Sper ca măcar CINEVA să fi scăpat în siguranță..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: Ce dracu' face CEDA?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: What the hell is CEDA doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: N-o să te mint. N-arată bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: I won't lie. It don't look good." "Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Trebuie ca unii dintre refugiați să fi construit un adăpost!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Some of the refugees must've built a safe room!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...bietele restaurante n-au avut nicio șansă..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: Sper ca măcar CINEVA să fi scăpat în siguranță..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Fiule, batem palma." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Son, you got a DEAL." "Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Ha HA! Tot drumul până în New Orleans! Iubito, se pare că avem un PLAN." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Ha HA! All the way to New Orleans! Baby, that sounds like a PLAN." "Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: În regulă, deci... Evacuarea va avea loc. Dacă are cineva vreo idee, acum e momentul." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: All right, so...Getting' evac'd ain't happening. Anybody got an idea, now's the time." "Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Se pare că va trebui să ne salvăm singuri. Dacă are cineva vreo idee, să vorbească, ascultăm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Looks like we're gonna have to save ourselves. Anybody got an idea, speak up, we're listenin'." "Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: În mod normal nu aș face asta. Dar în circumstanțele astea, cred că domnul Gibbs, Jr. n-o să se supere." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: În mod normal nu aș fi de acord cu asta. Dar în circumstanțele astea, cred că domnul Gibbs, Jr. n-o să se supere." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't agree to do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: Dacă vedem un zombi Jimmy Gibbs, va trebui să-l împuște altcineva." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: If we see a Jimmy Gibbs zombie, somebody else is gonna have to kill him." "Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Odată ce se deschid ușile, fugiți mâncând pământul și găsiți niște BENZINĂ." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Soon as them doors open? You run your ass off and find some GAS." "Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Odată ce se deschid ușile astea, pregătiți-vă să vă MIȘCAȚI." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Soon as these doors open, get ready to MOVE." "Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Iartă-ne Jimmy, dar ne trebuie mașina ta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Forgive us, Jimmy, but we need your car." "Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Mișcați-vă curu' și găsiți niște benzină!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Haul ass and get gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: Oh, haide odată, iubito, haide odată..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: Oh, haide odată, iubito, haide odată..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Te rog, iubito, iubito, te rog, te rog..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Please, baby, baby, please, please..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: Oh, haide odată, iubito, haide odată..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Grăbește-te, grăbeeește-teeeee..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Haaiideeee odatăăă, haiide odatăăăă..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Facem plinu' aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Fillin' it up here!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: Mă ocup eu de asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: I got this one!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Haideți să mergem! Găsiți o canistră de benzină!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Haideți să facem plinul mașinii ăsteia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: Ne trebuie mai multă benzină!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: We need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie niște benzină!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: We still need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: În regulă, suntem la jumătate!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: All right, halfway there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Aproape am reușit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Almost there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie încă douăzeci!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: We need twenty more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie încă zece!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: We still need ten more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie încă cinci!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: We still need five more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie încă trei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Just three more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Ne mai trebuie încă două!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Just two more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: Încă o canistră ca să pornim!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: One more can to go!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: Am terminat, intrați în mașină!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: We're all gassed up, get to the car!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: Acum venim, New Orleans!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: Here we come, New Orleans!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: INTRAȚI ÎN MAȘINĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: INTRAȚI ÎN MAȘINĂ, OAMENI BUNI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: BAGĂ TALPĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: HIT IT!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Scuze pentru asta, D-le Gibbs." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Sorry about this, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: CALC-O, ELLIS, CALC-O!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: CALC-O, ELLIS, CALC-O!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: BAGĂ TALPĂ, ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: PUNCH IT, ELLIS!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Uooo! Mulțumim, dle. Gibbs." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Woo! Thank you, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Eh, la naiba, ne-a adus până aici. Vom găsi altă cale de a ajunge până în N'Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Hell, it got us this far. We'll find another way to N'awlins." "Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Poate le-au lăsat când au fost salvați." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Maybe they left 'em when they got rescued." "Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hei, Whispering Oaks! La naiba, obișnuiam să merg acolo când eram copil!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hey, Whisperin' Oaks! Shit, I used to go there when I was a kid!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Uitați-vă, reflectoare! Ar putea exista supraviețuitori acolo, ar trebui să verificăm locul." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Look, searchlights! Might be survivors there, we should check it out." "Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Uitați-vă, reflectoare! Fac pariu că ăla e Whisperin' Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Look, searchlights! I bet that's Whisperin' Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Jos pe rampa asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Down this offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Jos pe rampa asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Down that offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: Acolo e! Whisperin' Oaks! Doamne, ce mă distram acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: There it is! Whisperin' Oaks! Man, I had some times there." "Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Autostrada e blocată! Să verificăm la motel!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Highway's blocked! Let's check out the motel!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Verificați prin camere. Poate găsim ceva util." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Check the rooms. Might be somethin' useful." "Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: [râde] Nu e amuzant. Puteai să ți-o rănești pe a ta [începe să râdă din nou] Nah, nu e amuzant." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: It's not funny. You coulda really hurt yours... Naw, it's funny." "Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: [râde] Ai grijă la primul pas, pisi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: Watch that first step, baby." "Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Uooa... Luați-o încet în josul dealului. Pare să fie destul de abrupt." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Ai grijă de tine pe dealul ăsta..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: Uite-l! Whispering Oaks!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: There she is! Whispering Oaks!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Uooa... Luați-o încet în josul dealului. Pare să fie destul de abrupt." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Ai grijă pe dealul ăsta..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: Ne îndreptăm spre reflectoare. Dacă e un centru de evacuare, acolo o să fie." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: Sunt încă reflectoare aprinse. Aș zice că ăsta e un semn bun." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: There's still searchlights on. I'd say that's a good sign." "Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Hei, Midnight Riders! IUBEAM formația aia. Cele mai tari efecte pirotehnice din lume." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Hey, the Midnight Riders! I used to LOVE that band. Best pyrotechnics in the business." "Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: La naiba da! Am TOATE albumele lor. Până și chestiile lor care nu sunt bune de nimic." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [cântând] ...Tre' să ajung în vârf, să stau pe muntele ălaaaaaa... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [cântând] ...Fiecare doamnă e nebună când tăticu' nu e prin preajmă... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hei! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hei! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: La naiba, da! Am TOATE albumele lor. Până și alea noi care nu sunt bune de nimic." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: Îți bați joc de mine? Erau... erau... nah, nu chiar. Aveau o melodie bună." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Cel mai bun spectacol de lumini din industrie, totuși." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Best light show in the business, though." "Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Cei mai buni cântăreți de fundal pe care ai vrea vreodată să-i auzi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Best backup singers you ever want to hear." "Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: Îți bați joc de mine? Erau... erau... nah, nu chiar. Aveau o melodie bună." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: Aluna aia are ochi nebuni. Te URMĂRESC." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: That peanut's got crazy eyes. They FOLLOW you." "Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: Omul-alună are ochi nebuni, nebuni de tot." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: That peanut man's got wild, crazy eyes." "Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: Nu-mi place aluna aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: I don't like that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: NU-MI PLACE aluna aia micuță." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: I DO NOT like that little peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: Nu mi-a plăcut NICIODATĂ aluna aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: Nu mi-a plăcut NICIODATĂ aluna aia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: Toate semnele astea îmi fac foame." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: All these signs are making me hungry." "Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Urechi de elefant... gogoșele... crenvuști... Doamne, semnele astea îmi trezesc o grămadă de amintiri." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Elephant ears... funnel cakes... corn dogs... Man, these signs are bringin' back some memories." "Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Oh, pisi, aș putea distruge niște porumb fiert în clipa asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Oh, baby, I could destroy some kettle corn right now." "Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: Găsesc un Burger Tank în locul ăsta? Aș putea fi de unul singur o apocalipsă-cheeseburger." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse." "Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmmhmm. Plăcintă de piersici." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmmhmm. Peach cobbler." "Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Vată de zahăr. Regina mâncărurilor." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Cotton Candy. The king of foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: Ah, da. Vată de zahăr. Faraonul înțelept al mâncărurilor. Stă în vărful piramidei alimentare, împărțind dreptatea asupra mâncărurilor de rând." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: Ah yeah. Cotton Candy. The wise pharaoh of food. Sittin' atop the food pyramid, passin' judgment on all lesser foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: Și ce încerci să spui?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: And what's your point?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Odată ce lumea își revine la normal? Vă fac tuturor cinste cu o friptură la cină." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Once the world goes back to normal? I'm buyin' you guys a steak dinner." "Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Câteodată pare că dădăcim, nu-i așa?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Câteodată pare că dădăcim, nu-i așa?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: „Trebuie să fii atât de înalt pentru a te da”. Ei bine, măcar n-o să fie niciun jockey acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Well-least there won't be no Jockeys in there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: „Trebuie să fii atât de înalt pentru a te da”. Scuze, Ellis. A fost ca lumea, omule." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Sorry, Ellis. It's been real, man." "Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Uah!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: La naiba, ce distractiv a fost." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: Damn, that was fun." "Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Poarta e deschisă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Gate's open!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: S-a oprit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: It's off." "Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: La naiba. Nu pot ține pe aici un aparat plin de bomboane?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: Damn it. They can't keep a candy machine filled up around here?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: Uitați adăpostul! Toată lumea în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: There's the saferoom! Everybody in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Intrați în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Get in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cururile în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Get your ass in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: Ei bine, se pare că trecem tunelul dragostei, oameni buni. Fără giugiuleli." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. No hanky panky." "Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: Ei bine, se pare că trecem tunelul dragostei, oameni buni. Stați pe lângă mine." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. Stay close to me." "Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nick, am fost în echipa de fotbal american. Coach s-a descurcat destul de bine." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nick, I was on the football team. Coach did just fine." "Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach n-a dus-o rău pe vremuri, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach didn't do too bad for himself back in the day, Nick." "Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: Câte amintiri din tunelul dragostei ai TU, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: How many Tunnel of Love memories YOU got, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: Apa asta nu arată normal..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: This water don't look natural..." "Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Pe vremuri, aveam niște postere care ar fi arătat BINE în lumina asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Back in the day, I had some posters that woulda looked GOOD in this light." "Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Prin gaura asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Down this hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Prin gaura aia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Down that hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: Nu-mi amintesc ca tunelul dragostei să fi fost atât de LUNG. Trebuie că aveam altceva în cap." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: Nu-mi amintesc ca tunelul dragostei să fi fost atât de LUNG. Trebuie că aveam altceva în cap." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: Trebuie să luăm prostia asta de pe șine!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: We'll have to get this crap off the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: Trebuie să deschidem poarta asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: We'll have to get this gate open." "Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: Ar trebui să spargem poarta asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: We're gonna have to bust this gate open!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: Uite un elicopter!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: There's a chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: Uite elicopterul ăla iar!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: There's that chopper again!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: Elicopterul se duce într-acolo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: There goes the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: Trebuie să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Cineva să oprească alarma aia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Mergeți pe șine în continuare și vom supraviețui chestiei ăsteia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Just keep following the tracks and we'll get through this!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Stați pe șine!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Stay on the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: OK, alarma a fost oprită!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: Okay, alarm's off!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Haide să intrăm în stadion, am o idee!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Let's get inside the stadium, I have an idea!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders ne salvează!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders ar trebui să cânte aici?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders are supposed to play here?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: Trebuie să-i facem semn elicopterului!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: We need to signal the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: Știu cum putem face semn elicopterului ăluia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: I know how we can signal that chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellis, ești gata de distracție?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellis, you ready to rock?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: Putem ajunge la stadion pe aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: În stadion!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: Into the stadium!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Știți formația Midnight Riders? Ne vor salva." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: Începem actul lor final, elicopterul va ști că s-a întâmplat ceva." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Pentru că nimeni, absolut NIMENI, nu are un spectacol pirotehnic mai mare decât Midnight Riders." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger pyrotechnics show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Îi știți pe Midnight Riders? Ne vor salva." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: Începem actul lor final, iar elicopterul ăla va ști că s-a întâmplat ceva." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Pentru că nimeni, absolut NIMENI, nu are un spectacol pirotehnic mai mare decât Midnight Riders." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger light show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Actul final al formației Midnight Riders? O să alerteze nenorocitul de elicopter." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: Zombi ăștia ar face bine să fie pregătiți de rock." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: These zombies better be ready to rock." "Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: A trecut ceva vreme de când i-am văzut ultima oară pe Riders, dar dacă actul lor final e același, sigur o să atragă atenția pilotului. Trebuie doar să-l pornim." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: A trecut ceva vreme de când i-am văzut ultima oară pe Riders, dar dacă actul lor final e același, sigur o să atragă atenția pilotului. Trebuie doar să-l pornim." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: Muzica asta e GROZAVĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: Uitasem cât de mult îmi place melodia asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: Au nimerit-o cu cântecul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: În mod normal nu-mi place rock-ul, dar la naiba cât de mult îmi plac Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Dă mai tare, iubesc partea asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: Ne-a văzut elicopterul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: Vine elicopterul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: Midnight Riders ne-au salvat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: The Midnight Riders saved us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: În regulă, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: Funcționează!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Actul final al celor de la Midnight Riders? Sigur o să alerteze elicopterul." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: Să fiu al dracului! Nici măcar eu n-am știut că asta se va întâmpla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna happen!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: Să fiu al dracului! Nici măcar eu nu credeam că asta o să funcționeze!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Omorâți tankul, ca să poată ateriza!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: Trebuie să omorâm tankul înainte să aterizeze!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: Ați auzit omul, omorâți tankul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: Ne-a văzut elicopterul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: Vine elicopterul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: În regulă, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: Funcționează!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: Să fiu al dracului! Nici măcar eu nu credeam că asta o să funcționeze!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: OK, uite planul." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: Okay, here's the plan." "Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Omorâți tankul ca să poată ateriza!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: Ați auzit omul, omorâți tankul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: Tre' să omorâm tankul înainte să poată ateriza!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Urcați-vă în elicopter!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: Uooo! Urcați în elicopter!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: WOOO! Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Everyone to the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Urcați în elicopterul ăla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Get on that chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: Întâi tre' să verificăm dacă mai sunt crenvurști pe băț." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs." "Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: Întâi tre' să verificăm rapid prin jur dacă mai sunt crenvurști pe băț. Nah, fac și eu mișto." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs. Nah, I'm just playin'." "Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: Întâi ne uităm după resurse." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: First we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Apoi pornim actul final Midnight Riders. Sunt tot felul de artificii, jocuri de fum și lumini și de-alea. Pilotul ăla de elicopter n-are cum să nu observe." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Apoi pornim actul final Midnight Riders. Sunt tot felul de artificii, jocuri de fum și lumini și de-alea. Pilotul ăla de elicopter n-are cum să nu observe." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: Îi iubesc pe Riders. Nimeni nu are un final mai grandios decât ei. Tot ce trebuie să facem e să pornim actul, iar pilotul de elicopter sigur o să ne vadă." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: I love the Riders. Nobody has a bigger finale than them. All we need to do is start it up, and the chopper pilot's sure as hell gonna see us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: Cum pornim actul final?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: How do we start the finale?" "Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: Trebuie să descoperim cum să pornim toate chestiile astea." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: We have to figure out how to turn all this stuff on." "Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: Trebuie să începem finalul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: We need to start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: Au muzică înregistrată? La naiba. Clovni ai rock-ului clasic, de modă veche." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: They have taped music? Shit. Old ass classic rock clowns." "Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: Nu, își păstrează vocile pentru studio, Nick. Sunt DEȘTEPȚI." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: No, they're just saving their voices for the studio, Nick. That's SMART." "Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: Îți bați joc fiindcă ești gelos, Nick. Oamenii ăștia sunt legende vii." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: You mock because you're jealous, Nick. These men are living legends." "Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: Ce prostie, au o casetă pentru muzica lor. Și dacă te gândești că mie îmi plăceau oamenii ăștia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: Well ain't this a bitch, they got a tape for their music. To think I used to like these guys." "Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Boșorogii naibii fac play-back, au o casetă aici, în spate." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Lip syncing old ass bitches, they got a tape back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: E o casetă aici în spate, e totul pregătit pentru actul final." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: Riders au finala pregătită deja aici în spate." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: Când apăs pe butonul casetofonului ăstuia, o să înceapă tot. Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: E o casetă aici în spate, e totul pregătit pentru actul final." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: Riders au finala pregătită deja aici în spate." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: Caseta asta o să înceapă finalul! Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: This tape's gonna start the finale! Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: O să fie bine!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: Când pornim caseta asta, o să înceapă. Așa că pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: When we start this tape, it's gonna be on. So get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: O să sune extrem de bine!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: Când pornim caseta asta, pregătiți-vă! Muzica o să fie INCREDIBIL DE BUNĂ, dar încercați să vă concentrați." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: When we start this tape, get ready! The music's gonna be INCREDIBLY GOOD, but try to focus." "Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Pregătiți-vă de rock, o să încep finala!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Get ready to rock, I'm gonna start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finala a început! Pregătiți-vă de rock!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finale's on! Get ready to rock!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Începeți finalul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Porniți caseta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Porniți finala!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Aprindeți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Aprindeți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: Ne trebuie mai multe lumini!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Porniți-le!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: Trebuie să pornim amplificatoarele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Porniți artificiile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Porniți spectacolul de lumini!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Apăsați butonul!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Reflectoarele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Mai tare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: MAI MULT! MAI MULT! NE TREBUIE MAI MULT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Uoooo! Midnight Riders DĂ TONUUUUUL!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Woooo! Midnight Riders RUUUUULE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: Vă iubesc, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: Iubesc cântecul ăsta! Iubesc TOATE notele astea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: I love this song! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Dezlănțuiți-vă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Începeți actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Porniți caseta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Porniți actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Haideți Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: Muzica asta e GROZAVĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: Uitasem cât de mult îmi place cântecul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: Au nimerit-o cu cântecul ăsta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: În mod normal nu ascult muzică rock, dar la naiba cât îmi plac Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Dă mai tare, iubesc partea asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Începeți actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Porniți caseta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Începeți actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Aprindeți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Aprindeți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: Ne trebuie mai multe lumini!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Dă mai tare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: Trebuie să creștem volumul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Porniți artificiile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Aprindeți reflectoarele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Porniți întrerupătorul!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Mai tare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: MAI MULT! MAI MULT! NE TREBUIE MAI MULT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: Vă iubesc, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: Iubesc melodia asta! Iubesc TOATE notele astea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: I love this music! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Aprindeți-le!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Dați-i drumul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Let it loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Dați drumul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Începeți actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Porniți caseta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Începeţi actul final!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Haideţi Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: E adevărat. Dacă trebuia să aleg un moment nasol al zborului, a fost probabil când pilotul a oprit elicopterul și ne-a atacat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: Ce treabă dată dracului, pilotul s-a transformat în zombi chiar în fața ochilor noștri. Bine tras, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: That was some shit, the pilot becoming a zombie right before our eyes. Nice shooting, Nick." "Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Ahhh, am avut aterizări mai nasoale. [pauză] De fapt, aia e o minciună ca să nu vă rănesc sentimentele, prăbușirea aia a fost rea." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Ahhh, I've had worse landings. Actually, that's a lie to spare your feelings. That crash was pretty bad." "Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: Știți ce? Nu mai vrem elicoptere. Zic asta acum. M-am săturat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: You know what? No more helicopters. I'm just saying that now. I'm good." "Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Data viitoare când vrea cineva să ne împuște pilotul, puteți să mă avertizați din timp?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Next time someone wants to shoot our pilot, can I get a little warning?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: Aia a fost prima oară când am zburat într-un elicopter. Întotdeauna mi-am imaginat să fie cu mai puțini zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: That was the first time I was in a helicopter. I always imagined it with less zombies." "Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: La naiba, pilotul ăla tocmai s-a transformat. Acu' ne zbura în siguranţă, iar în următorul moment... ei bine... sunt destul de sigur că vroia să ne mănânce." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: Shit, that pilot just changed. One minute he was flying us to safety, the next he was... well... I am pretty damn sure he was trying to eat us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Unde naiba suntem?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Unde naiba suntem?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Poate cineva să verifice unde eram înainte să ne prăbușim?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Anyone check where we were before we went down?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: Nu sunt plin de prejudecăți, dar să trăiești într-o mlaștină? E cam dereglată faza." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Doamne. Când ești obligat să apelezi la oameni care trăiesc în mlaștină să te ajute să scapi dintr-un oraș? Nu cred că CEDA își face treaba cum trebuie." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Man. When you're forced to turn to people livin' in a swamp to help you get out of a city? I don't think CEDA's doing their job right." "Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: Nu sunt plin de prejudecăți, dar să trăiești într-o mlaștină? E cam dereglată faza." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Se pare că n-am fost singurii oameni care s-au prăbușit azi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Looks like we weren't the only people crashing today." "Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nick, nu ai împușcat și pilotul ăsta, nu?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nick, you didn't shoot this pilot too did you?" "Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: Chestia asta va porni o alarmă, pregătiţi-vă." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: This here is gonna set off an alarm, get ready." "Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: O deschid eu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: I'm opening it!" "Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: Deschid eu ușa asta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: I'm opening this door!" "Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: Se îndreptau spre râu, sună ca o idee bună." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: They headed to the river, sounds like a good idea." "Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: Nu vreau să stau aici, hai să mergem după ei." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: I don't want to stay here, let's follow 'em." "Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Haideţi să mergem în continuare." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Let's keep moving." "Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Trei dintre noi au plecat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Three of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Doar doi dintre noi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Only two of us." "Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Doar eu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Just me." "Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Să nu dureze prea mult." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Well don't be long now." "Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: Te aud, vom fi acolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: I hear ya, we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: Nu mergem nicăieri." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: We ain't goin' anywhere." "Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: Fir-ar să fie! Deschideţi poarta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: Oh shit! Gate open!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: Ăla e genul meu de om, hai să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: That's my kind of guy, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Poarta e deschisă, hai să mergem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Gate's open, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Prietenul nostru cajun a deschis poarta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Our Cajun friend opened the gate!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Fiţi atenţi, benzinăria e chiar vizavi. Puteam să ne fi întors deja. Haideţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: EU? I-am spus lui Nick să ia armele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: ME? I told Nick to grab the guns!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Uite, sunt un om destul de dolofan! Să te dai jos dintr-un vas care se clatină necesită CONCENTRARE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Uite, sunt un om destul de dolofan! Să te dai jos dintr-un vas care se clatină necesită CONCENTRARE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Fiţi atenţi, benzinăria e chiar vizavi. Puteam să ne fi întors deja. Haideţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: Ce sac de arme? Oh, pentru... SPUNE-MI că n-am uitat armele." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: What gun bag? Oh for-TELL ME we didn't forget the guns." "Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: Ar trebui să intrăm și să ieșim la fel de aici. Luăm benzina, ne întoarcem la mal, îi facem semn lui Virgil cu racheta de semnalizare din sacul cu arme. Apoi, doar... ăă... la DRACU'. Spuneți-mi că a luat CINEVA SACUL CU ARME." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: We should be in and out here. Get the gas, get back to shore, signal Virgil with the flare gun in the gun bag. Then we just, uh... um... aw, HELL. Tell me SOMEONE brought the GUN BAG." "Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Următoare benzinărie peste 3 km. Se pare că Virgil va aștepta puțin mai mult decât avea de gând." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Looks like Virgil's gonna be waitin' a bit longer than he thought." "Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Următoare benzinărie peste 3 km. Sper că lui Virgil îi place să aștepte, fiindcă se pare că mergem la plimbare." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Hope Virgil likes waitin', 'cause it looks we're goin' for a walk." "Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Am rămas fără benzină. La naiba." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Outta gas. Shit." "Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Să ne îndreptăm spre acest Ducatel Diesel." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Let's head to this Ducatel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Pentru că dacă n-o fac, vom rămâne blocaţi aici pentru totdeauna, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Because if they DON'T, we gonna be stuck here forever, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: În regulă, nu vă mai plângeţi. Trebuie doar să ne căţărăm până la acest Duke-atel Diesel." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: All right, quit whinin'. We just gotta hike to this Duke-atel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Haideți doar să rezolvăm asta și să ne întoarcem." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Let's just get this done and head back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: Începe să plouă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: It's startin' to rain." "Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: În regulă, grăbiți-vă oameni buni. Furtunile vin și pleacă repede pe aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: All right, let's hustle, people. Storms come up quick around here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: Aw la naiba. Se pare că vine o furtună nasoală." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: Aw hell. Looks like a bad storm's comin." "Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Țineți-vă ochii deschiși după semne distinctive. Va trebui să ne întoarcem pe aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Keep your eyes open for landmarks. We gonna have to come back through here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Încercaţi să vă amintiţi unde sunt rezervele de muniţie. Ne-ar cam trebui câteva la întoarcere." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Now, try to remember where the ammo dumps're at. We might need some on the way back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: Întâi ciuma, acum inundaţia. Poate ar trebui să construiesc o arcă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I feel like I should be buildin' an ark." "Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: Întâi ciuma, acum inundaţia. Cred că cineva încearcă să ne spună ceva." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I think somebody's trying to tell us something." "Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Prin locul ăsta de joacă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Through this playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Prin locul ăla de joacă!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Through that playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Haideți pe scurtătură pe la vânzarea ambulantă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: Aia e o epavă destul de nasoală." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: That's a nasty damn wreck." "Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Urmaţi luminile astea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Follow these lights!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Îndreptaţi-vă spre garaj!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Head for the garage!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: Uite moara de zahăr!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: There's the sugar mill!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Drumul e blocat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Road's blocked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: Tre' să trecem prin moara de zahăr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: We gotta head through the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Grăbiţi-vă oameni buni. Nu vrem să rămânem blocaţi aici în furtună." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Hurry up, people. We don't wanna get stuck out here in a storm." "Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: Dacă ploaia asta vine pe bune, o să ne măture pe toţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: If this rain really comes, we gonna get washed away." "Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Apa începe să se strângă. Trebuie să ne mișcăm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Water's starting to pool. We gotta move!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: [arătând către balta uriașă] Uitați-vă, deja începe să se inunde locul." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: Look, it's already starting to flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: A venit deja ciuma. Poate Domnu' va trece potopul cu vederea." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: We already got plague. Maybe the Lord'll let us slide on the flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: Oameni buni, dacă vine ploaia asta pe bune, o să fim în belele mari." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: People, if this rain really comes, we gonna be in trouble." "Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: O grămadă de witch pe-aici..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: Whole lotta Witches round here." "Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: O grămadă de witch pe-aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: Lotta damn Witches up in this place." "Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: Mai multe witch!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: More Witches!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Poate îi scoate ploaia la iveală." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Maybe the rain brings 'em out." "Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: Toate doamnele astea palide mă calcă pe nervi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: All these pale-assed crazy ladies are gettin' on my last nerve." "Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: De ce dracu' plâng astea? Noi suntem cei atacaţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: What the hell do THEY got to cry about? We're the ones getting attacked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Îndreptați-vă către siloz!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Head for the grain elevator!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: În susul rampei ăleia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: Up that ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: În susul rampei ăsteia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: Up this ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: Uitaţi benzinăria!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: There's the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Prin câmp!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Through the cane field!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: Putem lua liftul până jos în câmp." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Cineva să apese butonul liftului." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: LIFTUL E AICI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: URCAȚI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: GET IN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: TOATĂ LUMEA ÎN LIFT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: URCAȚI-VĂ CURURILE ÎN LIFT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: GET YOUR ASSES IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Apăsați iarăși butonul." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Hit the button again." "Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: CONTINUAȚI SĂ VĂ MIȘCAȚI! ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE SEMN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: KEEP MOVING! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE SEMN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: HEAD TOWARD THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: KEEP MOVING!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Scrie că e benzină înăuntru." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Says there's gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: [citind semnul] Benzină înăuntru." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: Gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Marfă. Haideţi să mergem s-o luăm." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Cool. Let's go get it." "Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pompa e goală. Să verificăm înăuntru." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pump's empty. Let's check inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: E benzină în adăpost!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: There's gas in the safe room!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Închideți ușa și haideți să luăm benzina." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Închideți ușa și putem să luăm benzina din dulapul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Close the door and we can bust the cans outta this locker." "Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Închideți ușa și haideți să luăm benzina." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: În regulă, oameni buni. Are toată lumea câte o canistră?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: All right, people. Everybody got a can?" "Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Haideţi înapoi la barcă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Let's head back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Înapoi la barcă, oameni buni." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Back to the boat, people." "Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Dap." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Yup." "Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: Am una." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: I got one." "Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Să ne întoarcem la barcă n-o să fie la fel de ușor cum a fost să ajungem aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: V-am spus că furtunile astea vin repede." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Să ne întoarcem la barcă n-o să fie la fel de ușor cum a fost să ajungem aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: V-am zis că furtunile astea vin repede." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: Barca nu e departe. Încă un brânci și am scăpat de-aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: The boat ain't far. One last push and we're outta here." "Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Staţi pe teren înalt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Keep to high ground!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: Am trecut de luminile astea când intram!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: Îmi amintesc de lumina verdandei ăleia." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: I remember that porch light." "Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: Uitaţi camionul ăla stricat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: There's that busted up truck." "Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: Vânzarea ambulantă! Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: The yard sale! We're goin' the right way!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: Uitaţi locul de joacă! Suntem aproape!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: There's the playground! We're close!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: Îmi amintesc locul ăsta de când am intrat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: I remember this place from the way in." "Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Oh, am reușit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Oh, we made it!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: N-am mai fost NICIODATĂ atât de bucuros să văd un Burger Tank! Și credeți-mă că am fost FERICIT să văd Burger Tank-uri în trecut!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a Burger Tank! And believe me, I have been HAPPY to see some Burger Tanks!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: Dacă pornim semnul Burger Tank, Virgil ar putea să-l vadă." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: If we fire up the Burger Tank sign, Virgil might see it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Haideţi s-o facem." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Let's do it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Aprindeţi semnul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Fire up the sign!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: Semnul a fost aprins!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: The sign's lit!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Te rog uită-te, Virgil." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Please be watchin', Virgil." "Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: SEMNUL E STINS!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: HAIDEȚI. PORNIȚI SEMNUL DIN NOU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: COME ON. GET THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: UITAȚI-VĂ ACOLO SUS! VIRGIL NE VEDE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: LOOK UP THERE! VIRGIL SEES US!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: UITAȚI-L PE VIRGIL!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: DUCEȚI-VĂ LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Mersi, Virgil. Să fi prudent, frate." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother." "Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: Am ajuns al DRACULUI de departe, oameni buni. Sunt mândru de tine. Acum haideți să parcurgem ultimul kilometru." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: We made it REAL damn far, people. I'm proud of you. Now let's just cross that last mile." "Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: Am trecut prin iad ca să ajungem aici. Mai avem un kilometru. Haideți să băgăm niște efort în treaba asta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: We BEEN through hell getting here. Now we're at the last mile. Let's make this COUNT." "Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: În regulă oameni buni, haideţi să ajungem la podul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: All right people, let's get to that bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: Aproape am ajuns, oameni buni." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: We're almost home free, people." "Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Armata e în continuare activă aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Military's still active here!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: Încă zboară avioane cu reacţie!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: They're still flying jets!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: Înseamnă că n-au abandonat New Orleans. Haideți, să ne mișcăm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: It means they haven't abandoned New Orleans. C'mon, let's move!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: În regulă, armata e în continuare aici!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: All right, military's still here!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: Haideţi, să mergem prin parc!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: C'mon, let's head through the park!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Fiţi atenţi, autostrada se îndreaptă chiar către podul nostru." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Look, that freeway's headin' right to our bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: În regulă, deci, să o urmăm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: All right, then, let's follow it!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: Ăștia nu sunt zombi. Cineva a împușcat oameni." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: These ain't zombies. Somebody's been shootin' people." "Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: Nu știu absolut nimic. Tre' să ne mișcăm în continuare." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: I don't know shit. We gonna keep movin'." "Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: [enervat] Cum te simţi când ai atâta dreptate, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: How does bein' so right feel, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Alarma va porni când deschidem ușa." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Alarm's gonna sound when we open the door." "Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Pregătiţi-vă să fugiţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Get ready to run." "Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ FUNDURILE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: MOVE YOUR ASSES!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: MERGEȚI ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: KEEP MOVIN'!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: JUST RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: GRĂBIȚI-VĂ, OAMENI BUNI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: GET THE LEAD OUT, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: TREBUIE SĂ OPRIM ALARMA AIA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THAT ALARM!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: MOVE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Prin staţia de autobuz!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Through the bus station!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: Autostrada asta trebuie să se conecteze cu podul." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: Autostrada asta trebuie să se conecteze cu podul." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Podul nu poate fi prea departe acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Bridge can't be too far now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Armata a abandonat cartierul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Army abandoned this neighborhood." "Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: Trebuie să găsim o cale de a ne întoarce înapoi înăuntru." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: We gonna have to find a way back in." "Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: [arătând către semn] Uitaţi-vă, suntem în afara zonei de siguranţă." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: Look, we're outside the safe zone." "Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: Trebuie să ajungem la pod." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: We just gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Zombi n-au doborât elicopterul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: A fost un fel de război pe-aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Zombi n-au doborât elicopterul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: A fost un fel de război pe-aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: Sper că zgârieturile alea înseamnă zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Doamne, sper că nu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Man, I hope not." "Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: Sper că zgârieturile alea înseamnă zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Omule, chiar sper că nu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Man, I hope not.”" "Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Toată lumea în canal." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Everybody in the sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Doamne, Nick, ai ales o zi proastă să porţi un costum alb." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Man, Nick, you picked a bad day to wear your white suit." "Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nick! Vești bune - coborâm în canalul ăsta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nick! Good news - we're going down into this sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Alarme peste tot, oameni buni. Aveţi grijă de voi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Alarme peste tot, oameni buni. Aveţi grijă de voi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Toată lumea s-o ia încet, acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Toată lumea s-o ia încet, acum." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cu atenție, aveți grijă în ce trageți, și o să scăpăm nevătămați." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Mișcați-vă cu atenție, aveți grijă în ce trageți, și o să scăpăm nevătămați." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: VREȚI SĂ NU MAI TRAGEȚI NAIBII ÎN MAȘINI?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: WOULD YOU STOP SHOOTIN' THE GODDAMN CARS?!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: Am reușit, oameni buni! Suntem pe pod! Aproape am scăpat de aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: We did it, people! We're on the bridge! We're almost outta this place." "Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: NENORO... LA NAIBA." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: MOTHERF- GODDAMN." "Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: NENOROC-" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: MOTHERF-" "Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: În regulă. La naiba. Nu vă panicați. O luăm în jos și căutăm altă cale de a ajunge pe pod." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: All right. Shit. Nobody panic. We gonna head down and find another way up onto the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Mișcă-ți curul, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Get your ass movin', Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: De acord. Să mergem." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: I heard that. Let's move." "Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: Doamne, luminează tot locul ăsta. Trebuie să ajungem la pod." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: Man, they're lighting up this whole place. We gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: NU NE MAI BOMBARDAȚI." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: STOP BOMBING US." "Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: CĂCAT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: SHIT!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: La naiba! A fost aproape!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: Damn! That one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: La naiba, a fost cât pe ce!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: Shit. Damn, that one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: Uitaţi podul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: Uitaţi podul!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: E un adăpost pe pod!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: E un adăpost pe el!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: There's a safe room in it!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: În regulă, în regulă. Ne plimbăm de-a lungul podului și armata o să aibă grijă de noi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: Allrightallright. We gonna stroll across that bridge, and the army's gonna take care of us." "Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: Ei bine, ești liber să-ți faci o viață nouă în camera asta, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: Ei bine, ești liber să-ți faci o viață nouă în camera asta, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: Nu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: No." "Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Nah. Suntem în regulă." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Nah. We good." "Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Să mergem, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Să mergem, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: Ăia sună a soldaţi! Să vorbească cineva cu ei." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: Those sound like soldiers! Somebody talk to 'em." "Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Să ridice cineva receptorul." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Alo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hei! Suntem patru oameni pe pod!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hey! There's four of us on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: NU suntem infectaţi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: We are NOT infected." "Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: „Dat de?” Omule, sunt acoperit cu sânge, fiere, ochi de zombi și douăzeci de alte organe pe care nici nu le recunosc. Îți zic sigur că suntem al dracului de imuni." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood and puke and eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: Suntem pe drum." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: We're on our way." "Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: Trebuie să coborâm podul ăla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: We gotta lower that drawbridge." "Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Cineva să răspundă la radio." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: „Dat de”? Omule, sunt acoperit cu sânge, fiere, ochi de zombi și douăzeci de alte organe pe care nici nu le recunosc. Îți zic sigur că suntem al dracului de imuni." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood, puke, eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: Vrei să mă TESTEZI? Am trecut prin IAD ca să ajung aici! NU vei fi tu ăla care să mă doboare!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: You want to TEST me? I been through HELL to get to here! You are NOT the one to take me down!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: Am trecut prin IAD ca să ajung aici! Nu voi muri acum! NU voi MURI ACUM!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: I walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! I am not gonna die now! I am NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Omule, ești mult prea aproape. NU vom muri aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Omule, ești mult prea aproape. NU vom muri aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: Suntem prea aproape. NU o să te las să mori aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: We are too close. I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Fetiţo, NU te voi lăsa să mori aici." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Girl, I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: UITAȚI ELICOPTERUL NOSTRU! HAIDEȚI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: THERE'S OUR CHOPPER! COME ON!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: FUGIȚI LA ELICOPTER!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: GET TO THE CHOPPER!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: Am trecut prin IAD ca să ajungem aici! Nu vom muri acum! NU vom muri ACUM!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: We walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! We are not gonna die now! We are NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: E mai bine să dai decât să primești." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: It is more blessed to give than to receive." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Ia asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Doar ia asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Just take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: Asta e pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: This is for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Ia, nu am nevoie de asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Here, I don't need this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Ia-o, doar ia-o." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Take it, just take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hei, tu, ia asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hey you, take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: Cum te-o chema, ia de-aici." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: What's your name, here you go." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Ia asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Ia asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Grab this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Ia-o." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Oprește-te, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Stai puțin, ai nevoie de asta mai mult decât mine." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Oprește-te, poți lua asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Oprește-te, poți lua asta." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Așteaptă o clipă, ai nevoie de asta mai mult decât mine." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Oprește-te, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: Okay, suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: Okay, we ready?" "Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: Suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: Suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: Suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: Suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: Suntem gata?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Sunteți pregătiți?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Are you guys ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Credeți că puteți să vă ocupați de asta?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Do you think you can handle this?" "Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: Dacă nu sunteți gata, nu vreau să aud." "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: If you aren't ready, I don't want to hear it." "Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Înapoi!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Înapoi, înapoi, înapoi!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Back, back, back!" "Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Întoarceți-vă." "[english]Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Come on back." "Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Mergeți înapoi!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Întoarceți-vă." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Back up." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Toată lumea, înapoi." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Everyone back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Haideți să ne întoarcem." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Let's get back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Înapoi, înapoi." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Back up, back up." "Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: DAAAAAAAAAAA!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: YEEEAAAAH!" "Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: MORI! MORI!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: DIE! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: SUGE ASTA!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: SUCK ON THIS!" "Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: DAAA! MORI!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: YEAH! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Tank! Omorâți-l!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Kill the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Tank! Împușcați-l!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Împușcați nenorocitul de tank!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Shoot the damn Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Împușcați-l! Împușcați-l!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Tank! Toată lumea să-l împuște!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Everyone shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: Tu, TRAGE ÎN TANK!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: You, SHOOT THE TANK!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: TRAGEȚI ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: KEEP SHOOTING!" "Gambler_Blank" " " "[english]Gambler_Blank" " " "Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Ooh, la naiba!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Oh God damn it!" "Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Aaah, cât de scârbos." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Ahhh, this is some nasty shit." "Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: La naiba! Iar sunt plin de vomă." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: God damn it! I am covered in vomit again." "Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: Sunt orb." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: I'm blind." "Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: La naiba, sunt blocat aici. Scoateți-mă!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: God damn it, I'm stuck in here. Get me out!" "Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Vrea careva să vină și să mă scoată de aici?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Someone want to come get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: Nu sunt util nimănui de aici, așa că scoateți-mă!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: I'm no use to anyone in here, get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: Sunteți pe-acolo? Veniți și scoateți-mă de aici!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: You guys out there? Come get me!" "Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: Am nevoie de ajutorul cuiva pentru doar cinci secunde!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: I need someone's help for just five seconds!" "Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Poate vreunul din voi să vină și să mă ia, vă rog?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Can one of you people come get me, please?" "Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: Sunt blocat într-o cameră!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: I am trapped in a room!" "Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: Nu pot să ies singur de aici!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: I cannot get out of here by myself!" "Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: Haideți, scoateți-mă de aici." "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: Come on guys, get me out of here." "Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: Știți că o să fiu de mare ajutor. Doar scoateți-mă de aici!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: You know I'm going to be a big help. Just get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: În regulă, cine poate să mă scoată de aici?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: All right, who's available to get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Doar de data asta am nevoie de niște ajutor." "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Just this once I need some help." "Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Smoker! M-a prins!" "[english]Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Smoker's got me!" "Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [Înnecându-se]" "[english]Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [Choking]" "Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: M-A PRINS SMOKERUL!!!" "[english]Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Trageți în limbă! Trageți în limbă!" "[english]Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Închideți ușa." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Închideți ușa." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Nu uitați să închideți ușa." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Închide careva ușa?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Închideți ușa." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Nu uitați să închideți ușa." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Poate careva să închidă ușa?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Închideți ușa aia." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Închideți ușa aia." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: Cred că ar trebui să închidem uși." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: I think we should be closing doors." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Haideți să încercăm să închidem ușile în urma noastră." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Let's try closing doors behind us." "Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [Tușește de la fum]" "[english]Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [Coughing from smoke]" "Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Așteptați, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: Vreau să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: I'm gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: Tre' să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: I gotta heal." "Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Mă vindec!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: O să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: Gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Așteptați, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Mă vindec!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: O să mă bandajez." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: I'm gonna patch myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Așteptați, o să mă pun pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Wait up, gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Așteptați! Mă vindec!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Wait! Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Așteptați, o să mă vindec." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Hang on, I'm gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Așteptați o clipă! Mă vindec!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Just wait a sec! Healing!" "Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: La naiba. Doar noi doi am rămas." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: Well shit. We're a twosome from here on out." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Se pare că am rămas doar eu cu tine." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Looks like it's just you and me." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Aaah! Căcat!" "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Ahhh SHIT!" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: Cred că tocmai ne-am redus drastic șansele." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: I think we just became long shots." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: Tocmai ne-am distrus șansele." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: We just screwed our odds." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hei, Ellis, nu mă dezamăgi." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, don't let me down." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Hei, Ellis, știi toate prostiile alea pe care le ziceam? Glumeam și eu." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, you know all that shit I was saying? I was just joking." "Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Hai!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: HAI!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: DU-TEEE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: GOOO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Hai, hai, hai!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Go go go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Să mergem. Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Let's go. Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: HAI!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Toată lumea să se miște în continuare." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Everybody keep moving." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Doar hai." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Just go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Du-te. Du-te numai." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Just go. Go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Nu vă opriți, nu vă opriți." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Don't stop, don't stop." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Mișcați-vă în continuare." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Keep moving." "Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: Pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Aici." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Urmați-mă." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Urmați-mă." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Haideți, pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Țineți pasul." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Țineți pasul." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Veniți, pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: Bine, pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: Okay this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: Pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Veniți aici." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Urmați-mă." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Țineți pasul." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Mai fă asta odată și te îngrop de viu." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Do that again and I'll bury you alive." "Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: Nu vreau să aud scuze, pur și simplu nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: I don't want to hear any excuses, just stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: NU MAI TRAGE ÎN MINE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Poți să nu mai tragi în mine?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Can you stop shooting me?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: Știi, nu e în regulă când TRAGI ÎN MINE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: You know, it's not all right that you are SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: LA NAIBA! Ești varză la tras cu arma." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: DAMN! You suck at shooting." "Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: Ei bine, mersi pentru că mi-ai aerisit costumul." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: Well thank you for ventilating my suit." "Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: Tragi. În. Mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: You. Are. Shooting. Me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: Îți dai seama că tragi în mine, nu?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: You do realize you are shooting me right?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Mai trage în mine o dată. Mai trage în mine o dată, te provoc." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Shoot me again. Shoot me again, I dare you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: Vrei să te uiți pe unde tragi?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: You want to watch where you're shooting?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Oprește-te! Dacă tragi în mine nu ajungem nicăieri." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Stop! Shooting me doesn't get us anywhere." "Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Hai să nu stricăm treaba asta trăgând unii în alții, bine?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Let's not mess this up by shooting each other, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Putem să nu tragem unul în altul?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Întrebare: putem să nu tragem unii în alții?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Question: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: Iar tragi în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: You're shooting me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: Mai trage o dată în mine și te pocnesc." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: You shoot me again, and I will drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Mai tragi o dată în mine, te pocnesc." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Shoot me again, I'll drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Chiar ai de gând să tragi în tipul ăla cu un costum de 3.000 de dolari? Fii serios!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot the guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Chiar ai de gând să tragi în tipul ăla cu un costum de 3.000 de dolari? Fii serios!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot a guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Nu mă împușca." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Do not shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Nu mai trageți unul în celălalt." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Stop shooting each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Putem să nu mai tragem unii în alții?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Putem să nu mai tragem unii în alții?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Nu vă mai împuscați." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Don't shoot each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Putem să nu ne împușcăm între noi?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Putem să nu ne împușcăm între noi, vă rog?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other, please?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: Tragi în - MINE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: You are shooting - ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Dacă nu vrei să-ți culegi dinții de pe podea, nu mai trage în mine!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Unless you want to be picking your teeth up off the floor, stop shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: Nu știu cine a început prostia asta, dar haideți să nu mai tragem unii în alții, bine?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, but let's just stop the friendly right now, 'kay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: Nu știu cine a început prostia asta, ok? Dar haideți să nu mai tragem unii în alții." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, 'kay? But let's just stop the friendly right now,." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Să nu mai tragi niciodată în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Never shoot me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: Nu vrei să tragi în mine!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: You do not want to be shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: De ce ai crede că să tragi în mine e o idee bună?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: Why would you think shooting me is a good idea?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Haideți să încercăm să tragem în zombi în loc de oameni, bine?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Let's try shooting zombies instead of people, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coach! Nu mă împușca." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coach! Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coach! Termină." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coach! Come on." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Doar... doar oprește-te, în regulă?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Just...just stop, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hei, amice, ai grijă unde tragi!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hey sport, watch where you're shooting!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Drăguțo? Nu trage în mine." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Sweetheart? Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellis, revino-ți, omule." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellis, come on man." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Vreți să nu mai trageți în mine?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Y'all wanna stop shootin me?" "Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: O dată! O dată!" "[english]Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: One time! One time!" "Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: Ei bine, cum arăt?" "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: Well, what do I look like?" "Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: Sunt bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: I'm fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: Spune-mi tu mie." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: You tell me." "Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Ca întotdeauna." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Same as always." "Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Nu chiar grozav." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Not exactly great." "Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: Sunt în regulă, sunt în regulă." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: I'm cool, I'm cool." "Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: Sunt bine, sunt bine. Ridică-mă." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: I'm good, I'm good. Get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji pentru mine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Don't worry about me." "Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Destul de bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Good enough." "Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: Bine, sunt bine, bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: Fine, I'm fine, fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: Oh, mi-e excelent." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: Oh I'm super." "Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: Mi-a fost mai bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: I been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Doar ridică-mă." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Just get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: O să-mi fie bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: I'll be fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: O duc grozav." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: Oh I'm great." "Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Fan-tas-tic, așa mă simt." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Fan-freaking-tastic, that's how I am." "Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: O să supraviețuiesc. Hai să mergem." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: I'll live. Let's go." "Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Mi-a fost mai bine." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: Mi-a fost mai bine în trecut." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: I've been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Nu-ţi fă griji, doar ridică-mă." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Don't worry, just get me up." "Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: Am călcat rău pe bec acolo." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: I really screwed the pooch back there." "Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: Tre' să am mai multă grijă de mine." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: I gotta take better care of myself." "Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Nu-s mort încă, dar nici bine nu-mi e." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Not dead yet, but not exactly healthy." "Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: La naiba! La naiba. La naiba." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: God damn it! God damn it. God damn it." "Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: Dacă mă duc, o să vă fie dor de mine." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: If I go, you guys gonna miss me." "Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: M-am simțit mai bine de atâta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: I have seriously felt better." "Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Revino-ți omule, o iei razna." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Pull yourself together, man, you're falling apart." "Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Nu vă faceți griji pentru mine, o să fiu în regulă." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." "Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: Nu așa se va termina treaba asta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: This is not how it's going to end." "Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: Nu sunt mort încă!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: I'm not dead yet!" "Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: Va trebui să te descurci mult mai bine de-atât ca să mă omori!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: You're going to have to do better than that to kill me!" "Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Nu mai fi un fătălău, te-ai simțit mai rău după o noapte de beție." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Quit being a baby, you've felt worse after a night of drinking." "Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: Ce dezastru." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: Ain't this a bitch." "Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: La naiba, nu-mi vine să cred." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: God damn it, I can't believe this." "Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: Ei bine, cel puțin n-am luat gripă." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: Well at least I didn't catch the flu." "Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: Ce tâmpenie." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: This is some crap." "Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji, n-am terminat încă." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Don't worry. I'm not done yet." "Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: Sunt sătul până peste cap să fiu sătul până peste cap." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." "Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Nu vedeți că șchiopătez?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Can't you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Nu vedeți că șchiopătez?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Can you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: Încerc să mă grăbesc!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: I'm trying to hurry!" "Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: Merg cât de repede pot." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: I'm going as fast as I can." "Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: La ce mă gândeam oare?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: What was I thinking coming down here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: Okay, în regulă, pot face asta. Pot face asta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: Okay, all right, I can do this. I can do this." "Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: N-o să mor aici." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: I'm not going to die down here." "Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: Nu am să mor la dracu-n praznic." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: I am not dying in the middle of nowhere." "Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: N-o să supraviețuiesc pentru mult timp, prieteni, m-au făcut praf." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: I am not going to make it much longer, my friends, I am seriously screwed up." "Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: În regulă, trebuie să strig „piua” aici. Am nevoie de ajutor." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: All right, I gotta call uncle here. I need some help." "Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Ei bine, băieți, se pare că mi-a sosit ceasul." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Well, boys, this looks like it's for me." "Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Asta le întrece pe toate. Sunt pe cale să mor." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Doesn't this beat all. I am about to die." "Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Doamne, Doamne... a trecut ceva timp de când m-am simțit atât de rău." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Man, man... It has been a long time since I have felt this bad." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: Tocmai am fost lovit de flegma aia arzătoare nenorocită." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: Tocmai am fost lovit de mâzga aia arzătoare nenorocită." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: La naiba, sunt acoperit cu mâzgă." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: Goddamn it, I'm covered in goo." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: M-a lovit măzga aia arzătoare nenorocită." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Haideți să ieșim din mâzgă!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Let's get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Ieșiți din mâzgă!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Uuh, ce dracu' tocmai a făcut chestia aia?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Ugh, what in the hell did that thing just do?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: Ce e căcatul ăsta de pe mine?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: What is this shit on me?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: De ce sunt acoperit?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: What am I covered in?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: M-a prins chargerul!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: Charger's got me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Omorâți chargerul!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Kill the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Omorâți chargerul!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Shoot the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Poate cineva să împuște drăcovenia asta?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Can someone shoot this goddamn thing?!?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Împuscați tipul ăsta mare care mă face una cu pământul!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Shoot the big guy pounding me into the ground!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Împuscați-l! Împuscați-l!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Shoot him! Shoot him!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Împuscați chestia asta nenorocită!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Kill this goddamn thing!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: Chestia asta mă bate rău!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: This thing is beating my ass!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Jockey! M-a prins!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Jockey's got me." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Împușcați chestia asta de pe spinarea mea!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Shoot this thing on my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Jockey pe mine! Omorâți-l!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Kill this Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Jockey pe mine!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Împușcați chestia asta de pe spinarea mea!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Shoot this thing off my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: Nu, deloc." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: No, it doesn't." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: Fac pariu pe zece dolari că-l duce spre dreapta." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: Ten bucks says he takes him to the right." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: Nu!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: Nu, nu!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: No, No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: NUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKERUL..." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER'S..." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...M-A PRINS!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: M-A PRINS SMOKERUL!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: NU, NU, NU!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: No, No, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: NU, NU, NU!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: NO, NO, NO!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: Nu!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: NU!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: NU, NU!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: NO, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: NU!!!!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: NO!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: Ce dracu'?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: What the hell?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: M-a prins ceva?!?!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: Something's got me?!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: Ce-i căcatul ăsta?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: What's this shit?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: Ce dra...? Aah, scârboșenii." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: What the? Ahh, gross shit." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: O limbă!?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: Freaking tongue!?" "Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: GRENADE!" "Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Arunc o bombă artizală." "[english]Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Arunc un molotov." "[english]Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Vine focul." "[english]Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Fire coming." "Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Bombă artizanală!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Pipe Bomb!" "Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Arunc o bombă artizanală." "[english]Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Arunc un molotov." "[english]Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Fugăriți asta, zombi nenorociți!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Chase this, you zombie bastards!" "Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Îl aprind!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Bombă artizanală, păzea!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Îl aprind!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Bombă artizanală, păzea!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: Probabil că ar trebui să păstrez asta pentru mine, dar - ce naiba." "[english]Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: I should probably save this for me, but - what the hell." "Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Lasă-l pe doctorul Nick să te bandajeze." "[english]Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Let doctor Nick fix you up." "Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Rezistă un pic, lasă-mă să te bandajez." "[english]Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Just hang on, let me heal you." "Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: Ești un dezastru, stai pe loc." "[english]Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: You're a mess, stand still." "Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Acum, nu irosi asta și nu te lăsa atacat sau altceva." "[english]Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Now, don't waste this by getting pounced or something." "Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Stai pe loc, am mai făcut asta în trecut." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Hold still, I've done this before." "Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Nu te mai fâțâi. Am văzut și mai rău d-așa." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Quit moving around. I've seen worse." "Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Îmbărbătează-te un minut. O să te rezolv." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Man up for a minute. I'm going to fix you up." "Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Stai pe loc. Probabil o s-o regret, dar lasă-mă să folosesc asta pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Hold still. Probably going to regret this, but let me use this on you." "Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: În regulă, nu le spune celorlalți că fac asta. O fac doar pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: All right, don't let the other ones know I am doing this. I'm only doing it for you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Așteaptă! AȘTEAPTĂ." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Hold on! HOLD. ON." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: Nu avem timp, nu te mai mișca." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: We don't have time, stop moving." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Acoperă-ne în timp ce te vindec." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Cover us while I heal you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: Te vindec. Trage în continuare." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: I'm gonna heal you. Keep shooting." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Ține-i departe de noi în timp ce te vindec." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Keep 'em off us while I heal you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Stați ochii în patru. Aud un boomer." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Keep a lookout. I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: Aud un boomer." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: Auziți boomerul ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: Auziți boomerul ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: Auziți boomerul ăla? Nu-l lăsați să vomite pe voi." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: You hear that Boomer? Don't let him spew on you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Boomer în apropiere. Nu îl împuscați dacă e lângă mine! BINE?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Boomer around. Don't shoot him if he's near me! OKAY?" "Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Fiți cu ochii în patru, aud un charger." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Keep your eyes peeled, I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: Aud un charger." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Charger în zonă, pregătiți-vă." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Charger în zonă, pregătiți-vă." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Auziți zgomotele alea de charger?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Do you hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: Aud un charger." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: Auziți acel charger?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: You hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank în zonă!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank inbound!" "Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Tank! Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Man up! We got a Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: TANK! Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: Get ready, we got a TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Rămâneți pe poziții, TANK!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Hold steady, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă, TANK!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Get ready, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: Auziți gemetele alea de hunter?" "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: You hear that Hunter?" "Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Fiți atenți, hunter în zonă." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Pay attention, Hunter's around." "Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: Aud un hunter." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: I hear a Hunter." "Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: Aud un jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Jockey în apropiere." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: Unul din jockey-ii ăia mici și jegoși e pe-aici." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: Aud un jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Jockey în apropiere." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: Unul din jockey-ii ăia mici și jegoși e în apropiere." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: E un smoker prin apropiere." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: E un smoker pe aici" "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: Smoker's around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: Aud un smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: I hear a Smoker." "Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: E un smoker pe aici." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Bate cineva un cal?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Is someone beating a horse?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: Ce-i aia? Bate cineva un cal sau ce?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: What is that? Is somebody beating a horse or what?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: Ce naiba e zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: What in the hell is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: Auziți? De parcă zombii nu erau destul de răi." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: You hear that? I guess zombies weren't bad enough." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: Auziți?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: You hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Auziți?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Can you hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: Ce e zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: What is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: N-am nici cea mai vagă idee ce e zgomotul ăla." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: I have no idea what that noise is." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Ceva ce va trebui să omorâm." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Something we're gonna have to kill." "Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter în zonă." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: E ceva în zonă. Spitter!" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: E ceva în zonă. Spitter!" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: Aud ceva în zonă. Spitter!" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: Sper că ăla nu e antiglonț." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: Am pus-o." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Poate dacă nu ne mișcăm n-o să ne vadă." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: Bine, ăla e motiv de panică." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: Ce semn al apocalipsei mai e și ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: Sper că ăla nu e antiglonț." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: Ce semn al apocalipsei mai e și ăla?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: Bine, ăla e motiv de panică." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Poate dacă nu ne mișcăm n-o să ne vadă." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: Am pus-o." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Par a fi plânsete de witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Par a fi plânsete de witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: Cred că-mi aud fosta nevastă..." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: I think I hear my ex-wife..." "Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Auziți acele plânsete de witch?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Everybody hear that Witch?" "Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: Aud plânsete de witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: I hear a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Ah, ia uite un sunet cunoscut." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Oh, there's a sound that's familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: Sunetul ăla îmi pare cunoscut." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: That sound is familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: Nu-mi place cum sună plânsetele astea." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: Nu-mi place cum sună plânsetele astea." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: O femeie care plânge, credeți că e tristă fiindcă e închis mallul?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: A crying woman. What do you think, she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: O femeie care plânge, credeți că e tristă fiindcă e închis mallul?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: A crying woman. You think she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_Help01" "Nick: Am nevoie de niște ajutor." "[english]Gambler_Help01" "Nick: I need some help." "Gambler_Help02" "Nick: Nu pot să fac singur asta, ajutați-mă!" "[english]Gambler_Help02" "Nick: I can't do this on my own, gimme some help!" "Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Îmi dă careva o mână de ajutor aici?" "[english]Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Somebody want to lend me a hand here?" "Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Ajutor!" "[english]Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Help!" "Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hei, aici!" "[english]Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hey, over here!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunterul l-a prins pe Coach!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Coach!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter pe Coach!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Coach!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunterul l-a prins pe Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter pe Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter pe Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunterul l-a prins pe Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: L-a prins un zombi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: L-a prins un zombi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Zombi pe el!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Zombie on him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Zombi pe ea!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Luați zombiul ăla de pe ea!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Get that zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunterul a prins-o pe Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter pe Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: Călcăm prin valea umbrei morții și rupem capete." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death and kicking ass." "Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: N-o fi drăguț, dar facem asta." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: It may not be pretty, but we're doing this." "Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: Nu sunteți chiar așa răi." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: You guys aren't so damn bad." "Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: Incredibil, o să supraviețuim." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: What do ya know, we're going to make it." "Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: Sunteți destul de buni la asta." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: You guys are pretty good." "Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Ași!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Aces!" "Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Haideți odată, mă grăbesc." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Haideți odată, mă grăbesc." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Grăbiți-vă." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Hurry it up." "Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Să mergem, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Let's go, let's go!" "Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Mișcați, mișcați, mișcați." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Move, move, move." "Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: Aici sunt." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: De ce nu? Te urmăresc." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: Why not? I follow you." "Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: Sunt cu tine." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: I'm with you." "Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Sigur, hai să mergem." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Sure thing, let's go." "Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Sigur, hai să mergem." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Sure, let's go." "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: Sunt la pământ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: SUNT LA PĂMÂNT!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: I'M DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: AM CĂZUT!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: M-au doborât!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: De asta avem arme!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: This is why we've got guns!" "Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: E pe cale să devină serioasă treaba asta!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: It's about to get serious!" "Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: Vin spre noi!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: We got inbound!" "Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: Vin zombi!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Uitați că vin!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Here they come!" "Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: La naiba, devine crunt." "[english]Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: God damn, it's gettin' good." "Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: Vin zombi!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Get ready!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: L-am luat!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: A murit!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: It's dead!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: L-am luat!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Mort." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: I-am spart." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: I-am spart." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: Gata ca cina!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: Done like dinner!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: La fix." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: L-am lovit." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: That's a hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Mort." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Lovit." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: La fix." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: L-am luat!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: Nu cred, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: I don't think so Ellis." "Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Stingeți luminile." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Toată lumea, stingeți-vă lanternele." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Everybody, lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Stingeți-vă lanterna." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Kill your light." "Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Condu-ne." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Condu-ne, MacDuff." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Lead on, MacDuff." "Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Condu, deșteptăciune." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Lead on, smart guy." "Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Condu-ne." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: I'm right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Da, ia-o tu înainte." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Yeah, you go first." "Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Condu-ne." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Mișcați-vă cururile aici și AJUTAȚI-MĂ!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Get your asses over here and HELP ME!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: CINEVA TREBUIE SĂ MĂ AJUTE SĂ MĂ RIDIC!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HELP ME UP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Nu mă lăsați aici, LA NAIBA! AJUTOR!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Don't be leaving me here DAMNIT! HELP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: AJUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: UUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: Atârn aici!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: I am hanging over here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Nici să nu vă gândiți să mă lăsați aici!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Mi-ar prinde bine o mână de ajutor aici." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Could use a hand over here." "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Mi-ar prinde bine o mână de ajutor aici." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Could use some help here." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Uah." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Heh!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Uah." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Uah." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Heh!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Oameni buni, se pare că am alunecat!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Guys, I seem to have slipped!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: Atârn aici." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: I'm hanging here." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Hei! Dă-mi o mână de ajutor." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Hey! Give me a hand." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: Am nevoie de o mână de ajutor." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: I need a hand." "Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Rezistă, tencuială. Lasă-mă să te ridic." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Easy there, fireball. Let me get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji. Te scap eu din beleaua asta." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Don't worry. I'll bail your ass out of this mess." "Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Ți-a fost dor de mine? Haide, hai să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Did you miss me? Come on, let's get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: Te-am prins, relaxează-te. Să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: I got you, just relax. Let's get you up." "Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Acolo!" "[english]Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Uitați!" "[english]Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Acolo!" "[english]Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Uitați-vă!" "[english]Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Acolo!" "[english]Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Uitați-vă!" "[english]Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Uitați-vă!" "[english]Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Verificați asta." "[english]Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Uitați-vă aici." "[english]Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Uitați-vă la asta." "[english]Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Verificați asta." "[english]Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Uitați-vă aici." "[english]Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Uitați-vă la asta." "[english]Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Păzea!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Look out!" "Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Păzea!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Watch out!" "Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Atenție!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Heads up!" "Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Aloooo?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Alooooooooo!" "[english]Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Heyyy ooooo!" "Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Mă aude cineva?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Anybody hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Mă puteți auzi?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Can you guys hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Aloooo?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Uită-te la tine. Ce așteptăm? Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Look at ya. What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Decolarea!" "[english]Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Let's roll!" "Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: E vremea să ne mișcăm." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: Time to move." "Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: Ce așteptăm? Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Îți bați joc de mine, Ellis? Haide." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Are you kidding me, Ellis? Come on." "Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Pufuleț." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Pufuleț." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Cleetus." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Cleetus." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hei, Cleetus." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hey Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Pufuleț." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Cooter." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Cooter." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Cooter." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Salopetă." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Salopetă." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Hei, Ellis, îți plac buletele?" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Hey Ellis, you like taters?" "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: Eu sunt Nicolas... Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: I'm Nicolas... Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Numele meu e Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: Puteți să-mi spuneți Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Numele e Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: Puteți să-mi spuneți Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Numele e Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hei, Coach, poți să-mi zici Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hey Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coach, poți să-mi zici Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Băiete, numele meu e Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Băiete, numele meu e Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Bă." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Bă." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Bă." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Bă." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hei, băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hey, kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Băiete." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hei, tu." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hei, drăguțo." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hey, sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hei, frumoaso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hei, dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hei, dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hei, frumoaso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Frumoaso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hei, tu." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hei, dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hei, tu." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hei, dulceață." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: Foarte bine!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: Foarte bine!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Bună treabă!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Bună treabă!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: A fost surprinzător de bine." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: That was surprisingly good." "Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Frumos." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Frumos." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Frumos." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: Asta îmi place să văd." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: That's what I like to see." "Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Uau. Frumos." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Wow. Nice." "Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Bine tras." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Bine tras." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: Cum ai făcut aia?" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: How'dja do that?" "Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Bine tras." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Bine tras." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Good shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Bine tras." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Nice shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Bine tras!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Nice shot!" "Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Bine tras, asule." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Nice shot, Ace." "Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Impresionant." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Impressive." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: În regulă, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: În regulă, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: Începi să te pricepi la asta, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: Începi să te pricepi la asta, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: La naiba, Rochelle..." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle..." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... la naiba!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... damn!" "Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: La naiba, Rochelle. Frumos." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle. Nice." "Gambler_No01" "Nick: Nu." "[english]Gambler_No01" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No02" "Nick: Nup." "[english]Gambler_No02" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No03" "Nick: Nu." "[english]Gambler_No03" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No04" "Nick: În niciun caz." "[english]Gambler_No04" "Nick: No sir-ee Bob." "Gambler_No05" "Nick: Nup." "[english]Gambler_No05" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No06" "Nick: Na-ah." "[english]Gambler_No06" "Nick: Uh uh." "Gambler_No07" "Nick: Nu." "[english]Gambler_No07" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No08" "Nick: Nup." "[english]Gambler_No08" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No09" "Nick: Clar, nu." "[english]Gambler_No09" "Nick: Yeah, no." "Gambler_No10" "Nick: NU!" "[english]Gambler_No10" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No11" "Nick: NU!" "[english]Gambler_No11" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No12" "Nick: NU!" "[english]Gambler_No12" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Mai încearcă o dată, campionule." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Try again, champ." "Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Mai bagă o fisă, piticule." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Try again, little man." "Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: Nu, drăguțo." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: No, sweety." "Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: În niciun caz, drăguțo." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: No way, sweety." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Uah, da." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Whoa, yeah." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: Bine." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Aaah." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Ahhh." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Mai bine." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Better." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: Aia a funcționat." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: That worked." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: În regulă, acum m-am întors." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: All right, now I'm back." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Aah, mai bine." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Ahh, better." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr" "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: Bine, aia o să dureze ceva." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: Okay, that's gonna last for a bit." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Ah, ceva care să mă motiveze." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Ah, a little pick me up." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: Un pic de ameliorare. Asta e bine." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: A little pick me up. That's good." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: Bine, trebuie să găsesc o trusă adevărată." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: Okay, gotta find some real first aid." "Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: [Râde]" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: De-asta ziceam!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Iubito!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Baby!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: DA!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: DA!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: La naiba, da." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: De-asta ziceam!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: Damn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Grozav!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Awesome!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Directă!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Directă!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: De-asta ziceam!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: DA!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: La naiba, da." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: Toate se duc dracului!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: La naiba..." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Căcat!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: Mai dă-o dracu'." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Baliverne!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Nenorociții!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Holy Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Ah, la naiba!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Ah, tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Fir-ar să fie!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: Pe dracu'." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: Toată situația asta se duce naibii!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: La naiba..." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: La naiba!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: La dracu'." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Baliverne!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Nenorociții!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: La naiba!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Prostii!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Fir-ar să fie!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: Pe dracu'." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: E vreo glumă proastă?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: E vreo glumă proastă?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: Eu zic gata." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: I call foul." "Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Să mă pupați în cur." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Fir-ar." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: La naiba." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: Asshat." "Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Târfă." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Dobitocule." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Asshole." "Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Dobitocule." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Nenorocitule." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Dă-o naibii." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Screw this." "Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Mă pupi în cur." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Mă pupi în cur." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: Ce bulangiu." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: What an assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Dobitocule." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Încarc." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Încarc." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Încarc." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: Nu te pot minți. Ești varză. Dacă nu te bandajezi, s-a terminat." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: I can't lie to you. You are messed up. If you don't get yourself healed up, that's it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: Serios că nu poți să cazi iar. Dacă o faci... n-o să supraviețuiești." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: You seriously cannot go down again. If you do...you aren't going to make it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: Începi să mă îngrijorezi. Te pot ridica, dar mai cazi o dată și s-a terminat." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: You're starting to worry me. I can get you up, but you go down again and that's it." "Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: Nu ne permitem să te pierdem încă. Să te ridicăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: We can't afford to lose you, yet. So let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: Trebuie să înveți să ai grijă de tine sau o să sfârșești mereu pe podea." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: You have to learn to take care of yourself or you'll keep ending up down here." "Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Haide odată, ridică-te. N-ai murit încă." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Come on get up. You're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Haide, revino-ți. Trebuie să te ridicăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Come on pull yourself together. We gotta get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: Trebuie să ai mai multă grijă de tine! Hai să te ridicăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: You have to take better care of yourself! Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Uită-te la tine cum stai acolo. E timpul să te ridici." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Look at you lying there. Time to get up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Haide, ridică-te. Ridică-te, n-ai murit încă." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Come on get up. Get up, you're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: Noi, eu... am nevoie de tine încă un pic. Deci haide să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: We, I... need you for a little longer. So let's get you back up on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: Dacă te ridic, promiți să nu mai tragi în mine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: If I get you up, you promise not to shoot me anymore?" "Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Haide, am văzut mai rele. Hai să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Come on, I've seen worse. Let's get your butt up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: Se pare că de fiecare dată când mă întorc ești întins pe podea. Hai să te ridicăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: It seems like every time I turn around you are down on the ground. Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: E un miracol că ai rezistat atât de mult, să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: It's a miracle you lasted this long, Let's get you on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Calmează-te, calmează-te. Totul o să fie bine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Settle down, Settle down. Everything is going to be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: Asta e o nimica toată. O să fii ca nou odată ce te-am pus pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: N-o să te las în urmă. Hai să te ridicăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: I'm not going to leave you behind. Let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: Ești mai tare decât pari. Să te punem la loc pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: You're tougher than you look. Let's get you back on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Relaxează-te. O să fii bine. Am văzut mai rele." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Relax. You're going to be okay. I have seen worse." "Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji. Nu-ți face griji. Te ridic imediat." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji. Nu-ți face griji. Te pot ridica." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: Asta e o nimica toată. O să fii ca nou odată ce te-am pus la loc pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Lasă-mă să mă uit la tine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Let me look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: O să fii bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: You going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: O să fii bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: Are you going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: Cum reziști?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: How you holding up?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Ai grijă, viteazule, ai grijă." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Easy there, fireball, easy." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Ai grijă, viteazule." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Easy there, fireball." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: Te-ai rănit?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: You hurt?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Totul bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Everything working?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: Ești întreg?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: You in one piece?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: N-o să-mi mori în brațe, nu-i așa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: You're not gonna die on me, are ya?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: O să mori?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: Are you going to die?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: O să reziști?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: You gonna make it?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: Ești bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: Bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: Ești bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: Ești bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: Bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: Ești bine?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Haide, mai avem o grămadă de lucruri de făcut." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Come on, still lots to be done." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Bună dimineața!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Rise and shine!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Haideți să ne mișcăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Let's hit the road." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Hop-așa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Here we go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Sus și pe ei." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Up and at 'em." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Let's roll." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: Îmi ești dator." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: You owe me one." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Să ne uităm la tine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Let's have a look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: E timpul să ne răzbunăm." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: Time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: E timpul să ne răzbunăm puțin." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: It's time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: Vezi - totu-i bine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: See - all good." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Ca nou." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Good as new." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Haideți, să omorâm niște zombi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Let's go kill some zombies." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Ridică-te. Nu mă lași cu ăștia doi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Get up. You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Ridică-te, te rog. Nu mă lași cu ăștia doi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Get up, please? You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: Hai campionule. Să te punem pe picioare. O să fii bine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: Hai campionule. Să te punem pe picioare. O să fii bine." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: O să zic doar: uite, dacă am făcut eu asta, îmi cer scuze." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: I'll just say. Look, if I did this, I apologize." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: O să zic doar: uite, dacă am făcut eu asta, îmi cer scuze." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: I'll just say. If I did this, I'm sorry." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: Fir-ar, haide, haide. Haide." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: RIDICĂ-TE, RIDICĂ-TE, RIDICĂ-TE!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: GET UP, GET UP, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: E TIMPUL SĂ NE MIȘCĂM, HAI SĂ MERGEM!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: TIME TO MOVE, LET'S GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: N-avem timp de asta, RIDICĂ-TE!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: We don't have time for this, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Să mergem, ÎN PICIOARE! Să MERGEM!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Let's go, ON YOUR FEET! Let's GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: Fir-ar, haide, haide. Haide." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Adăpost!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: Avem un adăpost!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: We got a safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Adăpost în față!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Safe house ahead!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: Uitați adăpostul!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: There's the safe house!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Salut!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: Aici sunt." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: Bine, sunt aici." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: Okay, I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Salut!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Bună!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Y'ello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Bună!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: Suntem toți aici." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: We're all here." "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: PRINDE-L! PRINDE-L!!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: LUAȚI-L, LUAȚI-L!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: DAȚI-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Scuză-mă." "[english]Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Scuză-mă." "[english]Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Iartă-mă, bine?." "[english]Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Forgive me, okay?." "Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Ei bine, scuză-mă." "[english]Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Well, sorry." "Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: Îmi pare rău, asta vrei să zic?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: I'm sorry, is that what you want me to say?" "Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: Îmi pare rău, bine?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: I'm sorry, okay?" "Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Mă poți ierta?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Can you forgive me?" "Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Nu te uita la mine așa." "[english]Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Don't look at me like that." "Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Muniție aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Muniție aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Muniție!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Muniție aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Muniție!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: First Aid Kit here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: Prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: First Aid here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: Prim ajutor!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: First Aid!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: Truse de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: First Aid Kits here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: Truse de prim ajutor!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: First Aid Kits!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: E o bombă artizanală aici." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: There's a pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Bombă artizanală." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Pipe bomb." "Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Bombe artizanale!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Pipe bombs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Luați o bombă artizanală!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Grab a pipe bomb!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Bombă artizanală aici." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Molotov aici." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Molotov here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotoave!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: Avem molotovuri!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: We got Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Pastile aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: Avem pastile aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Pastile aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Pastile aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: Avem pastile aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Arme aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Weapons over here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Toată lumea să ia câte o armă!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Everyone grab a weapon!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Arme aici!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Guns here!" "Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Stați aproape!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Stați împreună, oameni buni." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Stay together, people." "Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Stați aproape." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Keep close." "Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Intrați!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Toată lumea, ÎNĂUNTRU!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Everybody INSIDE!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Înăuntru, ACUM!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Inside NOW!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Nu vă mai prostiți, intrați!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: Nu mă faceți să ies după voi!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: Don't make me come out there for you!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Nu vă mai prostiți, intrați!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Intrați!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Vindecă-te!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Vindecă-te!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: E un moment bun să te vindeci." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: Good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: Ar fi un moment bun să te bandajezi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: This would be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Poate că ai putea să te vindeci acum." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Maybe you could heal up now." "Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Bandajează-te dacă trebuie." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Heal if you need to." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: Ar fi un moment bun să te bandajezi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: This might be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: E timpul ca lumea să se vindece." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Nu uita că te poți vindeca." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Don't forget you can heal yourself." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: E un moment bun să te bandajezi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: This is a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: E timpul ca lumea să se bandajeze." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coach, ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coach, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coach, don't forget about that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Hei, Coach, vindecă-te." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Hei, Coach, vindecă-te." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coach, ar trebui probabil să te vindeci." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coach, you should maybe heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coach, ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, vindecă-te." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: E timpul să te vindeci, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: Time to heal, Ellis." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: Haide, Ellis, nu face pe eroul. Folosește-ți trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: Haide, Ellis, nu face pe eroul. Folosește-ți trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, nu arăți prea bine." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, avem nevoie de tine, vindecă-te." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Hei, Ro, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Hei, Ro, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, nu arăți prea bine." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, avem nevoie de tine, vindecă-te." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Aah, Coach." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Ahh, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: La revedere, Coach." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: Later, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: La dracu', Coach, o să-mi fie dor de tine." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: Shit, Coach, I'll miss you." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: O să-mi fie dor de tine, barosane." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: I am going to miss you, big guy." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: La naiba, Coach, cu ce m-ai lăsat?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: La naiba, Coach, cu ce m-ai lăsat?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Aah, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Ahh, Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, sunt surprins că ai rezistat atât de mult." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, I am surprised you lasted as long as you did." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: Era enervant, dar știa cum să tragă cu arma." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: N-avem timp să bocim, haideți să mergem." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: No time for mourning, let's go." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: Era enervant, dar știa să tragă cu arma." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: Mă pot gândi la alți doi oameni pe care aș fi preferat să-i văd murind primii." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: I can think of two other people I would have rather seen go first." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Oameni buni, ce facem acum?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Guys, what are we going to do now?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Ooh, căcat, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Ahh shit, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Noapte bună, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Goodnight, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: Și uite-așa se duce repopularea pământului." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: There goes repopulating the earth." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Iau carabina." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Iau carabina de asalt." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Iau carabina de asalt." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Carabina de asalt." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Iau carabina de asalt." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: Am luat pușca." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: I got the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Pușca e a mea." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun for me." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Iau pușca." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun" "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Pușcă." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: Asta îmi trezește niște amintiri plăcute." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: This brings back some good memories." "Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: Asta e drăguță, o să sparg niște capete cu ea." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: This is nice, I'm gonna crack some heads with it." "Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: O să sparg niște capete cu asta." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: I'm gonna crack some heads with this." "Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Nup. Bodyguard la un club." "[english]Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Nope. Bouncer at a club." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: Am nevoie de asta." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: Am nevoie de asta." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Iau eu trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Grabbing the First Aid." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: Țin eu trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: I'll hold on to the First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: Trusă de prim ajutor." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: Un nenorocit de topor!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: A freaking axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Topor!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: O să fac niște cucuie cu asta!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: Gonna bonk some heads with this!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Tigaie!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Frying pan!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: O tigaie!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: A skillet!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: Asta o să prindă bine." "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: This'll work." "Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: La naiba, da!" "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: Hell yeah!" "Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: Ce senzație plăcută." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: This feels good." "Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: Asta ar putea fi distractiv." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: This could be fun." "Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: Pot să economisesc niște gloanțe cu asta." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: Can save some bullets with this one." "Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: Asta o să prindă bine." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: That'll come in handy." "Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: O să fac ravagii cu asta." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: I am going to beat the shit out of something with this." "Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Iau un molotov." "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Grabbing a Molotov." "Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Pastile." "[english]Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Pills." "Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: Am luat pastile." "[english]Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: I got pills." "Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: Pot oricând să folosesc astea." "[english]Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: I can always use these." "Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: O să țin pastilele astea la mine." "[english]Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: I'll hold onto these pills." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Iau o bombă artizanală." "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Bombă artizanală!" "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Pipe bomb!" "Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Iau pistolul!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Grabbing the pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistol!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Al doilea pistol." "[english]Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Second pistol." "Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: O să aleg pușca." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: Going with the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Pușcă." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Iau pușca." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Arma cu lunetă e a mea." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: Eu o să lunetez." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Arma cu lunetă e a mea." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: Eu o să lunetez." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Iau mitraliera." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Taking the machinegun." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Aleg mitraliera." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Going with the machinegun." "Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Nenorocitul de tank mă omoară!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Nenorocitul de tank mă omoară!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Vedeți chestia asta enormă de pe mine?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Vedeți chestia asta enormă de pe mine?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Maică Precistă! Chestia asta mă omoară!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Maică Precistă! Chestia asta mă omoară!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Suge asta!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Suck on that!" "Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Bagă asta unde nu răsare soarele!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Stick that where the sun don't shine!" "Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Luați de-aici băloși nenorociți." "[english]Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Take that you mealy-mouthed bastards." "Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Bagă-ți asta în cur!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Stick it up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Bagă-ți asta în cur!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Stick that up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: Spălăm pe jos cu voi." "[english]Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: We are wiping the floor with you." "Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: N-aveți nicio șansă." "[english]Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: You don't stand a chance." "Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Dați-vă bătuți acum!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Give up now!" "Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Fătălăilor!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Candyasses!" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Nu credeți că ar trebui să omorâm zombi?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Don't you think we should be killing the zombies instead?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: Ce dracu' de strategie e aia?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: What in the hell kind of strategy is that?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: Ce?! E suficient de greu fără să-i ajutați pe ciudați!" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: What?! This is hard enough without you helping the freaks!" "Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Mersi." "[english]Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Thanks." "Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Mulțumesc." "[english]Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Thank you." "Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Mersi!" "[english]Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Thanks!" "Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Mersi, omule, îți rămân dator." "[english]Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Thanks, man, I owe you." "Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: Îți rămân dator." "[english]Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: I owe you one." "Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Mersi frate." "[english]Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Thanks, bro." "Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Mersi, șmechere." "[english]Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Thanks, killer." "Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Mersi, Ro." "[english]Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Thanks, Ro." "Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Relaxează-te, relaxează-te, vin!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Relax, relax I'm coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: Sunt pe drum!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: I'm on my way!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Rezistă, vin!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Hold on, coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: Sunt pe drum!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: I'm on the way!" "Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: A fost PREA la limită!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: That was WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: A fost mult, mult PREA aproape!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: That was way, WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Doamne, ce noroc pe noi!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Man, we got lucky!" "Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: Așa se face, prieteni!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: That, my friends, is how you do it!" "Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: An nou fericit!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: Happy New Year!" "Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: Ce noroc pe noi!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: We got lucky!" "Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Așteptați." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Wait." "Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Nu vă mișcați de aici." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Don't move from this spot." "Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Stați aici." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Stați aici." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Just stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Așteptați aici." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Wait here." "Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: AVEM UN BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: AVEM UN BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Grăsan!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Omul cu fierea!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Goiter man!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Dolofan." "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Aunt Bee." "Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Burtos!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Fatty!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Umflat!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Aveți grijă cu toții." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Everybody be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Haideți să avem grijă." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Let's be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Încercați să aveți grijă." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Try and be careful." "Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: AVEM UN CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: WE GOT A CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: Semiciung!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: One Arm!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Salopetă!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Overalls!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Țăran!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Hillbilly!" "Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: AVEM UN HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: AVEM UN HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Săritor!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Jumper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Țopăitor!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Leaper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Târfă mică și amărâtă pe care o s-o omor." "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Scrawny little bitch I'm gonna kill." "Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Pitic!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Monstru mic!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Little freak!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Pitic!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: AVEM UN SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: WE GOT A SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: LIMBĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: TONGUE!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: Chestie fumătoare!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: The smoking thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: Atenție la spitter!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: We got a Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Chestie verde!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Green thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Gâtlej!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Neck!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: Avem mâzgă!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Vine mâzga!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Goo incoming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Chestie fierbinte în zbor!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Hot stuff coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Scuipat arzător în zbor!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Scuipat arzător în zbor!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: Avem mâzgă!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: Ne vine mâzga!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: We got goo coming!" "Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: AVEM UN TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: WE GOT A TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: Avem o problemă!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: SFINTE! ZOMBI AL DRACULUI DE MARE!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: Avem o problemă!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: SFINTE! ZOMBI AL DRACULUI DE MARE!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: Atenție la witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: We got a Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: Sunt în spatele nostru!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: They're behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: În spatele nostru!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: În spate!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: Behind!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: În spatele nostru!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Aaah, am enervat-o pe witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: Târfa asta aleargă după mine!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: This bitch is chasing me!" "Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Vine witch! Vine witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Witch coming! Witch coming!" "Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Trageți în witch! Trageți în witch! Trageți în witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Trageți în witch! Trageți în witch! Trageți în witch! Ce faceți? Împușcați-o!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! What are you doing? Shoot her!" "Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Aaah, am enervat-o pe witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Lăsați-o în pace pe witch." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Leave the Witch alone." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: O putem lăsa pe witch în pace?" "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: Can we leave that Witch alone?" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Aveți grijă, acea witch începe să se enerveze." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Watch out, that Witch is getting angry." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Stați departe de witch." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Stay away from the Witch." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: ELLIS! N-o deranja pe witch." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: ELLIS! Leave that Witch alone." "Gambler_World101" "Nick: Bine, deci nu suntem pe malul cel bun al râului." "[english]Gambler_World101" "Nick: Okay, so we're on the wrong side of the river." "Gambler_World102" "Nick: Lucrurile ar putea sta și mai rău." "[english]Gambler_World102" "Nick: Things could be worse." "Gambler_World103" "Nick: Tot ce trebuie să facem e să găsim autostrada. O să ne ducă la pod." "[english]Gambler_World103" "Nick: All we have to do is find the freeway. It'll take us to the bridge." "Gambler_World104" "Nick: Să mergem pe uscat." "[english]Gambler_World104" "Nick: Let's head inland." "Gambler_World105" "Nick: Să coborâm de pe doc." "[english]Gambler_World105" "Nick: Let's get off the dock." "Gambler_World106" "Nick: Uah! Armata e încă aici." "[english]Gambler_World106" "Nick: Whoa! Military's still here." "Gambler_World107" "Nick: Se pare că a preluat armata controlul." "[english]Gambler_World107" "Nick: Looks like the military took over." "Gambler_World108" "Nick: Parcă îmi amintesc orașul ușor diferit." "[english]Gambler_World108" "Nick: I kind of remember the city a little different." "Gambler_World109" "Nick: Speram că orașul o să fie într-o formă mai bună." "[english]Gambler_World109" "Nick: I was hoping the city would be in better shape." "Gambler_World110" "Nick: Se pare că încă se țin de oraș." "[english]Gambler_World110" "Nick: Looks like they are still holding on to the city." "Gambler_World111" "Nick: În curtea asta." "[english]Gambler_World111" "Nick: In this courtyard." "Gambler_World112" "Nick: Nu trageți în mașina aia!" "[english]Gambler_World112" "Nick: Don't shoot that car!" "Gambler_World113" "Nick: După cum arată parcul ăsta, mă bucur că n-am ajuns mai devreme." "[english]Gambler_World113" "Nick: From the looks of this park, I'm glad we didn't arrive early." "Gambler_World114" "Nick: Prin parc." "[english]Gambler_World114" "Nick: Through the park." "Gambler_World115" "Nick: Fugim la turn și oprim alarma." "[english]Gambler_World115" "Nick: We run to the tower and turn off the alarm." "Gambler_World116" "Nick: Cum se deschide ușa, pregătiți-vă să fugiți către turn." "[english]Gambler_World116" "Nick: As soon as that door opens, get ready to run for the tower." "Gambler_World117" "Nick: Cadavrele astea nu sunt infectate." "[english]Gambler_World117" "Nick: These bodies are not infected." "Gambler_World118" "Nick: I-au pus să le dovedească faptul că sunt suficient de sănătoși ca să meargă până acolo." "[english]Gambler_World118" "Nick: They made them prove they were healthy enough to walk that far." "Gambler_World119" "Nick: Ai mâncat vreodată carne de cal? Gustoasă." "[english]Gambler_World119" "Nick: You ever eat horse? Tasty." "Gambler_World120" "Nick: Da, desigur, rămâneți împreună!" "[english]Gambler_World120" "Nick: Yeah and of course, stay together" "Gambler_World121" "Nick: Șiiii... Să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_World121" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World122" "Nick: Șiiii... Să mergem! Să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_World122" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World123" "Nick: Către turn." "[english]Gambler_World123" "Nick: To the tower." "Gambler_World124" "Nick: Fugiți către turn." "[english]Gambler_World124" "Nick: Run to the tower." "Gambler_World125" "Nick: Cineva trebuie să oprească alarma!" "[english]Gambler_World125" "Nick: Somebody's got to turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World126" "Nick: Opriți alarma!" "[english]Gambler_World126" "Nick: Turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World127" "Nick: Luați o armă!" "[english]Gambler_World127" "Nick: Grab a gun!" "Gambler_World128" "Nick: Arme mai bune!" "[english]Gambler_World128" "Nick: Better guns!" "Gambler_World129" "Nick: Alarma e oprită!" "[english]Gambler_World129" "Nick: Alarm is off!" "Gambler_World130" "Nick: Oprită!" "[english]Gambler_World130" "Nick: Off!" "Gambler_World131" "Nick: Am apăsat-o!" "[english]Gambler_World131" "Nick: I got it!" "Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellis! ELLIS! Nu avem timp de asta chiar acum!" "[english]Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellis! ELLIS! We don't have time for that right now!" "Gambler_World133" "Nick: Uitați autostrada." "[english]Gambler_World133" "Nick: There's the freeway." "Gambler_World134" "Nick: Vede cineva o rampă de intrare?" "[english]Gambler_World134" "Nick: Anybody see an onramp?" "Gambler_World135" "Nick: Putem să ajungem la ea pe aici." "[english]Gambler_World135" "Nick: We can get to it through here." "Gambler_World136" "Nick: Autostrada!" "[english]Gambler_World136" "Nick: Freeway!" "Gambler_World201" "Nick: Intrăm sau ieșim?" "[english]Gambler_World201" "Nick: Are we busting out or in?" "Gambler_World202" "Nick: Peste autobuz." "[english]Gambler_World202" "Nick: Over the bus." "Gambler_World203" "Nick: Nu cred că le place armata pe-aici." "[english]Gambler_World203" "Nick: I don't think they like the military out here." "Gambler_World204" "Nick: Nu zombii au doborât elicopterul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_World204" "Nick: Zombies didn't take down this helicopter." "Gambler_World205" "Nick: Orașul ăsta e un dezastru." "[english]Gambler_World205" "Nick: This city's a mess." "Gambler_World206" "Nick: Credeți că ținea cont de zombi?" "[english]Gambler_World206" "Nick: Do you think he was keeping track of zombies?" "Gambler_World207" "Nick: E comod." "[english]Gambler_World207" "Nick: This is cozy." "Gambler_World208" "Nick: Toată treaba asta e un dezastru." "[english]Gambler_World208" "Nick: This is all messed up." "Gambler_World209" "Nick: Drept în față. Asta nu e așa rău." "[english]Gambler_World209" "Nick: Straightforward. This isn't so bad." "Gambler_World210" "Nick: Ei bine, asta e rău." "[english]Gambler_World210" "Nick: Well, this is bad." "Gambler_World211" "Nick: Scară!" "[english]Gambler_World211" "Nick: Ladder!" "Gambler_World212" "Nick: Avem o scară!" "[english]Gambler_World212" "Nick: We got a ladder!" "Gambler_World213" "Nick: Urcați pe scară!" "[english]Gambler_World213" "Nick: Up the ladder!" "Gambler_World214" "Nick: Ooooohhh, ho, ho, ho... aveți grijă unde trageți!" "[english]Gambler_World214" "Nick: Ooohhhhh ho ho ho... watch where you shoot!" "Gambler_World215" "Nick: Nu trageți în mașini!" "[english]Gambler_World215" "Nick: Do not shoot any of the cars!" "Gambler_World216" "Nick: Ce coșmar." "[english]Gambler_World216" "Nick: What a nightmare." "Gambler_World217" "Nick: În sfârșit, suntem pe autostradă." "[english]Gambler_World217" "Nick: Finally up to the freeway." "Gambler_World218" "Nick: Urcați aici! Urcați aici!" "[english]Gambler_World218" "Nick: Get up here! Get up here!" "Gambler_World219" "Nick: CE DR- " "[english]Gambler_World219" "Nick: WHAT THE - " "Gambler_World220" "Nick: CE DRACU' FAC ĂIA? " "[english]Gambler_World220" "Nick: WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?" "Gambler_World221" "Nick: Toată lumea în regulă?" "[english]Gambler_World221" "Nick: Everyone okay?" "Gambler_World222" "Nick: Aia ne viza pe noi?!" "[english]Gambler_World222" "Nick: Was that aimed at us?!" "Gambler_World223" "Nick: Presupun că acum tre' să ieșim de pe autostradă." "[english]Gambler_World223" "Nick: Guess it's back off the freeway." "Gambler_World224" "Nick: Da, știu de ce îi îngroapă deasupra pământului." "[english]Gambler_World224" "Nick: Yes, I do know why they bury them above ground." "Gambler_World225" "Nick: Da, Ellis, este, bine? Este." "[english]Gambler_World225" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, it is, okay? It is." "Gambler_World226" "Nick: Orașul morților." "[english]Gambler_World226" "Nick: The city of the dead." "Gambler_World227" "Nick: Îi mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru micile favoruri." "[english]Gambler_World227" "Nick: Well thank God for small favors." "Gambler_World228" "Nick: În josul străzii!" "[english]Gambler_World228" "Nick: Down the street!" "Gambler_World301" "Nick: Trebuie să găsim podul din nou." "[english]Gambler_World301" "Nick: We have to find the bridge again." "Gambler_World302" "Nick: Dacă lucrurile stăteau diferit, putea chiar să-mi placă locul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_World302" "Nick: If things were different, I could really enjoy this place." "Gambler_World303" "Nick: Doamne, cât îmi place biliardul." "[english]Gambler_World303" "Nick: God, I love pool." "Gambler_World304" "Nick: Bine, joacă cineva un meci?" "[english]Gambler_World304" "Nick: Okay, anyone up for a game?" "Gambler_World305" "Nick: Cineva să pornească tractorul." "[english]Gambler_World305" "Nick: Someone start the tractor." "Gambler_World306" "Nick: Uite Ellis! Un tractor!" "[english]Gambler_World306" "Nick: Look Ellis! A tractor!" "Gambler_World307" "Nick: Putem folosi pluta aia ca să trecem pe partea cealaltă." "[english]Gambler_World307" "Nick: We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World308" "Nick: Ne-a venit mașina." "[english]Gambler_World308" "Nick: Our ride's here." "Gambler_World309" "Nick: Știți ce? Putem folosi pluta aia ca să trecem pe partea cealaltă." "[english]Gambler_World309" "Nick: You know what? We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World310" "Nick: Al dracului labirint." "[english]Gambler_World310" "Nick: God damn maze." "Gambler_World311" "Nick: Pe unde?" "[english]Gambler_World311" "Nick: Which way?" "Gambler_World312" "Nick: PODUL!" "[english]Gambler_World312" "Nick: The BRIDGE!" "Gambler_World313" "Nick: Putem să urcăm pe platforma podului pe aici." "[english]Gambler_World313" "Nick: We can get up to the bridge deck through here." "Gambler_World314" "Nick: Aaah, nu distrugeți podul!" "[english]Gambler_World314" "Nick: Ahhh, don't destroy the bridge!" "Gambler_World315" "Nick: Aruncă în aer podul!" "[english]Gambler_World315" "Nick: They're blowing up the bridge!" "Gambler_World316" "Nick: Ca să nu treacă zombii." "[english]Gambler_World316" "Nick: To stop the zombies from crossing." "Gambler_World317" "Nick: Ca să oprească zombii." "[english]Gambler_World317" "Nick: To stop the zombies." "Gambler_World318" "Nick: Ăsta era un oraș frumos." "[english]Gambler_World318" "Nick: This used to be a beautiful city." "Gambler_World401" "Nick: Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World401" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World402" "Nick: Uah, suntem pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World402" "Nick: Whoa, we're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World403" "Nick: Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World403" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World404" "Nick: Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World404" "Nick: We are on the bridge!" "Gambler_World405" "Nick: Salut!" "[english]Gambler_World405" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_World406" "Nick: Bine, acum ne îndreptăm acolo." "[english]Gambler_World406" "Nick: Okay, we're heading over now." "Gambler_World407" "Nick: Vom fi în siguranță pe cealaltă parte a podului." "[english]Gambler_World407" "Nick: Safety's on the other side of this bridge." "Gambler_World408" "Nick: Să coborâm podul ăla." "[english]Gambler_World408" "Nick: Let's lower that bridge." "Gambler_World409" "Nick: Îl apăs, pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Gambler_World409" "Nick: I'm hitting it, get ready!" "Gambler_World410" "Nick: OPRIȚI-VĂ! Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World410" "Nick: STOP! We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World411" "Nick: Aveți grijă la gaură." "[english]Gambler_World411" "Nick: Watch out for the hole." "Gambler_World412" "Nick: Aveți grijă la chargeri pe marginile astea." "[english]Gambler_World412" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World413" "Nick: Continuați să traversați podul." "[english]Gambler_World413" "Nick: Keep moving across the bridge." "Gambler_World414" "Nick: Aveți grijă la chargeri pe marginile astea." "[english]Gambler_World414" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World415" "Nick: Mașina mă-tii." "[english]Gambler_World415" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World416" "Nick: Aveți grijă pe unde călcați." "[english]Gambler_World416" "Nick: Watch your step." "Gambler_World417" "Nick: Nu lăsați tankul să vă împingă de pe pod!" "[english]Gambler_World417" "Nick: Don't let the Tank punch you off the bridge!" "Gambler_World418" "Nick: Aveți grijă la MAȘINI!" "[english]Gambler_World418" "Nick: Watch out for CARS!" "Gambler_World419" "Nick: Nu vă lăsați aruncați!" "[english]Gambler_World419" "Nick: Don't get punched off!" "Gambler_World420" "Nick: Urcați pe camion!" "[english]Gambler_World420" "Nick: Get on top the truck!" "Gambler_World421" "Nick: Mașina mă-tii." "[english]Gambler_World421" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World422" "Nick: Nu, Ellis, n-am mai văzut niciodată așa ceva." "[english]Gambler_World422" "Nick: No Ellis, I've never seen anything like this." "Gambler_World423" "Nick: Elicopterul pare reparat! Hai să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_World423" "Nick: Chopper looks fixed! Let's go!" "Gambler_World424" "Nick: La elicopter!" "[english]Gambler_World424" "Nick: To the chopper!" "Gambler_World425" "Nick: Fugiți la elicopter!" "[english]Gambler_World425" "Nick: Get to the chopper!" "Gambler_World426" "Nick: Elicopterul pornește, haideți să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_World426" "Nick: Chopper's starting let's go!" "Gambler_World427" "Nick: Către port!" "[english]Gambler_World427" "Nick: To the shipyard!" "Gambler_World428" "Nick: Urcați!" "[english]Gambler_World428" "Nick: Get on!" "Gambler_World429" "Nick: Haideți, puteți ajunge!" "[english]Gambler_World429" "Nick: Come on, you can make it!" "Gambler_World430" "Nick: Doar încă un pic!" "[english]Gambler_World430" "Nick: Just a little more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: Cred că avem două variante. Fie continuăm să ne îndreptăm către luminile alea, fie murim aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: I think our options are keep moving down the road towards those lights or die here." "Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: E cineva în tabăra „să murim aici”?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: Anyone in the die here camp?" "Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: Nu? Atunci haideți să plecăm odată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: No? Then let's move out." "Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Grozav, urmărim luminițe colorate de pe cer. Parcă am fi niște pisici după un laser." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Great, following shiny lights in the sky, we're like freaking cats and a laser pointer." "Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: Ăsta e un dezastru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: This is just a mess." "Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: N-are sens să luăm o mașină, haideți să mergem în continuare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: No sense grabbing a car, let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Să coborâm pe rampa de ieșire." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Down the off ramp." "Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Prin pasajul subteran." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Through the underpass." "Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: E un motel acolo sus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: E un motel acolo sus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: Putem să urcăm pe acoperiș." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: We can get on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Sus, lângă panoul de reclamă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Up by the billboard." "Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Grozav, nu e nimeni aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Great, no one here." "Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Căutați prin camere." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Search the rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Să încercăm sus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Let's try upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: Trebuie să urcăm scările." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: We have to get upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: La naiba, trebuie să fie o cale de a ocoli asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: Damn it, there's gotta be a way around this." "Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: Aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: In here." "Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: Avem noroc, oameni buni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: We got lucky, people." "Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Nu folosiți ușa aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Don't use that door." "Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Înapoi aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Evident că podul e blocat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Of course the bridge is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: O roată mare și cu luminile aprinse, cum să nu iubești peisajul ăsta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?" "Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: O roată mare și cu luminile aprinse, cum să nu-ți placă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?." "Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Aveți grijă când coborâți dealul ăla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Careful heading down there hill." "Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Haideți să încercăm și să traversăm valea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Let's try and cross this valley." "Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Uah, căcat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Whoa, shit." "Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Cu grijă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Careful." "Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Aveți grijă să nu cădeți." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Watch it, don't fall." "Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: În jos pe râu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: Down the river." "Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: Putem să urcăm dealul ăla de acolo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: We can get up the hill over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Up this way." "Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Luminile sunt aprinse, unde e lumea?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Lights are on, where's the people?" "Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Să traversăm parcarea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Let's get across the parking lot!" "Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Adăpost în rulotă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Safe house in the trailer." "Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Nu e distractiv să-mi rup gâtul" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time." "Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Nu e distractiv să-mi rup gâtul, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Singura noastră opțiune e să traversăm parcul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Our only way is through the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Pare abandonat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Looks abandoned." "Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: Ei bine, haideți să intrăm în parc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: Well, let's get inside the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Bănuiesc că infecția se răspândește mai repede decât ne mișcăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Guess the infection is spreading faster than we are moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: În comparație cu alte centre de evacuare, ăsta nu e cel mai rău loc în care să mă baricadez." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: As far as Evac Centers go, this is not the worst place to hole up." "Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: Astea nu sunt jocuri de noroc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: These are not games of chance." "Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: Putem să scurtăm calea prin clădirile astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: We can cut through these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: La naiba, mi-aș fi dorit să putem urca pe șina aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: Damn it, I wish we could get up on that monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: Îmi doresc să fi putut urca pe șina aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: I wish we could get up on the monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Înapoi aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Back here." "Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Între clădirile astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Between these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Încotro e stadionul?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Which way is the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: Trotuarul încă miroase a popcorn și aleea asta încă miroase a urină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: The boardwalk still smells like popcorn and this back alley still stinks like piss." "Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: Putem să urcăm pe acoperiș." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: We can get up to the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: Am putea vedea mai bine de pe acoperiș." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: We might see better up on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Coborâți pe tobogan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Down the slide." "Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: Trebuie să pornim curentul pentru a deschide ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: We need to turn on the power to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: Știți ce? Am impresia că o să pornesc absolut toate celelalte aparate de pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: You know what? Somehow I think it will activate everything else around here." "Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: Ce naiba, îl apăs." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: What the hell, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: Ce naiba, o să-l apăs." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: What the hell, I'm gonna hit it." "Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: Așa că pregătiți-vă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: So get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: Îl pornesc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă să fugiți, pornesc curentul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Get ready to run, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Fugiți în continuarea, fugiți în continuare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Keep running, keep running." "Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Fugiți în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Run into the Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Tunelul dragostei? Iisuse Hristoase." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Tunnel of love? Jesus Christ." "Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Fugiți, fugiți, fugiți. Băgați-vă în față." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Go go go. Cut in line." "Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Băgați-vă în față." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Jump over the line." "Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Se pare că toată lumea se îndreaptă spre stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Looks like everyone is heading to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Poate că mai sunt oameni vii în stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Să ne îndreptăm către stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Let's head to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: De ce nu puteam fi în Las Vegas când a apărut infecția? Sau chiar Atlantic? În loc de asta, sunt blocat într-un tunel țărănesc al dragostei." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: Why couldn't I have been in Vegas when the infection hit? Or even Atlantic city? Instead I am trapped inside some hillbilly Tunnel of Love." "Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Îmi pare rău, Coach, știi ce vreau să zic." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Sorry, Coach, you know what I mean." "Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Ați văzut semnul din față? Astăzi e ziua numai pentru verișori." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Did you see the sign out front? Cousins-only day today." "Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Fac pariu că și nasturii mei sunt iluminați." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Bet my caps are lit up as well." "Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Să mergem în jos prin tunel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Let's go down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: Aproape că ai putea numi asta un râu de ciment." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river." "Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: Aproape că ai putea numi asta un râu de ciment, Ellis" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river, Ellis" "Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Mergeți în continuare prin tunel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Keep going down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: Nu vă țineți de mâini, vă rog." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: No holding hands, please." "Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: Putem scurta drumul prin aerisirea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: We can cut through this vent." "Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Verificați ușile în continuare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Keep checking doors." "Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: Calea asta e blocată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: This way is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Să încercăm camera de mentenanță." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Let's try the maintenance room." "Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Urcați pe pasarelă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Get up on the catwalk." "Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: Asta nu e foarte romantic." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: This isn't very romantic." "Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Prin gaură." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Prin gaură." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Trebuie să facem asta împreună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Let's all do this together." "Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Toată lumea în același timp." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Everyone at the same time." "Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... bine, am avansat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... okay, we're further down the path." "Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: Asta ne-a dus în jurul blocului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: That got us around the block." "Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Să mergem în continuare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: Simt o briză, aer curat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: I can feel a breeze, fresh air!" "Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: În sfârșit, afară!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: Finally, outside!" "Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: Un montagne-rousse?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: A coaster?" "Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: Un nenorocit de montagne-rousse." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: A goddamn coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: Nu, nu e, chestia asta o să fie groaznică. Stați împreună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: Nu, nu e, chestia asta o să fie groaznică. Stați împreună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: Urăsc montagne-rousse-urile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: I hate roller coasters." "Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Porniți curentul electric pentru a mișca prostia asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Hit the power to move this crap." "Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: Bine, singura cale de a traversa este peste șina montagnes-rousse-ului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: Okay, the only way over is to get on the coaster's track." "Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: Trebuie să pornim montagnes-rousse-ul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: We're gonna have to run the coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Rămâneți pe șină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Stay on the track." "Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Strigați dacă sunteți trași." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Make sure to call out if you get pulled." "Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Rămâneți pe șină, oameni buni!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Stay on the track, people!" "Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: La naiba, am căzut de pe șină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: Shit, I fell off the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Alergați pe șină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Run on the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Îi mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu că nu ne dă cu capul în jos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Thank God this doesn't do a loop." "Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Nu pot să ajung la el de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Can't get to it from over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: Trebuie să mergem în continuare de-a lungul șinei!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: We need to keep going down the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Apasă-l ca să-i oprești!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Hit it to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Apasă-l ca să-i oprești!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Hit the alarm to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Opriți montagnes-rousse-ul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: Trebuie să oprim montagne-rousse-ul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: We have to shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Printre mașinuțele bușitoare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Through the bumper cars!" "Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Mergeți în continuare printre mașinuțele bușitoare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Keep going through the bumper cars." "Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Înapoi aici în container." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Back here in the container." "Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: Putem să ne ascundem în containerul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: We can hide in this container." "Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: Pot să văd stadionul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: I can see the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: Sunt lumini aprinse pe stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: There's lights on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: Pot auzi ceva întâmplându-se pe stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: I can hear something going on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: Cum dracu' o să intrăm?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: How in the hell are we gonna get in?" "Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Drum blocat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Dead end." "Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Evacuarea finală e de pe stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Final evacuation is in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Poate că sunt oameni încă în viață pe stadion?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: Pare că H-ul din 4H vine de la harababură." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: Looks like the H in 4H stands for hell." "Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Prin țarcurile astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Through these pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: Mai multe țarcuri." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: More pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Țarc de vaci, țarc de porci, astea sunt toate țarcuri cu căcat de animale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Cow pen, pig pen, these are all just animal shit pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Drum blocat iar." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Dead end again." "Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: O scară?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: A ladder?" "Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: O scară." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: A ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Să încercăm scara asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Let's try this ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Aveți grijă pe acoperișurile astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Careful on these roofs." "Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: Putem să sărim pe șinele de monorai." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: We can jump to the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Urcați pe șinele de monorail." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Get on the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Să folosim șinele pentru a sări peste gardul ăla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Let's use the monorail to get over that fence." "Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Întoarce-te aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Get back up here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Trebuie să vă întoarceți aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Gotta get back up there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Urcați scara." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Climb the ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Coborâți pe partea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Jump down on this side." "Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Săriți!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Jump!" "Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Către stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Towards the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: În sus, pe schelă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: Up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: Putem să ne cățărăm pe schela asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: We can climb this scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Prin fereastră." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Into the window." "Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Săriți în budă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Jump into the john." "Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: Am intrat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: We're inside." "Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Are cineva vreo idee?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Anyone have any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: E cineva în camera de control!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: Somebody's in the control room!" "Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: Ce?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: What?" "Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Hei, lasă-ne înăuntru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Hey, let us in!" "Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Deschide." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Open up." "Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Nu ne face să intrăm cu forța în sala de comandă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Don't make us shoot our way into the control room." "Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Haide, deschide ușa naibii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Come on, open the freaking door." "Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Deschide ușa acum! Poți fi tu șoferul și noi pasagerii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Open the door now, you can drive and we'll all ride shotgun." "Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: Haide, omule, ajută-ne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: Come on, man, help us." "Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Ne ajuți sau nu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Are you going to help us or not?" "Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: Ce ești, un hipiot mizantrop? Credeam că toți sunteți prietenoși?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: What are you, an unfriendly hippie? I thought you all had to be friendly?" "Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Există vreo cale să te conving să ne ajuți?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Is there any way I could talk you into helping us?" "Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: Bine, poate te putem ajuta. Ellis e mecanic." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: Okay, maybe we can help you. Ellis here is a mechanic." "Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: Nu mai e nimeni în viață aici, bine? Trebuie să existe o cale să ne înțelegem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: No one else is alive here, okay? There's gotta be some sort of deal we can work out." "Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Doar cere. Orice." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Just name it. Anything." "Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: O să regret că spun asta, dar sigur. De ce ai nevoie?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: I am going to regret saying this, but sure. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Bine, bine, ăla e un început. Ce-ți trebuie?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Okay, okay that's a start. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: Am un sentiment nasol în legătură cu asta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: I've got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: De ce nu suni după ajutor acum?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: Why don't you just call for help now?" "Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: Ok, pornim spectacolul pirotehnic, dar îți zic de acum. NU O SĂ MĂ PREFAC CĂ VOI CÂNTA LA CHITARĂ." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: Okay, we'll set off the pyrotechnics, but I'm telling you right now. I AM NOT GOING TO AIR GUITAR." "Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: Bine, fie, pornim spectacolul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: Okay, fine, we'll put on the finale show." "Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Bine, o facem. Sigur." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Okay, we'll do it. Sure." "Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: De ce naiba nu, da, o facem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: Why in the hell not, yes we'll do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Uau, da. E chiar grozav. Sunt sigur că Dusty va fi onorat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Wow, yeah. That's really cool. I'm sure Dusty will be honored." "Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: Fac pariu că are un duș funcțional pe care nu-l folosește." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: I bet he's got a working shower in there and he isn't using it." "Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Întotdeauna un nenorocit de hipiot. Jur pe Dumnezeu, întotdeauna se reduce la a face un nenorocit de hipiot fericit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Always a stinking hippie. I swear to god, it always come back to making a stinking hippie happy." "Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: Nu cred că avem de ales." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: I don't think we have a choice." "Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: Ar fi bine să fie benzină în autobuzul ăla de turneu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: There better be gas in that tour bus." "Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: Pentru prima dată în viața mea mi-aș fi dorit să fi dat de niște polițiști." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: For once, I wish we would have just stumbled onto some cops." "Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: Bine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Aprindeți luminile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Hit the lights." "Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Să ne pregătim să pornim chestia asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Let's get ready and then start this thing." "Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: Sunteți gata de rock?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: You guys ready to rock?" "Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Să începem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Let's start this." "Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Hit the flashbangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Porniți tunurile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Hit the cannons!" "Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Porniți efectele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Hit the effects!" "Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Cineva trebuie să pornească luminile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Someone needs to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Fugiți la lumini!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Run up to the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: Trebuie să pornim luminile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: We have to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Mișcați-vă în continuare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: Sper că e de ajuns!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: I hope that is enough!" "Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Ultima!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Last one!" "Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: Am rezolvat-o!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: We got it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Acolo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Get it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: S-a deschis poarta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: Uitați autobuzul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: There's the bus!" "Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: Uitați autobuzul! Intrați în garaj!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: There's the tour bus! Get into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Intrați în garaj!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Get to the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: S-a ținut de cuvânt! Să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: He kept his word! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Intrați în garaj!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Garajul e deschis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Garage is open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Fugiți, fugiți, nu vine cu noi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Just go, just go, he isn't coming with us." "Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: La revedere, amice hipiot!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: Goodbye, my hippie friend!" "Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: La revedere, dle hipiot!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: Goodbye, Mr. Hippie!" "Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: Chiar? Pe bune?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: You did? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: Cine, tu? Serios?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: What you? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Yes," "Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Da, îmi amintesc, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Yes, I remember, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Da, Ellis, îmi amintesc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, I remember." "Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Uau, Coach, aia m-a înveselit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Wow, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Ei bine, Coach, aia m-a înveselit. S-a mai motivat careva acum?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Well, Coach, that was uplifting. Everybody else motivated now?" "Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Mersi, Coach, aia m-a înveselit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Thanks, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: Ce, infectați vii sau vii și să nu fie zombi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: What, alive infected or alive and not zombies?" "Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: 100 la 1." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: 100 to 1." "Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: 100 la 1. Fermierii de sânge, pe de altă parte, sunt corecți cu banii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: 100 to 1. The blood farmers on the other hand are even money." "Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Iisuse Hristoase, Ellis, de parcă zombi dracului nu sunt destul de răi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Jesus Christ, Ellis, like the goddamn zombies aren't bad enough." "Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: Ai uitat un singur lucru, din felul în care tragem? Pe noi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: You forgot one thing, from the way we shoot? Each other." "Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Dă-i naibii pe oamenii ăștia nenorociți ai noroiului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Screw these goddamn mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: Țin cu Ellis, urăsc oamenii ăștia nenorociți ai noroiului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: I'm with Ellis, I hate these mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: Noroiul ăsta nu-i face bine costumului meu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: This mud is not doing my suit any favors." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Nu am de gând să mor în mlaștina asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not dying in this swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Nu o să sfârșesc drept cina unui aligator." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I am not going to be gator food." "Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: Asta, prietenii mei, este floare la ureche." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: This, my friends, is a milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: Un fleac." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: A cakewalk." "Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: O nimica toată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: A walk in the park." "Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: O nimica toată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: A walk in the sun." "Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: Floare la ureche." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: A piece of cake." "Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: Tot ce trebuie să facem e să punem mâna pe niște motorină și să ne întoarcem la barcă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: All we gotta do is get some diesel and get back on the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Hai să facem repede asta și să ne întoarcem la barca aia nenorocită." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Let's do this quick and get back on the damn boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Să ne grăbim și să facem asta înainte să apară furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Bună idee, vine furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Good idea, storm's coming." "Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: O să-ți facem semn când trebuie să te întorci." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: We'll signal you when you should return." "Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Stai departe de mal până îți facem semn." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Stay away from the shore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Stai departe de mal până îți facem semn." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Stay offshore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Avem încredere că omul ăla se va întoarce?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Do we trust that guy to come back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Bine, fie, dar sunteți primii trei oameni din lume în care am avut vreodată încredere." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Fair enough, but you're the first three people in the world I have ever trusted." "Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: La naiba. Nici în mine n-am încredere." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: Shit. I don't even trust myself." "Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: În cazul ăsta nu cred că pot să am încredere în judecata voastră în afacerea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: In that case I don't think we can trust your judgment in this matter." "Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: Ăsta e cel mai bun Burget Tank în care am fost vreodată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: This is the best goddamn Burger Tank I have ever visited." "Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: Sper că nu se supără nimeni că luăm armele astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: I hope no one minds us taking these guns." "Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Benzinăria e vizavi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Gas station is across the street." "Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Au rămas fără benzină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Sigur că au rămas fără benzină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Of course they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: Eu nu mai am benzină, tu nu mai ai benzină, ei nu mai au benzină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: I'm out of gas, you're out of gas, they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: Și uite-așa se împute treaba." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: There goes the milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: Au motorină la moara de zahăr?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: They've got diesel at the sugar mill?" "Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Dă-o naibii. Avem nevoie de motorină și avem arme. Haideți să mergem s-o luăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Screw it. We need the diesel and we have guns. Let's go get it." "Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: Dacă mergem, haideți să ne grăbim." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: If we're going, let's hurry." "Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Vreau să întrec furtuna asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Want to beat out this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Prin casa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Through this house." "Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: Putem să trecem pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: We can get in through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: Bănuiesc că aia fumegândă e moara de zahăr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: I'm guessing that smokestack is the sugarmill." "Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Să ne îndreptăm către clădirea aia fumegândă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Let's head towards that smokestack." "Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: În josul străzii ăsteia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: Down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Să mergem în josul străzii ăsteia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Let's go down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Sigur, în afară de toți zombi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Right, except for all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: Nu-i așa greu după ce vezi toți zombi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: Not so hard after you see all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Să scurtăm prin strada asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Let's cut through this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: Putem coborî pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: We can get down through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: Aia ar face bine să fie nenorocita de moară de zahăr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: That better be the goddamn sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Intrați în casa aia de acolo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Get into the house up there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Fugiți la clădirea aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Get to that building!" "Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: Începe să plouă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: It's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: La naiba, începe să plouă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: Shit, it's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: Bănuiesc că motorina nu e în partea abandonată a morii de zahăr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: I guess the diesel isn't in the abandoned part of the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: Putem în continuare să facem asta înainte să lovească furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: We can still do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Haideți să mergem un pic mai departe." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Let's go a little farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: Dacă nu găsim cealaltă benzinărie în curând putem să ne întoarcem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: If we don't find the other station soon we can turn around." "Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Prin clădirea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Through this building." "Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Aici jos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Under here." "Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Pe rampa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Up this ramp." "Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: Aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: N-am mai văzut niciodată atât de multe witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: I have never seen so many Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: Ce naiba se întâmplă cu toate aceste witch?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: What the hell is with all the Witches?" "Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Să urcăm aici și să ne orientăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Let's get up here and find our bearings." "Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: În sfârșit! Uitați benzinăria!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: Finally! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: Bine! Uitați benzinăria!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: Okay! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: Trebuie să trecem prin câmpul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: We need to get through this cane." "Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: La naiba, n-o să întrecem furtuna asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: Damn, we aren't going to beat this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Prin câmpul de trestii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Through the cane field." "Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: În jos pe schelă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: Down the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: La naiba, începe să se adune apa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: Shit, water's starting to pool." "Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: Ploaia începe să curgă cu găleata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: The rain's getting heavy." "Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Mergeți la benzinărie!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Get to the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Intrați în benzinărie!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Get in the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Intrați în benzinărie!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Into the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Să intre toată lumea în benzinărie!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Everyone inside the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: Am luat-o, haideți s-o cărăm înapoi la barcă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: We got it, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: Avem motorina, haideți s-o cărăm înapoi la barcă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: We got the diesel, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Înapoi prin câmpul de trestii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Back through the canefield." "Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: La naiba, începe să curgă cu găleata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: Shit, it's really coming down." "Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: E mult prea multă ploaie." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: This is too much rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: Nenorocitul de oraș o să fie inundat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: Goddamn town is going to be flooded!" "Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Găsiți un adăpost!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Find shelter!" "Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Găsiți un loc în care să vă adăpostiți!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Find some place to hunker down!" "Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Trăsnet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Lightning!" "Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Înapoi la barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Continuați înapoi spre barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Keep heading back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Prin vechea moară!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Through the old mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: O vede cineva pe witch?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: Can anybody see that Witch?" "Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Aici sus!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Întoarceți-vă pe schelă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Back up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Haideți, prieteni, doar întoarceți-vă pe același drum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Come on people, just retrace our steps." "Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: Putem folosi țeava asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: We can take this pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Fugiți peste țeavă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Run over the pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Treceți peste țeava către cisterne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Take the pipe to the holding tanks." "Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Stați aici sus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Stay up here." "Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Întoarceţi-vă pe ţevi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Get back on the pipes!" "Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Stați aici sus!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Stay up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Înapoi prin moară." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Back through the mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: Trebuie să ne întoarcem pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: We have to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Întoarceți-vă înăuntru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Get back inside!" "Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: Trebuie să ne întoarcem pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: We gotta to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Orașul e inundat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Towns flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Nenorocitul de oraș e inundat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Goddamn town's flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Apa ajunge până la genunchi în anumite locuri." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Water looks knee deep in places." "Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Stați pe teren înalt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Stay on the high ground." "Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: Putem folosi acoperișurile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: We can use the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Peste acoperișuri." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Across the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Stați pe acoperișuri!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Stick to the roofs!" "Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: Nu văd absolut nimic!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: I can't see shit!" "Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Stați pe aproape!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Tunet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Thunder!" "Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Absolut tot e inundat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Every goddamn thing is flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Își amintește cineva drumul înapoi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Does anybody remember the path back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Totul e diferit când e sub un metru de apă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Everything's different when it's under a foot of water." "Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: La naiba, ce încet ne mișcăm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: Goddamn we are moving too slow!" "Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: În Burger Tank!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: Into the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Mergeți la Burger Tank!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Get to the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Aprindeți firma!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Light up the sign!" "Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: Putem să semnalăm bărcii cu reclama la Burger Tank." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: We can signal the boat with the Burger Tank sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Haideți să facem semn bărcii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Let's signal the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Haideți să ne pregătim și să aprindem reclama." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Let's get setup and hit the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă! Aprind reclama." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Get ready! I am hitting the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: Haide, Burger Tank, salvează-ne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: Come on Burger Tank, save us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Ne va salva fast foodul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Fast food is going to save us." "Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Urcați pe acoperișul Burger Tank!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Get on the roof of the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Urcați pe acoperiș!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Get on the roof!" "Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: Putem să aprindem reclama de pe acoperiș." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: We can turn on the sign from the roof." "Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Urcați aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Get up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: La naiba cu ploaia asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: Goddamn this rain!" "Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Vine furtuna!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Storm's hitting!" "Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Rezistați, vine furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Hang on, storm's hitting." "Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: Uitați semnalul lui!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: There's his signal!" "Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: Se întoarce înăuntru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: He's heading back in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: Trebuie doar să rezistăm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: We just need to hold out!" "Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: Trebuie doar să rezistăm până vine barca." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: We just need to last until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Hai să stăm aici până vine barca." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Let's stay up here until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Ce treabă ușoară a mai fost și asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Some goddamn milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Oh, da, haideți la benzinărie și o să fie ușor." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Oh yeah, let's go to the gas station, it'll be easy." "Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Barca e aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Să mergem! Ne-a venit limuzina!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Let's go! Our ride is here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Barca e aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: S-a întors după noi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: He came back for us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Toată lumea la barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Niciodată să nu coborâți din barcă. Niciodată să nu coborâți din barcă. Niciodată să nu coborâți din barcă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Nu pot să cred că de-abia aștept să ne întoarcem pe barcă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I cannot believe I am looking forward to getting back on that boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Ce treabă ușoară s-a dovedit a fi asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Some milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Trebuia doar să plutim în continuare de-a lungul râului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Should have just kept floating down the damn river." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: La ce naiba ne gândeam când ne-am oprit aici?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: What in the hell were we thinking stopping here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: Bine, da, am înțeles. Sigur. Ne vedem în curând." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: Okay, yeah, got it. Sure. See you soon." "Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Stai! Nu arunca în aer podul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Stop! Don't bomb the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hei, ai oameni pe pod." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hey, you've got people on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Hei, suntem pe pod." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Hey, we're on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Hei." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Hello." "Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Normal că e plin de zombi. Întreaga lume nenorocită e plină de zombi. Ne vedem în câteva minute." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Of course it's full of zombies. The whole god damn world is full of zombies. See you in a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Ei bine, să trecem podul și scăpăm în sfârșit de iadul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Well, let's cross the bridge and finally get out of this hell." "Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Sigur, dă-ne câteva minute." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Sure, give us a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: Ați auzit omul. Să trecem peste podul ăsta nenorocit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: You heard the man. Let's get across this goddamn bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe! Uitați capătul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Holy shit! There's the end!" "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Nu am de gând să mor în orașul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not going to die in this city." "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Am ajuns prea departe ca să mor acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I have not come this far to die now." "Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Aici sus." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Up here." "Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: Aici e podul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Îndreptați-vă către pod!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Head towards the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: Trebuie să mergem în continuare către pod." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: We need to keep moving towards the bridge." "Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Prin alee!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Down the alley!" "Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: Pute a pișat." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: Dumnezeule, ești varză!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: God damn you are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: Pute a pișat." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: Ești ferfeliță." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: You are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Înapoi aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Urcați aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Climb up here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: Nu vă faceți griji în legătură cu aia, trebuie să mergem în continuare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: Don't worry about that, we have to keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Zonă restricționată pe dracu'." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Restricted area my ass." "Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Serios, n-am văzut nimic." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Really, I haven't seen any." "Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Fugiți!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Run" "Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Dă-o dracu', fugiți!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Screw it, run!" "Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Fugiți! Doar fugiți!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Run! Just run!" "Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Fugiți! Fugiți! HAI!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Go! Run! GO!" "Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Dap." "[english]Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Yep." "Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Deah." "[english]Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Clar." "[english]Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Yeppers." "Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Daaaaaa." "[english]Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Da." "[english]Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Daaaaaa." "[english]Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Da, da, da, da." "[english]Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: Cu plăcere." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: Cu plăcere." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: Cu plăcere." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: Cu plăcere." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: Pentru asta sunt aici." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: Pentru asta sunt aici." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: Pentru asta sunt aici." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Oricând." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Oricând." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Oricând." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Sigur că da." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Sigur că da." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Sigur că da." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Sigur că da." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Cum zici tu." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: Ăă, dap." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Sigur." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Cum zici tu." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Sigur." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: Ăă, dap." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Sigur." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Cum zici tu." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: Ăă, dap." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: Nicio problemă, Coach." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: Nicio problemă, Coach." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: Îmi ești dator, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: Îmi ești dator, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Sigur, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Sigur, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Seringă cu adrenalină aici!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Adrenaline shot here!" "Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Iau o seringă!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Grabbin' a shot!" "Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [Agitat din cauza adrenalinei]" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [shaking self awake]" "Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Fiere de boomer aici!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Boomer bile here!" "Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: Aia e o sticlă cu fiere?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: Is that a bottle of puke?" "Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: Aia nu poate fi o sticlă cu fiere, nu-i așa?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: That can't be a bottle of puke, is it?" "Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Iau niște vomă!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Grabbin' puke!" "Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ... pentru vreun motiv obscur." "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ... for some reason." "Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: Nu-mi vine să cred că tocmai am zis asta." "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: I can't believe I just said that." "Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Iau un borcan cu fiere!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Arunc sticla cu vomă!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Puke in the hole!" "Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Vine!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Incoming!" "Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Luptați-vă între voi!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Fight amongst yourselves!" "Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Chest paddles here." "Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Defibrillator here." "Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Am un defibrilator." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Got some chest paddles." "Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Defib unit here." "Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Am un defibrilator." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Got a defib unit." "Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Liber!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Clear!" "Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Haideți!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Come on!" "Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: HAIDEȚI!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: Come ON!" "Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Haide, la naiba..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [gâfâie]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [gâfâie]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [gâfâie]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Aaaah, nu mă mai electrocuta!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Agggh stop shocking me!" "Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: În regulă. Aia a fost o treabă dată dracului." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: All right. That was some serious shit." "Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Uah..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Whoa..." "Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Funcționează, la naiba..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellis, de ce nu ne spui asta în elicopter?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellis-why don't you tell us this in the chopper?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: Nu, Ellis. De ce?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: No, Ellis. Why?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Aha." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: Aha." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: Aha." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellis. ELLIS. ELLIS." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellis. ELLIS. ELLIS." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hei. ELLIS. De ce nu ne spui cum era atunci când TĂCEAI DIN GURĂ?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hey. ELLIS. Why don't you tell us all about the time you SHUT UP?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellis. E cel mai bun moment pentru asta?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellis. Is now the best time?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Ăăăă. Nu-mi PASĂ. NIMĂNUI nu-i pasă." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Uhhh. I don't CARE. NOBODY cares." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellis. Dacă ascult asta, o să fie ultima?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellis. If I listen to this, will this be the last one?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Oh, Iisuse. E vreo witch prin preajmă pe care s-o putem enerva?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Oh, Jesus. Is there a Witch around here we can piss off?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ohhh, nu iar..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ohhh, not again..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: Grozav." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: That's terrific." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Uau, pe bune." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Wow, really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Mă bucur că ai împărtășit asta, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Glad you shared that, Ellis." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Serios." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: Nu cred." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: I don't think so." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: Și ceea ce încerci să spui este..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: And your point... is..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: Știi ce-mi place cel mai mult la poveștile tale, Ellis? Sunetul pe care îl fac când se încheie." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? The sound they make when they stop." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: Știi ce-mi place cel mai mult la poveștile tale, Ellis? NIMIC." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? NOTHING." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: De ce nu încercăm puțină liniște?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: Why don't we try quiet time for a while?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Hei, Ellis! Concurs de liniște, ești gata? Unu, doi, trei, START." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Hey, Ellis! Shut up contest, ready? One two three GO." "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Explosive rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Frag rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Iau niște muniție explozivă!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Amplasez muniția explozivă!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying frag rounds!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Nu în MINE! Trage în TANK!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Not ME! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hei! Trage în tank!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Aaaaah! TANK!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: Tankul, șmechere! Trage în TANK!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: The Tank, hotshot! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: Are peste patru metri înălțime și doi metri lățime! Cum de tragi în MINE?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: It's twelve feet tall and six feet wide! How are you shooting ME?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: E cât un camion! Cum de RATEZI?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: It's the size of a truck! How are you MISSING?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: Haide! Trage în TANK, nu în MINE." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: Come on! Shoot the TANK, not ME." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Lansator de grenade aici." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Grenade launcher here." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: La naiba, da. Lansator de grenade." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: Hell yeah. Grenade launcher." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: E timpul să facem niște ciorbă de zombi." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: Time to make some zombie soup." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Am un lansator de grenade." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Got a grenade launcher." "Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: Începe să-mi placă de voi." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: I'm starting to like you guys." "Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: Noi facem asta să pară UȘOR!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: We're makin' it look EASY!" "Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: Și AȘA se face!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: And THAT is how you do that!" "Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: Suntem cei patru cavaleri ai apocalipsei naibii!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: We're the four riders of the goddamn apocalypse!" "Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: Și AȘA se face!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: And THAT is how you do it!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Gloanțe incendiare aici!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Fire bullets here!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Iau niște gloanțe incendiare!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Să pornim niște incendii, lume!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Let's start some fires, people!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Amplasez muniția incendiară!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Toată lumea să ia niște gloanțe incendiare!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Lasere aici." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Lasere aici." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: Avem niște lasere." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: We got some laser sights." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Macetă aici..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Machete here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Am o macetă." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Got a machete." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Drujbă aici..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Chainsaw here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Am luat o drujbă." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Got a chainsaw." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Baston aici..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Nightstick here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Iau un baston." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Grabbing a nightstick." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Chitară aici." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Guitar here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Iau o chitară." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Grabbing a guitar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Sabie de ninja aici." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Ninja sword here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Iau o sabie." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Grabbing a sword." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Iau o rangă." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Grabbing a crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Rangă." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: De-abia AȘTEPT să găsesc o cutie." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: I cannot WAIT to find a crate." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Bâtă de crichet aici." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Cricket bat here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Am o bâtă de crichet." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Got a cricket bat." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: O să sparg dinții cuiva cu asta." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: Gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: O să ciuruiesc ceva cu chestia asta." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: I'm gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Frumooooos." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Niiiiice." "Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: Pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: Intrați aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: Veniți, pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: C'mon, this way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Prin fereastra asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Through this window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Prin fereastra aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Through that window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: În josul aleii ăsteia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: Down this alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Prin aleea aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Down that alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Să o luăm pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Let's go through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Să o luăm pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Let's go through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Pe ușa asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Through this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Pe ușa aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Through that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: Putem să trecem prin restaurantul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: We can go through this restaurant." "Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Prin poarta aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Through that gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Urcați pe scara aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Up that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Urcați pe scara asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Up this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Coborâți pe scara aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Down that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Prin poarta asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Through this gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Coborâți scara asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Down this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Săriți gardul ăsta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Over this fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Săriți gardul ăla!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Over that fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: Către pod!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: To the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: Putem să traversăm pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: We can cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: Putem să traversăm pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: We can cross there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: Putem să urcăm pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: We can get up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: Putem să urcăm pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: We can get up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: Putem să coborâm pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: We can get down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: Putem să coborâm pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: We can get down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Apăsați-l!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Press the button!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Apăsați-l!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Do it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Activați-l!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Activate it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: L-am apăsat!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: I hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: Am făcut-o!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: I did it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Peste ușa asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Over this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Peste ușa aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Over that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Peste pubelă!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Over the dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Peste pubela asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Săriți aici jos!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Jump down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Săriți pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Jump down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: E un adăpost pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: There's a safe room up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: E un adăpost pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: There's a safe room up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Înapoi prin câmp!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Back through the field!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Toată lumea în lift!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Everybody in the elevator!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: Putem să ne urcăm înapoi cu liftul!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: We can take the elevator back up!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: În sus, pe țeava aia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: Up that pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Pe țeava asta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Up this pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Toată lumea să coboare pe scări!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Everyone back down the stairs!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Peste podul ăla!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Over the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: Putem să trecem peste tankul ăla!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: We can cross over that tank!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: Putem să traversăm prin apă pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: We can get across the water here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: Putem să traversăm prin apă pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: We can get across the water there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Traversați pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: Îmi amintesc de chestia asta. Ne îndreptăm în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: Am văzut asta pe drum. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: Îmi amintesc de asta. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: Am văzut asta pe drum. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Doamne, totul e inundat." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Man, it's all flooded." "Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: E un lac acolo jos." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: It's a lake down there." "Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Urcați pe teren înalt!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Get to higher ground!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: UITE CĂ VINE PLOAIA!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: HERE COMES THE RAIN!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: VINE FURTUNA!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: STORM COMING!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: STAȚI PE-APROAPE!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: STAY CLOSE!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: Nu văd absolut nimic..." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: I can't see a damn thing..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Orb ca un liliac..." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Blind as a damn bat..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: Uitați semnul Ducatel! Aproape am scăpat de aici!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: There's the Ducatel sign! We're almost outta here!" "Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: Ai idee câți microbi sunt pe chestia aia?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Uff. Miroase a ouă stricate aici. Nimeni altcineva nu SIMTE chestia aia?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Ugh. It's like rotten eggs here. Does nobody else SMELL that?" "Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: Ai idee câți microbi sunt pe chestia aia?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Uff. Ce-i cu MIROSUL ăla?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Ugh. What's that SMELL?" "Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Pentru că nu te GÂNDEȘTI la altceva înafară de costițe, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Because all you THINK about is ribs, Coach." "Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Încarc acum!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Reloading here!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Trebuie să încarc!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Gotta reload!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Încarc!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Zombi ăia poartă armură?" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor?" "Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Zombi ăia poartă armură!" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor!" "Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Împușcați în spate zombii cu armură!" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Shoot the armored zombies in the back!" "Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: Sunetul ăla îi înnebunește pe zombi!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: That squeaking is driving the zombies crazy!" "Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Omorâți clovnul!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Kill the clown!" "Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Omorâți clovnul, atrage mai mulți zombi!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Kill the clown, he's attracting more zombies!" "Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Omorâți toți clovnii pe care îi vedeți!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Kill every clown you see!" "Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Împușcați clovnul!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Shoot the clown!" "Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: A căzut ceva din zombiul ăla!" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: That zombie dropped something!" "Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Ăla e un supraviețuitor?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Is that a survivor?" "Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: A căzut ceva pe jos din zombiul ăla?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Tipi în combinezoane!" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Hazmat guys!" "Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Deci bănuiesc că acele costume nu opresc mușcăturile." "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Guess those suits don't stop bites." "Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Ăia sunt rezistenți la foc?" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Are those guys fireproof?" "Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Noroioși!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Noroioși!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Aveți grijă, oamenii-noroiului!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Watch out, Mudmen!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Noroioși!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Se pare că se întorc să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Se pare că se întorc să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Se pare că se întorc să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: Bănuiesc că s-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: Bănuiesc că s-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Se pare că s-au întors ca să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Se pare că s-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Se pare că li s-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: S-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Se pare că a intervenit o schimbare de plan." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: S-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Se pare că li s-au schimbat planurile." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Se pare că nu facem parte din noul lor plan." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Looks like we're not part of their new plan." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Se pare că s-au întors să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Se pare că s-au întors să-și termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Se pare că se întorc ca să termine treaba." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: La NAIBA, a fost la limită!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: God DAMN, that was close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: A fost la limită faza aia" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: That was a close one." "Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: Cel puțin eu am supraviețuit." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: At least I made it." "Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: Ei bine, a fost tare neplăcută faza aia." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: Well, that was unpleasant." "Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: Am reușit la mustață." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: We made that by the skin of our teeth." "Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: A fost puțin cam prea la limită faza aia." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: That was a little too close." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hei, fotbalistule. Rudă de-a ta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hey-football man. Relative a' yours?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: Ce-i chestia asta din cușcă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: What's this thing in a cage?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: Cum aveau deja chestia asta în cușcă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: How'd they have this in a cage already?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Știau că o să urmeze faza asta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Did they know this was coming?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Uitați-vă la chestia aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Look at that thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: Deci ăla e un charger, nu? Cred că și-a exersat brațul ăla o grămadă de timp. Ar trebui să treacă la picioare și spate." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? I think he worked out that arm plenty. He should move onto back and legs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: Deci ăla e un charger, nu? Heh. Știi ce se zice despre zombi cu un braț mare..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? Heh. You know what they say about zombies with one big arm..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: Deci ăla e un jockey, nu? Mic și drăguț." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: So that's a Jockey, huh? Cute little guy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: Deci, aia e spitter, nu? Crezi că are pe cineva?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: So that's a Spitter, huh? You think she's single?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: Deci ăla e un boomer, nu? Știi, e trist să vezi o boală alimentară ieșită de sub control în halul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: So that's a Boomer, huh? You know, it's sad to see an eating disorder get out of control like that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Bun, rămâne cum am hotărât. Mai departe: cred că arde clădirea asta. Așă căăă... mi-ar plăcea să ies de-aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hei! Întoarceți-vă aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Iisuse, ești DE aici? Uff, uită-te la tine. E atât de deprimant." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Jesus, are you FROM here? Ugh, look at you. That is so depressing." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: Să înțeleg că traiul de aici începe în sfârșit să merite." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: I guess living here's finally paying off." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Du-mă la mall și o să fac să merite." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Get me to the mall and I'll make it worth your while." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hei, întoarce-te! Sunt AICI! E cineva aici JOS!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hey, come back! I'm HERE! There's still someone DOWN here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: O, bine. Poți număra. Fac pariu că acum se întorc ăștia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: Oh, good. You can count. I bet they'll come back now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: Puteai striga dacă voiai." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: You could have yelled if you wanted." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: Ne părăsește. De asemenea, spune iad." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: It's leaving us. Also, say hell." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: Zboară de la clădirea incendiată pe care stăm. Să urmărim calea indicată și să ieșim naibii de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: It's flying away from the burning building we're standing on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: Deci ăla e un hunter, nu? Și ce-o să facă, o să ALERGE spre mine?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: So that's a Hunter, huh? What's he gonna do-go for a JOG at me?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: Zboară naibii de lângă clădirea în flăcări pe care stăm naibii. Hai să-l urmărim și să ne cărăm naibii de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: It's flying the hell away from the burning building we're standing the hell on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hei! Fetiță gălăgioasă. Căpiță de fân. Distracție cu grămada. Clădirea asta? ARDE. Luați-vă o armă și să ne cărăm naibii de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hey! Loud girl. Hayseed. Tons of fun. This building? Is on FIRE. Grab a weapon and let's get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: Bine, am strigat toți pe rând la elicopter. Bine. Mai departe: cred că arde clădirea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: Okay, we all had a turn yelling at the helicopter. Good. Moving on: I think the building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: Bine. Elicopterele nu se întorc la tine când strigi la ele. Lecție valoroasă, voi trei băgați aia la ghiozdan pentru mai târziu. Acum luați o armă și urmați-mă. Clădirea asta nenorocită e în flăcări." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at 'em. Valuable lesson, you three tuck that away for later. Now grab a weapon and follow me. This goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: Bine, unu: nu-i mai ziceți „păsărică agitată”. E un ELICOPTER. Doi. Nu-mi place să stau în clădiri care ard." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: Okay, one: stop calling it a 'whirly-bird.' It's a HELICOPTER. Two. I don't like being in buildings that are on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: Suficient de bine pentru mine. Luați o armă și haideți să mergem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: Good enough for me. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: ELICOPTER. E un ELICOPTER. Dacă-i mai ziceți „păsărică agitată” încă o dată, te bat așa de crunt încât soră-ta o să-și fi dorit să nu te fi născut niciodată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: HELICOPTER. It is a HELICOPTER. You call that thing a 'whirly-bird' one more time, I'll beat you SO bad, your sister's gonna wish she never gave birth to you." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: La naiba dacă ne-au părăsit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: Goddamn it they left us!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Da sigur, toți pentru unul și unul pentru toți." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Yeah sure, all for one and one for all." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: N-ar trebui să mănânci?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: Shouldn't you be eating?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: Deci ăla e un smoker, nu? Fac pariu că are succes la domnișoarele zombi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: So that's a Smoker, huh? Bet he's popular with the lady zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Nu ar trebui să ne pregătim pentru niște fotbal?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Shouldn't you be getting ready for some football?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Sunați la 112, i-am rănit sentimentele." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Call 911, I hurt his feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: Am încredere în tine. Arăți ca un om care-și cunoaște gogoșile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: I trust you. You look like a man who knows his donuts." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: Ne-au văzut ca lumea și nu se întorc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: They saw us all right, and they're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Nu vreau să-ți stric filmul, amice, dar clădirea asta se face scrum. Nu se întorc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Not to burst your bubble, sport, but this building is burning down. They're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: Asta a fost salvarea. Aveți vreo idee?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: So much for the rescue. Any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Luați ceva, am o senzație că treaba asta n-o să fie ușoară." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Grab something, I got a feeling this isn't going to be easy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Să rămânem împreună până ajungem jos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Let's stick together at least until we get downstairs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: Am face bine să ne înarmăm. Sper că voi trei știți să luptați. Nu pare că ar fi așa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: We better arm ourselves. I hope you three know how to fight. You don't look it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: Dacă lumea se duce dracului, iau o armă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: If the world's going to hell, I'm taking a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: Deci ăla e un tank, nu? Iisuse, chestia aia e enormă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: So that's a Tank, huh? Jesus, that thing's huge." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Toată lumea să ia o armă. Am impresia că o să avem nevoie de ele." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Everybody grab a weapon. I get the feeling we're gonna need 'em." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Grozav, dau peste cei trei oameni din Georgia care nu au o armă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Great, I run into the three people in Georgia not carrying a gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Are vreunul dintre voi o armă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Aveți vreunul o armă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Sfinte, sunt zombi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Holy shit, it's zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Iisuse! Atacă acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Jesus! They're attacking now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: Vorbești serios, nu-i așa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: You're serious, aren't you?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: Ei bine, chestia asta e ceva neașteptat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: Well, this is unexpected." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: Ăștia... nu arată a oameni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: These... don't look like people." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Iisuse Hristoase! Ce sunt animalele astea?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Jesus Christ! What are these things?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: În regulă, nu trec prin ASTA. Să găsim o altă cale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: All right, I'm not walking through THAT. Let's find another way." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: Nu știu ce plan aveți voi, dar eu omor chestiile astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: I don't know about you, but I'm killing these things." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: Ei bine, MOR ca orice altceva..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: Well, they DIE like anything else..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Uff. Miros mai rău MORȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Ugh. They smell worse DEAD!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: Dacă harta aia e corectă, New Orleans ar putea fi ultimul loc din America care să ne scoată basma curată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: If that map's right, New Orleans might be the last place in America that can get us out alive." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: Deci de-asta mă simt atât de al dracului de norocos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: So that's why I'm feeling so goddamn lucky." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: Nu știu ce planuri aveți voi, oamenilor, dar eu mă duc la New Orleans." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: Dunno about you guys, but I'm going to New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: După harta asta, singurul loc rămas în picioare e New Orleans." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: According to this map, the only place left standing is New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Iisuse, toată țara a căzut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Jesus, the whole country has fallen." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: Harta asta nu aduce vești bune." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: This map is not good news." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: După harta asta, nu prea avem multe opțiuni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: According to this map, there aren't a whole lot of options." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Să găsim altă cale. Costumul ăsta e inflamabil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Let's find another way. This suit's flammable." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: La naiba! Locul ăsta arde REPEDE." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: Shit! This place is burnin' up FAST." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: La naiba! Liftul nu funcționează." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: Damn it! Elevator's out." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: IUBESC să fac aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: I LOVE doing that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: N-o să obosesc niciodată făcând aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: I will never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: N-o să obosesc niciodată de aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: I'll never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Ieșiți pe margine!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Get out to the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Aici afară! Haideți să încercăm marginea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Out here! Let's try the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: Putem folosi marginea asta ca să ocolim focul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: We can use this ledge to get around the fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Ha, HA. ACUM să vedem cine e monstrul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Ha HA. NOW let's see who's the monster." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Pușcă... mă completezi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Shotgun... you complete me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: În sfârșit, o nenorocită de armă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: Finally, a goddamn gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: Chestia asta o să echilibreze sorții." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: This shit'll even up the score." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Să lovesc chestii în cap era distractiv dar..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Whacking things in the head was fun but..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: Iubesc armele." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: I do love guns." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: Firimituri? Serios, Coach? Așa înjuri tu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: Crumbs? Really, Coach? That's how you swear?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: Obișnuiam să fur din astea de la polițiști când eram în liceu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: I used to steal these from cops back in high school." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: Dacă prietenii m-ar fi văzut vreodată folosind pistolul unui polițist..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: If my friends ever saw me usin' a cop's gun..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: HA! Așa-i mai bine!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: HA! That's more like it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Acum parcă ne mai înțelegem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Now we're talking." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Căutați prin camerele astea. S-ar putea să găsim ceva de care ne putem folosi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: Liftul ăsta încă funcționează!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: This elevator's still working!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Tehnic vorbind... n-ar trebui să folosești liftul în timpul unui incendiu. Dar regula asta s-ar putea să nu se aplice în timpul unei apocalipse cu zombi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Technically... you're not supposed to use an elevator in a fire. But that might not apply during a zombie apocalypse." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Toată lumea să urce în lift!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Everybody get in the elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Push the button!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: Fac pariu că o să ne aștepte ceva acolo pe undeva. Deci haideți să ne pregătim..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: I bet there'll be something waiting for us out there. So let's get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: În regulă, suntem cu toții prieteni acum. Pregătiți-vă..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: All right, we're all friends now. Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: Deci. Voi aveți un nume sau nu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: So. You guys got names or what?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Mă cheamă Nick. Dar nu vă chinuți să-l rețineți, fiindcă nu o să stau prea mult prin preajmă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Name's Nick. But don't worry about learning it, 'cause I ain't sticking around long." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. Doar asta trebuie să știți." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. That's all you need to know." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Mă cheamă Nick. Și după cum arătați voi trei, sunt singurul de aici care știe cum să folosească o armă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Name's Nick. And from the looks of you three, I'm the only one here who knows how to fire a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Mă cheamă Nick. Și o să ies din orașul ăsta de doi bani, chiar dacă ar fi să mă omoare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Name's Nick. And I'm gonna get out of this piece of shit city if it kills me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hm. Ar fi tare ciudat dacă dădeam doi lei pe sentimentele tale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hm. This'd be really awkward if I gave a shit about your feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Hei, cum te cheamă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Hey, what's your name?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: Te-ai descurcat bine, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: You did good out there, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nick, mă cheamă Nick. Cu toții v-ați descurcat bine. Cum vă cheamă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Bine, haideți să continuăm în același stil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Okay, let's keep this up." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Bună treabă acolo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Nice work out there." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Nick e numele." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: V-a mușcat pe careva? Nu așa funcționează asta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: Anyone get bit? Isn't that how this works?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Ei bine, mă bucur că am scăpat de treaba aia. Acum: a fost careva mușcat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now: did anyone get bit?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: Am sânge pe mine, dar nu e al meu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: There's blood on me, but it ain't mine." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nick, mă cheamă Nick. Toți v-ați descurcat bine. Pe voi cum vă cheamă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: Nu, sunt în regulă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: No, sunt în regulă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: Și apoi au rămas doar trei." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: And then there were three." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Nu că ar conta, fiindcă eu cred că ar trebui să ne despărțim când se deschide chestia asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Not that it matters, 'cause I think we should split up when this things opens." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: Suntem în mare belea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: We're pretty screwed." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Era Ellis? Ei bine, nu contează acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Was it Ellis? Well, doesn't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: Cred că era Coach. Nu contează acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: I think it was Coach. Don't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: Cred că tocmai a zis că era Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: I think she just said it was Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: În mod normal merg singur, dar în circumstanțele astea, mă gândesc că e mai bine dacă stăm împreună. Spuneți-mi Nick. Voi aveți nume?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: I normally go solo-but under the circumstances, I'm thinkin' we stick together. Call me Nick. You got names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Aveți grijă la... chestia aia grasă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Watch out for the... the big fat thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: E grăsanul ăla plin cu fiere!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: It's the fat barf-bag!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: Chestiei ăleia i se spune boomer..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: That's what they call a Boomer..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: E nenorocitul ăla rapid care sare pe tine..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: It's that fast bastard that jumps you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Cred că chestiilor ăstora li se zice hunter..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Think they call these things Hunters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: E chestia aia care fuge către tine..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: It's that thing that runs at you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: Cred că ăla e chargerul..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: I'm guessin' that's the Charger..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: E spitterul ăla nenorocit..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: It's that bug-spitting bitch..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: Cred că li se spune spitter chestiilor ălora..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: They've been calling those things Spitters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: E jockey-ul ăla mic și infect..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: It's that little Jockey bastard..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: Cred că li se spune jockey..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: I think they're called Jockeys..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Prin tunelul ăsta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Down this shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: Putem să sărim prin puțul liftului!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: We can jump down the elevator shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: Cincizeci de paturi într-o singură cameră, ce hotel de 2 lei." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: Fifty beds in one room-what a shitty hotel." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: Putem să trecem pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: We can get through here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: Cred că ar trebui să închidem ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: I think we should close this door." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: La NAIBA! Tocmai l-am ratat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: La NAIBA! Tocmai l-am ratat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Unde naiba se duce elicopterul? Suntem chiar aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: Bine. Elicopterele nu se întorc când strigi la ele. Acum știm asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: La NAIBA! Tocmai l-am ratat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Bun, rămâne așa. Mai departe: Cred că blocul ăsta e în flăcări. Așa căăă... aș vrea să ies din clădirea asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave this building." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Unde naiba se duce elicopterul? Suntem chiar aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: Bine. Elicopterele nu se întorc când strigi la ele. Acum știm asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Atunci și eu. Luați o armă și să mergem. Cred că toată clădirea asta nenorocită e în flăcări." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Then so am I. Grab a weapon and let's go. I think this goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hei! Întoarceți-vă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hey! Come back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: La NAIBA! Tocmai l-am ratat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: Damn it! We JUST missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Unde naiba se duce elicopterul? Suntem chiar aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hei! Întoarce-te aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: Sună bine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: Sounds good to me." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: Un magazin de arme pare un popas excelent." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: A gun store sounds like a fine place to stop." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Mallul e pe aproape..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Mall must be close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: Un elicopter! Sigur ne apropiem..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: A helicopter! We must be getting close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: Trebuie să trecem peste podul ăla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: We gotta get over that bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Pe ușă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Through the door!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Urcați în camion!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Jump onto the truck!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Peste pubela asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Sigur e ăsta drumul către mall?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Are you sure this is the way to the mall?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Iisuse. Locul ăsta e un oraș-fantomă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Jesus. This place is a ghost town." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: Și eu care credeam că locul ăsta era o văgăună când erau OAMENI în el." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: And I thought this place was a shithole when there were PEOPLE in it." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: ÎNCEPE să te sperie?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: It's STARTING to creep you out?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: Nu am voie legal să dețin o armă, sper că totul e în regulă cu asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: I'm not legally allowed to own a gun, hope everybody's okay with that." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Magazin de bomboane pentru adulți." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Candy store for adults." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Să luăm niște arme, avem chestii de omorât." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Let's grab some guns, we got shit to shoot." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: Deci stai să înțeleg: iți aducem tâmpeniile și ne ajuți să ajungem la mall? Nu? În regulă. Dacă ne tragi pe sfoară, te omor cu propria ta armă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: So let me get this straight: we get you your shit and you'll help us get to the mall? Right? Okay. You screw us and I will kill you with your own gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Îți mulțumim pentru arme, sincer, le apreciem cu toții. Dar ai face bine să nu-ți bați joc de noi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Thank you for the guns, honestly, we all appreciate it. But you better not be screwing with us." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: Deci drumul nostru e blocat și singurul mod de a-l debloca ar fi să-ți găsim niște Cola?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: So our way is blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to get you some cola?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Sigur, de ce nu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Sure, why not." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Domnule, pentru folosirea acestei arme sunt dispus să mă duc să-ți găsesc niște cola." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Sir, for the use of this gun, I am willing to go get you your cola." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă, chestia asta o să pornească alarma" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Get ready, this is going to set off the alarm" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Luați pachetul de doze! Haideți să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Got the six-pack! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: Am sucurile nebunului, haideți înapoi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: I got freakshow's soft drinks, let's head back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Luați cola!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Get the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Luați cola!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Grab the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Cineva să ia cola!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Somebody grab the Cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: I-am luat cola, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: I got his cola, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: Am luat-o, haideți să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: We got it, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Am luat cola!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Got the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: A căzut bariera! Să plecăm de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: Barrier's down! Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: Uitați cum dispare cargobotul. Să plecăm de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: There goes the tanker. Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: Și ăla e un mod de a deschide o cale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: That's one way to open a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: Trebuie să respect asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: I gotta respect that!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: Așa eliberezi un drum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: That is how you clear a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: Să fiu al dracului-am ajuns la mall." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: I'll be damned-we actually made it to the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Ei bine, am ajuns. Să sperăm că încă mai e cineva aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Well, we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Bine, am ajuns. Să sperăm că mai e cineva pe-aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Okay we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: Bine, am ajuns la mall. DE-ABIA." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: Okay, we made it to the mall. BARELY." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: Dacă vede cineva un magazin de bărbați să mă anunțați. Am sânge pe costumul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: If anyone sees a men's store, let me know. I got blood on this suit." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Să găsim centrul ăsta de evacuare. M-am săturat de locul ăsta deja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Let's go find this evacuation center. I'm already sick of this place." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Uff. DOAMNE, cât urăsc mallurile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Ugh. God, I hate malls." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Urcați pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Up this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Urcați pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Up that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Coborâți pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Down this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Coborâți pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Down that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Pantaloni și frizuri disco? Doamne, o grămadă de chestii în mallul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Disco Pants and Haircuts? Man, lots of space in this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evacuarea e pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evac's this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evacuarea e pe acolo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evac's that way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evacuarea e drept în față!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evac's up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Cine naiba e Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Who the hell is Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: Încep să mă satur să mă uit la fața ăstuia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: I'm getting sick of looking at this guy's face." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Serios? Fiindcă arată ca un mârlan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Really? 'Cause he looks like an asshole." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: Am un sentiment ciudat că alarma asta o să atragă atenția asupra noastră..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: I got a sinking feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: Am un sentiment morbid că alarma asta o să atragă atenția asupra noastră..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: I got a sick feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Continuați să urcați!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Keep going up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Sus! Sus! Mișcați-vă în continuare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Up! Up! Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Opriți ALARMA AIA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Turn off THAT ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: Trebuie să oprim alarma asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: We gotta turn off this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: Trebuie să oprim alarma asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: We need to turn of this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: E vreo cale să oprim alarma asta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: Is there some way to turn off this alarm?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: Am oprit-o!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Alarma e oprită!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Mulțumesc că ați oprit alarma aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Thanks for turning off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Doamne, alarma aia mă înnebunea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Man, that was driving me crazy." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: Știi ce? Pot să-i suport pe zombi, dar nu și zgomotul ăla nenorocit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: You know what? I could take the zombies, but not that goddam noise." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Iisuse. Știam eu. Nu e nimic aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Jesus. I knew it. There's nothing here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: Bine, deci stația de evacuare e abandonată șiiiiii suntem în mijlocul unei clădiri pline cu zombi. Și partea bună? Probabil o să murim cu toții." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: Okay, so the evac station's abandoned, annnnd we're at the center of a zombie-filled building. But on the bright side? We're all probably gonna die." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA m-a părăsit de două ori în aceeași zi, mi-am învățat lecția." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA leaving me twice in one day, lesson learned." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: Nu e nimeni în viață aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: No one's alive in here." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Toată lumea e infectată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Everyone's infected." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: Nu ne salvează nimeni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: We aren't getting saved." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: Va trebui să ne salvăm singuri, oameni buni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: We are going to have to save ourselves, people." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Se pare că se îndreaptă lume încoace!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Looks like people headed this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: E un adăpost în față!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: There's a saferoom up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: Cred că piticul are o idee bună. Haideți să încercăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: I think the little guy's onto something. Let's give it a shot." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA n-o să ne salveze, aveți vreo idee?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA's not gonna save us, any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: Sunt de acord cu ideea, dar eu conduc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: I'll agree to the idea, but I'm driving." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: Ce călătorie distractivă o să fie asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: What a fun road trip this will be." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: Ei bine, asta îmi întrece ideea: să stăm aici și să murim în mall." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: Well, it beats my idea: staying here and dying in the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Ok. Să băgăm niște benzină în mașină și să ne cărăm dracului din mallul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Okay. Let's gas up the car and get the hell out of this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Să luăm niște BENZINĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Let's get some GAS!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Faceți plinul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Fill 'er up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: Haideeeți, haideeeeți..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: Haideeeți, haideeeeți..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: Haideți..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: Come on..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Intră în rezervor, benzină nenorocită, intră în rezervor." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Get in the tank, you stupid goddamn gas, get in the tank." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Benzină nenorocită, INTRĂ ÎN MAȘINĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Piece of shit gas, GET IN THE CAR!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Mai am o canistră în rezervor!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Got another can in the tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: Încă una pentru rezervor!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: One more for the gas tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: Cât de mare e rezervorul chestiei ăsteia?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: How big is the tank in this thing?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Mai repede, mai repedeee..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Haide haihaihaihaihaihai. Haide odată!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Come comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon. Come on!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Intră! În! Rezervor!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Get! In! The! Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Intră aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Get in there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Haideți să mergem! Găsiți o canistră de benzină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Să alimentăm mașina cu benzină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: Ne trebuie mai multă benzină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: We need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: Ne trebuie și mai multă benzină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: We still need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Suntem la jumătate!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Halfway there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Aproape am terminat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: Ne mai trebuie încă douăzeci!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: We need twenty more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: Ne mai trebuie încă zece!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: We still need ten more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: Ne mai trebuie încă cinci!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: We still need five more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Doar încă trei!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Just three more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Doar încă două!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Just two more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: Încă una și putem să ne cărăm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: One more and we can go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: Doar încă o canistră!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: One more can to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: E plină, să mergem, urcați în mașină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: She's all filled up, let's go, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: ÎȚI mulțumesc, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: Thank YOU, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Mergeți la mașină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Vreți să ajungeți la nenorocita de mașină?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Would you get to the goddamn car?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: LA NAIBA, DA! Următoarea oprire: New Orleans..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: HELL YEAH! Next stop: New Orleans..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Toată lumea la mașină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Everyone to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: Nu aștept prea mult, mergeți la mașină!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: I'm not waiting long, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: E timpul să plecăm oameni buni!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: Time to leave people!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: E timpul să plecăm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: Time to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Să mergem, lume, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Let's go people, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Calc-o, Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Hit it, Ellis!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: Urăsc să fiu eu cel care aduce veștile proaste, dar cu excepția cazului în care Ellis știe să construiască un monster truck, NU conducem prin asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, guys-but unless Ellis knows how to build a monster truck, we AIN'T drivin' through this." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Nu-ți face griji, Ellis. Măcar ne-ai scos din mallul ăla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Don't sweat it, Ellis. At least you got us out of that mall." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: NAIBA să te ia, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: God DAMN you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: Mașinile astea abandonate se-ntind pe câteva MILE." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: Aia e... o teorie." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: That's... one theory." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: Oh bine. Acum putem muri acolo ca adulţi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: Oh good. Now we can die there as adults." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Reflectoare pe acolo. Ar putea fi o ieșire." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Searchlights over there. Could be a way out." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Coborâți pe rampa asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Down this offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Coborâți pe rampa aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Down that offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: Ăla trebuie să fie un parc de distracții." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: That must be the amusement park." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Autostrada e blocată! Se scurtăm prin motelul ăsta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through this motel!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: Nu glumesc când spun că nu sunt salvamari de serviciu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: They're not kidding when they say no lifeguards on duty." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: Oameni ăia erau PRAF la plonjări de pe trambulină." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: Those people SUCKED at high diving." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: Am face bine să căutăm în camerele astea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: We better search these rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: Nu-mi vine să cred că ai pus botul la faza aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: I can't believe you fell for that." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Ai grijă, panta asta pare destul de abruptă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Careful, this gully looks pretty steep." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! Am reușit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! We made it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Haideți s-o facem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Let's do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: Ne vom îndrepta spre reflectoare. Dacă e o evacuare, o să fie acolo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Sau poate un cadavru a căzut pe butonul reflectoarelor. Totuși, merită să verificăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Or maybe a corpse fell on the searchlight button. Still, worth checking out." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: N-am auzit de ei. Sunt buni de ceva?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: Never heard of 'em. They any good?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Acum eu vreau să mă dau într-o de-aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Now I want to ride one." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Mai găsește și altcineva chestia asta cu aluna un pic terifiantă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Anybody else find this peanut thing a little terrifying?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Amice, dacă mă poți scăpa viu din situația asta, voi găti o întreagă vacă nenorocită pentru tine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Buddy, if you can get me out of this alive? I will deep-fry you an entire goddamn cow." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: E ca un copil de cinci ani. Înarmat. Și cu cunoștințe avansate despre fiecare înjurătură din limba română." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: He's like a five year old. With guns. And a comprehensive grasp of every swear word in the English language." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: Trebuie să fii atât de înalt pentru a intra aici, Ellis. Scuze, amice. O să ne fie dor de tine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: You gotta be this tall to get in here, Ellis. Sorry, buddy. You'll be missed." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: Fac și eu un pic de mișto de tine, omule." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: I'm just playin' with ya, man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Nup. Doar foarte multe tankuri." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Nope. Just lots and lots of Tanks." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: Uuuuuuu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: Woooooo!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: Nu-mi place de omul ăla alună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut guy." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: Nu-mi place de omul ăla alună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Bine îngrădit. Arată ca un penitenciar federal al caruselelor." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Nice fencing. Looks like a federal carousel penitentiary." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: Un carusel îngrădit? Aici duceau copiii prizonieri în excursii?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: A fenced-in carousel? Is this where they took child prisoners on day trips?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Poarta e deschisă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: RAHAT, ce zgomot tare face! Cineva s-o oprească!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: SHIT, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: RAHAT, ce zgomot tare face! Cineva s-o oprească!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: Goddamn, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Bine, e oprită!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Okay, it's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: În regulă, dar ține-ți mâinile la tine acasă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: All right, but keep your hands to yourself." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: Ăsta e cel mai RELAXANT adăpost în care am fost vreodată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: Cred că ar trebui să clarificăm ce constituie „aproape”." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: I think we should clarify what constitutes \"close\"." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: Ți-am îndeplinit dorința, Ellis. Suntem într-un parc de distracții." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're in an amusement park ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Îți revin amintirile, Coach? Tu, un cheeseburger, iubirea plutind în aer..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Bringing back any memories, Coach? You, a cheeseburger, romance in the air..." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Psh! Ha. Câțiva. Cu ușurință." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Psh! Huh. Several. Easily." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Nu e momentul, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Not the time, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: Nu e bine, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: Not cool, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Da. Nu o bea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Yeah. Don't drink it." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: În camera de mentenanță a iubirii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: În tunelul de mentenanță al iubirii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Gloanțe incendiare ale dragostei aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Prin gaura asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Down this hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Prin gaura aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Down that hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: Ăsta e cel mai LUNG tunel al dragostei pe care l-am văzut vreodată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: This is the LONGEST Tunnel of Love I've ever seen." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: Ți-am îndeplinit dorința, Ellis. Suntem într-un carusel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're on a ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Oh, Iisuse - va trebui să traversăm montagne-rousse-ul ăsta, nu-i așa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Oh, Jesus-we're gonna have to walk across this roller coaster, aren't we?" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: Și va trebui să distrugem grămada asta de dărâmături." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: Și va trebui să distrugem poarta asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: Va trebui să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: We gotta get that alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Cineva să oprească alarma aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Mergeți doar de-a lungul șinelor, lume!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Just follow the tracks, everybody!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Lume, urmați șinele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Everybody, just follow the tracks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Alarma e oprită!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Alarm's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: Infectații ăștia NU respectă cozile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: These infected do NOT respect lines." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: Va trebui să distrugem grămada asta de dărăpănături." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: Va trebui să distrugem poarta asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Să intrăm în stadion!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Let's get into the stadium!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: Putem intra în stadion pe aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: Va trebui să facem semn elicopterului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: We need to signal the helicopter." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: Ne trebuie ceva mare ca să facem semn elicopterului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: We need something big to signal the 'copter." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coach, aia e cam cea mai proastă idee cu care am fost vreodată de acord." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coach, that is about the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coach, aia e cea mai proastă idee cu care am fost vreodată de acord." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coach, that is the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: N-am mai văzut Midnight Riders, dar bine. Să încercăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: I've never seen the Midnight Riders, but okay. Let's try it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Cu excepția cazului în care cineva are o idee mai bună, haideți să băgăm niște rock." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Unless someone has a better idea, let's rock." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: Trebuie să pornim actul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: We need to start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Aveți vreo idee cum pornim actul final?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: Cum începe actul ăsta final?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: How does this finale start?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Îmi pare rău că trebuie să-ți spun eu asta Coach, dar eroii tăi fac playback. E o casetă aici în spate pe care scrie „Actul final”." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Sorry to break it to you Coach, but your heroes lip-sync. There's a tape back here labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: Cred că știu cum încep actul final, apăs pe butonul pe care scrie „Actul final”." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: I think I know how to start the finale, hit the button labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: Se pare că totul e pregătit pentru actul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: This looks all setup for the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: Când pornesc caseta asta, o să izbucnească muzică rock de babaci și actul final. Pregătiți-vă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: When I hit this tape, it's gonna blare some old people's rock music and start the finale. Get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coach, când pornesc actul ăsta final, sper că n-o să începi să dansezi. Aah, la naiba, îl pornesc." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coach, when I start this finale, you aren't gonna start dancing are you? Ahh, screw it, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: Dacă aveți vreun pic de gust, acoperiți-vă urechile. Pornesc actul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: If you have taste, cover your ears. I'm starting the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă, o să încep actul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Toată lumea să se pregătească, o să apăs butonul ăsta și am să pornesc actul final." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Everyone ready, I'm gonna hit this and start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Lumini!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Dați mai tare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: Trebuie să dăm prostia asta mai tare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: We need to turn this crap up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: O să-mi pară rău pentru asta, dar dați mai tare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: I'm gonna regret this, but turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Lansați artificiile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Set off the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Lansați artificiile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Launch the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Hit the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Trageți maneta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Flip the switch!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Turn on the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Hit the spotlights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Aprindeți reflectoarele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Hit the flash pots!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Încercați grenadele luminoase!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Try the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: Mai multe, ne trebuie mai multe!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: More, we need more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Continuați! Continuați!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Keep it up! Keep it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: Pilotul de elicopter trebuie să vadă asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: The copter pilot has got to see this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Apăsați-l!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Apăsați asta în continuare!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Keep hitting this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Continuați să declanșați!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Keep setting it off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Porniți totul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Hit everything!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: Uitați elicopterul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: There's the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: A funcționat! Elicopterul e aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: This worked! The copter is here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: Cred că pilotul de elicopter vrea să dăm mai încet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: I think the copter pilot wants us to turn it down." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: Ne vede!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: He sees us!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe, asta a funcţionat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Holy shit, this worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coach, ești un geniu, a funcționat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coach, you're a genius! This worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: A funcționat! Te iubesc, Coach!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: It worked! I love you, Coach!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: Nu poate să aterizeze până nu omorâm tankul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: He can't land until we kill the Tank." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: Trebuie să omorâm tankul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: We need to kill the Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: Omorâm tankul ăsta și am scăpat de aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: We kill this Tank and we're outta here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: Pilotul a aterizat, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: The pilot's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Urcați în elicopter!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Get on the helicopter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Everyone to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Bună treabă cu tankul, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Nice job with the Tank, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Elicopterul a aterizat, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Copter's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Să mergem, să mergem la elicopter!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Let's go, let's go to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: Nu-mi vine să cred că niciunul din voi nu l-ați fi împușcat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: I can't believe none of you were going to shoot him." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: Ei bine, nu făcea treabă prea bună după ce s-a transformat în zombi, nu-i așa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: Well, he wasn't doing a very good job once he became a zombie now was he?" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: Am împușcat un zombi. Era un zombi, Ellis. Sigur a fost mușcat înainte să ne fi ridicat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: I shot a zombie. He was a zombie, Ellis. He must have gotten bitten before he picked us up." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: Nicio problemă barosane, scuze de aterizare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: No problem, big guy, sorry about the landing." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Grozav, ne prăbușim în fața unui sat care urăște pe toată lumea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Great, we crash land in front of a village that hates everyone." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: Locul ăsta pare destul de prietenos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: This looks like a friendly place." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: Nu cred că zombi știu să citească." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: I don't think zombies can read." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: Probabil că trebuiau să adauge „fără zombi” pe semnul ăla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: They probably should have added no zombies to that sign." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: Trebuie să aducem barca aia aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: We gotta get that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: Trebuie să chemăm barca aia aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: We need to call that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: Chem feribotul încoace." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: I'm calling over the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă, chem feribotul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Get ready, I'm calling the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Urcați pe pasarele!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Get on the walkways!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Uah! S-a rupt pasarela!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Whoa! The walkway broke!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Uah!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Whoa!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: Trebuie să încercăm și cealaltă pasarelă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: We need to try the other walkway!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: La naiba. Mlaștina asta o să-mi distrugă costumul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: Shit. This swamp is going to ruin my white suit." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Creierii se curăță. Apa de mlaștină nu. Nu mă întrebați cum de știu treaba asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Brains come out. Swamp water doesn't. Don't ask me how I know that." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: Mlaștina asta e un focar de boli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: This swamp is just a cesspool for disease." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: Pot să simt cum îmi cresc ciuperci pe picioare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: I can feel my feet growing fungus." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: Mlaștinile astea nu sunt de acord cu mine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: These swamps don't agree with me." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Pământ uscat în față." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Dry land up ahead." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: Nu o să mor în mlaștina asta nenorocită." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: I am not dying in this goddamn swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: Presupun că mersul pe jos nu e așa de rău." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: I guess walking isn't so bad." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: Putem trece pe ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: We can get through this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: Cred că pot presupune cu șanse mari de succes că o să pornească o alarmă când deschidem ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: Trebuie să deschidem ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Cineva să deschidă ușa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: Ieșirea de urgență e singura cale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: Cred că pot presupune cu șanse mari de succes că o să pornească o alarmă când deschidem ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: Trebuie să deschidem ușa asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Cineva să deschidă ușa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: Ieșirea de urgență e singura cale." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: Deschid ușa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă, deschid ușa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Get ready, I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Hello!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Hello!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe, poate au reușit oamenii mlaștinii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: Holy shit, maybe the swamp people made it!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: Au electricitate!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: They have power!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: SALUT!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: SALUT!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEI! SALUT!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEY! HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: E CINEVA ACASĂ?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: ANYBODY HOME?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: Oamenii mlaștinii n-au supraviețuit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: The swamp people didn't make it." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: Asta e nașpa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: This is ugly." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: Au o grămadă de cadavre în satul ăsta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: There're a lot of bodies in this village." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: Aia e o grămadă de cadavre." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: That's a shit ton of bodies." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Se pare că unii din ei se îndreptau către râu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Looks like some of them headed to the river." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: Trebuie coborâm scândura asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: We need to lower this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: Singura cale este peste scândura asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: The only way is over this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Coborâți scândura." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Lower the plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Coborâți podul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Lower the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: Cobor podul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: I'm lowering the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă! Cobor podul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Get ready! Lowering the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: Au trăit cu adevărat oameni în cocioabele astea?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: Did people really live in these shacks?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: Chestia asta e foarte nesanitară." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: This is just really unsanitary." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Unde se spăla pe mâini cine trăia pe aici?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Where did anyone who lived here wash their hands?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: Nu știu, vreo plantație?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: I don't know, some plantation?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: Suntem la o casă mare cu o poartă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: We're at a big old house with a gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Oh, doamne, suntem în iad." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Oh god, we're in hell." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Nimic, nimic, suntem pe o plantație." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Nothing, nothing, we're at a plantation." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: La o plantație cu o poartă mare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: At a plantation with a big gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: Stăm lângă o poartă mare, o poartă mare cu un radio lângă. Sună cunoscut?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: We're standing by a big gate, a big gate with a radio by it. Sound familiar?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: Stau lângă o poartă mare, în fața unei case mari." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: I'm standing by a big gate, in front of a big house." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: Suntem patru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: There's four of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Patru, dintre care o femeie." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Four of us, one is woman." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Patru, inclusiv o fată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Four, including a girl." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Patru din noi avem bani, dacă asta ajută la ceva." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Four of us, We have money if that helps." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Mai suntem trei." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Three of us left." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Suntem doar doi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Only two of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Doar eu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Doar eu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Da, presupun că putem face asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Yeah, I guess we can do that." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: Putem să te așteptăm, dar grăbiți-vă, vă rog?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: We can wait for you, but hurry up will you?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Sigur, putem aștepta. Destul de liniște aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Sure, we can wait. Pretty quiet here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: O să fim aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: We'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Nu vă faceți griji pentru noi, vom fi aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Don't worry about us, we'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Barca e aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Prietenul nostru cajun a aruncat poarta în aer, să mergem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Our Cajun buddy blew open the gate, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Toată lumea la barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Fugiți la barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: Către barcă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: To the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Uau! Credeam că doar o să DESCHIDĂ poarta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Wow! I thought he'd just OPEN the gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: Și asta e o metodă de a deschide poarta aia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: That's one way to open that gate." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: Cu ce ar trebui să-i facem semn?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: What are we supposed to signal him with?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: Ce sac de arme?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: What gun bag?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: EU? Cine a murit și m-a făcut administrator de armament?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: ME? Who died and made me gun monitor?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Grozav. Am beli-" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Great. We are screw-" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: Uitați rachetele de semnalizare în sacul cu arme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: There's flares in the gun bag." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: N-ați luat armele?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: You didn't grab the guns?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: Benzinăria e chiar vizavi. Haideți doar să luăm benzina și apoi ne prindem cum să-i facem semn lui Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: The gas station's right across the street. Let's just get the gas and then we'll figure out how to signal Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: În regulă, bine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: All right, fine." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: Vreți să auziți o previziune?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: You wanna hear a prediction?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: N-o să fie niciun fel de benzină. Uitați-vă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: There's not gonna be any gas. Watch." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Se pare că plimbarea noastră tocmai s-a transformat în maraton." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Looks like our milk run just turned into a marathon." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: Niciun pic de benzină. Grozav. Absolut grozav." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: No gas. Terrific. This is just great." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: Niciun pic de benzină. Vedeți? Ce v-am zis?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: No gas. See? What'd I say?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: Ce te face să crezi că au benzină?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: What makes you think they have gas?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Trei kilometri? Asta mai lipsea. Mai începe să și plouă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Two miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Cinci kilometri? Asta mai lipsea. Mai începe să și plouă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Three miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Haideți doar să facem asta și să ne întoarcem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Let's just get this done and get back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: Ploaia se înrăutățește." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: The rain's getting worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: Chiar că începe să plouă cu găleata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: It's really starting to come down." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Fir-ar. Se pare că o să vină furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Shit. It looks like it's really gonna storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: Trebuie să ne mișcăm mai repede. Nu vreau să rămân blocat aici într-o furtună." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: We need to move faster. I don't wanna get trapped out here in a storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Uitaţi-vă după indicatoare. S-ar putea să fie întuneric când ne întoarcem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Look for landmarks. It might be dark on our way back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: Ce, toată lumea de pe-aici are câte o barcă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: What, does everybody around here have a boat?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: Dacă continuă ploaia asta, putem să vâslim până la Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, we can sail this thing right to Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Prin locul ăsta de joacă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Through this playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Prin locul ăla de joacă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Through that playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Să o scurtăm prin târgul improvizat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: AIA e o epavă nasoală." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: Now THAT is a nasty wreck." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Urmați luminile astea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Follow these lights!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Îndreptați-vă spre garaj!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Head for the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: Uitați moara de zahăr!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: There's the sugar mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: Drumul e blocat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: The road's blocked." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: Cred că trebuie să scurtăm drumul prin moara de zahăr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: I think we gotta cut through the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: Ploaia asta nu pare că o se lase." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: This rain doesn't look like it's gonna let up." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Hristoase, sper că ploaia asta nu se înrăutățește." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Christ, I hope this rain doesn't get any worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: Apa începe să se adune. La naiba." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: The water's starting to pool. Shit." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: Ah, căcat, locul ăsta începe deja să se inunde." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: Ah shit, this place is already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: Cerul arată rău." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: The sky looks bad." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: Deja începe să se inunde." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: It's already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Iisuse. Bun venit în satul Witch..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Jesus. Welcome to Witchville..." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Probabil că witch adoră zaharul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Witches must really love sugar." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: Mie-mi zici?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: Tell me about it." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: Acolo sunt o GRĂMADĂ de witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: That is a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Mamă, ce MULTE witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Man, that's a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: Ultima oară când am văzut atâtea femei care plâng eram la nunta mea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: The last time I saw this many crying women was at my wedding." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Îndreptați-vă către siloz!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Head for the grain elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: În sus pe rampa aia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: Up that ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: În sus pe rampa asta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: Up this ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: Uitați benzinăria!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Prin câmpul de trestii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Through the cane field!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Prin ferma de grâu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Through the wheat farm!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Cum zici tu, țărane Ion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Whatever you say, Farmer Joe." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: Putem lua liftul până jos în câmp." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Cineva să apese pe butonul liftului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: LIFTUL E AICI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: INTRAȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: GET IN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: TOATĂ LUMEA ÎN LIFT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Apasă pe buton." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Hit the button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Apasă iar pe buton." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Hit the button again." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ ÎN CONTINUARE! ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE SEMN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ SPRE INDICATOR!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: KEEP MOVING!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: Aleluia. Uitați benzina." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: Hallelujah. There's the gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Se pare că benzina e înăuntru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Looks like the gas is inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Să luăm benzina și să ne cărăm naibii de aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Let's get the gas and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: Pompele sunt secate. Să verificăm înăuntru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: The pumps are dry. Let's check inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: E benzină în adăpost!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: There's gas in the safe room!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Închide ușa și hai să luăm benzina asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Închideți ușa și haideți să luăm benzina asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Bine, a făcut toată lumea plinul și e gata de plecare?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Okay, everybody gassed up and good to go?" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Să-i dăm drumul." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Let's hit it." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Dap." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Yup." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: O am pe a mea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: I got mine." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: Urăște canistrele alea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: Urăște canistrele alea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: Ei bine, cel puțin văgăuna asta va fi MAI CURATĂ..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: Well, at least this shithole'll get CLEANER..." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: Oooh, căcat, a venit furtuna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: Ohhh shit, the storm has arrived." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: Plouă grămadă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: It's pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: Oricând plouă cu găleata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: is it ever pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: Dacă continuă ploaia asta, barca poate să vină la NOI." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, the boat can come to US." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: Barca nu e prea departe." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: The boat isn't much farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Rămâneți pe teren înalt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Keep to high ground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: Uitați butoaiele de construcție de care am trecut când am intrat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: There's the construction barrels. We passed these on the way in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: Putem traversa acoperișurile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: We can get across the roofs." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: Îmi amintesc de lumina aia de pe verandă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: I remember that porch light." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: Uitați epava!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: There's the wreck!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: Târgul improvizat! Mergem în direcția corectă!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: The yard sale! We're going the right way!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: Terenul de joacă! Aproape că am ajuns acolo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: The playground! We're almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: Îmi amintesc de locul ăsta de când am intrat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: I remember this place from the way in." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: Acolo e Burger Tank! Am reușit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: There's Burger Tank! We made it!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: Dacă pornim semnul, Virgil ar putea să-l vadă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: If we turn the sign on, Virgil might see it." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: Merită o încercare." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: It's worth a shot." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Aprindeți reclama!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Turn the sign on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Semnul e pornit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Sign's on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Haide, Virgil..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Haide, Virgil..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: SEMNUL S-A STINS!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: CINEVA SĂ REPORNEASCĂ SEMNUL!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: SOMEBODY RESTART THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: VEDEȚI AIA? VIRGIL NE VEDE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: YOU SEE THAT? VIRGIL SEES US!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: UITAȚI-L PE VIRGIL!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL E AICI! MERGEȚI LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL'S HERE! GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: FUGIȚI LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: FUGIȚI LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: Ești ca lumea, Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: You're all right, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: Și tu, Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: You too, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: Te referi la linia aia difuză de la orizont? Să nu exagerăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: You mean that blurry line on the horizon? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Da, ei bine, să vezi podul ăla și să ajungi la el sunt două lucruri complet diferite." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Yeah, well, seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: Mă întreb dacă astea sunt vești bune..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: I wonder if that's good news..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: Am un sentiment nasol despre aia..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about that..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: Am un sentiment nasol despre asta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: Nu evacuezi oameni în avioane de vânătoare..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: You don't evacuate people in fighter jets..." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: Putem să scurtăm drumul prin parcul ăsta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: We can cut through this park!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Bună observație, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Nice observation, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: Autostrada aia pare că duce către pod." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: That freeway looks like it heads to the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: S-o urmăm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: Let's follow it." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Iisuse, ce e putoarea aia?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Jesus, what's that stink?" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: Cineva? Hristoase, Coach, știi cine a făcut asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: Somebody? Christ, Coach, you know who did this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: Hristoase." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: Christ." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Iisuse. Ăștia sunt oameni! Împușcau oameni. Ți-am zis că am un sentiment nasol în legătură cu asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Jesus. These are people! They were shooting people. I told you I had a bad feeling about this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: Nu-i bine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: Not good." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: De îndată ce deschidem ușa asta, o să urle alarma." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: As soon as we open the door, the alarm's gonna sound." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Pregătiți-vă să fugiți." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Get ready to run." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: FUGIȚI ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: KEEP RUNNING!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: DOAR FUGIȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: JUST RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ, MIȘCAȚI-VĂ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: MOVE MOVE!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: TREBUIE SĂ OPRIM ALARMA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Prin stația asta de autobuz!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Through this bus station!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: Trebuie să urmăm în continuare autostrada." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: We gotta keep following the freeway." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: Podul nu poate fi departe acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: The bridge can't be far now." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: Ce naiba se întâmpla aici?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: What the hell was going on here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Se pare că părăsim zona militarizată." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Looks like we're leaving the military zone." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: Dacă asta era ideea lor de siguranță, de-abia aștept să văd ce e acolo afară." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: If that was their idea of safety, I can't wait to see what's out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: E de rău..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: This is bad..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: Ce naiba făcea tipul ăsta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: What the hell was this guy doing?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Cardul de scor al individului ăstuia înseamnă ce cred eu că înseamnă?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Does this guy's scorecard mean what I think it means?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Iisuse, era deschis sezonul la de toate pe aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Jesus, it was open season on everything out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Oh, Hristoase, nu canalizarea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Oh Christ, not the sewer." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: Mie-mi zici..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: Tell me about it..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: Oh, Dumnezeule, mi-a intrat putoarea în creier." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: Oh my god, the stink's inside my head." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Taci, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Shut up, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: Nu mă cațăr în... Ah, la naiba. Să mergem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: I am NOT climbing into... Ah screw it. Let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: Grozav." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: Terrific." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Încă miroase a canalizare?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Do you still smell sewer?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Pentru că mie așa îmi miroase." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Because I still smell it." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: CHIAR îți bați joc de mine." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: You have GOT to be kidding me." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Hristoase, sunt alarme de mașini peste tot." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Christ, there's car alarms everywhere." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Ai grijă. Ai griiiijăăăă." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Careful. Carefuuulll." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: ÎN CÂTE DIN MAȘINILE ASTEA O SĂ TRAGEȚI?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: HOW MANY OF THESE CARS ARE YOU GONNA SHOOT?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: DACĂ VREȚI SĂ ÎNCEPEM SĂ TRAGEM ÎN MAȘINI, SĂ TRAGEM ÎN MAȘINI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: YOU WANNA START SHOOTING CARS, LET'S SHOOT CARS!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: Asta a fost! Suntem aici pe bune! Suntem pe pod! Suntem aici! Suntem aici!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: That's it! We're really here! We're on the bridge! We're here! We're here!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: OH, HAIDEȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: OH COME ON!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: Ești sigur că nu trebuie să ne panicăm? Vreau să zic, cred că panica a fost inventată fix pentru situații ca asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: You sure we shouldn't just panic? I mean, I think panic was invented for just this sort of situation." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: Aruncă podul ăsta în aer ca să-și asigure o retragere. Dacă vrem să mergem cu ei, am face bine să ne grăbim." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: They're blowing this bridge to cover a retreat. If we wanna go with 'em, we better hurry." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellis, ai la tine vreo zece arme diferite." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellis, you're carrying like ten different guns." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: Presupun că au rămas fără poduri pe care să le arunce în aer..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: I guess they ran outta bridges to bomb..." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Ei bine, e oficial: încearcă să ne omoare pe NOI acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: NU NE MAI BOMBARDAȚI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: STOP BOMBING US!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: Da, mersi, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: Yeah thanks, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Hristoase, tipii ăia sunt niște mârlani." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Christ, those guys are such assholes." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: CĂCAT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: CĂCAT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe, cred că am reușit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Ei bine, e oficial: încearcă să ne omoare pe NOI acum." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Sfinte Sisoe, cred că am reușit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: Uitați podul!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: E un adăpost în pod!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: E un adăpost în el!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: There's a safe room in it!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Înainte de a ne grăbi să trecem podul ăsta și de a ne arunca chiar în brațele celor care ne-au bombardat, vrea cineva să vorbim despre planul B?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Before we run across this bridge right toward the people who've been dropping bombs on us, anyone wanna talk about a Plan B?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Oh, da." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Oh yeah." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: În regulă, să mergem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: All right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: Bine, în regulă, să mergem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: Okay, all right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Sau ne vor alinia în față unui zid și o să ne împuște." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Or they're gonna line us up against a wall and shoot us." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Hei, ăia sunt soldați. Să-i anunțăm că suntem aici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Hey, those are soldiers. Let's let 'em know we're here." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: O să răspundă cineva la radio?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: Is somebody gonna pick up the radio?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Ăă, salut?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Um, hello?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: NU suntem infectați." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: We are NOT infected." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Da, ai putea spune asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Da, ai putea spune asta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Am înțeles. Acum venim." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Roger that. Here we come." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Cineva să coboare podul mobil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Somebody lower the lift bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: UITAȚI ELICOPTERUL!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: THERE'S THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: FUGIȚI LA ELICOPTER!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: GET TO THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: Numele meu e Nick. Suntem patru la... la capătul vestic al podului." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: My name's Nick. There's four of us on the...on the west end of the bridge." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: Am asta pentru tine, omule." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: I got this for ya, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: Vreau să iei tu asta." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Poftim, am asta pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Here ya go, I got this for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Poftim, omule." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Here ya go, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Poftim, omule, vreau să iei tu asta." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Here ya go, man, I want ya to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: Poți lua asta." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: You can have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Hei, vreau să iei tu asta." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Hey, I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Așteaptă, așteaptă, poftim." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Hold on now, hold on now, here ya go." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Ia asta!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Doar ia asta!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Just take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Aici, aici!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Here!, here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Ia de aici asta!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Grab this here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Așteaptă! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Wait up, now! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hei! Hei! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Hei, oprește-te! Am ceva pentru tine chiar aici." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin', now! I got somethin' for you right here." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Așteaptă! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Wait up! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hei! Hei! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Hei, oprește-te, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin' I got somethin' for ya" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Omule, omule, așteaptă." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Dude, dude, hold up." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hei, ăăă... tu! Așteaptă!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hey umm... you! Hold up!" "Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Da, sunt gata. Sunteți toți gata?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm ready, y'all ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Gata?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Sunteți toți pregătiți?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Y'all ready?" "Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Uah, înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Whoa, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: Haideți, înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: Come on, back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Înapoi! Înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Dați-vă în spate!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Haideți, înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Come on, move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Retrageți-vă! Retrageți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Hei, înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Hey, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Înapoi." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Dă-te în spate." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Întoarce-te." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Întoarce-te." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hei, întoarce-te." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hey, move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Vino înapoi." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: DA!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: YEAH!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: MORI!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: UUU! IA DE-AICI, SCUMPO, IA DE-AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: WOO! GET SOME, BABY GET SOME!" "Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: MURIȚI, MURIȚI, DRAGII MEI! MURIȚI, MURIȚI, MURIȚI!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: DIE, DIE MY DARLINS! DIE, DIE, DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Împușcați-l!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Shoot it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Trageți în continuare!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Omoară-l, omule! Omoară-l!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Hei, trageți în continuare, trageți în continuare!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Hey, keep shooting, keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Dați-i foc nenorocitului ăluia!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Light that mother up!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Omoară-l, omule! Omoară-l!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Nu vă opriți din tras!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Just keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Omorâți-l!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Kill him!" "Mechanic_Blank" " " "[english]Mechanic_Blank" " " "Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Oh... ah... chestia asta e infectă!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: Nu văd nimic!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: I can't see shit!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Oh, Hristoase! Sunt plin de flegmă." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Oh, Christ! I'm all gooed." "Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Sfântă Maică Precistă! Sunt plin de flegmă!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Oh... ah... chestia asta e infectă!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Sfântă Maică Precistă! Sunt plin de flegmă!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hei, oameni buni, nu vă mai bateți joc! Scoateți-mă de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hey y'all, quit playin' man! Get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Cineva tre' să mă scoată de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Ajutor, lume! E cineva acolo?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Help, man! Anybody out there?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: Am nevoie de niște ajutor, oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: I need some help, man!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Poate cineva să mă scoată de aici, vă rog?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Can somebody get me out of here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Poate cineva să-mi dea o mână de ajutor, vă rog?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: Bine, mi-ar prinde bine puțin ajutor! Serios." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: Okay, I could use some help here! Serious." "Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Ah, haideți odată, mă plictisesc! Scoateți-mă de aici." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hei tuturor! Nu mă uitați aici!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hey everybody! Don't forget about me in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: În regulă, chiar aș aprecia dacă cineva m-ar scoate de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: All right, I'd really appreciate it if somebody'd get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: Sunt blocat aici!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: I'm trapped in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Ajutor! Ajutor! Ajutoooooooor!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Help! Help! Hellllppp!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Mă ajută cineva să ies de aici?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: mi-ar prinde bine puțin ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: I could use some help here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Ah, haideți odată, mă plictisesc! Scoateți-mă de aici." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Hei, vă distrați pe-acolo fără mine?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Hey, you guys havin' fun out there without me?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Poate vreunul din voi să mă scoată de aici?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Can one of y'all get me out of here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: Te provoc de nouă mii de ori să mă salvezi!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: I triple dog dare ya to rescue me!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: Așteptați, doar nu vă gândiți să mă lăsați aici, nu-i așa?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: Now hold on, you're not thinking of leavin' me in here are ya?" "Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [Se sufocă]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Trageți în limbă! Trageți în limbă!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: M-A PRINS SMOKERUL!!!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [Se sufocă]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Căcat! M-a prins smokerul!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Shit! Smoker's got me!" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Aveți de gând să închideți ușa?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Y'all gonna close the door?" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Haideți, închideți ușa." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Come on, close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Închideți ușa." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: Mă gândesc că ar trebui să închidem ușa." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: I'm thinking we should close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: De ce nu, ăă, închidem ușa aia?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: Why don't we just, uh, close that door?" "Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [Tușește de la fum]" "[english]Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [Coughing from smoke]" "Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Poate cineva să mă acopere, mă vindec." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Can someone watch my back, I'm gonna heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Puteți să mă acoperiți? Tre' să mă vindec!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Can y'all cover me? I gotta heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Așteptați o clipă, vreau să mă vindec!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Așteptați o clipă, vreau să mă vindec!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Poate cineva să aștepte, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Poate cineva să aștepte, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Mă vindec! Acoperiți-mă, vă rog!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Mă vindec! Acoperiți-mă, vă rog!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Hei, poate cineva să mă acopere? O să încerc să mă vindec." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Hey, can somebody cover me? I'm gonna try to heal." "Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, o să încerc să mă vindec." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: Ah hell, gonna try and heal myself." "Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Sper naibii că fac asta bine." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Hope to hell I'm doing this right." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: Deci așa se face." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: So that's how ya do it." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: Bine, bine, văd ce faci acolo." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: Okay, okay, I see what you're doin' there." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Oh, ei bine, Coach, se pare că ai mai făcut asta înainte." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Oh, now, Coach, you like you've done this before." "Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, omule! La naiba, omule. LA NAIBA..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: Chestia asta devine la fel de serioasă ca un atac de cord!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: This is gettin' as serious as a heart attack!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, omule! La naiba, omule. LA NAIBA..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit, man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ohhh... nu mă părăsi acum!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ohhh... don't you leave me now!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Oh, Rochelle! Am rămas doar noi doi, fato." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Oh, Rochelle! It's just you and me girl." "Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Let's go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Mergeți!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Mergeți, mergeți, mergeți!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Go go go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hei, omule, tre' să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hey, man, we gotta go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Doar fugiți!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Just run!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Mișcați-vă." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Move out." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Mergeți în continuare." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Keep going." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Fugiți naibii." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Just run, damn it." "Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Urmați-mă." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Follow me." "Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: Haideți, rămâneți cu mine, oameni buni." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: Come on, stick with me y'all." "Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Urmați-mă pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Follow me this way." "Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: Pe aici, oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: This way, guys!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: De ce naiba tot trageți în mine?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: Nu sunt un zombi. Împușcați zombii!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: Haideți, nu mai e distractiv!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: Come on, it's not funny anymore!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: Știu că ai tras în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: Nu e mișto. Serios." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: That's not cool. Seriously." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: De ce naiba tot trageți în mine?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: Nu sunt un zombi, omule. Împușcați zombii!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie, man. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Nu mai trage în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Stop shooting me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: Pentru ce a fost aia?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: What was that for?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Gloanțele alea dor, să știi!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Those bullets hurt ya know!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: Haide, ai grijă! La naiba." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: Come on, watch it! Damn." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Ai putea să nu tragi în mine, te rog?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Would ya mind not shooting me, please?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Știi, dacă tragi în mine nu rezolvi nimic." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Ya know, shooting me ain't gonna help nothin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: La naiba, omule. N-ai niciun motiv să tragi în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: Damn, man. Ain't got but no reason to be shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: Nu ești normal la cap dacă tragi în mine așa." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: You ain't right in the head shootin' me like that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: Mă enervez așa tare de-mi vine să urlu." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: V-ați pierdut toți capul?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: Did y'all take leave of your senses?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: La naiba omule, nu mai trage în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: Damn man, quit shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: Tragi în mine! Uite așa îmi ies din pepeni!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: You shootin' me! Well that just dills my pickle!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: Tragi în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: You're shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Mai fă aia o dată și îți dau una de nu te mai trezești o săptămână." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Do that again and I'll knock you into next week." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: Mă enervez așa tare de-mi vine să urlu, omule." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm, man." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Știți că m-ați împușcat, nu?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Y'all know you shot me right?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Omule, trageți în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Man, y'all are shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hei, omule! Aia m-a lovit!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hey, man! That hit me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Uah, uah, ce doare!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Whoa, Whoa that hurts!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: În regulă, nu mai trageți în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: Okay, stop shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Nu mai trage în mine, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Quit shooting me, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Nu mai trageți în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Quit shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Nu trageți în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Don't be shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hei, haideți să nu mai tragem unii în alții, vă rog!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hey, let's stop shooting each other, please!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Haideți să nu tragem unii în alții!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Let's not shoot each other!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: Suntem în aceeași echipă!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: We're on the same team!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: În caz că nu știați - doare să fii împușcat!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: In case y'all didn't know - it hurts to get shot!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: De ce nu păstrăm gloanțele alea pentru zombi?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: Why don't we save those bullets for the zombies." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: Observ că tu trăgeai în mine, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: I can see you weren't the shootin' coach." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Hei, Coach! Nu mai trage în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Yo, Coach! Stop shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nick! Intenționat ai făcut asta?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nick! Did you mean to do that?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nick! Știu că tu trăgeai în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nick! I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Doamnă, vrei să-ți arăt cum funcționează chestia aia?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Ma'am, you want me to show you how to work that thing?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, OPREȘTE-TE, FATĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, STOP GIRL!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: Bine, Rochelle, știu că tu trăgeai în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: Okay, Rochelle, I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach are dreptate, tu ai tras în el." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach is right, you shot him." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Doar ziceam." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Just sayin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: Haide, fată, credeam că suntem mai apropiați." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: Come on, girl, I thought we were closer than that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nick, știu că tu ai tras în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nick, I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nick, NICK! Nu trage în mine." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nick, NICK! Don't shoot me." "Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: Ei bine, nu mai spune." "[english]Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Sănătate." "[english]Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Why bless your heart." "Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: Ei bine, nu mai spune." "[english]Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Sângerez." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Bleedin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Cred că sunt bine." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Think I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: Mă doare rău." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: Sunt rănit." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: I hurt." "Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: Sunt destul de ferfeniță." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: I'm pretty torn up." "Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Cred că sunt în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Reckon I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Cred că am fost mai bine." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Reckon I been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: Sunt bine." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: Sunt în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: I'm all right." "Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Sunt bine... cred." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Sunt bine... cred." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: Ar putea să-mi fie mai bine." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: I could be better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: La naiba, nu știu." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: Hell, I don't know." "Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Arăt în regulă?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Do I look all right?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Sunt rănit." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Hurtin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Mi-a fost mai bine în trecut." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: Marfă." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Bine, tu cum ești?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Good, how're you?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: Mă simt fantastic, mulțumesc." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: I'm just great, thanks." "Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Îmi pare rău, nu voiam să te scârbesc." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Sorry, don't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: La naiba, nu, nu plâng." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: Hell no, I ain't cryin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: Mai am ceva energie." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: I still got some fight in me." "Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: Voi supraviețui." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: I'll live." "Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Un pic dureros." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Little sore." "Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Sunt supărat pe mine însumi." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Pissed at myself." "Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: Asta nu făcea parte din planul meu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: This was not in my plan." "Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: Sunt rănit foarte grav." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: I'm hurtin' real bad." "Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: Sunt rănit extrem de tare." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: Sunt praf pe dinăuntru." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: I'm all torn up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: Asta nu e bine." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: This ain't right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: M-au făcut praf." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: They knocked the piss out of me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ohh....." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ohh....." "Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: Mă dor oasele cumplit." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: I've got a misery in my bones." "Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: Nu mint, asta doare!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: I ain't lyin', this hurts!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: Nu mă simt bine." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: I don't feel right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: Cred că mi-am rupt ceva." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: I think I really hurt something." "Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Oh, omule, oh, omule, oh, omule." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Oh man, oh man, oh man." "Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Cel mai bine ar fi să-mi găsiți o trusă de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Best be findin' me a health kit." "Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: Nu pot să merg pur și simplu mai departe, sunt rănit grav." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: I ain't just goin' on, I'm really hurt." "Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Oameni buni, oameni buni, sunt rănit grav!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Y'all , y'all I'm hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, nu, la naiba, nu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ah hell no, ah hell no." "Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: Zombii ăștia de aici încearcă să mă omoare." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: These here zombies are tryin' to kill me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Ahh, la naiba, cât poate să doară." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Ahh shit this hurts." "Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Omule, n-o duc prea bine." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Man, I ain't doin' too good." "Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Oh, omule, sunt rănit." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Oh, man, I'm hurtin'." "Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: Haideți odată. Tre' să rezist, tre' să rezist." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: Come on. I gotta keep up, gotta keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Scuze, omule, încerc să țin pasul." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Sorry, man, I'm trying to keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Scuze, nu pot să merg mai repede de atât." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Sorry, I can't go any faster." "Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: Merg cât de repede pot." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: Sunt întors pe dos." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: I am all tuckered out." "Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: La naiba cât de rănit sunt!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: Goddamn I hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: Aș putea băga un somn, chiar acum." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: I could go for a nap, right now." "Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Ei bine, dă-mă dracu'. N-o să supraviețuiesc." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Well, screw me. I'm not gonna make it." "Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: Cred că dacă o ținem tot așa, o să mor." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: I reckon if this keeps up, I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: Nu vreau să mă insult pe mine însumi, dar cred că o să mor." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: I don't mean to be cursing myself, but I think I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: Sunt rănit atât de tare încât nu mai văd bine." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: I hurt so bad, I don't see right." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: Am căcat de spitter pe mine!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: I got Spitter shit on me!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Acid de spitter!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Ieșiți din acidul ăla de spitter!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Get out of the Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, omule, acid de spitter." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: Ahh hell, man, Spitter goo." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Mișcă, mișcă, sunt în căcat de spitter." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Move, move, I'm in Spitter shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: LA NAIBA! FLEGMĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: GODDAMN! GOO!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: Chestia asta arde, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: This stuff burns, man!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Ah, ce arde prostia asta!!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Ah this shit burns!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: Ce naiba!?!? Flegmă arzătoare?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: What the hell? Spittin' fire?" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Hei, fugi, omule! Asta e demență curată." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Hey run, man! This is some crazy shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: Aah, grozav, acum ne-au umplut de căcatul ăla de scuipat de-al lor." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: Ahh great, now their spittin' shit at us." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Alo, cineva să omoare zombiul ăla care tot scuipă." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Yo, somebody's gotta kill that zombie spittin' shit." "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Sunt prins de charger!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Charger's got me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Trage în charger, omule! Trage în charger!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Shoot the Charger, man! Shoot the Charger!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: Mă omoară!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: It's killing me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: Mă face piure!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: He's bashing me into shit!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Ahhh, la naiba, mă face una cu pământul!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Ahhh hell it's pounding me to death!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Chargerul mă face bucățele!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Charger's ripping me up!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Omorâți chestia asta!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Kill this thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Împușcați chestia asta nenorocită!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Shoot the damn thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Doar trageți în el! TRAGEȚI ÎN EL!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Just shoot it! SHOOT IT!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: LUAȚI CHESTIA ASTA DIN SPATELE MEU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: GET THIS OFF MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: AM UN JOCKEY PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: I GOT A JOCKEY ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: NENOROCITUL E PE SPINAREA MEA!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: SUMBITCH IS ON MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: NU E NORMAL SĂ AM CHESTIA ASTA PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: THIS AIN'T RIGHT HAVING THIS THING ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: LUAȚI CHESTIA ASTA DE PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: CHESTIA ASTA MĂ CĂLĂREȘTE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: THIS THINGS RIDING ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: CHESTIA ASTA MĂ CĂLĂREȘTE?!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: IS THIS THING HUMPING ME?!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: E ca o maimuță pe un catâr." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: It's like a monkey on a mule." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Unde se duce chestia aia cu ei?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Where's that thing goin' with 'em?" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: E pur și simplu umilitor." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: That's just humiliating." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: Nu pare demn." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: That don't look dignified." "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Uff!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Ugh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Aah!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Daaa-uff!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Daaa-ugh!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: Nu!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: NUUUUUUUU!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: NOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Ah, NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Ah, NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: NU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: AAH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: AAGH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Naaah!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Ngahhh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: M-A PRINS SMOKERUL!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: M-A PRINS SMOKERUL!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: Nu!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Aah!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: AU, OH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: D'OH, OH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: DAAAAH!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: DAAAAH!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: Ce naiba mă trage?!?!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: What the hell's got me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Oh! Mă trage un lasou!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Oh! I've been lassoed!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: Nu pot să mă mișc, ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: I can't move help!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: Mă trage ceva!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: I'm getting dragged away!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Unde mă trage chestia asta?!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Where's this thing draggin' me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Futu... LIMBĂ!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Mother f... TONGUE!!!" "Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Arunc o bombă artizanală." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Arunc o bombă artizanală." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Arunc un molotov." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Throwing a Molotov." "Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: VINE UN MOLOTOV!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: ZBOARĂ O BOMBĂ ARTIZANALĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Hei, vine focul!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Hey, fire's comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Atenție, grenadă!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Fire in the hole!" "Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Vine focul!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Fire is a comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Alergați după asta!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Chase this!" "Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Bombă artizanală în aer!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Pipe bomb on the way!" "Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hei! Alergați după asta!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hey! Chase this!" "Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Stai o clipă, lasă-mă să te vindec!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Hold on let me heal ya!" "Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Lasă-mă să te bandajez." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Let me patch ya up." "Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Lasă-mă să folosesc trusa asta să te ajut." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Let me use this health kit on ya." "Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Ia de-aici, nu aveam nevoie de asta oricum." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Ia de-aici, nu îmi trebuia asta oricum. N-o să fiu împușcat." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow. I ain't gonna get shot." "Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Lasă-mă să te vindec, pentru asta sunt prietenii!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Let me heal ya, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Lasă-mă să te vindec, pentru asta sunt prietenii!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Let me heal ya up now, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Ia de aici. Probabil ai nevoie de ea mai mult decât mine." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Here ya go now. You'll probably put this to better use than me." "Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: Probabil că o să-ți folosească asta mai mult decât mie oricum." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: You'll probably put this to better use than me anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: Nu știu ce fac, deci așteaptă un minut." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so hold on a minute." "Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: Nu știu ce fac, așa că rezistă." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so just hold on." "Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Lasă-mă să încerc să te vindec." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Let me try and fix you up." "Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: Mai degrabă exersez pe tine înainte să încerc asta pe mine." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: I better practice on you before I do this on myself." "Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Așteaptă un minut, cred că funcționează cam așa." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Hang on a minute, I think it goes somethin' like this." "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Așteaptă! Așteaptă!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Hold on! Hold on!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Stai pe loc, te vindec!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Stay still, I'm healin' ya!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Nu te opri din tras!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Don't stop shootin'!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Trage în continuare, omule, trage în continuare!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Keep shootin', man, Keep shootin!" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: Mă bucur să văd că împarți chestii." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: That's nice to see ya sharin'." "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Ah, te vindeci bine și frumos, nu?" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Ah, you're gettin' all fixed up nice like, huh?" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: Faci o treabă tare bună." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: That there's a good job you're doin." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: Te descurci mai bine decât mine." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: You do that better than me." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: Faci o treabă bună cu aia." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: You do a nice job with that." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: Aud un boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hei, cred că am auzit un boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hey, think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Grijă, boomer în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Grijă, boomer în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Cred că am auzit un boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: Aud un boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Charger în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Charger around." "Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: Aud un charger." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: I hear a Charger." "Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Auziți și voi un charger?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Hear that Charger?" "Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: SFINTE SISOE! TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! Fugiți, ba nu, nu fugiți! TRAGEȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! Run no, don't run! SHOOOOOT!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: SFINTE SISOE! TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: Aud un hunter în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter around." "Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Grijă. Hunter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Careful. Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: Aud un hunter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: Aud unul din călăreții ăia pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: I hear one of those back humpers around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: E un nenorocit de jockey în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: A freaking Jockey's around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Hei, ai grijă la spate, e un jockey prin zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Hey, watch your back, Jockey's around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: Urăsc chestiile alea." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: I hate them things" "Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: Îi urăsc pe jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: I hate those Jockeys." "Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: E foarte jignitor ce fac ăia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: That is just offensive what they do." "Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Omule, aud unul din călăreții ăia pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Dude, I hear one of those back humpers around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: E un nenorocit de jockey pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: There's a freaking Jockey around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: Cred că e una dintre tâmpeniile alea mici." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: I think that's one of them little things." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Smoker în zonă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Smoker around these parts." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Aveți grijă, smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Careful, Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hei, aud un smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: Aud unul din ciudații ăia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: I hear one of those strange ones." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: Ce naiba face zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: Omule, nu-mi place cum sună aia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: Dude, I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: Ăla nu e un zgomot fericit." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: That is not a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: Sper că nu întâlnim sursa zgomotului ăluia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: I hope we don't meet whatever's making that noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Mai rău decât zombii?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Worse than zombies?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: Ce naiba face zgomotul ăla?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: Nu-mi place sunetul chestiei ăleia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: Ăla nu e un zgomot fericit." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: That ain't a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: I hear a Spitter." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Spitter prin preajmă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Spitting thing's around." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: Aud una dintre spitterele alea." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: I hear one of them Spitters." "Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe, uitați-vă la chestia aia uriașă!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Holy shit, look at that big thing!" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: O să funcționeze armele împotriva chestiei ăleia?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: Are guns even gonna work against that thing?" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: Ăla e un zombi dat naibii de mare." "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: That is a big ass zombie." "Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: Fata aia plângăcioasă e prin preajmă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: That crying girl's around." "Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Hei, aud plânsete de witch." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Witch." "Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: Aud plânsete de witch." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: I hear a Witch crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Hei, auziți plânsetele alea?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Hey, do you hear that crying?" "Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Tipule, nu pare fericită." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Dude, she don't sound happy." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Să nu mergem pe lângă fata aia plângăcioasă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Let's not go by the crying girl." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Serios, cred că ar trebui să lăsăm în pace fata plângăcioasă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Seriously, I'm thinkin' we should just leave the crying girl alone." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: Nu-mi place sunetul smiorcăiturilor alea." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: I don't like the sound of that crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: Nu - nu mă duc aproape de fata plângăcioasă." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: I'm not - I'm not going near the crying girl." "Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Ajutor! Ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Help! Help!" "Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Hei, am nevoie de puțin ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Hey, I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Ajutați-mă!" "[english]Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Help me out!" "Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Help!" "Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: Oh, căcat! Ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: Oh shit! Help!" "Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: Am nevoie de puțin ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: I need some help!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunterul l-a luat pe Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hei, hunter pe Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hey, Hunter on Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunterul l-a luat pe Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hei, hunter pe Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hey Hunter's on Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: L-a luat un zombi!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: A zombie's got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: L-a luat una din chestiile alea!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: One of those things got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Căcat, a prins-o un zombi!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Shit, a zombie's got her!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Hei, una din chestiile alea a luat-o!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Hey, one of those things got her!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunterul a luat-o pe Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter pe Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: Am deschis o canistră de ciuruială curată asupra lor!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: We opened up a can of whup ass on them!" "Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: Mă gândesc că ne putem bate cu orice!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: I'm thinkin' we can take on anything!" "Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: Suntem regii lumii!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: We are kings of the world!" "Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: Sunt mândru să fac parte din echipa asta!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: I am proud to be part of this team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: Suntem o echipă a dracului de bună!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: We are a right damn good team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Hei, lăsați-mă să vă spun ceva. Sunteți cei mai buni!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Hey, let me tell ya something. Y'all are the best!" "Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: Ei bine, trăsni-m-ar Dumnezeu să mă trăsnească, suntem cei mai tari!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: Well, slap my head and call me silly, we are kickin' some ass!" "Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: Ahh, LA NAIBA, DA!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: Ahh HELL YEAH!" "Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: Fie atunci!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: All right then!" "Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: Nu sunt sunt un ticălos, ai face bine să te gândești de două ori la asta, scumpo." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: I ain't no god damn son of a bitch, yeah, ya better think about that baby." "Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Haideți oameni buni, grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Come on y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Să mergem, să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Haideți oameni buni, grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Come on, y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Mai repede! Mai repede!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Hurry it! Hurry it!" "Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Să mergem, să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Sigur, sunt cu tine." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Sure, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Da, hai să facem asta." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do this." "Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Da, să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Yeah, let's go." "Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: La naiba, da, sunt cu tine." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: Hell yeah, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: Sunt la pământ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: I'm down!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: La naiba, sunt la pământ." "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: Shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: Aah, la naiba, sunt la pământ." "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: Ahh, shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: Vin!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: They're coming!" "Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Get ready!" "Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Uite-i că vin!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Here they come!" "Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Y'all get ready!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: L-am omorât." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: Killed it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: L-am lovit." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: Hit it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: L-am luat." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: I got it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Mort!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Dead!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: I-am spart." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: Got 'em." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Lovit!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Hit!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: E al meu!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: Mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: Eu am tras în ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hei, ăla am fost eu!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hey, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Da, ăla am fost eu!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Yeah, that was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: Ăla a fost al meu!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: That was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: La naiba, da, eu am tras în ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: Hell yeah, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: Eu am tras în ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: Eu am tras focul ăla de acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: That was me, right there!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: Nu tu l-ai nimerit pe ăla, ci eu!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: That wasn't yours, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Ați face bine să stingeți lanternele." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Y'all better kill ya lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Opriți lanternele." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Lights off." "Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Stingeți-vă nenorocitele de lanterne." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Kill your damn lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea, stingeți lanternele." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hey, lights off y'all." "Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: La naiba, da!" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: Hell yeah!" "Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Râde]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: Sunt de acord." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Sigur că da, unde mergem?" "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Hell yeah, where we going?" "Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: Te urmez." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: I'll follow you." "Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: I'm right behind you." "Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: Tu ești șeful." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: You're in charge." "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: AAH, CĂCAAAT!! AJUTAȚI-MĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: AHH SHIIIITTTT!! HELP ME OUT!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: NU AȘA VREAU SĂ MOR, OMULE - AJUTOR!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE, MAN - HELP!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEI, TOATĂ LUMEA, NU POT SĂ MĂ MAI ȚIN!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEY Y'ALL I CAN'T HANG HERE ANYMORE!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: TE ROG, OMULE, HAIDE ACUM!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: PLEASE MAN, COME ON NOW!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: AJUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: UUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: PAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: GOOD-BYYYYYYYYYYYE!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: IERTAȚI-MĂĂĂĂĂĂ CU TOȚIIIIIIIIII!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: SORRY Y'AAAAAAAAAALLL!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Haideți, oameni buni, nu pot rezista toată ziua!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Come on y'all I can't hang on all day!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: Mi-ar prinde bine o mână de ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: I could still use a hand over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: Situația asta începe să mă sperie! Am nevoie de puțin ajutor, oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: This here is gettin' scary! I need some help, guys!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: Nu vreau să vă deranjez, dar am nevoie de puțin ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother, but I need some help!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: Nu vreau să vă deranjez, dar am nevoie de niște ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother guys, but I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Uah, uah, uah!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Whoa Whoa Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Uah!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Uah!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hei! Se pare că am căzut și, ei bine, nu mă pot ridica." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hey! I seem to have fallen and, yeah, I can't get up." "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Hei, dacă nu deranjez, mi-ar prinde bine o mână de ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Hey, if anyone don't mind none, could use a hand!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: Sunt pe marginea asta de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: I'm on this here ledge!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, atârn. Aici!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: Ah hell, I'm hangin'. Over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: Dacă vă e dor de mine, sunt aici atârnând de margine. Aici." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: If y'all miss me, I'm over here hangin' on the ledge. Over here." "Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: Te-am prins, te-am prins. Încearcă să nu te uiți în jos." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: I gotcha, I gotcha. Try not to look down." "Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Hei, Ellis te-a prins. N-o să ți se mai întâmple nimic acum." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Hey, Ellis got ya. Ain't nothin' gonna happen to ya now." "Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Hei, o să rezolvăm, hai să te ridicăm." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Hey, we gonna make this right, let's get ya up." "Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Oh, rezistă acolo, haide să te ridicăm." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Oh hang on there, let's get ya up on your feet." "Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Uite!" "[english]Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Uite." "[english]Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Uitați acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Uitați, uitați." "[english]Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Looky looky." "Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Uitați-vă chiar acolo." "[english]Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Look right there." "Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Hei, uitați-vă acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Hey look over there!" "Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Uitați-vă încolo!" "[english]Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Uitați!" "[english]Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Uitați-vă aici!" "[english]Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Look here!" "Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Uitați-vă." "[english]Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Hei, uitați-vă aici!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Hey look over here!" "Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Uitați-vă aici." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Look here." "Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hei, uitați-vă la asta." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hey look at this here." "Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: Ei bine, uitați-vă încoace." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: Well looky over here." "Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: Ei bine, uitați-vă ce avem aici." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: Well look what we got right here." "Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Da, uitați-vă aici chiar acum, ah ha!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Yeah, look at this here right now, ah ha!" "Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Hei, atenție!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Hey look out!" "Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hei, aveți grijă!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hey watch out!" "Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Atenție acum!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Look out now!" "Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Cineva?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Unde e toată lumea?!" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Where is everyone?!" "Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: Nu-i amuzant băieți, unde sunteți?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: Not funny man, where are you guys?" "Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Cineva?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Să-i dăm drumul." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Let's roll." "Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: Haideți, țineți pasul!" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: C'mon, keep a move on!" "Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hei, omule, trebuie să plecăm odată." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hey man, we should get goin'." "Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Nu crezi că ar trebui să mergem mai departe acum?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Don't you reckon we should move on now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: Nu crezi că ar trebui să pornim acum?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: You reckon we should move out now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hei, ar trebui să plecăm, omule." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hey, we should get goin', man." "Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hei, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hey, Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, Coach, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, Coach, Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hei, barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hei, barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hei, barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Barosane." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Domnule cartofor." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: Tu în costum." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: You in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hei, tu cel în costum." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hey you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Domnule cartofor." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Domnule cartofor, da, tu cel în costum." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man, yeah, you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hei, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hey sir." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: Numele meu e Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: My name is Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Prietenii îmi spun Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: Poți să-mi spui Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Spuneți-mi Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Prietenii îmi spun Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hei, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hey, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nick, Nick, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nick, Nick, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: Ei bine, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: Well, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: Termină, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: Come on now, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: Nu e frumos, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: That's not cool, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: D-nă." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: D-nă." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: D-nă." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: D-nă." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Domnișoară." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, domnișoară." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Excuse me, miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Domnișoară." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Domnișoară." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Domnișoară." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hei, Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hey, Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hei, Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hey Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Frumos, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Nice, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Hei, v-ați descurcat toți bine!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all done good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: Ești bun!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: You're all right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: Asta e metoda!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: That's the ticket!" "Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hei, tu ești șeful, omule." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hey, you're takin' charge, man." "Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Bună treabă, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Nice job, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: În regulă!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: Vedeți? Nu vă simțiți bine?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: See? Don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Hei, nu te simți bine?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Hey, don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: Ați făcut treabă bună." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: You did a good job." "Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: V-am zis că o să vă simțiți bine!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: I told ya it'd feel good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: Tu ești șeful." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: You are takin' charge." "Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: Bun, frumos." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: Well, Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Bine tras." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Mișto." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Da, drăguț!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Bine tras, Tex!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Good shootin', Tex!" "Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Frumos." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: La naiba, ești bun." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: La naiba, ești bun." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hei, bine tras!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hey good shootin'!" "Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Da, drăguț!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Bine tras." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: Ai nimerit-o, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: You nailed it, Coach!" "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Bine tras, Coach! Ai nimerit-o." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Nice shot, Coach! Nailed it." "Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Uah, Nick! Ei bine... de ce nu mă surprinde că ești priceput cu arma?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Whoa, Nick! Well... why doesn't it surprise me you're good with a gun?" "Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Ei bine, la naiba Annie Oakley." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Well, goddamn Annie Oakley." "Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: Nu." "[english]Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "[english]Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Nup." "[english]Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Nope." "Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Nah, omule." "[english]Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Nah." "[english]Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Nah." "Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Da, nu." "[english]Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Nu, omule." "[english]Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "[english]Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: Nu." "[english]Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Da, nu." "[english]Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Scuze, nu." "[english]Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Sorry, no." "Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: Nu pot s-o fac, omule." "[english]Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: Can't do it, man." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Oooh, da." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Oooh, da." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Mult, mult mai bine acum." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Much, much better now." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Oooh, da. Oh da, oh da." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Oooh, yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Oh da, oh da." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: M-a rezolvat bine treaba aia." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: That fixed me up good." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Gata de plecare." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Gata de plecare." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: Aia a pus punctul pe i." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: That hit the spot." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: Alea o să mă țină pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: That'll hold me." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: În regulă, acum e mai bine." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: All right, that's better." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: Alea or să mă țină pe picioare un pic." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: Alea or să mă țină pe picioare un pic." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Da, a fost exact ce trebuia." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Yeah, that hit the spot." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: De-asta ziceam!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: În regulă!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Da." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: În regulă, în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: All right, All right." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Da." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Mhm, mhm!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Tchk tchk!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: Nu!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Ahh, CĂCAT!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Ahh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: La NAIBA!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Ah Doamne!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Ah Lord!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Iisuse, NU, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Jesus NO, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: Aia nu e de bine!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: That ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: Oh, CĂCAT!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: Oh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: La NAIBA!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Iisuse, NU!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Jesus NO!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: Nu, mulțumesc!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: No thank you!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: La naiba, asta nu e în regulă!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: Shit, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: VRĂJEALĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: BULLSHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Oh, prostii, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Oh, hogwash, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Baliverne!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Prostii!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: O grămadă de tâmpenii." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: Aia e vrăjeală!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: That's bullshit!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Prostii!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Baliverne!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: O grămadă de tâmpenii." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Hei, încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Hey, I'm Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: O să încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: I'm a reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: Trebuie să încarc." "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: I need to reload." "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Hei, o să încarc." "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Hey, I'm a reload." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: Hei, nu vreau să te sperii. Dar dacă mai cazi o dată așa, s-a terminat." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: Hey, I don't mean to be scarin' ya none. But you go down like that again and that's it." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: În regulă, o să te ridic. Dar dacă nu te vindeci cum trebuie repede, s-a zis cu tine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: All right, I'm 'onna get ya up. But if you don't heal yourself right quick, that's it for ya." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: Știu că ești dur. Dar trebuie să te vindec foarte repede. Mă înțelegi?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: I know you're tough. But we gotta get you healed up quick like. You understand me?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Omule, nu arăți foarte bine. Lasă-mă să te pun pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Dude, you don't look so good. Let me get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Ah, omule, nu-mi place să te văd așa. Haide acum, lasă-mă să te ridic." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Ah man, I don't like to see ya like this. Come on now, let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: Nu ne ești de niciun folos dacă stai la pământ. Trebuie să te punem la loc pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: You ain't no good to us down there. We gotta get you back on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Nu e nicio pagubă în a cădea o dată pe jos. Lasă-l pe Ellis să te ajute să te ridici." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Ain't no harm in going down. Let Ellis help you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Nu-ți face griji. Toți cădem odată și-odată. O să fii bine odată ce te vom punem pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Don't worry. We all go down. You'll be fine once we get you up on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Nu-ți face griji, nu-ți face griji. Nu e decât o zgârietură." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Don't worry, don't worry. This ain't nothin but a scratch." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: Știi că nu te-aș lăsa niciodată pe jos. Lasă-mă să te ajut să te ridici." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: You know I'd never leave ya down there. Let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Aah haide, nu poți pur și simplu să stai întins pe jos. Avem zombi de omorât și chestii de făcut." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Aah, haide, nu poți pur și simplu să stai întins pe jos. Avem zombi de omorât și chestii de făcut." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Hei, nu-ți face griji. Toți cădem odată și-odată. E în regulă, lasă-mă să te ajut să te ridici." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Hey don't worry. We all go down. It's fine lemme just get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Hei, ești în regulă?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Hey you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Sunteți toți bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Y'all okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Hei, o să fii bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Hey you gonna be right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Poți să reziști?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Can you make it?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Doare?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Does it hurt?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Pot să te ajut?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Can I help?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: Ești bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: You good?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: Ești bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: Ești bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: Cum îți merge?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Hei, ești în regulă?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Hey, you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: Ești în regulă?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: You all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: O să fii bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: You gonna be all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: O să fii bine?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: You gonna be okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Uită-te la mine. O să fii bine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Look at me. You gonna be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hei, o să fii în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hey, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: În regulă, haideți să mergem acum." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: All right, well let's go now." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: Bun, în picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: Okay, on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Hop-așa!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Up we go!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: În regulă, hop-așa!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: All right, upsy daisy!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: Văd că sunteți toți bine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: See you're all good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: Știam eu că o să fii bine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: I knew you'd be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: Uite-așa. Înapoi pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: There you go. Right back to normal." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Ca nou. Hai să omorâm niște zombi." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Good as new. Let's go kill some zombies." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: Înapoi pe picioare acum." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: On your feet now" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Ei bine, hai să te punem pe picioare." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Well let's get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: În regulă acum, o să fii bine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: All right now, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: Uite-așa. Ești ca nou." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: There ya go. Good as new." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: O să fii bine." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: You'll be good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Ah, haide, o să fii în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Ah come on now, you'll be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Scutură-te un pic și hai să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Shake it off and let's go." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: Eu am făcut asta? Eu? La naiba. Îmi pare rău. Îmi pare foarte rău." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: Did I do this? Did I? Oh shit. I'm sorry. I am really sorry." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Căcat, n-avem timp de prostia asta. RIDICĂ-TE, RIDICĂ-TE!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Oh shit, we ain't got time for this. GET UP, GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Ridică-ți fundul, ACUM! HAIDE!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Get your ass up, NOW! C'MON!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: Ei bine... RIDICĂ-TE! RIDICĂ-TE!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: Well... GET UP! GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: Nu te las, dar ai face bine să te RIDICI!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: I ain't leavin' ya, But you better GET UP!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Adăpost în față!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Safe house ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Da, adăpost, oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Yeah, safehouse y'all!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hei, avem un adăpost în față!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hei, avem un adăpost în față!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room right ahead!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Bună!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Salut!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Hi!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hei, hei!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hey hey!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Noroc!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Howdy!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Cum merge?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Wassup?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: Cum vă merge, oameni buni?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: How y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Aici sunt." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Here I am." "Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: Suntem toți aici." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: We're all here." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: DAȚI-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: DAȚI-L..." "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: GET HIM..." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS DE PE MINE, LA NAIBA!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF ME DAMMIT!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: AH, OH!!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: AH, OW!!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: IA-L DE PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: IA-L DE PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: LUAȚI-L DE PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: OH! IA-L..." "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: OW! GET...!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...IA-L" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...IA-L" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: IA-L DE PE MINE!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: DE-AICI!!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: OFF!!" "Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Scuze." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Sorry." "Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Scuze pentru asta." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: Poți să dai vina pe mine pentru aia." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: You can lay that blame on me." "Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: Asta se putea întâmpla oricui." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: That coulda happened to anyone." "Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Da, îmi pare rău pentru aia." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm sorry about that one." "Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Scuze, mi-a intrat soarele în ochi." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Sorry, sun was in my eyes." "Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Scuze pentru aia." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: Greșeala mea la faza aia." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: My bad on that one." "Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Scuze!" "[english]Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Sorry!" "Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Scuze pentru aia." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Sorry over there." "Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Muniție aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Am niște muniție chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some ammo right here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Muniție aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Muniție!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Ammo!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Muniție aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: Prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: First Aid here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: Prim ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: Truse de prim ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: First Aid Kits!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: Truse de prim ajutor chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: Truse de prim ajutor chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Bombă artizanală aici." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Pipe bomb here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Hei, e o bombă artizanală chiar aici." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Hey, there's a pipe bomb right here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Bombă artizanală." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Pipe bomb." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Molotov aici." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Molotov here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Pastile aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Pastile!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Pills!" "Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Pastile aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Arme aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Weapons over here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Arme!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Weapons!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Hei, sunt câteva arme aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Hey, some guns here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Arme chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Guns right here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: Am o armă exact ca aia." "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: I got a gun just like that." "Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Stați pe aproape!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Stați toți pe aproape." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Y'all stay close." "Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Stați toți împreună, acum." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Y'all stick together, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: În regulă, stați toți aproape, acum." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: All right y'all stay close, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Stați aproape!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Stați toți împreună acum." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Y'all, now stick together." "Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Acum stați aproape. Să nu se îndepărteze nimeni." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Now stay close. Ain't nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Nu vă îndepărtați niciunul." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: Am nevoie de fiecare din voi înăuntru acum!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: I need every one of you inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Căcat! Intrați!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Shit! Get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Toți înăuntru, acum!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Y'all inside, now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Intrați toți!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Get inside y'all!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: Haideți toți, intrați acum!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: Haideți toți, intrați acum!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Hei, am nevoie de toată lumea înăuntru acum!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Hey I need everybody inside now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Vindecați-vă!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Heal up!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Hei, ar trebui să vă vindecați acum." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all should heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: E un moment bun să vă vindecați cu toții." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: It's a good time to heal up everybody." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Luați cu toții o pauză și vindecați-vă." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Everybody take a minute and get yourself healed" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Nu vă uitați trusele de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Don't forget your health kits." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Vrea cineva să se vindece acum?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Anybody want to heal now?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Un moment bun să vă vindecați." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Good time to heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, nu uita tocmai acum de trusa aia de prim ajutor!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that heal pack, now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coach, nu uita de vindecare." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coach, nu vreau să vorbesc neîntrebat, dar probabil că ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, nu vreau să vorbesc neîntrebat, dar probabil că ar trebui să te vindeci când ai un minut. Știi tu." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably well heal when you get a minute. You know." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coach, nu uita de vindecare." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coach, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Scuză-mă, Nick, dar poate ai vrea să te vindeci." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Excuse me, Nick, but you might wanna heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nick. Ăă... Nick! Nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nick. Um...Nick! Don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nick, nu uita de trusa aia de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nick, don't forget none about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hei, Ro, fato, vindecă-te acum." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hey Ro, girl, heal up now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, ai de gând să te vindeci?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, you think about healin?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, ar trebui să te vindeci acum." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, you ought to heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: Te ajut dacă ai nevoie să o fac." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: I'll help ya if you need me to." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: Ah, omule, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: Ah, man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: Ei bine, Coach, mulțumesc pentru tot ce ai făcut, omule." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: Well, Coach, thanks for all you done, man." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: La revedere, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: Goodbye, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: Ai fost un mare om, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: You were a hell of a man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Mersi, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Omule, speram ca eu și Coach să fim prieteni." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Man, I was hoping me and Coach were gonna be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Fac pariu că nu credea că o să moară înaintea mea." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Bet he didn't think he'd die before me." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Aah, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Ahh, Nick." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nick, erai tare." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nick, you were cool." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: O să-mi fie dor de tine, frate." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: Miss ya, brother." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: La naiba, Nick. Tocmai ne împrieteneam." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: Damn, Nick. We was just gettin' to be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: Era ultima pe care aș fi vrut s-o văd murind." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: Era ultima pe care aș fi vrut s-o văd murind." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Ai grijă de tine, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Be good, Rochelle." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, o să-mi fie dor de tine." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, I'm gonna miss ya." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: O să amintesc de tine în rugăciunile mele, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: I'll remember you in my prayers, Ro." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Ce mai fată, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Hell of a girl, Ro." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Aleg carabina." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Aleg carabina." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Iau carabina." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Taking the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: Carabina asta de-aici are numele meu scris pe ea." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: This rifle right here got my name all over it." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Omule, voiam carabina asta de când aveam nouă ani." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Man, I wanted this rifle since I was nine." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Aleg pușca." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Going with the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Da, eu iau pușca." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm taking the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: O pușcă excelentă. Excelentă." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: This shotgun feels right. It feels real right." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Sper că nu vă supărați, o să iau eu trusa asta de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Hope you don't mind, I'm a take this First Aid Kit here." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Iau trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Grabbing First Aid." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: Trusă de prim ajutor." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid Kit." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Hei, am o trusă de prim ajutor dacă are nevoie cineva de ea." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Hey I got a First Aid Kit if somebody needs it." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Da, întotdeauna am vrut să fiu un criminal cu toporul." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Yeah, always wanted to be an axe murderer." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: Un topor!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: An axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Topor!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Oh, da! Uite cine are un topor." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Oh yeah! Look who has an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Ei bine, cineva tocmai și-a găsit un topor." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Well, somebody just got themselves an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: Am un topor!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: I got myself an axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Direct!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Spang!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Doamne, un zombi o să aibă o durere de cap mare după asta." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Man, some zombie's gonna have a headache after this." "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Ei bine, cineva trebuie să le facă o prăjeală de zombi!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Well somebody's gonna make them some zombie grits!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Tigaie, o da!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Frying pan, yeah!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Tigaie!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Frying pan!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Să facem niște frigărui." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Let's make some grits." "Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Da, asta o să funcționeze." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Yeah, this'll work." "Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: Mă simt bine." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: This feels right." "Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: O să fie distractiv." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: This'll be fun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Oh, acum, poate chestia asta e chiar mai bună decât o armă." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Oh, now, this just might be better than a gun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Toată lumea un pas în spate!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Step back everybody!" "Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Ohh... o să sparg niște capete cu asta." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Ohh... I am gonna bash some heads with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: O să desfigurez niște zombi acum." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: I'm gonna mess some zombies up now." "Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: O să-i bat ca pe hoții de cai cu asta." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: I'm gonna beat 'em like rented mules with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: Chestia asta o să facă niște cucuie." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: This shit'll knock some heads." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: O să mă joc cu focul." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: O să mă joc cu focul." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Iau foc în sticlă, amice." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle, baby." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: Am luat molotovul!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: I got the Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Iau foc în sticlă." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: O iau eu pe Mollie." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: I'm grabbing the Mollie." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Mollie e a mea." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Mollie's mine." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Iau un molotov!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Grabbin' a Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Iau pastile." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Grabbing pills." "Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Cineva o să aibă nevoie de astea." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Somebody gonna need these." "Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Hei, s-ar putea să avem nevoie de astea." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Hey we might need these." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Iau o bombă artizanală." "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Bombă artizanală, scumpo!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Pipe bomb, baby!" "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: Am o bombă artizanală!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: I got a pipe bomb!" "Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Iau un pistol!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistol!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Două pistoale doar pentru mine." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Goin' with double pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: La naiba, da. Aleg două pistoale." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: Heck yeah. Goin' with two pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: Iau eu pistolul ăsta!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: I'll grab that pistol!" "Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: Voi încerca pușca asta." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: I'll try this shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Pușcă." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Da, iau eu pușca." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: O să fiu lunetistul." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: I'm gonna snipe." "Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: O să fiu un lunetist ca în filme." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: I'm gonna be a sniper like in the movies." "Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Iau arma asta cu lunetă de aici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Grabbing this here sniper rifle." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Mitralieră." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Machinegun." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Da, o iau eu." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take it." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: Asta va trebui să fie de ajuns." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: This'll have to do." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: Bănuiesc că va fi suficient. Da, în fine, e o mitralieră." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: I guess it'll do. Yeah, whatever, it's a machinegun." "Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: IISUSE HRISTOASE, ÎMPUȘCAȚI-L PE NENOROCITUL ĂSTA!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: JESUS CHRIST SHOOT THIS MOTHER!" "Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: OMORÂȚI NENOROCITUL, BINE?" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: KILL THE BASTARD WILL YA!" "Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: Chestia asta mă face una cu pământul!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: This thing's crushin' the shit outta me!" "Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: OMORÂȚI CHESTIA ASTA!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: KILL THIS THING!" "Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: De ce nu vă aduceți minte asta data viitoare, nenorociților." "[english]Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: Why don't you remember that for next time, you sons of bitches." "Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: Nu ne vor prinde în viață!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: They ain't takin' us alive!" "Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: I-am spart." "[english]Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: We knocked the piss out of them" "Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Haha! I-am bătut ca pe hoții de cai!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Haha! We whipped the dogshit out of them!" "Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: Așa e, nu ne puteți omorî!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: That's right, you can't kill us!" "Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Hei! Cine e tăticu' vostru!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Yo! Who's your daddy?!" "Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Ah, oh! Degetul cu care trag mi-a anchilozat!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Uh oh. My trigger finger got tired!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: Uah! N-am făcut eu aia! Omule, nu e de bine!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: Whoa! I didn't do that! Man, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: E pur și simplu dezastruos, omule." "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: That's just straight messed up, man." "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Iisuse! Ce faci?" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Jumpin' Jesus! What are you doin'?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: Hei, suntem în aceeași echipă, nu-i așa?" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: Yo we're on the same team aren't we?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Iisuse Hristoase, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Hei, mersi, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Hey thanks, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Rămân dator." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Much obliged" "Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Îți mulțumesc frumos, doamnă." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Thank you kindly, ma'am." "Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: Rămân dator." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: I owe you one." "Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hei, mulțumesc mult." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hey, thanks a lot." "Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Mersi, omule." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Thanks, man." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Mersi, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Mersi, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Apreciez efortul, barosane." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, big guy." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Apreciez efortul, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Mersi, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Hei, mersi, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Hey, thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Apreciez efortul, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Nick." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Țineți-vă nădragii, sunt pe drum." "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Keep your britches on, I'm a comin'." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: Sunt pe drum!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: I'm a comin!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Rezistă, acum vin!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Hold on now, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis pe drum!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis on the way!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Rezistă, sunt pe drum!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Hang on, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: Vin, vin!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: I'm comin', I'm comin'!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Mă grăbesc să te salvez!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Makin' a beeline for ya!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: DA!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: YEAH!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: Nu pot să cred că am reușit!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: I can't hardly believe we made that!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: A fost mai la limită decât... ei bine, la dracu' omule, a fost extrem de la limită!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: That was closer than a... well, shit man that was just straight up close!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Cine de-aici nu credea că o să supraviețuim?" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Who here didn't think we were gonna make that?" "Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: Aia a fost nebunie curată, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: That there was some crazy shit, man!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Așa, să continuăm!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Oh shit yeah! Oh shit yeah!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis a părăsit clădirea!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis has left the building!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Oh, omule! În regulă. Poate ai vrea să-ți cureți nădragii după faza aia! Știu că eu vreau." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Oh man! All right. You might want to clean your drawers after that one! I know I do." "Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Oprește-te!" "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Freeze!" "Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Stai pe loc." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Wait right here." "Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hei, oprește-te un minut." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hey, stop a minute." "Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Stai o clipă." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Hold up real quick." "Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER ÎN FAȚĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: VOMITĂTOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: PUKER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: E ĂLA CARE EXPLODEAZĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: IT'S EXPLODING GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! DA - BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! YEAH - BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Aveți grijă cu toții, acum." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Y'all be careful, now." "Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Nu vă zic nimic nou, dar aveți grijă." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Ain't tellin' ya somethin' you don't know, but be careful." "Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Aveți grijă, oameni buni." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Aveți grijă, oameni buni." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Aveți grijă!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Be careful!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Ai grijă, omule, chestia aia fuge către tine!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Watch out, man, that thing charges!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: UN-BRAȚ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: ONE ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: BRAȚ MARE!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: BIG ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: ȚOPĂITOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: LEAPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: SĂRITOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: JUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: TIPU' CU GLUGA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: HOODED DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: La fel de bun ca orice alt nume." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: Good as any other name." "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: Hunter să fie atunci!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: Hunter it is then!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Da, hunter li se potrivește." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Yeah, Hunter fits em." "Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: COCOȘAT!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: CĂLĂREȚ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: MICUȚ! MICUȚ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: LITTLE GUY! LITTLE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: E limba aia scârboasă!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: It's that nasty tongue thing!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: MĂ, E TIPUL ĂLA CU LIMBA LUNGĂ CARE SCOATE FUM!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: YO, IT'S THAT SMOKING DUDE WITH THE TONGUE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: E TIP D-ĂLA CU LIMBA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: THAT'S A TONGUE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: SMOKING DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: LIMBĂ-LUNGĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: TONGUER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: HEI, SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: YO, SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: E SPITTER, OMULE!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: IT'S A SPITTER DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: HEI, E SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: HEY IT'S A SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SPITTING THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: SPITTER SCÂRBOASĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: SPITTING NASTY THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: AIA CU FLEGMA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: THAT LOOGIE DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: E CHESTIA AIA CU FLEGMA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: IT'S THAT GOO GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEI, CHESTIA AIA CU GÂTUL ĂLA ENORM!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEY, THAT BIG NECK THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: FLEGMĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: GOO!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: FLEGMĂ ÎN AER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: GOO INBOUND!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: FLEGMĂ ÎN ZBOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: SPIT COMING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: CAPU' LA CUTIE!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: HEADS UP!" "Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK CHIAR ÎN FAȚĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK RIGHT AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: SFINTE SISOE, TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: CHESTIE URIAȘĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: GIANT THING!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Oh, Dumnezeule! Enormitate d-aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Oh Lordy! Big ass thing!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: Ce naiba e aia?" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: What in the hell is that?" "Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Au, witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Aw a Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, witch, witch, witch, witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, witch, witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: Sunt în spatele nostru!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: În spatele nostru!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: Behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hei, în spatele nostru, toată lumea, în spatele nostru!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hey, behind us, y'all, behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Uitați-vă în spate!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Check behind!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: Sunt în spatele nostru!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: În spatele nostru, toată lumea!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: Behind us, y'all!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Dă-te din calea mea, omule, vine witch!!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Out of my way, man, Witch coming!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: PĂZEA CĂ VINE! WITCH ÎN SPATELE MEU!!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: COMING THROUGH! WITCH ON MY ASS!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Fugiți! Am enervat-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Run! I pissed her off!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: ÎMPUȘCAȚI-O! ÎMPUȘCAȚI-O!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: SHOOT HER! SHOOT HER!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH, WITCH, WITCH!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH WITCH WITCH!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: Acea witch are o criză de personalitate." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: That Witch is having a hissy fit." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: La naiba omule, acea witch e țicnită!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: Oh shit man, that Witch is a spaz!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Îți zic omule, v-o căutați cu lumânarea când vă jucați cu acea nenorocită de witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Tell ya, man, y'all playin' with fire when you messin' with that damn Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Dați-vă din calea acelei witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Back away from that Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Nu vă mai jucați cu nenorocita aia de witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Don't mess with the damn Witch." "Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: Îmi pare rău, Rochelle. Despre ce naiba vorbești?" "[english]Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: I'm sorry, Rochelle. The hell you talking about?" "Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: Ar face bine să fie." "[english]Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: They better be." "Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: N-ar trebui să fim pe malul ăla al râului?" "[english]Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: Ain't we supposed to be on that side of the river?" "Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: Am văzut filmul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: I seen that movie." "Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: N-are sens să fim aici. Să ne întoarcem pe barcă." "[english]Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: No sense bein' here then. Let's get back on the boat." "Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: Toată lumea debarcarea!" "[english]Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: All ashore!" "Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Îmi pare bine că n-am fost aici când s-a întâmplat asta." "[english]Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was goin' down." "Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Îmi pare bine că n-am fost aici când s-a întâmplat asta." "[english]Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was all happenin'." "Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Ați face bine să nu trageți în mașina aia." "[english]Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Y'all better not shoot that car." "Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Hei, nu trage în mașină." "[english]Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Hey, don't shoot the car." "Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: Nu știu ce să zic. Îmi cam place mirosul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: I don't know. I kinda like that smell." "Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: N-aș spune asta. Eu cred că miroase destul de frumos." "[english]Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: I wouldn't say that. I think it smells kinda nice." "Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: Nu știu. Miroase frumos totuși, nu-i așa?" "[english]Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: Nu știu. Miroase frumos totuși, nu-i așa?" "[english]Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: Locul ăsta nu arată ca un popas idilic." "[english]Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: This here doesn't look like a fun campout." "Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: Iubesc campingul, dar locul ăsta nu pare distractiv." "[english]Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: I love camping, but this here don't look fun." "Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Doamne, cât îmi doresc să fi avut un cal. Iubesc caii." "[english]Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Man, I wish we had a horse. I love horses." "Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: Îmi doresc să fi avut un cal. Iubeeeeeesc caii." "[english]Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: I wish we had a horse. I loooove horses." "Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: Dacă am fi avut un cal, am fi..." "[english]Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: If we had a horse, we could..." "Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Cine nu-i citav la cap acum?" "[english]Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Who ain't right in the head now?" "Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Omule, ești bolnav, știi asta?" "[english]Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Man, you are sick, you know that?" "Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: Ești un om bolnav." "[english]Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: You're a sick man." "Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Caii sunt de călărit, nu de mâncat, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Horses are for ridin' not eatin', Nick." "Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: Dar ar trebui să stăm împreună, nu?" "[english]Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: Dar ar trebui să stăm împreună, nu?" "[english]Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Uah, așteaptă, de ce ne îndreptăm spre turn?" "[english]Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Whoa, wait, why we headin' to the tower?" "Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Bine, bine, am priceput." "[english]Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Okay, okay I get it." "Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: Sunt de acord. Ăla e un plan foarte bun." "[english]Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: I agree. That there is a good plan." "Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Da, sunt de acord. Ăla e un plan bun." "[english]Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Yeah, I agree. That's a good plan." "Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: Sunt de acord cu tine. Ăla e un plan bun, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: I'll give it to you. That's a good plan, Nick." "Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Bine gândit, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Good thinkin', Nick." "Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: De ce i-au făcut să meargă prin toată treaba aia?" "[english]Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: Why'd they make them walk through all that?" "Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Niciunul din cadavre nu e zombi." "[english]Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Ain't none of the bodies zombies." "Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Fugiți!" "[english]Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Run!" "Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Hei, opriți-o! Opriți-o!" "[english]Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Hey, turn it off! Turn it off!" "Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Opriți alarma aia!" "[english]Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Hei, urcați-vă acolo și opriți-o!" "[english]Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Hey, get up there and turn it off!" "Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Duceți-vă la alarmă!" "[english]Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Get to the alarm!" "Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Huh, s-a oprit de-a binelea!" "[english]Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Whew, it's off all right!" "Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: La naiba. Mersi că ai oprit-o, simțeam că-mi explodează capul." "[english]Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: Dang. Thanks for turning it off, it was givin' me a headache." "Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Uhu! Asta da oprire!" "[english]Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Whew! Way to turn it off!" "Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: Am oprit-o!" "[english]Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de întâmplarea cu mine și bunică-miu când ne-am urcat în autobuzul de Memphis să vizităm Graceland și..." "[english]Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: Did I ever tell you the time me and my grandpa took the bus the Memphis to go visit Graceland and..." "Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Doamne, ar fi trebuit să fi venit cu toții. A fost distractiv." "[english]Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Man, y'all shoulda came it was fun." "Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: În regulă, Nick. Dar ce zici de asta: știai că Graceland nu e nimic altceva decât o căsuță într-un ghetou?" "[english]Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: All right, Nick. But how about this, did ya know Graceland ain't nothin' but a little house in the ghetto." "Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Bine. Dar îmi place să merg cu autobuzul." "[english]Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Okay. But I do love goin' on bus rides." "Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nick, ai fost vreodată în Graceland?" "[english]Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nick, you ever even been to Graceland?" "Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: Uitați autostrada!" "[english]Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: There's the freeway!" "Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Mergeți către pasaj!" "[english]Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Get to the underpass!" "Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Nu trăiesc troli pe aici?" "[english]Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Don't trolls live under here?" "Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Doamne, uitați-vă la elicopterul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Man, look at that helicopter." "Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: De ce credeți că s-a prăbușit?" "[english]Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: Why'd you think it crashed?" "Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: Oameni care trag în oameni, chestia asta nu e în regulă, omule." "[english]Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: People shootin' people, that shit ain't right, man." "Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: E în regulă, nu mai sunt oameni." "[english]Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: It's okay, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: E o mică diferență, omule, aceștia nu mai sunt oameni." "[english]Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: It's a little different, man, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Omule, chestia asta mă sperie mai mult decât zombii." "[english]Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Man, this is givin' me the creeps more than them zombies." "Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hei, Nick, nu-mi place cum miroase chestia asta." "[english]Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I don't like the way how this smells." "Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Ție?" "[english]Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Do you?" "Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: La naiba. Toate au alarme." "[english]Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: Shit. They all got alarms." "Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Ai grijă unde țintești." "[english]Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Watch where you're aimin'." "Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: La naiba! S-a mai dus una!" "[english]Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: God damn! Another one just went off!" "Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Hei, jur că n-am fost eu ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Hey, I swear that wasn't me!" "Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Nu mai trageți în mașini!" "[english]Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Quit shootin' the cars!" "Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Tare, e un j... SFINTE SISOE!!!" "[english]Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Cool, there's a J... HOLY SHIT!!!" "Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: La podea!" "[english]Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: Hit the deck!" "Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: E toată lumea bine?" "[english]Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: We all in one piece?" "Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: Nici nu cred că ne-au văzut." "[english]Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: I don't even think they even saw us." "Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la aia de-acolo." "[english]Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Look at that there." "Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: E un mic oraș de morminte." "[english]Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: It's a little city of graves." "Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: E ca un întreg oraș de cripte." "[english]Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: It's like a whole city of crypts." "Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: La naiba." "[english]Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: Dang." "Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Știți de ce îi îngroapă deasupra solului?" "[english]Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Do you know why they bury them above ground?" "Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: Îi îngroapă așa pentru că sunt sub nivelul mării." "[english]Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: They bury them like this cause they're under sea level." "Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Omule, dacă ăștia erau zombi adevărați, ar fi moarte curată să intrăm în cimitirul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Man, if these were real zombies, going into this graveyard would be like death." "Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: Ăștia de-aici nu sunt zombi adevărați, deci suntem în siguranță." "[english]Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: These here aren't real zombies so we're safe." "Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: Sunt infectați." "[english]Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: They're infected." "Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Da, ne veghează, nu-i așa." "[english]Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Yeah, he is watchin' out for us ain't he." "Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Adăpost pe strada asta!" "[english]Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Safehouse down this street!" "Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Hai să o luăm pe stradă către adăpost!" "[english]Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Let's get down the street to the safehouse!" "Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Adăpost, acolo." "[english]Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Safehouse, in there." "Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: Sunt întors pe dos. Unde e podul?" "[english]Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: I'm all turned around. Where's the bridge?" "Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Împotriva unui șmecheraș? Nu mersi." "[english]Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Against a hustler? No thank you." "Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Nu-l asculta, Ro. Încearcă să te vrăjească." "[english]Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Don't listen to him, Ro. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Hei, Ro, nu-l asculta. Încearcă să te vrăjească." "[english]Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Hey Ro, don't listen to him. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: Nu dețin un tractor, omule." "[english]Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: I don't own a tractor, man." "Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: Știi ce? Cum zici tu, Nick, ar trebui să-mi vezi camionul. E extrem de tare." "[english]Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: You know what? Whatever, Nick, you should see my truck. It's bad ass." "Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: Trebuie să pornim tractorul ăla de acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: We gotta start that there tractor!" "Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Cineva să pornească tractorul!" "[english]Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Somebody start the tractor!" "Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Hei, putem traversa acum." "[english]Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Hey, we can get across now." "Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Nu fă pipi pe piciorul meu ca să-mi zici că plouă." "[english]Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Don’t you piss on my leg and tell me it’s rainin’." "Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: Doamne, nu știu în ce direcție s-o luăm." "[english]Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: Man, I don't know which way to go." "Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: N-am trecut niciodată prin atât de multe alei." "[english]Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: Never been through so many back alleys in my life." "Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: Îmi doresc să pot pune mâna pe o bere de cinci dolari în clipa asta." "[english]Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: I wish we could get a five dollar beer right now." "Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Oh, aș putea lua una rece chiar acum." "[english]Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Oh, I could go for a cold one right about now." "Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: Uitați podul!" "[english]Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: There's the bridge!" "Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: Podul! Podul!" "[english]Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: The bridge! The bridge!" "Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: O să scăpăm de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: We're gonna make it out of here!" "Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Ah, Iisuse Hristoase, omule, acum aruncă în aer nenorocitul de pod." "[english]Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Ah Jesus Christ, man, now they're blowin' up the damn bridge." "Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: E în continuare foarte frumos." "[english]Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: It's still real pretty." "Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: În sfârșit pe pod." "[english]Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: Finally on the bridge." "Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: Vorbesc despre noi!" "[english]Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: They're talkin about us! ." "Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, nu face asta! Suntem pe pod!" "[english]Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: Oh shit, don't do that! We're on the bridge!" "Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Salutare." "[english]Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Hey there." "Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: Cum vă merge?" "[english]Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: What y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Probă..." "[english]Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Check one..." "Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Doi, zece..." "[english]Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Check one two..." "Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: În regulă." "[english]Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: Gotcha." "Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: Au un elicopter de cealaltă parte a podului." "[english]Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: They got a helicopter on the other side of the bridge." "Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: Au zis doar că tre' să coborâm podul ca să-l traversăm." "[english]Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: They just said we oughta lower the bridge to get across to it." "Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Odată ce l-am coborât, tre' toți s-avem grijă pentru că sunt zombi pe pod." "[english]Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Once we lower it we all gotta be careful because there's zombies on the bridge." "Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: Bănuiesc că nu știa că ne-am bătut cu zombi prin tot orașul." "[english]Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: I guess he didn't know we been like fighting zombies all through the city." "Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: Și prin mlaștini." "[english]Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: And the swamps." "Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: Și pe râu." "[english]Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: And the river." "Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: Fir-ar să fie. Peste tot." "[english]Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: And shit. Everywhere." "Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Omule, suntem un fel de mașinării de exterminat zombi și din ălea." "[english]Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Man, we're like fightin' zombie machines and shit." "Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: Fac pariu că n-au cunoscut niciodată o fată ca tine, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: Bet they ain't ever met a girl like you Rochelle." "Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Cineva tre' să coboare podul." "[english]Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta lower the bridge." "Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Ei bine, să coborâm podul și să începem." "[english]Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Well, let's get the bridge down and start this." "Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: Îl apăs eu. Pregătiți-vă." "[english]Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: I'll hit it. Get ready." "Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: La naiba, așa arată un pod bombardat." "[english]Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: Dang, this is what a bombed out bridge looks like." "Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargerii o să ne facă praf aici, omule." "[english]Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargers'll mess us up out here, man." "Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: Tre' să ne mișcăm în continuare." "[english]Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: We gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: În regulă, toată lumea, să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: All right, y'all, let's go!" "Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Aveți grijă pe unde mergeți." "[english]Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Careful where ya' walking." "Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Omule, uită-te la toate mașinile astea!" "[english]Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Man, look at all these cars!" "Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Hei, Nick, ce fel de mașină conduceai?" "[english]Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Hey Nick, what kind of car did you drive?" "Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: O să vezi că a fost complet nemeritată faza aia. Serios." "[english]Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: We'll see that was just uncalled for. Seriously." "Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Hei, aveți grijă la mașini." "[english]Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Hey, watch out for the cars." "Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Stați departe de mașini!" "[english]Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Stay away from them cars!" "Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Plecați de lângă tank!" "[english]Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Get away from the Tank!" "Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: Nenorocitul ăla o să te arunce de pod!" "[english]Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: That mother'll punch you clean off the bridge!" "Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Căcat! Ați mai văzut vreodată așa ceva?" "[english]Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Shit! You guys ever seen something like this?" "Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: Nici eu." "[english]Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: Me neither." "Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: E tare să vezi chestii noi." "[english]Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: It's cool to see new shit." "Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Elicopterul e pe cale să pornească!" "[english]Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Helicopter's starting!" "Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Ei bine, sper că nu ne părăsesc!" "[english]Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Well shit, hope they don't leave us!" "Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Coborâți la șantierul naval!" "[english]Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Get down to the shipyard!" "Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: Către elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: To the 'copter!" "Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Îndreptați-vă către elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Head to the helicopter!" "Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: Aruncă în aer podul!" "[english]Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: They're blowin' the bridge!" "Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Haide, haide! Mai ai puțin!" "[english]Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it!" "Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Doar intră în elicopter, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Just get inside the helicopter, man!" "Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Omule, au aruncat podul ăla-n aer de n-a mai rămas nimic din el!" "[english]Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Man, they blew the shit out of that bridge!" "Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Haide, haide! Puteți s-o faceți, oameni buni, haideți!" "[english]Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it, guys, come on!" "Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Haide, haide! Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Come on, come on! Let's go!" "Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Haide, omule, poți s-o faci!" "[english]Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Come on, man, you can do it!" "Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Haide, intră!" "[english]Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Come on, get in!" "Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: Să-ți zic ce-ar fi rău de tot acum? Un tank." "[english]Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: I tell ya what would be real bad right now? A tank." "Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Hei, putem coborî pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Hey, we can head down here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: Da, aia ar fi nasol." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: Yeah, that'd be bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Bă, dacă aveam un monster truck conduceam peste toate astea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Dude, If we had my monster truck we could drive over all this." "Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: Mașinile nu sunt de folos în haosul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: Cars ain't gonna be a use in this mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Autobuzul blochează calea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Bus is blocking the way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Hei, în josul rampei ăsteia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Hey, down this off ramp." "Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: E un motel în față." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: There's a motel up ahead." "Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: Da, nu cred că pot să facă asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: Yeah, I don't think they can do that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: Hotelul ăsta e un dezastru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: This hotel is a mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: N-a înotat nimeni de ceva vreme în piscina asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: Ain't nobody been swimmin' in this pool for a while." "Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: Tre' să fie o cale prin hotelul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: There has got to be a way through this hotel." "Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: Putem traversa pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: We can get around back through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Hei, căutați prin camere." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Hey, search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Verificați camerele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Check the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Să fiu al naibii! E un parc de distracții!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Well hot damn! There's an amusement park!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Bă, au parcul complet luminat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Dude, they got the park all lit up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: Trebuie să fie oameni în parcul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: People got to be in that park." "Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Grijă, e alunecos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Careful, it's slippery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Uah, hei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Whoa hey!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: UUAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: WHOOOAA!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: E o călătorie super adevărată în josul dealului ăluia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: That's a righteous ride down that hill." "Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Vrea cineva să se întoarcă și să mai facem asta o dată?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Anybody wanna go back up and do that again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coach, respiri un pic cam greu, ești bine?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coach, you're breathin' a little hard, you okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Se pare că s-au stabilit aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Looks like they set up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Da, ar fi putut fi o zonă de evacuare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Yeah, coulda been an evac zone." "Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: Cel puțin aveau curent." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: At least they had power." "Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Uah! Scuze, Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Uah! Scuze, Rochelle! Greșeala mea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle! My bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: Nu credeam niciodată că un carusel se va întoarce împotriva mea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: I never once thought a merry-go-round would turn on me." "Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: Vreau să zic, ce fel de lume e asta în care nu poți îndrăzni nici să mergi cu un carusel?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: I mean, what is this world coming to when you dread a merry-go-round?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: O să apăs butonul ăsta și apoi tre' să o luăm la fugă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: I'm gonna hit this and then we gotta run." "Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: N-avem timp să ne jucăm vreun joc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: No time to play any games." "Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Omule, n-avem timp să ne jucăm vreunul din jocurile astea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Man, we don't have time to play any of these games!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Ne putem opri să facem niște vată de zahăr? Serios." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Can we stop and make some cotton candy? Seriously." "Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Serios, oameni buni, ne putem opri să facem niște vată de zahăr? Adooor vata de zahăr." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Seriously, guys, can we stop and make some cotton candy? I loooove cotton candy." "Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Bă, suntem blocați!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Dude, we are penned in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Omule, de ce vă grăbiți cu toții? Chestia asta e grozavă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Man, what are y'all in a hurry for? This is awesome." "Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Tunelul dragostei?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Tunnel of love?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: La naiba, uitați-vă la jacheta lui Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: Dang, look at Nick's jacket." "Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: Asta e mișto." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: This is cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Ahh, acum, asta ar fi fost grozav." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Ahh, now, this woulda been great." "Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la prostia asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Look at this shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: Asta e grozav, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: This is awesome, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Mă, n-am niciun fel de afecțiune față de zombi ăștia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Dude, I ain't got no love for these zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hei, aici în spate, aici în spate." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hey, back here, back here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Se pare că tre' să o luăm pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Looks like we gotta go this way, right here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: Pe pasarelă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: On the catwalk." "Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: Un pic de târât prin ventilații." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: A little vent crawling." "Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: Un lucru pe care l-am învățat din jocurile video e că lucrurile bune sunt întotdeauna în ventilații." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: One thing videogames have taught me, good shit is always in vents." "Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: Un montagnes russes?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: A roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Uah - un montagnes russes?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Whoa - a roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: Tre' să pornim montagnes russesul?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: Tre' să pornim montagnes russesul?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Au, omule, o să fie marfă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Aw, man, this is gonna be cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: În regulă, mișcați-l când sunteți gata." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: All right, move it when you're ready." "Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Cineva să-l miște." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Someone move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Hei, cineva să-l miște." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Hey, somebody move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Porniți-l." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Start it up." "Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: O să zbor în josul dealurilor ăstora." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: I'm gonna fly down these hills." "Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Clic-clic-clic-clic!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Click-click-click-click!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, omule, fugi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Oh, shit, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, fugi, omule, fugi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Oh, shit, run, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Fugiți la ușă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Run to the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Hei, intrați!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Hey, get inside!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: Lucrurile astea nu se vor opri niciodată!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: These things ain't never gonna stop!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Fir-ar, fugi, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Shit, run, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: Se pare că foloseau stadionul. Haideți încolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: Looks like they were using the stadium. Let's head there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Să ne îndreptăm spre stadion." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Let's head to the stadium." "Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coach, ești gata de rock?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coach, you ready to rock?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: Deci tre' să ne pregătim de rock, apoi să ne batem cu zombi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: So we gotta setup to rock, then fight zombies?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: Ce urmează? Dinozauri care coboară din cer și trag cu lasere din ochi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: What next? Dinosaurs flying down from the sky and shooting lasers out of their eyes?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: Ei bine, faza aia nu e foarte prietenoasă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: Ei bine, faza aia nu e foarte prietenoasă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: O să o zic pur și simplu. Nu-mi place mlaștina." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: I'm just gonna say it. I don't like the swamp." "Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Tre' să fiu de acord cu Ro, nu-mi surâde treaba asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Gotta agree with Ro, I ain't looking forward to this." "Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: Dacă pui problema așa, la dracu', nu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: When you put it like that, hell, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: Ei bine, dacă pui problema așa, nu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: Well, when you put it like that, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Căutați în case." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Search the houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Fac pariu că nu putem găsi resurse în casele astea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Bet you we can find supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Omule, se pare că lumea a plecat în grabă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Man, it looks like people left in a rush." "Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: A găsit cineva ceva?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: Anybody find anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: Ce păcat de risipa asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: All this litter is shameful." "Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Oh, ideea e deșteaptă... vedeți, zombii nu pot opera un feribot." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Oh, that's smart. See, zombies can't operate a ferry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Barca se află pe celălalt mal a golfului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's on the other side of the bayou." "Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: Trebuie s-o chemăm în partea asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: We gotta call it over to this side." "Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: Trebuie doar să chemăm barca aia aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: We just gotta call that pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Nicio problemă, doar chemați încoace barca." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Ain't no thing, just call the pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: Ne putem întâlni cu ei la sat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: We can meet up with them at the village." "Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Să ne pregătim și să chemăm barca." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Let's get ready and then call the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Cineva să apese pe butonul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Somebody hit that button." "Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Cine o să cheme barca?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Who's gonna call the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: O chem eu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: I'll call it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Toată lumea să-și facă plinul de muniție." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Everybody get ammo'd up." "Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: În regulă, vine barca!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: All right, the boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Hei, vine barca!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Hey, boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Acuș vine barca!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Here comes the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: La naiba, omule, îmi doresc din tot sufletul ca barca aia să se grăbească." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: Dang, man, I sure wish that boat would hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: Aia e cea mai înceată barcă din lume, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: That is the slowest boat ever, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: O să vină vreodată barca aia?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: Is that boat ever gonna come?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: Bine, aia e cea mai înceată nenorocită de barcă care a existat vreodată!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: Okay, that is the slowest damn pontoon boat, ever!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: Aia e cea mai înceată barcă nenorocită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: That is the slowest damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Barca e aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Barca e aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Let's get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Să mergem! Pleacă barca!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Let's go! boat's leaving!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Apăsați-l! Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Hit it! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Să mergem! Să MERGEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: Ce așteptăm? Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: What we waitin' for? Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Să mergem! Toată lumea în barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Let's go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Să mergem! Toată lumea în barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Here we go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Oh, da, știu destule despre mlaștini. Sunt pline de gândaci și aligatori și șerpi și, ei bine, acum și zombi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Oh yeah, I know plenty about swamps. They're full of bugs and gators and snakes and, well, zombies now!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: La cum tragem? Unul în altul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: The way were shootin'? Each other." "Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Ascultați bine cu toții. Fiți cu ochii în patru după fermierii de sânge. Vorbesc serios." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Listen up everybody. Be on the lookout for blood farmers. I'm serious." "Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Nu? Fermieri care nu cultivă culturi, cresc oameni. Ca să-i mănânce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Duh? Farmers that don't grow crops, they grow people. To eat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: Da, ei bine, o să vă pară foarte rău dacă dăm de ei." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: Yeah, well, you'll be real sorry if we run into them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Oh, asta de aici? Asta spune că sunt o mașină care face praf zombii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Oh this here? That says I'm a bad ass zombie killing machine" "Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: Am fost o dată într-o excursie cu barca și hrăneau aligatorii cu găini." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: This one time, I was on a tour boat and they fed chickens to the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: Da. Nu mă gândesc acum la aligatori, însă mi-aș dori să facem chiar acum un grătar de pui." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: Yeah. I mean not so much thinking about the gators as I'm wishing we had some BBQ chicken right now." "Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: În regulă, Coach, ai ceva care să ne insufle curaj când intrăm în mlaștini?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: All right, Coach, you got anything inspirational to say as we enter into the swamps?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: În regulă, în regulă, cam speram să nu devii biblic." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: All right, all right, kinda hopin' you wouldn't get all biblical on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Okay, speram că n-o s-o arzi cu foc și pucioasă ca răspuns." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Okay, kinda hopin' you weren't gonna get all fire and brimstone on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Da? Voi trece prin valea aia și o să-i fac praf." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' some ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Da? Voi trece prin valea aia și o să-i fac praf." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Omule, îmi doresc să ne fi întors în parcul de distracții." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Man, I wish we were back in the amusement park." "Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Nick, îți amintești când fugeam pe montagnes russesul ăla?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Nick remember when we ran on that roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Oh, haide acum, a fost distractiv." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Oh come on now, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Oh, haide acum, a fost distractiv." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Oh come on, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Hei, Nick, aveam și eu un costum exact ca al tău." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I used to have a suit just like yours." "Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Oh, da, când am fost prima oară la împărtășanie în clasa a doua." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade." "Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Oh, da, când am fost prima oară la împărtășanie în clasa a doua. Nu cred că-mi mai vine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade. I don't think it fits anymore." "Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: Știi ce poți face? Ai putea să te acoperi cu noroi... sigur nu ne lipsește ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: You know what you can do? You could try to cover yourself in mud... we're definitely not short on that." "Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: În regulă, rămâneți pe pasarele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: All right, stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Ooh, ați putea încerca să vă acoperiți cu noroi..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Ooh - you could try covering yourself in mud..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: Ar trebui să fim în regulă dacă stăm pe pasarele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: We should be all right if we stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: În regulă, aveți grijă, aveți grijă, pare destul de șubredă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: All right, careful, careful, that looks pretty rickety." "Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Vrea cineva să aleagă calea pe care să o luăm?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Anyone wanna pick a way to go?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Stânga sau dreapta, prieteni?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Left or right my friends?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să ne întoarcem pe pasarelă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta get back to the walkway!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Scări!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Hei, acolo sus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Hey, get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Hei, să ne întoarcem acolo sus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Hey, let's get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Haideți să stăm doar pe pasarelă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Let's just stay on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Hei, nu coborâți de pe pasarelă, bine?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Hey, don't get off the walkway, okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: Nu-mi place să nu fiu pe pasarelă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: I don't like not being on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Te-ai mirosit recent?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Have you smelled yourself recently?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Uah! S-a prăbușit!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Whoa! That fell apart!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: Puntea asta nu rezistă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: This deck ain't holding!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: În regulă, să încercăm cu toții în dreapta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: All right, let's all try to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: Bă, probabil că au luat-o pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: Dude, they must have gone this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Turul s-a terminat aici. Cred că trebuie să mergem în continuare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Tour ended here. I think we gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Podul e pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Planks this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hei, calea din dreapta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hey, path to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: Nu aveam în plan să hrănesc aligatorii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: Nu aveam în plan să hrănesc aligatorii, mulțumesc frumos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators, thank you very much." "Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hei, aprindeți luminile aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hey, lights on over here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Lumini lângă gaura de canalizare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Lights by the drainage ditch!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: Adăpost, ne îndreptăm în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: Safehouse, we gotta be going the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: E timpul să ne udăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: Time to get wet." "Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Teren uscat aici sus." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Dry land up here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: E mai rapid pe terenul uscat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: It's quicker on the dry land." "Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: Aia e o pirogă drăguță." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: That's a nice pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: Nu știți ce-i o pirogă?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: You don't know what a pirogue is?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Peste copac, lângă pirogă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Over the tree by the pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Peste copac." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Over this tree." "Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Ha, ha. Foarte amuzant." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Ha-ha. Very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: Da, foarte amuzant." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: Yeah, very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: Ce caută un parașutist aici?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: What's a parachutist doing out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: De ce s-ar parașuta aici?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: Why would he parachute out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe. Ei bine, asta explică prezența parașutistului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Holy shit. Well this explains our parachutist." "Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: N-are niciun sens să se parașuteze aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: La naiba, un avion întreg!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: Goddamn a whole plane!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Cred că era terifiant să fii în avionul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Had to be scary to be on this flight." "Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: Alo, tre' să trecem prin ușa asta de urgență." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: Yo, we got to go through this emergency door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Se pare că ușa asta de urgență e singura cale." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Looks like this emergency door is the only way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: Știu pur și simplu că o să pornească o alarmă când deschidem ușa aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: I just know an alarm is gonna sound when we open that door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă și haideți să deschidem ușa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Get ready and lets open the door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: În regulă, suntem gata să deschidem ușa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: All right, we ready to open the door?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Cineva tre' să deschidă ușa asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Somebody has to open this door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: Pe toți dracii, o deschid eu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: All hell, I'm opening it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: În regulă, pregătiți-vă cu toții, deschid ușa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: All right, get ready y'all, I'm openin' the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Iisuse Hristoase, au construit pe bune casele astea sub apă?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, did they really build these houses underwater?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Omule, e pur și simplu plin de gunoi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Man, there is just garbage everywhere." "Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Uau, astea da colibe autentice." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Wow, this here is some real shacks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Hei, uitați drumul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Hey, there's a road!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Hei, omule, lumini aprinse!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Hey man, lights on!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Hei, vedeți luminile alea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Hey you see those lights?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Hei, uitați un camion!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Hey, there's a truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Oamenii noroiului!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Mud people!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Îți bați joc de mine? Oamenii noroiului?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Are you shittin' me now? Mud people?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: Am o chestie nouă pe care o urăsc: noroioșii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: I got a new thing I hate: mud people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Vă zic o treabă: oamenii de noroi scot toată distracția din noroi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Tell you what, mud people take all the fun out of the mud." "Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: Uitați satul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: There's the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: Au lumini în sat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: They have lights on in the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Oh, omule, îi pup dacă sunt pe bune!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Oh man, I'll give 'em a kiss if they are!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: Puteau rezista!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: They could have held out!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hey y'all!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: E cineva acasă?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: Anyone home?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Hei?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Hello?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Hei, e cineva acolo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Hey, anybody there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Hei, putem să ajungem la ei pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Hey, we can get to them through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Adăpostul e chiar dincolo de gardul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Safe house is right past that fence!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Hei! E cineva acolo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Hei! E cineva aici?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone here?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Să mergem la casă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Let's go to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: N-are niciun sens să se fi parașutat aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: La naiba, omule. N-au supraviețuit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: Shit, man. They didn't make it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Zombii au ajuns și aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Zombies got here too." "Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Omule, nu cred că vom mai primi vreodată vești bune." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Man, I don't think we're ever gonna get good news again." "Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: Ei bine, să căutăm resurse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: Well, let's look for supplies." "Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Poate au lăsat ceva pe-aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Maybe they left some around here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: Se pare că toți s-au îndreptat spre o plantație." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: Looks like they all headed off to a plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: Am putea la fel de bine să-i urmăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: We might as well follow them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: N-are niciun sens s-o ardem pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: No sense hanging out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Hei, cum ieșim din sat?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Hey, is there a way out of the village?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: Așa că i-au omorât pur și simplu?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: So they just killed them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: Trebuie să găsim o cale de a ajunge la plantație." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: We gotta find the path to the plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Să ajungem sus pe pasarelă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Let's get up on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Hei, uitați o pasarelă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Hey, there's a walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Omule, hai să ieșim din mocirla asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Man, let's get out of this muck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Putem, vă rog, să ieșim din mocirla asta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Can we please get out of this muck?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Hei, putem folosi scândurile astea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Hey, we can use these planks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Să urcăm pe punte." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Let's get up on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea, haideți să ieșim din noroiul ăsta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Hey everybody, let's get out of this mud!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: Ce dracu'? Singura cale e peste podul ăsta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: What the hell? The only way is over this bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Hei, cineva să coboare pasarela." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Hey, somebody lower the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Da, doar trageți de maneta aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Yeah, just hit that lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Cineva să tragă de manetă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Somebody hit the lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Coborâți podul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: Trebuie doar să știți că asta o să fie o treabă dată dracu'." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: You just know this is gonna be some shit." "Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Hei, coborâți podul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Hey, lower that bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Trageți-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Coboară podul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hei, coboară podul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hey, bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Podul a fost coborât!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Bridge down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: Putem traversa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: We can cross!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Hei, a coborât, să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Hey, it's down, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: În regulă oameni, rămâneți pe punte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: All right everybody, stay on the deck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Stați aici sus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Stay up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: În regulă, trebuie să stăm pe punte." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: All right, we gotta stay on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: În regulă, să ieșim de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: All right, let's get out of here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: Uitați plantația!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: There's the plantation!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Mergeți către casă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Get to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: Uitați casa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: There's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Uuuhuu! Aia e casa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Woohoo! That's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Hei, fugiți către casa aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Hey, run to that house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: S-ar putea să fie resurse în casele astea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: There might be supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: Uitați casa acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: There's the house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Hei, am putea folosi scara aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Hey, we could use that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: Vedeți schela?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: See the scaffolding?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: Putem intra pe sus pe acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: We can get in up there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Hei, haideți să ajungem acolo sus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Hey, let's get up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Da, omule, tre' să fie cineva acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Yeah, man, there's gotta be somebody there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Hei, haideți să folosim radioul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Hey, let's use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Folosiți radioul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Să chemăm vasul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Let's call for the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Hei, cineva să folosească radioul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Hey, somebody use that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Hei, unde naiba e vasul?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Hey, where in the hell is the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: De unde vine de durează atât de mult?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: Where is he coming from that he's takin so long?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Hei, fugiți la barcă! Fugiți la barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Hey, run to the boat! Run to the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Vasul e aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Hei, nu vă mai bateți și urcați în barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Hey, quit fighting and get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Salut, barcagiule, poți să vii să ne iei?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Hello boat man, can you come pick us up?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Noroc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Howdy." "Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: Cum îți merge?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: Cum îți merge, dl barcagiu?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: How ya doin', Mr. Boatman?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: Suntem într-o plantație." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: We're at a plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Unde suntem? Oh, da, la vechea plantație." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Where are we? Oh yeah, yeah, at the old plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Uh, lângă un semn care zice să te chemăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Uh, next to a sign that says call you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: Lângă un radio?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: By a radio?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Ei bine, eu sunt Ellis și mai e Rochelle, Coach și Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Well I'm Ellis, and there's Rochelle, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: Suntem oameni cumsecade." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: We're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: Îți spun cine suntem, suntem oameni buni la suflet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: I'll tell you who we are, we're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Ei bine, prietenii îmi spun Ellis, dar dumnitale?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Well my friends call me Ellis, and you, sir?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: Ei bine, suntem, ăăă, suntem patru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: Well, there's, uh, there's four of us." "Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: Ei bine, suntem patru, vrei să vorbești cu vreunul din ei?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: Well, that's four, would you like to talk one of them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Patru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Four." "Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Da, suntem patru. Poți veni să ne iei?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Yeah, there's four of us. Can you come get us?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hei, vrea să știe câți suntem. Ce să-i zic?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hey, he wants to know how many we are, what should I tell him?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: Da, tipul ăsta pune o grămadă de întrebări, vrea altcineva să se ocupe de asta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: Okay, this guy's askin' a lot of questions, does somebody else wanta take this?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: Da, în regulă, ei bine, da, nu avem unde altundeva să fim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: Okay, all right, well, yeah, we ain't got nowhere else to be." "Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: În regulă, mulțumim frumos!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: All right, thank you very much!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Da, vom sta aici până ajungi aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Yeah, we'll stay here until you get here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Sigur, repede de tot, cum vom ști că ești tu?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Right, real quick, how we gonna know it's you?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Da, ai dreptate cu asta, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Yeah, you're right on that, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Ei bine, haide odată și ia-ne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Well, come on and get us!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Haide atunci." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Come on then." "Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: Am zis bine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: I said, okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: N-n-n-u, e grozav! Da, mulțumim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: N-n-n-no, that's great! Okay, thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: În regulă, ei bine, zice că vine să ne ia. Vă zic eu, pare a fi un individ foarte de treabă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: All right, well, he says he's coming to get us. Tell ya what, he sounds like a real nice fella." "Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Hei. Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Hello. Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: HEI, TERMINAȚI CU BOMBARDAMENTUL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: HEY, STOP WITH THE BOMBING!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: VĂ RUGĂM NU NE BOMBARDAȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: PLEASE DO NOT BOMB US!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: Suntem oamenii de pe celălalt capăt al podului!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: We're the people on the other end of the bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: În regulă, spune că tre' să coborâm podul, să avem grijă la zombi și că o să ne aștepte pe partea cealaltă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: All right, he says we gotta lower the bridge, be careful of the zombies and they'll be waitin' on the other side." "Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Oh, da, și ne urează succes." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Oh yeah, and he wishes us good luck." "Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Mulțumim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Mulțumim. Succes cu elicopterul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Thank you. Good luck with the helicopter." "Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: În regulă, cine vrea să coboare podul?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: All right, who wants to lower the bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: Trebuie să coborâm podul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: We have to lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: În regulă, apăs eu butonul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: All right, I'm hittin' it." "Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Sper să funcționeze!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Hope this works!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: În regulă, tot ce trebuie să facem e să traversăm podul... și vom fi, în sfârșit, în siguranță." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: Aright, all we gotta do is cross this bridge.... and we're finally safe." "Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Sus acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Up there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Over here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Chiar pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Right through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Aici jos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Down here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Peste autobuz." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Over the bus." "Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: Pe balconul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: On that balcony." "Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Chiar pe acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Aici înăuntru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Inside here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Să-i dăm drumul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Here we go." "Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: Ar trebui să mergem pe acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: We should go that there way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: Ar trebui s-o luăm chiar pe acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: We should go right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Acolo jos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Down there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Urcați-vă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Climb on up." "Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: Pe camioane." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: On top the trucks." "Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Chiar pe camionul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Right on top of that truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: Pe camion." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: On top of the truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: Pe rulotă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: On the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: În rulotă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: In the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Înapoi pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Back through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Înapoi pe acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Back through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Scurtătură pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Short-cut through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Ar trebui toți să veniți pe aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Y'all should come this way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Chiar prin curtea aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Right through that courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Prin curtea asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Through this courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Scară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Urcați pe scară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: Mergeți la scară." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: Get to the ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Hei, mergeți la scara aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Hey, get to that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Toată lumea să urce pe scară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Everybody up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Scară! Scară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Ladder! Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Mergeți la scara aia! Mergeți la scară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Get to that ladder! Get to the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Urcați pe scara aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Get up that ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: Știu ce zici și ghici ce? Chiar îmi plac buletele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: I know what you're saying, and guess what? I do like taters." "Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Cra, cra, cra, cra, cra, cra!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Cra, cra, cra, cra, cra, cra, cra, cra!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Cra, cra, cra, cra!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [Fluieră]" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [Whistles]" "Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: Ce naiba o să facă o poză?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: What in the hell is a picture gonna do?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Să-i raporteze pe bolnavi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Report the sick?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: Mai degrabă zonă de ucis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: More like killin' zone." "Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Credeți că împușcatul de zombi se pune?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Y'all think shootin' zombies would count?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: N-o să faci aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: You ain't gotta do that." "Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: Poți să-i împuști oriunde." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: You can shoot 'em anywhere." "Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: Împușcă-i chiar în inimă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: You shoot 'em right in the heart." "Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: La naiba, o să-i împușc în picior." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: Shit, I'll shoot 'em in the leg." "Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Sau o să-i feliez cu un topor." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Or slice 'em with an axe." "Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Căcat, le-am zburat picioarele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Shit, I shot their legs off." "Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Omorâți toți nenorociții, astea sunt instrucțiunile mele oficiale." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Kill all the son of a bitches, that's my official instructions." "Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: FUGIȚI! FUGIȚI! FUGIȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: RUN! RUN! RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: OMULE, NU TE OPRI DIN ALERGAT!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: MAN, DON'T STOP RUNNING!" "Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Da." "[english]Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Yes." "Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: La naiba, da." "[english]Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: Hell yeah." "Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Dap." "[english]Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Yep." "Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Da." "[english]Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Sigur." "[english]Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Da, hai s-o facem." "[english]Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do it." "Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: În regulă." "[english]Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: Sunt de acord." "[english]Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: Cu plăcere." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: You're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Da, cu plăcere." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Yeah, you're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: E în regulă." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: We're cool." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: Nicio problemă." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: We're good." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Oricând, omule." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Anytime, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Hei, sigur!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Hei, sigur!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Oricând." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Always." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: Cu plăcere, omule." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: You got it, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: Cu plăcere, fato." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: You got it, girl." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Da, nicio problemă, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Yeah, no problem, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: Nicio panică, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: No big thing, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: E tot al tău, barosane." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: Ah it's all you, big guy." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: Totu-i bine, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: All good, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: Asta fac de obicei, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: That's what I do, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: Nicio grijă, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: No worries, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: Nicio problemă, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: No problem, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Orice pentru tine, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Anything for you, Ro." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Orice pentru tine, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Anything for you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: Știi că fac orice pentru tine, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: You know I got your back, Rochelle." "Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Seringă cu adrenalină aici!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Adrenaline shot here!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Iau o seringă!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Grabbin' a shot!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [Agitat din cauza adrenalinei]" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [shaking self awake]" "Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Uite o sticlă de... arată a fiere." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Here's a bottle of...looks like puke." "Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Sticlă cu fiere aici." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Bombă cu fiere aici!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Fiere de boomer aici." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Boomer puke right here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Oh, omule, un borcan nu e un loc bun pentru funcții corporale." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Oh, man, a jar's no place for bodily functions." "Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Iau o bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Iau un borcan cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Capul la cutie! Bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Heads up! Bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: Uite că vine niște vomă!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: Here comes some puke!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Feriți-vă de bomba cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Feriți-vă de bomba cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Arunc o bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Throwing a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Zvârl o bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Tossin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Vine fierea, nenorociților!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Here comes the bile, you sons of bitches!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Aveți grijă, zombi! E pe cale să PLOUĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Heads up, zombies! It's about to RAIN!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: În regulă, n-am văzut un scandal bun de ceva vreme." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: All right, I ain't seen a good brawl in a while." "Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Omule, urăsc zombii, dar IUBESC să-i văd luptându-se." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Man, I hate zombies, but I LOVE watchin' 'em fight." "Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Mergeți și atacați cu toții tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: În regulă, poftim. Urmăriți asta!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: All right, here ya go. Chase this!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Mergeți și atacați cu toții tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Atacați cu toții tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Sticlă cu fiere aici." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: Am o bombă cu fiere aici!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: I got a bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: E o bombă cu fiere chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: There's a bile bomb right there!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Iau o bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: LASĂ-MĂ JOS!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: PUT ME DOWN!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: UNDE MĂ DUCE CHESTIA ASTA?" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME?" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: M-A PRINS!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: IT'S GOT ME!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: Îmi rupe curu'!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: He is breaking my butt!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: M-a prins!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: He's got me!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Unde mă duce?!!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Where is he taking me?!!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Chest paddles here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Defibrillator here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Unitate de defibrilare aici." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Hei, unitate de defibrilare aici." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Hey, defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Am un defibrilator." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Got some chest paddles." "Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Am o unitate de defibrilare." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Got a defib unit." "Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Liber!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Clear!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Haide!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Come on!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: HAIDE!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: Come ON!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Întoarce-te, întoarce-te!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Come back, come back!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Mergi, la naiba..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Mergi, la naiba..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [gâfâie]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [gâfâie]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [being shocked]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Uah, omule..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Whoa, man..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Aaah, de ce naiba mă electrocutezi?" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Agggh what the hell are you shockin' me for?" "Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Uah. Bine că m-am îndepărtat de lumină." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Whoa. Good thing I headed away from the light." "Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Tocmai am fost mort? Vai, omule..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Was I just dead there? Oh man..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Mamă, ce-mi plac mallurile! Chiar îmi plac. Eram odată în mall, în Atlanta, iar tipii ăștia dansau pentru bani și din alea, iar amicul meu Dave și cu mine eram..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Man I love malls. I do. Once I was in this mall, up in Atlanta, and these guys were dancing for like money and stuff and my friend Dave and I was all..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs Jr e cel mai tare, adică nu mai știu pe nimeni altcineva ca el. Dar e tipul ăsta pe care-l știam, era pilot de curse off-road, nu mașini de serie, ci chiar mașini de raliu, știți, și odată se întrecea și o capră..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. is the man. I mean I don't know anybody like that, man. But there was this guy I knew, he raced dirt tracks, not stock cars but open wheeled cars you know, and he was racing once and a goat..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: Bine. Dar era o capră." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: Okay. But there was a goat." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: Îl știam pe tipul ăsta care voia să stabilească un record mondial de stat pe o roată mare. A stat acolo sus vreo două zile sau ceva de genul, iar la un moment dat a vrut niște bere, dar nimeni nu voia să-i dea deloc, așa că a scos o frânghie. Si nu, nu mă întrebați de unde o avea..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: I knew this guy who was trying to set the world record on staying on a Ferris wheel. He had been up there like two days or somethin' and he wanted some beer, but they weren't givin' him any so he got this rope. Now don't ask me where he got the rope from---" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: Tot noroiul ăsta îmi amintește de prietenul meu, Keith. Voia să construiască o colibă odată, ca să stea în ea și din ălea. Știu că cei mai mulți oameni de aici își construiesc barăci și tot colibe devin, dar Keith voia să treacă direct la etapa colibei, dar nu avea lemn deloc. Așa că a luat niște noroi și a făcut ceea ce toți credeam că erau cărămizi din chirpici, dar știți, ca atunci când oamenii din vest fac cărămizi și din ălea? Păi bine, el avea noroi și..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: Man, all this mud reminds me of my friend Keith. Yeah, he was goin' to build a shack once, to live in and all, and I know most people here, they build houses and they become shacks, but Keith, he was about jumpin' right to the shack stage. But he had no wood. So he got some mud and was makin' what we were all thinkin' was gonna be these adobe bricks, you know, like when them people out west made bricks and shit? Well, he had mud and..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: N-am mai fost niciodată într-un câmp de trestii de zahăr. Adică, le-am văzut și alea, dar n-am avut motiv să intru în vreunul, dar acum intri într-o livadă de piersici și găsești tot felul de căcaturi tari. Odată eram într-un..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: I ain't never been in a sugar cane field before. I mean, I seen 'em and all, but no real reason to go into one, but now you go into a peach grove, you find all kinds of cool shit. This one time I was in..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Știți ce înseamnă să sugi capete? Pentru că am venit aici cu Keith odată și nu știam și… adică, nu e nimic nasol. E despre mâncat." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Do you know what suck the heads means? Cause I came down here with Keith once and he didn't know and… I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin'." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: V-am povestit vreodată despre cum am făcut artificii cu Keith? Na, nu știam nimic despre chimie, dar Keith s-a gândit, „Benzina arde, nu-i așa?” Arsuri de gradul trei pe 95% din corpul lui. Oamenii din orașul alăturat sunau să se plângă din cauza mirosului de piele arsă." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Now, I didn't know shit about chemistry, but Keith figured, \"Gasoline burns, doesn't it?\" Third degree burns on ninety-five percent of his body. Man, people in the next city over were calling to complain about the smell of burning skin." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de atunci când Keith a încercat să prăjească un curcan? Arsuri de gradul trei pe peste 90% din corpul lui. Doctorul lui a chemat, gen, alți doctori să se uite la el, fiindcă nu mai văzuseră arsuri peste arsuri deja existente..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith tried to deep fry a turkey? Third degree burns over ninety percent of his body. His doctor called up, like, other doctors to look at him cause they'd never seen burns on top of existing burns--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: V-am zis povestit vreodată de momentul în care amicul meu Keith a sărit cu mașina de pe o stâncă și și-a rupt ambele picioare? Nu e o poveste amuzantă, însă e o poveste care te pune pe gânduri. De exemplu, parbrizele par destul de zdravene, nu? Nu e cazul, după Keith. Tăntălăul a zburat prin sticla aia..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drove his car off a cliff, broke both his legs? It's not a funny ha-ha story so much as a make-you-think story. For instance: windshields look pretty durable, right? Not the case, according to Keith. Son of a bitch flew right through that sucker--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Sigur." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Da." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Bine, dar...." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Bine, omule, dar era..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Okay, man, but there was..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: În regulă." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Sigur." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Scuze, n-am vrut să te scârbesc." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Sorry, didn't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Marfă." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Marfă." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: Bine." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: Amicul meu Keith a trăit într-un cimitir odată, timp de un an întreg. Nu dintr-o provocare sau ceva, pur și simplu l-au dat afară din propria lui casă. A zis că n-a văzut nicio fantomă, cu excepția unei singure dăți când o fantomă l-a înjunghiat în spate și i-a luat toți banii, dar probabil era vreun vagabond fiindcă avea o robă pe el cu două găuri tăiate la ochi..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith lived in a grave yard once, for a whole year. It wasn't a dare or nothing, he just got kicked out of his house. He said he never saw a single ghost, except this one time when a ghost stabbed him from behind and took all his money, and he might have just been a homeless guy cause he had a robe on with two eyes cut outta his face--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: Amicul meu Keith a încercat odată să facă camping în vârful unei clădiri. Trăgea doar în ciori, dar poliția era prea ocupată să-l umple de gaz lacrimogen în loc să-l întrebe ce făcea acolo sus. A urlat un AN întreg de fiecare dată când își deschidea ochii. La început era amuzant, dar apoi a devenit pur și simplu tristă situația, dar apoi a devenit amuzantă din nou, Oh, omule." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows but the police were too busy tear gassing him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire YEAR every single time he opened his eyes. Oh, man. At first it was funny, then it just got sad, but then it got funny again. Oh, man." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de data aia când amicul meu Keith a fost tras de un aligator în mlaștina? N-avea pică pe el sau ceva, încercam doar să prindem o pereche ca să-i putem enerva și să-i punem să se bată. În orice caz, a treia oară când Keith a fost tras sub apă, mi-am dat seama că ceva cu ne în regulă, așa că am..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: I ever tell you guys about the time my buddy Keith got rolled by a gator in a swamp? Man, he didn't agonize it or nothing, we were just trying to grab two so we could piss 'em off and get 'em into a fight. Anyway, the third time Keith went under, I realized something was wrong, so I--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de data aia când amicul meu Keith s-a înecat în tunelul dragostei? N-ați crede că se poate întâmpla așa ceva fiindcă apa e foarte mică, dar așa te păcălești: cu încrederea. Keith era cu o domnișoară la momentul respectiv și a urlat la ea să-l salveze, dar ea nu voia să se ude așa că..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drowned in the Tunnel of Love? You wouldn't think it could happen cause the water's so shallow, but that's how it gets you, man: Over confidence. Keith was with his lady at the time and he was yelling for her to save him but she didn't wanna get wet--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: V-am povestit vreodată de momentul în care eu și Keith ne-am strecurat în tunelul dragostei? Dacă aveți scuipatul suficient de gros, ei bine, puteți să scuipații o flegmă pe pasarelă, nu-i așa, iar atunci când nenorociții de pupăcioși din spatele vostru..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck into a Tunnel of Love? Man, if you get your spit thick enough, y'see, y'all can hang a loogie off the overhang, right, so when smoochin' sons of bitches behind you--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de ziua aia când eu și Keith am strecurat arme de paintball într-un montagne-rousse? N-am auzit ca cineva să mai fi făcut asta, așa că bănuiesc că am inventat un sport. Keith a sunat la biroul de patentare, dar..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck paintball guns on a roller coaster? I never heard of anybody else doing it, so I thought we might have invented a sport. So Keith called the patent office but--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: V-am povestit vreodată de momentul când eu și Keith am făcut mașinuțe bușitoare din tractorașe pentru tuns gazonul în curtea lui Keith? A fost tăiat pe peste 90% din corpul lui de la lamele tractorașului. Și nici măcar nu l-am călcat eu. Cumva a reușit să cadă sub al lui." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith made a homemade bumper car ride with riding mowers in his back yard? Mower blade wounds over ninety percent of his body. I didn't run him over, either. He somehow managed to fall under his own." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de momentul în care eu și Keith am umplut baloane de apă cu propriul nostru..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith filled up water balloons with our own--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: Odată, armata l-a bombardat pe amicul meu Keith. A făcut camping și nu s-a deranjat să citească indicatoarele și presupun că testau bombe atunci. Tot felul de chestii pe deasupra, nu doar bombe normale. Gaze iritante, bombe cu șrapnel, bombele alea care se desfac în sute de alte bombe mai mici în aer..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: One the time the army bombed my buddy Keith. He went camping and didn't bother to read the signs, and I guess they were just testing bombs that day. All sorts of stuff too, not just regular bombs. Like biological nerve gas bombs, shrapnel bombs, these bombs that break up in the air into like a hundred smaller bombs--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de momentul în care amicul meu Keith, a căzut printr-un canal neacoperit? A stat inconștient acolo jos timp de o săptămână. În tot timpul ăsta, fără știrea lui Keith, au cimentat gaura. Keith a trebuit să..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell down an open manhole? He was unconscious down there for like a week. During that time, unbeknownst to Keith, they paved over him. Keith had to--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de ziua în care eu și amicul meu, Keith, eram în vârful unei clădiri care ardea și a trebuit să ne luptăm până la parter prin vreo cinci etaje de zombi? Stați puțin. Cred că eram cu voi. Ah, căcat, omule, abia aștept să-i spun lui Keith de asta." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith and I were on the top of a burning building and we had to fight our way down like five floors of zombies? Wait a second. I guess that was you guys. Aw shit, man, I can't wait to tell Keith about that one." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: V-am zis vreodată de ziua aia când Keith a căzut dintr-un montagne-rousse? N-a căzut foarte departe, vă dați seama, doar pe șine, dar oamenii de la carnaval nu voiau să oprească montagne-rousse-ul doar pentru asta pentru că plătiseră deja bani buni, iar Keith s-a strecurat într-un vagon fără să dea o lețcaie, așa că a trebuit să se ferească pe-acolo vreo 20 de minute." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell out the roller coaster? Yeah, he didn't drop far, mind you, just onto the tracks, but the carnival people wouldn't stop the ride cause all the other people paid good money and Keith snuck on for free, so he had to dodge for like twenty minutes or so." "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Muniție explozivă aici!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Explosive rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Am niște muniție explozivă chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some explosive rounds right here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Am niște gloanțe explozive aici!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Got some frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Iau niște gloanțe explozive!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: O să iau câteva din gloanțele astea explozive!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab some of these frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Amplasez muniția explozivă!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Amplasez muniția explozivă!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: La naiba, n-o arunca către mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: Shit, don't throw it at me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: Ce DRACU', omule? O să mor aici!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: What the HELL, man? I'm gonna get killed here!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Nu arunca prostia aia pe mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Nu arunca prostia aia pe mine! Aia cheamă hoarda!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me! That calls a horde!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Nu mă bombardați cu fiere!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Don't bomb me with the bile!:" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Ho, ho, HO! Trage în tank, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Shoot the Tank, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Ro! Trage în tank!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Ro! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Trage în TANK, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Trage în TANK, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: HEI! Trage în tank!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: HEY! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Trage în TANK, ticălos orb!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, you blind son of a bitch!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Hei, haideți, trageți în tank, nu în mine!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Hey come on y'all, shoot the Tank not me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Dacă trageți în mine n-o să omorâm mai repede tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Shootin' me ain't gonna help us kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Lansator de grenade!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Lansator de grenade aici!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher here!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Iau lansatorul de grenade!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Taking the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să iau lansatorul de grenade!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hey, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, da, trebuie să iau lansatorul de grenade!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Oh hell yeah, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: Așa se face TREABA!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: That's how it's done RIGHT!" "Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: Ciuruim mai multe cururi decât o cizmă într-o fabrică de cururi!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: We're kickin' more ass than a boot in an ass factory!" "Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: LA NAIBA, suntem buni." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: DAMN, we are good." "Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Încarcă, blochează și termină cu pălăvrăgeala! Așa se face!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Load, lock, and cut the talk! That's how it's done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: Suntem în afacerea genocidului de ZOMBI!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness!" "Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: Suntem în afacerea genocidului de ZOMBI sau ce?!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness, or what?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: NOI... OMORÂM... ZOMBI! ASTA e ceea ce facem! Ce?!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: WE... KILL... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do! What?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Hoohoo! Apocalipsă, pe dracu'! Trăim în cel mai bun poligon de tragere al TUTUROR TIMPURILOR!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Hoohoo! Apocalypse, my ass! We're livin' in the best shooting range of ALL TIME!" "Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Hei, de ce am închis ușa? Nu terminasem!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Hey, what'd we shut the door for? I wasn't done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: Trebuie să facem toată treaba asta să fie corectă pentru zombi! O să-mi leg o mână la spate." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: We gotta make this fair for the zombies! I'm-a tie an arm around my back." "Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Oameni - 4, zombi - nimic." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Humans four, zombies nuthin'." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Gloanțe incendiare aici!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hei, gloanțe incendiare chiar aici!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hey, fire bullets right here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Gloanțe incendiare aici!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Iau gloanțe incendiare!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: Iau niște gloanțe incendiare!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: I'm grabbin' some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: E vremea să pornim niște incendii." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: E vremea să pornim niște incendii." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: E timpul să pornim niște incendii. Cine e cu mine?" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: Time to start some fires. Who's with me?" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Amplasez muniția incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Amplasez muniția incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: Amplasez niște muniție incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: I'm deploying some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Toată lumea să ia niște muniție incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea să ia niște muniție incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Hey, everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea să ia niște muniție incendiară!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Hey, everybody let's grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Dispozitive de ochire cu laser aici." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Laser sights here." "Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Dispozitive de ochire cu laser chiar aici." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Laser sights right here." "Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Hei, dispozitive de ochire cu laser aici." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Hey, laser sights here." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: La naiba, capul ăla a zburat!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: Goddamn that head went flying!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Oh, da!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Oh yeah!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Uuu! Tocmai ai devenit mai SCUND, vere!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Woo! You just got SHORTER, cousin!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Omule, zombiul ăla era prea înalt. L-am rezolvat." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Man, that zombie was too tall. I fixed him." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Îmbărbătați-vă naibii." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Batter the hell up." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: PAU!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: POW!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BAM!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BAM!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: CRAC!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: CRACK!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: Ăla e un home run!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: That's a home run!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: În afara parcului, iubito!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: Out of the park, baby!" "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Macetă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Am o macetă." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Got a machete." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Macetă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Drujbă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Drujbă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: Am o drujbă." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: I got a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Drujbă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Omule, dacă îmi pierd mâna, cos chestia asta în ciot." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Man, if I lose my hand, I'm stitchin' this thing onto the stump." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Nu există vreo problemă în lume care să nu poată fi rezolvată cu o drujbă." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Ain't a problem in the world can't be solved with a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: Baston aici..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Iau un baston." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Grabbing a nightstick." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: Baston aici..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [îngânând] O să fac piftie dintr-un zombi... cu un baston..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [humming] Gonna beat me a zombie to death... with a nightstick..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Chitară aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Iau o chitară." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Grabbing a guitar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Chitară aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Hei, iau un topor." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Hey, grabbing an axe." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Katana aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Katana aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: O să iau katana asta." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab this katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Iau o katana." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Grabbing a katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Iau sabia asta șmecheră de ninja." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Grabbing the cool-ass ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Iau sabia de ninja." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Iau sabia de ninja. Îmi doresc să fi adus steluțele de ninja cu mine." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Wish I'd brought my throwing stars." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Iau sabia de ninja. Dacă vedeți niște nunceaguri, anunțați-mă." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Anybody sees some nunchuks, gimme a holler." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: În sfârșit, toate lecțiile de karate îmi vor servi la ceva." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: Finally, all them karate lessons gonna pay off." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Iau o rangă." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Grabbing a crowbar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Rangă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Crowbar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Rangă chiar aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Crowbar right here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Omule, o să-i bat pe nenorociții ăștia până voi pierde noțiunea timpului." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till I lose my watch." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: E timpul să batem niște ticăloși." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: Time to beat on some sons of bitches." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: O să bat un zombi până nu rămâne nicio halcă suficient de mare pentru a fi lovită." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: Gonna beat me a zombie till there ain't a chunk big enough to hit." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Omule, o să-i bat pe nenorociții ăștia până îmi umplu tricoul de sânge." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till my shirt turns red." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Răngile îți oferă un sentiment aparte de care nu ai parte când tragi cu arma." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Crowbars give you that personal touch you don't get with gun killin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Vâslă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: Nu știu, un fel de bâtă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: I don't know, some sort of bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: O chestie ca o bâtă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: Bat thing here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Vâslă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Vâslă aici." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Paddle here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: M-am hotărât să vâslesc nițel." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: Got me a mind to do some paddlin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Iau un rezolvator de probleme." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Grabbin' a problem solver." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Iau un tăietor de pâine." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bread slicer." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Pe acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: Pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: This way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: Aici înăuntru!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: In here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Aici jos!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: Haideți, pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: C'mon, this way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Hei, pe fereastra asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Hey, through this window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Prin fereastra aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Through that window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Pe aleea asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Down this alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Pe aleea aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Down that alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Să mergem pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Let's go through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Hei, haideți să mergem pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Hey, let's go through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Pe ușa asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Through this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Pe ușa aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Through that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Hei, putem scurta drumul prin restaurantul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Hey, we can cut through this restaurant." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Pe poarta aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Chiar pe poarta aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Right through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Urcați pe scara aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Up that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Urcați pe scara asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Up this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Coborâți pe scara aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Down that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Coborâți pe scara asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Down this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Peste gard!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Over the fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Peste gardul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Over that fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: Către pod!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: To the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: Putem traversa pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: Putem traversa chiar pe acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: We can cross right there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: Putem traversa pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: Putem urca aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: We can get up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: Putem urca pe acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: We can get up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: Putem coborî pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: We can get down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: Putem coborî pe acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: We can get down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: E un adăpost aici sus!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: There's a safe room up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Hei, e un adăpost chiar acolo sus!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Hey, there's a safe room right up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Apăsați-l!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Press the button!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Faceți-o!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Activați-l!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Activate it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: L-am apăsat!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: I hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: Am făcut-o!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: I did it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Peste ușa asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Over this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Peste ușa aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Over that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Peste pubelă!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Peste pubela asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Over this dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Săriți aici jos!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Jump down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Săriți chiar aici jos!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Jump right down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Săriți acolo jos!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Jump down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: Trebuie să ne întoarcem prin câmp!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: We gotta go back through the field!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Toată lumea în lift!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Everybody in the elevator!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Hei, putem lua liftul înapoi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Hey, we can take the elevator back up!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Urcați pe țeava aia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Up that pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: URCAȚI pe țeava asta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: UP this pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Toată lumea să coboare înapoi pe scări!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Everybody back down the stairs!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Peste pod!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Over the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: Putem să traversăm peste rezervorul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: We can cross on that tank!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Traversați pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: Putem să traversăm prin apă pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: We can get across the water here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: Putem să traversăm prin apă pe acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: We can get across the water there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Oh, da, pare familiar. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Oh, yeah, this looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: Îmi amintesc de aia. Mergem în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Omule, tot locul ăsta e sub apă." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Man, the whole place is underwater." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: Seamănă cu un oraș din Atlantida." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: It's like a fabled city of Atlantis." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: FURTUNĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: STORM!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: VINE FURTUNA!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: STORM COMIN'!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: NU VĂ DEPĂRTAȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: DON'T WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: SĂ NU SE ÎNDEPĂRTEZE NIMENI!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: DON'T NOBODY WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: Nu pot să văd absolut nimic." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: I can't see a damn thing." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: Uite intrarea! Aproape am scăpat de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: There's the entrance! We're almost outta here!" "Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Miroase de parcă un raton a murit într-o fabrică de scutece." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Smells like a raccoon died in a diaper factory." "Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Miroase ca un dulap plin de cepe stricate." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Smells like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Pentru mine miroase a zombi morți. Totul miroase așa în ultima vreme." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. Everything smellin' like that lately." "Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Miroase a zombi morți. Și ăla e un miros cu care am început să mă obișnuiesc." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies. And that's a smell I'm getting partial to." "Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Nah, întotdeauna miroase așa." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Naw, it always smells like this." "Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Asta este? Miroase de parcă a murit un raton într-un frigider abandonat." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Is that what that is? Smelled like a raccoon died an abandoned refrigerator." "Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: Deci asta era. Doamne, eu credeam că miroase ca un dulap plin de cepe stricate." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: So that's what that is. Man, I thought it smelled like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: Îmi miroase a zombi morți. N-am nicio problemă cu mirosul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. I got no quarrels with that smell." "Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Încarc aici!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Reloading here!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Tre' să încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Gotta reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Încarc!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Aw, la naiba, acum sunt antiglonţ?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Aw, hell, now they're bulletproof?" "Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Au, la dracu', sunt blindați!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Aw, hell, they're bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să-i întorci dacă-i vrei morți!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Hey, you gotta spin 'em around if you want 'em dead!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Nu au spatele antiglonț!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Their backs ain't bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Împușcați nenorocitul ăla în spate!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Shoot that son of a bitch in the back!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: Clovnul ăla își aduce prietenii! Omorâți-l!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: That clown's bringing friends! Take him down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: Trebuie să-l facem pe clovnul ăla să tacă!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: We gotta shut that clown up!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Hei, omorâți clovnul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Hey, take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Omorâți clovnul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Împușcați clovnul!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Take the clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Împușcați clovnul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Take down that clown!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: Omule, nu mi-a mai fost niciodată atât de frică de clovni." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: Man, I've never been so scared of clowns." "Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Clovni!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Clowns!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Clovni? Clovni. Oh, cred că-ți bați joc de mine." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Clowns? Clowns. Oh, you have got to be kidding me." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: Ăla e un zombi pocit rău de tot." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: That is one ugly ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: La naiba, ăla e un zombi super scârbos." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: Damn, that is a nasty ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Omule, ce hidoasă e acea spitter." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Man, that Spitter is one ugly bitch." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Omule, îmi plac mai mult zombii ăștia cu haine pe ei." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Man, I like these zombies better when they got clothes on." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: Încă o căzătură din Cerul Urâțeniei nu i-ar face prea mult rău." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: One more hit with the ugly stick probably wouldn't hurt her." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: Aia e vreo fostă de-a ta, Nick?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: That an ex-girlfriend of yours, Nick?" "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: Scuze, Nick, n-am observat că era mama ta." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: Sorry about that Nick, didn’t meant to kill your mom." "Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Rezistă, i-a căzut ăluia ceva." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Hold on, that one dropped something." "Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Uah, uah, uah, ce i-a căzut ăluia?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what'd that one drop?" "Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Hei, ăluia i-a căzut ceva, chiar acolo." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Hey, that one just dropped something, right there." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: Ce naiba. Chestiile astea sunt rezistente la foc?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: What the hell. These things fireproof?" "Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Aveți grijă la ăia în combinezoane." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Watch out for the ones in the hazmat suits." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: Ei bine, să fiu al dracului. Zombi ignifugi." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: Well, I'll be damned. Fireproof zombies." "Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Noroioși!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Hei, aveți grijă! Noroioși!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Hey, watch out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Hei, aveți grijă! Noroioși, chiar acolo!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Hey, look out! Mudmen, right there!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Aveți grijă! Noroioși!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Look out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: Trebuie să ne descurcăm mai bine de ATÂT." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: We gonna need to do better than THAT." "Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Tipule, tocmai ni s-a servit una groasă." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Dude, we just got our asses handed to us." "Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: Asta a fost BRUTAL!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: That was BRUTAL!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: AIA... a fost o treabă de doi bani." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: THAT... was a pretty poor display." "Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: Să zicem că aia e o remiză." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: Știi ce? Vom zice că a fost o remiză." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: You know what? We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: Suntem încă în picioare!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: We're still standin'!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Uuuaaauu!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Woooow!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Uau, omule!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Wow, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HEIIIII! ÎNTOARCE-TE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: ÎNTOARCE-TE! SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: HEI, SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI! HEIII!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: HEY, WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEI! AICI! AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEY! OVER HERE! OVER HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HEI! ÎNTOARCE-TE! ÎNCĂ MAI SUNT OAMENI AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HEY! COME BACK! THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: SUNTEM PE ACOPERIȘ! ÎNTOARCE-TE AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HEI!! SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HEY!! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HEI!! ÎNTOARCE-TE! SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HEY!! COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: La naiba! Tocmai i-am ratat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: Damn it! We just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: La naiba! Am întârziat cinci minute!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: Damn it! Five minutes too late!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: La naiba, omule, n-am mai văzut pe nimeni murind." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: Trebuie să avem grijă unii de alții. Sunt Ellis, voi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: We gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: La naiba, omule, n-am mai văzut pe nimeni murind." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: Zău? Bătăi și din alea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: Putem sări jos aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: We can jump down here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Prin casa asta a liftului!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Down this elevator shaft!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: Trebuie să trecem chiar pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: We can get right through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: Camera asta pare sigură. Să intrăm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: This room looks safe. Let's get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Cred că am face bine să ținem ușa aia închisă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Probably a good idea to keep that door shut." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: La naiba! Omule, tocmai i-am ratat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: Damn it! Man, we just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: Bănuiesc că se îndreaptă spre mall. E un centru de evacuare acolo. Luați niște arme și vă conduc eu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: I reckon it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: Știu mallul ăla. E un centru de evacuare amplasat acolo. Luați niște arme și să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evacuation set up there. Grab weapons and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Nenorocita de păsărică agitată a plecat fără noi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Goddamn whirlybird left without us!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: Ei bine, părea să se fi îndreptat către mallul din cealaltă parte a orașului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: Well it looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Părea că păsărica agitată se îndrepta spre mallul din cealaltă parte a orașului. Și îi zic cum vreau eu, fandositule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Să mergem atunci." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Let's go then." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Haha! Așa e mai bine!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Haha! That's more like it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Da, ai dreptate." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Yeah, that's right." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Acum gătim cu benzină." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Now we're cookin' with gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Căutați cu toții prin camerele alea. S-ar putea să găsim niște chestii utile în unele din ele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be some useful shit in some of em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: În regulă, toată lumea să se calmeze! Elicopterul ăla pare că se îndreaptă spre centrul de evacuare de la mall." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: All right, everybody calm down! That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: Liftul ăsta încă funcționează!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: This elevator's still workin!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Slavă Domnului, ăsta încă funcționează." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Thank the Lord, this one's still workin." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea în lift!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Hey, everybody, in the elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Să mergem, apăsați butonul! Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Let's go, push the button! Push the button!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Am putea întâlni un comitet de primire când se deschid ușile astea. Pregătiți-vă…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Might be a welcomin' committee when these doors open. Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Încântat de cunoștință, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Pleased to meet you, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. Mă bucur să te cunosc, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Încântat de cunoștință, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Nice to meet you, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: Elicopterul ăla pare că se îndreaptă spre centrul de evacuare de la mall." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Prietenii îmi spun Ellis. Ție?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. How 'bout you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: Lumea îmi spune Ellis. Ție?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: People call me Ellis. You?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Lumea îmi spune Ellis. Am un atelier auto cu câțiva prieteni. Cântăm și într-o formație. Eu cânt la bas." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop with a couple of my buddies. We're also in a band. I play bass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Lumea îmi spune Ellis. Am un atelier auto pe aici. În loc de evacuare, am blindat un camion ca să plec cu el departe de aici. L-am proiectat să fie rezistent la zombi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop around here. Instead of evacuatin', I armored up a truck to drive myself out of here. Built that thing to be zombie proof." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Se pare că era doar 99% rezistent la zombi. Ultimul 1% a făcut PRAF camionul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Turns out it was only ninety-nine percent zombie proof. The last one percent tore that truck to SHIT." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: Nu mai spune. Bătăi și din alea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Huh. Dacă toată lumea pleacă, cine se mai uită la știri?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Huh. If everybody's evacuatin', who's watchin the news?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Prietenii îmi spun Ellis. Și am învățat să trag cu pistolul înainte să învăț să merg." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Prietenii îmi spun Ellis. Și am învățat să trag cu pistolul înainte să învăț să merg, Nick, cel în costum alb." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk, white suit Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Evident. Șefii sunt bătuți în cap. Numele meu e Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Figures. Bosses are shitheads. My name's Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: Fac pariu că elicopterul ăla se îndreaptă spre centrul de evacuare de la mall. Îl putem prinde încă dacă ne grăbim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: Așa e! Numele meu e Ellis și am trăit aici toată viața mea. Și sunt o grămadă de locuri aici care nu sunt dărăpănături." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: That's right! My name's Ellis, and I've lived here all my life. And there's tons of places here that ain't pieces of shit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Pe cine am pierdut?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Who'd we lose?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: Nu știu. Își spunea doar Coach (antrenor)." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: I dunno. He just called himself Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: Cred că era Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: I think it was Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Săraca fată." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Poor girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: Cred că era Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: I think it was Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: Îmi plăcea doar cum sună „Nick”." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: I just liked the sound of \"Nick.\"" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: Omule, n-am mai văzut pe nimeni murind. Animale de companie, da, dar nu-i același lucru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: Man, I ain't ever seen nobody die before. Pets, yeah, but that ain't the same." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: E prima oară când am văzut pe cineva murind." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: That's the first I'm I ever seen somebody die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Tipule, trebuie să ne păzim spatele unii altora. Numele meu e Ellis, ale voastre?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Dude, we gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: E în regulă, suntem bine. Stau aici în zonă și fac pariu că elicopterul ăla se îndreaptă către centrul de evacuare de la mall. Îl mai putem prinde, dacă ne grăbim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: It's okay, we're cool. I live around here, and I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: E ăla care vomită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: It's the barfin' one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: E zombiul grăsan care vomită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: It's the barfin' fat ass zombie!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Hei, fac pariu că se îndreaptă spre mall. E un centru de evacuare acolo. Luați niște arme și vă conduc eu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Hey, I bet it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: Știu mallul ăla. E un centru de evacuare amplasat acolo. Luați o armă și haideți să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evac center set up there. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hei, haideți odată! Nu rezolvăm nimic dacă ne certăm între noi. În orice caz, cred că arde clădirea. Poate că ar trebui să ne mișcăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hey, come on, now! Quarrelin' amongst ourselves ain't solvin' nothing. Anyway, I think the building's on fire. Maybe we should get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Părea că se îndreaptă spre mallul din partea cealaltă a orașului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Părea că păsărica agitată se îndrepta spre mallul din cealaltă parte a orașului. Și îi zic cum vreau, fandositule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Părea că păsărica agitată se îndrepta spre mallul din cealaltă parte a orașului. Și îi zic cum vreau, fandositule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Omule, Savannah e ca lumea. Haide, o să-ți arăt priveliștea în drum spre mall!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Man, Savannah's awesome. C'mon, I'll show you the sights on the way to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Crezi că ne-au văzut?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Do you think they saw us?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Da, o să se întoarcă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, they'll be back." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Hei, cred că mai e un centru de evacuare în mall." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, I think there's another evac station in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: A mai observat cineva că arde clădirea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: Anybody else noticed the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: A mai observat cineva că arde clădirea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: Anybody else noting the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: Poate că n-ați observat niciunul, dar clădirea asta e în flăcări." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: It may have escaped all y'all's notice, but this building is on fire." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Luați arme și haideți să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Weapons up and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: Ați face bine să luați o armă. Cred că veți avea nevoie de ele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: You best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Ați face bine să luați o armă. Cred că veți avea nevoie de ele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Hei, luați cu toții o armă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Hey everybody grab a weapon." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Luați cu toții câte o armă. E mai bine să aveți una și să n-aveți nevoie de ea decât să aveți NEVOIE de o armă și să n-o aveți." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Everybody grab a weapon. It's better to have one and not need it than NEED one and not have it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: A mai observat cineva că arde clădirea asta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: Did anyone else notice this building is on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, treaba asta e pur și simplu dată dracului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Ah hell, this is just messed up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: Nu mă duc înapoi jos neînarmat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: I ain't going back downstairs unarmed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: Nu știu ce e acolo jos, dar iau ceva în caz de orice." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: Don't know what's down there, but I'm grabbin' somethin' just in case." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Hei, ar trebui să luăm câte ceva fiecare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Hey, we should all grab something." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: Hei, toată lumea să ia câte ceva, cred că va trebui să omorâm ceva." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: hey, everybody grab somethin' I think we got some killin to do." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: Sfinte, zombii sunt adevărați. ȘTIAM EU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: Holy shit, zombies are real. I KNEW it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombii sunt ADEVĂRAȚI. Știam eu că filmele erau adevărate." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombies are REAL. I knew them movies were true." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Mă, zombi ăia sunt ADEVĂRAȚI. Știam eu că toate cărțile alea erau de nonficțiune." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Dude those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were non-fiction." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: La naiba, chestiile alea se mișcă REPEDE, omule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: Shit, them things move FAST, man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: Aia e ce cred eu că e?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: That what I think it is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Alea sunt ce cred eu că sunt?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Those what I think they are?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Bine, alea nu par să fie..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Okay, those don't look like..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Ăia nu seamănă cu vreun locuitor de-al Savanei pe care l-am văzut vreodată." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Those don't look like no Savannahites I ever seen." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: SFINTE SISOE!!! OMOARĂ-L!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT!!! KILL IT!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Uah - ăla e un zombi? Gen, un ZOMBI zombi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Whoa - is that a zombie? Like a, like a ZOMBIE zombie?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Da, asta îi omoară." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Yeah, this kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: Asta îi omoară." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: This kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să-i lovim în cap?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Hey, do we need to hit 'em in the head?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: Nu cred că tre' să-i lovim doar în cap." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: I don't think we need to hit 'em just in the head." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe... mor pur și simplu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Holy shit... they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: Ei bine, îi omoară gloanțele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: Well, bullets kill 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Ah, marfă, mor pur și simplu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Ah, cool, they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la toate X-urile astea, omule. Pare că New Orleans e singurul oraș rămas în picioare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: Check out all them X's, man. Looks like New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: Dacă harta asta e corectă, New Orleans e ultimul oraș rămas în picioare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: If this map's right, New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: Nu știu ce credeți voi, oameni buni, dar după ce m-am uitat la harta aia, nu m-ar deranja să mă îndrept spre, eu știu, New Orleans?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to, I dunno, New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: Nu știu ce credeți voi, oameni buni, dar după ce m-am uitat la harta aia, nu m-ar deranja să mă îndrept spre New Orleans." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to New Orleans." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: La naiba. Mai vrea cineva să meargă în New Orleans?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: Dang. Anybody else want to go to New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Sper că vă place New Orleans, pentru că acolo mergem dacă vrem să trăim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Hope you guys like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Sper că vă place New Orleans, pentru că acolo mergem dacă vrem să trăim." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Hope you folks like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Omule, n-am mai fost în New Orleans de-o veșnicie! Haideți, o să fie distractiv!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Man, I ain't been to New Orleans in a dog's age! Come on, it's gonna be fun!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Fir-ar! Drumul ăsta e blocat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: Trebuie să ocolim focul ăsta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: Focul se extinde!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: The fire's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: Focul se extinde, omule, se extinde!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: The fire's spreading, man, it's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: La naiba, liftul e stricat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: Goddamn elevator's out!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: Liftul ăsta e stricat, am face bine să găsim scările!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: This elevator's broke, we better find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Hei, tre' să găsim scările!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: He, he. Apocalipsa cu zombi nu e chiar așa rea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: Heh heh. Zombie apocalypse ain't all bad." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Oh, o să iubesc întotdeauna aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Oh, I'm always gonna love that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Haha. Sparg lucruri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Haha. Breakin' stuff!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Ca Rash!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Ca Rash!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: La naiba, n-am mai făcut niciodată asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: Shit, ain't ever done that before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Bam!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Bam!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Omule, întotdeauna am vrut să fac aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Man, I always wanted to do that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Aici afară pe margine!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Ieșiți la margine!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Get out to the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hei, aici afară pe margine!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hey, out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: N-am mai fost niciodată atât de bucuros să văd o armă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a gun." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Arme! Asta da mângâiere." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Guns! Now there's a sight for sore eyes." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Arme aici! Astea o să ne ajute să eliberăm o cale." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Guns here! This'll help clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Arme chiar aici! O să-mi eliberez o cale." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Guns right here! I'm gonna clear me a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: Știam eu că trebuie să fie arme pe undeva!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: I knew there had to be guns somewhere!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Căutați prin camerele astea, toată lumea. Ar putea fi ceva de folos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be something we can use." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: Nu mai spune! Bătăi și de-astea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Da? Cum ți se pare orașul nostru până acum?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Yeah? How you like our city so far?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: Da, ei bine, e în mod normal mult mai drăguț când nu avem zombi. Sunt Ellis, apropo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: Yeah, well it's normally a lot nicer when we don't have the zombies. I'm Ellis, by the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: Poți să-mi spui Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Sfinte! Ăsta e un fel de coșmar. A dracu' apocalipsă cu zombi. Fir-ar să fie. Ce naiba o să facem acum?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Holy shit! This is some kind of nightmare. Goddamn Zombie Apocalypse and shit. Shit, shit, shit. What in the hell are we going to do?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, numele meu e Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, my name is Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: Numele meu e Ellis, dar unii oameni îmi spun El. Chiar prefer Ellis fiindcă El sună a nume de fată. Dar dacă preferați să-mi spuneți El, puteți s-o faceți." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: Numele meu e Ellis, dar unii oameni îmi spun El. Chiar prefer Ellis fiindcă El sună a nume de fată. Dar dacă preferați să-mi spuneți El, puteți s-o faceți." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. Dar pe tine, barosane?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. How 'bout you, big man?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, omule, am pierdut pe cineva!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Ah shit man, we lost somebody!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: Am rămas doar noi doi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: It's just you and me!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: Ooh, știu un magazin de arme la care ne putem opri pe drum să luăm niște arme ADEVĂRATE." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: Ooh, I know a gun store we can stop at along the way. Get ourselves some REAL weapons." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: Este?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: He is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: Sunt?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: I am?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: Ne îndreptăm în direcția cea bună către mall." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: We're heading the right way to the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: Suntem pe calea cea bună." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Podul către mall e blocat, omule! Trebuie să găsim altă cale." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Bridge to the mall's blocked, man! We gotta find another way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Hei, haideți să încercăm ușa aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Hey, let's try that door." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: TREBUIE să trecem peste podul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hei, săriți pe camionul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hey, jump onto the truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Peste pubelă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: Mallul e CHIAR în față!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: The mall's JUST up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Bine, cred că ne apropiem de mall!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Okay, I think we're getting close to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Omule, locul ăsta e mai tăcut ca un cimitir." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Man, this place is quieter than a graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Sper că luăm decizia corectă îndreptându-ne spre mallul ăla..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Hope we're making the right call going to that mall..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Hei, recunosc asta! Magazinul de arme e chiar în față!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Hey, I recognize this! That gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: Cred că magazinul de arme e chiar în față!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: I think that gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: O să omor zombi cu arma asta, sau nu, cu asta, sau... fir-ar să fie omule, sunt o grămadă de opțiuni aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: I'm gonna kill zombies with this gun, or no, this one, or... shit man, there's a lot of choices in here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: Iau o armă. Ar trebui să lăsăm niște bani pentru astea?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: I'm grabbin a gun, should we leave some money for these?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: La naiba, Ro, auzi la tine! Zici că ești maică-mea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! You sound like my mama." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: La naiba, Ro, auzi la tine! Zici că ești maică-mea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! Kinda sound like my mom." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: Uită-te la tine, Ro! Te transformi într-o adevărată cunoscătoare a armelor de foc!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: Look at you, Ro! You're turnin' into a real firearms connoisseur!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Oh, ne place să păstrăm secretul față de voi, orășenii. Dacă e vreodată vreun scandal, e bine de știut că nu sunteți toți înarmați." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Oh, we like to keep that a secret from you big city types. If there's ever any trouble, it's nice to know y'all ain't armed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: Da, doamnă. Chiar e." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am. It truly is." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Mulțumim pentru arme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Thanks for the guns!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: Pot să înțeleg asta, omul are nevoie de ronțăielile lui. Doamne ce dubios e tipu' ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks. Man this guy's weird." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: Pot să înțeleg asta, omul are nevoie de ronțăielile lui." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: Deci îți aducem niște chestii de ronțăit și eliberezi calea? Mi pare corect." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: So we get you some snacks and you clear the way? Shit, that sound fair." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Cola pentru arme, cred că e inversul la ce m-au învățat în școală." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Cola for guns, I think this is like the reverse of what my school did." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Am priceput, da, o facem noi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Got it, yeah, we'll do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Da domnule, ne vom ajuta reciproc. Am priceput. Hei, îți datorăm ceva pentru arme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Yes sir, we will help you, you will help us. Got it. Hey, do we owe you anything for the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hei, luați cola aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hey, grab that cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: Am luat cola, să ne întoarcem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: În regulă, omule, am luat cola tipului! Să mergem! Să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: All right, man, I got that dudes cola! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Hei, am luat Cola!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Hey I got the cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Iau cola!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Grabbin' cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: A căzut bariera! Să ne cărăm de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: Barrier's down! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Uuuhuu! Uite-o cum se duce! Să ne cărăm de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Woohoo! There she goes! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Da, așa se eliberează un drum." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Now, that is how you clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: Dap. Asta ar trebui să meargă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: Yep. That oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: Presupun că nu avem de ales, omule. Bănuiesc că tre' s-o facem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: I guess we don't have any choice man. I guess we oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: Nu am vreo idee mai bună. Are vreunul dintre voi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: I don't have a better idea. Any of you guys?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Ei bine, cu excepția cazului în care aveți vreo idee mai bună vizavi de cum putem doborî o barieră, eu zic s-o facem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Well unless you guys got a better idea to get a barrier down, I say we do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Hei, uitați mallul! Am REUȘIT!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Hey, there's the mall! We MADE it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: N-am mai fost niciodată atât de fericit să văd un centru comercial!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a damn shopping center!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: Am reușit! CEDA ar face bine să fie în continuare aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: We made it! CEDA still better be here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: Jur pe Dumnezeu, CEDA ar face bine să fie la mallul ăla…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: I swear to god, CEDA better be at that mall…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDA ar face bine să fie prin zonă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDA better be around here somewhere." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Poate că evacuarea are loc în mall undeva mai în spate." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Maybe the evac's further in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Amin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Amin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Urcați pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Up this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Urcați pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Up that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Coborâți pe scara asta rulantă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Down this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Coborâți pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Down that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evacuarea e în direcția asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evac's this way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: Evacuarea e în direcția aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: Evac's that way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evacuarea e chiar în față!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evac's up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Fii atent, omule! Jimmy Gibbs Jr.!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Check it out, man! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Fii atent, omule! Ăla e Jimmy Gibbs Jr.!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Check it out, man! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: Umm, este cel mai bun pilot de mașini de serie din istorie, Nick. Dar bănuiesc că nu te interesează prea mult istoria." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: Ugh, only the best stock car racer who ever lived, Nick. Guess you don't read much history." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: Ăla de acolo, doamnelor și domnilor, este dl Jimmy Gibbs Jr.!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is Mr. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: Să fiu al dracului! Ăla e Jimmy Gibbs Jr.!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: I'll be damned! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: Doar e cel mai bun șofer de mașini de serie al tuturor timpurilor. Mai citește și tu o carte din când în când." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: Just the best stock car racer of all time. Try reading a book sometime." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Acum așteaptă. Ai făcut glume despre Savannah toată ziua și mi-am ținut gura. Dar nu-l jigni pe Jimmy Gibbs-junior. Omul ăla e mândria Georgiei.." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man is the pride of Georgia.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Acum așteaptă. Ai făcut glume despre Savannah toată ziua și mi-am ținut gura. Dar nu-l jigni pe Jimmy Gibbs-junior. Omul ăla e o legendă vie!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man's a living legend." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: Omul ăla e mândria Georgiei." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: That man is the pride of Georgia." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: Omul ăla e cea mai bună resursă naturală a Americii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: That man is America's greatest natural resource." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: Aș încasa un glonț pentru omul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: I would take a bullet for that man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: Dacă legile naturii ar permite-o, aș purta copiii omului ăluia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: If the laws of nature allowed it, I would bear that man's children." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: Omul ăla e un erou american." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: That man is an American hero." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: Ăla e Jimmy Gibbs-junior. Cel mai bun șofer care s-a urcat vreodată la volanul unei mașini de serie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. The greatest driver ever to climb into a stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Ah, căcat, l-am ratat! Apocalipsa asta începe să mă enerveze..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him! This apocalypse is startin' to piss me off.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: Ah, câcat, l-am ratat? Asta e ultima picătură - zombi ăștia tocmai și-au făcut un dușman." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him? That is the last straw-these zombies have just made an enemy." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Ah, căcat. Aș fi putut să fac o poză cu mașina de serie a lui Jimmy Gibbs? URĂSC apocalipsa asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Aw, hell. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? I HATE this apocalypse." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: La naiba. Puteam să fac o poză cu mașina de serie a lui Jimmy Gibbs." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: God damn it. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Fiți atenți cu toții! Jimmy Gibbs Jr.!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Check it, y'all! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs a primit votul meu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs got my vote." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: Am senzația că alarma asta n-o să treacă neobservată." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: I got a feelin' this alarm ain't gonna go unnoticed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă! O să sune alarma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Mergeți în continuare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Keep going!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: SUS, SUS! Mergeți în continuare în SUS!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: UP, UP! Keep goin' UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: Trebuie să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: We have to turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Cineva să oprească alarma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Somebody turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Cineva să oprească alarma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: Am oprit-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Am oprit-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: Urechile mele o să țiuie pentru totdeauna." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: My ears ain't never gonna stop ringing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Se pare că va trebui să ieșim singuri din oraș." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Looks like we'll have to get out of the city on our own." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Nu pare că vom fi salvați." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Doesn't look like we're getting rescued." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Arată ca un abator pe aici..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Looks like a slaughterhouse in here..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Omule, chestia asta... chestia asta e groaznică." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Man, this is... this is awful." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: Singurii oameni care ne vor salva vom fi noi înșine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: The only folks gonna save us is ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: Dacă vrem să scăpăm de aici, va trebui s-o facem noi înșine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna have to do it ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hei, chiar aici sus! Câțiva refugiați au construit un adăpost!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hey, right up here! Some of the refugees built a safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: De fapt, chiar mă gândeam..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: Actually, I been thinking..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: S-ar putea să am o idee." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: I might have an idea." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: Cred că am eu una." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: I think I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: Dacă aveți nevoie de idei, nu mai căutați fiindcă am eu una bună." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: If you're looking for ideas, look no further. Because I have a good one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Să mergem să găsim mașina de serie a lui Jimmy Gibbs. Băgăm niște benzină în ea și ne putem căra de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Let's go find Jimmy Gibbs's stock car. We get that thing gassed up, we can drive out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: Așa că mă gândeam. Mașina lui Jimmy Gibbs e pe aici pe undeva. Trebuie doar s-o găsim, să băgăm benzină în ea și o conduc singur până în New Orleans." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: So I been thinking. Jimmy Gibbs's stock car's around here somewhere. We just gotta find it, gas it up, and I'll drive that thing to New Orleans my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: Am o idee. Știți posterele alea pe care le tot vedem? Să facem poze cu mașina lui Jimmy Gibbs? Asta înseamnă că e AICI. Trebuie doar s-o șparlim și avem un vehicul de evacuare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: I've got an idea. You know them posters we been seein? Get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? That means it's HERE. We just need to appropriate it, and we got ourselves an escape vehicle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Ascultați. Vedeți posterul ăla! Scrie aici că poți să faci poze cu mașina lui Jimmy Gibbs. Tot ce tre' să facem e să o găsim, să băgăm benzină în ea și să ne cărăm de aici înșine!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Listen up. See that poster! Says here you can get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs stock car. All we gotta do is find it, gas it up, and drive out of here ourselves!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: Am o idee. Jimmy Gibbs Jr. n-o să se supere dacă îi împrumutăm mașina. E un om foarte generos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: I've got an idea. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind if we borrow his stock car. He's a very generous man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Da, da, da. Tot ce trebuie să facem e să o găsim, să băgăm benzină în ea și o să ma ocup să plecăm de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All we gotta do is find it and gas it up, and I'll drive us out of here my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Vă amintiți toate reclamele alea pe care le-am văzut când am intrat? Cred că mi-a venit o idee cum putem pune mâna pe o mașină." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Y'all remember those ads we saw on the way in? I think I got an idea how to get us some wheels." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: Ăla e Jimmy Gibbs Jr. și da. Îi găsim mașina și îi facem plinul? Voi conduce eu mașina ca să scăpăm de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr., and yes. We find his stock car, get it gassed up? I'll drive us out of here myself." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Doar dacă mă omoară cineva. Altfel ai face bine să mă omori, fiindcă EU conduc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Only if I get kilt. Otherwise you better kill me, cause I'M driving." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: Eu cred de fapt că omul care a venit cu ideea trebuie să conducă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: I actually think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: A fost ideea mea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: It was my idea!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: Cred că omul care a venit cu ideea trebuie să conducă mașina. Și ăla am fost, nu știu, EU." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: I think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car. And that was, I dunno, ME." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Acum ține minte: Ei nu fac plinul la expozițiile de mașini, așa că va trebui să găsim niște benzină." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Now remember: They don't fill up the tanks at car shows, so we'll have to find some gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: În regulă, fac pariu că rezervorul de benzină o să fie gol. Va trebui să facem plinul înainte să ne putem căra de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: All right, I'm bettin' the gas tank'll probably be empty. We'll have to gas it up before we can haul ass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Na, nu e prima oară când am încercat să obțin ceva mai mult de la o expoziție cu mașini. Se pare că lasă de obicei rezervoarele goale exact pentru ocazii ca astea. Va trebui să-i facem noi plinul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Now, this ain't the first time I've tried to peel out of a car show. Turns out they usually leave the tanks empty for just such an eventuality. We gonna have to gas it up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Oriunde ar fi, Coach - e mândru de tine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Wherever he is, Coach-he's proud of you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: La naiba. Nu m-am gândit niciodată la aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: Hell. I never thought of that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: Nu eu. Omul ăla e ca un tată pentru mine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: Not me. That man's like a father to me." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Țineți minte planul. Luați benzina, umpleți rezervoruil și haideți să ne cărăm de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Remember the plan. Grab gas, fill up the tank, and let's get out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: De îndată ce se deschid ușile astea... pregătiți-vă să fugiți." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: Soon as these doors open... get ready to run." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Fugiți! Fugiți! Fugiți! Găsiți niște benzină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Go! Go! Go! Find some gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Hei, uitați mașina! Luați o canistră de benzină și alimentați-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Hey there's the car! Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: Uitați-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Oh, omule! Uitați-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Oh Man! There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Hei, uitați mașina!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Hey, there's the car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Hai, haidehaidehaidehaidehaide..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Come comeoncomeoncomeon..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Te rog intră în rezervor, te rog, te rog, te rog..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Please get in the tank, please please please..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: Haide, grăbește-teeeee..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: C'mon, hurrrry up up up up up..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Omule, mă simt de parcă bag benzină în mașina regală." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Man I feel like I'm gassin' up royalty." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: Asta e... o mare onoare." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: This is... such an honor." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: Omule, nici în cele mai fantastice vise n-am crezut că o să bag benzină în mașina lui Jimmy Gibbs." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: Man, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be gassin' up Jimmy Gibbs's car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la automobilul ăla..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Would you look at that automobile..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: O să te conduc acușica, fetițo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: I'll be drivin' you REALLLL soon, girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: De abia aștept să ajung în spatele volanului tău, dragă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: I can't wait to get behind your wheel, darlin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Haideeee, haideeeee... faceți plinul aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn...Fill it up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Luați o canistră de benzină și faceți plinul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Găsiți o canistră de benzină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Găsiți o canistră de benzină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: Mă ocup eu de asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: I got this one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Să mergem! Să facem plinu' mașinii ăsteia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Să facem plinu' mașinii ăsteia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: Ne trebuie mai multă benzină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: We need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: Încă ne mai trebuie benzină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: We still need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Suntem la jumătatea drumului!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Halfway there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Aproape am ajuns!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Almost there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Hei, ne mai trebuie douăzeci, încă douăzeci!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Hey, we need twenty more, twenty more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: Ne mai trebuie încă zece!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: We still need ten more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: Ne mai trebuie încă cinci!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: We still need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: Ne mai trebuie încă cinci!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: we need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: În regulă, încă trei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: All right, just three more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Încă două!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Just two more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: Încă una și e de ajuns!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: One more can do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: Avem rezervorul plin, să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Să plecăm de aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Let's get outta here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Să mergem! Eu conduc! UUUU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Let's go! I'm driving! WOOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Toată lumea să intre în nenorocita de mașină!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Everybody get in the damn car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Intrați în mașină! Suntem pregătiți!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Get in the car! We're ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Haide, să MERGEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Come on, let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Uuuuuhuuuu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Woooohoooo!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Următoarea oprire: New Orleans!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Next stop: New Orleans!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Puneți-vă centurile, oameni buni! Am de gând să văd de ce E ÎN STARE mașina asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Buckle up, folks! I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs Junior, o să fac asta pentru tine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. I will do this for you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Hop-așa, oameni buni! Puneți-vă centurile, am de gând să văd de ce E ÎN STARE mașina asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Here we go folks! Buckle up, I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Îmi pare rău, oameni buni. Mașina asta e capabilă de miracole, dar nu poate să treacă peste treizeci de kilometri de mașini parcate. Cred că de aici mergem pe jos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. This car's capable of miracles, but it can't drive over twenty miles of parked cars. I think we're walkin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: La naiba. Uitați-vă la blocajul ăla! Puteam să și ajungem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: Goddamnit. Look at that logjam! We coulda made it, too!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hei, băieți, mă lăsați o clipă? Singur cu mașina? Eu doar... doar am niște lucruri pe care trebuie să le spun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hey guys, can I have a second? Alone with the car? I just... I got some things that need saying." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Oameni buni, pot să stau o clipă la mașină? Singur? Vreau doar să-mi iau la revedere." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Guys, can I have a second with the car? Alone? I-I just need to say goodbye." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: Ne-am distrat destul de bine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: We had a good time." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: Te voi iubi mereu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: I will always love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: Ești cea mai frumoasă chestie în care am stat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: You are the most beautiful thing I have ever sat between." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Omule. Asta a fost cea mai frumoasă zi din viața mea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Man. This was the best day of my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: Te iubesc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: I love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Mulțumesc. N-o puteam face fără tine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Thank you. We couldn't have done it without you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Îți mulțumesc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Ei bine, asta e. Haideți să nu complicăm lucrurile și mai mult." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Well, this is it. Let's not make it harder than it needs to be." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: Ei bine, nu așa am văzut lucrurile, dar îmi pare rău că tre' să te las aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: Well, this isn't the way I saw it, but I'm sorry I'm gonna have to leave you here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: V-aţi descurcat bine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: You did good." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: Nah, suntem izolați." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: Naw, we're stranded." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Scuze, oameni buni. Nu mă așteptam la asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. I didn't see this comin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Scuze, băieți. Se pare că nu a fost o idee genială în cele din urmă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. Guess it wasn't such a hot idea after all." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Reflectoarele. Ăla e primul semn de viață pe care l-am văzut în cei 160 de km." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Searchlights. That's the first sign of life we've seen in a hundred miles." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: Ar trebui să ne îndreptăm către reflectoarele alea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: We should head towards those searchlights." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: În josul pantei ăsteia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: Down this off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: În josul pantei ăleia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: Down that off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: Ăla de acolo ar trebui să fie parcul de distracții Whispering Oaks." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: That'd be Whispering Oaks Amusement Park, right there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: O să risc și o zic că parcul e în direcția aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say the park's that way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Da, uitați reflectoarele. Ne îndreptăm în direcția cea bună." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, there's the spotlights. We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Autostrada e blocată! Să scurtăm drumul prin motel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through the motel!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la săracii oameni. Tot ce voiau să facă era să înoate puțin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Look at those poor people. All they wanted to do was go for a swim." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Uitați-vă la săracii oameni de acolo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Look at all those poor people." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Căutați prin camere." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Verificați camerele! S-ar putea să fie ceva în ele!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Check the rooms! Might be crap in em!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, scuze omule. Voiam să-ți zic de faza aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Ooh, shit, sorry man. I was gonna tell you about that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Ai grijă pe unde calci. Râpa asta pare abruptă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Hey watch your footing. This gully looks steep." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: Dacă vrem să ajungem la fundul râpei ăsteia, trebuie să avem grijă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: If we're gonna get to the bottom of this gully, we gotta be careful." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! Am ajuns!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Scuze, oameni buni. Nu pot pot trece de un ambuteiaj." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. I can't drive over a traffic jam." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: Uitați reflectoarele. Dacă e curent electric, trebuie să fie oameni. Să verificăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: There's the searchlights. If there's electricity, there must be people. Let's check it out." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: Te sprijin în sensul ăla. Un spectacol pe cinste." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: I'll back you up on that. Hell of a show." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: I-am văzut în '07. În centrul primului rând. Mi-am pierdut sprâncenele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: I saw 'em in '07. Front row center. Lost my eyebrows." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hei, fii atent, omule! Ăia sunt The Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hey, check it out man! That's The Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [cântând] ...Tre' să ajung în vârf, să stau pe munteeeleee ălaaaa..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [Cântând] ...Orice domnișoară e nebună când tăticul ei nu-i prin preajmă..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Stay on That Mountain! Primul single de pe albumul lor Ten Past Midnight. Iubesc melodia aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Stay on That Mountain! First single off their Ten Past Midnight album. I love that song." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Every Lady's Crazy! N-a fost înregistrat niciodată, au cântat-o doar live. Îi știi pe Riders, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Every Lady's Crazy! Never been recorded, only played live. You know the Riders, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Uh, da, sunt destul de mare scofală, pe bune." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Uh, yeah, they're a pretty big deal, all right." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: Am auzit că atunci când cântă le poți vedea spectacolul din SPAȚIU." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: I heard when they play? You can see the show from SPACE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: Am auzit că trebuie să anuleze concertul dacă bate vântul, fiindcă orice oraș în pantă ar lua FOC." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: I heard they gotta cancel the concert if there's a breeze, cause any town downwind'll catch on FIRE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Omule, vă uitați la chestiile alea? Și nu sunt COZI! Îmi doresc să nu ne fi grăbit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Man, would you look at all these rides? And no LINES! Wish we weren't in such a hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: E ca și când am fi cumpărat parcul și am avea fiecare atracție pentru noi înșine! Ăla e al treilea lucru pe care l-aș fi făcut dacă aș fi câștigat la loterie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: It's like we bought the park and got every ride to ourselves! That's the third thing I was gonna do if I ever won the lottery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: Vreau să mă dau într-una! Doar una! Lăsați-mă doar să mă dau în „Stejarul Urlător” o dată. Omule, ne vom întoarce vreodată aici?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: I wanna ride one! Just one! Just lemme ride the Screaming Oak once. Man, when we ever gonna be here again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Omule, cum să nu-ți placă Alunelul? Îl iubesc pe micuțu' ăsta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Man, how can you not like Li'l Peanut? I love this little guy!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: Oameni buni, aveți probleme. Obișnuiam să am jucăriile lui când eram cât o alună. Aluna aia din pluș era cel mai bun prieten pe care îl poate avea un puști." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: You guys are jaded. I used to have his toys when I was bite-sized. That little stuffed peanut was the best friend a boy could have." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Ei bine, Coach? Plănuiesc să te las." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Well, Coach? I aim to let you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe, oameni buni! Lumea Copiilor!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe, oameni buni! E nenorocita de Lumea Copiilor!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! It's goddamned Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Fiți atenți! Lumea Copiilor!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Check it out! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: Mai fă multe glume despre înălțime și n-o să fac *eu*." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: You keep it up with the height jokes, and I won't." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: Ești un adevărat comediant, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: You're a real comedian, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Ha, ha, ha." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Ha ha ha." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: Ei bine, n-oi fi tu vreun mare comediant." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: Well, aren't you a real comedian." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Uuuu! Da!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Wooo! Yeah!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Opriți tâmpenia aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Turn that damn thing off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: E oprită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: E oprită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Toată lumea în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Everybody into the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Hei, e un adăpost în tunelul dragostei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Hey, there's a saferoom in the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: Nu e genul ăla de distracție, Nick. [șoptește] Aici te săruți cu prietena." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: Nu e genul ăla de distracție, Nick. [șoptește] Aici te săruți cu prietena." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Ce marfă arată apa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Cool looking water." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: În lebăda de întreținere a dragostei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: În tunelul de întreținere al iubirii!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Muniție incendiară a dragostei aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Katana dragostei aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Katana sword of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: În groapa asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: Down this hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: În groapa aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: Down that hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Prin gaura explodată a iubirii!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Through the blasted-out hole of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Au, OMULE! Un montagnes russes!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Aw, MAN! A roller coaster!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Ah, LA NAIBA, ăla e Plopul Urlător!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Aw, MAN, that's the Screamin' Oak!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Oh, marfă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Oh, cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Oh, Dumnezeule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Ohmigod!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Oh, Dumnezeule, e Crăciunul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Ohmigod, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Sfinte Sisoe, e Crăciunul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Holy shit, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Hei, tre' să eliberăm șinele astea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Hey, we need to clear these tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Haideți să eliberăm șinele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Let's clear the tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: Eliberez șinele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: I'm clearing the tracks" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: Chestia aia e extrem de tare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: That is so cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hey we gotta turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Cineva să oprească alarma aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: Alarma aia mă calcă pe nervi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: That alarm is getting on my nerves!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Urmați șinele!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Follow the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Urmați șinele în continuare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Keep followin' the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Bine, haideți, cât de tare e asta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Okay, come on, how cool is this?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Alarma e oprită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Alarm's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: E oprită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: OPRITĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: E oprită, mă auziți? E oprită!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: It's off, can you hear me? It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Printre mașinuțe!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Through the bumper cars!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: Cum ocolim gardul ăsta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: How do we get around this fence?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: Gardul ăsta ne blochează calea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: This fence is blocking our way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: La naiba, au închis poarta asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: Damn, they closed this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: Trebuie să deschidem poarta asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: We gotta open this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: Ne-au blocat afară!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: They locked us out!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: Suntem blocați!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: We're blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: Trebuie să pornim generatorul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: We need to power up this generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Hei, cum intrăm aici?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Hey, how do we get in here?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: Trebuie să intrăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: We need to get in." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: Trebuie să urcăm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: We gotta get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Să-l pornim!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Let's start it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Fă-o!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: Pornesc generatorul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: I'm starting the generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Generatorul pornește!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Generator starting!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: Îl pornesc eu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: I'm starting it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: Îl deschid eu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: I'm opening it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: Respir, nu-i așa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: I'm breathin', ain't I?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: M-am născut pregătit. Așa că... da." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: I was born ready. So... yes." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: E un elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: It's a helicopter!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: Un elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: A chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Intrați pe stadion!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Get into the stadium!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: Putem intra pe stadion pe aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Hei, trebuie să-i facem semn elicopterului ăluia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, we need to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: O să avem nevoie de ceva mare ca să-i facem semn elicopterului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: We're gonna need something big to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coach, nu vreau să fiu eu cel care-ți spune asta, dar nu cred că sunt AICI." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coach, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think they're actually HERE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coach, ești un om genial." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coach, you are a brilliant man." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: Întotdeauna am vrut să alerg către un elicopter în timpul unui solo de chitară. Exact ca într-un videoclip." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: I always wanted to run to a helicopter during a guitar solo. Just like in a music video." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: Și aia o să atragă atenția pilotului de elicopter! O să fie a PATRA oară când Midnight Riders mi-au salvat viața." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! This is gonna be like the FOURTH time the Midnight Riders have saved my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: Mă bag și eu. Haideți să-i dăm drumul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: I'm in. Let's rock and roll." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: Mă bag și eu. Arena asta e pe cale să fie zguduită." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: I'm in. This arena's about to get rocked." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: Trebuie să găsim scena!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: We need to find the stage!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Haideți să găsim scena." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Let's find the stage." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: Trebuie să pornim actul final." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: We need to start the finale." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Știe cineva cum se pornește actul final?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Anybody know how to start the finale?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: Cum ar trebui să pornească finalul ăsta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: How's this finale supposed to start?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: Un show Midnight Riders nu se concentrează pe MUZICĂ, Nick. Exploziile sunt elementul principal." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: A Midnight Riders show ain't about the MUSIC, Nick. It's about the explosions." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: Aia nu contează. N-am putut niciodată să ascult muzica din cauza artificiilor oricum." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: That don't matter. I could never hear the music over the pyrotechnics anyway." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: O grămadă de formații fac playback. Nu-i nimic în neregulă cu a-ți păstra corzile vocale pentru studio." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: Lots of bands lip sync. Ain't nothing wrong with saving your vocal cords for the studio." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Ooh, uite aici un casetofon pe care scrie „act final”!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Ooh, here's a tape deck marked Finale!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Crezi că butonul ăsta pe care scrie „final” o să facă ceva?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Do you think this button marked Finale will do anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: Când pornesc casetofonul ăsta, o să înceapă tot. Pregătiți-vă, oameni buni!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Bine, pregătesc actul final! Toată lumea să se pregătească!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Okay, cueing up the finale! Everybody get ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Bine, pregătesc actul final! Toată lumea pregătită?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Okay, I'm cueing up the finale! Everybody ready?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Pregătiți-vă de rock! Sunt pe cale să pornesc drăcia asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Get ready to rock! I'm about to start this baby." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Hit the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Lumini!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Dați mai tare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Turn it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Dați mai tare! Dați la MAXIM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Turn it up! Turn it WAYY UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: Iubesc melodia asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: I love this song!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: Asta e cea mai bună zi din viața mea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: This is the best day of my life!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: Suntem ca o echipă tehnică pentru Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: It's like we're roadies for the Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: Cântecul ăsta e GROZAV!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: This song is AWESOME!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Porniți artificiile!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Set off the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Lansați artificiile!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Launch the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Porniți reflectoarele intermitente!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Apăsați întrerupătorul!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Flip the switch!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Porniți luminile!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Turn on the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Pornește reflectoarele, puiule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Hit the spotlights, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Porniți reflectoarele!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Hit the flash pots!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Porniți reflectoarele intermitente!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: Mai mult, iubito, avem nevoie de mai mult!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: More, baby, we need more!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Tot așa! Țineți-o tot așa!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: Pilotul elicopterului tre' să vadă asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Dați-i drumu'!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Apăsați asta în continuare!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Keep hitting this!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Porniți-l încontinuu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Keep setting it off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Porniți totul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Hit everything!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: Tre' să forjăm chestia asta, iubito!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: We need crank this shit up, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: Ne-a văzut elicopterul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: The chopper saw us!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: Vine elicopterul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: The chopper's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: Vedeți? Muzica celor de la The Midnight Riders salvează vieți!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: See? The Midnight Riders' music saves lives!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Vă mulțumim, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Thank you, Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Îți mulțumim, Whispering Oaks și îți dorim noapte bună! Ai fost un PUBLIC SUPERB!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Thank you, Whispering Oaks and goodnight! You've been a GREAT AUDIENCE!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: Funcționează!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: It's working!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Omorâți tankul ăla ca să poată ateriza!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: Nu poate să aterizeze până nu omorâm tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: He can't land till we kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: N-o să aterizeze până nu moare tankul, omule. Omorâți tankul ăla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: HE ain't gonna land till the Tank is dead, man. Kill the Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Să mergem! Mergeți la elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Să mergem, băieți! Mergeți la elicopter!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Let's go, guys! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Pleacă elicopterul, să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Chopper's leaving, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Să mergem, să mergem! Elicopterul e aici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: EXACT ca un videoclip!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: JUST like a music video!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nick are un argument solid." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nick does have a point." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nick, ce naiba, ai împușcat pilotul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nick, what the hell, you shot the pilot!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: Adevărat. Adevărat. Era un zombi. Dar era, de asemenea, singurul pilot." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: True. True. He was a zombie. But he was also the only pilot." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: OOOH omule, aia a fost o treabă total aiurea. Nick, ești un om de acțiune!... Unde naiba suntem?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: OOOH man, that was some crazy shit. Nick, you are a man of action! ... Where the hell are we?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, văd indicatorul." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, I see the sign." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Bănuiesc că prăbușirea noastră a fost atât de ușoară fiindcă am aterizat în..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Guess our crash was so soft cause we landed in the..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Să înot cu aligatorii? Ei bine, nu mulțumesc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Swimming with gators? Why, no thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hei, oameni buni. Fiți sinceri. Mi se măresc mușchii?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hey, guys. Be honest. Are my muscles gettin' bigger?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: Știam eu. Toată alergătura asta și cățăratul pe diverse chestii mă umflă ca naiba." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: I knew it. All this runnin' around climbin' up on stuff's makin' me buff as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Așteptați, fără polițiști, fără reguli, poți trăi într-o casă în copac? Sună grozav, așa sună." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Wait, no cops, no rules, you get to live in a big tree house? Sounds badass is what it sounds like." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Mă întrebați pe mine? Oamenii ăștia ai mlaștinii s-au prins de tot, omule. Fără polițiști, fără reguli..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Y'all ask me? These swamp people got it all figured out, man. No cops, no rules..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: Au descoperit cum să nu mai meargă la baie? Asta e UIMITOR. Ooooh. Nu, stați, tocmai am priceput. Cât de scârbos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: They figured out how to stop going to the bathroom? That's AMAZING. Ohhhh. No, wait, I just got it. Shit, that's gross as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Uitați, rachete de semnalizare în sacul cu arme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Oh, there's flares in the gun bag." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: N-ați luat armele?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: You didn't grab the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: N-ați luat sacul cu arme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: You didn't grab the gun bag?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Cam toată lumea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Pretty much everybody." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Dar de ce nu le-ai luat TU?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Why didn't YOU grab 'em?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: Nu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Fără benzină." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Outta gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Se pare că va trebui să mergem pe jos până la locul ăsta, Ducatel." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Looks like we're gonna have to walk to this Ducatel place." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Hei, ar trebui să ne grăbim înainte să înceapă ploaia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Hey, we should hurry before it starts to rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: N-are sens să ne plângem de asta. Haideți să mergem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: No use whinin' about it. Let's get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Plouă? Las-o baltă, chiar plouă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Is it rainin? Never mind, it is." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Omule, chiar că începe să toarne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Man, it is really startin' to pour." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Ah, ce naiba? Plouă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Aw what the hell? It's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Ah, la naiba, plouă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Aw, shit, it's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Hei, putem face un efort și să ne mișcăm cu toții repede de-aici înainte să ne înecăm?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Hey can we make an effort to move fast here fore we all drown'd?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Fiți atenți la indicatoare. S-ar putea să ne întoarcem pe-aici în grabă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Watch for landmarks. We may be comin' through here in a hurry on the back." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Prin locul ăsta de joacă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Through this playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Prin locul ăla de joacă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Through that playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: Putem să scurtăm drumul prin talciocul ăsta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: La naiba. Aia chiar că e o epavă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: Damn. That's quite a wreck." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: La naiba, am scăpat de lucruri mult mai rele ca aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: Hell, I've walked away from a lot worse than that." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Da, o să se creponeze de-a dreptul curu' lucrurilor ălora în ploaie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Yeah, the ass end of those things'll get real squirrelly in the rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Sau dacă e vreun zombi vitezoman." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Or if there's a zombie ridin' hood." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Urmați luminile astea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Follow these lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Hei, îndreptați-vă spre garaj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, head for the garage!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: [citind] Duck-a-tell... Oh, Ducatel Sugar." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: Duck-a-tell... Oh, Ducatel Sugar." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: Uitați moara de zahăr!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: There's the sugar mill!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Hei, nu mai avem pe unde să mergem pe drumul ăsta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Hey, we ain't goin' no farther on this road." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Să trecem prin moară." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Let's head through the mill." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: Ploaia asta chiar că nu se lasă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: This rain sure ain't lettin' up." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Ceru-i negru ca smoala." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Sky's black as pitch." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: Ne așteaptă o furtună foarte nasoală." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: We are in for a nasty damn storm." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: La naiba, apa asta începe să se adune. Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: Man, this water's startin' to pool. Shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, da." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Oh hell yes." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Omule, n-am văzut niciodată atât de multe witch!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Man, that is the most Witches I ever saw!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: La naiba, o grămadă de witch." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: Holy shit that's a lotta Witches." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nick, ai mai văzut vreodată atâtea witch? Sfin-tee Sisoe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nick, you ever seen this many Witches? Ho-lee shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Omule, o să încep să plâng într-un minut." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna start cryin' in a minute." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Îndreptați-vă către siloz!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Head for the grain elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Urcați pe rampa aia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Up that ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Urcați pe rampa asta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Up this ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: În regulă!! Uitați benzinăria!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: All right! There's the gas station!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: Aia e o trestie de zahăr, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: That's sugar cane, Ro." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: E trestie de zahăr, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: It's sugar cane, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Prin câmpul de trestie!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Through the cane field!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: Putem lua liftul până jos în câmp." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: O să apese cineva butonul ăla al liftului?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: Somebody gonna hit that elevator button?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: LIFTUL E AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: TOATĂ LUMEA ÎNĂUNTRU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: EVERYBODY IN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: HEI, TOATĂ LUMEA SĂ INTRE ÎN LIFT!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: HEY EVERYBODY GET IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Apăsați iar butonul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Hit the button again!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ ÎN CONTINUARE! DOAR ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE INDICATOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE INDICATOR! ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE INDICATOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: HEAD FOR THE SIGN! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: MIȘCAȚI-VĂ ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: Scrie aici că e benzină înăuntru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: It says here the gas's inside." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Grozav. Haideți s-o luăm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Sweet. Let's go get it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: E benzină în adăpost!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: There's gas in the safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Închideți ușa și haideți să luăm benzina asta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: Am luat una." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Dap. Am luat una." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Yup. Got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: A luat toată lumea câte o canistră?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: Everybody got a can?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Să ne întoarcem la nenorocita de barcă!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Let's get back to the damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: Urăște canistrele alea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: Urăște canistrele alea! Urăște canistrele alea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: He hates those cans! He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Oh, la naiba, plouă cu găleata." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Oh shit, it's really stormin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: Mult mai rău de atât. Trebuie să ne cărăm de urgență aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: A lot worse'n this. We gotta haul ass outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: Ne apropiem, omule. Docul nu e foarte departe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: We're getting' close, man. The dock ain't much further." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Rămâneți sus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Stick to the high ground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Oh, îmi amintesc când am trecut de luminile astea de la intrare!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Oh, I remember passin' these lights on the way in!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: Putem urca pe acoperișuri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: We can climb across the roofs!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: Uitați lumina aia de verandă pe lângă care am trecut când am intrat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: Uitați camionul ăla făcut praf!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: There's that truck wreck!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: Uitați talciocul ală." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: There's that garage sale." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: Ne îndreptăm în direcția cea bună!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: Locul de joacă, da, da! Suntem aproape de doc!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: The playground, yeah, yeah! We're almost at the dock!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: Îmi amintesc că am văzut asta când am intrat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: I remember seein' this on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Cineva să aprindă semnul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Somebody turn the sign on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Sigur, aia ar putea să funcționeze." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Sure, that might work." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Da, dacă îl pornim, Virgil ar putea să-l vadă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Yeah, if we turn it on, Virgil might see it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: Sună ca un plan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: Sounds like a plan." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Hei și dacă aprindem semnul Burger Tank?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Hey, what if we turn on the Burger Tank sign?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Să aprindem firma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Let's light up the sign!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Semnul e pornit, puiule! Semnul e aprins!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Sign's on, baby! Sign is on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: S-A STINS SEMNUL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: SIGN'S OUT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: APRINDEȚI SEMNUL ĂLA DIN NOU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: GIT THAT SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: CINEVA SĂ APRINDĂ IAR SEMNUL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: SOMEBODY GIT THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: S-A ÎNTORS BARCAGIUL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: THE BOAT GUY'S BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HEI, HEI, UITAȚI BARCAGIUL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HEY, HEY, THERE'S THE BOAT GUY!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL E AICI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGIL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGIL!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGIL, CE SE ÎNTÂMPLĂ FRATE?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGIL, WHAT'S UP BROTHER?!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: FUGIȚI LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: TRECEȚI CU TOȚII ÎN BARCĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: Y'ALL GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGIL! VENIM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGIL! WE'RE COMIN'!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: Ne vedem mai încolo, Virgil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: See you later, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: Ne vedem, Virgil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: See ya, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Mersi, frate!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Thanks, brother!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Îți mulțumim, Virgil. Ești un om bun și ai o barcă dată naibii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Thank you, Virgil. You're a good man, and you got a helluva boat." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: Virgil ăla e un erou dat naibii dacă se întoarce acolo când suntem așa aproape. Să mergem la podul ăla... pentru Virgil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: That Virgil is a goddamn hero going back there when we are so close. Let's get to that bridge... for Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Avioane. Dacă se aud avioane înseamnă că sunt și oameni!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Jets. Jets mean people!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: Cal!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: Horse!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Hei, de îndată ce ușa asta de aici se deschide, FUGIȚI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Hey, as soon as this here door opens, RUN!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Să nu deschidem ușa asta până nu suntem gata" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Let's not open this door until we're ready" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: Toate alarmele mașinilor astea, e ca un puzzle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: All these alarm cars, it's like a puzzle!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Poate că ar trebui să nu ne folosim armele aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Maybe we ought not to use our guns here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: DE CE AI TRAS ÎN MAȘINĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: WHY'D YOU SHOOT THE CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: NU MAI TRAGEȚI ÎN MAȘINI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: STOP SHOOTING THE CARS!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: ÎN REGULĂ ȘI EU POT SĂ TRAG ÎN MAȘINI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: WELL ALL RIGHT, I CAN SHOOT A CAR TOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: EI BINE, UITE-AICI, O SĂ TRAG ȘI EU ÎNTR-O NENOROCITĂ DE MAȘINĂ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: WELL FINE THEN, THERE, I'LL SHOOT A DAMN CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: Uitați podul, tot ce tre' să facem e să..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: There's the bridge, all we gotta do is..." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Ei bine, presupun că nu mergem în direcția aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Well shit, guess we ain't goin' that way." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Uah! A fost marfă și tot tacâmul, dar la naiba!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Whoa! That was cool and all but shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: Presupun că o să vizităm cimitirul ăla, e destul de dubios." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna visit that graveyard, it's kinda spooky." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: Presupun că va trebui să vizităm cimitirul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna have to visit that graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Oh, omule, sper să nu vedem fantome." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Oh man, I hope we don't see no ghosts." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: Nu poți să tragi într-o fantomă, Nick. Adică, pe bune, e la mintea cocoșului." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: You can't shoot a ghost, Nick. I mean, shit, it ain't rocket science, man." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Uah!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: Ai nimerit aia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: They nailed that." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: După ce trag?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: What are they even aiming at?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: Trebuie să ne cărăm dracului de aici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: We need to get the hell out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: Tre' să nu ne vadă." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: They must not see us." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hei, clădirea asta se dărâmă cu totul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hey, this building is coming down!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Hei, Nick? Nu te pot auzi fiindcă sunt în avioane cu reacție." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, Nick? They can't hear you, because they're in jet planes." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: Eu nu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: I don't." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: Nu eu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: Not me." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Alo, cineva tre' să răspundă la radio." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Yo, somebody oughta pick up the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Luați radioul ăla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Grab that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Alo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Hello there!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Mă cheamă Ellis, dar pe dumneata?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Patru oameni cărora le-ar prinde bine niște ajutor, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Four people that could use some help sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: Ei bine, eu sunt Ellis. Îi am aici cu mine pe Rochelle, Coach și Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: Well shit, I'm Ellis. I got Rochelle here with me, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: Nu sunt bolnav." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: I ain't sick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: Mă simt destul de bine." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: I'm feelin' pretty good." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: Presupun, presupun că așa-i. La ce vă referiți?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: I guess, I think so. What do you mean?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: Ne-am bătut cu zombi, da." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: We fought zombies, yeah." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Ei bine, normal că ne-am bătut cu zombi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Well, hell yeah, we fought zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Da, m-am prins de atâta lucru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Yeah, figured as much." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: Dumnezeu să vă ajute, domnule!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: God be with you, too, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Vă mulțumim, domnule." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Thank you, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Bine, ne vedem în curând." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Okay, see ya soon." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Coborâți poarta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Lower the gate." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: La dreapta! La dreapta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: To the right! To the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hei, continuați la dreapta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hey, keep to the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: Uitați elicopterul!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: There's the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Elicopter e acolo jos!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Chopper down there!" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: De ce cari chestia aia?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: Why you carryin' that thing?" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Mersi, și mie îmi place." "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Thanks, I like it too." "Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: Poţi lua asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: You can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Am luat asta fix pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Got this just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Uite, poţi lua asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Here, you can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: Un mic cadou pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: A little something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: Am luat asta fix pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: I picked this up just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: O să ai nevoie de asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: You're gonna need this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Uite!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Here!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Ia asta!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Ia asta!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Have this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Uite, folosește asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Here, use this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: Ai nevoie de asta, ia asta!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: You need this, take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Uite, îţi dau asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Here, I'm giving this to you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Așteaptă, am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Wait, I have something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: OPREȘTE-TE, ia asta." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: STOP, take this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Poți să te oprești o clipă? Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Can you stop for a sec? I got something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey, uh, tu! Am ceva pentru tine." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey, uh, you! I got something for you." "Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: În regulă, sunteţi pregătiţi?" "[english]Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: All right, you guys ready?" "Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Gata?" "[english]Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Ready?" "Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi pentru treaba asta?" "[english]Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Ready for this?" "Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Înapoi înapoi înapoi!" "[english]Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Back back back!" "Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Haideți mișcați-vă, întoarceți-vă." "[english]Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Come on, move, move back." "Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Înapoi! Înapoi!" "[english]Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Back it up! Back it up!" "Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Să ne retragem!" "[english]Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Let's back it up!" "Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Înapoi." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Back up." "Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Dați-vă înapoi." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Move back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Întoarceţi-vă." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Get back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Întoarceţi-vă, întoarceţi-vă." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Get back, get back." "Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Trageţi în el! Trageţi în el!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Daţi-i foc!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Bine, dați-i foc!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Okay, set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Dați-i foc!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Light it up!" "Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Trageţi fără să vă opriţi!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Don't stop shooting!" "Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Omorâţi-l! Omorâţi-l!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Kill it! Kill it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Ciuruiţi chestia aia." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: OK, ciuruiți chestia aia." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: Okay, shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_Blank" " " "[english]Producer_Blank" " " "Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: La naiba, tocmai am spălat asta!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: Damn it, I just washed this!" "Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Oh, Doamne!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Oh God!" "Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: *Aaah uh! Iisuse! Iiuuu... uh!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: Ahhh ugh! Jesus! Eww ugh!" "Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Oh bleh, fir-ar!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Oh bleh, shit!" "Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Oh, ugh! Oh, nu iar!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Oh, ugh! Oh, not again!" "Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Cineva. Oricine. Toată lumea. Ajutor!!!!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Somebody. Anybody. Everybody. Help!!!!" "Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hei! Hei! Mi-ar prinde bine niște ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey! I could use some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hei! Am nevoie de niște ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hey! I need some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: E cineva acolo?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Mă poate auzi cineva?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Can anyone hear me?" "Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: Am nevoie de niște ajutor pe aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: I need some help in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Hei, oameni buni! Nu mă lăsați în urmă!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Hey guys! Don't leave me behind!" "Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Nu mă lăsaţi aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Don't leave me in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Ajutor! Scoateţi-mă de aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Help! Get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Ajutor! Ajutor! Ajutor scoateţi-mă de aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Help! Help! Help get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Hei! E cineva acolo?!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Hey! Anybody out there?!" "Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: Trebuie să ies de aici!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: I need to get out of here!" "Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: M-A PRINS un smoker!!!" "[english]Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Ajutor! M-a prins un smoker!" "[english]Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Help! Smoker has me!" "Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Închide ușa." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Close the door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Putem închide ușa aia?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Can we close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Închide ușa aia, te-ai născut într-un... oh da, chiar te-ai născut într-un hambar, scuze, gafa mea." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Close that door, were you born in a... oh yeah you were, Sorry, my bad." "Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Să închidem ușa aia." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Let's close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Vrea cineva să închidă ușa aia?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Someone want to close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Bine, acum închideți ușa!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Okay, well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Ei bine, închideți ușa acum!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să închidem ușa aia." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: We should close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să închidem ușa." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: We oughta close the door." "Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [Tușește de la fum]" "[english]Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [Coughing from smoke]" "Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Opriţi-vă oameni buni, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Stop guys, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Acoperiţi-mă, o să mă bandajez." "[english]Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Cover me, I'm going to patch myself up." "Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Aveţi grijă o clipă, trebuie să mă vindec." "[english]Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Watch out for a second, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Acoperiţi-mă vă rog." "[english]Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Cover me please." "Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Mă vindec! Acoperiţi-mă!" "[english]Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Healing! Cover me!" "Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: Vrea vreunul din voi, domnii mei, să mă acopere în timp ce mă vindec?" "[english]Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: One of you fine gentlemen want to cover me while I heal?" "Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Mă poate acoperi cineva? Trebuie să folosesc trusa asta." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Can someone cover me? I have to use this kit." "Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: Sper că fac bine asta." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: I hope I'm doing this right." "Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: Cu norocul meu, doar o să înrăutăţesc situaţia." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: With my luck, I'm just going to make it worse." "Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Țipăt de moarte]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: OK, OK, oh, Doamne, asta a fost o GREȘEALĂ!" "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, oh god, this was a MISTAKE!" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: N-am nici cea mai vagă idee de ce credeam că o să meargă mai bine așa." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: I have no idea why I thought this would go better." "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Ei bine, se pare că ești ultimul bărbat de pe Pământ." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Well shit, guess you are the last man on earth." "Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: Ce faceți? FUGIȚI!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: What are you doing? GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: Haideți, haideți, să ne mișcăm!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: Haideți, haideți, să ne mișcăm!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: Ei bine, daţi-i drumu'!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: Well, go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Fugiţi fugiţi fugiţi!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Go go go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Fugiţi!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: FUGIȚI!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: N-avem timp să ne oprim, fugiţi." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: No time to stop, go." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Mergeţi în continuare." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Keep moving." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Mergeţi în continuare." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Keep going." "Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hei, haideți, pe aici!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hey, c'mon, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Haideţi, pe aici!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Come on, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: Pe aici!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Urmaţi-mă pe aici." "[english]Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Follow me this way." "Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: După mine." "[english]Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: Follow me." "Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: Ăla ar face bine să fi fost un accident!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: That better have been an accident!" "Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Încearcă să tragi în nenorociții de zombi!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Try shooting some damn zombies!" "Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: OK, ai mari probleme cu arma aia!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: Okay, you have some serious issues with that gun!" "Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Ți-ai ieșit din minți?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Have you lost your mind?" "Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Oh, nu, n-ai tras în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't just shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hey!" "Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Nu mai trageţi în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: Ce naiba faci?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: What the hell are you doing?" "Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Au! HEI!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Ow! HEY!" "Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: Ce se întâmplă de tragi în mine?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: What is up with you shooting me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Ai grijă!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Watch it!" "Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Hei, hei, hei, hei, pe bune?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Hey, hey, hey, hey, seriously?" "Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Ai grijă unde tragi!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Watch where you're shooting!" "Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: ÎNCETEAZĂ!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: STOP IT!" "Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Oh Iisuse, m-ai împușcat!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus, you shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Cineva a tras în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Somebody shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Tu ai tras în mine?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Did you shoot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Cine naiba tocmai m-a împușcat?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Who in the hell just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Nu mai trageţi în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: NU TRAGE ÎN MINE!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: DO NOT SHOOT ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: NU MAI TRAGEȚI ÎN MINE!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Cine naiba m-a împușcat?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Who in the hell shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: Nu putem trage unii în alţii!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: We cannot be shooting each other!" "Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Nu mă face s-o iau razna cu tine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Don't make me get ugly with you!" "Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Cine te crezi de tragi în mine?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Who do you think you are, shootin' me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: OK, nu-mi vine să cred că tocmai ai tras în mine?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: Okay, I can not believe that you just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Hei! Cum te-o fi chemând. Nu trage în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Hey! What's your name. Don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Tipule, nu mă împușca!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Dude, don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Hei - tu în costum, NU MAI TRAGE ÎN MINE!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Hey - in the suit, STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Nici dacă ai fi ultimul bărbat de pe Pământ." "[english]Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Not if you were the last man on earth." "Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Oh, Doamne, sper că nu sunt ultima femeie de pe Pământ." "[english]Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Oh god, I hope I'm not the last woman on earth." "Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Spune-mi sincer doctore, o să supravieţuiesc?!?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Give it to me straight, doc, am I going to make it?!?" "Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Uh, da, da, sunt bine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: Cred că sunt bine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: I think I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Se pare că mă simt bine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Guess I feel all right." "Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Nu-ți face griji pentru mine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Don't worry about me." "Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: Sunt bine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: E de rău?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: Habar n-am, ridică-mă în picioare." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: I don't know, get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Oh la naiba, habar n-am." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I don't know." "Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: Ei bine cum arăt?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: Well, how do I look?" "Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: E de rău?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: Sunt un pic cam șifonată." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: I'm a little bit of a mess." "Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: Doar fac mișto." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: I'm just playing possum." "Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: Asta-i bună, nah, asta-i bună. Sunt bine." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: This is great, nah, this is great. I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Bla, bla, bla, doar ridică-mă, te rog." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Blah blah blah, just please get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Îmi stă bine părul?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Does my hair look good?" "Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: Habar n-am." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: I have no idea." "Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: Nu știu, rău?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: I don't know, bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: Tu să-mi spui!" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: You tell me!" "Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Ce porcărie." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Shitty." "Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Lefteră." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Broke." "Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Bine, bănuiesc." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Okay I guess." "Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: Mi-a fost mai bine în trecut." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: I've been better." "Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: OK, asta a fost o greșeală." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: Okay, this was a mistake." "Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: OK, chestia asta doare pe bune." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: Okay, this seriously hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: OK, OK, aia a durut." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, that one hurt." "Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Fetiţo, ar fi trebuit să stai cu Jacob." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed with Jacob." "Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: Pe barba lui Zeus, asta doare!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: By the beard of Zeus this hurts!" "Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Fir-ar să fie, asta doare." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Son of a bee-sting. This hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Unde e dragostea? Mi-ar trebui niscaiva." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Where is the love? I can use some." "Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: Asta nu se întâmplă, asta nu se întâmplă. Asta nu se întâmplă." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening." "Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: A părut asta vreodată o idee bună?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: Did this ever seem like a good idea?" "Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: Pe cavalerii lui Columb, ce tare doare." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: Knights of Columbus, this hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: Sunt prea tânără să mă simt atât de bătrână." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: I am too young to feel this old." "Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: Asta nu merge bine." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: This is not going well." "Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: Vrea vreunul dintre voi, băieţi, s-o care pe fata drăguţă?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: One of you fellas want to carry the cute girl?" "Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: Cred că m-am lovit destul de tare." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: I think I really hurt something." "Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Se mai simte cineva ca dracu' acum?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Anyone else feel like crap right now?" "Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: E o situaţie destul de dezastruoasă cea în care ne-am băgat." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: E o situaţie destul de dezastruoasă cea în care ne-am băgat." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: Nu am luptat prin toată nenorocirea asta ca să mor acum." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: I haven't fought through all of this to die now." "Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Trebuie ceva care să ne deschidă calea." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Something's got to break our way." "Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: Deci așa o să fie." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: So this is how it's going to be." "Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Mă mișc cât de repede pot." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Movin' as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Scuze oameni buni, nu pot merge mai repede de atât." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Sorry, guys, I can't go any faster." "Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Merg cât de repede pot." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Going as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Fetiţo, trebuia să fi stat acasă." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed at home." "Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: Îţi baţi joc de mine." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: You have got to be kidding me." "Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: Am un plan, haideți să omorâm toţi zombii. Sună bine?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: I got a plan, let's kill all the zombies. Sound good?" "Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Știrea serii, Rochelle n-o să supraviețuiască." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Tonight's top story, Rochelle isn't going to make it." "Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: Dacă se întreabă cineva, sunt pe cale să mor!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hei, oameni buni, spre deosebire de Ellis, eu nu mă plâng în general, dar sunt pe cale să mor." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hey guys, unlike Ellis, I'm not a complainer, but I'm about to die." "Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: Sunt prea tânără și prea frumoasă ca să mor." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: I am too young and too beautiful to die." "Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: Trebuie să găsesc niște bandaje." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: I need to find some health." "Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: În caz că se întreabă cineva, sunt pe cale să mor!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Ahhhh! Ce e prostia asta?" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Ahhhh! What is this shit?" "Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Ieșiți din flegma asta." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Get out of this goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Ieșiți din flegmă." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Get out of the goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: La naiba ce doare chestia asta." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: Damn this stuff hurts." "Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Au! Mișcați-vă!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Ow! Move!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Oh, Iisuse, zombiul ăsta scuipă un rahat care arde!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Oh Jesus, this zombie spits burning shit!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: ACID!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: BURNING SHIT!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Nu călcați în rahatul ăsta!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Don't step in this shit!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: M-a prins un charger!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: Charger's got me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: Chestia asta mă zdrobește!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: This thing's crushing me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: Îmi sparge curu'!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' my ass beat!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Împușcați-l! Împușcați-l!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: Tre' să împușcați chestia asta!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: You gotta shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Trageţi în el! Trageţi în el! Trageţi în chestia asta!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Nu-l pocni, trage!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Don't bash, shoot!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: Mă omoară! Trageţi în el!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: It's killing me! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: Nu mă joc cu chestia asta, AJUTOR!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: I ain't playin' with this thing, HELP!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: LUAȚI CHESTIA ASTA DE PE MINE!!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF ME!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: NU POT SĂ VĂD! CHESTIA ASTA E PE MINE!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: I CAN'T SEE! THIS THING IS ON ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: AJUTOR!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: HELP!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: LUAȚI CHESTIA ASTA DE PE CAPUL MEU!!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF MY HEAD!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: AGH! DĂ-MI DRUMUL! DĂ-MI DRUMUL! DĂ-MI DRUMUL!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: AGH! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: DĂ-MI DRUMUL! DĂ-MI DRUMUL! DĂ-MI DRUMUL!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: E PE FAȚA MEA!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: OH! E PE, E PE FAȚA MEA!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: OH! IT'S, IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Sfinte Sisoe, chestia aia îl călărește!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Holy shit, that thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: Chestia aia îl călărește!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: That thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: M-A PRINS UN SMOKER!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: Nu!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: No!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: Nu, Nu..." "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: No, No..." "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: NU, NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: NO, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: nu, Nu, Nu, NU!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: No, No, No, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: Ce naiba?!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: What the hell?!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: M-a luat ceva!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: Something grabbed me!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: Mă trage ceva!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' pulled!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: O, la naiba! Ce naiba se întâmplă?!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: Oh shit! What the hell is going on?!" "Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Arunc o bombă artizanală." "[english]Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Arunc un Molotov." "[english]Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Throwing a Molotov." "Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: MOLOTOV ÎN AER!" "[english]Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: BOMBĂ ARTIZANALĂ ÎN AER!" "[english]Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: VINE FOCUL!" "[english]Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: FIRE COMING!" "Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: GRENADĂ!" "[english]Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: La naiba, tre' să nu te mai fâţâi ca să te pot vindeca." "[english]Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: Shit, you gotta quit moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Nu te mai agita și lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Quit fussing and let me heal you." "Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Stai pe loc sau o să greșesc treaba asta." "[english]Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Stand still or I am going to mess this up." "Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Nu te mai agita și lasă-mă să te vindec." "[english]Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Stop moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Trage în continuare, te pot vindeca." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Keep shooting, I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Stai pe loc băiete, te vindec." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Stand still, boy, healing you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: Te vindec eu! Nu te opri din tras." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: I'll heal you! Don't stop shooting." "Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Stai pe loc!" "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Hold on!" "Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: Te vindec eu." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: I'm healing you." "Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Cu grijă, aud un boomer." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Careful, I can hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer în zonă." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer's around." "Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Cu grijă, aud un boomer." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, e un charger în zonă." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: Aud un charger." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: I hear a Charger." "Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, un charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, e un charger în apropiere." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: Aaah, CĂCAT! TANK!!!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: Ahhh SHIT TANK!!!" "Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: TANK! Dați-i foc!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: TANK! Light it up!" "Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: Aud un hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Cu grijă, e un hunter în zonă." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Careful, a Hunter's around." "Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Uah, un hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Oaohhh, Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: E un hunter pe acolo pe undeva." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: There's a Hunter out there." "Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: E un hunter în preajmă, să nu sară pe voi." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: A Hunter's around, don't get pounced." "Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: Aud un hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: Aud un jockey." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: La naiba, aud un jockey." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: Aud una din chestiile alea micuţe." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those little things." "Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Un jockey în preajmă." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Jockey around." "Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Ummm, oh, aud unul din ăia, cum le zice? Jockey?" "[english]Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Uh oh, I hear one of those, what do you call it? A Jockey?" "Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: E un smoker pe aici pe undeva." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: There's a Smoker around here." "Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, un smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: Aud un smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: I hear a Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: O Doamne, nu încă un smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: Oh Lord, not another Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, un smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: De acord cu Coach, urăsc smokerii." "[english]Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: I'm with Coach, I hate those Smokers." "Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: Aia nu sună bine." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: That doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: OK, aia nu sună bine." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: Okay, that doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: Nu-mi place cum sună aia." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: I don't like the sound of that." "Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: Oh ce naiba e aia!?" "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: Oh what the hell is that!?" "Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: Au fost raportate chestii mult mai rele decât zombii." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: There were reports of stuff worse than zombies." "Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: Auziţi aia? Unele din chestiile astea au suferit mutaţii." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: You hear that? Some of these things mutated." "Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Spitter în zonă." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: Aud una din chestiile alea. Spitter!" "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those Spitter things." "Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Spitter în zonă." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: Aud ceva. Spitter!" "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: Aud una din chestiile alea care scuipă." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: I hear one of those spitting things." "Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: SFINTE SISOE! CE NAIBA E AIA??!!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT! WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT??!!" "Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: TREBUIE SĂ NE BATEM CU CHESTIA AIA!!?" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: WE GOTTA FIGHT THAT THING?!!?" "Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: TRAGEȚI ÎN EL! TRAGEȚI ÎN EL!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: SHOOT IT SHOOT IT!!" "Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: Par a fi plânsete de witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: That sounds like a Witch." "Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: Aud plânsete de witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: I hear a Witch crying." "Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: O să-i dau acelei witch motive să plângă." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: I'm gonna give that Witch something to cry about." "Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Ascultați, witch!" "[english]Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Listen up, a Witch!" "Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: Nu pare fericită." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: She doesn't sound happy." "Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: Ce naiba e cu plânsetele alea?" "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: What the hell's with that crying?" "Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: Ar trebui s-o ocolim pe cât posibil." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: We should steer clear of her." "Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Coach fi drăguț. Witch. Îi zicem witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Coach, be nice. Witch. We call her a Witch." "Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, să mă ajute cineva!!!" "[english]Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone help me!!!" "Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: La naiba, am nevoie de puțin ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: Damn, I need some help!" "Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Oooh, am nevoie de puțin ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Ohhh I need some help!" "Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Ajutaţi-mă!" "[english]Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Help me!" "Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Domnilor, îmi trebuie niște ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Gentlemen, I need some help!" "Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Haideți oameni buni, am nevoie de niște ajutor!" "[english]Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Come on, guys, I need some help!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Un hunter l-a prins pe Coach!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Coach!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter pe Coach!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Coach!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Un hunter l-a prins pe Ellis!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter pe Ellis!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Ellis!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Un hunter l-a prins pe Nick!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Nick!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter pe Nick!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter's on Nick!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Luați hunterul de pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: L-a prins un hunter!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: Hunter's got him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Luați hunterul de pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: Chestia aia e pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: That thing's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Ia chestia aia de pe el!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Get that thing off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: L-a luat chestia aia!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: That thing has got him!" "Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Uuu - haha, ne descurcăm de minune!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Woo - haha, we are kickin' it!" "Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: Chiar facem asta!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: We're really doing this!" "Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: Am fost cei mai tari." "[english]Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: We kicked some ass." "Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: Suntem de minune, clar suntem. Uhuu!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: We kick ass, yes we did. Woo!" "Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: În regulă, petrecerea asta s-a terminat." "[english]Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: All right, this party is over." "Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Uhuu! O să supraviețuim!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Woo! We are going to make it!" "Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Suntem în regulă!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Shit, we're all right!" "Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Uhuu - ne descurcăm chiar bine." "[english]Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Woo - we are doing all right." "Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: OK. Putem face asta, putem face asta." "[english]Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: Okay. We can do this, we can do this." "Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Oh da, oh da, oh da." "[english]Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah." "Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Oh da, oh da!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Oh yeah, oh yeah!" "Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Mulţumită vouă, sunt cea mai tare femeie în viaţă!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Thanks to you guys, I am the baddest woman alive!" "Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Haideţi grăbiţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Come on hurry up!" "Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: Haideți, grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: C'mon, get the lead out!" "Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Vrei să te grăbești?" "[english]Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Would you hurry up?" "Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: Haide, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: C'mon, let's go!" "Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: Sunt aici." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: I'm here." "Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: Sunt cu tine." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: Sunt cu tine." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: Îţi acopăr spatele." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Da băiete, îţi acopăr spatele." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Yeah, boy, I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: Sunt aici. Să mergem." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: I'm here. Let's go." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: Sunt la pământ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Băieţi, sunt la pâmânt!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Boys, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: La naiba, sunt la pământ." "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: Shit, I'm down." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ah, sunt la pământ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ah, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: Vin!" "[english]Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: They're coming!" "Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Get ready!" "Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Uite-i că vin!" "[english]Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Here they come!" "Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ah, e pe bune acum!" "[english]Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ah, it's on now!" "Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Vremea distracţiei!" "[english]Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Party time!" "Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: E timpul să spargem niște dinți." "[english]Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: Time to kick some ass." "Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Vin!" "[english]Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: Cam asta e!" "[english]Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: This is it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Am priceput!" "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Am rezolvat." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Taken care of." "Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: Ăla a fost al meu." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: That was mine." "Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Mort." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Dead." "Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: I-am luat." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: I-am luat." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: L-am lovit." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: Kicked it." "Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: L-am distrus." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: Kicked its ass." "Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, aia am fost eu." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, that was me." "Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Stingeţi-vă lanternele." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Turn your flashlight off." "Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Toată lumea, stingeţi luminile." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Everyone, lights out." "Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Stingeţi-vă lanternele." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Kill your light." "Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Stingeţi luminile." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Lights off." "Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Luminile stinse!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Lights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Stingeţi lanternele!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Flashlights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Stingeți lumina aia și ACUM faceți liniște." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Turn off that light, quiet NOW." "Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Râde]" "[english]Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Sigur, tu conduci." "[english]Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Sure, you lead." "Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Sigur, călăuzește-ne." "[english]Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Sure, lead on." "Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Condu-ne." "[english]Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: În regulă, te voi urmări." "[english]Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: All right, I'll follow you." "Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Mergi mai departe, eu o să ţin pasul." "[english]Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Mergi mai departe, eu o să ţin pasul." "[english]Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: Sunt chiar în spatele tău." "[english]Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Condu-ne." "[english]Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: OK, mergi în față." "[english]Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: 'Kay, go ahead." "Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: NU AȘA VREAU SĂ MOR - AJUTOR!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE - HELP!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: SUNT CHIAR AICI!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: I'M OVER HERE!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: O SĂ CAD!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: I'M ABOUT TO FALL!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: CAD!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: I'm FALLING!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: AJUTĂ-MĂ SĂ MĂ RIDIC! " "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: HELP ME UP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: AJUTOOOOOOOOR!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Băieți, eu nu știu cât mai rezist!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Guys, I can't hang on much longer." "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Nici măcar să nu vă gândiți să mă lăsați aici!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: Nu rezist aici toată ziua!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: I can't hang on here all day!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, cineva să mă ridice!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone needs to pull me up!" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Uah!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Uah!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Uah, uah, uah!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Whoa Whoa Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: Atâta timp cât sunt eu tipa cea mai mișto de pe bordura asta... aș vrea să nu fi fost. Vreau să zic aici pe bordură." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: While I am the best looking girl hanging on this ledge... I wish I wasn't. Hanging on a ledge I mean." "Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: Mi-ar trebui o mână de ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: I could use a hand here!" "Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Mă poate ajuta cineva?" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Can someone help me?" "Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: O domnișoară are necazuri aici." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: Damsel in distress over here." "Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: HEY! Am... ăă... cam alunecat!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: HEY! I uh... kinda slipped!" "Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: Nu sta ca prostul acolo! Ajută-mă să mă ridic." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: You look like a fool hanging there, let me help you up." "Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Rezistă! Nu te las să cazi!" "[english]Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Hang on, boy, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Fii fără griji. Nu te las baltă!" "[english]Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Don't worry. No way I'm going to leave you hanging." "Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Stai cu mine, dragă, nu te las să cazi!" "[english]Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Hang on, baby, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Da, ăă, ți s-a părut că ar fi o idee bună? Stai să te ajut!" "[english]Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Yeah, uh, did this seem like a good idea to you at sometime? Let me help you up." "Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Aici!" "[english]Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Aici!" "[english]Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă acolo!" "[english]Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă aici!" "[english]Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Look over here!" "Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă la asta!" "[english]Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Look at this." "Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă la asta!" "[english]Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Uah, uitați-vă la chestia asta!" "[english]Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Whoa, check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Uitaţi-vă aici!" "[english]Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Look here." "Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Aveţi grijă!" "[english]Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Look out!" "Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Fii atent!" "[english]Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Watch out!" "Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Capetele sus!" "[english]Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Heads up!" "Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Aloooo?" "[english]Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Aloooo?" "[english]Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: E cineva acolo?" "[english]Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Mă puteţi auzi?" "[english]Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Can you guys here me?" "Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Unde e toată lumea?" "[english]Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Where is everyone?" "Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Putem pleca?" "[english]Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Can we get going?" "Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: E timpul s-o luăm din loc!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: Time to get going." "Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Haideţi, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go!" "Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: Trebuie să plecăm!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: We need to get going." "Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Hai să mergem!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Let's go." "Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Băi, grăsane!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hei, Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Băi, grăsane!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Băi, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hei, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hei, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hei, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hei, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hei, barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Barosanule!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: Grăsane, ai o inimă de aur!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: You're a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: Știi, e ok. Ai o inimă de aur, grăsane!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: It's okay, ya know? You got a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Băi, țestoasă!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Hey, Cooter!" "Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Băiete!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Boy!" "Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Băi, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Yo, Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hei, Iii-haa!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hey, Hee-Haw!" "Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Costum!" "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Stilatule!" "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hei, chipeșule!" "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hei, chipeșule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Costum!" "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Costum!" "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Stilatule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hei, stilatule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hey, fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hei, chipeșule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hei, chipeșule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hei, chipeșule." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Tinerețe!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Băiete!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Tipule!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Băi, tipule!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hei, băiatu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hei, băiatu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Hei, băiatu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hei, tinerelu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hey, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hei, tipule!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hei, băiatu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hei, băiatu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Hei, tinerelu'!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Tipule!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hei, costum!" "[english]Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "[english]Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hei, Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hey, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Hei, Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Yo, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hei, costum!" "[english]Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "[english]Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: Mă cheamă Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: Poţi să-mi spui Ro." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: Mă cheamă Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: Poţi să-mi spui Ro." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Îmi zice Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Îmi zice Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Dap!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Yeah!" "Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Dă-i bătaie!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Salut!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: Ești bine." "[english]Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: You're all right!" "Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Of, ține-ți gura!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Oh shut up." "Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: Ba nu!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't." "Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: Ai luat foc!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: You're on fire." "Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: Ce tare a fost!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: That was cool." "Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: Supertare, dă-i bătaie!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: All right, kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: Azi ești înflăcărat!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: You are on fire today." "Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hei, bună treabă!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hey, nice job." "Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Oh, ba bine că nu!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Oh, Hell yeah." "Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Bună treabă!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Nice work." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: Ești tata lor Ellis, Ești tata lor." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you are the man." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: Ești tata lor Ellis, Ești tata lor." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you're the man." "Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Bine tras." "[english]Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Nice shot." "Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Mișto." "[english]Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Grozavă lovitură!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Great shot!" "Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Bine tras." "[english]Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Nice shot!" "Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Frumos!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Good one!" "Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Bine tras, Coach." "[english]Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Coach." "Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Bine tras, iii-haaa!" "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Hee-Haw." "Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Uau, Ellis le-a dat clasă!" "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Wow, Ellis got 'er done." "Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Oh nu." "[english]Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Oh no." "Producer_No02" "Rochelle: Eu zic că nu!" "[english]Producer_No02" "Rochelle: I don't think so." "Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Ăh, nu." "[english]Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Uh, no." "Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Hai mai lasă-mă!" "[english]Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Hai mai lasă-mă!" "[english]Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Măi, în niciun caz!" "[english]Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Boy, no way." "Producer_No07" "Rochelle: NU!" "[english]Producer_No07" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Pe bune, nu." "[english]Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Seriously, no." "Producer_No09" "Rochelle: Nu, nu, nu, nu." "[english]Producer_No09" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no." "Producer_No10" "Rochelle: Nu, nu, nu, nu." "[english]Producer_No10" "Rochelle: No, no, no no." "Producer_No11" "Rochelle: Nu mersi." "[english]Producer_No11" "Rochelle: No thank you." "Producer_No12" "Rochelle: Nu." "[english]Producer_No12" "Rochelle: No." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ohhhhh." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ohhhhh." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Oh da." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Oh yeah." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Încep să mă simt bine." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Now I'm feelin' right!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Oh, da, așa se face!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Uhuu! Suntem mult mai bine!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Whoo! All better now!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: Așa mai merge." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: That's better!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Da, asta o să ajute." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Yeah, that'll help." "Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ahhh. Ooohh." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ahhh. Ooohh." "Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Oh da." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Mult mai bine!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Better!" "Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Nuuuu uu uuu ohhhhh." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Nooooo oo ooo ohhhhh." "Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: La dracu..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: Damnn..." "Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Of, e de rău..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Oh this is bad..." "Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Oh, căcat!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Oh shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Doamne, ce nenorocire!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Sweet Jesus!" "Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: Toți morții și răniții!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: Sweet Lincoln's mullet!" "Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Maica Domnului!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Mother of Mercy." "Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: Păi, asta e de rahat!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: Well, this just sucks." "Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Zdrang!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Blarg!" "Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Ar putea măcar un singur lucru să meargă naibii bine?!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Can just one goddamn thing go right?" "Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: E foarte rău de noi!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Sfinte Sisoie!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Holy shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: E al dracului de rău de noi!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Ar putea fi mai rău de atât? Nu cred!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Could this really get any worse? I don't think so." "Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: N-avem timp pentru asemenea prostii!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: We do not have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: N-avem timp pentru asemenea prostii!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: We don't have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Morţii mă-sii!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Goddamnit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Mai e ceva care ar putea merge prost?" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Can just one more goddamn thing go wrong?" "Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Argghh!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Argghh!" "Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Iisuse Hristoase!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Jesus Christ!" "Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Încarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Încarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: I'm Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Așteaptă, reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Wait, reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: I'm reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: Nu sunt asistentă medicală, dar arăți ca dracu. Mai cazi odată și până aici ți-a fost!" "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: I'm no nurse, but you look pretty messed up. Go down again and that's it." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: M-ai speriat în ultimul hal! Credeam că te-ai dus. Mai cazi odată și chiar te duci!" "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: You scared the shit out of me. Thought that was it for you. One more time down and it will be." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Știi ce e asta? Era în tine adineaori. Mai cazi odată și chiar nu mai contează." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Do you know what that is? I think it used to be inside you. Go down again and it won't matter." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: Mă sperii! Mai cazi odată și atât ți-a fost!" "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: You're scaring the shit out of me. You go down one more time and that's it for you." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: Eu te ridic, dar trebuie să te facem bine, altfel nu reziști." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: I'm going to get you on your feet, but we need to get you fixed up or you aren't going to make it." "Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: Stai departe de locul ăsta. Așa nu rămâi în viață." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: You gotta stop ending up down here. This is no way to stay alive." "Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: Ce dracu ai făcut acum? Ridică-te!." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: What in the hell have you gone and done now? Get up." "Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Te rog ridică-te. O să te descurci. Haide!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Oh please, get up, you are going to be fine, come on come on." "Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: Barosanul ăla din cer nu e gata să te ia încă. Hai ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: The big guy upstairs isn't ready to take you yet. Let's get you on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: Trebuie să te ţii bine. Mai avem nevoie de tine!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: You're gonna have to suck it up. We need you for a little bit longer." "Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Dragă, nu te pot lăsa acolo. Sus cu tine!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Ah baby, can't have you down there, let me help you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: N-avem timp, trebuie să ne mișcăm. Hai să te punem pe picioare!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: No time for this now, we have to keep moving. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Nu mai poţi sta acolo. Hai în picioare!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Can't stay down there forever. Let me get you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: Era să cred că ai gânduri sinucigașe. În picioare!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: If I didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to kill yourself. Get up now!" "Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: O să fii bine. Hai ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Let's get you back up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: Ce cauţi acolo? Hai, în picioare!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: What's up with you down there? Come on, let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: Ce dracu? Adică... hai că arăţi bine. Ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: OH MAN! I mean, uh, I mean you look fine. Don't worry. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Hai că navem timp de nani-nani!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Come on now, we don't have time for all this laying around." "Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: Vii sau te pui să faci somnic? Hai odată!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: You coming or you just gonna lay there all day? Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: Ești bine?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: You okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: Cum te simţi?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: How are you feeling?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Mai reziști?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: Cât e de rău?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: How bad is it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: Care-i faza?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Îți poți mișca picioarele?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Can you move your legs?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Te-ai odihnit?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Are you done laying around now?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Gata să te trezești?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Ready to get up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: Ce-a fost asta?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: Care e problema ta?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: So what is wrong with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Mai poţi?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: Hai că mai poţi!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: Oh come on. You can make it." "Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Nu poţi strânge din buci?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Can't you suck it up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Doare la fel de urât precum arată?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Does it hurt as bad as it looks?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: Ce-i cu tine?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: What's up with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Plângi?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Are you crying?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: În regulă, ești bine?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: All right, you cool?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: Ești bine?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: You good?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Lasă ca o să te faci bine." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Ah, you going to be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: O să fii bine?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: You going to be okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: Ce faci acolo jos?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: What ya doin' down there?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Înviorarea!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Can you man up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: Păi hai să mergem." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: Well let's go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: În picioare și pe ei!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: Up and at 'em." "Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Hai ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Come on get up." "Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Hopa sus." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Up we go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: Vezi, ești bine." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: See you're fine." "Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Hai că arăţi bine." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Yeah, you look fine now." "Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: N-ai de ce să-ţi faci griji." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: Nothing to worry about." "Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: Mi-am făcut griji." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: You had me worried there." "Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: Hai, nu te putem pierde." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: Come on, we can't lose you." "Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Oh, știam că te descurci." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Oh, I knew you'd be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: Sănătate deplină." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: The picture of health." "Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Ca nou." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Good as new." "Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: Ești bine, ești bine." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: You're good, you're good." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Hai, hai, RIDICĂ-ȚI FUNDUL!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, GET YOUR ASS UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: În picioare! ACUM!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: Get up, NOW!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Uite, noi ar trebui să mergem. Hai!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Look, we have to get going, come on." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Să fiu al naibii dacă te car. SUS CU TINE!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Hell if I am carrying you, GET UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: La naiba. Te rog, ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: Oh shit! Just get up, get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Hai! HAI! ÎN PICIOARE!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Come on! Come on! On your feet!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Ridică-te! Ridică-te! Ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Ridică-te! Ridică-te! Ridică-te!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Adăpost în faţă!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Safe house ahead." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Adăpost aici." "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Safe house up here." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Adăpost pe aici!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: Văd un adăpost pe aici!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: I see a safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Adăpost tot înainte!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Safe house up ahead!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Oh, un adăpost in față!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Oh, a safe house up ahead!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: Care-i faza?" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Alo!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Alo!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hei." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hey." "Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hei, sunt aici." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hei, sunt aici." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: Sunt aici!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hei, sunt aici." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: Sunt aici!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: Suntem aici." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: Suntem aici." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: AH! Prinde-l..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: AGH! GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Ah!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: DĂ-L JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Ah!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: DĂ-L JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: DĂ-TE JOS! DĂ-TE JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: DĂ-TE JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: AHH, PRINDE-L..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: AHH, GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: Prinde-l... DĂ-TE JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: GET IT... GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: DĂ-TE JOS! DĂ-TE JOS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: JOS DE PE MINE! JOS DE PE MINE!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" "Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Scuze." "[english]Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: Nu poţi da vina pe mine." "[english]Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: You can blame that one on me." "Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Scuze pentru aia." "[english]Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Sorry about that." "Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: OK, aia a fost o greșeală." "[english]Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: Okay that was a mistake." "Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Scuze." "[english]Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Vinovată, scuze!" "[english]Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Guilty, sorry!" "Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Oh scuză-mă." "[english]Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Oh I'm sorry." "Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Scuze!" "[english]Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Muniţie!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Ammo!" "Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Muniţie aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Muniţie aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Muniţie aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Muniţie!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Ammunition!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Trusă de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Trusă de prim ajutor!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: First Aid here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Prim ajutor!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: First Aid!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Aici e o trusă de prim ajutor." "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: There's a First Aid Kit here." "Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: Truse de prim ajutor!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: Truse de prim ajutor aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: Avem truse de prim ajutor!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: We got First Aid Kits!" "Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Bombă artizanală aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: Aici e o bombă artizanală." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: There's a pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Bombă artizanală." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb." "Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Pastiluţe pentru mine." "[english]Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Pills for me." "Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Pastile aici." "[english]Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Pastile aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Pastile!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Pills!" "Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Arme aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Arme aici!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: BUN! Avem arme!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: All right weapons!" "Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: Aici avem arme!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: We have guns here!" "Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Staţi pe-aproape!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Stay close!" "Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Hai să stăm grupaţi." "[english]Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Let's try to stay together." "Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Staţi grupaţi." "[english]Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Stay together everyone." "Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Grupaţi!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Grupaţi!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Mișcați-vă înăuntru." "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Get your asses inside." "Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: Ce dracu căutaţi acolo? Haideţi înăuntru!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: What in the hell are you doing out there? Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Haideţi înăuntru!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Toată lumea înăuntru!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Everyone inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Toată lumea aici!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Everyone, in here!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Înăuntru! Avem haleală pe moca!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Get inside! Free hamhocks and chitlins in here!" "Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să te vindeci." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Vindecă-te!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să ne vindecăm!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Vindecaţi-vă dacă aveţi nevoie!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Vindecaţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să ne vindecăm." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Vindecaţi-vă dacă aveţi nevoie!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hey bătrâne, vindecă-te." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hey, old man, heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hei, Coach, ar trebui să folosești trusa aia." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach, you should use that health kit." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: E timpul să te vindeci, Coach." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: Time to heal up, Coach." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, dragă, vindecă-te." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, baby, time to heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellis, dragule, folosește trusa aia." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellis, honey, you should use your first aid." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellis, vindecă-te odată." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellis, come on heal up already." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nick, poate vrei să te vindeci." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să te vindeci dacă ai ocazia, Nick." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Nick." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nick, ar trebui să te vindeci acum." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nick. Vindecă-te!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nick. Healing time." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: O să-mi fie dor de tine, Coach." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: Gonna miss you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Coach era numele sau prenumele?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Do you think Coach was his first or last name?" "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Ne mai vedem Coach?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: La naiba, nici n-am apucat să ne cunoaștem, Coach." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: Damn, didn't even get to know you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, ce-ai făcut?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, what did you go and do?" "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, Ellis, Ellis...." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, Ellis, Ellis...." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Oh, Ellis, o să-mi lipsești." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, I am going to miss you." "Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Nu îmi rămâne decât să-mi iau rămas bun." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Not much to say my friend, goodbye." "Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: O să ne lipsești, micule mecanic." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Gonna miss our little mechanic." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Ah, Nick, măcar ești îmbrăcat de înmormântare." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Ahh, Nick, at least you are dressed for a funeral." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Pa, Nick, o să-mi lipsești." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Nick, going to miss you." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: Încerc eu carabina asta." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: I'll try this rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Iau eu carabina." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Taking the rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Carabina e a mea." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Rifle for me." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Iau eu pușca." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Taking the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Mă duc cu pușca." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Going with the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Pușca e a mea." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Shotgun for me." "Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Iau trusa de prim ajutor." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Grabbing first aid." "Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Trusă de prim ajutor!" "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit." "Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nu văd nicio trusă de prim ajutor aici." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nothing to see - no health kit here." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Întreabă-mă ceva, te provoc." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Axe me a question, I dare you." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Întreabă!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Axe!" "Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: Nu mă bârfiți în bucătărie." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: No one better make a crack about me in the kitchen." "Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: Asta o să meargă." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: This will work." "Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Tigaie!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Frying pan!" "Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Asta i-o dau în cap cuiva." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: Știu ce să fac cu asta." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Oh, da, să spargem niște capete." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Deah, așa mai merge." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Yeah, this is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: Oh, știu ce să fac cu asta." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: Oh, I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Oh, da, să spargem niște capete." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: Așa mai merge." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: This is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Asta i-o dau în cap cuiva." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Mama zicea să nu mă joc cu focul, și totuși..." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Momma told me not to play with fire, but..." "Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: Iau eu molotovul." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: I'm grabbing a Molotov." "Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Să dăm foc." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Fire time." "Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: Pastilele îmi trebuiesc mie." "[english]Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: I can use these pills." "Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: O să-ţi trebuiască astea." "[english]Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: We're going to need these." "Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: O să ai nevoie de astea. " "[english]Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: We might need these. " "Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: Am niște pastile." "[english]Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: I got these pills." "Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Iau o bombă." "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Bombă artizanală!" "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb!" "Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Iau pistolul!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Grabbing the pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistol!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Pistoale." "[english]Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Double pistols." "Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Iau un pistol." "[english]Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pistol." "Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: Încerc eu pușca." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: I'll try this shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Pușcă." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: Iau eu pușca." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: I'll take the shotgun." "Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: Stau eu la pândă cu luneta." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: I'm going to try this scope out." "Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: O să stau la pândă cu arma cu lunetă." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: I'll snipe." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: O mitralieră." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: A machinegun." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: O iau eu pe asta." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: I'll take this one." "Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: O, Doamne, luați asta de pe mine!" "[english]Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus get this thing off me!" "Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Dați-l jos! Dați-l jos!" "[english]Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Get him off me! Get him off me!" "Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Omorâți-l! OMORÂȚI-L! OMORÂȚI-L! OMORÂȚI-L! DOAMNE, OMORÂȚI-L!!" "[english]Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! OH GOD KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Omoară-l! Omoară-l!" "[english]Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Nu vedeți că mă zdrobește?!" "[english]Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Can't you see he is crushing me?!" "Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Cine latră acum?" "[english]Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Who's barking now?" "Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: O, da, la naiba!" "[english]Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: Oh hell yes!" "Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: Ce-i cu asta?" "[english]Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Și cu dragostea cum rămâne?!" "[english]Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Where's the love, where's the love?!" "Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Da, sigur." "[english]Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Yeah right." "Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Da, uite așa. " "[english]Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Yeah, that's right. " "Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Las-o baltă." "[english]Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Forget about it." "Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Oooh, ține-ți gura!" "[english]Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Ohhh shut up!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Chiar credeai că e o idee bună?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Did you seriously think that was a good idea?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: Ce dracu ai în cap?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: What is going on inside that head of yours?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: Să-mi bag! Suntem în aceeași echipă!" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: JESUS! We are on the same team here!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: Ce dra..?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: What the?" "Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Cam așa." "[english]Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Thanks for that." "Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Hei, mersi!" "[english]Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Hey, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Mersi!" "[english]Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Thanks!" "Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Mersi, îţi rămân datoare." "[english]Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Thanks I owe you one." "Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Mersi." "[english]Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Thanks." "Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Ah, mersi!" "[english]Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Phew, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: Sincer, chiar apreciez." "[english]Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: I honestly appreciate it." "Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Mersi, frate." "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Thanks, my brother." "Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Mersi, Coach!" "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Thanks, Coach!" "Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Mersi, Ellis, cred că totuși te păstrez." "[english]Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Thanks, Ellis, I guess I will keep you." "Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Uită-te la tine, Nick, ai o INIMĂ DE AUR!" "[english]Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Look at you, Nick, you have a heart, A HEART OF GOLD!" "Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Vin ajutoarele, ţineţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Help is coming, hang on!" "Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Rezistaţi, acum vin!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Hold on, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: VIN!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: I'm on the way!" "Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Rezistă, vin!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: Vin!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Mai rezistă câteva secunde." "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Hang in there a few more seconds." "Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Uah, a fost cât pe ce!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: OK, asta a fost prea aproape." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: Okay, that was a little too close." "Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: E toată lumea aici? OH, DA, AM REUȘIT!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: Did we all make it, OH YES WE DID!" "Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Uah, a fost cât pe ce!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: Era cât pe ce." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: În carne și oase!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: Live and in the flesh!" "Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: Latră, dar nu mușcă!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: All bark, no bite!" "Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: Am scăpat cu toții, am scăpat, da." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: We made it uh huh. We made it oh yeah." "Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Așteaptă aici!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: OK, așteaptă aici!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: Okay, wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Hai să ne oprim." "[english]Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Let's stop." "Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Pauză." "[english]Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Break time." "Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: FIR-AR, UN GRĂSAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: OH SHIT, FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: GRĂSAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: GRĂSAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: GRĂSAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: OH, E UN GRĂSAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: OH, THERE'S A FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: BORÂTOR!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: BORÂTOR!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Ai grijă." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Be Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Cu grijă." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Aveţi grijă." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Careful, guys." "Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: UN CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: UN CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: UN CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: UNU DIN ĂLA CARE SARE!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE POUNCING THINGS!" "Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: GLUGĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: HOODIE!" "Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: CRETIN CU GLUGĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: HOODIE BASTARD!" "Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: SĂRITOR!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: JUMPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: SĂRITOR!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: LEAPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: Am citit despre aștia, se numesc hunteri." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: Saw a report on those things, they're called Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: Le zice hunter." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: They call them Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: N-am mai văzut unul din ăsta." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: Just never saw one before." "Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: Călăreţ!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: Călăreţ!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: LIMBĂ-LUNGĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: LIMBĂ-LUNGĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: UNUL DE ĂLA CARE FUMEAZĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: UNUL DE ĂLA CARE FUMEAZĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: LIMBĂ-LUNGĂ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: LINGĂU!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: UNUL VERDE!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: GÂTOSUL!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: CRAZY NECK!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: UNUL VERDE!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Se apropie!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: PE EIIII!!!!!!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: Goooooo!!!!!!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Atenție! Flegmă!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Atenție! Flegmă!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Vine flegmaaa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Goooooo incoming!!!!!" "Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Chestia aia nu putea fi de partea noastră?" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Why can't that thing be on our side?" "Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: AIA CE DRACU MAI E?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!?!" "Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: DOAMNE ce mare e chestia aia!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: OH GODDAMN that things big!" "Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: RAHAT, AIA CE E?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!" "Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: Habar n-am, dar nu cred că are gânduri bune." "[english]Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: No idea, but I don't think it's friendly." "Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: Sunt în spatele nostru!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: They're behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: În spatele nostru!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: Behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Băieți, în spate!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Behind us guys!" "Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: Greșeala mea!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: La o parte!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: La o parte!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Ucide jigodia!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Ucide jigodia!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Împușc-o! Împușc-o!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Shoot her! Shoot her!" "Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: La dracu! E în spatele meu!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: Shit! She's on my ass!" "Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: Greșeala mea!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: My bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: Greșeala mea! Greșeala mea! Greșeala mea!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Ăăă, băieți. Witch asta se enervează." "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Ummm guys, that Witch is getting mad." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Cine o supără pe witch?" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Who's pissing off the Witch?" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Lăsați-o în pace pe witch!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Îndepărtați-vă de witch." "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Get away from the Witch." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Lăsați-o în pace pe witch!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_World01" "Rochelle: Acolo e podul. Sigur o să ne aștepte acolo?" "[english]Producer_World01" "Rochelle: There's the bridge You sure they're going to be there?" "Producer_World02" "Rochelle: Mă bucur doar că nu mai sunt în barcă." "[english]Producer_World02" "Rochelle: I'm just happy to be off the boat." "Producer_World03" "Rochelle: La norocul nostru ăla e probabil un pod-monstru." "[english]Producer_World03" "Rochelle: With our luck that is actually just a bridge monster." "Producer_World04" "Rochelle: Am ajuns. Crescent City. Vă zic de pe acum. N-o să-i arăt nimănui țâțele." "[english]Producer_World04" "Rochelle: We're here. Crescent City. I'll tell you now, I'm not showing anyone my tits." "Producer_World05" "Rochelle: A ce miroase?" "[english]Producer_World05" "Rochelle: What's that smell?" "Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Hai să încercăm prin parc." "[english]Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Let's try through the park." "Producer_World07" "Rochelle: Acolo e autostrada!" "[english]Producer_World07" "Rochelle: There's the freeway!" "Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Se pare că direcţionau oamenii pe aici." "[english]Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Looks like they were routing people through here." "Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Știe cineva cum se face un uragan? Un zombi?" "[english]Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Does anyone know how to make a hurricane? A zombie?" "Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Aici jos." "[english]Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_World11" "Rochelle: Băuturile lor. Pe bune." "[english]Producer_World11" "Rochelle: They're drinks! Seriously." "Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Pe aici." "[english]Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Through here." "Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Aici." "[english]Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Over here." "Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Aici sus." "[english]Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Up there." "Producer_World15" "Rochelle: Până atunci o să fie prea târziu, sunt sigură." "[english]Producer_World15" "Rochelle: By then it's too late, I've seen everything." "Producer_World16" "Rochelle: Ce drăguţ." "[english]Producer_World16" "Rochelle: That's sweet." "Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Eh, a fost frumos cât a ţinut." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Well, the ride was nice while it lasted." "Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: Cred că o să mergem pe jos." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: I guess we walk." "Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: N-am chef să merg pe jos până în New Orleans." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: I do not want to walk all the way to New Orleans." "Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: N-are sens să luăm o mașină." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: No sense grabbing a car." "Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: E blocat traficul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: Traffic's blocked." "Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Să-mi bag, au fost atacați în mașini." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Oh man... they were attacked in their cars." "Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Doamne, ce nașpa trebuie să fi fost într-un autocar din ăsta când a fost lovit." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Oh God, to be in one of these buses when this hit." "Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Aici jos!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hei, văd lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hey, I see lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Credeţi că zombii ne-au lăsat lumina aprinsă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Do you think the zombies left the lights on for us?" "Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: Glumeam, haideţi la lumină. Poate e cineva acolo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: I was joking. Let's head on to the lights. Maybe someone is there." "Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: Okay, putem urca pe lângă semnul ăsta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: Okay, we can get up here by this sign." "Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: Trebeui să găsim un drum prin hotelul ăsta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: We have to figure a way through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Prin hotelul ăsta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: Una dintre camere trebuie să se deschidă." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: One of these rooms must open up." "Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Căutaţi prin camere." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Prin camerele astea." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Through this room." "Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hei, folosiți fereastra." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hey, use the window." "Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Ăla e un parc de distracţii?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Is that an amusement park?" "Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellis, ai măcar înălțimea necesară să te dai în chestiile alea?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellis, are you even tall enough to go on the rides?" "Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: Nici nu mă gândesc să intru în vreo casă bântuită." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: I sure as hell ain't goin in no haunted house." "Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Uuuhuu! Țineți-vă bine!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Woohoo! Hang on!" "Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Vedeţi pe unde călcaţi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Watch your step!" "Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: Aporape că ne-am distrat de minune." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: That was almost fun." "Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Să urci dealul ăsta nu e la fel de amuzant ca atunci când de dai de-a dura până jos." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Climbing back up this hill is not near as much fun as sliding down." "Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: Acolo e parcul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: There's the park." "Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Hei, putem intra pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Hey, we can get in through here." "Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Se pare că aici au fost oameni." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Looks like people were here." "Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Poate mai e cineva pe aici?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Maybe someone is still here?" "Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Poate ăsta a fost un punct de evacuare?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Poate ăsta a fost un punct de evacuare și distracție?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac fun zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Să încercăm prin faţă." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Let's try the entrance." "Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Umm.. băieţi. Asta e toaleta femeilor." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Umm, guys, this is the lady's room." "Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellis, pun pariu că tu câștigai toți ursuleții pentru fete." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellis, I bet you won all the girls teddy bears." "Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: Nu suntem CEDA sau armata, deci mă gândesc că suntem bineveniți." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: Well, we aren't CEDA or the military, so I guess we're welcome." "Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: Când zic NU INTRAȚI, cred că se referă la altcineva." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: When they say stay out, I'm sure they mean someone else." "Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Credeţi că au pus semnul ăsta înainte sau după infecţie?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Do you think they put this sign up before or after the infection?" "Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Sper că nu-i deranjăm pe cei din mlaștină." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Hope the swamp people don't mind us visiting." "Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hm. Cât de prietenoși." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hm. Friendly bunch." "Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Hai să-i vizităm. Par de treabă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Let's visit, they seem nice." "Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Satul Earl's Gator? Lucrurile devin din ce în ce mai bune." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Earl's Gator Village? This just keeps getting better." "Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Hai, s-o tăiem prin rezervația cu aligatori și să ajungem la oamenii din mlaștină. Sună bine?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Yeah, let's just cut through the gator park and visit the crazy militants in the swamp. Sound good?" "Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: Doar întreb, asta sigur e calea cea mai bună?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: I'm just askin', but are we sure this is the best route?" "Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să căutăm prin case ceva provizii." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: We should search the houses for supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Ha, mlaștina e plina de insecte, cine ar fi crezut?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Huh, the swamp's buggy, who would have guessed that?" "Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Se pare că s-au dus în sat - mai adânc în mlaștină. Perfect." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Looks like they all headed to the village - deeper in the swamp. Great." "Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Da. Să încercăm prin sat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Right. We should try the village." "Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Activaţi feribotul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Activate the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: OK, să ne pregătim să chemăm feribotul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's get ready and then call the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: Chem feribotul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: I'm calling the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Vine feribotul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Ferry's coming." "Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Aproape că a ajuns!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Ferry's almost here!" "Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: OK, urcați în feribot!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Toată lumea în feribot!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Everyone on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Să ne dăm cu feribotul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Time to ride the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Ridicăm ancora!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Shoving off!" "Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Toată lumea, urcaţi în feribot!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Urcaţi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Toată lumea, urcaţi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: Ok, urcaţi în feribot." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: All right, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Îmbarcarea!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Everyone on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: OK, îmbarcarea! Ne dăm cu barca!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the boat! Time to ride the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: Și, ăă... Voi știți ceva despre mlaștini?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: So, umm... Do you guys know anything about the swamps?" "Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: Și ce credeți ca o să ne ucidă? Zombi, crocodili, șerpi, gângănii sau oamenii mlaștinilor?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: So what do you think is going to kill us? Zombies, gators, snakes, bugs or the swamp people?" "Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Da, am uitat de asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Yeah, I forgot about that." "Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: Ce? Fermieri de sânge? Ce tot naiba spui acolo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: What? Blood farmers? Boy, what in the hell are you talking about?" "Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Scuze că am deschis subiectul..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Sorry I asked..." "Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellis, tatuajul tău înseamnă ceva?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellis, does your tattoo mean anything?" "Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: Ai avut o premoniţie când l-ai făcut." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: You had real foresight to get that tattooed." "Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: Dacă cineva ar putea supraviețui aici, atunci sigur ar fi oameni care trăiesc astfel." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: Well if anyone could survive this, it would be people who live like this." "Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: Le dădeau găini?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: They fed them chickens?" "Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Nick, care crezi că sunt șansele ca oamenii mlaștinilor să mai fie în viață?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Nick, what do you think the odds are that the swamp people are still alive?" "Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Nu zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Not zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Cam ai dreptate." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Sound about right." "Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Are cineva spray de ţânţari?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Does anyone have any bug spray?" "Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: Trebuie să găsim râul principal." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: We have to find the main river." "Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: OK, rămâneți pe cărare." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: Okay, stay on the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: După cum arată aleea asta, nu cred că au avocați pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: From the looks of this walkway, they don't have trial lawyers down here." "Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Cu multă grijă, pare să fie periculos." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Careful this doesn't look safe." "Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Ne ducem prin stânga sau dreapta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Înainte sau la dreapta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Should we go right or straight?" "Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Știe cineva pe unde s-o luăm?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Does anyone know which way we should go?" "Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: S-o luăm prin stânga sau dreapta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Hei, Ellis, uite o cadă. Ai mai văzut așa ceva?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, that's a bathtub. You ever seen one before?" "Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: Mi se pare corect." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Întoarce-te pe drum!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Get back on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: La naiba! S-a prăbușit drumul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: Shit! The walkway collapsed." "Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Urcați pe scară!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Let's get up the ladder!" "Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Haideți, sus pe drum!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Come on, up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Treceţi pe drum!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Get on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: O putem lua prin dreapta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: We can go to the right." "Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: Sunt niște scânduri aici jos." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: They have planks down over here." "Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: Ne-am blocat!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: We're blocked!" "Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: La ţeava de scurgere!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: To the drainage pipe!" "Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Adăpost în șanțul de scurgere!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Safehouse in the drainage ditch!" "Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: Văd o lumină!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: Un semn de bun augur - au curent." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: That's an encouraging sign, they have power." "Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hei, văd o lumină!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hey, I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: La naiba, ăștia chiar sunt oamenii mlaștinii!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: Holy shit, there really are mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă la noroioși!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Watch out for the mudders!" "Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Noroioși!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Noroioși!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: M-am săturat de mocirla asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: I am sick to death of this mud!" "Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: OK, gata cu noroiul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: Okay, enough with the mud already." "Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Uhh... nu putem să ocolim. Hai să ne udăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Uhh... no way around it. Time to get wet." "Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: Chiar m-am săturat de noroi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: I am really sick of the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: Cred că aici s-a scurs ţeava de scurgere..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: I guess this is where the drain pipe drained..." "Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: OK, e înfricoșător." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: Okay, this is creepy." "Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: Aici e uscat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: It's dry over here." "Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: O pirogă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: A pirogue?" "Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: Te-ai prins, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: You got me Ellis." "Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: Peste copacul asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: Over this tree." "Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hei, Ellis, nu-ți aduce aminte de casă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, does this remind you of home?" "Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: La naiba, un avion căzut!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: Holy shit, a downed plane!" "Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombii au dat lovitura în timpul zborului, presupun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombies hit mid-flight I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: Pe bune, singura cale înainte este prin ușa de urgență." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: You are kidding me, the only way forward is through an emergency door." "Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: Întotdeauna am vrut să fac asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: I've always wanted to do this." "Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Credeți că o să se activeze toboganele?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Do you think the slides will activate?" "Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: OK, deschid ușa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: Okay, I'm opening the door!" "Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: OK, pregătiți-vă. Odată ce deschidem ușa o să sune alarma!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, once we open the door this alarm will sound!" "Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Deschideți ușa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Singura cale e pe ușa asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Only way is through this door." "Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Ce dracu, de ce nu? Deschide ușa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Screw it, why not, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: Hai, deschide ușa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: What the hell, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: M-am săturat de mlaștină." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: I am sick of the swamp." "Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: N-o să mi se usuce niciodată picioarele." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: Oh, my feet are never gonna dry." "Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Ce bine că port cizme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Good thing I'm wearing boots." "Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Civilizație! Oh, așteaptă..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Civilization! Oh wait..." "Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: În comparație cu locul ăsta, Cleveland arată bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: This place makes Cleveland look nice." "Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Aici chiar au locuit oameni?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Did people really live here?" "Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Pământ uscat înainte!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Dry land ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hei, lumini în față!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hey, lights ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: Pe aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Satul e pe aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Hey, the village is this way!" "Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Luminile sunt aprinse! Alo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Lights are on! Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Poate chiar sunt oameni aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Maybe people are here!" "Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hei, Ellis! Fermierii de sânge sunt încă în viață!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hey, Ellis! The blood farmers are still alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: OK, dacă ei au curent..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: Okay, if they have power..." "Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Alooo!!! Aloooo!!! Nu suntem de la CEDA!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Hellooo!!! Helloooo!!! We aren't CEDA!!" "Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: Chiar s-au baricadat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: They really walled themselves off!" "Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: Par izolaţi. Poate sunt încă în viaţă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: They look dug in, maybe they're alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Alo, Alo! Oamenii mlaștinilor, mai trăiți?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Hello, hello, swamp people are you there?" "Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: E cineva acolo? Ajutor!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: Anyone there! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Alo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Alo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hei! Ajutor!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hey! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: Nu văd nimic." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: I don't see anyone." "Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: Nu putem trece pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: We can get through up here." "Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: Adăpost în coliba aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: There's a safe house in that shack!" "Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Prin casa asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Through this house!" "Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: N-au reușit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: They didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Se pare că au rezistat aici...o vreme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Looks like they lasted here... for bit." "Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Aah, căcat. N-au reușit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Ahh shit, they didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: La dracu', oamenii mlaștinilor sunt zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: God damn it, the swamp people are zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Oh, zombii mlaștinilor, scuze dar trebuie să vă omor." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Oh, zombie swamp people, I'm sorry I gotta shoot you." "Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: Chiar îmi doream să mă împrietenesc cu oamenii din mlaștini." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: I so wanted to make friends with the swamp people." "Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: Dacă nu putem sta aici, să-i urmăm pe plantaţii." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: Well, we can't stay here, let's follow them to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: Să ne uităm prin jur să vedem dacă au lăsat provizii." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: We should look around and see if they left supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: S-au dus spre plantaţii pe lângă râu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: They headed out to a Plantation by the river." "Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: Trebuie să mergem spre râu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: We need to head to the river." "Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: Trebuie să ne îndreptăm spre plantaţie." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: We need to head to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: E timpul să plecăm din satul ăsta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: Time to leave this village." "Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: Am auzit știri cum că virusul s-ar fi împrăștiat printre mamifere dar..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: We heard reports the virus spread through mammals but..." "Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: Habar n-am dacă era adevărat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: I have no idea if that was true." "Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Mai bine în siguranţa, decât să regretăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Better safe than sorry I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: Nu cred că asta a fost de la infecție." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: I don't think this was the infection." "Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: N-o să găsim pe nimeni aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: We aren't going to find anyone here." "Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: OK, trebuie să ne întoarcem pe drum." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to get back up on the walk way." "Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: Sunt niște scări acolo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: There's stairs!" "Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: Vedeţi scările?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: See the stairs?" "Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: OK, putem folosi scările să ne întoarcem pe drum!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: Okay, we can use those stairs to get up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Rămâneţi pe drum!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Stay on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Back here!" "Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: Drumul continuă pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: The path continues through here." "Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: Aici e un drum." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: There's a path." "Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Folosiţi scândurile." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Use the planks." "Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: Mai multe colibe." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: More shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: Asta trebuie să fi fost suburbia satului." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: This must have been the village's own little suburbs." "Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Cabană cu vedere la apă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Quaint cottage with water views." "Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: OK, trebuie să coborâm podul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to lower this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Singura cale să trecem este podul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Only way over is this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Singura cale peste este pe drum." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Only way over is this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Cineva să coboare pasarela." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Someone lower this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Coborâți pasarela." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Lower the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Coborâţi podul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Lower the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă, cobor podul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă, cobor podul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: OK, podul e coborât!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: OK, podul e coborât." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge is down." "Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Podul coboară!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: Putem trece." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: We can cross." "Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: E dat jos, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: It's down, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: OK, încercați să nu intrați în apă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: Okay, try and keep out of the water." "Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Staţi aici unde e uscat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Stay up here where it's dry." "Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Prin casa asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Through this house." "Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Plantaţia e acolo sus!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Plantation is right up here!" "Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: Acolo sunt terenurile!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: There's the grounds!" "Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: Doar trebuie să intrăm aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: We just need to get in here!" "Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: Credeam că am terminat cu mocirla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: I thought we were done with the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: S-o luăm pe drumul ăsta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: Let's head down this road." "Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Aici jos." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: Aici e casa plantaţiei!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: There's the plantation house!" "Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Mișto casă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Nice house." "Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: E mai mișto decât colibele alea." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: A little nicer than those shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: Chiar și casele mari au acareturi aici..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: Even the big houses have outhouses down here." "Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: OK, are cineva nevoie la toaletă înainte să plecăm cu barca?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: Okay, anyone need to go before our boat ride?" "Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Sus pe scară." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Up the ladder." "Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Du-te până pe schelă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Go up the scaffolding." "Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: Ok, m-am prins de ce era închisă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: I can see why this was closed." "Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: Trebuie să fi fost frumos cu ceva timp în urmă." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: This must have been real nice a long time ago." "Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Credeţi că mai e cineva acolo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Do you think someone is still out there?" "Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Să chemăm barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: OK, să chemăm barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: Okay, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: Ce dracu, hai să chemăm barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's just call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: Ce dracu, hai să chemăm barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: De acord, cheamă barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: I agree, call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: Ce avem de pierdut? Cheamă barca." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: What do we have to lose? Call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Să încercăm radioul." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Let's try the radio." "Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellis, fermierii de sânge pot conduce o barcă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellis, can blood farmers drive a boat?" "Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: A ajuns barca! Să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: Boat's here! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Fugiţi la barcă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Run to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: La barcă! La barcă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: To the boat! To the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Mișcați-vă fundurile în barcă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Get your asses on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: La barcă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: Get to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: La naiba, FUGIȚI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: Screw this, RUN!" "Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: La revedere, oameni ai mlaștinilor!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: Goodbye, swamp people!" "Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: Am ajuns la casa plantaţiei." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: We're at the plantation house." "Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Uh, mă cheamă Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Uh, my name is Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle, mătușa mea trăia aici cu oamenii mlaș... ăă... cu oamenii." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here with the sw---, uh, the people." "Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle, mătușa mea locuia aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here." "Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Uh, câţiva." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Uh, a couple." "Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: Câţiva." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: A couple." "Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Mulţumim, nu avem unde altundeva să mergem." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Thank you, we've got nowhere else to go." "Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Mulţumim, ajungem imediat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Thank you, we'll be right here." "Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: Asta ar trebui să meargă ușor." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: This should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: OK, ar trebui să fie ușor." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: Okay, this should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: Trebuie doar să luăm niște motorină." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: We just need to grab some diesel." "Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Gol. Trebuie să mai fie o stație." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Empty. Gotta be another station." "Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: Au motorină la vechea moară de zahăr?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: They have diesel at the old sugar mill?" "Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: Vechea moară de zahăr? Îţi baţi joc de mine?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: The old sugar mill? Are you kidding me?" "Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Hai băiete, trebuie să ajungem la moara de zahăr!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Come on boy, we have to get to the old sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: Hai să terminăm înainte de furtună." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: Well, let's get this done before the storm." "Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: Nu pare a fi departe." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far." "Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: Nu pare deloc a fi departe." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far at all." "Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Să ne grăbim și să terminăm până nu începe furtuna." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: Îi dăm un semn când ne întoarcem." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: We'll signal him when we get back." "Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Ai încredere în tipul ăla?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Do you trust that guy?" "Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: Păi, Nick, nu știu. Am învățat să am încredere în tine." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: Well, I don't know, Nick. I learned to trust you." "Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: Deci, ce aș putea eu să știu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: So what do I know?" "Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: OK, să încercăm pe strada asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's try down this street." "Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: Putem ajunge la moara de zahăr pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: We can get to the sugar mill through here." "Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Sincer și eu sunt o dulce." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Personally, I'm a high fructose corn syrup woman myself." "Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Se pare că infecția a lovit în timpul evacuării." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Looks like the infection hit mid evacuation." "Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: Prefer să-i spun infecție, nu apocalipsă de zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: I prefer to call it the infection instead of the zombie apocalypse." "Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: Nu știu, parcă apocalipsa de zombi e tot cam greu de înghiţit." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: I don't know, zombie apocalypse - it's still kind of hard to swallow." "Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Da, chiar sunt mulți zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Yeah, there sure are a lot of zombies." "Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Alo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Opriți! Opriți! Opriți bombardamentul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Stop! Stop! Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: OK, hai că putem." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: Okay, we can do that." "Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: Vreţi să trecem podul?! De ce dracu nu veniţi după noi?!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: You want us to cross the bridge? Oh shit - why don't you come get us!" "Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: Să fie pregătiţi cănd ajungem acolo." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: They better be ready when we get there." "Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Bună, întrebare. Unde e CEDA? Eu văd doar armata." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Good question, where is CEDA? I just see the military." "Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Aah, băi... Trebuie să fugim spre turn?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Aahhh, man... we have to run to the tower?" "Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Nu-ţi face griji Ellis, au zis gripă, nu ceva cu capul." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Don't worry Ellis, they mean the flu, not in the head." "Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: Cred că semnul ăla e de prisos. Ironic? Subestimează apocalipsa de zombi?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: I think that sign is a little redundant? Ironic? Underselling the entire Zombie Apocalypse?" "Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: Credeam că voi ţărănoii deja aveţi arme." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: I thought all you yokels already had guns." "Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Fugiţi!" "[english]Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Run!" "Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Fugi mai departe!" "[english]Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Fugi! Fugi! Fugi!" "[english]Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Run! Run! Run!" "Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Fugi acolo!" "[english]Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Da." "[english]Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Yes." "Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Bineînţeles." "[english]Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Why yes." "Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Mdeah." "[english]Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Mdeah." "[english]Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Cu siguranţă." "[english]Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Of course." "Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: OK." "[english]Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: Okay." "Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Dap." "[english]Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Yep." "Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Sigur." "[english]Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Sigur." "[english]Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: Cu plăcere." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: Cu plăcere." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: Cu plăcere." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: You're welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: Suntem bine." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: We're cool." "Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: Nicio problemă." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: No problem." "Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Oricând." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Anytime." "Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: N-ai de ce." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it." "Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Nu începe." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Don't even start." "Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: E ok." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: E OK." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Orice pentru un frate." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Orice pentru un frate." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: Nicio problemă, micuţule." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: No problem shorty." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: Nicio problemă, stilatule." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: No problem suit." "Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Injecţie de adrenalină aici!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Iau o injecţie!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Grabbin' a shot!" "Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Injecţie de adrenalină aici!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Injecţie de adrenalină aici!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [Agitată din cauza adrenalinei]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [Agitată din cauza adrenalinei]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: O sticlă de... vomă, se pare." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: Bottle of… puke, apparently." "Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: Aia ar fi bine să nu fie ce cred eu că este." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: That had better not be what I think it is." "Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Fiere de boomer aici!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Boomer bile here!" "Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Borcan cu fiere aici!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Bile jar here!" "Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Iau un borcan cu vomă!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Grabbing a jar of puke!" "Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Iau un borcan cu fiere!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Grabbing a bile jar!" "Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Atenţie! Bombă cu fiere!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Heads up! Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Aveţi grijă, fiere!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Fiere!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Here comes some Boomer bile!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: CE DRACU?" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: WHAT THE HELL?" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: UNDE MĂ DUCE ASTA!" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: UOOOAAAAH!!!" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: WOOOAAAAH!!!" "Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Palete de defibrilare aici." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Chest paddles here." "Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Defibrillator here." "Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Defibrilator aici." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Defib unit here." "Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Luați un defibrilator." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Got some chest paddles." "Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Luaţi un defibrilator." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Luaţi un defibrilator." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Descarcă!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Clear!" "Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Haide!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Come on!" "Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: HAIDE!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: Come ON!" "Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: HAIDE, MERGI!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: Come on DAMN IT! WORK!" "Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Hai cu mă-ta. Funcţionează, te rog." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Please work. Please, please work…" "Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Nu te duce înspre lumină, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Don't go towards the light, Ellis!" "Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: Deci așa te simți când ești mort." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: So that's what being dead feels like." "Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: Cred că ţi-am rămas datoare." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: I do believe I owe you one." "Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Aaaah, asta DOARE ca naiba!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Agggh that frigging HURTS!" "Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [primește un șoc electric]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [being shocked]" "Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Uah…" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Whoa…" "Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [gâfâie]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [gasp for breath]" "Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: Uh, huh." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: Uh, huh." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: Uh, huh." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellis? Ellis? Ellis, dragă? ELLIS!" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellis? Ellis? Ellis, sweetie? ELLIS!" "Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellis, dragă, nu poți aștepta?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellis, sweetie, can this wait?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: OK, Ellis, nu e momentul cel mai potrivit." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: Okay, Ellis, this is really not the best time." "Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Au." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Ow." "Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: La naiba." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: Damn." "Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Mă pui pe mine?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Are you putting me on?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: Nouăzeci la sută?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: Ninety percent?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: Tot corpul ăsta?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: His whole body?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Stai, mai zi odată ultima parte?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Wait, hold on, say that last part again?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să-i spui lui Nick povestea asta." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: You should tell that story to Nick." "Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Dragul meu, de obicei îmi plac poveștile tale, pe bune. Dar nu e momentul acum, bine?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Sweety, I normally like your stories, I do. But not now, okay?" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Gloanţe explozive aici!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Gloanţe explozive aici!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Gloanţe explozive aici!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Gloanţe explozive aici!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Frag rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Iau niște muniție explozivă!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Iau niște muniție explozivă!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Amplasez muniția explozivă!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Amplasez muniția explozivă!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: Ai dat cu vomă de boomer pe mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: You got Boomer puke on me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: Ce FACI?! Acum infectații vor sări pe mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: What are you DOING? Now the infected are going swarm me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: Nu-mi vine să cred că ai făcut asta." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: I can't believe you just did that." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Uah, uah! Trage în tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Whoa, whoa! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellis! Trage în tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Trage în tank, Coach!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Ah, trage în TANK, Nick!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Ah, shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Trage în tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Trage în TANK, te rog." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, please." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Uh, trage în tank, nu în mine!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Ugh, shoot the Tank, not me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Poți trage în tank și nu în mine?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Can you shoot the Tank instead of me?" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Lansator de grenade aici!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Lansator de grenade aici!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Am luat un lansator de grenade." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Am luat un lansator de grenade." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Lansator de grenade." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Oh, îmi place." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Oh, I like this." "Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: Ce, deja tragem deja în ușa?" "[english]Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: What, we're shutting the door already?" "Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: De asta am venit aici!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: That is what we're here for!" "Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Uoo! Ține-o tot așa și scăpăm de aici!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Woo! Keep that up and we are out of here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Muniţie incendiară aici!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Muniţie incendiară aici!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Muniţie incendiară aici!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Iau muniție incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Grabbin' incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: Acum nu mă mai joc." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: I'm not playing now." "Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Să aprindem un foc de tabără." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Let's get a little bonfire going." "Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Descarc muniţia incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Luați cu toții nişte muniție incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Luați cu toții nişte muniție incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Luați cu toții nişte muniție incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Descarc muniţia incendiară!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Dispozitive de ochire cu laser aici." "[english]Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Dispozitive de ochire cu laser aici." "[english]Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Dispozitive de ochire cu laser aici." "[english]Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Bam!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Bam!" "Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: O da!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: HELL yeah!" "Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Fir-ar!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Damn!" "Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Macetă aici…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Macetă aici..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Am luat o macetă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Am luat o macetă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Drujbă aici…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Drujbă aici..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Am luat o drujbă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Got a chainsaw." "Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Baston aici…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Baston aici…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Am luat un baston." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Grabbing a nightstick." "Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Chitară aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Chitară aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Chitară aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Am luat o chitară." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Grabbing a guitar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Katana aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Katana aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Am luat o katana." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Grabbing a katana." "Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Iau o rangă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Iau o rangă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Rangă." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Bâtă de crichet aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Bâtă de crichet aici." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Am luat o bâtă de crichet." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Got a cricket bat." "Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: Pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: Aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: In here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Aici jos!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: Haide, pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: C'mon, this way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Pe geamul ăsta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Through this window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Pe geamul ăsta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Through that window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Pe aleea asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Down this alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Pe aleea asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Down that alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: S-o luăm pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: Let's go through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: S-o luăm pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: Let's go through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Pe ușa asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Through this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Pe ușa asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Through that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: Putem merge prin restaurantul ăsta." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: We can go through this restaurant." "Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Prin poarta aia!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Through that gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Sus pe scară!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Up that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Sus pe scară!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Up this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Jos pe scară!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Down that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Jos pe scară!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Down this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Peste gard!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Over this fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Peste gard!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Over that fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: La pod!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: To the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: Putem trece pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: We can cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: Putem traversa pe acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: We can cross there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: Putem urca aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: We can get up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: Putem urca acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: We can get up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: Putem coborî aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: We can get down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: Putem coborî acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: We can get down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: E un adăpost aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: E un adăpost acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Dă-i drumul!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Apasă butonul!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Press the button!" "Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Fă-o!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Do it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Activează!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Activate it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: Am apăsat!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: I hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: Am făcut-o!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: I did it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Pe poarta asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Through this gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: După ușa asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: Over this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: După ușa aia!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: Over that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: După acel container!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Peste acest container!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Over this dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Sari aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Jump down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Sari acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Jump down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Înapoi prin câmp!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Back through the field!" "Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Toată lumea în lift!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Everybody in the elevator!" "Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: Putem urca cu liftul!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: We can take the elevator back up!" "Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Prin ţeava aia!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Up that pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: Prin ţeava asta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: UP this pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Înapoi pe scări!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Back down the stairs!" "Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Peste pod!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Over the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: Putem traversa pe acel tanc!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: We can cross on that tank!" "Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: Putem trece apa pe aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: We can get across the water here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: Putem trece apa pe acolo!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: We can get across the water there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Traversaţi aici!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: Arată cunoscut. Mergem pe unde trebuie!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: Îmi aduc aminte de aia. Mergem în direcţia bună!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: S-a inundat repede." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: This flooded fast." "Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: Totul e inundat" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: It's all flooded." "Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: FURTUNĂ!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: STORM!" "Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă de furtună!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Get ready storm coming!" "Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: VINE FURTUNA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: STORM'S COMING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: OH, ÎNCEPE FURTUNA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: OH, STORM'S STARTING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: STAȚI APROAPE!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: STAY CLOSE!" "Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: Nu văd nimic." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: I can't see a damn thing." "Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: Uitaţi semnul! Aproape am scăpat!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: There's the sign! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nick, o răceală acum nu e pe lista mea de preocupări." "[english]Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nick, catching a cold isn't high up on my list of concerns right now." "Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: Vrei să te apărăm de atacurile unor zombi în timp ce tu te speli pe mâini, Nick?" "[english]Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: You want us to cover you from zombie attacks while you wash your hands, Nick?" "Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: Bine, mu m-am infectat cu zombi. N-o să-mi fac griji din cauza păduchilor, Nick." "[english]Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: Okay, I haven't caught zombie. I'm not gonna worry about cooties, Nick." "Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Uh, simt doar miros de zombi morți." "[english]Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Ugh, I just smell dead zombies." "Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Ugh, miroase a costum alb murdar care n-a mai fost curăţat de o lună." "[english]Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Ugh, smells like a dirty old white suit that hasn't been dry-cleaned in a month." "Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Reloading here!" "Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Reîncarc!" "[english]Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Astea sunt anti-glonț?" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Are these things bulletproof?" "Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Învârte-i și împușcă-i în spate!" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Spin them around and shoot them in the back!" "Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: Clovnul ăla atrage o hoardă întreagă!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: That clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: Perfect, clovnul ăla atrage o hoardă întreagă!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: Okay, that clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Cineva să-i închidă gura clovnului ăla!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Somebody shut that clown up!" "Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Cineva să-i închidă gura clovnului ăla!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Somebody shut up that clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Omorâţi clovnul!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Omorâţi clovnul!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: Clovnul atrage o ceată întreagă!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: The clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Hei, a văzut cineva ce a picat din zombiul ăla?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Hey, anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: A văzut cineva ce i-a scăpat acelui zombi?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: Anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: A picat ceva din zombiul ăla?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Grozav. Infectaţi în costume biologice." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Great. Infected in hazmat suits." "Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Zombi ignifugi. Ura!" "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Fireproof zombies. Hooray!" "Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Căcat. Cred că ăștia sunt ignifugi." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Shit. I think these guys are fireproof." "Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: Ce naiba sunt ăștia?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: What the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: Bine, acum ce naiba sunt ăștia?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: Okay, now what the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Trageți în noroioși!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Trageți în noroioși!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Oamenii-noroiului!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Noroioși!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Uah, e prea la limită…" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Whoa, that's about as close as I like to cut it…" "Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: Va trebui să ne descurcăm mai bine." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: We're going to have to do better." "Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: Aproape n-am reușit…" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: We almost didn't make it…" "Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: ȘTIU că ne putem descurca mai bine." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: I KNOW we can do better than that." "Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Ei, bine. Asta a fost jenant." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Well. That was embarrassing." "Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: Ce s-a întâmplat cu noi?" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: What happened to us?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEIIII! VINO ÎNAPOI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: VINO ÎNAPOI! SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: ROCHELLE: SUNTEM ÎNCĂ AICI! HEIII!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: ROCHELLE: WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: AICI! VINO ÎNAPOI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: OVER HERE! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: ÎNCĂ SUNT OAMENI ACOLO! VENIȚI ÎNAPOI! VĂ ROG!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE! COME BACK! PLEASE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: HEI! SUNTEM PE ACOPERIȘ! VENIȚI ÎNAPOI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: HEY! WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEIIIII! VENIȚI ÎNAPOI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: NU SUNT - NU sunt gălăgioasă." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: I AM NOT-I am NOT loud." "Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Băieți, acum nu este momentul pentru un concurs de bărbăție. Clădirea e în flăcări. Să plecăm de pe acoperiș cât încă mai putem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Guys, now's not the time for a pissing contest. The building's on fire. Let's get off this roof while we still can." "Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Îmi convine. Să punem mâna pe niște arme și să plecăm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Good enough for me. Let's grab some weapons and get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Mallul să fie. Dar mai întâi, să luăm ceva cu care să ne apărăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Mall it is. But first, let's grab something to defend ourselves with." "Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: Sună bine. Să punem mâna pe niște arme și să plecăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: Sounds good. Let's grab some weapons and get the hell out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: Nu-mi vine să cred că sunt împotmolită în Savannah." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: I can't believe I'm stranded in Savannah." "Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Oh te rog Doamne, nu mă lăsa să mor în Georgia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Oh please God, don't you let me die in Georgia." "Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: La naiba, doar nu ne-au lăsat pe acoperiș!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us on this roof!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: La naiba, doar nu ne-au lăsat aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us here!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: Oh, cred că e un post de evacuare în mall." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: Oh, I think there's an evac station in the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: Am tot auzi de…chestii. Știi ce, las-o baltă. Dar ia o armă, ai încredere în mine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: I been hearing about…things. You know what, never mind. But grab a weapon, trust me." "Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: Cred că chestiile ălea sunt acolo, ia o armă." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: I think those things are down there, grab a weapon." "Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: Dacă rămânem împreună și ne păstrăm calmul, putem scăpa de aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: If we stay together and keep our heads, we can get out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: Oh, te întâlnești cu alți prieteni?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: Oh, you meeting some other friends?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: Nu avem timp de asta, oameni buni! Luați o armă și haideți la mall." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: We ain't got time for this, people! Grab a weapon and let's get to this mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: Sper că te înșeli, dar știu că nu e cazul." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: I hope you're wrong but I know you're not." "Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: ARĂT de parcă aș purta o armă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: Do I LOOK like I'm packing a gun?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: Nu sunt genul care să poarte arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: I'm not the gun-packing type." "Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să luăm niște arme. Lucrez în presă și presa spune că ar trebui să ne înarmăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: We should take some weapons. I work in the news and the news says we should definitely take some weapons." "Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: Nu știu, de vreme ce totul pare a fi adevărat, crede-mă, când spun că ar trebui să luăm orice armă găsim." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: I don't know, since this all seems to be true, trust me, when I say we should grab any weapon we can find." "Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să luăm ceva pentru a ne proteja." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: We should take something to protect ourselves." "Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: În regulă, sună bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: All right, sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: De acord." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: I agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: Ai dreptate." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: That's a good point." "Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Așa, și?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Right, so?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: Trebuie să fiu de acord." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: I'm gonna have to agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: Bine, omul ăsta are dreptate. Să plecăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: Okay, this man's talking some sense. Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: Pun pariu că ai dreptate." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: I bet you're right." "Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: Atâta vreme cât ești sigur." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: So long as you're sure." "Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Se păre că știi ce zici. Să mergem." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Sounds like you know what you're talking about. Let's go." "Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: Ăștia… nu arată a oameni." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: These… don't look like people." "Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombi. Sfinte. Sunt adevărați." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombies. Holy shit. They're real." "Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: Auzi despre ei, dar până nu-i vezi..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: You hear about them, but until you see them…" "Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: La dracu', zombi. Am văzut știrile… naiba, LE-AM PRODUS pe unele, dar… uau." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: Holy shit, zombies. I saw the news reports… hell, I PRODUCED some, but… wow." "Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: Ce dracu e asta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: What the hell is this thing?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: Ok, Rochelle. Tocmai ai omorât un zombi în bătaie. Totul e… numai bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: Okay, Rochelle. You just beat a zombie a death. Everything is… just fine." "Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: Bine. Tocmai am făcut asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: All right. I just did that." "Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: Bine. Acum omor zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm killing zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Da, da, pot înţelege. Suntem terminaţi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Yeah, yeah I can make sense of this. We are screwed." "Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: Am auzit că Atlanta a căzut deja." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: I heard Atlanta already fell." "Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: Lucrez pentru un post de știri, am AUZIT despre coasta de est, dar… Iisuse. N-am știut că e atât de grav." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: I work for a news station, we'd HEARD about the East Coast, but… Jesus. I didn't know it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Hei, priviţi harta asta. Trebuie să ajungem în New Orleans, RAPID." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Hey, look at this map. We need to get to New Orleans, FAST." "Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: New Orleans e tot ce-a rămas." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: New Orleans is all that's left." "Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Rapoartele erau fragmentate, CEDA n-a spus nimănui că este atât de grav." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Reports were really fragmented, CEDA never told anyone it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: Cred că CEDA trebuia să ne fi spus mai multe decât să ne spălăm pe mâini." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: I think CEDA should have been telling us do more than wash our hands." "Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: Un MAGAZIN de arme? Pentru prima oară în viaţă, asta sună bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: A gun STORE? For the first time in my life, that sounds good." "Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: Un magazin întreg plin de arme? Vorbești pe limba MEA, Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: A whole store full of guns? You're talking MY language, Coach." "Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: Un magazin întreg? Plin de arme? Vorbești pe limba MEA, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: A whole store? Full of guns? You are talking MY language, Ellis." "Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: Da, atâta vreme cât zombii încearcă să mă omoare." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: So long as there's zombies trying to kill me he is." "Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: Păi, nu, de obicei nu. Dar acum? Da." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: Well, no, not usually. But for now? Yes." "Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: Ehum nu în mod normal, e complicat." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: Eh, um not normally, it's complicated." "Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: Ok, nu, în mod normal urăsc armele. Dar… cred că urăsc zombii mai mult." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: Okay, no, normally I hate guns. But I… think I hate zombies more." "Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Grozav, merge în direcţia care trebuie spre Mall." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Great, we're heading the right way to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Podul către Mall e blocat! Trebuie să găsim o altă cale." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We need to find another way." "Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Să încercăm ușa aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Let's try that door." "Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Săriţi în camion!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Jump onto the truck!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: După container!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: TREBUIE să trecem de acel pod." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: OK, ar trebui să ne apropiem de mall!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: Okay, we've gotta be getting close to that mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: Întregul oraș pare abandonat." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: This whole city looks abandoned." "Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: Ar fi bine ca CEDA să fie la Mall." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: CEDA'd better be at that mall…" "Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: Atât… de multe… arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: So… many… guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Dumnezeule..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Oh… my… GOD." "Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Oh Iisuse, uite câte arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus look at all of these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: Le vreau pe toate. Pe bune. Vrea toate armele din magazin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: I want them all. Seriously. I want every gun in this store." "Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: PRIVIȚI toate armele astea." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: Would you LOOK at all these guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Iisuse, Ellis? Ar trebui să te simți atât de bine văzând toate armele astea, Ellis?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Jeez, Ellis? Is it supposed to feel this good to see this many guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: Regret toate glumele pe care le-am făcut despre proprietarii de arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: I regret every joke I ever made about gun owners." "Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: Nu știu dacă este senzația sau greutatea sau miile de zombi care încearcă să mă omoare. Dar chiar încep să-mi placă armele ăstea." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: I don't know if it's the feel, or the weight, or the thousand zombies trying to kill me. But I am really starting to like these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: De ce nu mi-a ZIS nimeni ce senzaţie ai când tragi în chestiile ăstea?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: Why didn't anyone TELL me shooting these things felt like this?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: Oh, e atât de greșit, dar e atât de bine. Iubesc armele. Uite, am zis-o. Iubesc armele." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: Oh, it feels so wrong, but is just so right. I love guns. There I said it. I love guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: Ești una bună." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: You're a nice one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Să vedem cum te descurci." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Let's see how you handle." "Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Acum, asta poate omorî niște zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Now, this one can kill some zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Da, vei omorî niște zombi cu mine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Yeah, you are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Sunt toate gratis?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Are all these free?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Doamne, putem lua pe oricare vrem?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Gee, can we take whichever one we want?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Cred c-o voi lua pe asta pentru o tură." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Think I'll take this one for a test drive." "Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Ooh, o aleg… pe ASTA." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Ooh, I choose… THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Sau stai. Pe ASTA." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Or wait. THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: ASTA." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: Nu, nu, nu, nu, asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no, this one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: O să omori niște zombi cu mine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: You are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: Asta se descurcă destul de bine!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: This one's got some nice action!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Asta are dispersie bună!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Nice spread on this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Iisuse, asta-i precisă." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Jesus, this thing's accurate!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: Ok, noua mea preferată e pușca de vânătoare." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: Okay, my new favorite's the shotgun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: Ok, acum vreau să încerc arma cu lunetă." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: Okay, now I want to try the sniper rifle!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Dumnezeule, ăla e un lansator de grenade?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Oh my god, is that a grenade launcher?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Uau! IUBESC arma asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Woo! I LOVE this gun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: Sunt îndrăgostită de arma asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: I am in love with this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: BUM! Drept în cap!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: BOOM! Headshot!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: *cht* Drept în cap!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: *kkt* Headshot." "Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: Toate celelalte arme… înclinaţi-vă în faţa acesteia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: All other guns… bow before this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Oh, asta e noua mea preferată." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Oh, this is my new favorite." "Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: Ok… Dumnezeule!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: Okay… God." "Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Ne-a spus Dumnezeu să-i luăm armele și să urcăm?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Did God just tell us to take his guns and come upstairs?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: Bine, voce misterioasă." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: Okay, mysterious voice." "Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Bună, Whitaker." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker." "Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Bună, Whitaker. Mulţumim pentru arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker. Thanks for the guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: Bine, domnule. Îți vom aduce gustările. Dar ar fi bine să nu te scapi ca un laș." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: All right, sir. We'll go get you your snacks. But you better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: Bine, îți vom aduce gustările. Dar ne riscăm viețile pentru sucurile tale. Ar fi bine să nu te sustragi apoi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: All right, we'll go get you your snacks. But we're risking our lives for these colas of yours. You better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: Vrei ce?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: You want what?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: Voi mâncaţi cele mai ciudate lucruri." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: You people eat the strangest shit." "Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: Bine, suntem de acord. Ce-ţi datorăm pentru arme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: Okay, we're in. What do we owe you for the guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Vrei și jumări?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Do you want pork rinds with that?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Domnule, dacă mă lași să păstrez arma asta? Vă aduc ce vreți!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Sir, if you let me keep this gun? I'll go get you anything you need." "Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Luați cola!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Grab the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: Am luat cola, să ne întoarcem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: În regulă, am luat cola lui Whitaker! Să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: All right, I got Whitaker's cola! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: Am luat cola!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: I got the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Iau cola!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Grabbing the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Bariera e coborâtă! Să mergem la mall." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Barrier's down! Let's get to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: Gata și cu bariera! Să mergem." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: There goes the barrier! Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [șoptind] La naiba, cred că am luat din greșeală cola dietetică. Ar trebui să mergem. Hei, mersi, Whitaker!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [whisper] Shit, I think I accidentally grabbed diet cola. We should go. Hey, thanks, Whitaker!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: La naiba. Omul știe cum să-și facă loc." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: Damn. That man knows how to clear a path." "Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Oh, slavă domnului, mallul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, the mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: Bine. Centrele de evacuare nu sunt în mod normal atât de liniștite." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: Okay. Evacuation centers aren't usually this quiet." "Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Centrele de refugiaţi nu arată de obicei atât de părăsite?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Refugee centers don't usually look this deserted?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: În regulă. Deci… e puțin cam liniște. Tot zic e că ar trebui să verificăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. So… it's a bit quiet. I still say we should check it out." "Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: Bine, e puţin cam părăsit. Ar putea fi un punct de evacuare mai încolo." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: Okay, so-it's a little deserted. There might still be an evac deeper in." "Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Amin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Amin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Doamne, ai milă de Coach și cruță zona cu restaurante." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Lord, have mercy on Coach and spare the food court." "Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Pe scara rulantă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Up this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Up that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Pe scara rulantă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Down this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Pe scara aia rulantă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Down that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: AUD UN HUN - Coach, ăla e stomacul tău?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: I HEAR A HUN-Coach, is that your stomach?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Punctul de evacuare e pe aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Evac's this way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Punctul de evacuare pe aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Evac's that way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Punctul de evacuare în faţă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Evac's up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Știe cineva cine e pilotul?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Anybody know who the race car guy is?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy… Gibbs… Jr. Doamne, sudiștii îi fac celebri pe toți ciudații." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy… Gibbs… Jr. Man, Southerners make the weirdest people famous." "Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Jr…. Iieei!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Jr…. Yay." "Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Ia de aici, Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Take that, Jimmy Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Mănâncă plumb, Jimmy Gibbs." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Eat lead, Jimmy Gibbs." "Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Fiţi gata! Va suna alarma." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Mergeți în continuare!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Keep going!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: Trebuie să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: We have to turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Cineva să oprească alarma aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Am reușit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: La DRACU', ce enervantă a fost!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: Holy SHIT, was that annoying!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: UGH! Nu mi-o voi scoate NICIODATĂ din urechi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: UGH! I will NEVER stop hearing that." "Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: Ah. Și motivul pentru care mallul arată părăsit este… pentru că e părăsit." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: Ah. And the reason the mall looked deserted was because… it is." "Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Unngh. Nu-i nimeni aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Unngh. There's nobody here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Oh, la naiba, știam eu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Oh, damn it, I knew it." "Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: Nu vom fi salvați, nu-i așa?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: We're not getting rescued here, are we?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: Nu simt nicio senzaţie prea puternică de genul \"vom fi salvaţi\"." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm not getting a strong \"we're getting rescued\" vibe here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Băieţi? Asta NU arată bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Guys? This does NOT look good." "Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: Nimeni nu ne va salva azi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: Totul depinde de noi. Nimeni nu ne va salva azi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: It's all on us. No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Pare a fi un adăpost în față!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Looks like a safe room up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: Bine. Are cineva vreo idee?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: Okay. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: În regulă, deci… suntem terminaţi. Are cineva vreo idee?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: All right, so… we're screwed. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: La ce te gândești, Ellis?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: What's on your mind, Ellis?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Vorbim despre acest Jimmy Gibbs? Mașina lui e aici?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Are we talking about this Jimmy Gibbs guy? His car's here?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Vorbim despre Jimmy Gibbs Jr.?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Are we talking about Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: Ei bine, e un plan. Nu știu dacă e un plan BUN. Dar ESTE un plan." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: Well, it's a plan. I don't know if it's a GOOD plan. But it IS a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: Ok. Dintre toate planurile pe care le avem, adică zero, ăsta ar putea fi în primele 10." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: Okay. Out of all the plans we have, which is zero, that might be in the top ten." "Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Vreo altă idee?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Any other ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: OK, deci planul A e să găsim această mașină. Planul B e să… așteptăm în mall și să murim." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: OK, so Plan A is we go find this car. Plan B is we… wait here in this mall and die." "Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: M-am gândit prima la asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: I had that idea first." "Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: La dracu', o s-o fac." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: Hell, I'll do it." "Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Aleg pe Gibbs!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Dibs on Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Găsiți niște benzină, băieți!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Find some gas, guys!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: De îndată ce se deschid ușile, pregătiți-vă să fugiți." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: As soon as these doors open, get ready to run." "Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Haide haide haide haide haide …" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Comeoncomeoncomeon come on…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: În rezervor, te rog, te rog…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: Please get in the tank, please please please…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Grăbește-te, grăbește-te…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Mai repede… Intră mai repede…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Go faster…go in the tank faster…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Haaaaai, haaaaai..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Îl umplu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Îl umplu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: Asta e a mea!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: I got this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Haideți! Găsiți o canistră!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go! Find a gas can!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Să facem plinul mașinii!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: Avem nevoie de mai multă benzină!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: We need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: Încă mai avem nevoie de benzină!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: We still need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: E gata pe jumătate!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: Halfway there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Aproape gata!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Almost there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: Încă douăzeci!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: We need twenty more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: Mai avem nevoie de zece!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: We still need ten more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: Mai avem nevoie de cinci!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: We still need five more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Încă trei!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Just three more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Încă două!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Just two more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: Încă una și e gata!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: One more can to go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: Suntem gata, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Mașina e gata, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Car's full let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Haide, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Hit it, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Uoooo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Calc-o! Calc-o!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Punch it! Punch it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Mașinile de curse nu pot evita ambuteiajele, corect?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Stock cars can't drive over traffic, right?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Nu-ţi face griji, Ellis. A fost incredibil că ne-ai adus ATÂT de departe." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Nu te îngrijora, Ellis. A fost incredibil că ne-ai adus ATÂT de departe." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Don't sweat it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: Realizaţi: Dacă acest Jimmy Gribs ar fi condus un monster truck? Am fi scăpat până acum." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: You do realize: If this Jimmy Gribs guy had driven a monster truck? We'd be home free right now." "Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: Înţeleg." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: I understand." "Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Nu te grăbi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Take as long as you need." "Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Priviți toate aceste mașini. Nenorociții credeau că pot scăpa mergând pe jos. Stai, asta facem și noi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Priviți toate aceste mașini. Nenorociții credeau că pot scăpa mergând pe jos. Probabil au fost măcelăriți. Stai, asta facem și noi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. They must have been slaughtered. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: Mașinile astea abandonate se întind pe kilometri!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Uh, huh. Așa e." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Uh huh. That's probably it." "Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Hei, e un indicator către parcul de distracţii." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Hey, there's a sign for the amusement park." "Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: Obișnuiam să merg la mall când eram copil. Priviți ce s-a ales din asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: I used to go to the mall as a kid. Look where that got us." "Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: E un semn către parcul de distracții. Și niște boșorogi numiți Midnight Riders." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: There's an sign for the amusement park. And a bunch of old guys called the Midnight Riders." "Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: Ați văzut acele proiectoare? Eu zic să mergem într-acolo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: You guys see those searchlights? I say we head there." "Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Proiectoare! Pun pariu că acolo e Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Searchlights! I bet that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Pe rampa asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Down this off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Pe rampa aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Down that off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: Presupun că e Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: I'm guessing that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Ei bine, acolo e parcul. Cum ajungem acolo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Well, there's the amusement park. Now how do we GET there?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Șoseaua e blocată! Putem trece prin acest motel!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Highway's blocked! We can cut through this motel!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: Săracii oameni..." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: All these poor people…" "Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Nu uitaţi să verificaţi camerele." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Don't forget to search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Ooo. Au!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Oo. Ouch." "Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Fiţi atenţi. Dealul ăsta pare destul de abrupt." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Watch, it guys. This hill looks pretty steep." "Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! Am reușit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Uoo! Whispering Oaks! Fac cinste cu prima tură, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Woo! Whispering Oaks! I'll buy the first ride, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să ne îndreptăm către proiectoarele alea. Dacă e vreo tabără de refugiați, vom găsi și curent." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights. If there's a refugee camp here, it'll be where the power is." "Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. Da, cred că tatălui meu îi plăceau, prin secolul optsprezece." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. Yeah, I think my dad liked them, back in the eighteenth century." "Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: Ar trebui să ne îndreptăm spre acele proiectoare." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights." "Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: „The Midnight Riders”. Și… călăresc miezul nopții? Sau călăresc LA miezul nopții? Urăsc rockul clasic." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. So… they RIDE midnight? Or they ride AT midnight? I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: Urăsc rockul clasic." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Cine?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Who?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? E vreuna din formațiile ălea de boșorogi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? Is this one of those old guy bands?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: Să STĂM pe acel munte? Nu sună a sfat bun." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: STAY on that mountain? That doesn't sound like very good advice." "Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: Cadoul oricărei doamne e o durere de cap." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: Every lady present's getting a headache." "Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Da, trebuie să fie destul de buni dacă cântă la parcul de distracţii." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Yeah, they must be a pretty big deal if they're playing at the fairgrounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: Cred că am avut un coșmar cu chestia asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: I think I've had nightmares with this peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Ia te uite, ochii te URMĂRESC." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Look at that, its eyes FOLLOW you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Mica aluniță. Știi, nu-mi place să atrag atenția? Dar e destul de mare pentru o alună." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Lil Peanut. You know, I hate to point it out? But he's actually freakishly big for a peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: Un parc de distracții cu o alună ca mascotă. Dumnezeule, e greu să te obișnuiești cu Sudul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: A peanut-themed amusement park. Oh man, the South is taking some getting used to." "Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coach, dacă ajungem în New Orleans? Cumpăr tuturor o pușcă cu lunetă automatică cu o lunetă cu laser și o CUTIE întreagă de gloanțe anti-armură." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a fully automatic sniper rifle with a laser scope and a whole BOX of armor-piercing rounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coach, dacă ajungem în New Orleans? Cumpăr tuturor un lansator de grenade." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a grenade launcher." "Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Ugh. Toate indicatoarele ăstea îmi fac foame." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Ugh. All these signs are making me hungry." "Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coach, îmi faci foame doar ascultându-te!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coach, you're making me hungry just listening to you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: Poți păstra plăcinta. Tot ce vreau sunt mai multe arme." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: You can keep the cobbler. All I want is more guns." "Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: Nu-ți plac bamele fripte? Eu sunt din Cleveland și chiar și mie îmi plac bamele fripte." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: You don't like fried okra? I'm from Cleveland and even I like fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: Iuuuubeeeesc bamele fripte." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: I looooove fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: Mi-aș dori să fiu atât de fericită." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: I wish I could be that happy." "Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: Scoate ce-i mai bun dintr-o situaţie proastă." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: He is making the best of a bad situation." "Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Ah, s-o ia dracu' de treabă. Uuu! LUMEA COPIILOR!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Ah, to hell with it. Woo! KIDDIE LAND!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Atât de mulți tank." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Sooooo many Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Nu. Doar noi și o sută de infectați tank." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Nope. Just us and a hundred Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Uoooo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: Uoo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: Woo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Poarta e deschisă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Agh! Prea tare! Cineva s-o oprească!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Agh! Too loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: OPREȘTE-O!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Pfui! E oprită." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Whew! It's off." "Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: Ăsta e cel mai RELAXANT adăpost în care am fost." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Hei, dormitorul meu era vopsit așa când eram copil. Bleu. Cred că tata vroia un băiat." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Gee, my bedroom was painted like this when I was a kid. Baby blue. I think my dad wanted a boy." "Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: La naiba, Coach. Se pare că ai ținut la dieta de majorete." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: Damn, Coach. Sounds like you used to be on a diet of cheerleaders." "Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: Nu mi-a plăcut niciodată tunelul dragostei. Să stai într-o lebădă mare de plastic în 15 centimetri de apă? Asta nu e romantic, e doar stupid." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: I never liked the Tunnel of Love. Sitting in a big plastic swan in a half-foot of water? That ain't romantic, that's just stupid." "Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: N-am fost niciodată într-un tunel al dragostei, în cartierul meu n-aveam decât pasajul avansurilor nedorite." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: I have never gone to a Tunnel of Love. In my neighborhood we just had the underpass of unwanted advances." "Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Dă-mi o aproximaţie despre săruturile într-un tunel al dragostei, Nick. Sub douăzeci? Sub zece? Cinci?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Gimme a ballpark on Tunnel of Love make-outs, Nick. Under twenty? Under ten? Five?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: Podiumul dragostei." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: The Catwalk of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: Aerisirea dragostei." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: The Airduct of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Prin gaura asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Down this hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Prin gaura aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Down that hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: Pun pariu că Nick ține minte că tunelul dragostei era așa de lung." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: I bet Nick remembers the Tunnel of Love being this long." "Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: Deci, Coach a fost în echipa de fotbal. Tu unde ai fost, Nick? Echipa de dezbateri? Purtatul de costum la facultate?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: So, Coach was on the football team. What were you on, Nick? Debate team? Varsity suit wearing?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: Deci când ai venit aici, Nick, ţi-au dat o lebădă mai mică pe care să te dai?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: So when you came here, Nick, did they give you a smaller swan to ride on by yourself?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: Trebuie să dăm prostia asta jos de pe șine!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: We need to get this crap off the tracks!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: Trebuie să deschidem poarta asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: We'll have to get this gate opened up!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: Trebuie să oprim alarma aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Cineva să oprească alarma aia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: Nu poate face cineva o alarmă care să sune bine?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: Can't somebody build a nice sounding alarm?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Urmați șinele, băieți!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Follow the tracks, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Alarma e oprită!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Alarm's off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Prin obstacole!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Through the dodge-ems!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: Cum trecem de gardul ăsta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: How do we get around this fence?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: Poarta e închisă." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: The gate is locked." "Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: Trebuie să alimentăm poarta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: We need to power up this gate." "Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: Trebuie să pornim generatorul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: We need to start this generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Pornesc generatorul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: Ok, pregătiţi-vă, pornesc generatorul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă, pornesc generatorul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: Cum intrăm?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: How do we get in here?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: Trebuie să intrăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: We need to get in." "Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: Trebuie să intrăm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: We gotta get in!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: Îl pornesc!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm starting it!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: O deschid!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: I'm opening it!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: Un elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: A helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Să intrăm pe stadion!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Let's get into the stadium!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: Putem intra pe stadion pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: Cum vom semnala elicopterului?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: How are we going to signal that helicopter?" "Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: Vom avea nevoie de ceva mare pentru a semnala elicopterului!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: We'll need something big to signal that chopper." "Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Huh. E o chestie deșteaptă, Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Huh. That's pretty smart, Coach." "Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: Și asta va transmite semnale pilotului elicopterului! Coach, e genial! Îmi pare rău pentru toate lucrurile urâte pe care le-am spus despre formația ta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! Coach, that's brilliant! I'm sorry about all the bad stuff I said about your crappy band." "Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: Trebuie să începem finalul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: We need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Vreo idee cum să începem finalul?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: OK, trebuie să pornim finalul." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: Am găsit un buton pe care scrie final, o să mă hazardez să zic că asta îl pornește." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: I found a button labeled Finale, going to go out on a limb and say this starts it." "Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: Îmi place ideea lui Coach, dar cum facem?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: I like Coach's idea, but how do we do it?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: Când apăs, va începe. Pregătiţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: Ok, pornesc muzica bătrânească! Toată lumea să se pregătească! Coach, promite-mi că nu vei începe din nou să te prefaci că vei cânta la chitară." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: Okay, starting up the old guy music! Everybody get ready! Coach, promise me you won't start air guitaring again." "Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă, îi dau drumul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Pregătiţi-vă, îi dau drumul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Luminile!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Hit the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Mai tare!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Turn it up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Dă mai TARE muzica asta bătrânească!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Turn this old man music UP!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Dă mai tare prostia asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Turn this crap up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Dă drumul la artificii!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Set off the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Lansează artificiile!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Launch the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Dați drumul la jocurile de lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Hit the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Apasă comutatorul!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Flip the switch!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Pornește luminile!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Turn on the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: Mai multe lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Dă drumul la proiectoare!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Hit the spotlights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Dă drumul la efectele pirotehnice!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Hit the flash pots!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: Mai multe!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: More, we need more!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Țineți-o tot așa! Țineți-o tot așa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: Pilotul trebuie să vadă asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Încercați jocurile de lumini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Try the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Dă-i drumul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Continuă!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Keep hitting this!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Continuă să le declanșezi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Keep setting it off!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Dă drumul la tot!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Hit everything!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Uoo! Da! Uitați elicopterul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Woo! Yes! There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: Uitaţi elicopterul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: A funcţionat! Elicopterul e aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: It worked! The chopper is here!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: Cred că pilotul vrea să le oprim." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: I think the chopper pilot wants us to turn it down." "Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: Ne vede!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: He sees us!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: OK, nu-mi vine să cred că a funcționat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: Okay, I cannot believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: Elicopterul e aici! Tot nu-mi vine să cred că a funcţionat." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: The chopper's here! I still can't believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coach, ești cel mai inteligent om în VIAȚĂ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coach, you are the smartest man ALIVE!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: A funcţionat! Coach, Dumnezeu să BINECUVÂNTEZE gustul tău prost în muzică!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: It worked! God BLESS your bad taste in music, Coach!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Ideea trăznită a lui Coach a funcţionat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Da! Ideea trăznită a lui Coach a funcţionat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Yeah! Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Ucideți tankul ca să poată ateriza elicopterul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank so the chopper can land!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: Trebuie să omorâm tankul înainte să aterizeze!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: We have to kill the Tank before he lands!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Omorâți tankul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Să mergem! La elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Let's go! Get to the helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Să mergem, băieţi, să mergem! La elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Let's go, guys, let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Elicopterul pleacă, să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Chopper's leaving, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Să mergem, să mergem! Elicopterul e aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: PILOTA ELICOPTERUL!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: HE WAS FLYING THE HELICOPTER" "Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: E adevărat. Dacă ar fi să aleg un moment prost, e atunci când s-a oprit din a pilota elicopterul și s-a hotărât să ne atace." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Având în vedere locația lui Whispering Oaks, viteza noastră și luând în considerare viteza vântului, ne-aș plasa fix la Earl's Gator Village." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Based on the location of Whispering Oaks, our previous air speed and accounting for the wind speed, I would place us right at Earl's Gator Village." "Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Știe cineva unde suntem?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Anyone know where we are?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: Ei bine, măcar ne-am prăbușit în mlaștină." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: Well, at least we crashed in the swamp!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: Chiar trebuie să pună un semn pentru a opri ooamenii să înoate în rezervaţia de aligatori? Bine..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: They actually have to put a sign up to stop people from swimming in the gator park? All right..." "Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: Înotatul interzis în rezervaţia de aligatori. Foarte corect." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: No swimming in the gator park. Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: Costumul alb cu creieri de zombi pe el? Ăla?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: The white suit with zombie brains all over it? That one?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: Nu știu. Poate?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: I dunno. Maybe?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: Fără instalaţii sanitare…" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: No indoor plumbing…" "Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: UAU! Poarta e deschisă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: WOW! Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: Cred că barca e aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: I guess the boat ride's here!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: Aș putea să vă spun că cineva numit Ellis a adus geanta de arme așa cum ar fi trebuit, dar aș minți." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: I could tell you someone named Ellis brought the gun bag like he was supposed to, but I would be lying." "Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: N-aș fi crezut că ar putea să-mi fie așa dor de o armă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: I never thought I would miss a gun so much." "Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Următoarea benzinărie: două mile. Fir-ar să fie." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Next gas: two miles. Well, shit." "Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Fără benzină." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Out of Gas." "Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Să terminăm și să ne întoarcem." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Let's just get this done and get back." "Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: La naiba. N-aș vrea să rămân blocată aici în timpul unei furtuni." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: Oh shoot. I do not want to get trapped out here in a storm." "Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Uh oh. Plouă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Uh oh. It's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: Șiiii pe lângă toate celelalte, plouă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: Aaannnd on top of everything else, it's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: Ne vom întoarce pe aici, așa că uitați-vă după semne." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: We're gonna be coming back through here, so keep an eye out for the landmarks." "Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Prin acest loc de joacă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Through this playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Prin acel locul de joacă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Through that playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: Putem scurta prin talcioc!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: Asta e o epavă groaznică." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: Now that is a nasty wreck." "Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Urmaţi luminile!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Follow these lights!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Spre garaj!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Head for the garage!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: Uitaţi moara!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: There's the sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: Nu mai putem înainta pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: We're not going any farther on this road." "Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: Putem trece prin moară." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: We can head through the sugar mill." "Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Chiar că plouă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Rain's really comin' down." "Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: Începe să plouă bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: It's really starting to pour." "Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: Începe să se adune apa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: The water's starting to pool." "Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: Uh, se inundă pe aici?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: Uh, does it flood around here?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Iisuse, sunt multe witch pe aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Jesus, there's a lot of Witches around this place." "Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: Câte afurisite de witch sunt?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: How many goddamn Witches are there?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Mm-hm, da, vrei să plângi? Să le dăm nenorocitelor ăstea un motiv să plângă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Mm-hm, yeah, you wanna cry? Let's give these bitches something to cry about." "Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: Îndreptaţi-vă spre acel siloz!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: Head for that silo!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Urcaţi rampa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Up that ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Urcaţi rampa asta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Up this ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Hei! Priviţi benzinăria!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Hey! There's the gas station!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Prin lanul de grâu." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Through the wheat field!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Mulţumesc, Ellis. Foarte util." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Thank you, Ellis. Very informative." "Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: Putem lua liftul până jos în câmp." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Cineva să apese butonul de la lift." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: LIFTUL A AJUNS!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: INTRAȚI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: GET IN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: HAIDEȚI! ÎN LIFT!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: COME ON! INTO THE ELEVATOR!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Mai apăsaţi odată butonul." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Hit the button again!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Apăsați butonul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Hit the button!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: CONTINUAȚI SĂ MERGEȚI! ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE SEMN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: ÎNDREPTAȚI-VĂ CĂTRE SEMN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: CONTINUAȚI SĂ MERGEȚI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Zice că benzina e înăuntru." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Says here the gas is inside." "Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Să intrăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Let's go get it." "Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: E benzină în adăpost!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: There's gas in the safe room!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Închide ușa și hai să luăm benzina." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: În regulă. Are toată lumea o canistră? Nu vreau să fac drumul ăsta de două ori." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. Everybody got a gas can? I do not want to make this trip twice." "Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Da, o am." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Yeah, I got it." "Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: Cât de rele sunt furtunile?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: How bad do these storms get?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Rămâneţi pe teren înalt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Stick to high ground!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: Am trecut pe lângă luminile ăstea când am venit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: Putem trece pe acoperiș!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get across on the rooftops!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: Priviţi lumina de pe verandă pe lângă care am trecut." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: Am trecut pe lângă epava aia când am venit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: We passed that wreck on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: Uitați talciocul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: There's that garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: Locul de joacă! Aproape am scăpat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: The playground! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: Am trecut pe aici când am venit." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: We passed this on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: UOA! Priviți!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: WOO! There's the Burger Tank!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Da, asta ar putea să meargă." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Yeah, that might work." "Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: Dacă aprindem reclama Burger Tank? Virgil ar putea să o vadă?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: What if we turn on the Burger Tank sign? Virgil might see it?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: Trebuie să aprindem reclama!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: We gotta turn the sign on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: De ce nu lansăm o rachetă de semnalizare... ah da, nu avem. Ce ziceți de reclama la Burger Tank?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: Why don't we launch a flare.. oh yeah, no flares. What about the Burger Tank sign?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: Sună bine." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: Sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Reclama e aprinsă!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Sign is on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Ar fi bine ca Virgil să fie atent!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Virgil better be watching!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: RECLAMA S-A STINS!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: APRINDEȚI RECLAMA DIN NOU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: RESTART THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL S-A ÎNTORS!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S BACK!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL E AICI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEI, A VENIT VIRGIL!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEY, VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: SĂ MERGEM SPRE BARCĂ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: LET'S GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: MERGEȚI LA BARCĂ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: Voi considera asta un semn bun." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: I'm going to take that as a good sign." "Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Avioane cu reacție? Da. Avioanele înseamnă oameni. Îmi place." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Jets? Yeah. Jets mean people. I'll take that." "Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: Nu cred că armata avea de ales." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: I don't think the military had a choice." "Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Unii au avut de făcut niște alegeri dificile aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Some people were making some tough choices here." "Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: Nu Ellis, au fost împușcați." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: No Ellis, they've been shot." "Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: Când se deschide ușa, pregătiți-vă să fugiți." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: When this door opens, get ready to run!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: Să mergem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: And let's go!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: OPRIȚI ALARMA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: FUGIȚI ÎN CONTINUARE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: KEEP RUNNING!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: GĂSIȚI ALARMA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: GET TO THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: OPRIȚI-O!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: E oprită!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: It's off!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Am reușit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Am reușit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: Cred că știam că se va ajunge la asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: I think we knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: Știam că se va ajunge la asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: I knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă, mașini cu alarme peste tot." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Careful, alarm cars everywhere." "Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: Speram să dăm și de alți oameni. S-a zis cu asta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: I had been hoping we would run into other people. Not anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Aveți grijă în ce trageți." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Everyone, just watch where you shoot." "Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Tragi în mașini intenționat?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Are you shooting the cars on purpose?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: CĂCAT, SCUZE! GREȘEALA MEA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: SHIT I'M SORRY MY BAD!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: Uitaţi podul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: There's the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: Am reușit, priviți la..." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: We made it, there's the…" "Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: NU NU NU NU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: NO NO NO NO!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: Ce fac?!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: What are they doing!?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Să mergem." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Let's head down." "Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Să plecăm de pe pod." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Let's get off the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: Trebuie să ne mișcăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: We need to keep moving." "Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: Nu suntem în siguranţă aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: We aren't safe here." "Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: A fost pe-aproape." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Ceva îmi spune că nu mai verifică dacă există supraviețuitori." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Something tells me they're not checking for survivors anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Să ne mișcăm." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Let's move." "Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Vrea cineva să ia radioul?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Somebody want to grab that radio?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Oh, slavă Domnului, soldați. Ar trebui să-i atenționăm că suntem aici." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, soldiers. We better let 'em know we're here." "Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Alo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Scuze că folosim radioul, dar suntem patru supravieţuitori pe pod." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Sorry for using the radio, but we are four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Patru supravieţuitori pe pod." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: Cineva care are nevoie de ajutor!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: This is someone who could use some help." "Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: Nu suntem infectaţi. Ascultaţi, noi-" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: We're not infected. Listen, we-" "Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: Nu suntem infectaţi." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: We are not infected." "Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: Bine, tocmai am alergat până aici acoperiți de sânge și urmăriți de zombi! CREDEȚI că am dat de infectați? Lăsați-ne să trecem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: Okay, we just ran up here covered in blood getting chased by zombies! Do you THINK we've encountered infected? Let us through the damn bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Da, da, da suntem imuni." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Yeah, yes, yes we are immune." "Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: Venim. Mulţumim." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: We're on our way. Thank you." "Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Terminat…" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Over and out…" "Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: Vom fi acolo. Așteptați-ne." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: We'll be there. Wait for us." "Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Oh, da. Vom fi acolo, ar fi bine să ne așteptați." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Oh yeah. We'll be there, you better be waiting." "Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: Aţi auzit, coborâţi poarta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: You heard the man, lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Coborâţi poarta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Să plecăm naibii de aici. Coborâţi poarta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Let's get the hell out of here. Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: La elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: Elicopterul e acolo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: Elicopterul e acolo jos!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Duceţi-vă la elicopter!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hei. 'Omoraţi toţi nenorociţii,' nu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hey. 'Kill all sons of bitches,' right?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: Opriţi bombardamentul!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: De ce cari chestia aia? O să ai nevoie și de-o păturică?" "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: Why are you carrying that thing? Are you going to need your blanky too?" "Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Elegant, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Classy shirt there Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Păstraţi concursul de bărbăţie pentru mai târziu, băieţi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Save the pissing contest for later, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Maturizați-vă, băieți." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Grow up, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Nu poate să aștepte?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Can this wait?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: OK, ăștia suntem, stați aproape." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: Okay, we're it guys, stick together." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: Mă bucur că nu pot scrie pe Twitter pentru că n-aș putea sintetiza ziua de azi în 140 de caractere." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: I'm glad I can't tweet, because I could never fit today in 140 characters." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: Nici nu-mi pot aminti pentru ce mă îngrijoram săptămâna trecută." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: I can't even remember what I was worrying about last week." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Antrenamentul nu m-a pregătit niciodată pentru asta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Crossfit never trained me for this." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Frate, credeţi că e vreo familie care stă împreună în seara asta, undeva?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Oh man, do you think there's family somewhere sitting down together tonight?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: Bine, Nick, să faci pe mârlanul poate a funcţionat odată, dar poţi schimba placa acum dacă vrei." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: Okay, Nick, being an asshole may have worked before, but you can change that tune now if you want." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: La naiba! E blocat!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: Trebuie să ocolim focul ăsta!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: Focul se întinde!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: Focul se întinde!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Liftul nu merge!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Elevator's out!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: Trebuie să găsim scările!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: We need to find the stairs!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: ÎNTOTDEAUNA am vrut să fac asta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: I have ALWAYS wanted to do that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Aici, pe margine!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Out here on the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Mergeţi spre margine!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Get out to the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: E în siguranţă pe margini!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: It's safe on the ledges." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Slavă domnului, obosisem." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Thank god, I was getting tired." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: Bănuiesc că nu prea am de ales." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: Well, I guess I don't have much choice." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: Nu sunt mare fan al armelor..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: I'm not a fan of guns, but…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: UOO!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: WOO!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hei, gata. N-a fost atât de rău." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hey, okay. That wasn't so bad." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Hei, are ceva recul, nu?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Hey, that's got a bit of a kick, doesn't it?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: Bine. Acum trag cu arma." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm shooting a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: Asta… n-a fost așa rău. Doar ochești și apeși pe trăgaci." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: That… wasn't so bad. Just aim and pull the trigger." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Uau! Bine! Bine!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Whoo! Okay! Okay!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: Uau." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: Wow." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: Bum." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: Boom." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: Bine, să omori e greșit. Dar să omori zombi e… destul de mișto." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: Okay, killing is wrong. But killing zombies is… actually pretty badass." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: OK, mie TOT nu-mi plac armele. Dar a fost totuși mișto." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: Okay, I STILL don't like guns. But that was a little awesome." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Dumnezeule! OK." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Holy shit! Okay." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Oh, haha!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Oh, haha!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Am un Magnum!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Got a Magnum!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Magnum aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Magnum here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Am un… pistol IMENS aici." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Got a… BIG-ass pistol here." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Oh, draci, uite cât de mare e." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Oh, hell, look at the size of this thing." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: PRIVIȚI acest pistol mare și frumos." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: LOOK at this big, beautiful gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: Cu un astfel de pistol, chiar dacă ratezi, zombii mor din respect." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: A gun like this-even if you MISS, the zombies die out of respect." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Căutaţi prin camere. Poate e ceva ce ne poate fi de folos." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Search those rooms. Might be something we can use." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: Liftul ăsta merge!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: This elevator works!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Închideți ușa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Just close the door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Apăsaţi butonul!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Push the button!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: Nu-mi place. Pregătiţi-vă!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: I don't like this. Get ready…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: Numele meu este Rochelle. Produc un jurnal de știri." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. I produce a news show." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Mișto." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: Numele meu este Rochelle. Al tău?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Hei. Numele meu este Rochelle, al tău?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Hey. Name's Rochelle, you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Tu?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. How about you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: Și eu sunt Rochelle. Recunosc, sunt circumstanțe cam proaste, dar, ei bine, mă acoperi și eu te acopăr pe tine. Poate scăpăm cu viață." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I admit, these are pretty crappy circumstances to meet in, but, well, you watch my back and I'll watch yours. Maybe we'll get out of this alive." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: Și eu sunt Rochelle. Nu vă cunosc de mult dar, ei bine, se pare că va trebui să mă încred în voi cu viața mea. Așa că… bună. Și mulțumesc." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I haven't known you guys long but, well, it looks like I'm going to be trusting you with my life. So… hi. And thanks." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Lucrez în televiziune. LUCRAM în televiziune." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I work in television. WORKED in television." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: Eu... cred că șeful meu nu s-a gândit niciodată la asta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: I… guess my boss never thought of that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Eram aici, lucrând la o știre. Sunt din Cleveland." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I was down here covering a news story. I'm from Cleveland." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Uh. Nu, știri serioase. Lucram la reportaje despre cum CEDA evacua oameni." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Uh. No, hard news. I've been producing segments on CEDA evacuating people." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: [încercând să fie drăguţă] Um. Păi, e… plină de viaţă." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… lively." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: Ăăă. Păi, e… are multe restaurante drăguțe. Și, știi… zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… got a lot of nice restaurants. And, you know… zombies." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: Nu e la fel de rău ca în Detroit." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: It's not as bad as Detroit." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: Numele meu e Rochelle. Lăsaţi-mă în pace, e prima oară când trag cu o armă." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. Give me a break, this is the first time I've shot a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Și te înțeleg." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. And I hear you." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Oh, scuze Coach. E, uh… nu TOTUL e degeaba. Doar, știi, părțile cu zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Oh, sorry Coach. It's, uh… not ALL of it's a piece of shit. Just the, you know, zombie parts." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Mulțam, și… ție…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Thanks, you… too…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Hei, e OK. O să fim bine. Spune-mi, cum te cheamă?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Hey, it's okay, man. We're gonna be fine. Tell me, what's your name?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: Dar tu?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: How about You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Bună Coach. Bună Nick. Sunt Rochelle. Și, ăă, dacă stăm împreună și ne păstrăm calmul. Cred că ne vom descurca. Bine?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Hi Coach. Hi Nick. I'm Rochelle. And uh, and if we stay together, and keep our heads. I think we're going be fine. Okay?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: Și armele noastre." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: And our guns." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: Dacă tot ajungem să ne cunoaștem, numele meu este Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: If we're all getting to know each other, my name's Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: Nu știu, cred că ar trebui să stăm împreună, nu credeți? Sunt Rochelle, cum vă cheamă?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: I don't know, I think we should stick together, you cool with that? I'm Rochelle, what's your names?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: OK. Când se deschid ușile, pregătiți-vă de luptă." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: Okay. When these doors open, get ready for a fight." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Pregătiți-vă. Am presimțirea că vom avea companie când se vor deschide ușile." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Get ready. I get the feeling we might have company when this door opens." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Pe cine am pierdut?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Who'd we lose?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: A reţinut cineva numele mortului?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guy?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: A reţinut cineva numele morţilor?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guys?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: Cred că era Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: I think it was Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: Cred că era Nick." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: I think it was Nick." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: Cred că tocmai a zis că e Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: I think he just said it was Coach." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Să ne asigurăm că e singura dată. Toată lumea să se concentreze." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Let's make sure it's the only time. Everybody stay focused." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: Li se spune boomer. Din motive evidente." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: They've been calling those Boomers. For obvious reasons." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: I-au numit hunter la știri…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: They called them Hunters on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: În buletinele de știri îi numesc smokeri..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: They called them Smokers on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: În buletinele de știri sunt numiți smokeri." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: Well, on the news they called them Smokers." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: Sunt numiți chargeri..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: They call them Chargers…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: Le-au zis spitter..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: They've been calling them Spitters…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: Cred că-i numeau jockey..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: I think they're called Jockeys…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: Putem sări aici!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: We can jump down here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Prin puţul liftului!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Down this elevator shaft!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: Cred că ar trebui să lăsăm ușa închisă." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: I think we should keep that door closed." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Cred că ar trebui să închidem ușa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Hey I think we should close that door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: Ok, aici! Camera asta arată sigură!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: Okay, in here! This room looks safe!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: Aici! Camera asta arată sigură!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: In here! This room looks safe!" "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Ei bine, salutări. Luați câteva din armele mele și veniți sus. Am ceva cu care mă puteți ajuta." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Well, hello there. Why don't you grab yourselves some of my guns and come on upstairs. I got something you can help me with." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Salut. Numele meu este Whitaker și dețin unitatea aceasta. Luați ce vă trebuie și urcați când ați terminat." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Hello there. My name's Whitaker. I own this establishment. Take anything you need and come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: Nu prea e timp. Luați o armă și urcați, vă explic pe drum." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: There ain't much time. Grab yourselves a gun and come upstairs, I'll explain on the way." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: Ei bine, acum. Ar putea totuși să funcționeze." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Luați din arme. Orice aveți nevoie." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to the weapons. Take anything you need." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: Sunt într-un impas, înțelegeți, și bănuiesc că sunteți exact oamenii ideali care să mă ajute." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Urcați când ați terminat." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: Ei bine, acum. S-ar putea totuși să funcționeze." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Luați din armele MELE." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to MY weapons." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Luați tot ce aveți nevoie. Sunt într-un impas, vedeți..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Take anything you need. I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: JOS MÂINILE DE PE MAGAZINUL MEU, NENOROCIȚILOR." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY STORE YOU SON OF A BITCH." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: Și bănuiesc că sunteți exact oamenii de care am nevoie." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Urcați când ați terminat." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Salut. Acum, în mod normal, dacă patru hoți plini de sânge ar intra în magazinul meu, i-aș împușca pe loc." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Hello there. Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: Dar m-ați prins într-un moment oportun." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Luați ce arme vreți și urcați. Cred că putem ajunge la o înțelegere." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Salut." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Hello there." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Acum, în mod normal, dacă patru hoți plini de sânge ar intra în magazinul meu, i-aș împușca pe loc." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: Dar m-ați prins într-un moment..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: Jos mâinile de pe magazinul meu." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: get your hands off my store." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: M-ați prins într-un moment oportun." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Luați ce arme vreți, apoi urcați. Cred..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Mai urcă, nenorocit verde." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Climb that, you green-skinned sonofabitch." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: Cred că putem ajunge la o înțelegere." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: Poți încerca. Dețin MULTE arme, fiule." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: You could try. I own a LOT of guns, son." "Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Nu numai că vă voi ajuta să ajungeți la mall, dar vă voi da și armele pe care le-ați furat, pe gratis." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Not only will I help you get to the mall, I'll even throw in the guns you stole from me, free of charge." "Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: Sunt un om de cuvânt, domnule. Aduceți-mi colaul și vă voi elibera un drum către mall. Armele sunt din partea casei." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: I am a man of my word, sir. Procure my colas and I'll clear a path to the mall for you. The guns are on the house." "Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Aduceți-mi cola și ajutorul meu e garantat, domnule. Considerați armele o donație generoasă pentru cauză." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Procure my colas and my help is guaranteed, sir. Consider the guns a generous donation to the cause." "Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: Nu sunt genul de om care să-și încalce promisiunea. Aș bate palma cu voi, dar în niciun caz nu mă întorc acolo." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: I am not a man to weasel out of a deal. I'd shake on it with you, but there's no way in hell I'm going back down there." "Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: Sunt pe lumea asta de 60 de ani, doamnă, și nu am înșelat pe nimeni. Aveți cuvântul meu de domn." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: I been on this world sixty years, ma'am, and I've weaseled nothing from nobody. You got my word as a gentleman." "Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: Sunt un om de cuvânt, doamnă. Aveți cuvântul meu." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: I'm a man of my word, ma'am. You got my word on that." "Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: Pe cuvântul meu de domn, n-o să vă trag în piept. Aș coborî să vă strâng mâinile, dar deja am sudat ușa." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: On my word as a gentleman I will do no screwing, sir. I'd come down there and shake on it, but I already welded the door shut." "Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Cola, doamnă. Pentru cola și nuci." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Cola, ma'am. For my cola and nuts." "Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: Și ce bine, altfel n-ați avea cu ce vă târgui sau cum să ajungeți la mall." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: And how fortuitous that we do, else which you would have nothing to bargain with, and no way to the mall." "Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: Nu, domnule. Fără zahăr n-are aroma care trebuie. Ar fi bine să nu mă pomenesc nici cu cireșe. Cola simplă sau nu avem o înțelegere." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: No, sir. Diet don't get the right flavor. I better not see no cherry neither. It's straight cola or no deal." "Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: Dacă vă pot fi de folos în peripeții, păstrați-le." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: If they can be of service to you in your endeavor, please keep them." "Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Doar promisiunea că le veți folosi cum trebuie." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use." "Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Doar promisiunea că le veți folosi cum trebuie. Și, după cum am zis, cola." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use. And, as I mentioned, the colas." "Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: Nu, mulțumesc, doamnă. Am cinci cutii mari ca pentru restaurante chiar aici." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: No thank you, ma'am. I have five restaurant-sized boxes of them up here." "Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: Acestea SUNT condițiile mele, domnule." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: Those ARE my terms, sir." "Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Atunci sunt gata să vă las s-o păstrați, fiule. Naiba, o să vă și acopăr când ieșiți." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Then I'm willing to let you keep it, son. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Atunci e numai a ta, fato. Naiba, o să vă și acopăr când ieșiți." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Then it's all yours, girl. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: Îmi place o femeie care apreciază perfecțiunea subtilă a unei arme bine făcute." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: I like a woman who appreciates the subtle perfection of a well made firearm." "Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: Alarma! Acum duceți-vă!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! Now go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: Asta e alarma! Mișcați-vă, acum, mișcați-vă!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: That's the alarm! Move, now, move!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: Asta e alarma! MERGEȚI! O să vă acopăr." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! GO! I'll cover you!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: O să vă acopăr! Aduceți-mi ce-mi trebuie." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go get what I need!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Haideți acum, mișcați-vă! O să vă ajut cum pot!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Come on now, move! I'll help where I can!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Înapoi, creaturilor!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Back, you creatures!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: O să vă acopăr, mergeți!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Nu uitați cola! Lăsați un om în urmă dacă trebuie, dar aduceți cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Remember the cola! Leave a man behind if you must, but get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Sacrificați-vă dacă trebuie! Cola este importantă!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Sacrifice yourselves if you have to! The cola is that important!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Lăsați fata în urmă, dar luați cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Leave the girl behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Lăsați-l pe ăla micu', dar luați cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Leave the little fella, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Lăsați-l pe ăla cu costum alb, dar luați cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Leave white suit behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Uitați de gras, doar luați cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Forget the fat man, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Uite-i că vin!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Here they come!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Aaaah, la naiba. Uite-i că vin. Mi-a făcut plăcere să vă cunosc." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Aaaah, la naiba. Uite-i că vin. Mi-a făcut plăcere să vă cunosc." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: La naiba, sunt mulți zombi. Dacă vă omoară, nu vă faceți griji. N-am nevoie așa de mult de cola!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: Damn, that's a lot of zombies. If they kill you, don't worry! I don't need the cola that bad!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Înapoi, nenorociților! Lăsați-i să treacă!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Back, ya sons of bitches! Let 'em through!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Oooh, la dracu'. Deja regret înțelegerea asta. Ce risipă de arme." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Ohhh, hell. I regret this agreement already. What a waste of guns." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Puneți cola în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Puneți cola în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: Ați luat cola. Puneți-o în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: You got the cola. Put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: Aici e cola mea. Repede, puneți-o în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: There's my cola. Quick, put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Da, puneți-o în nenorocita de fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Yeah, put it in the damn slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Vă mulțumesc frumos. Și ca să vă demonstrez că sunt un om de cuvânt..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Thank you kindly. And to prove I'm a man of my word..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Vă mulțumesc! Acum, întoarceți-vă. Ați văzut vreodată o cisternă explodând?" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Thank you for that! Now, turn around. Y'all ever see a tanker explode?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Doar un bax? O să le beau într-o zi! Aah, draci. Înțelegerea e înțelege. Poftiți..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Just a six-pack? I'll go through that in a day! Ahh, hell. A deal's a deal. Here y'are..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: O să vă cred pe cuvânt că nu e fără zahăr. Acoperiți-vă urechile, s-ar putea să fie zgomotos..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: I'll take you at your word that ain't diet. Cover your ears, this might get loud..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Vă mulțumesc, străini generoși! Să vă ajut să scăpați de baricadă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Thank you, generous strangers! Let me get rid of that barricade for you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Vă mulțumesc. Acum duceți-vă dracului, nu vă ajut. [râde] Voiam doar să vă văd figurile. Poftiți." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Vă mulțumesc. Acum duceți-vă dracu, nu vă ajut. [râde] Voiam doar să vă văd figurile. Poftiți." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Hei, puneți cola în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Hey, put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Puneți cola în fată, bine?" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot, will ya?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: Bine, asta e cola mea. Da, da. Puneți-o în fantă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: Okay, that's my cola. Yes, yes. Put it in the slot!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Succes!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Succes!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Mult succes! Aveți grijă de armele alea!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Best of luck! Take care of those guns!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Succes." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Good luck to you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Succes, gașcă." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Good luck to you, gang." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: Dumnezeu să vă aibă în pază." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: God watch over you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Mult noroc în călătoria spre mall." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Mult noroc în călătoria spre mall." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: Nu știam că aveți nevoie de atâta pregătire. Să vă aduc și o pernă și pătură cât vă tot gândiți?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: I didn't realize you'd need this much preparation. Can I bring y'all a pillow and blankets while you sleep on it?" "Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: Grăbiți-vă până nu mă răzgândesc." "[english]Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: You folks best hurry before I change my mind." "Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Dacă nu vă mișcați, s-ar putea să-mi retrag oferta. Am o vedere splendidă de aici de unde pot să mă uit la voi cum muriți." "[english]Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Y'all don't get moving, I might just rescind my generous offer. I got a hell of a view up here to watch y'all die." "Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Ar fi trebuit să menționez că oferta va expira." "[english]Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Perhaps I should have mentioned this bein' a limited time offer." "Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: Vreți să vă mișcați odată?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: You folks wanna get a move on?" "Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: Mi-e din ce în ce mai sete..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: I'm getting mighty thirsty up here..." "Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Când sunteți voi gata..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Any time now..." "Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: Gâtul... atât de uscat... nu pot gândi limpede... trebuie... să retrag oferta... leneșilor ăstora..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: Throat... so dry... can't think straight... must... rescind offer... to these lazy people..." "Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: Numele meu este Whitaker. Dețin acest magazin de arme." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: My name's Whitaker. I own this gun shop." "Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: Bănuiesc că mergeți la mall pentru a fi salvați. Mai știu și că drumul e blocat. Dar îl pot elibera dacă vă duceți până la magazinul de alături și luați niște cola pentru mine." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue. I also know the road is blocked. But I can clear it for you, in exchange for you running over to the store next door and picking me up some colas." "Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: Am nevoie de niște cola. Voi patru, mergeți acolo să-mi procurați, iar eu voi elibera drumul către mall. Pentru că acolo vă îndreptați și nu veți ajunge acolo fără ajutorul meu." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: I'm in need of some colas. You four run over there and procure some for me, and I'll clear the roadblock to the mall. Because I'm that's where you're headed, and you ain't getting there without my help." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: Bănuiesc că mergeți la mall pentru a fi salvați." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: Și mai bănuiesc că nu veți ajunge pentru că drumul e blocat." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: And I further guess you won't get there, as the road is blocked." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: Știu pentru că i-am văzut pe cei de la CEDA cum îl blocau." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: I know because I watched CEDA block it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: Așa că uitați ce vă propun." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: Bănuiesc că voi patru mergeți către centrul de evacuare din mall." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the evacuation center in the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: Mai bănuiesc și că o să vă fie greu, având în vedere că proștii ăia de la guvern au blocat drumul de acces." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: I also guess you're gonna have a hell of time doing it, seeing as how those government fools blockaded the road getting there." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: Așa că uitați ce vă propun." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: M-am baricadat pe acoperiș, cu provizii și destule arme pentru a omorî toți zombii din oraș de cinci ori și să mănânc în timp ce fac asta." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof, with provisions and guns enough to and kill every zombie in the city five times over, and eat well while I'm doing it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: Dar fiind în grabă, am uitat să iau cola." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot to pack cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Cola și nucile sunt o slăbiciune a mea, cu toate că nu o ador atât de mult încât să fiu destul de naiv să mor în încercarea de a o procura." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Cola and nuts is a weakness of mine-though I do not love it so much that I'd be fool enough to die in the attempt to procure it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: M-am baricadat aici pe acoperiș cu destule provizii." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof with ample provisions." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: Dar fiind în grabă, am uitat de cola." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: Așa că uitați oferta mea: dacă îmi aduceți cola de la magazinul alimentar de aici, vă voi elibera drumul spre mall." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear a path to the mall for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: Așa că uitați oferta mea: dacă îmi aduceți cola de la magazinul alimentar de aici, voi elibera blocada CEDA." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear that CEDA blockade for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: Dacă îmi aduceți cola, vă voi elibera drumul spre mall." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: If you get me my cola, I'll get you to the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: V-aș putea ajuta să ajungeți la mall dacă nu mi-ar fi așa sete." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: I'd be able to help you get to the mall, if I wasn't so parched from thirst." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Acum, am nucile. Am doar nevoie de cola." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Now, I have the nuts. I just need cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: Așa că problema este: sunteți în stare să-mi aduceți cola?" "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: So the matter on the table is: do you four have the nuts to get me this cola?" "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: O să fiu direct." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: I'll be blunt." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: Am nevoie de cola și n-o să vă las să treceți de baricadă până nu o obțin." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: I need cola and I won't let you through the barricade until I get it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Acum, duceți-vă." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Now go." "Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Pilot de elicopter: Intrați în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Pilot de elicopter: Treceți în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Pilot de elicopter: În elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Pilot de elicopter: Intrați!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Pilot de elicopter: Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Chopper Pilot: Everybody in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Pilot de elicopter: Decolăm!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Pilot de elicopter: Să mergem! Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Pilot de elicopter: Intrați în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Pilot de elicopter: Treceți în elicopter!!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Pilot de elicopter: În elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Pilot de elicopter: Intrați!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Pilot de elicopter: Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Chopper Pilot: Everyone in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Pilot de elicopter: Decolăm!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Pilot de elicopter: Să mergem! Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Pilot de elicopter: Să mergem! Să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Pilot de elicopter: Să mergem! Să mergem! Să mergem!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, aici Papa Croco. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, this is Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, care este starea reparațiilor? Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, what is your repair status. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Soldat 1: Nu am recepționat. Repetă, echipa de salvare 7. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Soldier 1: Did not copy. Say again, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Soldat 1: Recepționat. Toți mieii au fost recuperați. Ultimul Uliu decolează în 15 minute. Recepționat? Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Soldier 1: Copy that. All lambs extracted. Last Buzzard starts run in fifteen minutes. Copy that? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Soldat 1: Malul de vest e liber, echipa de salvare 7. Ah, sectorul este liber. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Soldier 1: West bank is clear, Rescue 7. Ah, sector is clear. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, îl vezi, ăă, pe Whiskey Delta? Sau aliați? Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you, ah, seeing Whiskey Delta? Or friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Soldat 1: Whisky Delta sau, ăă, aliați? Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Soldier 1: Whisky Delta or, ah, friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, toți mieii pierduți au fost găsiți. Țintele trebuie considerate ostile. Acționați doar în cazul în care țintele reprezintă o amenințare directă. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, all lost lambs are accounted for. Targets should be considered hostile. Only prosecute targets that are a clear threat. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Soldat 1: Afirmativ, echipa de salvare 7. Mențineți podul liber. Ultimul Uliu va decola în 15 minute. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Soldier 1: Affirmative, Rescue 7. Keep the bridge deck clear. Last Buzzard will start run in fifteen minutes. Out." "Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Soldat 1: Urcați în elicopter!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Soldier 1: Get into the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Soldat 1: Mergeți la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Soldier 1: Get to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Soldat 1: La elicopter!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Soldier 1: To the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Soldat 1: Urcați!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Soldier 1: Get in here!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Soldat 1: Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Soldier 1: Everyone in the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Soldat 1: Decolăm!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Soldier 1: We're taking off!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Soldat 1: Să mergem! Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Soldier 1: Let's go! Everyone to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Soldat 1: Să mergem, să mergem, să mergem!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Soldier 1: Let's go, let's go, let's go!" "Soldier1_MISC01" "Soldat 1: Nu pot confirma... focuri de armă pe malul vestic. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC01" "Soldier 1: Unable to confirm, gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC02" "Soldat 1: Înțeles, echipa de salvare 7. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC02" "Soldier 1: Roger, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_MISC03" "Soldat 1: Focuri de armă pe malul vestic. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC03" "Soldier 1: Gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC04" "Soldat 1: Am observat flash-uri. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC04" "Soldier 1: We had flashes. Over." "Soldier1_MISC05" "Soldat 1: Afirmativ. Mențineți poziția. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC05" "Soldier 1: That is A Firm. Keep a hard posture. Over." "Soldier1_MISC06" "Soldat 1: Acționați doar în cazul țintelor care reprezintă o amenințare directă." "[english]Soldier1_MISC06" "Soldier 1: Only prosecute targets that are clear threat." "Soldier1_MISC07" "Soldat 1: Mențin poziția." "[english]Soldier1_MISC07" "Soldier 1: Holding position." "Soldier1_MISC08" "Soldat 1: Consolidez." "[english]Soldier1_MISC08" "Soldier 1: Consolidate." "Soldier1_MISC09" "Soldat 1: Extracție terminată." "[english]Soldier1_MISC09" "Soldier 1: Extracted." "Soldier1_MISC10" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, afirmativ. Inspecție vizuală în cinci." "[english]Soldier1_MISC10" "Soldier 1: Rescue seven, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC11" "Soldat 1: Papa Croco, afirmativ. Inspecție vizuală în cinci." "[english]Soldier1_MISC11" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC12" "Soldat 1: Papa Croco, terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC12" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, roger out." "Soldier1_MISC13" "Soldat 1: Lima Charlie." "[english]Soldier1_MISC13" "Soldier 1: Lima Charlie." "Soldier1_MISC14" "Soldat 1: Zona de evacuare este liberă." "[english]Soldier1_MISC14" "Soldier 1: Evacuation zone is clear." "Soldier1_MISC15" "Soldat 1: Contact vizual." "[english]Soldier1_MISC15" "Soldier 1: I have visual." "Soldier1_MISC16" "Soldat 1: Ultimii non-purtători evacuați." "[english]Soldier1_MISC16" "Soldier 1: Last non-carriers evacuated." "Soldier1_MISC17" "Soldat 1: Înțeles." "[english]Soldier1_MISC17" "Soldier 1: Roger." "Soldier1_MISC18" "Soldat 1: Negativ." "[english]Soldier1_MISC18" "Soldier 1: Negative." "Soldier1_MISC19" "Soldat 1: Afirmativ." "[english]Soldier1_MISC19" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC20" "Soldat 1: Afirmativ." "[english]Soldier1_MISC20" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC21" "Soldat 1: Repetă?" "[english]Soldier1_MISC21" "Soldier 1: Say again?" "Soldier1_MISC22" "Soldat 1: Recepționat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC22" "Soldier 1: Copy that." "Soldier1_MISC23" "Soldat 1: Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_MISC23" "Soldier 1: Over." "Soldier1_NAGS01" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 10 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 10 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS02" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 9 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 9 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS03" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 8 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS03" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 8 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS04" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 7 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS04" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 7 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS05" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 6 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS05" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 6 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS06" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 5 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS06" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 5 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS07" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 4 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS07" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 4 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS08" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 3 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 3 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS09" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 2 minute până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS09" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 2 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS10" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, 1 minut până la ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS10" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 1 minute to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS11" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, avem permisiunea să începem zborul Uliului? Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS11" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, are we clear to begin Buzzard run? Over." "Soldier1_NAGS12" "Soldat 1: Recepționat, echipa de salvare 7. Terminat." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS12" "Soldier 1: Copy that, Rescue 7. Out." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, vine de pe pod!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, that's coming from the bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldat 1: Pod, identifică-te." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 1: Bridge, identify yourself." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Soldat 1: Pod, cine e?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Soldier 1: Bridge, who is this?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Soldat 1: Pod, sunteți imuni?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Soldier 1: Bridge, are you immune?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Soldat 1: Negativ, Pod. Sunteți IMUNI? Ați intrat în contact cu infectații?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Soldier 1: Negative Bridge. Are you IMMUNE? Have you encountered the infected?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Soldat 1: Echipa de salvare 7, sunteți echipați pentru purtători?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you equipped for carriers?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Soldat 1: Pod, ne-am retras din acel sector. Singura variantă de scăpare se află la celălalt capăt al podului. Ultimul elicopter pleacă în 10 minute. Trebuie să coborâți podul și să-l traversați. Domnul fie cu voi!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Soldier 1: Bridge, we have pulled out of that sector. Your only remaining pickup is available on the other end of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across the bridge. God be with you." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Soldat 1: Pod, acel sector este nesigur. Singurul punct de extracție disponibil se află la celălalt capăt al podului. Ultimul elicopter pleacă în 10 minute. Trebuie să coborâți podul și să-l traversați spre capătul de est." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Soldier 1: Bridge, that sector is clear of friendlies. Your only remaining pickup is on the east bank of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across to the east end." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Soldat 1: Aveți grijă: Podul e plin cu Whiskey Delta." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with Whiskey Delta." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Soldat 1: Aveți grijă: Podul e plin cu infectați." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with infected." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Soldat 1: Succes!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Soldier 1: Good luck!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Soldat 1: Succes, Pod!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Soldier 1: Good luck, bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Soldat 1: Dumnezeu să fie cu voi!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Soldier 1: God be with you, bridge." "Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Soldat 2: Aici echipa de salvare 7. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Soldat 2: Aici echipa de salvare 7. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Soldat 2: Timpul estimat pentru reparații este de 10 minute. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Soldier 2: Repair ETA is ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Soldat 2: Zece minute. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Soldier 2: Ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Soldat 2: Recepționat, Papa Croco. 15 minute. Ah, aveți grijă, am văzut flash-uri pe malul vestic. Ah, confirmare vizuală... malul vestic e curat. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. Fifteen minutes. Ah, be advised we have seen flashes on the west bank. Ah, visually confirm west bank is clear. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Soldat 2: Negativ. Vedem ceva. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Soldier 2: Negative. We are seeing something. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Soldat 2: Aah, neclar." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear." "Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Soldat 2: Aah, neclar. E..." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear. It-" "Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Soldat 2: Papa Croco, nu suntem siguri. Vedem, ăă, mai multe persoane și focuri de armă. Care sunt ordinele? Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Soldier 2: Papa Gator, we're not sure. We are seeing, ah, multiple personnel and small arms fire. What is our current ROE? Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Soldat 2: Înțeles, Papa Croco. Tot personalul la zona de aterizare. Faceți loc pentru ultimul zbor al Uliului. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. All personnel on floating LZ. Clear for last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Soldat 2: Afirmativ. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Soldat 2: Afirmativ. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Soldat 2: Urcați în elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Soldat 2: Mergeți la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Soldier 2: Get to the chopper." "Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Soldat 2: Duceți-vă la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Soldat 2: La elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Soldat 2: Intrați." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Soldat 2: Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Soldat 2: Decolăm." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Soldat 2: Decolăm." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Soldat 2: Să mergem! Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Soldat 2: La elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Soldat 2: Duceți-vă la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Soldat 2: La elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Soldat 2: Veniți aici." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Soldat 2: Toată lumea în elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Soldat 2: Decolăm." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Soldat 2: Să mergem! Toată lumea la elicopter!" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_NAGS01" "Soldat 2: Recepționat, Papa Croco. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS01" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS02" "Soldat 2: Ah, negativ, Papa Croco. Nu poți decola încă. Te vom informa când o poți face. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS02" "Soldier 2: Ah, negative, Papa Gator. You are not good to go. We will advise when ready. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS03" "Soldat 2: Recepționat, Papa Croco. Terminat." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS03" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldat 2: Ultimul Uliu, rămâi pe loc! Rămâi pe loc!" "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 2: Last Buzzard, stand down! Stand down!" "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldat 2: Afirmativ, Papa Croco." "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 2: Affirmative, Papa Gator." "Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Ei bine, salut. N-am mai auzit glasul cuiva de trei zile." "[english]Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Well, hello there. I ain't heard another voice out here in three days." "Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Uuu, bună. A fost foarte liniște pe aici de când femeia mea a fost mușcată." "[english]Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Woo, hello. It's been real real quiet now since my woman got bit." "Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Uuu, bună. N-am mai auzit nimic de la nimeni de trei zile. Cu ce vă pot ajuta?" "[english]Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. Well, I ain't heard nothin' from nobody in three days. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Cine-i acolo? Ce mai faceți? Unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Who dat there? How is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Uuu, bună. Ce mai faceți? N-am mai auzit pe nimeni de ceva timp. Cu ce vă pot ajuta?" "[english]Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. How is y'all are? I ain't heard a nobody out here in a long time. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Bună. A fost cam liniște pe aici, n-am mai auzit glasul cuiva de trei zile. Acum, spuneți-mi, cu ce vă pot ajuta?" "[english]Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Hello there. It's been real quiet out here on the water, I ain't heard nobody in three days. Tell me what can I do for ya, now?" "Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Cine-i acolo? Acum, ce mai faceți? Unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Well who dat there? Hey now, how is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Uuu, ce mai faceți? A fost foarte liniște aici de când soția mea a fost mușcată. Spuneți-mi acum, cu ce vă pot ajuta?" "[english]Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Woo, well, how is y'all are? . It's been real quiet out here on the water since my wife got bit. Tell me, what can I do for ya now?" "Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hei, unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hey now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Pe unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Where is y'are?" "Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Spuneți-mi, unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Tell me now, where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: Acum, pe unde umblați?" "[english]Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: Now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: Ce?" "[english]Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: What?" "Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Spuneți din nou, ce?" "[english]Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Say again now, what?" "Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Ce? Ce?" "[english]Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Now, what, now?" "Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: Nu prea vă pot auzi. Ce ziceți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: I can't quite hear ya now. Say what, now?" "Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Câți sunteți acolo?" "[english]Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Now how many of y'all is there?" "Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: Câți sunteți acolo?" "[english]Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: How many of ya is y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: Câți sunteți cu toții?" "[english]Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: How many is there of y'all?" "Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: Câți sunteți acolo?" "[english]Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: How many of y'all is ya?" "Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Spuneți-mi acum, câți sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Now tell me now, how many of ya is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: Câți sunteți acolo?" "[english]Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: How many of y'all are ya?" "Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: În regulă acum, rămâneți unde sunteți. Vin eu după voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll come for ya." "Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: În regulă, rămâneți unde sunteți. Vin imediat după voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll be right there for ya." "Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: În regulă, rămâneți unde sunteți. Vin eu după voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is at. I'm be comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: În regulă, rămâneți unde sunteți. Vin eu după voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where's you at. I'm comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: În regulă, rămâneți unde sunteți. Ajung imediat la voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where y'all are. I'll be right at ya." "Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Bine, stați unde sunteți. Vin acum după voi." "[english]Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Okay now, stay right where you are. I'm comin' for ya now." "Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: În regulă, foarte bine. Vin după voi. Rămâneți unde sunteți." "[english]Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: All right, real good. I'm comin' for ya now. Stay right where y'all are." "Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Uuu, bonjour! E foarte, foarte bine să mai aud pe altcineva." "[english]Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Woo, bonjour! It's real, real nice to hear another somebody." "Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Ei bine, bonjour! E foarte, foarte bine să mai aud pe cineva. E foarte liniște pe aici." "[english]Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Well, bonjour! It's real, real good to hear another somebody. It's real quiet out here." "Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! E foarte, foarte bine să mai aud pe cineva. E liniște pe aici, acum." "[english]Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! Oh, it's real, real good to hear from somebody. It's been quiet out here, now." "Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: În regulă, pe unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: All right now, where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Pe unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Unde umblați?" "[english]Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Where is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Unde sunteți acum?" "[english]Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Where y'all at now?" "Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: În regulă, spuneți-mi, unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: All right now tell me, where y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Pe unde sunteți?" "[english]Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Where y'all at?" "Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Haideți în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Hai, veniți în barcă, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Now, get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Uuu, grăbiți-vă. Veniți în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Woo, now hurry up now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Haideți. Veniți în barcă, aici!" "[english]Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Now c'mon now. Get on the boat, here!" "Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: În regulă, veniți în barcă." "[english]Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: All right now, get on the boat." "Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Haideți, ăia vin după voi. Veniți în barcă." "[english]Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Come on now, they're comin' after ya now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Urcați în barcă, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Uitați-i că vin. Urcați în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Here they come, here they come. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: În regulă, vin!" "[english]Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: În regulă, vin!!" "[english]Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Haideți, haideți!" "[english]Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Now, come on, come on!" "Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Haideți, haideți!" "[english]Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Now, come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Uuu, acum, grăbiți-vă, acum! Grăbiți-vă!" "[english]Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Woo, now, hurry up, now! Hurry up!" "Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Allons, allons! Haideți, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Allons, allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Allons! Haideți, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: În regulă, grăbiți-vă! Haideți, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: All right now, hurry up! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Uuu! Allons! Haideți, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Woo! Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Allons! Allons!" "[english]Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Allons! Allons!" "Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Veniți cu toții, acum! Haideți!" "[english]Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Y'all reach back after it now! Come on!" "Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Uuu! Uitați-i că vin! Grăbiți-vă, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Woo! Here they come now! Hurry up, now!" "Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Uuu! În regulă! HahaHA! Ați reușit!" "[english]Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Woo! All right now! HahaHA! You made it!" "Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Uuu! Ce ziceți de asta, acum! HaHA!" "[english]Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Woo! How 'bout that now! HaHA!" "Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Uuu! Ați reușit acum!" "[english]Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Woo! You made it now!" "Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Acum, bine ați venit la bord! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Acum, bine ați venit la bord, acum! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Now, welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Acum, veniți înapoi în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Now get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Acum, veniți înapoi aici!" "[english]Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Now get back here!" "Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Întoarceți-vă în barcă, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Now get back here on the boat now!" "Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Haideți, întoarceți-vă în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Now come on, get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Acum, haideți! Întoarceți-vă în barcă!" "[english]Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Now come on, now! Get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: În regulă, acum! Veniți aici!" "[english]Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: All right, now! Get back on here!" "Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Veniți înapoi aici, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Now get back here on here now!" "Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: Ah, a fost foarte isteață ideea cu semnul Burger Tank." "[english]Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: Ah that was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: A fost foarte isteață ideea cu semnul Burger Tank. Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: That was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign. Haha!" "Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Uuuhuu! Bine gândit cu semnul Burger Tank, acum." "[english]Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Woohoo! Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign, now." "Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Bine gândit cu semnul ăla de Burger Tank." "[english]Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Ooh, aveți grijă la ăsta mare!" "[english]Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Ooh, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Aveți grijă, acum, feriți-vă de ăsta mare!" "[english]Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Watch it now, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Uuu, aveți grijă acum, aveți un tip mare acolo!" "[english]Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Woo, look out now, that big fella, there!" "Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Haideți, urcați acum. Haideți!" "[english]Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Come on, get in now. Come on!" "Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: În regulă, veniți înapoi în barcă." "[english]Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: All right now, get back in the boat here." "Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Haideți. Allons! Veniți în barcă, aici!" "[english]Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Come on, now. Allons! Get in the boat here!" "Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Faceți-mi semn când luați benzina." "[english]Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gas." "Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Să-mi faceți semn când luați benzina, acum." "[english]Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Now, y'all signal at me when you get the gasoline, now." "Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: Când luați benzina să-mi faceți semn." "[english]Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: When y'all get the gasoline, signal me." "Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Faceți-mi semn când luați benzina." "[english]Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Grăbiți-vă cu benzina. Vă aștept." "[english]Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gas. I'll be waitin'." "Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Grăbiți-vă cu benzina. Vă aștept aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gasoline. I'll be waitin' here." "Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: O să vă aștept aici. Grăbiți-vă cu benzina." "[english]Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: I'll be right here for ya now. Hurry back with the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Grăbiți-vă cu benzina. Voi fi chiar aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Now you hurry back with that gasoline. I'll be right here." "Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: O să ancorez chiar lângă țărm, uitându-mă după voi." "[english]Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: I'll anchor the boat right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: O să fiu chiar lângă țărm, uitându-mă după voi." "[english]Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: Now I'll be just right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: O să ancorez chiar lângă țărm, așteptându-vă." "[english]Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: O să ancorez chiar lângă țărm, așteptându-vă." "[english]Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: O să arunc ancora chiar lângă țărm, așteptându-vă." "[english]Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: Now I'll throw the anchor just off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: Oh, nu cobor din barcă. Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: Oh, now I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: Nu cobor din barcă. Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Mmm-mmm. Nu cobor din barcă, acum. Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Mmm-mmm. I don't get off the boat, now. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and come back here." "Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici. Nu cobor din barcă." "[english]Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. I don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici. Virgil nu coboară din barcă." "[english]Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. Virgil don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Nah-ah. Virgil nu coboară din barcă. Va trebui să luați benzina și să vă întoarceți aici." "[english]Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Nah-ah. Virgil don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here." "Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: Până aici merg, dar puteți ajunge la pod de aici." "[english]Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: This is as far as I go, but you can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: Nu merg mai departe." "[english]Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: I ain't goin' no further." "Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: Acum, nu merg mai departe, dar puteți ajunge la pod de aici." "[english]Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: Now, I ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Acum, doar până aici merge Virgil, dar puteți ajunge la pod de aici." "[english]Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Now, this is far as Virgil go, but you can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Acum, Virgil nu merge mai departe, dar puteți ajunge la pod de aici." "[english]Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Now, Virgil ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Succes, acum! O să caut alți supraviețuitori!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Good luck, now! I'm gonna go look for other survivors!" "Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! Voi vedea dacă voi găsi acum și alți supraviețuitori!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more survivors, now!" "Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: În regulă, bon chance! Voi vedea dacă voi găsi și alți oameni!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: All right, bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! Mă duc să mai caut oameni!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna go look for more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: În regulă, succes, acum! O să văd dacă-i pot ajuta și pe alții!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: În regulă, succes, acum! O să văd dacă-i pot ajuta și pe alții!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! O să văd dacă-i pot ajuta și pe alții!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Succes!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Good luck to ya!" "Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Succes, vouă! Aveți grijă acum!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Good luck to ya! Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Bon chance, acum!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Bon chance, now!" "Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Aveți grijă acum." "[english]Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: Aveți grijă acum, oameni." "[english]Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: You folks take care now." "Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: În regulă, aveți foarte mare grijă, acum." "[english]Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: All right now you all take real really good care, now." "Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: În regulă, acum aveți foarte mare grijă." "[english]Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: All right now y'all take real good care, now." "Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "BUN VENIT ÎN LEFT 4 DEAD 2" "[english]Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "WELCOME TO LEFT 4 DEAD 2" "#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Salut, numele meu este Gabe Newell. Bun venit în universul Left 4 Dead 2, un joc plin cu zombi, bazat pe un stil de gameplay cooperativ pe care noi îl adorăm. Tom Leonard și restul echipei s-au bucurat de șansa de a îmbunătăți designul și mecanicile jocului original, așa că sperăm că te vei distra jucându-l cel puțin la fel de mult cum ne-am distrat noi în timpul producției. Pentru a asculta un comentariu, nu trebuie decât să plasezi ținta deasupra simbolului de comentariu și să apeși butonul asociat pentru FOLOSIRE. Pentru a opri redarea unui comentariu, plasează din nou ținta deasupra simbolului și mai apasă o dată butonul asociat pentru FOLOSIRE. E posibil ca unele comentarii să preia controlul jocului pentru a-ți arăta ceva specific. În astfel de cazuri, o simplă apăsare a butonului asociat pentru FOLOSIRE este suficientă pentru oprirea lor. După ce joci Left 4 Dead 2, comunică-mi părere ta prin intermediul unui e-mail la adresa gaben@valvesoftware.com. Ori de câte ori lansăm un joc nou, primesc în jur de 10.000 de e-mailuri și, cu toate că nu pot răspunde la toate aceste mesaje, fii sigur că le citesc pe toate. Distracție plăcută!" "[english]#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hi, my name is Gabe Newell, and welcome to Left 4 Dead 2. We love this style of zombie-driven cooperative gameplay. Tom Leonard and the rest of the Left 4 Dead 2 team have had a great time building on the design and game mechanics of the original and we hope you have as much fun playing the game as we did making it. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating commentary symbol and press your use key. To stop a commentary node, put your crosshair over the rotating node and press the use key again. Some commentary nodes may take control of the game in order to show something to you. In these cases, simply press your use key again to stop the commentary. Please let me know what you think after you have had a chance to play Left 4 Dead 2. I can be reached at gaben@valvesoftware.com. I get about 10,000 emails each time we release a game, and while I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them. Thanks, and have fun!" "Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "RĂNI" "[english]Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "WOUNDS" "#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Deoarece jucătorii își petrec majoritatea timpului împușcând infectații obișnuiți, am dorit să îmbunătățim feedbackul și aspectele viscerale ale experienței de joc. În Left 4 Dead 1, jucătorii aveau numai posibilitatea de a separa prin împușcare membrele corpului, în timp ce petele de sânge rezultate din impactul gloanțelor erau vizibile doar în versiunea de PC. Acum, în Left 4 Dead 2, există 43 de moduri unice de a cauza răni unui infectat: cu ajutorul armelor de foc, folosind armele albe sau materialele explozive. Deoarece multe dintre aceste răni nu sunt mortale, jucătorii pot răni un infectat de mai multe ori, rezultând astfel aproximativ 780 de combinații de rănire posibile. Pentru a crea aparența unei răni, am folosit o textură modificată de un elipsoid ce îndepărtează pixelii unei zone rănite, creând în acest mod o cavitate pentru rana respectivă. Pentru a evita supraîncărcarea memoriei sistemului, în loc să creăm variante de răni pentru fiecare infectat, rănile sunt introduse ca entități separate și sunt valabile pentru întreaga hoardă. Sistemul nostru de scriptare ne permite să creăm răni specifice pentru fiecare tip de armă. De exemplu, capul victimei va exploda dacă este lovit de glonțul unei puști cu lunetă, în timp ce un topor va crea o tăietură de-a lungul corpului." "[english]#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Since players spend the vast majority of their time shooting the common infected, we wanted to improve the feedback and visceral nature of this experience. In Left 4 Dead 1, we provided only the ability to shoot off limbs, with blood decals for bullet hits appearing only on the PC. Now, in Left 4 Dead 2, there are 43 unique ways to damage an infected--from gunfire through melee weapons, all the way up to explosive damage. Because many of these wounds are non-fatal, players are able to wound an infected more than once, resulting in about 780 possible damage combinations. To create the appearance of a wound, we project a texture modified by an ellipsoid that culls the pixels of wounded area from the infected, creating a cavity for the wound to fit into. To avoid memory overhead, instead of creating wound variants for each of the infected, the wounds are spawned as separate objects that work for the entire horde. Our scripting system allows us to spawn specific wounds from specific weapon hits. For example, the sniper rifle headshot explodes the head, and the axe creates a slash across meaty areas of the body." "Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "VARIAȚIA INFECTAȚILOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "INFECTED VARIATION" "#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] Am dorit să îmbunătățim diversitatea infectaților fără a modifica însă cantitatea de memorie folosită. Astfel, întreaga hoardă nu este compusă niciodată din mai mult de 5 texturi pentru cap și 5 pentru corp. Luminozitatea este folosită în combinație cu gradientul unei texturi pentru a determina nuanțele posibile, oferindu-ne pe lângă tonalitățile cromatice și o variație a luminozității; de exemplu, putem crea tricouri albe sau negre din aceeași hartă de texturi. Gradientul este împărțit în zone, pentru a putea nuanța diferit porțiunile de îmbrăcăminte sau piele. Textura infectaților include și 4 tipuri diferite pentru sânge, alături de detalii precum noroi sau mizerie de baltă. Atât gradientul, cât și măștile sunt generate în mod aleatoriu de fiecare dată când este creat un infectat. Modelele pentru corp și cap sunt și ele generate în mod aleatoriu, rezultând aproape 20.000 de variații posibile pe o hartă obișnuită – de peste 10 ori mai multe decât în primul Left 4 Dead." "[english]#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] We wanted to improve the variation on the infected while keeping their memory footprint identical. The entire horde is never comprised of more than five head textures and five body textures. We use a luminosity lookup into a gradient texture for tinting variation, allowing us to get not only hue variation but also luminosity variation; for example we can make black or white t-shirts out of the same texture map. The gradient is broken up into zones, so that we can tint areas of clothing and skin differently. The infected texture also includes four distinct masks for blood and detail such as dirt or pond scum. We randomize both the gradients and the masks each time an infected is spawned. We also randomize the body and the head meshes, resulting in nearly 20,000 available variations in a typical map--up more than ten-fold from Left 4 Dead." "Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "MORMANELE DE CADAVRE" "[english]Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "BODY PILES" "#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] Mormanele de cadavre au fost generate prin aruncarea într-un nivel din joc a unor corpuri (ragdolls) care se ciocneau reciproc și prin exportarea ulterioară a rezultatului. După aceea, am folosit o unealtă de depanare pentru a crea mormane mai artistice – cel mai plăcut mod de a genera conținut. Din păcate, acest proces era atât de eficient, încât erau necesare numai două ore." "[english]#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] The body piles were generated by tossing self-colliding ragdolls into a level in-game, then exporting out the result. We were able to use a debugging tool to drag them into artistic piles -- content creation at its most enjoyable. Unfortunately, the process was so efficient that it took only about two hours." "Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "INGREDIENTE SECRETE" "[english]Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "SECRET INGREDIENTS" "#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] Texturile infectaților sunt parțial realizate manual și parțial obținute din fotografii. Unul dintre membrii echipei a avut un dosar înspăimântător, plin cu fotografii ale unor persoane ce sufereau de cele mai bizare boli sau răni. Imaginile erau atât de îngrozitoare, încât nu am putut folosi niciuna pentru infectați. În schimb, ingredientele secrete pentru a infecta texturile unui personaj sănătos au fost fotografiile cu coji de cartofi și material izolant pentru case." "[english]#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] The infected textures are part hand-painted, part photographic reference. One of our team members had a nightmare folder full of photographs of people suffering from bizarre diseases and injuries. They were so hard to look at that the infected actually contain none of these. Instead, the secret ingredients for infecting normal-looking human textures are photos of housing insulation and potato skins." "Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "MOBILIERUL" "[english]Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "FURNITURE" "#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] Acest restaurant a fost una dintre primele zone în care am introdus mese și scaune. În primele sesiuni de testare a jocului, când un supraviețuitor împușca un boomer, mobilierul zbura în toate direcțiile din cauza exploziei. Era un efect grozav, iar de aceea am decis să mobilăm și alte zone în același fel, astfel încât mai mulți jucători să poată experimenta acest efect la un moment dat în cadrul campaniei." "[english]#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] This restaurant was one of the first areas we populated with tables and chairs. In early playtests, a survivor would pop a Boomer, and the resulting explosion sent tables and chairs flying everywhere. It was a great effect. We decided to furnish a few more areas like this, so that more players would be likely to experience it at some point in the campaign." "Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "ALEILE PARCULUI" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "PARK PATHS" "#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] Inițial, parcul a avut o serie de alei, care erau schimbate în mod dinamic pentru a îmbunătăți rejucabilitatea. Cu toate acestea, testerii erau debusolați de aceste alei. Când am eliminat elementele dinamice care îi forțau pe jucători să meargă în anumite direcții, am descoperit că, lăsând toate aleile deschise, oferim o experiență de joc superioară. Jucătorii petrec în continuare mult timp în parc, dar pot alege să meargă pe căi diferite de fiecare dată când parcurg nivelul." "[english]#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] The park started out having several paths that were dynamically changed for added replayability. However, playtesters found the paths confusing. When we removed the dynamic objects that forced survivors to go in certain directions, we found that having all paths open led to a better experience. Players still spent a lot of time in the park, but they could choose to go different ways every time they played the level." "Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "PASAJELE SUSPENDATE" "[english]Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "OVERPASSES" "#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] Cele două pasaje suspendate din această zonă sunt prezente de-a lungul intregii campanii și conduc în final la podul pe care supraviețuitorii trebuie să-l traverseze pentru a scăpa. Când am conceput inițial campania, am vrut ca aceste pasaje să-i ghideze pe jucători până la obiectivul final." "[english]#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] The two overpasses in this area continue throughout the rest of the campaign, and eventually meet up with the bridge that the survivors must cross to escape. When we initially designed the campaign, we planned for these overpasses to guide players to their eventual goal." "Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "CORIDOARE MORTALE" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "DEADLY HALLWAYS" "#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] În Left 4 Dead 1, coridoarele lungi și înguste ofereau o anumită siguranță supraviețuitorilor. Un jucător stătea de pază la intrare, altul la capătul celălalt al coridorului, în timp ce jucătorii aflați la mijloc se vindecau. Însă, odată cu introducerea tipului de infectat „charger”, coridoarele lungi și înguste din Left 4 Dead 2 au devenit extrem de periculoase." "[english]#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] In Left 4 Dead 1, long narrow hallways usually meant relative safety for survivors. One player could cover the front and another could cover the rear, while players in the middle healed. With the addition of the Charger, however, the long narrow hallways in Left 4 Dead 2 turn out to be extremely dangerous." "Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "ÎNTOARCEREA PE AUTOBUZ" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "BUS RETURN" "#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] Acest salt pe autobuz este un exemplu bun pentru ceea ce noi numim o „întoarcere”. Dacă un supraviețuitor ajunge pe plafonul autobuzului, va avea avantajul înălțimii în lupta cu infectații. Cu toate acestea, dacă este tras jos de smoker, el trebuie să ocolească autobuzul și să urce scările pentru a se întoarce la echipă." "[english]#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] This drop onto the bus shows a good example of what we call a 'return.' If a survivor walks on the top of the bus, he has a height advantage against the infected. However, a Smoker can pull him down off the bus so that he has to go around and up the stairs to get back with the rest of the team." "Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "FURIȘARE SAU LUPTĂ" "[english]Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "SNEAK OR FIGHT" "#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] După ce Left 4 Dead 1 a fost lansat, am vrut să experimentăm cu un „eveniment crescendo opțional”. Parcul auto este versiunea finală a acestor experimente. Este foarte dificil pentru o echipă de supraviețuitori să traverseze acest parc fără a declanșa alarma vreunei mașini, dar, dacă reușesc, însăși experiența de a te furișa cu grijă și a parcurge un traseu cu obstacole este extrem de satisfăcătoare." "[english]#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] After Left 4 Dead 1 shipped, we wanted to experiment with an 'optional Crescendo Event.' The impound lot is the final version of that experiment. It's difficult for a survivor team to navigate through without setting off a single car alarm, and if they manage it, the experience of carefully sneaking through an obstacle course full of traps is itself quite rewarding." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "RUTE DINAMICE" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "DYNAMIC PATHS" "#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Un lucru care ne-a întristat întotdeauna la primul Left 4 Dead a fost faptul că jucătorii alegeau întotdeauna ruta optimă de parcurgere a unui nivel după ce jucaseră de mai multe ori harta respectivă. Asta însemna că alte zone, în care se investise un efort considerabil, nu erau văzute deloc. Așa că unul dintre elementele pe care am dorit să le introducem în Left 4 Dead 2 a fost abilitatea sistemului de inteligență artificială AI Director de a schimba drumul urmat de supraviețuitori printr-un nivel, astfel încât ei să fie nevoiți să aleagă de fiecare dată o altă cale. Cimitirul reprezintă un exemplu pentru acest nou mod de abordare. Există 4 rute diferite pe care AI Director le poate crea pentru supraviețuitori, prin generarea anumitor cripte și porți." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Something that was always sad for us to watch in Left 4 Dead was that players would always choose an optimized path through a level once they'd played the map a couple times. That meant the hard work we put into other areas of the map would never be seen. So, one thing we wanted to add in Left 4 Dead 2 was the ability for the AI Director to change the path of the survivors through a level, so they have to take a different path each time. The cemetery contains one example of this new approach. There are four different paths that the AI Director can create for the survivors. It does this by spawning in and out particular crypts and gates." "Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "BALCONUL" "[english]Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "BALCONY" "#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] Acest balcon a fost conceput ca un moment de „relaxare”, în care supraviețuitorii pot ieși în stradă pentru a împușca infectați fără să fie neapărat în pericol. Am considerat că este o introducere bună pentru interpretarea dată de noi celebrei Bourbon Street, oferind un peisaj plin de atmosferă fără o amenințare imediată." "[english]#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] This balcony was designed as a 'fish in a barrel' moment where the survivors can come out to the street and pick off a bunch of the wandering infected without being in much danger. We felt it was a good introduction to our interpretation of Bourbon Street, giving a nice atmospheric vista without too much immediate threat." "Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "CLUBUL DE JAZZ" "[english]Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "JAZZ CLUB" "#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] Am urmărit în mod special să creăm localurile din renumitul Cartier Francez în care ar fi amuzant să lupți. Acest club de jazz ne-a oferit un spațiu interior amplu, reprezentând o schimbare față de străzile și aleile exterioare." "[english]#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] We deliberately sought to design iconic French Quarter locales that would be fun to fight in. This jazz club gave us a nice large interior space that offered a break from exterior streets and alleys." "Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "PARADA" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "PARADE FLOAT" "#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Cercetând materialele de referință despre New Orleans, am văzut o mulțime de imagini cu Mardi Gras. Am decis că nu putem avea o campanie în această regiune fără o paradă. Am conceput un car alegoric care să arate puțin mai sinistru. Majoritatea capetelor de măscărici sunt de regulă luminoase și caraghioase, dar noi am vrut ca ale noastre să fie mai întunecate și mai înfiorătoare, așa că modelul nostru arată mai ascuțit. De asemenea, am ales culori mai puțin vesele, în tonul unui festival de toamnă." "[english]#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Looking at reference from New Orleans, we saw a lot of images of Mardi Gras. We decided we couldn't have a campaign set in that region without a parade float. We designed our float to look a bit sinister. Whereas most jester heads are typically bright and goofy, we wanted ours to be a bit darker and more scary--so we made the model appear more angular. We also chose colors that were less cheerful and more in keeping with a Fall festival." "Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "CRESCENDOUL TRADIȚIONAL" "[english]Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "TRADITIONAL CRESCENDO" "#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] Acesta e singurul eveniment crescendo „tradițional” din toată campania Parish. În Left 4 Dead 1, fiecare eveniment crescendo era practic un buton pe care jucătorii îl apăsau și trebuiau să reziste într-un loc până când infectații încetau atacul. Și, cu toate că am adăugat ofensiva și variațiile opționale, am considerat că vechiul model din Left 4 Dead mai are încă un cuvânt de spus." "[english]#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] This is the only 'traditional' Crescendo Event in The Parish campaign. In Left 4 Dead 1, every Crescendo Event was essentially a button press where players held out in one spot until the infected stopped coming. While we added the onslaught and optional crescendo variations, we felt that the old-school Left 4 Dead style event still had some life in it." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "ALARME DINAMICE" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "DYNAMIC ALARMS" "#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] În Left 4 Dead, designerii puteau plasa mașini cu alarme în niveluri. Când se trăgea asupra lor, acestea erau activate și atrăgeau hoarda de infectați. Din păcate, mașinile cu alarme erau plasate de fiecare dată în același loc, răpind astfel din sentimentul de imprevizibil. În Left 4 Dead 2, designerii pot plasa grupuri de mașini cu alarme și lăsa sistemul de inteligență artificială AI Director să le amestece și să determine care dintre ele vor atrage hoarda. De exemplu, în secțiunea prin care tocmai ai trecut, există trei astfel de mașini ale căror alarme pot fi controlate dinamic de AI Director, zona devenind astfel mai puțin previzibilă de la joc la joc." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] In Left 4 Dead , our designers could place alarmed cars in levels. When shot, these cars would flash and make noise, attracting the infected horde. Unfortunately, the alarmed cars would be located in the same position on every playthrough, taking away from the desired unpredictability. In Left 4 Dead 2, designers can now place groups of alarmed cars and let the AI Director mix and match which cars have active alarms, if any. For example, in the section of the game that you have just played, there are three such cars whose alarm state the director can control dynamically, making this area less predictable from game to game." "Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "ÎNĂLȚIMEA" "[english]Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "ELEVATION" "#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] O mare parte din regiunea în care se desfășoară acțiunea din Left 4 Dead 2 este destul de plată, cu puține dealuri sau schimbări de altitudine. Dar hărțile fără diferențe de altitudine pot fi monotone atât vizual, cât și ca gameplay. De aceea, acest pod cu două niveluri nu este doar un element de decor important, ci aduce și acel element de verticalitate extrem de necesar în campanie." "[english]#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] Most of the region where Left 4 Dead 2 is set is quite flat. There are few hills or changes in elevation. But maps without any elevation change can be monotonous, both visually and in terms of gameplay. That’s why this double-decker bridge was not only a visually strong set-piece; it added the much-needed element of verticality to the campaign." "Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "APA CURGĂTOARE" "[english]Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "FLOWING WATER" "#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] Campaniile din Left 4 Dead 2 urmau să aibă considerabil mai multă apă decât cele din jocul original. De aceea, îmbunătățirea randării apei s-a numărat printre prioritățile noastre. Una dintre cele mai importante tehnologii dezvoltate a fost cea care le-a permis artiștilor să picteze diferit curgerea apei pe fiecare suprafață acvatică. Acest lucru ne-a permis să creăm senzația că ea curge în orice direcție dorim, fără nicio constrângere. Și nu numai că arată mai bine, dar este și un ghid subtil pentru jucători, indicându-le direcția în care trebuie să meargă. De exemplu, în nivelurile mlăștinoase, apa curge de obicei către sfârșitul nivelului. Și totul pare mult mai real atunci când vezi că apa ocolește obstacole precum copaci sau pietre." "[english]#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] The new campaigns in Left 4 Dead 2 featured a great deal more water than in the original game. Therefore, it was a priority to improve our water rendering. One of the most important new pieces of technology enabled artists to paint water flow uniquely on each water surface. This allows us to make the water look like it's flowing in any direction we desire, without any constraints. This not only looks better, it aids gameplay by subtly guiding the player where they need to go. As an example, in the swamp levels, the water usually appears to flow towards the end of the level. And water is far more convincing when you can actually see it flow around obstacles like trees and rocks." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "DESIGN: SPITTER" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "SPITTER DESIGN" "#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] Inițial, stomacul infectatului de tip spitter era balonat și își pregătea acidul în acesta, iar gâtul era alungit pentru a putea catapulta acidul pe distanțe mari. Însă, după primele testări ale modelului, unii jucători ne-au atras atenția că, pentru ei, infectatul de tip spitter arăta ca o femeie gravidă ce fusese infectată. Și, cu toate că abdomenul balonat îl făcea mai ușor de recunoscut și îl separa de hoardă și ceilalți infectați speciali, am decis că acesta nu este un drum pe care vrem să-l urmăm. De aceea, versiunea finală pentru spitter păstrează gâtul alungit și gura oxidată, însă are un profil mai suplu și o fizionomie mai îmbătrânită." "[english]#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] In her original incarnation, the Spitter had a large distended stomach in which she brewed her volatile goo, and a long mutated neck which served to catapult the acid over long distances. After the first pass of the model was playtested in game, it was noted by some players that they presumed she was a pregnant woman who had been turned by the infection. Although the inflated abdomen had positive effects on her readability in game, and helped separate her from the horde and other specials, it was decided that the image of targeting pregnant women was a road that we did not want to travel down. Therefore the final iteration of the Spitter features the same long neck and corroded mouth as the original design, but has a flatter profile and more aged features." "Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "SUPRAVIEȚUITORI NOI" "[english]Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "NEW SURVIVORS" "#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] Când am început dezvoltarea jocului Left 4 Dead 2, am decis din start că vom avea un nou grup de supraviețuitori. Acest lucru a presupus numeroase schițe conceptuale, urmate de o perioadă de evaluarea a actorilor cu ajutorul unor agenții specializate. Odată ce actorii au fost aleși, i-am adus în studio pentru o ședință foto și scanarea 3D a feței. Acestea au fost folosite ca referințe de către artiști pentru a crea sculpturi digitale detaliate, care au format baza modelelor din joc. Iar obiectivul a fost întotdeauna să prezentăm jucătorilor supraviețuitori credibili – oameni simpli ce se confruntă cu situații extraordinare." "[english]#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] When we began development on Left for Dead 2, we decided early on to cast a totally new band of survivors in the lead roles. This involved extensive concept sketches, then a period of evaluating actors with the help of several talent agencies. Once the actors were cast, we brought them for a full costume photo shoot, and conducted 3D scanning of their facial features. This reference was then used by our artists to create high detail digital sculpts, which formed the basis of our in-game characters. The goal from the beginning was to provide the player with a lineup of believable survivors--real people juxtaposed against extraordinary situations." "Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "FINAL LINIAR" "[english]Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "STRAIGHTFORWARD FINALE" "#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] Acest final a părut riscant la început, deoarece presupunea ca jucătorii să se deplaseze în linie dreaptă aproape tot timpul. Iar noi ne întrebam dacă acțiunea va fi suficient de variată și de interesantă. Însă, dat fiind spațiul în care se derula povestea, am descoperit că jucătorii luau constant mici decizii care să le mențină interesul, așa că temerile noastre cu privire la o eventuală monotonie s-au dovedit nejustificate. În plus, deși inițial jocul presupunea o avansare constantă, am descoperit că nu toți jucătorii puteau să se deplaseze și să tragă în același timp. Unii oameni nu pot face două acțiuni simultan. De aceea, am setat inteligența artificială să se adapteze stilului de joc al fiecărui jucător." "[english]#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] This finale felt risky at first, since it involved the players just moving in a straight line almost the entire time. We wondered whether the experience would feel rich and varied enough. However, given the fiction and fantasy of the space, we found players were constantly making small movement decisions that kept them interested and immersed, and our concerns about monotony fell away. In addition, while we originally designed it to require constantly moving forward, we found that different players have different comfort levels for moving and shooting. Some players just can’t do both at the same time. So we tuned the director to adapt to different play styles, adjusting the pacing so that different players would still have a good sense of progress and be able to reach the end." "Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "OCHI STRĂLUCITORI" "[english]Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "GLOWING EYES" "#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] Am dorit să scoatem în evidență faptul că infectații și-au pierdut umanitatea și se comportă ca niște animale sălbatice. Iar ochii ce lucesc în întuneric, la fel ca cei ai unei căprioare, subliniază foarte bine acest lucru. Pentru a obține acest efect, am creat un shader special pentru infectați cu ajutorul căruia artiștii pot marca regiunile care ar trebui să reflecte lumina către jucător prin intermediul unei texturi. Ei și-au mai dat seama că pot folosi tehnica respectivă și pentru a crea marcajele de siguranță pentru îmbrăcăminte, folosite de personajele mai deosebite. Acest efect poate fi văzut pe echipamentul brigăzilor mobile, costumele CEDA sau vestele pentru muncitorii din construcții. Iar ca bonus, am mai descoperit că acest efect ajută jucătorii să identifice țintele în zonele foarte întunecate." "[english]#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] We wanted to invoke the feeling that the infected have lost their humanity and behave like feral animals. Seeing their eyes glow in dark like those of a deer in headlights helps illustrate this. To create that effect we authored the shader for the infected so that an artist could mark the regions that should reflect light towards the viewer in a texture. The artists quickly realized that they could also use this feature to make retro-reflective safety materials on clothing, which they put to use on several of the uncommon characters. You now see this effect on riot gear, CEDA hazmat suits and construction vests. As a side benefit, we found that the retro-reflective effect also helped players identify targets in very dark areas." "Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "ARMELE DE FOC" "[english]Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "GUNPLAY" "#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Left 4 Dead 1 a avut un arsenal de arme veridic din punct de vedere scenaristic: de exemplu, pușca M16 era arma standard pentru poliție și armată. În Left 4 Dead 2 am vrut să ne îndepărtăm un pic de rețeta cunoscută și să folosim arme mai interesante, având grijă în același timp să le și justificăm existența. Arma de asalt camuflată, de exemplu, este folosită pentru a sugera faptul că armata a redirecționat o parte din armele ce trebuiau să ajungă în Orientul Mijlociu pentru a rezolva problemele domestice, de unde și camuflajul de deșert folosit. Binecunoscutul AK-47 (care, de fapt, e parțial un AK-74) este atât de frecvent, încât e foarte ușor să-i justifici prezență, pe când mitraliera cu amortizor ține mai mult de lumea interlopă și e interesant să te gândești cum a ajuns o astfel de armă în mâinile supraviețuitorilor. Arma de vânătoare din Left 4 Dead 1 este din nou prezentă, alături de care am adăugat o armă militară cu lunetă ce beneficiază de un încărcător cu o capacitate dublă, aceasta din urmă fiind mai mult o armă de asalt semi-automată. Left 4 Dead 2 mai prezintă și o serie de pistoale, incluzând un model civil personalizat, o armă standard folosită de poliție și un pistol Magnum de calibru mare." "[english]#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Left 4 Dead 1 had a good, fictionally justifiable cast of guns--the M16 being a standard police and military weapon, for example. In Left 4 Dead 2 we had the opportunity to do something a bit less generic, and use some more interesting guns, whilst still being aware that we had to justify their place in the game. The Desert Rifle, for example, is used to suggest that the military had rerouted guns meant for the Middle East back to deal with the domestic crisis; hence the desert camouflage scheme on the gun. The ever popular AK47 (which is actually part AK74) is so plentiful that it's easy to justify its appearance almost anywhere, whereas the silenced SMG is more of an underground criminal-looking weapon, so it’s interesting to think how this has found its way into the survivors' hands. The hunting rifle from Left 4 Dead 1 is back and we’ve added, a military sniper rifle which has double the clip size and is more of a scoped semi-automatic assault rifle, rather than the classic bolt-action sniper rifle, which would be ineffective against the horde. Left 4 Dead 2 also features a variety of pistols including a custom civilian handgun, a standard issue police side arm and a large caliber magnum." "Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "ESCROCUL DE PE FERIBOT" "[english]Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "RIVERBOAT GAMBLER" "#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] Scenariștii au creat inițial o biografie pentru un personaj condamnat, ideea de bază fiind că, în această lume năpădită de infectați, un prizonier care a reușit să scape din închisoare, sătul de hainele de deținut, a făcut efortul să fure un costum alb dintr-un magazin abandonat. Dacă tot are de gând să supraviețuiască Apocalipsei, e bine să o facă cu stil! Iar acest concept s-a transformat, până la urmă, în escrocul de pe feribot." "[english]#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] The writers originally devised a biography for a convict character. There was an idea that here in the lawless world of the infected, this escaped convict, sick of wearing prison clothes, had taken the effort to loot a very expensive white suit from an abandoned clothing store. He might as well survive the apocalypse in style! This concept gradually evolved into the riverboat gambler." "Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "CAMPANII UNICE" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "UNIQUE CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] În Left 4 Dead 2 am muncit foarte mult ca fiecare campanie să aibă propriul stil și gameplay. Iar acest lucru ne-a influențat deciziile în privința zonelor, iluminării, populației, muzicii și a evenimentelor. Am dorit să creăm o serie de locuri situate în Sud, scopul principal fiind ca fiecare zonă să fie emblematică și evocatoare. Așa că am creat propria noastră hartă a sudului Statelor Unite și am trasat un itinerariu. Deși fiecare zonă are propriile tipuri de zombi, am diferențiat și mai mult campaniile prin introducerea unor zombi „neobișnuiți”, specifici doar acelei regiuni. Iar aceștia au propriile mecanici de gameplay care îi fac unici. În fiecare campanie, muzica a îmbinat elementele specifice din zona în care te afli cu tema recurentă principală din Left 4 Dead. Pe lângă acestea, am creat și elemente noi pentru fiecare campanie, astfel încât sistemul de inteligență artificială AI Director să poată prelua controlul într-un mod interesant – fie că este vorba de vreme, drumuri unice sau tipuri de evenimente crescendo și finaluri." "[english]#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] We did a lot of work in Left 4 Dead 2 to make every campaign unique in terms of flavor and game play. This drove our decisions in regard to locale, lighting, population, music, and events. We wanted to create a continuous set of locations proceeding through the South, with the key goal of making each location iconic and evocative. We drew up an overall world map of our version of the South, and charted out our journey through a variety of locations. While each location has its own particular common zombie types, we further differentiated each campaign by creating ‘Uncommon’ zombies which were thematically tied to that location. The uncommon zombies also had specific game play mechanics that made them unique. In each campaign, the music blended specific elements of the location with the central recurring Left 4 Dead theme. We also designed new elements in each campaign where the Director could take control in interesting ways--be it weather, unique paths, or types of Crescendo Events and Finales." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "EFECTE: SPITTER" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "SPITTER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] Ca și pentru smoker, stilul de gameplay pentru spitter necesită ca acest tip de infectat să fie făcut mai vizibil pentru jucători de la distanță. Deoarece infectatul de tip spitter folosește strategia „lovește și fugi”, atacând supraviețuitorii de la distanță, a trebuit să-i oferim acestui personaj anumite caracteristici vizuale distinctive pentru a putea fi reperat mai ușor în zonele întunecate, în timpul luptelor pline de haos. În acest scop, am conceput un fel de bale fosforescente care iluminează personajul și reprezintă un contrast puternic cu celelalte culori din joc, legându-se în același timp și de noțiunea de „moarte verde” asociată cu infecția. La rândul lor, urmele pe care le lasă și care sunt similare cu atacul la distanță, oferă jucătorilor o scurtă oportunitate de a urmări mișcările de spitter atunci când se retrage pentru a se ascunde." "[english]#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] As with the Smoker, the Spitter has a gameplay style which necessitates making her more visible to the player at a distance. Since the Spitter's strategy is to hit and run, striking at the survivors from far away, we needed distinct visual markers to differentiate her in the dark spaces during the chaos of combat. To this end, we concocted a glowing drool that would illuminate her and create a sharp contrast to other game colors, while playing off the 'Green Death' motif associated with the infection. The trail she leaves, which is visually similar to her projectile attack, allows players a brief chance to track her movements when she retreats to hide." "Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "L4DICȚIONAR" "[english]Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "L4DICTIONARY" "#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] Una dintre cele mai importante instrumente folosite pentru crearea și evaluarea unui mediu înconjurător a fost ceea ce noi am numit „dicționarul Left 4 Dead”. Acest set de termeni, idei și elemente de gameplay reprezintă un efort colectiv și descrie spațiile prin intermediul proprietăților fizice, funcțiilor pentru gameplay și avantajelor sau dezavantajelor pentru supraviețuitori sau infectați. Astfel, echipa de producție a avut un limbaj comun pentru realizarea diferitelor tipuri de spații de joc: „capilare”, „spații închise”, „spații deschise”, „pâlnii”, spații de tipul „king of the hill” etc. De asemenea, el le-a permis designerilor să discute și să testeze diverse permutări într-un mod foarte clar. Dicționarul Left 4 Dead a fost esențial în eforturile noastre de a rafina mediile înconjurătoare și de a regla dificultatea în funcție de influența pe care fiecare relief o are asupra gameplay-ului. El s-a dovedit foarte folositor în cazul acestei hărți cu pod, unde începem direct cu un pod uniform în loc de camere, coridoare etc, după care creăm spațiile de joc folosind vehicule și porțiuni distruse ale structurii." "[english]#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] One of our most important tools for creating and evaluating environments was what we called the 'Left 4 Dictionary.' This collectively developed set of terms, ideas, and gameplay grammar describes spaces via their physical properties, functions to game play, and the relative advantage or disadvantage to the Survivor or Infected sides. This provided the team with a shared language for types of gameplay spaces, with examples such as capillary, close quarters, open space, funnel, king of the hill, etc. It also allowed the team to talk about and explore new permutations of spaces in a very clear way. The Left 4 Dictionary proved instrumental in allowing us to efficiently refine our environments, and tune difficulty based on an understanding of how each type of space would influence the gameplay. It was especially useful in this bridge map, where we start with a very uniform bridge and instead of rooms, hallways, etc, we create desirable game spaces using vehicles and damaged portions of the structure." "Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "RESURSE" "[english]Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "ASSETS" "#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Elementele ce sunt folosite la crearea unui titlu au șanse mult mai mari să supraviețuiască producției dacă ajută jocul respectiv în mai multe feluri. Un exemplu bun este această rampă pentru pod: pentru mișcare, ea reprezintă poarta de început. Din punct de vedere audio, este semnalul care dă startul. Vizual, blochează o priveliște ce poate fi neinteresantă. Pentru poveste, defecțiunea evidentă și zgomotul puternic sunt semne clare pentru jucători că au atras atenția tuturor infectaților aflați pe acest pod." "[english]#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Game assets are more likely to make it through production if they serve the game on multiple levels. Take this bridge ramp, for example: Movement-wise, it acts as the starting gate. Audio-wise it acts as the starting gun. Visually, it blocks and breaks up a potentially uninteresting view. Fictionally, the seizing malfunction and resulting loud bang make it clear that the players have attracted every infected on the bridge." "Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "DEZVOLTAREA HIBRIDĂ A NIVELURILOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "HYBRID ENVIRONMENT AUTHORING" "#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] Motorul grafic Source folosește două metode pentru a modela mediile înconjurătoare: un sistem bazat pe volume pentru formele generale și unul bazat pe poligoane pentru detalii. Ambele au avantaje și dezavantaje și de aceea trebuie să fie folosite împreună pentru a crea o hartă. Una dintre provocările care au rezultat din această structură a fost că cele două sisteme au linii de asamblare diferite și e foarte ușor să faci o schimbare într-o parte și să strici ceva în cealaltă. Una dintre componentele kitului de construcție folosit pentru realizarea acestui pod a fost crearea unui flux de lucru care le-a permis designerilor să editeze simultan ambele tipuri de geometrie într-o singură aplicație. Modulele LEGO astfel obținute pot fi îmbinate ușor de designerii de nivel, care se pot concentra mai mult pe gameplay și mai puțin pe modelare." "[english]#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] The source engine uses two different methods for modeling world environments: a volume-based system for general forms and a polygon-based system for details. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they must be integrated together to create a game map. One of the challenges associated with this setup is that the two systems have mostly separate authoring pipelines, and it’s easy to make a change in one and break a tightly integrated set. As a part of making the modular 'kit of parts' that was used to create this bridge, we developed a new hybrid workflow that allows content authors to create and iteratively edit both types of world geometry simultaneously in a single tool. The resulting modules are pre-optimized 'Lego blocks' that can be fitted together, allowing the level designer to focus more on gameplay and less on modeling." "Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "DE_LA_CĂUTAREA_SERVERELOR_LA_MATCHMAKING" "[english]Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] În mod tradițional, jucătorii se conectau la meciurile multiplayer selectând un server dintr-o listă foarte lungă. Era o alegere ce putea fi făcută, de exemplu, în funcție de numele serverului sau conexiune. Acest lucru funcționa bine pentru partide de 24 sau 32 de jucători, unde combatanții puteau să se distreze și fără să coopereze cu colegii de echipă. Dar, pentru seria Left 4 Dead, a fost necesară o altă abordare. Ne doream să creăm un grup de 4 jucători care să înceapă împreună o campanie, fără a se cunoaște neapărat între ei, dar care pe parcurs să aibă sentimentul unei echipe unite. Sistemul Valve de matchmaking funcționează pe baza unui set extins de statistici, de la procentajul de lovituri în cap sau incidentele de foc prietenesc și terminând cu disponibilitatea de a împarți o trusă de prim ajutor cu colegul de echipă. În anul care a trecut de la lansarea jocului Left 4 Dead, sistemul nostru de matchmaking a suferit numeroase schimbări, rezultatul fiind o experiență de joc mai plăcută și un timp mai îndelungat de cooperare pentru fiecare echipă. Odată cu introducerea unor noi moduri de joc, am început să monitorizăm chiar și eficacitatea întregii echipe pentru a încerca să oferim jucătorilor atât aliați, cât și inamici de calitate. Și vom continua să colectăm și să analizăm o multitudine de informații statistice oferite de jucătorii noștri pentru a putea îmbunătăți sistemul de matchmaking." "[english]#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] Traditionally players were connecting to our multiplayer games by selecting a server with available player slots from a very big list. Players might select a server by an appealing server name or network latency. This worked well for 24 or 32 player games where many players could have a great experience even without tight cooperation with their teammates. But for the Left 4 Dead franchise a different approach was required. We wanted to build a group of 4 players who could start a campaign together, possibly as complete strangers, but quickly acquire the feeling of being a bonded team. Valve matchmaking operates on a vast set of player statistics, from headshot percentages or friendly fire incidents, to the likelihood of sharing a first aid kit with a wounded teammate. In the year since Left 4 Dead's release, our matchmaking system has undergone many changes, resulting in better player experience and longer average team playtime together. With the introduction of new team game-modes, we now even measure performance of the entire team and do our best to provide the players with reliable teammates and worthy opponents. We continue to gather and analyze an abundance of statistical information from our real-world players, and use that to improve our matchmaking system." "Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "CAMPANII SUPLIMENTARE" "[english]Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "THIRD PARTY ADDON CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Valve a susținut întotdeauna comunitatea de dezvoltatori și a ajutat la promovarea creațiilor terților, iar cu jocurile Left 4 Dead am avut ocazia de a facilita accesul la conținutul excelent produs de comunitate prin intermediul noului nostru sistem de addonuri. Creatorii de conținut pot acum să includă campanii noi într-un singur fișier, care poate fi instalat foarte ușor de alți jucători. Utilizatorii pot vedea acum titlurile, descrierile, autorii și alte informații utile aparținând tuturor addonurilor instalate, prin intermediul interfeței din joc. Addonurile se integrează perfect cu sistemul de matchmaking, pentru ca jucătorii să poată testa noile campanii imediat după lansare. Feedbackul primit cu privire la addonurile din Left 4 Dead a fost foarte pozitiv și am fost încântați să vedem campanii noi, de amploare, lansate la doar câteva săptămâni de la apariția acestui sistem." "[english]#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Valve has a history of supporting community developers and helping to promote their creations and with the Left 4 Dead games we've taken the opportunity to make the great content our community produces even more accessible with our new add-on system. Content creators can package new campaigns into a single add-on file which end users can easily install. Users can now view titles, descriptions, authors, and other information for all of their installed add-ons via an in-game interface. Add-ons work seamlessly with the matchmaking system so that users can quickly get into games featuring community campaigns they've already installed and can easily download new ones to try. The response to Left 4 Dead add-ons has been very positive and we were happy to see huge, all-new campaigns being played within weeks of the system going live." "Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "PRINCIPIILE DESIGNULUI DE SUNET" "[english]Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "SOUND DESIGN PRINCIPLES" "#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] Principalele ghidaje urmate în conceperea coloanei sonore pentru Left 4 Dead şi Left 4 Dead 2 ne-au îndrumat să urmăm un stil cât mai natural și să reprezentăm cât mai bine lumea în care are loc jocul. De exemplu, monștrii sunt oameni care au fost transformați într-un mod grotesc; ca urmare, toate sunetele emise de aceștia sunt realizate de oameni normali și cu o aplicare foarte superficială de efecte de procesare. Provocarea dată de sunetele pentru noile personaje din L4D2 a fost ca acestea să fie inteligibile în timpul jocului, suficient de convingătoare la distanțe mai mari și specifice pentru a fi identificate cu ușurință. Boșii se diferențiau deja prin înălțimea sunetelor emise, așa că ne-am îndreptat atenția spre o diversitate mai mare a caracterizărilor: chargerul bombăne în sinea lui; spitterul încearcă să regurgiteze; iar jockey-ul... oare știe cineva vrea să spună?" "[english]#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] The guiding sound design principals in Left 4 Dead 1, as well as Left 4 Dead 2, were to stay as organic as possible and to reflect the world within which the game takes place. For example, the monsters are all former human beings, grotesquely transformed; and as such, all of their vocalisations are human performances with very little effects processing, if any at all. The challenge with the new character sounds in L4D2 was to keep them clearly audible for game play, reasonably believable at unrealistic distances, and clearly identifiable as unique. The existing bosses already used the pitch spectrum for differentiation, so we expanded into more characterizations. The charger mutters unintelligibly to himself; the Spitter is trying to screech out her bile hairball; and the Jockey...well, who knows what he's on about?" "Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "SUNETE TEMPORARE" "[english]Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "TEMPORARY SOUNDS" "#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Deoarece coloana sonoră este un element atât de important pentru gameplay-ul din Left 4 Dead, designerii au avut nevoie de sunete temporare pentru a testa anumite idei pentru noii monștri de tip boss. Am folosit uneori sunete pe care le aveam în colecția noastră media, dar pe care nu le-am utilizat niciodată până la acel moment. Cu toate acestea, sunetele temporare pe care le auziți acum în Left 4 Dead 2 au fost create și înregistrate special de oamenii noștri. Dintotdeauna, obiectivul nostru a fost acela de a reda în mod corect sunetul cel mai potrivit pentru fiecare personaj în parte pentru a-i dovedi viabilitatea în joc. Drept urmare, unele voci erau extrem de amuzante. Deși nepotrivite pentru versiunea finală a jocului, unele sunete au fost foarte apreciate de echipă și s-a întâmplat de multe ori să-i auzim pe animatori mergând pe culoar și imitând strigătele inițiale de charger." "[english]#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Because sound is such a crucial gameplay element in Left 4 Dead, the designers needed temporary sounds to test out ideas for the new boss infected. Sometimes we are able to pull temp sounds from unused performances in our library; but in Left 4 Dead 2 the sound designers did their own temp performances. The goal with these is to be just functional enough to test the new characters' viability. As such, some of the temp voices for the characters were quite funny. While inappropriate for the actual game, some of the sounds were highly popular within the team, and it was common to hear animators up and down the halls mimicking the early Charger test calls." "Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "EFECTE METEO" "[english]Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "WEATHER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Efectele meteorologice oferă sistemului de inteligență artificială o metodă în plus de a influența gameplay-ul, prin schimbarea modului în care jucătorii percep mediul înconjurător. Unul dintre obiectivele cu privire la efectele meteo a vizat strângerea echipei de supraviețuitori și plasarea lor într-o poziție defensivă, cum ar fi adăpostirea într-o clădire. Din acest punct de vedere, vremea este asemănătoare unui eveniment crescendo, dar, deoarece este controlată în totalitate de AI Director, ea se poate manifesta oricând și oriunde. Furtuna în sine este creată folosind o combinație de efecte de particule, ceață, maparea nuanțelor, contrast local, post-procesare, alterări DSP și efecte sonore. Și, cu toate că, practic, furtuna poate avea loc oriunde, am decis să o limităm doar la campania Milltown pentru a oferi un context fictiv pentru inundarea hărților. Astfel, furtuna este legată tematic de o nouă provocare de orientare și creează o experiență unică pentru campania respectivă." "[english]#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Stormy weather effects give the Director yet another way to influence gameplay by altering the players’ sensory capacity. One goal of weather effects is to draw the team together and put them in a defensive stance, such as taking refuge within a building. In this respect, weather is much like a Crescendo Event, but because it’s entirely under director control, it can happen any time, any place. The storm itself is created using a combination of particle effects, fog, tone mapping, local contrast, post-processing, DSP alterations, and sound effects. While technically a storm can strike in any environment, we chose to limit it to the Milltown campaign in order to provide a fictional background for the flooding of the maps. Thus the storm is thematically tied to a new navigational challenge, and creates a unique experience for that campaign." "Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "OPTIMIZĂRILE MOTORULUI" "[english]Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONS" "#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] Pentru Left 4 Dead 2, motorul Source a beneficiat de numeroase îmbunătățiri și noi caracteristici care să-i ofere posibilitatea de a reda medii înconjurătoare, efecte și personaje cu o rezoluție superioară. Acest lucru ne-a permis să introducem mai multe arme și creaturi și să mărim dimensiunea nivelurilor fără a consuma mai multă memorie decât în Left 4 Dead 1, îmbunătățind totodată calitatea fiecărui element. Multe dintre efectele de particule folosesc acum câteva tehnologii noi care le dublează calitatea, fără vreun cost suplimentar de memorie. Astfel, a fost posibilă crearea unor efecte meteo precum furtuna din campania Hard Rain. Noua hoardă de zombi este considerabil mai variată decât cea din primul joc, beneficiind de rezoluții și modele mai detaliate. Nu numai că infectații arată acum mult mai bine, dar numărul de variații posibile este de 10 ori mai mare, din nou, fără a necesita mai multă memorie. Mediile înconjurătoare au mai multe poligoane decât cele din primul joc. Iar elemente care înainte ar fi fost pictate pe o textură sunt acum modelate corespunzător. Vegetația este mai veridică, răspunzând într-un mod mai natural condițiilor meteorologice. De asemenea, apa a primit o actualizare vizuală majoră față de Left 4 Dead, mai ales în privința iluminării, reflexiilor și a modului în care curge. Toate aceste elemente îmbunătățesc sensibil calitatea vizuală a jocului, fără a influența negativ performanța." "[english]#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] For Left 4 Dead 2, the Source engine received many new features and optimizations that enable it to handle denser, higher resolution environments, effects, and characters. This gave us leeway to fit additional weapons, creatures, and larger environments into the same footprint as Left 4 Dead, while increasing the quality of each element across the board. Many of our particle effects now use several new techniques which at least double their visible resolution while requiring no additional memory. This has enabled us to create complex weather effects such as the heavy thunderstorms in the Hard Rain campaign. The new zombie horde is considerably more variable than that of the first game, with higher resolution meshes and skinning. Not only do the infected look better, but using a combinatorial meshing and shading system, there’s over ten-fold the number of variations possible in Left 4 Dead 2 while consuming no more memory. The environments also feature considerably more polygonal density than the first game. Many elements that would have been painted into a texture are now fully modeled in the environment. Foliage looks cleaner, while also responding naturally to weather conditions. Additionally, water has gotten a major visual upgrade over Left 4 Dead 1, with far superior lighting, reflections, and flow mapping. All of these pieces come together to improve the visuals of the game while keeping it smooth to play." "Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "NOII INFECTAȚI SPECIALI" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "THE NEW SPECIAL INFECTED" "#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] Noii infectați speciali au fost creați ținând cont de o serie de obiective. Ei trebuia să se integreze într-un mod credibil cu ceilalți speciali, să aibă combinații interesante cu restul infectaților și să dețină un set de abilități care să fie stăpânite de jucători, indiferent dacă aceștia jucau drept infectați sau împotriva lor. Când am început lucrul la Left 4 Dead 2, am avut câteva zeci de tipuri de infectați pe care le născocisem de-a lungul anilor. Pe lângă acestea, am adăugat o serie de idei și, într-un final, am rămas cu trei: charger, spitter și jockey. Cele mai bune echipe de supraviețuitori se strâng ca un arici, respingând rapid atacurile infectaților. Pentru a le oferi acestora din urmă un as în mânecă, am creat infectatul de tip charger. Nu numai că atacul lui separă membrii grupului, dar și trimite la pământ echipele compacte, oferind secunde prețioase celorlați infectați ca să atace. Fiind singurul infectat non-boss ce nu poate fi împins, el încurajează jucătorii să tragă rapid, să stea cu un ochi pe coechipierii lor, dar să rămână și la o distanță confortabilă față de aceștia. Atacul de spitter are, la rândul lui, mai multe efecte. Chiar dacă balta inițială de acid oferă câteva secunde pentru a scăpa, daunele produse cresc pe măsură ce acidul începe să-și facă efectul. Staționarea sau chiar trecerea printr-o astfel de baltă devine astfel o soluție riscantă, așa că echipele pot fi forțate să abandoneze un loc considerat până atunci sigur, în timp ce coechipierii se pot trezi separați. Infectatul de tip jockey este singurul special care-și păstrează controlul după ce folosește atacul imobilizator. Este, totodată, singurul special ce oferă victimei suficient control pentru a lupta. Folosit corespunzător, acest infectat are numeroase opțiuni pentru a omorî un supraviețuitor, fie cu ajutorul altor infectați, fie folosind mediul înconjurător. Simpla separare a unui supraviețuitor de grup, pentru ca un alt special să-l atace imediat, poate fi cel mai mare atu al acestui infectat. Toate aceste tipuri speciale de infectați oferă oportunități unice pentru atacuri combinate, alături de clasicii hunter, smoker și boomer." "[english]#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] The new Special Infected were designed with a variety of goals in mind. They needed to fill in gaps left by the other Specials; they needed to provide interesting combos with other Infected; and they needed to offer a new, fun set of skills for players to master, whether they were playing as or against the Infected. When we began Left 4 Dead 2, we had a list of several dozen Infected types that had been discussed over the past several years. We added a fair number of new designs to those, and eventually whittled our list down to the final three: The Charger, the Spitter, and the Jockey. The best survivor teams stick close together and buckle down under attack, quickly fending off infected attacks. To provide an opening for the infected to capitalize upon, we created the Charger. His charge attack not only separates members from the group, but will bowl down tightly-clumped survivors, giving a few crucial moments for other infected to attack. The only non-boss infected who is immune to being bashed, his design encourages players to keep a quick trigger finger and a watchful eye on their companions, while also keeping their distance. The Spitter’s Area of Denial attack serves a variety of purposes. While the initial pool of acid permits a few moments for escape, its damage increases as the acid begins to do its work. Lingering in or passing through the pool of acid is a dangerous proposition, and it can quickly force a group of survivors out of a tight spot, or drive a wedge between members of a group. The Jockey is the one special that retains control after he’s begun his incapacitating attack. He’s also the only special that allows a survivor to maintain enough control to fight back. A well-played Jockey has many ways of driving a survivor to a deadly end, either at the hands of other infected or through the environment itself. Just getting a survivor far enough out of the group for another special to prey upon is often the Jockey’s greatest strength. All of these special types provide unique opportunities for combined attacks alongside the classic Hunter, Smoker, and Boomer." "Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "MIȘCĂRI SPECIALE" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "SPECIAL MOVES" "#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] Artiștii de animație au testat în mod repetat stilurile de mișcare pentru noii infectați speciali, pentru ca aceștia să poată fi deosebiți de cei deja existenți. Printre primele idei, în cazul infectatului de tip spitter, s-au numărat mișcările ciudate, săltărețe, similare cu cele ale unei păsări, cu piciore strâmbe și ghiare de porumbel. Arăta foarte diferit față de înfățișarea actuală, dar era puțin prea amuzant și nu transmitea suficient ideea de pericol și de amenințare. De aceea, a trebuit să introducem elemente noi pentru o înfățișare și acțiuni mult mai agresive. Pentru jockey, am încercat să copiem anumite tipuri de alergare din lumea animală, de la deplasarea laterală, la salturile unui lemur sau galopul unei hiene. Acestea se potriveau cu râsul maniacal al infectatului de tip jockey, dar aveau nevoie de mai multă agresivitate. Astfel de mișcări ar fi reprezentat o problemă pentru controlarea personajului și descifrarea intențiilor sale în joc, mai ales în modul versus. De asemenea, ele sugerau un stadiu mult prea avansat al mutației în raport cu starea inițială a personajului uman, luând în calcul timpul scurs de la infectare. În cele din urmă, conceptul păstrat în cazul acestui infectat a fost acela al unui personaj biped, cu trăsături animalice – o cocoașă amenințătoare de prădător și mâini îndoite precum o călugăriță gata să ofere supraviețuitorilor o îmbrățișare mortală." "[english]#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] The animators experimented quite a bit with the movement styles of the new special infected in order to help them contrast with the existing specials. Some early passes at the Spitter featured awkward, bouncy, bird-like movements with knock-knees and pigeon toes. She certainly looked different, but it was a little too humorous and didn't project enough of a feeling of strength and danger, so she ended up with much more aggressive posing and actions. We tried a few animal-inspired runs for the Jockey, including sideways, leaping hops like a lemur and a four-legged hyena-like gallop. These fit with his maniacal laughter, but again, needed to be more aggressive. Such movements also would have caused problems maneuvering the character and reading its intentions in game, especially in versus mode. They also seemed too much of a mutation from the character's original human state when considering the amount of time from the start of his infection. The Jockey's final movement pass has him on two legs with just the right touch of animal inspiration -- a menacing, predatory hunch and hands bent rather like a preying mantis, ready to give survivors a big, deadly hug." "Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "TOPORUL" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "THE AX" "#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] Una dintre provocările pe care le-am avut în privința armelor albe a fost să arate decent și să simți că le folosești. Pentru ca toporul să arate cum trebuie, el trebuia să traverseze ecranul în 3 sau 4 cadre. Pentru a îmbunătăți vizibilitatea, alternăm între un topor normal și o versiune mânjită, împreună cu un efect de particule pentru a simula ceața generată de mișcare. În acest mod, toporul mânjit lovește când trebuie, dar permite ochiului să urmărească în continuare acțiunea." "[english]#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] One of the challenges with melee weapons is getting them to feel right and look decent. In order to get the fire-ax to look right when playing the game, it had to cross the screen within 3 or 4 frames. To enhance visibility, we swap between the normal ax and a smeared version, along with a particle effect to cheat a motion blur. The smeared ax hits at the correct time, but allows your eye to follow the action." "Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "INFECTAȚI SPECIALI ȘI EFECTE SONORE" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "SPECIALS AND SONIC SILHOUETTES" "#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] Pe măsură ce am adăugat noi infectați speciali în Left 4 Dead 2, ne-am confruntat cu provocarea de a crea și sunete unice pentru ei, care să-i diferențieze de alți speciali sau de infectații obișnuiți și să-i ajute pe jucători să-i recunoască ușor. În Left 4 Dead, cei patru speciali bărbați aveau o anumită oscilație a tonalității și atribute care-i făceau unici, de pildă, vocalizările de boomer erau sunete lente, gastrice, cu un bas pronunțat. Pe măsură ce am adăugat speciali noi, a devenit din ce în ce mai dificil să nu intrăm în teritoriul celor deja existenți. Și am descoperit că nu ne puteam baza doar pe oscilarea tonalității, așa că am fost nevoiți să lucrăm la caracterizare, pentru ca aceștia să fie reperați ușor de jucători. De exemplu, jockey se află în zona înaltă a tonalității de smoker sau chiar în cea de hunter, dar, din cauza faptului că infecția i-a blocat creierul într-un delir isteric, vocalizările lui sunt deosebite de cele emise de ceilalți speciali. Uneori e dificil să găsești trăsături definitorii care să fie viabile atât pentru starea inactivă, cât și cea de prădător a unui special. Pentru charger, de exemplu, am început cu niște bombăneli amenințătoare, un fel de lătrat care ne plăcea foarte mult. Dar, deși personalitatea lui în starea inactivă era distinctă și interesantă, am observat că vocalizările lui ar fi trebuit să tindă către un strigăt mai puternic în timpul atacurilor, pentru a avea intensitatea sonoră corespunzătoare pentru astfel de momente. În timpul sesiunilor de testare ulterioare, am descoperit că jucătorii erau de multe ori surprinși atunci când erau atacați de charger, deoarece el era asociat numai cu vocalizările agresive pe care le emitea atunci când ataca supraviețuitori. Dar, pentru că el vedea jucătorii de multe ori înainte ca aceștia să-l observe, jucătorii nu puteau face legătura dintre charger și bombănelile non-verbale furioase asociate cu starea sa inactivă. Așa că am înregistrat vocalizări noi pentru aceste stări, integrând, pe lângă lătrat, anumite elemente ale strigătelor și țipetelor sale mai stridente, astfel încât jucătorii să poată identifica mai ușor sunetele de charger când acesta se află în apropiere." "[english]#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] As we added more Special Infected characters to Left 4 Dead 2, we faced a challenge in designing unique sounds for them that players could easily recognize and distinguish from the other Specials and from the Common Infected. In Left 4 Dead, the four male Specials each had both a distinct tonal range and a character attribute to keep them unique -- for instance the Boomer’s vocalizations were kind of a slow, deep, bassy gastric horror. As we added the new Specials into the mix, it became increasingly difficult to avoid impinging on the sonic space of the previous specials. We found that we couldn't rely so much on using the tonal range for distinction and instead had to push harder on characterization to help them to read clearly to players. For example, the Jockey is in the high, bright tonal range of the Smoker and even the upper end of the Hunter, but since the infection has left his brain in a constant state of hysterical mania, his vocalizations read clearly apart from these other Specials. Sometimes it can be challenging to find a characterization that will lend itself to both a Special’s active and idle or lurking modes. For instance with the Charger, we started out with a non-verbal angry muttering, kind of griping bark that we all liked. Though the personality in his idle states was interesting and distinct, we found that we needed to ramp his vocalizations up to a more sustained yell for his attacks to get the right sonic intensity for these events. In subsequent playtests, however, we found that players were often surprised when attacked by the Charger, as they would associate him only with the aggressive attack vocalizations he makes from the point that he sees them through his charge, and since he would generally see players before they saw him, they didn’t have a chance connect him with the angry non-verbal mutterings of his idle states. So we ended up recording new vocalizations for these states, mixing in elements of his more strident calls and yells amid the gripes and barks, so that players could more readily make the leap to recognizing a lurking Charger in the vicinity." "Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "AUTOGARA" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "BUS STATION" "#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] Scenariul de alarmă din autogară a fost primul eveniment crescendo care a evidențiat modul ofensiv, în care jucătorii trebuie să parcurgă o anumită rută pentru a opri atacul zombilor. Acest lucru s-a dovedit a fi o soluție bună pentru eliminarea tendinței supraviețuitorilor de a se baricada într-un colț până la trecerea pericolului." "[english]#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] The alarm scenario at the bus station was the first Left 4 Dead 2 Crescendo Event to feature the gauntlet mode, where players must navigate along a path to deactivate the zombie rush. This proved to be a successful approach to countering the camping strategy of finding an optimal corner and holding out." "Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "BAZELE ANIMAȚIILOR MOCAP" "[english]Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "MOCAP BASICS" "#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Datorită realismului din Left 4 Dead, jucătorii se așteaptă ca supraviețuitorii și infectații să se miște într-un mod natural. Cu toate acestea, animarea manuală a unor astfel de mișcări este foarte costisitoare, în sensul că necesită foarte mult timp, și oricine îți poate spune că nu arată cum ar trebui. Deoarece nu ne dorim ca toți zombii să se miște la fel, este nevoie de un număr ridicat de mișcări pentru a asigura o varietate corespunzătoare. Aceste elemente ne-au îndemnat să folosim tehnologia de captare digitală a mișcării (Motion Capture). Procesul începe, de fapt, cu designul personajelor. Odată ce ne-am decis cum vrem să arate și să se comporte supraviețuitorii și infectații, începem să căutăm actori, ca pentru un film. De exemplu, un profesor de sport de 120 de kilograme se mișcă diferit față de un producător TV care cântărește doar 52 de kilograme, așa că folosirea aceluiași actor pentru ambele roluri ar fi o greșeală. De aceea, am căutat actori cu trupuri similare personajelor pe care urmau să le interpreteze. Pe de altă parte, infectații sunt mai degrabă animale sălbatice, așa că folosim un singur actor pentru toate modelele, indiferent de sex. Apoi, oferim studioului imaginea digitală a personajului, o listă cu mișcările de care avem nevoie și una cu elementele tehnice necesare. După ce actorii au fost aleși, ne mutăm în studio și, timp de o zi întreagă, înregistrăm toate mișcările care ne trebuie pentru joc. Este o zi ce presupune un efort fizic substanțial, așa că, pentru a nu-l extenua pe actor chiar de la începutul filmărilor, alternăm acțiunile de mică intensitate cu cele de mare intensitate. Încearcă și tu să mergi ghemuit 12 metri asemenea supraviețuitorilor noștri și vei simți cum îți ard mușchii, iar asta e doar una dintre sutele de mișcări pe care le înregistrăm pentru fiecare personaj. De-a lungul sesiunii, putem să aplicăm animațiile în timp real peste modelul nostru digital și putem, de asemenea, să găsim, în colaborare cu actorii, varianta optimă pentru ceea ce ne dorim. În unele cazuri, înregistrăm mai multe variante, pentru ca actorul să ne poată oferi perspective diferite sau pentru a îmbogăți diversitatea. De asemenea, actorul este filmat și video în timpul sesiunii de captare digitală a mișcării, pentru a avea mai multe referințe. Odată ce mișcările sunt înregistrate, studioul procesează datele pe care, ulterior, le sortăm în funcție de ceea ce ne interesează. Însă, pentru anumite mișcări, trebuie să creăm bucle. De exemplu, pentru a crea un ciclu de alergare e posibil să folosim doar jumătate de secundă dintre cele trei înregistrate în timpul sesiunii. Mișcările înregistrate sunt apoi ajustate sau îmbunătățite manual, după care sunt compilate pentru a crea modelele personajelor pe care le vezi în joc. Mișcarea umană realistă este foarte subtilă și zgomotoasă și toți ne putem da seama când arată ciudat, chiar dacă nu putem spune cu precizie de ce. Fără captarea digitală a mișcării, personajele din Left 4 Dead nu ar fi nici pe departe la fel de convingătoare și interesante." "[english]#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Given the realistic nature of Left 4 Dead, players expect the zombies and survivors to move in natural ways. However animating that kind of motion by hand is very difficult and time consuming, and anyone can tell when it's not quite right. Since we don't want every zombie to move the same way, a large number of motions are required to provide enough variety. All of these constraints drove us to use Motion Capture. The process of motion capture really begins with the character designs. Once we've decided how we want the survivors and zombies to look and behave, we audition actors just as we would for any other performance piece. For instance, a 265 pound high school coach moves very differently from a 115 pound TV producer, using one actor for both roles would be a mistake. So we look for people who fit the body type and who can bring out the character's personality in their motion. On the other hand, in the case of the zombies, we consider them more like feral animals, so we only use one actor for all them, regardless of gender. We then provide the studio with a digital character, a list of the moves we would like to do, and the props we'll need. Once actors are chosen, we head to the studio and spend a day with them recording the motions we need for the game. It's a very physically demanding day, and in order not to exhaust the actor early in the session we oscillate the captures between high and low intensity actions. Just try crouch-walking 40 feet, as our survivors do, and you will feel the burn--but that's just one of the hundreds of motions we record for each character. During the session we can watch the actor’s motion applied in real time to our character model and work with them to get the look we want. In some cases we do multiple takes to let the actor provide us with different perspectives or to add some variety. We also record the actor on video during the motion capture to use for extra reference. With the motions recorded, the studio processes the data, and then it is up to us to extract the motions we want to keep. For some motions we need to create loops. For example to create a run cycle, we may only use half a second from the three seconds of running we recorded at the session. We augment these recorded motions with adjustments or additions by hand, and then compile them into the character models you see in-game. Realistic human motion is very subtle and noisy, and we can all tell subconsciously when it isn't quite right, even if we can't articulate why. Without motion capture the characters of Left 4 Dead wouldn't be nearly as convincing or as interesting as they are." "Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" "HOP-AȘA! COMBINAȚIA DINTRE JOCKEY ȘI SUPRAVIEȚUITORI" "[english]Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" " GIDDY UP! COMPOSITING THE JOCKEY AND SURVIVOR" "#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] Sistemul de animație al motorului grafic Source reprezintă o unealtă extrem de puternică care ne-a permis să creăm animații în mod procedural, în loc să le realizăm manual. Există mai multe motive care ne-au determinat să urmăm această cale, acestea devenind evidente când ne gândim la provocarea ridicată de animațiile jockey-ului atunci când călărește un supraviețuitor. De la începutul conceperii jockey-ului, am dorit ca supraviețuitorul să se poată zbate într-o anumită măsură. Acestea fiind spuse, ne-am gândit că ar fi esențial pentru supraviețuitor ca acesta să știe intenția jockey-ului, indiferent de cât de mult reușește să facă asta. Astfel, chiar dacă ești blocat într-o masă și nu te duci nicăieri, cu un jockey în spinare, vrem să înțelegi că jockey-ul chiar încearcă să te ducă la ușa aceea de la capătul încăperii și după colț, acolo unde prietenii tăi nu te pot ajuta. Pentru a realiza acest lucru, am implementat un sistem cu straturi de animații pentru supraviețuitor care ar funcționa în combinație cu mișcarea jockey-ului. Straturile acestea sunt atașate de mai multe comenzi cu care interacționează codul, denumite „parametri de postură”. Primul strat constă în partea superioară a corpului supraviețuitorului, de la talie în sus, care permite ca reacțiile supraviețuitorului să lucreze sincron cu mișcările jockeyului. Stratul al doilea este reprezentat de mișcarea supraviețuitorului, limitată la partea inferioară a corpului, de la talie în jos. Astfel că, în scenariul pe care tocmai l-am descris, atunci când jockey-ul deține controlul complet și are o cale directă spre ușă, codul îi comunică secțiunii superioare a corpului supraviețuitorului și corpului jockey-ului să se aplece în direcția aceea și setează un parametru de postură pentru picioarele supraviețuitorului să se miște, de asemenea, conform aceluiași vector. Însă, lucrurile devin și mai interesante atunci când supraviețuitorul recapătă o parte din control și se direcționează astfel încât să se blocheze într-o masă. Chiar dacă nu te mai miști spre ușă, nu vrem ca animația jockey-ului să se redreseze și să dea impresia că nu vrea să te mai conducă spre ușă. Prin separarea animațiilor supraviețuitorului în 2 straturi diferite de animații pe care le compunem împreună, corpul tău superior și jockey-ul se pot apleca spre ușă, în timp ce codul le comunică picioarelor să nu mai meargă, deoarece te-ai blocat în masă și nu mai poți avansa. Sistemul robust de compunere procedurală ale animațiilor pentru secțiunile superioare și inferioare ale corpului cu cele ale poziției în timp real, după cum am explicat în exemplul acesta, ne-au scutit de multă muncă manuală și am reușit să economisim și memorie în joc - ambele fiind finite și foarte prețioase pentru orice proiect." "[english]#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] The source engine's animation system is a powerful tool that lets us create animations procedurally instead of authoring each of them individually by hand. There are various reasons for doing this, which become clear when we consider the challenge of animating the Jockey riding a Survivor. From the start of the Jockey's design, we wanted the Survivor to be able to fight back to some degree. With that in mind, we decided it would be vital for the Survivor to know the Jockey's intent, regardless of how successful he was at acting on it. So even though you may be stuck against a table going nowhere with a Jockey on your back, we want you to understand that the Jockey is really trying to get you out that door at the end of the room, and around a corner where your friends can't help you. To accomplish this, we implemented a system of animation layers for the survivor that would work in conjunction with the Jockey. These layers are attached to different controls that the code interacts with, called \"pose parameters\". The first layer consists of the survivor's upper body from the waist up, which allows the survivor's reactions to work in sync with Jockey's motion. The second layer is the Survivor's locomotion, constrained to the lower half of his body from the waist down. So, in the scenario we just described, when the Jockey is in full control and has a clear path to the door, the code tells the upper body of the survivor and the body of the jockey to lean in that direction, and sets a pose parameter for the survivor's legs to move along that vector as well. However, things get more interesting when the Survivor regains some control and steers himself to get stuck on the table. Even though you have stopped moving towards the door, we don't want the Jockey's animation to suddenly sit straight up and give the impression he isn't still trying to steer you there. By splitting the survivor's animation into 2 different animation layers that we composite together, your upper body and the Jockey can remain leaning towards the door, while the code tells the legs to stop walking because you're stuck on the table and can’t advance. This robust system of procedurally compositing upper and lower body animation layers and position in realtime, as we showed in this case, saved us a lot authoring time as well as memory inside the game--both of which are finite and very valuable on any project." "Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "GRĂMEZILE DE MUNIȚIE ȘI PROCURAREA ARMELOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "AMMO PILES AND WEAPON SCAVENGING" "#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] Odată cu varietatea mai mare de arme din Left 4 Dead 2, am vrut și să încurajăm jucătorii să le caute prin niveluri, pentru a le schimba periodic. Am descoperit însă că mormanele de muniție ne sabotau constant, deoarece un supraviețuitor nu avea niciun motiv să renunțe la arma preferată din moment ce practic avea muniție nelimitată. Așa că am început să eliminăm mormanele respective din niveluri, pentru ca găsirea unei noi arme să rămână singurul mod în care puteai să obții muniție și am observat imediat cum jucătorii începeau să schimbe armele mai des. Am experimentat și cu oferirea unor cutii speciale, similare cu cele pentru gloanțele incendiare și explozive care se găsesc acum în joc. Cu toate acestea, cutiile cu muniție erau ignorate în favoarea truselor de prim ajutor, deoarece jucătorii contau pe faptul că oricum vor găsi o armă la un moment dat. Iar noi am realizat că este totuși important să existe mormane de muniție în zonele finale, pentru a oferi supraviețuitorilor o bază de unde să lupte în timpul confruntărilor mai îndelungate." "[english]#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] With the added variety of weapons in Left 4 Dead 2, we wanted to encourage players to scavenge weapons and switch between them frequently. We found that placing ammo piles scattered through the level fought against this goal as players tended to find one gun they liked and then never switch, as long as they had practically endless ammo. We experimented with removing ammo piles from most of the environments so that the only way to get more ammo was to find a new gun, and we immediately saw players switching weapon types more frequently. We also experimented with giving players deployable ammo packs, similar to the upgrade packs such as the incendiary and explosive ammo that are in the game today. Carrying an ammo pack was perceived as being less valuable than carrying a healthkit though, and many players bypassed the item, counting on finding another gun along the way. We found it was important, however, to continue to place ammo piles in the finale areas, to give players a home base to fight from in the longer set-piece battles." "Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "DEFIBRILATOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "DEFIBRILLATOR" "#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Deoarece gestionarea vieții folosind trusa de prim ajutor este un element esențial în procesul decizional al jucătorilor, găsirea unui nou obiect pentru locul din rucsac s-a dovedit a fi dificilă. Am dorit ca noul obiect să fie la fel de important ca o trusă de prim ajutor în anumite situații și să fie de mare ajutor echipei, spre deosebire de o altă armă strict ofensivă. Trebuia să aibă o interfață de utilizator asemănătoare trusei, necesitând o țintă și o acțiune care are nevoie de timp pentru a fi realizată. Ne-a plăcut idea de a crea un obiect care te poate scoate din belele, o poliță de asigurare în cazul unui atac de tank sau witch. Versiunea noastră exagerată a unui defibrilator de spital a transmis imediat scopul obiectului, plus că oferă șansa supraviețuitorilor de a se simți ca niște doctori." "[english]#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Since managing health with the first aid kit is such a large part of the player’s decision process, finding a new item for the backpack slot proved to be difficult. We wanted the new item to be as valuable as a health kit in certain situations and have a big benefit for the team -- as opposed to being merely another offensive weapon. It needed to have a user interface similar to the health kit, requiring a target and an action that takes some time to perform. We liked the idea of an item that would act like a 'get out of jail free' card -- an insurance policy in case of a tank or witch attack. Our exaggerated version of a hospital defibrillator immediately conveyed the purpose of the item, plus it gives the survivors a chance to yell, 'Clear!'" "Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALINA" "[english]Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALINE" "#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] Similar eforturilor noastre de a înlocui trusa de prim ajutor, înlocuirea analgezicelor s-a dovedit, la rândul ei, o provocare. Versiunile inițiale ale adrenalinei permiteau jucătorilor să alerge mai repede și să efectueze anumite acțiuni într-un timp mai scurt, cum ar fi resuscitarea coechipierilor. Dar analgezicele ofereau deja temporar 50 de puncte de viață, suficiente pentru ca un jucător să alerge la viteză maximă, așa că adrenalina trebuia să reprezinte ceva special. Rezultatul a fost mărirea numărului de acțiuni ce puteau fi influențate de adrenalină, cum ar fi folosirea truselor medicale, defibrilatoarelor sau a cutiilor speciale de muniție; am mărit viteza de deplasare a jucătorilor și am micșorat șansa de a fi încetiniți de atacurile infectaților. Deși nu oferă la fel de multă viață precum analgezicele, folosirea corespunzătoare a adrenalinei a dus la definirea unor strategii foarte interesante." "[english]#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] As with our efforts to replace the first aid kit, replacing the pain pill item was a challenge. Initial versions of Adrenaline allowed players to run faster, and perform certain actions faster, such as reviving other players. But the pills already give 50 temporary health points, which is enough health for injured players to run to full speed again, so the adrenaline needed something extra. We expanded the actions that could be affected by adrenaline, shortening the time it takes to use healthkits, defibrillators and upgrade packs; we sped up the player beyond their normal maximum speed and made them resistant to being slowed down by hits from the infected. Although it doesn't give as much health as the pain pills, we found many interesting strategies began to emerge from the well-timed use of adrenaline." "Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "CUTII CU MUNIȚIE SPECIALĂ" "[english]Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "UPGRADE PACKS" "#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Incendierea infectaților a fost întotdeauna un punct de atracție în Left 4 Dead, așa că ne-am dorit să avem și mai multe moduri de a pârli zombi în Left 4 Dead 2. Această dorință a dat maștere muniției incendiare! Inițial, acest tip de gloanțe și mai târziu muniția explozivă, putea fi găsit în cutii speciale din cadrul nivelurilor. Cutii ce puteau fi folosite de mai multe ori de către jucători. Însă cu toate că aceste tipuri de muniție reprezentau o sursă de amuzament pentru testeri, am descoperit că ei ori ezitau să părăsească zona în care se aflau respectivele cutii, ori păstrau muniția până când chiar aveau nevoie de ea. Așa că am încercat să înlocuim unul dintre experimentele noastre precedente, cutiile de muniție, cu o versiune care permitea o singură folosire a unei cutii ce putea să îmbunătățească muniția unui jucător. Acest lucru le-a permis supraviețuitorilor să care cu ei muniția specială și să o păstreze pentru când aveau nevoie de ceva mai multă putere de foc, iar jucătorul care o avea în grijă era mulțumit că își ajută coechipierii." "[english]#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Setting fires to zombies was always a high point in Left 4 Dead and we wanted even more ways to light zombies on fire in Left 4 Dead 2. This dream gave rise to incendiary ammo! Initially, we dispensed incendiary ammo, and later explosive ammo, from fixed ammo boxes placed through the levels. These boxes could be used many times by a player. But while this was fun for playtesters, we found they were either hesitant to progress away from the item, or hoarded the special ammo until they really needed it. We tried replacing one of our previous experiments, the ammo pack, with a version that deployed a one-use-per-player ammo upgrade box. This allowed players to carry the upgrade pack until they sensed they would need a little more firepower in an upcoming arena, and the player carrying it gets the satisfaction of providing a substantial buff to his teammates." "Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "DISPOZITIVE DE ȚINTIRE CU LASER" "[english]Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "LASER-SIGHTS" "#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] Îmbunătățirea armelor cu dispozitive de țintire cu laser a rezultat dintr-un experiment din timpul dezvoltării primului Left 4 Dead, care nu a fost însă inclusă în joc la momentul respectiv. Dar, în timpul producției jocului Left 4 Dead 2, când ne gândeam ce obiecte interesante am putea să includem în cadrul nivelurilor pentru a fi găsite de jucători, ne-am adus aminte de impactul vizual creat de acele fascicule roșii. Inițial, principalul scop al acestui obiect a fost de a îmbunătăți precizia armelor, dar beneficiul său major a fost descoperit într-un mod accidental: acum puteai să vezi în ce direcție țintesc coechipierii. Ne-a mai plăcut și faptul că, la un moment dat, jucătorii erau nevoiți să aleagă între o armă deja îmbunătățită și alt model, cu un stil diferit de utilizare." "[english]#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] The laser-sight weapon upgrade came from an experiment during the development of the first Left 4 Dead. Though we didn’t end up shipping them at the time. While developing Left 4 Dead 2, when we were talking about interesting items that players could scavenge out of the levels, we remembered the visual impact of those red laser beams. The original intention of the item was to increase the accuracy of the guns, but the more valuable benefit was accidental: you could now see where the other members of your team were aiming. We also liked the choices that confronted players when they had to decide whether or not to swap out their upgraded weapon for one of a different style." "Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "LANSATORUL DE GRENADE" "[english]Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "GRENADE LAUNCHER" "#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] Lansatorul de grenade a fost inclus strict din dorința noastră de a avea cât mai multe explozii și câți mai mulți zombi omorâți de respectivele explozii. Însă, am descoperit un lucru interesant când unul dintre supraviețuitori avea lansatorul de grenade: echipa devenea mult mai vulnerabilă la atacurile din apropiere, iar coechipierii își schimbau corespunzător strategia. Astfel a apărut un mod bine definit de folosire, în care unul dintre jucători folosește grenadele de la distanță, în timp ce colegii lui se ocupă de infectații care se apropie prea mult." "[english]#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] The grenade launcher came about purely out of our desire to see more explosions and more zombies killed by explosions. We found that something interesting happened when we gave one of the four survivors a grenade launcher: They became more vulnerable to close-up attacks, and their teammates adjusted their strategy accordingly. A pattern emerged, where one player would lob grenades from afar at approaching mobs, and the other players would clear off the stragglers when they got too close." "Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "MUZICA LOCALĂ" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "LOCAL MUSIC" "#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] Când încercam să ne decidem ce fel de muzică vom folosi în Left 4 Dead 2, ne-am confruntat cu câteva dileme interesante. O parte din muzica pentru Left 4 Dead jucase un rol important în gameplay, așa că nu doream în mod special s-o schimbăm. Pe de altă parte, noul joc era plasat în sudul Statelor Unite, o zonă cu o identitate muzicală foarte pronunțată. Drept urmare, am considerat că adăugarea unei mici părți din „savoarea” locală ar fi fost benefică pentru tonul fiecărei campanii. Pentru a îmbina armonios muzica „locală” de campanie cu cea tradiționala de groază a primului joc, am apelat la mai multe soluții. Mai întâi, am păstrat toate temele muzicale din Left 4 Dead 1, dar le-am aranjat într-un stil care să fie potrivit cu tematica fiecărei campanii. Apoi am compus câteva piese „gotice sudiste” pentru întregul joc. De asemenea, am compus și câteva melodii pentru personajele noi, în stilul specific al celor din Left 4 Dead 1. În acest mod, am scos în relief faptul că au fost introduse personaje și locuri noi, fără să subminăm însă experiența comună pe care o are oricine în universul Left 4 Dead." "[english]#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] When deciding what to do about the music for Left 4 Dead 2 we faced some interesting challenges. Some of the music in Left 4 Dead 1 plays an iconic and important role in game play, and we felt that it shouldn't really be changed. On the other hand, the game is set in the Southern United States, which is rich with musical identity, so we also felt that adding some local flavor to each campaign would really help set the tone for that campaign. The solution to bridging the gap between the new 'local' campaign music and the more traditional horror music from the first game was solved in several ways. First, we kept all the original themes from Left 4 Dead 1 but arranged them in a style consistent with the local campaign's theme. Second, we wrote an overarching set of cinematic \"southern goth\" pieces for entire game. Finally, we wrote new pieces for the new characters in the style of Left 4 Dead 1. By doing all this, we establish that these are new characters in new places but they are sharing the experience of everyone else in the Left 4 Dead universe." "Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "INFECTAȚII OBIȘNUIȚI SPECIALI" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "UNCOMMON COMMONS" "#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] După ce am lansat Left 4 Dead, am primit o mulțime de reacții pozitive cu privire la infectații care erau unici pentru zonele în care apăreau: pacienții din spitale, polițiștii de pe stradă și agenții vamali din aeroport. Am dorit să venim cu o varietate și mai bogată în Left 4 Dead 2, așa că am decis să includem un infectat obișnuit special pentru fiecare campanie. Primul tip a fost agentul CEDA. După ce l-am inclus în joc, ne-am dat seama că el nu ar trebui să fie unic doar prin aparență, ci și prin gameplay. Astfel, în cazul său, echipamentul de protecție sugera faptul că este ignifug. Acest aspect a fost folosit și pentru omul de noroi, clovnul, muncitorul constructor și jandarmul." "[english]#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] After we shipped Left 4 Dead, we heard a lot of positive responses about the infected that were unique to their locales. There were patients in the hospital, cops in the streets, and TSA agents in the airport. We wanted to add further variety to Left 4 Dead 2's campaigns, so we decided to include an uncommon common infected for each campaign. The first to be added was the CEDA guy. Once we got him in the game, we realized that his uniqueness should not merely be visual, but should extend to gameplay as well. In the case of the CEDA guy, his hazmat suit suggested that he should be impervious to fire. We extended this notion when we added the Mud Man, the Clown, the Construction Worker, and the Riot Cop." "Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "TEAMA SEPARĂRII" "[english]Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "SEPARATION ANXIETY" "#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Pentru Left 4 Dead 2, designerii de nivel au început să experimenteze mai întâi cu variante ale designului considerat reușit din predecesor. De exemplu, am testat câteva situații în care împărțirea grupului ar fi fost benefică. Însă am descoperit rapid că Left 4 Dead 1 reușise să convingă atât de bine jucătorii să stea împreună, încât acum era incredibil de dificil să-i separi. Am abandonat acest experiment, dar am păstrat unele elemente pe care le-am aplicat în timpul evenimentelor crescendo. De exemplu, în lupta din magazinul de arme, uneori poate fi avantajos să trimiți unul sau doi coechipieri să recupereze proviziile, în timp ce restul supraviețuitorilor oferă acoperirea necesară de sus." "[english]#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead 2's level designers started out by experimenting with variants on the proven designs of Left 4 Dead 1. For example, we tried out several situations where there was a benefit to splitting up the group. We soon found that Left 4 Dead 1 had done such a good job of training people to stick together, it was incredibly difficult to get them to separate. We abandoned that experiment, but retained some of the elements to apply during crescendo events. For example, in the mall gun-shop sequence, it can sometimes be advantageous to send one or two survivors to retrieve the cola while the remaining survivors stay on high ground to provide cover." "Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "OBSERVAREA SESIUNILOR DE TESTARE" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "PLAYTEST OBSERVATION" "#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Până la Left 4 Dead 2, toate sesiunile noastre de testare presupuneau ca un membru al echipei să stea în spatele fiecărui tester și să le observe reacțiile în mod nemijlocit. Pentru Left 4 Dead 2, am creat un sistem în care un observator putea vedea în paralel ecranul fiecărui tester și reacția acestuia, cu ajutorul unei camere web. Așa că am înregistrat integral fiecare sesiune de testare, pentru a putea verifica și lua ca referință orice moment doream. Iar acest lucru a însemnat că majoritatea echipei își putea continua munca în timp ce sesiunile de testare se desfășurau zilnic pe durata mai multor ore." "[english]#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Up until Left 4 Dead 2, all playtests conducted at Valve required an observer from the team to sit behind each tester and observe them directly. For Left 4 Dead 2, we developed a system where a single observer could view each playtester's screen in parallel with webcams that captured the playtester's reaction. We recorded every playtest so we could go back and reference specific moments at will. This meant that most of the team could continue working during playtests--which often take several hours out of every day." "Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "AMPLASAREA OBIECTELOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "ITEM PLACEMENT" "#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] În Left 4 Dead, designerii de nivel plasau obiecte individuale precum bombe artizanale, cocktailuri molotov sau analgezice oriunde în cadrul nivelurilor. Sistemul de inteligență artificială AI Director decidea apoi care dintre acestea erau disponibile la un moment dat. Asta însemna că un flacon de analgezice nu apărea niciodată la un loc cu o bombă artizanală sau un cocktail molotov. În Left 4 Dead 2 am decis să variem mai mult generarea obiectelor, așa că am plasat entități numite generic „weapon_item_spawn”. Astfel, AI Director decide atât dacă un obiect va fi sau nu generat într-o anumit loc, cât și tipul obiectului care va apărea." "[english]#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] Level Designers in Left 4 Dead 1 placed individual items, such as pipe bombs, molotovs, and pills, all over the levels. The AI Director had the ability to pick which instance of each item to spawn. This meant that pills would never spawn in the same place as a pipe bomb or molotov. In Left 4 Dead 2, we decided that we wanted more variety in item spawning, so we now simply place an entity called a 'weapon_item_spawn.' The AI Director not only chooses whether or not an item will spawn in a given location, it also chooses what type of item will appear." "Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "INDICII DIURNE" "[english]Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "DAYTIME CUES" "#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Deoarece acțiunea din Left 4 Dead 1 se desfășura în totalitate noaptea, a fost destul de simplu să iluminăm calea pe care doream să o urmeze jucătorii. Pentru campaniile care se desfășurau în timpul zilei, am fost nevoiți să găsim alte metode pentru a-i ajuta pe jucători. Cele mai folositoare instrumente s-au dovedit a fi punctele de reper, cum ar fi firmele luminoase ale benzinăriilor, pasajele suspendate, podul sau fumul provenit de la un avion avariat." "[english]#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Because Left 4 Dead 1 took place entirely during the night, it was fairly straightforward to light the path we wanted players to take. For campaigns that take place during the day, we had to find other tools to help the player along. The most valuable tools were visible landmarks, such as gas station signs, overpasses, the bridge, and smoke from wrecked aircraft." "Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "BOMBELE ARTIZANALE" "[english]Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "PIPE BOMBS" "#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] Bomba artizanală a fost întotdeauna apreciată de jucători, dar în Left 4 Dead 1 am fost nevoiți să dezactivăm animațiile ragdoll și membrele însângerate și să le înlocuim cu o ceață sângerie, din cauza problemelor de performanță. De data aceasta, datorită noului sistem de rănire, noului algoritm pentru ragdoll și noilor efecte de particule, am revenit, în cele din urmă, la viziunea noastră inițială. Iar bombele artizanale provoacă pagube catastrofale hoardei de infectați, spre deliciul jucătorilor și al designerilor." "[english]#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] The pipe bomb has always been a crowd pleaser, but in Left 4 Dead 1 we were forced to disable ragdolls and gibs and replace them with a blood mist due to performance issues. This time, with a new wound system, a new ragdoll solver, and new particle effects, we've finally returned to our original vision. The pipe bomb causes visually catastrophic damage to the infected horde, to the delight of gamers and designers alike." "Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "BROWSERUL DE LOBBY-URI" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "LOBBY BROWSER" "#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] După ce am oferit posibilitatea de a instala campanii suplimentare create în format VPK, am înțeles că, deși mulți jucători le puteau instala și testa, era dificil să-ți dai seama ce campanii erau jucate de alții. Pe lângă aceasta, am descoperit că puțini jucători se alăturau unor meciuri cu dificultate diferită, deoarece nu era clar câte alte jocuri erau disponibile pentru fiecare setare. Pentru a rezolva aceste probleme, am creat un browser care să afișeze lobby-urile din apropierea jucătorului. Acesta indică nivelul de dificultate, campania selectată și câte locuri sunt disponibile. De asemenea, sunt incluse și lobby-urile pentru campaniile pe care nu le-ai instalat încă, oferindu-ți posibilitatea de a le descărca direct din joc. După ce am lansat acest browser, numărul de campanii personalizate pe care oamenii le jucau a crescut simțitor. Hărțile personalizate de tip survival sunt deosebit de populare, cu tematici variind de la supermarketuri până la castele medievale." "[english]#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] After we shipped support for custom add-on campaigns via the VPK format, we realized that while many people can install and play these campaigns, it was difficult to discover what add-on campaigns other players were playing. We also noticed that few players were joining games of different difficulties since it wasn't clear how many other games were available for each setting. To solve this, we implemented a browser that shows nearby lobbies. The lobby browser displays the campaign, the difficulty level, and how many lobbies have open slots available. We also display lobbies for campaigns you have not yet installed, offering the chance to download them directly. Once the lobby browser was released, we saw a sharp increase in the number of custom campaigns being played. Custom survival maps are particularly popular, with themes ranging from supermarkets to medieval castles." "Commentary_Title_STORY" "POVESTEA" "[english]Commentary_Title_STORY" "STORY" "#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] În Left 4 Dead 2 am vrut să oferim mai mult celor care doreau o poveste. Pentru aceasta, am prezentat de la începutul jocului atât infecția, cât și pe cei patru supraviețuitori. Asta ne-a permis să vedem prin ochii lor cum se schimbă lumea. Schimbare evidențiată în fiecare campanie, ce înfățișează un anumit stadiu și o anumită reacție împotriva infecției. Astfel, începem cu răspunsul naiv și inadecvat CEDA pentru a termina cu soluția militară realistă, de a-i salva doar pe cei care mai pot fi salvați. Iar campaniile sunt legate între ele. Chiar dacă în Dark Carnival ai reușit să scapi din Whispering Oaks, știi de fapt că asta e doar una din mai multe astfel de evenimente pe muchie de cuțit prin care va trebui să treci până când vei ajunge în New Orleans. Timpul trece și el între campanii, dar fiecare dintre acestea începe cu vehiculul de salvare din campania precedentă. De asemenea, am continuat să plasăm aluzii și indicii vizavi de infecție. Dialogurile conțin și ele de această dată mai multă poveste, dar jucătorii ar trebui să caute graffiti și notițele lăsate în urmă de alți oameni. Iar supraviețuitorii atenți vor descoperi unele trimiteri către povestea din primul Left 4 Dead, întrucât ambele jocuri sunt plasate în aceeași lume." "[english]#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] In Left 4 Dead 2 we wanted to give players who were looking for a narrative a little more. To do this, we introduce the four Survivors to each other and the infection as we begin the game. This let’s us see the world changing through their eyes. And the world is changing, each new Campaign shows a different stage and reaction to the infection. We start with CEDA’s naïve underwhelming response and end with the Military’s cold but needed resolve to save only those they can. We also connect each Campaign. So while you know you escape Whispering Oaks in Dark Carnival, you also know that is just one escape of many on your journey to safety in New Orleans. Time does pass between campaigns, but each campaign starts with the previous rescue vehicle. We also continue to spread hints and clues to the infection. There is more 'Story' in the dialogue this time around, but players should still search for and read graffiti and notes in the world. Observant players of Left 4 Dead will notice some tie-ins to the story as both games are set in the same world." } }