"lang" { "Language" "finnish" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "Tämä on punaista ja kursivoitua ja lihavoitua valkoista taas." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Ota se. En mä sillä mitään tee." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Take it. Hell, I don't need it." "Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: Muista käyttää sitä myös." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: You make sure you use this now." "Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: Ei avun pyytämistä kannata häpeillä." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: Ain't no shame in gettin' some help." "Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Ota tämä." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Take this." "Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Tässä on." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: Ota sä tämä." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: You can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Anteeksi, tässä on." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Excuse me, here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hei, sä saat tämän." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hey, you can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Ota se." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Tässä." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Ota se." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Have it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Ota se." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Tässä." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Odota, tämä on sulle." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Hold on, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Odotahan, tämä on sulle." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Hold up now, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Odota, tämä on sulle." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Hold up, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Hei! Mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Yo! I got somethin' for ya." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hei! Odota vähän." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hey! Hey! Hold up." "Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: Ovatko lapsukaiset valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: You kids ready?" "Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: Ovatko kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: We ready?" "Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: Ovatko ihan kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: We all ready?" "Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Ovatko kaikki valmiina tähän?" "[english]Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Everyone ready for this shit?" "Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Ovatko kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Everybody ready?" "Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: Valmista aloittamaan?" "[english]Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: We ready to get it on?" "Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hei, onko valmista aloittamaan?" "[english]Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hey, we ready to get it on?" "Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: Ei helvetti, menkää takaisin!" "[english]Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: Oh shit, back it up!" "Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Perääntykää!" "[english]Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Back it up!" "Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: Taakse, taakse, taakse!" "[english]Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: BackBackBack!" "Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Perääntykää, perääntykää!" "[english]Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Back up, back up!" "Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Peräänny!" "[english]Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Back up!" "Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Taakse, taakse, taakse, taakse, taakse!" "[english]Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Back Back Back Back Back!" "Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Perääntykää!" "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Perääntykää, perääntykää!" "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Back up, Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Perääntykää." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: SIITÄ SAAT!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: EAT THAT SHIT!" "Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: Mitäs tästä pidät?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: How you like that?" "Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: TUNTUIKO HYVÄLTÄ?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: HOW THAT FEEL?" "Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: JEAH!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: SULATTELE SITÄ!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: CHEW ON THAT!" "Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: MAHTAVAA!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: ALL RIGHT!" "Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: JEAHHHHHH!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: GYEAHHHHHH!" "Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR JEAH!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: WOUUU! JEA BEIBI!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: WHOOO! YEAH BABY!" "Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Ammu se iso paskiainen!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Shoot that big mother!" "Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Anna mennä vaan!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Keep pouring it on!" "Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Ammu se! Ammu se!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Älä lopeta, ammu se!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Don't stop now, shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Ammu sitä! Ampukaa nyt!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Hit it! Hit it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Ammu se!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Shoot it!" "Coach_Blank" " " "[english]Coach_Blank" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Hei, täällä tarvitaan apua!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Hey y'all I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: Jäin jumiin tänne." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: I'm trapped in here." "Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: Kuuleeko kukaan? Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: Anyone out there? I could use some help!" "Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: Päästäkää mut ulos!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: Come on, people, let me out of here!" "Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Huhuu, onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Hellooo! Anyone out there?" "Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Ette kai te meinaa jättää mua tänne?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Y'all ain't thinkin of leavin' me behind are ya?" "Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Tarvitsen apua, en pääse itse pois täältä!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Need some help, can't get myself out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Kuuleeko kukaan?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: Ihan tosi, haluan pois täältä!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: Come on, y'all, I need to get out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Hei tyypit me ollaan tiimi! Tulkaa hakemaan mut!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Hey, y'all, we're a team! Come get me!" "Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Voitte tehdä siellä mitä huvittaa, kunhan muistatte pelastaa mut." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Ain't none of my business what y'all doin' out there. But get me when you're done." "Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Huutakaa sitten, kun olette valmiita hakemaan mut." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Holler back at me when you're ready to get me." "Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Kuuleeko kukaan? Olen jumissa täällä!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Can y'all hear me? I'm trapped in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Mä olen liian iso tähän pieneen komeroon!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Hey, I'm too big of a man for this little closet!" "Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: Eipä ole ennen apua huudettu, mutta nyt huudetaan - apua!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: Never had no call to ask for help before, but I do now. Help!" "Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [kuristuu]" "[english]Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [Choking]" "Coach_Choke07" "Coach: Tämä paskiainen kuristaa mua!" "[english]Coach_Choke07" "Coach: This bitch is chokin' me!" "Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Sulje tuo ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Sulje takanamme oleva ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Sulje se paska." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Lopeta pelleily, sulje ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Hei, sulkekaa tuo ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: Ovet pitäisi sulkea." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: We oughta be closing doors." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Suljetaan tuo ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Let's close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Sulje tuo ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Sulje takanamme oleva ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Sulje se paska." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Lopeta pelleily, sulje ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Hei, sulkekaa tuo ovi." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [yskii savun vuoksi]" "[english]Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [Coughing from smoke]" "Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Odottakaa, mun täytyy paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Suojaa mua vähän aikaa, täytyy paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Cover me for a sec, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Odota, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Hold up, healin'." "Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Hei kaveri, odota - paikkaan haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Hey man, hold up - healin'." "Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Paikkaan haavoja! Odota." "[english]Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Healing! Hold on a sec." "Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Odota hetki, pitää paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Give me a minute, gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Hitto, pakko pistää meikäläinen kuntoon." "[english]Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Shit, gotta heal my ass." "Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Odottakaa, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I'm healing." "Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Odottakaa, pakko yrittää paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Odottakaa, yritän käyttää tätä." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Wait up, gonna try and use this thing." "Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Ei hajuakaan, miten tämä toimii..." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Man, no idea how this thing works." "Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Odottakaa, pakko yrittää paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: En ole tehnyt tätä koskaan ennen." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: I ain't never done this before." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: Hitto, en tosiaan ole tehnyt tätä koskaan ennen." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: Hell, no, I ain't never done this before." "Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Kuolinkorina]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Kuolinkorina]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: Kyllä me onnistutaan, varmasti onnistutaan." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: We can do this, man, we can do this." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Uuuuh! Nyt on pakko skarpata." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Ooooh! We gotta pull our shit together." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Voihan paska! Nyt ollaan vain kahdestaan! Älä luovuta." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Voihan paska! Vain me kaksi jäljellä. Pysy lähellä!" "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Shit! Just us two left. Stay close!" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Pysy lähellä, meitä on vain me kaksi." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Stay close, we're a party of two." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: Vain sä ja mä ollaan jäljellä." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: Ain't no one else but you and me left." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: Pahus. Tässä on kaikki mitä meillä on." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: Damn. This here is all we got." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Voihan paska! Nyt ollaan vain kahdestaan! Älä luovuta." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: MENNÄÄN!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Jatketaan matkaa." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Let's go people." "Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Liikettä kinttuihin!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Move your ass." "Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Vauhtia!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Go go go!" "Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Menkää, menkää!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Go go GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: LIIKKUKAA!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: MOVE IT!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Jatka vaan." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Just keep going." "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Vauhtia!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Go, go, go!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Jatketaan matkaa!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Let's keep moving!" "Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: Voi pahus!" "[english]Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: Oh shit!" "Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Tulkaa tänne päin." "[english]Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Come on, y'all, this way." "Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: Tänne päin." "[english]Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Tänne päin." "[english]Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Come on, this way." "Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: Seuraa mua." "[english]Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: Follow me." "Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: Tänne päin." "[english]Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Pysykää lähellä." "[english]Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Ai perkele, älä nyt mua rupea ammuskelemaan!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Ahhh, hell no, boy, don't you be shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Hetkinen? Hetkinen!?!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!?!" "Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Mihin oikein luulet ampuvasi?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Where in the hell ya think you're shootin?" "Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Katso, minne ammut!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Watch where you're shooting!" "Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Hei, lopeta tuo!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Cut that shit out!" "Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: Sulla ei ase todellakaan pysy kädessä." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: Jos teet tuon vielä kerran, et edes tiedä mikä suhun iski." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: There's gonna be some biblical shit happening to you if you do that again." "Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Ammuhan meikäläistä vielä kerran, niin se on nirri pois." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Shoot me again, and you gonna be meetin' your maker right soon." "Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Ei nyt aleta toisiamme ammuskelemaan." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Let's not all start shootin' each other now." "Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Kaveri, lopeta tuo pelleily." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Young'un, stop that shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Hitto, sulla ei ase todellakaan pysy kädessä." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Man, I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: Hei, tuo sattui!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: Damn it, that hurt!" "Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Ammuit meikäläistä? Hullu tyyppi." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Shootin' me? That's some crazy shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: Tajuatko edes ampuvasi mua?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: You do know you shootin' me right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Ammu mieluummin zombeja kuin mua." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Look, try shootin' some damn zombies instead of me." "Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Oletko sekaisin? Ammuit mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Are you outta your mind shootin' at me?" "Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Voisitko nyt lopettaa?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Will you cut that shit out?" "Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Hei, lopeta meikäläisen ampuminen, okei?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Yo! Stop shooting me, all right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Älkää enää ampuko mua." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Y'all gotta stop shootin me." "Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: NYT LOPPUU MEIKÄLÄISEN AMPUMINEN!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: GODDAMNIT STOP SHOOTIN ME!" "Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Hitto soikoon! Älä ammu mua." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Ah hell no! Do not shoot me." "Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Ihan oikeasti, hei." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Älä ammu mua." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Stop shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Lopeta mun ampuminen." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Don't be shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: Sä ammut mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: You are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: Se on ihan syvältä!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: That's some bullshit!" "Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Jos teet sen uudestaan, tunnet sen nahoissasi." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Do that again and I'll come back on you." "Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: Sä ammuit mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Hei, ammuitko sä mua?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Man, you shot me?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Keskittykää nyt koko porukka!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Y'all need to focus!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Kuunnelkaa! Meidän pitää toimia yhtenä tiiminä." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Listen, y'all, we need to pull together as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Eiköhän yritetä toimia kaikki yhdessä." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Now come on now, let's put some effort into this." "Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: Kuunnelkaa nyt, ei kavereiden ampuminen auta ketään." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: I'm trying to tell you, shooting each other is not helping each other." "Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Muistakaa tiimityön tärkeys." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Work as a team, people, work as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Te kaikki ammutte mua." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Y'all shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Lopetetaanpas toisiemme ampuminen." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Let's not be shootin' each other, people." "Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: Hei, ihan oikeasti - tuo ei ole kivaa." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: Come'on, y'all - none of that." "Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Ihan oikeasti, hei." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: Lopeta! Nyt alkaa riittää!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: STOP! I am getting pissed off!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolas, luulin että osasit käyttää asetta." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolas, I thought you knew how to use a gun." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nick! Sä ammuit mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nick! You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hei Nick, ammuit juuri mua persauksiin." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hey Nick, that was my ass you shot." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Älä ammu mua, Nick." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Quit shootin' me, Nick." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, rauhoitu. Sä osuit muhun." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, settle down, boy. Ya shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellis! Otan kohta sulta pyssyn pois!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellis! I'll take that gun away from ya!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellis, sä ammut mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellis, you are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Perkeleen Ellis, sä ammuit mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Ellis, damn it, you shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro, älä ammu mua!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro! Quit shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle, sä osuit muhun." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle, girl, you shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! Mikä sua vaivaa?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! What's gotten into you, girl?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! Älä leiki tyhmää, osaat paremminkin." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! You know damn well better than that." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Tyttöseni, sun on opeteltava ampumaan." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Little sister, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Tyttö, sun on opeteltava ampumaan." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Girl, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Poju, älä osoittele sillä tähän suuntaan." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Boy, quit pointing that thing my way." "Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [turhautunut ääni]" "[english]Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [Frustrated sound]" "Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Kana on pelkkä lintu." "[english]Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Chicken ain't nothing but a bird." "Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: Ei hätää." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: I'm cool." "Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: Kaikki on hyvin." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Totta helvetissä se sattuu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Hell yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Kyllä se sattuu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: Kaikki ok, kyllä se tästä." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: I'm good, I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: Mitä helvettiä oikein ajattelet?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: What in the hell do you think?" "Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: Voi paska!" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: Ohhh shit." "Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Anna tänne vaan." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Hook me up." "Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Pitäkää kiirettä." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Hurry it up." "Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [vaikeroi]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [vaikeroi]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [vaikeroi]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: Ansaitsen tästä vähintään oman patsaan." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: They better name a school after me for this shit." "Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Auta mut ylös, niin helpottaa." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Help me up and I can walk this off." "Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: Musta ei jää muruakaan jäljelle." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: Ain't gonna be nothing left of me." "Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: Kunhan pelleilin." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: I'm just screwin with ya." "Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: Näpit irti kengistäni." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: I see ya looking at my shoes." "Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: Mitä yrität sanoa?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: What ya tellin me, man?" "Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: On sitä oltu huonommassakin kunnossa." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: I've been worse." "Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Mitä tarkoitat?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Whata you mean?" "Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: Kaikki hyvin." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: I'm okay." "Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: Pikkujuttu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: Ain't nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: Se paranee itsestään." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: I can walk it off." "Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: Okei." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: Okay." "Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Riittävän hyvä." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Good enough." "Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Nosta mut pystyyn." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Just get me up." "Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Hitto, parempiakin päiviä on nähty." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Man, been better, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Totta puhuen parempanakin on oltu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Can't lie, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: Pahus kun sattuu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: Damn, this shit hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: En tykkää olla makuulla." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: Don't like bein' on the ground." "Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: Täällä ollaan kipeänä." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: I'm hurtin down here." "Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: En kai pötkötä tässä huvikseni." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: Well I ain't on my back for nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Ai miten menee? No miten luulisit?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Man, how the hell you think I'm doin'?" "Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: Olen kunnossa, mutta ei hukata aikaa rupatteluun." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: I'm fine, but let's not waste time chit-chattin'." "Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: Olen kunnossa!" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: Jään henkiin... todennäköisesti." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: I'll live...most likely." "Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Kuulepa, tämä ei ole parhaita päiviäni." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Tell you what, ain't my best day." "Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: Tämä onkin vakavampi juttu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: This here is some serious bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: Tätä en osannut arvata." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: This ain't how i thought this would go." "Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: Tämä juttu paranee itsestään." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: I can walk this shit off." "Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Ahhhhhhh." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Ahhhhhhh." "Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: Pahus, ne pistivät mut huonoon kuntoon." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: Damn, they messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: Menen niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Hitto kun sattuu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Man, this shit hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Täällä ei pitänyt olla vaarallista, mutta paskanmarjat!" "[english]Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Man said there was nothing to worry about. Well, bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: Jokainen järkevä tajuaa, että tämä sattuu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: Ya'll crazy if you don't think this hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Perhana, olen täysin piesty." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Shit, I'm messed up." "Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: Sattuu, mutta mitäs pienistä." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: It hurts, but ain't nothin'." "Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: Tämä ei ole kaunista katseltavaa." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: This shit ain't pretty." "Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: No perhana." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: Ahh, damn it." "Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Tämä tässä koskee ihan älyttömästi." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Man, this right here hurts somethin' fierce." "Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: Tämä on oikeasti paskamaista." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: This is some outrageous shit." "Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Perkeleen paskiaiset pieksivät mut kunnolla." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Crazy sons of a bitches messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: Helvetti. Tuli kunnolla turpiin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: Damn. They beat me good." "Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: Meikä pantiin halki, poikki ja pinoon." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: They beat my ass fair and square." "Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: Olisi pitänyt ottaa panssarivaunu mukaan." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: I shoulda learned to drive a tank or some shit." "Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Voihan paska." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Ahh, damn it now." "Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: Se ei pelaa joka pelkää. Taitaa tosin olla peli meikäläiseltä loppu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: No pain, no gain. I must be about to gain some serious shit." "Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: En ole vielä valmis heittämään lusikkaa nurkkaan." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: I ain't ready to lay down yet." "Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hei, tämä onkin vakavampi juttu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hey. Now this here is some bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: Tämä paranee itsestään." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: I can walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: Jos se menisi itsestään pois." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: Tryin' to walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Menen niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: Pakko päästä kuntoon." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: I'm gonna get right." "Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: En ole vielä kuollut." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: I ain't dead yet." "Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: Kuulin äänesi, olen tulossa!" "[english]Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: I hear ya! I'm movin'." "Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: En pääse nopeammin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: Can't go no faster." "Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: Pakko se on myöntää, tarvitsen apua." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: I'm just gonna admit it, I need some help." "Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: Pitäisi päästä kuntoon." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: I need to get right." "Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Perkele, en ehkä selviä tästä." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Sheeeeeet, I ain't gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: Ryhdistäydy! Kyllä tästä vielä selvitään." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: Come on, pull it together, man. You can make it through this shit." "Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: En pääse nopeammin, sattuu liikaa." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: I'm hurt too bad to go any faster." "Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Zombeilta tuli pahasti pataan." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Man, those zombies beat my ass." "Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: Antaa mennä, pankaa kaikki peliin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: Come on now, put it all out there." "Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: Olkaapa hyvät." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: Come on, it's all you." "Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: Hyvä. Pysykää skarppina." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: That's it. Stay focused." "Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Pysy mukana." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Stay with us." "Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: Hyvä, hienoa. Taistele!" "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: That's it. Yeah. Fight through it." "Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: Anna mennä, taistele sitä vastaan." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: Come on now, walk that shit off." "Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Antaa mennä, pysy vauhdissa. Kyllä sä selviät." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Keep it up, come on, keep it up, keep it up. You're gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hei, usko mua. Kyllä sä selviät." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hey. Listen to me, you are gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: Et sä moiseen pikkujuttuun kaadu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: They put a hurtin' on ya but ain't no thing." "Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: Antaa mennä, unohda koko juttu, hyvin se sujuu!" "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: Come on now, put it behind ya, you good, you good." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nick, en jätä sua." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nick, en jätä sua." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nick, sullahan on hautajaisiin sopivat vaatteet jo yllä." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nick, at least you dressed for a funeral." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Hyvä, Ellis. Olet kova kaveri." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Come on, Ellis. Ya got it in ya." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: Hyvin menee, kaveri. Jos mä pystyn siihen, niin pystyt säkin." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: Come on young'un, if I can do it, you can do it." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Älä pelkää, tyttö, me ei jätetä sua." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Älä pelkää, tyttö, me ei jätetä sua." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: Sä olet sisukas tyttö, älä luovuta." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: I know you got it in ya, girl, keep at it." "Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Sylkeä!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Spit!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: Pahuksen Spitter osui muhun." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: Damn Spitter got me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Helvetti! Pitkäkaulainen paskiainen osui muhun." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Shit! That long necked bitch hit me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Polttavaa limaa!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Burning goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Pysykää poissa limasta!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Get out of the goo." "Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: Jumalauta, limaa!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: God damn it, goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: Mitä tämä polttava tavara on?" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: What's this burning stuff?" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: Tuo naiszombi sylki jotakin mun päälleni!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: That female zombie spat somethin' on me!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: Ei ole totta." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: You have got to be kidding me." "Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: Tuo sylkeminen on paha enne." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: That spittin' is not a good sign." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: Charger osui muhun!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: Charger got me!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Ammu!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Shoot!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Ammu Charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Shoot the Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Ammu tämä helvetin Charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Shoot this damn Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: Ampuisiko joku teistä tämän otuksen?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: One of y'all gonna shoot this thing?" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: Tämä elukka tappaa mut." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: This thing is beatin' my ass." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Älä seiso siinä, tapa se!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Don't stand there, kill this thing!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Charger nuijii mut maan rakoon!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Charger is pounding me into the ground!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: Charger hakkaa mut!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: This Charger is pounding me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Minussa on Jockey!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Jockey on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: MINULLA ON JOCKEY SELÄSSÄ!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY ON MY BACK!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Hyvä jumala, se on mussa kiinni!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Oh Lord no, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Argh, se elukka on mussa kiinni!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Agh, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Tappakaa tämä otus selässäni!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Kill the thing on my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellis, oletko se sä? Mitä helvettiä!?!?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellis, is that you? What the hell!?" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: HELVETTI SENTÄÄN OTTAKAA TÄMÄ OTUS POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: OH SHIT GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Hommatkaa tämä juttu pois selästäni!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Gah, get this thing off my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: Tuommoinen ratsastus ei miehelle sovi." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: That ain't right for a man to be ridden like that." "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: Pahus. Ei tämä ole oikein." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: Damn. That ain't right." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Argh!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Agh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: Ei..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: No..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: EI..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: EI..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: EEEEEIIII!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: NOOOOOOO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Uh." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Ugh." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Ei." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Nah..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: EI!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: EI!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: AUTS!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: AUGH!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: Ei!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: Ei!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: EI!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: Ei." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: No." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: Ei!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: Ei!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: EI!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: Joku osui muhun!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: Something's got me!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: Mikä osui muhun?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: What's got me?" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: Olen täysin paketissa!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: I'm all wrapped up!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hei, mihin mua raahataan!?!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hey! Where am I gettin' dragged to?!" "Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: KOHTA RÄJÄHTÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: KOHTA RÄJÄHTÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: KRANAATTI! Ottakaa koppi!" "[english]Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: GRENADE! Comin' at ya!" "Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: KOHTA RÄJÄHTÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Heitän molotovin!" "[english]Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Throwin' a molotov!" "Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Molotov ilmassa!" "[english]Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Molotov out!" "Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Putkipommi ilmassa!" "[english]Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Pipe bomb out!" "Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Heitän putkipommin!" "[english]Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Throwin' a pipe bomb!" "Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Lopeta kiemurteleminen, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Stop squirmin', I'm gonna heal ya." "Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Odota, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Hold up, I'm gonna heal your ass." "Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Pysy siinä, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Hold up now, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Tuli pahasti turpaan, anna kun paikkaan haavat." "[english]Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Shit, they beat ya good, let me heal ya'll." "Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Älä liiku, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Quit fussin', I'll heal ya." "Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: Jumalauta. Pysy liikkumatta ja anna mun paikata haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: God damn it, quit fussin' and let me heal ya." "Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: Ota iisisti, tämä saattaa vähän nipistää." "[english]Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: All right, hang on, this might sting a bit." "Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Älä kiemurtele tai käsi saattaa lipsahtaa." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Quit squirming, or I might mess this up." "Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Pysy paikoillasi, en tee tätä kovin usein." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Stand still now, 'cause I ain't used to doin' this." "Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: Toivottavasti kohta auttaa, tämä on ihan uutta mullekin." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: I hope this makes you feel better. Ain't sure what I'm doin'." "Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Koita kestää!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Hold on! Hold on!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Anna kun paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Let me heal your shit." "Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Anna mun paikata haavasi nyt." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Let me heal ya now." "Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Mä paikkaan haavasi!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Lemme heal ya!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Pysy siinä, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Hold up, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Pysy paikallasi, paikkaan haavasi!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Stand still, I'm healin' ya!" "Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Jatka sä ampumista, kun teen tämän." "[english]Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Young'un, keep shootin' while I do this." "Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: Kuulen Boomerin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: I hear a Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: Boomer hiiviskelee lähistöllä." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: Boomer's sneakin 'round." "Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Varovasti, Boomer lähellä." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Careful now... Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Olkaa varuillanne, Boomer on lähellä." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Step slow, y'all. Boomer 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: Jossain lähellä on Charger." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: We got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Charger lähistöllä." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: I hear a Charger." "Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: Kuulen Chargerin äänen, varokaa sitä." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: I hear a Charger, don't get charged and shit." "Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: VOI PASKA! TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: Oh SHIT! TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: Meikä ottaa Tankilta luulot pois." "[english]Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: I'm gonna beat that Tank's ass." "Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: Ampukaa kaikki Tankia, kuulitteko!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: We all gotta shoot the Tank, ya hear me?" "Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: I hear a Hunter." "Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Lähistöllä on perkeleen Hunter." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Punk ass Hunter around." "Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Kuulostaa Hunterilta." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Sounds like a Hunter." "Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: Kuulen Jockeyn äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: I hear a Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: Meillä on pikku Jockey jossain lähistöllä." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: One of those little Jockeys is around." "Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: Kuulostaa pikku Jockeyltä." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: That sounds like a little Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: Yksi niistä pahuksen selkäänhyppijöistä on lähistöllä." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: Yksi niistä pahuksen selkäänhyppijöistä on lähistöllä." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: Kuulen Jockeyn äänen. Jos näen sen, ammun sen paskaksi." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: I hear one of those Jockeys. If I see it, I'm gonna shoot the shit out of it." "Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: Mikä tuo ääni on?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: Mikä tuo ääni on?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: Onko se sellainen kääpiö?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: Is that one of those little things?" "Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Kuulostaa Smokerilta." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Sounds like a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: Kuulen Smokerin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: I hear a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Taitaa olla yksi niitä perkeleen Smokereita." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Sounds like one of them Smoker bitches." "Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ööh, mikäs ihme tuo on?" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ahh what the heck is that?!" "Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: En pidä tästä äänestä tippaakaan." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: I don't like the sound of that one bit." "Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Tietääkö kukaan mikä tuo on?" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Anyone know what that is?" "Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: Äänestä päätellen kohta ollaan kusessa." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: From the sounds of it, it's about to get a whole lot worse." "Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: Kuulen Spitterin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: I hear a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: Kuulostaa Spitteriltä." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: That sounds like a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Lähistöllä on Spitter." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Spitter's around." "Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: Jossain lähellä on läski sylkiäinen." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: That fat spittin' bitch is around." "Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: Kuulen sen paksun muijan äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: I hear that fat woman." "Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: Meidän on keskityttävä siihen." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: We are going to have to focus on that thing." "Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Voi eeeiii." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Ahhh nooooo." "Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: Se on aivan liian iso." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: That thing is too dang big." "Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Uuuh... Tuo on epäreilua." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Ohhh, that ain't fair." "Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: Kuuletteko hänet? Valmistautukaa hoitelemaan se narttu." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: Y'all hear her? Get ready to toss that bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Hiljaa! Kuulin nartun äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Quiet, everybody, I hear a bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: Kuulostaa Witchiltä." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: That there sounds like a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Hipihiljaa, kuulen Witchin äänen." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Quiet, y'all, I hear a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, ethän se sä ole?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, ethän se sä ole?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: Mitä tuo itku on?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: What is that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: Kuka itkee?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: What's doing that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Tuo itku ei kuulosta oikealta." "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Man, that crying don't sound right." "Coach_Help01" "Coach: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Coach_Help01" "Coach: I need some help!" "Coach_Help02" "Coach: Apua!" "[english]Coach_Help02" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_Help03" "Coach: Hei! Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Coach_Help03" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I need some help." "Coach_Help04" "Coach: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Coach_Help04" "Coach: Could use some help over here." "Coach_Help05" "Coach: Tulkaa tänne ja auttakaa mua!" "[english]Coach_Help05" "Coach: Get ya ass over here and help me!" "Coach_Help06" "Coach: Apua!" "[english]Coach_Help06" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Hunter sai Ellisin!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Ellisin kimpussa!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Ellis!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Hunter sai Nickin!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Nick!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Nickin kimpussa!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter's on Nick!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: Se repii hänet kappaleiksi!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: That thing's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombi repii hänet kappaleiksi!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombie's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombi on Ron kimpussa!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombie's on Ro!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro revitään kappaleiksi!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro's getting ripped up!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Hunter sai Ron!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ro!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Rochellen kimpussa!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: Me ollaan ok." "[english]Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: Kaikki järjestyy." "[english]Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: We gonna be all right." "Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: Me ollaan ok, tämä ei ole mitään." "[english]Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: We good, this ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: Me selviydymme tästä." "[english]Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: We gonna do this." "Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: Tämä on hallussa." "[english]Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: We got this." "Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Noista elukoista ei ole mihinkään." "[english]Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Those things ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Pirun hienoa!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: Me pärjäämme kyllä." "[english]Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: We're gonna be okay." "Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: Pistimme ne matalaksi." "[english]Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: We got up in their shit." "Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: Rökitämme ne perusteellisesti." "[english]Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: We are kicking their ass." "Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Pirun hienoa!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. Ok." "[english]Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. All right." "Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Jee! Hahaa! Sillä lailla." "[english]Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Woo! Haha! That's how we do it." "Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: Mahtavaa, niin sitä pitää!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: All right! Way to go! Way to go!" "Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: Jes! Te olette mahtava porukka." "[english]Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: Yeah! You are a great bunch." "Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: Se oli hienoa." "[english]Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: That was outstanding." "Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: Hienoa! Hyvä yritys." "[english]Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: All right! Good effort." "Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: Hienoa, hienoa! Hyvä meininki!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: All right, all right! Way to put it all out there!" "Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Just niin, kaveri!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Tulkaa, nyt pitää mennä." "[english]Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Come on, we gotta go." "Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Vipinää kinttuihin." "[english]Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Hophop!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Hophop!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Nopeasti!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Hurry!" "Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Liikettä kinttuihin!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Move your damn ass!" "Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Vipinää kinttuihin." "[english]Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: No niin tyypit, tossua toisen eteen." "[english]Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: All right, people, you best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Mennään jo!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: Tossua toisen eteen." "[english]Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: You best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Mennään jo!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: Turvaan selustasi." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: I've got ya." "Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: Olen aivan perässäsi." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: I'm right behind ya." "Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: Olen mukanasi." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: I'm with ya." "Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: Suojaan sua." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: I got yer back." "Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: Tiukasti kannoilla." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: Tiukasti kannoilla." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: Helvetti, sain osuman!" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: Ahh shit, I'm down!" "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: Perkele, sain osuman." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: Damn it, I'm down." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: Paskat, tarvitsen apua." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: Shit, need some help." "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Sieltä ne tulevat!" "[english]Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Sieltä ne tulevat!" "[english]Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: Paskat, tässä ei käy hyvin." "[english]Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: Ah shit, this ain't gonna be good." "Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: Voi helvetti, valmistautukaa!" "[english]Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: Shit, get ready!" "Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: No niin, ne tulevat." "[english]Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: All right now, they comin'." "Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: Se alkaa." "[english]Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: It's on." "Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Peli käyntiin!" "[english]Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Game on, baby!" "Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: NE TULEVAT!" "[english]Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: INCOMING!" "Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: Nyt jokaiselle taisteluilme naamalle, ne tulevat!" "[english]Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: All right, let's put on our game faces, they're comin!" "Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Pysykää lähekkäin, se alkaa!" "[english]Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Y'all stay close. It's on!" "Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: Selvä!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: Sain sen." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Kuollut!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Dead!" "Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Pam! Sain sen!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Pow! Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: Se kaatui." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: It's down." "Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: Sain sen!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: Sain sen." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: Tuo on mun." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: That one's mine." "Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: Mitä? Ei poju, kyllä se oli meikäläisen kaato." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: What? Ah, hell no, boy, that was me." "Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Sammuta valosi." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Turn off ya light." "Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Valo pois!" "[english]Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hei, valo pois." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hey, kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Laittakaa valot pois." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Y'all need to kill your lights." "Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: Ei valoja." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: No lights." "Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Valot pois." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Lights out." "Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: Tulen perässä." "[english]Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: I'll follow ya." "Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: Tulen perässä." "[english]Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: I'm followin' ya." "Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: Ok, olen mukana." "[english]Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: All right, I'm with ya." "Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Mene edellä." "[english]Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Lead on' man." "Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: PERKELE... MINÄ PUTOAN!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: All right, SHIT...I'M GONNA FALL!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEI! EN JAKSA ENÄÄ PITÄÄ KIINNI!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEY! I CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: AUTA MINUT JO YLÖS!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: HELP ME UP ALREADY!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: Helvetti sentään, olisi pitänyt laihduttaa pari kiloa." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: God damn it, I knew I shoulda lost some weight." "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Kaveri hei, auta jo!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Man, shit's gettin' old, help!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Vetäisikö joku mut ylös?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Look, somebody wanna pull me up?" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Huhuu! Täällä vielä roikutaan..." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Hey! I'm still hanging here!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Vau!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Vau!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Vau!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Vau!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Vau!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: Voi paska, tarvitsen apua." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: Ahh shit, need a hand." "Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: Tämä on ihan syvältä, tarvitsen apua." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: This is screwed up, y'all. I need some help." "Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Pahus, onnistuin sotkemaan tämän. Voitko auttaa?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Shit, I f'd this up, can you help me out?" "Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Hei kaikki, tipahdin tältä pahuksen kielekkeeltä." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I fell off the damn ledge." "Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: Harmin paikka. Annas kun autan ylös." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: Oh shit, look at ya. Let me help you up." "Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: Sain kiinni, sain kiinni." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: I got ya, I got ya." "Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: Hemmetti, melkoinen sotku. Satutat vielä itsesi roikkumalla siellä." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: Damn, this shit's messed up, you gonna hurt yourself hangin' there." "Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: Mitäs jos hilattaisiin sut pois tältä kielekkeeltä?" "[english]Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: What do you say we get your ass up off this here ledge?" "Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Varovasti! Anna kun autan sut ylös. En päästä sua putoamaan." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Easy, let me help ya up now, cause I ain't gonna go get your ass if you fall." "Coach_Look01" "Coach: Tuolla!" "[english]Coach_Look01" "Coach: Over there!" "Coach_Look02" "Coach: Katsokaa!" "[english]Coach_Look02" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_Look03" "Coach: Katsokaa!" "[english]Coach_Look03" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: Mitä mieltä olette tuosta?" "[english]Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: What do y'all make of this?" "Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Tsekatkaa tämä." "[english]Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Check this shit out." "Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Varo!" "[english]Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Varo!" "[english]Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: Pahus, varo!" "[english]Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: Oh shit, watch out!" "Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Varo!" "[english]Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Watch out!" "Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Missä olette?" "[english]Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Where you all at?" "Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Huhuu, onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Hey! Anyone out there?" "Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Vastatkaa, kaverit!" "[english]Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Holler back at me, folks!" "Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: Selvä on, mennään." "[english]Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: All right, let's go." "Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: No niin, takaisin päiväjärjestykseen." "[english]Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: Come on, people, let's get with it." "Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: Kyllä vaan, pakko pysyä liikkeessä." "[english]Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: All right, all right, gotta keep movin'." "Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: Pannaanko leiri pystyyn vai jatketaanko matkaa?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: We gonna put up tents and shit or keep movin'?" "Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: Nyt pitäisi jo mennä, kuulitteko?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: We should get movin', ya hear me?" "Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: No niin, jatketaan." "[english]Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: All right, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: Ok, jatketaan matkaa." "[english]Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Jatketaan." "[english]Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: No niin, jatketaan." "[english]Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: All right people, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: Ok, jatketaan matkaa." "[english]Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Mua sanotaan Coachiksi." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Ei mulla muita nimiä ole ollutkaan pitkään aikaan." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Ain't been called nothin' but Coach for a long time." "Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: Helvetti. Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: Damn. Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellis!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLIS!" "Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Poju!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Boyyy!" "Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellis." "[english]Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Keltanokka." "[english]Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Poju." "[english]Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Boy." "Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Keltanokka." "[english]Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Hei pukumies." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Sir." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Sir." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Hei pukumies." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Hei pukumies." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Hei pukumies." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Hey Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Sir." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Sir." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nick." "[english]Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nick." "Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolas." "[english]Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolas." "Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "[english]Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Nick." "[english]Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Niiick." "Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nick!" "[english]Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolas!" "Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colas!" "[english]Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Kullannuppu." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Anteeksi, kullannuppu." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hei tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hey, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Öh, tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Uh, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Kulta." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Sweetheart" "Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Anteeksi, kullannuppu." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Neiti." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Miss." "Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Kullannuppu." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: Hyvä on, kullannuppu." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: All right, sweety." "Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro." "Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Hienoa." "[english]Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Nice." "Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Hyvin tehty." "[english]Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Nice work." "Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: Hienoa, hyvin menee." "[english]Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: All right, you doin' good." "Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: Olet tehtäväsi tasalla." "[english]Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: You're on that shit." "Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Upeaa!" "[english]Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Way to go." "Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: Hyvä, toimitte hienosti." "[english]Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: All right now, you done good,." "Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Hienoa, jatka samaan tahtiin." "[english]Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Nice, keep goin at em like that." "Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: Se oli hyvää työtä." "[english]Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: That there was nice work." "Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: Upeaa. Annoitte niille kunnolla turpaan." "[english]Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: All right. You beat their ass good." "Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: Hyvää työtä." "[english]Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: You done good." "Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: Hyvä, hyvä. Ei yhtään hassumpaa." "[english]Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: All right, all right. Not bad, not bad." "Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Antaa mennä, painakaa päälle vaan." "[english]Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Come one now, keep it up, keep it up." "Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: Mahtavaa, niin sitä pitää!" "[english]Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: All right, way to go, way to go." "Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Turpiin vaan ja onnea!" "[english]Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Way to stick it to 'em." "Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: Hyvää työtä kaikki, nyt mennään täysillä." "[english]Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: All right, everybody, you are giving 110%." "Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Nice shot." "Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: Pahus. Hyvä osuma." "[english]Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: Damn. Good one." "Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Hyvä kuti!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Good one!" "Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: Hyvin pärjäät." "[english]Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: You on it." "Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: Sait sen." "[english]Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: You got it." "Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: Noin sitä pitää!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: Ohh hoo hoo, all right!" "Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: Hitto. Teit vaikutuksen." "[english]Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: Damn. I'm impressed." "Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: Niittasit sen." "[english]Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: You nailed it." "Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: Voitit ne." "[english]Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: You beat 'em." "Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: No niin, sä olet nyt pomo." "[english]Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: Well all right now, you're in charge." "Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: Jee, upeaa! Pojalta homma hoituu!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: All right now, yeah! You got it, boy!" "Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Hyvä laukaus, pikkukaveri." "[english]Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Nice shot, young'un." "Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: Hienoa, tyttönen." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: All right, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Paina päälle, tyttö." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Paina päälle, tyttö." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Hieno tappo, Nick." "[english]Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Nice kill, Nick." "Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, hyvin ammuttu." "[english]Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, nice shot." "Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, se oli hyvä laukaus." "[english]Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, that was a nice shot." "Coach_No01" "Coach: Ei." "[english]Coach_No01" "Coach: No." "Coach_No02" "Coach: Ei helvetissä." "[english]Coach_No02" "Coach: Oh hell no." "Coach_No03" "Coach: Anteeksi?" "[english]Coach_No03" "Coach: Excuse me?" "Coach_No04" "Coach: Ööh." "[english]Coach_No04" "Coach: Enh. Oh." "Coach_No05" "Coach: Ei kiitos!" "[english]Coach_No05" "Coach: No thank you." "Coach_No06" "Coach: Ei sovi." "[english]Coach_No06" "Coach: Nope." "Coach_No07" "Coach: Ei onnistu." "[english]Coach_No07" "Coach: Uh uh." "Coach_No08" "Coach: Ei onnistu." "[english]Coach_No08" "Coach: Ain't gonna happen." "Coach_No09" "Coach: Ei helkutissa." "[english]Coach_No09" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_No10" "Coach: Ei todellakaan." "[english]Coach_No10" "Coach: Shit no." "Coach_No11" "Coach: Ei." "[english]Coach_No11" "Coach: No." "Coach_No12" "Coach: Oletko hullu?" "[english]Coach_No12" "Coach: You crazy?" "Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: Kuule poju, ei todellakaan." "[english]Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: Ahhh hell no, boy." "Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Ei onnistu, tyttönen, ehei." "[english]Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Nahh, girl. Mn. Mnnn." "Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Ehei, tyttö." "[english]Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Nahh, girl." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Aahhh..." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Aahhh..." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Uuh. Niin sitä pitää." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Ooh. That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Ohhh jeahhh. Jeah." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh. Yeah." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: Juuri noin." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: Nyt menee hyvin." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Ohhh jeahhh." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: Juuri noin." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: Nyt menee hyvin." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Jess!" "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Yesss!" "Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Uuh, aah." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Ooff, ahh." "Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: Se osui juuri kohdalleen." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: All right, that hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: Juuri sitä mitä tarvittiin." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: That hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Tällä pärjään pitkälle." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Yeah, that'll hold me." "Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: Mahtavaa, tällä pärjään pitkälle." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: All right, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Tällä pärjään pitkälle." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Woo, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Perkele." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Shit." "Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: Mitä hel..." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: What the f-" "Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: Piru!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: Damn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Menohan on kohta kuin Bagdadissa..." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Man, this is about to get all Baghdad and shit.." "Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: Kohta käy huonosti." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: Oh hell, this about to get bad." "Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: Ei helkutissa." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: Perkele!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: God damn it!" "Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Voi paska." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Voi paska." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: Mitä pirua?" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: What the?" "Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Paskanmarjat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: No enpä olisi uskonut." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Paskanmarjat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: Jumalauta!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Pirulainen." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Pirulainen." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: Jumalauta!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: No enpä olisi uskonut." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Paskanmarjat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Lataan..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: Nyt kannattaisi ehkä rukoilla. Sinua on sattunut pahasti. Vielä kerta, ja se on menoa." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: You might want to make your peace. You hurt bad. One more time and that is it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: Ne painavat päälle ja sä otat kovia iskuja... Yksi kerta vielä, ja se on siinä." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: They keep jumpin your shit and you keep goin' down. One more time and that's it." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: Kyllä sä selviät... Ei, en pysty valehtelemaan: vielä yksi isku, niin olet mennyttä." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: You gonna be okay... Ah nah, nah, I can't lie to ya. Go down again and that's it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: Näytät kuin autokolarista selvinneeltä. Se on nyt kerrasta poikki." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: You look like one of those dudes in a drivin school film. This may be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: Nyt en pelleile yhtään. Älä ota enää yhtään osumaa, muuten pääset hengestäsi." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: I ain't clownin' when I say this, but you better not go down again, cause that be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: Nyt puhun suoraan. Jos vielä saat osuman, sulle tulee noutaja. Ymmärrätkö?" "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: I gotta be straight with ya. You gonna die if you go down again, you understand?" "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: Nyt kannattaisi ehkä rukoilla. Vielä yksi isku, niin siitä et enää nouse." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: You gonna want to make peace, my man. You go down again and you ain't gettin back up." "Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Ikävä sanoa, mutta näytät todella kehnolta." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Don't mean to be pickin on ya, but y'all look like shit." "Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: Mitäs sulla on? Eihän tuo mitään, olet kunnossa." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: What we got here? Ain't nothin'. Ya good." "Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: Et ole kunnossa, mutta hoidetaan sut liikkeelle." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: You ain't right, but let's get ya up and movin'." "Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Nousehan ylös, niin katsotaan. Joo, kyllä sä pärjäät." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Let's get ya up and take a look at ya. Yeah, yeah, you good." "Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: Taisit saada kunnolla pataan? Ei se mitään, mä hoidan sut kuntoon." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: Damn, they beat ya ass good didn't they? I get ya up though." "Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: Pelleiletkö? Pelkkä naarmu, ja kaveri on maassa. Ylös siitä!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: You for real? You gonna stay down with a little scratch like that? Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Anna kun autan sut ylös. Ei pieni naarmu mikään maailmaloppu ole." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Let's get ya ass up, a little nick ain't no reason to give up." "Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: Älä nyt turhista huolestu, selviät kyllä. Anna kun autan sut ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: Come on, man, don't shit yourself over this. You gonna be okay. Let me get ya up." "Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Ja sitten kakskyt punnerrusta! Ei vaiskaan, anna kun autan sut ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Down and give me 20. Just foolin', let's get ya back up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Mikä on vointi?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Where that put you at?" "Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: Taisi sattua pahasti." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: They put a hurtin on ya." "Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: Mitäs täällä on?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: Ei ole aikaa hellittelyyn. Nostetaanpas sut ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: No time to be gentle. Let's get you up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Mitä tuo nyt on? Kyllä sä selviät. Noustaanpas ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Come on now, what you goin' on about? You're gonna make it. Let's get you up." "Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: Oletko kuollut?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: You dead?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: You good?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: Meinaatko makoilla koko päivän?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: Gonna lay there all day?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: Mitä tapahtui?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: So what happened?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: Ne voittivat sut?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: They end you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: Ajattelitko kuolla nyt?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: This it for you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: Oletko ok?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: You right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: Haluatko pysyä maassa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: You wanna stay down?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: You okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: Jäätkö henkiin?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: You gonna make it?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Onko kaikki kunnossa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Everything okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: Miltä tuntuu?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: How you feel?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: You straight?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: Mitäs täällä on?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Puhu mulle. Oletko ok?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Talk to me. You cool?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: You all right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: Ok, hyvä." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: All right, good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Se menee ohi." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Walk it off." "Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: Olet kunnossa." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: You okay." "Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: Näytät hyvältä." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: You look good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Ryhdistäydy." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Come on now." "Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Olet taas kunnossa." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Now you're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Noustaanpas." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Up we go." "Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: Olet ok." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: You good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: Olet ihan kunnossa." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: You're doin fine." "Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: Ei näytä kovin pahalta." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: This don't look bad." "Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Me tarvitaan sua." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Can't lose you now, can we?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: Selviät kyllä!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: See you're gonna make it." "Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Mitäs mä sanoin, pikkujuttu." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Told ya. Wasn't nothing." "Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: Viedään tämä nyt loppuun." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: All right, let's finish what we started." "Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: Taas päästään asiaan." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: All right now, we're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Mennään, Ellis." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Let's go, Ellis." "Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Kimppuun, Nick." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Back at 'em, Nick." "Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Suosikkityttönen myös mukaan." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Can't lose my favorite girl." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: Jos tämä on mun syytä, olen pahoillani. Autan sut jaloillesi." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: If this had anything to do with me, I do apologize. Let's get you back up." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: Olen pahoillani. En ole tottunut tähän ampumiseen ja juoksenteluun." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: Olen pahoillani. En ole tottunut tähän ampumiseen ja juoksenteluun. Etenkään juoksenteluun." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around. At least not the runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Ala tulla jo. Nouse ylös!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Come on now! Get ya ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: Tähän ei ole aikaa, nouse ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Noustaanpas nyt ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Let's get you ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: Nouse jo ylös!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: Oh shit, come on, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Tähän ei ole aikaa, nouse ylös." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Come on now, ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Hilaa ruhosi ylös! Ylös nyt!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Get your ass up! Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Nouse! Ala tulla jo. Ylös nyt!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Get up! Come on now. Get. Up!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Turvatalo edessä!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Safe house up ahead!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Turvatalo!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Safe house!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Turvatalo, antaa mennä!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Safe house, let's go!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: Olen täällä!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Hei!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: Olen täällä!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hei, olen täällä!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hey, I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: Ok. Olemme kaikki täällä!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: All right. We're all here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: Olemme kaikki täällä!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: We're all here!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS." "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: GET IT OFF." "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Mun moka." "[english]Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Shit, my bad." "Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: Tuo oli mun syytä." "[english]Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: That right there was my fault." "Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: Mun moka." "[english]Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: My bad." "Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Anteeksi." "[english]Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Sorry." "Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hei, anteeksi." "[english]Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hey, sorry." "Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Arvaas mitä? Mun moka." "[english]Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Ha, you know what? My bad." "Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: Voi pahus, anteeksi." "[english]Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: Oh shit, sorry." "Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Ammuksia!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Ammuksia!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Ammuksia tänne!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Ammo up here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Ammuksia!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Hey, ammo here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: First Aid Kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: First Aid kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: Ensiapua!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: First Aid here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: Ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: First Aid Kits over here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: Ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: Ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here. Ha ha!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hei, täällä on ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hey, ya'll, we got some First Aid Kits here." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Kranaatinheitin." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Perhanan kranaatinheitin." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Goddamn grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Kranaatinheitin." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Grenade launcher up here." "Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Täällä on putkipommi." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Got a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Putkipommi!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Pipe bomb!" "Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: Putkipommi mulle." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: Pipe bomb for me." "Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Täällä on molotoveja." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Molotov's over here." "Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: Täällä on putkipommi." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: There's a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Putkipommeja!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Pipe bombs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotoveja!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotovs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Nappaan putkipommin." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Grabbin' a pipe bomb." "Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Putkipommeja!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Pipe bombs here!" "Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Molotoveja!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Molotovs here!" "Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Pillereitä!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Pills here!" "Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: Meillä on pillereitä!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: We got pills!" "Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Tarvitseeko kukaan pillereitä?" "[english]Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Anyone need some pills?" "Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Weapons here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Weapons over here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: Meillä on aseita." "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: We got guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: Upeaa, aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: All right, guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Aseita!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Stay close people!" "Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Pysykää lähellä." "[english]Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Keep tight." "Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: Älkää lähtekö omille teille." "[english]Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: No one wander off." "Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Nyt kaikki tänne!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Come on, people, get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Raahautukaa tänne!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: Tähän ei ole aikaa, tänne nyt." "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: Ain't got time for this shit, get in here." "Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Nyt kaikki tänne, heti!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Come on, people, come on, get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hei! Tule tänne!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hey! Get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Raahautukaa tänne tällä sekunnilla!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Get you asses in here right now!" "Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: Meidän kannattaa paikata haavat nyt, kun on hiljaista." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: We oughta heal up while it's quiet." "Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Paikatkaa haavanne." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Heal if ya got em." "Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: Nyt on parasta paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: This ain't about me, people. Let's heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: Nyt taitaa olla hyvä aika paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: This would be the time to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Nyt on hyvä aika paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Now's a good time to heal if you can." "Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: Jos sulla on ensiapupakkaus, käytä se." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: If you got a health kit you should use it." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellis, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellis, time for you to heal, boy." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: Ellis, hoidahan itsesi nyt kuntoon." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: All right Ellis, come on now, get yourself right." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Ellis, ei se ensiapupakkaus käyttämättä vaikuta." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Hey Ellis, that health kit ain't gonna use itself." "Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nick, älä hölmöile. Paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nick, don't be stupid, heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolas, nyt on aika paikata haavat." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolas, I think it is time for you to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nick, käytä ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nick, you should use that kit on your self." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Se on ok, Nick. Jokaisen on joskus paikattava haavansa." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Nick, it's all right, we all gotta heal sometime." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, time to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, paikkaa haavasi. Kuulitko, tyttö?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, heal up, hear me, girl?" "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Tyttönen, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Girl, time for you to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Tyttönen, mikset paikkaa haavojasi?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Hey girl, why don't you heal up?" "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Poju, sua tulee ikävä." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Boy, I'm going to miss your goofy ass." "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Hyvästi, Ellis." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Bye, Ellis." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nick, sulle olisi ollut käyttöä." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nick, we're gonna miss your gun." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: Pahus. Nick, tämä onkin nyt paljon vaikeampi juttu." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: Damn. Nick, this just got a whole lot harder." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: En halua menettää enää yhtäkään." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: Ahh damn it, I can't take losing anymore people." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Pikkukaveri, sua tulee ikävä." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Little man, we are goin' to miss you." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nick, me jäämme kaipaamaan sua." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nick, you gonna be missed." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Hyvästi, Nick." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Bye, Nick." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Ystävät, menetimme juuri pienen ryhmämme tärkeimmän asian." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Gentlemen, we just lost the best thing in our little group." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: Hemmetti. Minun olisi pitänyt suojella sua enemmän, poju." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: Damn. Baby, I should have tried to protect you more." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Voi tyttöseni. Hyvästi." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, goodbye." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Voi Ro, Ro..." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Oh Ro, oh Ro, man..." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Voi tyttöseni..." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, mmm." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Huhhuh. Miksen opettanut tätä luokkaa." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Shit. Shoulda taught this class." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: Tällä saadaan kunnon hulina aikaiseksi." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: This right here'll mess some shit up." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Näillä voimme tehdä tilit selväksi." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Ah hell. Gonna set some things right with this shit." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: Sain rynnäkkökiväärin." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: I got the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: Otan rynnäkkökiväärin." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: Gonna take the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: Tämä haulikko tepsii zombeihin." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: This shotgun will put the hurt on them zombies." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Automaattihaulikko on mun." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Autoshottie is mine." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: Jees, mä otan automaattihaulikon!" "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: Oh, hell yeah, I'm takin' an autoshotgun." "Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: Otan ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: I'm grabbin' some first aid." "Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Tämä ensiapupakkaus on mun." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Look here, this here first aid is mine." "Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: Sain ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: I got the first aid." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Pahus, tämä näyttää vaaralliselta." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Damn, this shit looks dangerous." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Nyt päästään räjäyttelemään kunnolla." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: All right now, this is gonna blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Kohta ropisee zombien rippeitä." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Man, it's gonna be raining zombie parts." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: Nyt päästään räjäyttelemään kunnolla." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: All right now, let's blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: Usko pois, kohta sataa zombien palasia." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: I tell ya, it's gonna be raining zombie pieces." "Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: Ou jee." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: Mahtavaa, tämä toimii." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: All right now, mm-hm. This is gonna work." "Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: Tällä pistetään paikat remonttiin." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: I am gonna smack some shit with this." "Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: Eiköhän tällä saada zombit kuriin." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: I am gonna set some zombies straight with this." "Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Tämä on meikäläiselle sopiva ase." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Yeah. This is my kind of weapon." "Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: Hemmetti, tästähän jopa maksaisi." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: Shit. I'd pay cash money for this." "Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: Nyt olen valmis." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: All right. Now I am ready." "Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: Oletko pelissä mukana, Nick?" "[english]Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: You play ball, Nick?" "Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Nappaan molotovin." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Grabbing a Molotov." "Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Nappaan molotovin." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Grabbing me a Molotov." "Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Otan mukaan kaiken minkä pystyn." "[english]Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Damn right. Gonna take everything I can." "Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: Tästä on apua." "[english]Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: This shit'll help." "Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: Nappaan pillerit." "[english]Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: Nappaan pillerit." "[english]Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: Otan takuulla pillereitä." "[english]Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: I know one thing, I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: Otin pillerit!" "[english]Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: I got the pills!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Nappaan putkipommin." "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Grabbin a pipe bomb." "Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Just niin, kaveri!" "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Pirun hienoa!" "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Oh, shit yeah." "Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Nappaan toisen pistoolin." "[english]Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Takin' an extra pistol." "Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: Rupean pyssysankariksi." "[english]Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: Gonna go all akimbo and shit." "Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Jep, kaksi yhden hinnalla." "[english]Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Yeah, I'm goin' two for one here." "Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Nappaan haulikon." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: Tämä haulikko toimii." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: This shotgun'll work." "Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Nappaan haulikon." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: Tällä käräytetään muutama Smoker." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: Gonna scope some Smoker ass with this." "Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Tarkkuuskivääri ei petä koskaan." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Pow! I'm gonna snipe some bitches." "Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hei poju, katso! Kohta tarkkuuskivääri laulaa." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hey boy. Pow! Some bitches gonna get sniped." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Taidan ottaa konepistoolin." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Guess I'll take this here machine gun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Nappaan konepistoolin." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Grabbing a machinegun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Rä-tä-tä-tä-tä [itsekseen]" "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Pat at tat tat!" "Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: Hoida tämä otus pois päältäni!" "[english]Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: Oh shit, get this thing off me!" "Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: Se hakkaa musta ilmat pihalle, ettekö näe!!?!?!!?" "[english]Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: Can't y'all see this thing is beatin' the shit out of me!?" "Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hei! Niskassani on Tank, jos et sattuneet huomaamaan." "[english]Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hey! In case ya'll didn't see it, I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: Tank on niskassani!" "[english]Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Ottakaa se pois, ottakaa se pois!" "[english]Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Get it off - ah - Get it off me!" "Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Hoida tämä otus pois päältäni!" "[english]Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Get this damn thing off!" "Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: Totta helvetissä!" "[english]Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: Hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: Jumalattoman upeaa!" "[english]Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: Jumalattoman upeaa!" "[english]Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Hienoa." "[english]Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Awriiiight." "Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: Pirun hienoa!" "[english]Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Mitä nyt pidät musta? Häh?" "[english]Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Ooh. How ya like me now? Mmm." "Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Naurua]" "[english]Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Vau, tuo on pervon näköistä touhua." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Whoa, that there is some screwed up shit." "Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: Katso vähän, mihin tähtäilet." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: You gotta watch where you aimin' that thing." "Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Onko sinulla vikaa päässä, kun ammut noin?" "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Man, are you wrong in the head shootin like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: Miksi helvetissä sä noin ammuskelet." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: What the hell are you on shootin' like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: Mitä hel... Lopeta tuo." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: What the f'... don't be doin that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hei Lopeta." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hey! Don't be doin' that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: Jos yrität tuota muhun, niin kadut syntymääsi." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: You try that shit on me and you'll be wishin' your momma never met ya father." "Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Jos jatkat tuohon tahtiin, olet pian viimeinen kaveri maan päällä." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Keep goin' at em like that and you gonna be the last man on earth." "Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Kiitti." "[english]Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Kiitti." "[english]Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: Upeaa." "[english]Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: All right" "Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Kiitti." "[english]Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Kiitos. Ollaanko sujut?" "[english]Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Thanks, we straight?" "Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: Okei, kiitos." "[english]Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: All right, thanks." "Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: KIITOS!" "[english]Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: THANKS!" "Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Kiitti, kaveri." "[english]Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Thanks, man." "Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: Mitä? Sanoin kiitos." "[english]Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: What? I said thanks." "Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Kiitos Nick, sä olet kunnon mies." "[english]Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Thanks, Nick, you're all right." "Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: Jäin sulle velkaa, Ellis." "[english]Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: I owe you one, Ellis." "Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Ro, suhun voin aina luottaa." "[english]Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Can always count on you, Ro." "Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Pysy hengissä, olen tulossa!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Hang on, hang on, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Pysy hengissä, mä tulen!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: Kuulin äänesi, olen tulossa!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: I hear ya, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: Tulossa ollaan, tulossa ollaan." "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: I comin', I comin'." "Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: Olen tulossa! Ihan kohta!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: On my way! Right now!" "Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Odota, olen tulossa!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Hang on, I'm comin'." "Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: Se oli villiä menoa." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: Se oli villiä menoa." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: Se oli pienestä kiinni." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: That was some close-ass shit." "Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: Se oli aivan tipalla." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: We just made that." "Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: Veikkasin jo vastapuolen voittoa." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: I was bettin' on the other guys." "Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Mutta jos taistelusta selviää hengissä, on voittanut." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Man said, any fight you walk away from is a win." "Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Unohdetaan tämä, kaikki on kunnossa." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Let's put it behind us. We good, we good." "Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: Maali!" "[english]Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: Touchdown!" "Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: Se oli kova matsi." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: They played us tough." "Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: Se oli eeppistä kamaa." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: That was some epic shit right there." "Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: Rauhoittukaa kaikki. Me selvittiin." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: All right. We all right, y'all. We made it." "Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Pysähtykää." "[english]Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Hold up." "Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Levätkää nyt hetki." "[english]Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Rest you ass for a sec." "Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Odottakaa." "[english]Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Wait up." "Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Seis." "[english]Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Stop." "Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Odottakaa." "[english]Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Hold up, hold up, y'all." "Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Hidastakaa nyt helvetissä." "[english]Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Slow down. Damn." "Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Läski!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Fat guy!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Punkero!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Roly poly!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Plösö!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Fat thing!" "Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Varovasti nyt..." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Careful now..." "Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: Joku on pielessä, olkaa varuillanne." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: Shit ain't right. Be careful." "Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Nyt kaikilla silmä tarkkana." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Everybody? Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Silmä tarkkana." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Isokäsi!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Big arm!" "Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: Yksikätinen!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: One arm!" "Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: HUNTER HYÖKKÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: We got a HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: Hyppijä hyökkää!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: We got a Jumper!" "Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Nopsajalka!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Crazy legs!" "Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: No niin, Hunter." "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: All right, Hunter." "Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Kääpiö!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Little guy!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Pieni paskiainen!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Little creep!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Hermoheikko." "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Skittish one." "Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Savuava kaveri." "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Smokin' one." "Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Kielettäjä!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Tonguer!" "Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Hullu muija!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Crazy woman!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Niska!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Neck!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Sylkiäinen!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Spitting thing!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Sylkeä tulossa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Limaa lentää!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Polttavaa tavaraa tulossa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Sylkeä tulossa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Limaa lentää!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Polttavaa tavaraa tulossa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Varuillanne, limaa tulossa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Heads up! Goo!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Varokaa sylkeä!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Watch out, spit!" "Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Jonkinlainen superzombi." "[english]Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Some kind of super ass zombie." "Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: Jätti!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: Gigantic thing!" "Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: MIKÄ HITTO TUO OLI?!?!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT?!?!" "Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: Witch hyökkää!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: We got a Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: Näen sen nartun!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: I see that Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Narttu!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch." "[english]Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch." "Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: Takanamme!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: Takanamme!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: Ne ovat takanamme!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: They're behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: Takanamme." "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: Takanamme!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: Witch jahtaa mua!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: The bitch is chasing me!" "Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Narttu kimpussa!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Bitch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Juoskaa, Witch tulee!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Run, run, Witch coming through!" "Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Ampukaa Witch, ampukaa se!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Olen tulossa, Witch heti perässä!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Coming through! Witch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Pois tieltä! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Get out of the way! Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: Voi paska. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: Aw shit. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: Muija on melko pahana." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: Oh shit, that bitch's pissed." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Lopeta sen muijan kanssa vehtaaminen, se räjähtää kohta." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Quit trifling with that bitch, she gonna explode." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Varokaa, joku suututti tuon nartun." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Watch out y'all, someone pissed off that bitch." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: Voi paska, muija suutahti!" "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: Ohh shit, that bitch's gettin' angry!" "Coach_World01" "Coach: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_World01" "Coach: There's the bridge." "Coach_World02" "Coach: Jeee! Maali on aivan sillan vieressä, mutta toisella puolella koko helvetin jokea!" "[english]Coach_World02" "Coach: Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge, ON THE OTHER MOTHER F'IN SIDE OF THE RIVER!" "Coach_World03" "Coach: Poju, oletko sä täysin vajaa?" "[english]Coach_World03" "Coach: Boy, you ain't got any sense in that head, do you?" "Coach_World04" "Coach: Täällä." "[english]Coach_World04" "Coach: Back here." "Coach_World05" "Coach: Tänne." "[english]Coach_World05" "Coach: Through here." "Coach_World06" "Coach: Täällä." "[english]Coach_World06" "Coach: Over here." "Coach_World07" "Coach: Tämän pihan läpi." "[english]Coach_World07" "Coach: Through this courtyard." "Coach_World08" "Coach: Täällä!" "[english]Coach_World08" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_World09" "Coach: Moottoritie on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_World09" "Coach: There's the freeway!" "Coach_World10" "Coach: Juokse!" "[english]Coach_World10" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_World11" "Coach: Juokse nyt!" "[english]Coach_World11" "Coach: Just run!" "Coach_World12" "Coach: Ylhäällä." "[english]Coach_World12" "Coach: Up here." "Coach_World13" "Coach: Olet oikeassa." "[english]Coach_World13" "Coach: You right." "Coach_World14" "Coach: Ei voi väittää vastaan." "[english]Coach_World14" "Coach: Gotta agree with that." "Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellis, hyvin ajettu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellis, that was some good driving." "Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: Mutta tiet on nyt suljettu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: But the roads blocked now." "Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: No niin, jatketaan jalkaisin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: All right, let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Jatketaan jalkaisin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Katsokaa valoja vasemmalla. Niillä on siellä bileet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Look at those lights to the left! They're having a party!" "Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: Lähdetään valoa kohti ja liitytään bileisiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: Well, might as well head to those light and join the party." "Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: Ei tästä pääse ohi, kävellään." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: Ain't no way to drive around this mess, let's walk it." "Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: No jos suuntaa kysytte, lähtisin kohti pyöriviä valoja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: Well now, if we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: Jos suuntaa kysytte, lähtisin kohti pyöriviä valoja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: If we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: En usko, että zombit laittoivat nuo valot päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: En usko, että zombit laittoivat nuo valot päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: Ei paikalla ole niin väliä, jos kuolla meinaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dying." "Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: Ei paikalla ole niin väliä, kun on kuollut." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dead." "Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: Käänny poistumisrampille." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: All right, take the off ramp." "Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Tänne päin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Head down this way." "Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: Valot ovatkin huvipuisto!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: Ah hell, those lights are an amusement park!" "Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Näimme maailmanpyörän valot." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Jesus Christ, that's a Ferris wheel lit up." "Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Suunnataan huvipuistoon. Ei meillä ole muutakaan paikkaa mihin mennä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Let's head to the amusement park, ain't like we have anywhere else to go." "Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Whispering Oaksin motelli? Helvetti, mähän tiedän missä me ollaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Whispering Oaks motel? Sheeet... I know where we are." "Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: Tuo on Whispering Oaksin huvipuisto." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks amusement park." "Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: Tuo on Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Olemme menossa kohti Whispering Oaksia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Looks like people were heading towards Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä tämän motellin läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: We gotta figure a way around this motel." "Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Check the rooms." "Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Kokeillaan toista kerrosta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Let's try the second floor." "Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Silta on poikki." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Bridge is out." "Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: Meidän on mentävä laakson halki." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: We gotta cross the valley." "Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Heeeei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Whoaaa! Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Hei, heeeei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoaaa!" "Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: Mä olen aivan liian vanha tähän skeidaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: Damn, I am too old for this shit." "Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Ei helvetissä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellis, sä olet hullu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellis, you a crazy man." "Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: Sä olet hullu, Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: You a crazy man Ellis." "Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Ei helvetissä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: Tämä oikotie on tullut mieleen muillekin..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: We ain't the only ones that thought to take this short-cut" "Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: En ole tottunut tällaiseen." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: Ain't used to this." "Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hmmm. Valot päällä, muttei ketään kotona." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hm. Lights on, but nobody's home." "Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: Paitsi zombeja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: Well nobody but the zombies." "Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Oho. Anteeksi, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Oh. Ahh sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Öh. Anteeksi, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Uh, sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Mä rakastin tätä paikkaa pienenä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Man, I loved this place as a kid." "Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Etsitään makkarakoju ja odotellaan siellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Look, let's just find the corndog stand and hold out there." "Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: Olin aivan pikkuinen, kun ajoin näissä laitteissa. Tämä oli mun suosikki." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: I was a lil' peanut riding these. This here was my favorite." "Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: Tukossa täältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: Blocked down here." "Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Kokeillaan kattoa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Let's try the roof." "Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hei odotas... Liukumiseen tarvitaan muovialusta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hey, hey, man...can't go down the slide without your sack." "Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: Tämä avaa portin ja herra ties mitä muuta..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: All right, this is gonna open the gate and what the hell else?" "Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: Mä avaan portin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: I'm opening the gate!" "Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Pakko pysyä liikkeessä ja avata portti." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Gotta keep movin'. Open the gate." "Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Sammuta se skeida!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Turn that shit off!" "Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Sammuta se." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Turn it off!" "Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Lopeta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Stop it!" "Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Pahus, karuselli käynnistyi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Ahh damn, the merry-go-round started!" "Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: Se pitää pirunmoista meteliä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: Shit. That thing's makin' a racket!" "Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Sammuta se, nyt heti!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Turn it off, turn the damn thing off!" "Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: Rakkauden tunneli." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: Oh yeah...Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Menkää sisään rakkauden tunneliin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Come on, get into the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Eikä sitten mitään tuhmuuksia." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Hey. No smoochin', y'all." "Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Tunneliin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Down the tunnel." "Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Tarkista tuo huone." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Check that room." "Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: Huoltohuoneeseen." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: In the maintenance room." "Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Takana." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Back there." "Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: Tehdään tämä yhdessä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: All right, let's do this together." "Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Haluaako joku laskea kolmeen?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Someone wanna count it off?" "Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Tämä onkin eka kerta, kun tahdon pois rakkauden tunnelista niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Hm. Shit. First time I ever couldn't wait to get out of the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hei, hei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hey! Hey!" "Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: Sulla ei ole kaikki kotona." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: You ain't right in the head, boy." "Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: Ei, en rauhoitu. Sulla viiraa päässä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: No, this ain't gonna be cool. You ain't right in the head boy." "Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Screaming Oakin vuoristorata kruunaakin koko päivän..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Running the Screaming Oak...now don't that beat all..." "Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: Vuoristorata tukkii tien." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: We're blocked by the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: Screaming Oak tukkii tien." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: We're blocked by the Screaming Oak." "Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: Ainoa reitti yli on mennä vaunun kyytiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: The only way over is on the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: On tämä maailma mennyt hulluksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: This is some crazy ass world we live in now." "Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Käynnistä se!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Laitetaan se käyntiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Let's get it going." "Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Valmistautukaa juoksemaan, mä starttaan sen." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Get ready to run, I'm hittin' it." "Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: Se laukaisi hälytyksen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: That set off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: Se laukaisi hälytysjärjestelmän!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: That set off the warning system!" "Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: Mäkeä ylös!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: Up the hill." "Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Sammuta se!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Turn that shit off." "Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Katkaise hälytys." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Kill that alarm." "Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Törmäilyautojen läpi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Törmäilyautojen läpi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: Vaunuun." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: Into the trailer." "Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä stadionille." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: We got to get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Mennään stadionille." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Let's get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: Miten helvetissä me sinne päästään?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: How the hell we gonna get in there?" "Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: Tuolla on Peach Bowl!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: There's the Peach Bowl!" "Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: Sieltä kuuluu jotakin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: I hear somethin' go on in there!" "Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: Jos pääsemme yksiraiteisen päälle, voimme hypätä aidan yli." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: If we can get on the monorail, we can jump the fence." "Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä yksiraiteisen päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: We need to get on the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Maatalousnäyttelyn läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Through the farm exhibits." "Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Maataloushallin läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Through the farm hall." "Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Katon yli!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Over the roof!" "Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Yksiraiteisen päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Vauhtia kaikki! Yksiraiteisen päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Everybody go, go, go. Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Hyppää aidan yli." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Jump over that fence." "Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: Roskikseen." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: Into the dumpster." "Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, sun on etsittävä toinen ikkuna. Tämä on miesten vessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, you gotta find another window, this here is the men's room." "Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: Tuolla on lava." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: There's the stage." "Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: Ymmärrän mitä he ajavat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: I can see their point." "Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: Ei CEDAa, ei armeijaa. Pysy poissa." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: No CEDA, No Military. Stay out." "Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: Kukaan ei pidä suosta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: I don't think anyone likes the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: Jos järkkäisin grillijuhlat, en minäkään kutsuisi CEDAa." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: Come on now, if I was having a cookout, I ain't invitin' CEDA either." "Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: Onko noissa taloissa mitään?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: Anything in those houses?" "Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: Meidän on kutsuttava tuo vene tänne." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: We gotta call that boat over here." "Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Valmistautukaa, kutsun veneen." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Get ready, callin' the boat." "Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Vene tulee!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Boat's coming!" "Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Vene on melkein täällä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Boat's almost here!" "Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Everyone on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Paina nappia." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Hit the button." "Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Paina nappia, että päästään yli." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Hit it, let's cross this bitch." "Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: Näin sen elokuvan. Se ei pääty hyvin." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: I seen that movie. It don't end well." "Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Tuo ei kuulosta ollenkaan hyvältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Nah, that don't sound good at all." "Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: Vaikka minä kulkisin pimeässä laaksossa, en pelkäisi mitään pahaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: Vaikka minä kulkisin pimeässä laaksossa, en pelkäisi mitään pahaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nick, menemme suolle joka kuhisee zombeja. Mitä siihen voi sanoa?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nick, we're goin into a swamp filled with zombies. Y'all want me to lie to ya?" "Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nick, älä piittaa tuosta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nick, don't pay no attention to that boy." "Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Hyvä, poju. Annoit Nickille potut pottuina." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Heh, all right. Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit right back." "Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Poju, annoit Nickille potut pottuina." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit." "Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: Mä en periaatteesta mene koskaan suolle. Muistatteko sen leffan, jossa alligaattori söi käden golfaajalta? Se oli tositarina." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: I normally stay the hell away from swamps on principle. You remember that movie with that golfer that got his hand ate by a gator? That shit's real." "Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: Hitto. Joskus on parempi jättää tutkimusretket väliin." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: Hell. Sometimes it's best not to find out what you don't know." "Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Pitäisikö vaan pysäyttää vene ja elellä viimeiset vuodet täällä kahden rannan välissä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Pitäisikö vaan pysäyttää vene ja elellä viimeiset vuodet täällä kahden rannan välissä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Look, maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Pysykää polulla." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Stay on the walk ways." "Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Älkää haahuilko minnekään." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Yeah, don't wander off." "Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Tyttö tajusi idean." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Girls got the right idea." "Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Alligaattoreiden ruokkiminen kielletty." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Do not feed the gators." "Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: Viemäriojaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: Into the drainage ditch." "Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: Tämä suo alkaa jo kyllästyttää." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: This swamp shit's gettin' old." "Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellis, se on pelkkä vene." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellis, it's just a boat." "Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Miksi kukaan hyppäisi lentokoneesta?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Shit, why would you ever jump out of a plane?" "Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: Ahaa, nyt ymmärrän, miksi hyppäisit lentokoneesta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: All right, now I understand why you would jump out of a plane." "Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: Meidän on avattava tämä ovi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: We gotta open this door." "Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: Kun se avataan, hälytys mene päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: You know an alarm will sound when we open this." "Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Everyone geared up?" "Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Huhuu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: Anyone there!?" "Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Valot on päällä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Lights are on!" "Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: Onko ketään kotona?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: Anyone home!" "Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Hei suon väki, tultiin käymään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Swamp people, we comin' home!" "Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: Onkohan illallinen jo tulossa?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: I wonder if they got dinner cookin'?" "Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: Tästä tulee surulliseksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: All right, this just makes me sad." "Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: Näillä ihmisillä oli hirvittävä loppu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: It did not end well for these people." "Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: En halua ajatella sitä, mutta niin se on." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: I don't want to think that, but I gotta agree." "Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: Heitä tuskin häiritsee, jos etsimme tarvikkeita." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: I don't think they'd mind if we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Olkaa varovaisia kun etsitte. Kunnioittakaa vainajia." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Careful lookin' for supplies, show respect." "Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Mennään sinne sitten." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Might as well head there as well." "Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: Meidän laskettava silta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: We have to lower this bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Silta on alhaalla." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Bridge is down!" "Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Silta on alhaalla, mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Bridge is down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Pysykää ylhäällä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Stay up here!" "Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: Lopultakin turvatalo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: Finally a safe house!" "Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: Suo taitaa loppua tähän." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: I think we're at the end of the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Etsitään päärakennus." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Let's find the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Tutkikaa nämä talot." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Search these houses." "Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: Talo on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: There's the house!" "Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Kokeillaan radiota." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Let's try the radio." "Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: Yritän soittaa jollekin." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: I'm gonna try callin' someone." "Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: Anyone out there?" "Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Kuuleeko kukaan?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: Olemme päärakennuksen luona." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: Shit, we're at the plantation house." "Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: Olemme päärakennuksen luona." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: We're at the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Vain muutama selviytyi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Only a couple of us made it." "Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: Meitä on neljä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: We are a party of four." "Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: Meitä on vain neljä jäljellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: There ain't nothin' but four of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Mitä väliä sillä on?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Look, what difference does it make?" "Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: Helvetti sentään, meitä on neljä, tulkaa hakemaan meidät." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: Shit man, four of us, come pick us up." "Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Jatka vaan, Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Nah, you got it, Ellis." "Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Älä huoli, pysymme paikoillamme." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Don't worry, we're stayin' put." "Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Täällä me ollaan, ei ole tärkeämpiä menoja sovittuna." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Oh you know we'll be here. We ain't got any other pressin' engagements." "Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: Olemme täällä, kun tulet." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: You show up and we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: Ok." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: I hear ya." "Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Selvä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Roger that." "Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Juostaan veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Run to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Everyone onto the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Nyt veneeseen ja äkkiä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Get your asses on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Meillä ei taida olla valinnanvaraa siinä asiassa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Don't think we got much choice in the matter." "Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: Hän on hyvä mies." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: He's good people" "Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Älä noidu meitä, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Don't jinx us, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Nämä zombit auttavat varmasti sulattelussa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Shit. All these zombies should help you swallow." "Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Olisipa Burger Tank auki." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Man, I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: Olisipa Burger Tank auki." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: Nyt maistuisi pekonihampurilainen." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: I could go for a BBQ bacon burger." "Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: Ja iso annos ranskalaisia ja..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: And a large order of fries, and..." "Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: Appelsiinilimu ilman jäitä ja..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: An orange soda with no ice, and a..." "Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: pala kuumaa omenapiirakkaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: piece of hot apple pie." "Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: Hitto kun on ikävä Burger Tankia." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: Goddamn I miss Burger Tank." "Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Myrsky lähestyy nopeasti, mutta meidän pitäisi ehtiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Storms come up fast, but we should make it." "Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Suunnataan kohti sokeritehdasta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Let's head to the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Näiden talojen läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Through these houses." "Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Tätä katua pitkin." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Down this street." "Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: Tuolla on tehdas." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: There's the mill." "Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Jatkakaa katua eteenpäin." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Keep going down the street." "Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä sokeritehtaan läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä sokeritehtaan läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Helvetin Witcheiltä ei saa hetken rauhaa täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place." "Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Myrsky alkaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Storm's startin' to kick up." "Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: Meidän on kiirehdittävä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: We gotta hurry." "Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Tulkaa, yritetään ehtiä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Come on people, let's do this before the storm hits." "Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Sokeriruokopellon poikki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Through the cane fields!" "Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: Saatana. Muijat tietysti tykkäävät sokerista." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: Dang. Bitches must like sugar." "Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Menkää sisälle huoltoasemalle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Get inside the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Kaikki sisälle asemalle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Everyone in the station!" "Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: Mistä näitä Witchejä oikein tulee?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: Goddamn it, wha't with all these witches." "Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: Helvetin Witcheiltä ei saa hetken rauhaa täällä" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: There're bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place" "Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: Kamat on kasassa, mennään takaisin veneelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: We got our shit, let's get back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: Nyt myrskyää kunnolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: Damn. It's really stormin' now." "Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: No nyt myrskyää." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: It is coming down." "Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Salama!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Lightning!" "Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Ukkonen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Thunder!" "Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: Täällä tulvii." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: This is flooding." "Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: Kaikki on tulvan peitossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: It's all flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: Tämä sujuu liian hitaasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: Goddamn this is slow going." "Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: Tämä on pahempaa kuin suolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: This shit's worse than the swamp." "Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Takaisin samaa reittiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Takaisin samaa reittiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: En suostu kuolemaan sokeritehtaassa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: I am not dying in a goddamn sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Mennään, olemme melkein veneen luona." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Let's go, almost back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Kaupunki tulvii." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Town's flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: Pahus, sekosin suunnissa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: Damn, I'm all turned around now." "Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: Nyt sataa vielä rankemmin." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: I think it's raining even harder now." "Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: En näe paskaakaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: I can't see shit." "Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: En näe tässä sateessa paskaakaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: I can't see shit in this rain." "Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Etsitään joku piilopaikka myrskyn ajaksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Come on, let's find a place to hide while this blows over." "Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Yritä pysytellä kuivalla maalla." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Try sticking to the dry ground." "Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Meidän tuurilla mudasta nousee mutaihminen poikineen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Better not be any goddamn instant mud people, just add water." "Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Mä en kuivu koskaan tuon jälkeen." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever gonna be dry." "Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: Voimme lähettää hänelle merkin Burge Tankin mainosvalolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: We can use the Burge Tank sign to signal him." "Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: Tiesin että Burger Tankiin voi luottaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: I knew Burger Tank wouldn't let us down." "Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Burger Tank pelastaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Burger Tank to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: Hän tuli takaisin! Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: He's back! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: Hän tuli takaisin, kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: He came back, everyone to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Pysähtykää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Hey, y'all, stop!" "Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Pysähtykää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Stop, y'all!" "Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Hey! We're on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: Ymmärrän. Nähdään pian." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: I hear ya, man. See ya soon." "Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: Ymmärretään. Tähän skeidaan on jo totuttu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: We gotcha. We used to that shit by now." "Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Laita kopteri kuntoon, täältä tullaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Mikä paikka ei olisi täynnä zombeja?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Where the hell isn't filled with zombies?" "Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Laskekaa se silta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Get that bridge down." "Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Kun se on alhaalla, vauhtia kinttuihin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Once it's down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: Helikopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: There's the helicopter!" "Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Kopteri toimii, mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Copter's working, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Laita kopteri kuntoon, täältä tullaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Hajusta päätellen täällä on asuttu." "[english]Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Smells like people have been living here and shit." "Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Joo, totta." "[english]Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Yeah, true that." "Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: Heidät on ammuttu." "[english]Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: They been shot." "Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Tilanne kävi tukalaksi." "[english]Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Shit got bad here." "Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Saastunut." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Contaminated." "Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Karanteeni." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Quarantine." "Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Varoitus." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Warning." "Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Suljettu alue." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: Asiattomilta pääsy kielletty." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: No unauthorized entry." "Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: Tässä sanotaan, että kuolettavan voiman käyttö sallittu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: This shit says: Use of deadly force authorized." "Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: Niinpä tosiaan on." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Kuolettavan voiman käyttö sallittu. Voi paskat. No se on totta se." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Use of deadly force authorized. Shit. All right. It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Missä on CEDA?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Where is CEDA?" "Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Zombiutunut." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Zombified." "Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Hyvä kysymys. Missä helvetissä on CEDA. Haluaisin nimittäin ampua ne tyypit." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Good question, where in the hell is CEDA? Cause I'd like to shoot some of their asses." "Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Varoitus. Hälytys käynnistyy, jos ovi avataan ennen tornista saatua lupaa." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Warning. Alarm will sound if door is opened before clearance from tower." "Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Armeija on yhtä kuin valheet." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Army equals lies. Huh." "Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Muodostakaa kunnon rivi." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Form orderly line." "Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Karanteenivyöhyke. Asiattomilta pääsy kielletty." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Quarantine zone. No unauthorized admittance." "Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Raportoikaa sairaat." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Pysy ryhmässäsi." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Stay in your group." "Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: Sitähän mäkin aina sanon." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: That's what I keep sayin'." "Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Suljettu alue." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: Ei pääsyä tästä eteenpäin." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: No entry beyond this point." "Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Valokuvaus kielletty." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Photography prohibited." "Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Varoitus." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Caution." "Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: Tartunnan saaneita havaittu alueella." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: Infected detected in this area." "Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: Ihanko totta." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Pysykää sisätiloissa." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Stay indoors." "Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: Ihanko totta." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Raportoikaa epätavallisesta käyttäytymisestä." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Report unusual behavior." "Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Välttäkää kontaktia tartunnan saaneisiin." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Avoid all contact with infected individuals." "Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Erittäin tartuntavaarallinen alue." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Highly contagious area." "Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Aseistaudu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Arm yourself." "Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Suojaa kotisi esteillä." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Barricade your homes." "Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Pysykää yhdessä." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Stay together." "Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Odota virallisia ohjeita." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Wait for official instructions." "Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Just joo." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Wait my ass." "Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Piiloon?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Hide?" "Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Piiloon." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Hide." "Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Piiloon? Nynnyt." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Hide? Pussies." "Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Saastunut alue." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Contaminated area." "Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Raportoikaa sairaat." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Ampukaa heitä päähän." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Shoot them in the head." "Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: Erittäin mielelläni." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: Don't mind if I do." "Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Juokse!" "[english]Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Vauhtia!" "[english]Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Haul ASS!" "Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Älkää pysähtykö!" "[english]Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Don't stop running!" "Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Juoskaa, juoskaa!" "[english]Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Run! Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Juoskaa, juoskaa!" "[english]Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: ÄLKÄÄ PYSÄHTYKÖ!" "[english]Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: KEEP RUNNING!" "Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Jeah." "[english]Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Jeah." "[english]Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Kyllä." "[english]Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Yes." "Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Hienoa." "[english]Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_Yes05" "Coach: Todella." "[english]Coach_Yes05" "Coach: For sure." "Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Juuri niin." "[english]Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Know that's right." "Coach_Yes07" "Coach: Ehdottomasti." "[english]Coach_Yes07" "Coach: Positively." "Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Jeah." "[english]Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Jep. Oikeassa olet." "[english]Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Yeah. Sho you right." "Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Joopajoo." "[english]Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Sho sho." "Coach_Yes11" "Coach: Se on meininki." "[english]Coach_Yes11" "Coach: That's what's up, baby." "Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: Ei tunnu missään." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: It ain't nothin,." "Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: Me ollaan ok." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: Ollaan sujut." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: We straight." "Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: Kaikki ok." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: Eipä kestä" "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: You're welcome." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: Me ollaan samassa liemessä kaikki, Nick." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: We're all in this together, Nick." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: Ei ongelmaa, Ellis." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: No problem, Ellis." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Totta kai, Ro." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Anytime, Ro." "Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Adrenaline shot here!" "Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Nappaan piikin!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Grabbin' a shot!" "Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Boomerin oksennus!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Nappaan oksennuksen!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Nappaan oksennuspurkin!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Boomerin oksennus!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Pullo... yök... yrjöä." "[english]Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Bottle of... ugh... puke here." "Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Nappaan oksennuksen!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: Sanoinko mä just noin?" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: I can not believe I just said that." "Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Nappaan oksennuspurkin!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Varoitus!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Lisää tulossa!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Incoming!" "Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Varoitus!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Päitsimet." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Chest paddles here." "Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Defib unit here." "Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Mulla on päitsimet." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Got some chest paddles." "Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Mulla on sydäniskuri." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Got a defib unit." "Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Irti!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Clear!" "Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Herää!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Come on!" "Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: Virkoa!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: Come ON!" "Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Siihen et kyllä kuole..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Don't you die on me..." "Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Oou..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Whoa..." "Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Ai saatana! Sä annoit mulle sähköä!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Agggh damn it! You're SHOCKIN' me!" "Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Tyttö, sussa on virtaa." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Girl, you're electric." "Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Hitto, olen taas täällä." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Aw hell, I'm back here." "Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: Ethän antanut suusta suuhun -hengitystä, vai annoitko?" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: You didn't do mouth to mouth on me, did you?" "Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Kaveri, sä olet rasittava tapaus." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Boy, you are WEARIN' me out." "Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: Meillä ei ole aikaa tähän, Ellis." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, Ellis." "Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Niinkö?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: Niinkö?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: Niinkö?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: Niinkö?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hmm. Ei oikeastaan hassumpi tarina." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hm. That's actually not a bad story." "Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: Kerro kaikki!" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: I'm listenin'!" "Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: Kerro kaikki. Mutta sen on parempi kertoa letuista." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: I'm listening. But this better be about pancakes." "Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: Okei, sinä mainitsit letut, mutta tarina ei oikeasti kertonut niistä, vai kertoiko?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: All right, you MENTIONED pancakes, but it wasn't really ABOUT them, was it?" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Explosive rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Frag rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Jaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying frag rounds!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Älä mua ammu! Ammu Tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Don't shoot ME! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Ei mua, Ellis! Ammu Tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Not me, Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Ammu Tank, Roe!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Ro!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Ammu Tank, Nick!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: Näytänkö mä todellakin kolmimetriseltä monsterilta?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: Do I LOOK like a ten-foot-tall monster?" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hei, ammu Tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Arggghh! Tank!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: Noin kuritetaan zombeja, beibe!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: That is how you kick some ASS, baby!" "Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Noin se homma hoituu!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Baby, that is how that's DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: HAHAA, JES! HOMMA HOIDOSSA!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: Ha haaa, YES! WE GOT THAT DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: Näin rökitetään zombeja kunnolla!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: We are kickin' some zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: Noin rökitetään zombeja, beibe!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: THAT is how you kick zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: Me... tuhoamme... zombeja! Se on meidän homma!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: WE... DESTROY... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do!" "Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: Voin olla teistä ylpeä, kaverit." "[english]Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: You made me proud out there, people." "Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Tuliluoteja!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Fire bullets here!" "Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Nappaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Nyt pannaan paikat käryämään!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Let's burn some shit UP!" "Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Jaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Everyone, grab some incendiary ammo!" "Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Viidakkoveitsi..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Machete here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Otin viidakkoveitsen." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Got a machete." "Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Moottorisaha..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Chainsaw here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Otin moottorisahan." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Got a chainsaw." "Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Pamppu..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Nightstick here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Nappaan pampun." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Grabbing a nightstick." "Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Kitara." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Guitar here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Nappaan kitaran." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Grabbing a guitar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Ninjamiekka." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Ninja sword here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Nappaan miekan." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Grabbing a sword." "Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Nappaan sorkkaraudan." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Grabbing a crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Sorkkarauta" "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: Löytyisikö täältä laatikoita?" "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: Any crates around here?" "Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Maila." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Paddle bat here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Otin mailan." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Got a paddle bat." "Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: Tällä hakkaan jonkun ja pahasti." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: Tällä hakkaan jonkun ja pahasti." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Hyppää alas tänne!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Jump down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Hyppää alas tuonne!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Jump down there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Tämän roskiksen yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Over this dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Tämän oven yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Over this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Tuon oven yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Over that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Tänne!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Tuonne!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: This way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: Täällä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: In here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Täällä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: Tänne päin!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: C'mon, this way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Tämän ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Through this window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Tuon ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Through that window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Tätä kujaa pitkin." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Down this alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Tuota kujaa pitkin." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Down that alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Mennään tästä läpi." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Let's go through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Mennään tuosta läpi." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Let's go through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Tämän oven läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Through this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Tuon oven läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Through that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: Voimme mennä tämän ravintolan läpi." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: We can go through this restaurant." "Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Tuon portin läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Through that gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Up that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: Näitä tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: Up this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: Noita tikkaita alas!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: Down that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: Näitä tikkaita alas!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: Down this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Tämän aidan yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Over this fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Tuon aidan yli!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Over that fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: Sillalle!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: To the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: Voimme mennä yli täältä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: We can cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: Voimme mennä yli tuolta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: We can cross there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: Voimme mennä ylös täältä." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: We can get up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: Voimme mennä ylös tuolta." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: We can get up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: Voimme mennä alas täältä." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: We can get down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: Voimme mennä alas tuolta." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: We can get down there!!" "Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: Täällä ylhäällä on turvahuone!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: There's a safe room up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: Tuolla ylhäällä on turvahuone!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: There's a safe room up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Paina sitä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Paina nappia!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Press the button!" "Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Tee se!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Do it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Aktivoi se!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Activate it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: Painoin sitä." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: I hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: Tein sen!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: I did it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Tämän portin läpi!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Through this gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Samaa tietä takaisin! Menkää pellon poikki!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Retrace our steps! Head through the field!" "Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Hissiin!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: Mennään hissillä takaisin ylös!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: We can take the elevator back up!" "Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: Tuota putkea ylös!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: Up that pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Takaisin alas portaita!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Back down the stairs!" "Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Ylittäkää silta!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Over the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: Voimme ylittää säiliötä pitkin!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: We can cross on that tank!" "Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: Pääsemme veden yli tuolla!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: We can get across the water there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Ylittäkää tässä!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Tätä putkea ylös!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Up this pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: Näyttää tutulta. Suunta on oikea!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: Muistan tuon. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: Koko paikka tulvii." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: The whole damn place is flooded." "Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: Koko paikka on veden vallassa." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: This place is under water." "Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: Meni paljon sokeria hukkaan... Harmi." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: All that sugar... It's a damn shame." "Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: Meni paljon sokeria hukkaan... Todella surullista." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: All that sugar... it's a goddamn tragedy, is what it is." "Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Menkää korkeammalle!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Get to high ground!" "Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: MYRSKY ALKAA!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: SQUALL'S STARTIN', PEOPLE!" "Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: MYRSKY TULOSSA!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: STORM COMIN'!" "Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: PYSYKÄÄ YHDESSÄ!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: STICK TOGETHER!" "Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Näkyvyys nollassa. Perkele." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: En näe yhtään mitään!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: En näe yhtään mitään!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Näkyvyys nollassa. Perkele." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: Tuolla on kyltti. Olemme kohta tehtaan ulkopuolella." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: There's the sign. We're almost outta the mill." "Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: Pelkäätkö pöpöjä?" "[english]Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: You got a real thing about germs, don't you?" "Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hei Nick, haistatko tämän? Tältä haisee, kun Coach suuttuu." "[english]Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hey, Nick, you smell THAT? That's the smell of Coach gettin' mad." "Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nick, unohda pakkomielteet ja homma itsesi kopteriin!" "[english]Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nick, get your OCD-smelling ass in the chopper!" "Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: Mä haistan vain grillikyljen." "[english]Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: All I smell is ribs." "Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Re-god-damn-loading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Täytyy ladata!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Gotta reload!" "Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Lataan!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: Tuolla zombilla on haarniska. Mäkin haluan haarniskan!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: That zombie's got armor. I want armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: Voihan helvetti, tuolla zombilla on haarniska!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: Well I'll be damned, that zombie's wearin' armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Ammu tuota zombia selkään!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Ammu tuota zombia selkään!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Nuo zombit ovat luodinkestäviä!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Those zombies are goddamn bullet proof!" "Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: PELLEJÄ!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: Pellejä!? Anna mun kaikki kestää." "[english]Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: CLOWNS!? Give me a break." "Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: PELLEJÄ!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Pellejä?" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Clowns?" "Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Ammu pelle!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: Tuo pelle vetää zombeja puoleensa!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: That clown's attracting zombies!" "Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Ammu pelle!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: Pudottiko tuo zombi jotakin?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: That zombie drop something?" "Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: Mitä se pudotti?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: What did that drop?" "Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: Miksi noilla tyypeillä on nuo puvut?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: What are those guys doing in those suits?" "Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: Mitä nuo puvut meinaa?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: What's with those suits?" "Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Mudmen!" "Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Ampukaa mutaihmiset!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Shoot the mudmen!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: Tämä oli mukava paikka asua!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: Meidät jätettiin tänne kuolemaan." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: They left us here to die." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: Meidät piti pelastaa." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: They were supposed to rescue us." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: Luulin, että meidät haetaan täältä pois!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be gettin' us outta this shit!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: [vihaisena] Heidän piti pelastaa meidät!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be savin' our asses!" "Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: Tuo oli liian lähellä..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: That shit was too goddamn close." "Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: Melkein kuolimme..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: We almost didn't make it." "Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: Tuo oli liian lähellä..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: That was a little too close." "Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: Helvetti. Kai mun lisäksi on muitakin jäljellä..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: Damn. I can't be all that's left." "Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: Me töpeksittiin tuolla." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: We got sloppy out there." "Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: Kyllä me parempaankin pystytään." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: I know we can do better than THAT." "Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Se muuttui tukalaksi." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Man. That got BAD." "Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: Hei, tule takaisin! Tule - ei, hän ei tule takaisin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: HEYYY! COME BACK! COME-ahh, he ain't comin' back." "Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: Otetaan rauhallisesti. Mä asun täällä ja tuo kopteri näyttäisi menevän ostarille päin. Se ei ole kaukana ja voin viedä teidät sinne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: Okay, nobody panic. I live around here-and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far, I can take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hei! Katolla on vielä ihmisiä! Tule takaisin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: Lähistöllä on ostari, josta on tehty evakuointiasema. Kopteri on varmasti menossa sinne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hei! Katolla on vielä ihmisiä! Tule takaisin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: Perhana, pelastushelikopteri on lähdössä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: Aw, heck, the rescue chopper's leavin'!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Rauhoittukaa. Mä asun täällä ja tuo kopteri näyttäisi menevän ostarille päin. Se ei ole kaukana ja voin viedä teidät sinne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Everybody calm down. I live around here, and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far-I'll take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: Lähistöllä on ostari, josta on tehty evakuointiasema. Kopteri on varmasti menossa sinne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Se on menossa ostarille päin. Ehkä sieltä evakuoidaan vielä ihmisiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Looks like it's headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: Täällä on kolme muuta ihmistä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: There ARE three other people here, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: Mun nimi on Coach. En tykkää tästä paikasta sen enempää kuin tekään, mutta jos pitää taistella, on parempi taistella yhdessä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: My name's Coach. I don't like bein' here any more than you do-but if we gotta fight, we might as well fight together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: Mun nimi on Coach. Ja tiedän miten ammutaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: Mua sanotaan Coachiksi. Ja mä asun täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: People call me Coach. And I LIVE here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Rauhoitu, kyllä tämä tästä. Mikä sun nimi on?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Settle down, son. We're going to be okay. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: Entä sinun?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: And you?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: No niin. Mua sanotaan Coachiksi. Eikä meillä ole hätää, kunhan pysytään rauhallisina." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: No niin. Mua sanotaan Coachiksi. Eikä meillä ole hätää, kunhan pysytään rauhallisina." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Mua sanotaan Coachiksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Mä olen ok. Entä sä?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Naw, I'm good. You?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: Mitä tuo helikopteri meinaa?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: What the heck is that chopper doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: Mua sanotaan Coachiksi. Mikä sun nimi on?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: People call me Coach, what's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Pysytään yhdessä vielä vähän aikaa. Sopiiko, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Let's stay together... for a little longer at least. Okay, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Paina nappia ennen kuin tulen katumapäälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Hit that button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: Hissiä ei pitäisi käyttää, kun rakennus on tulessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Kenet me menetettiin?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Who'd we lose?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: Alku meni heikosti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: We are not off to a good start." "Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: Se taisi olla Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: I think it was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: Se taisi olla Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: I think it was Nick." "Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: Hän taisi sanoa että se oli Rochelle. Tyttöparka." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: I think she said it was Rochelle. Poor girl." "Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: Luulin että sinun nimesi on Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: I thought YOUR name was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Se näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: Meidän on toimittava yhdessä. Emme saa menettää enää ketään. Mun nimi on Coach, entä teidän?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: We gotta work together. We can't lose anyone else. My name's Coach. What you folks call yourselves?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: En, pärjään kyllä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: Mun nimi on Coach. Ja tiedän miten ammutaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: En, pärjään kyllä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: Enpä usko." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: I don't think so." "Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Coach riittää." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Coach'll work." "Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: Se on tuo jätti, joka yrjöää sun päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: It's that big one that pukes on ya!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: Sen nimi on Boomer..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: That's what they call a Boomer." "Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: Se on tuo ilkeä, joka syöksyy kimppuun..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: It's that mean one that pounces on ya." "Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Sen nimi taitaa olla Hunter..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Think they call 'em Hunters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Älä huoli. He ovat menossa ostarille, saamme heidät kiinni siellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: Se on tuo joka juoksee päin..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: It's that one that runs at you." "Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: Sen nimi on Charger..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: They call them Chargers." "Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: Se on tuo sylkevä zombi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: It's that spittin' zombie." "Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: Sen nimi on Spitter..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: They've been calling them things Spitters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: Se on se kääpiö." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: It's one of them little guys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: Sen nimi on Jockey..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: I think they're called Jockeys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: Voimme hypätä alas täältä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: We can jump down right here!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Alas hissikuilua!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Down this elevator shaft!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: Tämä huone näyttää turvalliselta. Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: This room looks safe. Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: Mennään tästä läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: Let's go through here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Kuulehan, sulla on väärä asenne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: Tämä huone näyttää turvalliselta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: This room looks safe." "Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Ovi kannattaa pitää kiinni." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Ovi kannattaa pitää kiinni." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Paljonko vetoa, että kopteri on menossa ostarille kaupungin toiselle puolelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Dollars to donuts, that chopper's headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Samaa mieltä. Seurataan niitä ostarille." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Gotta agree. Let's follow them to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Aloitetaan sitten. Jokainen ottaa aseen ja sitten mennään." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Then let's do it. Everybody grab a weapon, and let's go." "Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: He ovat menossa ostarille päin. Ehkä sieltä evakuoidaan vielä ihmisiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: Looks like they're headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Kuulehan, sulla on väärä asenne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Mister... I don't like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Kuulehan, sulla on väärä asenne." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Älä huoli. He ovat menossa ostarille, saamme heidät kiinni siellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: Pysytellään yhdessä, jos kaikki ovat sitä mieltä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: If everyone's good with it, we should stick together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: Parempi ottaa aseet. Voimme joutua puolustautumaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: We better grab a weapon. Might need to defend ourselves." "Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: En ole väkivaltainen, mutta en myöskään tyhmä. Otetaan aseet." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: I'm not a violent man. But I ain't stupid neither. Let's grab some weapons." "Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Aseistautukaa. Minulla on tästä pahat aavistukset." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Arm up. I don't have a good feeling about this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Ottakaa mitä tahansa kättä pidempää." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Grab whatever you can find to hit something with." "Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: En pidä alakerran äänistä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: I don't like the sounds comin' from downstairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: Hemmetti. Voi hyvät hyssykät..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: Damn. Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Voi hyvät hyssykät..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Pyhä sylvi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Mm. Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Pyhä sylvi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: Ne liikkuvat kuin rasvattu salama!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: These things move like greased lightning!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Voi hyvät hyssykät..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Oho... Voi pyhä sylvi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Oh... sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Älä turhaan lausu Herran nimeä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Don't take the Lord's name in vain." "Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hei, äläpäs kiroile." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hey now, no need for cussin'." "Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: Kyllä, olen tosissani." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: YEAH, I'm serious." "Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Herranpieksut! Mitä nämä ovat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Jumpin' Jehosaphat! What ARE these things?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Tietääkö kukaan mitä nämä ovat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Y'all know what the hell these things are?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: En mä ketään ole ennen tappanut." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: Jokin tuntuu olevan pielessä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: This don't feel right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: Joko ne tai me." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: Joko ne tai me." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: En mä ketään ole ennen tappanut." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin' before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Katso karttaa. Meidän on päästävä New Orleansiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Look at that map. We need to get ourselves to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Katso nyt karttaa. New Orleans voi olla viimeinen tukikohta koko maassa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Would you look at this map. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing in the COUNTRY." "Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Katso karttaa kunnolla. Me ollaan ainoat jäljellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Man, LOOK at this map. We're all that's left." "Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä New Orleansiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: We need to get to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Katso nyt tätä. New Orleans voi olla viimeinen tukikohta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Would you look at this. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing." "Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Hei, uutistyttö. Tajuatko sä tästä mitään?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Girl, you in news - you make any sense of this?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: Sä olet todella rasittava." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: You're tirin' me REAL fast, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Katso tuota otusta tuolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Oh man, look at that thing in there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: Miten ihmeessä se saatiin jo kiinni?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: How they HELL did they capture this thing already?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä tämän tulipalon ohi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: We gotta find a way around this fire!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: Tämä reitti on tukossa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: This way's blocked!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: [yskii] Tuli leviää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Täälläkin palaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: Täälläkin palaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: Tuli leviää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Kaveri, kukaan ei kärvenny. Me päästään tulen ohi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Boy, nobody's gonna burn up. We can get around the fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Hissi ei toimi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Elevator's out!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Voi nokkonen! Hissi ei toimi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Oh, crumbs! Elevator's out." "Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Pakko löytää portaat." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Gotta find some stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Mennään portaikkoon." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Let's get to the stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Ikävä hajottaa omaisuutta tällä tavalla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Man, it don't feel right breakin' property like this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: Voimme kävellä reunaa pitkin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: We can walk along the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Kokeillaan reunaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Let's try the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: Pääsemme tulen ohi täältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: We can get around the fire out here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: Tämä auttaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: This'll help." "Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Pahastuvatkohan zombit, jos otan yhden niiden aseista?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Think the zombies mind if I take one of their guns?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: Nyt on parempi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: That's better." "Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Kyllä kelpaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Mm. That's right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Olen tosissani!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Olen tosissani!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: Koskaan en ole ilahtunut aseen näkemisestä näin paljon." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: Heillä oli aseet eli tiesivät tilanteen pahenevan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: If they had guns, they knew this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Katso tätä. He tiesivät tarkalleen, että tilanne mene pahaksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Katso tätä. He tiesivät tarkalleen, että tilanne mene pahaksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Nyt päästiin asiaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Now we're talking." "Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: Tämä ase todellakin helpottaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: This gun DOES make it easier." "Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: Nyt ottelu on tasaväkisempi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: THAT levels the playin' field." "Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: Kyllä nyt kelpaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: That's more like it." "Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Tutkikaa nämä huoneet jonkin käyttökelpoisen varalta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: Tämä hissi toimii vielä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: This elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Tämä hissi toimii vielä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Hey, this elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Luojan kiitos tämä vielä toimii. En olisi kävellytkään kolmeakymmentä kerrosta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Thank Jesus, this one's still on. I ain't walkin' down thirty flights of stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: Hissiä ei pitäisi käyttää, kun rakennus on tulessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: Päteeköhän ohje rakennuksiin, joissa on zombeja?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: You think that rule still applies if there's zombies in the building?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Paina nappia ennen kuin tulen katumapäälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Hit the button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Everybody into the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Mene hissiin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Painakaa joku nappia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Somebody push the button!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Valmistaudu..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Get ready..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: Nyt riittää juttelu. Valmistautukaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: All right, enough chat. Get ready." "Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: Hauska tavata. Voit sanoa mua Coachiksi. Mikä sun nimi on?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: So. Pleased to meet you. You can call me Coach. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: Mun kaverit sanoo mua Coachiksi, ja sano sinäkin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: My friends call me Coach. I guess y'all can do the same." "Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: Minua kutsutaan Coachiksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: People just call me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Etsitään ostari." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Etsitään helikopteri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: Ennen ostaria on asekauppa. Pitäisiköhän käydä?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: There's a gun store on the way to the mall. What do you say we pay it a visit?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Etsitään ostari." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Etsitään helikopteri." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Ostari on tuossa suunnassa. Liikettä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Mall's THAT way! Let's move!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: Olemme menossa ostarin suuntaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: We're headin' the right way to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Ostari on tuonne päin. Seuraa kylttejä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Mall's that way! Just keep followin' the signs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: Toinen helikopteri! Ostari on lähellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: There's another chopper! We're close to the mall now." "Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Ostari on sillan jälkeen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Mall's over this bridge!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Silta ostarille on tukittu! Pakko löytää toinen reitti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We gotta find another way." "Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Kokeillaan ovea." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Let's try the door." "Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: Voimme hypätä rekan päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: We can jump down onto this truck!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Pysy mukana! Ostari on ihan lähellä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Stay with me! That mall's JUST up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Valppaana! Ostari on ihan lähellä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Look alive! We're getting close to the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: Helvetti. Missä kaikki ovat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: Damn. Where IS everybody?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Voi paska. Tämä paikka on aivan tyhjä. Karmiva mesta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Shit. This place is DESERTED. It's startin' to creep me out." "Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: Asekauppa on jossain täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: Asekauppa on lähellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: We're getting close to that gun store." "Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: Asekauppa on lähellä. Täydennetään varastot ja jatketaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: That gun store's just up ahead. Let's stock up and keep moving." "Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Asekauppa on näiden rappusten jälkeen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Gun store's just down these stairs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: Asekauppa on jossain täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: En osaa ampua sellaisella, joten tasoissa ollaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Nyt onnisti!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: En osaa ampua sellaisella, joten tasoissa ollaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Hahaa, nyt onnisti!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Haha, paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Eiköhän näillä kaikilla voi tappaa zombeja." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Pretty sure alla these'll kill them zombies." "Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: Tuossa on paljon aseita." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: This here is A LOT of guns." "Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: Hyvä on. Haen teille juomanne, mutta joudutte auttamaan meitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: Well man-I'll get you your drinks, but you better help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: Kuulin kyllä. Ymmärrän napostelun tarpeenne. Toistan vain, että jos haen naposteltavaa, joudutte auttamaan meitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: Kuulin kyllä. Ymmärrän napostelun tarpeenne. Toistan vain, että jos haen naposteltavaa, joudutte auttamaan meitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Kokis ja pähkinöitä? Maistuisi itsellenikin. Mutta ei sokeritonta limua, sitä en hae." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Cola and nuts? Could go for some myself. Better not be diet cola. Because that I will not do." "Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: Vihdoinkin jotakin, jonka minäkin ymmärrän. Mies tarvitsee välipalaa. Se onnistuu, mutta älä unohda auttaa meitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: Finally something that makes sense to me. A man and his snacks. We'll hook ya up. Just don't forget to take care of us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: En olekaan ennen tappanut zombeja välipalaa hakiessani, mutta tänään on tapahtunut paljon uutta. Ja jos saamme aseennekin, voimme lähteä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: I have never killed zombies on a snack run, but today is a day of firsts. If you don't mind us using your guns to do it, we're good to go." "Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Älä katso pahasti, Nick. Kokis ja pähkinät voivat olla hänen viimeinen ateriansa. Pakko suostua, ja sitä paitsi hän auttaa meitä. Kelpaa mulle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Nick, don't give me that look. Cola and nuts might be this man's last meal. We can't deny him that. We get him his snacks, he helps us. I'm good with it." "Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: Hälytys alkaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: Here comes the alarm." "Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: Tässä on kokis!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: There's the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Nappaa kokis!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Grab the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: Minulla on kokis, mennään takaisin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: Okei, mulla on hullun miehen kokis. Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: All right, I got the crazy man's cola! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: Otin kokiksen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: I got the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Nappaan kokiksen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Grabbin' cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: Este on alhaalla! Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: Barrier's down! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Reitti selvä. Mennään ostarille!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Path clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: Kaveri lupasi raivata reitin, ja sen hän teki." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: When that man says he's gonna clear a path, he clears a path!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: Noin minäkin raivasin reitin puolustajien läpi futiksessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: That's how I used clear a path when I played college ball." "Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Reitti selvä. Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Reitti selvä. Mennään ostarille!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Hahaa! Tuolla on ostari!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Ha-HA! There's the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Nauti eväistä, kaveri! Ja kiitos aseista!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Enjoy those cola and nuts, man! Thanks for the guns!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. Aika hiljainen ostari." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. This mall look busy to you?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: Kaikki ovat varmaan sisällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: I guess all the people must be inside." "Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Kertokaa, jos näette evakuointiaseman. Ja ravintola-alueen, mä kuolen nälkään." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Keep an eye out for the evac center. Also the food court. I am STARVING." "Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Kerääntykää ympärille, niin rukoillaan. Herra, johdata meidät turvallisesti ostarin läpi ja pidä huoli, että ravintola-alue on kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Everybody, gather 'round. Let's pray. Dear Lord. See us safely through our time of trial in this mall. And please Lord... let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Aamen." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Aamen." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: CEDA on varmasti täällä jossakin. Etsitään evakuointiasema, niin päästään pois." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: CEDA's gotta be around here somewhere. Let's find this evac and get out of here." "Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Näitä liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Up this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Noita liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Up that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Näitä liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Down this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Noita liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Down that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. Oli jo aikakin saada hiustenleikkaus samalla kun ostaa housuja." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: Toivottavasti ravintola-alue on kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Herra, anna ravintola-alueen olla kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: Voisin kääriä kokonaisen pitsan rullalle ja syödä sen kuin patongin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: I could roll up a whole pizza right now, eat it sub-style." "Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: Jos tuolta tulisi zombi, jolla on maistiaisia tarjottimella, en ampuisi sitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: If I see a zombie running at me with a sample tray, I ain't shootin' it." "Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: Toivottavasti ravintola-alue on kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Herra, anna ravintola-alueen on kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: Hmm. Oli jo aikakin saada hiustenleikkaus samalla kun ostaa housuja." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evakuointiasema on täälläpäin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evac's this way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evakuointiasema on tuollapäin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evac's that way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evakuointiasema on edessä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evac's up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Oho! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Oho! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Ohh heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: Jimmy Gibbs on kuuluisa kaveri, rata-autoilun legenda." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: I heard of Jimmy Gibbs! That man's a stock car LEGEND." "Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: Usko pois, täällä päin hän on yhtä kuuluisa kuin Elvis. Tai presidentti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: Usko pois, täällä päin hän on yhtä kuuluisa kuin Elvis. Tai presidentti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Valmistautukaa, hälytys menee päälle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Get ready, alarm is gonna sound." "Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Jatkakaa vaan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Keep going!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: We gotta turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Viimeinen hälytyksen luona on mätämuna!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Last one to turn off the alarm is a rotten egg!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: Selvä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: Selvä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: Se soi vielä korvissa, mutta se taitaa olla sammutettu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: I can still hear it in my head, but I think the alarm is off." "Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...ravintola-alueella ei ollut mitään mahdollisuuksia..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: Toivottavasti joku edes pääsi ulos..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: Mitä ihmettä CEDA tekee?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: What the hell is CEDA doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: Turha valehdella. Ei hyvältä näytä." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: I won't lie. It don't look good." "Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Jotkut selviytyjistä ovat varmasti rakentaneet turvahuoneen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Some of the refugees must've built a safe room!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...ravintola-alueella ei ollut mitään mahdollisuuksia..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: Toivottavasti joku edes pääsi ulos..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Se on sovittu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Son, you got a DEAL." "Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Hahaa! New Orleansiin asti! Kuulostaa hyvältä suunnitelmalta." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Ha HA! All the way to New Orleans! Baby, that sounds like a PLAN." "Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: Okei, evakuointi ei siis onnistu. Jos jollakin on ideoita, nyt olisi hyvä hetki kertoa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: All right, so...Getting' evac'd ain't happening. Anybody got an idea, now's the time." "Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Joudumme näköjään pelastamaan itsemme. Jos jollakin on ideoita, kertokoon. Olemme kuulolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Looks like we're gonna have to save ourselves. Anybody got an idea, speak up, we're listenin'." "Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: Yleensä en tekisi näin, mutta tässä tilanteessa en usko, että herra Gibbs Junior panisi pahakseen." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: Yleensä en suostuisi tähän, mutta tässä tilanteessa en usko, että herra Gibbs Junior panisi pahakseen." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't agree to do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: Jos Jimmy Gibbs on muuttunut zombiksi, joku muu saa ampua hänet." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: If we see a Jimmy Gibbs zombie, somebody else is gonna have to kill him." "Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Kun ovet avautuvat, juoksette niin nopeasti kuin voitte ja etsitte bensaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Soon as them doors open? You run your ass off and find some GAS." "Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Kun ovet avautuvat, liikettä kinttuihin." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Soon as these doors open, get ready to MOVE." "Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Anna anteeksi Jimmy, mutta me tarvitaan sun auto." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Forgive us, Jimmy, but we need your car." "Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Nyt menoksi ja bensaa hakemaan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Haul ass and get gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: Tule jo, tule jo..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: Tule jo, tule jo..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Ole kiltti, ole kiltti..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Please, baby, baby, please, please..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: Tule jo, tule jo..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Kiirettä, pidä kiirettä..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Tule nyt, tule nyt..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Tankkaamassa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Fillin' it up here!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: Tämä on mun!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: I got this one!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Mennään! Etsi bensakanisteri!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Tankataan auto!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: Tarvitaan lisää bensaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: We need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: Tarvitaan vieläkin lisää bensaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: We still need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: Ok, puolivälissä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: All right, halfway there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Melkein täynnä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Almost there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: Tarvitaan kaksikymmentä lisää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: We need twenty more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: Tarvitaan kymmenen lisää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: We still need ten more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: Tarvitaan viisi lisää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: We still need five more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Vielä kolme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Just three more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Vielä kaksi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Just two more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: Yksi kanisteri enää!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: One more can to go!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: Tankki on täynnä, nyt autoon!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: We're all gassed up, get to the car!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: New Orleans, täältä tullaan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: Here we come, New Orleans!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: HETI AUTOLLE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: HETI AUTOLLE KAIKKI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: ANTAA PALAA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: HIT IT!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Olen pahoillani tästä, herra Gibbs." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Sorry about this, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: ANTAA MENNÄ, ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: ANTAA MENNÄ, ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: NASTA LAUTAAN, ELLIS!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: PUNCH IT, ELLIS!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Vau! Kiitos, herra Gibbs." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Woo! Thank you, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Päästiinpähän tänne asti. New Orleansiin löytyy toinen tie." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Hell, it got us this far. We'll find another way to N'awlins." "Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Ehkä ne jätettiin, kun heidän pelastettiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Maybe they left 'em when they got rescued." "Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hei, Whispering Oaks! Kävin siellä pienenä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hey, Whisperin' Oaks! Shit, I used to go there when I was a kid!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Katso, etsintävaloja! Käydään katsomassa, siellä voi olla selviytyjiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Look, searchlights! Might be survivors there, we should check it out." "Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Katso, etsintävaloja! Se on takuulla Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Look, searchlights! I bet that's Whisperin' Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Alas tätä poistumisramppia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Down this offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Alas tuota poistumisramppia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Down that offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: Tuolla se on! Whisperin' Oaks! [hekottelee] Siellä oli aikoinaan hauskaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: There it is! Whisperin' Oaks! Man, I had some times there." "Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Moottoritie on tukossa! Mennään motelliin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Highway's blocked! Let's check out the motel!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Tarkistakaa huoneet. Voi löytyä jotakin hyödyllistä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Check the rooms. Might be somethin' useful." "Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: Ei se ole hauskaa. Tuossa olisi tullut takapuoli kipeäksi. Joo, on se hauskaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: It's not funny. You coulda really hurt yours... Naw, it's funny." "Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: Varo ensimmäistä askelmaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: Watch that first step, baby." "Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Hei, hitaammin rinteessä... Se on aika iso pudotus." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Varokaa rinteessä..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: Siellä se on! Whispering Oaks!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: There she is! Whispering Oaks!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Hei, hitaammin rinteessä... Se on aika iso pudotus." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Varokaa rinteessä..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: Mennään kohti etsintävaloja. Evakuointipaikka on siellä, jos sellaista on." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: Etsintävalot ovat edelleen päällä. Se on hyvä merkki." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: There's still searchlights on. I'd say that's a good sign." "Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders! Se oli mahtava bändi, alan parhaat pyrotekniikat." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Hey, the Midnight Riders! I used to LOVE that band. Best pyrotechnics in the business." "Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: Kyllä! Mulla on niiden kaikki levyt. Jopa ne uudet, jotka on aika huonoja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [laulaa] \"Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountain.\"" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [laulaa] \"Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around.\"" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hei! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hei! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: Kyllä! Mulla on niiden kaikki levyt. Jopa ne uudet, jotka on aika huonoja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: Juksaatko? Se oli todella... ei, ei oikeasti. Oli niillä yksi hyvä biisi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Alansa paras valoshow kuitenkin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Best light show in the business, though." "Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Ja aivan loistavat taustalaulajat." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Best backup singers you ever want to hear." "Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: Juksaatko? Se oli todella... ei, ei oikeasti. Oli niillä yksi hyvä biisi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: Tuolla pähkinällä on hullut silmät. Ne seuraa mua." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: That peanut's got crazy eyes. They FOLLOW you." "Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: Tuolla pähkinällä on aivan kajahtaneet silmät." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: That peanut man's got wild, crazy eyes." "Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: Mä en pidä tuosta pähkinästä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: I don't like that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: Mä en todellakaan pidä tuosta pähkinästä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: I DO NOT like that little peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: En ole koskaan pitänyt tuosta pähkinästä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: En ole koskaan pitänyt tuosta pähkinästä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: Näistä kylteistä tulee nälkäiseksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: All these signs are making me hungry." "Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Munkkeja, tippaleipiä, makkaroita... Näistä kylteistä tulee muistoja mieleen." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Elephant ears... funnel cakes... corn dogs... Man, these signs are bringin' back some memories." "Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Nyt maistuisi popcorn." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Oh, baby, I could destroy some kettle corn right now." "Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: Jos täällä on Burger Tank, niille juustopurilaisille koitti nyt maailmaloppu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse." "Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmm. Persikkapiirakkaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmmhmm. Peach cobbler." "Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Hattara, ruokien kuningas." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Cotton Candy. The king of foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: Aah, hattara. Kaikkien ruokien viisas faarao, joka istuu ruokapyramidin huipulla jakaen tuomioitaan vähempiarvoisille ruoille." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: Ah yeah. Cotton Candy. The wise pharaoh of food. Sittin' atop the food pyramid, passin' judgment on all lesser foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: Ja mihin itse pyrit?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: And what's your point?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Kun maailma on taas entisensä, mä tarjoan teille kunnon pihvit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Once the world goes back to normal? I'm buyin' you guys a steak dinner." "Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Välillä tuntuu kuin oltais lapsenvahteina, eikö?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Välillä tuntuu kuin oltais lapsenvahteina, eikö?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: \"Laitteeseen päästäkseen on oltava näin pitkä.\" Emme siis näe Jockeyta täällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Well-least there won't be no Jockeys in there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: \"Laitteeseen päästäkseen on oltava näin pitkä.\" Sori, Ellis. Oli hauska tavata." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Sorry, Ellis. It's been real, man." "Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Ooh!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: Hitto, se oli hauskaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: Damn, that was fun." "Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Portti on auki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Gate's open!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: Se on pois päältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: It's off." "Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: Hemmetti. Karkkiautomaatin täyttäminen ei täällä kuulu tapoihin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: Damn it. They can't keep a candy machine filled up around here?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: Tuolla on turvahuone! Kaikki rakkauden tunneliin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: There's the saferoom! Everybody in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Menkää rakkauden tunneliin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Get in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Heti rakkauden tunneliin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Get your ass in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: Nyt mennään rakkauden tunnelin läpi. Ei lääppimistä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. No hanky panky." "Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: Nyt mennään rakkauden tunnelin läpi. Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. Stay close to me." "Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nick, olin futisjoukkueessa. Coach pärjäsi sielläkin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nick, I was on the football team. Coach did just fine." "Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach pärjäsi aikoinaan ihan mukavasti, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach didn't do too bad for himself back in the day, Nick." "Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: Montako muistoa rakkauden tunnelista sulla on, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: How many Tunnel of Love memories YOU got, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: Vesi ei näytä tavalliselta..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: This water don't look natural..." "Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Mun vanhat julisteet näyttäisivät hyvältä tässä valaistuksessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Back in the day, I had some posters that woulda looked GOOD in this light." "Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Tästä reiästä alas!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Down this hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Tuosta reiästä alas!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Down that hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: En muistanut rakkauden tunnelin olevan näin pitkä. Oli varmaan muuta puuhaa silloin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: En muistanut rakkauden tunnelin olevan näin pitkä. Oli varmaan muuta puuhaa silloin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: Tämä roina on saatava pois raiteilta." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: We'll have to get this crap off the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: Tämä portti on saatava auki." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: We'll have to get this gate open." "Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: Tämä portti on murrettava auki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: We're gonna have to bust this gate open!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: Tuolla on helikopteri!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: There's a chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: Tuolla on taas se helikopteri!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: There's that chopper again!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: Sinne meni kopteri!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: There goes the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Jonkun on sammutettava hälytys!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Seurataan raiteita niin pääsemme pois!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Just keep following the tracks and we'll get through this!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Pysykää raiteilla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Stay on the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: Okay, alarm's off!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Mennään stadionille, mulla on idea!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Let's get inside the stadium, I have an idea!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders tulee apuun!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Onko Midnight Ridersilla keikka täällä?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders are supposed to play here?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: Helikopterille täytyy lähettää merkki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: We need to signal the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: Tiedän kuinka voimme lähettää merkin helikopterille." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: I know how we can signal that chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellis, oletko valmis rokkaamaan?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellis, you ready to rock?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: Pääsemme stadionille tätä kautta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: Stadionille!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: Into the stadium!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Tiedättehän kaikki Midnight Ridersin? Se pelastaa meidät." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: Kun aloitamme bändin finaalin, kopteri huomaa, että täällä on jotakin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Koska Midnight Ridersilla on kaikkien aikojen suurimmat pyrotekniikat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger pyrotechnics show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Tiedättehän kaikki Midnight Ridersin? Se pelastaa meidät." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: Kun aloitamme bändin finaalin, kopteri huomaa, että täällä on jotakin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Koska Midnight Ridersilla on kaikkien aikojen suurin valoshow!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger light show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Midnight Riderin finaali kiinnittää helikopterin huomion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: Toivottavasti zombit osaavat rokata." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: These zombies better be ready to rock." "Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: En ole nähnyt Ridersejä pitkään aikaan, mutta jos keikan finaali ei ole muuttunut, se toimii merkkinä helikopterin pilotille. Meidän pitää vain aloittaa se." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: En ole nähnyt Ridersejä pitkään aikaan, mutta jos keikan finaali ei ole muuttunut, se toimii merkkinä helikopterin pilotille. Meidän pitää vain aloittaa se." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: Tämä musiikki on mahtavaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: Olin unohtanut, miten hyvä tämä biisi on!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: Tämä biisi on tiukkaa kamaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: En ole rokkimiehiä, mutta rakastan Ridersia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Nupit kaakkoon, tämä osa on mahtava!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: Helikopteri näki meidät!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: Kopteri on tulossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: Midnight Riders pelasti meidät!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: The Midnight Riders saved us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: Kiitos, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: Se toimii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Midnight Riderin finaali kiinnittää helikopterin huomion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: No johan! Mä en edes itse uskonut, että se toimii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna happen!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: No johan! Mä en edes itse uskonut, että se toimii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Tank hengiltä niin kopteri voi laskeutua!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: Tank on tapettava ennen kopterin laskeutumista!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: Tappakaa Tank, kuulitteko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: Helikopteri näki meidät!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: Kopteri on tulossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: Kiitos, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: Se toimii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: No johan! Mä en edes itse uskonut, että se toimii!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: Okei, suunnitelma on tämä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: Okay, here's the plan." "Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Tank hengiltä niin kopteri voi laskeutua!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: Tappakaa Tank, kuulitteko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: Tank on tapettava ennen kopterin laskeutumista!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Nouskaa kopteriin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: Nouskaa kopteriin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: WOOO! Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Everyone to the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Nouskaa kopteriin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Get on that chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: Ensin tarkistetaan makkaratilanne." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs." "Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: Ensin tarkistetaan makkaratilanne. Ei vaiskaan, kunhan vitsailin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs. Nah, I'm just playin'." "Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: Ensin etsitään varusteita." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: First we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Sitten käynnistetään Midnight Ridersien finaali, johon kuuluu raketteja, savua, valoa ja vaikka mitä. Helikopterin pilotti näkee sen varmasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Sitten käynnistetään Midnight Ridersien finaali, johon kuuluu raketteja, savua, valoa ja vaikka mitä. Helikopterin pilotti näkee sen varmasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: Rakastan Ridersia. Heillä on paras keikan finaali. Meidän on vain aloitettava se, niin pilotti näkee meidät varmasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: I love the Riders. Nobody has a bigger finale than them. All we need to do is start it up, and the chopper pilot's sure as hell gonna see us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: Kuinka finaali aloitetaan?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: How do we start the finale?" "Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: Meidän täytyy keksiä, miten nämä kaikki käynnistetään." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: We have to figure out how to turn all this stuff on." "Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: Finaali täytyy aloittaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: We need to start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: He käyttävät taustanauhoja? Vanhat rokkaripellet..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: They have taped music? Shit. Old ass classic rock clowns." "Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: He säästävät ääniään studiota varten, Nick. Se on fiksua." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: No, they're just saving their voices for the studio, Nick. That's SMART." "Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: Nick, olet vain kateellinen. Nämä miehet ovat elävä legendoja." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: You mock because you're jealous, Nick. These men are living legends." "Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: Voi ei, he käyttävät taustanauhoja. Ja mä kun fanitin näitä kavereita." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: Well ain't this a bitch, they got a tape for their music. To think I used to like these guys." "Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Huulisynkkaavat pellet. Täällä on heidän taustanauhansa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Lip syncing old ass bitches, they got a tape back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: Taustanauha on täällä, se on valmiina finaaliin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: Ridersien finaalin nauha on valmiina alkamaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: Kun käynnistän soittimen, se alkaa. Valmiina!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: Taustanauha on täällä, se on valmiina finaaliin." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: Ridersien keikkanauha on valmiina alkamaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: Nauha aloittaa keikan finaalin! Valmiina!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: This tape's gonna start the finale! Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: Tästä tulee kivaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: Keikka alkaa kun käynnistämme nauhan, joten olkaa valmiina!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: When we start this tape, it's gonna be on. So get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: Tästä tulee hienoa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: Olkaa valmiina kun nauha käynnistyy. Musiikki tulee olemaan tajuttoman hienoa, mutta yrittäkää keskittyä." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: When we start this tape, get ready! The music's gonna be INCREDIBLY GOOD, but try to focus." "Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Valmistautukaa rokkaamaan, käynnistän nauhan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Get ready to rock, I'm gonna start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finaali alkaa! Nyt rokataan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finale's on! Get ready to rock!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Käynnistä nauha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Laita valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: Tarvitaan lisää valoja!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Laita lisää volyymia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: Tarvitaan lisää ääntä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Ammu raketit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Käännä katkaisinta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Laita spotit päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Kovempaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: LISÄÄ! HALUAMME LISÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROKATAAN TÄYSILLÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Jeeeee! Midnight Riders rulettaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Woooo! Midnight Riders RUUUUULE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: Midnight Riders, mä rakastan teitä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: Mä rakastan tätä biisiä! Jokaista nuottia myöten!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: I love this song! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Antaa mennä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Käynnistä nauha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Antaa mennä, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: Tämä musiikki on mahtavaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: Olin unohtanut, miten hyvä tämä biisi on!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: Tämä biisi on tiukkaa kamaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: En ole rokkimiehiä, mutta rakastan Ridersia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Nupit kaakkoon, tämä osa on mahtava!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Käynnistä nauha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Laita valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: Tarvitaan lisää valoja!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Laita lisää volyymia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: Tarvitaan lisää volyymia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Ammu raketit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Käännä katkaisinta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Laita spotit päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Kovempaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: LISÄÄ! HALUAMME LISÄÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROKATKAA TÄYSILLÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: Midnight Riders, mä rakastan teitä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: Mä rakastan tätä musiikkia! Jokaista nuottia myöten!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: I love this music! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Antaa mennä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Let it loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Antaa mennä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Käynnistä nauha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Käynnistä finaali!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Valot päälle!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Antaa mennä, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: Totta. Jos lennon tapahtumista pitäisi keksiä jotakin negatiivista, niin ehkä se, kun pilotti lopetti lentämisen ja hyökkäsi kimppuumme." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: Aika rankkaa, pilotti muuttui zombiksi silmiemme edessä. Hyvin ammuttu, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: That was some shit, the pilot becoming a zombie right before our eyes. Nice shooting, Nick." "Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Huonompiakin laskeutumisia on tullut koettua. [tauko] Jos totta puhutaan, se oli aika paha rysähdys." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Ahhh, I've had worse landings. Actually, that's a lie to spare your feelings. That crash was pretty bad." "Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: Arvaa mitä? Mä en enää lennä helikopterilla. Olen tosissani." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: You know what? No more helicopters. I'm just saying that now. I'm good." "Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Ensi kerralla joku voisi varoittaa ensin, jos haluaa ampua lentäjän." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Next time someone wants to shoot our pilot, can I get a little warning?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: Se oli mun eka kerta helikopterissa. Onko niissä yleensä zombeja?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: That was the first time I was in a helicopter. I always imagined it with less zombies." "Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: Helvetti, pilotti muuttui tuosta vaan. Ensin lennettiin turvallisesti, ja sitten yhtäkkiä... Hän yritti syödä meidät." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: Shit, that pilot just changed. One minute he was flying us to safety, the next he was... well... I am pretty damn sure he was trying to eat us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Missä ihmeessä olemme?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Missä ihmeessä olemme?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Näkikö kukaan missä olimme ennen putoamista?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Anyone check where we were before we went down?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: En ole ennakkoluuloinen ihminen, mutta suolla asuminen kuulostaa aika kahjolta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Hitto. Harvemmin joutuu pyytämään suolla asuvilta apua kaupungista pääsemiseen. En usko, että CEDA hoitaa hommansa ihan kunnolla." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Man. When you're forced to turn to people livin' in a swamp to help you get out of a city? I don't think CEDA's doing their job right." "Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: En ole ennakkoluuloinen ihminen, mutta suolla asuminen kuulostaa aika kahjolta." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Emme olleetkaan ainoita onnettomuuteen joutuneita tänään." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Looks like we weren't the only people crashing today." "Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nick, et sentään ampunut tätäkin pilottia?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nick, you didn't shoot this pilot too did you?" "Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: Tämä laukaisee hälytyksen, joten valmistautukaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: This here is gonna set off an alarm, get ready." "Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: Mä avaan sen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: I'm opening it!" "Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: Mä avaan oven!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: I'm opening this door!" "Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: He menivät joelle päin. Hyvä idea." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: They headed to the river, sounds like a good idea." "Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: En halua jäädä tänne, joten seurataan heitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: I don't want to stay here, let's follow 'em." "Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Pysytään liikkeellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Let's keep moving." "Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Meitä on kolme jäljellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Three of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Meitä on enää kaksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Only two of us." "Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Vain minä." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Just me." "Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Tule sitten nopeasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Well don't be long now." "Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: Joo, täällä ollaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: I hear ya, we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: Emme ole menossa minnekään." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: We ain't goin' anywhere." "Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: Helvetti! Portti auki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: Oh shit! Gate open!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: Hyvää työtä, mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: That's my kind of guy, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Portti on auki, mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Gate's open, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Cajun-ystävämme avasi portin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Our Cajun friend opened the gate!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Katsokaa, huoltoasema on kadun toisella puolella. Käväisemme siellä tuossa tuokiossa. Mennään." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: Mä? Sanoin Nickille että ottaa aseet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: ME? I told Nick to grab the guns!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Kuules, mä olen hyvin muodostunut mies. Keikkuvasta veneestä poistuminen vaatii keskittymistä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Kuules, mä olen hyvin muodostunut mies. Keikkuvasta veneestä poistuminen vaatii keskittymistä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Katsokaa, huoltoasema on kadun toisella puolella. Käväisemme siellä tuossa tuokiossa. Mennään." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: Mikä aselaukku? Älä nyt vaan sano, että unohdimme aseet." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: What gun bag? Oh for-TELL ME we didn't forget the guns." "Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: Se on nopea juttu. Haetaan bensa, palataan rantaan ja lähetetään Virgilille merkki asekassissa olevalla valopistoolilla. Sitten vain... Hetkinen. Kai joku otti asekassin?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: We should be in and out here. Get the gas, get back to shore, signal Virgil with the flare gun in the gun bag. Then we just, uh... um... aw, HELL. Tell me SOMEONE brought the GUN BAG." "Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Seuraava huoltoasema on kolmen kilometrin päässä. Virgil joutuu odottelemaan vähän kauemmin kuin luuli." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Looks like Virgil's gonna be waitin' a bit longer than he thought." "Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Seuraava huoltoasema on kolmen kilometrin päässä. Toivottavasti Virgil tykkää odottelusta, sillä me joudutaan kävelemään." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Hope Virgil likes waitin', 'cause it looks we're goin' for a walk." "Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Bensa loppu. Paska." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Outta gas. Shit." "Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Mennään käymään tällä Ducatel-bensiksellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Let's head to this Ducatel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Siksi että jos he eivät, me jäädään tänne lopullisesti, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Because if they DON'T, we gonna be stuck here forever, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: Lopeta valittaminen. Tehdään vaan pieni retki Ducatel-bensikselle, siinä kaikki." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: All right, quit whinin'. We just gotta hike to this Duke-atel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Hoidetaan homma ja lähdetään takaisin." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Let's just get this done and head back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: Alkaa sataa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: It's startin' to rain." "Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: Vipinää kinttuihin. Myrsky nousee nopeasti näillä leveyksillä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: All right, let's hustle, people. Storms come up quick around here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: Saakeli, tulossa on iso myrsky." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: Aw hell. Looks like a bad storm's comin." "Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Painakaa mieleen maaston tuntomerkit. Meidän pitää löytää takaisin samaa reittiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Keep your eyes open for landmarks. We gonna have to come back through here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Yrittäkää muistaa ammusvarastojen paikat. Ne voivat tulla tarpeeseen paluumatkalla." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Now, try to remember where the ammo dumps're at. We might need some on the way back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: Ensin rutto, sitten tulva. Pitäisikö rakentaa arkki?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I feel like I should be buildin' an ark." "Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: Ensin rutto, sitten tulva. Ihan kuin tässä olisi joku viesti." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I think somebody's trying to tell us something." "Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Tämän leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Through this playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Tuon leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Through that playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Oikaistaan myyjäisten läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: Aika ikävän näköinen hylky." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: That's a nasty damn wreck." "Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Seuratkaa näitä valoja!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Follow these lights!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Mennään autotallia kohti!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Head for the garage!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: Sokeritehdas on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: There's the sugar mill!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Tie on tukittu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Road's blocked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: Meidän on mentävä sokeritehtaan läpi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: We gotta head through the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Kiirettä! Emme halua jäädä tänne myrskyn vangiksi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Hurry up, people. We don't wanna get stuck out here in a storm." "Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: Jos sade alkaa kunnolla, se huuhtoo meidät mennessään." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: If this rain really comes, we gonna get washed away." "Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Vesi alkaa kerääntyä lammikoiksi. Nyt on pakko pitää kiirettä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Water's starting to pool. We gotta move!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: [osoittaa isoon lammikkoon] Katsokaa, tulviminen alkaa jo." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: Look, it's already starting to flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: Rutto on jo nähty. Jospa Luoja päästäisi vähän helpommalla tulvan suhteen." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: We already got plague. Maybe the Lord'll let us slide on the flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: Jos tämä sade tulee päälle, me ollaan kusessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: People, if this rain really comes, we gonna be in trouble." "Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: Witchejä täällä piisaa..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: Whole lotta Witches round here." "Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: Tässä paikassa riittää Witchejä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: Lotta damn Witches up in this place." "Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: Lisää Witchejä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: More Witches!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Ehkä sade houkuttelee ne esiin." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Maybe the rain brings 'em out." "Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: Nämä kalpeat mielipuolimuijat käyvät hermoille." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: All these pale-assed crazy ladies are gettin' on my last nerve." "Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: Mitä ne oikein itkevät? Mehän tässä ollaan hyökkäyksen kohteena." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: What the hell do THEY got to cry about? We're the ones getting attacked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Suunnatkaa viljahissille!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Head for the grain elevator!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: Ylös tuota ramppia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: Up that ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: Ylös tätä ramppia!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: Up this ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: There's the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Sokeriruokopellon poikki!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Through the cane field!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: Voimme laskeutua tuolla hissillä pellolle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Painakaa joku hissin nappia." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: HISSI ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: KYYTIIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: GET IN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: KAIKKI HISSIIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: NYT JOKA IIKKA HISSIIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: GET YOUR ASSES IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Paina nappia uudestaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Hit the button again." "Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ! SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: KEEP MOVING! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: HEAD TOWARD THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: KEEP MOVING!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Toivottavasti sisällä on bensaa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Says there's gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: Bensiini on sisällä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: Gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Hyvä. Haetaan sitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Cool. Let's go get it." "Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pumppu on tyhjä. Etsitään sisältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pump's empty. Let's check inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: Turvahuoneessa on bensaa!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: There's gas in the safe room!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Sulje ovi, niin voimme ottaa kanisterit kaapista." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Close the door and we can bust the cans outta this locker." "Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: No niin, onko jokaisella kanisteri?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: All right, people. Everybody got a can?" "Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Palataan veneelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Let's head back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Palataan veneelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Back to the boat, people." "Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Jep." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Yup." "Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: Mä sain yhden." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: I got one." "Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Tänne tuleminen oli helpompaa kuin paluu veneelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: Mähän sanoin, että myrsky nousee täällä nopeasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Tänne tuleminen oli helpompaa kuin paluu veneelle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: Mähän sanoin, että myrsky nousee täällä nopeasti." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: Vene ei ole kaukana. Vielä viimeinen rynnistys, niin olemme selvillä vesillä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: The boat ain't far. One last push and we're outta here." "Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Pysytelkää korkealla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Keep to high ground!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: Ohitimme nämä valot menomatkalla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: Muistan tuon kuistin valon." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: I remember that porch light." "Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: Tuossa on tuo autonrämä." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: There's that busted up truck." "Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: Myyjäiset! Olemme oikealla reitillä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: The yard sale! We're goin' the right way!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: Tuolla on leikkikenttä, lähellä ollaan!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: There's the playground! We're close!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: Muistan tämän paikan menomatkalta." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: I remember this place from the way in." "Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Me teimme sen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Oh, we made it!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: Onpa ihanaa nähdä tuo Burger Tank! Jopa ihanampaa kuin Burger Tankin näkeminen yleensä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a Burger Tank! And believe me, I have been HAPPY to see some Burger Tanks!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: Jos sytytämme Burger Tankin kyltin, Virgil saattaisin nähdä sen." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: If we fire up the Burger Tank sign, Virgil might see it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Tehdään se." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Let's do it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Sytyttäkää kyltti!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Fire up the sign!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: Kyltti on sytytetty!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: The sign's lit!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Toivottavasti näet tämän, Virgil." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Please be watchin', Virgil." "Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: KYLTTI SAMMUI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: SYTYTTÄKÄÄ KYLTTI UUDESTAAN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: COME ON. GET THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: KATSOKAA TUONNE! VIRGIL NÄKI MEIDÄT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: LOOK UP THERE! VIRGIL SEES US!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: TUOLLA ON VIRGIL!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Kiitos, Virgil. Pysy turvassa, veli." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother." "Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: Olemme päässeet todella pitkälle. Olen ylpeä tiestä. Nyt on jäljellä vielä viimeinen osuus." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: We made it REAL damn far, people. I'm proud of you. Now let's just cross that last mile." "Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: Olemme kulkeneet läpi helvetin päästäksemme tänne. Jäljellä on viimeinen osuus, ja sitä ei jätetä kesken." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: We BEEN through hell getting here. Now we're at the last mile. Let's make this COUNT." "Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: No niin, mennään sillalle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: All right people, let's get to that bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: Ollaan melkein turvassa." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: We're almost home free, people." "Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Armeija on täällä vielä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Military's still active here!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: Hävittäjät lentävät vielä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: They're still flying jets!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: New Orleansia ei siis ole hylätty. Mennään!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: It means they haven't abandoned New Orleans. C'mon, let's move!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: Armeija on täällä vielä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: All right, military's still here!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: Mennään puiston läpi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: C'mon, let's head through the park!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Tuo moottoritie vie suoraan meidän sillalle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Look, that freeway's headin' right to our bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: Seurataan sitä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: All right, then, let's follow it!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: Nämä eivät ole zombeja. Joku on ampunut ihmisiä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: These ain't zombies. Somebody's been shootin' people." "Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: En tiedä mitään. Pysytään liikkeessä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: I don't know shit. We gonna keep movin'." "Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: [ärtyneenä] Onko kiva olla niin oikeassa koko ajan, Nick?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: How does bein' so right feel, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Hälytys alkaa, kun avaamme oven." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Alarm's gonna sound when we open the door." "Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Valmistautukaa juoksemaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Get ready to run." "Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: JUOSKAA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: LIIKETTÄ KINTTUIHIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: MOVE YOUR ASSES!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: VAUHTIA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: KEEP MOVIN'!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: JUOKSE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: JUST RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: LIIKETTÄ NIVELIIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: GET THE LEAD OUT, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: HÄLYTYS ON SAMMUTETTAVA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THAT ALARM!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: LIIKETTÄ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: MOVE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Bussiaseman läpi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Through the bus station!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: Moottoritie yhdistyy siltaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: Moottoritie yhdistyy siltaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Silta ei voi olla enää kaukana." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Bridge can't be too far now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Armeija hylkäsi tämän lähiön." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Army abandoned this neighborhood." "Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: Meidän on löydettävä reitti takaisin sisään." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: We gonna have to find a way back in." "Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: [osoittaa kylttiä] Katsokaa, olemme turvavyöhykkeen lähellä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: Look, we're outside the safe zone." "Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: Meidän on päästävä sillalle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: We just gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Zombit eivät tiputtaneet tuota helikopteria." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: Täällä käytiin jonkinlainen sota." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Zombit eivät tiputtaneet tuota helikopteria." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: Täällä käytiin jonkinlainen sota." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: Toivottavasti nuo ruksit tarkoittavat zombeja." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Toivottavasti ei." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Man, I hope not." "Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: Toivottavasti nuo ruksit tarkoittavat zombeja." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Toivottavasti ei." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Man, I hope not.”" "Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Kaikki viemäriin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Everybody in the sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Nick, valitsit huonon päivän valkoiselle puvulle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Man, Nick, you picked a bad day to wear your white suit." "Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nick! Hyviä uutisia, menemme viemäriin." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nick! Good news - we're going down into this sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Hälyttimiä on kaikkialla. Pitäkää varanne!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Hälyttimiä on kaikkialla. Pitäkää varanne!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Nyt rauhallisesti." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Nyt rauhallisesti." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Liikkukaa varovasti ja katsokaa mitä ammutte, niin kaikki järjestyy." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Liikkukaa varovasti ja katsokaa mitä ammutte, niin kaikki järjestyy." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: LOPETTAKAA AUTOJEN AMPUMINEN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: WOULD YOU STOP SHOOTIN' THE GODDAMN CARS?!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: Pääsimme sillalle! Olemme melkein päässeet täältä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: We did it, people! We're on the bridge! We're almost outta this place." "Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: VOI HELVETTI." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: MOTHERF- GODDAMN." "Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: HELVETTI." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: MOTHERF-" "Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: Voi paska. Ei paniikkia. Jatketaan ja etsitään toinen reitti sillalle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: All right. Shit. Nobody panic. We gonna head down and find another way up onto the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Liikettä niveliin, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Get your ass movin', Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: Kuulin tuon. Matkaan." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: I heard that. Let's move." "Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: He pistävät tuleen koko paikan. Meidän on päästävä sillalle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: Man, they're lighting up this whole place. We gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: LOPETTAKAA MEIDÄN POMMITTAMINEN." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: STOP BOMBING US." "Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: HITTOLAINEN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: SHIT!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: Pahus! Se oli lähellä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: Damn! That one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: Pahus! Se oli lähellä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: Shit. Damn, that one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: Sillassa on turvahuone!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: Siinä on turvahuone!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: There's a safe room in it!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: Menemme sillan yli ja sen jälkeen armeija pitää meistä huolta." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: Allrightallright. We gonna stroll across that bridge, and the army's gonna take care of us." "Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: Nick, voit vapaasti aloittaa uuden elämän tässä huoneessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: Nick, voit vapaasti aloittaa uuden elämän tässä huoneessa." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: Ei." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: No." "Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Ei, olemme kunnossa." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Nah. We good." "Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Mennään, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Mennään, Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: Kuulostaa sotilailta! Vastatkaa heille." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: Those sound like soldiers! Somebody talk to 'em." "Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Vastatkaa joku siihen pahuksen radiopuhelimeen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Hei!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hei! Täällä sillalla on neljä ihmistä!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hey! There's four of us on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: Me ei olla saastuneita." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: We are NOT infected." "Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: \"Kohdanneet\"? Kuule, mä olen yltä päältä zombien veressä, yrjössä, silmämunissa ja kaikessa muussa mitä en edes tunnista. Tästä ei immuunimmaksi tule." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood and puke and eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: Olemme matkalla." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: We're on our way." "Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: Täytyy saada nosturi alas!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: We gotta lower that drawbridge." "Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Vastatkaa joku siihen pahuksen radiopuhelimeen!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: \"Kohdanneet\"? Kuule, mä olen yltä päältä zombien veressä, yrjössä, silmämunissa ja kaikessa muussa mitä en edes tunnista. Tästä ei immuunimmaksi tule." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood, puke, eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: Haluat testata mua? Olen kulkenut läpi helvetin päästäkseni tänne, etkä sinä minua pysäytä." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: You want to TEST me? I been through HELL to get to here! You are NOT the one to take me down!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: Olen kahlannut läpi kaikenlaisen paskan tänne päästäkseni. Mä en todellakaan kuole tähän!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: I walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! I am not gonna die now! I am NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Olet liian lähellä. Meitä ei tapeta tänne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Olet liian lähellä. Meitä ei tapeta tänne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: Me ollaan liian lähellä. Mä en anna niiden tappaa teitä tänne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: We are too close. I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Tyttö, mä en anna niiden tappaa sua." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Girl, I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: TUOLLA ON HELIKOPTERI! TULKAA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: THERE'S OUR CHOPPER! COME ON!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: MENKÄÄ KOPTERIIN!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: GET TO THE CHOPPER!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: Me ollaan kahlattu läpi kaikenlaisen paskan päästäksemme tänne. Me ei todellakaan kuolla nyt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: We walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! We are not gonna die now! We are NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: Autuaampi on antaa kuin ottaa." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: It is more blessed to give than to receive." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Ota tämä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Ota tämä nyt vaan." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Just take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: Tämä on sinulle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: This is for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Ota tämä, en tarvitse sitä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Here, I don't need this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Ota se, ota nyt." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Take it, just take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hei, ota tämä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hey you, take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: Ota tämä nyt, kuka olitkaan." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: What's your name, here you go." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Ota tämä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Nappaa tämä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Grab this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Ota se." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Odota, tämä on sinulle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Odota, tarvitset tätä enemmän kuin minä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Odota, saat tämän." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Odota, saat tämän." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Odota, tarvitset tätä enemmän kuin minä." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Odota, tämä on sinulle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: Ovatko kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: Okay, we ready?" "Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Onko kaikki valmista?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Are you guys ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Pystytkö tähän?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Do you think you can handle this?" "Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: Jos et ole valmis, en halua tietää sitä." "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: If you aren't ready, I don't want to hear it." "Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Perääntykää!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Taakse, taakse, taakse!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Back, back, back!" "Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Tulkaa takaisin." "[english]Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Come on back." "Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Perääntykää!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Perääntykää." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Back up." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Kaikki takaisin." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Everyone back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Mennään takaisin." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Let's get back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Taaksepäin." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Back up, back up." "Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: JEEEAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: YEEEAAAAH!" "Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: KUOLE!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: DIE! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: IME TÄTÄ!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: SUCK ON THIS!" "Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: KUOLE!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: YEAH! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Tappakaa Tank!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Kill the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Ampukaa Tank!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Ampukaa Tank!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Shoot the damn Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Ammu se! Ammu se!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Ampukaa Tank!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Everyone shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: HEI, AMMU TANK!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: You, SHOOT THE TANK!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: AMPUKAA!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: KEEP SHOOTING!" "Gambler_Blank" " " "[english]Gambler_Blank" " " "Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Piru vie!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Oh God damn it!" "Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Tämä on kuvottavaa." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Ahhh, this is some nasty shit." "Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: Perkele! Olen taas yltä päältä oksennuksessa." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: God damn it! I am covered in vomit again." "Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: En näe mitään." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: I'm blind." "Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: Olen jumissa täällä. Auttakaa minut ulos!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: God damn it, I'm stuck in here. Get me out!" "Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Haluaisiko joku auttaa minut ulos?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Someone want to come get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: Täällä minusta ei ole hyötyä, auttakaa minut pois täältä!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: I'm no use to anyone in here, get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: Oletteko siellä? Tulkaa hakemaan minut!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: You guys out there? Come get me!" "Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: Voisiko joku auttaa, ei siihen mene kuin viisi sekuntia!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: I need someone's help for just five seconds!" "Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Voisiko joku tulla auttamaan?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Can one of you people come get me, please?" "Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: Olen jäänyt loukkuun huoneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: I am trapped in a room!" "Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: En pääse itse pois!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: I cannot get out of here by myself!" "Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: Haluaisiko joku auttaa minut ulos?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: Come on guys, get me out of here." "Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: Minusta olisi paljon hyötyä. Auttakaa minut vain ulos!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: You know I'm going to be a big help. Just get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: Kenellä olisi aikaa auttaa minut ulos?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: All right, who's available to get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Tarvitsen apua vain tämän kerran." "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Just this once I need some help." "Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Smoker osui minuun!" "[english]Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Smoker's got me!" "Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [kuristuu]" "[english]Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [Choking]" "Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: Smoker osui minuun!" "[english]Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Ammu kieltä!" "[english]Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Muistakaa sulkea ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Sulkiko joku oven?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Muistakaa sulkea ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Sulkiko joku oven?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Sulje tuo ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Sulje tuo ovi." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: Ovet pitäisi sulkea." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: I think we should be closing doors." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Yritetään sulkea ovet." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Let's try closing doors behind us." "Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [yskii savun vuoksi]" "[english]Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [Coughing from smoke]" "Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Odottakaa, paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: Paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: I'm gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: Pitää paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: I gotta heal." "Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Paikkaan haavat!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: Paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: Gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Odottakaa, paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Paikkaan haavat!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: Paikkaan haavani!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: I'm gonna patch myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Odottakaa, paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Wait up, gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Odottakaa! Paikkaan haavat." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Wait! Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Odottakaa, paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Hang on, I'm gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Hetki! Paikkaan haavani." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Just wait a sec! Healing!" "Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: Paska. Meitä on tästedes kaksi." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: Well shit. We're a twosome from here on out." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Vain me kaksi jäljellä." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Looks like it's just you and me." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Paskat!" "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Ahhh SHIT!" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: Tilanne taisi juuri heiketä." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: I think we just became long shots." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: Taisimme heikentää mahdollisuuksiamme." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: We just screwed our odds." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hei Ellis, luotan sinuun." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, don't let me down." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Ellis, se mitä sanoin aiemmin oli pelkkää vitsailua." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, you know all that shit I was saying? I was just joking." "Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Mene!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: MENE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: MENE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: GOOO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Vauhtia!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Go go go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Let's go. Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: MENE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Mennään." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Pysykää liikkeessä!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Everybody keep moving." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Antaa mennä!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Just go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Antaa mennä!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Just go. Go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Älä pysähdy." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Don't stop, don't stop." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Jatkakaa matkaa!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Keep moving." "Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Seuraa minua." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Seuraa minua." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Tänne päin!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Jatka!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Jatka!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Tänne päin!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: Tänne päin!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: Okay this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Seuraa minua." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Pysy perässä." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Jos teet sen uudestaan, tunnet sen nahoissasi." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Do that again and I'll bury you alive." "Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: Ei mitään selittelyjä, kunhan lakkaat ampumasta minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: I don't want to hear any excuses, just stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: LAKKAA AMPUMASTA MINUA!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Voitko lakata ampumasta minua?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Can you stop shooting me?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: Toisen ampuminen on rumaa!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: You know, it's not all right that you are SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: Hemmetti! Ammut kehnosti." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: DAMN! You suck at shooting." "Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Älä ammu minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: Kiitos että ilmastoit pukuni." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: Well thank you for ventilating my suit." "Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: Sä ammut mua!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: You. Are. Shooting. Me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: Tajuatko ampuvasi minua?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: You do realize you are shooting me right?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Ammu minua uudestaan jos uskallat." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Shoot me again. Shoot me again, I dare you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: Katsoisitko tarkemmin minne ammut." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: You want to watch where you're shooting?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Lopeta! Minun ampuminen ei auta tilannetta." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Stop! Shooting me doesn't get us anywhere." "Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Eipäs vaikeuteta tilannetta toisiamme ampumalla, sopiiko?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Let's not mess this up by shooting each other, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Kysymys: mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Question: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: Ammut minua taas." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: You're shooting me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: Ammu vielä kerran, niin putoat itse." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: You shoot me again, and I will drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Ammu vielä kerran, niin putoat itse." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Shoot me again, I'll drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Et voi ampua minua, menee kolmen tonnin puku pilalle!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot the guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Et voi ampua minua, menee kolmen tonnin puku pilalle!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot a guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Älä ammu minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Älä ammu minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Do not shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Älkää ampuko toisianne." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Stop shooting each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Älkää ampuko toisianne." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Don't shoot each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other, please?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: Sinä ammut minua!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: You are shooting - ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Jollet halua menettää hampaitasi, lopeta minun ampuminen!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Unless you want to be picking your teeth up off the floor, stop shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: En tiedä kuka aloitti, mutta lopetetaan omien ampuminen. Sopiiko?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, but let's just stop the friendly right now, 'kay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: En tiedä kuka aloitti, mutta lopetetaan omien ampuminen. Sopiiko?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, 'kay? But let's just stop the friendly right now,." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Älä ammu minua enää ikinä." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Never shoot me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: On paha virhe ampua minua!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: You do not want to be shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: Mistä kuvittelet, että minun ampuminen on hyvä ajatus?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: Why would you think shooting me is a good idea?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Yritetään ampua zombeja ihmisten sijaan." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Let's try shooting zombies instead of people, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coach! Älä ammu minua!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coach! Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coach! Älä viitsi." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coach! Come on." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Lopettaisitko, kiitos." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Just...just stop, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hei, katso minne ammut!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hey sport, watch where you're shooting!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Hei kulta, älä ammu minua!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Sweetheart? Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellis, älä viitsi." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellis, come on man." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Älkää enää ampuko minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Y'all wanna stop shootin me?" "Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: Edes kerran! Kerran!" "[english]Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: One time! One time!" "Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: Miltä näytän?" "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: Well, what do I look like?" "Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: Olen kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: I'm fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: Kerro minulle." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: You tell me." "Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Sama kuin aina ennenkin." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Same as always." "Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Ei erityisen mahtavalta." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Not exactly great." "Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: Olen ok." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: I'm cool, I'm cool." "Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: Olen kunnossa. Auta minut ylös." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: I'm good, I'm good. Get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Älä huolehdi minusta." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Don't worry about me." "Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Riittävän hyvä." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Good enough." "Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: Olen ihan kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: Fine, I'm fine, fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: Olen loistokunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: Oh I'm super." "Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: I been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Nosta minut pystyyn." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Just get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: Olen ihan kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: I'll be fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: Olen loistokunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: Oh I'm great." "Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Voin suorastaan fantastisen hyvin." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Fan-freaking-tastic, that's how I am." "Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: Jään henkiin. Mennään." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: I'll live. Let's go." "Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: I've been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Älä huoli, nosta mut pystyyn." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Don't worry, just get me up." "Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: Mokasin äsken pahasti." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: I really screwed the pooch back there." "Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: Minun on pidettävä itsestäni parempaa huolta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: I gotta take better care of myself." "Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Vielä elossa, mutta en erityisen hyvässä kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Not dead yet, but not exactly healthy." "Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: Helvetti! Helvetti." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: God damn it! God damn it. God damn it." "Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: Jos kuolen, teidän tulee minua ikävä." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: If I go, you guys gonna miss me." "Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: I have seriously felt better." "Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Kokoa itsesi, älä panikoi." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Pull yourself together, man, you're falling apart." "Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Älä minusta huolehdi, selviän kyllä." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." "Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: Ei tämä tähän lopu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: This is not how it's going to end." "Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: Elossa yhä!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: I'm not dead yet!" "Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: Ei minua noin vähällä vielä nitistetä!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: You're going to have to do better than that to kill me!" "Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Älä liioittele. Kunnon krapula on tuntunut pahemmalta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Quit being a baby, you've felt worse after a night of drinking." "Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: No jopas nyt jotakin." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: Ain't this a bitch." "Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: En usko silmiäni." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: God damn it, I can't believe this." "Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: Säästyinpähän flunssalta." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: Well at least I didn't catch the flu." "Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: Paska juttu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: This is some crap." "Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Älä huoli. Henki pihisee vielä." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Don't worry. I'm not done yet." "Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: Olen väsynyt olemaan väsynyt." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." "Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Etkö näe, että onnun?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Can't you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Etkö näe, että onnun?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Can you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: Yritän kiirehtiä!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: I'm trying to hurry!" "Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: Menen niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: I'm going as fast as I can." "Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: Mikä idea oli tulla tänne alun perin?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: What was I thinking coming down here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: Minä pystyn tähän, kyllä se onnistuu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: Okay, all right, I can do this. I can do this." "Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: Minä en kuole tähän loukkoon." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: I'm not going to die down here." "Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: En heitä veiviäni täällä jumalan selän takana." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: I am not dying in the middle of nowhere." "Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: Ystävät, aikani käy vähiin. Olen todella huonossa jamassa." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: I am not going to make it much longer, my friends, I am seriously screwed up." "Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: Hyvä on, minä luovutan. Tarvitsen apua." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: All right, I gotta call uncle here. I need some help." "Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Jaaha, tässä se sitten taisi olla." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Well, boys, this looks like it's for me." "Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Aika hurja juttu. Potkaisen kohta tyhjää." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Doesn't this beat all. I am about to die." "Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Voi pojat, näin pahalta ei olekaan tuntunut pitkiin aikoihin." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Man, man... It has been a long time since I have felt this bad." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: Minuun osui sitä polttavaa limaa." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: Minuun osui sitä polttavaa limaa." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: Hitto, olen liman peitossa." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: Goddamn it, I'm covered in goo." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: Minuun osui sitä polttavaa limaa." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Pysytään erossa limasta!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Let's get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Pysykää erossa limasta!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Hyi! Mitä hittoa tuo otus teki?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Ugh, what in the hell did that thing just do?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: Mitä tämä aine on päälläni?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: What is this shit on me?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: Olen yltä päältä jonkun aineen peitossa!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: What am I covered in?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: Charger osui minuun!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: Charger's got me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Tapa Charger!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Kill the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Ammu Charger!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Shoot the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Voisiko joku ampua tämän helvetin elukan?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Can someone shoot this goddamn thing?!?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Ampukaa tämä rumilus joka murskaa minut maahan!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Shoot the big guy pounding me into the ground!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Ampukaa se! Ampukaa se!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Shoot him! Shoot him!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Tappakaa tämä helvetin otus!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Kill this goddamn thing!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: Tämä elukka tappaa mut!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: This thing is beating my ass!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Jockey osui minuun!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Jockey's got me." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Ampukaa tämä otus selässäni!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Shoot this thing on my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Tappakaa tämä Jockey selässäni!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Kill this Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Minussa on Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Ampukaa tämä otus selässäni!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Shoot this thing off my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: Ei, ei todellakaan." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: No, it doesn't." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: Kymmenen taalaa vetoa, että hän vie hänet oikealle." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: Ten bucks says he takes him to the right." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: Ei!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: Ei! Ei!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: No, No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: EEEEEIIII!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER..." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER'S..." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...OSUI MINUUN!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER OSUI MINUUN!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: Ei, ei, EI!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: No, No, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: EI, EI, EI!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: NO, NO, NO!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: Ei!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: EI!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: EI, EI!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: NO, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: EI!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: NO!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: Mitä pirua?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: What the hell?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: Joku osui muhun!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: Something's got me?!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: Mitä pirua tämä on?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: What's this shit?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: Mitä ihmettä? Hyi ällöttävää." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: What the? Ahh, gross shit." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: Helvetin kieli!?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: Freaking tongue!?" "Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: GRENADE!" "Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Heitän putkipommin." "[english]Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Heitän molotovin." "[english]Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Tulta tulossa." "[english]Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Fire coming." "Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Putkipommi!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Pipe Bomb!" "Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Heitän putkipommin." "[english]Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Heitän molotovin." "[english]Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Jahdatkaa tätä, zombin paskiaiset!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Chase this, you zombie bastards!" "Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Sytytän sen!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Putkipommi ilmassa!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Sytytän sen!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Putkipommi ilmassa!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: Minun pitäisi kai säästää tämä itselleni, mutta menköön." "[english]Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: I should probably save this for me, but - what the hell." "Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Anna tohtori Nickin parantaa." "[english]Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Let doctor Nick fix you up." "Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Odota hetki, paikkaan sinut." "[english]Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Just hang on, let me heal you." "Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: Olet heikossa kunnossa, älä liiku." "[english]Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: You're a mess, stand still." "Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Äläkä tuhlaa sitä joutumalla uudelleen samaan jamaan." "[english]Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Now, don't waste this by getting pounced or something." "Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Älä liiku. Olen tehnyt tämän ennenkin." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Hold still, I've done this before." "Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Pysy paikallasi. Pahempiakin on nähty." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Quit moving around. I've seen worse." "Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Odota hetki, paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Man up for a minute. I'm going to fix you up." "Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Älä liiku. Kadun tätä jälkeenpäin, mutta anna minun käyttää tämä sinuun." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Hold still. Probably going to regret this, but let me use this on you." "Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: Älä kerro muille, että teen näin. Tämä on vain sinua varten." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: All right, don't let the other ones know I am doing this. I'm only doing it for you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Koita kestää!" "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Hold on! HOLD. ON." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: Meillä on kiire. Lakkaa liikkumasta." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: We don't have time, stop moving." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Jatka tulitusta, kun paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Cover us while I heal you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: Paikkaan haavasi. Jatka ampumista." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: I'm gonna heal you. Keep shooting." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Pidä ne kauempana, kun paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Keep 'em off us while I heal you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Olkaa varuillani. Kuulen Boomerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Keep a lookout. I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: Kuulen Boomerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon Boomerin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon Boomerin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon Boomerin? Älkää antako sen yrjötä päälle." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: You hear that Boomer? Don't let him spew on you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Lähellä on Boomer. Älä ammu sitä, jos se on lähellä minua. Onko selvä?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Boomer around. Don't shoot him if he's near me! OKAY?" "Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Silmä tarkkana. Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Keep your eyes peeled, I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Lähellä on Charger. Pysykää valmiina." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Lähellä on Charger. Pysykää valmiina." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Kuuletko tuon Chargerin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Do you hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: Kuuletko tuon Chargerin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: You hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank inbound!" "Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Varokaa, täällä on Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Man up! We got a Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, täällä on Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: Get ready, we got a TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Pysykää aloillanne, Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Hold steady, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Get ready, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon Hunterin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: You hear that Hunter?" "Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Olkaa tarkkoina, lähistöllä on Hunter." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Pay attention, Hunter's around." "Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: I hear a Hunter." "Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: Kuulen Jockeyn äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Lähistöllä on Jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: Meillä on pikku Jockeyn paskiainen jossain lähistöllä." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: Kuulen Jockeyn äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Lähistöllä on Jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: Meillä on pikku Jockeyn paskiainen jossain lähistöllä." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: Täällä on Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: Lähistöllä on Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: Smoker's around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: Kuulen Smokerin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: I hear a Smoker." "Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: Täällä on Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Ihan kuin joku pahoinpitelisi hevosta?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Is someone beating a horse?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: Mikä tuo ääni on? Ihan kuin joku pahoinpitelisi hevosta..." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: What is that? Is somebody beating a horse or what?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: Mikä piru tuo ääni on?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: What in the hell is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon? Ilmeisesti zombit eivät olleet riittävän pahoja." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: You hear that? I guess zombies weren't bad enough." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: You hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Kuuletteko tuon?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Can you hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: Mikä tuo ääni on?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: What is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan mikä tuo ääni voisi olla." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: I have no idea what that noise is." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Arvatenkin joku joka meidän on tapettava." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Something we're gonna have to kill." "Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Lähistöllä on Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: Kuulen Spitterin äänen" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: Täällä jossain on Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: Täällä jossain on Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: Kuulen Spitterin äänen" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: Täällä jossain on Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: Toivottavasti tuo ei ole luodinkestävä." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: Nyt kävi kehnosti!" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Ehkä se ei näe meitä jos emme liiku." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: Nyt on syytä paniikkiin." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: Mikä perkeleellinen maailmanlopun enne tuo on?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: Toivottavasti tuo ei ole luodinkestävä." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: Mikä perkeleellinen maailmanlopun enne tuo on?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: Nyt on syytä paniikkiin." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Ehkä se ei näe meitä jos emme liiku." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: Nyt kävi kehnosti!" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Kuulostaa Witchiltä." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Kuulostaa Witchiltä." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: Kuulostaa ex-vaimoltani..." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: I think I hear my ex-wife..." "Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Kuuletteko Witchin?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Everybody hear that Witch?" "Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: Kuulen Witchin äänen." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: I hear a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Tuo on tuttu ääni." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Oh, there's a sound that's familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: Tuo on tuttu ääni." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: That sound is familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: Tuo itku kuulostaa kummalliselta." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: Tuo itku kuulostaa kummalliselta." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: Itkevä nainen. Onko hän surullinen kun ostari on suljettu?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: A crying woman. What do you think, she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: Itkevä nainen. Onko hän surullinen kun ostari on suljettu?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: A crying woman. You think she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_Help01" "Nick: Tarvitsen apua." "[english]Gambler_Help01" "Nick: I need some help." "Gambler_Help02" "Nick: En pysty yksin, auttakaa!" "[english]Gambler_Help02" "Nick: I can't do this on my own, gimme some help!" "Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Haluaisiko joku auttaa?" "[english]Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Somebody want to lend me a hand here?" "Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Apua!" "[english]Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Help!" "Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hei, täällä!" "[english]Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hey, over here!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunter sai Coachin!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Coach!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Coachin kimpussa!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Coach!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunter sai Ellisin!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Ellisin kimpussa!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter on Ellisin kimpussa!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunter sai Ellisin!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: Zombi sai hänet!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: Zombi sai hänet!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Zombi on hänen kimpussaan!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Zombie on him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Zombi on hänen kimpussaan!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Tapa hänen kimpussaan oleva zombi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Get that zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunter sai Rochellen!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Rochellen kimpussa!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: Me kuljemme pimeässä laaksossa ja vedämme zombeja pataan." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death and kicking ass." "Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: Se ei ehkä ole nättiä, mutta me teemme sen." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: It may not be pretty, but we're doing this." "Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: Ette te olekaan niin huonoja." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: You guys aren't so damn bad." "Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: Kappas vaan, mehän selviämme tästä." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: What do ya know, we're going to make it." "Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: Tehän olettekin aika hyviä." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: You guys are pretty good." "Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Ässiä!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Aces!" "Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Minulla on kiire." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Minulla on kiire." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Pitäkää kiirettä." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Hurry it up." "Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Let's go, let's go!" "Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Alkakaa mennä!" "[english]Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Move, move, move." "Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: Olen tässä." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: Miksi ei? Minä seuraan sinua." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: Why not? I follow you." "Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: Olen mukana." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: I'm with you." "Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Totta kai, mennään." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Sure thing, let's go." "Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Totta kai, mennään." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Sure, let's go." "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: Olen maassa!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: OLEN MAASSA!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: I'M DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: MAASSA!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: Olen maassa!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: AAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: AAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: AAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: AAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: AAAAAH!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: Tästä syystä meillä on aseet!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: This is why we've got guns!" "Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: Kohta tulee totiset paikat!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: It's about to get serious!" "Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: Hyökkäys tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: We got inbound!" "Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: Niitä tulee!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Nyt ne tulevat!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Here they come!" "Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: Hittolainen, tästähän tulee kivaa." "[english]Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: God damn, it's gettin' good." "Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: Ne tulevat!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Valmistautukaa!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Get ready!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: Selvä!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: Se on kuollut!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: It's dead!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: Selvä!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Kuollut." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: Hoidin ne." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: Hoidin ne." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: Valmista!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: Done like dinner!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: Napakymppi." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: Osuma." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: That's a hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Kuollut." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Osuma." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: Napakymppi." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: Sain sen!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: Enpä usko, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: I don't think so Ellis." "Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Valot sammuksiin!" "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Jokainen, sammuttakaa valot!" "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Everybody, lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Valo pois." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Kill your light." "Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Naurua]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Näytä tie." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Näytä tie, valopää." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Lead on, MacDuff." "Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Näytä tie, älypää." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Lead on, smart guy." "Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Näytä tie." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: Seuraan sinua." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: I'm right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Olen takanasi." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Joo, mene sinä ensin." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Yeah, you go first." "Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Näytä tie." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Olen takanasi." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Tulkaa tänne ja auttakaa minua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Get your asses over here and HELP ME!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: TULKAA VETÄMÄÄN MINUT YLÖS!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HELP ME UP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Älkää jättäkö minua tänne! Apua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Don't be leaving me here DAMNIT! HELP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: AAAAAPUUUAAAAA!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: EEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: HEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: Minä roikun täällä!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: I am hanging over here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Älkää edes kuvitelko jättävänne minua tänne!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Tarvitsen apua." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Could use a hand over here." "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Could use some help here." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Kaverit, taisin liukastua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Guys, I seem to have slipped!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: Roikun täällä." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: I'm hanging here." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Auttakaa minua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Hey! Give me a hand." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: Auttakaa minua!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: I need a hand." "Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Rauhoitu. Anna kun autan sinut ylös." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Easy there, fireball. Let me get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Älä huolestu. Pelastan sinut pinteestä." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Don't worry. I'll bail your ass out of this mess." "Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Tuliko ikävä? Annahan kun autan sinut ylös." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Did you miss me? Come on, let's get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: Sain kiinni sinusta, lepo vaan. Nostetaanpas sinut ylös." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: I got you, just relax. Let's get you up." "Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Katsokaa!" "[english]Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Katsokaa!" "[english]Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Katsokaa!" "[english]Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Katsokaa!" "[english]Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Katsokaa." "[english]Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Katsokaa." "[english]Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Varo!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Look out!" "Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Varo!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Watch out!" "Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Varokaa!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Heads up!" "Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Hei?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Huhuu!" "[english]Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Heyyy ooooo!" "Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Kuuleeko kukaan minua?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Anybody hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Kuuletteko minua?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Can you guys hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Hei?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Mitäs täällä odotellaan? Mennään." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Look at ya. What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Lähdetään!" "[english]Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Let's roll!" "Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: Lähdetään liikkeelle." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: Time to move." "Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: Mitäs täällä odotellaan? Mennään." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Mennään." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coach." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Lasketko leikkiä, Ellis? Tule nyt." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Are you kidding me, Ellis? Come on." "Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Juntti." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Juntti." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Heinähattu." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Heinähattu." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hei, heinähattu." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hey Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Landepaukku." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Bönde." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Bönde." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Bönde." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Haalarihemmo." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Haalarihemmo." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Ellis, tykkäätkö potuista?" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Hey Ellis, you like taters?" "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: Olen Nicolas... Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: I'm Nicolas... Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Nimi on Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: Voitte kutsua minua Nickiksi." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Nimi on Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: Voitte kutsua minua Nickiksi." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Nimi on Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hei Coach, voit kutsua minua Nickiksi." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hey Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coach, voit kutsua minua Nickiksi." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Poju, nimeni on Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Poju, nimeni on Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Kaveri." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Kaveri." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Kaveri." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Kaveri." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hei poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hey, kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Poju." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hei sinä." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hei kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hey, sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hei kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hei muru." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hei muru." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hei kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hei sinä." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hei kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hei sinä." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Kulta." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hei muru." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: Hienoa!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: Hienoa!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Hyvää työtä!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Hyvää työtä!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: Se oli yllättävän hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: That was surprisingly good." "Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: Tuo oli hyvä!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: That's what I like to see." "Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Vau. Hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Wow. Nice." "Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: Miten sinä tuon teit?" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: How'dja do that?" "Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Hyvin ammuttu." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Good shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Tarkkaa tulitusta." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Nice shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Hieno laukaus!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Nice shot!" "Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Hyvä laukaus, ässä." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Nice shot, Ace." "Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Vaikuttavaa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Impressive." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: Hienoa, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: Hienoa, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: Alat päästä jyvälle, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: Alat päästä jyvälle, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: Pahus, Rochelle..." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle..." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... Pahus!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... damn!" "Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: Pahus, Rochelle. Hienoa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle. Nice." "Gambler_No01" "Nick: Ei." "[english]Gambler_No01" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No02" "Nick: Ei sovi." "[english]Gambler_No02" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No03" "Nick: Ei." "[english]Gambler_No03" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No04" "Nick: Ei todellakaan." "[english]Gambler_No04" "Nick: No sir-ee Bob." "Gambler_No05" "Nick: Ei sovi." "[english]Gambler_No05" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No06" "Nick: Ei onnistu." "[english]Gambler_No06" "Nick: Uh uh." "Gambler_No07" "Nick: Ei." "[english]Gambler_No07" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No08" "Nick: Ei sovi." "[english]Gambler_No08" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No09" "Nick: Joo ei." "[english]Gambler_No09" "Nick: Yeah, no." "Gambler_No10" "Nick: EI!" "[english]Gambler_No10" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No11" "Nick: EI!" "[english]Gambler_No11" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No12" "Nick: EI!" "[english]Gambler_No12" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Yritä uudelleen." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Try again, champ." "Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Yritä uudelleen, ipana." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Try again, little man." "Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: Ei kulta." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: No, sweety." "Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: Ei onnistu, kulta." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: No way, sweety." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Vau, upeaa." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Whoa, yeah." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Ahhh." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Ahhh." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Parempi." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Better." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: Se toimi." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: That worked." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: Ok, olen taas täällä." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: All right, now I'm back." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Aah, parempi." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Ahh, better." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: Ok. Tuo kestää hetken aikaa." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: Okay, that's gonna last for a bit." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Ah, pientä piristystä." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Ah, a little pick me up." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: Pientä piristystä. Hyvä juttu." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: A little pick me up. That's good." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: Nyt pitää löytää oikeaa ensiapua." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: Okay, gotta find some real first aid." "Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: " "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: Jumalattoman upeaa!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Beibe!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Baby!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: JEES!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: JEES!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: Helvetin hienoa." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: Juuri näin!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: Damn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Mahtavaa!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Awesome!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Rajua!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Rajua!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: Jumalattoman upeaa!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: JEES!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: Helvetin hienoa." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: Kaikki menee päin helvettiä!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: Pahus." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Hittolainen!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: Piru vie!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Perkele." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Pirulaiset!!!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Hitto soikoon!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Holy Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Voi perse!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Ah, tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Pirulainen." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Pirulainen." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Paskanmarjat!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: Paskat." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: Kaikki menee päin helvettiä!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: Pahus." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: Hittolainen!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: Piru vie!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Perkele." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Pirulaiset!!!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: Hittolainen!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Perse!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Pirulainen." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Paskanmarjat!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: Paskat." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: Onko tämä joku sairas vitsi?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: Onko tämä joku sairas vitsi?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: Joku huijaa." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: I call foul." "Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Haista paska." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Perse." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: Perseensuti." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: Asshat." "Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Narttu." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Peräreikä." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Asshole." "Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Perseilijä." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Ääliö." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Paskat tästä." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Screw this." "Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Haista paska." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Haista paska." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: Ihme perseilijä." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: What an assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Ääliö." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Lataan." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Lataan." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Lataan." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: En valehtele, olet heikossa jamassa. Jos et paikkaa haavojasi, olet mennyttä." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: I can't lie to you. You are messed up. If you don't get yourself healed up, that's it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: Et kestä enää yhtään iskua. Seuraava osuma on viimeinen." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: You seriously cannot go down again. If you do...you aren't going to make it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: Tilanteesi on huolestuttava. Voin auttaa sinut ylös nyt, mutta jos otat vielä osuman, olet mennyttä." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: You're starting to worry me. I can get you up, but you go down again and that's it." "Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: Meillä ei ole varaa menettää sinua, joten hoidetaanpa sinut ylös." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: We can't afford to lose you, yet. So let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: Sinun on opittava pitämään huolta itsestäsi, jos et halua joutua tänne koko ajan." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: You have to learn to take care of yourself or you'll keep ending up down here." "Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Nouse ylös, et kuollut vielä." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Come on get up. You're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Ryhdistäydy. Me saamme sinut ylös." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Come on pull yourself together. We gotta get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: Huolehdi itsestäsi paremmin! No niin, tulehan ylös." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: You have to take better care of yourself! Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Mitäs siellä makaat. Aika nousta." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Look at you lying there. Time to get up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Nouse ylös, et kuollut vielä." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Come on get up. Get up, you're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: Me... minä tarvitsen sinua vielä hetkeksi. Nousehan jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: We, I... need you for a little longer. So let's get you back up on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: Jos autan sinua, lupaatko olla ampumatta minua enää?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: If I get you up, you promise not to shoot me anymore?" "Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Pahempaakin on nähty. Nousehan nyt sieltä." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Come on, I've seen worse. Let's get your butt up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: Sinä olet maassa aina kun silmä välttää. Nousehan nyt ylös." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: It seems like every time I turn around you are down on the ground. Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: On silkka ihme että olet vielä hengissä. Nousehan jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: It's a miracle you lasted this long, Let's get you on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Rauhoittukaa. Kaikki kyllä järjestyy." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Settle down, Settle down. Everything is going to be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: Eihän tämä mitään ole. Kohta olet entistä ehompi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: En jätä sinua jälkeen. Hoidetaanpa sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: I'm not going to leave you behind. Let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: Olet kovempi kuin miltä näytät. Hoidetaanpa sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: You're tougher than you look. Let's get you back on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Rauhoitu, olet kohta kunnossa. Pahempaakin on nähty." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Relax. You're going to be okay. I have seen worse." "Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Älä huolehdi. Saan sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Älä huolehdi. Saan sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: Eihän tämä mitään ole. Kohta olet entistä ehompi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Annas kun katson." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Let me look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: Selviätkö?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: You going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: Selviätkö?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: Are you going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: Kuinka pärjäät?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: How you holding up?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Rauhoituhan nyt." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Easy there, fireball, easy." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Rauhoituhan nyt." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Easy there, fireball." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: Oletko loukkaantunut?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: You hurt?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Onko kaikki kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Everything working?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: Oletko yhtenä kappaleena?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: You in one piece?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: Ethän sentään tähän meinannut kuolla?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: You're not gonna die on me, are ya?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: Teetkö kuolemaa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: Are you going to die?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: Jäätkö henkiin?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: You gonna make it?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: Kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: Kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Tulkaa, vielä on paljon tehtävää." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Come on, still lots to be done." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Herätys!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Rise and shine!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Lähdetään menemään!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Let's hit the road." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Näin se käy." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Here we go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Nouse ylös ja tappele." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Up and at 'em." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Lähdetään!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Let's roll." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: Olet yhden velkaa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: You owe me one." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Katsotaanpas sinua." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Let's have a look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: Nyt on aika päästä tasoihin." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: Time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: Nyt on aika päästä tasoihin." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: It's time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Mennään." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: Katso - kaikki ok." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: See - all good." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Entistä ehompi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Good as new." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Mennään tappamaan zombeja." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Let's go kill some zombies." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Nouse ylös. Et jätä minua yksin noiden kahden kanssa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Get up. You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Nouse ylös, ole kiltti. Et jätä minua yksin noiden kahden kanssa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Get up, please? You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: Tulehan nyt. Nousehan jaloillesi, olet ihan kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: Tulehan nyt. Nousehan jaloillesi, olet ihan kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: Jos tämä on minun syytäni, olen pahoillani." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: I'll just say. Look, if I did this, I apologize." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: Jos tämä on minun syytäni, olen pahoillani." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: I'll just say. If I did this, I'm sorry." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: Voi paska. Tule nyt." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: NOUSE JO, NOUSE JO!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: GET UP, GET UP, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: AIKA MENNÄ, LÄHDETÄÄN!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: TIME TO MOVE, LET'S GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: Tähän ei ole aikaa, nouse ylös!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: We don't have time for this, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Nouse ylös, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Let's go, ON YOUR FEET! Let's GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: Voi paska. Tule nyt." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Turvatalo!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: Tuolla on turvatalo!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: We got a safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Turvatalo edessä!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Safe house ahead!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: Turvatalo on tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: There's the safe house!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: Olen täällä." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: Hei, olen täällä." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: Okay, I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Huhuu!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Y'ello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: Olemme kaikki täällä." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: We're all here." "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Anteeksi." "[english]Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Anteeksi." "[english]Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Annatko anteeksi?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Forgive me, okay?." "Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Well, sorry." "Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: Olen pahoillani, senhän sinä haluat kuulla." "[english]Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: I'm sorry, is that what you want me to say?" "Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: I'm sorry, okay?" "Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Voitko antaa anteeksi?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Can you forgive me?" "Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Älä katso minua noin." "[english]Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Don't look at me like that." "Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: First Aid Kit here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: Ensiapua!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: First Aid here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: Ensiapua!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: First Aid!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: Ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: First Aid Kits here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: Ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: First Aid Kits!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: Täällä on putkipommi." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: There's a pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Putkipommi." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Pipe bomb." "Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Putkipommeja!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Pipe bombs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Nappaa putkipommi!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Grab a pipe bomb!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Putkipommi." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Molotov." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Molotov here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotoveja!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: Meillä on molotoveja!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: We got Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Pillereitä!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: Meillä on pillereitä!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Pillereitä!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Pillereitä!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: Meillä on pillereitä!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Weapons over here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Jokainen ottaa aseen!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Everyone grab a weapon!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Aseita!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Guns here!" "Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Pysykää toistenne lähettyvillä." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Stay together, people." "Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Pysykää lähellä." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Keep close." "Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Sisälle!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Kaikki sisälle!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Everybody INSIDE!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Sisälle nyt!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Inside NOW!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Lopettakaa hölmöily ja menkää sisälle!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: En aio tulla hakemaan teitä!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: Don't make me come out there for you!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Lopettakaa hölmöily ja menkää sisälle!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Sisälle!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Paikatkaa haavanne!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Paikatkaa haavanne!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: Nyt on hyvä hetki paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: Good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: Nyt taitaa olla hyvä aika paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: This would be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Sinä voisit paikata haavasi nyt." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Maybe you could heal up now." "Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Paikatkaa haavat, jos on tarvetta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Heal if you need to." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: Nyt taitaa olla hyvä aika paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: This might be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: Aika paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Älä unohda paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Don't forget you can heal yourself." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: Nyt on hyvä hetki paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: This is a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: Aika paikata haavat." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coach, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coach, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coach, don't forget about that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Coach, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Coach, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coach, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coach, you should maybe heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coach, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: Paikkaa haavasi, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: Time to heal, Ellis." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, älä leiki sankaria. Käytä ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: Ellis, älä leiki sankaria. Käytä ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, et ole kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, sinua tarvitaan. Paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Ro, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Ro, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, et ole kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, sinua tarvitaan. Paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Voi Coach." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Ahh, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: Hyvästi, Coach." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: Later, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: Hemmetti, Coach. Minun tulee sinua ikävä." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: Shit, Coach, I'll miss you." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: Minun tulee sinua ikävä." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: I am going to miss you, big guy." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: Hitto sentään, Coach. Et olisi saanut jättää minua." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: Hitto sentään, Coach. Et olisi saanut jättää minua." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Voi Ellis." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Ahh, Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, selviydyit pidemmälle kuin uskoinkaan." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, I am surprised you lasted as long as you did." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: Hän oli ärsyttävä kaveri, mutta näppärä aseen kanssa." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: Ei ole aikaa surra, mennään." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: No time for mourning, let's go." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: Hän oli ärsyttävä kaveri, mutta näppärä aseen kanssa." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: Mieleen tulee kaksikin tyyppiä, jotka olisivat saaneet mennä ensin." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: I can think of two other people I would have rather seen go first." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Mitä me nyt teemme?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Guys, what are we going to do now?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Voi helvetti, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Ahh shit, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Nuku hyvin, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Goodnight, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: Siinä meni toivo maapallon asuttamisesta uudelleen." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: There goes repopulating the earth." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Otan kiväärin." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Nappaan rynnäkkökiväärin." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Nappaan rynnäkkökiväärin." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Rynnäkkökivääri." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Otan kiväärin." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: Sain haulikon." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: I got the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Haulikko minulle." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun for me." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Otan haulikon." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun" "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Haulikko." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: Tästä tulee hyviä muistoja." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: This brings back some good memories." "Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: Tämä on kiva. Murskaan tällä vielä monet kallot." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: This is nice, I'm gonna crack some heads with it." "Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: Murskaan tällä vielä monet kallot." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: I'm gonna crack some heads with this." "Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Ei. Yökerhossa portsarina." "[english]Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Nope. Bouncer at a club." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: Tarvitsen tämän." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: Tarvitsen tämän." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Nappaan ensiavun." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Grabbing the First Aid." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: Otan ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: I'll hold on to the First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: Ensiapupakkaus." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: Hienoa, kirves!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: A freaking axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Kirves!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: Murskaan tällä vielä monet kallot." "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: Gonna bonk some heads with this!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Paistinpannu!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Frying pan!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: Paistinpannu!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: A skillet!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: Tämä käy." "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: This'll work." "Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: Helvetin hienoa." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: Hell yeah!" "Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: Tämä tuntuu hyvältä." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: This feels good." "Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: Tämä voi olla hauska." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: This could be fun." "Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: Tällä säästän ammuksia." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: Can save some bullets with this one." "Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: Siitä on varmasti hyötyä!" "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: That'll come in handy." "Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: Tällä hakkaan ilmat pihalle mistä vaan." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: I am going to beat the shit out of something with this." "Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Nappaan molotovin." "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Grabbing a Molotov." "Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Pillerit." "[english]Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Pills." "Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: Otin pillerit." "[english]Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: I got pills." "Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: Näille on aina käyttöä." "[english]Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: I can always use these." "Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: Otan pillerit." "[english]Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: I'll hold onto these pills." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Nappaan putkipommin." "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Putkipommi!" "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Pipe bomb!" "Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Nappaan pistoolin!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Grabbing the pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistooli!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Toinen pistooli." "[english]Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Second pistol." "Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: Valitsen haulikon." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: Going with the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Haulikko." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Otan haulikon." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Tarkkuuskivääri minulle." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: Minä hoidan tarkka-ammunnan." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Tarkkuuskivääri minulle." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: Minä hoidan tarkka-ammunnan." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Otan konepistoolin." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Taking the machinegun." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Valitsen konepistoolin." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Going with the machinegun." "Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Tank tappaa minut!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Tank tappaa minut!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Kimpussani on valtava otus, ettekö näe?!?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Kimpussani on valtava otus, ettekö näe?!?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Voi hyvä luoja! Tämä otus tappaa minut!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Voi hyvä luoja! Tämä otus tappaa minut!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Ime tätä!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Suck on that!" "Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Tunge tämä syvälle ja poikittain!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Stick that where the sun don't shine!" "Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Siitä saat, jauhonaama." "[english]Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Take that you mealy-mouthed bastards." "Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Tunge se hanuriisi!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Stick it up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Tunge tämä hanuriisi!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Stick that up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: Me hakkaamme teidät maanrakoon." "[english]Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: We are wiping the floor with you." "Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: Teillä ei ole mahdollisuuksia." "[english]Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: You don't stand a chance." "Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Luovuttakaa!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Give up now!" "Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Kermaperseet!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Candyasses!" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Pitäisikö meidän siltikin keskittyä zombien tappamiseen?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Don't you think we should be killing the zombies instead?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: Mikä ihmeen strategia tuo on olevinaan?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: What in the hell kind of strategy is that?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: Mitä?!!? Zombit pärjäävät kuule ihan hyvin ilman sinun apuasi!" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: What?! This is hard enough without you helping the freaks!" "Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Kiitti." "[english]Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Thanks." "Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Kiitos." "[english]Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Thank you." "Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Kiitos!" "[english]Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Thanks!" "Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Kiitos, jäin velkaa." "[english]Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Thanks, man, I owe you." "Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: Jäin velkaa." "[english]Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: I owe you one." "Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Kiitti, kamu." "[english]Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Thanks, bro." "Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Kiitos, kova kaveri." "[english]Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Thanks, killer." "Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Kiitos, Ro." "[english]Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Thanks, Ro." "Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Rauhoittukaa, olen tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Relax, relax I'm coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: Olen tulossa." "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: I'm on my way!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Odota, tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Hold on, coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: I'm on the way!" "Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: Tuo oli liian lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: That was WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: Tuo oli aivan liian lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: That was way, WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Meillä oli tuuria!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Man, we got lucky!" "Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: Noin se tehdään, ystävät!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: That, my friends, is how you do it!" "Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: Hyvää uutta vuotta!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: Happy New Year!" "Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: Meillä oli tuuria!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: We got lucky!" "Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Odota." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Wait." "Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Älkää liikkuko tästä mihinkään." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Don't move from this spot." "Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Pysykää tässä." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Pysytään tässä vaan." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Just stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Odottakaa tässä." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Wait here." "Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Läski!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Struumakaveri!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Goiter man!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Täti vihreä." "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Aunt Bee." "Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Läski!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Fatty!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Läski!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Olkaa varovaisia." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Everybody be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Ollaan varovaisia." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Let's be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Yritetään olla varovaisia." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Try and be careful." "Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: WE GOT A CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: Yksikätinen!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: One Arm!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Haalarihemmo!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Overalls!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Punaniska!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Hillbilly!" "Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Hyppääjä!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Jumper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Loikkija!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Leaper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Rupinen narttu, minä tapan sen." "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Scrawny little bitch I'm gonna kill." "Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Kääpiö!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Pikku friikki!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Little freak!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Kääpiö!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: WE GOT A SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: KIELI!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: TONGUE!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: Savuava otus!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: The smoking thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter." "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter." "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: Täällä on Spitter." "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: We got a Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Vihreä otus!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Green thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Niska!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Neck!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: Varokaa limaa!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Limaa tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Goo incoming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Polttavaa tavaraa tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Hot stuff coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Tulisylkeä tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Tulisylkeä tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: Varokaa limaa!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: Limaa tulossa!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: We got goo coming!" "Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: TÄÄLLÄ ON TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: WE GOT A TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: Meillä on ongelma!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: HELVETTI! PERKELEEN ISO ZOMBI!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: Meillä on ongelma!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: HELVETTI! PERKELEEN ISO ZOMBI!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: Täällä on Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: We got a Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: Ne ovat takanamme!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: They're behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: Takanamme!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: Takana!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: Behind!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: Takanamme!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Sain Witchin vihaiseksi!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: Witch jahtaa minua!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: This bitch is chasing me!" "Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Witch tulee! Witch tulee!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Witch coming! Witch coming!" "Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Ampukaa Witch, ampukaa se!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Ampukaa Witch, ampukaa se! Mitä te odotatte, ampukaa se!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! What are you doing? Shoot her!" "Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Sain Witchin vihaiseksi!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Jätä Witch rauhaan." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Leave the Witch alone." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: Voimmeko jättää tuon Witchin rauhaan?" "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: Can we leave that Witch alone?" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Varo, tuo Witch käy äkäiseksi." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Watch out, that Witch is getting angry." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Pysy loitolla Witchistä." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Stay away from the Witch." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, jätä Witch rauhaan." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: ELLIS! Leave that Witch alone." "Gambler_World101" "Nick: Olemme väärällä puolella jokea." "[english]Gambler_World101" "Nick: Okay, so we're on the wrong side of the river." "Gambler_World102" "Nick: Voisi olla kehnomminkin." "[english]Gambler_World102" "Nick: Things could be worse." "Gambler_World103" "Nick: Meidän on vain löydettävä moottoritie. Se vie meidät sillalle." "[english]Gambler_World103" "Nick: All we have to do is find the freeway. It'll take us to the bridge." "Gambler_World104" "Nick: Mennään sisämaahan päin." "[english]Gambler_World104" "Nick: Let's head inland." "Gambler_World105" "Nick: Siirrytään pois laiturilta." "[english]Gambler_World105" "Nick: Let's get off the dock." "Gambler_World106" "Nick: Armeija on täällä vielä!" "[english]Gambler_World106" "Nick: Whoa! Military's still here." "Gambler_World107" "Nick: Armeija on näemmä ottanut ohjat." "[english]Gambler_World107" "Nick: Looks like the military took over." "Gambler_World108" "Nick: Muistin kaupungin vähän erilaiseksi kuin nyt." "[english]Gambler_World108" "Nick: I kind of remember the city a little different." "Gambler_World109" "Nick: Toivoin kaupungin olevan paremmassa tilassa." "[english]Gambler_World109" "Nick: I was hoping the city would be in better shape." "Gambler_World110" "Nick: He pitävät vielä kaupunkia hallussaan." "[english]Gambler_World110" "Nick: Looks like they are still holding on to the city." "Gambler_World111" "Nick: Tällä pihalla." "[english]Gambler_World111" "Nick: In this courtyard." "Gambler_World112" "Nick: Älkää ampuko tuota autoa!" "[english]Gambler_World112" "Nick: Don't shoot that car!" "Gambler_World113" "Nick: Kun tätä puistoa katsoo, olen iloinen ettemme tulleet aikaisemmin." "[english]Gambler_World113" "Nick: From the looks of this park, I'm glad we didn't arrive early." "Gambler_World114" "Nick: Puiston läpi." "[english]Gambler_World114" "Nick: Through the park." "Gambler_World115" "Nick: Juoksemme torniin ja sammutamme hälytyksen." "[english]Gambler_World115" "Nick: We run to the tower and turn off the alarm." "Gambler_World116" "Nick: Heti kun ovi aukeaa, olkaa valmiina juoksemaan torniin." "[english]Gambler_World116" "Nick: As soon as that door opens, get ready to run for the tower." "Gambler_World117" "Nick: Nämä ruumiit eivät ole saastuneita." "[english]Gambler_World117" "Nick: These bodies are not infected." "Gambler_World118" "Nick: He joutuivat todistamaan terveytensä kävelemällä tänne asti." "[english]Gambler_World118" "Nick: They made them prove they were healthy enough to walk that far." "Gambler_World119" "Nick: Oletko koskaan syönyt hevosta? Maukasta." "[english]Gambler_World119" "Nick: You ever eat horse? Tasty." "Gambler_World120" "Nick: Niin ja pysykää tietysti yhdessä." "[english]Gambler_World120" "Nick: Yeah and of course, stay together" "Gambler_World121" "Nick: Ja nyt... Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_World121" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World122" "Nick: Ja nyt... Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_World122" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World123" "Nick: Torniin." "[english]Gambler_World123" "Nick: To the tower." "Gambler_World124" "Nick: Juoskaa torniin." "[english]Gambler_World124" "Nick: Run to the tower." "Gambler_World125" "Nick: Jonkun on sammutettava hälytys!" "[english]Gambler_World125" "Nick: Somebody's got to turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World126" "Nick: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Gambler_World126" "Nick: Turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World127" "Nick: Nappaa ase!" "[english]Gambler_World127" "Nick: Grab a gun!" "Gambler_World128" "Nick: Parempia aseita!" "[english]Gambler_World128" "Nick: Better guns!" "Gambler_World129" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Gambler_World129" "Nick: Alarm is off!" "Gambler_World130" "Nick: Sammutettu!" "[english]Gambler_World130" "Nick: Off!" "Gambler_World131" "Nick: Sain sen!" "[english]Gambler_World131" "Nick: I got it!" "Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellis! Ellis! Tuohon ei ole nyt aikaa!" "[english]Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellis! ELLIS! We don't have time for that right now!" "Gambler_World133" "Nick: Moottoritie on tuolla." "[english]Gambler_World133" "Nick: There's the freeway." "Gambler_World134" "Nick: Näkeekö kukaan liittymisramppia?" "[english]Gambler_World134" "Nick: Anybody see an onramp?" "Gambler_World135" "Nick: Pääsemme sinne tätä kautta." "[english]Gambler_World135" "Nick: We can get to it through here." "Gambler_World136" "Nick: Moottoritie!" "[english]Gambler_World136" "Nick: Freeway!" "Gambler_World201" "Nick: Olemmeko murtautumassa ulos vai sisään?" "[english]Gambler_World201" "Nick: Are we busting out or in?" "Gambler_World202" "Nick: Bussin yli!" "[english]Gambler_World202" "Nick: Over the bus." "Gambler_World203" "Nick: Täällä ei varmaan pidetä armeijasta." "[english]Gambler_World203" "Nick: I don't think they like the military out here." "Gambler_World204" "Nick: Zombit eivät pudottaneet tätä helikopteria." "[english]Gambler_World204" "Nick: Zombies didn't take down this helicopter." "Gambler_World205" "Nick: Tämä kaupunki melkoinen sotku." "[english]Gambler_World205" "Nick: This city's a mess." "Gambler_World206" "Nick: Pitiköhän hän kirjaa zombeista?" "[english]Gambler_World206" "Nick: Do you think he was keeping track of zombies?" "Gambler_World207" "Nick: Kotoisaa." "[english]Gambler_World207" "Nick: This is cozy." "Gambler_World208" "Nick: Tämä on iso sotku." "[english]Gambler_World208" "Nick: This is all messed up." "Gambler_World209" "Nick: Suoraan eteenpäin. Ei hassumpaa." "[english]Gambler_World209" "Nick: Straightforward. This isn't so bad." "Gambler_World210" "Nick: Tämä näyttää huonolta." "[english]Gambler_World210" "Nick: Well, this is bad." "Gambler_World211" "Nick: Tikkaat!" "[english]Gambler_World211" "Nick: Ladder!" "Gambler_World212" "Nick: Täällä on tikkaat!" "[english]Gambler_World212" "Nick: We got a ladder!" "Gambler_World213" "Nick: Tikkaita ylös!" "[english]Gambler_World213" "Nick: Up the ladder!" "Gambler_World214" "Nick: Aaauuuuh! Katso minne ammut!" "[english]Gambler_World214" "Nick: Ooohhhhh ho ho ho... watch where you shoot!" "Gambler_World215" "Nick: Älkää ampuko autoja!" "[english]Gambler_World215" "Nick: Do not shoot any of the cars!" "Gambler_World216" "Nick: Mikä painajainen." "[english]Gambler_World216" "Nick: What a nightmare." "Gambler_World217" "Nick: Viimeinkin moottoritielle." "[english]Gambler_World217" "Nick: Finally up to the freeway." "Gambler_World218" "Nick: Menkää ylös, menkää ylös!" "[english]Gambler_World218" "Nick: Get up here! Get up here!" "Gambler_World219" "Nick: MITÄ IHMETTÄ... " "[english]Gambler_World219" "Nick: WHAT THE - " "Gambler_World220" "Nick: MITÄ HELVETTIÄ NE OIKEIN TEKEVÄT? " "[english]Gambler_World220" "Nick: WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?" "Gambler_World221" "Nick: Kaikki kunnossa?" "[english]Gambler_World221" "Nick: Everyone okay?" "Gambler_World222" "Nick: Tähtäsivätkö he meitä?!" "[english]Gambler_World222" "Nick: Was that aimed at us?!" "Gambler_World223" "Nick: Pitänee poistua moottoritieltä." "[english]Gambler_World223" "Nick: Guess it's back off the freeway." "Gambler_World224" "Nick: Kyllä, tiedän miksi heidät haudataan maan päälle." "[english]Gambler_World224" "Nick: Yes, I do know why they bury them above ground." "Gambler_World225" "Nick: Kyllä se on, Ellis. On se." "[english]Gambler_World225" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, it is, okay? It is." "Gambler_World226" "Nick: Kuolleiden kaupunki." "[english]Gambler_World226" "Nick: The city of the dead." "Gambler_World227" "Nick: No jotakin pientä sentään!" "[english]Gambler_World227" "Nick: Well thank God for small favors." "Gambler_World228" "Nick: Katua pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_World228" "Nick: Down the street!" "Gambler_World301" "Nick: Meidän on löydettävä se silta uudestaan." "[english]Gambler_World301" "Nick: We have to find the bridge again." "Gambler_World302" "Nick: Jos tilanne olisi toinen, saattaisin todella pitää tästä paikasta." "[english]Gambler_World302" "Nick: If things were different, I could really enjoy this place." "Gambler_World303" "Nick: Pidän biljardista todella paljon." "[english]Gambler_World303" "Nick: God, I love pool." "Gambler_World304" "Nick: Kiinnostaisiko ketään pelata?" "[english]Gambler_World304" "Nick: Okay, anyone up for a game?" "Gambler_World305" "Nick: Käynnistäkää traktori." "[english]Gambler_World305" "Nick: Someone start the tractor." "Gambler_World306" "Nick: Katso, Ellis! Traktori!" "[english]Gambler_World306" "Nick: Look Ellis! A tractor!" "Gambler_World307" "Nick: Pääsemme yli tuolla lautalla." "[english]Gambler_World307" "Nick: We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World308" "Nick: Aluksemme on täällä." "[english]Gambler_World308" "Nick: Our ride's here." "Gambler_World309" "Nick: Tiedättekö mitä? Pääsemme yli tuolla lautalla." "[english]Gambler_World309" "Nick: You know what? We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World310" "Nick: Pahuksen sokkelo." "[english]Gambler_World310" "Nick: God damn maze." "Gambler_World311" "Nick: Mihin suuntaan?" "[english]Gambler_World311" "Nick: Which way?" "Gambler_World312" "Nick: SILTA!" "[english]Gambler_World312" "Nick: The BRIDGE!" "Gambler_World313" "Nick: Pääsemme ylös sillalle tätä kautta." "[english]Gambler_World313" "Nick: We can get up to the bridge deck through here." "Gambler_World314" "Nick: Älä tuhoa siltaa!" "[english]Gambler_World314" "Nick: Ahhh, don't destroy the bridge!" "Gambler_World315" "Nick: He räjäyttävät sillan!" "[english]Gambler_World315" "Nick: They're blowing up the bridge!" "Gambler_World316" "Nick: He estävät zombeja pääsemästä yli." "[english]Gambler_World316" "Nick: To stop the zombies from crossing." "Gambler_World317" "Nick: Pysäyttääkseen zombit." "[english]Gambler_World317" "Nick: To stop the zombies." "Gambler_World318" "Nick: Tämä oli ennen kaunis kaupunki." "[english]Gambler_World318" "Nick: This used to be a beautiful city." "Gambler_World401" "Nick: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_World401" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World402" "Nick: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_World402" "Nick: Whoa, we're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World403" "Nick: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_World403" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World404" "Nick: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_World404" "Nick: We are on the bridge!" "Gambler_World405" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_World405" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_World406" "Nick: Ok, menemme yli nyt." "[english]Gambler_World406" "Nick: Okay, we're heading over now." "Gambler_World407" "Nick: Turvapaikka on sillan toisella puolella." "[english]Gambler_World407" "Nick: Safety's on the other side of this bridge." "Gambler_World408" "Nick: Lasketaan tuo silta." "[english]Gambler_World408" "Nick: Let's lower that bridge." "Gambler_World409" "Nick: Painan sitä, valmistautukaa!" "[english]Gambler_World409" "Nick: I'm hitting it, get ready!" "Gambler_World410" "Nick: Seis! Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_World410" "Nick: STOP! We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World411" "Nick: Varokaa reikää." "[english]Gambler_World411" "Nick: Watch out for the hole." "Gambler_World412" "Nick: Varokaa kielekkeillä olevia Chargereita." "[english]Gambler_World412" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World413" "Nick: Jatkakaa sillan yli." "[english]Gambler_World413" "Nick: Keep moving across the bridge." "Gambler_World414" "Nick: Varokaa kielekkeillä olevia Chargereita." "[english]Gambler_World414" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World415" "Nick: Äitisi auto." "[english]Gambler_World415" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World416" "Nick: Liiku varoen." "[english]Gambler_World416" "Nick: Watch your step." "Gambler_World417" "Nick: Varo, ettei Tank tiputa sinua sillalta!" "[english]Gambler_World417" "Nick: Don't let the Tank punch you off the bridge!" "Gambler_World418" "Nick: Varokaa autoja!" "[english]Gambler_World418" "Nick: Watch out for CARS!" "Gambler_World419" "Nick: Älkää tippuko sillalta!" "[english]Gambler_World419" "Nick: Don't get punched off!" "Gambler_World420" "Nick: Mene rekan päälle!" "[english]Gambler_World420" "Nick: Get on top the truck!" "Gambler_World421" "Nick: Äitisi auto." "[english]Gambler_World421" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World422" "Nick: Ellis, en ole ennen nähnyt mitään tällaista." "[english]Gambler_World422" "Nick: No Ellis, I've never seen anything like this." "Gambler_World423" "Nick: Kopteri on korjattu! Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_World423" "Nick: Chopper looks fixed! Let's go!" "Gambler_World424" "Nick: Kopteriin." "[english]Gambler_World424" "Nick: To the chopper!" "Gambler_World425" "Nick: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Gambler_World425" "Nick: Get to the chopper!" "Gambler_World426" "Nick: Helikopteri käynnistyy, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_World426" "Nick: Chopper's starting let's go!" "Gambler_World427" "Nick: Telakalle!" "[english]Gambler_World427" "Nick: To the shipyard!" "Gambler_World428" "Nick: Mene kyytiin!" "[english]Gambler_World428" "Nick: Get on!" "Gambler_World429" "Nick: Kyllä sinä onnistut!" "[english]Gambler_World429" "Nick: Come on, you can make it!" "Gambler_World430" "Nick: Vielä vähän!" "[english]Gambler_World430" "Nick: Just a little more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: Voimme joko jatkaa tietä pitkin valoja kohti tai kuolla tähän." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: I think our options are keep moving down the road towards those lights or die here." "Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: Kuka äänestää kuolemista?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: Anyone in the die here camp?" "Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: Ei kukaan? Jatketaan sitten." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: No? Then let's move out." "Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Hienoa. Seuraamme taivaalla olevia valoja kuin kissa joka tavoittelee laserkynän valopistettä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Great, following shiny lights in the sky, we're like freaking cats and a laser pointer." "Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: Melkoinen sotku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: This is just a mess." "Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: Auton käyttämisessä ei ole järkeä, jatketaan eteenpäin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: No sense grabbing a car, let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Alas poistumisramppia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Down the off ramp." "Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Alikäytävän läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Through the underpass." "Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: Tuolla on motelli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: Tuolla on motelli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: Pääsemme katolle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: We can get on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Ylös mainostaulun luota." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Up by the billboard." "Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Mahtavaa, täällä ei ole ketään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Great, no one here." "Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Search the rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Kokeillaan yläkertaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Let's try upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: Pitää päästä rappuset ylös." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: We have to get upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: Pahus. Joku kiertotie on pakko löytyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: Damn it, there's gotta be a way around this." "Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: In here." "Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: Meillä oli tuuria." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: We got lucky, people." "Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Älä avaa tuota ovea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Don't use that door." "Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Totta kai silta on tukossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Of course the bridge is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: Maailmanpyörä ja valot päällä. Tekee heti vaikutuksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?" "Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: Maailmanpyörä ja valot päällä. Tekee heti vaikutuksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?." "Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Varovasti mäkeä alas." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Careful heading down there hill." "Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Yritetään mennä tämän laakson poikki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Let's try and cross this valley." "Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Perskule." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Whoa, shit." "Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Varovasti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Careful." "Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Varokaa, älkää pudotko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Watch it, don't fall." "Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: Jokea alas." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: Down the river." "Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: Pääsemme mäkeä ylös täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: We can get up the hill over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Ylös tätä tietä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Up this way." "Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Valot ovat päällä, mutta missä ihmiset?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Lights are on, where's the people?" "Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Mennään parkkipaikan yli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Let's get across the parking lot!" "Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Vaunussa on turvatalo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Safe house in the trailer." "Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Tapetuksi joutuminen ei ole hauskaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time." "Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Tapetuksi joutuminen ei ole hauskaa, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Ainoa tie on puiston läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Our only way is through the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Näyttää hylätyltä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Looks abandoned." "Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: No, mennään puistoon." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: Well, let's get inside the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Tartunta näyttäisi leviävän nopeammin kuin me liikumme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Guess the infection is spreading faster than we are moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: Evakuointipaikaksi tämä ei ole ollenkaan hassumpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: As far as Evac Centers go, this is not the worst place to hole up." "Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: Onnella ei näissä peleissä voiteta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: These are not games of chance." "Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: Voimme oikaista näiden rakennusten läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: We can cut through these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: Hitto, päästäisiinpä jotenkin ylös tuon yksiraiteisen kyytiin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: Damn it, I wish we could get up on that monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: Päästäisiinpä jotenkin ylös tuon yksiraiteisen kyytiin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: I wish we could get up on the monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Back here." "Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Näiden rakennusten välissä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Between these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Missä päin on stadion?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Which way is the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: Kauppakäytävällä haisee vielä popcornille ja täällä kujalla haisee vielä kuselle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: The boardwalk still smells like popcorn and this back alley still stinks like piss." "Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: Pääsemme katolle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: We can get up to the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: Katolta saattaa nähdä paremmin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: We might see better up on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Alas liukumäkeä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Down the slide." "Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Tänne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: Meidän on kytkettävä virta, jotta saamme tämän oven auki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: We need to turn on the power to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: Arvaa mitä? Jotenkin minusta tuntuu, että se käynnistää täällä kaiken muunkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: You know what? Somehow I think it will activate everything else around here." "Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: Ja paskanmarjat, minä painan sitä silti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: What the hell, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: Ja paskanmarjat, minä painan sitä silti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: What the hell, I'm gonna hit it." "Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: Joten valmistautukaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: So get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: Painan sitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Valmistautukaa juoksemaan, minä painan sitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Get ready to run, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Juoksua, juoksua!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Keep running, keep running." "Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Juoskaa rakkauden tunneliin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Run into the Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Rakkauden tunneli? Voi jeesus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Tunnel of love? Jesus Christ." "Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Vauhtia! Etuilkaa jonossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Go go go. Cut in line." "Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Hypätkää rivin yli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Jump over the line." "Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Kaikki ovat menossa stadionille." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Looks like everyone is heading to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Ehkä stadionilla on vielä eloonjääneitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Mennään stadionille." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Let's head to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: Miksen voinut olla Las Vegasissa tartunnan alkaessa? Tai edes Atlantic Cityssä? Sen sijaan olen loukussa punaniskojen rakkauden tunnelissa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: Why couldn't I have been in Vegas when the infection hit? Or even Atlantic city? Instead I am trapped inside some hillbilly Tunnel of Love." "Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Sori Coach, mutta tiedät mitä tarkoitan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Sorry, Coach, you know what I mean." "Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Näitkö kyltin ulkona? \"Tänään vain serkuksille\"" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Did you see the sign out front? Cousins-only day today." "Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Hammaskuorikkoni loistavat varmasti samalla tavalla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Bet my caps are lit up as well." "Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Mennään tunneliin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Let's go down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: Tätä voisi kutsua jo sementtivirraksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river." "Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: Tätä voisi kutsua jo sementtivirraksi, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river, Ellis" "Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Jatkakaa tunnelia eteenpäin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Keep going down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: Ei käsistäpitelyä, kiitos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: No holding hands, please." "Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: Voimme oikaista tämän tuuletuskanavan läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: We can cut through this vent." "Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Tarkistakaa ovet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Keep checking doors." "Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: Reitti on tukossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: This way is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Yritetään huoltohuonetta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Let's try the maintenance room." "Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Nouse kulkusillalle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Get up on the catwalk." "Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: Tämä ei ole erityisen romanttista." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: This isn't very romantic." "Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Alas reiästä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Alas reiästä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Tehdään tämä yhdessä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Let's all do this together." "Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Kaikki yhtä aikaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Everyone at the same time." "Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... Pääsimme reitillä eteenpäin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... okay, we're further down the path." "Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: Pääsimme korttelin ympäri." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: That got us around the block." "Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Pysytään liikkeellä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: Tunnen virtauksen, raikasta ilmaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: I can feel a breeze, fresh air!" "Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: Lopultakin ulkona!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: Finally, outside!" "Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: Vuoristorata?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: A coaster?" "Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: Pahuksen vuoristorata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: A goddamn coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: Ei se ole, tästä tulee kamalaa. Pysykää yhdessä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: Ei se ole, tästä tulee kamalaa. Pysykää yhdessä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: Vihaan vuoristoratoja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: I hate roller coasters." "Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Kytke virta, niin saadaan tämä roju liikkeelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Hit the power to move this crap." "Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: Ainut tapa päästä yli on käyttää vuoristoradan raiteita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: Okay, the only way over is to get on the coaster's track." "Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: Meidän on juostava vuoristorataa pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: We're gonna have to run the coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Pysykää raiteilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Stay on the track." "Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Huutakaa, jos joudutte vedetyksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Make sure to call out if you get pulled." "Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Pysykää raiteilla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Stay on the track, people!" "Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: Helvetti, putosin raiteilta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: Shit, I fell off the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Juoskaa raiteilla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Run on the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Onneksi tässä ei ole silmukkaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Thank God this doesn't do a loop." "Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Emme pääse sinne täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Can't get to it from over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: Meidän on jatkettava raiteita pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: We need to keep going down the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Pysäytä ne painamalla sitä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Hit it to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Pysäytä ne painamalla hälytystä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Hit the alarm to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Pysäytä vuoristorata!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: Vuoristorata on pysäytettävä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: We have to shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Törmäilyautojen läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Through the bumper cars!" "Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Jatkakaa törmäilyautojen läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Keep going through the bumper cars." "Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Takaisin säiliöön." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Back here in the container." "Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: Voimme piiloutua säiliöön." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: We can hide in this container." "Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: Näen stadionin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: I can see the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: Stadionilla on valot." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: There's lights on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: Jotakin on meneillään stadionilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: I can hear something going on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: Miten helvetissä me pääsemme sisään?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: How in the hell are we gonna get in?" "Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Umpikuja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Dead end." "Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Viimeinen evakuointipaikka on stadionilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Final evacuation is in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Ehkä stadionilla on vielä eloonjääneitä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: 4H-kerhon nimessä oleva \"H\" tarkoittanee helvettiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: Looks like the H in 4H stands for hell." "Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Näiden aitausten läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Through these pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: Lisää aitauksia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: More pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Lehmien aitaus, sikojen aitaus, täynnä elukoiden lantaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Cow pen, pig pen, these are all just animal shit pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Taas umpikuja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Dead end again." "Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: Tikkaat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: A ladder?" "Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: Tikkaat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: A ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Yritetään näitä tikkaita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Let's try this ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Varovasti katoilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Careful on these roofs." "Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: Voimme hypätä yksiraiteisen raiteelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: We can jump to the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Menkää yksiraiteisen raiteelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Get on the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Ylitetään aita yksiraiteista käyttämällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Let's use the monorail to get over that fence." "Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Tulkaa takaisin tänne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Get back up here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Tulkaa takaisin tänne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Gotta get back up there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Kiipeä tikkaat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Climb the ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Hyppää alas tälle puolelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Jump down on this side." "Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Hyppää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Jump!" "Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Kohti stadionia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Towards the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: Ylös telineitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: Up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: Voimme kiivetä näitä telineitä pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: We can climb this scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Läpi ikkunasta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Into the window." "Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Hypätkää vessaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Jump into the john." "Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: Sisällä ollaan" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: We're inside." "Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Onko kellään ideoita?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Anyone have any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: Hallintakeskuksessa on joku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: Somebody's in the control room!" "Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: Mitä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: What?" "Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Päästäkää sisään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Hey, let us in!" "Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Avatkaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Open up." "Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Älkää pakottako meitä ampumaan hallintakeskuksen ovea auki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Don't make us shoot our way into the control room." "Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Avatkaa nyt jo se ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Come on, open the freaking door." "Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Avaa se ovi nyt. Sinä saat ajaa ja me muut ollaan kyydissä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Open the door now, you can drive and we'll all ride shotgun." "Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: Hei auta nyt meitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: Come on, man, help us." "Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Autatko meitä vai et?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Are you going to help us or not?" "Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: Mitä, epäystävällinen hippi? Minä luulin, että hipit ovat kaikki ystävällisiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: What are you, an unfriendly hippie? I thought you all had to be friendly?" "Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Voimmeko mitenkään suostutella sinua auttamaan?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Is there any way I could talk you into helping us?" "Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: Ehkä me voimme auttaa sinua? Tämä Ellis on mekaanikko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: Okay, maybe we can help you. Ellis here is a mechanic." "Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: Muita ei ole elossa, ymmärrätkö? Meidän on pakko keksiä joku tapa päästä sopimukseen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: No one else is alive here, okay? There's gotta be some sort of deal we can work out." "Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Sano vaan, mitä haluat. Ihan mitä tahansa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Just name it. Anything." "Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: Kadun tätä vielä, mutta totta kai. Mitä haluat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: I am going to regret saying this, but sure. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Okei, tästä voidaan aloittaa. Mitä haluat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Okay, okay that's a start. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: Minulla on huono fiilis tästä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: I've got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: Miksi et vain huuda apua nyt?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: Why don't you just call for help now?" "Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: Hyvä on, käynnistämme pyrotekniikat, mutta tämän sanon jo nyt. Ilmakitaraa en soita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: Okay, we'll set off the pyrotechnics, but I'm telling you right now. I AM NOT GOING TO AIR GUITAR." "Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: Hyvä on, käynnistämme show'n finaalin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: Okay, fine, we'll put on the finale show." "Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Hyvä on, teemme sen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Okay, we'll do it. Sure." "Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: Miksipä ei, teemme sen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: Why in the hell not, yes we'll do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Hienoa, todella coolia. Dusty arvostaa tätä varmasti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Wow, yeah. That's really cool. I'm sure Dusty will be honored." "Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: Veikkaan, että hänellä on täällä toimiva suihku, mutta hän ei vain käytä sitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: I bet he's got a working shower in there and he isn't using it." "Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Jotenkin kuvioissa on aina haiseva hippi, joka täytyy jossain vaiheessa tehdä iloiseksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Always a stinking hippie. I swear to god, it always come back to making a stinking hippie happy." "Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: Meillä ei ole vaihtoehtoja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: I don't think we have a choice." "Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: Keikkabussissa on parempi olla bensaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: There better be gas in that tour bus." "Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: Kerrankin toivon, että olisimme törmänneet poliiseihin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: For once, I wish we would have just stumbled onto some cops." "Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Laita valot päälle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Hit the lights." "Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Valmistautukaa aloittamaan tämä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Let's get ready and then start this thing." "Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: Oletteko valmiita rokkaamaan?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: You guys ready to rock?" "Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Aloitetaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Let's start this." "Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Hit the flashbangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Käynnistä kanuunat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Hit the cannons!" "Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Käynnistä tehosteet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Hit the effects!" "Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Jonkun on sytytettävä valot!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Someone needs to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Juokse valojen luo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Run up to the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: Valot on sytytettävä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: We have to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Pysykää liikkeessä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: Toivottavasti tämä riittää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: I hope that is enough!" "Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Viimeinen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Last one!" "Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: Saimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: We got it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Tappakaa se!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Get it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: Portti on auki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: Bussi on tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: There's the bus!" "Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: Tuolla on keikkabussi! Menkää autotalliin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: There's the tour bus! Get into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Menkää autotalliin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Get to the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: Hän piti lupauksensa! Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: He kept his word! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Autotalliin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Autotalli on auki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Garage is open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Menkää vaan, hän ei tule mukaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Just go, just go, he isn't coming with us." "Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: Hyvästi, ystäväni hippi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: Goodbye, my hippie friend!" "Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: Hyvästi, herra hippi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: Goodbye, Mr. Hippie!" "Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: Sinä teit niin? Oikeasti?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: You did? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: Ihanko totta? Oikeasti?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: What you? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Kyllä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Yes," "Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Kyllä muistan, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Yes, I remember, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Kyllä muistan, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, I remember." "Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Huh, Coach. Se oli nostattavaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Wow, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Huh, Coach. Se oli nostattavaa. Onko muillakin nyt motivaatio kohdallaan?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Well, Coach, that was uplifting. Everybody else motivated now?" "Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Kiitos, Coach. Se oli nostattavaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Thanks, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: Elossa ja tartunnan saaneena vai elossa ja ei-zombina?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: What, alive infected or alive and not zombies?" "Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: Sata yhtä vastaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: 100 to 1." "Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: Sata yhtä vastaan. Toisaalta veriviljelijöiden tilanne on tasan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: 100 to 1. The blood farmers on the other hand are even money." "Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Helvetti Ellis, ikään kuin zombit eivät olisi tarpeeksi pahoja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Jesus Christ, Ellis, like the goddamn zombies aren't bad enough." "Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: Unohdit ampumisesta yhden jutun. Älä ammu ystäviä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: You forgot one thing, from the way we shoot? Each other." "Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Kirotut mutaihmiset saisivat painua helvettiin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Screw these goddamn mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: Olen samaa mieltä Ellisin kanssa, vihaan mutaihmisiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: I'm with Ellis, I hate these mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: Muta tuhoaa pukuni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: This mud is not doing my suit any favors." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: En aio kuolla suolla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not dying in this swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Minua eivät alligaattorit popsi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I am not going to be gator food." "Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: Tämä on helppo keikka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: This, my friends, is a milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: Pikkujuttu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: A cakewalk." "Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: Silkkaa lepolomaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: A walk in the park." "Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: Rentouttava kokemus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: A walk in the sun." "Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: Pelkkä suupala." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: A piece of cake." "Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: Meidän pitää vain hakea vähän dieseliä ja päästä takaisin veneelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: All we gotta do is get some diesel and get back on the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Toimitaan nopeasti ja palataan veneelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Let's do this quick and get back on the damn boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Tulkaa, yritetään ehtiä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Hyvä ajatus. Myrsky on tulossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Good idea, storm's coming." "Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: Näytämme merkin, kun sinun pitää palata." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: We'll signal you when you should return." "Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Pysy kaukana rannasta, kunnes saat meiltä merkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Stay away from the shore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Älä tule rantaan ennen kuin saat meiltä merkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Stay offshore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Voimmeko luottaa, että kaveri tulee takaisin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Do we trust that guy to come back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Hyvä on, mutta te olette ensimmäiset kolme ihmistä koko maailmassa, joihin olen koskaan luottanut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Fair enough, but you're the first three people in the world I have ever trusted." "Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: Hitto. En luota edes itseeni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: Shit. I don't even trust myself." "Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: Siinä tapauksessa emme voi luottaa arvostelukykyysi tässä asiassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: In that case I don't think we can trust your judgment in this matter." "Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: Tämä on paras Burger Tank, jossa olen koskaan vieraillut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: This is the best goddamn Burger Tank I have ever visited." "Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: Toivottavasti ketään ei haittaa, että viemme aseet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: I hope no one minds us taking these guns." "Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Huoltoasema on tien toisella puolella." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Gas station is across the street." "Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Bensiini loppu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Totta kai bensiini on loppu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Of course they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: Meiltä on bensiini loppu, teiltä on bensiini loppu, heiltä on bensiini loppu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: I'm out of gas, you're out of gas, they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: Siinä meni keikan helppous." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: There goes the milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: Onko sokeritehtaassa dieseliä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: They've got diesel at the sugar mill?" "Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Paskanmarjat. Tarvitsemme dieseliä ja meillä on aseet. Lähdetään hakureissulle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Screw it. We need the diesel and we have guns. Let's go get it." "Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: Jos aiomme mennä, mennään nopeasti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: If we're going, let's hurry." "Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Haluan ehtiä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Want to beat out this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Talon läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Through this house." "Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: Pääsemme tätä kautta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: We can get in through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: Tuo on varmaan sokeritehtaan savupiippu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: I'm guessing that smokestack is the sugarmill." "Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Lähdetään savupiipun suuntaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Let's head towards that smokestack." "Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: Tätä katua pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: Down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Mennään tätä katua pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Let's go down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Aivan, zombeja lukuun ottamatta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Right, except for all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: Ei niin vaikeaa, kun näkee zombilaumat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: Not so hard after you see all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Oikaistaan tätä katua." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Let's cut through this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: Voimme kiertää alakautta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: We can get down through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: Tuon on parempi olla se sokeritehdas." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: That better be the goddamn sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Menkää tuolla olevaan taloon!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Get into the house up there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Menkää tuon rakennuksen luo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Get to that building!" "Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: Alkaa sataa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: It's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: Hitto, alkaa sataa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: Shit, it's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: Diesel ei varmaankaan ole sokeritehtaan hylätyssä osassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: I guess the diesel isn't in the abandoned part of the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: Ehdimme vielä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: We can still do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Mennään vielä vähän kauemmas." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Let's go a little farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: Voimme kääntyä takaisin, jos emme löydä toista asemaa pian." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: If we don't find the other station soon we can turn around." "Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Tämän rakennuksen läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Through this building." "Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Tänne alas." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Under here." "Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Ylös tätä ramppia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Up this ramp." "Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: En ole koskaan nähnyt noin monta Witchiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: I have never seen so many Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: Mitä kaikki Witchit täällä tekevät?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: What the hell is with all the Witches?" "Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Mennään tuonne ja pohditaan hetki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Let's get up here and find our bearings." "Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: Lopultakin! Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: Finally! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: Okay! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: Meidän on päästävä sokeriruokopellon poikki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: We need to get through this cane." "Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: Pahus, emme ehdi ennen myrskyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: Damn, we aren't going to beat this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Sokeriruokopellon poikki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Through the cane field." "Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: Alas telineitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: Down the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: Vesi kerääntyy jo lammikoiksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: Shit, water's starting to pool." "Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: Sade yltyy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: The rain's getting heavy." "Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Menkää asemalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Get to the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Menkää sisälle asemalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Get in the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Asemalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Into the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Kaikki sisälle asemalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Everyone inside the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: Saimme sen. Mennään takaisin veneelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: We got it, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: Saimme dieselin. Mennään takaisin veneelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: We got the diesel, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Takaisin sokeriruokopellon poikki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Back through the canefield." "Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: Nyt sataa kuin saavista kaataen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: Shit, it's really coming down." "Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: Sade on liian rankka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: This is too much rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: Koko kaupunki tulvii kohta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: Goddamn town is going to be flooded!" "Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Etsikää suojaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Find shelter!" "Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Etsikää joku paikka, jossa voimme pitää sadetta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Find some place to hunker down!" "Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Salama!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Lightning!" "Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Palataan veneelle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Jatkakaa takaisin veneelle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Keep heading back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Vanhan tehtaan läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Through the old mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: Näkeekö kukaan sitä Witchiä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: Can anybody see that Witch?" "Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Ylhäällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Takaisin ylös telineitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Back up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Tulkaa, palataan samaa tietä takaisin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Come on people, just retrace our steps." "Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: Voimme käyttää putkea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: We can take this pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Juoskaa putken päältä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Run over the pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Menkää putkea jätevesialtaiden luo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Take the pipe to the holding tanks." "Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Pysykää ylhäällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Stay up here." "Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Takaisin putkien päälle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Get back on the pipes!" "Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Pysykää ylhäällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Stay up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Takaisin tehtaan läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Back through the mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: Meidän on palattava tämän kautta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: We have to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Menkää takaisin sisään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Get back inside!" "Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: Meidän on palattava tämän kautta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: We gotta to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Kaupunki tulvii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Towns flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Koko kaupunki tulvii." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Goddamn town's flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Vettä on paikoitellen polviin asti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Water looks knee deep in places." "Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Pysykää korkeammilla paikoilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Stay on the high ground." "Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: Voimme liikkua katoilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: We can use the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Kattojen yli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Across the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Pysykää katoilla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Stick to the roofs!" "Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: En näe paskaakaan!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: I can't see shit!" "Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Ukkonen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Thunder!" "Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Joka helvetin paikka on veden vallassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Every goddamn thing is flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Muistaako kukaan mistä tulimme?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Does anybody remember the path back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Kaikki näyttää erilaiselta veden peitossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Everything's different when it's under a foot of water." "Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: Liikumme liian hitaasti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: Goddamn we are moving too slow!" "Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: Burger Tankiin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: Into the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Menkää Burger Tankiin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Get to the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Sytyttäkää kyltti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Light up the sign!" "Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: Voimme lähettää merkin veneelle Burger Tankin kyltillä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: We can signal the boat with the Burger Tank sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Lähetetään merkki veneelle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Let's signal the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Olkaa valmiina, kytketään kylttiin virta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Let's get setup and hit the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Valmiina! Kytken kylttiin virran." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Get ready! I am hitting the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: Pelasta meidät, Burger Tank!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: Come on Burger Tank, save us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Pikaruoka pelastaa henkemme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Fast food is going to save us." "Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Menkää Burger Tankin katolle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Get on the roof of the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Katolle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Get on the roof!" "Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: Kyltin voi kytkeä päälle katolta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: We can turn on the sign from the roof." "Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Menkää ylös!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Get up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: Helvetin sade!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: Goddamn this rain!" "Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Myrsky alkaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Storm's hitting!" "Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Myrsky on alkamassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Hang on, storm's hitting." "Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: Tuo on hänen merkkinsä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: There's his signal!" "Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: Hän on tulossa takaisin rantaan!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: He's heading back in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: Meidän pitää selvitä siihen asti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: We just need to hold out!" "Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: Meidän pitää selvitä veneen tuloon asti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: We just need to last until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Jäädään tänne kunnes vene tulee." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Let's stay up here until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Helppo keikka todellakin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Some goddamn milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Joo, käväistään vaan huoltoasemalla, helppo homma." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Oh yeah, let's go to the gas station, it'll be easy." "Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Vene on täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Mennään! Kyyti saapui!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Let's go! Our ride is here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Vene on täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: Hän tuli hakemaan meidät!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: He came back for us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Älä koskaan poistu veneestä. Älä koskaan poistu veneestä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: En olisi uskonut kaipaavani takaisin tuohon veneeseen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I cannot believe I am looking forward to getting back on that boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Helppo keikka todellakin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Some milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Olisi pitänyt vain antaa virran viedä alas jokea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Should have just kept floating down the damn river." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: Mitä helvettiä oikein ajattelimme pysähtyessämme tänne?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: What in the hell were we thinking stopping here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: Okei, joo, ymmärrän. Tietysti. Nähdään pian." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: Okay, yeah, got it. Sure. See you soon." "Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Seis! Älkää pommittako siltaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Stop! Don't bomb the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hei, sillalla on ihmisiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hey, you've got people on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Hey, we're on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Haloo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Hello." "Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Tietysti se on täynnä zombeja, koko maailma on täynnä zombeja. Nähdään hetken päästä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Of course it's full of zombies. The whole god damn world is full of zombies. See you in a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Ylitetään silta, niin päästään lopultakin tästä helvetistä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Well, let's cross the bridge and finally get out of this hell." "Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Toki, tarvitsemme muutaman minuutin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Sure, give us a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: Kuulitte mitä hän sanoi. Ylitetään tämä pahuksen silta nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: You heard the man. Let's get across this goddamn bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Voi helvetti! Tuolla on loppu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Holy shit! There's the end!" "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: En aio kuolla tässä kaupungissa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not going to die in this city." "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Olen liian pitkällä kuollakseni nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I have not come this far to die now." "Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Ylhäällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Up here." "Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Tänne." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Mennään kohti siltaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Head towards the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: Meidän on jatkettava kohti siltaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: We need to keep moving towards the bridge." "Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Kujaa pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Down the alley!" "Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Tätä kautta." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: Haisee kuselle." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: Oletpa aika karmean näköinen." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: God damn you are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: Haisee kuselle." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: Oletpa karmean näköinen." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: You are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Kiivetkää tänne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Climb up here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: Älä välitä tuosta, meidän on pysyttävä liikkeessä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: Don't worry about that, we have to keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Äitis oli suljettu alue." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Restricted area my ass." "Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Ihan totta, en ole nähnyt yhtään." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Really, I haven't seen any." "Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Juoskaa" "[english]Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Run" "Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Ja paskat, juoskaa!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Screw it, run!" "Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Juoskaa, juoskaa!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Run! Just run!" "Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Vauhtia! Juoskaa!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Go! Run! GO!" "Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Kyllä." "[english]Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Jep." "[english]Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Yep." "Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Jeah." "[english]Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Jepjep." "[english]Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Yeppers." "Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Kyllä." "[english]Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Kyllä." "[english]Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Jeah." "[english]Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Jessss." "[english]Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Kyllä." "[english]Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Jessss." "[english]Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Joo, joo, joo." "[english]Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: Älä huolehdi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: Ĭä huolehdi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: Älä huolehdi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: Olen iloinen voidessani auttaa." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: Olen iloinen voidessani auttaa." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: Olen iloinen voidessani auttaa." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Ei kestä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Ei kestä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Ei kestä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Selvä." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Joo joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: Öö, joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Ei hätää." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Joo joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Ei hätää." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: Öö, joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Ei hätää." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Joo joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: Öö, joo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: Ei ongelmaa, Coach." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: Ei ongelmaa, Coach." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: Olet yhden velkaa, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: Olet yhden velkaa, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Selvä juttu, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Selvä juttu, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Adrenaline shot here!" "Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Nappaan piikin!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Grabbin' a shot!" "Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [ravistelee itsensä hereille]" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [shaking self awake]" "Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Boomerin oksennus!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Boomer bile here!" "Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: Onko tuo pullollinen yrjöä?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: Is that a bottle of puke?" "Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: Ei kai tuo ole pullollinen yrjöä?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: That can't be a bottle of puke, is it?" "Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Nappaan oksennuksen!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Grabbin' puke!" "Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ...jostain syystä." "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ... for some reason." "Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: Sanoinko minä tuon?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: I can't believe I just said that." "Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Nappaan oksennuspurkin!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Yrjö lentää!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Puke in the hole!" "Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Lisää tulossa!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Incoming!" "Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Tapelkaa keskenänne!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Fight amongst yourselves!" "Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Päitsimet." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Chest paddles here." "Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Defibrillator here." "Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Minulla on päitsimet." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Got some chest paddles." "Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Defib unit here." "Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Minulla on sydäniskuri." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Got a defib unit." "Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Irti!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Clear!" "Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Herää!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Come on!" "Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: HERÄÄ!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: Come ON!" "Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Toimi nyt, helvetti..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Aargh, lakkaa käristämästä minua!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Agggh stop shocking me!" "Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: No niin. Se oli vakavampi juttu." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: All right. That was some serious shit." "Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Oho..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Whoa..." "Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Toimi nyt, helvetti..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellis, mikset kertonut tätä helikopterissa?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellis-why don't you tell us this in the chopper?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: [sarkastisesti] Ei, Ellis. Miksi?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: No, Ellis. Why?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Ohhoh." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: Niinkö?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: Niinkö?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellis. ELLIS. ELLIS." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellis. ELLIS. ELLIS." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hei, Ellis. Mikset kertoisi sitä juttua, kun pidit kerrankin suusi kiinni?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hey. ELLIS. Why don't you tell us all about the time you SHUT UP?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellis. Onko nyt paras hetki?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellis. Is now the best time?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Huoh. Ei kiinnosta. Ketään ei kiinnosta." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Uhhh. I don't CARE. NOBODY cares." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellis. Jos suostun kuuntelemaan, lupaatko ettei sen jälkeen tarvitse?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellis. If I listen to this, will this be the last one?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Voi jösses. Olisiko missään Witchiä, jonka voisimme suututtaa?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Oh, Jesus. Is there a Witch around here we can piss off?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ei, ei taas..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ohhh, not again..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: Se on loistavaa." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: That's terrific." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Ei, ihan totta?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Wow, really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Kiitos että kerroit, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Glad you shared that, Ellis." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Ihanko totta." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: Enpä usko." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: I don't think so." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: Ja pointti oli..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: And your point... is..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: Arvaa mikä jutuissasi on parasta, Ellis? Se kun ne loppuvat." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? The sound they make when they stop." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: Arvaa mikä jutuissasi on parasta, Ellis? Ei mikään." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? NOTHING." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: Kokeiltaisiinko hetken hiljaisuutta?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: Why don't we try quiet time for a while?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Ellis, katsotaan kumpi kestää kauempaan puhumatta? Alkaa n...y...t... NYT." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Hey, Ellis! Shut up contest, ready? One two three GO." "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Explosive rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Frag rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Jaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying frag rounds!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Ei minua! Ammu Tank!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Not ME! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hei, ammu Tank!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Arggghh! Tank!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: Hei kuumakalle, ammu Tank!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: The Tank, hotshot! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: Se on neljä metriä korkea ja kaksi leveä! Miten voit erehdyksessä ampua minua?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: It's twelve feet tall and six feet wide! How are you shooting ME?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: Se on rekan kokoinen! Kuinka pystyt ampumaan ohi?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: It's the size of a truck! How are you MISSING?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: Yritä nyt vähän! Ammu Tank, älä minua." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: Come on! Shoot the TANK, not ME." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Kranaatinheitin." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Grenade launcher here." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: Mahtavaa. Kranaatinheitin." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: Hell yeah. Grenade launcher." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: [hekottelee] Nyt tehdään zombeista keittoa." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: Time to make some zombie soup." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Otin kranaatinheittimen." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Got a grenade launcher." "Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: Alan tykätä teistä." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: I'm starting to like you guys." "Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: Me saamme tämän näyttämään helpolta!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: We're makin' it look EASY!" "Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: Näin se tehdään!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: And THAT is how you do that!" "Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: Me olemme kuin Ilmestyskirjan neljä ratsastajaa!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: We're the four riders of the goddamn apocalypse!" "Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: Näin se tehdään!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: And THAT is how you do it!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Tuliluoteja!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Fire bullets here!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Nappaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Laitetaan paikat palamaan!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Let's start some fires, people!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Jaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: Meillä on lasertähtäimet." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: We got some laser sights." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Viidakkoveitsi..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Machete here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Otin viidakkoveitsen." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Got a machete." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Moottorisaha..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Chainsaw here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Otin moottorisahan." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Got a chainsaw." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Pamppu..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Nightstick here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Nappaan pampun." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Grabbing a nightstick." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Kitara." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Guitar here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Nappaan kitaran." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Grabbing a guitar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Ninjamiekka." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Ninja sword here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Nappaan miekan." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Grabbing a sword." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Nappaan sorkkaraudan." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Grabbing a crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Sorkkarauta." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: Löytyisipä jo jostakin laatikko." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: I cannot WAIT to find a crate." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Krikettimaila." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Cricket bat here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Otin krikettimailan." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Got a cricket bat." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: Tällä hakkaan paskat pihalle vaikka mistä!" "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: Gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: Tällä hakkaan paskat pihalle vaikka mistä!" "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: I'm gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Siisti." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Niiiiice." "Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Tänne!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Tuonne!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Täällä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: Tänne päin!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: C'mon, this way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Tämän ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Through this window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Tuon ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Through that window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: Tätä kujaa pitkin." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: Down this alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Tuota kujaa pitkin." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Down that alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Mennään tästä läpi." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Let's go through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Mennään tuosta läpi." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Let's go through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Tämän oven läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Through this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Tuon oven läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Through that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: Voimme mennä tämän ravintolan läpi." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: We can go through this restaurant." "Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Tuon portin läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Through that gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Up that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Näitä tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Up this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Noita tikkaita alas!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Down that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Tämän portin läpi!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Through this gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Näitä tikkaita alas!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Down this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Tämän aidan yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Over this fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Tuon aidan yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Over that fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: Sillalle!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: To the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: Voimme mennä yli täältä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: We can cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: Voimme mennä yli tuolta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: We can cross there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: Voimme mennä ylös täältä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: We can get up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: Voimme mennä ylös tuolta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: We can get up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: Voimme mennä alas täältä." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: We can get down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: Voimme mennä alas tuolta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: We can get down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Paina nappia!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Press the button!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Tee se!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Do it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Aktivoi se!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Activate it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: Painoin sitä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: I hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: Tein sen!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: I did it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Tämän oven yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Over this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Tuon oven yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Over that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Over the dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Tämän roskiksen yli!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Hyppää alas tänne!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Jump down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Hyppää alas tuonne!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Jump down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: Täällä ylhäällä on turvallinen huone!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: There's a safe room up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: Tuolla ylhäällä on turvallinen huone!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: There's a safe room up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Takaisin pellon poikki!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Back through the field!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Everybody in the elevator!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: Mennään hissillä takaisin ylös!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: We can take the elevator back up!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: Tuota putkea ylös!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: Up that pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Tätä putkea ylös!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Up this pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Kaikki takaisin alas portaita!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Everyone back down the stairs!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Ylittäkää silta!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Over the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: Voimme ylittää säiliötä pitkin!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: We can cross over that tank!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: Pääsemme veden yli täällä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: We can get across the water here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: Pääsemme veden yli tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: We can get across the water there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Ylittäkää tässä!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: Muistan tämän. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: Näin tämän tulomatkalla. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: Muistan tämän. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: Näin tämän tulomatkalla. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Kaikki on tulvan peitossa." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Man, it's all flooded." "Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: Täällä on kunnon järvi." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: It's a lake down there." "Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Menkää korkeammalle!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Get to higher ground!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: SADE ALKAA!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: HERE COMES THE RAIN!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: MYRSKY ALKAA!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: STORM COMING!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: PYSYKÄÄ LÄHELLÄ!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: STAY CLOSE!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: En näe mitään." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: I can't see a damn thing..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Olen sokea kuin lepakko..." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Blind as a damn bat..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: Tuolla on Ducatel-kyltti. Olemme melkein ulkona!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: There's the Ducatel sign! We're almost outta here!" "Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: Tajuatko kuinka monta bakteeria siinä on?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Yök. Täällä haisee mädille munille. Eikö kukaan muu haista tätä?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Ugh. It's like rotten eggs here. Does nobody else SMELL that?" "Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: Tajuatko kuinka monta bakteeria siinä on?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Yök. Mikä tuo haju on?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Ugh. What's that SMELL?" "Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Koska sinä et ajattele mitään muuta kuin grillikylkeä, Coach." "[english]Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Because all you THINK about is ribs, Coach." "Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Reloading here!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Täytyy ladata!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Gotta reload!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Lataan!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Onko noilla zombeilla haarniskat?" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor?" "Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Onko noilla zombeilla haarniskat?" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor!" "Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Ampukaa haarniskoituja zombeja selkään!" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Shoot the armored zombies in the back!" "Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: Vinkuva ääni saa zombit sekaisin!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: That squeaking is driving the zombies crazy!" "Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Tapa pelle!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Kill the clown!" "Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Tapa pelle, se houkuttelee tänne lisää zombeja!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Kill the clown, he's attracting more zombies!" "Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Tapa kaikki pellet!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Kill every clown you see!" "Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Ammu pelle!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Shoot the clown!" "Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: Tuo zombi pudotti jotakin!" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: That zombie dropped something!" "Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Onko se eloonjäänyt?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Is that a survivor?" "Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: Pudottiko tuo zombi jotakin?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Vaarallisten aineiden käsittelijät!" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Hazmat guys!" "Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Puvut eivät näemmä estä puremilta." "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Guess those suits don't stop bites." "Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Ovatko he tulenkestäviä?" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Are those guys fireproof?" "Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Varokaa, mutaväkeä!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Watch out, Mudmen!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Niiden suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat muuttuneet." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: Suunnitelmat ovat muuttuneet." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Niiden suunnitelmat ovat tainneet muuttua." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Emme taida enää olla heidän suunnitelmissaan." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Looks like we're not part of their new plan." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Ne tulevat takaisin viimeistelemään työnsä." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: Pahus! Se oli lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: God DAMN, that was close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: Se oli lähellä!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: That was a close one." "Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: Ainakin minä selvisin." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: At least I made it." "Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: Olipas se epämukavaa." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: Well, that was unpleasant." "Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: Selvisimme niukin naukin." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: We made that by the skin of our teeth." "Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: Tuo oli liian lähellä." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: That was a little too close." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hei futismies. Onko sukua?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hey-football man. Relative a' yours?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: Mikä otus häkissä on?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: What's this thing in a cage?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: Miten tämä voi olla jo häkissä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: How'd they have this in a cage already?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Tiesivätkö ne, että tämä on tulossa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Did they know this was coming?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Hei, katso otusta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Look at that thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: Tämä on siis Charger? Kättä on bodattu jo ihan riittävästi, kannattaisi siirtyä selkään ja jalkoihin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? I think he worked out that arm plenty. He should move onto back and legs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: Tämä on siis Charger? Tiedättehän mitä sanotaan zombeista, joilla on yksi iso käsi..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? Heh. You know what they say about zombies with one big arm..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: Tämä on siis Jockey? Söpö kääpiö." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: So that's a Jockey, huh? Cute little guy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: Tämä on siis Spitter? Onkohan hän sinkku?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: So that's a Spitter, huh? You think she's single?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: Tuo on siis Boomer? Ikävä nähdä, miten syömishäiriö voi riistäytyä hallinnasta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: So that's a Boomer, huh? You know, it's sad to see an eating disorder get out of control like that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Hyvä, se on päätetty. Seuraava asia: tämä rakennus on tulessa, joten poistuisin mielelläni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hei! Takaisin tänne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Jösses, oletko täältä kotoisin? Se on todella masentavaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Jesus, are you FROM here? Ugh, look at you. That is so depressing." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: Täällä asumisesta on vihdoinkin hyötyä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: I guess living here's finally paying off." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Hommaa meidät ostarille, niin et kadu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Get me to the mall and I'll make it worth your while." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hei, tule takaisin! Olen täällä! Täällä on vielä joku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hey, come back! I'm HERE! There's still someone DOWN here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: Hyvä, osaat laskea. Nyt he tulevat varmasti takaisin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: Oh, good. You can count. I bet they'll come back now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: Olisit voinut huutaakin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: You could have yelled if you wanted." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: Se jättää meidät. Sekin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: It's leaving us. Also, say hell." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: Se lentää pois palavasta rakennuksesta, jonka päälle me seisomme. Otetaan siitä mallia ja painutaan helvettiin täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: It's flying away from the burning building we're standing on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: Tämä on siis Hunter? Mitä se voi muka tehdä? Uhata mennä lenkille?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: So that's a Hunter, huh? What's he gonna do-go for a JOG at me?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: (alt) Se lentää helvetillisellä kiireellä pois palavasta rakennuksesta, jonka päällä me seisomme. Otetaan siitä mallia ja painutaan helvettiin täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: It's flying the hell away from the burning building we're standing the hell on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hei, äänekäs tyttö, juntti ja hauska veikko. Tämä rakennus on tulessa, joten ottakaa aseet ja häivytään täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hey! Loud girl. Hayseed. Tons of fun. This building? Is on FIRE. Grab a weapon and let's get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: Okei, helikopterille oli hauska huutaa, mutta nyt asiaan: tämä rakennus on tulessa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: Okay, we all had a turn yelling at the helicopter. Good. Moving on: I think the building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: Tänään opimme, että helikopteri ei palaa, vaikka sille huutaisi. Pistäkää tämä arvokas tieto korvan taakse. Nyt ottakaa aseet ja seuratkaa minua, sillä talo palaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at 'em. Valuable lesson, you three tuck that away for later. Now grab a weapon and follow me. This goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: Ensiksi, se ei ole \"vispilä\", se on \"helikopteri\". Toiseksi, en tykkää palavista taloista." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: Okay, one: stop calling it a 'whirly-bird.' It's a HELICOPTER. Two. I don't like being in buildings that are on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: Riittää minulle. Ottakaa aseet, niin mennään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: Good enough for me. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: Helikopteri. Se on helikopteri! Jos sanot sitä \"vispiläksi\" vielä kerrankin, hakkaan sinut niin pahasti että toivot ettei siskosi olisi ikinä synnyttänyt sinua." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: HELICOPTER. It is a HELICOPTER. You call that thing a 'whirly-bird' one more time, I'll beat you SO bad, your sister's gonna wish she never gave birth to you." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: Perkele, he jättivät meidät!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: Goddamn it they left us!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Niinpä. Yksi kaikkien ja kaikki yhden puolesta. [sarkastisena]" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Yeah sure, all for one and one for all." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: Eikös sinun pitänyt syödä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: Shouldn't you be eating?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: Tämä on siis Smoker? Takuulla naispuolisten zombien kovassa suosiossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: So that's a Smoker, huh? Bet he's popular with the lady zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Eikö sinun pitänyt valmistautua futismatsiin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Shouldn't you be getting ready for some football?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Soittakaa hätänumeroon, hänen tunteitaan on loukattu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Call 911, I hurt his feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: Luotan sinuun. Näytät kaverilta, joka tietää donitseista kaiken." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: I trust you. You look like a man who knows his donuts." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: He näkivät meidät, mutta eivät tule takaisin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: They saw us all right, and they're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Anteeksi että häiritsen, mutta tämä talo on kohta tuhkana. He eivät ole tulossa takaisin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Not to burst your bubble, sport, but this building is burning down. They're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: Se siitä pelastumisesta. Muita ideoita?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: So much for the rescue. Any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Ottakaa jotakin kättä pidempää. Tästä ei tule helppoa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Grab something, I got a feeling this isn't going to be easy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Pysytään yhdessä ainakin alakertaan asti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Let's stick together at least until we get downstairs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: Parempi aseistautua. Toivottavasti te kolme osaatte taistella, vaikka ette siltä näytäkään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: We better arm ourselves. I hope you three know how to fight. You don't look it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: Jos maailmanloppu on edessä, minä tarvitsen aseen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: If the world's going to hell, I'm taking a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: Tämä on siis Tank? Onpa sillä kokoa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: So that's a Tank, huh? Jesus, that thing's huge." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Ottakaa aseet. Niitä tarvitaan vielä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Everybody grab a weapon. I get the feeling we're gonna need 'em." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Mahtavaa. Georgian osavaltion ainoat kolme ihmistä, joilla ei ole asetta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Great, I run into the three people in Georgia not carrying a gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Onko kellään asetta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Onko kellään asetta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Paskat, zombit tulevat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Holy shit, it's zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Nyt ne hyökkäävät." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Jesus! They're attacking now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: Taidatte olla tosissanne?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: You're serious, aren't you?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: Tätä en osannut odottaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: Well, this is unexpected." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: Nuo eivät näytä ihmisiltä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: These... don't look like people." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Helvetti soikoon! Mitä nämä ovat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Jesus Christ! What are these things?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: Minä en kävele läpi tuosta. Etsitään toinen reitti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: All right, I'm not walking through THAT. Let's find another way." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: Teistä en tiedä, mutta minä meinaan tappaa nuo otukset." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: I don't know about you, but I'm killing these things." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: Ainakin ne kuolevat kuten muutkin..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: Well, they DIE like anything else..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Yök. Kuolleena ne haisevat vieläkin pahemmalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Ugh. They smell worse DEAD!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: Jos kartta pitää paikkansa, New Orleans voi olla ainoa paikka Amerikassa, jossa meillä on toivoa selvitä hengissä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: If that map's right, New Orleans might be the last place in America that can get us out alive." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: Sen takia onkin niin onnekas olo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: So that's why I'm feeling so goddamn lucky." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: En tiedä teistä, mutta minä lähden New Orleansiin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: Dunno about you guys, but I'm going to New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: Tämän kartan mukaan New Orleans on viimeinen tukikohta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: According to this map, the only place left standing is New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Koko maa on kukistunut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Jesus, the whole country has fallen." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: Kartta ei kerro hyviä uutisia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: This map is not good news." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: Kartan mukaan vaihtoehdot ovat niukassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: According to this map, there aren't a whole lot of options." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Etsitään toinen reitti. Pukuni ei ole tulenkestävä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Let's find another way. This suit's flammable." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: Helvetti! Tämä paikka palaa nopeasti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: Shit! This place is burnin' up FAST." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: Pahus! Hissi ei toimi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: Damn it! Elevator's out." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: Tätä todella rakastan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: I LOVE doing that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: Tähän ei väsy koskaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: I will never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: Tähän ei väsy koskaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: I'll never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Menkää reunalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Get out to the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Ulos! Kokeillaan reunaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Out here! Let's try the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: Voimme ohittaa tulipalon reunaa pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: We can use this ledge to get around the fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Hahaa! Kuka onkaan hirviö nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Ha HA. NOW let's see who's the monster." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Haulikko... Paras ystäväni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Shotgun... you complete me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: Lopultakin kunnon ase." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: Finally, a goddamn gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: Tällä kaverilla tasataan tilit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: This shit'll even up the score." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Hakkaaminen oli hauskaa sekin, mutta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Whacking things in the head was fun but..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: Rakastan aseita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: I do love guns." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: \"Nokkonen\"? Coach, noinko sinä kiroilet?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: Crumbs? Really, Coach? That's how you swear?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: Koulussa minulla oli tapana varastella näitä kytiltä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: I used to steal these from cops back in high school." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: Kunpa kaverini näkisivät minut nyt poliisin aseen kanssa..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: If my friends ever saw me usin' a cop's gun..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: Kyllä nyt kelpaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: HA! That's more like it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Nyt päästiin asiaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Now we're talking." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Tutkikaa nämä huoneet jonkin käyttökelpoisen varalta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: Tämä hissi toimii vielä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: This elevator's still working!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Hissiä ei saisi käyttää tulipalon uhatessa. Päteeköhän se myös zombeihin ja maailmanloppuun?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Technically... you're not supposed to use an elevator in a fire. But that might not apply during a zombie apocalypse." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Everybody get in the elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Paina nappia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Push the button!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Valmistautukaa..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: Veikkaanpa, että meitä odotetaan. Olkaa valmiita..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: I bet there'll be something waiting for us out there. So let's get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: Ollaan taas ystäviä kaikki. Nyt valmiina..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: All right, we're all friends now. Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: Kai teillä nimet on?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: So. You guys got names or what?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Minä olen Nick. Turha painaa sitä mieleen, en jää tänne hengailemaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Name's Nick. But don't worry about learning it, 'cause I ain't sticking around long." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. Se riittää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. That's all you need to know." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Nimeni on Nick. Näyttää siltä, että minä olen ainoa, joka osaa ampua aseella." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Name's Nick. And from the looks of you three, I'm the only one here who knows how to fire a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Nimeni on Nick. Ja aion häipyä tästä helvetin kaupungista vaikka se olisi viimeinen tekoni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Name's Nick. And I'm gonna get out of this piece of shit city if it kills me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hmm. Nyt olisi todella tukala hetki, jos välittäisin tunteistanne paskan vertaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hm. This'd be really awkward if I gave a shit about your feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Mikä sinun nimesi on?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Hey, what's your name?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: Rochelle, teit hyvää työtä äsken." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: You did good out there, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nimeni on Nick. Teitte hyvää jälkeä. Mitkä teidän nimenne ovat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Hyvä, jatketaan samaan tyyliin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Okay, let's keep this up." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Hienoa työtä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Nice work out there." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Nimi on Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: Purtiinko ketään? Niinhän se kai toimii?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: Anyone get bit? Isn't that how this works?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Hyvä että se saatiin selvitettyä. Siis: purtiinko ketään?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now: did anyone get bit?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: Päälläni on verta, mutta se ei ole minun." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: There's blood on me, but it ain't mine." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nimeni on Nick. Teitte hyvää jälkeä. Mitkä teidän nimenne ovat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: Ei, olen kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: Ei, olen kunnossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: On heitä kolme nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: And then there were three." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Vaikkei sillä ole väliä, sillä meidän tulisi lähteä eri teitä, kun tämä avautuu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Not that it matters, 'cause I think we should split up when this things opens." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: Olemme kusessa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: We're pretty screwed." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Oliko se Ellis? No, ei sen väliä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Was it Ellis? Well, doesn't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: Se taisi olla Coach. Samantekevää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: I think it was Coach. Don't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: Hän taisi sanoa että se oli Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: I think she just said it was Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: Toimin normaalisti yksin, mutta näissä olosuhteissa on parempi pysyä yhdessä. Nimeni on Nick, mitkä teidän nimenne ovat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: I normally go solo-but under the circumstances, I'm thinkin' we stick together. Call me Nick. You got names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Varokaa... isoa paksua otusta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Watch out for the... the big fat thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: Se läski oksennuspussi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: It's the fat barf-bag!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: Sen nimi on Boomer..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: That's what they call a Boomer..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: Tuo on se nopea paskiainen joka hyppää selkään..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: It's that fast bastard that jumps you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Sen nimi taitaa olla Hunter..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Think they call these things Hunters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: Se on tuo joka juoksee päin..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: It's that thing that runs at you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: Se on arvatenkin Charger..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: I'm guessin' that's the Charger..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: Tuo on se ötököitä sylkevä muija..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: It's that bug-spitting bitch..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: Sen nimi on Spitter..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: They've been calling those things Spitters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: Tuo on se perkeleen kääpiöratsastaja..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: It's that little Jockey bastard..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: Sen nimi on Jockey..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: I think they're called Jockeys..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Alas tätä kuilua!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Down this shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: Voimme hypätä hissikuiluun!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: We can jump down the elevator shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: 50 sänkyä samassa huoneessa. Onpa kurja hotelli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: Fifty beds in one room-what a shitty hotel." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: Pääsemme tätä kautta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: We can get through here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: Meidän pitäisi varmaan sulkea ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: I think we should close this door." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: Helvetti! Missasimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: Helvetti! Missasimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Mihin helikopteri oikein on menossa? Me olemme täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: Helikopterit eivät tottele huutoa. Se opittiin nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: Helvetti! Missasimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Hyvä, se on päätetty. Seuraava asia: tämä rakennus on tulessa, joten poistuisin mielelläni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave this building." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Mihin helikopteri oikein on menossa? Me olemme täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: Helikopterit eivät tottele huutoa. Se opittiin nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Niin olen sitten minäkin. Ottakaa aseet ja mennään. Rakennus on tulessa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Then so am I. Grab a weapon and let's go. I think this goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hei! Tule takaisin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hey! Come back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: Helvetti! Missasimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: Damn it! We JUST missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Mihin helikopteri oikein on menossa? Me olemme täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hei! Takaisin tänne!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: Kuulostaa hyvältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: Sounds good to me." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: Asekauppa kuulostaa hyvältä ostospaikalta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: A gun store sounds like a fine place to stop." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Ostari on varmaan kiinni..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Mall must be close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: Helikopteri! Olemme jo lähellä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: A helicopter! We must be getting close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: Meidän on päästävä tämän sillan yli!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: We gotta get over that bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Tämän oven läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Through the door!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Hypätkää rekalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Jump onto the truck!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Tämän roskiksen yli!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Onko tämä varmasti oikea reitti ostarille?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Are you sure this is the way to the mall?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Tämähän on aavekaupunki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Jesus. This place is a ghost town." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: Tämä paikka oli syvältä jo silloin, kun täällä oli ihmisiä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: And I thought this place was a shithole when there were PEOPLE in it." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: Alkaako hermostuttaa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: It's STARTING to creep you out?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: Lain mukaan en saisi kantaa asetta. Toivottavasti kukaan ei pahastu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: I'm not legally allowed to own a gun, hope everybody's okay with that." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Aikuisten karkkikauppa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Candy store for adults." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Otetaan aseita, ammuttavaa riittää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Let's grab some guns, we got shit to shoot." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: Tämä on siis tilanne: me tuomme sinulle tavarasi ja sinä autat meitä pääsemään ostarille? Hyvä on, mutta jos huijaat meitä, tapan sinut omalla aseellasi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: So let me get this straight: we get you your shit and you'll help us get to the mall? Right? Okay. You screw us and I will kill you with your own gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Kiitos aseista, me todellakin arvostamme niitä. Mutta sinun on parempi olla rehellinen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Thank you for the guns, honestly, we all appreciate it. But you better not be screwing with us." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: Tiemme on tukossa ja ainoa tapa saada se auki on tuoda sinulle kokista?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: So our way is blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to get you some cola?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Joo, miksei?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Sure, why not." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Tämän aseen takia suostun hakemaan sinulle kokiksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Sir, for the use of this gun, I am willing to go get you your cola." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, tämä käynnistää hälytyksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Get ready, this is going to set off the alarm" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Minulla on sixpack! Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Got the six-pack! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: Minulla on friikin limut, mennään takaisin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: I got freakshow's soft drinks, let's head back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Ota kokis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Get the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Nappaa kokis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Grab the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Ottakaa kokis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Somebody grab the Cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: Minulla on kokis, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: I got his cola, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: Meillä on se, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: We got it, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Otin kokiksen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Got the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: Este on alhaalla! Häivytään täältä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: Barrier's down! Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: Siinä meni säiliöauto. Häivytään täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: There goes the tanker. Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: Avautuu se reitti noinkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: That's one way to open a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: Aika hurja temppu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: I gotta respect that!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: Noin avataan reitti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: That is how you clear a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: Uskomatonta, pääsimme ostarille." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: I'll be damned-we actually made it to the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Olemme perillä. Toivottavasti täällä on vielä ihmisiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Well, we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Olemme perillä. Toivottavasti täällä on vielä ihmisiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Okay we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: Pääsimme ostarille. Hädin tuskin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: Okay, we made it to the mall. BARELY." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: Kertokaa, jos näette miesten vaatekaupan. Pukuni on veressä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: If anyone sees a men's store, let me know. I got blood on this suit." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Etsitään se evakuointipaikka. Olen jo kurkkuani myöten täynnä tätä paikkaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Let's go find this evacuation center. I'm already sick of this place." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Uhhh. Että vihaankin ostareita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Ugh. God, I hate malls." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Näitä liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Up this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Noita liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Up that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Näitä liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Down this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Noita liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Down that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Diskohousuja ja hiustenleikkuita? Tässä ostarissa riittää tilaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Disco Pants and Haircuts? Man, lots of space in this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evakuointiasema on täälläpäin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evac's this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evakuointiasema on tuollapäin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evac's that way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evakuointiasema on edessä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evac's up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Kuka ihme on Jimmy Gibbs Junior?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Who the hell is Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: Kaverin naama alkaa ärsyttää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: I'm getting sick of looking at this guy's face." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Ihanko totta? Hän nimittäin näyttää kusipäältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Really? 'Cause he looks like an asshole." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: Jotenkin on sellainen tunne, että hälytys herättää tiettyä kiinnostusta meitä kohtaan..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: I got a sinking feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: Jotenkin on sellainen tunne, että hälytys herättää tiettyä kiinnostusta meitä kohtaan..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: I got a sick feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Jatkakaa ylös!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Keep going up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Ylös! Pysykää liikkeessä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Up! Up! Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Turn off THAT ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: We gotta turn off this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: We need to turn of this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: Voiko hälytyksen sammuttaa jotenkin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: Is there some way to turn off this alarm?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: Selvä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Kiitos hälytyksen sammuttamisesta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Thanks for turning off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Huh, meinasin tulla hulluksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Man, that was driving me crazy." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: Zombeista selviää vielä jotenkin, mutta tuo ääni meinasi tappaa minut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: You know what? I could take the zombies, but not that goddam noise." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Tiesin sen. Täällä ei ole mitään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Jesus. I knew it. There's nothing here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: Evakuointipaikka on hylätty ja olemme keskellä zombien täyttämää rakennusta. Onneksi sentään kuolemme kohta kaikki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: Okay, so the evac station's abandoned, annnnd we're at the center of a zombie-filled building. But on the bright side? We're all probably gonna die." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA on hylännyt minut kahdesti tänään. Selvä pyy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA leaving me twice in one day, lesson learned." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: Tällä ei ole ketään elossa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: No one's alive in here." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Kaikilla on tartunta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Everyone's infected." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: Meitä ei pelasteta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: We aren't getting saved." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: Meidän on pelastettava itse itsemme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: We are going to have to save ourselves, people." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Ihmiset ovat kulkeneet tästä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Looks like people headed this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: Edessä on turvahuone!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: There's a saferoom up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: Ipanan ehdotuksessa voi olla ajatusta. Kokeillaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: I think the little guy's onto something. Let's give it a shot." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA ei pelasta meitä. Onko kellään ideoita?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA's not gonna save us, any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: Idea on hyvä, mutta minä ajan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: I'll agree to the idea, but I'm driving." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: Tästä tulee hauska ajoretki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: What a fun road trip this will be." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: On se parempi kuin minun ideani eli kuolla tänne ostarille." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: Well, it beats my idea: staying here and dying in the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Ok. Tankataan auto, niin pääsemme pois täältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Okay. Let's gas up the car and get the hell out of this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Hommataan bensaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Let's get some GAS!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Tankkaa se!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Fill 'er up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: Tule nyt, tule nyt..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: Tule nyt, tule nyt..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: Tule..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: Come on..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Mene tankkiin, tyhmä bensa! Sinne nyt vaan!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Get in the tank, you stupid goddamn gas, get in the tank." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Senkin paska bensa, tankkiin nyt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Piece of shit gas, GET IN THE CAR!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Tankissa on jo toinen kanisteri!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Got another can in the tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: Vielä yksi tankkiin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: One more for the gas tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: Kuinka iso tankki tässä oikein on?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: How big is the tank in this thing?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Kiirettä, pidä kiirettä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Hophophop! Kiirettä nyt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Come comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon. Come on!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Mene! Sinne! Tankkiin! Nyt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Get! In! The! Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Sisään nyt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Get in there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Mennään! Etsi bensakanisteri!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Tankataan auto!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: Tarvitaan lisää bensaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: We need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: Tarvitaan vieläkin lisää bensaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: We still need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Puolivälissä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Halfway there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Melkein täynnä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: Tarvitaan kaksikymmentä lisää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: We need twenty more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: Tarvitaan kymmenen lisää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: We still need ten more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: Tarvitaan viisi lisää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: We still need five more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Vielä kolme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Just three more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Vielä kaksi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Just two more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: Yksi kanisteri enää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: One more and we can go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: Yksi kanisteri enää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: One more can to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: Tankki on täynnä, nyt kaikki autoon!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: She's all filled up, let's go, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: Kiitos, Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: Thank YOU, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Mennään autolle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Autolle nyt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Would you get to the goddamn car?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: Mahtavaa! Seuraava pysäkki: New Orleans..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: HELL YEAH! Next stop: New Orleans..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Kaikki autolle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Everyone to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: En odota kauaa, menkää autolle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: I'm not waiting long, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: Aika lähteä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: Time to leave people!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: Nyt on mentävä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: Time to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Let's go people, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Nasta lautaan, Ellis!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Hit it, Ellis!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: Ikävä kertoa huonoja uutisia, mutta jollei Ellis osaa rakentaa monsteriautoa, tuosta ei ajamalla läpi pääse." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, guys-but unless Ellis knows how to build a monster truck, we AIN'T drivin' through this." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Älä ota tätä raskaasti, Ellis. Sinä hoidit meidät ulos ostarilta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Don't sweat it, Ellis. At least you got us out of that mall." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: Kirottu Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: God DAMN you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: Hylättyjä autoja on kilometrikaupalla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: Se on... eräs teoria." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: That's... one theory." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: Kiva. Nyt voimme kuolla siellä aikuisina." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: Oh good. Now we can die there as adults." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Tuolla on etsintävalo. Siellä voi olla tie ulos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Searchlights over there. Could be a way out." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Alas tätä poistumisramppia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Down this offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Alas tuota poistumisramppia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Down that offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: Tuo on takuulla se huvipuisto." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: That must be the amusement park." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Moottoritie on tukossa! Oikaistaan motellin läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through this motel!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: Altaalla ei ollut hengenpelastajaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: They're not kidding when they say no lifeguards on duty." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: [vislaa] Nuo kaverit eivät osanneet sukeltaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: Those people SUCKED at high diving." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: Tutkitaan huoneet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: We better search these rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: Katso ensi kerralla eteesi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: I can't believe you fell for that." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Varovasti, tämä rotko on aika jyrkkä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Careful, this gully looks pretty steep." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! Olemme perillä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! We made it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Tehdään se." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Let's do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: Mennään kohti etsintävaloja. Evakuointipaikka on siellä, jos sellaista on." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Tai ehkäpä joku vain kuoli etsintävalon kytkimen päälle. Käydään silti katsomassa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Or maybe a corpse fell on the searchlight button. Still, worth checking out." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: En ole kuullutkaan heistä. Olivatko mistään kotoisin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: Never heard of 'em. They any good?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Nyt minäkin haluan kokeilla laitetta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Now I want to ride one." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Onko muistakin tämä pähkinäjuttu vähän pelottava?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Anybody else find this peanut thing a little terrifying?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Kaveri, jos autat meidät tästä hengissä, uppopaistan sinulle kokonaisen lehmän." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Buddy, if you can get me out of this alive? I will deep-fry you an entire goddamn cow." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: Hän on kuin viisivuotias, jolla on aseet ja kattava kirosanojen tuntemus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: He's like a five year old. With guns. And a comprehensive grasp of every swear word in the English language." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: Tänne päästäkseen on oltava näin pitkä, Ellis. Sori kaveri, sinua tulee ikävä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: You gotta be this tall to get in here, Ellis. Sorry, buddy. You'll be missed." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: Lasken vain leikkiä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: I'm just playin' with ya, man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Ei. Vain paljon Tankeja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Nope. Just lots and lots of Tanks." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: VAU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: Woooooo!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: En pidä tuosta pienestä pähkinäkaverista." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut guy." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: En pidä tuosta pienestä pähkinämiehestä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Kivat aidat. Aivan kuin liittovaltion karusellivankila." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Nice fencing. Looks like a federal carousel penitentiary." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: Aidattu karuselli? Tännekö lapsivangit pääsevät lomilla?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: A fenced-in carousel? Is this where they took child prisoners on day trips?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Portti on auki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: Helvetin kova ääni! Sammuttakaa tuo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: SHIT, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: Helvetin kova ääni! Sammuttakaa tuo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: Goddamn, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Se on sammutettu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Okay, it's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: Hyvä on, mutta pidä kätesi kurissa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: All right, but keep your hands to yourself." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: En ole koskaan ollut näin rentouttavassa turvahuoneessa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: Meidän pitäisi ensin määritellä \"lähellä\"." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: I think we should clarify what constitutes \"close\"." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: Toiveesi toteutui, Ellis. Olemme huvipuistolaitteen kyydissä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're in an amusement park ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Tuleeko muistoja mieleen, Coach? Vain sinä ja juustopurilainen, rakkautta ilmassa..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Bringing back any memories, Coach? You, a cheeseburger, romance in the air..." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Höh. Monia kertoja, helposti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Psh! Huh. Several. Easily." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Ei nyt, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Not the time, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: Ei ole hauskaa, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: Not cool, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Joo. Älä juo sitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Yeah. Don't drink it." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: Mennään rakkauden joutsenenhuoltohuoneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: Menkää rakkauden huoltotunneliin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Palavia rakkauden ammuksia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Tästä reiästä alas!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Down this hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Tuosta reiästä alas!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Down that hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: Tämä on pisin rakkauden tunneli ikinä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: This is the LONGEST Tunnel of Love I've ever seen." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: Toiveesi toteutui, Ellis. Olemme laitteen kyydissä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're on a ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Voi jeesus. Pitääkö meidän kävellä tämän vuoristoradan läpi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Oh, Jesus-we're gonna have to walk across this roller coaster, aren't we?" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: Meidän on tuhottava tämä roskakasa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: Meidän on tuhottava tämä portti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: We gotta get that alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Jonkun on sammutettava hälytys!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Seuratkaa raiteita!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Just follow the tracks, everybody!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Seuratkaa vaan raiteita!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Everybody, just follow the tracks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Alarm's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: Saastuneet eivät kunnioita jonoja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: These infected do NOT respect lines." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: Meidän on tuhottava tämä roskakasa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: Meidän on tuhottava tämä portti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Mennään stadionille." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Let's get into the stadium!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: Pääsemme stadionille tätä kautta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: Helikopterille täytyy lähettää merkki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: We need to signal the helicopter." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: Helikopterille pitää lähettää jokin näkyvä merkki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: We need something big to signal the 'copter." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coach, tuo on luultavasti tyhmin idea, jonka olen koskaan hyväksynyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coach, that is about the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coach, tuo on luultavasti tyhmin idea, jonka olen koskaan hyväksynyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coach, that is the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: En ole koskaan nähnyt Midnight Ridersia, mutta yritetään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: I've never seen the Midnight Riders, but okay. Let's try it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Jos ei ole parempia ideoita, ruvetaan rokkaamaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Unless someone has a better idea, let's rock." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: Finaali täytyy aloittaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: We need to start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Miten finaali aloitetaan?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: Miten tämä finaali aloitetaan?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: How does this finale start?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Ikävä kertoa, Coach, mutta sankarisi käyttävät huulisynkkaa. Täällä takana on nauha, jonka nimenä on finaali." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Sorry to break it to you Coach, but your heroes lip-sync. There's a tape back here labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: Finaali aloitetaan varmaankin painamalla nappia, jossa lukee finaali." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: I think I know how to start the finale, hit the button labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: Kaikki on valmiina finaalia varten." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: This looks all setup for the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: Kun käynnistän nauhan, kuulemme vanhusten rockmusiikkia ja finaali alkaa. Valmistautukaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: When I hit this tape, it's gonna blare some old people's rock music and start the finale. Get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coach, kun käynnistän finaalin, lupaatko olla tanssimatta? Äh, antaa olla, nauha käynnistyy nyt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coach, when I start this finale, you aren't gonna start dancing are you? Ahh, screw it, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: Jos arvostat hyvää musiikkia, tuki korvasi. Finaali alkaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: If you have taste, cover your ears. I'm starting the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, käynnistän finaalin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Kaikki valmiina, finaali käynnistyy kun painan nappia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Everyone ready, I'm gonna hit this and start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Laita valot päälle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Valot!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Laita lisää volyymia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: Tämä skeida on laitettava lujemmalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: We need to turn this crap up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: Nyt jo kaduttaa, mutta laita se lujemmalle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: I'm gonna regret this, but turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Ammu raketit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Set off the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Käynnistä raketit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Launch the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Hit the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Käännä katkaisinta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Flip the switch!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Valot päälle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Turn on the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Laita spotit päälle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Hit the spotlights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Hit the flash pots!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Try the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: Tarvitaan lisää!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: More, we need more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Jatka, jatka!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Keep it up! Keep it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: Kopterin pilotin on pakko huomata tämä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: The copter pilot has got to see this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Jatka sen painamista!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Keep hitting this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Jatka käynnistämistä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Keep setting it off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Paina kaikkea!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Hit everything!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: Tuolla on helikopteri!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: There's the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: Tämä toimii! Kopteri on täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: This worked! The copter is here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: Pilotti taitaa haluta volyymia pienemmälle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: I think the copter pilot wants us to turn it down." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: Hän näkee meidät!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: He sees us!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Pyhä lehmä, se toimi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Holy shit, this worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coach, se toimi, olet nero!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coach, you're a genius! This worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: Se toimi! Coach, minä rakastan sinua!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: It worked! I love you, Coach!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: Hän ei voi laskeutua ennen kuin Tank on tapettu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: He can't land until we kill the Tank." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: Tank pitää tappaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: We need to kill the Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: Tapetaan tämä Tank, niin pääsemme pois!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: We kill this Tank and we're outta here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: Helikopteri laskeutui. Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: The pilot's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Nouskaa helikopteriin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Get on the helicopter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Kaikki helikopteriin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Everyone to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Hyvää työtä Tankin kanssa. Nyt menoksi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Nice job with the Tank, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Kopteri laskeutui, mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Copter's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Mennään, kaikki helikopteriin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Let's go, let's go to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: En voi uskoa, ettei kukaan ajatellut ampua häntä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: I can't believe none of you were going to shoot him." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: No ei hänestä olisi ollut suurta hyötyä zombina, vai olisiko?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: Well, he wasn't doing a very good job once he became a zombie now was he?" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: Ammuin zombin. Hän oli zombi, Ellis. Luultavasti häntä purtiin juuri ennen kuin hän haki meidät." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: I shot a zombie. He was a zombie, Ellis. He must have gotten bitten before he picked us up." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: Ei ongelmia, kaveri. Anteeksi tuo laskeutuminen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: No problem, big guy, sorry about the landing." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Hienoa. Teemme pakkolaskun kylään, joka vihaa kaikkia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Great, we crash land in front of a village that hates everyone." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: Tämä se näyttää ystävälliseltä paikalta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: This looks like a friendly place." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: En usko, että zombit osaavat lukea." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: I don't think zombies can read." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: Kylttiin olisi pitänyt lisätä zombikielto." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: They probably should have added no zombies to that sign." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: Meidän on kutsuttava tuo vene tänne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: We gotta get that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: Meidän on kutsuttava tuo vene tänne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: We need to call that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: Kutsun veneen tänne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: I'm calling over the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, kutsun veneen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Get ready, I'm calling the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Menkää kulkusilloille!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Get on the walkways!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Auh, kulkusilta hajosi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Whoa! The walkway broke!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Auh!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Whoa!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: Kokeillaan toista siltaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: We need to try the other walkway!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: Pahus. Tämä suo ei ole eduksi valkoiselle puvulleni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: Shit. This swamp is going to ruin my white suit." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Aivot saa pois, mutta suovettä ei millään. Älä kysy, mistä sen tiedän." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Brains come out. Swamp water doesn't. Don't ask me how I know that." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: Tämä suo on silkka taudinaiheuttajien pesäke." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: This swamp is just a cesspool for disease." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: Tunnen kuinka jalkasieni leviää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: I can feel my feet growing fungus." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: Suot eivät ole meikäläisen paikkoja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: These swamps don't agree with me." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Kuivaa maata edessä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Dry land up ahead." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: En suostu kuolemaan suolla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: I am not dying in this goddamn swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: Ehkä kävely onkin ihan mukavaa (katsoo pudonnutta lentokonetta)" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: I guess walking isn't so bad." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: Pääsemme tästä ovesta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: We can get through this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: Paljonko vetoa, että oven avaaminen laukaisee hälytyksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: Meidän on avattava tämä ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Avatkaa ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: Hätäuloskäynti on ainoa reitti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: Paljonko vetoa, että oven avaaminen laukaisee hälytyksen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: Meidän on avattava tämä ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Avatkaa ovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: Hätäuloskäynti on ainoa reitti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: Avaan oven." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Valmistautukaa, avaan oven." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Get ready, I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Hei!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: Jestas, ehkä suoihmiset selviytyivät tästä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: Holy shit, maybe the swamp people made it!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: Heillä on virtaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: They have power!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: Huhuu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: Huhuu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEI! HUHUU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEY! HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: ONKO KETÄÄN KOTONA?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: ANYBODY HOME?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: Suoihmiset eivät selviytyneet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: The swamp people didn't make it." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: Tämä näyttää pahalta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: This is ugly." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: Kylässä on paljon ruumiita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: There're a lot of bodies in this village." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: Tonneittain ruumiita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: That's a shit ton of bodies." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Osa heistä suuntasi jokea kohti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Looks like some of them headed to the river." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: Meidän laskettava tämä lankku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: We need to lower this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: Pääsemme yli vain lankkua pitkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: The only way is over this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Laskekaa lankku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Lower the plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Lower the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: Lasken sillan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: I'm lowering the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Valmiina! Lasken sillan!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Get ready! Lowering the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: Asuiko näissä hökkeleissä oikeasti joku?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: Did people really live in these shacks?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: Tämä on erittäin epähygieenistä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: This is just really unsanitary." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Missä täällä asuneet pesivät kätensä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Where did anyone who lived here wash their hands?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: En tiedä, joku maatila?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: I don't know, some plantation?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: Iso ja vanha talo, jonka edessä on portti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: We're at a big old house with a gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Pyhä isä, olemme saapuneet helvettiin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Oh god, we're in hell." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Kunhan vitsailen. Olemme maatilalla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Nothing, nothing, we're at a plantation." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: Maatila, jonka päärakennukselle vie iso portti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: At a plantation with a big gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: Olemme suurella portilla, jossa on radio. Kuulostaako tutulta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: We're standing by a big gate, a big gate with a radio by it. Sound familiar?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: Olen isolla portilla, joka on ison talon edessä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: I'm standing by a big gate, in front of a big house." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: Meitä on neljä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: There's four of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Neljä, yksi on nainen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Four of us, one is woman." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Neljä, mukaan lukien tyttö." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Four, including a girl." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Meitä on neljä. Meillä on rahaa, jos se auttaisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Four of us, We have money if that helps." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Meitä on kolme jäljellä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Three of us left." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Meitä on enää kaksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Only two of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Vain minä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Vain minä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Joo, eiköhän se onnistu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Yeah, I guess we can do that." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: Voimme odottaa sinua, mutta pidä kiirettä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: We can wait for you, but hurry up will you?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Totta kai voimme odottaa. Täällä on aika hiljaista." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Sure, we can wait. Pretty quiet here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: Odotamme täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: We'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Älä meistä huoli, odotamme täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Don't worry about us, we'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Vene on täällä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Cajun-kaverimme räjäytti portin auki. Mennään!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Our Cajun buddy blew open the gate, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Mennään veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: Veneeseen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: To the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Vau! Luulin, että hän vain avaisi portin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Wow! I thought he'd just OPEN the gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: Avautuu se portti noinkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: That's one way to open that gate." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: Millä meidän oli tarkoitus lähettää hänelle merkki?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: What are we supposed to signal him with?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: Mikä aselaukku?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: What gun bag?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: Minä? Milloin minusta tehtiin asekassin valvoja?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: ME? Who died and made me gun monitor?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Hienoa. Nyt me olemme kus-" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Great. We are screw-" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: Asekassissa on valoraketteja." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: There's flares in the gun bag." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: Et ottanut aseita?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: You didn't grab the guns?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: Huoltoasema on heti tien toisella puolella. Haetaan bensa ja mietitään sitten, miten saamme Virgille merkin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: The gas station's right across the street. Let's just get the gas and then we'll figure out how to signal Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: Ok, hyvä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: All right, fine." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: Haluatko ennustuksen?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: You wanna hear a prediction?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: Sieltä on bensa loppu. Katso vaikka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: There's not gonna be any gas. Watch." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Helppo keikka muuttui juuri maratoniksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Looks like our milk run just turned into a marathon." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: Ei bensaa. Upeaa. Tämä on aivan loistavaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: No gas. Terrific. This is just great." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: Ei bensaa. Mitäs minä sanoin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: No gas. See? What'd I say?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: Miksi heillä olisi bensaa?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: What makes you think they have gas?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Kolme kilometriä? Paska. Ja alkaa sataakin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Two miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Kolme kilometriä? Paska. Ja alkaa sataakin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Three miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Hoidetaan homma ja lähdetään takaisin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Let's just get this done and get back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: Sade yltyy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: The rain's getting worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: Kohta sataa jo kaatamalla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: It's really starting to come down." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Paska. Näyttäisi tulevan kunnon myrsky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Shit. It looks like it's really gonna storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: Mennään nopeammin. En halua jäädä tänne myrskyn vangiksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: We need to move faster. I don't wanna get trapped out here in a storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Painakaa maisemat mieleenne. Paluumatkalla voi olla pimeää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Look for landmarks. It might be dark on our way back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: Onko jokaisella täällä oma vene?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: What, does everybody around here have a boat?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: Jos sade jatkuu, voimme seilata tällä Virgilin luo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, we can sail this thing right to Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Tämän leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Through this playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Tuon leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Through that playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Oikaistaan myyjäisten läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: Pahan näköinen hylky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: Now THAT is a nasty wreck." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Seuratkaa näitä valoja!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Follow these lights!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Mennään myyjäisiä kohti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Head for the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: Sokeritehdas on tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: There's the sugar mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: Tie on tukittu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: The road's blocked." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: Meidän on mentävä sokeritehtaan läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: I think we gotta cut through the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: Sade ei osoita loppumisen merkkejä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: This rain doesn't look like it's gonna let up." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Toivottavasti sade ei tästä enää ylly." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Christ, I hope this rain doesn't get any worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: Vesi kerääntyy jo lammikoiksi. Hitto." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: The water's starting to pool. Shit." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: Pahus, koko paikka alkaa tulvia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: Ah shit, this place is already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: Taivas ei näytä hyvältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: The sky looks bad." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: Nyt alkaa tulvia tosissaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: It's already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Kiesus. Tervetuloa Witch-maahan..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Jesus. Welcome to Witchville..." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Witchit tykkäävät näköjään sokerista." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Witches must really love sugar." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: Sano muuta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: Tell me about it." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: Valtavasti Witchejä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: That is a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Valtavasti Witchejä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Man, that's a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: Näin paljon parkuvia naisia en olekaan nähnyt sitten omien häitteni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: The last time I saw this many crying women was at my wedding." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Suunnatkaa viljahissille!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Head for the grain elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: Ylös tuota ramppia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: Up that ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: Ylös tätä ramppia!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: Up this ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Sokeriruokopellon poikki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Through the cane field!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Vehnäpellon poikki!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Through the wheat farm!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Ihan niin kuin haluat, maajussi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Whatever you say, Farmer Joe." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: Voimme laskeutua tuolla hissillä pellolle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Painakaa joku hissin nappia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: HISSI ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: TULKAA KYYTIIN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: GET IN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: KAIKKI HISSIIN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Paina nappia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Hit the button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Paina nappia uudestaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Hit the button again." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ! SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: KEEP MOVING!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: Halleluja! Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: Hallelujah. There's the gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Bensa näyttäisi olevan sisällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Looks like the gas is inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Haetaan bensa ja häivytään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Let's get the gas and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: Pumpuissa ei ole mitään. Etsitään sisältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: The pumps are dry. Let's check inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: Turvahuoneessa on bensaa!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: There's gas in the safe room!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Ovatko kaikki tankanneet ja valmiita lähtöön?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Okay, everybody gassed up and good to go?" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Menoksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Let's hit it." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Jep." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Yup." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: Minulla on omani." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: I got mine." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: Hän vihaa noita kanistereja!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: Hän vihaa noita kanistereja!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: Ainakin tämä paskaläpi vähän puhdistuu, jos ei muuta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: Well, at least this shithole'll get CLEANER..." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: Myrsky on täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: Ohhh shit, the storm has arrived." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: Nyt kusee kunnolla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: It's pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: Nyt kusee taivaalta kunnolla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: is it ever pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: Jos sade jatkuu tällaisena, vene voi tulla tänne eikä päinvastoin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, the boat can come to US." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: Vene ei ole enää kaukana." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: The boat isn't much farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Pysytelkää korkealla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Keep to high ground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: Ohitimme tuon työmaamerkin tulomatkalla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: There's the construction barrels. We passed these on the way in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: Pääsemme kattojen yli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: We can get across the roofs." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: Muistan tuon kuistin valon." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: I remember that porch light." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: Tuossa on se hylky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: There's the wreck!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: Myyjäiset! Olemme oikealla reitillä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: The yard sale! We're going the right way!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: Leikkikenttä! Melkein perillä!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: The playground! We're almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: Muistan tämän paikan menomatkalta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: I remember this place from the way in." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: Burger Tank! Me teimme sen!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: There's Burger Tank! We made it!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: Jos sytytämme kyltin, Virgil saattaisin nähdä sen." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: If we turn the sign on, Virgil might see it." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: Kannattaa kokeilla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: It's worth a shot." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Sytyttäkää kyltin valo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Turn the sign on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Kyltti on sytytetty!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Sign's on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Tulehan nyt, Virgil..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Tulehan nyt, Virgil..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: KYLTTI SAMMUI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: SYTYTTÄKÄÄ KYLTTI UUDESTAAN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: SOMEBODY RESTART THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: HUOMASITTEKO? VIRGIL NÄKI MEIDÄT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: YOU SEE THAT? VIRGIL SEES US!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: TUOLLA ON VIRGIL!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL ON TÄÄLLÄ! MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL'S HERE! GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: Olet kunnon kaveri, Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: You're all right, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: Pidä huolta itsestäsi, Virgil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: You too, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: Tarkoitatko tuota hämärää viivaa horisontissa? Eipäs mennä asioiden edelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: You mean that blurry line on the horizon? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Sillan näkeminen ja sen luokse pääseminen ovat nimittäin kaksi ihan eri asiaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Yeah, well, seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: Onkohan tuo hyvä uutinen..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: I wonder if that's good news..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: Minulla on huono fiilis tästä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about that..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: Tämä vaikuttaa epäilyttävältä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: Ihmisiä ei yleensä evakuoida suihkuhävittäjillä..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: You don't evacuate people in fighter jets..." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: Voimme oikaista puiston läpi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: We can cut through this park!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Hyvä havainto, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Nice observation, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: Moottoritie näyttäisi menevän sillalle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: That freeway looks like it heads to the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: Seurataan sitä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: Let's follow it." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Jösses, mikä haisee?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Jesus, what's that stink?" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: Joku? Coach, tiedät hyvin kuka tämän teki." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: Somebody? Christ, Coach, you know who did this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: Jessus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: Christ." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Nämä ovat ihmisiä, helvetti soikoon! He ampuivat ihmisiä. Minähän sanoin, että tässä on jotain epäilyttävää." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Jesus. These are people! They were shooting people. I told you I had a bad feeling about this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: Ei hyvä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: Not good." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: Kun avaamme oven, hälytys alkaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: As soon as we open the door, the alarm's gonna sound." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Valmistautukaa juoksemaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Get ready to run." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: JUOSKAA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: ÄLKÄÄ PYSÄHTYKÖ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: KEEP RUNNING!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: MENKÄÄ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: JUOKSE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: JUST RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: LIIKETTÄ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: MOVE MOVE!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: HÄLYTYS ON SAMMUTETTAVA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Bussiaseman läpi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Through this bus station!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: Meidän on seurattava moottoritietä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: We gotta keep following the freeway." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: Silta ei voi olla enää kaukana." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: The bridge can't be far now." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: Mitä helvettiä täällä tapahtui?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: What the hell was going on here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Sotatoimialue tuntuisi loppuvan tähän." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Looks like we're leaving the military zone." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: Jos tuo äskeinen oli turvallisuutta, en malta odottaa mitä tuolla on." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: If that was their idea of safety, I can't wait to see what's out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: Tämä näyttää huonolta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: This is bad..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: Mitä hittoa tämä kaveri oli tekemässä?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: What the hell was this guy doing?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Onko tämä kirjanpito sitä mitä luulen?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Does this guy's scorecard mean what I think it means?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Jumalauta. Täällä on pantu kaikki lihoiksi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Jesus, it was open season on everything out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Voi ei, ei viemäriin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Oh Christ, not the sewer." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: [itsekseen] Sanos muuta..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: Tell me about it..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: [reagoi kamalaan hajuun] Herrajumala, haju menee suoraan aivoihin." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: Oh my god, the stink's inside my head." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Turpa kiinni, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Shut up, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: Minä en aio mennä... No antaa olla, mennään sitten." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: I am NOT climbing into... Ah screw it. Let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: Loistavaa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: Terrific." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Haistatko vielä viemärin?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Do you still smell sewer?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Minä haistan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Because I still smell it." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: Ei ole totta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: You have GOT to be kidding me." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Autohälyttimiä on kaikkialla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Christ, there's car alarms everywhere." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Varovasti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Careful. Carefuuulll." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: MONTAKO AUTOA AJATTELIT AMPUA?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: HOW MANY OF THESE CARS ARE YOU GONNA SHOOT?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: JOS HALUAT AMPUA AUTOJA, AMMUTAAN SITTEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: YOU WANNA START SHOOTING CARS, LET'S SHOOT CARS!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: Vihdoinkin, olemme perillä. Olemme sillalla! Olemme täällä!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: That's it! We're really here! We're on the bridge! We're here! We're here!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: ÄLKÄÄ NYT VIITSIKÖ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: OH COME ON!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: Pitäisikö siltikin vain panikoida? Luulen nimittäin, että paniikki on keksitty juuri tällaisia tilanteita varten." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: You sure we shouldn't just panic? I mean, I think panic was invented for just this sort of situation." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: He räjäyttävät tämän sillan varmistaakseen perääntymisen. Jos haluamme heidän mukaansa, nyt tuli kiire." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: They're blowing this bridge to cover a retreat. If we wanna go with 'em, we better hurry." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellis, sinulla on kymmenen eri asetta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellis, you're carrying like ten different guns." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: Loppuivatko heiltä pommitettavat sillat..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: I guess they ran outta bridges to bomb..." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Se on vahvistettu: he yrittävät nyt tappaa meidät." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: LOPETTAKAA MEIDÄN POMMITTAMINEN." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: STOP BOMBING US!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: [sarkastisena] Hei kiitos, Ellis." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: Yeah thanks, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Nuo kaverit ovat täysiä paskiaisia." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Christ, those guys are such assholes." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: HITTOLAINEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: HITTOLAINEN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Ei helvetti, mehän onnistuimme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Se on vahvistettu: he yrittävät nyt tappaa meidät." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Ei helvetti, mehän onnistuimme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: Sillassa on turvahuone!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: Siinä on turvahuone!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: There's a safe room in it!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Ennen kuin juoksemme sillan yli kohti meitä pommittaneita ihmisiä, pitäisikö tehdä varasuunnitelma?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Before we run across this bridge right toward the people who've been dropping bombs on us, anyone wanna talk about a Plan B?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Ou jee." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Oh yeah." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: [hekottelee] Okei, mennään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: All right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: Okei, mennään." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: Okay, all right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Niin, tai sitten meidät ammutaan seinää vasten." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Or they're gonna line us up against a wall and shoot us." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Nuo ovat sotilaita. Kerrotaan heille, että olemme täällä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Hey, those are soldiers. Let's let 'em know we're here." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: Vastaisiko joku siihen radioon?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: Is somebody gonna pick up the radio?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Öh, haloo?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Um, hello?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: Emme ole saastuneita." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: We are NOT infected." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Niinkin voisi sanoa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Niinkin voisi sanoa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Tämä selvä. Täältä tullaan." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Roger that. Here we come." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Laskekaa nostosilta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Somebody lower the lift bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: TUOLLA ON HELIKOPTERI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: THERE'S THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: MENKÄÄ KOPTERIIN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: GET TO THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: Nimeni on Nick. Meitä on täällä neljä... sillan läntisessä päässä." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: My name's Nick. There's four of us on the...on the west end of the bridge." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: Mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: I got this for ya, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: Haluan antaa tämän sulle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Ota tämä, se on sulle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Here ya go, I got this for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Tässä on, kamu." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Here ya go, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Tässä on, haluan antaa tämän sulle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Here ya go, man, I want ya to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: Ota sinä tämä." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: You can have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Haluan antaa tämän sulle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Hey, I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Odota, tässä on." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Hold on now, hold on now, here ya go." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Ota tämä!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Ota tämä nyt vaan!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Just take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Hei, tässä!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Here!, here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Nappaa tämä!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Grab this here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Odota nyt! Mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Wait up, now! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hei, mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Älähän häivy, mulla on sulle jotakin tässä." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin', now! I got somethin' for you right here." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Odota nyt! Mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Wait up! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hei, mulla on sulle jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Älähän häivy, mulla on sulle jotakin tässä." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin' I got somethin' for ya" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Kaveri hei, odota." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Dude, dude, hold up." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hei kaveri, odota!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hey umm... you! Hold up!" "Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Joo, oon valmiina. Oletteko te?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm ready, y'all ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Valmiina?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Oletteko valmiina?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Y'all ready?" "Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Huhhuh, perääntykää!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Whoa, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: Tulkaa takaisin nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: Come on, back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Taakse, taakse!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Perääntykää!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Peräänny!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Tulkaa takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Come on, move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Taakse, taakse!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Taaksepäin!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Hey, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Perääntykää." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Liikkukaa taaksepäin." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Mene takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Mene takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hei, tule takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hey, move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Perääntykää." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: JEAH!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: YEAH!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: KUOLE!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: JEE! SIITÄ SAAT!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: WOO! GET SOME, BABY GET SOME!" "Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: KUOLKAA SÖPÖLÄISET, KUOLKAA!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: DIE, DIE MY DARLINS! DIE, DIE, DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Ammu se!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Shoot it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Ampukaa!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Tapa se, tapa!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Jatkakaa ampumista!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Hey, keep shooting, keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Sytytä se paskiainen!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Light that mother up!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Tapa se, tapa!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Jatka ampumista!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Just keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Tappakaa se!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Kill him!" "Mechanic_Blank" " " "[english]Mechanic_Blank" " " "Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Auh... Tämä homma on perseestä!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: En näe paskaakaan!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: I can't see shit!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Hemmetti, olen liman peitossa." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Oh, Christ! I'm all gooed." "Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Voi perseensuti! Mut limattiin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Auh... Tämä homma on perseestä!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Voi perseensuti! Mut limattiin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hei, lopettakaa hölmöily! Auttakaa mut pois täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hey y'all, quit playin' man! Get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Auttakaa mut pois täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Apua! Kuuleeko kukaan?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Help, man! Anybody out there?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: Täällä tarvittaisiin apua." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: I need some help, man!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Auttaisiko joku kiltti mut pois täältä?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Can somebody get me out of here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Voisiko joku auttaa mua vähän?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: Tarvitsen apua täällä! Ihan totta." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: Okay, I could use some help here! Serious." "Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Tulkaa nyt, auttakaa mut pois! Täällä on tylsää." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hei kaikki! Älkää unohtako mua tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hey everybody! Don't forget about me in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: Olisin todella kiitollinen jos joku nyt auttaisi mut täältä pois!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: All right, I'd really appreciate it if somebody'd get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: Jäin jumiin tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: I'm trapped in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Apua! Apua! Apuaaa!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Help! Help! Hellllppp!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Voisiko joku auttaa mua vähän?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: I could use some help here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Tulkaa nyt, auttakaa mut pois! Täällä on tylsää." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Pidättekö te vaan hauskaa siellä ilman mua?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Hey, you guys havin' fun out there without me?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Auttaisiko joku mut pois täältä?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Can one of y'all get me out of here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: Ette uskalla pelastaa mua täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: I triple dog dare ya to rescue me!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: Odottakaa, ettehän te meinaa jättää mua tänne?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: Now hold on, you're not thinking of leavin' me in here are ya?" "Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [kuristuu]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Ammu kieltä!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: Smoker osui muhun!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [kuristuu]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Paska! Smoker osui muhun!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Shit! Smoker's got me!" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Sulkisiko joku oven?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Y'all gonna close the door?" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Lukitkaa jo se ovi." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Come on, close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: Ovi pitäisi sulkea." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: I'm thinking we should close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: Miksi kukaan ei sulje ovea?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: Why don't we just, uh, close that door?" "Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [yskii savun vuoksi]" "[english]Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [Coughing from smoke]" "Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Varmistakaa mun selusta, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Can someone watch my back, I'm gonna heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Suojatkaa mua. Pitää paikata haavat!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Can y'all cover me? I gotta heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Odottakaa heti, paikkaan haavat!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Odottakaa heti, paikkaan haavat!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Odottaisiko joku, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Odottaisiko joku, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Paikkaan haavat. Suojatkaa mua!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Paikkaan haavat. Suojatkaa mua!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Voisiko joku suojata mua? Yritän paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Hey, can somebody cover me? I'm gonna try to heal." "Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: Nyt on pakko paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: Ah hell, gonna try and heal myself." "Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Toivottavasti teen tämän oikein." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Hope to hell I'm doing this right." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: Noin se siis tehdään." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: So that's how ya do it." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: Ok, nyt ymmärrän mitä sä teet." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: Okay, okay, I see what you're doin' there." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, sä olet selvästi tehnyt tätä ennenkin." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Oh, now, Coach, you like you've done this before." "Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Voi paska! Paska! VOI PASKA..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: Tämä on vakavaa, mä saan kohta sydärin!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: This is gettin' as serious as a heart attack!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Voi paska! Paska! VOI PASKA..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit, man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ohhh... Älkää jättäkö mua!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ohhh... don't you leave me now!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Voi, Rochelle! Me ollaan nyt kaksin." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Oh, Rochelle! It's just you and me girl." "Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Let's go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Vauhtia!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Go go go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hei, nyt pitää mennä!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hey, man, we gotta go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Juokse nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Just run!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Mennään." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Lähdetään." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Move out." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Jatka vaan." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Keep going." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Juokse nyt vaan." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Just run, damn it." "Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Seuraa mua." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Follow me." "Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: Pysykää mukana." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: Come on, stick with me y'all." "Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Tulkaa perässä tänne." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Follow me this way." "Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: Tätä tietä, kaverit!" "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: This way, guys!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: Miksi te ammutte mua koko ajan?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: En mä ole mikään zombi. Ampukaa niitä!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: Hei lopettakaa, ei ole enää hauskaa!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: Come on, it's not funny anymore!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: Mä tiedän että sä ammuit mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: Toi ei ole kivaa. Ihan totta." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: That's not cool. Seriously." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: Miksi te ammutte mua koko ajan?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: En mä ole mikään zombi. Ampukaa niitä!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie, man. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Älä ammu minua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Stop shooting me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: Miksi sä noin teit?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: What was that for?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Etkö tiedä, että luodit sattuu oikeasti!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Those bullets hurt ya know!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: Hei, varo vähän! Perhana." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: Come on, watch it! Damn." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Voisitko olla ampumatta mua? Kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Would ya mind not shooting me, please?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Kuulkaa, mun ampuminen ei hyödytä ketään." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Ya know, shooting me ain't gonna help nothin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: Helvetti, kaveri. Ei sulla ole mitään syytä ampua mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: Damn, man. Ain't got but no reason to be shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: Onko sulla vikaa päässä kun ammut mua?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: You ain't right in the head shootin' me like that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: Nyt mä olen niin vihainen että polla hajoaa." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: Oletteko te kaikki tulleet hulluiksi?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: Did y'all take leave of your senses?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: Nyt hei, lopeta mun ampuminen!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: Damn man, quit shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: Sä ammut mua! Onpa järkevää touhua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: You shootin' me! Well that just dills my pickle!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: Ammut mua!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: You're shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Tee tuo vielä kerran, niin hakkaan sut tohjoksi." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Do that again and I'll knock you into next week." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: Nyt mä olen niin vihainen että polla hajoaa." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm, man." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Tajuatteko että te ammuitte mua?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Y'all know you shot me right?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Te kaikki ammutte mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Man, y'all are shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hei! Se osui muhun!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hey, man! That hit me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Au, tuo sattuu!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Whoa, Whoa that hurts!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: Älä ammu minua!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: Okay, stop shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Lopeta jo mun ampuminen!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Quit shooting me, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Lopeta mun ampuminen!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Quit shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Lopeta mun ampuminen." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Don't be shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hei, eihän ammuta toisiamme." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hey, let's stop shooting each other, please!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Mitä jos emme ampuisi toisiamme?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Let's not shoot each other!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: Me ollaan samaa tiimiä!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: We're on the same team!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: Jos ette tienneet, niin ammutuksi tuleminen tekee kipeää!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: In case y'all didn't know - it hurts to get shot!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: Säästetään luodit zombeja varten." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: Why don't we save those bullets for the zombies." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: Sä et selkeästikään opettanut ammuntaa koulussa." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: I can see you weren't the shootin' coach." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Coach! Älä ammu mua!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Yo, Coach! Stop shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nick! Oliko tuo tahallista?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nick! Did you mean to do that?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nick! Mä tiedän, että se olit sä." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nick! I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Haluaisiko neiti, että opetan teitä käyttämään asettanne oikein?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Ma'am, you want me to show you how to work that thing?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, nyt lopeta!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, STOP GIRL!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: Rochelle! Mä tiedän, että se olit sä." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: Okay, Rochelle, I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach on oikeassa, sä ammuit mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach is right, you shot him." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Sanonpahan vaan." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Just sayin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: Hei tyttö, luulin että me ollaan ystäviä." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: Come on, girl, I thought we were closer than that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nick, mä tiedän että sä ammuit mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nick, I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nick, NICK! Älä ammu mua." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nick, NICK! Don't shoot me." "Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: No enpä olisi hoksannut!" "[english]Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Voi herranen aika." "[english]Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Why bless your heart." "Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: No enpä olisi hoksannut!" "[english]Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Pahus." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Bleedin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Taidan olla kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Think I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: Sattuu!" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: Tekee kipeää." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: I hurt." "Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: Olen riekaleina." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: I'm pretty torn up." "Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Taidan olla kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Reckon I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Reckon I been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: Kaikki hyvin." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: Olen kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: I'm all right." "Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Olen ok... Ehkä." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Olen ok... Ehkä." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: Voisin voida paremminkin." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: I could be better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: Mistä pirusta mä tietäisin." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: Hell, I don't know." "Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Näytänkö olevan kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Do I look all right?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Sattuu." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Hurtin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: Siistiä." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Hyvin, entä itse?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Good, how're you?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: Voin mainiosti, kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: I'm just great, thanks." "Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Sori, en halunnut hoputtaa." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Sorry, don't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: En mä mitään itke." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: Hell no, I ain't cryin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: Kyllä mä vielä pystyn taistelemaan." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: I still got some fight in me." "Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: Jään henkiin." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: I'll live." "Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Vähän kivulias." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Little sore." "Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Vihainen itselleni." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Pissed at myself." "Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: Tämä ei ollut suunnitelmissani." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: This was not in my plan." "Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: Sattuu tosi paljon." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: I'm hurtin' real bad." "Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: Sattuu!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: Olen riekaleina." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: I'm all torn up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: Jokin on pielessä." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: This ain't right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: Ne hakkasivat minusta paskat pihalle." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: They knocked the piss out of me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ohh." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ohh....." "Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: Joka paikkaa kolottaa." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: I've got a misery in my bones." "Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: En juksaa, sattuu pahasti!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: I ain't lyin', this hurts!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: Ei tunnu hyvältä." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: I don't feel right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: Nyt taisi sattua pahasti." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: I think I really hurt something." "Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Voi helvetin helvetti." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Oh man, oh man, oh man." "Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Tarvitsen ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Best be findin' me a health kit." "Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: En liioittele yhtään, sattuu oikeasti." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: I ain't just goin' on, I'm really hurt." "Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Hei porukka, mä olen haavoittunut!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Y'all , y'all I'm hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ei helvetissä." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ah hell no, ah hell no." "Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: Zombit yrittävät tappaa mut." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: These here zombies are tryin' to kill me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Perkele, nyt särkee." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Ahh shit this hurts." "Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Nyt ei mene hyvin." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Man, I ain't doin' too good." "Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Voi hitto että sattuu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Oh, man, I'm hurtin'." "Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: Pakko yrittää pysyä mukana." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: Come on. I gotta keep up, gotta keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Olen pahoillani, mutta yritän pysyä mukana." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Sorry, man, I'm trying to keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Sori, mutta en pääse nopeammin." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Sorry, I can't go any faster." "Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: Menen niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: Mä olen aivan lopussa." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: I am all tuckered out." "Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: Jumalauta että sattuu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: Goddamn I hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: Voisin ottaa nyt päiväunet." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: I could go for a nap, right now." "Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Kusessa ollaan. En selviydy tästä." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Well, screw me. I'm not gonna make it." "Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: Jos tämä ei lopu, mä kuolen." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: I reckon if this keeps up, I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: En mä halua kirota itseäni, mutta kyllä mä nyt kuolen." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: I don't mean to be cursing myself, but I think I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: Sattuu niin, että silmissä viiraa." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: I hurt so bad, I don't see right." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: Mulla on Spitterin töhkää joka puolella!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: I got Spitter shit on me!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Spitterin limaa!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Pysykää erossa limasta!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Get out of the Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: Helvetti, Spitterin limaa." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: Ahh hell, man, Spitter goo." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Eteenpäin, mä olen Spitterin mönjässä." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Move, move, I'm in Spitter shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: PERKELE! LIMAA!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: GODDAMN! GOO!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: Se polttaa!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: This stuff burns, man!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Miksi se polttaa!!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Ah this shit burns!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: Mitä helvettiä!?!? Sylkeekö ne tulta?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: What the hell? Spittin' fire?" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Juokse! Tämä on aivan tajutonta." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Hey run, man! This is some crazy shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: Upeaa, nyt ne sylkevät jotakin paskaa meidän niskaan." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: Ahh great, now their spittin' shit at us." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Tappakaa tuo paskaa sylkevä zombi." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Yo, somebody's gotta kill that zombie spittin' shit." "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Charger osui minuun!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Charger's got me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Ammu Charger! Ammu se!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Shoot the Charger, man! Shoot the Charger!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: Se tappaa mut!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: It's killing me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: Se hakkaa mut paskaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: He's bashing me into shit!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Helvetti soikoon se hakkaa mut kuoliaaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Ahhh hell it's pounding me to death!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Charger repii mut kappaleiksi!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Charger's ripping me up!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Tappakaa tämä helvetin otus!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Kill this thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Ampukaa se!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Shoot the damn thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Ammu se! Ammu se!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Just shoot it! SHOOT IT!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: HOMMATKAA SE POIS SELÄSTÄNI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: GET THIS OFF MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY ON SELÄSSÄNI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: I GOT A JOCKEY ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: PASKIAINEN ON MUN SELÄSSÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: SUMBITCH IS ON MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: EI SEN KUULU OLLA MUN SELÄSSÄ, OTTAKAA POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: THIS AIN'T RIGHT HAVING THIS THING ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: OTTAKAA TÄMÄ OTUS POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: SE RATSASTAA MULLA!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: THIS THINGS RIDING ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: MEINAAKO SE KÖYRIÄ MUA!??!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: IS THIS THING HUMPING ME?!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: Ihan kuin apina aasin selässä." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: It's like a monkey on a mule." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Mihin tuo otus menee niiden kanssa?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Where's that thing goin' with 'em?" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: Nöyryyttävää." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: That's just humiliating." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: Ei erityisen arvokkaan näköistä." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: That don't look dignified." "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Uh!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Ugh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Argh!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Aaaauh!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Daaa-ugh!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: Ei!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: EEEEEIIII!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: NOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Voi EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Ah, NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: AARGH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: AAGH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Ngahhh!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Ngahhh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER OSUI MINUUN!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER OSUI MINUUN!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: Ei!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Argh!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: VOI EI!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: D'OH, OH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: AAAAH!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: DAAAAH!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: Mikä muhun osui?!?!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: What the hell's got me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Apua, mut on lassottu!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Oh! I've been lassoed!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: Auttakaa, en voi liikkua!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: I can't move help!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: Se raahaa mua jonnekin!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: I'm getting dragged away!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Mihin se raahaa mua?!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Where's this thing draggin' me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Helvetin... KIELI!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Mother f... TONGUE!!!" "Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Heitän putkipommin." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Heitän putkipommin." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Heitän molotovin." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Throwing a Molotov." "Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: MOLOTOV TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: PUTKIPOMMI ILMASSA!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Tulta tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Hey, fire's comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Kohta räjähtää!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Fire in the hole!" "Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Tulta tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Fire is a comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Jahtaa tätä!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Chase this!" "Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Putkipommi ilmassa!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Pipe bomb on the way!" "Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hei, jahtaa tätä!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hey! Chase this!" "Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Odota, anna mun paikata haavasi." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Hold on let me heal ya!" "Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Let me patch ya up." "Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Anna kun käytän suhun ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Let me use this health kit on ya." "Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Tässä, en olisi tarvinnut sitä muutenkaan." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Tässä, en olisi tarvinnut sitä muutenkaan. Ei mua kukaan ammu." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow. I ain't gonna get shot." "Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Anna kun paikkaan haavasi. Sitä varten ystävät on!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Let me heal ya, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Anna kun paikkaan haavasi. Sitä varten ystävät on!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Let me heal ya up now, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Tässä. Sulle on tästä enemmän hyötyä kuin mulle." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Here ya go now. You'll probably put this to better use than me." "Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: Sulle on tästä enemmän hyötyä kuin mulle." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: You'll probably put this to better use than me anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: En oikein osaa vielä, joten menee hetki." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so hold on a minute." "Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: En oikein osaa vielä, joten menee hetki." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so just hold on." "Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Odota hetki, paikkaan sinut." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Let me try and fix you up." "Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: Harjoittelen ensin sulla ja kokeilen sitten vasta itseeni." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: I better practice on you before I do this on myself." "Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Odota sekunti. Näin se varmaan tehdään." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Hang on a minute, I think it goes somethin' like this." "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Koita kestää!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Hold on! Hold on!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Pysy paikallasi, paikkaan haavasi!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Stay still, I'm healin' ya!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Jatkakaa ampumista!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Don't stop shootin'!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Jatkakaa ampumista, älkää lopettako!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Keep shootin', man, Keep shootin!" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: Jakamisen iloa on kiva katsella." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: That's nice to see ya sharin'." "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Sä paikkaat haavasi kunnolla, vai?" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Ah, you're gettin' all fixed up nice like, huh?" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: Sä teet tosi hyvää jälkeä." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: That there's a good job you're doin." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: Tuossa sä olet parempi kuin mä." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: You do that better than me." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: Sä teet tosi hyvää jälkeä tuossa." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: You do a nice job with that." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: Kuulen Boomerin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hei, taisin kuulla Boomerin." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hey, think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Varovasti, Boomer lähellä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Varovasti, Boomer lähellä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Taisin kuulla Boomerin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: Kuulen Boomerin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Jossain on Charger." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Charger around." "Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: I hear a Charger." "Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Kuuletko tuon Chargerin?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Hear that Charger?" "Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: VOI PASKA! TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! ÄLKÄÄ PAETKO, AMPUKAA!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! Run no, don't run! SHOOOOOT!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: VOI PASKA! TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter around." "Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Varovasti. Hunter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Careful. Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: Jossain täällä on yksi niistä köyrijöistä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: I hear one of those back humpers around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: Jossain täällä on perkeleen Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: A freaking Jockey's around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Vartioikaa selustaanne, jossain on Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Hey, watch your back, Jockey's around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: Mä vihaan niitä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: I hate them things" "Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: Mä vihaan niitä Jockey-otuksia." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: I hate those Jockeys." "Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: Se mitä ne tekee, on väärin." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: That is just offensive what they do." "Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Hei kamu, jossain täällä on yksi niistä köyrijöistä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Dude, I hear one of those back humpers around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: Jossain täällä on perkeleen Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: There's a freaking Jockey around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: Tuo on yksi niistä pikku paskiaisista." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: I think that's one of them little things." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Täällä on jossain Smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Smoker around these parts." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Varovasti, Smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Careful, Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hei, kuulen Smokerin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: Kuulen yhden niistä kummajaisista." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: I hear one of those strange ones." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: Mikä piru tuo ääni on?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: En pidä tästä äänestä tippaakaan." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: Dude, I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: Ei mikään hilpeä ääni." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: That is not a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: Toivottavasti emme tapaa sitä, mistä tuo ääni lähtee." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: I hope we don't meet whatever's making that noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Pahempi kuin zombit?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Worse than zombies?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: Mikä piru tuo ääni on?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: En pidä tästä äänestä tippaakaan." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: Ei mikään hilpeä ääni." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: That ain't a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: Kuulen Spitterin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: I hear a Spitter." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Lähistöllä on niitä sylkiäisiä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Spitting thing's around." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: Kuulen sylkiäisen äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: I hear one of them Spitters." "Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Pyhä sylvi, onpa iso otus!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Holy shit, look at that big thing!" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: Totteleeko se edes lyijyä?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: Are guns even gonna work against that thing?" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: Onpa aika helvetinmoisen iso zombi." "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: That is a big ass zombie." "Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: Jossain lähellä on itkevä misu." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: That crying girl's around." "Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Kuulen Witchin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Witch." "Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: Kuulen Witchin äänen." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: I hear a Witch crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Kuuletko tuon itkun?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Hey, do you hear that crying?" "Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Hän ei kuulosta onnelliselta." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Dude, she don't sound happy." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Yritetään kiertää itkevä tyttö kaukaa." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Let's not go by the crying girl." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Ihan totta, eiköhän jätetä tyttö itkemään yksin." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Seriously, I'm thinkin' we should just leave the crying girl alone." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: En pidä tuosta itkusta tippaakaan." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: I don't like the sound of that crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: Mä en aio mennä lähelle itkevää tyttöä." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: I'm not - I'm not going near the crying girl." "Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Apua! Apua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Help! Help!" "Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Hey, I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Auta minua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Help me out!" "Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Apua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Help!" "Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: Voi paska! Apua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: Oh shit! Help!" "Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: I need some help!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter sai Coachin!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Coachin kimpussa!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hey, Hunter on Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter sai Nickin!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Nickin kimpussa!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hey Hunter's on Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: Zombi sai hänet!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: A zombie's got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: Otus sai hänet!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: One of those things got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Voi perse, zombit saivat hänet!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Shit, a zombie's got her!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Otus sai hänet!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Hey, one of those things got her!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunter sai Rochellen!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Rochellen kimpussa!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: Annoimme niille kunnolla turpiin!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: We opened up a can of whup ass on them!" "Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: Meitä ei pitele mikään!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: I'm thinkin' we can take on anything!" "Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: Me ollaan maailman valtiaita!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: We are kings of the world!" "Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: Olen ylpeä meidän tiimistä!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: I am proud to be part of this team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: Me ollaan aika helvetin hyvä tiimi!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: We are a right damn good team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Antakaas kun sanon jotakin. Te ootte parhaita!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Hey, let me tell ya something. Y'all are the best!" "Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: En olisi ikinä uskonut, mutta me rokataan ihan kybällä!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: Well, slap my head and call me silly, we are kickin' some ass!" "Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: HELVETIN HIENOA!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: Ahh HELL YEAH!" "Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: Hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: All right then!" "Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: Mä en olekaan mikään turha paskiainen. Mietipä sitä, beibe." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: I ain't no god damn son of a bitch, yeah, ya better think about that baby." "Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Pitäkää kiirettä!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Come on y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Kiirehdi!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Pitäkää kiirettä!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Come on, y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Kiirettä, hophop!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Hurry it! Hurry it!" "Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Kiirehdi!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Olen mukanasi." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Sure, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Joo, hoidetaan homma." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do this." "Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Mennään." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Yeah, let's go." "Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: Totta kai, olen mukana." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: Hell yeah, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: Minuun osui!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: I'm down!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: Helvetti, sain osuman!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: Shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: Helvetti, sain osuman!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: Ahh, shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: AAAAAH!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: Ne hyökkäävät!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: They're coming!" "Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Get ready!" "Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Täältä ne tulevat!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Here they come!" "Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Y'all get ready!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: Tapoin sen." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: Killed it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: Osuin." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: Hit it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: Sain sen." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: I got it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Kuollut!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Dead!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: Hoidin ne." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: Got 'em." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Osuma!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Hit!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: Se on mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: Mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: Se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hei, se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hey, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Jes, se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Yeah, that was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: Se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: That was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: Jees, tuo oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: Hell yeah, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: Se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: Tuo oli meikäläisen tekosia!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: That was me, right there!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: Tuo ei ollut sun, se oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: That wasn't yours, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Sammuttakaa valot." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Y'all better kill ya lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Valot sammuksiin." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Lights off." "Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Sammuttakaa valot." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Kill your damn lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hei, valot pois nyt." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hey, lights off y'all." "Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: Totta helvetissä!" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: Hell yeah!" "Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Naurua]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: Mukana ollaan." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Totta helvetissä. Mihin mennään?" "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Hell yeah, where we going?" "Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: Tulen perässäsi." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: I'll follow you." "Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: Seuraan sua." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: I'm right behind you." "Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: Sä olet johtaja." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: You're in charge." "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: AAAI PASKA!! AUTA MINUT POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: AHH SHIIIITTTT!! HELP ME OUT!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: EN HALUA KUOLLA NÄIN - APUA!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE, MAN - HELP!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEI, EN JAKSA ROIKKUA ENÄÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEY Y'ALL I CAN'T HANG HERE ANYMORE!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: AUTTAKAA, TULKAA JO!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: PLEASE MAN, COME ON NOW!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: AAAAAPUUUAAAAA!!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: EEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: HEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: HYVÄÄÄÄSTIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: GOOD-BYYYYYYYYYYYE!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: ANTAKAA ANTEEKSI!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: SORRY Y'AAAAAAAAAALLL!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Hei tulkaa nyt jo, en mä voi roikkua täällä loputtomiin!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Come on y'all I can't hang on all day!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: Täällä tarvittaisiin edelleen apua!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: I could still use a hand over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: Alkaa pelottaa! Tulkaa nyt auttamaan!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: This here is gettin' scary! I need some help, guys!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: En haluaisi häiritä, mutta täällä tarvitaan apua!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother, but I need some help!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: En haluaisi häiritä, mutta täällä tarvitaan apua!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother guys, but I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Hei hei hei!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Whoa Whoa Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hei! Mä taisin pudota, enkä pääse ylös." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hey! I seem to have fallen and, yeah, I can't get up." "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Jos jollakin on hetki, tarvitsisin vähän apua!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Hey, if anyone don't mind none, could use a hand!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: Olen täällä kielekkeellä!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: I'm on this here ledge!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: Täällä sitä roikutaan!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: Ah hell, I'm hangin'. Over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: Jos teille tulee ikävä, niin täältä minut löytää, roikkumassa kielekkeeltä." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: If y'all miss me, I'm over here hangin' on the ledge. Over here." "Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: Sain otteen. Älä katso alas." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: I gotcha, I gotcha. Try not to look down." "Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Ellis otti susta kiinni. Sä olet nyt turvassa." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Hey, Ellis got ya. Ain't nothin' gonna happen to ya now." "Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Kyllä tästä selvitään. Nostetaan sut ylös." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Hey, we gonna make this right, let's get ya up." "Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Kärsivällisyyttä, hoidetaan sut jaloillesi." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Oh hang on there, let's get ya up on your feet." "Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Katsokaa!" "[english]Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Katsokaa." "[english]Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Katso, katso." "[english]Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Looky looky." "Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Katsokaa, tuolla." "[english]Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Look right there." "Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Katsokaa, tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Hey look over there!" "Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Katsokaa!" "[english]Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Katsokaa tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Look here!" "Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Katsokaa." "[english]Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Katsokaa tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Hey look over here!" "Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Look here." "Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hei katsokaa tätä." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hey look at this here." "Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: Katsokaapas tätä." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: Well looky over here." "Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: Katsokaas mitä täällä on." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: Well look what we got right here." "Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Hei, katsokaas tätä. Ahaa!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Yeah, look at this here right now, ah ha!" "Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Varo!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Hey look out!" "Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hei varo!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hey watch out!" "Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Pitäkää varanne!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Look out now!" "Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Missä kaikki ovat?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Where is everyone?!" "Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: Tämä ei ole hauskaa. Missä te kaikki olette?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: Not funny man, where are you guys?" "Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Mennään." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Lähdetään." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Let's roll." "Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: Pysytään liikkeessä!" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: C'mon, keep a move on!" "Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hei, nyt pitäisi mennä." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hey man, we should get goin'." "Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Pitäisikö lähteä eteenpäin?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Don't you reckon we should move on now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: Pitäisikö lähteä eteenpäin?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: You reckon we should move out now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hei, nyt pitäisi mennä." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hey, we should get goin', man." "Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hei, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hey, Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, Coach, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, Coach, Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coach." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hei köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hei köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hei köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Anteeksi, sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Anteeksi, sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Anteeksi, sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Herra uhkapeluri." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: Pukumies." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: You in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hei pukumies." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hey you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Herra uhkapeluri." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Herra uhkapeluri. Joo, sä pukumies." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man, yeah, you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Anteeksi, sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hei sir." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hey sir." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: My name is Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Kavereiden kesken Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: Voit kutsua mua Ellisiksi." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Nimi on Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Kavereiden kesken Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hei, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hey, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nick, Nick, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nick, Nick, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: No niin, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: Well, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: Ihan oikeasti, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: Come on now, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: Toi ei ole kivaa, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: That's not cool, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nick." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: Rouva." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: Rouva." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: Rouva." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: Rouva." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Neiti." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Anteeksi, neiti." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Excuse me, miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Neiti." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Neiti." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Neiti." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hei, Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hey, Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hei, Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hey Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Nice, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Jokainen hoiti hommat hienosti!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all done good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: Olet ok!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: You're all right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: Noin sitä pitää." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: That's the ticket!" "Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hei, ota sä johto." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hey, you're takin' charge, man." "Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Hyvää työtä, kaveri!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Nice job, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: Hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: Eikö tunnukin hyvältä?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: See? Don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Eikö tunnukin hyvältä?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Hey, don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: Hyvää työtä." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: You did a good job." "Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: Mä sanoin että se tuntuu hyvältä!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: I told ya it'd feel good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: Ota porukka johtoon." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: You are takin' charge." "Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: Hienoa." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: Well, Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Siistiä." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Mahtavaa!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Hienosti ammuttu, cowboy." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Good shootin', Tex!" "Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Hienoa." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: Sähän olet loistava." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: Sähän olet loistava." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hienosti ammuttu!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hey good shootin'!" "Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Mahtavaa!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: Niittasit sen, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: You nailed it, Coach!" "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Hyvä laukaus, Coach! Sä tiputit sen." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Nice shot, Coach! Nailed it." "Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Vau, Nick! Jotenkin arvasin, että sulla pysyy ase kädessä." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Whoa, Nick! Well... why doesn't it surprise me you're good with a gun?" "Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Sähän olet kuin Annie Mestariampuja." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Well, goddamn Annie Oakley." "Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: Ei." "[english]Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: Ei onnistu." "[english]Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Ei sovi." "[english]Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Nope." "Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Eipä tosiaan." "[english]Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Ei sovi." "[english]Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Nah." "Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Joo ei." "[english]Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Eipä tosiaan." "[english]Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: Ei onnistu." "[english]Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: Ei." "[english]Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Joo ei." "[english]Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Ei, sori." "[english]Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Sorry, no." "Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: Ei onnistu." "[english]Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: Can't do it, man." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Ou jee!" "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Ou jee!" "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Nyt on paljon parempi." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Much, much better now." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Ou jee. Ou jee!" "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Oooh, yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Ou jee. Ou jee!" "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: Nyt olen taas loistokunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: That fixed me up good." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Valmiina lähtöön." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Valmiina lähtöön." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: Se tuli tarpeeseen." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: That hit the spot." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: Tällä pärjään pitkälle." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: That'll hold me." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: Nyt tuntuu paremmalta." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: All right, that's better." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: Tämä auttaa pitkälle." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: Tämä auttaa pitkälle." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Juuri sitä mitä tarvittiin." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Yeah, that hit the spot." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: Juuri noin." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: Hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Jeah." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: Hyvä on, hyvä on." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: All right, All right." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Jeah." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Tsek tsek!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Tchk tchk!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: Ei!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Voi paska!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Ahh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: Jumalauta!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Pyhä isä!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Ah Lord!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Ei helvetissä!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Jesus NO, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: Ei tää ole oikein!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: That ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: Voi paska!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: Oh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: Jumalauta!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Ei helvetissä!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Jesus NO!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: Ei kiitos!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: No thank you!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: Pahus. Ei tämä ole oikein!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: Shit, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: PERKELE." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: BULLSHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Hevonkukkua!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Oh, hogwash, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Ja paskat!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Hevonkukkua!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: Silkkaa hevonpaskaa." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: Tuo on ihan syvältä!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: That's bullshit!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Hevonkukkua!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Ja paskat!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: Silkkaa hevonpaskaa." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Mä lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Hey, I'm Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: I'm a reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: Pitää ladata." "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: I need to reload." "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Hey, I'm a reload." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: En halua pelotella, mutta jos vielä saat osuman, se on menoa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: Hey, I don't mean to be scarin' ya none. But you go down like that again and that's it." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: Mä autan sut ylös. Mutta paikkaa haavasi nopsaan, muuten käy huonosti." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: All right, I'm 'onna get ya up. But if you don't heal yourself right quick, that's it for ya." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: Sä olet kestävä kaveri, mutta paikkaa haavat nopeasti. Ymmärrätkö?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: I know you're tough. But we gotta get you healed up quick like. You understand me?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Sä et ole kunnossa. Anna kun autan." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Dude, you don't look so good. Let me get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Sä näytät kamalalta. Anna kun mä autan sut pystyyn." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Ah man, I don't like to see ya like this. Come on now, let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: Susta ei ole hyötyä kanveesissa. Mä autan sut takaisin jaloillesi." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: You ain't no good to us down there. We gotta get you back on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Sattuuhan sitä. Anna kun Ellis auttaa sut ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Ain't no harm in going down. Let Ellis help you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Älä huoli, jokainen käy välillä kanveesissa. Kohta olet kunnossa, kun saadaan sut jaloillesi." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Don't worry. We all go down. You'll be fine once we get you up on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Älä huolestu. Se on pelkkä naarmu." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Don't worry, don't worry. This ain't nothin but a scratch." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: En tietenkään jättäisi sua maahan. Anna kun autan sut ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: You know I'd never leave ya down there. Let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Ethän sä voi jäädä makoilemaan. Meillä on zombeja tapettavana." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Ethän sä voi jäädä makoilemaan. Meillä on zombeja tapettavana." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Älä huoli, jokainen käy välillä kanveesissa. Mä autan sut ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Hey don't worry. We all go down. It's fine lemme just get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Hey you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Oletko ok?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Y'all okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Selviätkö?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Hey you gonna be right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Selviätkö?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Can you make it?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Sattuuko?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Does it hurt?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Voinko auttaa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Can I help?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: You good?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: Kuinka sujuu?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Hey, you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: You all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: Pärjäätkö nyt?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: You gonna be all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: Pärjäätkö nyt?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: You gonna be okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Kuuntele mua. Sä olet kohta kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Look at me. You gonna be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hei, olet kohta kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hey, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: Selvä on, mennäänpä nyt." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: All right, well let's go now." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: Nousehan ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: Okay, on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Up we go!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: Hop, nousehan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: All right, upsy daisy!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: Katso, olet ok." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: See you're all good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: Tiesin että pärjäät." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: I knew you'd be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: No niin! Olet taas kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: There you go. Right back to normal." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Olet taas kunnossa. Mennään tappamaan zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Good as new. Let's go kill some zombies." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: Nousehan ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: On your feet now" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Noustaanpas nyt ylös." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Well let's get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: Rauhoitu, olet kohta kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: All right now, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: No niin, olet taas kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: There ya go. Good as new." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: Olet kohta taas kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: You'll be good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Älä huoli, olet kohta kunnossa." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Ah come on now, you'll be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Ryhdistäydy, niin mennään." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Shake it off and let's go." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: Teinkö mä tämän? Tein? Voi helvetti. Olen pahoillani, todella pahoillani." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: Did I do this? Did I? Oh shit. I'm sorry. I am really sorry." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Tähän ei ole aikaa, nouse ylös. Nouse ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Oh shit, we ain't got time for this. GET UP, GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Hilaa itsesi ylös nyt, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Get your ass up, NOW! C'MON!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: NOUSE YLÖS! NOUSE JO!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: Well... GET UP! GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: En mä jätä sua, mutta nouse nyt ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: I ain't leavin' ya, But you better GET UP!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Turvatalo edessä!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Safe house ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Jee, turvatalo!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Yeah, safehouse y'all!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hei, edessä on turvahuone!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hei, suoraan edessä on turvahuone!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room right ahead!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Hi!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hei, hei!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hey hey!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Morjens!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Howdy!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Mitä kuuluu?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Wassup?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: Kuinka sujuu?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: How y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Täällä mä olen." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Here I am." "Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: Olemme kaikki täällä." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: We're all here." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE..." "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: GET HIM..." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS MUN PÄÄLTÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF ME DAMMIT!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: AIJAI!!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: AH, OW!!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: AU! OTTAKAA...!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: OW! GET...!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...OTTAKAA" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...OTTAKAA" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: OFF!!" "Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Anteeksi." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Sorry." "Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: Voit syyttää mua tuosta." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: You can lay that blame on me." "Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: Tuo olisi voinut käydä kenelle vaan." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: That coulda happened to anyone." "Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Joo, mä olen pahoillani tuosta." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm sorry about that one." "Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Sori, aurinko häikäisi." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Sorry, sun was in my eyes." "Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: Se oli mun moka." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: My bad on that one." "Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Sori!" "[english]Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Sorry!" "Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Sori tuosta äskeisestä." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Sorry over there." "Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Täällä on ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some ammo right here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Ammo!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: First Aid here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: First Aid Kits!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: Täällä on ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: Täällä on ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Putkipommi." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Pipe bomb here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Täällä on putkipommi." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Hey, there's a pipe bomb right here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Putkipommi." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Pipe bomb." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Molotov here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Pillereitä!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Pillereitä!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Pills!" "Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Pillereitä!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Weapons over here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Aseita!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Weapons!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Hey, some guns here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Guns right here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: Mulla on ihan samanlainen ase." "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: I got a gun just like that." "Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Pysykää lähellä." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Y'all stay close." "Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Pysykää nyt kimpassa." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Y'all stick together, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: Pysykää nyt kimpassa." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: All right y'all stay close, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Pysykää nyt kimpassa." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Y'all, now stick together." "Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Pysykää lähellä, älkää lähtekö omille teille." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Now stay close. Ain't nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Älkää haahuilko minnekään." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: Nyt joka iikka sisään!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: I need every one of you inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Helvetti! Sisään nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Shit! Get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Sisälle nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Y'all inside, now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Kaikki sisälle!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Get inside y'all!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: Nyt koko porukka sisälle!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: Nyt koko porukka sisälle!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Nyt joka iikka sisään!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Hey I need everybody inside now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Paikatkaa haavanne!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Heal up!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Jokaisen pitäisi nyt paikata haavansa." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all should heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: Nyt on hyvä hetki paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: It's a good time to heal up everybody." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Pidetään pieni tauko, että kaikki voivat paikata haavansa." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Everybody take a minute and get yourself healed" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Älkää unohtako ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Don't forget your health kits." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Haluaako joku paikata haavat?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Anybody want to heal now?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Nyt on hyvä hetki paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Good time to heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that heal pack, now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coach, muista paikata ne haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coach, en halua keskeyttää, mutta nyt kannattaisi paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, en halua keskeyttää, mutta nyt kannattaisi paikata haavat, kunhan sulla on hetki aikaa." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably well heal when you get a minute. You know." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coach, muista paikata ne haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coach, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Sori Nick, mutta nyt voisi paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Excuse me, Nick, but you might wanna heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nick... Hei Nick, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nick. Um...Nick! Don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nick, älä unohda ensiapupakkausta!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nick, don't forget none about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hei Ro, paikkaa tyttö haavasi nyt." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hey Ro, girl, heal up now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, meinasitko paikata haavat?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, you think about healin?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, nyt pitäisi paikata haavat." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, you ought to heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: Autan kyllä, jos tarvitset." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: I'll help ya if you need me to." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: Voi ei, Coach..." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: Ah, man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, kiitos kaikesta, ystävä." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: Well, Coach, thanks for all you done, man." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: Hyvää yötä, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: Goodbye, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: Sä olit miesten mies, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: You were a hell of a man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Mä toivoin, että musta ja Coachista olisi tullut ystävät." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Man, I was hoping me and Coach were gonna be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Hän ei varmaan uskonut kuolevansa ennen minua." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Bet he didn't think he'd die before me." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Voi Nick." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Ahh, Nick." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nick, sä olit viileä kaveri." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nick, you were cool." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: Veli, mun tulee sua ikävä." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: Miss ya, brother." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: Helvetti, Nick. Meistä oli tulossa ystävät." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: Damn, Nick. We was just gettin' to be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: Hänestä viimeiseksi olisin halunnut luopua." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: Hänestä viimeiseksi olisin halunnut luopua." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Voi hyvin siellä jossain, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Be good, Rochelle." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, mulle tulee sua ikävä." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, I'm gonna miss ya." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: Muistan sua rukouksissani, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: I'll remember you in my prayers, Ro." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Sä olit kova tyttö, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Hell of a girl, Ro." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Valitsen kiväärin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Valitsen kiväärin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Otan kiväärin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Taking the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: Tämä kivääri kutsui meikäläistä nimeltä." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: This rifle right here got my name all over it." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Tätä kivääriä mä olen himoinnut ysivuotiaasta asti." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Man, I wanted this rifle since I was nine." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Valitsen haulikon." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Going with the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Joo, otan haulikon." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm taking the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: Haulikko tuntuu juuri oikealta, se sopii käteen." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: This shotgun feels right. It feels real right." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Jos ei haittaa, otan ensiapupakkauksen." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Hope you don't mind, I'm a take this First Aid Kit here." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Nappaan ensiavun." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Grabbing First Aid." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: Ensiapupakkaus" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid Kit." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Mulla on ensiapupakkaus, jos joku tarvitsee." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Hey I got a First Aid Kit if somebody needs it." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Olenkin aina halunnut olla kirvesmurhaaja." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Yeah, always wanted to be an axe murderer." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: Kirves!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: An axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Kirves!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Katsokaa, mulla on nyt kirves." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Oh yeah! Look who has an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Joitakin onnisti, joillakin on kirveet." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Well, somebody just got themselves an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: Mulla on kirves!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: I got myself an axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Bäng!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Spang!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Zombeilla on kohta kova päänsärky..." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Man, some zombie's gonna have a headache after this." "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Kohta päästään paistamaan zombeja pannulla!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Well somebody's gonna make them some zombie grits!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Paistinpannu!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Frying pan, yeah!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Paistinpannu!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Frying pan!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Kohta tehdään zombipöperöä." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Let's make some grits." "Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Jep, tämä käy." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Yeah, this'll work." "Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: Tämä tuntuu hyvältä." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: This feels right." "Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: Tästä tulee hupia." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: This'll be fun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Tämähän voi olla parempi kuin pyssy." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Oh, now, this just might be better than a gun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Kaikki taaksepäin!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Step back everybody!" "Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Tällä pistetään kallot kasaan." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Ohh... I am gonna bash some heads with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: Zombeille tulee kohta noutaja." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: I'm gonna mess some zombies up now." "Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: Mä hakkaan niitä kuin kuuden tuuman rautanauloja." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: I'm gonna beat 'em like rented mules with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: Tämän avulla zombin nuppi tutisee." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: This shit'll knock some heads." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: Pääsen leikkimään tulella." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: Pääsen leikkimään tulella." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Nappaan tulta pullossa." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle, baby." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: Otin molotovin!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: I got the Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Nappaan tulta pullossa." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: Nappaan molotovin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: I'm grabbing the Mollie." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Otin molotovin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Mollie's mine." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Nappaan molotovin!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Grabbin' a Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Nappaan pillerit." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Grabbing pills." "Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Joku varmasti tarvitsee näitä." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Somebody gonna need these." "Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Tarvitsemme ehkä näitä." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Hey we might need these." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Nappaan putkipommin." "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Putkipommi!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Pipe bomb, baby!" "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: Otin putkipommin!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: I got a pipe bomb!" "Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Nappaan pistoolin." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistooli!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Otan tuplapistoolit." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Goin' with double pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: Siistiä. Kaksi pistoolia." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: Heck yeah. Goin' with two pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: Nappaan pistoolin!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: I'll grab that pistol!" "Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: Taidan kokeilla tätä haulikkoa." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: I'll try this shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Haulikko." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Otan haulikon." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: Otan tarkkuuskiväärin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: I'm gonna snipe." "Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: Rupean tarkka-ampujaksi niin kuin leffoissa." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: I'm gonna be a sniper like in the movies." "Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Nappaan tarkkuuskiväärin." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Grabbing this here sniper rifle." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Konepistooli." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Machinegun." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Joo, otan sen." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take it." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: Eiköhän tällä pärjää." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: This'll have to do." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: Eiköhän tämä kelpaa. Konepistoolilla pärjää aina." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: I guess it'll do. Yeah, whatever, it's a machinegun." "Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: JUMALAUTA AMPUKAA TÄMÄ PASKIAINEN!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: JESUS CHRIST SHOOT THIS MOTHER!" "Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: TAPPAKAA SE PASKIAINEN!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: KILL THE BASTARD WILL YA!" "Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: Otus murskaa mut kuoliaaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: This thing's crushin' the shit outta me!" "Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: TAPPAKAA SE!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: KILL THIS THING!" "Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: Pistäkää paskiaiset tämä mieleen vastaisuuden varalle." "[english]Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: Why don't you remember that for next time, you sons of bitches." "Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: Ne eivät ota vankeja!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: They ain't takin' us alive!" "Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: Hakkasimme niistä paskat pihalle." "[english]Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: We knocked the piss out of them" "Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Hahaa! Pyyhimme niillä lattiaa!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Haha! We whipped the dogshit out of them!" "Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: Aivan, ette te meitä tapa!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: That's right, you can't kill us!" "Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Hei otus, haluatko isän kädestä?" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Yo! Who's your daddy?!" "Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Aijai. Liipaisinsormi väsyy!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Uh oh. My trigger finger got tired!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: En minä tehnyt sitä! Se on väärin!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: Whoa! I didn't do that! Man, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: Tuo on täysin sairasta." "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: That's just straight messed up, man." "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Pyhä sylvi! Mitä pirua sä oikein teet?" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Jumpin' Jesus! What are you doin'?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: Eikö me oltukaan samassa tiimissä?" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: Yo we're on the same team aren't we?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Helvetti soikoon, kaveri!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Hei, kiitoksia!" "[english]Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Hey thanks, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Kiitos kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Much obliged" "Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Paljon kiitoksia, rouva." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Thank you kindly, ma'am." "Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: Jäin velkaa." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: I owe you one." "Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hei, kiitos paljon!" "[english]Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hey, thanks a lot." "Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Kiitti, kaveri." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Thanks, man." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, kiitos!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, kiitos!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Kiitos paljon, köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, big guy." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Kiitoksia, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Kiitos, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Kiitos, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Hey, thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Kiitoksia, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Nick." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Pitäkää pöksyt jalassa, mä tulen." "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Keep your britches on, I'm a comin'." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: I'm a comin!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Odota, minä tulen!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Hold on now, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis on tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis on the way!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Odota, olen tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Hang on, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: Tulossa ollaan, tulossa ollaan!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: I'm comin', I'm comin'!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Tulen viivana!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Makin' a beeline for ya!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: JEAH!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: YEAH!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: En olisi uskonut, että pystyisimme tuohon." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: I can't hardly believe we made that!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: Se oli lähempänä kuin... no se vaan oli todella pienestä kiinni!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: That was closer than a... well, shit man that was just straight up close!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Kuka muu ei uskonut, että onnistuisimme?" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Who here didn't think we were gonna make that?" "Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: Tuo oli täysin mieletöntä!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: That there was some crazy shit, man!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Voi helvetti! Mahtavaa!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Oh shit yeah! Oh shit yeah!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis on poistunut rakennuksesta!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis has left the building!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Voi helvetti, huhhuh. Teistä en tiedä, mutta meikäläisellä meni kalsarit vaihtoon." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Oh man! All right. You might want to clean your drawers after that one! I know I do." "Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Seis." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Freeze!" "Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Odottakaa." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Wait right here." "Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hei, pysähdy hetkeksi." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hey, stop a minute." "Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Odota hetki." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Hold up real quick." "Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: YRJÖÄJÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: PUKER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: RÄJÄHTÄVÄ HEPPU!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: IT'S EXPLODING GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! JOO, BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! YEAH - BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Olkaa varovaisia." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Y'all be careful, now." "Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Kyllähän te tiedättekin, mutta nyt kannattaa olla varuillaan." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Ain't tellin' ya somethin' you don't know, but be careful." "Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Olkaa varovaisia." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Olkaa varovaisia." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Ole varovainen!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Be careful!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Varokaa, se syöksyy kimppuun!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Watch out, man, that thing charges!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: YKSIKÄTINEN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: ONE ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: ISOKÄSI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: BIG ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: LOIKKIJA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: LEAPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: HYPPÄÄJÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: JUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: HUPPUHEMMO!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: HOODED DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: Nimi se on sekin." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: Good as any other name." "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: No sanotaan sitten Hunter!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: Hunter it is then!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Hunter on ihan hyvä nimi." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Yeah, Hunter fits em." "Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: KÖYRIJÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: KÖYRIJÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: KÄÄPIÖ! KÄÄPIÖ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: LITTLE GUY! LITTLE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: Tuo on se vaarallinen kieliotus!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: It's that nasty tongue thing!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: TUO ON SE SAVUAVA TYYPPI KIELEN KANSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: YO, IT'S THAT SMOKING DUDE WITH THE TONGUE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: KIELITYYPPI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: THAT'S A TONGUE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: SAVUAVA TYYPPI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: SMOKING DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: KIELETTÄJÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: TONGUER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: HEI, SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: YO, SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: SE ON SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: IT'S A SPITTER DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: SE ON SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: HEY IT'S A SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SYLKIÄINEN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SPITTING THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: SYLJEKSIVÄ ÄLLÖTYS!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: SPITTING NASTY THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: SE LIMANULJASKA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: THAT LOOGIE DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: SE LIMATYYPPI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: IT'S THAT GOO GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEI, SE KIRAHVIKAULA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEY, THAT BIG NECK THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: LIMAA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: GOO!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: LIMAA TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: GOO INBOUND!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: SYLKEÄ TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: SPIT COMING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: VAROKAA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: HEADS UP!" "Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK SUORAAN EDESSÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK RIGHT AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: VOI PASKA! TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: JÄTTIOTUS!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: GIANT THING!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Luoja! Onpa aika monsteri!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Oh Lordy! Big ass thing!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: Mikä piru tuo on?" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: What in the hell is that?" "Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Ahaa, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Aw a Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: Ne ovat takanamme!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: Takanamme!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: Behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hei, ne ovat takana!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hey, behind us, y'all, behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Katsokaa taakse!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Check behind!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: Ne ovat takanamme!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: Takanamme!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: Behind us, y'all!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Pois tieltä, Witch on tulossa!!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Out of my way, man, Witch coming!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: OLEN TULOSSA! WITCH SEURAA MUA!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: COMING THROUGH! WITCH ON MY ASS!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Juoskaa, suututin sen!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Run! I pissed her off!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: AMPUKAA SE! AMPUKAA SE!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: SHOOT HER! SHOOT HER!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH WITCH WITCH!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH WITCH WITCH!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: Witchillä on paha kohtaus menossa." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: That Witch is having a hissy fit." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: Jestas, Witch on aivan sekaisin!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: Oh shit man, that Witch is a spaz!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Perkeleen Witchin kanssa ei kannata ruveta pelleilemään." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Tell ya, man, y'all playin' with fire when you messin' with that damn Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Menkää kauemmas Witchistä." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Back away from that Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Älkää pelleilkö Witchin kanssa." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Don't mess with the damn Witch." "Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: Anteeksi Rochelle. Mistä sä oikein puhut?" "[english]Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: I'm sorry, Rochelle. The hell you talking about?" "Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: Parempi olla." "[english]Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: They better be." "Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: Eikö meidän pitäisi olla joen toisella puolella?" "[english]Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: Ain't we supposed to be on that side of the river?" "Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: Mä olen nähnyt sen leffan." "[english]Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: I seen that movie." "Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: Tänne ei kannata jäädä. Mennään takaisin veneelle." "[english]Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: No sense bein' here then. Let's get back on the boat." "Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: Kaikki rantaan!" "[english]Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: All ashore!" "Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Onneksi en ollut täällä kun tämä tapahtui." "[english]Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was goin' down." "Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Onneksi en ollut täällä kun tämä tapahtui." "[english]Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was all happenin'." "Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Älkää ampuko tuota autoa." "[english]Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Y'all better not shoot that car." "Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Älkää ampuko autoa!" "[english]Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Hey, don't shoot the car." "Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: Enpä tiedä. Mä jotenkin tykkään tästä hajusta." "[english]Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: I don't know. I kinda like that smell." "Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: En sanoisi noinkaan. Se haisee aika hyvälle." "[english]Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: I wouldn't say that. I think it smells kinda nice." "Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: En tiedä. Haisee kuitenkin aika hyvälle, eikö?" "[english]Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: En tiedä. Haisee kuitenkin aika hyvälle, eikö?" "[english]Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: Itse en leiriytyisi täällä." "[english]Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: This here doesn't look like a fun campout." "Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: Tykkään telttailusta, mutta tämä ei näytä hauskalta." "[english]Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: I love camping, but this here don't look fun." "Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Olisipa meillä hevonen. Rakastan hevosia." "[english]Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Man, I wish we had a horse. I love horses." "Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: Olisipa meillä hevonen. Rakastan hevosia." "[english]Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: I wish we had a horse. I loooove horses." "Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: Jos meillä olisi hevonen, voisimme..." "[english]Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: If we had a horse, we could..." "Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Sulla ei ole kaikki kotona." "[english]Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Who ain't right in the head now?" "Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Sä olet sairas." "[english]Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Man, you are sick, you know that?" "Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: Sä olet pipi." "[english]Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: You're a sick man." "Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Hevoset on ratsastusta, ei syömistä varten, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Horses are for ridin' not eatin', Nick." "Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: Mutta meidän pitää pysyä kimpassa, eikö?" "[english]Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: Mutta meidän pitää pysyä kimpassa, eikö?" "[english]Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Odottakaa, miksi menemme tornia kohti?" "[english]Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Whoa, wait, why we headin' to the tower?" "Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Okei, tajusin." "[english]Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Okay, okay I get it." "Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: Samaa mieltä. Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: I agree. That there is a good plan." "Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Olen samaa mieltä, hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Yeah, I agree. That's a good plan." "Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: Hyvä suunnitelma, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: I'll give it to you. That's a good plan, Nick." "Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Hyvin ajateltu, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Good thinkin', Nick." "Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: Miksi heidät laitettiin kulkemaan tuon läpi?" "[english]Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: Why'd they make them walk through all that?" "Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Ruumiiden joukossa ei ole zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Ain't none of the bodies zombies." "Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Juokse!" "[english]Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Run!" "Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Sammuta se, sammuta se!" "[english]Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Hey, turn it off! Turn it off!" "Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Käykää sammuttamassa se!" "[english]Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Hey, get up there and turn it off!" "Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Menkää hälyttimelle!" "[english]Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Get to the alarm!" "Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Huh, nyt se on ainakin sammutettu!" "[english]Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Whew, it's off all right!" "Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: Hitto. Kiitos hälytyksen sammuttamisesta, siitä tuli päänsärky." "[english]Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: Dang. Thanks for turning it off, it was givin' me a headache." "Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Vau! Hienosti sammutettu!" "[english]Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Whew! Way to turn it off!" "Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: Sain sen!" "[english]Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: Olenko kertonut siitä, kun lähdin kerran isoisän kanssa bussilla Memphisiin käymään Gracelandissa, ja..." "[english]Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: Did I ever tell you the time me and my grandpa took the bus the Memphis to go visit Graceland and..." "Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Siellä oli hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Man, y'all shoulda came it was fun." "Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: Hyvä on, Nick. Mutta tiesittekö, että Graceland on vain pieni talo slummissa." "[english]Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: All right, Nick. But how about this, did ya know Graceland ain't nothin' but a little house in the ghetto." "Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Okei. Mutta tykkään matkustaa bussilla." "[english]Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Okay. But I do love goin' on bus rides." "Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nick, oletko sä käynyt Gracelandissa?" "[english]Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nick, you ever even been to Graceland?" "Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: Moottoritie on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: There's the freeway!" "Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Menkää alikulkuun!" "[english]Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Get to the underpass!" "Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Asuukohan täällä peikkoja?" "[english]Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Don't trolls live under here?" "Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Katsokaa tuota helikopteria." "[english]Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Man, look at that helicopter." "Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: Miksi se on tippunut?" "[english]Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: Why'd you think it crashed?" "Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: Ihmiset ampuvat ihmisiä, se ei ole oikein." "[english]Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: People shootin' people, that shit ain't right, man." "Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: Se on ok, koska ne eivät ole enää ihmisiä." "[english]Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: It's okay, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: Se on eri asia, ne eivät ole enää ihmisiä." "[english]Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: It's a little different, man, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Helvetti, tämä on pelottavampaa kuin zombit." "[english]Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Man, this is givin' me the creeps more than them zombies." "Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hei Nick, en pidä tästä hajusta." "[english]Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I don't like the way how this smells." "Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Pidätkö sä?" "[english]Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Do you?" "Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: Voi paska. Niissä on kaikissa hälyttimet." "[english]Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: Shit. They all got alarms." "Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Katsokaa, minne ammutte." "[english]Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Watch where you're aimin'." "Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: Saatana! Toinen hälytys!" "[english]Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: God damn! Another one just went off!" "Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Se en ollut mä, vannon!" "[english]Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Hey, I swear that wasn't me!" "Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Älkää ampuko autoja!" "[english]Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Quit shootin' the cars!" "Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Siistiä, tuolla on... HELVETTI!!!" "[english]Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Cool, there's a J... HOLY SHIT!!!" "Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: Matalaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: Hit the deck!" "Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: Ovatko kaikki yhtenä kappaleena?" "[english]Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: We all in one piece?" "Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: Tuskin he edes näkivät meitä." "[english]Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: I don't even think they even saw us." "Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Katso tuota." "[english]Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Look at that there." "Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: Pieni hautojen kaupunki." "[english]Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: It's a little city of graves." "Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: Aivan kuin haudoista tehty kokonainen kaupunki." "[english]Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: It's like a whole city of crypts." "Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: Hitto." "[english]Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: Dang." "Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Tiedättekö miksi heidät haudataan maan päälle?" "[english]Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Do you know why they bury them above ground?" "Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: Siksi että ollaan merenpinnan alapuolella." "[english]Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: They bury them like this cause they're under sea level." "Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Jos nämä olisivat oikeita zombeja, hautausmaalle meno tarkoittaisi varmaa kuolemaa." "[english]Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Man, if these were real zombies, going into this graveyard would be like death." "Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: Olemme turvassa sillä nämä eivät ole oikeita zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: These here aren't real zombies so we're safe." "Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: Ne ovat tartunnan saaneita." "[english]Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: They're infected." "Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Hän pitää meistä huolta." "[english]Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Yeah, he is watchin' out for us ain't he." "Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Turvatalo on tällä kadulla!" "[english]Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Safehouse down this street!" "Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Mennään turvataloon tätä tietä!" "[english]Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Let's get down the street to the safehouse!" "Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Turvatalo on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Safehouse, in there." "Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: Olen sekaisin... Missä on silta?" "[english]Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: I'm all turned around. Where's the bridge?" "Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Korttihuijaria vastaan? Ei kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Against a hustler? No thank you." "Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Älä kuuntele häntä, Ro. Hän yrittää huijata sinua." "[english]Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Don't listen to him, Ro. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Älä kuuntele häntä, Ro. Hän yrittää huijata sinua." "[english]Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Hey Ro, don't listen to him. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: Ei mulla ole traktoria." "[english]Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: I don't own a tractor, man." "Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: Arvaa mitä, Nick? Sun pitäisi nähdä mun kärry. Siinä on tyyliä." "[english]Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: You know what? Whatever, Nick, you should see my truck. It's bad ass." "Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: Meidän täytyy käynnistää traktori!" "[english]Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: We gotta start that there tractor!" "Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Käynnistäkää traktori." "[english]Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Somebody start the tractor!" "Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Pääsemme nyt yli." "[english]Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Hey, we can get across now." "Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Älä yritä vetää mua nenästä." "[english]Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Don’t you piss on my leg and tell me it’s rainin’." "Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: En tiedä mihin suuntaan pitäisi mennä." "[english]Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: Man, I don't know which way to go." "Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: En ole eläissäni nähnyt näin monta kujaa." "[english]Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: Never been through so many back alleys in my life." "Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: Nyt maistuisi viiden dollarin olut." "[english]Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: I wish we could get a five dollar beer right now." "Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Yksi huurteinen tekisi nyt terää..." "[english]Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Oh, I could go for a cold one right about now." "Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: There's the bridge!" "Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: Silta!" "[english]Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: The bridge! The bridge!" "Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: Pääsemme pois täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: We're gonna make it out of here!" "Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Helvetti sentään, nyt ne aikovat räjäyttää sillan." "[english]Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Ah Jesus Christ, man, now they're blowin' up the damn bridge." "Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: On se silti tosi nätti." "[english]Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: It's still real pretty." "Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: Lopultakin sillalla." "[english]Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: Finally on the bridge." "Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: He puhuvat meistä!" "[english]Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: They're talkin about us! ." "Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: Älä tee tuota! Olemme sillalla!" "[english]Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: Oh shit, don't do that! We're on the bridge!" "Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Hei, te siellä." "[english]Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Hey there." "Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: Kuinka sujuu?" "[english]Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: What y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Testaan yksi..." "[english]Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Check one..." "Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Yksi kaksi..." "[english]Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Check one two..." "Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: Joo." "[english]Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: Gotcha." "Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: Niillä on helikopteri sillan toisessa päässä." "[english]Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: They got a helicopter on the other side of the bridge." "Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: Meidän pitää kuulemma laskea silta, että pääsemme sen yli." "[english]Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: They just said we oughta lower the bridge to get across to it." "Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Kun silta on laskettu, pitää varoa sillalla olevia zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Once we lower it we all gotta be careful because there's zombies on the bridge." "Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: Hän ei varmaan tiennyt, että olemme taistelleet zombeja vastaan kaupungin joka nurkassa." "[english]Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: I guess he didn't know we been like fighting zombies all through the city." "Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: Ja suolla." "[english]Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: And the swamps." "Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: Ja joella." "[english]Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: And the river." "Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: Ja joka helvetin paikassa." "[english]Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: And shit. Everywhere." "Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Mehän ollaan zombintappokoneita." "[english]Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Man, we're like fightin' zombie machines and shit." "Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: He eivät ole tavanneet sellaista tyttöä kuin sinä, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: Bet they ain't ever met a girl like you Rochelle." "Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Jonkun on laskettava silta." "[english]Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta lower the bridge." "Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Lasketaan silta alas ja aloitetaan." "[english]Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Well, let's get the bridge down and start this." "Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: Painan sitä. Valmistautukaa." "[english]Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: I'll hit it. Get ready." "Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: Tältä näyttää pommitettu silta." "[english]Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: Dang, this is what a bombed out bridge looks like." "Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargerit hyökkäävät tuolla." "[english]Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargers'll mess us up out here, man." "Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: Meidän on jatkettava matkaa." "[english]Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: We gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: No niin, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: All right, y'all, let's go!" "Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Katsokaa mihin astutte." "[english]Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Careful where ya' walking." "Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Onpa täällä autoja!" "[english]Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Man, look at all these cars!" "Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Nick, mikä auto sulla on?" "[english]Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Hey Nick, what kind of car did you drive?" "Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: No tuo oli ihan turhaa. Oikeasti." "[english]Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: We'll see that was just uncalled for. Seriously." "Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Varokaa autoja." "[english]Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Hey, watch out for the cars." "Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Älkää menkö autojen lähelle!" "[english]Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Stay away from them cars!" "Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Pysy kaukana Tankista!" "[english]Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Get away from the Tank!" "Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: Se puskee teidät lennossa alas sillalta!" "[english]Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: That mother'll punch you clean off the bridge!" "Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Helvetti! Oletteko koskaan nähneet mitään tällaista?" "[english]Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Shit! You guys ever seen something like this?" "Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: En minäkään." "[english]Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: Me neither." "Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: Siistiä nähdä uusia juttuja." "[english]Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: It's cool to see new shit." "Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Helikopteri käynnistyy!" "[english]Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Helicopter's starting!" "Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Toivottavasti he odottavat meitä!" "[english]Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Well shit, hope they don't leave us!" "Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Menkää telakalle!" "[english]Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Get down to the shipyard!" "Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: Kopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: To the 'copter!" "Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Menkää helikopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Head to the helicopter!" "Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: He räjäyttävät sillan!" "[english]Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: They're blowin' the bridge!" "Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Tule kiireesti! Kyllä sinä onnistut!" "[english]Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it!" "Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Sisälle helikopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Just get inside the helicopter, man!" "Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Silta meni tuusannuuskaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Man, they blew the shit out of that bridge!" "Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Tulkaa kiireesti! Kyllä te onnistutte!" "[english]Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it, guys, come on!" "Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Hophop, mentiin!" "[english]Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Come on, come on! Let's go!" "Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Kyllä sinä onnistut!" "[english]Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Come on, man, you can do it!" "Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Alkakaa tulla, nouskaa kyytiin!" "[english]Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Come on, get in!" "Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: Tiedättekö mikä olisi tosi paha juttu juuri nyt? Tank." "[english]Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: I tell ya what would be real bad right now? A tank." "Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Voimme mennä tänne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Hey, we can head down here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: Joo, se olisi paha juttu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: Yeah, that'd be bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Mun monsteriautolla voitaisiin ajaa tästä suoraan yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Dude, If we had my monster truck we could drive over all this." "Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: Autoista ei ole apua tässä sotkussa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: Cars ain't gonna be a use in this mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Bussi tukkii tien." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Bus is blocking the way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Alas tätä poistumisramppia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Hey, down this off ramp." "Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: Tuolla on motelli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: There's a motel up ahead." "Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: Joo, ne eivät pysty siihen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: Yeah, I don't think they can do that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: Hotelli on melkoinen sotku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: This hotel is a mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: Tässä altaassa ei ole uitu vähään aikaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: Ain't nobody been swimmin' in this pool for a while." "Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: Hotellin läpi on oltava reitti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: There has got to be a way through this hotel." "Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: Pääsemme taakse tätä kautta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: We can get around back through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Hey, search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Check the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Herranpieksut! Tuolla on huvipuisto!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Well hot damn! There's an amusement park!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Puistossa on oikein juhlavalaistus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Dude, they got the park all lit up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: Puistossa on pakko olla ihmisiä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: People got to be in that park." "Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Varokaa, se on liukas." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Careful, it's slippery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Heeeei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Whoa hey!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: HEEEI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: WHOOOAA!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: Se oli hieno mäenlasku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: That's a righteous ride down that hill." "Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Haluaako kukaan kiivetä takaisin ylös ja kokeilla uudestaan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Anybody wanna go back up and do that again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coach, hengityksesi vinkuu. Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coach, you're breathin' a little hard, you okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Täällä on järjestelty jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Looks like they set up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Täällä saattoi olla evakuointivyöhyke." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Yeah, coulda been an evac zone." "Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: Ainakin heillä oli sähköä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: At least they had power." "Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Heeei! Anteeksi, Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Hei! Anteeksi, Rochelle! Mun moka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle! My bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: Enpä olisi uskonut, että karuselli pyörittäisi mua tällä tavalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: I never once thought a merry-go-round would turn on me." "Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: Mihin on maailma menossa, jos karuselliakin pitää pelätä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: I mean, what is this world coming to when you dread a merry-go-round?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: Painan tätä ja sitten juostaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: I'm gonna hit this and then we gotta run." "Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: Ei ole aikaa peleihin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: No time to play any games." "Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Millekään näistä peleistä ei ole nyt aikaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Man, we don't have time to play any of these games!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Voidaanko pysähtyä tekemään hattaraa? Olen tosissani." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Can we stop and make some cotton candy? Seriously." "Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Ihan oikeasti, voidaanko pysähtyä tekemään hattaraa? Mä rakastan hattaraa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Seriously, guys, can we stop and make some cotton candy? I loooove cotton candy." "Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Meidät on saarrettu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Dude, we are penned in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Mikä kiire teillä on? Tämä on mahtavaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Man, what are y'all in a hurry for? This is awesome." "Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Rakkauden tunneli?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Tunnel of love?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: Hitto, katsokaa Nickin takkia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: Dang, look at Nick's jacket." "Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: Tyylikästä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: This is cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Tämä olisi ollut hienoa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Ahh, now, this woulda been great." "Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Katsokaa tätä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Look at this shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: Tämä on loistavaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: This is awesome, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Mä en rakasta näitä zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Dude, I ain't got no love for these zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hei, täällä takana." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hey, back here, back here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Pitänee mennä tätä kautta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Looks like we gotta go this way, right here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Tänne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Ylhäällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: Kulkusillalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: On the catwalk." "Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: Pikkuisen kanavissa ryömimistä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: A little vent crawling." "Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: Jos olen videopeleistä jotakin oppinut niin sen, että kaikki hyvä on aina ilmastointikanavissa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: One thing videogames have taught me, good shit is always in vents." "Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: Vuoristorata?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: A roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Vau, vuoristorata?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Whoa - a roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: Päästäänkö me vuoristorataan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: Päästäänkö me vuoristorataan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Voihan veljet, tästä tulee hienoa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Aw, man, this is gonna be cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: Ok, liikuta sitä kun olet valmis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: All right, move it when you're ready." "Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Liikuttakaa sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Someone move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Liikuttakaa joku sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Hey, somebody move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Käynnistäkää se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Start it up." "Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: Mä lennän alas mäkeä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: I'm gonna fly down these hills." "Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Klik-klik-klik-klik!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Click-click-click-click!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Voi helvetti, juoskaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Oh, shit, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Juoskaa nyt helvetissä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Oh, shit, run, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Juoskaa ovelle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Run to the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Mennään sisään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Hey, get inside!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: Nämä otukset eivät lopeta ikinä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: These things ain't never gonna stop!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Juoskaa nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Shit, run, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: He olivat stadionilla. Mennään sinne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: Looks like they were using the stadium. Let's head there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Mennään stadionille." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Let's head to the stadium." "Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coach, oletko valmis rokkaamaan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coach, you ready to rock?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: Siis me pistetään rock käyntiin ja sitten hoidetaan zombit?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: So we gotta setup to rock, then fight zombies?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: Mitä seuraavaksi? Dinosaurukset lentävät taivaalta ja ampuvat lasereita silmistään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: What next? Dinosaurs flying down from the sky and shooting lasers out of their eyes?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: Tuo ei ole erityisen ystävällistä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: Tuo ei ole erityisen ystävällistä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: Sanon tämän nyt kuitenkin. En pidä suosta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: I'm just gonna say it. I don't like the swamp." "Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Olen samaa mieltä Ron kanssa. En erityisemmin odota tätä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Gotta agree with Ro, I ain't looking forward to this." "Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: Kun sanot sen noin, niin ei todellakaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: When you put it like that, hell, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: Kun sanot sen noin, niin ei todellakaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: Well, when you put it like that, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Tutkikaa nämä talot." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Search the houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Taloista löytyy varmasti tarvikkeita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Bet you we can find supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Ihmiset näyttävät lähteneen kiireessä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Man, it looks like people left in a rush." "Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: Löysikö kukaan mitään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: Anybody find anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: Ikävää roskaamista." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: All this litter is shameful." "Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Tuo on älykästä. Zombit eivät nimittäin osaa käyttää venettä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Oh, that's smart. See, zombies can't operate a ferry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Ponttonivene on toisella puolella lahtea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's on the other side of the bayou." "Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: Se on kutsuttava tälle puolelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: We gotta call it over to this side." "Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: Meidän on kutsuttava tuo vene tänne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: We just gotta call that pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Pikkujuttu, kutsu vaan vene tänne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Ain't no thing, just call the pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: Voimme tavoittaa heidät kylässä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: We can meet up with them at the village." "Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa ja kutsukaa vene." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Let's get ready and then call the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Painakaa nappia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Somebody hit that button." "Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Kuka kutsuu veneen?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Who's gonna call the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: Mä kutsun sen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: I'll call it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Ottakaa ammuksia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Everybody get ammo'd up." "Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: Vene on tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: All right, the boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Vene tulee!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Hey, boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Vene tulee!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Here comes the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: Hittolainen, tulisipa vene nopeammin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: Dang, man, I sure wish that boat would hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: Tuo on varmaan maailman hitain vene!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: That is the slowest boat ever, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: Tuleeko se vene vai ei?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: Is that boat ever gonna come?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: Tuo on maailman hitain ponttonivene!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: Okay, that is the slowest damn pontoon boat, ever!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: Tuo on maailman hitain vene!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: That is the slowest damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Ponttonivene on täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Vene on täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Mennään veneeseen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Let's get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Mennään! Vene on lähdössä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Let's go! boat's leaving!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Paina sitä! Mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Hit it! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: Mitäs täällä odotellaan? Mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: What we waitin' for? Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Mennään! Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Let's go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Mennään! Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Here we go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Joo, mä tiedän soista vaikka mitä. Suolla on ötököitä, alligaattoreita, käärmeitä ja nyt myös zombeja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Oh yeah, I know plenty about swamps. They're full of bugs and gators and snakes and, well, zombies now!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: Se, että ammumme toisiamme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: The way were shootin'? Each other." "Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Kuunnelkaa kaikki. Pitäkää silmänne auki veriviljelijöiden varalta. Olen tosissani." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Listen up everybody. Be on the lookout for blood farmers. I'm serious." "Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Etkö tiedä? Maanviljelijöitä, jotka eivät kasvata viljaa vaan ihmisiä. Ruoaksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Duh? Farmers that don't grow crops, they grow people. To eat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: Hyvä on, mutta kyllä sitten kaduttaa, kun törmäämme niihin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: Yeah, well, you'll be real sorry if we run into them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Jaa tämä? Siinä sanotaan, että olen hurja zombientappokone." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Oh this here? That says I'm a bad ass zombie killing machine" "Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: Olin kerran veneretkellä, jossa syötettiin kanoja alligaattoreille." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: This one time, I was on a tour boat and they fed chickens to the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: Jep. En siis mieti alligaattoreita niinkään vaan lähinnä tekee mieli grillattua kanaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: Yeah. I mean not so much thinking about the gators as I'm wishing we had some BBQ chicken right now." "Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: Coach, onko sulla rohkaisevia sanoja ennen kuin lähdemme suolle?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: All right, Coach, you got anything inspirational to say as we enter into the swamps?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: Ok, hyvä on. Ajattelin jotain vähän vähemmän raamatullista." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: All right, all right, kinda hopin' you wouldn't get all biblical on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Ok. Ajattelin vaan, että säästät pahimmat helvetin lieskat tällä kertaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Okay, kinda hopin' you weren't gonna get all fire and brimstone on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Niinkö? Mä kuljen siinä laaksossa ja pistän ketoon kaikki vastaantulijat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' some ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Niinkö? Mä kuljen siinä laaksossa ja pistän ketoon kaikki vastaantulijat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Nyt tuli ikävä sitä huvipuistoa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Man, I wish we were back in the amusement park." "Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Nick, muistatko kun oltiin vuoristoradassa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Nick remember when we ran on that roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Älä nyt, se oli hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Oh come on now, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Älä nyt, se oli hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Oh come on, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Hei Nick, mulla oli samanlainen puku kuin sulla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I used to have a suit just like yours." "Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Joo, kun pääsin ripille." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade." "Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Joo, kun pääsin ripille. Se on tainnut käydä pieneksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade. I don't think it fits anymore." "Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: Tiedätkö mitä voisit tehdä? Voisit peittää itsesi mudalla... Siitä ei ainakaan ole puutetta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: You know what you can do? You could try to cover yourself in mud... we're definitely not short on that." "Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: Pysykää kulkusilloilla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: All right, stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Voisit peittää itsesi mudalla..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Ooh - you could try covering yourself in mud..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: Jos pysytään kulkusilloilla, niin emmeköhän pärjää." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: We should be all right if we stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: Varovasti nyt, näyttää aika hataralta.." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: All right, careful, careful, that looks pretty rickety." "Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Haluaako joku valita reitin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Anyone wanna pick a way to go?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Vasemmalle vai oikealle?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Left or right my friends?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Meidän on mentävä takaisin kulkusillalle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta get back to the walkway!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Portaat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Menkää takaisin sinne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Hey, get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Menkää takaisin sinne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Hey, let's get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Pysytään kulkusillalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Let's just stay on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Älkää poistuko kulkusillalta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Hey, don't get off the walkway, okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: Mieluummin olisin kulkusillalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: I don't like not being on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Oletko haistanut itseäsi viime aikoina?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Have you smelled yourself recently?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Huhhuh! Se hajosi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Whoa! That fell apart!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: Kansi ei kestä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: This deck ain't holding!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: Okei, yritetään oikealle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: All right, let's all try to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: He ovat varmasti menneet tätä reittiä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: Dude, they must have gone this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Kierros loppui tähän. Meidän pitää pysyä liikkeessä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Tour ended here. I think we gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Lankku on täällä päin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Planks this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hei, reitti oikealle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hey, path to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: En aikonut ruokkia alligaattoreita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: En aikonut ruokkia alligaattoreita, kiitos vaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators, thank you very much." "Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hei, täällä on valot päällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hey, lights on over here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Viemäriojan luona on valot!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Lights by the drainage ditch!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: Turvatalo! Menemme oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: Safehouse, we gotta be going the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: Nyt kastutaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: Time to get wet." "Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Täällä on kuivaa maata." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Dry land up here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: Pääsemme nopeammin kuivalla maalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: It's quicker on the dry land." "Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: Hieno haapio." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: That's a nice pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: Et tiedä mikä haapio on?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: You don't know what a pirogue is?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Haapion luona olevan puun yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Over the tree by the pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Tämän puun yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Over this tree." "Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Tosi hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Ha-ha. Very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: Todella hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: Yeah, very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: Mitä laskuvarjohyppääjä täällä tekee?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: What's a parachutist doing out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: Miksi hän hyppäisi tänne?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: Why would he parachute out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Helvetti. Tämä ainakin selittää laskuvarjohyppääjän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Holy shit. Well this explains our parachutist." "Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: Tänne hyppääminen laskuvarjolla olisi ihan älytöntä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: Jumalauta, lentokone!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: Goddamn a whole plane!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Tällä lennolla saattoi pelottaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Had to be scary to be on this flight." "Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: Mennään hätäovesta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: Yo, we got to go through this emergency door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Hätäovi on ainoa reitti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Looks like this emergency door is the only way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: Kun avaamme oven, se laukaisee hälytyksen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: I just know an alarm is gonna sound when we open that door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa, niin avataan ovi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Get ready and lets open the door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: Olemmeko valmiit oven avaamiseen?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: All right, we ready to open the door?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Jonkun on avattava tämä ovi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Somebody has to open this door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: Paskat, mä avaan sen itse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: All hell, I'm opening it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: Olkaa valmiina, mä avaan oven!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: All right, get ready y'all, I'm openin' the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Jösses, rakennettiinko nämä talot oikeasti veden alle?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, did they really build these houses underwater?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Roskia on joka puolella." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Man, there is just garbage everywhere." "Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Nämä ovat aitoja hökkeleitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Wow, this here is some real shacks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Tuolla on tie!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Hey, there's a road!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Tuolla näkyy valoja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Hey man, lights on!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Näetkö nuo valot?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Hey you see those lights?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Tuolla on rekka!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Hey, there's a truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Mutaihmisiä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Mud people!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Huijaatko sä mua? Mutaihmisiä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Are you shittin' me now? Mud people?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: Nyt mulla on uusi inhokki: mutaihmiset." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: I got a new thing I hate: mud people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Sanonpa vaan, että mutaihmiset vievät mudasta kaiken hauskuuden." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Tell you what, mud people take all the fun out of the mud." "Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: Kylä on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: There's the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: Kylässä on valot päällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: They have lights on in the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Jos ovat, mä lupaan pussata jokaista!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Oh man, I'll give 'em a kiss if they are!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: He ovat saattaneet selviytyä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: They could have held out!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hei kaikki!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hey y'all!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: Onko ketään kotona?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: Anyone home?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Huhuu?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Hello?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Hey, anybody there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Pääsemme sinne tätä kautta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Hey, we can get to them through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Turvatalo on heti tämän aidan jälkeen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Safe house is right past that fence!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Huhuu, onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Huhuu, onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone here?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Mennään taloon!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Let's go to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: Tänne hyppääminen laskuvarjolla olisi ihan älytöntä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: Voi paska. He eivät selviytyneet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: Shit, man. They didn't make it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Zombit ehtivät tänne myös." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Zombies got here too." "Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Hyviä uutisia ei varmaan saada enää koskaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Man, I don't think we're ever gonna get good news again." "Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: No, etsitään tarvikkeita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: Well, let's look for supplies." "Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Ehkä heiltä jäi jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Maybe they left some around here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: He olivat menossa maatilalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: Looks like they all headed off to a plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: Voimme seurata heitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: We might as well follow them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: Ei meidän tännekään kannata jäädä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: No sense hanging out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Mitä kautta kylästä pääsee pois?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Hey, is there a way out of the village?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: Heidät tapettiin tuosta vaan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: So they just killed them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: Meidän on löydettävä reitti maatilalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: We gotta find the path to the plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Mennään kulkusillalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Let's get up on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Tuolla on kulkusilta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Hey, there's a walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Mennään pois tästä sotkusta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Man, let's get out of this muck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Voitaisiinko mennä pois tästä sotkusta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Can we please get out of this muck?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Voimme käyttää näitä lankkuja." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Hey, we can use these planks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Mennään kannelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Let's get up on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Mennään pois mudasta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Hey everybody, let's get out of this mud!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: Mitä helvettiä? Meneekö ainoa reitti sillan kautta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: What the hell? The only way is over this bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Laskekaa kulkusilta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Hey, somebody lower the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Jep, paina sitä vipua." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Yeah, just hit that lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Painakaa vipua." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Somebody hit the lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: Jotenkin sitä vaan tietää, että kohta ollaan taas kusessa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: You just know this is gonna be some shit." "Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Hey, lower that bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Paina sitä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Silta laskeutuu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hei, silta laskeutuu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hey, bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Silta on alhaalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Bridge down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: Voimme mennä yli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: We can cross!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Se on alhaalla. Mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Hey, it's down, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: Pysykää kannella!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: All right everybody, stay on the deck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Pysykää ylhäällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Stay up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: Meidän on pysyttävä kannella!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: All right, we gotta stay on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: Häivytään täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: All right, let's get out of here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: Maatila on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: There's the plantation!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Menkää talon luo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Get to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: Talo on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: There's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Tuo on se talo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Woohoo! That's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Juoskaa talolle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Hey, run to that house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: Näissä taloissa saattaa olla varusteita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: There might be supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: Talo on tuolla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: There's the house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Voimme käyttää tikkaita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Hey, we could use that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: Näettekö telineet?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: See the scaffolding?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: Pääsemme ylös tuolta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: We can get in up there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Mennään ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Hey, let's get up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Tuolla on pakko olla joku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Yeah, man, there's gotta be somebody there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Käytetään radiota." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Hey, let's use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Käytä radiota." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Kutsutaan vene." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Let's call for the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Käyttäkää radiota." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Hey, somebody use that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Missä hitossa se vene on?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Hey, where in the hell is the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: Mistä hän on tulossa, kun kestää niin kauan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: Where is he coming from that he's takin so long?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Juoskaa veneelle! Veneelle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Hey, run to the boat! Run to the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Vene on täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Lopettakaa taistelu ja menkää veneelle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Hey, quit fighting and get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Hei venemies, voisitko hakea meidät?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Hello boat man, can you come pick us up?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Morjens!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Howdy." "Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: Kuinka sujuu?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: Kuinka sujuu, herra venemies?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: How ya doin', Mr. Boatman?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: Olemme päärakennuksen luona." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: We're at a plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Missäkö olemme? Vanhan päärakennuksen luona." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Where are we? Oh yeah, yeah, at the old plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Tämän kyltin vieressä, jossa kehotetaan soittamaan sinulle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Uh, next to a sign that says call you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: Radiolla?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: By a radio?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Mä olen Ellis, ja lisäksi täällä ovat Rochelle, Coach ja Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Well I'm Ellis, and there's Rochelle, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: Me olemme kunnon ihmisiä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: We're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: Me olemme ihan kunnollisia ihmisiä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: I'll tell you who we are, we're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis, entä teidän?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Well my friends call me Ellis, and you, sir?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: Meitä on neljä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: Well, there's, uh, there's four of us." "Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: Neljä. Haluatko puhua jollekin heistä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: Well, that's four, would you like to talk one of them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Neljä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Four." "Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Meitä on neljä. Voitko tulla hakemaan meidät?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Yeah, there's four of us. Can you come get us?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hän haluaa tietää monta meitä on. Mitä sanon?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hey, he wants to know how many we are, what should I tell him?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: Tällä kaverilla on paljon kysymyksiä. Haluaisiko joku muu jutella hänen kanssaan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: Okay, this guy's askin' a lot of questions, does somebody else wanta take this?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: Hyvä on. Emme ole menossa minnekään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: Okay, all right, well, yeah, we ain't got nowhere else to be." "Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: Kiitos erittäin paljon!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: All right, thank you very much!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Joo, odotamme täällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Yeah, we'll stay here until you get here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Mistä tunnistamme teidät?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Right, real quick, how we gonna know it's you?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Hyvä, olette oikeassa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Yeah, you're right on that, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Tulkaa hakemaan meidät!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Well, come on and get us!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Tulkaa sitten." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Come on then." "Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: Sanoin jo selvä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: I said, okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: Ei, se on hienoa! Kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: N-n-n-no, that's great! Okay, thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: Hän sanoi tulevansa hakemaan meidät. Hän kuulosti tosi mukavalta kaverilta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: All right, well, he says he's coming to get us. Tell ya what, he sounds like a real nice fella." "Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Hei!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Hello. Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: LOPETTAKAA POMMITUS!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: HEY, STOP WITH THE BOMBING!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: ÄLKÄÄ POMMITTAKO MEITÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: PLEASE DO NOT BOMB US!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: Me olemme ne ihmiset sillan toisessa päässä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: We're the people on the other end of the bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: Hän sanoo että meidän pitää laskea silta ja varoa zombeja. He odottavat toisella puolella." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: All right, he says we gotta lower the bridge, be careful of the zombies and they'll be waitin' on the other side." "Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Ai niin, ja hän toivotti onnea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Oh yeah, and he wishes us good luck." "Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Kiitos. Onnea helikopterin kanssa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Thank you. Good luck with the helicopter." "Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: Kuka haluaa laskea sillan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: All right, who wants to lower the bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: Meidän laskettava silta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: We have to lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: Okei, mä painan sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: All right, I'm hittin' it." "Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Toivottavasti tämä toimii!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Hope this works!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: Nyt ei tarvitse kuin ylittää silta, ja olemme lopultakin turvassa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: Aright, all we gotta do is cross this bridge.... and we're finally safe." "Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Ylhäällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Up there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Täällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Over here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Suoraan tuosta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Right through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Täällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Down here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Bussin yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Over the bus." "Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: Tuolle parvekkeelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: On that balcony." "Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Suoraan tuolta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Tästä sisään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Inside here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Näin se käy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Here we go." "Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: Meidän pitäisi mennä tuota tietä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: We should go that there way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: Meidän pitäisi mennä tuolta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: We should go right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Tuolla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Down there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Kiivetkää ylös." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Climb on up." "Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: Rekkojen päälle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: On top the trucks." "Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Tuon rekan päälle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Right on top of that truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: Rekan päälle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: On top of the truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: Vaunun päälle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: On the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: Vaunuun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: In the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Takaisin täältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Back through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Takaisin tuolta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Back through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Oikaistaan tästä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Short-cut through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Tulkaa tätä reittiä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Y'all should come this way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Tuon pihan läpi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Right through that courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Tämän pihan läpi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Through this courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Tikkaat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Tikkaita ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: Menkää tikkaille." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: Get to the ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Menkää tikkaille." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Hey, get to that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Kaikki tikkaita ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Everybody up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Tikkaat! Tikkaat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Ladder! Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Menkää tikkaille!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Get to that ladder! Get to the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Kiivetään noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Get up that ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: Tiedän mitä sanot, ja arvaa mitä? Mä pidän perunoista." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: I know what you're saying, and guess what? I do like taters." "Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Kaa kaa, kaa kaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Kaa kaa, kaa kaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Kaa kaa, kaa kaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [viheltää]" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [Whistles]" "Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: Mitä kuva voi muka tehdä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: What in the hell is a picture gonna do?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Raportoikaa sairaat?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Report the sick?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: Pikemminkin tappovyöhyke." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: More like killin' zone." "Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Lasketaanko teidän mielestä zombien ampuminen?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Y'all think shootin' zombies would count?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: Et tee sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: You ain't gotta do that." "Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: Niitä voi ampua minne vaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: You can shoot 'em anywhere." "Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: Voit ampua sydämeen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: You shoot 'em right in the heart." "Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: Mä ammun niitä jalkoihin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: Shit, I'll shoot 'em in the leg." "Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Tai viipaloida kirveellä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Or slice 'em with an axe." "Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Hitto, mä ammuin niiden jalat irti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Shit, I shot their legs off." "Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Tappakaa kaikki ne paskiaiset, se on mun virallinen ohje." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Kill all the son of a bitches, that's my official instructions." "Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: JUOSKAA!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: JUOSKAA, JUOSKAA!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: RUN! RUN! RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: ÄLKÄÄ PYSÄHTYKÖ!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: MAN, DON'T STOP RUNNING!" "Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Kyllä." "[english]Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Yes." "Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: Totta helvetissä." "[english]Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: Hell yeah." "Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Jep." "[english]Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Yep." "Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Jeah." "[english]Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Totta kai." "[english]Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Joo, hoidetaan homma." "[english]Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do it." "Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: Hyvä on." "[english]Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: Mukana ollaan." "[english]Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: You're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Eipä kestä." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Yeah, you're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: Olemme sujut." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: We're cool." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: Olemme sujut." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: We're good." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Milloin vaan, kamu." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Anytime, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Takuulla!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Takuulla!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Aina." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Always." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: Onnistuu." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: You got it, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: Onnistuu." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: You got it, girl." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Ei ongelmaa, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Yeah, no problem, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: Pikkujuttu, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: No big thing, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: Ole hyvä, köriläs." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: Ah it's all you, big guy." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: Hienoa, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: All good, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: Onnistuu, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: That's what I do, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: Ei hätää, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: No worries, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: Ei ongelmaa, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: No problem, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Teen mitä tahansa puolestasi, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Anything for you, Ro." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Teen mitä tahansa puolestasi, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Anything for you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: Teen mitä tahansa vuoksesi, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: You know I got your back, Rochelle." "Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Adrenaline shot here!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Nappaan piikin!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Grabbin' a shot!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [ravistelee itsensä hereille]" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [shaking self awake]" "Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Tässä on pullollinen... luultavasti yrjöä." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Here's a bottle of...looks like puke." "Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Pullo yrjöä." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Yrjöpommi!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Boomerin yrjöä." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Boomer puke right here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Hyi hitto, kuka säilöö eritteitään tölkkiin..." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Oh, man, a jar's no place for bodily functions." "Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Nappaan oksennuspommin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Nappaan oksennuspurkin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Varokaa! Yrjöpommi!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Heads up! Bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: Nyt lentää yrjö!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: Here comes some puke!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Yrjöpommi tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Yrjöpommi tulossa!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Heitän yrjöpommin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Throwing a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Heitän yrjöpommin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Tossin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Hei paskiaiset, täältä tulee yrjöä!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Here comes the bile, you sons of bitches!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Varoitus, zombit! Kohta sataa!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Heads up, zombies! It's about to RAIN!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: Hienoa, en olekaan nähnyt kunnon tappelua hetkeen." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: All right, I ain't seen a good brawl in a while." "Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Vihaan zombeja, mutta tykkään katsella kun te tappelevat keskenään." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Man, I hate zombies, but I LOVE watchin' 'em fight." "Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Tankin kimppuun vaan!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: Tästä saat. Jahdatkaa tätä!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: All right, here ya go. Chase this!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Tankin kimppuun vaan!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Tankin kimppuun vaan!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Pullo yrjöä." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: Täällä on yrjöpommi!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: I got a bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: Täällä on yrjöpommi!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: There's a bile bomb right there!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Nappaan oksennuspommin!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: Laske minut alas!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: PUT ME DOWN!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: MIHIN SE RAAHAA MUA?" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME?" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: SE SAI MUT!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: IT'S GOT ME!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: Se repii mun persukset!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: He is breaking my butt!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: Se sai mut!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: He's got me!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Mihin se raahaa mua?!!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Where is he taking me?!!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Päitsimet." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Chest paddles here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Defibrillator here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Kappas, sydäniskuri." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Hey, defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Mulla on päitsimet." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Got some chest paddles." "Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Mulla on sydäniskuri." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Got a defib unit." "Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Irti!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Clear!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Herää!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Come on!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: Herää!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: Come ON!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Virkoa nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Come back, come back!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Toimi nyt, helvetti..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Toimi nyt, helvetti..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [being shocked]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Voi juku..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Whoa, man..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Argggh! Miksi te mua käristätte?" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Agggh what the hell are you shockin' me for?" "Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Vau. Onneksi en jatkanut valoa kohti." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Whoa. Good thing I headed away from the light." "Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Olinko mä kuollut? Huhhuh..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Was I just dead there? Oh man..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Mä rakastan ostareita. Me oltiin kerran ostarilla Atlantassa, ja siellä oli tyyppejä, jotka tanssivat rahasta, ja mun kaveri Dave oli ihan että... No olkoon." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Man I love malls. I do. Once I was in this mall, up in Atlanta, and these guys were dancing for like money and stuff and my friend Dave and I was all..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs Junior on rajuin tyyppi jonka tiedän. Mutta mulla on yksi kaveri, joka ajaa kilpaa. Ei millään rata-autoilla vaan sellaisilla formulamalleilla, ja yhtenä päivänä hän oli ajamassa, kun yhtäkkiä vuohi..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. is the man. I mean I don't know anybody like that, man. But there was this guy I knew, he raced dirt tracks, not stock cars but open wheeled cars you know, and he was racing once and a goat..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: Okei, mutta siinä oli vuohi." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: Okay. But there was a goat." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: Tunsin yhden kaverin joka yritti tehdä maailmanpyörässä istumisen maailmanennätystä. Kahden päivän kuluttua kaveria rupesi janottamaan ja hän pyysi olutta, mutta sitä ei annettu, joten hän otti köyden, en tiedä mistä hän sen oli saanut, ja..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: I knew this guy who was trying to set the world record on staying on a Ferris wheel. He had been up there like two days or somethin' and he wanted some beer, but they weren't givin' him any so he got this rope. Now don't ask me where he got the rope from---" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: Tästä mudasta tulee mieleen mun kaveri Keith. Hän yritti rakentaa hökkeliä asunnoksi, vähän niin kuin täällä nämä hökkelit, jotka ovat tosin olleet ennen ränsistymistä ihan kunnon taloja, mutta Keith ajatteli oikaista suoraan hökkelivaiheeseen. Puuta ei ollut, siispä hän keräsi mutaa ja rupesi tekemään siitä tiiliä, tai niin me ainakin luultiin, että tiiliä niistä oli tulossa, ja Keithillä oli siis kasa mutaa valmiina, ja..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: Man, all this mud reminds me of my friend Keith. Yeah, he was goin' to build a shack once, to live in and all, and I know most people here, they build houses and they become shacks, but Keith, he was about jumpin' right to the shack stage. But he had no wood. So he got some mud and was makin' what we were all thinkin' was gonna be these adobe bricks, you know, like when them people out west made bricks and shit? Well, he had mud and..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: Mä en olekaan ennen ollut sokeriruokopellossa, tai siis olenhan mä nähnyt näitä ennenkin, mutta ei ole ollut erityistä syytä mennä itse pellolle, mutta tiesittekö että persikkapuutarhoista löytää aina kaikenlaista jännää. Yhdenkin kerran kun olin..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: I ain't never been in a sugar cane field before. I mean, I seen 'em and all, but no real reason to go into one, but now you go into a peach grove, you find all kinds of cool shit. This one time I was in..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Tiedättekö mitä saksien imeminen tarkoittaa? Meinaan kerran tulin tänne Keithin kanssa ja hän ei tiennyt, joten... Niin siis ei se liity mihinkään pahaan, se liittyy rapujen syömiseen." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Do you know what suck the heads means? Cause I came down here with Keith once and he didn't know and… I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin'." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: Kerroinko jo siitä, kun Keith ja mä tehtiin ilotulitusraketteja? No mähän en tiedä mitään kemiasta, mutta Keith keksi, että bensahan ainakin syttyy hyvin. Lopputuloksena Keith sai kolmannen asteen palovammoja melkein sataan prosenttiin kropasta. Naapurikaupungista asti tultiin valittamaan palaneen ihon hajusta..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Now, I didn't know shit about chemistry, but Keith figured, \"Gasoline burns, doesn't it?\" Third degree burns on ninety-five percent of his body. Man, people in the next city over were calling to complain about the smell of burning skin." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: Kerroinko jo siitä, kun Keith yritti kerran uppopaistaa kokonaisen kalkkunan? Siitä tuli kolmannen asteen palovammoja yli yhdeksäänkymmeneen prosenttiin kropasta, ja se lääkäri soitti muita lääkäreitä katsomaan Keithiä, kun kukaan ei ollut ennen nähnyt uusia palovammoja entisten palovammojen päällä..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith tried to deep fry a turkey? Third degree burns over ninety percent of his body. His doctor called up, like, other doctors to look at him cause they'd never seen burns on top of existing burns--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: Kerroinko vielä sitä, kun mun kaveri Keith ajoi autolla alas rotkoon ja häneltä meni molemmat jalat poikki? Tämä ei ole mikään hauska tarina vaan enemmänkin opettavainen juttu. Otetaan esimerkiksi tuulilasi. Sehän näyttää aika kestävältä, vaan eipä ole, Keith tietää. Hän lensi sen läpi niin että vilahti." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drove his car off a cliff, broke both his legs? It's not a funny ha-ha story so much as a make-you-think story. For instance: windshields look pretty durable, right? Not the case, according to Keith. Son of a bitch flew right through that sucker--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Jeah." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Okei, mutta...." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Okei, mutta siinä oli..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Okay, man, but there was..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: Hyvä on." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Ei hätää." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Sori, en halunnut hoputtaa." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Sorry, didn't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Siistiä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Siistiä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: Selvä." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: Mun kaveri Keith asui kerran hautausmaalla kokonaisen vuoden. Se ei ollut kilpailu tai mitään sellaista, hänet oli vaan heitetty kämpästään pihalle. Hän sanoi ettei nähnyt yhtäkään aavetta koko aikana, paitsi yhden kerran kun aave puukotti häntä takaapäin ja vei kaikki rahat. Ja sekin aave saattoi tosiasiassa olla joku koditon kaveri, koska sillä oli päällä lakana, johon oli leikattu silmänreiät." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith lived in a grave yard once, for a whole year. It wasn't a dare or nothing, he just got kicked out of his house. He said he never saw a single ghost, except this one time when a ghost stabbed him from behind and took all his money, and he might have just been a homeless guy cause he had a robe on with two eyes cut outta his face--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: Mun kaveri Keith yritti kerran telttailla yhden rakennuksen katolla. Hän ammuskeli siellä vähäsen, pelkkiä variksia, mutta poliisia ei se kiinnostanut siinä Keithiä kyynelkaasuttaessaan. Hän huusi tuskasta ainakin vuoden ajan aina kun avasi silmänsä. Aluksi se oli hauskaa mutta rupesi sitten tuntumaan vähän surulliselta. Ja sitten se oli taas hauskaa." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows but the police were too busy tear gassing him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire YEAR every single time he opened his eyes. Oh, man. At first it was funny, then it just got sad, but then it got funny again. Oh, man." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: Kerroinko koskaan siitä, kun alligaattori nappasi Keithin suolla? Keith ei härnännyt sitä mitenkään, me vaan yritettiin ottaa kaksi alligaattoria vangiksi ja laittaa ne taistelemaan keskenään. No, kun Keith meni kolmannen kerran pinnan alle mä tajusin, että jotakin on vialla, joten mä..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: I ever tell you guys about the time my buddy Keith got rolled by a gator in a swamp? Man, he didn't agonize it or nothing, we were just trying to grab two so we could piss 'em off and get 'em into a fight. Anyway, the third time Keith went under, I realized something was wrong, so I--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: Kerroinko vielä siitä kerrasta, kun mun kaveri Keith hukkui rakkauden tunneliin? Sitä ei uskoisi mahdolliseksi, koska vesi on niin matalaa, mutta se onkin pahin ansa: liiallinen itsevarmuus. Keith oli siellä tytön kanssa ja huusi tyttöä apuun, mutta tyttö ei halunnut auttaa, koska ei halunnut tulla märäksi, siis sillä tavalla märäksi." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drowned in the Tunnel of Love? You wouldn't think it could happen cause the water's so shallow, but that's how it gets you, man: Over confidence. Keith was with his lady at the time and he was yelling for her to save him but she didn't wanna get wet--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: Olenko kertonut siitä, kun mä ja Keith mentiin kerran salaa rakkauden tunneliin? Me kehitettiin sellaista paksua ja venyvää sylkeä ja jätettiin sitä roikkumaan katosta, ja sitten seuraavassa veneessä tulevat rakastavaiset..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck into a Tunnel of Love? Man, if you get your spit thick enough, y'see, y'all can hang a loogie off the overhang, right, so when smoochin' sons of bitches behind you--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: Kerroinko jo siitä, kun mä ja Keith salakuljetettiin värikuulapyssyt vuoristorataan? En ole kuullut, että kukaan olisi keksinyt samaa, joten mä luulen että me kehitettiin uusi urheilulaji. Siispä Keith soitti patenttitoimistoon, mutta..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck paintball guns on a roller coaster? I never heard of anybody else doing it, so I thought we might have invented a sport. So Keith called the patent office but--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: Kerroinko siitä ikinä, kun mä ja Keith tehtiin Keithin takapihalla omatekoiset törmäilyautot ajettavista ruohonleikkureista? Keith sai teristä haavoja yli yhdeksäänkymmeneen prosenttiin vartalosta. Mä en edes ajanut päälle, vaan hän onnistui jotenkin kaatumaan oman leikkurinsa..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith made a homemade bumper car ride with riding mowers in his back yard? Mower blade wounds over ninety percent of his body. I didn't run him over, either. He somehow managed to fall under his own." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: Kerroinko koskaan siitä, kun mä ja Keith täytettiin vesi-ilmapalloja omalla ku-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith filled up water balloons with our own--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: Kerran armeija pommitti mun kaveria Keithiä. Hän oli lähtenyt telttailemaan, mutta ei jaksanut lukea mitä varoituskylteissä sanottiin. Sinä päivänä testattiin sitten kaikenlaisia pommeja, eikä vain niitä tavallisia. Ainakin kemiallisia hermokaasupommeja ja sirpalepommeja sekä sellaisia, jotka hajoavat ilmassa ainakin sadaksi pienemmäksi pommiksi..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: One the time the army bombed my buddy Keith. He went camping and didn't bother to read the signs, and I guess they were just testing bombs that day. All sorts of stuff too, not just regular bombs. Like biological nerve gas bombs, shrapnel bombs, these bombs that break up in the air into like a hundred smaller bombs--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: Kerroinko siitä koskaan, kun kaverini Keith tipahti avoimesta viemärinaukosta? Hän makasi viemärissä viikon verran taju kankaalla, ja sinä aikana, Keithin tietämättä, aukon päälle oli vedetty asfaltti. Keithin oli pakko..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell down an open manhole? He was unconscious down there for like a week. During that time, unbeknownst to Keith, they paved over him. Keith had to--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: Kerroinko sitä juttua, kun mä ja mun kaveri Keith olimme palavan rakennuksen katolla ja meidän piti lahdata viiden kerroksen verran zombeja päästäksemme pois? Ei kun hetkinen, sehän olittekin te! Pahus, tämä juttu pitää kertoa Keithille." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith and I were on the top of a burning building and we had to fight our way down like five floors of zombies? Wait a second. I guess that was you guys. Aw shit, man, I can't wait to tell Keith about that one." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: Olenko kertonut siitä, kun mun kaveri Keith tipahti vuoristoradan vaunun kyydistä? Ei hän tippunut kuin raiteille, mutta radan valvoja ei suostunut pysäyttämään vaunuja, koska muut ihmiset olivat kuitenkin maksaneet kyydistä, ja hän joutui väistelemään vaunuja ainakin parikymmentä minuuttia." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell out the roller coaster? Yeah, he didn't drop far, mind you, just onto the tracks, but the carnival people wouldn't stop the ride cause all the other people paid good money and Keith snuck on for free, so he had to dodge for like twenty minutes or so." "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Explosive rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Täällä on räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some explosive rounds right here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Täällä on sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Got some frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab some of these frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Jaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Jaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: Älä sitä mua kohti heitä!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: Shit, don't throw it at me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: Mitä hittoa sä teet! Mähän kuolen tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: What the HELL, man? I'm gonna get killed here!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Älä sitä tavaraa mun päälle heitä!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Älä sitä tavaraa mun päälle heitä! Se houkuttelee zombeja!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me! That calls a horde!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Älä heitä yrjöä mun päälle!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Don't bomb me with the bile!:" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Hei, ammu Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Shoot the Tank, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Roe! Ammu Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Ro! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Ammu Tank, Coach!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Ammu Tank, Nick!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: Hei, ammu Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: HEY! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Ammu Tank, senkin sokea idiootti!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, you blind son of a bitch!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Ammu Tankia, älä mua!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Hey come on y'all, shoot the Tank not me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Mun ampuminen ei auta Tankin tappamisessa!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Shootin' me ain't gonna help us kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Kranaatinheitin!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Kranaatinheitin!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher here!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Otan kranaatinheittimen!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Taking the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hei, otan kranaatinheittimen!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hey, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Jeah, pakko ottaa kranaatinheitin!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Oh hell yeah, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: Näin se tehdään oikein." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: That's how it's done RIGHT!" "Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: Me rokataan kybällä!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: We're kickin' more ass than a boot in an ass factory!" "Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: Hitto me olemme hyviä." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: DAMN, we are good." "Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Lataa, varmista ja löpinät pois! Niin se tehdään!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Load, lock, and cut the talk! That's how it's done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: Me ollaan zombinlahtauksen ammattilaisia!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness!" "Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: Me ollaan zombinlahtauksen ammattilaisia!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness, or what?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: ME... TAPAMME... ZOMBEJA! Se on meidän homma!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: WE... KILL... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do! What?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Juhuu! Paskat maailmanlopusta, tämä on paras ampumarata koskaan!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Hoohoo! Apocalypse, my ass! We're livin' in the best shooting range of ALL TIME!" "Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Miksi ovi suljettiin? En ollut valmis vielä!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Hey, what'd we shut the door for? I wasn't done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: Tasoitetaan peliä! Taidan sitoa toisen käteni selän taakse." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: We gotta make this fair for the zombies! I'm-a tie an arm around my back." "Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Ihmiset neljä, zombit nolla." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Humans four, zombies nuthin'." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hei, tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hey, fire bullets right here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Nappaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: Nappaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: I'm grabbin' some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: Laitetaan paikat palamaan." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: Laitetaan paikat palamaan." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: Laitetaan paikat palamaan. Kuka on messissä?" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: Time to start some fires. Who's with me?" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Jaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Jaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: Jaan tuliluoteja!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: I'm deploying some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Ottakaa kaikki palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Hey, everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Ottakaa kaikki palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Hey, everybody let's grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Laser sights here." "Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Laser sights right here." "Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Täällä on lasertähtäin." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Hey, laser sights here." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: Hitto että lensi pää hienosti!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: Goddamn that head went flying!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Oh yeah!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Mä olen sua nyt päätä pidempi!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Woo! You just got SHORTER, cousin!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Zombi oli liian pitkä. Korjasin asian." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Man, that zombie was too tall. I fixed him." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Maila heilumaan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Batter the hell up." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: PAM!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: POW!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BÄNG!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BAM!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: KRÄK!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: CRACK!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: Kunnari!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: That's a home run!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: Pallo katsomoon!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: Out of the park, baby!" "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Viidakkoveitsi." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Otin viidakkoveitsen." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Got a machete." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Viidakkoveitsi." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Moottorisaha." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Moottorisaha." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: Otin moottorisahan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: I got a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Moottorisaha." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Jos multa menee käsi, tikkaan tämän tynkään kiinni." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Man, if I lose my hand, I'm stitchin' this thing onto the stump." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Sellaista ongelmaa ei olekaan, joka ei moottorisahalla ratkea." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Ain't a problem in the world can't be solved with a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: Pamppu..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Nappaan pampun." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Grabbing a nightstick." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: Pamppu..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [hyräilee] Hakkaan zombin kuoliaaksi... pampullani..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [humming] Gonna beat me a zombie to death... with a nightstick..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Kitara." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Nappaan kitaran." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Grabbing a guitar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Kitara." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Otan kirveen." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Hey, grabbing an axe." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Katana." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Katana." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: Nappaan tämän katanan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab this katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Nappaan katanan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Grabbing a katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Nappaan siistin ninjamiekan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Grabbing the cool-ass ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Nappaan ninjamiekan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Nappaan ninjamiekan. Harmi että heittotähdet jäivät kotiin." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Wish I'd brought my throwing stars." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Nappaan ninjamiekan. Jos joku näkee nunchakun, kertokoon mulle." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Anybody sees some nunchuks, gimme a holler." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: Vihdoin karatetunneista on hyötyä." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: Finally, all them karate lessons gonna pay off." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Nappaan sorkkaraudan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Grabbing a crowbar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Sorkkarauta." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Crowbar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Sorkkarauta." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Crowbar right here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Hakkaan niitä paskiaisia niin kauan kuin jaksan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till I lose my watch." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: Aika hakata paskiaisia." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: Time to beat on some sons of bitches." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: Meinaan hakata zombit niin pieneksi mujuksi ettei silmä enää erota." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: Gonna beat me a zombie till there ain't a chunk big enough to hit." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Hakkaan niitä paskiaisia niin että paita värjäytyy punaiseksi." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till my shirt turns red." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Sorkkarauta saa aikaan persoonallista jälkeä toisin kuin pyssyillä tappaminen." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Crowbars give you that personal touch you don't get with gun killin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Maila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: Jonkinlainen maila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: I don't know, some sort of bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: Mailan tapainen." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: Bat thing here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Maila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Maila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Paddle here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: Nyt voin pistää mailan heilumaan." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: Got me a mind to do some paddlin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Nappaan kättä pidempää." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Grabbin' a problem solver." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Nappaan leipäveitsen." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bread slicer." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Tuonne!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: This way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: Täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: In here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: Tänne päin!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: C'mon, this way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Tämän ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Hey, through this window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Tuon ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Through that window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Tätä kujaa pitkin." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Down this alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Tuota kujaa pitkin." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Down that alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Mennään tästä läpi." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Let's go through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Mennään tuosta läpi." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Hey, let's go through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Tämän oven läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Through this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Tuon oven läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Through that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Voimme oikaista tämän ravintolan läpi." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Hey, we can cut through this restaurant." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Tuon portin läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Tuon portin läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Right through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Up that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Näitä tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Up this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Noita tikkaita alas!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Down that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Näitä tikkaita alas!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Down this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Aidan yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Over the fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Tuon aidan yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Over that fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: Sillalle!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: To the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: Voimme mennä yli täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: Voimme mennä yli tuolta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: We can cross right there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: Voimme mennä yli täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: Voimme mennä ylös täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: We can get up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: Voimme mennä ylös täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: We can get up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: Voimme mennä alas täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: We can get down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: Voimme mennä alas tuolta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: We can get down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: Täällä ylhäällä on turvallinen huone!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: There's a safe room up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Tuolla ylhäällä on turvallinen huone!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Hey, there's a safe room right up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Antaa palaa!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Paina nappia!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Press the button!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Toimikaa!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Aktivoi se!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Activate it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: Painoin sitä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: I hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: Tein sen!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: I did it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Tämän oven yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Over this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Tuon oven yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Over that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Tämän roskiksen yli!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Over this dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Hyppää alas tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Jump down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Hyppää alas tänne!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Jump right down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Hyppää alas tuonne!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Jump down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: Meidän on palattava pellon poikki!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: We gotta go back through the field!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Everybody in the elevator!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Mennään hissillä takaisin ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Hey, we can take the elevator back up!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Tuota putkea ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Up that pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: Tätä putkea ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: UP this pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Kaikki takaisin alas portaita!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Everybody back down the stairs!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Ylittäkää silta!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Over the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: Voimme ylittää säiliötä pitkin!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: We can cross on that tank!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Ylittäkää tässä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: Pääsemme veden yli täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: We can get across the water here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: Pääsemme veden yli tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: We can get across the water there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Näyttää tutulta. Suunta on oikea!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Oh, yeah, this looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: Muistan tuon. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Koko paikka on veden alla." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Man, the whole place is underwater." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: Aivan kuin tarujen Atlantis." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: It's like a fabled city of Atlantis." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: MYRSKY!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: STORM!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: MYRSKY TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: STORM COMIN'!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: ÄLKÄÄ MENKÖ MINNEKÄÄN!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: DON'T WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: ÄLKÄÄ HAAHUILKO MINNEKÄÄN!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: DON'T NOBODY WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: En näe mitään." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: I can't see a damn thing." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: Tuolla on sisäänkäynti. Olemme melkein ulkona!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: There's the entrance! We're almost outta here!" "Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Haisee kuin pesukarhun raato vaippatehtaassa." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Smells like a raccoon died in a diaper factory." "Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Haisee kuin kaappi täynnä mätiä sipuleita." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Smells like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Haisee kuolleilta zombeilta. Niin kuin kaikki nykyään." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. Everything smellin' like that lately." "Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Haisee kuolleilta zombeilta. Olen ruvennut tykkäämään siitä hajusta." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies. And that's a smell I'm getting partial to." "Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Ei, se haisee aina tältä." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Naw, it always smells like this." "Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Sitäkö se on? Haisee hylättyyn jääkaappiin kuolleelta pesukarhulta." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Is that what that is? Smelled like a raccoon died an abandoned refrigerator." "Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: Vai sitä se on... Musta se haisee kuin kaappi täynnä mätiä sipuleita." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: So that's what that is. Man, I thought it smelled like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: [nuuhkii] Haisee kuolleilta zombeilta. Se on hyvä haju." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. I got no quarrels with that smell." "Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Reloading here!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Täytyy ladata!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Gotta reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Lataan!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Ovatko ne muuttuneet luodinkestäviksi?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Aw, hell, now they're bulletproof?" "Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Ne ovat luodinkestäviä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Aw, hell, they're bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Ne on pyöräytettävä ympäri tappamista varten!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Hey, you gotta spin 'em around if you want 'em dead!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Selkäpuoli ei ole luodinkestävä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Their backs ain't bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Ammu sitä paskiaista selkään!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Shoot that son of a bitch in the back!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: Pelle houkuttelee ystäviä paikalle! Tappakaa se!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: That clown's bringing friends! Take him down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: Pelle on vaiennettava!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: We gotta shut that clown up!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Tappakaa tuo pelle!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Hey, take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Tappakaa tuo pelle!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Tappakaa tuo pelle!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Take the clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Tappakaa tuo pelle!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Take down that clown!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: En ole ennen pelännyt pellejä näin paljon." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: Man, I've never been so scared of clowns." "Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Pellejä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Clowns!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Pellejä? Ei voi olla totta." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Clowns? Clowns. Oh, you have got to be kidding me." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: Onpa aika helvetinmoisen ruma zombi." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: That is one ugly ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: Hitto, tuo on paha zombi." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: Damn, that is a nasty ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Spitter se osaa olla ruma tapaus." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Man, that Spitter is one ugly bitch." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Tykkäsin zombeista enemmän vaatteet päällä." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Man, I like these zombies better when they got clothes on." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: Tuo rumuus ei lähde edes hakkaamalla." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: One more hit with the ugly stick probably wouldn't hurt her." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: Sori Nick, en halunnut tappaa tyttöystävääsi." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: That an ex-girlfriend of yours, Nick?" "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: Sori Nick, en halunnut tappaa äitiäsi." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: Sorry about that Nick, didn’t meant to kill your mom." "Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Hetkinen, tuo pudotti jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Hold on, that one dropped something." "Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Hei, mitä se pudotti?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what'd that one drop?" "Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Tuo otus pudotti jotakin tuonne." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Hey, that one just dropped something, right there." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: Mitä helvettiä? Ovatko ne tulenkestäviä?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: What the hell. These things fireproof?" "Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Varokaa niitä suojapukuisia." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Watch out for the ones in the hazmat suits." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: No jopas. Tulenkestäviä zombeja." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: Well, I'll be damned. Fireproof zombies." "Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Varokaa, mutaväkeä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Hey, watch out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Varokaa! Tuolla on mutaväkeä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Hey, look out! Mudmen, right there!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Varokaa! Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Look out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: Meidän on pystyttävä parempaan kuin tuo." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: We gonna need to do better than THAT." "Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Meidät hakattiin perusteellisesti." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Dude, we just got our asses handed to us." "Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: Tuo oli rankkaa!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: That was BRUTAL!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: Tuo oli aika surkea esitys." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: THAT... was a pretty poor display." "Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: Sanotaan että se oli tasapeli." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: Sanotaanko, että se oli tasapeli." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: You know what? We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: Vielä meissä henki pihisee!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: We're still standin'!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Vaauuu!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Woooow!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Vau!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Wow, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HEI! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: TULE TAKAISIN! OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ! HEIII!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: HEY, WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEI! TÄÄLLÄ! TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEY! OVER HERE! OVER HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HEI! TULE TAKAISIN! TÄÄLLÄ ON VIELÄ IHMISIÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HEY! COME BACK! THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: ME OLEMME KATOLLA! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HEI! OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HEY!! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HEI! TULE TAKAISIN! OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HEY!! COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: Helvetti! Missasimme ne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: Damn it! We just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: Kirottua! Viisi minuuttia myöhässä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: Damn it! Five minutes too late!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: Helvetti, en ole nähnyt kenenkään kuolevan ennen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: Turvataan toistemme selusta. Mun nimi on Ellis, entä sun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: We gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: Helvetti, en ole nähnyt kenenkään kuolevan ennen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: Ihanko totta? Painimista ja vastaavaa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: Voimme hypätä alas täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: We can jump down here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Alas hissikuilua!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Down this elevator shaft!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: Ehkä pääsemme tätä kautta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: We can get right through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: Tämä huone näyttää turvalliselta. Mennään sisään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: This room looks safe. Let's get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Ovi kannattaisi varmaan pitää kiinni." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Probably a good idea to keep that door shut." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: Helvetti! Missasimme ne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: Damn it! Man, we just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: Se menee luultavasti ostarille. Siellä on evakuointipaikka. Ottakaa aseita, minä näytän tietä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: I reckon it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: Tiedän sen ostarin. Siellä on evakuointipaikka. Napatkaa aseet, niin mennään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evacuation set up there. Grab weapons and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Perkeleen vispilä lähti ilman meitä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Goddamn whirlybird left without us!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: Se näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: Well it looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Vispilä näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia. Ja mä sanon sitä vispiläksi jos huvittaa, hienohelma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Mennään sitten." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Let's go then." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Hahaa! Kyllä nyt kelpaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Haha! That's more like it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Juuri niin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Yeah, that's right." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Nyt pannaan tuulemaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Now we're cookin' with gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Tutkikaa huoneet. Niistä saattaa löytyä käyttökelpoista tavaraa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be some useful shit in some of em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: Rauhoittukaa! Helikopteri näyttäisi suuntaavaan ostarille, missä on evakuointipaikka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: All right, everybody calm down! That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: Tämä hissi toimii vielä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: This elevator's still workin!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Luojan kiitos, tämä toimii vielä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Thank the Lord, this one's still workin." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Hey, everybody, in the elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Paina nappia! Paina nappia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Let's go, push the button! Push the button!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Valmiina..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Ovien takana voi odottaa lämmin vastaanotto. Valmiina..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Might be a welcomin' committee when these doors open. Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Hauska tavata, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Pleased to meet you, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. Hauska tavata, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Hauska tavata, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Nice to meet you, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: Helikopteri näyttäisi suuntaavaan ostarille, missä on evakuointipaikka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Entä sun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. How 'bout you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Entä sun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: People call me Ellis. You?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Mulla on autokorjaamo parin kaverin kanssa. Meillä on myös bändi, jossa mä soitan bassoa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop with a couple of my buddies. We're also in a band. I play bass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Mulla on autokorjaamo tässä lähellä. Evakuoinnin sijaan mä panssaroin auton ajaakseni täältä pois. Tein siitä zombinkestävän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop around here. Instead of evacuatin', I armored up a truck to drive myself out of here. Built that thing to be zombie proof." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Se olikin vaan 99-prosenttisesti zombinkestävä. Se viimeinen prosentti repi koko auton paskaksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Turns out it was only ninety-nine percent zombie proof. The last one percent tore that truck to SHIT." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: Ihanko totta? Painimista ja vastaavaa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Täh? Jos kaikki pakenevat, kuka katsoo uutisia?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Huh. If everybody's evacuatin', who's watchin the news?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Ja mä opin ampumaan ennen kuin opin kävelemään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis. Ja mä opin ampumaan ennen kuin opin kävelemään, hienohelma Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk, white suit Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Niinpä tietysti. Pomot on paskapäitä. Mun nimi on Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Figures. Bosses are shitheads. My name's Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: Helikopteri on takuulla menossa ostarin evakuointipaikkaan. Saamme sen kiinni jos pidämme kiirettä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: Aivan! Mun nimi on Ellis, ja mä olen asunut täällä koko elämäni. Ja täällä on vaikka kuinka paljon paikkoja, jotka ei ole mitään paskarakoja." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: That's right! My name's Ellis, and I've lived here all my life. And there's tons of places here that ain't pieces of shit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Kenet me menetettiin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Who'd we lose?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: En tiedä. Hän kutsui itseään Coachiksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: I dunno. He just called himself Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: Se taisi olla Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: I think it was Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Tyttöparka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Poor girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: Se taisi olla Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: I think it was Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: \"Nick\" kuulosti kivalta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: I just liked the sound of \"Nick.\"" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: En ole nähnyt kenenkään kuolevan ennen. Lemmikkieläimiä ei lasketa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: Man, I ain't ever seen nobody die before. Pets, yeah, but that ain't the same." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta kun näen jonkun kuolevan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: That's the first I'm I ever seen somebody die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Turvataan toistemme selusta. Mun nimi on Ellis, entä sun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Dude, we gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: Se on ok, ei ongelmia. Mä asun täällä, ja helikopteri on takuulla menossa ostarin evakuointipaikkaan. Saamme sen kiinni jos pidämme kiirettä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: It's okay, we're cool. I live around here, and I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: Se yrjöävä otus!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: It's the barfin' one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: Se yrjöävä läski zombi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: It's the barfin' fat ass zombie!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Se menee luultavasti ostarille. Siellä on evakuointipaikka. Ottakaa aseita, minä näytän tietä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Hey, I bet it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: Tiedän sen ostarin. Siellä on evakuointipaikka. Napatkaa aseet, niin mennään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evac center set up there. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hei, lopettakaa. Emme pääsee mihinkään riitelemällä keskenämme. Sitä paitsi tämä rakennus on tulessa, meidän pitäisi lähteä liikkeelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hey, come on, now! Quarrelin' amongst ourselves ain't solvin' nothing. Anyway, I think the building's on fire. Maybe we should get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Se näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Vispilä näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia. Ja mä sanon sitä vispiläksi jos huvittaa, hienohelma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Se näytti menevän ostarille toiselle puolelle kaupunkia. Ja mä sanon sitä miksi huvittaa, hienohelma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Savannah on upea paikka. Mä näytän teille nähtävyydet matkalla ostarille!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Man, Savannah's awesome. C'mon, I'll show you the sights on the way to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Näkivätkö he meidät?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Do you think they saw us?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Joo, he tulevat takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, they'll be back." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Ostarilla taitaa olla toinen evakuointipaikka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, I think there's another evac station in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: Eikö kukaan muu huomaa, että rakennus on tulessa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: Anybody else noticed the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: Eikö kukaan muu huomaa, että rakennus on tulessa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: Anybody else noting the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: Ette ehkä huomanneet, mutta tämä rakennus on tulessa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: It may have escaped all y'all's notice, but this building is on fire." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Aseet mukaan ja menoksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Weapons up and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: Ottakaa aseet, ne tulevat tarpeeseen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: You best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Ottakaa aseet, ne tulevat tarpeeseen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Jokainen ottaa aseen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Hey everybody grab a weapon." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Jokainen ottaa aseen. On parempi ottaa ase, vaikka se osoittautuisi tarpeettomaksi, kuin että joutuu ilman asetta tilanteeseen, jossa sellaisen tarvitsisi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Everybody grab a weapon. It's better to have one and not need it than NEED one and not have it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: Huomasiko kukaan, että tämä rakennus on tulessa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: Did anyone else notice this building is on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Helvetti mikä sotku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Ah hell, this is just messed up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: Mä en palaa alakertaan aseettomana." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: I ain't going back downstairs unarmed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: En tiedä mikä alhaalla odottaa, mutta nappaan kättä pidempää varmuuden vuoksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: Don't know what's down there, but I'm grabbin' somethin' just in case." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Jokaisen pitäisi ottaa jotakin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Hey, we should all grab something." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: Ottakaa kaikki ase, mä luulen että kohta päästään tappamisen makuun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: hey, everybody grab somethin' I think we got some killin to do." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: Voi paska, zombeja on oikeasti olemassa. Mä tiesin sen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: Holy shit, zombies are real. I KNEW it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombit ovat totta. Mä tiesin että ne elokuvat olivat oikeassa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombies are REAL. I knew them movies were true." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Zombit ovat totta. Mä tiesin, ettei ne kirjat olleet väärässä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Dude those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were non-fiction." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: Hitto, ne liikkuvat nopeasti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: Shit, them things move FAST, man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: Onko tuo se mitä luulen?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: That what I think it is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Ovatko nuo niitä mitä luulen?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Those what I think they are?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Okei, nuo eivät näytä..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Okay, those don't look like..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Nuo eivät näytä niiltä Savannahin asukkailta, joita minä olen tavannut." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Those don't look like no Savannahites I ever seen." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: VOI PASKA!! TAPA SE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT!!! KILL IT!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Huh - onko tuo zombi? Siis oikea zombi-zombi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Whoa - is that a zombie? Like a, like a ZOMBIE zombie?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Joo, tämä tappaa ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Yeah, this kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: Tämä tappaa ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: This kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Tarvitseeko niitä lyödä päähän?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Hey, do we need to hit 'em in the head?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: Ei niitä välttämättä tarvitse lyödä juuri päähän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: I don't think we need to hit 'em just in the head." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Pyhä jysäys... Ne vain kuolevat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Holy shit... they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: Ne kuolevat luoteihin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: Well, bullets kill 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Hienoa, ne vain kuolevat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Ah, cool, they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: [vislaa] Katsokaa noita rukseja. New Orleans näyttäisi olevan viimeinen kaupunki, joka on vielä pystyssä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: Check out all them X's, man. Looks like New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: Jos kartta on oikeassa, New Orleans on viimeinen vielä pystyssä oleva kaupunki." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: If this map's right, New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: En tiedä mitä mieltä te muut olette, mutta kartan perustella mä valitsisin New Orleansin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to, I dunno, New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: En tiedä mitä mieltä te muut olette, mutta kartan perustella mä valitsisin New Orleansin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to New Orleans." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: Pahus. Haluaako kukaan muu New Orleansiin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: Dang. Anybody else want to go to New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Toivottavasti pidätte New Orleansista, koska sinne meidän on mentävä, jos haluamme selviytyä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Hope you guys like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Toivottavasti pidätte New Orleansista, koska sinne meidän on mentävä, jos haluamme selviytyä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Hope you folks like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Mä en ole käynyt New Orleansissa vuosikausiin! Siitä tulee hauskaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Man, I ain't been to New Orleans in a dog's age! Come on, it's gonna be fun!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Tämä reitti on tukossa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: Meidän on päästävä tulen ohi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: Tuli leviää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: The fire's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: Tuli leviää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: The fire's spreading, man, it's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: Pahuksen hissi ei toimi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: Goddamn elevator's out!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: Hissi ei toimi, etsitään portaat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: This elevator's broke, we better find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Meidän on löydettävä portaat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: Hehheh. Zombi-maailmanlopussa on hyvätkin puolensa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: Heh heh. Zombie apocalypse ain't all bad." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Siitä mä tykkään aina." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Oh, I'm always gonna love that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Hahaa. Paikkojen rikkomista!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Haha. Breakin' stuff!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Räiskis!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Ca Rash!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: Tuota olikin mulle uusi juttu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: Shit, ain't ever done that before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Pam!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Bam!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Mä olen aina halunnut tehdä noin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Man, I always wanted to do that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Menkää reunalle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Menkää reunalle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Get out to the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hei, menkää reunalle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hey, out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: Koskaan en ole ilahtunut aseen näkemisestä näin paljon." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a gun." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Aseita! Siinä vasta silmäniloa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Guns! Now there's a sight for sore eyes." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Täällä on aseita! Näillä voimme raivata tien." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Guns here! This'll help clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Täällä on aseita! Näillä raivaan tien." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Guns right here! I'm gonna clear me a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: Arvasin että jostain löytyy aseita!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: I knew there had to be guns somewhere!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Tutkikaa nämä huoneet jonkin käyttökelpoisen varalta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be something we can use." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: Ihanko totta? Painimista ja vastaavaa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Niinkö? Miltä kaupunkimme vaikuttaa tähän asti?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Yeah? How you like our city so far?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: No joo, yleensä täällä on kivempaa, kun ei ole näitä zombeja. Mä olen muuten Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: Yeah, well it's normally a lot nicer when we don't have the zombies. I'm Ellis, by the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: Voit kutsua mua Ellisiksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Helvetti! Tämä on pahaa unta. Zombi-maailmanloppu ja kaikkea. Voi paskan paska. Mitä helvettiä me nyt tehdään?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Holy shit! This is some kind of nightmare. Goddamn Zombie Apocalypse and shit. Shit, shit, shit. What in the hell are we going to do?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, mun nimi on Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, my name is Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis, mutta jotkut sanoo mua Eliksi. Ellis on parempi, koska El kuulostaa tytön nimeltä. Mutta sekin käy, jos tykkäät siitä enemmän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: Mun nimi on Ellis, mutta jotkut sanoo mua Eliksi. Ellis on parempi, koska El kuulostaa tytön nimeltä. Mutta sekin käy, jos tykkäät siitä enemmän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. Mikäs sun nimi on, köriläs?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. How 'bout you, big man?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Voi paska. Yksi meistä on kuollut!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Ah shit man, we lost somebody!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: Vain me kaksi jäljellä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: It's just you and me!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: Matkan varrella on asekauppa, josta voimme hakea kunnon aseita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: Ooh, I know a gun store we can stop at along the way. Get ourselves some REAL weapons." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: Onko hän?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: He is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: Olenko?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: I am?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: Olemme menossa ostarin suuntaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: We're heading the right way to the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: Kuljemme oikeaan suuntaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Silta ostarille on tukittu! Pakko löytää toinen reitti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Bridge to the mall's blocked, man! We gotta find another way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Kokeillaan tuota ovea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Hey, let's try that door." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: Meidän on pakko päästä sillan yli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hypätkää rekalle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hey, jump onto the truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: Ostari on suoraan edessä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: The mall's JUST up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Ostari on ihan lähellä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Okay, I think we're getting close to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Täällä on hiljaisempaa kuin hautausmaalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Man, this place is quieter than a graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Toivottavasti ostarille meneminen on oikea päätös..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Hope we're making the right call going to that mall..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Mä tunnistan tämän paikan! Asekauppa on suoraan edessä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Hey, I recognize this! That gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: Asekauppa on suoraan edessä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: I think that gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: Tappaisinko zombeja tällä aseella vai sittenkin tällä... Pahus, täällä on paljon valinnanvaraa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: I'm gonna kill zombies with this gun, or no, this one, or... shit man, there's a lot of choices in here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: Nappaan aseen. Jätetäänkö me näistä rahaa?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: I'm grabbin a gun, should we leave some money for these?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: Kuulisitpa itseäsi, Roe! Kuulostat aivan mun äidiltä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! You sound like my mama." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: Kuulisitpa itseäsi, Roe! Kuulostat aivan mun äidiltä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! Kinda sound like my mom." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: Katsohan tyttöä, Roe! Susta on tulossa oikea tuliaseiden asiantuntija!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: Look at you, Ro! You're turnin' into a real firearms connoisseur!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Me ei kerrota sitä teille ison kaupungin ihmisille. Jos tulee ongelmia, meistä on kiva tietää, että teillä ei ole aseita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Oh, we like to keep that a secret from you big city types. If there's ever any trouble, it's nice to know y'all ain't armed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: Kyllä vaan, rouva. Se todellakin on." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am. It truly is." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Kiitos aseista!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Thanks for the guns!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: Kyllä sen ymmärtää, mies tarvitsee purtavaa. Omituinen kaveri." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks. Man this guy's weird." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: Kyllä sen ymmärtää, mies tarvitsee purtavaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: Me haetaan sulle evästä ja sä raivaat tien? Kuulostaa reilulta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: So we get you some snacks and you clear the way? Shit, that sound fair." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Aseita kokista vastaan. Meillä oli koulussa päinvastainen projekti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Cola for guns, I think this is like the reverse of what my school did." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Ymmärretty. Me tehdään se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Got it, yeah, we'll do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Kyllä herra, me autamme sua ja sä autat meitä. Selvä juttu. Jäimmekö mitään velkaa aseista?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Yes sir, we will help you, you will help us. Got it. Hey, do we owe you anything for the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hei, nappaa tuo kokis!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hey, grab that cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: Minulla on kokis, mennään takaisin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: Mulla on kaverin kokis! Mennään, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: All right, man, I got that dudes cola! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Otin kokiksen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Hey I got the cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Nappaan kokiksen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Grabbin' cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: Este on alhaalla! Häivytään täältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: Barrier's down! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Mahtavaa, este on tiessään! Häivytään täältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Woohoo! There she goes! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Noin avataan reitti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Now, that is how you clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: [vislaa] Jep, eiköhän tuo tepsi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: Yep. That oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: Meillä ei ole vaihtoehtoja. Meidän pitäisi kai tehdä se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: I guess we don't have any choice man. I guess we oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: Mulla ei ole parempaakaan ideaa. Onko teillä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: I don't have a better idea. Any of you guys?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Jos teillä ei ole mitään parempaa ideaa saada este alas, tehdään se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Well unless you guys got a better idea to get a barrier down, I say we do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Ostari on tuolla! Me onnistuimme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Hey, there's the mall! We MADE it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: Koskaan en ole ilahtunut ostarin näkemisestä näin paljon!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a damn shopping center!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: Olemme perillä! CEDAn on parempi olla vielä täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: We made it! CEDA still better be here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: CEDAn on parempi olla ostarilla..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: I swear to god, CEDA better be at that mall…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDAn on parempi olla täällä jossain." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDA better be around here somewhere." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Ehkä evakuointipaikka on kauempana ostarin sisällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Maybe the evac's further in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Aamen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Aamen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Näitä liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Up this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Noita liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Up that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Näitä liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Down this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Noita liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Down that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evakuointiasema on täälläpäin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evac's this way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: Evakuointiasema on tuollapäin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: Evac's that way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evakuointiasema on edessä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evac's up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Hei katsokaa! Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Check it out, man! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Hei katsokaa! Tuo on Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Check it out, man! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: No eipä kukaan muu kuin kaikkien aikojen paras rata-autokuski, Nick. Sä et taida tietää historiasta paljoakaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: Ugh, only the best stock car racer who ever lived, Nick. Guess you don't read much history." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: Tuo tuolla, hyvät naiset ja herrat, on itse Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is Mr. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: Jestas sentään! Tuo on Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: I'll be damned! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: Kaikkien aikojen paras rata-autokuski. Suosittelen kirjojen lukemista." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: Just the best stock car racer of all time. Try reading a book sometime." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Nyt suu soukemmalle. Sä olet vitsaillut Savannahista koko päivän, mutta mä en ole sanonut mitään. Mutta Jimmy Gibbs Junioria et vähättele. Hän on Georgian osavaltion suurin ylpeydenaihe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man is the pride of Georgia.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Nyt suu soukemmalle. Sä olet vitsaillut Savannahista koko päivän, mutta mä en ole sanonut mitään. Mutta Jimmy Gibbs Junioria et vähättele. Hän on elävä legenda." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man's a living legend." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: Tuo mies on Georgian osavaltion suurin ylpeydenaihe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: That man is the pride of Georgia." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: Tuo mies on Amerikan suurin luonnonvara." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: That man is America's greatest natural resource." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: Tuon miehen takia antaisin vaikka oman henkeni." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: I would take a bullet for that man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: Jos luonto sen sallisi, synnyttäisin jälkeläisiä tuolle miehelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: If the laws of nature allowed it, I would bear that man's children." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: Tuo mies on amerikkalainen sankari." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: That man is an American hero." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: Tuo on Jimmy Gibbs Junior, paras kuski joka on koskaan ollut rata-auton ratissa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. The greatest driver ever to climb into a stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Voi paska, missasimme hänet! Tämä maailmanloppu alkaa nyppiä..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him! This apocalypse is startin' to piss me off.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: Voi paska, missasimmeko hänet? Se oli viimeinen tikki! Julistan sodan zombeja vastaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him? That is the last straw-these zombies have just made an enemy." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Hittolainen, olisin voinut päästä samaan kuvaan Jimmy Gibbsin auton kanssa. Mä vihaan tätä maailmanloppua." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Aw, hell. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? I HATE this apocalypse." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: Hittolainen, olisin voinut päästä samaan kuvaan Jimmy Gibbsin auton kanssa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: God damn it. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Hei katsokaa! Jimmy Gibbs Junior!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Check it, y'all! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs on mun idoli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs got my vote." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: Tämä hälytys varmasti huomataan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: I got a feelin' this alarm ain't gonna go unnoticed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa! Hälytys menee päälle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Jatkakaa vaan!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Keep going!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: Jatkakaa ylös!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: UP, UP! Keep goin' UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: We have to turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Somebody turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: Selvä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Selvä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: Korvissa soi vieläkin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: My ears ain't never gonna stop ringing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Meidän on päästävä ulos kaupungista omin neuvoin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Looks like we'll have to get out of the city on our own." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Meitä ei taideta pelastaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Doesn't look like we're getting rescued." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Täällä on kuin teurastamossa..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Looks like a slaughterhouse in here..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Tämä on... kammottavaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Man, this is... this is awful." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: Vain me itse voimme pelastaa meidät." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: The only folks gonna save us is ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: Jos haluamme täältä pois, meidän on tehtävä se itse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna have to do it ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hei, täällä ylhäällä! Jotkut selviytyjistä ovat rakentaneet turvahuoneen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hey, right up here! Some of the refugees built a safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: Itse asiassa olen vähän ajatellut..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: Actually, I been thinking..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: Mulla saattaisi olla idea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: I might have an idea." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: Mulla saattaisi olla yksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: I think I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: Jos haette ideoita, etsintä on päättynyt. Mulla on nimittäin yksi hyvä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: If you're looking for ideas, look no further. Because I have a good one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Etsitään Jimmy Gibbsin kilpa-auto ja tankataan se, niin pääsemme täältä pois ajamalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Let's go find Jimmy Gibbs's stock car. We get that thing gassed up, we can drive out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: Mulla on siis idea. Jimmy Gibbsin kilpa-auto on jossakin täällä. Meidän on vain löydettävä ja tankattava se, niin mä voin ajaa meidät New Orleansiin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: So I been thinking. Jimmy Gibbs's stock car's around here somewhere. We just gotta find it, gas it up, and I'll drive that thing to New Orleans my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: Mulla on idea. Muistatteko ne julisteet? Otata itsestäsi kuva Jimmy Gibbsin auton kanssa? Auto on siis täällä. Kun siihen saadaan bensaa, pääsemme sillä pakoon." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: I've got an idea. You know them posters we been seein? Get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? That means it's HERE. We just need to appropriate it, and we got ourselves an escape vehicle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Kuunnelkaa. Katsokaa julistetta! Siinä sanotaan, että voit ottaa itsestäsi kuvan Jimmy Gibbsin kilpa-auton kanssa. Meidän on vain löydettävä auto ja tankattava se, niin pääsemme ajamaan sillä pois täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Listen up. See that poster! Says here you can get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs stock car. All we gotta do is find it, gas it up, and drive out of here ourselves!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: Mulla on idea. Jimmy Gibbs Junior ei suutu, vaikka lainaisimme hänen kilpa-autoaan. Hän on hyvin antelias mies." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: I've got an idea. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind if we borrow his stock car. He's a very generous man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Kyllä, kyllä. Meidän tarvitsee vain löytää ja tankata se, niin mä voin ajaa meidät pois täältä vaikka itse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All we gotta do is find it and gas it up, and I'll drive us out of here my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Muistatteko ne mainokset jotka näimme tullessamme sisään. Mulla on idea kulkupelin hankkimiseksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Y'all remember those ads we saw on the way in? I think I got an idea how to get us some wheels." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: Tuo on Jimmy Gibbs Junior. Etsitään hänen kilpa-autonsa ja tankataan se, niin mä voin ajaa meidät ulos täältä itse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr., and yes. We find his stock car, get it gassed up? I'll drive us out of here myself." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Vain mun kuolleen ruumiini ylitse, sillä mä hoidan ajamisen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Only if I get kilt. Otherwise you better kill me, cause I'M driving." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: Mun mielestä kilpa-autoa saa ajaa se, joka keksi idean." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: I actually think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: Se oli mun idea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: It was my idea!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: Mun mielestä kilpa-autoa saa ajaa se, joka keksi idean. Ja idea oli mun!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: I think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car. And that was, I dunno, ME." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Muistakaa, että näyttelyautossa on yleensä tankki tyhjennetty, joten meidän on löydettävä bensaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Now remember: They don't fill up the tanks at car shows, so we'll have to find some gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: Veikkaan, että tankki on tyhjänä. Meidän on tankattava auto ennen kuin voimme lähteä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: All right, I'm bettin' the gas tank'll probably be empty. We'll have to gas it up before we can haul ass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Mä olen yrittänyt pölliä näyttelyauton ennenkin, ja ilmeisesti juuri sellaisen varalle niistä tyhjennetään aina tankit. Eli auto on tankattava." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Now, this ain't the first time I've tried to peel out of a car show. Turns out they usually leave the tanks empty for just such an eventuality. We gonna have to gas it up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Missä hän sitten onkin, Coach, hän on sinusta ylpeä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Wherever he is, Coach-he's proud of you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: Hitto. Enpä tullut ajatelleeksi sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: Hell. I never thought of that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: En mä. Tuo mies on mulle kuin isä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: Not me. That man's like a father to me." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Muistakaa suunnitelma. Haetaan bensaa, täytetään tankki ja häivytään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Remember the plan. Grab gas, fill up the tank, and let's get out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: Kun ovet avautuvat, liikettä kinttuihin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: Soon as these doors open... get ready to run." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Vauhtia! Etsikää bensaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Go! Go! Go! Find some gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Auto on tuolla! Napatkaa kanisterit ja täyttäkää ne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Hey there's the car! Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: Tuolla se on!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Vau, tuolla se on!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Oh Man! There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Auto on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Hey, there's the car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Vauhtia, vauhtia..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Come comeoncomeoncomeon..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Mene tankkiin nyt, ole kiltti..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Please get in the tank, please please please..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: Vauhtia nyt, kiirettä kiirettä..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: C'mon, hurrrry up up up up up..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Tuntuu kuin tankkaisin jotakin pyhää." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Man I feel like I'm gassin' up royalty." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: Tämä on valtava kunnia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: This is... such an honor." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: En villeimmissä kuvitelmissanikaan olisi uskonut, että pääsen tankkaamaan Jimmy Gibbsin autoa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: Man, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be gassin' up Jimmy Gibbs's car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Katsokaa nyt tätä autoa..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Would you look at that automobile..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: Mä ajan sua ihan kohta, tyttöseni." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: I'll be drivin' you REALLLL soon, girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: Mä en malta odottaa pääsyä sun ratin taakse, kultaseni." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: I can't wait to get behind your wheel, darlin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Vauhtia nyt... Tankkaa se tästä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn...Fill it up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Napatkaa kanisterit ja täyttäkää ne!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Etsi bensakanisteri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Etsi bensakanisteri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: Tämä on mun!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: I got this one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Vauhtia! Tankataan auto!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Tankataan auto!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: Tarvitaan lisää bensaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: We need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: Tarvitaan vieläkin lisää bensaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: We still need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Puolivälissä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Halfway there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Melkein täynnä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Almost there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Tarvitaan kaksikymmentä lisää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Hey, we need twenty more, twenty more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: Tarvitaan kymmenen lisää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: We still need ten more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: Tarvitaan viisi lisää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: We still need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: Tarvitaan viisi lisää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: we need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: Vielä kolme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: All right, just three more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Vielä kaksi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Just two more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: Yksi vielä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: One more can do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: Tankki on täynnä, nyt mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Häivytään täältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Let's get outta here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Lähdetään! Mä ajan! Jeee!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Let's go! I'm driving! WOOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Kaikki autoon nyt!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Everybody get in the damn car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Kaikki autoon nyt! Valmista on!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Get in the car! We're ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Tulkaa, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Come on, let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Jiiihuuuuu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Woooohoooo!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Seuraava pysäkki New Orleans!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Next stop: New Orleans!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Turvavyöt kiinni! Nyt katsotaan mihin tämä auto pystyy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Buckle up, folks! I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs Junior, mä teen tämän sun kunniaksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. I will do this for you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Nyt mennään! Turvavyöt kiinni, nyt katsotaan mihin tämä auto pystyy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Here we go folks! Buckle up, I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Olen pahoillani, kaverit. Tämä auto pystyy kyllä ihmeisiin, mutta sillä ei pääse ylittämään kolmenkymmenen kilometrin verran parkkeerattuja autoja. Taidamme joutua kävelemään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. This car's capable of miracles, but it can't drive over twenty miles of parked cars. I think we're walkin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: Kirottua. Katsokaa tuota ruuhkaa. Ilman sitä olisimme onnistuneet!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: Goddamnit. Look at that logjam! We coulda made it, too!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hei kamut, saisinko olla hetken yksinäni auton kanssa? Mun täytyy sanoa sille pari asiaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hey guys, can I have a second? Alone with the car? I just... I got some things that need saying." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Saisinko olla hetken yksin auton kanssa? Mun pitää hyvästellä se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Guys, can I have a second with the car? Alone? I-I just need to say goodbye." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: Meillä oli hauskaa yhdessä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: We had a good time." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: Rakastan sua ikuisesti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: I will always love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: Olet kaunein asia jossa mä olen koskaan istunut." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: You are the most beautiful thing I have ever sat between." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Tämä oli mun elämäni paras päivä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Man. This was the best day of my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: Rakastan sinua." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: I love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Kiitos! Ilman sua tämä ei olisi onnistunut." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Thank you. We couldn't have done it without you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Tässä se nyt oli. Ei tehdä tästä vaikeampaa kuin on pakko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Well, this is it. Let's not make it harder than it needs to be." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: En kuvitellut, että tässä näin kävisi, mutta mä joudun jättämään sut tänne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: Well, this isn't the way I saw it, but I'm sorry I'm gonna have to leave you here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: Selvisit hyvin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: You did good." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: Olemme taas omillamme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: Naw, we're stranded." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Sori kaverit. Tätä ei voinut tietää ennalta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. I didn't see this comin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Sori kaverit. Ehkä tämä ei ollutkaan niin hyvä idea." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. Guess it wasn't such a hot idea after all." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Etsintävaloja. Ensimmäinen elonmerkki sataan kilometriin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Searchlights. That's the first sign of life we've seen in a hundred miles." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: Meidän pitäisi suunnata valoja kohti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: We should head towards those searchlights." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: Alas tätä poistumisramppia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: Down this off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: Alas tuota poistumisramppia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: Down that off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: Tuo on Whispering Oaksin huvipuisto." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: That'd be Whispering Oaks Amusement Park, right there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: Mun arvaus on, että puisto on tuolla päin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say the park's that way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Joo, etsintävalot ovat tuolla. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, there's the spotlights. We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Moottoritie on tukossa! Oikaistaan motellin läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through the motel!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Katsokaa noita raukkoja. He halusivat vain uimaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Look at those poor people. All they wanted to do was go for a swim." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Katsokaa noita raukkoja." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Look at all those poor people." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Tarkistakaa huoneet! Voi löytyä jotakin hyödyllistä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Check the rooms! Might be crap in em!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Voi paska, olen pahoillani. Aioin kertoa sulle siitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Ooh, shit, sorry man. I was gonna tell you about that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Katsokaa mihin astutte. Rotko näyttää jyrkältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Hey watch your footing. This gully looks steep." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: Meidän on oltava varovaisia, jos haluamme rotkon pohjalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: If we're gonna get to the bottom of this gully, we gotta be careful." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! Olemme perillä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Olen pahoillani. En voi ajaa liikenneruuhkan yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. I can't drive over a traffic jam." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: Etsintävalot ovat tuolla. Jos siellä on sähköä, siellä on oltava ihmisiä. Mennään katsomaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: There's the searchlights. If there's electricity, there must be people. Let's check it out." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: Olen samaa mieltä. Mahtava show." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: I'll back you up on that. Hell of a show." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: Näin heidät vuonna 2007. Eturivissä keskellä. Käräytin kulmakarvani." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: I saw 'em in '07. Front row center. Lost my eyebrows." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hei, katsokaa! The Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hey, check it out man! That's The Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [laulaa] \"Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountain.\"" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [laulaa] \"Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around.\"" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Stay on That Mountain! Se oli enka sinkku levyltä Ten Past Midnight. Aivan loistava biisi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Stay on That Mountain! First single off their Ten Past Midnight album. I love that song." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Every Lady's Crazy! Sitä ei ole levytetty, soitettu vain livenä. Taidat tuntea Ridersit aika hyvin, Coach." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Every Lady's Crazy! Never been recorded, only played live. You know the Riders, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Joo, se on suosittu bändi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Uh, yeah, they're a pretty big deal, all right." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: Kuulin jostain, että kun he soittavat, show näkyy avaruuteen asti!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: I heard when they play? You can see the show from SPACE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: Kuulin, että bändin pitää peruuttaa keikka jos on tuulinen sää, sillä tuulen alle jäävät kaupungit syttyvät palamaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: I heard they gotta cancel the concert if there's a breeze, cause any town downwind'll catch on FIRE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Vau, katsokaa näitä laitteita. Eikä jonoja missään! Kunpa meillä ei olisi näin kiire." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Man, would you look at all these rides? And no LINES! Wish we weren't in such a hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: Ihan kuin olisimme ostaneet huvipuiston kokonaan meille! Se onkin kolmas asia jonka teen, kun voitan lotossa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: It's like we bought the park and got every ride to ourselves! That's the third thing I was gonna do if I ever won the lottery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: Haluan käydä laitteessa, yhdessä vain! Päästäkää mut Screaming Oakiin edes kerran. Milloin pääsemme tänne takaisin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: I wanna ride one! Just one! Just lemme ride the Screaming Oak once. Man, when we ever gonna be here again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Kuinka sä et voi tykätä Pikku Pähkinästä? Se on mahtava kaveri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Man, how can you not like Li'l Peanut? I love this little guy!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: Teillä on vikaa päässä. Mulla oli pienenä Pikku Pähkinän leluja, ja se oli paras kaveri joka pojalla voi olla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: You guys are jaded. I used to have his toys when I was bite-sized. That little stuffed peanut was the best friend a boy could have." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Arvaas mitä, Coach? Hyväksyisin tarjouksen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Well, Coach? I aim to let you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Voi juma, kaverit! Vekkula!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Voi juma, kaverit! Tuolla on Vekkula!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! It's goddamned Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Katsokaa! Vekkula!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Check it out! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: Jos vielä jatkat noita lyhyysvitsejä, mä otan hatkat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: You keep it up with the height jokes, and I won't." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: Sä olet tosi hauska, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: You're a real comedian, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Ha ha ha." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Ha ha ha." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: Sä olet tosi hauska." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: Well, aren't you a real comedian." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Huuu! Jeah!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Wooo! Yeah!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Kytkekää se pois päältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Turn that damn thing off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: Se on pois päältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: Se on pois päältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Juoskaa rakkauden tunneliin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Everybody into the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Rakkauden tunnelissa on turvahuone!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Hey, there's a saferoom in the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: Tämä ei ole sellainen laite, Nick. [kuiskaa] Tänne tullaan pussailemaan tyttöystävän kanssa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: Tämä ei ole sellainen laite, Nick. [kuiskaa] Tänne tullaan pussailemaan tyttöystävän kanssa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Hienon näköistä vettä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Cool looking water." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: Mennään rakkauden joutsenenhuoltohuoneeseen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: Menkää rakkauden huoltotunneliin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Palavia rakkauden ammuksia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Rakkauden katanamiekka!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Katana sword of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: Tästä reiästä alas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: Down this hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: Tuosta reiästä alas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: Down that hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Rakkauden räjäytetystä reiästä läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Through the blasted-out hole of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Upeaa! Vuoristorata!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Aw, MAN! A roller coaster!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Tuo on Screaming Oakin vuoristorata!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Aw, MAN, that's the Screamin' Oak!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Siistiä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Oh, cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Herranjestas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Ohmigod!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Herranjestas, nyt on joulu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Ohmigod, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Pyhä jysäys, nyt on joulu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Holy shit, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Raiteet on raivattava." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Hey, we need to clear these tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Raivataan raiteet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Let's clear the tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: Mä raivaan raiteet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: I'm clearing the tracks" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: Tuo on niin hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: That is so cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hey we gotta turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Jonkun on sammutettava hälytys!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: Hälytys käy mun hermoille!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: That alarm is getting on my nerves!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Seuratkaa raiteita!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Follow the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Jatkakaa raiteita pitkin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Keep followin' the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Tämä on niin hienoa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Okay, come on, how cool is this?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Alarm's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: Se on pois päältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: POIS!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: Se on pois päältä, kuuletko? Pois päältä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: It's off, can you hear me? It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Törmäilyautojen läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Through the bumper cars!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: Miten pääsemme aidan ohi?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: How do we get around this fence?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: Aita tukkii tien." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: This fence is blocking our way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: Pahus, he sulkivat portin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: Damn, they closed this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: Meidän on avattava tämä portti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: We gotta open this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: Meidät on lukittu ulos!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: They locked us out!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: Olemme umpikujassa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: We're blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: Generaattori on saatava käyntiin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: We need to power up this generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Miten me tänne pääsemme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Hey, how do we get in here?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: Meidän täytyy päästä sisään." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: We need to get in." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: Meidän on mentävä sisään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: We gotta get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Käynnistäkää se!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Let's start it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Tee se!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: Mä käynnistän generaattorin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: I'm starting the generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Generaattori käynnistyy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Generator starting!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: Minä käynnistän sen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: I'm starting it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: Mä avaan sen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: I'm opening it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: Kuten näet, mä hengitän." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: I'm breathin', ain't I?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: Synnyin suoraan valmiiksi. Joten kyllä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: I was born ready. So... yes." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: Se on helikopteri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: It's a helicopter!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: Kopteri!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: A chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Mennään stadionille!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Get into the stadium!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: Pääsemme stadionille tätä kautta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Helikopterille täytyy lähettää merkki!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, we need to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: Tarvitsemme jotakin isoa, jonka helikopteri huomaisi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: We're gonna need something big to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coach, ikävä kertoa uutiset, mutta en usko, että bändi on oikeasti täällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coach, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think they're actually HERE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coach, sä olet nero." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coach, you are a brilliant man." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: Olen aina halunnut juosta helikopterille kitarasoolon soidessa. Niin kuin musavideoissa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: I always wanted to run to a helicopter during a guitar solo. Just like in a music video." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: Ja se on merkki helikopterin pilotille! Tästä tulee ainakin neljäs kerta, kun Midnight Riders pelastaa mun hengen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! This is gonna be like the FOURTH time the Midnight Riders have saved my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: Mä olen mukana. Nyt rokataan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: I'm in. Let's rock and roll." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: Mä olen mukana. Kohta rokkaa koko areena." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: I'm in. This arena's about to get rocked." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: Etsitään esiintymislava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: We need to find the stage!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Etsitään esiintymislava." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Let's find the stage." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: Finaali täytyy aloittaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: We need to start the finale." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Miten finaali aloitetaan?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Anybody know how to start the finale?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: Miten finaali saadaan alkuun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: How's this finale supposed to start?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: Nick, Midnight Ridersin show'ssa ei ole kyse musiikista. Siinä on kysymys räjähdyksistä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: A Midnight Riders show ain't about the MUSIC, Nick. It's about the explosions." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: Ei se haittaa. Pyrotekniikka peittää musiikin alleen joka tapauksessa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: That don't matter. I could never hear the music over the pyrotechnics anyway." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: Tosi monet bändit käyttää huulisynkkaa. He vain säästävät äänijänteitään studiota varten." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: Lots of bands lip sync. Ain't nothing wrong with saving your vocal cords for the studio." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Täällä on kasettisoitin, jossa lukee finaali!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Ooh, here's a tape deck marked Finale!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Mitähän tapahtuu, jos painaa tätä nappia jossa lukee finaali?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Do you think this button marked Finale will do anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: Kun käynnistän soittimen, se alkaa. Valmiina!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Finaali alkaa kohta! Kaikki valmiina!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Okay, cueing up the finale! Everybody get ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Finaali alkaa kohta! Kaikki valmiina!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Okay, I'm cueing up the finale! Everybody ready?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Valmistautukaa rokkaamaan! Finaali käynnistyy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Get ready to rock! I'm about to start this baby." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Laita valot päälle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Hit the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Valot!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Laita lisää volyymia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Turn it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Lisää volyymia! Nupit kaakkoon!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Turn it up! Turn it WAYY UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: Mä rakastan tätä biisiä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: I love this song!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: Tämä on mun elämäni paras päivä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: This is the best day of my life!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: Me ollaan Midnight Ridersin roudareita!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: It's like we're roadies for the Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: Tämä biisi on mahtava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: This song is AWESOME!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Ammu raketit!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Set off the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Käynnistä raketit!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Launch the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Käännä katkaisinta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Flip the switch!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Valot päälle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Turn on the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Laita spotit päälle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Hit the spotlights, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Hit the flash pots!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: Tarvitaan lisää!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: More, baby, we need more!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Jatka, jatka!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: Kopterin pilotin on pakko huomata tämä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Paina sitä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Jatka sen painamista!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Keep hitting this!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Jatka käynnistämistä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Keep setting it off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Paina kaikkea!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Hit everything!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: Enemmän volyymia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: We need crank this shit up, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: Helikopteri näki meidät!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: The chopper saw us!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: Kopteri on tulossa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: The chopper's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: Siinäs näet! Midnight Ridersin musiikki pelastaa ihmishenkiä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: See? The Midnight Riders' music saves lives!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Kiitos, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Thank you, Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Kiitos ja hyvää yötä, Whispering Oaks! Te olitte hieno yleisö!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Thank you, Whispering Oaks and goodnight! You've been a GREAT AUDIENCE!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: Se toimii!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: It's working!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Tank hengiltä niin kopteri voi laskeutua!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: Hän ei voi laskeutua ennen kuin Tank on tapettu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: He can't land till we kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: Hän ei voi laskeutua ennen kuin Tank on tapettu. Tappakaa Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: HE ain't gonna land till the Tank is dead, man. Kill the Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Mennään kopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Alkakaa tulla, mennään helikopteriin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Let's go, guys! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Helikopteri lähtee, mennään!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Chopper's leaving, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Mennään, mennään! Kopteri on täällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: Ihan kuin musavideoissa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: JUST like a music video!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nickillä on pointtinsa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nick does have a point." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nick, miksi sä ammuit pilotin!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nick, what the hell, you shot the pilot!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: Totta. Hän oli zombi. Mutta hän oli myös ainoa pilotti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: True. True. He was a zombie. But he was also the only pilot." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: Huh, tuo oli mielipuolista. Nick, sä olet toiminnan mies! Missä helvetissä me nyt olemme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: OOOH man, that was some crazy shit. Nick, you are a man of action! ... Where the hell are we?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, mä näen kyltin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, I see the sign." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Pudotus meni niin pehmeästi, koska laskeuduimme" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Guess our crash was so soft cause we landed in the..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Uimaan alligaattoreiden kanssa? Ei kiitos." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Swimming with gators? Why, no thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hei kaverit, kertokaa rehellisesti: onko mun lihakset kasvaneet?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hey, guys. Be honest. Are my muscles gettin' bigger?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: Tiesin sen. Jatkuva juokseminen ja kiipeily kasvattaa muskeleita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: I knew it. All this runnin' around climbin' up on stuff's makin' me buff as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Hetkinen. Ei kyttiä, ei sääntöjä ja asuntona iso puumaja? Kuulostaa aika hienolta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Wait, no cops, no rules, you get to live in a big tree house? Sounds badass is what it sounds like." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Kysyttekö multa? Näillä suoihmisillä on asiat järjestyksessä. Ei kyttiä, ei sääntöjä..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Y'all ask me? These swamp people got it all figured out, man. No cops, no rules..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: Mitä, keksivätkö he tavan lopettaa vessassa käynti? Se on huikeaa! Ei kun hetkinen, nyt mä tajusin. Voi paska, tuo on ällöttävää." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: They figured out how to stop going to the bathroom? That's AMAZING. Ohhhh. No, wait, I just got it. Shit, that's gross as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Asekassissa on valoraketteja." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Oh, there's flares in the gun bag." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: Et ottanut aseita?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: You didn't grab the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: Et ottanut asekassia?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: You didn't grab the gun bag?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Pitkälti jokainen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Pretty much everybody." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Mikset sinä itse ottanut niitä?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Why didn't YOU grab 'em?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: Ei." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Bensa loppu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Outta gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Taidamme joutua kävelemään Ducatelille ja takaisin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Looks like we're gonna have to walk to this Ducatel place." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Meidän pitäisi kiirehtiä, ennen kuin alkaa sataa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Hey, we should hurry before it starts to rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: Turha siitä on valittaa. Lähdetään liikkeelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: No use whinin' about it. Let's get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Sataako täällä? Sataa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Is it rainin? Never mind, it is." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Nyt sataa jo kunnolla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Man, it is really startin' to pour." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Helvetinkö väliä. Nyt sataa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Aw what the hell? It's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Hitto, sataa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Aw, shit, it's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Pidettäisiinkö vähän kiirettä, ennen kuin hukumme kaikki?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Hey can we make an effort to move fast here fore we all drown'd?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Painakaa reitti mieleen. Joudumme ehkä palaamaan kiireessä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Watch for landmarks. We may be comin' through here in a hurry on the back." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Tämän leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Through this playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Tuon leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Through that playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: Voimme oikaista myyjäisten läpi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: Hitto. Aikamoinen romu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: Damn. That's quite a wreck." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: Mä olen selviytynyt paljon pahemmistakin tälleistä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: Hell, I've walked away from a lot worse than that." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Jep, noissa rupeaa perä heittämään pahasti liukkaalla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Yeah, the ass end of those things'll get real squirrelly in the rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Tai jos konepellillä on zombi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Or if there's a zombie ridin' hood." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Seuratkaa näitä valoja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Follow these lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Mennään autotallia kohti!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, head for the garage!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: [lukee] Duc-a-tel... Ahaa, Ducatelin sokeritehdas." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: Duck-a-tell... Oh, Ducatel Sugar." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: Sokeritehdas on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: There's the sugar mill!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Tätä tietä emme pääse kauemmaksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Hey, we ain't goin' no farther on this road." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Mennään tehtaan läpi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Let's head through the mill." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: Sade ei ainakaan hellitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: This rain sure ain't lettin' up." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Taivas on ihan mustana." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Sky's black as pitch." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: Kova myrsky on alkamassa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: We are in for a nasty damn storm." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: Vesi alkaa nousta. Hitto." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: Man, this water's startin' to pool. Shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Helvetin upeaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Oh hell yes." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Noin monta Witchiä en ole nähnyt ennen kerralla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Man, that is the most Witches I ever saw!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: Aika paljon Witchejä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: Holy shit that's a lotta Witches." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nick, oletko koskaan nähnyt näin monta Witchiä? Herranjestas." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nick, you ever seen this many Witches? Ho-lee shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Mä rupean itkemään kohta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna start cryin' in a minute." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Suunnatkaa viljahissille!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Head for the grain elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Ylös tuota ramppia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Up that ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Ylös tätä ramppia!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Up this ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: All right! There's the gas station!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: Se on sokeriruokoa, Roe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: That's sugar cane, Ro." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: Se on sokeriruokoa, Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: It's sugar cane, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Sokeriruokopellon poikki!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Through the cane field!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: Voimme laskeutua tuolla hissillä pellolle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: Painakaa joku hissin nappia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: Somebody gonna hit that elevator button?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: HISSI ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: KAIKKI SISÄÄN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: EVERYBODY IN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: NYT JOKA IIKKA HISSIIN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: HEY EVERYBODY GET IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Paina nappia uudestaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Hit the button again!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ! SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE! SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: HEAD FOR THE SIGN! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: Tässä sanotaan että bensa on sisällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: It says here the gas's inside." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Hyvä. Haetaan sitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Sweet. Let's go get it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: Turvahuoneessa on bensaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: There's gas in the safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: Mä sain yhden." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Jep. Sain yhden." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Yup. Got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: Onko jokaisella kanisteri?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: Everybody got a can?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Palataan sille pahuksen veneelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Let's get back to the damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: Hän vihaa noita kanistereja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: Hän vihaa noita kanistereja! Hän vihaa noita kanistereja!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: He hates those cans! He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Nyt myrskyää kunnolla." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Oh shit, it's really stormin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: Paljon pahemmin kuin tämä. Meidän on häivyttävä täältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: A lot worse'n this. We gotta haul ass outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: Olemme jo lähellä. Laituri ei ole enää kaukana." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: We're getting' close, man. The dock ain't much further." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Pysykää korkealla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Stick to the high ground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Muistan nämä valot menomatkalta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Oh, I remember passin' these lights on the way in!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: Voimme kiivetä kattojen yli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: We can climb across the roofs!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: Ohitimme tuon kuistivalon tullessamme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: Tuossa on autoromu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: There's that truck wreck!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: Tuolla ovat myyjäiset." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: There's that garage sale." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: Kuljemme oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: Leikkikenttä. Hyvä, olemme melkein laiturilla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: The playground, yeah, yeah! We're almost at the dock!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: Muistan tämän paikan menomatkalta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: I remember seein' this on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Sytyttäkää kyltin valo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Somebody turn the sign on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Se saattaisi toimia." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Sure, that might work." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Jos sytytämme sen, Virgil saattaisin nähdä sen." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Yeah, if we turn it on, Virgil might see it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: Sounds like a plan." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Mitä jos sytyttäisimme Burger Tankin kyltin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Hey, what if we turn on the Burger Tank sign?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Sytytetään kyltti!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Let's light up the sign!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Kyltti on päällä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Sign's on, baby! Sign is on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: KYLTTI SAMMUI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: SIGN'S OUT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: SYTYTTÄKÄÄ KYLTTI UUDESTAAN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: GIT THAT SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: SYTYTTÄKÄÄ KYLTTI UUDESTAAN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: SOMEBODY GIT THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: VENEMIES ON PALANNUT!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: THE BOAT GUY'S BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HEI, TUOLLA ON SE VENEMIES!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HEY, HEY, THERE'S THE BOAT GUY!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGIL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGIL!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGIL, MITÄ KUULUU?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGIL, WHAT'S UP BROTHER?!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: KAIKKI VENEESEEN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: Y'ALL GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGIL! OLEMME TULOSSA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGIL! WE'RE COMIN'!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: Nähdään, Virgil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: See you later, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: Palaamisiin, Virgil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: See ya, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Kiitti, ystävä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Thanks, brother!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Kiitos, Virgil. Sä olet hyvä ihminen ja sulla on hieno vene." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Thank you, Virgil. You're a good man, and you got a helluva boat." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: Virgil on todellinen sankari palatessaan tuonne kun me olemme niin lähellä. Mennään sillalle, Virgilin kunniaksi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: That Virgil is a goddamn hero going back there when we are so close. Let's get to that bridge... for Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Suihkuhävittäjiä! Siellä on ihmisiä!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Jets. Jets mean people!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: Hevonen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: Horse!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Kun tämä ovi avautuu, juoskaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Hey, as soon as this here door opens, RUN!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Ei avata ovea ennen kuin olemme valmiit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Let's not open this door until we're ready" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: Hälytysautoja on niin paljon, että tämä on kuin palapeli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: All these alarm cars, it's like a puzzle!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Ei käytetä aseita täällä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Maybe we ought not to use our guns here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: MIKSI AMMUIT AUTOA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: WHY'D YOU SHOOT THE CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: ÄLKÄÄ AMPUKO AUTOJA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: STOP SHOOTING THE CARS!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: NO HYVÄ ON, OSAAN MÄKIN AMPUA AUTOJA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: WELL ALL RIGHT, I CAN SHOOT A CAR TOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: HYVÄ ON, MÄKIN AMMUN AUTON!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: WELL FINE THEN, THERE, I'LL SHOOT A DAMN CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: Tuolla on silta. Nyt meidän ei tarvitse kuin..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: There's the bridge, all we gotta do is..." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Voi paska. Emme sitten menekään tuohon suuntaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Well shit, guess we ain't goin' that way." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Vau! Se oli hienoa, mutta voihan paska!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Whoa! That was cool and all but shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: Joudumme näköjään hautausmaalle. Se on vähän pelottavaa." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna visit that graveyard, it's kinda spooky." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: Joudumme näköjään hautausmaalle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna have to visit that graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Toivottavasti emme näe aaveita." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Oh man, I hope we don't see no ghosts." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: Aaveita ei voi ampua, Nick. Ei se nyt niin monimutkaista ole." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: You can't shoot a ghost, Nick. I mean, shit, it ain't rocket science, man." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Auh!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: He niittasivat tuon." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: They nailed that." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: Mihin he edes tähtäävät?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: What are they even aiming at?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: Meidän on häivyttävä täältä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: We need to get the hell out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: He eivät saa nähdä meitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: They must not see us." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hei, rakennus romahtaa!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hey, this building is coming down!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Nick, eivät he kuule sinua. He ovat suihkuhävittäjän kyydissä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, Nick? They can't hear you, because they're in jet planes." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: Mä en." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: I don't." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: En mä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: Not me." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Jonkun pitäisi vastata radioon." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Yo, somebody oughta pick up the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Nappaa tuo radio." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Grab that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Haloo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Hello there!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Mä olen Ellis, kuka sinä olet?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Neljä ihmistä avun tarpeessa, sir." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Four people that could use some help sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: Mä olen Ellis. Mukana ovat myös Rochelle, Coach ja Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: Well shit, I'm Ellis. I got Rochelle here with me, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: En mä ole sairaana." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: I ain't sick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: Olo on ihan hyvä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: I'm feelin' pretty good." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: Niin kai. Mitä tarkoitat?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: I guess, I think so. What do you mean?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: Me taistelimme zombeja vastaan, kyllä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: We fought zombies, yeah." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Aivan, taistelimme zombeja vastaan." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Well, hell yeah, we fought zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Jep, sen huomasimmekin." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Yeah, figured as much." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: Jumalan suojelusta sinullekin, sir." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: God be with you, too, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Kiitos, sir." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Thank you, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Ok, nähdään pian." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Okay, see ya soon." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Lower the gate." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: Oikealle, oikealle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: To the right! To the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hei, menkää oikealle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hey, keep to the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: Kopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: There's the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Kopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Chopper down there!" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: Miksi kannat tuota?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: Why you carryin' that thing?" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Kiitos, mäkin pidän siitä." "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Thanks, I like it too." "Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: Ota sä tämä." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: You can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Tämä on sinua varten." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Got this just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Ota sinä tämä." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Here, you can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: Pieni lahja sinulle." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: A little something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: Poimin tämän juuri sinulle." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: I picked this up just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: Tarvitset tätä." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: You're gonna need this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Täällä!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Here!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Ota tämä!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Ota tämä!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Have this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Tässä, käytä tätä." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Here, use this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: Tarvitse tätä, ota se!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: You need this, take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Annan tämän sinulle." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Here, I'm giving this to you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Odota, tämä on sinulle." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Wait, I have something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: Pysähdy, ota tämä." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: STOP, take this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Voitko pysähtyä sekunniksi? Minulla on sinulle jotakin." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Can you stop for a sec? I got something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hei, hei sinä! Minulla on sinulle jotakin." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey, uh, you! I got something for you." "Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: Oletteko valmiina?" "[english]Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: All right, you guys ready?" "Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Valmiina?" "[english]Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Ready?" "Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Oletteko valmiita?" "[english]Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Ready for this?" "Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Taakse, taakse, taakse!" "[english]Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Back back back!" "Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Liikkukaa taakse." "[english]Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Come on, move, move back." "Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Perääntykää, perääntykää!" "[english]Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Back it up! Back it up!" "Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Perääntykää!" "[english]Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Let's back it up!" "Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Perääntykää!" "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Back up." "Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Liikkukaa taaksepäin." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Move back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Mene takaisin." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Get back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Takaisin, takaisin." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Get back, get back." "Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Ammu se! Ammu se!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Sytytä se palamaan!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Sytytä se palamaan!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Okay, set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Polta se!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Light it up!" "Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Jatkakaa ampumista!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Don't stop shooting!" "Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Tapa se, tapa!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Kill it! Kill it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Ampukaa siitä paskat pihalle." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: Ampukaa siitä paskat pihalle." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: Okay, shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_Blank" " " "[english]Producer_Blank" " " "Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: Hitto, tämä oli vasta pesty!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: Damn it, I just washed this!" "Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Voi luoja!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Oh God!" "Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: Aaah uuhh! Jessus! Yök!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: Ahhh ugh! Jesus! Eww ugh!" "Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Hyi helvetti!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Oh bleh, shit!" "Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Yöks! Ei taas!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Oh, ugh! Oh, not again!" "Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Joku. Kuka tahansa. Kaikki. Apua!!!!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Somebody. Anybody. Everybody. Help!!!!" "Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hei! Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey! I could use some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hei! Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hey! I need some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Kuuleeko kukaan?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Can anyone hear me?" "Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: I need some help in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Hei kaverit, älkää jättäkö minua!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Hey guys! Don't leave me behind!" "Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Älä jätä minua tänne!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Don't leave me in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Auttakaa minut pois täältä!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Help! Get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Auttakaa minut pois täältä!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Help! Help! Help get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Huhuu, onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Hey! Anybody out there?!" "Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: Haluan pois täältä!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: I need to get out of here!" "Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: Smoker osui minuun!" "[english]Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Apua! Smoker nappasi minut!" "[english]Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Help! Smoker has me!" "Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Close the door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Voimmeko sulkea oven?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Can we close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Sulje ovi, äläkä ole kuin joku sivistymätön tollo. Paitsi että sinähän... Sori, unohda koko juttu." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Close that door, were you born in a... oh yeah you were, Sorry, my bad." "Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Suljetaan tuo ovi." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Let's close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Sulkisiko joku oven?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Someone want to close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Okei, mutta sulje se ovi nyt!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Okay, well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Sulje se ovi nyt!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: Ovi pitäisi sulkea." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: We should close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi sulkea ovi." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: We oughta close the door." "Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [yskii savun vuoksi]" "[english]Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [Coughing from smoke]" "Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Pysähtykää, minun on paikattava haavani." "[english]Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Stop guys, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Suojatkaa minua, minun on paikattava haavani." "[english]Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Cover me, I'm going to patch myself up." "Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Vahtikaa hetki, paikkaan haavat." "[english]Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Watch out for a second, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Suojatkaa minua, kiitos." "[english]Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Cover me please." "Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Paikkaan haavat. Suojatkaa minua!" "[english]Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Healing! Cover me!" "Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: Suojaisiko joku teistä herrasmiehistä minua sillä välin, kun paikkaan haavani?" "[english]Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: One of you fine gentlemen want to cover me while I heal?" "Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Voisiko joku suojata minua? Pitää käyttää ensiapupakkaus." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Can someone cover me? I have to use this kit." "Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: Toivottavasti teen tämän oikein." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: I hope I'm doing this right." "Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: Minun onnellani tämä vaan pahentaa tilannetta." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: With my luck, I'm just going to make it worse." "Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Kuolinhuuto]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: Hyvä on, tämä oli iso virhe!" "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, oh god, this was a MISTAKE!" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: Miksi edes kuvittelin, että tämä menisi paremmin." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: I have no idea why I thought this would go better." "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Hitto, sä taidat olla viimeinen mies maan päällä." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Well shit, guess you are the last man on earth." "Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: Mitä oikein teet? Mene!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: What are you doing? GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: Hophop, mentiin." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: Hophop, mentiin." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: No mene!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: Well, go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Vauhtia!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Go go go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Nyt!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: MENNÄÄN!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: Ei aikaa pysähtyä, mene." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: No time to stop, go." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Jatkakaa matkaa!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Keep moving." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Jatka vaan." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Keep going." "Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hei, tänne päin!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hey, c'mon, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Tänne päin!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Come on, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Tulkaa perässä tänne." "[english]Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Follow me this way." "Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: Seuraa minua." "[english]Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: Follow me." "Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: Toivottavasti tuo oli vahinko!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: That better have been an accident!" "Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Yritä osua zombeihin!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Try shooting some damn zombies!" "Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: Sinulla taitaa olla todellisia ongelmia ampumisen kanssa!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: Okay, you have some serious issues with that gun!" "Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Menetitkö järkesi?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Have you lost your mind?" "Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Etpä tietenkään ampunut minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't just shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hey!" "Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Lopeta minun ampuminen!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: Mitä pirua oikein teet?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: What the hell are you doing?" "Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Au! Hei!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Ow! HEY!" "Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: Onko sinulla joku syy ampua minua?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: What is up with you shooting me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Varo!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Watch it!" "Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Heiheihei, nyt ihan oikeasti!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Hey, hey, hey, hey, seriously?" "Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Katso, minne ammut!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Watch where you're shooting!" "Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: LOPETA!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: STOP IT!" "Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Herranjestas, sinä ammuit minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus, you shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Joku ampui minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Somebody shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Ammuitko sinä minua?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Did you shoot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Kuka piru ampui minua?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Who in the hell just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Lopeta minun ampuminen!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: ÄLÄ AMMU MINUA!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: DO NOT SHOOT ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: LAKKAA AMPUMASTA MINUA!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Kuka piru ampui minua?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Who in the hell shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: Emme voi ammuskella toisiamme!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: We cannot be shooting each other!" "Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Älä pakota minua antamaan takaisin!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Don't make me get ugly with you!" "Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Kuka oikein luulet olevasi? Älä ammu minua." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Who do you think you are, shootin' me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: Uskomatonta, ammuit minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: Okay, I can not believe that you just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Hei, kuka sitten olitkaan. Älä ammu minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Hey! What's your name. Don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Kaveri, älä ammu minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Dude, don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Hei pukumies, älä ammu minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Hey - in the suit, STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Ei vaikka olisit viimeinen mies maan päällä." "[english]Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Not if you were the last man on earth." "Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Voi luoja. Toivottavasti minä en ole viimeinen nainen maan päällä." "[english]Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Oh god, I hope I'm not the last woman on earth." "Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Kerro suoraan tohtori, selviänkö minä?!?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Give it to me straight, doc, am I going to make it?!?" "Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Joojoo, olen kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: Taidan olla kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: I think I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Vointi on varmaan ihan hyvä." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Guess I feel all right." "Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Älä huolehdi minusta." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Don't worry about me." "Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: Olen kunnossa!" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: Näyttääkö se pahalta?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: En tiedä, auta minut pystyyn." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: I don't know, get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Paskat, en minä tiedä." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I don't know." "Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: No miltä minä näytän?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: Well, how do I look?" "Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: Näyttääkö se pahalta?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: Olen vähän heikossa kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: I'm a little bit of a mess." "Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: Minä vaan teeskentelen kuollutta." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: I'm just playing possum." "Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: Ei, kaikki on hyvin. Olen kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: This is great, nah, this is great. I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Höpinät sikseen, auta minut vain ylös." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Blah blah blah, just please get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Onko tukka hyvin?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Does my hair look good?" "Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: Ei hajuakaan." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: I have no idea." "Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: En tiedä. Huono?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: I don't know, bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: Kerro sinä minulle!" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: You tell me!" "Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Kehnolta." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Shitty." "Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Romulta." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Broke." "Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Olen kai kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Okay I guess." "Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: Olen ollut paremmassakin kunnossa." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: I've been better." "Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: Tämä oli virhe." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: Okay, this was a mistake." "Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: Nyt sattuu oikeasti." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: Okay, this seriously hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: Tuo sattui." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, that one hurt." "Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Olisinpa jäänyt Jacobin luo." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed with Jacob." "Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: Kautta Zeuksen parran tämä sattuu!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: By the beard of Zeus this hurts!" "Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Per-hosen siivet, että sattuu." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Son of a bee-sting. This hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Missä on rakkaus? Sitä tarvittaisiin." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Where is the love? I can use some." "Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: Tämä ei tapahdu oikeasti, tämä ei tapahdu oikeasti." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening." "Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: Oliko tämä missään vaiheessa hyvä idea?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: Did this ever seem like a good idea?" "Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: Kautta Kolumbuksen tämä sattuu." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: Knights of Columbus, this hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: Olen liian nuori tuntemaan itseni näin vanhaksi." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: I am too young to feel this old." "Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: Tämä menee pieleen." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: This is not going well." "Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: Haluaisiko joku teistä urhoista kantaa söpöä tyttöä?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: One of you fellas want to carry the cute girl?" "Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: Nyt taisi sattua pahasti." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: I think I really hurt something." "Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Onko kellään muulla yhtä kehno olo?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Anyone else feel like crap right now?" "Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: Olemme joutuneet aika synkkään jamaan." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: Olemme joutuneet aika synkkään jamaan." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: En taistellut näin pitkään kuollakseni tähän." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: I haven't fought through all of this to die now." "Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Pakko joskus on lykästääkin." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Something's got to break our way." "Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: Tällaista se nyt sitten on." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: So this is how it's going to be." "Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Liikun niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Movin' as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Sori pojat, mutta en pääse nopeammin." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Sorry, guys, I can't go any faster." "Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Liikun niin nopeasti kuin pystyn." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Going as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Tyttö, olisitpa jäänyt kotiin." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed at home." "Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: Ei ole totta." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: You have got to be kidding me." "Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: Minulla on suunnitelma, tapetaan kaikki zombit. Miltä kuulostaa?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: I got a plan, let's kill all the zombies. Sound good?" "Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Päivän pääuutinen: Rochelle ei selviä tästä." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Tonight's top story, Rochelle isn't going to make it." "Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: Jos jotakuta kiinnostaa, olen kuolemaisillani!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hei kaverit. En tykkää valittamisesta, toisin kuin Ellis, mutta olen kuolemaisillani." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hey guys, unlike Ellis, I'm not a complainer, but I'm about to die." "Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: Olen liian nuori ja kaunis kuolemaan." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: I am too young and too beautiful to die." "Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: Tarvitsen ensiapua heti." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: I need to find some health." "Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: Jos jotakuta kiinnostaa, olen kuolemaisillani!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Aaaiii! Mitä tämä aine on?" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Ahhhh! What is this shit?" "Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Pysykää poissa limasta." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Get out of this goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Pysykää poissa limasta!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Get out of the goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: Pahus kun tämä tavara sattuu." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: Damn this stuff hurts." "Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Au! Liikettä!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Ow! Move!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Voi jeesus, zombin sylki polttaa kipeästi!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Oh Jesus, this zombie spits burning shit!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: PALAVAA TAVARAA!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: BURNING SHIT!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Älkää astuko tähän roinaan!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Don't step in this shit!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: Charger osui minuun!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: Charger's got me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: Tämä otus rusentaa minut!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: This thing's crushing me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: Saan pahasti takkiini!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' my ass beat!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Ammu se! Ammu se!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: Ammu tämä otus!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: You gotta shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Ammu se! Ammu se otus!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Älä hakkaa, ammu!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Don't bash, shoot!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: Se tappaa minut! Ammu se!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: It's killing me! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: Olen tosissani, apua!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: I ain't playin' with this thing, HELP!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: HOIDA TÄMÄ OTUS POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF ME!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: EN NÄE MITÄÄN! OTUS ON PÄÄLLÄNI!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: I CAN'T SEE! THIS THING IS ON ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: APUA!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: HELP!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: OTTAKAA TÄMÄ OTUS POIS PÄÄSTÄNI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF MY HEAD!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: ARGH! PÄÄSTÄ IRTI, PÄÄSTÄ IRTI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: AGH! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: PÄÄSTÄ IRTI, PÄÄSTÄ IRTI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: SE ON NAAMALLANI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: AU! SE ON NAAMALLA!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: OH! IT'S, IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Pyhä jysäys, otus ratsastaa hänellä!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Holy shit, that thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: Otus ratsastaa hänellä!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: That thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER OSUI MINUUN!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: Ei!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: No!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: Ei, ei!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: No, No..." "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: EI, EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: NO, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: Ei, ei, EI, EI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: No, No, No, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: Mitä pirua?" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: What the hell?!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: Joku nappasi minut!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: Something grabbed me!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: Joku vetää minua!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' pulled!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: Voi paska! Mitä helvettiä täällä tapahtuu?!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: Oh shit! What the hell is going on?!" "Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Heitän putkipommin." "[english]Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Heitän molotovin." "[english]Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Throwing a Molotov." "Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: MOLOTOV TULOSSA!" "[english]Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: PUTKIPOMMI ILMASSA!" "[english]Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: TULTA TULOSSA!" "[english]Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: FIRE COMING!" "Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: KRANAATTI!" "[english]Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: Pysy paikallasi, niin voin paikata haavasi." "[english]Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: Shit, you gotta quit moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Lopeta vääntelehtiminen ja anna minun paikata haavasi." "[english]Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Quit fussing and let me heal you." "Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Pysy paikallasi tai tämä ei onnistu." "[english]Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Stand still or I am going to mess this up." "Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Pysähdy, jotta voin paikata sinut." "[english]Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Stop moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Jatka ampumista, kun paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Keep shooting, I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Pysy paikoillasi poika, minä paikkaan sinua." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Stand still, boy, healing you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: Minä paikkaan haavasi! Jatkakaa ampumista." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: I'll heal you! Don't stop shooting." "Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Odotas hetki!" "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Hold on!" "Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: Paikkaan haavasi." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: I'm healing you." "Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Varovasti, kuulin Boomerin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Careful, I can hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer on lähettyvillä." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer's around." "Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Varovasti, kuulin Boomerin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Varokaa, jossain on Charger." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: Kuulen Chargerin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: I hear a Charger." "Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Varokaa, Charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Varokaa, Charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Varokaa, jossain on Charger." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: VOI PASKA! TANK!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: Ahhh SHIT TANK!!!" "Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: Tank! Sytytä se!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: TANK! Light it up!" "Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Varovasti, lähellä on Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Careful, a Hunter's around." "Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Ooooh, Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Oaohhh, Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: Jossain tuolla on Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: There's a Hunter out there." "Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: Lähellä on Hunter, varokaa sen hyppyä." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: A Hunter's around, don't get pounced." "Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: Kuulen Hunterin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: Kuulen Jockeyn äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: Pahus, kuulen Jockeyn äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: Kuulen yhden niistä kääpiöistä." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those little things." "Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Jockey on jossain." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Jockey around." "Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Kuulen yhden niistä, miksikä te sitä sanottekaan... Jockey?" "[english]Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Uh oh, I hear one of those, what do you call it? A Jockey?" "Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: Täällä on Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: There's a Smoker around here." "Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Varovasti, Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: Kuulen Smokerin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: I hear a Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: Luoja, ei kai taas Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: Oh Lord, not another Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Varovasti, Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: Samaa mieltä kuin Coach. Vihaan Smokereita." "[english]Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: I'm with Coach, I hate those Smokers." "Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: Tuo ei kuulosta hyvältä." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: That doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: Tuo ei nyt kuulosta hyvältä." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: Okay, that doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: En pidä tästä äänestä tippaakaan." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: I don't like the sound of that." "Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: Mikä piru tuo ääni on?" "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: Oh what the hell is that!?" "Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: Raporteissa kerrottiin, että täällä voi olla zombeja pahempiakin asioita." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: There were reports of stuff worse than zombies." "Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: Kuulitteko tuon? Osa näistä otuksista on mutatoitunut." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: You hear that? Some of these things mutated." "Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Lähistöllä on Spitter." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: Kuulen Spitterin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: Kuulen yhden niistä Spittereistä." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those Spitter things." "Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Lähistöllä on Spitter." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: Kuulen Spitterin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: Kuulen yhden niistä sylkiäisistä." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: I hear one of those spitting things." "Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: PYHÄ SYLVI, MIKÄ PIRU TUO ON??!!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT! WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT??!!" "Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: PITÄÄKÖ MEIDÄN TAISTELLA TUOTA VASTAAN?!!?" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: WE GOTTA FIGHT THAT THING?!!?" "Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: AMMU SE, AMMU SE!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: SHOOT IT SHOOT IT!!" "Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: Kuulostaa Witchiltä." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: That sounds like a Witch." "Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: Kuulen Witchin äänen." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: I hear a Witch crying." "Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: Annan kohta Witchille hyvän syyn parkua." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: I'm gonna give that Witch something to cry about." "Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Kuunnelkaa, Witch!" "[english]Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Listen up, a Witch!" "Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: Se ei kuulosta onnelliselta." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: She doesn't sound happy." "Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: Mitä tuo itkeminen meinaa?" "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: What the hell's with that crying?" "Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: Yritetään pysyä kaukana siitä." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: We should steer clear of her." "Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Ole kiltisti, Coach. Kutsutaan sitä Witchiksi." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Coach, be nice. Witch. We call her a Witch." "Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: Herran tähden, auttakaa minua!!!" "[english]Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone help me!!!" "Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: Tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: Damn, I need some help!" "Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Aaa, tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Ohhh I need some help!" "Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Auta minua!" "[english]Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Help me!" "Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Apua!" "[english]Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Apua!" "[english]Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Hyvät herrat, tarvitsen apua!" "[english]Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Gentlemen, I need some help!" "Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Tulkaa auttamaan, pojat!" "[english]Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Come on, guys, I need some help!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter sai Coachin!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Coach!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Coachin kimpussa!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Coach!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter sai Ellisin!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Ellisin kimpussa!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Ellis!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter sai Nickin!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Nick!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Nickin kimpussa!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter's on Nick!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter on hänen kimpussaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Ottakaa Hunter pois hänen kimpustaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: Hunter sai hänet!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: Hunter's got him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Ottakaa Hunter pois hänen kimpustaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter on hänen kimpussaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: Otus on hänen kimpussaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: That thing's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Ottakaa se pois hänen kimpustaan!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Get that thing off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: Otus sai hänet!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: That thing has got him!" "Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Mahtavaa, tämähän toimii!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Woo - haha, we are kickin' it!" "Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: Mehän osaamme!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: We're really doing this!" "Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: Me pantiin tuulemaan." "[english]Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: We kicked some ass." "Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: Me pantiin kunnolla tuulemaan. Jee!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: We kick ass, yes we did. Woo!" "Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: No niin, nämä juhlat ovat nyt loppu." "[english]Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: All right, this party is over." "Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Jee! Me selviämme tästä!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Woo! We are going to make it!" "Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Hitto, mehän olemme hyviä!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Shit, we're all right!" "Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Jee, mehän pärjäämme hyvin." "[english]Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Woo - we are doing all right." "Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: Okei. Me pystymme tähän." "[english]Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: Okay. We can do this, we can do this." "Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Ou jee, ou jee, ou jee." "[english]Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah." "Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Ou jee!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Oh yeah, oh yeah!" "Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Teidän ansiosta olen hurjin nainen maan päällä!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Thanks to you guys, I am the baddest woman alive!" "Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Pitäkää kiirettä!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Come on hurry up!" "Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: Liikettä kinttuihin!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: C'mon, get the lead out!" "Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Miksette voi jo tulla?" "[english]Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Would you hurry up?" "Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: Aletaan mennä!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: C'mon, let's go!" "Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: Olen täällä." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: I'm here." "Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: Olen mukana." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: Olen mukana." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: Suojaan sinua." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Poika, suojaan selustasi." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Yeah, boy, I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: Olen täällä. Mennään." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: I'm here. Let's go." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: Olen maassa!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Pojat, olen maassa!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Boys, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: Helvetti, sain osuman!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: Shit, I'm down." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ah, olen maassa!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ah, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: AAAAAH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: AAAAAH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: AAAAAH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: AAAAAH!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: Niitä tulee!" "[english]Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: They're coming!" "Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa!" "[english]Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Get ready!" "Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Täältä he tulevat!" "[english]Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Here they come!" "Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ah, nyt se alkaa!" "[english]Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ah, it's on now!" "Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Bileet käyntiin!" "[english]Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Party time!" "Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: Aika pistää zombia lakoon." "[english]Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: Time to kick some ass." "Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Lisää tulossa!" "[english]Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: Nyt se alkaa!" "[english]Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: This is it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Selvä!" "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Hoidossa." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Taken care of." "Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: Se oli minun." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: That was mine." "Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Kuollut." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Dead." "Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: Hoidin ne." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: Hoidin ne." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: Potkin sitä." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: Kicked it." "Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: Potkin sitä perseelle." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: Kicked its ass." "Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, tuo oli minun." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, that was me." "Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Sammuta taskulamppusi." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Turn your flashlight off." "Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Valot pois, kaikki." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Everyone, lights out." "Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Valo pois." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Kill your light." "Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Valot sammuksiin!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Lights off." "Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Valot pois!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Lights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Sammuttakaa taskulamput!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Flashlights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Sammuta valo hiljaa, nyt." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Turn off that light, quiet NOW." "Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Naurua]" "[english]Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Toki, ota johto." "[english]Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Sure, you lead." "Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Toki, ota johto." "[english]Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Sure, lead on." "Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Näytä tie." "[english]Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: Sopii, minä seuraan sinua." "[english]Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: All right, I'll follow you." "Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Mene edeltä, minä pysyttelen perässä." "[english]Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: Seuraan sinua." "[english]Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Mene edeltä, minä pysyttelen perässä." "[english]Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: Seuraan sinua." "[english]Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Näytä tie." "[english]Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: Ok, mene edeltä." "[english]Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: 'Kay, go ahead." "Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: EN HALUA KUOLLA NÄIN - APUA!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE - HELP!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: OLEN TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: I'M OVER HERE!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: PUTOAN KOHTA!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: I'M ABOUT TO FALL!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: MINÄ PUTOAN!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: I'm FALLING!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: AUTA MINUT YLÖS!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: HELP ME UP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: AAAAAPUUUAAAAA!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: EEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Pojat, en jaksa roikkua enää kauan." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Guys, I can't hang on much longer." "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Älkää edes kuvitelko jättävänne minua tänne!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: En voi roikkua täällä loputtomiin!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: I can't hang on here all day!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: Herran tähden, jonkun on vedettävä minut ylös!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone needs to pull me up!" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Hei hei hei!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Whoa Whoa Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: Vaikka olenkin kaunein tältä kielekkeeltä roikkuva tyttö, olisin mieluummin kaunein tyttö jossain muualla." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: While I am the best looking girl hanging on this ledge... I wish I wasn't. Hanging on a ledge I mean." "Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: Saisinko apua!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: I could use a hand here!" "Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Voisiko joku auttaa minut ylös?" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Can someone help me?" "Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: Täällä on neito hädässä." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: Damsel in distress over here." "Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: Hei! Minä liukastuin... tavallaan!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: HEY! I uh... kinda slipped!" "Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: Näytät tyhmältä roikkuessasi siellä. Anna kun autan sinut ylös." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: You look like a fool hanging there, let me help you up." "Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Odota poika, en anna sinun pudota." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Hang on, boy, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Älä huoli, en jätä sinua sinne roikkumaan." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Don't worry. No way I'm going to leave you hanging." "Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Odota, en anna sinun pudota." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Hang on, baby, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Päätit sitten tehdä tällaisen tempun? Anna kun autan sinut ylös." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Yeah, uh, did this seem like a good idea to you at sometime? Let me help you up." "Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Tuolla!" "[english]Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Tuolla!" "[english]Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Katsokaa!" "[english]Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Katsokaa!" "[english]Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Tuolla!" "[english]Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Katsokaa!" "[english]Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Katsokaa tänne!" "[english]Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Look over here!" "Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Look at this." "Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Tsekatkaa tämä." "[english]Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Vau, tsekatkaa tämä." "[english]Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Whoa, check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Katsokaa tätä." "[english]Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Look here." "Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Varo!" "[english]Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Look out!" "Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Varo!" "[english]Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Watch out!" "Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Päät pystyyn!" "[english]Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Heads up!" "Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Hei?" "[english]Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Hei?" "[english]Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: Onko siellä ketään?" "[english]Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Kuuletteko minua?" "[english]Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Can you guys here me?" "Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Missä kaikki ovat?" "[english]Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Where is everyone?" "Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Voisimmeko lähteä?" "[english]Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Can we get going?" "Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: Aika lähteä liikkeelle." "[english]Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: Time to get going." "Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Tulkaa jo, mennään!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go!" "Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: Meidän täytyy lähteä liikkeelle." "[english]Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: We need to get going." "Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Mennään." "[english]Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Let's go." "Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Hei paksukainen!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hei, Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Hei paksukainen!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coach!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hei köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Köriläs!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: Sinulla on hyvä sydän, paksukainen." "[english]Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: You're a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: Se on ok. Sinulla on hyvä sydän, paksukainen." "[english]Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: It's okay, ya know? You got a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Hei bönde!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Hey, Cooter!" "Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Poika!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Boy!" "Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Yo, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Yo, Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hei, heinähattu!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hey, Hee-Haw!" "Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Pukumies." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Keikari." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hei, hienohelma." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hei, hienohelma." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Pukumies." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Pukumies." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Keikari." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hei, keikari." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hey, fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hei, hienohelma." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hei, hienohelma." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hei, hienohelma." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Poju!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Pikku kaveri!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Tyyppi!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Yo, tyyppi!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hei, pikku kaveri." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hei, pikku kaveri." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Yo, poju!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hei, poju!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hey, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hei, tyyppi!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hei, tyyppi!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hei, pikku kaveri." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Yo, poju!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Yo, tyyppi!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hei pukumies!" "[english]Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "[english]Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hei, Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hey, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Yo, Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Yo, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hei pukumies!" "[english]Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "[english]Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nick!" "[english]Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: Voitte kutsua minua Roksi." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: Voitte kutsua minua Roksi." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Jeah!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Yeah!" "Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Mahtavaa!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Heiii!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: Olet ok!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: You're all right!" "Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Suu kiinni." "[english]Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Oh shut up." "Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: No et todellakaan." "[english]Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't." "Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: Olet liekeissä." "[english]Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: You're on fire." "Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: Se oli hienoa." "[english]Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: That was cool." "Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: Hienoa, anna palaa!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: All right, kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: Olet aivan liekeissä tänään." "[english]Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: You are on fire today." "Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hei, hyvää työtä." "[english]Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hey, nice job." "Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Pirun hienoa!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Oh, Hell yeah." "Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Hyvin tehty." "[english]Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Nice work." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: Olet kova jätkä, Ellis." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you are the man." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: Olet kova jätkä, Ellis." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you're the man." "Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Ammuit hyvin." "[english]Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Nice shot." "Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Siistiä." "[english]Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Upea laukaus!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Great shot!" "Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Hieno laukaus!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Nice shot!" "Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Hyvä kuti!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Good one!" "Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Hyvä laukaus, Coach." "[english]Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Coach." "Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Hyvin ammuttu, heinähattu!" "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Hee-Haw." "Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Vau, Ellis. Hyvin hoideltu." "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Wow, Ellis got 'er done." "Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Oi ei." "[english]Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Oh no." "Producer_No02" "Rochelle: Enpä usko." "[english]Producer_No02" "Rochelle: I don't think so." "Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Öh, ei." "[english]Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Uh, no." "Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Voi sentään." "[english]Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Voi sentään." "[english]Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Ei onnistu, poika." "[english]Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Boy, no way." "Producer_No07" "Rochelle: EI!" "[english]Producer_No07" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Ihan totta, ei käy." "[english]Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Seriously, no." "Producer_No09" "Rochelle: Ei, ei, ei, ei." "[english]Producer_No09" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no." "Producer_No10" "Rochelle: Ei, ei, ei, ei." "[english]Producer_No10" "Rochelle: No, no, no no." "Producer_No11" "Rochelle: Ei kiitos!" "[english]Producer_No11" "Rochelle: No thank you." "Producer_No12" "Rochelle: Ei." "[english]Producer_No12" "Rochelle: No." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ooooohhh." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ohhhhh." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Ou jee." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Oh yeah." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nyt tuntuu hyvältä!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Now I'm feelin' right!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Jee, noin sitä pitää!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Jee! Täysin kunnossa nyt!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Whoo! All better now!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: Nyt on parempi!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: That's better!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Jep, se auttaa." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Yeah, that'll help." "Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ahhh. Ooohh." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ahhh. Ooohh." "Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Hienoa!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Parempi!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Better!" "Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Eeeiiii, oooohhhhh." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Nooooo oo ooo ohhhhh." "Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: Kirottua..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: Damnn..." "Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Tämä näyttää huonolta..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Oh this is bad..." "Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Voi pahus!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Oh shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Hyvä luoja!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Sweet Jesus!" "Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: Kautta Lincolnin takatukan!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: Sweet Lincoln's mullet!" "Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Hyvä jumala." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Mother of Mercy." "Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: Tämä on syvältä." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: Well, this just sucks." "Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Pah!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Blarg!" "Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Voisiko edes yksi asia onnistua tänään?" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Can just one goddamn thing go right?" "Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: Olemme kusessa!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Hitto soikoon!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Holy shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: Olemme kusessa!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Voiko tilanne käydä vielä pahemmaksi? En usko." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Could this really get any worse? I don't think so." "Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: Meillä ei ole aikaa tähän." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: We do not have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: Meillä ei ole aikaa tähän." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: We don't have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Perkele!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Goddamnit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Voisiko edes yksi asia mennä vielä pieleen tänään?" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Can just one more goddamn thing go wrong?" "Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Argghh!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Argghh!" "Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Voi jessus." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Jesus Christ!" "Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: Minä lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: I'm Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Lataan." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Lataan." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Odottakaa, lataan!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Wait, reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: Minä lataan!" "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: I'm reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Lataan." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: En ole mikään hoitsu, mutta näytät aika huonolta. Yksi osuma vielä, niin se on menoa." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: I'm no nurse, but you look pretty messed up. Go down again and that's it." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: Pelästytit minut kunnolla, luulin että kuolit. Seuraava osuma viimeistelee tilanteen." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: You scared the shit out of me. Thought that was it for you. One more time down and it will be." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Tiedätkö mikä tämä on? Se oli aikaisemmin sisällä vartalossasi. Ei sillä tosin ole väliä, jos saat vielä yhdenkin osuman." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Do you know what that is? I think it used to be inside you. Go down again and it won't matter." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: Pelästytit minut kunnolla. Jos saat vielä yhdenkin osuman, se on menoa." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: You're scaring the shit out of me. You go down one more time and that's it for you." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: Autan sinut pystyyn, mutta haavasi on paikattava tai muuten et selviä." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: I'm going to get you on your feet, but we need to get you fixed up or you aren't going to make it." "Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: Et voi jatkuvasti olla kanveesissa. Siten ei selviä hengissä." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: You gotta stop ending up down here. This is no way to stay alive." "Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: Mitä ihmettä olet nyt mennyt tekemään? Nouse ylös." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: What in the hell have you gone and done now? Get up." "Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Nouse ylös, ole kiltti. Selviät kyllä. Tulehan nyt." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Oh please, get up, you are going to be fine, come on come on." "Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: Yläkerran kaveri ei halua sinua vielä. Nouse jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: The big guy upstairs isn't ready to take you yet. Let's get you on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: Sinun on nyt vain kestettävä se. Tarvitsemme sinua vielä jonkin aikaa." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: You're gonna have to suck it up. We need you for a little bit longer." "Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Et sinä siellä voi maata. Anna minun auttaa sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Ah baby, can't have you down there, let me help you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: Nyt ei ole aikaa makoilla, meidän on pysyttävä liikkeessä. Nousehan jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: No time for this now, we have to keep moving. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Et voi jäädä siihen ikuisiksi ajoiksi. Anna kun autan sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Can't stay down there forever. Let me get you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: Jos en tietäisi paremmin, luulisin sinun yrittävän itsemurhaa. Nyt ylös!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: If I didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to kill yourself. Get up now!" "Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: Älä huoli, selviät kyllä. Anna kun autan sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Let's get you back up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: Mitä siellä alhaalla puuhaat? Anna kun autan sinut jaloillesi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: What's up with you down there? Come on, let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: Voi hirvitys! Tarkoitan siis, että näytät ihan hyvältä. Älä huolehdi. Nouse ylös." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: OH MAN! I mean, uh, I mean you look fine. Don't worry. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Tulehan nyt, meillä ei ole aikaa loikoiluun." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Come on now, we don't have time for all this laying around." "Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: Oletko tulossa vai jäätkö siihen makoilemaan? Nousehan ylös." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: You coming or you just gonna lay there all day? Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: You okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: Kuinka voit?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: How are you feeling?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Selviätkö?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: Kuinka paha se on?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: How bad is it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: Kuinka hurisee?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Pystykö liikuttamaan jalkojasi?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Can you move your legs?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Alkaisiko löhöily vähitellen riittää?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Are you done laying around now?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Oletko valmis nousemaan ylös?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Ready to get up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: Mitäs tuolle kuuluu?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: Mikä sinua vaivaa?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: So what is wrong with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Selviätkö?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: Tulehan nyt. Kyllä sinä onnistut." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: Oh come on. You can make it." "Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Etkö voi vain purra hammasta?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Can't you suck it up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Tuntuuko se yhtä ikävältä kuin miltä näyttää?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Does it hurt as bad as it looks?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: Mikä sinua vaivaa?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: What's up with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Itketkö sinä?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Are you crying?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: Ok, oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: All right, you cool?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: Oletko kunnossa?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: You good?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Kyllä sinä selviät." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Ah, you going to be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: Selviätkö?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: You going to be okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: Mitä sinä siellä makoilet?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: What ya doin' down there?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Voitko nousta jaloillesi?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Can you man up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: No, eiköhän mennä." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: Well let's go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: Nouse ylös ja tappele." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: Up and at 'em." "Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Nouse jo ylös." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Come on get up." "Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Noustaanpas." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Up we go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: Olet aivan kunnossa." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: See you're fine." "Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Nyt näytätkin hyvältä." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Yeah, you look fine now." "Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: Ei huolen häivää." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: Nothing to worry about." "Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: Ehdin jo huolestua." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: You had me worried there." "Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: Meillä ei ole varaa menettää sinua." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: Come on, we can't lose you." "Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Tiesin että pärjäät." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Oh, I knew you'd be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: Terveyden perikuva." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: The picture of health." "Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Entistä ehompi." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Good as new." "Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: Olet kunnossa." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: You're good, you're good." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Tule nyt. Pystyyn sieltä!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, GET YOUR ASS UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: Nouse ylös nyt!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: Get up, NOW!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Meidän on jatkettava matkaa, tule nyt." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Look, we have to get going, come on." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Minähän en sinua kanna. NOUSE!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Hell if I am carrying you, GET UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: Voi paska! Nouse ylös, nouse nyt!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: Oh shit! Just get up, get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Tule nyt! Nyt jalkeille heti!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Come on! Come on! On your feet!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Nouse jo, nouse jo!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Nouse jo, nouse jo!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Turvatalo edessä." "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Safe house ahead." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Täällä ylhäällä on turvatalo." "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Safe house up here." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Turvatalo on täällä!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: Turvatalo näkyy täällä päin!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: I see a safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Turvatalo edessä!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Safe house up ahead!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Turvatalo edessä!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Oh, a safe house up ahead!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: Kuinka hurisee?" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hei" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hey." "Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hei, olen täällä." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hei, olen täällä." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: Olen täällä!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hei, olen täällä." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: Olen täällä!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: Olemme kaikki täällä." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: Olemme kaikki täällä." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: ARGH! OTTAKAA SE..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: AGH! GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Argh!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: OTTAKAA SE POIS PÄÄLTÄNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Argh!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: POIS! POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: AAH! OTTAKAA SE..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: AHH, GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: GET IT... GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: POIS! POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: OTTAKAA SE POIS, OTTAKAA SE POIS!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" "Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Anteeksi." "[english]Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: Voit syyttää minua tuosta." "[english]Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: You can blame that one on me." "Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Sorry about that." "Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: Se oli virhe." "[english]Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: Okay that was a mistake." "Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Anteeksi." "[english]Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Tunnustan, anteeksi!" "[english]Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Guilty, sorry!" "Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Olen pahoillani." "[english]Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Oh I'm sorry." "Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Anteeksi." "[english]Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Ammo!" "Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Ammunition!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkaus!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkaus" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Ensiapua!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: First Aid here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Ensiapua!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: First Aid!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkaus." "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: There's a First Aid Kit here." "Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: Meillä on ensiapupakkauksia!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: We got First Aid Kits!" "Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Putkipommi." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: Täällä on putkipommi." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: There's a pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Putkipommi." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb." "Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Pillereitä minulle." "[english]Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Pills for me." "Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Pillereitä!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Pillereitä!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Pillereitä!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Pills!" "Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: Hienoa, aseita!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: All right weapons!" "Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: Täällä on aseita!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: We have guns here!" "Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Pysykää lähellä!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Stay close!" "Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Yritetään pysyä yhdessä." "[english]Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Let's try to stay together." "Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Pysykää yhdessä." "[english]Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Stay together everyone." "Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Pysykää yhdessä!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Pysykää yhdessä!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Nyt joka iikka sisään." "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Get your asses inside." "Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: Mitä helvettiä teet ulkona? Nyt sisään!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: What in the hell are you doing out there? Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Sisälle!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Kaikki sisään!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Everyone inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Kaikki tänne sisään!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Everyone, in here!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Sisään! Sieltä saat maissipuuroa ja läskiä!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Get inside! Free hamhocks and chitlins in here!" "Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: Sinun kannattaa paikata haavasi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: Sinun kannattaa paikata haavasi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: Sinun kannattaa paikata haavasi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Paikatkaa haavanne!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi paikata haavamme." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Paikatkaa haavat, jos on tarvetta." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Paikatkaa haavanne!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi paikata haavamme." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Paikatkaa haavat, jos on tarvetta." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hei vaari, paikkaa haavasi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hey, old man, heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hei Coach, käytä ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach, you should use that health kit." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: Paikkaa haavasi, Coach." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: Time to heal up, Coach." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis-poju, aika paikata haavat." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, baby, time to heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellis kulta, käytä ensiapupakkausta." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellis, honey, you should use your first aid." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellis, paikkaahan jo haavasi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellis, come on heal up already." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nick, kannattaa paikata haavat." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Käytä ensiapupakkausta, Nick." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Nick." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nick, kannattaa paikata haavat." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nick, aika paikata haavat." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nick. Healing time." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: Minulle tulee ikävä sinua, Coach." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: Gonna miss you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Oliko Coach hänen etu- vai sukunimensä?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Do you think Coach was his first or last name?" "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Hyvää yötä, Coach." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: Hitto, en ehtinyt edes tutustumaan sinuun, Coach." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: Damn, didn't even get to know you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, mitä menitkään tekemään?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, what did you go and do?" "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Voi Ellis, Ellis, Ellis..." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, Ellis, Ellis...." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Voi Ellis, minun tulee sinua ikävä." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, I am going to miss you." "Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Sanat ovat nyt vähissä, ystävä. Hyvästi." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Not much to say my friend, goodbye." "Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Pikku mekaanikkoamme tulee ikävä." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Gonna miss our little mechanic." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Voi Nick, ainakin olit pukeutunut hautajaisiisi jo valmiiksi." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Ahh, Nick, at least you are dressed for a funeral." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Hyvästi Nick, sinua tulee ikävä." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Nick, going to miss you." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: Kokeilen tätä kivääriä." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: I'll try this rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Otan kiväärin." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Taking the rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Kivääri minulle." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Rifle for me." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Otan haulikon." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Taking the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Valitsen haulikon." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Going with the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Haulikko minulle." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Shotgun for me." "Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Nappaan ensiavun." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Grabbing first aid." "Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Ensiapupakkaus." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit." "Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Täällä ei ole mitään nähtävää - ei ensiapupakkauksia." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nothing to see - no health kit here." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Hyvää yötä kirvesvartta!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Axe me a question, I dare you." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Kirves!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Axe!" "Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: Eikä sitten vitsejä minusta ja kokkaustaidoistani." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: No one better make a crack about me in the kitchen." "Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: Tämä toimii." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: This will work." "Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Paistinpannu!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Frying pan!" "Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Tällä mätkii zombeja kätevästi." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: Tiedänkin jo, mitä tällä teen." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Kyllä vaan, mätkin zombien kallot kasaan." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Nyt alkaa lyyti kirjoittaa." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Yeah, this is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: Tiedänkin jo, mitä tällä teen." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: Oh, I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Kyllä vaan, mätkin zombien kallot kasaan." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: Nyt alkaa lyyti kirjoittaa." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: This is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Tällä mätkii zombeja kätevästi." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Äiti kielsi leikkimästä tulella, mutta..." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Momma told me not to play with fire, but..." "Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: Nappaan molotovin." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: I'm grabbing a Molotov." "Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Tulileikkien aika." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Fire time." "Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: Pillereille on käyttöä." "[english]Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: I can use these pills." "Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: Näitä tarvitsemme vielä." "[english]Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: We're going to need these." "Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: Tarvitsemme ehkä näitä. " "[english]Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: We might need these. " "Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: Otin pillerit." "[english]Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: I got these pills." "Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Nappaan putkipommin." "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Putkipommi!" "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb!" "Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Nappaan pistoolin!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Grabbing the pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistooli!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Tuplapistoolit." "[english]Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Double pistols." "Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Nappaan pistoolin." "[english]Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pistol." "Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: Taidan kokeilla tätä haulikkoa." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: I'll try this shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Haulikko." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: Otan haulikon." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: I'll take the shotgun." "Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: Kokeilen tarkkuuskivääriä." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: I'm going to try this scope out." "Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: Minä hoidan tarkka-ammunnan." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: I'll snipe." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: Konepistoolii." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: A machinegun." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: Minä hoidan tämän." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: I'll take this one." "Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: Jumalauta, hoida tämä otus pois päältäni!" "[english]Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus get this thing off me!" "Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Ajakaa se pois kimpustani! Ajakaa se pois kimpustani!" "[english]Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Get him off me! Get him off me!" "Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Tappakaa se! TAPPAKAA SE! TAPPAKAA SE! TAPPAKAA SE, JUMALAN TÄHDEN!" "[english]Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! OH GOD KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Tappakaa se! TAPPAKAA SE!" "[english]Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Se murskaa minut!" "[english]Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Can't you see he is crushing me?!" "Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Kuka haukkuu nyt?" "[english]Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Who's barking now?" "Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: Helvetin upeaa!" "[english]Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: Oh hell yes!" "Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: Mitäs tuolle kuuluu?" "[english]Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Mihin on kaikki rakkaus kadonnut?!?!" "[english]Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Where's the love, where's the love?!" "Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Joo... ei käy!" "[english]Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Yeah right." "Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Juuri niin. " "[english]Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Yeah, that's right. " "Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Unohda koko juttu." "[english]Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Forget about it." "Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Tuki jo suusi!" "[english]Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Ohhh shut up!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Oliko tämä tosiaan mielestäsi hyvä ajatus?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Did you seriously think that was a good idea?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: Mitä ihmettä oikein ajattelit?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: What is going on inside that head of yours?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: Jösses! Me olemme samalla puolella!" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: JESUS! We are on the same team here!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: Mitä pirua?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: What the?" "Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Kiitoksia äskeisestä." "[english]Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Thanks for that." "Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Kiitos paljon!" "[english]Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Hey, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Kiitos!" "[english]Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Thanks!" "Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Kiitti, jäin yhden velkaa." "[english]Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Thanks I owe you one." "Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Kiitti." "[english]Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Thanks." "Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Huh, kiitoksia!" "[english]Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Phew, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: Kiitoksia tosi paljon äskeisestä." "[english]Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: I honestly appreciate it." "Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Kiitti, veliseni." "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Thanks, my brother." "Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Coach, kiitos!" "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Thanks, Coach!" "Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Kiitos Ellis, ehkä pidän sinut sittenkin." "[english]Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Thanks, Ellis, I guess I will keep you." "Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Kiitos Nick, sinulla on sydän puhdasta kultaa!" "[english]Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Look at you, Nick, you have a heart, A HEART OF GOLD!" "Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Apu on tulossa, koeta kestää!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Help is coming, hang on!" "Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Odota, minä tulen!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Hold on, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: I'm on the way!" "Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Pysy hengissä, mä tulen!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Kestä vielä hetki." "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Hang in there a few more seconds." "Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Huh, se oli lähellä!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: Tuo oli liian lähellä..." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: Okay, that was a little too close." "Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: Selvisimmekö kaikki? Selvisimme!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: Did we all make it, OH YES WE DID!" "Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Huh, se oli lähellä!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: Se oli lähellä." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: Elossa ja yhtenä kappaleena!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: Live and in the flesh!" "Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: Ei puraisun puraisua!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: All bark, no bite!" "Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: Selvisimme siitä. Mahtavaa!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: We made it uh huh. We made it oh yeah." "Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Odottakaa tässä!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: Odottakaa tässä!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: Okay, wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Pysähdytään." "[english]Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Let's stop." "Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Tauon paikka." "[english]Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Break time." "Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: VOI PASKA, SE LÄSKI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: OH SHIT, FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: JÄTTI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: LÄSKI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: JÄTTI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: TUOLLA ON LÄSKIKASA!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: OH, THERE'S A FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: YRJÖPUSSI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: YRJÖPUSSI!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Olkaa varovaisia." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Be Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Varovasti." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Varovasti, pojat." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Careful, guys." "Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: SE RYNTÄÄVÄ OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: SE RYNTÄÄVÄ OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: SE RYNTÄÄVÄ OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: SE LOIKKIVA OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE POUNCING THINGS!" "Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: HUPPUHEMMO!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: HOODIE!" "Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: HUPPUPASKIAINEN!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: HOODIE BASTARD!" "Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: HYPPÄÄJÄ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: JUMPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: LOIKKIJA!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: LEAPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: Näin noita uutisissa. Niitä sanotaan Huntereiksi." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: Saw a report on those things, they're called Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: Niiden nimi on Hunter..." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: They call them Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: En ole nähnyt yhtään aiemmin." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: Just never saw one before." "Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: RATSASTAJA!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: RATSASTAJA!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: KIELITYYPPI!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: KIELI!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: SE SAVUAVA OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: SE SAVUAVA OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: KIELITYYPPI!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: KIELI!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: VIHREÄ OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: KIRAHVI!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: CRAZY NECK!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: VIHREÄ OTUS!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Lisää tulossa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: Limaa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: Goooooo!!!!!!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Varuillanne, limaa tulossa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Varuillanne, limaa tulossa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Limaa tulossa!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Goooooo incoming!!!!!" "Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Miksei tuo voi olla meidän puolellamme?" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Why can't that thing be on our side?" "Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: MIKÄ TUO ON?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!?!" "Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: Herranjestas että on iso otus!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: OH GODDAMN that things big!" "Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: MIKÄ TUO ON?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!" "Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: Ei hajua, mutta se tuskin kuuluu ystäviin." "[english]Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: No idea, but I don't think it's friendly." "Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: Ne ovat takanamme!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: They're behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: Takanamme!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: Behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Takanamme, pojat!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Behind us guys!" "Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: Minun mokani! Minun mokani!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Pois tieltä!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Pois tieltä!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Tappakaa se!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Tappakaa se!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Ampukaa se! Ampukaa se!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Shoot her! Shoot her!" "Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: Paska! Se jahtaa minua!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: Shit! She's on my ass!" "Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: Minun mokani!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: My bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: Minun mokani! Minun mokani!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Hei kaverit, Witch suuttuu." "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Ummm guys, that Witch is getting mad." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Kuka härnää Witchiä?" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Who's pissing off the Witch?" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Jätä Witch rauhaan!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Pysy kaukana Witchistä!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Get away from the Witch." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Jätä Witch rauhaan!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_World01" "Rochelle: Tuolla on silta. Ovatko he varmasti siellä?" "[english]Producer_World01" "Rochelle: There's the bridge You sure they're going to be there?" "Producer_World02" "Rochelle: Olen iloinen päästessäni pois veneestä." "[english]Producer_World02" "Rochelle: I'm just happy to be off the boat." "Producer_World03" "Rochelle: Meidän onnellamme tuo ei ole silta, vaan sillan näköinen hirviö." "[english]Producer_World03" "Rochelle: With our luck that is actually just a bridge monster." "Producer_World04" "Rochelle: Täällä ollaan. Onpa varsinainen lomakohde, mutta sanon jo nyt, että yläosattomissa en aio näyttäytyä." "[english]Producer_World04" "Rochelle: We're here. Crescent City. I'll tell you now, I'm not showing anyone my tits." "Producer_World05" "Rochelle: Mikä tuo haju on?" "[english]Producer_World05" "Rochelle: What's that smell?" "Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Yritetään puiston läpi." "[english]Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Let's try through the park." "Producer_World07" "Rochelle: Moottoritie on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_World07" "Rochelle: There's the freeway!" "Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Ihmiset ohjattiin menemään tästä." "[english]Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Looks like they were routing people through here." "Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Tietääkö kukaan, miten hurrikaani tehdään? Tietävätkö zombit?" "[english]Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Does anyone know how to make a hurricane? A zombie?" "Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Tuolla!" "[english]Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_World11" "Rochelle: Ne ovat juomia! Ihan totta." "[english]Producer_World11" "Rochelle: They're drinks! Seriously." "Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Tänne." "[english]Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Through here." "Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Täällä." "[english]Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Over here." "Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Ylhäällä." "[english]Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Up there." "Producer_World15" "Rochelle: Sitten on jo liian myöhäistä, olen nähnyt jo kaiken." "[english]Producer_World15" "Rochelle: By then it's too late, I've seen everything." "Producer_World16" "Rochelle: Suloista." "[english]Producer_World16" "Rochelle: That's sweet." "Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Kyyti oli mukavaa niin kauan kuin sitä kesti." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Well, the ride was nice while it lasted." "Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: Nyt kai kävellään." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: I guess we walk." "Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: En halua kävellä New Orleansiin asti." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: I do not want to walk all the way to New Orleans." "Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: Auton käyttämisessä ei ole järkeä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: No sense grabbing a car." "Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: Liikenne on tukossa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: Traffic's blocked." "Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Voi ei... Heidät tapettiin autoihinsa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Oh man... they were attacked in their cars." "Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Hyvä jumala, millaista oli olla tuollaisessa bussissa, kun tämä alkoi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Oh God, to be in one of these buses when this hit." "Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hei, näen valoja!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hey, I see lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Jättivätkö zombit valot päälle meitä varten?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Do you think the zombies left the lights on for us?" "Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: Kunhan vitsailin. Lähdetään valojen suuntaan, ehkä siellä on ihmisiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: I was joking. Let's head on to the lights. Maybe someone is there." "Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: Pääsemme kyltin luota ylös." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: Okay, we can get up here by this sign." "Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: Yritetään etsiä reitti hotellin läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: We have to figure a way through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Tämän hotellin läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: Kai näistä huoneista ainakin yhteen pääsee." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: One of these rooms must open up." "Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Tarkistakaa huoneet." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Tämän huoneen läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Through this room." "Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hei, käytä ikkunaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hey, use the window." "Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Onko tuo huvipuisto?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Is that an amusement park?" "Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellis, oletko tarpeeksi pitkä laitteisiin?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellis, are you even tall enough to go on the rides?" "Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: Kummitustaloon en taatusti mene." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: I sure as hell ain't goin in no haunted house." "Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Heheei! Pitäkää kiinni!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Woohoo! Hang on!" "Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Katso mihin astut!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Watch your step!" "Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: Se oli melkein hauskaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: That was almost fun." "Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Rinteen kiipeäminen ei ole lähellekään niin hauskaa kuin liukuminen." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Climbing back up this hill is not near as much fun as sliding down." "Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: Puisto on tuolla." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: There's the park." "Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Pääsemme tätä kautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Hey, we can get in through here." "Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Täällä on ollut ihmisiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Looks like people were here." "Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Ehkä täällä on vielä joku?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Maybe someone is still here?" "Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Ehkä tämä oli evakuointipaikka?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Ehkä tämä oli hauska evakuointipaikka?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac fun zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Kokeillaan sisäänkäyntiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Let's try the entrance." "Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Pojat, hei. Tämä on naistenhuone." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Umm, guys, this is the lady's room." "Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellis, voitit varmasti nallekarhut kaikille tytöille." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellis, I bet you won all the girls teddy bears." "Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: Me emme ole CEDA tai armeija, joten lienemme tervetulleet." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: Well, we aren't CEDA or the military, so I guess we're welcome." "Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: Kehotus pysyä poissa ei varmastikaan koske meitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: When they say stay out, I'm sure they mean someone else." "Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Pystytettiinkö tämä kyltti ennen vai jälkeen tartunnan?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Do you think they put this sign up before or after the infection?" "Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Toivottavasti suoihmiset eivät häiriinny vierailustamme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Hope the swamp people don't mind us visiting." "Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hmm. Ystävällistä sakkia." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hm. Friendly bunch." "Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Mennään käymään, he vaikuttavat mukavilta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Let's visit, they seem nice." "Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Earl's Gator Village? Tämä käy aina vain paremmaksi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Earl's Gator Village? This just keeps getting better." "Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Juu, oikaistaan vaan alligaattoritarhan läpi ja vieraillaan suolla asuvien sotahullujen luona. Kuulostaako hyvältä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Yeah, let's just cut through the gator park and visit the crazy militants in the swamp. Sound good?" "Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: Onko tämä nyt varmasti paras reitti?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: I'm just askin', but are we sure this is the best route?" "Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi etsiä taloista tarvikkeita." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: We should search the houses for supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Suolla on paljon ötököitä. Kukapa olisi arvannut?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Huh, the swamp's buggy, who would have guessed that?" "Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Kaikki näyttävät menneen kylän suuntaan eli kauemmas suolle. Hienoa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Looks like they all headed to the village - deeper in the swamp. Great." "Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Hyvä on. Kokeillaan kylää." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Right. We should try the village." "Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Käynnistä lautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Activate the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa ja kutsukaa lautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's get ready and then call the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: Kutsun lautan tänne." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: I'm calling the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Lautta on tulossa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Ferry's coming." "Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Lautta on melkein täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Ferry's almost here!" "Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: Menkää lautan kyytiin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Kaikki lautalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Everyone on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Lauttamatkan aika!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Time to ride the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Työnnän sen liikkeeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Shoving off!" "Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Kaikki lautan kyytiin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: Mennään veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: All right, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Kaikki veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Everyone on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: Menkää veneeseen! Venereissun aika!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the boat! Time to ride the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: Niin... Tiedättekö te mitään soista?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: So, umm... Do you guys know anything about the swamps?" "Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: Mikä meidät tappaa? Zombit, alligaattorit, käärmeet, ötökät vai suoihmiset?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: So what do you think is going to kill us? Zombies, gators, snakes, bugs or the swamp people?" "Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Ai niin, unohdinkin sen." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Yeah, I forgot about that." "Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: Mitkä? Verifarmarit? Mistä kummasta sinä poika nyt puhut?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: What? Blood farmers? Boy, what in the hell are you talking about?" "Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Kaduttaa että kysyin..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Sorry I asked..." "Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellis, tarkoittaako tuo tatuointisi jotakin?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellis, does your tattoo mean anything?" "Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: Osasit ennakoida hyvin, kun otit tuon tatuoinnin." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: You had real foresight to get that tattooed." "Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: Jos tästä joku voi selviytyä, luultavasti juuri tällä tavalla elävät ihmiset." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: Well if anyone could survive this, it would be people who live like this." "Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: Ruokittiinko niitä kanoilla?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: They fed them chickens?" "Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Mitä luulet, Nick, millä todennäköisyydellä suoihmiset ovat edelleen hengissä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Nick, what do you think the odds are that the swamp people are still alive?" "Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Eivätkä zombeja." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Not zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Kuulostaa oikealta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Sound about right." "Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Onko kellään hyttysmyrkkyä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Does anyone have any bug spray?" "Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: Meidän on löydettävä joen pääuoma." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: We have to find the main river." "Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: Pysytään kulkusillalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: Okay, stay on the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: Kulkusillasta päätellen täällä ei ole ärhäköitä juristeja." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: From the looks of this walkway, they don't have trial lawyers down here." "Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Varovasti, tämä ei näytä turvalliselta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Careful this doesn't look safe." "Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Oikealle vai vasemmalle?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Oikealle vai suoraan?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Should we go right or straight?" "Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Tietääkö kukaan, mihin suuntaan pitäisi mennä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Does anyone know which way we should go?" "Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: Oikealle vai vasemmalle?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Katso Ellis, tuo on kylpyamme. Oletko nähnyt sellaista ennen?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, that's a bathtub. You ever seen one before?" "Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: Hyvä on." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Takaisin kulkusillalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Get back on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: Hitto! Kulkusilta romahti." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: Shit! The walkway collapsed." "Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Kiivetään noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Let's get up the ladder!" "Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Kiivetkää kulkusillalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Come on, up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Menkää kulkusillalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Get on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä oikealle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: We can go to the right." "Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: Täällä on lankkuja." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: They have planks down over here." "Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: Olemme umpikujassa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: We're blocked!" "Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: Viemäriputkelle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: To the drainage pipe!" "Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Viemäriojassa on turvatalo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Safehouse in the drainage ditch!" "Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: Näen valon!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: Se on rohkaiseva näky. Heillä on sähköt." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: That's an encouraging sign, they have power." "Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hei, näen valon!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hey, I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: Helvetti, he todellakin ovat mutaihmisiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: Holy shit, there really are mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Varo mutaihmisiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Watch out for the mudders!" "Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Mutaihmisiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Mutaihmisiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: Olen kyllästynyt mutaan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: I am sick to death of this mud!" "Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: Okei, nyt riittää muta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: Okay, enough with the mud already." "Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Siitä ei pääse ympäri. Aika kastautua." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Uhh... no way around it. Time to get wet." "Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: Olen todella kyllästynyt mutaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: I am really sick of the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: Tänne viemäriputki johti..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: I guess this is where the drain pipe drained..." "Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: Tämä on pelottavaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: Okay, this is creepy." "Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: Täällä on kuivaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: It's dry over here." "Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: Haapio?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: A pirogue?" "Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: En tiedä, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: You got me Ellis." "Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: Tämän puun yli." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: Over this tree." "Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hei Ellis, tuleeko tästä koti mieleen?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, does this remind you of home?" "Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: Katsokaa, maahan syöksynyt lentokone!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: Holy shit, a downed plane!" "Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombit varmaan hyökkäsivät kesken lennon." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombies hit mid-flight I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: Oletko tosissasi? Ainoa tie eteenpäin on tämän hätäoven kautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: You are kidding me, the only way forward is through an emergency door." "Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: Olen aina halunnut tehdä tämän." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: I've always wanted to do this." "Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Luuletko, että liu'ut aktivoituvat?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Do you think the slides will activate?" "Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: Avaan oven." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: Okay, I'm opening the door!" "Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa. Kun ovi avataan, hälytys alkaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, once we open the door this alarm will sound!" "Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Avaa ovi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Ainoa tie on tämän oven läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Only way is through this door." "Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Entäs sitten, avaa ovi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Screw it, why not, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: Paskanmarjat, avaa ovi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: What the hell, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: Olen kyllästynyt suohon." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: I am sick of the swamp." "Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: Jalkani eivät kuiva koskaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: Oh, my feet are never gonna dry." "Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Onneksi minulla on saappaat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Good thing I'm wearing boots." "Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Vihdoin sivistyksen pariin! Tai hetkinen..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Civilization! Oh wait..." "Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: Tämän jälkeen Cleveland näyttää kivalta paikalta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: This place makes Cleveland look nice." "Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Asuiko täällä tosiaan ihmisiä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Did people really live here?" "Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Kuivaa maata edessä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Dry land ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hei, valoja edessä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hey, lights ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Kylä on tänne päin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Hey, the village is this way!" "Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Valot ovat päällä! Huhuu?!?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Lights are on! Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Ehkä täällä on ihmisiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Maybe people are here!" "Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hei, Ellis! Verifarmarit ovat vielä hengissä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hey, Ellis! The blood farmers are still alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: Okei, jos heillä on sähköt..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: Okay, if they have power..." "Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Huhuu!!! Huhuu!!! Me emme ole CEDA!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Hellooo!!! Helloooo!!! We aren't CEDA!!" "Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: He ovat todella muuranneet itsensä sisään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: They really walled themselves off!" "Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: Ehkä he ovat linnoituksessaan vielä hengissä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: They look dug in, maybe they're alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Hei, huhuu - oletteko siellä, suoihmiset?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Hello, hello, swamp people are you there?" "Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: Onko siellä ketään? Apua!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: Anyone there! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Hei!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hei! Apua!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hey! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: Ei näy mitään." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: I don't see anyone." "Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: Pääsemme läpi täältä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: We can get through up here." "Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: Vajassa on turvatalo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: There's a safe house in that shack!" "Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Talon läpi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Through this house!" "Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: He eivät selviytyneet." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: They didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Täällä he pärjäsivät hetken aikaa..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Looks like they lasted here... for bit." "Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Voi paska. He eivät selviytyneet." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Ahh shit, they didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: Kirottua, suoihmiset ovat zombeja." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: God damn it, the swamp people are zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Voi zombiutuneet suoihmiset, olen pahoillani kun joudun ampumaan teidät." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Oh, zombie swamp people, I'm sorry I gotta shoot you." "Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: Halusin niin ystävystyä suoihmisten kanssa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: I so wanted to make friends with the swamp people." "Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: Emme voi jäädä tänne, seurataan niitä maatilalle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: Well, we can't stay here, let's follow them to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: Katsellaan ympärillemme, jos he jättivät tarvikkeita." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: We should look around and see if they left supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: He menivät joen luona olevaa maatilaa kohti." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: They headed out to a Plantation by the river." "Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: Meidän on mentävä joelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: We need to head to the river." "Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: Meidän on mentävä maatilalle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: We need to head to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: Aika lähteä tästä kylästä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: Time to leave this village." "Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: Kuulimme raportteja, että virus leviää nisäkkäiden keskuudessa, mutta..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: We heard reports the virus spread through mammals but..." "Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan, oliko se totta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: I have no idea if that was true." "Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Parempi katsoa kuin katua." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Better safe than sorry I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: En usko, että tartunta teki tämän." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: I don't think this was the infection." "Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: Täältä emme löydä ketään." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: We aren't going to find anyone here." "Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: Mennään takaisin kulkusillalle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to get back up on the walk way." "Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: Tuolla ovat rappuset!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: There's stairs!" "Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: Näettekö rappuset?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: See the stairs?" "Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: Noita rappusia pitkin pääsemme takaisin kulkusillalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: Okay, we can use those stairs to get up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Pysytään kulkusillalla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Stay on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Back here!" "Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: Polku jatkuu tuosta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: The path continues through here." "Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: Tuolla on polku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: There's a path." "Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Käytä lankkuja." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Use the planks." "Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: Lisää hökkeleitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: More shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: Tämä oli kylän oma pieni lähiö." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: This must have been the village's own little suburbs." "Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Rauhallinen mökki vesinäköalalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Quaint cottage with water views." "Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: Meidän laskettava tämä silta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to lower this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Ainoa tie on sillan yli." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Only way over is this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Ainoa tie on kulkusillan yli." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Only way over is this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Laskekaa kulkusilta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Someone lower this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Laskekaa kulkusilta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Lower the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Laskekaa silta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Lower the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Valmiina, lasken sillan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Valmiina, lasken sillan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: Ok, silta laskeutuu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: Silta on alhaalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge is down." "Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Silta laskeutuu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä yli." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: We can cross." "Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: Se on alhaalla! Mennään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: It's down, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: Yrittäkää pysyä poissa vedestä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: Okay, try and keep out of the water." "Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Pysykää ylempänä, missä on kuivaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Stay up here where it's dry." "Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Talon läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Through this house." "Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Maatila on aivan tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Plantation is right up here!" "Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: Tuolla ovat tilukset!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: There's the grounds!" "Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: Meidän täytyy päästä sisään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: We just need to get in here!" "Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: Luulin, että mudasta päästiin jo..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: I thought we were done with the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: Mennään tätä tietä pitkin." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: Let's head down this road." "Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Täällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: Päärakennus on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: There's the plantation house!" "Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Kiva talo." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Nice house." "Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: Vähän mukavampi kuin ne hökkelit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: A little nicer than those shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: Jopa isoissa taloissa on täällä ulkovessat..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: Even the big houses have outhouses down here." "Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: Pitääkö kenenkään käydä asioilla ennen venereissua?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: Okay, anyone need to go before our boat ride?" "Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Tikkaita ylös." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Up the ladder." "Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Ylös telineitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Go up the scaffolding." "Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: Ymmärrän miksi tämä suljettiin." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: I can see why this was closed." "Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: Kauan sitten tämä on ollut todella hieno." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: This must have been real nice a long time ago." "Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Onkohan siellä edelleen joku?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Do you think someone is still out there?" "Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Kutsutaan vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: Okei, kutsutaan vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: Okay, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: Antaa olla, kutsutaan vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's just call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: Antaa olla, kutsutaan vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: Olen samaa mieltä, kutsu vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: I agree, call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: Mitä hävittävää meillä on? Kutsu vene." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: What do we have to lose? Call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Kokeillaan radiota." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Let's try the radio." "Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellis, osaavatko verifarmarit ajaa veneellä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellis, can blood farmers drive a boat?" "Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: Vene on täällä, mennään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: Boat's here! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Juostaan veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Run to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: Veneeseen! Veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: To the boat! To the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Nyt veneeseen ja äkkiä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Get your asses on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: Get to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: Ja paskat, juoskaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: Screw this, RUN!" "Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: Hyvästi, suoihmiset!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: Goodbye, swamp people!" "Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: Olemme päärakennuksen luona." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: We're at the plantation house." "Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Minun nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Uh, my name is Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Tätini asui aikoinaan täällä suoih-- ööh, paikallisväestön kanssa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here with the sw---, uh, the people." "Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Tätini asui aikoinaan täällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here." "Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Pari muuta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Uh, a couple." "Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: Pari muuta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: A couple." "Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Kiitos. Meillä ei ole muutakaan paikkaa mihin mennä." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Thank you, we've got nowhere else to go." "Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Kiitos. Emme mene täältä minnekään." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Thank you, we'll be right here." "Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: Tämän pitäisi olla helppoa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: This should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: Okei, tämän pitäisi olla helppoa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: Okay, this should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: Meidän täytyy vain hakea vähän dieseliä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: We just need to grab some diesel." "Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Tyhjä. Jossain on pakko olla toinen asema." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Empty. Gotta be another station." "Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: Vanhassa sokeritehtaassa on dieseliä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: They have diesel at the old sugar mill?" "Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: Vanha sokeritehdas? Oletko tosissasi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: The old sugar mill? Are you kidding me?" "Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Lähdetään, poika. Meidän on käytävä vanhalla sokeritehtaalla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Come on boy, we have to get to the old sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: Tehdään tämä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: Well, let's get this done before the storm." "Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: Ei se näyttäisi olevan kaukana." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far." "Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: Ei se näyttäisi olevan ollenkaan kaukana." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far at all." "Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Tulkaa, yritetään ehtiä ennen myrskyä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: Lähetetään hänelle merkki, kun tulemme takaisin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: We'll signal him when we get back." "Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Luotatko sinä häneen?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Do you trust that guy?" "Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: En tiedä, Nick. Opin luottamaan sinuun." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: Well, I don't know, Nick. I learned to trust you." "Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: Joten mitä minä mistään tiedän?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: So what do I know?" "Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: Mennään tätä katua pitkin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's try down this street." "Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: Pääsemme sokeritehtaalle tätä kautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: We can get to the sugar mill through here." "Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Itse olen enemmän erittäin fruktoosipitoisen maissisiirapin ystäviä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Personally, I'm a high fructose corn syrup woman myself." "Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Tartunta näyttää iskeneen kesken evakuoinnin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Looks like the infection hit mid evacuation." "Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: Mielestäni tartunta on parempi termi kuin zombi-maailmanloppu." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: I prefer to call it the infection instead of the zombie apocalypse." "Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: Enpä tiedä, zombi-maailmanloppu... Se vaatii vähän sulattelua." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: I don't know, zombie apocalypse - it's still kind of hard to swallow." "Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Kyllä, zombeja on tosiaan paljon." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Yeah, there sure are a lot of zombies." "Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Huhuu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Seis! Keskeyttäkää pommituslento!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Stop! Stop! Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: Okei, voimme tehdä sen." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: Okay, we can do that." "Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: Haluatte meidän ylittävän sillan? Miksette tule hakemaan meitä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: You want us to cross the bridge? Oh shit - why don't you come get us!" "Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: Heidän on parempi olla valmiina, kun pääsemme sinne." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: They better be ready when we get there." "Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Hyvä kysymys, missä on CEDA? Minä en näe kuin armeijan." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Good question, where is CEDA? I just see the military." "Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Voi pojat... Onko meidän juostava torniin?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Aahhh, man... we have to run to the tower?" "Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Älä huolestu Ellis, he tarkoittavat virusta, eivät mielenterveyttä." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Don't worry Ellis, they mean the flu, not in the head." "Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: Olisiko tuo kyltti hiukkasen tarpeeton? Ironinen? Vähätteleekö se koko zombi-maailmanloppua?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: I think that sign is a little redundant? Ironic? Underselling the entire Zombie Apocalypse?" "Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: Minä luulin, että kaikilla punaniskoilla oli jo aseet." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: I thought all you yokels already had guns." "Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Juokse!" "[english]Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Run!" "Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Juokse nyt!" "[english]Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Juoskaa, juoskaa!" "[english]Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Run! Run! Run!" "Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Juokse nyt!" "[english]Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Kyllä." "[english]Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Yes." "Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Totta kai." "[english]Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Why yes." "Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Jeah." "[english]Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Jeah." "[english]Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Tietysti." "[english]Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Of course." "Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: Selvä." "[english]Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: Okay." "Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Jep." "[english]Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Yep." "Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Ei hätää." "[english]Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Ei hätää." "[english]Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: Ei kestä." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: Ei kestä." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: Olkaa hyvä." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: You're welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: Olemme sujut." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: We're cool." "Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: Ei ongelmaa." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: No problem." "Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Ei kestä." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Anytime." "Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: Älä huolehdi." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it." "Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Älä edes aloita." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Don't even start." "Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: Ei hätää." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: Ei hätää." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Mitä tahansa veljen vuoksi." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Mitä tahansa veljen vuoksi." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: Ei ongelmaa, pätkä." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: No problem shorty." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: Ei ongelmaa, pukumies." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: No problem suit." "Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Nappaan piikin!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Grabbin' a shot!" "Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Adrenaliinipiikki!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [ravistelee itsensä hereille]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [ravistelee itsensä hereille]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: Pullollinen yrjöä, ilmeisesti." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: Bottle of… puke, apparently." "Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: Toivottavasti tämä ei ole sitä mitä luulen." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: That had better not be what I think it is." "Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Boomerin oksennus!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Boomer bile here!" "Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Oksennuspurkki!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Bile jar here!" "Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Otan yrjöpurkin!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Grabbing a jar of puke!" "Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Nappaan oksennuspurkin!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Grabbing a bile jar!" "Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Varokaa! Yrjöä tulossa!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Heads up! Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Yrjöä tulossa!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Täältä tulee Boomerin yrjöä!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Here comes some Boomer bile!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: MITÄ PIRUA?" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: WHAT THE HELL?" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: MIHIN SE RAAHAA MUA?" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: AAAAH!!!" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: WOOOAAAAH!!!" "Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Päitsimet." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Chest paddles here." "Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Defibrillator here." "Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Sydäniskuri." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Defib unit here." "Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Mulla on päitsimet." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Got some chest paddles." "Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Mulla on sydäniskuri." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Mulla on sydäniskuri." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Irti!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Clear!" "Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Toimi!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Come on!" "Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: Virkoa!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: Come ON!" "Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: Tehoa nyt, helvetti!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: Come on DAMN IT! WORK!" "Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Tehoa nyt, ole kiltti. Ole kiltti..." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Please work. Please, please work…" "Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Älä mene valoa kohti, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Don't go towards the light, Ellis!" "Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: Tältä siis kuolleena oleminen tuntuu." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: So that's what being dead feels like." "Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: Taidan jäädä sinulle velkaa." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: I do believe I owe you one." "Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Arggh! Tuo sattuu!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Agggh that frigging HURTS!" "Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [saa sähköä]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [being shocked]" "Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Oho..." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Whoa…" "Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [haukkoo henkeä]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [gasp for breath]" "Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Ohhoh." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: [pitkästyneenä] Niinkö?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: [todella pitkästyneenä] Niinkö?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: [todella pitkästyneenä] Niinkö?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellis? Ellis? Ellis, kulta? ELLIS!" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellis? Ellis? Ellis, sweetie? ELLIS!" "Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellis, kultanen, voisiko tämä odottaa?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellis, sweetie, can this wait?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: Kuules Ellis, tämä ei ole paras hetki." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: Okay, Ellis, this is really not the best time." "Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Auts." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Ow." "Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: Pahus." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: Damn." "Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Juksaatko sinä?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Are you putting me on?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: Yhdeksäänkymmeneen prosenttiin?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: Ninety percent?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: Koko vartalosta?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: His whole body?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Hetkonen, toistatko sen viimeisen kohdan?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Wait, hold on, say that last part again?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: Sinun pitäisi kertoa tuo tarina Nickille." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: You should tell that story to Nick." "Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Kulta, yleensä tykkään jutuistasi, mutta en juuri nyt. Okei?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Sweety, I normally like your stories, I do. But not now, okay?" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Frag rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Nappaan sirpaleammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Jaan räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Jaan räjähtäviä ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: Sinä heitit Boomerin yrjöä minun päälleni!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: You got Boomer puke on me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: Mitä ihmettä oikein meinaat? Nyt tartunnan saaneet hyökkäävät minun kimppuuni!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: What are you DOING? Now the infected are going swarm me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: En voi tajuta, että sinä teit noin." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: I can't believe you just did that." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Hei, ammu Tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Whoa, whoa! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellis! Ammu Tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Ammu Tank, Coach!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Ammu Tank, Nick!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Ah, shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Ampukaa Tank!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Ammu Tank, kiitos." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, please." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Au! Ammu Tank, älä minua!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Ugh, shoot the Tank, not me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Voitko ampua Tankia minun sijaan?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Can you shoot the Tank instead of me?" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Kranaatinheitin!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Kranaatinheitin!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Otin kranaatinheittimen." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Otin kranaatinheittimen." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Kranaatinheitin." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Tästä minä pidän." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Oh, I like this." "Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: Mitä, suljetaanko ovi jo?" "[english]Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: What, we're shutting the door already?" "Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: Tämän takia me täällä olemme!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: That is what we're here for!" "Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Jee! Jatka tuota, niin pääsemme täältä!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Woo! Keep that up and we are out of here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Otan palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Grabbin' incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: Minä en nyt vitsaile." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: I'm not playing now." "Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Laitetaanpa pieni kokko pystyyn." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Let's get a little bonfire going." "Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Jaan palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Ottakaa palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Jaan palavia ammuksia!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Lasertähtäin." "[english]Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Pam!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Bam!" "Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: Totta helvetissä!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: HELL yeah!" "Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Piru!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Damn!" "Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Viidakkoveitsi..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Viidakkoveitsi..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Otin viidakkoveitsen." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Otin viidakkoveitsen." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Moottorisaha..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Moottorisaha..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Otin moottorisahan." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Got a chainsaw." "Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Pamppu..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Pamppu..." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Nappaan pampun." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Grabbing a nightstick." "Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Kitara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Kitara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Kitara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Nappaan kitaran." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Grabbing a guitar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Katana." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Katana." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Nappaan katanan." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Grabbing a katana." "Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Nappaan sorkkaraudan." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Nappaan sorkkaraudan." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Sorkkarauta." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Krikettimaila." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Krikettimaila." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Otin krikettimailan." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Got a cricket bat." "Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Tänne!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Tuonne!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: Tätä tietä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: Täällä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: In here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Täällä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: Tänne päin!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: C'mon, this way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Tämän ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Through this window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Tuon ikkunan läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Through that window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Tätä kujaa pitkin." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Down this alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Tuota kujaa pitkin." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Down that alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: Mennään tästä läpi." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: Let's go through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: Mennään tuosta läpi." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: Let's go through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Tämän oven läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Through this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Tuon oven läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Through that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä tämän ravintolan läpi." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: We can go through this restaurant." "Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Tuon portin läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Through that gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Noita tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Up that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Näitä tikkaita pitkin!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Up this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Noita tikkaita alas!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Down that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Näitä tikkaita alas!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Down this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Tämän aidan yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Over this fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Tuon aidan yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Over that fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: Sillalle!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: To the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä yli täältä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: We can cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä yli tuolta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: We can cross there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä ylös täältä." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: We can get up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä ylös tuolta." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: We can get up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä alas täältä." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: We can get down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä alas tuolta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: We can get down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: Täällä ylhäällä on turvahuone!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: Tuolla ylhäällä on turvahuone!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Paina sitä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Paina nappia!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Press the button!" "Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Tee se!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Do it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Aktivoi se!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Activate it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: Painoin sitä." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: I hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: Tein sen!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: I did it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Tämän portin läpi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Through this gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: Tämän oven yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: Over this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: Tuon oven yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: Over that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Tämän roskiksen yli!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Over this dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Hyppää alas tänne!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Jump down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Hyppää alas tuonne!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Jump down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Takaisin pellon poikki!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Back through the field!" "Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Kaikki hissiin!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Everybody in the elevator!" "Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: Mennään hissillä takaisin ylös!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: We can take the elevator back up!" "Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Tuota putkea ylös!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Up that pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: Tätä putkea ylös!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: UP this pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Takaisin alas portaita!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Back down the stairs!" "Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Ylittäkää silta!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Over the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: Voimme ylittää säiliötä pitkin!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: We can cross on that tank!" "Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: Pääsemme veden yli täällä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: We can get across the water here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: Pääsemme veden yli tuolla!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: We can get across the water there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Ylittäkää tässä!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: Näyttää tutulta. Suunta on oikea!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: Muistan tuon. Olemme menossa oikeaan suuntaan!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: Tämä tulvi nopeasti." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: This flooded fast." "Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: Kaikki on tulvan peitossa." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: It's all flooded." "Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: MYRSKY!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: STORM!" "Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa, myrsky on tulossa!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Get ready storm coming!" "Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: MYRSKY TULEE!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: STORM'S COMING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: MYRSKY ALKAA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: OH, STORM'S STARTING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: PYSYKÄÄ LÄHELLÄ!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: STAY CLOSE!" "Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: En näe mitään." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: I can't see a damn thing." "Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: Tuolla on kyltti! Olemme melkein ulkona!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: There's the sign! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nick, vilustuminen ei varsinaisesti huolestuta juuri tällä hetkellä." "[english]Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nick, catching a cold isn't high up on my list of concerns right now." "Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: Haluatko meidän turvaavan selustasi zombeilta, kun käyt pesemässä kätesi, Nick?" "[english]Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: You want us to cover you from zombie attacks while you wash your hands, Nick?" "Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: En ole saanut zombitartuntaa enkä aio hermostua pöpöistä, Nick." "[english]Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: Okay, I haven't caught zombie. I'm not gonna worry about cooties, Nick." "Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Yök, minä haistan vain kuolleet zombit." "[english]Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Ugh, I just smell dead zombies." "Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Yök. Haisee likaiselle valkoiselle puvulle, jota ei ole käytetty pesulassa kuukauteen." "[english]Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Ugh, smells like a dirty old white suit that hasn't been dry-cleaned in a month." "Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Reloading here!" "Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Lataan!" "[english]Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Ovatko nuo otukset luodinkestäviä?" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Are these things bulletproof?" "Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Pyöräyttäkää ne ympäri ja ampukaa selkään!" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Spin them around and shoot them in the back!" "Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: Pelle houkuttelee lauman tänne!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: That clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: Pelle houkuttelee lauman tänne!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: Okay, that clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Pelle on vaiennettava!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Somebody shut that clown up!" "Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Pelle on vaiennettava!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Somebody shut up that clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Tapa pelle!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Tapa pelle!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: Pelle houkuttelee lauman tänne!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: The clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Näkikö kukaan, mitä tuo zombi pudotti?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Hey, anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: Näkikö kukaan, mitä tuo zombi pudotti?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: Anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: Pudottiko tuo zombi jotakin?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Loistavaa. Zombeja suojapuvuissa." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Great. Infected in hazmat suits." "Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Tulenkestäviä zombeja. Huraa!" "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Fireproof zombies. Hooray!" "Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Pahus. Nämä kaverit taitavat olla tulenkestäviä." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Shit. I think these guys are fireproof." "Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: Mitä nuo oikein ovat?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: What the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: Mitä nuo oikein ovat?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: Okay, now what the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Ampukaa mutaihmiset!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Ampukaa mutaihmiset!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Mutaväkeä!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Se oli aivan liian täpärällä." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Whoa, that's about as close as I like to cut it…" "Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: Meidän on suoriuduttava paremmin." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: We're going to have to do better." "Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: Melkein kuolimme..." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: We almost didn't make it…" "Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: Kyllä me parempaankin pystymme." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: I KNOW we can do better than that." "Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Tuo oli noloa." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Well. That was embarrassing." "Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: Mitä meille tapahtui?" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: What happened to us?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEI! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: TULE TAKAISIN! OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: OLEMME VIELÄ TÄÄLLÄ! HEIII!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: ROCHELLE: WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: TÄÄLLÄ! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: OVER HERE! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: TÄÄLLÄ ON VIELÄ IHMISIÄ! TULE TAKAISIN, MINÄ PYYDÄN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE! COME BACK! PLEASE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: ME OLEMME KATOLLA! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: HEY! WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEI! TULE TAKAISIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: Minä en ole äänekäs." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: I AM NOT-I am NOT loud." "Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Pojat, nyt ei ole aika mittailla lihaksia. Rakennus on tulessa, ja meidän on päästävä pois katolta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Guys, now's not the time for a pissing contest. The building's on fire. Let's get off this roof while we still can." "Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Riittää minulle. Otetaan aseita ja häivytään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Good enough for me. Let's grab some weapons and get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Ostarille siis. Otetaan kuitenkin ensin vähän kättä pidempää." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Mall it is. But first, let's grab something to defend ourselves with." "Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: Kuulostaa hyvältä. Otetaan ensin aseita ja häivytään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: Sounds good. Let's grab some weapons and get the hell out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: En voi uskoa, että olen jäänyt jumiin Savannahiin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: I can't believe I'm stranded in Savannah." "Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Hyvä luoja, älä anna minun kuolla Georgiassa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Oh please God, don't you let me die in Georgia." "Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: Eivät he voineet jättää meitä tänne katolle noin vain!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us on this roof!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: Eivät he voineet jättää meitä tänne noin vain!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us here!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: Ostarilla taitaa olla evakuointipaikka." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: Oh, I think there's an evac station in the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: Olen kuullut asioita, mutta ei siitä sen enempää. Ottakaa silti aseet." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: I been hearing about…things. You know what, never mind. But grab a weapon, trust me." "Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: Ottakaa aseet, alhaalla on otuksia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: I think those things are down there, grab a weapon." "Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: Jos pysymme yhdessä ja järjissämme, voimme selvitä tästä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: If we stay together and keep our heads, we can get out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: Ai, onko sinulla täällä joitakin muita ystäviä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: Oh, you meeting some other friends?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: Tällaiseen ei ole aikaa. Ottakaa aseet, niin lähdetään ostarille." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: We ain't got time for this, people! Grab a weapon and let's get to this mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: Toivon että olet väärässä, mutta tiedän että olet oikeassa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: I hope you're wrong but I know you're not." "Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: Näytänkö siltä että kannan asetta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: Do I LOOK like I'm packing a gun?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: En ole aseita kantavaa tyyppiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: I'm not the gun-packing type." "Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: Meidän on otettava aseita. Olen töissä uutisissa, ja uutiset sanovat että kannattaa ottaa aseita." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: We should take some weapons. I work in the news and the news says we should definitely take some weapons." "Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: En tiedä, mutta koska tämä kaikki tuntuu todelta, meidän kannattaa ottaa kaikki aseet, jotka onnistumme löytämään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: I don't know, since this all seems to be true, trust me, when I say we should grab any weapon we can find." "Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: Otetaan kättä pidempää, niin voimme puolustautua." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: We should take something to protect ourselves." "Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: All right, sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: Hyväksyn." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: I agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: Tuossa on järkeä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: That's a good point." "Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Entä sitten?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Right, so?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: Pakko olla samaa mieltä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: I'm gonna have to agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: Tämä mies puhuu järkeä. Lähdetään pois täältä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: Okay, this man's talking some sense. Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: Olet varmasti oikeassa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: I bet you're right." "Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: Kunhan olet varma asiasta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: So long as you're sure." "Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Taidat tietää, mistä puhut. Mennään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Sounds like you know what you're talking about. Let's go." "Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: Nuo eivät näytä ihmisiltä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: These… don't look like people." "Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombeja. Pyhä isä. Ne ovat totta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombies. Holy shit. They're real." "Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: Onhan niistä kuullut, mutta kunnes ne näkee..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: You hear about them, but until you see them…" "Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: Voi helvetti, zombeja. Näin uutisraportit - minä jopa tuotinkin niistä osan - mutta... Vau." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: Holy shit, zombies. I saw the news reports… hell, I PRODUCED some, but… wow." "Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: Mikäs helvetti tuo on?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: What the hell is this thing?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: Rauhoitu, Rochelle. Hakkasit zombin kuoliaaksi. Kaikki on... ihan hyvin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: Okay, Rochelle. You just beat a zombie a death. Everything is… just fine." "Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: No niin. Nyt tuli tehtyä näin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: All right. I just did that." "Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: Okei. Nyt minä siis tapan zombeja." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm killing zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Juu, ymmärrän tilanteen hyvin. Olemme kusessa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Yeah, yeah I can make sense of this. We are screwed." "Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: Kuulin, että Atlanta on jo niiden vallassa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: I heard Atlanta already fell." "Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: Olen töissä uutiskanavalla ja kuulimme itärannikosta, mutta... Jeesus, en tiennyt että tilanne on näin paha." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: I work for a news station, we'd HEARD about the East Coast, but… Jesus. I didn't know it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Katsokaa tätä karttaa. Meidän on päästävä New Orleansiin, ja nopeasti." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Hey, look at this map. We need to get to New Orleans, FAST." "Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: Jäljellä on enää New Orleans." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: New Orleans is all that's left." "Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Raportit olivat todella hajanaisia. CEDA ei kertonut kenellekään, että tilanne oli näin paha." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Reports were really fragmented, CEDA never told anyone it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: CEDAn olisi pitänyt kertoa, että pelkkä käsien peseminen ei nyt auta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: I think CEDA should have been telling us do more than wash our hands." "Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: Asekauppa? Ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni asekauppa kuulostaa hyvältä jutulta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: A gun STORE? For the first time in my life, that sounds good." "Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: Kauppa täynnä aseita? Coach, sanasi hivelevät korviani." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: A whole store full of guns? You're talking MY language, Coach." "Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: Kokonainen kauppa? Täynnä aseita? Coach, sanasi hivelevät korviani." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: A whole store? Full of guns? You are talking MY language, Ellis." "Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: Hän on, niin kauan kuin zombit yrittävät tappaa minua." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: So long as there's zombies trying to kill me he is." "Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: En yleensä. Mutta nyt, kyllä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: Well, no, not usually. But for now? Yes." "Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: En yleensä. Se on monimutkainen asia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: Eh, um not normally, it's complicated." "Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: Yleensä vihaan aseita, mutta vihaan zombeja vielä enemmän." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: Okay, no, normally I hate guns. But I… think I hate zombies more." "Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Olemme menossa ostarin suuntaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Great, we're heading the right way to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Silta ostarille on tukittu! Pakko löytää toinen reitti." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We need to find another way." "Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Kokeillaan tuota ovea." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Let's try that door." "Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Hypätkää rekalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Jump onto the truck!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: Roskiksen yli!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: Meidän on pakko päästä sillan yli!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: Olemme varmasti jo lähempänä ostaria!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: Okay, we've gotta be getting close to that mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: Koko kaupunki tuntuu hylätyltä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: This whole city looks abandoned." "Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: CEDAn on parempi olla ostarilla..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: CEDA'd better be at that mall…" "Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: Niin paljon aseita..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: So… many… guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Pyhä jysäys." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Oh… my… GOD." "Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Ah, onpa täällä paljon aseita." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus look at all of these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: Haluan ne kaikki. Ihan totta, haluan jokaisen aseen tästä kaupasta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: I want them all. Seriously. I want every gun in this store." "Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: Onpa täällä älyttömästi aseita!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: Would you LOOK at all these guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Sano nyt, Ellis. Onko normaalia nauttia tällaisen asemäärän näkemisestä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Jeez, Ellis? Is it supposed to feel this good to see this many guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: Kadun jokaista vitsiä, jonka olen kertonut aseiden omistajista." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: I regret every joke I ever made about gun owners." "Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: Tämä voi johtua tuhansien minua metsästävien zombien aiheuttamasta hermopaineesta, mutta minä alan tosissani tykätä aseista." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: I don't know if it's the feel, or the weight, or the thousand zombies trying to kill me. But I am really starting to like these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: Miksei kukaan kertonut, että ampuminen tuntuu näin hyvältä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: Why didn't anyone TELL me shooting these things felt like this?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: Se tuntuu niin väärältä, mutta samalla niin oikealta. Rakastan aseita. No, nyt se tuli sanottua. Rakastan aseita." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: Oh, it feels so wrong, but is just so right. I love guns. There I said it. I love guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: Sinä olet kiva." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: You're a nice one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Katsotaas, miltä sinä tunnut kädessä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Let's see how you handle." "Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Tällä kaatuu useampikin zombi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Now, this one can kill some zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Juu, sinä pääset tappamaan zombeja minun kanssani." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Yeah, you are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Ovatko nämä kaikki ilmaisia?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Are all these free?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Voimmeko ottaa ihan minkä aseen vaan?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Gee, can we take whichever one we want?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Taidan ottaa tämän testiin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Think I'll take this one for a test drive." "Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Ooo, minä valitsen... tämän!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Ooh, I choose… THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Hetki. Ei vaan tämän." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Or wait. THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: Eiku tämän." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: Ei, ei, ei, ei, haluankin tämän." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no, this one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: Sinä pääset tappamaan zombeja minun kanssani." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: You are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: Tässä on hyvä mekanismi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: This one's got some nice action!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Hyvä hajonta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Nice spread on this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Tämä on tarkka peli!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Jesus, this thing's accurate!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: Haulikko on uusi suosikkini!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: Okay, my new favorite's the shotgun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: Nyt haluan kokeilla tarkkuuskivääriä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: Okay, now I want to try the sniper rifle!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Herranjestas, onko tuo kranaatinheitin?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Oh my god, is that a grenade launcher?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Vau! Rakastan tätä asetta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Woo! I LOVE this gun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: Olen rakastunut tähän aseeseen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: I am in love with this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: Pum! Pääosuma!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: BOOM! Headshot!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: Pääosuma." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: *kkt* Headshot." "Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: Kaikki muut aseet kumartavat tätä asetta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: All other guns… bow before this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Tämä on uusi suosikkini." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Oh, this is my new favorite." "Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: Okei, jumala." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: Okay… God." "Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Pyysikö jumala itse meitä ottamaan aseet ja tulemaan yläkertaan?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Did God just tell us to take his guns and come upstairs?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: Hyvä on, salaperäinen ääni." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: Okay, mysterious voice." "Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Hei, Whitaker." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker." "Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Hei, Whitaker. Kiitos aseista." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker. Thanks for the guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: Hyvä on. Menemme hakemaan teille haluamanne välipalan. Mutta älkää yrittäkö huijata meitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: All right, sir. We'll go get you your snacks. But you better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: Hyvä on. Menemme hakemaan teille haluamanne välipalan. Mutta älkää yrittäkö huijata meitä, sillä vaarannamme henkemme teidän kokiksenne takia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: All right, we'll go get you your snacks. But we're risking our lives for these colas of yours. You better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: Haluat mitä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: You want what?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: Täällä on omituiset ruokatottumukset." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: You people eat the strangest shit." "Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: Olemme mukana. Mitä olemme velkaa aseista?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: Okay, we're in. What do we owe you for the guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Haluatko sen kanssa sikanaksuja?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Do you want pork rinds with that?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Sir, jos annatte minun pitää tämän aseen, haen teille ihan mitä tahansa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Sir, if you let me keep this gun? I'll go get you anything you need." "Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Nappaa kokis!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Grab the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: Minulla on kokis, mennään takaisin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: Minulla on Whitakerin kokis, mennään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: All right, I got Whitaker's cola! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: Otin kokiksen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: I got the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Otan kokiksen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Grabbing the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Este on alhaalla. Mennään ostarille." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Barrier's down! Let's get to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: Siinä meni este! Häivytään täältä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: There goes the barrier! Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [kuiskaa] Pahus, taisin vahingossa ottaa kevytkokiksen. Parempi häipyä. Hei kiitos, Whitaker!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [whisper] Shit, I think I accidentally grabbed diet cola. We should go. Hey, thanks, Whitaker!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: Hitto. Tuo mies osaa raivata polun." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: Damn. That man knows how to clear a path." "Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Luojan kiitos, ostari!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, the mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: Ok. Evakuointipaikat eivät yleensä ole näin hiljaisia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: Okay. Evacuation centers aren't usually this quiet." "Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Pakolaiskeskukset ovat harvemmin näin hylätyn oloisia." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Refugee centers don't usually look this deserted?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: Hyvä on. Täällä on vähän hiljaista, mutta tarkistetaan silti paikat." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. So… it's a bit quiet. I still say we should check it out." "Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: No onhan täällä vähän autioita. Evakuointipaikka voi silti olla peremmällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: Okay, so-it's a little deserted. There might still be an evac deeper in." "Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Aamen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Aamen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Luoja, armahda Coachia ja säästä ravintola-osasto." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Lord, have mercy on Coach and spare the food court." "Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Näitä liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Up this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Noita liukuportaita ylös!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Up that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Näitä liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Down this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Noita liukuportaita alas!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Down that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: Lähellä on Hunter! Ei, sehän onkin sinun vatsasi, Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: I HEAR A HUN-Coach, is that your stomach?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Evakuointiasema on täälläpäin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Evac's this way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Evakuointiasema on tuollapäin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Evac's that way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Evakuointiasema on edessä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Evac's up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Tietääkö kukaan, kuka tuo kilpakuski on?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Anybody know who the race car guy is?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Junior. Täällä etelässä on omituiset julkkikset." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy… Gibbs… Jr. Man, Southerners make the weirdest people famous." "Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Junior. Vau." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Jr…. Yay." "Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Siitä saat, Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Take that, Jimmy Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Pure lyijyä, Jimmy Gibbs." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Eat lead, Jimmy Gibbs." "Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa! Hälytys menee päälle." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Jatkakaa vaan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Keep going!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: We have to turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Sammuttakaa hälytys!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Selvä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: Paskat, se oli ärsyttävää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: Holy SHIT, was that annoying!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: Auh! Tuo jää soimaan päähän ikuisesti." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: UGH! I will NEVER stop hearing that." "Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: Ahaa. Ja ostari tuntuu hylätyltä siksi, että sitä se juuri on." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: Ah. And the reason the mall looked deserted was because… it is." "Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Täällä ei ole ketään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Unngh. There's nobody here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Pahus, arvasin sen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Oh, damn it, I knew it." "Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: Täältä meitä ei pelasteta." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: We're not getting rescued here, are we?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: En aisti täällä sellaista pelastetuksi tulemisen ilmapiiriä." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm not getting a strong \"we're getting rescued\" vibe here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Tämä ei näytä hyvältä, pojat." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Guys? This does NOT look good." "Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: Kukaan ei pelasta meitä tänään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: Kaikki riippuu nyt meistä itsestämme. Kukaan ei pelasta meitä tänään." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: It's all on us. No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Edessä on turvahuone!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Looks like a safe room up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: Onko kellään ideoita?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: Okay. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: Olemme siis kusessa. Onko kellään ideoita?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: All right, so… we're screwed. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: Mitä mietit, Ellis?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: What's on your mind, Ellis?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Tarkoitatko sitä Jimmy Gibbsiä? Onko hänen autonsa täällä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Are we talking about this Jimmy Gibbs guy? His car's here?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Tarkoitatko Jimmy Gibbs Junioria?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Are we talking about Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: Se kuulostaa suunnitelmalta. Ei ehkä hyvältä, mutta suunnitelmalta kuitenkin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: Well, it's a plan. I don't know if it's a GOOD plan. But it IS a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: Tämänhetkisten suunnitelmien joukossa, joita on nolla, tämä menee suoraan top kymppiin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: Okay. Out of all the plans we have, which is zero, that might be in the top ten." "Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Onko muita ajatuksia?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Any other ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: Suunnitelma on siis etsiä se auto. Varasuunnitelma on jäädä tänne ostarille kuolemaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: OK, so Plan A is we go find this car. Plan B is we… wait here in this mall and die." "Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: Se oli minun ideani." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: I had that idea first." "Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: Hitto, kelpaa minulle." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: Hell, I'll do it." "Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Gibbsin autolla vapauteen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Dibs on Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Etsikää bensaa, pojat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Find some gas, guys!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: Kun ovet avautuvat, liikettä kinttuihin." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: As soon as these doors open, get ready to run." "Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Tule jo, tule jo..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Comeoncomeoncomeon come on…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: Mene tankkiin nyt, ole kiltti..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: Please get in the tank, please please please…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Kiirettä, pidä kiirettä..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Mene tankkiin... Nopeammin..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Go faster…go in the tank faster…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Tule nyt, tule nyt..." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Tankkaamassa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Tankkaamassa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: Tämä on mun!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: I got this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Mennään! Etsi bensakanisteri!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go! Find a gas can!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Tankataan auto!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan lisää bensaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: We need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan vieläkin lisää bensaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: We still need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: Puolivälissä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: Halfway there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Melkein täynnä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Almost there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan kaksikymmentä lisää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: We need twenty more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan kymmenen lisää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: We still need ten more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan viisi lisää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: We still need five more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Vielä kolme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Just three more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Vielä kaksi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Just two more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: Yksi kanisteri enää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: One more can to go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: Tankki on täynnä, nyt mennään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Auto on tankattu, lähdetään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Car's full let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Nasta lautaan, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Hit it, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Jeeee!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Nasta lautaan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Punch it! Punch it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Kilpa-autotkaan eivät pääse ruuhkan yli, vai pääsevätkö?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Stock cars can't drive over traffic, right?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Älä sure, Ellis. Oli upeaa, että järjestit meidät näinkin pitkälle." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Älä huoli, Ellis. Oli upeaa, että järjestit meidät näinkin pitkälle." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Don't sweat it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: Tajuat varmaan, että jos tämä Jimmy Gibbs olisi ajanut monsteriautoa, olisimme jo pitkällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: You do realize: If this Jimmy Gribs guy had driven a monster truck? We'd be home free right now." "Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: Ymmärrän." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: I understand." "Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Niin kauan kuin tarvitset." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Take as long as you need." "Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Katsokaa näitä autoja. Ihmisparat luulivat voivansa paeta jalkaisin. [tauko] Mutta hetkinen, mehän yritämme samaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Katsokaa näitä autoja. Ihmisparat luulivat voivansa paeta jalkaisin. Heidät varmasti teurastettiin. [tauko] Mutta hetkinen, mekin yritämme paeta jalan." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. They must have been slaughtered. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: Hylättyjä autoja on kilometrikaupalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Niin luultavasti." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Uh huh. That's probably it." "Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Tuolla on huvipuiston kyltti." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Hey, there's a sign for the amusement park." "Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: Kävin pienenä ostarilla jatkuvasti, ja paljonko hyötyä siitäkin oli." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: I used to go to the mall as a kid. Look where that got us." "Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: Tuolla on huvipuiston kyltti. Siellä esiintyy joku pappaorkesteri nimeltä Midnight Riders." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: There's an sign for the amusement park. And a bunch of old guys called the Midnight Riders." "Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: Näettekö nuo etsintävalot? Mennään niiden suuntaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: You guys see those searchlights? I say we head there." "Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Etsintävaloja! Se on takuulla Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Searchlights! I bet that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Alas tätä poistumisramppia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Down this off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Alas tuota poistumisramppia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Down that off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: Tuo on varmasti Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: I'm guessing that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Huvipuisto on tuolla, mutta miten sinne pääsee?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Well, there's the amusement park. Now how do we GET there?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Moottoritie on tukossa! Oikaistaan motellin läpi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Highway's blocked! We can cut through this motel!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: Kaikki nämä ihmisparat..." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: All these poor people…" "Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Muistakaa tutkia huoneet." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Don't forget to search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Ooh. Auts." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Oo. Ouch." "Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Varovasti, pojat. Mäki näyttää jyrkältä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Watch, it guys. This hill looks pretty steep." "Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! Olemme perillä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Vau, Whispering Oaks! Minä tarjoan ensimmäisen laitteen, Ellis!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Woo! Whispering Oaks! I'll buy the first ride, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: Meidän tulisi mennä etsintävalojen suuntaan. Jos täällä pakolaisleiri jossain on, se on siellä missä on sähköä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights. If there's a refugee camp here, it'll be where the power is." "Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Joo, isäni taisi kuunnella sitä silloin 1700-luvulla." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. Yeah, I think my dad liked them, back in the eighteenth century." "Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi suunnata valoja kohti." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights." "Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Keskiyön ratsastajat. Eihän keskiyöllä näe ratsastaa. Inhoan vanhaa rokkia." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. So… they RIDE midnight? Or they ride AT midnight? I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: Inhoan vanhaa rokkia." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Kuka?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Who?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? Sellainen pappojen bändi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? Is this one of those old guy bands?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: \"Stay on that mountain?\" Miksi kenenkään pitäisi vuorelle jäädä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: STAY on that mountain? That doesn't sound like very good advice." "Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: \"Every ladysta\" en tiedä, mutta tämä leidi saa ainakin päänsäryn." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: Every lady present's getting a headache." "Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Mahtaa olla suosittu bändi, jos joutuu huvipuistoissa keikkailemaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Yeah, they must be a pretty big deal if they're playing at the fairgrounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: Olen nähnyt painajaisia tästä pähkinästä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: I think I've had nightmares with this peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Katso nyt, sen silmät seuraavat sinua." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Look at that, its eyes FOLLOW you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Vai Pikku Pähkinä. Ikävä huomauttaa, mutta tuo on kylläkin hirviömäisen iso pähkinä." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Lil Peanut. You know, I hate to point it out? But he's actually freakishly big for a peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: Maapähkinä-teemaan perustuva huvipuisto... Etelävaltioissa on tosiaan aivan omat juttunsa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: A peanut-themed amusement park. Oh man, the South is taking some getting used to." "Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coach, jos pääsemme New Orleansiin, minä ostan kaikille lasertähtäimellä varustetut täysautomaattiset tarkkuuskiväärit ja kokonaisen laatikon panssariluoteja." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a fully automatic sniper rifle with a laser scope and a whole BOX of armor-piercing rounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coach, jos pääsemme New Orleansiin, ostan kaikille kranaatinheittimet." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a grenade launcher." "Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Näistä kylteistä tulee nälkäiseksi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Ugh. All these signs are making me hungry." "Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coach, minulle tulee nälkä noista sinun jutuistasi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coach, you're making me hungry just listening to you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: Voit pitää piirakkasi. Minä haluan vain enemmän aseita." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: You can keep the cobbler. All I want is more guns." "Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: Etkö pidä paistetusta okrasta? Minä olen kotoisin Clevelandista ja jopa siellä pidetään paistetusta okrasta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: You don't like fried okra? I'm from Cleveland and even I like fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: Minä rakastan paistettua okraa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: I looooove fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: Voisinpa olla noin onnellinen." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: I wish I could be that happy." "Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: Hän ottaa kaiken irti huonosta tilanteesta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: He is making the best of a bad situation." "Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Äh, ihan sama. Jee! VEKKULA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Ah, to hell with it. Woo! KIDDIE LAND!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Niin paljon Tankeja." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Sooooo many Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Ei. Vain me ja sata Tankia." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Nope. Just us and a hundred Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Jeeee!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: VAU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: Woo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Portti on auki!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Liian kova ääni! Sammuttakaa tuo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Agh! Too loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: SAMMUTA SE!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Huh, se on pois päältä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Whew! It's off." "Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: En ole koskaan ollut näin rentouttavassa turvahuoneessa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Oma huoneeni oli maalattu samanväriseksi lapsuudenkodissani. [hetki] Vauvansiniseksi. Isäni taisi haluta pojan." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Gee, my bedroom was painted like this when I was a kid. Baby blue. I think my dad wanted a boy." "Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: Hittolainen, Coach. Olet tainnut olla kovalla cheerleader-kuurilla." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: Damn, Coach. Sounds like you used to be on a diet of cheerleaders." "Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: En koskaan ole tykännyt rakkauden tunnelista. Kelluvassa muovijoutsenessa istuminen ei ole romanttista, se on idioottimaista." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: I never liked the Tunnel of Love. Sitting in a big plastic swan in a half-foot of water? That ain't romantic, that's just stupid." "Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: En ole koskaan ollut rakkauden tunnelissa. Meillä päin oli vain epätoivottujen lähentelyjen alikulkutunneli." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: I have never gone to a Tunnel of Love. In my neighborhood we just had the underpass of unwanted advances." "Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Montako kertaa olet kuherrellut rakkauden tunnelissa, Nick? Alle kaksikymmentä kertaa? Kymmenen? Viisi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Gimme a ballpark on Tunnel of Love make-outs, Nick. Under twenty? Under ten? Five?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: Rakkauden kulkusilta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: The Catwalk of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: Rakkauden ilmastointiputki." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: The Airduct of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Tästä reiästä alas!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Down this hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Tuosta reiästä alas!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Down that hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: Veikkaan, että Nick muistaa ihan hyvin rakkauden tunnelin pituuden." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: I bet Nick remembers the Tunnel of Love being this long." "Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: Coach oli futisjoukkueessa, mutta missä sinä olit, Nick? Väittelyryhmässä? Pukumiesten hienostelukurssilla?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: So, Coach was on the football team. What were you on, Nick? Debate team? Varsity suit wearing?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: Eli kun kävit täällä, Nick, niin annettiinko sinulle pienempi joutsen, jossa ajelit itseksesi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: So when you came here, Nick, did they give you a smaller swan to ride on by yourself?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: Tämä roina on saatava pois raiteilta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: We need to get this crap off the tracks!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: Tämä portti on saatava auki." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: We'll have to get this gate opened up!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: Hälytys on sammutettava!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Jonkun on sammutettava hälytys!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: Eikö joku voisi keksiä miellyttävältä kuulostavan hälytyksen?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: Can't somebody build a nice sounding alarm?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Seuratkaa raiteita, pojat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Follow the tracks, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Hälytys on sammutettu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Alarm's off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Esteiden läpi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Through the dodge-ems!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: Miten pääsemme aidan ohi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: How do we get around this fence?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: Portti on lukittu." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: The gate is locked." "Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: Porttiin on saatava virta." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: We need to power up this gate." "Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: Generaattori on saatava käyntiin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: We need to start this generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Minä käynnistän generaattorin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: Valmiina, käynnistän generaattorin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Valmiina, käynnistän generaattorin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: Miten me tänne pääsemme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: How do we get in here?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: Meidän täytyy päästä sisään." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: We need to get in." "Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: Meidän on mentävä sisään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: We gotta get in!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: Minä käynnistän sen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm starting it!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: Mä avaan sen!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: I'm opening it!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: Helikopteri!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: A helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Mennään stadionille." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Let's get into the stadium!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: Pääsemme stadionille tätä kautta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: Kuinka saamme lähetettyä merkin helikopterille?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: How are we going to signal that helicopter?" "Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: Tarvitsemme jotakin isoa, jonka helikopteri huomaisi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: We'll need something big to signal that chopper." "Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Jaa. Aika fiksua, Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Huh. That's pretty smart, Coach." "Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: Ja se on merkki kopterin pilotille! Coach, nerokas ajatus! Nyt olen pahoillani, että mollasin surkeaa bändiäsi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! Coach, that's brilliant! I'm sorry about all the bad stuff I said about your crappy band." "Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: Finaali täytyy aloittaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: We need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Miten finaali aloitetaan?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: Finaali täytyy aloittaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: Löysin napin, jossa lukee finaali. Sivistynyt arvaus olisi, että painamalla sitä finaali alkaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: I found a button labeled Finale, going to go out on a limb and say this starts it." "Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: Pidän Coachin ideasta, mutta kuinka me teemme sen?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: I like Coach's idea, but how do we do it?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: Kun käynnistän soittimen, se alkaa. Valmiina!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: Vanhusrokki alkaa nyt! Valmistautukaa! Coach, lupaathan, ettet ala taas ilmakitaroida." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: Okay, starting up the old guy music! Everybody get ready! Coach, promise me you won't start air guitaring again." "Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa, käynnistän finaalin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa, käynnistän finaalin." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Laita valot päälle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Hit the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Valot!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Laita lisää volyymia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Turn it up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Laittakaa vanhusrokki kovemmalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Turn this old man music UP!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Tämä roska on laitettava lujemmalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Turn this crap up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Ammu raketit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Set off the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Käynnistä raketit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Launch the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Hit the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Käännä katkaisinta!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Flip the switch!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Valot päälle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Turn on the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: Lisää valoja!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Laita spotit päälle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Hit the spotlights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Hit the flash pots!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: Tarvitaan lisää!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: More, we need more!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Jatka, jatka!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: Kopterin pilotin on pakko huomata tämä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Käynnistä ilotulitteet!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Try the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Paina sitä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Jatka sen painamista!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Keep hitting this!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Jatka käynnistämistä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Keep setting it off!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Paina kaikkea!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Hit everything!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Jee! Tuolla on helikopteri!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Woo! Yes! There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: Kopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: Se toimii! Kopteri on täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: It worked! The chopper is here!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: Pilotti taitaa haluta volyymia pienemmälle." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: I think the chopper pilot wants us to turn it down." "Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: Hän näkee meidät!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: He sees us!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: Vaikea uskoa, että se toimi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: Okay, I cannot believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: Kopteri on täällä! En voi uskoa, että suunnitelma toimi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: The chopper's here! I still can't believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coach, olet fiksuin mies maan päällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coach, you are the smartest man ALIVE!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: Se toimi! Taivaan kiitos huonosta musiikkimaustasi, Coach!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: It worked! God BLESS your bad taste in music, Coach!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Coachin älytön idea toimi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Jeah! Coachin älytön idea toimi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Yeah! Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Tappakaa Tank niin kopteri voi laskeutua!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank so the chopper can land!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: Tank on tapettava ennen kopterin laskeutumista!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: We have to kill the Tank before he lands!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Tappakaa Tank!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Alkakaa tulla, mennään helikopteriin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Let's go! Get to the helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Alkakaa tulla, mennään helikopteriin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Let's go, guys, let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Helikopteri lähtee, mennään!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Chopper's leaving, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Mennään, mennään! Kopteri on täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: HÄN LENSI HELIKOPTERIA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: HE WAS FLYING THE HELICOPTER" "Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: Totta. Jos lennon tapahtumista pitäisi keksiä jotakin negatiivista, niin ehkä se, kun pilotti lopetti lentämisen ja hyökkäsi kimppuumme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Ottaen huomioon Whispering Oaksin sijainti, lentonopeutemme sekä tuulen suunta, sanoisin, että olemme Earl's Gator Villagen kohdilla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Based on the location of Whispering Oaks, our previous air speed and accounting for the wind speed, I would place us right at Earl's Gator Village." "Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Tietääkö kukaan, missä olemme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Anyone know where we are?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: [sarkastisesti] Ainakin tipahdimme suolle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: Well, at least we crashed in the swamp!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: Ihmisiä pitää siis erikseen kyltillä varoittaa uimasta alligaattorilammessa? Justiinsa..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: They actually have to put a sign up to stop people from swimming in the gator park? All right..." "Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: Alligaattorilammessa uiminen kielletty. Ok, en vastusta." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: No swimming in the gator park. Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: Tarkoitatko valkoista pukua, joka on yltä päältä zombien aivoissa?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: The white suit with zombie brains all over it? That one?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: En tiedä. Ehkä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: I dunno. Maybe?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: Ei viemäröintiä taloissa." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: No indoor plumbing…" "Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: Vau! Portti on auki!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: WOW! Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: Venekyyti on varmaan täällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: I guess the boat ride's here!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: Voisin sanoa, että eräs Ellis-niminen kaveri toi asekassin, koska se oli hänen tehtävänsä, mutta silloin valehtelisin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: I could tell you someone named Ellis brought the gun bag like he was supposed to, but I would be lying." "Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: Enpä olisi uskonut kaipaavani asetta näin paljon." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: I never thought I would miss a gun so much." "Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Seuraava huoltoasema on kolmen kilometrin päässä. Voi paskat." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Next gas: two miles. Well, shit." "Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Bensiini loppu." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Out of Gas." "Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Hoidetaan homma ja lähdetään takaisin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Let's just get this done and get back." "Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: Hitto. En halua jäädä tänne myrskyn vangiksi." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: Oh shoot. I do not want to get trapped out here in a storm." "Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Pahus. Sataa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Uh oh. It's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: Ja kaiken lisäksi alkaa sataa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: Aaannnd on top of everything else, it's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: Painakaa mieleen maaston tuntomerkit. Meidän pitää löytää takaisin samaa reittiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: We're gonna be coming back through here, so keep an eye out for the landmarks." "Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Tämän leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Through this playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Tuon leikkikentän poikki!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Through that playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: Voimme oikaista myyjäisten läpi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: Pahan näköinen hylky." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: Now that is a nasty wreck." "Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Seuratkaa näitä valoja!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Follow these lights!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Mennään myyjäisiä kohti!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Head for the garage!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: Sokeritehdas on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: There's the sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: Tätä tietä ei päästä pidemmälle." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: We're not going any farther on this road." "Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: Voimme mennä sokeritehtaan läpi." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: We can head through the sugar mill." "Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Sade yltyy." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Rain's really comin' down." "Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: Kohta sataa jo kaatamalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: It's really starting to pour." "Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: Vesi kerääntyy jo lammikoiksi." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: The water's starting to pool." "Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: Onko täällä yleensä tulvia?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: Uh, does it flood around here?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Täällä on paljon Witchejä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Jesus, there's a lot of Witches around this place." "Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: Kuinka monta Witchiä täällä oikein on?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: How many goddamn Witches are there?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Haluatko ruveta itkemään vai mitä? Annetaan näille nartuille vähän aihetta itkuun." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Mm-hm, yeah, you wanna cry? Let's give these bitches something to cry about." "Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: Menkää tuota siiloa kohti!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: Head for that silo!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Ylös tuota ramppia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Up that ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Ylös tätä ramppia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Up this ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Tuolla on huoltoasema!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Hey! There's the gas station!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Vehnäpellon poikki!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Through the wheat field!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Kiitos, Ellis. Erittäin tarpeellinen tieto." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Thank you, Ellis. Very informative." "Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: Voimme laskeutua tuolla hissillä pellolle." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Painakaa joku hissin nappia." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: HISSI ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: KYYTIIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: GET IN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: TULKAA! HISSIIN NYT!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: COME ON! INTO THE ELEVATOR!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Paina nappia uudestaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Hit the button again!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Paina nappia!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Hit the button!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ! SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: SUUNNATKAA KYLTILLE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: PYSYKÄÄ LIIKKEESSÄ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Tässä sanotaan että bensa on sisällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Says here the gas is inside." "Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Haetaan se." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Let's go get it." "Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: Turvahuoneessa on bensaa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: There's gas in the safe room!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Sulje ovi, niin haetaan bensa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: Noin. Onko kaikilla bensakanisteri? En haluaisi tehdä samaa reissua uudestaan." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. Everybody got a gas can? I do not want to make this trip twice." "Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Jep, ymmärsin." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Yeah, I got it." "Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: Miten pahoiksi myrskyt täällä yltyvät?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: How bad do these storms get?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Pysytelkää korkealla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Stick to high ground!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: Ohitimme nämä valot menomatkalla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: Pääsemme yli kattojen kautta." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get across on the rooftops!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: Ohitimme tuon kuistivalon tullessamme." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: Ohitimme tuon romun menomatkalla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: We passed that wreck on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: Tuolla ovat myyjäiset!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: There's that garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: Leikkikenttä. Olemme melkein perillä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: The playground! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: Ohitimme tuon menomatkalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: We passed this on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: Jee! Tuolla on Burger Tank!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: WOO! There's the Burger Tank!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Se saattaisi toimia." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Yeah, that might work." "Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: Jos sytytämme Burger Tankin kyltin, Virgil saattaisin nähdä sen." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: What if we turn on the Burger Tank sign? Virgil might see it?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: Sytyttäkää kyltin valo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: We gotta turn the sign on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: Miksemme ampuisi valorakettia.. Ai niin, ei ole. Entä Burger Tankin kyltti?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: Why don't we launch a flare.. oh yeah, no flares. What about the Burger Tank sign?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: Hyvä suunnitelma." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: Sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Kyltti on päällä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Sign is on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Toivottavasti Virgil on valppaana!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Virgil better be watching!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: KYLTTI SAMMUI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: SYTYTTÄKÄÄ KYLTTI UUDESTAAN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: RESTART THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL TULI TAKAISIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S BACK!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEI, VIRGIL ON TÄÄLLÄ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEY, VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: LET'S GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: MENNÄÄN VENEESEEN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: Tuo on hyvä merkki." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: I'm going to take that as a good sign." "Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Suihkuhävittäjiä? Se tarkoittaa, että siellä on ihmisiä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Jets? Yeah. Jets mean people. I'll take that." "Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: Armeijalla ei ehkä ollut vaihtoehtoja." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: I don't think the military had a choice." "Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Täällä jouduttiin tekemään vaikeita valintoja." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Some people were making some tough choices here." "Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: Ellis, heidät on ammuttu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: No Ellis, they've been shot." "Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: Kun tämä ovi aukeaa, olkaa valmiita juoksemaan!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: When this door opens, get ready to run!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: Ja menoksi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: And let's go!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: SAMMUTTAKAA HÄLYTYS!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: ÄLKÄÄ PYSÄHTYKÖ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: KEEP RUNNING!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: ETSIKÄÄ HÄLYTIN!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: GET TO THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: SAMMUTA SE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: Se on pois päältä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: It's off!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Selvä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Selvä!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: Oli arvattavissa, että tähän se johtaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: I think we knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: Tiesin, että tähän se johtaa." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: I knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Varovasti. Hälytysautoja on joka puolella." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Careful, alarm cars everywhere." "Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: Toivoin ensin, että kohtaisimme muita ihmisiä. En toivo enää." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: I had been hoping we would run into other people. Not anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Katsokaa minne ammutte." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Everyone, just watch where you shoot." "Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Ammutko autoja tahallasi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Are you shooting the cars on purpose?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: ANTEEKSI, MINUN VIKANI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: SHIT I'M SORRY MY BAD!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: Silta on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: There's the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: Onnistuimme. Tuolla on..." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: We made it, there's the…" "Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: EI, EI, EI, EI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: NO NO NO NO!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: Mitä he tekevät!?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: What are they doing!?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Jatketaan alas." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Let's head down." "Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Mennään pois sillalta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Let's get off the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: Meidän täytyy pysyä liikkeellä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: We need to keep moving." "Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: Täällä ei ole turvallista." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: We aren't safe here." "Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: Se oli lähellä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Luulenpa, että he eivät enää etsi eloonjääneitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Something tells me they're not checking for survivors anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Liikkeelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Let's move." "Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Haluaisiko joku ottaa radion?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Somebody want to grab that radio?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Luojan kiitos, sotilaita. Meidän täytyy kertoa, että olemme täällä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, soldiers. We better let 'em know we're here." "Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Huhuu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Anteeksi, että käytän radiota, mutta meitä on täällä sillalla neljä eloonjäänyttä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Sorry for using the radio, but we are four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Neljä eloonjäänyttä sillalla." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: Tämä on joku, joka tarvitsisi apua." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: This is someone who could use some help." "Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: Meillä ei ole tartuntaa. Kuulkaa, me..." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: We're not infected. Listen, we-" "Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: Emme ole saastuneita." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: We are not infected." "Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: Kuules, me juoksimme tänne yltä päältä veressä zombien jahtaamana. Mitä itse luulet, olemmeko kohdanneet saastuneita? Päästäkää meidät sillan yli!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: Okay, we just ran up here covered in blood getting chased by zombies! Do you THINK we've encountered infected? Let us through the damn bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Kyllä, kyllä. Me olemme immuuneja." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Yeah, yes, yes we are immune." "Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: Olemme tulossa. Kiitos!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: We're on our way. Thank you." "Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Loppu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Over and out…" "Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: Tulemme sinne. Odottakaa meitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: We'll be there. Wait for us." "Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Kyllä. Tulemme sinne, joten odottakaa meitä." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Oh yeah. We'll be there, you better be waiting." "Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: Kuulitte mitä hän sanoi. Laske silta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: You heard the man, lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Laskekaa silta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Häivytään täältä. Laske silta." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Let's get the hell out of here. Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: Helikopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: Helikopteri on tuolla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hei. \"Tappakaa kaikki ne paskiaiset\", vai mitä?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hey. 'Kill all sons of bitches,' right?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: (huutaa radiopuhelimeen) Lopettakaa pommitus!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: Miksi kannat tuota mukanasi? Tarvitsetko myös unipeiton?" "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: Why are you carrying that thing? Are you going to need your blanky too?" "Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Hieno paita, Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Classy shirt there Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Mitelkää muskeleitanne myöhemmin, pojat." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Save the pissing contest for later, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Yrittäkää aikuistua, pojat." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Grow up, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Voiko tämä odottaa myöhemmäksi?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Can this wait?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: No niin, nyt mennään. Pysykää yhdessä." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: Okay, we're it guys, stick together." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: Onneksi en käytä Twitteriä. Tämä päivä ei mahtuisi 140 merkkiin." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: I'm glad I can't tweet, because I could never fit today in 140 characters." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: En edes muista, mitä huolenaiheita minulla oli viime viikolla." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: I can't even remember what I was worrying about last week." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Jumpassa käymisestä ei ole hyötyä nyt." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Crossfit never trained me for this." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Vieläköhän jossain päin maata joku ihan tavallinen perhe valmistautuu syömään illallista yhdessä?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Oh man, do you think there's family somewhere sitting down together tonight?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: Nick, tuo paskiaisen rooli on ehkä toiminut aiemmin, mutta nyt voisit vaihtaa johonkin toiseen." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: Okay, Nick, being an asshole may have worked before, but you can change that tune now if you want." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: Tämä reitti on tukossa!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: Meidän on päästävä tulen ohi!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: Tuli leviää!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: Tuli leviää!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Hissi ei toimi!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Elevator's out!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: Etsitään rappuset!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: We need to find the stairs!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: Olen aina halunnut tehdä noin." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: I have ALWAYS wanted to do that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Menkää reunalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Out here on the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Menkää reunalle!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Get out to the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: Reunoja pitkin on turvallista." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: It's safe on the ledges." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Luojan kiitos, aloin jo väsyä." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Thank god, I was getting tired." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: Minulla ei taida olla vaihtoehtoja." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: Well, I guess I don't have much choice." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: En ole suuri aseiden ystävä, mutta..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: I'm not a fan of guns, but…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: VAU!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: WOO!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hei, okei. Ei se ollut niin kamalaa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hey, okay. That wasn't so bad." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Tämähän potkaisee vähän." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Hey, that's got a bit of a kick, doesn't it?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: No niin, minä ammun nyt aseella." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm shooting a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: Se ei ollut niin kamalaa. Tähdätään ja vedetään liipaisimesta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: That… wasn't so bad. Just aim and pull the trigger." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Jihuuu! [nauraa] Hienoa!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Whoo! Okay! Okay!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: Vau." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: Wow." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: Pum." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: Boom." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: Tappaminen on väärin, mutta zombien tappaminen on itse asiassa aika hauskaa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: Okay, killing is wrong. But killing zombies is… actually pretty badass." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: Okei, en edelleenkään pidä aseista, mutta tuo oli hitusen verran upeaa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: Okay, I STILL don't like guns. But that was a little awesome." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Helvetti! [nauraa] Okei." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Holy shit! Okay." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Ooh, haha!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Oh, haha!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Otin Magnumin!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Got a Magnum!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Magnum!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Magnum here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Täällä on hurjan iso pistooli." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Got a… BIG-ass pistol here." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Voi pahus, onpa iso vehje." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Oh, hell, look at the size of this thing." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: Katsokaa nyt, miten iso ja kaunis ase." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: LOOK at this big, beautiful gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: Tämmöisellä aseella ei tarvitse edes osua, kun zombit kuolevat silkasta kunnioituksesta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: A gun like this-even if you MISS, the zombies die out of respect." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Tutkikaa nämä huoneet jonkin käyttökelpoisen varalta." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Search those rooms. Might be something we can use." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: Tämä hissi toimii!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: This elevator works!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Sulkekaa ovi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Just close the door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Paina nappia!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Push the button!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: En pidä tästä. Valmiina..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: I don't like this. Get ready…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle. Olen tuottajana uutisissa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. I produce a news show." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Siistiä." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle. Entä sinun?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle. Entä sinun?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Hey. Name's Rochelle, you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Entä sinun?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. How about you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: Ja minä olen Rochelle. Tapaamisemme olosuhteet ovat aika kurjat, mutta turvatkaa te minun selustani, niin minä turvaan teidän. Ehkä selviämme tästä hengissä." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I admit, these are pretty crappy circumstances to meet in, but, well, you watch my back and I'll watch yours. Maybe we'll get out of this alive." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: Ja minä olen Rochelle. En tunne tietä vielä kunnolla, mutta näyttää siltä, että henkeni on teidän käsissänne. Joten hauska tutustua ja kiitos." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I haven't known you guys long but, well, it looks like I'm going to be trusting you with my life. So… hi. And thanks." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Olen töissä televisiossa. Tai olin." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I work in television. WORKED in television." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: Pomoni ei tainnut ikinä ajatella tuota." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: I… guess my boss never thought of that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Tulin tänne tekemään uutisjuttua. Olen Clevelandista." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I was down here covering a news story. I'm from Cleveland." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Ei, ajankohtaisuutisia. Olen tuottanut raportteja CEDAn evakuoinneista." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Uh. No, hard news. I've been producing segments on CEDA evacuating people." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: [yrittää olla kohtelias] Hmmm. No, onhan täällä vilinää." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… lively." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: Hmmm. Täällä on paljon hyviä ravintoloita ja... zombeja." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… got a lot of nice restaurants. And, you know… zombies." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: Ei tämä ole yhtä kamala kuin Detroit." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: It's not as bad as Detroit." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: Nimeni on Rochelle. Älkää nyt viitsikö, tämä on ensimmäinen kerta kun ammun aseella." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. Give me a break, this is the first time I've shot a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Ja hyvä on." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. And I hear you." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Sori, Coach. En tarkoittanut koko paikkaa, vaan vain niitä osia, joissa on zombeja." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Oh, sorry Coach. It's, uh… not ALL of it's a piece of shit. Just the, you know, zombie parts." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Kiitos... samoin..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Thanks, you… too…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Rauhoitu, kaikki on kunnossa. Mikä sinun nimesi on?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Hey, it's okay, man. We're gonna be fine. Tell me, what's your name?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: Entä sinun?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: How about You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Hei Coach ja hei Nick. Olen Rochelle. Jos pysymme yhdessä ja pidämme päät kylmänä, selviämme tästä. Okei?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Hi Coach. Hi Nick. I'm Rochelle. And uh, and if we stay together, and keep our heads. I think we're going be fine. Okay?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: Emmekä unohda aseita." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: And our guns." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: Kun kerran tutustumaan ruvettiin, minun nimeni on Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: If we're all getting to know each other, my name's Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi pysyä yhdessä ryhmässä, vai mitä sanotte? Minun nimeni on Rochelle, keitä te olette?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: I don't know, I think we should stick together, you cool with that? I'm Rochelle, what's your names?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: Okei. Kun ovet avautuvat, valmistautukaa taisteluun." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: Okay. When these doors open, get ready for a fight." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Valmistautukaa. Minusta tuntuu, että meille on tulossa seuraa, kun tämä ovi aukeaa." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Get ready. I get the feeling we might have company when this door opens." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Kenet me menetettiin?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Who'd we lose?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: Kuuliko kukaan sen kuolleen kaverin nimeä?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guy?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: Kuuliko kukaan kuolleiden kavereiden nimiä?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guys?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: Se taisi olla Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: I think it was Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: Se taisi olla Nick." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: I think it was Nick." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: Hän taisi sanoa että se oli Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: I think he just said it was Coach." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Antaa tuon olla viimeinen kerta. Keskittykää." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Let's make sure it's the only time. Everybody stay focused." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: Noita on kutsuttu Boomereiksi, arvattavista syistä." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: They've been calling those Boomers. For obvious reasons." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: Uutisissa niitä sanottiin Huntereiksi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: They called them Hunters on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: Uutisissa niitä sanottiin Smokereiksi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: They called them Smokers on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: Uutisissa niitä sanottiin Smokereiksi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: Well, on the news they called them Smokers." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: Niitä sanotaan Chargereiksi..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: They call them Chargers…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: Niitä sanotaan Spittereiksi..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: They've been calling them Spitters…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: Niitä sanotaan Jockeyksi..." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: I think they're called Jockeys…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: Voimme hypätä alas täältä!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: We can jump down here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Alas hissikuilua!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Down this elevator shaft!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: Tuo ovi kannattaa pitää kiinni." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: I think we should keep that door closed." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Meidän pitäisi varmaan sulkea ovi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Hey I think we should close that door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: Tänne! Tämä huone näyttää turvalliselta!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: Okay, in here! This room looks safe!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: Tänne! Tämä huone näyttää turvalliselta!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: In here! This room looks safe!" "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Tervehdys. Ottakaa itsellenne muutamia aseitani ja tulkaa yläkertaan. Tarvitsen apuanne eräässä asiassa." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Well, hello there. Why don't you grab yourselves some of my guns and come on upstairs. I got something you can help me with." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Tervehdys. Minun nimeni on Whitaker, ja omistan tämän kaupan. Ottakaa mitä tarvitsette ja tulkaa sitten yläkertaan." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Hello there. My name's Whitaker. I own this establishment. Take anything you need and come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: Aikaa ei ole paljon. Ottakaa aseet ja tulkaa yläkertaan. Selitän matkalla." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: There ain't much time. Grab yourselves a gun and come upstairs, I'll explain on the way." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: No niin. Tämä saattaa sittenkin onnistua." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Ottakaa aseita, ihan mitä tarvitsette." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to the weapons. Take anything you need." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: Minulla on pikkuinen pulma, katsokaas, ja luulenpa teidän voivan auttaa minua sen ratkaisemisessa." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Tulkaa yläkertaan, kun olette valmiit." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: No niin. Tämä saattaa sittenkin onnistua." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Ottakaa vain itsellenne minun aseitani." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to MY weapons." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Ottakaa mitä tarvitsette. Olen katsokaas hiukkasen vaikeuksissa, ja..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Take anything you need. I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: PIDÄ NÄPPISI EROSSA MINUN KAUPASTANI SENKIN PASKIAINEN." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY STORE YOU SON OF A BITCH." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: ja luulenpa, että juuri te voisitte auttaa minua." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Tulkaa yläkertaan, kun olette valmiit." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Tervehdys. Normaalisti jos kauppaani murtautuisi neljä veren tahrimaa rosvoa, ampuisin heidät niille sijoilleen." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Hello there. Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: Mutta satuitte tulemaan otolliseen aikaan." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Ottakaa tarvitsemanne aseet ja tulkaa yläkertaan. Uskon, että pääsemme yhteisymmärrykseen sopimuksesta." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Tervehdys!" "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Hello there." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Normaalisti jos kauppaani murtautuisi neljä veren tahrimaa rosvoa, ampuisin heidät niille sijoilleen." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: Mutta satuitte tulemaan..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: Näpit irti kaupastani." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: get your hands off my store." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: otolliseen aikaan." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Ottakaa tarvitsemanne aseet ja tulkaa yläkertaan. Uskon, että..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Kiipeä tuota pitkin, vihreänahkainen paskiainen." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Climb that, you green-skinned sonofabitch." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: pääsemme yhteisymmärrykseen sopimuksesta." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: Voit yrittää. Minulla on paljon aseita, poikaseni." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: You could try. I own a LOT of guns, son." "Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Autan teitä pääsemään ostarille ja annan jopa kaupan päälle minulta varastamanne aseet." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Not only will I help you get to the mall, I'll even throw in the guns you stole from me, free of charge." "Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: Olen sanani mittainen mies, sir. Hakekaa minulle kokikseni, niin raivaan teille reitin ostoskeskukseen. Talo tarjoaa aseet." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: I am a man of my word, sir. Procure my colas and I'll clear a path to the mall for you. The guns are on the house." "Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Tuokaa minulle kokikset, niin apuni on taattu. Aseet ovat jalomielinen lahjoitus arvokkaalle asiallenne." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Procure my colas and my help is guaranteed, sir. Consider the guns a generous donation to the cause." "Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: Minä pidän sopimuksista kiinni. Paiskaisin kättä päälle, mutta sinne alas en tule mistään hinnasta." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: I am not a man to weasel out of a deal. I'd shake on it with you, but there's no way in hell I'm going back down there." "Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: Rouva, olen ollut tässä maailmassa kuusikymmentä vuotta, enkä ole huijannut ketään kertaakaan. Teillä on herrasmiehen sana." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: I been on this world sixty years, ma'am, and I've weaseled nothing from nobody. You got my word as a gentleman." "Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: Olen sanani mittainen mies, rouva. Sen vakuutan." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: I'm a man of my word, ma'am. You got my word on that." "Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: Annan teille herrasmiehen sanani, että minkäänlaista huijausta ei tapahdu. Tulisin antamaan kättä päälle, mutta ehdin jo hitsata oven kiinni." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: On my word as a gentleman I will do no screwing, sir. I'd come down there and shake on it, but I already welded the door shut." "Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Kokista, rouva. Kokista ja pähkinöitä." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Cola, ma'am. For my cola and nuts." "Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: Kuinka onnekasta, että näin on. Muuten teillä ei olisi mitään vaihtokaupattavaa eikä myöskään reittiä ostoskeskukseen." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: And how fortuitous that we do, else which you would have nothing to bargain with, and no way to the mall." "Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: Ei, sir. Kevytkokiksessa on väärä aromi. En myöskään halua nähdä pulloakaan kirsikkakokista. Tuotte minulle tavallista tai sopimusta ei tule." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: No, sir. Diet don't get the right flavor. I better not see no cherry neither. It's straight cola or no deal." "Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: Jos niistä on apua tulevissa ponnisteluissanne, pitäkää ne toki." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: If they can be of service to you in your endeavor, please keep them." "Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Vain jos lupaatte, että käytätte niitä ahkerasti." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use." "Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Vain lupauksenne siitä, että käytätte niitä ahkerasti. Ja, kuten mainittua, kokikset." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use. And, as I mentioned, the colas." "Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: Ei kiitos, rouva. Minulla on niitä viisi laatikkoa, säästökokoa." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: No thank you, ma'am. I have five restaurant-sized boxes of them up here." "Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: Nuo ovat minun ehtoni, sir." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: Those ARE my terms, sir." "Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Sitten haluan sinun pitävän sen, poikaseni. Annan teille jopa tulitukea, kun pääsette ulos." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Then I'm willing to let you keep it, son. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Sitten se on sinun, tyttöseni. Annan teille jopa tulitukea, kun pääsette ulos." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Then it's all yours, girl. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: Pidän naisista, jotka arvostavat taidolla tehdyn tuliaseen hillittyä täydellisyyttä." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: I like a woman who appreciates the subtle perfection of a well made firearm." "Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: Hälytys alkoi! Menkää!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! Now go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: Hälytys alkoi! Nyt liikettä!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: That's the alarm! Move, now, move!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: Hälytys alkoi! Nyt liikettä! Minä turvaan selustanne!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! GO! I'll cover you!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: Minä turvaan selustanne! Hakekaa tarvitsemani tavarat!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go get what I need!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Menkää nyt, liikettä! Autan siinä missä voin!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Come on now, move! I'll help where I can!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Pysykää loitolla, oliot!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Back, you creatures!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: Turvaan selustanne! Menkää!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Muistakaa kokis! Jättäkää haavoittuneet, mutta tuokaa kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Remember the cola! Leave a man behind if you must, but get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Uhratkaa itsenne, jos on tarvis! Tärkeintä on kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Sacrifice yourselves if you have to! The cola is that important!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Jättäkää tyttö, mutta tuokaa kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Leave the girl behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Jättäkää poika, mutta tuokaa kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Leave the little fella, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Jättäkää valkopuku, mutta tuokaa kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Leave white suit behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Jättäkää läski, mutta tuokaa kokis!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Forget the fat man, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Täältä he tulevat!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Here they come!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Helvetti, sieltä ne tulevat. Oli hauska tutustua." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Helvetti, sieltä ne tulevat. Oli hauska tutustua." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: Hitto, zombeja on paljon. Jos ne tappavat teidät, älkää silti huolehtiko. En minä sitä kokista niin pahasti tarvitse!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: Damn, that's a lot of zombies. If they kill you, don't worry! I don't need the cola that bad!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Takaisin, paskiaiset! Päästäkää heidät läpi!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Back, ya sons of bitches! Let 'em through!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Voi pahus. Kadun tätä sopimusta jo nyt. Millaista aseiden hukkaanheittämistä." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Ohhh, hell. I regret this agreement already. What a waste of guns." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Asettakaa kokis aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Asettakaa kokis aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: Te saitte kokiksen. Asettakaa se aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: You got the cola. Put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: Siinä on minun kokiksen. Asettakaa se aukkoon, nopeasti." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: There's my cola. Quick, put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Asettakaa se aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Yeah, put it in the damn slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Ystävälliset kiitokseni. Ja osoittaakseni, että pidän sanani..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Thank you kindly. And to prove I'm a man of my word..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Kiitos tästä! Kääntykää nyt ympäri. Oletteko koskaan nähneet, kun säiliöauto räjähtää?" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Thank you for that! Now, turn around. Y'all ever see a tanker explode?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Vain sixpack? Sehän ei riitä kuin päiväksi. Pahus! Mutta sopimus on sopimus, olkaa hyvä..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Just a six-pack? I'll go through that in a day! Ahh, hell. A deal's a deal. Here y'are..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: Luotan sanaasi, ettei se ole kevytkokista. Tukkikaa korvanne, tästä lähtee ääntä..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: I'll take you at your word that ain't diet. Cover your ears, this might get loud..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Kiitos, avokätiset vieraat! Minä poistan nyt esteen reitiltänne." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Thank you, generous strangers! Let me get rid of that barricade for you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Paljon kiitoksia. Nyt voitte suksia kuuseen, sillä en aio auttaa teitä. [nauraa] Ei suinkaan, halusin vain nähdä ilmeenne. No niin, olkaa hyvä." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Paljon kiitoksia. Nyt voitte suksia kuuseen, sillä en aio auttaa teitä. [nauraa] Ei suinkaan, halusin vain nähdä ilmeenne. No niin, olkaa hyvä." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Asettakaa kokis aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Hey, put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Asettakaa kokis aukkoon." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot, will ya?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: Se on minun kokikseni. Hienoa, laittakaa se aukkoon!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: Okay, that's my cola. Yes, yes. Put it in the slot!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Onnea matkaan!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Onnea matkaan!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Onnea! Pitäkää huolta aseista!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Best of luck! Take care of those guns!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Onnea matkaan." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Good luck to you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Onnea matkaan." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Good luck to you, gang." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: Jumalan siunausta." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: God watch over you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Onnea ostoskeskukselle pääsemiseen." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Onnea ostoskeskukselle pääsemiseen." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: En tiennyt teidän tarvitsevan näin paljon valmisteluja. Haluatteko peitot ja tyynyt yön pieniä nokosia varten?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: I didn't realize you'd need this much preparation. Can I bring y'all a pillow and blankets while you sleep on it?" "Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: Pitäkää kiirettä, ennen kuin muutan mieleni." "[english]Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: You folks best hurry before I change my mind." "Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Jos ette nyt lähde, saatan vetää pois reilun tarjoukseni. Täältä on hieno näköala katsella kuolemaanne." "[english]Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Y'all don't get moving, I might just rescind my generous offer. I got a hell of a view up here to watch y'all die." "Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Olisi pitänyt mainita, että tarjous on voimassa vain rajoitetun ajan." "[english]Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Perhaps I should have mentioned this bein' a limited time offer." "Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: Haluaisitteko nyt lähteä?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: You folks wanna get a move on?" "Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: Minua alkaa jo janottaa..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: I'm getting mighty thirsty up here..." "Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Ihan pian..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Any time now..." "Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: Kurkku... kuivana... en pysty ajattelemaan... pakko... unohtaa tarjous... laiskoille ihmisille..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: Throat... so dry... can't think straight... must... rescind offer... to these lazy people..." "Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: Nimeni on Whitaker. Minä omistan tämän asekaupan." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: My name's Whitaker. I own this gun shop." "Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: Olette varmaankin menossa ostoskeskukseen pelastettaviksi. Tie sinne on tukossa, mutta minä voin raivata sen teille. Vastapalvelukseksi pyydän, että käytte hakemassa minulle kokista viereisestä kaupasta." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue. I also know the road is blocked. But I can clear it for you, in exchange for you running over to the store next door and picking me up some colas." "Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: Minulta on kokis loppu. Jos te neljä kipaisette kaupassa ja haette minulle juomaa, raivaan reitin ostoskeskukseen. Te ette pääse sinne ilman minun apuani." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: I'm in need of some colas. You four run over there and procure some for me, and I'll clear the roadblock to the mall. Because I'm that's where you're headed, and you ain't getting there without my help." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: Olette varmaankin matkalla ostoskeskukseen pelastettaviksi." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: Ette tosin pääse sinne, sillä tie on tukossa." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: And I further guess you won't get there, as the road is blocked." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: Tiedän sen, sillä näin miten CEDA tukki sen. [nauraa]" "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: I know because I watched CEDA block it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: Tässä on ehdotukseni." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: Olette varmaankin matkalla ostoskeskuksen evakuointipaikkaan." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the evacuation center in the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: Siitä tulee vaikeaa, sillä hallituksen idiootit tukkivat sinne vievän tien." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: I also guess you're gonna have a hell of time doing it, seeing as how those government fools blockaded the road getting there." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: Tässä on ehdotukseni." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: Olen teljennyt itseni katolle. Minulla on täällä tarpeeksi muonaa ja aseita tappaakseni kaupungin kaikki zombit vaikka viidesti. Ja syödä siinä samalla." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof, with provisions and guns enough to and kill every zombie in the city five times over, and eat well while I'm doing it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: Mutta kaikessa kiireessä unohdin ottaa kokista mukaan." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot to pack cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Kokis ja pähkinät ovat heikkouteni. En tosin tarvitse niitä niin paljon, että tapattaisin itseni niitä hakiessani." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Cola and nuts is a weakness of mine-though I do not love it so much that I'd be fool enough to die in the attempt to procure it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: Olen teljennyt itseni katolle runsaiden varusteiden kera." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof with ample provisions." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: Mutta kaikessa kiireessä unohdin ottaa kokista mukaan." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: Tässä on ehdotukseni: jos käytte hakemassa minulle kaupasta kokista, raivaan teille tien ostoskeskukseen." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear a path to the mall for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: Tässä on ehdotukseni: jos käytte hakemassa minulle kaupasta kokista, raivaan teille tien CEDAn barrikadin läpi." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear that CEDA blockade for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: Jos te haette minulle kokista, autan teidät ostoskeskukseen." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: If you get me my cola, I'll get you to the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: Voisin auttaa teidät ostoskeskukseen, jos kurkkuni ei olisi kuiva kuin santapaperi." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: I'd be able to help you get to the mall, if I wasn't so parched from thirst." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Minulla on pähkinöitä, tarvitsen vain kokiksen." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Now, I have the nuts. I just need cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: Polttava kysymys on: haetteko minulle kokista, etten menisi pähkinöiksi?" "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: So the matter on the table is: do you four have the nuts to get me this cola?" "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: Puhun suoraan." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: I'll be blunt." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: Tarvitsen kokista, enkä päästä teitä esteen läpi, ennen kuin saan sitä." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: I need cola and I won't let you through the barricade until I get it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Menkää siis." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Now go." "Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Helikopterilentäjä: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kopteriin." "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Helikopterilentäjä: Tulkaa tänne!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Chopper Pilot: Everybody in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Helikopterilentäjä: Nousemme ilmaan!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Helikopterilentäjä: Mennään! Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Helikopterilentäjä: Menkää kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Helikopterilentäjä: Tulkaa tänne!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Helikopterilentäjä: Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Chopper Pilot: Everyone in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Helikopterilentäjä: Nousemme ilmaan!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Helikopterilentäjä: Mennään! Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Helikopterilentäjä: Mennään jo!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Helikopterilentäjä: Mennään jo!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, täällä Papa Gator. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, this is Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, mikä on kuntonne? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, what is your repair status. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Sotilas 1: En kuullut. Toistakaa, Pelastus 7. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Soldier 1: Did not copy. Say again, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Sotilas 1: Viesti kuultu. Kaikki lampaat poimittu. Viimeinen Korppikotka käynnistyy 15 minuutin kuluttua. Kuulitteko? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Soldier 1: Copy that. All lambs extracted. Last Buzzard starts run in fifteen minutes. Copy that? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Sotilas 1: Länsiranta on selvä, Pelastus 7. Ah, sektori on selvä. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Soldier 1: West bank is clear, Rescue 7. Ah, sector is clear. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, näettekö Viski Daavidia? Tai omia? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you, ah, seeing Whiskey Delta? Or friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Sotilas 1: Viski Daavid vai omia? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Soldier 1: Whisky Delta or, ah, friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, kaikki kadonneet lampaat löydetty. Kohteita on syytä pitää vihamielisinä. Käsitelkää vain kohteita, jotka ovat selvä uhka. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, all lost lambs are accounted for. Targets should be considered hostile. Only prosecute targets that are a clear threat. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä, Pelastus 7. Pitäkää silta selvänä. Viimeinen Korppikotka käynnistyy 15 minuutin kuluttua. Loppu." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Soldier 1: Affirmative, Rescue 7. Keep the bridge deck clear. Last Buzzard will start run in fifteen minutes. Out." "Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Sotilas 1: Kopteriin!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Soldier 1: Get into the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Sotilas 1: Kopteriin!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Soldier 1: Get to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Sotilas 1: Kopteriin!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Soldier 1: To the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Sotilas 1: Tänne!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Soldier 1: Get in here!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Sotilas 1: Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Soldier 1: Everyone in the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Sotilas 1: Nousemme ilmaan!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Soldier 1: We're taking off!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Sotilas 1: Mennään! Kaikki kopteriin!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Soldier 1: Let's go! Everyone to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Sotilas 1: Mennään jo!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Soldier 1: Let's go, let's go, let's go!" "Soldier1_MISC01" "Sotilas 1: En voi vahvistaa, länsirannalta kuuluu tulitusta. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC01" "Soldier 1: Unable to confirm, gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC02" "Sotilas 1: Selvä, Pelastus 7. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC02" "Soldier 1: Roger, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_MISC03" "Sotilas 1: Länsirannalta kuuluu tulitusta. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC03" "Soldier 1: Gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC04" "Sotilas 1: Näkyi välähdyksiä. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC04" "Soldier 1: We had flashes. Over." "Soldier1_MISC05" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä. Pysykää tarkkana. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC05" "Soldier 1: That is A Firm. Keep a hard posture. Over." "Soldier1_MISC06" "Sotilas 1: Käsitelkää vain kohteita, jotka ovat selvä uhka." "[english]Soldier1_MISC06" "Soldier 1: Only prosecute targets that are clear threat." "Soldier1_MISC07" "Sotilas 1: Pidämme aseman." "[english]Soldier1_MISC07" "Soldier 1: Holding position." "Soldier1_MISC08" "Sotilas 1: Yhdistäkää." "[english]Soldier1_MISC08" "Soldier 1: Consolidate." "Soldier1_MISC09" "Sotilas 1: Poimittu." "[english]Soldier1_MISC09" "Soldier 1: Extracted." "Soldier1_MISC10" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä, Pelastus 7. Tarkastus viiden minuutin kuluttua." "[english]Soldier1_MISC10" "Soldier 1: Rescue seven, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC11" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä, Papa Gator. Tarkastus viiden minuutin kuluttua." "[english]Soldier1_MISC11" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC12" "Sotilas 1: Selvä, Papa Gator. Loppu." "[english]Soldier1_MISC12" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, roger out." "Soldier1_MISC13" "Sotilas 1: Lauri Celsius." "[english]Soldier1_MISC13" "Soldier 1: Lima Charlie." "Soldier1_MISC14" "Sotilas 1: Evakuointialue on selvä." "[english]Soldier1_MISC14" "Soldier 1: Evacuation zone is clear." "Soldier1_MISC15" "Sotilas 1: Minulla on näköyhteys." "[english]Soldier1_MISC15" "Soldier 1: I have visual." "Soldier1_MISC16" "Sotilas 1: Viimeiset ei-kantajat evakuoitu." "[english]Soldier1_MISC16" "Soldier 1: Last non-carriers evacuated." "Soldier1_MISC17" "Sotilas 1: Selvä." "[english]Soldier1_MISC17" "Soldier 1: Roger." "Soldier1_MISC18" "Sotilas 1: Ei." "[english]Soldier1_MISC18" "Soldier 1: Negative." "Soldier1_MISC19" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä." "[english]Soldier1_MISC19" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC20" "Sotilas 1: Kyllä." "[english]Soldier1_MISC20" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC21" "Sotilas 1: Toistakaa?" "[english]Soldier1_MISC21" "Soldier 1: Say again?" "Soldier1_MISC22" "Sotilas 1: Viesti kuultu." "[english]Soldier1_MISC22" "Soldier 1: Copy that." "Soldier1_MISC23" "Sotilas 1: Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_MISC23" "Soldier 1: Over." "Soldier1_NAGS01" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 10 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 10 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS02" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 9 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 9 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS03" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 8 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS03" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 8 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS04" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 7 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS04" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 7 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS05" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 6 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS05" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 6 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS06" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 5 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS06" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 5 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS07" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 4 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS07" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 4 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS08" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 3 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 3 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS09" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 2 minuuttia viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS09" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 2 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS10" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, 1 minuutti viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS10" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 1 minute to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS11" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, ollaanko valmiina Korppikotkan lentoon? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS11" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, are we clear to begin Buzzard run? Over." "Soldier1_NAGS12" "Sotilas 1: Selvä, Pelastus 7. Loppu." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS12" "Soldier 1: Copy that, Rescue 7. Out." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, tuo tulee sillalta!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, that's coming from the bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Sotilas 1: Silta, esittäytykää." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 1: Bridge, identify yourself." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Sotilas 1: Silta, kuka siellä on?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Soldier 1: Bridge, who is this?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Sotilas 1: Silta, oletteko immuuneja?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Soldier 1: Bridge, are you immune?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Sotilas 1: Ei. Oletteko immuuneja? Oletteko kohdanneet saastuneita?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Soldier 1: Negative Bridge. Are you IMMUNE? Have you encountered the infected?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Sotilas 1: Pelastus 7, oletteko varustautuneet kantajia varten?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you equipped for carriers?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Sotilas 1: Silta, olemme vetäytyneet siltä sektorilta. Ainoa jäljellä oleva kuljetus on sillan toisesta päästä. Viimeinen kopterimme lähtee 10 minuutin kuluttua. Teidän on laskettava silta ja ylitettävä se. Jumalan siunausta." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Soldier 1: Bridge, we have pulled out of that sector. Your only remaining pickup is available on the other end of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across the bridge. God be with you." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Sotilas 1: Silta, se sektori on tyhjennetty omista. Ainoa jäljellä oleva kuljetus on sillan itäpäästä. Viimeinen kopterimme lähtee 10 minuutin kuluttua. Teidän on laskettava silta ja ylitettävä se." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Soldier 1: Bridge, that sector is clear of friendlies. Your only remaining pickup is on the east bank of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across to the east end." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Sotilas 1: Huomatkaa: silta on täynnä Viski Daavidia." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with Whiskey Delta." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Sotilas 1: Huomatkaa: silta on täynnä saastuneita." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with infected." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Sotilas 1: Onnea!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Soldier 1: Good luck!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Sotilas 1: Onnea, silta!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Soldier 1: Good luck, bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Sotilas 1: Jumalan siunausta, silta." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Soldier 1: God be with you, bridge." "Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Sotilas 2: Täällä Pelastus 7. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Sotilas 2: Täällä Pelastus 7. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Sotilas 2: Korjaus valmistuu noin 10 minuutin kuluttua. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Soldier 2: Repair ETA is ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Sotilas 2: Kymmenen minuuttia. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Soldier 2: Ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Sotilas 2: Selvä, Papa Gator. 15 minuuttia. Olemme nähneet välähdyksiä länsirannalla. Tarkistakaa, että länsiranta on selvä. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. Fifteen minutes. Ah, be advised we have seen flashes on the west bank. Ah, visually confirm west bank is clear. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Sotilas 2: Ei. Näemme jotain. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Soldier 2: Negative. We are seeing something. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Sotilas 2: Vaikea sanoa." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear." "Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Sotilas 2: Vaikea sanoa. Se -" "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear. It-" "Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Sotilas 2: Papa Gator, emme ole varmoja. Näemme useita henkilöitä ja käsiaseiden tulitusta. Mikä on tämänhetkinen voimankäytön säännöstö? Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Soldier 2: Papa Gator, we're not sure. We are seeing, ah, multiple personnel and small arms fire. What is our current ROE? Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Sotilas 2: Selvä, Papa Gator. Kaikki henkilöt laskeutumisalueelle. Valmistaudutaan viimeiseen Korppikotkan lentoon. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. All personnel on floating LZ. Clear for last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Sotilas 2: Kyllä. Loppu." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Sotilas 2: Kyllä. Loppu." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Sotilas 2: Menkää kopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Sotilas 2: Kopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Soldier 2: Get to the chopper." "Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Sotilas 2: Menkää helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Sotilas 2: Helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Sotilas 2: Tänne." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Sotilas 2: Kaikki helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Sotilas 2: Nousemme ilmaan." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Sotilas 2: Nousemme ilmaan." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Sotilas 2: Mennään! Kaikki helikopteriin" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Sotilas 2: Menkää helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Sotilas 2: Menkää kopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Sotilas 2: Helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Sotilas 2: Menkää." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Sotilas 2: Kaikki helikopteriin." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Sotilas 2: Nousemme ilmaan." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Sotilas 2: Mennään! Kaikki helikopteriin" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_NAGS01" "Sotilas 2: Viesti kuultu, Papa Gator. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS01" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS02" "Sotilas 2: Ei, Papa Gator. Ei ole valmista. Ilmoitamme kun olemme valmiina. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS02" "Soldier 2: Ah, negative, Papa Gator. You are not good to go. We will advise when ready. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS03" "Sotilas 2: Viesti kuultu, Papa Gator. Kuuntelen." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS03" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Sotilas 2: Viimeinen Korppikotka, vetäytykää! Vetäytykää!" "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 2: Last Buzzard, stand down! Stand down!" "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Sotilas 2: Kyllä, Papa Gator." "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 2: Affirmative, Papa Gator." "Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Terve vaan. Enpä ole kuullut ihmisääntä kolmeen päivään." "[english]Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Well, hello there. I ain't heard another voice out here in three days." "Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Terve vaan. Onkin ollut tosi hiljaista sen jälkeen kun eukkoni sai pureman." "[english]Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Woo, hello. It's been real real quiet now since my woman got bit." "Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Terve vaan. Enpä ole kuullut äännähdystäkään kolmeen päivään. Miten voin auttaa?" "[english]Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. Well, I ain't heard nothin' from nobody in three days. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Kuka siellä? Mitä kuuluu? Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Who dat there? How is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Terve vaan. Mitä kuuluu? Eipä ole näkynyt ketään aikoihin. Miten voin auttaa?" "[english]Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. How is y'all are? I ain't heard a nobody out here in a long time. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Terve vaan. Täällä on ollut tosi hiljaista, ei ole näkynyt ketään kolmeen päivään. Mitenkäs voin auttaa?" "[english]Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Hello there. It's been real quiet out here on the water, I ain't heard nobody in three days. Tell me what can I do for ya, now?" "Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Kuka siellä? Hei, mitä kuuluu? Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Well who dat there? Hey now, how is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Mitä kuuluu? Onkin ollut tosi hiljaista sen jälkeen kun vaimoni sai pureman. Mitenkäs voin auttaa?" "[english]Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Woo, well, how is y'all are? . It's been real quiet out here on the water since my wife got bit. Tell me, what can I do for ya now?" "Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hei, missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hey now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Where is y'are?" "Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Missä te olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Tell me now, where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: No, missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: Now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: Mitä?" "[english]Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: What?" "Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Mitä, sanokaas uudestaan?" "[english]Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Say again now, what?" "Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Mitä, mitä?" "[english]Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Now, what, now?" "Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: Ei oikein kuulu. Mitä?" "[english]Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: I can't quite hear ya now. Say what, now?" "Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Montakos teitä on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Now how many of y'all is there?" "Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: Kuinkas monta teitä on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: How many of ya is y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: Montako teitä on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: How many is there of y'all?" "Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: Montako teitä on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: How many of y'all is ya?" "Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Montakos teitä oikein on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Now tell me now, how many of ya is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: Kuinka monta teitä on?" "[english]Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: How many of y'all are ya?" "Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä. Tulen sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll come for ya." "Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä. Tulen heti sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll be right there for ya." "Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä vaan. Tulen sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is at. I'm be comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä vaan. Tulen sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where's you at. I'm comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä vaan. Tulen heti sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where y'all are. I'll be right at ya." "Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Pysykää siellä vaan. Tulen sinne." "[english]Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Okay now, stay right where you are. I'm comin' for ya now." "Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: Selvä, hyvä hyvä. Tulen nyt sinne, pysykää paikoillanne." "[english]Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: All right, real good. I'm comin' for ya now. Stay right where y'all are." "Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Bonjour vaan! Onpa mukava kuulla ihmisääniä." "[english]Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Woo, bonjour! It's real, real nice to hear another somebody." "Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Bonjour vaan! Onpa mukava kuulla ihmisääniä. Täällä on tosi hiljaista." "[english]Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Well, bonjour! It's real, real good to hear another somebody. It's real quiet out here." "Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! Onpa mukava kuulla ihmisääniä. Täällä on ollut tosi hiljaista." "[english]Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! Oh, it's real, real good to hear from somebody. It's been quiet out here, now." "Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: No, missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: All right now, where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Where is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Where y'all at now?" "Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: Missä te kaikki olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: All right now tell me, where y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Missä olette?" "[english]Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Where y'all at?" "Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Menkää veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Now, get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Kiirettä nyt. Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Woo, now hurry up now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Nouskaas nyt veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Now c'mon now. Get on the boat, here!" "Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: Nouskaa veneeseen." "[english]Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: All right now, get on the boat." "Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Ne tulevat perässä. Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Come on now, they're comin' after ya now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Ne tulevat, ne tulevat. Menkää veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Here they come, here they come. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: Olen tulossa!" "[english]Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Hop hop!" "[english]Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Now, come on, come on!" "Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Hop hop nyt!" "[english]Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Now, come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Vauhtia nyt! Äkkiä!" "[english]Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Woo, now, hurry up, now! Hurry up!" "Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Allons, allons! Vauhtia nyt!" "[english]Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Allons, allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Allons! Vauhtia nyt!" "[english]Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: Kiirettä nyt! Hop hop!" "[english]Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: All right now, hurry up! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Hei! Allons! Vauhtia nyt!" "[english]Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Woo! Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Allons! Allons!" "[english]Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Allons! Allons!" "Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Menkää hakemaan! Vauhtia!" "[english]Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Y'all reach back after it now! Come on!" "Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Ne tulevat! Vauhtia!" "[english]Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Woo! Here they come now! Hurry up, now!" "Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Sillä lailla! Hahaha! Onnistuitte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Woo! All right now! HahaHA! You made it!" "Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Sillä lailla! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Woo! How 'bout that now! HaHA!" "Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Onnistuitte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Woo! You made it now!" "Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Tervetuloa alukselle! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Tervetuloa alukselle vaan! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Now, welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Takaisin veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Now get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Nyt takaisin tänne!" "[english]Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Now get back here!" "Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Nyt takaisin veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Now get back here on the boat now!" "Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Nouskaa takaisin veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Now come on, get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Nouskaa takaisin veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Now come on, now! Get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: Takaisin tänne!" "[english]Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: All right, now! Get back on here!" "Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Tulkaa takaisin!" "[english]Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Now get back here on here now!" "Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: Nokkelasti tehty sillä Burger Tank -kyltillä." "[english]Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: Ah that was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: Nokkelasti tehty sillä Burger Tank -kyltillä. Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: That was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign. Haha!" "Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Hahaa! Hienosti tehty sillä Burger Tank -kyltillä." "[english]Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Woohoo! Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign, now." "Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Hienosti tehty sillä Burger Tank -kyltillä." "[english]Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Varokaa isoa heppua!" "[english]Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Ooh, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Varokaa isoa heppua!" "[english]Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Watch it now, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Varokaa tuota isoa heppua!" "[english]Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Woo, look out now, that big fella, there!" "Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Astukaa kyytiin. Äkkiä!" "[english]Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Come on, get in now. Come on!" "Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: No niin, astukaa takaisin veneeseen." "[english]Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: All right now, get back in the boat here." "Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Äkkiä nyt. Allons! Nouskaa veneeseen!" "[english]Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Come on, now. Allons! Get in the boat here!" "Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Antakaa merkki kun saatte bensan." "[english]Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gas." "Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Antakaa sitten merkki kun saatte bensan." "[english]Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Now, y'all signal at me when you get the gasoline, now." "Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: Kun saatte bensan, antakaa merkki." "[english]Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: When y'all get the gasoline, signal me." "Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Antakaa merkki kun saatte bensan." "[english]Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Tuokaa nopeasti sitä bensaa. Odottelen tässä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gas. I'll be waitin'." "Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Tuokaa nopeasti sitä bensaa. Odottelen tässä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gasoline. I'll be waitin' here." "Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: Odottelen teitä tässä. Hakekaa nopeasti sitä bensaa." "[english]Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: I'll be right here for ya now. Hurry back with the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Hakekaa nopeasti sitä bensaa. Odotan tässä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Now you hurry back with that gasoline. I'll be right here." "Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: Ankkuroin veneen tähän rannan tuntumaan ja odotan teitä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: I'll anchor the boat right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: Jään tähän rannan tuntumaan odottamaan teitä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: Now I'll be just right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: Ankkuroin tähän rannan tuntumaan ja odottelen teitä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: Ankkuroin tähän rannan tuntumaan ja odottelen teitä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: Heitän ankkurin tähän rannan tuntumaan ja odotan teitä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: Now I'll throw the anchor just off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: En nouse tästä veneestä. Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin." "[english]Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: Oh, now I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: En nouse tästä veneestä. Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin." "[english]Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Ehei. Minä en nouse veneestä. Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin." "[english]Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Mmm-mmm. I don't get off the boat, now. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and come back here." "Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin. En nouse tästä veneestä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. I don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin. Virgil ei nouse tästä veneestä." "[english]Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. Virgil don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Eikä. Virgil ei nouse tästä veneestä. Teidän homma on hakea bensat ja tulla takaisin." "[english]Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Nah-ah. Virgil don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here." "Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: Tämän pidemmälle en tule, mutta pääsette tästä sillalle." "[english]Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: This is as far as I go, but you can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: En tule tämän pidemmälle." "[english]Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: I ain't goin' no further." "Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: En tule tämän pidemmälle, mutta pääsette tästä takaisin sillalle." "[english]Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: Now, I ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Tämän pidemmälle ei Virgil tule, mutta pääsette tästä takaisin sillalle." "[english]Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Now, this is far as Virgil go, but you can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Virgil ei tule tämän pidemmälle, mutta pääsette tästä takaisin sillalle." "[english]Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Now, Virgil ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Onnea matkaan! Menen etsimään muita selviytyjiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Good luck, now! I'm gonna go look for other survivors!" "Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! Koitan löytää muitakin selviytyjiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more survivors, now!" "Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: Ei muuta kuin Bon chance! Koitan löytää lisää väkeä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: All right, bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! Menen etsimään muita ihmisiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna go look for more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: Onnea matkaan vaan! Koitan auttaa muitakin ihmisiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: Onnea matkaan vaan! Koitan auttaa muitakin ihmisiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! Koitan auttaa muitakin ihmisiä!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Ei muuta kuin onnea!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Good luck to ya!" "Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Onnea matkaan. Pitäkää huolta itsestänne." "[english]Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Good luck to ya! Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Ei muuta kuin Bon chance!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Bon chance, now!" "Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Pitäkääpä huolta itsestänne." "[english]Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: Pitäkääpä huolta itsestänne." "[english]Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: You folks take care now." "Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: Pitäkäähän huolta itsestänne." "[english]Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: All right now you all take real really good care, now." "Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: Pitäkäähän huolta itsestänne." "[english]Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: All right now y'all take real good care, now." "Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "TERVETULOA LEFT 4 DEAD 2:EEN" "[english]Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "WELCOME TO LEFT 4 DEAD 2" "#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hei! Minä olen Gabe Newell ja haluan toivottaa sinut tervetulleeksi Left 4 Dead 2:een. Me rakastamme zombivetoista yhteistyöpelaamista. Tom Leonard ja muut Left 4 Dead 2 -tiimin jäsenet nauttivat voidessaan kehittää edelleen ensimmäisen osan suunnittelua ja pelimekaniikkaa. Toivottavasti sinulla on yhtä hauskaa pelatessasi tätä peliä kuin meillä oli sitä tehdessämme. Voit käynnistää kommenttipisteen tähtäämällä leijuvaa kommenttisymbolia ja painamalla käyttönäppäintä. Kommenttipisteen pysäyttäminen onnistuu tähtäämällä pyörivää kommenttipistettä ja painamalla käyttönäppäintä uudelleen. Jotkin kommenttipisteet saattavat ottaa pelin ohjauksen haltuunsa näyttääkseen sinulle jotain erityistä. Tällöin voit pysäyttää kommentin painamalla käyttönäppäintä. Kun olet saanut mahdollisuuden pelata Left 4 Dead 2:ta, kerro minulle mielipiteesi siitä. Sähköpostiosoitteeni on gaben@valvesoftware.com. Saan noin 10 000 sähköpostia aina, kun julkaisemme pelin, joten vaikka en pystykään vastaamaan jokaiseen viestiin, luen kuitenkin ne kaikki. Kiitos, ja pidä hauskaa!" "[english]#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hi, my name is Gabe Newell, and welcome to Left 4 Dead 2. We love this style of zombie-driven cooperative gameplay. Tom Leonard and the rest of the Left 4 Dead 2 team have had a great time building on the design and game mechanics of the original and we hope you have as much fun playing the game as we did making it. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating commentary symbol and press your use key. To stop a commentary node, put your crosshair over the rotating node and press the use key again. Some commentary nodes may take control of the game in order to show something to you. In these cases, simply press your use key again to stop the commentary. Please let me know what you think after you have had a chance to play Left 4 Dead 2. I can be reached at gaben@valvesoftware.com. I get about 10,000 emails each time we release a game, and while I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them. Thanks, and have fun!" "Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "HAAVAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "WOUNDS" "#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Koska suurin osa peliajasta käytetään tavallisten saastuneiden ampumiseen, halusimme tehdä tästä kokemuksesta palkitsevamman ja verisemmän. Left 4 Dead 1:ssä oli mahdollisuus ampua irti vain raajoja, ja luotien osumista aiheutui verijälkiä ainoastaan PC-versiossa. Left 4 Dead 2:ssa on 43 erilaista tapaa aiheuttaa vaurioita saastuneisiin ampumalla, lähitaisteluasein ja räjäytyksin. Mahdollisia vaurioyhdistelmiä on noin 780. Jotta tähän ei kuluisi liikaa muistikapasiteettia, vauriovariantteja ei luoda jokaiselle saastuneelle erikseen, vaan ne synnytetään erillisinä objekteina, jotka toimivat koko laumalle. Sitten pinnalle asetetaan vauriotekstuuri, jonka muotoa muokataan ellipsoidilla. Ellipsoidi valitsee pikselit saastuneen osuma-alueesta luoden näin ontelon, johon haava sopii. Skriptausjärjestelmämme mahdollistaa tietynlaisista osumista aiheutuvien erityisten vammojen synnyttämisen. Esimerkiksi tarkkuuskiväärin pääosuma räjäyttää pään, ja kirveen iskusta tulee viiltohaavoja ruumiin niihin alueisiin, joissa on pehmeitä kudoksia." "[english]#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Since players spend the vast majority of their time shooting the common infected, we wanted to improve the feedback and visceral nature of this experience. In Left 4 Dead 1, we provided only the ability to shoot off limbs, with blood decals for bullet hits appearing only on the PC. Now, in Left 4 Dead 2, there are 43 unique ways to damage an infected--from gunfire through melee weapons, all the way up to explosive damage. Because many of these wounds are non-fatal, players are able to wound an infected more than once, resulting in about 780 possible damage combinations. To create the appearance of a wound, we project a texture modified by an ellipsoid that culls the pixels of wounded area from the infected, creating a cavity for the wound to fit into. To avoid memory overhead, instead of creating wound variants for each of the infected, the wounds are spawned as separate objects that work for the entire horde. Our scripting system allows us to spawn specific wounds from specific weapon hits. For example, the sniper rifle headshot explodes the head, and the axe creates a slash across meaty areas of the body." "Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "SAASTUNEIDEN VALIKOIMA" "[english]Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "INFECTED VARIATION" "#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] Halusimme lisätä vaihtelua saastuneissa pitäen samalla niiden vaatiman muistiresurssin vakiona. Koko laumassa on kunakin hetkenä korkeintaan viisi päätekstuuria ja viisi vartalotekstuuria. Käytimme väriliukutekstuureissa eri kirkkausarvoja saadaksemme aikaan sävyjen vaihtelua. Näin tekstuureihin saatiin erilaisten värisävyjen lisäksi eri kirkkausasteita; voimme esimerkiksi tehdä sekä valkoisen että mustan t-paidan samasta tekstuurikartasta. Väriliuku on jaettu vyöhykkeisiin, joten pystyimme sävyttämään vaatetuksen ja ihon eri alueita eri tavoin. Saastuneiden tekstuuriin kuuluu myös neljä erillistä kerrosta verelle ja muille yksityiskohdille, kuten lialle tai lammesta tarttuneelle töhnälle. Sekä väriliu'ut että kerrokset valitaan satunnaisesti jokaiselle luodulle saastuneelle. Myös vartaloiden ja päiden mallit valitaan satunnaisesti joka hahmolle, jolloin yhdellä kentällä voi tyypillisesti olla liki 20 000 mahdollista variaatiota, mikä on yli kymmenen kertaa enemmän kuin Left 4 Deadissä." "[english]#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] We wanted to improve the variation on the infected while keeping their memory footprint identical. The entire horde is never comprised of more than five head textures and five body textures. We use a luminosity lookup into a gradient texture for tinting variation, allowing us to get not only hue variation but also luminosity variation; for example we can make black or white t-shirts out of the same texture map. The gradient is broken up into zones, so that we can tint areas of clothing and skin differently. The infected texture also includes four distinct masks for blood and detail such as dirt or pond scum. We randomize both the gradients and the masks each time an infected is spawned. We also randomize the body and the head meshes, resulting in nearly 20,000 available variations in a typical map--up more than ten-fold from Left 4 Dead." "Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "RUUMISKASAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "BODY PILES" "#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] Ruumiskasat luotiin heittelemällä räsynukkehahmoja pelikentille kasoihin ja eksportoimalla lopputulokset. Käyttämällämme vianetsintätyökalulla pystyimme siirtelemään hahmot hienolta näyttäviin kasoihin, mikä oli sisällönluomista hauskimmillaan. Valitettavasti tämä tapa oli niin tehokas, että kasojen luomiseen meni vain pari tuntia." "[english]#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] The body piles were generated by tossing self-colliding ragdolls into a level in-game, then exporting out the result. We were able to use a debugging tool to drag them into artistic piles -- content creation at its most enjoyable. Unfortunately, the process was so efficient that it took only about two hours." "Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "SALAISET AINESOSAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "SECRET INGREDIENTS" "#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] Saastuneiden tekstuurit ovat osittain käsin maalattuja ja osittain valokuvista luotuja. Yhdellä kehittäjistämme oli painajaismainen kansio täynnä valokuvia ihmisistä, joilla oli kummallisia vammoja ja sairauksia. Niitä oli niin paha katsoa, että lopulta saastuneisiin ei päätynyt yhtään oikeata vammaa. Sen sijaan saimme normaalista ihotekstuurista saastunutta liittämällä siihen kodin lämpöeristeestä ja perunankuorista otettuja valokuvia." "[english]#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] The infected textures are part hand-painted, part photographic reference. One of our team members had a nightmare folder full of photographs of people suffering from bizarre diseases and injuries. They were so hard to look at that the infected actually contain none of these. Instead, the secret ingredients for infecting normal-looking human textures are photos of housing insulation and potato skins." "Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "HUONEKALUT" "[english]Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "FURNITURE" "#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] Tämä ravintola oli ensimmäisiä alueita, joihin asettelimme pöytiä ja tuoleja. Varhaisissa pelitesteissä kokeilimme, kuinka selviytyjä ampui ravintolassa Boomerin ja siitä aiheutunut räjähdys lennätti pöytiä ja tuoleja ympäriinsä. Se oli hieno tehokeino, joten päätimme sisustaa muutamat muutkin alueet samalla tavalla, jotta useimmat pelaajat pääsisivät kokemaan saman jossain vaiheessa kampanjaa." "[english]#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] This restaurant was one of the first areas we populated with tables and chairs. In early playtests, a survivor would pop a Boomer, and the resulting explosion sent tables and chairs flying everywhere. It was a great effect. We decided to furnish a few more areas like this, so that more players would be likely to experience it at some point in the campaign." "Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "PUISTOREITIT" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "PARK PATHS" "#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] Puistossa oli alun perin useita reittejä, joita vaihdeltiin dynaamisesti uudelleenpelattavuuden lisäämiseksi. Pelitestaajien mielestä reitit olivat kuitenkin sekavia, joten poistimme dynaamiset esineet, jotka pakottivat selviytyjät menemään tiettyihin suuntiin. Huomasimme, että pelikokemus oli paljon parempi, kun kaikki reitit olivat avoinna. Pelaajat käyttivät silti paljon aikaa puistossa, mutta pystyivät itse valitsemaan eri reittejä aina tasoa pelatessaan." "[english]#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] The park started out having several paths that were dynamically changed for added replayability. However, playtesters found the paths confusing. When we removed the dynamic objects that forced survivors to go in certain directions, we found that having all paths open led to a better experience. Players still spent a lot of time in the park, but they could choose to go different ways every time they played the level." "Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "RAMPIT" "[english]Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "OVERPASSES" "#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] Tämän alueen kaksi ramppia jatkuvat kampanjan loppuun ja liittyvät lopulta siltaan, joka selviytyjien on ylitettävä paetakseen. Kun kampanjaa alettiin suunnitella, näiden ramppien tarkoituksena oli ohjata pelaajia lopulliseen päämääräänsä." "[english]#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] The two overpasses in this area continue throughout the rest of the campaign, and eventually meet up with the bridge that the survivors must cross to escape. When we initially designed the campaign, we planned for these overpasses to guide players to their eventual goal." "Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "KUOLEMAN KÄYTÄVÄT" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "DEADLY HALLWAYS" "#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] Ensimmäisessä Left 4 Deadissä pitkät ja kapeat käytävät olivat yleensä suhteellisen turvallisia paikkoja, sillä yksi pelaaja pystyi suojaamaan etenemissuuntaa ja toinen selustaa. Keskellä olevat pystyivät paikkaamaan haavansa. Chargerin mukaantulon johdosta Left 4 Dead 2:n pitkät ja kapeat käytävät ovatkin nyt äärimmäisen vaarallisia paikkoja." "[english]#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] In Left 4 Dead 1, long narrow hallways usually meant relative safety for survivors. One player could cover the front and another could cover the rear, while players in the middle healed. With the addition of the Charger, however, the long narrow hallways in Left 4 Dead 2 turn out to be extremely dangerous." "Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "MENNÄÄN BUSSILLA" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "BUS RETURN" "#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] Tämä tiputus bussin päälle on hyvä esimerkki siitä, mille olemme antaneet nimen \"paluu\". Jos selviytyjä kävelee bussin päällä, hänellä on korkeammasta sijainnista johtuva etulyöntiasema saastuneita kohtaan. Smoker voi kuitenkin vetää hänet alas bussin päältä, jolloin hänen on mentävä ympäri ja ylös rappusia päästäkseen takaisin muun tiimin luo." "[english]#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] This drop onto the bus shows a good example of what we call a 'return.' If a survivor walks on the top of the bus, he has a height advantage against the infected. However, a Smoker can pull him down off the bus so that he has to go around and up the stairs to get back with the rest of the team." "Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "HIIVISKELY VAI TAISTELU" "[english]Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "SNEAK OR FIGHT" "#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] Ensimmäisen Left 4 Deadin valmistuttua halusimme kokeilla vaihtoehtoisen huippuhetken luomista. Autotakavarikko on tämän kokeilun viimeinen versio. Autojen läpi on mahdollista päästä käynnistämättä ensimmäistäkään autohälytystä, mutta vaikka tässä onnistuisikin, varovaisen ansojen keskellä hiiviskelyn kokemus on riittävä muuttamaan pelin rytmiä." "[english]#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] After Left 4 Dead 1 shipped, we wanted to experiment with an 'optional Crescendo Event.' The impound lot is the final version of that experiment. It's difficult for a survivor team to navigate through without setting off a single car alarm, and if they manage it, the experience of carefully sneaking through an obstacle course full of traps is itself quite rewarding." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "DYNAAMISET REITIT" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "DYNAMIC PATHS" "#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Huomasimme Left 4 Deadissa suruksemme, että pelattuaan tiettyä tasoa pariin otteeseen pelaaja valitsi sen jälkeen aina lyhimmän reitin tason läpi. Näin pelaajat eivät koskaan nähneet, millaisia asioita olimme kovalla työllä kehittäneet muille alueille. Siksi halusimme lisätä Left 4 Dead 2:een tekoälyohjaajalle mahdollisuuden muuttaa selviytyjien reittejä kentän läpi siten, että reitti olisi erilainen joka kerta. Yksi esimerkki tästä uudesta lähestymistavasta löytyy hautausmaalta. Tekoälyohjaaja voi luoda selviytyjille neljä erilaista reittiä synnyttämällä tai poistamalla hautausmaalle tiettyjä hautoja ja portteja." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Something that was always sad for us to watch in Left 4 Dead was that players would always choose an optimized path through a level once they'd played the map a couple times. That meant the hard work we put into other areas of the map would never be seen. So, one thing we wanted to add in Left 4 Dead 2 was the ability for the AI Director to change the path of the survivors through a level, so they have to take a different path each time. The cemetery contains one example of this new approach. There are four different paths that the AI Director can create for the survivors. It does this by spawning in and out particular crypts and gates." "Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "PARVEKE" "[english]Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "BALCONY" "#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] Parveke suunniteltiin helpoksi ampumaratahetkeksi, jossa selviytyjät voivat lahdata kadulla harhailevia saastuneita ilman suurta vaaraa. Se on mielestämme hyvä johdanto omaan versioomme New Orleansin Bourbon Streetistä - mukavan tunnelmallinen näkymä vailla liian monia välittömiä uhkia." "[english]#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] This balcony was designed as a 'fish in a barrel' moment where the survivors can come out to the street and pick off a bunch of the wandering infected without being in much danger. We felt it was a good introduction to our interpretation of Bourbon Street, giving a nice atmospheric vista without too much immediate threat." "Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "JAZZKLUBI" "[english]Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "JAZZ CLUB" "#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] Pyrimme tarkoituksella luomaan peliin tunnistettavan version New Orleansin \"ranskalaisesta korttelista\", jossa olisi hauska taistella. Tämä jazzklubi oli mukavan iso sisätila, joka toimi vaihteluna katujen ja kujien muodostamille ulkotiloille." "[english]#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] We deliberately sought to design iconic French Quarter locales that would be fun to fight in. This jazz club gave us a nice large interior space that offered a break from exterior streets and alleys." "Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "KARNEVAALIVAUNU" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "PARADE FLOAT" "#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Kun haimme taustamateriaalia New Orleansista, löysimme paljon kuvia Mardi Gras -karnevaalista. Päätimme, että jos tämä ympäristö on pelissä, mukaan on pakko saada karnevaalivaunu. Me suunnittelimme omasta karnevaalivaunusta hieman pahaenteisen näköisen. Narrien päät ovat yleensä värikkäitä ja hupsuja, mutta halusimme omastamme pelottavamman, joten teimme siitä kulmikkaamman ja synkemmän värisen." "[english]#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Looking at reference from New Orleans, we saw a lot of images of Mardi Gras. We decided we couldn't have a campaign set in that region without a parade float. We designed our float to look a bit sinister. Whereas most jester heads are typically bright and goofy, we wanted ours to be a bit darker and more scary--so we made the model appear more angular. We also chose colors that were less cheerful and more in keeping with a Fall festival." "Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "PERINTEINEN HUIPPUHETKI" "[english]Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "TRADITIONAL CRESCENDO" "#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] Tämä on Piirikunta-kampanjan ainoa perinteinen huippuhetki. Ensimmäisessä Left 4 Deadissä jokainen huippuhetki oli käytännössä paikka, jossa pelaajat taistelivat, kunnes saastuneet lakkasivat tulemasta. Nyt lisäsimme huippuhetkiin hyökkäyksen ja vaihtoehtoisen huippuhetken variaatiot, mutta ajattelimme, että vanhan koulukunnan Left 4 Dead -tyyppisessä tapahtumassa on vielä riittävästi virtaa sellaisenaankin." "[english]#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] This is the only 'traditional' Crescendo Event in The Parish campaign. In Left 4 Dead 1, every Crescendo Event was essentially a button press where players held out in one spot until the infected stopped coming. While we added the onslaught and optional crescendo variations, we felt that the old-school Left 4 Dead style event still had some life in it." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "DYNAAMISET HÄLYTYKSET" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "DYNAMIC ALARMS" "#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] Left 4 Dead 1:ssä kentälle asetettu hälytysauto oli jokaisella pelikerralla samassa paikassa. Left 4 Dead 2:ssa saimme mahdollisuuden laittaa peliin useita hälytysautoja, ja tekoälyohjaaja päättää, ovatko hälytykset päällä vai eivät. Tässä tason viimeisessä osiossa on kolme autohälytystä eri alueilla. Tekoälyohjaaja voi dynaamisesti aktivoida hälytyksen mihin tahansa autoon tai ei mihinkään niistä." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] In Left 4 Dead , our designers could place alarmed cars in levels. When shot, these cars would flash and make noise, attracting the infected horde. Unfortunately, the alarmed cars would be located in the same position on every playthrough, taking away from the desired unpredictability. In Left 4 Dead 2, designers can now place groups of alarmed cars and let the AI Director mix and match which cars have active alarms, if any. For example, in the section of the game that you have just played, there are three such cars whose alarm state the director can control dynamically, making this area less predictable from game to game." "Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "KORKEUSVAIHTELUT" "[english]Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "ELEVATION" "#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] Suurin osa Left 4 Dead 2:n tapahtumapaikoista sijaitsee melko tasaisella alueella. Ympäristöissä ei ole paljon mäkiä tai muita korkeusvaihteluja. Jos pelitasoissa ei ole ollenkaan korkeuseroja, niistä tulee sekä visuaalisesti että pelillisesti yksitoikkoisia. Kaksikerroksinen silta oli paitsi visuaalisesti vahva elementti, se myös toi kampanjaan tervetullutta pystysuuntaisuutta." "[english]#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] Most of the region where Left 4 Dead 2 is set is quite flat. There are few hills or changes in elevation. But maps without any elevation change can be monotonous, both visually and in terms of gameplay. That’s why this double-decker bridge was not only a visually strong set-piece; it added the much-needed element of verticality to the campaign." "Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "VIRTAAVA VESI" "[english]Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "FLOWING WATER" "#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] Left 4 Dead 2:n uusissa kampanjoissa esiintyy paljon enemmän vettä kuin ensimmäisessä osassa. Siksi veden renderoinnin kehittäminen oli tärkeässä roolissa. Yksi tärkeimmistä teknisistä uudistuksista oli graafikoiden mahdollisuus maalata veden virtaaminen yksilöllisesti jokaiselle eri vesipinnalle. Tämän ansiosta saimme veden näyttämään siltä kuin se virtaisi haluamiimme suuntiin vailla mitään rajoituksia. Se näyttää hyvältä, mutta myös ohjaa pelaajaa hienovaraisesti haluttuun suuntaan. Esimerkiksi suotasoilla vesi näyttää yleensä virtaavan kohti kentän loppua. Lisäksi vesi on paljon vakuuttavampaa, kun sen näkee virtaavan puiden ja kivien kaltaisten esteiden ympäri." "[english]#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] The new campaigns in Left 4 Dead 2 featured a great deal more water than in the original game. Therefore, it was a priority to improve our water rendering. One of the most important new pieces of technology enabled artists to paint water flow uniquely on each water surface. This allows us to make the water look like it's flowing in any direction we desire, without any constraints. This not only looks better, it aids gameplay by subtly guiding the player where they need to go. As an example, in the swamp levels, the water usually appears to flow towards the end of the level. And water is far more convincing when you can actually see it flow around obstacles like trees and rocks." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "SPITTERIN SUUNNITTELU" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "SPITTER DESIGN" "#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] Alun perin Spitterillä oli suuri ja turvonnut maha, jossa se kypsytteli räjähdysherkkää limaansa. Sillä oli myös pitkä mutatoitunut kaula, jonka avulla happoa voi lingota kauas. Ensimmäisissä pelitesteissä kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että Spitteriä luultiin saastuneeksi raskaana olevaksi naiseksi. Turvonnut vatsa olisi ollut hyödyllinen asia siksi, että sen ansiosta Spitter oli helppo erottaa muusta laumasta ja erikoishahmoista, mutta emme kuitenkaan halunneet laittaa pelaajia ampumaan odottavilta äideiltä näyttäviä hahmoja. Spitterin lopulliseen versioon otettiin alkuperäisestä pitkä kaula ja syöpynyt suu, mutta vatsan seutua litistettiin ja hahmon piirteitä vanhennettiin." "[english]#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] In her original incarnation, the Spitter had a large distended stomach in which she brewed her volatile goo, and a long mutated neck which served to catapult the acid over long distances. After the first pass of the model was playtested in game, it was noted by some players that they presumed she was a pregnant woman who had been turned by the infection. Although the inflated abdomen had positive effects on her readability in game, and helped separate her from the horde and other specials, it was decided that the image of targeting pregnant women was a road that we did not want to travel down. Therefore the final iteration of the Spitter features the same long neck and corroded mouth as the original design, but has a flatter profile and more aged features." "Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "UUDET SELVIYTYJÄT" "[english]Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "NEW SURVIVORS" "#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] Jo Left for Dead 2:n kehityksen alussa päätettiin, että uuden osan päärooleihin halutaan aivan uusi ryhmä selviytyjiä. Luonnoksia tehtiin paljon, minkä jälkeen ryhdyimme etsimään sopivia näyttelijöitä useiden esiintyjiä välittävien toimistojen avulla. Kun roolitus oli valmis, näyttelijät kuvattiin täysissä rooliasuissaan, minkä jälkeen heidän kasvoistaan taltioitiin kolmiulotteiset mallit. Tämän materiaalin perusteella graafikkomme pystyivät luomaan hahmoista erittäin yksityiskohtaiset digitaaliset mallit, joiden perusteella pelihahmot luotiin. Päämääränä oli alusta asti antaa pelaajalle valikoima uskottavia selviytyjiä, odottamattomiin olosuhteisiin joutuneita tavallisia ihmisiä." "[english]#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] When we began development on Left for Dead 2, we decided early on to cast a totally new band of survivors in the lead roles. This involved extensive concept sketches, then a period of evaluating actors with the help of several talent agencies. Once the actors were cast, we brought them for a full costume photo shoot, and conducted 3D scanning of their facial features. This reference was then used by our artists to create high detail digital sculpts, which formed the basis of our in-game characters. The goal from the beginning was to provide the player with a lineup of believable survivors--real people juxtaposed against extraordinary situations." "Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "SUORAVIIVAINEN FINAALI" "[english]Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "STRAIGHTFORWARD FINALE" "#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] Tämä finaali tuntui aluksi riskaabelilta, sillä pelaajien on liikuttava suoraan eteenpäin melkein koko ajan. Mietimme, tuntuisiko kokemus riittävän rikkaalta ja monipuoliselta. Huomasimme kuitenkin, että ympäristön tarinallisten ainesten takia pelaajat tekivät jatkuvasti pieniä liikkumispäätöksiä, jotka pitivät yllä mielenkiintoa ja mukana olemisen tunnetta. Huolemme mahdollisesta yksitoikkoisuudesta siis hälvenivät. Huomasimme lisäksi, että vaikka alun perin suunnittelimme finaalin vaativan jatkuvaa etenemistä, eri pelaajat kokevat liikkumisen ja ampumisen eri tavoin - osa ei yksinkertaisesti pysty tekemään molempia yhtä aikaa. Säädimme tekoälyohjaajaa ottamaan rytmityksessä huomioon erilaiset pelityylit siten, että kaikenlaiset pelaajat tuntevat edistyvänsä ja voivat päästä loppuun asti." "[english]#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] This finale felt risky at first, since it involved the players just moving in a straight line almost the entire time. We wondered whether the experience would feel rich and varied enough. However, given the fiction and fantasy of the space, we found players were constantly making small movement decisions that kept them interested and immersed, and our concerns about monotony fell away. In addition, while we originally designed it to require constantly moving forward, we found that different players have different comfort levels for moving and shooting. Some players just can’t do both at the same time. So we tuned the director to adapt to different play styles, adjusting the pacing so that different players would still have a good sense of progress and be able to reach the end." "Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "HEHKUVAT SILMÄT" "[english]Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "GLOWING EYES" "#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] Halusimme aikaansaada tunteen, että saastuneet ovat menettäneet inhimillisyytensä ja käyttäytyvät kuin villieläimet. Mielikuvan vahvistamiseksi laitoimme niiden silmät loistamaan pimeässä kuin ajovaloihin jähmettyneellä peuralla. Saastuneiden varjostusjärjestelmää muutettiin niin, että graafikko pystyi merkkaamaan tekstuureihin ne kohdat, joiden tulee heijastaa valoa takaisin katsojaa kohti. Graafikot keksivät pian, että samalla tekniikalla he voivat luoda hahmojen vaatteisiin heijastinnauhoja, joita käytettiinkin monissa erikoishahmoissa. Tämän tehosteen voi nähdä toiminnassa mellakkavarusteissa, CEDAn suojapuvuissa ja rakennusmiesten liiveissä. Ylimääräisenä etuna heijastuskohdat auttavat pelaajia tunnistamaan kohteita hyvin pimeillä alueilla." "[english]#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] We wanted to invoke the feeling that the infected have lost their humanity and behave like feral animals. Seeing their eyes glow in dark like those of a deer in headlights helps illustrate this. To create that effect we authored the shader for the infected so that an artist could mark the regions that should reflect light towards the viewer in a texture. The artists quickly realized that they could also use this feature to make retro-reflective safety materials on clothing, which they put to use on several of the uncommon characters. You now see this effect on riot gear, CEDA hazmat suits and construction vests. As a side benefit, we found that the retro-reflective effect also helped players identify targets in very dark areas." "Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "ASEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "GUNPLAY" "#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Ensimmäisessä Left 4 Deadissa oli hyvä ja perusteltavissa oleva asevalikoima. Esimerkiksi M16 on poliisivoimien ja armeijan vakiokalustoa. L4D2:ssa saimme mahdollisuuden luoda hieman erityislaatuisemman valikoiman mielenkiintoisia aseita, mutta niiden oli silti oltava realistisia pelin tarinan puitteissa. Esimerkiksi aavikkokivääri on mukana vihjaamassa, että armeija on joutunut palauttamaan Lähi-itään tarkoitettuja aseita kotimaisen kriisin ratkaisuun. Siksi aavikkokivääri on myös hiekan värinen. Äänenvaimennettu konepistooli on rikollispiireissä suosittu ase, joka on päätynyt selviytyjien käsiin. Aina suosittu AK47 (joka on itse asiassa osittain AK74) on niin yleinen, että sen läsnäolon voi perustella melkein missä vain. Mukana on Left 4 Dead 1:n metsästyskivääri, mutta halusimme siitä mukaan uuden variantin armeijan kiikarikiväärin muodossa. Kustomoidulla tähtäimellä ja isolla lippaalla varustettu varsinainen pistooli on suunniteltu muistuttamaan kallista harrastusasetta, eli selviytyjät ovat ehkä päätyneet siihen kokeiltuaan ensin muita huonompia pistooleita. Kakkospistooli on mallinnettu kaikkialla maailmassa yleisen poliisipistoolin perusteella, joskin siinä on normaalia suurempi lipas." "[english]#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Left 4 Dead 1 had a good, fictionally justifiable cast of guns--the M16 being a standard police and military weapon, for example. In Left 4 Dead 2 we had the opportunity to do something a bit less generic, and use some more interesting guns, whilst still being aware that we had to justify their place in the game. The Desert Rifle, for example, is used to suggest that the military had rerouted guns meant for the Middle East back to deal with the domestic crisis; hence the desert camouflage scheme on the gun. The ever popular AK47 (which is actually part AK74) is so plentiful that it's easy to justify its appearance almost anywhere, whereas the silenced SMG is more of an underground criminal-looking weapon, so it’s interesting to think how this has found its way into the survivors' hands. The hunting rifle from Left 4 Dead 1 is back and we’ve added, a military sniper rifle which has double the clip size and is more of a scoped semi-automatic assault rifle, rather than the classic bolt-action sniper rifle, which would be ineffective against the horde. Left 4 Dead 2 also features a variety of pistols including a custom civilian handgun, a standard issue police side arm and a large caliber magnum." "Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "UHKAPELURI JOKILAIVALLA" "[english]Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "RIVERBOAT GAMBLER" "#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] Pelin käsikirjoittajat loivat ensin tarinan vankikarkurihahmolle. Lakeja vailla olevaan saastuneiden maailmaan karannut vanki oli tympääntynyt vankilavaatteisiin ja varastanut hylätystä vaatekaupasta erittäin kalliin valkoisen puvun. Jos maailmanlopusta on selvittävä, sen voi tehdä myös tyylillä! Tästä ajatuksesta kehittyi vähitellen jokilaivapelurin hahmo." "[english]#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] The writers originally devised a biography for a convict character. There was an idea that here in the lawless world of the infected, this escaped convict, sick of wearing prison clothes, had taken the effort to loot a very expensive white suit from an abandoned clothing store. He might as well survive the apocalypse in style! This concept gradually evolved into the riverboat gambler." "Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "AINUTLAATUISET KAMPANJAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "UNIQUE CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] Näimme paljon vaivaa sen eteen, että Left 4 Dead 2:n jokainen kampanja tuntuisi pelin kulun ja tunnelman osalta ainutkertaiselta. Jouduimme tekemään monia päätöksiä liittyen ympäristöihin, valaistukseen, väestöön, musiikkiin ja tapahtumiin. Halusimme luoda etelävaltioiden läpi kulkevan ympäristöjen jatkumon, mutta jokaisen paikan tuli olla mieleenpainuva ja kiehtova. Kehitimme kartan etelävaltioiden omasta versiostamme ja merkitsimme siihen pelissä kuljetun matkan eri tapahtumapaikkojen läpi. Jokaisessa paikassa on omat tyypilliset zombinsa, mutta kampanjoiden välille haluttiin eroja myös luomalla kuhunkin paikkaan teemallisesti liittyviä erityisiä zombeja. Erityissaastuneilla on myös erityisiä pelimekaniikkoja, jotka tekevät niistä ainutlaatuisia. Jokaisessa kampanjassa musiikki yhdistää tapahtumapaikan erityisiä elementtejä L4D:n toistuvaan perusteemaan. Suunnittelimme jokaiseen kampanjaan myös uusia elementtejä, joita uusi tekoälyohjaaja voi hallita mielenkiintoisilla tavoilla. Näitä elementtejä voivat olla sää, ainutlaatuiset reitit tai huippuhetkien ja finaalien tyypit." "[english]#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] We did a lot of work in Left 4 Dead 2 to make every campaign unique in terms of flavor and game play. This drove our decisions in regard to locale, lighting, population, music, and events. We wanted to create a continuous set of locations proceeding through the South, with the key goal of making each location iconic and evocative. We drew up an overall world map of our version of the South, and charted out our journey through a variety of locations. While each location has its own particular common zombie types, we further differentiated each campaign by creating ‘Uncommon’ zombies which were thematically tied to that location. The uncommon zombies also had specific game play mechanics that made them unique. In each campaign, the music blended specific elements of the location with the central recurring Left 4 Dead theme. We also designed new elements in each campaign where the Director could take control in interesting ways--be it weather, unique paths, or types of Crescendo Events and Finales." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "SPITTERIN TEHOSTEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "SPITTER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] Smokerin tavoin myös Spitterillä on pelityyli, joka perustuu hahmon tunnistettavaan kuolaamiseen. Spitterin strategiana ovat nopeat, matkan päästä suoritettavat hyökkäykset, joten hahmon on oltava visuaalisesti tunnistettavissa etäältä, hämärässä ja taistelun kaaoksessa. Tästä syystä pimeässä hehkuva kuola valaisee Spitteriä, ja sen väritys erottuu pelin muusta värimaailmasta, vaikkakin siinä yhä hyödynnetään tartuntaan yhdistettävää \"vihreän surman\" teemaa. Spitter jättää liikkuessaan sylkihyökkäystä muistuttavan jäljen, jota tarkkailemalla pelaaja voi hetkellisesti seurata sen liikkeitä, kun se perääntyy piiloon." "[english]#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] As with the Smoker, the Spitter has a gameplay style which necessitates making her more visible to the player at a distance. Since the Spitter's strategy is to hit and run, striking at the survivors from far away, we needed distinct visual markers to differentiate her in the dark spaces during the chaos of combat. To this end, we concocted a glowing drool that would illuminate her and create a sharp contrast to other game colors, while playing off the 'Green Death' motif associated with the infection. The trail she leaves, which is visually similar to her projectile attack, allows players a brief chance to track her movements when she retreats to hide." "Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "L4D-SANASTO" "[english]Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "L4DICTIONARY" "#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] Eräs tärkeimmistä työkaluista ympäristöjen luomisessa ja arvioinnissa oli eräänlainen \"Left 4 Dead -sanakirja\". Se on yhteisesti tehty kokoelma termejä, ideoita ja pelillistä sanastoa, joka kuvaa peliympäristöjä käyttämällä niiden fyysisiä ominaisuuksia, pelillisiä funktioita ja suhteellisia etuja tai haittoja selviytyjien tai saastuneiden kannalta. Näin tiimillä oli yhteinen sanasto erityyppisille pelitiloille, joita ovat muun muassa putkimaiset, ahtaat tai avoimet tilat, suppilo ja kukkulan kuningas. Sanaston ansiosta tiimi pystyi myös keskustelemaan ja tutkimaan tilojen uudenlaisia käyttötapoja selkeällä tavalla. Sanasto oli hyödyllinen myös siinä, että pystyimme tehokkaasti hiomaan pelin ympäristöjä ja säätämään vaikeustasoa ymmärtämällä, miten kukin tilatyyppi vaikuttaa pelin kulkuun. Erityisen käyttökelpoinen se oli siltatasolla, jossa alussa on ehjä silta, mutta josta huoneiden ja käytävien sijaan loimme haluttuja pelitiloja käyttämällä ajoneuvoja ja siltarakenteen vaurioita." "[english]#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] One of our most important tools for creating and evaluating environments was what we called the 'Left 4 Dictionary.' This collectively developed set of terms, ideas, and gameplay grammar describes spaces via their physical properties, functions to game play, and the relative advantage or disadvantage to the Survivor or Infected sides. This provided the team with a shared language for types of gameplay spaces, with examples such as capillary, close quarters, open space, funnel, king of the hill, etc. It also allowed the team to talk about and explore new permutations of spaces in a very clear way. The Left 4 Dictionary proved instrumental in allowing us to efficiently refine our environments, and tune difficulty based on an understanding of how each type of space would influence the gameplay. It was especially useful in this bridge map, where we start with a very uniform bridge and instead of rooms, hallways, etc, we create desirable game spaces using vehicles and damaged portions of the structure." "Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "ELEMENTIT" "[english]Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "ASSETS" "#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Erilaiset pelin elementit päätyvät lopulliseen peliin sitä todennäköisemmin, mitä useammalla tavalla siitä on pelille hyötyä. Esimerkistä käy tämä sillan ramppi. Liikkeen kannalta se toimii aloitusporttina. Äänen kannalta se toimii starttilaukauksena. Visuaalisesti se tukkii ja jakaa näkymän, joka on potentiaalisesti epäkiinnostava. Tarinan kannalta rampin toimintahäiriö ja siitä aiheutuva kova pamaus tekevät selväksi, että pelaajat ovat herättäneet sillan jokaisen zombin huomion." "[english]#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Game assets are more likely to make it through production if they serve the game on multiple levels. Take this bridge ramp, for example: Movement-wise, it acts as the starting gate. Audio-wise it acts as the starting gun. Visually, it blocks and breaks up a potentially uninteresting view. Fictionally, the seizing malfunction and resulting loud bang make it clear that the players have attracted every infected on the bridge." "Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "YMPÄRISTÖN AUTOROINNIN HYBRIDIJÄRJESTELMÄ" "[english]Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "HYBRID ENVIRONMENT AUTHORING" "#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] Source-moottori mallintaa pelimaailman ympäristöt kahdella metodilla: volyymiperusteinen järjestelmä mallintaa yleiset muodot ja polygonipohjainen järjestelmä yksityiskohdat. Kummassakin on etunsa ja haittansa, ja pelitaso luodaan yhdistämällä molemmat. Tämän järjestelyn haasteena on, että järjestelmillä on enimmäkseen erilliset autorointikanavansa, jolloin toiseen voi helposti tehdä muutoksen ja tiukasti integroitu setti rikkoutuu. Osana modulaarisen \"koottavan pienoismallin\" tekemistä, jolla tämä silta on luotu, kehitimme uudenlaisen hybridi-työnkulun, jossa sisällön autoroijat voivat luoda ja muokata molempia maailman geometriatyyppejä yhtäaikaisesti yhdellä työkalulla. Lopputuloksena saadut modulit ovat esioptimoituja \"legopalikoita\", joita voi liittää yhteen. Näin tasosuunnittelija voi keskittyä pelin kulkuun, kun mallintamiseen menee vähemmän aikaa." "[english]#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] The source engine uses two different methods for modeling world environments: a volume-based system for general forms and a polygon-based system for details. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they must be integrated together to create a game map. One of the challenges associated with this setup is that the two systems have mostly separate authoring pipelines, and it’s easy to make a change in one and break a tightly integrated set. As a part of making the modular 'kit of parts' that was used to create this bridge, we developed a new hybrid workflow that allows content authors to create and iteratively edit both types of world geometry simultaneously in a single tool. The resulting modules are pre-optimized 'Lego blocks' that can be fitted together, allowing the level designer to focus more on gameplay and less on modeling." "Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "PALVELIMEN SELAAMISESTA PELAAJAHAKUUN" "[english]Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] Perinteisesti pelaajat liittyivät moninpeleihimme valitsemalla pitkästä listasta sellaisen palvelimen, jossa oli vapaita pelaajapaikkoja. Palvelimen saattoi valita kiinnostavan palvelimen nimen tai alhaisen viiveen perusteella. Se toimikin hyvin 24:n tai 32:n pelaajan peleissä, joissa pelikokemus voi olla hieno ilman tiimikavereiden tiivistä yhteistyötä. Left 4 Dead -sarjassa tarvitaan kuitenkin erilaista lähestymistapaa. Meidän oli rakennettava neljän pelaajan ryhmiä, jotka voisivat aloittaa kampanjan pelaamisen yhdessä - aluksi ehkä täysin tuntemattomina toisilleen, mutta pian jo tiimihenkeä tuntien. Valven pelaajahaku käyttää sopivan peliseuran etsimiseen monenlaista tietoa, kuten pääosumaprosentti, omien tulitus ja todennäköisyys haavoittuneen tiimikaverin lääkitsemiseen. Left 4 Deadin julkaisusta kuluneen vuoden aikana pelaajahakujärjestelmä on muuttunut monella tapaa, ja pelikokemus sekä tiimien keskimääräinen yhteinen peliaika ovat parantuneet. Uusien tiimipelitilojen myötä mittaamme nykyään jopa koko tiimin suoriutumista ja pyrimme kaikin tavoin tarjoamaan pelaajille luotettavat tiimikaverit ja veroisensa vastustajat. Monenlaisia eri tilastotietoja kerätään ja analysoidaan jatkuvasti, ja pelaajahakujärjestelmää kehitetään edelleen." "[english]#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] Traditionally players were connecting to our multiplayer games by selecting a server with available player slots from a very big list. Players might select a server by an appealing server name or network latency. This worked well for 24 or 32 player games where many players could have a great experience even without tight cooperation with their teammates. But for the Left 4 Dead franchise a different approach was required. We wanted to build a group of 4 players who could start a campaign together, possibly as complete strangers, but quickly acquire the feeling of being a bonded team. Valve matchmaking operates on a vast set of player statistics, from headshot percentages or friendly fire incidents, to the likelihood of sharing a first aid kit with a wounded teammate. In the year since Left 4 Dead's release, our matchmaking system has undergone many changes, resulting in better player experience and longer average team playtime together. With the introduction of new team game-modes, we now even measure performance of the entire team and do our best to provide the players with reliable teammates and worthy opponents. We continue to gather and analyze an abundance of statistical information from our real-world players, and use that to improve our matchmaking system." "Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "KOLMANSIEN OSAPUOLIEN LISÄKAMPANJAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "THIRD PARTY ADDON CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Valvella on pitkä historia yhteisökehittäjien tukemisessa. Yhteisökehittäjien on ollut verrattain helppoa luoda pelimodeja ja tasoja, mutta Left 4 Deadin haaste oli tukea kokonaisten kampanjoiden luomista. Tätä varten julkaisimme valikoiman työkaluja, joilla kampanjoita voi autoroida ja pakata uuteen VPK-formaattiin. Julkaisimme myös mittavat määrät dokumentaatiota Left 4 Deadin autoroinnista ja suunnittelusta. Muokkasimme myös alkuperäistä pelaajahakujärjestelmää, jotta pelaajien olisi helppo valita kolmansien osapuolien kehittämiä kampanjoita. Left 4 Deadin ohjelmistokehitystyökalut omaksuttiin nopeasti, ja yhteisökehittäjät saivat välittömästi aikaan laajoja muokattuja kampanjoita. Parissa viikossa työkalusetin julkaisusta meidän oli jo tehtävä peliin päivitys, joka mahdollistaa valtavien, yli 512 megatavun kokoisten kampanjoiden koostamisen." "[english]#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Valve has a history of supporting community developers and helping to promote their creations and with the Left 4 Dead games we've taken the opportunity to make the great content our community produces even more accessible with our new add-on system. Content creators can package new campaigns into a single add-on file which end users can easily install. Users can now view titles, descriptions, authors, and other information for all of their installed add-ons via an in-game interface. Add-ons work seamlessly with the matchmaking system so that users can quickly get into games featuring community campaigns they've already installed and can easily download new ones to try. The response to Left 4 Dead add-ons has been very positive and we were happy to see huge, all-new campaigns being played within weeks of the system going live." "Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "ÄÄNISUUNNITTELUN PERIAATTEITA" "[english]Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "SOUND DESIGN PRINCIPLES" "#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] Äänisuunnittelun johtoajatuksena niin L4D1:ssä kuin L4D2:ssakin oli pitäytyä mahdollisimman orgaanisessa äänimaailmassa ja kuvastaa ympäristöjä, joihin peli sijoittuu. Esimerkiksi hirviöt ovat olleet ihmisiä ennen mutatoitumistaan, joten niiden äänet on toteutettu ihmisillä. Ääniä on käsitelty vain vähän jos ollenkaan. L4D2:n uusien hahmojen äänissä vaikeinta oli pitää ne selkeästi erottuvina ja tunnistettavina pelin kulun kannalta sekä kohtuullisen uskottavina epärealististenkin etäisyyksien päästä. Äänenkorkeus oli jo käytetty erottelemisen keinona vanhoissa pomohahmoissa, joten laajensimme keinovalikoimaa tyypittelyyn. Charger mutisee käsittämättömiä itsekseen, Spitter yrittää kirkumalla köhiä yrjöklimppiä kurkustaan ja Jockey taas... No, siitä ei kukaan ota selvää." "[english]#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] The guiding sound design principals in Left 4 Dead 1, as well as Left 4 Dead 2, were to stay as organic as possible and to reflect the world within which the game takes place. For example, the monsters are all former human beings, grotesquely transformed; and as such, all of their vocalisations are human performances with very little effects processing, if any at all. The challenge with the new character sounds in L4D2 was to keep them clearly audible for game play, reasonably believable at unrealistic distances, and clearly identifiable as unique. The existing bosses already used the pitch spectrum for differentiation, so we expanded into more characterizations. The charger mutters unintelligibly to himself; the Spitter is trying to screech out her bile hairball; and the Jockey...well, who knows what he's on about?" "Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "TILAPÄISÄÄNET" "[english]Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "TEMPORARY SOUNDS" "#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Ääni on L4D:ssä äärimmäisen tärkeä pelillinen elementti, joten suunnittelijat tarvitsivat tilapäisääniä testatessaan eri ideoitaan uusiksi saastuneiden pomoiksi. Joskus pystymme käyttämään tilapäisääninä äänikirjastomme käyttämättömiä suorituksia, mutta L4D2:ta varten äänisuunnittelijat tekivät tilapäisäänet itse. Niiden tarkoitus on toimia vain sen verran, että uuden hahmon toteuttamiskelpoisuus saadaan selville. Sellaisenaan joidenkin hahmojen tilapäisäänet olivat todella hauskoja, vaikka eivät ne varsinaiseen peliin olisi sopineetkaan. Tietyistä äänistä tuli tiimissä erittäin suosittuja, ja oli ihan normaalia kuulla, miten animaattorit matkivat Chargerin varhaisia testihuutoja toimiston käytävillä." "[english]#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Because sound is such a crucial gameplay element in Left 4 Dead, the designers needed temporary sounds to test out ideas for the new boss infected. Sometimes we are able to pull temp sounds from unused performances in our library; but in Left 4 Dead 2 the sound designers did their own temp performances. The goal with these is to be just functional enough to test the new characters' viability. As such, some of the temp voices for the characters were quite funny. While inappropriate for the actual game, some of the sounds were highly popular within the team, and it was common to hear animators up and down the halls mimicking the early Charger test calls." "Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "SÄÄTEHOSTEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "WEATHER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Myrskytehosteet ovat tekoälyohjaajalle jälleen eräs keino vaikuttaa pelin kulkuun muuttamalla pelaajien havaintokykyä. Säätehosteiden yksi tarkoitus on koota tiimi yhteen ja asettaa ne puolustukselliseen tilanteeseen, kuten etsimään suojaa rakennuksesta. Tässä suhteessa sää muistuttaa huippuhetkeä, sillä se on täysin ohjaajan hallinnassa ja myrsky voi koittaa missä tahansa ja milloin tahansa. Myrsky itse luodaan yhdistelmällä hiukkastehosteita, sumua, sävykartoitusta, paikallisia kontrasteja, jälkiprosessointia, digitaalisen signaalinkäsittelyn muutoksiaja äänitehosteita. Teknisesti myrsky voisi iskeä milloin tahansa, mutta päätimme käyttää sitä vain Tehdaskaupunki-kampanjaan, jolloin saamme luotua tarinallisen yhteyden tasojen tulvimiselle. Näin myrsky liittyy uuteen reitin löytämisen haasteeseen ja luo tuosta kampanjasta ainutlaatuisen kokemuksen." "[english]#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Stormy weather effects give the Director yet another way to influence gameplay by altering the players’ sensory capacity. One goal of weather effects is to draw the team together and put them in a defensive stance, such as taking refuge within a building. In this respect, weather is much like a Crescendo Event, but because it’s entirely under director control, it can happen any time, any place. The storm itself is created using a combination of particle effects, fog, tone mapping, local contrast, post-processing, DSP alterations, and sound effects. While technically a storm can strike in any environment, we chose to limit it to the Milltown campaign in order to provide a fictional background for the flooding of the maps. Thus the storm is thematically tied to a new navigational challenge, and creates a unique experience for that campaign." "Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "MOOTTORIN OPTIMOINTIA" "[english]Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONS" "#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] L4D2:ta varten Source-moottoria parannettiin monilla uusilla ominaisuuksilla ja optimoinneilla, joiden ansiosta se voi suoriutuu entistä tiheämmistä ja korkearesoluutioisemmista ympäristöistä, tehosteista ja hahmoista. Pystyimme myös lisäämään aseita, otuksia ja suurempia ympäristöjä samoihin puitteisiin kuin Left 4 Deadissä parantaen kunkin elementin laatua kautta linjan. L4D2 sisältää täysin uuden fysiikkajärjestelmän, jonka ansiosta voimme lisätä toiminnan määrää suorituskykyä heikentämättä. Tämä selviää parhaiten zombiryhmiä räjäytellessä. Monet hiukkastehosteistamme käyttävät nyt useita uusia tekniikoita, jotka yli kaksinkertaistavat niiden näkyvän tarkkuuden käyttämättä lisää muistia. Uusi zombilauma on merkittävästi monipuolisempi kuin ensimmäisessä pelissä, ja niiden vartalomalleissa ja pintatekstuureissa on suurempi tarkkuus. Saastuneet näyttävät paremmilta, minkä lisäksi yhdistelmällinen verkko- ja varjostusjärjestelmä mahdollistaa L4D2:een kymmenkertaisen määrän muunnelmia ykkösosaan verrattuna lisää muistia käyttämättä. Ympäristöissäkin on huomattavasti suurempi polygonien tiheys kuin ensimmäisessä pelissä. Monet elementit, jotka aiemmin olisi maalattu tekstuuriin, ovat nyt täysin mallinnettuina ympäristöissä. Kasvusto näyttää siistimmältä, minkä lisäksi se reagoi luonnollisesti sääolosuhteisiin. Lisäksi vesi on merkittävästi paremman näköistä kuin L4D1:ssä kehittyneen valaistuksen, heijastusten ja virtauskartoituksen ansiosta. Kaikki nämä osatekijät parantavat pelin ulkonäköä säilyttäen pelikokemuksen samalla sulavana." "[english]#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] For Left 4 Dead 2, the Source engine received many new features and optimizations that enable it to handle denser, higher resolution environments, effects, and characters. This gave us leeway to fit additional weapons, creatures, and larger environments into the same footprint as Left 4 Dead, while increasing the quality of each element across the board. Many of our particle effects now use several new techniques which at least double their visible resolution while requiring no additional memory. This has enabled us to create complex weather effects such as the heavy thunderstorms in the Hard Rain campaign. The new zombie horde is considerably more variable than that of the first game, with higher resolution meshes and skinning. Not only do the infected look better, but using a combinatorial meshing and shading system, there’s over ten-fold the number of variations possible in Left 4 Dead 2 while consuming no more memory. The environments also feature considerably more polygonal density than the first game. Many elements that would have been painted into a texture are now fully modeled in the environment. Foliage looks cleaner, while also responding naturally to weather conditions. Additionally, water has gotten a major visual upgrade over Left 4 Dead 1, with far superior lighting, reflections, and flow mapping. All of these pieces come together to improve the visuals of the game while keeping it smooth to play." "Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "UUDET ERIKOISSAASTUNEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "THE NEW SPECIAL INFECTED" "#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] Uudet erikoissaastuneet suunniteltiin useita päämääriä silmälläpitäen. Niiden piti täyttää muiden erikoishahmojen jättämät aukot, tarjota mielenkiintoisia yhdistelmiä muiden saastuneiden kanssa ja antaa uusia sekä hauskoja taitoja pelaajien hallittavaksi joko saastuneita vastaan tai saastuneina pelattaessa. Kun L4D2:n kehitys aloitettiin, meillä oli vuosien aikana kertynyt lista kymmenistä erilaisista saastuneista. Listalle lisättiin myös melkoinen määrä uusia ideoita, kunnes lista saatiin karsittua lopulliseen kolmikkoon: Charger, Spitter ja Jockey. Parhaat selviytyjätiimit pysyvät tiiviisti yhdessä ja torjuvat nopeasti saastuneiden hyökkäykset. Charger luotiin tekemään saastuneiden hyödynnettävissä olevia repeämiä selviytyjien rintamaan. Sen ryntäävä hyökkäys poimii jäseniä erilleen ryhmästä, mutta hyökkäys tehoaa myös tiiviisti ryhmittyneisiin selviytyjiin, jolloin muilla saastuneilla on hetkellinen tilaisuus hyökätä. Charger on ei-pomoista ainoa saastunut, joka on immuuni lyömiselle, joten se pakottaa pelaajat pitämään liipaisinsormen herkkänä ja suojaamaan kumppaneitaan. Samalla Chargeriin kannattaa pitää etäisyyttä. Spitterin happoaluehyökkäyksellä on monia tarkoituksia. Happolammikosta on alussa hetki aikaa paeta, mutta hapon alkaessa vaikuttaa sen aiheuttamat vauriot pahenevat. Hapossa viipyily tai sen läpi kulkeminen leviämisen jälkeen on vaarallista. Hapolla voi nopeasti pakottaa ryhmän pois turvallisesta asemasta tai jakaa ryhmän kahtia. Jockey on erikoissaastuneista ainoa, joka säilyttää hallinnan aloitettuaan lamauttavan hyökkäyksensä. Se on erikoisista ainoa myös siinä, että hyökkäyksen kohde säilyttää riittävästi hallintaa pannakseen vastaan. Hyvin pelattuna Jockeylla on monia tapoja ajaa selviytyjä kuolemaansa joko muiden saastuneiden käsissä tai ympäristöä käyttäen. Usein Jockeyn suurin vahvuus on pelkästään se, että se saa selviytyjän riittävän kauas muusta ryhmästä, jotta toinen erikoissaastunut voi tappaa sen. Kaikki erikoissaastuneet tarjoavat ainutlaatuisia mahdollisuuksia yhteishyökkäyksiin klassisten Hunterin, Smokerin ja Boomerin ohella." "[english]#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] The new Special Infected were designed with a variety of goals in mind. They needed to fill in gaps left by the other Specials; they needed to provide interesting combos with other Infected; and they needed to offer a new, fun set of skills for players to master, whether they were playing as or against the Infected. When we began Left 4 Dead 2, we had a list of several dozen Infected types that had been discussed over the past several years. We added a fair number of new designs to those, and eventually whittled our list down to the final three: The Charger, the Spitter, and the Jockey. The best survivor teams stick close together and buckle down under attack, quickly fending off infected attacks. To provide an opening for the infected to capitalize upon, we created the Charger. His charge attack not only separates members from the group, but will bowl down tightly-clumped survivors, giving a few crucial moments for other infected to attack. The only non-boss infected who is immune to being bashed, his design encourages players to keep a quick trigger finger and a watchful eye on their companions, while also keeping their distance. The Spitter’s Area of Denial attack serves a variety of purposes. While the initial pool of acid permits a few moments for escape, its damage increases as the acid begins to do its work. Lingering in or passing through the pool of acid is a dangerous proposition, and it can quickly force a group of survivors out of a tight spot, or drive a wedge between members of a group. The Jockey is the one special that retains control after he’s begun his incapacitating attack. He’s also the only special that allows a survivor to maintain enough control to fight back. A well-played Jockey has many ways of driving a survivor to a deadly end, either at the hands of other infected or through the environment itself. Just getting a survivor far enough out of the group for another special to prey upon is often the Jockey’s greatest strength. All of these special types provide unique opportunities for combined attacks alongside the classic Hunter, Smoker, and Boomer." "Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "ERIKOISLIIKKEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "SPECIAL MOVES" "#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] Animaattorit tekivät paljon kokeita uusien erikoissaastuneiden liikkumistavoilla, jotta ne erottuisivat jo olemassa olevista erikoissaastuneista. Spitterin varhaisissa versioissa se liikkui omituisen pomppivalla ja lintumaisella tavalla, ja sillä oli pulun tikkumaiset jalat ja varpaat. Se todellakin erottui joukosta, mutta sellaisenaan se oli liian huvittava eikä se huokunut voiman ja vaaran tunnetta. Sille kehitettiin lopulta paljon aggressiivisempi ilme ja liikkumistapa. Jockeyn juoksuun haettiin ideoita makiapinoiden sivuttaisloikista ja hyeenamaisesta juoksusta neljällä jalalla. Nämä sopivat yhteen sen mielipuolisen naurun kanssa, mutta siitäkin piti tehdä aggressiivisempi. Apinamaisesta liikkumisesta olisi tullut ongelmia myös hahmon ohjaamisessa sekä sen aikeiden ennakoimisessa etenkin Versus-tilassa. Samoin hahmo tuntui mutatoituneen liian kauas alkuperäisestä ihmishahmostaan, kun huomioidaan tartunnan alkamishetkestä kulunut aika. Jockeyn lopullisessa versiossa se liikkuu vain kahdella jalalla, mutta eläimellisyyttä on mukana juuri sopivasti - saalistajaeläimen uhkaava kyyryasento ja rukoilijasirkan odottavat kädet, jotka ovat valmiina antamaan selviytyjälle ison ja tappavan halauksen." "[english]#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] The animators experimented quite a bit with the movement styles of the new special infected in order to help them contrast with the existing specials. Some early passes at the Spitter featured awkward, bouncy, bird-like movements with knock-knees and pigeon toes. She certainly looked different, but it was a little too humorous and didn't project enough of a feeling of strength and danger, so she ended up with much more aggressive posing and actions. We tried a few animal-inspired runs for the Jockey, including sideways, leaping hops like a lemur and a four-legged hyena-like gallop. These fit with his maniacal laughter, but again, needed to be more aggressive. Such movements also would have caused problems maneuvering the character and reading its intentions in game, especially in versus mode. They also seemed too much of a mutation from the character's original human state when considering the amount of time from the start of his infection. The Jockey's final movement pass has him on two legs with just the right touch of animal inspiration -- a menacing, predatory hunch and hands bent rather like a preying mantis, ready to give survivors a big, deadly hug." "Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "KIRVES" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "THE AX" "#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] Yksi lähitaisteluaseiden haasteista on oikean tuntuman ja ulkonäön luominen. Jotta palokirveen käyttö pelissä näyttäisi hyvältä, sen on liikuttava näkymän laidalta toiselle kolmen tai neljän ruudun aikana. Sen erottumista parannettiin vaihtamalla tavallisesta kirveestä tahrittuun versioon, jonka mukana on liikesumennusta jäljittelevä hiukkastehoste. Tahrittu kirves osuu oikealla hetkellä, mutta silmä pystyy seuraamaan sen toimintaa." "[english]#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] One of the challenges with melee weapons is getting them to feel right and look decent. In order to get the fire-ax to look right when playing the game, it had to cross the screen within 3 or 4 frames. To enhance visibility, we swap between the normal ax and a smeared version, along with a particle effect to cheat a motion blur. The smeared ax hits at the correct time, but allows your eye to follow the action." "Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "ERIKOISSAASTUNEIDEN ÄÄNIEN PIIRTEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "SPECIALS AND SONIC SILHOUETTES" "#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] Lisätessämme uusia erikoissaastuneita Left 4 Dead 2:een haasteeksi muodostui suunnitella niille ainutlaatuiset äänet. Pelaajien on pystyttävä tunnistamaan ne helposti ja erottamaan ne muista erikoisista ja jopa tavallisista saastuneista. Left 4 Deadissä neljä miespuolista erikoissaastunutta erottuivat toisistaan omalla äänialallaan sekä hahmopiirteillään. Boomerilla oli esimerkiksi hidas, bassovoittoinen ja vatsahappoinen kauhuääni. Uusien erikoissaastuneiden äänissä ei voitu enää luottaa äänenkorkeuteen tai tyyliin, vaan meidän oli panostettava luonteenpiirteisiin. Esimerkiksi Jockey liikkuu samalla korkean ja kirkkaan äänen alueella kuin Smoker ja Hunterin alueen yläpäässä, mutta tartunta on aiheuttanut sen aivoissa jatkuvan hysteerisen manian, joka erottaa sen joukosta. Oman lisähaasteensa tuo kuitenkin se, että hahmon piirteet on valittava siten, että niitä voi käyttää hahmon ollessa sekä aktiivinen että passiivinen. Chargerilla oli aluksi sanatonta vihaista muminaa, eräänlainen nariseva haukunta, josta kaikki pidimme. Hyökkäyksiä varten meidän oli muunnettava ääntely yhtämittaiseksi huudoksi, jotta hyökkäyksen äänimaailmaan saadaan riittävää intensiteettiä. Tätä seuranneissa pelitesteissä huomasimme kuitenkin, että pelaajat usein yllättyivät Chargerin hyökätessä, sillä pelaajat eivät osanneet yhdistää ennen hyökkäystä kuulemaansa narinaa ja haukahtelua siihen. Charger nimittäin yleensä näki pelaajan ennen kuin pelaaja näki sen, joten pelaajat tunnistivat vain hyökkäyshuudon. Päädyimme äänittämään Chargerille uudet passiivisen tilan äänet, joissa oli elementtejä sen hyökkäyshuudoista. Näin pelaajat voivat tunnistaa lähistöllä vaanivan Chargerin helpommin." "[english]#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] As we added more Special Infected characters to Left 4 Dead 2, we faced a challenge in designing unique sounds for them that players could easily recognize and distinguish from the other Specials and from the Common Infected. In Left 4 Dead, the four male Specials each had both a distinct tonal range and a character attribute to keep them unique -- for instance the Boomer’s vocalizations were kind of a slow, deep, bassy gastric horror. As we added the new Specials into the mix, it became increasingly difficult to avoid impinging on the sonic space of the previous specials. We found that we couldn't rely so much on using the tonal range for distinction and instead had to push harder on characterization to help them to read clearly to players. For example, the Jockey is in the high, bright tonal range of the Smoker and even the upper end of the Hunter, but since the infection has left his brain in a constant state of hysterical mania, his vocalizations read clearly apart from these other Specials. Sometimes it can be challenging to find a characterization that will lend itself to both a Special’s active and idle or lurking modes. For instance with the Charger, we started out with a non-verbal angry muttering, kind of griping bark that we all liked. Though the personality in his idle states was interesting and distinct, we found that we needed to ramp his vocalizations up to a more sustained yell for his attacks to get the right sonic intensity for these events. In subsequent playtests, however, we found that players were often surprised when attacked by the Charger, as they would associate him only with the aggressive attack vocalizations he makes from the point that he sees them through his charge, and since he would generally see players before they saw him, they didn’t have a chance connect him with the angry non-verbal mutterings of his idle states. So we ended up recording new vocalizations for these states, mixing in elements of his more strident calls and yells amid the gripes and barks, so that players could more readily make the leap to recognizing a lurking Charger in the vicinity." "Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "BUSSIASEMA" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "BUS STATION" "#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] Bussiaseman huippuhetki oli L4D2:n huippuhetkistä ensimmäinen, jossa on mukana kujanjuoksutila. Siinä pelaajien on löydettävä oikea reitti saadakseen zombien tulvan loppumaan. Tämä oli onnistunut ratkaisu siihen, miten löytää paras nurkka koko zombilaumalta puolustautumiseen ilman liikkumista." "[english]#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] The alarm scenario at the bus station was the first Left 4 Dead 2 Crescendo Event to feature the gauntlet mode, where players must navigate along a path to deactivate the zombie rush. This proved to be a successful approach to countering the camping strategy of finding an optimal corner and holding out." "Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "LIIKETALTIOINNIN PERUSTEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "MOCAP BASICS" "#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] L4D:n realistisen luonteen johdosta pelaajat odottavat zombien ja selviytyjien liikkuvan luonnollisilla tavoilla. Sen kaltaisen liikkeen animointi käsipelillä on kuitenkin hyvin vaikeaa ja hidasta, ja animoinnin virheet huomaa helposti. Emme halua jokaisen zombin liikkuvan samalla tavalla, joten tarvitsemme suuren määrän liikkeitä vaihtelun takaamiseksi. Näistä syistä päädyimme käyttämään liikkeenkaappausta. Liikkeenkaappauksen prosessi alkaa hahmosuunnittelusta. Kun olemme päättäneet, miltä haluamme selviytyjien ja zombien näyttävän ja miten niiden tulisi käyttäytyä, valitsemme hahmoille näyttelijät kuten mihin tahansa muuhunkin rooliin. Valitsemme kuhunkin vartalotyyppiin sopivat näyttelijät, jotka myös pystyvät ilmaisemaan liikkeissään hahmojen luonnetta. 120-kiloinen liikunnanopettaja liikkuu hyvin eri tavalla kuin 60-kiloinen tv-tuottaja, joten olisi hölmöä käyttää samaa näyttelijää kumpaankin rooliin. Zombeja ajattelimme villieläiminä, joten niihin käytimme vain yhtä näyttelijää zombin sukupuolesta piittaamatta. Sitten hankimme studion, digitaalisen hahmon, luettelon tarvittavista liikkeistä sekä mahdolliset lavasteet. Kun näyttelijät oli valittu, vietimme heidän kanssaan päivän studiossa ja tallensimme peliin tarvittavat liikkeet. Se on fyysisesti hyvin vaativa päivä, joten jouduimme vuorottelemaan vaativia ja helppoja liikkeitä, jotta näyttelijä ei olisi aivan poikki jo parissa tunnissa. Yritäpä itse kävellä hahmojen tapaan kyyryssä vaikka kymmenenkin metriä, niin tunnet sen kyllä jaloissasi. Ja se on vasta yksi jokaisen hahmon sadoista liikkeistä. Kuvaussession aikana voimme seurata näyttelijöitä reaaliajassa saadaksemme liikkeille halutun ilmeen. Jossain tapauksissa tehdään useita ottoja, jotta näyttelijä voi tarjota samasta liikkeestä erilaisia versioita. Tallennamme näyttelijän suoritukset sekä digitaalisesti että videolle. Kun liikkeet on tallennettu, studio käsittelee datan, minkä jälkeen me poimimme materiaalista haluamamme liikkeet. Yhdessä otossa näyttelijä voi esimerkiksi juosta kolmen sekunnin ajan, mutta me tarvitsemme siitä ehkä vain puoli sekuntia, josta luomme juoksuluupin. Tallennettuja liikkeitä parannellaan tai täydennellään vielä käsin, ja sen jälkeen ne koostetaan pelissä näkemäksesi hahmomalliksi. Oikean ihmisen liikkuminen koostuu hyvin hienovaraisista ja epätäsmällisistä liikkeistä, joten huomaamme alitajuisesti, jos joku on pielessä, vaikkemme pystyisikään sitä selittämään. Ilman liikkeenkaappausta L4D:n hahmot eivät olisi lähimainkaan niin vakuuttavia ja kiinnostavia kuin nyt." "[english]#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Given the realistic nature of Left 4 Dead, players expect the zombies and survivors to move in natural ways. However animating that kind of motion by hand is very difficult and time consuming, and anyone can tell when it's not quite right. Since we don't want every zombie to move the same way, a large number of motions are required to provide enough variety. All of these constraints drove us to use Motion Capture. The process of motion capture really begins with the character designs. Once we've decided how we want the survivors and zombies to look and behave, we audition actors just as we would for any other performance piece. For instance, a 265 pound high school coach moves very differently from a 115 pound TV producer, using one actor for both roles would be a mistake. So we look for people who fit the body type and who can bring out the character's personality in their motion. On the other hand, in the case of the zombies, we consider them more like feral animals, so we only use one actor for all them, regardless of gender. We then provide the studio with a digital character, a list of the moves we would like to do, and the props we'll need. Once actors are chosen, we head to the studio and spend a day with them recording the motions we need for the game. It's a very physically demanding day, and in order not to exhaust the actor early in the session we oscillate the captures between high and low intensity actions. Just try crouch-walking 40 feet, as our survivors do, and you will feel the burn--but that's just one of the hundreds of motions we record for each character. During the session we can watch the actor’s motion applied in real time to our character model and work with them to get the look we want. In some cases we do multiple takes to let the actor provide us with different perspectives or to add some variety. We also record the actor on video during the motion capture to use for extra reference. With the motions recorded, the studio processes the data, and then it is up to us to extract the motions we want to keep. For some motions we need to create loops. For example to create a run cycle, we may only use half a second from the three seconds of running we recorded at the session. We augment these recorded motions with adjustments or additions by hand, and then compile them into the character models you see in-game. Realistic human motion is very subtle and noisy, and we can all tell subconsciously when it isn't quite right, even if we can't articulate why. Without motion capture the characters of Left 4 Dead wouldn't be nearly as convincing or as interesting as they are." "Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" " RATSAILLE! JOCKEYN JA SELVIYTYJÄN YHTEENSOVITTAMINEN" "[english]Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" " GIDDY UP! COMPOSITING THE JOCKEY AND SURVIVOR" "#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] Source-moottorin animaatiojärjestelmä on tehokas työkalu, jolla voimme luoda vaiheittaisesti animaatioita, joita emme ole suoraan autoroineet. Tälle on monia syitä, jotka käyvät selviksi ajateltaessa selviytyjällä ratsastavan Jockeyn animointiin liittyviä haasteita. Jo Jockeyn suunnittelun alkuvaiheessa halusimme, että selviytyjä voisi taistella sitä vastaan jonkin verran. Sen takia päätimme, että selviytyjän pitäisi ehdottomasti tietää Jockeyn aikeista riippumatta siitä, miten hyvin se oli onnistumassa. Joten jos selviytyjä on jumittuneena pöytää vasten Jockey selässään, haluamme pelaajan ymmärtävän, että oikeasti Jockey haluaa saada pelaajan ulos huoneen perällä olevasta ovesta ja viedä tämän kulman taakse, jossa tiimikavereista ei olisi apua. Välittääksemme tämän tiedon pelaajalle otimme selviytyjälle käyttöön kerroksellisten animaatioiden järjestelmän, joka toimii yhdessä Jockeyn kanssa. Nämä kerrokset on liitetty eri ohjauskomentoihin, joihin koodi reagoi, nimeltään \"asentoparametrit\". Ensimmäinen kerros koostuu selviytyjän yläruumiista vyötäröstä ylöspäin, ja sen ansiosta selviytyjän reaktiot tapahtuvat synkronisesti Jockeyn liikkeen kanssa. Toinen kerros on selviytyjän liikkuminen, joka tapahtuu vain alavartalolla eli vyötäröstä alaspäin. Kun Jockey on täysin hallinnassa ja sillä on suora reitti kuvitteellisen skenaariomme ovelle, koodi käskee selviytyjän ylävartalon ja koko Jockeyn nojaamaan oven suuntaan. Koodi määrittää selviytyjän jalkojen asentoparametrin liittymään ylävartalon ja Jockeyn suuntaan ja liikkumaan tätä vektoria pitkin. Kun selviytyä saa jonkin verran hallittavuuttaan takaisin ja ohjaa itsensä päin pöytää, tapahtuu konflikti. Vaikka liike kohti ovea on pysähtynyt, emme halunneet Jockeyn animaation yhtäkkiä suoristuvan, jolloin näyttäisi siltä ettei se enää yritä ohjata pelaajaa ovelle. Kun jaoimme selviytyjän animaation kahteen, toisiinsa yhdistettyyn animaatiokerrokseen, selviytyjän ylävartalo ja Jockey nojaavat edelleen ovea päin samalla, kun koodi käskee jalkojen lopettaa kävelemisen pöytää vasten. Animaattorit saivat suoran pääsyn animointijärjestelmään, ja he pääsivät luomaan tämän yhdistelmämallin skriptauskielellä, jolla merkkaamme hahmot koontivaiheessa. Pystyimme siis luomaan ainutlaatuiset animaatiot jokaiselle mahdolliselle alaruumiin ja nojaavan yläruumiin yhdistelmälle. Vaiheittainen yhteensovittaminen säästi sekä aikaa että muistiresursseja, joista molemmat ovat kortilla missä tahansa projektissa." "[english]#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] The source engine's animation system is a powerful tool that lets us create animations procedurally instead of authoring each of them individually by hand. There are various reasons for doing this, which become clear when we consider the challenge of animating the Jockey riding a Survivor. From the start of the Jockey's design, we wanted the Survivor to be able to fight back to some degree. With that in mind, we decided it would be vital for the Survivor to know the Jockey's intent, regardless of how successful he was at acting on it. So even though you may be stuck against a table going nowhere with a Jockey on your back, we want you to understand that the Jockey is really trying to get you out that door at the end of the room, and around a corner where your friends can't help you. To accomplish this, we implemented a system of animation layers for the survivor that would work in conjunction with the Jockey. These layers are attached to different controls that the code interacts with, called \"pose parameters\". The first layer consists of the survivor's upper body from the waist up, which allows the survivor's reactions to work in sync with Jockey's motion. The second layer is the Survivor's locomotion, constrained to the lower half of his body from the waist down. So, in the scenario we just described, when the Jockey is in full control and has a clear path to the door, the code tells the upper body of the survivor and the body of the jockey to lean in that direction, and sets a pose parameter for the survivor's legs to move along that vector as well. However, things get more interesting when the Survivor regains some control and steers himself to get stuck on the table. Even though you have stopped moving towards the door, we don't want the Jockey's animation to suddenly sit straight up and give the impression he isn't still trying to steer you there. By splitting the survivor's animation into 2 different animation layers that we composite together, your upper body and the Jockey can remain leaning towards the door, while the code tells the legs to stop walking because you're stuck on the table and can’t advance. This robust system of procedurally compositing upper and lower body animation layers and position in realtime, as we showed in this case, saved us a lot authoring time as well as memory inside the game--both of which are finite and very valuable on any project." "Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "AMMUSKASAT JA ASEIDEN KERÄÄMINEN" "[english]Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "AMMO PILES AND WEAPON SCAVENGING" "#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] Halusimme Left 4 Dead 2:n laajemmalla asevalikoimalla rohkaista pelaajia etsimään uusia aseita ja vaihtamaan usein aseesta toiseen. Kentille ripotellut ammuskasat haittasivat kuitenkin päämäärän tavoittamista, sillä pelitestaajilla oli tapana suosikkiaseensa löydettyään olla vaihtamatta sitä, koska ammuksia oli käytännössä rajattomasti. Kun kokeilimme poistaa ammuskasat useimmista ympäristöistä, jolloin uusia ammuksia pystyi saamaan vain etsimällä uuden aseen, pelaajat rupesivat välittömästi vaihtamaan asetta useammin. Kokeilimme myös kannettavia ammuspakkauksia, jotka olivat samantyylisiä kuin pelin valmiin version palavien ja räjähtävien ammuksten päivityspakkaukset. Ammusten kantelua pidettiin kuitenkin vähemmän tärkeänä kuin ensiapupakkauksien, joten monet pelaajat vain ohittivat ammusesineet toivoen löytävänsä uuden aseen matkan varrelta. Mielestämme oli kuitenkin tärkeää laittaa ammuskasoja finaalialueille, jolloin pelaajilla on eräänlainen kotipesä, josta käsin voi käydä pidempiä ratkaisutaisteluja." "[english]#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] With the added variety of weapons in Left 4 Dead 2, we wanted to encourage players to scavenge weapons and switch between them frequently. We found that placing ammo piles scattered through the level fought against this goal as players tended to find one gun they liked and then never switch, as long as they had practically endless ammo. We experimented with removing ammo piles from most of the environments so that the only way to get more ammo was to find a new gun, and we immediately saw players switching weapon types more frequently. We also experimented with giving players deployable ammo packs, similar to the upgrade packs such as the incendiary and explosive ammo that are in the game today. Carrying an ammo pack was perceived as being less valuable than carrying a healthkit though, and many players bypassed the item, counting on finding another gun along the way. We found it was important, however, to continue to place ammo piles in the finale areas, to give players a home base to fight from in the longer set-piece battles." "Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "SYDÄNISKURI" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "DEFIBRILLATOR" "#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Meillä oli vaikeuksia löytää uutta esinettä reppupaikkaan, koska kunnon parantaminen ensiapupakkauksella on niin suuri osa pelaajien päätöksentekoprosessia. Halusimme uuden esineen olevan tietyissä tilanteissa yhtä arvokas kuin ensiapupakkaus, ja siitä piti olla suurta hyötyä tiimille, toisin kuin jos tekisimme jälleen yhden hyökkäysaseen. Käytettävyyden piti muistuttaa ensiapupakkausta, eli tarvittiin kohde ja toiminto, jonka suorittamiseen menee jonkin aikaa. Tykästyimme ajatukseen eräänlaisesta henkivakuutuksesta, joka auttaisi täpärässä tilanteessa Tankin tai Witchin hyökkäyksen varalta. Oma liioiteltu versiomme sydäniskurista sopi näihin periaatteisiin kuin valettu, ja kaiken lisäksi selviytyjät pääsevät huutamaan \"Irti!\"" "[english]#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Since managing health with the first aid kit is such a large part of the player’s decision process, finding a new item for the backpack slot proved to be difficult. We wanted the new item to be as valuable as a health kit in certain situations and have a big benefit for the team -- as opposed to being merely another offensive weapon. It needed to have a user interface similar to the health kit, requiring a target and an action that takes some time to perform. We liked the idea of an item that would act like a 'get out of jail free' card -- an insurance policy in case of a tank or witch attack. Our exaggerated version of a hospital defibrillator immediately conveyed the purpose of the item, plus it gives the survivors a chance to yell, 'Clear!'" "Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALIINI" "[english]Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALINE" "#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] Samoin kuin ensiapupakkauksen korvaamisessa, haasteita oli myös kipulääkkeen kanssa. Adrenaliinin ensimmäisissä versioissa se antoi pelaajalle kyvyn juosta nopeammin ja tehdä nopeammin myös tiettyjä muita asioita, kuten toisten pelaajien elvyttäminen. Kipulääke kuitenkin antaa jo 50 tilapäistä terveyspistettä, mikä on riittävästi terveyttä haavoittuneen juosta jälleen täydellä vauhdilla, joten adrenaliini tarvitsi jotakin muuta. Lisäsimme toimintoja, joihin adrenaliini vaikuttaa, ja lyhensimme terveyspakkauksen, sydäniskurin ja päivityspakkauksen käyttämiseen kuluvaa aikaa. Nopeutimme pelaajaa yli normaalin maksiminopeuden, eivätkä saastuneiden osumat enää hidasta heidän toimintaansa. Adrenaliini ei tarjoa yhtä paljon terveyttä kuin kipulääke, mutta huomasimme hyvin ajoitetusta adrenaliinin nauttimisesta olevan monia mielenkiintoisia strategisia etuja." "[english]#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] As with our efforts to replace the first aid kit, replacing the pain pill item was a challenge. Initial versions of Adrenaline allowed players to run faster, and perform certain actions faster, such as reviving other players. But the pills already give 50 temporary health points, which is enough health for injured players to run to full speed again, so the adrenaline needed something extra. We expanded the actions that could be affected by adrenaline, shortening the time it takes to use healthkits, defibrillators and upgrade packs; we sped up the player beyond their normal maximum speed and made them resistant to being slowed down by hits from the infected. Although it doesn't give as much health as the pain pills, we found many interesting strategies began to emerge from the well-timed use of adrenaline." "Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "PÄIVITYSPAKKAUKSET" "[english]Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "UPGRADE PACKS" "#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Zombien sytyttäminen tuleen oli L4D:n kohokohtia jokaisella kerralla, joten L4D2:een haluttiin vieläkin enemmän tapoja zombien sytyttelyyn. Kehitimme siis peliin palavat ammukset. Aluksi palavia ja myöhemmin räjähtäviä ammuksia sai kiinteistä ammuslaatikoista eri puolilta kenttiä. Samoja laatikoita pystyi käyttämään useita kertoja, mutta vaikka se oli testaajien mielestä hauskaa, sillä oli pelin kannalta haitallisia seurauksia: joko pelaajat eivät halunneet lähteä eteenpäin ammuslaatikon luota tai he panttasivat erikoisammuksia aivan viimeiseen asti. Päädyimme korvaamaan ammuspakkauksen, yhden aiemmista kokeiluistamme, versiolla joka antaa käyttöön jokaista pelaajaa kohden kertakäyttöisen ammuspäivityslaatikon. Tämän ansiosta ammuspäivitystä voi kantaa mukanaan, kunnes pelaaja aistii, että tulevalla alueella tarvitaan lisää tulivoimaa. Laatikkoa kantava pelaaja tuntee tyydytystä pystyessään tarjoamaan tiimikavereilleen lisätehoa taisteluun." "[english]#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Setting fires to zombies was always a high point in Left 4 Dead and we wanted even more ways to light zombies on fire in Left 4 Dead 2. This dream gave rise to incendiary ammo! Initially, we dispensed incendiary ammo, and later explosive ammo, from fixed ammo boxes placed through the levels. These boxes could be used many times by a player. But while this was fun for playtesters, we found they were either hesitant to progress away from the item, or hoarded the special ammo until they really needed it. We tried replacing one of our previous experiments, the ammo pack, with a version that deployed a one-use-per-player ammo upgrade box. This allowed players to carry the upgrade pack until they sensed they would need a little more firepower in an upcoming arena, and the player carrying it gets the satisfaction of providing a substantial buff to his teammates." "Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "LASERTÄHTÄIMET" "[english]Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "LASER-SIGHTS" "#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] Aseiden lasertähtäinpäivitys tuli mieleen ensimmäisen L4D:n kehityksen aikana tehdystä kokeilusta. Miettiessämme millaisia esineitä pelaajat voisivat etsiä kentiltä muistimme, miten vahvan visuaalisen vaikutelman punaiset lasersäteet saivat aikaan. Esineen alkuperäinen tarkoitus oli parantaa aseiden tarkkuutta, mutta sen arvokkain hyöty tulikin sattumalta: pelaaja näkee nyt, mihin suuntaan tiimin muut jäsenet ovat tähtäämässä. Pidimme myös siitä, että pelaajat joutuvat päättämään, haluavatko he vaihtaa päivitetyn aseensa johonkin toisentyyliseen." "[english]#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] The laser-sight weapon upgrade came from an experiment during the development of the first Left 4 Dead. Though we didn’t end up shipping them at the time. While developing Left 4 Dead 2, when we were talking about interesting items that players could scavenge out of the levels, we remembered the visual impact of those red laser beams. The original intention of the item was to increase the accuracy of the guns, but the more valuable benefit was accidental: you could now see where the other members of your team were aiming. We also liked the choices that confronted players when they had to decide whether or not to swap out their upgraded weapon for one of a different style." "Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "KRANAATINHEITIN" "[english]Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "GRENADE LAUNCHER" "#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] Kranaatinheitin on mukana puhtaasti siksi, että halusimme nähdä lisää räjähdyksiä ja niiden tappamia zombeja. Kun yksi neljästä selviytyjästä saa kranaatinheittimen, tapahtuu eräs mielenkiintoinen muutos: koska kranaatinheitintä käyttävä pelaaja on suojaton lähietäisyydeltä, tiimikaverit muuttivat omia strategioitaan sen mukaisesti. Syntyi uusi toimintamalli, jossa yksi pelaaja laukoo taustalta kranaatteja hyökkääjien niskaan ja muut pelaajat raivaavat tieltä liian lähelle päässeet viholliset." "[english]#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] The grenade launcher came about purely out of our desire to see more explosions and more zombies killed by explosions. We found that something interesting happened when we gave one of the four survivors a grenade launcher: They became more vulnerable to close-up attacks, and their teammates adjusted their strategy accordingly. A pattern emerged, where one player would lob grenades from afar at approaching mobs, and the other players would clear off the stragglers when they got too close." "Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "PAIKALLINEN MUSIIKKI" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "LOCAL MUSIC" "#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] Suunnitellessamme L4D2:n musiikkia kohtasimme mielenkiintoisia haasteita. Osa L4D1:n musiikista on pelillisesti tunnistettavassa ja tärkeässä roolissa, joten emme olisi halunneet lähteä muuttamaan näitä teemoja. Toisaalta peli sijoittuu Yhdysvaltojen eteläosiin, joilla on vahva musiikillinen identiteettinsä, ja siksi jokaiseen kampanjaan olisi hyvä lisätä paikallisia mausteita oikean tunnelman tavoittamiseksi. Paikallissävytteisen kampanjamusiikin ja ensimmäisen pelin perinteisemmän kauhumusiikin välistä kuilua kurottiin umpeen monin tavoin. Ensinnäkin pidimme mukana L4D1:n kaikki teemat, mutta ne sovitettiin samalla tyylillä kuin kampanjoiden paikallisteemat. Toiseksi sävelsimme koko pelin aikana kuultavia elokuvallisia kappaleita, jotka edustivat eräänlaista \"etelävaltioiden goottimusiikkia\". Lopuksi sävelsimme uusille hahmoille omat teemansa L4D1:n tavoin. Tällä tavoin kerromme pelaajalle, että nämä ovat uusia hahmoja uusissa paikoissa, mutta he jakavat saman kokemuksen kuin kaikki muutkin L4D:n maailmassa." "[english]#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] When deciding what to do about the music for Left 4 Dead 2 we faced some interesting challenges. Some of the music in Left 4 Dead 1 plays an iconic and important role in game play, and we felt that it shouldn't really be changed. On the other hand, the game is set in the Southern United States, which is rich with musical identity, so we also felt that adding some local flavor to each campaign would really help set the tone for that campaign. The solution to bridging the gap between the new 'local' campaign music and the more traditional horror music from the first game was solved in several ways. First, we kept all the original themes from Left 4 Dead 1 but arranged them in a style consistent with the local campaign's theme. Second, we wrote an overarching set of cinematic \"southern goth\" pieces for entire game. Finally, we wrote new pieces for the new characters in the style of Left 4 Dead 1. By doing all this, we establish that these are new characters in new places but they are sharing the experience of everyone else in the Left 4 Dead universe." "Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "EPÄTAVALLISET SAASTUNEET" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "UNCOMMON COMMONS" "#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] Left 4 Deadin julkaisun jälkeen saimme paljon positiivista palautetta sellaisista saastuneista, joita nähtiin vain niiden omissa ympäristöissä, kuten sairaalan potilaat, poliisit kaduilla ja TSA:n agentit lentokentällä. Halusimme lisätä vaihtelua Left 4 Dead 2:n kampanjoihin, joten päätimme sisällyttää jokaiseen niistä yhden epätavallisen saastuneen. Ensimmäisenä oli CEDAn mies. Kun hänet lisättiin peliin, ymmärsimme että ainutlaatuisuus kannattaisi ulottaa ulkonäön lisäksi myös hahmon pelillisiin ominaisuuksiin. CEDA-miehen tapauksessa suojapuku antoi ajatuksen, että hahmo voisi olla tulenkestävä. Samaa periaatetta noudatettiin myös mutaihmisten, pellen, rakennusmiehen ja mellakkapoliisin kanssa." "[english]#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] After we shipped Left 4 Dead, we heard a lot of positive responses about the infected that were unique to their locales. There were patients in the hospital, cops in the streets, and TSA agents in the airport. We wanted to add further variety to Left 4 Dead 2's campaigns, so we decided to include an uncommon common infected for each campaign. The first to be added was the CEDA guy. Once we got him in the game, we realized that his uniqueness should not merely be visual, but should extend to gameplay as well. In the case of the CEDA guy, his hazmat suit suggested that he should be impervious to fire. We extended this notion when we added the Mud Man, the Clown, the Construction Worker, and the Riot Cop." "Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "YHDESSÄ JA ERIKSEEN" "[english]Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "SEPARATION ANXIETY" "#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead 2:n tasosuunnittelu alkoi kokeilemalla erilaisia muunnelmia Left 4 Dead 1:n toimivimmista tasoista. Kokeilimme useita tilanteita, joissa olisi hyödyllistä jakaa ryhmä kahtia. Pian kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että Left 4 Dead 1 oli koulinut pelaajat pysymään yhdessä niin perusteellisesti, että oli äärimmäisen vaikeaa saada heidät erkanemaan toisistaan. Kokeilu hylättiin, mutta joitakin elementtejä soviteltiin huippuhetkiin. Esimerkiksi ostoskeskuksen asekauppakohtauksessa on järkevää, että vain yksi tai kaksi selviytyjää hakee kokiksen, kun loput antavat tulitukea korkeammasta sijainnista käsin." "[english]#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead 2's level designers started out by experimenting with variants on the proven designs of Left 4 Dead 1. For example, we tried out several situations where there was a benefit to splitting up the group. We soon found that Left 4 Dead 1 had done such a good job of training people to stick together, it was incredibly difficult to get them to separate. We abandoned that experiment, but retained some of the elements to apply during crescendo events. For example, in the mall gun-shop sequence, it can sometimes be advantageous to send one or two survivors to retrieve the cola while the remaining survivors stay on high ground to provide cover." "Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "PELITESTIEN TARKKAILU" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "PLAYTEST OBSERVATION" "#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Aina Left 4 Dead 2:een asti kaikissa Valven pelitesteissä joku kehittäjätiimin jäsen istui testaajan takana tarkkailemassa suoraan testin kulkua. Left 4 Dead 2:ta varten kehitimme järjestelmän, jossa vain yksi tarkkailija pystyi näkemään rinnakkain kunkin testaajan pelinäytön sekä videokuvaa testaajan reaktioista. Jokainen pelitesti tallennettiin, joten pystyimme halutessamme tarkistamaan tärkeitä kohtia jälkikäteen. Systeemin ansiosta suurin osa tiimistä pystyi jatkamaan töitään testauksen aikana - testausta oli usein monta tuntia päivässä." "[english]#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Up until Left 4 Dead 2, all playtests conducted at Valve required an observer from the team to sit behind each tester and observe them directly. For Left 4 Dead 2, we developed a system where a single observer could view each playtester's screen in parallel with webcams that captured the playtester's reaction. We recorded every playtest so we could go back and reference specific moments at will. This meant that most of the team could continue working during playtests--which often take several hours out of every day." "Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "ESINEIDEN SIJOITTAMINEN" "[english]Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "ITEM PLACEMENT" "#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] Left 4 Dead 1:n tasosuunnittelijat asettivat yksittäisiä esineitä, kuten putkipommeja, molotoveja ja pillereitä, kaikkialle ympäri tasoja. Tekoälyohjaaja pystyi päättämään, mitkä esiintymät kustakin esineestä synnytetään tasolle, jotta esimerkiksi pillerit eivät koskaan syntyneet samaan paikkaan kuin putkipommi tai molotov. Left 4 Dead 2:n esineiden ilmestymiseen haluttiin lisää vaihtelua, joten kentille sijoiteltiin tällä kertaa vain entiteettejä nimeltä \"'weapon_item_spawn\". Tekoälyohjaaja valitsee siis nyt kaksi asiaa: ilmestyykö tiettyyn sijaintiin esine ja minkä tyyppinen esine siihen ilmestyy." "[english]#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] Level Designers in Left 4 Dead 1 placed individual items, such as pipe bombs, molotovs, and pills, all over the levels. The AI Director had the ability to pick which instance of each item to spawn. This meant that pills would never spawn in the same place as a pipe bomb or molotov. In Left 4 Dead 2, we decided that we wanted more variety in item spawning, so we now simply place an entity called a 'weapon_item_spawn.' The AI Director not only chooses whether or not an item will spawn in a given location, it also chooses what type of item will appear." "Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "VIHJEET PÄIVÄSAIKAAN" "[english]Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "DAYTIME CUES" "#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Left 4 Dead 1 tapahtui kokonaan yöllä, joten meidän oli helppo näyttää pelaajille haluttu reitti vain valaisemalla se. Nyt meillä on päiväsaikaan tapahtuvia kampanjoita, joten jouduimme keksimään muita tapoja auttaa pelaajaa eteenpäin. Tärkeimpiä apukeinoja tässä olivat näkyvät maamerkit, kuten huoltoasemien kyltit, rampit, silta ja pudonneesta lentokoneesta nouseva savu." "[english]#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Because Left 4 Dead 1 took place entirely during the night, it was fairly straightforward to light the path we wanted players to take. For campaigns that take place during the day, we had to find other tools to help the player along. The most valuable tools were visible landmarks, such as gas station signs, overpasses, the bridge, and smoke from wrecked aircraft." "Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "PUTKIPOMMIT" "[english]Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "PIPE BOMBS" "#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] Putkipommi on aina ollut yleisön suosikki, mutta Left 4 Dead 1:ssä jouduimme suorituskykyongelmien takia korvaamaan räsynukkefysiikan ja lentelevät ruumiinpalaset verisumulla. Tällä kertaa käytössämme on uusi haavajärjestelmä ja räsynukkesimulointi sekä uudet hiukkastehosteet, joten pystyimme lopultakin toteuttamaan alkuperäisen visiomme. Putkipommi aiheuttaa nyt visuaalisesti hurjaa vahinkoa saastuneiden laumaan, mikä miellyttää sekä pelaajia että suunnittelijoita." "[english]#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] The pipe bomb has always been a crowd pleaser, but in Left 4 Dead 1 we were forced to disable ragdolls and gibs and replace them with a blood mist due to performance issues. This time, with a new wound system, a new ragdoll solver, and new particle effects, we've finally returned to our original vision. The pipe bomb causes visually catastrophic damage to the infected horde, to the delight of gamers and designers alike." "Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "AULASELAIN" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "LOBBY BROWSER" "#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] Julkaistuamme muokattujen lisäkampanjoiden tuen VPK-formaatissa huomasimme, että vaikka näitä kampanjoita voi asentaa ja pelata, niiden pelaajista oli vaikea löytää tietoa. Huomasimme myös, että vain harvat pelaajat liittyivät eri vaikeustasojen peleihin, sillä oli epäselvää, kuinka monta peliä oli tarjolla kullekin asetukselle. Ratkaisuksi otimme käyttöön selaimen, joka näyttää lähellä olevat aulat. Aulaselain näyttää kampanjan, vaikeustason ja avoimia paikkoja sisältävien aulojen määrän. Näytämme myös sellaisten kampanjoiden aulat, joita pelaaja ei ole vielä asentanut, ja tarjoamme mahdollisuuden ladata ne suoraan. Kun aulaselain julkaistiin, muokattujen kampanjoiden pelaajamäärät nousivat heti. Erityisen suosittuja ovat selviytyjien muokatut tasot, joiden teemat vaihtelevat supermarketeista keskiaikaisiin linnoihin." "[english]#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] After we shipped support for custom add-on campaigns via the VPK format, we realized that while many people can install and play these campaigns, it was difficult to discover what add-on campaigns other players were playing. We also noticed that few players were joining games of different difficulties since it wasn't clear how many other games were available for each setting. To solve this, we implemented a browser that shows nearby lobbies. The lobby browser displays the campaign, the difficulty level, and how many lobbies have open slots available. We also display lobbies for campaigns you have not yet installed, offering the chance to download them directly. Once the lobby browser was released, we saw a sharp increase in the number of custom campaigns being played. Custom survival maps are particularly popular, with themes ranging from supermarkets to medieval castles." "Commentary_Title_STORY" "TARINA" "[english]Commentary_Title_STORY" "STORY" "#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] Left 4 Dead 2:ssa tahdoimme tarjota aiempaa vahvemman tarinan. Esittelemme neljä selviytyjää toisilleen, kun heidät tavataan, ja annamme tietoja tartunnasta. Voimme nähdä selviytyjien silmin, miten maailma on muuttumassa. Ja koska se muuttuu, jokainen kampanja alkaa uudessa tilanteessa ja tartunnan vaiheessa. Aloitamme pelin CEDAn lapsellisen riittämättömällä vastatoimenpiteellä ja päätämme sen armeijan tunteettomaan mutta tarpeelliseen ratkaisuun pelastaa vain pelastettavissa olevat. Kampanjat ovat myös yhteydessä toisiinsa. Kun pelaaja pakenee Whispering Oaksista Verinen karnevaali -kampanjassa, hän tietää, että se on vain yksi monista paoista matkalla kohti New Orleansia ja turvaa. Vaikka aika kuluu kampanjoiden välissä, jokainen kampanja alkaa edellisen pakovälineen luota. Jätämme edelleen vinkkejä ja vihjeitä tartunnasta. Tarinaa kerrotaan hahmojen vuoropuhelussa aiempaa enemmän, mutta pelaajien kannattaa yhä etsiä ja lukea pelimaailman graffiteja ja muuta materiaalia. Left 4 Deadin tarkkaavaiset pelaajat löytävät yhteyksiä ensimmäiseen peliin, sillä ne sijoittuvat samaan maailmaan. " "[english]#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] In Left 4 Dead 2 we wanted to give players who were looking for a narrative a little more. To do this, we introduce the four Survivors to each other and the infection as we begin the game. This let’s us see the world changing through their eyes. And the world is changing, each new Campaign shows a different stage and reaction to the infection. We start with CEDA’s naïve underwhelming response and end with the Military’s cold but needed resolve to save only those they can. We also connect each Campaign. So while you know you escape Whispering Oaks in Dark Carnival, you also know that is just one escape of many on your journey to safety in New Orleans. Time does pass between campaigns, but each campaign starts with the previous rescue vehicle. We also continue to spread hints and clues to the infection. There is more 'Story' in the dialogue this time around, but players should still search for and read graffiti and notes in the world. Observant players of Left 4 Dead will notice some tie-ins to the story as both games are set in the same world." } }