"lang" { "Language" "czech" "Tokens" { "testcommands" "Tohle je červená a kurzíva atučně opět bílá." "[english]testcommands" "This is red and italics and bold white again." "Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Vezmi si to. Já to sakra nepotřebuju." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem01" "Coach: Take it. Hell, I don't need it." "Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: Tohle nezapomeň použít." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem02" "Coach: You make sure you use this now." "Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: Nemusíš se stydět, že potřebuješ pomoc." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem03" "Coach: Ain't no shame in gettin' some help." "Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Vezmi si to." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem04" "Coach: Take this." "Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Tu máš." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItem05" "Coach: Here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: Můžeš si to vzít." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC101" "Coach: You can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Promiň, tady máš." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC102" "Coach: Excuse me, here ya go." "Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hej, můžeš si to vzít." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemC103" "Coach: Hey, you can have this." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Ber." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Na." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Vezmi si to." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Coach: Have it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Ber." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Coach: Take it." "Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Na." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Coach: Here." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Moment, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Coach: Hold on, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Vydrž chvilku, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Coach: Hold up now, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Vydrž, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Coach: Hold up, I got something for you." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Hej! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Coach: Yo! I got somethin' for ya." "Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hej! Hej! Vydrž." "[english]Coach_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Coach: Hey! Hey! Hold up." "Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: Jste připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady01" "Coach: You kids ready?" "Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady02" "Coach: We ready?" "Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: Jsme všichni připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady03" "Coach: We all ready?" "Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady04" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady05" "Coach: Ready?" "Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Jste všichni připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady06" "Coach: Everyone ready for this shit?" "Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Všichni připraveni?" "[english]Coach_AskReady07" "Coach: Everybody ready?" "Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: Můžeme jít do toho?" "[english]Coach_AskReady08" "Coach: We ready to get it on?" "Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hej, můžeme jít do toho?" "[english]Coach_AskReady09" "Coach: Hey, we ready to get it on?" "Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: A do Prčic, zpátky!" "[english]Coach_BackUp01" "Coach: Oh shit, back it up!" "Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Zpátky!" "[english]Coach_BackUp02" "Coach: Back it up!" "Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: Zpět zpět zpět!" "[english]Coach_BackUp03" "Coach: BackBackBack!" "Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Zpátky, zpátky!" "[english]Coach_BackUp04" "Coach: Back up, back up!" "Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Zpátky!" "[english]Coach_BackUp05" "Coach: Back up!" "Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Zpět zpět zpět zpět zpět!" "[english]Coach_BackUp06" "Coach: Back Back Back Back Back!" "Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Stáhněte se." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet01" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Zpátky, zpátky." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet02" "Coach: Back up, Back up." "Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Zpátky." "[english]Coach_BackUpQuiet03" "Coach: Back up." "Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: NAŽER SE!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry01" "Coach: EAT THAT SHIT!" "Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: Jak se ti to líbí?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry02" "Coach: How you like that?" "Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: JAKÝ TO JE?" "[english]Coach_BattleCry03" "Coach: HOW THAT FEEL?" "Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: JO!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry04" "Coach: YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: UDAV SE TÍM!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry05" "Coach: CHEW ON THAT!" "Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: SUPER!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry06" "Coach: ALL RIGHT!" "Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: DŽÍÁÁÁ!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry07" "Coach: GYEAHHHHHH!" "Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR JÓ!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry08" "Coach: GRRRR YEAH!" "Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: HÚÚÚ! JO, ZLATO!" "[english]Coach_BattleCry09" "Coach: WHOOO! YEAH BABY!" "Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Zastřelte tu velkou mrchu!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank01" "Coach: Shoot that big mother!" "Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Nepřestávejte střílet!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank02" "Coach: Keep pouring it on!" "Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Zastřelte to! Zastřelte to!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank03" "Coach: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Nepřestávejte, zastřelte to!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank04" "Coach: Don't stop now, shoot it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Sejměte to! Sejměte to!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank05" "Coach: Hit it! Hit it!" "Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Zastřelte to!" "[english]Coach_BattleCryTank06" "Coach: Shoot it!" "Coach_Blank" " " "[english]Coach_Blank" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction01" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction02" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction03" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction04" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction05" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction06" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction07" " " "Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "[english]Coach_BoomerReaction08" " " "Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Hej vy, potřebuju tady pomoct!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue01" "Coach: Hey y'all I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: Jsem tady v pasti." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue02" "Coach: I'm trapped in here." "Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: Je tam někdo? Hodila by se mi pomoc!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue03" "Coach: Anyone out there? I could use some help!" "Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: No tak, lidi, pusťte mě ven!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue04" "Coach: Come on, people, let me out of here!" "Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Haló!?!? Je tam někdo?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue05" "Coach: Hellooo! Anyone out there?" "Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Nemyslíte doufám na to, že mě tady necháte?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue06" "Coach: Y'all ain't thinkin of leavin' me behind are ya?" "Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Potřebuju pomoc, sám se odsud nedostanu." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue07" "Coach: Need some help, can't get myself out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Slyší mě někdo?" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue08" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: Potřebuju tady pomoc!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue09" "Coach: I need some help in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: No tak, vy tam, potřebuju se odsud dostat." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue10" "Coach: Come on, y'all, I need to get out of here." "Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Hej vy, jsme tým! Pojďte pro mě!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue11" "Coach: Hey, y'all, we're a team! Come get me!" "Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Nezajímá mě, co tam venku všichni děláte. Ale až budete hotoví, tak mě dostaňte ven." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue12" "Coach: Ain't none of my business what y'all doin' out there. But get me when you're done." "Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Až budete připraveni mě odsud dostat, tak na mě zakřičte." "[english]Coach_CallForRescue13" "Coach: Holler back at me when you're ready to get me." "Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Slyšíte mě? Jsem tady uvězněný!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue14" "Coach: Can y'all hear me? I'm trapped in here!" "Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Hej, na tuhle skříň jsem moc velkej!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue15" "Coach: Hey, I'm too big of a man for this little closet!" "Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: Zatím jsem o pomoc volat nemusel, ale teď jo – pomoc!" "[english]Coach_CallForRescue16" "Coach: Never had no call to ask for help before, but I do now. Help!" "Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [Dusí se]" "[english]Coach_Choke01" "Coach: [Choking]" "Coach_Choke07" "Coach: Já se udusím, sakra!" "[english]Coach_Choke07" "Coach: This bitch is chokin' me!" "Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře za náma." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Zavřete to, sakra." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Přestaňte se flákat, zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoor06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: Měli bychom zavírat dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC101" "Coach: We oughta be closing doors." "Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Zavřeme ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorC102" "Coach: Let's close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet01" "Coach: Close that door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře za náma." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet02" "Coach: Close the door behind us." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Zavřete to, sakra." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet03" "Coach: Close that bitch." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet04" "Coach: Close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Přestaňte se flákat, zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet05" "Coach: Quit screwing around, close the door." "Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Coach_CloseTheDoorQuiet06" "Coach: Y'all close that door." "Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [Kašle kvůli kouři]" "[english]Coach_Cough01" "Coach: [Coughing from smoke]" "Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Počkejte, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMe01" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Kryjte mě chvilku, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMe02" "Coach: Cover me for a sec, I gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Moment, ošetřuju se." "[english]Coach_CoverMe03" "Coach: Hold up, healin'." "Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Hej kámo, počkej - ošetřuju se." "[english]Coach_CoverMe04" "Coach: Hey man, hold up - healin'." "Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Ošetřuju se! Počkejte chvilku." "[english]Coach_CoverMe05" "Coach: Healing! Hold on a sec." "Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Dejte mi chvilku, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMe06" "Coach: Give me a minute, gotta heal." "Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Sakra, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMe07" "Coach: Shit, gotta heal my ass." "Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Počkejte, ošetřuju se." "[english]Coach_CoverMe08" "Coach: Hold on, y'all, I'm healing." "Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Moment, musím se zkusit ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC101" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Počkejte, zkusím použít tohle." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC102" "Coach: Wait up, gonna try and use this thing." "Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Teda, nemám páru, jak to funguje." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC103" "Coach: Man, no idea how this thing works." "Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Moment, musím se zkusit ošetřit." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC104" "Coach: Hold up, gotta try and heal myself." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: Tohle jsem nikdy nedělal." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Coach: I ain't never done this before." "Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: Kruci, tohle jsem nikdy nedělal." "[english]Coach_CoverMeC1RCoach02" "Coach: Hell, no, I ain't never done this before." "Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream01" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream02" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream03" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream04" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream05" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream06" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream07" "Coach: [Death scream]" "Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Smrtelné chroptění]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream08" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Smrtelné chroptění]" "[english]Coach_DeathScream09" "Coach: [Death rattle]" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: To zvládneme, kámo, to zvládneme." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Coach: We can do this, man, we can do this." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Úúú! Musíme držet spolu, ksakru." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Coach: Ooooh! We gotta pull our shit together." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Do prdele! Už jenom ty a já! Vydrž." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Sakra! Zbyli jsme jen my dva. Drž se u mě!" "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Coach: Shit! Just us two left. Stay close!" "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Drž se u mě, jsme jen ve dvou." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Coach: Stay close, we're a party of two." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: Už zbýváme jen ty a já." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse06" "Coach: Ain't no one else but you and me left." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: Sakra. Víc toho nemáme." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponse07" "Coach: Damn. This here is all we got." "Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Do prdele! Už jenom ty a já! Vydrž." "[english]Coach_DoubleDeathResponseQuiet01" "Coach: Shit! It's just you and me! Hang tough." "Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: BĚŽTE!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo01" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Pojďme, lidi." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo02" "Coach: Let's go people." "Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Hněte zadkem." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo03" "Coach: Move your ass." "Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Běžte, běžte, běžte!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo04" "Coach: Go go go!" "Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Běžte, běžte, BĚŽTE!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo05" "Coach: Go go GO!" "Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: POHYB!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGo06" "Coach: MOVE IT!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Nezastavujte." "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Coach: Just keep going." "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Běžte, běžte, běžte!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Coach: Go, go, go!" "Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Nesmíme zastavovat!" "[english]Coach_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Coach: Let's keep moving!" "Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: A do prdele!" "[english]Coach_Exclamation01" "Coach: Oh shit!" "Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Pojďte, tudy." "[english]Coach_FollowMe01" "Coach: Come on, y'all, this way." "Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: Tudy." "[english]Coach_FollowMe02" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Jdeme, tudy." "[english]Coach_FollowMe03" "Coach: Come on, this way." "Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: Za mnou." "[english]Coach_FollowMe04" "Coach: Follow me." "Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: Tudy." "[english]Coach_FollowMe05" "Coach: This way." "Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Držte se u sebe." "[english]Coach_FollowMe06" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Zatraceně, přestaň do mě střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire01" "Coach: Ahhh, hell no, boy, don't you be shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Co prosím? CO PROSÍM?!?!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire02" "Coach: Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!?!" "Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Kam si sakra jako myslíš, že střílíš?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire03" "Coach: Where in the hell ya think you're shootin?" "Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Dávej bacha, kam střílíš!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire04" "Coach: Watch where you're shooting!" "Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Přestaň s tím, sakra!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire05" "Coach: Cut that shit out!" "Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: Do Prčic, ty fakt vůbec neumíš střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire06" "Coach: I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: Uděláš to ještě jednou, a poznáš hněv boží." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire07" "Coach: There's gonna be some biblical shit happening to you if you do that again." "Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Ještě jednou mě střelíš, a půjdeš do věčnejch lovišť." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire08" "Coach: Shoot me again, and you gonna be meetin' your maker right soon." "Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Přece teď nezačneme střílet na sebe navzájem." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire09" "Coach: Let's not all start shootin' each other now." "Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Hej ty, přestaň blbnout." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire10" "Coach: Young'un, stop that shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Do Prčic, čéče, ty fakt vůbec neumíš střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire11" "Coach: Man, I swear to God you can't shoot worth shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: Sakra, to bolelo!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire12" "Coach: Damn it, that hurt!" "Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Střílíš po mně? To snad není možný." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire13" "Coach: Shootin' me? That's some crazy shit." "Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: Víš o tom, že střílíš po mně?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire14" "Coach: You do know you shootin' me right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Hele, zkus místo mě zastřelit nějaké zatracené zombíky." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire15" "Coach: Look, try shootin' some damn zombies instead of me." "Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Jsi úplně mimo, že po mně střílíš?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire16" "Coach: Are you outta your mind shootin' at me?" "Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Přestaneš už s tím, sakra?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire17" "Coach: Will you cut that shit out?" "Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Hej! Přestaň po mně střílet, jasný?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire18" "Coach: Yo! Stop shooting me, all right?" "Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Přestaňte po mně všichni střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire19" "Coach: Y'all gotta stop shootin me." "Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: SAKRA, PŘESTAŇTE PO MNĚ STŘÍLET!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire20" "Coach: GODDAMNIT STOP SHOOTIN ME!" "Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Ale ne, sakra! Nezastřel mě." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire21" "Coach: Ah hell no! Do not shoot me." "Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Ale no tak, beze srandy." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire22" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Přestaň po mně střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire23" "Coach: Stop shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Nestřílej po mně." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire24" "Coach: Don't be shooting me." "Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: Ty po mně střílíš!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire25" "Coach: You are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: Už toho mám dost!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire26" "Coach: That's some bullshit!" "Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Ještě jednou, a půjdu si pro tebe." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire27" "Coach: Do that again and I'll come back on you." "Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: Ty po mně střílíš!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire28" "Coach: You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Kruci, ty po mě střílíš?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFire29" "Coach: Man, you shot me?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Musíte se soustředit!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC101" "Coach: Y'all need to focus!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Poslouchejte, musíme držet spolu jako tým." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC102" "Coach: Listen, y'all, we need to pull together as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Tak do toho, budeme se trochu snažit." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC103" "Coach: Now come on now, let's put some effort into this." "Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: Snažím se vám vysvětlit, že když po sobě budeme střílet, moc nám to nepomůže." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC104" "Coach: I'm trying to tell you, shooting each other is not helping each other." "Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Jsme jeden tým, lidi, jsme jeden tým." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC105" "Coach: Work as a team, people, work as a team." "Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Všichni po mně střílíte." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC106" "Coach: Y'all shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Lidi, zkusme na sebe nestřílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC107" "Coach: Let's not be shootin' each other, people." "Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: No tak, lidi - tohle přece ne." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC108" "Coach: Come'on, y'all - none of that." "Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Ale no tak, beze srandy." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC109" "Coach: Come on now, seriously." "Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: DOST! Začínám bejt nasranej!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC110" "Coach: STOP! I am getting pissed off!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolasi, myslel jsem, že umíš střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Coach: Nicolas, I thought you knew how to use a gun." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nicku! Střelil jsi mě!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Coach: Nick! You shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hej Nicku, právě jsi mě střelil." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler03" "Coach: Hey Nick, that was my ass you shot." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Přestaň po mně střílet, Nicku." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Gambler04" "Coach: Quit shootin' me, Nick." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellisi, zklidni se. Střelil's mě." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, settle down, boy. Ya shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellisi! Já ti tu zbraň vezmu!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic02" "Coach: Ellis! I'll take that gun away from ya!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellisi, ty po mně střílíš!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic03" "Coach: Ellis, you are shooting me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Ellisi, sakra, ty's mě střelil!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Mechanic04" "Coach: Ellis, damn it, you shot me!" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro! Přestaň po mně střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Coach: Ro! Quit shootin' me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle, holka, ty's mě střelila." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Coach: Rochelle, girl, you shot me." "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! Co tě to, holka, popadlo?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Coach: Ro! What's gotten into you, girl?" "Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! Tohle bys sakra dělat neměla." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireC1Producer04" "Coach: Ro! You know damn well better than that." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Děvenko, musíš se naučit střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Coach: Little sister, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Holka, musíš se naučit střílet." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireFemale02" "Coach: Girl, you gotta learn to shoot." "Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Bože, přestaň s tím na mě mířit." "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireMale01" "Coach: Boy, quit pointing that thing my way." "Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [Otrávený zvuk]" "[english]Coach_Frustration01" "Coach: [Frustrated sound]" "Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Kuře je jenom pták." "[english]Coach_Generic01" "Coach: Chicken ain't nothing but a bird." "Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: Jsem v pohodě." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived01" "Coach: I'm cool." "Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: Všechno v pořádku." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived02" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Jo, sakra, bolí to." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived03" "Coach: Hell yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Jo, bolí to." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived04" "Coach: Yeah it hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: Dobrý, dobrý." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived05" "Coach: I'm good, I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: Co sakra asi myslíš?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived06" "Coach: What in the hell do you think?" "Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: A do Prčic." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived07" "Coach: Ohhh shit." "Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Tak do toho." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived08" "Coach: Hook me up." "Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Rychle." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived09" "Coach: Hurry it up." "Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [sténá]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived10" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [sténá]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived11" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [sténá]" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived12" "Coach: [groan]" "Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: Za tyhle sračky by po mně měli pojmenovat školu." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived13" "Coach: They better name a school after me for this shit." "Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Pomoz mi vstát a rozchodím to." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived14" "Coach: Help me up and I can walk this off." "Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: Nic ze mě nezbude." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived15" "Coach: Ain't gonna be nothing left of me." "Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: Jenom si dělám prdel." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived16" "Coach: I'm just screwin with ya." "Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: Koukám, že se mi díváte na boty." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived17" "Coach: I see ya looking at my shoes." "Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: Co to říkáš?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived18" "Coach: What ya tellin me, man?" "Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: Už bylo i hůř." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived19" "Coach: I've been worse." "Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Co tím myslíš?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived20" "Coach: Whata you mean?" "Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: Jsem OK." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived21" "Coach: I'm okay." "Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: To nic není." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived22" "Coach: Ain't nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: To rozchodím." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived23" "Coach: I can walk it off." "Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: OK." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived24" "Coach: Okay." "Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Ujde to." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived25" "Coach: Good enough." "Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Jen mi pomoz vstát." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived26" "Coach: Just get me up." "Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Už mi bylo líp, kámo." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived27" "Coach: Man, been better, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Nebudu lhát, už mi bylo líp." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived28" "Coach: Can't lie, been better." "Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: Sakra, pěkně to bolí." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived29" "Coach: Damn, this shit hurts." "Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: Nerad ležím na zemi." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived30" "Coach: Don't like bein' on the ground." "Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: Jsem tady dole zraněný." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived31" "Coach: I'm hurtin down here." "Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: Neležím na zádech pro nic za nic." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived32" "Coach: Well I ain't on my back for nothin'." "Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Jak si asi myslíš, že mi je?" "[english]Coach_GettingRevived33" "Coach: Man, how the hell you think I'm doin'?" "Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: Jsem v pohodě, ale neztrácejme čas tlacháním." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived34" "Coach: I'm fine, but let's not waste time chit-chattin'." "Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: Dobrý." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived35" "Coach: I'm good." "Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: To přežiju... pravděpodobně." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived36" "Coach: I'll live...most likely." "Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Řeknu ti, není to můj nejlepší den." "[english]Coach_GettingRevived37" "Coach: Tell you what, ain't my best day." "Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: Tohle je teda pěkně vážný." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie01" "Coach: This here is some serious bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: Takhle jsem si to nepředstavoval." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie02" "Coach: This ain't how i thought this would go." "Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: To rozchodím, sakra." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie03" "Coach: I can walk this shit off." "Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Áááááá." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie04" "Coach: Ahhhhhhh." "Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: Sakra, ti mi dali." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie05" "Coach: Damn, they messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: Jdu tak rychle, jak můžu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie06" "Coach: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Kruci, pořádně to bolí." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie07" "Coach: Man, this shit hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Teda říkal jsem, že se není čeho bát, ale prdlajs." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie08" "Coach: Man said there was nothing to worry about. Well, bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: Jenom blázen by si myslel, že to nebolí." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie09" "Coach: Ya'll crazy if you don't think this hurts." "Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Kruci, jsem pěkně zřízenej." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie10" "Coach: Shit, I'm messed up." "Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: Bolí to, ale nic to není." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie11" "Coach: It hurts, but ain't nothin'." "Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: Není to nic pěknýho." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie12" "Coach: This shit ain't pretty." "Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: Ááá sakra." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie13" "Coach: Ahh, damn it." "Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Tady tohle bolí jak ďas." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie14" "Coach: Man, this right here hurts somethin' fierce." "Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: Tohle je teda děsná hrůza." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie15" "Coach: This is some outrageous shit." "Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Ty svině zatracený mě pěkně zřídily." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie16" "Coach: Crazy sons of a bitches messed me up." "Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: Sakra. Jsem pěkně zmalovanej." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie17" "Coach: Damn. They beat me good." "Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: Pořádně mi nakopali prdel." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie18" "Coach: They beat my ass fair and square." "Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: Měl jsem se naučit řídit tank nebo tak něco." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie19" "Coach: I shoulda learned to drive a tank or some shit." "Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Ááá zatraceně." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie20" "Coach: Ahh, damn it now." "Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: Čas prý všechny rány zahojí. Tak tolik času já už asi nemám." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie21" "Coach: No pain, no gain. I must be about to gain some serious shit." "Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: Ještě se nechystám ulehnout." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie22" "Coach: I ain't ready to lay down yet." "Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hej. Tak tohle je teda pěkně vážný." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie23" "Coach: Hey. Now this here is some bullshit." "Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: Tohle rozchodím." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie24" "Coach: I can walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: Zkouším to rozchodit." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie25" "Coach: Tryin' to walk this off." "Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Jdu tak rychle, jak to jen jde." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie26" "Coach: Goin' as fast as I can." "Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: Z toho se dostanu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie27" "Coach: I'm gonna get right." "Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: Ještě není po mně." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie28" "Coach: I ain't dead yet." "Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: Slyším! Vždyť jdu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie29" "Coach: I hear ya! I'm movin'." "Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: Rychleji jít nemůžu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie30" "Coach: Can't go no faster." "Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: Musím přiznat, že potřebuju trochu pomoct." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie301" "Coach: I'm just gonna admit it, I need some help." "Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: Musím se z toho dostat." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie302" "Coach: I need to get right." "Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Do prdele, to nezvládnu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie303" "Coach: Sheeeeeet, I ain't gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: No tak, seber se. To zvládneš, dostaneš se z toho." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie304" "Coach: Come on, pull it together, man. You can make it through this shit." "Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: Jsem hodně zraněný, rychleji jít nemůžu." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie31" "Coach: I'm hurt too bad to go any faster." "Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Kruci, ti zombíci mi nakopali prdel." "[english]Coach_GoingToDie32" "Coach: Man, those zombies beat my ass." "Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: No tak, ukažte, co ve vás je." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR01" "Coach: Come on now, put it all out there." "Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: No tak, je to jenom na vás." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR02" "Coach: Come on, it's all you." "Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: To je ono. Soustřeď se." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR03" "Coach: That's it. Stay focused." "Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Zůstaň s námi." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR04" "Coach: Stay with us." "Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: To je ono. Jo. Bojuj." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR05" "Coach: That's it. Yeah. Fight through it." "Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: No tak, to rozchodíš." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR06" "Coach: Come on now, walk that shit off." "Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Vydrž, dělej, vydrž, vydrž. To zvládneš." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR07" "Coach: Keep it up, come on, keep it up, keep it up. You're gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hej, poslouchej, zvládneš to." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR08" "Coach: Hey. Listen to me, you are gonna make it." "Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: Zranili tě, ale nic to není." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR09" "Coach: They put a hurtin' on ya but ain't no thing." "Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: No tak, dělej, hoď to za hlavu, seš v pohodě, seš v pohodě." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieR10" "Coach: Come on now, put it behind ya, you good, you good." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nicku, neopustím tě, kámo." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler01" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nicku, neopustím tě, kámo." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler02" "Coach: Nick, ain't gonna leave ya man." "Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nicku, aspoň máš správnej vohoz na pohřeb." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRGambler03" "Coach: Nick, at least you dressed for a funeral." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Dělej, Ellisi. Máš na to." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic01" "Coach: Come on, Ellis. Ya got it in ya." "Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: No tak, mladej, když to zvládnu já, tak ty taky." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRMechanic02" "Coach: Come on young'un, if I can do it, you can do it." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Dělej, holka, nenecháme tě tady." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer01" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Dělej, holka, nenecháme tě tady." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer02" "Coach: Come on, girl, we ain't gonna leave you behind." "Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: Vím, že na to máš, holka, vydrž." "[english]Coach_GoingToDieRProducer03" "Coach: I know you got it in ya, girl, keep at it." "Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Plivaneeec!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter01" "Coach: Spit!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: Trefila mě blbá Spitter." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter02" "Coach: Damn Spitter got me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Sakra! Ta dlouhokrká mrcha mě trefila." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter03" "Coach: Shit! That long necked bitch hit me." "Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Žíravý sliz!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter04" "Coach: Burning goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Pryč z toho slizu." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter05" "Coach: Get out of the goo." "Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: Zatraceně, sliz!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitter06" "Coach: God damn it, goo!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: Co to je za žíravinu?" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC101" "Coach: What's this burning stuff?" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: Ta zombice na mě něco plivla!" "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC102" "Coach: That female zombie spat somethin' on me!" "Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: To si snad děláš srandu." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC103" "Coach: You have got to be kidding me." "Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: To plivání není dobré znamení." "[english]Coach_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Coach: That spittin' is not a good sign." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: Dostal mě Charger!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger01" "Coach: Charger got me!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Střílejte!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger02" "Coach: Charger! Shoot!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Zastřelte toho Chargera!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger03" "Coach: Shoot the Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Zastřelte toho zatracenýho Chargera!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger04" "Coach: Shoot this damn Charger!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: Zastřelí to už někdo z vás?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger05" "Coach: One of y'all gonna shoot this thing?" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: Dává mi pořádně na prdel." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger06" "Coach: This thing is beatin' my ass." "Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Nestůj tam a zabij to!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger07" "Coach: Don't stand there, kill this thing!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Charger se mnou tluče o zem!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger08" "Coach: Charger is pounding me into the ground!" "Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: Ten Charger se mnou mlátí!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByCharger09" "Coach: This Charger is pounding me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Jde po mě Jockey!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey01" "Coach: Jockey on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: MÁM NA ZÁDECH JOCKEYHO!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY ON MY BACK!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Bože, ne, mám to na sobě!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey03" "Coach: Oh Lord no, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Ááá, mám to na sobě!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey04" "Coach: Agh, that thing's on me!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Zabijte tu věc na mých zádech!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey05" "Coach: Kill the thing on my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellisi, jsi to ty? Co to sakra!?!?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey06" "Coach: Ellis, is that you? What the hell!?" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: DO PRDELE, SUNDEJTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey07" "Coach: OH SHIT GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Ááá, sundejte mi to ze zad!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockey08" "Coach: Gah, get this thing off my back!" "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: Na člověku by takhle nic jezdit nemělo." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Coach: That ain't right for a man to be ridden like that." "Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: Sakra. To není správný." "[english]Coach_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Coach: Damn. That ain't right." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Ááá!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Coach: Agh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: Ne..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Coach: No..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: NE..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: NE..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Coach: NO..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: NEEEEEEE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Coach: NOOOOOOO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Fuj." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Coach: Ugh." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Ne..." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Coach: Nah..." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: NE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: NE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: OGH!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Coach: AUGH!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Coach: Mmnnhh!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: Ne!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: Ne!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: NE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: Ne." "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Coach: No." "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: Ne!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: Ne!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04b" "Coach: No!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: NE!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmoker04c" "Coach: NO!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: Něco mě dostalo!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Coach: Something's got me!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: Co mě to dostalo?" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Coach: What's got me?" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: Jsem celej omotanej!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Coach: I'm all wrapped up!" "Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hej! Kam mě to táhne!?!" "[english]Coach_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Coach: Hey! Where am I gettin' dragged to?!" "Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: GRANÁT!" "[english]Coach_Grenade01" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: GRANÁT!" "[english]Coach_Grenade02" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: BACHA, BOUCHNE TO!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade03" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: BACHA, BOUCHNE TO!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade04" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: GRANÁT!" "[english]Coach_Grenade05" "Coach: GRENADE!" "Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: GRANÁT! Letí na vás!" "[english]Coach_Grenade06" "Coach: GRENADE! Comin' at ya!" "Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: BACHA, BOUCHNE TO!!" "[english]Coach_Grenade07" "Coach: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!" "Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade08" "Coach: Molotov!" "Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Hážu molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade09" "Coach: Throwin' a molotov!" "Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Letí molotov!" "[english]Coach_Grenade10" "Coach: Molotov out!" "Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Letí trubková bomba!" "[english]Coach_Grenade11" "Coach: Pipe bomb out!" "Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Hážu trubkovou bombu!" "[english]Coach_Grenade12" "Coach: Throwin' a pipe bomb!" "Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Přestaň se kroutit, ošetřím tě." "[english]Coach_HealOther01" "Coach: Stop squirmin', I'm gonna heal ya." "Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Počkej, ošetřím tě." "[english]Coach_HealOther02" "Coach: Hold up, I'm gonna heal your ass." "Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Vydrž chvilku, dám tě do pořádku." "[english]Coach_HealOther03" "Coach: Hold up now, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Sakra, ti tě teda zřídili, ošetřím tě." "[english]Coach_HealOther04" "Coach: Shit, they beat ya good, let me heal ya'll." "Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Přestaň tu běhat jak nadmutá koza, ošetřím tě." "[english]Coach_HealOther05" "Coach: Quit fussin', I'll heal ya." "Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: Zatraceně, přestaň pobíhat, ať tě můžu ošetřit." "[english]Coach_HealOther06" "Coach: God damn it, quit fussin' and let me heal ya." "Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: Dobře, vydrž, trochu to štípne." "[english]Coach_HealOther07" "Coach: All right, hang on, this might sting a bit." "Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Přestaň se cukat, nebo to podělám." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC101" "Coach: Quit squirming, or I might mess this up." "Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Nehýbej se, protože tohle moc neumím." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC102" "Coach: Stand still now, 'cause I ain't used to doin' this." "Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: Doufám, že ti to pomůže, nejsem si jistý, co dělám." "[english]Coach_HealOtherC103" "Coach: I hope this makes you feel better. Ain't sure what I'm doin'." "Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Počkej! Počkej!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat01" "Coach: Hold on! Hold on!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Ošetřím ti to." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat02" "Coach: Let me heal your shit." "Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Ukaž, ošetřím tě." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat03" "Coach: Let me heal ya now." "Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Ošetřím tě!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat04" "Coach: Lemme heal ya!" "Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Vydrž, dám tě do pořádku." "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat05" "Coach: Hold up, I'll fix ya." "Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Nehýbej se, ošetřuju tě!" "[english]Coach_HealOtherCombat06" "Coach: Stand still, I'm healin' ya!" "Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Mladej, než to udělám, tak dál střílej." "[english]Coach_HealOtherMechanic01" "Coach: Young'un, keep shootin' while I do this." "Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: Slyším Boomera." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer01" "Coach: I hear a Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: Někde kolem se plíží Boomer." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer02" "Coach: Boomer's sneakin 'round." "Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Teď opatrně, Boomer." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer03" "Coach: Careful now... Boomer." "Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Jděte opatrně, někde je tu Boomer." "[english]Coach_HeardBoomer04" "Coach: Step slow, y'all. Boomer 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: Je tady někde Charger." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger01" "Coach: We got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Někde je tu Charger." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger02" "Coach: Got a Charger 'round." "Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: Slyším Chargera." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger03" "Coach: I hear a Charger." "Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: Slyším Chargera, nenechte ho na sebe zaútočit." "[english]Coach_HeardCharger04" "Coach: I hear a Charger, don't get charged and shit." "Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: A DO PRDELE! TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk01" "Coach: Oh SHIT! TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: Nakopu tomu Tankovi prdel." "[english]Coach_HeardHulk03" "Coach: I'm gonna beat that Tank's ass." "Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: Musíme všichni střílet na toho Tanka, slyšíte?" "[english]Coach_HeardHulk04" "Coach: We all gotta shoot the Tank, ya hear me?" "Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: Slyším Huntera." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter01" "Coach: I hear a Hunter." "Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Je tady někde podělanej Hunter." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter02" "Coach: Punk ass Hunter around." "Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Zní to jako Hunter." "[english]Coach_HeardHunter03" "Coach: Sounds like a Hunter." "Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: Slyším Jockeyho." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey01" "Coach: I hear a Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: Je tady někde jeden z těch malejch Jockeyů." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey02" "Coach: One of those little Jockeys is around." "Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: Zní to jako malej Jockey." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey03" "Coach: That sounds like a little Jockey." "Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: Je tady někde jedna z těch potvor, co skáčou na záda." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey04" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: Je tady někde jedna z těch potvor, co skáčou na záda." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey05" "Coach: One of those leapin' on your back bitches is around." "Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: Slyším jednoho z těch Jockeyů. Jestli ho uvidím, rozstřílím ho na sračky." "[english]Coach_HeardJockey06" "Coach: I hear one of those Jockeys. If I see it, I'm gonna shoot the shit out of it." "Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: Co je to za zvuk?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC101" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: Co je to za zvuk?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC102" "Coach: What is that noise?" "Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: Není to jeden z těch prcků?" "[english]Coach_HeardJockeyC103" "Coach: Is that one of those little things?" "Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Zní to jako Smoker." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker01" "Coach: Sounds like a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: Slyším Smokera." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker02" "Coach: I hear a Smoker." "Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Zní to jako jeden z těch zatracenejch Smokerů." "[english]Coach_HeardSmoker03" "Coach: Sounds like one of them Smoker bitches." "Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ááá, co to sakra je?!" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC101" "Coach: Ahh what the heck is that?!" "Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: Ten zvuk se mi ani trochu nelíbí." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC102" "Coach: I don't like the sound of that one bit." "Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Nevíte někdo, co to je?" "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC103" "Coach: Anyone know what that is?" "Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: Podle toho, jak to zní, to za chvilku bude o hodně horší." "[english]Coach_HeardSpecialC104" "Coach: From the sounds of it, it's about to get a whole lot worse." "Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter01" "Coach: I hear a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: Zní to jako Spitter." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter02" "Coach: That sounds like a Spitter." "Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Je tady Spitter." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter03" "Coach: Spitter's around." "Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: Je tady ta plivající mrcha." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter04" "Coach: That fat spittin' bitch is around." "Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: Slyším tu tlustou ženskou." "[english]Coach_HeardSpitter05" "Coach: I hear that fat woman." "Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: Budeme se na to muset zaměřit." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC101" "Coach: We are going to have to focus on that thing." "Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Ale neeeee." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC102" "Coach: Ahhh nooooo." "Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: Je to nějak moc velké." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC103" "Coach: That thing is too dang big." "Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Ou... to není fér." "[english]Coach_HeardTanklC104" "Coach: Ohhh, that ain't fair." "Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: Slyšíte ji všichni? Připravte se to té mrše nandat." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch01" "Coach: Y'all hear her? Get ready to toss that bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Buďte zticha, slyším nějakou mrchu." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch02" "Coach: Quiet, everybody, I hear a bitch." "Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: To zní jako Witch." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch03" "Coach: That there sounds like a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Buďte ticho, slyším Witch." "[english]Coach_HeardWitch04" "Coach: Quiet, y'all, I hear a Witch." "Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, nejsi to ty, že ne, holka?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC101" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, nejsi to ty, že ne, holka?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC102" "Coach: Rochelle, that ain't you is it, girl?" "Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: Co to brečí?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC103" "Coach: What is that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: Co to je za pláč?" "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC104" "Coach: What's doing that crying?" "Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Kruci, ten pláč nezní dobře." "[english]Coach_HeardWitchC105" "Coach: Man, that crying don't sound right." "Coach_Help01" "Coach: Potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Coach_Help01" "Coach: I need some help!" "Coach_Help02" "Coach: Pomoc!" "[english]Coach_Help02" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_Help03" "Coach: Hej vy, potřebuju trochu pomoct." "[english]Coach_Help03" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I need some help." "Coach_Help04" "Coach: Hodila by se mi tady pomoc." "[english]Coach_Help04" "Coach: Could use some help over here." "Coach_Help05" "Coach: Hněte prdelí a pomozte mi!" "[english]Coach_Help05" "Coach: Get ya ass over here and help me!" "Coach_Help06" "Coach: Pomoc!" "[english]Coach_Help06" "Coach: Help!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Hunter dostal Ellise!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter je na Ellisovi!" "[english]Coach_HunterEllisPounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Ellis!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Hunter dostal Nicka!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Nick!" "Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter jde po Nickovi!" "[english]Coach_HunterNickPounced02" "Coach: Hunter's on Nick!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: Trhá ho to na kusy!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC101" "Coach: That thing's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombie ho trhá na kusy!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC102" "Coach: Zombie's ripping him up!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombie jde po Ro!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Coach: Zombie's on Ro!" "Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro dostává kapky!" "[english]Coach_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Coach: Ro's getting ripped up!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Hunter dostal Ro!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced01" "Coach: Hunter's got Ro!" "Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter jde po Rochelle!" "[english]Coach_HunterRochellePounced02" "Coach: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: Jsme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_Hurrah01" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: Budeme v pořádku." "[english]Coach_Hurrah02" "Coach: We gonna be all right." "Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: Jsme v poho, nic to není." "[english]Coach_Hurrah03" "Coach: We good, this ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: Zvládneme to." "[english]Coach_Hurrah04" "Coach: We gonna do this." "Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: Máme to v kapse." "[english]Coach_Hurrah05" "Coach: We got this." "Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Jsou to padavky." "[english]Coach_Hurrah06" "Coach: Those things ain't shit." "Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Jóó, kruci!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah07" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: Budeme OK." "[english]Coach_Hurrah08" "Coach: We're gonna be okay." "Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: Jsme lepší než oni." "[english]Coach_Hurrah09" "Coach: We got up in their shit." "Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: Dáváme jim na prdel." "[english]Coach_Hurrah10" "Coach: We are kicking their ass." "Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Jo, kruci, jóó!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah11" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. Super." "[english]Coach_Hurrah12" "Coach: Mmm. All right." "Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Jóó! Haha! Tak se to dělá." "[english]Coach_Hurrah13" "Coach: Woo! Haha! That's how we do it." "Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: Výborně! Ještě nekončíme! Ještě nekončíme!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah14" "Coach: All right! Way to go! Way to go!" "Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: Jo! Jste skvělá banda." "[english]Coach_Hurrah15" "Coach: Yeah! You are a great bunch." "Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: To bylo parádní." "[english]Coach_Hurrah16" "Coach: That was outstanding." "Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: Výborně! Snažíte se." "[english]Coach_Hurrah17" "Coach: All right! Good effort." "Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: Výborně, výborně! Ještě jim máme co ukázat!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah18" "Coach: All right, all right! Way to put it all out there!" "Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Jo, hochu!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah19" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Dělejte, musíme jít." "[english]Coach_HurryUp01" "Coach: Come on, we gotta go." "Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Hej vy, padáme." "[english]Coach_HurryUp02" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Rychle!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp03" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Rychle!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp04" "Coach: Hurry up!" "Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Honem!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp05" "Coach: Hurry!" "Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Pohni sakra zadkem!" "[english]Coach_HurryUp06" "Coach: Move your damn ass!" "Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Hej vy, padáme." "[english]Coach_HurryUp07" "Coach: Haul some ass, y'all." "Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: Tak jo, lidi, měli byste zrychlit." "[english]Coach_HurryUp08" "Coach: All right, people, you best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Jdeme, jdeme, jasný?" "[english]Coach_HurryUp09" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: Měli byste zrychlit." "[english]Coach_HurryUp10" "Coach: You best hop to it." "Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Jdeme, jdeme, jasný?" "[english]Coach_HurryUp11" "Coach: Let's go, let's go, all right?" "Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: Kryju tě." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou01" "Coach: I've got ya." "Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: Jsem hned za tebou." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou02" "Coach: I'm right behind ya." "Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: Jsem u tebe." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou03" "Coach: I'm with ya." "Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: Kryju ti záda." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou04" "Coach: I got yer back." "Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: Jsem blízko." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou05" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: Jsem blízko." "[english]Coach_ImWithYou06" "Coach: We tight." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: A sakra, dostali mě!" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Coach: Ahh shit, I'm down!" "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: Kruci, dostali mě." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Coach: Damn it, I'm down." "Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: Sakra, pořebuju pomoc." "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Coach: Shit, need some help." "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury07" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury08" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury09" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury10" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ááááá!]" "[english]Coach_IncapacitatedInjury11" "Coach: [Ahhhh!]" "Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Tady je máme!" "[english]Coach_Incoming01" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Tady je máme!" "[english]Coach_Incoming02" "Coach: Here they come!" "Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: A do prdele, tohle nebude dobrý." "[english]Coach_Incoming03" "Coach: Ah shit, this ain't gonna be good." "Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: Sakra, připravte se!" "[english]Coach_Incoming04" "Coach: Shit, get ready!" "Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: Tak jo, už jdou." "[english]Coach_Incoming05" "Coach: All right now, they comin'." "Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: Je to tu." "[english]Coach_Incoming06" "Coach: It's on." "Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Tak do toho!" "[english]Coach_Incoming07" "Coach: Game on, baby!" "Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: ÚTOČÍ!" "[english]Coach_Incoming08" "Coach: INCOMING!" "Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: Tak jo, dejte do toho všechno, už jsou tady!" "[english]Coach_Incoming09" "Coach: All right, let's put on our game faces, they're comin!" "Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Držte se u sebe, je to tady!" "[english]Coach_Incoming10" "Coach: Y'all stay close. It's on!" "Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation01" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: Dostal to." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation02" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: Dostal jsem ho." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation03" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Mrtvej!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation04" "Coach: Dead!" "Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Prásk! Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation05" "Coach: Pow! Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: Je po něm." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation06" "Coach: It's down." "Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation07" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: Dostal jsem ho." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation08" "Coach: I got it." "Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: Ten je můj." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmation09" "Coach: That one's mine." "Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: Cože? Ale ne, hochu, to jsem byl já." "[english]Coach_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Coach: What? Ah, hell no, boy, that was me." "Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Zhasni si baterku." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight01" "Coach: Turn off ya light." "Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Vypni to světlo." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight02" "Coach: Kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hej, vypni to světlo." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight03" "Coach: Hey, kill that light." "Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Musíte si všichni zhasnout světla." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight04" "Coach: Y'all need to kill your lights." "Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: Žádný světla." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight05" "Coach: No lights." "Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Zhasnout světla." "[english]Coach_KillThatLight06" "Coach: Lights out." "Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter01" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter02" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter03" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter04" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter05" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter06" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter09" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter10" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter11" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter12" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter13" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter14" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter15" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter16" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter17" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter18" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter19" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter20" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter21" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter22" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Laughter23" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: Půjdu za tebou." "[english]Coach_LeadOn01" "Coach: I'll follow ya." "Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: Jdu za tebou." "[english]Coach_LeadOn02" "Coach: I'm followin' ya." "Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: Dobře, jsem u tebe." "[english]Coach_LeadOn03" "Coach: All right, I'm with ya." "Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Jdi první." "[english]Coach_LeadOn04" "Coach: Lead on' man." "Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: Dobře, SAKRA...JÁ SPADNU!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd01" "Coach: All right, SHIT...I'M GONNA FALL!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEJ! UŽ SE NEUDRŽÍM!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd02" "Coach: HEY! I CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE!" "Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: TAK UŽ MI POMOZTE NAHORU!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangEnd03" "Coach: HELP ME UP ALREADY!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: Zatraceně, já věděl, že jsem měl zhubnout." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Coach: God damn it, I knew I shoulda lost some weight." "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Sakra, už mě to přestává bavit, pomoc!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Coach: Man, shit's gettin' old, help!" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Hele, nechcete mě někdo vytáhnout?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Coach: Look, somebody wanna pull me up?" "Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Hej! Ještě tady pořád visím!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Coach: Hey! I'm still hanging here!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip05" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip06" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip07" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip08" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangSlip09" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: A sakra, potřebuju pomoc." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart01" "Coach: Ahh shit, need a hand." "Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: Hej vy, je to v prdeli, potřebuju pomoc." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart02" "Coach: This is screwed up, y'all. I need some help." "Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Do prdele, podělal jsem to, můžete mi pomoct?" "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart03" "Coach: Shit, I f'd this up, can you help me out?" "Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Hej vy, visím na té blbé římse." "[english]Coach_LedgeHangStart04" "Coach: Hey, y'all, I fell off the damn ledge." "Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: Do Prčic, co vyvádíš, pomůžu ti nahoru." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave01" "Coach: Oh shit, look at ya. Let me help you up." "Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: Mám tě, mám tě." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave02" "Coach: I got ya, I got ya." "Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: Sakra, je to celý podělaný, jestli tam budeš viset, tak si ublížíš." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave03" "Coach: Damn, this shit's messed up, you gonna hurt yourself hangin' there." "Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: Co kdybychom tě vytáhli zpátky nahoru?" "[english]Coach_LedgeSave04" "Coach: What do you say we get your ass up off this here ledge?" "Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Opatrně, pomůžu ti nahoru, protože jestli spadneš, tak pro tebe nepolezu." "[english]Coach_LedgeSave05" "Coach: Easy, let me help ya up now, cause I ain't gonna go get your ass if you fall." "Coach_Look01" "Coach: Támhle!" "[english]Coach_Look01" "Coach: Over there!" "Coach_Look02" "Coach: Hele!" "[english]Coach_Look02" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_Look03" "Coach: Hele!" "[english]Coach_Look03" "Coach: Look!" "Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Podívejte na to." "[english]Coach_LookHere01" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: Co si o tom myslíte?" "[english]Coach_LookHere02" "Coach: What do y'all make of this?" "Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Mrkněte na to." "[english]Coach_LookHere03" "Coach: Check this shit out." "Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Podívejte na to." "[english]Coach_LookHere04" "Coach: Look at this." "Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Pozor!" "[english]Coach_LookOut01" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Pozor!" "[english]Coach_LookOut02" "Coach: Look out!" "Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: A sakra, bacha!" "[english]Coach_LookOut03" "Coach: Oh shit, watch out!" "Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Bacha!" "[english]Coach_LookOut04" "Coach: Watch out!" "Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Kde jste všichni?" "[english]Coach_LostCall01" "Coach: Where you all at?" "Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Hej! Je tam někdo?" "[english]Coach_LostCall02" "Coach: Hey! Anyone out there?" "Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Ozvěte se mi, lidi!" "[english]Coach_LostCall03" "Coach: Holler back at me, folks!" "Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing01" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing02" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing03" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing04" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing05" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing06" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing07" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing08" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing09" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing10" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing11" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing12" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing13" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing14" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing15" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing16" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing17" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing18" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing19" " " "Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "[english]Coach_MeleeSwing20" " " "Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: Dobře, jdeme." "[english]Coach_MoveOn01" "Coach: All right, let's go." "Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: Pojďte, lidi, musíme dál." "[english]Coach_MoveOn02" "Coach: Come on, people, let's get with it." "Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: Dobře, dobře, musíme jít dál." "[english]Coach_MoveOn03" "Coach: All right, all right, gotta keep movin'." "Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: To si postavíme stany a tak, nebo půjdeme dál?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn04" "Coach: We gonna put up tents and shit or keep movin'?" "Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: Měli bychom jít dál, slyšíte?" "[english]Coach_MoveOn05" "Coach: We should get movin', ya hear me?" "Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: Dobře, jdeme na to." "[english]Coach_MoveOn06" "Coach: All right, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: Dobře, do toho." "[english]Coach_MoveOn07" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Jdeme na to." "[english]Coach_MoveOn08" "Coach: Let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: Dobře, lidi, jdeme na to." "[english]Coach_MoveOn09" "Coach: All right people, let's get it on." "Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: Dobře, do toho." "[english]Coach_MoveOn10" "Coach: All right, let's roll." "Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Všichni mi prostě říkají Coach." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse01" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Dlouho mi nikdo neřekl jinak než Coachi." "[english]Coach_NameCoachResponse02" "Coach: Ain't been called nothin' but Coach for a long time." "Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: Sakra. Ellisi!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis01" "Coach: Damn. Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellisi!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis02" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellisi." "[english]Coach_NameEllis03" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellisi!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis04" "Coach: Ellis!" "Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellisi." "[english]Coach_NameEllis05" "Coach: Ellis." "Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLISI!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis06" "Coach: ELLIS!" "Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Hochu!" "[english]Coach_NameEllis07" "Coach: Boyyy!" "Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellisi" "[english]Coach_NameEllis08" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellisi" "[english]Coach_NameEllis09" "Coach: Ellis" "Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Mladej." "[english]Coach_NameEllis10" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Chlapče." "[english]Coach_NameEllis11" "Coach: Boy." "Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Mladej." "[english]Coach_NameEllis12" "Coach: Young'un." "Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Hej kravaťáku." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC101" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Pane." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC102" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Pane." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC103" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Hej kravaťáku." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC104" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Hej kravaťáku." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC105" "Coach: Hey, Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Hej kravaťáku." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC106" "Coach: Hey Suit." "Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Pane." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC107" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Pane." "[english]Coach_NameGamblerC108" "Coach: Sir." "Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nicku!" "[english]Coach_NameNick01" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nicku." "[english]Coach_NameNick02" "Coach: Nick." "Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolasi." "[english]Coach_NameNick03" "Coach: Nicolas." "Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "[english]Coach_NameNick04" "Coach: Nicky." "Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nicku!" "[english]Coach_NameNick05" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Niiicku." "[english]Coach_NameNick06" "Coach: Niiick." "Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nicku!" "[english]Coach_NameNick07" "Coach: Nick!" "Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolasi!" "[english]Coach_NameNick08" "Coach: Nicolas!" "Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colasi!" "[english]Coach_NameNick09" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colasi!" "[english]Coach_NameNick10" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colasi!" "[english]Coach_NameNick11" "Coach: NI-colas!" "Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Holka." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC101" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Holka." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC102" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Zlato." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC103" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Promiň, zlato." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC104" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Holka." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC105" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hej, holka." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC106" "Coach: Hey, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Eh, holka." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC107" "Coach: Uh, girl." "Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Zlatíčko" "[english]Coach_NameProducerC108" "Coach: Sweetheart" "Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Promiň, zlato." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC109" "Coach: Excuse me, sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Slečno." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC110" "Coach: Miss." "Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Zlato." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC111" "Coach: Sweety." "Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: Dobře, zlato." "[english]Coach_NameProducerC112" "Coach: All right, sweety." "Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle01" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle02" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle03" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Holka." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle04" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Holka." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle05" "Coach: Girl." "Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle06" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle07" "Coach: Ro!" "Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Coach_NameRochelle08" "Coach: ROCHELLE!" "Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle09" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle10" "Coach: Rochelle." "Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro." "[english]Coach_NameRochelle11" "Coach: Ro." "Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Pěkně." "[english]Coach_NiceJob01" "Coach: Nice." "Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Dobrá práce." "[english]Coach_NiceJob02" "Coach: Nice work." "Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: Výborně, vedete si dobře." "[english]Coach_NiceJob03" "Coach: All right, you doin' good." "Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: Fakt dobrá práce." "[english]Coach_NiceJob04" "Coach: You're on that shit." "Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Ještě máme spoustu před sebou." "[english]Coach_NiceJob05" "Coach: Way to go." "Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: Výborně, vedete si dobře." "[english]Coach_NiceJob06" "Coach: All right now, you done good,." "Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Pěkně, takhle do nich mydlete." "[english]Coach_NiceJob07" "Coach: Nice, keep goin at em like that." "Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: To byla dobrá práce." "[english]Coach_NiceJob08" "Coach: That there was nice work." "Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: Výborně. Pořádně jste jim nakopali prdel." "[english]Coach_NiceJob09" "Coach: All right. You beat their ass good." "Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: Byli jste dobří." "[english]Coach_NiceJob10" "Coach: You done good." "Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: Fajn, fajn. Není to špatný." "[english]Coach_NiceJob11" "Coach: All right, all right. Not bad, not bad." "Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Tak do toho, držte se, držte se." "[english]Coach_NiceJob12" "Coach: Come one now, keep it up, keep it up." "Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: Dobře, ještě máme spoustu před sebou." "[english]Coach_NiceJob13" "Coach: All right, way to go, way to go." "Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Ať si to pěkně užijou." "[english]Coach_NiceJob14" "Coach: Way to stick it to 'em." "Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: Výborně, všichni jedete na 110 %." "[english]Coach_NiceJob15" "Coach: All right, everybody, you are giving 110%." "Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Dobrá trefa..." "[english]Coach_NiceShot01" "Coach: Nice shot." "Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: Kruci. Pěkně." "[english]Coach_NiceShot02" "Coach: Damn. Good one." "Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Pěkně!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot03" "Coach: Good one!" "Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: Jde ti to." "[english]Coach_NiceShot04" "Coach: You on it." "Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: Jde vám to." "[english]Coach_NiceShot05" "Coach: You got it." "Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: O-ho-hóó, výborně!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot06" "Coach: Ohh hoo hoo, all right!" "Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: Kruci. To koukám." "[english]Coach_NiceShot07" "Coach: Damn. I'm impressed." "Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: To byla paráda." "[english]Coach_NiceShot08" "Coach: You nailed it." "Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: Nandali jste jim to." "[english]Coach_NiceShot09" "Coach: You beat 'em." "Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: No dobře, teď to vedeš ty." "[english]Coach_NiceShot10" "Coach: Well all right now, you're in charge." "Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: Výborně, jóó! Jde ti to, hochu!" "[english]Coach_NiceShot11" "Coach: All right now, yeah! You got it, boy!" "Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Dobrá trefa, mladej." "[english]Coach_NiceShotEllis01" "Coach: Nice shot, young'un." "Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: Dobře, holka." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale01" "Coach: All right, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Makej, holka." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale02" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Makej, holka." "[english]Coach_NiceShotFemale03" "Coach: Work it, girl." "Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Dobrá trefa, Nicku." "[english]Coach_NiceShotGambler01" "Coach: Nice kill, Nick." "Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellisi, dobrá trefa." "[english]Coach_NiceShotMechanic01" "Coach: Ellis, nice shot." "Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, to byla dobrá trefa." "[english]Coach_NiceShotProducer01" "Coach: Ro, that was a nice shot." "Coach_No01" "Coach: Ne." "[english]Coach_No01" "Coach: No." "Coach_No02" "Coach: A sakra, to ne." "[english]Coach_No02" "Coach: Oh hell no." "Coach_No03" "Coach: Co prosím?" "[english]Coach_No03" "Coach: Excuse me?" "Coach_No04" "Coach: Ehm. Ou." "[english]Coach_No04" "Coach: Enh. Oh." "Coach_No05" "Coach: Ne, díky." "[english]Coach_No05" "Coach: No thank you." "Coach_No06" "Coach: Ne." "[english]Coach_No06" "Coach: Nope." "Coach_No07" "Coach: E-e." "[english]Coach_No07" "Coach: Uh uh." "Coach_No08" "Coach: Na to zapomeň." "[english]Coach_No08" "Coach: Ain't gonna happen." "Coach_No09" "Coach: To ne." "[english]Coach_No09" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_No10" "Coach: Sakra ne." "[english]Coach_No10" "Coach: Shit no." "Coach_No11" "Coach: Ne." "[english]Coach_No11" "Coach: No." "Coach_No12" "Coach: Blázníš?" "[english]Coach_No12" "Coach: You crazy?" "Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: Ále ne, hochu." "[english]Coach_NoEllis01" "Coach: Ahhh hell no, boy." "Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Ne, holka. Mn. Mnnn." "[english]Coach_NoFemale01" "Coach: Nahh, girl. Mn. Mnnn." "Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Ne-e, holka." "[english]Coach_NoFemale02" "Coach: Nahh, girl." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Ááá..." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Coach: Aahhh..." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Úúú. Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Coach: Ooh. That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Jo-jóóó. Jóó." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh. Yeah." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: Už je to dobrý." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Jo-jóóó." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Coach: Ohhh yeahhh." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Coach: That's what I'm talkin' about." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: Už je to dobrý." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid08" "Coach: All good now." "Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Anóóó!" "[english]Coach_PainRelieftFirstAid09" "Coach: Yesss!" "Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Uf, ááá." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills01" "Coach: Ooff, ahh." "Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: Super, to bodlo." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills02" "Coach: All right, that hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: To bodlo." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills03" "Coach: That hit the spot." "Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Jo, to mě podrží." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills04" "Coach: Yeah, that'll hold me." "Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: Super, to mě spraví." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills05" "Coach: All right, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Páni, to mě spraví." "[english]Coach_PainRelieftPills06" "Coach: Woo, that'll keep me tight." "Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise01" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise02" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise03" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise04" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise05" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise06" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise07" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise08" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise09" " " "Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "[english]Coach_PositiveNoise10" " " "Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Do prdele." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative01" "Coach: Shit." "Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: Co to ku-" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative02" "Coach: What the f-" "Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: Sakra!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative03" "Coach: Damn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Hergot, z toho za chvíli bude úplnej Bagdád..." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative04" "Coach: Man, this is about to get all Baghdad and shit.." "Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: A kruci, začíná přituhovat." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative05" "Coach: Oh hell, this about to get bad." "Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: To ne." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative06" "Coach: Hell no." "Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative07" "Coach: Nhhhhhh." "Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: Krucinál!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative08" "Coach: God damn it!" "Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Do Prčic." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative09" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Dooo prčic." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative10" "Coach: Shiiit." "Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: No to snad...?" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative11" "Coach: What the?" "Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Dohajzlu." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative12" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: No mě snad vomejou." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative13" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Dohajzlu." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative14" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: Hergot!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative15" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Mrcha jedna." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative16" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Mrcha jedna." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative17" "Coach: Son of a bitch." "Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: Hergot!" "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative18" "Coach: Goddamn!" "Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: No mě snad vomejou." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative19" "Coach: Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." "Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Dohajzlu." "[english]Coach_ReactionNegative20" "Coach: Bullshit." "Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading02" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading03" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_Reloading07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet01" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet02" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet03" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet04" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet05" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Nabíjím..." "[english]Coach_ReloadingQuiet06" "Coach: Reloading..." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: Raději se začni modlit. Máš ošklivé zranění. Ještě jednou, a je po tobě." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Coach: You might want to make your peace. You hurt bad. One more time and that is it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: Pořád na tebe skáčou a ty jsi furt dole... Ještě jednou a máš to spočítaný." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Coach: They keep jumpin your shit and you keep goin' down. One more time and that's it." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: Budeš v pohodě... ale ne, nebudu ti lhát. Ještě jednou tě sejmou, a je po tobě." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Coach: You gonna be okay... Ah nah, nah, I can't lie to ya. Go down again and that's it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: Vypadáš jak po bouračce na motorce, možná už dlouho nevydržíš." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Coach: You look like one of those dudes in a drivin school film. This may be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: Teď si nedělám prdel - raději už se nenechej sejmout, protože už by to byl tvůj konec." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Coach: I ain't clownin' when I say this, but you better not go down again, cause that be it for ya." "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: Budu k tobě upřímnej - jestli tě ještě jednou sejmou, tak zemřeš, jasný?" "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend06" "Coach: I gotta be straight with ya. You gonna die if you go down again, you understand?" "Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: Raději se pomodli, protože jestli tě ještě jednou sejmou, tak už nevstaneš." "[english]Coach_ReviveCriticalFriend07" "Coach: You gonna want to make peace, my man. You go down again and you ain't gettin back up." "Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Nechci do vás moc vrtat, ale vypadáte všichni dost zle." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend01" "Coach: Don't mean to be pickin on ya, but y'all look like shit." "Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: Jak to vypadá? Nic to není. Jsi v pohodě." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend02" "Coach: What we got here? Ain't nothin'. Ya good." "Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: Nevypadáš dobře, ale vstávej a jedeme dál." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend03" "Coach: You ain't right, but let's get ya up and movin'." "Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Vstávej, podívám se na tebe - jo, jo, budeš v pohodě." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend04" "Coach: Let's get ya up and take a look at ya. Yeah, yeah, you good." "Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: Kruci, pořádně ti nakopali prdel, co? Tak pojď, vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend05" "Coach: Damn, they beat ya ass good didn't they? I get ya up though." "Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: To myslíš vážně? Zůstaneš ležet s takovým škrábnutím? Vstávej!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend06" "Coach: You for real? You gonna stay down with a little scratch like that? Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Tak vstávej, kvůli takovému škrábnutí to přece nevzdáš." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend07" "Coach: Let's get ya ass up, a little nick ain't no reason to give up." "Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: No tak, kámo, jen se z toho nepodělej. Budeš v pohodě. Pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend08" "Coach: Come on, man, don't shit yourself over this. You gonna be okay. Let me get ya up." "Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Na zem a dvacet kliků. Dělám si prdel, tak pojď, pomůžu ti na nohy." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend09" "Coach: Down and give me 20. Just foolin', let's get ya back up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Jak seš na tom?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend10" "Coach: Where that put you at?" "Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: Trochu tě zranili." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend11" "Coach: They put a hurtin on ya." "Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: Tak jak to vypadá?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend12" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: Není čas na jemný zacházení. Pomůžu ti na nohy." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend13" "Coach: No time to be gentle. Let's get you up on your feet." "Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Ale no tak, co to povídáš? To zvládneš. Vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriend14" "Coach: Come on now, what you goin' on about? You're gonna make it. Let's get you up." "Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: Je po tobě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA01" "Coach: You dead?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: Seš v cajku?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA02" "Coach: You good?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: Budeš se válet celej den?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA03" "Coach: Gonna lay there all day?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: Tak co se stalo?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA04" "Coach: So what happened?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: Dostali tě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA05" "Coach: They end you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: Tak už je po tobě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA06" "Coach: This it for you?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: Dobrý?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA07" "Coach: You right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: Chceš zůstat na zemi?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA08" "Coach: You wanna stay down?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: V pohodě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA09" "Coach: You okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: Zvládneš to?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA10" "Coach: You gonna make it?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Všechno v pohodě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA11" "Coach: Everything okay?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: Jak se cítíš?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA12" "Coach: How you feel?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: Seš v poho?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA13" "Coach: You straight?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: Tak jak to vypadá?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA14" "Coach: What we got here?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Mluv se mnou. V pohodě?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA15" "Coach: Talk to me. You cool?" "Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: Seš v cajku?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendA16" "Coach: You all right?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: Tak jo, dobrý." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB01" "Coach: All right, good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Rozchoď to." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB02" "Coach: Walk it off." "Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: Seš v cajku?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB03" "Coach: You okay." "Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: Vypadáš dobře." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB04" "Coach: You look good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Tak do toho." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB05" "Coach: Come on now." "Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Tak zase můžeš pokračovat." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB06" "Coach: Now you're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB07" "Coach: Up we go." "Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: Seš v cajku." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB08" "Coach: You good." "Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: Seš na tom dobře." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB09" "Coach: You're doin fine." "Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: Nevypadá to špatně." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB10" "Coach: This don't look bad." "Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Teď tě přece nemůžeme ztratit?" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB11" "Coach: Can't lose you now, can we?" "Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: Vidíš, to zvládneš." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB12" "Coach: See you're gonna make it." "Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Já ti to říkal. Nic to nebylo." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB13" "Coach: Told ya. Wasn't nothing." "Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: Tak jo, pojďme dodělat, co jsme začali." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB14" "Coach: All right, let's finish what we started." "Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: Tak jo, můžeme pokračovat." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendB15" "Coach: All right now, we're back in business." "Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Pojďme, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Coach: Let's go, Ellis." "Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Zpátky do nich, Nicku." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBNick01" "Coach: Back at 'em, Nick." "Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Přece neztratím svou oblíbenou holku." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendBRochelle01" "Coach: Can't lose my favorite girl." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: Jestli za to nějak můžu já, tak se omlouvám. Pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF01" "Coach: If this had anything to do with me, I do apologize. Let's get you back up." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: A sakra, omlouvám se. Nejsem na to střílení a běhání zvyklej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF02" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: A sakra, omlouvám se. Nejsem na to střílení a běhání zvyklej. Teda aspoň na to běhání." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendFF03" "Coach: Ah hell, I'm sorry. Ain't used to all this shootin and runnin' around. At least not the runnin' around." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Tak dělej! Zvedni prdel." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Coach: Come on now! Get ya ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: Na tohle nemáme čas, vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Tak zvedej prdel." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Coach: Let's get you ass up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: Do prdele, dělej, vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Coach: Oh shit, come on, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Tak dělej, na tohle nemáme čas, vstávej." "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Coach: Come on now, ain't got time for this, get up." "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Zvedni prdel! Vstávej!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Coach: Get your ass up! Get up!" "Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Vstávej! Tak dělej. Vstávej!" "[english]Coach_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Coach: Get up! Come on now. Get. Up!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Před námi je úkryt!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead01" "Coach: Safe house up ahead!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Úkryt!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead02" "Coach: Safe house!" "Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Úkryt, pojďme!" "[english]Coach_SafeSpotAhead03" "Coach: Safe house, let's go!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: Tady jsem!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin01" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Haló!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin02" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: Tady jsem!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin03" "Coach: I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hej, tady jsem!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoin04" "Coach: Hey, I'm here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: Dobře. Jsme tu všichni!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Coach: All right. We're all here!" "Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: Jsme tu všichni!" "[english]Coach_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Coach: We're all here!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM." "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Coach: GET IT OFF." "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Coach_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Coach: GET IT OFF!" "Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Sakra, moje chyba." "[english]Coach_Sorry01" "Coach: Shit, my bad." "Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: To byla moje chyba." "[english]Coach_Sorry02" "Coach: That right there was my fault." "Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: Moje chyba." "[english]Coach_Sorry03" "Coach: My bad." "Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Omlouvám se." "[english]Coach_Sorry04" "Coach: Sorry." "Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hej, promiň." "[english]Coach_Sorry05" "Coach: Hey, sorry." "Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Ha, víš ty co? Moje chyba." "[english]Coach_Sorry06" "Coach: Ha, you know what? My bad." "Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: A sakra, promiň." "[english]Coach_Sorry07" "Coach: Oh shit, sorry." "Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Je tady munice!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo01" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Je tady munice!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo02" "Coach: Ammo here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Mám tady munici!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo03" "Coach: Ammo up here!" "Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Hej, je tady munice!" "[english]Coach_SpotAmmo04" "Coach: Hey, ammo here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: Je tady lékárnička!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid01" "Coach: First Aid Kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: Je tady lékárnička!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid02" "Coach: First Aid kit here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: Lékárnička!" "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAid03" "Coach: First Aid here!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: Jsou tady lékárničky." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids01" "Coach: First Aid Kits over here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: Je tady pár lékárniček." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids02" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here." "Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: Je tady pár lékárniček. Ha ha." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids03" "Coach: Bunch a First Aid Kits up in here. Ha ha!" "Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hej vy, máme tady nějaké lékárničky." "[english]Coach_SpotFirstAids04" "Coach: Hey, ya'll, we got some First Aid Kits here." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Granátomet." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Safra, granátomet." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Goddamn grenade launcher." "Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Je tady granátomet." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Grenade launcher up here." "Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Mám tady trubkovou bombu." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades01" "Coach: Got a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Trubková bomba!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades02" "Coach: Pipe bomb!" "Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: Beru si trubkovou bombu." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades03" "Coach: Pipe bomb for me." "Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Jsou tady molotovy." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades04" "Coach: Molotov's over here." "Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: Je tady trubková bomba." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades05" "Coach: There's a pipe bomb here." "Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Trubkový bomby!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades06" "Coach: Pipe bombs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotovy!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades07" "Coach: Molotovs!" "Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Zbraně!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Beru trubkovou bombu." "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades09" "Coach: Grabbin' a pipe bomb." "Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Jsou tu trubkový bomby!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades10" "Coach: Pipe bombs here!" "Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Jsou tu molotovy!" "[english]Coach_SpotGrenades11" "Coach: Molotovs here!" "Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills01" "Coach: Pills here!" "Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: Máme prášky!" "[english]Coach_SpotPills02" "Coach: We got pills!" "Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Potřebuje někdo prášky?" "[english]Coach_SpotPills03" "Coach: Anyone need some pills?" "Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Jsou tu zbraně!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons01" "Coach: Weapons here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Jsou tady zbraně!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons02" "Coach: Weapons over here!" "Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Zbraně!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons03" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Bouchačky!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons04" "Coach: Guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: Máme bouchačky!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons05" "Coach: We got guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: Super, bouchačky!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons06" "Coach: All right, guns!" "Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Zbraně!" "[english]Coach_SpotWeapons08" "Coach: Weapons!" "Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Držte se u sebe, lidi!" "[english]Coach_StayTogether01" "Coach: Stay close people!" "Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Držte se u sebe." "[english]Coach_StayTogether02" "Coach: Y'all stay close." "Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Buďte blízko." "[english]Coach_StayTogether03" "Coach: Keep tight." "Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: Nikdo neodbíhejte." "[english]Coach_StayTogether04" "Coach: No one wander off." "Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Dělejte lidi, mazejte sem!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside01" "Coach: Come on, people, get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Mazejte sem!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside02" "Coach: Get you asses in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: Na tohle nemáme čas, padejte sem." "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside03" "Coach: Ain't got time for this shit, get in here." "Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Dělejte lidi, dělejte, rychle sem!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside04" "Coach: Come on, people, come on, get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hej! Rychle sem!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside05" "Coach: Hey! Get in here!" "Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Ať jste okamžitě tady!" "[english]Coach_StayTogetherInside06" "Coach: Get you asses in here right now!" "Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: Měli bychom se ošetřit, dokud je klid." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth01" "Coach: We oughta heal up while it's quiet." "Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Ošetři se, jestli máš čím." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth02" "Coach: Heal if ya got em." "Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: Tady nejde vo mě, lidi, ale pojďme se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealth03" "Coach: This ain't about me, people. Let's heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: Teď bychom se měli ošetřit." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC101" "Coach: This would be the time to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Jestli můžete, tak teď je vhodný čas se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC102" "Coach: Now's a good time to heal if you can." "Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: Jestli máš lékárničku, tak ji použij." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthC103" "Coach: If you got a health kit you should use it." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellisi, je načase, aby ses ošetřil." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Coach: Ellis, time for you to heal, boy." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: Dobře, Ellisi, do toho, dej se do pořádku." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Coach: All right Ellis, come on now, get yourself right." "Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Hej Ellisi, ta lékárnička se sama nepoužije." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Coach: Hey Ellis, that health kit ain't gonna use itself." "Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nicku, neblbni, ošetři se." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthGambler01" "Coach: Nick, don't be stupid, heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolasi, myslím, že je čas, aby ses ošetřil." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick01" "Coach: Nicolas, I think it is time for you to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nicku, měl bys na sobě použít tu lékárničku." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick02" "Coach: Nick, you should use that kit on your self." "Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Nicku, to je dobrý, všichni se někdy musíme ošetřit." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthNick03" "Coach: Nick, it's all right, we all gotta heal sometime." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, je čas se ošetřit." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Coach: Ro, time to heal." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, ošetři se, slyšíš mě, holka?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Coach: Ro, heal up, hear me, girl?" "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Holka, je na čase, aby ses ošetřila." "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Coach: Girl, time for you to heal up." "Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Hej holka, proč se neošetříš?" "[english]Coach_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Coach: Hey girl, why don't you heal up?" "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Ty tvoje vylomeniny mi teda budou chybět." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Coach: Boy, I'm going to miss your goofy ass." "Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Sbohem, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Coach: Bye, Ellis." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nicku, tvoje bouchačka nám bude chybět." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Coach: Nick, we're gonna miss your gun." "Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: Sakra. Nicku, teď to bude o hodně těžší." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournGamblerC102" "Coach: Damn. Nick, this just got a whole lot harder." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: Ááá, zatraceně, přijít o dalšího člověka už nesnesu." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Coach: Ahh damn it, I can't take losing anymore people." "Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Človíčku, budeš nám chybět." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Coach: Little man, we are goin' to miss you." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nicku, bude se nám stýskat." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick01" "Coach: Nick, you gonna be missed." "Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Sbohem, Nicku." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournNick02" "Coach: Bye, Nick." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Pánové, právě jsme ztratili to nejlepší z naší skupinky." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Coach: Gentlemen, we just lost the best thing in our little group." "Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: Sakra. Měl jsem se snažit tě víc chránit, kotě." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Coach: Damn. Baby, I should have tried to protect you more." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Ááá, holčičko, sbohem." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, goodbye." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Ach Ro, ach moje Ro..." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Coach: Oh Ro, oh Ro, man..." "Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Ááá, holčičko, mmm." "[english]Coach_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Coach: Ahh, baby girl, mmm." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Kruci. Tohle mi vyhovuje." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Coach: Shit. Shoulda taught this class." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: Tohle nadělá pořádnou paseku." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Coach: This right here'll mess some shit up." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Kruci. Tímhle dám zase hodně věcí do pořádku." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Coach: Ah hell. Gonna set some things right with this shit." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: Mám samopal." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Coach: I got the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: Beru si samopal." "[english]Coach_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Coach: Gonna take the assault rifle." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: Tahle brokovnice dá těm zombíkům pořádně do těla." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Coach: This shotgun will put the hurt on them zombies." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Automatická brokovnice je moje." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Coach: Autoshottie is mine." "Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: Jó, super, beru si automatickou brokovnici." "[english]Coach_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Coach: Oh, hell yeah, I'm takin' an autoshotgun." "Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: Beru si lékárničku." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid01" "Coach: I'm grabbin' some first aid." "Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Hele, tahle lékárnička je moje." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid02" "Coach: Look here, this here first aid is mine." "Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: Mám lékárničku." "[english]Coach_TakeFirstAid03" "Coach: I got the first aid." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Hergot, tohle vypadá nebezpečně." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher01" "Coach: Damn, this shit looks dangerous." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: Výborně, tohle z nich nadělá fašírku." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher02" "Coach: All right now, this is gonna blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Kusy zombíků budou lítat všude kolem." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher03" "Coach: Man, it's gonna be raining zombie parts." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: Tak jo, teď to bude lítat." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher04" "Coach: All right now, let's blow some shit up." "Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: Uvidíte, kusy zombíků budou lítat kolem." "[english]Coach_TakeGrenadeLauncher05" "Coach: I tell ya, it's gonna be raining zombie pieces." "Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: Jo-jóó." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee01" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: Výborně, mm-hm. Tohle bude fungovat." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee02" "Coach: All right now, mm-hm. This is gonna work." "Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: S tímhle jim dám na prdel." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee03" "Coach: I am gonna smack some shit with this." "Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: S tímhle dám těm zombíkům za vyučenou." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee04" "Coach: I am gonna set some zombies straight with this." "Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Jóó. Tahle zbraň se mi líbí." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee05" "Coach: Yeah. This is my kind of weapon." "Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: Ty vole. Za tohle bych i zaplatil." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee06" "Coach: Shit. I'd pay cash money for this." "Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: Dobře. Teď jsem připravený." "[english]Coach_TakeMelee07" "Coach: All right. Now I am ready." "Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: Nehraješ fotbal, Nicku?" "[english]Coach_TakeMeleeR01" "Coach: You play ball, Nick?" "Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Beru molotov." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov01" "Coach: Grabbing a Molotov." "Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Beru si molotov." "[english]Coach_TakeMolotov02" "Coach: Grabbing me a Molotov." "Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Jasná věc. Vezmu všechno, co poberu." "[english]Coach_TakePills01" "Coach: Damn right. Gonna take everything I can." "Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: Tohle mi pomůže." "[english]Coach_TakePills02" "Coach: This shit'll help." "Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: Beru prášky." "[english]Coach_TakePills03" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: Beru prášky." "[english]Coach_TakePills04" "Coach: I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: Jedno vím: beru si prášky." "[english]Coach_TakePills05" "Coach: I know one thing, I'm grabbing pills." "Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: Mám prášky!" "[english]Coach_TakePills06" "Coach: I got the pills!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Beru trubkovou bombu." "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb01" "Coach: Grabbin a pipe bomb." "Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Jo, hochu!" "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb02" "Coach: Ya, boy!" "Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Jo, kruci, jóó." "[english]Coach_TakePipeBomb03" "Coach: Oh, shit yeah." "Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Beru si pistoli navíc." "[english]Coach_TakePistol01" "Coach: Takin' an extra pistol." "Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: Budu střílet oběma rukama." "[english]Coach_TakePistol02" "Coach: Gonna go all akimbo and shit." "Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Jóó, místo jedné budu mít dvě." "[english]Coach_TakePistol03" "Coach: Yeah, I'm goin' two for one here." "Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Beru brokovnici." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun01" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: S touhle brokovnicí to půjde." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun02" "Coach: This shotgun'll work." "Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Beru brokovnici." "[english]Coach_TakeShotgun03" "Coach: Grabbing a shotgun." "Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: S tímhle ustřelím nějakýmu Smokerovi prdel." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper01" "Coach: Gonna scope some Smoker ass with this." "Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Prásk! Pár parchantů odstřelím." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper02" "Coach: Pow! I'm gonna snipe some bitches." "Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hej, kámo. Prásk! Pár parchantů bude na odstřel." "[english]Coach_TakeSniper03" "Coach: Hey boy. Pow! Some bitches gonna get sniped." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Asi si vezmu tenhle samopal." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Coach: Guess I'll take this here machine gun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Beru si samopal." "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Coach: Grabbing a machinegun." "Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Ra-ta-ta-ta [k sobě]" "[english]Coach_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Coach: Pat at tat tat!" "Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: Do prdele, sundejte to ze mě!" "[english]Coach_TankPound01" "Coach: Oh shit, get this thing off me!" "Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: To nevidíte, jak mi to dává na prdel!!?!?!!?" "[english]Coach_TankPound02" "Coach: Can't y'all see this thing is beatin' the shit out of me!?" "Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hej! Jestli jste si náhodou nevšimli, jde po mně Tank!" "[english]Coach_TankPound03" "Coach: Hey! In case ya'll didn't see it, I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: Jde po mně Tank!" "[english]Coach_TankPound04" "Coach: I got a Tank on me!" "Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Sundejte to - áá - sundejte to ze mě!" "[english]Coach_TankPound05" "Coach: Get it off - ah - Get it off me!" "Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Sundejte tu zatracenou věc!" "[english]Coach_TankPound06" "Coach: Get this damn thing off!" "Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: Jo, kruci!" "[english]Coach_Taunt01" "Coach: Hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: No jasně!" "[english]Coach_Taunt02" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: No jasně!" "[english]Coach_Taunt03" "Coach: Goddamn right!" "Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Výýýborně." "[english]Coach_Taunt04" "Coach: Awriiiight." "Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: Jo, kruci, jóó!" "[english]Coach_Taunt05" "Coach: Oh hell yeah!" "Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Úúú. Jak se vám to líbí? Mmm." "[english]Coach_Taunt06" "Coach: Ooh. How ya like me now? Mmm." "Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Taunt07" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Smích]" "[english]Coach_Taunt08" "Coach: [Laughter]" "Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Hou, to teda někdo podělal." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident01" "Coach: Whoa, that there is some screwed up shit." "Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: Musíš se dívat, kam s tím míříš." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident02" "Coach: You gotta watch where you aimin' that thing." "Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Sakra, jak to střílíš, seš normální?" "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident03" "Coach: Man, are you wrong in the head shootin like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: Vo co ti sakra jde, že takhle střílíš?" "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident04" "Coach: What the hell are you on shootin' like that?" "Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: Co to sakra ... tohle nedělej." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident05" "Coach: What the f'... don't be doin that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hej! Tohle nedělej." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident06" "Coach: Hey! Don't be doin' that." "Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: Jestli to na mě zkusíš, budeš si přát, aby tvá matka nikdy nepotkala tvýho fotra." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident07" "Coach: You try that shit on me and you'll be wishin' your momma never met ya father." "Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Jestli takhle budeš pokračovat, brzo budeš poslední člověk na zemi." "[english]Coach_TeamKillAccident08" "Coach: Keep goin' at em like that and you gonna be the last man on earth." "Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Díky." "[english]Coach_Thanks01" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Díky." "[english]Coach_Thanks02" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: Dobře" "[english]Coach_Thanks03" "Coach: All right" "Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Díky." "[english]Coach_Thanks04" "Coach: Thanks." "Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Díky, jsme si kvit?" "[english]Coach_Thanks05" "Coach: Thanks, we straight?" "Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: Dooobře, díky." "[english]Coach_Thanks06" "Coach: All right, thanks." "Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: DÍKY!" "[english]Coach_Thanks07" "Coach: THANKS!" "Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Díky, kámo." "[english]Coach_Thanks08" "Coach: Thanks, man." "Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: Cože? Řekl jsem díky." "[english]Coach_Thanks09" "Coach: What? I said thanks." "Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Díky, Nicku, seš dobrej." "[english]Coach_ThanksGambler01" "Coach: Thanks, Nick, you're all right." "Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: Máš to u mě, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_ThanksMechanic01" "Coach: I owe you one, Ellis." "Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Na tebe se můžu vždycky spolehnout, Ro." "[english]Coach_ThanksProducer01" "Coach: Can always count on you, Ro." "Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Vydrž, vydrž, už jdu!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue01" "Coach: Hang on, hang on, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Vydrž, už jdu!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue02" "Coach: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: Slyším tě, už jdu!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue03" "Coach: I hear ya, I'm comin'!" "Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: Už jdu, už jdu." "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue04" "Coach: I comin', I comin'." "Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: Už běžím! Hned to bude!" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue05" "Coach: On my way! Right now!" "Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Vydrž, už běžím" "[english]Coach_ToTheRescue06" "Coach: Hang on, I'm comin'." "Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: To bylo něco." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose01" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: To bylo něco." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose02" "Coach: That shit was crazy." "Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: To bylo teda vo chlup." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose03" "Coach: That was some close-ass shit." "Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: To bylo těsně." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose04" "Coach: We just made that." "Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: Sázel jsem spíš na ně." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose05" "Coach: I was bettin' on the other guys." "Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Já to říkal, kdo uteče, ten vyhraje." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose06" "Coach: Man said, any fight you walk away from is a win." "Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Zapomeňme na to, jsme v pohodě, jsme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose07" "Coach: Let's put it behind us. We good, we good." "Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: To sedlo!" "[english]Coach_TransitionClose08" "Coach: Touchdown!" "Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: Dali nám zabrat." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose09" "Coach: They played us tough." "Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: To bylo pořádný drama. To teda jo." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose10" "Coach: That was some epic shit right there." "Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: Dobře. Všichni jsme v pořádku. Zvládli jsme to." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose11" "Coach: All right. We all right, y'all. We made it." "Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Počkej." "[english]Coach_WaitHere01" "Coach: Hold up." "Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Dej si chvilku pohov." "[english]Coach_WaitHere02" "Coach: Rest you ass for a sec." "Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Čekej." "[english]Coach_WaitHere03" "Coach: Wait up." "Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Zastav." "[english]Coach_WaitHere04" "Coach: Stop." "Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Počkejte, počkejte všichni." "[english]Coach_WaitHere05" "Coach: Hold up, hold up, y'all." "Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Pomaleji. Sakra." "[english]Coach_WaitHere06" "Coach: Slow down. Damn." "Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer01" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer02" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer03" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomer04" "Coach: BOOMER!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Tlusťoch!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC101" "Coach: Fat guy!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Cvalda!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC102" "Coach: Roly poly!" "Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Tlustoprd!" "[english]Coach_WarnBoomerC103" "Coach: Fat thing!" "Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Opatrně..." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful01" "Coach: Careful now..." "Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: Nevypadá to dobře, dávejte bacha." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful02" "Coach: Shit ain't right. Be careful." "Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Lidi? Buďte opatrní." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful03" "Coach: Everybody? Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Buďte opatrní." "[english]Coach_WarnCareful04" "Coach: Keep ya shit tight." "Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger01" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger02" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "[english]Coach_WarnCharger03" "Coach: CHARGER!" "Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Velká ruka!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC101" "Coach: Big arm!" "Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: Jednoručák!" "[english]Coach_WarnChargerC102" "Coach: One arm!" "Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: Máme tady HUNTERA!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter01" "Coach: We got a HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter02" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter03" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunter04" "Coach: HUNTER!" "Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: Máme tady skokana!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC101" "Coach: We got a Jumper!" "Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Fretka!" "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC102" "Coach: Crazy legs!" "Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: Tak jo, Hunter." "[english]Coach_WarnHunterC1P01" "Coach: All right, Hunter." "Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey01" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey02" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockey03" "Coach: JOCKEY!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Prcek!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC101" "Coach: Little guy!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Malej parchant!" "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC102" "Coach: Little creep!" "Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Skrček." "[english]Coach_WarnJockeyC103" "Coach: Skittish one." "Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker01" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker02" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmoker03" "Coach: SMOKER!" "Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Ten kouřící." "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC101" "Coach: Smokin' one." "Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Jazykoplaz!" "[english]Coach_WarnSmokerC102" "Coach: Tonguer!" "Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter01" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter02" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitter03" "Coach: SPITTER!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Bláznivá ženská!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC101" "Coach: Crazy woman!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Žirafa!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC102" "Coach: Neck!" "Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Plivající mrcha!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterC103" "Coach: Spitting thing!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Bacha, plivanec!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Bacha, sliz!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Bacha, žíravina!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Bacha, plivanec!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Coach: Spit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Bacha, sliz!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Coach: Goo coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Bacha, žíravina!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Coach: Burning shit coming!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Pozor, sliz!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Coach: Heads up! Goo!" "Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Bacha, chrchel!" "[english]Coach_WarnSpitterIncoming08" "Coach: Watch out, spit!" "Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank01" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank02" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "[english]Coach_WarnTank03" "Coach: TANK!" "Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Nějakej superzombie." "[english]Coach_WarnTankC101" "Coach: Some kind of super ass zombie." "Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: Obrovská mrcha!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC102" "Coach: Gigantic thing!" "Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: DO PRDELE, CO JE TOHLE?!?!" "[english]Coach_WarnTankC103" "Coach: HOLY SHIT, WHAT IS THAT?!?!" "Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch01" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: Máme tady Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch02" "Coach: We got a Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch03" "Coach: Witch!" "Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: Vidím tu mrchu!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch04" "Coach: I see that Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Mrcha!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch05" "Coach: Bitch!" "Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch!" "[english]Coach_WarnWitch06" "Coach: Witch." "Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: Za náma!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind01" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: Za náma!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind02" "Coach: Behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: Jsou za náma!" "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind03" "Coach: They're behind us!" "Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: Za náma." "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind04" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: Za náma." "[english]Coach_WatchOutBehind05" "Coach: Behind us." "Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: Ta mrcha mě honí!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing01" "Coach: The bitch is chasing me!" "Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Mám za zadkem mrchu!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing02" "Coach: Bitch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Utíkejte, přichází Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing03" "Coach: Run, run, Witch coming through!" "Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Zastřelte Witch! Zastřelte Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing04" "Coach: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Z cesty! Mám za prdelí Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing05" "Coach: Coming through! Witch on my ass!" "Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Uhněte! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing06" "Coach: Get out of the way! Witch!" "Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: A do prdele. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "[english]Coach_WitchChasing07" "Coach: Aw shit. Witch! Witch! Witch!" "Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: A sakra, ta mrcha je naštvaná." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry01" "Coach: Oh shit, that bitch's pissed." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Přestaňte si s tou mrchou zahrávat, brzy vybouchne." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry02" "Coach: Quit trifling with that bitch, she gonna explode." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Dávejte bacha, někdo tu mrchu naštval." "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry03" "Coach: Watch out y'all, someone pissed off that bitch." "Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: A do prdele, ta mrcha se naštvala!" "[english]Coach_WitchGettingAngry04" "Coach: Ohh shit, that bitch's gettin' angry!" "Coach_World01" "Coach: Tamhle je most." "[english]Coach_World01" "Coach: There's the bridge." "Coach_World02" "Coach: Jo-jóó. Náš cíl je hned vedle toho mostu, NA DRUHÉ STRANĚ TÉ PODĚLANÉ ŘEKY!" "[english]Coach_World02" "Coach: Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge, ON THE OTHER MOTHER F'IN SIDE OF THE RIVER!" "Coach_World03" "Coach: Teda ty v tý hlavě vůbec nic nemáš, co?" "[english]Coach_World03" "Coach: Boy, you ain't got any sense in that head, do you?" "Coach_World04" "Coach: Tadyhle." "[english]Coach_World04" "Coach: Back here." "Coach_World05" "Coach: Tudy." "[english]Coach_World05" "Coach: Through here." "Coach_World06" "Coach: Tady." "[english]Coach_World06" "Coach: Over here." "Coach_World07" "Coach: Přes tenhle dvůr." "[english]Coach_World07" "Coach: Through this courtyard." "Coach_World08" "Coach: Tudy." "[english]Coach_World08" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_World09" "Coach: Támhle je dálnice!" "[english]Coach_World09" "Coach: There's the freeway!" "Coach_World10" "Coach: Běžte!" "[english]Coach_World10" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_World11" "Coach: Prostě běžte!" "[english]Coach_World11" "Coach: Just run!" "Coach_World12" "Coach: Tady." "[english]Coach_World12" "Coach: Up here." "Coach_World13" "Coach: Dobře." "[english]Coach_World13" "Coach: You right." "Coach_World14" "Coach: S tím musím souhlasit." "[english]Coach_World14" "Coach: Gotta agree with that." "Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellisi, umíš dobře řídit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M101" "Coach: Ellis, that was some good driving." "Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: Ale silnice je teď zatarasená." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M102" "Coach: But the roads blocked now." "Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: Dobře, pokračujeme po svých." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M103" "Coach: All right, let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Vrátíme se pěšky." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M104" "Coach: Let's get back on foot." "Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Podívejte na ta světla vlevo! Asi tam je zábava!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M105" "Coach: Look at those lights to the left! They're having a party!" "Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: No, mohli bychom k těm světlům zamířit a jít se taky pobavit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M106" "Coach: Well, might as well head to those light and join the party." "Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: Kolem toho bordelu se nedá projet, pojďme pěšky." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M107" "Coach: Ain't no way to drive around this mess, let's walk it." "Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: Tak jestli volíme směr, navrhuju jít k těm točícím se světlům." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M108" "Coach: Well now, if we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: Jestli volíme směr, navrhuju jít k těm točícím se světlům." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M109" "Coach: If we're picking directions, I say head towards the spinning lights." "Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: Nemyslím, že ta světla zapnuli zombíci." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M110" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: Nemyslím, že ta světla zapnuli zombíci." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M111" "Coach: I don't think zombies turned those lights on." "Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: Když máš umřít, tak je jedno, kde seš." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M112" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dying." "Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: Když seš mrtvej, tak je jedno, kde seš." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M113" "Coach: One place is as good as the next when you're dead." "Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Tudy." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M114" "Coach: Down here." "Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: Dobře, po tom sjezdu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M115" "Coach: All right, take the off ramp." "Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Pojďme tudy." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M116" "Coach: Head down this way." "Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: No teda, ta světla jsou zábavní park!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M117" "Coach: Ah hell, those lights are an amusement park!" "Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Ježišikriste, to je rozsvícené ruské kolo." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M118" "Coach: Jesus Christ, that's a Ferris wheel lit up." "Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Pojďme do toho zábavního parku, stejně nemáme kam jinam jít." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M119" "Coach: Let's head to the amusement park, ain't like we have anywhere else to go." "Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Motel Whispering Oaks? Ty vole.... Já vím, kde jsme." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M120" "Coach: Whispering Oaks motel? Sheeet... I know where we are." "Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: To je zábavní park Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M121" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks amusement park." "Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: To je Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M122" "Coach: That there's Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Vypadá to, že lidi mířili k Whispering Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M123" "Coach: Looks like people were heading towards Whispering Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: Musíme najít cestu kolem toho motelu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M124" "Coach: We gotta figure a way around this motel." "Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Zkontrolujte pokoje." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M125" "Coach: Check the rooms." "Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Zkusíme první patro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M126" "Coach: Let's try the second floor." "Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Most je rozbitý." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M127" "Coach: Bridge is out." "Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: Musíme přejít údolí." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M128" "Coach: We gotta cross the valley." "Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Hou! Hou!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M129" "Coach: Whoaaa! Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Hou hou hou hooouu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M130" "Coach: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Whoaaa!" "Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: Sakra, na tohle jsem už moc starej." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M131" "Coach: Damn, I am too old for this shit." "Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Ne, to ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M132" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellisi, ty seš magor." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M133" "Coach: Ellis, you a crazy man." "Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: Seš magor, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M134" "Coach: You a crazy man Ellis." "Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Ne, to ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M135" "Coach: Nah, hell no." "Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: Nejsme jediní, koho napadlo vzít to touhle zkratkou" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M136" "Coach: We ain't the only ones that thought to take this short-cut" "Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: Na to nejsem zvyklej." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M137" "Coach: Ain't used to this." "Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hm. Svítí se, ale nikdo není doma." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M138" "Coach: Hm. Lights on, but nobody's home." "Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: No, nikdo kromě zombíků." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M139" "Coach: Well nobody but the zombies." "Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Ou. Ááá, promiň, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M201" "Coach: Oh. Ahh sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Uh, promiň, Ro." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M202" "Coach: Uh, sorry, Ro." "Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Jako děcko jsem to tady miloval." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M203" "Coach: Man, I loved this place as a kid." "Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Hele, pojďme najít ten stánek s párkama a tam vydržíme." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M204" "Coach: Look, let's just find the corndog stand and hold out there." "Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: Jako špunt jsem na tom jezdil. Tohle jsem měl nejraději." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M205" "Coach: I was a lil' peanut riding these. This here was my favorite." "Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: Tady je to zablokované." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M206" "Coach: Blocked down here." "Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Zkusíme střechu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M207" "Coach: Let's try the roof." "Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hej, hej, člověče... nemůžeš sjet po skluzavce bez pytle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M208" "Coach: Hey, hey, man...can't go down the slide without your sack." "Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: Dobře, tohle otevře bránu a co dalšího, sakra?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M209" "Coach: All right, this is gonna open the gate and what the hell else?" "Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: Otevírám bránu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M210" "Coach: I'm opening the gate!" "Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Musíme jít dál, otevři bránu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M211" "Coach: Gotta keep movin'. Open the gate." "Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Vypni to, do prdele!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M212" "Coach: Turn that shit off!" "Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Vypni to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M213" "Coach: Turn it off!" "Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Zastav to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M214" "Coach: Stop it!" "Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Ááá kruci, rozjel se kolotoč!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M215" "Coach: Ahh damn, the merry-go-round started!" "Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: Do Prčic. Dělá to děsný kravál!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M216" "Coach: Shit. That thing's makin' a racket!" "Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Vypni to, vypni tu věc, sakra!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M217" "Coach: Turn it off, turn the damn thing off!" "Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: Super... tunel lásky." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M218" "Coach: Oh yeah...Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Dělejte, jdeme do tunelu lásky." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M219" "Coach: Come on, get into the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Hej. Žádné muchlování." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M301" "Coach: Hey. No smoochin', y'all." "Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Do tunelu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M302" "Coach: Down the tunnel." "Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Zkontrolujte tu místnost." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M303" "Coach: Check that room." "Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: V místnosti pro údržbáře." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M304" "Coach: In the maintenance room." "Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Támhle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M305" "Coach: Back there." "Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: Dobře, uděláme to spolu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M306" "Coach: All right, let's do this together." "Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Chce to někdo odpočítat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M307" "Coach: Someone wanna count it off?" "Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Hm. Do Prčic. To je poprvé, co jsem se nemohl dočkat, až se z tunelu lásky dostanu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M308" "Coach: Hm. Shit. First time I ever couldn't wait to get out of the Tunnel of Love." "Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hej! Hej!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M309" "Coach: Hey! Hey!" "Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: Ty to nemáš v hlavě v pořádku, hochu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M310" "Coach: You ain't right in the head, boy." "Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: Ne, to nebude v pohodě. Ty to nemáš v hlavě v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M311" "Coach: No, this ain't gonna be cool. You ain't right in the head boy." "Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Spustit Screaming Oak...tak to je ze všeho nejlepší..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M312" "Coach: Running the Screaming Oak...now don't that beat all..." "Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: Máme v cestě tu horskou dráhu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M313" "Coach: We're blocked by the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: Stojí nám v cestě Screaming Oak." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M314" "Coach: We're blocked by the Screaming Oak." "Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: Dál se dostaneme jenom po té horské dráze." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M315" "Coach: The only way over is on the coaster." "Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: Ten svět se už úplně zbláznil." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M316" "Coach: This is some crazy ass world we live in now." "Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Zmáčkni to." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M317" "Coach: Hit it." "Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Pojďme na to." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M318" "Coach: Let's get it going." "Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Připravte se utíkat, mačkám to." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M319" "Coach: Get ready to run, I'm hittin' it." "Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: Spustilo to alarm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M320" "Coach: That set off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: Spustilo to varovný systém!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M321" "Coach: That set off the warning system!" "Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: Na kopec." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M322" "Coach: Up the hill." "Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Vypni to, do prdele." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M323" "Coach: Turn that shit off." "Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Vypni ten alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M324" "Coach: Kill that alarm." "Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Přes autíčka!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M325" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Přes autíčka!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M326" "Coach: Through the bumper cars!" "Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: Do přívěsu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M327" "Coach: Into the trailer." "Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: Musíme se dostat na stadion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M401" "Coach: We got to get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Pojďme se dostat na stadion." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M402" "Coach: Let's get into the stadium." "Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: Jak se tam sakra dostaneme?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M403" "Coach: How the hell we gonna get in there?" "Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: Tamhle je Peach Bowl!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M404" "Coach: There's the Peach Bowl!" "Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: Slyším, že se tam něco děje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M405" "Coach: I hear somethin' go on in there!" "Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: Když se dostaneme na tu dráhu, můžeme přeskočit plot." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M406" "Coach: If we can get on the monorail, we can jump the fence." "Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: Musíme se dostat na tu dráhu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M407" "Coach: We need to get on the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Přes zemědělskou výstavu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M408" "Coach: Through the farm exhibits." "Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Přes zemědělskou halu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M409" "Coach: Through the farm hall." "Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Přes střechu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M410" "Coach: Over the roof!" "Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Na dráhu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M411" "Coach: Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Všichni utíkejte. Na tu dráhu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M412" "Coach: Everybody go, go, go. Onto the monorail." "Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Přeskočte ten plot." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M413" "Coach: Jump over that fence." "Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: Do toho kontejneru." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M414" "Coach: Into the dumpster." "Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, musíš najít jiný vokno, tohle je pánskej záchod." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M415" "Coach: Rochelle, you gotta find another window, this here is the men's room." "Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: Tamhle je pódium." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M416" "Coach: There's the stage." "Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: Chápu, co tím myslí." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M101" "Coach: I can see their point." "Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: CEDA a armáda mají zákaz vstupu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M102" "Coach: No CEDA, No Military. Stay out." "Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: Myslím, že nikdo nemá rád bažinu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M103" "Coach: I don't think anyone likes the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: No teda kdybych pořádal grilovačku, taky bych CEDA nepozval." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M104" "Coach: Come on now, if I was having a cookout, I ain't invitin' CEDA either." "Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: Je něco v těch domech?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M105" "Coach: Anything in those houses?" "Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: Musíme přivolat tamten člun." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M106" "Coach: We gotta call that boat over here." "Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Připravte se, přivolávám člun." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M107" "Coach: Get ready, callin' the boat." "Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Člun se blíží!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M108" "Coach: Boat's coming!" "Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Člun je skoro tady!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M109" "Coach: Boat's almost here!" "Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M110" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M111" "Coach: Everyone on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Stiskni tlačítko." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M112" "Coach: Hit the button." "Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Na to, musíme na druhou stranu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M113" "Coach: Hit it, let's cross this bitch." "Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: Ten film jsem viděl. Neskončí to dobře." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M114" "Coach: I seen that movie. It don't end well." "Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Ne, to vůbec nezní dobře." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M115" "Coach: Nah, that don't sound good at all." "Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: I když půjdu roklí šeré smrti, nebudu se bát ničeho zlého." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M116" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: I když půjdu roklí šeré smrti, nebudu se bát ničeho zlého." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M117" "Coach: Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." "Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nicku, jdeme do bažiny plné zombíků. Mám vám snad lhát?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M118" "Coach: Nick, we're goin into a swamp filled with zombies. Y'all want me to lie to ya?" "Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nicku, tomu nevěnuj žádnou pozornost, hochu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M119" "Coach: Nick, don't pay no attention to that boy." "Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Eh, výborně. Pěkně jsi to Nickovi vrátil, mladej." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M120" "Coach: Heh, all right. Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit right back." "Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Pěkně jsi to Nickovi nandal, mladej." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M121" "Coach: Look at you, young'un, givin' Nick some shit." "Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: Normálně se bažinám z principu vyhýbám. Pamatujete si na ten film o tom golfistovi, co mu ruku ukousl aligátor? Ty svině jsou skutečné." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M122" "Coach: I normally stay the hell away from swamps on principle. You remember that movie with that golfer that got his hand ate by a gator? That shit's real." "Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: Hergot. Někdy je nejlepší nezjišťovat, co člověk neví." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M123" "Coach: Hell. Sometimes it's best not to find out what you don't know." "Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Třeba bychom ten člun mohli přesně tady zastavit a zbytek života strávit mezi oběma břehy." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M124" "Coach: Maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Hele, měli bychom ten člun přesně tady zastavit a zbytek života strávit mezi oběma břehy." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M125" "Coach: Look, maybe we oughta just stop this boat right here and live the rest of years between the shores." "Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Zůstaňte na lávkách." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M126" "Coach: Stay on the walk ways." "Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Jo, nechoďte pryč." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M127" "Coach: Yeah, don't wander off." "Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Holka má dobrej nápad." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M128" "Coach: Girls got the right idea." "Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Nekrmte aligátory." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M129" "Coach: Do not feed the gators." "Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: Do odvodňovacího příkopu." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M130" "Coach: Into the drainage ditch." "Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: Tahle podělaná bažina mě přestává bavit." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M201" "Coach: This swamp shit's gettin' old." "Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellisi, je to jenom člun." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M202" "Coach: Ellis, it's just a boat." "Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Sakra, proč by člověk skákal z letadla?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M203" "Coach: Shit, why would you ever jump out of a plane?" "Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: Dobře, teď už chápu, proč by člověk skákal z letadla." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M204" "Coach: All right, now I understand why you would jump out of a plane." "Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: Musíme otevřít ty dveře." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M205" "Coach: We gotta open this door." "Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: Víte, že když to otevřeme, spustíme alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M206" "Coach: You know an alarm will sound when we open this." "Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Všichni připraveni?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M207" "Coach: Everyone geared up?" "Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Haló!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M208" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: Je tam někdo!?!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M209" "Coach: Anyone there!?" "Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Svítí se!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M210" "Coach: Lights are on!" "Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: Je někdo doma?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M211" "Coach: Anyone home!" "Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Lidi z bažin, jdeme domů!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M212" "Coach: Swamp people, we comin' home!" "Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: Zajímalo by mě, jestli si vaří večeři?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M213" "Coach: I wonder if they got dinner cookin'?" "Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: Tak z toho jsem akorát smutnej." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M301" "Coach: All right, this just makes me sad." "Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: Nedopadlo to pro ty lidi nejlíp." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M302" "Coach: It did not end well for these people." "Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: Nechci si to myslet, ale musím souhlasit." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M303" "Coach: I don't want to think that, but I gotta agree." "Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: Asi by jim nevadilo, kdybychom se podívali po zásobách." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M304" "Coach: I don't think they'd mind if we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Hledejte ty zásoby opatrně, mějte trochu úcty." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M305" "Coach: Careful lookin' for supplies, show respect." "Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Mohli bychom taky jít tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M306" "Coach: Might as well head there as well." "Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: Musíme spustit ten most." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M307" "Coach: We have to lower this bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Spusťte most." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M308" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Most je dole!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M309" "Coach: Bridge is down!" "Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Most je dole, pojďme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M310" "Coach: Bridge is down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Zůstaňte tady nahoře!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M311" "Coach: Stay up here!" "Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: Konečně úkryt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M312" "Coach: Finally a safe house!" "Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: Myslím, že jsme na konci bažiny." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M313" "Coach: I think we're at the end of the swamp." "Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Pojďme najít ten velkej barák." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M401" "Coach: Let's find the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Prohledejte ty baráky." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M402" "Coach: Search these houses." "Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: Tam je ten barák!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M403" "Coach: There's the house!" "Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Zkusíme vysílačku." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M404" "Coach: Let's try the radio." "Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: Zkusím někoho zavolat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M405" "Coach: I'm gonna try callin' someone." "Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: Je tam někdo?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M406" "Coach: Anyone out there?" "Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Slyší mě někdo?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M407" "Coach: Can anyone hear me?" "Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: Kruci, jsme u té koloniální vily." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M408" "Coach: Shit, we're at the plantation house." "Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: Jsme u toho velkýho baráku." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M409" "Coach: We're at the big house." "Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Přežilo nás jenom pár." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M410" "Coach: Only a couple of us made it." "Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: Jsme čtyři." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M411" "Coach: We are a party of four." "Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: Zůstali jsme jenom čtyři." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M412" "Coach: There ain't nothin' but four of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Hele, jakej je v tom rozdíl?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M413" "Coach: Look, what difference does it make?" "Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: Hergot, čtyři, přijďte pro nás." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M414" "Coach: Shit man, four of us, come pick us up." "Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Ne, to je dobrý, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M415" "Coach: Nah, you got it, Ellis." "Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Nebojte, ani se nehneme." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M416" "Coach: Don't worry, we're stayin' put." "Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Ale víte, zůstaneme tady. Nemáme domluvené žádné jiné schůzky." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M417" "Coach: Oh you know we'll be here. We ain't got any other pressin' engagements." "Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: Když se ukážete, budeme tady." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M418" "Coach: You show up and we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: Slyším." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M419" "Coach: I hear ya." "Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Rozumím." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M420" "Coach: Roger that." "Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M421" "Coach: Get on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Běžte ke člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M422" "Coach: Run to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M423" "Coach: Everyone onto the boat!" "Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Hejbněte zadkem do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M424" "Coach: Get your asses on the boat!" "Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Myslím, že v tom nemáme moc na výběr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M101" "Coach: Don't think we got much choice in the matter." "Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: Je to dobrej člověk." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M102" "Coach: He's good people" "Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Abys to nezakřikl, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M103" "Coach: Don't jinx us, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Sakra. Všichni ti zombíci by ti měli pomoct polykat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M104" "Coach: Shit. All these zombies should help you swallow." "Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Teda fakt bych si přál, aby byl Burger Tank otevřenej." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M105" "Coach: Man, I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: Přál bych si, aby byl Burger Tank otevřenej." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M106" "Coach: I sure wish the Burger Tank was open." "Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: Dal bych si burger s grilovanou slaninou." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M107" "Coach: I could go for a BBQ bacon burger." "Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: A velkou porci hranolek a..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M108" "Coach: And a large order of fries, and..." "Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: Pomerančovou limošku bez ledu a..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M109" "Coach: An orange soda with no ice, and a..." "Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: kousek teplýho jablečnýho koláče." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M110" "Coach: piece of hot apple pie." "Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: Sakra, jak mně ten Burger Tank chybí." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M111" "Coach: Goddamn I miss Burger Tank." "Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Bouře přicházejí rychle, ale měli bychom to zvládnout." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M112" "Coach: Storms come up fast, but we should make it." "Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Pojďme do cukrovaru." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M113" "Coach: Let's head to the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Přes tyhle baráky." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M114" "Coach: Through these houses." "Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Touhle ulicí." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M115" "Coach: Down this street." "Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: Tamhle je cukrovar." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M116" "Coach: There's the mill." "Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Jděte dál ulicí." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M117" "Coach: Keep going down the street." "Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: Takže se musíme dostat přes cukrovar." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M201" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: Takže se musíme dostat přes cukrovar." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M202" "Coach: So we gotta get past the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Ty mrchy jsou tady každejch pár metrů." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M203" "Coach: Bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place." "Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Začíná bouře." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M204" "Coach: Storm's startin' to kick up." "Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: Musíme pohnout." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M205" "Coach: We gotta hurry." "Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Dělejte lidi, musíme to stihnout, než udeří bouře." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M206" "Coach: Come on people, let's do this before the storm hits." "Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Přes třtinová pole!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M207" "Coach: Through the cane fields!" "Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: Sakra. Těm mrchám musí chutnat cukr." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M208" "Coach: Dang. Bitches must like sugar." "Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Jděte do té benzinky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M209" "Coach: Get inside the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Všichni do benzinky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M210" "Coach: Everyone in the station!" "Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: Krucinál, je to samá Witch." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M211" "Coach: Goddamn it, wha't with all these witches." "Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: Ty mrchy jsou tady každejch pár metrů" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M212" "Coach: There're bitches every ten feet in this goddamn place" "Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: Máme, co jsme chtěli, teď zpátky do člunu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M301" "Coach: We got our shit, let's get back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: Hergot. To je pořádná bouře." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M302" "Coach: Damn. It's really stormin' now." "Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: To je teda slejvák." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M303" "Coach: It is coming down." "Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Blesk!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M304" "Coach: Lightning!" "Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Hrom!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M305" "Coach: Thunder!" "Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: Je to tu zaplavený." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M306" "Coach: This is flooding." "Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: Je to tu úplně zaplavený." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M307" "Coach: It's all flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: Hergot, to je ale pomalej postup." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M308" "Coach: Goddamn this is slow going." "Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: Tohle je ještě horší než ta bažina." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M309" "Coach: This shit's worse than the swamp." "Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Zpátky stejnou cestou." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M310" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Zpátky stejnou cestou." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M311" "Coach: Back the way we came." "Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: Nechcípnu v blbým cukrovaru." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3GoingToDie01" "Coach: I am not dying in a goddamn sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Pojďme, už jsme skoro u člunu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M401" "Coach: Let's go, almost back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Město je zaplavený." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M402" "Coach: Town's flooded." "Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: Kruci, jsem celej domotanej." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M403" "Coach: Damn, I'm all turned around now." "Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: Myslím, že teď prší ještě víc." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M404" "Coach: I think it's raining even harder now." "Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: Nevidím ani ň." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M405" "Coach: I can't see shit." "Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: V tomhle dešti vidím prd." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M406" "Coach: I can't see shit in this rain." "Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Rychle, najdeme si místo, kde se schováme, než to přejde." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M407" "Coach: Come on, let's find a place to hide while this blows over." "Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Zkuste se držet tam, kde je sucho." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M408" "Coach: Try sticking to the dry ground." "Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Doufám, že to nejsou nějací lidi z instantního bláta, které stačí zalít vodou." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M409" "Coach: Better not be any goddamn instant mud people, just add water." "Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Já snad nikdy neuschnu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M410" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever gonna be dry." "Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: Můžeme mu dát signál tou cedulí Burger Tank." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M411" "Coach: We can use the Burge Tank sign to signal him." "Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: Já věděl, že nás Burger Tank nezklame." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M412" "Coach: I knew Burger Tank wouldn't let us down." "Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Záchrana v Burger Tank!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M413" "Coach: Burger Tank to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: Je zpátky! Jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M414" "Coach: He's back! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: Vrátil se, všichni do člunu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M415" "Coach: He came back, everyone to the boat!" "Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Hej, stůjte!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M501" "Coach: Hey, y'all, stop!" "Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Stůjte!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M502" "Coach: Stop, y'all!" "Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Hej! Jsme na mostě!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M503" "Coach: Hey! We're on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: Slyším. Tak zatím." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M504" "Coach: I hear ya, man. See ya soon." "Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: Rozumíme. Na tohle už jsme zvyklí." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M505" "Coach: We gotcha. We used to that shit by now." "Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Nastartujte vrtulník, protože už jdeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M506" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Kde to kruci není plné zombíků?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M507" "Coach: Where the hell isn't filled with zombies?" "Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Spusťte most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M508" "Coach: Lower the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Dejte ten most dolů." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M509" "Coach: Get that bridge down." "Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Až bude dole, tak vyrazíme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M510" "Coach: Once it's down, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: Tam je ten vrtulník!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M511" "Coach: There's the helicopter!" "Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Vrtulník funguje, jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M512" "Coach: Copter's working, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Nastartujte vrtulník, protože už jdeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M513" "Coach: Wind up the chopper, because here we come." "Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Smrdí to, jako by tu žili lidi a tak." "[english]Coach_WorldDead01" "Coach: Smells like people have been living here and shit." "Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Jo, to je pravda." "[english]Coach_WorldDead02" "Coach: Yeah, true that." "Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: Střelili je." "[english]Coach_WorldDead03" "Coach: They been shot." "Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Podělalo se to tady." "[english]Coach_WorldDead04" "Coach: Shit got bad here." "Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Kontaminováno." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns01" "Coach: Contaminated." "Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Karanténa." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns02" "Coach: Quarantine." "Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Varování." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns03" "Coach: Warning." "Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Zákaz vstupu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns04" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: Nepovolaným vstup zakázán." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns05" "Coach: No unauthorized entry." "Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: Tady píšou: Povoleno použít smrtící síly." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns06" "Coach: This shit says: Use of deadly force authorized." "Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: To teda jo." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns07" "Coach: It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Povoleno použít smrtící síly. Do prdele. Taky že jo." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns08" "Coach: Use of deadly force authorized. Shit. All right. It sure is." "Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Kde je CEDA?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns09" "Coach: Where is CEDA?" "Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Jsou z nich zombíci." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns10" "Coach: Zombified." "Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Dobrá otázka, kde je kruci CEDA. Protože bych jich rád pár sejmul." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns11" "Coach: Good question, where in the hell is CEDA? Cause I'd like to shoot some of their asses." "Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Varování. V případě otevření dveří bez povolení z věže se spustí alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns12" "Coach: Warning. Alarm will sound if door is opened before clearance from tower." "Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Armáda rovná se lži. Ha." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns13" "Coach: Army equals lies. Huh." "Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Vytvořte přehlednou řadu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns14" "Coach: Form orderly line." "Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Karanténní zóna. Nepovolaným vstup zakázán." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns15" "Coach: Quarantine zone. No unauthorized admittance." "Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Nahlaste nemocné." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns16" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Zůstaňte ve skupině." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns17" "Coach: Stay in your group." "Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: Já to říkám pořád." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns18" "Coach: That's what I keep sayin'." "Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Zákaz vstupu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns19" "Coach: Restricted area." "Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: Od tohoto místa vstup zakázán." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns20" "Coach: No entry beyond this point." "Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Zákaz fotografování." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns21" "Coach: Photography prohibited." "Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Pozor." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns22" "Coach: Caution." "Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: V této oblasti zjištěna infekce." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns23" "Coach: Infected detected in this area." "Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: Nekecej." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns24" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Nevycházejte ven." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns25" "Coach: Stay indoors." "Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: Nekecej." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns26" "Coach: No shit." "Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Hlaste nezvyklé chování." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns27" "Coach: Report unusual behavior." "Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Vyhněte se kontaktu s infikovanými osobami." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns28" "Coach: Avoid all contact with infected individuals." "Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Vysoce nakažlivá oblast." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns29" "Coach: Highly contagious area." "Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Ozbrojte se." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns30" "Coach: Arm yourself." "Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Zabarikádujte se doma." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns31" "Coach: Barricade your homes." "Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Držte se spolu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns32" "Coach: Stay together." "Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Čekejte na oficiální pokyny." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns33" "Coach: Wait for official instructions." "Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Na čekání kašlu." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns34" "Coach: Wait my ass." "Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Schovejte se?" "[english]Coach_WorldSigns35" "Coach: Hide?" "Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Schovejte se." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns36" "Coach: Hide." "Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Schovejte se? Srabi." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns37" "Coach: Hide? Pussies." "Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Kontaminovaná oblast." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns38" "Coach: Contaminated area." "Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Nahlaste nemocné." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns39" "Coach: Report the sick." "Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Střelte je do hlavy." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns40" "Coach: Shoot them in the head." "Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: To mi nedělá potíže." "[english]Coach_WorldSigns41" "Coach: Don't mind if I do." "Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Běžte!" "[english]Coach_YellRun01" "Coach: Run!" "Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Hněte PRDELÍ!" "[english]Coach_YellRun02" "Coach: Haul ASS!" "Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Nezastavujte se!" "[english]Coach_YellRun03" "Coach: Don't stop running!" "Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Zdrhejte! Zdrhejte! Zdrhejte!" "[english]Coach_YellRun04" "Coach: Run! Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Utíkejte! Utíkejte!" "[english]Coach_YellRun05" "Coach: Run! Run!" "Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Coach_YellRun06" "Coach: KEEP RUNNING!" "Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Jo." "[english]Coach_Yes01" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Jo." "[english]Coach_Yes02" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Ano." "[english]Coach_Yes03" "Coach: Yes." "Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Jo-jóó." "[english]Coach_Yes04" "Coach: Oh yeah." "Coach_Yes05" "Coach: Jasně." "[english]Coach_Yes05" "Coach: For sure." "Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Tak je to správně." "[english]Coach_Yes06" "Coach: Know that's right." "Coach_Yes07" "Coach: Rozhodně." "[english]Coach_Yes07" "Coach: Positively." "Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Jo." "[english]Coach_Yes08" "Coach: Yeah." "Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Jo. Máš pravdu." "[english]Coach_Yes09" "Coach: Yeah. Sho you right." "Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Jasně, jasně." "[english]Coach_Yes10" "Coach: Sho sho." "Coach_Yes11" "Coach: Přesně tak." "[english]Coach_Yes11" "Coach: That's what's up, baby." "Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: Nic to není." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome01" "Coach: It ain't nothin,." "Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: Jsme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome02" "Coach: We cool." "Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: Není zač." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome03" "Coach: We straight." "Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: Všechno v pořádku." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome04" "Coach: It's all good." "Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: Není zač." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcome05" "Coach: You're welcome." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: Jsme v tom všichni spolu, Nicku." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Coach: We're all in this together, Nick." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: V pohodě, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Coach: No problem, Ellis." "Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Kdykoli, Ro." "[english]Coach_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Coach: Anytime, Ro." "Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Je tady adrenalinová injekce!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline01" "Coach: Adrenaline shot here!" "Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Beru injekci!" "[english]Coach_Adrenaline02" "Coach: Grabbin' a shot!" "Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Jsou tady Boomerovy zvratky!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar01" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Beru zvratky!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar02" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Beru sklenici zvratků!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar03" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Jsou tady Boomerovy zvratky!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar04" "Coach: Boomer bile here!" "Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Je tady láhev... fuj... zvratků." "[english]Coach_BoomerJar05" "Coach: Bottle of... ugh... puke here." "Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Beru zvratky!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar06" "Coach: Grabbin' puke!" "Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsem to právě řekl." "[english]Coach_BoomerJar07" "Coach: I can not believe I just said that." "Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Beru sklenici zvratků!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar08" "Coach: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Bacha!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar09" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Letí!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar10" "Coach: Incoming!" "Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Bacha!" "[english]Coach_BoomerJar11" "Coach: Heads up!" "Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Jsou tady elektrody." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator01" "Coach: Chest paddles here." "Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Je tady defibrilátor." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator02" "Coach: Defib unit here." "Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Mám elektrody." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator03" "Coach: Got some chest paddles." "Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Mám defibrilátor." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator04" "Coach: Got a defib unit." "Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Jedem!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator05" "Coach: Clear!" "Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Dělej!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator06" "Coach: Come on!" "Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: DĚLEJ!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator07" "Coach: Come ON!" "Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Neumírej mi tu..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator08" "Coach: Don't you die on me..." "Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator09" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Hou..." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator10" "Coach: Whoa..." "Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Ááá sakra! Ty mi dáváš ŠOKY!" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator11" "Coach: Agggh damn it! You're SHOCKIN' me!" "Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator12" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator13" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator14" "Coach: [being shocked]" "Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Holka, přeskočila mezi náma jiskra." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator15" "Coach: Girl, you're electric." "Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Tak jo, jsem zpátky." "[english]Coach_Defibrillator16" "Coach: Aw hell, I'm back here." "Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: [prská] Nebylo to doufám dýchání z úst do úst?" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator17" "Coach: You didn't do mouth to mouth on me, did you?" "Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator18" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Coach_Defibrillator19" "Coach: [gasp for breath]" "Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Hochu, ty mě UNAVUJEŠ." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt01" "Coach: Boy, you are WEARIN' me out." "Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: Na tohle nemáme čas, Ellisi." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt02" "Coach: We ain't got time for this, Ellis." "Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Hmm." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt03" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: [znuděně] Hmm." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt04" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: [velmi znuděně] Hmm." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt05" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: [velmi znuděně] Hmm." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt06" "Coach: Uh huh." "Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hm. Vlastně to ani nebylo tak špatný." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt07" "Coach: Hm. That's actually not a bad story." "Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: [vzrušeně] Poslouchám!" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt08" "Coach: I'm listenin'!" "Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: Poslouchám. Ale doufám, že to bude o palačinkách." "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt09" "Coach: I'm listening. But this better be about pancakes." "Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: Tak jo, palačinky tam ZAZNĚLY, ale nebylo to úplně O palačinkách, co?" "[english]Coach_EllisInterrupt10" "Coach: All right, you MENTIONED pancakes, but it wasn't really ABOUT them, was it?" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Jsou tady výbušné náboje!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Coach: Explosive rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Jsou tady tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Coach: Frag rounds here!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Beru si tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Coach: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Používám tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Coach_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying frag rounds!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Nestřílej na MĚ! Střílej na Tanka!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank01" "Coach: Don't shoot ME! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Na mě ne, Ellisi! Střílej na Tanka!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank02" "Coach: Not me, Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Střílej na TANKA, Ro!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank03" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Ro!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Střílej na TANKA, Nicku!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank04" "Coach: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: VYPADÁM snad jako třímetrová zrůda?" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank05" "Coach: Do I LOOK like a ten-foot-tall monster?" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hej! Střílejte na Tanka!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank06" "Coach: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Áááá! TANK!" "[english]Coach_FriendlyFireTank07" "Coach: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: Tak tomu říkám nakopat PRDEL!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah20" "Coach: That is how you kick some ASS, baby!" "Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Takhle se to DĚLÁ!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah21" "Coach: Baby, that is how that's DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: Ha hááá, JO! DOKÁZALI JSME TO!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah22" "Coach: Ha haaa, YES! WE GOT THAT DONE!" "Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: Nakopáváme těm zombíkům PRDEL!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah23" "Coach: We are kickin' some zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: TAKHLE se zombíkům nakopává PRDEL!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah24" "Coach: THAT is how you kick zombie ASS!" "Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: NIČÍME... ZOMBÍKY! Přesně TOHLE děláme!" "[english]Coach_Hurrah25" "Coach: WE... DESTROY... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do!" "Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: Byl jsem na vás hrdej, lidi..." "[english]Coach_Hurrah26" "Coach: You made me proud out there, people." "Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Jsou tady zápalné náboje!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo01" "Coach: Fire bullets here!" "Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Beru zápalné náboje!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo02" "Coach: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Pěkně jim PŘITOPÍME!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo03" "Coach: Let's burn some shit UP!" "Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Používám zápalné náboje!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo04" "Coach: Deploying fire bullets!" "Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Vezměte si všichni zápalnou munici!" "[english]Coach_IncendAmmo05" "Coach: Everyone, grab some incendiary ammo!" "Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Jsou tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Coach_LaserSights01" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Jsou tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Coach_LaserSights02" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Jsou tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Coach_LaserSights03" "Coach: Laser sights here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Je tady mačeta..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons01" "Coach: Machete here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Mám mačetu." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons02" "Coach: Got a machete." "Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Je tady motorová pila..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons03" "Coach: Chainsaw here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Mám motorovou pilu." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons04" "Coach: Got a chainsaw." "Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Je tady obušek..." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons05" "Coach: Nightstick here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Beru si obušek." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons06" "Coach: Grabbing a nightstick." "Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Je tady kytara." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons07" "Coach: Guitar here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Beru si kytaru." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons08" "Coach: Grabbing a guitar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Je tady nindžovský meč." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons09" "Coach: Ninja sword here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Beru si meč." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons10" "Coach: Grabbing a sword." "Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Beru si páčidlo." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons11" "Coach: Grabbing a crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Páčidlo." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons12" "Coach: Crowbar." "Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: Jsou tu nějaké bedny?" "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons13" "Coach: Any crates around here?" "Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Je tady kriketová pálka." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons14" "Coach: Paddle bat here." "Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Mám kriketovou pálku." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons15" "Coach: Got a paddle bat." "Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: Teď můžu někoho pořádně ODPÁLKOVAT." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons16" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: Teď můžu někoho pořádně ODPÁLKOVAT." "[english]Coach_MeleeWeapons17" "Coach: I am gonna paddle the SHIT outta somethin'." "Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Skočte sem!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional01" "Coach: Jump down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Skočte tam!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional02" "Coach: Jump down there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Přes kontejner!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional03" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Přes tenhle kontejner!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional04" "Coach: Over this dumpster!" "Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Přes tyhle dveře!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional05" "Coach: Over this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Přes tamty dveře!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional06" "Coach: Over that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Tudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional07" "Coach: Through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Tamtudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional08" "Coach: Through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: Tudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional09" "Coach: This way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: Sem!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional10" "Coach: In here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Tudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional11" "Coach: Down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: Dělejte, tudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional12" "Coach: C'mon, this way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Tímhle oknem!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional13" "Coach: Through this window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Tamtím oknem!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional14" "Coach: Through that window!" "Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Touhle uličkou!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional15" "Coach: Down this alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Tamtou uličkou!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional16" "Coach: Down that alley!" "Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Pojďme tudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional17" "Coach: Let's go through here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Pojďme tamtudy!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional18" "Coach: Let's go through there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Těmahle dveřma!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional19" "Coach: Through this door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Tamtěma dveřma!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional20" "Coach: Through that door!" "Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: Můžeme projít touhle restaurací." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional21" "Coach: We can go through this restaurant." "Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Tamtou brankou!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional22" "Coach: Through that gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Nahoru po tamtom žebříku!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional23" "Coach: Up that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: Nahoru po tomhle žebříku!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional24" "Coach: Up this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: Dolů po tamtom žebříku!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional25" "Coach: Down that ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: Dolů po tomhle žebříku!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional26" "Coach: Down this ladder!" "Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Přes tenhle plot!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional27" "Coach: Over this fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Přes tamten plot!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional28" "Coach: Over that fence!" "Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: K mostu!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional29" "Coach: To the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: Tady můžeme přejít!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional30" "Coach: We can cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: Támhle můžeme přejít!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional31" "Coach: We can cross there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: Tudy se dostaneme nahoru!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional32" "Coach: We can get up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: Tamtudy se dostaneme nahoru!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional33" "Coach: We can get up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: Tudy se dostaneme dolů!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional34" "Coach: We can get down here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: Tamtudy se dostaneme dolů!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional35" "Coach: We can get down there!!" "Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: Tady nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional36" "Coach: There's a safe room up here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: Tam nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional37" "Coach: There's a safe room up there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional38" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Zmáčkni to tlačítko!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional39" "Coach: Press the button!" "Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Dělej!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional40" "Coach: Do it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Aktivuj to!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional41" "Coach: Activate it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: Zmáčkl jsem to!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional42" "Coach: I hit it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: Udělal jsem to!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional43" "Coach: I did it!" "Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Touhle brankou!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional44" "Coach: Through this gate!" "Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Zpátky stejnou cestou! Přes pole!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional45" "Coach: Retrace our steps! Head through the field!" "Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Nastupte do výtahu!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional46" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: Můžeme zpátky nahoru výtahem!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional47" "Coach: We can take the elevator back up!" "Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: Nahoru po té trubce!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional48" "Coach: Up that pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Zpátky dolů po schodech!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional49" "Coach: Back down the stairs!" "Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Přes most!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional50" "Coach: Over the bridge!" "Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: Můžeme přejít přes to silo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional51" "Coach: We can cross on that tank!" "Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: Tam se můžeme dostat přes vodu!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional53" "Coach: We can get across the water there!" "Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Tady přejděte!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional54" "Coach: Cross here!" "Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Nahoru po téhle trubce!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional55" "Coach: Up this pipe!" "Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: Vypadá to povědomě. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional56" "Coach: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: Tohle si pamatuju. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional57" "Coach: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: Je to celý zaplavený." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional58" "Coach: The whole damn place is flooded." "Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: Je to pod vodou." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional59" "Coach: This place is under water." "Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: Tolik cukru... Taková škoda, sakra." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional60" "Coach: All that sugar... It's a damn shame." "Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: Tolik cukru... to je sakra tragédie, to vám řeknu." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional61" "Coach: All that sugar... it's a goddamn tragedy, is what it is." "Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Jděte na vyvýšené místo!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional62" "Coach: Get to high ground!" "Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: ZAČÍNÁ BOUŘKA, LIDI!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional63" "Coach: SQUALL'S STARTIN', PEOPLE!" "Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: PŘICHÁZÍ BOUŘKA!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional64" "Coach: STORM COMIN'!" "Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: DRŽTE SE U SEBE!" "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional65" "Coach: STICK TOGETHER!" "Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Nevidím ani na metr. Doprčic." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional66" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: Vůbec nic nevidím." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional67" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: Vůbec nic nevidím." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional68" "Coach: Can't see a goddamn thing." "Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Nevidím ani na metr. Doprčic." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional69" "Coach: Can't see two feet. Shit." "Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: Tamhle je cedule. Jsme z cukrovaru skoro venku." "[english]Coach_MiscDirectional70" "Coach: There's the sign. We're almost outta the mill." "Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: Ty seš posedlej bacilama, co?" "[english]Coach_NickOcd01" "Coach: You got a real thing about germs, don't you?" "Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hej, Nicku, cítíš TOHLE? Tak to smrdí, když se Coach naštve." "[english]Coach_NickOcd02" "Coach: Hey, Nick, you smell THAT? That's the smell of Coach gettin' mad." "Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nicku, pohni tím svým obsedantně kompulzivním zadkem do vrtulníku!" "[english]Coach_NickOcd03" "Coach: Nick, get your OCD-smelling ass in the chopper!" "Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: Cítím jenom žebírka." "[english]Coach_NickOcd04" "Coach: All I smell is ribs." "Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense01" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Nabíjím, krucinál!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense02" "Coach: Re-god-damn-loading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Musím si nabít!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense03" "Coach: Gotta reload!" "Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense04" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense05" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense06" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense07" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Nabíjím!" "[english]Coach_ReloadIntense08" "Coach: Reloading!" "Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: Ten zombie má brnění. Já chci taky brnění!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored01" "Coach: That zombie's got armor. I want armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: No to mě podržte, ten zombie má brnění!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored02" "Coach: Well I'll be damned, that zombie's wearin' armor!" "Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Střelte toho zombíka do zad!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored03" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Střelte toho zombíka do zad!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored04" "Coach: Shoot that zombie in the back!" "Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Ti zombíci jsou sakra neprůstřelní!" "[english]Coach_SeeArmored05" "Coach: Those zombies are goddamn bullet proof!" "Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: KLAUNI!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns01" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: KLAUNI!? To snad ne." "[english]Coach_SeeClowns02" "Coach: CLOWNS!? Give me a break." "Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: KLAUNI!?!??" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns03" "Coach: CLOWNS!?" "Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Klauni?" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns04" "Coach: Clowns?" "Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Zastřelte toho klauna!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns05" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: Ten klaun přitahuje zombíky!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns06" "Coach: That clown's attracting zombies!" "Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Zastřelte toho klauna!" "[english]Coach_SeeClowns07" "Coach: Shoot the clown!" "Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: Nespadlo tomu zombíkovi něco?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen01" "Coach: That zombie drop something?" "Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: Co mu to spadlo?" "[english]Coach_SeeFallen02" "Coach: What did that drop?" "Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: Co to v těch oblecích dělají?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat01" "Coach: What are those guys doing in those suits?" "Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: Na co mají ty obleky?" "[english]Coach_SeeHazmat02" "Coach: What's with those suits?" "Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Bahňáci!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen01" "Coach: Mudmen!" "Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Zastřelte ty bahňáky!" "[english]Coach_SeeMudmen02" "Coach: Shoot the mudmen!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: Tohle bejvala KLIDNÁ ČTVRŤ!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Coach: This used to be a nice neighborhood!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: [rozčileně] Nechali nás tady CHCÍPNOUT." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Coach: They left us here to die." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: [rozčileně] Měli nás přece ZACHRÁNIT." "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Coach: They were supposed to rescue us." "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: [rozčileně] Já myslel, že nás z těch sraček mají dostat!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be gettin' us outta this shit!" "Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: [rozčileně] Já myslel, že nás mají zachránit!" "[english]Coach_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Coach: Thought they're supposed t'be savin' our asses!" "Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: To teda bylo sakra blízko..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose12" "Coach: That shit was too goddamn close." "Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: Málem jsme to nezvládli..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose13" "Coach: We almost didn't make it." "Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: To bylo trochu MOC blízko..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose14" "Coach: That was a little too close." "Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: Kruci, snad jsem nezůstal sám..." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose15" "Coach: Damn. I can't be all that's left." "Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: Moc jsme se tam venku nesnažili." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose16" "Coach: We got sloppy out there." "Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: Vím, že to umíme i LÍP." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose17" "Coach: I know we can do better than THAT." "Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Kruci. To se PODĚLALO." "[english]Coach_TransitionClose18" "Coach: Man. That got BAD." "Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: HEÉJ! VRAŤTE SE! VRAŤTE – ááá, ten se nevrátí." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B01" "Coach: HEYYY! COME BACK! COME-ahh, he ain't comin' back." "Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: OK, žádnou paniku. Bydlím tady a vypadalo to, že ten vrtulník Ietí k obchoďáku. Není to daleko, můžu vás tam dovést." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B02" "Coach: Okay, nobody panic. I live around here-and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far, I can take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hej! Na střeše jsou ještě lidi! Vraťte se ZPÁTKY!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B03" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: Nedaleko odtud je obchoďák, který předělali na evakuační centrum. Vsadím se, že ten vrtulník letěl tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B04" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hej! Na střeše jsou ještě lidi! Vraťte se ZPÁTKY!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B05" "Coach: Hey! There's still people on the roof! Get BACK HERE!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: A kruci, ten záchrannej vrtulník odlítá!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B06" "Coach: Aw, heck, the rescue chopper's leavin'!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Všichni se uklidněte. Bydlím tady a vypadalo to, že ten vrtulník Ietí k obchoďáku. Není to daleko – dovedu vás tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B07" "Coach: Everybody calm down. I live around here, and that chopper looks like it's headin' to the mall. It ain't far-I'll take you there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: Nedaleko odtud je obchoďák, který předělali na evakuační centrum. Vsadím se, že ten vrtulník letěl tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B08" "Coach: There's a mall got turned into an evac station not too far from here. I'll bet that chopper's headin' there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Vypadá to, že míří k obchoďáku. Třeba odtamtud ještě evakuují lidi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B09" "Coach: Looks like it's headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: Jsou tady JEŠTĚ tři další lidi, synku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B10" "Coach: There ARE three other people here, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: Říkají mi Coach. Nechce se mi tady zůstat o nic víc než vám, ale jestli musíme bojovat, měli bychom bojovat spolu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B100" "Coach: My name's Coach. I don't like bein' here any more than you do-but if we gotta fight, we might as well fight together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: Říkají mi Coach. A UMÍM střílet." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B101" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: Lidi mi říkají Coach. A já tady ŽIJU." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B102" "Coach: People call me Coach. And I LIVE here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B103" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Uklidni se, synku. Budeme v pohodě. Jak se jmenuješ?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B104" "Coach: Settle down, son. We're going to be okay. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: A ty?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B105" "Coach: And you?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: Tak jo. Většina lidí mi říká Coach. A budeme v pohodě. Jenom nesmíme ztrácet hlavu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B106" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: Tak jo. Většina lidí mi říká Coach. A budeme v pohodě. Jenom nesmíme ztrácet hlavu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B107" "Coach: There we go. Most people call me Coach. And we're gonna be okay. Just gotta keep our heads." "Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Všichni mi říkají prostě Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B108" "Coach: Everyone just calls me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Ne, jsem v pohodě. Co ty?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B109" "Coach: Naw, I'm good. You?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: Co to ten vrtulník sakra dělá?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B11" "Coach: What the heck is that chopper doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: Lidi mi říkají Coach. Jak se jmenuješ ty?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B110" "Coach: People call me Coach, what's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Držme se spolu... ještě aspoň chvíli. OK, Nicku?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B111" "Coach: Let's stay together... for a little longer at least. Okay, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Zmáčkni to tlačítko, než z toho bude špatný nápad." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B112" "Coach: Hit that button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: Myslím, že když v budově hoří, neměl by se používat výtah." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B113" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Koho jsme ztratili?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B114" "Coach: Who'd we lose?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: Nezačíná to nejlíp." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B115" "Coach: We are not off to a good start." "Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: Myslím, že to byl Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B116" "Coach: I think it was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: Myslím, že to byl Nick." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B117" "Coach: I think it was Nick." "Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: Myslím, že říkala, že je Rochelle. Chudák holka." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B118" "Coach: I think she said it was Rochelle. Poor girl." "Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: Já myslel, že to TY se jmenuješ Ellis." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B119" "Coach: I thought YOUR name was Ellis." "Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Vypadalo to, že míří k obchoďáku na druhé straně města." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B12" "Coach: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: Musíme spolupracovat. Nemůžeme už nikoho ztratit. Říkají mi Coach. Jak říkají vám?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B120" "Coach: We gotta work together. We can't lose anyone else. My name's Coach. What you folks call yourselves?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: Ne, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B121" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: Říkají mi Coach. A UMÍM střílet." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B122" "Coach: My name's Coach. And I KNOW how to shoot a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: Ne, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B123" "Coach: No, I'm good." "Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: To bych neřekl." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B124" "Coach: I don't think so." "Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Stačí Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B125" "Coach: Coach'll work." "Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: To je ten velkej, co na lidi blije!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B126" "Coach: It's that big one that pukes on ya!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: Tomuhle říkají Boomer..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B127" "Coach: That's what they call a Boomer." "Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: To je ten neřád, co na lidi skáče..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B128" "Coach: It's that mean one that pounces on ya." "Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Myslím, že se jim říká Hunteři..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B129" "Coach: Think they call 'em Hunters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Nebojte, míří k obchoďáku, tam je doženeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B13" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: To je ten, co na lidi nabíhá..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B130" "Coach: It's that one that runs at you." "Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: Říkají jim Chargeři..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B131" "Coach: They call them Chargers." "Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: To je ta plivající zombie." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B132" "Coach: It's that spittin' zombie." "Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: Těmhle potvorám říkají Spitter..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B133" "Coach: They've been calling them things Spitters." "Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: To je jeden z těch prcků..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B134" "Coach: It's one of them little guys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: Myslím, že jim říkají Jockeyové..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B135" "Coach: I think they're called Jockeys." "Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: Můžeme tady skočit dolů!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B136" "Coach: We can jump down right here!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Dolů tou výtahovou šachtou!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B137" "Coach: Down this elevator shaft!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: Tahle místnost vypadá bezpečně. Pojďme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B138" "Coach: This room looks safe. Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: Pojďme tudy." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B139" "Coach: Let's go through here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Pane... myslím, že se mi nelíbí váš přístup." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B14" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: Tahle místnost vypadá bezpečně." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B140" "Coach: This room looks safe." "Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Možná bychom ty dveře měli nechat zavřené." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B141" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Možná bychom ty dveře měli nechat zavřené." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B142" "Coach: Maybe we should keep that door shut." "Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Vsadím boty, že ten vrtulník míří k obchoďáku na druhém konci města." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B15" "Coach: Dollars to donuts, that chopper's headin' to the mall across town." "Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Musím souhlasit. Pojďme za nimi k obchoďáku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B16" "Coach: Gotta agree. Let's follow them to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Tak do toho. Vezměte si všichni zbraně a pojďme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B17" "Coach: Then let's do it. Everybody grab a weapon, and let's go." "Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: Vypadá to, že míří k obchoďáku. Třeba odtamtud ještě evakuují lidi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B18" "Coach: Looks like they're headin' to the mall. Maybe they're still evacuatin' people there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Pane... nelíbí se mi váš přístup." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B19" "Coach: Mister... I don't like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Pane... myslím, že se mi nelíbí váš přístup." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B20" "Coach: Mister... I don't think I like your attitude." "Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Nebojte, míří k obchoďáku, tam je doženeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B21" "Coach: Don't worry, they're heading to the mall, we can catch them there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: Jestli není nikdo proti, měli bychom se držet spolu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B22" "Coach: If everyone's good with it, we should stick together." "Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: Měli bychom si vzít zbraně. Možná se budeme muset bránit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B23" "Coach: We better grab a weapon. Might need to defend ourselves." "Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: Nejsem násilnej člověk. Ale taky nejsem blbej. Vezměme si zbraně." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B24" "Coach: I'm not a violent man. But I ain't stupid neither. Let's grab some weapons." "Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Ozbrojte se. Nemám z toho dobrej pocit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B25" "Coach: Arm up. I don't have a good feeling about this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Seberte, co najdete a čím se dá něco praštit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B26" "Coach: Grab whatever you can find to hit something with." "Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: Nelíbí se mi ty zvuky, co jdou zdola." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B27" "Coach: I don't like the sounds comin' from downstairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: Sakra. Panenko skákavá..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B28" "Coach: Damn. Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Panenko skákavá..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B29" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Mm. Bože na nebi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B30" "Coach: Mm. Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Bože na nebi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B31" "Coach: Sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: Ty mrchy jsou rychlý jak namydlenej blesk!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B32" "Coach: These things move like greased lightning!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Panenko skákavá..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B33" "Coach: Sweet Georgia Brown..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Ou... Bože na nebi..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B34" "Coach: Oh... sweet Hosanna..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Neber jméno boží nadarmo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B35" "Coach: Don't take the Lord's name in vain." "Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hej, není třeba klít." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B36" "Coach: Hey now, no need for cussin'." "Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: JO, myslím to vážně." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B37" "Coach: YEAH, I'm serious." "Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Panenko skákavá! Co to je zač?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B38" "Coach: Jumpin' Jehosaphat! What ARE these things?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Nevíte, co to je sakra za potvory?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B39" "Coach: Y'all know what the hell these things are?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: Kruci, já předtím nikdy nic nezabil." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B40" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: Nemám z toho dobrej pocit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B41" "Coach: This don't feel right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: Buď oni, nebo my." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B42" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: Buď oni, nebo my." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B43" "Coach: It's them or us." "Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: Kruci, já předtím nikdy nic nezabil." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B44" "Coach: Man, I ain't ever killed nothin' before." "Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Podívejte se na tu mapu. Musíme se dostat do New Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B45" "Coach: Look at that map. We need to get ourselves to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Podívejte se na tu mapu. Lidi, myslím, že New Orleans je poslední vzdorující město v ZEMI." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B46" "Coach: Would you look at this map. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing in the COUNTRY." "Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Kruci, PODÍVEJTE na tu mapu. Jsme poslední, co zbylo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B47" "Coach: Man, LOOK at this map. We're all that's left." "Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: Musíme se dostat do New Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B48" "Coach: We need to get to New Orleans." "Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Mrkněte na to. Lidi, myslím, že New Orleans je poslední vzdorující město." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B49" "Coach: Would you look at this. Folks, I think N'awlins is the last city standing." "Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Holka, ty děláš zprávy – dává ti to nějaký smysl?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B50" "Coach: Girl, you in news - you make any sense of this?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: Fakt mě unavuješ, hochu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B51" "Coach: You're tirin' me REAL fast, son." "Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Proboha, podívejte se na tu věc támhle." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B52" "Coach: Oh man, look at that thing in there." "Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: Jak už se toho SAKRA dokázali zmocnit?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B53" "Coach: How they HELL did they capture this thing already?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: Musíme najít cestu kolem toho ohně!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B54" "Coach: We gotta find a way around this fire!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: Tahle cesta je zablokovaná!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B55" "Coach: This way's blocked!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: [kašle] Oheň se šíří!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B56" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Tady to taky hoří." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B57" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: [kašle] Tady to taky hoří." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B58" "Coach: Fire over here, too." "Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: Oheň se šíří!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B59" "Coach: The fire's spreading!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Nikdo tady neuhoří. Můžeme ten oheň obejít." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B60" "Coach: Boy, nobody's gonna burn up. We can get around the fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Výtah nefunguje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B61" "Coach: Elevator's out!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Hernajs! Výtah nefunguje." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B62" "Coach: Oh, crumbs! Elevator's out." "Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Musíme najít schodiště." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B63" "Coach: Gotta find some stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Pojďme ke schodišti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B64" "Coach: Let's get to the stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Teda nemám dobrej pocit, když takhle ničíme cizí majetek." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B65" "Coach: Man, it don't feel right breakin' property like this." "Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: Můžeme jít po římse!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B66" "Coach: We can walk along the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Zkusíme římsu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B67" "Coach: Let's try the ledge!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: Můžeme oheň obejít tady venkem." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B68" "Coach: We can get around the fire out here." "Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: To pomůže." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B69" "Coach: This'll help." "Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Myslíte, že bude zombíkům vadit, když jim vezmu jednu zbraň?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B70" "Coach: Think the zombies mind if I take one of their guns?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B71" "Coach: Mm-hmm." "Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: To je lepší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B72" "Coach: That's better." "Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Mm. Tak je to správně." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B73" "Coach: Mm. That's right." "Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Teď už to myslím vážně!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B74" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Teď si to myslím vážně!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B75" "Coach: Now I ain't effin' around!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: V ŽIVOTĚ jsem nebyl tak šťastnej, že vidím zbraň." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B76" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a gun." "Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: Jestli měli zbraně, tak věděli, že se to zhorší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B77" "Coach: If they had guns, they knew this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Podívejte, moc dobře věděli, že se to zhorší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B78" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Podívejte, moc dobře věděli, že se to zhorší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B79" "Coach: Look at this, they knew damn well this was gonna get bad." "Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B80" "Coach: Now we're talking." "Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: S touhle zbraní to BUDE jednodušší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B81" "Coach: This gun DOES make it easier." "Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: TÍM se síly na hřišti vyrovnávají." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B82" "Coach: THAT levels the playin' field." "Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: To už je lepší." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B83" "Coach: That's more like it." "Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Prohledejte ty místnosti. Třeba tam bude něco, co by se nám hodilo." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B84" "Coach: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: Tenhle výtah ještě funguje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B85" "Coach: This elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Hej, tenhle výtah ještě funguje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B86" "Coach: Hey, this elevator's still on!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Díky bohu, tenhle ještě funguje. Nepůjdu dolů třicet pater po schodišti." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B87" "Coach: Thank Jesus, this one's still on. I ain't walkin' down thirty flights of stairs." "Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: Myslím, že když v budově hoří, neměl by se používat výtah." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B88" "Coach: I don't think you're supposed to use an elevator when the buildin's on fire." "Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: Myslíte, že to platí, i když jsou v budově zombíci?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B89" "Coach: You think that rule still applies if there's zombies in the building?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Zmáčkni to tlačítko, než z toho bude špatný nápad." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B90" "Coach: Hit the button before this turns into a bad idea." "Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B91" "Coach: Everybody into the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Nastupte do výtahu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B92" "Coach: Get in the elevator!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Zmáčkněte někdo tlačítko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B93" "Coach: Somebody push the button!" "Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Připravte se..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B94" "Coach: Get ready..." "Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: Dobře, konec tlachání. Připravte se." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B95" "Coach: All right, enough chat. Get ready." "Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: Tak. Těší mě. Mně říkají Coach. Jak se jmenujete vy?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B96" "Coach: So. Pleased to meet you. You can call me Coach. What's your name?" "Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: Přátelé mi říkají Coach. Asi mi tak můžete říkat všichni." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B97" "Coach: My friends call me Coach. I guess y'all can do the same." "Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: Lidi mi říkají prostě Coach." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B98" "Coach: People just call me Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coachi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M1B99" "Coach: Coach." "Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Pojďme najít ten obchoďák." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B01" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Pojďme najít ten vrtulník." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B02" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: Cestou k obchoďáku je obchod se zbraněmi. Co kdybychom tam zašli na návštěvu?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B03" "Coach: There's a gun store on the way to the mall. What do you say we pay it a visit?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Pojďme najít ten obchoďák." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B04" "Coach: Let's go find that mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Pojďme najít ten vrtulník." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B05" "Coach: Let's go find that helicopter." "Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Obchoďák je TÍM směrem! Pojďme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B06" "Coach: Mall's THAT way! Let's move!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: Jdeme správně k obchoďáku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B07" "Coach: We're headin' the right way to the mall." "Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Obchoďák je tím směrem! Jděte prostě podle cedulí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B08" "Coach: Mall's that way! Just keep followin' the signs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: Tam je další vrtulník! Už jsme blízko obchoďáku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B09" "Coach: There's another chopper! We're close to the mall now." "Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Obchoďák je za tímhle mostem!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B10" "Coach: Mall's over this bridge!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Most k obchoďáku je zatarasený! Musíme najít jinou cestu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B11" "Coach: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We gotta find another way." "Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Zkusíme ty dveře." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B12" "Coach: Let's try the door." "Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: Můžeme seskočit na ten náklaďák!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B13" "Coach: We can jump down onto this truck!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Přes kontejner!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B14" "Coach: Over the dumpster!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Držte se u mě! Ten obchoďák je KOUSEK před námi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B15" "Coach: Stay with me! That mall's JUST up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Dělejte! Blížíme se k obchoďáku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B16" "Coach: Look alive! We're getting close to the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: Kruci. Kde JSOU všichni?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B17" "Coach: Damn. Where IS everybody?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Sakra. Je to tady OPUŠTĚNÝ. Začíná mě to děsit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B18" "Coach: Shit. This place is DESERTED. It's startin' to creep me out." "Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: Ten obchod se zbraněmi je někde tady." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B19" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: Blížíme se k tomu obchodu se zbraněmi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B20" "Coach: We're getting close to that gun store." "Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: Ten obchod se zbraněmi je kousek před náma. Vyzbrojíme se a budeme pokračovat." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B21" "Coach: That gun store's just up ahead. Let's stock up and keep moving." "Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Obchod se zbraněmi je hned pod schodama!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B22" "Coach: Gun store's just down these stairs!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: Ten obchod se zbraněmi je někde tady." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B23" "Coach: That gun store's around here somewhere." "Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: Já ji zase držet neumím, tak jsme si asi kvit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B24" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Úspěch!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B25" "Coach: Paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: Já ji zase držet neumím, tak jsme si asi kvit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B26" "Coach: I don't know how to shoot one, guess we're even." "Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Haha, bingo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B27" "Coach: Haha, paydirt!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Jsem si jistej, že to všechno ty zombíky zabije." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B28" "Coach: Pretty sure alla these'll kill them zombies." "Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: Tomu říkám HODNĚ zbraní." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B29" "Coach: This here is A LOT of guns." "Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: No, brácho – přinesu ti to pití, ale doufám, že nám pomůžeš." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B30" "Coach: Well man-I'll get you your drinks, but you better help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: Slyším tě, brácho. Chápu, že potřebuješ sváču. Ale musím si bejt jistej, že když ti ji seženeme, tak nám FAKT pomůžeš." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B31" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: Slyším tě, brácho. Chápu, že potřebuješ sváču. Ale musím si bejt jistej, že když ti ji seženeme, tak nám FAKT pomůžeš." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B32" "Coach: I hear ya, my man. I understand your need for snacks. But I just gotta be clear that if we get 'em, you ARE gonna help us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Colu a oříšky? Taky bych si dal. Doufám, že to nebude dietní Cola. Protože do toho bych nešel." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B33" "Coach: Cola and nuts? Could go for some myself. Better not be diet cola. Because that I will not do." "Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: Konečně něco, co mi dává smysl. Chlápek a jeho svačina. Pomůžem ti. Hlavně se o nás nezapomeň postarat." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B34" "Coach: Finally something that makes sense to me. A man and his snacks. We'll hook ya up. Just don't forget to take care of us." "Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: Ještě jsem cestou pro sváču nezabíjel zombíky, ale dnes toho dělám hodně poprvé. Jestli neva, že k tomu použijeme tvý zbraně, tak můžeme vyrazit." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B35" "Coach: I have never killed zombies on a snack run, but today is a day of firsts. If you don't mind us using your guns to do it, we're good to go." "Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Nicku, nedívej se na mě tak. Cola a oříšky by mohly být jeho poslední jídlo. To mu nemůžeme upřít. Přineseme mu sváču a on nám pomůže. Já jsem pro." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B36" "Coach: Nick, don't give me that look. Cola and nuts might be this man's last meal. We can't deny him that. We get him his snacks, he helps us. I'm good with it." "Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: A máme tady alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B37" "Coach: Here comes the alarm." "Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: Tamhle je Cola!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B38" "Coach: There's the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Vezměte tu Colu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B39" "Coach: Grab the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: Mám tu Colu, můžeme zpátky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B40" "Coach: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: Dobře, mám tu magorovu Colu! Jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B41" "Coach: All right, I got the crazy man's cola! Let's go!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: Mám tu Colu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B42" "Coach: I got the cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Beru Colu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B43" "Coach: Grabbin' cola!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: Cesta je volná! Jdeme, zlato!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B44" "Coach: Barrier's down! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Cesta volná! Jdeme do obchoďáku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B45" "Coach: Path clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: [smích] Když ten člověk řekne, že cestu vyčistí, tak ji taky vyčistí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B46" "Coach: When that man says he's gonna clear a path, he clears a path!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: Takhle jsem čistil cestu, když jsem hrál na vejšce fotbal." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B47" "Coach: That's how I used clear a path when I played college ball." "Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Cesta je volná! Jdeme na to, zlato!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B48" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's move, baby!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Cesta je volná! Jdeme do obchoďáku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B49" "Coach: Path's clear! Let's get to that mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Ha-HA! Támhle je obchoďák!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B50" "Coach: Ha-HA! There's the mall!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Užij si tu Colu s oříškama, brácho! Díky za zbraně!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B51" "Coach: Enjoy those cola and nuts, man! Thanks for the guns!" "Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. Zdá se vám, že je v tom obchoďáku rušno?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B52" "Coach: Hmm. This mall look busy to you?" "Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: Asi budou všichni uvnitř." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M2B53" "Coach: I guess all the people must be inside." "Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Hledejte evakuační centrum. A taky rychlé občerstvení. Umírám HLADY." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B01" "Coach: Keep an eye out for the evac center. Also the food court. I am STARVING." "Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Pojďte všichni sem. Pomodlíme se. Dobrotivý Bože. Proveď nás bezpečně nástrahami v tomto nákupním centru. A prosím, Bože... ať je rychlé občerstvení v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B02" "Coach: Everybody, gather 'round. Let's pray. Dear Lord. See us safely through our time of trial in this mall. And please Lord... let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Amen" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B03" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Amen" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B04" "Coach: Amen." "Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: Někde tady musí být CEDA. Najdeme evakuační centrum a padáme odsud." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B05" "Coach: CEDA's gotta be around here somewhere. Let's find this evac and get out of here." "Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Nahoru po eskalátoru!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B06" "Coach: Up this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Nahoru po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B07" "Coach: Up that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Dolů po eskalátoru!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B08" "Coach: Down this escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Dolů po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B09" "Coach: Down that escalator!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. KONEČNĚ se člověk může v obchodě nechat ostříhat, zatímco si kupuje kalhoty." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B10" "Coach: Hmm. About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: Doufám, že je rychlé občerstvení v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B11" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Prosím, Bože, ať je rychlé občerstvení v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B12" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: Teď bych klidně sroloval celou pizzu a snědl ji jako bagetu." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B13" "Coach: I could roll up a whole pizza right now, eat it sub-style." "Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: Jestli uvidím, jak ke mně běží zombík s ochutnávkama, tak ho nezastřelím." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B14" "Coach: If I see a zombie running at me with a sample tray, I ain't shootin' it." "Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: Doufám, že je rychlé občerstvení v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B15" "Coach: I hope the food court's okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Prosím, Bože, ať je rychlé občerstvení v pořádku." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B16" "Coach: Please, Lord, let the food court be okay." "Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: KONEČNĚ se člověk může v obchodě nechat ostříhat, zatímco si kupuje kalhoty." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B17" "Coach: About time a store gives a man a haircut while he buys himself some pants." "Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evakuace je tudy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B18" "Coach: Evac's this way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evakuace je tamtudy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B19" "Coach: Evac's that way!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evakuace je před námi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B20" "Coach: Evac's up ahead!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Héj! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B21" "Coach: Heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Ou héj! Jimmy Gibbs!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B22" "Coach: Ohh heyyy! Jimmy Gibbs!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: O Jimmy Gibbsovi jsem slyšel! Je to závodní LEGENDA." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B23" "Coach: I heard of Jimmy Gibbs! That man's a stock car LEGEND." "Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: No, věříte mi v těchhle místech? Je stejně slavný jako... Elvis. Nebo jako prezident." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B24" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: No, věříte mi v těchhle místech? Je stejně slavný jako... Elvis. Nebo jako prezident." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B25" "Coach: Well, trust me-in these parts? He's as famous as... Elvis. Or the President." "Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Připravte se, spustí se alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B26" "Coach: Get ready, alarm is gonna sound." "Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Pokračujte!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B27" "Coach: Keep going!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: Musíme vypnout ten alarm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B28" "Coach: We gotta turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Poslední, kdy vypne alarm, je posera!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B29" "Coach: Last one to turn off the alarm is a rotten egg!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B30" "Coach: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: A je to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B31" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: A je to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B32" "Coach: Got it!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: Pořád mi to zní v hlavě, ale řekl bych, že je ten alarm vypnutý." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B33" "Coach: I can still hear it in my head, but I think the alarm is off." "Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...ubohé rychlé občerstvení nemělo šanci..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B34" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: Doufám, že aspoň NĚKDO se odsud dostal v pořádku..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B35" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: Co kruci dělá CEDA?" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B36" "Coach: What the hell is CEDA doing?" "Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: Nebudu lhát. Nevypadá to dobře." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B37" "Coach: I won't lie. It don't look good." "Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Někteří z uprchlíků si museli postavit úkryt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B38" "Coach: Some of the refugees must've built a safe room!" "Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...ubohé rychlé občerstvení nemělo šanci..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B39" "Coach: ...poor food court never stood a chance..." "Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: Doufám, že aspoň NĚKDO se odsud dostal v pořádku..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M3B40" "Coach: I hope SOMEBODY got out all right..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Synku, ruku na to." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B01" "Coach: Son, you got a DEAL." "Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Ha HA! Celou cestu do New Orleans! To zní jako dobrej PLÁN." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B02" "Coach: Ha HA! All the way to New Orleans! Baby, that sounds like a PLAN." "Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: Dobře, takže...Evakuace se nekoná. Jestli má někdo nějaký nápad, tak sem s ním." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B03" "Coach: All right, so...Getting' evac'd ain't happening. Anybody got an idea, now's the time." "Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Vypadá to, že se budeme muset zachránit sami. Jestli někoho něco napadá, tak sem s tím, posloucháme." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B04" "Coach: Looks like we're gonna have to save ourselves. Anybody got an idea, speak up, we're listenin'." "Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: Normálně bych to neudělal. Ale za těchto okolností to myslím panu Gibbsovi mladšímu vadit nebude." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B05" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: Normálně bych s tím nesouhlasil. Ale za těchto okolností to myslím panu Gibbsovi mladšímu vadit nebude." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B06" "Coach: Normally I wouldn't agree to do this. But in these circumstances, I think Mr. Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind." "Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: Jestli uvidíme Jimmyho Gibbse jako zombie, bude ho muset zabít někdo jiný." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B07" "Coach: If we see a Jimmy Gibbs zombie, somebody else is gonna have to kill him." "Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Hned jak se otevřou dveře? Poběžíte jako o život a najdete nějakej BENZÍN." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B08" "Coach: Soon as them doors open? You run your ass off and find some GAS." "Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Jakmile se dveře otevřou, připravte se VYRAZIT." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B09" "Coach: Soon as these doors open, get ready to MOVE." "Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Promiň, Jimmy, ale potřebujeme tvůj auťák." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B10" "Coach: Forgive us, Jimmy, but we need your car." "Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Hněte zadkem a sežeňte benzín!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B11" "Coach: Haul ass and get gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: No tak, zlato, dělej..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B12" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: No tak, zlato, dělej..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B13" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Prosím, zlato, prosím, prosím..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B14" "Coach: Please, baby, baby, please, please..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: No tak, zlato, dělej..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B15" "Coach: Oh, come on, baby, come on..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Honem, honeemmm..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B16" "Coach: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Děleeej, děleeej..." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B17" "Coach: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Tady to naplníme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B18" "Coach: Fillin' it up here!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: Tohle je moje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B19" "Coach: I got this one!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Jdeme! Najděte kanystr!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B20" "Coach: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Natankujeme ten auťák!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B21" "Coach: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: Potřebujeme víc benzínu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B22" "Coach: We need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: Potřebujeme ještě víc benzínu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B23" "Coach: We still need more gas!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: Dobře, půlka za námi!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B24" "Coach: All right, halfway there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Skoro hotovo!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B25" "Coach: Almost there!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: Potřebujeme ještě dvacet!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B26" "Coach: We need twenty more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: Potřebujeme ještě deset!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B27" "Coach: We still need ten more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: Potřebujeme ještě pět!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B28" "Coach: We still need five more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Už jenom tři!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B29" "Coach: Just three more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Už jenom dva!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B30" "Coach: Just two more!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: Ještě jeden kanystr!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B31" "Coach: One more can to go!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: Máme natankováno, nastupte do auta!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B32" "Coach: We're all gassed up, get to the car!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: Jedeme do New Orleans!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B33" "Coach: Here we come, New Orleans!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: NASTUPTE DO AUTA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B34" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: NASTUPTE DO AUTA, LIDI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B35" "Coach: GET TO THE CAR, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: ŠLÁPNI NA TO!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B36" "Coach: HIT IT!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Promiňte, pane Gibbsi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B37" "Coach: Sorry about this, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: JEĎ, ELLISI, JEĎ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B38" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: JEĎ, ELLISI, JEĎ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B39" "Coach: GO, ELLIS, GO!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: ŠLÁPNI NA TO, ELLISI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B40" "Coach: PUNCH IT, ELLIS!" "Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Úúú! Díky, pane Gibbsi." "[english]Coach_WorldC1M4B41" "Coach: Woo! Thank you, Mr. Gibbs." "Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Kruci, dostalo nás to až sem. Najdeme jinou cestu do New Orleans." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B01" "Coach: Hell, it got us this far. We'll find another way to N'awlins." "Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Třeba je tu nechali, když je zachránili." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B02" "Coach: Maybe they left 'em when they got rescued." "Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hej, Whisperin' Oaks! Kruci, tam jsem jezdíval, když jsem byl malej!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B03" "Coach: Hey, Whisperin' Oaks! Shit, I used to go there when I was a kid!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Hele, světlomety! Třeba tam někdo přežil, měli bychom se tam podívat." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B04" "Coach: Look, searchlights! Might be survivors there, we should check it out." "Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Hele, světlomety! Vsadím se, že je to Whisperin' Oaks." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B05" "Coach: Look, searchlights! I bet that's Whisperin' Oaks." "Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Dolů po tomhle sjezdu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B06" "Coach: Down this offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Dolů po tamtom sjezdu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B07" "Coach: Down that offramp!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: Támhle! Whisperin' Oaks! [zasměje se] Páni, jak já si tam užíval." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B08" "Coach: There it is! Whisperin' Oaks! Man, I had some times there." "Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Dálnice je zablokovaná! Podíváme se do motelu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B09" "Coach: Highway's blocked! Let's check out the motel!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Zkontrolujte pokoje. Mohlo by se nám něco hodit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B10" "Coach: Check the rooms. Might be somethin' useful." "Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: [směje se] To není sranda. Mohlo se to stát tobě [opět se rozesměje] Ne, je to sranda." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B11" "Coach: It's not funny. You coulda really hurt yours... Naw, it's funny." "Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: [směje se] Bacha na první krok, zlato." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B12" "Coach: Watch that first step, baby." "Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Hou... Z toho kopce pomalu. Vypadá to na pořádnej padák." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B13" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Na tom kopci bacha..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B14" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: Támhle je! Whispering Oaks!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B15" "Coach: There she is! Whispering Oaks!" "Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Hou... Z toho kopce pomalu. Vypadá to na pořádnej padák." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B16" "Coach: Whoa... Take it slow down this hill. Looks like a pretty big drop." "Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Na tom kopci bacha..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M1B17" "Coach: Watch yourself on this hill..." "Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: Zamíříme k těm světlometům. Jestli se někde evakuuje, tak to bude tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B01" "Coach: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: Světlomety pořád svítí. Řekl bych, že je to dobrý znamení." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B02" "Coach: There's still searchlights on. I'd say that's a good sign." "Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Hej, Midnight Riders! Tu kapelu jsem MILOVAL. Měli nejlepší pyrotechnické efekty." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B03" "Coach: Hey, the Midnight Riders! I used to LOVE that band. Best pyrotechnics in the business." "Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: Jo! Mám VŠECHNY jejich desky. I ty nový, co stojí za prd." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B04" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [zpívá] ...Musíš dosáhnout na vrchol, zůstat na té hořeee... da-na-NA-na-NA-ná!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B05" "Coach: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [zpívá] ...Každá žena šílí, když tam její táta není... da-na-NA-na-NA-ná!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B06" "Coach: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around... dunh-nuh-NAH-nuh-NAH-nha!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hej! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B07" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hej! Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B08" "Coach: Hey! The Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: Jo! Mám VŠECHNY jejich desky. I ty nový, co stojí za prd." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B09" "Coach: Hell yes! I got ALL their albums. Even their new stuff that ain't no good." "Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: Děláš si prdel? Byli... byli... ne, vlastně ne. Měli jednu dobrou písničku." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B10" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Ale měli nejlepší světelné efekty." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B11" "Coach: Best light show in the business, though." "Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Nejlepší doprovodní zpěváci, jaké můžete slyšet." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B12" "Coach: Best backup singers you ever want to hear." "Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: Děláš si prdel? Byli... byli... ne, vlastně ne. Měli jednu dobrou písničku." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B13" "Coach: You kiddin' me? They were... were... nah, not really. They had one good song." "Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: Ten burák má šílený voči. Pořád mě SLEDUJE." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B14" "Coach: That peanut's got crazy eyes. They FOLLOW you." "Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: Ten burák má zlý, šílený voči." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B15" "Coach: That peanut man's got wild, crazy eyes." "Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: Ten burák se mi nelíbí." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B16" "Coach: I don't like that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: Ten burák se mi NELÍBÍ." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B17" "Coach: I DO NOT like that little peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: Ten burák se mi NIKDY nelíbil." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B18" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: Ten burák se mi NIKDY nelíbil." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B19" "Coach: I have NEVER liked that peanut." "Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: Ze všech těch cedulí mám hlad." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B20" "Coach: All these signs are making me hungry." "Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Smažené placky... koláče... párky v rohlíku... Páni, ty cedule vyvolávají spoustu vzpomínek." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B21" "Coach: Elephant ears... funnel cakes... corn dogs... Man, these signs are bringin' back some memories." "Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Jo, lidi, dal bych si teď hromadu popcornu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B22" "Coach: Oh, baby, I could destroy some kettle corn right now." "Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: Kdybych tady našel Burger Tank? Změnil bych se na cheeseburgerovou apokalypsu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B23" "Coach: I find a Burger Tank in this place? I'm-a be a one-man cheeseburger apocalypse." "Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmmhmm. Broskvový koláč." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B24" "Coach: Mmmhmm. Peach cobbler." "Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Cukrová vata. Královna všech jídel." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B25" "Coach: Cotton Candy. The king of foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: No jo. Cukrová vata. Moudrý faraón všech jídel. Sedí na vrcholku potravinové pyramidy a rozhoduje o všech podřadnějších jídlech." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B26" "Coach: Ah yeah. Cotton Candy. The wise pharaoh of food. Sittin' atop the food pyramid, passin' judgment on all lesser foods." "Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: A co tím myslíš?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B27" "Coach: And what's your point?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Až bude svět zase normální? Koupím vám všem pořádný steak." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B28" "Coach: Once the world goes back to normal? I'm buyin' you guys a steak dinner." "Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Někdy si připadám, jako bychom hlídali děti, vy ne?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B29" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Někdy si připadám, jako bychom hlídali děti, vy ne?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B30" "Coach: Sometimes it feels like we're babysitting, doesn't it?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: „Musíte být aspoň takto vysocí, abyste se mohli svézt“. No tak aspoň tam nebudou žádní Jockeyové." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B31" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Well-least there won't be no Jockeys in there." "Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: „Minimální výška pro použití atrakce“. Promiň, Ellisi. Byl jsi dobrej kámoš." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B32" "Coach: 'You must be this tall to ride.' Sorry, Ellis. It's been real, man." "Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Hou!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B33" "Coach: Whoa!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: Kruci, to byla sranda." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B34" "Coach: Damn, that was fun." "Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B35" "Coach: Gate's open!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: Je to vypnuté." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B36" "Coach: It's off." "Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: Zatraceně. Nemůžou tady mít plný automat na sladkosti?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B37" "Coach: Damn it. They can't keep a candy machine filled up around here?" "Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: Támhle je úkryt! Všichni do tunelu lásky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B38" "Coach: There's the saferoom! Everybody in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Do tunelu lásky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B39" "Coach: Get in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Hněte zadky do tunelu lásky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M2B40" "Coach: Get your ass in the Tunnel of Love!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: No – vypadá to, že půjdeme tunelem lásky, lidi. Žádný techtle mechtle." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B01" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. No hanky panky." "Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: No – vypadá to, že půjdeme tunelem lásky, lidi. Držte se u mě." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B02" "Coach: Well-looks like we're going through the Tunnel of Love, people. Stay close to me." "Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nicku, byl jsem ve fotbalovým týmu. Coach na tom nebyl špatně." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B03" "Coach: Nick, I was on the football team. Coach did just fine." "Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach si ve své době zase nevedl tak špatně, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B04" "Coach: Coach didn't do too bad for himself back in the day, Nick." "Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: Kolikpak vzpomínek na tunel lásky máš TY, Nicku?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B05" "Coach: How many Tunnel of Love memories YOU got, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: Ta voda nevypadá přirozeně..." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B06" "Coach: This water don't look natural..." "Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Kdysi jsem měl plakáty, který by v tomhle světle vypadaly DOBŘE." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B07" "Coach: Back in the day, I had some posters that woulda looked GOOD in this light." "Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Touhle dírou!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B08" "Coach: Down this hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Tamtou dírou!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B09" "Coach: Down that hole!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: Nepamatuju si, že by byl tunel lásky takhle DLOUHEJ. Musel jsem myslet na něco jinýho." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B10" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: Nepamatuju si, že by byl tunel lásky takhle DLOUHEJ. Musel jsem myslet na něco jinýho." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B11" "Coach: I don't remember the Tunnel of Love bein' this LONG. I musta had something else on my mind." "Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: Musíme to dostat z kolejí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B12" "Coach: We'll have to get this crap off the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: Musíme otevřít tu bránu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B13" "Coach: We'll have to get this gate open." "Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: Budeme muset prorazit tu bránu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B14" "Coach: We're gonna have to bust this gate open!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: Tamhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B15" "Coach: There's a chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: Tam je zase ten vrtulník!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B16" "Coach: There's that chopper again!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: Tam letí ten vrtulník!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B17" "Coach: There goes the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: Musíme ten alarm vypnout!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B18" "Coach: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B19" "Coach: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Prostě se držte kolejí a dostaneme se z toho!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B20" "Coach: Just keep following the tracks and we'll get through this!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Zůstaňte na kolejích!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B21" "Coach: Stay on the tracks!" "Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: OK, alarm je vypnutý!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M3B22" "Coach: Okay, alarm's off!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Pojďme na stadion, mám nápad!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B01" "Coach: Let's get inside the stadium, I have an idea!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders nás zachrání!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B02" "Coach: Midnight Riders to the rescue!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders tady mají hrát?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B03" "Coach: Midnight Riders are supposed to play here?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: Musíme tomu vrtulníku dát signál!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B04" "Coach: We need to signal the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: Vím, jak tomu vrtulníku můžeme dát signál." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B05" "Coach: I know how we can signal that chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellisi, seš připravenej na pořádnej rock?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B06" "Coach: Ellis, you ready to rock?" "Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: Můžeme se na stadion dostat tudy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B07" "Coach: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: Na stadion!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M4B08" "Coach: Into the stadium!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Znáte všichni Midnight Riders? Ti nás zachrání." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B01" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: Když spustíme jejich finále, tak ten vrtulník pozná, že se něco děje." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B02" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Protože nikdo – a tím myslím NIKDO – nemá větší pyrotechnické efekty než Midnight Riders." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B03" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger pyrotechnics show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Znáte všichni Midnight Riders? Ti nás zachrání." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B04" "Coach: Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They gonna save us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: Když spustíme jejich finále, tak ten vrtulník pozná, že se něco děje." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B05" "Coach: We start their finale, that chopper is gonna know something's up." "Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Protože nikdo – a tím myslím NIKDO – nemá větší světelné efekty než Midnight Riders." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B06" "Coach: Because nobody - and I mean NOBODY - has a bigger light show than the Midnight Riders." "Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Finále Midnight Riders? To ten zatracenej vrtulník upoutá." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B07" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: Ti zombíci by se měli připravit na pořádnej rock." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B08" "Coach: These zombies better be ready to rock." "Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: Už je to dlouho, co jsem Riders viděl, ale jestli mají stejný finále, tak to pilota upoutá. Jenom to musíme spustit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B09" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: Už je to dlouho, co jsem Riders viděl, ale jestli mají stejný finále, tak to pilota upoutá. Jenom to musíme spustit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B10" "Coach: It's been a long time since I seen the Riders, but if their finale's the same, that'll signal the chopper pilot. We just need to start it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: Ta muzika JE SUPER!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B100" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: Zapomněl jsem, jak moc se mi ta písnička líbí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B101" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: Tuhle písničku pěkně váleli!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B102" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: Normálně na rock moc nejsem, ale Riders teda miluju!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B103" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Zesil to, tuhle část miluju!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B104" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: Ten vrtulník nás viděl!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B105" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: Vrtulník sem letí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B106" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: Midnight Riders nás zachránili!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B107" "Coach: The Midnight Riders saved us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: Paráda, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B108" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: Funguje to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B109" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Finále Midnight Riders? To ten zatracenej vrtulník upoutá." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B11" "Coach: Midnight Rider's finale? That'll alert the goddamn chopper." "Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: To mě podrž! Ani já moc nečekal, že se to stane!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B110" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna happen!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: To mě podrž! Ani já moc nečekal, že tu bude fungovat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B111" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Zabijte toho Tanka, ať může přistát!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B112" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: Musíme zabít toho Tanka, než přistane!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B113" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: Slyšeli jste, zabijte toho Tanka!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B114" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: Ten vrtulník nás viděl!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B115" "Coach: The chopper saw us!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: Vrtulník sem letí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B116" "Coach: The chopper's coming!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: Paráda, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B117" "Coach: All right, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: Funguje to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B118" "Coach: It's working!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: To mě podrž! Ani já moc nečekal, že tu bude fungovat!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B119" "Coach: I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: OK, mám plán." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B12" "Coach: Okay, here's the plan." "Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Zabijte toho Tanka, ať může přistát!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B120" "Coach: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: Slyšeli jste, zabijte toho Tanka!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B121" "Coach: You heard the man, kill the Tank!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: Musíme zabít toho Tanka, než přistane!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B122" "Coach: We gotta kill the Tank before he lands!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B123" "Coach: Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: ÚÚÚ! Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B124" "Coach: WOOO! Get on the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B125" "Coach: Everyone to the chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Nastupte do toho vrtulníku!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B126" "Coach: Get on that chopper!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: Nejdřív se kolem rychle mrknem po párcích v rohlíku." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B13" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs." "Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: Nejdřív se kolem rychle mrknem po párcích v rohlíku. Ale ne, dělám si srandu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B14" "Coach: First we do a quick check around for corn dogs. Nah, I'm just playin'." "Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: Nejdřív se mrknem po zásobách." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B15" "Coach: First we look for supplies." "Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Pak spustíme finále Midnight Riders. Jsou to různý ohňostroje, kouřový a světelný efekty a tak. Ten pilot vrtulníku to nemůže přehlídnout." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B16" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Pak spustíme finále Midnight Riders. Jsou to různý ohňostroje, kouřový a světelný efekty a tak. Ten pilot vrtulníku to nemůže přehlídnout." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B17" "Coach: Then we start the Midnight Rider finale. It's all kinds of fireworks, smokepots, and lights and shit. That chopper pilot can't miss it." "Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: Miluju Riders. Nikdo nemá větší finále než voni. Stačí, když to spustíme, a pilot vrtulníku nás zaručeně uvidí." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B18" "Coach: I love the Riders. Nobody has a bigger finale than them. All we need to do is start it up, and the chopper pilot's sure as hell gonna see us." "Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: Jak spustíme to finále?" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B19" "Coach: How do we start the finale?" "Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: Musíme přijít na to, jak to všechno spustíme." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B20" "Coach: We have to figure out how to turn all this stuff on." "Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: Musíme spustit finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B21" "Coach: We need to start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: Oni mají playback? Do prdele. Podělaní staří rockoví šašci." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B22" "Coach: They have taped music? Shit. Old ass classic rock clowns." "Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: Ne, jenom si šetřej hlasy do studia, Nicku. To je CHYTRÝ." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B23" "Coach: No, they're just saving their voices for the studio, Nick. That's SMART." "Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: Utahuješ si z nich, protože závidíš, Nicku. Ti chlapi jsou žijící legendy." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B24" "Coach: You mock because you're jealous, Nick. These men are living legends." "Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: No to snad ne, voni používají nahranou muziku. A to jsem je míval rád." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B25" "Coach: Well ain't this a bitch, they got a tape for their music. To think I used to like these guys." "Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Falešný starý srágory, mají tady playback." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B26" "Coach: Lip syncing old ass bitches, they got a tape back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: Je tady playback, mají to všechno nachystané na finále." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B27" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: Riders mají finále celý nachystaný tady vzadu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B28" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: Když pustím tu kazetu, všechno se to spustí. Připravte se!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B29" "Coach: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: Je tady playback, mají to všechno nachystané na finále." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B30" "Coach: There's a tape back here, this is all setup for the finale." "Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: Riders mají finále celý nachystaný tady vzadu." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B31" "Coach: The Rider's have their finale all cued up back here." "Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: Tahle kazeta spustí finále! Připravte se!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B32" "Coach: This tape's gonna start the finale! Get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: To bude paráda!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B33" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: Když pustíme tu kazetu, tak se to rozjede. Tak se připravte!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B34" "Coach: When we start this tape, it's gonna be on. So get ready!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: To bude paráda!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B35" "Coach: This is gonna be good!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: Když pustíme tu kazetu, buďte připravení! Ta muzika bude NEUVĚŘITELNĚ DOBRÁ, ale zkuste se soustředit." "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B36" "Coach: When we start this tape, get ready! The music's gonna be INCREDIBLY GOOD, but try to focus." "Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Připravte se na pořádnej rock, spustím finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B37" "Coach: Get ready to rock, I'm gonna start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finále frčí! Připravte se na pořádnej rock!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B38" "Coach: Finale's on! Get ready to rock!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Spusťte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B39" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Pusťte kazetu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B40" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Nahoďte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B41" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B42" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B43" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: Potřebujeme víc světel!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B44" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Zesilte to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B45" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: Musíme to ohulit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B46" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Spusťte ohňostroje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B47" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Spusťte výbuchy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B48" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Zapněte výbuchy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B49" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Zapněte to!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B50" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B51" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: Víc světel!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B52" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Zapněte reflektory!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B53" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Hlasitěji!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B54" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: VÍC! VÍC! POTŘEBUJEME VÍC!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B55" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROZBALTE TO!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B56" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Jóóó! Midnight Riders JSOU BOŽÍ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B57" "Coach: Woooo! Midnight Riders RUUUUULE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: Miluju vás, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B58" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: Tu písničku miluju! Miluju VŠECHNY tyhle noty!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B59" "Coach: I love this song! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Zapni to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B60" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Ať to valí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B61" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Spusťte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B62" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Pusťte kazetu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B63" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Nahoďte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B64" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B65" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Jedeme, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B66" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: Ta muzika JE SUPER!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B67" "Coach: This music IS GREAT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: Zapomněl jsem, jak moc se mi ta písnička líbí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B68" "Coach: I forgot how much I like this song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: Tuhle písničku pěkně váleli!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B69" "Coach: They nailed this damn song!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: Normálně na rock moc nejsem, ale Riders teda miluju!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B70" "Coach: I ain't normally a rock music man, but damn I love the Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Zesil to, tuhle část miluju!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B71" "Coach: Turn it up, I love this part!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Spusťte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B72" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Pusťte kazetu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B73" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Nahoďte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B74" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B75" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B76" "Coach: Hit the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: Potřebujeme víc světel!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B77" "Coach: We need more lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Zesilte to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B78" "Coach: Turn it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: Musíme to ohulit!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B79" "Coach: We need to amp it up!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Spusťte ohňostroje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B80" "Coach: Set off the fireworks!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Spusťte výbuchy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B81" "Coach: Hit the flash bangs!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Zapněte výbuchy!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B82" "Coach: Hit the flash pots!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Zapněte to!!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B83" "Coach: Flip the switch!!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B84" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: Víc světel!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B85" "Coach: More lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Zapněte reflektory!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B86" "Coach: Hit the spotlights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Hlasitěji!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B87" "Coach: Louder!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: VÍC! VÍC! POTŘEBUJEME VÍC!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B88" "Coach: MORE! MORE! WE NEED MORE!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROZBALTE TO!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B89" "Coach: ROCK IT OUT!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: Miluju vás, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B90" "Coach: I love you, Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: Tuhle muziku miluju! Miluju VŠECHNY tyhle noty!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B91" "Coach: I love this music! I love ALL these notes!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Zapni to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B92" "Coach: Hit it!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Ať to valí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B93" "Coach: Let it loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Ať to valí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B94" "Coach: Let loose!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Spusťte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B95" "Coach: Start the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Pusťte kazetu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B96" "Coach: Start the tape!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Nahoďte finále!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B97" "Coach: Cue the finale!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B98" "Coach: Turn on the lights!" "Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Jedeme, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Coach_WorldC2M5B99" "Coach: Come on Midnight Riders!" "Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: To je pravda. Kdybych v tom letu měl vybrat nejhorší část, tak asi když přestal pilotovat a zaútočil na nás." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B01" "Coach: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: To teda bylo maso, jak se ten pilot změnil na zombie přímo před náma. Dobrá trefa, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B02" "Coach: That was some shit, the pilot becoming a zombie right before our eyes. Nice shooting, Nick." "Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Ááá, už jsem zažil horší přistání. [pauza] Vlastně jsem lhal, abych šetřil vaše city, ten pád byl dost hnusnej." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B03" "Coach: Ahhh, I've had worse landings. Actually, that's a lie to spare your feelings. That crash was pretty bad." "Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: Víte co? Už žádný vrtulníky. To říkám jenom teď. Jsem v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B04" "Coach: You know what? No more helicopters. I'm just saying that now. I'm good." "Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Až někdo příště bude chtít sejmout našeho pilota, mohli byste mě varovat?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B05" "Coach: Next time someone wants to shoot our pilot, can I get a little warning?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: To bylo poprvé, co jsem letěl vrtulníkem. Vždycky jsem si myslel, že je tam míň zombíků." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B06" "Coach: That was the first time I was in a helicopter. I always imagined it with less zombies." "Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: Do prdele, ten pilot se prostě změnil. Nejdřív s náma letěl do bezpečí, a hned potom ... no... jsem si sakra jistej, že nás chtěl sežrat." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B07" "Coach: Shit, that pilot just changed. One minute he was flying us to safety, the next he was... well... I am pretty damn sure he was trying to eat us." "Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Kde to kruci jsme?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B08" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Kde to kruci jsme?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B09" "Coach: Where in the hell are we?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Díval se někdo, kde jsme byli, než jsme spadli?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B10" "Coach: Anyone check where we were before we went down?" "Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: Nemám žádný předsudky, ale žít v bažině? To je trochu ujetý." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B11" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Kruci. Když se člověk musí obrátit na lidi žijící v bažině, aby mu pomohli z města? Myslím, že CEDA neodvádí dobrou práci." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B12" "Coach: Man. When you're forced to turn to people livin' in a swamp to help you get out of a city? I don't think CEDA's doing their job right." "Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: Nemám žádný předsudky, ale žít v bažině? To je trochu ujetý." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M1B13" "Coach: I ain't a prejudiced man, but-livin' in a swamp? That's sorta crazy." "Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Zdá se, že nejsme jediní, kdo dneska spadl." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B01" "Coach: Looks like we weren't the only people crashing today." "Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nicku, nesestřelil jsi i tohodle pilota, nebo jo?" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B02" "Coach: Nick, you didn't shoot this pilot too did you?" "Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: Tohle spustí alarm, připravte se." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B03" "Coach: This here is gonna set off an alarm, get ready." "Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: Otevírám to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B04" "Coach: I'm opening it!" "Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: Otevírám ty dveře!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M2B05" "Coach: I'm opening this door!" "Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: Mířili k řece, to není špatnej nápad." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B01" "Coach: They headed to the river, sounds like a good idea." "Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: Nechci tady zůstat, pojďme za nimi." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B02" "Coach: I don't want to stay here, let's follow 'em." "Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Nezastavujme." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M3B03" "Coach: Let's keep moving." "Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Zbyli jsme tři." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B01" "Coach: Three of us left." "Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Jenom dva." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B02" "Coach: Only two of us." "Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Jenom já." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B03" "Coach: Just me." "Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Ať to moc netrvá." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B04" "Coach: Well don't be long now." "Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: Slyším, budeme tady." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B05" "Coach: I hear ya, we'll be here." "Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: Nikam nepůjdeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B06" "Coach: We ain't goin' anywhere." "Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: A sakra! Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B07" "Coach: Oh shit! Gate open!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: Tak se mi to líbí, jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B08" "Coach: That's my kind of guy, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Brána je otevřená, jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B09" "Coach: Gate's open, let's go!" "Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Náš místní přítel otevřel bránu!" "[english]Coach_WorldC3M4B10" "Coach: Our Cajun friend opened the gate!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Podívejte, benzínka je hned přes ulici. Už jsme mohli být dvakrát zpátky. Dělejte." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B01" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: JÁ? Říkal jsem Nickovi, aby ty zbraně vzal!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B02" "Coach: ME? I told Nick to grab the guns!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Hele, jsem dobře stavěnej chlap! Vystupování z rozhoupanýho člunu chce KONCENTRACI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B03" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Hele, jsem dobře stavěnej chlap! Vystupování z rozhoupanýho člunu chce KONCENTRACI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B04" "Coach: Look, I'm a generously proportioned man! Gettin' off a rockin' boat takes CONCENTRATION!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Podívejte, benzínka je hned přes ulici. Už jsme mohli být dvakrát zpátky. Dělejte." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B05" "Coach: Look here, the gas station's right across the street. We coulda already been there and back by now. Come on." "Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: Jakou tašku se zbraněma? Ale ne, ŘEKNĚTE MI, že jsme ty zbraně nezapomněli." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B06" "Coach: What gun bag? Oh for-TELL ME we didn't forget the guns." "Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: Měli bychom to udělat na otočku. Vzít benzín, vrátit se břeh, dát signál Virgilovi pistolí na světlice z tašky se zbraněma. Pak prostě , eh... ehm... ááá, SAKRA. Řekněte, že NĚKDO tu tašku VZAL." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B07" "Coach: We should be in and out here. Get the gas, get back to shore, signal Virgil with the flare gun in the gun bag. Then we just, uh... um... aw, HELL. Tell me SOMEONE brought the GUN BAG." "Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Další benzínka dvě míle. Zdá se, že Virgil bude muset čekat o něco dýl, než myslel." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B08" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Looks like Virgil's gonna be waitin' a bit longer than he thought." "Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Další benzínka dvě míle. Doufám, že Virgil rád čeká, protože se asi pěkně projdeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B09" "Coach: Next gas two miles. Hope Virgil likes waitin', 'cause it looks we're goin' for a walk." "Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Došel benzín. Sakra." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B10" "Coach: Outta gas. Shit." "Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Pojďme k té benzínce Ducatel." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B11" "Coach: Let's head to this Ducatel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Protože jestli NE, tak tady zůstaneme na věky, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B12" "Coach: Because if they DON'T, we gonna be stuck here forever, Nick." "Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: Dobře, přestaňte fňukat. Budeme k tomu Ducatelovi muset dojít pěšky." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B13" "Coach: All right, quit whinin'. We just gotta hike to this Duke-atel diesel." "Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Prostě to uděláme a vrátíme se zpátky." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B14" "Coach: Let's just get this done and head back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: Začíná pršet." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B15" "Coach: It's startin' to rain." "Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: Tak jo, pospěšte, lidi. Bouře tady přicházejí rychle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B16" "Coach: All right, let's hustle, people. Storms come up quick around here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: A kruci. Zdá se, že se blíží pěkná bouře." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B17" "Coach: Aw hell. Looks like a bad storm's comin." "Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Dívejte se po orientačních bodech. Budeme se tudy muset vracet." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B18" "Coach: Keep your eyes open for landmarks. We gonna have to come back through here." "Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Zkuste si zapamatovat, kde ty zásoby munice jsou. Cestou zpátky bychom je mohli potřebovat." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B19" "Coach: Now, try to remember where the ammo dumps're at. We might need some on the way back." "Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: Nejdřív ta pohroma, teď ta potopa. Připadá mi, že bych měl začít stavět archu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B20" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I feel like I should be buildin' an ark." "Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: Nejdřív ta pohroma, teď ta potopa. Myslím, že se nám někdo snaží něco naznačit." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B21" "Coach: First the plague, now the flood. I think somebody's trying to tell us something." "Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Přes to hřiště!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B22" "Coach: Through this playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Přes tamto hřiště!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B23" "Coach: Through that playground!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Vezmeme to přes ten garážový výprodej." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B24" "Coach: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: To je teda hnusná havárka." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B25" "Coach: That's a nasty damn wreck." "Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Za těmi světly!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B26" "Coach: Follow these lights!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Směřujte ke garáži!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B27" "Coach: Head for the garage!" "Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: Tamhle je cukrovar!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M1B28" "Coach: There's the sugar mill!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Silnice je zatarasená." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B01" "Coach: Road's blocked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: Musíme skrz ten cukrovar." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B02" "Coach: We gotta head through the sugar mill." "Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Dělejte, lidi. Přece tady neuvízneme v bouřce." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B03" "Coach: Hurry up, people. We don't wanna get stuck out here in a storm." "Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: Jestli fakt začne pršet, tak nás to pěkně spláchne." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B04" "Coach: If this rain really comes, we gonna get washed away." "Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Voda se začíná zvedat. Musíme pohnout!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B05" "Coach: Water's starting to pool. We gotta move!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: [ukazuje na velkou louži] Hele, už přichází potopa." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B06" "Coach: Look, it's already starting to flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: Už na nás přišla jedna pohroma. Třeba nás Bůh ušetří potopy." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B07" "Coach: We already got plague. Maybe the Lord'll let us slide on the flood." "Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: Lidi, jestli fakt začne pršet, tak budeme mít problém." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B08" "Coach: People, if this rain really comes, we gonna be in trouble." "Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: Je tady kolem plno Witch..." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B09" "Coach: Whole lotta Witches round here." "Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: Tady nahoře je spousta Witch." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B10" "Coach: Lotta damn Witches up in this place." "Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: Další Witch!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B11" "Coach: More Witches!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Třeba je vyplavuje ten déšť." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B12" "Coach: Maybe the rain brings 'em out." "Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: Všechny ty bledý šílený ženský mi už pěkně lezou na nervy." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B13" "Coach: All these pale-assed crazy ladies are gettin' on my last nerve." "Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: Kvůli čemu sakra brečí? To na nás se tady přece útočí." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B14" "Coach: What the hell do THEY got to cry about? We're the ones getting attacked." "Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Běžte do sila!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B15" "Coach: Head for the grain elevator!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: Nahoru po té rampě!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B16" "Coach: Up that ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: Nahoru po téhle rampě!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B17" "Coach: Up this ramp!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: Tam je ta benzínka!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B18" "Coach: There's the gas station!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Přes třtinové pole!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B19" "Coach: Through the cane field!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: Můžeme sjet tím výtahem dolů na pole." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B20" "Coach: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Zmáčkněte někdo tlačítko výtahu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B21" "Coach: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: VÝTAH JE TADY!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B22" "Coach: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: NASTUPTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B23" "Coach: GET IN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: VŠICHNI DO VÝTAHU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B24" "Coach: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: POHNĚTE ZADKEM DO VÝTAHU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B25" "Coach: GET YOUR ASSES IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Zmáčkněte to tlačítko znovu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B26" "Coach: Hit the button again." "Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: NEZASTAVUJTE! BĚŽTE K CEDULI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B27" "Coach: KEEP MOVING! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: BĚŽTE K CEDULI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B28" "Coach: HEAD TOWARD THE SIGN!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B29" "Coach: KEEP MOVING!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Píšou tady, že uvnitř je benzín." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B30" "Coach: Says there's gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: [čte ceduli] Uvnitř benzín." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B31" "Coach: Gas inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Paráda. Jdeme pro něj." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B32" "Coach: Cool. Let's go get it." "Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pumpa je prázdná. Podíváme se dovnitř." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B33" "Coach: Pump's empty. Let's check inside." "Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: V úkrytu je benzín!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B34" "Coach: There's gas in the safe room!" "Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Zavřete dveře a vezmeme benzín." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B35" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Zavřete dveře a můžeme vzít kanystry z té skříně." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B36" "Coach: Close the door and we can bust the cans outta this locker." "Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Zavřete dveře a vezmeme benzín." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M2B37" "Coach: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: Tak jo, lidi. Máte všichni kanystr?" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B01" "Coach: All right, people. Everybody got a can?" "Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Pojďme zpátky do člunu." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B02" "Coach: Let's head back to the boat." "Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Zpátky do člunu, lidi." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B03" "Coach: Back to the boat, people." "Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Jo." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B04" "Coach: Yup." "Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: Já mám." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B05" "Coach: I got one." "Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Cesta zpátky do člunu nebude tak snadná, jako cesta sem." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B06" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: Já vám říkal, že tyhle bouře přicházejí rychle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B07" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Cesta zpátky do člunu nebude tak snadná, jako cesta sem." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B08" "Coach: Getting' back to the boat ain't gonna be as easy as gettin' here." "Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: Já vám říkal, že tyhle bouře přicházejí rychle." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M3B09" "Coach: I told ya these storms come up quick." "Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: Člun není daleko. Ještě kousek a jsme odsud." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B01" "Coach: The boat ain't far. One last push and we're outta here." "Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Držte se vyvýšenin!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B02" "Coach: Keep to high ground!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: Kolem těchhle světel jsme šli cestou tam!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B03" "Coach: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: To světlo na verandě si pamatuju." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B04" "Coach: I remember that porch light." "Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: Tam je ten nabouranej náklaďák." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B05" "Coach: There's that busted up truck." "Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: Garážový prodej! Jdeme správně!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B06" "Coach: The yard sale! We're goin' the right way!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: Tam je to hřiště! Už jsme blízko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B07" "Coach: There's the playground! We're close!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: Tohle místo si pamatuju z cesty tam." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B08" "Coach: I remember this place from the way in." "Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Dokázali jsme to!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B09" "Coach: Burger Tank! Oh, we made it!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: Ještě NIKDY jsem nebyl tak rád, že vidím Burger Tank! A vemte jed, že Burger Tank jsem vždycky viděl HODNĚ rád!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B10" "Coach: I have NEVER been so happy to see a Burger Tank! And believe me, I have been HAPPY to see some Burger Tanks!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: Když rozsvítíme tu ceduli Burger Tank, třeba ji Virgil uvidí." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B11" "Coach: If we fire up the Burger Tank sign, Virgil might see it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Pojďme na to." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B12" "Coach: Let's do it." "Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Rozsviťte ceduli!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B13" "Coach: Fire up the sign!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: Cedule svítí!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B14" "Coach: The sign's lit!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Prosím, Virgile, koukej se." "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B15" "Coach: Please be watchin', Virgil." "Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: CEDULE ZHASLA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B16" "Coach: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: DĚLEJTE. ROZSVIŤTE ZAS TU CEDULI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B17" "Coach: COME ON. GET THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: PODÍVEJTE TÁMHLE! VIRGIL NÁS VIDÍ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B18" "Coach: LOOK UP THERE! VIRGIL SEES US!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: TÁMHLE JE VIRGIL!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B19" "Coach: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC4M4B20" "Coach: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Díky, Virgile. Drž se, brácho." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B01" "Coach: Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother." "Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: Dostali jsme se FAKT daleko, lidi. Jsem na vás pyšnej. Teď už zbývá jen ta poslední míle." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B02" "Coach: We made it REAL damn far, people. I'm proud of you. Now let's just cross that last mile." "Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: Cestou sem jsme prošli peklem. Teď jsme před poslední mílí. Ať to stojí za to." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B03" "Coach: We BEEN through hell getting here. Now we're at the last mile. Let's make this COUNT." "Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: Tak jo, lidi, jdeme k tomu mostu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B04" "Coach: All right people, let's get to that bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: Už jsme skoro v suchu, lidi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B05" "Coach: We're almost home free, people." "Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Armáda tady ještě operuje!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B06" "Coach: Military's still active here!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: Ještě lítají stíhačky!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B07" "Coach: They're still flying jets!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: To znamená, že New Orleans neopustili. Dělejte, jdeme!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B08" "Coach: It means they haven't abandoned New Orleans. C'mon, let's move!" "Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: Výborně, armáda je ještě tady!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M1B09" "Coach: All right, military's still here!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: Dělejte, vezmeme to přes park!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B01" "Coach: C'mon, let's head through the park!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Hele, ta dálnice vede přímo k našemu mostu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B02" "Coach: Look, that freeway's headin' right to our bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: Tak jo, půjdeme po ní!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B03" "Coach: All right, then, let's follow it!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: Tohle nejsou zombíci. Někdo střílel lidi." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B04" "Coach: These ain't zombies. Somebody's been shootin' people." "Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: Vím prd. Půjdeme dál." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B05" "Coach: I don't know shit. We gonna keep movin'." "Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: [otráveně] Jaký to je, mít takhle pravdu, Nicku?" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B06" "Coach: How does bein' so right feel, Nick?" "Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Když otevřeme dveře, spustí se alarm." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B07" "Coach: Alarm's gonna sound when we open the door." "Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Připravte se k útěku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B08" "Coach: Get ready to run." "Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B09" "Coach: RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: POHNĚTE ZADKEM!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B10" "Coach: MOVE YOUR ASSES!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: BĚŽTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B11" "Coach: GO!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B12" "Coach: KEEP MOVIN'!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: PROSTĚ UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B13" "Coach: JUST RUN!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: HEJBNĚTE KOSTROU, LIDI!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B14" "Coach: GET THE LEAD OUT, PEOPLE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: MUSÍME TEN ALARM VYPNOUT!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B15" "Coach: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THAT ALARM!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: POHYB!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B16" "Coach: MOVE!" "Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Přes autobusák!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M2B17" "Coach: Through the bus station!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: Tahle dálnice se musí napojit na most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B01" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: Tahle dálnice se musí napojit na most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B02" "Coach: This freeway's gotta hook up with the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Most už nemůže bejt daleko." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B03" "Coach: Bridge can't be too far now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Armáda tuhle čtvrť opustila." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B04" "Coach: Army abandoned this neighborhood." "Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: Musíme najít cestu zpátky dovnitř." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B05" "Coach: We gonna have to find a way back in." "Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: [ukazuje na ceduli] Hele, jsme mimo bezpečnou zónu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B06" "Coach: Look, we're outside the safe zone." "Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: Musíme se prostě dostat k mostu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B07" "Coach: We just gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Ten vrtulník nesejmuli zombíci." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B08" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: Tady se nějak válčilo." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B09" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Ten vrtulník nesejmuli zombíci." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B10" "Coach: Zombies didn't bring down that chopper." "Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: Tady se nějak válčilo." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B11" "Coach: There was some kinda war goin on out here." "Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: Doufám, že ty značky znamenají zombíky." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B12" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Doufám, že ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B13" "Coach: Man, I hope not." "Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: Doufám, že ty značky znamenají zombíky." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B14" "Coach: I hope those hash marks mean zombies." "Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Doufám, že ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B15" "Coach: Man, I hope not.”" "Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Všichni do kanálu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B16" "Coach: Everybody in the sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Nicku, to sis teda vybral dost blbej den na bílej oblek." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B17" "Coach: Man, Nick, you picked a bad day to wear your white suit." "Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nicku! Dobrá zpráva – jdeme do tohodle kanálu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B18" "Coach: Nick! Good news - we're going down into this sewer." "Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Všude jsou alarmy, lidi. Dávejte bacha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B19" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Všude jsou alarmy, lidi. Dávejte bacha!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B20" "Coach: Alarms everywhere, people. Watch yourselves!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Teď všichni pěkně pomalu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B21" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Teď všichni pěkně pomalu." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B22" "Coach: Everybody take it slow, now." "Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Pohybujte se opatrně, dávejte bacha, kam střílíte, a budeme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B23" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Pohybujte se opatrně, dávejte bacha, kam střílíte, a budeme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B24" "Coach: Move careful, watch your fire, and we'll be just fine." "Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: PŘESTAŇTE SAKRA STŘÍLET NA TY ZATRACENÝ AUTA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B25" "Coach: WOULD YOU STOP SHOOTIN' THE GODDAMN CARS?!" "Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: Dokázali jsme to, lidi! Jsme na mostě! Už jsme odsuď skoro pryč." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B26" "Coach: We did it, people! We're on the bridge! We're almost outta this place." "Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: DOPR- ZATRACENĚ." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B27" "Coach: MOTHERF- GODDAMN." "Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: DOPR-" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B28" "Coach: MOTHERF-" "Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: Tak jo. Sakra. Žádnou paniku. Půjdeme dolů a najdeme jinou cestu na most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B29" "Coach: All right. Shit. Nobody panic. We gonna head down and find another way up onto the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Pohni zadkem, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B30" "Coach: Get your ass movin', Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: Slyšel jsem to. Jdeme." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M3B31" "Coach: I heard that. Let's move." "Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: Kruci, voni to tu celý bombardujou. Musíme se dostat na most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B01" "Coach: Man, they're lighting up this whole place. We gotta get to the bridge." "Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: PŘESTAŇTE NÁS BOMBARDOVAT." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B02" "Coach: STOP BOMBING US." "Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: SAKRA!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B03" "Coach: SHIT!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: Kruci! To bylo blízko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B04" "Coach: Damn! That one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: Do prdele. Kruci, to bylo blízko!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B05" "Coach: Shit. Damn, that one was close!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: Tam je ten most!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B06" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: Tam je ten most!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B07" "Coach: There're the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: Na mostě je úkryt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B08" "Coach: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: Je tam úkryt!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M4B09" "Coach: There's a safe room in it!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: Tak jo, tak jo. Pěkně přejdeme přes most a armáda se o nás postará." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B01" "Coach: Allrightallright. We gonna stroll across that bridge, and the army's gonna take care of us." "Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: No, můžeš si v týhle místnosti klidně začít nový život, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B02" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: No, můžeš si v týhle místnosti klidně začít nový život, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B03" "Coach: Well, you free to make yourself a new life here in this room, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: Ne." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B04" "Coach: No." "Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Ne. Jsme v pohodě." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B05" "Coach: Nah. We good." "Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Jdeme, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B06" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Jdeme, Nicku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B07" "Coach: Let's go, Nick." "Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: To zní jako vojáci! Promluvte s nima někdo." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B08" "Coach: Those sound like soldiers! Somebody talk to 'em." "Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Zvedněte někdo tu vysílačku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B09" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Haló!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B10" "Coach: Hello!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hej! Jsme tady čtyři na mostě!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B11" "Coach: Hey! There's four of us on the bridge!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: NEJSME nakažení." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B12" "Coach: We are NOT infected." "Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: „Potkali“? Hochu, jsem celej od zombíovské krve a zvratků a očních bulev a dvaceti dalších kusů, které ani nepoznám. Jsme imunní jak PRASE." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B13" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood and puke and eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: Jsme na cestě." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B14" "Coach: We're on our way." "Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: Musíme spustit ten padací most." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B15" "Coach: We gotta lower that drawbridge." "Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Zvedněte někdo tu vysílačku." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B16" "Coach: Somebody pick up the radio." "Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: „Potkali“? Hochu, jsem celej od zombíovské krve, zvratků, očních bulev a dvaceti dalších kusů, které ani nepoznám. Jsme imunní jak PRASE." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B17" "Coach: \"Encountered\"? Boy, I am covered in zombie blood, puke, eyeballs and twenty other parts I don't even recognize. We are immune as SHIT." "Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: Chceš mě ZKOUŠET? Prošel jsem PEKLEM, abych se sem dostal! Zrovna ty mě NESEJMEŠ!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B18" "Coach: You want to TEST me? I been through HELL to get to here! You are NOT the one to take me down!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: Prošel jsem HROMADOU SRAČEK, abych se sem dostal! Teď přece nezemřu! TEĎ přece NEZEMŘU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B19" "Coach: I walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! I am not gonna die now! I am NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Chlape, už seš příliš blízko. My tady NEZEMŘEME." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B20" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Chlape, už seš příliš blízko. My tady NEZEMŘEME." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B21" "Coach: Man, you are too close. We are NOT gonna die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: Už jsme příliš blízko. NENECHÁM tě tady zemřít." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B22" "Coach: We are too close. I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Holka, já tě tady zemřít NENECHÁM." "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B23" "Coach: Girl, I am NOT gonna let you die here." "Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: TAMHLE JE NÁŠ VRTULNÍK! DĚLEJTE!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B24" "Coach: THERE'S OUR CHOPPER! COME ON!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: NASTUPTE DO VRTULNÍKU!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B25" "Coach: GET TO THE CHOPPER!" "Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: Prošli jsme HROMADU SRAČEK, abychom se sem dostali! Teď přece nezemřeme! TEĎ přece NEZEMŘEME!" "[english]Coach_WorldC5M5B26" "Coach: We walked through a WORLD OF SHIT to get here! We are not gonna die now! We are NOT gonna DIE NOW!" "Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: Větší radost je dávat než přijímat." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem01" "Nick: It is more blessed to give than to receive." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Vezmi si to." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem02" "Nick: Have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Prostě si to vezmi." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem03" "Nick: Just take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: To je pro tebe." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem04" "Nick: This is for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Na, já to nepotřebuju." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem05" "Nick: Here, I don't need this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Vezmi si to, prostě si to vezmi." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItem06" "Nick: Take it, just take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hej ty, vezmi si tohle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC101" "Nick: Hey you, take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: Jak ty se jmenuješ, tady máš." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemC102" "Nick: What's your name, here you go." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Vezmi si to." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Nick: Take this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Vezmi si tohle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Nick: Grab this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Ber." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Nick: Take it." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Stůj, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Počkej, tohle potřebuješ víc než já." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Čekej, můžeš si vzít tohle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Čekej, můžeš si vzít tohle." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Nick: Hold up, you can have this." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Počkej, tohle potřebuješ víc než já." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Nick: Hang on, you need this more than me." "Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Stůj, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Gambler_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Nick: Stop, I have something for you." "Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: OK, jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady01" "Nick: Okay, we ready?" "Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady02" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady03" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Všichni připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady04" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady05" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady06" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady07" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady08" "Nick: Ready?" "Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Všichni připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady09" "Nick: Everyone ready?" "Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: Jsme připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReady10" "Nick: We ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Jste všichni připraveni?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC101" "Nick: Are you guys ready?" "Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Myslíš, že to zvládneš?" "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC102" "Nick: Do you think you can handle this?" "Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: Jestli nejste připravení, nechci to slyšet." "[english]Gambler_AskReadyC103" "Nick: If you aren't ready, I don't want to hear it." "Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Zpátky!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp01" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Zpátky, zpátky!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp02" "Nick: Back, back, back!" "Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Vraťte se." "[english]Gambler_BackUp03" "Nick: Come on back." "Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Zpátky!" "[english]Gambler_BackUp04" "Nick: Back it up!" "Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Zpátky." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet01" "Nick: Back up." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Všichni zpět." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet02" "Nick: Everyone back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Pojďme zpátky." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet03" "Nick: Let's get back." "Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Zpátky, zpátky." "[english]Gambler_BackUpQuiet04" "Nick: Back up, back up." "Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: JÓÓÓ!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry01" "Nick: YEEEAAAAH!" "Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: CHCÍPNI! CHCÍPNI!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry02" "Nick: DIE! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: UDAV SE TÍM!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry03" "Nick: SUCK ON THIS!" "Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: JÓÓ! CHCÍPNI!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCry04" "Nick: YEAH! DIE!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Zabijte Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank01" "Nick: Kill the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Zastřelte Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank02" "Nick: Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Zastřelte toho zatracenýho Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank03" "Nick: Shoot the damn Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Zastřelte tu bestii! Zastřelte tu bestii!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank04" "Nick: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Všichni střílejte na Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank05" "Nick: Everyone shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: Ty, STŘÍLEJ NA TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank06" "Nick: You, SHOOT THE TANK!" "Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: NEPŘESTÁVEJTE STŘÍLET!" "[english]Gambler_BattleCryTank07" "Nick: KEEP SHOOTING!" "Gambler_Blank" " " "[english]Gambler_Blank" " " "Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Ale zatraceně!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction01" "Nick: Oh God damn it!" "Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Ááá, to je teda humus." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction02" "Nick: Ahhh, this is some nasty shit." "Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: Zatraceně! Zase jsem celý pozvracený." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction03" "Nick: God damn it! I am covered in vomit again." "Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: Nevidím." "[english]Gambler_BoomerReaction04" "Nick: I'm blind." "Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: Zatraceně, uvízl jsem tady. Dostaňte mě odsud!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue01" "Nick: God damn it, I'm stuck in here. Get me out!" "Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Nemohl by někdo přijít a dostat mě odsud?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue02" "Nick: Someone want to come get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: Tady nikomu nepomůžu, dostaňte mě odsud!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue03" "Nick: I'm no use to anyone in here, get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: Vy tam, lidi? Pojďte pro mě!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue04" "Nick: You guys out there? Come get me!" "Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: Potřebuji něčí pomoc jen na pět sekund!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue05" "Nick: I need someone's help for just five seconds!" "Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Mohl by někdo z vás přijít pro mě, prosím?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue06" "Nick: Can one of you people come get me, please?" "Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: Uvízl jsem v místnosti!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue07" "Nick: I am trapped in a room!" "Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: Sám se odsud nedostanu!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue08" "Nick: I cannot get out of here by myself!" "Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: No tak, lidi, dostaňte mě odsud." "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue09" "Nick: Come on guys, get me out of here." "Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: Víte, že vám hodně pomůžu. Jenom mě odsud dostaňte!" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue10" "Nick: You know I'm going to be a big help. Just get me out of here!" "Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: Dobře, kdo má čas mě odsud dostat?" "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue11" "Nick: All right, who's available to get me out of here?" "Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Jednou jedinkrát potřebuju pomoc." "[english]Gambler_CallForRescue12" "Nick: Just this once I need some help." "Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Dostal mě Smoker!" "[english]Gambler_Choke01" "Nick: Smoker's got me!" "Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [Dusí se]" "[english]Gambler_Choke02" "Nick: [Choking]" "Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: Smoker MĚ DOSTAL!!!" "[english]Gambler_Choke03" "Nick: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Střílejte na jazyk! Střílejte na jazyk!" "[english]Gambler_Choke04" "Nick: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor01" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor02" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Nezapomeňte zavřít dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor03" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Zavřel někdo dveře?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor04" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor05" "Nick: Close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Nezapomeňte zavřít dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor06" "Nick: Don't forget to the close the door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Zavřel někdo dveře?" "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor07" "Nick: Somebody got the door?" "Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor08" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoor09" "Nick: Close that door." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: Myslím, že bychom měli zavírat dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC101" "Nick: I think we should be closing doors." "Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Zkusme za sebou zavírat dveře." "[english]Gambler_CloseTheDoorC102" "Nick: Let's try closing doors behind us." "Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [Kašle kvůli kouři]" "[english]Gambler_Cough01" "Nick: [Coughing from smoke]" "Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Moment, ošetřím se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe01" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Ošetřuji se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe02" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: Ošetřím se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe03" "Nick: I'm gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: Musím se ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe04" "Nick: I gotta heal." "Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Ošetřuji se!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe05" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: Ošetřím se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe06" "Nick: Gonna heal." "Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Ošetřuji se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe07" "Nick: Healing." "Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Moment, ošetřím se." "[english]Gambler_CoverMe08" "Nick: Hold up, going to heal." "Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Ošetřuji se!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMe09" "Nick: Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: Dám se dohromady." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC101" "Nick: I'm gonna patch myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Počkejte, dám se do pořádku." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC102" "Nick: Wait up, gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Počkejte! Ošetřuji se!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC103" "Nick: Wait! Healing!" "Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Moment, dám se do pořádku." "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC104" "Nick: Hang on, I'm gonna fix myself up." "Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Počkejte chvilku! Ošetřuji se!" "[english]Gambler_CoverMeC105" "Nick: Just wait a sec! Healing!" "Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream01" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream02" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream03" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream04" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream05" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream06" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Gambler_DeathScream07" "Nick: [Death scream]" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: A sakra. Od teď jsme jen dva." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Nick: Well shit. We're a twosome from here on out." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Vypadá to, že jsme zbyli jen ty a já." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Nick: Looks like it's just you and me." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Ááá SAKRA!" "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Nick: Ahhh SHIT!" "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: Myslím, že naše vyhlídky se právě zhoršily." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Nick: I think we just became long shots." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: Naše šance se právě zvrtly." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponse05" "Nick: We just screwed our odds." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hej, Ellisi, nenechej mě ve štychu." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, don't let me down." "Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Hej, Ellisi, víš, jak jsem říkal ty věci? Jenom jsem si dělal legraci." "[english]Gambler_DoubleDeathResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Hey, Ellis, you know all that shit I was saying? I was just joking." "Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Běžte!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo01" "Nick: Go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: BĚŽTE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo02" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: BĚŽTEEE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo03" "Nick: GOOO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Běžte, běžte, běžte!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo04" "Nick: Go go go!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Pojďme. Pojďme." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo05" "Nick: Let's go. Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: BĚŽTE!" "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo06" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Pojďme." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGo07" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Nikdo nezastavujte." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Nick: Everybody keep moving." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Prostě běžte." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Nick: Just go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Prostě běžte. Běžte." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Nick: Just go. Go." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Nezastavujte, nezastavujte." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Nick: Don't stop, don't stop." "Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Pokračujte." "[english]Gambler_EmphaticGoQuiet05" "Nick: Keep moving." "Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: Tudy!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe01" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Tady." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe02" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Za mnou." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe03" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Za mnou." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe04" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Dělejte, tudy!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe05" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Držte krok." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe06" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Držte krok." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe07" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Dělejte, tudy!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe08" "Nick: Come on, this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: OK, tudy!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe09" "Nick: Okay this way!" "Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: Tudy!" "[english]Gambler_FollowMe10" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Tady." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe11" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Za mnou." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe12" "Nick: Follow me." "Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Držte krok." "[english]Gambler_FollowMe13" "Nick: Keep up." "Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Ještě jednou a pohřbím tě zaživa." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire01" "Nick: Do that again and I'll bury you alive." "Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: Nechci slyšet žádné výmluvy, prostě po mně přestaň střílet." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire02" "Nick: I don't want to hear any excuses, just stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: PŘESTAŇ PO MNĚ STŘÍLET!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire03" "Nick: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Můžeš po mně přestat střílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire04" "Nick: Can you stop shooting me?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: Víte, není dobrý, že PO MNĚ STŘÍLÍTE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire05" "Nick: You know, it's not all right that you are SHOOTING ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: SAKRA! Ty vůbec neumíš střílet." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire06" "Nick: DAMN! You suck at shooting." "Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Přestaň po mně střílet." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire07" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: No díky za to odvětrání obleku." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire08" "Nick: Well thank you for ventilating my suit." "Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: Ty. Po. Mně. Střílíš." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire09" "Nick: You. Are. Shooting. Me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: Uvědomuješ si doufám, že po mně střílíš?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire10" "Nick: You do realize you are shooting me right?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Ještě jednou mě střel. Ještě jednou, jestli si troufáš." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire11" "Nick: Shoot me again. Shoot me again, I dare you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: Nechceš se dívat, kam střílíš?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire12" "Nick: You want to watch where you're shooting?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Dost! Že po mně budete střílet, nám nijak nepomůže." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire13" "Nick: Stop! Shooting me doesn't get us anywhere." "Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Nekažme si to tím, že budeme střílet po sobě, dobře?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire14" "Nick: Let's not mess this up by shooting each other, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Mohli bychom po sobě nestřílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire15" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Otázka: Mohli bychom po sobě nestřílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire16" "Nick: Question: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: Zase po mně střílíš." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire17" "Nick: You're shooting me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: Ještě jednou mě střelíš, a já tě sejmu." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire18" "Nick: You shoot me again, and I will drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Ještě jednou mě střel, a já tě sejmu." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire19" "Nick: Shoot me again, I'll drop you." "Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Opravdu zastřelíš člověka v obleku za 3000 dolarů? No tak!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire20" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot the guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Opravdu zastřelíš člověka v obleku za 3000 dolarů? No tak!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire21" "Nick: Are you really going to shoot a guy in a $3000 suit? Come on!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Přestaň po mně střílet." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire22" "Nick: Stop shooting me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Nezastřel mě." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire23" "Nick: Do not shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Přestaňte po sobě střílet." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire24" "Nick: Stop shooting each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Mohli bychom po sobě přestat střílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire25" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Mohli bychom po sobě přestat střílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire26" "Nick: Can we stop shooting each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Nezastřelte se navzájem." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire27" "Nick: Don't shoot each other." "Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Mohli bychom po sobě nestřílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire28" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Mohli bychom po sobě nestřílet, prosím?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire29" "Nick: Can we not shoot each other, please?" "Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: Střílíš po - MNĚ!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire30" "Nick: You are shooting - ME!" "Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Jestli si nechceš sbírat zuby ze země, tak po mně přestaň střílet!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFire31" "Nick: Unless you want to be picking your teeth up off the floor, stop shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: Nevím, kdo si s tím sakra začal, ale přestaňme hned teď střílet po sobě navzájem, dobře?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC101" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, but let's just stop the friendly right now, 'kay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: Nevím, kdo si s tím sakra začal, jasný? Ale přestaňme střílet po sobě navzájem." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC102" "Nick: I don't know who started this shit, 'kay? But let's just stop the friendly right now,." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Už po mně nikdy nestřílej." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC103" "Nick: Never shoot me again." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: S tím střílením po mně si to rozmysli!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC104" "Nick: You do not want to be shooting me!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: Proč si myslíš, že střílet po mně je dobrý nápad?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC105" "Nick: Why would you think shooting me is a good idea?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Zkusme místo lidí střílet zombíky, dobře?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC106" "Nick: Let's try shooting zombies instead of people, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coachi! Nestřílej po mně." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Nick: Coach! Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coachi! No tak." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Nick: Coach! Come on." "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Prostě... prostě přestaň, dobře?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Nick: Ro! Just...just stop, okay?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Nick: ROCHELLE!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hej kámo, koukej, kam střílíš!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireEllis01" "Nick: Hey sport, watch where you're shooting!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Zlato? Nestřílej po mně." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Nick: Sweetheart? Don't shoot me." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellisi, no tak, chlape." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic01" "Nick: Ellis, come on man." "Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Nechcete po mně všichni přestat střílet?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireMechanic02" "Nick: Y'all wanna stop shootin me?" "Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: Aspoň jednou! Aspoň jednou!" "[english]Gambler_Generic01" "Nick: One time! One time!" "Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: No, jak vypadám?" "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived01" "Nick: Well, what do I look like?" "Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: Jsem v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived02" "Nick: I'm fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: To mi řekni ty." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived03" "Nick: You tell me." "Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Jako vždycky." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived04" "Nick: Same as always." "Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Není to nejlepší." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived05" "Nick: Not exactly great." "Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: Jsem v poho, jsem v poho." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived06" "Nick: I'm cool, I'm cool." "Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: Dobrý, dobrý. Postav mě." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived07" "Nick: I'm good, I'm good. Get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Se mnou si starosti nedělej." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived08" "Nick: Don't worry about me." "Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Ujde to." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived09" "Nick: Good enough." "Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: V pohodě, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived10" "Nick: Fine, I'm fine, fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: No je mi super." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived11" "Nick: Oh I'm super." "Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: Už mi bylo líp." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived12" "Nick: I been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Jen mi pomoz vstát." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived13" "Nick: Just get me up." "Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: Budu v pořádku." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived14" "Nick: I'll be fine." "Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: No je mi skvěle." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived15" "Nick: Oh I'm great." "Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Fakt fantasticky, tak mi je." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived16" "Nick: Fan-freaking-tastic, that's how I am." "Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: To přežiju. Pojďme." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived17" "Nick: I'll live. Let's go." "Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Bylo mi už líp." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived18" "Nick: Been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: Už mi bylo líp." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived19" "Nick: I've been better." "Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Neboj, jen mi pomoz vstát." "[english]Gambler_GettingRevived20" "Nick: Don't worry, just get me up." "Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: To jsem teda pořádně zvoral." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie01" "Nick: I really screwed the pooch back there." "Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: Musím na sebe dávat větší pozor." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie02" "Nick: I gotta take better care of myself." "Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Ještě nejsem mrtvý, ale taky ne nejzdravější." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie03" "Nick: Not dead yet, but not exactly healthy." "Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: Zatraceně! Zatraceně. Zatraceně." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie04" "Nick: God damn it! God damn it. God damn it." "Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: Jestli umřu, budu vám chybět." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie05" "Nick: If I go, you guys gonna miss me." "Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: Vážně jsem se už cítil líp." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie06" "Nick: I have seriously felt better." "Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Dej se dohromady, člověče, jsi na zhroucení." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie07" "Nick: Pull yourself together, man, you're falling apart." "Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Se mnou si nedělejte starosti, budu v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie08" "Nick: Don't worry about me, I'll be okay." "Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: Takhle to neskončí." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie09" "Nick: This is not how it's going to end." "Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: Ještě nejsem mrtvý!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie10" "Nick: I'm not dead yet!" "Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: Jestli mě chceš zabít, budeš se muset snažit víc!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie11" "Nick: You're going to have to do better than that to kill me!" "Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Přestaň fňukat, bejby, po prochlastané noci ti bylo hůř." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie12" "Nick: Quit being a baby, you've felt worse after a night of drinking." "Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: To je na hovno." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie13" "Nick: Ain't this a bitch." "Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: Zatraceně, tomu nemůžu uvěřit." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie14" "Nick: God damn it, I can't believe this." "Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: No aspoň jsem nechytil chřipku." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie15" "Nick: Well at least I didn't catch the flu." "Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: To je pěkně na hovno" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie16" "Nick: This is some crap." "Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Nebojte. Ještě jsem neskončil." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie17" "Nick: Don't worry. I'm not done yet." "Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: Už mám dost toho, jak mám pořád dost." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie18" "Nick: I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." "Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Nevidíš, jak tady kulhám?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie19" "Nick: Can't you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Nevidíš, jak tady kulhám?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie20" "Nick: Can you see I'm limping here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: Snažím se spěchat!" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie21" "Nick: I'm trying to hurry!" "Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: Jdu tak rychle, jak můžu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie22" "Nick: I'm going as fast as I can." "Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: Co jsem si myslel, když jsem sem šel?" "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie23" "Nick: What was I thinking coming down here?" "Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: OK, dobře, to zvládnu. To zvládnu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie24" "Nick: Okay, all right, I can do this. I can do this." "Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: Já tady dole neumřu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie25" "Nick: I'm not going to die down here." "Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: Neumřu přece v takové díře." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie26" "Nick: I am not dying in the middle of nowhere." "Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: Už to moc dlouho nevydržím, přátelé, jsem vážně v prdeli." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie301" "Nick: I am not going to make it much longer, my friends, I am seriously screwed up." "Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: Tak jo, vzdávám se. Potřebuji pomoc." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie302" "Nick: All right, I gotta call uncle here. I need some help." "Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Tak, pánové, zdá se, že končím." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie303" "Nick: Well, boys, this looks like it's for me." "Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Tak tohle je vrchol. Já umřu." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie304" "Nick: Doesn't this beat all. I am about to die." "Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Páni, páni... Už dlouho jsem se necítil tak špatně." "[english]Gambler_GoingToDie305" "Nick: Man, man... It has been a long time since I have felt this bad." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: Dostal jsem tím žíravým slizkým sajrajtem." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter01" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: Dostal jsem tím žíravým slizkým sajrajtem." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter02" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: Zatraceně, jsem celej od slizu." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter03" "Nick: Goddamn it, I'm covered in goo." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: Dostal jsem tím žíravým slizkým sajrajtem." "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter04" "Nick: I got hit by the burning goo shit." "Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Musíme se dostat z toho slizu!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter05" "Nick: Let's get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Pryč z toho slizu!" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitter06" "Nick: Get out of the goo!" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Fuj, co to sakra právě udělalo?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC101" "Nick: Ugh, what in the hell did that thing just do?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: Co to mám na sobě za sajrajt?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC102" "Nick: What is this shit on me?" "Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: Čím jsem to pokrytej?" "[english]Gambler_GooedBySpitterC103" "Nick: What am I covered in?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: Dostal mě Charger!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger01" "Nick: Charger's got me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Zabijte toho Chargera!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger02" "Nick: Kill the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Zastřelte toho Chargera!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger03" "Nick: Shoot the Charger!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Mohl by tu zatracenou potvoru někdo zastřelit?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger04" "Nick: Can someone shoot this goddamn thing?!?" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Zastřelte toho obra, co mě zaráží do země!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger05" "Nick: Shoot the big guy pounding me into the ground!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Zastřelte ho! Zastřelte ho!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger06" "Nick: Shoot him! Shoot him!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Zastřelte tu zatracenou potvoru!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger07" "Nick: Kill this goddamn thing!" "Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: Ta potvora mi dává kapky!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByCharger08" "Nick: This thing is beating my ass!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Dostal mě Jockey." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey01" "Nick: Jockey's got me." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Zastřelte tu potvoru, co mám na zádech!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey02" "Nick: Shoot this thing on my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Zabijte toho Jockeyho na mně!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey03" "Nick: Kill this Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Jde po mě Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey04" "Nick: Jockey on me!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey05" "Nick: Jockey! Jockey!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Sestřelte mi ze zad tu potvoru!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockey06" "Nick: Shoot this thing off my back!" "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: Ne, to ne." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Nick: No, it doesn't." "Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: O deset babek, že s ním zahne doprava." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Nick: Ten bucks says he takes him to the right." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: Ne!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: Ne, ne!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Nick: No, No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: NÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!!!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Nick: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER..." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER'S..." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...MĚ DOSTAL!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Nick: ...GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER MĚ DOSTAL!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: Ne, ne, NE!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Nick: No, No, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: NE, NE, NE!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker04a" "Nick: NO, NO, NO!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: Ne!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Nick: No!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: NE!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05a" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: NE, NE!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05b" "Nick: NO, NO!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: NE!!!!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmoker05c" "Nick: NO!!!!!!!!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: Co to sakra?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Nick: What the hell?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: Něco mě dostalo?!?!" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Nick: Something's got me?!" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: Co to je, doprčic?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Nick: What's this shit?" "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: Co to? Ááá, do prdele." "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Nick: What the? Ahh, gross shit." "Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: Podělanej jazyk!?!?" "[english]Gambler_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Nick: Freaking tongue!?" "Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: GRANÁT!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade01" "Nick: GRENADE!" "Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Házím trubkovou bombu." "[english]Gambler_Grenade02" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Házím molotov." "[english]Gambler_Grenade03" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Letí oheň." "[english]Gambler_Grenade04" "Nick: Fire coming." "Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Trubková bomba!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade05" "Nick: Pipe Bomb!" "Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Házím trubkovou bombu." "[english]Gambler_Grenade07" "Nick: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Házím molotov." "[english]Gambler_Grenade08" "Nick: Throwing a Molotov." "Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Tady máte, vy zparchantělí zombíci!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade09" "Nick: Chase this, you zombie bastards!" "Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Bude ohňostroj!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade10" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Letí trubková bomba!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade11" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Bude ohňostroj!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade12" "Nick: Lighting it up!" "Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Letí trubková bomba!" "[english]Gambler_Grenade13" "Nick: Pipe bomb out!" "Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: Asi bych si to měl šetřit pro sebe, ale - to je jedno." "[english]Gambler_HealOther01" "Nick: I should probably save this for me, but - what the hell." "Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Doktor Nick tě dá do pořádku." "[english]Gambler_HealOther02" "Nick: Let doctor Nick fix you up." "Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Vydrž, ošetřím tě." "[english]Gambler_HealOther03" "Nick: Just hang on, let me heal you." "Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: Pěkně tě zřídili, stůj chvilku." "[english]Gambler_HealOther04" "Nick: You're a mess, stand still." "Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Tak, nevyplýtvej to hned tím, že na sebe něco necháš skočit." "[english]Gambler_HealOther05" "Nick: Now, don't waste this by getting pounced or something." "Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Nehýbej se, už jsem to dělal." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC101" "Nick: Hold still, I've done this before." "Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Přestaň běhat. Už jsem viděl horší." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC102" "Nick: Quit moving around. I've seen worse." "Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Buď chvilku chlap. Dám tě do pořádku." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC103" "Nick: Man up for a minute. I'm going to fix you up." "Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Nehýbej se. Asi toho budu litovat, ale použiju to teď na tebe." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC104" "Nick: Hold still. Probably going to regret this, but let me use this on you." "Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: Tak jo, ať se ostatní nedozví, že tohle dělám. Dělám to jen pro tebe." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherC105" "Nick: All right, don't let the other ones know I am doing this. I'm only doing it for you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Počkej! PO-ČKEJ." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat01" "Nick: Hold on! HOLD. ON." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: Nemáme čas, přestaň se hýbat." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat02" "Nick: We don't have time, stop moving." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Kryj nás, než tě ošetřím." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat03" "Nick: Cover us while I heal you." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: Ošetřím tě. Ty dál střílej." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat04" "Nick: I'm gonna heal you. Keep shooting." "Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Nenech je přiblížit, než tě ošetřím." "[english]Gambler_HealOtherCombat05" "Nick: Keep 'em off us while I heal you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Dávejte pozor. Slyším Boomera." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer01" "Nick: Keep a lookout. I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: Slyším Boomera." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer02" "Nick: I hear a Boomer." "Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Boomera?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer03" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Boomera?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer04" "Nick: You hear that Boomer?" "Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Boomera? Nenechte se od něj poblít." "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer05" "Nick: You hear that Boomer? Don't let him spew on you." "Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Je tady Boomer. Nestřílejte do něj, když bude blízko mě! OK?" "[english]Gambler_HeardBoomer06" "Nick: Boomer around. Don't shoot him if he's near me! OKAY?" "Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Mějte oči na stopkách, slyším Chargera." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger01" "Nick: Keep your eyes peeled, I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: Slyším Chargera." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger02" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Je tady někde Charger, připravte se." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger03" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Je tady někde Charger, připravte se." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger04" "Nick: Charger around, get ready." "Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Chargera?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger05" "Nick: Do you hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: Slyším Chargera." "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger06" "Nick: I hear a Charger." "Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Chargera?" "[english]Gambler_HeardCharger07" "Nick: You hear that Charger?" "Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk01" "Nick: Tank! Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank na dostřel!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk02" "Nick: Tank inbound!" "Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Držte se! Máme tady Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk03" "Nick: Man up! We got a Tank!" "Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: Připravte se, máme tady TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk04" "Nick: Get ready, we got a TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Pořádně se držte, TANK!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk05" "Nick: Hold steady, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Připravte se, TANK!" "[english]Gambler_HeardHulk06" "Nick: Get ready, TANK!" "Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: Slyšíte toho Huntera?" "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter01" "Nick: You hear that Hunter?" "Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Dávejte pozor, je tady někde Hunter." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter02" "Nick: Pay attention, Hunter's around." "Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: Slyším Huntera." "[english]Gambler_HeardHunter03" "Nick: I hear a Hunter." "Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: Slyším Jockeyho." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey01" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Je tady někde Jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey02" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: Někde je tady jeden z těch malejch Jockeyů." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey03" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: Slyším Jockeyho." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey04" "Nick: I can hear a Jockey." "Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Je tady někde Jockey." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey05" "Nick: Jockey's around." "Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: Někde je tady jeden z těch malejch Jockeyů." "[english]Gambler_HeardJockey06" "Nick: One of those little Jockey bastards is around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: Je tu někde Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker01" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: Je tady Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker02" "Nick: Smoker's around." "Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: Slyším Smokera." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker03" "Nick: I hear a Smoker." "Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: Je tady někde Smoker." "[english]Gambler_HeardSmoker04" "Nick: There's a Smoker around here." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Mlátí někdo koně?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC101" "Nick: Is someone beating a horse?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: Co to je? Někdo mlátí koně, nebo co?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC102" "Nick: What is that? Is somebody beating a horse or what?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: Co to je sakra za kravál?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC103" "Nick: What in the hell is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: Slyšíte to? Řekl bych, že zombíci nebyli to nejhorší." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC104" "Nick: You hear that? I guess zombies weren't bad enough." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: Slyšíte?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC105" "Nick: You hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Slyšíte to?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC106" "Nick: Can you hear that?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: Co to je za hluk?" "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC107" "Nick: What is that noise?" "Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: Netuším, co to je za kravál." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC108" "Nick: I have no idea what that noise is." "Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Něco, co budeme muset zabít." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpecialC109" "Nick: Something we're gonna have to kill." "Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Je tady někde Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter02" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: Je tady někde Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter03" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: Je tady někde Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter04" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter05" "Nick: I hear a Spitter." "Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: Je tady někde Spitter." "[english]Gambler_HeardSpitter06" "Nick: There's a Spitter around." "Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: Doufám, že to není neprůstřelné." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC101" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: Jsme v řiti." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC102" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Třeba nás to neuvidí, když se nebudeme hýbat." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC103" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: OK, to je důvod k panice." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC104" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: Co to je, u všech ďasů?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC105" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: Doufám, že to není neprůstřelné." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC106" "Nick: I hope that's not bullet proof." "Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: Co to je, u všech ďasů?" "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC107" "Nick: What in the hell sign of the apocalypse is that?" "Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: OK, to je důvod k panice." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC108" "Nick: Okay, that's reason to panic." "Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Třeba nás to neuvidí, když se nebudeme hýbat." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC109" "Nick: Maybe if we don't move it won't see us." "Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: Jsme v řiti." "[english]Gambler_HeardTanklC110" "Nick: We are screwed." "Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Zní to jako Witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch01" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Zní to jako Witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch02" "Nick: Sounds like a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: Myslím, že slyším svou bejvalou..." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch03" "Nick: I think I hear my ex-wife..." "Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Slyšíte všichni tu Witch?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch04" "Nick: Everybody hear that Witch?" "Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: Slyším Witch." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitch05" "Nick: I hear a Witch." "Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Tak tenhle zvuk je mi povědomý." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC101" "Nick: Oh, there's a sound that's familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: Ten zvuk je povědomý." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC102" "Nick: That sound is familiar." "Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: Tenhle pláč se mi vůbec nelíbí." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC103" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: Tenhle pláč se mi vůbec nelíbí." "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC104" "Nick: I don't like the sound of this crying." "Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: Brečící ženská. Myslíte, že je smutná, že je zavřenej obchoďák?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC105" "Nick: A crying woman. What do you think, she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: Brečící ženská. Myslíte, že je smutná, že je zavřenej obchoďák?" "[english]Gambler_HeardWitchC106" "Nick: A crying woman. You think she's sad the mall's closed?" "Gambler_Help01" "Nick: Potřebuju pomoc." "[english]Gambler_Help01" "Nick: I need some help." "Gambler_Help02" "Nick: Sám to nezvládnu, pomozte mi trochu!" "[english]Gambler_Help02" "Nick: I can't do this on my own, gimme some help!" "Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Nechcete mi tady někdo pomoct?" "[english]Gambler_Help03" "Nick: Somebody want to lend me a hand here?" "Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Pomoc!" "[english]Gambler_Help04" "Nick: Help!" "Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hej, tady!" "[english]Gambler_Help05" "Nick: Hey, over here!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunter dostal Coache!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Coach!" "Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter jde po Coachovi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterCoachPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Coach!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunter dostal Ellise!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter jde po Ellisovi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter jde po Ellisovi!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced03" "Nick: Hunter on Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunter dostal Ellise!" "[english]Gambler_HunterEllisPounced04" "Nick: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: Dostal ho zombie!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC101" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: Dostal ho zombie!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC102" "Nick: Zombie's got him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Jde po něm zombie!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC103" "Nick: Zombie on him!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Jde po ní zombie!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Nick: Zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Sejměte toho zombíka, co po ní jde!" "[english]Gambler_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Nick: Get that zombie on her!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunter dostal Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced01" "Nick: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter jde po Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_HunterRochellePounced02" "Nick: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: Jdeme roklí šeré smrti a pěkně jim nakopáváme prdel." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah01" "Nick: We are walking through the valley of the shadow of death and kicking ass." "Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: Možná to není hezké, ale děláme to." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah02" "Nick: It may not be pretty, but we're doing this." "Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: Nejste zase tak špatní, lidi." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah03" "Nick: You guys aren't so damn bad." "Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: Co vy víte, my to zvládneme." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah04" "Nick: What do ya know, we're going to make it." "Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: Jste dost dobří, lidi." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah05" "Nick: You guys are pretty good." "Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Borci!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah06" "Nick: Aces!" "Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Dělejte, spěchám." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp01" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Dělejte, spěchám." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp02" "Nick: Come on, I'm in a hurry," "Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Pospěšte si." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp03" "Nick: Hurry it up." "Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Jdeme, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_HurryUp04" "Nick: Let's go, let's go!" "Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Pohyb, pohyb, pohyb." "[english]Gambler_HurryUp05" "Nick: Move, move, move." "Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: Jsem tady." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou01" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: Proč ne? Jdu za váma." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou02" "Nick: Why not? I follow you." "Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: Jsem u vás." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou03" "Nick: I'm with you." "Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Jasná věc, jdeme." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou04" "Nick: Sure thing, let's go." "Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Jasně, pojďme." "[english]Gambler_ImWithYou05" "Nick: Sure, let's go." "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: Dostali mě!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: DOSTALI MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Nick: I'M DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: DOSTALI MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Nick: DOWN!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: Dostali mě!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Nick: I'm down!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Gambler_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Nick: AHHHHH!" "Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: Kvůli tomuhle máme zbraně!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming01" "Nick: This is why we've got guns!" "Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: Teď půjde do tuhýho!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming02" "Nick: It's about to get serious!" "Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: Jdou sem!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming03" "Nick: We got inbound!" "Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: Blíží se!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming04" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Už jsou tady!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming05" "Nick: Here they come!" "Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: Zatraceně, je to čím dál lepší." "[english]Gambler_Incoming06" "Nick: God damn, it's gettin' good." "Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: Blíží se!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming07" "Nick: They're coming!" "Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Připravte se!" "[english]Gambler_Incoming08" "Nick: Get ready!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation01" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: Je po něm!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation02" "Nick: It's dead!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation03" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Mrtvej." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation04" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: Dostal jsem je." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation05" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: Dostal jsem je." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation06" "Nick: Got 'em." "Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: A má to za sebou!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation07" "Nick: Done like dinner!" "Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: Do černého." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation08" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: Další trefa." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation09" "Nick: That's a hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Mrtvej." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation10" "Nick: Dead." "Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Trefa." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation11" "Nick: Hit." "Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: Do černého." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation12" "Nick: Bull's-eye." "Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: Dostal jsem ho!" "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmation13" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: To bych neřekl, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Nick: I don't think so Ellis." "Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Zhasněte světla." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight01" "Nick: Lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Zhasněte všichni světla." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight02" "Nick: Everybody, lights off." "Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Vypni světlo." "[english]Gambler_KillThatLight03" "Nick: Kill your light." "Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter01" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter03" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter04" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter05" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter06" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter07" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter08" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter09" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter10" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter11" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter12" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter13" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter14" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter15" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter16" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Smích]" "[english]Gambler_Laughter17" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Veď nás." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn01" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Veď nás, trumbero." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn02" "Nick: Lead on, MacDuff." "Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Veď nás, chytráku." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn03" "Nick: Lead on, smart guy." "Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Veď nás." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn04" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: Jsem hned za tebou." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn05" "Nick: I'm right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Hned v závěsu." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn06" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Jo, jdi první." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn07" "Nick: Yeah, you go first." "Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Veď nás." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn08" "Nick: Lead on." "Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Hned v závěsu." "[english]Gambler_LeadOn09" "Nick: Right behind you." "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Hejbněte kostrou a POMOZTE MI!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd01" "Nick: Get your asses over here and HELP ME!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: NĚKDO MI MUSÍ POMOCT NAHORU!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd02" "Nick: SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HELP ME UP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Nenechávejte mě tady, SAKRA! POMOC!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangEnd03" "Nick: Don't be leaving me here DAMNIT! HELP!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: POMÓÓÓC!!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall01" "Nick: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: NÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall02" "Nick: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: ÚÚÚÁÁÁÁÁ!!!!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangFall03" "Nick: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: Já tady visím!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Nick: I am hanging over here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Ať vás ani nenapadne mě tady nechat!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Nick: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Bodla by mi tady pomoc." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Nick: Could use a hand over here." "Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Hodila by se mi tady pomoc." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Nick: Could use some help here." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Úúáá" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip01" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Heh!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip02" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Úúáá" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip03" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Úúáá" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip04" "Nick: Whoa." "Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Heh!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangSlip05" "Nick: Heh!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Lidi, asi jsem uklouznul!" "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart01" "Nick: Guys, I seem to have slipped!" "Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: Visím tady." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart02" "Nick: I'm hanging here." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Hej! Pomozte mi." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart03" "Nick: Hey! Give me a hand." "Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: Potřebuju pomoc." "[english]Gambler_LedgeHangStart04" "Nick: I need a hand." "Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Klídek, hvězdo. Pomůžu ti." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave01" "Nick: Easy there, fireball. Let me get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Neboj. Nenechám tě ve štychu." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave02" "Nick: Don't worry. I'll bail your ass out of this mess." "Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Chyběl jsem ti? Tak dělej, šup nahoru." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave03" "Nick: Did you miss me? Come on, let's get you up." "Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: Mám tě, uklidni se. Šup s tebou nahoru." "[english]Gambler_LedgeSave04" "Nick: I got you, just relax. Let's get you up." "Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Támhle!" "[english]Gambler_Look01" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Hele!" "[english]Gambler_Look02" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Támhle!" "[english]Gambler_Look03" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Hele!" "[english]Gambler_Look04" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Támhle!" "[english]Gambler_Look05" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Hele!" "[english]Gambler_Look06" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Hele!" "[english]Gambler_Look07" "Nick: Look!" "Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Mrkněte na to." "[english]Gambler_LookHere01" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Podívejte sem." "[english]Gambler_LookHere02" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Podívejte na to." "[english]Gambler_LookHere03" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Mrkněte na to." "[english]Gambler_LookHere04" "Nick: Check it out." "Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Podívejte sem." "[english]Gambler_LookHere05" "Nick: Look here." "Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Podívejte na to." "[english]Gambler_LookHere06" "Nick: Look at this." "Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Bacha!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut01" "Nick: Look out!" "Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Pozor!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut02" "Nick: Watch out!" "Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Pozor!" "[english]Gambler_LookOut03" "Nick: Heads up!" "Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Halóóó?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall01" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Ha-lóóóó!" "[english]Gambler_LostCall02" "Nick: Heyyy ooooo!" "Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Slyší mě někdo?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall03" "Nick: Anybody hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Slyšíte mě, lidi?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall04" "Nick: Can you guys hear me?" "Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Halóóó?" "[english]Gambler_LostCall05" "Nick: Helloooo?" "Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing01" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing02" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing03" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing04" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing05" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing06" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing07" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing08" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing09" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing10" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing11" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing12" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing13" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing14" " " "Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "[english]Gambler_MeleeSwing15" " " "Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Co je to? Na co čekáme? Jdeme." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn01" "Nick: Look at ya. What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Valíme!" "[english]Gambler_MoveOn02" "Nick: Let's roll!" "Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: Čas jít." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn03" "Nick: Time to move." "Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: Na co čekáme? Jdeme." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn04" "Nick: What are we waiting for? Let's go." "Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Pojďme." "[english]Gambler_MoveOn05" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach01" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach02" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach03" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach04" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach05" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach06" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach07" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_NameCoach08" "Nick: Coach!" "Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach09" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach10" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach11" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NameCoach12" "Nick: Coach." "Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Děláš si ze mě prdel, Ellisi? Dělej." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis01" "Nick: Are you kidding me, Ellis? Come on." "Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis02" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis03" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis04" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis05" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis06" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis07" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis08" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis09" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis10" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis11" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis12" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis13" "Nick: Ellis!" "Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis14" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Ňoumo." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis15" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Ňoumo." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis16" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Křupane." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis17" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Křupane." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis18" "Nick: Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hej, křupane." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis19" "Nick: Hey Cleetus." "Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Ňoumo." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis20" "Nick: Goober." "Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Vidláku." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis21" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Vidláku." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis22" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Vidláku." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis23" "Nick: Cooter." "Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Manuále." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis24" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Manuále." "[english]Gambler_NameEllis25" "Nick: Overalls." "Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Hej, Ellisi, máš rád kobzole?" "[english]Gambler_NameEllis26" "Nick: Hey Ellis, you like taters?" "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: Jsem Nicolas... Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse01" "Nick: I'm Nicolas... Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse02" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: Můžete mi říkat Nicku." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse03" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse04" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: Můžete mi říkat Nicku." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse05" "Nick: You can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponse06" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hej, Coachi, můžeš mi říkat Nicku." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach01" "Nick: Hey Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coachi, můžeš mi říkat Nicku." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseCoach02" "Nick: Coach, you can call me Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Chlapče, jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic01" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Chlapče, jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_NameGamblerResponseMechanic02" "Nick: Kid, the name's Nick." "Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Kámo." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC101" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Kámo." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC102" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Kámo." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC103" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Kámo." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC104" "Nick: Dude." "Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC105" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hej, chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC106" "Nick: Hey, kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC107" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC108" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC109" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC110" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Chlapče." "[english]Gambler_NameMechanicC111" "Nick: Kid." "Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hej ty." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC101" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hej, zlato." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC102" "Nick: Hey, sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hej, zlatíčko." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC103" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hej, puso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC104" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hej, puso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC105" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hej, zlatíčko." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC107" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Zlatíčko." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC108" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Zlato." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC109" "Nick: Sweetheart." "Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hej ty." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC110" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hej, zlatíčko." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC111" "Nick: Hey, sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hej ty." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC112" "Nick: Hey, you." "Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Zlatíčko." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC113" "Nick: Sweetie." "Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hej, puso." "[english]Gambler_NameProducerC114" "Nick: Hey, honey." "Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle02" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle03" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle04" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle05" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle06" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle07" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle08" "Nick: Ro." "Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle09" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle10" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle11" "Nick: Ro!" "Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "[english]Gambler_NameRochelle12" "Nick: Rochelle!" "Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: No paráda!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob01" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: No paráda!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob02" "Nick: Well all right!" "Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Dobrá práce!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob03" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Dobrá práce!" "[english]Gambler_NiceJob04" "Nick: Nice job!" "Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: To bylo překvapivě dobré." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob05" "Nick: That was surprisingly good." "Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Pěkně." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob06" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Pěkně." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob07" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Pěkně." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob08" "Nick: Nice." "Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: Tohle rád vidím." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob09" "Nick: That's what I like to see." "Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Fíha. Pěkný." "[english]Gambler_NiceJob10" "Nick: Wow. Nice." "Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot01" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot02" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: Jak to děláš?" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot03" "Nick: How'dja do that?" "Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot04" "Nick: Nice shot." "Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Dobře střílíš." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot05" "Nick: Good shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Pěkná trefa." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot06" "Nick: Nice shooting." "Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Dobrá trefa!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShot07" "Nick: Nice shot!" "Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Dobrá trefa, borče." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot08" "Nick: Nice shot, Ace." "Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Působivé." "[english]Gambler_NiceShot09" "Nick: Impressive." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: Výborně, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach01" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: Výborně, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotCoach02" "Nick: All right, Coach." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: Začíná ti to jít, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic01" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: Začíná ti to jít, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotMechanic02" "Nick: You're getting the hang of this, Ellis." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: Kruci, Rochelle..." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer01" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle..." "Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... kruci!" "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer02" "Nick: Rochelle... damn!" "Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: Kruci, Rochelle. Pěkně." "[english]Gambler_NiceShotProducer03" "Nick: Damn, Rochelle. Nice." "Gambler_No01" "Nick: Ne." "[english]Gambler_No01" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No02" "Nick: Ne-e." "[english]Gambler_No02" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No03" "Nick: Ne." "[english]Gambler_No03" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No04" "Nick: Ne, pane." "[english]Gambler_No04" "Nick: No sir-ee Bob." "Gambler_No05" "Nick: Ne-e." "[english]Gambler_No05" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No06" "Nick: E-e." "[english]Gambler_No06" "Nick: Uh uh." "Gambler_No07" "Nick: Ne." "[english]Gambler_No07" "Nick: No." "Gambler_No08" "Nick: Ne-e." "[english]Gambler_No08" "Nick: Nope." "Gambler_No09" "Nick: Jo, ne." "[english]Gambler_No09" "Nick: Yeah, no." "Gambler_No10" "Nick: NE!" "[english]Gambler_No10" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No11" "Nick: NE!" "[english]Gambler_No11" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_No12" "Nick: NE!" "[english]Gambler_No12" "Nick: NO!" "Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Zkus to ještě jednou, borče." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis01" "Nick: Try again, champ." "Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Zkus to ještě jednou, prcku." "[english]Gambler_NoEllis02" "Nick: Try again, little man." "Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: Ne, zlato." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale01" "Nick: No, sweety." "Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: Ani náhodou, zlato." "[english]Gambler_NoFemale02" "Nick: No way, sweety." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Páni, jó." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Nick: Whoa, yeah." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: OK." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Ááá." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Nick: Ahhh." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Lepší." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Nick: Better." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: To pomohlo." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Nick: That worked." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: Tak jo, jsem zpátky." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Nick: All right, now I'm back." "Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Ááá, lepší." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftFirstAid07" "Nick: Ahh, better." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr" "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills01" "Nick: Bbbbrrrrrrr." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: OK, bude to chvilku trvat." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills02" "Nick: Okay, that's gonna last for a bit." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Á, trochu životabudiče." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills03" "Nick: Ah, a little pick me up." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: Trochu životabudiče. To je dobře." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills04" "Nick: A little pick me up. That's good." "Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: OK, musím najít nějakou skutečnou lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_PainRelieftPills05" "Nick: Okay, gotta find some real first aid." "Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: " "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise02" "Nick: [Laughter]" "Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: Zatraceně správně!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise03" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Bože!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise04" "Nick: Baby!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: ANO!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise05" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: ANO!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise06" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: Jo, kruci." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise07" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: To jo!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise08" "Nick: Damn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Nádhera!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise09" "Nick: Awesome!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Paráda!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise10" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Paráda!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise11" "Nick: Straight!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: Zatraceně správně!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise12" "Nick: Goddamn right!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: ANO!" "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise13" "Nick: YES!" "Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: Jo, kruci." "[english]Gambler_PositiveNoise14" "Nick: Hell yeah." "Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: Jde to všechno do háje!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative01" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: Sakra..." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative02" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Sakra!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative03" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: Zatraceně." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative04" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Doprčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative05" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Bastardi!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative06" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Ty vole!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative07" "Nick: Holy Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Doprčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative08" "Nick: Ah, tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Mrcha jedna." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative09" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Mrcha jedna." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative10" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Ale do Prčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative11" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: To určitě." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative12" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: Jde to všechno do háje!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative13" "Nick: This is all going to hell!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: Sakra..." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative14" "Nick: Damn..." "Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: Sakra!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative15" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: Zatraceně." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative16" "Nick: God damn it." "Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Doprčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative17" "Nick: Bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Bastardi!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative18" "Nick: Bastards!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: Sakra!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative19" "Nick: Shit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Doprčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative20" "Nick: Tits!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Mrcha jedna." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative21" "Nick: Son of a bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Ale doprčic!" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative22" "Nick: Oh bullshit!" "Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: To určitě." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative23" "Nick: My ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: To má bejt nějakej blbej fór?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative24" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: To má bejt nějakej blbej fór?" "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative25" "Nick: Is this some kind of sick joke?" "Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: Já nehraju." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative26" "Nick: I call foul." "Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Polib mi prdel." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative27" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Vole." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative28" "Nick: Ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: Šmejde." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative29" "Nick: Asshat." "Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Svině." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative30" "Nick: Bitch." "Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Debile." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative31" "Nick: Asshole." "Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Idiote." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative32" "Nick: Assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Kreténe." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative33" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Do prdele s tím." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative34" "Nick: Screw this." "Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Polib mi prdel." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative35" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Polib mi prdel." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative36" "Nick: Kiss my ass." "Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: To je idiot." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative37" "Nick: What an assclown." "Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Kreténe." "[english]Gambler_ReactionNegative38" "Nick: Dumbshit." "Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading02" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading03" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading06" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_Reloading07" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Nabíjím." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet01" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Nabíjím." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet02" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Nabíjím." "[english]Gambler_ReloadingQuiet03" "Nick: Reloading." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: Nemůžu ti lhát. Vypadáš špatně. Jestli se neošetříš, je po tobě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Nick: I can't lie to you. You are messed up. If you don't get yourself healed up, that's it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: Fakt už se nemůžeš nechat sejmout. Jestli jo... tak to nepřežiješ." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Nick: You seriously cannot go down again. If you do...you aren't going to make it." "Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: Začínáš mi dělat starosti. Můžu ti pomoct, ale ještě jednou tě sejmou, a je po tobě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Nick: You're starting to worry me. I can get you up, but you go down again and that's it." "Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: Ještě si nemůžeme dovolit tě ztratit. Tak vstávej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend01" "Nick: We can't afford to lose you, yet. So let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: Musíš se naučit o sebe starat, nebo budeš pořád na zemi." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend02" "Nick: You have to learn to take care of yourself or you'll keep ending up down here." "Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Dělej, vstávej. Ještě není po tobě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend03" "Nick: Come on get up. You're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Dělej, dej se dohromady. Musíš zpátky na nohy." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend04" "Nick: Come on pull yourself together. We gotta get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: Musíš se o sebe líp starat! Tak pojď, vstávej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend05" "Nick: You have to take better care of yourself! Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Co se tady válíš? Čas vstávat." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend06" "Nick: Look at you lying there. Time to get up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Dělej, vstávej. Vstávej, ještě není po tobě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend07" "Nick: Come on get up. Get up, you're not dead yet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: My...já tě ještě chvilku potřebuju. Tak dělej, pomůžu ti zpátky na nohy." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend08" "Nick: We, I... need you for a little longer. So let's get you back up on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: Když ti pomůžu, slibuješ, že už po mně nebudeš nikdy střílet?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend09" "Nick: If I get you up, you promise not to shoot me anymore?" "Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Dělej, už jsem viděl horší věci. Vstávej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend10" "Nick: Come on, I've seen worse. Let's get your butt up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: Připadá mi, že kdykoli se otočím, ty seš na zemi. Tak vstávej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend11" "Nick: It seems like every time I turn around you are down on the ground. Now let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: Je to zázrak, že ještě žiješ. Tak pojď, vstávej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend12" "Nick: It's a miracle you lasted this long, Let's get you on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Uklidni se, uklidni se. Všechno bude v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend13" "Nick: Settle down, Settle down. Everything is going to be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: To nic není. Až se postavíš na nohy, budeš zase v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend14" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: Nenechám tě tady. Pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend15" "Nick: I'm not going to leave you behind. Let's get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: Je v tobě víc než se zdá. Pomůžu ti zpátky na nohy." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend16" "Nick: You're tougher than you look. Let's get you back on your feet." "Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Klídek. Budeš v pořádku. Viděl jsem horší věci." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend17" "Nick: Relax. You're going to be okay. I have seen worse." "Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Neboj. Neboj. Pomůžu ti z toho." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend18" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Neboj. Neboj. Pomůžu ti z toho." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend19" "Nick: Don't worry. Don't worry. I can get you back up." "Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: To nic není. Až se postavíš na nohy, budeš zase v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriend20" "Nick: This is nothing. You'll be as good as new once I get you up." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Podívám se na tebe." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA01" "Nick: Let me look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: Budeš v pořádku?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA02" "Nick: You going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: Budeš v pořádku?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA03" "Nick: Are you going to be okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: Jak se držíš?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA04" "Nick: How you holding up?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Klídek, hvězdo, klídek." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA05" "Nick: Easy there, fireball, easy." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Klídek hvězdo." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA06" "Nick: Easy there, fireball." "Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: Je ti něco?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA07" "Nick: You hurt?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Všechno funguje?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA08" "Nick: Everything working?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: Seš v pořádku?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA09" "Nick: You in one piece?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: Neumřeš mi tady, že ne?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA10" "Nick: You're not gonna die on me, are ya?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: Chystáš se umřít?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA11" "Nick: Are you going to die?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: Zvládneš to?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA12" "Nick: You gonna make it?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: V pohodě?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA13" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: OK?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA14" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: Seš v pohodě?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA15" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: V pohodě?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA16" "Nick: You okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: OK?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA17" "Nick: Okay?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: Seš v pohodě?" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendA18" "Nick: You good?" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Dělej, ještě toho musíme hodně udělat." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB01" "Nick: Come on, still lots to be done." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Vstávat a cvičit!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB02" "Nick: Rise and shine!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Vyrazíme." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB03" "Nick: Let's hit the road." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Tak jdeme." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB04" "Nick: Here we go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Vstávat a do nich." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB05" "Nick: Up and at 'em." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Valíme." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB06" "Nick: Let's roll." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: Mám to u tebe." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB07" "Nick: You owe me one." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Mrknu se na tebe." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB08" "Nick: Let's have a look at you." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: Čas na pomstu." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB09" "Nick: Time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: Je čas se pomstít." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB10" "Nick: It's time to get some revenge." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Pojďme." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB11" "Nick: Let's go." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: Vidíš – všechno v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB12" "Nick: See - all good." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Jako zamlada." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB13" "Nick: Good as new." "Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Pojďme zabít pár zombíků." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendB14" "Nick: Let's go kill some zombies." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Vstávej. Přece mě nenecháš s těma dvěma." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach01" "Nick: Get up. You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Vstávej, prosím. Přece mě nenecháš s těma dvěma." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBCoach02" "Nick: Get up, please? You aren't leaving me with those two." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: No tak, hvězdo. Pomůžu ti na nohy. Budeš v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis01" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: No tak, hvězdo. Pomůžu ti na nohy. Budeš v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendBEllis02" "Nick: Come on, champ. Let's get you on your feet. You'll be okay." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: Tak jo. Hele, jestli za to můžu já, tak se omlouvám." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF01" "Nick: I'll just say. Look, if I did this, I apologize." "Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: Tak jo. Jestli za to můžu já, omlouvám se." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendFF02" "Nick: I'll just say. If I did this, I'm sorry." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: A sakra, dělej, dělej. Dělej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: VSTÁVEJ, VSTÁVEJ, VSTÁVEJ!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Nick: GET UP, GET UP, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: MUSÍME SE HNOUT, JDEME!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Nick: TIME TO MOVE, LET'S GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: Na tohle nemáme čas, VSTÁVEJ!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Nick: We don't have time for this, GET UP!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Pojďme, NA NOHY! JDEME!" "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Nick: Let's go, ON YOUR FEET! Let's GO!" "Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: A sakra, dělej, dělej. Dělej." "[english]Gambler_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Nick: Ah shit, come on, come on. Come on." "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead01" "Nick: Safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: Máme úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead02" "Nick: We got a safe house!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Před námi je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead03" "Nick: Safe house ahead!" "Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: Támhle je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_SafeSpotAhead04" "Nick: There's the safe house!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin01" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: Jsem tady." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin02" "Nick: I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: OK, tady jsem." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin03" "Nick: Okay, I'm here." "Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin04" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin05" "Nick: Y'ello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoin06" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: Jsme tady všichni." "[english]Gambler_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Nick: We're all here." "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: SEJMĚTE TO, SEJMĚTE TO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: DOSTAŇTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: SEJMĚTE TO, SEJMĚTE TO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Nick: GET IT GET IT!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: DOSTAŇTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: PRYČ S TÍM!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Nick: GET IT OFF!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: DOSTAŇTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: DOSTAŇTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: DOSTAŇTE TO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Gambler_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Nick: GET IT OFF ME!" "Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Pardon." "[english]Gambler_Sorry01" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Pardon." "[english]Gambler_Sorry02" "Nick: Excuse me." "Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Omlouvám se, OK?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry03" "Nick: Forgive me, okay?." "Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Tak promiň." "[english]Gambler_Sorry04" "Nick: Well, sorry." "Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: Omlouvám se, to chcete slyšet?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry05" "Nick: I'm sorry, is that what you want me to say?" "Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: Omlouvám se, OK?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry06" "Nick: I'm sorry, okay?" "Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Můžeš mi prominout?" "[english]Gambler_Sorry07" "Nick: Can you forgive me?" "Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Nedívej se na mě takhle." "[english]Gambler_Sorry08" "Nick: Don't look at me like that." "Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Je tady munice!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo01" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Je tady munice!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo02" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Munice!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo03" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Je tady munice!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo04" "Nick: Ammo here!" "Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Munice!" "[english]Gambler_SpotAmmo05" "Nick: Ammo!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: Je tady lékárnička!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid01" "Nick: First Aid Kit here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: Lékárnička!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid02" "Nick: First Aid here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: Lékárnička!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAid03" "Nick: First Aid!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: Jsou tady lékárničky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids01" "Nick: First Aid Kits here!" "Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: Lékárničky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotFirstAids02" "Nick: First Aid Kits!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: Je tady trubková bomba." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades01" "Nick: There's a pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Trubková bomba." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades02" "Nick: Pipe bomb." "Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Trubkový bomby!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades03" "Nick: Pipe bombs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Vezměte si trubkovou bombu!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades04" "Nick: Grab a pipe bomb!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Je tady trubková bomba." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades05" "Nick: Pipe bomb here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades06" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Je tady molotov." "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades07" "Nick: Molotov here." "Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotovy!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades08" "Nick: Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: Máme molotovy!" "[english]Gambler_SpotGrenades09" "Nick: We got Molotovs!" "Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills01" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: Máme tady prášky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills02" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills03" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills04" "Nick: Pills here!" "Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: Máme tady prášky!" "[english]Gambler_SpotPills05" "Nick: We got pills here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Jsou tady zbraně!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons01" "Nick: Weapons over here!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Vezměte si všichni zbraň!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons02" "Nick: Everyone grab a weapon!" "Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Jsou tu zbraně!" "[english]Gambler_SpotWeapons03" "Nick: Guns here!" "Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Držte se u sebe!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogether01" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Držte se u sebe, lidi." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether02" "Nick: Stay together, people." "Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Nevzdalujte se." "[english]Gambler_StayTogether03" "Nick: Keep close." "Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside01" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Všichni DOVNITŘ!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside02" "Nick: Everybody INSIDE!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Dovnitř, HNED!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside03" "Nick: Inside NOW!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Přestaňte blbnout, běžte dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside04" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: Nenuťte mě, abych si tam pro vás došel!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside05" "Nick: Don't make me come out there for you!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Přestaňte blbnout, běžte dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside06" "Nick: Quit screwing around, get inside!" "Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_StayTogetherInside07" "Nick: Get inside!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Ošetřete se!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth01" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Ošetřete se!" "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth02" "Nick: Heal up!" "Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: Vhodná doba na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth03" "Nick: Good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: Teď je vhodná doba na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth04" "Nick: This would be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Možná byste se teď mohli ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth05" "Nick: Maybe you could heal up now." "Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Jestli potřebujete, tak se ošetřete." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealth06" "Nick: Heal if you need to." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: Teď by mohla být vhodná doba na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC101" "Nick: This might be a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: Je čas na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC102" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Nezapomeňte, že se můžete ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC103" "Nick: Don't forget you can heal yourself." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: Teď je vhodná doba na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC104" "Nick: This is a good time to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: Je čas na ošetření." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthC105" "Nick: Time for people to heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coachi, měl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coachi, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Nick: Coach, don't forget about that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Hej, Coachi, ošetři se." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Hej, Coachi, ošetři se." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Nick: Hey Coach, heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coachi, měl by ses možná ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Nick: Coach, you should maybe heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coachi, měl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Nick: Coach, you should heal." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellisi, ošetři se." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Nick: Ellis, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: Čas na ošetření, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Nick: Time to heal, Ellis." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: No tak, Ellisi, nehraj si na hrdinu. Použij lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: No tak, Ellisi, nehraj si na hrdinu. Použij lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthEllis04" "Nick: Come on, Ellis, don't be a hero. Use your health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, nevypadáš moc dobře." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell01" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, potřebujeme tě, ošetři se." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell02" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Hej, Ro, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell03" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Hej, Ro, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell04" "Nick: Hey Ro, don't forget that health kit." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, nevypadáš moc dobře." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell05" "Nick: Rochelle, you don't look so good." "Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, potřebujeme tě, ošetři se." "[english]Gambler_SuggestHealthRochell06" "Nick: Rochelle, we need you, heal up." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Ááá, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Nick: Ahh, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: Sbohem, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Nick: Later, Coach." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: Sakra, Coachi, budeš mi chybět." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Nick: Shit, Coach, I'll miss you." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: Budeš mi chybět, chlape." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Nick: I am going to miss you, big guy." "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: Zatraceně, Coachi, s čím jsi mě to tady nechal?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC102" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: Zatraceně, Coachi, s čím jsi mě to tady nechal?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournCoachC103" "Nick: Goddamn it, Coach, what'd you leave me with?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Nick: Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Ááá, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Nick: Ahh, Ellis." "Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellisi, překvapuje mě, že jsi vydržel tak dlouho." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Nick: Ellis, I am surprised you lasted as long as you did." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: Byl otravnej, ale uměl střílet." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: Není čas na truchlení, jdeme." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC102" "Nick: No time for mourning, let's go." "Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: Byl otravnej, ale uměl střílet." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournMechanicC103" "Nick: He was annoying but he could shoot a gun." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: Napadají mě dva jiní lidi, které bych raději viděl umřít první." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Nick: I can think of two other people I would have rather seen go first." "Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Chlapi, co teď budeme dělat?" "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Nick: Guys, what are we going to do now?" "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Nick: Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Ááá, kruci, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Nick: Ahh shit, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Spi sladce, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Nick: Goodnight, Rochelle." "Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: Takže Zemi už znovu nezalidníme." "[english]Gambler_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Nick: There goes repopulating the earth." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Beru si samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Beru si samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Beru si samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Nick: Grabbing the assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Nick: Assault rifle." "Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Beru si samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Nick: Taking the rifle." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: Beru brokovnici." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Nick: I got the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Pro mě brokovnici." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun for me." "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Beru si brokovnici" "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun" "Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Brokovnice." "[english]Gambler_TakeAutoShotgun04" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: S tímhle mám spojené pěkné vzpomínky." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat01" "Nick: This brings back some good memories." "Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: Tohle je pěkný, s tím roztřískám pár kebulí." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat02" "Nick: This is nice, I'm gonna crack some heads with it." "Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: S tímhle roztřískám pár kebulí." "[english]Gambler_TakeBat03" "Nick: I'm gonna crack some heads with this." "Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Ne. Vyhazovač v klubu." "[english]Gambler_TakeBatR01" "Nick: Nope. Bouncer at a club." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: Tohle potřebuju." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid01" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: Tohle potřebuju." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid02" "Nick: I need this." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Beru si lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid03" "Nick: Grabbing the First Aid." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: Nechám si tu lékárničku." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid04" "Nick: I'll hold on to the First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: Lékárnička." "[english]Gambler_TakeFirstAid05" "Nick: First Aid Kit." "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: Ty vole, sekera!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe01" "Nick: A freaking axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Sekera!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingAxe02" "Nick: Axe!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: Tímhle praštím pár hlav!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan01" "Nick: Gonna bonk some heads with this!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Pánev!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan02" "Nick: Frying pan!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: Pánev!" "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan03" "Nick: A skillet!" "Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: To bude fungovat." "[english]Gambler_TakeFryingPan04" "Nick: This'll work." "Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: Jo, kruci." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee01" "Nick: Hell yeah!" "Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: To mi dělá dobře." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee02" "Nick: This feels good." "Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: S tím by mohla být zábava." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee03" "Nick: This could be fun." "Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: S tímhle můžu ušetřit pár nábojů." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee04" "Nick: Can save some bullets with this one." "Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: To se bude hodit." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee05" "Nick: That'll come in handy." "Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: S tímhle z někoho vymlátím duši." "[english]Gambler_TakeMelee06" "Nick: I am going to beat the shit out of something with this." "Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Beru molotov." "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov01" "Nick: Grabbing a Molotov." "Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "[english]Gambler_TakeMolotov02" "Nick: Molotov!" "Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Prášky." "[english]Gambler_TakePills01" "Nick: Pills." "Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: Beru prášky." "[english]Gambler_TakePills02" "Nick: I got pills." "Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: Tyhle se mi můžou vždycky hodit." "[english]Gambler_TakePills03" "Nick: I can always use these." "Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: Nechám si tyhle prášky." "[english]Gambler_TakePills04" "Nick: I'll hold onto these pills." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Beru si trubkovou bombu." "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb01" "Nick: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Trubková bomba!" "[english]Gambler_TakePipeBomb02" "Nick: Pipe bomb!" "Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Beru si pistoli!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol01" "Nick: Grabbing the pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistole!" "[english]Gambler_TakePistol02" "Nick: Pistol!" "Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Druhá pistole." "[english]Gambler_TakePistol03" "Nick: Second pistol." "Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: Stačí mi brokovnice." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun01" "Nick: Going with the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Brokovnice." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun02" "Nick: Shotgun." "Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Beru si brokovnici." "[english]Gambler_TakeShotgun03" "Nick: Taking the shotgun." "Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Pro mě odstřelovačku." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper01" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: Budu odstřelovat." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper02" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Pro mě odstřelovačku." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper03" "Nick: Sniper for me." "Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: Budu odstřelovat." "[english]Gambler_TakeSniper04" "Nick: I'll snipe." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Beru samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Nick: Taking the machinegun." "Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Stačí mi samopal." "[english]Gambler_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Nick: Going with the machinegun." "Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Zabíjí mě podělanej Tank!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound01" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Zabíjí mě podělanej Tank!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound02" "Nick: Freaking Tank is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Vidíte tu obrovskou potvoru, co po mně jde?!?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound03" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Vidíte tu obrovskou potvoru, co po mně jde?!?!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound04" "Nick: Do you see this big giant thing on me?!" "Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Proboha! Ta potvora mě zabije!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound05" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Proboha! Ta potvora mě zabije!" "[english]Gambler_TankPound06" "Nick: Mother of Mercy! This thing is killing me!" "Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Udav se tím" "[english]Gambler_Taunt01" "Nick: Suck on that!" "Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Strč si to mezi půlky!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt02" "Nick: Stick that where the sun don't shine!" "Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Tady máte, vy vybledlí parchanti." "[english]Gambler_Taunt03" "Nick: Take that you mealy-mouthed bastards." "Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Strč si to do zadku!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt04" "Nick: Stick it up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Strč si to do zadku!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt05" "Nick: Stick that up your ass!" "Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: Dáváme vám pěkný kapky." "[english]Gambler_Taunt06" "Nick: We are wiping the floor with you." "Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: Nemáte šanci." "[english]Gambler_Taunt07" "Nick: You don't stand a chance." "Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Tak už to vzdejte!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt08" "Nick: Give up now!" "Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Padavky!" "[english]Gambler_Taunt09" "Nick: Candyasses!" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Nemyslíte, že bychom místo toho měli zabíjet zombíky?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident01" "Nick: Don't you think we should be killing the zombies instead?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: Co je tohle za debilní strategii?" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident02" "Nick: What in the hell kind of strategy is that?" "Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: Cože?!!? Je to dost těžký i bez toho, abyste pomáhali těm šmejdům!" "[english]Gambler_TeamKillAccident03" "Nick: What?! This is hard enough without you helping the freaks!" "Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Díky." "[english]Gambler_Thanks01" "Nick: Thanks." "Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Děkuji." "[english]Gambler_Thanks02" "Nick: Thank you." "Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Díky!" "[english]Gambler_Thanks03" "Nick: Thanks!" "Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Díky, kámo, máš to u mě." "[english]Gambler_Thanks04" "Nick: Thanks, man, I owe you." "Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: Máš to u mě." "[english]Gambler_Thanks05" "Nick: I owe you one." "Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Díky, brácho." "[english]Gambler_ThanksCoach01" "Nick: Thanks, bro." "Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Díky, zabijáku." "[english]Gambler_ThanksEllis01" "Nick: Thanks, killer." "Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Díky, Ro." "[english]Gambler_ThanksRochelle01" "Nick: Thanks, Ro." "Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Klídek, klídek, už jdu!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue01" "Nick: Relax, relax I'm coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: Jsem na cestě!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue02" "Nick: I'm on my way!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Vydrž, už jdu!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue03" "Nick: Hold on, coming!" "Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: Už jsem na cestě!" "[english]Gambler_ToTheRescue04" "Nick: I'm on the way!" "Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: To bylo o FOUS!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose01" "Nick: That was WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: To teda bylo o FOUS!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose02" "Nick: That was way, WAY too close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Teda, měli jsme štěstí!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose03" "Nick: Man, we got lucky!" "Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: Takhle se to dělá, přátelé!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose04" "Nick: That, my friends, is how you do it!" "Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: Šťastný nový rok!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose05" "Nick: Happy New Year!" "Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: Měli jsme štěstí!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose06" "Nick: We got lucky!" "Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Čekejte." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere01" "Nick: Wait." "Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Nehýbejte se z tohohle místa." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere02" "Nick: Don't move from this spot." "Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Zůstaňte tady." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere03" "Nick: Stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Zůstaňte tady." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere04" "Nick: Just stay here." "Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Počkejte tady." "[english]Gambler_WaitHere05" "Nick: Wait here." "Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer01" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: JE TADY BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer02" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer03" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer04" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer05" "Nick: BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: JE TADY BOOMER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomer06" "Nick: WE GOT A BOOMER!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Tlusťoch!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC101" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Špekoun!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC102" "Nick: Goiter man!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Pučmeloun." "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC103" "Nick: Aunt Bee." "Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Buřtík!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC104" "Nick: Fatty!" "Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Tlusťoch!" "[english]Gambler_WarnBoomerC105" "Nick: Fat guy!" "Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Buďte všichni opatrní." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful01" "Nick: Everybody be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Buďme opatrní." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful02" "Nick: Let's be careful." "Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Zkuste být opatrní." "[english]Gambler_WarnCareful03" "Nick: Try and be careful." "Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger01" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: MÁME TADY CHARGERA!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger02" "Nick: WE GOT A CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger03" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnCharger04" "Nick: CHARGER!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: Jednoručák!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC101" "Nick: One Arm!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Manuále!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC102" "Nick: Overalls!" "Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Balíku!" "[english]Gambler_WarnChargerC103" "Nick: Hillbilly!" "Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: MÁME TADY HUNTERA!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter01" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter02" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter03" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter04" "Nick: HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: MÁME TADY HUNTERA!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunter05" "Nick: WE GOT A HUNTER!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Skokan!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC101" "Nick: Jumper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Skákavec!" "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC102" "Nick: Leaper!" "Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Zakrslá mrcha, kterou sejmu." "[english]Gambler_WarnHunterC103" "Nick: Scrawny little bitch I'm gonna kill." "Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey01" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey02" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockey03" "Nick: Jockey!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Prcek!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC101" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Malej parchant!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC102" "Nick: Little freak!" "Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Prcek!" "[english]Gambler_WarnJockeyC103" "Nick: Little guy!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: MÁME TADY SMOKERA!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker01" "Nick: WE GOT A SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker02" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker03" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmoker04" "Nick: SMOKER!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: JAZYK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC101" "Nick: TONGUE!" "Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: Ta kouřící potvora!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSmokerC102" "Nick: The smoking thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter01" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter02" "Nick: Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: Máme tady Spitter" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitter03" "Nick: We got a Spitter" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Zelená potvora!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC101" "Nick: Green thing!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Žirafa!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterC102" "Nick: Neck!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: Máme tady sliz!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Letí sliz!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Nick: Goo incoming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Letí žíravina!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Nick: Hot stuff coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Bacha na plivanec!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Bacha na plivanec!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Nick: Fire spit coming!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: Máme tady sliz!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming06" "Nick: We got goo!" "Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: Poletí sliz!!" "[english]Gambler_WarnSpitterIncoming07" "Nick: We got goo coming!" "Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: MÁME TADY TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank01" "Nick: WE GOT A TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank02" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank03" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTank04" "Nick: TANK!" "Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: Máme problém!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC101" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: DO PRDELE! ZOMBIE JAK PRASE!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC102" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: Máme problém!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC103" "Nick: We have a problem!" "Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: DO PRDELE! ZOMBIE JAK PRASE!" "[english]Gambler_WarnTankC104" "Nick: HOLY SHIT! BIG FREAKING ZOMBIE!" "Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: Máme tady Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch01" "Nick: We got a Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch02" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch03" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "[english]Gambler_WarnWitch04" "Nick: Witch." "Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: Jsou za námi!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind01" "Nick: They're behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: Za námi!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind02" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: Vzadu!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind03" "Nick: Behind!" "Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: Za námi!" "[english]Gambler_WatchOutBehind04" "Nick: Behind us!" "Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Ááá, trochu jsem tu Witch naštval!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing01" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: Ta mrcha mě honí!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing02" "Nick: This bitch is chasing me!" "Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Blíží se Witch! Blíží se Witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing03" "Nick: Witch coming! Witch coming!" "Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Zastřelte tu Witch! Zastřelte tu Witch!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing04" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch!" "Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Zastřelte tu Witch! Zastřelte tu Witch! Co děláte? Zastřelte ji!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing05" "Nick: Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! Shoot the Witch! What are you doing? Shoot her!" "Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Ááá, trochu jsem tu Witch naštval!" "[english]Gambler_WitchChasing06" "Nick: Ahhh I pissed the Witch off!" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Nechejte tu Witch na pokoji." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry01" "Nick: Leave the Witch alone." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: Mohli bychom tu Witch nechat na pokoji?" "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry02" "Nick: Can we leave that Witch alone?" "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Bacha, ta Witch začíná být naštvaná." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry03" "Nick: Watch out, that Witch is getting angry." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Nepřibližujte se k té Witch." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngry04" "Nick: Stay away from the Witch." "Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: ELLISI! Nech tu Witch být." "[english]Gambler_WitchGettingAngryEllis01" "Nick: ELLIS! Leave that Witch alone." "Gambler_World101" "Nick: OK, takže jsme na špatné straně řeky." "[english]Gambler_World101" "Nick: Okay, so we're on the wrong side of the river." "Gambler_World102" "Nick: Mohlo by to být horší." "[english]Gambler_World102" "Nick: Things could be worse." "Gambler_World103" "Nick: Stačí, když najdeme dálnici. Zavedu nás na most." "[english]Gambler_World103" "Nick: All we have to do is find the freeway. It'll take us to the bridge." "Gambler_World104" "Nick: Pojďme do vnitrozemí." "[english]Gambler_World104" "Nick: Let's head inland." "Gambler_World105" "Nick: Pojďme pryč z mola." "[english]Gambler_World105" "Nick: Let's get off the dock." "Gambler_World106" "Nick: Hou! Armáda je pořád tady." "[english]Gambler_World106" "Nick: Whoa! Military's still here." "Gambler_World107" "Nick: Zdá se, že to armáda zabrala." "[english]Gambler_World107" "Nick: Looks like the military took over." "Gambler_World108" "Nick: Pamatuju si to město tak nějak jinak." "[english]Gambler_World108" "Nick: I kind of remember the city a little different." "Gambler_World109" "Nick: Doufal jsem, že bude město v lepším stavu." "[english]Gambler_World109" "Nick: I was hoping the city would be in better shape." "Gambler_World110" "Nick: Zdá se, že se města pořád drží." "[english]Gambler_World110" "Nick: Looks like they are still holding on to the city." "Gambler_World111" "Nick: V tomhle dvoře." "[english]Gambler_World111" "Nick: In this courtyard." "Gambler_World112" "Nick: Nestřílejte na to auto!" "[english]Gambler_World112" "Nick: Don't shoot that car!" "Gambler_World113" "Nick: Podle stavu toho parku jsem rád, že jsme nedorazili dřív." "[english]Gambler_World113" "Nick: From the looks of this park, I'm glad we didn't arrive early." "Gambler_World114" "Nick: Přes park." "[english]Gambler_World114" "Nick: Through the park." "Gambler_World115" "Nick: Poběžíme k věži a vypneme alarm." "[english]Gambler_World115" "Nick: We run to the tower and turn off the alarm." "Gambler_World116" "Nick: Jakmile se dveře otevřou, buďte připravení utíkat k věži." "[english]Gambler_World116" "Nick: As soon as that door opens, get ready to run for the tower." "Gambler_World117" "Nick: Tahle těla nejsou nakažená." "[english]Gambler_World117" "Nick: These bodies are not infected." "Gambler_World118" "Nick: Nechali je dokázat, že jsou dost zdraví, aby tak daleko došli." "[english]Gambler_World118" "Nick: They made them prove they were healthy enough to walk that far." "Gambler_World119" "Nick: Jedl jsi někdy koně? Lahůdka." "[english]Gambler_World119" "Nick: You ever eat horse? Tasty." "Gambler_World120" "Nick: Jo a samozřejmě se držte pohromadě" "[english]Gambler_World120" "Nick: Yeah and of course, stay together" "Gambler_World121" "Nick: Aaa...Jdeme! Jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_World121" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World122" "Nick: Aaa...Jdeme! Jdeme! Jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_World122" "Nick: Annnd... Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Gambler_World123" "Nick: K věži." "[english]Gambler_World123" "Nick: To the tower." "Gambler_World124" "Nick: Utíkejte k věži." "[english]Gambler_World124" "Nick: Run to the tower." "Gambler_World125" "Nick: Někdo musí vypnout ten alarm!" "[english]Gambler_World125" "Nick: Somebody's got to turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World126" "Nick: Vypněte ten alarm!" "[english]Gambler_World126" "Nick: Turn off the alarm!" "Gambler_World127" "Nick: Vezměte si zbraň!" "[english]Gambler_World127" "Nick: Grab a gun!" "Gambler_World128" "Nick: Lepší zbraně!" "[english]Gambler_World128" "Nick: Better guns!" "Gambler_World129" "Nick: Alarm je vypnutý!" "[english]Gambler_World129" "Nick: Alarm is off!" "Gambler_World130" "Nick: Vypnuto!" "[english]Gambler_World130" "Nick: Off!" "Gambler_World131" "Nick: Mám to!" "[english]Gambler_World131" "Nick: I got it!" "Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellisi! ELLISI! Na tohle zrovna teď nemáme čas!" "[english]Gambler_World132" "Nick: Ellis! ELLIS! We don't have time for that right now!" "Gambler_World133" "Nick: Támhle je dálnice!" "[english]Gambler_World133" "Nick: There's the freeway." "Gambler_World134" "Nick: Vidí někdo nájezd?" "[english]Gambler_World134" "Nick: Anybody see an onramp?" "Gambler_World135" "Nick: Můžeme se tam dostat tudy." "[english]Gambler_World135" "Nick: We can get to it through here." "Gambler_World136" "Nick: Dálnice!" "[english]Gambler_World136" "Nick: Freeway!" "Gambler_World201" "Nick: Probouráváme se ven, nebo dovnitř?" "[english]Gambler_World201" "Nick: Are we busting out or in?" "Gambler_World202" "Nick: Přes autobus." "[english]Gambler_World202" "Nick: Over the bus." "Gambler_World203" "Nick: Neřekl bych, že tady mají vojáky rádi." "[english]Gambler_World203" "Nick: I don't think they like the military out here." "Gambler_World204" "Nick: Tenhle vrtulník nesestřelili zombíci." "[english]Gambler_World204" "Nick: Zombies didn't take down this helicopter." "Gambler_World205" "Nick: Město je v troskách." "[english]Gambler_World205" "Nick: This city's a mess." "Gambler_World206" "Nick: Nemyslíte, že sledoval zombíky?" "[english]Gambler_World206" "Nick: Do you think he was keeping track of zombies?" "Gambler_World207" "Nick: To je příjemné." "[english]Gambler_World207" "Nick: This is cozy." "Gambler_World208" "Nick: Je to celé podělané." "[english]Gambler_World208" "Nick: This is all messed up." "Gambler_World209" "Nick: Upřímně. Není to tak špatné." "[english]Gambler_World209" "Nick: Straightforward. This isn't so bad." "Gambler_World210" "Nick: No, tak to je špatný." "[english]Gambler_World210" "Nick: Well, this is bad." "Gambler_World211" "Nick: Žebřík!" "[english]Gambler_World211" "Nick: Ladder!" "Gambler_World212" "Nick: Máme žebřík!" "[english]Gambler_World212" "Nick: We got a ladder!" "Gambler_World213" "Nick: Nahoru po žebříku!" "[english]Gambler_World213" "Nick: Up the ladder!" "Gambler_World214" "Nick: Ó ho ho... koukej, kam střílíš!" "[english]Gambler_World214" "Nick: Ooohhhhh ho ho ho... watch where you shoot!" "Gambler_World215" "Nick: Nestřílejte na ta auta!" "[english]Gambler_World215" "Nick: Do not shoot any of the cars!" "Gambler_World216" "Nick: To je zlej sen." "[english]Gambler_World216" "Nick: What a nightmare." "Gambler_World217" "Nick: Konečně na dálnici." "[english]Gambler_World217" "Nick: Finally up to the freeway." "Gambler_World218" "Nick: Sem nahoru! Sem nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_World218" "Nick: Get up here! Get up here!" "Gambler_World219" "Nick: CO TO - " "[english]Gambler_World219" "Nick: WHAT THE - " "Gambler_World220" "Nick: CO TO SAKRA DĚLAJÍ? " "[english]Gambler_World220" "Nick: WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?" "Gambler_World221" "Nick: Všichni v pořádku?" "[english]Gambler_World221" "Nick: Everyone okay?" "Gambler_World222" "Nick: To mířili na nás?!" "[english]Gambler_World222" "Nick: Was that aimed at us?!" "Gambler_World223" "Nick: Asi budeme muset zpátky z dálnice." "[english]Gambler_World223" "Nick: Guess it's back off the freeway." "Gambler_World224" "Nick: Ano, vím, proč je pohřbívají nad zemí." "[english]Gambler_World224" "Nick: Yes, I do know why they bury them above ground." "Gambler_World225" "Nick: Ano, Ellisi, je to tak, OK? Je to tak." "[english]Gambler_World225" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, it is, okay? It is." "Gambler_World226" "Nick: Město mrtvých" "[english]Gambler_World226" "Nick: The city of the dead." "Gambler_World227" "Nick: No díky bohu za drobné laskavosti." "[english]Gambler_World227" "Nick: Well thank God for small favors." "Gambler_World228" "Nick: Po ulici!" "[english]Gambler_World228" "Nick: Down the street!" "Gambler_World301" "Nick: Musíme znovu najít ten most." "[english]Gambler_World301" "Nick: We have to find the bridge again." "Gambler_World302" "Nick: Kdyby se věci měly jinak, uměl bych si tohle místo užít." "[english]Gambler_World302" "Nick: If things were different, I could really enjoy this place." "Gambler_World303" "Nick: Bože, miluju kulečník." "[english]Gambler_World303" "Nick: God, I love pool." "Gambler_World304" "Nick: OK, chce si někdo zahrát?" "[english]Gambler_World304" "Nick: Okay, anyone up for a game?" "Gambler_World305" "Nick: Nastartujte někdo ten tahač." "[english]Gambler_World305" "Nick: Someone start the tractor." "Gambler_World306" "Nick: Hele, Ellisi! Tahač!" "[english]Gambler_World306" "Nick: Look Ellis! A tractor!" "Gambler_World307" "Nick: Můžeme se na druhou stranu dostat přes ten alegorický vůz." "[english]Gambler_World307" "Nick: We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World308" "Nick: Náš odvoz je tady." "[english]Gambler_World308" "Nick: Our ride's here." "Gambler_World309" "Nick: Víte co? Můžeme se na druhou stranu dostat přes ten alegorický vůz." "[english]Gambler_World309" "Nick: You know what? We can use that float to get across." "Gambler_World310" "Nick: Zatracené bludiště." "[english]Gambler_World310" "Nick: God damn maze." "Gambler_World311" "Nick: Kudy?" "[english]Gambler_World311" "Nick: Which way?" "Gambler_World312" "Nick: MOST!" "[english]Gambler_World312" "Nick: The BRIDGE!" "Gambler_World313" "Nick: Můžeme se tudy dostat nahoru na most." "[english]Gambler_World313" "Nick: We can get up to the bridge deck through here." "Gambler_World314" "Nick: Ááá, nezničte ten most!" "[english]Gambler_World314" "Nick: Ahhh, don't destroy the bridge!" "Gambler_World315" "Nick: Vyhazují most do vzduchu!" "[english]Gambler_World315" "Nick: They're blowing up the bridge!" "Gambler_World316" "Nick: Aby zombíci nemohli přejít." "[english]Gambler_World316" "Nick: To stop the zombies from crossing." "Gambler_World317" "Nick: Aby zastavili zombíky." "[english]Gambler_World317" "Nick: To stop the zombies." "Gambler_World318" "Nick: Bývalo to krásné město." "[english]Gambler_World318" "Nick: This used to be a beautiful city." "Gambler_World401" "Nick: Jsme na mostě!" "[english]Gambler_World401" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World402" "Nick: Hou, jsme na mostě!" "[english]Gambler_World402" "Nick: Whoa, we're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World403" "Nick: Jsme na mostě!" "[english]Gambler_World403" "Nick: We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World404" "Nick: Jsme na mostě!" "[english]Gambler_World404" "Nick: We are on the bridge!" "Gambler_World405" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_World405" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_World406" "Nick: OK, míříme na druhou stranu." "[english]Gambler_World406" "Nick: Okay, we're heading over now." "Gambler_World407" "Nick: Bezpečí je na druhé straně tohoto mostu." "[english]Gambler_World407" "Nick: Safety's on the other side of this bridge." "Gambler_World408" "Nick: Spustíme ten most." "[english]Gambler_World408" "Nick: Let's lower that bridge." "Gambler_World409" "Nick: Mačkám to, připravte se!" "[english]Gambler_World409" "Nick: I'm hitting it, get ready!" "Gambler_World410" "Nick: PŘESTAŇTE! Jsme na mostě!" "[english]Gambler_World410" "Nick: STOP! We're on the bridge!" "Gambler_World411" "Nick: Pozor na tu díru." "[english]Gambler_World411" "Nick: Watch out for the hole." "Gambler_World412" "Nick: Pozor na Chargery na těch krajích." "[english]Gambler_World412" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World413" "Nick: Pokračujte přes most." "[english]Gambler_World413" "Nick: Keep moving across the bridge." "Gambler_World414" "Nick: Pozor na Chargery na těch krajích." "[english]Gambler_World414" "Nick: Watch out for Chargers on these ledges." "Gambler_World415" "Nick: Auto tvý mámy." "[english]Gambler_World415" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World416" "Nick: Pozor, kam šlapete." "[english]Gambler_World416" "Nick: Watch your step." "Gambler_World417" "Nick: Ať vás ten Tank nesrazí z mostu!" "[english]Gambler_World417" "Nick: Don't let the Tank punch you off the bridge!" "Gambler_World418" "Nick: Pozor na AUTA!" "[english]Gambler_World418" "Nick: Watch out for CARS!" "Gambler_World419" "Nick: Nenechte se srazit!" "[english]Gambler_World419" "Nick: Don't get punched off!" "Gambler_World420" "Nick: Vylezte na ten náklaďák!" "[english]Gambler_World420" "Nick: Get on top the truck!" "Gambler_World421" "Nick: Auto tvý mámy." "[english]Gambler_World421" "Nick: Your mom's car." "Gambler_World422" "Nick: Ne, Ellisi, nic takovýho jsem nikdy neviděl." "[english]Gambler_World422" "Nick: No Ellis, I've never seen anything like this." "Gambler_World423" "Nick: Vrtulník vypadá opraveně! Jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_World423" "Nick: Chopper looks fixed! Let's go!" "Gambler_World424" "Nick: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Gambler_World424" "Nick: To the chopper!" "Gambler_World425" "Nick: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Gambler_World425" "Nick: Get to the chopper!" "Gambler_World426" "Nick: Vrtulník startuje, poběžme!" "[english]Gambler_World426" "Nick: Chopper's starting let's go!" "Gambler_World427" "Nick: Do loděnice!" "[english]Gambler_World427" "Nick: To the shipyard!" "Gambler_World428" "Nick: Nastoupit!" "[english]Gambler_World428" "Nick: Get on!" "Gambler_World429" "Nick: No tak, to zvládneš!" "[english]Gambler_World429" "Nick: Come on, you can make it!" "Gambler_World430" "Nick: Ještě kousek!" "[english]Gambler_World430" "Nick: Just a little more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: Myslím, že máme na výběr pokračovat po silnici k těm světlům, nebo tady zemřít." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M101" "Nick: I think our options are keep moving down the road towards those lights or die here." "Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: Je někdo pro to, abychom tady zemřeli?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M102" "Nick: Anyone in the die here camp?" "Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: Ne? Tak tedy vyrazíme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M103" "Nick: No? Then let's move out." "Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Super, sledujeme světýlka na obloze, jsme jak blbý kočky a laserové ukazovátko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M104" "Nick: Great, following shiny lights in the sky, we're like freaking cats and a laser pointer." "Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: Je to prostě chaos." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M105" "Nick: This is just a mess." "Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: Nemá smysl brát si auto, prostě pojďme dál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M106" "Nick: No sense grabbing a car, let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Dolů po sjezdu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M107" "Nick: Down the off ramp." "Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Podchodem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M108" "Nick: Through the underpass." "Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: Je tam motel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M109" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: Je tam motel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M110" "Nick: There's a motel up there." "Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: Můžeme se dostat na střechu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M111" "Nick: We can get on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Nahoře u billboardu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M112" "Nick: Up by the billboard." "Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Super, nikdo tu není." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M113" "Nick: Great, no one here." "Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Prohledejte místnosti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M114" "Nick: Search the rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Zkusíme to nahoře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M115" "Nick: Let's try upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: Musíme do patra." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M116" "Nick: We have to get upstairs." "Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: Sakra, musí tady být cesta kolem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M117" "Nick: Damn it, there's gotta be a way around this." "Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: Tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M118" "Nick: In here." "Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: Měli jsme štěstí, lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M119" "Nick: We got lucky, people." "Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Nepoužívejte ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M120" "Nick: Don't use that door." "Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Zpátky sem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M121" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Samozřejmě, most je zatarasený." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M122" "Nick: Of course the bridge is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: Ruské kolo a rozsvícená světla, co je na tom špatného?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M123" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?" "Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: Ruské kolo a rozsvícená světla, co je na tom špatného?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M124" "Nick: A Ferris wheel and lights on, what isn't to love?." "Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Opatrně dolů z kopce." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M125" "Nick: Careful heading down there hill." "Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Zkusíme přejít to údolí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M126" "Nick: Let's try and cross this valley." "Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Hou, sakra." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M127" "Nick: Whoa, shit." "Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Opatrně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M128" "Nick: Careful." "Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Bacha, nespadněte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M129" "Nick: Watch it, don't fall." "Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: Po proudu řeky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M130" "Nick: Down the river." "Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: Tady můžeme vylézt na kopec." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M131" "Nick: We can get up the hill over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Tudy nahoru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M132" "Nick: Up this way." "Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Světla svítí, kde jsou lidi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M133" "Nick: Lights are on, where's the people?" "Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Pojďme přes to parkoviště!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M134" "Nick: Let's get across the parking lot!" "Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Úkryt v přívěsu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M135" "Nick: Safe house in the trailer." "Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Riskovat tu krk není moc zábavný." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M136" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time." "Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Riskovat tu krk není moc zábavný, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M137" "Nick: Breaking my neck is not a fun time, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Jediná cesta vede přes park." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M201" "Nick: Our only way is through the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Vypadá to opuštěně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M202" "Nick: Looks abandoned." "Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: Tak pojďme do toho parku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M203" "Nick: Well, let's get inside the park." "Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Zdá se, že se nákaza šíří rychleji, než se pohybujeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M204" "Nick: Guess the infection is spreading faster than we are moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: Pokud jde o evakuační centra, tak tohle není nejhorší místo, kde se dá ukrýt." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M205" "Nick: As far as Evac Centers go, this is not the worst place to hole up." "Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: Tohle nejsou hry na náhody." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M206" "Nick: These are not games of chance." "Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: Můžeme si to zkrátit přes ty budovy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M207" "Nick: We can cut through these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: Sakra, kdybychom se tak dostali na tu nadzemní dráhu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M208" "Nick: Damn it, I wish we could get up on that monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: Kéž bychom se tak dostali na tu nadzemní dráhu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M209" "Nick: I wish we could get up on the monorail." "Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Zpátky sem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M210" "Nick: Back here." "Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Mezi ty budovy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M211" "Nick: Between these buildings." "Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Kudy ke stadionu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M212" "Nick: Which way is the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: Ta promenáda pořád voní popcornem a ta zadní ulička pořád smrdí chcankama." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M213" "Nick: The boardwalk still smells like popcorn and this back alley still stinks like piss." "Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: Můžeme se dostat na střechu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M214" "Nick: We can get up to the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: Mohli bychom líp vidět ze střechy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M215" "Nick: We might see better up on the roof." "Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Dolů po skluzavce." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M216" "Nick: Down the slide." "Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M217" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: Abychom otevřeli ty dveře, musíme zapnout proud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M218" "Nick: We need to turn on the power to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: Víte co? Něco mi říká, že to aktivuje všechno ostatní kolem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M219" "Nick: You know what? Somehow I think it will activate everything else around here." "Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: Ale co, tak já to zmáčknu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M220" "Nick: What the hell, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: Ale co, já to zmáčknu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M221" "Nick: What the hell, I'm gonna hit it." "Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: Tak se připravte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M222" "Nick: So get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: Mačkám to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M223" "Nick: I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Připravte se na útěk, mačkám to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M224" "Nick: Get ready to run, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Utíkejte, utíkejte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M225" "Nick: Keep running, keep running." "Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Běžte do toho tunelu lásky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M226" "Nick: Run into the Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Tunel lásky? Ježíši Kriste." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M227" "Nick: Tunnel of love? Jesus Christ." "Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Běžte, běžte. Předběhněte frontu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M228" "Nick: Go go go. Cut in line." "Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Přeskočte to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M229" "Nick: Jump over the line." "Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Zdá se, že všichni míří ke stadionu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M230" "Nick: Looks like everyone is heading to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Třeba jsou na stadionu pořád živí lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M231" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Pojďme na stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M232" "Nick: Let's head to the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: Proč jsem nemohl být ve Vegas, když přišla ta infekce? Nebo v Atlantic City? Místo toho jsem uvězněný v nějakém buranském tunelu lásky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M301" "Nick: Why couldn't I have been in Vegas when the infection hit? Or even Atlantic city? Instead I am trapped inside some hillbilly Tunnel of Love." "Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Promiň, Coachi, víš jak to myslím." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M302" "Nick: Sorry, Coach, you know what I mean." "Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Viděli jste tu ceduli u vchodu? Dnes mají vstup jen bratranci a sestřenice." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M303" "Nick: Did you see the sign out front? Cousins-only day today." "Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Vsadím se, že mi svítí i korunky na zubech." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M304" "Nick: Bet my caps are lit up as well." "Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Pojďme tím tunelem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M305" "Nick: Let's go down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: Tomu by se dalo skoro říkat betonová řeka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M306" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river." "Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: Tomu by se dalo skoro říkat betonová řeka, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M307" "Nick: You could almost call this a cement river, Ellis" "Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Pokračujte tunelem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M308" "Nick: Keep going down the tunnel." "Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: Žádné držení za ručičky, prosím." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M309" "Nick: No holding hands, please." "Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: Můžeme si to zkrátit touhle klimatizací." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M310" "Nick: We can cut through this vent." "Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Zkoušejte dál dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M311" "Nick: Keep checking doors." "Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: Tahle cesta je zatarasená." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M312" "Nick: This way is blocked." "Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Zkusíme místnost pro údržbáře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M313" "Nick: Let's try the maintenance room." "Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Nahoru na tu lávku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M314" "Nick: Get up on the catwalk." "Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: To není moc romantické." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M315" "Nick: This isn't very romantic." "Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Dolů do té díry." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M316" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Dolů do té díry." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M317" "Nick: Down the hole." "Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Uděláme to všichni najednou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M318" "Nick: Let's all do this together." "Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Všichni najednou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M319" "Nick: Everyone at the same time." "Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M320" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M321" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... OK, jsme o kus dál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M322" "Nick: Hmm... okay, we're further down the path." "Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: Dostalo nás to kolem bloku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M323" "Nick: That got us around the block." "Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Nezastavujme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M324" "Nick: Let's keep moving." "Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: Cítím vánek, čerstvý vzduch!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M325" "Nick: I can feel a breeze, fresh air!" "Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: Konečně venku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M326" "Nick: Finally, outside!" "Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: Horská dráha?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M327" "Nick: A coaster?" "Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: Ty vole, horská dráha." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M328" "Nick: A goddamn coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: Ne, bude to strašný. Držte se pohromadě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M329" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: Ne, bude to strašný. Držte se pohromadě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M330" "Nick: No it's not, this is going to be horrible. Make sure to stay together." "Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: Nesnáším horské dráhy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M331" "Nick: I hate roller coasters." "Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Zapněte to, ať tím pohnem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M332" "Nick: Hit the power to move this crap." "Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: OK, jediná cesta na druhou stranu je přes koleje té horské dráhy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M333" "Nick: Okay, the only way over is to get on the coaster's track." "Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: Budeme muset použít tu horskou dráhu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M334" "Nick: We're gonna have to run the coaster." "Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Držte se na kolejích." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M335" "Nick: Stay on the track." "Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Kdyby vás začal tahat, tak zavolejte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M336" "Nick: Make sure to call out if you get pulled." "Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Držte se na kolejích, lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M337" "Nick: Stay on the track, people!" "Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: Sakra, spadl jsem z kolejí!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M338" "Nick: Shit, I fell off the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Utíkejte po kolejích!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M339" "Nick: Run on the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Díky bohu, že to nedělá smyčku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M340" "Nick: Thank God this doesn't do a loop." "Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Odsud se k tomu nedostanu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M341" "Nick: Can't get to it from over here." "Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: Musíme pokračovat dál po kolejích!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M342" "Nick: We need to keep going down the track!" "Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Zmáčkněte to, abychom je zastavili!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M343" "Nick: Hit it to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Zmáčkněte ten alarm, abychom je zastavili!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M344" "Nick: Hit the alarm to stop them!" "Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Vypněte tu horskou dráhu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M345" "Nick: Shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: Musíme vypnout tu horskou dráhu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M346" "Nick: We have to shut down the coaster!" "Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Přes autíčka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M347" "Nick: Through the bumper cars!" "Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Pokračujte přes autíčka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M348" "Nick: Keep going through the bumper cars." "Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Tady do kontejneru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M349" "Nick: Back here in the container." "Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: Můžeme se schovat v tomhle kontejneru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M350" "Nick: We can hide in this container." "Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: Vidím stadion." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M401" "Nick: I can see the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: Na stadionu se svítí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M402" "Nick: There's lights on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: Slyším, že se na stadionu něco děje." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M403" "Nick: I can hear something going on in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: Jak se sakra dostaneme dovnitř?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M404" "Nick: How in the hell are we gonna get in?" "Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Slepá ulička." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M405" "Nick: Dead end." "Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Poslední evakuace je na stadionu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M406" "Nick: Final evacuation is in the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Třeba jsou na stadionu pořád živí lidi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M407" "Nick: Maybe people are still alive in the stadium?" "Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: Zdá se, že farmaření je úplné peklo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M408" "Nick: Looks like the H in 4H stands for hell." "Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Přes tyhle ohrady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M409" "Nick: Through these pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: Další ohrady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M410" "Nick: More pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Ohrada pro krávy, ohrada pro prasata, samé podělané zvířecí ohrady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M411" "Nick: Cow pen, pig pen, these are all just animal shit pens." "Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Zase slepá ulička." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M412" "Nick: Dead end again." "Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: Žebřík?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M413" "Nick: A ladder?" "Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: Žebřík." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M414" "Nick: A ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Zkusíme tenhle žebřík." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M415" "Nick: Let's try this ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Opatrně na těch střechách." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M416" "Nick: Careful on these roofs." "Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: Můžeme skočit na koleje té nadzemní dráhy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M417" "Nick: We can jump to the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Dostaňte se na koleje té dráhy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M418" "Nick: Get on the monorail tracks." "Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Použijeme tu dráhu, abychom se dostali přes tamten plot." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M419" "Nick: Let's use the monorail to get over that fence." "Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Vraťte se nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M420" "Nick: Get back up here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Musíme se vrátit tam nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M421" "Nick: Gotta get back up there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Vylezte po žebříku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M422" "Nick: Climb the ladder." "Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Skočte dolů na téhle straně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M423" "Nick: Jump down on this side." "Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Skočte!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M424" "Nick: Jump!" "Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Ke stadionu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M425" "Nick: Towards the stadium." "Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: Na lešení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M426" "Nick: Up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: Můžeme vylézt po tom lešení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M427" "Nick: We can climb this scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Do okna." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M428" "Nick: Into the window." "Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Skočte na ty záchody." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M429" "Nick: Jump into the john." "Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: Jsme uvnitř." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M430" "Nick: We're inside." "Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Má někdo nějaký nápad?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M431" "Nick: Anyone have any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: Někdo je v řídicí místnosti!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M432" "Nick: Somebody's in the control room!" "Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: Cože?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M433" "Nick: What?" "Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Hej, pusť nás dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M434" "Nick: Hey, let us in!" "Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Otevři." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M435" "Nick: Open up." "Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Nenuť nás, abychom se do řídicí místnosti prostříleli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M436" "Nick: Don't make us shoot our way into the control room." "Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Tak dělej, otevři ty zatracený dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M437" "Nick: Come on, open the freaking door." "Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Otevři ty dveře, můžeš řídit a všichni pojedeme vpředu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M438" "Nick: Open the door now, you can drive and we'll all ride shotgun." "Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: No tak, člověče, pomoz nám." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M439" "Nick: Come on, man, help us." "Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Pomůžeš nám, nebo ne?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M440" "Nick: Are you going to help us or not?" "Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: Co seš zač, nepřátelskej hipík? Já myslel, že musíte být všichni přátelský?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M441" "Nick: What are you, an unfriendly hippie? I thought you all had to be friendly?" "Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Můžu tě nějak přemluvit, abys nám pomohl?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M442" "Nick: Is there any way I could talk you into helping us?" "Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: OK, třeba ti můžeme pomoct? Tady Ellis je mechanik." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M443" "Nick: Okay, maybe we can help you. Ellis here is a mechanic." "Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: Nikdo jinej tu není naživu, OK? Musí existovat něco, na čem se můžeme domluvit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M444" "Nick: No one else is alive here, okay? There's gotta be some sort of deal we can work out." "Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Jen to řekni. Cokoli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M445" "Nick: Just name it. Anything." "Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: Budu litovat, že jsem to řekl, ale dobře. Co potřebuješ?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M446" "Nick: I am going to regret saying this, but sure. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Dobře, dobře, aspoň něco. Co potřebuješ?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M447" "Nick: Okay, okay that's a start. What do you need?" "Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: Nemám z toho dobrej pocit..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M448" "Nick: I've got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: Proč teď prostě nezavoláš o pomoc?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M449" "Nick: Why don't you just call for help now?" "Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: OK, spustíme tu pyrotechniku, ale říkám vám to rovnou. BUDU HRÁT NA IMAGINÁRNÍ KYTARU." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M450" "Nick: Okay, we'll set off the pyrotechnics, but I'm telling you right now. I AM NOT GOING TO AIR GUITAR." "Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: OK, dobře, spustíme tu závěrečnou show." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M451" "Nick: Okay, fine, we'll put on the finale show." "Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Dobře, uděláme to. Jasně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M452" "Nick: Okay, we'll do it. Sure." "Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: Proč, ne, kruci, jo, uděláme to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M453" "Nick: Why in the hell not, yes we'll do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Tý jo. To je fakt super. Dusty bude určitě poctěn." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M454" "Nick: Wow, yeah. That's really cool. I'm sure Dusty will be honored." "Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: Vsadím se, že tam má funkční sprchu, kterou nepoužívá." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M455" "Nick: I bet he's got a working shower in there and he isn't using it." "Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Vždycky nějakej smradlavej hipík. Přísahám, že to vždycky končí tím, jak obšťastnit smradlavýho hipíka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M456" "Nick: Always a stinking hippie. I swear to god, it always come back to making a stinking hippie happy." "Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: Myslím, že nemáme na výběr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M457" "Nick: I don't think we have a choice." "Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: Doufám, že v tom autobusu je benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M458" "Nick: There better be gas in that tour bus." "Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: Aspoň jednou bych si přál, abychom právě narazili na nějaký policajty." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M459" "Nick: For once, I wish we would have just stumbled onto some cops." "Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: OK." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M460" "Nick: Okay." "Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Zapněte světla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M461" "Nick: Hit the lights." "Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Připravíme se a spustíme to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M462" "Nick: Let's get ready and then start this thing." "Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: Jste připravení na pořádnej rock?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M463" "Nick: You guys ready to rock?" "Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Tak to spusťme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M464" "Nick: Let's start this." "Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Spusťte výbuchy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M465" "Nick: Hit the flashbangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Spusťte kanóny!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M466" "Nick: Hit the cannons!" "Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Spusťte efekty!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M467" "Nick: Hit the effects!" "Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Někdo musí zapnout světla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M468" "Nick: Someone needs to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Běžte ke světlům!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M469" "Nick: Run up to the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: Musíme zapnout světla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M470" "Nick: We have to hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Pokračujte!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M471" "Nick: Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: Doufám, že to stačí!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M472" "Nick: I hope that is enough!" "Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Poslední!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M473" "Nick: Last one!" "Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: Máme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M474" "Nick: We got it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Támhle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M475" "Nick: Over there!" "Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Do toho!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M476" "Nick: Get it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Zapni to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M477" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M478" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: Tamhle je autobus!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M479" "Nick: There's the bus!" "Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: Tamhle je autobus! Do garáže!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M480" "Nick: There's the tour bus! Get into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Do garáže!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M481" "Nick: Get to the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: Dodržel slovo! Jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M482" "Nick: He kept his word! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Do garáže!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M483" "Nick: Into the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Garáž je otevřená!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M484" "Nick: Garage is open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Pojďme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M485" "Nick: Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Prostě běžte, běžte. On s námi nepůjde." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M486" "Nick: Just go, just go, he isn't coming with us." "Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: Sbohem, příteli hipíku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M487" "Nick: Goodbye, my hippie friend!" "Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: Sbohem, pane hipíku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M488" "Nick: Goodbye, Mr. Hippie!" "Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Do člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M101" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Do člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M102" "Nick: Get on the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Běžte ke člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M103" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: Opravdu? Nekecáš?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M104" "Nick: You did? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: Cože? Fakt?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M105" "Nick: What you? Really?" "Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M106" "Nick: Pffft." "Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Ano." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M107" "Nick: Yes," "Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Ano, pamatuju si to, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M108" "Nick: Yes, I remember, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Ano, Ellisi, vzpomínám." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M109" "Nick: Yes, Ellis, I remember." "Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Teda, Coachi, to bylo povznášející." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M110" "Nick: Wow, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Teda, Coachi, to bylo povznášející. Je teď ještě někdo motivovaný?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M111" "Nick: Well, Coach, that was uplifting. Everybody else motivated now?" "Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Díky, Coachi, to bylo povznášející." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M112" "Nick: Thanks, Coach, that was uplifting." "Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: Co, živí nakažení, nebo živí a ne zombíci?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M113" "Nick: What, alive infected or alive and not zombies?" "Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: 100 ku 1." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M114" "Nick: 100 to 1." "Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: 100 ku 1. Na druhou stranu na krvavý farmáře jsou sázky vyrovnané." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M115" "Nick: 100 to 1. The blood farmers on the other hand are even money." "Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Ježíši Kriste, Ellisi, jako by ti zatracení zombíci nestačili." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M116" "Nick: Jesus Christ, Ellis, like the goddamn zombies aren't bad enough." "Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: Nezapomněla jsi na jednu věc, podle toho jak střílíme? My sami." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M117" "Nick: You forgot one thing, from the way we shoot? Each other." "Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Do prdele s těma bahňákama." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M201" "Nick: Screw these goddamn mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: Souhlasím s Ellisem, nesnáším ty bahňáky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M202" "Nick: I'm with Ellis, I hate these mud people." "Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: To bláto mému obleku zrovna neprospívá." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M203" "Nick: This mud is not doing my suit any favors." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Já v týhle bažině neumřu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not dying in this swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Nestanu se žrádlem pro aligátory." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I am not going to be gator food." "Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: Tohle, přátelé, je úplný leháro." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M101" "Nick: This, my friends, is a milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: Brnkačka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M102" "Nick: A cakewalk." "Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: Procházka parkem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M103" "Nick: A walk in the park." "Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: Procházka na sluníčku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M104" "Nick: A walk in the sun." "Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: Úplná hračka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M105" "Nick: A piece of cake." "Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: Stačí, když seženeme nějakou naftu a vrátíme se do člunu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M106" "Nick: All we gotta do is get some diesel and get back on the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Udělejme to rychle, ať už jsme zpátky na tom zatraceným člunu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M107" "Nick: Let's do this quick and get back on the damn boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Pospěšme, ať to uděláme, že udeří ta bouře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M108" "Nick: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Dobrej nápad, blíží se bouřka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M109" "Nick: Good idea, storm's coming." "Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: Dáme ti signál, kdy se máš vrátit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M110" "Nick: We'll signal you when you should return." "Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Nepřibližuj se ke břehu, než ti dáme signál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M111" "Nick: Stay away from the shore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Zůstaň dál od břehu, dokud ti nedáme signál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M112" "Nick: Stay offshore until we signal you." "Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Věříme tomu chlápkovi, že se vrátí?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M113" "Nick: Do we trust that guy to come back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Dobře, ale jste první tři lidi na světě, kterým jsem kdy věřil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M114" "Nick: Fair enough, but you're the first three people in the world I have ever trusted." "Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: Sakra. Já nevěřím ani sám sobě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M115" "Nick: Shit. I don't even trust myself." "Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: V tom případě myslím, že tvému úsudku v této záležitosti nemůžeme věřit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M116" "Nick: In that case I don't think we can trust your judgment in this matter." "Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: Tohle je ten nejlepší Burger Tank, jaký jsem kdy navštívil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M117" "Nick: This is the best goddamn Burger Tank I have ever visited." "Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: Doufám, že nikomu nebude vadit, když si ty zbraně vezmeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M118" "Nick: I hope no one minds us taking these guns." "Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Benzínka je přes ulici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M119" "Nick: Gas station is across the street." "Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Došel benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M120" "Nick: Out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Jasně, že jim došel benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M121" "Nick: Of course they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: Mně došel benzín, tobě došel benzín, jim došel benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M122" "Nick: I'm out of gas, you're out of gas, they're out of gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: A je po leháru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M123" "Nick: There goes the milk run." "Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: V cukrovaru mají naftu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M124" "Nick: They've got diesel at the sugar mill?" "Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Do prdele. Potřebujeme naftu a máme zbraně. Jdeme si pro ni." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M125" "Nick: Screw it. We need the diesel and we have guns. Let's go get it." "Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: Jestli jdeme, tak rychle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M126" "Nick: If we're going, let's hurry." "Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Chci být rychlejší než ta bouře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M127" "Nick: Want to beat out this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Tímhle domem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M128" "Nick: Through this house." "Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: Můžeme se tam dostat tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M129" "Nick: We can get in through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: Hádám, že ten komín patří k cukrovaru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M130" "Nick: I'm guessing that smokestack is the sugarmill." "Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Pojďme k tomu komínu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M131" "Nick: Let's head towards that smokestack." "Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: Touhle ulicí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M132" "Nick: Down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Pojďme touhle ulicí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M133" "Nick: Let's go down this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Jasně, až na všechny ty zombíky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M134" "Nick: Right, except for all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: To nebude tak těžké, až uvidíš všechny ty zombíky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M135" "Nick: Not so hard after you see all the zombies." "Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Zkrátíme si to touhle ulicí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M136" "Nick: Let's cut through this street." "Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M137" "Nick: Over here." "Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: Můžeme se dolů dostat tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M138" "Nick: We can get down through here." "Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: Doufám, že to je ten zatracenej cukrovar." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M139" "Nick: That better be the goddamn sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Běžte do toho baráku támhle!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M140" "Nick: Get into the house up there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Běžte do té budovy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M141" "Nick: Get to that building!" "Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: Začíná pršet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M142" "Nick: It's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: Sakra, začíná pršet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M143" "Nick: Shit, it's starting to rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: Hádám, že ta nafta nebude v opuštěné části cukrovaru." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M201" "Nick: I guess the diesel isn't in the abandoned part of the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: Ještě pořád to můžeme stihnout, než bouře udeří." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M202" "Nick: We can still do this before the storm hits." "Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Pojďme o kousek dál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M203" "Nick: Let's go a little farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: Jestli tu druhou benzínku brzy nenajdeme, tak se můžeme otočit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M204" "Nick: If we don't find the other station soon we can turn around." "Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Touhle budovou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M205" "Nick: Through this building." "Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Tady spodem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M206" "Nick: Under here." "Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Nahoru po téhle rampě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M207" "Nick: Up this ramp." "Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: Tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M208" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: Nikdy jsem neviděl tolik Witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M209" "Nick: I have never seen so many Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: Proč je tady sakra tolik Witch?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M210" "Nick: What the hell is with all the Witches?" "Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Pojďme se tady nahoru zorientovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M211" "Nick: Let's get up here and find our bearings." "Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: Konečně! Tam je ta benzínka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M212" "Nick: Finally! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: OK! Tam je ta benzínka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M213" "Nick: Okay! There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: Musíme se dostat přes tu třtinu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M214" "Nick: We need to get through this cane." "Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: Sakra, té bouřce neutečeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M215" "Nick: Damn, we aren't going to beat this storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Přes třtinové pole." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M216" "Nick: Through the cane field." "Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: Dolů po lešení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M217" "Nick: Down the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: Sakra, voda se začíná zvedat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M218" "Nick: Shit, water's starting to pool." "Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: Déšť začíná houstnout." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M219" "Nick: The rain's getting heavy." "Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Běžte k benzínce!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M220" "Nick: Get to the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Do benzínky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M221" "Nick: Get in the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Do benzínky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M222" "Nick: Into the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Všichni do benzínky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M223" "Nick: Everyone inside the station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: Máme to, teď s tím zpátky ke člunu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M301" "Nick: We got it, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: Máme naftu, odtáhneme ji zpátky ke člunu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M302" "Nick: We got the diesel, let's hump it back to the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Zpátky přes třtinové pole." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M303" "Nick: Back through the canefield." "Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: Sakra, to je pořádnej slejvák." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M304" "Nick: Shit, it's really coming down." "Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: Ten déšť je moc silný." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M305" "Nick: This is too much rain." "Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: To zatracené město bude pod vodou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M306" "Nick: Goddamn town is going to be flooded!" "Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Najděte přístřeší!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M307" "Nick: Find shelter!" "Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Najděte nějaké místo, kde se můžeme schovat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M308" "Nick: Find some place to hunker down!" "Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Blesk!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M309" "Nick: Lightning!" "Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Zpátky ke člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M310" "Nick: Back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Pokračujte zpátky ke člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M311" "Nick: Keep heading back to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Přes starý cukrovar!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M312" "Nick: Through the old mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: Vidí někdo tu Witch?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M313" "Nick: Can anybody see that Witch?" "Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Tady nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M314" "Nick: Up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Zpátky nahoru po lešení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M315" "Nick: Back up the scaffolding." "Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Dělejte, lidi, vracejte se po našich stopách." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M316" "Nick: Come on people, just retrace our steps." "Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: Můžeme po téhle trubce!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M317" "Nick: We can take this pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Přeběhněte po té trubce!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M318" "Nick: Run over the pipe!" "Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Po té trubce k zásobníkům." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M319" "Nick: Take the pipe to the holding tanks." "Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Zůstaňte tady nahoře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M320" "Nick: Stay up here." "Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Vraťte se na trubky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M321" "Nick: Get back on the pipes!" "Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Zůstaňte tady nahoře!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M322" "Nick: Stay up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Zpátky přes cukrovar." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M323" "Nick: Back through the mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: Musíme se vrátit tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M324" "Nick: We have to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Vraťte se dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M325" "Nick: Get back inside!" "Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: Musíme se vrátit tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M326" "Nick: We gotta to go back through here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Město je zaplavené." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M401" "Nick: Towns flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Sakra, město je pod vodou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M402" "Nick: Goddamn town's flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Voda místy vypadá po kolena." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M403" "Nick: Water looks knee deep in places." "Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Držte se na vyvýšeninách." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M404" "Nick: Stay on the high ground." "Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: Můžeme použít střechy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M405" "Nick: We can use the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Přes střechy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M406" "Nick: Across the rooftops." "Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Zůstaňte na střechách!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M407" "Nick: Stick to the roofs!" "Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: Nevidím ani ň!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M408" "Nick: I can't see shit!" "Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Držte se blízko!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M409" "Nick: Stay close!" "Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Hrom!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M410" "Nick: Thunder!" "Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Všechno je zaplavené, sakra." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M411" "Nick: Every goddamn thing is flooded." "Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Pamatuje si někdo cestu zpátky?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M412" "Nick: Does anybody remember the path back?" "Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Všechno je jiné, když je to pod vodou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M413" "Nick: Everything's different when it's under a foot of water." "Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: Zatraceně, jdeme moc pomalu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M414" "Nick: Goddamn we are moving too slow!" "Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: Do Burger Tanku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M415" "Nick: Into the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Běžte do Burger Tanku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M416" "Nick: Get to the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Rozsviťte ceduli!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M417" "Nick: Light up the sign!" "Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: Můžeme dát člunu signál cedulí Burger Tanku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M418" "Nick: We can signal the boat with the Burger Tank sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Dáme člunu signál!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M419" "Nick: Let's signal the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Pojďme se připravit a spustit napájení cedule." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M420" "Nick: Let's get setup and hit the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Připravte se! Spouštím napájení cedule." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M421" "Nick: Get ready! I am hitting the power for the sign." "Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: No tak, Burger Tanku, zachraň nás!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M422" "Nick: Come on Burger Tank, save us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Rychlé občerstvení nás zachrání." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M423" "Nick: Fast food is going to save us." "Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Jděte na střechu Burger Tanku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M424" "Nick: Get on the roof of the Burger Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Běžte na střechu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M425" "Nick: Get on the roof!" "Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: Můžeme ceduli zapnout ze střechy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M426" "Nick: We can turn on the sign from the roof." "Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Pojďte sem nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M427" "Nick: Get up here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: Do Prčic s tím deštěm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M428" "Nick: Goddamn this rain!" "Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Přichází bouře!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M429" "Nick: Storm's hitting!" "Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Držte se, přichází bouře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M430" "Nick: Hang on, storm's hitting." "Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: Tam je jeho signál!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M431" "Nick: There's his signal!" "Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: Míří zpátky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M432" "Nick: He's heading back in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: Musíme jen vydržet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M433" "Nick: We just need to hold out!" "Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: Musíme jen vydržet, než člun připluje." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M434" "Nick: We just need to last until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Zůstaneme tady nahoře, dokud člun nepřipluje." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M435" "Nick: Let's stay up here until the boat comes." "Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Z toho se teda vyklubalo pěkné leháro." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M436" "Nick: Some goddamn milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Jasně, pojďme na benzínku, bude to snadný." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M437" "Nick: Oh yeah, let's go to the gas station, it'll be easy." "Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Člun je tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M438" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Jdeme! Máme tady odvoz!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M439" "Nick: Let's go! Our ride is here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Člun je tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M440" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: Vrátil se pro nás!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M441" "Nick: He came back for us!" "Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Všichni ke člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M442" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Nikdy nevystupuj ze člunu. Nikdy nevystupuj ze člunu. Nikdy nevystupuj ze člunu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Nemůžu uvěřit, že se těším, až se vrátím na ten člun." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I cannot believe I am looking forward to getting back on that boat." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Z toho se teda vyklubalo pěkné leháro." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie03" "Nick: Some milk run this turned out to be." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Měli jsme prostě dál plout po té zatracené řece." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie04" "Nick: Should have just kept floating down the damn river." "Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: Co nás to sakra napadlo tady zastavit?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4MGoingToDie05" "Nick: What in the hell were we thinking stopping here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: OK, jo, chápu. Jasně. Brzy se uvidíme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M501" "Nick: Okay, yeah, got it. Sure. See you soon." "Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Přestaňte! Nebombardujte ten most." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M502" "Nick: Stop! Don't bomb the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hej, na mostě jsou lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M503" "Nick: Hey, you've got people on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Hej! Jsme na mostě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M504" "Nick: Hey, we're on the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Haló." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M505" "Nick: Hello." "Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Jasně, že je plný zombíků. Celej ten podělanej svět je plnej zombíků. Uvidíme se za pár minut." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M506" "Nick: Of course it's full of zombies. The whole god damn world is full of zombies. See you in a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Tak pojďme přes ten most a konečně pryč z tohodle pekla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M507" "Nick: Well, let's cross the bridge and finally get out of this hell." "Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Jasně, dejte nám chvilku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M508" "Nick: Sure, give us a few minutes." "Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: Slyšeli jste. Pojďme přes ten zatracenej most." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M509" "Nick: You heard the man. Let's get across this goddamn bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Krucinál! Támhle je konec!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M510" "Nick: Holy shit! There's the end!" "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: Já v tomhle městě neumřu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie01" "Nick: I am not going to die in this city." "Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: Nedošel jsem tak daleko, abych teď umřel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5MGoingToDie02" "Nick: I have not come this far to die now." "Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Tady nahoru." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc01" "Nick: Up here." "Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc02" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: Támhle je ten most!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc03" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Směřujte k mostu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc04" "Nick: Head towards the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: Musíme pokračovat dál k mostu." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc05" "Nick: We need to keep moving towards the bridge." "Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc06" "Nick: Down here." "Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Tou uličkou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc07" "Nick: Down the alley!" "Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Tudy." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc08" "Nick: Through here." "Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: Smrdí to chcankama." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc09" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: Zatraceně, ty teda vypadáš." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc10" "Nick: God damn you are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: Smrdí to chcankama." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc11" "Nick: It reeks like piss." "Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: Ty teda vypadáš." "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc12" "Nick: You are messed up." "Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Tady vzadu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc13" "Nick: Back here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Vylezte tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc14" "Nick: Climb up here!" "Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: O to se nestarejte, musíme jít dál!" "[english]Gambler_WorldMisc15" "Nick: Don't worry about that, we have to keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Kašlu na zákaz vstupu." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns01" "Nick: Restricted area my ass." "Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Fakt, nic jsem neviděl." "[english]Gambler_WorldSigns02" "Nick: Really, I haven't seen any." "Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Utíkejte" "[english]Gambler_YellRun01" "Nick: Run" "Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Do prdele, utíkejte!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun02" "Nick: Screw it, run!" "Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Utíkejte! Prostě utíkejte!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun03" "Nick: Run! Just run!" "Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Běžte! Utíkejte! BĚŽTE!" "[english]Gambler_YellRun04" "Nick: Go! Run! GO!" "Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Ano." "[english]Gambler_Yes01" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Jo." "[english]Gambler_Yes02" "Nick: Yep." "Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Jo." "[english]Gambler_Yes03" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Jasnačka." "[english]Gambler_Yes04" "Nick: Yeppers." "Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Ano." "[english]Gambler_Yes05" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Ano." "[english]Gambler_Yes06" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Jo." "[english]Gambler_Yes07" "Nick: Yeah." "Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Anóóó." "[english]Gambler_Yes08" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Ano." "[english]Gambler_Yes09" "Nick: Yes." "Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Anóóó." "[english]Gambler_Yes10" "Nick: Yessss." "Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Jo, jo, jo, jo." "[english]Gambler_Yes12" "Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: Není zač." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome01" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: Není zač." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome02" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: Není zač." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome03" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: S tím si nelam hlavu." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome04" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: Není zač." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome05" "Nick: You're welcome." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: O to se neboj." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome06" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: O to se neboj." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome07" "Nick: Don't worry about it." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: Od toho jsem tady." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome08" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: Od toho jsem tady." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome09" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: Od toho jsem tady." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome10" "Nick: That's what I'm here for." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Kdykoli." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome11" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Kdykoli." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome12" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Kdykoli." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome13" "Nick: Anytime." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Jasná věc." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome14" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Jasná věc." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome15" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Jasná věc." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome16" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Jasná věc." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcome17" "Nick: Sure thing." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC101" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: No jo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC102" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC103" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC104" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC105" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: No jo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC106" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC107" "Nick: Sure." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Jasně." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC108" "Nick: Whatever." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: No jo." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeC109" "Nick: Um yeah." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: Žádnej problém, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: Žádnej problém, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Nick: No problem, Coach." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: Mám to u tebe, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic01" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: Mám to u tebe, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeMechanic02" "Nick: You owe me, Ellis." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Jasná věc, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Jasná věc, Ro." "[english]Gambler_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Nick: Sure thing, Ro." "Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Je tady adrenalinová injekce!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline01" "Nick: Adrenaline shot here!" "Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Beru si injekci!" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline02" "Nick: Grabbin' a shot!" "Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [vzbudí se]" "[english]Gambler_Adrenaline03" "Nick: [shaking self awake]" "Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Jsou tady Boomerovy zvratky!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar01" "Nick: Boomer bile here!" "Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: To je to láhev zvratků?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar02" "Nick: Is that a bottle of puke?" "Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: Není to snad láhev zvratků, nebo jo?" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar03" "Nick: That can't be a bottle of puke, is it?" "Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Beru zvratky!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar04" "Nick: Grabbin' puke!" "Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ... z nějakého důvodu." "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar05" "Nick: ... for some reason." "Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsem to právě řekl." "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar06" "Nick: I can't believe I just said that." "Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Beru sklenici zvratků!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar07" "Nick: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Letí zvratky!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar08" "Nick: Puke in the hole!" "Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Letí!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar09" "Nick: Incoming!" "Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Bojujte mezi sebou!" "[english]Gambler_BoomerJar10" "Nick: Fight amongst yourselves!" "Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Jsou tady elektrody." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator01" "Nick: Chest paddles here." "Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Je tady defibrilátor." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator02" "Nick: Defibrillator here." "Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Mám elektrody." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator03" "Nick: Got some chest paddles." "Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Je tady defibrilátor." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator04" "Nick: Defib unit here." "Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Mám defibrilátor." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator05" "Nick: Got a defib unit." "Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Jedem!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator06" "Nick: Clear!" "Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Dělej!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator07" "Nick: Come on!" "Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: DĚLEJ!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator08" "Nick: Come ON!" "Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Naskoč, sakra..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator09" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator10" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator11" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator12" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator13" "Nick: [being shocked]" "Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator14" "Nick: [gasp for breath]" "Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Áááá, přestaň mi dávat šoky!" "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator15" "Nick: Agggh stop shocking me!" "Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: Tak jo. To bylo dost strašný." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator16" "Nick: All right. That was some serious shit." "Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Hou..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator17" "Nick: Whoa..." "Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Naskoč, sakra..." "[english]Gambler_Defibrillator18" "Nick: Work, damn it..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellisi, proč nám to neřekneš až ve vrtulníku?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt01" "Nick: Ellis-why don't you tell us this in the chopper?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: [sarkasticky] Ne, Ellisi. Proč?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt02" "Nick: No, Ellis. Why?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Hmm." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt03" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: [znuděně] Hmm." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt04" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: [velmi znuděně] Hmm." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt05" "Nick: Uh huh." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellisi. ELLISI. ELLISI." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt06" "Nick: Ellis. ELLIS. ELLIS." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hej. ELLISI. Proč nám neřekneš všechno o tom, jak jsi ZAVŘEL KLAPAČKU?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt07" "Nick: Hey. ELLIS. Why don't you tell us all about the time you SHUT UP?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellisi. Je tohle nejvhodnější chvíle?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt08" "Nick: Ellis. Is now the best time?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Uf. Mě to NEZAJÍMÁ. NIKOHO to nezajímá." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt09" "Nick: Uhhh. I don't CARE. NOBODY cares." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellisi. Když si to poslechnu, bude to naposledy?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt10" "Nick: Ellis. If I listen to this, will this be the last one?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Ježíši. Je tady někde Witch, kterou můžeme naštvat?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt11" "Nick: Oh, Jesus. Is there a Witch around here we can piss off?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ale ne, už ne..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt12" "Nick: Ohhh, not again..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: To je skvělé." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt13" "Nick: That's terrific." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Ty jo, fakt." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt14" "Nick: Wow, really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Díky, že ses o to podělil, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt15" "Nick: Glad you shared that, Ellis." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Opravdu." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt16" "Nick: Really." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: Neřekl bych." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt17" "Nick: I don't think so." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: A chceš tím říct... že..." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt18" "Nick: And your point... is..." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: Víš, co mám na tvých historkách nejraději, Ellisi? To, jak zní, když skončí." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt19" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? The sound they make when they stop." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: Víš, co mám na tvých historkách nejraději, Ellisi? NIC." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt20" "Nick: You know what I like best about your stories, Ellis? NOTHING." "Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: Proč chvilku nezkusíme být potichu?" "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt21" "Nick: Why don't we try quiet time for a while?" "Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Hej, Ellisi! Soutěž v mlčení, připravenej? Raz dva tři TEĎ." "[english]Gambler_EllisInterrupt22" "Nick: Hey, Ellis! Shut up contest, ready? One two three GO." "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Jsou tady výbušné náboje!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Nick: Explosive rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Jsou tady tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Nick: Frag rounds here!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Beru si tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Nick: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Používám tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Gambler_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying frag rounds!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Ne na MĚ! Střílejte na TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank01" "Nick: Not ME! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hej! Střílejte na Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank02" "Nick: Hey! Shoot the Tank!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Ááá! Na TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank03" "Nick: Aggghh! The TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: Na Tanka, ostrostřelče! Střílej na TANKA!" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank04" "Nick: The Tank, hotshot! Shoot the TANK!" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: Je přes tři metry vysokej a dva metry širokej! Jak můžete střílet na MĚ?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank05" "Nick: It's twelve feet tall and six feet wide! How are you shooting ME?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: Je velkej jak náklaďák! Jak se můžete NETREFIT?" "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank06" "Nick: It's the size of a truck! How are you MISSING?" "Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: No tak! Střílejte na TANKA, ne na MĚ." "[english]Gambler_FriendlyFireTank07" "Nick: Come on! Shoot the TANK, not ME." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Je tady granátomet." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher01" "Nick: Grenade launcher here." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: Jo, kruci. Granátomet." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher02" "Nick: Hell yeah. Grenade launcher." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: [zasměje se] Je čas udělat trochu zombí polívky." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher03" "Nick: Time to make some zombie soup." "Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Mám granátomet." "[english]Gambler_GrenadeLauncher04" "Nick: Got a grenade launcher." "Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: Začínám vás mít rád, lidi." "[english]Gambler_Hurrah07" "Nick: I'm starting to like you guys." "Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: Jde nám to úplně SNADNO!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah08" "Nick: We're makin' it look EASY!" "Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: A TAKHLE se to má dělat!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah09" "Nick: And THAT is how you do that!" "Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: Jsme jak čtyři jezdci podělaný apokalypsy!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah10" "Nick: We're the four riders of the goddamn apocalypse!" "Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: A TAKHLE se to má dělat!" "[english]Gambler_Hurrah11" "Nick: And THAT is how you do it!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Jsou tady zápalné náboje!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo01" "Nick: Fire bullets here!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Beru zápalné náboje!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo02" "Nick: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Pořádně je rozpálíme, lidi!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo03" "Nick: Let's start some fires, people!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Používám zápalné náboje!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo04" "Nick: Deploying fire bullets!" "Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Vezměte si všichni zápalnou munici!" "[english]Gambler_IncendAmmo05" "Nick: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Jsou tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights01" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Jsou tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights02" "Nick: Laser sights here." "Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: Máme tady laserová mířidla." "[english]Gambler_LaserSights03" "Nick: We got some laser sights." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Je tady mačeta..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons01" "Nick: Machete here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Mám mačetu." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons02" "Nick: Got a machete." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Je tady motorová pila..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons03" "Nick: Chainsaw here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Mám motorovou pilu." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons04" "Nick: Got a chainsaw." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Je tady obušek..." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons05" "Nick: Nightstick here..." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Beru si obušek." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons06" "Nick: Grabbing a nightstick." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Je tady kytara." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons07" "Nick: Guitar here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Beru si kytaru." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons08" "Nick: Grabbing a guitar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Je tady nindžovský meč." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons09" "Nick: Ninja sword here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Beru si meč." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons10" "Nick: Grabbing a sword." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Beru si páčidlo." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons11" "Nick: Grabbing a crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Páčidlo." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons12" "Nick: Crowbar." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: Nemůžu se DOČKAT, až najdu nějakou bednu." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons13" "Nick: I cannot WAIT to find a crate." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Je tady kriketová pálka." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons14" "Nick: Cricket bat here." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Mám kriketovou pálku." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons15" "Nick: Got a cricket bat." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: S tímhle z něčeho vymlátím duši." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons16" "Nick: Gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: S tímhle z něčeho vymlátím duši." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons17" "Nick: I'm gonna whack the shit outta somethin' with this." "Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Pekněěěé." "[english]Gambler_MeleeWeapons18" "Nick: Niiiiice." "Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Tudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional01" "Nick: Through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Tamtudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional02" "Nick: Through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: Tudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional03" "Nick: This way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: Tady!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional04" "Nick: In here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Tudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional05" "Nick: Down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: Dělejte, tudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional06" "Nick: C'mon, this way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Tímhle oknem!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional07" "Nick: Through this window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Tamtím oknem!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional08" "Nick: Through that window!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: Touhle uličkou!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional09" "Nick: Down this alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Tamtou uličkou!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional10" "Nick: Down that alley!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Pojďme tudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional11" "Nick: Let's go through here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Pojďme tamtudy!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional12" "Nick: Let's go through there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Těmahle dveřma!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional13" "Nick: Through this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Tamtěma dveřma!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional14" "Nick: Through that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: Můžeme projít touhle restaurací." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional15" "Nick: We can go through this restaurant." "Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Tamtou brankou!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional16" "Nick: Through that gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Nahoru po tamtom žebříku!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional17" "Nick: Up that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Nahoru po tomhle žebříku!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional18" "Nick: Up this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Dolů po tamtom žebříku!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional19" "Nick: Down that ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Touhle brankou!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional20" "Nick: Through this gate!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Dolů po tomhle žebříku!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional21" "Nick: Down this ladder!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Přes tenhle plot!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional22" "Nick: Over this fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Přes tamten plot!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional23" "Nick: Over that fence!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: K mostu!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional24" "Nick: To the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: Tady můžeme přejít!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional25" "Nick: We can cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: Támhle můžeme přejít!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional26" "Nick: We can cross there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: Tudy se dostaneme nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional27" "Nick: We can get up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: Tamtudy se dostaneme nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional28" "Nick: We can get up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: Tudy se dostaneme dolů!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional29" "Nick: We can get down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: Tamtudy se dostaneme dolů!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional30" "Nick: We can get down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional31" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Zmáčkni to tlačítko!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional32" "Nick: Press the button!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Dělej!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional33" "Nick: Do it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Aktivuj to!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional34" "Nick: Activate it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: Zmáčkl jsem to!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional35" "Nick: I hit it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: Udělal jsem to!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional36" "Nick: I did it!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Přes tyhle dveře!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional37" "Nick: Over this door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Přes tamty dveře!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional38" "Nick: Over that door!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Přes kontejner!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional39" "Nick: Over the dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Přes tenhle kontejner!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional40" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Skočte sem!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional41" "Nick: Jump down here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Skočte tam!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional42" "Nick: Jump down there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: Tady nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional43" "Nick: There's a safe room up here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: Tam nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional44" "Nick: There's a safe room up there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Zpátky přes pole!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional45" "Nick: Back through the field!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional46" "Nick: Everybody in the elevator!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: Můžeme zpátky nahoru výtahem!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional47" "Nick: We can take the elevator back up!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: Nahoru po té trubce!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional48" "Nick: Up that pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Nahoru po téhle trubce!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional49" "Nick: Up this pipe!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Všichni zpátky dolů po schodech!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional50" "Nick: Everyone back down the stairs!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Přes most!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional51" "Nick: Over the bridge!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: Můžeme přejít přes tu cisternu!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional52" "Nick: We can cross over that tank!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: Tady se můžeme dostat přes vodu!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional53" "Nick: We can get across the water here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: Tam se můžeme dostat přes vodu!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional54" "Nick: We can get across the water there!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Tady přejděte!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional55" "Nick: Cross here!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: Tohle si pamatuju. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional56" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: Tohle jsem viděl cestou tam. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional57" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: Tohle si pamatuju. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional58" "Nick: I remember this. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: Tohle jsem viděl cestou tam. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional59" "Nick: I saw this on the way in. We're going the right way!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Je to celé zaplavené." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional60" "Nick: Man, it's all flooded." "Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: Tam dole je úplné jezero." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional61" "Nick: It's a lake down there." "Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Dostaňte se na vyvýšená místa!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional62" "Nick: Get to higher ground!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: ZAČÍNÁ PRŠET!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional63" "Nick: HERE COMES THE RAIN!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: PŘICHÁZÍ BOUŘKA!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional64" "Nick: STORM COMING!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: DRŽTE SE BLÍZKO!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional65" "Nick: STAY CLOSE!" "Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: Vůbec nic nevidím, sakra..." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional66" "Nick: I can't see a damn thing..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Slepej jak krtek..." "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional67" "Nick: Blind as a damn bat..." "Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: Támhle je cedule Ducatel! Už jsme odsud skoro pryč!" "[english]Gambler_MiscDirectional68" "Nick: There's the Ducatel sign! We're almost outta here!" "Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: Víš, kolik je na tom bacilů?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd01" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Fuj. Smrdí to tady jak záprtky. Copak to nikdo jiný NECÍTÍ?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd02" "Nick: Ugh. It's like rotten eggs here. Does nobody else SMELL that?" "Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: Víš, kolik je na tom bacilů?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd03" "Nick: You know how many germs are on that thing?" "Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Fuj. Co to SMRDÍ?" "[english]Gambler_NickOcd04" "Nick: Ugh. What's that SMELL?" "Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Protože na nic jiného než na žebírka NEMYSLÍŠ, Coachi." "[english]Gambler_NickOcd05" "Nick: Because all you THINK about is ribs, Coach." "Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense01" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Já nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense02" "Nick: Reloading here!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Musím si nabít!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense03" "Nick: Gotta reload!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense04" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Nabíjím!" "[english]Gambler_ReloadIntense05" "Nick: Reloading!" "Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Ti zombíci mají na sobě brnění?" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored01" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor?" "Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Ti zombíci mají na sobě brnění!" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored02" "Nick: Those zombies are wearing armor!" "Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Ty zombíky v brnění střílejte do zad!" "[english]Gambler_SeeArmored03" "Nick: Shoot the armored zombies in the back!" "Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: Ten kravál ty zombíky dohání k šílenství!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns01" "Nick: That squeaking is driving the zombies crazy!" "Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Zabijte toho klauna!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns02" "Nick: Kill the clown!" "Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Zabijte toho klauna, přitahuje další zombíky!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns03" "Nick: Kill the clown, he's attracting more zombies!" "Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Zabijte všechny klauny, které uvidíte!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns04" "Nick: Kill every clown you see!" "Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Zastřelte toho klauna!" "[english]Gambler_SeeClowns05" "Nick: Shoot the clown!" "Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: Tomu zombíkovi něco upadlo!" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen01" "Nick: That zombie dropped something!" "Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Je to někdo, kdo přežil?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen02" "Nick: Is that a survivor?" "Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: Neupadlo tomu zombíkovi právě něco?" "[english]Gambler_SeeFallen03" "Nick: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Chlapi v ochranných oblecích!" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat01" "Nick: Hazmat guys!" "Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Řekl bych, že ty obleky nechrání před kousnutím." "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat02" "Nick: Guess those suits don't stop bites." "Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Jsou ti chlápci ohnivzdorní?" "[english]Gambler_SeeHazmat03" "Nick: Are those guys fireproof?" "Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Bahňáci!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen01" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Bahňáci!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen02" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Pozor, bahňáci!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen03" "Nick: Watch out, Mudmen!" "Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Bahňáci!" "[english]Gambler_SeeMudmen04" "Nick: Mudders!" "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vracejí dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie01" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vracejí dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie02" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vracejí dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie03" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: Asi došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie04" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: Asi došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie05" "Nick: I guess there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vrátili dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie06" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Vypadá to, že došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie07" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se jim změnily plány." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie08" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: Došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie09" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Vypadá to, že došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie10" "Nick: Looks like there's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: Došlo ke změně plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie11" "Nick: There's been a change of plans." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se jim změnily plány." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie12" "Nick: Looks like their plans have changed." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Zdá se, že nejsme součástí jejich nového plánu." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie13" "Nick: Looks like we're not part of their new plan." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vrátili dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie14" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vrátili dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie15" "Nick: Looks like they came back to finish the job." "Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Vypadá to, že se vracejí dodělat svou práci." "[english]Gambler_TeaserIntroMovie16" "Nick: Looks like they're comin' back to finish the job." "Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: ZATRACENĚ, to bylo o fous!" "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose07" "Nick: God DAMN, that was close!" "Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: To bylo těsně." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose08" "Nick: That was a close one." "Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: Aspoň jsem to zvládl." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose09" "Nick: At least I made it." "Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: No, tak to nebylo příjemný." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose10" "Nick: Well, that was unpleasant." "Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: Zvládli jsme to s odřenýma ušima." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose11" "Nick: We made that by the skin of our teeth." "Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: To bylo trošku moc blízko." "[english]Gambler_TransitionClose12" "Nick: That was a little too close." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hej – fotbalisto. Tvoji příbuzní?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B01" "Nick: Hey-football man. Relative a' yours?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: Co to je v té kleci?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B02" "Nick: What's this thing in a cage?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: Jak to, že už to měli v kleci?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B03" "Nick: How'd they have this in a cage already?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Věděli, že to přijde?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B04" "Nick: Did they know this was coming?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Podívejte se na to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B05" "Nick: Look at that thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: Tak tohle je Charger, jo? Myslím, že tu ruku už si nabušil dost. Měl by přejít na záda a nohy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B06" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? I think he worked out that arm plenty. He should move onto back and legs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: Tak tohle je Charger, jo? Heh. Víte, co se říká o zombících s jednou namakanou rukou..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B07" "Nick: So that's a Charger, huh? Heh. You know what they say about zombies with one big arm..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: Tak tohle je Jockey, jo? Roztomilej prcek." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B08" "Nick: So that's a Jockey, huh? Cute little guy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: Tak tohle Spitter, jo? Myslíte, že má kluka?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B09" "Nick: So that's a Spitter, huh? You think she's single?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: Tak tohle je Boomer, jo? Je fakt smutný vidět, když se někdo takhle strašně přežírá." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B10" "Nick: So that's a Boomer, huh? You know, it's sad to see an eating disorder get out of control like that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Dobře, rozhodnuto. A teď z jiného soudku: Myslím, že tahle budova hoří. Takžeee... Rád bych ji opustil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B100" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hej! Zpátky sem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B101" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Ježíši, ty jsi ODSUD? Fuj, to teda koukám. To je tak depresivní." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B102" "Nick: Jesus, are you FROM here? Ugh, look at you. That is so depressing." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: Řekl bych, že život tady se konečně začíná vyplácet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B103" "Nick: I guess living here's finally paying off." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Dostaňte mě k obchoďáku a nebudete litovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B104" "Nick: Get me to the mall and I'll make it worth your while." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hej, vraťte se! Jsem TADY! Tady DOLE ještě někdo je!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B105" "Nick: Hey, come back! I'm HERE! There's still someone DOWN here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: [sarkasticky] Jo, dobře. Můžeš počítat. Vsadím se, že se teď vrátí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B106" "Nick: Oh, good. You can count. I bet they'll come back now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: Kdybys chtěl, mohl jsi zakřičet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B107" "Nick: You could have yelled if you wanted." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: Opouští nás. Je to v háji." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B108" "Nick: It's leaving us. Also, say hell." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: Letí pryč od hořící budovy, na které stojíme. Následujme ho a pojďme odsud sakra odsud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B109" "Nick: It's flying away from the burning building we're standing on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: Tak to je Hunter, jo? Co mi udělá – půjde si se mnou zaběhat?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B11" "Nick: So that's a Hunter, huh? What's he gonna do-go for a JOG at me?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: Letí do prčic pryč od té hořící budovy, na které sakra stojíme. Následujme ho a pojďme odsud sakra zmizet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B110" "Nick: It's flying the hell away from the burning building we're standing the hell on. Let's follow its lead and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hej! Hlasitá slečno. Burane. Vtipná bečko. Tahle budova? HOŘÍ. Vezměte si zbraně a padáme sakra odsud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B111" "Nick: Hey! Loud girl. Hayseed. Tons of fun. This building? Is on FIRE. Grab a weapon and let's get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: OK, všichni jsme se vystřídali v křičení na vrtulník. Dobře. Z jiného soudku: Myslím, že tahle budova hoří." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B112" "Nick: Okay, we all had a turn yelling at the helicopter. Good. Moving on: I think the building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: OK. Vrtulníky se nevracejí, když na ně lidi křičí. Cenná lekce, schovejte si ji na později. Teď si vezměte zbraně a za mnou. Tahle budova hoří, sakra." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B113" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at 'em. Valuable lesson, you three tuck that away for later. Now grab a weapon and follow me. This goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: OK, zaprvé: přestaňte tomu říkat vrtulák. Je to VRTULNÍK. Zadruhé: nerad zůstávám v budovách, které hoří." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B114" "Nick: Okay, one: stop calling it a 'whirly-bird.' It's a HELICOPTER. Two. I don't like being in buildings that are on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: To mi stačí. Vezměte si zbraně a jdeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B115" "Nick: Good enough for me. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: VRTULNÍK. Je to VRTULNÍK. Ještě jednou tomu řekneš vrtulák, a já tě TAK zmlátím, že tvoje sestra bude litovat, že tě kdy porodila." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B116" "Nick: HELICOPTER. It is a HELICOPTER. You call that thing a 'whirly-bird' one more time, I'll beat you SO bad, your sister's gonna wish she never gave birth to you." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: Zatraceně, nechali nás tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B117" "Nick: Goddamn it they left us!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Jo, jasně, jeden za všechny a všichni za jednoho. [Sarkasticky]" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B118" "Nick: Yeah sure, all for one and one for all." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: Neměl bys jíst?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B119" "Nick: Shouldn't you be eating?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: Tak tohle je Smoker, jo? Vsadím se, že po něm letí všechny zombice." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B12" "Nick: So that's a Smoker, huh? Bet he's popular with the lady zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Neměl by ses připravovat na nějakej fotbalovej zápas?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B120" "Nick: Shouldn't you be getting ready for some football?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Zavolejte záchranku, zranil jsem jeho city." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B121" "Nick: Call 911, I hurt his feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: Věřím ti. Vypadáš, že víš, o čem mluvíš." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B122" "Nick: I trust you. You look like a man who knows his donuts." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: Určitě nás viděli, ale nevrátí se." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B123" "Nick: They saw us all right, and they're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Nechci tě moc rušit, kámo, ale tahle budova je v plamenech. Oni se nevrátí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B124" "Nick: Not to burst your bubble, sport, but this building is burning down. They're not coming back." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: A je po záchraně. Nějaké nápady?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B125" "Nick: So much for the rescue. Any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Vezměte si něco, mám pocit, že to nebude snadný." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B126" "Nick: Grab something, I got a feeling this isn't going to be easy." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Držme se pohromadě, aspoň než se dostaneme dolů." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B127" "Nick: Let's stick together at least until we get downstairs." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: Měli bychom se ozbrojit. Doufám, že vy tři umíte bojovat. Nevypadáte na to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B128" "Nick: We better arm ourselves. I hope you three know how to fight. You don't look it." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: Jestli svět směřuje do záhuby, tak já si beru zbraň." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B129" "Nick: If the world's going to hell, I'm taking a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: Tak tohle je tank, jo? Ježíši, ten je obrovský." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B13" "Nick: So that's a Tank, huh? Jesus, that thing's huge." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Vezměte si všichni zbraně. Něco mi říká, že je budeme potřebovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B130" "Nick: Everybody grab a weapon. I get the feeling we're gonna need 'em." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Super, narazím na jediný tři lidi v Georgii, kteří nemají zbraně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B131" "Nick: Great, I run into the three people in Georgia not carrying a gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Má někdo z vás zbraň?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B132" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Má někdo z vás zbraň?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B133" "Nick: Any of you packing a gun?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Do prdele, to jsou zombíci." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B134" "Nick: Holy shit, it's zombies." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Ježíši! Oni teď útočí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B135" "Nick: Jesus! They're attacking now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: To asi nebude ze srandy, co?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B136" "Nick: You're serious, aren't you?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: No, tak to je nečekané." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B137" "Nick: Well, this is unexpected." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: Oni... nevypadají jako lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B138" "Nick: These... don't look like people." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Ježíši Kriste! Co to je zač?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B139" "Nick: Jesus Christ! What are these things?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: Tak jo, přes TAMTO já nejdu. Najdeme jinou cestu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B14" "Nick: All right, I'm not walking through THAT. Let's find another way." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: Nevím jak vy, ale já je budu zabíjet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B140" "Nick: I don't know about you, but I'm killing these things." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: No, UMÍRAJÍ jako všichni ostatní..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B141" "Nick: Well, they DIE like anything else..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Fuj. Mrtví smrdí ještě VÍC!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B142" "Nick: Ugh. They smell worse DEAD!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: Jestli ta mapa nelže, tak by New Orleans mohlo být posledním místem v Americe, odkud se můžeme dostat živí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B143" "Nick: If that map's right, New Orleans might be the last place in America that can get us out alive." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: Tak proto mi připadá, že mám takové štěstí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B144" "Nick: So that's why I'm feeling so goddamn lucky." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: Nevím jak vy, lidi, ale já jdu do New Orleans." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B145" "Nick: Dunno about you guys, but I'm going to New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: Podle téhle mapy jediné místo, které se ještě drží, je New Orleans." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B146" "Nick: According to this map, the only place left standing is New Orleans." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Ježíši, celá země podlehla." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B147" "Nick: Jesus, the whole country has fallen." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: Tahle mapa nepřináší dobré zprávy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B148" "Nick: This map is not good news." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: Podle téhle mapy není zrovna moc možností." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B149" "Nick: According to this map, there aren't a whole lot of options." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Najdeme jinou cestu. Tenhle oblek je hořlavý." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B15" "Nick: Let's find another way. This suit's flammable." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: Sakra! Tady to hoří fakt RYCHLE." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B16" "Nick: Shit! This place is burnin' up FAST." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: Zatraceně! Výtah nejezdí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B17" "Nick: Damn it! Elevator's out." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: Tohle MILUJU." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B18" "Nick: I LOVE doing that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: Tohle mě nikdy nepřestane bavit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B19" "Nick: I will never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: Tohle mě nikdy nepřestane bavit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B20" "Nick: I'll never get tired of that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Ven na římsu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B21" "Nick: Get out to the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Tady venku! Zkusíme to po římse!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B22" "Nick: Out here! Let's try the ledge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: Můžeme se kolem ohně dostat po téhle římse." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B23" "Nick: We can use this ledge to get around the fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Ha HA. TEĎ se ukáže, kdo je tady zrůda." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B24" "Nick: Ha HA. NOW let's see who's the monster." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Brokovnice... teď už mi nic nechybí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B25" "Nick: Shotgun... you complete me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: Konečně pořádná zbraň." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B26" "Nick: Finally, a goddamn gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: Tahle hračka vyrovná síly." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B27" "Nick: This shit'll even up the score." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Mlátit je do hlavy mě bavilo, ale..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B28" "Nick: Whacking things in the head was fun but..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: Fakt miluju zbraně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B29" "Nick: I do love guns." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: Hernajs? Fakt, Coachi? Takhle nadáváš?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B30" "Nick: Crumbs? Really, Coach? That's how you swear?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: Tyhle jsem policajtům kradl, když jsem byl na střední." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B31" "Nick: I used to steal these from cops back in high school." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: [směje se] Kdyby mě kámoši viděli, jak používám policejní pistoli..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B32" "Nick: If my friends ever saw me usin' a cop's gun..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: HA! Tohle je lepší!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B33" "Nick: HA! That's more like it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B34" "Nick: Now we're talking." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Prohledejte ty místnosti. Třeba tam bude něco, co by se nám hodilo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B35" "Nick: Search these rooms. Might be something we can use." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: Tenhle výtah ještě funguje!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B36" "Nick: This elevator's still working!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Z technického hlediska... by se výtah během požáru používat neměl. Ale během zombí apokalypsy to možná neplatí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B37" "Nick: Technically... you're not supposed to use an elevator in a fire. But that might not apply during a zombie apocalypse." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Nastupte všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B38" "Nick: Everybody get in the elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Zmáčkněte tlačítko!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B39" "Nick: Push the button!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Připravte se..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B40" "Nick: Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: Vsadím se, že nás tam venku bude něco čekat. Takže se připravme..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B41" "Nick: I bet there'll be something waiting for us out there. So let's get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: Tak jo, jsme teď všichni kámoši. Připravte se..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B42" "Nick: All right, we're all friends now. Get ready..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: Tak. Máte nějaký jména nebo tak?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B43" "Nick: So. You guys got names or what?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick. Ale nemusíte si to pamatovat, protože se tady nehodlám zdržovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B44" "Nick: Name's Nick. But don't worry about learning it, 'cause I ain't sticking around long." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. Víc toho vědět nemusíte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B45" "Nick: Nick. That's all you need to know." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B46" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick. A podle toho, jak vy tři vypadáte, jsem tady jedinej, kdo umí střílet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B47" "Nick: Name's Nick. And from the looks of you three, I'm the only one here who knows how to fire a weapon." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick. A z tohodle podělanýho města se dostanu, i kdybych měl chcípnout." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B48" "Nick: Name's Nick. And I'm gonna get out of this piece of shit city if it kills me." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hm. To by bylo fakt nepříjemný, kdyby mi to nebylo úplně fuk." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B49" "Nick: Hm. This'd be really awkward if I gave a shit about your feelings." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Hej, jak se jmenuješ?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B50" "Nick: Hey, what's your name?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: Vedla sis dobře, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B51" "Nick: You did good out there, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nick, jmenuju se Nick. Byli jste dobří. Jak se jmenujete?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B52" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Vedeme si dobře, jen tak dál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B53" "Nick: Okay, let's keep this up." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B54" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Dobrá práce." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B55" "Nick: Nice work out there." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B56" "Nick: Name's Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: Kousli někoho? Nefunguje to tak?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B57" "Nick: Anyone get bit? Isn't that how this works?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nicku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B58" "Nick: Nick." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Jsem rád, že jsme si pročistili cestu. A teď: je někdo pokousaný?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B59" "Nick: Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now: did anyone get bit?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: Mám na sobě krev, ale není moje." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B60" "Nick: There's blood on me, but it ain't mine." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nick, jmenuju se Nick. Byli jste dobří. Jak se jmenujete?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B61" "Nick: Nick, name's Nick. You all did good. What's your names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: Ne, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B62" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: Ne, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B63" "Nick: No, I'm good." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: A tak zůstali tři." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B64" "Nick: And then there were three." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Ne že by to vadilo, protože si myslím, že bychom se měli rozdělit, až se to otevře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B65" "Nick: Nick. Not that it matters, 'cause I think we should split up when this things opens." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: Jsme pěkně v prdeli." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B66" "Nick: We're pretty screwed." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Byl to Ellis? No, stejně je to už jedno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B67" "Nick: Was it Ellis? Well, doesn't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: Myslím, že to byl Coach. Teď už je to jedno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B68" "Nick: I think it was Coach. Don't matter now." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: Myslím, že říkala, že se jmenuje Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B69" "Nick: I think she just said it was Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: Normálně chodím sám, ale za těchto okolností bychom měli zůstat spolu. Říkejte mi Nicku. Vy máte nějaký jména?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B70" "Nick: I normally go solo-but under the circumstances, I'm thinkin' we stick together. Call me Nick. You got names?" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Bacha na... toho velkýho tlusťocha!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B71" "Nick: Watch out for the... the big fat thing!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: To je ten tlustej blinkáček!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B72" "Nick: It's the fat barf-bag!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: Tomuhle říkají Boomer..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B73" "Nick: That's what they call a Boomer..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: To je ten rychlej parchant, co na lidi skáče..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B74" "Nick: It's that fast bastard that jumps you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Myslím, že jim říkají Hunteři..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B75" "Nick: Think they call these things Hunters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: To je ten, co na lidi nabíhá..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B76" "Nick: It's that thing that runs at you..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: Řekl bych, že to je Charger..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B77" "Nick: I'm guessin' that's the Charger..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: To je ta plivající mrcha..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B78" "Nick: It's that bug-spitting bitch..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: Těmhle potvorám říkají Spitter..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B79" "Nick: They've been calling those things Spitters..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: To je ten malej parchant Jockey..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B80" "Nick: It's that little Jockey bastard..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: Myslím, že jim říkají Jockeyové..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B81" "Nick: I think they're called Jockeys..." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Dolů tou šachtou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B82" "Nick: Down this shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: Můžeme skočit do výtahové šachty!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B83" "Nick: We can jump down the elevator shaft!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: Padesát postelí v jedné místnosti, to je teda hnusnej hotel." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B84" "Nick: Fifty beds in one room-what a shitty hotel." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: Můžeme se dostat tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B85" "Nick: We can get through here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: Myslím, že bychom měli zavřít ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B86" "Nick: I think we should close this door." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: ZATRACENĚ! Prošvihli jsme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B87" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: Zatraceně! Prošvihli jsme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B88" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Kam sakra ten vrtulník letí? Jsme tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B89" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: OK. Vrtulníky se nevracejí, když na ně lidi řvou. Teď už to víme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B90" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: Zatraceně! Prošvihli jsme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B91" "Nick: God DAMN it! We just missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Dobře, rozhodnuto. A teď z jiného soudku: Myslím, že tahle budova hoří. Takžeee... Rád bych tu budovu opustil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B92" "Nick: Good, that's decided. Moving on: I think this building's on fire. Sooo... I'd like to leave this building." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Kam sakra ten vrtulník letí? Jsme tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B93" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: OK. Vrtulníky se nevracejí, když na ně lidi řvou. Teď už to víme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B94" "Nick: Okay. Helicopters don't come back when you yell at them. Now we know that." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Pak já taky. Vezměte si zbraně a jdeme. Myslím, že tahle zatracená budova hoří." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B95" "Nick: Then so am I. Grab a weapon and let's go. I think this goddamn building's on fire." "Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hej! Vraťte se!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B96" "Nick: Hey! Come back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: Sakra! Prošvihli jsme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B97" "Nick: Damn it! We JUST missed it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Kam sakra ten vrtulník letí? Jsme tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B98" "Nick: Where the hell's the copter going? We're right here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hej! Zpátky sem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M1B99" "Nick: Hey! Get back here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: To zní dobře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B01" "Nick: Sounds good to me." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: Obchod se zbraněma zní jako dobrá zastávka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B02" "Nick: A gun store sounds like a fine place to stop." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Obchoďák musí být blízko..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B03" "Nick: Mall must be close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: Vrtulník! Musíme už být blízko..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B04" "Nick: A helicopter! We must be getting close..." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: Musíme se dostat přes ten most!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B05" "Nick: We gotta get over that bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Těmi dveřmi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B06" "Nick: Through the door!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Skočte na ten náklaďák!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B07" "Nick: Jump onto the truck!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Přes tenhle kontejner!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B08" "Nick: Over this dumpster!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Určitě je tohle cesta k obchoďáku?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B09" "Nick: Are you sure this is the way to the mall?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Ježíši. Tohle je město duchů." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B10" "Nick: Jesus. This place is a ghost town." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: A já myslel, že je to tady děsná díra, když tady byli LIDI." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B11" "Nick: And I thought this place was a shithole when there were PEOPLE in it." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: ZAČÍNÁ tě to děsit?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B12" "Nick: It's STARTING to creep you out?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: Podle zákona nesmím držet zbraň, doufám, že to nikomu nevadí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B13" "Nick: I'm not legally allowed to own a gun, hope everybody's okay with that." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Cukrárna pro dospělé." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B14" "Nick: Candy store for adults." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Vezměte si zbraně, máme ještě co střílet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B15" "Nick: Let's grab some guns, we got shit to shoot." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: Tak abych si to ujasnil: my ti doneseme tvoje krámy a ty nám pomůžeš k obchoďáku? Správně? OK. Jestli nás podrazíš, tak tě zabiju tvou vlastní zbraní." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B16" "Nick: So let me get this straight: we get you your shit and you'll help us get to the mall? Right? Okay. You screw us and I will kill you with your own gun." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Díky za ty zbraně, vážně, jsme moc rádi. Ale raději se nepokoušej nás podrazit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B17" "Nick: Thank you for the guns, honestly, we all appreciate it. But you better not be screwing with us." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: Takže naše cesta je zablokovaná a jediný způsob, jak ji odblokovat, je donést ti Colu?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B18" "Nick: So our way is blocked and the only way to get it unblocked is to get you some cola?" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Jasně, proč ne." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B19" "Nick: Sure, why not." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Pane, za použití této zbraně jsem ochoten vám vaši Colu donést." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B20" "Nick: Sir, for the use of this gun, I am willing to go get you your cola." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Připravte se, spustí to alarm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B21" "Nick: Get ready, this is going to set off the alarm" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Mám ty Coly! Jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B22" "Nick: Got the six-pack! Let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: Mám limču pro magora, jdeme zpátky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B23" "Nick: I got freakshow's soft drinks, let's head back!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Vezměte tu Colu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B24" "Nick: Get the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Vezměte tu Colu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B25" "Nick: Grab the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Vezměte někdo tu Colu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B26" "Nick: Somebody grab the Cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: Mám jeho Colu, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B27" "Nick: I got his cola, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: Máme to, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B28" "Nick: We got it, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Mám tu Colu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B29" "Nick: Got the cola!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: Cesta je volná! Padáme odsud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B30" "Nick: Barrier's down! Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: A je po cisterně. Padáme odsud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B31" "Nick: There goes the tanker. Let's get out of here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: I takhle se dá uvolnit cesta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B32" "Nick: That's one way to open a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: Tak to má můj respekt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B33" "Nick: I gotta respect that!" "Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: Takhle se uvolňuje cesta." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B34" "Nick: That is how you clear a path." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: Tak to čumím – fakt jsme se dostali k obchoďáku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B35" "Nick: I'll be damned-we actually made it to the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Tak jsme to zvládli. Doufejme, že tady ještě někdo je." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B36" "Nick: Well, we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Dobře, zvládli jsme to. Doufejme, že tady ještě někdo je." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B37" "Nick: Okay we made it. Let's hope there's still somebody here." "Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: OK, dostali jsme se k obchoďáku. TAK TAK." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M2B38" "Nick: Okay, we made it to the mall. BARELY." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: Jestli uvidíte obchod s pánským oblečením, dejte vědět. Mám oblek od krve." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B01" "Nick: If anyone sees a men's store, let me know. I got blood on this suit." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Pojďme najít to evakuační centrum. Už teď se mi tu nelíbí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B02" "Nick: Let's go find this evacuation center. I'm already sick of this place." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Fuj. BOŽE, nesnáším obchoďáky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B03" "Nick: Ugh. God, I hate malls." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Nahoru po eskalátoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B04" "Nick: Up this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Nahoru po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B05" "Nick: Up that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Dolů po eskalátoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B06" "Nick: Down this escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Dolů po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B07" "Nick: Down that escalator!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Disco kalhoty a účesy? Teda v tomhle obchoďáku je spousta místa." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B08" "Nick: Disco Pants and Haircuts? Man, lots of space in this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evakuace je tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B09" "Nick: Evac's this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evakuace je tamtudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B10" "Nick: Evac's that way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evakuace je před námi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B11" "Nick: Evac's up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Kdo je sakra Jimmy Gibbs mladší?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B12" "Nick: Who the hell is Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: Z pohledu na jeho ksicht se mi dělá zle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B13" "Nick: I'm getting sick of looking at this guy's face." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Opravdu? Protože vypadá jako kretén." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B14" "Nick: Really? 'Cause he looks like an asshole." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: Mám neblahé tušení, že na nás ten alarm trochu upozorní..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B15" "Nick: I got a sinking feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: Mám zlé tušení, že na nás ten alarm trochu upozorní..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B16" "Nick: I got a sick feeling this alarm's gonna get us some attention..." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Pokračujte nahoru!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B17" "Nick: Keep going up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Nahoru! Nahoru! Pokračujte!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B18" "Nick: Up! Up! Keep moving!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Vypněte TEN ALARM!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B19" "Nick: Turn off THAT ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: Musíme ten alarm vypnout!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B20" "Nick: We gotta turn off this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: Ten alarm musíme vypnout!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B21" "Nick: We need to turn of this alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: Dá se ten alarm nějak vypnout?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B22" "Nick: Is there some way to turn off this alarm?" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: A je to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B23" "Nick: Got it!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Alarm vypnutý!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B24" "Nick: Alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Díky za vypnutí toho alarmu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B25" "Nick: Thanks for turning off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Fakt mě to přivádělo k šílenství." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B26" "Nick: Man, that was driving me crazy." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: Víte co? Nevadili mi ani tak ti zombíci jako ten strašnej kravál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B27" "Nick: You know what? I could take the zombies, but not that goddam noise." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Ježíši. Já to věděl. Nic tady není!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B28" "Nick: Jesus. I knew it. There's nothing here!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: OK, takže evakuační centrum je opuštěné a jsme uprostřed budovy plné zombíků. Ale chcete dobrou zprávu? Asi všichni zemřeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B29" "Nick: Okay, so the evac station's abandoned, annnnd we're at the center of a zombie-filled building. But on the bright side? We're all probably gonna die." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA se na mě vybodla dvakrát během jednoho dne, beru si ponaučení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B30" "Nick: CEDA leaving me twice in one day, lesson learned." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: Není tady nikdo živej." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B31" "Nick: No one's alive in here." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Všichni jsou nakažení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B32" "Nick: Everyone's infected." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: Záchrana se nekoná." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B33" "Nick: We aren't getting saved." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: Budeme se muset zachránit sami, lidi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B34" "Nick: We are going to have to save ourselves, people." "Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Zdá se, že lidi šli tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B35" "Nick: Looks like people headed this way!" "Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: Tam před námi je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M3B36" "Nick: There's a saferoom up ahead!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: Myslím, že je ten prcek na správné stopě. Zkusíme to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B01" "Nick: I think the little guy's onto something. Let's give it a shot." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA nás nezachrání, nějaké nápady?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B02" "Nick: CEDA's not gonna save us, any ideas?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: S tím nápadem souhlasím, ale budu řídit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B03" "Nick: I'll agree to the idea, but I'm driving." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: To bude ale zábavný výlet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B04" "Nick: What a fun road trip this will be." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: No, je to lepší než můj nápad: zůstat tady a zemřít v obchoďáku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B05" "Nick: Well, it beats my idea: staying here and dying in the mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Dobře. Natankujeme to auto a vypadneme z obchoďáku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B06" "Nick: Okay. Let's gas up the car and get the hell out of this mall." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Musíme sehnat BENZÍN!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B07" "Nick: Let's get some GAS!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Tankujte!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B08" "Nick: Fill 'er up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: No taaak, no taaak..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B09" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: No taaak, no taaak..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B10" "Nick: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: No tak..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B11" "Nick: Come on..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Teč do nádrže, ty blbej benzíne, teč do nádrže." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B12" "Nick: Get in the tank, you stupid goddamn gas, get in the tank." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Podělanej benzín, NASTUPTE DO AUTA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B13" "Nick: Piece of shit gas, GET IN THE CAR!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Nalil jsem do nádrže další kanystr!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B14" "Nick: Got another can in the tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: Ještě jeden do nádrže!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B15" "Nick: One more for the gas tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: Jak velkou to má nádrž?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B16" "Nick: How big is the tank in this thing?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Honem, honeemmm..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B17" "Nick: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Dělej dělej dělej dělej dělej. Dělej!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B18" "Nick: Come comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon. Come on!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Na-teč-do-ná-dr-že!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B19" "Nick: Get! In! The! Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Dovnitř!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B20" "Nick: Get in there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Jdeme! Najděte kanystr!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B21" "Nick: Let's go! Find a gas can!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Pojďme to auto natankovat!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B22" "Nick: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: Potřebujeme víc benzínu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B23" "Nick: We need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: Potřebujeme ještě víc benzínu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B24" "Nick: We still need more gas!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Už jsme v polovině!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B25" "Nick: Halfway there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Skoro hotovo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B26" "Nick: Almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: Potřebujeme ještě dvacet!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B27" "Nick: We need twenty more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: Potřebujeme ještě deset!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B28" "Nick: We still need ten more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: Potřebujeme ještě pět!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B29" "Nick: We still need five more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Už jenom tři!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B30" "Nick: Just three more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Už jenom dva!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B31" "Nick: Just two more!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: Ještě jeden a můžeme vyrazit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B32" "Nick: One more and we can go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: Ještě jeden kanystr!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B33" "Nick: One more can to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: A je plná, jedeme, nastupte do auta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B34" "Nick: She's all filled up, let's go, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: Děkujeme VÁM, Jimmy Gibbsi mladší." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B35" "Nick: Thank YOU, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Nastupte do auta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B36" "Nick: Get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Nastoupíte už do toho blbýho auta?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B37" "Nick: Would you get to the goddamn car?" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: TAK SUPER! Další zastávka: New Orleans..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B38" "Nick: HELL YEAH! Next stop: New Orleans..." "Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Všichni do auta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B39" "Nick: Everyone to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: Nebudu čekat dlouho, nastupte do auta!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B40" "Nick: I'm not waiting long, get to the car!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: Je čas vyrazit, lidi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B41" "Nick: Time to leave people!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: Čas vyrazit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B42" "Nick: Time to go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Jedeme, lidi, jedeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B43" "Nick: Let's go people, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Do toho, Ellisi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC1M4B44" "Nick: Hit it, Ellis!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: Nerad přináším špatný zprávy, lidi, ale jestli Ellis neumí postavit monster truck, tak přes tohle neprojedeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B01" "Nick: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, guys-but unless Ellis knows how to build a monster truck, we AIN'T drivin' through this." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Nic si z toho nedělej, Ellisi. Aspoň jsi nás dostal z toho obchoďáku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B02" "Nick: Don't sweat it, Ellis. At least you got us out of that mall." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: K čertu s tebou, Jimmy Gibbsi mladší." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B03" "Nick: God DAMN you, Jimmy Gibbs, Jr." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: Tyhle opuštěný auta stojí na MÍLE daleko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B04" "Nick: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: To je... jedna teorie." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B05" "Nick: That's... one theory." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: No paráda. Teď tady můžeme umřít jako dospělí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B06" "Nick: Oh good. Now we can die there as adults." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Támhle jsou světlomety. Možná je to cesta ven." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B07" "Nick: Searchlights over there. Could be a way out." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Dolů po tomhle sjezdu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B08" "Nick: Down this offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Dolů po tamtom sjezdu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B09" "Nick: Down that offramp!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: To musí být zábavní park." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B10" "Nick: That must be the amusement park." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Dálnice je ucpaná! Zkrátíme si to tím motelem!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B11" "Nick: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through this motel!" "Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: Nedělají si srandu, že tady nejsou plavčíci." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B12" "Nick: They're not kidding when they say no lifeguards on duty." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: [Zapíská] Ti lidi FAKT neuměli skákat do vody." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B13" "Nick: Those people SUCKED at high diving." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: Měli bychom prohledat ty místnosti." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B14" "Nick: We better search these rooms." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: [směje se] Nikdy bych nevěřil, že na to někdo skočí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B15" "Nick: I can't believe you fell for that." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Opatrně, tady to vypadá dost strmě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B16" "Nick: Careful, this gully looks pretty steep." "Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! Dokázali jsme to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M1B17" "Nick: Whispering Oaks! We made it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Do toho." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B01" "Nick: Let's do it." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: Zamíříme k těm světlometům. Jestli se někde evakuuje, tak to bude tam." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B02" "Nick: We'll head towards the searchlights. If there's an evac, it'll be there." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Nebo na tlačítko světlometu spadla mrtvola. Ale i tak to stojí za zkoušku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B03" "Nick: Or maybe a corpse fell on the searchlight button. Still, worth checking out." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: Nikdy jsem o nich neslyšel. Jsou dobří?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B04" "Nick: Never heard of 'em. They any good?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Teď to chci zkusit JÁ." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B05" "Nick: Now I want to ride one." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Připadá ten burák ještě někomu trochu děsivý?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B06" "Nick: Anybody else find this peanut thing a little terrifying?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Kámo, jestli mě z toho dostanete živýho? Usmažím vám úplně celou krávu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B07" "Nick: Buddy, if you can get me out of this alive? I will deep-fry you an entire goddamn cow." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: Chová se jak pětiletej. S bouchačkama. A dokonalou znalostí všech nadávek, co existujou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B08" "Nick: He's like a five year old. With guns. And a comprehensive grasp of every swear word in the English language." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: Musíš být takhle vysokej, abys tam mohl, Ellisi. Promiň, kámo, budeš nám chybět." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B09" "Nick: You gotta be this tall to get in here, Ellis. Sorry, buddy. You'll be missed." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: [laskavý smích] Jenom si z tebe utahuju, člověče." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B10" "Nick: I'm just playin' with ya, man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Ne. Jenom spousty a spousty Tanků." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B11" "Nick: Nope. Just lots and lots of Tanks." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: Úúúúú!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B12" "Nick: Woooooo!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: Nelíbí se mi ten malej burák." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B13" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut guy." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: Nelíbí se mi ten malej burák." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B14" "Nick: I do not like that little peanut man." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Pěknej plot. Vypadá to jako nápravné kolotočové zařízení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B15" "Nick: Nice fencing. Looks like a federal carousel penitentiary." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: Oplocenej kolotoč? Sem vodí dětské vězně na výlety?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B16" "Nick: A fenced-in carousel? Is this where they took child prisoners on day trips?" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B17" "Nick: Gate's open!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: SAKRA, to je kravál! Vypněte to někdo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B18" "Nick: SHIT, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: Zatraceně, to je kravál! Vypněte to někdo!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B19" "Nick: Goddamn, that's loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Dobře, je to vypnutý!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B20" "Nick: Okay, it's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: Dobře, ale žádné osahávání." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B21" "Nick: All right, but keep your hands to yourself." "Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: Tohle je ten NEJPOHODOVĚJŠÍ úkryt, ve kterém jsem byl." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M2B22" "Nick: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: Asi bychom si měli ujasnit, co znamená „u sebe“." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B01" "Nick: I think we should clarify what constitutes \"close\"." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: Tvé přání se splnilo, Ellisi. Jsme na atrakci v zábavním parku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B02" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're in an amusement park ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Nevybavují se ti nějaké vzpomínky, Coachi? Ty, cheeseburger, romantika všude kolem..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B03" "Nick: Bringing back any memories, Coach? You, a cheeseburger, romance in the air..." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Psh! Ha. Několik. Klidně." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B04" "Nick: Psh! Huh. Several. Easily." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Teď ne, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B05" "Nick: Not the time, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: To není vtipný, Rochelle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B06" "Nick: Not cool, Rochelle." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Jo. Nepij to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B07" "Nick: Yeah. Don't drink it." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: Do místnosti pro údržbáře lásky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B08" "Nick: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: Do údržbářského tunelu lásky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B09" "Nick: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Je tady zápalná munice lásky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B10" "Nick: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Touhle dírou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B11" "Nick: Down this hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Tamtou dírou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B12" "Nick: Down that hole!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: Tohle je ten NEJDELŠÍ tunel lásky, co jsem kdy viděl." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B13" "Nick: This is the LONGEST Tunnel of Love I've ever seen." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: Tvé přání se splnilo, Ellisi. Jsme na atrakci." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B14" "Nick: You got your wish, Ellis. We're on a ride." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Ježíši, přes tu horskou dráhu budeme muset přejít, co?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B15" "Nick: Oh, Jesus-we're gonna have to walk across this roller coaster, aren't we?" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: A budeme muset zničit tu hromadu trosek." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B16" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: A budeme muset zničit tuhle bránu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B17" "Nick: And we're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: Musíme ten alarm vypnout!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B18" "Nick: We gotta get that alarm off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B19" "Nick: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Jděte všichni po kolejích!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B20" "Nick: Just follow the tracks, everybody!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Všichni jděte po kolejích!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B21" "Nick: Everybody, just follow the tracks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Alarm je vypnutý!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B22" "Nick: Alarm's off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: Ti nakažení nedodržují fronty." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B23" "Nick: These infected do NOT respect lines." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: Budeme muset zničit tuhle hromadu trosek." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B24" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this rubble pile." "Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: Budeme muset zničit tuhle bránu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M3B25" "Nick: We're gonna have to destroy this gate." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Pojďme se dostat na stadion!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B01" "Nick: Let's get into the stadium!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: Můžeme se na stadion dostat tudy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B02" "Nick: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: Musíme tomu vrtulníku dát signál!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B03" "Nick: We need to signal the helicopter." "Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: Potřebujeme něco velkého, abychom mohli dát znamení tomu vrtulníku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M4B04" "Nick: We need something big to signal the 'copter." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coachi, to je asi ten nejblbější nápad, se kterým jsem kdy souhlasil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B01" "Nick: Coach, that is about the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coachi, to je ten nejblbější nápad, se kterým jsem kdy souhlasil." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B02" "Nick: Coach, that is the stupidest idea I have ever agreed with." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: Nikdy jsem Midnight Riders neviděl, ale dobře. Zkusíme to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B03" "Nick: I've never seen the Midnight Riders, but okay. Let's try it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Jestli někdo nemá lepší nápad, tak do toho." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B04" "Nick: Unless someone has a better idea, let's rock." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: Musíme spustit to finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B05" "Nick: We need to start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Nevíte někdo, jak to finále spustit?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B06" "Nick: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: Jak se to finále spouští?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B07" "Nick: How does this finale start?" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Nerad ti to říkám, Coachi, ale tví hrdinové používají playback. Vzadu je kazeta s nápisem Finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B08" "Nick: Sorry to break it to you Coach, but your heroes lip-sync. There's a tape back here labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: Asi vím, jak finále spustit, zmáčkněte tlačítko s nápisem Finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B09" "Nick: I think I know how to start the finale, hit the button labeled Finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: Vypadá to všechno nachystané na finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B10" "Nick: This looks all setup for the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: Až tu kazetu pustím, tak začne vyřvávat nějakej rock pro důchodce a spustí finále. Připravte se." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B11" "Nick: When I hit this tape, it's gonna blare some old people's rock music and start the finale. Get ready." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coachi, až spustím finále, nezačneš doufám tancovat? Ále, to je jedno, pouštím to." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B12" "Nick: Coach, when I start this finale, you aren't gonna start dancing are you? Ahh, screw it, I'm hitting it." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: Jestli máte vkus, zacpěte si uši. Spouštím to finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B13" "Nick: If you have taste, cover your ears. I'm starting the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Připravte se, spouštím to finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B14" "Nick: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Všichni se připravte, tohle zmáčknu a spustím finále." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B15" "Nick: Everyone ready, I'm gonna hit this and start the finale." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B16" "Nick: Hit the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: Víc světel!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B17" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Světla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B18" "Nick: Lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Zesilte to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B19" "Nick: Turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: Musíme ten humus zesílit!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B20" "Nick: We need to turn this crap up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: Budu toho litovat, ale zesilte to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B21" "Nick: I'm gonna regret this, but turn it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Odpalte ohňostroje!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B22" "Nick: Set off the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Spusťte ohňostroje!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B23" "Nick: Launch the fireworks!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Spusťte výbuchy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B24" "Nick: Hit the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Zapněte to!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B25" "Nick: Flip the switch!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Rozsviťte světla!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B26" "Nick: Turn on the lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: Víc světel!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B27" "Nick: More lights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Zapněte reflektory!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B28" "Nick: Hit the spotlights!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Zapněte výbuchy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B29" "Nick: Hit the flash pots!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Zkuste výbuchy!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B30" "Nick: Try the flash bangs!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: Víc, potřebujeme víc!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B31" "Nick: More, we need more!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Pokračujte! Pokračujte!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B32" "Nick: Keep it up! Keep it up!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: Tohle musí pilot vrtulníku vidět!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B33" "Nick: The copter pilot has got to see this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B34" "Nick: Hit it!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Tohle pořád mačkejte!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B35" "Nick: Keep hitting this!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Spouštějte to dál!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B36" "Nick: Keep setting it off!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Všechno zmáčkněte!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B37" "Nick: Hit everything!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: Tamhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B38" "Nick: There's the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: Fungovalo to! Vrtulník je tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B39" "Nick: This worked! The copter is here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: Myslím, že pilot chce, abychom to ztišili." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B40" "Nick: I think the copter pilot wants us to turn it down." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: Vidí nás!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B41" "Nick: He sees us!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Pane jo, fungovalo to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B42" "Nick: Holy shit, this worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coachi, jsi génius, fungovalo to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B43" "Nick: Coach, you're a genius! This worked!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: Fungovalo to! Miluju tě, Coachi!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B44" "Nick: It worked! I love you, Coach!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: Nemůže přistát, dokud nezabijeme toho Tanka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B45" "Nick: He can't land until we kill the Tank." "Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: Musíme zabít toho Tanka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B46" "Nick: We need to kill the Tank!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: Stačí zabít toho Tanka a padáme odsud!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B47" "Nick: We kill this Tank and we're outta here!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: Pilot přistál, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B48" "Nick: The pilot's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B49" "Nick: Get on the helicopter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B50" "Nick: Everyone to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Dobrá práce s tím Tankem, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B51" "Nick: Nice job with the Tank, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Vrtulník přistál, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B52" "Nick: Copter's landed, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Jdeme, jdeme do vrtulníku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC2M5B53" "Nick: Let's go, let's go to the copter!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: Nemůžu uvěřit, že se ho nikdo z vás nechystal zastřelit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B01" "Nick: I can't believe none of you were going to shoot him." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: No, když se proměnil na zombie, tak neodváděl zrovna dobrou práci, co?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B02" "Nick: Well, he wasn't doing a very good job once he became a zombie now was he?" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: Zastřelil jsem zombíka. Byl to zombie, Ellisi. Museli ho kousnout, než nás vyzvedl." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B03" "Nick: I shot a zombie. He was a zombie, Ellis. He must have gotten bitten before he picked us up." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: V pohodě, chlape, promiň za to přistání." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B04" "Nick: No problem, big guy, sorry about the landing." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Super, nouzově přistaneme před vesnicí, která všechny nenávidí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B05" "Nick: Great, we crash land in front of a village that hates everyone." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: Vypadá to tady přátelsky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B06" "Nick: This looks like a friendly place." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: Nemyslím, že umí zombíci číst." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B07" "Nick: I don't think zombies can read." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: Asi na tu ceduli měli připsat zákaz vstupu zombíkům." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B08" "Nick: They probably should have added no zombies to that sign." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: Musíme ten člun dostat sem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B09" "Nick: We gotta get that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: Musíme ten člun přivolat sem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B10" "Nick: We need to call that boat over here." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: Přivolám ten přívoz." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B11" "Nick: I'm calling over the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Připravte se, přivolávám přívoz." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B12" "Nick: Get ready, I'm calling the ferry." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Běžte na ty lávky!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B13" "Nick: Get on the walkways!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Hou! Lávka se rozbila!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B14" "Nick: Whoa! The walkway broke!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Hou!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B15" "Nick: Whoa!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: Musíme zkusit tu druhou lávku!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B16" "Nick: We need to try the other walkway!" "Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: Sakra. V té bažině si zničím svůj bílej oblek." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B17" "Nick: Shit. This swamp is going to ruin my white suit." "Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Mozky jdou vyprat. Voda z bažiny ne. Neptejte se mě, jak to vím." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M1B18" "Nick: Brains come out. Swamp water doesn't. Don't ask me how I know that." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: Tahle bažina je úplná jímka všech nemocí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B01" "Nick: This swamp is just a cesspool for disease." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: Cítím, jak mi na nohách roste plíseň." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B02" "Nick: I can feel my feet growing fungus." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: Tahle bažina mi nesedí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B03" "Nick: These swamps don't agree with me." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Před námi je souš." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B04" "Nick: Dry land up ahead." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: Já v téhle blbé bažině neumřu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B05" "Nick: I am not dying in this goddamn swamp." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: Řekl bych, že pěšky to není tak špatný (když vidím sestřelené letadlo)" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B06" "Nick: I guess walking isn't so bad." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: Můžeme se dostat skrz tyhle dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B07" "Nick: We can get through this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: Myslím, že je úplně jasné, že až ty dveře otevřeme, spustí se alarm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B08" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: Musíme otevřít ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B09" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Otevřete někdo ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B10" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: Jediná cesta je přes nouzový východ." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B11" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: Myslím, že je úplně jasné, že až ty dveře otevřeme, spustí se alarm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B12" "Nick: I think it's a safe bet to say an alarm will sound when we open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: Musíme otevřít ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B13" "Nick: We have to open this door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Otevřete někdo ty dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B14" "Nick: Someone open the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: Jediná cesta je přes nouzový východ." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B15" "Nick: The emergency exit is the only way." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: Otevírám dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B16" "Nick: I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Připravte se, otevírám dveře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B17" "Nick: Get ready, I'm opening the door." "Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B18" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Haló!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B19" "Nick: Hello!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: To mě podrž, třeba to ti lidi z bažin přežili!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B20" "Nick: Holy shit, maybe the swamp people made it!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: Funguje jim elektřina!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B21" "Nick: They have power!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: HALÓ!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B22" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: HALÓ!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B23" "Nick: HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEJ! HALÓ!!!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B24" "Nick: HEY! HELLO!!!" "Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: JE NĚKDO DOMA?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M2B25" "Nick: ANYBODY HOME?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: Ti lidi z bažin to nepřežili." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B01" "Nick: The swamp people didn't make it." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: To je hnus." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B02" "Nick: This is ugly." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: V týhle vesnici je hodně mrtvol." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B03" "Nick: There're a lot of bodies in this village." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: To je teda pořádná hromada mrtvol." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B04" "Nick: That's a shit ton of bodies." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Vypadá to, že někteří z nich mířili k řece." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B05" "Nick: Looks like some of them headed to the river." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: Musíme položit to prkno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B06" "Nick: We need to lower this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: Jediná cesta je přes to prkno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B07" "Nick: The only way is over this plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Položte to prkno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B08" "Nick: Lower the plank." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Spusťte most." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B09" "Nick: Lower the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: Spouštím most." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B10" "Nick: I'm lowering the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Připravte se! Spouštím most!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B11" "Nick: Get ready! Lowering the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: V těchhle chatrčích fakt žili lidi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B12" "Nick: Did people really live in these shacks?" "Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: To je fakt nehygienické." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B13" "Nick: This is just really unsanitary." "Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Kde si ti lidi, co tady žili, umývali ruce?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M3B14" "Nick: Where did anyone who lived here wash their hands?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: Nevím, nějaká plantáž?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B01" "Nick: I don't know, some plantation?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: Jsme u velkého starého baráku s bránou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B02" "Nick: We're at a big old house with a gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Bože, jsme v pekle." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B03" "Nick: Oh god, we're in hell." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Nic, nic, jsme na plantáži." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B04" "Nick: Nothing, nothing, we're at a plantation." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: Na plantáži s velkou bránou." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B05" "Nick: At a plantation with a big gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: Stojíme u velké brány, u velké brány s vysílačkou. Říká vám to něco?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B06" "Nick: We're standing by a big gate, a big gate with a radio by it. Sound familiar?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: Stojím u velké brány, před velkým domem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B07" "Nick: I'm standing by a big gate, in front of a big house." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: Jsme čtyři." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B08" "Nick: There's four of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Čtyři, včetně jedné ženy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B09" "Nick: Four of us, one is woman." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Čtyři, z toho jedna holka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B10" "Nick: Four, including a girl." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Jsme čtyři. Máme peníze, jestli to pomůže." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B11" "Nick: Four of us, We have money if that helps." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Zbyli jsme tři." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B12" "Nick: Three of us left." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Jenom dva." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B13" "Nick: Only two of us." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Jenom já." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B14" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Jenom já." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B15" "Nick: Just me." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Jo, to asi zvládneme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B16" "Nick: Yeah, I guess we can do that." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: Můžeme počkat, ale pospěšte, jo?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B17" "Nick: We can wait for you, but hurry up will you?" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Jasně, můžeme počkat. Je tady klid." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B18" "Nick: Sure, we can wait. Pretty quiet here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: Budeme tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B19" "Nick: We'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Nebojte, budeme tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B20" "Nick: Don't worry about us, we'll be here." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Člun je tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B21" "Nick: Boat's here!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Náš místní přítel vyhodil bránu do vzduchu, jdeme!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B22" "Nick: Our Cajun buddy blew open the gate, let's go!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B23" "Nick: Everyone to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Vlezte do člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B24" "Nick: Get to the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: Do člunu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B25" "Nick: To the boat!" "Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Páni! Já myslel, že tu bránu jenom OTEVŘE." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B26" "Nick: Wow! I thought he'd just OPEN the gate." "Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: I takhle se ta brána dá otevřít." "[english]Gambler_WorldC3M4B27" "Nick: That's one way to open that gate." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: Čím mu máme dát signál?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B01" "Nick: What are we supposed to signal him with?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: Jaká taška se zbraněmi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B02" "Nick: What gun bag?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: JÁ? Kdo umřel a udělal ze mě dozor nad zbraněmi?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B03" "Nick: ME? Who died and made me gun monitor?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Super. Jsme v pr-" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B04" "Nick: Great. We are screw-" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: V tašce na zbraně jsou světlice." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B05" "Nick: There's flares in the gun bag." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: Vy jste nevzali ty zbraně?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B06" "Nick: You didn't grab the guns?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: Benzínka je hned přes ulici. Prostě vezmeme benzín a pak přijdeme na to, jak dát Virgilovi znamení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B07" "Nick: The gas station's right across the street. Let's just get the gas and then we'll figure out how to signal Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: Tak jo, dobře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B08" "Nick: All right, fine." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: Chcete slyšet předpověď?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B09" "Nick: You wanna hear a prediction?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: Nebude tam žádnej benzín. Dívejte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B10" "Nick: There's not gonna be any gas. Watch." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Vypadá to, že naše leháro se právě změnilo na maratón." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B11" "Nick: Looks like our milk run just turned into a marathon." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: Žádnej benzín. Výborně. To je fakt super." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B12" "Nick: No gas. Terrific. This is just great." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: Žádnej benzín. Vidíte? Co jsem říkal?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B13" "Nick: No gas. See? What'd I say?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: Podle čeho soudíte, že mají benzín?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B14" "Nick: What makes you think they have gas?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Dvě míle? Sakra. Navíc začíná pršet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B15" "Nick: Two miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Tři míle? Sakra. Navíc začíná pršet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B16" "Nick: Three miles? Shit. It's starting to rain, too." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Prostě to uděláme a vrátíme se zpátky." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B17" "Nick: Let's just get this done and get back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: Déšť začíná houstnout." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B18" "Nick: The rain's getting worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: Začíná to být pořádný slejvák." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B19" "Nick: It's really starting to come down." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Sakra. Vypadá to, že bude fakt bouřka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B20" "Nick: Shit. It looks like it's really gonna storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: Musíme rychleji. Nechci tady venku uvíznout v bouřce." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B21" "Nick: We need to move faster. I don't wanna get trapped out here in a storm." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Hledejte orientační body. Cestou zpátky může být tma." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B22" "Nick: Look for landmarks. It might be dark on our way back." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: Cože, to tady mají všichni člun?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B23" "Nick: What, does everybody around here have a boat?" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: Jestli ten déšť nepřestane, tak s tím můžeme doplout rovnou k Virgilovi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B24" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, we can sail this thing right to Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Přes to hřiště!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B25" "Nick: Through this playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Přes tamto hřiště!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B26" "Nick: Through that playground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Vezmeme to přes ten garážový výprodej." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B27" "Nick: Let's cut through the garage sale." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: Tak TOMUHLE říkám hnusná bouračka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B28" "Nick: Now THAT is a nasty wreck." "Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Za těmi světly!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B29" "Nick: Follow these lights!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Směrem ke garážovému výprodejii!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B30" "Nick: Head for the garage!" "Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: Tamhle je cukrovar!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M1B31" "Nick: There's the sugar mill!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: Silnice je zablokovaná." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B01" "Nick: The road's blocked." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: Asi to budeme muset vzít přes ten cukrovar." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B02" "Nick: I think we gotta cut through the sugar mill." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: Nevypadá to, že by chtělo přestat pršet." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B03" "Nick: This rain doesn't look like it's gonna let up." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Bože, doufám, že se ten déšť ještě nezhorší." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B04" "Nick: Christ, I hope this rain doesn't get any worse." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: Voda začíná stoupat. Do Prčic." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B05" "Nick: The water's starting to pool. Shit." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: A sakra, začíná se to tady zaplavovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B06" "Nick: Ah shit, this place is already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: Obloha nevypadá dobře." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B07" "Nick: The sky looks bad." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: Už se to začíná zaplavovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B08" "Nick: It's already starting to flood." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Ježíši. Vítejte ve městě Witch..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B09" "Nick: Jesus. Welcome to Witchville..." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Witch musí fakt milovat cukr." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B10" "Nick: Witches must really love sugar." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: To mi povídejte." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B11" "Nick: Tell me about it." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: To je teda HODNĚ Witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B12" "Nick: That is a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Páni, to je SPOUSTA Witch." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B13" "Nick: Man, that's a LOT of Witches." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: Naposledy jsem tolik plačících žen viděl na své svatbě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B14" "Nick: The last time I saw this many crying women was at my wedding." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Běžte do sila!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B15" "Nick: Head for the grain elevator!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: Nahoru po té rampě!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B16" "Nick: Up that ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: Nahoru po téhle rampě!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B17" "Nick: Up this ramp!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: Tam je ta benzínka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B18" "Nick: There's the gas station!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Přes třtinové pole!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B19" "Nick: Through the cane field!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Přes pšeničnou farmu!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B20" "Nick: Through the wheat farm!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Jak myslíš, vidláku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B21" "Nick: Whatever you say, Farmer Joe." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: Můžeme sjet tím výtahem dolů na pole." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B22" "Nick: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Zmáčkněte někdo tlačítko výtahu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B23" "Nick: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: VÝTAH JE TADY!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B24" "Nick: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: NASTUPTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B25" "Nick: GET IN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: VŠICHNI DO VÝTAHU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B26" "Nick: EVERYBODY IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Zmáčkněte tlačítko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B27" "Nick: Hit the button." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Zmáčkněte to tlačítko znovu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B28" "Nick: Hit the button again." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: NEZASTAVUJTE! BĚŽTE K CEDULI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B29" "Nick: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: BĚŽTE K CEDULI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B30" "Nick: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B31" "Nick: KEEP MOVING!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: No sláva. Tamhle je ten benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B32" "Nick: Hallelujah. There's the gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Zdá se, že benzín je vevnitř." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B33" "Nick: Looks like the gas is inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Vezmeme benzín a padáme odsud." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B34" "Nick: Let's get the gas and get the hell out of here." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: Čerpadla jsou prázdná. Mrkneme se dovnitř." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B35" "Nick: The pumps are dry. Let's check inside." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: V úkrytu je benzín!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B36" "Nick: There's gas in the safe room!" "Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Zavřete dveře a vezmeme ten benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B37" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Zavřete dveře a vezmeme ten benzín." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M2B38" "Nick: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Dobře, všichni mají benzín a jsou připraveni vyrazit?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B01" "Nick: Okay, everybody gassed up and good to go?" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Do toho." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B02" "Nick: Let's hit it." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Jo." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B03" "Nick: Yup." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: Já mám." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B04" "Nick: I got mine." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: On ty kanystry nenávidí!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B05" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: On ty kanystry nenávidí!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B06" "Nick: He hates those cans!" "Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: No, aspoň se ta díra trochu VYČISTÍ..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B07" "Nick: Well, at least this shithole'll get CLEANER..." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: A sakra, přišla ta bouřka." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B08" "Nick: Ohhh shit, the storm has arrived." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: Pořádně chčije." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B09" "Nick: It's pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: Pořád chčije." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B10" "Nick: is it ever pissing down." "Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: Jestli déšť nepoleví, tak může člun připlout k NÁM." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M3B11" "Nick: If this rain keeps up, the boat can come to US." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: Člun už není daleko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B01" "Nick: The boat isn't much farther." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Držte se vyvýšenin!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B02" "Nick: Keep to high ground!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: Tamhle jsou ty výstražné kužely, kolem těch jsme šli cestou tam!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B03" "Nick: There's the construction barrels. We passed these on the way in!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: Můžeme se dostat přes střechy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B04" "Nick: We can get across the roofs." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: To světlo na verandě si pamatuju." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B05" "Nick: I remember that porch light." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: Tamhle je ta bouračka!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B06" "Nick: There's the wreck!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: Garážový prodej! Jdeme správně!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B07" "Nick: The yard sale! We're going the right way!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: Hřiště! Už jsme skoro tam!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B08" "Nick: The playground! We're almost there!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: Tohle místo si pamatuju z cesty tam." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B09" "Nick: I remember this place from the way in." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: Burger Tank! Dokázali jsme to!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B10" "Nick: There's Burger Tank! We made it!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: Když rozsvítíme tu ceduli, mohl by ji Virgil uvidět." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B11" "Nick: If we turn the sign on, Virgil might see it." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: Stojí to za zkoušku." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B12" "Nick: It's worth a shot." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Zapněte tu ceduli!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B13" "Nick: Turn the sign on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Cedule svítí!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B14" "Nick: Sign's on!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Dělej, Virgile..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B15" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Dělej, Virgile..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B16" "Nick: Come on, Virgil..." "Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: CEDULE ZHASLA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B17" "Nick: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: ROZSVIŤTE ZAS TU CEDULI!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B18" "Nick: SOMEBODY RESTART THE SIGN!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: VIDÍTE TO? VIRGIL NÁS VIDÍ!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B19" "Nick: YOU SEE THAT? VIRGIL SEES US!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: TÁMHLE JE VIRGIL!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B20" "Nick: THERE'S VIRGIL!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL JE TADY! DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B21" "Nick: VIRGIL'S HERE! GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: VLEZTE DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B22" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: VLEZTE DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC4M4B23" "Nick: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: Seš dobrej, Virgile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B01" "Nick: You're all right, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: Ty taky, Virgile." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B02" "Nick: You too, Virgil." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: Myslíš tu rozmazanou čáru na obzoru? Neměli bychom se moc ukvapovat." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B03" "Nick: You mean that blurry line on the horizon? Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Jo, vidět ten most a dostat se k němu jsou dvě různý věci." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B04" "Nick: Yeah, well, seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: Zajímalo by mě, jestli je to dobrá zpráva..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B05" "Nick: I wonder if that's good news..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: Nemám z toho dobrej pocit..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B06" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about that..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: Nemám z toho dobrej pocit..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B07" "Nick: I got a bad feeling about this..." "Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: Ve stíhačkách se lidi neevakuují..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M1B08" "Nick: You don't evacuate people in fighter jets..." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: Můžeme si to zkrátit tímhle parkem." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B01" "Nick: We can cut through this park!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Dobrej postřeh, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B02" "Nick: Nice observation, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: Vypadá to, že ta dálnice vede k mostu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B03" "Nick: That freeway looks like it heads to the bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: Pojedeme po ní." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B04" "Nick: Let's follow it." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Ježíši, co to smrdí?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B05" "Nick: Jesus, what's that stink?" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: No tak? Bože, Coachi, ty víš, kdo to udělal." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B06" "Nick: Somebody? Christ, Coach, you know who did this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: [naštvaně sám k sobě] Bože." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B07" "Nick: Christ." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Ježíši. Jsou to lidi! Oni stříleli do lidí. Já vám říkal, že z toho nemám dobrej pocit." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B08" "Nick: Jesus. These are people! They were shooting people. I told you I had a bad feeling about this." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: [zamyšleně sám k sobě] To není dobrý." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B09" "Nick: Not good." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: Jakmile otevřeme ty dveře, ozve se alarm." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B10" "Nick: As soon as we open the door, the alarm's gonna sound." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Připravte se na útěk." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B11" "Nick: Get ready to run." "Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B12" "Nick: RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B13" "Nick: KEEP RUNNING!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: BĚŽTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B14" "Nick: GO!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: PROSTĚ UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B15" "Nick: JUST RUN!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: POHYB POHYB!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B16" "Nick: MOVE MOVE!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: MUSÍME TEN ALARM VYPNOUT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B17" "Nick: WE GOTTA TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Přes ten autobusák!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M2B18" "Nick: Through this bus station!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: Musíme dál po dálnici." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B01" "Nick: We gotta keep following the freeway." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: Most už nemůže být daleko." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B02" "Nick: The bridge can't be far now." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: Co se tady sakra stalo?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B03" "Nick: What the hell was going on here?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Zdá se, že opouštíme vojenskou zónu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B04" "Nick: Looks like we're leaving the military zone." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: [sarkasticky] Jestli si takhle představovali bezpečí, tak se nemůžu dočkat, co je tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B05" "Nick: If that was their idea of safety, I can't wait to see what's out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: To je zlý..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B06" "Nick: This is bad..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: Co to ten chlap sakra dělal?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B07" "Nick: What the hell was this guy doing?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Znamená to jeho skóre to, co si myslím?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B08" "Nick: Does this guy's scorecard mean what I think it means?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Ježíši, tady byla lovná sezóna úplně na všechno." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B09" "Nick: Jesus, it was open season on everything out here." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Bože, hlavně ne kanál." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B10" "Nick: Oh Christ, not the sewer." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: [k sobě] To mi povídej..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B11" "Nick: Tell me about it..." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: [v reakci na strašný zápach] Proboha, ten smrad mám uvnitř hlavy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B12" "Nick: Oh my god, the stink's inside my head." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Sklapni, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B13" "Nick: Shut up, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: Já NEPOLEZU do ... Ale k čertu s tím. Jdeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B14" "Nick: I am NOT climbing into... Ah screw it. Let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: [sarkasticky] Skvělý." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B15" "Nick: Terrific." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Cítíte pořád kanál?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B16" "Nick: Do you still smell sewer?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Protože já ho cítím." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B17" "Nick: Because I still smell it." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: To si snad děláte srandu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B18" "Nick: You have GOT to be kidding me." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Bože, všude jsou autoalarmy." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B19" "Nick: Christ, there's car alarms everywhere." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Opatrně. Opatrrrněěě." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B20" "Nick: Careful. Carefuuulll." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: DO KOLIKA Z TĚCH AUT BUDETE STŘÍLET?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B21" "Nick: HOW MANY OF THESE CARS ARE YOU GONNA SHOOT?" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: CHCETE ZAČÍT STŘÍLET DO AUT, TAK BUDEME STŘÍLET DO AUT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B22" "Nick: YOU WANNA START SHOOTING CARS, LET'S SHOOT CARS!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: A je to! Fakt jsme tady! Jsme na mostě! Jsme tady! Jsme tady!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B23" "Nick: That's it! We're really here! We're on the bridge! We're here! We're here!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: ALE NO TAK!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B24" "Nick: OH COME ON!" "Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: Jste si jistí, že nemáme prostě zpanikařit? Teda myslím, že právě pro takovéhle situace byla panika vynalezena." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B25" "Nick: You sure we shouldn't just panic? I mean, I think panic was invented for just this sort of situation." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: Vyhazujou ten most do vzduchu, aby kryli ústup. Jestli chceme s nimi, měli bychom pohnout." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B26" "Nick: They're blowing this bridge to cover a retreat. If we wanna go with 'em, we better hurry." "Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellisi, ty neseš aspoň 10 různých zbraní." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M3B27" "Nick: Ellis, you're carrying like ten different guns." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: Asi jim došly mosty k bombardování..." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B01" "Nick: I guess they ran outta bridges to bomb..." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Tak, už je to oficiální: Teď se snaží zabít NÁS." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B02" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: PŘESTAŇTE NÁS BOMBARDOVAT!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B03" "Nick: STOP BOMBING US!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: [sarkasticky] Jo, díky, Ellisi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B04" "Nick: Yeah thanks, Ellis." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Bože, to jsou takoví kreténi." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B05" "Nick: Christ, those guys are such assholes." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: SAKRA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B06" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: SAKRA!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B07" "Nick: SHIT!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Ty vole, myslím, že jsme to fakt dokázali." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B08" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Tak, už je to oficiální: Teď se snaží zabít NÁS." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B09" "Nick: Well, it's official: They're trying to kill US now." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Ty vole, myslím, že jsme to fakt dokázali." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B10" "Nick: Holy shit, I think we actually made it." "Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: Támhle je ten most!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B11" "Nick: There's the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: Na mostě je úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B12" "Nick: There's a safe room in the bridge!" "Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: Je tam úkryt!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M4B13" "Nick: There's a safe room in it!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Než přeběhneme ten most přímo k lidem, co na nás hází bomby, nechce si někdo promluvit o plánu B?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B01" "Nick: Before we run across this bridge right toward the people who've been dropping bombs on us, anyone wanna talk about a Plan B?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Jo-jóó." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B02" "Nick: Oh yeah." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: [zasměje se] Dobře, jdeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B03" "Nick: All right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: [zasměje se] OK, dobře, jdeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B04" "Nick: Okay, all right, let's go." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Nebo nás postaví ke zdi a zastřelí." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B05" "Nick: Or they're gonna line us up against a wall and shoot us." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Hej, to jsou vojáci. Dáme jim vědět, že jsme tady." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B06" "Nick: Hey, those are soldiers. Let's let 'em know we're here." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: Zvedne někdo tu vysílačku?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B07" "Nick: Is somebody gonna pick up the radio?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Ehm, haló?" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B08" "Nick: Um, hello?" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: NEJSME nakažení." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B09" "Nick: We are NOT infected." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Jo, dalo by se to tak říct." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B10" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Jo, dalo by se to tak říct." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B11" "Nick: Yeah, you could say that." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Rozumím. Tak my jdeme." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B12" "Nick: Roger that. Here we come." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Spusťte někdo ten můstek." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B13" "Nick: Somebody lower the lift bridge." "Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: TAMHLE JE VRTULNÍK!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B14" "Nick: THERE'S THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: NASTUPTE DO VRTULNÍKU!" "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B15" "Nick: GET TO THE COPTER!" "Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: Jmenuju se Nick. Jsme tady čtyři na... na západní straně mostu." "[english]Gambler_WorldC5M5B16" "Nick: My name's Nick. There's four of us on the...on the west end of the bridge." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: Tohle mám pro tebe, kámo." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem01" "Ellis: I got this for ya, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: Vezmi si prosím tohle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem02" "Ellis: I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Tady máš, to je pro tebe." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem03" "Ellis: Here ya go, I got this for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Tady máš, kámo." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem04" "Ellis: Here ya go, man." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Tady máš, kámo, vezmi si to prosím." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem05" "Ellis: Here ya go, man, I want ya to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: Tohle si můžeš vzít." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem06" "Ellis: You can have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Hej, vezmi si prosím tohle." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem07" "Ellis: Hey, I want you to have this." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Počkej, počkej, tady máš." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItem08" "Ellis: Hold on now, hold on now, here ya go." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Vezmi si to!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Ellis: Take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Prostě si to vezmi!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Ellis: Just take this!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Tady! Na!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Ellis: Here!, here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Vezmi si tady tohle!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Ellis: Grab this here!" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Počkej chvilku! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Ellis: Wait up, now! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hej! Hej! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Hej, zastav se chvilku! Něco tady pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin', now! I got somethin' for you right here." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Počkej! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop04" "Ellis: Wait up! I got somethin' for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hej! Hej! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop05" "Ellis: Hey! Hey! Got something for ya." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Hej, zastav se, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStop06" "Ellis: Hey, stop movin' I got somethin' for ya" "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Kámo, kámo, počkej." "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Ellis: Dude, dude, hold up." "Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hej, ehm... ty! Počkej!" "[english]Mechanic_AlertGiveItemStopC102" "Ellis: Hey umm... you! Hold up!" "Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Jo, já jsem připravenej, co vy?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady01" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm ready, y'all ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Připraveni?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady02" "Ellis: Ready?" "Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Jste připravení?" "[english]Mechanic_AskReady03" "Ellis: Y'all ready?" "Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Hou, zpátky!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp01" "Ellis: Whoa, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: No tak, zpátky!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp02" "Ellis: Come on, back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Vraťte se! Vraťte se!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp03" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Zpátky!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp04" "Ellis: Back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Zpátky!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp05" "Ellis: Back up!" "Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Dělejte, vraťte se!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp06" "Ellis: Come on, move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Vraťte se! Vraťte se!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp07" "Ellis: Move back! Move back!" "Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Hej, zpátky!" "[english]Mechanic_BackUp08" "Ellis: Hey, back it up!" "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet01" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Vraťte se." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet02" "Ellis: Move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet03" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet04" "Ellis: Get back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hej, zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet05" "Ellis: Hey, move back." "Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_BackUpQuiet06" "Ellis: Back up." "Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: JO!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry01" "Ellis: YEAH!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: CHCÍPNI!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry02" "Ellis: DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: JÓ! TU MÁŠ, KOTĚ, TU MÁŠ!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry03" "Ellis: WOO! GET SOME, BABY GET SOME!" "Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: CHCÍPNĚTE, MILÁČCI! CHCÍPNĚTE!!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCry04" "Ellis: DIE, DIE MY DARLINS! DIE, DIE, DIE!!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Zastřelte to!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank01" "Ellis: Shoot it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Nepřestávejte střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank02" "Ellis: Keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Zabij to, sakra! Zabij to!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank03" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Hej, nepřestávejte střílet, nepřestávejte střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank04" "Ellis: Hey, keep shooting, keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Rozpalte tu mrchu!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank05" "Ellis: Light that mother up!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Zabij to, sakra! Zabij to!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank06" "Ellis: Kill it, man! Kill it!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Prostě nepřestávejte střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank07" "Ellis: Just keep shooting!" "Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Zabijte ho!" "[english]Mechanic_BattleCryTank08" "Ellis: Kill him!" "Mechanic_Blank" " " "[english]Mechanic_Blank" " " "Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Ou... áá... to je humus!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction01" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: Vůbec nic nevidím!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction02" "Ellis: I can't see shit!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Ježíši! Jsem celej od slizu." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction03" "Ellis: Oh, Christ! I'm all gooed." "Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Ježíšku na křížku! Jsem oslizlej!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction04" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Ou... áá... to je humus!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction05" "Ellis: Oh... ah... this stuff sucks!" "Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Ježíšku na křížku! Jsem oslizlej!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerReaction06" "Ellis: Christ in a hand basket! I'm gooed!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hej vy, přestaňte si hrát! Dostaňte mě odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue01" "Ellis: Hey y'all, quit playin' man! Get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Někdo mě odsud musí dostat!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue02" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Pomoc, sakra! Je tam někdo?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue03" "Ellis: Help, man! Anybody out there?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: Potřebuju pomoc, kruci!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue04" "Ellis: I need some help, man!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Může mě odsud někdo dostat, prosím?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue05" "Ellis: Can somebody get me out of here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Může mi tady někdo pomoct, prosím?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue06" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here, please?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: OK, bodla by mi tady pomoc! Vážně." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue07" "Ellis: Okay, I could use some help here! Serious." "Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Ale no tak, začínám se nudit! Dostaňte mě odsud." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue08" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hej lidi! Nezapomeňte tady na mě!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue09" "Ellis: Hey everybody! Don't forget about me in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: Tak jo, fakt bych ocenil, kdyby mě odsud někdo dostal!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue10" "Ellis: All right, I'd really appreciate it if somebody'd get me out of here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: Jsem tady v pasti!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue11" "Ellis: I'm trapped in here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Pomoc! Pomoc! Pomoooc!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue12" "Ellis: Help! Help! Hellllppp!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Může mi tady někdo pomoct?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue13" "Ellis: Can somebody lend me a hand in here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: Hodila by se mi tady pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue14" "Ellis: I could use some help here!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Ale no tak, začínám se nudit! Dostaňte mě odsud." "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue15" "Ellis: Ah come on, man, I'm gettin' bored! Get me out of here." "Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Hej, lidi, bavíte se tam beze mě dobře?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue16" "Ellis: Hey, you guys havin' fun out there without me?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Mohly by mě někdo z vás odsud dostat?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue17" "Ellis: Can one of y'all get me out of here?" "Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: Mám se snad rozkrájet, abyste mě zachránili?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue18" "Ellis: I triple dog dare ya to rescue me!" "Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: No moment, nemyslíte doufám na to, že byste mě tady nechali?" "[english]Mechanic_CallForRescue19" "Ellis: Now hold on, you're not thinking of leavin' me in here are ya?" "Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [Dusí se]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke01" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Střílejte na jazyk! Střílejte na jazyk!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke02" "Ellis: Shoot the tongue! Shoot the tongue!" "Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: Dostal MĚ SMOKER!!!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke03" "Ellis: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [Dusí se]" "[english]Mechanic_Choke04" "Ellis: [Choking]" "Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Sakra! Dostal mě Smoker!" "[english]Mechanic_Choke07" "Ellis: Shit! Smoker's got me!" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Zavřete ty dveře?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor01" "Ellis: Y'all gonna close the door?" "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Dělejte, zavřete ty dveře." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor02" "Ellis: Come on, close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoor03" "Ellis: Close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: Napadá mě, že bychom měli zavřít dveře." "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC101" "Ellis: I'm thinking we should close the door." "Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: Proč prostě, eh, nezavřeme dveře?" "[english]Mechanic_CloseTheDoorC102" "Ellis: Why don't we just, uh, close that door?" "Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [Kašle kvůli kouři]" "[english]Mechanic_Cough01" "Ellis: [Coughing from smoke]" "Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Pohlídejte mi někdo záda, ošetřím se." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe01" "Ellis: Can someone watch my back, I'm gonna heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Mohli byste mě krýt? Musím se ošetřit!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe02" "Ellis: Can y'all cover me? I gotta heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Počkejte chvilku, ošetřím se!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe03" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Počkejte chvilku, ošetřím se!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe04" "Ellis: Wait a second, I'm gonna heal!" "Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Počkejte někdo, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe05" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Počkejte někdo, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe06" "Ellis: Can somebody wait up, I gotta heal." "Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Ošetřuju se! Kryjte mě, prosím!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe07" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Ošetřuju se! Kryjte mě, prosím!" "[english]Mechanic_CoverMe08" "Ellis: Healing! Cover me please!" "Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Hej, mohl by mě někdo krýt? Zkusím se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC101" "Ellis: Hey, can somebody cover me? I'm gonna try to heal." "Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: A kruci, musím se zkusit ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC102" "Ellis: Ah hell, gonna try and heal myself." "Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Doufám, sakra, že to dělám správně." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC103" "Ellis: Hope to hell I'm doing this right." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: Tak takhle se to dělá." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R01" "Ellis: So that's how ya do it." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: OK, vidím, co tam děláš." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1R02" "Ellis: Okay, okay, I see what you're doin' there." "Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Teda Coachi, vypadá to, jako bys to už někdy dělal." "[english]Mechanic_CoverMeC1RCoach01" "Ellis: Oh, now, Coach, you like you've done this before." "Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream01" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream02" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream03" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream04" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream05" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Mechanic_DeathScream06" "Ellis: [Death scream]" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Do prdele! Do prdele. DO PRDELE..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: Začíná to být stejně vážný jako infarkt!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Ellis: This is gettin' as serious as a heart attack!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Do prdele!. DO PRDELE..." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Ellis: Oh shit, man! Oh shit, man. Oh SHIT..." "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ou... teď mě neopouštějte!" "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponse04" "Ellis: Ohhh... don't you leave me now!" "Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Ou, Rochelle! Zbyli jsme jen ty a já." "[english]Mechanic_DoubleDeathResponseRochelle01" "Ellis: Oh, Rochelle! It's just you and me girl." "Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo01" "Ellis: Let's go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Běžte!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo02" "Ellis: Go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Běžte, běžte, běžte!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo03" "Ellis: Go go go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hej, musíme jít!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo04" "Ellis: Hey, man, we gotta go!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Prostě běžte!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGo05" "Ellis: Just run!" "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Pohyb." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Ellis: Move out." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Pokračujte." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Ellis: Keep going." "Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Prostě utíkejte, sakra." "[english]Mechanic_EmphaticGoQuiet04" "Ellis: Just run, damn it." "Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Za mnou." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe01" "Ellis: Follow me." "Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: No tak, držte se u mě, lidi." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe02" "Ellis: Come on, stick with me y'all." "Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Pojďte za mnou tudy." "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe03" "Ellis: Follow me this way." "Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: Tudy, lidi!" "[english]Mechanic_FollowMe04" "Ellis: This way, guys!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: Proč po mně sakra pořád všichni střílíte?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire01" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: Já nejsem zombie. Střílejte po zombících!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire02" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: No tak, už to není vtipný!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire03" "Ellis: Come on, it's not funny anymore!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: Já vím, žes mě střelil." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire04" "Ellis: I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: To není sranda. Vážně." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire05" "Ellis: That's not cool. Seriously." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: Proč po mě sakra pořád všichni střílíte?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire06" "Ellis: Why in the hell y'all keep shooting me?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: Já nejsem zombie, sakra. Střílejte po zombících!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire07" "Ellis: I'm not a zombie, man. Shoot the zombies!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Přestaň po mně střílet." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire08" "Ellis: Stop shooting me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: To bylo za co?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire09" "Ellis: What was that for?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Ty kulky bolí, víte!?!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire10" "Ellis: Those bullets hurt ya know!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: No tak, opatrně! Sakra." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire11" "Ellis: Come on, watch it! Damn." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Nevadilo by vám po mně nestřílet, prosím?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire12" "Ellis: Would ya mind not shooting me, please?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Víte, když po mně budete střílet, ničemu to nepomůže." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire13" "Ellis: Ya know, shooting me ain't gonna help nothin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: Sakra. Není jedinej důvod, proč po mně střílet." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire14" "Ellis: Damn, man. Ain't got but no reason to be shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: To jste se snad pomátli, že po mně tak střílíte." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire15" "Ellis: You ain't right in the head shootin' me like that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: Začínám bejt fakt pěkně naštvanej." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire16" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: To jste se všichni pomátli?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire17" "Ellis: Did y'all take leave of your senses?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: Zatraceně, přestaň po mně střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire18" "Ellis: Damn man, quit shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: Střílíte po mně! To mě pěkně vytáčí!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire19" "Ellis: You shootin' me! Well that just dills my pickle!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: Střílíte po mně!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire20" "Ellis: You're shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Udělej to ještě jednou, a jednu ti ubalím." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire21" "Ellis: Do that again and I'll knock you into next week." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: Začínám bejt fakt pěkně naštvanej, sakra." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire22" "Ellis: I'm gettin' so mad I could shit a squealin' worm, man." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Víte, že jste mě střelili?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire23" "Ellis: Y'all know you shot me right?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Sakra, vy po mně všichni střílíte." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire24" "Ellis: Man, y'all are shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hej, sakra! To mě trefilo!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire25" "Ellis: Hey, man! That hit me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Hou, hou, to bolí!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire26" "Ellis: Whoa, Whoa that hurts!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: OK, přestaňte po mně střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire27" "Ellis: Okay, stop shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Přestaň po mně střílet, sakra!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire28" "Ellis: Quit shooting me, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Přestaňte po mně střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire29" "Ellis: Quit shooting me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Nestřílejte po mně!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire30" "Ellis: Don't be shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hej, přestaňme po sobě střílet, prosím!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire31" "Ellis: Hey, let's stop shooting each other, please!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Zkusme se navzájem nezastřelit!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire32" "Ellis: Let's not shoot each other!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: Jsme ve stejným týmu!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFire33" "Ellis: We're on the same team!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: Pokud byste to nevěděli – když vás střelí, tak to bolí!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC101" "Ellis: In case y'all didn't know - it hurts to get shot!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: Měli bychom si ty náboje šetřit na zombíky." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC102" "Ellis: Why don't we save those bullets for the zombies." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: Vidím, žes nebyl Coachem střelců." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach01" "Ellis: I can see you weren't the shootin' coach." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Hej, Coachi! Přestaň po mně střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Coach02" "Ellis: Yo, Coach! Stop shootin' me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nicku! To jsi udělal schválně?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler01" "Ellis: Nick! Did you mean to do that?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nicku! Vím, žes to byl ty, kdo mě střelil." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Gambler02" "Ellis: Nick! I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Madam, mám vám ukázat, jak se s tím zachází?" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer01" "Ellis: Ma'am, you want me to show you how to work that thing?" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, PŘESTAŇ S TÍM!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer02" "Ellis: Rochelle, STOP GIRL!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: OK, Rochelle, vím, žes to byla ty, kdo mě střelil." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1Producer03" "Ellis: Okay, Rochelle, I know that was you shootin' me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach má pravdu, střelili jste ho." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R01" "Ellis: Coach is right, you shot him." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Jenom říkám" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireC1R02" "Ellis: Just sayin'." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: No tak, holka, myslel jsem, že jsme větší kámoši." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireFemale01" "Ellis: Come on, girl, I thought we were closer than that." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nicku, já vím, žes mě střelil." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler01" "Ellis: Nick, I know you shot me." "Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nicku, NICKU! Nestřílej po mně." "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireGambler02" "Ellis: Nick, NICK! Don't shoot me." "Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: No mě snad vomejou." "[english]Mechanic_Generic01" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Tak to mě podrž." "[english]Mechanic_Generic02" "Ellis: Why bless your heart." "Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: No mě snad vomejou." "[english]Mechanic_Generic03" "Ellis: Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit." "Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Krvácím." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived01" "Ellis: Bleedin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Myslím, že jsem v pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived02" "Ellis: Think I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: Jsem hodně zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: Jsem zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived04" "Ellis: I hurt." "Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: Jsem pěkně zřízenej." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived05" "Ellis: I'm pretty torn up." "Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Řekl bych, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived06" "Ellis: Reckon I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Řekl bych, že už mi bylo líp." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived07" "Ellis: Reckon I been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: Jsem OK." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived08" "Ellis: I'm okay." "Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: Jsem v pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived09" "Ellis: I'm all right." "Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Dobrý... myslím." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived10" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Dobrý... myslím." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived11" "Ellis: Good... I think." "Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: Mohlo by bejt líp." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived12" "Ellis: I could be better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: Kruci, já nevím." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived13" "Ellis: Hell, I don't know." "Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Vypadám v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived14" "Ellis: Do I look all right?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Jsem zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived15" "Ellis: Hurtin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Bylo mi už líp." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived16" "Ellis: Been better." "Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: V pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived17" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Dobrý, co ty?" "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived18" "Ellis: Good, how're you?" "Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: Je mi super, díky." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived19" "Ellis: I'm just great, thanks." "Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Promiň, nechci tě vůbec otravovat." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived20" "Ellis: Sorry, don't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: Ne, kruci, nebudu brečet." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived21" "Ellis: Hell no, I ain't cryin'." "Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: Ještě můžu bojovat." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived22" "Ellis: I still got some fight in me." "Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: To přežiju." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived23" "Ellis: I'll live." "Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Trochu to bolí." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived24" "Ellis: Little sore." "Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Jsem na sebe naštvanej." "[english]Mechanic_GettingRevived25" "Ellis: Pissed at myself." "Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: Tohle jsem neměl v plánu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie01" "Ellis: This was not in my plan." "Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: Jsem pořádně zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie02" "Ellis: I'm hurtin' real bad." "Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: Jsem hodně zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie03" "Ellis: I hurt aplenty." "Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: Jsem úplně zřízenej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie04" "Ellis: I'm all torn up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: Není to dobrý." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie05" "Ellis: This ain't right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: Pěkně mě zvalchovali." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie06" "Ellis: They knocked the piss out of me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ou....." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie07" "Ellis: Ohh....." "Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: Už melu z posledního." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie08" "Ellis: I've got a misery in my bones." "Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: Nelžu, tohle fakt bolí!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie09" "Ellis: I ain't lyin', this hurts!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: Necítím se dobře." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie10" "Ellis: I don't feel right." "Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: Myslím, že jsem si fakt něco zranil." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie11" "Ellis: I think I really hurt something." "Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Bože, bože, bože." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie12" "Ellis: Oh man, oh man, oh man." "Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Nejlepší by bylo najít mi lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie13" "Ellis: Best be findin' me a health kit." "Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: Já jen tak neplácám, fakt jsem zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie14" "Ellis: I ain't just goin' on, I'm really hurt." "Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Hej, lidi, jsem zraněnej!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie15" "Ellis: Y'all , y'all I'm hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ale ne, ale ne." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie16" "Ellis: Ah hell no, ah hell no." "Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: Tady ti zombíci se mě snažej zabít." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie17" "Ellis: These here zombies are tryin' to kill me." "Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Ááá kruci, to bolí." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie18" "Ellis: Ahh shit this hurts." "Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Teda není mi nejlíp." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie19" "Ellis: Man, I ain't doin' too good." "Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Sakra, jsem zraněnej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie20" "Ellis: Oh, man, I'm hurtin'." "Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: No tak. Musím držet krok, musím držet krok." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie21" "Ellis: Come on. I gotta keep up, gotta keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Omlouvám se, snažím se držet krok." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie22" "Ellis: Sorry, man, I'm trying to keep up." "Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Je mi líto, rychleji jít nemůžu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie23" "Ellis: Sorry, I can't go any faster." "Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: Jdu tak rychle, jak můžu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie24" "Ellis: I'm goin' as fast as I can." "Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: Jsem úplně vyřízenej." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie25" "Ellis: I am all tuckered out." "Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: Zatraceně, to bolí!" "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie26" "Ellis: Goddamn I hurt!" "Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: Teď bych si klidně zdřímnul." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie27" "Ellis: I could go for a nap, right now." "Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Je to v prdeli. Já to nezvládnu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie301" "Ellis: Well, screw me. I'm not gonna make it." "Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: Jestli tohle nepřestane, tak umřu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie302" "Ellis: I reckon if this keeps up, I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: Nechci na sebe nic přivolávat, ale asi umřu." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie303" "Ellis: I don't mean to be cursing myself, but I think I'm gonna die." "Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: Jsem tak zraněnej, že ani dobře nevidím." "[english]Mechanic_GoingToDie304" "Ellis: I hurt so bad, I don't see right." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: Mám na sobě sajrajt od Spitter!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter01" "Ellis: I got Spitter shit on me!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Sliz od Spitter!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter02" "Ellis: Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Pryč z toho slizu!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter03" "Ellis: Get out of the Spitter goo!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: A sakra, sliz od Spitter." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter04" "Ellis: Ahh hell, man, Spitter goo." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Hněte se, hněte se, jsem ve slizu." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter05" "Ellis: Move, move, I'm in Spitter shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: ZATRACENĚ! SLIZ!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter06" "Ellis: GODDAMN! GOO!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: To svinstvo pálí, sakra!" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitter07" "Ellis: This stuff burns, man!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Ten sajrajt pálí!!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC101" "Ellis: Ah this shit burns!" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: Co to sakra je!?!? Plive oheň?" "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC102" "Ellis: What the hell? Spittin' fire?" "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Hej, utíkejte, sakra! To je nějaký hnusný svinstvo." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC103" "Ellis: Hey run, man! This is some crazy shit." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: No super, teď na nás plivou sajrajt." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R01" "Ellis: Ahh great, now their spittin' shit at us." "Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Hej, někdo musí zabít toho zombíka, co plive to svinstvo." "[english]Mechanic_GooedBySpitterC1R02" "Ellis: Yo, somebody's gotta kill that zombie spittin' shit." "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Dostal mě Charger!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger01" "Ellis: Charger's got me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Zastřelte toho Chargera, sakra! Zastřelte Chargera!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger02" "Ellis: Shoot the Charger, man! Shoot the Charger!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: Zabíjí mě to!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger03" "Ellis: It's killing me!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: Vymlátí ze mě duši!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger04" "Ellis: He's bashing me into shit!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Ááá, do prdele, umlátí mě k smrti!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger05" "Ellis: Ahhh hell it's pounding me to death!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Charger mě trhá na kusy!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger06" "Ellis: Charger's ripping me up!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Zabijte tu potvoru!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger07" "Ellis: Kill this thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Zastřelte tu mrchu!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger08" "Ellis: Shoot the damn thing!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Prostě to zastřelte! ZASTŘELTE TO!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByCharger09" "Ellis: Just shoot it! SHOOT IT!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE MI TO ZE ZAD!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey01" "Ellis: GET THIS OFF MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: MÁM NA SOBĚ JOCKEYHO!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey02" "Ellis: I GOT A JOCKEY ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: MÁM NA ZÁDECH NĚJAKOU MRCHU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey03" "Ellis: SUMBITCH IS ON MY BACK!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: TO NENÍ SPRÁVNÝ, MÍT TOHLE NA SOBĚ!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey04" "Ellis: THIS AIN'T RIGHT HAVING THIS THING ON ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE ZE MĚ TU MRCHU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey05" "Ellis: GET THIS THING OFF ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: TA MRCHA NA MNĚ JEZDÍ!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey06" "Ellis: THIS THINGS RIDING ME!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: TO MĚ TA MRCHA OJÍŽDÍ!??!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockey07" "Ellis: IS THIS THING HUMPING ME?!" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: Je to jak vopice na oslovi." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Ellis: It's like a monkey on a mule." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Kam s ním ta potvora míří?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Ellis: Where's that thing goin' with 'em?" "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: To je prostě ponižující." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR03" "Ellis: That's just humiliating." "Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: Vypadá to nedůstojně." "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedByJockeyR04" "Ellis: That don't look dignified." "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Uf!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01a" "Ellis: Ugh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Ááá!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01b" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01c" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Daaa-uf!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker01d" "Ellis: Daaa-ugh!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: Ne!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: NÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Ellis: NOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Ááá, NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Ellis: Ah, NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: NE!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Ellis: NO!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03c" "Ellis: AAGH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Ngahhh!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker03d" "Ellis: Ngahhh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: DOSTAL MĚ SMOKER!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: DOSTAL MĚ SMOKER!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: Ne!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Ááá!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06a" "Ellis: Agh!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: OU, OU!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06b" "Ellis: D'OH, OH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: DAAAAH!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker06c" "Ellis: DAAAAH!!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmoker07" "Ellis: NAAHH!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: Co mě to sakra dostalo?!?!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Ellis: What the hell's got me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Ou! Chytili mě do lasa!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Ellis: Oh! I've been lassoed!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: Nemůžu se hejbat, pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Ellis: I can't move help!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: Táhne mě to pryč!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Ellis: I'm getting dragged away!" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Kam mě to táhne?!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC105" "Ellis: Where's this thing draggin' me?" "Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Zasr... JAZYK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_GrabbedBySmokerC106" "Ellis: Mother f... TONGUE!!!" "Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: GRANÁT!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade01" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: GRANÁT!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade02" "Ellis: GRENADE!" "Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Házím trubkovou bombu." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade03" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Házím trubkovou bombu." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade04" "Ellis: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Házím molotov." "[english]Mechanic_Grenade05" "Ellis: Throwing a Molotov." "Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: LETÍ MOLOTOV!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade06" "Ellis: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: LETÍ TRUBKOVÁ BOMBA!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade07" "Ellis: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Hej, bouchne to!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade08" "Ellis: Hey, fire's comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Bacha, bouchne to!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade09" "Ellis: Fire in the hole!" "Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Bouchne to!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade10" "Ellis: Fire is a comin'!" "Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Tady máte!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade11" "Ellis: Chase this!" "Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Trubková bomba na cestě!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade12" "Ellis: Pipe bomb on the way!" "Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hej! Tady máte!" "[english]Mechanic_Grenade13" "Ellis: Hey! Chase this!" "Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Vydrž, ošetřím tě!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther01" "Ellis: Hold on let me heal ya!" "Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Dám tě dohromady." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther02" "Ellis: Let me patch ya up." "Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Použiju na tebe tuhle lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther03" "Ellis: Let me use this health kit on ya." "Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Tady máš, stejně bych to nevyužil." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther04" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Tady máš, nějak jsem to nevyužil. Mě nikdo nestřelí." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther05" "Ellis: Here ya go, had no use for this anyhow. I ain't gonna get shot." "Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Ošetřím tě, od toho jsou kámoši!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther06" "Ellis: Let me heal ya, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Počkej, ošetřím tě, od toho jsou kámoši!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOther07" "Ellis: Let me heal ya up now, this what friends are for!" "Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Tady máš. Asi to využiješ líp než já." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther08" "Ellis: Here ya go now. You'll probably put this to better use than me." "Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: Stejně to asi využiješ líp než já." "[english]Mechanic_HealOther09" "Ellis: You'll probably put this to better use than me anyhow." "Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: Nevím, co dělám, tak chvilku vydrž." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC101" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so hold on a minute." "Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: Nevím, co dělám, tak prostě vydrž." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC102" "Ellis: I don't know what I'm doin, so just hold on." "Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Zkusím tě dát do pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC103" "Ellis: Let me try and fix you up." "Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: Raději to natrénuju na tobě, než to udělám na sobě." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC104" "Ellis: I better practice on you before I do this on myself." "Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Počkej chvilku, myslím, že se to dělá takhle." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherC105" "Ellis: Hang on a minute, I think it goes somethin' like this." "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Vydrž! Vydrž!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat01" "Ellis: Hold on! Hold on!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Nehýbej se, ošetřuju tě!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat02" "Ellis: Stay still, I'm healin' ya!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Nepřestávej střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat03" "Ellis: Don't stop shootin'!" "Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Nepřestávej střílet, kruci,nepřestávej střílet!" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherCombat04" "Ellis: Keep shootin', man, Keep shootin!" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: To je pěkný, že se podělíš." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis01" "Ellis: That's nice to see ya sharin'." "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Pěkně ti to ošetřuju, co?" "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis02" "Ellis: Ah, you're gettin' all fixed up nice like, huh?" "Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: Vedeš si moc dobře." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherEllis03" "Ellis: That there's a good job you're doin." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: Děláš to líp než já." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic01" "Ellis: You do that better than me." "Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: Umíš to s tím dobře." "[english]Mechanic_HealOtherMechanic02" "Ellis: You do a nice job with that." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: Slyším Boomera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer01" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hej, myslím, že jsem slyšel Boomera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer02" "Ellis: Hey, think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Opatrně, je tady někde Boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer03" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Opatrně, je tady někde Boomer." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer04" "Ellis: Careful, Boomer 'round." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Myslím, že jsem slyšel Boomera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer05" "Ellis: Think I heard a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: Slyším Boomera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardBoomer06" "Ellis: I hear a Boomer." "Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Je tady někde Charger." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger01" "Ellis: Charger around." "Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: Slyším Chargera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger02" "Ellis: I hear a Charger." "Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Neslyšíte Chargera?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardCharger03" "Ellis: Hear that Charger?" "Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk01" "Ellis: Tank! Tank!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: DO PRDELE! SAKRA, TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk02" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! Utíkejte, ne, neutíkejte! STŘÍLEJTE!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk03" "Ellis: TANK! Run no, don't run! SHOOOOOT!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk04" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk05" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: DO PRDELE! SAKRA, TANK!!!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardHulk06" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT! SHIT TANK!!!" "Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: Slyším tady někde Huntera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter01" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter around." "Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Opatrně. Hunter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter02" "Ellis: Careful. Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: Slyším Huntera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardHunter03" "Ellis: I hear a Hunter." "Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: Slyším jednu z těch mrch, co skáčou na záda." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey01" "Ellis: I hear one of those back humpers around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: Je tady někde podělanej Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey02" "Ellis: A freaking Jockey's around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Hej, hlídejte si záda, je tady někde Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey03" "Ellis: Hey, watch your back, Jockey's around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: Já ty mrchy nesnáším." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey04" "Ellis: I hate them things" "Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: Já ty Jockeye nesnáším." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey05" "Ellis: I hate those Jockeys." "Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: Prostě mě uráží, co dělají." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey06" "Ellis: That is just offensive what they do." "Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Hej, slyším jednu z těch mrch, co skáčou na záda." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey07" "Ellis: Dude, I hear one of those back humpers around." "Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: Je tady někde podělanej Jockey." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockey08" "Ellis: There's a freaking Jockey around here." "Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: Myslím, že to je jeden z těch skrčků." "[english]Mechanic_HeardJockeyC101" "Ellis: I think that's one of them little things." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Je tu někde Smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker01" "Ellis: Smoker around these parts." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Opatrně, Smoker." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker02" "Ellis: Careful, Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hej, slyším Smokera." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSmoker03" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Smoker." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: Slyším jednoho z těch divnejch." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC101" "Ellis: I hear one of those strange ones." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: Co to sakra dělá takový kravál?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC102" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: Ty vole, ten zvuk se mi vůbec nelíbí." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC103" "Ellis: Dude, I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: To není šťastný zvuk." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC104" "Ellis: That is not a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: Doufám, že se nepotkáme s tím, co ten kravál dělá." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC105" "Ellis: I hope we don't meet whatever's making that noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Horší než zombíci?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC106" "Ellis: Worse than zombies?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: Co to sakra dělá takovej kravál?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC107" "Ellis: What in the hell is making that noise?" "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: Ten zvuk se mi vůbec nelíbí." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC108" "Ellis: I do not like the sound of that." "Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: To není šťastnej zvuk." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpecialC109" "Ellis: That ain't a happy noise." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter01" "Ellis: I hear a Spitter." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Je tady někde ta plivající potvora." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter02" "Ellis: Spitting thing's around." "Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: Slyším jednu z těch Spitter." "[english]Mechanic_HeardSpitter03" "Ellis: I hear one of them Spitters." "Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Ty krávo, podívejte se na toho obra!" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC101" "Ellis: Holy shit, look at that big thing!" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: Budou proti tomu vůbec fungovat bouchačky?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC102" "Ellis: Are guns even gonna work against that thing?" "Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: To je teda vypasenej zombie." "[english]Mechanic_HeardTanklC103" "Ellis: That is a big ass zombie." "Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: Je tady někde ta ubrečená holka." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch01" "Ellis: That crying girl's around." "Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Hej, slyším Witch." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch02" "Ellis: Hey, I hear a Witch." "Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: Slyším brečet Witch." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitch03" "Ellis: I hear a Witch crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Hej, slyšíte ten brekot?" "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC101" "Ellis: Hey, do you hear that crying?" "Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Teda nezní moc šťastně." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC102" "Ellis: Dude, she don't sound happy." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Nechoďme kolem té brečící holky." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC103" "Ellis: Let's not go by the crying girl." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Vážně, myslím, že bychom tu brečící holku měli nechat na pokoji." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC104" "Ellis: Seriously, I'm thinkin' we should just leave the crying girl alone." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: Tenhle pláč se mi vůbec nelíbí." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC105" "Ellis: I don't like the sound of that crying." "Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: Já se – já se k té brečící holce přibližovat nebudu." "[english]Mechanic_HeardWitchC106" "Ellis: I'm not - I'm not going near the crying girl." "Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Pomoc! Pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_Help01" "Ellis: Help! Help!" "Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Hej, potřebuju tady trochu pomoct!" "[english]Mechanic_Help02" "Ellis: Hey, I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Pomozte mi!" "[english]Mechanic_Help03" "Ellis: Help me out!" "Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_Help04" "Ellis: Help!" "Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: A do prdele! Pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_Help05" "Ellis: Oh shit! Help!" "Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: Potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_Help06" "Ellis: I need some help!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter dostal Coache!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hej, Hunter jde po Coachovi!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterCoachPounced02" "Ellis: Hey, Hunter on Coach!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter dostal Nicka!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hej, Hunter jde po Nickovi!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterNickPounced02" "Ellis: Hey Hunter's on Nick!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: Dostal ho zombie!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC101" "Ellis: A zombie's got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: Dostala ho jedna z těch potvor!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC102" "Ellis: One of those things got him!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Sakra, dostali ji zombíci!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer01" "Ellis: Shit, a zombie's got her!" "Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Hej, dostala ji jedna z těch potvor!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterPouncedC1Producer02" "Ellis: Hey, one of those things got her!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunter dostal Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced01" "Ellis: Hunter's got Rochelle!" "Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter jde po Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_HunterRochellePounced02" "Ellis: Hunter on Rochelle!" "Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: Dali jsme jim to pěkně sežrat!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah01" "Ellis: We opened up a can of whup ass on them!" "Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: Říkám si, že sejmeme cokoli!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah02" "Ellis: I'm thinkin' we can take on anything!" "Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: Jsme borci světa!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah03" "Ellis: We are kings of the world!" "Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: Jsem hrdej, že jsem v tomhle týmu!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah04" "Ellis: I am proud to be part of this team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: Jsme zatraceně dobrej tým!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah05" "Ellis: We are a right damn good team!" "Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Hej, něco vám povím. Jste všichni nejlepší!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah06" "Ellis: Hey, let me tell ya something. Y'all are the best!" "Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: Teda, koukám jak tele na nový vrata, ale dáváme jim na prdel!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah07" "Ellis: Well, slap my head and call me silly, we are kickin' some ass!" "Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: Ááá JÓÓ, KRUCI!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah08" "Ellis: Ahh HELL YEAH!" "Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: Tak teda jo!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah09" "Ellis: All right then!" "Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: Nejsem žádnej blbej zmetek, jo, to si zapiš za uši." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah10" "Ellis: I ain't no god damn son of a bitch, yeah, ya better think about that baby." "Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Dělejte, pospěšte si!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp01" "Ellis: Come on y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Rychle!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp02" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Pojďme, pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp03" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Dělejte, pospěšte si!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp04" "Ellis: Come on, y'all hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Přidejte! Přidejte!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp05" "Ellis: Hurry it! Hurry it!" "Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Rychle!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp06" "Ellis: Hurry up!" "Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Pojďme, pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_HurryUp07" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go!" "Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Jasně, jsem pro." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou01" "Ellis: Sure, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Jo, pojďme do toho." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou02" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do this." "Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Jasně, jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou03" "Ellis: Yeah, let's go." "Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: No jasně, jsem pro." "[english]Mechanic_ImWithYou04" "Ellis: Hell yeah, I'm with ya." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: Dostali mě!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Ellis: I'm down!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: Sakra, dostali mě." "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Ellis: Shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: A sakra, dostali mě." "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Ellis: Ahh, shit, I'm down." "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury05" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_IncapacitatedInjury06" "Ellis: AHHHHH!" "Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: Už jsou tu!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming01" "Ellis: They're coming!" "Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Připravte se!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming02" "Ellis: Get ready!" "Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Už jsou tady!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming03" "Ellis: Here they come!" "Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Připravte se všichni!" "[english]Mechanic_Incoming04" "Ellis: Y'all get ready!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: Zabil jsem to." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation01" "Ellis: Killed it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: Trefa." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation02" "Ellis: Hit it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: Dostal jsem to." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation03" "Ellis: I got it." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Mrtvej!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation04" "Ellis: Dead!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: Dostal jsem je." "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation05" "Ellis: Got 'em." "Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Trefa!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation06" "Ellis: Hit!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: Můj!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmation07" "Ellis: Mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: To jsem byl já!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR01" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hej, ten byl můj!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR02" "Ellis: Hey, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Jo, to jsem byl já!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR03" "Ellis: Yeah, that was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: Ten byl můj!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR04" "Ellis: That was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: Jo, kruci, ten byl můj!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR05" "Ellis: Hell yeah, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: To jsem byl já!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR06" "Ellis: That was me!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: To jsem byl já, přesně tak!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR07" "Ellis: That was me, right there!" "Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: Ten nebyl tvůj, ten byl můj!" "[english]Mechanic_KillConfirmationEllisR08" "Ellis: That wasn't yours, that was mine!" "Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Měli byste si zhasnout světla." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight01" "Ellis: Y'all better kill ya lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Zhasněte světla." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight02" "Ellis: Lights off." "Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Vypněte ty blbý světla." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight03" "Ellis: Kill your damn lights." "Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hej, vypněte si všichni světla." "[english]Mechanic_KillThatLight04" "Ellis: Hey, lights off y'all." "Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter01" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter02" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter03" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter04" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter05" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter06" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: Jo-hóó!" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter07" "Ellis: Hell yeah!" "Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter08" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter09" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter10" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter11" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter12" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13a" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13b" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13c" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13d" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter13e" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Smích]" "[english]Mechanic_Laughter14" "Ellis: [Laughter]" "Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: Jdu do toho." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn01" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Jo, kruci, kam jdeme?" "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn02" "Ellis: Hell yeah, where we going?" "Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: Půjdu za tebou." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn03" "Ellis: I'll follow you." "Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: Jsem hned za tebou." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn04" "Ellis: I'm right behind you." "Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: Ty to vedeš." "[english]Mechanic_LeadOn05" "Ellis: You're in charge." "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: ÁÁÁ SAKRÁÁÁ!! POMOZTE MI!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd01" "Ellis: AHH SHIIIITTTT!! HELP ME OUT!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: TAKHLE ZEMŘÍT NECHCI, SAKRA – POMOC!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd02" "Ellis: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE, MAN - HELP!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEJ, LIDI, JÁ UŽ SE TADY NEUDRŽÍM!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd03" "Ellis: HEY Y'ALL I CAN'T HANG HERE ANYMORE!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: PROSÍM, DĚLEJTE UŽ!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangEnd04" "Ellis: PLEASE MAN, COME ON NOW!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: POMÓÓÓC!!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall01" "Ellis: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: NÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall02" "Ellis: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: ÚÚÚÁÁÁÁÁ!!!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall03" "Ellis: WOOOOOAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: SBOHEEEEM!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall04" "Ellis: GOOD-BYYYYYYYYYYYE!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: PROMIŇTE VŠICHNIIIII!!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangFall05" "Ellis: SORRY Y'AAAAAAAAAALLL!!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Dělejte, lidi, nemůžu tu viset celej den!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Ellis: Come on y'all I can't hang on all day!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: Nepodal by mi už někdo ruku?!?" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Ellis: I could still use a hand over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: Začínám z toho tady mít strach! Potřebuju pomoc, lidi!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Ellis: This here is gettin' scary! I need some help, guys!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: Nechci moc obtěžovat, ale potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother, but I need some help!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: Nechci vás moc otravovat, lidi, ale potřebuju tady trochu pomoct!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangMiddle05" "Ellis: Don't mean to be no bother guys, but I need some help over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Hou hou hou" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip01" "Ellis: Whoa Whoa Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Hou" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip02" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Hou" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangSlip03" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hej! Asi jsem spadl a jo, nemůžu se dostat nahoru." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart01" "Ellis: Hey! I seem to have fallen and, yeah, I can't get up." "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Hej, jestli nikomu nevadí, bodla by mi pomoc!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart02" "Ellis: Hey, if anyone don't mind none, could use a hand!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: Jsem tady na té římse!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart03" "Ellis: I'm on this here ledge!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: A sakra, visím. Tadyhle!" "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart04" "Ellis: Ah hell, I'm hangin'. Over here!" "Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: Kdybych vám scházel, tak visím tady na té římse. Tadyhle." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeHangStart05" "Ellis: If y'all miss me, I'm over here hangin' on the ledge. Over here." "Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: Mám tě, mám tě. Zkus se nedívat dolů." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave01" "Ellis: I gotcha, I gotcha. Try not to look down." "Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Hej, Ellis tě drží. Teď už se ti nic nestane." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave02" "Ellis: Hey, Ellis got ya. Ain't nothin' gonna happen to ya now." "Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Hej, dáme to do pořádku, pojď nahoru." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave03" "Ellis: Hey, we gonna make this right, let's get ya up." "Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Vydrž, hned tě postavíme na nohy." "[english]Mechanic_LedgeSave04" "Ellis: Oh hang on there, let's get ya up on your feet." "Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Hele!" "[english]Mechanic_Look01" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Hele!" "[english]Mechanic_Look02" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Támhle!" "[english]Mechanic_Look03" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Hele hele." "[english]Mechanic_Look04" "Ellis: Looky looky." "Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Podívejte támhle." "[english]Mechanic_Look05" "Ellis: Look right there." "Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Hej, podívejte se támhle!" "[english]Mechanic_Look06" "Ellis: Hey look over there!" "Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Támhle!" "[english]Mechanic_Look07" "Ellis: Over there!" "Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Hele!" "[english]Mechanic_Look08" "Ellis: Look!" "Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Podívejte sem!" "[english]Mechanic_Look09" "Ellis: Look here!" "Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Hele." "[english]Mechanic_Look10" "Ellis: Look." "Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Hej, koukněte sem!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere01" "Ellis: Hey look over here!" "Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Podívejte sem." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere02" "Ellis: Look here." "Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hej, koukněte na tohle." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere03" "Ellis: Hey look at this here." "Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: No koukněte tady." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere04" "Ellis: Well looky over here." "Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: No podívejme, co to tady máme." "[english]Mechanic_LookHere05" "Ellis: Well look what we got right here." "Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Jo, koukejte tady na tohle, ah ha!" "[english]Mechanic_LookHere06" "Ellis: Yeah, look at this here right now, ah ha!" "Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Hej, pozor!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut01" "Ellis: Hey look out!" "Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hej, bacha!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut02" "Ellis: Hey watch out!" "Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Pozor!" "[english]Mechanic_LookOut03" "Ellis: Look out now!" "Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Kde jste?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall01" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Kde jste všichni?!" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall02" "Ellis: Where is everyone?!" "Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: To není vtipný, kde jste lidi?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall03" "Ellis: Not funny man, where are you guys?" "Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Kde jste?" "[english]Mechanic_LostCall04" "Ellis: Anyone?" "Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing01" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing02" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing03" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing04" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing05" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing06" " " "Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Mechanic_MeleeSwing07" " " "Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Pojďme." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn01" "Ellis: Let's go." "Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Valíme." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn02" "Ellis: Let's roll." "Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: Dělejte, pohyb!" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn03" "Ellis: C'mon, keep a move on!" "Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hej, měli bychom vyrazit." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn04" "Ellis: Hey man, we should get goin'." "Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Nemyslíte, že bychom měli pokračovat v cestě?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn05" "Ellis: Don't you reckon we should move on now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: Nemyslíte, že bychom už měli vyrazit?" "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn06" "Ellis: You reckon we should move out now?" "Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hej, měli bychom vyrazit." "[english]Mechanic_MoveOn07" "Ellis: Hey, we should get goin', man." "Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hej, Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach01" "Ellis: Hey, Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach02" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach03" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach04" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coachi, Coachi, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, Coach, Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach06" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach07" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach08" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach09" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach10" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach11" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach12" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach13" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach14" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NameCoach15" "Ellis: Coach!" "Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC101" "Ellis: Coach." "Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hej, velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC102" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC103" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hej, velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC104" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC105" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC106" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hej, velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC107" "Ellis: Hey, Big man." "Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Velikáne." "[english]Mechanic_NameCoachC108" "Ellis: Big man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC101" "Ellis: Sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Pardon, pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC102" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Pardon, pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC103" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Pardon, pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC104" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Pane Gamblere." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC105" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: Ty v tom obleku." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC106" "Ellis: You in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hej, ty v tom obleku." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC107" "Ellis: Hey you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Pane Gamblere." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC108" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Pane Gamblere, jo, ty v tom obleku." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC109" "Ellis: Mr. Gambling Man, yeah, you in the suit." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Pardon, pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC110" "Ellis: Excuse me, sir." "Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hej, pane." "[english]Mechanic_NameGamblerC111" "Ellis: Hey sir." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: Jmenuju se Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse01" "Ellis: My name is Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Kámoši mi říkají Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse02" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: Můžete mi říkat Ellisi." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse03" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Říkejte mi Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse04" "Ellis: Call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Kámoši mi říkají Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse05" "Ellis: Friends call me Ellis." "Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_NameMechanicResponse06" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nicku!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick01" "Ellis: Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hej, Nicku!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick02" "Ellis: Hey, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick03" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nicku, Nicku, Nicku!" "[english]Mechanic_NameNick04" "Ellis: Nick, Nick, Nick!" "Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: Tak, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick05" "Ellis: Well, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick06" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick07" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick08" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick09" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick10" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: No tak, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick11" "Ellis: Come on now, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: To není vtipný, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick12" "Ellis: That's not cool, Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick13" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick14" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_NameNick15" "Ellis: Nick." "Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: Madam." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC101" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: Madam." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC102" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: Madam." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC103" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: Madam." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC104" "Ellis: Ma'am." "Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Slečno." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC105" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Pardon, slečno." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC106" "Ellis: Excuse me, miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Slečno." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC107" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Slečno." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC108" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Slečno." "[english]Mechanic_NameProducerC109" "Ellis: Miss." "Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle01" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle02" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hej, Ro!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle03" "Ellis: Hey, Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle04" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle05" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle06" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle07" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle08" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle09" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle10" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hej Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle11" "Ellis: Hey Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle12" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle13" "Ellis: Rochelle!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle14" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle15" "Ellis: Ro!" "Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle16" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle17" "Ellis: Rochelle." "Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle18" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "[english]Mechanic_NameRochelle19" "Ellis: Ro." "Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Pěkně!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob01" "Ellis: Nice, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Hej, vedli jste si skvěle!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all done good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: Jste dobří!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob03" "Ellis: You're all right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: To je ono!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob04" "Ellis: That's the ticket!" "Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hej, teď to vedeš ty, kámo." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob05" "Ellis: Hey, you're takin' charge, man." "Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Dobrá práce!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob06" "Ellis: Nice job, man!" "Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: Výborně!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob07" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: Vidíte? Není to dobrej pocit?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob08" "Ellis: See? Don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Hej, není to dobrej pocit?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob09" "Ellis: Hey, don't that feel good?" "Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: Odvedli jste dobrou práci." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob10" "Ellis: You did a good job." "Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: Já vám říkal, že se vám to bude líbit!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob11" "Ellis: I told ya it'd feel good!" "Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: Teď to vedeš ty." "[english]Mechanic_NiceJob12" "Ellis: You are takin' charge." "Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: No, pěkně." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot01" "Ellis: Well, Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot02" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Dobrý." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot03" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Jo, pěkně!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot04" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Dobrá trefa, Texi!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot05" "Ellis: Good shootin', Tex!" "Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Pěkně." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot06" "Ellis: Nice." "Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: Zatraceně, vy jste dobří." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot07" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: Zatraceně, vy jste dobří." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot08" "Ellis: Goddamn you're good." "Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hej, dobrá trefa!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot09" "Ellis: Hey good shootin'!" "Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Jo, pěkně!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot10" "Ellis: Yeah, nice!" "Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShot11" "Ellis: Nice shot." "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: Sejmul jsi to, Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach01" "Ellis: You nailed it, Coach!" "Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Dobrá trefa, Coachi! Sejmul jsi to." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotCoach02" "Ellis: Nice shot, Coach! Nailed it." "Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Hou, Nicku! Teda... proč mě nepřekvapuje, že umíš dobře střílet?" "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotGambler01" "Ellis: Whoa, Nick! Well... why doesn't it surprise me you're good with a gun?" "Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Kruci, úplná pistolnice." "[english]Mechanic_NiceShotRochelle01" "Ellis: Well, goddamn Annie Oakley." "Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_No01" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: E-e." "[english]Mechanic_No02" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Ne-e." "[english]Mechanic_No03" "Ellis: Nope." "Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_No04" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_No05" "Ellis: Nah." "Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Jo, ne." "[english]Mechanic_No06" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_No07" "Ellis: Nah man." "Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: E-e." "[english]Mechanic_No08" "Ellis: Uh, uh." "Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_No09" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Jo, ne." "[english]Mechanic_No10" "Ellis: Yeah no." "Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Sorry, ne." "[english]Mechanic_No11" "Ellis: Sorry, no." "Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: To nemůžu, kámo." "[english]Mechanic_No12" "Ellis: Can't do it, man." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Jo jóóó." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Jo jóóó." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Ellis: Oooh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Teď je to mnohem lepší." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Ellis: Much, much better now." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Jo jóó. Jo jo, jo jo." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Ellis: Oooh, yeah. Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Jo jóó, jo jóó." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Ellis: Oh yeah, oh yeah." "Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: To mě dalo dohromady." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftFirstAid06" "Ellis: That fixed me up good." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Můžu dál." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills01" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Můžu dál." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills02" "Ellis: Good to go." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: To sedlo." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills03" "Ellis: That hit the spot." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: To mě podrží." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills04" "Ellis: That'll hold me." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: Výborně, to je lepší." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills05" "Ellis: All right, that's better." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: To mě chvíli podrží." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills06" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: To mě chvíli podrží." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills07" "Ellis: That'll keep me for a bit." "Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Jo, to sedlo." "[english]Mechanic_PainRelieftPills08" "Ellis: Yeah, that hit the spot." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise01" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise02" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise03" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise04" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise05" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise06" " " "Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise07" "Ellis: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: Výborně!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise08" "Ellis: All right!" "Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise09" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: Výborně, výborně." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise10" "Ellis: All right, All right." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise11" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Čik čik!" "[english]Mechanic_PositiveNoise12" "Ellis: Tchk tchk!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: Ne!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative01" "Ellis: No!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Ááá SAKRA!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative02" "Ellis: Ahh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: Zatraceně!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative03" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Ó bože!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative04" "Ellis: Ah Lord!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Ježíši, ne, kruci!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative05" "Ellis: Jesus NO, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: To není správný!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative06" "Ellis: That ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: A DO PRDELE!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative07" "Ellis: Oh SHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: Zatraceně!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative08" "Ellis: God DAMN!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Ježíši, NE!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative09" "Ellis: Jesus NO!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: Ne, díky!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative10" "Ellis: No thank you!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: Sakra, to není správný!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative11" "Ellis: Shit, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: PRDLAJS!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative12" "Ellis: BULLSHIT!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Ale, žvásty!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative13" "Ellis: Oh, hogwash, man!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Kecy!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative14" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Žvásty!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative15" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: To jsou teda kecy." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative16" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: To je blbost!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative17" "Ellis: That's bullshit!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Žvásty!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative18" "Ellis: Hogwash!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Kecy!" "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative19" "Ellis: Well piss!" "Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: To jsou teda kecy." "[english]Mechanic_ReactionNegative20" "Ellis: Ain't that a load of shit." "Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading02" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Hej, nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading03" "Ellis: Hey, I'm Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_Reloading06" "Ellis: I'm a reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: Musím si nabít." "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet01" "Ellis: I need to reload." "Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Hej, nabíjím." "[english]Mechanic_ReloadingQuiet02" "Ellis: Hey, I'm a reload." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: Hej, nechci tě vůbec strašit. Ale ještě jednou tě takhle sejmou, a je po tobě." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Ellis: Hey, I don't mean to be scarin' ya none. But you go down like that again and that's it." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: Dobře, pomůžu ti vstát. Ale jestli se rychle neošetříš, tak je to tvůj konec." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Ellis: All right, I'm 'onna get ya up. But if you don't heal yourself right quick, that's it for ya." "Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: Vím, že hodně vydržíš. Ale musíš se fakt rychle ošetřit. Rozumíš?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Ellis: I know you're tough. But we gotta get you healed up quick like. You understand me?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Nevypadáš moc dobře. Pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend01" "Ellis: Dude, you don't look so good. Let me get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Teda, nerad tě takhle vidím. Tak pojď, pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend02" "Ellis: Ah man, I don't like to see ya like this. Come on now, let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: Takhle na zemi nám moc nepomůžeš. Musíme tě zase postavit na nohy." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend03" "Ellis: You ain't no good to us down there. We gotta get you back on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Neuškodí poležet si. Ellis ti zase pomůže vstát." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend04" "Ellis: Ain't no harm in going down. Let Ellis help you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Neboj. Všichni padáme. Až tě postavíme na nohy, budeš zase v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend05" "Ellis: Don't worry. We all go down. You'll be fine once we get you up on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Neboj, neboj. Je to jenom škrábnutí." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend06" "Ellis: Don't worry, don't worry. This ain't nothin but a scratch." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: Víš, že bych tě tak nikdy nenechal. Pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend07" "Ellis: You know I'd never leave ya down there. Let me help ya up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Ale no tak,nemůžeš tak zůstat ležet. Musíme zabíjet zombíky a tak." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend08" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Ale no tak,nemůžeš tak zůstat ležet. Musíme zabíjet zombíky a tak." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend09" "Ellis: Ahh come on, you can't just stay down there. We got zombies to kill and shit." "Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Hej, nebo. Všichni padáme. Je to dobrý, pomůžu ti vstát." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriend10" "Ellis: Hey don't worry. We all go down. It's fine lemme just get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Hej, seš v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA01" "Ellis: Hey you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Seš OK?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA02" "Ellis: Y'all okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Hej, budeš v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA03" "Ellis: Hey you gonna be right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Zvládneš to?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA04" "Ellis: Can you make it?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Bolí to?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA05" "Ellis: Does it hurt?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Můžu pomoct?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA06" "Ellis: Can I help?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: Seš v pohodě?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA07" "Ellis: You good?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: V pohodě?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA08" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: Jseš v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA09" "Ellis: You okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: Jak to jde?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA10" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Hej, seš v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA11" "Ellis: Hey, you all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: Seš v pohodě?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA12" "Ellis: You all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: Budeš v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA13" "Ellis: You gonna be all right?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: Budeš OK?" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA14" "Ellis: You gonna be okay?" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Podívej se na mě. Budeš OK." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA15" "Ellis: Look at me. You gonna be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hej, budeš v pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendA16" "Ellis: Hey, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: Dobře, tak jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB01" "Ellis: All right, well let's go now." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: OK, tak vstávej." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB02" "Ellis: Okay, on your feet." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Vstávej!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB03" "Ellis: Up we go!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: Dobře, šup na nohy!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB04" "Ellis: All right, upsy daisy!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: Vidíš, seš v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB05" "Ellis: See you're all good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: Věděl jsem, že budeš OK." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB06" "Ellis: I knew you'd be okay." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: A je to. Zase v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB07" "Ellis: There you go. Right back to normal." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Jako zamlada. Pojďme zabít pár zombíků." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB08" "Ellis: Good as new. Let's go kill some zombies." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: Tak na nohy." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB09" "Ellis: On your feet now" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Tak vstávat." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB10" "Ellis: Well let's get you up." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: Tak dobře, budeš v pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB11" "Ellis: All right now, you gonna be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: A je to. Jako zamlada." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB12" "Ellis: There ya go. Good as new." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: Budeš v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB13" "Ellis: You'll be good." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Ale no tak, budeš v pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB14" "Ellis: Ah come on now, you'll be all right." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Otřep se z toho a jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendB15" "Ellis: Shake it off and let's go." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: To jsem udělal já? A sakra. Omlouvám se. Fakt se omlouvám." "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendFF01" "Ellis: Did I do this? Did I? Oh shit. I'm sorry. I am really sorry." "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Sakra, na tohle nemáme čas. VSTÁVEJ, VSTÁVEJ!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Ellis: Oh shit, we ain't got time for this. GET UP, GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Okamžitě vstávej! DĚLEJ!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Ellis: Get your ass up, NOW! C'MON!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: No... VSTÁVEJ! VSTÁVEJ!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Ellis: Well... GET UP! GET UP!" "Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: Nenechám tě tady, ale raději VSTAŇ!" "[english]Mechanic_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Ellis: I ain't leavin' ya, But you better GET UP!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Před námi je úkryt!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead01" "Ellis: Safe house ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Jo, úkryt, lidi!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead02" "Ellis: Yeah, safehouse y'all!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hej, před náma je úkryt!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead03" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room ahead!" "Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hej, přímo před náma je úkryt!" "[english]Mechanic_SafeSpotAhead04" "Ellis: Hey, we got a safe room right ahead!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Haló!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin01" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Ahoj!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin02" "Ellis: Hi!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hej hej!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin03" "Ellis: Hey hey!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Nazdar!" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin04" "Ellis: Howdy!" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Jak to jde?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin05" "Ellis: Wassup?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: Jak se máte?" "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin06" "Ellis: How y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Jsem tady." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoin07" "Ellis: Here I am." "Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: Jsme tady všichni." "[english]Mechanic_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Ellis: We're all here." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced01b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: DEJTE TO..." "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Ellis: GET HIM..." "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: PRYČ!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO ZE MĚ, SAKRA!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF ME DAMMIT!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: ÁÁ, AU!!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Ellis: AH, OW!!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced05c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06a" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced06b" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: AU! PRYČ...!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07" "Ellis: OW! GET...!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...PRYČ" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07a" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...PRYČ" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07b" "Ellis: ...GET" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: PRYČ S NÍM!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07c" "Ellis: GET HIM OFF!" "Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: PRYČ!" "[english]Mechanic_ScreamWhilePounced07d" "Ellis: OFF!!" "Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Omlouvám se." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry01" "Ellis: Sorry." "Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Omlouvám se za to." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry02" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: Můžu za to já." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry03" "Ellis: You can lay that blame on me." "Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: To se mohlo stát každýmu." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry04" "Ellis: That coulda happened to anyone." "Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Jo, za to se omlouvám." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry05" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm sorry about that one." "Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Omlouvám se, svítilo mi do očí slunce." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry06" "Ellis: Sorry, sun was in my eyes." "Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Omlouvám se za to." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry07" "Ellis: Sorry 'bout that." "Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: To byla moje chyba." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry08" "Ellis: My bad on that one." "Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Omlouvám se!" "[english]Mechanic_Sorry09" "Ellis: Sorry!" "Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Omlouvám se." "[english]Mechanic_Sorry10" "Ellis: Sorry over there." "Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Je tady munice!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo01" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Tadyhle je nějaká munice!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some ammo right here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Je tady munice!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo03" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Munice!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo04" "Ellis: Ammo!" "Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Je tady munice!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotAmmo05" "Ellis: Ammo here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: Je tady lékárnička!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid01" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: Lékárnička!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid02" "Ellis: First Aid here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: Lékárnička!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: Je tady lékárnička!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAid04" "Ellis: First Aid Kit here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: Lékárničky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids01" "Ellis: First Aid Kits!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: Jsou tady lékárničky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids02" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: Jsou tady lékárničky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotFirstAids03" "Ellis: First Aid Kits right here!" "Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Je tady trubková bomba." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades01" "Ellis: Pipe bomb here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Hej, tadyhle je trubková bomba." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades02" "Ellis: Hey, there's a pipe bomb right here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Trubková bomba." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades03" "Ellis: Pipe bomb." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades04" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Je tady molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades05" "Ellis: Molotov here." "Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "[english]Mechanic_SpotGrenades06" "Ellis: Molotov." "Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills01" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Prášky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills02" "Ellis: Pills!" "Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Jsou tu prášky!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotPills03" "Ellis: Pills here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Jsou tady zbraně!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons01" "Ellis: Weapons over here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Zbraně!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons02" "Ellis: Weapons!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Hej, jsou tu nějaký zbraně!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons03" "Ellis: Hey, some guns here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Tadyhle jsou zbraně!" "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons04" "Ellis: Guns right here!" "Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: Přesně takovou bouchačku mám." "[english]Mechanic_SpotWeapons05" "Ellis: I got a gun just like that." "Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Držte se blízko!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether01" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Držte se všichni blízko." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether02" "Ellis: Y'all stay close." "Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Držte se teď všichni pohromadě." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether03" "Ellis: Y'all stick together, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: Tak jo, teď se všichni držte pohromadě." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether04" "Ellis: All right y'all stay close, now." "Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Držte se blízko!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether05" "Ellis: Stay close!" "Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Teď se všichni držte u sebe." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether06" "Ellis: Y'all, now stick together." "Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Teď se držte blízko. Nikdo neodbíhejte." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether07" "Ellis: Now stay close. Ain't nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Nikdo neodbíhejte." "[english]Mechanic_StayTogether08" "Ellis: Nobody wander off." "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: Potřebuju teď všechny z vás uvnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside01" "Ellis: I need every one of you inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Sakra! Dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside02" "Ellis: Shit! Get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Všichni dovnitř, hned!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside03" "Ellis: Y'all inside, now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Běžte všichni dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside04" "Ellis: Get inside y'all!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: Dělejte, všichni hned dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside05" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside now!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: Dělejte, všichni dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside06" "Ellis: C'mon y'all get inside!" "Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Hej, potřebuju teď někoho uvnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_StayTogetherInside07" "Ellis: Hey I need everybody inside now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Ošetřete se!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth01" "Ellis: Heal up!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Hej, měli byste se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth02" "Ellis: Hey, y'all should heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: Lidi, je vhodná doba se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth03" "Ellis: It's a good time to heal up everybody." "Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Všichni věnujte chvilku tomu, abyste se ošetřili." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealth04" "Ellis: Everybody take a minute and get yourself healed" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Nezapomeňte na lékárničky." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC101" "Ellis: Don't forget your health kits." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Nechce se teď někdo ošetřit?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC102" "Ellis: Anybody want to heal now?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Vhodná doba na ošetření." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthC103" "Ellis: Good time to heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coachi, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coachi, nezapomeň teď na tu lékárničku!" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that heal pack, now!" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coachi, nezapomeň se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coachi, nechci se do toho moc montovat, ale měl by ses asi ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach04" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coachi, nechci se do toho moc montovat, ale měl by ses asi ošetřit, až budeš mít chvilku. Vždyť víš." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach05" "Ellis: Coach, don't mean to speak out of turn but you should probably well heal when you get a minute. You know." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coachi, nezapomeň se ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach06" "Ellis: Coach, now don't forget none about healin'." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coachi, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthCoach07" "Ellis: Coach, don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Promiň, Nicku, ale mohl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick01" "Ellis: Excuse me, Nick, but you might wanna heal." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nicku. Ehm.. Nicku! Nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick02" "Ellis: Nick. Um...Nick! Don't forget about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nicku, nezapomeň na tu lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthNick03" "Ellis: Nick, don't forget none about that health pack." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hej, Ro, ošetři se holka." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle01" "Ellis: Hey Ro, girl, heal up now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, myslíš na ošetření?" "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, you think about healin?" "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, měla by ses teď ošetřit." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle03" "Ellis: Rochelle, you ought to heal now." "Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: Jestli potřebuješ, pomůžu ti." "[english]Mechanic_SuggestHealthRochelle04" "Ellis: I'll help ya if you need me to." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: A sakra, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Ellis: Ah, man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: No, Coachi, díky za všechno, cos udělal." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Ellis: Well, Coach, thanks for all you done, man." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: Sbohem, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Ellis: Goodbye, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: Byl jsi skvělej chlap, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Ellis: You were a hell of a man, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Díky, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoach05" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Sakra, já doufal, že budeme s Coachem kámoši." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournCoachC101" "Ellis: Man, I was hoping me and Coach were gonna be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Ale on si nemyslel, že zemře přede mnou." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Ellis: Bet he didn't think he'd die before me." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Ááá, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick01" "Ellis: Ahh, Nick." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nicku, byl jsi dobrej." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick02" "Ellis: Nick, you were cool." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: Budeš mi chybět, brácho." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick03" "Ellis: Miss ya, brother." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: Sakra, Nicku. Zrovna se z nás stávali kámoši." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournNick04" "Ellis: Damn, Nick. We was just gettin' to be friends." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: Ona byla ta poslední, koho bych chtěl vidět zemřít." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC101" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: Ona byla ta poslední, koho bych chtěl vidět zemřít." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournProducerC102" "Ellis: She was the last one I wanted to see go." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Měj se, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle01" "Ellis: Be good, Rochelle." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, budeš mi chybět." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle02" "Ellis: Ro, I'm gonna miss ya." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: Bude se za tebe modlit, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle03" "Ellis: I'll remember you in my prayers, Ro." "Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Super holka, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_SurvivorMournRochelle04" "Ellis: Hell of a girl, Ro." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Beru si samopal." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Beru si samopal." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Ellis: Goin' with the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Beru si samopal." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Ellis: Taking the rifle." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: Tenhle samopal tady na mě vyloženě čeká." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle04" "Ellis: This rifle right here got my name all over it." "Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Tý jo, tenhle samopal jsem chtěl od svých devíti." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAssaultRifle05" "Ellis: Man, I wanted this rifle since I was nine." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Stačí mi brokovnice." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Ellis: Going with the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Jo, beru si brokovnici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'm taking the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: Tahle brokovnice se mi líbí. Fakt se mi líbí." "[english]Mechanic_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Ellis: This shotgun feels right. It feels real right." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Doufám, že nevadí, když si vezmu tuhle lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid01" "Ellis: Hope you don't mind, I'm a take this First Aid Kit here." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Beru si lékárničku." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid02" "Ellis: Grabbing First Aid." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: Lékárnička." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid03" "Ellis: First Aid Kit." "Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Hej, mám lékárničku, kdyby ji někdo potřeboval." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFirstAid04" "Ellis: Hey I got a First Aid Kit if somebody needs it." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Jo, vždycky jsem chtěl bejt vrah se sekerou." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe01" "Ellis: Yeah, always wanted to be an axe murderer." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: Sekera!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe02" "Ellis: An axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Sekera!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe03" "Ellis: Axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Tý jo! Koukejte, kdo má sekeru." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe04" "Ellis: Oh yeah! Look who has an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Hej, někdo si akorát vzal sekyru." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe05" "Ellis: Well, somebody just got themselves an axe." "Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: Vzal jsem si sekyru!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingAxe06" "Ellis: I got myself an axe!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Zásah!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan01" "Ellis: Spang!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Povídám, některé zombie po tom budou mít trochu bolesti hlavy." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan02" "Ellis: Man, some zombie's gonna have a headache after this." "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Jo jo, někdo zombie roztříská na padrť!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan03" "Ellis: Well somebody's gonna make them some zombie grits!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Jó, pánev na smažení!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan04" "Ellis: Frying pan, yeah!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Pánev na smažení!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan05" "Ellis: Frying pan!" "Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Rozemelem je na kaši." "[english]Mechanic_TakeFryingPan06" "Ellis: Let's make some grits." "Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Jo, to zabere." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee01" "Ellis: Yeah, this'll work." "Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: Tak se mi to líbí." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee02" "Ellis: This feels right." "Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: Bude to zábava." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee03" "Ellis: This'll be fun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Hele, tohle by mohlo být lepší než pistole." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee04" "Ellis: Oh, now, this just might be better than a gun." "Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Odstupte všichni dozadu!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee05" "Ellis: Step back everybody!" "Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Óh..tím někomu rozsekám palici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee06" "Ellis: Ohh... I am gonna bash some heads with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: Teď zničím několik zombií." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee07" "Ellis: I'm gonna mess some zombies up now." "Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: Budu je tím mlátit jako najaté muly." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee08" "Ellis: I'm gonna beat 'em like rented mules with this." "Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: Tohle někomu rozbije palici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMelee09" "Ellis: This shit'll knock some heads." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: Budu si hrát s ohněm." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov01" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: Budu si hrát s ohněm." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov02" "Ellis: Gonna play with fire." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Beru si zápalnou láhev, bejby." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov03" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle, baby." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: Mám molotovův koktejl!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov04" "Ellis: I got the Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Beru si zápalnou láhev." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov05" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire in a bottle." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: Beru si molotov." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov06" "Ellis: I'm grabbing the Mollie." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Molotov je můj." "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov07" "Ellis: Mollie's mine." "Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Beru si molotovův koktejl!" "[english]Mechanic_TakeMolotov08" "Ellis: Grabbin' a Molotov!" "Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Beru si prášky." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills01" "Ellis: Grabbing pills." "Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Někdo je bude potřebovat." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills02" "Ellis: Somebody gonna need these." "Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Hej, možná je budeme potřebovat." "[english]Mechanic_TakePills03" "Ellis: Hey we might need these." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Beru si trubkovou bombu." "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Trubková bomba, bejby!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb02" "Ellis: Pipe bomb, baby!" "Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: Mám trubkovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePipeBomb03" "Ellis: I got a pipe bomb!" "Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Beru si pistoli!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol01" "Ellis: Grabbing a pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistole!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol02" "Ellis: Pistol!" "Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Půjdu se dvěma pistolema." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol03" "Ellis: Goin' with double pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: Kruci. Půjdu se dvěma pistolema." "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol04" "Ellis: Heck yeah. Goin' with two pistols." "Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: Vezmu si tuhle pistoli!" "[english]Mechanic_TakePistol05" "Ellis: I'll grab that pistol!" "Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: Zkusím tuhle kulovnici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun01" "Ellis: I'll try this shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Kulovnice." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun02" "Ellis: Shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Jo, vezmu si tuhle kulovnici." "[english]Mechanic_TakeShotgun03" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take the shotgun." "Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: Budu dělat ostřelovače." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper01" "Ellis: I'm gonna snipe." "Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: Budu dělat ostřelovače, jak je to ve filmech." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper02" "Ellis: I'm gonna be a sniper like in the movies." "Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Beru si tuto ostřelovací pušku." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSniper03" "Ellis: Grabbing this here sniper rifle." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Samopal." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Ellis: Machinegun." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Jo, vezmu si ho." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Ellis: Yeah, I'll take it." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: To musí stačit." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun03" "Ellis: This'll have to do." "Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: Řekl bych, že to bude stačit. Jo, vždyť je to samopal." "[english]Mechanic_TakeSubMachineGun04" "Ellis: I guess it'll do. Yeah, whatever, it's a machinegun." "Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: KRISTE PANE, ZASTŘELTE TOHO VELKÝHO!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound01" "Ellis: JESUS CHRIST SHOOT THIS MOTHER!" "Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: TAK ZABIJ TOHO BASTARDA!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound02" "Ellis: KILL THE BASTARD WILL YA!" "Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: Ta bestie ze mě vymlátí střeva!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound03" "Ellis: This thing's crushin' the shit outta me!" "Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: ZABIJ TU MRCHU!" "[english]Mechanic_TankPound04" "Ellis: KILL THIS THING!" "Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: Zapamatuj si to pro příště, zmetku." "[english]Mechanic_Taunt01" "Ellis: Why don't you remember that for next time, you sons of bitches." "Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: Naživu nás nenechají!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt02" "Ellis: They ain't takin' us alive!" "Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: Zmlátili jsme je, až z nich tekly šťávy" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt03" "Ellis: We knocked the piss out of them" "Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Haha! Zmlátili jsme je, až z nich lezly střeva!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt04" "Ellis: Haha! We whipped the dogshit out of them!" "Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: To je pravda, nemůžete nás zabít!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt05" "Ellis: That's right, you can't kill us!" "Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Hej! Kdo je tvůj tatínek!?!?" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt07" "Ellis: Yo! Who's your daddy?!" "Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Auvajs, začal mě bolet prst na spoušti!" "[english]Mechanic_Taunt08" "Ellis: Uh oh. My trigger finger got tired!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: Počkej, to jsem nebyl já! Hej, to není správný!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident01" "Ellis: Whoa! I didn't do that! Man, that ain't right!" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: To je pořádně zabordelený." "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident02" "Ellis: That's just straight messed up, man." "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Panenko skákavá! Co děláte!?!?!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident03" "Ellis: Jumpin' Jesus! What are you doin'?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: My bojujem na stejný straně barikády, nebo ne?" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident04" "Ellis: Yo we're on the same team aren't we?" "Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Ježíšikriste!" "[english]Mechanic_TeamKillAccident05" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Děkuji vám!" "[english]Mechanic_Thanks01" "Ellis: Hey thanks, man!" "Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Cítím se velmi zavázán" "[english]Mechanic_Thanks02" "Ellis: Much obliged" "Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Upřímně děkuji." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks03" "Ellis: Thank you kindly, ma'am." "Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: Jsem vaším dlužníkem." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks04" "Ellis: I owe you one." "Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hej, díky moc." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks05" "Ellis: Hey, thanks a lot." "Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Díky, chlapi." "[english]Mechanic_Thanks06" "Ellis: Thanks, man." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Díky, Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach01" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Díky Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach02" "Ellis: Thanks, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Vážím si toho, chlape." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, big guy." "Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Vážím si toho, Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_ThanksCoach04" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Coach!" "Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Díky, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler01" "Ellis: Thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Hej, díky, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler02" "Ellis: Hey, thanks, Nick." "Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Vážím si toho, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_ThanksGambler03" "Ellis: Appreciate it, Nick." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Nech si kalhoty na sobě, už jdu." "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue01" "Ellis: Keep your britches on, I'm a comin'." "Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: Už jdu!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue02" "Ellis: I'm a comin!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Počkej ještě, už jdu!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue03" "Ellis: Hold on now, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis už jde!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue04" "Ellis: Ellis on the way!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Vydrž, už jdu!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue05" "Ellis: Hang on, I'm coming!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: Už jdu, už jdu!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue06" "Ellis: I'm comin', I'm comin'!" "Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Jdu rovnou ze tebou!" "[english]Mechanic_ToTheRescue07" "Ellis: Makin' a beeline for ya!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: JO!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose01" "Ellis: YEAH!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: Nemůžu tomu uvěřit, že jsme to zvládli!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose02" "Ellis: I can't hardly believe we made that!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: To bylo blíž než... sakra, chlape, to bylo těsně vedle!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose03" "Ellis: That was closer than a... well, shit man that was just straight up close!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Kdo z vás si myslel, že to nezvládnem?" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose04" "Ellis: Who here didn't think we were gonna make that?" "Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: To byla pořádná šílenost!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose05" "Ellis: That there was some crazy shit, man!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Doprdele! Doprdele!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose06" "Ellis: Oh shit yeah! Oh shit yeah!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis odešel z budovy!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose07" "Ellis: Elvis has left the building!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Ách! Dobrá. Vím, že si pak budete asi chtít umýt spodky, že ano! " "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose08" "Ellis: Oh man! All right. You might want to clean your drawers after that one! I know I do." "Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Stát" "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere01" "Ellis: Freeze!" "Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Počkejte přesně tady." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere02" "Ellis: Wait right here." "Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hej, zastavte se na chvíli." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere03" "Ellis: Hey, stop a minute." "Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Vydržte chviličku." "[english]Mechanic_WaitHere04" "Ellis: Hold up real quick." "Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER PŘED NÁMI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer01" "Ellis: BOOMER AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer02" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer03" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer04" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer05" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer06" "Ellis: BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomer07" "Ellis: BOOMER! BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: PUKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC101" "Ellis: PUKER!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: TO JE TEN, CO EXPLODUJE!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC102" "Ellis: IT'S EXPLODING GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! JO - BOOMER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnBoomerC103" "Ellis: BOOMER! YEAH - BOOMER!" "Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Teď buďte všichni opatrní." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful01" "Ellis: Y'all be careful, now." "Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Neříkám vám nic, co byste nevěděli, ale buďte opatrní." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful02" "Ellis: Ain't tellin' ya somethin' you don't know, but be careful." "Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Buďte všichni opatrní." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful03" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Buďte všichni opatrní." "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful04" "Ellis: Careful, y'all." "Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Dávej pozor!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCareful05" "Ellis: Be careful!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger01" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger02" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger03" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnCharger04" "Ellis: CHARGER!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Pozor chlape, ta potvora útočí!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC101" "Ellis: Watch out, man, that thing charges!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: ZBRAŇ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC102" "Ellis: ONE ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: VELKÁ ZBRAŇ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnChargerC103" "Ellis: BIG ARM!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter01" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter02" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter03" "Ellis: HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunter04" "Ellis: HUNTER, HUNTER, HUNTER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: SKOKAN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC101" "Ellis: LEAPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: SKOKAN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC102" "Ellis: JUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: FEŠÁK V KAPUCI!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC103" "Ellis: HOODED DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: Jméno jako každé jiné." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P01" "Ellis: Good as any other name." "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: Tak to je Hunter!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P02" "Ellis: Hunter it is then!" "Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Jo, Hunter se k nim hodí." "[english]Mechanic_WarnHunterC1P03" "Ellis: Yeah, Hunter fits em." "Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey01" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey02" "Ellis: JOCKEY! JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey03" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockey04" "Ellis: JOCKEY!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: TA MRCHA, CO SKÁČE NA ZÁDA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC101" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: TA MRCHA, CO SKÁČE NA ZÁDA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC102" "Ellis: HUMPER!" "Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: MRŇOUS! MRŇOUS!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnJockeyC103" "Ellis: LITTLE GUY! LITTLE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker01" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker02" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker03" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker04" "Ellis: SMOKER, SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker05" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker06" "Ellis: SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmoker07" "Ellis: SMOKER! SMOKER!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: To je ta zrůda s tím jazykem!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC101" "Ellis: It's that nasty tongue thing!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: JO, TO JE TEN HULIČ S TÍM JAZYKEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC102" "Ellis: YO, IT'S THAT SMOKING DUDE WITH THE TONGUE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: TO JE TEN CHLÁPEK S TÍM JAZYKEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC103" "Ellis: THAT'S A TONGUE GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: HULIČ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC104" "Ellis: SMOKING DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: JAZYKOPLAZ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSmokerC105" "Ellis: TONGUER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: JO, SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter01" "Ellis: YO, SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: TO JE SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter02" "Ellis: IT'S A SPITTER DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: HELE, TO JE SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter03" "Ellis: HEY IT'S A SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitter04" "Ellis: SPITTER!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SPITTER JEDNA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC101" "Ellis: SPITTING THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: ODPORNÁ SPITTER!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC102" "Ellis: SPITTING NASTY THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: TEN FLUSANEC!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC103" "Ellis: THAT LOOGIE DUDE!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: TO JE TEN SLIZOUN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC104" "Ellis: IT'S THAT GOO GUY!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEJ, TO JE TA ZRŮDA S TÍM VELKÝM KRKEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterC105" "Ellis: HEY, THAT BIG NECK THING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: SLIZ!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Ellis: GOO!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: SLIZ JEDEN!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Ellis: GOO INBOUND!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: LETÍ FLUSANEC!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Ellis: SPIT COMING!" "Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: POZOR!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Ellis: HEADS UP!" "Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank01" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank02" "Ellis: TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank03" "Ellis: TANK, TANK, TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK PŘÍMO PŘED NÁMA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTank04" "Ellis: TANK RIGHT AHEAD!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: DOHAJZLU, TANK!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC101" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT TANK!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: OBROVSKÁ ZRŮDA!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC102" "Ellis: GIANT THING!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Tak to je úžasný! Takoví zmetci!" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC103" "Ellis: Oh Lordy! Big ass thing!" "Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: Co to je doprdele?" "[english]Mechanic_WarnTankC1a01" "Ellis: What in the hell is that?" "Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Fuj, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch01" "Ellis: Aw a Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch02" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch03" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch04" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch05" "Ellis: Witch." "Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WarnWitch06" "Ellis: Witch, Witch, Witch." "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: Jsou za náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind01" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: Za náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind02" "Ellis: Behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hej, máme je všichni za sebou, jsou za náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind03" "Ellis: Hey, behind us, y'all, behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Dívejte se za sebe!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind04" "Ellis: Check behind!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: Jsou za náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind05" "Ellis: They're behind us!" "Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: Máme je všichni za sebou!" "[english]Mechanic_WatchOutBehind06" "Ellis: Behind us, y'all!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Z cesty, chlape, přichází Witch!!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing01" "Ellis: Out of my way, man, Witch coming!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: UŽ JE TADY! MÁM WITCH ZA ZADKEM!!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing02" "Ellis: COMING THROUGH! WITCH ON MY ASS!!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Nasral jsem ji, běžíme!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing03" "Ellis: Run! I pissed her off!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: ZASTŘEL JI! ZASTŘEL JI!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing04" "Ellis: SHOOT HER! SHOOT HER!" "Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH WITCH WITCH!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchChasing05" "Ellis: WITCH WITCH WITCH!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: Ta Witch bude mít záchvat vzteku." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry01" "Ellis: That Witch is having a hissy fit." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: K sakru, ta Witch je podivín!" "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry02" "Ellis: Oh shit man, that Witch is a spaz!" "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Povídám, chlapi, zahráváte si všichni s ohněm, když provokujete tu Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry03" "Ellis: Tell ya, man, y'all playin' with fire when you messin' with that damn Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Stranou od té Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry04" "Ellis: Back away from that Witch." "Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Neprovokujte tu zatracenou Witch." "[english]Mechanic_WitchGettingAngry05" "Ellis: Don't mess with the damn Witch." "Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: Promiň, Rochelle. O čem je řeč?" "[english]Mechanic_World01" "Ellis: I'm sorry, Rochelle. The hell you talking about?" "Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: Radši by měli." "[english]Mechanic_World101" "Ellis: They better be." "Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: Nemáme být na druhé straně řeky?" "[english]Mechanic_World102" "Ellis: Ain't we supposed to be on that side of the river?" "Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: Viděl jsem ten film." "[english]Mechanic_World103" "Ellis: I seen that movie." "Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: Nemá smysl tady zůstávat. Vraťme se do člunu." "[english]Mechanic_World104" "Ellis: No sense bein' here then. Let's get back on the boat." "Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: Všichni ke břehu!" "[english]Mechanic_World105" "Ellis: All ashore!" "Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Ještě že jsem tady nebyl, když se to všechno strhlo." "[english]Mechanic_World106" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was goin' down." "Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Ještě že jsem tady nebyl, když se to všechno semlelo." "[english]Mechanic_World107" "Ellis: Glad I wasn't here when this was all happenin'." "Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Radši na to auto nikdo nestřílejte." "[english]Mechanic_World108" "Ellis: Y'all better not shoot that car." "Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Hej, nestřílejte na to auto." "[english]Mechanic_World109" "Ellis: Hey, don't shoot the car." "Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: Nevím. Nějak mi to docela voní." "[english]Mechanic_World110" "Ellis: I don't know. I kinda like that smell." "Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: To bych neřekl. Myslím, že to voní docela příjemně." "[english]Mechanic_World111" "Ellis: I wouldn't say that. I think it smells kinda nice." "Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: Nevím. Voní to příjemně, nebo ne?" "[english]Mechanic_World112" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: Nevím. Voní to příjemně, nebo ne?" "[english]Mechanic_World113" "Ellis: I don't know. Smells nice though don't it." "Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: Nevypadá to tady na zábavný táboření." "[english]Mechanic_World114" "Ellis: This here doesn't look like a fun campout." "Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: Strašně rád tábořím, ale tady to fakt nevypadá přitažlivě." "[english]Mechanic_World115" "Ellis: I love camping, but this here don't look fun." "Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Člověče, přál bych si mít koně. Mám koně hrozně rád." "[english]Mechanic_World116" "Ellis: Man, I wish we had a horse. I love horses." "Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: Kéž bysme měli nějakýho koně. Mám je tak strašně rád." "[english]Mechanic_World117" "Ellis: I wish we had a horse. I loooove horses." "Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: Kdybysme měli koně, mohli bysme..." "[english]Mechanic_World118" "Ellis: If we had a horse, we could..." "Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Kdo teď nemá všech pět pohromadě?" "[english]Mechanic_World119" "Ellis: Who ain't right in the head now?" "Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Jsi nemocný, kamaráde. Víš to?" "[english]Mechanic_World120" "Ellis: Man, you are sick, you know that?" "Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: Jsi nemocný člověk." "[english]Mechanic_World121" "Ellis: You're a sick man." "Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Koně nejsou na jídlo, ale na ježdění, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_World122" "Ellis: Horses are for ridin' not eatin', Nick." "Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: Ale měli bysme zůstat pohromadě, ne?" "[english]Mechanic_World123" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: Ale měli bysme zůstat pohromadě, ne?" "[english]Mechanic_World124" "Ellis: But we should stick together right?" "Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Prrr, počkej, proč máme namířeno k věži?" "[english]Mechanic_World125" "Ellis: Whoa, wait, why we headin' to the tower?" "Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Jo, jasně, už to chápu." "[english]Mechanic_World126" "Ellis: Okay, okay I get it." "Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: Souhlas. To není špatnej nápad." "[english]Mechanic_World127" "Ellis: I agree. That there is a good plan." "Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Jo, souhlasím. Je to dobrej nápad." "[english]Mechanic_World128" "Ellis: Yeah, I agree. That's a good plan." "Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: Uznávám. Je to dobrej plán, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_World129" "Ellis: I'll give it to you. That's a good plan, Nick." "Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Pálí ti to, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_World130" "Ellis: Good thinkin', Nick." "Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: Proč je nutili tím vším projít?" "[english]Mechanic_World131" "Ellis: Why'd they make them walk through all that?" "Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Žádný z těch těl nepatří zombiím." "[english]Mechanic_World132" "Ellis: Ain't none of the bodies zombies." "Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Utíkejte!" "[english]Mechanic_World133" "Ellis: Run!" "Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Hej, vypněte to! Vypněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_World134" "Ellis: Hey, turn it off! Turn it off!" "Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Vypněte ten alarm!" "[english]Mechanic_World135" "Ellis: Turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Hej, vylezte tam a vypněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_World136" "Ellis: Hey, get up there and turn it off!" "Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Vylezte k tomu alarmu!" "[english]Mechanic_World137" "Ellis: Get to the alarm!" "Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Uf, už je to konečně vypnutý!" "[english]Mechanic_World138" "Ellis: Whew, it's off all right!" "Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: Sakra. Díky, konečně je to vypnutý, třeštila mi z toho hlava." "[english]Mechanic_World139" "Ellis: Dang. Thanks for turning it off, it was givin' me a headache." "Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Uf! Takhle se to vypíná!" "[english]Mechanic_World140" "Ellis: Whew! Way to turn it off!" "Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: Mám to!" "[english]Mechanic_World141" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsem jel jednou s dědou autobusem do Memphisu navštívit Graceland a..." "[english]Mechanic_World142" "Ellis: Did I ever tell you the time me and my grandpa took the bus the Memphis to go visit Graceland and..." "Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Měli jste všichni přijít, byla to zábava." "[english]Mechanic_World143" "Ellis: Man, y'all shoulda came it was fun." "Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: No dobrá, Nicku. Ale věděl jsi, že Graceland je jenom obyčejnej malej dům v ghettu." "[english]Mechanic_World144" "Ellis: All right, Nick. But how about this, did ya know Graceland ain't nothin' but a little house in the ghetto." "Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Dobře. Ale já jezdím autobusem rád." "[english]Mechanic_World145" "Ellis: Okay. But I do love goin' on bus rides." "Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nicku, byl jsi někdy v Gracelandu?" "[english]Mechanic_World146" "Ellis: Nick, you ever even been to Graceland?" "Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: Tam mají dálnici!" "[english]Mechanic_World147" "Ellis: There's the freeway!" "Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Vlezte do podchodu!" "[english]Mechanic_World148" "Ellis: Get to the underpass!" "Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Nebydlí tady skřítci?" "[english]Mechanic_World201" "Ellis: Don't trolls live under here?" "Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Chlapi, dívejte na tu helikoptéru." "[english]Mechanic_World202" "Ellis: Man, look at that helicopter." "Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: Proč sis myslel, že se zřítila?" "[english]Mechanic_World203" "Ellis: Why'd you think it crashed?" "Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: Je to svinstvo, když lidi střílí po sobě, není to správný." "[english]Mechanic_World204" "Ellis: People shootin' people, that shit ain't right, man." "Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: To je v pohodě, oni už nejsou lidi." "[english]Mechanic_World205" "Ellis: It's okay, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: Je to trochu jinak, oni už nejsou lidi." "[english]Mechanic_World206" "Ellis: It's a little different, man, they ain't people no more." "Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Povím vám, že mi z toho běhá mráz po zádech víc než z těch zombií." "[english]Mechanic_World207" "Ellis: Man, this is givin' me the creeps more than them zombies." "Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hej Nicku, ten zápach se mi nelíbí." "[english]Mechanic_World208" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I don't like the way how this smells." "Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Tobě?" "[english]Mechanic_World209" "Ellis: Do you?" "Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: Do prdele. Mají všechny alarm." "[english]Mechanic_World210" "Ellis: Shit. They all got alarms." "Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Dávejte bacha, kam míříte." "[english]Mechanic_World211" "Ellis: Watch where you're aimin'." "Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: Sakra! Vyšla další rána!" "[english]Mechanic_World212" "Ellis: God damn! Another one just went off!" "Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Přísahám, že jsem to nebyl já!" "[english]Mechanic_World213" "Ellis: Hey, I swear that wasn't me!" "Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Přestaňte střílet na auta!" "[english]Mechanic_World214" "Ellis: Quit shootin' the cars!" "Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Skvělý, je tady stí... DOPRDELE!!!" "[english]Mechanic_World215" "Ellis: Cool, there's a J... HOLY SHIT!!!" "Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: K zemi!" "[english]Mechanic_World216" "Ellis: Hit the deck!" "Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: Jsme všichni celí?" "[english]Mechanic_World217" "Ellis: We all in one piece?" "Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: Myslím, že nás ani neviděli." "[english]Mechanic_World218" "Ellis: I don't even think they even saw us." "Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Podívejte tamhle." "[english]Mechanic_World219" "Ellis: Look at that there." "Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: Je to hrobový městečko." "[english]Mechanic_World220" "Ellis: It's a little city of graves." "Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: Je to jak město plný hrobek." "[english]Mechanic_World221" "Ellis: It's like a whole city of crypts." "Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: Zatraceně." "[english]Mechanic_World222" "Ellis: Dang." "Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Proč je pohřbívají nad zemí?" "[english]Mechanic_World223" "Ellis: Do you know why they bury them above ground?" "Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: Pohřbívají je takhle, protože jsou pod hladinou moře." "[english]Mechanic_World224" "Ellis: They bury them like this cause they're under sea level." "Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Páni, kdyby to byly opravdický zombie, tak jít na tenhle hřbitov by znamenalo smrt." "[english]Mechanic_World225" "Ellis: Man, if these were real zombies, going into this graveyard would be like death." "Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: Toto nejsou skutečné zombie, jsme v bezpečí." "[english]Mechanic_World226" "Ellis: These here aren't real zombies so we're safe." "Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: Nejsou nakažený." "[english]Mechanic_World227" "Ellis: They're infected." "Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Hej, číhá na nás, že jo." "[english]Mechanic_World228" "Ellis: Yeah, he is watchin' out for us ain't he." "Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Úkryt je tímto směrem tady v ulici!" "[english]Mechanic_World229" "Ellis: Safehouse down this street!" "Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Pojďme se touto ulicí schovat do úkrytu!" "[english]Mechanic_World230" "Ellis: Let's get down the street to the safehouse!" "Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Úkryt, tamhle." "[english]Mechanic_World231" "Ellis: Safehouse, in there." "Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: Všechno vidím převráceně. Kde je most?" "[english]Mechanic_World301" "Ellis: I'm all turned around. Where's the bridge?" "Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Proti prostitutce? Ne, díky." "[english]Mechanic_World302" "Ellis: Against a hustler? No thank you." "Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Ro, neposlouchej ho. Snaží se tě oblbnout." "[english]Mechanic_World303" "Ellis: Don't listen to him, Ro. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Hej, Ro, neposlouchej ho. Snaží se tě oblbnout." "[english]Mechanic_World304" "Ellis: Hey Ro, don't listen to him. He's tryin' to hustle ya." "Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: Já nevlastním tahač, chlapi." "[english]Mechanic_World305" "Ellis: I don't own a tractor, man." "Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: Víš co, Nicku? Ať je to, jak chce, měl bys vidět můj auťák. Je drsnej." "[english]Mechanic_World306" "Ellis: You know what? Whatever, Nick, you should see my truck. It's bad ass." "Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: Musíme nastartovat tamhle ten tahač!" "[english]Mechanic_World307" "Ellis: We gotta start that there tractor!" "Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Nastartujte někdo ten tahač!" "[english]Mechanic_World308" "Ellis: Somebody start the tractor!" "Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Můžeme se teď dostat na druhou stranu." "[english]Mechanic_World309" "Ellis: Hey, we can get across now." "Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Přestaňte mi chcát na nohu a říkat mi, že prší." "[english]Mechanic_World310" "Ellis: Don’t you piss on my leg and tell me it’s rainin’." "Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: Hej, já nevím kudy jít." "[english]Mechanic_World311" "Ellis: Man, I don't know which way to go." "Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: Nikdy v životě jsem neprošel tolik temnejch uliček." "[english]Mechanic_World312" "Ellis: Never been through so many back alleys in my life." "Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: Kéž bysme si tady mohli teď někde dát pivo za $5." "[english]Mechanic_World313" "Ellis: I wish we could get a five dollar beer right now." "Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Ach jo, já bych na jedno chlazený zašel hned." "[english]Mechanic_World314" "Ellis: Oh, I could go for a cold one right about now." "Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: Tamhle je ten most!" "[english]Mechanic_World315" "Ellis: There's the bridge!" "Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: Most! Most!" "[english]Mechanic_World316" "Ellis: The bridge! The bridge!" "Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: Zmizíme odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_World317" "Ellis: We're gonna make it out of here!" "Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Ježíšmarjá, chystají se ten zatracenej most vyhodit do povětří." "[english]Mechanic_World318" "Ellis: Ah Jesus Christ, man, now they're blowin' up the damn bridge." "Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: Je to pořád docela pěkný." "[english]Mechanic_World319" "Ellis: It's still real pretty." "Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: Konečně na mostě." "[english]Mechanic_World401" "Ellis: Finally on the bridge." "Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: Mluví o nás!" "[english]Mechanic_World402" "Ellis: They're talkin about us! ." "Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: A doprdele, nedělejte to! My jsme na mostě!" "[english]Mechanic_World403" "Ellis: Oh shit, don't do that! We're on the bridge!" "Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Haló, vy tam." "[english]Mechanic_World404" "Ellis: Hey there." "Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: Co děláte?" "[english]Mechanic_World405" "Ellis: What y'all doin'?" "Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Jedna..." "[english]Mechanic_World406" "Ellis: Check one..." "Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Jedna, dva..." "[english]Mechanic_World407" "Ellis: Check one two..." "Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: Mám vás." "[english]Mechanic_World408" "Ellis: Gotcha." "Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: Mají na druhý straně mostu helikoptéru." "[english]Mechanic_World409" "Ellis: They got a helicopter on the other side of the bridge." "Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: Právě říkali, že máme spustit most, abysme se k ní dostali." "[english]Mechanic_World410" "Ellis: They just said we oughta lower the bridge to get across to it." "Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Až spustíme most, musíme být opatrní, protože jsou na něm zombie." "[english]Mechanic_World411" "Ellis: Once we lower it we all gotta be careful because there's zombies on the bridge." "Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: Asi nevěděl, že jsme po celým městě bojovali proti zombiím." "[english]Mechanic_World412" "Ellis: I guess he didn't know we been like fighting zombies all through the city." "Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: A v bažinách." "[english]Mechanic_World413" "Ellis: And the swamps." "Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: A v řece." "[english]Mechanic_World414" "Ellis: And the river." "Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: A v prdeli. Všude." "[english]Mechanic_World415" "Ellis: And shit. Everywhere." "Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Povídám, jsme jak stroje na mlácení zombií." "[english]Mechanic_World416" "Ellis: Man, we're like fightin' zombie machines and shit." "Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: Vsaďte se, že takovou holku, jako je naše Rochelle, v životě nepotkali." "[english]Mechanic_World417" "Ellis: Bet they ain't ever met a girl like you Rochelle." "Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Někdo musí spustit most." "[english]Mechanic_World418" "Ellis: Somebody's gotta lower the bridge." "Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Dobrá, spustíme ten most dolů a začneme." "[english]Mechanic_World419" "Ellis: Well, let's get the bridge down and start this." "Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: Já to zmáčknu. Připravte se." "[english]Mechanic_World420" "Ellis: I'll hit it. Get ready." "Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: Zatraceně, tak tahle vypadá most vyhozenej do vzduchu." "[english]Mechanic_World421" "Ellis: Dang, this is what a bombed out bridge looks like." "Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargeři z nás nahoře nadělají fašírku." "[english]Mechanic_World422" "Ellis: Chargers'll mess us up out here, man." "Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: Nesmíme zastavovat." "[english]Mechanic_World423" "Ellis: We gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: Dobrá, pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_World424" "Ellis: All right, y'all, let's go!" "Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Dávejte pozor, kam šlapete." "[english]Mechanic_World425" "Ellis: Careful where ya' walking." "Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Dívejte se na všechny ty auta!" "[english]Mechanic_World426" "Ellis: Man, look at all these cars!" "Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Nicku, jakým jsi jezdil autem?" "[english]Mechanic_World427" "Ellis: Hey Nick, what kind of car did you drive?" "Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: Brzy pochopíme, že to přišlo nejmíň vhod. Vážně." "[english]Mechanic_World428" "Ellis: We'll see that was just uncalled for. Seriously." "Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Hej, bacha na auta." "[english]Mechanic_World429" "Ellis: Hey, watch out for the cars." "Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Nepřibližujte se k těm autům!" "[english]Mechanic_World430" "Ellis: Stay away from them cars!" "Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Jděte od toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_World431" "Ellis: Get away from the Tank!" "Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: Ta stará vás smete z mostu!" "[english]Mechanic_World432" "Ellis: That mother'll punch you clean off the bridge!" "Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Doprdele! Už jste někdy něco podobnýho viděli?" "[english]Mechanic_World433" "Ellis: Shit! You guys ever seen something like this?" "Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: Já taky ne." "[english]Mechanic_World434" "Ellis: Me neither." "Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: Je skvělý vidět nový věci." "[english]Mechanic_World435" "Ellis: It's cool to see new shit." "Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Startuje vrtulník!" "[english]Mechanic_World436" "Ellis: Helicopter's starting!" "Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Dohajzlu, snad nás tady nenechají!" "[english]Mechanic_World437" "Ellis: Well shit, hope they don't leave us!" "Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Jděte k loděnici!" "[english]Mechanic_World438" "Ellis: Get down to the shipyard!" "Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: K vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_World439" "Ellis: To the 'copter!" "Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Jděte směrem k vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_World440" "Ellis: Head to the helicopter!" "Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: Vyhazují ten most do vzduchu!" "[english]Mechanic_World441" "Ellis: They're blowin' the bridge!" "Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Pojďte, no tak! Zvládnete to!" "[english]Mechanic_World442" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it!" "Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Tak už nalezte do toho vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_World443" "Ellis: Just get inside the helicopter, man!" "Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Rozmetli ten most na kusy!" "[english]Mechanic_World444" "Ellis: Man, they blew the shit out of that bridge!" "Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Pojďte, no tak! Zvládnete to, rychle!" "[english]Mechanic_World445" "Ellis: Come on, come on! You can make it, guys, come on!" "Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Pojďte, honem! Jdeme!" "[english]Mechanic_World446" "Ellis: Come on, come on! Let's go!" "Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Honem, dokážete to!" "[english]Mechanic_World447" "Ellis: Come on, man, you can do it!" "Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Pojďte, nastupte si!" "[english]Mechanic_World448" "Ellis: Come on, get in!" "Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: Víte, co by teď bylo fakt krutý? Tank." "[english]Mechanic_World449" "Ellis: I tell ya what would be real bad right now? A tank." "Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Hele, můžeme tamhle dolů." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M101" "Ellis: Hey, we can head down here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: To jo, to by bylo hustý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M102" "Ellis: Yeah, that'd be bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Kamarádi, kdybysme tady měli můj obrovskej náklaďák, mohli bysme to všechno projet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M103" "Ellis: Dude, If we had my monster truck we could drive over all this." "Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: V tomhle bordelu auta nepomůžou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M104" "Ellis: Cars ain't gonna be a use in this mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Přes cestu stojí autobus." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M105" "Ellis: Bus is blocking the way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Hej, slezeme dolů z tý rampy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M106" "Ellis: Hey, down this off ramp." "Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: Po cestě je motel." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M107" "Ellis: There's a motel up ahead." "Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: No, já myslím, že to nemůžou udělat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M108" "Ellis: Yeah, I don't think they can do that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: Ten hotel je špinavej." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M109" "Ellis: This hotel is a mess." "Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: V tom bazénu se nějakej čas nikdo nekoupal." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M110" "Ellis: Ain't nobody been swimmin' in this pool for a while." "Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: Tím hotelem musí vést nějaká cesta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M111" "Ellis: There has got to be a way through this hotel." "Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: Můžeme tudy utéct zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M112" "Ellis: We can get around back through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Hej, prohledejte pokoje." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M113" "Ellis: Hey, search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte pokoje." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M114" "Ellis: Check the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Páni! Je tady zábavní park!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M115" "Ellis: Well hot damn! There's an amusement park!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Páni, ten park je celej osvětlenej!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M116" "Ellis: Dude, they got the park all lit up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: Lidi jsou určitě v parku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M117" "Ellis: People got to be in that park." "Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Pozor, klouže to." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M118" "Ellis: Careful, it's slippery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Héééj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M119" "Ellis: Whoa hey!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: WAUUUU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M120" "Ellis: WHOOOAA!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: To je pořádná jízda z kopce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M121" "Ellis: That's a righteous ride down that hill." "Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Chcete někdo vyjet nahoru a sjet si to ještě jednou?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M122" "Ellis: Anybody wanna go back up and do that again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coachi, dýcháš trochu ztěžka, jsi v pořádku?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M123" "Ellis: Coach, you're breathin' a little hard, you okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Vypadá, jako by se tady usadili." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M124" "Ellis: Looks like they set up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Jo, tady mohla být evakuační zóna." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M125" "Ellis: Yeah, coulda been an evac zone." "Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: Aspoň měli energii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M126" "Ellis: At least they had power." "Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Wau! Promiň Rochele!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M201" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Wau! Promiň Rochele! To je moje vina." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M202" "Ellis: Whoa! Sorry, Rochelle! My bad." "Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: Nikdy by mě nenapadlo, že by mě mohl kolotoč vzrušovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M203" "Ellis: I never once thought a merry-go-round would turn on me." "Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: Chtěl jsem tím jen říct, co se s tím světem děje, když se bojíte kolotoče?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M204" "Ellis: I mean, what is this world coming to when you dread a merry-go-round?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: Já to zmáčknu a pak musíme utíkat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M205" "Ellis: I'm gonna hit this and then we gotta run." "Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: Není čas na nějaký hry." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M206" "Ellis: No time to play any games." "Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Kámo, na hry nemáme čas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M207" "Ellis: Man, we don't have time to play any of these games!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Nemůžeme tu zastavit a udělat si trochu cukrový vaty? Vážně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M208" "Ellis: Can we stop and make some cotton candy? Seriously." "Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Pánové, fakt, nezůstanem tu chvíli a neuděláme si cukrovou vatu? Tu zbožňuju." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M209" "Ellis: Seriously, guys, can we stop and make some cotton candy? I loooove cotton candy." "Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Jsme tady obklíčení!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M210" "Ellis: Dude, we are penned in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Kam pořád spěcháte? To je strašný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M211" "Ellis: Man, what are y'all in a hurry for? This is awesome." "Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Tunel lásky?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M301" "Ellis: Tunnel of love?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: Sakra, podívejte se na Nickovo sako." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M302" "Ellis: Dang, look at Nick's jacket." "Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: To je úžasný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M303" "Ellis: This is cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Tak to mohlo být skvělý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M304" "Ellis: Ahh, now, this woulda been great." "Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Podívejte na tohle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M305" "Ellis: Look at this shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: To je báječný!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M306" "Ellis: This is awesome, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Pánové, nemám tyhle zombie v lásce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M307" "Ellis: Dude, I ain't got no love for these zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hele, tady dozadu, tady dozadu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M308" "Ellis: Hey, back here, back here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Budeme muset touhle cestou, rovnou tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M309" "Ellis: Looks like we gotta go this way, right here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M310" "Ellis: Through here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Nahoru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M311" "Ellis: Up here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: Po lávce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M312" "Ellis: On the catwalk." "Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: Prolejzání menším otvorem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M313" "Ellis: A little vent crawling." "Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: Videohry mě naučily, že dobrý věci člověka vždycky potkají v průlezech." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M314" "Ellis: One thing videogames have taught me, good shit is always in vents." "Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: Horská dráha?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M315" "Ellis: A roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Cože? Horská dráha?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M316" "Ellis: Whoa - a roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: Musíme jet na horský dráze?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M317" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: Musíme jet na horský dráze?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M318" "Ellis: We gotta run the coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Jó, bude to skvělej zážitek." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M319" "Ellis: Aw, man, this is gonna be cool." "Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: Dobrá, až budete připraveni, roztlačte ten vozík." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M320" "Ellis: All right, move it when you're ready." "Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Roztlačte někdo ten vozík." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M321" "Ellis: Someone move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Haló, roztlačte to někdo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M322" "Ellis: Hey, somebody move it." "Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Nahoďte to." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M323" "Ellis: Start it up." "Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: Budu se po těch kopcích řítit dolů." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M324" "Ellis: I'm gonna fly down these hills." "Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Cvak-cvak-cvak-cvak" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M325" "Ellis: Click-click-click-click!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Doprdele, utíkáme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M326" "Ellis: Oh, shit, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Oh, doprdele, utíkejte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M327" "Ellis: Oh, shit, run, man, run!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Utíkejte ke dveřím!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M328" "Ellis: Run to the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Hej, dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M329" "Ellis: Hey, get inside!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: Tohle nikdy neskončí!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M330" "Ellis: These things ain't never gonna stop!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Sakra, utíkejte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M331" "Ellis: Shit, run, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: Zdá se, že byli na stadionu. Půjdeme tam." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M401" "Ellis: Looks like they were using the stadium. Let's head there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Pojďme na stadion." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M402" "Ellis: Let's head to the stadium." "Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coachi, jsi připraven se zhoupnout?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M403" "Ellis: Coach, you ready to rock?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: Tak nejprve se máme připravit na zhoupnutí a pak bojovat proti zombiím?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M404" "Ellis: So we gotta setup to rock, then fight zombies?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: A co bude dál? Dinosauři lítající z nebe a střílející z očí laser?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M405" "Ellis: What next? Dinosaurs flying down from the sky and shooting lasers out of their eyes?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: No, to není zrovna příjemný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M101" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: No, to není zrovna příjemný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M102" "Ellis: Well, that ain't very friendly." "Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: Řeknu to na rovinu: nemám rád bažiny." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M103" "Ellis: I'm just gonna say it. I don't like the swamp." "Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Musím souhlasit s Ro. Netěším se na to." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M104" "Ellis: Gotta agree with Ro, I ain't looking forward to this." "Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: Když to říkáš takhle, tak ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M105" "Ellis: When you put it like that, hell, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: No, když to říkáš takhle, tak ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M106" "Ellis: Well, when you put it like that, no." "Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Prohledejte domy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M107" "Ellis: Search the houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Určitě v těch domech najdeme nějaký zásoby." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M108" "Ellis: Bet you we can find supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Hele, vypadá to, jako kdyby odsud lidi utíkali ve velkým spěchu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M109" "Ellis: Man, it looks like people left in a rush." "Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: Našel někdo něco?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M110" "Ellis: Anybody find anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: To smetí je ostuda." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M111" "Ellis: All this litter is shameful." "Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Jo, to je dobrý. Zombie neumí jezdit s trajektem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M112" "Ellis: Oh, that's smart. See, zombies can't operate a ferry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Na druhý straně je pontonovej člun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M113" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's on the other side of the bayou." "Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: Musíme ho přivolat na tuhle stranu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M114" "Ellis: We gotta call it over to this side." "Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: Musíme ten pontonovej člun prostě zavolat sem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M115" "Ellis: We just gotta call that pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Žádnej problém, tak ten pontonovej člun zavolejte sem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M116" "Ellis: Ain't no thing, just call the pontoon boat over." "Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: Můžeme se s nima potkat ve vesnici." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M117" "Ellis: We can meet up with them at the village." "Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Připravíme se a přivoláme ten člun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M118" "Ellis: Let's get ready and then call the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Zmáčkněte někdo to tlačítko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M119" "Ellis: Somebody hit that button." "Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Kdo přivolá ten člun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M120" "Ellis: Who's gonna call the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: Já ho zavolám." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M121" "Ellis: I'll call it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Všichni se vyzbrojte municí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M122" "Ellis: Everybody get ammo'd up." "Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: Fajn, člun už pluje!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M123" "Ellis: All right, the boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Hele, přijíždí člun!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M124" "Ellis: Hey, boat's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Už přijíždí ten člun!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M125" "Ellis: Here comes the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: Sakra, ať si ten člun pospíší." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M126" "Ellis: Dang, man, I sure wish that boat would hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: To je snad nejpomalejší člun na světě!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M127" "Ellis: That is the slowest boat ever, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: Tak připluje někdy už ten člun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M128" "Ellis: Is that boat ever gonna come?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: To je fakt nejpomalejší ponton na světě!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M129" "Ellis: Okay, that is the slowest damn pontoon boat, ever!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: Toto je nejpomalejší člun!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M130" "Ellis: That is the slowest damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Ponton je tady!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M131" "Ellis: Pontoon boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Člun je tady!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M132" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Nastupujme do člunu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M133" "Ellis: Let's get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Jdeme! Člun odplouvá!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M134" "Ellis: Let's go! boat's leaving!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Zmáčkněte to! Jedem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M135" "Ellis: Hit it! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Pryč odsud! PRYČ odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M136" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: Na co čekáte? Pryč odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M137" "Ellis: What we waitin' for? Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Jdeme! Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M138" "Ellis: Let's go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Tak jdeme! Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M139" "Ellis: Here we go! Everybody on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Jo, já toho o bažinách vím hodně. Jsou plný hmyzu, krokodýlů, hadů a teď taky zombií!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M140" "Ellis: Oh yeah, I know plenty about swamps. They're full of bugs and gators and snakes and, well, zombies now!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: Jak střílíme? Na sebe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M141" "Ellis: The way were shootin'? Each other." "Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Všichni mě poslouchejte. Dávejte bacha na krvavý farmáře, myslím to vážně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M142" "Ellis: Listen up everybody. Be on the lookout for blood farmers. I'm serious." "Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Pch? Farmáři nepěstují plodiny, ale lidi. Na jídlo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M143" "Ellis: Duh? Farmers that don't grow crops, they grow people. To eat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: No, až na ně narazíme, tak vám to bude fakt líto." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M144" "Ellis: Yeah, well, you'll be real sorry if we run into them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Tak tohle? To znamená, že jsem mlátička na zombie" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M145" "Ellis: Oh this here? That says I'm a bad ass zombie killing machine" "Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: Jednou jsem byl na výletní lodi a lidi dávali krokodýlům kuřata." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M146" "Ellis: This one time, I was on a tour boat and they fed chickens to the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: To víte, ne že bych myslel na krokodýly, ale dal bych si teď kuřecí burger se slaninou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M147" "Ellis: Yeah. I mean not so much thinking about the gators as I'm wishing we had some BBQ chicken right now." "Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: Ještě nějakou inspiraci, Coachi, když teď vplouváme do bažin?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M148" "Ellis: All right, Coach, you got anything inspirational to say as we enter into the swamps?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: Dobrá, tak jo, jen doufám, že ke mně nebudete krutí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M149" "Ellis: All right, all right, kinda hopin' you wouldn't get all biblical on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Dobře, jen doufám, že na mě nebudete dštít oheň a síru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M150" "Ellis: Okay, kinda hopin' you weren't gonna get all fire and brimstone on me." "Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Jo? Půjdu tím údolím a nakopu jim zadky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M151" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' some ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Jo? Půjdu tím údolím a budu je kopat do zadku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M152" "Ellis: Yeah? I'm walking through that valley kickin' ass." "Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Kéž bysme byli zpátky v tom zábavním parku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M153" "Ellis: Man, I wish we were back in the amusement park." "Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Pamatuješ Nicku, jak jsme jeli na horský dráze?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M154" "Ellis: Nick remember when we ran on that roller coaster?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Byla to zábava, ale teď už konečně pojďte." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M155" "Ellis: Oh come on now, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Byla to zábava, ale teď honem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M156" "Ellis: Oh come on, that was fun." "Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Ty Nicku, měl jsem podobnej oblek jako ty." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M157" "Ellis: Hey Nick, I used to have a suit just like yours." "Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Při prvním svatým příjímáním ve druhý třídě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M158" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade." "Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Přesně tak, při prvním svatým přijímáním ve druhý třídě. Už mi asi nebude." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M159" "Ellis: Oh yeah, when I had first holy communion in the second grade. I don't think it fits anymore." "Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: Víte, co byste mohli udělat? Mohli byste se schovat v bahně... rozhodně ho tu není málo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M160" "Ellis: You know what you can do? You could try to cover yourself in mud... we're definitely not short on that." "Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: Dobrá, zůstaňte na lávce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M161" "Ellis: All right, stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Joj - mohli byste zkusit schovat se v bahně..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M162" "Ellis: Ooh - you could try covering yourself in mud..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: Nemělo by se nám nic stát, když zůstaneme na lávce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M163" "Ellis: We should be all right if we stay on the walkways." "Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: Dobrá, opatrně, opatrně, vypadá, že je to docela vratký." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M164" "Ellis: All right, careful, careful, that looks pretty rickety." "Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Chcete někdo určit směr?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M165" "Ellis: Anyone wanna pick a way to go?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Tak doleva nebo doprava?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M166" "Ellis: Left or right my friends?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Hele, musíme se vrátit na lávku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M167" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta get back to the walkway!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Schody!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M168" "Ellis: Stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Hele, vylezte zpátky nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M169" "Ellis: Hey, get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Hele, vylezeme zpátky nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M170" "Ellis: Hey, let's get back up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Zůstaneme na lávce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M171" "Ellis: Let's just stay on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Hele, neslejzejte z lávky. Je to jasný?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M172" "Ellis: Hey, don't get off the walkway, okay?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: Nerad chodím po lávce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M173" "Ellis: I don't like not being on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Cítili jste se někdy poslední dobou?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M174" "Ellis: Have you smelled yourself recently?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Sakra! Rozpadlo se to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M175" "Ellis: Whoa! That fell apart!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: Vůbec to nedrží!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M176" "Ellis: This deck ain't holding!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: Fajn, zkusíme jít všichni doprava." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M177" "Ellis: All right, let's all try to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: Museli jít tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M178" "Ellis: Dude, they must have gone this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Tady cesta skončila. Myslím, že nesmíme zastavovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M179" "Ellis: Tour ended here. I think we gotta keep moving." "Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Prkna tímto směrem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M180" "Ellis: Planks this way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hele, napravo je cesta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M181" "Ellis: Hey, path to the right." "Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: Neměl jsem v úmyslu krmit krokodýly." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M182" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators." "Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: Neměl jsem v úmyslu krmit krokodýly, moc děkuju." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M183" "Ellis: I had no plans on feeding the gators, thank you very much." "Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hej, tamhle se svítí!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M184" "Ellis: Hey, lights on over here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Světla u odvodňovacího kanálu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M185" "Ellis: Lights by the drainage ditch!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: To je úkryt. Určitě jdeme správně!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M186" "Ellis: Safehouse, we gotta be going the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: Je na čase se trochu smočit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M204" "Ellis: Time to get wet." "Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Je tady souš." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M205" "Ellis: Dry land up here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: Po souši je to rychlejší." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M206" "Ellis: It's quicker on the dry land." "Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: To je pěkná piroga." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M207" "Ellis: That's a nice pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: Vy nevíte, co je to piroga?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M208" "Ellis: You don't know what a pirogue is?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Přes ten strom u pirogy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M209" "Ellis: Over the tree by the pirogue." "Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Přes ten strom." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M210" "Ellis: Over this tree." "Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Haha. Fakt vtipný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M211" "Ellis: Ha-ha. Very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: To je fakt vtipný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M212" "Ellis: Yeah, very funny." "Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: Co tam dělá ten parašutista?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M213" "Ellis: What's a parachutist doing out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: Proč by skákal zrovna tamhle?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M214" "Ellis: Why would he parachute out here?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Dohajzlu. Tak to vysvětluje toho našeho parašutistu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M215" "Ellis: Holy shit. Well this explains our parachutist." "Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: To je nesmysl, aby seskakoval tady." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M216" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: Ježíšmarjá, to je celý letadlo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M217" "Ellis: Goddamn a whole plane!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Byl to určitě strašidelnej let." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M218" "Ellis: Had to be scary to be on this flight." "Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: To jo, musíme projít těma nouzovejma dveřma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M219" "Ellis: Yo, we got to go through this emergency door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Vypadá, že jinudy cesta nevede." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M220" "Ellis: Looks like this emergency door is the only way." "Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: Jsem přesvědčenej, že až otevřem ty nouzový dveře, spustí se alarm." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M221" "Ellis: I just know an alarm is gonna sound when we open that door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Připravme se a pak otevřeme ty dveře." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M222" "Ellis: Get ready and lets open the door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: Tak jsme připraveni otevřít ty dveře?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M223" "Ellis: All right, we ready to open the door?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Někdo musí otevřít ty dveře." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M224" "Ellis: Somebody has to open this door." "Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: Sakra, otevřu je." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M225" "Ellis: All hell, I'm opening it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: Tak se připravte, otvírám už ty dveře!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M226" "Ellis: All right, get ready y'all, I'm openin' the door!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Ježíšikriste, stavěli všechny ty domy fakt pod vodou?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M227" "Ellis: Jesus Christ, did they really build these houses underwater?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Hej, jsou tady všude samý odpadky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M228" "Ellis: Man, there is just garbage everywhere." "Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Panečku, vypadá to na pořádnou barabiznu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M229" "Ellis: Wow, this here is some real shacks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Hele, tamhle je cesta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M230" "Ellis: Hey, there's a road!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Hele, svítí se tam!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M231" "Ellis: Hey man, lights on!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Viděli jste ty světla?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M232" "Ellis: Hey you see those lights?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Hele, je tam náklaďák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M233" "Ellis: Hey, there's a truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Bahňáci!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M234" "Ellis: Mud people!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Děláš si prdel? Bahňáci?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M235" "Ellis: Are you shittin' me now? Mud people?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: Ještě něco nenávidím - bahňáky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M236" "Ellis: I got a new thing I hate: mud people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Povím vám, že bahňáky nejvíc vzrušuje bahno." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M237" "Ellis: Tell you what, mud people take all the fun out of the mud." "Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: Tamhle je ta vesnice!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M238" "Ellis: There's the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: Mají v tý vesnici rozsvícený světla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M239" "Ellis: They have lights on in the village!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Panečku, jestli jsou to oni, dám jim pusu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M240" "Ellis: Oh man, I'll give 'em a kiss if they are!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: Možná to přečkali!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M241" "Ellis: They could have held out!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hej, vy tam!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M242" "Ellis: Hey y'all!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: Je tu někdo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M243" "Ellis: Anyone home?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Haló?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M244" "Ellis: Hello?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Haló, je tu někdo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M245" "Ellis: Hey, anybody there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Hele, můžeme se k nim dostat tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M246" "Ellis: Hey, we can get to them through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Úkryt je hned za tím plotem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M247" "Ellis: Safe house is right past that fence!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Haló! Jste tam někdo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M248" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone there?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Haló! Je tu někdo?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M249" "Ellis: Hello! Anyone here?!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Půjdeme to úkrytu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M250" "Ellis: Let's go to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: To nedává smysl, aby seskakoval tady." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M251" "Ellis: Don't make no sense for him to parachute here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: Doprdele. Nezvládli to." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M301" "Ellis: Shit, man. They didn't make it." "Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Byly tady zombie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M302" "Ellis: Zombies got here too." "Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Hele, já myslím, že už žádný dobrý zprávy neuslyšíme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M303" "Ellis: Man, I don't think we're ever gonna get good news again." "Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: Tak se pojďme podívat, jestli tu nejsou nějaký zásoby." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M304" "Ellis: Well, let's look for supplies." "Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Možná tady po sobě nějaký nechali." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M305" "Ellis: Maybe they left some around here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: Vypadá, že někteří odešli na plantáž." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M306" "Ellis: Looks like they all headed off to a plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: Měli bysme jít za nima." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M307" "Ellis: We might as well follow them." "Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: Nemá smysl se tady dál zdržovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M308" "Ellis: No sense hanging out here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Hele, vede z tý vesnice nějaká cesta?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M309" "Ellis: Hey, is there a way out of the village?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: Tak oni je zabili?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M310" "Ellis: So they just killed them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: Musíme najít tu stezku vedoucí na plantáž." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M311" "Ellis: We gotta find the path to the plantation." "Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Vylezte na tu lávku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M312" "Ellis: Let's get up on the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Hele, tady je lávka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M313" "Ellis: Hey, there's a walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Kamarádi, vypadneme z toho svinstva." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M314" "Ellis: Man, let's get out of this muck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Můžeme tady z toho svinstva prosím vypadnout?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M315" "Ellis: Can we please get out of this muck?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Hele, můžem použít tyhle prkna." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M316" "Ellis: Hey, we can use these planks." "Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Vylezeme na tu podlahu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M317" "Ellis: Let's get up on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Hej, vylezte všichni z toho bahna!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M318" "Ellis: Hey everybody, let's get out of this mud!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: Co je zas? Jediná cesta vede přes most?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M319" "Ellis: What the hell? The only way is over this bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Hele, spusťte někdo tu lávku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M320" "Ellis: Hey, somebody lower the walkway." "Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Jo, zatáhněte za tu páku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M321" "Ellis: Yeah, just hit that lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Někdo zmáčkněte tu páku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M322" "Ellis: Somebody hit the lever." "Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Spusťte most." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M323" "Ellis: Lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: Určitě víte, že tohle bude na prd." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M324" "Ellis: You just know this is gonna be some shit." "Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Haló, spusťte ten most." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M325" "Ellis: Hey, lower that bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Zmáčkněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M326" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Spouští se most!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M327" "Ellis: Bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hej, spouští se most!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M328" "Ellis: Hey, bridge comin' down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Most je dole!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M329" "Ellis: Bridge down!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: Můžeme přejít!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M330" "Ellis: We can cross!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Hele, most je dole, jdeme! Pojďme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M331" "Ellis: Hey, it's down, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: Tak zůstaňte všichni na podlaze!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M332" "Ellis: All right everybody, stay on the deck!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Zůstaňte všichni tady nahoře!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M333" "Ellis: Stay up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: Dobrá, musíme zůstat tady na podlaze." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M334" "Ellis: All right, we gotta stay on the deck." "Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: Tak dobrá, vypadneme odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M336" "Ellis: All right, let's get out of here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: Tamhle je ta plantáž!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M337" "Ellis: There's the plantation!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Jdeme k tomu baráku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M338" "Ellis: Get to the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: Tamhle je ten barák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M339" "Ellis: There's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Panečku, tak to je ten barák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M340" "Ellis: Woohoo! That's the house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Hej, utíkejte k tomu baráku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M341" "Ellis: Hey, run to that house!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: Možná v tom baráku budou nějaký zásoby." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M401" "Ellis: There might be supplies in these houses." "Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: Tamhle je ten barák." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M402" "Ellis: There's the house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Hele, můžem po žebříku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M403" "Ellis: Hey, we could use that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: Vidíte to lešení?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M404" "Ellis: See the scaffolding?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: Můžem tam vlézt." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M405" "Ellis: We can get in up there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Hej, vylezeme všichni tam nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M406" "Ellis: Hey, let's get up there!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Hele, chlapi, někdo tam určitě je." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M407" "Ellis: Yeah, man, there's gotta be somebody there." "Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Hele, použijem tu vysílačku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M408" "Ellis: Hey, let's use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Zkuste tu vysílačku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M409" "Ellis: Use the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Zavoláme člun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M410" "Ellis: Let's call for the boat." "Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Hele, zkuste někdo použít tu vysílačku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M411" "Ellis: Hey, somebody use that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Tak kde je sakra ten člun?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M412" "Ellis: Hey, where in the hell is the boat?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: Kde byl, že mu to tak dlouho trvá?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M413" "Ellis: Where is he coming from that he's takin so long?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Hej, utíkejte ke člunu! Utíkejte ke člunu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M414" "Ellis: Hey, run to the boat! Run to the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Člun je tady!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M415" "Ellis: Boat's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Hej, přestaňte bojovat a utíkejte ke člunu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M416" "Ellis: Hey, quit fighting and get on the boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Haló, můžete pro nás připlout s tím člunem?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M417" "Ellis: Hello boat man, can you come pick us up?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Ahoj" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M418" "Ellis: Howdy." "Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: Jak se máte?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M419" "Ellis: How ya doin'?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: Jak se daří, pane převozník?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M420" "Ellis: How ya doin', Mr. Boatman?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: Jsme u koloniální vily." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M421" "Ellis: We're at a plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Kde jsme? No, jsme u starý koloniální vily." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M422" "Ellis: Where are we? Oh yeah, yeah, at the old plantation house." "Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Aha, vedle cedule, na který je napsáno zavolat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M423" "Ellis: Uh, next to a sign that says call you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: Vysílačkou?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M424" "Ellis: By a radio?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Já jsem Ellis, toto jsou Rochelle, Coach a Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M425" "Ellis: Well I'm Ellis, and there's Rochelle, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: Jsme dobří lidé." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M426" "Ellis: We're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: Říkám, že jsme dobří lidé." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M427" "Ellis: I'll tell you who we are, we're good people." "Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Mí kámoši mi říkají Ellis a vám?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M428" "Ellis: Well my friends call me Ellis, and you, sir?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: No...hm, jsme čtyři." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M429" "Ellis: Well, there's, uh, there's four of us." "Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: No čtyři, chcete s někým z nich mluvit?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M430" "Ellis: Well, that's four, would you like to talk one of them?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Čtyři." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M431" "Ellis: Four." "Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Jo, jsme čtyři. Mohl byste pro nás přijet?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M432" "Ellis: Yeah, there's four of us. Can you come get us?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hele, chce vědět, kolik nás je, tak co mu mám říct?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M433" "Ellis: Hey, he wants to know how many we are, what should I tell him?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: No, tenhle chlapík se moc ptá, chcete si to někdo vzít?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M434" "Ellis: Okay, this guy's askin' a lot of questions, does somebody else wanta take this?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: No jasně, fajn, ale nemáme kam jít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M435" "Ellis: Okay, all right, well, yeah, we ain't got nowhere else to be." "Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: Dobrá, díky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M436" "Ellis: All right, thank you very much!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Dobrá, počkáme tady, dokud sem nepřijedete." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M437" "Ellis: Yeah, we'll stay here until you get here." "Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Jasně, pokud možno rychle. Jak vás poznáme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M438" "Ellis: Right, real quick, how we gonna know it's you?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Jo, to máte pravdu, pane." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M439" "Ellis: Yeah, you're right on that, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Dobře, tak pro nás přijeďte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M440" "Ellis: Well, come on and get us!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Tak si pospěšte." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M441" "Ellis: Come on then." "Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M442" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: Tak jo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M443" "Ellis: I said, okay." "Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: Tak to je super! Dobře, dík." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M444" "Ellis: N-n-n-no, that's great! Okay, thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: Říká, že pro nás už jede. Povím vám, že zní jako prima chlápek." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M445" "Ellis: All right, well, he says he's coming to get us. Tell ya what, he sounds like a real nice fella." "Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Ahoj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M101" "Ellis: Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Ahoj, ahoj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M102" "Ellis: Hello. Hello!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: HELE, PŘESTAŇTE S TĚMA BOMBAMA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M103" "Ellis: HEY, STOP WITH THE BOMBING!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: NEHÁZEJTE NA NÁS PROSÍM BOMBY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M104" "Ellis: PLEASE DO NOT BOMB US!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: My stojíme na opačným konci mostu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M105" "Ellis: We're the people on the other end of the bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: Tak říká, že musíme spustit most, dávat bacha na zombie a oni že počkají na druhý straně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M106" "Ellis: All right, he says we gotta lower the bridge, be careful of the zombies and they'll be waitin' on the other side." "Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Jo a taky nám přeje hodně štěstí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M107" "Ellis: Oh yeah, and he wishes us good luck." "Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Díky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M108" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Díky, hodně štěstí s tím vrtulníkem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M109" "Ellis: Thank you. Good luck with the helicopter." "Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: Dobrá, kdo spustíte ten most?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M110" "Ellis: All right, who wants to lower the bridge?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: Musíme spustit most." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M111" "Ellis: We have to lower the bridge." "Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: Fajn, já to udělám." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M112" "Ellis: All right, I'm hittin' it." "Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Doufám, že to půjde!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M113" "Ellis: Hope this works!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: Stačí jenom přejít ten most.... a pak budeme konečně v bezpečí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M114" "Ellis: Aright, all we gotta do is cross this bridge.... and we're finally safe." "Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Tamhle nahoru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc01" "Ellis: Up there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc02" "Ellis: Over here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Přímo tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc03" "Ellis: Right through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Tudy dolů." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc04" "Ellis: Down here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Přes ten autobus." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc05" "Ellis: Over the bus." "Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: Na balkon." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc06" "Ellis: On that balcony." "Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Rovnou tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc07" "Ellis: Right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Tady dovnitř." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc08" "Ellis: Inside here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc09" "Ellis: Here we go." "Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: Měli bysme jít tamhle tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc10" "Ellis: We should go that there way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: Měli bysme jít přímo tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc11" "Ellis: We should go right through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Tamhle dolů." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc12" "Ellis: Down there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Vylezem nahoru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc13" "Ellis: Climb on up." "Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: Na auta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc14" "Ellis: On top the trucks." "Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Rovnou na střechu toho náklaďáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc15" "Ellis: Right on top of that truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: Na střechu toho náklaďáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc16" "Ellis: On top of the truck." "Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: Na ten přívěs." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc17" "Ellis: On the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: Do přívěsu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc18" "Ellis: In the trailer." "Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Tudy zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc19" "Ellis: Back through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Tamhle zpátky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc20" "Ellis: Back through there." "Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Touhle zkratkou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc21" "Ellis: Short-cut through here." "Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Pojďte všichni tudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc22" "Ellis: Y'all should come this way." "Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Rovnou přes ten dvůr." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc23" "Ellis: Right through that courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Přes dvůr." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc24" "Ellis: Through this courtyard." "Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Žebřík!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc25" "Ellis: Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Po žebříku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc26" "Ellis: Up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: K žebříku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc27" "Ellis: Get to the ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Hele, na žebřík." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc28" "Ellis: Hey, get to that ladder." "Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Všichni po žebříku nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc29" "Ellis: Everybody up the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Žebřík! Žebřík!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc30" "Ellis: Ladder! Ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Na žebřík! Na ten žebřík!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc31" "Ellis: Get to that ladder! Get to the ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Lezem po žebříku nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc32" "Ellis: Get up that ladder!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: Vsaď se, že uhádnu, co si říkáš. Vím to. I do like taters." "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc33" "Ellis: I know what you're saying, and guess what? I do like taters." "Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Krá krák krá krák krá krák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc34" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Krá krák krá krák krá krák krá krák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc35" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Krá krák krá krák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc36" "Ellis: Ca Caw Ca Caw!" "Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [Píská]" "[english]Mechanic_WorldMisc37" "Ellis: [Whistles]" "Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: K čemu je tady sakra ten obrázek?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns01" "Ellis: What in the hell is a picture gonna do?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Nahlásit nemocný?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns02" "Ellis: Report the sick?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: Spíš to vypadá na pásmo zabíjení." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns03" "Ellis: More like killin' zone." "Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Vy všichni si myslíte, že má cenu střílet zombie?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns04" "Ellis: Y'all think shootin' zombies would count?" "Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: Nemusíte to dělat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns05" "Ellis: You ain't gotta do that." "Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: Můžete je střílet kamkoli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns06" "Ellis: You can shoot 'em anywhere." "Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: Střílejte je přímo do srdce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns07" "Ellis: You shoot 'em right in the heart." "Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: Sakra, budu je střílet do noh." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns08" "Ellis: Shit, I'll shoot 'em in the leg." "Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Nebo je rozpůlte sekyrou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns09" "Ellis: Or slice 'em with an axe." "Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Doprdele, ustřelil jsem jim nohy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns10" "Ellis: Shit, I shot their legs off." "Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Zabijte všechny ty zmetky, to je můj oficiální rozkaz." "[english]Mechanic_WorldSigns11" "Ellis: Kill all the son of a bitches, that's my official instructions." "Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun01" "Ellis: RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: UTÍKEJTE! UTÍKEJTE! UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun02" "Ellis: RUN! RUN! RUN!" "Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: HEJ, NEZASTAVUJTE!" "[english]Mechanic_YellRun03" "Ellis: MAN, DON'T STOP RUNNING!" "Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_Yes01" "Ellis: Yes." "Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: Jasně." "[english]Mechanic_Yes02" "Ellis: Hell yeah." "Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_Yes03" "Ellis: Yep." "Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_Yes04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_Yes05" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Jasně." "[english]Mechanic_Yes06" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Jasně, pojďme na to." "[english]Mechanic_Yes07" "Ellis: Yeah, let's do it." "Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: Dobře." "[english]Mechanic_Yes08" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: Mám na to kuráž." "[english]Mechanic_Yes09" "Ellis: I'm game." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: Vítejte." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome01" "Ellis: You're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Jo, vítejte." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome02" "Ellis: Yeah, you're welcome." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: Jsme skvělí." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome03" "Ellis: We're cool." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: Jsme dobří." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome04" "Ellis: We're good." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Kdykoli, pánové." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome05" "Ellis: Anytime, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Vsaďte se!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome06" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Vsaďte se!" "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome07" "Ellis: Hey, you bet!" "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Vždycky." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome08" "Ellis: Always." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: Pochopili jste to." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome09" "Ellis: You got it, man." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: Pochopila jsi to, bejby." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcome10" "Ellis: You got it, girl." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Jasně, Coachi, v pohodě." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Ellis: Yeah, no problem, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: O nic nejde, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Ellis: No big thing, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: O nic nejde, chlape." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach03" "Ellis: Ah it's all you, big guy." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: Nic se nestalo, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeCoach04" "Ellis: All good, Coach." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: Přesně to dělám, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler01" "Ellis: That's what I do, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: Nic se, Nicku, nestalo." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler02" "Ellis: No worries, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: Žádnej problém, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeGambler03" "Ellis: No problem, Nick." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Pro tebe cokoli, Ro." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer01" "Ellis: Anything for you, Ro." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Pro tebe cokoli, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer02" "Ellis: Anything for you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: Víš, že ti kryju záda, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_YouAreWelcomeProducer03" "Ellis: You know I got your back, Rochelle." "Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Mám adrenalinovou injekci!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline01" "Ellis: Adrenaline shot here!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Beru si adrenalinovou střelu!" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline02" "Ellis: Grabbin' a shot!" "Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [otřásá se]" "[english]Mechanic_Adrenaline03" "Ellis: [shaking self awake]" "Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Tady je láhev... vypadá to jako zvratky." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar01" "Ellis: Here's a bottle of...looks like puke." "Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Tady je láhev zvratků." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar02" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Je tady žlučová bomba!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar03" "Ellis: Bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Přímo tady je Boomerova žluč." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar04" "Ellis: Boomer puke right here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Ale ne, pánové, sklenička není místo na tělesný funkce." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar05" "Ellis: Oh, man, a jar's no place for bodily functions." "Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Beru si žlučovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar06" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Beru si skleničku se žlučí!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar07" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile jar!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Pozor! Žlučová bomba!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar08" "Ellis: Heads up! Bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: A tady je další žluč!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar09" "Ellis: Here comes some puke!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Letí žlučová bomba!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar10" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Letí žlučová bomba!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar11" "Ellis: Bile bomb incoming!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Házím žlučovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar12" "Ellis: Throwing a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Vyhazuju žlučovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar13" "Ellis: Tossin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Tady máte žluč, vy svině!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar14" "Ellis: Here comes the bile, you sons of bitches!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Pozor, zombie! Bude PRŠET!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar15" "Ellis: Heads up, zombies! It's about to RAIN!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: Tak fajn. Už dlouho jsem neviděl pořádnou rvačku." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar16" "Ellis: All right, I ain't seen a good brawl in a while." "Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Nesnáším zombie, ale strašně rád se dívám, jak bojují." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar17" "Ellis: Man, I hate zombies, but I LOVE watchin' 'em fight." "Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Hej, dostaňte toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar18" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: Jdeme na něj. Utíkejte za ním!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar19" "Ellis: All right, here ya go. Chase this!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Hej, dostaňte toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar20" "Ellis: Go git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Dostaňte toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar21" "Ellis: Git that Tank y'all!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Tady je láhev zvratků." "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar22" "Ellis: Bottle of puke here." "Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: Mám tady žlučovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar23" "Ellis: I got a bile bomb here!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: Přímo tady je žlučová bomba!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar24" "Ellis: There's a bile bomb right there!" "Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Beru si žlučovou bombu!" "[english]Mechanic_BoomerJar25" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bile bomb!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: PUSŤ MĚ!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Ellis: PUT ME DOWN!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: KAM MĚ TA BESTIE TÁHNE?" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Ellis: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME?" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: DOSTALA MĚ!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Ellis: IT'S GOT ME!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: Rozmlátí mi zadek!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer04" "Ellis: He is breaking my butt!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: Dostal mě!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer05" "Ellis: He's got me!" "Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Kam mě táhne?!!" "[english]Mechanic_ChargerRunningWithPlayer06" "Ellis: Where is he taking me?!!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Jsou tady elektrody." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator01" "Ellis: Chest paddles here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Je tady defibrilátor." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator02" "Ellis: Defibrillator here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Je tady defibrilační jednotka." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator03" "Ellis: Defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Hele, je tady defibrilační jednotka." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator04" "Ellis: Hey, defib unit here." "Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Mám nějaký elektrody." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator05" "Ellis: Got some chest paddles." "Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Mám defibrilační jednotku." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator06" "Ellis: Got a defib unit." "Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Jasně!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator07" "Ellis: Clear!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Pojďte!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator08" "Ellis: Come on!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: No tak!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator09" "Ellis: Come ON!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Vraťte se, vraťte se!" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator10" "Ellis: Come back, come back!" "Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Tak dělejte, sakra..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator11" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Tak dělejte, sakra..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator12" "Ellis: Work, damn it..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator13" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator14" "Ellis: [gasp for breath]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [dostává ránu]" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator15" "Ellis: [being shocked]" "Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Joj, panečku..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator16" "Ellis: Whoa, man..." "Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Aaah proč mě sakra defibrilujete?" "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator17" "Ellis: Agggh what the hell are you shockin' me for?" "Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Uf, ještě že jsem uhnul z toho světla." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator18" "Ellis: Whoa. Good thing I headed away from the light." "Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Já jsem byl přímo tamhle? A sakra..." "[english]Mechanic_Defibrillator19" "Ellis: Was I just dead there? Oh man..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Říkám vám, že zbožňuju obchoďáky. Fakt že jo. Jednou jsme byli v obchoďáku v Atlantě a tihleti lidi tam tancovali pro peníze a Dave z toho byl úplně hotovej." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA01" "Ellis: Man I love malls. I do. Once I was in this mall, up in Atlanta, and these guys were dancing for like money and stuff and my friend Dave and I was all..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: dobře." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesA02" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs Jr. je pašák, žadnýho většího neznám. Jezdil plochou dráhu, ale ne v tuctovech autech, ale v auťáku, co měl kola bez krytů nebo blatníku. Jednou tak závodil a najednou se mu do cesty..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB01" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. is the man. I mean I don't know anybody like that, man. But there was this guy I knew, he raced dirt tracks, not stock cars but open wheeled cars you know, and he was racing once and a goat..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: jo, ale najednou mu do cesty vletěla koza." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesB02" "Ellis: Okay. But there was a goat." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: Znám chlápka, kterej chtěl udělat rekord, že zůstane nejdýl na ruským kole. Byl tam nahoře asi tak 2 dny a chtěl pivo, ale nikdo mu žádný nechtěl dát, tak vzal tohleto lano - no, nechtějte vědět, odkud ho vzal - a" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesC01" "Ellis: I knew this guy who was trying to set the world record on staying on a Ferris wheel. He had been up there like two days or somethin' and he wanted some beer, but they weren't givin' him any so he got this rope. Now don't ask me where he got the rope from---" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: To bahno mi připomíná mýho kamaráda Keithe. Chtěl si kdysi postavit chatrč, aby v ní bydlel, stejně většina lidí staví dům a nakonec je z toho chatrč, ale Keith se chtěl nejprve pustit do stavby konstrukce, jenže neměl dřevo. Tak vzal bahno a začal dělat něco jako vepřovice, jak dělaj lidi na západě cihly a podobný kraviny, no tak vzal to bahno a..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesD01" "Ellis: Man, all this mud reminds me of my friend Keith. Yeah, he was goin' to build a shack once, to live in and all, and I know most people here, they build houses and they become shacks, but Keith, he was about jumpin' right to the shack stage. But he had no wood. So he got some mud and was makin' what we were all thinkin' was gonna be these adobe bricks, you know, like when them people out west made bricks and shit? Well, he had mud and..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: Nikdy jsem nebyl na poli s cukrovou třtinou, třeba kolem nich chodím, to jo, ale nikdy jsem neměl důvod na nějaký jít. Když pak člověk zajde do takvýho sadu s broskvičkama, hned narazí na leccos zajímavýho. Jednou jsem takhle byl..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesE01" "Ellis: I ain't never been in a sugar cane field before. I mean, I seen 'em and all, but no real reason to go into one, but now you go into a peach grove, you find all kinds of cool shit. This one time I was in..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Víte, co znamená kousnout do krunýře? Já jsem tady totiž jednou byl s Keithem a on to nevěděl a...není na tom nic špatnýho. Týká se to jídla." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesF01" "Ellis: Do you know what suck the heads means? Cause I came down here with Keith once and he didn't know and… I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin'." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme s mým kámošem Keithem dělali ohňostroj? Já jsem o chemii věděl prd, ale Keith si říkal, že benzín přece hoří. Přivodil si popáleniny třetího stupně po 95% povrchu těla. Obyvatelé vedlejšího města pak volali a stěžovali si na ten smrad ze spálený kůže." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesG01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Now, I didn't know shit about chemistry, but Keith figured, \"Gasoline burns, doesn't it?\" Third degree burns on ninety-five percent of his body. Man, people in the next city over were calling to complain about the smell of burning skin." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak můj kámoš Keith zkoušel smažit krocana? Skončil s popáleninama třetího stupně na více než devadesáti procentech povrchu těla. Chodil pak za ním jeho doktor a další doktoři, protože popálený popáleniny ještě nikdy neviděli-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesH01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time Keith tried to deep fry a turkey? Third degree burns over ninety percent of his body. His doctor called up, like, other doctors to look at him cause they'd never seen burns on top of existing burns--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak můj kámoš Keith sjel autem ze skály a zlomil si obě nohy? Není to příběh pro zasmání, ale spíš k zamyšlení. Tak například: čelní sklo vypadá celkem odolně, že jo? Ale jak říkal Keith, jenom tak vypadá. Proletěl jím z auta ven." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesI01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drove his car off a cliff, broke both his legs? It's not a funny ha-ha story so much as a make-you-think story. For instance: windshields look pretty durable, right? Not the case, according to Keith. Son of a bitch flew right through that sucker--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Přesně tak." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt01" "Ellis: Right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Jo." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt02" "Ellis: Yeah." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt03" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Dobře, ale...." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt04" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt05" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Dobře, ale byl tam přece..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt06" "Ellis: Okay, man, but there was..." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: Dobře." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt07" "Ellis: All right." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Jistě." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt08" "Ellis: Sure." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Promiň, to nebylo schválně." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt09" "Ellis: Sorry, didn't mean to put you out none." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt10" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Skvělý." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt11" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Hustý." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt12" "Ellis: Cool." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt13" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: OK." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesInterrupt14" "Ellis: Okay." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: Můj kámoš Keith bydlel kdysi na hřbitově, celej rok. Nebylo to z troufalosti nebo tak, prostě ho vykopli z baráku. Říkal, že duchy nikdy neviděl, až jednou na hřbitově, kdy ho jeden bodl zezadu a vzal mu všechny peníze, ale možná že to byl jen bezdomovec, protože měl na sobě hábit s dírama pro oči..." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesJ01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith lived in a grave yard once, for a whole year. It wasn't a dare or nothing, he just got kicked out of his house. He said he never saw a single ghost, except this one time when a ghost stabbed him from behind and took all his money, and he might have just been a homeless guy cause he had a robe on with two eyes cut outta his face--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: Můj kámoš Keith se jednou pokusil tábořit na střeše jedný budovy.On střílel akorát vrány, ale když se ho policie snažila zeptat, co tam nahoře dělá, vystříkala na něj pořádnou dávku slznýho plynu. Kdykoli pak ten ROK otevřel oči, vždycky křičel. Prvně to byla zábava, pak to bylo smutný, a pak zase zábavný. Bože." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesK01" "Ellis: My buddy Keith tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows but the police were too busy tear gassing him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire YEAR every single time he opened his eyes. Oh, man. At first it was funny, then it just got sad, but then it got funny again. Oh, man." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak mýho kámoše Keithe stáhnul krokodýl do bažiny? Nijak ho neprovokoval, nic takovýho, akorát jsme se snažili dva chytit a nasrat je, aby začali bojovat. Když ale napotřetí zmizel Keith pod hladinou, uvědomil jsem si, že se asi něco zvrtlo, tak jsem-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesL01" "Ellis: I ever tell you guys about the time my buddy Keith got rolled by a gator in a swamp? Man, he didn't agonize it or nothing, we were just trying to grab two so we could piss 'em off and get 'em into a fight. Anyway, the third time Keith went under, I realized something was wrong, so I--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak se můj kámoš topil v tunelu lásky? Člověk by si řekl, že se nic nemůže stát, protože to tam je mělký, ale jeden si nesmí moc věřit. Keith tam byl s jednou paničkou a kříčel na ni, ať mu pomůže, ale ona se nechtěla namočit...no, namočit se." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesM01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith drowned in the Tunnel of Love? You wouldn't think it could happen cause the water's so shallow, but that's how it gets you, man: Over confidence. Keith was with his lady at the time and he was yelling for her to save him but she didn't wanna get wet--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme se nenápadně vkradli do tunelu lásky? Když si vytvoříte v krku pořádný flusanec, můžete ho vyplivnout a strefit ty zmetky za sebou-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesN01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck into a Tunnel of Love? Man, if you get your spit thick enough, y'see, y'all can hang a loogie off the overhang, right, so when smoochin' sons of bitches behind you--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme s Keithem propašovali na horskou dráhu paintballový pistole? V životě jsem neslyšel, že by to někdo takhle hrál, vypadá, že jsme vynalezli novej sport. Keith pak volal na patentový úřad, ale-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesP01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith snuck paintball guns on a roller coaster? I never heard of anybody else doing it, so I thought we might have invented a sport. So Keith called the patent office but--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme s Keithem u něj na dvorku závodili v po domácku dělanejch traktorovejch sekačkách? Nože sekačky ho pořezaly po 90 % těla. Ale já jsem ho nepřejel, on sám spadl pod svou sekačku -" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesQ01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith made a homemade bumper car ride with riding mowers in his back yard? Mower blade wounds over ninety percent of his body. I didn't run him over, either. He somehow managed to fall under his own." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme s Keithem plnili vodní balonky...-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesR01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time me and Keith filled up water balloons with our own--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: Jednou taky mýho kámoše Keithe bombardovala armáda. Šel tábořit a vůbec se nenamáhal číst nápisy, myslím, že tam tenkrát celej den zkoušeli bomby a podobný výbušniny. Ale ne jenom klasický bomby, ale taky biologický zbraně jako nervovej plyn a šrapnely, který se ve vzduchu rozletí na stovku malejch bomb-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesS01" "Ellis: One the time the army bombed my buddy Keith. He went camping and didn't bother to read the signs, and I guess they were just testing bombs that day. All sorts of stuff too, not just regular bombs. Like biological nerve gas bombs, shrapnel bombs, these bombs that break up in the air into like a hundred smaller bombs--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak můj kámoš Keith spadl do otevřenýho kanálu? Ležel tam v bezvědomí asi týden, a aniž by to tušil, tak ten kanál mezitím zadláždili. Keith musel-" "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesT01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell down an open manhole? He was unconscious down there for like a week. During that time, unbeknownst to Keith, they paved over him. Keith had to--" "Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak jsme s kámošem Keithem jednou stáli na střeše hořící budovy a museli se probojovat dolů skrz asi pět pater plnejch zombií? My jsme - moment, vždyť to jste byli vy. Doprdele, počkejte, až o tom řeknu Keithovi." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesU01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith and I were on the top of a burning building and we had to fight our way down like five floors of zombies? Wait a second. I guess that was you guys. Aw shit, man, I can't wait to tell Keith about that one." "Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: Už jsem vám říkal, jak můj kámoš Keith spadl z horský dráhy? Neletěl daleko, spadl akorát na koleje, ale majitelé tu jízdu nechtěli zastavit, protože lidi zaplatili velký peníze, a Keith se tam protáhl bez placení, tak to musel dvacet minut vydržet." "[english]Mechanic_EllisStoriesV01" "Ellis: I ever tell you about the time my buddy Keith fell out the roller coaster? Yeah, he didn't drop far, mind you, just onto the tracks, but the carnival people wouldn't stop the ride cause all the other people paid good money and Keith snuck on for free, so he had to dodge for like twenty minutes or so." "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Jsou tady výbušný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Ellis: Explosive rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Mám tady nějaký výbušný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Ellis: Got some explosive rounds right here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Jsou tady tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Ellis: Frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Mám tady nějaký tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Ellis: Got some frag rounds here!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Beru si tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Ellis: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: Vezmu si některý ty tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab some of these frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Rozmístím tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Rozmístím tříštivý náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Ellis: Deploying frag rounds!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: Doprdele, neházejte to na mě!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile01" "Ellis: Shit, don't throw it at me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: Co se to SAKRA děje? Zahučím tady!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile02" "Ellis: What the HELL, man? I'm gonna get killed here!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Neházejte na mě to svinstvo!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile03" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Neházejte na mě to svinstvo! Přivoláte jich tak celý hejno!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile04" "Ellis: Don't throw that shit on me! That calls a horde!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Neházejte na mě tu žluč!:" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireBile05" "Ellis: Don't bomb me with the bile!:" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Wau, HEJ! Střílejte na toho Tanka! TANKA!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank01" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Shoot the Tank, man!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Roe! Střílej na toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank02" "Ellis: Ro! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Střílej na TANKA, Coachi!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank03" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Střílej na TANKA, Nicku!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank04" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: HEJ! Střílej na Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank05" "Ellis: HEY! Shoot the Tank!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Střílej na TANKA, slepoune!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank06" "Ellis: Shoot the TANK, you blind son of a bitch!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Hej, tak střílejte sakra na Tanka a ne na mě!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank07" "Ellis: Hey come on y'all, shoot the Tank not me!" "Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Střílením na mě Tanka nezabijete!" "[english]Mechanic_FriendlyFireTank08" "Ellis: Shootin' me ain't gonna help us kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Granátomet!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher01" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Je tady granátomet!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher02" "Ellis: Grenade Launcher here!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Beru granátomet!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher03" "Ellis: Taking the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hej, musím vzít ten granátomet!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher04" "Ellis: Hey, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Sakra, musím vzít ten granátomet!" "[english]Mechanic_GrenadeLauncher05" "Ellis: Oh hell yeah, I gotta take the Grenade Launcher!" "Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: Přesně takhle se to dělá!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah11" "Ellis: That's how it's done RIGHT!" "Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: Nakopneme tady víc zmetků než bota v továrně na zmetky!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah12" "Ellis: We're kickin' more ass than a boot in an ass factory!" "Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: ZATRACENĚ, jsme fakt dobří." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah13" "Ellis: DAMN, we are good." "Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Nabít, zamknout a přestat kecat! Tak se na to musí!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah14" "Ellis: Load, lock, and cut the talk! That's how it's done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: My jako obchodníci se smrtí ZOMBIÍ!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah15" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness!" "Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: My jako obchodníci se smrtí ZOMBIÍ, nebo co?!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah16" "Ellis: We in the ZOMBIE-killin' bidness, or what?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: ZABÍJÍME ZOMBIE! PŘESNĚ! Tak o co jde?!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah17" "Ellis: WE... KILL... ZOMBIES! THAT is what we do! What?!" "Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Chacha! Apokalypsa, ty cvoku?! Právě jsme na nejlepší střelnici VŠECH DOB!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah18" "Ellis: Hoohoo! Apocalypse, my ass! We're livin' in the best shooting range of ALL TIME!" "Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Hej, proč jsme zavřeli ty dveře? Já jsem ještě nebyl hotovej!" "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah19" "Ellis: Hey, what'd we shut the door for? I wasn't done!" "Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: Musíme být k zombiím spravedliví! Připoutejte mi zbraň kolem zad." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah20" "Ellis: We gotta make this fair for the zombies! I'm-a tie an arm around my back." "Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Čtyři lidé, žádné zombie." "[english]Mechanic_Hurrah21" "Ellis: Humans four, zombies nuthin'." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Jsou tady zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo01" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hele, přímo tady jsou zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo02" "Ellis: Hey, fire bullets right here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Jsou tady zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo03" "Ellis: Fire bullets here!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Beru si zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo04" "Ellis: Grabbin' fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: Beru si několik zápalných nábojů!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo05" "Ellis: I'm grabbin' some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: Je čas odpálit několik výbušných nábojů." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo06" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: Je čas odpálit několik výbušných nábojů." "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo07" "Ellis: Time to start some fires." "Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: Je čas odpálit několik výbušných nábojů. Kdo jste se mnou?" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo08" "Ellis: Time to start some fires. Who's with me?" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Rozmístím zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo09" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Rozmístím zápalný náboje!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo10" "Ellis: Deploying fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: Rozmístím několik zápalných nábojů!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo11" "Ellis: I'm deploying some fire bullets!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Vezměte si každej zápalný střelivo!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo12" "Ellis: Everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Hej, vezměte si všichni zápalnou munici!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo13" "Ellis: Hey, everybody grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Hej, každej ať si vezme zápalnou munici!" "[english]Mechanic_IncendAmmo14" "Ellis: Hey, everybody let's grab some incendiary ammo!" "Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Jsou tady laserový zaměřovače." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights01" "Ellis: Laser sights here." "Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Přímo tady jsou laserový zaměřovače." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights02" "Ellis: Laser sights right here." "Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Hej,jsou tady laserový zaměřovače." "[english]Mechanic_LaserSights03" "Ellis: Hey, laser sights here." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: Sakra ta hlava se rozletěla!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse01" "Ellis: Goddamn that head went flying!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Super!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse02" "Ellis: Oh yeah!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Wau! Dostali jste KRAŤASE, přátelé!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse03" "Ellis: Woo! You just got SHORTER, cousin!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Páni, ta zombie byla příliš vysoká, dal jsem ji do pořádku." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse04" "Ellis: Man, that zombie was too tall. I fixed him." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Roztřískejte to svinstvo." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse05" "Ellis: Batter the hell up." "Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: PRÁSK!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse06" "Ellis: POW!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BUM!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse07" "Ellis: BAM!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: ŘACH!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse08" "Ellis: CRACK!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: To je útěk domů!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse09" "Ellis: That's a home run!" "Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: Padáme z parku, bejby!" "[english]Mechanic_MeleeResponse10" "Ellis: Out of the park, baby!" "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Je tady mačeta." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons01" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Mám mačetu." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons02" "Ellis: Got a machete." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Je tady mačeta." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons03" "Ellis: Machete here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Je tady motorová pila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons04" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Je tady motorová pila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons05" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: Mám motorovku." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons06" "Ellis: I got a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Je tady motorová pila." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons07" "Ellis: Chainsaw here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Jestli přijdu o ruku, našiju si tohle na pahejl." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons08" "Ellis: Man, if I lose my hand, I'm stitchin' this thing onto the stump." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Na světe není problém, kterej bys nevyřešil motorovkou." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons09" "Ellis: Ain't a problem in the world can't be solved with a chainsaw." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: je tady obušek..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons10" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Beru si obušek." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons11" "Ellis: Grabbing a nightstick." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: je tady obušek..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons12" "Ellis: Nightstick here..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [mumlá] Umlátím zombii k smrti... obuškem..." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons13" "Ellis: [humming] Gonna beat me a zombie to death... with a nightstick..." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Je tady kytara." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons14" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Beru si kytaru." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons15" "Ellis: Grabbing a guitar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Tady je kytara." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons16" "Ellis: Guitar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Hele, beru si sekyru." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons17" "Ellis: Hey, grabbing an axe." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Je tady katana." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons18" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Tady je katana." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons19" "Ellis: Katana here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: Beru si tuhle katanu." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons20" "Ellis: I'm gonna grab this katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Beru si katanu." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons21" "Ellis: Grabbing a katana." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Beru si úžasnej ninja meč." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons22" "Ellis: Grabbing the cool-ass ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Beru si ninja meč." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons23" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Beru si ninja meč. Škoda, že jsem si nevzal vrhací hvězdice." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons24" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Wish I'd brought my throwing stars." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Jako ta další. Nakonec se ty kurzy karate hodí." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons25" "Ellis: Grabbing the ninja sword. Anybody sees some nunchuks, gimme a holler." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: Nakonec se ty kurzy karate hodí." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons26" "Ellis: Finally, all them karate lessons gonna pay off." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Beru si páčidlo." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons27" "Ellis: Grabbing a crowbar." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Je tady páčidlo." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons28" "Ellis: Crowbar here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Přímo tady je páčidlo." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons29" "Ellis: Crowbar right here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Budu ty zmetky mlátit tak dlouho, dokud mi neulítnou hodinky." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons30" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till I lose my watch." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: Je na čase ty bestie zřezat." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons31" "Ellis: Time to beat on some sons of bitches." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: Budu ty zombie bít tak dlouho, dokud budu mít dost velkej klacek." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons32" "Ellis: Gonna beat me a zombie till there ain't a chunk big enough to hit." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Budu ty bestie řezat tak dlouho, dokud nebudu mít košili celou červenou." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons33" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna beat these sons of bitches till my shirt turns red." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Zabíjení páčidlem má proti pistoli takovej osobní rozměr." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons34" "Ellis: Crowbars give you that personal touch you don't get with gun killin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Je tady kriketová pálka." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons35" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: Nevím, je tu nějaká pálka." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons36" "Ellis: I don't know, some sort of bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: Je tu pálka." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons37" "Ellis: Bat thing here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Je tady kriketová pálka." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons38" "Ellis: Paddle bat here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Je tady pálka." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons39" "Ellis: Paddle here." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: Mám chuť zamlátit si pálkou." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons40" "Ellis: Got me a mind to do some paddlin." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Beru si zbraň, co vyřeší všechny problémy." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons41" "Ellis: Grabbin' a problem solver." "Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Beru si kráječ na chleba." "[english]Mechanic_MeleeWeapons42" "Ellis: Grabbin' a bread slicer." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional01" "Ellis: Through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Tamhle tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional02" "Ellis: Through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: Tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional03" "Ellis: This way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: Sem!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional04" "Ellis: In here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Tudy dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional05" "Ellis: Down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: Pospěšte si, tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional06" "Ellis: C'mon, this way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Hej, prolezeme oknem!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional07" "Ellis: Hey, through this window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Tímhle oknem!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional08" "Ellis: Through that window!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Touhle uličkou!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional09" "Ellis: Down this alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Tamtou uličkou!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional10" "Ellis: Down that alley!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Prolezeme tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional11" "Ellis: Let's go through here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Hej, prolezeme tamhle tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional12" "Ellis: Hey, let's go through there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Těmahle dveřma!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional13" "Ellis: Through this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Těma dveřma!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional14" "Ellis: Through that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Hej, můžeme si to zkrátit přes restauraci." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional15" "Ellis: Hey, we can cut through this restaurant." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Skrz tu bránu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional16" "Ellis: Through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Rovnou skrz tu bránu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional17" "Ellis: Right through that gate!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Po tom žebříku nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional18" "Ellis: Up that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Po tomhle žebříku nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional19" "Ellis: Up this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Po tom žebříku dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional20" "Ellis: Down that ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Po tomhle žebříku dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional21" "Ellis: Down this ladder!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Přes plot!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional22" "Ellis: Over the fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Přes ten plot!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional23" "Ellis: Over that fence!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: K mostu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional24" "Ellis: To the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: Můžeme přejít tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional25" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: Můžeme přejít hned tady!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional26" "Ellis: We can cross right there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: Tady můžeme přejít!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional27" "Ellis: We can cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: Můžeme tudy vylézt nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional28" "Ellis: We can get up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: Můžeme tamhle vylézt nahoru!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional29" "Ellis: We can get up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: Můžeme tudy slézt dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional30" "Ellis: We can get down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: Můžeme tamhle slézt dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional31" "Ellis: We can get down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: Je tady nahoře skrýš!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional32" "Ellis: There's a safe room up here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Hej, přímo tady nahoře je skrýš!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional33" "Ellis: Hey, there's a safe room right up there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Zmáčkněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional34" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Stiskněte to tlačítko!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional35" "Ellis: Press the button!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Tak dělejte!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional36" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Stiskněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional37" "Ellis: Activate it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: Já ho zmáčknu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional38" "Ellis: I hit it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: Já jsem ho stisknul!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional39" "Ellis: I did it!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Těmahle dveřma!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional40" "Ellis: Over this door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Tamhletěma dveřma!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional41" "Ellis: Over that door!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Přes ten kontejner!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional42" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Přes ten kontejner!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional43" "Ellis: Over this dumpster!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Seskočte tady dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional44" "Ellis: Jump down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Seskočte hned tady dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional45" "Ellis: Jump right down here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Seskočte tam dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional46" "Ellis: Jump down there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: Musíme jít zpátky přes pole!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional47" "Ellis: We gotta go back through the field!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional48" "Ellis: Everybody in the elevator!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Hej, můžeme se vrátit zase výtahem!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional49" "Ellis: Hey, we can take the elevator back up!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Nahoru po tý trubce!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional50" "Ellis: Up that pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: NAHORU po tyhle trubce!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional51" "Ellis: UP this pipe!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Všichni zpátky po schodech dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional52" "Ellis: Everybody back down the stairs!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Přes most!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional53" "Ellis: Over the bridge!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: Můžeme přejít přes to silo!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional54" "Ellis: We can cross on that tank!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Přejděme tady!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional55" "Ellis: Cross here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: Můžeme se tudy dostat přes vodu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional56" "Ellis: We can get across the water here!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: Můžeme se tamhle dostat přes vodu!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional57" "Ellis: We can get across the water there!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Jo, připadá mi to povědomý. Jdeme správnou cestou!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional58" "Ellis: Oh, yeah, this looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: Pamatuju si to. Jdeme správně!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional59" "Ellis: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Panečku, je to tu celé pod vodou." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional60" "Ellis: Man, the whole place is underwater." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: Je to jak bájná Atlantida." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional61" "Ellis: It's like a fabled city of Atlantis." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: BOUŘKA!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional62" "Ellis: STORM!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: ŽENE SE BOUŘKA!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional63" "Ellis: STORM COMIN'!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: NEZTRAŤTE SE!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional64" "Ellis: DON'T WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: AŤ SE NIKDO NEZTRATÍTE!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional65" "Ellis: DON'T NOBODY WANDER OFF!" "Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: Nevidím na krok." "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional66" "Ellis: I can't see a damn thing." "Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: Tamhle je vchod! Už jsme odsud skoro pryč!" "[english]Mechanic_MiscDirectional67" "Ellis: There's the entrance! We're almost outta here!" "Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Smrdí to tady jak mýval, co zdechnul v továrně na dětský pleny." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd01" "Ellis: Smells like a raccoon died in a diaper factory." "Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Smrdí to tady jak na záchodě plným shnilejch cibulí." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd02" "Ellis: Smells like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Smrdí mi to tu jak mrtvý zombie. Poslední dobou byl všude tenhle smrad." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd03" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. Everything smellin' like that lately." "Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Smrdí to tu jak mrtvý zombie. Postupně si na ten smrad zvykám." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd04" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies. And that's a smell I'm getting partial to." "Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Fuj, vždycky to takhle smrdí." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd05" "Ellis: Naw, it always smells like this." "Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Je to to, co si myslím? Smrdí to jak mýval, co zhebnul v opuštěný lednici." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd06" "Ellis: Is that what that is? Smelled like a raccoon died an abandoned refrigerator." "Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: Přesně tak, smrdí to jak záchod plnej shnilejch cibulí." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd07" "Ellis: So that's what that is. Man, I thought it smelled like a closet fulla rotten onions." "Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: [čuchá] Smrdí mi to jak mrtvý zombie. Nemám s tím smradem problém." "[english]Mechanic_NickOcd08" "Ellis: Smells like dead zombies to me. I got no quarrels with that smell." "Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Nabíjím zbraň!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense01" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Nabíjím si tady zbraň!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense02" "Ellis: Reloading here!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Musím dobít zbraň!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense03" "Ellis: Gotta reload!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense04" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Nabíjím!" "[english]Mechanic_ReloadIntense05" "Ellis: Reloading!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Sakra, jsou teďka neprůstřelní?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored01" "Ellis: Aw, hell, now they're bulletproof?" "Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Sakra, jsou neprůstřelní!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored02" "Ellis: Aw, hell, they're bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Hele, jestli je chcete zabít, tak je musíte pořádně zamotat!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored03" "Ellis: Hey, you gotta spin 'em around if you want 'em dead!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Jejich zadky nejsou neprůstřelný!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored04" "Ellis: Their backs ain't bulletproof!" "Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Střel tu bestii to zadku!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeArmored05" "Ellis: Shoot that son of a bitch in the back!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: Ten šašek si vede kamarády! Sejměte ho!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns01" "Ellis: That clown's bringing friends! Take him down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: Musíme toho šaška oddělat!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns02" "Ellis: We gotta shut that clown up!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Hej, sejměte toho šaška!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns03" "Ellis: Hey, take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Sejměte toho šaška!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns04" "Ellis: Take that clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Sejměte toho šaška!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns05" "Ellis: Take the clown down!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Sejměte toho šaška!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns06" "Ellis: Take down that clown!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: Nikdy jsem z šašků neměl takovej strach." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns07" "Ellis: Man, I've never been so scared of clowns." "Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Šašci!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns08" "Ellis: Clowns!" "Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Šašci? Šašci, určitě kecáte." "[english]Mechanic_SeeClowns09" "Ellis: Clowns? Clowns. Oh, you have got to be kidding me." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: To je hnusná podělaná zombie." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter01" "Ellis: That is one ugly ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: Zatraceně, to je odporná zombie." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter02" "Ellis: Damn, that is a nasty ass zombie." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Hej, ta Spitter je hnusná mrcha." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter03" "Ellis: Man, that Spitter is one ugly bitch." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Povím vám, že ty zombie mám radši, když jsou oblečený." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter04" "Ellis: Man, I like these zombies better when they got clothes on." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: Jedna rána navíc tím odporným klackem by ji asi nebolela." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter05" "Ellis: One more hit with the ugly stick probably wouldn't hurt her." "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: To je tvoje bývalá přítelkyně, Nicku?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter06" "Ellis: That an ex-girlfriend of yours, Nick?" "Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: To mě mrzí, Nicku, nechtěl jsem zabít tvou mámu." "[english]Mechanic_SeeDeadSpitter07" "Ellis: Sorry about that Nick, didn’t meant to kill your mom." "Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Stát, něco té potvoře upadlo." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen01" "Ellis: Hold on, that one dropped something." "Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Stop, stop, stop! Co té potvoře upadlo?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen02" "Ellis: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what'd that one drop?" "Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Hej, ta potvora něco upustila, zrovna tady." "[english]Mechanic_SeeFallen03" "Ellis: Hey, that one just dropped something, right there." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: Sakra. Jsou snad neprůstřelný?" "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat01" "Ellis: What the hell. These things fireproof?" "Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Bacha na ty v těch skafandrech." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat02" "Ellis: Watch out for the ones in the hazmat suits." "Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: Zatraceně, ať se propadnu. Neprůstřelný zombie." "[english]Mechanic_SeeHazmat03" "Ellis: Well, I'll be damned. Fireproof zombies." "Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Bahňáci!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen01" "Ellis: Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Bacha! Bahňáci!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen02" "Ellis: Hey, watch out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Pozor! Jsou tady bahňáci!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen03" "Ellis: Hey, look out! Mudmen, right there!" "Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Bacha na bahňáky!" "[english]Mechanic_SeeMudmen04" "Ellis: Look out! Mudmen!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: Musíme být LEPŠÍ." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose09" "Ellis: We gonna need to do better than THAT." "Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Chlapci, dostali jsme zkrátka na prdel." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose10" "Ellis: Dude, we just got our asses handed to us." "Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: [pískne] To byl BRUTUS!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose11" "Ellis: That was BRUTAL!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: TO...to nebyla nejlepší podívaná." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose12" "Ellis: THAT... was a pretty poor display." "Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: Tak tomu budeme říkat remíza." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose13" "Ellis: We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: Víte co? Budeme tomu říkat remíza." "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose14" "Ellis: You know what? We'll call that one a tie." "Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: Jsme pořád na místě!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose15" "Ellis: We're still standin'!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Panečku!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose16" "Ellis: Woooow!" "Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Senza, pánové!" "[english]Mechanic_TransitionClose17" "Ellis: Wow, man!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HÉÉÉJ! VRAŤTE SE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B01" "Ellis: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: VRAŤTE SE! JSME POŘÁD TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B02" "Ellis: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: HÉJ, MY JSME POŘÁD TADY! HÉÉÉJ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B03" "Ellis: HEY, WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEJ! TADY! TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B04" "Ellis: HEY! OVER HERE! OVER HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HÉJ! VRAŤTE SE! JSOU TADY JEŠTĚ LIDI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B05" "Ellis: HEY! COME BACK! THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: JSME NA STŘEŠE! POJĎTE ZPÁTKY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B06" "Ellis: WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HÉJ!! MY JSME POŘÁD TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B07" "Ellis: HEY!! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HÉJ!! VRAŤTE SE! MY JSME JEŠTĚ TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B08" "Ellis: HEY!! COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: Sakra! Akorát jsme se minuli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B09" "Ellis: Damn it! We just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: Sakra! Jdeme o pět minut později!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B10" "Ellis: Damn it! Five minutes too late!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: Doprčic, nikdy jsem nikoho neviděl umírat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B100" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: Musíme si navzájem krýt záda. Já jsem Ellis a ty?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B101" "Ellis: We gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: Doprčic, nikdy jsem nikoho neviděl umírat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B102" "Ellis: Oh shit man, I ain't ever seen anyone die before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: Nepovídej? Wrestling a tak?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B103" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: Můžeme tady seskočit!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B104" "Ellis: We can jump down here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Dolů výtahovou šachtou!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B105" "Ellis: Down this elevator shaft!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: Můžeme vylézt hned tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B106" "Ellis: We can get right through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: Tahle místnost vypadá bezpečně. Vlezeme dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B107" "Ellis: This room looks safe. Let's get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Asi je lepší nechat ty dveře zavřený." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B108" "Ellis: Probably a good idea to keep that door shut." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: Sakra! Akorát jsme je minuli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B11" "Ellis: Damn it! Man, we just missed 'em!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: Řekl bych, že to vede k obchoďáku. Je tam evakuační centrum. Vezměte nějaké zbraně a já půjdu jako první." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B110" "Ellis: I reckon it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: Já ten obchoďák znám. Je tam teď evakuační centrum. Vezměte zbraně a jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B111" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evacuation set up there. Grab weapons and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Ten zatracenej vrtulník odletěl bez nás!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B112" "Ellis: Goddamn whirlybird left without us!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: No, vypadalo, že letěl nad městem k obchoďáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B113" "Ellis: Well it looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Vypadalo to, jako když vrtulák letí přes město k obchoďáku. Budu tomu říkat, jak chci já, fešáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B114" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Tak jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B115" "Ellis: Let's go then." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Chacha!To spíš!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B116" "Ellis: Haha! That's more like it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Jo, přesně tak." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B117" "Ellis: Yeah, that's right." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Teď budem vařit na benzínu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B118" "Ellis: Now we're cookin' with gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Prohledejte ty místnosti. Můžem v nich najít něco užitečnýho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B119" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be some useful shit in some of em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: Tak se všichni uklidněte! Vypadá, že ten vrtulník letí směrem k evakuačnímu centru, kde je obchoďák." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B12" "Ellis: All right, everybody calm down! That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: Výtah pořád funguje!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B120" "Ellis: This elevator's still workin!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Díkybohu, že tenhle ještě jezdí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B121" "Ellis: Thank the Lord, this one's still workin." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Hej, všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B122" "Ellis: Hey, everybody, in the elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Jedem, stiskněte to tlačítko! Stiskněte to tlačítko!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B123" "Ellis: Let's go, push the button! Push the button!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B124" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Připravte se…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B125" "Ellis: Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Možná je za těma dveřma uvítací výbor. Připravte se…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B126" "Ellis: Might be a welcomin' committee when these doors open. Get ready…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Rád jsem tě poznal, Coachi." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B127" "Ellis: Ellis. Pleased to meet you, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. Rád jsem tě poznal, Rochelle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B128" "Ellis: Ellis. It's a pleasure to meet you, Rochelle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Těší mě, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B129" "Ellis: Ellis. Nice to meet you, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: Vypadá, že ten vrtulník letí směrem k evakuačnímu centru, kde je obchoďák." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B13" "Ellis: That chopper looks like it's headin' to the evac center over at the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. A tobě?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B130" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. How 'bout you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. A tobě?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B131" "Ellis: People call me Ellis. You?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. Provozuju tady s pár kamarády autoprodejnu. Hrajeme taky v kapele, já hraju na basu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B132" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop with a couple of my buddies. We're also in a band. I play bass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. Mám v okolí autoprodejnu. Místo abych se nechal evakuovat, vyzbrojil jsem svůj náklaďák, abych odsud mohl odjet. Ten auťák je odolný vůči zombiím." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B133" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop around here. Instead of evacuatin', I armored up a truck to drive myself out of here. Built that thing to be zombie proof." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Ukazuje se, že byl odolný proti zombiím jen z 99 %. To poslední 1 % ho úplně roztrhalo na KUSY." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B134" "Ellis: Turns out it was only ninety-nine percent zombie proof. The last one percent tore that truck to SHIT." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: Nepovídej? Wrestling a tak?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B135" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Tsss. Jestli se všichni evakuují, kdo se pak dívá na zprávy?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B136" "Ellis: Huh. If everybody's evacuatin', who's watchin the news?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. A naučil jsem se střílet z pistole dřív než chodit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B137" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Říkají mi Ellis. Naučil jsem se střílet z pistole dřív než chodit, fešáku Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B138" "Ellis: Folks call me Ellis. And I learned how to shoot a gun before I learned how to walk, white suit Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Šéfové jsou idioti. Já jsem Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B139" "Ellis: Figures. Bosses are shitheads. My name's Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: Vsadím se, že ten vrtulník letí k evakuačnímu centru v obchoďáku. Když si pospíšíme, můžem to stihnout." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B14" "Ellis: I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: Přesně tak! Jmenuju se Ellis a strávil jsem tady celej život. A je tady strašně moc skvělých míst." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B140" "Ellis: That's right! My name's Ellis, and I've lived here all my life. And there's tons of places here that ain't pieces of shit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Koho jsme ztratili?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B141" "Ellis: Who'd we lose?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: Nevím. Říkal si Coach." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B142" "Ellis: I dunno. He just called himself Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: Myslím, že to byl Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B143" "Ellis: I think it was Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Chudinka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B144" "Ellis: Rochelle. Poor girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: Myslím, že to byl Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B145" "Ellis: I think it was Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: Prostě se mi líbí, jak jméno „Nick“ zní." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B146" "Ellis: I just liked the sound of \"Nick.\"" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: Páni, nikdy předtím jsem neviděl člověka umírat. Jen domácí zvířata, ale to je jiný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B147" "Ellis: Man, I ain't ever seen nobody die before. Pets, yeah, but that ain't the same." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: Tohle je poprvé, co jsem viděl někoho umírat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B148" "Ellis: That's the first I'm I ever seen somebody die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Kamaráde, musíme si navzájem krýt záda. Já jsem Ellis a ty?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B149" "Ellis: Dude, we gotta watch each other's backs. My name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: To je v klidu, jsme v pohodě. Já tady žiju a vsadím se, že ten vrtulník letí k evakuačnímu centru v obchoďáku. Když si pospíšíme, můžeme to ještě stihnout." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B15" "Ellis: It's okay, we're cool. I live around here, and I bet that chopper's headin' to the evac station at the mall. We can still catch up to it if we hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: To je ta bestie, co blije!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B150" "Ellis: It's the barfin' one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: To je ta podělaná tlustá zombie, co blije!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B151" "Ellis: It's the barfin' fat ass zombie!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Hej, vsadím se, že ten vrtulník letí k obchoďáku. Je tam evakuační centrum. Vezměte si zbraně a já vás povedu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B16" "Ellis: Hey, I bet it's headed to the mall. There's an evacuation center there. Grab some weapons and I'll lead the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: Znám ten obchoďák. Udělali tam teď evakuační centrum. Vezmeme si zbraně a jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B17" "Ellis: I know that mall. There's an evac center set up there. Grab a weapon and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hej, nechte už toho konečně! Hádáním mezi sebou nic nevyřešíme. Stejně si myslím, že ta budova hoří. Možná bysme sebou měli hodit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B18" "Ellis: Hey, come on, now! Quarrelin' amongst ourselves ain't solvin' nothing. Anyway, I think the building's on fire. Maybe we should get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Vypadá, že ten vrtulník letí městem k obchoďáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B19" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Vypadalo to, jako když vrtulák letí přes město k obchoďáku. Budu tomu říkat, jak chci já, fešáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B20" "Ellis: Looked like the whirly-bird was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Vypadá, jako by letěl přes město k obchoďáku. Budu tomu říkat, jak se mi zlíbí, fešáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B21" "Ellis: Looked like it was headin' to the mall across town. And I'll call it what I like, fancy suit." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Savannah je úžasná. Pojďte, ukážu vám, co je vidět z cesty k obchoďáku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B22" "Ellis: Man, Savannah's awesome. C'mon, I'll show you the sights on the way to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Myslíte, že nás viděli?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B23" "Ellis: Do you think they saw us?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Jo, vrátí se." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, they'll be back." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Hele, myslím, že je v tom obchoďáku ještě jedno evakuační středisko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, I think there's another evac station in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: Všiml si ještě někdo, že ta budova hoří?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B26" "Ellis: Anybody else noticed the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: Všiml si ještě někdo, že ta budova hoří?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B27" "Ellis: Anybody else noting the building's on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: Možná jste si toho nevšimli, ale ta budova hoří." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B28" "Ellis: It may have escaped all y'all's notice, but this building is on fire." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Bereme zbraně a jdeme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B29" "Ellis: Weapons up and let's go." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: Radši si vezměte každej nějakou zbraň. Myslím, že je budem potřebovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B30" "Ellis: You best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Radši si každej vezměte nějakou zbraň. Budem je potřebovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B31" "Ellis: Best grab a weapon. I reckon you'll need 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Hej, každej si vezměte zbraň." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B32" "Ellis: Hey everybody grab a weapon." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Každej ať si vezme zbraň. Je lepší ji mít a nepotřebovat, než POTŘEBOVAT a nemít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B33" "Ellis: Everybody grab a weapon. It's better to have one and not need it than NEED one and not have it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: Všiml si ještě někdo, že ta budova hoří?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B34" "Ellis: Did anyone else notice this building is on fire?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Sakra, tak je zaneřáděná." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B35" "Ellis: Ah hell, this is just messed up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: Nepůjdu zpátky po schodech beze zbraně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B36" "Ellis: I ain't going back downstairs unarmed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: Sice nevím, co tam dole je, ale pro jistotu si něco vezmu s sebou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B37" "Ellis: Don't know what's down there, but I'm grabbin' somethin' just in case." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Hele, každej bysme si měli něco vzít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B38" "Ellis: Hey, we should all grab something." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: hej, každej si něco vezměte, myslím, že před sebou máme nějaký to zabíjení." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B39" "Ellis: hey, everybody grab somethin' I think we got some killin to do." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: A sakra, zombie existujou. JÁ TO VĚDĚL!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B40" "Ellis: Holy shit, zombies are real. I KNEW it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombie opravdu EXISTUJOU. Já věděl, že ty filmy jsou pravdivý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B41" "Ellis: Zombies are REAL. I knew them movies were true." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Ty zombie jsou fakt OPRAVDOVSKÝ. Já věděl, že ty knížky jsou literatura faktu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B42" "Ellis: Dude those zombies are REAL. I knew them books were non-fiction." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: Sakra, ty bestie jsou strašně RYCHLÝ." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B43" "Ellis: Shit, them things move FAST, man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: Tohle taky?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B44" "Ellis: That what I think it is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Tyhle taky?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B45" "Ellis: Those what I think they are?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Dobře, nevypadají jako..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B46" "Ellis: Okay, those don't look like..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Nevypadají jako lidi ze Savannah, co bych někdy viděl." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B47" "Ellis: Those don't look like no Savannahites I ever seen." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: SAKRA DO PR-!!! ZABIJTE JI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B48" "Ellis: HOLY SHIT!!! KILL IT!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Joj - je to zombie? Jako zombie, jako pořádná ZOMBIE?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B49" "Ellis: Whoa - is that a zombie? Like a, like a ZOMBIE zombie?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Jo, to je zabije." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B50" "Ellis: Yeah, this kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: Tohle je zabije." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B51" "Ellis: This kills them." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Hej, musíme je udeřit do hlavy?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B52" "Ellis: Hey, do we need to hit 'em in the head?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: Myslím, že je můžete trefit i jinam než do hlavy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B53" "Ellis: I don't think we need to hit 'em just in the head." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Doprčic.. prostě umřou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B54" "Ellis: Holy shit... they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: No, kulky je zabijou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B55" "Ellis: Well, bullets kill 'em." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Ach, super, tak prostě umřou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B56" "Ellis: Ah, cool, they just die." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: [pískne] Zkontrolujte všechny X. Vypadá, jako kdyby New Orleans bylo poslední odolávající město." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B57" "Ellis: Check out all them X's, man. Looks like New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: Pokud ta mapa nekecá, tak je New Orleans poslední odolávající město." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B58" "Ellis: If this map's right, New Orleans is the last city standing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: Nevím jak vy, pánové, ale já se díval do tý mapy a jet třeba do New Orleans by mi nevadilo?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B59" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to, I dunno, New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: Pánové, nevím jak vy, ale já bych vyrazil do New Orleans." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B60" "Ellis: I dunno about you folks, but after lookin' at that map, I wouldn't mind heading to New Orleans." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: Sakra. Chce ještě někdo do New Orleans?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B61" "Ellis: Dang. Anybody else want to go to New Orleans?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Doufám, že se vám bude v New Orleans líbit, protože jestli chceme zůstat naživu, tak tam musíme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B62" "Ellis: Hope you guys like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Doufám, pánové, že se vám bude v New Orleans líbit, protože jestli chceme zůstat naživu, tak tam musíme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B63" "Ellis: Hope you folks like New Orleans, cause that's where we're headed if we wanna live." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Já nebyl v New Orleans roky, mohla by to být zábava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B64" "Ellis: Man, I ain't been to New Orleans in a dog's age! Come on, it's gonna be fun!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Doprčic! Ta cesta je zatarasená!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B65" "Ellis: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: Musíme se tomu požáru vyhnout!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B66" "Ellis: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: Ten oheň se šíří dál!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B67" "Ellis: The fire's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: Ten oheň se šíří dál. Sakra, šíří se dál!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B68" "Ellis: The fire's spreading, man, it's spreading!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: Dohajzlu, nejezdí výtah!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B69" "Ellis: Goddamn elevator's out!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: Výtah je rozbitej, musíme najít schody!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B70" "Ellis: This elevator's broke, we better find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Hej, musíme najít schodiště!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B71" "Ellis: Hey, we gotta find the stairs!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: Chacha. Ta zombijská apokalypsa vůbec není špatná." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B72" "Ellis: Heh heh. Zombie apocalypse ain't all bad." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Oh, to budu vždycky zbožňovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B73" "Ellis: Oh, I'm always gonna love that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Haha. Fakt revoluční!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B74" "Ellis: Haha. Breakin' stuff!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Ca Rash!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B75" "Ellis: Ca Rash!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: Sakra, nikdy jsem to nedělal." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B76" "Ellis: Shit, ain't ever done that before." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Bum!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B77" "Ellis: Bam!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Pánové, to jsem si vždycky přál." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B78" "Ellis: Man, I always wanted to do that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Sem na římsu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B79" "Ellis: Out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Vylezte na římsu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B80" "Ellis: Get out to the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hele, vylezeme tady na římsu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B81" "Ellis: Hey, out here on the ledge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: Nikdy jsem neměl takovou radost při pohledu na zbraň." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B82" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a gun." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Zbraně! Teď je to hotová pastva pro unavený oči." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B83" "Ellis: Guns! Now there's a sight for sore eyes." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Jsou tady zbraně! Pomůžou nám uvolnit cestu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B84" "Ellis: Guns here! This'll help clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Zbraně jsou přímo tady! Proklestím si cestu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B85" "Ellis: Guns right here! I'm gonna clear me a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: Věděl jsem, že tady někde musí být zbraně!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B86" "Ellis: I knew there had to be guns somewhere!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Prohledejte ty místnosti. Možná tam najdeme něco užitečnýho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B87" "Ellis: Search these rooms, y'all. Might be something we can use." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: Nepovídej? Wrestling a tak?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B88" "Ellis: You don't say? Wrestlin' and such?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Jo? Tak jak se vám zatím líbí naše město?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B89" "Ellis: Yeah? How you like our city so far?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: Normálně je mnohem hezčí, když tady nemáme ty zombie. Mimochodem já jsem Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B90" "Ellis: Yeah, well it's normally a lot nicer when we don't have the zombies. I'm Ellis, by the way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: Říkejte mi Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B91" "Ellis: You can call me Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Doprčic! To je jak noční můra. Zatracená zombijská apokalypsa. Sakra, sakra, sakra. Co teď budem dělat?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B92" "Ellis: Holy shit! This is some kind of nightmare. Goddamn Zombie Apocalypse and shit. Shit, shit, shit. What in the hell are we going to do?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, jmenuju se Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B93" "Ellis: Ellis, my name is Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: Jmenuju se Ellis, ale někdo mě oslovuje El. Mám radši Ellis, protože El zní jako holčičí jméno. Ale jestli mi chcete říkat El, tak můžete." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B94" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: Jmenuju se Ellis, ale někdo mě oslovuje El. Mám radši Ellis, protože El zní jako holčičí jméno. Ale jestli mi chcete říkat El, tak můžete." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B95" "Ellis: My name is Ellis, but some people call me El. I really prefer Ellis as El sounds like a girl's name. But if you prefer to call me El you can." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B96" "Ellis: Ellis." "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. A ty, chlape veliká?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B97" "Ellis: Ellis. How 'bout you, big man?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Sakra, chlapi, někoho jsme ztratili!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B98" "Ellis: Ah shit man, we lost somebody!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: Jsme tady jenom já a ty!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M1B99" "Ellis: It's just you and me!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: No já znám po cestě jeden obchod, kde prodávají zbraně. Opatříme si OPRAVDICKÝ zbraně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B01" "Ellis: Ooh, I know a gun store we can stop at along the way. Get ourselves some REAL weapons." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: On?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B02" "Ellis: He is?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: Já?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B03" "Ellis: I am?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: K obchoďáku jdeme správně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B04" "Ellis: We're heading the right way to the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: Jdeme správně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B05" "Ellis: We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Most k obchoďáku je neprůchodnej! Musíme přátelé najít cestu jinudy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B06" "Ellis: Bridge to the mall's blocked, man! We gotta find another way." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Hele, co tyhle dveře?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B07" "Ellis: Hey, let's try that door." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: MUSÍME se přes ten most dostat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B08" "Ellis: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hele, naskočíme na ten náklaďák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B09" "Ellis: Hey, jump onto the truck!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Přes ten kontejner!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B10" "Ellis: Over the dumpster!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: Ten obchoďák je KOUSEK před náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B11" "Ellis: The mall's JUST up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Já myslím, že se blížíme k obchoďáku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B12" "Ellis: Okay, I think we're getting close to the mall!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Panečku, tady je větší ticho než v hrobě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B13" "Ellis: Man, this place is quieter than a graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Doufám, že voláme správně směrem k obchoďáku..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B14" "Ellis: Hope we're making the right call going to that mall..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Hele, už to tu poznávám! Ten obchod se zbraněma je hned před náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B15" "Ellis: Hey, I recognize this! That gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: Myslím, že ten obchod se zbraněma je kousek před náma!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B16" "Ellis: I think that gun store's just up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: Budu zombie zabíjet touhle zbraní, nebo tamhletou, nebo....sakra tady je výběr." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B17" "Ellis: I'm gonna kill zombies with this gun, or no, this one, or... shit man, there's a lot of choices in here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: Beru si pistoli. Neměli bysme tady za ně nechat nějaký peníze?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B18" "Ellis: I'm grabbin a gun, should we leave some money for these?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: Sakra, Roe, vždyť ty mluvíš jako moje máma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B19" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! You sound like my mama." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: [směje se] Sakra, Roe, vždyť ty zníš trochu jako moje máma." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B20" "Ellis: Dang, Ro, listen to you! Kinda sound like my mom." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: No teda, Roe! Stává se z tebe opravdovej znalec střelnejch zbraní!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B21" "Ellis: Look at you, Ro! You're turnin' into a real firearms connoisseur!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Před váma velkoměšťákama to většinou držíme v tajnosti. Když jsou nějaký problémy, je fajn vědět, že nejste nikdo ozbrojenej." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B22" "Ellis: Oh, we like to keep that a secret from you big city types. If there's ever any trouble, it's nice to know y'all ain't armed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: To jo. To je pravda." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B23" "Ellis: Yes, ma'am. It truly is." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Díky za ty pistole!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B24" "Ellis: Thanks for the guns!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: Chápu to, člověk potřebuje občerstvení. Tenhle chlápek je divnej." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B25" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks. Man this guy's weird." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: Chápu to, člověk potřebuje nějaký občerstvení." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B26" "Ellis: I can understand that, man needs his snacks." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: Tak my obstaráme nějaký občerstvení a vy proklestíte cestu? To zní férově." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B27" "Ellis: So we get you some snacks and you clear the way? Shit, that sound fair." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Cola za zbraně, myslím, že je to pravej opak toho, co dělala moje škola." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B28" "Ellis: Cola for guns, I think this is like the reverse of what my school did." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Hotovo, můžeme jít na to." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B29" "Ellis: Got it, yeah, we'll do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Jasně šéfe, pomůžeme tobě, ty pomůžeš nám. Máme to. Dlužíme ti něco za ty zbraně?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B30" "Ellis: Yes sir, we will help you, you will help us. Got it. Hey, do we owe you anything for the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hele, vezměte tu Colu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B31" "Ellis: Hey, grab that cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: Mám tu Colu, vracíme se!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B32" "Ellis: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: Tak pánové, sebral jsem tu colu! Pojďme! Jdeme! Jdeme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B33" "Ellis: All right, man, I got that dudes cola! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Hele, mám tu Colu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B34" "Ellis: Hey I got the cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Beru colu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B35" "Ellis: Grabbin' cola!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: Překážka je pryč! Vypadneme odsud." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B36" "Ellis: Barrier's down! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Supééér! Tamhle je! Vypadneme odsud." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B37" "Ellis: Woohoo! There she goes! Let's get outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Takhle se klestí cesta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B38" "Ellis: Now, that is how you clear a path." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: [pískne] Tak to by mělo stačit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B39" "Ellis: Yep. That oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: Myslím, že nemáme jinou možnost. Měli bysme to udělat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B40" "Ellis: I guess we don't have any choice man. I guess we oughta do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: Lepší nápad nemám. A vy?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B41" "Ellis: I don't have a better idea. Any of you guys?" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Pokud nemáte, pánové, lepší nápad, jak odstranit tu překážku, tak to tak uděláme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B42" "Ellis: Well unless you guys got a better idea to get a barrier down, I say we do it." "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Hele, tamhle je obchoďák! ZVLÁDLI jsme to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B43" "Ellis: Hey, there's the mall! We MADE it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: Nikdy jsem neměl takovou radost z pohledu na obchoďák!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B44" "Ellis: I ain't never been so happy to see a damn shopping center!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: Dokázali jsme to! CEDA by tady radši měla zůstat!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B45" "Ellis: We made it! CEDA still better be here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: Přísahám Bohu, že CEDA by radši měla být v tom obchoďáku…" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M2B46" "Ellis: I swear to god, CEDA better be at that mall…" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDA by tady měla někde být." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B01" "Ellis: CEDA better be around here somewhere." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Možná je to evakuační středisko dál v obchoďáku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B02" "Ellis: Maybe the evac's further in the mall." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Amen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B03" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Amen!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B04" "Ellis: Amen!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Nahoru po tomhle eskalátoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B05" "Ellis: Up this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Nahoru po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B06" "Ellis: Up that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Dolů po tomhle eskalátoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B07" "Ellis: Down this escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Dolů po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B08" "Ellis: Down that escalator!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evakuační centrum je tudy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B09" "Ellis: Evac's this way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: K evakuačnímu centru tamhletudy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B10" "Ellis: Evac's that way!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evakuační centrum je tamhle vpředu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B11" "Ellis: Evac's up ahead!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte to! Jimmy Gibbs mladší!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B12" "Ellis: Check it out, man! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte to! To je Jimmy Gibbs mladší!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B13" "Ellis: Check it out, man! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: Tss, je to nejlepší závodník sériovejch automobilů, co se kdy narodil, Nicku. Vypadá to, že toho o naší historii moc nevíte." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B14" "Ellis: Ugh, only the best stock car racer who ever lived, Nick. Guess you don't read much history." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: Dámy a pánové, tamhle napravo je Jimmy Gibbs mladší!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B15" "Ellis: That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is Mr. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: Ať se propadnu! To je Jimmy Gibbs mladší!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B16" "Ellis: I'll be damned! That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: [směje se] Zkrátka nejlepší automobilovej závodník všech dob. Zkuste si přečíst nějakou knížku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B17" "Ellis: Just the best stock car racer of all time. Try reading a book sometime." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Tak dost. Celej den jste si stříleli ze Savannah a já by zticha. Ale Jimmyho Gibbse mladšího nepomlouvejte. Ten chlapík je pýchou Georgie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B18" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man is the pride of Georgia.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Tak dost. Celej den jste si stříleli ze Savannah a já byl zticha. Ale Jimmyho Gibbse mladšího nepomlouvejte. Ten chlapík je živá legenda." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B19" "Ellis: Now hold on. You been makin' jokes about Savannah all day and I've held my tongue. But don't belittle Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. That man's a living legend." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: Ten chlapík je pýchou Georgie." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B20" "Ellis: That man is the pride of Georgia." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: Ten chlapík je největším přírodním bohatstvím Ameriky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B21" "Ellis: That man is America's greatest natural resource." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: Za toho člověka bych položil život." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B22" "Ellis: I would take a bullet for that man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: Kdyby to dovolovaly zákony přírody, porodil bych tomu člověku děti." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B23" "Ellis: If the laws of nature allowed it, I would bear that man's children." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: Ten chlapík je americkým národním hrdinou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B24" "Ellis: That man is an American hero." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: To je Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. Nejskvělejší řidič, co se kdy posadil do sériovýho auta." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B25" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. The greatest driver ever to climb into a stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Doprdele, propásli jsme ho! Ta apokalypsa už mě začíná srát." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B26" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him! This apocalypse is startin' to piss me off.." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: My jsme ho doprdele propásli? Tohle je poslední kapka-odteď mají tyhle zombie novýho nepřítele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B27" "Ellis: Aw, shit, we missed him? That is the last straw-these zombies have just made an enemy." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Sakra. Mohl jsem se nechat vyfotit s autem Jimmyho Gibbse? NENÁVIDÍM tu apokalypsu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B28" "Ellis: Aw, hell. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? I HATE this apocalypse." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: Sakra. Mohl jsem se nechat vyfotit s autem Jimmyho Gibbse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B29" "Ellis: God damn it. I coulda got my picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte to! Jimmy Gibbs mladší!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B30" "Ellis: Check it, y'all! Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs má můj hlas." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B31" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs got my vote." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: Mám takovej pocit, že ten alarm vzbudí rozruch." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B32" "Ellis: I got a feelin' this alarm ain't gonna go unnoticed." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Připravte se! Ten alarm začne vřískat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B33" "Ellis: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Nezastavujte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B34" "Ellis: Keep going!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: NEZASTAVUJTE, NEZASTAVUJTE! POKRAČUJEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B35" "Ellis: UP, UP! Keep goin' UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: Musíme ten alarm vypnout!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B36" "Ellis: We have to turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B37" "Ellis: Somebody turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B38" "Ellis: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: Mám to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B39" "Ellis: I got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Mám to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B40" "Ellis: Got it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: Nikdy mi nepřestane zvonit v uších." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B41" "Ellis: My ears ain't never gonna stop ringing." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Vypadá, že se z města musíme dostat sami." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B42" "Ellis: Looks like we'll have to get out of the city on our own." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Nevypadá, že bysme se měli zachránit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B43" "Ellis: Doesn't look like we're getting rescued." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Vypadá to tady jako na jatkách..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B44" "Ellis: Looks like a slaughterhouse in here..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Teda, to je... to je hnusný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B45" "Ellis: Man, this is... this is awful." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: Můžeme se akorát zachránit sami." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B46" "Ellis: The only folks gonna save us is ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: Jestli se odsud máme dostat, musíme si poradit sami." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B47" "Ellis: If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna have to do it ourselves." "Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hele, zrovna tady! Někteří uprchlíci si tady postavili skrýš!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M3B48" "Ellis: Hey, right up here! Some of the refugees built a safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: Vlastně jsem myslel..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B01" "Ellis: Actually, I been thinking..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: Možná jsem dostal nápad." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B02" "Ellis: I might have an idea." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: Myslím, že jeden bych měl." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B03" "Ellis: I think I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: Jestli potřebujete nápad, nemusíte chodit daleko. Protože já jeden dobrej mám." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B04" "Ellis: If you're looking for ideas, look no further. Because I have a good one." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Pojďme najít auto Jimmyho Gibbse. Natankujeme ho a můžeme odsud odjet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B05" "Ellis: Let's go find Jimmy Gibbs's stock car. We get that thing gassed up, we can drive out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: Taky bych řekl, že auto Jimmyho Gibbse je někde tady kolem. Musíme ho akorát najít, natankovat a na vlastní pěst jím odjet do New Orleans." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B06" "Ellis: So I been thinking. Jimmy Gibbs's stock car's around here somewhere. We just gotta find it, gas it up, and I'll drive that thing to New Orleans my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: Mám nápad. Viděli jste ty plakáty? Nechte se vyfotit s autem Jimmyho Gibbse? To znamená, že je TADY. Musíme se ho akorát zmocnit a hned máme únikový vozidlo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B07" "Ellis: I've got an idea. You know them posters we been seein? Get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs's stock car? That means it's HERE. We just need to appropriate it, and we got ourselves an escape vehicle." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Poslouchejte. Viděli jste ty plakáty! Píše se na nich, že se můžeme nechat vyfotit s autem Jimmyho Gibbse. Stačí, když ho najdem, natankujem a sami odsud odjedem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B08" "Ellis: Listen up. See that poster! Says here you can get your picture taken with Jimmy Gibbs stock car. All we gotta do is find it, gas it up, and drive out of here ourselves!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: Mám nápad. Jimmy Gibbs mladší se nebude zlobit, když si půjčím jeho auto. Je to štědrej člověk." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B09" "Ellis: I've got an idea. Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. ain't gonna mind if we borrow his stock car. He's a very generous man." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Přesně tak. Musíme ho akorát najít, natankovat a odjet odsud." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B10" "Ellis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. All we gotta do is find it and gas it up, and I'll drive us out of here my damn self." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Vzpomínáte na tu reklamu, co jsme viděli po cestě sem? Myslím, že už vím, jak si opatřit nějaký vozítko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B11" "Ellis: Y'all remember those ads we saw on the way in? I think I got an idea how to get us some wheels." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: Taky bych řekl, že auto Jimmyho Gibbse je někde tady kolem. Musíme ho akorát najít, natankovat a na vlastní pěst jím odjet do New Orleans." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B12" "Ellis: That's Jimmy Gibbs, Jr., and yes. We find his stock car, get it gassed up? I'll drive us out of here myself." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Jenom přes moji mrtvolu. Klidně mě radši zabij, protože auto řídím JÁ." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B13" "Ellis: Only if I get kilt. Otherwise you better kill me, cause I'M driving." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: Myslím, že auto by měl řídit ten, kdo přišel s tímhle nápadem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B14" "Ellis: I actually think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: To byl můj nápad!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B15" "Ellis: It was my idea!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: Myslím si, že to auto by měl řídit ten, kdo přišel s tímhle nápadem. A pokud vím, tak jsem to byl JÁ." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B16" "Ellis: I think the guy who came up with the idea should get to drive the stock car. And that was, I dunno, ME." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Nezapomínejte, že na přehlídkách neplní nádrže, takže budeme potřebovat benzín." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B17" "Ellis: Now remember: They don't fill up the tanks at car shows, so we'll have to find some gas." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: To je pravda, vsadím se, že nádrž bude asi prázdná. Musíme nejprve natankovat, než odsud vystřelíme." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B18" "Ellis: All right, I'm bettin' the gas tank'll probably be empty. We'll have to gas it up before we can haul ass." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Není to poprvé, co se snažím zmizet z přehlídky aut. Vypadá, že pro jistotu nechávají nádrže prázdný. Budeme muset natankovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B19" "Ellis: Now, this ain't the first time I've tried to peel out of a car show. Turns out they usually leave the tanks empty for just such an eventuality. We gonna have to gas it up." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Ať je kdekoli, Coachi, je na vás hrdý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B20" "Ellis: Wherever he is, Coach-he's proud of you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: Sakra. To mě vůbec nenapadlo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B21" "Ellis: Hell. I never thought of that." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: Mně ne. Ten chlap by mohl být můj otec." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B22" "Ellis: Not me. That man's like a father to me." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Zapamatujme si plán. Zmocnit se benzínu, naplnit nádrž a vystřelit odsud." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B23" "Ellis: Remember the plan. Grab gas, fill up the tank, and let's get out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: Jakmile se otevřou tyhle dveře... připravte se k útěku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B24" "Ellis: Soon as these doors open... get ready to run." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Jděte! Jděte! Jděte! Najděte nějaký benzín!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B25" "Ellis: Go! Go! Go! Find some gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Hej, auto je tady! Popadněte kanystr a dolijte do nádrže benzín!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B26" "Ellis: Hey there's the car! Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: Tamhle je!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B27" "Ellis: There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Páni! Tamhle je!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B28" "Ellis: Oh Man! There's she is!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Hej, tady je to auto!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B29" "Ellis: Hey, there's the car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Pojďte, tak honem, honem, honem..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B30" "Ellis: Come comeoncomeoncomeon..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Nalezte tam, prosím prosím prosím..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B31" "Ellis: Please get in the tank, please please please..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: Ale no tak, rychle rychle..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B32" "Ellis: C'mon, hurrrry up up up up up..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Pánové, cítím se, jako bych tankoval limuzínu jejího veličenstva." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B33" "Ellis: Man I feel like I'm gassin' up royalty." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: To je... taková čest." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B34" "Ellis: This is... such an honor." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: Páni, nikdy v životě by mě nenapadlo, že budu tankovat auto Jimmyho Gibbse." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B35" "Ellis: Man, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be gassin' up Jimmy Gibbs's car." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Podívejte se na to auto..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B36" "Ellis: Would you look at that automobile..." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: Už za chvíli tě povezu, holčičko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B37" "Ellis: I'll be drivin' you REALLLL soon, girl." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: Nemůžu se dočkat, až si přisednu, miláčku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B38" "Ellis: I can't wait to get behind your wheel, darlin'." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Honem, honemmm...naplňte to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B39" "Ellis: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn...Fill it up here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Vezměte si kanystr a dolijte benzín!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B40" "Ellis: Grab a gas can and fill 'er up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Najděte kanystr s benzínem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B41" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Najděte kanystr s benzínem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B42" "Ellis: Find a gas can!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: Mám tenhle!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B43" "Ellis: I got this one!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Jdeme! Dolijeme benzín do tohoto auta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B44" "Ellis: Let's go! Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Dolijeme benzín do tohoto auta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B45" "Ellis: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: Potřebujem víc benzínu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B46" "Ellis: We need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: Potřebujem ještě víc benzínu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B47" "Ellis: We still need more gas!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Už máme půlku za sebou!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B48" "Ellis: Halfway there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Už jsme skoro tam!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B49" "Ellis: Almost there!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Hej, potřebujem dalších dvacet!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B50" "Ellis: Hey, we need twenty more, twenty more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: Potřebujem ještě deset!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B51" "Ellis: We still need ten more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: Potřebujem ještě pět!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B52" "Ellis: We still need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: potřebujem ještě pět!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B53" "Ellis: we need five more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: Tak už jenom tři!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B54" "Ellis: All right, just three more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Už jenom dva!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B55" "Ellis: Just two more!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: Měl by stačit už jenom jeden!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B56" "Ellis: One more can do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: Máme plnou nádrž, jedem!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B57" "Ellis: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Mizíme odsud!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B58" "Ellis: Let's get outta here!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Padáme! Já řídím! HNNNN!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B59" "Ellis: Let's go! I'm driving! WOOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Všichni si nastupte do toho zatracenýho auta!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B60" "Ellis: Everybody get in the damn car!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Nalezte do auta! Jsme připraveni!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B61" "Ellis: Get in the car! We're ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Honem, JEDEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B62" "Ellis: Come on, let's GO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Hhhnnnhhhnnnn!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B63" "Ellis: Woooohoooo!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Další zastávka: New Orleans!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B64" "Ellis: Next stop: New Orleans!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Připoutejte se, pánové! Chci vidět, co to auto DOVEDE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B65" "Ellis: Buckle up, folks! I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs mladší to pro nás udělá." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B66" "Ellis: Jimmy Gibbs, Jr. I will do this for you." "Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Jedem, pánové! Připoutejte se, chci vidět, co to auto DOVEDE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC1M4B67" "Ellis: Here we go folks! Buckle up, I aim to see what this car can DO!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Je mi líto. To auto umí zázraky, ale překonat zaparkovaný auta v délce dvaceti mil neumí. Myslím, že půjdem pěšky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B01" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. This car's capable of miracles, but it can't drive over twenty miles of parked cars. I think we're walkin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: Dohajzlu. Podívejte, jak je to ucpaný! Mohli jsme to taky zvládnout!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B02" "Ellis: Goddamnit. Look at that logjam! We coulda made it, too!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hej, vydržíte chvilku? Necháte mě s tím autem o samotě? Jenom... jenom mu něco musím říct." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B03" "Ellis: Hey guys, can I have a second? Alone with the car? I just... I got some things that need saying." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Hele, necháte mě chvilku s tím autem o samotě? Já jen - musím se s ním rozloučit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B04" "Ellis: Guys, can I have a second with the car? Alone? I-I just need to say goodbye." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: Měli jsme se spolu dobře." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B05" "Ellis: We had a good time." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: Nikdy tě nepřestanu mít rád." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B06" "Ellis: I will always love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: Jsi nejkrásnější bourák, v kterým jsem kdy seděl." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B07" "Ellis: You are the most beautiful thing I have ever sat between." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Páni. To byl nejlepší den mýho života." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B08" "Ellis: Man. This was the best day of my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: Miluju tě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B09" "Ellis: I love you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Díky. Bez tebe bysme to nezvládli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B10" "Ellis: Thank you. We couldn't have done it without you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Díky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B11" "Ellis: Thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Tak takhle to je. Nedělejme to těžší, než je nutný." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B12" "Ellis: Well, this is it. Let's not make it harder than it needs to be." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: No, takhle jsem to neplánoval, ale je mi líto, že vás tady budu muset opustit." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B13" "Ellis: Well, this isn't the way I saw it, but I'm sorry I'm gonna have to leave you here." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: Byl jsi dobrý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B14" "Ellis: You did good." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: A jsme v prčicích." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B15" "Ellis: Naw, we're stranded." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Omlouvám se, nevšiml jsem si toho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B16" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. I didn't see this comin'." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Omlouvám se. Asi to nebyl tak skvělej nápad." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B17" "Ellis: Sorry, guys. Guess it wasn't such a hot idea after all." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Světlomety. To je první známka života za posledních sto mil." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B18" "Ellis: Searchlights. That's the first sign of life we've seen in a hundred miles." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: Měli bysme vyrazit k těm světlometům." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B19" "Ellis: We should head towards those searchlights." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: Po tomhle nájezdu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B20" "Ellis: Down this off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: Po tom nájezdu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B21" "Ellis: Down that off ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: To bude zábavní park Whispering Oaks, přímo tamhle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B22" "Ellis: That'd be Whispering Oaks Amusement Park, right there." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: Zkusím jít poslepu a říct, kterým směrem je ten park." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B23" "Ellis: I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say the park's that way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Hele, světla reflektorů. Jdeme správně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B24" "Ellis: Yeah, there's the spotlights. We're heading the right way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Dálnice je zatarasená! Zkrátíme si cestu skrz motel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B25" "Ellis: Highway's blocked! Let's cut through the motel!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Podívejte na ty chudáky. Akorát si chtěli zaplavat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B26" "Ellis: Look at those poor people. All they wanted to do was go for a swim." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Podívejte se na všechny ty chudáky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B27" "Ellis: Look at all those poor people." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Prohledejte pokoje." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B28" "Ellis: Search the rooms." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte pokoje! Možná je tam nějaký harampádí!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B29" "Ellis: Check the rooms! Might be crap in em!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Doprdele, omlouvám se. Chtěl jsem vám to říct." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B30" "Ellis: Ooh, shit, sorry man. I was gonna tell you about that." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Hej, dávejte bacha, kam šlapete. Ta rokle vypadá strmě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B31" "Ellis: Hey watch your footing. This gully looks steep." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: Jestli se dostaneme na dno tý rokle, budeme muset být opatrní." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B32" "Ellis: If we're gonna get to the bottom of this gully, we gotta be careful." "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! Zvládli jsme to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B33" "Ellis: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Je mi líto, ale dopravní zácpou projet neumím." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M1B34" "Ellis: Sorry, folks. I can't drive over a traffic jam." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: Reflektory jsou tamhle. Jestli je tam elektrika, musí tam být lidi. Pojďme se tam podívat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B01" "Ellis: There's the searchlights. If there's electricity, there must be people. Let's check it out." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: Pomůžu vám. Zatracený představení." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B02" "Ellis: I'll back you up on that. Hell of a show." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: Viděl jsem je v '07. Přední řada uprostřed. Spadlo mi obočí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B03" "Ellis: I saw 'em in '07. Front row center. Lost my eyebrows." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hele, zkontrolujte to! Tamhle jsou Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B04" "Ellis: Hey, check it out man! That's The Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [zpívá si] ...Musím vyjít na vrchol a zůstat na tý hoře..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B05" "Ellis: [singing] ...Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [zpívá si] ...Každá žena šílí, když tam její táta není..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B06" "Ellis: [singing] ...Every lady's crazy when her daddy's not around..." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Zůstaň na tý hoře! První singl z jejich alba Deset minut po půlnoci. Tu písničku zbožňuju." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B07" "Ellis: Stay on That Mountain! First single off their Ten Past Midnight album. I love that song." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Všechny ženský jsou šílený! Neexistuje žádnej záznam, hrálo se to jenom živě. Znáš, Coachi, Riders." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B08" "Ellis: Every Lady's Crazy! Never been recorded, only played live. You know the Riders, Coach." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Jo, oni jsou fakt pořádná událost." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B09" "Ellis: Uh, yeah, they're a pretty big deal, all right." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: Už vím, kdy budou hrát? Koncert bude vidět i z VESMÍRU." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B10" "Ellis: I heard when they play? You can see the show from SPACE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: Slyšel jsem, že pokud bude foukat vítr, zruší koncert, protože by to mohlo ZAPÁLIT města ležící po směru větru." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B11" "Ellis: I heard they gotta cancel the concert if there's a breeze, cause any town downwind'll catch on FIRE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Páni, vidíte všechny ty atrakce? A bez FRONT! Kéž bysme neměli takovej fofr." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B12" "Ellis: Man, would you look at all these rides? And no LINES! Wish we weren't in such a hurry." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: Je to, jako bysme si koupili tenhle park a měli každou jízdu jen pro sebe! To je třetí věc, kterou jsem chtěl udělat, kdybych vyhrál v loterii." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B13" "Ellis: It's like we bought the park and got every ride to ourselves! That's the third thing I was gonna do if I ever won the lottery." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: Chci se svézt ještě jednou! Už jenom jednou! Nechte mě jet ještě jednou na Screaming Oak. Kdy se sem zas dostanem?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B14" "Ellis: I wanna ride one! Just one! Just lemme ride the Screaming Oak once. Man, when we ever gonna be here again?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Nechápu lidi, co nemají rádi Lil Peanut? Já tu postavičku zbožňuju!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B15" "Ellis: Man, how can you not like Li'l Peanut? I love this little guy!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: Pánové, jste přepracovaní. Jako prcek jsem míval od něj hračky. Ten malej vycpanej burák byl nejlepší kámoš, jakýho kluk mohl mít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B16" "Ellis: You guys are jaded. I used to have his toys when I was bite-sized. That little stuffed peanut was the best friend a boy could have." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Tak, Coachi? Nechám tě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B17" "Ellis: Well, Coach? I aim to let you." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Houby, vážení! Dětský ráj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B18" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Houby, vážení! Je to zatracený Dětský ráj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B19" "Ellis: Holy shit, guys! It's goddamned Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Zkontrolujte to! Dětský ráj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B20" "Ellis: Check it out! Kiddie Land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: Jedl jsi vtipnou kaši, ale JÁ ji nebudu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B21" "Ellis: You keep it up with the height jokes, and I won't." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: Ty seš fakt komik, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B22" "Ellis: You're a real comedian, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Chacha." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B23" "Ellis: Ha ha ha." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: No, jsi opravdovej komik." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B24" "Ellis: Well, aren't you a real comedian." "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Húúúú! Jóóó!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B25" "Ellis: Wooo! Yeah!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Vypněte ten krám!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B26" "Ellis: Turn that damn thing off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: Je to vypnutý!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B27" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: Vypnuto!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Všichni do tunelu lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B29" "Ellis: Everybody into the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Hele, v tunelu lásky je úkryt!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M2B30" "Ellis: Hey, there's a saferoom in the Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: To není klasická atrakce, Nicku. [šeptem] Tady si to kluci rozdávaj s holkama." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B01" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: To není klasická atrakce, Nicku. [šeptem] Tady si to kluci rozdávaj s holkama." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B02" "Ellis: This ain't that kinda ride, Nick. [whisper] This is where you make out with your girlfriend." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Ta voda vypadá skvěle." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B03" "Ellis: Cool looking water." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: Do technický místnosti labutí lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B04" "Ellis: Into the swan maintenance room of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: To tunelu lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B05" "Ellis: Into the maintenance Tunnel of Love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Je tady zápalný střelivo lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B06" "Ellis: Incendiary ammo of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Je tady katana lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B07" "Ellis: Katana sword of love here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: Touhle dírou!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B08" "Ellis: Down this hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: Tamtou dírou!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B09" "Ellis: Down that hole!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Do tý vybuchlý díry lásky!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B10" "Ellis: Through the blasted-out hole of love!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Panečku! Horská dráha!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B11" "Ellis: Aw, MAN! A roller coaster!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Hej, pánové, to je Screamin' Oak!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B12" "Ellis: Aw, MAN, that's the Screamin' Oak!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Jó, skvělý!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B13" "Ellis: Oh, cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Panebože!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B14" "Ellis: Ohmigod!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Panebože, jsou Vánoce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B15" "Ellis: Ohmigod, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Dohajzlu, jsou Vánoce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B16" "Ellis: Holy shit, it's Christmas." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Hele, musíme uvolnit tuhle dráhu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B17" "Ellis: Hey, we need to clear these tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Uvolníme tu dráhu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B18" "Ellis: Let's clear the tracks." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: Uvolňuju tu dráhu" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B19" "Ellis: I'm clearing the tracks" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: To je fakt skvělý!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B20" "Ellis: That is so cool!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hele, musíme vypnout ten alarm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B21" "Ellis: Hey we gotta turn that alarm off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B22" "Ellis: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: Ten alarm mi leze na nervy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B23" "Ellis: That alarm is getting on my nerves!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Pojďte po cestě!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B24" "Ellis: Follow the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Nescházejte z cesty!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B25" "Ellis: Keep followin' the tracks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Dobře, jdeme. To je tak skvělý!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B26" "Ellis: Okay, come on, how cool is this?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Alarm je vypnutej!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B27" "Ellis: Alarm's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: Je vypnutej!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B28" "Ellis: It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: JE VYPNUTEJ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B29" "Ellis: OFF!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: Je vypnutej, slyšíte mě? Je vypnutej!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B30" "Ellis: It's off, can you hear me? It's off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Přes autodrom!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B31" "Ellis: Through the bumper cars!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: Jak se dostanem přes ten plot?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B32" "Ellis: How do we get around this fence?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: Ten plot nám stojí v cestě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B33" "Ellis: This fence is blocking our way." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: Sakra, zavřeli bránu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B34" "Ellis: Damn, they closed this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: Musíme otevřít tu bránu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B35" "Ellis: We gotta open this gate." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: Jsme tady zamknutí!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B36" "Ellis: They locked us out!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: Jsme tady zavření!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B37" "Ellis: We're blocked!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: Musíme zapnout tenhle generátor." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B38" "Ellis: We need to power up this generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Hele, jak se dostanem sem dovnitř?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B39" "Ellis: Hey, how do we get in here?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: Potřebujem vlízt dovnitř." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B40" "Ellis: We need to get in." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: Musíme vlízt dovnitř!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B41" "Ellis: We gotta get in!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Zapneme to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B42" "Ellis: Let's start it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Dělejte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B43" "Ellis: Do it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: Spouštím generátor." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B44" "Ellis: I'm starting the generator." "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Spouští se generátor!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B45" "Ellis: Generator starting!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: Spouštím to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B46" "Ellis: I'm starting it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: Otvírám to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M3B47" "Ellis: I'm opening it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: Funím, co?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B01" "Ellis: I'm breathin', ain't I?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: Mám na to. Tak ... jo." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B02" "Ellis: I was born ready. So... yes." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: To je helikoptéra!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B03" "Ellis: It's a helicopter!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: Vrtulník!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B04" "Ellis: A chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Vlezte na stadion!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B05" "Ellis: Get into the stadium!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: Můžeme tudy vlézt na stadion!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B06" "Ellis: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Hele, musíme dát znamení tomu vrtulníku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, we need to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: Budem potřebovat něco velkýho, abysme mohli dát znamení tomu vrtulníku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M4B08" "Ellis: We're gonna need something big to signal that chopper." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coachi, nerad ti to říkám, ale myslím, že jsou TADY." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B01" "Ellis: Coach, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think they're actually HERE." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coachi, jsi skvělý člověk." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B02" "Ellis: Coach, you are a brilliant man." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: Vždycky jsem chtěl běžet za vrtulníkem při kytarovým sólu. Jako v hudebním klipu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B03" "Ellis: I always wanted to run to a helicopter during a guitar solo. Just like in a music video." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: To bude signál pilotovi vrtulníku! Už POČTVRTÉ mi Midnight Riders zachránili život." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B04" "Ellis: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! This is gonna be like the FOURTH time the Midnight Riders have saved my life." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: Jsem vevnitř. Pojďme tančit rock and roll." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B05" "Ellis: I'm in. Let's rock and roll." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: Jsem vevnitř. Ta aréna se začne houpat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B06" "Ellis: I'm in. This arena's about to get rocked." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: Musíme najít scénu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B07" "Ellis: We need to find the stage!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Pojďme najít scénu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B08" "Ellis: Let's find the stage." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: Musíme začít finále." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B09" "Ellis: We need to start the finale." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Víte někdo, jak rozjet finále?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B10" "Ellis: Anybody know how to start the finale?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: Jak má tohle finále začínat?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B11" "Ellis: How's this finale supposed to start?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: Při představení Midnight Riders nejde o HUDBU, Nicku, ale o výbuchy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B12" "Ellis: A Midnight Riders show ain't about the MUSIC, Nick. It's about the explosions." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: To nevadí, stejně jsem nikdy neslyšel hudbu skrz ohňostroj." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B13" "Ellis: That don't matter. I could never hear the music over the pyrotechnics anyway." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: Spousta playbacků. Šetřit si hlas do studia, na tom přece není nic špatnýho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B14" "Ellis: Lots of bands lip sync. Ain't nothing wrong with saving your vocal cords for the studio." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Óóó, tady je přehrávač s nápisem finále!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B15" "Ellis: Ooh, here's a tape deck marked Finale!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Myslíte, že to tlačítko s nápisem finále něco dělá?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B16" "Ellis: Do you think this button marked Finale will do anything?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: Když pustím ten přehrávač, začne hrát. Připravte se, pánové!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B17" "Ellis: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Dobře, přetáčím na finále! Všichni se připravte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B18" "Ellis: Okay, cueing up the finale! Everybody get ready!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Dobře, přetáčím na finále! Jste všichni připraveni!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B19" "Ellis: Okay, I'm cueing up the finale! Everybody ready?" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Připravte se! Pouštím to, bejby." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B20" "Ellis: Get ready to rock! I'm about to start this baby." "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B21" "Ellis: Hit the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: Víc světel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B22" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Světla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B23" "Ellis: Lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Dejte to nahlas!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B24" "Ellis: Turn it up!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Dejte to nahlas! Pořádně NAHLAS!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B25" "Ellis: Turn it up! Turn it WAYY UP!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: Tuhle písničku zbožňuju!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B26" "Ellis: I love this song!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: To je nejlepší den mýho života!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B27" "Ellis: This is the best day of my life!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: Jsme jako technický zázemí Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B28" "Ellis: It's like we're roadies for the Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: Ta písnička je ÚŽASNÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B29" "Ellis: This song is AWESOME!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Spusťte ohňostroj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B30" "Ellis: Set off the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Odpalte ohňostroj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B31" "Ellis: Launch the fireworks!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Pusťte světelný výbuchy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B32" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Přepněte ten vypínač!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B33" "Ellis: Flip the switch!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B34" "Ellis: Turn on the lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: Víc světel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B35" "Ellis: More lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Zapni reflektory, drahoušku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B36" "Ellis: Hit the spotlights, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Pusť světlice!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B37" "Ellis: Hit the flash pots!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Odpalte signální granáty!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B38" "Ellis: Hit the flash bangs!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: Víc, bejby, potřebujem jich víc!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B39" "Ellis: More, baby, we need more!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Nepolevujte! Nepolevujte!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B40" "Ellis: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: Pilot vrtulníku to musí uvidět!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B41" "Ellis: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B42" "Ellis: Hit it!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Mačkejte to!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B43" "Ellis: Keep hitting this!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Pouštějte to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B44" "Ellis: Keep setting it off!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Zmáčkněte to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B45" "Ellis: Hit everything!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: Nahodíme ten krám, bejby!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B46" "Ellis: We need crank this shit up, baby!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B47" "Ellis: ROCK 'N' ROLL!!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: Vrtulník nás viděl!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B48" "Ellis: The chopper saw us!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: Letí sem vrtulník!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B49" "Ellis: The chopper's coming!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: Vidíte? Hudba od Midnight Riders zachraňuje životy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B50" "Ellis: See? The Midnight Riders' music saves lives!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Díky, Midnight Riders!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B51" "Ellis: Thank you, Midnight Riders!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Díky, Whispering Oaks a dobrou noc! Byli jste SKVĚLÝ PUBLIKUM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B52" "Ellis: Thank you, Whispering Oaks and goodnight! You've been a GREAT AUDIENCE!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: Funguje to!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B53" "Ellis: It's working!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Zabijte toho Tanka, aby mohl přistát!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B54" "Ellis: Kill the Tank so he can land!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: Nemůže přistát, dokud nezabijeme toho Tanka!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B55" "Ellis: He can't land till we kill that Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: ON nepřistane, dokud nebude ten Tank mrtvej. Tak ho zabijte!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B56" "Ellis: HE ain't gonna land till the Tank is dead, man. Kill the Tank!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Jdeme! Jdeme k vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B57" "Ellis: Let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Všichni k vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B58" "Ellis: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Pánové, jdeme k vrtulníku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B59" "Ellis: Let's go, guys! Get to the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Vrtulník odlétá, jdeme! Běžíme!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B60" "Ellis: Chopper's leaving, let's go! Let's go!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Běžíme, dělejte! Vrtulník je tady!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B61" "Ellis: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: PŘESNĚ jako v hudebním klipu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC2M5B62" "Ellis: JUST like a music video!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nick chce něco říct." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B01" "Ellis: Nick does have a point." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nicku, ty jsi doprdele zastřelil pilota!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B02" "Ellis: Nick, what the hell, you shot the pilot!" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: To je pravda: Byla to sice zombie, ale taky jedinej pilot." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B03" "Ellis: True. True. He was a zombie. But he was also the only pilot." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: ÓÓÓ, tak to bylo šílený. Nicku, jsi muž činu! ... Kde to sakra jsme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B04" "Ellis: OOOH man, that was some crazy shit. Nick, you are a man of action! ... Where the hell are we?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, vidím tu ceduli." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B05" "Ellis: Rochelle, I see the sign." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Myslím, že naše havárka byla tak mírná, protože jsme přistáli v" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B06" "Ellis: Guess our crash was so soft cause we landed in the..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Zaplavat si s krokodýly? Ne, díky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B07" "Ellis: Swimming with gators? Why, no thank you." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hele, tak upřímně, rostou vám svaly?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B08" "Ellis: Hey, guys. Be honest. Are my muscles gettin' bigger?" "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: Já to věděl. To pobíhání a lezení mi nadělalo pořádný svaly." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B09" "Ellis: I knew it. All this runnin' around climbin' up on stuff's makin' me buff as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Počkejte, žádní policajti, žádný pravidla, bydlet prostě ve velkým domě na stromě? To zní fakt hustě." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B10" "Ellis: Wait, no cops, no rules, you get to live in a big tree house? Sounds badass is what it sounds like." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Víte co? Tihle bažiňáci to všechno vykoumali. Život bez policajtů a pravidel..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B11" "Ellis: Y'all ask me? These swamp people got it all figured out, man. No cops, no rules..." "Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: Vymysleli, jak zařídit, aby se nemuselo chodit na záchod? To je ÚŽASNÝ. Ohhhh. Ne, počkat, už to mám. Dohajzlu, to je hustý." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC3M1B12" "Ellis: They figured out how to stop going to the bathroom? That's AMAZING. Ohhhh. No, wait, I just got it. Shit, that's gross as hell." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Oh, v tašce se zbraněma jsou světlice." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B01" "Ellis: Oh, there's flares in the gun bag." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: Vy jste si nevzali ty zbraně?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B02" "Ellis: You didn't grab the guns?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: Vy jste nevzali ten pytel s těma zbraněma?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B03" "Ellis: You didn't grab the gun bag?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Každej docela dost." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B04" "Ellis: Pretty much everybody." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Proč jste si je NEVZALI?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B05" "Ellis: Why didn't YOU grab 'em?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: Ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B06" "Ellis: No." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Došel nám benzín." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B07" "Ellis: Outta gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Vypadá, že budeme muset jít k tomu Ducatelu pěšky." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B08" "Ellis: Looks like we're gonna have to walk to this Ducatel place." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Hele, měli bysme si pospíšit, než začne pršet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B09" "Ellis: Hey, we should hurry before it starts to rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: Nemá cenu brečet. Hoďme sebou." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B10" "Ellis: No use whinin' about it. Let's get movin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Prší? Nevadí, ať si klidně prší." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B11" "Ellis: Is it rainin? Never mind, it is." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Páni, začíná opravdu lít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B12" "Ellis: Man, it is really startin' to pour." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Doprdele? Vždyť prší." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B13" "Ellis: Aw what the hell? It's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Sakra, vždyť prší." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B14" "Ellis: Aw, shit, it's rainin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Co můžeme udělat, abysme se odsud dostali dřív, než se utopíme?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B15" "Ellis: Hey can we make an effort to move fast here fore we all drown'd?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Pozor na orientační body. Možná tudy budem cestou zpátky spěchat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B16" "Ellis: Watch for landmarks. We may be comin' through here in a hurry on the back." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Přes tohle hřiště!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B17" "Ellis: Through this playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Přes to hřiště!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B18" "Ellis: Through that playground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: Můžem si to zkrátit přes garáž!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B19" "Ellis: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: Sakra. To je docela vrak." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B20" "Ellis: Damn. That's quite a wreck." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: Zatraceně, už jsem vyváznul i z horšího." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B21" "Ellis: Hell, I've walked away from a lot worse than that." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Jo, v dešti pěkně zlobí zadní kola." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B22" "Ellis: Yeah, the ass end of those things'll get real squirrelly in the rain." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Nebo jestli je tam zombijská červená karkulka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B23" "Ellis: Or if there's a zombie ridin' hood." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Podle těch světel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B24" "Ellis: Follow these lights!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Hele, běžte ke garáži!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B25" "Ellis: Hey, head for the garage!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: [čte] Duck-a-tell... Ó, Ducatel Sugar." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B26" "Ellis: Duck-a-tell... Oh, Ducatel Sugar." "Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: Tamhle je cukrovar!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M1B27" "Ellis: There's the sugar mill!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Hele, po týto cestě se dál nedostanem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B01" "Ellis: Hey, we ain't goin' no farther on this road." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Pojďme přes cukrovar." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B02" "Ellis: Let's head through the mill." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: Ten déšť vůbec nepolevuje." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B03" "Ellis: This rain sure ain't lettin' up." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Obloha je černá jak uhel." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B04" "Ellis: Sky's black as pitch." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: Žene se na nás pořádná bouřka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B05" "Ellis: We are in for a nasty damn storm." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: Pánové, ta voda začíná pěkně stoupat. Dohajzlu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B06" "Ellis: Man, this water's startin' to pool. Shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Sakra, máte pravdu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B07" "Ellis: Oh hell yes." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Sakra, tolik Witch jsem nikdy neviděl!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B08" "Ellis: Man, that is the most Witches I ever saw!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: Doprdele, těch Witch teda je." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B09" "Ellis: Holy shit that's a lotta Witches." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nicku, už jsi někdy viděl tolik Witch? Doprdele." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B10" "Ellis: Nick, you ever seen this many Witches? Ho-lee shit." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Páni, já se za chvíli rozbrečím." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B11" "Ellis: Man, I'm gonna start cryin' in a minute." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Jděte k sýpce!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B12" "Ellis: Head for the grain elevator!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Na tu rampu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B13" "Ellis: Up that ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Na tuhle rampu!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B14" "Ellis: Up this ramp!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: Tak!! Tady je bezinka!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B15" "Ellis: All right! There's the gas station!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: To je cukrová třtina, Roe." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B16" "Ellis: That's sugar cane, Ro." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: To je cukrová třtina, Nicku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B17" "Ellis: It's sugar cane, Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Přes pole s cukrovou třtinou!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B18" "Ellis: Through the cane field!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: Můžeme jet dolů na pole výtahem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B19" "Ellis: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: Přivolejte někdo výtah?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B20" "Ellis: Somebody gonna hit that elevator button?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: VÝTAH JE TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B21" "Ellis: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: VŠICHNI DOVNITŘ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B22" "Ellis: EVERYBODY IN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: HEJ, VŠICHNI DO VÝTAHU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B23" "Ellis: HEY EVERYBODY GET IN THE ELEVATOR!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Zmáčkni ještě jednou to tlačítko!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B24" "Ellis: Hit the button again!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: POHYB! PŘÍMO K CEDULI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B25" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: K CEDULI! K CEDULI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B26" "Ellis: HEAD FOR THE SIGN! HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: POHYB!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B27" "Ellis: KEEP MOVING!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: Je tady napsáno, že je tady benzín." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B28" "Ellis: It says here the gas's inside." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Super. Dojděte pro něj." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B29" "Ellis: Sweet. Let's go get it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: Ve skrýši je benzín!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B30" "Ellis: There's gas in the safe room!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Zavřete dveře a vezměte ten benzín." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M2B31" "Ellis: Close the door and let's get this gas." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: Mám ho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B01" "Ellis: I got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Jo. Mám ho." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B02" "Ellis: Yup. Got one." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: Má každej jeden kanystr?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B03" "Ellis: Everybody got a can?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Vraťme se ke člunu" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B04" "Ellis: Let's get back to the damn boat!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: Nesnáší ty kanystry!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B05" "Ellis: He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: Nesnáší ty kanystry! Nesnáší ty kanystry!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B06" "Ellis: He hates those cans! He hates those cans!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Doprdele, to je pořádná bouřka." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B07" "Ellis: Oh shit, it's really stormin'." "Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: Je to ještě mnohem horší. Musíme hnout zadkem a padat odsud." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M3B08" "Ellis: A lot worse'n this. We gotta haul ass outta here." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: Už jsme blízko. Loděnice není daleko." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B01" "Ellis: We're getting' close, man. The dock ain't much further." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Buďme opatrní!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B02" "Ellis: Stick to the high ground!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Pamatuju si, že jsme cestou tam šli okolo těch světel!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B03" "Ellis: Oh, I remember passin' these lights on the way in!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: Můžeme přelézt přes střechy!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B04" "Ellis: We can climb across the roofs!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: Tamhle je to světlo z terasy, který jsme míjeli cestou tam." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B05" "Ellis: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: Je tam ten vrak toho náklaďáku!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B06" "Ellis: There's that truck wreck!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: Je tam ten garážovej výprodej." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B07" "Ellis: There's that garage sale." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: Jdeme správně!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B08" "Ellis: We're headed the right way!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: Hele, hřiště! Už jsme skoro v loděnici!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B09" "Ellis: The playground, yeah, yeah! We're almost at the dock!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: Pamatuju si, že jsme to viděli po cestě sem." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B10" "Ellis: I remember seein' this on the way in." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Zapněte někdo tu ceduli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B11" "Ellis: Somebody turn the sign on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Jasně, to by mohlo zafungovat." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B12" "Ellis: Sure, that might work." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Jo, když to zapneme, tak to Virgil možná uvidí." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B13" "Ellis: Yeah, if we turn it on, Virgil might see it." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: To zní jako dobrej nápad." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B14" "Ellis: Sounds like a plan." "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Hej, co takhle zapnout tu ceduli Burger Tank?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B15" "Ellis: Hey, what if we turn on the Burger Tank sign?" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Rozsvítíme tu ceduli!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B16" "Ellis: Let's light up the sign!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Je zapnutá, bejby! Cedule už svítí!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B17" "Ellis: Sign's on, baby! Sign is on!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: CEDULE JE ZHASNUTÁ!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B18" "Ellis: SIGN'S OUT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: ROZSVIŤTE ZAS TU CEDULI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B19" "Ellis: GIT THAT SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: ZAPNĚTE ZAS NĚKDO TU CEDULI!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B20" "Ellis: SOMEBODY GIT THE SIGN GOIN' AGAIN!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: JE TADY TEN CHLAPÍK S TÍM ČLUNEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B21" "Ellis: THE BOAT GUY'S BACK!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HELE, TAMHLE JE TEN CHLAPÍK S TÍM ČLUNEM!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B22" "Ellis: HEY, HEY, THERE'S THE BOAT GUY!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL JE TADY!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B23" "Ellis: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGILE!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B24" "Ellis: VIRGIL!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGILE, DĚJE SE NĚCO?!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B25" "Ellis: VIRGIL, WHAT'S UP BROTHER?!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: POJĎTE KE ČLUNU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B26" "Ellis: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: POJĎTE VŠICHNI KE ČLUNU!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B27" "Ellis: Y'ALL GET TO THE BOAT!" "Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGILE! UŽ JDEME!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC4M4B28" "Ellis: VIRGIL! WE'RE COMIN'!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: Zatím, Virgile." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B01" "Ellis: See you later, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: Uvidíme se později, Virgile." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B02" "Ellis: See ya, Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Díky, kámo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B03" "Ellis: Thanks, brother!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Díky, Virgile. Jsi dobrej člověk a máš skvělej člun." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B04" "Ellis: Thank you, Virgil. You're a good man, and you got a helluva boat." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: Ten Virgil je opravdovej hrdina, jestli se tam vrací zpátky, když už jsme tak blízko. Pojďme k mostu... pro Virgila." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B05" "Ellis: That Virgil is a goddamn hero going back there when we are so close. Let's get to that bridge... for Virgil." "Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Stíhačka! Musí tu být lidi!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M1B06" "Ellis: Jets. Jets mean people!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: [ukazuje] Kůň!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B01" "Ellis: Horse!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Hele, jakmile se otevřou tyhle dveře, UTÍKÁME!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B02" "Ellis: Hey, as soon as this here door opens, RUN!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Neotvírejte ty dveře, dokud nebudeme připraveni" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B03" "Ellis: Let's not open this door until we're ready" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: Všechny ty auta s alarmama, to je jak nějaká skládačka!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B04" "Ellis: All these alarm cars, it's like a puzzle!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Možná bysme tady neměli používat pistole." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B05" "Ellis: Maybe we ought not to use our guns here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: PROČ JSTE STŘÍLELI NA TO AUTO!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B06" "Ellis: WHY'D YOU SHOOT THE CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: PŘESTAŇTE STŘÍLET NA TY AUTA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B07" "Ellis: STOP SHOOTING THE CARS!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: TAK DOBRÁ, TAKY MŮŽU STŘÍLET DO AUT!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B08" "Ellis: WELL ALL RIGHT, I CAN SHOOT A CAR TOO!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: NO TAK DOBRÁ, TAKY SI STŘELÍM DO PITOMÝHO AUTA!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B09" "Ellis: WELL FINE THEN, THERE, I'LL SHOOT A DAMN CAR!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: Tamhle je most, stačí když..." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B10" "Ellis: There's the bridge, all we gotta do is..." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Doprdele, myslím, že tudy nemáme jít." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B11" "Ellis: Well shit, guess we ain't goin' that way." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Joj! To bylo fakt hustý!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B12" "Ellis: Whoa! That was cool and all but shit!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: Hádám, že jdeme na návštěvu na hřbitov, vypadá to tu strašidelně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B13" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna visit that graveyard, it's kinda spooky." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: Myslím, že se budeme muset stavit na tom hřbitově." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B14" "Ellis: I guess we're gonna have to visit that graveyard." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Uf, doufám, že neuvidíme žádný duchy." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B15" "Ellis: Oh man, I hope we don't see no ghosts." "Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: Nicku, ducha nezastřelíš. Chci tím jen doprdele říct, že to není žádná věda." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M2B16" "Ellis: You can't shoot a ghost, Nick. I mean, shit, it ain't rocket science, man." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Joj!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B01" "Ellis: Whoa!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: Trefili to zatraceně dobře." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B02" "Ellis: They nailed that." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: Kam vlastně míří?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B03" "Ellis: What are they even aiming at?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: Musíme odsud zmizet." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B04" "Ellis: We need to get the hell out of here." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: Nesmí nás uvidět." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B05" "Ellis: They must not see us." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hej, ta budova se řítí dolů!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B06" "Ellis: Hey, this building is coming down!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Nicku? Oni tě neslyší, protože jsou ve stíhačce." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B07" "Ellis: Hey, Nick? They can't hear you, because they're in jet planes." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: Já ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B08" "Ellis: I don't." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: Já ne." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B09" "Ellis: Not me." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Jo, někdo by měl zvednout tu vysílačku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B10" "Ellis: Yo, somebody oughta pick up the radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Vezměte někdo tu vysílačku." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B11" "Ellis: Grab that radio." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Haló, je tam někdo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B12" "Ellis: Hello there!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Já jsem Ellis a vy?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B13" "Ellis: Name's Ellis, you?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Jsme tady čtyři a potřebujeme pomoc." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B14" "Ellis: Four people that could use some help sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: No, já jsem Ellis. Je tady se mnou Rochelle, Coach a Nick." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B15" "Ellis: Well shit, I'm Ellis. I got Rochelle here with me, Coach and Nick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: Není mi špatně." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B16" "Ellis: I ain't sick." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: Cítím se docela dobře." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B17" "Ellis: I'm feelin' pretty good." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: Myslím, že jo. Co tím chcete říct?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B18" "Ellis: I guess, I think so. What do you mean?" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: Jo, bojovali jsme proti zombiím." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B19" "Ellis: We fought zombies, yeah." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Nó, my jsme bojovali proti zombiím.." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B20" "Ellis: Well, hell yeah, we fought zombies." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Jo, to jsem si myslel." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B21" "Ellis: Yeah, figured as much." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: Bůh vás ochraňuj, pane." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B22" "Ellis: God be with you, too, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Děkujeme vám." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B23" "Ellis: Thank you, sir." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Dobře, zatím." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B24" "Ellis: Okay, see ya soon." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Spusťte bránu." "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B25" "Ellis: Lower the gate." "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: Doprava! Doprava!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B26" "Ellis: To the right! To the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hej, držte se vpravo!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B27" "Ellis: Hey, keep to the right!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: Tamhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B28" "Ellis: There's the chopper!" "Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Vrtulník je tamhle dole!" "[english]Mechanic_WorldC5M4B29" "Ellis: Chopper down there!" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: Proč to s sebou nosíš?" "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric01" "Ellis: Why you carryin' that thing?" "Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Díky, taky to mám rád." "[english]Mechanic_WorldGeneric02" "Ellis: Thanks, I like it too." "Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: Vezmi si to." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem01" "Rochelle: You can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Mám to speciálně pro tebe." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem02" "Rochelle: Got this just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Na, vezmi si to." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem03" "Rochelle: Here, you can have this." "Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: Drobnost pro tebe." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem04" "Rochelle: A little something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: Vzala jsem to schválně pro tebe." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItem05" "Rochelle: I picked this up just for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: Budeš to potřebovat." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemC101" "Rochelle: You're gonna need this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Tady!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat01" "Rochelle: Here!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Vezmi si to!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat02" "Rochelle: Take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Nech si to!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat03" "Rochelle: Have this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Na, vezmi si to." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat04" "Rochelle: Here, use this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: Budeš to potřebovat, vezmi si to!" "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat05" "Rochelle: You need this, take this!" "Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Na, dám ti to." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemCombat06" "Rochelle: Here, I'm giving this to you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Počkej, něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop01" "Rochelle: Wait, I have something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: POČKEJ, vezmi si tohle." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop02" "Rochelle: STOP, take this." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Můžeš chvíli počkat? Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStop03" "Rochelle: Can you stop for a sec? I got something for you." "Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hej! No, ty! Něco pro tebe mám." "[english]Producer_AlertGiveItemStopC101" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey, uh, you! I got something for you." "Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: Dobře, jste připravení?" "[english]Producer_AskReady01" "Rochelle: All right, you guys ready?" "Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Připraveni?" "[english]Producer_AskReady02" "Rochelle: Ready?" "Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Jste připravení?" "[english]Producer_AskReady03" "Rochelle: Ready for this?" "Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Zpátky zpátky zpátky!" "[english]Producer_BackUp01" "Rochelle: Back back back!" "Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Dělejte, honem zpátky." "[english]Producer_BackUp02" "Rochelle: Come on, move, move back." "Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Zpátky! Zpátky!" "[english]Producer_BackUp03" "Rochelle: Back it up! Back it up!" "Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Zpátky!" "[english]Producer_BackUp04" "Rochelle: Let's back it up!" "Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Zpátky." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet01" "Rochelle: Back up." "Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Musíme zpátky." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet02" "Rochelle: Move back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Musíme zpátky." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet03" "Rochelle: Get back." "Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Zpátky, musíme zpátky." "[english]Producer_BackUpQuiet04" "Rochelle: Get back, get back." "Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Zastřelte tu bestii! Zastřelte tu bestii!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank01" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Zapalte tu mrchu!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank02" "Rochelle: Set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Dobrá, zapalte tu mrchu!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank03" "Rochelle: Okay, set it on fire!" "Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Podpalte tu mrchu!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank04" "Rochelle: Light it up!" "Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Nepřestávejte střílet!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank05" "Rochelle: Don't stop shooting!" "Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Zabijte tu bestii! Zabijte tu bestii!" "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank06" "Rochelle: Kill it! Kill it!" "Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Rozstřílejte tu bestii na kusy." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank07" "Rochelle: Shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: Tak rozstřílejte tu bestii na kusy." "[english]Producer_BattleCryTank08" "Rochelle: Okay, shoot the shit out of that thing." "Producer_Blank" " " "[english]Producer_Blank" " " "Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: Zatraceně, akorát jsem minula!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction01" "Rochelle: Damn it, I just washed this!" "Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Proboha!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction02" "Rochelle: Oh God!" "Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: Ach, uf! Ježíšmarjá! Eh, fuj!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction03" "Rochelle: Ahhh ugh! Jesus! Eww ugh!" "Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Fuj, dohajzlu!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction04" "Rochelle: Oh bleh, shit!" "Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Ach, fuj! Ach, už nikdy!" "[english]Producer_BoomerReaction05" "Rochelle: Oh, ugh! Oh, not again!" "Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Pomozte mi někdo. Kde jste kdo. Pomoc!!!!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue01" "Rochelle: Somebody. Anybody. Everybody. Help!!!!" "Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hej! Nechcete mi někdo pomoct!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue02" "Rochelle: Hey! Hey! I could use some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hej! Potřebuji tady pomoc!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue03" "Rochelle: Hey! I need some help over here!" "Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: Jste tam někdo?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue04" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Slyšíte mě někdo?" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue05" "Rochelle: Can anyone hear me?" "Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: Potřebuji tady pomoc!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue06" "Rochelle: I need some help in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Haló, lidi! Nenechávejte mě vzadu samotnou!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue07" "Rochelle: Hey guys! Don't leave me behind!" "Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Nenechávejte mě tady!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue08" "Rochelle: Don't leave me in here!" "Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Pomoc! Dostaňte mě odsud!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue09" "Rochelle: Help! Get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Pomoc! Pomoc! Pomozte mi odsud!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue10" "Rochelle: Help! Help! Help get me out of here!" "Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Haló! Je tam někdo?!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue11" "Rochelle: Hey! Anybody out there?!" "Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: Musím se odsud dostat!" "[english]Producer_CallForRescue12" "Rochelle: I need to get out of here!" "Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: Smoker mě DOSTAL!!!" "[english]Producer_Choke01" "Rochelle: Smoker's GOT ME!!!" "Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Pomoc! Dostala jsem zásah od Smokera!" "[english]Producer_Choke02" "Rochelle: Help! Smoker has me!" "Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Zavřete dveře." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor01" "Rochelle: Close the door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Může někdo zavřít dveře?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor02" "Rochelle: Can we close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Zavřete ty dveře.... Promiň, to je moje vina." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor03" "Rochelle: Close that door, were you born in a... oh yeah you were, Sorry, my bad." "Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Zavřeme ty dveře." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor04" "Rochelle: Let's close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Může někdo zavřít ty dveře?" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoor05" "Rochelle: Someone want to close that door?" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Dobrá, tak zavřete ty dveře teď!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC101" "Rochelle: Okay, well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Tak zavřete ty dveře teď!" "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC102" "Rochelle: Well close the door now!" "Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: Měli bysme zavřít ty dveře." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC103" "Rochelle: We should close that door." "Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: Musíme zavřít ty dveře." "[english]Producer_CloseTheDoorC104" "Rochelle: We oughta close the door." "Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [Kašle kvůli kouři]" "[english]Producer_Cough01" "Rochelle: [Coughing from smoke]" "Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Přestaňte, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Producer_CoverMe01" "Rochelle: Stop guys, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Kryjte mě, dám se dohromady." "[english]Producer_CoverMe02" "Rochelle: Cover me, I'm going to patch myself up." "Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Dávejte chvíli pozor, musím se ošetřit." "[english]Producer_CoverMe03" "Rochelle: Watch out for a second, I have to heal." "Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Kryjte mě prosím." "[english]Producer_CoverMe04" "Rochelle: Cover me please." "Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Ošetřuju se! Kryjte mě!" "[english]Producer_CoverMe05" "Rochelle: Healing! Cover me!" "Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: Budete mě, pánové, někdo krýt, zatímco si to budu léčit?" "[english]Producer_CoverMe06" "Rochelle: One of you fine gentlemen want to cover me while I heal?" "Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Můžete mě někdo krýt? Musím použít tuhle lékárničku." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC101" "Rochelle: Can someone cover me? I have to use this kit." "Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: Doufám, že to dělám správně." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC102" "Rochelle: I hope I'm doing this right." "Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: Při mým štěstí to akorát ještě zhorším." "[english]Producer_CoverMeC103" "Rochelle: With my luck, I'm just going to make it worse." "Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream01" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Smrtelný výkřik]" "[english]Producer_DeathScream02" "Rochelle: [Death scream]" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: Ach ne, panebože, to byla CHYBA!" "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse01" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, oh god, this was a MISTAKE!" "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: Nevím, proč jsem si myslela, že takhle to bude lepší." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse02" "Rochelle: I have no idea why I thought this would go better." "Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Doprčic, ty jsi asi poslední mužskej na světě." "[english]Producer_DoubleDeathResponse03" "Rochelle: Well shit, guess you are the last man on earth." "Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: Co děláte? JDĚTE!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo01" "Rochelle: What are you doing? GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: No tak, co je, hněte sebou!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo02" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: No tak, co je, hněte sebou!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo03" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, let's move!" "Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: Tak jděte!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo04" "Rochelle: Well, go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Jděte, jděte, jděte!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo05" "Rochelle: Go go go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Jděte!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo06" "Rochelle: Go!" "Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: JDĚTE!" "[english]Producer_EmphaticGo07" "Rochelle: GO!" "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: Není čas zastavovat, jdeme." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet01" "Rochelle: No time to stop, go." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Nezastavujte." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet02" "Rochelle: Keep moving." "Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Nezastavujte." "[english]Producer_EmphaticGoQuiet03" "Rochelle: Keep going." "Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hej, pojďte, tudy!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe01" "Rochelle: Hey, c'mon, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Vpřed, tudy!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe02" "Rochelle: Come on, this way!" "Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_FollowMe03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Pojďte za mnou tudy." "[english]Producer_FollowMe04" "Rochelle: Follow me this way." "Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: Pojďte za mnou." "[english]Producer_FollowMe05" "Rochelle: Follow me." "Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: Mohla to být nehoda!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire01" "Rochelle: That better have been an accident!" "Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Zkuste zastřelit některý ty zatracený zombie!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire02" "Rochelle: Try shooting some damn zombies!" "Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: Vypadá, že máte s tou zbraní vážnej problém!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire03" "Rochelle: Okay, you have some serious issues with that gun!" "Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Zbláznili jste se?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire04" "Rochelle: Have you lost your mind?" "Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Těsně jste mě minuli!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire05" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't just shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hej!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire06" "Rochelle: Hey!" "Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Přestaňte po mně střílet!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire07" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: Co sakra děláte?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire08" "Rochelle: What the hell are you doing?" "Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Au! HEJ!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire09" "Rochelle: Ow! HEY!" "Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: Co se vám stalo, že po mně střílíte?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire10" "Rochelle: What is up with you shooting me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Opatrně!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire11" "Rochelle: Watch it!" "Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Hej, hej, hej! To myslíte vážně?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire12" "Rochelle: Hey, hey, hey, hey, seriously?" "Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Dívejte, kam střílíte!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire13" "Rochelle: Watch where you're shooting!" "Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: PŘESTAŇTE!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire14" "Rochelle: STOP IT!" "Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Au, ježíšmarjá, vy jste mě střelili!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire15" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus, you shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Někdo mě střelil!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire16" "Rochelle: Somebody shot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Vy jste po mně stříleli?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire17" "Rochelle: Did you shoot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Kdo po mně teď sakra střílel?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire18" "Rochelle: Who in the hell just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Přestaňte po mně střílet!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire19" "Rochelle: Stop shooting me!" "Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: NESTŘÍLEJTE PO MNĚ!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire20" "Rochelle: DO NOT SHOOT ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: PŘESTAŇTE PO MNĚ STŘÍLET!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire21" "Rochelle: STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Kdo po mně sakra střílel?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire22" "Rochelle: Who in the hell shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: Nemůžeme střílet proti sobě!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire23" "Rochelle: We cannot be shooting each other!" "Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Nechtějte, abych na vás byla hnusná!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire24" "Rochelle: Don't make me get ugly with you!" "Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Co si o sobě myslíte, že po mně střílíte?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire25" "Rochelle: Who do you think you are, shootin' me?" "Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: Nechci věřit tomu, že jste po mně právě střelil?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFire26" "Rochelle: Okay, I can not believe that you just shot me?" "Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Haló! Jak se jmenuješ. Nestřílej po mně!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC101" "Rochelle: Hey! What's your name. Don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Nestřílej po mně, kámo!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC102" "Rochelle: Dude, don't shoot me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Ty v tom obleku, PŘESTAŇ PO MNĚ STŘÍLET!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireC1Nick01" "Rochelle: Hey - in the suit, STOP SHOOTING ME!" "Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Ani kdybys byl poslední chlap na zemi." "[english]Producer_Generic01" "Rochelle: Not if you were the last man on earth." "Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Panebože, doufám, že nejsem poslední žena na zemi." "[english]Producer_Generic02" "Rochelle: Oh god, I hope I'm not the last woman on earth." "Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Doktore, řekni mi hned, jestli to přežiju?!?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived01" "Rochelle: Give it to me straight, doc, am I going to make it?!?" "Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Au, dobrý, dobrý, jsem v pohodě." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived02" "Rochelle: Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: Myslím, že jsem v pořádku." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived03" "Rochelle: I think I'm okay." "Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Řekla bych, že jsem v pořádku." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived04" "Rochelle: Guess I feel all right." "Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Nemusíte se o mě bát." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived05" "Rochelle: Don't worry about me." "Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: Jsem v pohodě." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived06" "Rochelle: I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: Je to zlé?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived07" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: Nevím, zvedněte mě." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived08" "Rochelle: I don't know, get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Sakra, já nevím." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived09" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I don't know." "Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: Jak vypadám?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived10" "Rochelle: Well, how do I look?" "Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: Je to zlé?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived11" "Rochelle: Is it bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: Jsem trochu rozcuchaná." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived12" "Rochelle: I'm a little bit of a mess." "Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: Akorát simuluju." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived13" "Rochelle: I'm just playing possum." "Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: Ne, to je v pohodě. Jsem dobrá." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived14" "Rochelle: This is great, nah, this is great. I'm good." "Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Blablabla, akorát mě prosím zvedněte." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived15" "Rochelle: Blah blah blah, just please get me up." "Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Jaký mám vlasy?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived16" "Rochelle: Does my hair look good?" "Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: Netuším." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived17" "Rochelle: I have no idea." "Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: Nevím, vypadaj blbě?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived18" "Rochelle: I don't know, bad?" "Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: Řekněte mi to!" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived19" "Rochelle: You tell me!" "Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Mizerně." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived20" "Rochelle: Shitty." "Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Nanic." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived21" "Rochelle: Broke." "Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Asi dobře, ne?" "[english]Producer_GettingRevived22" "Rochelle: Okay I guess." "Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: Už je mi líp." "[english]Producer_GettingRevived23" "Rochelle: I've been better." "Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: Dobrá, byla to chyba." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie01" "Rochelle: Okay, this was a mistake." "Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: Hej, to fakt bolí." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie02" "Rochelle: Okay, this seriously hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: Tak tohle fakt bolelo." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie03" "Rochelle: Okay, okay, that one hurt." "Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Holka, ty jsi měla zůstat s Jacobem." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie04" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed with Jacob." "Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: Prokristapána to bolí!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie05" "Rochelle: By the beard of Zeus this hurts!" "Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Hajzl podělanej. To bolí." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie06" "Rochelle: Son of a bee-sting. This hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Kde je láska? Hodila by se mi." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie07" "Rochelle: Where is the love? I can use some." "Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: To nemůže být pravda, prostě nemůže, to nemůže být pravda." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie08" "Rochelle: This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening." "Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: Zdál se to někdy dobrej nápad?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie09" "Rochelle: Did this ever seem like a good idea?" "Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: K čertu, to bolí." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie10" "Rochelle: Knights of Columbus, this hurts." "Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: Jsem příliš mladá, abych se cítila takhle staře." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie11" "Rochelle: I am too young to feel this old." "Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: To nevypadá dobře." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie13" "Rochelle: This is not going well." "Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: Chce někdo z vás nést tuto roztomilou holku?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie14" "Rochelle: One of you fellas want to carry the cute girl?" "Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: Myslím, že jsem si fakt něco poranila." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie15" "Rochelle: I think I really hurt something." "Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Cítíte se teď někdo fakt zle?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie16" "Rochelle: Anyone else feel like crap right now?" "Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: Dostali jsme se do pořádný sračky." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie17" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: Dostali jsme se do pořádný sračky." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie18" "Rochelle: This is some grim shit we got ourselves into." "Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: Neprobojovávala jsem se tím, abych teď umřela." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie19" "Rochelle: I haven't fought through all of this to die now." "Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Něco nám musí prorazit cestu." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie20" "Rochelle: Something's got to break our way." "Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: A takhle to dopadne." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie21" "Rochelle: So this is how it's going to be." "Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Nemůžu jít rychleji." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie22" "Rochelle: Movin' as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Je mi to líto, chlapci, ale já rychleji nemůžu." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie23" "Rochelle: Sorry, guys, I can't go any faster." "Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Jdu tak rychle, co stačím." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie24" "Rochelle: Going as fast as I can." "Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Holka, ty jsi měla zůstat doma." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie25" "Rochelle: Girl, you should have stayed at home." "Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: Děláš si ze mě srandu?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie26" "Rochelle: You have got to be kidding me." "Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: Mám plán. Zabijeme všechny zombie. Dobrý, ne?" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie27" "Rochelle: I got a plan, let's kill all the zombies. Sound good?" "Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Hlavní zprávou dnešního večera je, že Rochelle to nezvládne." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie301" "Rochelle: Tonight's top story, Rochelle isn't going to make it." "Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: Kdyby to někoho zajímalo, tak já umírám!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie302" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hele kluci, já si nestěžuju jako Ellis, ale já fakt umírám." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie303" "Rochelle: Hey guys, unlike Ellis, I'm not a complainer, but I'm about to die." "Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: Jsem příliš mladá a krásná, abych umřela." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie304" "Rochelle: I am too young and too beautiful to die." "Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: Potřebuju najít nějaký zdraví." "[english]Producer_GoingToDie305" "Rochelle: I need to find some health." "Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: Kdyby to někoho zajímalo, tak já umírám!" "[english]Producer_GoingToDie306" "Rochelle: In case anyone is wondering, I am about to die!" "Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Áh! Co je to za svinstvo?" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter01" "Rochelle: Ahhhh! What is this shit?" "Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Vylezte z toho slizu." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter02" "Rochelle: Get out of this goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Vylezte z toho slizu." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter03" "Rochelle: Get out of the goo." "Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: Sakra to bolí." "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter04" "Rochelle: Damn this stuff hurts." "Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Au! Hni sebou!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitter05" "Rochelle: Ow! Move!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Panebože, ta zombie plive oheň!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC101" "Rochelle: Oh Jesus, this zombie spits burning shit!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: HOŘÍCÍ HOVNO!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC102" "Rochelle: BURNING SHIT!" "Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Nešlápněte do toho!" "[english]Producer_GooedBySpitterC103" "Rochelle: Don't step in this shit!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: Charger mě dostal!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger01" "Rochelle: Charger's got me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: Rozmačká mě!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger02" "Rochelle: This thing's crushing me!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: Mlátí mě do zadku!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger03" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' my ass beat!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Zastřelte tu bestii! Zastřelte tu bestii!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger04" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: Musíte tu bestii zastřelit!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger05" "Rochelle: You gotta shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Zastřelte tu mrchu! Zastřelte ji! Zastřelte tu bestii!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger06" "Rochelle: Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot this thing!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Nemlaťte do tý bestie, ale zastřelte ji!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger07" "Rochelle: Don't bash, shoot!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: Zabije mě! Zastřelte tu mrchu!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger08" "Rochelle: It's killing me! Shoot it!" "Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: To není hra, POTŘEBUJU POMOC!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByCharger09" "Rochelle: I ain't playin' with this thing, HELP!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE ZE MNĚ TU ZRŮDU!!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey01" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF ME!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: NIC NEVIDÍM! JE NA MNĚ!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey02" "Rochelle: I CAN'T SEE! THIS THING IS ON ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: POMOC!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey03" "Rochelle: HELP!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE MI TU BESTII Z HLAVY!!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey04" "Rochelle: GET THIS THING OFF MY HEAD!!!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: AU! PUSŤ! PUSŤ! PUSŤ MĚ!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey05" "Rochelle: AGH! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: PUSŤ! PUSŤ MĚ! TAK PUSŤ MĚ!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey06" "Rochelle: LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: MÁM TU MRCHU V OBLIČEJI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey07" "Rochelle: IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: NÉ! MÁM TU MRCHU V ..., MÁM JI V OBLIČEJI!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockey08" "Rochelle: OH! IT'S, IT'S ON MY FACE!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Doprdele, ta mrcha mu dává!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR01" "Rochelle: Holy shit, that thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: Ta mrcha mu dává!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedByJockeyR02" "Rochelle: That thing's riding him!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: DOSTAL MĚ SMOKER!!!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER'S GOT ME!!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: NÉ!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02a" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02b" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02c" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02d" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker02e" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: Né!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03" "Rochelle: No!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: Né, néé..." "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03a" "Rochelle: No, No..." "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: NÉ, NÉ!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker03b" "Rochelle: NO, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: Né, né, né, NÉ!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmoker04" "Rochelle: No, No, No, NO!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: Sakra už?!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC101" "Rochelle: What the hell?!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: Něco mě chytilo!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC102" "Rochelle: Something grabbed me!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: Táhne mě to pryč!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC103" "Rochelle: I'm gettin' pulled!" "Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: SAKRA! Co se to děje?!" "[english]Producer_GrabbedBySmokerC104" "Rochelle: Oh shit! What the hell is going on?!" "Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: GRANÁT!" "[english]Producer_Grenade01" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Házím trubkovou bombu." "[english]Producer_Grenade02" "Rochelle: Throwing a pipe bomb." "Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Házím molotovův koktejl." "[english]Producer_Grenade03" "Rochelle: Throwing a Molotov." "Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: LETÍ MOLOTOV!" "[english]Producer_Grenade04" "Rochelle: MOLOTOV COMING!" "Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: LETÍ TRUBKOVÁ BOMBA!" "[english]Producer_Grenade05" "Rochelle: PIPE BOMB OUT!" "Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: POZOR STŘELBA!" "[english]Producer_Grenade06" "Rochelle: FIRE COMING!" "Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: GRANÁT!" "[english]Producer_Grenade07" "Rochelle: GRENADE!" "Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: Přestaň se sakra hýbat, ať tě můžu ošetřit." "[english]Producer_HealOther01" "Rochelle: Shit, you gotta quit moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Necukej se, ať tě můžu ošetřit." "[english]Producer_HealOther02" "Rochelle: Quit fussing and let me heal you." "Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Zůstaň v klidu, jinak to podělám." "[english]Producer_HealOther03" "Rochelle: Stand still or I am going to mess this up." "Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Přestaň se hejbat, ať tě můžu ošetřit." "[english]Producer_HealOther04" "Rochelle: Stop moving so I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Střílej dál, ošetřím tě." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat01" "Rochelle: Keep shooting, I can heal you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Stůj klidně, ošetřuju tě." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat02" "Rochelle: Stand still, boy, healing you." "Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: Ošetřím tě! Nepřestávej střílet." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat03" "Rochelle: I'll heal you! Don't stop shooting." "Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Vydrž!" "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat04" "Rochelle: Hold on!" "Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: Ošetřuju tě." "[english]Producer_HealOtherCombat05" "Rochelle: I'm healing you." "Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Opatrně, slyším Boomera." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer01" "Rochelle: Careful, I can hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer je poblíž." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer02" "Rochelle: Boomer's around." "Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Opatrně, slyším Boomera." "[english]Producer_HeardBoomer03" "Rochelle: Careful, I hear a Boomer." "Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Opatrně, poblíž je Charger." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger01" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: Slyším Chargera." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger02" "Rochelle: I hear a Charger." "Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Bacha, Charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger03" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Bacha, Charger!" "[english]Producer_HeardCharger04" "Rochelle: Watch out, Charger!" "Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Opatrně, poblíž je Charger." "[english]Producer_HeardCharger05" "Rochelle: Careful, there's a Charger around." "Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: Áááá DO PRDELE, TANK!!!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk01" "Rochelle: Ahhh SHIT TANK!!!" "Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: TANK! Zapal ho!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk02" "Rochelle: TANK! Light it up!" "Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "[english]Producer_HeardHulk04" "Rochelle: Tank! Tank!" "Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: Slyším Huntera." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter01" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Opatrně, poblíž je Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter02" "Rochelle: Careful, a Hunter's around." "Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Sakra, Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter03" "Rochelle: Oaohhh, Hunter." "Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: Venku je Hunter." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter04" "Rochelle: There's a Hunter out there." "Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: Hunter je poblíž, bacha, ať se na vás nevrhne." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter05" "Rochelle: A Hunter's around, don't get pounced." "Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: Slyším Huntera." "[english]Producer_HeardHunter06" "Rochelle: I hear a Hunter." "Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: Slyším Jockeyho." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey01" "Rochelle: I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: Do prdele, slyším Jockeyho." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey02" "Rochelle: Oh shit, I hear a Jockey." "Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: Slyším jednu z těch věciček." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those little things." "Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Jockey je poblíž." "[english]Producer_HeardJockey04" "Rochelle: Jockey around." "Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Ach, slyším jednoho z nich, jak se mu říká? Jockey?" "[english]Producer_HeardJockeyC101" "Rochelle: Uh oh, I hear one of those, what do you call it? A Jockey?" "Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: Někde tady je Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker01" "Rochelle: There's a Smoker around here." "Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Opatrně, Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker02" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: Slyším Smokera." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker03" "Rochelle: I hear a Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: Á bože, snad ne další Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker04" "Rochelle: Oh Lord, not another Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Opatrně, Smoker." "[english]Producer_HeardSmoker05" "Rochelle: Careful, Smoker." "Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: Jsem za jedno s Coachem, nesnáším Smokery." "[english]Producer_HeardSmokerToo01" "Rochelle: I'm with Coach, I hate those Smokers." "Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: To nezní dobře." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC101" "Rochelle: That doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: OK, to nezní dobře." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC102" "Rochelle: Okay, that doesn't sound right." "Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: Ten zvuk se mně nelíbí." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC103" "Rochelle: I don't like the sound of that." "Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: A co je k čertu tohle!?" "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC104" "Rochelle: Oh what the hell is that!?" "Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: Mluvilo se o horších věcech, než jsou zombie." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC105" "Rochelle: There were reports of stuff worse than zombies." "Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: Slyšeli jste to? Někteří z nich zmutovali." "[english]Producer_HeardSpecialC106" "Rochelle: You hear that? Some of these things mutated." "Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Spitter je poblíž." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter01" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter02" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: Už slyším to chrlení." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter03" "Rochelle: I hear one of those Spitter things." "Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Spitter je poblíž." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter04" "Rochelle: Spitter around." "Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: Slyším Spitter." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter05" "Rochelle: I hear a Spitter." "Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: Už slyším to chrlení." "[english]Producer_HeardSpitter06" "Rochelle: I hear one of those spitting things." "Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE! CO JE SAKRA TOHLE??!!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC101" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT! WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT??!!" "Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: S TÍMHLE MÁME BOJOVAT?!!?" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC102" "Rochelle: WE GOTTA FIGHT THAT THING?!!?" "Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: ZASTŘEL TO, ZASTŘEL TO!!" "[english]Producer_HeardTanklC103" "Rochelle: SHOOT IT SHOOT IT!!" "Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: To zní jako Witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch01" "Rochelle: That sounds like a Witch." "Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: Slyším nářek Witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch02" "Rochelle: I hear a Witch crying." "Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: Dám té Witch důvod, aby řvala pořádně." "[english]Producer_HeardWitch03" "Rochelle: I'm gonna give that Witch something to cry about." "Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Poslouchejte, Witch!" "[english]Producer_HeardWitch04" "Rochelle: Listen up, a Witch!" "Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: Nezní moc šťastně." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC101" "Rochelle: She doesn't sound happy." "Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: Co je to sakra za nářek?" "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC102" "Rochelle: What the hell's with that crying?" "Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: Měli bychom se jí vyhnout." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchC103" "Rochelle: We should steer clear of her." "Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Coachi buď milý. Witch. Říkáme jí Witch." "[english]Producer_HeardWitchToo01" "Rochelle: Coach, be nice. Witch. We call her a Witch." "Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: Pro lásku boží, pomozte mně někdo!!!" "[english]Producer_Help01" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone help me!!!" "Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: Sakra, potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help02" "Rochelle: Damn, I need some help!" "Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Áááá, potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help03" "Rochelle: Ohhh I need some help!" "Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Pomozte mně!" "[english]Producer_Help04" "Rochelle: Help me!" "Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help05" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help06" "Rochelle: Help!" "Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Pánové, potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help07" "Rochelle: Gentlemen, I need some help!" "Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Dělejte chlapi, potřebuju pomoc!" "[english]Producer_Help08" "Rochelle: Come on, guys, I need some help!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter dostal Coache!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Coach!" "Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter je na Coachovi!" "[english]Producer_HunterCoachPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Coach!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter dostal Ellise!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Ellis!" "Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter je na Ellisovi!" "[english]Producer_HunterEllisPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter on Ellis!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter dostal Nicka!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced01" "Rochelle: Hunter's got Nick!" "Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter je na Nickovi!" "[english]Producer_HunterNickPounced02" "Rochelle: Hunter's on Nick!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter je na něm!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC101" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Sundejte z něj Huntera!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC102" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: Hunter ho dostal!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC103" "Rochelle: Hunter's got him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Sundejte z něj Huntera!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC104" "Rochelle: Get the Hunter off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter je na něm!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC105" "Rochelle: Hunter's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: Ta věc je na něm!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC106" "Rochelle: That thing's on him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Sundejte z něj tu věc!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC107" "Rochelle: Get that thing off him!" "Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: Ta věc ho dostala!" "[english]Producer_HunterPouncedC108" "Rochelle: That thing has got him!" "Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Ty jó - haha, dáváme jim zabrat!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah01" "Rochelle: Woo - haha, we are kickin' it!" "Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: Fakt to zvládáme!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah02" "Rochelle: We're really doing this!" "Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: Nakopali jsme jim zadky." "[english]Producer_Hurrah03" "Rochelle: We kicked some ass." "Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: Fakt jsme zaváleli. Jó!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah04" "Rochelle: We kick ass, yes we did. Woo!" "Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: OK, party skončila." "[english]Producer_Hurrah05" "Rochelle: All right, this party is over." "Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Ty jó! Zmákneme to!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah06" "Rochelle: Woo! We are going to make it!" "Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Uf, jsme v pořádku!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah07" "Rochelle: Shit, we're all right!" "Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Ty jó - vedeme si dobře." "[english]Producer_Hurrah08" "Rochelle: Woo - we are doing all right." "Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: OK. To zvládneme, to zvládneme." "[english]Producer_Hurrah09" "Rochelle: Okay. We can do this, we can do this." "Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Jóó, jo, jo." "[english]Producer_Hurrah10" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah." "Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Jóó, jo!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah11" "Rochelle: Ha! Oh yeah, oh yeah!" "Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Díky vám, hoši, jsem ta nejzkaženější ženská na světě!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah12" "Rochelle: Thanks to you guys, I am the baddest woman alive!" "Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Dělejte, pospěšte si!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp01" "Rochelle: Come on hurry up!" "Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: Dělejte, vyrazíme!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp02" "Rochelle: C'mon, get the lead out!" "Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Pospíšili byste si?" "[english]Producer_HurryUp03" "Rochelle: Would you hurry up?" "Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: Dělejte, jdeme!" "[english]Producer_HurryUp04" "Rochelle: C'mon, let's go!" "Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: Jsem tady." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou01" "Rochelle: I'm here." "Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: Jsem s váma." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou02" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: Jsem s váma." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou03" "Rochelle: I'm with you." "Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: Kryju vám záda." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou04" "Rochelle: I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Jo, hochu, kryju ti záda." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou05" "Rochelle: Yeah, boy, I got your back." "Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: Jsem tady. Jdeme." "[english]Producer_ImWithYou06" "Rochelle: I'm here. Let's go." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: Dostali mě!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial01" "Rochelle: I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Hoši, dostali mě!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial02" "Rochelle: Boys, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: Do prdele, dostali mě." "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial03" "Rochelle: Shit, I'm down." "Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ááá, dostali mě!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInitial04" "Rochelle: Ah, I'm down!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: ÁÁÁÁÁ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury01" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: ÁÁÁÁÁ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury02" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: ÁÁÁÁÁ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury03" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: ÁÁÁÁÁ!" "[english]Producer_IncapacitatedInjury04" "Rochelle: AHHHHH!" "Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: Blíží se!" "[english]Producer_Incoming01" "Rochelle: They're coming!" "Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Připravte se!" "[english]Producer_Incoming02" "Rochelle: Get ready!" "Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Už jsou tady!" "[english]Producer_Incoming03" "Rochelle: Here they come!" "Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ach, tak teď to začne!" "[english]Producer_Incoming04" "Rochelle: Ah, it's on now!" "Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Čas na party!" "[english]Producer_Incoming05" "Rochelle: Party time!" "Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: Čas nakopat pár zadků." "[english]Producer_Incoming06" "Rochelle: Time to kick some ass." "Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Útočí!" "[english]Producer_Incoming07" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: Je to tu!" "[english]Producer_Incoming08" "Rochelle: This is it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Dostal to!" "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation01" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Vyřízeno." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation02" "Rochelle: Taken care of." "Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: Ten byl můj." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation03" "Rochelle: That was mine." "Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Mrtvý." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation04" "Rochelle: Dead." "Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: Dostali to." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation05" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: Dostali to." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation06" "Rochelle: Got 'em." "Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: Vyřídila jsem ho." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation07" "Rochelle: Kicked it." "Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: Vyřídila jsem ho." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmation08" "Rochelle: Kicked its ass." "Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellisi, to jsem byla já." "[english]Producer_KillConfirmationEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, that was me." "Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Vypněte svítilny." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight01" "Rochelle: Turn your flashlight off." "Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Všichni zhasněte světla." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight02" "Rochelle: Everyone, lights out." "Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Zhasni světlo." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight03" "Rochelle: Kill your light." "Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Světla zhasnout." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight04" "Rochelle: Lights off." "Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Světla vypnout!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight05" "Rochelle: Lights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Vypnout svítilny!" "[english]Producer_KillThatLight06" "Rochelle: Flashlights out!" "Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Vypněte to světlo *tiše* HNED." "[english]Producer_KillThatLight07" "Rochelle: Turn off that light, quiet NOW." "Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter01" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter02" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter03" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter04" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter05" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter06" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter07" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter08" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter09" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter10" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter11" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter12" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter13" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter14" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter15" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter16" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Smích]" "[english]Producer_Laughter17" "Rochelle: [Laughter]" "Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Jasně, jdeš první." "[english]Producer_LeadOn01" "Rochelle: Sure, you lead." "Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Jasně, veď nás." "[english]Producer_LeadOn02" "Rochelle: Sure, lead on." "Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Veď nás." "[english]Producer_LeadOn03" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: Dobře, půjdu za tebou." "[english]Producer_LeadOn04" "Rochelle: All right, I'll follow you." "Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Jdi dál, držím s tebou krok." "[english]Producer_LeadOn05" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: Jsem přímo za tebou." "[english]Producer_LeadOn06" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Jdi dál, držím s tebou krok." "[english]Producer_LeadOn07" "Rochelle: Go on, I'll keep up." "Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: Jsem přímo za tebou." "[english]Producer_LeadOn08" "Rochelle: I'm right behind you." "Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Veď nás." "[english]Producer_LeadOn09" "Rochelle: Lead on." "Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: OK, jen pokračuj." "[english]Producer_LeadOn10" "Rochelle: 'Kay, go ahead." "Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: TAKHLE NECHCI UMŘÍT – POMOC!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd01" "Rochelle: THIS IS NOT HOW I WANT TO DIE - HELP!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: JSEM TADY!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd02" "Rochelle: I'M OVER HERE!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: ASI SPADNU!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd03" "Rochelle: I'M ABOUT TO FALL!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: PADÁM!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd04" "Rochelle: I'm FALLING!" "Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: POMOZTE MI NAHORU!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangEnd05" "Rochelle: HELP ME UP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: POMOOOOOOOOOOOC!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall01" "Rochelle: HEEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!" "Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangFall02" "Rochelle: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Hoši, já se dýl neudržím." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle01" "Rochelle: Guys, I can't hang on much longer." "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Ať vás ani nenapadne mě tady nechat!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle02" "Rochelle: Don't even think of leaving me here!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: Nevydržím tady viset celej den!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle03" "Rochelle: I can't hang on here all day!" "Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: Pro lásku boží, někdo mě musí vytáhnout!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangMiddle04" "Rochelle: For the love of god, someone needs to pull me up!" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Ty jó" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip01" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Ty jó" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip02" "Rochelle: Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Ty jó, jéé." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangSlip03" "Rochelle: Whoa Whoa Whoa" "Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: Pořád jsem ta nejhezčí holka, co visí na římse... Kéž bych nebyla. Na římse, myslím." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart01" "Rochelle: While I am the best looking girl hanging on this ledge... I wish I wasn't. Hanging on a ledge I mean." "Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: Hodila by se mně tady pomoc!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart02" "Rochelle: I could use a hand here!" "Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Může mně někdo pomoct?" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart03" "Rochelle: Can someone help me?" "Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: Dáma v nesnázích, tady." "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart04" "Rochelle: Damsel in distress over here." "Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: HEJ! Já hm... trochu uklouzla!" "[english]Producer_LedgeHangStart05" "Rochelle: HEY! I uh... kinda slipped!" "Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: Visíš tam jak blbec, pomůžu ti nahoru." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave01" "Rochelle: You look like a fool hanging there, let me help you up." "Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Vydrž, nenechám tě spadnout." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave02" "Rochelle: Hang on, boy, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Buď v klidu. Nenechám tě tady viset." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave03" "Rochelle: Don't worry. No way I'm going to leave you hanging." "Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Vydrž brouku, nenechám tě spadnout." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave04" "Rochelle: Hang on, baby, I'm not going to let you fall." "Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Jo, hm, připadalo ti to jako dobrej nápad? Pomůžu ti nahoru." "[english]Producer_LedgeSave05" "Rochelle: Yeah, uh, did this seem like a good idea to you at sometime? Let me help you up." "Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Támhle!" "[english]Producer_Look01" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Támhle!" "[english]Producer_Look02" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Podívejte!" "[english]Producer_Look03" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Podívejte!" "[english]Producer_Look04" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Támhle!" "[english]Producer_Look05" "Rochelle: Over there!" "Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Podívejte!" "[english]Producer_Look06" "Rochelle: Look!" "Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Podívejte se támhle!" "[english]Producer_LookHere01" "Rochelle: Look over here!" "Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Podívejte se na tohle." "[english]Producer_LookHere02" "Rochelle: Look at this." "Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Koukněte na to svinstvo." "[english]Producer_LookHere03" "Rochelle: Check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Ty jó, koukni na to svinstvo." "[english]Producer_LookHere04" "Rochelle: Whoa, check this shit out." "Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Podívejte se sem." "[english]Producer_LookHere05" "Rochelle: Look here." "Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Dávejte pozor!" "[english]Producer_LookOut01" "Rochelle: Look out!" "Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Bacha!" "[english]Producer_LookOut02" "Rochelle: Watch out!" "Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Pozor!" "[english]Producer_LookOut03" "Rochelle: Heads up!" "Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Halóóó?" "[english]Producer_LostCall01" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Halóóó?" "[english]Producer_LostCall02" "Rochelle: Helloooo?" "Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: Je tam někdo?" "[english]Producer_LostCall03" "Rochelle: Anyone out there?" "Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Hoši, slyšíte mě?" "[english]Producer_LostCall04" "Rochelle: Can you guys here me?" "Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Kde jsou všichni?" "[english]Producer_LostCall05" "Rochelle: Where is everyone?" "Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing01" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing02" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing03" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing04" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing05" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing06" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing07" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing08" " " "Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "[english]Producer_MeleeSwing09" " " "Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Můžeme vyrazit?" "[english]Producer_MoveOn01" "Rochelle: Can we get going?" "Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: Čas vyrazit." "[english]Producer_MoveOn02" "Rochelle: Time to get going." "Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Dělejte, jdeme!" "[english]Producer_MoveOn03" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go!" "Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: Musíme vyrazit." "[english]Producer_MoveOn04" "Rochelle: We need to get going." "Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Jdeme." "[english]Producer_MoveOn05" "Rochelle: Let's go." "Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach01" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Hej, tlouštíku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach03" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach04" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach05" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach06" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hej, Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach07" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Hej, tlouštíku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach08" "Rochelle: Hey, Fatman!" "Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach09" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coachi!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach10" "Rochelle: Coach!" "Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach11" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach12" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach13" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach14" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hej, chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach15" "Rochelle: Hey, Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach16" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach17" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach18" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Chlapáku!" "[english]Producer_NameCoach19" "Rochelle: Big Guy!" "Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: Máš zlatý srdce, tlouštíku." "[english]Producer_NameCoach201" "Rochelle: You're a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: Je to OK, víš? Máš zlatý srdce, tlouštíku." "[english]Producer_NameCoach202" "Rochelle: It's okay, ya know? You got a heart of gold fatman." "Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Hej, troubo!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis02" "Rochelle: Hey, Cooter!" "Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Hochu!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis03" "Rochelle: Boy!" "Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Jo, Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis04" "Rochelle: Yo, Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis05" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis06" "Rochelle: Ellis!" "Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hej, osle!" "[english]Producer_NameEllis07" "Rochelle: Hey, Hee-Haw!" "Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Šviháku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Fešák." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC102" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC103" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC104" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Šviháku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC105" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Šviháku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC106" "Rochelle: Suit." "Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Fešák." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC107" "Rochelle: Fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC108" "Rochelle: Hey, fancy man." "Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC109" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC111" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hej, fešáku." "[english]Producer_NameGamblerC112" "Rochelle: Hey, sharp dresser." "Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Mladíku!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Zelenáči." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC102" "Rochelle: Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Kámo!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC103" "Rochelle: Dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Jo, kámo!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC104" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hej, prcku." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC105" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hej, prcku." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC106" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Jo, zelenáči!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC107" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hej, zelenáči!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC108" "Rochelle: Hey, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hej, kámo!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC109" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hej, kámo!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC110" "Rochelle: Hey, dude!" "Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hej, prcku." "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC111" "Rochelle: Hey, Little Guy." "Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Jo, zelenáči!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC112" "Rochelle: Yo, young'un!" "Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Jo, kámo!" "[english]Producer_NameMechanicC113" "Rochelle: Yo, dude!" "Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick01" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hej, šviháku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick02" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "[english]Producer_NameNick03" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hej, Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick04" "Rochelle: Hey, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick05" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Jo, Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick06" "Rochelle: Yo, Nick!" "Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hej, šviháku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick07" "Rochelle: Hey, Suit!" "Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolasi!" "[english]Producer_NameNick08" "Rochelle: Nicolas!" "Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick09" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nicku!" "[english]Producer_NameNick10" "Rochelle: Nick!" "Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse01" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: Můžete mně říkat Ro." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse02" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse03" "Rochelle: The name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: Můžete mně říkat Ro." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse04" "Rochelle: You can call me Ro." "Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse05" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle." "[english]Producer_NameProducerResponse06" "Rochelle: Name's Rochelle." "Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Jóó!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob01" "Rochelle: Yeah!" "Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Skvělý!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob02" "Rochelle: Kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Haló!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: Jste všichni v pořádku!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob04" "Rochelle: You're all right!" "Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Ale sklapni." "[english]Producer_NiceJob05" "Rochelle: Oh shut up." "Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: Ale ne, to ne." "[english]Producer_NiceJob06" "Rochelle: Oh no you didn't." "Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: Ty válíš." "[english]Producer_NiceJob07" "Rochelle: You're on fire." "Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: To bylo hustý." "[english]Producer_NiceJob08" "Rochelle: That was cool." "Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: Dobře, skvělý!" "[english]Producer_NiceJob09" "Rochelle: All right, kick ass!" "Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: Dnes fakt válíš." "[english]Producer_NiceJob10" "Rochelle: You are on fire today." "Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hej, dobrá práce." "[english]Producer_NiceJob11" "Rochelle: Hey, nice job." "Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Jó, sakra." "[english]Producer_NiceJob12" "Rochelle: Oh, Hell yeah." "Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Dobrá práce." "[english]Producer_NiceJob13" "Rochelle: Nice work." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: Ty seš chlap Ellisi, ty seš chlap." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic01" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you are the man." "Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: Ty seš chlap Ellisi, ty seš chlap." "[english]Producer_NiceJobMechanic02" "Rochelle: You're the man, Ellis, you're the man." "Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Dobrá trefa." "[english]Producer_NiceShot01" "Rochelle: Nice shot." "Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Hustý." "[english]Producer_NiceShot02" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Skvělá trefa!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot03" "Rochelle: Great shot!" "Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Dobrá trefa!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot04" "Rochelle: Nice shot!" "Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Dobrá!" "[english]Producer_NiceShot05" "Rochelle: Good one!" "Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Dobrá trefa Coachi." "[english]Producer_NiceShotCoach01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Coach." "Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Dobrá trefa osle" "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis01" "Rochelle: Nice shot, Hee-Haw." "Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Ty jó, Ellis ji dostal" "[english]Producer_NiceShotEllis02" "Rochelle: Wow, Ellis got 'er done." "Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Ale ne." "[english]Producer_No01" "Rochelle: Oh no." "Producer_No02" "Rochelle: To si nemyslím." "[english]Producer_No02" "Rochelle: I don't think so." "Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Hm, ne." "[english]Producer_No03" "Rochelle: Uh, no." "Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Ale prosím." "[english]Producer_No04" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Ale prosím." "[english]Producer_No05" "Rochelle: Oh please." "Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Hochu, v žádným případě." "[english]Producer_No06" "Rochelle: Boy, no way." "Producer_No07" "Rochelle: NE!" "[english]Producer_No07" "Rochelle: NO!" "Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Vážně ne." "[english]Producer_No08" "Rochelle: Seriously, no." "Producer_No09" "Rochelle: Ne, ne, ne a ne." "[english]Producer_No09" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no." "Producer_No10" "Rochelle: Ne, ne, ne a ne." "[english]Producer_No10" "Rochelle: No, no, no no." "Producer_No11" "Rochelle: Ne, díky." "[english]Producer_No11" "Rochelle: No thank you." "Producer_No12" "Rochelle: Ne." "[english]Producer_No12" "Rochelle: No." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Óóóóó." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Ohhhhh." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Jo." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Oh yeah." "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Teď se cítím dobře!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Now I'm feelin' right!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Jo, o tom právě mluvím!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!" "Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Teda! Teď to je lepší!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Whoo! All better now!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: To je lepší!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills01" "Rochelle: That's better!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Jo, to pomůže." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills02" "Rochelle: Yeah, that'll help." "Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ááá. Úúúú." "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills03" "Rochelle: Ahhh. Ooohh." "Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Jo!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills04" "Rochelle: Oh yeah!" "Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Lepší!" "[english]Producer_PainRelieftPills05" "Rochelle: Better!" "Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise01" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise02" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise03" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise04" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise05" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise06" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise07" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise08" " " "Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "[english]Producer_PositiveNoise09" " " "Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Néééé éé éé ááá." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative01" "Rochelle: Nooooo oo ooo ohhhhh." "Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: Sakra..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative02" "Rochelle: Damnn..." "Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Á, to je špatný..." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative03" "Rochelle: Oh this is bad..." "Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Do prdele!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative04" "Rochelle: Oh shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Ježíši Kriste!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative05" "Rochelle: Sweet Jesus!" "Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: To je teda něco!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative06" "Rochelle: Sweet Lincoln's mullet!" "Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Pane Bože." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative08" "Rochelle: Mother of Mercy." "Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: No, tohle smrdí." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative09" "Rochelle: Well, this just sucks." "Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Teda!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative10" "Rochelle: Blarg!" "Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Nemohla by se alespoň jedna zatracená věc podařit?" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative11" "Rochelle: Can just one goddamn thing go right?" "Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: Jsme v pořádným průseru!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative12" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Do prdele!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative13" "Rochelle: Holy shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: Jsme v pořádným průseru!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative14" "Rochelle: We are in some deep shit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Může to být ještě horší? Myslím, že ne." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative15" "Rochelle: Could this really get any worse? I don't think so." "Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: Na tyhle kraviny nemáme čas." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative16" "Rochelle: We do not have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: Na tyhle kraviny nemáme čas." "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative17" "Rochelle: We don't have time for this shit." "Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Sakra!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative18" "Rochelle: Goddamnit!" "Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Může se sakra ještě něco podělat?" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative19" "Rochelle: Can just one more goddamn thing go wrong?" "Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Sakra!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative20" "Rochelle: Argghh!" "Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Ježíši Kriste!" "[english]Producer_ReactionNegative21" "Rochelle: Jesus Christ!" "Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading03" "Rochelle: I'm Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading04" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Nabíjím." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet01" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Nabíjím." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet02" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Počkat, nabíjím." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet03" "Rochelle: Wait, reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: Nabíjím." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet04" "Rochelle: I'm reloading." "Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Nabíjím." "[english]Producer_ReloadingQuiet05" "Rochelle: Reloading." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: Nejsem sice zdravotní sestra, ale vypadáš dost hrozně. Ještě jednou to schytáš a budeš to mít za sebou." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend01" "Rochelle: I'm no nurse, but you look pretty messed up. Go down again and that's it." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: Tys mě sakra vyděsil. Vyděšenej máš být ty. Ještě jednou to schytáš a je po tobě." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend02" "Rochelle: You scared the shit out of me. Thought that was it for you. One more time down and it will be." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Víš co to je? Myslím, žes to dřív měl uvnitř. Ještě jednou to schytáš a bude to už jedno." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend03" "Rochelle: Do you know what that is? I think it used to be inside you. Go down again and it won't matter." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: Tys mě sakra vyděsil. Ještě jednou to schytáš a je po tobě." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend04" "Rochelle: You're scaring the shit out of me. You go down one more time and that's it for you." "Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: Pomůžu ti zpátky na nohy, ale musíme tě dát do kupy nebo to nezvládneš." "[english]Producer_ReviveCriticalFriend05" "Rochelle: I'm going to get you on your feet, but we need to get you fixed up or you aren't going to make it." "Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: Musíš s tím přestat. Takhle se naživu neudržíš." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend01" "Rochelle: You gotta stop ending up down here. This is no way to stay alive." "Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: Cos to sakra vyváděl? Vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend02" "Rochelle: What in the hell have you gone and done now? Get up." "Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Ale prosím tě vstávej, budeš v pořádku, dělej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend03" "Rochelle: Oh please, get up, you are going to be fine, come on come on." "Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: Ten chlapík nahoře si tě k sobě ještě nechce vzít. Tak vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend04" "Rochelle: The big guy upstairs isn't ready to take you yet. Let's get you on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: Budeš to muset nějak skousnout. Ještě chvilku tě tady budeme potřebovat." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend05" "Rochelle: You're gonna have to suck it up. We need you for a little bit longer." "Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Ale brouku, tady tě nemůžeme nechat, pomůžu ti zpátky na nohy." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend06" "Rochelle: Ah baby, can't have you down there, let me help you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: Na to není čas, musíme se pohnout. Tak vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend07" "Rochelle: No time for this now, we have to keep moving. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Nemůžeš tady ležet navěky. Pomůžu ti zase vstát." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend08" "Rochelle: Can't stay down there forever. Let me get you up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: Kdybych tě neznala, myslela bych si, že se snažíš sám sebe zabít. Okamžitě vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend09" "Rochelle: If I didn't know any better, I would think you were trying to kill yourself. Get up now!" "Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: Neboj, budeš v pohodě. Postavím tě zpátky na nohy." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend10" "Rochelle: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Let's get you back up on your feet." "Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: Co tam vyvádíš? Dělej, vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend11" "Rochelle: What's up with you down there? Come on, let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: CHLAPE! Myslím, hm, myslím, že vypadáš dobře. Neboj se. Postavím tě na nohy." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend12" "Rochelle: OH MAN! I mean, uh, I mean you look fine. Don't worry. Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Dělej, na to tvoje povalování tady nemáme čas." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend13" "Rochelle: Come on now, we don't have time for all this laying around." "Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: Tak jdeš nebo se tady budeš válet celej den? Tak vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriend14" "Rochelle: You coming or you just gonna lay there all day? Let's get you up." "Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: Jseš v pořádku?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA01" "Rochelle: You okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: Jak se cítíš?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA02" "Rochelle: How are you feeling?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Zvládneš to?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA03" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: Jak moc je to zlý?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA04" "Rochelle: How bad is it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: Co se děje?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA05" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Můžeš hýbat nohama?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA06" "Rochelle: Can you move your legs?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Už si skončil s tím povalováním?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA07" "Rochelle: Are you done laying around now?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Připraven vstát?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA08" "Rochelle: Ready to get up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: Co je špatně?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA09" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: Tak co je s tebou?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA10" "Rochelle: So what is wrong with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Zvládneš to?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA11" "Rochelle: Can you make it?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: No tak, dělej. Zvládneš to." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA12" "Rochelle: Oh come on. You can make it." "Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Nemůžeš to překousnout?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA13" "Rochelle: Can't you suck it up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Bolí to tak zle, jak to vypadá?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA14" "Rochelle: Does it hurt as bad as it looks?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: Co je s tebou?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA15" "Rochelle: What's up with you?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Ty řveš?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA16" "Rochelle: Are you crying?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: Dobrý, v pohodě?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA17" "Rochelle: All right, you cool?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: Jseš dobrej?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA18" "Rochelle: You good?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Ach, budeš v pohodě." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA19" "Rochelle: Ah, you going to be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: Budeš v pohodě?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA20" "Rochelle: You going to be okay?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: Co tam vyvádíš?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA21" "Rochelle: What ya doin' down there?" "Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Můžeš vstát?" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendA22" "Rochelle: Can you man up?" "Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: Dobře, jdeme." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB01" "Rochelle: Well let's go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: Vstávej a jdeme." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB02" "Rochelle: Up and at 'em." "Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Dělej, vstávej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB03" "Rochelle: Come on get up." "Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Vstávej a jdeme." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB04" "Rochelle: Up we go." "Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: OK, jseš v pohodě." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB05" "Rochelle: See you're fine." "Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Jo, už vypadáš dobře." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB06" "Rochelle: Yeah, you look fine now." "Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: Není se čeho bát." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB07" "Rochelle: Nothing to worry about." "Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: Tos mě teda vystrašil." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB08" "Rochelle: You had me worried there." "Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: No tak, nemůžeme tě ztratit." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB09" "Rochelle: Come on, we can't lose you." "Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Vím, že budeš v pohodě." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB10" "Rochelle: Oh, I knew you'd be okay." "Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: Zdravej jako rybička." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB11" "Rochelle: The picture of health." "Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Jako novej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB12" "Rochelle: Good as new." "Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: Jseš dobrej, jseš dobrej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendB13" "Rochelle: You're good, you're good." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Dělej, dělej, HEJBNI ZADKEM!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud01" "Rochelle: Come on, come on, GET YOUR ASS UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: HNED, vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud02" "Rochelle: Get up, NOW!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Hele, musíme jít, dělej." "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud03" "Rochelle: Look, we have to get going, come on." "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Ať se s tebou nemusím sakra tahat, VSTÁVEJ!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud04" "Rochelle: Hell if I am carrying you, GET UP!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: Do prdele! Vstávej, vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud05" "Rochelle: Oh shit! Just get up, get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Dělej! Dělej! Vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud06" "Rochelle: Come on! Come on! On your feet!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Vstávej! Vstávej! Vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud07" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Vstávej! Vstávej! Vstávej!" "[english]Producer_ReviveFriendLoud08" "Rochelle: Get up! Get up! Get up!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Úkryt před námi." "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead01" "Rochelle: Safe house ahead." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Tady nahoře je úkryt." "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead02" "Rochelle: Safe house up here." "Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Úkryt tudy!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead03" "Rochelle: Safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: Vidím úkryt, tudy!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead04" "Rochelle: I see a safe house this way!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Úkryt před námi!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead05" "Rochelle: Safe house up ahead!" "Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Jo, úkryt před námi!" "[english]Producer_SafeSpotAhead06" "Rochelle: Oh, a safe house up ahead!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: Co se děje?" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin01" "Rochelle: What's up?" "Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Haló!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin02" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Haló!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin03" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hej." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin04" "Rochelle: Hey." "Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hej, jsem tady." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin05" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hej, jsem tady." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin06" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: Jsem tady!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin07" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hej, jsem tady." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin08" "Rochelle: Hey, I'm here." "Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: Jsem tady!" "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoin09" "Rochelle: I'm here!" "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: Všichni jsme tady." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast01" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: Všichni jsme tady." "[english]Producer_ScenarioJoinLast02" "Rochelle: We're all here." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: AU! SUNDEJTE HO..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01" "Rochelle: AGH! GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: ZE MĚ!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced01a" "Rochelle: OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE HO!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Au!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02a" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE HO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced02b" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF OF ME!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Au!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03" "Rochelle: Agh!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: VYPADNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03a" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: VYPADNI! VYPADNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: VYPADNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced03c" "Rochelle: GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: ÁÁÁ, SUNDEJTE HO..." "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04" "Rochelle: AHH, GET IT..." "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE HO... ZE MĚ!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04a" "Rochelle: GET IT... GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: VYPADNI! VYPADNI!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced04b" "Rochelle: GET OFF! GET OFF!" "Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: SUNDEJTE HO ZE MĚ! SUNDEJTE HO ZE MĚ!" "[english]Producer_ScreamWhilePounced05" "Rochelle: GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" "Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Omlouvám se." "[english]Producer_Sorry01" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: Tak za toho můžu já." "[english]Producer_Sorry02" "Rochelle: You can blame that one on me." "Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Omlouvám se za to." "[english]Producer_Sorry03" "Rochelle: Sorry about that." "Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: OK, to byla chyba." "[english]Producer_Sorry04" "Rochelle: Okay that was a mistake." "Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Omlouvám se." "[english]Producer_Sorry05" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Má vina, pardon!" "[english]Producer_Sorry06" "Rochelle: Guilty, sorry!" "Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Omlouvám se." "[english]Producer_Sorry07" "Rochelle: Oh I'm sorry." "Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Omlouvám se." "[english]Producer_Sorry08" "Rochelle: Sorry." "Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Munice!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo01" "Rochelle: Ammo!" "Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Tady je munice!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo02" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Tady je munice!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo03" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Tady je munice!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo04" "Rochelle: Ammo here!" "Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Munice!" "[english]Producer_SpotAmmo05" "Rochelle: Ammunition!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Tady je lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Tady je lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid03" "Rochelle: First Aid here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: Lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid04" "Rochelle: First Aid!" "Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: Tady je lékárnička." "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAid05" "Rochelle: There's a First Aid Kit here." "Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: Tady je lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids01" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: Tady je lékárnička!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kits here!" "Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: Máme lékárničky!" "[english]Producer_SpotFirstAids03" "Rochelle: We got First Aid Kits!" "Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Tady je trubková bomba." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades01" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: Tady je trubková bomba." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades02" "Rochelle: There's a pipe bomb here." "Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Trubková bomba." "[english]Producer_SpotGrenades03" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb." "Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Prášky pro mě." "[english]Producer_SpotPills01" "Rochelle: Pills for me." "Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Tady jsou prášky!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills02" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Tady jsou prášky!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills03" "Rochelle: Pills here!" "Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Prášky!" "[english]Producer_SpotPills04" "Rochelle: Pills!" "Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Támhle jsou zbraně!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons01" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Támhle jsou zbraně!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons02" "Rochelle: Weapons over here!" "Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: Dobře, zbraně!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons03" "Rochelle: All right weapons!" "Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: Máme tady pušky!" "[english]Producer_SpotWeapons04" "Rochelle: We have guns here!" "Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Držte se poblíž!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether01" "Rochelle: Stay close!" "Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Zkusme se držet u sebe." "[english]Producer_StayTogether02" "Rochelle: Let's try to stay together." "Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Všichni se držme u sebe." "[english]Producer_StayTogether03" "Rochelle: Stay together everyone." "Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Držte se pohromadě!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether04" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Držte se pohromadě!" "[english]Producer_StayTogether05" "Rochelle: Stick together!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Vlezte dovnitř." "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside01" "Rochelle: Get your asses inside." "Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: Co sakra děláš venku? Vlez dovnitř!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside02" "Rochelle: What in the hell are you doing out there? Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Vlez dovnitř!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside03" "Rochelle: Get inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Všichni dovnitř!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside04" "Rochelle: Everyone inside!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Všichni sem!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside05" "Rochelle: Everyone, in here!" "Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Vlezte dovnitř! Máme tam zadara vepřový kolínka a ovárek!" "[english]Producer_StayTogetherInside06" "Rochelle: Get inside! Free hamhocks and chitlins in here!" "Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: Měl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth01" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: Měl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth02" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: Měl by ses ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth03" "Rochelle: You should heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Ošetři se!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth04" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: Měli bychom se ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth05" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Ošetřete se, jestli potřebujete!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth06" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Ošetři se!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth07" "Rochelle: Heal up!" "Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: Měli bychom se ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth08" "Rochelle: We should heal." "Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Ošetřete se, jestli potřebujete!" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealth09" "Rochelle: Heal if you need to!" "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hej starochu, ošetři se" "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach01" "Rochelle: Hey, old man, heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hej Coachi, měl bys použít lékárničku." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach02" "Rochelle: Hey, Coach, you should use that health kit." "Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: Čas na ošetření, Coachi." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthCoach03" "Rochelle: Time to heal up, Coach." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellisi, hochu, čas se ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, baby, time to heal up." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellisi, zlatíčko, měl bys použít lékárničku." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis02" "Rochelle: Ellis, honey, you should use your first aid." "Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellisi, dělej a ošetři se." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthEllis03" "Rochelle: Ellis, come on heal up already." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nicku, možná se budeš chtít teď ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick01" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Dej si voraz, Nicku." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick02" "Rochelle: Smoke 'em if you got 'em, Nick." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nicku, možná se budeš chtít teď ošetřit." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick03" "Rochelle: Nick, you might want to heal now." "Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nicku. Čas na ošetření." "[english]Producer_SuggestHealthNick04" "Rochelle: Nick. Healing time." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: Budeš mně chybět, Coachi." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach01" "Rochelle: Gonna miss you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Myslíte, že Coach bylo jeho křestní jméno nebo příjmení?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach02" "Rochelle: Do you think Coach was his first or last name?" "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Sbohem Coachi?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach03" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: Sakra, ani jsem tě nemohla víc poznat, Coachi." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournCoach04" "Rochelle: Damn, didn't even get to know you, Coach." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellisi, cos to provedl?" "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis01" "Rochelle: Ellis, what did you go and do?" "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Á, Ellisi, Ellisi, Ellisi...." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis02" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, Ellis, Ellis...." "Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Á, Ellisi, budeš mi chybět." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournEllis03" "Rochelle: Oh Ellis, I am going to miss you." "Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Není co říct kámo, sbohem." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournGamblerC101" "Rochelle: Not much to say my friend, goodbye." "Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Budeš mně chybět, ty náš malej mechaniku." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournMechanicC101" "Rochelle: Gonna miss our little mechanic." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Ááá Nicku, alespoň že ses vystrojil jako na pohřeb." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick01" "Rochelle: Ahh, Nick, at least you are dressed for a funeral." "Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Sbohem Nicku, budeš mně chybět." "[english]Producer_SurvivorMournNick02" "Rochelle: Goodbye, Nick, going to miss you." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: Zkusím tuhle pušku." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle01" "Rochelle: I'll try this rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Beru si pušku." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle02" "Rochelle: Taking the rifle." "Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Puška pro mě." "[english]Producer_TakeAssaultRifle03" "Rochelle: Rifle for me." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Beru si brokovnici." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun01" "Rochelle: Taking the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Mám brokovnici." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun02" "Rochelle: Going with the shotgun." "Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Brokovnice pro mě." "[english]Producer_TakeAutoShotgun03" "Rochelle: Shotgun for me." "Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Beru lékárničku." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid01" "Rochelle: Grabbing first aid." "Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: Lékárnička." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid02" "Rochelle: First Aid Kit." "Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nic nevidím - tady není žádná lékárnička." "[english]Producer_TakeFirstAid03" "Rochelle: Nothing to see - no health kit here." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Zeptej se mě, jestli si troufneš?" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe01" "Rochelle: Axe me a question, I dare you." "Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Sekera!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingAxe02" "Rochelle: Axe!" "Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: Nikdo si ze mě nebude utahovat v kuchyni." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan01" "Rochelle: No one better make a crack about me in the kitchen." "Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: To půjde." "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan02" "Rochelle: This will work." "Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Pánev na smažení!" "[english]Producer_TakeFryingPan03" "Rochelle: Frying pan!" "Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Tak s tím už někoho praštím." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee01" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: S tímhle umím zacházet." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee02" "Rochelle: I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Jóó, praštím je po hlavě." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee03" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Jo, tak o tomhle tady mluvím." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee04" "Rochelle: Yeah, this is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: No, s tímhle umím zacházet." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee05" "Rochelle: Oh, I know what to do with this." "Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Jóó, praštím je po hlavě." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee06" "Rochelle: Oh yeah, gonna whack some heads." "Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: Tak o tomhle tady mluvím." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee07" "Rochelle: This is what I'm talking about." "Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Tak s tím už někoho praštím." "[english]Producer_TakeMelee08" "Rochelle: Gonna whack something with this." "Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Maminka mi říkala, abych si nehrála s ohněm, ale..." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov01" "Rochelle: Momma told me not to play with fire, but..." "Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: Beru molotov." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov02" "Rochelle: I'm grabbing a Molotov." "Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov03" "Rochelle: Molotov!" "Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Čas na oheň." "[english]Producer_TakeMolotov04" "Rochelle: Fire time." "Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: Tyhle prášky se mně hodí." "[english]Producer_TakePills01" "Rochelle: I can use these pills." "Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: Tohle budeme potřebovat." "[english]Producer_TakePills02" "Rochelle: We're going to need these." "Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: To se může hodit. " "[english]Producer_TakePills03" "Rochelle: We might need these. " "Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: Mám ty prášky." "[english]Producer_TakePills04" "Rochelle: I got these pills." "Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Beru trubkovou bombu." "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb01" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pipe bomb." "Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Trubková bomba!" "[english]Producer_TakePipeBomb02" "Rochelle: Pipe bomb!" "Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Beru pistoli!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol01" "Rochelle: Grabbing the pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistole!" "[english]Producer_TakePistol02" "Rochelle: Pistol!" "Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Dvojitá pistole." "[english]Producer_TakePistol03" "Rochelle: Double pistols." "Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Beru pistoli." "[english]Producer_TakePistol04" "Rochelle: Grabbing a pistol." "Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: Zkusím tuhle brokovnici." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun01" "Rochelle: I'll try this shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Brokovnice." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun02" "Rochelle: Shotgun." "Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: Beru brokovnici." "[english]Producer_TakeShotgun03" "Rochelle: I'll take the shotgun." "Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: Vyzkouším tenhle dalekohled." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper01" "Rochelle: I'm going to try this scope out." "Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: Budu odstřelovat." "[english]Producer_TakeSniper02" "Rochelle: I'll snipe." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: Samopal." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun01" "Rochelle: A machinegun." "Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: Tohle beru." "[english]Producer_TakeSubMachineGun02" "Rochelle: I'll take this one." "Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: Á, Ježíši, sundejte ze mě tu věc!" "[english]Producer_TankPound01" "Rochelle: Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus get this thing off me!" "Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Sundejte ho ze mě! Sundejte ho ze mě!" "[english]Producer_TankPound02" "Rochelle: Get him off me! Get him off me!" "Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Zabijte ho! ZABIJTE HO! ZABIJTE HO! ZABIJTE HO! ZABIJTE HO! ZABIJTE HO! Á BOŽE, ZABIJTE HO!" "[english]Producer_TankPound03" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! KILL HIM! OH GOD KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Zabijte ho! ZABIJTE HO!" "[english]Producer_TankPound04" "Rochelle: Kill him! KILL HIM!" "Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Nevidíte, že mě drtí?!?!" "[english]Producer_TankPound05" "Rochelle: Can't you see he is crushing me?!" "Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Kdo to střílí?" "[english]Producer_Taunt01" "Rochelle: Who's barking now?" "Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: K čertu, jo!" "[english]Producer_Taunt02" "Rochelle: Oh hell yes!" "Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: Co je špatně?" "[english]Producer_Taunt03" "Rochelle: What's up with that?" "Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Kde je láska, kde je láska?!?!" "[english]Producer_Taunt04" "Rochelle: Where's the love, where's the love?!" "Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Jo, dobře." "[english]Producer_Taunt05" "Rochelle: Yeah right." "Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Jo, to je pravda. " "[english]Producer_Taunt06" "Rochelle: Yeah, that's right. " "Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Zapomeň na to." "[english]Producer_Taunt07" "Rochelle: Forget about it." "Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Ááá, sklapni!" "[english]Producer_Taunt08" "Rochelle: Ohhh shut up!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Vážně si myslíte, že to byl dobrej nápad?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident01" "Rochelle: Did you seriously think that was a good idea?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: Co se vám honí hlavou?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident02" "Rochelle: What is going on inside that head of yours?" "Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: JEŽÍŠI! Jsme přece v jednom týmu!" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident03" "Rochelle: JESUS! We are on the same team here!" "Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: Co?" "[english]Producer_TeamKillAccident04" "Rochelle: What the?" "Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Za to děkuju." "[english]Producer_Thanks01" "Rochelle: Thanks for that." "Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Hej, dík!" "[english]Producer_Thanks02" "Rochelle: Hey, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Díky!" "[english]Producer_Thanks03" "Rochelle: Thanks!" "Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Díky, máte to u mě." "[english]Producer_Thanks04" "Rochelle: Thanks I owe you one." "Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Díky." "[english]Producer_Thanks05" "Rochelle: Thanks." "Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Páni, díky!" "[english]Producer_Thanks06" "Rochelle: Phew, thanks!" "Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: Vážně si toho cením." "[english]Producer_Thanks07" "Rochelle: I honestly appreciate it." "Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Díky brácho." "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach01" "Rochelle: Thanks, my brother." "Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Díky Coachi!" "[english]Producer_ThanksCoach02" "Rochelle: Thanks, Coach!" "Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Díky Ellisi, asi si tě nechám." "[english]Producer_ThanksEllis01" "Rochelle: Thanks, Ellis, I guess I will keep you." "Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Koukni se na sebe Nicku, máš srdce, ZLATÝ SRDCE!" "[english]Producer_ThanksNick01" "Rochelle: Look at you, Nick, you have a heart, A HEART OF GOLD!" "Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Pomoc je na cestě, vydrž!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue01" "Rochelle: Help is coming, hang on!" "Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Vydrž, už jdu!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue02" "Rochelle: Hold on, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: Jsem na cestě!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue03" "Rochelle: I'm on the way!" "Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Vydrž tam, už jdu!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue04" "Rochelle: Hang in there, I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: Už jdu!" "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue05" "Rochelle: I'm coming!" "Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Vydrž tam ještě vteřinku." "[english]Producer_ToTheRescue06" "Rochelle: Hang in there a few more seconds." "Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Ty jó, to bylo těsný!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose01" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: OK, to bylo až moc těsný." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose02" "Rochelle: Okay, that was a little too close." "Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: Zvládli jsme to všichni, JO, ZVLÁDLI JSME TO!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose03" "Rochelle: Did we all make it, OH YES WE DID!" "Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Ty jó, to bylo těsný!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose04" "Rochelle: Whoa, that was close!" "Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: To bylo těsný." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose05" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: Naživu a se zdravou kůží!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose06" "Rochelle: Live and in the flesh!" "Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: Co štěká, to nekouše!" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose07" "Rochelle: All bark, no bite!" "Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: Zvládli jsme to, hmm. Zvládli jsme to, jo." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose08" "Rochelle: We made it uh huh. We made it oh yeah." "Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Počkejte tady!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere01" "Rochelle: Wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: OK, počkejte tady!" "[english]Producer_WaitHere02" "Rochelle: Okay, wait here!" "Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Zastavme se." "[english]Producer_WaitHere03" "Rochelle: Let's stop." "Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Čas na pauzu." "[english]Producer_WaitHere04" "Rochelle: Break time." "Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer01" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer02" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomer03" "Rochelle: BOOMER!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE, TLOUŠTÍK!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC101" "Rochelle: OH SHIT, FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: CHLAPÁK!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC102" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: TLOUŠTÍK!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC103" "Rochelle: FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: CHLAPÁK!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC104" "Rochelle: BIG GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: Á, TÁMHLE JE TLOUŠTÍK!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC105" "Rochelle: OH, THERE'S A FAT GUY!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: PYTLÍK NA BLITÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC106" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: PYTLÍK NA BLITÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnBoomerC107" "Rochelle: BARF BAG!" "Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Opatrně." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful01" "Rochelle: Be Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Opatrně." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful02" "Rochelle: Careful." "Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Opatrně, hoši." "[english]Producer_WarnCareful03" "Rochelle: Careful, guys." "Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger01" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger02" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "[english]Producer_WarnCharger03" "Rochelle: CHARGER!" "Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: JEDNA Z TĚCH ÚTOČNÝCH VĚCÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: JEDNA Z TĚCH ÚTOČNÝCH VĚCÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC102" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: JEDNA Z TĚCH ÚTOČNÝCH VĚCÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnChargerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE CHARGING THNGS!" "Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter01" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter02" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunter03" "Rochelle: HUNTER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: JEDNA Z TĚCH SKÁKACÍCH VĚCÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC101" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE POUNCING THINGS!" "Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: KAPUCÁK!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC102" "Rochelle: HOODIE!" "Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: PARCHANT S KAPUCÍ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC103" "Rochelle: HOODIE BASTARD!" "Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: SKOKAN!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC104" "Rochelle: JUMPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: SKÁKAČ!" "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC105" "Rochelle: LEAPER!" "Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: O tomhle jsem četla, říká se jim Hunteři." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P01" "Rochelle: Saw a report on those things, they're called Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: Říkají jim Hunteři." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P02" "Rochelle: They call them Hunters." "Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: Nikdy jsem žádnýho neviděla." "[english]Producer_WarnHunterC1P03" "Rochelle: Just never saw one before." "Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey01" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: JEZDEC!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey02" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey03" "Rochelle: JOCKEY!" "Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: JEZDEC!" "[english]Producer_WarnJockey04" "Rochelle: RIDER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker01" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker02" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmoker03" "Rochelle: SMOKER!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: CHLÁPEK S JAZYKEM!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC101" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: JAZYK!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC102" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: JEDEN Z TĚCH SMOKERŮ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC103" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: JEDEN Z TĚCH SMOKERŮ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC104" "Rochelle: ONE OF THOSE SMOKNG GUYS!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: CHLÁPEK S JAZYKEM!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC105" "Rochelle: TONGUE GUY!" "Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: JAZYK!" "[english]Producer_WarnSmokerC106" "Rochelle: TONGUE!" "Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter01" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter02" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitter03" "Rochelle: SPITTER!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: ZELENÁ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC101" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: ŠÍLENEJ KRK!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC102" "Rochelle: CRAZY NECK!" "Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: ZELENÁ!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterC103" "Rochelle: GREEN GUY!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Útočí!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming01" "Rochelle: Incoming!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: Sliiiiiz!!!!!!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming02" "Rochelle: Goooooo!!!!!!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Pozor! Slííz!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming03" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Pozor! Sliz!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming04" "Rochelle: Heads up! Goo!" "Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Sliz útočí!!!!!" "[english]Producer_WarnSpitterIncoming05" "Rochelle: Goooooo incoming!!!!!" "Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank01" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank02" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank03" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "[english]Producer_WarnTank04" "Rochelle: TANK!" "Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Proč nemůže být na naší straně?" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC101" "Rochelle: Why can't that thing be on our side?" "Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE, CO TO JE?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC102" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!?!" "Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: Á SAKRA, ta věc je fakt velká!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC103" "Rochelle: OH GODDAMN that things big!" "Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE, CO TO JE?!?!" "[english]Producer_WarnTankC104" "Rochelle: HOLY SHIT WHAT'S THAT?!" "Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: Nemám ponětí, ale moc přátelsky to nevypadá." "[english]Producer_WarnTankC1a01" "Rochelle: No idea, but I don't think it's friendly." "Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch01" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch02" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch03" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "[english]Producer_WarnWitch04" "Rochelle: WITCH!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: Jsou za náma!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind01" "Rochelle: They're behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: Za náma!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind02" "Rochelle: Behind us!" "Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Za náma, hoši!" "[english]Producer_WatchOutBehind03" "Rochelle: Behind us guys!" "Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: Moje chyba, moje chyba, moje chyba!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing01" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Padejte mi z cesty!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing02" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Padejte mi z cesty!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing03" "Rochelle: Out of my way!" "Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Zabijte tu zatracenou věc!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing04" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Zabijte tu zatracenou věc!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing05" "Rochelle: Kill the damn thing!" "Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Zastřelte ji! Zastřelte ji!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing06" "Rochelle: Shoot her! Shoot her!" "Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: Do prdele! Mám ji za zadkem!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing07" "Rochelle: Shit! She's on my ass!" "Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: Moje chyba!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing08" "Rochelle: My bad!" "Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: Moje chyba, moje chyba, moje chyba!" "[english]Producer_WitchChasing09" "Rochelle: My bad, my bad, my bad!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Hmmm hoši, ta Witch začíná bláznit." "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry01" "Rochelle: Ummm guys, that Witch is getting mad." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Kdo nasral Witch?" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry02" "Rochelle: Who's pissing off the Witch?" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Nechte tu Witch na pokoji!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry03" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Vypadněte od tý Witch." "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry04" "Rochelle: Get away from the Witch." "Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Nechte tu Witch na pokoji!" "[english]Producer_WitchGettingAngry05" "Rochelle: Leave that Witch alone!" "Producer_World01" "Rochelle: Támhle je most. Jste si jistý, že tam budou?" "[english]Producer_World01" "Rochelle: There's the bridge You sure they're going to be there?" "Producer_World02" "Rochelle: Jsem ráda, že jsem z tý lodě pryč." "[english]Producer_World02" "Rochelle: I'm just happy to be off the boat." "Producer_World03" "Rochelle: S naším štěstí to bude tak možná mostní příšera." "[english]Producer_World03" "Rochelle: With our luck that is actually just a bridge monster." "Producer_World04" "Rochelle: Tak jsme tady. Crescent City. To vám teda řeknu. Tady na mě nikdo ani nešáhne." "[english]Producer_World04" "Rochelle: We're here. Crescent City. I'll tell you now, I'm not showing anyone my tits." "Producer_World05" "Rochelle: Co to smrdí?" "[english]Producer_World05" "Rochelle: What's that smell?" "Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Zkusíme to přes park." "[english]Producer_World06" "Rochelle: Let's try through the park." "Producer_World07" "Rochelle: Támhle je silnice!" "[english]Producer_World07" "Rochelle: There's the freeway!" "Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že tudy hnali lidi." "[english]Producer_World08" "Rochelle: Looks like they were routing people through here." "Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, jak se dělá hurikán? Zombie?" "[english]Producer_World09" "Rochelle: Does anyone know how to make a hurricane? A zombie?" "Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Tudy." "[english]Producer_World10" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_World11" "Rochelle: To jsou nápoje! Vážně." "[english]Producer_World11" "Rochelle: They're drinks! Seriously." "Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Tudy." "[english]Producer_World12" "Rochelle: Through here." "Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Semhle." "[english]Producer_World13" "Rochelle: Over here." "Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Támhle." "[english]Producer_World14" "Rochelle: Up there." "Producer_World15" "Rochelle: Už je příliš pozdě, všechno jsem viděla." "[english]Producer_World15" "Rochelle: By then it's too late, I've seen everything." "Producer_World16" "Rochelle: To je sladký." "[english]Producer_World16" "Rochelle: That's sweet." "Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Dobře, jelo se dobře, dokud to šlo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M101" "Rochelle: Well, the ride was nice while it lasted." "Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: Asi půjdeme pěšky." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M102" "Rochelle: I guess we walk." "Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: Nechci jít pěšky až do New Orleans." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M103" "Rochelle: I do not want to walk all the way to New Orleans." "Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: Nemá smysl brát si auto." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M104" "Rochelle: No sense grabbing a car." "Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: Cesta je zacpaná." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M105" "Rochelle: Traffic's blocked." "Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Á sakra... napadli je ve vlastních autech." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M106" "Rochelle: Oh man... they were attacked in their cars." "Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Á bože, nechtěla bych být v těch autobusech, když to udeřilo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M107" "Rochelle: Oh God, to be in one of these buses when this hit." "Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M108" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hej, vidím světla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M109" "Rochelle: Hey, I see lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Myslíte, že nám zombie nechaly rozsvíceno?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M110" "Rochelle: Do you think the zombies left the lights on for us?" "Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: To byl vtip. Jdeme k těm světlům. Možná tam někdo je." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M111" "Rochelle: I was joking. Let's head on to the lights. Maybe someone is there." "Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: OK, můžeme se dostat k týhle ceduli." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M112" "Rochelle: Okay, we can get up here by this sign." "Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: Musíme vymyslet, jak projdeme tím hotelem." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M113" "Rochelle: We have to figure a way through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Tímhle hotelem." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M114" "Rochelle: Through this hotel." "Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: Jeden z těch pokojů musí být otevřený." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M115" "Rochelle: One of these rooms must open up." "Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Prohledejte pokoje." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M116" "Rochelle: Search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Tímhle pokojem." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M117" "Rochelle: Through this room." "Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hej, použijte okno." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M118" "Rochelle: Hey, use the window." "Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Je tohle zábavní park?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M119" "Rochelle: Is that an amusement park?" "Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellisi, seš dost velkej, aby ses mohl svízt?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M120" "Rochelle: Ellis, are you even tall enough to go on the rides?" "Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: Rozhodně nepůjdu do žádnýho strašidelnýho domu." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M121" "Rochelle: I sure as hell ain't goin in no haunted house." "Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Jééé! Držte se!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M122" "Rochelle: Woohoo! Hang on!" "Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Dávejte bacha!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M123" "Rochelle: Watch your step!" "Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: To byla skoro sranda." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M124" "Rochelle: That was almost fun." "Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Drápat se zpátky na kopec není taková sranda, jako sjet z něj dolů." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M125" "Rochelle: Climbing back up this hill is not near as much fun as sliding down." "Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: Támhle je park." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M126" "Rochelle: There's the park." "Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Hej, můžeme tudy projít." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M127" "Rochelle: Hey, we can get in through here." "Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že tady byli lidi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M128" "Rochelle: Looks like people were here." "Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Možná tady ještě někdo je?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M129" "Rochelle: Maybe someone is still here?" "Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Možná to byla evakuační zóna?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M130" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Možná to byla zábavná evakuační zóna?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M131" "Rochelle: Maybe this was an evac fun zone?" "Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Zkusíme vchod." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M201" "Rochelle: Let's try the entrance." "Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Hmm... hoši, tohle jsou dámské záchody." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M202" "Rochelle: Umm, guys, this is the lady's room." "Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellisi, vsadím se, žes vyhrál všem holčičkám medvídky." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M203" "Rochelle: Ellis, I bet you won all the girls teddy bears." "Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: No, nejsme CEDA ani armáda, takže myslím, že jsme vítáni." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M101" "Rochelle: Well, we aren't CEDA or the military, so I guess we're welcome." "Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: Myslím, že tím „držte se stranou“ chtěli říct něco jinýho." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M102" "Rochelle: When they say stay out, I'm sure they mean someone else." "Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Myslíte, že tu ceduli sem dali před nebo až po nákaze?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M103" "Rochelle: Do you think they put this sign up before or after the infection?" "Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Doufám, že těm lidem z bažin nebude vadit, když je navštívíme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M105" "Rochelle: Hope the swamp people don't mind us visiting." "Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hm. Přátelská banda." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M106" "Rochelle: Hm. Friendly bunch." "Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Vypadají mile, jdeme na návštěvu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M107" "Rochelle: Let's visit, they seem nice." "Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Earl's Gator Village? Vypadá to líp a líp." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M108" "Rochelle: Earl's Gator Village? This just keeps getting better." "Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Jo, protáhneme se tím parkem a navštívíme ty bláznivý bojovníky v bažinách. Co vy na to?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M109" "Rochelle: Yeah, let's just cut through the gator park and visit the crazy militants in the swamp. Sound good?" "Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: Jen se ptám, ale jste si jistý, že to je ta nejlepší cesta?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M110" "Rochelle: I'm just askin', but are we sure this is the best route?" "Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: Měli bychom prohledat dům kvůli zásobám." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M111" "Rochelle: We should search the houses for supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Jú, fáro z bažin, kdo by to čekal?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M112" "Rochelle: Huh, the swamp's buggy, who would have guessed that?" "Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že všichni zamířili do vesnice - hlouběji do bažiny. Skvělý." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M113" "Rochelle: Looks like they all headed to the village - deeper in the swamp. Great." "Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Dobře. Zkusíme vesnici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M114" "Rochelle: Right. We should try the village." "Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Rozhýbeme ten trajekt." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M115" "Rochelle: Activate the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: OK. Připravte se a pak zavoláme ten trajekt." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's get ready and then call the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: Volám trajekt." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M117" "Rochelle: I'm calling the ferry." "Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Trajekt přijíždí." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M118" "Rochelle: Ferry's coming." "Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Trajekt už je skoro tady!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M119" "Rochelle: Ferry's almost here!" "Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: OK, nasedněte na trajekt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M120" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Všichni na trajekt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M121" "Rochelle: Everyone on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Čas projet se trajektem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M122" "Rochelle: Time to ride the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Vyrážíme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M123" "Rochelle: Shoving off!" "Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Všichni nastupte na trajekt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M124" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the ferry!" "Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M125" "Rochelle: Get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Všichni nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M126" "Rochelle: Everyone, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: Dobře, nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M127" "Rochelle: All right, get on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Všichni do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M128" "Rochelle: Everyone on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: OK, nastupte do člunu! Čas projet se na člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M129" "Rochelle: Okay, get on the boat! Time to ride the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: No, hmm... Víte něco o bažinách?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M130" "Rochelle: So, umm... Do you guys know anything about the swamps?" "Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: Tak co si myslíte, že nás asi zabije? Zombie, krokodýli, hadi, hmyz nebo lidi z bažin?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M131" "Rochelle: So what do you think is going to kill us? Zombies, gators, snakes, bugs or the swamp people?" "Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Jo, na to jsem zapomněla." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M132" "Rochelle: Yeah, I forgot about that." "Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: Co? Krvaví farmáři? Hochu, o čem to sakra mluvíš?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M133" "Rochelle: What? Blood farmers? Boy, what in the hell are you talking about?" "Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Promiň, že jsem se ptala..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M134" "Rochelle: Sorry I asked..." "Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellisi, znamená tvoje tetování něco?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M135" "Rochelle: Ellis, does your tattoo mean anything?" "Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: Tak tos měl dobrý tušení, když sis to nechal vytetovat." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M136" "Rochelle: You had real foresight to get that tattooed." "Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: No, jestli tohle někdo přežil, tak jen lidi, co takhle i žijou." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M137" "Rochelle: Well if anyone could survive this, it would be people who live like this." "Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: Krmili je kuřaty?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M138" "Rochelle: They fed them chickens?" "Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Nicku, co myslíš, že za tím vězí, že lidi z bažin jsou pořád naživu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M139" "Rochelle: Nick, what do you think the odds are that the swamp people are still alive?" "Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Ne zombie." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M140" "Rochelle: Not zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Asi máš pravdu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M141" "Rochelle: Sound about right." "Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Nemá někdo repelent?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M142" "Rochelle: Does anyone have any bug spray?" "Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: Musíme najít hlavní řeku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M143" "Rochelle: We have to find the main river." "Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: OK, držte se na lávce." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M144" "Rochelle: Okay, stay on the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: Když se na to podívám z týhle lávky, tak tam dole nejsou advokáti." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M145" "Rochelle: From the looks of this walkway, they don't have trial lawyers down here." "Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Opatrně, tohle nevypadá bezpečně." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M146" "Rochelle: Careful this doesn't look safe." "Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Máme jít doprava nebo doleva?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M147" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Máme jít doprava nebo rovně?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M148" "Rochelle: Should we go right or straight?" "Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, kudy máme jít?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M149" "Rochelle: Does anyone know which way we should go?" "Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: Máme jít doprava nebo doleva?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M150" "Rochelle: Should we go right or left?" "Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Hej Ellisi, to je vana. Už si někdy nějakou viděl?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M151" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, that's a bathtub. You ever seen one before?" "Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: No dobře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M152" "Rochelle: Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Zpátky na lávku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M153" "Rochelle: Get back on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: Do prdele! Lávka se zřítila." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M154" "Rochelle: Shit! The walkway collapsed." "Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Vylezme na žebřík!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M155" "Rochelle: Let's get up the ladder!" "Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Dělejte, nahoru na lávku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M156" "Rochelle: Come on, up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Na lávku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M157" "Rochelle: Get on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: Můžeme jít doprava." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M158" "Rochelle: We can go to the right." "Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: Támhle jsou prkna." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M159" "Rochelle: They have planks down over here." "Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: Zablokovali nás!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M160" "Rochelle: We're blocked!" "Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: Do odvodňovacího potrubí!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M161" "Rochelle: To the drainage pipe!" "Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Úkryt v odvodňovacím příkopu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M162" "Rochelle: Safehouse in the drainage ditch!" "Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: Vidím světlo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M163" "Rochelle: I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: To je povzbudivý nápis, mají talent." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M164" "Rochelle: That's an encouraging sign, they have power." "Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hej, vidím světlo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M165" "Rochelle: Hey, I can see a light!" "Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: Do prdele, to jsou opravdu lidi z bahna!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M201" "Rochelle: Holy shit, there really are mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Dávejte bacha na ty bahňáky!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M202" "Rochelle: Watch out for the mudders!" "Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Bahňáci!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M203" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Bahňáci!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M204" "Rochelle: Mud people!" "Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: Už mám toho bahna po krk!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M205" "Rochelle: I am sick to death of this mud!" "Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: OK, to bahno by už stačilo." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M206" "Rochelle: Okay, enough with the mud already." "Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Uf... to nejde obejít. Čas trochu se smočit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M207" "Rochelle: Uhh... no way around it. Time to get wet." "Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: Mám toho bahna opravdu dost." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M208" "Rochelle: I am really sick of the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: Myslím, že tady se odvodňovací roura odvodnila..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M209" "Rochelle: I guess this is where the drain pipe drained..." "Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: OK, to je děsivý." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M210" "Rochelle: Okay, this is creepy." "Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: Tady je sucho." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M211" "Rochelle: It's dry over here." "Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: Člun?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M212" "Rochelle: A pirogue?" "Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: Dostals mě Ellisi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M213" "Rochelle: You got me Ellis." "Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: K tomu stromu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M214" "Rochelle: Over this tree." "Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hej Ellisi, připomíná ti to domov?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M215" "Rochelle: Hey Ellis, does this remind you of home?" "Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: Do prdele, sestřelený letadlo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M216" "Rochelle: Holy shit, a downed plane!" "Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombie ho asi trefily během letu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M217" "Rochelle: Zombies hit mid-flight I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: To si děláš srandu, jediná cesta vpřed je skrz nouzový východ." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M218" "Rochelle: You are kidding me, the only way forward is through an emergency door." "Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: Tohle jsem vždycky chtěla zkusit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M219" "Rochelle: I've always wanted to do this." "Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Myslíte, že se nafouknou skluzavky?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M220" "Rochelle: Do you think the slides will activate?" "Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: OK, otvírám dveře!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M221" "Rochelle: Okay, I'm opening the door!" "Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: OK, jakmile otevřeme dveře, spustí se alarm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M222" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, once we open the door this alarm will sound!" "Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Otevřete dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M223" "Rochelle: Open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Jediná cesta je skrz tyhle dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M224" "Rochelle: Only way is through this door." "Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Otoč tím, proč ne, otevři dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M225" "Rochelle: Screw it, why not, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: K čertu, otevři dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M226" "Rochelle: What the hell, open the door." "Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: Mám tý bažiny po krk." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M227" "Rochelle: I am sick of the swamp." "Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: Ty moje nohy snad nikdy neuschnou." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M228" "Rochelle: Oh, my feet are never gonna dry." "Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Ještě, že mám boty." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M229" "Rochelle: Good thing I'm wearing boots." "Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Civilizace! Ó moment..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M230" "Rochelle: Civilization! Oh wait..." "Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: Proti tomuhle místu je i Cleveland krásnej." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M231" "Rochelle: This place makes Cleveland look nice." "Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Tady fakt bydlí lidi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M232" "Rochelle: Did people really live here?" "Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Souš před námi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M233" "Rochelle: Dry land ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hej, světla před námi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M234" "Rochelle: Hey, lights ahead!" "Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M235" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Hej, vesnice je tudy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M236" "Rochelle: Hey, the village is this way!" "Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Světla jsou rozsvícená! Haló!!??!?!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M237" "Rochelle: Lights are on! Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Možná jsou tady lidi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M238" "Rochelle: Maybe people are here!" "Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hej, Ellisi! Ty krvaví farmáři jsou pořád naživu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M239" "Rochelle: Hey, Ellis! The blood farmers are still alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: Víc světel!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M240" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: OK, pokud na to mají..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M241" "Rochelle: Okay, if they have power..." "Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Halóóó!!! Halóóó!!! Nejsme CEDA!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M242" "Rochelle: Hellooo!!! Helloooo!!! We aren't CEDA!!" "Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: Opravdu se zazdili!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M243" "Rochelle: They really walled themselves off!" "Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: Vypadají, že se zahrabali, třeba jsou naživu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M244" "Rochelle: They look dug in, maybe they're alive!" "Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Haló, haló - lidi z bažin, jste tady?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M245" "Rochelle: Hello, hello, swamp people are you there?" "Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: Je tam někdo! Pomoc!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M246" "Rochelle: Anyone there! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Haló!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M247" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Haló!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M248" "Rochelle: Hello!" "Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hej! Pomoc!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M249" "Rochelle: Hey! Help!" "Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: Nikoho nevidím." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M250" "Rochelle: I don't see anyone." "Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: Můžeme se dostat nahoru." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M251" "Rochelle: We can get through up here." "Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: V tý chatrči je úkryt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M252" "Rochelle: There's a safe house in that shack!" "Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Tímhle domem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M253" "Rochelle: Through this house!" "Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: Nezvládli to." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M301" "Rochelle: They didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že tady vydrželi... alespoň chvilku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M302" "Rochelle: Looks like they lasted here... for bit." "Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Ááá do prdele, nezvládli to." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M303" "Rochelle: Ahh shit, they didn't make it." "Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: Sakra, z lidí z bažin se stali zombie." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M304" "Rochelle: God damn it, the swamp people are zombies." "Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Á, zombie lidi z bažin, pardon, ale musím vás zastřelit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M305" "Rochelle: Oh, zombie swamp people, I'm sorry I gotta shoot you." "Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: Tak moc jsem se chtěla s těmi lidmi z bažin skamarádit." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M306" "Rochelle: I so wanted to make friends with the swamp people." "Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: No, zůstat tady nemůžeme, pojďme za nima na plantáž." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M307" "Rochelle: Well, we can't stay here, let's follow them to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: Měli bychom se rozhlídnout, jestli tady nenechali zásoby." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M308" "Rochelle: We should look around and see if they left supplies." "Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: Zamířili k plantáži u řeky." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M309" "Rochelle: They headed out to a Plantation by the river." "Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: Musíme zamířit k řece." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M310" "Rochelle: We need to head to the river." "Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: Musíme zamířit k plantáži." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M311" "Rochelle: We need to head to the plantation." "Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: Čas opustit tuhle vesnici." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M312" "Rochelle: Time to leave this village." "Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: Zaslechli jsme zvěsti, že se virus šíří na savce, ale..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M313" "Rochelle: We heard reports the virus spread through mammals but..." "Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: Nemám tušení, jestli to je pravda." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M314" "Rochelle: I have no idea if that was true." "Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Myslím, že opatrnosti nikdy nezbývá." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M315" "Rochelle: Better safe than sorry I guess." "Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: Myslím, že tohle nebyla infekce." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M316" "Rochelle: I don't think this was the infection." "Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: Tady nikoho nenajdeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M317" "Rochelle: We aren't going to find anyone here." "Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: OK, musíme se dostat zpátky na lávku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M318" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to get back up on the walk way." "Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: Támhle jsou schody!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M319" "Rochelle: There's stairs!" "Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: Vidíte schody?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M320" "Rochelle: See the stairs?" "Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: OK, můžeme použít schody a dostat se nahoru na lávku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M321" "Rochelle: Okay, we can use those stairs to get up on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Zůstaňte na lávce!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M322" "Rochelle: Stay on the walkway!" "Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Zpátky sem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M323" "Rochelle: Back here!" "Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: Stezka pokračuje tudy." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M324" "Rochelle: The path continues through here." "Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: Támhle je stezka." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M325" "Rochelle: There's a path." "Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Použijte prkna." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M326" "Rochelle: Use the planks." "Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: Další chatrče." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M327" "Rochelle: More shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: To jsou určitě okraje té vesnice." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M328" "Rochelle: This must have been the village's own little suburbs." "Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Prapodivná chata s výhledem na vodu." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M329" "Rochelle: Quaint cottage with water views." "Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: OK, musíme spustit ten most." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M330" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to lower this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Jediná cesta vede přes most." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M331" "Rochelle: Only way over is this bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Jediná cesta vede přes lávku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M332" "Rochelle: Only way over is this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Spusťte někdo tu lávku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M333" "Rochelle: Someone lower this walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Spusťte lávku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M334" "Rochelle: Lower the walkway." "Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Spusťte most!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M335" "Rochelle: Lower the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Připravte se, spouštím most." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M336" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Připravte se, spouštím most." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M337" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm lowering the bridge." "Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: OK, most se spouští!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M338" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: OK, most je dole." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M339" "Rochelle: Okay, bridge is down." "Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Most se spouští!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M340" "Rochelle: Bridge coming down!" "Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: Můžeme přejít." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M341" "Rochelle: We can cross." "Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: Je dole, jdeme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M342" "Rochelle: It's down, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: OK, zkusíme vypadnout z tý vody." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M343" "Rochelle: Okay, try and keep out of the water." "Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Zůstaňte tady v suchu nahoře." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M344" "Rochelle: Stay up here where it's dry." "Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Tímhle domem." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M345" "Rochelle: Through this house." "Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Plantáž je támhle napravo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M346" "Rochelle: Plantation is right up here!" "Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: Támhle jsou pole!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M347" "Rochelle: There's the grounds!" "Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: Musíme se tam dostat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M348" "Rochelle: We just need to get in here!" "Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: Myslela jsem, že s bahnem jsme už skončili...." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M401" "Rochelle: I thought we were done with the mud." "Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: Dejme se touhle silnicí." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M402" "Rochelle: Let's head down this road." "Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Tudy." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M403" "Rochelle: Down here." "Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: Támhle je koloniální vila!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M404" "Rochelle: There's the plantation house!" "Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Pěkný dům." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M405" "Rochelle: Nice house." "Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: O něco hezčí než ty chatrče." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M406" "Rochelle: A little nicer than those shacks." "Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: I velký domy tady mají kůlny..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M407" "Rochelle: Even the big houses have outhouses down here." "Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: OK, potřebuje si někdo odskočit, než vyplujeme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M408" "Rochelle: Okay, anyone need to go before our boat ride?" "Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Po žebříku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M409" "Rochelle: Up the ladder." "Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Nahoru po lešení." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M410" "Rochelle: Go up the scaffolding." "Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: Už vidím, proč to zavřeli." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M411" "Rochelle: I can see why this was closed." "Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: Kdysi to muselo být moc pěkný." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M412" "Rochelle: This must have been real nice a long time ago." "Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Myslíte, že tam ještě někdo je?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M413" "Rochelle: Do you think someone is still out there?" "Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Zavolejme člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M414" "Rochelle: Let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: OK, zavolejme člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M415" "Rochelle: Okay, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: K čertu, zavolejme člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M416" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's just call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: K čertu, zavolejme člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M417" "Rochelle: What the hell, let's call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: Souhlasím, zavolejte člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M418" "Rochelle: I agree, call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: Co můžeme ztratit? Zavolejte člun." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M419" "Rochelle: What do we have to lose? Call the boat." "Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Vyzkoušejme vysílačku." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M420" "Rochelle: Let's try the radio." "Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellisi, umí krvaví farmáři řídit člun?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M421" "Rochelle: Ellis, can blood farmers drive a boat?" "Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: Člun je tady! Pojďme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M422" "Rochelle: Boat's here! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Utíkejte do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M423" "Rochelle: Run to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: Do člunu! Do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M424" "Rochelle: To the boat! To the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Hejbněte zadkem do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M425" "Rochelle: Get your asses on the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: Skočte do člunu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M426" "Rochelle: Get to the boat!" "Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: Kašlete na to, UTÍKEJTE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M427" "Rochelle: Screw this, RUN!" "Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: Sbohem lidi z bažin!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M428" "Rochelle: Goodbye, swamp people!" "Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: Jsme v koloniální vile." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M429" "Rochelle: We're at the plantation house." "Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M430" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Hm, jmenuji se Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M431" "Rochelle: Uh, my name is Rochelle." "Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle, moje teta tady dřív žila s lidmi z baž---, hm, s lidmi." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M432" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here with the sw---, uh, the people." "Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle, moje teta tady dřív žila." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M433" "Rochelle: Rochelle, my aunt used to live here." "Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Hm, pár." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M434" "Rochelle: Uh, a couple." "Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: Pár." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M435" "Rochelle: A couple." "Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Díky, nemáme kam jít." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M436" "Rochelle: Thank you, we've got nowhere else to go." "Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Díky, budeme tady." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M437" "Rochelle: Thank you, we'll be right here." "Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: To by mělo být snadný." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M101" "Rochelle: This should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: OK, to by mělo být snadný." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M102" "Rochelle: Okay, this should be easy." "Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme sehnat nějakou naftu." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M103" "Rochelle: We just need to grab some diesel." "Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Prázdná. Musí tu být jiná pumpa." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M104" "Rochelle: Empty. Gotta be another station." "Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: Mají ve starém cukrovaru naftu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M105" "Rochelle: They have diesel at the old sugar mill?" "Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: Starý cukrovar? To si děláš srandu?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M106" "Rochelle: The old sugar mill? Are you kidding me?" "Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Dělejte hoši, musíme se dostat do starýho cukrovaru!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M107" "Rochelle: Come on boy, we have to get to the old sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: No, ať to je za náma, než přijde bouřka." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M108" "Rochelle: Well, let's get this done before the storm." "Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: Nevypadá to daleko." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M109" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far." "Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: Vůbec to nevypadá daleko." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M110" "Rochelle: It doesn't look far at all." "Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Pospěšme si, ať je to hotový, než začne bouřka." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M111" "Rochelle: Let's hurry up and do this before the storm hits." "Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: Dáme jim znamení, až se vrátíme." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M112" "Rochelle: We'll signal him when we get back." "Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Věříš tomu chlápkovi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M113" "Rochelle: Do you trust that guy?" "Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: No, nevím Nicku, naučila jsem se věřit i tobě." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M114" "Rochelle: Well, I don't know, Nick. I learned to trust you." "Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: Tak co já vím?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M115" "Rochelle: So what do I know?" "Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: OK, zkusme to vzít touhle ulicí." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M116" "Rochelle: Okay, let's try down this street." "Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: Tudy se můžeme dostat k cukrovaru." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M117" "Rochelle: We can get to the sugar mill through here." "Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Co se mě týká, tak já na sladký moc nejsem." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M118" "Rochelle: Personally, I'm a high fructose corn syrup woman myself." "Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že infekce zasáhla uprostřed evakuace." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M119" "Rochelle: Looks like the infection hit mid evacuation." "Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: Raději tomu říkám infekce, než apokalypsa zombií." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M120" "Rochelle: I prefer to call it the infection instead of the zombie apocalypse." "Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: Nevím, apokalypsa zombií - pořád to je těžký skousnout." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M121" "Rochelle: I don't know, zombie apocalypse - it's still kind of hard to swallow." "Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Jo, určitě tady je hodně zombií." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M122" "Rochelle: Yeah, there sure are a lot of zombies." "Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Haló?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M501" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Přestaňte! Přestaňte! Přestaňte bombardovat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M502" "Rochelle: Stop! Stop! Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: OK, to zvládneme." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M503" "Rochelle: Okay, we can do that." "Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: Chcete, abychom přešli ten most? Do prdele -proč si pro nás nepřijdete!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M504" "Rochelle: You want us to cross the bridge? Oh shit - why don't you come get us!" "Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: Měli by se připravit, až se tam dostaneme." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M505" "Rochelle: They better be ready when we get there." "Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Dobrá otázka, kde je CEDA? Vidím jenom armádu." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns01" "Rochelle: Good question, where is CEDA? I just see the military." "Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Ááá, člověče... musíme běžet k tý věži?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns02" "Rochelle: Aahhh, man... we have to run to the tower?" "Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Neboj, Ellisi, myslí tím postižený chřipkou, ne ty s postiženou hlavou." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns03" "Rochelle: Don't worry Ellis, they mean the flu, not in the head." "Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: Myslím, že ta cedule je trochu zbytečná? Ironie? Nedocenili celou Apokalypsu zombií?" "[english]Producer_WorldSigns04" "Rochelle: I think that sign is a little redundant? Ironic? Underselling the entire Zombie Apocalypse?" "Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: Myslela jsem, že všichni máte zbraně, křupani." "[english]Producer_WorldSigns05" "Rochelle: I thought all you yokels already had guns." "Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Utíkejte!" "[english]Producer_YellRun01" "Rochelle: Run!" "Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Prostě utíkejte!" "[english]Producer_YellRun02" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Utíkejte! Utíkejte! Utíkejte!" "[english]Producer_YellRun03" "Rochelle: Run! Run! Run!" "Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Prostě utíkejte!" "[english]Producer_YellRun04" "Rochelle: Just run!" "Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Ano." "[english]Producer_Yes01" "Rochelle: Yes." "Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Proč ano." "[english]Producer_Yes02" "Rochelle: Why yes." "Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Jo." "[english]Producer_Yes03" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Jo." "[english]Producer_Yes04" "Rochelle: Yeah." "Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Samozřejmě." "[english]Producer_Yes05" "Rochelle: Of course." "Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: OK." "[english]Producer_Yes06" "Rochelle: Okay." "Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Jo." "[english]Producer_Yes07" "Rochelle: Yep." "Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Jistě." "[english]Producer_Yes08" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Jistě." "[english]Producer_Yes09" "Rochelle: Sure." "Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: Není zač." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome01" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: Není zač." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome02" "Rochelle: You are welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: Není zač." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome03" "Rochelle: You're welcome." "Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: Jsme v pohodě." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome04" "Rochelle: We're cool." "Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: Bez problému." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome05" "Rochelle: No problem." "Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Kdykoli." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome06" "Rochelle: Anytime." "Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: O to se neboj." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome07" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it." "Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Ani nezačínej." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome08" "Rochelle: Don't even start." "Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: To je OK." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome09" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: To je OK." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcome10" "Rochelle: That's okay." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Pro bráchu cokoli." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach01" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Pro bráchu cokoli." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeCoach02" "Rochelle: Anything for a brother." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: Bez problému prcku." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeEllis01" "Rochelle: No problem shorty." "Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: Bez problému fešáku." "[english]Producer_YouAreWelcomeNick01" "Rochelle: No problem suit." "Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Dávku adrenalinu sem!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline01" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Beru dávku!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline02" "Rochelle: Grabbin' a shot!" "Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Dávku adrenalinu sem!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline03" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Dávku adrenalinu sem!" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline04" "Rochelle: Adrenaline shot here!" "Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [třese se]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline05" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [třese se]" "[english]Producer_Adrenaline06" "Rochelle: [shaking self awake]" "Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: Láhev...zvratků, očividně." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar01" "Rochelle: Bottle of… puke, apparently." "Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: Ať to není to, co si myslím." "[english]Producer_BoomerJar02" "Rochelle: That had better not be what I think it is." "Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Tady je Boomerova žluč!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar03" "Rochelle: Boomer bile here!" "Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Tady je sklenice zvratků!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar04" "Rochelle: Bile jar here!" "Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Beru sklenici zvratků!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar05" "Rochelle: Grabbing a jar of puke!" "Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Beru sklenici žluči!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar06" "Rochelle: Grabbing a bile jar!" "Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Pozor! Blíží se žluč!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar07" "Rochelle: Heads up! Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Blíží se žluč!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar08" "Rochelle: Bile incoming!" "Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Tady je Boomerova žluč!" "[english]Producer_BoomerJar09" "Rochelle: Here comes some Boomer bile!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: K ČERTU?" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer01" "Rochelle: WHAT THE HELL?" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: KAM MĚ TA VĚC TÁHNE!" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer02" "Rochelle: WHERE'S THIS THING TAKING ME!" "Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: JÉÉÉÉÉ!!!" "[english]Producer_ChargerRunningWithPlayer03" "Rochelle: WOOOAAAAH!!!" "Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Tady jsou elektrody." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator01" "Rochelle: Chest paddles here." "Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Tady je defibrilátor." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator02" "Rochelle: Defibrillator here." "Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Tady je defibrilační sada." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator03" "Rochelle: Defib unit here." "Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Mám elektrody." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator04" "Rochelle: Got some chest paddles." "Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Mám defibrilační sadu." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator05" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Mám defibrilační sadu." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator06" "Rochelle: Got a defib unit." "Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Nabít!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator07" "Rochelle: Clear!" "Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Dělej!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator08" "Rochelle: Come on!" "Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: Dělej!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator09" "Rochelle: Come ON!" "Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: Dělej, ZATRACENĚ NASKOČ!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator10" "Rochelle: Come on DAMN IT! WORK!" "Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Prosím naskoč. Prosím, prosím naskoč…" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator11" "Rochelle: Please work. Please, please work…" "Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Nechoď za tím světlem, Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator12" "Rochelle: Don't go towards the light, Ellis!" "Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: Tak takhle se asi cítí mrtvej." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator13" "Rochelle: So that's what being dead feels like." "Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: Věřím, že ti to dlužím." "[english]Producer_Defibrillator14" "Rochelle: I do believe I owe you one." "Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Ááá, to zatraceně BOLÍ!" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator15" "Rochelle: Agggh that frigging HURTS!" "Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [dostává šoky]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator16" "Rochelle: [being shocked]" "Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Jéé…" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator17" "Rochelle: Whoa…" "Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [lapá po dechu]" "[english]Producer_Defibrillator18" "Rochelle: [gasp for breath]" "Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Ach." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt01" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: [otráveně] Ach.." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt02" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: [opravdu otráveně] Ach." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt03" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: [opravdu otráveně] Ach." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt04" "Rochelle: Uh huh." "Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellisi? Ellisi? Ellisi, drahoušku? ELLISI!" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt05" "Rochelle: Ellis? Ellis? Ellis, sweetie? ELLIS!" "Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellisi, drahoušku, nemůže to počkat?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt06" "Rochelle: Ellis, sweetie, can this wait?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: OK, Ellisi, tohle opravdu není nejvhodnější doba." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt07" "Rochelle: Okay, Ellis, this is really not the best time." "Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Ach." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt08" "Rochelle: Ow." "Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: Sakra." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt09" "Rochelle: Damn." "Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Oblíkáš mě?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt10" "Rochelle: Are you putting me on?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: 90 %?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt11" "Rochelle: Ninety percent?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: Celý jeho tělo?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt12" "Rochelle: His whole body?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Počkej, moment, řekni tu poslední část znova?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt13" "Rochelle: Wait, hold on, say that last part again?" "Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: Měl bys to vyprávět Nickovi." "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt14" "Rochelle: You should tell that story to Nick." "Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Broučku, normálně mám ráda tvoje příběhy, fakt. Ale teď ne, OK?" "[english]Producer_EllisInterrupt15" "Rochelle: Sweety, I normally like your stories, I do. But not now, okay?" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Tady jsou výbušné náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo01" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Tady jsou výbušné náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo02" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Tady jsou výbušné náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo03" "Rochelle: Explosive rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Tady jsou tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo04" "Rochelle: Frag rounds here!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Beru tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo05" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Beru tříštivé náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo06" "Rochelle: Grabbin' some frag rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Používám výbušné náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Používám výbušné náboje!" "[english]Producer_ExplosiveAmmo08" "Rochelle: Deploying explosive rounds!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: Zasáhls mě Boomerovými zvratky!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile01" "Rochelle: You got Boomer puke on me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: Co to DĚLÁŠ? Teď se na mě vrhnou nakažení!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile02" "Rochelle: What are you DOING? Now the infected are going swarm me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: Nevěřím, žes to mohl udělat." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireBile03" "Rochelle: I can't believe you just did that." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Hej, hej! Zastřelte Tanka!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank01" "Rochelle: Whoa, whoa! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellisi! Zastřel Tanka!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank02" "Rochelle: Ellis! Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Zastřel TANKA, Coachi!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank03" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, Coach!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Áá, zastřel TANKA, Nicku!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank04" "Rochelle: Ah, shoot the TANK, Nick!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Zastřel Tanka!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank05" "Rochelle: Shoot the Tank!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Zastřel TANKA, prosím." "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank06" "Rochelle: Shoot the TANK, please." "Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Au, zastřel Tanka, ne mě!" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank07" "Rochelle: Ugh, shoot the Tank, not me!" "Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Můžeš zastřelit Tanka místo mě?" "[english]Producer_FriendlyFireTank08" "Rochelle: Can you shoot the Tank instead of me?" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Tady je granátomet!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher01" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Tady je granátomet!" "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher02" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher here!" "Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Mám granátomet." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher03" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Mám granátomet." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher04" "Rochelle: Got a grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Granátomet." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher05" "Rochelle: Grenade launcher." "Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Á, to se mi líbí." "[english]Producer_GrenadeLauncher06" "Rochelle: Oh, I like this." "Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: Co, to už zavíráme?" "[english]Producer_Hurrah13" "Rochelle: What, we're shutting the door already?" "Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: Kvůli tomu tady jsme!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah14" "Rochelle: That is what we're here for!" "Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Páni! Drž to nahoře a jsme odtud pryč!" "[english]Producer_Hurrah15" "Rochelle: Woo! Keep that up and we are out of here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Tady je zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo01" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Tady je zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo02" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Tady je zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo03" "Rochelle: Incendiary ammo here!" "Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Beru zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo04" "Rochelle: Grabbin' incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: Teď nehraju." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo05" "Rochelle: I'm not playing now." "Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Uděláme malý ohňostroj." "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo06" "Rochelle: Let's get a little bonfire going." "Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Používám zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo07" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Každý si vemte zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo08" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Každý si vemte zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo09" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Každý si vemte zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo10" "Rochelle: Everyone grab some incendiary ammo!" "Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Používám zápalné střelivo!" "[english]Producer_IncendAmmo11" "Rochelle: Deploying incendiary ammo!" "Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Tady jsou laserová mířidla." "[english]Producer_LaserSights01" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Tady jsou laserová mířidla." "[english]Producer_LaserSights02" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Tady jsou laserová mířidla." "[english]Producer_LaserSights03" "Rochelle: Laser sights here." "Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Bum!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse01" "Rochelle: Bam!" "Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: SAKRA jo!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse02" "Rochelle: HELL yeah!" "Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Sakra!" "[english]Producer_MeleeResponse03" "Rochelle: Damn!" "Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Tady je mačeta…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons01" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Tady je mačeta…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons02" "Rochelle: Machete here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Mám mačetu." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons03" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Mám mačetu." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons04" "Rochelle: Got a machete." "Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Tady je motorová pila…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons05" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Tady je motorová pila…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons06" "Rochelle: Chainsaw here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Mám motorovou pilu." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons07" "Rochelle: Got a chainsaw." "Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Tady je obušek…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons08" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Tady je obušek…" "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons09" "Rochelle: Nightstick here…" "Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Beru obušek." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons10" "Rochelle: Grabbing a nightstick." "Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Tady je kytara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons11" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Tady je kytara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons12" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Tady je kytara." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons13" "Rochelle: Guitar here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Beru kytaru." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons14" "Rochelle: Grabbing a guitar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Tady je katana." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons15" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Tady je katana." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons16" "Rochelle: Katana here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Beru katanu." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons17" "Rochelle: Grabbing a katana." "Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Beru páčidlo." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons18" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Beru páčidlo." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons19" "Rochelle: Grabbing a crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Páčidlo." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons20" "Rochelle: Crowbar." "Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Tady je kriketová pálka." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons21" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Tady je kriketová pálka." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons22" "Rochelle: Cricket bat here." "Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Mám kriketovou pálku." "[english]Producer_MeleeWeapons23" "Rochelle: Got a cricket bat." "Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional01" "Rochelle: Through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Támhle tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional02" "Rochelle: Through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional03" "Rochelle: This way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: Sem!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional04" "Rochelle: In here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional05" "Rochelle: Down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: Dělejte, tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional06" "Rochelle: C'mon, this way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Tímhle oknem!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional07" "Rochelle: Through this window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Tamtím oknem!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional08" "Rochelle: Through that window!" "Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Touhle uličkou!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional09" "Rochelle: Down this alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Tamtou uličkou!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional10" "Rochelle: Down that alley!" "Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: Pojďme tudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional11" "Rochelle: Let's go through here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: Pojďme tamtudy!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional12" "Rochelle: Let's go through there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Těmihle dveřmi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional13" "Rochelle: Through this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Tamtěmi dveřmi!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional14" "Rochelle: Through that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: Můžeme projít restaurací." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional15" "Rochelle: We can go through this restaurant." "Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Tamtou bránou!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional16" "Rochelle: Through that gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Po tamtom žebříku!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional17" "Rochelle: Up that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Po tomhle žebříku!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional18" "Rochelle: Up this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Po žebříku dolů!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional19" "Rochelle: Down that ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Po žebříku dolů!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional20" "Rochelle: Down this ladder!" "Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Přes tenhle plot!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional21" "Rochelle: Over this fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Přes tamten plot!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional22" "Rochelle: Over that fence!" "Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: K mostu!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional23" "Rochelle: To the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: Tady můžeme přejít!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional24" "Rochelle: We can cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: Támhle můžeme přejít!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional25" "Rochelle: We can cross there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: Tady můžeme vylézt nahoru!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional26" "Rochelle: We can get up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: Támhle můžeme vylézt nahoru!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional27" "Rochelle: We can get up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: Tady můžeme slézt!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional28" "Rochelle: We can get down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: Támhle můžeme slézt!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional29" "Rochelle: We can get down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: Tady nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional30" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: Támhle nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional31" "Rochelle: There's a safe room up there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional32" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Zmáčkni tlačítko!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional33" "Rochelle: Press the button!" "Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Udělej to!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional34" "Rochelle: Do it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Spusť to!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional35" "Rochelle: Activate it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: Zmáčkla jsem to!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional36" "Rochelle: I hit it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: Udělala jsem to!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional37" "Rochelle: I did it!" "Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Touhle branou!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional38" "Rochelle: Through this gate!" "Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: Přes tyto dveře!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional39" "Rochelle: Over this door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: Přes tamty dveře!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional40" "Rochelle: Over that door!" "Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: Přes ten kontejner!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional41" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Přes tenhle kontejner!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional42" "Rochelle: Over this dumpster!" "Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Tady seskočte!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional43" "Rochelle: Jump down here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Támhle seskočte!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional44" "Rochelle: Jump down there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Zpátky polem!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional45" "Rochelle: Back through the field!" "Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Všichni do výtahu!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional46" "Rochelle: Everybody in the elevator!" "Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: Můžeme jet výtahem zpátky nahoru!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional47" "Rochelle: We can take the elevator back up!" "Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Nahoru potrubím!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional48" "Rochelle: Up that pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: NAHORU tímhle potrubím!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional49" "Rochelle: UP this pipe!" "Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Zpátky dolů po schodech!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional50" "Rochelle: Back down the stairs!" "Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Přes ten most!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional51" "Rochelle: Over the bridge!" "Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: Můžeme přejít po tom silu!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional52" "Rochelle: We can cross on that tank!" "Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: Tudy můžeme přejít přes vodu!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional53" "Rochelle: We can get across the water here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: Támhle můžeme přejít přes vodu!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional54" "Rochelle: We can get across the water there!" "Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Tady přejdeme!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional55" "Rochelle: Cross here!" "Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: Tohle vypadá povědomě. Jdeme dobře!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional56" "Rochelle: This looks familiar. We're going the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: To si pamatuju. Míříme správnou cestou!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional57" "Rochelle: I remember that. We're headed the right way!" "Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: To se zatopilo rychle." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional58" "Rochelle: This flooded fast." "Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: Všechno je zatopené." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional59" "Rochelle: It's all flooded." "Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: BOUŘKA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional60" "Rochelle: STORM!" "Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Připravte se, blíží se bouřka!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional61" "Rochelle: Get ready storm coming!" "Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: BLÍŽÍ SE BOUŘKA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional62" "Rochelle: STORM'S COMING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: ALE NE, ZAČALA BOUŘKA!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional63" "Rochelle: OH, STORM'S STARTING!" "Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: DRŽTE SE POBLÍŽ!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional64" "Rochelle: STAY CLOSE!" "Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: Nic sakra nevidím." "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional65" "Rochelle: I can't see a damn thing." "Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: Támhle je cedule! Už jsme skoro venku!" "[english]Producer_MiscDirectional66" "Rochelle: There's the sign! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nicku, zrovna teď nemám v plánu zabývat se nachlazením." "[english]Producer_NickOcd01" "Rochelle: Nick, catching a cold isn't high up on my list of concerns right now." "Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: Chceš, abychom tě kryli před útokem zombií, zatímco si budeš mýt ruce, Nicku?" "[english]Producer_NickOcd02" "Rochelle: You want us to cover you from zombie attacks while you wash your hands, Nick?" "Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: OK, nechytila jsem zombii. Nebudu se starat o hlupáky, Nicku." "[english]Producer_NickOcd03" "Rochelle: Okay, I haven't caught zombie. I'm not gonna worry about cooties, Nick." "Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Fuj, cítím mrtvé zombie." "[english]Producer_NickOcd04" "Rochelle: Ugh, I just smell dead zombies." "Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Fuj, smrdí to jako starý, špinavý, měsíc nepraný oblek." "[english]Producer_NickOcd05" "Rochelle: Ugh, smells like a dirty old white suit that hasn't been dry-cleaned in a month." "Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense01" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense02" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Tady se nabíjí!" "[english]Producer_ReloadIntense03" "Rochelle: Reloading here!" "Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading05" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Nabíjím!" "[english]Producer_Reloading06" "Rochelle: Reloading!" "Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Je to neprůstřelný?" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored01" "Rochelle: Are these things bulletproof?" "Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Obrať je a střel do zad!" "[english]Producer_SeeArmored02" "Rochelle: Spin them around and shoot them in the back!" "Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: Ten šašek přiláká celý dav!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns01" "Rochelle: That clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: OK, ten šašek přiláká celý dav!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns02" "Rochelle: Okay, that clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Někdo toho šaška umlčte!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns03" "Rochelle: Somebody shut that clown up!" "Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Někdo toho šaška umlčte!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns04" "Rochelle: Somebody shut up that clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Zabijte toho šaška!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns05" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Zabijte toho šaška!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns06" "Rochelle: Kill the clown!" "Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: Ten šašek přiláká celý dav!" "[english]Producer_SeeClowns07" "Rochelle: The clown's attracting a horde!" "Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Hej, viděl někdo, co ta zombie upustila?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen01" "Rochelle: Hey, anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: Viděl někdo, co ta zombie upustila?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen02" "Rochelle: Anybody see what that zombie dropped?" "Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: Upustila ta zombie něco?" "[english]Producer_SeeFallen03" "Rochelle: Did that zombie just drop something?" "Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Skvělý. Nakažení ve skafandrech." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat01" "Rochelle: Great. Infected in hazmat suits." "Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Ohnivzdorný zombie. Hurá!" "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat02" "Rochelle: Fireproof zombies. Hooray!" "Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Do prdele. Myslím, že tihle jsou ohnivzdorní." "[english]Producer_SeeHazmat03" "Rochelle: Shit. I think these guys are fireproof." "Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: Co je sakra tohle?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen01" "Rochelle: What the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: OK, tak co je sakra tohle?" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen02" "Rochelle: Okay, now what the hell are these things?" "Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Zastřelte ty bahňáky!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen03" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Zastřelte ty bahňáky!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen04" "Rochelle: Shoot the Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Bahňáci!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen05" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Bahňáci!" "[english]Producer_SeeMudmen06" "Rochelle: Mudmen!" "Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Páni, tak tahle těsně to mám ráda…" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose10" "Rochelle: Whoa, that's about as close as I like to cut it…" "Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: Málem jsme to nezvládli..." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose11" "Rochelle: We're going to have to do better." "Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: Musíme víc zabrat." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose12" "Rochelle: We almost didn't make it…" "Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: VÍM, že to dokážeme líp." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose13" "Rochelle: I KNOW we can do better than that." "Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Co se to s náma stalo?" "[english]Producer_TransitionClose14" "Rochelle: Well. That was embarrassing." "Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: No. To bylo trapný." "[english]Producer_TransitionClose15" "Rochelle: What happened to us?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEEEJ! VRAŤTE SE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B01" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: VRAŤTE SE! POŘÁD JSME TADY!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B02" "Rochelle: COME BACK! WE'RE STILL HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: POŘÁD JSME TADY! HEEEJ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B03" "Rochelle: ROCHELLE: WE'RE STILL HERE! HEYYY!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: TADY! VRAŤTE SE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B04" "Rochelle: OVER HERE! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: JSOU TAM POŘÁD LIDI! VRAŤTE SE! PROSÍM!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B05" "Rochelle: THERE'S STILL PEOPLE HERE! COME BACK! PLEASE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: HEJ! JSME NA STŘEŠE! VRAŤTE SE SEM!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B06" "Rochelle: HEY! WE'RE ON THE ROOF! GET BACK HERE!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEEEJ! VRAŤTE SE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B07" "Rochelle: HEYYYYY! COME BACK!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: NEJSEM-NEJSEM hlasitá." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B08" "Rochelle: I AM NOT-I am NOT loud." "Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Hoši, čas na soutěž v čůrání. Budova hoří. Vypadneme ze střechy, dokud to jde" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B09" "Rochelle: Guys, now's not the time for a pissing contest. The building's on fire. Let's get off this roof while we still can." "Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Mně to stačilo. Vezmeme nějaký zbraně a padáme odsud." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B10" "Rochelle: Good enough for me. Let's grab some weapons and get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Je to obchoďák. Ale nejdřív vezmeme něco, čím se dá bránit." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B11" "Rochelle: Mall it is. But first, let's grab something to defend ourselves with." "Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: To zní dobře. Vezmeme nějaký zbraně a vypadneme sakra odsud." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B12" "Rochelle: Sounds good. Let's grab some weapons and get the hell out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: Nemůžu uvěřit, že jsem zůstala trčet v Savannah." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B13" "Rochelle: I can't believe I'm stranded in Savannah." "Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Bože, prosím, ať neumřu v Georgii." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B14" "Rochelle: Oh please God, don't you let me die in Georgia." "Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: Do prdele, oni nás jen NENECHALI na střeše!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B15" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us on this roof!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: Do prdele, oni nás tady jen NENECHALI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B16" "Rochelle: Oh shit, they did NOT just leave us here!" "Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: No, myslím, že evakuační místo je v obchoďáku." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B17" "Rochelle: Oh, I think there's an evac station in the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: Něco jsem zaslechla. Víš co, nevadí. Ale vem si zbraň, věř mi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B19" "Rochelle: I been hearing about…things. You know what, never mind. But grab a weapon, trust me." "Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: Myslím, že jsou dole, vem si zbraň." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B20" "Rochelle: I think those things are down there, grab a weapon." "Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: Když zůstaneme pohromadě a budeme si dávat bacha, tak se z toho dostaneme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B21" "Rochelle: If we stay together and keep our heads, we can get out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: To máš sraz s jinejma kámošema?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B22" "Rochelle: Oh, you meeting some other friends?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: Lidi, na tohle nemáme čas! Vemte si zbraně a jdeme do obchoďáku." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B23" "Rochelle: We ain't got time for this, people! Grab a weapon and let's get to this mall." "Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: Doufám, že se pleteš, ale vím, že ne." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B24" "Rochelle: I hope you're wrong but I know you're not." "Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: VYPADÁM, že nosím zbraň?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B25" "Rochelle: Do I LOOK like I'm packing a gun?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: Nejsem typ, co nosí zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B26" "Rochelle: I'm not the gun-packing type." "Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: Měli bychom si vzít nějaké zbraně. Pracuju ve zprávách a zprávy říkají, že bychom si rozhodně měli vzít nějaké zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B27" "Rochelle: We should take some weapons. I work in the news and the news says we should definitely take some weapons." "Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: Nevím, ale protože tohle všechno vypadá jako realita, věřte mi, když říkám, že bychom měli vzít všechny zbraně, co najdeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B28" "Rochelle: I don't know, since this all seems to be true, trust me, when I say we should grab any weapon we can find." "Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: Měli bychom si vzít něco na ochranu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B29" "Rochelle: We should take something to protect ourselves." "Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: Dobře, to zní jako plán." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B30" "Rochelle: All right, sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: Souhlasím." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B31" "Rochelle: I agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: Na tom něco je." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B32" "Rochelle: That's a good point." "Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Tak dobře?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B33" "Rochelle: Right, so?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: Budu muset souhlasit." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B34" "Rochelle: I'm gonna have to agree." "Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: OK, tenhle chlap mluví rozumně. Vypadneme odsud." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B35" "Rochelle: Okay, this man's talking some sense. Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: Máš určitě pravdu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B36" "Rochelle: I bet you're right." "Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: Když seš si jistej." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B37" "Rochelle: So long as you're sure." "Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Asi víš, o čem mluvíš. Jdeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B38" "Rochelle: Sounds like you know what you're talking about. Let's go." "Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: Tihle… nevypadají jako lidi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B39" "Rochelle: These… don't look like people." "Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombie. Do prdele. Oni jsou skutečný." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B40" "Rochelle: Zombies. Holy shit. They're real." "Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: Slyšels o nich, ale dokud je fakt nevidíš…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B41" "Rochelle: You hear about them, but until you see them…" "Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: Do prdele, zombie. Viděla jsem zprávy… sakra, DĚLALA jsem zprávy, ale… teda." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B42" "Rochelle: Holy shit, zombies. I saw the news reports… hell, I PRODUCED some, but… wow." "Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: Co to sakra je?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B43" "Rochelle: What the hell is this thing?" "Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: OK, Rochelle. Prostě zabiješ zombii. Všechno je… prostě fajn." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B44" "Rochelle: Okay, Rochelle. You just beat a zombie a death. Everything is… just fine." "Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: Dobře. Tak jsem to udělala." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B45" "Rochelle: All right. I just did that." "Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: OK. Teď zabíjím zombie." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B46" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm killing zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Jo, jo, dává mi to smysl. Jsme v prdeli." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B47" "Rochelle: Yeah, yeah I can make sense of this. We are screwed." "Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: Atlanta prý už padla." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B48" "Rochelle: I heard Atlanta already fell." "Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: Pracuju pro zpravodajství, SLYŠELI jsme o východním pobřeží, ale… Ježíši. Nevěděla jsem, že je to tak zlý." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B49" "Rochelle: I work for a news station, we'd HEARD about the East Coast, but… Jesus. I didn't know it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Hej, podívej se na mapu. Musíme se dostat do New Orleans, RYCHLE." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B50" "Rochelle: Hey, look at this map. We need to get to New Orleans, FAST." "Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: New Orleans je jediný město, který zbylo." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B51" "Rochelle: New Orleans is all that's left." "Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Zprávy byly jenom útržkovitý, CEDA nikomu nikdy neřekla, že to je tak zlý." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B52" "Rochelle: Reports were really fragmented, CEDA never told anyone it was this bad." "Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: Myslím, že CEDA by nám řekla, ať děláme víc než si jen mýt ruce." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M1B53" "Rochelle: I think CEDA should have been telling us do more than wash our hands." "Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: OBCHOD se zbraněmi? Poprvé v životě, to zní dobře." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B01" "Rochelle: A gun STORE? For the first time in my life, that sounds good." "Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: Celý obchod plný zbraní? Mluvíš MNĚ z duše, Coachi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B02" "Rochelle: A whole store full of guns? You're talking MY language, Coach." "Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: Celý obchod? Plný zbraní? Mluvíš MNĚ z duše, Ellisi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B03" "Rochelle: A whole store? Full of guns? You are talking MY language, Ellis." "Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: Tak dlouho, dokud se mě budou snažit zombie zabít." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B04" "Rochelle: So long as there's zombies trying to kill me he is." "Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: No, ne, obvykle ne. Ale teď? Ano." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B05" "Rochelle: Well, no, not usually. But for now? Yes." "Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: Hmm, normálně ne, je to složitý." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B06" "Rochelle: Eh, um not normally, it's complicated." "Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: OK, ne, normálně nesnáším zbraně. Ale… myslím, že zombie nesnáším víc." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B07" "Rochelle: Okay, no, normally I hate guns. But I… think I hate zombies more." "Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Skvělý, jdeme dobře do obchoďáku." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B08" "Rochelle: Great, we're heading the right way to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Most k obchoďáku je zablokovaný! Musíme najít jinou cestu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B09" "Rochelle: Bridge to the mall's blocked! We need to find another way." "Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Zkusme tyhle dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B10" "Rochelle: Let's try that door." "Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Naskočte na náklaďák!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B11" "Rochelle: Jump onto the truck!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: Přes ten kontejner!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B12" "Rochelle: Over the dumpster!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: MUSÍME se dostat přes ten most!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B13" "Rochelle: We have GOT to get over that bridge!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: OK, musíme se blížit k obchoďáku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B14" "Rochelle: Okay, we've gotta be getting close to that mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: Celý to město vypadá opuštěně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B15" "Rochelle: This whole city looks abandoned." "Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: Ať je CEDA v obchoďáku…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B16" "Rochelle: CEDA'd better be at that mall…" "Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: Tolik… zbraní." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B17" "Rochelle: So… many… guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Můj…ty… BOŽE." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B18" "Rochelle: Oh… my… GOD." "Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Ježíši Kriste, koukněte na všechny ty zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B19" "Rochelle: Oh sweet Jesus look at all of these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: Chci je všechny. Vážně. Chci všechny zbraně z tohohle obchodu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B20" "Rochelle: I want them all. Seriously. I want every gun in this store." "Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: PODÍVALI byste se na všechny ty zbraně?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B21" "Rochelle: Would you LOOK at all these guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Bože, Ellisi? Měl bys mít radost, že vidíš tolik zbraní?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B22" "Rochelle: Jeez, Ellis? Is it supposed to feel this good to see this many guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: Beru zpět všechny vtipy, který jsem řekla o zbrojním průmyslu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B23" "Rochelle: I regret every joke I ever made about gun owners." "Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: Nevím, jestli to je tím pocitem, váhou nebo tisíci zombií, který se mě snaží zabít. Ale začínám mít opravdu ráda všechny tyhle zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B24" "Rochelle: I don't know if it's the feel, or the weight, or the thousand zombies trying to kill me. But I am really starting to like these guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: Proč mi nikdo NEŘEKL, že střílet ty potvory je takový dobrý pocit?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B25" "Rochelle: Why didn't anyone TELL me shooting these things felt like this?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: No, cítím se špatně, ale je to tak dobrý. Miluju zbraně. Fakt to tvrdím. Miluju zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B26" "Rochelle: Oh, it feels so wrong, but is just so right. I love guns. There I said it. I love guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: Ta je pěkná." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B27" "Rochelle: You're a nice one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Ukaž, jak se držíš." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B28" "Rochelle: Let's see how you handle." "Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Ta nějakou zombii už dokáže zabít." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B29" "Rochelle: Now, this one can kill some zombies." "Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Jo, spolu zabijeme pár zombií." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B30" "Rochelle: Yeah, you are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Jsou všechny zadarmo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B31" "Rochelle: Are all these free?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Páni, můžeme si vzít, kterou chceme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B32" "Rochelle: Gee, can we take whichever one we want?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Myslím, že tuhle vyzkouším." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B33" "Rochelle: Think I'll take this one for a test drive." "Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Hmm, Beru… TUHLE." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B34" "Rochelle: Ooh, I choose… THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Moment. TUHLE." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B35" "Rochelle: Or wait. THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: TUHLE." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B36" "Rochelle: THIS one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: Ne, ne, ne, ne, tuhle." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B37" "Rochelle: No, no, no, no, this one." "Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: Spolu zabijeme pár zombií." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B38" "Rochelle: You are going to kill some zombies with me." "Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: Tahle pálí dobře!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B39" "Rochelle: This one's got some nice action!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Tahle má dobrý rozptyl!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B40" "Rochelle: Nice spread on this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Ježíši, tahle je přesná!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B41" "Rochelle: Jesus, this thing's accurate!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: OK, moje nová nejoblíbenější brokovnice!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B42" "Rochelle: Okay, my new favorite's the shotgun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: OK, teď si chci vyzkoušet tuhle odstřelovací pušku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B43" "Rochelle: Okay, now I want to try the sniper rifle!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Ó můj bože, to je granátomet?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B44" "Rochelle: Oh my god, is that a grenade launcher?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Páni! MILUJU tuhle zbraň!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B45" "Rochelle: Woo! I LOVE this gun!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: Do téhle zbraně jsem se zamilovala." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B46" "Rochelle: I am in love with this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: BUM! Trefa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B47" "Rochelle: BOOM! Headshot!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: *kkt* Trefa." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B48" "Rochelle: *kkt* Headshot." "Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: Všechny ostatní zbraně… se téhle musí klanět." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B49" "Rochelle: All other guns… bow before this gun." "Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Ááá, moje nová nejoblíbenější." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B50" "Rochelle: Oh, this is my new favorite." "Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: OK… Bože." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B51" "Rochelle: Okay… God." "Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Řekl nám právě Bůh, abychom vzali tyhle zbraně a šli nahoru?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B52" "Rochelle: Did God just tell us to take his guns and come upstairs?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: OK, tajemný hlas." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B53" "Rochelle: Okay, mysterious voice." "Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Čau, Whitakere." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B54" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker." "Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Čau, Whitakere. Díky za zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B55" "Rochelle: Hi, Whitaker. Thanks for the guns." "Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: Dobře, pane. Skočíme vám pro svačinu. Ale nemyslete si, že se z toho vykroutíte." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B56" "Rochelle: All right, sir. We'll go get you your snacks. But you better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: Dobře, skočíme vám pro svačinu. Ale kvůli těm vašim Colám riskujeme život. Nemyslete si, že se z toho vykroutíte." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B57" "Rochelle: All right, we'll go get you your snacks. But we're risking our lives for these colas of yours. You better not try to weasel out of this." "Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: Cože chcete?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B58" "Rochelle: You want what?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: Vy lidi jíte strašný svinstva." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B59" "Rochelle: You people eat the strangest shit." "Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: OK, bereme. Co dlužíme za zbraně?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B60" "Rochelle: Okay, we're in. What do we owe you for the guns?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Chcete k tomu vepřovou kůži?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B61" "Rochelle: Do you want pork rinds with that?" "Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Pane, jestli mi necháte tuhle zbraň? Přinesu vám, co budete chtít." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B62" "Rochelle: Sir, if you let me keep this gun? I'll go get you anything you need." "Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Vemte Colu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B63" "Rochelle: Grab the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: Mám Colu, jdeme zpátky!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B64" "Rochelle: I got the cola, let's get back!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: Dobře, mám Colu pro Whitakera! Jdeme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B65" "Rochelle: All right, I got Whitaker's cola! Let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: Mám Colu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B66" "Rochelle: I got the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Beru Colu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B67" "Rochelle: Grabbing the cola!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Barikády jsou zničeny! Pojďme do obchoďáku." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B68" "Rochelle: Barrier's down! Let's get to the mall." "Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: Sbohem barikádo! Padáme odsud." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B69" "Rochelle: There goes the barrier! Let's get out of here." "Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [šepot] Do prdele, myslím, že jsem omylem vzala lehkou Colu. Měli bychom jít. Hej, díky Whitakere!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B70" "Rochelle: [whisper] Shit, I think I accidentally grabbed diet cola. We should go. Hey, thanks, Whitaker!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: Sakra. Ten chlap ví, jak vyčistit cestu." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B71" "Rochelle: Damn. That man knows how to clear a path." "Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Díky Bohu, obchoďák!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B72" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, the mall!" "Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: OK. Evakuační místa nejsou obvykle tak tichá." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B73" "Rochelle: Okay. Evacuation centers aren't usually this quiet." "Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Centra pro uprchlíky obvykle nevypadají tak prázdně?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M2B74" "Rochelle: Refugee centers don't usually look this deserted?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: Dobře. Tak… je tady trochu ticho. Říkám ale, že bychom to měli prověřit." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. So… it's a bit quiet. I still say we should check it out." "Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: OK, tak-je tady trochu prázdno. Ale evakuační místo může být někde tady dál." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B02" "Rochelle: Okay, so-it's a little deserted. There might still be an evac deeper in." "Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Amen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B03" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Amen." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B04" "Rochelle: Amen." "Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Bože, smiluj se nad Coachem a zachovej rychlé občerstvení." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B05" "Rochelle: Lord, have mercy on Coach and spare the food court." "Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Nahoru po tomhle eskalátoru!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B06" "Rochelle: Up this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Nahoru po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B07" "Rochelle: Up that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Dolů po tomhle eskalátoru!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B08" "Rochelle: Down this escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Dolů po tom eskalátoru!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B09" "Rochelle: Down that escalator!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: SLYŠÍM-Coachi, to je tvůj žaludek?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B10" "Rochelle: I HEAR A HUN-Coach, is that your stomach?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Evakuační místo tudy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B11" "Rochelle: Evac's this way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Evakuační místo tamtudy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B12" "Rochelle: Evac's that way!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Evakuační místo vpředu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B13" "Rochelle: Evac's up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, kdo je ten závodník?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B14" "Rochelle: Anybody know who the race car guy is?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy… Gibbs… mladší. Teda, Jižani mají rádi divný slavný lidi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B15" "Rochelle: Jimmy… Gibbs… Jr. Man, Southerners make the weirdest people famous." "Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs mladší…. Jo." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B16" "Rochelle: Jimmy Gibbs Jr…. Yay." "Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Tu máš, Jimmy Gibbsi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B17" "Rochelle: Take that, Jimmy Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Sežer to, Jimmy Gibbsi." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B18" "Rochelle: Eat lead, Jimmy Gibbs." "Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Připravte se! Spustí se alarm." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B19" "Rochelle: Get ready! The alarm is gonna sound." "Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Jdeme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B20" "Rochelle: Keep going!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: Musíme vypnout ten alarm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B21" "Rochelle: We have to turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B22" "Rochelle: Someone turn off the alarm!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Mám to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B23" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE, to byla otrava!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B24" "Rochelle: Holy SHIT, was that annoying!" "Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: BRR! Už to budu slyšet POŘÁD." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B25" "Rochelle: UGH! I will NEVER stop hearing that." "Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: No, a důvod, proč ten obchoďák vypadal opuštěně byl, že… fakt je opuštěný." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B26" "Rochelle: Ah. And the reason the mall looked deserted was because… it is." "Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Hmm. Nikdo tady není." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B27" "Rochelle: Unngh. There's nobody here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Á sakra, já to věděla." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B28" "Rochelle: Oh, damn it, I knew it." "Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: Tady nás nikdo nezachrání, co?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B29" "Rochelle: We're not getting rescued here, are we?" "Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: Neslyším od vás žádný „zachrání nás“." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm not getting a strong \"we're getting rescued\" vibe here." "Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Hoši? Tohle nevypadá dobře." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B31" "Rochelle: Guys? This does NOT look good." "Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: Dneska nás nikdo nezachrání." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B32" "Rochelle: No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: Je to na nás. Dneska nás nikdo nezachrání." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B33" "Rochelle: It's all on us. No one is going to be rescuing us today." "Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Vypadá to, že nahoře je úkryt!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M3B34" "Rochelle: Looks like a safe room up ahead!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: OK. Má někdo nějaký nápady?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B01" "Rochelle: Okay. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: Dobře, takže… jsme v prdeli. Má někdo nějaký nápady?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B02" "Rochelle: All right, so… we're screwed. Anybody got any ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: Co máš na mysli, Ellisi?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B03" "Rochelle: What's on your mind, Ellis?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Mluvíme o tom Jimmy Gibbsovi? Je tady jeho auto?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B04" "Rochelle: Are we talking about this Jimmy Gibbs guy? His car's here?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Mluvíme o Jimmy Gibbsovi mladším?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B05" "Rochelle: Are we talking about Jimmy Gibbs, Jr.?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: No, to je plán. Nevím, jestli to je DOBREJ plán. Ale JE to plán." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B06" "Rochelle: Well, it's a plan. I don't know if it's a GOOD plan. But it IS a plan." "Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: OK. Ze všech plánů, které máme, což je nula, patří tenhle mezi nejlepší." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B07" "Rochelle: Okay. Out of all the plans we have, which is zero, that might be in the top ten." "Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Nějaké další nápady?" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B08" "Rochelle: Any other ideas?" "Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: OK, takže plán A je, že najdeme to auto. Plán B je, že… počkáme v tomhle obchoďáku a umřeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B09" "Rochelle: OK, so Plan A is we go find this car. Plan B is we… wait here in this mall and die." "Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: Napadlo mě to první." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B10" "Rochelle: I had that idea first." "Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: Sakra, já to udělám." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B11" "Rochelle: Hell, I'll do it." "Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Zabírám si Gibbse!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B12" "Rochelle: Dibs on Gibbs!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Sežeňte benzín, hoši!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B13" "Rochelle: Find some gas, guys!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: Jakmile se otevřou tyhle dveře, připravte se utíkat." "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B14" "Rochelle: As soon as these doors open, get ready to run." "Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Dělejdělejdělej dělej…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B15" "Rochelle: Comeoncomeoncomeon come on…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: Prosím do nádrže, prosím prosím prosím…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B16" "Rochelle: Please get in the tank, please please please…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Rychle, rrrrychle…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B17" "Rochelle: Hurry up, hurrrry upppp…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Rychleji…rychleji do nádrže…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B18" "Rochelle: Go faster…go in the tank faster…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Dělej, děleeej…" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B19" "Rochelle: Come onnnn, come onnnnnn…" "Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Tankuju tady!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B20" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Tankuju tady!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B21" "Rochelle: Filling it up here!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: Mám tenhle!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B22" "Rochelle: I got this one!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Dělejte, jdeme! Najděte kanystr s benzínem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B23" "Rochelle: Come on, let's go! Find a gas can!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Natankujme tohle auto!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B24" "Rochelle: Let's get this car gassed up!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme víc benzínu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B25" "Rochelle: We need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: Pořád potřebujeme víc benzínu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B26" "Rochelle: We still need more gas!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: Půlka za námi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B27" "Rochelle: Halfway there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Už to skoro je!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B28" "Rochelle: Almost there!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme ještě dvacet!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B29" "Rochelle: We need twenty more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme ještě deset!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B30" "Rochelle: We still need ten more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme ještě pět!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B31" "Rochelle: We still need five more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Už jenom tři!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B32" "Rochelle: Just three more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Jenom dva!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B33" "Rochelle: Just two more!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: Ještě jeden a jedem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B34" "Rochelle: One more can to go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: Máme plnou, jedem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B35" "Rochelle: We're all filled up, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Auto je plný, jedem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B36" "Rochelle: Car's full let's go!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Šlápni na to, Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B37" "Rochelle: Hit it, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Ty jó!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B38" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Šlápni na to! Šlápni na to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC1M4B39" "Rochelle: Punch it! Punch it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Závodní auta zácpou asi neprojedou, co?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B01" "Rochelle: Stock cars can't drive over traffic, right?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Nic si z toho nedělej, Ellisi. Bylo skvělý, žes nás dostal TAKHLE daleko." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B02" "Rochelle: Don't worry about it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Neřeš to, Ellisi. Bylo skvělý, žes nás dostal TAKHLE daleko." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B03" "Rochelle: Don't sweat it, Ellis. It was amazing of you to get us THIS far." "Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: Pomyslete: Kdyby ten Jimmy Gribs závodil s tahačema? Tak už bychom byli doma." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B04" "Rochelle: You do realize: If this Jimmy Gribs guy had driven a monster truck? We'd be home free right now." "Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: Chápu." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B05" "Rochelle: I understand." "Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Jak budeš potřebovat." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B06" "Rochelle: Take as long as you need." "Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Koukněte na ty auta. Ty hlupáci si mysleli, že utečou po svých. [bouchnutí] Moment, my jsme na tom stejně." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B07" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Koukněte na ty auta. Ty hlupáci si mysleli, že utečou po svých. Všechny je zmasakrovali. [bouchnutí] Moment, my jsme na tom stejně." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B08" "Rochelle: Look at all these cars. Poor dumb bastards thought they could escape on foot. They must have been slaughtered. Wait, that's what we're doing." "Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: Tyhle opuštěný auta se potáhnou DALEKO." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B09" "Rochelle: These abandoned cars go on for MILES." "Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Hm mm. Asi jo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B10" "Rochelle: Uh huh. That's probably it." "Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Hej, tady je cedule od zábavního parku." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B11" "Rochelle: Hey, there's a sign for the amusement park." "Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: Chodila jsem do obchoďáku jako malá. Koukněte, kam nás to dostalo." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B12" "Rochelle: I used to go to the mall as a kid. Look where that got us." "Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: Támhle je cedule od zábavního parku. A banda staříků, kteří si říkají Midnight Riders." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B13" "Rochelle: There's an sign for the amusement park. And a bunch of old guys called the Midnight Riders." "Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: Vidíte ty světlomety. Říkám vám, tam jedem." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B14" "Rochelle: You guys see those searchlights? I say we head there." "Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Světlomety! Vsadím se, že to je Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B15" "Rochelle: Searchlights! I bet that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Tudy z rampy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B16" "Rochelle: Down this off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Tudy z rampy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B17" "Rochelle: Down that off ramp!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: Myslím, že to je Whispering Oaks." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B18" "Rochelle: I'm guessing that's Whispering Oaks." "Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Dobře, támhle je zábavní park. Ale jak se tam DOSTANEM?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B19" "Rochelle: Well, there's the amusement park. Now how do we GET there?" "Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Dálnice je zablokovaná! Můžeme projít tím motelem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B20" "Rochelle: Highway's blocked! We can cut through this motel!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: Chudáci…" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B21" "Rochelle: All these poor people…" "Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Nezapomeňte prohledat pokoje." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B22" "Rochelle: Don't forget to search the rooms." "Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Ááá. Au." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B23" "Rochelle: Oo. Ouch." "Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Bacha, hoši. Tenhle kopec vypadá docela prudce." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B24" "Rochelle: Watch, it guys. This hill looks pretty steep." "Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! Zvládli jsme to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B25" "Rochelle: Whispering Oaks! We made it!" "Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Páni! Whispering Oaks! Platím první jízdu, Ellisi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M1B26" "Rochelle: Woo! Whispering Oaks! I'll buy the first ride, Ellis!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: Měli bychom zamířit k těm světlometům. Jestli tam je uprchlický tábor, tak tam bude i pomoc." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B01" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights. If there's a refugee camp here, it'll be where the power is." "Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: „Midnight Riders“. Jo, myslím, že se líbili tátovi, asi někdy v osmnáctým století." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B02" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. Yeah, I think my dad liked them, back in the eighteenth century." "Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: Měli bychom zamířit k těm světlometům." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B03" "Rochelle: We should head towards those searchlights." "Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: „Midnight Riders“. Půlnoční jezdci. Takže… oni JEZDÍ na půlnoci? Nebo jezdí O půlnoci? Nesnáším klasický rock." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B04" "Rochelle: 'The Midnight Riders'. So… they RIDE midnight? Or they ride AT midnight? I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: Nesnáším klasický rock." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B05" "Rochelle: I hate classic rock." "Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Kdo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B06" "Rochelle: Who?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? To je jedna z těch stařeckejch kapel?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B07" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders? Is this one of those old guy bands?" "Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: ZŮSTAŇ na tý hoře? To nezní jako moc dobrá rada." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B08" "Rochelle: STAY on that mountain? That doesn't sound like very good advice." "Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: Každou dámu z toho bolí hlava." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B09" "Rochelle: Every lady present's getting a headache." "Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Jo, to musí být fakt hvězdy, že hrají v zábavních parcích." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B10" "Rochelle: Midnight Riders. Yeah, they must be a pretty big deal if they're playing at the fairgrounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: Myslím, že z toho buráku mám noční můry." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B11" "Rochelle: I think I've had nightmares with this peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Koukni na to, jeho oči tě SLEDUJÍ." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B12" "Rochelle: Look at that, its eyes FOLLOW you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Lil Peanut. Víš co, nerada na to upozorňuju? Ale na burák je děsivě velkej." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B13" "Rochelle: Lil Peanut. You know, I hate to point it out? But he's actually freakishly big for a peanut." "Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: Zábavní park s burákem. Teda, na Jih si musí člověk fakt zvyknout." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B14" "Rochelle: A peanut-themed amusement park. Oh man, the South is taking some getting used to." "Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coachi, jestli zvládneme do New Orleans? Koupím každýmu plně automatickou odstřelovací pušku s laserovým zaměřováním a plnou BEDNU pořádně ostrejch nábojů." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B15" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a fully automatic sniper rifle with a laser scope and a whole BOX of armor-piercing rounds." "Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coachi, jestli to zvládneme do New Orleans? Koupím každýmu granátomet." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B16" "Rochelle: Coach, if we make it to New Orleans? I'm buying everyone a grenade launcher." "Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Uf. Mám hlad ze všech těch cedulí." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B17" "Rochelle: Ugh. All these signs are making me hungry." "Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coachi, mám hlad jen když tě poslouchám." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B18" "Rochelle: Coach, you're making me hungry just listening to you." "Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: Nech si ten koláč. Já chci jenom víc zbraní." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B19" "Rochelle: You can keep the cobbler. All I want is more guns." "Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: Nemáš rád smaženou okru? I já mám ráda smaženou okru a to jsem z Clevelandu." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B20" "Rochelle: You don't like fried okra? I'm from Cleveland and even I like fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: Strašně moc miluju smaženou okru." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B21" "Rochelle: I looooove fried okra." "Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: Kéž bych byla tak šťastná." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B22" "Rochelle: I wish I could be that happy." "Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: Na všem špatným vidí to dobrý." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B23" "Rochelle: He is making the best of a bad situation." "Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Á, k čertu s tím. Páni! DĚTSKÝ RÁJ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B24" "Rochelle: Ah, to hell with it. Woo! KIDDIE LAND!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Tolik Tanků." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B25" "Rochelle: Sooooo many Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Žádný takový. Jenom my a stovky Tanků." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B26" "Rochelle: Nope. Just us and a hundred Tanks." "Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Ty jó!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B27" "Rochelle: Woooo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: Páni!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B28" "Rochelle: Woo!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B29" "Rochelle: Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Au! Moc nahlas! Vypněte to někdo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B30" "Rochelle: Agh! Too loud! Somebody shut it down!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: VYPNĚTE TO!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B31" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!!" "Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Uf! Je to vypnutý." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B32" "Rochelle: Whew! It's off." "Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: To je ten NEJPOHODOVĚJŠÍ úkryt, ve kterým jsem kdy byla." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B33" "Rochelle: This is the most RELAXING safe room I've ever been in." "Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Páni, můj pokojíček měl stejnou barvu, když jsem byla malá. [bouchnutí] Modrou. Myslím, že táta chtěl kluka." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M2B34" "Rochelle: Gee, my bedroom was painted like this when I was a kid. Baby blue. I think my dad wanted a boy." "Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: Sakra, Coachi. Mluvíš, jako kdybys držel dietu s roztleskávačkama." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B01" "Rochelle: Damn, Coach. Sounds like you used to be on a diet of cheerleaders." "Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: Nikdy jsem neměla ráda tunel lásky. Sedět po kotníky ve vodě v umělohmotný labuti? To není romantický, ale jen stupidní." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B02" "Rochelle: I never liked the Tunnel of Love. Sitting in a big plastic swan in a half-foot of water? That ain't romantic, that's just stupid." "Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: Nikdy jsem nebyla v tunelu lásky, u nás jsme měli jen votrapy v podjezdech." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B03" "Rochelle: I have never gone to a Tunnel of Love. In my neighborhood we just had the underpass of unwanted advances." "Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Dej mi tip na kolik procent je tunel lásky úspěšný, Nicku. Míň jak dvacet? Deset? Pět?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B04" "Rochelle: Gimme a ballpark on Tunnel of Love make-outs, Nick. Under twenty? Under ten? Five?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: Molo lásky." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B05" "Rochelle: The Catwalk of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: Kanál lásky." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B06" "Rochelle: The Airduct of Love." "Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Dolů touhle dírou!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B07" "Rochelle: Down this hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Dolů tamtou dírou!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B08" "Rochelle: Down that hole!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: Vsadím se, že si Nick pamatuje, že ten tunel lásky byl tak dlouhý." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B09" "Rochelle: I bet Nick remembers the Tunnel of Love being this long." "Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: Tak, Coach byl ve fotbalovým týmu. Kdes byl ty Nicku? V debatním kroužku? Oděvním kroužku?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B10" "Rochelle: So, Coach was on the football team. What were you on, Nick? Debate team? Varsity suit wearing?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: Tak Nicku, když jsi tady byl, dali ti alespoň menší labuť?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B11" "Rochelle: So when you came here, Nick, did they give you a smaller swan to ride on by yourself?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: Musíme tohle svinstvo uklidit!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B12" "Rochelle: We need to get this crap off the tracks!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: Musíme otevřít tu bránu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B13" "Rochelle: We'll have to get this gate opened up!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: Musíme vypnout ten alarm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B14" "Rochelle: We gotta turn that alarm off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Vypněte někdo ten alarm!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B15" "Rochelle: Somebody turn off that alarm!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: To nemůže někdo vyrobit alarm s pěkným zvoněním?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B16" "Rochelle: Can't somebody build a nice sounding alarm?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Následujte dráhu, hoši!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B17" "Rochelle: Follow the tracks, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Alarm je vypnutý!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B18" "Rochelle: Alarm's off!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Skrz ty autíčka!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B19" "Rochelle: Through the dodge-ems!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: Jak se dostaneme přes ten plot?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B20" "Rochelle: How do we get around this fence?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: Brána je zamčená." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B21" "Rochelle: The gate is locked." "Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: Musíme tu bránu zapnout." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B22" "Rochelle: We need to power up this gate." "Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: Musíme nastartovat ten generátor." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B23" "Rochelle: We need to start this generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Startuju generátor." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B24" "Rochelle: Starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: OK, připravte se, startuju generátor." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B25" "Rochelle: Okay, get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Připravte se, startuju generátor." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B26" "Rochelle: Get ready, starting the generator." "Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: Jak se tam dostaneme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B27" "Rochelle: How do we get in here?" "Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: Musíme se dostat dovnitř." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B28" "Rochelle: We need to get in." "Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: Musíme se dostat dovnitř!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B29" "Rochelle: We gotta get in!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: Startuju!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B30" "Rochelle: I'm starting it!" "Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: Otvírám!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M3B31" "Rochelle: I'm opening it!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: Helikoptéra!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B01" "Rochelle: A helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Jdeme na stadion!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B02" "Rochelle: Let's get into the stadium!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: Tudy se dostaneme na stadion!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get into the stadium through here!" "Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: Jak dáme znamení tý helikoptéře?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B04" "Rochelle: How are we going to signal that helicopter?" "Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: Potřebujeme něco velkýho, abychom dali znamení tomu vrtulníku." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M4B05" "Rochelle: We'll need something big to signal that chopper." "Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Hm. To je docela chytrý, Coachi." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B01" "Rochelle: Huh. That's pretty smart, Coach." "Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: A to dá znamení pilotovi vrtulníku! Coachi, to je vynikající! Omlouvám se, za všechno co jsem řekla o tvý podělaný skupině." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B02" "Rochelle: And that'll signal the chopper pilot! Coach, that's brilliant! I'm sorry about all the bad stuff I said about your crappy band." "Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: Musíme spustit závěrečnou show." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B03" "Rochelle: We need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Nějaké nápady jak spustit závěrečnou show?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B04" "Rochelle: Any ideas on how to start the finale?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: OK, musíme spustit závěrečnou show." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B05" "Rochelle: Okay, we need to start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: Našla jsem tlačítko s nápisem závěrečná show a troufnu si říct, že tohle to asi spustí." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B06" "Rochelle: I found a button labeled Finale, going to go out on a limb and say this starts it." "Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: Líbí se mi Coachův nápad, ale jak to provedeme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B07" "Rochelle: I like Coach's idea, but how do we do it?" "Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: Když spustím tenhle přehrávač, tak to začne. Připravte se hoši!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B08" "Rochelle: When I hit this tape deck, it's all gonna start. Get ready, guys!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: OK, spouštím stařeckou muziku! Všichni se připravte! Coachi, slib mi, že nebudeš zase předstírat hru na kytaru." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B09" "Rochelle: Okay, starting up the old guy music! Everybody get ready! Coach, promise me you won't start air guitaring again." "Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Připravte se, spouštím závěrečnou show." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B10" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Připravte se, spouštím závěrečnou show." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B11" "Rochelle: Get ready, I'm gonna start the finale." "Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Spusťte světla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B12" "Rochelle: Hit the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: Víc světel!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B13" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Světla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B14" "Rochelle: Lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Zesilte to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B15" "Rochelle: Turn it up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Zesilte tu stařeckou muziku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B16" "Rochelle: Turn this old man music UP!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Zesilte tu blbost!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B17" "Rochelle: Turn this crap up!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Spusťte ohňostroj!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B18" "Rochelle: Set off the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Odpalte ohňostroj!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B19" "Rochelle: Launch the fireworks!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Odpalte signální granáty!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B20" "Rochelle: Hit the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Zapněte to!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B21" "Rochelle: Flip the switch!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Zapněte světla!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B22" "Rochelle: Turn on the lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: Víc světel!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B23" "Rochelle: More lights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Zapněte reflektory!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B24" "Rochelle: Hit the spotlights!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Spusťte pyrotechniku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B25" "Rochelle: Hit the flash pots!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: Víc, potřebujeme víc!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B26" "Rochelle: More, we need more!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Držte to! Držte to!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B27" "Rochelle: Keep it up! Keep it up!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: Ten pilot vrtulníku to musí vidět!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B28" "Rochelle: The chopper pilot has got to see this!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Zkuste signální granáty!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B29" "Rochelle: Try the flash bangs!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Zmáčkni to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B30" "Rochelle: Hit it!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Mačkejte to!!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B31" "Rochelle: Keep hitting this!!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Spouštějte to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B32" "Rochelle: Keep setting it off!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Spusťte všechno!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B33" "Rochelle: Hit everything!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Páni! Jo! Támhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B34" "Rochelle: Woo! Yes! There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: Támhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B35" "Rochelle: There's the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: Funguje to! Vrtulník je tady!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B36" "Rochelle: It worked! The chopper is here!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: Myslím, že pilot vrtulníku chce, abychom to ztlumili." "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B37" "Rochelle: I think the chopper pilot wants us to turn it down." "Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: Vidí nás!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B38" "Rochelle: He sees us!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: OK, nemůžu uvěřit, že to funguje!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B39" "Rochelle: Okay, I cannot believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: Vrtulník je tady! Pořád nemůžu uvěřit, že to zabralo!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B40" "Rochelle: The chopper's here! I still can't believe this worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coachi, jseš ten nejchytřejší chlap POD SLUNCEM!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B41" "Rochelle: Coach, you are the smartest man ALIVE!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: Zabralo to! Díky BOHU za tvůj mizernej hudební vkus, Coachi!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B42" "Rochelle: It worked! God BLESS your bad taste in music, Coach!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Coachův šílenej nápad zabral!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B43" "Rochelle: Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Jo! Coachův šílenej nápad zabral!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B44" "Rochelle: Yeah! Coach's crazy idea worked!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Zabijte Tanka, ať může vrtulník přistát!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B45" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank so the chopper can land!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: Musíme zabít Tanka, než přistane vrtulník!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B46" "Rochelle: We have to kill the Tank before he lands!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Zabijte Tanka!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B47" "Rochelle: Kill the Tank!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Pojďme! Do helikoptéry!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B48" "Rochelle: Let's go! Get to the helicopter!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B49" "Rochelle: Everybody get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Jdeme hoši, jdeme! Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B50" "Rochelle: Let's go, guys, let's go! Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Vrtulník odlítá, jdeme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B51" "Rochelle: Chopper's leaving, let's go!" "Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Jdeme, jdeme! Vrtulník je tady!" "[english]Producer_WorldC2M5B52" "Rochelle: Let's go, let's go! Chopper's here!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: ON ŘÍDIL HELIKOPTÉRU" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B01" "Rochelle: HE WAS FLYING THE HELICOPTER" "Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: To je pravda. Kdybych měla na výběr, tak v nejnižším bodě letu, to asi přestal řídit vrtulník a zaútočil na nás." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B02" "Rochelle: That's true. If I had a pick a low point in the flight, it was probably when he stopped flying the chopper and attacked us." "Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Když se vezme pozice Whispering Oaks, naše předchozí rychlost a síla větru, asi bych to tipovala na Earl's Gator Village." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B03" "Rochelle: Based on the location of Whispering Oaks, our previous air speed and accounting for the wind speed, I would place us right at Earl's Gator Village." "Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, kde jsme?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B04" "Rochelle: Anyone know where we are?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: [Sarkasticky] No, aspoň jsme přistáli do bažiny!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B05" "Rochelle: Well, at least we crashed in the swamp!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: Musí tam dát ceduli, aby zabránili lidem koupat se v krokodýlím parku? Dobře..." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B06" "Rochelle: They actually have to put a sign up to stop people from swimming in the gator park? All right..." "Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: Zákaz koupání v krokodýlím parku. Budiž." "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B07" "Rochelle: No swimming in the gator park. Fair enough." "Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: Ten bílý oblek pokecaný od zombiího mozku? Ten?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B08" "Rochelle: The white suit with zombie brains all over it? That one?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: Nevím. Možná?" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B09" "Rochelle: I dunno. Maybe?" "Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: Žádná vnitřní kanalizace…" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B10" "Rochelle: No indoor plumbing…" "Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: SUPER! Brána je otevřená!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B11" "Rochelle: WOW! Gate's open!" "Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: Tady jsou asi lodičky!" "[english]Producer_WorldC3M1B12" "Rochelle: I guess the boat ride's here!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: Řekla bych vám, že někdo, kdo se jmenuje Ellis, vzal pytel se zbraněma, ale to bych lhala." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B01" "Rochelle: I could tell you someone named Ellis brought the gun bag like he was supposed to, but I would be lying." "Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: Nikdy bych si nepomyslela, že mně bude tak chybět zbraň." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B02" "Rochelle: I never thought I would miss a gun so much." "Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Příští pumpa: dvě míle. No, do prdele." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B03" "Rochelle: Next gas: two miles. Well, shit." "Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Došel benzín." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B04" "Rochelle: Out of Gas." "Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Dodělejme tohle a vraťme se." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B05" "Rochelle: Let's just get this done and get back." "Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: No padejte. Nechci tady zkejsnout v bouřce." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B06" "Rochelle: Oh shoot. I do not want to get trapped out here in a storm." "Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Ááá. Prší." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B07" "Rochelle: Uh oh. It's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: A ke všemu ještě prší." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B08" "Rochelle: Aaannnd on top of everything else, it's raining." "Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: Budeme se tudy vracet, takže si všímejte orientačních bodů." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B09" "Rochelle: We're gonna be coming back through here, so keep an eye out for the landmarks." "Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Skrz tohle hřiště!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B10" "Rochelle: Through this playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Skrz tamto hřiště!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B11" "Rochelle: Through that playground!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: Skrz tenhle garážovej výprodej!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B12" "Rochelle: We can cut through this garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: To je ale hnusná havárka." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B13" "Rochelle: Now that is a nasty wreck." "Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Za těmi světly!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B14" "Rochelle: Follow these lights!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Směrem ke garáži!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B15" "Rochelle: Head for the garage!" "Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: Támhle je cukrovar!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M1B16" "Rochelle: There's the sugar mill!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: Touhle silnicí se daleko nedostaneme." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B01" "Rochelle: We're not going any farther on this road." "Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: Můžeme projít cukrovarem." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B02" "Rochelle: We can head through the sugar mill." "Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Opravdu leje." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B03" "Rochelle: Rain's really comin' down." "Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: Začíná opravdu lejt." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B04" "Rochelle: It's really starting to pour." "Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: Voda se začíná rozlévat." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B05" "Rochelle: The water's starting to pool." "Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: To se tady zaplaví?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B06" "Rochelle: Uh, does it flood around here?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Ježíši, tady je všude spousta Witch." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B07" "Rochelle: Jesus, there's a lot of Witches around this place." "Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: Kolik je tady zatraceně Witch?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B08" "Rochelle: How many goddamn Witches are there?" "Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Hm-hm, chcete řvát? Dejme těm mrchám důvod k řvaní." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B09" "Rochelle: Mm-hm, yeah, you wanna cry? Let's give these bitches something to cry about." "Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: K tomu silu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B10" "Rochelle: Head for that silo!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Na tamtu rampu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B11" "Rochelle: Up that ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Na tuhle rampu!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B12" "Rochelle: Up this ramp!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Hej! Támhle je pumpa!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B13" "Rochelle: Hey! There's the gas station!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Skrz to pšeničné pole!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B14" "Rochelle: Through the wheat field!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Díky Ellisi. Moc poučný." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B15" "Rochelle: Thank you, Ellis. Very informative." "Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: Můžeme jet tím výtahem dolů k poli." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B16" "Rochelle: We can take that elevator down to the field." "Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Zmáčkněte někdo tlačítko výtahu." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B17" "Rochelle: Somebody hit the elevator button." "Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: VÝTAH JE TADY!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B18" "Rochelle: ELEVATOR'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: NASTUPTE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B19" "Rochelle: GET IN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: DĚLEJTE! DO VÝTAHU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B20" "Rochelle: COME ON! INTO THE ELEVATOR!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Zmáčkněte znova to tlačítko!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B21" "Rochelle: Hit the button again!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Zmáčkněte tlačítko!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B22" "Rochelle: Hit the button!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: HEJBEJTE SE! K TÝ CEDULI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B23" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING! JUST HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: K CEDULI!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B24" "Rochelle: HEAD FOR THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: HEJBEJTE SE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B25" "Rochelle: KEEP MOVING!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Prý je uvnitř benzín." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B26" "Rochelle: Says here the gas is inside." "Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Jdeme si pro něj." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B27" "Rochelle: Let's go get it." "Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: V tom úkrytu je benzín!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B28" "Rochelle: There's gas in the safe room!" "Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Zavřete dveře a naberte benzín." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M2B29" "Rochelle: Close the door and let's get the gas." "Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: Dobře. Všichni mají kanystr? Nechci se sem vracet." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B01" "Rochelle: All right. Everybody got a gas can? I do not want to make this trip twice." "Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Jo, mám to." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B02" "Rochelle: Yeah, I got it." "Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: Jak zlý jsou tady bouřky?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M3B03" "Rochelle: How bad do these storms get?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Zůstaňte v horním patře!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B01" "Rochelle: Stick to high ground!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: Kolem těhle světel jsme šli sem!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B02" "Rochelle: We passed these lights on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: Můžeme přejít přes střechy!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B03" "Rochelle: We can get across on the rooftops!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: Kolem tohohle venkovního světla jsme šli." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B04" "Rochelle: There's that porch light we passed on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: Kolem tohohle vraku jsme šli!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B05" "Rochelle: We passed that wreck on the way in!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: Támhle je garážovej výprodej!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B06" "Rochelle: There's that garage sale!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: Hřiště! Už jsme skoro venku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B07" "Rochelle: The playground! We're almost outta here!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: Kolem toho jsme sem šli." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B08" "Rochelle: We passed this on the way in." "Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: PÁNI! Támhle je Burger Tank!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B09" "Rochelle: WOO! There's the Burger Tank!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Jo, to by šlo." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B10" "Rochelle: Yeah, that might work." "Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: Co kdybychom rozsvítili ten nápis Burger Tank? Virgil by ho mohl vidět?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B11" "Rochelle: What if we turn on the Burger Tank sign? Virgil might see it?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: Musíme rozsvítit ten nápis!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B12" "Rochelle: We gotta turn the sign on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: Proč neodpálíme světlice.. aha, nemáme světlice. A co takhle nápis Burger Tank?" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B13" "Rochelle: Why don't we launch a flare.. oh yeah, no flares. What about the Burger Tank sign?" "Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: To zní jako plán." "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B14" "Rochelle: Sounds like a plan." "Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Nápis svítí!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B15" "Rochelle: Sign is on!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Virgil se musí koukat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B16" "Rochelle: Virgil better be watching!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: NÁPIS NESVÍTÍ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B17" "Rochelle: THE SIGN'S OUT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: ZAPNĚTE ZNOVA NÁPIS!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B18" "Rochelle: RESTART THE SIGN!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL SE VRACÍ!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B19" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S BACK!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL JE TADY!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B20" "Rochelle: VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEJ, VIRGIL JE TADY!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B21" "Rochelle: HEY, VIRGIL'S HERE!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: SKOČTE DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B22" "Rochelle: LET'S GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: DO ČLUNU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC4M4B23" "Rochelle: GET TO THE BOAT!" "Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: Beru to jako dobrý znamení." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B01" "Rochelle: I'm going to take that as a good sign." "Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Letadla? Jo. Letadla znamenají lidi. To beru." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M1B02" "Rochelle: Jets? Yeah. Jets mean people. I'll take that." "Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: Myslím, že armáda neměla na výběr." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B01" "Rochelle: I don't think the military had a choice." "Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Někteří lidé tady museli udělat těžký rozhodnutí." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B02" "Rochelle: Some people were making some tough choices here." "Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: Ne Ellisi, zastřelili je." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B03" "Rochelle: No Ellis, they've been shot." "Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: Až se tyhle dveře otevřou, připravte se na útěk!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B04" "Rochelle: When this door opens, get ready to run!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: A jdeme!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B05" "Rochelle: And let's go!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: VYPNĚTE TEN ALARM!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B06" "Rochelle: TURN OFF THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: UTIKEJTE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B07" "Rochelle: KEEP RUNNING!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: K ALARMU!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B08" "Rochelle: GET TO THE ALARM!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: VYPNĚTE TO!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B09" "Rochelle: TURN IT OFF!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: Vypnuto!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B10" "Rochelle: It's off!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Mám to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B11" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Mám to!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M2B12" "Rochelle: Got it!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: Myslím, že bylo jasné, že to tak dopadne." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B01" "Rochelle: I think we knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: Bylo jasné, že to tak dopadne." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B02" "Rochelle: I knew it was going to turn to this." "Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Opatrně, všude auta s alarmem." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B03" "Rochelle: Careful, alarm cars everywhere." "Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: Doufala jsem, že narazíme na další lidi. Teď už ne." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B04" "Rochelle: I had been hoping we would run into other people. Not anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Všichni dávejte bacha, kam střílíte." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B05" "Rochelle: Everyone, just watch where you shoot." "Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Střílíte do těch aut naschvál?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B06" "Rochelle: Are you shooting the cars on purpose?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: DO PRDELE, OMLOUVÁM SE, MOJE CHYBA!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B07" "Rochelle: SHIT I'M SORRY MY BAD!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: Támhle je most!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B08" "Rochelle: There's the bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: Zvládli jsme to, támhle je…" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B09" "Rochelle: We made it, there's the…" "Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: NE NE NE NE!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B10" "Rochelle: NO NO NO NO!" "Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: Co to dělaj!?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B11" "Rochelle: What are they doing!?" "Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Jdeme dolů." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B12" "Rochelle: Let's head down." "Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Vypadneme z mostu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M3B13" "Rochelle: Let's get off the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: Musíme dál." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B01" "Rochelle: We need to keep moving." "Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: Tady nejsme v bezpečí." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B02" "Rochelle: We aren't safe here." "Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: To bylo o chlup." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B03" "Rochelle: That was close." "Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Něco mně říká, že už nebudou hledat přeživší." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M4B04" "Rochelle: Something tells me they're not checking for survivors anymore." "Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Jdeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B01" "Rochelle: Let's move." "Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Chce si někdo vzít tu vysílačku?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B02" "Rochelle: Somebody want to grab that radio?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Díky bohu, vojáci. Měli bychom jim dát vědět, kde jsme." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B03" "Rochelle: Oh, thank God, soldiers. We better let 'em know we're here." "Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Haló?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B04" "Rochelle: Hello?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Omlouváme se za používání vysílačky, ale jsme čtyři přeživší na mostě." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B05" "Rochelle: Sorry for using the radio, but we are four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Čtyři přeživší na mostě." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B06" "Rochelle: Four survivors on the bridge." "Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: Tady je někdo, komu by se hodila pomoc." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B07" "Rochelle: This is someone who could use some help." "Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: Nejsme nakažení. Poslouchejte, my-" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B08" "Rochelle: We're not infected. Listen, we-" "Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: Nejsme nakažení." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B09" "Rochelle: We are not infected." "Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: OK, právě jsme sem přiběhli, celý od krve a se zombiemi v patách! MYSLÍTE, že jsme se setkali s nakaženými? Pusťte nás přes ten zatracený most!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B10" "Rochelle: Okay, we just ran up here covered in blood getting chased by zombies! Do you THINK we've encountered infected? Let us through the damn bridge!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Jo, ano, ano, jsme imunní." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B11" "Rochelle: Yeah, yes, yes we are immune." "Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: Jsme na cestě. Děkujeme." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B12" "Rochelle: We're on our way. Thank you." "Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Přes a ven…" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B13" "Rochelle: Over and out…" "Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: Budeme tam. Počkejte na nás." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B14" "Rochelle: We'll be there. Wait for us." "Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Jo. Budeme tam, čekejte." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B15" "Rochelle: Oh yeah. We'll be there, you better be waiting." "Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: Slyšeli jste, spusťte bránu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B16" "Rochelle: You heard the man, lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Spusťte bránu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B17" "Rochelle: Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Pusťte nás sakra odsud. Spusťte bránu." "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B18" "Rochelle: Let's get the hell out of here. Lower the gate." "Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B19" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: Támhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B20" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: Támhle je vrtulník!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B21" "Rochelle: The chopper's down there!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B22" "Rochelle: Get to the chopper!" "Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hej. „Zabte všechny ty mrchy“, jo?" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B23" "Rochelle: Hey. 'Kill all sons of bitches,' right?" "Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: (řve do rádia) Přestaňte bombardovat!" "[english]Producer_WorldC5M5B24" "Rochelle: Stop the bombing run!" "Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: Proč to sebou taháš? Budeš taky potřebovat plášť neviditelnosti?" "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric01" "Rochelle: Why are you carrying that thing? Are you going to need your blanky too?" "Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Stylový tričko, Ellisi." "[english]Producer_WorldGeneric02" "Rochelle: Bullshifter? Classy shirt there Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Nechte si tu soutěž v čůrání na později, hoši." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer01" "Rochelle: Save the pissing contest for later, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Dospějte, hoši." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer02" "Rochelle: Grow up, guys." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Nemůže to počkat?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer03" "Rochelle: Can this wait?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: OK, jsme v tom, hoši, držme pohromadě." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer04" "Rochelle: Okay, we're it guys, stick together." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: Ještě že nejsem na Twitteru, dneska bych to 140 znaky nevyjádřila." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer05" "Rochelle: I'm glad I can't tweet, because I could never fit today in 140 characters." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: Nevzpomenu si, co mi dělalo minulý týden starosti." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer06" "Rochelle: I can't even remember what I was worrying about last week." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Na tohle mě ve fitku netrénovali." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer07" "Rochelle: Crossfit never trained me for this." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Člověče, myslíš, že dneska večer spolu nějaká rodina sedí u večeře?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer08" "Rochelle: Oh man, do you think there's family somewhere sitting down together tonight?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: OK, Nicku, být kreténem možná dřív fungovalo, ale teď ten tón můžeš změnit, když budeš chtít." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer09" "Rochelle: Okay, Nick, being an asshole may have worked before, but you can change that tune now if you want." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: Do prdele! Tahle cesta je zablokovaná!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer10" "Rochelle: Shit! This way's blocked!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: Musíme ten oheň obejít!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer11" "Rochelle: We've gotta get around this fire!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: Oheň se šíří!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer12" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: Oheň se šíří!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer13" "Rochelle: The fire's spreading!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Výtah nejede!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer14" "Rochelle: Elevator's out!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: Musíme najít schody!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer15" "Rochelle: We need to find the stairs!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: Tohle jsem VŽDYCKY chtěla vyzkoušet." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer16" "Rochelle: I have ALWAYS wanted to do that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Sem na římsu!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer17" "Rochelle: Out here on the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Na římsu!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer18" "Rochelle: Get out to the ledge!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: Na římsách je to bezpečné." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer19" "Rochelle: It's safe on the ledges." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Díky bohu, už mě to unavovalo." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer20" "Rochelle: Thank god, I was getting tired." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: No myslím, že nemám moc na výběr." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer21" "Rochelle: Well, I guess I don't have much choice." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: Zbraním nefandím, ale…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer22" "Rochelle: I'm not a fan of guns, but…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: PÁNI!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer23" "Rochelle: WOO!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hej, dobře. To nebylo tak špatný." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer24" "Rochelle: Hey, okay. That wasn't so bad." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Hej, to je docela síla, co?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer25" "Rochelle: Hey, that's got a bit of a kick, doesn't it?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: [nervózní smích] OK. Tak teď střílím z pušky." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer26" "Rochelle: Okay. Now I'm shooting a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: To… nebylo tak špatný. Stačí zamířit a stisknout spoušť." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer27" "Rochelle: That… wasn't so bad. Just aim and pull the trigger." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Páni! [smích] OK! OK!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer28" "Rochelle: Whoo! Okay! Okay!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: [nervózní smích] Teda." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer29" "Rochelle: Wow." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: [nervózní smích] Bum." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer30" "Rochelle: Boom." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: OK, zabíjení je špatné. Ale zabíjení zombií je… docela pořádnej vodvaz." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer31" "Rochelle: Okay, killing is wrong. But killing zombies is… actually pretty badass." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: OK, POŘÁD nemám ráda zbraně. Ale tohle bylo docela dobrý." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer32" "Rochelle: Okay, I STILL don't like guns. But that was a little awesome." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Do prdele! [smích] OK." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer33" "Rochelle: Holy shit! Okay." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Á, haha!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer34" "Rochelle: HAA! Oh, haha!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Mám magnum!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer35" "Rochelle: Got a Magnum!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Tady je magnum!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer36" "Rochelle: Magnum here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Mám… tady STRAŠNĚ velkou pušku." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer37" "Rochelle: Got a… BIG-ass pistol here." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Á sakra, koukni, jak to je veliký." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer38" "Rochelle: Oh, hell, look at the size of this thing." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: KOUKNI na tuhle velkou, krásnou pušku." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer39" "Rochelle: LOOK at this big, beautiful gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: S takovou puškou-i když MINEŠ, tak zombie umře strachy." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer40" "Rochelle: A gun like this-even if you MISS, the zombies die out of respect." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Prohledejte ty místnosti. Můžete tam být něco, co se hodí." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer41" "Rochelle: Search those rooms. Might be something we can use." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: Tenhle výtah funguje!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer42" "Rochelle: This elevator works!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Jen zavřete dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer43" "Rochelle: Just close the door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Stiskněte tlačítko!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer44" "Rochelle: Push the button!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: To se mi nelíbí. Připravte se…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer45" "Rochelle: I don't like this. Get ready…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle. Produkuju zprávy." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer46" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. I produce a news show." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Hustý." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer47" "Rochelle: Cool." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer48" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle. A ty?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer49" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Ahoj. Jsem Rochelle, a ty?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer50" "Rochelle: Hey. Name's Rochelle, you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. A co ty?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer51" "Rochelle: Rochelle. How about you?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: A já jsem Rochelle. Uznávám, že se setkáváme za docela divných okolností, ale kryjte mi záda a já budu krýt vaše. Třeba se z toho dostaneme živí." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer52" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I admit, these are pretty crappy circumstances to meet in, but, well, you watch my back and I'll watch yours. Maybe we'll get out of this alive." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: A já jsem Rochelle. Neznám vás hoši dlouho, ale vypadá to, že vám svěřím svůj život. Tak… ahoj. A dík." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer53" "Rochelle: And I'm Rochelle. I haven't known you guys long but, well, it looks like I'm going to be trusting you with my life. So… hi. And thanks." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Pracuju v televizi. PRACOVALA jsem v televizi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer54" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I work in television. WORKED in television." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: Myslím,… že mého šéfa by to nikdy nenapadlo." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer55" "Rochelle: I… guess my boss never thought of that." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. Zpracovávala jsem tady zprávy. Jsem z Clevelandu." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer56" "Rochelle: Rochelle. I was down here covering a news story. I'm from Cleveland." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Hm. Ne, vážný zprávy. Dělala jsem zprávy, jak CEDA evakuuje lidi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer57" "Rochelle: Uh. No, hard news. I've been producing segments on CEDA evacuating people." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: [zkouší být milá] Hm. No, je to… plný života." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer58" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… lively." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: [zkouší být milá] Hm. Je tam… spousta pěkných restaurací. A víš… zombie." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer59" "Rochelle: Um. Well, it's… got a lot of nice restaurants. And, you know… zombies." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: Není to tak hrozný jako v Detroitu." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer60" "Rochelle: It's not as bad as Detroit." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: Jmenuju se Rochelle. Dejte mi chvilku, to je poprvé, co jsem vystřelila z pušky." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer61" "Rochelle: My name's Rochelle. Give me a break, this is the first time I've shot a gun." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. A je to jak říkáš." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer62" "Rochelle: Rochelle. And I hear you." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer63" "Rochelle: Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Promiň Coachi. To je, hm… ne VŠECHNO tak na hovno. Jenom, víš, ta věc se zombiemi." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer64" "Rochelle: Oh, sorry Coach. It's, uh… not ALL of it's a piece of shit. Just the, you know, zombie parts." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Díky,… taky…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer65" "Rochelle: Thanks, you… too…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Hej, chlape. Budeme v pohodě. Řekni mi svoje jméno?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer66" "Rochelle: Hey, it's okay, man. We're gonna be fine. Tell me, what's your name?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: A co Ty?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer67" "Rochelle: How about You?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Ahoj Coachi. Ahoj Nicku. Já jsem Rochelle. A hm, když budeme držet pohromadě a dávat si bacha, myslím, že budeme v pohodě. OK?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer68" "Rochelle: Hi Coach. Hi Nick. I'm Rochelle. And uh, and if we stay together, and keep our heads. I think we're going be fine. Okay?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: A naše zbraně." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer69" "Rochelle: And our guns." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: Když se tak všichni poznáváme, tak já jsem Rochelle." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer70" "Rochelle: If we're all getting to know each other, my name's Rochelle." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: Nevím, myslím, že bychom se měli držet pohromadě, v pohodě? Já jsem Rochelle, jak se jmenujete?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer71" "Rochelle: I don't know, I think we should stick together, you cool with that? I'm Rochelle, what's your names?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: OK. Až se tyhle dveře otevřou, připravte se na boj." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer72" "Rochelle: Okay. When these doors open, get ready for a fight." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Připravte se. Cítím, že budeme mít společnost, až se ty dveře otevřou." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer73" "Rochelle: Get ready. I get the feeling we might have company when this door opens." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Koho jsme ztratili?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer74" "Rochelle: Who'd we lose?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, jak se jmenoval ten mrtvý?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer75" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guy?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: Ví někdo, jak se jmenovali ti mrtví?" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer76" "Rochelle: Did anyone catch the name of the dead guys?" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: Myslím, že to byl Ellis." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer77" "Rochelle: I think it was Ellis." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: Myslím, že to byl Nick." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer78" "Rochelle: I think it was Nick." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: Myslím, že si říkal Coach." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer79" "Rochelle: I think he just said it was Coach." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Ať se to neopakuje. Všichni dávejte pozor." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer80" "Rochelle: Let's make sure it's the only time. Everybody stay focused." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: Říkají jim Boomeři. Z jasných důvodů." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer81" "Rochelle: They've been calling those Boomers. For obvious reasons." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: Ve zprávách jim říkali Hunteři…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer82" "Rochelle: They called them Hunters on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: Ve zprávách jim říkali Smokeři…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer83" "Rochelle: They called them Smokers on the news…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: No, ve zprávách jim říkali Smokeři." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer84" "Rochelle: Well, on the news they called them Smokers." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: Říkají jim Chargeři…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer85" "Rochelle: They call them Chargers…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: Říkají jim Spitter…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer86" "Rochelle: They've been calling them Spitters…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: Myslím, že se jim říká Jockeyové…" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer87" "Rochelle: I think they're called Jockeys…" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: Tady můžeme seskočit!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer88" "Rochelle: We can jump down here!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Dolů výtahovou šachtou!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer89" "Rochelle: Down this elevator shaft!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: Myslím, že bychom měli nechat ty dveře zavřené." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer90" "Rochelle: I think we should keep that door closed." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Hej, myslím, že bychom měli zavřít ty dveře." "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer91" "Rochelle: Hey I think we should close that door." "Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: OK, sem! Tyhle místnosti vypadají bezpečně!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer92" "Rochelle: Okay, in here! This room looks safe!" "Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: Sem! Tahle místnost vypadá bezpečně!" "[english]Producer_WorldGenericProducer93" "Rochelle: In here! This room looks safe!" "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Haló. Proč si nevezmete pár mých zbraní a nejdete nahoru. Mám něco, s čím byste mně mohli pomoc." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs01" "Whitaker: Well, hello there. Why don't you grab yourselves some of my guns and come on upstairs. I got something you can help me with." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Zdravím. Jmenuji se Whitaker. Tenhle podnik patří mně. Vemte si, co chcete a pojďte nahoru, až budete hotovi." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs02" "Whitaker: Hello there. My name's Whitaker. I own this establishment. Take anything you need and come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: Není moc času. Vemte si zbraň a jděte nahoru, vysvětlím vám to po cestě." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairs03" "Whitaker: There ain't much time. Grab yourselves a gun and come upstairs, I'll explain on the way." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: No dobře. Tohle by snad nakonec mohlo dopadnout." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Poslužte si zbraněmi. Vemte si, co budete potřebovat." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to the weapons. Take anything you need." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: Jak vidíte, jsem trochu v bezradný situaci a myslím, že vy mi z toho pomůžete ven." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA03" "Whitaker: I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Až skončíte, tak přijďte nahoru." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerA04" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: No dobře. Tohle by snad nakonec mohlo dopadnout." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB01" "Whitaker: Well, now. This might just work out after all." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Poslužte si MÝMI zbraněmi." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB02" "Whitaker: Help yourself to MY weapons." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Jak vidíte, jsem trochu v bezradný situaci a..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB03" "Whitaker: Take anything you need. I'm in a bit of a quandary, you see, and..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: VYPADNI OD MÝHO OBCHODU, TY HAJZLE." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB04" "Whitaker: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY STORE YOU SON OF A BITCH." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: a myslím, že vy mi z toho pomůžete ven." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB05" "Whitaker: and I suspect you're just the people to help me out of it." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Až skončíte, tak přijďte nahoru." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerB06" "Whitaker: Come on upstairs when you're done." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Zdravím. Kdyby se mi normálně čtyři zloději potřísněný krví vloupali do obchodu, na místě bych je zastřelil." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC01" "Whitaker: Hello there. Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: Ale zdá se, že jste na mě narazili ve správnou dobu." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC02" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Vemte si zbraně, který potřebujete a přijďte nahoru. Mám za to, že se dohodneme." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerC03" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Zdravím." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD01" "Whitaker: Hello there." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Kdyby se mi normálně čtyři zloději potřísněný krví vloupali do obchodu, na místě bych je zastřelil." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD02" "Whitaker: Now, normally when four bloodstained looters break into my store, I would shoot them where they stand." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: Ale zdá se, že jste na mě narazili ve..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD03" "Whitaker: But you happen to have caught me at..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: vypadni od mýho obchodu." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD04" "Whitaker: get your hands off my store." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: narazili ve správnou dobu." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD05" "Whitaker: caught me at an opportune time." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Vemte si zbraně, který potřebujete a přijďte nahoru. Mám za to..." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD06" "Whitaker: Take what weapons you need and come on upstairs. I reckon..." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Seřež tohle, ty zelenej parchante." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD07" "Whitaker: Climb that, you green-skinned sonofabitch." "Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: mám za to, že se dohodneme." "[english]Whitaker_ComeUpstairsLongerD08" "Whitaker: reckon we can come to an accordance." "Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: To si zkus, vlastním HODNĚ zbraní, hochu." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation01" "Whitaker: You could try. I own a LOT of guns, son." "Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Nejen, že vám pomůžu dostat se do obchoďáku, ale dokonce vám nechám zadarmo zbraně, který jste ukradli." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation02" "Whitaker: Not only will I help you get to the mall, I'll even throw in the guns you stole from me, free of charge." "Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: Já držím slovo, pane. Sežeňte mi Coly a já vám vyčistím cestu až k obchoďáku. Pušky jsou na domě." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation03" "Whitaker: I am a man of my word, sir. Procure my colas and I'll clear a path to the mall for you. The guns are on the house." "Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Sežeňte mi Coly a máte záruku moji pomoci, pane. Zbraně berte jako štědré spropitné navíc." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation04" "Whitaker: Procure my colas and my help is guaranteed, sir. Consider the guns a generous donation to the cause." "Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: Nejsem člověk, který by se vykrucoval z dohody. Ruku na to, ale za nic na světě se tam ven nevrátím." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation05" "Whitaker: I am not a man to weasel out of a deal. I'd shake on it with you, but there's no way in hell I'm going back down there." "Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: Jsem na tomhle světě už šedesát let a nikoho jsem nikdy neoblafnul, dámo. Máte moje slovo gentlemana." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation06" "Whitaker: I been on this world sixty years, ma'am, and I've weaseled nothing from nobody. You got my word as a gentleman." "Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: Já držím slovo, dámo. Máte moje slovo." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation07" "Whitaker: I'm a man of my word, ma'am. You got my word on that." "Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: Máte moje slovo gentlemana že se z toho nevykroutím, pane. Šel bych vám na to podat ruku, ale už jsem radši přivařil dveře." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation08" "Whitaker: On my word as a gentleman I will do no screwing, sir. I'd come down there and shake on it, but I already welded the door shut." "Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Colu, dámo. Za Colu a oříšky." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation09" "Whitaker: Cola, ma'am. For my cola and nuts." "Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: A máme štěstí, že tomu tak je, jinak bychom neměli s čím obchodovat a dostat se do obchoďáku." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation10" "Whitaker: And how fortuitous that we do, else which you would have nothing to bargain with, and no way to the mall." "Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: Ne, pane. Lehká Cola nemá správnou chuť. A nechci tady ani třešňovou. Čistá Cola nebo nic." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation11" "Whitaker: No, sir. Diet don't get the right flavor. I better not see no cherry neither. It's straight cola or no deal." "Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: Pokud se vám hodí, tak si je vemte." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation12" "Whitaker: If they can be of service to you in your endeavor, please keep them." "Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Jen když slíbíte, že je použijete ke správným účelům." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation13" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use." "Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Jen když slíbíte, že je použijete ke správným účelům. A jak jsem říkal, Coly." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation14" "Whitaker: Only your promise that you'll put them to good use. And, as I mentioned, the colas." "Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: Ne, díky, dámo. Mám nahoře pět velkých krabic." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation15" "Whitaker: No thank you, ma'am. I have five restaurant-sized boxes of them up here." "Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: To JSOU moje podmínky, pane." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation16" "Whitaker: Those ARE my terms, sir." "Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Pak jsem vám ochoten pomoci, hochu. Budu vás krýt hned, jak se dostanete ven." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation17" "Whitaker: Then I'm willing to let you keep it, son. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Pak je jen vaše, dámo. Budu vás krýt hned, jak se dostanete ven." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation18" "Whitaker: Then it's all yours, girl. Hell, I'll even cover you once you get outside." "Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: [chichotání] Mám rád ženy, které ocení krásnou dokonalost dobře vyrobené palné zbraně." "[english]Whitaker_Conversation19" "Whitaker: I like a woman who appreciates the subtle perfection of a well made firearm." "Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: To je alarm! Jděte!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter01" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! Now go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: To je alarm! Jděte, teď, jděte!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter02" "Whitaker: That's the alarm! Move, now, move!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: To je alarm! JDĚTE! Kryju vás!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter03" "Whitaker: There's the alarm! GO! I'll cover you!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: Kryju vás! Jděte a přineste to, co potřebuji!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter04" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go get what I need!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Dělejte, teď, hejbněte! Pomůžu, kde budu moct!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter05" "Whitaker: Come on now, move! I'll help where I can!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Zpátky, vy příšery!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter06" "Whitaker: Back, you creatures!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: Kryju vás! Jděte!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter07" "Whitaker: I'll cover you! Go!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Nezapomeňte na Colu! Na ztráty nehleďte, ale přineste mi Colu!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter08" "Whitaker: Remember the cola! Leave a man behind if you must, but get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Obětujte se, když budete muset! Cola je nejdůležitější!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter09" "Whitaker: Sacrifice yourselves if you have to! The cola is that important!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Klidně přijďte o tu holku, ale přineste Colu!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter10" "Whitaker: Leave the girl behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Klidně přijďte o toho prcka, ale přineste Colu!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter11" "Whitaker: Leave the little fella, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Klidně přijďte o toho fešáka, ale přineste Colu!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter12" "Whitaker: Leave white suit behind, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Zapomeňte na tlouštíka, jen přineste Colu!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter13" "Whitaker: Forget the fat man, just get the cola!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Už jsou tady!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter14" "Whitaker: Here they come!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Ááá, sakra. Už jsou tady. Rád jsem vás poznal." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter15" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Ááá, sakra. Už jsou tady. Rád jsem vás poznal." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter16" "Whitaker: Awww, hell. Here they come. It was nice knowin' you." "Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: Sakra, to je dost zombií. To nic, když vás zabijou! Já tu Colu tak strašně nepotřebuju!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter17" "Whitaker: Damn, that's a lot of zombies. If they kill you, don't worry! I don't need the cola that bad!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Zpátky, vy hajzlové. Nechte je projít!" "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter18" "Whitaker: Back, ya sons of bitches! Let 'em through!" "Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Sakra, lituji tý dohody. Takové plýtvání zbraněmi." "[english]Whitaker_DefendChatter19" "Whitaker: Ohhh, hell. I regret this agreement already. What a waste of guns." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Dejte tu Colu do schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted01" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Dejte tu Colu do schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted02" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: Máte Colu. Dejte ji do schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted03" "Whitaker: You got the cola. Put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: Moje Cola. Honem, dejte ji do schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted04" "Whitaker: There's my cola. Quick, put it in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Jo, dejte ji do tý zatracený schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted05" "Whitaker: Yeah, put it in the damn slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Moc vám děkuji. A jako důkaz, že držím slovo..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted06" "Whitaker: Thank you kindly. And to prove I'm a man of my word..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Díky za to! Teď se otočte. Viděli jste někdy vybouchnout nádrž?" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted07" "Whitaker: Thank you for that! Now, turn around. Y'all ever see a tanker explode?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Jenom šest láhví? To mám za chvíli vypitý! Á, sakra. Dohoda je dohoda. Tady máte..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted08" "Whitaker: Just a six-pack? I'll go through that in a day! Ahh, hell. A deal's a deal. Here y'are..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: Beru vás za slovo, že to nebude lehká Cola. Zacpěte si uši, to bude rána..." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted09" "Whitaker: I'll take you at your word that ain't diet. Cover your ears, this might get loud..." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Díky, štědří cizinci! Nechte mě sundat ty barikády." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted10" "Whitaker: Thank you, generous strangers! Let me get rid of that barricade for you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Jsem vám zavázán. A teď jděte do prdele. Nepomůžu vám. [smích] Jen jsem chtěl vidět, jak se budete tvářit. Tady máte." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted11" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Jsem vám zavázán. A teď jděte do prdele. Nepomůžu vám. [smích] Jen jsem chtěl vidět, jak se budete tvářit. Tady máte." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted12" "Whitaker: Much obliged. Now go screw yourselves, I ain't helpin'. [laughs] I just wanted to see the looks on your faces. Here you go." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Hej, dejte tu Colu do schránky." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted13" "Whitaker: Hey, put the cola in the slot." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Dejte tu Colu do schránky, jo?" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted14" "Whitaker: Put the cola in the slot, will ya?" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: OK, to je moje Cola. Ano, ano. Dejte to schránky!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted15" "Whitaker: Okay, that's my cola. Yes, yes. Put it in the slot!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted16" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted17" "Whitaker: Good luck now!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí! Postarejte se o ty zbraně!" "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted18" "Whitaker: Best of luck! Take care of those guns!" "Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted19" "Whitaker: Good luck to you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí, bando." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted20" "Whitaker: Good luck to you, gang." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: Bůh vás opatruj." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted21" "Whitaker: God watch over you." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí s tím obchoďákem." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted22" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Hodně štěstí s tím obchoďákem." "[english]Whitaker_MissionCompleted23" "Whitaker: Good luck gettin' to that mall." "Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: Neuvědomil jsem si, že potřebujete takový přípravy. Můžu vám ještě donést polštář a peřinu, abyste se prospali?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags01" "Whitaker: I didn't realize you'd need this much preparation. Can I bring y'all a pillow and blankets while you sleep on it?" "Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: Měli byste sebou hejbnout, než si to rozmyslím." "[english]Whitaker_Nags02" "Whitaker: You folks best hurry before I change my mind." "Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Nehýbejte se, možná zruším svou štědrou nabídku. Mám tady nahoře zatraceně dobrej výhled na vaši smrt." "[english]Whitaker_Nags03" "Whitaker: Y'all don't get moving, I might just rescind my generous offer. I got a hell of a view up here to watch y'all die." "Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Možná jsem měl zmínit, že tahle nabídka je časově omezená." "[english]Whitaker_Nags04" "Whitaker: Perhaps I should have mentioned this bein' a limited time offer." "Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: Chcete vyrazit?" "[english]Whitaker_Nags05" "Whitaker: You folks wanna get a move on?" "Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: Dostávám tady hroznou žízeň..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags06" "Whitaker: I'm getting mighty thirsty up here..." "Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Kdykoli teď..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags07" "Whitaker: Any time now..." "Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: V hrdle... tak sucho... nemůžu ani myslet... musím... zrušit nabídku... těmhle lenochům..." "[english]Whitaker_Nags08" "Whitaker: Throat... so dry... can't think straight... must... rescind offer... to these lazy people..." "Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: Jmenuji se Whitaker. Vlastním tenhle obchod se zbraněmi." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked01" "Whitaker: My name's Whitaker. I own this gun shop." "Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: Řekl bych, že vy čtyři míříte zachránit se do obchoďáku. Taky vím, že cesta je zablokovaná. Ale můžu vám ji vyčistit, na oplátku mně skočíte do vedlejšího krámku a přinesete sem pár Col." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked02" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue. I also know the road is blocked. But I can clear it for you, in exchange for you running over to the store next door and picking me up some colas." "Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: Potřebuji nějaké Coly. Vy čtyři doběhněte támhle a přineste mně jich pár a já vám vyčistím cestu k obchoďáku. Protože jsem tam, kam míříte a bez mé pomoci se tam nedostanete." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlocked03" "Whitaker: I'm in need of some colas. You four run over there and procure some for me, and I'll clear the roadblock to the mall. Because I'm that's where you're headed, and you ain't getting there without my help." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: Řekl bych, že vy čtyři míříte zachránit se do obchoďáku." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the mall for rescue." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: A taky bych řekl, že se tam nedostanete, protože cesta je zablokovaná." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA02" "Whitaker: And I further guess you won't get there, as the road is blocked." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: Vím to, protože jsem koukal jak ji CEDA blokuje. [smích]" "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA03" "Whitaker: I know because I watched CEDA block it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: Řeknu vám, co navrhuju." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerA04" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: Řekl bych, že vy čtyři míříte do evakuačního centra v obchoďáku." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB01" "Whitaker: I'm guessing you four'd be heading to the evacuation center in the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: Taky bych řekl, že to budete mít sakra těžký dostat se tam, když se kouknete, jak ti vládní hlupáci zablokovali cestu." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB02" "Whitaker: I also guess you're gonna have a hell of time doing it, seeing as how those government fools blockaded the road getting there." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: Řeknu vám, co navrhuju." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerB03" "Whitaker: So here's what I propose." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: Zabarikádoval jsem se na střeše, s dost zásobama a zbraněma na to, abych každou zombii ve městě pětkrát zabil a ještě se u toho dobře najedl." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof, with provisions and guns enough to and kill every zombie in the city five times over, and eat well while I'm doing it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: Ale ve spěchu jsem zapomněl zabalit Coly." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerC02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot to pack cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Cola a oříšky jsou moje slabost – i když ne tak velká, abych kvůli ní umřel." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerD01" "Whitaker: Cola and nuts is a weakness of mine-though I do not love it so much that I'd be fool enough to die in the attempt to procure it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: Zabarikádoval jsem se na střeše s dostatkem zásob." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE01" "Whitaker: I've barricaded myself on the roof with ample provisions." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: Ale ve spěchu jsem zapomněl na Colu." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerE02" "Whitaker: But in my haste I forgot cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: Tady je můj návrh: Jestli mi seženete pár Col v támhle těch potravinách, vyčistím vám cestu do obchoďáku." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerF01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear a path to the mall for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: Takže tady je můj návrh. Jestli mi seženete pár Col v támhle těch potravinách, vyčistím vám cestu, kterou CEDA zablokovala." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerG01" "Whitaker: So here is my proposition: If you go find me some cola at yonder food store, I'll clear that CEDA blockade for you." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: Když mně seženete Colu, dostanu vás do obchoďáku." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerH01" "Whitaker: If you get me my cola, I'll get you to the mall." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: Mohl bych vám pomoct dostat se do obchoďáku, kdybych nebyl tak vyprahlý." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerI01" "Whitaker: I'd be able to help you get to the mall, if I wasn't so parched from thirst." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Tak, mám oříšky. Potřebuji jenom Colu." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ01" "Whitaker: Now, I have the nuts. I just need cola." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: Takže otázka zní, jestli vy čtyři máte dost odvahy přinést mně Colu?" "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerJ02" "Whitaker: So the matter on the table is: do you four have the nuts to get me this cola?" "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: Řeknu to zcela jasně." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK01" "Whitaker: I'll be blunt." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: Potřebuji Colu a nenechám vás projít přes zátarasy, dokud ji nedostanu." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK02" "Whitaker: I need cola and I won't let you through the barricade until I get it." "Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Teď jděte." "[english]Whitaker_WayBlockedLongerK03" "Whitaker: Now go." "Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Pilot vrtulníku: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale01" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Pilot vrtulníku: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale02" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Pilot vrtulníku: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale03" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Pilot vrtulníku: Nastupte!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale04" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Pilot vrtulníku: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale05" "Chopper Pilot: Everybody in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Pilot vrtulníku: Odlétáme!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale06" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Pilot vrtulníku: Pohyb! Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale07" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Pilot vrtulníku: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale08" "Chopper Pilot: Get into the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Pilot vrtulníku: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale09" "Chopper Pilot: Get to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Pilot vrtulníku: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale10" "Chopper Pilot: To the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Pilot vrtulníku: Nastupte!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale11" "Chopper Pilot: Get in here!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Pilot vrtulníku: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale12" "Chopper Pilot: Everyone in the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Pilot vrtulníku: Odlétáme!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale13" "Chopper Pilot: We're taking off!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Pilot vrtulníku: Pohyb! Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale14" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Everybody to the chopper!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Pilot vrtulníku: Pohyb! Pohyb! Pohyb!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale15" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Pilot vrtulníku: Pohyb! Pohyb! Pohyb!" "[english]Arenaheli_C2Finale16" "Chopper Pilot: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" "Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Voják 1: Záchrannému týmu Sedm, tady je Papa Gator. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER01" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, this is Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, jaký je váš stav poškození. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, what is your repair status. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Voják 1: Nerozumím. Opakujte, záchranný týme 7. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER03" "Soldier 1: Did not copy. Say again, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Voják 1: Rozumím. Všichni zachráněni. Poslední let začne za patnáct minut. Rozumíte? Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER04" "Soldier 1: Copy that. All lambs extracted. Last Buzzard starts run in fifteen minutes. Copy that? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Voják 1: Západní břeh je čistý, záchranný týme 7. Sektor je čistý. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER05" "Soldier 1: West bank is clear, Rescue 7. Ah, sector is clear. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme sedm, pátráte po nakažených? Nebo přeživších? Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you, ah, seeing Whiskey Delta? Or friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Voják 1: Nakažení nebo přeživší? Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER07" "Soldier 1: Whisky Delta or, ah, friendly? Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, všichni pohřešovaní nalezeni. Cíle považovat za nepřátelské. Soustřeďte se pouze na cíle, představující jasnou hrozbu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, all lost lambs are accounted for. Targets should be considered hostile. Only prosecute targets that are a clear threat. Over." "Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Voják 1: Potvrzuji, záchranný týme 7. Vyčistěte most. Poslední let začne za patnáct minut. Konec." "[english]Soldier1_CHATTER09" "Soldier 1: Affirmative, Rescue 7. Keep the bridge deck clear. Last Buzzard will start run in fifteen minutes. Out." "Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Voják 1: Nastupte do vrtulníku!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER01" "Soldier 1: Get into the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Voják 1: Dostaňte se k vrtulníku!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER02" "Soldier 1: Get to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Voják 1: Do vrtulníku!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER03" "Soldier 1: To the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Voják 1: Pojďte sem!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER04" "Soldier 1: Get in here!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Voják 1: Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER05" "Soldier 1: Everyone in the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Voják 1: Odlétáme!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER06" "Soldier 1: We're taking off!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Voják 1: Pohyb! Všichni do vrtulníku!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER07" "Soldier 1: Let's go! Everyone to the chopper!" "Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Voják 1: Pohyb! Pohyb! Pohyb!" "[english]Soldier1_CHOPPER08" "Soldier 1: Let's go, let's go, let's go!" "Soldier1_MISC01" "Voják 1: Nemohu potvrdit, zaslechnuta střelba na západním břehu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC01" "Soldier 1: Unable to confirm, gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC02" "Voják 1: Příjem, záchranný týme 7. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC02" "Soldier 1: Roger, Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier1_MISC03" "Voják 1: Zaslechnuta střelba na západním břehu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC03" "Soldier 1: Gunfire heard on west bank. Over." "Soldier1_MISC04" "Voják 1: Viděli jsme záblesky. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC04" "Soldier 1: We had flashes. Over." "Soldier1_MISC05" "Voják 1: Potvrzeno. Držet pozice. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC05" "Soldier 1: That is A Firm. Keep a hard posture. Over." "Soldier1_MISC06" "Voják 1: Soustřeďte se pouze na cíle, představující jasnou hrozbu." "[english]Soldier1_MISC06" "Soldier 1: Only prosecute targets that are clear threat." "Soldier1_MISC07" "Voják 1: Držíme pozice." "[english]Soldier1_MISC07" "Soldier 1: Holding position." "Soldier1_MISC08" "Voják 1: Pozice." "[english]Soldier1_MISC08" "Soldier 1: Consolidate." "Soldier1_MISC09" "Voják 1: Zachráněni." "[english]Soldier1_MISC09" "Soldier 1: Extracted." "Soldier1_MISC10" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme sedm, potvrzeno. Vizuální kontakt na pěti hodinách." "[english]Soldier1_MISC10" "Soldier 1: Rescue seven, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC11" "Voják 1: Papa Gator, potvrzeno. Vizuální kontakt na pěti hodinách." "[english]Soldier1_MISC11" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, affirmative. Visual inspection in Five." "Soldier1_MISC12" "Voják 1: Papa gator, příjem." "[english]Soldier1_MISC12" "Soldier 1: Papa Gator, roger out." "Soldier1_MISC13" "Voják 1: Slyšíme." "[english]Soldier1_MISC13" "Soldier 1: Lima Charlie." "Soldier1_MISC14" "Voják 1: Evakuační zóna je čistá." "[english]Soldier1_MISC14" "Soldier 1: Evacuation zone is clear." "Soldier1_MISC15" "Voják 1: Mám vizuální kontakt." "[english]Soldier1_MISC15" "Soldier 1: I have visual." "Soldier1_MISC16" "Voják 1: Poslední přeživší evakuováni." "[english]Soldier1_MISC16" "Soldier 1: Last non-carriers evacuated." "Soldier1_MISC17" "Voják 1: Příjem." "[english]Soldier1_MISC17" "Soldier 1: Roger." "Soldier1_MISC18" "Voják 1: Negativní." "[english]Soldier1_MISC18" "Soldier 1: Negative." "Soldier1_MISC19" "Voják 1: Potvrzuji." "[english]Soldier1_MISC19" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC20" "Voják 1: Potvrzuji." "[english]Soldier1_MISC20" "Soldier 1: Affirmative." "Soldier1_MISC21" "Voják 1: Opakujte?" "[english]Soldier1_MISC21" "Soldier 1: Say again?" "Soldier1_MISC22" "Voják 1: Rozumím." "[english]Soldier1_MISC22" "Soldier 1: Copy that." "Soldier1_MISC23" "Voják 1: Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_MISC23" "Soldier 1: Over." "Soldier1_NAGS01" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 10 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 10 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS02" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 9 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS02" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 9 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS03" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 8 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS03" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 8 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS04" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 7 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS04" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 7 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS05" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 6 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS05" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 6 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS06" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 5 minut do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS06" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 5 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS07" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 4 minuty do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS07" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 4 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS08" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 3 minuty do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS08" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 3 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS09" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 2 minuty do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS09" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 2 minutes to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS10" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, 1 minuta do posledního letu. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS10" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, 1 minute to last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier1_NAGS11" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, připraveni na poslední let? Přepínám." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS11" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, are we clear to begin Buzzard run? Over." "Soldier1_NAGS12" "Voják 1: Rozumím, záchranný týme 7. Konec." "[english]Soldier1_NAGS12" "Soldier 1: Copy that, Rescue 7. Out." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme 7, přichází to od mostu!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 1: Rescue 7, that's coming from the bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Voják 1:Osoby na mostu, identifikujte se." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 1: Bridge, identify yourself." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Voják 1: Osoby na mostu, kdo to je?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK03" "Soldier 1: Bridge, who is this?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Voják 1: Osoby na mostu, jste imunní?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK04" "Soldier 1: Bridge, are you immune?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Voják 1: Negativní. Osoby na mostu. Jste IMUNNÍ? Potkali jste nakažené?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK05" "Soldier 1: Negative Bridge. Are you IMMUNE? Have you encountered the infected?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Voják 1: Záchranný týme sedm, jste vybaveni na přepravu?" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK06" "Soldier 1: Rescue Seven, are you equipped for carriers?" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Voják 1: Osoby na mostu, sektor byl vyčištěn. Vaše jediné sběrné místo je na druhém konci mostu. Náš poslední vrtulník odlétá za 10 minut. Musíte spustit most a přejít přes něj. Bůh s vámi." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK07" "Soldier 1: Bridge, we have pulled out of that sector. Your only remaining pickup is available on the other end of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across the bridge. God be with you." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Voják 1: Osoby na mostu, v sektoru nejsou přeživší. Vaše poslední sběrné místo je na východní straně mostu. Náš poslední vrtulník odlétá za 10 minut. Musíte spustit most a přejít na východní břeh." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK08" "Soldier 1: Bridge, that sector is clear of friendlies. Your only remaining pickup is on the east bank of the bridge. Our last chopper is leaving in ten minutes. You need to lower the span and get across to the east end." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Voják 1: Upozornění: Most se hemží nakaženými." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK09" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with Whiskey Delta." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Voják 1: Upozornění: Most se hemží nakaženými." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK10" "Soldier 1: Be advised: The bridge is crawling with infected." "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Voják 1: Hodně štěstí!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK11" "Soldier 1: Good luck!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Voják 1: Hodně štěstí, osoby na mostu!" "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK12" "Soldier 1: Good luck, bridge!" "Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Voják 1: Bůh s vámi, osoby na mostu." "[english]Soldier1_SURVIVORTALK13" "Soldier 1: God be with you, bridge." "Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Voják 2: Tady je záchranný tým 7. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER01" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Voják 2: Tady je záchranný tým 7. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER02" "Soldier 2: This is Rescue 7. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Voják 2: Odhadovaný čas opravy je deset minut. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER03" "Soldier 2: Repair ETA is ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Voják 2: Deset minut. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER04" "Soldier 2: Ten minutes. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Voják 2: Příjem, Papa Gator. Patnáct minut. Upozorňuji, že jsme viděli záblesky na západním břehu. Vizuálně potvrzuji, že západní břeh je čistý. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER05" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. Fifteen minutes. Ah, be advised we have seen flashes on the west bank. Ah, visually confirm west bank is clear. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Voják 2: Negativní. Něco vidíme. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER06" "Soldier 2: Negative. We are seeing something. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Voják 2: Hmm, nejasné." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER07" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear." "Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Voják 2: Hmm, nejasné. To-" "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER08" "Soldier 2: Ahh, unclear. It-" "Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Voják 2: Papa Gator, nejsme si jistí. Vidíme několik osob a palbu ze zbraní. Jaký je náš aktuální bojový status? Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER09" "Soldier 2: Papa Gator, we're not sure. We are seeing, ah, multiple personnel and small arms fire. What is our current ROE? Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Voják 2: Příjem, Papa Gator. Všechny osoby připraveny na poslední let. Volný prostor pro poslední let. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER10" "Soldier 2: Roger, Papa Gator. All personnel on floating LZ. Clear for last Buzzard run. Over." "Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Voják 2: Potvrzuji. Konec." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER11" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Voják 2: Potvrzuji. Konec." "[english]Soldier2_CHATTER12" "Soldier 2: Ah-firmative. Out." "Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Voják 2: Nastupte do helikoptéry." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag01" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Voják 2: Nastupte do vrtulníku." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag02" "Soldier 2: Get to the chopper." "Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Voják 2: Nastupte do helikoptéry." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag03" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Voják 2: Do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag04" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Voják 2: Nastupte sem." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag05" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Voják 2: Všichni do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag06" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Voják 2: Odlétáme." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag07" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Voják 2: Odlétáme." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag08" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Voják 2: Jdeme! Všichni do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag09" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Voják 2: Nastupte do helikoptéry." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag10" "Soldier 2: Get into the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Voják 2: Nastupte do helikoptéry." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag11" "Soldier 2: Get to the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Voják 2: Do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag12" "Soldier 2: To the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Voják 2: Nastupte sem." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag13" "Soldier 2: Get in here." "Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Voják 2: Všichni do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag14" "Soldier 2: Everyone in the helicopter" "Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Voják 2: Odlétáme." "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag15" "Soldier 2: We're taking off." "Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Voják 2: Jdeme! Všichni do helikoptéry" "[english]Soldier2_ChopperNag16" "Soldier 2: Let's go! Everyone to the helicopter" "Soldier2_NAGS01" "Voják 2: Rozumím, Papa Gator. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS01" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS02" "Voják 2: Negativní, Papa Gator. Nejste připraveni. Dáme vám vědět. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS02" "Soldier 2: Ah, negative, Papa Gator. You are not good to go. We will advise when ready. Over." "Soldier2_NAGS03" "Voják 2: Rozumím, Papa Gator. Přepínám." "[english]Soldier2_NAGS03" "Soldier 2: Copy that, Papa Gator. Over." "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Voják 2: Poslední let, stáhněte se! Stáhněte se!" "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK01" "Soldier 2: Last Buzzard, stand down! Stand down!" "Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Voják 2: Potvrzuji, Papa Gator." "[english]Soldier2_SURVIVORTALK02" "Soldier 2: Affirmative, Papa Gator." "Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Zdravím vás. Už tři dny jsem nikoho neslyšel." "[english]Virgil_C3End01" "Virgil: Well, hello there. I ain't heard another voice out here in three days." "Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Páni, zdravím. Od tý doby, co tady nemám ženu, je tu docela ticho." "[english]Virgil_C3End02" "Virgil: Woo, hello. It's been real real quiet now since my woman got bit." "Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Páni, zdravím. Už tři dny jsem od nikoho neslyšel ani hlásku. Co pro vás můžu udělat?" "[english]Virgil_C3End03" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. Well, I ain't heard nothin' from nobody in three days. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Kdo tam je? Jak se máte? Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End04" "Virgil: Who dat there? How is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Páni, zdravím. Jak se máte? Nikoho jsem už dlouho neslyšel. Co pro vás můžu udělat?" "[english]Virgil_C3End05" "Virgil: Woo, hello there. How is y'all are? I ain't heard a nobody out here in a long time. What can I do for ya?" "Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Zdravím vás. Tady na vodě je poměrně klid, už tři dny jsem nikoho neslyšel. Tak co pro vás můžu udělat?" "[english]Virgil_C3End06" "Virgil: Hello there. It's been real quiet out here on the water, I ain't heard nobody in three days. Tell me what can I do for ya, now?" "Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Kdo tam je? Tak jak se máte? Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End07" "Virgil: Well who dat there? Hey now, how is y'all are? Where you at?" "Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Páni, jak se máte? Od tý doby, co tady nemám ženu, je tu docela ticho. Tak co pro vás můžu udělat?" "[english]Virgil_C3End08" "Virgil: Woo, well, how is y'all are? . It's been real quiet out here on the water since my wife got bit. Tell me, what can I do for ya now?" "Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hej, kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End09" "Virgil: Hey now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End10" "Virgil: Where is y'are?" "Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Tak kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End11" "Virgil: Tell me now, where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End12" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: Tak kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End13" "Virgil: Now, where're you at?" "Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: Co?" "[english]Virgil_C3End14" "Virgil: What?" "Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Zopakujte to, co?" "[english]Virgil_C3End15" "Virgil: Say again now, what?" "Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Tak co?" "[english]Virgil_C3End16" "Virgil: Now, what, now?" "Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: Neslyším vás. Co?" "[english]Virgil_C3End17" "Virgil: I can't quite hear ya now. Say what, now?" "Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Tak kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End18" "Virgil: Now how many of y'all is there?" "Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: Kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End19" "Virgil: How many of ya is y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: Kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End20" "Virgil: How many is there of y'all?" "Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: Kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End21" "Virgil: How many of y'all is ya?" "Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Tak kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End22" "Virgil: Now tell me now, how many of ya is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: Kolik vás je?" "[english]Virgil_C3End23" "Virgil: How many of y'all are ya?" "Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Jdu si pro vás." "[english]Virgil_C3End24" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll come for ya." "Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Hned sem u vás." "[english]Virgil_C3End25" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is. I'll be right there for ya." "Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Jdu si pro vás." "[english]Virgil_C3End26" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where you is at. I'm be comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Jdu si pro vás." "[english]Virgil_C3End27" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where's you at. I'm comin' for ya." "Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Hned sem u vás." "[english]Virgil_C3End28" "Virgil: All right now, stay right where y'all are. I'll be right at ya." "Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Dobře, zůstaňte, kde jste. Už si pro vás jdu." "[english]Virgil_C3End29" "Virgil: Okay now, stay right where you are. I'm comin' for ya now." "Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: Dobře. Jdu si pro vás. Zůstaňte, kde jste." "[english]Virgil_C3End30" "Virgil: All right, real good. I'm comin' for ya now. Stay right where y'all are." "Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Hej, bonjour! To je fakt moc pěkný zase někoho slyšet." "[english]Virgil_C3End31" "Virgil: Woo, bonjour! It's real, real nice to hear another somebody." "Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Hej, bonjour! To je fakt moc pěkný zase někoho slyšet. Bylo tady docela ticho." "[english]Virgil_C3End32" "Virgil: Well, bonjour! It's real, real good to hear another somebody. It's real quiet out here." "Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! To je fakt moc pěkný někoho slyšet. Už tady bylo moc dlouho ticho." "[english]Virgil_C3End33" "Virgil: Bonjour! Oh, it's real, real good to hear from somebody. It's been quiet out here, now." "Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: Dobře, tak kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End34" "Virgil: All right now, where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End35" "Virgil: Where y'at?" "Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Kde jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End36" "Virgil: Where is ya?" "Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Kde všichni jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End37" "Virgil: Where is y'all?" "Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Kde všichni jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End38" "Virgil: Where y'all at now?" "Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: Tak kde všichni jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End39" "Virgil: All right now tell me, where y'all are?" "Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Kde všichni jste?" "[english]Virgil_C3End40" "Virgil: Where y'all at?" "Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End41" "Virgil: Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Nastupte do člunu, hned!" "[english]Virgil_C3End42" "Virgil: Now, get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Hej, pospěšte. Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End43" "Virgil: Woo, now hurry up now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Dělejte. Nastupte sem do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End44" "Virgil: Now c'mon now. Get on the boat, here!" "Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: Dobře, nastupte do člunu." "[english]Virgil_C3End45" "Virgil: All right now, get on the boat." "Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Dělejte, jdou po vás. Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End46" "Virgil: Come on now, they're comin' after ya now. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Nastupte do člunu, hned!" "[english]Virgil_C3End47" "Virgil: Get on the boat, now!" "Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Už jdou, už jdou. Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End48" "Virgil: Here they come, here they come. Get on the boat!" "Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: Dobře, už jdu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End49" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: Dobře, už jdu!" "[english]Virgil_C3End50" "Virgil: All right, I'm comin'!" "Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Dělejte, dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End51" "Virgil: Now, come on, come on!" "Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Dělejte, rychle!" "[english]Virgil_C3End52" "Virgil: Now, come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Hej, pospěšte! Pospěšte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End53" "Virgil: Woo, now, hurry up, now! Hurry up!" "Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Hoj, hoj! Dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End54" "Virgil: Allons, allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Hoj! Dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End55" "Virgil: Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: Dobře, pospěšte! Dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End56" "Virgil: All right now, hurry up! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Hoj! Dělejte, rychle!" "[english]Virgil_C3End57" "Virgil: Woo! Allons! Come on, now!" "Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Hoj! Hoj!" "[english]Virgil_C3End58" "Virgil: Allons! Allons!" "Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Všichni na záď! Dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C3End59" "Virgil: Y'all reach back after it now! Come on!" "Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Hej! Už jdou! Pospěšte, rychle!" "[english]Virgil_C3End60" "Virgil: Woo! Here they come now! Hurry up, now!" "Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Páni! Dobrý! HahaHA! Zvládli jste to!" "[english]Virgil_C3End61" "Virgil: Woo! All right now! HahaHA! You made it!" "Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Páni! Co vy na to! HaHA!" "[english]Virgil_C3End62" "Virgil: Woo! How 'bout that now! HaHA!" "Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Páni! Zvládli jste to!" "[english]Virgil_C3End63" "Virgil: Woo! You made it now!" "Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Vítejte na palubě! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End64" "Virgil: Welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Tak vítejte na palubě! Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C3End65" "Virgil: Now, welcome aboard, now! Haha!" "Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Zpátky do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C4End01" "Virgil: Now get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Zpátky sem!" "[english]Virgil_C4End02" "Virgil: Now get back here!" "Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Zpátky sem do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C4End03" "Virgil: Now get back here on the boat now!" "Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Dělejte, zpátky do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C4End04" "Virgil: Now come on, get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Dělejte, rychle zpátky do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C4End05" "Virgil: Now come on, now! Get back on the boat!" "Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: Dobře! Rychle zpátky sem!" "[english]Virgil_C4End06" "Virgil: All right, now! Get back on here!" "Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Zpátky sem, rychle!" "[english]Virgil_C4End07" "Virgil: Now get back here on here now!" "Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: To bylo fakt moc chytrý s tou cedulí Burger Tank." "[english]Virgil_C4End08" "Virgil: Ah that was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: To bylo fakt moc chytrý s tou cedulí Burger Tank. Haha!" "[english]Virgil_C4End09" "Virgil: That was real smart there with that Burger Tank sign. Haha!" "Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Páni! Dobrej nápad s tou cedulí Burger Tank." "[english]Virgil_C4End10" "Virgil: Woohoo! Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign, now." "Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Dobrej nápad s tou cedulí Burger Tank." "[english]Virgil_C4End11" "Virgil: Good thinkin' with that Burger Tank sign." "Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Úúú, pozor na toho velikána!" "[english]Virgil_C4End12" "Virgil: Ooh, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Dávejte pozor na toho velikána!" "[english]Virgil_C4End13" "Virgil: Watch it now, look out for that big fella!" "Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Hej, pozor, támhle je velikán!" "[english]Virgil_C4End14" "Virgil: Woo, look out now, that big fella, there!" "Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Dělejte, nastupte. Dělejte!" "[english]Virgil_C4End15" "Virgil: Come on, get in now. Come on!" "Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: Dobře, zpátky do člunu." "[english]Virgil_C4End16" "Virgil: All right now, get back in the boat here." "Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Dělejte. Hoj! Nastupte do člunu!" "[english]Virgil_C4End17" "Virgil: Come on, now. Allons! Get in the boat here!" "Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Dejte mi znamení, až seženete benzín." "[english]Virgil_C4Start01" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gas." "Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Dejte mi znamení, až seženete benzín." "[english]Virgil_C4Start02" "Virgil: Now, y'all signal at me when you get the gasoline, now." "Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: Až seženete benzín, tak mi dejte znamení." "[english]Virgil_C4Start03" "Virgil: When y'all get the gasoline, signal me." "Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Dejte mi znamení, až seženete benzín." "[english]Virgil_C4Start04" "Virgil: Signal at me when you get the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Pospěšte si zpátky s benzínem. Budu čekat." "[english]Virgil_C4Start05" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gas. I'll be waitin'." "Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Pospěšte si zpátky s benzínem. Budu tady čekat." "[english]Virgil_C4Start06" "Virgil: Hurry back with the gasoline. I'll be waitin' here." "Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: Budu přímo tady. Pospěšte si zpátky s benzínem." "[english]Virgil_C4Start07" "Virgil: I'll be right here for ya now. Hurry back with the gasoline." "Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Pospěšte si zpátky s benzínem. Budu přímo tady." "[english]Virgil_C4Start08" "Virgil: Now you hurry back with that gasoline. I'll be right here." "Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: Zakotvím člun tady u břehu a budu vás vyhlížet." "[english]Virgil_C4Start09" "Virgil: I'll anchor the boat right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: Zakotvím člun u břehu a budu vás vyhlížet." "[english]Virgil_C4Start10" "Virgil: Now I'll be just right here off shore, lookin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: Zakotvím člun tady u břehu a počkám na vás." "[english]Virgil_C4Start11" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: Zakotvím člun tady u břehu a počkám na vás." "[english]Virgil_C4Start12" "Virgil: Now I'll anchor right here off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: Spustím kotvu sem ke břehu a počkám na vás." "[english]Virgil_C4Start13" "Virgil: Now I'll throw the anchor just off the shore, waitin' for ya." "Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: Nevystoupím ze člunu. Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem." "[english]Virgil_C4Start14" "Virgil: Oh, now I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: Ze člunu nevystoupím. Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem." "[english]Virgil_C4Start15" "Virgil: I don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and get back here." "Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Hmm-mmm. Já ze člunu nevystoupím. Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem." "[english]Virgil_C4Start16" "Virgil: Mmm-mmm. I don't get off the boat, now. Y'all are gonna have to get the gasoline and come back here." "Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem. Já ze člunu nevystoupím." "[english]Virgil_C4Start17" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. I don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem. Virgil ze člunu nevystoupí." "[english]Virgil_C4Start18" "Virgil: Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here. Virgil don't get off the boat." "Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Ne-ne. Virgil ze člunu nevystoupí. Budete muset sehnat benzín a vrátit se sem." "[english]Virgil_C4Start19" "Virgil: Nah-ah. Virgil don't get off the boat. Y'all are gonna have to get the gas and come back here." "Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: Dál nejedu, ale odsud to k mostu zvládnete sami." "[english]Virgil_C5Start01" "Virgil: This is as far as I go, but you can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: Dál mě nedostanete." "[english]Virgil_C5Start02" "Virgil: I ain't goin' no further." "Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: Tak, já dál nejedu, ale odsud to k mostu zvládnete sami." "[english]Virgil_C5Start03" "Virgil: Now, I ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Dál Virgil nejede, ale odsud to zpátky k mostu zvládnete sami." "[english]Virgil_C5Start04" "Virgil: Now, this is far as Virgil go, but you can make it back to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Dál Virgil nejede, ale odsud to k mostu zvládnete sami." "[english]Virgil_C5Start05" "Virgil: Now, Virgil ain't goin' no further, but y'all can make it to the bridge from here." "Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Hodně štěstí! Poohlédnu se po dalších přeživších!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start06" "Virgil: Good luck, now! I'm gonna go look for other survivors!" "Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! Zkusím nabrat další přeživší!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start07" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more survivors, now!" "Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: Dobře, bon chance! Zkusím nabrat další lidi!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start08" "Virgil: All right, bon chance! I'm gonna hunt down some more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! Podívám se po dalších lidech!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start09" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna go look for more folks!" "Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: Dobrá, tak hodně štěstí! Podívám se, jestli se někomu ještě nehodí moje pomoc!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start10" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: Dobrá, tak hodně štěstí! Podívám se, jestli se někomu ještě nehodí moje pomoc!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start11" "Virgil: All right, good luck, now! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! Podívám se, jestli se někomu ještě nehodí moje pomoc!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start12" "Virgil: Bon chance! I'm gonna see if I can help some other folks!" "Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Hodně štěstí!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start13" "Virgil: Good luck to ya!" "Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Hodně štěstí! Dávejte na sebe pozor." "[english]Virgil_C5Start14" "Virgil: Good luck to ya! Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start15" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Bon chance!" "[english]Virgil_C5Start16" "Virgil: Bon chance, now!" "Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Opatrujte se." "[english]Virgil_C5Start17" "Virgil: Y'all take care now." "Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: Opatrujte se." "[english]Virgil_C5Start18" "Virgil: You folks take care now." "Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: Dobrá, tak se opatrujte." "[english]Virgil_C5Start19" "Virgil: All right now you all take real really good care, now." "Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: Dobrá, tak se opatrujte." "[english]Virgil_C5Start20" "Virgil: All right now y'all take real good care, now." "Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "VÍTÁ VÁS HRA LEFT 4 DEAD 2" "[english]Commentary_Title_WELCOME" "WELCOME TO LEFT 4 DEAD 2" "#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Dobrý den, jmenuji se Gabe Newell a vítám vás ve hře Left 4 Dead 2. Tento typ kooperativní hry založené na zombiích máme velmi rádi. Tom Leonard a ostatní členové týmu Left 4 Dead 2 se při vytváření návrhu a mechaniky originální hry velmi bavili a doufáme, že vy při jejím hraní zažijete tolik zábavy jako my při jejím sestavování. Chcete-li si poslechnout uzel s komentářem, umístěte na plovoucí symbol komentáře zaměřovač a stiskněte klávesu „použít“. Chcete-li uzel s komentářem zastavit, umístěte zaměřovač na rotující uzel a znovu stiskněte klávesu „použít“. Některé uzly s komentářem se mohou ujmout řízení hry, aby vám něco předvedly. V těchto případech stačí k zastavení komentáře znovu stisknout klávesu „použít“. Sdělte mi prosím svůj názor, až hru Left 4 Dead 2 vyzkoušíte. Moje adresa je gaben@valvesoftware.com. Vždy po uvedení nové hry obdržím kolem 10 000 e-mailů, a ačkoli nemohu na všechny odpovědět, všechny si je přečtu. Díky moc a příjemnou zábavu!" "[english]#commentary\com-welcome.wav" "[Gabe Newell] Hi, my name is Gabe Newell, and welcome to Left 4 Dead 2. We love this style of zombie-driven cooperative gameplay. Tom Leonard and the rest of the Left 4 Dead 2 team have had a great time building on the design and game mechanics of the original and we hope you have as much fun playing the game as we did making it. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating commentary symbol and press your use key. To stop a commentary node, put your crosshair over the rotating node and press the use key again. Some commentary nodes may take control of the game in order to show something to you. In these cases, simply press your use key again to stop the commentary. Please let me know what you think after you have had a chance to play Left 4 Dead 2. I can be reached at gaben@valvesoftware.com. I get about 10,000 emails each time we release a game, and while I can't respond to all of them, I do read all of them. Thanks, and have fun!" "Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "ZRANĚNÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_WOUNDS" "WOUNDS" "#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Protože hráči tráví valnou většinu času střílením hordy běžných infikovaných, chtěli jsme zdokonalit zpětnou vazbu a fyzický charakter tohoto zážitku. Ve hře Left 4 Dead 1 jsme poskytli pouze možnost ustřelovat končetiny, přičemž krvavé obtisky po zásazích kulek se objevovaly pouze na počítači. Nyní je ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 k dispozici 43 jedinečných způsobů, jak infikovaného zasáhnout: od střelby přes zbraně pro boj zblízka po výbušniny. Existuje kolem 780 možných kombinací zásahů. Aby se předešlo nárůstu nároků na paměť, zranění jsou namísto vytvoření varianty pro každého z infikovaných vytvářena jako samostatné objekty, které jsou použitelné pro celou hordu. Následně projektujeme texturu modifikovanou elipsoidem, který z oblasti rány u infikovaného odebere pixely, čímž vytvoří vpadlinu pro umístění rány. Náš skriptovací systém nám umožňuje vytvářet specifické rány po zásazích z různých zbraní. Například střela do hlavy z ostřelovací pušky roztříští hlavu a sekera vytváří sečné rány v masitých částech těla." "[english]#commentary\com-wounds.wav" "[Gray Horsfield] Since players spend the vast majority of their time shooting the common infected, we wanted to improve the feedback and visceral nature of this experience. In Left 4 Dead 1, we provided only the ability to shoot off limbs, with blood decals for bullet hits appearing only on the PC. Now, in Left 4 Dead 2, there are 43 unique ways to damage an infected--from gunfire through melee weapons, all the way up to explosive damage. Because many of these wounds are non-fatal, players are able to wound an infected more than once, resulting in about 780 possible damage combinations. To create the appearance of a wound, we project a texture modified by an ellipsoid that culls the pixels of wounded area from the infected, creating a cavity for the wound to fit into. To avoid memory overhead, instead of creating wound variants for each of the infected, the wounds are spawned as separate objects that work for the entire horde. Our scripting system allows us to spawn specific wounds from specific weapon hits. For example, the sniper rifle headshot explodes the head, and the axe creates a slash across meaty areas of the body." "Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "VARIACE INFIKOVANÝCH" "[english]Commentary_Title_INFECTED_VARIATION" "INFECTED VARIATION" "#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] Chtěli jsme zdokonalit variace infikovaných, aniž by se změnila paměťová zátěž. Celá horda se nikdy neskládá z více než pěti hlavových a pěti tělových textur. Pro dosažení variant odstínu používáme vyhledávání založené na světlosti v přechodové textuře, což nám umožňuje získat nejen variace zabarvení, ale také světlosti: ze stejné texturové mapy můžeme vytvořit bílá i černá trika. Přechod je rozdělen do zón, takže můžeme části oblečení a pokožky zabarvit odlišně. Textura infikovaných zahrnuje rovněž čtyři odlišné masky pro krev a detaily, jako je hlína nebo povlak na hladině rybníka. Přechody i masky aplikujeme náhodně při vytvoření každého infikovaného. Rovněž náhodně používáme tělové a hlavové síťování, výsledkem čehož je téměř 20 000 dostupných variací v typické mapě – více než desetinásobek oproti hře Left 4 Dead." "[english]#commentary\com-infectedvariation.wav" "[Ricardo Ariza] We wanted to improve the variation on the infected while keeping their memory footprint identical. The entire horde is never comprised of more than five head textures and five body textures. We use a luminosity lookup into a gradient texture for tinting variation, allowing us to get not only hue variation but also luminosity variation; for example we can make black or white t-shirts out of the same texture map. The gradient is broken up into zones, so that we can tint areas of clothing and skin differently. The infected texture also includes four distinct masks for blood and detail such as dirt or pond scum. We randomize both the gradients and the masks each time an infected is spawned. We also randomize the body and the head meshes, resulting in nearly 20,000 available variations in a typical map--up more than ten-fold from Left 4 Dead." "Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "HROMADY MRTVOL" "[english]Commentary_Title_BODY_PILES" "BODY PILES" "#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] Hromady mrtvol se generovaly házením vzájemně se srážejících hadrových figurín na vstupní úrovni hry a následným exportem výsledku. Pomocí ladicího nástroje se nám podařilo je vytvarovat do umělecky vyhlížejících hromad – nanejvýš zábavné vytváření obsahu. Bohužel byl ten proces tak efektivní, že zabral jen pouhé dvě hodiny." "[english]#commentary\com-bodypiles.wav" "[Marc Nagel] The body piles were generated by tossing self-colliding ragdolls into a level in-game, then exporting out the result. We were able to use a debugging tool to drag them into artistic piles -- content creation at its most enjoyable. Unfortunately, the process was so efficient that it took only about two hours." "Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "TAJNÉ INGREDIENCE" "[english]Commentary_Title_SECRET_INGREDIENTS" "SECRET INGREDIENTS" "#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] Textury infikovaných jsou částečně malované rukou, částečně využívají fotografický základ. Jeden člen našeho týmu měl hrůzostrašnou složku plnou fotografií lidí trpících bizarními nemocemi a zraněními. Bylo tak obtížné na ně vůbec pohlédnout, že jsme ve skutečnosti u infikovaných nic z toho nevyužili. Místo toho byly jako tajné ingredience pro infikování normálně vyhlížejících lidských textur použity fotografie domácích izolačních materiálů a bramborových slupek." "[english]#commentary\com-secretingredients.wav" "[Bronwen Grimes] The infected textures are part hand-painted, part photographic reference. One of our team members had a nightmare folder full of photographs of people suffering from bizarre diseases and injuries. They were so hard to look at that the infected actually contain none of these. Instead, the secret ingredients for infecting normal-looking human textures are photos of housing insulation and potato skins." "Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "NÁBYTEK" "[english]Commentary_Title_FURNITURE" "FURNITURE" "#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] Tato restaurace byla jedním z prvních míst, do kterých jsme dodali stoly a židle. V počátečních herních testech někdo z přeživších dosáhl prasknutí Boomera a výsledná exploze rozhodila stoly a židle na všechny strany. Byl to skvělý efekt. Rozhodli jsme se takto vybavit několik dalších míst, aby příležitost k tomuto zážitku měli v určitém okamžiku kampaně i další hráči." "[english]#commentary\com-furniture.wav" "[Sergiy Migdalsky] This restaurant was one of the first areas we populated with tables and chairs. In early playtests, a survivor would pop a Boomer, and the resulting explosion sent tables and chairs flying everywhere. It was a great effect. We decided to furnish a few more areas like this, so that more players would be likely to experience it at some point in the campaign." "Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "CESTIČKY V PARKU" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARK_PATHS" "PARK PATHS" "#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] Park měl zpočátku několik cestiček, které se dynamicky měnily pro lepší zážitek při opakovaném hraní. Testerům hry však cestičky připadaly matoucí. Když jsme odebrali dynamické objekty, které nutily přeživší chodit v určitých směrech, zjistili jsme, že ponechání všech cestiček otevřených vede k lepším zážitkům ze hry. Hráči i nadále trávili v parku hodně času, mohli se však při každém hraní dané úrovně rozhodnout pro jinou trasu." "[english]#commentary\com-parkpaths.wav" "[Dario Casali] The park started out having several paths that were dynamically changed for added replayability. However, playtesters found the paths confusing. When we removed the dynamic objects that forced survivors to go in certain directions, we found that having all paths open led to a better experience. Players still spent a lot of time in the park, but they could choose to go different ways every time they played the level." "Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "NADCHODY" "[english]Commentary_Title_OVERPASSES" "OVERPASSES" "#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] Oba nadchody v této oblasti pokračují po celý zbytek kampaně a nakonec se setkávají s mostem, který musejí přeživší překročit, aby unikli. Při původním navrhování kampaně jsme plánovali, že tyto nadchody budou hráče vést k jejich konečnému cíli." "[english]#Commentary\\com-overpasses.wav" "[Randy Lundeen] The two overpasses in this area continue throughout the rest of the campaign, and eventually meet up with the bridge that the survivors must cross to escape. When we initially designed the campaign, we planned for these overpasses to guide players to their eventual goal." "Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "VRAŽEDNÉ CHODBY" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEADLY_HALLWAYS" "DEADLY HALLWAYS" "#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] Ve hře Left 4 Dead 1 dlouhé úzké chodby obvykle skýtaly přeživším relativní bezpečí. Jeden hráč mohl krýt přední a jiný zadní stranu. Hráči uprostřed se mohli léčit. Po přidání Chargera se však dlouhé úzké chodby ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 staly extrémně nebezpečnými." "[english]#Commentary\\com-deadlyhallways.wav" "[Chris Carollo] In Left 4 Dead 1, long narrow hallways usually meant relative safety for survivors. One player could cover the front and another could cover the rear, while players in the middle healed. With the addition of the Charger, however, the long narrow hallways in Left 4 Dead 2 turn out to be extremely dangerous." "Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "NÁVRAT U AUTOBUSU" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS RETURN" "BUS RETURN" "#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] Tento skok na autobus je dobrým příkladem toho, co označujeme jako „návrat“. Když některý z přeživších chodí po střeše autobusu, má proti infikovaným výškovou převahu. Z autobusu jej však může stáhnout Smoker, takže bude muset jít dokola a po schodech, aby se připojil ke zbytku týmu." "[english]#commentary\com-busreturn.wav" "[Alireza Razmpoosh] This drop onto the bus shows a good example of what we call a 'return.' If a survivor walks on the top of the bus, he has a height advantage against the infected. However, a Smoker can pull him down off the bus so that he has to go around and up the stairs to get back with the rest of the team." "Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "PROPLÍŽIT SE NEBO BOJOVAT" "[english]Commentary_Title_SNEAK_OR_FIGHT" "SNEAK OR FIGHT" "#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] Po vydání hry Left 4 Dead 1 jsme chtěli vyzkoušet zařazení nějaké „volitelné stupňované události“. Výsledkem tohoto experimentu je odtahové parkoviště. Týmu přeživších se může podařit projít parkovištěm bez spuštění jediného autoalarmu, ale i když to zvládnou, zážitek z opatrného plížení po trase plné nástrah je dostatečný pro to, aby se změnilo celkové tempo hry." "[english]#commentary\com-sneakorfight.wav" "[David Sawyer] After Left 4 Dead 1 shipped, we wanted to experiment with an 'optional Crescendo Event.' The impound lot is the final version of that experiment. It's difficult for a survivor team to navigate through without setting off a single car alarm, and if they manage it, the experience of carefully sneaking through an obstacle course full of traps is itself quite rewarding." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "DYNAMICKÉ CESTY" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_PATHS" "DYNAMIC PATHS" "#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Při sledování hry Left 4 Dead nás vždy deprimovalo, že hráči si poté, co mapu několikrát odehráli, vždy vybírali optimalizovanou cestu přes úroveň. V důsledku toho usilovná práce vložená do jiných částí mapy zůstávala zcela stranou a nepovšimnuta. Proto jednou z věcí, které jsme chtěli ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 doplnit, byla možnost, aby funkce AI Director měnila cestu přeživších skrze úroveň tak, aby pokaždé postupovali jinudy. Příklad tohoto nového přístupu lze vidět na hřbitově. Funkce AI Director zde může pro přeživší vytvořit čtyři různé cesty. Dosáhne toho přidáním nebo odebráním konkrétních krypt a bran." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicpaths.wav" "[Kim Swift] Something that was always sad for us to watch in Left 4 Dead was that players would always choose an optimized path through a level once they'd played the map a couple times. That meant the hard work we put into other areas of the map would never be seen. So, one thing we wanted to add in Left 4 Dead 2 was the ability for the AI Director to change the path of the survivors through a level, so they have to take a different path each time. The cemetery contains one example of this new approach. There are four different paths that the AI Director can create for the survivors. It does this by spawning in and out particular crypts and gates." "Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "BALKÓN" "[english]Commentary_Title_BALCONY" "BALCONY" "#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] Tento balkón byl navržen jako moment představující velmi snadnou situaci: přeživší mohou vykouknout na ulici a zlikvidovat skupinu procházejících infikovaných, aniž by sami byli příliš ohroženi. Připadalo nám to jako dobrý úvod do našeho pojetí Bourbon Street, přinášející příjemný výhled plný atmosféry bez nadměrného bezprostředního nebezpečí." "[english]#commentary\com-balcony.wav" "[Jess Cliffe] This balcony was designed as a 'fish in a barrel' moment where the survivors can come out to the street and pick off a bunch of the wandering infected without being in much danger. We felt it was a good introduction to our interpretation of Bourbon Street, giving a nice atmospheric vista without too much immediate threat." "Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "JAZZOVÝ KLUB" "[english]Commentary_Title_JAZZ_CLUB " "JAZZ CLUB" "#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] Záměrně jsme se pokusili navrhnout charakteristická prostředí Francouzské čtvrti, ve kterých by bylo velmi zábavné bojovat. Tento jazzový klub nám poskytl hezký a rozlehlý interiér nabízející vítanou změnu oproti venkovním ulicím a pasážím." "[english]#commentary\com-jazzclub.wav" "[Paul Graham] We deliberately sought to design iconic French Quarter locales that would be fun to fight in. This jazz club gave us a nice large interior space that offered a break from exterior streets and alleys." "Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "ALEGORICKÝ VŮZ" "[english]Commentary_Title_PARADE_FLOAT" "PARADE FLOAT" "#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Když jsme se dívali na podkladové materiály pro New Orleans, velmi často se objevovaly karnevalové snímky z Mardi Gras. Dospěli jsme k názoru, že nemůžeme mít kampaň zasazenou do této oblasti, aniž by se tam vyskytl alegorický vůz. Navrhli jsme jej tak, aby vypadal trochu zlověstně. Zatímco normálně se většina šaškovských čapek vyznačuje světlými barvami a působí bláznivě, naše jsou o něco tmavší a strašidelnější – stejně tak jsme model navrhli tak, aby vypadal hranatěji než většina ostatních. Rovněž jsme zvolili méně veselé barvy odpovídající spíše podzimnímu festivalu." "[english]#commentary\com-paradefloat.wav" "[Danika Wright] Looking at reference from New Orleans, we saw a lot of images of Mardi Gras. We decided we couldn't have a campaign set in that region without a parade float. We designed our float to look a bit sinister. Whereas most jester heads are typically bright and goofy, we wanted ours to be a bit darker and more scary--so we made the model appear more angular. We also chose colors that were less cheerful and more in keeping with a Fall festival." "Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "TRADIČNÍ STUPŇOVÁNÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_TRADITIONAL_CRESCENDO" "TRADITIONAL CRESCENDO" "#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] Jedná se o jedinou „tradiční“ stupňovanou událost v kampani na faře. Ve hře Left 4 Dead 1 spočívala každá stupňovaná událost v podstatě v tom, že hráči, kteří se semkli na jednom místě, drželi tlačítko spouště, dokud se infikovaní nepřestali objevovat. Ačkoli jsme přidali variace útoků a volitelných stupňovaných událostí, cítili jsme, že událost ve „starém“ stylu Left 4 Dead by neměla úplně zmizet." "[english]#commentary\com-traditionalcrescendo.wav" "[Kerry Davis] This is the only 'traditional' Crescendo Event in The Parish campaign. In Left 4 Dead 1, every Crescendo Event was essentially a button press where players held out in one spot until the infected stopped coming. While we added the onslaught and optional crescendo variations, we felt that the old-school Left 4 Dead style event still had some life in it." "Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "DYNAMICKÉ ALARMY" "[english]Commentary_Title_DYNAMIC_ALARMS" "DYNAMIC ALARMS" "#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] Ve hře Left 4 Dead 1 jsme někam umístili auto s alarmem a to se nacházelo v přesně stejné pozici při každém hraní dané úrovně. Ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 máme nyní možnost umístit několik aut s alarmy a rozhodnutí, zda budou zapnuté nebo vypnuté, ponechat na funkci AI Director. V této poslední sekci úrovně se na různých místech vyskytují tři autoalarmy. Funkce Director může dynamicky zapnout alarm v kterémkoli z těchto aut nebo v žádném z nich." "[english]#commentary\com-dynamicalarms.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] In Left 4 Dead , our designers could place alarmed cars in levels. When shot, these cars would flash and make noise, attracting the infected horde. Unfortunately, the alarmed cars would be located in the same position on every playthrough, taking away from the desired unpredictability. In Left 4 Dead 2, designers can now place groups of alarmed cars and let the AI Director mix and match which cars have active alarms, if any. For example, in the section of the game that you have just played, there are three such cars whose alarm state the director can control dynamically, making this area less predictable from game to game." "Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "VÝŠKOVÉ PRVKY" "[english]Commentary_Title_ELEVATION" "ELEVATION" "#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] Většina krajiny, do které je hra Left 4 Dead 2 zasazena, je poněkud rovinatá. Je zde několik kopců či vyvýšenin. Mapy bez výškových prvků však mohou být monotónní, a to vizuálně i z hlediska hraní. Dvojúrovňový most je nejen vizuálně silnou kulisou, ale dodává do kampaně i velmi potřebný prvek vertikálnosti." "[english]#commentary\com-elevation.wav" "[Chris Chin] Most of the region where Left 4 Dead 2 is set is quite flat. There are few hills or changes in elevation. But maps without any elevation change can be monotonous, both visually and in terms of gameplay. That’s why this double-decker bridge was not only a visually strong set-piece; it added the much-needed element of verticality to the campaign." "Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "TEKOUCÍ VODA" "[english]Commentary_Title_FLOWING_WATER" "FLOWING WATER" "#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] V nových kampaních ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 se vyskytuje mnohem více vody než v původní hře. Bylo tedy prioritou zlepšit naše ztvárnění vody. Jedna z nejdůležitějších nových technologií dodala umělcům schopnost namalovat tok vody jednotlivě na každou vodní hladinu. Díky tomu voda vypadá jako tekoucí ve směru, který chceme, bez jakýchkoli omezení. Jednak to vypadá lépe a jednak to usnadňuje hraní tím, že je hráč nenápadně naváděn ve směru, ve kterém má postupovat. Příkladem může být voda na úrovních s bažinami, která teče směrem ke konci úrovně. A voda je mnohem přesvědčivější, když je skutečně vidět, jak protéká kolem překážek, jako jsou stromy nebo kameny." "[english]#commentary\com-flowingwater.wav" "[Alex Vlachos] The new campaigns in Left 4 Dead 2 featured a great deal more water than in the original game. Therefore, it was a priority to improve our water rendering. One of the most important new pieces of technology enabled artists to paint water flow uniquely on each water surface. This allows us to make the water look like it's flowing in any direction we desire, without any constraints. This not only looks better, it aids gameplay by subtly guiding the player where they need to go. As an example, in the swamp levels, the water usually appears to flow towards the end of the level. And water is far more convincing when you can actually see it flow around obstacles like trees and rocks." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "NÁVRH SPITTER" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_DESIGN" "SPITTER DESIGN" "#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] Ve svém původním ztělesnění měla Spitter dlouze protažený žaludek, ve kterém kvasila svůj těkavý sliz, a dlouhý zmutovaný krk, který sloužil k vystřelování kyseliny na velké vzdálenosti. Po otestování první verze modelu ve hře bylo zjištěno, že se někteří hráči domnívali, že se jedná o těhotnou ženu, která byla zmrzačena infekcí. Ačkoli nafouknuté břicho mělo pozitivní dopad na její čitelnost ve hře a usnadňovalo její odlišení od zbytku hordy a dalších speciálních infikovaných postav, bylo rozhodnuto, že se nechceme vydat cestou, kdy by mohl vzniknout dojem, že terčem jsou těhotné ženy. Konečná iterace Spitter se tedy vyznačuje tímtéž dlouhým krkem a zkorodovanými ústy jako v původním návrhu, má však plošší profil a starší rysy." "[english]#commentary\com-spitterdesign.wav" "[Matt Charlesworth] In her original incarnation, the Spitter had a large distended stomach in which she brewed her volatile goo, and a long mutated neck which served to catapult the acid over long distances. After the first pass of the model was playtested in game, it was noted by some players that they presumed she was a pregnant woman who had been turned by the infection. Although the inflated abdomen had positive effects on her readability in game, and helped separate her from the horde and other specials, it was decided that the image of targeting pregnant women was a road that we did not want to travel down. Therefore the final iteration of the Spitter features the same long neck and corroded mouth as the original design, but has a flatter profile and more aged features." "Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "NOVÉ POSTAVY PŘEŽIVŠÍCH" "[english]Commentary_Title_NEW_SURVIVORS" "NEW SURVIVORS" "#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] Když jsme zahajovali vývoj hry Left 4 Dead 2, hned zpočátku jsme se rozhodli dosadit do hlavních rolí zcela novou skupinku přeživších. To s sebou neslo obsáhlé vytváření koncepčních skic a následné vybírání herců s pomocí několika talentových agentur. Po castingu jsme vybrané herce vzali na fotografování v úplných kostýmech a provedli 3D skenování jejich obličejových rysů. Tyto podkladové materiály pak naši grafici použili k vytvoření digitálních soch ve vysokém rozlišení, které daly základ naším postavám ve hře. Od počátku bylo cílem nabídnout hráčům skupinu uvěřitelných postav přeživších – skutečných lidí postavených do mimořádných situací." "[english]#commentary\com-newsurvivors.wav" "[Jeremy Bennett] When we began development on Left for Dead 2, we decided early on to cast a totally new band of survivors in the lead roles. This involved extensive concept sketches, then a period of evaluating actors with the help of several talent agencies. Once the actors were cast, we brought them for a full costume photo shoot, and conducted 3D scanning of their facial features. This reference was then used by our artists to create high detail digital sculpts, which formed the basis of our in-game characters. The goal from the beginning was to provide the player with a lineup of believable survivors--real people juxtaposed against extraordinary situations." "Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "PŘÍMOČARÉ FINÁLE" "[english]Commentary_Title_TITLE_STRAIGHTFORWARD_FINALE" "STRAIGHTFORWARD FINALE" "#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] Toto finále nám nejprve připadalo riskantní, protože se v něm hráči pohybují téměř neustále směrem vpřed. Nebyli jsme si jisti, jestli zážitek bude dostatečně bohatý a různorodý. Vzhledem k příběhové náplni a fantastickému charakteru prostoru jsme však dospěli k závěru, že hráči neustále dělají menší rozhodnutí o dalším postupu, která je zaujmou a ponoří do děje, a naše obavy o možné monotónnosti odpadly. Kromě toho jsme zjistili, že ačkoli jsme prostor původně navrhli tak, aby vyžadoval neustálý pohyb vpřed, mají různí hráči odlišné úrovně komfortu při pohybu a střelbě. Někteří hráči prostě nezvládají obojí zároveň. Funkci Director jsme vyladili tak, aby se přizpůsobovala různým herním stylům a měnila tempo, aby jednotliví hráči měli stále dobrý přehled o celkovém postupu a došli až do konce." "[english]#commentary\com-straightforward.wav" "[Ido Magal] This finale felt risky at first, since it involved the players just moving in a straight line almost the entire time. We wondered whether the experience would feel rich and varied enough. However, given the fiction and fantasy of the space, we found players were constantly making small movement decisions that kept them interested and immersed, and our concerns about monotony fell away. In addition, while we originally designed it to require constantly moving forward, we found that different players have different comfort levels for moving and shooting. Some players just can’t do both at the same time. So we tuned the director to adapt to different play styles, adjusting the pacing so that different players would still have a good sense of progress and be able to reach the end." "Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "ŽHNOUCÍ OČI" "[english]Commentary_Title_GLOWING_EYES" "GLOWING EYES" "#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] Snažili jsme se vyvolat dojem, že infikovaní ztratili svou lidskost a chovají se jako dravá zvířata. K tomu přispívají jejich oči, které žhnou jako oči zvířete oslněného reflektory. Abychom docílili tohoto efektu, vytvořili jsme shader pro infikované, aby grafik mohl v textuře vyznačit oblasti, které mají odrážet světlo směrem k pozorovateli. Grafici rychle přišli na to, že stejnou funkci mohou použít k vytvoření reflexních bezpečnostních tkanin na oděvech, které navlékli na některé ze specializovaných běžných postav. Tento efekt nyní uvidíte na vybavení zásahových jednotek při pouličních nepokojích, na bezpečnostních skafandrech agentury CEDA a stavbařských vestách. Vedlejším přínosem je, jak jsme zjistili, že reflexní efekt umožňuje hráčům identifikovat cíle ve velmi tmavém prostředí." "[english]#commentary\com-glowingeyes.wav" "[Thorsten Scheuermann] We wanted to invoke the feeling that the infected have lost their humanity and behave like feral animals. Seeing their eyes glow in dark like those of a deer in headlights helps illustrate this. To create that effect we authored the shader for the infected so that an artist could mark the regions that should reflect light towards the viewer in a texture. The artists quickly realized that they could also use this feature to make retro-reflective safety materials on clothing, which they put to use on several of the uncommon characters. You now see this effect on riot gear, CEDA hazmat suits and construction vests. As a side benefit, we found that the retro-reflective effect also helped players identify targets in very dark areas." "Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "STŘELNÉ ZBRANĚ" "[english]Commentary_Title_GUNPLAY" "GUNPLAY" "#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Hra Left 4 Dead 1 nabízela dobrý výběr zbraní, které byly v rámci daného příběhu zcela odůvodněné – například M16 jako standardní policejní a vojenská zbraň. Ve hře L4D2 jsme měli možnost udělat něco méně generického a použít nějaké zajímavější zbraně, přičemž jsme měli stále na paměti, že jejich uvedení nesmí být z hlediska hry samoúčelné. Například pouštní puška má vytvořit dojem, že armáda vzala zbraně zamýšlené pro Blízký východ a použila je pro řešení domácí krize: odtud písečné barvy na zbrani. Samopal SMG s tlumičem vypadá spíše jako zločinecká zbraň z podsvětí, která se dostala do rukou přeživších. Dlouhodobě oblíbený samopal AK47 (ve skutečnosti částečně AK74) je natolik rozšířený, že je snadné zdůvodnit jeho přítomnost kdekoli. Rozhodli jsme se také zachovat loveckou kulovnici ze hry Left 4 Dead 1 a zároveň přidat její variantu v podobě vojenské odstřelovací pušky. Hlavní pistole, s upravenými mířidly a velkým zásobníkem, je navržena tak, aby vypadala jako vysoce kvalitní civilní pistole, což má naznačovat, že se pro ni přeživší rozhodli mezi mnoha jinými. Druhá pistole je vytvořena na základě běžné policejní pistole, se kterou by se člověk mohl setkat kdekoli na světě, ačkoli je také vybavena naddimenzovaným zásobníkem." "[english]#commentary\com-gunplay.wav" "[Tristan Reidford] Left 4 Dead 1 had a good, fictionally justifiable cast of guns--the M16 being a standard police and military weapon, for example. In Left 4 Dead 2 we had the opportunity to do something a bit less generic, and use some more interesting guns, whilst still being aware that we had to justify their place in the game. The Desert Rifle, for example, is used to suggest that the military had rerouted guns meant for the Middle East back to deal with the domestic crisis; hence the desert camouflage scheme on the gun. The ever popular AK47 (which is actually part AK74) is so plentiful that it's easy to justify its appearance almost anywhere, whereas the silenced SMG is more of an underground criminal-looking weapon, so it’s interesting to think how this has found its way into the survivors' hands. The hunting rifle from Left 4 Dead 1 is back and we’ve added, a military sniper rifle which has double the clip size and is more of a scoped semi-automatic assault rifle, rather than the classic bolt-action sniper rifle, which would be ineffective against the horde. Left 4 Dead 2 also features a variety of pistols including a custom civilian handgun, a standard issue police side arm and a large caliber magnum." "Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "HAZARDNÍ HRÁČ Z LODĚ" "[english]Commentary_Title_RIVERBOAT_GAMBLER" "RIVERBOAT GAMBLER" "#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] Autoři vytvořili originální životopis pro postavu odsouzence. Objevil se nápad, že zde, ve světě infikovaných neovládaném zákony, si tento uprchlý trestanec, který má plné zuby vězeňských šatů, dal tu práci a uloupil velmi drahý bílý oblek z opuštěného obchodu s oblečením. Možná se mu dokonce podařilo přežít apokalypsu ve velkém stylu! Tento koncept se postupně rozvinul do postavy hazardního hráče z říční lodě." "[english]#commentary\com-riverboatgambler.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] The writers originally devised a biography for a convict character. There was an idea that here in the lawless world of the infected, this escaped convict, sick of wearing prison clothes, had taken the effort to loot a very expensive white suit from an abandoned clothing store. He might as well survive the apocalypse in style! This concept gradually evolved into the riverboat gambler." "Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "JEDINEČNÉ KAMPANĚ" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNIQUE_CAMPAIGNS" "UNIQUE CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] U hry Left 4 Dead 2 jsme vyvinuli velké úsilí, abychom dosáhli jedinečnosti každé kampaně z hlediska atmosféry a způsobu hraní. Těmito kritérii jsme se řídili při rozhodování o prostředí, osvětlení, obsazení postavami, hudbě a událostech. Chtěli jsme vytvořit souvislou skupinu míst při postupu Jihem, a to s klíčovým cílem, aby každé místo bylo ikonické a evokativní. Nakreslili jsme si celkovou mapu naší verze Jihu a zaznamenali naši cestu nejrůznějšími lokacemi. Pro každé prostředí platí, že má své vlastní typy zombie. Zároveň jsme se pokusili odlišit každou kampaň vytvořením specializovaných zombie, které jsou s daným místem tematicky spojené. Specializované zombie mají také specifickou herní mechaniku, díky níž jsou jedinečné. V každé kampani se v hudbě míchají specifické prvky daného místa s ústředním opakovaným motivem hry L4D. Rovněž jsme v každé kampani vytvořili nové prvky, které může nová funkce Director zajímavými způsoby řídit – ať jde o počasí, jedinečné cesty nebo typy stupňování a finále." "[english]#commentary\com-uniquecampaigns.wav" "[Scott Dalton] We did a lot of work in Left 4 Dead 2 to make every campaign unique in terms of flavor and game play. This drove our decisions in regard to locale, lighting, population, music, and events. We wanted to create a continuous set of locations proceeding through the South, with the key goal of making each location iconic and evocative. We drew up an overall world map of our version of the South, and charted out our journey through a variety of locations. While each location has its own particular common zombie types, we further differentiated each campaign by creating ‘Uncommon’ zombies which were thematically tied to that location. The uncommon zombies also had specific game play mechanics that made them unique. In each campaign, the music blended specific elements of the location with the central recurring Left 4 Dead theme. We also designed new elements in each campaign where the Director could take control in interesting ways--be it weather, unique paths, or types of Crescendo Events and Finales." "Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "EFEKTY SPITTER" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPITTER_EFFECTS" "SPITTER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] Stejně jako v případě Smokera má Spitter herní styl, pro který je nezbytné její charakteristické slintání. Protože strategií Spitter je udeřit a prchnout, přičemž na přeživší útočí z dálky, potřebovali jsme zřetelné vizuální prvky, které by ji v chaosu bitvy odlišily v tmavém prostoru. Pro tento účel jsme namíchali zářivé stékající sliny, které jí osvětlí a vytvoří ostrý kontrast k jiným barvám ve hře, přičemž se opakuje motiv zelené smrti, který je spojován s infekcí. Stopa, kterou zanechává a která se vizuálně podobá jejímu projektilovému útoku, dává hráčům krátkou příležitost sledovat její pohyb při jejím ústupu do úkrytu." "[english]#commentary\com-spittereffects.wav" "[Peter Konig] As with the Smoker, the Spitter has a gameplay style which necessitates making her more visible to the player at a distance. Since the Spitter's strategy is to hit and run, striking at the survivors from far away, we needed distinct visual markers to differentiate her in the dark spaces during the chaos of combat. To this end, we concocted a glowing drool that would illuminate her and create a sharp contrast to other game colors, while playing off the 'Green Death' motif associated with the infection. The trail she leaves, which is visually similar to her projectile attack, allows players a brief chance to track her movements when she retreats to hide." "Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "SLOVNÍK L4DICTIONARY" "[english]Commentary_Title_L4DICTIONARY" "L4DICTIONARY" "#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] Jedním z našich nejdůležitějších nástrojů při vytváření a vyhodnocování prostředí byl slovník, který jsme nazvali „Left 4 Dictionary“. Tato kolektivně vypracovaná sada pojmů, nápadů a herní gramatiky popisuje prostory na základě jejich fyzických vlastností, funkce v rámci hry a relativní výhodnosti nebo nevýhodnosti pro stranu přeživších nebo infikovaných. Tím náš tým získal sdílený lexikon typů herních prostorů s příklady, jako je kapilára, bezprostřední blízkost, otevřený prostor, komín, hra KotH (king of the hill) atd. Díky tomu mohl tým velmi srozumitelným způsobem diskutovat a studovat nové proměny prostorů. Tento slovník se ukázal jako velmi užitečný v tom, že nám umožnil efektivně dolaďovat naše prostředí a obtížnost s porozuměním, jak jednotlivé typy prostoru ovlivňují hru. A jako obzvláště nápomocný byl v této mapě mostů, kde začínáme s velmi jednotvárným mostem a namísto místností, chodeb atd. vytváříme požadované herní prostory s využitím vozidel a poškozených částí struktury." "[english]#commentary\com-l4dictionary.wav" "[Steve Bond] One of our most important tools for creating and evaluating environments was what we called the 'Left 4 Dictionary.' This collectively developed set of terms, ideas, and gameplay grammar describes spaces via their physical properties, functions to game play, and the relative advantage or disadvantage to the Survivor or Infected sides. This provided the team with a shared language for types of gameplay spaces, with examples such as capillary, close quarters, open space, funnel, king of the hill, etc. It also allowed the team to talk about and explore new permutations of spaces in a very clear way. The Left 4 Dictionary proved instrumental in allowing us to efficiently refine our environments, and tune difficulty based on an understanding of how each type of space would influence the gameplay. It was especially useful in this bridge map, where we start with a very uniform bridge and instead of rooms, hallways, etc, we create desirable game spaces using vehicles and damaged portions of the structure." "Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "PROSTŘEDKY" "[english]Commentary_Title_ASSETS" "ASSETS" "#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Herní prostředky mají větší šanci dostat se až do produkce, pokud hře slouží na více úrovních. Vezměme si například tuto mostní rampu: Z hlediska pohybu ve hře se chová jako vstupní brána. Z hlediska zvuku působí jako startovací pistole. Vizuálně zakrývá a kouskuje potenciálně nezajímavý výhled. Pokud jde o příběh, chybná funkce uchycení a následná hlasitá rána způsobí, že hráči přitáhnou pozornost všech infikovaných na mostě." "[english]#commentary\com-assets.wav" "[Matt Wright] Game assets are more likely to make it through production if they serve the game on multiple levels. Take this bridge ramp, for example: Movement-wise, it acts as the starting gate. Audio-wise it acts as the starting gun. Visually, it blocks and breaks up a potentially uninteresting view. Fictionally, the seizing malfunction and resulting loud bang make it clear that the players have attracted every infected on the bridge." "Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "VYTVÁŘENÍ HYBRIDNÍHO PROSTŘEDÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_HYBRID_ENVIRONMENT_AUTHORING" "HYBRID ENVIRONMENT AUTHORING" "#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] Platforma Source používá pro modelování reálného prostředí dvě různé metody: systém založený na objemech pro obecné formy a systém založený na polygonech pro podrobnosti. Každý má své vlastní výhody a nevýhody a pro vytvoření herní mapy je nutná jejich integrace. Jedním z problémů souvisejících s touto konfigurací je, že tyto dva systémy mají povětšinou na sobě nezávislé autorské kanály a snadno lze změnou v jednom z nich narušit úzce integrovaný celek. Při vytváření modulární „stavebnice“ použité k sestavení tohoto mostu jsme jako její součást vyvinuli nové hybridní pracovní postupy, které autorům obsahu umožňují vytvářet a opakovaně upravovat oba typy geometrie světa, a to současně v jediném nástroji. Výsledné moduly jsou předem optimalizované „kostičky lega“, které lze pospojovat, díky čemuž se návrhář úrovně může více zaměřit na hru a méně na modelování." "[english]#commentary\com-hybridenviron.wav" "[Yasser Malaika] The source engine uses two different methods for modeling world environments: a volume-based system for general forms and a polygon-based system for details. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they must be integrated together to create a game map. One of the challenges associated with this setup is that the two systems have mostly separate authoring pipelines, and it’s easy to make a change in one and break a tightly integrated set. As a part of making the modular 'kit of parts' that was used to create this bridge, we developed a new hybrid workflow that allows content authors to create and iteratively edit both types of world geometry simultaneously in a single tool. The resulting modules are pre-optimized 'Lego blocks' that can be fitted together, allowing the level designer to focus more on gameplay and less on modeling." "Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "OD_PROCHÁZENÍ_SERVERŮ_PO_PŘIŘAZOVÁNÍ_VHODNÝCH_HRÁČŮ" "[english]Commentary_Title_FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "FROM_SERVER_BROWSING_TO_MATCHMAKING" "#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] Tradičně se hráči připojovali k našim hrám pro více hráčů výběrem serveru s dostupnými místy z velmi dlouhého seznamu. Hráči si mohli vybrat server podle zajímavého názvu nebo latence sítě. Tento postup fungoval dobře u her pro 24 nebo 32 hráčů, kde mnoho hráčů může mít zajímavé zážitky i bez úzké spolupráce s týmovými kolegy. Avšak v případě hry Left 4 Dead bylo nutné zvolit jiný postup. Chtěli jsme sestavit skupinu 4 hráčů, kteří by na kampaň vyrazili společně, možná jako navzájem cizí lidé, a rychle získali pocit semknutého týmu. Přiřazování vhodných hráčů vyvinuté společností Valve pracuje s rozsáhlou množinou hráčských statistik, od procenta tref do hlavy přes případy chybné střelby do vlastních řad po pravděpodobnost ochoty sdílet lékárničku se zraněným kolegou z týmu. Během roku po vydání hry Left 4 Dead prošel náš systém přiřazování vhodných hráčů mnoha změnami, jejichž výsledkem jsou lepší hráčské zážitky a delší průměrná doba společného setrvání týmu. Se zavedením nových režimů týmové hry nyní dokonce měříme i výkon celého týmu a snažíme se hráčům poskytovat spolehlivé týmové partnery a důstojné protivníky. Nadále shromažďujeme a analyzujeme obrovské množství statistických informací o našich hráčích z reálného světa a používáme je ke zdokonalení našeho systému přiřazování vhodných hráčů." "[english]#commentary\com-serverbrowsing.wav" "[Vitaliy Genkin] Traditionally players were connecting to our multiplayer games by selecting a server with available player slots from a very big list. Players might select a server by an appealing server name or network latency. This worked well for 24 or 32 player games where many players could have a great experience even without tight cooperation with their teammates. But for the Left 4 Dead franchise a different approach was required. We wanted to build a group of 4 players who could start a campaign together, possibly as complete strangers, but quickly acquire the feeling of being a bonded team. Valve matchmaking operates on a vast set of player statistics, from headshot percentages or friendly fire incidents, to the likelihood of sharing a first aid kit with a wounded teammate. In the year since Left 4 Dead's release, our matchmaking system has undergone many changes, resulting in better player experience and longer average team playtime together. With the introduction of new team game-modes, we now even measure performance of the entire team and do our best to provide the players with reliable teammates and worthy opponents. We continue to gather and analyze an abundance of statistical information from our real-world players, and use that to improve our matchmaking system." "Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "DOPLŇKOVÉ KAMPANĚ JINÝCH VÝROBCŮ" "[english]Commentary_Title_THIRD_PARTY_ADDON_CAMPAIGNS" "THIRD PARTY ADDON CAMPAIGNS" "#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Společnost Valve se může vykázat dlouhou historií poskytování podpory vývojářské komunitě. Pro vývojáře bylo dosti snadné vytvářet modifikace a mapy her, avšak náročnost u hry Left 4 Dead spočívala v zajištění podpory pro vytváření celých kampaní. Pro tyto účely jsme vydali sadu veřejných nástrojů pro vytváření a balení kampaní do nového formátu VPK. O vytváření a navrhování hry Left 4 Dead jsme publikovali obsáhlou dokumentaci. Rovněž jsme změnili počáteční řešení našeho systému přiřazování vhodných hráčů tak, aby hráčům poskytoval větší přehled o komunitě jiných výrobců zajišťujících kampaně. Sada Left 4 Dead SDK si rychle našla své místo a vývojářská komunita okamžitě vyvinula rozsáhlé vlastní kampaně. Během několika týdnů po vydání první sady SDK jsme museli přijít s aktualizací umožňující kompilaci velkých kampaní přesahujících 512 megabajtů." "[english]#commentary\com-thirdpartyaddon.wav" "[Mike Durand] Valve has a history of supporting community developers and helping to promote their creations and with the Left 4 Dead games we've taken the opportunity to make the great content our community produces even more accessible with our new add-on system. Content creators can package new campaigns into a single add-on file which end users can easily install. Users can now view titles, descriptions, authors, and other information for all of their installed add-ons via an in-game interface. Add-ons work seamlessly with the matchmaking system so that users can quickly get into games featuring community campaigns they've already installed and can easily download new ones to try. The response to Left 4 Dead add-ons has been very positive and we were happy to see huge, all-new campaigns being played within weeks of the system going live." "Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "PRINCIPY ZVUKOVÉHO DESIGNU" "[english]Commentary_Title_SOUND_DESIGN_PRINCIPLES" "SOUND DESIGN PRINCIPLES" "#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] Hlavní prvky průvodního zvukového designu v hrách L4D1 i L4D2 měly zůstat co nejorganičtější a měly odrážet svět, ve kterém se hra odehrává. Například všechny příšery jsou někdejší lidské bytosti, jen groteskně přetvořené, a tím pádem veškeré jejich vokalizace představují lidský výstup s velmi malým rozsahem přidaných efektů, pokud vůbec nějakých. Výzvou u zvuků nových postav ve hře L4D2 bylo zachovat jejich jasnou slyšitelnost při hraní, přiměřenou věrohodnost v nerealistických vzdálenostech a jasnou identifikovatelnost díky jedinečnosti. Stávající šéfové již používali k rozlišení spektrum výšek, a proto jsme museli využít i další charakterizace. Charger si pro sebe nesrozumitelně mumlá, Spitter se snaží vyvřískat svůj žlučový bezoár a Jockey... tedy, kdo ví, co se tomu honí hlavou..." "[english]#commentary\com-sounddesign.wav" "[Mike Morasky] The guiding sound design principals in Left 4 Dead 1, as well as Left 4 Dead 2, were to stay as organic as possible and to reflect the world within which the game takes place. For example, the monsters are all former human beings, grotesquely transformed; and as such, all of their vocalisations are human performances with very little effects processing, if any at all. The challenge with the new character sounds in L4D2 was to keep them clearly audible for game play, reasonably believable at unrealistic distances, and clearly identifiable as unique. The existing bosses already used the pitch spectrum for differentiation, so we expanded into more characterizations. The charger mutters unintelligibly to himself; the Spitter is trying to screech out her bile hairball; and the Jockey...well, who knows what he's on about?" "Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "DOČASNÉ ZVUKY" "[english]Commentary_Title_TEMPORARY_SOUNDS" "TEMPORARY SOUNDS" "#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Protože zvuk je ve hře L4D tak zásadním herním prvkem, potřebovali návrháři dočasné zvuky, aby mohli otestovat své nápady pro nové infikované s postavením bossů. Někdy se nám podaří získat dočasné zvuky z nepoužitých záznamů v naší knihovně, avšak ve hře L4D2 zvukoví návrháři vytvářeli své vlastní dočasné záznamy. U nich se snaží docílit jen toho, aby byly dostatečně funkční pro otestování životaschopnosti nové postavy. Jako takové byly některé z dočasných hlasů pro postavy dost zábavné. Ačkoli se některé z těchto zvuků nedaly použít pro samotnou hru, získaly si velkou popularitu u týmu a nebylo těžké na chodbách zaslechnout, jak animátoři imitují prvotní testovací výkřiky Chargera." "[english]#commentary\com-tempsounds.wav" "[Kelly Thornton] Because sound is such a crucial gameplay element in Left 4 Dead, the designers needed temporary sounds to test out ideas for the new boss infected. Sometimes we are able to pull temp sounds from unused performances in our library; but in Left 4 Dead 2 the sound designers did their own temp performances. The goal with these is to be just functional enough to test the new characters' viability. As such, some of the temp voices for the characters were quite funny. While inappropriate for the actual game, some of the sounds were highly popular within the team, and it was common to hear animators up and down the halls mimicking the early Charger test calls." "Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "METEOROLOGICKÉ EFEKTY" "[english]Commentary_Title_WEATHER_EFFECTS" "WEATHER EFFECTS" "#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Efekty bouřlivého počasí poskytují funkci Director další možnost, jak ovlivňovat hru tím, že u hráčů změní schopnost smyslového vnímání. Jedním z cílů meteorologických efektů je dát tým dohromady a vnutit mu defenzivní postoj, jako například vyhledání úkrytu v budově. V tomto ohledu se počasí velmi podobá stupňované události, ale protože je zcela pod kontrolou funkce Director, může se odehrát kdykoli a kdekoli. Samotná bouře se vytváří kombinací částicových efektů, mlhy, mapování tónů, místního kontrastu, následného zpracování, alterací DSP a zvukových efektů. Ačkoli technicky může bouře udeřit v jakémkoli prostředí, rozhodli jsme se ji omezit na kampaň v Milltownu, abychom poskytli příběhové pozadí pro zaplavení map. Tím je bouře tematicky vázaná na novou výzvu spojenou s plavbou a vytváří v této kampani jedinečný zážitek." "[english]#commentary\com-weatherfx.wav" "[Tim Larkin] Stormy weather effects give the Director yet another way to influence gameplay by altering the players’ sensory capacity. One goal of weather effects is to draw the team together and put them in a defensive stance, such as taking refuge within a building. In this respect, weather is much like a Crescendo Event, but because it’s entirely under director control, it can happen any time, any place. The storm itself is created using a combination of particle effects, fog, tone mapping, local contrast, post-processing, DSP alterations, and sound effects. While technically a storm can strike in any environment, we chose to limit it to the Milltown campaign in order to provide a fictional background for the flooding of the maps. Thus the storm is thematically tied to a new navigational challenge, and creates a unique experience for that campaign." "Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "OPTIMALIZACE PLATFORMY" "[english]Commentary_Title_ENGINE_OPTIMIZATIONS" "ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONS" "#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] Společně s hrou L4D2 získala platforma Source mnoho nových funkcí a optimalizací, díky nimž dokáže zpracovávat prostředí, efekty a postavy s vyšší hustotou a rozlišením. To nám poskytlo prostor pro dodání dalších zbraní, tvorů a větších prostředí při zachování stejných nároků na systém jako u hry Left 4 Dead, přičemž se současně zvýšila kvalita každého jednotlivého prvku. Hra L4D2 se vyznačuje zcela novým fyzickým systémem, což nám umožnilo zdokonalit krvavé scény bez snížení výkonu. Nejlépe je to vidět, když jsou skupiny zombie rozstřeleny výbušninami. Mnohé z našich částicových efektů nyní využívají několik nových technik, které přinejmenším zdvojnásobují jejich viditelné rozlišení, aniž by vyžadovaly dodatečnou paměť. Nová horda zombie je výrazně variabilnější než v první hře, se síťováním a pokožkou s vyšším rozlišením. Jednak infikovaní vypadají lépe, jednak použití kombinatorního systému síťování a stínování nabízí ve hře L4D2 více než desetinásobek možných variací bez vyšší spotřeby paměti. Rovněž prostředí se vyznačují mnohem vyšší polygonální hustotou než v první hře. Mnoho prvků, které se dříve zakreslovaly do textury, jsou nyní plně vymodelovány v prostředí. Listí vypadá čistěji a zároveň přirozeně reaguje na povětrnostní podmínky. Kromě toho bylo oproti hře L4D1 provedeno výrazné vizuální vylepšení u vody, s mnohem lepším osvětlením, odrazy a mapováním toku. Všechny tyto prvky společně přispívají ke zdokonalení vizuální stránky hry, ale současně zachovávají plynulost jejího průběhu." "[english]#commentary\com-engineoptimizations.wav" "[Brian Jacobson] For Left 4 Dead 2, the Source engine received many new features and optimizations that enable it to handle denser, higher resolution environments, effects, and characters. This gave us leeway to fit additional weapons, creatures, and larger environments into the same footprint as Left 4 Dead, while increasing the quality of each element across the board. Many of our particle effects now use several new techniques which at least double their visible resolution while requiring no additional memory. This has enabled us to create complex weather effects such as the heavy thunderstorms in the Hard Rain campaign. The new zombie horde is considerably more variable than that of the first game, with higher resolution meshes and skinning. Not only do the infected look better, but using a combinatorial meshing and shading system, there’s over ten-fold the number of variations possible in Left 4 Dead 2 while consuming no more memory. The environments also feature considerably more polygonal density than the first game. Many elements that would have been painted into a texture are now fully modeled in the environment. Foliage looks cleaner, while also responding naturally to weather conditions. Additionally, water has gotten a major visual upgrade over Left 4 Dead 1, with far superior lighting, reflections, and flow mapping. All of these pieces come together to improve the visuals of the game while keeping it smooth to play." "Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "NOVÍ SPECIÁLNÍ INFIKOVANÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_NEW_SPECIAL_INFECTED" "THE NEW SPECIAL INFECTED" "#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] Noví speciální infikovaní byli vytvořeni z vícero důvodů. Bylo potřeba, aby zaplnili místo opuštěné jinými speciálními postavami, aby vytvořili zajímavé kombinace s jinými infikovanými a aby nabídli nové a zábavné schopnosti, se kterými si musejí hráči poradit, ať již hrají proti infikovaným, nebo jako jedni z nich. Když jsme na hře L4D2 začali pracovat, měli jsme seznam čítající několik desítek typů infikovaných, o kterých jsme diskutovali několik posledních let. Přidali jsme k nim hromadu nových návrhů a nakonec seznam zkrátili na konečnou trojici: Chargera, Spittera a Jockeyho. Nejlepší týmy přeživších se dokážou semknout a usilovně se bránit útokům infikovaných, které rychle odrazí. Abychom infikovaným poskytli možnost proražení, které by mohli využít, vytvořili jsme Chargera. Jeho střemhlavý útok nejenom oddělí členy od skupiny, ale také porazí těsně semknuté členy skupiny na zem, což poskytne několik rozhodujících okamžiků, aby jiní infikovaní mohli zaútočit. Je to jediný infikovaný bez šéfovského postavení, který je imunní vůči zásahům, a jeho design vede hráče k tomu, aby měli prst nepřetržitě na spoušti a zároveň sledovali své společníky a udržovali si vzdálenost. Oblast kontrolovaná Spitterem má více účelů. Ačkoli louže kyseliny poskytuje několik okamžiků pro únik, její ničivá účinnost se zvyšuje, jak kyselina začíná působit. Pobyt nebo průchod kyselinou po jejím rozšíření je nebezpečná záležitost a dokáže rychle přinutit skupinu přeživších k opuštění těsného prostoru nebo mezi ně vrazit klín. Jockey je speciální postavou, kterou je možné řídit i po zahájení jejího zničujícího útoku. Je také jedinou speciální postavou, která dává přeživším dostatečný prostor pro reakci na útok. Dobře vedený Jockey má mnoho možností, jak dovést přeživšího ke smrtelnému konci, a to rukou jiného infikovaného nebo samotného prostředí. Jeho nejsilnější stránkou často bývá to, že protivníka dostane dostatečně daleko od skupiny, kde se může stát kořistí jiného infikovaného. Všechny tyto speciální typy poskytují společně s klasickým Hunterem, Smokerem a Boomerem jedinečné příležitosti pro kombinované útoky." "[english]#commentary\com-newspecialinfected.wav" "[Tom Leonard] The new Special Infected were designed with a variety of goals in mind. They needed to fill in gaps left by the other Specials; they needed to provide interesting combos with other Infected; and they needed to offer a new, fun set of skills for players to master, whether they were playing as or against the Infected. When we began Left 4 Dead 2, we had a list of several dozen Infected types that had been discussed over the past several years. We added a fair number of new designs to those, and eventually whittled our list down to the final three: The Charger, the Spitter, and the Jockey. The best survivor teams stick close together and buckle down under attack, quickly fending off infected attacks. To provide an opening for the infected to capitalize upon, we created the Charger. His charge attack not only separates members from the group, but will bowl down tightly-clumped survivors, giving a few crucial moments for other infected to attack. The only non-boss infected who is immune to being bashed, his design encourages players to keep a quick trigger finger and a watchful eye on their companions, while also keeping their distance. The Spitter’s Area of Denial attack serves a variety of purposes. While the initial pool of acid permits a few moments for escape, its damage increases as the acid begins to do its work. Lingering in or passing through the pool of acid is a dangerous proposition, and it can quickly force a group of survivors out of a tight spot, or drive a wedge between members of a group. The Jockey is the one special that retains control after he’s begun his incapacitating attack. He’s also the only special that allows a survivor to maintain enough control to fight back. A well-played Jockey has many ways of driving a survivor to a deadly end, either at the hands of other infected or through the environment itself. Just getting a survivor far enough out of the group for another special to prey upon is often the Jockey’s greatest strength. All of these special types provide unique opportunities for combined attacks alongside the classic Hunter, Smoker, and Boomer." "Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "POHYBY SPECIÁLNÍCH POSTAV" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIAL_MOVES" "SPECIAL MOVES" "#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] Animátoři museli hodně experimentovat se styly pohybu nových speciálních infikovaných, aby zvýšili jejich kontrast se stávajícími speciálními postavami. Některé z prvních návrhů Spittera se vyznačovaly nemotornými, hopkavými, jakoby ptačími pohyby s koleny do X a s prsty na nohou směřujícími k sobě. Vskutku se odlišoval, ale celkový dojem byl příliš humorný a neměl v sobě dostatečné vyjádření síly a nebezpečí, takže nakonec tato postava získala mnohem agresivnější postoj a pohyby. U Jockeyho jsme vyzkoušeli několik způsobů běhu inspirovaných zvířaty, včetně běhu do strany, poskakování jako u lemura a cvalu na všech čtyřech jako u hyeny. Šlo to dohromady s jeho maniakálním smíchem, ale opět bylo třeba, aby byl agresivnější. Takové pohyby by rovněž způsobily problémy při manévrování s postavou a čtení jejích záměrů ve hře, zvláště v režimu Versus. Rovněž se zdálo, že představují přílišnou mutaci oproti původní lidské podstatě postavy, vezmeme-li v úvahu dobu uplynulou od počátku její infekce. V konečné verzi pohybů je Jockey na dvou nohách, jen s jemnou úpravou na základě zvířecí inspirace: má výhružný, predátorský hrb a paže zakroucené jako lovící kudlanka, připravené k velkému, smrtelnému objetí přeživších." "[english]#commentary\com-specialmoves.wav" "[Karen Prell] The animators experimented quite a bit with the movement styles of the new special infected in order to help them contrast with the existing specials. Some early passes at the Spitter featured awkward, bouncy, bird-like movements with knock-knees and pigeon toes. She certainly looked different, but it was a little too humorous and didn't project enough of a feeling of strength and danger, so she ended up with much more aggressive posing and actions. We tried a few animal-inspired runs for the Jockey, including sideways, leaping hops like a lemur and a four-legged hyena-like gallop. These fit with his maniacal laughter, but again, needed to be more aggressive. Such movements also would have caused problems maneuvering the character and reading its intentions in game, especially in versus mode. They also seemed too much of a mutation from the character's original human state when considering the amount of time from the start of his infection. The Jockey's final movement pass has him on two legs with just the right touch of animal inspiration -- a menacing, predatory hunch and hands bent rather like a preying mantis, ready to give survivors a big, deadly hug." "Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "SEKERA" "[english]Commentary_Title_THE_AX" "THE AX" "#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] Jednou z výzev u zbraní pro boj zblízka je dosáhnout toho, aby působily skutečným dojmem a zároveň měly decentní vzhled. Aby hasičská sekera vypadala při hraní opravdově, musí obrazovku protnout během 3 nebo 4 snímků. Pro zvýšení viditelnosti jsme přepínali mezi normální sekerou a její rozmazanou verzí doplněnou částicovým efektem pro simulaci rozmazání při pohybu. Rozmazaná sekera dopadá ve správnou dobu a zároveň umožňuje lidskému oku tuto akci sledovat." "[english]#commentary\com-ax.wav" "[Gary McTaggart] One of the challenges with melee weapons is getting them to feel right and look decent. In order to get the fire-ax to look right when playing the game, it had to cross the screen within 3 or 4 frames. To enhance visibility, we swap between the normal ax and a smeared version, along with a particle effect to cheat a motion blur. The smeared ax hits at the correct time, but allows your eye to follow the action." "Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "SPECIÁLNÍ POSTAVY A ZVUKOVÉ SILUETY" "[english]Commentary_Title_SPECIALS_AND_SONIC_SILHOUETTES" "SPECIALS AND SONIC SILHOUETTES" "#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] Protože jsme do hry Left 4 Dead 2 přidali další speciální infikované postavy, stáli jsme před výzvou, jak pro ně navrhnout jedinečné zvuky, které by hráči dokázali snadno rozpoznat a odlišit od jiných speciálních postav i běžných infikovaných. Zatímco ve hře Left 4 Dead využívala každá ze čtyř mužských speciálních postav pro dosažení jedinečnosti tónový rozsah a zvláštní atribut (například Boomer vydával hluboký, basový břišní zvuk nahánějící hrůzu), nové speciální postavy nemohly pro svou jedinečnost využít tónový rozsah ani styl a místo toho jsme v jejich charakterizaci museli jít hlouběji. Například Jockey se pohybuje ve vysokém, jasném tónovém rozsahu Smokera a v horní části rozsahu Huntera, avšak infekce způsobila, že jeho mozek je v neustálém stavu hysterické mánie, a to způsobem, který jej od těchto jiných infikovaných zřetelně odlišuje. Další výzva však tkví ve volbě charakterizace, která by se projevovala v aktivním i nečinném stavu postav. Například u Chargera jsme zpočátku použili rozzlobené neverbální mumlání, jakési svíravé poštěkávání, které se nám všem líbilo. Zjistili jsme však, že při jeho útocích je potřeba jeho vokalizace rozšířit na souvislejší ječení, abychom dosáhli správné zvukové intenzity pro tyto události. V následných herních testech se ukázalo, že hráči byli při napadení Chargerem často překvapeni, protože si ho spojovali s vokalizacemi, kterými se vyznačuje od okamžiku, kdy je uvidí až do fáze útoku, ale protože on je obvykle spatří dříve než oni jeho, nedostalo se jim příležitosti, aby si ho spojili s jeho počátečními štěkavějšími a svíravějšími vokalizacemi v době klidu. Nakonec jsme pro tyto stavy nahráli nové vokalizace se zvláštním zřetelem na zachování prvků jeho ostřejších výkřiků a ječení, které si s ním hráči již spojovali, aby dokázali rychleji rozpoznat číhajícího Chargera ve své blízkosti." "[english]#commentary\com-sonicsilhouettes.wav" "[Bill Van Buren] As we added more Special Infected characters to Left 4 Dead 2, we faced a challenge in designing unique sounds for them that players could easily recognize and distinguish from the other Specials and from the Common Infected. In Left 4 Dead, the four male Specials each had both a distinct tonal range and a character attribute to keep them unique -- for instance the Boomer’s vocalizations were kind of a slow, deep, bassy gastric horror. As we added the new Specials into the mix, it became increasingly difficult to avoid impinging on the sonic space of the previous specials. We found that we couldn't rely so much on using the tonal range for distinction and instead had to push harder on characterization to help them to read clearly to players. For example, the Jockey is in the high, bright tonal range of the Smoker and even the upper end of the Hunter, but since the infection has left his brain in a constant state of hysterical mania, his vocalizations read clearly apart from these other Specials. Sometimes it can be challenging to find a characterization that will lend itself to both a Special’s active and idle or lurking modes. For instance with the Charger, we started out with a non-verbal angry muttering, kind of griping bark that we all liked. Though the personality in his idle states was interesting and distinct, we found that we needed to ramp his vocalizations up to a more sustained yell for his attacks to get the right sonic intensity for these events. In subsequent playtests, however, we found that players were often surprised when attacked by the Charger, as they would associate him only with the aggressive attack vocalizations he makes from the point that he sees them through his charge, and since he would generally see players before they saw him, they didn’t have a chance connect him with the angry non-verbal mutterings of his idle states. So we ended up recording new vocalizations for these states, mixing in elements of his more strident calls and yells amid the gripes and barks, so that players could more readily make the leap to recognizing a lurking Charger in the vicinity." "Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "AUTOBUSOVÉ NÁDRAŽÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_BUS_STATION" "BUS STATION" "#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] Stupňovaná událost na autobusovém nádraží byla prvním stupňováním ve hře L4D2, v níž se objevil režim úzké uličky s nástrahami, kterou musejí hráči projít, aby zlomili nápor zombie. Šlo o úspěšný experiment, jak vyřešit problém s nalezením optimálního kouta k obraně před hordou zombie a k jejich odražení, aniž by došlo k posunu." "[english]#commentary\com-busstation.wav" "[Aaron Barber] The alarm scenario at the bus station was the first Left 4 Dead 2 Crescendo Event to feature the gauntlet mode, where players must navigate along a path to deactivate the zombie rush. This proved to be a successful approach to countering the camping strategy of finding an optimal corner and holding out." "Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "ZÁKLADY TECHNOLOGIE MOCAP" "[english]Commentary_Title_MOCAP_BASICS" "MOCAP BASICS" "#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Vzhledem k realistické povaze hry L4D očekávají hráči, že se zombie a přeživší budou pohybovat přirozeným způsobem. Avšak ruční animace takového druhu pohybu je velmi obtížná a časově náročná a každý pozná, když to není úplně ono. Protože nechceme, aby se každá zombie pohybovala stejným způsobem, musí velký počet pohybů nabízet dostatečnou variabilnost. Všechna tato omezení nás vedla k použití technologie Motion Capture. Proces Mocap ve skutečnosti začíná již při navrhování postav. Poté co se rozhodneme, jak mají přeživší a zombie vypadat a jak se mají chovat, vybereme herce, a to konkurzem jako pro jakékoli jiné vystoupení. Hledáme osoby, které by tělesně odpovídaly danému typu a které by dokázaly ztvárnit osobnost postavy v pohybu. Stodvacetikilový trenér ze střední školy se pohybuje velmi odlišně ve srovnání s televizním producentem vážícím padesát dva kilogramů, takže použití stejného herce pro obě role by bylo chybou. Pokud jde o zombie, ty považujeme za podobné dravým zvířatům, takže pro ně všechny, bez ohledu na pohlaví, používáme jen jednoho herce. Potom dodáme studiu digitální postavu, připravíme seznam požadovaných pohybů a potřebné rekvizity. S vybranými herci potom zamíříme do studia a strávíme s nimi den nahráváním pohybů potřebných pro hru. Je to fyzicky velmi náročný den, vyžadující neustále přecházení od náročných akcí k nenáročným, abychom herce nevyčerpali už po dvou hodinách. Zkuste ujít v přikrčeném postoji nějakých 12 metrů, jak to dělají postavy přeživších a poznáte, jak to je namáhavé – a to je jen jeden ze stovek pohybů, které zaznamenáváme pro každou postavu. Během nahrávání lze herce sledovat v reálném čase a pracovat s nimi, abychom získali požadované ztvárnění. V některých případech provádíme několik snímání, abychom od herce získali různé perspektivy nebo doplnili určitou variabilitu. Herce zaznamenáváme digitálně i na video, abychom měli dodatečnou referenci. Po zaznamenání pohybů se data ve studiu zpracují a potom je na nás, abychom extrahovali pohyby, které chceme zachovat. V jednom záběru mohl herec běžet tři sekundy, my však z toho využijeme třeba jen půl sekundy a vytvoříme běh zacyklením. Takto zaznamenané pohyby zdokonalujeme ručními úpravami a doplňky a potom je kompilujeme do modelů postav, které vidíte ve hře. Realistický lidský pohyb je plný jemných i výrazných detailů a každý z nás dokáže podvědomě rozpoznat, když není v pořádku, i když to třeba nedokáže přesně vyjádřit. Bez technologie Mocap by postavy hry L4D nebyly ani zdaleka tak přesvědčivé a zajímavé jako nyní." "[english]#commentary\com-mocapbasics.wav" "[Nick Maggiore] Given the realistic nature of Left 4 Dead, players expect the zombies and survivors to move in natural ways. However animating that kind of motion by hand is very difficult and time consuming, and anyone can tell when it's not quite right. Since we don't want every zombie to move the same way, a large number of motions are required to provide enough variety. All of these constraints drove us to use Motion Capture. The process of motion capture really begins with the character designs. Once we've decided how we want the survivors and zombies to look and behave, we audition actors just as we would for any other performance piece. For instance, a 265 pound high school coach moves very differently from a 115 pound TV producer, using one actor for both roles would be a mistake. So we look for people who fit the body type and who can bring out the character's personality in their motion. On the other hand, in the case of the zombies, we consider them more like feral animals, so we only use one actor for all them, regardless of gender. We then provide the studio with a digital character, a list of the moves we would like to do, and the props we'll need. Once actors are chosen, we head to the studio and spend a day with them recording the motions we need for the game. It's a very physically demanding day, and in order not to exhaust the actor early in the session we oscillate the captures between high and low intensity actions. Just try crouch-walking 40 feet, as our survivors do, and you will feel the burn--but that's just one of the hundreds of motions we record for each character. During the session we can watch the actor’s motion applied in real time to our character model and work with them to get the look we want. In some cases we do multiple takes to let the actor provide us with different perspectives or to add some variety. We also record the actor on video during the motion capture to use for extra reference. With the motions recorded, the studio processes the data, and then it is up to us to extract the motions we want to keep. For some motions we need to create loops. For example to create a run cycle, we may only use half a second from the three seconds of running we recorded at the session. We augment these recorded motions with adjustments or additions by hand, and then compile them into the character models you see in-game. Realistic human motion is very subtle and noisy, and we can all tell subconsciously when it isn't quite right, even if we can't articulate why. Without motion capture the characters of Left 4 Dead wouldn't be nearly as convincing or as interesting as they are." "Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" "DO SEDLA! KOMBINACE JOCKEYHO A PŘEŽIVŠÍHO" "[english]Commentary_Title_GIDDY_UP!_COMPOSITING_THE_JOCKEY_AND_SURVIVOR" " GIDDY UP! COMPOSITING THE JOCKEY AND SURVIVOR" "#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] Animační systém platformy Source je účinný nástroj, který umožňuje procedurálně vytvářet animace, jež jsme nevytvořili přímo. Pro tento postup je několik důvodů, které jsou dostatečně jasné, když si představíme náročnost animace Jockeyho jedoucího na některém z přeživších. Od počátku navrhování Jockeyho jsme chtěli, aby se přeživší dokázal do určité míry bránit. Vzhledem k tomuto záměru jsme se rozhodli, že je nezbytně nutné, aby přeživší dokázal rozpoznávat Jockeyho úmysly, bez ohledu na to, jak úspěšně na ně bude reagovat. Takže i když jste s Jockeyem na zádech zapřeni o stůl a prozatím se nehýbete z místa, chceme, abyste pochopili, že Jockey se skutečně pokouší dostat vás ven těmi dveřmi na konci místnosti a za roh, kde vám vaši přátelé nebudou schopni pomoci. Abychom toho dosáhli, implementovali jsme pro přeživší systém animačních vrstev, který bude pracovat ve spojení se Jockeyem. Tyto vrstvy jsou připojeny k různým ovládacím prvkům, se kterými je kód v interakci a které se nazývají „poziční parametry“. První vrstva se skládá z horní poloviny těla přeživšího od pasu nahoru, což umožňuje, aby jeho reakce byly synchronizované s pohyby Jockeyho. Druhou vrstvou je pohyblivá síla přeživšího a je vázána na spodní polovinu těla od pasu dolů. Když je Jockey plně ovládán a má v našem teoretickém scénáři volnou cestu ke dveřím, kód přikáže horní polovině přeživšího a celému tělu Jockeyho naklonit se v příslušném směru. Poziční parametr bude nastaven tak, aby se nohy přeživšího rovněž pohybovaly po stanovené dráze. Nicméně, pokud přeživší opět získá určitou kontrolu a začne se pohybovat, aby se zapřel s Jockeyem o stůl, dojde ke konfliktu. Přestože se přestanete pohybovat směrem ke dveřím, nechceme, aby se animace Jockeyho náhle zastavila a získali jste dojem, že se vás nesnaží řídit. Rozdělením animace přeživšího do dvou různých animačních vrstev, jenž kombinujeme dohromady, se vaše horní polovina těla společně s Jockeyem bude stále naklánět ke dveřím, zatímco kód přikáže nohám, aby se přestaly pohybovat, protože jste zapřeni o stůl. Animátoři mají přímý přístup k animačnímu systému a vytváří tyto kombinace pomocí skriptovacího jazyka, aby označili příslušnou postavu v době kombinace. Takto můžeme vytvářet jedinečnou animaci pro veškeré možné kombinace pohybu spodní poloviny těla a různého úhlu náklonu horní poloviny těla, postupná kombinace, kterou v tomto případě užíváme, šetří čas a paměť přímo ve hře – dvě složky, které jsou velmi omezené a tudíž cenné v jakémkoli projektu." "[english]#commentary\com-giddyup.wav" "[John Morello] The source engine's animation system is a powerful tool that lets us create animations procedurally instead of authoring each of them individually by hand. There are various reasons for doing this, which become clear when we consider the challenge of animating the Jockey riding a Survivor. From the start of the Jockey's design, we wanted the Survivor to be able to fight back to some degree. With that in mind, we decided it would be vital for the Survivor to know the Jockey's intent, regardless of how successful he was at acting on it. So even though you may be stuck against a table going nowhere with a Jockey on your back, we want you to understand that the Jockey is really trying to get you out that door at the end of the room, and around a corner where your friends can't help you. To accomplish this, we implemented a system of animation layers for the survivor that would work in conjunction with the Jockey. These layers are attached to different controls that the code interacts with, called \"pose parameters\". The first layer consists of the survivor's upper body from the waist up, which allows the survivor's reactions to work in sync with Jockey's motion. The second layer is the Survivor's locomotion, constrained to the lower half of his body from the waist down. So, in the scenario we just described, when the Jockey is in full control and has a clear path to the door, the code tells the upper body of the survivor and the body of the jockey to lean in that direction, and sets a pose parameter for the survivor's legs to move along that vector as well. However, things get more interesting when the Survivor regains some control and steers himself to get stuck on the table. Even though you have stopped moving towards the door, we don't want the Jockey's animation to suddenly sit straight up and give the impression he isn't still trying to steer you there. By splitting the survivor's animation into 2 different animation layers that we composite together, your upper body and the Jockey can remain leaning towards the door, while the code tells the legs to stop walking because you're stuck on the table and can’t advance. This robust system of procedurally compositing upper and lower body animation layers and position in realtime, as we showed in this case, saved us a lot authoring time as well as memory inside the game--both of which are finite and very valuable on any project." "Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "ZÁSOBY MUNICE A HLEDÁNÍ ZBRANÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_AMMO_PILES_AND_WEAPON_SCAVENGING" "AMMO PILES AND WEAPON SCAVENGING" "#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] Vzhledem k rozšířené nabídce zbraní ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 jsme chtěli motivovat hráče, aby zbraně hledali a často je měnili. Zjistili jsme, že rozmístění zásob munice po jednotlivých úrovních jde proti tomuto záměru, neboť hráči, dokud měli prakticky neomezený přísun munice, měli tendenci poté, co nalezli zbraň, která se jim líbila, neměnit ji za jinou. Zkusili jsme tedy odstranit zásoby munice z většiny míst tak, aby jediným způsobem získání nové munice bylo nalezení nové zbraně, a okamžitě se ukázalo, že hráči začali velmi často měnit typy zbraní. Rovněž jsme zkusili dát hráčům nasaditelné zásobníky munice, podobné vylepšeným zásobníkům, například se zápalnou a výbušnou municí, které se nyní ve hře nacházejí. Avšak nošení zásobníků munice bylo vnímáno jako méně přínosné než například nošení lékárničky a mnozí hráči tuto položku ponechali bez povšimnutí, jelikož předpokládali, že po cestě naleznou nějakou novou zbraň. Dospěli jsme však k závěru, že je důležité nadále rozmísťovat zásoby munice do finálních částí, aby hráči získali domovskou základnu při delších bojích v určitých kulisách." "[english]#commentary\com-ammopiles.wav" "[Matt Boone] With the added variety of weapons in Left 4 Dead 2, we wanted to encourage players to scavenge weapons and switch between them frequently. We found that placing ammo piles scattered through the level fought against this goal as players tended to find one gun they liked and then never switch, as long as they had practically endless ammo. We experimented with removing ammo piles from most of the environments so that the only way to get more ammo was to find a new gun, and we immediately saw players switching weapon types more frequently. We also experimented with giving players deployable ammo packs, similar to the upgrade packs such as the incendiary and explosive ammo that are in the game today. Carrying an ammo pack was perceived as being less valuable than carrying a healthkit though, and many players bypassed the item, counting on finding another gun along the way. We found it was important, however, to continue to place ammo piles in the finale areas, to give players a home base to fight from in the longer set-piece battles." "Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "DEFIBRILÁTOR" "[english]Commentary_Title_DEFIBRILLATOR" "DEFIBRILLATOR" "#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Jelikož ošetřování pomocí lékárničky hraje natolik významnou roli v rozhodovacím procesu hráče, začalo být zřejmé, že je těžké přijít s novou položkou pro přidání do batohu. Chtěli jsme, aby nová položka byla stejně cenná jako lékárnička a představovala veliký přínos pro tým – a nešlo tedy jen o pouhou další útočnou zbraň. Její uživatelské rozhraní mělo být podobné jako u lékárničky, vyžadující jasný cíl a akci zabírající určitý čas. Líbila se nám myšlenka položky, která by fungovala jako určitý žolík nabízející okamžitou záchranu – pojistka, která se hodí v případě útoku Tanka nebo Witch. Smysl naší nadsazené verze nemocničního defibrilátoru byl bezprostředně srozumitelný a přeživší navíc dostali šanci zařvat si „Všichni stranou!“" "[english]#commentary\com-defibrillator.wav" "[Lars Jensvold] Since managing health with the first aid kit is such a large part of the player’s decision process, finding a new item for the backpack slot proved to be difficult. We wanted the new item to be as valuable as a health kit in certain situations and have a big benefit for the team -- as opposed to being merely another offensive weapon. It needed to have a user interface similar to the health kit, requiring a target and an action that takes some time to perform. We liked the idea of an item that would act like a 'get out of jail free' card -- an insurance policy in case of a tank or witch attack. Our exaggerated version of a hospital defibrillator immediately conveyed the purpose of the item, plus it gives the survivors a chance to yell, 'Clear!'" "Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALIN" "[english]Commentary_Title_ADRENALINE" "ADRENALINE" "#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] Podobně jako naše snaha nahradit lékárničku, i náhrada prášků proti bolesti pro nás byla výzvou. Původní verze adrenalinu umožňovala hráčům rychlejší běh, rychlejší provedení určitých úkonů, jako je třeba oživení ostatních hráčů. Nicméně prášky již tak poskytovaly 50 dočasných léčivých bodů, což je dost na běh v plné rychlosti, takže z adrenalinu se muselo vytěžit něco víc. Rozšířili jsme úkony, které může adrenalin ovlivnit, zkrátili čas, který vyžaduje použití lékárniček, defibrilátorů a vylepšených zásobníků; posunuli jsme hráče za jejich běžné rychlostní limity a zvýšili jejich odolnost vůči útokům od nakažených. Přestože adrenalin neposkytuje tolik zdraví jako prášky proti bolesti, objevilo se mnoho zajímavých strategií, čerpajících ze správného načasování použití adrenalinu." "[english]#commentary\com-adrenaline.wav" "[John Guthrie] As with our efforts to replace the first aid kit, replacing the pain pill item was a challenge. Initial versions of Adrenaline allowed players to run faster, and perform certain actions faster, such as reviving other players. But the pills already give 50 temporary health points, which is enough health for injured players to run to full speed again, so the adrenaline needed something extra. We expanded the actions that could be affected by adrenaline, shortening the time it takes to use healthkits, defibrillators and upgrade packs; we sped up the player beyond their normal maximum speed and made them resistant to being slowed down by hits from the infected. Although it doesn't give as much health as the pain pills, we found many interesting strategies began to emerge from the well-timed use of adrenaline." "Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "VYLEPŠENÉ ZÁSOBNÍKY" "[english]Commentary_Title_UPGRADE_PACKS" "UPGRADE PACKS" "#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Zapalování zombií patřilo vždy k tomu nejlepšímu již ve hře L4D a chtěli jsme proto, aby ve hře L4D2 tímto způsobem umíralo ještě víc zombií. Díky této vizi vzniklo zápalné střelivo! Původně jsme rozmístili zápalné a později i výbušné střelivo do statických beden na jednotlivých úrovních hry. Hráč mohl tyto bedny mnohokrát využít. I když se jednalo o zábavu pro testovací hráče, všimli jsme si, že buď váhají tuto speciální munici použít, nebo si ji schovávají na horší časy. Zkusili jsme nahradit jeden z našich předchozích pokusů, zásobníky munice, verzí, která by umožňovala nosit jednu bednu s vylepšenými zásobníky na osobu. Díky tomu, mohli hráči přenášet vylepšené zásobníky, dokud nepocítili potřebu připravit si trochu palebné síly na nadcházející střet. Navíc hráč nesoucí bednu se může cítit spokojeně, když poskytne svým spoluhráčům pořádnou zápalnou munici." "[english]#commentary\com-upgradepacks.wav" "[Eric Strand] Setting fires to zombies was always a high point in Left 4 Dead and we wanted even more ways to light zombies on fire in Left 4 Dead 2. This dream gave rise to incendiary ammo! Initially, we dispensed incendiary ammo, and later explosive ammo, from fixed ammo boxes placed through the levels. These boxes could be used many times by a player. But while this was fun for playtesters, we found they were either hesitant to progress away from the item, or hoarded the special ammo until they really needed it. We tried replacing one of our previous experiments, the ammo pack, with a version that deployed a one-use-per-player ammo upgrade box. This allowed players to carry the upgrade pack until they sensed they would need a little more firepower in an upcoming arena, and the player carrying it gets the satisfaction of providing a substantial buff to his teammates." "Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "LASEROVÁ MÍŘIDLA" "[english]Commentary_Title_LASER_SIGHTS" "LASER-SIGHTS" "#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] K vylepšení zbraně laserovým mířidlem došlo během vývoje prvního dílu hry L4D. Když jsme hovořili o zajímavých položkách, které by hráči nacházeli během každé úrovně, vzpomněli jsme si na vizuální účinek červených laserových paprsků. Původním záměrem této položky bylo zpřesnění zbraní, ale na další přínos jsme přišli náhodou: nyní totiž můžete vidět, kam míří ostatní členové vašeho týmu. Rovněž se nám líbila konfrontace hráčů, kteří se museli rozhodovat, zda odhodit či neodhodit svou vylepšenou zbraň výměnou za jinou." "[english]#commentary\com-lasersights.wav" "[Jay Pinkerton] The laser-sight weapon upgrade came from an experiment during the development of the first Left 4 Dead. Though we didn’t end up shipping them at the time. While developing Left 4 Dead 2, when we were talking about interesting items that players could scavenge out of the levels, we remembered the visual impact of those red laser beams. The original intention of the item was to increase the accuracy of the guns, but the more valuable benefit was accidental: you could now see where the other members of your team were aiming. We also liked the choices that confronted players when they had to decide whether or not to swap out their upgraded weapon for one of a different style." "Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "GRANÁTOMET" "[english]Commentary_Title_GRENADE_LAUNCHER" "GRENADE LAUNCHER" "#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] S granátometem jsme přišli čistě z touhy vidět víc explozí a víc zabitých zombií. Všimli jsme si jedné zajímavosti, která se objevila, když jsme přeživším poskytli granátomet: Stali se zranitelnějšími při útocích zblízka a jejich spoluhráči tomu přizpůsobili svou strategii. Objevil se herní vzorec, kdy jeden hráč odpalovat granáty z větší vzdálenosti od blížícího se davu a ostatní hráči likvidovali nakažené, kteří se dostali příliš blízko." "[english]#commentary\com-grenadelauncher.wav" "[Noel McGinn] The grenade launcher came about purely out of our desire to see more explosions and more zombies killed by explosions. We found that something interesting happened when we gave one of the four survivors a grenade launcher: They became more vulnerable to close-up attacks, and their teammates adjusted their strategy accordingly. A pattern emerged, where one player would lob grenades from afar at approaching mobs, and the other players would clear off the stragglers when they got too close." "Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "MÍSTNÍ HUDBA" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOCAL_MUSIC" "LOCAL MUSIC" "#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] Když jsme se rozhodovali, co s hudbou u hry L4D2, narazili jsme na některé zajímavé úkoly. Část hudby ve hře L4D1 hraje ikonickou a důležitou roli při hraní hry a cítili jsme, že to by se mělo zachovat. Na druhou stranu, hra je zasazena na jih Spojených států, jenž je bohatý svou hudební tradici. Proto jsme cítili, že přidáním místní hudby do každé z kampaní se vytvoří správná atmosféra. Řešení, jak překlenout propast mezi novou místní hudbou jednotlivých kampaní a tradičnější hororovou hudbou z prvního dílu bylo různorodé. Zaprvé, ponechali jsme všechny původní hudební témata ze hry L4D1, ale naaranžovali jsme tak, aby během kampaní více ladila s místní hudbou. Zadruhé, napsali jsme univerzální sadu skladeb ve stylu gotického jihu pro celou hru. Nakonec jsme napsali nové skladby pro nové postavy ve stylu prvního dílu. Díky tomu, jsme vytvořili efekt, kdy nové postavy v novém prostředí sdílejí zkušenosti všech, kdo se ocitli ve světě hry L4D." "[english]#commentary\com-localmusic.wav" "[Erik Wolpaw] When deciding what to do about the music for Left 4 Dead 2 we faced some interesting challenges. Some of the music in Left 4 Dead 1 plays an iconic and important role in game play, and we felt that it shouldn't really be changed. On the other hand, the game is set in the Southern United States, which is rich with musical identity, so we also felt that adding some local flavor to each campaign would really help set the tone for that campaign. The solution to bridging the gap between the new 'local' campaign music and the more traditional horror music from the first game was solved in several ways. First, we kept all the original themes from Left 4 Dead 1 but arranged them in a style consistent with the local campaign's theme. Second, we wrote an overarching set of cinematic \"southern goth\" pieces for entire game. Finally, we wrote new pieces for the new characters in the style of Left 4 Dead 1. By doing all this, we establish that these are new characters in new places but they are sharing the experience of everyone else in the Left 4 Dead universe." "Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "SPECIALIZOVANÍ BĚŽNÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_UNCOMMON_COMMONS" "UNCOMMON COMMONS" "#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] Po vydání hry Left 4 Dead jsme dostali spoustu pozitivních reakcí na infikované, kteří byli jedineční ve svých prostředích. Jednalo se o pacienty v nemocnici, policisty v ulicích a agenty TSA na letišti. Kampaně ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 jsme chtěli dále rozrůznit, proto jsme se rozhodli pro začlenění specializované běžné infikované postavy do každé kampaně. Jako první byl přidán chlapík z agentury CEDA. Po jeho přidání do hry jsme si uvědomili, že jeho jedinečnost by neměla být pouze vizuální a měla by se rozšířit i na hraní. V případě příslušníka agentury CEDA jeho skafandr sugeruje, že by měl být imunní vůči ohni. Toto pojetí jsme rozšířili dodáním bahňáka, klauna, stavebního dělníka a příslušníka zásahové jednotky." "[english]#commentary\com-uncommons.wav" "[Ted Backman] After we shipped Left 4 Dead, we heard a lot of positive responses about the infected that were unique to their locales. There were patients in the hospital, cops in the streets, and TSA agents in the airport. We wanted to add further variety to Left 4 Dead 2's campaigns, so we decided to include an uncommon common infected for each campaign. The first to be added was the CEDA guy. Once we got him in the game, we realized that his uniqueness should not merely be visual, but should extend to gameplay as well. In the case of the CEDA guy, his hazmat suit suggested that he should be impervious to fire. We extended this notion when we added the Mud Man, the Clown, the Construction Worker, and the Riot Cop." "Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "ÚZKOST Z ODLOUČENÍ" "[english]Commentary_Title_SEPARATION_ANXIETY" "SEPARATION ANXIETY" "#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Návrháři hry Left 4 Dead 2 zpočátku experimentovali s různými variantami osvědčených návrhů ze hry Left 4 Dead 1. Například jsme si vyzkoušeli několik situací, které s sebou nesly výhodu spočívající v možnosti rozdělit skupinu. Brzy jsme zjistili, že hře Left 4 Dead 1 se podařilo hráče vytrénovat k tomu, aby se semkli, natolik dobře, že bylo velmi obtížné je rozdělit. Tento experiment jsme opustili, ale některé z jeho prvků jsme zachovali pro použití během stupňovaných událostí. Například v sekvenci obchodu se zbraněmi v obchoďáku může být někdy výhodné poslat jednoho či dva přeživší, aby obstarali colu, zatímco zbývající členové zůstanou na vyvýšeném místě, aby je kryli." "[english]#commentary\com-separationanxiety.wav" "[Phil Co] Left 4 Dead 2's level designers started out by experimenting with variants on the proven designs of Left 4 Dead 1. For example, we tried out several situations where there was a benefit to splitting up the group. We soon found that Left 4 Dead 1 had done such a good job of training people to stick together, it was incredibly difficult to get them to separate. We abandoned that experiment, but retained some of the elements to apply during crescendo events. For example, in the mall gun-shop sequence, it can sometimes be advantageous to send one or two survivors to retrieve the cola while the remaining survivors stay on high ground to provide cover." "Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "POZOROVÁNÍ HERNÍCH TESTŮ" "[english]Commentary_Title_PLAYTEST_OBSERVATION" "PLAYTEST OBSERVATION" "#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Až do verze Left 4 Dead 2 vyžadovaly všechny herní testy prováděné ve společnosti Valve pozorovatele z týmu, který seděl za každým testerem a přímo jej sledoval. U hry Left 4 Dead 2 jsme vyvinuli systém, kde jediný pozorovatel dokázal paralelně sledovat obrazovku každého z herních testerů s využitím webových kamer zachycujících jeho reakce. Každý herní test jsme nahráli, abychom se mohli vrátit a podle potřeby se podívat na konkrétní momenty. Díky tomu mohla většina týmu během testů – které často zabíraly několik hodin denně – pokračovat v práci." "[english]#commentary\com-playtestobservation.wav" "[Charlie Burgin] Up until Left 4 Dead 2, all playtests conducted at Valve required an observer from the team to sit behind each tester and observe them directly. For Left 4 Dead 2, we developed a system where a single observer could view each playtester's screen in parallel with webcams that captured the playtester's reaction. We recorded every playtest so we could go back and reference specific moments at will. This meant that most of the team could continue working during playtests--which often take several hours out of every day." "Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "UMÍSTĚNÍ POLOŽEK" "[english]Commentary_Title_ITEM_PLACEMENT" "ITEM PLACEMENT" "#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] Designéři úrovní v Left 4 Dead umístili jednotlivé položky, jako například trubkové bomby, molotovy a prášky, všude po úrovních. Funkce AI Director měla schopnost určovat, kterou instanci dané položky nechá vytvořit. To znamenalo, že prášky se nikdy neobjevily ve stejném místě jako pipe bomba nebo molotov. Ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 jsme se rozhodli pro větší variabilitu ve vytváření položek, takže nyní jen umísťujeme entitu s názvem „weapon_item_spawn“. Funkce AI Director nejenže rozhoduje o tom, zda se položka v daném místě vytvoří, ale také určuje, jaký typ položky se má objevit." "[english]#commentary\com-itemplacement.wav" "[Ryan Thorlakson] Level Designers in Left 4 Dead 1 placed individual items, such as pipe bombs, molotovs, and pills, all over the levels. The AI Director had the ability to pick which instance of each item to spawn. This meant that pills would never spawn in the same place as a pipe bomb or molotov. In Left 4 Dead 2, we decided that we wanted more variety in item spawning, so we now simply place an entity called a 'weapon_item_spawn.' The AI Director not only chooses whether or not an item will spawn in a given location, it also chooses what type of item will appear." "Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "VODÍTKA BĚHEM DNE" "[english]Commentary_Title_DAYTIME_CUES" "DAYTIME CUES" "#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Protože se celá hra Left 4 Dead 1 odehrávala v noci, bylo vcelku prosté osvětlit cestu, kterou se měli hráči vydat. U kampaní probíhajících ve dne bylo potřeba najít jiné nástroje, které by hráčům pomáhaly. Nejcennějšími pomůckami byly viditelné orientační body, jako cedule čerpací stanice, nadchody, most a kouř ze ztroskotaného letadla." "[english]#commentary\com-daytimecues.wav" "[Brandon Idol] Because Left 4 Dead 1 took place entirely during the night, it was fairly straightforward to light the path we wanted players to take. For campaigns that take place during the day, we had to find other tools to help the player along. The most valuable tools were visible landmarks, such as gas station signs, overpasses, the bridge, and smoke from wrecked aircraft." "Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "TRUBKOVÉ BOMBY" "[english]Commentary_Title_PIPE_BOMBS" "PIPE BOMBS" "#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] Trubkové bomby byly vždy populární, avšak ve hře Left 4 Dead jsme byli nuceni z důvodu výkonu vyřadit posmrtnou fyziku a kusy těl a nahradit je krvavou mlhou. Tentokrát jsme se s novým systémem zranění, novým řešením bezvládných těl a novými částicovými efekty mohli konečně vrátit ke své původní vizi. Trubková bomba způsobuje hordě infikovaných vizuálně devastující škody, a to k potěšení hráčů i návrhářů." "[english]#commentary\com-pipebombs.wav" "[Torsten Zabka] The pipe bomb has always been a crowd pleaser, but in Left 4 Dead 1 we were forced to disable ragdolls and gibs and replace them with a blood mist due to performance issues. This time, with a new wound system, a new ragdoll solver, and new particle effects, we've finally returned to our original vision. The pipe bomb causes visually catastrophic damage to the infected horde, to the delight of gamers and designers alike." "Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "PROHLÍŽEČ LOBBY" "[english]Commentary_Title_LOBBY_BROWSER" "LOBBY BROWSER" "#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] Po vydání podpory pro vlastní doplňkové kampaně prostřednictvím formátu VPK jsme si uvědomili, že ačkoli mnoho lidí může tyto kampaně hry instalovat a hrát, bylo obtížné zjistit, jaké doplňkové kampaně hrají jiní hráči. Rovněž jsme si všimli, že se jen málo hráčů připojuje k hrám různých obtížností, protože nebylo jasné, kolik jiných her bylo k dispozici pro každé nastavení. Vyřešili jsme to implementací prohlížeče zobrazujícího sousední lobby. Prohlížeč lobby zobrazuje kampaň, úroveň obtížnosti a počet lobby s volnými místy. Rovněž zobrazujeme lobby pro dosud nenainstalované kampaně, které nabízejí možnost přímého stažení. Po vydání prohlížeče lobby jsme zaznamenali prudký nárůst v počtu odehraných vlastních kampaní. Zvláště oblíbené jsou vlastní mapy přežití, s tématy sahajícími od supermarketů po středověké hrady." "[english]#commentary\com-lobbybrowser.wav" "[Zoid Kirsch] After we shipped support for custom add-on campaigns via the VPK format, we realized that while many people can install and play these campaigns, it was difficult to discover what add-on campaigns other players were playing. We also noticed that few players were joining games of different difficulties since it wasn't clear how many other games were available for each setting. To solve this, we implemented a browser that shows nearby lobbies. The lobby browser displays the campaign, the difficulty level, and how many lobbies have open slots available. We also display lobbies for campaigns you have not yet installed, offering the chance to download them directly. Once the lobby browser was released, we saw a sharp increase in the number of custom campaigns being played. Custom survival maps are particularly popular, with themes ranging from supermarkets to medieval castles." "Commentary_Title_STORY" "PŘÍBĚH" "[english]Commentary_Title_STORY" "STORY" "#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] Ve hře Left 4 Dead 2 jsme chtěli potěšit hráče hledající trochu více příběhovosti. Z tohoto důvodu vzájemně představíme čtyři hráče představující přeživší a postupně také infikované, jak je budeme potkávat. Díky tomu vidíme jejich očima, jak se svět mění. A svět se mění: každá nová kampaň ukazuje jiné stadium infekce a reakci na ni. Začínáme naivním a podceněným postupem agentury CEDA a končíme chladnou, ale nezbytnou rozhodností armády při záchraně jen těch, které zachránit lze. Jednotlivé kampaně také propojujeme. Takže ačkoli uniknete z parku Whispering Oaks při temném karnevalu, zároveň víte, že to je jen jeden z mnoha úniků v New Orleans na vaší cestě do bezpečí. Ačkoli mezi kampaněmi uplývá čas, každá kampaň začíná s předchozím záchranným vozidlem. Nadále taky šíříme nápovědy a vodítka týkající se infekce. Ačkoli dialogy zahrnují větší díl „příběhu“, hráči by měli nadále hledat a číst graffiti a poznámky ve světě. Pozorní hráči hry Left 4 Dead si všimnou některých vazeb na příběh, protože obě hry jsou zasazeny do stejného světa." "[english]#commentary\com-story.wav" "[Chet Faliszek] In Left 4 Dead 2 we wanted to give players who were looking for a narrative a little more. To do this, we introduce the four Survivors to each other and the infection as we begin the game. This let’s us see the world changing through their eyes. And the world is changing, each new Campaign shows a different stage and reaction to the infection. We start with CEDA’s naïve underwhelming response and end with the Military’s cold but needed resolve to save only those they can. We also connect each Campaign. So while you know you escape Whispering Oaks in Dark Carnival, you also know that is just one escape of many on your journey to safety in New Orleans. Time does pass between campaigns, but each campaign starts with the previous rescue vehicle. We also continue to spread hints and clues to the infection. There is more 'Story' in the dialogue this time around, but players should still search for and read graffiti and notes in the world. Observant players of Left 4 Dead will notice some tie-ins to the story as both games are set in the same world." } }