// de_nuke soundscapes // Author: Chris Ashton, Turtle Rock Studios, Inc., August 2005 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Generic outdoors ambience // "nuke.outside" { // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/plaza_amb.wav" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "15,30" "volume" "0.08" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med2.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "10,50" "volume" ".05,.1" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Generic roof ambience // "nuke.roof" { // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.6" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/plaza_amb.wav" } // wind gusts "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" "volume" "0.2,0.5" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med1.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_med2.wav" } } // planes flying overhead "playrandom" { "time" "10,50" "volume" ".05,.1" "pitch" "90,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane1.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane2.wav" "wave" "ambient/overhead/plane3.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Generic indoors ambience // "nuke.inside" { // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/indoor1.wav" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // All dumpsters have flies // "nuke.flies" { "playrandom" { "time" "1,4" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_58dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/flies1.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/flies2.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/flies3.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/flies4.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/flies5.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // A Tank of something // "nuke.tank" { "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" "volume" "1.0" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/refinery_loop_1.wav" } "playrandom" { "time" "5,15" "volume" "1.0" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/steam_release_1.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/steam_release_2.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Bare lightbulb hum - used for all lightbulbs in the map // "nuke.light" { "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" "volume" ".5" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/misc/flour_light_loud.wav" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // AC Unit Cycle - used for all AC units in the map // "nuke.ac" { "playrandom" { "pitch" "100" "volume" "1" "time" "20,30" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/air_conditioner_cycle.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // AC Unit Looping - used for all AC units in the map // "nuke.acloop" { "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/air_conditioner_loop_1.wav" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // A chirping cricket "nuke.cricket" { "playrandom" { "time" "0.8,1.0" "pitch" "98,102" "volume" "0.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_55dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/cricket_chirp_1.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // A Small Power Transformer "nuke.transformer" { "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/power_transformer_loop_1.wav" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // A Large Power Transformer "nuke.transformerlrg" { "playlooping" { "pitch" "100" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_90dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/power_transformer_loop_2.wav" } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Birdsong // "nuke.birds" { "playrandom" { "time" "6,20" "pitch" "85,105" "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/bird1.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird2.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird3.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird4.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird5.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird6.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird7.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird8.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird9.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird10.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird11.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird12.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird13.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird14.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird15.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird16.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird17.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird18.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird19.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird20.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Pigeons // "nuke.pigeons" { "playrandom" { "time" "3,10" "pitch" "100,100" "volume" "0.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle1.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle2.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle3.wav" "wave" "ambient/creatures/pigeon_idle4.wav" } } "playrandom" { "time" "10,30" "pitch" "100,100" "volume" "0.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_1.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_2.wav" "wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_3.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Distant Drips // "nuke.drips" { "dsp" "6" "playrandom" { "time" "5,20" "volume" "0.2" "pitch" "90,110" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip1.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip2.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip3.wav" "wave" "ambient/water/distant_drip4.wav" } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "nuke.ctspawn" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: The Tree "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.birds" } // Position 1: APC "playlooping" { "position" "1" "pitch" "100" "volume" ".8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/big_truck.wav" } // Position 2: Cooling Tank "playlooping" { "position" "2" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/outdoor2.wav" } // Position 3: Overhead AC Unit "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "3" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 4:small transformer "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "4" "name" "nuke.transformer" } } "nuke.ctcourtyard" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: AC Unit "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 1: Vent on Main Building "playlooping" { "position" "1" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 2: AC Unit "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.cricket" } // Position 3: Vent on Containment Building "playlooping" { "position" "3" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } } "nuke.ctalley" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: Transformer "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.transformer" } // Position 1: Cricket "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.cricket" } // Position 2: Light Fixture "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.flies" } } "nuke.middle" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: Cricket by warehouse "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.cricket" } // Position 1: Drips by warehouse "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.drips" } // Position 2: Cricket by main building "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.cricket" } // Position 3: Drips by main buildling "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "3" "name" "nuke.drips" } // Position 4: Turbine Generator Building "playlooping" { "position" "4" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_90dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/laundry_machine1_amb.wav" } // Position 5: The Tree in the parking lot "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "5" "name" "nuke.birds" } } "nuke.tentrance" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: Tanks by main building "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.tank" } // Position 1: AC on roof of main building "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 2: trash on the other side of the fence "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.flies" } // Position 3: Large Transformer in power yard "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "3" "name" "nuke.transformerlrg" } } "nuke.talley" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } "playrandom" { "time" "15,25" "volume" ".1,.3" "pitch" "60,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/misc/car1.wav" "wave" "ambient/misc/car2.wav" } } // Position 0: Cricket in bushes "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.cricket" } // Position 1: transformer in alley "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.transformer" } // Position 2: flies by alley dumpster "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.flies" } } "nuke.tspawn" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: Flies in large dumpster "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.flies" } // Position 1: ac on the roof "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 2: large transformers in power yard "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.transformerlrg" } // Position 3: security guard radio } "nuke.warehouse" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.outside" } // Position 0: Large Pipe "playlooping" { "position" "0" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 1: Pigeons in rafters "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.pigeons" } } "nuke.catwalk" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.roof" } "playrandom" { "time" "5,10" "volume" ".9" "pitch" "60,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress3.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress4.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/metal_stress5.wav" } } // Position 0: far ac on roof "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 1: ac on roof "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.ac" } // Position 2: wind gusts at upstairs door "playrandom" { "position" "2" "time" "5,15" "volume" "0.8,1" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet4.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet5.wav" } } } "nuke.troof" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.roof" } // Position 0: ac on roof "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 1: ac on walkable roof "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.ac" } // Position 2: transformer in power yard "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.transformerlrg" } // Position 3: white pipes "playlooping" { "position" "3" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 4: large pipes "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "4" "name" "nuke.tank" } } "nuke.ctinside" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: hanging office light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 2: vent "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.acloop" } } "nuke.ramproom" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: crane "playrandom" { "position" "0" "time" "5,10" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "60,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope1.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope2.wav" "wave" "ambient/materials/cartrap_rope3.wav" } } // Position 1: wall light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 2: Large Pipe "playlooping" { "position" "2" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } } "nuke.tinside" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: crane "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 1: Large Pipe "playlooping" { "position" "1" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } } "nuke.computerroom" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: ac vent on the ceiling "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.acloop" } // Position 1: wall computers "playrandom" { "position" "1" "time" "2" "volume" ".5,.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "60,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle1.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle2.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle3.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle4.wav" } } // Position 2: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.light" } } "nuke.abomb" { "dsp" "6" "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.inside" } // Position 0: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 1: wind gusts at upstairs door "playrandom" { "position" "1" "time" "5,15" "volume" "0.5,0.7" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB" "pitch" "90,110" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet4.wav" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_snippet5.wav" } } } "nuke.vents" { // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.7" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_tunnel1.wav" } // ac "playsoundscape" { "name" "nuke.ac" } } "nuke.bbomb" { "dsp" "6" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/water/corridor_water.wav" } // Position 0: pipes "playlooping" { "position" "0" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 1: water "playlooping" { "position" "1" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/machines/deep_boil.wav" } } "nuke.tunnelentrance" { "dsp" "6" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/tunnel1.wav" } // Position 0: pipes "playlooping" { "position" "0" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 1: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "1" "name" "nuke.light" } } "nuke.generatorroom" { "dsp" "6" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/machines/lab_loop1.wav" } // Position 0: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 1: wall computers "playrandom" { "position" "1" "time" "2" "volume" ".5,.8" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "pitch" "60,100" "rndwave" { "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle1.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle2.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle3.wav" "wave" "ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle4.wav" } } // Position 2: blue transformer "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "2" "name" "nuke.transformer" } // Position 3: pipes "playlooping" { "position" "3" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.5" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } } "nuke.tunnel" { "dsp" "6" // underlying area "tone" "playlooping" { "volume" "0.5" "pitch" "100" "wave" "ambient/atmosphere/underground.wav" } // Position 0: light "playsoundscape" { "positionoverride" "0" "name" "nuke.light" } // Position 1: vent "playlooping" { "position" "1" "pitch" "100" "volume" "1" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/wind/wind_tunnel1.wav" } // Position 2: pipes "playlooping" { "position" "2" "pitch" "100" "volume" "0.3" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/gas/steam_loop1.wav" } // Position 3: ceiling fan "playlooping" { "position" "3" "pitch" "80" "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB" "wave" "ambient/tones/fan1.wav" } }