//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // swat Response Rule File //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criterion "NotSaidHelpswat" "worldSaidHelpswat" "!=1" "required" weight 0 Criterion "NotSaidRoundEndswat" "worldSaidRoundEndswat" "!=1" "required" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Radio //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response Affirmativeswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive02.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive03.vcd" //Alright scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive05.vcd" //Okay } Rule Affirmativeswat { criteria TLK_Affirmative Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Affirmativeswat } Response Agreeswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive03.vcd" //Alright scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive05.vcd" //Okay } Rule Agreeswat { criteria TLK_Agree Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreeswat } Response BarelyDefusedswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose01.vcd" //That was close scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose02.vcd" //That was a close one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose03.vcd" //We barely stopped them scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose04.vcd" //That was a little too close } Rule BarelyDefusedswat { criteria TLK_BarelyDefused Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BarelyDefusedswat } Response Blindedswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotPostFlash01.vcd" //I'm blind scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotPostFlash02.vcd" //Blinded scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotPostFlash03.vcd" //Can't see } Rule Blindedswat { criteria TLK_Blinded Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Blindedswat } Response BombHasPlantedswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe01.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //They planted the bomb at the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe02.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //The bomb is at the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe03.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //They are going to blow the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQueryBomb03.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Anyone see the bomb? scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo05.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Let's go, people! } Rule BombHasPlantedswat { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isswat Isde_bank IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedswat } Response BombsiteClearswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBombsite01.vcd" //Bombsite secure scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear } Rule BombsiteClearswat { criteria TLK_BombsiteClear Isswat IsTalkswat IsOneLeft ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteClearswat } Response Clearswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule Clearswat { criteria TLK_Clear Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Clearswat } Response ClearedAreaswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule ClearedAreaswat { criteria TLK_ClearedArea Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ClearedAreaswat } Response CoveringFriendswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsecoverrequest01.vcd" //I've got your back scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsecoverrequest02.vcd" //I've got you scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsecoverrequest03.vcd" //Covering scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsecoverrequest04.vcd" //Covering } Rule CoveringFriendswat { criteria TLK_CoveringFriend Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response CoveringFriendswat } Response DeathCryswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_death01.vcd" //Ahhhh! scene "scenes/swat/ct_death02.vcd" //Ohhhmmmph scene "scenes/swat/ct_death03.vcd" //(exhale) scene "scenes/swat/ct_death04.vcd" //Ohhhh scene "scenes/swat/ct_death05.vcd" //No! scene "scenes/swat/ct_death06.vcd" //(exhale) scene "scenes/swat/ct_death07.vcd" //No! } Rule DeathCryswat { criteria TLK_DeathCry Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DeathCryswat } Response DefusingBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotDefusing01.vcd" //Defusing scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotDefusing02.vcd" //I'm defusing the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotDefusing03.vcd" //Defusing the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotDefusing04.vcd" //Defusing scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotDefusing05.vcd" //I'm defusing the bomb } Rule DefusingBombswat { criteria TLK_DefusingBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DefusingBombswat } Response Disagreeswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative05.vcd" //No scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative08.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative09.vcd" //Ah no scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative10.vcd" //No } Rule Disagreeswat { criteria TLK_Disagree Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Disagreeswat } Response EnemyDownswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill01.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill02.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill03.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill04.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill05.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill06.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill07.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill08.vcd" //Dropped him } Rule EnemyDownswat { criteria TLK_EnemyDown Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response EnemyDownswat } Response EscortingHostagesswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesEscort01.vcd" //Escorting the hostages scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesEscort02.vcd" //I'm bringing the hostages out scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesEscort03.vcd" //Hostages coming out } Rule EscortingHostagesswat { criteria TLK_EscortingHostages Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response EscortingHostagesswat } Response FollowingFriendswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou01.vcd" //Lead scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou03.vcd" //Behind you scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou04.vcd" //I'm with you scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou05.vcd" //Go ahead and lead } Rule FollowingFriendswat { criteria TLK_FollowingFriend Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendswat } Response FriendlyFireswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly01.vcd" //That better have been a mistake scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly03.vcd" //Secure that weapon scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly04.vcd" //Watch the friendly fire scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly05.vcd" //Hold your fire! } Rule FriendlyFireswat { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isswat IsTalkswat IsBDamage ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFireswat } Response FriendlyFireNoBswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly01.vcd" //That better have been a mistake scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly03.vcd" //Secure that weapon } Rule FriendlyFireNoBswat { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFireNoBswat } Response GoingToDefendBombsiteswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuarding04.vcd" //Guarding the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuarding04.vcd" //Guarding the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuarding05.vcd" //Covering the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuarding05.vcd" //Covering the safe } Rule GoingToDefendBombsiteswat { criteria TLK_GoingToDefendBombsite Isde_bank Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GoingToDefendBombsiteswat } Response GoingToGuardLooseBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill01.vcd" //Guarding the dropped bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill02.vcd" //I'm staying with bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill03.vcd" //Covering the bomb } Rule GoingToGuardLooseBombswat { criteria TLK_GoingToGuardLooseBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GoingToGuardLooseBombswat } Response GuardingLooseBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill01.vcd" //Guarding the dropped bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill02.vcd" //I'm staying with bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotGuardBombKill03.vcd" //Covering the bomb } Rule GuardingLooseBombswat { criteria TLK_GuardingLooseBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GuardingLooseBombswat } Response HeardNoiseswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHear01.vcd" //I think I heard something scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHear02.vcd" //Did you hear that? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHear03.vcd" //Anyone else hear that? } Rule HeardNoiseswat { criteria TLK_HeardNoise Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response HeardNoiseswat } Response helpswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire06.vcd" //I need help scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire10.vcd" //Could use some help } Rule helpswat { criteria TLK_help Isswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,SaidHelpswat:1:3" applycontexttoworld Response helpswat } Response HostageDownswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesShot01.vcd" //Hostage down! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesShot02.vcd" //Hostage down! Hostage down! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesShot03.vcd" //We've lost a hostage } Rule HostageDownswat { criteria TLK_HostageDown Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response HostageDownswat } Response InCombatswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponseattacking01.vcd" //Attacking scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponseattacking02.vcd" //Engaging the bad guys } Rule InCombatswat { criteria TLK_InCombat Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response InCombatswat } Response KilledFriendswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly02.vcd" //That better have been a mistake scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireFriendly04.vcd" //Watch the friendly fire } Rule KilledFriendswat { criteria TLK_KilledFriend Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledFriendswat } Response KilledMyEnemyswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill01.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill03.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill05.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill07.vcd" //Dropped him } Rule KilledMyEnemyswat { criteria TLK_KilledMyEnemy Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledMyEnemyswat } Response LastManStandingswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose01.vcd" //That was close scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose02.vcd" //That was a close one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClose04.vcd" //That was a little too close } Rule LastManStandingswat { criteria TLK_LastManStanding Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LastManStandingswat } Response LostEnemyswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQuery01.vcd" //Anyone see the bad guys? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQuery02.vcd" //Anyone see 'em? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQuery03.vcd" //Where are they? } Rule LostEnemyswat { criteria TLK_LostEnemy Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LostEnemyswat } Response Map_BackYardswat { scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_bank01.vcd" //Back Yard scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_bank02.vcd" //Checking the back yard scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_bank03.vcd" //In the back yard } Rule Map_BackYardswat { criteria TLK_Map_BackYard Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackYardswat } Response Map_CTSpawnswat { scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_cs_italy22.vcd" //Insertion Point scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_cs_italy23.vcd" //Back at the Insertion Point scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_cs_italy24.vcd" //At our Insertion Point } Rule Map_CTSpawnswat { criteria TLK_Map_CTSpawn Isswat IsTalkswat IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_CTSpawnswat } Response Map_TSpawnswat { scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_cs_italy12.vcd" //At their entry point scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_cs_office10.vcd" //At their entry point scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_bank18.vcd" //Found their entry point scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_house17.vcd" //Their Truck scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_house18.vcd" //I'm at their truck scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_house19.vcd" //Checking their truck scene "scenes/swat/ctmap_de_house20.vcd" //At their truck } Rule Map_TSpawnswat { criteria TLK_Map_TSpawn Isswat IsTalkswat IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_TSpawnswat } Response Negativeswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative02.vcd" //No scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative03.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative06.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative07.vcd" //Ah no } Rule Negativeswat { criteria TLK_Negative Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Negativeswat } Response NiceShotswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot01.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot01.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot02.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot02.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot03.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot03.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot04.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot04.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot05.vcd" //Good kill scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot05.vcd" //Good kill scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot06.vcd" //That's how you do it scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot06.vcd" //That's how you do it scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot07.vcd" //Way to go scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotNiceShot07.vcd" //Way to go } Rule NiceShotswat { criteria TLK_NiceShot Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotswat } Response NoEnemiesLeftswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule NoEnemiesLeftswat { criteria TLK_NoEnemiesLeft Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NoEnemiesLeftswat } Response OnARollBragswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer02.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer04.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer05.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. } Rule OnARollBragswat { criteria TLK_OnARollBrag Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBragswat } Response OneEnemyLeftswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount04.vcd" //1 guy left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount05.vcd" //Only 1 guy left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount09.vcd" //1 guy left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount16.vcd" //We have one lone bad guy scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount21.vcd" //That makes 1 left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount22.vcd" //That makes 1 left } Rule OneEnemyLeftswat { criteria TLK_OneEnemyLeft Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OneEnemyLeftswat } Response OnMyWayswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponseomw01.vcd" //On my way scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponseomw02.vcd" //Coming scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponseomw03.vcd" //Heading over } Rule OnMyWayswat { criteria TLK_OnMyWay Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnMyWayswat } Response PinnedDownswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire02.vcd" //I'm under fire scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire07.vcd" //I'm pinned down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire07.vcd" //I'm pinned down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire08.vcd" //I'm in trouble scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire13.vcd" //I need support scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire14.vcd" //I need backup } Rule PinnedDownswat { criteria TLK_PinnedDown Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response PinnedDownswat } Response PlantedBombPlaceswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe01.vcd" //They planted the bomb at the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe02.vcd" //The bomb is at the safe scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombAtSafe03.vcd" //They are going to blow the safe } Rule PlantedBombPlaceswat { criteria TLK_PlantedBombPlace Isde_bank IsBombSite Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response PlantedBombPlaceswat } Response Radio.Affirmitiveswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive01.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive02.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive03.vcd" //Alright scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive05.vcd" //Okay } Rule Radio.Affirmitiveswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Affirmitive Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Affirmitiveswat } Response Radio.Cheerswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer02.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer04.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer05.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. } Rule Radio.Cheerswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Cheer Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Cheerswat } Response Radio.Complimentswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer02.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer04.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer05.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. } Rule Radio.Complimentswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Compliment Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Complimentswat } Response Radio.CoverMeswat { scene "scenes/swat/CoverMe01.vcd" //Cover scene "scenes/swat/CoverMe02.vcd" //Cover } Rule Radio.CoverMeswat { criteria TLK_Radio.CoverMe Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.CoverMeswat } Response Radio.Decoyswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_decoy01.vcd" //Decoy! scene "scenes/swat/ct_decoy02.vcd" //Decoy's out. scene "scenes/swat/ct_decoy03.vcd" //Deploying decoy. } Rule Radio.Decoyswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Decoy Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Decoyswat } Response Radio.EnemyDownswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill01.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill02.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill03.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill04.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill05.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill06.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill07.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKill08.vcd" //Dropped him } Rule Radio.EnemyDownswat { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemyDown Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemyDownswat } Response Radio.EnemySpottedswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTarget01.vcd" //Target spotted scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTarget06.vcd" //Targets aquired scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTarget07.vcd" //Target spotted } Rule Radio.EnemySpottedswat { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemySpotted Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedswat } Response Radio.FireInTheHoleswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_grenade01.vcd" //Grenade out. scene "scenes/swat/ct_grenade04.vcd" //Throwing a grenade. scene "scenes/swat/ct_grenade05.vcd" //Fire in the hole! scene "scenes/swat/ct_grenade06.vcd" //Grenade! } Rule Radio.FireInTheHoleswat { criteria TLK_Radio.FireInTheHole Isswat IsTalkswat IsNottraining1 ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FireInTheHoleswat } Response Radio.Flashbangswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_flashbang01.vcd" //Flashbang. scene "scenes/swat/ct_flashbang02.vcd" //Deploying Flashbang. scene "scenes/swat/ct_flashbang03.vcd" //Throwing Flashbang. } Rule Radio.Flashbangswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Flashbang Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Flashbangswat } Response Radio.FollowMeswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe01.vcd" //Follow me scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe01.vcd" //Follow me scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe02.vcd" //Stack up on me scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe02.vcd" //Stack up on me scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe03.vcd" //I'll lead scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe03.vcd" //I'll lead scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe04.vcd" //I'll take point scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe04.vcd" //I'll take point scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe05.vcd" //On me scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe05.vcd" //On me } Rule Radio.FollowMeswat { criteria TLK_Radio.FollowMe Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FollowMeswat } Response Radio.GetInPositionswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive06.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Radio.GetInPositionswat { criteria TLK_Radio.GetInPosition Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetInPositionswat } Response Radio.GetOutOfThereswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //Fall back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //Team fall back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack03.vcd" //Back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack04.vcd" //Back! Back! } Rule Radio.GetOutOfThereswat { criteria TLK_Radio.GetOutOfThere Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetOutOfThereswat } Response Radio.GoGoGoswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart01.vcd" //Let's go scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! } Rule Radio.GoGoGoswat { criteria TLK_Radio.GoGoGo Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoGoGoswat } Response Radio.HoldPositionswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold01.vcd" //Hold this position scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold02.vcd" //Stay here scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold03.vcd" //Cover this area } Rule Radio.HoldPositionswat { criteria TLK_Radio.HoldPosition Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.HoldPositionswat } Response Radio.InPositionswat { scene "scenes/swat/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position scene "scenes/swat/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position } Rule Radio.InPositionswat { criteria TLK_Radio.InPosition Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.InPositionswat } Response radio.letsgoswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo03.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo05.vcd" //Let's go, people! } Rule radio.letsgoswat { criteria TLK_radio.letsgo Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgoswat } Response radio.locknloadswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart01.vcd" //Let's go scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart02.vcd" //Grab your gear and let's go scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart03.vcd" //Lock and load scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart04.vcd" //Let's move out scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart05.vcd" //Be careful, let's all make it home tonight } Rule radio.locknloadswat { criteria TLK_radio.locknload Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadswat } Response Radio.Molotovswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_molotov01.vcd" //Molotov! scene "scenes/swat/ct_molotov02.vcd" //Throwing fire. scene "scenes/swat/ct_molotov03.vcd" //Throwing fire. scene "scenes/swat/ct_molotov04.vcd" //Molotov! } Rule Radio.Molotovswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Molotov Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Molotovswat } Rule Radio.Incendiaryswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Incendiary Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Molotovswat } Response Radio.NeedBackupswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire11.vcd" //Need backup scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire12.vcd" //Need support } Rule Radio.NeedBackupswat { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.NeedBackupswat } Response Radio.Negativeswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //No scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative03.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative06.vcd" //That's a negative } Rule Radio.Negativeswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Negative Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Negativeswat } Response Radio.Regroupswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //Regroup scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //Form up } Rule Radio.Regroupswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Regroup Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Regroupswat } Response Radio.ReportingInswat { scene "scenes/swat/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Here } Rule Radio.ReportingInswat { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportingIn Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportingInswat } Response Radio.ReportInTeamswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport01.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport02.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport03.vcd" //Check in } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamswat { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportInTeamswat } Response Radio.Rogerswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive06.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Radio.Rogerswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Roger Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Rogerswat } Response Radio.SectorClearswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotClear04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule Radio.SectorClearswat { criteria TLK_Radio.SectorClear Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.SectorClearswat } Response Radio.Smokeswat { scene "scenes/swat/ct_smoke01.vcd" //Smoke! scene "scenes/swat/ct_smoke02.vcd" //Throwing smoke. scene "scenes/swat/ct_smoke03.vcd" //Laying down smoke. } Rule Radio.Smokeswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Smoke Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Smokeswat } Response Radio.StickTogetherswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" } Rule Radio.StickTogetherswat { criteria TLK_Radio.StickTogether Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.StickTogetherswat } Response radio.takingfireswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire01.vcd" //I'm under fire scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire03.vcd" //Officer under fire scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire04.vcd" //Contact! Contact! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire05.vcd" //Officer needs assistance scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire08.vcd" //I'm in trouble scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFire09.vcd" //Oh man, I'm in trouble } Rule radio.takingfireswat { criteria TLK_radio.takingfire Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.takingfireswat } Response Radio.TeamFallBackswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //Fall back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //Team fall back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack03.vcd" //Back! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack04.vcd" //Back! Back! } Rule Radio.TeamFallBackswat { criteria TLK_Radio.TeamFallBack Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.TeamFallBackswat } Response Radio.Thanksswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive06.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Radio.Thanksswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Thanks Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Thanksswat } Response Radio.YouTakeThePointswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou01.vcd" //Lead scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou03.vcd" //Behind you scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou05.vcd" //Go ahead and lead } Rule Radio.YouTakeThePointswat { criteria TLK_Radio.YouTakeThePoint Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.YouTakeThePointswat } Response ReportingInswat { scene "scenes/swat/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Here } Rule ReportingInswat { criteria TLK_ReportingIn Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ReportingInswat } Response RequestReportswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport01.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport02.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotReport03.vcd" //Check in } Rule RequestReportswat { criteria TLK_RequestReport Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportswat } Response ScaredEmoteswat { scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! } Rule ScaredEmoteswat { criteria TLK_ScaredEmote Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ScaredEmoteswat } Response SniperKilledswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillSniper01.vcd" //Sniper down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillSniper02.vcd" //Sniper down scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillSniper03.vcd" //Got the sniper } Rule SniperKilledswat { criteria TLK_SniperKilled Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperKilledswat } Response SniperWarningswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireSniper01.vcd" //Watch out, sniper! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireSniper02.vcd" //Sniper! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotUnderFireSniper03.vcd" //Sniper! Sniper! } Rule SniperWarningswat { criteria TLK_SniperWarning Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperWarningswat } Response SpottedBomberswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombSpot01.vcd" //He's got the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombSpot02.vcd" //Spotted the bomb carrier scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombSpot03.vcd" //I see the bomb carrier scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombSpot04.vcd" //Carrier spotted. } Rule SpottedBomberswat { criteria TLK_SpottedBomber Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedBomberswat } Response SpottedLooseBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/ctbomb_dropped01.vcd" //The bomb has been dropped. scene "scenes/swat/ctbomb_dropped02.vcd" //They dropped the bomb. scene "scenes/swat/ctbomb_dropped03.vcd" //The bomb is on the ground. } Rule SpottedLooseBombswat { criteria TLK_SpottedLooseBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedLooseBombswat } Response TalkingToHostagesswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesReady01.vcd" //The hostages are ready scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesReady02.vcd" //The hostages are waiting scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesReady03.vcd" //Let's get these hostages moving scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesThere01.vcd" //I'm at the hostages scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHostagesThere03.vcd" //I'm with the hostages } Rule TalkingToHostagesswat { criteria TLK_TalkingToHostages Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1 T" applycontexttoworld Response TalkingToHostagesswat } Response TheyPickedUpTheBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombPick01.vcd" //They've got the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombPick02.vcd" //They picked up the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotBombPick03.vcd" //They've recovered the bomb } Rule TheyPickedUpTheBombswat { criteria TLK_TheyPickedUpTheBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TheyPickedUpTheBombswat } Response ThreeEnemiesLeftswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount02.vcd" //3 guys left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount07.vcd" //3 guys left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount14.vcd" //3 to go scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount19.vcd" //That makes 3 left } Rule ThreeEnemiesLeftswat { criteria TLK_ThreeEnemiesLeft Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ThreeEnemiesLeftswat } Response TwoEnemiesLeftswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount03.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount08.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount12.vcd" //They're down to two scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount15.vcd" //2 bad guys left scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotKillCount20.vcd" //That makes 2 left } Rule TwoEnemiesLeftswat { criteria TLK_TwoEnemiesLeft Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TwoEnemiesLeftswat } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse01.vcd" //Covering while you defuse scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse01.vcd" //Covering while you defuse scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse02.vcd" //Defuse the bomb and I'll cover you scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse02.vcd" //Defuse the bomb and I'll cover you scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse03.vcd" //Go ahead and defuse the bomb scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCoverDefuse03.vcd" //Go ahead and defuse the bomb } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombswat { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombswat } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTime01.vcd" //Hurry up scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTime02.vcd" //We don't have much time scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotTime03.vcd" //Time is running out } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicswat { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanic Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicswat } Response WaitingHereswat { scene "scenes/swat/WaitingHere01.vcd" //I'm in position } Rule WaitingHereswat { criteria TLK_WaitingHere Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingHereswat } Response WhereIsTheBombswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQueryBomb01.vcd" //Where's the bomb? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQueryBomb02.vcd" //Did you see the bomb? scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotQueryBomb03.vcd" //Anyone see the bomb? } Rule WhereIsTheBombswat { criteria TLK_WhereIsTheBomb Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombswat } Response WonRoundswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndSolid01.vcd" //Good job men scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndSolid02.vcd" //Nice work scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndSolid03.vcd" //We did it } Rule WonRoundswat { criteria TLK_WonRound Isswat IsTalkswat NotSaidRoundEndswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,SaidRoundEndswat:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundswat } Response WonRoundCleanswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClean01.vcd" //Good job everyone scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClean02.vcd" //Good job, we're all going home tonight scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClean03.vcd" //Nice work everyone } Rule WonRoundCleanswat { criteria TLK_WonRoundClean Isswat IsAllAlive IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,SaidRoundEndswat:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundCleanswat } Response WonRoundQuicklyswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClean01.vcd" //Good job everyone scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotEndClean03.vcd" //Nice work everyone } Rule WonRoundQuicklyswat { criteria TLK_WonRoundQuickly Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,SaidRoundEndswat:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundQuicklyswat } Rule AgreeWithPlanswat { criteria TLK_AgreeWithPlan Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreeswat } Rule BombHasPlanted2swat { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isswat IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedswat } Rule BombHasPlanted3swat { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isswat IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedswat } Rule BombsiteSecureswat { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteClearswat } Rule FollowingCommanderswat { criteria TLK_FollowingCommander Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendswat } Rule FollowingSirswat { criteria TLK_FollowingSir Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendswat } Rule NiceShotCommanderswat { criteria TLK_NiceShotCommander Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotswat } Rule NiceShotSirswat { criteria TLK_NiceShotSir Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotswat } Rule ThrillEmoteswat { criteria TLK_ThrillEmote Isswat IsTalkswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBragswat } Rule EnemySpottedswat { criteria TLK_EnemySpotted Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedswat } Rule radio.goswat { criteria TLK_radio.go Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgoswat } Rule radio.moveoutswat { criteria TLK_radio.moveout Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadswat } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamswat { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportswat } Rule BombTickingDownswat { criteria TLK_BombTickingDown Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombswat } Response TeamLeadWonswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer02.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer04.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer05.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotCheer06.vcd" //Nice. } Rule TeamLeadWonswat { criteria TDM_GainedLead Isswat IsTalkswat TDM_ChatterAllowed_CT ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,TDMChatterCT:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response TeamLeadWonswat } Response TeamLeadLostswat { scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //Pull yourselves together scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart05.vcd" //Be careful, let's all make it home tonight scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowYou05.vcd" //Go ahead and lead scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //No scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" //Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo03.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo05.vcd" //Let's go, people! } Rule TeamLeadLostswat { criteria TDM_LostLead Isswat IsTalkswat TDM_ChatterAllowed_CT ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,TDMChatterCT:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response TeamLeadLostswat } Response Radio.Sorryswat { scene "scenes/temp/Sorry02.vcd" scene "scenes/temp/Sorry03.vcd" scene "scenes/temp/Sorry12.vcd" } Rule Radio.Sorryswat { criteria TLK_Radio.Sorry Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Sorryswat } Response Radio.GoAswat { scene "scenes/seal/ctmap_de_aztec04.vcd" } Rule Radio.GoAswat { criteria TLK_Radio.GoA Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoAswat } Response Radio.GoBswat { scene "scenes/seal/ctmap_de_aztec11.vcd" } Rule Radio.GoBswat { criteria TLK_Radio.GoB Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoBswat } Response Radio.NeedDropswat { scene "scenes/temp/HelpDrop.vcd" } Rule Radio.NeedDropswat { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedDrop Isswat IsTalkswat ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.NeedDropswat } //~ //////////////////////////////////// //~ // new chat wheel responses //~ ////////////////////////////////// //~ Response TLK_CW.StickTogetherswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.StickTogetherswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.StickTogether Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.StickTogetherswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowMeswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFollowMe05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.FollowMeswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.FollowMe Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowMeswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SpreadOutswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SpreadOutswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SpreadOut Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SpreadOutswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.TeamFallBackswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotFallBack04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.TeamFallBackswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.TeamFallBack Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.TeamFallBackswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.CheckHostageswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.CheckHostageswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.CheckHostage Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.CheckHostageswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedQuietswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedQuietswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedQuiet Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedQuietswat //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section prepare //~ Response TLK_CW.EcoRoundswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.EcoRoundswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.EcoRound Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.EcoRoundswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SpendRoundswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SpendRoundswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SpendRound Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SpendRoundswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDropswat //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedDropswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedDrop Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDropswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedPlanswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedPlanswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedPlan Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedPlanswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.GoAswat //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoAswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoA Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoAswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.GoBswat //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoBswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoB Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoBswat //~ } //~ Response CW.GoToLocMidswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule CW.GoToLocMidswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoToLocMid Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response CW.GoToLocMidswat //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section grenades //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDecoyswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedDecoyswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedDecoy Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDecoyswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedSmokeswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedSmokeswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedSmoke Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedSmokeswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedGrenadeswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedGrenadeswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedGrenade Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedGrenadeswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFireswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedFireswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedFire Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFireswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFlashswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedFlashswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedFlash Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFlashswat //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section defend //~ Response TLK_CW.HoldPositionswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotHold03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.HoldPositionswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.HoldPosition Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.HoldPositionswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Regroupswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Regroupswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Regroup Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Regroupswat //~ } //~ ////////////////////////////// chat wheel section bomb //~ Response TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotguardbombkill01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotguardbombkill02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotguardbombkill03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBomb Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombsiteClearswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombsiteClearswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombsiteClear Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombsiteClearswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.DroppedBombswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.DroppedBombswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.DroppedBomb Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.DroppedBombswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBomb Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombswat //~ } //~ //////////////////////////////// Chat wheel section enemy status //~ Response TLK_CW.SniperWarningswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfiresniper01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfiresniper02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfiresniper03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SniperWarningswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SniperWarning Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SniperWarningswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombCarrierHereswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombCarrierHereswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombCarrierHere Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombCarrierHereswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemyswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget07.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemyswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemy Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemyswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultipleswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget06.vcd" //I see them //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultipleswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultiple Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultipleswat //~ } //~ ////////////////// Chat wheel section responses //~ Response TLK_CW.Thanksswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer02.vcd" //~ // need more lines //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Thanksswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Thanks Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Thanksswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Sorryswat //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Sorryswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Sorry Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Sorryswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Complimentswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotendsolid02.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Complimentswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Compliment Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Complimentswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Agreeswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsepositive06.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Agreeswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Agree Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Agreeswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Disagreeswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative07.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative08.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative09.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotreponsenegative10.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Disagreeswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Disagree Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Disagreeswat //~ } //~ //////////////////////////// Chat wheel section commands //~ Response TLK_CW.GoGoGoswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/RadioBotStart01.vcd" //Let's go //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo01.vcd" //Go go go! //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo02.vcd" //Let's go! //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoGoGoswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoGoGo Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoGoGoswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowingYouswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotfollowyou01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotfollowyou02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotfollowyou03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotfollowyou04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotfollowyou05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.FollowingYouswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.FollowingYou Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowingYouswat //~ } //~ //////////////////////////// Chat wheel section report //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemyswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobottarget07.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesEnemyswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesEnemy Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemyswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedBackupswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire07.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire08.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire09.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire10.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire11.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotunderfire12.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedBackupswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedBackup Isswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1,SaidHelpswat:1:3" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedBackupswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SectorClearswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotclear04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SectorClearswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SectorClear Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SectorClearswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.InPositionswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/InPosition01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/waitinghere01.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.InPositionswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.InPosition Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.InPositionswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.HeardNoiseswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobothear01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobothear02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobothear03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.HeardNoiseswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.HeardNoise Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.HeardNoiseswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.PepTalkswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotendsolid01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotgo05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotstart03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotstart05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.PepTalkswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.PepTalk Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.PepTalkswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Cheerswat //~ { //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/swat/radiobotcheer06.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Cheerswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Cheer Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Cheerswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.IFixBombswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.IFixBombswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.IFixBomb Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.IFixBombswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.YouFixBombswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.YouFixBombswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.YouFixBomb Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.YouFixBombswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombAtswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombAtswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombAt Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombAtswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.OMWswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.OMWswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.OMW Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.OMWswat //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.CoveringYouswat //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.CoveringYouswat //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.CoveringYou Isswat IsTalkswat //~ ApplyContext "Talkswat:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.CoveringYouswat //~ }