//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gsg9 Response Rule File //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Criterion "NotSaidHelpgsg9" "worldSaidHelpgsg9" "!=1" "required" weight 0 Criterion "NotSaidPepTalkScaredgsg9" "worldSaidPepTalkScaredgsg9" "!=1" "required" weight 0 Criterion "NotSaidRoundEndgsg9" "worldSaidRoundEndgsg9" "!=1" "required" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Radio //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response Affirmativegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative02.vcd" //Roger that boss scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative05.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative07.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative09.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Affirmativegsg9 { criteria TLK_Affirmative Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Affirmativegsg9 } Response Agreegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree01.vcd" //Alright scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree02.vcd" //Okay scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree03.vcd" //Sounds good } Rule Agreegsg9 { criteria TLK_Agree Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreegsg9 } Response BarelyDefusedgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClose01.vcd" //That was close scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClose02.vcd" //We barely stopped them scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClose03.vcd" //That was a close one scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClose04.vcd" //That was a little too close } Rule BarelyDefusedgsg9 { criteria TLK_BarelyDefused Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BarelyDefusedgsg9 } Response Blindedgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Blinded01.vcd" //Blinded scene "scenes/gsg9/Blinded02.vcd" //Can't see scene "scenes/gsg9/Blinded03.vcd" //I'm blind } Rule Blindedgsg9 { criteria TLK_Blinded Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Blindedgsg9 } Response BombHasPlantedgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/BombTickingDown01.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //That bomb's ticking down scene "scenes/gsg9/BombTickingDown03.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Let's take care of that bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo01.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo04.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo05.vcd" predelay "1.25,2.5" //Let's go! Let's go! } Rule BombHasPlantedgsg9 { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isgsg9 IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedgsg9 } Response BombsiteCleargsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/BombsiteClear01.vcd" //Bombsite secure } Rule BombsiteCleargsg9 { criteria TLK_BombsiteClear Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsOneLeft ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteCleargsg9 } Response Cleargsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea01.vcd" //All clear scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea02.vcd" //Clear scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea03.vcd" //We're clear } Rule Cleargsg9 { criteria TLK_Clear Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Cleargsg9 } Response ClearedAreagsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule ClearedAreagsg9 { criteria TLK_ClearedArea Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ClearedAreagsg9 } Response CommanderDowngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/CommanderDown01.vcd" //Commander down. Commander down scene "scenes/gsg9/CommanderDown02.vcd" //We lost the commander scene "scenes/gsg9/CommanderDown03.vcd" //Commander down } Rule CommanderDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_CommanderDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response CommanderDowngsg9 } Response CoveringFriendgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/CoveringFriend01.vcd" //I've got your back scene "scenes/gsg9/CoveringFriend02.vcd" //I've got you scene "scenes/gsg9/CoveringFriend03.vcd" //Covering scene "scenes/gsg9/CoveringFriend04.vcd" //Covering } Rule CoveringFriendgsg9 { criteria TLK_CoveringFriend Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response CoveringFriendgsg9 } Response DeathCrygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_death01.vcd" //Ahhhh! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_death02.vcd" //Ohhhmmmph scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_death03.vcd" //(exhale) } Rule DeathCrygsg9 { criteria TLK_DeathCry Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DeathCrygsg9 } Response DefusingBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/DefusingBomb01.vcd" //Defusing scene "scenes/gsg9/DefusingBomb02.vcd" //I'm defusing the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/DefusingBomb03.vcd" //Defusing the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/DefusingBomb04.vcd" //Defusing } Rule DefusingBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_DefusingBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response DefusingBombgsg9 } Response Disagreegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree01.vcd" //No scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree02.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree04.vcd" //Ah no } Rule Disagreegsg9 { criteria TLK_Disagree Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Disagreegsg9 } Response EnemyDowngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown01.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown02.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown03.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown04.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown05.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown06.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown07.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown08.vcd" //He's not getting back up } Rule EnemyDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_EnemyDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response EnemyDowngsg9 } Response EscortingHostagesgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHostagesEscort01.vcd" //Escorting the hostages scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHostagesEscort02.vcd" //I'm bringing the hostages out scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHostagesEscort03.vcd" //Hostages coming out } Rule EscortingHostagesgsg9 { criteria TLK_EscortingHostages Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response EscortingHostagesgsg9 } Response FollowingFriendgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend01.vcd" //Lead scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend04.vcd" //I'm with you scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend05.vcd" //Go ahead and lead } Rule FollowingFriendgsg9 { criteria TLK_FollowingFriend Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendgsg9 } Response FriendlyFiregsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire01.vcd" //That better have been a mistake scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire02.vcd" //Secure that weapon scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire03.vcd" //Watch the friendly fire scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire04.vcd" //Hold your fire! scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire05.vcd" //Hold your fire! Hold your fire! scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire06.vcd" //Pull yourself together } Rule FriendlyFiregsg9 { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsBDamage ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFiregsg9 } Response FriendlyFireNoBgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire01.vcd" //That better have been a mistake scene "scenes/gsg9/FriendlyFire02.vcd" //Secure that weapon } Rule FriendlyFireNoBgsg9 { criteria TLK_FriendlyFire Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FriendlyFireNoBgsg9 } Response GoingToGuardLooseBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/GoingToGuardLooseBomb01.vcd" //Heading to the dropped bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/GoingToGuardLooseBomb02.vcd" //Going to cover the dropped bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/GoingToGuardLooseBomb03.vcd" //Heading to the bomb } Rule GoingToGuardLooseBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_GoingToGuardLooseBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GoingToGuardLooseBombgsg9 } Response GuardingLooseBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/GuardingLooseBomb01.vcd" //Guarding the dropped bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/GuardingLooseBomb02.vcd" //I'm staying with bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/GuardingLooseBomb03.vcd" //Covering the bomb } Rule GuardingLooseBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_GuardingLooseBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response GuardingLooseBombgsg9 } Response HeardNoisegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise01.vcd" //I think I heard something scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise02.vcd" //Did you hear that? scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise03.vcd" //Anyone else hear that? } Rule HeardNoisegsg9 { criteria TLK_HeardNoise Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response HeardNoisegsg9 } Response helpgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Help01.vcd" //I need help scene "scenes/gsg9/Help02.vcd" //Could use some help scene "scenes/gsg9/Help03.vcd" //Need help } Rule helpgsg9 { criteria TLK_help Isgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidHelpgsg9:1:3" applycontexttoworld Response helpgsg9 } Response HostageDowngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/HostageDown01.vcd" //Hostage down! scene "scenes/gsg9/HostageDown02.vcd" //Hostage down! Hostage down! scene "scenes/gsg9/HostageDown03.vcd" //We're losing hostages scene "scenes/gsg9/HostageDown04.vcd" //They're killing hostages scene "scenes/gsg9/HostageDown05.vcd" //Protect the hostages } Rule HostageDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_HostageDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response HostageDowngsg9 } Response InCombatgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat01.vcd" //Attacking scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat02.vcd" //Weapons hot! scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat03.vcd" //Opening up scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat04.vcd" //Firing scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat05.vcd" //Have at it scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat06.vcd" //Letting go scene "scenes/gsg9/InCombat08.vcd" //Throwing lead } Rule InCombatgsg9 { criteria TLK_InCombat Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response InCombatgsg9 } Response KilledFriendgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/KilledFriend01.vcd" //What the hell is going on? scene "scenes/gsg9/KilledFriend02.vcd" //What are you guys doing? scene "scenes/gsg9/KilledFriend03.vcd" //He was one of ours! scene "scenes/gsg9/KilledFriend04.vcd" //Whose team are you on? scene "scenes/gsg9/KilledFriend05.vcd" //That does not happen in my squad } Rule KilledFriendgsg9 { criteria TLK_KilledFriend Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledFriendgsg9 } Response KilledMyEnemygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown02.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown03.vcd" //Dropped him scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown04.vcd" //Got 'em scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown05.vcd" //Got one scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown06.vcd" //He's down scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown07.vcd" //Dropped him } Rule KilledMyEnemygsg9 { criteria TLK_KilledMyEnemy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response KilledMyEnemygsg9 } Response LastManStandinggsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/LastManStanding01.vcd" //Guys, I did that for you scene "scenes/gsg9/LastManStanding02.vcd" //No one's getting me! scene "scenes/gsg9/LastManStanding04.vcd" //That's right, that's right! scene "scenes/gsg9/LastManStanding05.vcd" //I'm still alive scene "scenes/gsg9/LastManStanding08.vcd" //This is over } Rule LastManStandinggsg9 { criteria TLK_LastManStanding Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LastManStandinggsg9 } Response LostEnemygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/LostEnemy01.vcd" //Lost 'em scene "scenes/gsg9/LostEnemy02.vcd" //They got away scene "scenes/gsg9/LostEnemy03.vcd" //I lost 'em } Rule LostEnemygsg9 { criteria TLK_LostEnemy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response LostEnemygsg9 } Response Map_BackEntrancegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source19.vcd" //Back entrance scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source20.vcd" //Checking the back entrance scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source21.vcd" //At the back entrance scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source22.vcd" //At the back entrance scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source23.vcd" //At the back entrance } Rule Map_BackEntrancegsg9 { criteria TLK_Map_BackEntrance Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_BackEntrancegsg9 } Response Map_CTSpawngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source79.vcd" //Insertion Point scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source81.vcd" //Back at the Insertion Point scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source82.vcd" //I'm at our Insertion Point } Rule Map_CTSpawngsg9 { criteria TLK_Map_CTSpawn Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_CTSpawngsg9 } Response Map_Middlegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source106.vcd" //Middle scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source107.vcd" //At the Middle scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source108.vcd" //In the Middle } Rule Map_Middlegsg9 { criteria TLK_Map_Middle Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_Middlegsg9 } Response Map_TSpawngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source61.vcd" //At their entry point. scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source62.vcd" //Checking their entry point scene "scenes/gsg9/ctmap_cs_source63.vcd" //I'm at their entry point } Rule Map_TSpawngsg9 { criteria TLK_Map_TSpawn Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsNotar_shoots ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Map_TSpawngsg9 } Response Negativegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative01.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative02.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative03.vcd" //Ah no scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative04.vcd" //That's a negative } Rule Negativegsg9 { criteria TLK_Negative Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Negativegsg9 } Response NiceShotgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot01.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot02.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot03.vcd" //Good kill scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot04.vcd" //Way to go scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot05.vcd" //Nice shot scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot06.vcd" //Good one scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot07.vcd" //Clean kill scene "scenes/gsg9/NiceShot08.vcd" //You got it } Rule NiceShotgsg9 { criteria TLK_NiceShot Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotgsg9 } Response NoEnemiesLeftgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //We got 'em all scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //We got 'em all scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //None left scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //None left scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //Just us left scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //Just us left scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //Nice job, they're all dead scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //Nice job, they're all dead scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //They're all dead scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //They're all dead scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeftBomb01.vcd" //We got 'em all,let's defuse that bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeftBomb03.vcd" //Let's take care of that bomb now scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeftBomb04.vcd" //We got 'em but that bomb's ticking } Rule NoEnemiesLeftgsg9 { criteria TLK_NoEnemiesLeft Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NoEnemiesLeftgsg9 } Response OnARollBraggsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag02.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //We got this } Rule OnARollBraggsg9 { criteria TLK_OnARollBrag Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBraggsg9 } Response OneEnemyLeftgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OneEnemyLeft01.vcd" //1 guy left scene "scenes/gsg9/OneEnemyLeft02.vcd" //Only 1 guy left scene "scenes/gsg9/OneEnemyLeft03.vcd" //We have one lone bad guy scene "scenes/gsg9/OneEnemyLeft06.vcd" //Only 1 guy left scene "scenes/gsg9/OneEnemyLeft08.vcd" //That makes 1 } Rule OneEnemyLeftgsg9 { criteria TLK_OneEnemyLeft Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OneEnemyLeftgsg9 } Response OnMyWaygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnMyWay01.vcd" //On my way scene "scenes/gsg9/OnMyWay02.vcd" //Coming scene "scenes/gsg9/OnMyWay03.vcd" //Heading over } Rule OnMyWaygsg9 { criteria TLK_OnMyWay Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnMyWaygsg9 } Response PepTalkScaredgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/PepTalk01.vcd" //We can do this scene "scenes/gsg9/PepTalk03.vcd" //Let's get our heads in the game scene "scenes/gsg9/PepTalk04.vcd" //We can still do this } Rule PepTalkScaredgsg9 { criteria TLK_ScaredEmote Isgsg9 IsEarlyInRound IsTalkgsg9 NotSaidPepTalkScaredgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidPepTalkScaredgsg9:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response PepTalkScaredgsg9 } Response PinnedDowngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/PinnedDown01.vcd" //I'm pinned down scene "scenes/gsg9/PinnedDown02.vcd" //I'm pinned scene "scenes/gsg9/PinnedDown03.vcd" //Help, I'm pinned } Rule PinnedDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_PinnedDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response PinnedDowngsg9 } Response PlantedBombPlacegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/PlantedBombPlaceSafe01.vcd" //They planted the bomb at the safe scene "scenes/gsg9/PlantedBombPlaceSafe02.vcd" //The bomb is at the safe scene "scenes/gsg9/PlantedBombPlaceSafe03.vcd" //They're going to blow the safe } Rule PlantedBombPlacegsg9 { criteria TLK_PlantedBombPlace Isde_bank IsBombSite Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response PlantedBombPlacegsg9 } Response Radio.Affirmitivegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative02.vcd" //Roger that boss scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative05.vcd" //Yes scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative07.vcd" //Affirmative scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative09.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Radio.Affirmitivegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Affirmitive Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Affirmitivegsg9 } Response Radio.Cheergsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag02.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //We got this } Rule Radio.Cheergsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Cheer Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Cheergsg9 } Response Radio.Complimentgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag02.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //We got this } Rule Radio.Complimentgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Compliment Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Complimentgsg9 } Response Radio.CoverMegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/CoverMe01.vcd" //Cover me scene "scenes/gsg9/CoverMe02.vcd" //Cover scene "scenes/gsg9/CoverMe03.vcd" //Hold up, cover me } Rule Radio.CoverMegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.CoverMe Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.CoverMegsg9 } Response Radio.Decoygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_decoy01.vcd" //Decoy! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_decoy02.vcd" //Decoy's out. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_decoy03.vcd" //Deploying decoy. } Rule Radio.Decoygsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Decoy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Decoygsg9 } Response Radio.EnemyDowngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/EnemyDown08.vcd" //He's not getting back up } Rule Radio.EnemyDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemyDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemyDowngsg9 } Response Radio.EnemySpottedgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted02.vcd" //Targets acquired scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted03.vcd" //Targets acquired scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted04.vcd" //I have eyes on the enemy scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted05.vcd" //Target spotted } Rule Radio.EnemySpottedgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.EnemySpotted Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedgsg9 } Response Radio.FireInTheHolegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_grenade01.vcd" //Fire in the hole! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_grenade02.vcd" //Grenade out. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_grenade03.vcd" //Throwing a grenade. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_grenade06.vcd" //Grenade! } Rule Radio.FireInTheHolegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.FireInTheHole Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsNottraining1 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FireInTheHolegsg9 } Response Radio.Flashbanggsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_flashbang01.vcd" //Flashbang. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_flashbang02.vcd" //Deploying Flashbang. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_flashbang03.vcd" //Throwing Flashbang. } Rule Radio.Flashbanggsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Flashbang Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Flashbanggsg9 } Response Radio.FollowMegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe01.vcd" //Follow me scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe02.vcd" //Stack up on me scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe03.vcd" //I'll lead scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe04.vcd" //I'll take point scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe05.vcd" //On me } Rule Radio.FollowMegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.FollowMe Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.FollowMegsg9 } Response Radio.GetInPositiongsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks01.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks03.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks04.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks07.vcd" //Thanks } Rule Radio.GetInPositiongsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.GetInPosition Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetInPositiongsg9 } Response Radio.GetOutOfTheregsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding01.vcd" //Oh crap... scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding02.vcd" //Get back! Get BACK! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding03.vcd" //Run! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding04.vcd" //CLEAR THE AREA! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding05.vcd" //Too late run! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding06.vcd" //Oh crap... scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_bombexploding07.vcd" //Too late run! } Rule Radio.GetOutOfTheregsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.GetOutOfThere Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GetOutOfTheregsg9 } Response Radio.GoGoGogsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo02.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo03.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //Go! go! go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo07.vcd" //Go! go! go! } Rule Radio.GoGoGogsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.GoGoGo Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoGoGogsg9 } Response Radio.HoldPositiongsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold01.vcd" //Hold this position scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold02.vcd" //Cover this area scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold03.vcd" //Stay here scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotWait01.vcd" //Wait here } Rule Radio.HoldPositiongsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.HoldPosition Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.HoldPositiongsg9 } Response Radio.InPositiongsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition01.vcd" //I'm in position scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition02.vcd" //I'm ready scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition02.vcd" //I'm ready scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition03.vcd" //In position scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition03.vcd" //In position } Rule Radio.InPositiongsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.InPosition Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.InPositiongsg9 } Response radio.letsgogsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo02.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo03.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //Go! go! go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo07.vcd" //Go! go! go! } Rule radio.letsgogsg9 { criteria TLK_radio.letsgo Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgogsg9 } Response radio.locknloadgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //We got this scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //Go go go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //Move it! Move it! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //Let's go! Let's go! scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //Go! go! go! } Rule radio.locknloadgsg9 { criteria TLK_radio.locknload Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadgsg9 } Response Radio.Molotovgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_molotov01.vcd" //Incendiary out scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_molotov02.vcd" //Throwing fire. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_molotov03.vcd" //Incendiary } Rule Radio.Molotovgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Molotov Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Molotovgsg9 } Rule Radio.Incendiarygsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Incendiary Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Molotovgsg9 } Response Radio.NeedBackupgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup01.vcd" //Need support scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup02.vcd" //Need backup scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup03.vcd" //Need backup now! } Rule Radio.NeedBackupgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.NeedBackupgsg9 } Response Radio.Negativegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative01.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative02.vcd" //Negative scene "scenes/gsg9/Negative04.vcd" //That's a negative scene "scenes/gsg9/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //No } Rule Radio.Negativegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Negative Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Negativegsg9 } Response Radio.Regroupgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //Regroup scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //Form up } Rule Radio.Regroupgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Regroup Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Regroupgsg9 } Response Radio.ReportingIngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Reporting In scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn02.vcd" //Checking In scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn03.vcd" //Reporting In } Rule Radio.ReportingIngsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportingIn Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportingIngsg9 } Response Radio.ReportInTeamgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport01.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport02.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport03.vcd" //Check in } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.ReportInTeamgsg9 } Response Radio.Rogergsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative01.vcd" //Roger that scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative02.vcd" //Roger that boss scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative03.vcd" //Roger scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative09.vcd" //Roger that } Rule Radio.Rogergsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Roger Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Rogergsg9 } Response Radio.SectorCleargsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea03.vcd" //We're clear scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea04.vcd" //Area secure } Rule Radio.SectorCleargsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.SectorClear Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.SectorCleargsg9 } Response Radio.Smokegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_smoke01.vcd" //Smoke! scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_smoke02.vcd" //Throwing smoke. scene "scenes/gsg9/ct_smoke03.vcd" //Laying down smoke. } Rule Radio.Smokegsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Smoke Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Smokegsg9 } Response Radio.StickTogethergsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //Stick together scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //Pull yourselves together } Rule Radio.StickTogethergsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.StickTogether Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.StickTogethergsg9 } Response radio.takingfiregsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire01.vcd" //I'm under fire scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire02.vcd" //Under fire scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire03.vcd" //Contact! Contact! scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire04.vcd" //Needs assistance scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire05.vcd" //I'm in trouble scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire06.vcd" //I'm in big trouble scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_TakingFire07.vcd" //Taking fire } Rule radio.takingfiregsg9 { criteria TLK_radio.takingfire Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.takingfiregsg9 } Response Radio.TeamFallBackgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //Fall back! scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //Team fall back! scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack03.vcd" //Back! Back! } Rule Radio.TeamFallBackgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.TeamFallBack Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.TeamFallBackgsg9 } Response Radio.Thanksgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks01.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks03.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks04.vcd" //Thanks scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks07.vcd" //Thanks } Rule Radio.Thanksgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Thanks Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Thanksgsg9 } Response Radio.YouTakeThePointgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend01.vcd" //Lead scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend02.vcd" //Lead the way scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend05.vcd" //Go ahead and lead } Rule Radio.YouTakeThePointgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.YouTakeThePoint Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.YouTakeThePointgsg9 } Response ReportingIngsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn01.vcd" //Reporting In scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn02.vcd" //Checking In scene "scenes/gsg9/ReportingIn03.vcd" //Reporting In } Rule ReportingIngsg9 { criteria TLK_ReportingIn Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ReportingIngsg9 } Response RequestReportgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport01.vcd" //Status? scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport02.vcd" //Report In scene "scenes/gsg9/RequestReport03.vcd" //Check in } Rule RequestReportgsg9 { criteria TLK_RequestReport Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportgsg9 } Response ScaredEmotegsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote01.vcd" //Oh man oh man scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote02.vcd" //I'm gettin' worried scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote03.vcd" //This is going bad scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote04.vcd" //This is not going well scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote05.vcd" //This is not going well } Rule ScaredEmotegsg9 { criteria TLK_ScaredEmote Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ScaredEmotegsg9 } Response SniperKilledgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperKilled01.vcd" //Sniper down scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperKilled02.vcd" //Got the sniper scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperKilled03.vcd" //Sniper down } Rule SniperKilledgsg9 { criteria TLK_SniperKilled Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperKilledgsg9 } Response SniperWarninggsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning01.vcd" //Sniper! scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning02.vcd" //Sniper! Sniper! scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning03.vcd" //Watch out, sniper! } Rule SniperWarninggsg9 { criteria TLK_SniperWarning Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SniperWarninggsg9 } Response SpottedBombergsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedBomber01.vcd" //He's got the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedBomber02.vcd" //Spotted the bomb carrier scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedBomber03.vcd" //I see the bomb carrier scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedBomber04.vcd" //Bomb carrier spotted. scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedBomber05.vcd" //Bomb carrier down range } Rule SpottedBombergsg9 { criteria TLK_SpottedBomber Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedBombergsg9 } Response SpottedLooseBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb01.vcd" //The bomb has been dropped. scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb02.vcd" //They dropped the bomb. scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb03.vcd" //The bomb is on the ground. scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb04.vcd" //The bomb has been dropped. Repeat. The bomb has been dropped. scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb05.vcd" //The bomb is down. The bomb is down. } Rule SpottedLooseBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_SpottedLooseBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response SpottedLooseBombgsg9 } Response TheyPickedUpTheBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/TheyPickedUpTheBomb01.vcd" //They've got the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/TheyPickedUpTheBomb02.vcd" //They picked up the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/TheyPickedUpTheBomb03.vcd" //They've recovered the bomb } Rule TheyPickedUpTheBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_TheyPickedUpTheBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TheyPickedUpTheBombgsg9 } Response ThreeEnemiesLeftgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ThreeEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //3 guys left scene "scenes/gsg9/ThreeEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //That makes three scene "scenes/gsg9/ThreeEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //3 to go } Rule ThreeEnemiesLeftgsg9 { criteria TLK_ThreeEnemiesLeft Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response ThreeEnemiesLeftgsg9 } Response TwoEnemiesLeftgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/TwoEnemiesLeft01.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/gsg9/TwoEnemiesLeft02.vcd" //They're down to two scene "scenes/gsg9/TwoEnemiesLeft03.vcd" //2 bad guys left scene "scenes/gsg9/TwoEnemiesLeft04.vcd" //2 guys left scene "scenes/gsg9/TwoEnemiesLeft05.vcd" //That makes 2 left } Rule TwoEnemiesLeftgsg9 { criteria TLK_TwoEnemiesLeft Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response TwoEnemiesLeftgsg9 } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb01.vcd" //Covering while you defuse scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb02.vcd" //Defuse the bomb and I'll cover you scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb03.vcd" //Go ahead and defuse the bomb scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb04.vcd" //Get the bomb, get the bomb } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombgsg9 } Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9//RadioBotTime02.vcd" //Time's running out scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeftBomb02.vcd" //We still got a bomb to defuse scene "scenes/gsg9/NoEnemiesLeftBomb03.vcd" //Let's take care of that bomb now scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotTime01.vcd" //Hurry up scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotTime03.vcd" //We don't have much time } Rule WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicgsg9 { criteria TLK_WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanic Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanicgsg9 } Response WaitingHeregsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingHere01.vcd" //I'm waiting here scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingHere02.vcd" //Waiting here scene "scenes/gsg9/WaitingHere03.vcd" //Staying here } Rule WaitingHeregsg9 { criteria TLK_WaitingHere Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WaitingHeregsg9 } Response WhereIsTheBombgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/WhereIsTheBomb01.vcd" //Where's the bomb? scene "scenes/gsg9/WhereIsTheBomb02.vcd" //Anyone see the bomb? } Rule WhereIsTheBombgsg9 { criteria TLK_WhereIsTheBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombgsg9 } Response WonRoundgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndSolid01.vcd" //Good job men scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndSolid02.vcd" //Nice work scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndSolid03.vcd" //We did it scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndSolid04.vcd" //We're going home! } Rule WonRoundgsg9 { criteria TLK_WonRound Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 NotSaidRoundEndgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidRoundEndgsg9:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundgsg9 } Response WonRoundCleangsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean01.vcd" //Good job, we're all going home tonight scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean02.vcd" //Good job everyone scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean04.vcd" //Nice work, smoke 'em if you got 'em } Rule WonRoundCleangsg9 { criteria TLK_WonRoundClean Isgsg9 IsAllAlive IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidRoundEndgsg9:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundCleangsg9 } Response WonRoundQuicklygsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean02.vcd" //Good job everyone scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean03.vcd" //Nice work everyone scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotEndClean04.vcd" //Nice work, smoke 'em if you got 'em } Rule WonRoundQuicklygsg9 { criteria TLK_WonRoundQuickly Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidRoundEndgsg9:1:10" applycontexttoworld Response WonRoundQuicklygsg9 } Rule AgreeWithPlangsg9 { criteria TLK_AgreeWithPlan Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Agreegsg9 } Rule BombHasPlanted2gsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedBackup Isgsg9 IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedgsg9 } Rule BombHasPlanted3gsg9 { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isgsg9 IsSaidBombPlant ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombHasPlantedgsg9 } Rule BombsiteSecuregsg9 { criteria TLK_BombsiteSecure Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response BombsiteCleargsg9 } Rule FollowingCommandergsg9 { criteria TLK_FollowingCommander Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendgsg9 } Rule FollowingSirgsg9 { criteria TLK_FollowingSir Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response FollowingFriendgsg9 } Rule NiceShotCommandergsg9 { criteria TLK_NiceShotCommander Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotgsg9 } Rule NiceShotSirgsg9 { criteria TLK_NiceShotSir Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response NiceShotgsg9 } Rule ThrillEmotegsg9 { criteria TLK_ThrillEmote Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response OnARollBraggsg9 } Rule EnemySpottedgsg9 { criteria TLK_EnemySpotted Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.EnemySpottedgsg9 } Rule radio.gogsg9 { criteria TLK_radio.go Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.letsgogsg9 } Rule radio.moveoutgsg9 { criteria TLK_radio.moveout Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response radio.locknloadgsg9 } Rule Radio.ReportInTeamgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.ReportInTeam Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response RequestReportgsg9 } Rule BombTickingDowngsg9 { criteria TLK_BombTickingDown Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response WhereIsTheBombgsg9 } Response TeamLeadWongsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag02.vcd" //All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //There ya go. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //Nice. scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag06.vcd" //We are doing this! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag07.vcd" //No stopping us scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //All right! All right! scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag09.vcd" //We got this } Rule TeamLeadWongsg9 { criteria TDM_GainedLead Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 TDM_ChatterAllowed_CT ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,TDMChatterCT:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response TeamLeadWongsg9 } Response TeamLeadLostgsg9 { scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote01.vcd" //Oh man oh man scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote02.vcd" //I'm gettin' worried scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote03.vcd" //This is going bad scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote04.vcd" //This is not going well scene "scenes/gsg9/ScaredEmote05.vcd" //This is not going well } Rule TeamLeadLostgsg9 { criteria TDM_LostLead Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 TDM_ChatterAllowed_CT ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,TDMChatterCT:1:15" applycontexttoworld Response TeamLeadLostgsg9 } Response Radio.Sorrygsg9 { scene "scenes/temp/Sorry02.vcd" scene "scenes/temp/Sorry03.vcd" scene "scenes/temp/Sorry12.vcd" } Rule Radio.Sorrygsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.Sorry Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.Sorrygsg9 } Response Radio.GoAgsg9 { scene "scenes/seal/ctmap_de_aztec04.vcd" } Rule Radio.GoAgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.GoA Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoAgsg9 } Response Radio.GoBgsg9 { scene "scenes/seal/ctmap_de_aztec11.vcd" } Rule Radio.GoBgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.GoB Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.GoBgsg9 } Response Radio.NeedDropgsg9 { scene "scenes/temp/HelpDrop.vcd" } Rule Radio.NeedDropgsg9 { criteria TLK_Radio.NeedDrop Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" applycontexttoworld Response Radio.NeedDropgsg9 } //////////////////////////////////// // new chat wheel responses ////////////////////////////////// //~ Response TLK_CW.StickTogethergsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.StickTogethergsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.StickTogether Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.StickTogethergsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowMegsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_FollowMe05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.FollowMegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.FollowMe Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowMegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SpreadOutgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SpreadOutgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SpreadOut Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SpreadOutgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.TeamFallBackgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotFallBack04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.TeamFallBackgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.TeamFallBack Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.TeamFallBackgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.CheckHostagegsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.CheckHostagegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.CheckHostage Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.CheckHostagegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedQuietgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedQuietgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedQuiet Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedQuietgsg9 //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section prepare //~ Response TLK_CW.EcoRoundgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.EcoRoundgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.EcoRound Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.EcoRoundgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SpendRoundgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SpendRoundgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SpendRound Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SpendRoundgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDropgsg9 //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedDropgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedDrop Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDropgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedPlangsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedPlangsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedPlan Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedPlangsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.GoAgsg9 //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoAgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoA Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoAgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.GoBgsg9 //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoBgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoB Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoBgsg9 //~ } //~ Response CW.GoToLocMidgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule CW.GoToLocMidgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoToLocMid Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response CW.GoToLocMidgsg9 //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section grenades //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDecoygsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedDecoygsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedDecoy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedDecoygsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedSmokegsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedSmokegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedSmoke Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedSmokegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedGrenadegsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedGrenadegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedGrenade Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedGrenadegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFiregsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedFiregsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedFire Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFiregsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFlashgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedFlashgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedFlash Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedFlashgsg9 //~ } //~ ///////////////////////////// chat wheel section defend //~ Response TLK_CW.HoldPositiongsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotHold03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.HoldPositiongsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.HoldPosition Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.HoldPositiongsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Regroupgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/RadioBotRegroup04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Regroupgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Regroup Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Regroupgsg9 //~ } //~ ////////////////////////////// chat wheel section bomb //~ Response TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombgsg9 //~ { //~ //scene "scenes/gsg9/goingtodefendbombsite_05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GuardingDroppedBombgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombsiteCleargsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/clearedarea01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/clearedarea02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/clearedarea03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/clearedarea04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombsiteCleargsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombsiteClear Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombsiteCleargsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.DroppedBombgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SpottedLooseBomb05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.DroppedBombgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.DroppedBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.DroppedBombgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.WeHaveTheBombgsg9 //~ } //~ //////////////////////////////// Chat wheel section enemy status //~ Response TLK_CW.SniperWarninggsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/SniperWarning03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SniperWarninggsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SniperWarning Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SniperWarninggsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombCarrierHeregsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombCarrierHeregsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombCarrierHere Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombCarrierHeregsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemygsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemygsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesSingleEnemygsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultiplegsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultiplegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultiple Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemiesMultiplegsg9 //~ } //~ ////////////////// Chat wheel section responses //~ Response TLK_CW.Thanksgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Thanks07.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Thanksgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Thanks Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Thanksgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Sorrygsg9 //~ { //~ //no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Sorrygsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Sorry Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Sorrygsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Complimentgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/niceshot02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/niceshot04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/niceshot06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/niceshot08.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag08.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Complimentgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Compliment Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Complimentgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Agreegsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative07.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Affirmative09.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Agree03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Agreegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Agree Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Agreegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Disagreegsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/negative01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/negative02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/negative03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/negative04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radiobotreponsenegative01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Disagree04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Disagreegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Disagree Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Disagreegsg9 //~ } //~ //////////////////////////// Chat wheel section commands //~ Response TLK_CW.GoGoGogsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo05.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/radio_letsgo07.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.GoGoGogsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.GoGoGo Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.GoGoGogsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowingYougsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/FollowingFriend05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.FollowingYougsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.FollowingYou Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.FollowingYougsg9 //~ } //~ //////////////////////////// Chat wheel section report //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemygsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_EnemySpotted05.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SeesEnemygsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SeesEnemy Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SeesEnemygsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedBackupgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/Radio_NeedBackup03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/help01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/help02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/help03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.NeedBackupgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.NeedBackup Isgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1,SaidHelpgsg9:1:3" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.NeedBackupgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.SectorCleargsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/ClearedArea04.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.SectorCleargsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.SectorClear Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.SectorCleargsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.InPositiongsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/InPosition03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/waitinghere01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/waitinghere02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/waitinghere03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.InPositiongsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.InPosition Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.InPositiongsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.HeardNoisegsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise02.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/HeardNoise03.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.HeardNoisegsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.HeardNoise Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.HeardNoisegsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.PepTalkgsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/peptalk01.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/peptalk03.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/peptalk04.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/onarollbrag06.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/onarollbrag07.vcd" //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/onarollbrag09.vcd" //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.PepTalkgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.PepTalk Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.PepTalkgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.Cheergsg9 //~ { //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag01.vcd" //Oh yeah! //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag02.vcd" //All right! //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag03.vcd" //That's the way we do it. //~ scene "scenes/gsg9/OnARollBrag04.vcd" //There ya go. //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.Cheergsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.Cheer Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.Cheergsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.IFixBombgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.IFixBombgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.IFixBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.IFixBombgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.YouFixBombgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.YouFixBombgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.YouFixBomb Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.YouFixBombgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.BombAtgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.BombAtgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.BombAt Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.BombAtgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.OMWgsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.OMWgsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.OMW Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.OMWgsg9 //~ } //~ Response TLK_CW.CoveringYougsg9 //~ { //~ // no lines exist yet //~ } //~ Rule TLK_CW.CoveringYougsg9 //~ { //~ criteria TLK_CW.CoveringYou Isgsg9 IsTalkgsg9 //~ ApplyContext "Talkgsg9:1:1" //~ applycontexttoworld //~ Response TLK_CW.CoveringYougsg9 //~ }